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No OneTemporary


* Copyright 2004-2018 Andrew Beekhof <>
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#include <crm_internal.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <crm/msg_xml.h>
#include <crm/common/xml.h>
#include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
#include <crm/cluster/internal.h>
#include <crm/cluster/election.h>
#include <crm/crm.h>
#define STORM_INTERVAL 2 /* in seconds */
struct election_s {
enum election_result state;
guint count; // How many times local node has voted
char *name; // Descriptive name for this election
char *uname; // Local node's name
GSourceFunc cb; // Function to call if election is won
GHashTable *voted; // Key = node name, value = how node voted
mainloop_timer_t *timeout; // When to abort if all votes not received
static void election_complete(election_t *e)
e->state = election_won;
if(e->cb) {
static gboolean election_timer_cb(gpointer user_data)
election_t *e = user_data;
crm_info("%s timed out, declaring local node as winner", e->name);
return FALSE;
enum election_result
election_state(election_t *e)
if(e) {
return e->state;
return election_error;
* \brief Create a new election object
* Every node that wishes to participate in an election must create an election
* object. Typically, this should be done once, at start-up. A caller should
* only create a single election object.
* \param[in] name Label for election (for logging)
* \param[in] uname Local node's name
* \param[in] period_ms How long to wait for all peers to vote
* \param[in] cb Function to call if local node wins election
* \return Newly allocated election object on success, NULL on error
* \note The caller is responsible for freeing the returned value using
* election_fini().
election_t *
election_init(const char *name, const char *uname, guint period_ms, GSourceFunc cb)
election_t *e = NULL;
static guint count = 0;
CRM_CHECK(uname != NULL, return NULL);
e = calloc(1, sizeof(election_t));
if (e == NULL) {
crm_perror(LOG_CRIT, "Cannot create election");
return NULL;
e->uname = strdup(uname);
if (e->uname == NULL) {
crm_perror(LOG_CRIT, "Cannot create election");
return NULL;
e->name = name? crm_strdup_printf("election-%s", name)
: crm_strdup_printf("election-%u", count++);
e->cb = cb;
e->timeout = mainloop_timer_add(e->name, period_ms, FALSE,
election_timer_cb, e);
crm_trace("Created %s", e->name);
return e;
* \brief Disregard any previous vote by specified peer
* This discards any recorded vote from a specified peer. Election users should
* call this whenever a voting peer becomes inactive.
* \param[in] e Election object
* \param[in] uname Name of peer to disregard
election_remove(election_t *e, const char *uname)
if(e && uname && e->voted) {
crm_trace("Discarding %s (no-)vote from lost peer %s", e->name, uname);
g_hash_table_remove(e->voted, uname);
* \brief Stop election timer and disregard all votes
* \param[in] e Election object
election_reset(election_t *e)
if (e != NULL) {
crm_trace("Resetting election %s", e->name);
if (e->voted) {
crm_trace("Destroying voted cache with %d members", g_hash_table_size(e->voted));
e->voted = NULL;
* \brief Free an election object
* Free all memory associated with an election object, stopping its
* election timer (if running).
* \param[in] e Election object
election_fini(election_t *e)
if(e) {
crm_trace("Destroying %s", e->name);
static void
election_timeout_start(election_t *e)
if(e) {
* \brief Stop an election's timer, if running
* \param[in] e Election object
election_timeout_stop(election_t *e)
if(e) {
* \brief Change an election's timeout (restarting timer if running)
* \param[in] e Election object
* \param[in] period New timeout
election_timeout_set_period(election_t *e, guint period)
if(e) {
mainloop_timer_set_period(e->timeout, period);
} else {
crm_err("No election defined");
static int
crm_uptime(struct timeval *output)
static time_t expires = 0;
static struct rusage info;
time_t tm_now = time(NULL);
if (expires < tm_now) {
int rc = 0;
info.ru_utime.tv_sec = 0;
info.ru_utime.tv_usec = 0;
rc = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &info);
output->tv_sec = 0;
output->tv_usec = 0;
if (rc < 0) {
crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not calculate the current uptime");
expires = 0;
return -1;
crm_debug("Current CPU usage is: %lds, %ldus", (long)info.ru_utime.tv_sec,
expires = tm_now + STORM_INTERVAL; /* N seconds after the last _access_ */
output->tv_sec = info.ru_utime.tv_sec;
output->tv_usec = info.ru_utime.tv_usec;
return 1;
static int
crm_compare_age(struct timeval your_age)
