#!@BASH_PATH@ # Copyright 2011-2020 the Pacemaker project contributors # # The version control history for this file may have further details. # # This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # # cibsecret # # Manage the secrets directory (by default, /var/lib/pacemaker/lrm/secrets). # Secrets are ASCII files, holding one value per file: # // # These constants must track crm_exit_t values CRM_EX_OK=0 CRM_EX_ERROR=1 CRM_EX_NOT_INSTALLED=5 CRM_EX_USAGE=64 CRM_EX_UNAVAILABLE=69 CRM_EX_OSFILE=72 CRM_EX_CONFIG=78 CRM_EX_DIGEST=104 CRM_EX_NOSUCH=105 CRM_EX_EXISTS=108 LRM_CIBSECRETS="@LRM_CIBSECRETS_DIR@" PROG="$(basename "$0")" SSH_OPTS="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" MAGIC="lrm://" usage() { cat <] [] Options: --help Show this message, then exit --version Display version information, then exit -C Don't read or write the CIB Commands and their parameters: set Set the value of a sensitive resource parameter. get Display the locally stored value of a sensitive resource parameter. check Verify that the locally stored value of a sensitive resource parameter matches its locally stored MD5 hash. stash Make a non-sensitive resource parameter that is already in the CIB sensitive (move its value to a locally stored and protected file). This may not be used with -C. unstash Make a sensitive resource parameter that is already in the CIB non-sensitive (move its value from the locally stored file to the CIB). This may not be used with -C. delete Remove a sensitive resource parameter value. sync Copy all locally stored secrets to all other nodes. This command manages sensitive resource parameter values that should not be stored directly in Pacemaker's Cluster Information Base (CIB). Such values are handled by storing a special string directly in the CIB that tells Pacemaker to look in a separate, protected file for the actual value. The secret files are not encrypted, but protected by file system permissions such that only root can read or modify them. Since the secret files are stored locally, they must be synchronized across all cluster nodes. This command handles the synchronization using (in order of preference) pssh, pdsh, or ssh, so one of those must be installed. Before synchronizing, this command will ping the cluster nodes to determine which are alive, using fping if it is installed, otherwise the ping command. Installing fping is strongly recommended for better performance. Known limitations: This command can only be run from full cluster nodes (not Pacemaker Remote nodes). Changes are not atomic, so the cluster may use different values while a change is in progress. To avoid problems, it is recommended to put the cluster in maintenance mode when making changes with this command. Changes in secret values do not trigger an agent reload or restart of the affected resource, since they do not change the CIB. If a response is desired before the next cluster recheck interval, any CIB change (such as setting a node attribute) will trigger it. If any node is down when changes to secrets are made, or a new node is later added to the cluster, it may have different values when it joins the cluster, before "$PROG sync" is run. To avoid this, it is recommended to run the sync command (from another node) before starting Pacemaker on the node. Examples: $PROG set ipmi_node1 passwd SecreT_PASS $PROG get ipmi_node1 passwd $PROG check ipmi_node1 passwd $PROG stash ipmi_node2 passwd $PROG sync EOF exit "$1" } check_usage() { case "$1" in set) [ "$2" -ne 4 ] && [ "$2" -ne 3 ] && usage 1 ;; get) [ "$2" -ne 3 ] && usage 1 ;; check) [ "$2" -ne 3 ] && usage 1 ;; stash) [ "$2" -ne 3 ] && usage 1 ;; unstash) [ "$2" -ne 3 ] && usage 1 ;; delete) [ "$2" -ne 3 ] && usage 1 ;; sync) [ "$2" -ne 1 ] && usage 1 ;; --help) usage $CRM_EX_OK ;; --version) crm_attribute --version; exit $? ;; *) usage $CRM_EX_USAGE ;; esac } fatal() { rc=$1 shift echo "ERROR: $*" exit $rc } warn() { echo "WARNING: $*" } info() { echo "INFO: $*" } check_env() { which md5sum >/dev/null 2>&1 || fatal $CRM_EX_NOT_INSTALLED "please install md5sum to run $PROG" if which pssh >/dev/null 2>&1; then rsh=pssh_fun rcp_to_from=pscp_fun # -q is a SUSE patch not present in upstream pssh PSSH_QUIET_OPTION="" pssh -q 2>&1|grep "no such option: -q" > /dev/null || PSSH_QUIET_OPTION="-q" elif which pdsh >/dev/null 2>&1; then rsh=pdsh_fun rcp_to_from=pdcp_fun elif which ssh >/dev/null 2>&1; then rsh=ssh_fun rcp_to_from=scp_fun else fatal $CRM_EX_NOT_INSTALLED "please install pssh, pdsh, or ssh to run $PROG" fi ps axww | grep '[p]acemaker-controld' >/dev/null || fatal $CRM_EX_UNAVAILABLE "pacemaker not running? $PROG needs pacemaker" } # This must be called (and return success) before calling $rsh or $rcp_to_from get_live_peers() { # Get local node name GLP_LOCAL_NODE="$(crm_node -n)" [ $? -eq 0 ] || fatal $CRM_EX_UNAVAILABLE "couldn't get local node name" # Get a list of all other cluster nodes GLP_ALL_PEERS="$(crmadmin -N -q)" [ $? -eq 0 ] || fatal $CRM_EX_UNAVAILABLE "couldn't determine cluster nodes" GLP_ALL_PEERS="$(echo "$GLP_ALL_PEERS" | grep -v "^${GLP_LOCAL_NODE}$")" # Make a list of those that respond to pings if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ] && which fping >/dev/null 2>&1; then LIVE_NODES=$(fping -a $GLP_ALL_PEERS 2>/dev/null) else LIVE_NODES="" for GLP_NODE in $GLP_ALL_PEERS; do \ ping -c 2 -q "$GLP_NODE" >/dev/null 2>&1 && LIVE_NODES="$LIVE_NODES $GLP_NODE" done fi # Warn the user about any that didn't respond to pings GLP_DOWN="$( (for GLP_NODE in $LIVE_NODES $GLP_ALL_PEERS; do echo "$GLP_NODE"; done) | sort | uniq -u)" if [ "$(echo "$GLP_DOWN" | wc -w)" = "1" ]; then warn "node $GLP_DOWN is down" warn "you'll need to update it using \"$PROG sync\" later" elif [ -n "$GLP_DOWN" ]; then warn "nodes $(echo "$GLP_DOWN" | tr '\n' ' ')are down" warn "you'll need to update them using \"$PROG sync\" later" fi if [ "$LIVE_NODES" = "" ]; then info "no other nodes live" return 1 fi return 0 } pssh_fun() { pssh $PSSH_QUIET_OPTION -i -H "$LIVE_NODES" -x "$SSH_OPTS" -- "$@" } pscp_fun() { PSCP_DEST="$1" shift pscp $PSSH_QUIET_OPTION -H "$LIVE_NODES" -x "-pr" -x "$SSH_OPTS" -- "$@" "$PSCP_DEST" } pdsh_fun() { PDSH_NODES=$(echo "$LIVE_NODES" | tr '[:space:]' ',') export PDSH_SSH_ARGS_APPEND="$SSH_OPTS" pdsh -w "$PDSH_NODES" -- "$@" } pdcp_fun() { PDCP_DEST="$1" shift PDCP_NODES=$(echo "$LIVE_NODES" | tr '[:space:]' ',') export PDSH_SSH_ARGS_APPEND="$SSH_OPTS" pdcp -pr -w "$PDCP_NODES" -- "$@" "$PDCP_DEST" } ssh_fun() { for SSH_NODE in $LIVE_NODES; do ssh $SSH_OPTS "$SSH_NODE" -- "$@" || return done } scp_fun() { SCP_DEST="$1" shift for SCP_NODE in $LIVE_NODES; do scp -pqr $SSH_OPTS "$@" "$SCP_NODE:$SCP_DEST" || return done } # TODO: this procedure should be replaced with csync2 # provided that csync2 has already been configured sync_files() { get_live_peers || return if [ "$cmd" != "delete" ]; then info "syncing $LRM_CIBSECRETS to $(echo "$LIVE_NODES" | tr '\n' ' ') ..." else info "deleting $LRM_CIBSECRETS from $(echo "$LIVE_NODES" | tr '\n' ' ') ..." fi $rsh rm -rf "$LRM_CIBSECRETS" && $rsh mkdir -p "$(dirname "$LRM_CIBSECRETS")" && $rcp_to_from "$(dirname "$LRM_CIBSECRETS")" "$LRM_CIBSECRETS" } sync_one() { SO_FILE="$1" get_live_peers || return if [ "$cmd" != "delete" ]; then info "syncing $SO_FILE to $(echo "$LIVE_NODES" | tr '\n' ' ') ..." else info "deleting $SO_FILE from $(echo "$LIVE_NODES" | tr '\n' ' ') ..." fi $rsh mkdir -p "$(dirname "$SO_FILE")" && if [ -f "$SO_FILE" ]; then $rcp_to_from "$(dirname "$SO_FILE")" "$SO_FILE" "${SO_FILE}.sign" else $rsh rm -f "$SO_FILE" "${SO_FILE}.sign" fi } is_secret() { # assume that the secret is in the CIB if we cannot talk to cib [ "$NO_CRM" ] || test "$1" = "$MAGIC" } check_cib_rsc() { CCR_OUT="$($NO_CRM