Print out a help message describing available options, then exit.
\fB-a --ip\fP \fIsmapi Server\fP
\fBName\fP of SMAPI server virtual machine. To be consistent with other fence agents this name is a little misleading: it is the name of the virtual machine not its IP address or hostname.
\fB--zvmsys\fP \fIz/VM System\fP
\fBName\fP of z/VM on which the SMAPI server virtual machine resides. Optional - defaults to system on which the node is running.
\fB-h --help\fP
Display usage information
\fI-t --timeout = < shutdown timeout >\fP
Amount of \fIgrace\fP time to give the virtual machine to shutdown cleanly before being
forcibly terminated. Currently, this option is ignored.
\fIagent = < param >\fP
This option is used by fence_node(8) and is ignored by fence_zvm.
\fIaction = < action >\fP
Fencing action: "off" - fence off device; "metadata" - display device metadata; "status" - state of device
\fIport = < target >\fP
Name of virtual machine to recycle.
\fIipaddr= < server name >\fP
\fBName\fP of SMAPI server virtual machine. To be consistent with other fence agents thisname is a little misleading: it is the name of the virtual machine not its IP address or hostname.
\fItimeout = < shutdown timeout >\fP
Amount of \fIgrace\fP time to give the virtual machine to shutdown cleanly before being
forcibly terminated. Currently, this option is ignored.
fence(8), fenced(8), fence_node(8)
To use this agent the z/VM SMAPI service needs to be configured to allow the virtual
machine running this agent to connect to it and issue the image_recycle operation.
This involves updating the VSMWORK1 AUTHLIST VMSYS:VSMWORK1. file. The entry should look
something similar to this:
Column 1 Column 66 Column 131
| | |
Where XXXXXXX is the name of the virtual machine used in the authuser field of the request. This virtual machine also has to be authorized
to access the system's directory manager.
In addition, the VM directory entry that defines this virtual machine requires the
IUCV ANY statement (or IUCV <userid of SMAPI Server>). This authorizes use of IUCV