struct timeval our_age;
crm_uptime(&our_age); /* If an error occurred, our_age will be compared as {0,0} */
if (our_age.tv_sec > your_age.tv_sec) {
crm_debug("Win: %ld vs %ld (seconds)", (long)our_age.tv_sec, (long)your_age.tv_sec);
return 1;
} else if (our_age.tv_sec < your_age.tv_sec) {
crm_debug("Lose: %ld vs %ld (seconds)", (long)our_age.tv_sec, (long)your_age.tv_sec);
return -1;
} else if (our_age.tv_usec > your_age.tv_usec) {
crm_debug("Win: %ld.%06ld vs %ld.%06ld (usec)",
(long)our_age.tv_sec, (long)our_age.tv_usec, (long)your_age.tv_sec, (long)your_age.tv_usec);
return 1;
} else if (our_age.tv_usec < your_age.tv_usec) {
crm_debug("Lose: %ld.%06ld vs %ld.%06ld (usec)",
(long)our_age.tv_sec, (long)our_age.tv_usec, (long)your_age.tv_sec, (long)your_age.tv_usec);
return -1;
return 0;
* \brief Start a new election by offering local node's candidacy
* Broadcast a "vote" election message containing the local node's ID,
* (incremented) election counter, and uptime, and start the election timer.
* \param[in] e Election object
* \note Any nodes agreeing to the candidacy will send a "no-vote" reply, and if
* all active peers do so, or if the election times out, the local node
* wins the election. (If we lose to any peer vote, we will stop the
* timer, so a timeout means we did not lose -- either some peer did not
* vote, or we did not call election_check() in time.)
election_vote(election_t *e)
struct timeval age;
xmlNode *vote = NULL;
crm_node_t *our_node;
if (e == NULL) {
crm_trace("Election vote requested, but no election available");
our_node = crm_get_peer(0, e->uname);
if ((our_node == NULL) || (crm_is_peer_active(our_node) == FALSE)) {
crm_trace("Cannot vote in %s yet: local node not connected to cluster",
e->state = election_in_progress;
crm_xml_add(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER, our_node->uuid);
crm_xml_add_int(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, e->count);
crm_xml_add_int(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_S, age.tv_sec);
crm_xml_add_int(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_US, age.tv_usec);
send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_crmd, vote, TRUE);
crm_debug("Started %s round %d", e->name, e->count);
* \brief Check whether local node has won an election
* If all known peers have sent no-vote messages, stop the election timer, set
* the election state to won, and call any registered win callback.
* \param[in] e Election object
* \return TRUE if local node has won, FALSE otherwise
* \note If all known peers have sent no-vote messages, but the election owner
* does not call this function, the election will not be won (and the
* callback will not be called) until the election times out.
* \note This should be called when election_count_vote() returns
* \c election_in_progress.
election_check(election_t *e)
int voted_size = 0;
int num_members = 0;
if(e == NULL) {
crm_trace("Election check requested, but no election available");
return FALSE;
if (e->voted == NULL) {
crm_trace("%s check requested, but no votes received yet", e->name);
return FALSE;
voted_size = g_hash_table_size(e->voted);
num_members = crm_active_peers();
/* in the case of #voted > #members, it is better to
* wait for the timeout and give the cluster time to
* stabilize
if (voted_size >= num_members) {
/* we won and everyone has voted */
if (voted_size > num_members) {
GHashTableIter gIter;
const crm_node_t *node;
char *key = NULL;
crm_warn("Received too many votes in %s", e->name);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, crm_peer_cache);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & node)) {
if (crm_is_peer_active(node)) {
crm_warn("* expected vote: %s", node->uname);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, e->voted);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, (gpointer *) & key, NULL)) {
crm_warn("* actual vote: %s", key);
crm_info("%s won by local node", e->name);
return TRUE;
} else {
crm_debug("%s still waiting on %d of %d votes",
e->name, num_members - voted_size, num_members);
return FALSE;
#define LOSS_DAMPEN 2 /* in seconds */
struct vote {
const char *op;
const char *from;
const char *version;
const char *election_owner;
int election_id;
struct timeval age;
* \brief Unpack an election message
* \param[in] e Election object
* \param[in] message Election message XML
* \param[out] vote Parsed fields from message
* \return TRUE if election message and election are valid, FALSE otherwise
* \note The parsed struct's pointer members are valid only for the lifetime of
* the message argument.
