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Diviner User Docs Diffusion User Guide: Repositories API

Diffusion User Guide: Repositories API
Phorge Administrator and User Documentation (Application User Guides)

Managing repositories with the API.


You can create and update Diffusion repositories using the Conduit API. This may be useful if you have a large number of existing repositories you want to import or apply bulk actions to.

For an introduction to Conduit, see Conduit API Overview.

In general, you'll use these API methods:

  • diffusion.repository.edit: Create and edit repositories.
  • diffusion.uri.edit: Create and edit repository URIs to configure observation, mirroring, and cloning.

To create a repository, you'll generally do this:

  • Call diffusion.repository.edit to create a new object and configure basic information.
  • Optionally, call diffusion.uri.edit to add URIs to observe or mirror.
  • Call diffusion.repository.edit to activate the repository.

This workflow mirrors the workflow from the web UI. The remainder of this document walks through this workflow in greater detail.

Create a Repository

To create a repository, call diffusion.repository.edit, providing any properties you want to set. For simplicity these examples will use the builtin arc call-conduit client, but you can use whatever Conduit client you prefer.

When creating a repository, you must provide a vcs transaction to choose a repository type, one of: git, hg or svn.

You must also provide a name.

Other properties are optional. Review the Conduit method documentation from the web UI for an exhaustive list.

$ echo '{
  "transactions": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "value": "git"
      "type": "name",
      "value": "Poetry"
}' | arc call-conduit diffusion.repository.edit

If things work, you should get a result that looks something like this:

  "response": {
    "object": {
      "id": 1,
      "phid": "PHID-REPO-7vm42oayez2rxcmpwhuv"

If so, your new repository has been created. It hasn't been activated yet so it will not show up in the default repository list, but you can find it in the web UI by browsing to DiffusionAll Repositories.

Continue to the next step to configure URIs.

Configure URIs

Now that the repository exists, you can add URIs to it. This is optional, and if you're creating a hosted repository you may be able to skip this step.

However, if you want Phorge to observe an existing remote, you'll configure it here by adding a URI in "Observe" mode. Use the PHID from the previous step to identify the repository you want to add a URI to, and call diffusion.uri.edit to create a new URI in Observe mode for the repository.

You need to provide a repository to add the URI to, and the uri itself.

To add the URI in Observe mode, provide an io transaction selecting observe mode.

You may also want to provide a credential.

$ echo '{
  "transactions": [
      "type": "repository",
      "value": "PHID-REPO-7vm42oayez2rxcmpwhuv"
      "type": "uri",
      "value": ""
      "type": "io",
      "value": "observe"
}' | arc call-conduit diffusion.uri.edit

You should get a response that looks something like this:

  "response": {
    "object": {
      "id": 1,
      "phid": "PHID-RURI-zwtho5o7h3m6rjzgsgrh"

If so, your URI has been created. You can review it in the web UI, under Manage RepositoryURIs.

When satisfied, continue to the next step to activate the repository.

Activate the Repository

Now that any URIs have been configured, activate the repository with another call to diffusion.repository.edit. This time, modify the existing repository instead of creating a new one:

$ echo '{
  "objectIdentifier": "PHID-REPO-7vm42oayez2rxcmpwhuv",
  "transactions": [
      "type": "status",
      "value": "active"
}' | arc call-conduit diffusion.repository.edit

If that goes through cleanly, you should be all set. You can review the repository from the web UI.

Editing Repositories

To edit an existing repository, apply changes normally with diffusion.repository.edit. For more details on using edit endpoints, see Conduit API: Using Edit Endpoints.

Next Steps

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