diff --git a/libknet/tests/Makefile.am b/libknet/tests/Makefile.am index e2a05382..c1d203cd 100644 --- a/libknet/tests/Makefile.am +++ b/libknet/tests/Makefile.am @@ -1,89 +1,91 @@ # # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Authors: Fabio M. Di Nitto # # This software licensed under GPL-2.0+, LGPL-2.0+ # MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in include $(top_srcdir)/build-aux/check.mk include $(top_srcdir)/libknet/tests/api-check.mk EXTRA_DIST = \ api-test-coverage \ api-check.mk AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/libknet # override global LIBS that pulls in lots of craft we don't need here LIBS = LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libknet/libknet.la noinst_HEADERS = \ test-common.h # the order of those tests is NOT random. # some functions can only be tested properly after some dependents # API have been validated upfront. check_PROGRAMS = \ $(api_checks) \ $(int_checks) \ $(fun_checks) int_checks = \ int_crypto_test \ int_timediff_test fun_checks = benchmarks = \ crypto_bench_test \ knet_bench_test noinst_PROGRAMS = \ pckt_test \ $(benchmarks) \ $(check_PROGRAMS) noinst_SCRIPTS = \ api-test-coverage TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS) check-local: check-api-test-coverage check-api-test-coverage: chmod u+x $(top_srcdir)/libknet/tests/api-test-coverage $(top_srcdir)/libknet/tests/api-test-coverage $(top_srcdir) $(top_builddir) pckt_test_SOURCES = pckt_test.c int_crypto_test_SOURCES = int_crypto.c \ ../crypto.c \ ../nsscrypto.c \ ../logging.c \ test-common.c int_crypto_test_CFLAGS = $(nss_CFLAGS) int_crypto_test_LDFLAGS = $(nss_LIBS) int_timediff_test_SOURCES = int_timediff.c crypto_bench_test_SOURCES = crypto_bench.c \ ../crypto.c \ ../nsscrypto.c \ ../logging.c \ test-common.c crypto_bench_test_CFLAGS = $(nss_CFLAGS) crypto_bench_test_LDFLAGS = $(nss_LIBS) knet_bench_test_SOURCES = knet_bench.c \ test-common.c \ - ../compat.c + ../common.c \ + ../logging.c \ + ../transport_common.c diff --git a/libknet/tests/knet_bench.c b/libknet/tests/knet_bench.c index 527725c4..a5e10808 100644 --- a/libknet/tests/knet_bench.c +++ b/libknet/tests/knet_bench.c @@ -1,663 +1,664 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Authors: Fabio M. Di Nitto * * This software licensed under GPL-2.0+, LGPL-2.0+ */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libknet.h" #include "internals.h" #include "netutils.h" +#include "transports.h" #include "test-common.h" #define MAX_NODES 128 static int senderid = -1; static knet_handle_t knet_h; static int datafd = 0; static int8_t channel = 0; static int globallistener = 0; static int continous = 0; static struct sockaddr_storage allv4; static struct sockaddr_storage allv6; static int broadcast_test = 1; static pthread_t rx_thread = (pthread_t)NULL; static char *rx_buf[PCKT_FRAG_MAX]; static int shutdown_in_progress = 0; static pthread_mutex_t shutdown_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #define TEST_PING 0 #define TEST_PING_AND_DATA 1 #define TEST_PERF 2 static int test_type = TEST_PING; struct node { int nodeid; int links; struct sockaddr_storage address[KNET_MAX_LINK]; }; static void print_help(void) { printf("knet_bench usage:\n"); printf(" -h print this help (no really)\n"); printf(" -d enable debug logs (default INFO)\n"); printf(" -c [implementation]:[crypto]:[hashing] crypto configuration. (default disabled)\n"); printf(" Example: -c nss:aes128:sha1\n"); printf(" -p [active|passive|rr] (default: passive)\n"); printf(" -P [udp|sctp] (default: udp) protocol (transport) to use\n"); printf(" -t [nodeid] This nodeid (required)\n"); printf(" -n [nodeid],[link1_ip_addr],[link2_..] Other nodes information (at least one required)\n"); printf(" Example: -t 1,,3ffe::8:1,..