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Troubleshooting Repository Imports
Phorge Administrator and User Documentation (Field Manuals)

Guide to the troubleshooting repositories which import incompletely.


When you first import an external source code repository (or push new commits to a hosted repository), Phorge imports those commits in the background.

While a repository is initially importing, some features won't work. While individual commits are importing, some of their metadata won't be available in the web UI.

Sometimes, the import process may hang or fail to complete. This document can help you understand the import process and troubleshoot problems with it.

Understanding the Import Pipeline

Phorge first performs commit discovery on repositories. This examines a repository and identifies all the commits in it at a very shallow level, then creates stub objects for them. These stub objects primarily serve to assign various internal IDs to each commit.

Commit discovery occurs in the update phase, and you can learn more about updates in Diffusion User Guide: Repository Updates.

After commits are discovered, background tasks are queued to actually import commits. These tasks do things like look at commit messages, trigger mentions and update related objects, cache changes, trigger Herald, publish feed stories and email, and apply Owners rules. You can learn more about some of these steps in Diffusion User Guide: Permanent Refs.

Specifically, the import pipeline has four steps:

  • Message: Parses the commit message and author metadata.
  • Change: Caches the paths the commit affected.
  • Owners: Runs Owners rules.
  • Herald: Runs Herald rules and publishes notifications.

These steps run in sequence for each commit, but all discovered commits import in parallel.

Identifying Missing Steps

There are a few major pieces of information you can look at to understand where the import process is stuck.

First, to identify which commits have missing import steps, run this command:

phorge/ $ ./bin/repository importing rXYZ

That will show what work remains to be done. Each line shows a commit which is discovered but not imported, and the import steps that are remaining for that commit. Generally, the commit is stuck on the first step in the list.

Second, load the Daemon Console (at /daemon/ in the web UI). This will show what work is currently being done and waiting to complete. The most important sections are "Queued Tasks" (work waiting in queue) and "Leased Tasks" (work currently being done).

Third, run this command to look at the daemon logs:

phorge/ $ ./bin/phd log

This can show you any errors the daemons have encountered recently.

The next sections will walk through how to use this information to understand and resolve the issue.

Handling Permanent Failures

Some commits can not be imported, which will permanently stop a repository from fully importing. These are rare, but can be caused by unusual data in a repository, version peculiarities, or bugs in the importer.

Permanent failures usually look like a small number of commits stuck on the "Message" or "Change" steps in the output of repository importing. If you have a larger number of commits, it is less likely that there are any permanent problems.

In the Daemon console, permanent failures usually look like a small number of tasks in "Leased Tasks" with a large failure count. These tasks are retrying until they succeed, but a bug is permanently preventing them from succeeding, so they'll rack up a large number of retries over time.

In the daemon log, these commits usually emit specific errors showing why they're failing to import.

These failures are the easiest to identify and understand, and can often be resolved quickly. Choose some failing commit from the output of `bin/repository importing` and use this command to re-run any missing steps manually in the foreground:

phorge/ $ ./bin/repository reparse --importing --trace rXYZabcdef012...

This command is always safe to run, no matter what the actual root cause of the problem is.

If this fails with an error, you've likely identified a problem with Phorge. Collect as much information as you can about what makes the commit special and file a bug in the upstream by following the instructions in Contributing Bug Reports.

If the commit imports cleanly, this is more likely to be caused by some other issue.

Handling Temporary Failures

Some commits may temporarily fail to import: perhaps the network or services may have briefly been down, or some configuration wasn't quite right, or the daemons were killed halfway through the work.

These commits will retry eventually and usually succeed, but some of the retry time limits are very conservative (up to 24 hours) and you might not want to wait that long.

In the Daemon console, temporarily failures usually look like tasks in the "Leased Tasks" column with a large "Expires" value but a low "Failures" count (usually 0 or 1). The "Expires" column is showing how long Phorge is waiting to retry these tasks.

In the daemon log, these temporary failures might have created log entries, but might also not have. For example, if the failure was rooted in a network issue that probably will create a log entry, but if the failure was rooted in the daemons being abruptly killed that may not create a log entry.

You can follow the instructions from "Handling Permanent Failures" above to reparse steps individually to look for an error that represents a root cause, but sometimes this can happen because of some transient issue which won't be identifiable.

The easiest way to fix this is to restart the daemons. When you restart daemons, all task leases are immediately expired, so any tasks waiting for a long time will run right away:

phorge/ $ ./bin/phd restart

This command is always safe to run, no matter what the actual root cause of the problem is.

After restarting the daemons, any pending tasks should be able to retry immediately.

For more information on managing the daemons, see Managing Daemons with phd.

Forced Parsing

In rare cases, the actual tasks may be lost from the task queue. Usually, they have been stolen by gremlins or spirited away by ghosts, or someone may have been too ambitious with running manual SQL commands and deleted a bunch of extra things they shouldn't have.

There is no normal set of conditions under which this should occur, but you can force Phorge to re-queue the tasks to recover from it if it does occur.

This will look like missing steps in repository importing, but nothing in the "Queued Tasks" or "Leased Tasks" sections of the daemon console. The daemon logs will also be empty, since the tasks have vanished.

To re-queue parse tasks for a repository, run this command, which will queue up all of the missing work in repository importing:

phorge/ $ ./bin/repository reparse --importing --all rXYZ

This command may cause duplicate work to occur if you have misdiagnosed the problem and the tasks aren't actually lost. For example, it could queue a second task to perform publishing, which could cause Phorge to send a second copy of email about the commit. Other than that, it is safe to run even if this isn't the problem.

After running this command, you should see tasks in "Queued Tasks" and "Leased Tasks" in the console which correspond to the commits in `repository importing`, and progress should resume.

Forced Imports

In some cases, you might want to force a repository to be flagged as imported even though the import isn't complete. The most common and reasonable case where you might want to do this is if you've identified a permanent failure with a small number of commits (maybe just one) and reported it upstream, and are waiting for a fix. You might want to start using the repository immediately, even if a few things can't import yet.

You should be cautious about doing this. The "importing" flag controls publishing of notifications and email, so if you flag a repository as imported but it still has a lot of work queued, it may send an enormous amount of email as that work completes.

To mark a repository as imported even though it really isn't, run this command:

phorge/ $ ./bin/repository mark-imported rXYZ

If you do this by mistake, you can reverse it later by using the --mark-not-imported flag.

General Tips

Broadly, bin/repository contains several useful debugging commands which let you figure out where failures are occurring. You can add the --trace flag to any command to get more details about what it is doing. For any command, you can use help to learn more about what it does and which flag it takes:

phorge/ $ bin/repository help <command>

In particular, you can use flags with the repository reparse command to manually run parse steps in the foreground, including re-running steps and running steps out of order.

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