{"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\t\tFor more information on OCF return codes, refer to: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1/html/Pacemaker_Explained/s-ocf-return-codes.html"},
{"op-fail", 1, 0, 'F', "\tIf the specified task occurs during the simulation, have it fail with return code ${rc}"},
{"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\t\tValue is of the form ${resource}_${task}_${interval_in_ms}@${node}=${rc}."},
{"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\t\tThe transition will normally stop at the failed action. Save the result with --save-output and re-run with --xml-file"},
{"set-datetime", 1, 0, 't', "Set date/time"},
{"quorum", 1, 0, 'q', "\tSpecify a value for quorum"},
{"watchdog", 1, 0, 'w', "\tAssume a watchdog device is active"},
{"ticket-grant", 1, 0, 'g', "Grant a ticket"},
{"ticket-revoke", 1, 0, 'r', "Revoke a ticket"},
{"ticket-standby", 1, 0, 'b', "Make a ticket standby"},
{"ticket-activate", 1, 0, 'e', "Activate a ticket"},
{"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\nOutput Options:"},
{"save-input", 1, 0, 'I', "\tSave the input configuration to the named file"},
{"save-output", 1, 0, 'O', "Save the output configuration to the named file"},
{"save-graph", 1, 0, 'G', "\tSave the transition graph (XML format) to the named file"},
{"save-dotfile", 1, 0, 'D', "Save the transition graph (DOT format) to the named file"},
{"all-actions", 0, 0, 'a', "\tDisplay all possible actions in the DOT graph - even ones not part of the transition"},
{"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\nData Source:"},
{"live-check", 0, 0, 'L', "\tConnect to the CIB mamager and use the current CIB contents as input"},
{"xml-file", 1, 0, 'x', "\tRetrieve XML from the named file"},
{"xml-pipe", 0, 0, 'p', "\tRetrieve XML from stdin"},
{"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\nExamples:\n"},
{"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Pretend a recurring monitor action found memcached stopped on node fred.example.com and, during recovery, that the memcached stop action failed", pcmk_option_paragraph},