-Print out a help message describing available options, then exit.
-\fB-a --ip\fP \fIsmapi Server\fP
-\fBName\fP of SMAPI server virtual machine. To be consistent with other fence agents this name is a little misleading: it is the name of the virtual machine not its IP address or hostname.
-\fB--zvmsys\fP \fIz/VM System\fP
-\fBName\fP of z/VM on which the SMAPI server virtual machine resides. Optional - defaults to system on which the node is running.
-\fB-h --help\fP
-Display usage information
-\fI-t --timeout = < shutdown timeout >\fP
-Amount of \fIgrace\fP time to give the virtual machine to shutdown cleanly before being
-forcibly terminated. Currently, this option is ignored.
-\fIagent = < param >\fP
-This option is used by fence_node(8) and is ignored by fence_zvm.
-\fBName\fP of SMAPI server virtual machine. To be consistent with other fence agents thisname is a little misleading: it is the name of the virtual machine not its IP address or hostname.
-\fItimeout = < shutdown timeout >\fP
-Amount of \fIgrace\fP time to give the virtual machine to shutdown cleanly before being
-forcibly terminated. Currently, this option is ignored.
-fence(8), fenced(8), fence_node(8)
-To use this agent the z/VM SMAPI service needs to be configured to allow the virtual
-machine running this agent to connect to it and issue the image_recycle operation.
-This involves updating the VSMWORK1 AUTHLIST VMSYS:VSMWORK1. file. The entry should look
-something similar to this:
-Column 1 Column 66 Column 131
-| | |
-V V V
-Where XXXXXXX is the name of the virtual machine where the agent resides.
-In addition, the VM directory entry that defines this virtual machine requires the
-IUCV ANY statement (or IUCV <userid of SMAPI Server>). This authorizes use of IUCV