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diff --git a/agents/aliyun/ b/agents/aliyun/
index c7785a2b..134cc5ab 100644
--- a/agents/aliyun/
+++ b/agents/aliyun/
@@ -1,208 +1,208 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import logging
import atexit
import json
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage, run_delay
from aliyunsdkcore import client
from aliyunsdkcore.auth.credentials import EcsRamRoleCredential
from aliyunsdkcore.profile import region_provider
except ImportError as e:
logging.warn("The 'aliyunsdkcore' module has been not installed or is unavailable, try to execute the command 'pip install aliyun-python-sdk-core --upgrade' to solve. error: %s" % e)
from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.DescribeInstancesRequest import DescribeInstancesRequest
from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.StartInstanceRequest import StartInstanceRequest
from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.StopInstanceRequest import StopInstanceRequest
from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.RebootInstanceRequest import RebootInstanceRequest
except ImportError as e:
logging.warn("The 'aliyunsdkecs' module has been not installed or is unavailable, try to execute the command 'pip install aliyun-python-sdk-ecs --upgrade' to solve. error: %s" % e)
def _send_request(conn, request):
logging.debug("send request action: %s" % request.get_action_name())
response_str = conn.do_action_with_exception(request)
except Exception as e:
fail_usage("Failed: send request failed: Error: %s" % e)
response_detail = json.loads(response_str)
logging.debug("reponse: %s" % response_detail)
return response_detail
def start_instance(conn, instance_id):
logging.debug("start instance %s" % instance_id)
request = StartInstanceRequest()
_send_request(conn, request)
def stop_instance(conn, instance_id):
logging.debug("stop instance %s" % instance_id)
request = StopInstanceRequest()
_send_request(conn, request)
def reboot_instance(conn, instance_id):
logging.debug("reboot instance %s" % instance_id)
request = RebootInstanceRequest()
_send_request(conn, request)
def get_status(conn, instance_id):
logging.debug("get instance %s status" % instance_id)
request = DescribeInstancesRequest()
response = _send_request(conn, request)
instance_status = None
if response is not None:
instance_list = response.get('Instances').get('Instance')
for item in instance_list:
instance_status = item.get('Status')
return instance_status
def get_nodes_list(conn, options):
logging.debug("start to get nodes list")
result = {}
request = DescribeInstancesRequest()
if "--filter" in options:
filter_key = options["--filter"].split("=")[0].strip()
filter_value = options["--filter"].split("=")[1].strip()
params = request.get_query_params()
params[filter_key] = filter_value
response = _send_request(conn, request)
if response is not None:
instance_list = response.get('Instances').get('Instance')
for item in instance_list:
instance_id = item.get('InstanceId')
instance_name = item.get('InstanceName')
result[instance_id] = (instance_name, None)
logging.debug("get nodes list: %s" % result)
return result
def get_power_status(conn, options):
logging.debug("start to get power(%s) status" % options["--plug"])
state = get_status(conn, options["--plug"])
if state == "Running":
status = "on"
elif state == "Stopped":
status = "off"
status = "unknown"
logging.debug("the power(%s) status is %s" % (options["--plug"], status))
return status
def set_power_status(conn, options):"start to set power(%s) status to %s" % (options["--plug"], options["--action"]))
if (options["--action"]=="off"):
stop_instance(conn, options["--plug"])
elif (options["--action"]=="on"):
start_instance(conn, options["--plug"])
elif (options["--action"]=="reboot"):
reboot_instance(conn, options["--plug"])
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["region"] = {
"getopt" : "r:",
"longopt" : "region",
"help" : "-r, --region=[name] Region, e.g. cn-hangzhou",
"shortdesc" : "Region.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 2
all_opt["access_key"] = {
"getopt" : "a:",
"longopt" : "access-key",
"help" : "-a, --access-key=[name] Access Key",
"shortdesc" : "Access Key.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 3
all_opt["secret_key"] = {
"getopt" : "s:",
"longopt" : "secret-key",
"help" : "-s, --secret-key=[name] Secret Key",
"shortdesc" : "Secret Key.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 4
all_opt["ram_role"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "ram-role",
"help": "--ram-role=[name] Ram Role",
"shortdesc": "Ram Role.",
"required": "0",
"order": 5
all_opt["filter"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "filter",
"help": "--filter=[key=value] Filter (e.g. InstanceIds=[\"i-XXYYZZAA1\",\"i-XXYYZZAA2\"]",
"shortdesc": "Filter for list-action.",
"required": "0",
"order": 6
# Main agent method
def main():
conn = None
device_opt = ["port", "no_password", "region", "access_key", "secret_key", "ram_role", "filter"]
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "60"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Aliyun (Aliyun Web Services)"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_aliyun is an I/O Fencing agent for Aliyun"
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_aliyun is a Power Fencing agent for Aliyun."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if "--region" in options:
region = options["--region"]
if "--access-key" in options and "--secret-key" in options:
access_key = options["--access-key"]
secret_key = options["--secret-key"]
conn = client.AcsClient(access_key, secret_key, region)
elif "--ram-role" in options:
ram_role = options["--ram-role"]
role = EcsRamRoleCredential(ram_role)
conn = client.AcsClient(region_id=region, credential=role)
fail_usage("Failed: User credentials are not set. Please set the Access Key and the Secret Key, or configure the RAM role.")
# Use intranet endpoint to access ECS service
region_provider.modify_point('Ecs', region, '' % region)
except Exception as e:
logging.warn("Failed: failed to modify endpoint to '': %s" % (region, e))
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_nodes_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/alom/ b/agents/alom/
index 7b03dc2a..a8e216f3 100644
--- a/agents/alom/
+++ b/agents/alom/
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
# Sun(tm) Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.6.1
# as found on SUN T2000 Niagara
import sys, re, time
import atexit
from fencing import *
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
status ="standby", conn.before.lower())
result = (status != None and "off" or "on")
return result
def set_power_status(conn, options):
cmd_line = (options["--action"] == "on" and "poweron" or "poweroff -f -y")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
# Get the machine some time between poweron and poweroff
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure"]
all_opt["secure"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = [r"sc\>\ "]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
options["telnet_over_ssh"] = 1
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Sun ALOM"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_alom is an I/O Fencing \
-agent which can be used with ALOM connected machines."
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_alom is a Power Fencing agent \
+which can be used with ALOM connected machines."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None)
fence_logout(conn, "logout")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/amt/ b/agents/amt/
index 80d3f74c..183bbc71 100644
--- a/agents/amt/
+++ b/agents/amt/
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re, os
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage, is_executable, run_command, run_delay
from shlex import quote
except ImportError:
from pipes import quote
def get_power_status(_, options):
output = amt_run_command(options, create_command(options, "status"))
match ='Powerstate:[\\s]*(..)', str(output))
status = if match else None
if status == None:
return "fail"
elif status == "S0": # SO = on; S3 = sleep; S5 = off
return "on"
return "off"
def set_power_status(_, options):
amt_run_command(options, create_command(options, options["--action"]))
def reboot_cycle(_, options):
(status, _, _) = run_command(options, create_command(options, "cycle"))
return not bool(status)
def amt_run_command(options, command, timeout=None):
env = os.environ.copy()
x = quote(options["--password"])
x = x[:-1] if x.endswith("'") else x
x = x[1:] if x.startswith("'") else x
env["AMT_PASSWORD"] = x
# This is needed because setting the AMT_PASSWORD env
# variable only works when no pipe is involved. E.g.:
# - Broken:
# $ AMT_PASSWORD='foobar' echo 'y' | /usr/bin/amttool nuc2 powerdown
# 401 Unauthorized at /usr/bin/amttool line 129.
# - Working:
# $ AMT_PASSWORD='foobar' sh -c "(echo 'y' | /usr/bin/amttool nuc2 powerdown)"
# execute: powerdown
# result: pt_status: success
newcommand = "sh -c \"(%s)\"" % command
return run_command(options, newcommand, timeout, env)
def create_command(options, action):
cmd = options["--amttool-path"]
# --ip / -a
cmd += " " + options["--ip"]
# --action / -o
if action == "status":
cmd += " info"
elif action == "on":
cmd = "echo \"y\"|" + cmd
cmd += " powerup"
elif action == "off":
cmd = "echo \"y\"|" + cmd
cmd += " powerdown"
elif action == "cycle":
cmd = "echo \"y\"|" + cmd
cmd += " powercycle"
if action in ["on", "off", "cycle"] and "--boot-option" in options:
cmd += options["--boot-option"]
# --use-sudo / -d
if "--use-sudo" in options:
cmd = options["--sudo-path"] + " " + cmd
return cmd
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["boot_option"] = {
"getopt" : "b:",
"longopt" : "boot-option",
"help" : "-b, --boot-option=[option] "
"Change the default boot behavior of the machine. (pxe|hd|hdsafe|cd|diag)",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Change the default boot behavior of the machine.",
"choices" : ["pxe", "hd", "hdsafe", "cd", "diag"],
"order" : 1
all_opt["amttool_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "amttool-path",
"help" : "--amttool-path=[path] Path to amttool binary",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to amttool binary",
"default" : "@AMTTOOL_PATH@",
"order": 200
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "no_login", "passwd", "boot_option", "no_port",
"sudo", "amttool_path", "method"]
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "16994"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for AMT"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_amt is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_amt is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with Intel AMT. This agent calls support software amttool\
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if not is_executable(options["--amttool-path"]):
fail_usage("Amttool not found or not accessible")
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None, reboot_cycle)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/amt_ws/ b/agents/amt_ws/
index 5e7452a9..89500d4b 100755
--- a/agents/amt_ws/
+++ b/agents/amt_ws/
@@ -1,240 +1,240 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# Fence agent for Intel AMT (WS) based on code from the openstack/ironic project:
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import atexit
import logging
from fencing import *
from fencing import run_delay, fail_usage, fail, EC_STATUS
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import pywsman
except ImportError:
CIM_PowerManagementService = (''
CIM_ComputerSystem = (''
CIM_AssociatedPowerManagementService = (''
CIM_BootConfigSetting = (''
CIM_BootSourceSetting = (''
def xml_find(doc, namespace, item):
if doc is None:
tree = ElementTree.fromstring(doc.root().string())
query = ('.//{%(namespace)s}%(item)s' % {'namespace': namespace,
'item': item})
return tree.find(query)
def _generate_power_action_input(action):
method_input = "RequestPowerStateChange_INPUT"
address = ''
anonymous = (''
wsman = ''
namespace = CIM_PowerManagementService
doc = pywsman.XmlDoc(method_input)
root = doc.root()
root.add(namespace, 'PowerState', action)
child = root.add(namespace, 'ManagedElement', None)
child.add(address, 'Address', anonymous)
grand_child = child.add(address, 'ReferenceParameters', None)
grand_child.add(wsman, 'ResourceURI', CIM_ComputerSystem)
g_grand_child = grand_child.add(wsman, 'SelectorSet', None)
g_g_grand_child = g_grand_child.add(wsman, 'Selector', 'ManagedSystem')
g_g_grand_child.attr_add(wsman, 'Name', 'Name')
return doc
def get_power_status(_, options):
client = pywsman.Client(options["--ip"], int(options["--ipport"]), \
'/wsman', 'http', 'admin', options["--password"])
namespace = CIM_AssociatedPowerManagementService
client_options = pywsman.ClientOptions()
doc = client.get(client_options, namespace)
item = 'Fault'
fault = xml_find(doc, _SOAP_ENVELOPE, item)
if fault is not None:
logging.error("Failed to get power state for: %s port:%s", \
options["--ip"], options["--ipport"])
item = "PowerState"
try: power_state = xml_find(doc, namespace, item).text
except AttributeError:
logging.error("Failed to get power state for: %s port:%s", \
options["--ip"], options["--ipport"])
if power_state == POWER_ON:
return "on"
elif power_state == POWER_OFF:
return "off"
def set_power_status(_, options):
client = pywsman.Client(options["--ip"], int(options["--ipport"]), \
'/wsman', 'http', 'admin', options["--password"])
method = 'RequestPowerStateChange'
client_options = pywsman.ClientOptions()
client_options.add_selector('Name', 'Intel(r) AMT Power Management Service')
if options["--action"] == "on":
target_state = POWER_ON
elif options["--action"] == "off":
target_state = POWER_OFF
elif options["--action"] == "reboot":
target_state = POWER_CYCLE
if options["--action"] in ["on", "off", "reboot"] \
and "--boot-option" in options:
set_boot_order(_, client, options)
doc = _generate_power_action_input(target_state)
client_doc = client.invoke(client_options, CIM_PowerManagementService, \
method, doc)
item = "ReturnValue"
return_value = xml_find(client_doc, CIM_PowerManagementService, item).text
if return_value != RET_SUCCESS:
logging.error("Failed to set power state: %s for: %s", \
options["--action"], options["--ip"])
def set_boot_order(_, client, options):
method_input = "ChangeBootOrder_INPUT"
address = ''
anonymous = (''
wsman = ''
namespace = CIM_BootConfigSetting
if options["--boot-option"] == "PXE":
device = "Intel(r) AMT: Force PXE Boot"
elif options["--boot-option"] in ["HD", "HDSAFE"]:
device = "Intel(r) AMT: Force Hard-drive Boot"
elif options["--boot-option"] == "CD":
device = "Intel(r) AMT: Force CD/DVD Boot"
elif options["--boot-option"] == "DIAG":
device = "Intel(r) AMT: Force Diagnostic Boot"
logging.error('Boot device: %s not supported.', \
method = 'ChangeBootOrder'
client_options = pywsman.ClientOptions()
client_options.add_selector('InstanceID', \
'Intel(r) AMT: Boot Configuration 0')
doc = pywsman.XmlDoc(method_input)
root = doc.root()
child = root.add(namespace, 'Source', None)
child.add(address, 'Address', anonymous)
grand_child = child.add(address, 'ReferenceParameters', None)
grand_child.add(wsman, 'ResourceURI', CIM_BootSourceSetting)
g_grand_child = grand_child.add(wsman, 'SelectorSet', None)
g_g_grand_child = g_grand_child.add(wsman, 'Selector', device)
g_g_grand_child.attr_add(wsman, 'Name', 'InstanceID')
if options["--boot-option"] == "hdsafe":
g_g_grand_child = g_grand_child.add(wsman, 'Selector', 'True')
g_g_grand_child.attr_add(wsman, 'Name', 'UseSafeMode')
client_doc = client.invoke(client_options, CIM_BootConfigSetting, \
method, doc)
item = "ReturnValue"
return_value = xml_find(client_doc, CIM_BootConfigSetting, item).text
if return_value != RET_SUCCESS:
logging.error("Failed to set boot device to: %s for: %s", \
options["--boot-option"], options["--ip"])
def reboot_cycle(_, options):
status = set_power_status(_, options)
return not bool(status)
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["boot_option"] = {
"getopt" : "b:",
"longopt" : "boot-option",
"help" : "-b, --boot-option=[option] "
"Change the default boot behavior of the\n"
" machine."
" (pxe|hd|hdsafe|cd|diag)",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Change the default boot behavior of the machine.",
"choices" : ["pxe", "hd", "hdsafe", "cd", "diag"],
"order" : 1
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "no_login", "passwd", "boot_option", "no_port",
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "16992"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for AMT (WS)"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_amt_ws is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_amt_ws is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with Intel AMT (WS). This agent requires \
the pywsman Python library which is included in OpenWSMAN. \
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, \
None, reboot_cycle)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/apc/ b/agents/apc/
index 3ea0f37d..bc52aa24 100644
--- a/agents/apc/
+++ b/agents/apc/
@@ -1,263 +1,263 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## Model Firmware
## +---------------------------------------------+
## AP7951 AOS v2.7.0, PDU APP v2.7.3
## AP7941 AOS v3.5.7, PDU APP v3.5.6
## AP9606 AOS v2.5.4, PDU APP v2.7.3
## @note: ssh is very slow on AP79XX devices protocol (1) and
## cipher (des/blowfish) have to be defined
import sys, re, time
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, EC_STATUS
# Fix for connection timed out issue in:
def get_power_status(conn, options):
exp_result = 0
outlets = {}
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
version = 0
admin = 0
switch = 0
if None != re.compile('.* MasterSwitch plus.*', re.IGNORECASE | re.S).match(conn.before):
switch = 1
if None != re.compile('.* MasterSwitch plus 2', re.IGNORECASE | re.S).match(conn.before):
if "--switch" not in options:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter physical switch number")
if "--switch" not in options:
options["--switch"] = "1"
if None == re.compile('.*Outlet Management.*', re.IGNORECASE | re.S).match(conn.before):
version = 2
version = 3
if None == re.compile('.*Outlet Control/Configuration.*', re.IGNORECASE | re.S).match(conn.before):
admin = 0
admin = 1
if switch == 0:
if version == 2:
if admin == 0:
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
while True:
exp_result = conn.log_expect(
["Press <ENTER>"] + options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
lines = conn.before.split("\n")
show_re = re.compile(r'(^|\x0D)\s*(\d+)- (.*?)\s+(ON|OFF)\s*')
for line in lines:
res =
if res != None:
outlets[] = (,
if exp_result != 0:
conn.log_expect("- Logout", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if ["list", "monitor"].count(options["--action"]) == 1:
return outlets
(_, status) = outlets[options["--plug"]]
return status.lower().strip()
except KeyError as e:
logging.error("Failed: {}".format(str(e)))
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
'on' : "1",
'off': "2"
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
version = 0
admin2 = 0
admin3 = 0
switch = 0
if None != re.compile('.* MasterSwitch plus.*', re.IGNORECASE | re.S).match(conn.before):
switch = 1
## MasterSwitch has different schema for on/off actions
action = {
'on' : "1",
'off': "3"
if None != re.compile('.* MasterSwitch plus 2', re.IGNORECASE | re.S).match(conn.before):
if "--switch" not in options:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter physical switch number")
if "--switch" not in options:
options["--switch"] = 1
if None == re.compile('.*Outlet Management.*', re.IGNORECASE | re.S).match(conn.before):
version = 2
version = 3
if None == re.compile('.*Outlet Control/Configuration.*', re.IGNORECASE | re.S).match(conn.before):
admin2 = 0
admin2 = 1
if switch == 0:
if version == 2:
if admin2 == 0:
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if None == re.compile('.*2- Outlet Restriction.*', re.IGNORECASE | re.S).match(conn.before):
admin3 = 0
admin3 = 1
while 0 == conn.log_expect(
["Press <ENTER>"] + options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"])):
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if switch == 0:
if admin2 == 1:
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if admin3 == 1:
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect("Enter 'YES' to continue or <ENTER> to cancel :", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect("Press <ENTER> to continue...", int(options["--power-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect("- Logout", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def get_power_status5(conn, options):
outlets = {}
conn.send_eol("olStatus all")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
lines = conn.before.split("\n")
show_re = re.compile(r'^\s*(\d+): (.*): (On|Off)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE)
for line in lines:
res =
if res != None:
outlets[] = (,
if ["list", "monitor"].count(options["--action"]) == 1:
return outlets
(_, status) = outlets[options["--plug"]]
return status.lower().strip()
except KeyError as e:
logging.error("Failed: {}".format(str(e)))
def set_power_status5(conn, options):
action = {
'on' : "olOn",
'off': "olOff"
conn.send_eol(action + " " + options["--plug"])
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", \
"port", "switch", "telnet"]
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["\n>", "\napc>"]
all_opt["ssh_options"]["default"] = "-1 -c blowfish"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for APC over telnet/ssh"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_apc is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_apc is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the APC network power switch. It logs into device \
via telnet/ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet/ssh connections \
should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection \
will block any necessary fencing actions."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Support for --plug [switch]:[plug] notation that was used before
if (("--plug" in options) == 1) and (-1 != options["--plug"].find(":")):
(switch, plug) = options["--plug"].split(":", 1)
options["--switch"] = switch
options["--plug"] = plug
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
## Detect firmware version (ASCII menu vs command-line interface)
## and continue with proper action
result = -1
firmware_version = re.compile(r'\s*v(\d)*\.').search(conn.before)
if (firmware_version != None) and ( in [ "5", "6", "7" ]):
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status5, get_power_status5, get_power_status5)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_power_status)
fence_logout(conn, "4")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/apc_snmp/ b/agents/apc_snmp/
index cd601662..1091f0da 100644
--- a/agents/apc_snmp/
+++ b/agents/apc_snmp/
@@ -1,232 +1,232 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following agent has been tested on:
# - APC Switched Rack PDU - SNMP v1
# (MB:v3.7.0 PF:v2.7.0 PN:apc_hw02_aos_270.bin AF1:v2.7.3
# AN1:apc_hw02_aos_270.bin AF1:v2.7.3 AN1:apc_hw02_rpdu_273.bin MN:AP7930 HR:B2)
# - APC Web/SNMP Management Card - SNMP v1 and v3 (noAuthNoPrivacy,authNoPrivacy, authPrivacy)
# (MB:v3.8.6 PF:v3.5.8 PN:apc_hw02_aos_358.bin AF1:v3.5.7
# AN1:apc_hw02_aos_358.bin AF1:v3.5.7 AN1:apc_hw02_rpdu_357.bin MN:AP7900 HR:B2)
# - APC Switched Rack PDU - SNMP v1
# (MB:v3.7.0 PF:v2.7.0 PN:apc_hw02_aos_270.bin AF1:v2.7.3
# AN1:apc_hw02_rpdu_273.bin MN:AP7951 HR:B2)
# - Tripplite PDUMH20HVNET 12.04.0055 - SNMP v1, v2c, v3
# - Tripplite PDU15NETLX 15.5.4 - SNMP v1, v2c, v3
-import sys
+import sys, os
import atexit
import logging
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage
from fencing_snmp import FencingSnmp
# oid defining fence device
# Device - see ApcRPDU, ApcMSP, ApcMS, TripplitePDU, TrippliteLXPDU
device = None
# Port ID
port_id = None
# Switch ID
switch_id = None
# Classes describing Device params
class TripplitePDU(object):
# Rack PDU
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = '.'
ident_str = "Tripplite"
state_on = 2
state_off = 1
turn_on = 2
turn_off = 1
has_switches = False
class TrippliteLXPDU(object):
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = '.'
ident_str = "Tripplite LX"
state_on = 2
state_off = 1
turn_on = 2
turn_off = 1
has_switches = False
class ApcRPDU(object):
# Rack PDU
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = '.'
ident_str = "APC rPDU"
state_on = 1
state_off = 2
turn_on = 1
turn_off = 2
has_switches = False
class ApcMSP(object):
# Master Switch+
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = '.'
ident_str = "APC Master Switch+"
state_on = 1
state_off = 2
turn_on = 1
turn_off = 3
has_switches = True
class ApcMS(object):
# Master Switch - seems oldest, but supported on every APC PDU
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = '.'
ident_str = "APC Master Switch (fallback)"
state_on = 1
state_off = 2
turn_on = 1
turn_off = 2
has_switches = False
class ApcMS6(object):
# Master Switch with 6.x firmware
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = ''
ident_str = "APC Master Switch with firmware v6.x"
state_on = 1
state_off = 2
turn_on = 1
turn_off = 2
has_switches = False
def apc_set_device(conn):
global device
agents_dir = {'.':ApcRPDU,
# First resolve type of APC
apc_type = conn.walk(OID_SYS_OBJECT_ID)
if not ((len(apc_type) == 1) and (apc_type[0][1] in agents_dir)):
apc_type = [[None, None]]
device = agents_dir[apc_type[0][1]]
logging.debug("Trying %s"%(device.ident_str))
def apc_resolv_port_id(conn, options):
global port_id, switch_id
if device == None:
# Now we resolv port_id/switch_id
if (options["--plug"].isdigit()) and ((not device.has_switches) or (options["--switch"].isdigit())):
port_id = int(options["--plug"])
if device.has_switches:
switch_id = int(options["--switch"])
table = conn.walk(device.outlet_table_oid, 30)
for x in table:
if x[1].strip('"') == options["--plug"]:
t = x[0].split('.')
if device.has_switches:
port_id = int(t[len(t)-1])
switch_id = int(t[len(t)-3])
port_id = int(t[len(t)-1])
if port_id == None:
fail_usage("Can't find port with name %s!"%(options["--plug"]))
def get_power_status(conn, options):
if port_id == None:
apc_resolv_port_id(conn, options)
oid = ((device.has_switches) and device.status_oid%(switch_id, port_id) or device.status_oid%(port_id))
(oid, status) = conn.get(oid)
return status == str(device.state_on) and "on" or "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
if port_id == None:
apc_resolv_port_id(conn, options)
oid = ((device.has_switches) and device.control_oid%(switch_id, port_id) or device.control_oid%(port_id))
conn.set(oid, (options["--action"] == "on" and device.turn_on or device.turn_off))
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
result = {}
if device == None:
res_ports = conn.walk(device.outlet_table_oid, 30)
for x in res_ports:
t = x[0].split('.')
port_num = ((device.has_switches) and "%s:%s"%(t[len(t)-3], t[len(t)-1]) or "%s"%(t[len(t)-1]))
port_name = x[1].strip('"')
port_status = ""
result[port_num] = (port_name, port_status)
return result
# Main agent method
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", \
"port", "snmp_version", "snmp"]
all_opt["snmp_version"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["community"]["default"] = "private"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
## Support for -n [switch]:[plug] notation that was used before
if ("--plug" in options) and (-1 != options["--plug"].find(":")):
(switch, plug) = options["--plug"].split(":", 1)
if switch.isdigit() and plug.isdigit():
options["--switch"] = switch
options["--plug"] = plug
if "--switch" not in options:
options["--switch"] = "1"
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for APC, Tripplite PDU over SNMP"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_apc_snmp is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "{} is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the APC network power switch or Tripplite PDU devices.\
It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports \
-SNMP v1, v2c, v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings."
+SNMP v1, v2c, v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.".format(os.path.basename(__file__))
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
docs["symlink"] = [("fence_tripplite_snmp", "Fence agent for Tripplife over SNMP")]
show_docs(options, docs)
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(FencingSnmp(options), options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/aws/ b/agents/aws/
index 0a375bbe..5b32106f 100644
--- a/agents/aws/
+++ b/agents/aws/
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, run_delay, EC_STATUS, SyslogLibHandler
import requests
from requests import HTTPError
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ConnectionError, ClientError, EndpointConnectionError, NoRegionError
except ImportError:
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.propagate = False
logging.getLogger('botocore.vendored').propagate = False
def get_instance_id(options):
token = requests.put('', headers={"X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds" : "21600"}).content.decode("UTF-8")
r = requests.get('', headers={"X-aws-ec2-metadata-token" : token}).content.decode("UTF-8")
return r
except HTTPError as http_err:
logger.error('HTTP error occurred while trying to access EC2 metadata server: %s', http_err)
except Exception as err:
if "--skip-race-check" not in options:
logger.error('A fatal error occurred while trying to access EC2 metadata server: %s', err)
logger.debug('A fatal error occurred while trying to access EC2 metadata server: %s', err)
return None
def get_nodes_list(conn, options):
logger.debug("Starting monitor operation")
result = {}
if "--filter" in options:
filter_key = options["--filter"].split("=")[0].strip()
filter_value = options["--filter"].split("=")[1].strip()
filter = [{ "Name": filter_key, "Values": [filter_value] }]
for instance in conn.instances.filter(Filters=filter):
result[] = ("", None)
for instance in conn.instances.all():
result[] = ("", None)
except ClientError:
fail_usage("Failed: Incorrect Access Key or Secret Key.")
except EndpointConnectionError:
fail_usage("Failed: Incorrect Region.")
except ConnectionError as e:
fail_usage("Failed: Unable to connect to AWS: " + str(e))
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Failed to get node list: %s", e)
logger.debug("Monitor operation OK: %s",result)
return result
def get_power_status(conn, options):
logger.debug("Starting status operation")
instance = conn.instances.filter(Filters=[{"Name": "instance-id", "Values": [options["--plug"]]}])
state = list(instance)[0].state["Name"]
logger.debug("Status operation for EC2 instance %s returned state: %s",options["--plug"],state.upper())
if state == "running":
return "on"
elif state == "stopped":
return "off"
return "unknown"
except ClientError:
fail_usage("Failed: Incorrect Access Key or Secret Key.")
except EndpointConnectionError:
fail_usage("Failed: Incorrect Region.")
except IndexError:
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Failed to get power status: %s", e)
def get_self_power_status(conn, instance_id):
instance = conn.instances.filter(Filters=[{"Name": "instance-id", "Values": [instance_id]}])
state = list(instance)[0].state["Name"]
if state == "running":
logger.debug("Captured my (%s) state and it %s - returning OK - Proceeding with fencing",instance_id,state.upper())
return "ok"
logger.debug("Captured my (%s) state it is %s - returning Alert - Unable to fence other nodes",instance_id,state.upper())
return "alert"
except ClientError:
fail_usage("Failed: Incorrect Access Key or Secret Key.")
except EndpointConnectionError:
fail_usage("Failed: Incorrect Region.")
except IndexError:
return "fail"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
my_instance = get_instance_id(options)
if (options["--action"]=="off"):
if "--skip-race-check" in options or get_self_power_status(conn,my_instance) == "ok":
logger.debug("Called StopInstance API call for %s", options["--plug"])
logger.debug("Skipping fencing as instance is not in running status")
elif (options["--action"]=="on"):
except Exception as e:
logger.debug("Failed to power %s %s: %s", \
options["--action"], options["--plug"], e)
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["region"] = {
"getopt" : "r:",
"longopt" : "region",
"help" : "-r, --region=[region] Region, e.g. us-east-1",
"shortdesc" : "Region.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 2
all_opt["access_key"] = {
"getopt" : "a:",
"longopt" : "access-key",
"help" : "-a, --access-key=[key] Access Key",
"shortdesc" : "Access Key.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 3
all_opt["secret_key"] = {
"getopt" : "s:",
"longopt" : "secret-key",
"help" : "-s, --secret-key=[key] Secret Key",
"shortdesc" : "Secret Key.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 4
all_opt["filter"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "filter",
"help" : "--filter=[key=value] Filter (e.g. vpc-id=[vpc-XXYYZZAA]",
"shortdesc": "Filter for list-action",
"required": "0",
"order": 5
all_opt["boto3_debug"] = {
"getopt" : "b:",
"longopt" : "boto3_debug",
"help" : "-b, --boto3_debug=[option] Boto3 and Botocore library debug logging",
"shortdesc": "Boto Lib debug",
"required": "0",
"default": "False",
"order": 6
all_opt["skip_race_check"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "skip-race-check",
"help" : "--skip-race-check Skip race condition check",
"shortdesc": "Skip race condition check",
"required": "0",
"order": 7
# Main agent method
def main():
conn = None
device_opt = ["port", "no_password", "region", "access_key", "secret_key", "filter", "boto3_debug", "skip_race_check"]
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "60"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for AWS (Amazon Web Services)"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_aws is an I/O Fencing agent for AWS (Amazon Web\
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_aws is a Power Fencing agent for AWS (Amazon Web\
Services). It uses the boto3 library to connect to AWS.\
boto3 can be configured with AWS CLI or by creating ~/.aws/credentials.\n\
For instructions see:"
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if "--debug-file" in options:
for handler in logger.handlers:
if isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler):
lh = logging.FileHandler(options["--debug-file"])
lhf = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
if options["--boto3_debug"].lower() not in ["1", "yes", "on", "true"]:
logging.getLogger('botocore').propagate = False
logging.getLogger('boto3').propagate = False
log_format = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
logging.getLogger('botocore').propagate = False
logging.getLogger('boto3').propagate = False
fdh = logging.FileHandler('/var/log/fence_aws_boto3.log')
logging.debug("Boto debug level is %s and sending debug info to /var/log/fence_aws_boto3.log", options["--boto3_debug"])
region = options.get("--region")
access_key = options.get("--access-key")
secret_key = options.get("--secret-key")
conn = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=region,
except Exception as e:
fail_usage("Failed: Unable to connect to AWS: " + str(e))
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_nodes_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/azure_arm/ b/agents/azure_arm/
index 515aae29..0dca8f30 100755
--- a/agents/azure_arm/
+++ b/agents/azure_arm/
@@ -1,270 +1,270 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re, pexpect
import logging
import atexit
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage, run_command, run_delay
import azure_fence
def get_nodes_list(clients, options):
result = {}
if clients:
compute_client = clients[0]
rgName = options["--resourceGroup"]
vms = compute_client.virtual_machines.list(rgName)
for vm in vms:
result[] = ("", None)
except Exception as e:
fail_usage("Failed: %s" % e)
return result
def check_unfence(clients, options):
if clients:
compute_client = clients[0]
network_client = clients[1]
rgName = options["--resourceGroup"]
vms = compute_client.virtual_machines.list(rgName)
except Exception as e:
fail_usage("Failed: %s" % e)
for vm in vms:
vmName =
if azure_fence.get_network_state(compute_client, network_client, rgName, vmName) == "off":"Found fenced node " + vmName)
# dont return "off" based on network-fencing status
options.pop("--network-fencing", None)
options["--plug"] = vmName
if get_power_status(clients, options) == "off":"Unfencing " + vmName)
options["--network-fencing"] = ""
options["--action"] = "on"
set_power_status(clients, options)
options["--action"] = "monitor"
def get_power_status(clients, options):
vmstate = { "running": "on",
"deallocated": "off",
"stopped": "off" }"getting power status for VM " + options["--plug"])
if clients:
compute_client = clients[0]
rgName = options["--resourceGroup"]
vmName = options["--plug"]
if "--network-fencing" in options:
network_client = clients[1]
netState = azure_fence.get_network_state(compute_client, network_client, rgName, vmName)"Found network state of VM: " + netState)
# return off quickly once network is fenced instead of waiting for vm state to change
if options["--action"] == "off" and netState == "off":"Network fenced for " + vmName)
return netState
powerState = "unknown"
vmStatus = compute_client.virtual_machines.get(rgName, vmName, expand="instanceView")
except Exception as e:
fail_usage("Failed: %s" % e)
for status in vmStatus.instance_view.statuses:
if status.code.startswith("PowerState"):
powerState = status.code.split("/")[1]
vmState = vmstate.get(powerState, "unknown")"Found power state of VM: %s (%s)" % (vmState, powerState))
if "--network-fencing" in options and netState == "off":
return "off"
if options["--action"] != "on" and vmState != "off":
return "on"
if vmState == "on":
return "on"
return "off"
def set_power_status(clients, options):"setting power status for VM " + options["--plug"] + " to " + options["--action"])
if clients:
compute_client = clients[0]
rgName = options["--resourceGroup"]
vmName = options["--plug"]
if "--network-fencing" in options:
network_client = clients[1]
if (options["--action"]=="off"):"Fencing network for " + vmName)
azure_fence.set_network_state(compute_client, network_client, rgName, vmName, "block")
elif (options["--action"]=="on"):"Unfencing network for " + vmName)
azure_fence.set_network_state(compute_client, network_client, rgName, vmName, "unblock")
if (options["--action"]=="off"):"Poweroff " + vmName + " in resource group " + rgName)
# try new API version first
compute_client.virtual_machines.begin_power_off(rgName, vmName, skip_shutdown=True)
except AttributeError:
# use older API verson if it fails
logging.debug("Poweroff " + vmName + " did not work via 'virtual_machines.begin_power_off. Trying virtual_machines.power_off'.")
compute_client.virtual_machines.power_off(rgName, vmName, skip_shutdown=True)
elif (options["--action"]=="on"):"Starting " + vmName + " in resource group " + rgName)
# try new API version first
compute_client.virtual_machines.begin_start(rgName, vmName)
except AttributeError:
# use older API verson if it fails
logging.debug("Starting " + vmName + " did not work via 'virtual_machines.begin_start. Trying virtual_machines.start'.")
compute_client.virtual_machines.start(rgName, vmName)
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["resourceGroup"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "resourceGroup",
"help" : "--resourceGroup=[name] Name of the resource group",
"shortdesc" : "Name of resource group. Metadata service is used if the value is not provided.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 2
all_opt["tenantId"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "tenantId",
"help" : "--tenantId=[name] Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant",
"shortdesc" : "Id of Azure Active Directory tenant.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 3
all_opt["subscriptionId"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "subscriptionId",
"help" : "--subscriptionId=[name] Id of the Azure subscription",
"shortdesc" : "Id of the Azure subscription. Metadata service is used if the value is not provided.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 4
all_opt["network-fencing"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "network-fencing",
"help" : "--network-fencing Use network fencing. See NOTE-section of\n\
metadata for required Subnet/Network Security\n\
Group configuration.",
"shortdesc" : "Use network fencing. See NOTE-section for configuration.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 5
all_opt["msi"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "msi",
"help" : "--msi Use Managed Service Identity instead of\n\
username and password. If specified,\n\
parameters tenantId, login and passwd are not\n\
"shortdesc" : "Determines if Managed Service Identity should be used.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 6
all_opt["cloud"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "cloud",
"help" : "--cloud=[name] Name of the cloud you want to use. Supported\n\
values are china, germany, usgov, or stack. Do\n\
not use this parameter if you want to use\n\
public Azure.",
"shortdesc" : "Name of the cloud you want to use.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 7
all_opt["metadata-endpoint"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "metadata-endpoint",
"help" : "--metadata-endpoint=[URL] URL to metadata endpoint (used when cloud=stack).",
"shortdesc" : "URL to metadata endpoint (used when cloud=stack).",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 8
# Main agent method
def main():
compute_client = None
network_client = None
device_opt = ["login", "no_login", "no_password", "passwd", "port",
"resourceGroup", "tenantId", "subscriptionId",
"network-fencing", "msi", "cloud", "metadata-endpoint"]
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "150"
all_opt["login"]["help"] = "-l, --username=[appid] Application ID"
all_opt["passwd"]["help"] = "-p, --password=[authkey] Authentication key"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Azure Resource Manager"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_azure_arm is an I/O Fencing agent for Azure Resource Manager. It uses Azure SDK for Python to connect to Azure.\
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_azure_arm is a Power Fencing agent for Azure Resource Manager. It uses Azure SDK for Python to connect to Azure.\
For instructions to setup credentials see:\
Username and password are application ID and authentication key from \"App registrations\".\
Network fencing requires an additional Subnet named \"fence-subnet\" for the Virtual Network using a Network Security Group with the following rules:\\n\
| Inbound | 100 | FENCE_DENY_ALL_INBOUND | Any | Any | Any | Any | Deny |\\n\
| Outbound | 100 | FENCE_DENY_ALL_OUTBOUND | Any | Any | Any | Any | Deny |\\n\
When using network fencing the reboot-action will cause a quick-return once the network has been fenced (instead of waiting for the off-action to succeed). It will check the status during the monitor-action, and request power-on when the shutdown operation is complete."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
config = azure_fence.get_azure_config(options)
options["--resourceGroup"] = config.RGName
compute_client = azure_fence.get_azure_compute_client(config)
if "--network-fencing" in options:
network_client = azure_fence.get_azure_network_client(config)
except ImportError:
fail_usage("Azure Resource Manager Python SDK not found or not accessible")
except Exception as e:
fail_usage("Failed: %s" % re.sub("^, ", "", str(e)))
if "--network-fencing" in options:
# use off-action to quickly return off once network is fenced instead of
# waiting for vm state to change
if options["--action"] == "reboot":
options["--action"] = "off"
# check for devices to unfence in monitor-action
elif options["--action"] == "monitor":
check_unfence([compute_client, network_client], options)
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action([compute_client, network_client], options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_nodes_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/bladecenter/ b/agents/bladecenter/
index d670367f..2f2c65fc 100644
--- a/agents/bladecenter/
+++ b/agents/bladecenter/
@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## Model Firmware
## +--------------------+---------------------------+
## (1) Main application BRET85K, rev 16
## Boot ROM BRBR67D, rev 16
## Remote Control BRRG67D, rev 16
import sys, re
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_STATUS, EC_GENERIC_ERROR
def get_power_status(conn, options):
node_cmd = r"system:blade\[" + options["--plug"] + r"\]>"
conn.send_eol("env -T system:blade[" + options["--plug"] + "]")
i = conn.log_expect([node_cmd, "system>"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if i == 1:
## Given blade number does not exist
if "--missing-as-off" in options:
return "off"
conn.send_eol("power -state")
conn.log_expect(node_cmd, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
status = conn.before.splitlines()[-1]
conn.send_eol("env -T system")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
return status.lower().strip()
def set_power_status(conn, options):
node_cmd = r"system:blade\[" + options["--plug"] + r"\]>"
conn.send_eol("env -T system:blade[" + options["--plug"] + "]")
i = conn.log_expect([node_cmd, "system>"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if i == 1:
## Given blade number does not exist
if "--missing-as-off" in options:
conn.send_eol("power -"+options["--action"])
conn.log_expect(node_cmd, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.send_eol("env -T system")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def get_blades_list(conn, options):
outlets = {}
node_cmd = "system>"
conn.send_eol("env -T system")
conn.log_expect(node_cmd, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.send_eol("list -l 2")
conn.log_expect(node_cmd, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
lines = conn.before.split("\r\n")
filter_re = re.compile(r"^\s*blade\[(\d+)\]\s+(.*?)\s*$")
for blade_line in lines:
res =
if res != None:
outlets[] = (, "")
return outlets
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", \
"port", "missing_as_off", "telnet"]
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "10"
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["system>"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for IBM BladeCenter"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_bladecenter is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_bladecenter is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with IBM Bladecenters with recent enough firmware that \
includes telnet support. It logs into a Brocade chasis via telnet or ssh \
and uses the command line interface to power on and off blades."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options, "(username\s*:\s*)")
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_blades_list)
fence_logout(conn, "exit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/cdu/ b/agents/cdu/
index 483ac512..ba76e6d7 100644
--- a/agents/cdu/
+++ b/agents/cdu/
@@ -1,176 +1,176 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# fence_cdu - fence agent for a Sentry Switch CDU.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2021 SUSE Linux GmbH <>
# Authors: Andres Rodriguez <>
# Thomas Renninger <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## Model Firmware
## +---------------------------------------------+
## Sentry Switched CDU 6a
## Sentry Switched CDU 7.1c <>
## Sentry Switched CDU 7.1f <>
## Sentry Switched PDU 8.0i <>
import sys, re, pexpect, atexit, logging
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_TIMED_OUT, run_command, frun, EC_STATUS
def get_power_status(conn, options):
exp_result = 0
outlets = {}
if options["api-version"] == "8":
conn.send("STATUS ALL\r\n")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
lines = conn.before.split("\n")
if options["api-version"] == "8":
# AA13 Arm-Console3 Wake On On Normal
# AA14 Master_Outlet_14 Wake On On Normal
show_re = re.compile('(\w+)\s+(\S+)\s+(On|Idle On|Off|Wake On)\s+(On|Off)')
# .A12 TowerA_Outlet12 On Idle On
# .A12 test-01 On Idle On
show_re = re.compile('(\.\w+)\s+(\w+|\w+\W\w+)\s+(On|Off)\s+(On|Idle On|Off|Wake On)')
for line in lines:
res =
if res != None:
plug_id =
plug_name =
plug_state =
if options["api-version"] == "8":
plug_state =
outlets[plug_name] = (plug_id, plug_state)
except pexpect.EOF:
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
(_, status) = outlets[options["--plug"]]
return status.lower().strip()
except KeyError:
def set_power_status(conn, options):
outlets = {}
action = { 'on' : "on", 'off': "off" }[options["--action"]]
conn.send("LIST OUTLETS\r\n")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
lines = conn.before.split("\n")
# if options["api-version"] == "8":
# AA13 Arm-Console3
# AA14 Master_Outlet_14
# else:
# .A12 TowerA_Outlet12
# .A12 test-01
show_re = re.compile('(\S+)\s+(\w+|\w+\W\w+)\s+')
for line in lines:
res =
if res != None:
outlets[] = (
conn.send(action + " " + outlets[options["--plug"]] + "\r\n")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
except pexpect.EOF:
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
def disconnect(conn):
def get_version(conn, options):
api_ver = "6"
sub = "a"
minor = ""
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
lines = conn.before.split("\n")
show_re = re.compile('Sentry Switched [PC]DU Version (\d)(.\d|)(\w)\r')
for line in lines:
res =
if res != None:
api_ver =
sub =".")