\n"); printf(" can be repeated up to %d and should contain also the localnode info\n", MAX_NODES); printf(" -b [port] baseport (default: 50000)\n"); printf(" -l enable global listener on (default: off, incompatible with -o)\n"); printf(" -o enable baseport offset per nodeid\n"); printf(" -w dont wait for all nodes to be up before starting the test (default: wait)\n"); printf(" -T [ping|ping_data|perf] test type (default: ping)\n"); printf(" ping: will wait for all hosts to join the knet network, sleep 5 seconds and quit\n"); printf(" ping_data: will wait for all hosts to join the knet network, sends some data to all nodes and quit\n"); printf(" perf: will wait for all hosts to join the knet network, perform a series of benchmarks and quit\n"); printf(" -s nodeid that will generate traffic for benchmarks\n"); printf(" -C repeat the test continously (default: off)\n"); } static void parse_nodes(char *nodesinfo[MAX_NODES], int onidx, int port, struct node nodes[MAX_NODES], int thisnodeid, int *thisidx) { int i; char *temp = NULL; char port_str[10]; memset(port_str, 0, sizeof(port_str)); sprintf(port_str, "%d", port); for (i = 0; i < onidx; i++) { nodes[i].nodeid = atoi(strtok(nodesinfo[i], ",")); if ((nodes[i].nodeid < 0) || (nodes[i].nodeid > KNET_MAX_HOST)) { printf("Invalid nodeid: %d (0 - %d)\n", nodes[i].nodeid, KNET_MAX_HOST); exit(FAIL); } if (thisnodeid == nodes[i].nodeid) { *thisidx = i; } while((temp = strtok(NULL, ","))) { if (nodes[i].links == KNET_MAX_LINK) { printf("Too many links configured. Max %d\n", KNET_MAX_LINK); exit(FAIL); } if (knet_strtoaddr(temp, port_str, &nodes[i].address[nodes[i].links], sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)) < 0) { printf("Unable to convert %s to sockaddress\n", temp); exit(FAIL); } nodes[i].links++; } } if (knet_strtoaddr("", port_str, &allv4, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)) < 0) { printf("Unable to convert to sockaddress\n"); exit(FAIL); } if (knet_strtoaddr("::", port_str, &allv6, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)) < 0) { printf("Unable to convert :: to sockaddress\n"); exit(FAIL); } for (i = 1; i < onidx; i++) { if (nodes[0].links != nodes[i].links) { printf("knet_bench does not support unbalanced link configuration\n"); exit(FAIL); } } return; } static int private_data; static void sock_notify(void *pvt_data, int local_datafd, int8_t local_channel, uint8_t tx_rx, int error, int errorno) { printf("Error (%d - %d - %s) from socket: %d\n", error, errorno, strerror(errno), local_datafd); return; } static void setup_knet(int argc, char *argv[]) { int logfd; int rv; char *cryptocfg = NULL, *policystr = NULL, *protostr = NULL; char *othernodeinfo[MAX_NODES]; struct node nodes[MAX_NODES]; int thisnodeid = -1; int thisidx = -1; int onidx = 0; int debug = KNET_LOG_INFO; int port = 50000, portoffset = 0; int thisport = 0, otherport = 0; int thisnewport = 0, othernewport = 0; struct sockaddr_in *so_in; struct sockaddr_in6 *so_in6; struct sockaddr_storage *src; int i, link_idx, allnodesup = 0; int policy = KNET_LINK_POLICY_PASSIVE, policyfound = 0; int protocol = KNET_TRANSPORT_UDP, protofound = 0; int wait = 1; struct knet_handle_crypto_cfg knet_handle_crypto_cfg; char *cryptomodel = NULL, *cryptotype = NULL, *cryptohash = NULL; memset(nodes, 0, sizeof(nodes)); while ((rv = getopt(argc, argv, "CT:s:ldowb:t:n:c:p:P:h")) != EOF) { switch(rv) { case 'h': print_help(); exit(PASS); break; case 'd': debug = KNET_LOG_DEBUG; break; case 'c': if (cryptocfg) { printf("Error: -c can only be specified once\n"); exit(FAIL); } cryptocfg = optarg; break; case 'p': if (policystr) { printf("Error: -p can only be specified