crm_resource -r "$1" -W 2>&1)" || fatal $CRM_EX_NOSUCH "$CCR_OUT" } get_cib_param() { GCP_RSC="$1" GCP_PARAM="$2" $NO_CRM crm_resource -r "$GCP_RSC" -g "$GCP_PARAM" 2>/dev/null } set_cib_param() { SET_RSC="$1" SET_PARAM="$2" SET_VAL="$3" $NO_CRM crm_resource -r "$SET_RSC" -p "$SET_PARAM" -v "$SET_VAL" 2>/dev/null } remove_cib_param() { RM_RSC="$1" RM_PARAM="$2" $NO_CRM crm_resource -r "$RM_RSC" -d "$RM_PARAM" 2>/dev/null } localfiles() { LF_CMD="$1" LF_RSC="$2" LF_PARAM="$3" LF_VALUE="$4" LF_FILE="$LRM_CIBSECRETS/$LF_RSC/$LF_PARAM" case "$LF_CMD" in get) cat "$LF_FILE" 2>/dev/null true ;; getsum) cat "${LF_FILE}.sign" 2>/dev/null true ;; set) LF_SUM="$(printf %s "$LF_VALUE" | md5sum)" || fatal $CRM_EX_ERROR "md5sum failed to produce hash for resource $LF_RSC parameter $LF_PARAM" LF_SUM="$(echo "$LF_SUM" | awk '{print $1}')" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$LF_FILE")" && echo "$LF_VALUE" > "$LF_FILE" && echo "$LF_SUM" > "${LF_FILE}.sign" && sync_one "$LF_FILE" ;; remove) rm -f "$LF_FILE" "${LF_FILE}.sign" sync_one "$LF_FILE" ;; esac } cibsecret_set() { CS_VALUE="$1" if [ "$2" -ne 4 ]; then read -p "Enter value: " CS_VALUE fi check_cib_rsc "$rsc" CIBSET_CURRENT="$(get_cib_param "$rsc" "$param")" [ -z "$NO_CRM" ] && [ ! -z "$CIBSET_CURRENT" ] && [ "$CIBSET_CURRENT" != "$MAGIC" ] && [ "$CIBSET_CURRENT" != "$CS_VALUE" ] && fatal $CRM_EX_CONFIG "CIB value <$CIBSET_CURRENT> different for $rsc parameter $param; please delete it first" localfiles set "$rsc" "$param" "$CS_VALUE" && set_cib_param "$rsc" "$param" "$MAGIC" } cibsecret_check() { check_cib_rsc "$rsc" is_secret "$(get_cib_param "$rsc" "$param")" || fatal $CRM_EX_CONFIG "resource $rsc parameter $param not set as secret, nothing to check" CSC_LOCAL_SUM="$(localfiles getsum "$rsc" "$param")" [ "$CSC_LOCAL_SUM" ] || fatal $CRM_EX_OSFILE "no MD5 hash for resource $rsc parameter $param" CSC_LOCAL_VALUE="$(localfiles get "$rsc" "$param")" CSC_CALC_SUM="$(printf "%s" "$CSC_LOCAL_VALUE" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}')" [ "$CSC_CALC_SUM" = "$CSC_LOCAL_SUM" ] || fatal $CRM_EX_DIGEST "MD5 hash mismatch for resource $rsc parameter $param" } cibsecret_get() { cibsecret_check localfiles get "$rsc" "$param" } cibsecret_delete() { check_cib_rsc "$rsc" localfiles remove "$rsc" "$param" && remove_cib_param "$rsc" "$param" } cibsecret_stash() { [ "$NO_CRM" ] && fatal $CRM_EX_USAGE "no access to Pacemaker, stash not supported" check_cib_rsc "$rsc" CIBSTASH_CURRENT="$(get_cib_param "$rsc" "$param")" [ "$CIBSTASH_CURRENT" = "" ] && fatal $CRM_EX_NOSUCH "nothing to stash for resource $rsc parameter $param" is_secret "$CIBSTASH_CURRENT" && fatal $CRM_EX_EXISTS "resource $rsc parameter $param already set as secret, nothing to stash" cibsecret_set "$CIBSTASH_CURRENT" 4 } cibsecret_unstash() { [ "$NO_CRM" ] && fatal $CRM_EX_USAGE "no access to Pacemaker, unstash not supported" UNSTASH_LOCAL_VALUE="$(localfiles get "$rsc" "$param")" [ "$UNSTASH_LOCAL_VALUE" = "" ] && fatal $CRM_EX_NOSUCH "nothing to unstash for resource $rsc parameter $param" check_cib_rsc "$rsc" is_secret "$(get_cib_param "$rsc" "$param")" || warn "resource $rsc parameter $param not set as secret, but we have local value so proceeding anyway" localfiles remove "$rsc" "$param" && set_cib_param "$rsc" "$param" "$UNSTASH_LOCAL_VALUE" } cibsecret_sync() { sync_files } # Grab arguments if [ "$1" = "-C" ]; then NO_CRM=':' shift fi cmd="$1" rsc="$2" param="$3" value="$4" # Ensure we have everything we need check_usage "$cmd" $# check_env umask 0077 # for dirname() function (@TODO why are we replacing dirname?) . "@OCF_ROOT_DIR@/lib/heartbeat/ocf-shellfuncs" "cibsecret_$cmd" "$value" $# rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then fatal $CRM_EX_ERROR "$cmd(): failed with rc: $rc" fi # vim: set expandtab tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 textwidth=80: