+ # Also redirect stderr as we parse the output to use an appropriate exit code
+ routed_to_instance=$(eval $cmd 2>&1)
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ if echo $routed_to_instance | grep -qi "Insufficient Permission" ; then
+ ocf_exit_reason "Insufficient permissions to get route information"
+ exit $OCF_ERR_PERM
+ elif echo $routed_to_instance | grep -qi "Could not fetch resource"; then
+ ocf_log debug "The route ${OCF_RESKEY_route_name} doesn't exist"
+ else
+ ocf_exit_reason "Error : ${routed_to_instance}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${routed_to_instance}" ]; then
+ routed_to_instance="<unknown>"
+ fi
+ if [ "${routed_to_instance}" != "${gcp_api_url_prefix}/projects/${GCE_INSTANCE_PROJECT}/zones/${GCE_INSTANCE_ZONE}/instances/${GCE_INSTANCE_NAME}" ]; then
+ ocf_log warn "The floating IP ${OCF_RESKEY_ip} is not routed to this instance (${GCE_INSTANCE_NAME}) but to instance ${routed_to_instance##*/}"
+ fi
+ ocf_log debug "The floating IP ${OCF_RESKEY_ip} is correctly routed to this instance (${GCE_INSTANCE_NAME})"
+ return $OCF_SUCCESS
+ip_monitor() {
+ ocf_log info "IP monitor: checking local network configuration"
+ cmd="ip address show dev ${OCF_RESKEY_interface} to ${OCF_RESKEY_ip}/32"
+ ocf_log debug "Executing command: $cmd"
+ if [ -z "$($cmd)" ]; then
+ ocf_log warn "The floating IP ${OCF_RESKEY_ip} is not locally configured on this instance (${GCE_INSTANCE_NAME})"
+ fi
+ ocf_log debug "The floating IP ${OCF_RESKEY_ip} is correctly configured on this instance (${GCE_INSTANCE_NAME})"
+ return $OCF_SUCCESS
+ip_release() {
+ cmd="ip address delete ${OCF_RESKEY_ip}/32 dev ${OCF_RESKEY_interface}"