once\n"); exit(FAIL); } policystr = optarg; if (!strcmp(policystr, "active")) { policy = KNET_LINK_POLICY_ACTIVE; policyfound = 1; } if (!strcmp(policystr, "rr")) { policy = KNET_LINK_POLICY_RR; policyfound = 1; } if (!strcmp(policystr, "passive")) { policy = KNET_LINK_POLICY_PASSIVE; policyfound = 1; } if (!policyfound) { printf("Error: invalid policy %s specified. -p accepts active|passive|rr\n", policystr); exit(FAIL); } break; case 'P': if (protostr) { printf("Error: -P can only be specified once\n"); exit(FAIL); } protostr = optarg; if (!strcmp(protostr, "udp")) { protocol = KNET_TRANSPORT_UDP; protofound = 1; } if (!strcmp(protostr, "sctp")) { protocol = KNET_TRANSPORT_SCTP; protofound = 1; } if (!protofound) { printf("Error: invalid protocol %s specified. -P accepts udp|sctp\n", policystr); exit(FAIL); } break; case 't': if (thisnodeid >= 0) { printf("Error: -t can only be specified once\n"); exit(FAIL); } thisnodeid = atoi(optarg); if ((thisnodeid < 0) || (thisnodeid > 65536)) { printf("Error: -t nodeid out of range %d (1 - 65536)\n", thisnodeid); exit(FAIL); } break; case 'n': if (onidx == MAX_NODES) { printf("Error: too many other nodes. Max %d\n", MAX_NODES); exit(FAIL); } othernodeinfo[onidx] = optarg; onidx++; break; case 'b': port = atoi(optarg); if ((port < 1) || (port > 65536)) { printf("Error: port %d out of range (1 - 65536)\n", port); exit(FAIL); } case 'o': if (globallistener) { printf("Error: -l cannot be used with -o\n"); exit(FAIL); } portoffset = 1; break; case 'l': if (portoffset) { printf("Error: -o cannot be used with -l\n"); exit(FAIL); } globallistener = 1; break; case 'w': wait = 0; break; case 's': if (senderid >= 0) { printf("Error: -s can only be specified once\n"); exit(FAIL); } senderid = atoi(optarg); if ((senderid < 0) || (senderid > 65536)) { printf("Error: -s nodeid out of range %d (1 - 65536)\n", senderid); exit(FAIL); } break; case 'T': if (!strcmp("ping", optarg)) { test_type = TEST_PING; } if (!strcmp("ping_data", optarg)) { test_type = TEST_PING_AND_DATA; } if (!strcmp("perf", optarg)) { test_type = TEST_PERF; } break; case 'C': continous = 1; break; default: break; } } if (thisnodeid < 0) { printf("Who am I?!? missing -t from command line?\n"); exit(FAIL); } if (onidx < 1) { printf("no other nodes configured?!? missing -n from command line\n"); exit(FAIL); } parse_nodes(othernodeinfo, onidx, port, nodes, thisnodeid, &thisidx); if (thisidx < 0) { printf("no config for this node found\n"); exit(FAIL); } if (senderid >= 0) { for (i=0; i < onidx; i++) { if (senderid == nodes[i].nodeid) { break; } } if (i == onidx) { printf("Unable to find senderid in nodelist\n"); exit(FAIL); } } if ((test_type == TEST_PERF) && (senderid < 0)) { printf("Error: performance test requires -s to be set (for now)\n"); exit(FAIL); } logfd = start_logging(stdout); knet_h = knet_handle_new(thisnodeid, logfd, debug); if (!knet_h) { printf("Unable to knet_handle_new: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(FAIL); } if (cryptocfg) { memset(&knet_handle_crypto_cfg, 0, sizeof(knet_handle_crypto_cfg)); cryptomodel = strtok(cryptocfg, ":"); cryptotype = strtok(NULL, ":"); cryptohash = strtok(NULL, ":"); if (cryptomodel) { strncpy(knet_handle_crypto_cfg.crypto_model, cryptomodel, sizeof(knet_handle_crypto_cfg.crypto_model) - 1); } if (cryptotype) { strncpy(knet_handle_crypto_cfg.crypto_cipher_type, cryptotype, sizeof(knet_handle_crypto_cfg.crypto_cipher_type) - 1); } if (cryptohash) { strncpy(knet_handle_crypto_cfg.crypto_hash_type, cryptohash, sizeof(knet_handle_crypto_cfg.crypto_hash_type) - 1); } knet_handle_crypto_cfg.private_key_len = KNET_MAX_KEY_LEN; if (knet_handle_crypto(knet_h, &knet_handle_crypto_cfg)) { printf("Unable to init crypto\n"); exit(FAIL); } } if (knet_handle_enable_sock_notify(knet_h, &private_data, sock_notify) < 0) { printf("knet_handle_enable_sock_notify failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); knet_handle_free(knet_h); exit(FAIL); } datafd = 0; channel = -1; if (knet_handle_add_datafd(knet_h, &datafd, &channel) < 0) { printf("knet_handle_add_datafd failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); knet_handle_free(knet_h); exit(FAIL); } for (i=0; i < onidx; i++) { if (i == thisidx) { continue; } if (knet_host_add(knet_h, nodes[i].nodeid) < 0) { printf("knet_host_add failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(FAIL); } if (knet_host_set_policy(knet_h, nodes[i].nodeid, policy) < 0) { printf("knet_host_set_policy failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(FAIL); } for (link_idx = 0; link_idx < nodes[i].links; link_idx++) { if (portoffset) { if (nodes[thisidx].address[link_idx].ss_family == AF_INET) { so_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)&nodes[thisidx].address[link_idx]; thisport = ntohs(so_in->sin_port); thisnewport = thisport + nodes[i].nodeid; so_in->sin_port = (htons(thisnewport)); so_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)&nodes[i].address[link_idx]; otherport = ntohs(so_in->sin_port); othernewport = otherport + nodes[thisidx].nodeid; so_in->sin_port = (htons(othernewport)); } else { so_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&nodes[thisidx].address[link_idx]; thisport = ntohs(so_in6->sin6_port); thisnewport = thisport + nodes[i].nodeid; so_in6->sin6_port = (htons(thisnewport)); so_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&nodes[i].address[link_idx]; otherport = ntohs(so_in6->sin6_port); othernewport = otherport + nodes[thisidx].nodeid; so_in6->sin6_port = (htons(othernewport)); } } if (!globallistener) { src = &nodes[thisidx].address[link_idx]; } else { if (nodes[thisidx].address[link_idx].ss_family == AF_INET) { src = &allv4; } else { src = &allv6; } } if (knet_link_set_config(knet_h, nodes[i].nodeid, link_idx, protocol, src, &nodes[i].address[link_idx]) < 0) { printf("Unable to configure link: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(FAIL); } if (portoffset) { if (nodes[thisidx].address[link_idx].ss_family == AF_INET) { so_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)&nodes[thisidx].address[link_idx]; so_in->sin_port = (htons(thisport)); so_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)&nodes[i].address[link_idx]; so_in->sin_port = (htons(otherport)); } else { so_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&nodes[thisidx].address[link_idx]; so_in6->sin6_port = (htons(thisport)); so_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&nodes[i].address[link_idx]; so_in6->sin6_port = (htons(otherport)); } } if (knet_link_set_enable(knet_h, nodes[i].nodeid, link_idx, 1) < 0) { printf("knet_link_set_enable failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(FAIL); } } } if (knet_handle_setfwd(knet_h, 1) < 0) { printf("knet_handle_setfwd failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(FAIL); } if (wait) { while(!allnodesup) { allnodesup = 1; for (i=0; i < onidx; i++) { if (i == thisidx) { continue; } if(knet_h->host_index[nodes[i].nodeid]->status.reachable != 1) { printf("waiting host %d to be reachable\n", nodes[i].nodeid); allnodesup = 0; } } if (!allnodesup) { sleep(1); } } sleep(1); } } static int ping_dst_host_filter(void *pvt_data, const unsigned char *outdata, ssize_t outdata_len, uint8_t tx_rx, knet_node_id_t this_host_id, knet_node_id_t src_host_id, int8_t *dst_channel, knet_node_id_t *dst_host_ids, size_t *dst_host_ids_entries) { if (broadcast_test) { return 1; } if (tx_rx == KNET_NOTIFY_TX) { memmove(&dst_host_ids[0], outdata, 2); } else { dst_host_ids[0] = this_host_id; } *dst_host_ids_entries = 1; return 0; } static void *_rx_thread(void *args) { fd_set rfds; ssize_t len; struct timeval tv; struct sockaddr_storage address[PCKT_FRAG_MAX]; struct mmsghdr msg[PCKT_FRAG_MAX]; struct iovec iov_in[PCKT_FRAG_MAX]; int i, msg_recv; for (i = 0; i < PCKT_FRAG_MAX; i++) { rx_buf[i] = malloc(KNET_MAX_PACKET_SIZE); if (!rx_buf[i]) { printf("RXT: Unable to malloc!