minor =
return (api_ver, sub, minor)
def main():
device_opt = [ "ipaddr", "login", "port", "switch", "passwd", "telnet" ]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
## Fence agent specific defaults
options["--command-prompt"] = "Switched [PC]DU: "
docs = { }
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for a Sentry Switch CDU over telnet"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_cdu is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_cdu is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the Sentry Switch CDU. It logs into the device \
via telnet and power's on/off an outlet."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Support for --plug [switch]:[plug] notation that was used before
opt_n = options.get("--plug")
if opt_n and (-1 != opt_n.find(":")):
(switch, plug) = opt_n.split(":", 1)
options["--switch"] = switch;
options["--plug"] = plug;
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
(api_ver, sub, minor) = get_version(conn, options)
options["api-version"] = api_ver
logging.debug("Using API version: %s" % api_ver)
if api_ver == "7":
# disable output paging
conn.sendline("set option more disabled")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--login-timeout"]))
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_power_status)
## Logout from system
## In some special unspecified cases it is possible that
## connection will be closed before we run close(). This is not
## a problem because everything is checked before.
atexit.register(disconnect, conn)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/cisco_mds/ b/agents/cisco_mds/
index fbb876a9..04cd1f84 100644
--- a/agents/cisco_mds/
+++ b/agents/cisco_mds/
@@ -1,94 +1,94 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following agent has been tested on:
# - Cisco MDS UROS 9134 FC (1 Slot) Chassis ("1/2/4 10 Gbps FC/Supervisor-2") Motorola, e500v2
# with BIOS 1.0.16, kickstart 4.1(1c), system 4.1(1c)
# - Cisco MDS 9124 (1 Slot) Chassis ("1/2/4 Gbps FC/Supervisor-2") Motorola, e500
# with BIOS 1.0.16, kickstart 4.1(1c), system 4.1(1c)
import sys, re
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage, array_to_dict
from fencing_snmp import FencingSnmp
# Cisco admin status
# IF-MIB trees for alias, status and port
# OID converted from fc port name (fc(x)/(y))
# Convert cisco port name (fc(x)/(y)) to OID
def cisco_port2oid(port):
port = port.lower()
nums = re.match(r'^fc(\d+)/(\d+)$', port)
if nums and len(nums.groups()) == 2:
return "%s.%d.%d"% (PORT_ADMIN_STATUS_OID, int(, int(
fail_usage("Mangled port number: %s"%(port))
def get_power_status(conn, options):
(_, status) = conn.get(PORT_OID)
return status == "1" and "on" or "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
conn.set(PORT_OID, (options["--action"] == "on" and 1 or 2))
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
result = {}
res_fc = conn.walk(PORTS_OID, 30)
res_aliases = array_to_dict(conn.walk(ALIASES_OID, 30))
fc_re = re.compile(r'^"fc\d+/\d+"$')
for x in res_fc:
if fc_re.match(x[1]):
port_num = x[0].split('.')[-1]
port_name = x[1].strip('"')
port_alias = (port_num in res_aliases and res_aliases[port_num].strip('"') or "")
port_status = ""
result[port_name] = (port_alias, port_status)
return result
# Main agent method
def main():
global PORT_OID
device_opt = ["fabric_fencing", "ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", \
"port", "snmp_version", "snmp"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Cisco MDS"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_cisco_mds is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_cisco_mds is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with any Cisco MDS 9000 series with SNMP enabled device."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if not options["--action"] in ["list", "monitor"]:
PORT_OID = cisco_port2oid(options["--plug"])
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(FencingSnmp(options), options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/cisco_ucs/ b/agents/cisco_ucs/
index b85379a7..cada20d5 100644
--- a/agents/cisco_ucs/
+++ b/agents/cisco_ucs/
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re
import pycurl, io
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_STATUS, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, run_delay
RE_COOKIE = re.compile("<aaaLogin .* outCookie=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_STATUS = re.compile("<lsPower .*? state=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_GET_DN = re.compile(" dn=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_GET_PNDN = re.compile(" pndn=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_GET_DESC = re.compile(" descr=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_GET_OPERPOWER = re.compile(" operPower=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_GET_PRESENCE = re.compile(" presence=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE)
options_global = None
def get_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
res = send_command(options, "<configResolveDn cookie=\"" + options["cookie"] +
"\" inHierarchical=\"false\" dn=\"org-root" + options["--suborg"] + "/ls-" +
options["--plug"] + "\"/>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
result =
if result == None:
pndn = ""
pndn =
if pndn.strip() == "":
if "--missing-as-off" in options:
return "off"
res = send_command(options, "<configResolveDn cookie=\"" + options["cookie"] +
"\" inHierarchical=\"false\" dn=\"" + pndn +
"\"/>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
result =
if result == None:
presence_status =
if presence_status in ["missing", "mismatch"]:
return "off"
result =
if result == None:
power_status =
if power_status == "on":
return "on"
return "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
action = {
'on' : "admin-up",
'off' : "admin-down"
send_command(options, "<configConfMos cookie=\"" + options["cookie"] + "\" inHierarchical=\"no\">" +
"<inConfigs><pair key=\"org-root" + options["--suborg"] + "/ls-" + options["--plug"] +
"/power\">" + "<lsPower dn=\"org-root/ls-" + options["--plug"] + "/power\" state=\"" +
action + "\" status=\"modified\" />" + "</pair></inConfigs></configConfMos>",
def get_list(conn, options):
del conn
outlets = {}
res = send_command(options, "<configResolveClass cookie=\"" + options["cookie"] +
"\" inHierarchical=\"false\" classId=\"lsServer\"/>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
lines = res.split("<lsServer ")
for i in range(1, len(lines)):
node_name =[i]).group(1)
desc =[i]).group(1)
outlets[node_name] = (desc, None)
except AttributeError:
return {}
except IndexError:
return {}
return outlets
def send_command(opt, command, timeout):
## setup correct URL
if "--ssl-secure" in opt or "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
url = "https:"
url = "http:"
url += "//" + opt["--ip"] + ":" + str(opt["--ipport"]) + "/nuova"
## send command through pycurl
conn = pycurl.Curl()
web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("ascii"))
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ["Content-type: text/xml"])
conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, command.encode("ascii"))
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, timeout)
if "--ssl-secure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
elif "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
result = web_buffer.getvalue().decode()
logging.debug("%s\n", command)
logging.debug("%s\n", result)
return result
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["suborg"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "suborg",
"help" : "--suborg=[path] Additional path needed to access suborganization",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Additional path needed to access suborganization",
"default" : "",
"order" : 1}
def logout():
### Logout; we do not care about result as we will end in any case
send_command(options_global, "<aaaLogout inCookie=\"" + options_global["cookie"] + "\" />",
except Exception:
def main():
global options_global
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "ssl", "notls", "port", "web", "suborg", "missing_as_off"]
options_global = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Cisco UCS"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_cisco_ucs is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_cisco_ucs is a Power Fencing agent which can be \
used with Cisco UCS to fence machines."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options_global, docs)
### Login
res = send_command(options_global, "<aaaLogin inName=\"" + options_global["--username"] +
"\" inPassword=\"" + options_global["--password"] + "\" />", int(options_global["--login-timeout"]))
result =
if result == None:
## Cookie is absenting in response
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Failed: {}".format(str(e)))
options_global["cookie"] =
## Modify suborg to format /suborg
if options_global["--suborg"] != "":
options_global["--suborg"] = "/" + options_global["--suborg"].lstrip("/").rstrip("/")
## Fence operations
result = fence_action(None, options_global, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list)
## Logout is done every time at atexit phase
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/cyberpower_ssh/ b/agents/cyberpower_ssh/
index f0695d67..5878d64a 100755
--- a/agents/cyberpower_ssh/
+++ b/agents/cyberpower_ssh/
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## Fence agent for CyberPower based SSH-capable power strip
## Tested with CyberPower model PDU41001, ePDU Firmware version 1.2.0
import sys, re, time
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_STATUS
def set_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("oltctrl index " + options["--plug"] + " act delay" + options["--action"])
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def get_power_status(conn, options):
outlets = {}
conn.send_eol("oltsta show")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
lines = conn.before.split("\n")
show_re = re.compile(r'(\s*)(\d)\s*(.*)\s*(On|Off)\s*')
for line in lines:
res =
if res != None:
outlets[] = (,
if ["list", "monitor"].count(options["--action"]) == 1:
return outlets
(_,status) = outlets[options["--plug"]]
return status.lower().strip()
except KeyError:
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", \
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["\n>", "\nCyberPower >"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for CyberPower over ssh"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_cyberpower_ssh is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_cyberpower_ssh is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the CyberPower network power switch. It logs into \
device via ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy ssh connections \
should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection \
will block any necessary fencing actions."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_power_status)
fence_logout(conn, "exit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/docker/ b/agents/docker/
index 00440251..8042515a 100644
--- a/agents/docker/
+++ b/agents/docker/
@@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import atexit
import sys
import io
import logging
import pycurl
import json
from fencing import fail_usage, all_opt, fence_action, atexit_handler, check_input, process_input, show_docs, run_delay
def get_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
status = send_cmd(options, "containers/%s/json" % options["--plug"])
if status is None:
return None
return "on" if status["State"]["Running"] else "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
if options["--action"] == "on":
send_cmd(options, "containers/%s/start" % options["--plug"], True)
send_cmd(options, "containers/%s/kill" % options["--plug"], True)
def reboot_cycle(conn, options):
del conn
send_cmd(options, "containers/%s/restart" % options["--plug"], True)
return get_power_status(conn, options)
def get_list(conn, options):
del conn
output = send_cmd(options, "containers/json?all=1")
containers = {}
for container in output:
containers[container["Id"]] = ({True:container["Names"][0][1:], False: container["Names"][0]}[container["Names"][0][0:1] == '/'], {True:"off", False: "on"}[container["Status"][:4].lower() == "exit"])
return containers
def send_cmd(options, cmd, post = False):
url = "http%s://%s:%s/v%s/%s" % ("s" if "--ssl-secure" in options or "--ssl-insecure" in options else "", options["--ip"], options["--ipport"], options["--api-version"], cmd)
conn = pycurl.Curl()
output_buffer = io.BytesIO()
if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() < logging.WARNING:
conn.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, True)
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPGET, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("ascii"))
if post:
conn.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDSIZE, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, output_buffer.write)
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if "--ssl-secure" in options:
if not (set(("--tlscert", "--tlskey", "--tlscacert")) <= set(options)):
fail_usage("Failed. If --ssl option is used, You have to also \
specify: --tlscert, --tlskey and --tlscacert")
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSLCERT, options["--tlscert"])
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSLKEY, options["--tlskey"])
conn.setopt(pycurl.CAINFO, options["--tlscacert"])
elif "--ssl-insecure" in options:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
logging.debug("URL: " + url)
result = output_buffer.getvalue().decode()
return_code = conn.getinfo(pycurl.RESPONSE_CODE)
logging.debug("RESULT [" + str(return_code) + \
"]: " + result)
if return_code == 200:
return json.loads(result)
except pycurl.error:
logging.error("Connection failed")
if result is not None:
logging.error("Cannot parse json")
return None
def main():
all_opt["tlscert"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "tlscert",
"help" : "--tlscert "
"Path to client certificate for TLS authentication",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to client certificate (PEM format) \
for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.",
"order": 2
all_opt["tlskey"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "tlskey",
"help" : "--tlskey "
"Path to client key for TLS authentication",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to client key (PEM format) for TLS \
authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.",
"order": 2
all_opt["tlscacert"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "tlscacert",
"help" : "--tlscacert "
"Path to CA certificate for TLS authentication",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to CA certificate (PEM format) for \
TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.",
"order": 2
all_opt["api_version"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "api-version",
"help" : "--api-version "
"Version of Docker Remote API (default: 1.11)",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 2,
"default" : "1.11",
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "no_password", "no_login", "port", "method", "web", "tlscert", "tlskey", "tlscacert", "ssl", "api_version"]
all_opt["ssl"]["default"] = "1"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = { }
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Docker"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_docker is I/O fencing agent which \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_docker is a Power Fencing agent which \
can be used with the Docker Engine containers. You can use this \
fence-agent without any authentication, or you can use TLS authentication \
(use --ssl option, more info about TLS authentication in docker: \"
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list, reboot_cycle)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/drac/ b/agents/drac/
index be3e9a58..b7d33564 100644
--- a/agents/drac/
+++ b/agents/drac/
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re
import atexit
from fencing import *
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
status = re.compile(r"\s+(on|off)\s+", re.IGNORECASE).search(conn.before).group(1)
return status.lower().strip()
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
'on' : "powerup",
'off': "powerdown"
conn.send_eol("serveraction -d 0 " + action)
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "telnet"]
opt = process_input(device_opt)
if "--username" in opt:
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["\\[" + opt["--username"] + "\\]# "]
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["\\[" "username" + "\\]# "]
options = check_input(device_opt, opt)
docs = {}
- docs["shortdesc"] = "I/O Fencing agent for Dell DRAC IV"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_drac is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with \
+ docs["shortdesc"] = "Power Fencing agent for Dell DRAC IV"
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_drac is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with \
the Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC). This card provides remote access to controlling \
power to a server. It logs into the DRAC through the telnet interface of the card. By \
default, the telnet interface is not enabled. To enable the interface, you will need \
to use the racadm command in the racser-devel rpm available from Dell. \
To enable telnet on the DRAC: \
[root]# racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialTelnetEnable 1 \
[root]# racadm racreset \
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None)
fence_logout(conn, "exit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/drac5/ b/agents/drac5/
index 648ecd91..7b279217 100644
--- a/agents/drac5/
+++ b/agents/drac5/
@@ -1,147 +1,147 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## DRAC Version Firmware
## +-----------------+---------------------------+
## DRAC 5 1.0 (Build 06.05.12)
## DRAC 5 1.21 (Build 07.05.04)
## @note: drac_version was removed
import sys, re, time
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage
def get_power_status(conn, options):
if options["--drac-version"] == "DRAC MC":
(_, status) = get_list_devices(conn, options)[options["--plug"]]
if options["--drac-version"] == "DRAC CMC":
conn.send_eol("racadm serveraction powerstatus -m " + options["--plug"])
elif options["--drac-version"] == "DRAC 5":
conn.send_eol("racadm serveraction powerstatus")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
status = re.compile(r"(^|: )(ON|OFF|Powering ON|Powering OFF)\s*$",
re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE).search(conn.before).group(2)
if status.lower().strip() in ["on", "powering on", "powering off"]:
return "on"
return "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
'on' : "powerup",
'off': "powerdown"
if options["--drac-version"] == "DRAC CMC":
conn.send_eol("racadm serveraction " + action + " -m " + options["--plug"])
elif options["--drac-version"] == "DRAC 5":
conn.send_eol("racadm serveraction " + action)
elif options["--drac-version"] == "DRAC MC":
conn.send_eol("racadm serveraction -s " + options["--plug"] + " " + action)
## Fix issue with double-enter [CR/LF]
## We need to read two additional command prompts (one from get + one from set command)
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
if len(conn.before.strip()) == 0:
options["eol"] = options["eol"][:-1]
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def get_list_devices(conn, options):
outlets = {}
if options["--drac-version"] == "DRAC CMC":
list_re = re.compile(r"^([^\s]*?)\s+Present\s*(ON|OFF)\s*.*$")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
outlets[] = ("",
elif options["--drac-version"] == "DRAC MC":
list_re = re.compile(r"^\s*([^\s]*)\s*---->\s*(.*?)\s+Present\s*(ON|OFF)\s*.*$")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
outlets[] = ("",
elif options["--drac-version"] == "DRAC 5":
## DRAC 5 can be used only for one computer
## standard fence library can't handle correctly situation
## when some fence devices supported by fence agent
## works with 'list' and other should returns 'N/A'
return outlets
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["drac_version"] = {
"getopt" : "d:",
"longopt" : "drac-version",
"help" : "-d, --drac-version=[version] Force DRAC version to use (DRAC 5|DRAC CMC|DRAC MC)",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Force DRAC version to use",
"choices" : ["DRAC CMC", "DRAC MC", "DRAC 5"],
"order" : 1}
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", \
"drac_version", "port", "no_port", "telnet"]
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = [r"\$", r"DRAC\/MC:"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Dell DRAC CMC/5"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_drac5 is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_drac5 is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the Dell Remote Access Card v5 or CMC (DRAC). \
This device provides remote access to controlling power to a server. \
It logs into the DRAC through the telnet/ssh interface of the card. \
By default, the telnet interface is not enabled."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
if "--drac-version" not in options:
## autodetect from text issued by fence device
if conn.before.find("CMC") >= 0:
options["--drac-version"] = "DRAC CMC"
elif conn.before.find("DRAC 5") >= 0:
options["--drac-version"] = "DRAC 5"
elif conn.after.find("DRAC/MC") >= 0:
options["--drac-version"] = "DRAC MC"
## Assume this is DRAC 5 by default as we don't want to break anything
options["--drac-version"] = "DRAC 5"
if options["--drac-version"] in ["DRAC MC", "DRAC CMC"]:
if "--plug" not in options and 0 == ["monitor", "list"].count(options["--action"]):
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter module name (-n)")
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list_devices)
fence_logout(conn, "exit", 1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/eaton_snmp/ b/agents/eaton_snmp/
index 9fbc0563..83ec92a2 100644
--- a/agents/eaton_snmp/
+++ b/agents/eaton_snmp/
@@ -1,229 +1,229 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following agent has been tested on:
# - Eaton ePDU Managed - SNMP v1
# EATON | Powerware ePDU model: Managed ePDU (PW104MA0UB99), firmware: 01.01.01
# - Eaton ePDU Switched - SNMP v1
# EATON | Powerware ePDU model: Switched ePDU (IPV3600), firmware: 2.0.K
import sys
import atexit
import logging
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage
from fencing_snmp import FencingSnmp
# oid defining fence device
# Device - see EatonManagedePDU, EatonSwitchedePDU
device = None
# Port ID
port_id = None
# Switch ID
switch_id = None
# Did we issue a set before get (to adjust OID with Switched ePDU)
after_set = False
# Classes describing Device params
# Managed ePDU
class EatonManagedePDU(object):
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = '.'
ident_str = "Eaton Managed ePDU"
state_off = 0
state_on = 1
state_cycling = 2 # FIXME: not usable with fence-agents
turn_off = 0
turn_on = 1
turn_cycle = 2 # FIXME: not usable with fence-agents
has_switches = False
# Switched ePDU (Pulizzi 2)
# NOTE: sysOID reports "20677.1", while data are actually at "20677.2"
class EatonSwitchedePDU(object):
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = '.'
ident_str = "Eaton Switched ePDU"
state_off = 2
state_on = 1
state_cycling = 0 # Note: this status doesn't exist on this device
turn_off = 2
turn_on = 1
turn_cycle = 3 # FIXME: not usable with fence-agents
has_switches = False
def eaton_set_device(conn):
global device
agents_dir = {'.':EatonManagedePDU,
# First resolve type of Eaton
eaton_type = conn.walk(OID_SYS_OBJECT_ID)
if not ((len(eaton_type) == 1) and (eaton_type[0][1] in agents_dir)):
eaton_type = [[None, None]]
device = agents_dir[eaton_type[0][1]]
logging.debug("Trying %s"%(device.ident_str))
def eaton_resolv_port_id(conn, options):
global port_id, switch_id
if device == None:
# Restore the increment, that was removed in main for ePDU Managed
if device.ident_str == "Eaton Switched ePDU":
options["--plug"] = str(int(options["--plug"]) + 1)
# Now we resolv port_id/switch_id
if options["--plug"].isdigit() and ((not device.has_switches) or (options["--switch"].isdigit())):
port_id = int(options["--plug"])
if device.has_switches:
switch_id = int(options["--switch"])
table = conn.walk(device.outlet_table_oid, 30)
for x in table:
if x[1].strip('"') == options["--plug"]:
t = x[0].split('.')
if device.has_switches:
port_id = int(t[len(t)-1])
switch_id = int(t[len(t)-3])
if device.ident_str == "Eaton Switched ePDU":
port_id = int(t[len(t)-3])
port_id = int(t[len(t)-1])
if port_id == None:
# Restore index offset, to provide a valid error output on Managed ePDU
if device.ident_str != "Eaton Switched ePDU":
options["--plug"] = str(int(options["--plug"]) + 1)
fail_usage("Can't find port with name %s!"%(options["--plug"]))
def get_power_status(conn, options):
global port_id, after_set
if port_id == None:
eaton_resolv_port_id(conn, options)
# Ajust OID for Switched ePDU when the get is after a set
if after_set and device.ident_str == "Eaton Switched ePDU":
port_id -= 1
after_set = False
oid = ((device.has_switches) and device.status_oid%(switch_id, port_id) or device.status_oid%(port_id))
(oid, status) = conn.get(oid)
if status == str(device.state_on):
return "on"
elif status == str(device.state_off):
return "off"
return None
except Exception:
return None
def set_power_status(conn, options):
global port_id, after_set
after_set = True
if port_id == None:
eaton_resolv_port_id(conn, options)
# Controls start at #2 on Switched ePDU, since #1 is the global command
if device.ident_str == "Eaton Switched ePDU":
port_id = int(port_id)+1
oid = ((device.has_switches) and device.control_oid%(switch_id, port_id) or device.control_oid%(port_id))
conn.set(oid, (options["--action"] == "on" and device.turn_on or device.turn_off))
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
outletCount = 0
result = {}
if device == None:
res_ports = conn.walk(device.outlet_table_oid, 30)
for x in res_ports:
outletCount += 1
status = x[1]
t = x[0].split('.')
# Plug indexing start from zero, so we substract '1' from the
# user's given plug number
if device.ident_str == "Eaton Managed ePDU":
port_num = str(int(((device.has_switches) and
"%s:%s"%(t[len(t)-3], t[len(t)-1]) or "%s"%(t[len(t)-1]))) + 1)
# Plug indexing start from zero, so we add '1'
# for the user's exposed plug number
port_name = str(int(x[1].strip('"')) + 1)
port_status = ""
result[port_num] = (port_name, port_status)
# Switched ePDU do not propose an outletCount OID!
# Invalid status (ie value == '0'), retrieved via the walk,
# means the outlet is absent
port_num = str(outletCount)
port_name = str(outletCount)
port_status = ""
if status != '0':
result[port_num] = (port_name, port_status)
return result
# Main agent method
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", \
"port", "snmp_version", "snmp"]
all_opt["switch"]["default"] = 1
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = 2
all_opt["snmp_version"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["community"]["default"] = "private"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
# Plug indexing start from zero on ePDU Managed, so we substract '1' from
# the user's given plug number.
# For Switched ePDU, we will add this back again later.
if "--plug" in options and options["--plug"].isdigit():
options["--plug"] = str(int(options["--plug"]) - 1)
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Eaton over SNMP"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_eaton_snmp is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_eaton_snmp is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the Eaton network power switch. It logs \
into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports \
SNMP v1 and v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(FencingSnmp(options), options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/eaton_ssh/ b/agents/eaton_ssh/
index 8e536a2e..91dfbce2 100644
--- a/agents/eaton_ssh/
+++ b/agents/eaton_ssh/
@@ -1,318 +1,318 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
Plug numbering starts with 1! There were no tests performed so far with daisy chained PDUs.
Example usage:
fence_eaton_ssh -v -a <IP> -l <USER> -p <PASSWORD> --login-timeout=60 --action status --plug 1
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## Model Firmware
## +---------------------------------------------+
## EMAB04 04.02.0001
import enum
import sys
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_STATUS, EC_LOGIN_DENIED
class FenceEatonPowerActions(enum.Enum):
Status of the plug on the PDU.
ERROR = -1
OFF = 0
ON = 1
def get_plug_names(conn, plug_ids, command_prompt, shell_timout):
Get the names of plugs via their ID.
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param plug_ids: The list of plug IDs. Plugs start with the ID 1.
:param command_prompt: The characters that make up the base prompt. This is important to detect a finished command.
:param shell_timeout: The maximum time the shell should wait for a response.
:returns: The name of the requested plugs.
# fspawn is subclassed from pexpect which is not correctly type annotated in all cases.
result = {}
full_node_mapping = {}
conn.send_eol("get PDU.OutletSystem.Outlet[x].iName")
conn.log_expect(command_prompt, shell_timout)
result_plug_names = conn.before.split("\n") # type: ignore
if len(result_plug_names) != 3:
plug_names = result_plug_names.split("|")
for counter in range(1, len(plug_names)):
full_node_mapping[counter] = plug_names[counter]
for plug_id in plug_ids:
result[plug_id] = full_node_mapping[plug_id]
return result
def get_plug_ids(conn, nodenames, command_prompt, shell_timout):
Get the IDs that map to the given nodenames. Non existing names are skipped.
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param nodenames: The list of human readable names that should be converted to IDs.
:param command_prompt: The characters that make up the base prompt. This is important to detect a finished command.
:param shell_timeout: The maximum time the shell should wait for a response.
:returns: A dictionary - possibly empty - where the keys are the node names and the values are the node IDs.
result = {}
full_node_mapping = {}
conn.send_eol("get PDU.OutletSystem.Outlet[x].iName")
conn.log_expect(command_prompt, shell_timout)
result_plug_names = conn.before.split("\n") # type: ignore
if len(result_plug_names) != 3:
plug_names = result_plug_names.split("|")
for counter in range(1, len(plug_names)):
full_node_mapping[plug_names[counter]] = counter
for node in nodenames:
if node in full_node_mapping:
result[node] = full_node_mapping[node]
return result
def get_plug_count(conn, command_prompt, shell_timout):
Get the number of plugs that the PDU has.
In case the PDU is daisy chained this also contains the plugs of the other PDUs.
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param command_prompt: The characters that make up the base prompt. This is important to detect a finished command.
:param shell_timeout: The maximum time the shell should wait for a response.
:returns: The number of plugs that the PDU has.
# fspawn is subclassed from pexpect which is not correctly type annotated in all cases.
conn.send_eol("get PDU.OutletSystem.Outlet.Count")
conn.log_expect(command_prompt, shell_timout)
result_plug_count = conn.before.split("\n") # type: ignore
if len(result_plug_count) != 3:
return int(result_plug_count[1].strip())
def get_plug_status(conn, plug_id, command_prompt, shell_timout):
Get the current status of the plug. The return value of this doesn't account for operations that will act via
schedules or a delay. As such the status is only valid at the time of retrieval.
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param plug_id: The ID of the plug that should be powered off. Counting plugs starts at 1.
:returns: The current status of the plug.
# fspawn is subclassed from pexpect which is not correctly type annotated in all cases.
conn.send_eol(f"get PDU.OutletSystem.Outlet[{plug_id}].PresentStatus.SwitchOnOff")
conn.log_expect(command_prompt, shell_timout)
result_plug_status = conn.before.split("\n") # type: ignore
if len(result_plug_status) != 3:
if result_plug_status[1].strip() == "0":
return FenceEatonPowerActions.OFF
elif result_plug_status[1].strip() == "1":
return FenceEatonPowerActions.ON
return FenceEatonPowerActions.ERROR
def power_on_plug(conn, plug_id, command_prompt, shell_timout, delay=0):
Powers on a plug with an optional delay.
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param plug_id: The ID of the plug that should be powered off. Counting plugs starts at 1.
:param command_prompt: The characters that make up the base prompt. This is important to detect a finished command.
:param shell_timeout: The maximum time the shell should wait for a response.
:param delay: The delay in seconds. Passing "-1" aborts the power off action.
conn.send_eol(f"set PDU.OutletSystem.Outlet[{plug_id}].DelayBeforeStartup {delay}")
conn.log_expect(command_prompt, shell_timout)
def power_off_plug(conn, plug_id, command_prompt, shell_timout, delay=0):
Powers off a plug with an optional delay.
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param plug_id: The ID of the plug that should be powered off. Counting plugs starts at 1.
:param command_prompt: The characters that make up the base prompt. This is important to detect a finished command.
:param shell_timeout: The maximum time the shell should wait for a response.
:param delay: The delay in seconds. Passing "-1" aborts the power off action.
conn.send_eol(f"set PDU.OutletSystem.Outlet[{plug_id}].DelayBeforeShutdown {delay}")
conn.log_expect(command_prompt, shell_timout)
def get_power_status(conn, options):
Retrieve the power status for the requested plug. Since we have a serial like interface via SSH we need to parse the
output of the SSH session manually.
If abnormal behavior is detected the method will exit via "fail()".
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param options: The option dictionary.
:returns: In case there is an error this method does not return but instead calls "sys.exit". Otherwhise one of
"off", "on" or "error" is returned.
if conn is None:
requested_plug = options.get("--plug", "")
if not requested_plug:
plug_status = get_plug_status(
conn, # type: ignore
if plug_status == FenceEatonPowerActions.OFF:
return "off"
elif plug_status == FenceEatonPowerActions.ON:
return "on"
return "error"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
Set the power status for the requested plug. Only resposible for powering on and off.
If abnormal behavior is detected the method will exit via "fail()".
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param options: The option dictionary.
:returns: In case there is an error this method does not return but instead calls "sys.exit".
if conn is None:
requested_plug = options.get("--plug", "")
if not requested_plug:
requested_action = options.get("--action", "")
if not requested_action:
if requested_action == "off":
conn, # type: ignore
elif requested_action == "on":
conn, # type: ignore
def get_outlet_list(conn, options):
Retrieves the list of plugs with their correspondin status.
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param options: The option dictionary.
:returns: Keys are the Plug IDs which each have a Tuple with the alias for the plug and its status.
if conn is None:
result = {}
plug_count = get_plug_count(conn, options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"])) # type: ignore
for counter in range(1, plug_count):
plug_names = get_plug_names(
conn, # type: ignore
plug_status_enum = get_plug_status(
conn, # type: ignore
if plug_status_enum == FenceEatonPowerActions.OFF:
plug_status = "OFF"
elif plug_status_enum == FenceEatonPowerActions.ON:
plug_status = "ON"
plug_status = None
result[str(counter)] = (plug_names[counter], plug_status)
return result
def reboot_cycle(conn, options) -> None:
Responsible for power cycling a machine. Not responsible for singular on and off actions.
:param conn: The "fspawn" object.
:param options: The option dictionary.
requested_plug = options.get("--plug", "")
if not requested_plug:
conn, # type: ignore
conn, # type: ignore
def main():
Main entrypoint for the fence_agent.
device_opt = ["secure", "ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "port", "cmd_prompt"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
options["--ssh"] = None
options["--ipport"] = 22
options["--command-prompt"] = "pdu#0>"
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Eaton ePDU G3 over SSH"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_eaton_ssh is a fence agent that connects to Eaton ePDU devices. It logs into \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_eaton_ssh is a Power Fencing agent that connects to Eaton ePDU devices. It logs into \
device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlet_list, reboot_cycle)
fence_logout(conn, "quit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ecloud/ b/agents/ecloud/
index 0707e102..6c37494e 100644
--- a/agents/ecloud/
+++ b/agents/ecloud/
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# Fence agent for eCloud and eCloud VPC
# Copyright (c) 2022 ANS Group Limited
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see
# <>.
import sys
import time
import atexit
import logging
import requests
from fencing import *
from fencing import run_delay, fail_usage, fail, EC_TIMED_OUT
API_VPC_INSTANCE_DATA = API_BASE + "/v2/instances/:ID"
API_VPC_POWER_ON = API_BASE + "/v2/instances/:ID/power-on"
API_VPC_POWER_OFF = API_BASE + "/v2/instances/:ID/power-off"
API_V1_POWER_ON = API_BASE + "/v1/vms/:ID/power-on"
API_V1_POWER_OFF = API_BASE + "/v1/vms/:ID/power-off"
def set_power_fn(conn, options):
logging.debug("setting power {}".format(options['--action']))
del conn
action = options['--action']
vpc = options['--ecloud-vpc']
plug = options['--plug']
url = fence_url(vpc, action, plug)
hdrs = headers(options['--apikey'])"executing '{}' action on '{}'".format(action, plug))
retries = 0
while True:
resp = requests.put(url, headers=hdrs)
if resp.status_code == 409:
# If we attempt to power the instance back on too soon after powering it off,
# e.g. during a reboot, the API will return a 409 because while the power status
# has changed, the task is still executing. Retry the action until we exceed
# retries or get a different status code.
if retries >= 6:
logging.error("timed out trying to execute '{}' action after repeated 409 codes from API", action)
retries += 1
if resp.status_code != 202:
logging.error("unexpected status code '{}' from endpoint '{}': {}".format(
resp.status_code, url, resp.text
def get_power_fn(conn, options):
logging.debug("getting power state")
del conn
vpc = options['--ecloud-vpc']
plug = options['--plug']
url = instance_data_url(vpc, plug)
hdrs = headers(options['--apikey'])
resp = requests.get(url, headers=hdrs)
if resp.status_code != 200:
logging.error("unexpected status code ('{}') from endpoint '{}': {}".format(
resp.status_code, url, resp.text
return "bad status {}".format(resp.status_code)
instance = resp.json()['data']
if vpc:
logging.debug("power state return value: {}".format(instance['online']))
return "on" if instance['online'] else "off"
if instance['power_status'] == "Online":
return "on"
elif instance['power_status'] == "Offline":
return "off"
# Could be 'Unknown' or other value
return instance['power_status']
def headers(apikey):
return {
"Authorization": apikey,
"User-Agent": "fence_ecloud"
def itp(url, plug):
return url.replace(':ID', plug)
def fence_url(vpc, action, plug):
if action == "on":
return itp(API_VPC_POWER_ON, plug) if vpc else itp(API_V1_POWER_ON, plug)
if action == "off":
return itp(API_VPC_POWER_OFF, plug) if vpc else itp(API_V1_POWER_OFF, plug)
fail_usage("no available API configured for action '{}'".format(action))
def instance_data_url(vpc, plug):
return itp(API_VPC_INSTANCE_DATA, plug) if vpc else itp(API_V1_INSTANCE_DATA, plug)
def main():
device_opt = ["apikey", "port", "no_login", "no_password"]
all_opt["apikey"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "apikey",
"help": "--apikey=[key] eCloud API Key",
"required": "1",
"shortdesc": "API Key",
"order": 0,
all_opt["port"]["help"] = "-n, --plug=[instance] Instance ID (VPC) or server ID (v1)"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence Agent for ANS eCloud"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ecloud is a fence agent for use with the ANS \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ecloud is a Power Fencing agent for use with the ANS \
eCloud platform which is compatible with eCloud VPC and eCloud v1."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if options['--action'] in ['on', 'off', 'reboot', 'status']:
plug = options['--plug']
options['--ecloud-vpc'] = True
if not plug.startswith("i-"):
options['--ecloud-vpc'] = False
fence_action(None, options, set_power_fn, get_power_fn)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/agents/emerson/ b/agents/emerson/
index 2e65cda0..67b3a410 100644
--- a/agents/emerson/
+++ b/agents/emerson/
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing_snmp import FencingSnmp
# Status constants returned as value from SNMP
# Status constants to set as value to SNMP
def get_power_status(conn, options):
(_, status) = conn.get("%s.%s"% (STATUSES_OID, options["--plug"]))
return status == str(STATUS_UP) and "on" or "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
conn.set("%s.%s" % (CONTROL_OID, options["--plug"]),
(options["--action"] == "on" and STATUS_SET_ON or STATUS_SET_OFF))
def get_outlets_status(conn, _):
result = {}
res_outlet = conn.walk(STATUSES_OID, 30)
for outlet_info in res_outlet:
port_num = ".".join(outlet_info[0].split('.')[-3:])
port_alias = conn.get("%s.%s"% (NAMES_OID, port_num))[1]
port_status = (outlet_info[1] == str(STATUS_UP) and "on" or "off")
result[port_num] = (port_alias, port_status)
return result
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", \
"port", "snmp_version", "snmp"]
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "5"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Emerson over SNMP"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_emerson is an I/O Fencing agent \
- which can be used with MPX and MPH2 managed rack PDU."
