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Diviner User Docs Conduit API: Using Search Endpoints

Conduit API: Using Search Endpoints
Phorge Administrator and User Documentation (API Documentation)

Describes how to use search endpoints to find objects and read information.


Many applications provide search endpoints, which are the primary way to get information about objects (like tasks) using the API.

To read information about objects, you'll specify a query which describes which objects you want to retrieve. You can query for specific objects by ID, or for a list of objects satisfying certain constraints (for example, open tasks in a particular project).

The best reference for a particular search endpoint is the Conduit API console. For example, you can find the console page for by navigating to in the web UI. This page contains detailed information about the endpoint and how it can be used.

Specifying a Query

The simplest query you can use is no query at all: just make a request with no parameters. This will return the first page of visible objects. Most applications sort objects by creation date by default, so usually this is the 100 most recent objects.

The easiest way to constrain results is to use a builtin query or a custom query that you build using the web UI. To do this, first issue the query in the web UI (for example, by clicking the builtin link on the left nav of the list view, or by submitting the query form).

The results page will include a query key in the URL. For builtin queries, this is usually a human-readable term like all or active. For custom queries, it is a hash value which looks something like MT0Rh0fB2x4I.

You can submit this key in the queryKey parameter to issue the exact same query via the Conduit API. This provides a simple way to build complex queries: just build the via the web UI, then reuse the same query in the API.

If you need more control or want to build dynamic queries, use the constraints parameter to set constraints for individual query fields.

For more details, consult the Conduit API console documentation for the method you're using. It includes documentation on all available constraints and lists builtin and saved query keys.


By default, queries return basic information about objects. If you want more detailed information, most applications offer attachments which can let you retrieve more information.

For example, subscribers and projects are not returned by default, but you can use subscribers to query them if you need this data.

Asking for more data means a slower query and a larger result, so usually you should only ask for data you need.

The Conduit API console page for each query method has detailed information on which attachments it supports.

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