\n"); return NULL; } memset(rx_buf[i], 0, KNET_MAX_PACKET_SIZE); iov_in[i].iov_base = (void *)rx_buf[i]; iov_in[i].iov_len = KNET_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; memset(&msg[i].msg_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct msghdr)); msg[i].msg_hdr.msg_name = &address[i]; msg[i].msg_hdr.msg_namelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); msg[i].msg_hdr.msg_iov = &iov_in[i]; msg[i].msg_hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; } select_loop: tv.tv_sec = 5; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(datafd, &rfds); len = select(FD_SETSIZE, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (len < 0) { printf("RXT: Unable select over datafd\nHALTING RX THREAD!\n"); return NULL; } if (!len) { printf("RXT: No data for the past 5 seconds\n"); } if (FD_ISSET(datafd, &rfds)) { - msg_recv = recvmmsg(datafd, msg, PCKT_FRAG_MAX, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL); + msg_recv = _recvmmsg(datafd, &msg[0], PCKT_FRAG_MAX, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (msg_recv < 0) { printf("RXT: error from recvmmsg: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } for (i = 0; i < msg_recv; i++) { if (msg[i].msg_len == 0) { printf("RXT: received 0 bytes message?\n"); } if (test_type == TEST_PING_AND_DATA) { printf("received %lu bytes message: %s\n", (long)msg[i].msg_len, (char *)msg[i].msg_hdr.msg_iov->iov_base); } /* * do stats here */ } } goto select_loop; return NULL; } static void setup_data_txrx_common(void) { if (!rx_thread) { if (knet_handle_enable_filter(knet_h, NULL, ping_dst_host_filter)) { printf("Unable to enable dst_host_filter: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(FAIL); } printf("Setting up rx thread\n"); if (pthread_create(&rx_thread, 0, _rx_thread, NULL)) { printf("Unable to start rx thread\n"); exit(FAIL); } } } static void stop_rx_thread(void) { void *retval; int i; if (rx_thread) { printf("Shutting down rx thread\n"); pthread_cancel(rx_thread); pthread_join(rx_thread, &retval); for (i = 0; i < PCKT_FRAG_MAX; i ++) { free(rx_buf[i]); } } } static void send_ping_data(void) { const char *buf = "Hello world!\x0"; ssize_t len = strlen(buf); if (knet_send(knet_h, buf, len, channel) != len) { printf("Error sending hello world: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } sleep(1); } static void cleanup_all(void) { if (pthread_mutex_lock(&shutdown_mutex)) { return; } if (shutdown_in_progress) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&shutdown_mutex); return; } shutdown_in_progress = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&shutdown_mutex); if (rx_thread) { stop_rx_thread(); } knet_handle_stop(knet_h); } static void sigint_handler(int signum) { printf("Cleaning up... got signal: %d\n", signum); cleanup_all(); exit(PASS); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler) == SIG_ERR) { printf("Unable to configure SIGINT handler\n"); exit(FAIL); } need_root(); setup_knet(argc, argv); restart: switch(test_type) { default: case TEST_PING: /* basic ping, no data */ sleep(5); break; case TEST_PING_AND_DATA: setup_data_txrx_common(); send_ping_data(); break; case TEST_PERF: setup_data_txrx_common(); break; } if (continous) { goto restart; } cleanup_all(); return PASS; }