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_emerson is a Power Fencing agent \
+which can be used with MPX and MPH2 managed rack PDU."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(FencingSnmp(options), options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/eps/ b/agents/eps/
index f0df8623..81e43953 100644
--- a/agents/eps/
+++ b/agents/eps/
@@ -1,129 +1,129 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
# ePowerSwitch 8M+ version
import sys, re
import base64, string, socket
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, EC_TIMED_OUT, run_delay
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
import http.client as httplib
import httplib
# Run command on EPS device.
# @param options Device options
# @param params HTTP GET parameters (without ?)
def eps_run_command(options, params):
# New http connection
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(options["--ip"])
request_str = "/"+options["--page"]
if params != "":
request_str += "?"+params
logging.debug("GET %s\n", request_str)
conn.putrequest('GET', request_str)
if "--username" in options:
if "--password" not in options:
options["--password"] = "" # Default is empty password
# String for Authorization header
auth_str = 'Basic ' + string.strip(base64.encodestring(options["--username"]+':'+options["--password"]))
logging.debug("Authorization: %s\n", auth_str)
conn.putheader('Authorization', auth_str)
response = conn.getresponse()
logging.debug("%d %s\n", response.status, response.reason)
#Response != OK -> couldn't login
if response.status != 200:
result =
logging.debug("%s \n", result)
except socket.timeout:
except socket.error as e:
logging.error("Failed: {}".format(str(e)))
return result
def get_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
ret_val = eps_run_command(options, "")
result = {}
status = re.findall(r"p(\d{2})=(0|1)\s*\<br\>", ret_val.lower())
for out_num, out_stat in status:
result[out_num] = ("", (out_stat == "1" and "on" or "off"))
if not options["--action"] in ['monitor', 'list']:
if not options["--plug"] in result:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter existing physical plug!")
return result[options["--plug"]][1]
return result
def set_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
eps_run_command(options, "P%s=%s"%(options["--plug"], (options["--action"] == "on" and "1" or "0")))
# Define new option
def eps_define_new_opts():
all_opt["hidden_page"] = {
"getopt" : "c:",
"longopt" : "page",
"help":"-c, --page=[page] Name of hidden page (default: hidden.htm)",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Name of hidden page",
"default" : "hidden.htm",
"order": 1
# Starting point of fence agent
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", \
"port", "hidden_page", "web"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for ePowerSwitch"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_eps is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_eps is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the ePowerSwitch 8M+ power switch to fence \
connected machines. Fence agent works ONLY on 8M+ device, because \
this is only one, which has support for hidden page feature. \
Agent basically works by connecting to hidden page and pass \
appropriate arguments to GET request. This means, that hidden \
page feature must be enabled and properly configured."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
#Run fence action. Conn is None, beacause we always need open new http connection
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_power_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/gce/ b/agents/gce/
index 2c815b84..b8871038 100644
--- a/agents/gce/
+++ b/agents/gce/
@@ -1,632 +1,632 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# Requires the googleapiclient and oauth2client
# RHEL 7.x: google-api-python-client==1.6.7 python-gflags==2.0 pyasn1==0.4.8 rsa==3.4.2 pysocks==1.7.1 httplib2==0.19.0
# RHEL 8.x: pysocks==1.7.1 httplib2==0.19.0
# SLES 12.x: python-google-api-python-client python-oauth2client python-oauth2client-gce pysocks==1.7.1 httplib2==0.19.0
# SLES 15.x: python3-google-api-python-client python3-oauth2client pysocks==1.7.1 httplib2==0.19.0
import atexit
import logging
import json
import re
import os
import socket
import sys
import time
from ssl import SSLError
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
# Python 3 imports.
import urllib.parse as urlparse
import urllib.request as urlrequest
# Python 2 imports.
import urllib as urlparse
import urllib2 as urlrequest
from fencing import fail_usage, run_delay, all_opt, atexit_handler, check_input, process_input, show_docs, fence_action, run_command
import httplib2
import googleapiclient.discovery
import socks
from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials as GoogleCredentials
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
VERSION = '1.0.5'
'on': 1, 'off': 2, 'reboot': 3, 'status': 4, 'list': 5, 'list-status': 6,
'monitor': 7, 'metadata': 8, 'manpage': 9, 'validate-all': 10
USER_AGENT = 'sap-core-eng/fencegce/%s/%s/ACTION/%s'
METADATA_HEADERS = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}
INSTANCE_LINK = '{}/zones/{}/instances/{}'
def run_on_fail(options):
if "--runonfail" in options:
run_command(options, options["--runonfail"])
def fail_fence_agent(options, message):
def raise_fence_agent(options, message):
raise Exception(message)
# Will use baremetalsolution setting or the environment variable
# FENCE_GCE_URI_REPLACEMENTS to replace the uri for calls to *
def replace_api_uri(options, http_request):
uri_replacements = []
# put any env var replacements first, then baremetalsolution if in options
if "FENCE_GCE_URI_REPLACEMENTS" in os.environ:
logging.debug("FENCE_GCE_URI_REPLACEMENTS environment variable exists")
env_uri_replacements = os.environ["FENCE_GCE_URI_REPLACEMENTS"]
uri_replacements_json = json.loads(env_uri_replacements)
if isinstance(uri_replacements_json, list):
uri_replacements = uri_replacements_json
logging.warning("FENCE_GCE_URI_REPLACEMENTS exists, but is not a JSON List")
except ValueError as e:
logging.warning("FENCE_GCE_URI_REPLACEMENTS exists but is not valid JSON")
if "--baremetalsolution" in options:
"matchlength": 4,
"match": "*)/zones/(.*)/instances/(.*)/reset(.*)",
"replace": "\\1/locations/\\2/instances/\\3:resetInstance\\4"
for uri_replacement in uri_replacements:
# each uri_replacement should have matchlength, match, and replace
if "matchlength" not in uri_replacement or "match" not in uri_replacement or "replace" not in uri_replacement:
logging.warning("FENCE_GCE_URI_REPLACEMENTS missing matchlength, match, or replace in %s" % uri_replacement)
match = re.match(uri_replacement["match"], http_request.uri)
if match is None or len(match.groups()) != uri_replacement["matchlength"]:
replaced_uri = re.sub(uri_replacement["match"], uri_replacement["replace"], http_request.uri)
match = re.match("https:\/\/.*", replaced_uri)
if match is None or match.start() != 0:
logging.warning("FENCE_GCE_URI_REPLACEMENTS replace is not "
"targeting, ignoring it: %s" % replaced_uri)
logging.debug("Replacing googleapis uri %s with %s" % (http_request.uri, replaced_uri))
http_request.uri = replaced_uri
return http_request
def retry_api_execute(options, http_request):
replaced_http_request = replace_api_uri(options, http_request)
action = ACTION_IDS[options["--action"]] if options["--action"] in ACTION_IDS else 0
user_agent_header = USER_AGENT % (VERSION, options["image"], action)
except ValueError:
user_agent_header = USER_AGENT % (VERSION, options["image"], 0)
replaced_http_request.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent_header
logging.debug("User agent set as %s" % (user_agent_header))
retries = 3
if options.get("--retries"):
retries = int(options.get("--retries"))
retry_sleep = 5
if options.get("--retrysleep"):
retry_sleep = int(options.get("--retrysleep"))
retry = 0
current_err = None
while retry <= retries:
if retry > 0:
return replaced_http_request.execute()
except Exception as err:
current_err = err
logging.warning("Could not execute api call to: %s, retry: %s, "
"err: %s" % (replaced_http_request.uri, retry, str(err)))
retry += 1
raise current_err
def translate_status(instance_status):
"Returns on | off | unknown."
if instance_status == "RUNNING":
return "on"
elif instance_status == "TERMINATED":
return "off"
return "unknown"
def get_nodes_list(conn, options):
result = {}
plug = options["--plug"] if "--plug" in options else ""
zones = options["--zone"] if "--zone" in options else ""
if not zones:
zones = get_zone(conn, options, plug) if "--plugzonemap" not in options else options["--plugzonemap"][plug]
for zone in zones.split(","):
instanceList = retry_api_execute(options, conn.instances().list(
for instance in instanceList["items"]:
result[instance["id"]] = (instance["name"], translate_status(instance["status"]))
except Exception as err:
fail_fence_agent(options, "Failed: get_nodes_list: {}".format(str(err)))
return result
def get_power_status(conn, options):
# if this is bare metal we need to just send back the opposite of the
# requested action: if on send off, if off send on
if "--baremetalsolution" in options:
if options.get("--action") == "on":
return "off"
return "on"
# If zone is not listed for an entry we attempt to get it automatically
instance = options["--plug"]
zone = get_zone(conn, options, instance) if "--plugzonemap" not in options else options["--plugzonemap"][instance]
instance_status = get_instance_power_status(conn, options, instance, zone)
# If any of the instances do not match the intended status we return the
# the opposite status so that the fence agent can change it.
if instance_status != options.get("--action"):
return instance_status
return options.get("--action")
def get_instance_power_status(conn, options, instance, zone):
instance = retry_api_execute(
conn.instances().get(project=options["--project"], zone=zone, instance=instance))
return translate_status(instance["status"])
except Exception as err:
fail_fence_agent(options, "Failed: get_instance_power_status: {}".format(str(err)))
def check_for_existing_operation(conn, options, instance, zone, operation_type):
if "--baremetalsolution" in options:
# There is no API for checking in progress operations
return False
project = options["--project"]
target_link = INSTANCE_LINK.format(project, zone, instance)
query_filter = '(targetLink = "{}") AND (operationType = "{}") AND (status = "RUNNING")'.format(target_link, operation_type)
result = retry_api_execute(
conn.zoneOperations().list(project=project, zone=zone, filter=query_filter, maxResults=1))
if "items" in result and result["items"]:"Existing %s operation found", operation_type)
return result["items"][0]
def wait_for_operation(conn, options, zone, operation):
if 'name' not in operation:
logging.warning('Cannot wait for operation to complete, the'
' requested operation will continue asynchronously')
return False
wait_time = 0
project = options["--project"]
while True:
result = retry_api_execute(options, conn.zoneOperations().get(
if result['status'] == 'DONE':
if 'error' in result:
raise_fence_agent(options, result['error'])
return True
if "--errortimeout" in options and wait_time > int(options["--errortimeout"]):
raise_fence_agent(options, "Operation did not complete before the timeout.")
if "--warntimeout" in options and wait_time > int(options["--warntimeout"]):
logging.warning("Operation did not complete before the timeout.")
if "--runonwarn" in options:
run_command(options, options["--runonwarn"])
return False
wait_time = wait_time + 1
def set_power_status(conn, options):
instance = options["--plug"]
# If zone is not listed for an entry we attempt to get it automatically
zone = get_zone(conn, options, instance) if "--plugzonemap" not in options else options["--plugzonemap"][instance]
set_instance_power_status(conn, options, instance, zone, options["--action"])
def set_instance_power_status(conn, options, instance, zone, action):"Setting power status of %s in zone %s", instance, zone)
project = options["--project"]
if action == "off":"Issuing poweroff of %s in zone %s", instance, zone)
operation = check_for_existing_operation(conn, options, instance, zone, "stop")
if operation and "--earlyexit" in options:
if not operation:
operation = retry_api_execute(
conn.instances().stop(project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance))"Poweroff command completed, waiting for the operation to complete")
if wait_for_operation(conn, options, zone, operation):"Poweroff of %s in zone %s complete", instance, zone)
elif action == "on":"Issuing poweron of %s in zone %s", instance, zone)
operation = check_for_existing_operation(conn, options, instance, zone, "start")
if operation and "--earlyexit" in options:
if not operation:
operation = retry_api_execute(
conn.instances().start(project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance))
if wait_for_operation(conn, options, zone, operation):"Poweron of %s in zone %s complete", instance, zone)
except Exception as err:
fail_fence_agent(options, "Failed: set_instance_power_status: {}".format(str(err)))
def power_cycle(conn, options):
instance = options["--plug"]
# If zone is not listed for an entry we attempt to get it automatically
zone = get_zone(conn, options, instance) if "--plugzonemap" not in options else options["--plugzonemap"][instance]
return power_cycle_instance(conn, options, instance, zone)
def power_cycle_instance(conn, options, instance, zone):"Issuing reset of %s in zone %s", instance, zone)
project = options["--project"]
operation = check_for_existing_operation(conn, options, instance, zone, "reset")
if operation and "--earlyexit" in options:
return True
if not operation:
operation = retry_api_execute(
conn.instances().reset(project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance))"Reset command sent, waiting for the operation to complete")
if wait_for_operation(conn, options, zone, operation):"Reset of %s in zone %s complete", instance, zone)
return True
except Exception as err:
logging.exception("Failed: power_cycle")
raise err
def get_zone(conn, options, instance):
project = options['--project']
fl = 'name="%s"' % instance
request = replace_api_uri(options, conn.instances().aggregatedList(project=project, filter=fl))
while request is not None:
response = request.execute()
zones = response.get('items', {})
for zone in zones.values():
for inst in zone.get('instances', []):
if inst['name'] == instance:
return inst['zone'].split("/")[-1]
request = replace_api_uri(options, conn.instances().aggregatedList_next(
previous_request=request, previous_response=response))
raise_fence_agent(options, "Unable to find instance %s" % (instance))
def get_metadata(metadata_key, params=None, timeout=None):
"""Performs a GET request with the metadata headers.
metadata_key: string, the metadata to perform a GET request on.
params: dictionary, the query parameters in the GET request.
timeout: int, timeout in seconds for metadata requests.
HTTP response from the GET request.
urlerror.HTTPError: raises when the GET request fails.
timeout = timeout or 60
metadata_url = os.path.join(METADATA_SERVER, metadata_key)
params = urlparse.urlencode(params or {})
url = '%s?%s' % (metadata_url, params)
request = urlrequest.Request(url, headers=METADATA_HEADERS)
request_opener = urlrequest.build_opener(urlrequest.ProxyHandler({}))
return, timeout=timeout * 1.1).read().decode("utf-8")
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["zone"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "zone",
"help" : "--zone=[name] Zone, e.g. us-central1-b",
"shortdesc" : "Zone.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 2
all_opt["project"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "project",
"help" : "--project=[name] Project ID",
"shortdesc" : "Project ID.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 3
all_opt["stackdriver-logging"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "stackdriver-logging",
"help" : "--stackdriver-logging Enable Logging to Stackdriver",
"shortdesc" : "Stackdriver-logging support.",
"longdesc" : "If enabled IP failover logs will be posted to stackdriver logging.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 4
all_opt["baremetalsolution"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "baremetalsolution",
"help" : "--baremetalsolution Enable on bare metal",
"shortdesc" : "If enabled this is a bare metal offering from google.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 5
all_opt["apitimeout"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"type" : "second",
"longopt" : "apitimeout",
"help" : "--apitimeout=[seconds] Timeout to use for API calls",
"shortdesc" : "Timeout in seconds to use for API calls, default is 60.",
"required" : "0",
"default" : 60,
"order" : 6
all_opt["retries"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"type" : "integer",
"longopt" : "retries",
"help" : "--retries=[retries] Number of retries on failure for API calls",
"shortdesc" : "Number of retries on failure for API calls, default is 3.",
"required" : "0",
"default" : 3,
"order" : 7
all_opt["retrysleep"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"type" : "second",
"longopt" : "retrysleep",
"help" : "--retrysleep=[seconds] Time to sleep between API retries",
"shortdesc" : "Time to sleep in seconds between API retries, default is 5.",
"required" : "0",
"default" : 5,
"order" : 8
all_opt["serviceaccount"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "serviceaccount",
"help" : "--serviceaccount=[filename] Service account json file location e.g. serviceaccount=/somedir/service_account.json",
"shortdesc" : "Service Account to use for authentication to the google cloud APIs.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 9
all_opt["plugzonemap"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "plugzonemap",
"help" : "--plugzonemap=[plugzonemap] Comma separated zone map when fencing multiple plugs",
"shortdesc" : "Comma separated zone map when fencing multiple plugs.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 10
all_opt["proxyhost"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "proxyhost",
"help" : "--proxyhost=[proxy_host] The proxy host to use, if one is needed to access the internet (Example:",
"shortdesc" : "If a proxy is used for internet access, the proxy host should be specified.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 11
all_opt["proxyport"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"type" : "integer",
"longopt" : "proxyport",
"help" : "--proxyport=[proxy_port] The proxy port to use, if one is needed to access the internet (Example: 3127)",
"shortdesc" : "If a proxy is used for internet access, the proxy port should be specified.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 12
all_opt["earlyexit"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "earlyexit",
"help" : "--earlyexit Return early if reset is already in progress",
"shortdesc" : "If an existing reset operation is detected, the fence agent will return before the operation completes with a 0 return code.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 13
all_opt["warntimeout"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"type" : "second",
"longopt" : "warntimeout",
"help" : "--warntimeout=[warn_timeout] Timeout seconds before logging a warning and returning a 0 status code",
"shortdesc" : "If the operation is not completed within the timeout, the cluster operations are allowed to continue.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 14
all_opt["errortimeout"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"type" : "second",
"longopt" : "errortimeout",
"help" : "--errortimeout=[error_timeout] Timeout seconds before failing and returning a non-zero status code",
"shortdesc" : "If the operation is not completed within the timeout, cluster is notified of the operation failure.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 15
all_opt["runonwarn"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "runonwarn",
"help" : "--runonwarn=[run_on_warn] If a timeout occurs and warning is generated, run the supplied command",
"shortdesc" : "If a timeout would occur while running the agent, then the supplied command is run.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 16
all_opt["runonfail"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "runonfail",
"help" : "--runonfail=[run_on_fail] If a failure occurs, run the supplied command",
"shortdesc" : "If a failure would occur while running the agent, then the supplied command is run.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 17
def main():
conn = None
device_opt = ["port", "no_password", "zone", "project", "stackdriver-logging",
"method", "baremetalsolution", "apitimeout", "retries", "retrysleep",
"serviceaccount", "plugzonemap", "proxyhost", "proxyport", "earlyexit",
"warntimeout", "errortimeout", "runonwarn", "runonfail"]
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "60"
all_opt["method"]["default"] = "cycle"
all_opt["method"]["help"] = "-m, --method=[method] Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default: cycle)"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for GCE (Google Cloud Engine)"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_gce is an I/O Fencing agent for GCE (Google Cloud " \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_gce is a Power Fencing agent for GCE (Google Cloud " \
"Engine). It uses the googleapiclient library to connect to GCE.\n" \
"googleapiclient can be configured with Google SDK CLI or by " \
"executing 'gcloud auth application-default login'.\n" \
"For instructions see:"
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Prepare logging
if options.get('--verbose') is None:
if options.get('--stackdriver-logging') is not None and options.get('--plug'):
client =
handler =, name=options['--plug'])
formatter = logging.Formatter('gcp:stonith "%(message)s"')
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
if options.get('--verbose') is None:
except ImportError:
logging.error('Couldn\'t import, '
'disabling Stackdriver-logging support')
# if apitimeout is defined we set the socket timeout, if not we keep the
# socket default which is 60s
if options.get("--apitimeout"):
# Prepare cli
serviceaccount = options.get("--serviceaccount")
if serviceaccount:
scope = ['']
logging.debug("using credentials from service account")
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials as ServiceAccountCredentials
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_service_account_file(filename=serviceaccount, scopes=scope)
except ImportError:
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(serviceaccount, scope)
from googleapiclient import _auth
credentials = _auth.default_credentials();
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
logging.debug("using application default credentials")
if options.get("--proxyhost") and options.get("--proxyport"):
proxy_info = httplib2.ProxyInfo(
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http(proxy_info=proxy_info))
conn =
'compute', 'v1', http=http, cache_discovery=False)
conn =
'compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False)
except SSLError as err:
fail_fence_agent(options, "Failed: Create GCE compute v1 connection: {}\n\nThis might be caused by old versions of httplib2.".format(str(err)))
except Exception as err:
fail_fence_agent(options, "Failed: Create GCE compute v1 connection: {}".format(str(err)))
# Get project and zone
if not options.get("--project"):
options["--project"] = get_metadata('project/project-id')
except Exception as err:
fail_fence_agent(options, "Failed retrieving GCE project. Please provide --project option: {}".format(str(err)))
image = get_metadata('instance/image')
options["image"] = image[image.rindex('/')+1:]
except Exception as err:
options["image"] = "unknown"
if "--baremetalsolution" in options:
options["--zone"] = "none"
# Populates zone automatically if missing from the command
zones = [] if not "--zone" in options else options["--zone"].split(",")
options["--plugzonemap"] = {}
if "--plug" in options:
for i, instance in enumerate(options["--plug"].split(",")):
if len(zones) == 1:
# If only one zone is specified, use it across all plugs
options["--plugzonemap"][instance] = zones[0]
if len(zones) - 1 >= i:
# If we have enough zones specified with the --zone flag use the zone at
# the same index as the plug
options["--plugzonemap"][instance] = zones[i]
# In this case we do not have a zone specified so we attempt to detect it
options["--plugzonemap"][instance] = get_zone(conn, options, instance)
except Exception as err:
fail_fence_agent(options, "Failed retrieving GCE zone. Please provide --zone option: {}".format(str(err)))
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_nodes_list, power_cycle)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/hds_cb/ b/agents/hds_cb/
index 375054cf..1a064644 100755
--- a/agents/hds_cb/
+++ b/agents/hds_cb/
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## Model Modle/Firmware
## +--------------------+---------------------------+
## (1) Main application CB2000/A0300-E-6617
import sys, re
import atexit
from fencing import *
RE_STATUS_LINE = r"^([0-9]+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+).*$"
def get_power_status(conn, options):
#### Maybe should put a conn.log_expect here to make sure
#### we have properly entered into the main menu
conn.sendline("S") # Enter System Command Mode
conn.log_expect("SVP>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("PC") # Enter partition control
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
result = {}
# Status can now be obtained from the output of the PC
# command. Line looks like the following:
# "P Power Condition LID lamp Mode Auto power on"
# "0 On Normal Off Basic Synchronized"
# "1 On Normal Off Basic Synchronized"
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
# populate the relevant fields based on regex
partition =, line)
if partition != None:
# find the blade number defined in args
if == options["--plug"]:
result =
# We must make sure we go back to the main menu as the
# status is checked before any fencing operations are
# executed. We could in theory save some time by staying in
# the partition control, but the logic is a little cleaner
# this way.
conn.sendline("Q") # Back to system command mode
conn.log_expect("SVP>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("EX") # Back to system console main menu
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
return result
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
'on' : "P",
'off': "F",
'reboot' : "H",
conn.sendline("S") # Enter System Command Mode
conn.log_expect("SVP>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("PC") # Enter partition control
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("P") # Enter power control menu
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline(action) # Execute action from array above
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline(options["--plug"]) # Select blade number from args
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("Y") # Confirm action
conn.log_expect("Hit enter key.", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("") # Press the any key
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("Q") # Quit back to partition control
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("Q") # Quit back to system command mode
conn.log_expect("SVP>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("EX") # Quit back to system console menu
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def get_blades_list(conn, options):
outlets = {}
conn.sendline("S") # Enter System Command Mode
conn.log_expect("SVP>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("PC") # Enter partition control
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
# Status can now be obtained from the output of the PC
# command. Line looks like the following:
# "P Power Condition LID lamp Mode Auto power on"
# "0 On Normal Off Basic Synchronized"
# "1 On Normal Off Basic Synchronized"
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
partition =, line)
if partition != None:
outlets[] = (, "")
conn.sendline("Q") # Quit back to system command mode
conn.log_expect("SVP>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.sendline("EX") # Quit back to system console menu
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
return outlets
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", \
"port", "missing_as_off", "telnet"]
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "5"
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = [r"\) :"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Hitachi Compute Blade systems"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_hds_cb is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_hds_cb is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with Hitachi Compute Blades with recent enough firmware that \
includes telnet support."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_blades_list)
fence_logout(conn, "X")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/hpblade/ b/agents/hpblade/
index fbc89f61..eb8f459b 100644
--- a/agents/hpblade/
+++ b/agents/hpblade/
@@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## * HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure
## * HP Integrity Superdome X (BL920s)
import sys, re
import pexpect
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_STATUS
def get_enclosure_type(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("show enclosure info")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
type_re=re.compile(r"^\s*Enclosure Type: (\w+)(.*?)\s*$")
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
res =
if res != None:
if enclosure == "unknown":
return enclosure.lower().strip()
def get_power_status(conn, options):
if options["enc_type"] == "superdome":
cmd_send = "parstatus -M -p " + options["--plug"]
powrestr = "^partition:\\d\\s+:\\w+\\s+/(\\w+)\\s.*$"
cmd_send = "show server status " + options["--plug"]
powrestr = "^\\s*Power: (.*?)\\s*$"
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
power_re = re.compile(powrestr)
status = "unknown"
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
res =
if res != None:
if options["enc_type"] == "superdome":
if == "DOWN":
status = "off"
status = "on"
status =
if status == "unknown":
if "--missing-as-off" in options:
return "off"
return status.lower().strip()
def set_power_status(conn, options):
if options["enc_type"] == "superdome":
dev="partition "
dev="server "
if options["--action"] == "on":
conn.send_eol("poweron " + dev + options["--plug"])
elif options["--action"] == "off":
conn.send_eol("poweroff " + dev + options["--plug"] + " force")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def get_instances_list(conn, options):
outlets = {}
if options["enc_type"] == "superdome":
cmd_send = "parstatus -P -M"
listrestr = "^partition:(\\d+)\\s+:\\w+\\s+/(\\w+)\\s+:OK.*?:(\\w+)\\s*$"
cmd_send = "show server list"
listrestr = "^\\s*(\\d+)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+OK\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s*$"
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
list_re = re.compile(listrestr)
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
res =
if res != None:
if options["enc_type"] == "superdome":
outlets[] = (,
outlets[] = (,
return outlets
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", \
"port", "missing_as_off", "telnet"]
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["c7000oa>"]
all_opt["login_timeout"]["default"] = "10"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for HP BladeSystem"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_hpblade is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_hpblade is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with HP BladeSystem and HP Integrity Superdome X. \
It logs into the onboard administrator of an enclosure via telnet or \
ssh and uses the command line interface to power blades or partitions \
on or off."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
options["eol"] = "\n"
conn = fence_login(options)
options["enc_type"] = get_enclosure_type(conn, options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_instances_list)
fence_logout(conn, "exit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ibm_powervs/ b/agents/ibm_powervs/
index e65462cb..73dfe0ab 100755
--- a/agents/ibm_powervs/
+++ b/agents/ibm_powervs/
@@ -1,299 +1,299 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import pycurl, io, json
import logging
import atexit
import time
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, run_delay, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, EC_STATUS
state = {
"ACTIVE": "on",
"SHUTOFF": "off",
"HARD_REBOOT": "on",
"SOFT_REBOOT": "on",
"ERROR": "unknown"
def get_token(conn, options):
command = "identity/token"
action = "grant_type=urn%3Aibm%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Aapikey&apikey={}".format(options["--token"])
res = send_command(conn, command, "POST", action, printResult=False)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
return res["access_token"]
def get_list(conn, options):
outlets = {}
command = "cloud-instances/{}/pvm-instances".format(options["--instance"])
res = send_command(conn, command)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
return outlets
for r in res["pvmInstances"]:
if options["--verbose-level"] > 1:
logging.debug(json.dumps(r, indent=2))
outlets[r["pvmInstanceID"]] = (r["serverName"], state[r["status"]])
return outlets
def get_power_status(conn, options):
outlets = {}
logging.debug("Info: getting power status for LPAR " + options["--plug"] + " instance " + options["--instance"])
command = "cloud-instances/{}/pvm-instances/{}".format(
options["--instance"], options["--plug"])
res = send_command(conn, command)
outlets[res["pvmInstanceID"]] = (res["serverName"], state[res["status"]])
if options["--verbose-level"] > 1:
logging.debug(json.dumps(res, indent=2))
result = outlets[options["--plug"]][1]
logging.debug("Info: Status: {}".format(result))
except KeyError as e:
result = get_list(conn, options)[options["--plug"]][1]
except KeyError as ex:
logging.debug("Failed: Unable to get status for {}".format(ex))
return result
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
"on" : '{"action" : "start"}',
"off" : '{"action" : "immediate-shutdown"}',
logging.debug("Info: set power status to " + options["--action"] + " for LPAR " + options["--plug"] + " instance " + options["--instance"])
send_command(conn, "cloud-instances/{}/pvm-instances/{}/action".format(
options["--instance"], options["--plug"]), "POST", action)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: Unable to set power to {} for {}".format(options["--action"], e))
def reboot_cycle(conn, options):
action = {
"reboot" : '{"action" : "hard-reboot"}',
logging.debug("Info: start reboot cycle with action " + options["--action"] + " for LPAR " + options["--plug"] + " instance " + options["--instance"])
send_command(conn, "cloud-instances/{}/pvm-instances/{}/action".format(
options["--instance"], options["--plug"]), "POST", action)
except Exception as e:
result = get_power_status(conn, options)
logging.debug("Info: Status {}".format(result))
if result == "off":
return True
logging.debug("Failed: Unable to cycle with {} for {}".format(options["--action"], e))
return True
def connect(opt, token):
conn = pycurl.Curl()
## setup correct URL
conn.base_url = "https://" + opt["--region"] + ""
if opt["--api-type"] == "private":
conn.base_url = "https://private." + opt["--region"] + ""
if opt["--verbose-level"] < 3:
conn.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(opt["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
conn.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, "{}".format(opt["--proxy"]))
# set auth token for later requests
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Authorization: Bearer {}".format(token),
"CRN: {}".format(opt["--crn"]),
"User-Agent: curl",
return conn
def auth_connect(opt):
conn = pycurl.Curl()
# setup correct URL
conn.base_url = ""
if opt["--verbose-level"] > 1:
conn.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(opt["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
conn.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, "{}".format(opt["--proxy"]))
# set auth token for later requests
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Accept: application/json",
"User-Agent: curl",
return conn
def disconnect(conn):
def send_command(conn, command, method="GET", action=None, printResult=True):
url = conn.base_url + command
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("ascii"))
web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
if method == "GET":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POST, 0)
if method == "POST":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, action)
if method == "DELETE":
conn.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE")
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("send_command(): {}".format(e))
rc = conn.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
result = web_buffer.getvalue().decode("UTF-8")
if rc != 200:
if len(result) > 0:
raise Exception("{}: {}".format(rc,result))
raise Exception("Remote returned {} for request to {}".format(rc, url))
if len(result) > 0:
result = json.loads(result)
logging.debug("url: {}".format(url))
logging.debug("method: {}".format(method))
logging.debug("response code: {}".format(rc))
if printResult:
logging.debug("result: {}\n".format(result))
return result
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["token"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "token",
"help" : "--token=[token] API Token",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "API Token",
"order" : 0
all_opt["crn"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "crn",
"help" : "--crn=[crn] CRN",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "CRN",
"order" : 0
all_opt["instance"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "instance",
"help" : "--instance=[instance] PowerVS Instance",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "PowerVS Instance",
"order" : 0
all_opt["region"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "region",
"help" : "--region=[region] Region",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "Region",
"order" : 0
all_opt["api-type"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "api-type",
"help" : "--api-type=[public|private] API-type: 'public' (default) or 'private'",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "API-type (public|private)",
"order" : 0
all_opt["proxy"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "proxy",
"help" : "--proxy=[http://<URL>:<PORT>] Proxy: 'http://<URL>:<PORT>'",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Network proxy",
"order" : 0
def main():
device_opt = [
all_opt["shell_timeout"]["default"] = "500"
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "30"
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["stonith_status_sleep"]["default"] = "2"
all_opt["api-type"]["default"] = "private"
all_opt["proxy"]["default"] = ""
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for IBM PowerVS"
- docs["longdesc"] = """fence_ibm_powervs is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
+ docs["longdesc"] = """fence_ibm_powervs is a Power Fencing agent which can be \
used with IBM PowerVS to fence virtual machines."""
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Fence operations
auth_conn = auth_connect(options)
token = get_token(auth_conn, options)
conn = connect(options, token)
atexit.register(disconnect, conn)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list, reboot_cycle)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ibm_vpc/ b/agents/ibm_vpc/
index 84701058..035a3235 100755
--- a/agents/ibm_vpc/
+++ b/agents/ibm_vpc/
@@ -1,316 +1,316 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import pycurl, io, json
import logging
import atexit
import hashlib
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, run_delay, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, EC_STATUS, EC_GENERIC_ERROR
state = {
"running": "on",
"stopped": "off",
"starting": "unknown",
"stopping": "unknown",
"restarting": "unknown",
"pending": "unknown",
def get_list(conn, options):
outlets = {}
command = "instances?version=2021-05-25&generation=2&limit={}".format(options["--limit"])
res = send_command(conn, options, command)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: Unable to get list: {}".format(e))
return outlets
for r in res["instances"]:
if options["--verbose-level"] > 1:
logging.debug("Node:\n{}".format(json.dumps(r, indent=2)))
logging.debug("Status: " + state[r["status"]])
outlets[r["id"]] = (r["name"], state[r["status"]])
return outlets
def get_power_status(conn, options):
command = "instances/{}?version=2021-05-25&generation=2".format(options["--plug"])
res = send_command(conn, options, command)
result = state[res["status"]]
if options["--verbose-level"] > 1:
logging.debug("Result:\n{}".format(json.dumps(res, indent=2)))
logging.debug("Status: " + result)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: Unable to get status for {}: {}".format(options["--plug"], e))
return result
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
"on" : '{"type" : "start"}',
"off" : '{"type" : "stop"}',
command = "instances/{}/actions?version=2021-05-25&generation=2".format(options["--plug"])
send_command(conn, options, command, "POST", action, 201)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: Unable to set power to {} for {}".format(options["--action"], e))
def get_bearer_token(conn, options):
import os, errno
# FIPS requires usedforsecurity=False and might not be
# available on all distros:
hash = hashlib.sha256(options["--apikey"].encode("utf-8"), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
hash = hashlib.sha256(options["--apikey"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
file_path = options["--token-file"].replace("[hash]", hash)
token = None
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_path)):
# For security, remove file with potentially elevated mode
except OSError:
oldumask = os.umask(0)
file_handle =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY, 0o600)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # Failed as the file already exists.
logging.error("Failed: File already exists: {}".format(e))
else: # Something unexpected went wrong
logging.error("Failed: Unable to open file: {}".format(e))
else: # No exception, so the file must have been created successfully.
with os.fdopen(file_handle, 'w') as file_obj:
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"User-Agent: curl",
token = send_command(conn, options, "", "POST", "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey={}".format(options["--apikey"]))["access_token"]
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Failed: Unable to authenticate: {}".format(e))
return token
def set_bearer_token(conn, bearer_token):
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Authorization: Bearer {}".format(bearer_token),
"User-Agent: curl",
return conn
def connect(opt):
conn = pycurl.Curl()
bearer_token = ""
## setup correct URL
conn.base_url = "https://" + opt["--region"] + ""
if opt["--verbose-level"] > 1:
conn.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(opt["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
conn.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, "{}".format(opt["--proxy"]))
# get bearer token
# FIPS requires usedforsecurity=False and might not be
# available on all distros:
hash = hashlib.sha256(opt["--apikey"].encode("utf-8"), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
hash = hashlib.sha256(opt["--apikey"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
f = open(opt["--token-file"].replace("[hash]", hash))
bearer_token =
except IOError:
bearer_token = get_bearer_token(conn, opt)
# set auth token for later requests
conn = set_bearer_token(conn, bearer_token)
return conn
def disconnect(conn):
def send_command(conn, options, command, method="GET", action=None, expected_rc=200):
if not command.startswith("https"):
url = conn.base_url + command
url = command
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("ascii"))
web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
if method == "GET":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POST, 0)
if method == "POST":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, action)
if method == "DELETE":
conn.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE")
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
except Exception as e:
rc = conn.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
# auth if token has expired
if rc in [400, 401, 415]:
tokenconn = pycurl.Curl()
token = get_bearer_token(tokenconn, options)
conn = set_bearer_token(conn, token)
# flush web_buffer
web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
except Exception as e:
rc = conn.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
result = web_buffer.getvalue().decode("UTF-8")
# actions (start/stop/reboot) report 201 when they've been created
if rc != expected_rc:
logging.debug("rc: {}, result: {}".format(rc, result))
if len(result) > 0:
raise Exception("{}: {}".format(rc,
raise Exception("Remote returned {} for request to {}".format(rc, url))
if len(result) > 0:
result = json.loads(result)
logging.debug("url: {}".format(url))
logging.debug("method: {}".format(method))
logging.debug("response code: {}".format(rc))
logging.debug("result: {}\n".format(result))
return result
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["apikey"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "apikey",
"help" : "--apikey=[key] API Key",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "API Key",
"order" : 0
all_opt["region"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "region",
"help" : "--region=[region] Region",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "Region",
"order" : 0
all_opt["proxy"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "proxy",
"help" : "--proxy=[http://<URL>:<PORT>] Proxy: 'http://<URL>:<PORT>'",
"required" : "0",
"default": "",
"shortdesc" : "Network proxy",
"order" : 0
all_opt["limit"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "limit",
"help" : "--limit=[number] Limit number of nodes returned by API",
"required" : "0",
"default": 50,
"shortdesc" : "Number of nodes returned by API",
"order" : 0
all_opt["token_file"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "token-file",
"help" : "--token-file=[path] Path to the token cache file\n"
"\t\t\t\t (Default: @FENCETMPDIR@/fence_ibm_vpc/[hash].token)\n"
"\t\t\t\t [hash] will be replaced by a hashed value",
"required" : "0",
"default": "@FENCETMPDIR@/fence_ibm_vpc/[hash].token",
"shortdesc" : "Path to the token cache file",
"order" : 0
def main():
device_opt = [
all_opt["shell_timeout"]["default"] = "15"
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "30"
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "1"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for IBM Cloud VPC"
- docs["longdesc"] = """fence_ibm_vpc is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
+ docs["longdesc"] = """fence_ibm_vpc is a Power Fencing agent which can be \
used with IBM Cloud VPC to fence virtual machines."""
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Fence operations
conn = connect(options)
atexit.register(disconnect, conn)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ibmblade/ b/agents/ibmblade/
index d623fff3..ca6e2179 100644
--- a/agents/ibmblade/
+++ b/agents/ibmblade/
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing_snmp import FencingSnmp
# From
STATUSES_OID = "." # remoteControlBladePowerState
CONTROL_OID = "." # powerOnOffBlade
# Status constants returned as value from SNMP
# Status constants to set as value to SNMP
def get_power_status(conn, options):
(_, status) = conn.get("%s.%s"% (STATUSES_OID, options["--plug"]))
return status == str(STATUS_UP) and "on" or "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
conn.set("%s.%s" % (CONTROL_OID, options["--plug"]),
(options["--action"] == "on" and STATUS_SET_ON or STATUS_SET_OFF))
def get_outlets_status(conn, _):
result = {}
res_blades = conn.walk(STATUSES_OID, 30)
for blade_info in res_blades:
port_num = blade_info[0].split('.')[-1]
port_alias = ""
port_status = (blade_info[1] == str(STATUS_UP) and "on" or "off")
result[port_num] = (port_alias, port_status)
return result
# Main agent method
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", \
"port", "snmp_version", "snmp"]
all_opt["snmp_version"]["default"] = "1"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for IBM BladeCenter over SNMP"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ibmblade is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ibmblade is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with IBM BladeCenter chassis. It issues SNMP Set \
request to BladeCenter chassis, rebooting, powering up or down \
the specified Blade Server."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(FencingSnmp(options), options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ibmz/ b/agents/ibmz/
index d477adeb..a4cc12d5 100644
--- a/agents/ibmz/
+++ b/agents/ibmz/
@@ -1,566 +1,566 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# Copyright (c) 2020 IBM Corp.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see
# <>.
import atexit
import logging
import time
import sys
import requests
from requests.packages import urllib3
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage, run_delay, EC_GENERIC_ERROR
ERROR_NOT_FOUND = ("{obj_type} {obj_name} not found in this HMC. "
"Attention: names are case-sensitive.")
class ApiClientError(Exception):
Base exception for all API Client related errors.
class ApiClientRequestError(ApiClientError):
Raised when an API request ends in error
def __init__(self, req_method, req_uri, status, reason, message):
self.req_method = req_method
self.req_uri = req_uri
self.status = status
self.reason = reason
self.message = message
super(ApiClientRequestError, self).__init__()
def __str__(self):
return (
"API request failed, details:\n"
"HTTP Request : {req_method} {req_uri}\n"
"HTTP Response status: {status}\n"
"Error reason: {reason}\n"
"Error message: {message}\n".format(
req_method=self.req_method, req_uri=self.req_uri,
status=self.status, reason=self.reason, message=self.message)
class APIClient(object):
# how many connection-related errors to retry on
'connect_retries': 3,
# how many times to retry on read errors (after request was sent to the
# server)
'read_retries': 3,
# http methods that should be retried
'method_whitelist': ['HEAD', 'GET', 'OPTIONS'],
# limit of redirects to perform to avoid loops
'redirect': 5,
# how long to wait while establishing a connection
'connect_timeout': 30,
# how long to wait for asynchronous operations (jobs) to complete
'operation_timeout': 900,
# how long to wait between bytes sent by the remote side
'read_timeout': 300,
# default API port
'port': 6794,
# validate ssl certificates
'ssl_verify': False,
# load on activate is set in the HMC activation profile and therefore
# no additional load is executed by the fence agent
'load_on_activate': False
'classic': {
'nodes': 'logical-partitions',
'state-on': 'operating',
'start': 'load',
'stop': 'deactivate'
'dpm': {
'nodes': 'partitions',
'state-on': 'active',
'start': 'start',
'stop': 'stop'
def __init__(self, host, user, passwd, config=None): = host
if not passwd:
raise ValueError('Password cannot be empty')
self.passwd = passwd
if not user:
raise ValueError('Username cannot be empty')
self.user = user
self._cpc_cache = {}
self._session = None
self._config = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
# apply user defined values
if config:
def _create_session(self):
Create a new requests session and apply config values
session = requests.Session()
retry_obj = urllib3.Retry(
# setting a total is necessary to cover SSL related errors
session.mount('http://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(
session.mount('https://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(
return session
def _get_mode_labels(self, cpc):
Return the map of labels that corresponds to the cpc operation mode
if self.is_dpm_enabled(cpc):
return self.LABEL_BY_OP_MODE['dpm']
return self.LABEL_BY_OP_MODE['classic']
def _get_partition(self, cpc, partition):
Return the properties of the specified partition. Raises ValueError if
it cannot be found.
