""" Library for fence agents testing via predefined scenarios """ from configobj import ConfigObj import re, sys, os EC_CONFIG_FAIL = 1 def _prepare_command(agent_file, method): """ Parse configuration of fence device and prepare (command + STDIN values) to execute. Fence device configuration is used to generate a command which can be executed. Because fence agents supports several options how to enter data, we can select from three different methods ("stdin", "getopt" - short options, "longopt"). When method "stdin" is used then this function will generate also text which should be entered on STDIN instead of command itself. Example of agent definition: name = "Dummy fence device configuration" agent = "/bin/true" [options] login = [ "foo", "--username", "-l" ] passwd = [ "bar", "--password", "-p" ] ipaddr = [ "fence.example.com", "--ip", "-a" ] port = [ "1", "--plug" ] """ assert (method in ["stdin", "getopt", "longopt"]), "Invalid method entered" config = ConfigObj(agent_file, unrepr = True) assert (config.has_key("agent")), "Fence agent has to be defined" final_command = config["agent"] stdin_values = None for opt in config["options"].keys(): assert isinstance(config["options"][opt], list), "Option %s have to have at least value and longopt"% (opt) assert len(config["options"][opt]) >= 2, "Option %s have to have at least value and longopt"% (opt) value = config["options"][opt][0] if opt == "action": ## ignore action as it is not part of fence device definition continue if method == "stdin": option = opt if stdin_values == None: stdin_values = "" stdin_values += option + "=" + value + "\n" elif method == "longopt": option = config["options"][opt][1] final_command += " " + option + " " + value elif method == "getopt": if len(config["options"][opt]) == (2 + 1): option = config["options"][opt][2] else: option = config["options"][opt][1] final_command += " " + option + " " + value return (final_command, stdin_values) def test_action(agent, action_file, method, verbose = False): """ Run defined sequence of actions on a given fence agent. This function will run one set of test on a fence agent. Test itself consists of sequence of action and expected return codes. User can select from actions supported by fence agent (on, off, reboot, list, status, monitor) and sleep(X) command where X is in seconds and determine the length of pause between commands. Each action has to have defined regular expression which define acceptable return codes from fence agent or sleep. Example of action configuration file: name = "Simple Status" actions = [ { "command" : "status", "return_code" : "^[02]$" }, { "command" : "sleep(1)", "return_code" : "^0$" } ] """ re_sleep_command = re.compile('sleep\(([0-9]+)\)', re.IGNORECASE) config = ConfigObj(action_file, unrepr = True) (command, stdin_options) = _prepare_command(agent, method) for action in config["actions"]: assert action.has_key("command"), "Action %s need to have defined 'command'"% (action_file) assert action.has_key("return_code"), "Command %s (in %s) need to have 'return_code' defined"% (action_file, action["command"]) sleep_wait = None current_command = None current_stdin_options = None if not (action["command"] in [ "status", "reboot", "on", "off", "list", "monitor" ]): is_sleep = re.search(re_sleep_command, action["command"]) if is_sleep != None: sleep_wait = is_sleep.group(1) else: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s contains unsupported action \"%s\"\n"% (action_file, action["command"])) sys.exit(1) if sleep_wait != None: current_command = "/bin/sleep " + sleep_wait current_stdin_options = None else: current_command = command current_stdin_options = stdin_options if method == "stdin": if current_stdin_options == None: current_stdin_options = "" current_stdin_options += "action=%s"% (action["command"]) elif method == "longopt": current_command += " --action=%s"% (action["command"]) elif method == "getopt": current_command += " -o %s"% (action["command"]) # @note: Broken pipe can occur here and I'm not sure why - non-deterministic if method == "stdin" and sleep_wait == None: current_command = "/bin/echo -e \"" + current_stdin_options + "\" | " + current_command if verbose == False: result = os.system(current_command + " &> /dev/null") else: print current_command result = os.system(current_command) exitcode = (result >> 8) & 0xFF is_valid_result_code = re.search(action["return_code"], str(exitcode), re.IGNORECASE) if is_valid_result_code == None: print "TEST FAILED: %s failed on %s when using (%s)\n"% (agent, action_file, method) print "TEST INFO: %s returns %s\n"% (action["command"], str(exitcode)) return print "TEST PASSED: %s worked on %s (%s)\n"% (agent, action_file, method)