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#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following agent has been tested on:
# vmrun 2.0.0 build-116503 (from VMware Server 2.0) against:
# VMware ESX 4.0.0
# VMware vCenter 4.0.0
# VMware ESX 3.5
# VMware Server 2.0.0
# VMware ESXi 3.5 update 2
# VMware Server 1.0.7 (works but list/status show only running VMs)
# VI Perl API 1.6 against:
# VMware ESX 4.0.0
# VMware vCenter 4.0.0
# VMware ESX 3.5
# VMware ESXi 3.5 update 2
# VMware Virtual Center 2.5
# VMware vSphere SDK for Perl 4.0.0 against:
# VMware ESX 4.0.0
# VMware vCenter 4.0.0
import sys, re, pexpect
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, EC_TIMED_OUT, run_delay, frun
### CONSTANTS ####
# VMware type is ESX/ESXi/VC
# VMware type is Server 1.x
# VMware type is Server 2.x and/or ESX 3.5 up2, ESXi 3.5 up2, VC 2.5 up2
# Minimum required version of vmrun command
# Default path to vmhelper command
VMHELPER_COMMAND = "fence_vmware_helper"
# Default path to vmrun command
VMRUN_COMMAND = "/usr/bin/vmrun"
# Default type of vmware
# Internal type. One of VMWARE_TYPE_, set by #vmware_check_vmware_type
vmware_internal_type = VMWARE_TYPE_ESX
# If ESX is disconnected, say, that VM is off (don't return previous state)
vmware_disconnected_hack = False
### FUNCTIONS ####
#Split string in simplified DSV format to array of items
def dsv_split(dsv_str):
delimiter_c = ':'
escape_c = '\\'
res = []
status = 0
tmp_str = ""
for x in dsv_str:
if status == 0:
if x == delimiter_c:
tmp_str = ""
elif x == escape_c:
status = 1
tmp_str += x
elif status == 1:
if x == delimiter_c:
tmp_str += delimiter_c
elif x == escape_c:
tmp_str += escape_c
tmp_str += escape_c+x
status = 0
if tmp_str != "":
return res
# Quote string for proper existence in quoted string used for function
# Ex. test'this will return test'\''this. So pexpect run will really pass ' to argument
def quote_for_run(text):
dstr = ''
for c in text:
if c == r"'":
dstr += "'\\''"
dstr += c
return dstr
# Return string with command and additional parameters (something like vmrun -h 'host'
def vmware_prepare_command(options, add_login_params, additional_params):
res = options["--exec"]
if add_login_params:
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
res += " --server '%s' --username '%s' --password '%s' "% (quote_for_run(options["--ip"]),
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
res += " -h 'https://%s/sdk' -u '%s' -p '%s' -T server "% (quote_for_run(options["--ip"]),
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1:
host_name_array = options["--ip"].split(':')
res += " -h '%s' -u '%s' -p '%s' -T server1 "% (quote_for_run(host_name_array[0]),
if len(host_name_array) > 1:
res += "-P '%s' "% (quote_for_run(host_name_array[1]))
if "--vmware-datacenter" in options and vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
res += "--datacenter '%s' "% (quote_for_run(options["--vmware-datacenter"]))
if additional_params != "":
res += additional_params
return res
# Run command with timeout and parameters. Internaly uses vmware_prepare_command. Returns string
# with output from vmrun command. If something fails (command not found, exit code is not 0), fail_usage
# function is called (and never return).
def vmware_run_command(options, add_login_params, additional_params, additional_timeout):
command = vmware_prepare_command(options, add_login_params, additional_params)
logging.debug("%s\n", command)
(res_output, res_code) = frun(command,
int(options["--shell-timeout"]) + int(options["--login-timeout"]) + additional_timeout, True)
if res_code == None:
if res_code != 0 and add_login_params:
logging.debug("%s\n", res_output)
fail_usage("%s returned %s"% (options["--exec"], res_output))
logging.debug("%s\n", res_output)
except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
fail_usage("Cannot run command %s"% (options["--exec"]))
return res_output
# Get outlet list with status as hash table. If you will use add_vm_name, only VM with vmname is
# returned. This is used in get_status function
def vmware_get_outlets_vi(options, add_vm_name):
outlets = {}
if add_vm_name:
all_machines = vmware_run_command(options, True,
("--operation status --vmname '%s'"% (quote_for_run(options["--plug"]))), 0)
all_machines = vmware_run_command(options, True, "--operation list", int(options["--power-timeout"]))
all_machines_array = all_machines.splitlines()
for machine in all_machines_array:
machine_array = dsv_split(machine)
if len(machine_array) == 4:
if machine_array[0] in outlets:
fail_usage("Failed. More machines with same name %s found!"%(machine_array[0]))
if vmware_disconnected_hack:
outlets[machine_array[0]] = ("", (
((machine_array[2].lower() in ["poweredon"]) and
(machine_array[3].lower() == "connected"))
and "on" or "off"))
outlets[machine_array[0]] = ("", ((machine_array[2].lower() in ["poweredon"]) and "on" or "off"))