# HMC API's documentation says it'll return an empty array when no
# matches are found but for a CPC in classic mode it returns in fact
# 404, so we handle this accordingly. Remove the extra handling below
# once this behavior has been fixed on the API's side.
label_map = self._get_mode_labels(cpc)
resp = self._request('get', '{}/{}?name={}'.format(
self._cpc_cache[cpc]['object-uri'], label_map['nodes'], partition),
valid_codes=[200, 404])
if label_map['nodes'] not in resp or not resp[label_map['nodes']]:
raise ValueError(ERROR_NOT_FOUND.format(
obj_type='LPAR/Partition', obj_name=partition))
return resp[label_map['nodes']][0]
def _partition_switch_power(self, cpc, partition, action):
Perform the API request to start (power on) or stop (power off) the
target partition and wait for the job to finish.
# retrieve partition's uri
part_uri = self._get_partition(cpc, partition)['object-uri']
label_map = self._get_mode_labels(cpc)
# in dpm mode the request must have empty body
if self.is_dpm_enabled(cpc):
body = None
# in classic mode we make sure the operation is executed
# even if the partition is already on
body = {'force': True}
# when powering on the partition must be activated first
if action == 'start':
op_uri = '{}/operations/activate'.format(part_uri)
job_resp = self._request(
'post', op_uri, body=body, valid_codes=[202])
# always wait for activate otherwise the load (start)
# operation will fail
if self._config['operation_timeout'] == 0:
timeout = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG['operation_timeout']
timeout = self._config['operation_timeout']
'waiting for activate (timeout %s secs)', timeout)
self._wait_for_job('post', op_uri, job_resp['job-uri'],
if self._config['load_on_activate']:
# trigger the start job
op_uri = '{}/operations/{}'.format(part_uri, label_map[action])
job_resp = self._request('post', op_uri, body=body, valid_codes=[202])
if self._config['operation_timeout'] == 0:
logging.debug('waiting for %s (timeout %s secs)',
label_map[action], self._config['operation_timeout'])
self._wait_for_job('post', op_uri, job_resp['job-uri'],
def _request(self, method, uri, body=None, headers=None, valid_codes=None):
Perform a request to the HMC API
assert method in ('delete', 'head', 'get', 'post', 'put')
url = 'https://{host}:{port}{uri}'.format(, port=self._config['port'], uri=uri)
if not headers:
headers = {}
if self._session is None:
raise ValueError('You need to log on first')
method = getattr(self._session, method)
timeout = (
self._config['connect_timeout'], self._config['read_timeout'])
response = method(url, json=body, headers=headers,
verify=self._config['ssl_verify'], timeout=timeout)
if valid_codes and response.status_code not in valid_codes:
reason = '(no reason)'
message = '(no message)'
if response.headers.get('content-type') == 'application/json':
json_resp = response.json()
except ValueError:
reason = json_resp.get('reason', reason)
message = json_resp.get('message', message)
message = '{}...'.format(response.text[:500])
raise ApiClientRequestError(
response.request.method, response.request.url,
response.status_code, reason, message)
if response.status_code == 204:
return dict()
json_resp = response.json()
except ValueError:
raise ApiClientRequestError(
response.request.method, response.request.url,
response.status_code, '(no reason)',
'Invalid JSON content in response')
return json_resp
def _update_cpc_cache(self, cpc_props):
self._cpc_cache[cpc_props['name']] = {
'object-uri': cpc_props['object-uri'],
'dpm-enabled': cpc_props.get('dpm-enabled', False)
def _wait_for_job(self, req_method, req_uri, job_uri, timeout):
Perform API requests to check for job status until it has completed
or the specified timeout is reached
op_timeout = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < op_timeout:
job_resp = self._request("get", job_uri)
if job_resp['status'] == 'complete':
if job_resp['job-status-code'] in (200, 201, 204):
raise ApiClientRequestError(
req_method, req_uri,
job_resp.get('job-status-code', '(no status)'),
job_resp.get('job-reason-code', '(no reason)'),
job_resp.get('job-results', {}).get(
'message', '(no message)')
raise ApiClientError('Timed out while waiting for job completion')
def cpc_list(self):
Return a list of CPCs in the format {'name': 'cpc-name', 'status':
list_resp = self._request("get", "/api/cpcs", valid_codes=[200])
ret = []
for cpc_props in list_resp['cpcs']:
'name': cpc_props['name'], 'status': cpc_props['status']})
return ret
def is_dpm_enabled(self, cpc):
Return True if CPC is in DPM mode, False for classic mode
if cpc in self._cpc_cache:
return self._cpc_cache[cpc]['dpm-enabled']
list_resp = self._request("get", "/api/cpcs?name={}".format(cpc),
if not list_resp['cpcs']:
raise ValueError(ERROR_NOT_FOUND.format(
obj_type='CPC', obj_name=cpc))
return self._cpc_cache[cpc]['dpm-enabled']
def logon(self):
Open a session with the HMC API and store its ID
self._session = self._create_session()
logon_body = {"userid": self.user, "password": self.passwd}
logon_resp = self._request("post", "/api/sessions", body=logon_body,
valid_codes=[200, 201])
self._session.headers["X-API-Session"] = logon_resp['api-session']
def logoff(self):
Close/delete the HMC API session
if self._session is None:
self._request("delete", "/api/sessions/this-session",
self._cpc_cache = {}
self._session = None
def partition_list(self, cpc):
Return a list of partitions in the format {'name': 'part-name',
'status': 'on'}
label_map = self._get_mode_labels(cpc)
list_resp = self._request(
'get', '{}/{}'.format(
self._cpc_cache[cpc]['object-uri'], label_map['nodes']),
status_map = {label_map['state-on']: 'on'}
return [{'name': part['name'],
'status': status_map.get(part['status'].lower(), 'off')}
for part in list_resp[label_map['nodes']]]
def partition_start(self, cpc, partition):
Power on a partition
self._partition_switch_power(cpc, partition, 'start')
def partition_status(self, cpc, partition):
Return the current status of a partition (on or off)
label_map = self._get_mode_labels(cpc)
part_props = self._get_partition(cpc, partition)
if part_props['status'].lower() == label_map['state-on']:
return 'on'
return 'off'
def partition_stop(self, cpc, partition):
Power off a partition
self._partition_switch_power(cpc, partition, 'stop')
def parse_plug(options):
Extract cpc and partition from specified plug value
cpc, partition = options['--plug'].strip().split('/', 1)
except ValueError:
fail_usage('Please specify nodename in format cpc/partition')
cpc = cpc.strip()
if not cpc or not partition:
fail_usage('Please specify nodename in format cpc/partition')
return cpc, partition
def get_power_status(conn, options):
logging.debug('executing get_power_status')
status = conn.partition_status(*parse_plug(options))
return status
def set_power_status(conn, options):
logging.debug('executing set_power_status')
if options['--action'] == 'on':
elif options['--action'] == 'off':
fail_usage('Invalid action {}'.format(options['--action']))
def get_outlet_list(conn, options):
logging.debug('executing get_outlet_list')
result = {}
for cpc in conn.cpc_list():
for part in conn.partition_list(cpc['name']):
result['{}/{}'.format(cpc['name'], part['name'])] = (
part['name'], part['status'])
return result
def disconnect(conn):
Close the API session
except Exception as exc:
logging.exception('Logoff failed: ')
def set_opts():
Define the options supported by this agent
device_opt = [
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = APIClient.DEFAULT_CONFIG['port']
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = DEFAULT_POWER_TIMEOUT
port_desc = ("Physical plug id in the format cpc-name/partition-name "
all_opt["port"]["shortdesc"] = port_desc
all_opt["port"]["help"] = (
"-n, --plug=[id] {}".format(port_desc))
all_opt["connect_retries"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "connect-retries",
"help" : "--connect-retries=[number] How many times to "
"retry on connection errors",
"default" : APIClient.DEFAULT_CONFIG['connect_retries'],
"type" : "integer",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "How many times to retry on connection errors",
"order" : 2
all_opt["read_retries"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "read-retries",
"help" : "--read-retries=[number] How many times to "
"retry on errors related to reading from server",
"default" : APIClient.DEFAULT_CONFIG['read_retries'],
"type" : "integer",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "How many times to retry on read errors",
"order" : 2
all_opt["connect_timeout"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "connect-timeout",
"help" : "--connect-timeout=[seconds] How long to wait to "
"establish a connection",
"default" : APIClient.DEFAULT_CONFIG['connect_timeout'],
"type" : "second",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "How long to wait to establish a connection",
"order" : 2
all_opt["operation_timeout"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "operation-timeout",
"help" : "--operation-timeout=[seconds] How long to wait for "
"power operation to complete (0 = do not wait)",
"default" : APIClient.DEFAULT_CONFIG['operation_timeout'],
"type" : "second",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "How long to wait for power operation to complete",
"order" : 2
all_opt["read_timeout"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "read-timeout",
"help" : "--read-timeout=[seconds] How long to wait "
"to read data from server",
"default" : APIClient.DEFAULT_CONFIG['read_timeout'],
"type" : "second",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "How long to wait for server data",
"order" : 2
all_opt["load_on_activate"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "load-on-activate",
"help" : "--load-on-activate Rely on the HMC to perform "
"a load operation on activation",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 3
return device_opt
def main():
Agent entry point
# register exit handler used by pacemaker
# prepare accepted options
device_opt = set_opts()
# parse options provided on input
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {
"shortdesc": "Fence agent for IBM z LPARs",
"longdesc": (
- "fence_ibmz is a power fencing agent which uses the HMC Web "
+ "fence_ibmz is a Power Fencing agent which uses the HMC Web "
"Services API to fence IBM z LPARs."),
"vendorurl": ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# set underlying library's logging and ssl config according to specified
# options
requests_log = logging.getLogger("urllib3")
requests_log.propagate = True
if "--verbose" in options:
if "--ssl-insecure" in options:
hmc_address = options["--ip"]
hmc_userid = options["--username"]
hmc_password = options["--password"]
config = {
'connect_retries': int(options['--connect-retries']),
'read_retries': int(options['--read-retries']),
'operation_timeout': int(options['--operation-timeout']),
'connect_timeout': int(options['--connect-timeout']),
'read_timeout': int(options['--read-timeout']),
'port': int(options['--ipport']),
'ssl_verify': bool('--ssl-insecure' not in options),
'load_on_activate': bool('--load-on-activate' in options),
conn = APIClient(hmc_address, hmc_userid, hmc_password, config)
atexit.register(disconnect, conn)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status,
get_power_status, get_outlet_list)
except Exception:
logging.exception('Exception occurred: ')
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ilo/ b/agents/ilo/
index 61245056..f30a1da2 100644
--- a/agents/ilo/
+++ b/agents/ilo/
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## iLO Version
## +---------------------------------------------+
## iLO / firmware 1.91 / RIBCL 2.22
## iLO2 / firmware 1.22 / RIBCL 2.22
## iLO2 / firmware 1.50 / RIBCL 2.22
-import sys, re, pexpect
+import sys, os, re, pexpect
import atexit
from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_LOGIN_DENIED
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send("<LOGIN USER_LOGIN = " + quoteattr(options["--username"]) + \
" PASSWORD = " + quoteattr(options["--password"]) + ">\r\n")
conn.send("<SERVER_INFO MODE = \"read\"><GET_HOST_POWER_STATUS/>\r\n")
conn.log_expect("HOST_POWER=\"(.*?)\"", int(options["--power-timeout"]))
status =
return status.lower().strip()
def set_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send("<LOGIN USER_LOGIN = " + quoteattr(options["--username"]) + \
" PASSWORD = " + quoteattr(options["--password"]) + ">\r\n")
conn.send("<SERVER_INFO MODE = \"write\">")
if options.get("fw_processor", None) == "iLO2":
if options["fw_version"] > 1.29:
conn.send("<HOLD_PWR_BTN TOGGLE=\"yes\" />\r\n")
conn.send("<HOLD_PWR_BTN />\r\n")
elif options["--ribcl-version"] < 2.21:
conn.send("<SET_HOST_POWER HOST_POWER = \"" + options["--action"] + "\" />\r\n")
if options["--action"] == "off":
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["ribcl"] = {
"getopt" : "r:",
"longopt" : "ribcl-version",
"help" : "-r, --ribcl-version=[version] Force ribcl version to use",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Force ribcl version to use",
"order" : 1}
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "ssl", "notls", "tls1.0", "ribcl"]
all_opt["login_timeout"]["default"] = "10"
all_opt["retry_on"]["default"] = "3"
all_opt["ssl"]["default"] = "1"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for HP iLO"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ilo is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "{} is a Power Fencing agent \
used for HP servers with the Integrated Light Out (iLO) PCI card.\
The agent opens an SSL connection to the iLO card. Once the SSL \
connection is established, the agent is able to communicate with \
-the iLO card through an XML stream."
+the iLO card through an XML stream.".format(os.path.basename(__file__))
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
docs["symlink"] = [("fence_ilo2", "Fence agent for HP iLO2")]
show_docs(options, docs)
## Login and get version number
conn = fence_login(options)
conn.send("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n")
conn.log_expect(["</RIBCL>", "<END_RIBCL/>"], int(options["--login-timeout"]))
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
except pexpect.EOF:
if "--tls1.0" in options:
options["--tls1.0"] = "1"
conn = fence_login(options)
conn.send("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n")
conn.log_expect(["</RIBCL>", "<END_RIBCL/>"], int(options["--login-timeout"]))
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
except pexpect.EOF:
version = re.compile("<RIBCL VERSION=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE).search(conn.before).group(1)
if "--ribcl-version" not in options:
options["--ribcl-version"] = float(version)
if options["--ribcl-version"] >= 2:
conn.send("<RIBCL VERSION=\"2.0\">\r\n")
conn.send("<RIBCL VERSION=\"1.2\">\r\n")
conn.send("<LOGIN USER_LOGIN = " + quoteattr(options["--username"]) + \
" PASSWORD = " + quoteattr(options["--password"]) + ">\r\n")
if options["--ribcl-version"] >= 2:
conn.send("<RIB_INFO MODE=\"read\"><GET_FW_VERSION />\r\n")
conn.log_expect(r"<GET_FW_VERSION\s*\n", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect("/>", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
options["fw_version"] = float(re.compile(r"FIRMWARE_VERSION\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\"",
options["fw_processor"] = re.compile(r"MANAGEMENT_PROCESSOR\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\"",
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
except pexpect.EOF:
## Fence operations
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ilo_moonshot/ b/agents/ilo_moonshot/
index 1923eeb1..92bc7452 100644
--- a/agents/ilo_moonshot/
+++ b/agents/ilo_moonshot/
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_STATUS
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("show node list")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
nodes = {}
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
if len(line.split()) == 10:
nodes[line.split()[1]] = ("", line.split()[8].lower().strip())
if ["list", "monitor"].count(options["--action"]) == 1:
return nodes
(_, status) = nodes[options["--plug"]]
return status.lower()
except KeyError as e:
logging.error("Failed: {}".format(str(e)))
def set_power_status(conn, options):
if options["--action"] == "on":
conn.send_eol("set node power on %s" % (options["--plug"]))
conn.send_eol("set node power off force %s" % (options["--plug"]))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "secure", "cmd_prompt", "port"]
all_opt["secure"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["MP>", "hpiLO->"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for HP Moonshot iLO"
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ilo_moonshot is a Power Fencing agent \
+for HP Moonshot iLO."
docs["longdesc"] = ""
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
conn = fence_login(options)
## Fence operations
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_power_status)
fence_logout(conn, "exit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ilo_mp/ b/agents/ilo_mp/
index 1ae4d3ed..cc1c2dec 100644
--- a/agents/ilo_mp/
+++ b/agents/ilo_mp/
@@ -1,58 +1,59 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re
import atexit
from fencing import *
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("show /system1")
re_state = re.compile('EnabledState=(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
conn.log_expect(re_state, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
status =
if status.startswith("enabled"):
return "on"
return "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
if options["--action"] == "on":
conn.send_eol("start /system1")
conn.send_eol("stop -f /system1")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "secure", "cmd_prompt", "telnet"]
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["MP>", "hpiLO->"]
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = 5
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for HP iLO MP"
- docs["longdesc"] = ""
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ilo_mp is a Power Fencing agent \
+for HP iLO MP."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
conn = fence_login(options)
## Fence operations
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status)
fence_logout(conn, "exit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ilo_ssh/ b/agents/ilo_ssh/
index a27e3418..1d5be21e 100644
--- a/agents/ilo_ssh/
+++ b/agents/ilo_ssh/
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
-import sys, re
+import sys, os, re
import atexit
import logging
from fencing import *
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("show /system1")
re_state = re.compile('EnabledState=(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
conn.log_expect(re_state, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
status =
if status.startswith("enabled"):
return "on"
return "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
if options["--action"] == "on":
conn.send_eol("start /system1")
conn.send_eol("power off hard")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def reboot_cycle(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("reset /system1 hard")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
if get_power_status(conn, options) == "off":
logging.error("Timed out waiting to power ON\n")
return True
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "secure", "cmd_prompt", "method", "telnet"]
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["MP>", "hpiLO->"]
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = 5
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for HP iLO over SSH"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ilo_ssh is a fence agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "{} is a Power Fencing agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into \
device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.\
WARNING: The monitor-action is prone to timeouts. Use the fence_ilo-equivalent \
-to avoid this issue."
+to avoid this issue.".format(os.path.basename(__file__))
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
docs["symlink"] = [("fence_ilo3_ssh", "Fence agent for HP iLO3 over SSH"),
("fence_ilo4_ssh", "Fence agent for HP iLO4 over SSH"),
("fence_ilo5_ssh", "Fence agent for HP iLO5 over SSH")]
show_docs(options, docs)
options["eol"] = "\r"
conn = fence_login(options)
## Fence operations
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None, reboot_cycle)
fence_logout(conn, "exit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/intelmodular/ b/agents/intelmodular/
index 294ea4dd..e9c417a9 100644
--- a/agents/intelmodular/
+++ b/agents/intelmodular/
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# Tested with an Intel MFSYS25 using firmware package 2.6 Should work with an
# MFSYS35 as well.
# Notes:
# The manual and firmware release notes says SNMP is read only. This is not
# true, as per the MIBs that ship with the firmware you can write to
# the bladePowerLed oid to control the servers.
# Thanks Matthew Kent for original agent and testing.
import sys
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing_snmp import FencingSnmp
# From that ships with
# firmware updates
# Status constants returned as value from SNMP
# Status constants to set as value to SNMP
def get_power_status(conn, options):
(_, status) = conn.get("%s.%s"% (STATUSES_OID, options["--plug"]))
return status == str(STATUS_UP) and "on" or "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
conn.set("%s.%s" % (STATUSES_OID, options["--plug"]),
(options["--action"] == "on" and STATUS_SET_ON or STATUS_SET_OFF))
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
result = {}
res_blades = conn.walk(STATUSES_OID, 30)
for x in res_blades:
port_num = x[0].split('.')[-1]
port_alias = ""
port_status = (x[1] == str(STATUS_UP) and "on" or "off")
result[port_num] = (port_alias, port_status)
return result
# Main agent method
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password",
"port", "snmp_version", "snmp"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Intel Modular"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_intelmodular is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_intelmodular is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with Intel Modular device (tested on Intel MFSYS25, should \
work with MFSYS35 as well). \
Note: Since firmware update version 2.7, SNMP v2 write support is \
removed, and replaced by SNMP v3 support. So agent now has default \
SNMP version 3. If you are using older firmware, please supply -d \
for command line and snmp_version option for your cluster.conf."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(FencingSnmp(options), options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ipdu/ b/agents/ipdu/
index da34d2b6..f7093b8b 100644
--- a/agents/ipdu/
+++ b/agents/ipdu/
@@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following agent has been tested on:
# IBM iPDU model 46M4002
# Firmware release OPDP_sIBM_v01.2_1
import sys
import atexit
import logging
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage
from fencing_snmp import FencingSnmp
# oid defining fence device
# Device - see IBM iPDU
device = None
# Port ID
port_id = None
# Switch ID
switch_id = None
# Classes describing Device params
class IBMiPDU(object):
# iPDU
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = '.'
ident_str = "IBM iPDU"
state_on = 1
state_off = 0
turn_on = 1
turn_off = 0
has_switches = False
def ipdu_set_device(conn, options):
global device
agents_dir = {'.':IBMiPDU,
# First resolve type of PDU device
pdu_type = conn.walk(OID_SYS_OBJECT_ID)
if not ((len(pdu_type) == 1) and (pdu_type[0][1] in agents_dir)):
pdu_type = [[None, None]]
device = agents_dir[pdu_type[0][1]]
logging.debug("Trying %s"%(device.ident_str))
def ipdu_resolv_port_id(conn, options):
global port_id, switch_id
if device == None:
ipdu_set_device(conn, options)
# Now we resolv port_id/switch_id
if options["--plug"].isdigit() and ((not device.has_switches) or (options["--switch"].isdigit())):
port_id = int(options["--plug"])
if device.has_switches:
switch_id = int(options["--switch"])
table = conn.walk(device.outlet_table_oid, 30)
for x in table:
if x[1].strip('"') == options["--plug"]:
t = x[0].split('.')
if device.has_switches:
port_id = int(t[len(t)-1])
switch_id = int(t[len(t)-3])
port_id = int(t[len(t)-1])
if port_id == None:
fail_usage("Can't find port with name %s!"%(options["--plug"]))
def get_power_status(conn, options):
if port_id == None:
ipdu_resolv_port_id(conn, options)
oid = ((device.has_switches) and device.status_oid%(switch_id, port_id) or device.status_oid%(port_id))
(oid, status) = conn.get(oid)
return status == str(device.state_on) and "on" or "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
if port_id == None:
ipdu_resolv_port_id(conn, options)
oid = ((device.has_switches) and device.control_oid%(switch_id, port_id) or device.control_oid%(port_id))
conn.set(oid, (options["--action"] == "on" and device.turn_on or device.turn_off))
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
result = {}
if device == None:
ipdu_set_device(conn, options)
res_ports = conn.walk(device.outlet_table_oid, 30)
for x in res_ports:
t = x[0].split('.')
port_num = ((device.has_switches) and "%s:%s"%(t[len(t)-3], t[len(t)-1]) or "%s"%(t[len(t)-1]))
port_name = x[1].strip('"')
port_status = ""
result[port_num] = (port_name, port_status)
return result
# Main agent method
def main():
global device
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", \
"port", "snmp_version", "snmp"]
all_opt["snmp_version"]["default"] = "3"
all_opt["community"]["default"] = "private"
all_opt["switch"]["default"] = "1"
device = IBMiPDU
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for iPDU over SNMP"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ipdu is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ipdu is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the IBM iPDU network power switch. It logs \
into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports \
SNMP v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(FencingSnmp(options), options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ipmilan/ b/agents/ipmilan/
index 91e09ac7..a47fbdd8 100644
--- a/agents/ipmilan/
+++ b/agents/ipmilan/
@@ -1,237 +1,237 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re, os
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage, is_executable, run_command, run_delay
from shlex import quote
except ImportError:
from pipes import quote
def get_power_status(_, options):
output = _run_command(options, "status")
match ='[Cc]hassis [Pp]ower is [\\s]*([a-zA-Z]{2,3})', str(output))
status = if match else None
return status
def set_power_status(_, options):
_run_command(options, options["--action"])
def reboot_cycle(_, options):
output = _run_command(options, "cycle")
return bool('chassis power control: cycle', str(output).lower()))
def reboot_diag(_, options):
output = _run_command(options, "diag")
return bool('chassis power control: diag', str(output).lower()))
def _run_command(options, action):
cmd, log_cmd = create_command(options, action)
return run_command(options, cmd, log_command=log_cmd)
def create_command(options, action):
class Cmd:
cmd = ""
log = ""
def append(cls, cmd, log=None):
cls.cmd += cmd
cls.log += (cmd if log is None else log)
# --use-sudo / -d
if "--use-sudo" in options:
Cmd.append(options["--sudo-path"] + " ")
# --lanplus / -L
if "--lanplus" in options and options["--lanplus"] in ["", "1"]:
Cmd.append(" -I lanplus")
Cmd.append(" -I lan")
# --ip / -a
Cmd.append(" -H " + options["--ip"])
# --port / -n
if "--ipport" in options:
Cmd.append(" -p " + options["--ipport"])
# --target
if "--target" in options:
Cmd.append(" -t " + options["--target"])
# --username / -l
if "--username" in options and len(options["--username"]) != 0:
Cmd.append(" -U " + quote(options["--username"]))
# --auth / -A
if "--auth" in options:
Cmd.append(" -A " + options["--auth"])
# --password / -p
if "--password" in options:
Cmd.append(" -P " + quote(options["--password"]), " -P [set]")
Cmd.append(" -P ''", " -P [set]")
# --cipher / -C
if "--cipher" in options:
Cmd.append(" -C " + options["--cipher"])
if "--privlvl" in options:
Cmd.append(" -L " + options["--privlvl"])
if "--hexadecimal-kg" in options:
Cmd.append(" -y " + options["--hexadecimal-kg"])
if "--ipmitool-timeout" in options:
Cmd.append(" -N " + options["--ipmitool-timeout"])
# --action / -o
Cmd.append(" chassis power " + action)
# --verbose-level
if options["--verbose-level"] > 1:
Cmd.append(" -" + "v" * (options["--verbose-level"] - 1))
return (Cmd.cmd, Cmd.log)
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["lanplus"] = {
"getopt" : "P",
"longopt" : "lanplus",
"help" : "-P, --lanplus Use Lanplus to improve security of connection",
"required" : "0",
"default" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Use Lanplus to improve security of connection",
"order": 1
all_opt["auth"] = {
"getopt" : "A:",
"longopt" : "auth",
"help" : "-A, --auth=[auth] IPMI Lan Auth type (md5|password|none)",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "IPMI Lan Auth type.",
"choices" : ["md5", "password", "none"],
"order": 1
all_opt["cipher"] = {
"getopt" : "C:",
"longopt" : "cipher",
"help" : "-C, --cipher=[cipher] Ciphersuite to use (same as ipmitool -C parameter)",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Ciphersuite to use (same as ipmitool -C parameter)",
"order": 1
all_opt["privlvl"] = {
"getopt" : "L:",
"longopt" : "privlvl",
"help" : "-L, --privlvl=[level] "
"Privilege level on IPMI device (callback|user|operator|administrator)",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Privilege level on IPMI device",
"default" : "administrator",
"choices" : ["callback", "user", "operator", "administrator"],
"order": 1
all_opt["ipmitool_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "ipmitool-path",
"help" : "--ipmitool-path=[path] Path to ipmitool binary",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to ipmitool binary",
"default" : "@IPMITOOL_PATH@",
"order": 200
all_opt["ipmitool_timeout"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "ipmitool-timeout",
"help" : "--ipmitool-timeout=[timeout] Timeout (sec) for IPMI operation",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Timeout (sec) for IPMI operation",
"default" : "2",
"order": 201
all_opt["target"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "target",
"help" : "--target=[targetaddress] Bridge IPMI requests to the remote target address",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Bridge IPMI requests to the remote target address",
"order": 1
all_opt["hexadecimal_kg"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "hexadecimal-kg",
"help" : "--hexadecimal-kg=[key] Hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication",
"order": 1
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "no_login", "no_password", "passwd",
"diag", "lanplus", "auth", "cipher", "privlvl", "sudo",
"ipmitool_path", "ipmitool_timeout", "method", "target", "hexadecimal_kg"]
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = 2
if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "fence_ilo3":
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "4"
all_opt["lanplus"]["default"] = "1"
elif os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "fence_ilo4":
all_opt["lanplus"]["default"] = "1"
elif os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "fence_ilo5":
all_opt["lanplus"]["default"] = "1"
elif os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "fence_ipmilanplus":
all_opt["lanplus"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "623"
all_opt["method"]["help"] = "-m, --method=[method] Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default: onoff)\n" \
"WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. " \
"You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option."
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for IPMI"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ipmilan is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "{} is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. \
This agent calls support software ipmitool ( \
WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. \
-You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option."
+You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.".format(os.path.basename(__file__))
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
docs["symlink"] = [("fence_ilo3", "Fence agent for HP iLO3"),
("fence_ilo4", "Fence agent for HP iLO4"),
("fence_ilo5", "Fence agent for HP iLO5"),
("fence_ipmilanplus", "Fence agent for IPMIv2 lanplus"),
("fence_imm", "Fence agent for IBM Integrated Management Module"),
("fence_idrac", "Fence agent for Dell iDRAC")]
show_docs(options, docs)
if not is_executable(options["--ipmitool-path"]):
fail_usage("Ipmitool not found or not accessible")
reboot_fn = reboot_cycle
if options["--action"] == "diag":
# Diag is a special action that can't be verified so we will reuse reboot functionality
# to minimize impact on generic library
options["--action"] = "reboot"
options["--method"] = "cycle"
reboot_fn = reboot_diag
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None, reboot_fn)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ironic/ b/agents/ironic/
index d0c9d9c1..76a9250f 100644
--- a/agents/ironic/
+++ b/agents/ironic/
@@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import atexit
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage, is_executable, run_command, run_delay
from shlex import quote
except ImportError:
from pipes import quote
def get_name_or_uuid(options):
return options["--uuid"] if "--uuid" in options else options["--plug"]
def get_power_status(_, options):
output = ironic_run_command(options, "status")
stdout = output[1]
match ='power[\\s]*([a-zA-Z]{2,3})', str(stdout))
status = if match else None
return status
def set_power_status(_, options):
ironic_run_command(options, options["--action"])
def get_devices_list(_, options):
nodes = {}
output = ironic_run_command(options, "list")
stdout = output[1]
for line in stdout.splitlines():
uuid = "UUID"
(uuid, name, state) = line.split(',')
except ValueError:
if "UUID" in uuid:
continue # skip line header
match ='power[\\s]*([a-zA-Z]{2,3})', state)
status = if match else None
nodes[uuid] = (name, status)
return nodes
def ironic_run_command(options, action, timeout=None):
cmd = options["--openstack-path"] + " baremetal"
env = os.environ.copy()
# --username / -l
if "--username" in options and len(options["--username"]) != 0:
env["OS_USERNAME"] = options["--username"]
# --password / -p
if "--password" in options:
env["OS_PASSWORD"] = options["--password"]
# --tenant-name -t
if "--tenant-name" in options:
env["OS_TENANT_NAME"] = options["--tenant-name"]
# --auth-url
if "--auth-url" in options:
env["OS_AUTH_URL"] = options["--auth-url"]
# --action / -o
if action == "status":
cmd += " show %s -c power_state --format value" % (get_name_or_uuid(options))
elif action in ["on", "off"]:
cmd += " power %s %s" % (action, get_name_or_uuid(options))
elif action == "list":
cmd += " list -c 'Instance UUID' -c Name -c 'Power State' --format csv --quote minimal"
logging.debug("cmd -> %s" % cmd)
return run_command(options, cmd, timeout, env)
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["auth-url"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "auth-url",
"help" : "--auth-url=[authurl] Auth URL",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "Keystone Admin Auth URL",
"order": 1
all_opt["tenant-name"] = {
"getopt" : "t:",
"longopt" : "tenant-name",
"help" : "-t, --tenant-name=[tenant] Tenantname",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Keystone Admin Tenant",
"default": "admin",
"order": 1
all_opt["openstack-path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "openstack-path",
"help" : "--openstack-path=[path] Path to openstack binary",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to the OpenStack binary",
"default" : "@OPENSTACK_PATH@",
"order": 200
def main():
device_opt = ["login", "passwd", "port", "auth-url", "tenant-name", "openstack-path"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for OpenStack's Ironic (Bare Metal as a service) service"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ironic is a Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ironic is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with machines controlled by the Ironic service. \
This agent calls the openstack CLI. \
WARNING! This fence agent is not intended for production use. Relying on a functional ironic service for fencing is not a good design choice."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if not is_executable(options["--openstack-path"]):
fail_usage("openstack tool not found or not accessible")
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_devices_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/kubevirt/ b/agents/kubevirt/
index 8c27a033..e3817b0f 100755
--- a/agents/kubevirt/
+++ b/agents/kubevirt/
@@ -1,154 +1,154 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, run_delay, EC_STATUS, EC_FETCH_VM_UUID
from kubernetes.client.exceptions import ApiException
except ImportError:
logging.error("Couldn\'t import kubernetes.client.exceptions.ApiException - not found or not accessible")
def _get_namespace(options):
from kubernetes import config
ns = options.get("--namespace")
if ns is None:
ns = config.kube_config.list_kube_config_contexts()[1]['context']['namespace']
return ns
def get_nodes_list(conn, options):
logging.debug("Starting list/monitor operation")
result = {}
apiversion = options.get("--apiversion")
namespace = _get_namespace(options)
include_uninitialized = True
vm_api = conn.resources.get(api_version=apiversion, kind='VirtualMachine')
vm_list = vm_api.get(namespace=namespace)
for vm in vm_list.items:
result[] = ("", None)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Exception when calling VirtualMachine list: %s", e)
return result
def get_power_status(conn, options):
logging.debug("Starting get status operation")
apiversion = options.get("--apiversion")
namespace = _get_namespace(options)
name = options.get("--plug")
vmi_api = conn.resources.get(api_version=apiversion,
vmi = vmi_api.get(name=name, namespace=namespace)
return translate_status(vmi.status.phase)
except ApiException as e:
if e.status == 404:
vm_api = conn.resources.get(api_version=apiversion, kind='VirtualMachine')
vm = vm_api.get(name=name, namespace=namespace)
except ApiException as e:
logging.error("VM %s doesn't exist", name)
return "off"
logging.error("Failed to get power status, with API Exception: %s", e)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Failed to get power status, with Exception: %s", e)
def translate_status(instance_status):
if instance_status == "Running":
return "on"
return "unknown"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
logging.debug("Starting set status operation")
apiversion= options.get("--apiversion")
namespace = _get_namespace(options)
name = options.get("--plug")
action = 'start' if options["--action"] == "on" else 'stop'
virtctl_vm_action(conn, action, namespace, name, apiversion)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Failed to set power status, with Exception: %s", e)
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["namespace"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "namespace",
"help" : "--namespace=[namespace] Namespace of the KubeVirt machine",
"shortdesc" : "Namespace of the KubeVirt machine.",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 2
all_opt["kubeconfig"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "kubeconfig",
"help" : "--kubeconfig=[kubeconfig] Kubeconfig file path",
"shortdesc": "Kubeconfig file path",
"required": "0",
"order": 4
all_opt["apiversion"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "apiversion",
"help" : "--apiversion=[apiversion] Version of the KubeVirt API",
"shortdesc" : "Version of the KubeVirt API.",
"required" : "0",
"default" : "",
"order" : 5
def virtctl_vm_action(conn, action, namespace, name, apiversion):
path = '/apis/subresources.{api_version}/namespaces/{namespace}/virtualmachines/{name}/{action}'
path = path.format(api_version=apiversion, namespace=namespace, name=name, action=action)
return conn.request('put', path, header_params={'accept': '*/*'})
# Main agent method
def main():
conn = None
device_opt = ["port", "namespace", "kubeconfig", "ssl_insecure", "no_password", "apiversion"]
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "40"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for KubeVirt"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_kubevirt is an I/O Fencing agent for KubeVirt."