static bool
parse_election_message(election_t *e, xmlNode *message, struct vote *vote)
CRM_CHECK(message && vote, return FALSE);
vote->election_id = -1;
vote->age.tv_sec = -1;
vote->age.tv_usec = -1;
vote->op = crm_element_value(message, F_CRM_TASK);
vote->from = crm_element_value(message, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
vote->version = crm_element_value(message, F_CRM_VERSION);
vote->election_owner = crm_element_value(message, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER);
crm_element_value_int(message, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, &(vote->election_id));
if ((vote->op == NULL) || (vote->from == NULL) || (vote->version == NULL)
|| (vote->election_owner == NULL) || (vote->election_id < 0)) {
crm_warn("Invalid %s message from %s in %s ",
(vote->op? vote->op : "election"),
(vote->from? vote->from : "unspecified node"),
(e? e->name : "election"));
return FALSE;
// Op-specific validation
if (crm_str_eq(vote->op, CRM_OP_VOTE, TRUE)) {
// Only vote ops have uptime
crm_element_value_timeval(message, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_S,
F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_US, &(vote->age));
if ((vote->age.tv_sec < 0) || (vote->age.tv_usec < 0)) {
crm_warn("Cannot count %s %s from %s because it is missing uptime",
(e? e->name : "election"), vote->op, vote->from);
return FALSE;
} else if (!crm_str_eq(vote->op, CRM_OP_NOVOTE, TRUE)) {
crm_info("Cannot process %s message from %s because %s is not a known election op",
(e? e->name : "election"), vote->from, vote->op);
return FALSE;
// Election validation
if (e == NULL) {
crm_info("Cannot count %s from %s because no election available",
vote->op, vote->from);
return FALSE;
/* If the membership cache is NULL, we REALLY shouldn't be voting --
* the question is how we managed to get here.
if (crm_peer_cache == NULL) {
crm_info("Cannot count %s %s from %s because no peer information available",
e->name, vote->op, vote->from);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static void
record_vote(election_t *e, struct vote *vote)
char *voter_copy = NULL;
char *vote_copy = NULL;
CRM_ASSERT(e && vote && vote->from && vote->op);
if (e->voted == NULL) {
e->voted = crm_str_table_new();
voter_copy = strdup(vote->from);
vote_copy = strdup(vote->op);
CRM_ASSERT(voter_copy && vote_copy);
g_hash_table_replace(e->voted, voter_copy, vote_copy);
static void
send_no_vote(crm_node_t *peer, struct vote *vote)
// @TODO probably shouldn't hardcode CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD and crm_msg_crmd
xmlNode *novote = create_request(CRM_OP_NOVOTE, NULL, vote->from,
crm_xml_add(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER, vote->election_owner);
crm_xml_add_int(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, vote->election_id);
send_cluster_message(peer, crm_msg_crmd, novote, TRUE);
* \brief Process an election message (vote or no-vote) from a peer
* \param[in] e Election object
* \param[in] vote Election message XML from peer
* \param[in] can_win Whether to consider the local node eligible for winning
* \return Election state after new vote is considered
* \note If the peer message is a vote, and we prefer the peer to win, this will
* send a no-vote reply to the peer.
* \note The situations "we lost to this vote" from "this is a late no-vote
* after we've already lost" both return election_lost. If a caller needs
* to distinguish them, it should save the current state before calling
* this function, and then compare the result.