return outlets
# Get outlet list with status as hash table.
def vmware_get_outlets_vix(options):
outlets = {}
running_machines = vmware_run_command(options, True, "list", 0)
running_machines_array = running_machines.splitlines()[1:]
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
all_machines = vmware_run_command(options, True, "listRegisteredVM", 0)
all_machines_array = all_machines.splitlines()[1:]
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1:
all_machines_array = running_machines_array
for machine in all_machines_array:
if machine != "":
outlets[machine] = ("", ((machine in running_machines_array) and "on" or "off"))
return outlets
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
del conn
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
return vmware_get_outlets_vi(options, False)
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1 or vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
return vmware_get_outlets_vix(options)
def get_power_status(conn, options):
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
outlets = vmware_get_outlets_vi(options, True)
outlets = get_outlets_status(conn, options)
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2 or vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
if not options["--plug"] in outlets:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter existing name of virtual machine!")
return outlets[options["--plug"]][1]
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1:
return (options["--plug"] in outlets) and "on" or "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
additional_params = "--operation %s --vmname '%s'" % \
((options["--action"] == "on" and "on" or "off"), quote_for_run(options["--plug"]))
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1 or vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
additional_params = "%s '%s'" % \
((options["--action"] == "on" and "start" or "stop"), quote_for_run(options["--plug"]))
if options["--action"] == "off":
additional_params += " hard"
vmware_run_command(options, True, additional_params, int(options["--power-timeout"]))
# Returns True, if user uses supported vmrun version (currently >=2.0.0) otherwise False.
def vmware_is_supported_vmrun_version(options):
vmware_help_str = vmware_run_command(options, False, "", 0)
version_re ="vmrun version (\d\.(\d[\.]*)*)", vmware_help_str.lower())
if version_re == None:
return False # Looks like this "vmrun" is not real vmrun
version_array =".")
if int(version_array[0]) < VMRUN_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION:
return False
except Exception:
return False
return True
# Check vmware type, set vmware_internal_type to one of VMWARE_TYPE_ value and
# options["--exec"] to path (if not specified)
def vmware_check_vmware_type(options):
global vmware_internal_type
options["--vmware_type"] = options["--vmware_type"].lower()
if options["--vmware_type"] == "esx":
vmware_internal_type = VMWARE_TYPE_ESX
if "--exec" not in options:
options["--exec"] = VMHELPER_COMMAND
elif options["--vmware_type"] == "server2":
vmware_internal_type = VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2
if "--exec" not in options:
options["--exec"] = VMRUN_COMMAND
elif options["--vmware_type"] == "server1":
vmware_internal_type = VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1
if "--exec" not in options:
options["--exec"] = VMRUN_COMMAND
fail_usage("vmware_type can be esx,server2 or server1!")
# Main agent method
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "secure",
"exec", "vmware_type", "vmware_datacenter"]
all_opt["secure"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["vmware_type"]["default"] = VMWARE_DEFAULT_TYPE
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for VMWare"
docs["longdesc"] = "fence_vmware is an I/O Fencing agent \
which can be used with the VMware ESX, VMware ESXi or VMware Server \
to fence virtual machines.\
Before you can use this agent, it must be installed VI Perl Toolkit or \
vmrun command on every node you want to make fencing.\
VI Perl Toolkit is preferred for VMware ESX/ESXi and Virtual Center. Vmrun \
command is only solution for VMware Server 1/2 (this command will works against \
ESX/ESXi 3.5 up2 and VC up2 too, but not cluster aware!) and is available as part \
of VMware VIX API SDK package. VI Perl and VIX API SDK are both available from \
VMware web pages (not int RHEL repository!). \
You can specify type of VMware you are connecting to with \\fB-d\\fP switch \
(or \\fIvmware_type\\fR for stdin). Possible values are esx, server2 and server1.\
Default value is esx, which will use VI Perl. With server1 and server2, vmrun \
command is used.\
After you have successfully installed VI Perl Toolkit or VIX API, you should \
be able to run fence_vmware_helper (part of this agent) or vmrun command. \
This agent supports only vmrun from version 2.0.0 (VIX API 1.6.0)."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Check vmware type and set path
# Test user vmrun command version
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1 or vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
if not vmware_is_supported_vmrun_version(options):
fail_usage("Unsupported version of vmrun command! You must use at least version %d!" %
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":

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Wed, Feb 26, 8:00 PM (5 h, 57 s ago)
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