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_kubevirt is a Power Fencing agent for KubeVirt."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Disable insecure-certificate-warning message
if "--ssl-insecure" in options:
import urllib3
from kubernetes import config
from openshift.dynamic import DynamicClient
kubeconfig = options.get('--kubeconfig')
k8s_client = config.new_client_from_config(config_file=kubeconfig)
conn = DynamicClient(k8s_client)
except ImportError:
logging.error("Couldn\'t import kubernetes.config or "
"openshift.dynamic.DynamicClient - not found or not accessible")
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_nodes_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ldom/ b/agents/ldom/
index 0cb3320b..78edd295 100644
--- a/agents/ldom/
+++ b/agents/ldom/
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On - LDOM 1.0.3
## The interface is backward compatible so it will work
## with 1.0, 1.0.1 and .2 too.
import sys, re, pexpect
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage
# Start comunicating after login. Prepare good environment.
def start_communication(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("PS1='" + COMMAND_PROMPT_NEW + "'")
res = conn.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, COMMAND_PROMPT_REG], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if res == 0:
#CSH stuff
conn.send_eol("set prompt='" + COMMAND_PROMPT_NEW + "'")
conn.log_expect(COMMAND_PROMPT_REG, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def get_power_status(conn, options):
start_communication(conn, options)
conn.send_eol("ldm ls")
conn.log_expect(COMMAND_PROMPT_REG, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
result = {}
#This is status of mini finite automata. 0 = we didn't found NAME and STATE, 1 = we did
fa_status = 0
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
domain ="^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+.*$", line)
if domain != None:
if fa_status == 0 and == "NAME" and == "STATE":
fa_status = 1
elif fa_status == 1:
result[] = ("", ( == "bound" and "off" or "on"))
if not options["--action"] in ['monitor', 'list']:
if not options["--plug"] in result:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter existing logical domain!")
return result[options["--plug"]][1]
return result
def set_power_status(conn, options):
start_communication(conn, options)
cmd_line = "ldm "+ (options["--action"] == "on" and "start" or "stop -f") + " \"" + options["--plug"] + "\""
conn.log_expect(COMMAND_PROMPT_REG, int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", "port"]
all_opt["secure"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = [r"\ $"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Sun LDOM"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ldom is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ldom is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with LDoms virtual machines. This agent works \
so, that run ldm command on host machine. So ldm must be directly \
Very useful parameter is -c (or cmd_prompt in stdin mode). This \
must be set to something, what is displayed after successful login \
to host machine. Default string is space on end of string (default \
for root in bash). But (for example) csh use ], so in that case you \
must use parameter -c with argument ]. Very similar situation is, \
if you use bash and login to host machine with other user than \
root. Than prompt is $, so again, you must use parameter -c."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_power_status)
fence_logout(conn, "logout")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/lindy_pdu/ b/agents/lindy_pdu/
index 432b7415..f5128844 100644
--- a/agents/lindy_pdu/
+++ b/agents/lindy_pdu/
@@ -1,206 +1,206 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see
# <>.
# The Following agent has been tested on:
# Lindy PDU model 32657
# Firmware release s4.82-091012-1cb08s
# Probably works on different models with same MIB .. but is better test on them
# (C) 2021 Daimonlab -- Damiano Scaramuzza (cesello)
import sys
import atexit
import logging
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage
from fencing_snmp import FencingSnmp
# oid defining fence device
# Device - see Lindy PDU
device = None
# Port ID
port_id = None
# Switch ID
switch_id = None
# Classes describing Device params
# Here I follow the MIBS specs that use "switch" and "plug" concepts but
# the pdu really have one switch only and 8-16 plugs.
# Probably the "switch" term is used for future uses or more advanced pdus
class LindyPDU(object):
status_oid = '.'
control_oid = '.'
outlet_table_oid = '.'
pdu_table_oid = '.'
attached_pdus = '.'
ident_str = "Lindy 32657 PDU"
state_on = 1
state_off = 0
turn_on = 1
turn_off = 0
has_switches = True
def lpdu_set_device(conn, options):
global device
agents_dir = {'.':LindyPDU}
# First resolve type of PDU device
pdu_type = conn.walk(OID_SYS_OBJECT_ID)
if not ((len(pdu_type) == 1) and (pdu_type[0][1] in agents_dir)):
pdu_type = [[None, None]]
device = agents_dir[pdu_type[0][1]]
logging.debug("Trying %s"%(device.ident_str))
def lpdu_resolv_port_id(conn, options):
if device == None:
lpdu_set_device(conn, options)
# Now we resolv port_id/switch_id
if options["--plug"].isdigit() and ((not device.has_switches) or (options["--switch"].isdigit())):
port_id = int(options["--plug"])
if device.has_switches:
switch_id = int(options["--switch"])
table = conn.walk(device.pdu_table_oid, 30)
for x in table:
if x[1].strip('"').split(',')[0] == options["--plug"]:
t = x[0].split('.')
if device.has_switches:
port_id = int(t[len(t)-1])
switch_id = int(t[len(t)-3])
port_id = int(t[len(t)-1])
if port_id == None:
fail_usage("Can't find port with name %s!"%(options["--plug"]))
return (switch_id,port_id)
def get_power_status(conn, options):
(switch_id,port_id)=lpdu_resolv_port_id(conn, options)
oid = ((device.has_switches) and device.status_oid%(switch_id) or device.status_oid%(port_id))
(oid, status) = conn.get(oid)
# status is a comma separated string
# one line only as "1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1".
if state == str(device.state_on):
return "on"
elif state == str(device.state_off):
return "off"
return None
except Exception:
return None
def set_power_status(conn, options):
(switch_id,port_id)=lpdu_resolv_port_id(conn, options)
oid = ((device.has_switches) and device.control_oid%(switch_id) or device.control_oid%(port_id))
(oid, status) = conn.get(oid)
# status is a comma separated string
state[port_id-1]=str((options["--action"] == "on" and device.turn_on or device.turn_off))
conn.set(oid, ",".join(state))
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
result = {}
if device == None:
lpdu_set_device(conn, options)
if (device.has_switches and options["--switch"].isdigit()):
elif (device.has_switches):
#search for all pdu
pdus=conn.walk(device.attached_pdus, 30)
#I really don't know what to do with this case. I haven't a different lindy pdu to test
for switch in pdu_id:
table_oid = device.outlet_table_oid % int(switch)
res_ports = conn.walk(table_oid, 30)
status_oid=device.status_oid % int(switch)
port_status=conn.walk(status_oid, 30)
for x in res_ports:
t = x[0].split('.')
port_num = ((device.has_switches) and "%s:%s"%(t[len(t)-4], t[len(t)-2]) or "%s"%(t[len(t)-2]))
port_name = x[1].strip('"').split(',')[0]
result[port_num] = (port_name, "on" if state[int(t[len(t)-2])-1]=='1' else "off")
return result
# Main agent method
def main():
global device
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", \
"port", "snmp_version", "snmp","switch"]
all_opt["snmp_version"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["community"]["default"] = "public"
all_opt["switch"]["default"] = "1"
device = LindyPDU
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Lindy over SNMP"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_lindypdu is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_lindypdu is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the Lindy PDU network power switch. It logs \
into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports \
SNMP v1 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(FencingSnmp(options), options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/lpar/ b/agents/lpar/
index 975971a5..a18e1c9a 100644
--- a/agents/lpar/
+++ b/agents/lpar/
@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## Version
## +---------------------------------------------+
## Tested on HMC
import sys, re
import atexit
import logging
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, EC_STATUS_HMC
## Transformation to standard ON/OFF status if possible
def _normalize_status(status):
if status in ["Running", "Open Firmware", "Shutting Down", "Starting"]:
status = "on"
status = "off"
return status
def get_power_status(conn, options):
if options["--hmc-version"] == "3":
command = "lssyscfg -r lpar -m " + options["--managed"] + " -n " + options["--plug"] + " -F name,state\n"
elif options["--hmc-version"] in ["4", "IVM"]:
command = "lssyscfg -r lpar -m "+ options["--managed"] + \
" --filter 'lpar_names=" + options["--plug"] + "'\n"
# Bad HMC Version cannot be reached
# First line (command) may cause parsing issues if long
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
if options["--hmc-version"] == "3":
status = re.compile("^" + options["--plug"] + ",(.*?),.*$",
re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE).search(conn.before).group(1)
elif options["--hmc-version"] in ["4", "IVM"]:
status = re.compile(",state=(.*?),", re.IGNORECASE).search(conn.before).group(1)
except AttributeError as e:
logging.debug("Command on HMC failed: {}\n{}".format(command, str(e)))
return _normalize_status(status)
def is_comanaged(conn, options):
conn.send("lscomgmt -m " + options["--managed"] + "\n" )
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
cm = re.compile(",curr_master_mtms=(.*?),", re.IGNORECASE).search(conn.before).group(1)
except AttributeError as e:
cm = False
return cm
def set_power_status(conn, options):
if options["--hmc-version"] == "3":
conn.send("chsysstate -o " + options["--action"] + " -r lpar -m " + options["--managed"]
+ " -n " + options["--plug"] + "\n")
# First line (command) may cause parsing issues if long
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
elif options["--hmc-version"] in ["4", "IVM"]:
if options["--action"] == "on":
if is_comanaged(conn, options):
profile = ""
profile = " -f `lssyscfg -r lpar -F curr_profile " + \
" -m " + options["--managed"] + \
" --filter \"lpar_names=" + options["--plug"] + "\"`"
conn.send("chsysstate -o on -r lpar" +
" -m " + options["--managed"] +
" -n " + options["--plug"] +
profile +
conn.send("chsysstate -o shutdown -r lpar --immed" +
" -m " + options["--managed"] + " -n " + options["--plug"] + "\n")
# First line (command) may cause parsing issues if long
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def get_lpar_list(conn, options):
outlets = {}
if options["--hmc-version"] == "3":
conn.send("query_partition_names -m " + options["--managed"] + "\n")
## We have to remove first line (command)
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
## We have to remove next 2 lines (header) and last line (part of new prompt)
res ="^(.+?\n){2}(.*)\n.*$", conn.before, re.S)
if res == None:
fail_usage("Unable to parse output of list command")
lines ="\n")
for outlet_line in lines:
outlets[outlet_line.rstrip()] = ("", "")
elif options["--hmc-version"] in ["4", "IVM"]:
sep = ":" if options["--hmc-version"] == "4" else ","
conn.send("lssyscfg -r lpar -m " + options["--managed"] +
" -F name" + sep + "state\n")
## We have to remove first line (command)
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
## We have to remove last line (part of new prompt)
res ="^(.*)\n.*$", conn.before, re.S)
if res == None:
fail_usage("Unable to parse output of list command")
lines ="\n")
for outlet_line in lines:
(port, status) = outlet_line.rstrip().split(sep)
except ValueError:
fail_usage('Output does not match expected HMC version, try different one');
outlets[port] = ("", _normalize_status(status))
return outlets
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["managed"] = {
"getopt" : "s:",
"longopt" : "managed",
"help" : "-s, --managed=[id] Name of the managed system",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "Managed system name",
"order" : 1}
all_opt["hmc_version"] = {
"getopt" : "H:",
"longopt" : "hmc-version",
"help" : "-H, --hmc-version=[version] Force HMC version to use: (3|4|ivm) (default: 4)",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Force HMC version to use",
"default" : "4",
"choices" : ["3", "4", "ivm"],
"order" : 1}
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "secure", "cmd_prompt", \
"port", "managed", "hmc_version"]
all_opt["login_timeout"]["default"] = "15"
all_opt["secure"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = [r":~>", r"]\$", r"\$ "]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt), other_conditions = True)
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for IBM LPAR"
- docs["longdesc"] = ""
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_lpar is a Power Fencing agent for IBM LPAR."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if "--managed" not in options:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter name of managed system")
if options["--action"] == "validate-all":
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_lpar_list)
fence_logout(conn, "quit\r\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/mpath/ b/agents/mpath/
index 6976fee9..0e5d9ed3 100644
--- a/agents/mpath/
+++ b/agents/mpath/
@@ -1,341 +1,341 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import stat
import re
import os
import time
import logging
import atexit
import ctypes
from fencing import fail_usage, run_command, atexit_handler, check_input, process_input, show_docs
from fencing import fence_action, all_opt, run_delay
def get_status(conn, options):
del conn
status = "off"
for dev in options["devices"]:
if options["--plug"] in get_registration_keys(options, dev):
status = "on"
logging.debug("No registration for key "\
+ options["--plug"] + " on device " + dev + "\n")
if options["--action"] == "monitor":
return status
def set_status(conn, options):
del conn
count = 0
if options["--action"] == "on":
for dev in options["devices"]:
register_dev(options, dev)
if options["--plug"] not in get_registration_keys(options, dev):
count += 1
logging.debug("Failed to register key "\
+ options["--plug"] + "on device " + dev + "\n")
dev_write(options, dev)
if get_reservation_key(options, dev) is None \
and not reserve_dev(options, dev) \
and get_reservation_key(options, dev) is None:
count += 1
logging.debug("Failed to create reservation (key="\
+ options["--plug"] + ", device=" + dev + ")\n")
dev_keys = dev_read(options)
for dev in options["devices"]:
if options["--plug"] in get_registration_keys(options, dev):
preempt_abort(options, dev_keys[dev], dev)
for dev in options["devices"]:
if options["--plug"] in get_registration_keys(options, dev):
count += 1
logging.debug("Failed to remove key "\
+ options["--plug"] + " on device " + dev + "\n")
if not get_reservation_key(options, dev):
count += 1
logging.debug("No reservation exists on device " + dev + "\n")
if count:
logging.error("Failed to verify " + str(count) + " device(s)")
# run command, returns dict, ret["rc"] = exit code; ret["out"] = output;
# ret["err"] = error
def run_cmd(options, cmd):
ret = {}
if "--use-sudo" in options:
prefix = options["--sudo-path"] + " "
prefix = ""
(ret["rc"], ret["out"], ret["err"]) = run_command(options,
prefix + cmd)
ret["out"] = "".join([i for i in ret["out"] if i is not None])
ret["err"] = "".join([i for i in ret["err"] if i is not None])
return ret
# check if device exist and is block device
def is_block_device(dev):
if not os.path.exists(dev):
fail_usage("Failed: device \"" + dev + "\" does not exist")
if not stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(dev).st_mode):
fail_usage("Failed: device \"" + dev + "\" is not a block device")
# cancel registration
def preempt_abort(options, host, dev):
cmd = options["--mpathpersist-path"] + " -o --preempt-abort --prout-type=5 --param-rk=" + host +" --param-sark=" + options["--plug"] +" -d " + dev
return not bool(run_cmd(options, cmd)["rc"])
def register_dev(options, dev):
cmd = options["--mpathpersist-path"] + " -o --register --param-sark=" + options["--plug"] + " -d " + dev
#cmd return code != 0 but registration can be successful
return not bool(run_cmd(options, cmd)["rc"])
def reserve_dev(options, dev):
cmd = options["--mpathpersist-path"] + " -o --reserve --prout-type=5 --param-rk=" + options["--plug"] + " -d " + dev
return not bool(run_cmd(options, cmd)["rc"])
def get_reservation_key(options, dev):
cmd = options["--mpathpersist-path"] + " -i -r -d " + dev
out = run_cmd(options, cmd)
if out["rc"]:
fail_usage('Cannot get reservation key on device "' + dev
+ '": ' + out["err"])
match ="\s+key\s*=\s*0x(\S+)\s+", out["out"], re.IGNORECASE)
return if match else None
def get_registration_keys(options, dev, fail=True):
keys = []
cmd = options["--mpathpersist-path"] + " -i -k -d " + dev
out = run_cmd(options, cmd)
if out["rc"]:
fail_usage('Cannot get registration keys on device "' + dev
+ '": ' + out["err"], fail)
if not fail:
return []
for line in out["out"].split("\n"):
match ="\s+0x(\S+)\s*", line)
if match:
return keys
def dev_write(options, dev):
file_path = options["--store-path"] + "/mpath.devices"
if not os.path.isdir(options["--store-path"]):
store_fh = open(file_path, "a+")
except IOError:
fail_usage("Failed: Cannot open file \""+ file_path + "\"")
out =
if not"^" + dev + r"\s+", out):
store_fh.write(dev + "\t" + options["--plug"] + "\n")
def dev_read(options, fail=True):
dev_key = {}
file_path = options["--store-path"] + "/mpath.devices"
store_fh = open(file_path, "r")
except IOError:
if fail:
fail_usage("Failed: Cannot open file \"" + file_path + "\"")
return None
# get not empty lines from file
for (device, key) in [line.strip().split() for line in store_fh if line.strip()]:
dev_key[device] = key
return dev_key
def mpath_check_get_options(options):
f = open("/etc/sysconfig/stonith", "r")
except IOError:
return options
match = re.findall(r"^\s*(\S*)\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*", "".join(f.readlines()), re.MULTILINE)
for m in match:
options[m[0].lower()] = m[1].lower()
return options
def mpath_check(hardreboot=False):
if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == "repair":
return int(sys.argv[2])
options = {}
options["--mpathpersist-path"] = "/usr/sbin/mpathpersist"
options["--store-path"] = "@STORE_PATH@"
options["--power-timeout"] = "5"
options["retry"] = "0"
options["retry-sleep"] = "1"
options = mpath_check_get_options(options)
if "verbose" in options and options["verbose"] == "yes":
devs = dev_read(options, fail=False)
if not devs:
if "--suppress-errors" not in options:
logging.error("No devices found")
return 0
for dev, key in list(devs.items()):
for n in range(int(options["retry"]) + 1):
if n > 0:
logging.debug("retry: " + str(n) + " of " + options["retry"])
if key in get_registration_keys(options, dev, fail=False):
logging.debug("key " + key + " registered with device " + dev)
return 0
logging.debug("key " + key + " not registered with device " + dev)
if n < int(options["retry"]):
logging.debug("key " + key + " registered with any devices")
if hardreboot == True:
libc = ctypes.cdll['']
return 2
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["devices"] = {
"getopt" : "d:",
"longopt" : "devices",
"help" : "-d, --devices=[devices] List of devices to use for current operation",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "List of devices to use for current operation. Devices can \
be comma or space separated list of device-mapper multipath devices (eg. /dev/mapper/3600508b400105df70000e00000ac0000 or /dev/mapper/mpath1). \
Each device must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations.",
"order": 1
all_opt["key"] = {
"getopt" : "k:",
"longopt" : "key",
"help" : "-k, --key=[key] Replaced by -n, --plug",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Replaced by port/-n/--plug",
"order": 1
all_opt["suppress-errors"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "suppress-errors",
"help" : "--suppress-errors Suppress error log. Suppresses error logging when run from the watchdog service before pacemaker starts.",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Error log suppression.",
"order": 4
all_opt["mpathpersist_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "mpathpersist-path",
"help" : "--mpathpersist-path=[path] Path to mpathpersist binary",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to mpathpersist binary",
"default" : "@MPATH_PATH@",
"order": 200
all_opt["store_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "store-path",
"help" : "--store-path=[path] Path to directory containing cached keys",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to directory where fence agent can store information",
"default" : "@STORE_PATH@",
"order": 200
def main():
device_opt = ["no_login", "no_password", "devices", "key", "sudo", \
"fabric_fencing", "on_target", "store_path", \
"suppress-errors", "mpathpersist_path", "force_on", "port", "no_port"]
all_opt["port"]["required"] = "0"
all_opt["port"]["help"] = "-n, --plug=[key] Key to use for the current operation"
all_opt["port"]["shortdesc"] = "Key to use for the current operation. \
This key should be unique to a node and have to be written in \
/etc/multipath.conf. For the \"on\" action, the key specifies the key use to \
register the local node. For the \"off\" action, this key specifies the key to \
be removed from the device(s)."
# fence_mpath_check
if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "fence_mpath_check":
elif os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "fence_mpath_check_hardreboot":
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt), other_conditions=True)
# hack to remove list/list-status actions which are not supported
options["device_opt"] = [ o for o in options["device_opt"] if o != "separator" ]
# workaround to avoid regressions
if "--key" in options:
options["--plug"] = options["--key"]
del options["--key"]
elif "--help" not in options and options["--action"] in ["off", "on", \
"reboot", "status", "validate-all"] and "--plug" not in options:
stop_after_error = False if options["--action"] == "validate-all" else True
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter plug number or machine identification", stop_after_error)
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for multipath persistent reservation"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_mpath is an I/O fencing agent that uses SCSI-3 \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_mpath is an I/O Fencing agent that uses SCSI-3 \
persistent reservations to control access multipath devices. Underlying \
devices must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations (SPC-3 or greater) as \
well as the \"preempt-and-abort\" subcommand.\nThe fence_mpath agent works by \
having a unique key for each node that has to be set in /etc/multipath.conf. \
Once registered, a single node will become the reservation holder \
by creating a \"write exclusive, registrants only\" reservation on the \
device(s). The result is that only registered nodes may write to the \
device(s). When a node failure occurs, the fence_mpath agent will remove the \
key belonging to the failed node from the device(s). The failed node will no \
longer be able to write to the device(s). A manual reboot is required.\
When used as a watchdog device you can define e.g. retry=1, retry-sleep=2 and \
verbose=yes parameters in /etc/sysconfig/stonith if you have issues with it \
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Input control BEGIN
if options["--action"] == "validate-all":
if not ("--devices" in options and options["--devices"]):
fail_usage("Failed: No devices found")
options["devices"] = [d for d in re.split("\s*,\s*|\s+", options["--devices"].strip()) if d]
# Input control END
result = fence_action(None, options, set_status, get_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/netio/ b/agents/netio/
index 4fb59cff..fc3bf9d8 100755
--- a/agents/netio/
+++ b/agents/netio/
@@ -1,94 +1,94 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re, pexpect
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fspawn, fail, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, run_delay
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("port %s" % options["--plug"])
re_status = re.compile("250 [01imt]")
conn.log_expect(re_status, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
status = {
"0" : "off",
"1" : "on",
"i" : "reboot",
"m" : "manual",
"t" : "timer"
return status
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
"on" : "1",
"off" : "0",
"reboot" : "i"
conn.send_eol("port %s %s" % (options["--plug"], action))
conn.log_expect("250 OK", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def get_outlet_list(conn, options):
result = {}
# the NETIO-230B has 4 ports, counting start at 1
for plug in ["1", "2", "3", "4"]:
conn.send_eol("port setup %s" % plug)
conn.log_expect("250 .+", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
# the name is enclosed in "", drop those with [1:-1]
name = conn.after.split()[1][1:-1]
result[plug] = (name, "unknown")
except Exception as exn:
return result
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "port", "telnet"]
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "1234"
opt = process_input(device_opt)
opt["eol"] = "\r\n"
options = check_input(device_opt, opt)
docs = {}
- docs["shortdesc"] = "I/O Fencing agent for Koukaam NETIO-230B"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_netio is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
+ docs["shortdesc"] = "Power Fencing agent for Koukaam NETIO-230B"
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_netio is a Power Fencing agent which can be \
used with the Koukaam NETIO-230B Power Distribution Unit. It logs into \
device via telnet and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet connections \
should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will \
block any necessary fencing actions."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
## We can not use fence_login(), username and passwd are sent on one line
conn = fspawn(options, options["--telnet-path"])
conn.send("set binary\n")
conn.send("open %s -%s\n"%(options["--ip"], options["--ipport"]))
conn.read_nonblocking(size=100, timeout=int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect("100 HELLO .*", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.send_eol("login %s %s" % (options["--username"], options["--password"]))
conn.log_expect("250 OK", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
except pexpect.EOF:
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlet_list)
fence_logout(conn, "quit\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/openstack/ b/agents/openstack/
index 666016d7..e7aea086 100644
--- a/agents/openstack/
+++ b/agents/openstack/
@@ -1,381 +1,381 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import atexit
import logging
import sys
import os
import urllib3
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage, run_delay, source_env
from novaclient import client
from novaclient.exceptions import Conflict, NotFound
except ImportError:
def translate_status(instance_status):
if instance_status == "ACTIVE":
return "on"
elif instance_status == "SHUTOFF":
return "off"
return "unknown"
def get_cloud(options):
import yaml
clouds_yaml = "~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml"
if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(clouds_yaml)):
clouds_yaml = "/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml"
if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(clouds_yaml)):
fail_usage("Failed: ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml and /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml does not exist")
clouds_yaml = os.path.expanduser(clouds_yaml)
if os.path.exists(clouds_yaml):
with open(clouds_yaml, "r") as yaml_stream:
clouds = yaml.safe_load(yaml_stream)
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
fail_usage("Failed: Unable to read: " + clouds_yaml)
cloud = clouds.get("clouds").get(options["--cloud"])
if not cloud:
fail_usage("Cloud: {} not found.".format(options["--cloud"]))
return cloud
def get_nodes_list(conn, options):"Running %s action", options["--action"])
result = {}
response = conn.servers.list(detailed=True)
if response is not None:
for item in response:
instance_id =
instance_name =
instance_status = item.status
result[instance_id] = (instance_name, translate_status(instance_status))
return result
def get_power_status(conn, options):"Running %s action on %s", options["--action"], options["--plug"])
server = None
server = conn.servers.get(options["--plug"])
except NotFound as e:
fail_usage("Failed: Not Found: " + str(e))
if server is None:
fail_usage("Server %s not found", options["--plug"])
state = server.status
status = translate_status(state)"get_power_status: %s (state: %s)" % (status, state))
return status
def set_power_status(conn, options):"Running %s action on %s", options["--action"], options["--plug"])
action = options["--action"]
server = None
server = conn.servers.get(options["--plug"])
except NotFound as e:
fail_usage("Failed: Not Found: " + str(e))
if server is None:
fail_usage("Server %s not found", options["--plug"])
if action == "on":"Starting instance " +
except Conflict as e:
fail_usage(e)"Called start API call for " +
if action == "off":"Stopping instance " +
except Conflict as e:
fail_usage(e)"Called stop API call for " +
if action == "reboot":"Rebooting instance " +
except Conflict as e:
fail_usage(e)"Called reboot hard API call for " +
def nova_login(username, password, projectname, auth_url, user_domain_name,
project_domain_name, ssl_insecure, cacert, apitimeout):
legacy_import = False
from keystoneauth1 import loading
from keystoneauth1 import session as ksc_session
from keystoneauth1.exceptions.discovery import DiscoveryFailure
from keystoneauth1.exceptions.http import Unauthorized
except ImportError:
from keystoneclient import session as ksc_session
from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v3
legacy_import = True
except ImportError:
fail_usage("Failed: Keystone client not found or not accessible")
if not legacy_import:
loader = loading.get_plugin_loader("password")
auth = loader.load_from_options(
auth = v3.Password(
if ssl_insecure:
elif cacert:
session = ksc_session.Session(auth=auth, verify=caverify, timeout=apitimeout)
nova = client.Client("2", session=session, timeout=apitimeout)
apiversion = None
apiversion = nova.versions.get_current()
except DiscoveryFailure as e:
fail_usage("Failed: Discovery Failure: " + str(e))
except Unauthorized as e:
fail_usage("Failed: Unauthorized: " + str(e))
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Nova version: %s", apiversion)
return nova
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["auth-url"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "auth-url",
"help": "--auth-url=[authurl] Keystone Auth URL",
"required": "0",
"shortdesc": "Keystone Auth URL",
"order": 2,
all_opt["project-name"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "project-name",
"help": "--project-name=[project] Tenant Or Project Name",
"required": "0",
"shortdesc": "Keystone Project",
"default": "admin",
"order": 3,
all_opt["user-domain-name"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "user-domain-name",
"help": "--user-domain-name=[domain] Keystone User Domain Name",
"required": "0",
"shortdesc": "Keystone User Domain Name",
"default": "Default",
"order": 4,
all_opt["project-domain-name"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "project-domain-name",
"help": "--project-domain-name=[domain] Keystone Project Domain Name",
"required": "0",
"shortdesc": "Keystone Project Domain Name",
"default": "Default",
"order": 5,
all_opt["cloud"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "cloud",
"help": "--cloud=[cloud] Openstack cloud (from ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml or /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml).",
"required": "0",
"shortdesc": "Cloud from clouds.yaml",
"order": 6,
all_opt["openrc"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "openrc",
"help": "--openrc=[openrc] Path to the openrc config file",
"required": "0",
"shortdesc": "openrc config file",
"order": 7,
all_opt["uuid"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "uuid",
"help": "--uuid=[uuid] Replaced by -n, --plug",
"required": "0",
"shortdesc": "Replaced by port/-n/--plug",
"order": 8,
all_opt["cacert"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"longopt": "cacert",
"help": "--cacert=[cacert] Path to the PEM file with trusted authority certificates (override global CA trust)",
"required": "0",
"shortdesc": "SSL X.509 certificates file",
"default": "",
"order": 9,
all_opt["apitimeout"] = {
"getopt": ":",
"type": "second",
"longopt": "apitimeout",
"help": "--apitimeout=[seconds] Timeout to use for API calls",
"shortdesc": "Timeout in seconds to use for API calls, default is 60.",
"required": "0",
"default": 60,
"order": 10,
def main():
conn = None
device_opt = [
all_opt["port"]["required"] = "0"
all_opt["port"]["help"] = "-n, --plug=[UUID] UUID of the node to be fenced"
all_opt["port"]["shortdesc"] = "UUID of the node to be fenced."
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "60"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
# workaround to avoid regressions
if "--uuid" in options:
options["--plug"] = options["--uuid"]
del options["--uuid"]
elif ("--help" not in options
and options["--action"] in ["off", "on", "reboot", "status", "validate-all"]
and "--plug" not in options):
stop_after_error = False if options["--action"] == "validate-all" else True
"Failed: You have to enter plug number or machine identification",
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for OpenStack's Nova service"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_openstack is a Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_openstack is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with machines controlled by the Openstack's Nova service. \
This agent calls the python-novaclient and it is mandatory to be installed "
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if options.get("--cloud"):
cloud = get_cloud(options)
username = cloud.get("auth").get("username")
password = cloud.get("auth").get("password")
projectname = cloud.get("auth").get("project_name")
auth_url = None
auth_url = cloud.get("auth").get("auth_url")
except KeyError:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to set the Keystone service endpoint for authorization")
user_domain_name = cloud.get("auth").get("user_domain_name")
project_domain_name = cloud.get("auth").get("project_domain_name")
caverify = cloud.get("verify")
if caverify in [True, False]:
options["--ssl-insecure"] = caverify
options["--cacert"] = caverify
elif options.get("--openrc"):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(options["--openrc"])):
fail_usage("Failed: {} does not exist".format(options.get("--openrc")))
env = os.environ
username = env.get("OS_USERNAME")
password = env.get("OS_PASSWORD")
projectname = env.get("OS_PROJECT_NAME")
auth_url = None
auth_url = env["OS_AUTH_URL"]
except KeyError:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to set the Keystone service endpoint for authorization")
user_domain_name = env.get("OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME")
project_domain_name = env.get("OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME")
username = options["--username"]
password = options["--password"]
projectname = options["--project-name"]
auth_url = None
auth_url = options["--auth-url"]
except KeyError:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to set the Keystone service endpoint for authorization")
user_domain_name = options["--user-domain-name"]
project_domain_name = options["--project-domain-name"]
ssl_insecure = "--ssl-insecure" in options
cacert = options["--cacert"]
apitimeout = options["--apitimeout"]
conn = nova_login(
except Exception as e:
fail_usage("Failed: Unable to connect to Nova: " + str(e))
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_nodes_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/ovh/ b/agents/ovh/
index 2b7eb864..f0ea67c6 100644
--- a/agents/ovh/
+++ b/agents/ovh/
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# Copyright 2013 Adrian Gibanel Lopez (bTactic)
# Adrian Gibanel improved this script at 2013 to add verification of success and to output metadata
# Based on:
# This is a fence agent for use at OVH
# As there are no other fence devices available, we must use OVH's SOAP API #Quick-and-dirty
# assemled by Dennis Busch, secofor GmbH, Germany
# This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
import sys, time
import shutil, tempfile
import logging
import atexit
from datetime import datetime
from suds.client import Client
from import ImportDoctor, Import
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, run_delay
STATUS_HARD_DISK_SLEEP = 240 # Wait 4 minutes to SO to boot
STATUS_RESCUE_PRO_SLEEP = 150 # Wait 2 minutes 30 seconds to Rescue-Pro to run
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["email"] = {
"getopt" : "Z:",
"longopt" : "email",
"help" : "-Z, --email=[email] email for reboot message:",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "Reboot email",
"order" : 1}
def netboot_reboot(conn, options, mode):
# dedicatedNetbootModifyById changes the mode of the next reboot
conn.service.dedicatedNetbootModifyById(options["session"], options["--plug"], mode, '', options["--email"])
# dedicatedHardRebootDo initiates a hard reboot on the given node
options["--plug"], 'Fencing initiated by cluster', '', 'en')
def reboot_time(conn, options):
result = conn.service.dedicatedHardRebootStatus(options["session"], options["--plug"])
tmpstart = datetime.strptime(result.start, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
tmpend = datetime.strptime(result.end, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
result.start = tmpstart
result.end = tmpend
return result
def soap_login(options):
imp = Import('')
url = ''
d = ImportDoctor(imp)
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
tempfile.tempdir = tmp_dir
atexit.register(remove_tmp_dir, tmp_dir)
soap = Client(url, doctor=d)
session = soap.service.login(options["--username"], options["--password"], 'en', 0)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Failed: {}".format(str(e)))
options["session"] = session
return soap
def remove_tmp_dir(tmp_dir):
def main():
device_opt = ["login", "passwd", "port", "email", "no_status", "web"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt), other_conditions=True)
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for OVH"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ovh is an Power Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_ovh is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used within OVH datecentre. \
Poweroff is simulated with a reboot into rescue-pro mode."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if options["--action"] == "list":
fail_usage("Action 'list' is not supported in this fence agent")
if options["--action"] == "list-status":
fail_usage("Action 'list-status' is not supported in this fence agent")
if "--email" not in options:
fail_usage("You have to enter e-mail address which is notified by fence agent")
if options["--action"] == "validate-all":
if options["--action"] != "monitor" and not options["--plug"].endswith(""):
options["--plug"] += ""
conn = soap_login(options)
if options["--action"] == 'monitor':
except Exception:
# Save datetime just before changing netboot
before_netboot_reboot =
if options["--action"] == 'off':
# Reboot in Rescue-pro
netboot_reboot(conn, options, OVH_RESCUE_PRO_NETBOOT_ID)
elif options["--action"] in ['on', 'reboot']:
# Reboot from HD
netboot_reboot(conn, options, OVH_HARD_DISK_NETBOOT_ID)
# Save datetime just after reboot
after_netboot_reboot =
# Verify that action was completed sucesfully
reboot_t = reboot_time(conn, options)
logging.debug("reboot_start_end.start: %s\n",
reboot_t.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
logging.debug("before_netboot_reboot: %s\n",
before_netboot_reboot.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
logging.debug("reboot_start_end.end: %s\n",
reboot_t.end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
logging.debug("after_netboot_reboot: %s\n",
after_netboot_reboot.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
if reboot_t.start < after_netboot_reboot < reboot_t.end:
result = 0
logging.debug("Netboot reboot went OK.\n")
result = 1
logging.debug("ERROR: Netboot reboot wasn't OK.\n")
except Exception:
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/powerman/ b/agents/powerman/
index 7aeeaf12..cdca5d36 100755
--- a/agents/powerman/
+++ b/agents/powerman/
@@ -1,257 +1,257 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import subprocess
import re
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import is_executable, fail_usage, run_delay
import logging
#### important!!! #######
class PowerMan:
"""Python wrapper for calling powerman commands
This class makes calls to a powerman deamon for a cluster of computers.
The make-up of such a call looks something like:
$ pm -h elssd1:10101 <option> <node>
where option is something like --off, --on, --cycle and where node is
elssd8, or whatever values are setup in powerman.conf. Note that powerman
itself must be configured for this fence agent to work.
def __init__(self, powerman_path, server_name, port):
server_name: (string) host or ip of powerman server
port: (str) port number that the powerman server is listening on
self.powerman_path = powerman_path
self.server_name = server_name
self.port = port
self.server_and_port = server_name + ":" + str(port)
self.base_cmd = [
def _run(self, cmd, only_first_line):
# Args:
# cmd: (list) commands and arguments to pass to the program_name
run_this = self.base_cmd + cmd
popen = subprocess.Popen(run_this, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out = popen.communicate()
except OSError as e:
logging.error("_run command error: %s\n", e)
if only_first_line == True:
result_line = out[0].decode().strip()
return (result_line, popen.returncode)
result_list = []
for line in out:
return (result_list, popen.returncode)
def is_running(self):
"""simple query to see if powerman server is responding. Returns boolean"""
cmd = ["-q"] # just check if we get a response from the server
result, ret_code = self._run(cmd, True)
if ret_code != 0:
return False
return True
## Some devices respond to on or off actions as if the action was successful,
## when it was not.
## This is not unique to powerman, and so fence_action ignores the return code
## from the set_power_fn and queries the device to confirm the power status of
## the machine.
## For this reason we do not do a query ourself, retry, etc. in on() or off().
def on(self, host):
logging.debug("PowerMan on: %s\n", host)
cmd = ["--on", host]
result, ret_code = self._run(cmd, True)
except OSError as e:
logging.error("PowerMan Error: The command '--on' failed: %s\n", e)
return -1
except ValueError as e:
logging.error("PowerMan Error: Popen: invalid arguments: %s\n", e)
return -1
logging.debug("pm.on result: %s ret_code: %s\n", result, ret_code)
return ret_code
def off(self, host):
logging.debug("PowerMan off: %s\n", host)
cmd = ["--off", host]
result, ret_code = self._run(cmd, True)
except OSError as e:
logging.error("PowerMan Error: The command '%s' failed: %s\n", cmd, e)
return -1
except ValueError as e:
logging.error("PowerMan Error: Popen: invalid arguments: %s\n", e)
return -1
logging.debug(" result: %s ret_code: %s\n", result, ret_code)
return ret_code
def list(self):
## Error checking here is faulty. Try passing
## invalid args, e.g. --query --exprange to see failure
cmd = ["-q","--exprange"]
result, ret_code = self._run(cmd, False)
except OSError as e:
logging.error("PowerMan Error: The command '%s' failed: %s\n", cmd, e)
return -1
except ValueError as e:
logging.error("PowerMan Error: Popen: invalid arguments: %s\n", e)
return -1
if ret_code < 0:
# there was an error with the command
return ret_code
state = {}
for line in result[0].split('\n'):
if len(line) > 2:
fields = line.split(':')
if len(fields) == 2:
state[fields[0]] = (fields[0],fields[1])
return state
def query(self, host):
cmd = ["--query", host]
result, ret_code = self._run(cmd, True)
except OSError as e:
logging.error("PowerMan Error: The command '%s' failed: %s\n", cmd, e)
return -1
except ValueError as e:
logging.error("PowerMan Error: Popen: invalid arguments: %s\n", e)
return -1
if ret_code < 0:
# there was an error with the command
return ret_code
res = result.split('\n')
res = [r.split() for r in res]
# find the host in command's returned output
for lst in res:
if lst[0] == 'No' and lst[1] == 'such' and lst[2] == 'nodes:':
return -1
if host in lst:
return lst[0][:-1] # lst[0] would be 'off:'-- this removes the colon
# host isn't in the output
return -1
def get_power_status(conn, options):
logging.debug("get_power_status function:\noptions: %s\n", str(options))
pm = PowerMan(options['--powerman-path'], options['--ip'], options['--ipport'])
# if Pacemaker is checking the status of the Powerman server...
if options['--action'] == 'monitor':
if pm.is_running():
logging.debug("Powerman is running\n")
return "on"
logging.debug("Powerman is NOT running\n")
return "error"
status = pm.query(options['--plug'])
if isinstance(int, type(status)):
# query only returns ints on error
logging.error("get_power_status: query returned %s\n", str(status))
return status
def set_power_status(conn, options):
logging.debug("set_power_status function:\noptions: %s", str(options))
pm = PowerMan(options['--powerman-path'], options['--ip'], options['--ipport'])
action = options["--action"]
if action == "on":
elif action == "off":['--plug'])
def get_list(conn, options):
logging.debug("get_list function:\noptions: %s", str(options))
pm = PowerMan(options['--powerman-path'], options['--ip'], options['--ipport'])
outlets = pm.list()
logging.debug("get_list outlets.keys: %s", str(outlets.keys()))
return outlets
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["powerman_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "powerman-path",
"help" : "--powerman-path=[path] Path to powerman binary",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to powerman binary",
"default" : "@POWERMAN_PATH@",
"order": 200
def main():
device_opt = [
# redefine default values for the options given by
# these 3 different values are derived from the lssd test cluster and may
# need to adjusted depending on how other systems fare
all_opt['ipport']['default'] = '10101'
all_opt['delay']['default'] = '3'
all_opt['power_wait']['default'] = '3'
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence Agent for Powerman"
- docs["longdesc"] = "This is a Pacemaker Fence Agent for the \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_powerman is a Power Fence Agent for the \
Powerman management utility that was designed for LLNL systems."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if not is_executable(options["--powerman-path"]):
fail_usage("Powerman not found or not executable at path " + options["--powerman-path"])
# call the fencing.fence_action function, passing in my various fence functions
result = fence_action(
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/pve/ b/agents/pve/
index 0d820355..f97007dc 100755
--- a/agents/pve/
+++ b/agents/pve/
@@ -1,240 +1,240 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# This agent uses Proxmox VE API
# Thanks to Frank Brendel (author of original perl fence_pve)
# for help with writing and testing this agent.
import sys
import json
import pycurl
import io
import atexit
import logging
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, atexit_handler, all_opt, check_input, process_input, show_docs, fence_action, run_delay
if sys.version_info[0] > 2: import urllib.parse as urllib
else: import urllib
def get_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
state = {"running" : "on", "stopped" : "off"}
if options["--pve-node"] is None:
nodes = send_cmd(options, "nodes")
if type(nodes) is not dict or "data" not in nodes or type(nodes["data"]) is not list:
return None
for node in nodes["data"]: # lookup the node holding the vm
if type(node) is not dict or "node" not in node:
return None
options["--pve-node"] = node["node"]
status = get_power_status(None, options)
if status is not None:"vm found on node: " + options["--pve-node"])
options["--pve-node"] = None
return status
cmd = "nodes/" + options["--pve-node"] + "/" + options["--vmtype"] +"/" + options["--plug"] + "/status/current"
result = send_cmd(options, cmd)
if type(result) is dict and "data" in result:
if type(result["data"]) is dict and "status" in result["data"]:
if result["data"]["status"] in state:
return state[result["data"]["status"]]
return None
def set_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
action = {
'on' : "start",
'off': "stop"
cmd = "nodes/" + options["--pve-node"] + "/" + options["--vmtype"] +"/" + options["--plug"] + "/status/" + action
send_cmd(options, cmd, post={"skiplock":1})
def reboot_cycle(conn, options):
del conn
cmd = "nodes/" + options["--pve-node"] + "/" + options["--vmtype"] + "/" + options["--plug"] + "/status/reset"
result = send_cmd(options, cmd, post={"skiplock":1})
return type(result) is dict and "data" in result
def get_outlet_list(conn, options):
del conn
nodes = send_cmd(options, "nodes")
outlets = dict()
if type(nodes) is not dict or "data" not in nodes or type(nodes["data"]) is not list:
return None
for node in nodes["data"]:
if type(node) is not dict or "node" not in node:
return None
vms = send_cmd(options, "nodes/" + node["node"] + "/" + options["--vmtype"])
if type(vms) is not dict or "data" not in vms or type(vms["data"]) is not list:
return None
for vm in vms["data"]:
outlets[vm["vmid"]] = [vm["name"], vm["status"]]
return outlets
def get_ticket(options):
post = {'username': options["--username"], 'password': options["--password"]}
result = send_cmd(options, "access/ticket", post=post)
if type(result) is dict and "data" in result:
if type(result["data"]) is dict and "ticket" in result["data"] and "CSRFPreventionToken" in result["data"]:
return {
"ticket" : str("PVEAuthCookie=" + result["data"]["ticket"] + "; " + \
"version=0; path=/; domain=" + options["--ip"] + \
"; port=" + str(options["--ipport"]) + "; path_spec=0; secure=1; " + \
"expires=7200; discard=0"),
"CSRF_token" : str("CSRFPreventionToken: " + result["data"]["CSRFPreventionToken"])
return None
def send_cmd(options, cmd, post=None):
url = options["url"] + cmd
conn = pycurl.Curl()
output_buffer = io.BytesIO()
if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() < logging.WARNING:
conn.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, True)
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPGET, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("ascii"))
if "auth" in options and options["auth"] is not None:
conn.setopt(pycurl.COOKIE, options["auth"]["ticket"])
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [options["auth"]["CSRF_token"]])
if post is not None:
if "skiplock" in post:
conn.setopt(conn.CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST')
conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, urllib.urlencode(post))
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, output_buffer.write)
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if "--ssl-insecure" in options:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
logging.debug("URL: " + url)
result = output_buffer.getvalue().decode()
logging.debug("RESULT [" + str(conn.getinfo(pycurl.RESPONSE_CODE)) + \
"]: " + result)
return json.loads(result)
except pycurl.error:
logging.error("Connection failed")
logging.error("Cannot parse json")
return None
def main():
all_opt["pve_node_auto"] = {
"getopt" : "A",
"longopt" : "pve-node-auto",
"help" : "-A, --pve-node-auto "
"Automatically select proxmox node",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Automatically select proxmox node. "
"(This option overrides --pve-node)",
"type": "boolean",
"order": 2
all_opt["pve_node"] = {
"getopt" : "N:",
"longopt" : "pve-node",
"help" : "-N, --pve-node=[node_name] "
"Proxmox node name on which machine is located",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Proxmox node name on which machine is located. "
"(Must be specified if not using --pve-node-auto)",
"order": 2
all_opt["node_name"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "nodename",
"help" : "--nodename "
"Replaced by --pve-node",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Replaced by --pve-node",
"order": 3
all_opt["vmtype"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "vmtype",
"default" : "qemu",
"help" : "--vmtype "
"Virtual machine type lxc or qemu (default: qemu)",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "Virtual machine type lxc or qemu. "
"(Default: qemu)",
"order": 2
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "ssl", "web", "port", "pve_node", "pve_node_auto", "node_name", "vmtype", "method"]
all_opt["login"]["required"] = "0"
all_opt["login"]["default"] = "root@pam"
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "8006"
all_opt["ssl"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["port"]["shortdesc"] = "Id of the virtual machine."
all_opt["ipaddr"]["shortdesc"] = "IP Address or Hostname of a node " +\
"within the Proxmox cluster."