enum election_result
election_count_vote(election_t *e, xmlNode *message, bool can_win)
int log_level = LOG_INFO;
gboolean done = FALSE;
gboolean we_lose = FALSE;
const char *reason = "unknown";
bool we_are_owner = FALSE;
crm_node_t *our_node = NULL, *your_node = NULL;
time_t tm_now = time(NULL);
struct vote vote;
// @TODO these should be in election_t
static int election_wins = 0;
static time_t expires = 0;
static time_t last_election_loss = 0;
CRM_CHECK(message != NULL, return election_error);
if (parse_election_message(e, message, &vote) == FALSE) {
return election_error;
your_node = crm_get_peer(0, vote.from);
our_node = crm_get_peer(0, e->uname);
we_are_owner = (our_node != NULL)
&& crm_str_eq(our_node->uuid, vote.election_owner, TRUE);
if(can_win == FALSE) {
reason = "Not eligible";
we_lose = TRUE;
} else if (our_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(our_node) == FALSE) {
reason = "We are not part of the cluster";
log_level = LOG_ERR;
we_lose = TRUE;
} else if (we_are_owner && (vote.election_id != e->count)) {
log_level = LOG_TRACE;
reason = "Superseded";
done = TRUE;
} else if (your_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(your_node) == FALSE) {
/* Possibly we cached the message in the FSA queue at a point that it wasn't */
reason = "Peer is not part of our cluster";
log_level = LOG_WARNING;
done = TRUE;
} else if (crm_str_eq(vote.op, CRM_OP_NOVOTE, TRUE)
|| crm_str_eq(vote.from, e->uname, TRUE)) {
/* Receiving our own broadcast vote, or a no-vote from peer, is a vote
* for us to win
if (!we_are_owner) {
crm_warn("Cannot count %s round %d %s from %s because we are not election owner (%s)",
e->name, vote.election_id, vote.op, vote.from,
return election_error;
if (e->state != election_in_progress) {
// Should only happen if we already lost
crm_debug("Not counting %s round %d %s from %s because no election in progress",
e->name, vote.election_id, vote.op, vote.from);
return e->state;
record_vote(e, &vote);
reason = "Recorded";
done = TRUE;
} else {
// A peer vote requires a comparison to determine which node is better
int age_result = crm_compare_age(vote.age);
int version_result = compare_version(vote.version, CRM_FEATURE_SET);
if (version_result < 0) {
reason = "Version";
we_lose = TRUE;
} else if (version_result > 0) {
reason = "Version";
} else if (age_result < 0) {
reason = "Uptime";
we_lose = TRUE;
} else if (age_result > 0) {
reason = "Uptime";
} else if (strcasecmp(e->uname, vote.from) > 0) {
reason = "Host name";
we_lose = TRUE;
} else {
reason = "Host name";
if (expires < tm_now) {
election_wins = 0;
expires = tm_now + STORM_INTERVAL;
} else if (done == FALSE && we_lose == FALSE) {
int peers = 1 + g_hash_table_size(crm_peer_cache);
static bool wrote_blackbox = FALSE; // @TODO move to election_t
/* If every node has to vote down every other node, thats N*(N-1) total elections
* Allow some leeway before _really_ complaining
if (election_wins > (peers * peers)) {
crm_warn("%s election storm detected: %d wins in %d seconds",
e->name, election_wins, STORM_INTERVAL);
election_wins = 0;
expires = tm_now + STORM_INTERVAL;
if (wrote_blackbox == FALSE) {
/* It's questionable whether a black box (from every node in the
* cluster) would be truly helpful in diagnosing an election
* storm. It's also highly doubtful a production environment
* would get multiple election storms from distinct causes, so
* saving one blackbox per process lifetime should be
* sufficient. Alternatives would be to save a timestamp of the
* last blackbox write instead of a boolean, and write a new one
* if some amount of time has passed; or to save a storm count,
* write a blackbox on every Nth occurrence.
crm_write_blackbox(0, NULL);
if (done) {
do_crm_log(log_level + 1,
"Processed %s round %d %s (current round %d) from %s (%s)",
e->name, vote.election_id, vote.op, e->count, vote.from,
return e->state;
} else if (we_lose == FALSE) {
if (last_election_loss == 0
|| tm_now - last_election_loss > (time_t) LOSS_DAMPEN) {
do_crm_log(log_level, "%s round %d (owner node ID %s) pass: %s from %s (%s)",
e->name, vote.election_id, vote.election_owner, vote.op,
vote.from, reason);
last_election_loss = 0;
/* Start a new election by voting down this, and other, peers */
e->state = election_start;
return e->state;
} else {
char *loss_time = ctime(&last_election_loss);
if (loss_time) {
// Show only HH:MM:SS
loss_time += 11;
loss_time[8] = '\0';
crm_info("Ignoring %s round %d (owner node ID %s) pass vs %s because we lost less than %ds ago at %s",
e->name, vote.election_id, vote.election_owner, vote.from,
LOSS_DAMPEN, (loss_time? loss_time : "unknown"));
last_election_loss = tm_now;
do_crm_log(log_level, "%s round %d (owner node ID %s) lost: %s from %s (%s)",
e->name, vote.election_id, vote.election_owner, vote.op,
vote.from, reason);
send_no_vote(your_node, &vote);
e->state = election_lost;
return e->state;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Oct 29, 9:04 PM (1 d, 14 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
election.c (21 KB)

Event Timeline