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adhere node-attribute when colocating e.g. promoted role of one clone with promoted role of another
Open, NormalPublic


Attribute based colocation allows reference to a node-attribute in a colocation constraint basically allowing to use the content of that node-attribute to be used instead of a node-name.

When a cluster is e.g. split over multiple sites having multiple nodes on each site one would put the site name into a node-attribute.
When an instance of a resource cloned over the whole cluster would now be promoted we should now be able to have all instances of another cloned resource on the same site to be promoted - given that promoted-max allows enough of the instances to be promoted.

Current behavior is roughly as it would be without the node-attribute given (Just the instance on the same node is being promoted).
With the introduction of a dummy primitive the desired behavior can be achieved.
Dummy primitive follows promoted role of the first clone while promoted role of the 2nd clone is colocated (with node-attribute holding the site-name) with the dummy primitive.
Maybe that can be helpful finding why it doesn't work with just the simple colocation promoted following promoted.

Files attached represent a cib as initially intended (coloc-attr-role.xml) respectively with a dummy primitive (coloc-attr-role-dummy.xml).
The cib has a status-section where stubborn-clone is promoted on nodez01n01 while firewall-clone is promoted on nodez01n01 & nodez01n02 which do reside on the same site.
'crm_simulate -Sx coloc-attr-role.xml' demotes firewall-clone on nodez01n02 while using coloc-attr-role-dummy.xml keeps booth instances of firewall-clone promoted.

Event Timeline

wenningerk triaged this task as Normal priority.Mon, Mar 3, 8:34 AM
wenningerk created this task.
wenningerk created this object with edit policy "Restricted Project (Project)".