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fencing agent for the Proxmox Virtual Environment"
- docs["longdesc"] = "The fence_pve agent can be used to fence virtual \
-machines acting as nodes in a virtualized cluster."
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_pve is a Power Fencing agent for virtual machines \
+acting as nodes in a virtualized cluster."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if "--pve-node-auto" in options:
# Force pve-node to None to allow autodiscovery
options["--pve-node"] = None
elif "--pve-node" in options and options["--pve-node"]:
# Leave pve-node alone
elif "--nodename" in options and options["--nodename"]:
# map nodename into pve-node to support legacy implementations
options["--pve-node"] = options["--nodename"]
fail_usage("At least one of pve-node-auto or pve-node must be supplied")
if options["--vmtype"] != "qemu":
# For vmtypes other than qemu, only the onoff method is valid
options["--method"] = "onoff"
options["url"] = "https://" + options["--ip"] + ":" + str(options["--ipport"]) + "/api2/json/"
options["auth"] = get_ticket(options)
if options["auth"] is None:
# Workaround for unsupported API call on some Proxmox hosts
outlets = get_outlet_list(None, options) # Unsupported API-Call will result in value: None
if outlets is None:
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None, reboot_cycle)
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlet_list, reboot_cycle)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/raritan/ b/agents/raritan/
index 169fa819..d3510e4a 100644
--- a/agents/raritan/
+++ b/agents/raritan/
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re, pexpect
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fspawn, fail, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, run_delay
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("show -d properties=powerState %s" % options["--plug"])
re_status = re.compile(".*powerState is [12].*")
conn.log_expect(re_status, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
status = {
#"0" : "off",
"1" : "on",
"2" : "off",
return status
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
"on" : "on",
"off" : "off",
conn.send_eol("set %s powerState=%s" % (options["--plug"], action))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "port", "telnet"]
opt = process_input(device_opt)
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "23"
opt["eol"] = "\r\n"
options = check_input(device_opt, opt)
docs = {}
- docs["shortdesc"] = "I/O Fencing agent for Raritan Dominion PX"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_raritan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
+ docs["shortdesc"] = "Power Fencing agent for Raritan Dominion PX"
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_raritan is a Power Fencing agent which can be \
used with the Raritan DPXS12-20 Power Distribution Unit. It logs into \
device via telnet and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet connections \
should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will \
block any necessary fencing actions."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# add support also for delay before login which is very useful for 2-node clusters
# Convert pure port/plug number to /system1/outlet${plug}
plug_int = int(options["--plug"])
options["--plug"] = "/system1/outlet" + str(plug_int)
except ValueError:
## Operate the fencing device
## We can not use fence_login(), username and passwd are sent on one line
conn = fspawn(options, options["--telnet-path"], encoding="latin1")
conn.send("set binary\n")
conn.send("open %s -%s\n"%(options["--ip"], options["--ipport"]))
conn.read_nonblocking(size=100, timeout=int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect("Login.*", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.send_eol("%s" % (options["--username"]))
conn.log_expect("Password.*", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.send_eol("%s" % (options["--password"]))
conn.log_expect("clp.*", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
except pexpect.EOF:
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
result = 0
if options["--action"] != "monitor":
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status)
fence_logout(conn, "exit\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/raritan_px3/ b/agents/raritan_px3/
index 137f1609..9b8ce1bf 100644
--- a/agents/raritan_px3/
+++ b/agents/raritan_px3/
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import logging
import sys
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import EC_STATUS
Raritan PX3 family is totaly different the PX family (PX2 seem to be
compatible with PX3 and seem to share the same BIOS, so this fence should
work with PX2 as well).
It has another command line prompt and totally other commands
and output.
It follows the concept of separating outlets and outletgroups (if created).
You can reach outlets via a fixed, not changeble "plug" number
(from 1-20 on my device).
Additionally one can, but does not need to assign names to each plug.
Plugs/outlets can be combined to outletgroups.
There can be zero to N (N = No. outlets) outletgroups.
While it's possible to create outletgroups with one plug, this does not
make sense and might slow things down.
--plug=X paramter can be:
1. X == outlet No
2. X == outlet Name (if one got assigned)
3. X == outlet group Name
-> One cannot reach a group by number
-> Groups need an extra call (first single outlet devices are
searched for given No/Name, then OutletGroups
class FenceRaritanPX3:
# Plug id of outlet
# Group name if outlet plug id/name have not been found
def px3_get_outlet_group(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("show outletgroups")
conn.expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
for line in conn.after.splitlines():
split_line = line.split(" ")
Groups always have a name assigned:
Outlet Group 1 - test:
Member outlets: 10-11
State: 2 on
if len(split_line) == 5 and split_line[0] == "Outlet" and split_line[1] == "Group":
group_no = split_line[2]
group_name = split_line[4][:-1]
if len(split_line) > 0 and split_line[0] == "State:":
group_state = split_line[-1]
FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups[group_no] = [ group_name, group_state ]
logging.debug("Outletgroups found:\n%s", FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups)
return FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups
def px3_get_outlet_list(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("show outlets")
conn.expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
for line in conn.after.splitlines():
split_line = line.split(" ")
Plug with no name assigned:
Outlet 1:
Power state: On
if len(split_line) == 2 and split_line[0] == "Outlet":
outlet_no = split_line[1][:-1]
outlet_name = ""
Plug with name assigned:
Outlet 8 - Test:
Power state: On
if len(split_line) == 4 and split_line[0] == "Outlet":
outlet_no = split_line[1]
outlet_name = split_line[3][:-1]
# fetch state of previously parsed outlet from next line/iter
if len(split_line) == 3 and split_line[0] == "Power" and split_line[1] == "state:":
outlet_state = split_line[2]
FenceRaritanPX3.outlets[outlet_no] = [outlet_name, outlet_state]
logging.debug("Outlets found:\n%s", FenceRaritanPX3.outlets)
return FenceRaritanPX3.outlets
def get_power_status(conn, options):
if FenceRaritanPX3.plug:
return FenceRaritanPX3.outlets[str(FenceRaritanPX3.plug)][1].lower()
elif FenceRaritanPX3.group_name:
return FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups[FenceRaritanPX3.group_name][1].lower()
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
"on" : "on",
"off" : "off",
"reboot" : "cycle",
if FenceRaritanPX3.plug:
conn.send_eol("power outlets %s %s" % (FenceRaritanPX3.plug, action))
# Do you wish to turn outlet 5 off? [y/n]
elif FenceRaritanPX3.group_name:
conn.send_eol("power outletgroup %s %s" % (FenceRaritanPX3.group_name, action))
# Do you wish to turn on all 2 outlets in group 1? [y/n]
conn.log_expect("Do you wish to turn.*", int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def disconnect(conn):
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "port", "telnet", "cmd_prompt", "secure"]
opt = process_input(device_opt)
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ".*\[My PDU\] #"
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "23"
all_opt["shell_timeout"]["default"] = "8"
opt["eol"] = "\r\n"
options = check_input(device_opt, opt)
docs = {}
- docs["shortdesc"] = "I/O Fencing agent for Raritan Dominion PX2 and PX3"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_raritan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
+ docs["shortdesc"] = "Power Fencing agent for Raritan Dominion PX2 and PX3"
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_raritan_px3 is a Power Fencing agent which can be \
used with the Raritan PX2 and PX3 Power Distribution Unit series. It logs into \
device via telnet or ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Single outlets and \
grouped outlets are supported. The fence is tested on this model: PX3-5466V. \
There have been issues seen with the telnet prompt on 3.4.x and 3.5.x Raritan \
firmware versions. It's recommended to update to at least version 3.6.x"
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
conn = fence_login(options, re_login_string="Username.*")
px3_get_outlet_list(conn, options)
FenceRaritanPX3.plug = int(options["--plug"])
if FenceRaritanPX3.plug > len(FenceRaritanPX3.outlets):
logging.error("Plug no exceeds no of outlets")
except ValueError:
for no, values in FenceRaritanPX3.outlets.items():
if values[0] == options["--plug"]:
FenceRaritanPX3.plug = no
if not FenceRaritanPX3.plug:
px3_get_outlet_group(conn, options)
for no, values in FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups.items():
if values[0] == options["--plug"]:
FenceRaritanPX3.group_name = no
if not FenceRaritanPX3.group_name:
logging.error("Plug %s not found", options["--plug"])
logging.debug("\nSingle outlet: %s\nGroup outlet: %s" % (FenceRaritanPX3.plug, FenceRaritanPX3.group_name))
result = 0
if options["--action"] != "monitor":
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status,
get_outlet_list=px3_get_outlet_list, reboot_cycle_fn=set_power_status)
atexit.register(disconnect, conn)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/rcd_serial/ b/agents/rcd_serial/
index 2614772f..d14b4c66 100644
--- a/agents/rcd_serial/
+++ b/agents/rcd_serial/
@@ -1,100 +1,101 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# Copyright 2018 Infoxchange, Danielle Madeley, Sam McLeod-Jones
# Controls an RCD serial device
# Ported from stonith/rcd_serial.c
# The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
# CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804
# Resource example:
# primitive stonith_node_1 ocf:rcd_serial_py params port="/dev/ttyS0" time=1000 hostlist=stonith_node_1 stonith-timeout=5s
import sys
import atexit
import os
import struct
import logging
import time
from fcntl import ioctl
from time import sleep
from fencing import *
class RCDSerial(object):
"""Control class for serial device"""
def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyS0'):
self.fd = fd =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NDELAY)
logging.debug("Opened %s on fd %i", port, fd)
ioctl(fd, TIOCMBIC, struct.pack('I', TIOCM_RTS | TIOCM_DTR))
def close(self):
"""Close the serial device"""
logging.debug("Closing serial device")
ret = os.close(self.fd)
return ret
def toggle_pin(self, pin=TIOCM_DTR, time=1000):
"""Toggle the pin high for the time specified"""
logging.debug("Set pin high")
ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIS, struct.pack('I', pin))
sleep(float(time) / 1000.)
logging.debug("Set pin low")
ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIC, struct.pack('I', pin))
def reboot_device(conn, options):
return True
def main():
device_opt = ["serial_port", "no_status", "no_password", "no_login", "method", "no_on", "no_off"]
all_opt["serial_port"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "serial-port",
"help":"--serial-port=[port] Port of the serial device (e.g. /dev/ttyS0)",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "Port of the serial device",
"default" : "/dev/ttyS0",
"order": 1
all_opt["method"]["default"] = "cycle"
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "2"
all_opt["method"]["help"] = "-m, --method=[method] Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default: cycle)"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "rcd_serial fence agent"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_rcd_serial operates a serial cable that toggles a \
-reset of an opposing server using the reset switch on its motherboard. The \
-cable itself is simple with no power, network or moving parts. An example of \
-the cable is available here: and the circuit \
-design is available in the fence-agents src as SVG"
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_rcd_serial is a Power Fencing agent that \
+operates a serial cable that toggles a reset of an opposing server using the \
+reset switch on its motherboard. The cable itself is simple with no power, \
+network or moving parts. An example of the cable is available here: \
+ and the circuit design is available in the \
+fence-agents src as SVG"
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
if options["--action"] in ["off", "reboot"]:
## Operate the fencing device
conn = RCDSerial(port=options["--serial-port"])
result = fence_action(conn, options, None, None, reboot_cycle_fn=reboot_device)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/redfish/ b/agents/redfish/
index 0f5af523..a935122e 100644
--- a/agents/redfish/
+++ b/agents/redfish/
@@ -1,177 +1,177 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# Copyright (c) 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
# Fence agent for devices that support the Redfish API Specification.
import sys
import re
import logging
import json
import requests
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage, run_delay
GET_HEADERS = {'accept': 'application/json', 'OData-Version': '4.0'}
POST_HEADERS = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json',
'OData-Version': '4.0'}
def get_power_status(conn, options):
response = send_get_request(options, options["--systems-uri"])
if response['ret'] is False:
fail_usage("Couldn't get power information")
data = response['data']
logging.debug("PowerState is: " + data[u'PowerState'])
except Exception:
fail_usage("Unable to get PowerState: " + "https://" + options["--ip"] + ":" + str(options["--ipport"]) + options["--systems-uri"])
if data[u'PowerState'].strip() == "Off":
return "off"
return "on"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
'on' : "On",
'off': "ForceOff",
'reboot': "ForceRestart",
'diag': "Nmi"
}[options.get("original-action") or options["--action"]]
payload = {'ResetType': action}
# Search for 'Actions' key and extract URI from it
response = send_get_request(options, options["--systems-uri"])
if response['ret'] is False:
return {'ret': False}
data = response['data']
action_uri = data["Actions"]["#ComputerSystem.Reset"]["target"]
response = send_post_request(options, action_uri, payload)
if response['ret'] is False:
fail_usage("Error sending power command")
if options.get("original-action") == "diag":
return True
def send_get_request(options, uri):
full_uri = "https://" + options["--ip"] + ":" + str(options["--ipport"]) + uri
resp = requests.get(full_uri, verify=not "--ssl-insecure" in options,
auth=(options["--username"], options["--password"]))
data = resp.json()
except Exception as e:
fail_usage("Failed: send_get_request: " + str(e))
return {'ret': True, 'data': data}
def send_post_request(options, uri, payload):
full_uri = "https://" + options["--ip"] + ":" + str(options["--ipport"]) + uri
try:, data=json.dumps(payload),
headers=POST_HEADERS, verify=not "--ssl-insecure" in options,
auth=(options["--username"], options["--password"]))
except Exception as e:
fail_usage("Failed: send_post_request: " + str(e))
return {'ret': True}
def find_systems_resource(options):
response = send_get_request(options, options["--redfish-uri"])
if response['ret'] is False:
return {'ret': False}
data = response['data']
if 'Systems' not in data:
# Systems resource not found"
return {'ret': False}
response = send_get_request(options, data["Systems"][""])
if response['ret'] is False:
return {'ret': False}
data = response['data']
# need to be able to handle more than one entry
for member in data[u'Members']:
system_uri = member[u'']
return {'ret': True, 'uri': system_uri}
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["redfish-uri"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "redfish-uri",
"help" : "--redfish-uri=[uri] Base or starting Redfish URI",
"required" : "0",
"default" : "/redfish/v1",
"shortdesc" : "Base or starting Redfish URI",
"order": 1
all_opt["systems-uri"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "systems-uri",
"help" : "--systems-uri=[uri] Redfish Systems resource URI",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Redfish Systems resource URI, i.e. /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1",
"order": 1
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "redfish-uri", "systems-uri",
"ssl", "diag"]
opt = process_input(device_opt)
all_opt["ssl"]["default"] = "1"
options = check_input(device_opt, opt)
docs = {}
- docs["shortdesc"] = "I/O Fencing agent for Redfish"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_redfish is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with \
+ docs["shortdesc"] = "Power Fencing agent for Redfish"
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_redfish is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with \
Out-of-Band controllers that support Redfish APIs. These controllers provide remote \
access to control power on a server."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
# Disable insecure-certificate-warning message
if "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
import urllib3
# backwards compatibility for <ip>:<port>
if options["--ip"].count(":") == 1:
(options["--ip"], options["--ipport"]) = options["--ip"].split(":")
if "--systems-uri" not in opt:
# Systems URI not provided, find it
sysresult = find_systems_resource(options)
if sysresult['ret'] is False:
options["--systems-uri"] = sysresult["uri"]
reboot_fn = None
if options["--action"] == "diag":
# Diag is a special action that can't be verified so we will reuse reboot functionality
# to minimize impact on generic library
options["original-action"] = options["--action"]
options["--action"] = "reboot"
options["--method"] = "cycle"
reboot_fn = set_power_status
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None, reboot_fn)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/rhevm/ b/agents/rhevm/
index 5f74d06f..1eb53bed 100644
--- a/agents/rhevm/
+++ b/agents/rhevm/
@@ -1,249 +1,249 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re
import pycurl, io
import logging
import atexit
import tempfile
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_FETCH_VM_UUID, run_delay
RE_GET_ID = re.compile("<vm( .*)? id=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_STATUS = re.compile("<status>(.*?)</status>", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_STATE = re.compile("<state>(.*?)</state>", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_GET_NAME = re.compile("<name>(.*?)</name>", re.IGNORECASE)
def get_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
### Obtain real ID from name
res = send_command(options, "vms/?search=name%3D" + options["--plug"])
result =
if result == None:
# Unable to obtain ID needed to access virtual machine
options["id"] =
if tuple(map(int, options["--api-version"].split(".")))[0] > 3:
result =
result =
if result == None:
# We were able to parse ID so output is correct
# in some cases it is possible that RHEV-M output does not
# contain <status> line. We can assume machine is OFF then
return "off"
status =
if status.lower() == "down":
return "off"
return "on"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
action = {
'on' : "start",
'off' : "stop"
url = "vms/" + options["id"] + "/" + action
send_command(options, url, "POST")
def get_list(conn, options):
del conn
outlets = {}
res = send_command(options, "vms")
lines = res.split("<vm ")
for i in range(1, len(lines)):
name =[i]).group(1)
if tuple(map(int, options["--api-version"].split(".")))[0] > 3:
status =[i]).group(1)
status =[i]).group(1)
outlets[name] = ("", status)
except AttributeError:
return {}
except IndexError:
return {}
return outlets
def send_command(opt, command, method="GET"):
if opt["--api-version"] == "auto":
opt["--api-version"] = "4"
res = send_command(opt, "")
if"<title>Error</title>", res):
opt["--api-version"] = "3"
logging.debug("auto-detected API version: " + opt["--api-version"])
## setup correct URL
if "--ssl-secure" in opt or "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
url = "https:"
url = "http:"
if "--api-path" in opt:
api_path = opt["--api-path"]
api_path = "/ovirt-engine/api"
if "--disable-http-filter" in opt:
http_filter = 'false'
http_filter = 'true'
url += "//" + opt["--ip"] + ":" + str(opt["--ipport"]) + api_path + "/" + command
## send command through pycurl
conn = pycurl.Curl()
web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("UTF-8"))
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Version: {}".format(opt["--api-version"]),
"Content-type: application/xml",
"Accept: application/xml",
"Prefer: persistent-auth",
"Filter: {}".format(http_filter),
if "cookie" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.COOKIE, opt["cookie"])
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
conn.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, opt["--username"] + ":" + opt["--password"])
if "--use-cookies" in opt:
if "--cookie-file" in opt:
cookie_file = opt["--cookie-file"]
cookie_file = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/fence_rhevm_" + opt["--ip"] + "_" + opt["--username"] + "_cookie.dat"
conn.setopt(pycurl.COOKIEFILE, cookie_file)
conn.setopt(pycurl.COOKIEJAR, cookie_file)
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(opt["--shell-timeout"]))
if "--ssl-secure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
elif "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
if method == "POST":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, "<action />")
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
if "cookie" not in opt and "--use-cookies" in opt:
cookie = ""
for c in conn.getinfo(pycurl.INFO_COOKIELIST):
tokens = c.split("\t",7)
cookie = cookie + tokens[5] + "=" + tokens[6] + ";"
opt["cookie"] = cookie
result = web_buffer.getvalue().decode("UTF-8")
logging.debug("url: %s\n", url.encode("UTF-8"))
logging.debug("command: %s\n", command.encode("UTF-8"))
logging.debug("result: %s\n", result.encode("UTF-8"))
return result
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["port"] = {
"getopt" : "n:",
"longopt" : "plug",
"help" : "-n, --plug=[name] "
"VM name in RHV",
"required" : "1",
"order" : 1}
all_opt["use_cookies"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "use-cookies",
"help" : "--use-cookies Reuse cookies for authentication",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Reuse cookies for authentication",
"order" : 1}
all_opt["cookie_file"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "cookie-file",
"help" : "--cookie-file Path to cookie file for authentication\n"
"\t\t\t\t (Default: /tmp/fence_rhevm_ip_username_cookie.dat)",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to cookie file for authentication",
"order" : 2}
all_opt["api_version"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "api-version",
"help" : "--api-version "
"Version of RHEV API (default: auto)",
"required" : "0",
"order" : 2,
"default" : "auto",
all_opt["api_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "api-path",
"help" : "--api-path=[path] The path part of the API URL",
"default" : "/ovirt-engine/api",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "The path part of the API URL",
"order" : 3}
all_opt["disable_http_filter"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "disable-http-filter",
"help" : "--disable-http-filter Set HTTP Filter header to false",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Set HTTP Filter header to false",
"order" : 4}
def main():
device_opt = [
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["shell_timeout"]["default"] = "5"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for RHEV-M REST API"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_rhevm is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_rhevm is a Power Fencing agent which can be \
used with RHEV-M REST API to fence virtual machines."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Fence operations
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/rsa/ b/agents/rsa/
index 44fdd9d0..79ed109e 100644
--- a/agents/rsa/
+++ b/agents/rsa/
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## Main GFEP25A & Boot GFBP25A
import sys, re
import atexit
from fencing import *
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("power state")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
match = re.compile("Power: (.*)", re.IGNORECASE).search(conn.before)
if match != None:
status =
status = "undefined"
return status.lower().strip()
def set_power_status(conn, options):
conn.send_eol("power " + options["--action"])
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", "telnet"]
all_opt["login_timeout"]["default"] = 10
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = [">"]
# This device will not allow us to login even with LANG=C
all_opt["ssh_options"]["default"] = "-F /dev/null"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for IBM RSA"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_rsa is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_rsa is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the IBM RSA II management interface. It \
logs into an RSA II device via telnet and reboots the associated \
machine. Lengthy telnet connections to the RSA II device should \
be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection \
will block any necessary fencing actions."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None)
fence_logout(conn, "exit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/rsb/ b/agents/rsb/
index 45355f51..e4622ae9 100755
--- a/agents/rsb/
+++ b/agents/rsb/
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re
import atexit
from fencing import *
def get_power_status(conn, options):
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
status = re.compile(r"Power Status[\s]*: (on|off)", re.IGNORECASE).search(conn.before).group(1)
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
return status.lower().strip()
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
'on' : "4",
'off': "1"
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect(["want to power " + options["--action"],
"yes/no", "'yes' or 'no'"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect("any key to continue", int(options["--power-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "secure", "cmd_prompt", "telnet"]
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["to quit:"]
opt = process_input(device_opt)
if "--ssh" not in opt and "--ipport" not in opt:
# set default value like it should be set as usually
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "3172"
opt["--ipport"] = all_opt["ipport"]["default"]
options = check_input(device_opt, opt)
docs = {}
- docs["shortdesc"] = "I/O Fencing agent for Fujitsu-Siemens RSB"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_rsb is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["shortdesc"] = "Power Fencing agent for Fujitsu-Siemens RSB"
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_rsb is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the Fujitsu-Siemens RSB management interface. It logs \
into device via telnet/ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet/ssh \
connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection \
will block any necessary fencing actions."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None)
fence_logout(conn, "0")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/sbd/ b/agents/sbd/
index 2b0127d5..5c498263 100644
--- a/agents/sbd/
+++ b/agents/sbd/
@@ -1,435 +1,435 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, stat
import logging
import os
import atexit
from fencing import fail_usage, run_commands, fence_action, all_opt
from fencing import atexit_handler, check_input, process_input, show_docs
from fencing import run_delay
import itertools
def is_block_device(filename):
"""Checks if a given path is a valid block device
Key arguments:
filename -- the file to check
Return codes:
True if it's a valid block device
False, otherwise
mode = os.lstat(filename).st_mode
except OSError:
return False
return stat.S_ISBLK(mode)
def is_link(filename):
"""Checks if a given path is a link.
Key arguments:
filename -- the file to check
Return codes:
True if it's a link
False, otherwise
mode = os.lstat(filename).st_mode
except OSError:
return False
return stat.S_ISLNK(mode)
def check_sbd_device(options, device_path):
"""checks that a given sbd device exists and is initialized
Key arguments:
options -- options dictionary
device_path -- device path to check
Return Codes:
1 / DEVICE_INIT if the device exists and is initialized
-1 / PATH_NOT_EXISTS if the path does not exists
-2 / PATH_NOT_BLOCK if the path exists but is not a valid block device
-3 / DEVICE_NOT_INIT if the sbd device is not initialized
# First of all we need to check if the device is valid
if not os.path.exists(device_path):
# We need to check if device path is a symbolic link. If so we resolve that
# link.
if is_link(device_path):
link_target = os.readlink(device_path)
device_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(device_path), link_target)
# As second step we make sure it's a valid block device
if not is_block_device(device_path):
cmd = "%s -d %s dump" % (options["--sbd-path"], device_path)
(return_code, out, err) = run_commands(options, [ cmd ])
for line in itertools.chain(out.split("\n"), err.split("\n")):
if len(line) == 0:
# If we read "NOT dumped" something went wrong, e.g. the device is not
# initialized.
if "NOT dumped" in line:
def generate_sbd_command(options, command, arguments=None):
"""Generates a sbd command based on given arguments.
Return Value:
generated list of sbd commands (strings) depending
on command multiple commands with a device each
or a single command with multiple devices
cmds = []
if not command in ["list", "dump"]:
cmd = options["--sbd-path"]
# add "-d" for each sbd device
for device in parse_sbd_devices(options):
cmd += " -d %s" % device
cmd += " %s %s" % (command, arguments)
for device in parse_sbd_devices(options):
cmd = options["--sbd-path"]
cmd += " -d %s" % device
cmd += " %s %s" % (command, arguments)
return cmds
def send_sbd_message(conn, options, plug, message):
"""Sends a message to all sbd devices.
Key arguments:
conn -- connection structure
options -- options dictionary
plug -- plug to sent the message to
message -- message to send
Return Value:
(return_code, out, err) Tuple containing the error code,
del conn
arguments = "%s %s" % (plug, message)
cmd = generate_sbd_command(options, "message", arguments)
(return_code, out, err) = run_commands(options, cmd)
return (return_code, out, err)
def get_msg_timeout(options):
"""Reads the configured sbd message timeout from each device.
Key arguments:
options -- options dictionary
Return Value:
msg_timeout (integer, seconds)
# get the defined msg_timeout
msg_timeout = -1 # default sbd msg timeout
cmd = generate_sbd_command(options, "dump")
(return_code, out, err) = run_commands(options, cmd)
for line in itertools.chain(out.split("\n"), err.split("\n")):
if len(line) == 0:
if "msgwait" in line:
tmp_msg_timeout = int(line.split(':')[1])
if -1 != msg_timeout and tmp_msg_timeout != msg_timeout:
"sbd message timeouts differ in different devices")
# we only save the highest timeout
if tmp_msg_timeout > msg_timeout:
msg_timeout = tmp_msg_timeout
return msg_timeout
def set_power_status(conn, options):
"""send status to sbd device (poison pill)
Key arguments:
conn -- connection structure
options -- options dictionary
Return Value:
return_code -- action result (bool)
target_status = options["--action"]
plug = options["--plug"]
return_code = 99
out = ""
err = ""
# Map fencing actions to sbd messages
if "on" == target_status:
(return_code, out, err) = send_sbd_message(conn, options, plug, "clear")
elif "off" == target_status:
(return_code, out, err) = send_sbd_message(conn, options, plug, "off")
elif "reboot" == target_status:
(return_code, out, err) = send_sbd_message(conn, options, plug, "reset")
if 0 != return_code:
logging.error("sending message to sbd device(s) \
failed with return code %d", return_code)
logging.error("DETAIL: output on stdout was \"%s\"", out)
logging.error("DETAIL: output on stderr was \"%s\"", err)
return not bool(return_code)
def reboot_cycle(conn, options):
"""" trigger reboot by sbd messages
Key arguments:
conn -- connection structure
options -- options dictionary
Return Value:
return_code -- action result (bool)
plug = options["--plug"]
return_code = 99
out = ""
err = ""
(return_code, out, err) = send_sbd_message(conn, options, plug, "reset")
return not bool(return_code)
def get_power_status(conn, options):
"""Returns the status of a specific node.
Key arguments:
conn -- connection structure
options -- option dictionary
Return Value:
status -- status code (string)
status = "UNKWNOWN"
plug = options["--plug"]
nodelist = get_node_list(conn, options)
# We need to check if the specified plug / node a already a allocated slot
# on the device.
if plug not in nodelist:
logging.error("node \"%s\" not found in node list", plug)
status = nodelist[plug][1]
return status
def translate_status(sbd_status):
"""Translates the sbd status to fencing status.
Key arguments:
sbd_status -- status to translate (string)
Return Value:
status -- fencing status (string)
status = "UNKNOWN"
# Currently we only accept "clear" to be marked as online. Eventually we
# should also check against "test"
online_status = ["clear"]
offline_status = ["reset", "off"]
if any(online_status_element in sbd_status \
for online_status_element in online_status):
status = "on"
if any(offline_status_element in sbd_status \
for offline_status_element in offline_status):
status = "off"
return status
def get_node_list(conn, options):
"""Returns a list of hostnames, registerd on the sbd device.
Key arguments:
conn -- connection options
options -- options
Return Value:
nodelist -- dictionary wich contains all node names and there status
del conn
nodelist = {}
cmd = generate_sbd_command(options, "list")
(return_code, out, err) = run_commands(options, cmd)
for line in out.split("\n"):
if len(line) == 0:
# if we read "unreadable" something went wrong
if "NOT dumped" in line:
return nodelist
words = line.split()
port = words[1]
sbd_status = words[2]
nodelist[port] = (port, translate_status(sbd_status))
return nodelist
def parse_sbd_devices(options):
"""Returns an array of all sbd devices.
Key arguments:
options -- options dictionary
Return Value:
devices -- array of device paths
devices = [str.strip(dev) \
for dev in str.split(options["--devices"], ",")]
return devices
def define_new_opts():
"""Defines the all opt list
all_opt["devices"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "devices",
"help":"--devices=[device_a,device_b] \
Comma separated list of sbd devices",
"required" : "1",
"shortdesc" : "SBD Device",
"order": 1
all_opt["sbd_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "sbd-path",
"help" : "--sbd-path=[path] Path to SBD binary",
"required" : "0",
"default" : "@SBD_PATH@",
"order": 200
def main():
"""Main function
# We need to define "no_password" otherwise we will be ask about it if
# we don't provide any password.
device_opt = ["no_password", "devices", "port", "method", "sbd_path"]
# close stdout if we get interrupted
all_opt["method"]["default"] = "cycle"
all_opt["method"]["help"] = "-m, --method=[method] Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default: cycle)"
all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "30"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
# fill the needed variables to generate metadata and help text output
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for sbd"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_sbd is I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_sbd is an I/O Fencing agent \
which can be used in environments where sbd can be used (shared storage)."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# We need to check if --devices is given and not empty.
if "--devices" not in options:
fail_usage("No SBD devices specified. \
At least one SBD device is required.")
# We need to check if the provided sbd_devices exists. We need to do
# that for every given device.
# Just for the case we are really rebooting / powering off a device
# (pacemaker as well uses the list command to generate a dynamic list)
# we leave it to sbd to try and decide if it was successful
if not options["--action"] in ["reboot", "off", "list"]:
for device_path in parse_sbd_devices(options):
logging.debug("check device \"%s\"", device_path)
return_code = check_sbd_device(options, device_path)
if PATH_NOT_EXISTS == return_code:
logging.error("\"%s\" does not exist", device_path)
elif PATH_NOT_BLOCK == return_code:
logging.error("\"%s\" is not a valid block device", device_path)
elif DEVICE_NOT_INIT == return_code:
logging.error("\"%s\" is not initialized", device_path)
elif DEVICE_INIT != return_code:
logging.error("UNKNOWN error while checking \"%s\"", device_path)
# If we get any error while checking the device we need to exit at this
# point.
if DEVICE_INIT != return_code:
# we check against the defined timeouts. If the pacemaker timeout is smaller
# then that defined within sbd we should report this.
power_timeout = int(options["--power-timeout"])
sbd_msg_timeout = get_msg_timeout(options)
if 0 < power_timeout <= sbd_msg_timeout:
logging.warn("power timeout needs to be \
greater then sbd message timeout")
result = fence_action(\
None, \
options, \
set_power_status, \
get_power_status, \
get_node_list, \
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/scsi/ b/agents/scsi/
index 519319bf..5cb5dbee 100644
--- a/agents/scsi/
+++ b/agents/scsi/
@@ -1,629 +1,629 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import stat
import re
import os
import time
import logging
import atexit
import hashlib
import ctypes
from fencing import fail_usage, run_command, atexit_handler, check_input, process_input, show_docs, fence_action, all_opt
from fencing import run_delay
def get_status(conn, options):
del conn
status = "off"
for dev in options["devices"]:
reset_dev(options, dev)
if options["--key"] in get_registration_keys(options, dev):
status = "on"
logging.debug("No registration for key "\
+ options["--key"] + " on device " + dev + "\n")
if options["--action"] == "on":
status = "off"
return status
def set_status(conn, options):
del conn
count = 0
if options["--action"] == "on":
for dev in options["devices"]:
register_dev(options, dev, options["--key"])
if options["--key"] not in get_registration_keys(options, dev):
count += 1
logging.debug("Failed to register key "\
+ options["--key"] + "on device " + dev + "\n")
dev_write(dev, options)
if get_reservation_key(options, dev) is None \
and not reserve_dev(options, dev) \
and get_reservation_key(options, dev) is None:
count += 1
logging.debug("Failed to create reservation (key="\
+ options["--key"] + ", device=" + dev + ")\n")
host_key = get_key()
if host_key == options["--key"].lower():
fail_usage("Failed: keys cannot be same. You can not fence yourself.")
for dev in options["devices"]:
register_dev(options, dev, host_key)
if options["--key"] in get_registration_keys(options, dev):
preempt_abort(options, host_key, dev)
for dev in options["devices"]:
if options["--key"] in get_registration_keys(options, dev):
count += 1
logging.debug("Failed to remove key "\
+ options["--key"] + " on device " + dev + "\n")
if not get_reservation_key(options, dev):
count += 1
logging.debug("No reservation exists on device " + dev + "\n")
if count:
logging.error("Failed to verify " + str(count) + " device(s)")
# check if host is ready to execute actions
def do_action_monitor(options):
# Check if required binaries are installed
if bool(run_cmd(options, options["--sg_persist-path"] + " -V")["rc"]):
logging.error("Unable to run " + options["--sg_persist-path"])
return 1
elif bool(run_cmd(options, options["--sg_turs-path"] + " -V")["rc"]):
logging.error("Unable to run " + options["--sg_turs-path"])
return 1
elif ("--devices" not in options and
bool(run_cmd(options, options["--vgs-path"] + " --version")["rc"])):
logging.error("Unable to run " + options["--vgs-path"])
return 1
# Keys have to be present in order to fence/unfence
return 0
# run command, returns dict, ret["rc"] = exit code; ret["out"] = output;
# ret["err"] = error
def run_cmd(options, cmd):
ret = {}
(ret["rc"], ret["out"], ret["err"]) = run_command(options, cmd)
ret["out"] = "".join([i for i in ret["out"] if i is not None])
ret["err"] = "".join([i for i in ret["err"] if i is not None])
return ret
# check if device exist and is block device
def is_block_device(dev):
if not os.path.exists(dev):
fail_usage("Failed: device \"" + dev + "\" does not exist")
if not stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(dev).st_mode):
fail_usage("Failed: device \"" + dev + "\" is not a block device")
# cancel registration
def preempt_abort(options, host, dev):
cmd = options["--sg_persist-path"] + " -n -o -A -T 5 -K " + host + " -S " + options["--key"] + " -d " + dev
return not bool(run_cmd(options, cmd)["rc"])
def reset_dev(options, dev):
return run_cmd(options, options["--sg_turs-path"] + " " + dev)["rc"]
def register_dev(options, dev, key):
dev = os.path.realpath(dev)
if"^dm", dev[5:]):
for slave in get_mpath_slaves(dev):
register_dev(options, slave, key)
return True
# Check if any registration exists for the key already. We track this in
# order to decide whether the existing registration needs to be cleared.
# This is needed since the previous registration could be for a
# different I_T nexus (different ISID).
registration_key_exists = False
if key in get_registration_keys(options, dev):
logging.debug("Registration key exists for device " + dev)
registration_key_exists = True
if not register_helper(options, dev, key):
return False
if registration_key_exists:
# If key matches, make sure it matches with the connection that
# exists right now. To do this, we can issue a preempt with same key
# which should replace the old invalid entries from the target.
if not preempt(options, key, dev, key):
return False
# If there was no reservation, we need to issue another registration
# since the previous preempt would clear registration made above.
if get_reservation_key(options, dev, False) != key:
return register_helper(options, dev, key)
return True
# helper function to preempt host with 'key' using 'host_key' without aborting tasks
def preempt(options, host_key, dev, key):
cmd = options["--sg_persist-path"] + " -n -o -P -T 5 -K " + host_key + " -S " + key + " -d " + dev
return not bool(run_cmd(options, cmd)["rc"])
# helper function to send the register command
def register_helper(options, dev, key):
reset_dev(options, dev)
cmd = options["--sg_persist-path"] + " -n -o -I -S " + key + " -d " + dev
cmd += " -Z" if "--aptpl" in options else ""
return not bool(run_cmd(options, cmd)["rc"])
def reserve_dev(options, dev):
cmd = options["--sg_persist-path"] + " -n -o -R -T 5 -K " + options["--key"] + " -d " + dev
return not bool(run_cmd(options, cmd)["rc"])
def get_reservation_key(options, dev, fail=True):
opts = ""
if "--readonly" in options:
opts = "-y "
cmd = options["--sg_persist-path"] + " -n -i " + opts + "-r -d " + dev
out = run_cmd(options, cmd)
if out["rc"] and fail:
fail_usage('Cannot get reservation key on device "' + dev
+ '": ' + out["err"])
match ="\s+key=0x(\S+)\s+", out["out"], re.IGNORECASE)
return if match else None
def get_registration_keys(options, dev, fail=True):
keys = []
opts = ""
if "--readonly" in options:
opts = "-y "
cmd = options["--sg_persist-path"] + " -n -i " + opts + "-k -d " + dev
out = run_cmd(options, cmd)
if out["rc"]:
fail_usage('Cannot get registration keys on device "' + dev
+ '": ' + out["err"], fail)
if not fail:
return []
for line in out["out"].split("\n"):
match ="\s+0x(\S+)\s*", line)
if match:
return keys
def get_cluster_id(options):
cmd = options["--corosync-cmap-path"] + " totem.cluster_name"
match ="\(str\) = (\S+)\n", run_cmd(options, cmd)["out"])
if not match:
fail_usage("Failed: cannot get cluster name")
return hashlib.md5('ascii')).hexdigest()
except ValueError:
# FIPS requires usedforsecurity=False and might not be
# available on all distros:
return hashlib.md5('ascii'), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
def get_node_id(options):
cmd = options["--corosync-cmap-path"] + " nodelist"
out = run_cmd(options, cmd)["out"]
match =".(\d+).name \(str\) = " + options["--plug"] + "\n", out)
# try old format before failing
if not match:
match =".(\d+).ring._addr \(str\) = " + options["--plug"] + "\n", out)
return if match else fail_usage("Failed: unable to parse output of corosync-cmapctl or node does not exist")
def get_node_hash(options):
return hashlib.md5(options["--plug"].encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
except ValueError:
# FIPS requires usedforsecurity=False and might not be
# available on all distros:
return hashlib.md5(options["--plug"].encode('ascii'), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
def generate_key(options):
if options["--key-value"] == "hash":
return "%.4s%.4s" % (get_cluster_id(options), get_node_hash(options))
return "%.4s%.4d" % (get_cluster_id(options), int(get_node_id(options)))
# save node key to file
def set_key(options):
file_path = options["store_path"] + ".key"
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(options["store_path"])):
f = open(file_path, "w")
except IOError:
fail_usage("Failed: Cannot open file \""+ file_path + "\"")
f.write(options["--key"].lower() + "\n")
# read node key from file
def get_key(fail=True):
file_path = STORE_PATH + ".key"
f = open(file_path, "r")
except IOError:
fail_usage("Failed: Cannot open file \""+ file_path + "\"", fail)
if not fail:
return None
return f.readline().strip().lower()
def dev_write(dev, options):
file_path = options["store_path"] + ".dev"
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(options["store_path"])):
f = open(file_path, "a+")
except IOError:
fail_usage("Failed: Cannot open file \""+ file_path + "\"")
out =
if not"^" + dev + "\s+", out, flags=re.MULTILINE):
f.write(dev + "\n")
def dev_read(fail=True, opt=None):
file_path = STORE_PATH + ".dev"
f = open(file_path, "r")
except IOError:
if "--suppress-errors" not in opt:
fail_usage("Failed: Cannot open file \"" + file_path + "\"", fail)
if not fail:
return None
# get not empty lines from file
devs = [line.strip() for line in f if line.strip()]
return devs
def get_shared_devices(options):
devs = []
cmd = options["--vgs-path"] + " " +\
"--noheadings " +\
"--separator : " +\
"--sort pv_uuid " +\
"--options vg_attr,pv_name "+\
"--config 'global { locking_type = 0 } devices { preferred_names = [ \"^/dev/dm\" ] }'"
out = run_cmd(options, cmd)
if out["rc"]:
fail_usage("Failed: Cannot get shared devices")
for line in out["out"].splitlines():
vg_attr, pv_name = line.strip().split(":")
if vg_attr[5] in "cs":
return devs
def get_mpath_slaves(dev):
if dev[:5] == "/dev/":
dev = dev[5:]
slaves = [i for i in os.listdir("/sys/block/" + dev + "/slaves/") if i[:1] != "."]
if slaves[0][:2] == "dm":
slaves = get_mpath_slaves(slaves[0])
slaves = ["/dev/" + x for x in slaves]
return slaves
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["devices"] = {
"getopt" : "d:",
"longopt" : "devices",
"help" : "-d, --devices=[devices] List of devices to use for current operation",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "List of devices to use for current operation. Devices can \
be comma or space separated list of raw devices (eg. /dev/sdc). Each device must support SCSI-3 \
persistent reservations. Optional if cluster is configured with clvm or lvmlockd.",
"order": 1
all_opt["nodename"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "nodename",
"help" : "",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "",
"order": 1
all_opt["key"] = {
"getopt" : "k:",
"longopt" : "key",
"help" : "-k, --key=[key] Key to use for the current operation",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Key to use for the current operation. This key should be \
unique to a node. For the \"on\" action, the key specifies the key use to \
register the local node. For the \"off\" action, this key specifies the key to \
be removed from the device(s).",
"order": 1
all_opt["aptpl"] = {
"getopt" : "a",
"longopt" : "aptpl",
"help" : "-a, --aptpl Use the APTPL flag for registrations",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Use the APTPL flag for registrations. This option is only used for the 'on' action.",
"order": 1
all_opt["readonly"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "readonly",
"help" : "--readonly Open DEVICE read-only. May be useful with PRIN commands if there are unwanted side effects with the default read-write open.",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Open DEVICE read-only.",
"order": 4
all_opt["suppress-errors"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "suppress-errors",
"help" : "--suppress-errors Suppress error log. Suppresses error logging when run from the watchdog service before pacemaker starts.",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Error log suppression.",
"order": 5
all_opt["logfile"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "logfile",
"help" : "-f, --logfile Log output (stdout and stderr) to file",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Log output (stdout and stderr) to file",
"order": 6
all_opt["corosync_cmap_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "corosync-cmap-path",
"help" : "--corosync-cmap-path=[path] Path to corosync-cmapctl binary",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to corosync-cmapctl binary",
"default" : "@COROSYNC_CMAPCTL_PATH@",
"order": 300
all_opt["sg_persist_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "sg_persist-path",
"help" : "--sg_persist-path=[path] Path to sg_persist binary",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to sg_persist binary",
"default" : "@SG_PERSIST_PATH@",
"order": 300
all_opt["sg_turs_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "sg_turs-path",
"help" : "--sg_turs-path=[path] Path to sg_turs binary",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to sg_turs binary",
"default" : "@SG_TURS_PATH@",
"order": 300
all_opt["vgs_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "vgs-path",
"help" : "--vgs-path=[path] Path to vgs binary",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to vgs binary",
"default" : "@VGS_PATH@",
"order": 300
all_opt["key_value"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "key-value",
"help" : "--key-value=<id|hash> SCSI key node generation method",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Method used to generate the SCSI key. \"id\" (default) \
uses the positional ID from \"corosync-cmactl nodelist\" output which can get inconsistent \
when nodes are removed from cluster without full cluster restart. \"hash\" uses part of hash \
made out of node names which is not affected over time but there is theoretical chance that \
hashes can collide as size of SCSI key is quite limited.",
"default" : "id",
"order": 300
def scsi_check_get_options(options):
f = open("/etc/sysconfig/stonith", "r")
except IOError:
return options
match = re.findall(r"^\s*(\S*)\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*", "".join(f.readlines()), re.MULTILINE)
for m in match:
options[m[0].lower()] = m[1].lower()
return options
def scsi_check(hardreboot=False):
if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == "repair":
return int(sys.argv[2])
options = {}
options["--sg_turs-path"] = "@SG_TURS_PATH@"
options["--sg_persist-path"] = "@SG_PERSIST_PATH@"
options["--power-timeout"] = "5"
options["retry"] = "0"
options["retry-sleep"] = "1"
options = scsi_check_get_options(options)
if "verbose" in options and options["verbose"] == "yes":
devs = dev_read(fail=False,opt=options)
if not devs:
if "--suppress-errors" not in options:
logging.error("No devices found")
return 0
key = get_key(fail=False)
if not key:
logging.error("Key not found")
return 0
for dev in devs:
for n in range(int(options["retry"]) + 1):
if n > 0:
logging.debug("retry: " + str(n) + " of " + options["retry"])
if key in get_registration_keys(options, dev, fail=False):
logging.debug("key " + key + " registered with device " + dev)
return 0
logging.debug("key " + key + " not registered with device " + dev)
if n < int(options["retry"]):
logging.debug("key " + key + " registered with any devices")
if hardreboot == True:
libc = ctypes.cdll['']
return 2
def main():
device_opt = ["no_login", "no_password", "devices", "nodename", "port",\
"no_port", "key", "aptpl", "fabric_fencing", "on_target", "corosync_cmap_path",\
"sg_persist_path", "sg_turs_path", "readonly", "suppress-errors", "logfile", "vgs_path",\
"force_on", "key_value"]
all_opt["delay"]["getopt"] = "H:"
all_opt["port"]["help"] = "-n, --plug=[nodename] Name of the node to be fenced"
all_opt["port"]["shortdesc"] = "Name of the node to be fenced. The node name is used to \
generate the key value used for the current operation. This option will be \
ignored when used with the -k option."
if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "fence_scsi_check":
elif os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "fence_scsi_check_hardreboot":
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt), other_conditions=True)
# hack to remove list/list-status actions which are not supported
options["device_opt"] = [ o for o in options["device_opt"] if o != "separator" ]
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for SCSI persistent reservation"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_scsi is an I/O fencing agent that uses SCSI-3 \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_scsi is an I/O Fencing agent that uses SCSI-3 \
persistent reservations to control access to shared storage devices. These \
devices must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations (SPC-3 or greater) as \
well as the \"preempt-and-abort\" subcommand.\nThe fence_scsi agent works by \
having each node in the cluster register a unique key with the SCSI \
device(s). Reservation key is generated from \"node id\" (default) or from \
\"node name hash\" (RECOMMENDED) by adjusting \"key_value\" option. \
Using hash is recommended to prevent issues when removing nodes \
from cluster without full cluster restart. \
Once registered, a single node will become the reservation holder \
by creating a \"write exclusive, registrants only\" reservation on the \
device(s). The result is that only registered nodes may write to the \
device(s). When a node failure occurs, the fence_scsi agent will remove the \
key belonging to the failed node from the device(s). The failed node will no \
longer be able to write to the device(s). A manual reboot is required.\
When used as a watchdog device you can define e.g. retry=1, retry-sleep=2 and \
verbose=yes parameters in /etc/sysconfig/stonith if you have issues with it \
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# backward compatibility layer BEGIN
if "--logfile" in options:
logfile = open(options["--logfile"], 'w')
sys.stderr = logfile
sys.stdout = logfile
except IOError:
fail_usage("Failed: Unable to create file " + options["--logfile"])
# backward compatibility layer END
options["store_path"] = STORE_PATH
# Input control BEGIN
stop_after_error = False if options["--action"] == "validate-all" else True
if options["--action"] == "monitor":
# workaround to avoid regressions
if "--nodename" in options and options["--nodename"]:
options["--plug"] = options["--nodename"]
del options["--nodename"]
if not (("--plug" in options and options["--plug"])\
or ("--key" in options and options["--key"])):
fail_usage("Failed: nodename or key is required", stop_after_error)
if options["--action"] != "validate-all":
if not ("--key" in options and options["--key"]):
options["--key"] = generate_key(options)
if options["--key"] == "0" or not options["--key"]:
fail_usage("Failed: key cannot be 0", stop_after_error)
if "--key-value" in options\
and (options["--key-value"] != "id" and options["--key-value"] != "hash"):
fail_usage("Failed: key-value has to be 'id' or 'hash'", stop_after_error)
if options["--action"] == "validate-all":
options["--key"] = options["--key"].lstrip('0')
if not ("--devices" in options and [d for d in re.split("\s*,\s*|\s+", options["--devices"].strip()) if d]):
options["devices"] = get_shared_devices(options)
options["devices"] = [d for d in re.split("\s*,\s*|\s+", options["--devices"].strip()) if d]
if not options["devices"]:
fail_usage("Failed: No devices found")
# Input control END
result = fence_action(None, options, set_status, get_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/skalar/ b/agents/skalar/
index 0e11d83f..c8589c1a 100644
--- a/agents/skalar/
+++ b/agents/skalar/
@@ -1,226 +1,226 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_STATUS, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, EC_INVALID_PRIVILEGES, run_delay
import requests
import ast
import urllib3
import json
import logging
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
# Inner functions
def authorize_and_get_cookie(skala_ip, login, password, options):
URL0 = proto + str(skala_ip) + '/api/0/auth'
cred = {
"login" : str(login),
"password" : str(password)
with requests.Session() as session:, data=cred, verify=ssl_verify)
cookie = session.cookies.get_dict()
logging.exception('Exception occured.')
if 'api_token' in cookie:
return cookie
def logout(skala_ip):
URL1 = proto + str(skala_ip) + '/api/0/logout'
with requests.Session() as session:, verify=ssl_verify, cookies=cookie)
## Logout; we do not care about result as we will end in any case
def get_vm_id(skala_ip, uuid, options, cookie):
URL2 = proto + str(skala_ip) + '/api/0/vm'
parameters = {
"uuid": str(uuid)
vm_info = requests.get(url=URL2, verify=ssl_verify, params=parameters, cookies=cookie)
jvm_info = vm_info.json()
if jvm_info["vm_list"]["items"] == []:
raise NameError('Can not find VM by uuid.')
logging.debug("VM_INFO:\n{}".format(json.dumps(vm_info.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True)))
return jvm_info["vm_list"]["items"][0]["vm_id"]
def vm_task(skala_ip, vm_id, command, options, cookie):
# command(str) – Command for vm: ‘vm_start’, ‘vm_stop’, ‘vm_restart’,
# ‘vm_suspend’, ‘vm_resume’, ‘vm_pause’, ‘vm_reset’
# main_request_id(TaskId) – Parent task id
# graceful(bool) – vm_stop command parameter, graceful or not, default
# false - *args[0]
# force(bool) – vm_stop command parameter, force stop or not, default
# false - *args[1]
if "--graceful" in options:
graceful = True
graceful = False
if "--force" in options:
force = True
force = False
URL3 = proto + str(skala_ip) + '/api/0/vm/' + str(vm_id) + '/task'
logging.debug("vm_task skala_ip: " + str(skala_ip))
logging.debug("vm_task vm_id: " + str(vm_id))
logging.debug("vm_task command: " + str(command))
logging.debug("vm_task cookie: " + str(cookie))
def checking(vm_id, command, graceful, force):
firstcondition = type(vm_id) is int
secondcondition = command in ['vm_start', 'vm_stop', 'vm_restart', 'vm_suspend', 'vm_resume', 'vm_pause', 'vm_reset']
thirdcondition = type(graceful) is bool
fourthcondition = type(force) is bool
return firstcondition * secondcondition * thirdcondition * fourthcondition
if not checking(vm_id, command, graceful, force):
print('Wrong parameters! \n'
'command(str) – Command for vm: ‘vm_start’, ‘vm_stop’, \n'
'‘vm_restart’,‘vm_suspend’, ‘vm_resume’, ‘vm_pause’, ‘vm_reset’ \n'
'graceful(bool) – vm_stop command parameter, graceful or not, default false \n'
'force(bool) – vm_stop command parameter, force stop or not, default false \n'
parameters = {
"command": command,
"graceful": graceful,
"force": force
with requests.Session() as session:
response =, params=parameters, verify=ssl_verify, cookies=cookie)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('Invalid response code from server: {}.'.format(response.status_code))
def get_power_status(conn, options):
state = {"RUNNING": "on", "PAUSED": "on", "STOPPED": "off", "SUSPENDED": "off", "ERROR": "off", "DELETED": "off",
"CREATING": "off", "FAILED_TO_CREATE": "off", "NODE_OFFLINE": "off", "STARTING": "off", "STOPPING": "on"}
URL4 = proto + options["--ip"] + '/api/0/vm/'
parameters = {
"uuid": str(options["--plug"])
vm_info = requests.get(url=URL4, params=parameters, verify=ssl_verify, cookies=cookie)
jvm_info = vm_info.json()
if jvm_info["vm_list"]["items"] == []:
raise NameError('Can not find VM by uuid.')
logging.debug("VM_INFO:\n{}".format(json.dumps(vm_info.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True)))
status_v = jvm_info["vm_list"]["items"][0]["status"]
if status_v not in state:
raise Exception('Unknown VM state: {}.'.format(status_v))
return state[status_v]
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
"on" : "vm_start",
"reboot": "vm_restart",
"off" : "vm_stop"
vm_id_v = get_vm_id(options["--ip"], options["--plug"], options, cookie)
vm_task(options["--ip"], vm_id_v, action[options["--action"]], options, cookie)
def get_list(conn, options):
outlets = {}
URL5 = proto + options["--ip"] + '/api/0/vm'
vm_info = requests.get(url=URL5, verify=ssl_verify, cookies=cookie)
jvm_info = vm_info.json()
list_jvm = jvm_info["vm_list"]["items"]
for elem in list_jvm:
outlets[elem["name"]] = (elem["uuid"], None)
return outlets
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["graceful"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "graceful",
"help" : "--graceful vm_stop command parameter, graceful stop or not, default false",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "vm_stop command parameter, graceful stop or not, default false",
"order" : 1}
all_opt["force"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "force",
"help" : "--force vm_stop command parameter, force stop or not, default false",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "vm_stop command parameter, force stop or not, default false",
"order" : 1}
def main():
global cookie, proto, ssl_verify
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "port", "web", "ssl", "verbose", "graceful", "force"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Skala-R Fence agent"
- docs["longdesc"] = "A fence agent for Skala-R."
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_skalar is a Power Fencing agent for Skala-R."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
options["eol"] = "\r"
proto = "https://"
if "--ssl-secure" in options:
ssl_verify = True
elif "--ssl-insecure" in options:
ssl_verify = False
proto = "http://"
ssl_verify = False
cookie = authorize_and_get_cookie(options["--ip"], options["--username"], options["--password"], options)
atexit.register(logout, options["--ip"])
logging.debug("OPTIONS: " + str(options) + "\n")
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list)
except Exception:
logging.exception('Exception occured.')
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/vbox/ b/agents/vbox/
index c2df2881..52f0a2a8 100644
--- a/agents/vbox/
+++ b/agents/vbox/
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
# VirtualBox 5.0.4 x64 on openSUSE 13.2
import sys
import re
import time
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage
def _invoke(conn, options, *cmd):
prefix = options["--sudo-path"] + " " if "--use-sudo" in options else ""
conn.send_eol(prefix + options["--vboxmanage-path"] + " " + " ".join(cmd))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
_domain_re = re.compile(r'^\"(.*)\" \{(.*)\}$')
result = {}
_invoke(conn, options, "list", "vms")
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
# format: "<domain>" {<uuid>}
domain =
if domain is not None:
result[] = (, "off")
_invoke(conn, options, "list", "runningvms")
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
# format: "<domain>" {<uuid>}
domain =
if domain is not None:
result[] = (, "on")
return result
def get_power_status(conn, options):
outlets = get_outlets_status(conn, options)
if options["--plug"] in outlets:
return outlets[options["--plug"]][1]
right_uuid_line = [outlets[o] for o in outlets.keys() if outlets[o][0] == options["--plug"]]
if len(right_uuid_line):
return right_uuid_line[0][1]
if "--missing-as-off" in options:
return "off"
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter existing name/UUID of virtual machine!")
def set_power_status(conn, options):
if options["--action"] == "on":
_invoke(conn, options, "startvm", '"%s"' % options["--plug"], "--type", "headless")
_invoke(conn, options, "controlvm", '"%s"' % options["--plug"], "poweroff")
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["vboxmanage_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "vboxmanage-path",
"help" : "--vboxmanage-path=[path] Path to VBoxManage on the host",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Path to VBoxManage on the host",
"default" : "VBoxManage",
"order" : 200
all_opt["host_os"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "host-os",
"help" : "--host-os=[os] Operating system of the host",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Operating system of the host",
"choices" : ["linux", "macos", "windows"],
"default" : "linux",
"order" : 200
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", "port", "sudo",
"missing_as_off", "vboxmanage_path", "host_os"]
all_opt["secure"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = [r"\[EXPECT\]#"]
all_opt["ssh_options"]["default"] = "-t '/bin/bash -c \"" + r"PS1=\\[EXPECT\\]# HISTFILE=/dev/null " + "/bin/bash --noprofile --norc\"'"
opt = process_input(device_opt)
opt["logout_string"] = "quit"
if "--host-os" in opt and "--vboxmanage-path" not in opt:
if opt["--host-os"] == "linux":
opt["--vboxmanage-path"] = "VBoxManage"
elif opt["--host-os"] == "macos":
opt["--vboxmanage-path"] = "/Applications/"
opt["logout_string"] = "exit"
elif opt["--host-os"] == "windows":
opt["--vboxmanage-path"] = "\"/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe"
opt["--command-prompt"] = ""
opt["--ssh-options"] = ""
options = check_input(device_opt, opt)
options["eol"] = "\n"
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for VirtualBox"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_vbox is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_vbox is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the virtual machines managed by VirtualBox. \
It logs via ssh to a dom0 where it runs VBoxManage to do all of \
the work. \
By default, vbox needs to log in as a user that is a member of the \
vboxusers group. Also, you must allow ssh login in your sshd_config."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
fence_logout(conn, opt["logout_string"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/virsh/ b/agents/virsh/
index 88cee48d..bde189c2 100644
--- a/agents/virsh/
+++ b/agents/virsh/
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
# Virsh 0.3.3 on RHEL 5.2 with xen-3.0.3-51
import sys, re
import time
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail_usage
def get_name_or_uuid(options):
return options["--uuid"] if "--uuid" in options else options["--plug"]
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
if "--use-sudo" in options:
prefix = options["--sudo-path"] + " "
prefix = ""
conn.sendline(prefix + "virsh list --all")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
result = {}
#This is status of mini finite automata. 0 = we didn't found Id and Name, 1 = we did
fa_status = 0
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
domain ="^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+).*$", line)
if domain != None:
if fa_status == 0 and == "id" and == "name":
fa_status = 1
elif fa_status == 1:
result[] = ("",
( in ["running", "blocked", "idle", "no state", "paused"] and "on" or "off"))
return result
def get_power_status(conn, options):
prefix = options["--sudo-path"] + " " if "--use-sudo" in options else ""
conn.sendline(prefix + "virsh domstate %s" % (get_name_or_uuid(options)))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
for line in conn.before.splitlines():
if line.strip() in ["running", "blocked", "idle", "no state", "paused"]:
return "on"
if "error: failed to get domain" in line.strip() and "--missing-as-off" in options:
return "off"
if "error:" in line.strip():
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter existing name/UUID of virtual machine!")
return "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
prefix = options["--sudo-path"] + " " if "--use-sudo" in options else ""
conn.sendline(prefix + "virsh %s " %
(options["--action"] == "on" and "start" or "destroy") + get_name_or_uuid(options))
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "cmd_prompt", "secure", "port", "sudo", "missing_as_off"]
all_opt["secure"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = [r"\[EXPECT\]#"]
all_opt["ssh_options"]["default"] = "-t '/bin/bash -c \"" + r"PS1=\\[EXPECT\\]# " + "/bin/bash --noprofile --norc\"'"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for virsh"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_virsh is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_virsh is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the virtual machines managed by libvirt. \
It logs via ssh to a dom0 and there run virsh command, which does \
all work. \
By default, virsh needs root account to do properly work. So you \
must allow ssh login in your sshd_config."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
fence_logout(conn, "quit")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/virt/client/options.c b/agents/virt/client/options.c
index ddd6bc4e..ce7ba14d 100644
--- a/agents/virt/client/options.c
+++ b/agents/virt/client/options.c
@@ -1,1000 +1,1000 @@
Copyright Red Hat, Inc. 2006
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
MA 02139, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libgen.h>
/* Local includes */
#include "xvm.h"
#include "simple_auth.h"
#include "mcast.h"
#include "tcp_listener.h"
#include "options.h"
#define SCHEMA_COMPAT '\xfe'
/* Assignment functions */
static inline void
assign_debug(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value) {
/* GNU getopt sets optarg to NULL for options w/o a param
We rely on this here... */
args->debug = atoi(value);
if (args->debug < 0) {
args->debug = 1;
static inline void
assign_family(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg,
char *value)
if (!value)
if (!strcasecmp(value, "ipv4")) {
args-> = PF_INET;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "ipv6")) {
args-> = PF_INET6;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "auto")) {
args-> = 0;
} else {
printf("Unsupported family: '%s'\n", value);
args->flags |= F_ERR;
static inline void
assign_address(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value)
if (args->net.addr)
args->net.addr = strdup(value);
static inline void
assign_ip_address(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value)
if (args->net.ipaddr)
args->net.ipaddr = strdup(value);
static inline void
assign_channel_address(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value)
if (args->serial.address)
args->serial.address = strdup(value);
static inline void
assign_port(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
char *p;
int ret;
if (!value)
ret = strtol(value, &p, 0);
if (ret <= 0 || ret >= 65536 || *p != '\0') {
printf("Invalid port: '%s'\n", value);
args->flags |= F_ERR;
} else
args->net.port = ret;
static inline void
assign_cid(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
char *p;
unsigned long ret;
if (!value) {
args->net.cid = 2;
ret = strtoul(value, &p, 0);
if (!p || *p != '\0' || ret < 2 || ret >= 0xffffffff) {
printf("Invalid CID: '%s'\n", value);
args->flags |= F_ERR;
} else
args->net.cid = ret;
static inline void
assign_interface(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
int ret;
if (!value)
ret = if_nametoindex(value);
if (ret <= 0) {
printf("Invalid interface: %s: %s\n", value, strerror(errno));
args->net.ifindex = 0;
args->net.ifindex = ret;
static inline void
assign_retrans(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
char *p;
int ret;
if (!value)
ret = strtol(value, &p, 0);
if (ret <= 0 || *p != '\0') {
printf("Invalid retransmit time: '%s'\n", value);
args->flags |= F_ERR;
} else
args->retr_time = ret;
static inline void
assign_hash(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value)
if (!strcasecmp(value, "none")) {
args->net.hash = HASH_NONE;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "sha1")) {
args->net.hash = HASH_SHA1;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "sha256")) {
args->net.hash = HASH_SHA256;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "sha512")) {
args->net.hash = HASH_SHA512;
} else {
printf("Unsupported hash: %s\n", value);
args->flags |= F_ERR;
static inline void
assign_auth(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value)
if (!strcasecmp(value, "none")) {
args->net.auth = AUTH_NONE;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "sha1")) {
args->net.auth = AUTH_SHA1;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "sha256")) {
args->net.auth = AUTH_SHA256;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "sha512")) {
args->net.auth = AUTH_SHA512;
} else {
printf("Unsupported auth type: %s\n", value);
args->flags |= F_ERR;
static inline void
assign_key(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
struct stat st;
if (!value)
if (args->net.key_file)
args->net.key_file = strdup(value);
if (stat(value, &st) == -1) {
printf("Invalid key file: '%s' (%s)\n", value,
args->flags |= F_ERR;
static inline void
assign_op(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value)
if (!strcasecmp(value, "null")) {
args->op = FENCE_NULL;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "on")) {
args->op = FENCE_ON;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "off")) {
args->op = FENCE_OFF;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "reboot")) {
args->op = FENCE_REBOOT;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "status")) {
args->op = FENCE_STATUS;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "monitor")) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "list") || !strcasecmp(value, "list-status")) {
args->op = FENCE_HOSTLIST;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "metadata")) {
args->op = FENCE_METADATA;
} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "validate-all")) {
} else {
printf("Unsupported operation: %s\n", value);
args->flags |= F_ERR;
static inline void
assign_device(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value)
args->serial.device = strdup(value);
static inline void
assign_params(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value)
args->serial.speed = strdup(value);
static inline void
assign_domain(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (args->domain) {
printf("Domain/UUID may not be specified more than once\n");
args->flags |= F_ERR;
if (!value)
args->domain = strdup(value);
if (strlen(value) <= 0) {
printf("Invalid domain name\n");
args->flags |= F_ERR;
if (strlen(value) >= MAX_DOMAINNAME_LENGTH) {
printf("Invalid domain name: '%s' (%s)\n",
value, strerror(errno));
args->flags |= F_ERR;
static inline void
assign_uuid_lookup(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
if (!value) {
/* GNU getopt sets optarg to NULL for options w/o a param
We rely on this here... */
args->flags |= F_USE_UUID;
args->flags |= ( !!atoi(value) ? F_USE_UUID : 0);
static inline void
assign_timeout(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
char *p;
int ret;
if (!value)
ret = strtol(value, &p, 0);
if (ret <= 0 || *p != '\0') {
printf("Invalid timeout: '%s'\n", value);
args->flags |= F_ERR;
} else
args->timeout = ret;
static inline void
assign_delay(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
char *p;
int ret;
if (!value)
ret = strtol(value, &p, 0);
if (ret < 0 || *p != '\0') {
printf("Invalid delay: '%s'\n", value);
args->flags |= F_ERR;
} else
args->delay = ret;
static inline void
assign_help(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
args->flags |= F_HELP;
static inline void
assign_version(fence_virt_args_t *args, struct arg_info *arg, char *value)
args->flags |= F_VERSION;
static void
print_desc_xml(const char *desc)
const char *d;
for (d = desc; *d; d++) {
switch (*d) {
case '<':
case '>':
printf("%c", *d);
/** ALL valid command line and stdin arguments for this fencing agent */
static struct arg_info _arg_info[] = {
{ '\xff', NULL, "agent",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", NULL,
"Not user serviceable",
{ '\xff', NULL, "self",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", NULL,
"Not user serviceable",
{ '\xff', NULL, "nodename",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", NULL,
"Not user serviceable",
{ 'd', "-d", "debug",
NULL, 0, 0, "boolean", NULL,
"Specify (stdin) or increment (command line) debug level",
assign_debug },
{ 'i', "-i <family>", "ip_family",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "auto",
"IP Family ([auto], ipv4, ipv6)",
assign_family },
{ 'a', "-a <address>", "multicast_address",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", NULL,
"Multicast address (default=" IPV4_MCAST_DEFAULT " / " IPV6_MCAST_DEFAULT ")",
assign_address },
{ 'T', "-T <address>", "ipaddr",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "",
"IP address to connect to in TCP mode (default=" IPV4_TCP_ADDR_DEFAULT " / " IPV6_TCP_ADDR_DEFAULT ")",
assign_ip_address },
{ 'S', "-S <cid>", "vsock",
NULL, 0, 0, "integer", "2",
"vm socket CID to connect to in vsock mode",
assign_cid },
{ 'A', "-A <address>", "channel_address",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "",
"VM Channel IP address (default=" DEFAULT_CHANNEL_IP ")",
assign_channel_address },
{ 'p', "-p <port>", "ipport",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "1229",
"TCP, Multicast, VMChannel, or VM socket port (default=1229)",
assign_port },
{ 'I', "-I <interface>", "interface",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", NULL,
"Network interface name to listen on",
assign_interface },
{ 'r', "-r <retrans>", "retrans",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "20",
"Multicast retransmit time (in 1/10sec; default=20)",
assign_retrans },
{ 'c', "-c <hash>", "hash",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "sha256",
"Packet hash strength (none, sha1, [sha256], sha512)",
assign_hash },
{ 'C', "-C <auth>", "auth",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "sha256",
"Authentication (none, sha1, [sha256], sha512)",
assign_auth },
{ 'k', "-k <file>", "key_file",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", DEFAULT_KEY_FILE,
"Shared key file (default=" DEFAULT_KEY_FILE ")",
assign_key },
{ 'D', "-D <device>", "serial_device",
"Serial device (default=" DEFAULT_SERIAL_DEVICE ")",
assign_device },
{ 'P', "-P <param>", "serial_params",
"Serial Parameters (default=" DEFAULT_SERIAL_SPEED ")",
assign_params },
{ '\xff', NULL, "option",
/* Deprecated */
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "reboot",
"Fencing option (null, off, on, [reboot], status, list, list-status, monitor, validate-all, metadata)",
assign_op },
{ 'o', "-o <operation>", "action",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "reboot",
"Fencing action (null, off, on, [reboot], status, list, list-status, monitor, validate-all, metadata)",
assign_op },
{ 'n', "-n <domain>", "plug",
"port", 0, 0, "string", NULL,
"Virtual Machine (domain name) to fence",
assign_domain },
{ 'H', "-H <domain>", "port",
NULL, 1, 0, "string", NULL,
"Virtual Machine (domain name) to fence",
assign_domain },
{ SCHEMA_COMPAT, NULL, "domain",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", NULL,
"Virtual Machine (domain name) to fence (deprecated; use port)",
assign_domain },
{ 'u', "-u", "use_uuid",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "0",
"Treat [domain] as UUID instead of domain name. This is provided for compatibility with older fence_xvmd installations.",
assign_uuid_lookup },
{ 't', "-t <timeout>", "timeout",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "30",
"Fencing timeout (in seconds; default=30)",
assign_timeout },
{ 'h', "-h", NULL,
NULL, 0, 0, "boolean", "0",
assign_help },
{ '?', "-?", NULL,
NULL, 0, 0, "boolean", "0",
"Help (alternate)",
assign_help },
{ 'w', "-w <delay>", "delay",
NULL, 0, 0, "string", "0",
"Fencing delay (in seconds; default=0)",
assign_delay },
{ 'V', "-V", NULL,
NULL, 0, 0, "boolean", "0",
"Display version and exit",
assign_version },
/* Terminator */
static struct arg_info *
find_arg_by_char(char arg)
int x = 0;
for (x = 0; _arg_info[x].opt != 0; x++) {
if (_arg_info[x].opt == arg)
return &_arg_info[x];
return NULL;
static struct arg_info *
find_arg_by_string(char *arg)
int x = 0;
for (x = 0; _arg_info[x].opt != 0; x++) {
if (!_arg_info[x].stdin_opt)
if (!strcasecmp(_arg_info[x].stdin_opt, arg))
return &_arg_info[x];
return NULL;
/* ============================================================= */
Initialize an args structure.
@param args Pointer to args structure to initialize.
args_init(fence_virt_args_t *args)
args->domain = NULL;
//args->uri = NULL;
args->op = FENCE_REBOOT;
args->net.key_file = strdup(DEFAULT_KEY_FILE);
args->net.hash = DEFAULT_HASH;
args->net.auth = DEFAULT_AUTH;
args->net.addr = NULL;
args->net.ipaddr = NULL;
args->net.cid = 0;
args->net.port = DEFAULT_MCAST_PORT;
args->net.ifindex = 0;
args-> = 0; /* auto */
args->serial.device = NULL;
args->serial.speed = strdup(DEFAULT_SERIAL_SPEED);
args->serial.address = strdup(DEFAULT_CHANNEL_IP);
args->timeout = 30;
args->retr_time = 20;
args->flags = 0;
args->debug = 0;
args->delay = 0;
#define _pr_int(piece) printf(" %s = %d\n", #piece, piece)
#define _pr_str(piece) printf(" %s = %s\n", #piece, piece)
Prints out the contents of an args structure for debugging.
@param args Pointer to args structure to print out.
args_print(fence_virt_args_t *args)
printf("-- args @ %p --\n", args);
printf("-- end args --\n");
Print out arguments and help information based on what is allowed in
the getopt string optstr.
@param progname Program name.
@param optstr Getopt(3) style options string
@param print_stdin 0 = print command line options + description,
1 = print fence-style stdin args + description
static char *
find_rev(const char *start, char *curr, char c)
while (curr > start) {
if (*curr == c)
return curr;
return NULL;
static void
output_help_text(int arg_width, int help_width, const char *arg, const char *desc)
char out_buf[4096];
char *p, *start;
const char *arg_print = arg;
int len;
memset(out_buf, 0, sizeof(out_buf));
strncpy(out_buf, desc, sizeof(out_buf) - 1);
start = out_buf;
do {
p = NULL;
len = strlen(start);
if (len > help_width) {
p = start + help_width;
p = find_rev(start, p, ' ');
if (p) {
*p = 0;
printf(" %*.*s %*.*s\n",
-arg_width, arg_width,
-help_width, help_width,
if (!p)
if (arg == arg_print)
arg_print = " ";
start = p;
} while(1);
args_usage(char *progname, const char *optstr, int print_stdin)
int x;
struct arg_info *arg;
if (!print_stdin) {
if (progname) {
printf("usage: %s [args]\n\nNOTE: reboot-action does not power on nodes that are powered off.\n\n", progname);
} else {
printf("usage: fence_virt [args]\n\nNOTE: reboot-action does not power on nodes that are powered off.\n\n");
for (x = 0; x < strlen(optstr); x++) {
arg = find_arg_by_char(optstr[x]);
if (!arg || arg->deprecated)
if (print_stdin) {
if (arg && arg->stdin_opt)
output_help_text(20, 55, arg->stdin_opt, arg->desc);
} else {
output_help_text(20, 55, arg->opt_desc, arg->desc);
args_metadata(char *progname, const char *optstr)
int x;
struct arg_info *arg;
printf("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
printf("<resource-agent name=\"%s\" shortdesc=\"Fence agent for virtual machines\">\n", basename(progname));
- printf("<longdesc>%s is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with "
+ printf("<longdesc>%s is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with "
"virtual machines.\n\nNOTE: reboot-action does not power on nodes that are powered off."
"</longdesc>\n", basename(progname));
for (x = 0; x < strlen(optstr); x++) {
arg = find_arg_by_char(optstr[x]);
if (!arg)
if (!arg->stdin_opt)
if (arg->obsoletes)
printf("\t<parameter name=\"%s\" unique=\"0\" required=\"%d\" obsoletes=\"%s\">\n", arg->stdin_opt, (!strcmp(arg->content_type, "boolean") || arg->default_value) ? 0 : 1, arg->obsoletes);
else if (arg->deprecated)
printf("\t<parameter name=\"%s\" unique=\"0\" required=\"%d\" deprecated=\"%d\">\n", arg->stdin_opt, (!strcmp(arg->content_type, "boolean") || arg->default_value) ? 0 : 1, arg->deprecated);
printf("\t<parameter name=\"%s\" unique=\"0\" required=\"%d\">\n", arg->stdin_opt, (!strcmp(arg->content_type, "boolean") || arg->default_value || !strcmp(arg->stdin_opt, "multicast_address")) ? 0 : 1);
printf("\t\t<getopt mixed=\"-%c\" />\n",arg->opt);
if (arg->default_value) {
printf("\t\t<content type=\"%s\" default=\"%s\" />\n", arg->content_type, arg->default_value);
} else {
printf("\t\t<content type=\"%s\" />\n", arg->content_type);
printf("\t\t<shortdesc lang=\"en\">");
for (x = 0; _arg_info[x].opt != 0; x++) {
if (_arg_info[x].opt != SCHEMA_COMPAT)
arg = &_arg_info[x];
printf("\t<parameter name=\"%s\" unique=\"0\" required=\"%d\" deprecated=\"1\">\n", arg->stdin_opt,
(!strcmp(arg->content_type, "boolean") || arg->default_value || !strcmp(arg->stdin_opt, "domain")) ? 0 : 1);
printf("\t\t<getopt mixed=\"\" />\n");
if (arg->default_value) {
printf("\t\t<content type=\"%s\" default=\"%s\" />\n", arg->content_type, arg->default_value);
} else {
printf("\t\t<content type=\"%s\" />\n", arg->content_type);
printf("\t\t<shortdesc lang=\"en\">");
printf("\t<action name=\"null\" />\n");
printf("\t<action name=\"on\" />\n");
printf("\t<action name=\"off\" />\n");
printf("\t<action name=\"reboot\" />\n");
printf("\t<action name=\"metadata\" />\n");
printf("\t<action name=\"status\" />\n");
printf("\t<action name=\"monitor\" />\n");
printf("\t<action name=\"list\" />\n");
printf("\t<action name=\"list-status\" />\n");
printf("\t<action name=\"validate-all\" />\n");
Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a line of text.
@param line Line to clean up
@param linelen Max size of line
@return 0 on success, -1 on failure
static int
cleanup(char *line, size_t linelen)
char *p;
int x;
/* Remove leading whitespace. */
p = line;
for (x = 0; x < linelen; x++) {
switch (line[x]) {
case '\t':
case ' ':
case '\n':
case '\r':
return -1;
goto eol;
/* Move the remainder down by as many whitespace chars as we
chewed up */
if (x)
memmove(p, &line[x], linelen-x);
/* Remove trailing whitespace. */
for (x=0; x < linelen; x++) {
switch(line[x]) {
case '\t':
case ' ':
case '\r':
case '\n':
line[x] = 0;
case 0:
/* End of line */
return 0;
return -1;
Parse args from stdin and assign to the specified args structure.
@param optstr Command line option string in getopt(3) format
@param args Args structure to fill in.
args_get_stdin(const char *optstr, fence_virt_args_t *args)
char in[256];
char *name, *val;
struct arg_info *arg;
while (fgets(in, sizeof(in), stdin)) {
if (in[0] == '#')
if (cleanup(in, sizeof(in)) == -1)
name = in;
if ((val = strchr(in, '='))) {
*val = 0;
arg = find_arg_by_string(name);
if (!arg || (arg->opt != '\xff' &&
arg->opt != SCHEMA_COMPAT &&
!strchr(optstr, arg->opt))) {
"Parse error: Ignoring unknown option '%s'\n",
if (arg->assign)
arg->assign(args, arg, val);
Parse args from stdin and assign to the specified args structure.
@param optstr Command line option string in getopt(3) format
@param args Args structure to fill in.
args_get_getopt(int argc, char **argv, const char *optstr, fence_virt_args_t *args)
int opt;
struct arg_info *arg;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, optstr)) != EOF) {
arg = find_arg_by_char(opt);
if (!arg) {
args->flags |= F_ERR;
if (arg->assign)
arg->assign(args, arg, optarg);
args_finalize(fence_virt_args_t *args)
char *addr = NULL;
if (!args->net.addr) {
switch(args-> {
case 0:
case PF_INET:
addr = (char *)IPV4_MCAST_DEFAULT;
case PF_INET6:
addr = (char *)IPV6_MCAST_DEFAULT;
args->flags |= F_ERR;
if (!args->net.addr)
args->net.addr = addr;
if (!args->net.addr) {
printf("No multicast address available\n");
args->flags |= F_ERR;
if (!args->net.addr)
if (args->
/* Set family */
if (strchr(args->net.addr, ':'))
args-> = PF_INET6;
if (strchr(args->net.addr, '.'))
args-> = PF_INET;
if (!args-> {
printf("Could not determine address family\n");
args->flags |= F_ERR;
diff --git a/agents/vmware/ b/agents/vmware/
index bc1785f4..ccef92bb 100644
--- a/agents/vmware/
+++ b/agents/vmware/
@@ -1,336 +1,336 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# The Following agent has been tested on:
# vmrun 2.0.0 build-116503 (from VMware Server 2.0) against:
# VMware ESX 4.0.0
# VMware vCenter 4.0.0
# VMware ESX 3.5
# VMware Server 2.0.0
# VMware ESXi 3.5 update 2
# VMware Server 1.0.7 (works but list/status show only running VMs)
# VI Perl API 1.6 against:
# VMware ESX 4.0.0
# VMware vCenter 4.0.0
# VMware ESX 3.5
# VMware ESXi 3.5 update 2
# VMware Virtual Center 2.5
# VMware vSphere SDK for Perl 4.0.0 against:
# VMware ESX 4.0.0
# VMware vCenter 4.0.0
import sys, re, pexpect
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, EC_TIMED_OUT, run_delay, frun
### CONSTANTS ####
# VMware type is ESX/ESXi/VC
# VMware type is Server 1.x
# VMware type is Server 2.x and/or ESX 3.5 up2, ESXi 3.5 up2, VC 2.5 up2
# Minimum required version of vmrun command
# Default path to vmhelper command
VMHELPER_COMMAND = "fence_vmware_helper"
# Default path to vmrun command
VMRUN_COMMAND = "/usr/bin/vmrun"
# Default type of vmware
# Internal type. One of VMWARE_TYPE_, set by #vmware_check_vmware_type
vmware_internal_type = VMWARE_TYPE_ESX
# If ESX is disconnected, say, that VM is off (don't return previous state)
vmware_disconnected_hack = False
### FUNCTIONS ####
#Split string in simplified DSV format to array of items
def dsv_split(dsv_str):
delimiter_c = ':'
escape_c = '\\'
res = []
status = 0
tmp_str = ""
for x in dsv_str:
if status == 0:
if x == delimiter_c:
tmp_str = ""
elif x == escape_c:
status = 1
tmp_str += x
elif status == 1:
if x == delimiter_c:
tmp_str += delimiter_c
elif x == escape_c:
tmp_str += escape_c
tmp_str += escape_c+x
status = 0
if tmp_str != "":
return res
# Quote string for proper existence in quoted string used for function
# Ex. test'this will return test'\''this. So pexpect run will really pass ' to argument
def quote_for_run(text):
dstr = ''
for c in text:
if c == r"'":
dstr += "'\\''"
dstr += c
return dstr
# Return string with command and additional parameters (something like vmrun -h 'host'
def vmware_prepare_command(options, add_login_params, additional_params):
res = options["--exec"]
if add_login_params:
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
res += " --server '%s' --username '%s' --password '%s' "% (quote_for_run(options["--ip"]),
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
res += " -h 'https://%s/sdk' -u '%s' -p '%s' -T server "% (quote_for_run(options["--ip"]),
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1:
host_name_array = options["--ip"].split(':')
res += " -h '%s' -u '%s' -p '%s' -T server1 "% (quote_for_run(host_name_array[0]),
if len(host_name_array) > 1:
res += "-P '%s' "% (quote_for_run(host_name_array[1]))
if "--vmware-datacenter" in options and vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
res += "--datacenter '%s' "% (quote_for_run(options["--vmware-datacenter"]))
if additional_params != "":
res += additional_params
return res
# Run command with timeout and parameters. Internaly uses vmware_prepare_command. Returns string
# with output from vmrun command. If something fails (command not found, exit code is not 0), fail_usage
# function is called (and never return).
def vmware_run_command(options, add_login_params, additional_params, additional_timeout):
command = vmware_prepare_command(options, add_login_params, additional_params)
logging.debug("%s\n", command)
(res_output, res_code) = frun(command,
int(options["--shell-timeout"]) + int(options["--login-timeout"]) + additional_timeout, True)
if res_code == None:
if res_code != 0 and add_login_params:
logging.debug("%s\n", res_output)
fail_usage("%s returned %s"% (options["--exec"], res_output))
logging.debug("%s\n", res_output)
except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
fail_usage("Cannot run command %s"% (options["--exec"]))
return res_output
# Get outlet list with status as hash table. If you will use add_vm_name, only VM with vmname is
# returned. This is used in get_status function
def vmware_get_outlets_vi(options, add_vm_name):
outlets = {}
if add_vm_name:
all_machines = vmware_run_command(options, True,
("--operation status --vmname '%s'"% (quote_for_run(options["--plug"]))), 0)
all_machines = vmware_run_command(options, True, "--operation list", int(options["--power-timeout"]))
all_machines_array = all_machines.splitlines()
for machine in all_machines_array:
machine_array = dsv_split(machine)
if len(machine_array) == 4:
if machine_array[0] in outlets:
fail_usage("Failed. More machines with same name %s found!"%(machine_array[0]))
if vmware_disconnected_hack:
outlets[machine_array[0]] = ("", (
((machine_array[2].lower() in ["poweredon"]) and
(machine_array[3].lower() == "connected"))
and "on" or "off"))
outlets[machine_array[0]] = ("", ((machine_array[2].lower() in ["poweredon"]) and "on" or "off"))
return outlets
# Get outlet list with status as hash table.
def vmware_get_outlets_vix(options):
outlets = {}
running_machines = vmware_run_command(options, True, "list", 0)
running_machines_array = running_machines.splitlines()[1:]
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
all_machines = vmware_run_command(options, True, "listRegisteredVM", 0)
all_machines_array = all_machines.splitlines()[1:]
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1:
all_machines_array = running_machines_array
for machine in all_machines_array:
if machine != "":
outlets[machine] = ("", ((machine in running_machines_array) and "on" or "off"))
return outlets
def get_outlets_status(conn, options):
del conn
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
return vmware_get_outlets_vi(options, False)
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1 or vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
return vmware_get_outlets_vix(options)
def get_power_status(conn, options):
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
outlets = vmware_get_outlets_vi(options, True)
outlets = get_outlets_status(conn, options)
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2 or vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
if not options["--plug"] in outlets:
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter existing name of virtual machine!")
return outlets[options["--plug"]][1]
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1:
return (options["--plug"] in outlets) and "on" or "off"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_ESX:
additional_params = "--operation %s --vmname '%s'" % \
((options["--action"] == "on" and "on" or "off"), quote_for_run(options["--plug"]))
elif vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1 or vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
additional_params = "%s '%s'" % \
((options["--action"] == "on" and "start" or "stop"), quote_for_run(options["--plug"]))
if options["--action"] == "off":
additional_params += " hard"
vmware_run_command(options, True, additional_params, int(options["--power-timeout"]))
# Returns True, if user uses supported vmrun version (currently >=2.0.0) otherwise False.
def vmware_is_supported_vmrun_version(options):
vmware_help_str = vmware_run_command(options, False, "", 0)
version_re ="vmrun version (\d\.(\d[\.]*)*)", vmware_help_str.lower())
if version_re == None:
return False # Looks like this "vmrun" is not real vmrun
version_array =".")
if int(version_array[0]) < VMRUN_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION:
return False
except Exception:
return False
return True
# Check vmware type, set vmware_internal_type to one of VMWARE_TYPE_ value and
# options["--exec"] to path (if not specified)
def vmware_check_vmware_type(options):
global vmware_internal_type
options["--vmware_type"] = options["--vmware_type"].lower()
if options["--vmware_type"] == "esx":
vmware_internal_type = VMWARE_TYPE_ESX
if "--exec" not in options:
options["--exec"] = VMHELPER_COMMAND
elif options["--vmware_type"] == "server2":
vmware_internal_type = VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2
if "--exec" not in options:
options["--exec"] = VMRUN_COMMAND
elif options["--vmware_type"] == "server1":
vmware_internal_type = VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1
if "--exec" not in options:
options["--exec"] = VMRUN_COMMAND
fail_usage("vmware_type can be esx,server2 or server1!")
# Main agent method
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "secure",
"exec", "vmware_type", "vmware_datacenter"]
all_opt["secure"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["vmware_type"]["default"] = VMWARE_DEFAULT_TYPE
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for VMWare"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_vmware is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_vmware is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the VMware ESX, VMware ESXi or VMware Server \
to fence virtual machines.\
Before you can use this agent, it must be installed VI Perl Toolkit or \
vmrun command on every node you want to make fencing.\
VI Perl Toolkit is preferred for VMware ESX/ESXi and Virtual Center. Vmrun \
command is only solution for VMware Server 1/2 (this command will works against \
ESX/ESXi 3.5 up2 and VC up2 too, but not cluster aware!) and is available as part \
of VMware VIX API SDK package. VI Perl and VIX API SDK are both available from \
VMware web pages (not int RHEL repository!). \
You can specify type of VMware you are connecting to with \\fB-d\\fP switch \
(or \\fIvmware_type\\fR for stdin). Possible values are esx, server2 and server1.\
Default value is esx, which will use VI Perl. With server1 and server2, vmrun \
command is used.\
After you have successfully installed VI Perl Toolkit or VIX API, you should \
be able to run fence_vmware_helper (part of this agent) or vmrun command. \
This agent supports only vmrun from version 2.0.0 (VIX API 1.6.0)."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
# Check vmware type and set path
# Test user vmrun command version
if vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER1 or vmware_internal_type == VMWARE_TYPE_SERVER2:
if not vmware_is_supported_vmrun_version(options):
fail_usage("Unsupported version of vmrun command! You must use at least version %d!" %
# Operate the fencing device
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/vmware_rest/ b/agents/vmware_rest/
index 4b884fc6..37877186 100644
--- a/agents/vmware_rest/
+++ b/agents/vmware_rest/
@@ -1,229 +1,229 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import pycurl, io, json
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, run_delay, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, EC_STATUS
if sys.version_info[0] > 2: import urllib.parse as urllib
else: import urllib
state = {"POWERED_ON": "on", 'POWERED_OFF': "off", 'SUSPENDED': "off"}
def get_power_status(conn, options):
res = send_command(conn, "vcenter/vm?filter.names={}".format(urllib.quote(options["--plug"])))["value"]
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
if len(res) == 0:
options["id"] = res[0]["vm"]
result = res[0]["power_state"]
return state[result]
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
"on" : "start",
"off" : "stop"
send_command(conn, "vcenter/vm/{}/power/{}".format(options["id"], action), "POST")
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
def get_list(conn, options):
outlets = {}
command = "vcenter/vm"
if "--filter" in options:
command = command + "?" + options["--filter"]
res = send_command(conn, command)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
if str(e).startswith("400"):
if options.get("--original-action") == "monitor":
return outlets
logging.error("More than 1000 VMs returned. Use --filter parameter to limit which VMs to list.")
for r in res["value"]:
outlets[r["name"]] = ("", state[r["power_state"]])
return outlets
def connect(opt):
conn = pycurl.Curl()
## setup correct URL
if "--ssl-secure" in opt or "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
conn.base_url = "https:"
conn.base_url = "http:"
if "--api-path" in opt:
api_path = opt["--api-path"]
api_path = "/rest"
conn.base_url += "//" + opt["--ip"] + ":" + str(opt["--ipport"]) + api_path + "/"
## send command through pycurl
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Accept: application/json",
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
conn.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, opt["--username"] + ":" + opt["--password"])
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(opt["--shell-timeout"]))
if "--ssl-secure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
elif "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
result = send_command(conn, "com/vmware/cis/session", "POST")
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
# set session id for later requests
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Accept: application/json",
"vmware-api-session-id: {}".format(result["value"]),
return conn
def disconnect(conn):
send_command(conn, "com/vmware/cis/session", "DELETE")
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
def send_command(conn, command, method="GET"):
url = conn.base_url + command
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("ascii"))
web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
if method == "GET":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POST, 0)
if method == "POST":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, "")
if method == "DELETE":
conn.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE")
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
except Exception as e:
rc = conn.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
result = web_buffer.getvalue().decode("UTF-8")
if len(result) > 0:
result = json.loads(result)
if rc != 200:
if len(result) > 0:
raise Exception("{}: {}".format(rc,
raise Exception("Remote returned {} for request to {}".format(rc, url))
logging.debug("url: {}".format(url))
logging.debug("method: {}".format(method))
logging.debug("response code: {}".format(rc))
logging.debug("result: {}\n".format(result))
return result
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["api_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "api-path",
"help" : "--api-path=[path] The path part of the API URL",
"default" : "/rest",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "The path part of the API URL",
"order" : 2}
all_opt["filter"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "filter",
"help" : "--filter=[filter] Filter to only return relevant VMs"
" (e.g. \"filter.names=node1&filter.names=node2\").",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Filter to only return relevant VMs. It can be used to avoid "
"the agent failing when more than 1000 VMs should be returned.",
"order" : 2}
def main():
device_opt = [
all_opt["shell_timeout"]["default"] = "5"
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "1"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for VMware REST API"
- docs["longdesc"] = """fence_vmware_rest is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
+ docs["longdesc"] = """fence_vmware_rest is a Power Fencing agent which can be \
used with VMware API to fence virtual machines.
NOTE: If there's more than 1000 VMs there is a filter parameter to work around \
the API limit. See \
for full list of filters."""
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Fence operations
conn = connect(options)
atexit.register(disconnect, conn)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/vmware_soap/ b/agents/vmware_soap/
index 4a4ec178..4b3c404c 100644
--- a/agents/vmware_soap/
+++ b/agents/vmware_soap/
@@ -1,265 +1,265 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import shutil, tempfile, suds
import logging, requests
import atexit, signal
from suds.client import Client
from suds.sudsobject import Property
from suds.transport.http import HttpAuthenticated
from suds.transport import Reply, TransportError
from fencing import *
from fencing import run_delay
options_global = None
conn_global = None
class RequestsTransport(HttpAuthenticated):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.cert = kwargs.pop('cert', None)
self.verify = kwargs.pop('verify', True)
self.session = requests.Session()
# super won't work because not using new style class
HttpAuthenticated.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def send(self, request):
resp =, data=request.message, headers=request.headers, cert=self.cert, verify=self.verify)
result = Reply(resp.status_code, resp.headers, resp.content)
return result
def soap_login(options):
if "--ssl-secure" in options or "--ssl-insecure" in options:
if "--ssl-insecure" in options:
import ssl
import urllib3
if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
verify = False
verify = True
url = "https://"
verify = False
url = "http://"
url += options["--ip"] + ":" + str(options["--ipport"]) + "/sdk"
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
tempfile.tempdir = tmp_dir
atexit.register(remove_tmp_dir, tmp_dir)
headers = {"Content-Type" : "text/xml;charset=UTF-8", "SOAPAction" : "vim25"}
login_timeout = int(options["--login-timeout"]) or 15
conn = Client(url + "/vimService.wsdl", location=url, transport=RequestsTransport(verify=verify), headers=headers, timeout=login_timeout)
mo_ServiceInstance = Property('ServiceInstance')
mo_ServiceInstance._type = 'ServiceInstance'
ServiceContent = conn.service.RetrieveServiceContent(mo_ServiceInstance)
mo_SessionManager = Property(ServiceContent.sessionManager.value)
mo_SessionManager._type = 'SessionManager'
conn.service.Login(mo_SessionManager, options["--username"], options["--password"])
except requests.exceptions.SSLError as ex:
fail_usage("Server side certificate verification failed: %s" % ex)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Server side certificate verification failed: {}".format(str(e)))
options["ServiceContent"] = ServiceContent
options["mo_SessionManager"] = mo_SessionManager
return conn
def process_results(results, machines, uuid, mappingToUUID):
for m in results.objects:
info = {}
for i in m.propSet:
info[] = i.val
# Prevent error KeyError: 'config.uuid' when reaching systems which P2V failed,
# since these systems don't have a valid UUID
if "config.uuid" in info:
machines[info["name"]] = (info["config.uuid"], info["summary.runtime.powerState"])
uuid[info["config.uuid"]] = info["summary.runtime.powerState"]
mappingToUUID[m.obj.value] = info["config.uuid"]
return (machines, uuid, mappingToUUID)
def get_power_status(conn, options):
mo_ViewManager = Property(options["ServiceContent"].viewManager.value)
mo_ViewManager._type = "ViewManager"
mo_RootFolder = Property(options["ServiceContent"].rootFolder.value)
mo_RootFolder._type = "Folder"
mo_PropertyCollector = Property(options["ServiceContent"].propertyCollector.value)
mo_PropertyCollector._type = 'PropertyCollector'
ContainerView = conn.service.CreateContainerView(mo_ViewManager, recursive=1,
container=mo_RootFolder, type=['VirtualMachine'])
mo_ContainerView = Property(ContainerView.value)
mo_ContainerView._type = "ContainerView"
FolderTraversalSpec = conn.factory.create('ns0:TraversalSpec') = "traverseEntities"
FolderTraversalSpec.path = "view"
FolderTraversalSpec.skip = False
FolderTraversalSpec.type = "ContainerView"
objSpec = conn.factory.create('ns0:ObjectSpec')
objSpec.obj = mo_ContainerView
objSpec.selectSet = [FolderTraversalSpec]
objSpec.skip = True
propSpec = conn.factory.create('ns0:PropertySpec')
propSpec.all = False
propSpec.pathSet = ["name", "summary.runtime.powerState", "config.uuid"]
propSpec.type = "VirtualMachine"
propFilterSpec = conn.factory.create('ns0:PropertyFilterSpec')
propFilterSpec.propSet = [propSpec]
propFilterSpec.objectSet = [objSpec]
raw_machines = conn.service.RetrievePropertiesEx(mo_PropertyCollector, propFilterSpec)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Failed: {}".format(str(e)))
(machines, uuid, mappingToUUID) = process_results(raw_machines, {}, {}, {})
# Probably need to loop over the ContinueRetreive if there are more results after 1 iteration.
while hasattr(raw_machines, 'token'):
raw_machines = conn.service.ContinueRetrievePropertiesEx(mo_PropertyCollector, raw_machines.token)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Failed: {}".format(str(e)))
(more_machines, more_uuid, more_mappingToUUID) = process_results(raw_machines, {}, {}, {})
# Do not run unnecessary SOAP requests
if "--uuid" in options and options["--uuid"] in uuid:
if ["list", "monitor"].count(options["--action"]) == 1:
return machines
if "--uuid" not in options:
if options["--plug"].startswith('/'):
## Transform InventoryPath to UUID
mo_SearchIndex = Property(options["ServiceContent"].searchIndex.value)
mo_SearchIndex._type = "SearchIndex"
vm = conn.service.FindByInventoryPath(mo_SearchIndex, options["--plug"])
options["--uuid"] = mappingToUUID[vm.value]
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
## Name of virtual machine instead of path
## warning: if you have same names of machines this won't work correctly
(options["--uuid"], _) = machines[options["--plug"]]
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
if uuid[options["--uuid"]] == "poweredOn":
return "on"
return "off"
except KeyError:
def set_power_status(conn, options):
mo_SearchIndex = Property(options["ServiceContent"].searchIndex.value)
mo_SearchIndex._type = "SearchIndex"
vm = conn.service.FindByUuid(mo_SearchIndex, vmSearch=1, uuid=options["--uuid"])
mo_machine = Property(vm.value)
mo_machine._type = "VirtualMachine"
if options["--action"] == "on":
except suds.WebFault as ex:
if (str(ex).find("Permission to perform this operation was denied")) >= 0:
if options["--action"] == "on":
def remove_tmp_dir(tmp_dir):
def logout():
except Exception:
def signal_handler(signum, frame):
raise Exception("Signal \"%d\" received which has triggered an exit of the process." % signum)
def main():
global options_global
global conn_global
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "web", "ssl", "notls", "port"]
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
options_global = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
## Fence agent specific defaults
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for VMWare over SOAP API"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_vmware_soap is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_vmware_soap is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the virtual machines managed by VMWare products \
that have SOAP API v4.1+. \
Name of virtual machine (-n / port) has to be used in inventory path \
format (e.g. /datacenter/vm/Discovered virtual machine/myMachine). \
In the cases when name of yours VM is unique you can use it instead. \
Alternatively you can always use UUID to access virtual machine."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options_global, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
conn_global = soap_login(options_global)
result = fence_action(conn_global, options_global, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_power_status)
## Logout from system is done automatically via atexit()
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/vmware_vcloud/ b/agents/vmware_vcloud/
index 7626b82b..e0a714b8 100644
--- a/agents/vmware_vcloud/
+++ b/agents/vmware_vcloud/
@@ -1,214 +1,215 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import pycurl, io
import logging
import atexit
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, run_delay, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, EC_STATUS
state = {"POWERED_ON": "on", 'POWERED_OFF': "off", 'SUSPENDED': "off"}
def get_power_status(conn, options):
VM = send_command(conn, "vApp/vm-{}".format(options["--plug"]))
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
options["id"] = VM.attrib['href'].split('/vm-', 1)[1]
if (VM.attrib['status'] == '3'):
return state['SUSPENDED']
elif (VM.attrib['status'] == '4'):
return state['POWERED_ON']
elif (VM.attrib['status'] == '8'):
return state['POWERED_OFF']
return EC_STATUS
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
"on" : "powerOn",
"off" : "powerOff",
"shutdown": "shutdown",
"suspend": "suspend",
"reset": "reset"
VM = send_command(conn, "vApp/vm-{}/power/action/{}".format(options["--plug"], action), "POST")
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
def get_list(conn, options):
outlets = {}
VMsResponse = send_command(conn, "vms/query")
for VM in VMsResponse.iter('{}VMRecord'):
if '/vApp/' not in VM.attrib['href']:
uuid = (VM.attrib['href'].split('/vm-', 1))[1]
outlets['['+ uuid + '] ' + VM.attrib['containerName'] + '\\' + VM.attrib['name']] = (VM.attrib['status'], state[VM.attrib['status']])
return outlets
def connect(opt):
conn = pycurl.Curl()
## setup correct URL
if "--ssl-secure" in opt or "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
conn.base_url = "https:"
conn.base_url = "http:"
conn.base_url += "//" + opt["--ip"] + ":" + str(opt["--ipport"]) + opt["--api-path"] + "/"
## send command through pycurl
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Accept: application/*+xml;version=1.5",
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
conn.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, opt["--username"] + ":" + opt["--password"])
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(opt["--shell-timeout"]))
if "--ssl-secure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
elif "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
headers = {}
result = send_command(conn, "sessions", "POST", headers)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed: {}".format(e))
# set session id for later requests
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Accept: application/*+xml;version=1.5",
"x-vcloud-authorization: {}".format(headers['x-vcloud-authorization']),
return conn
def disconnect(conn):
send_command(conn, "session", "DELETE")
def parse_headers(data):
headers = {}
data = data.split("\r\n")
for header_line in data[1:]:
if ':' not in header_line:
name, value = header_line.split(':', 1)
name = name.strip()
value = value.strip()
name = name.lower()
headers[name] = value
return headers
def send_command(conn, command, method="GET", headers={}):
url = conn.base_url + command
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("ascii"))
web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
headers_buffer = io.BytesIO()
if method == "GET":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POST, 0)
elif method == "POST":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, "")
elif method == "DELETE":
conn.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE")
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
conn.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, headers_buffer.write)
except Exception as e:
rc = conn.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
result = web_buffer.getvalue().decode()
if len(result) > 0:
result = etree.fromstring(result)
if rc != 200 and rc != 202 and rc != 204:
if len(result) > 0:
raise Exception("{}: {}".format(rc, result["value"]["messages"][0]["default_message"]))
raise Exception("Remote returned {} for request to {}".format(rc, url))
logging.debug("url: {}".format(url))
logging.debug("method: {}".format(method))
logging.debug("response code: {}".format(rc))
logging.debug("result: {}\n".format(result))
return result
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["api_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "api-path",
"help" : "--api-path=[path] The path part of the API URL",
"default" : "/api",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "The path part of the API URL",
"order" : 2}
def main():
device_opt = [
all_opt["shell_timeout"]["default"] = "5"
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "1"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for VMware vCloud Director API"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_vmware_vcloud is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with VMware vCloud Director API to fence virtual machines."
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_vmware_vcloud is a Power Fencing agent which \
+can be used with VMware vCloud Director API to fence virtual machines."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Fence operations
conn = connect(options)
atexit.register(disconnect, conn)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/wti/ b/agents/wti/
index 97cc66de..ffa3d019 100644
--- a/agents/wti/
+++ b/agents/wti/
@@ -1,240 +1,240 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
## Version Firmware
## +-----------------+---------------------------+
## WTI RSM-8R4 ?? unable to find out ??
## WTI MPC-??? ?? unable to find out ??
## WTI IPS-800-CE v1.40h (no username) ('list' tested)
import sys, re, pexpect
import atexit
import time
from fencing import *
from fencing import fspawn, fail, fail_usage, EC_LOGIN_DENIED
def get_listing(conn, options, listing_command):
listing = ""
if isinstance(options["--command-prompt"], list):
re_all = list(options["--command-prompt"])
re_all = [options["--command-prompt"]]
re_next = re.compile("Enter: ", re.IGNORECASE)
result = conn.log_expect(re_all, int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
listing = conn.before
if result == (len(re_all) - 1):
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
listing += conn.before
return listing
def get_plug_status(conn, options):
listing = get_listing(conn, options, "/S")
plug_section = 0
plug_index = -1
name_index = -1
status_index = -1
plug_header = list()
outlets = {}
for line in listing.splitlines():
if (plug_section == 2) and line.find("|") >= 0 and line.startswith("PLUG") == False:
plug_line = [x.strip().lower() for x in line.split("|")]
if len(plug_line) < len(plug_header):
plug_section = -1
if ["list", "monitor"].count(options["--action"]) == 0 and \
options["--plug"].lower() == plug_line[plug_index]:
return plug_line[status_index]
## We already believe that first column contains plug number
if len(plug_line[0]) != 0:
outlets[plug_line[0]] = (plug_line[name_index], plug_line[status_index])
elif plug_section == 1:
plug_section = 2
elif line.upper().startswith("PLUG"):
plug_section = 1
plug_header = [x.strip().lower() for x in line.split("|")]
plug_index = plug_header.index("plug")
name_index = plug_header.index("name")
status_index = plug_header.index("status")
if ["list", "monitor"].count(options["--action"]) == 1:
return outlets
return "PROBLEM"
def get_plug_group_status_from_list(status_list):
for status in status_list:
if status == "on":
return status
return "off"
def get_plug_group_status(conn, options):
listing = get_listing(conn, options, "/SG")
outlets = {}
line_index = 0
status_index = -1
plug_index = -1
name_index = -1
lines = listing.splitlines()
while line_index < len(lines) and line_index >= 0:
line = lines[line_index]
if line.find("|") >= 0 and line.lstrip().startswith("GROUP NAME") == False:
plug_line = [x.strip().lower() for x in line.split("|")]
if ["list", "monitor"].count(options["--action"]) == 0 and \
options["--plug"].lower() == plug_line[name_index]:
plug_status = []
while line_index < len(lines) and line_index >= 0:
plug_line = [x.strip().lower() for x in lines[line_index].split("|")]
if len(plug_line) >= max(name_index, status_index) and \
len(plug_line[plug_index]) > 0 and \
(len(plug_line[name_index]) == 0 or options["--plug"].lower() == plug_line[name_index]):
## Firmware 1.43 does not have a valid value of plug on first line as only name is defined on that line
if not "---" in plug_line[status_index]:
line_index += 1
line_index = -1
return get_plug_group_status_from_list(plug_status)
## We already believe that first column contains plug number
if len(plug_line[0]) != 0:
group_name = plug_line[0]
plug_line_index = line_index + 1
plug_status = []
while plug_line_index < len(lines) and plug_line_index >= 0:
plug_line = [x.strip().lower() for x in lines[plug_line_index].split("|")]
if len(plug_line[name_index]) > 0:
plug_line_index = -1
if len(plug_line[plug_index]) > 0:
plug_line_index += 1
plug_line_index = -1
outlets[group_name] = (group_name, get_plug_group_status_from_list(plug_status))
line_index += 1
elif line.upper().lstrip().startswith("GROUP NAME"):
plug_header = [x.strip().lower() for x in line.split("|")]
name_index = plug_header.index("group name")
plug_index = plug_header.index("plug")
status_index = plug_header.index("status")
line_index += 2
line_index += 1
if ["list", "monitor"].count(options["--action"]) == 1:
results = {}
for group, status in list(outlets.items()):
results[group] = (group, status[0])
return results
return "PROBLEM"
def get_power_status(conn, options):
if ["list"].count(options["--action"]) == 0:
ret = get_plug_status(conn, options)
if ret == "PROBLEM":
ret = get_plug_group_status(conn, options)
ret = dict(list(get_plug_status(conn, options).items()) + \
list(get_plug_group_status(conn, options).items()))
return ret
def set_power_status(conn, options):
action = {
'on' : "/on",
'off': "/off"
conn.send_eol(action + " " + options["--plug"] + ",y")
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--power-timeout"]))
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", \
"cmd_prompt", "secure", "port", "telnet"]
all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ["RSM>", "MPC>", "IPS>", "TPS>", "NBB>", "NPS>", "VMR>"]
all_opt["login_timeout"]["default"] = "10"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for WTI"
- docs["longdesc"] = "fence_wti is an I/O Fencing agent \
+ docs["longdesc"] = "fence_wti is a Power Fencing agent \
which can be used with the WTI Network Power Switch (NPS). It logs \
into an NPS via telnet or ssh and boots a specified plug. \
Lengthy telnet connections to the NPS should be avoided while a GFS cluster \
is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Operate the fencing device
## @note: if it possible that this device does not need either login, password or both of them
if "--ssh" not in options:
if options["--action"] in ["off", "reboot"]:
options["eol"] = "\r\n"
conn = fspawn(options, options["--telnet-path"])
conn.send("set binary\n")
conn.send("open %s -%s\n"%(options["--ip"], options["--ipport"]))
re_login = re.compile("(login: )|(Login Name: )|(username: )|(User Name :)", re.IGNORECASE)
re_prompt = re.compile("|".join(["(" + x + ")" for x in options["--command-prompt"]]), re.IGNORECASE)
result = conn.log_expect([re_login, "Password: ", re_prompt], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
if result == 0:
if "--username" in options:
result = conn.log_expect([re_login, "Password: ", re_prompt], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
fail_usage("Failed: You have to set login name")
if result == 1:
if "--password" in options:
conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"]))
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter password or password script")
except pexpect.EOF:
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
conn = fence_login(options)
result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_power_status)
fence_logout(conn, "/X")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/xenapi/ b/agents/xenapi/
index 10c8ee03..884fbc79 100644
--- a/agents/xenapi/
+++ b/agents/xenapi/
@@ -1,221 +1,221 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
# Copyright 2011 Matthew Clark
# This file is part of fence-xenserver
# fence-xenserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# fence-xenserver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Please let me know if you are using this script so that I can work out
# whether I should continue support for it. mattjclark0407 at hotmail dot com
# It's only just begun...
# Current status: completely usable. This script is now working well and,
# has a lot of functionality as a result of the library and the
# XenAPI libary.
# Please let me know if you are using this script so that I can work out
# whether I should continue support for it. mattjclark0407 at hotmail dot com
import sys
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import run_delay
import XenAPI
# Find the status of the port given in the -U flag of options.
def get_power_fn(session, options):
if "--verbose" in options:
verbose = True
verbose = False
# Get a reference to the vm specified in the UUID or vm_name/port parameter
vm = return_vm_reference(session, options)
# Query the VM for its' associated parameters
record = session.xenapi.VM.get_record(vm)
# Check that we are not trying to manipulate a template or a control
# domain as they show up as VM's with specific properties.
if not record["is_a_template"] and not record["is_control_domain"]:
status = record["power_state"]
if verbose:
print("UUID:", record["uuid"], "NAME:", record["name_label"], "POWER STATUS:", record["power_state"])
# Note that the VM can be in the following states (from the XenAPI document)
# Halted: VM is offline and not using any resources.
# Paused: All resources have been allocated but the VM itself is paused and its vCPUs are not running
# Running: Running
# Paused: VM state has been saved to disk and it is nolonger running. Note that disks remain in-Use while
# We want to make sure that we only return the status "off" if the machine is actually halted as the status
# is checked before a fencing action. Only when the machine is Halted is it not consuming resources which
# may include whatever you are trying to protect with this fencing action.
return status == "Halted" and "off" or "on"
except Exception as exn:
return "Error"
# Set the state of the port given in the -U flag of options.
def set_power_fn(session, options):
# Get a reference to the vm specified in the UUID or vm_name/port parameter
vm = return_vm_reference(session, options)
# Query the VM for its' associated parameters
record = session.xenapi.VM.get_record(vm)
# Check that we are not trying to manipulate a template or a control
# domain as they show up as VM's with specific properties.
if not record["is_a_template"] and not record["is_control_domain"]:
if options["--action"] == "on":
# Start the VM
session.xenapi.VM.start(vm, False, True)
elif options["--action"] == "off":
# Force shutdown the VM
elif options["--action"] == "reboot":
# Force reboot the VM
except Exception as exn:
# Function to populate an array of virtual machines and their status
def get_outlet_list(session, options):
result = {}
if "--verbose" in options:
verbose = True
verbose = False
# Return an array of all the VM's on the host
vms = session.xenapi.VM.get_all()
for vm in vms:
# Query the VM for its' associated parameters
record = session.xenapi.VM.get_record(vm)
# Check that we are not trying to manipulate a template or a control
# domain as they show up as VM's with specific properties.
if not record["is_a_template"] and not record["is_control_domain"]:
name = record["name_label"]
uuid = record["uuid"]
status = record["power_state"]
result[uuid] = (name, status)
if verbose:
print("UUID:", record["uuid"], "NAME:", name, "POWER STATUS:", record["power_state"])
except Exception as exn:
return result
# Function to initiate the XenServer session via the XenAPI library.
def connect_and_login(options):
url = options["--session-url"]
username = options["--username"]
password = options["--password"]
# Create the XML RPC session to the specified URL.
session = XenAPI.Session(url)
# Login using the supplied credentials.
session.xenapi.login_with_password(username, password)
except Exception as exn:
# says that for no connectivity
# the exit value should be 1. It doesn't say anything about failed logins, so
# until I hear otherwise it is best to keep this exit the same to make sure that
# anything calling this script (that uses the same information in the web page
# above) knows that this is an error condition, not a msg signifying a down port.
return session
# return a reference to the VM by either using the UUID or the vm_name/port. If the UUID is set then
# this is tried first as this is the only properly unique identifier.
# Exceptions are not handled in this function, code that calls this must be ready to handle them.
def return_vm_reference(session, options):
if "--verbose" in options:
verbose = True
verbose = False
# Case where the UUID has been specified
if "--uuid" in options:
uuid = options["--uuid"].lower()
# When using the -n parameter for name, we get an error message (in verbose
# mode) that tells us that we didn't find a VM. To immitate that here we
# need to catch and re-raise the exception produced by get_by_uuid.
return session.xenapi.VM.get_by_uuid(uuid)
except Exception:
if verbose:
print("No VM's found with a UUID of \"%s\"" % uuid)
# Case where the vm_name/port has been specified
if "--plug" in options:
vm_name = options["--plug"]
vm_arr = session.xenapi.VM.get_by_name_label(vm_name)
# Need to make sure that we only have one result as the vm_name may
# not be unique. Average case, so do it first.
if len(vm_arr) == 1:
return vm_arr[0]
if len(vm_arr) == 0:
if verbose:
print("No VM's found with a name of \"%s\"" % vm_name)
# NAME_INVALID used as the XenAPI throws a UUID_INVALID if it can't find
# a VM with the specified UUID. This should make the output look fairly
# consistent.
raise Exception("NAME_INVALID")
if verbose:
print("Multiple VM's have the name \"%s\", use UUID instead" % vm_name)
raise Exception("MULTIPLE_VMS_FOUND")
# We should never get to this case as the input processing checks that either the UUID or
# the name parameter is set. Regardless of whether or not a VM is found the above if
# statements will return to the calling function (either by exception or by a reference
# to the VM).
raise Exception("VM_LOGIC_ERROR")
def main():
device_opt = ["login", "passwd", "port", "no_login", "no_password", "session_url", "web"]
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Citrix XenServer over XenAPI"
docs["longdesc"] = "\
-fence_cxs is an I/O Fencing agent used on Citrix XenServer hosts. \
+fence_xenapi is a Power Fencing agent used on Citrix XenServer hosts. \
It uses the XenAPI, supplied by Citrix, to establish an XML-RPC session \
to a XenServer host. Once the session is established, further XML-RPC \
commands are issued in order to switch on, switch off, restart and query \
the status of virtual machines running on the host."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
xen_session = connect_and_login(options)
result = fence_action(xen_session, options, set_power_fn, get_power_fn, get_outlet_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/agents/zvm/ b/agents/zvm/
index c37950a2..f1cea265 100644
--- a/agents/zvm/
+++ b/agents/zvm/
@@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys
import atexit
import socket
import struct
import logging
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, fail_usage, run_delay, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, EC_TIMED_OUT
INT4 = 4
def open_socket(options):
if "--inet6-only" in options:
protocol = socket.AF_INET6
elif "--inet4-only" in options:
protocol = socket.AF_INET
protocol = 0
(_, _, _, _, addr) = socket.getaddrinfo( \
options["--ip"], options["--ipport"], protocol,
0, socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.AI_PASSIVE
except socket.gaierror:
if "--ssl-secure" in options or "--ssl-insecure" in options:
import ssl
sock = socket.socket()
sslcx = ssl.create_default_context()
if "--ssl-insecure" in options:
sslcx.check_hostname = False
sslcx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
conn = sslcx.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=options["--ip"])
conn = socket.socket()
conn.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
conn.settimeout(float(options["--shell-timeout"]) or None)
except socket.error as e:
return conn
def smapi_pack_string(string):
return struct.pack("!i%ds" % (len(string)), len(string), string.encode("UTF-8"))
def prepare_smapi_command(options, smapi_function, additional_args):
packet_size = 3*INT4 + len(smapi_function) + len(options["--username"]) + len(options["--password"])
for arg in additional_args:
packet_size += INT4 + len(arg)
command = struct.pack("!i", packet_size)
command += smapi_pack_string(smapi_function)
command += smapi_pack_string(options["--username"])
command += smapi_pack_string(options["--password"])
for arg in additional_args:
command += smapi_pack_string(arg)
return command
def get_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
if options.get("--original-action", None) == "monitor":
(return_code, reason_code, images_active) = \
get_list_of_images(options, "Check_Authentication", None)
logging.debug("Check_Authenticate (%d,%d)", return_code, reason_code)
if return_code == 0:
return {}
if options["--action"] == "list":
# '*' = list all active images
options["--plug"] = "*"
(return_code, reason_code, images_active) = \
get_list_of_images(options, "Image_Status_Query", options["--plug"])
logging.debug("Image_Status_Query results are (%d,%d)", return_code, reason_code)
if not options["--action"] == "list":
if (return_code == 0) and (reason_code == 0):
return "on"
elif (return_code == 0) and (reason_code == 12):
# We are running always with --missing-as-off because we can not check if image
# is defined or not (look at rhbz#1188750)
return "off"
return "unknown"
(return_code, reason_code, images_defined) = \
get_list_of_images(options, "Image_Name_Query_DM", options["--username"])
logging.debug("Image_Name_Query_DM results are (%d,%d)", return_code, reason_code)
return dict([(i, ("", "on" if i in images_active else "off")) for i in images_defined])
def set_power_status(conn, options):
conn = open_socket(options)
packet = None
if options["--action"] == "on":
packet = prepare_smapi_command(options, "Image_Activate", [options["--plug"]])
elif options["--action"] == "off":
packet = prepare_smapi_command(options, "Image_Deactivate", [options["--plug"], "IMMED"])
request_id = struct.unpack("!i", conn.recv(INT4))[0]
(output_len, request_id, return_code, reason_code) = struct.unpack("!iiii", conn.recv(INT4 * 4))
logging.debug("Image_(De)Activate results are (%d,%d)", return_code, reason_code)
def get_list_of_images(options, command, data_as_plug):
conn = open_socket(options)
if data_as_plug is None:
packet = prepare_smapi_command(options, command, [])
packet = prepare_smapi_command(options, command, [data_as_plug])
request_id = struct.unpack("!i", conn.recv(INT4))[0]
(output_len, request_id, return_code, reason_code) = struct.unpack("!iiii", conn.recv(INT4 * 4))
except struct.error:
fail_usage("Failed: Unable to connect to {} port: {} SSL: {} \n".format(options["--ip"], options["--ipport"], bool("--ssl" in options)))
images = set()
if output_len > 3*INT4:
recvflag = socket.MSG_WAITALL if "--ssl-secure" not in options and "--ssl-insecure" not in options else 0
array_len = struct.unpack("!i", conn.recv(INT4))[0]
data = ""
while True:
read_data = conn.recv(1024, recvflag).decode("UTF-8")
data += read_data
if array_len == len(data):
elif not read_data:
logging.error("Failed: Not enough data read from socket")
parsed_len = 0
while parsed_len < array_len:
string_len = struct.unpack("!i", data[parsed_len:parsed_len+INT4].encode("UTF-8"))[0]
parsed_len += INT4
image_name = struct.unpack("!%ds" % (string_len), data[parsed_len:parsed_len+string_len].encode("UTF-8"))[0].decode("UTF-8")
parsed_len += string_len
return (return_code, reason_code, images)
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["disable_ssl"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "disable-ssl",
"help" : "--disable-ssl Don't use SSL connection",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Don't use SSL",
"order": 2
def main():
device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "port", "method", "missing_as_off",
"inet4_only", "inet6_only", "ssl", "disable_ssl"]
all_opt["ssl"]["help"] = "-z, --ssl Use SSL connection with verifying certificate (Default)"
all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "44444"
all_opt["shell_timeout"]["default"] = "5"
all_opt["missing_as_off"]["default"] = "1"
all_opt["ssl"]["default"] = "1"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt), other_conditions=True)
if "--disable-ssl" in options or options["--ssl"] == "0":
for k in ["--ssl", "--ssl-secure", "--ssl-insecure"]:
if k in options:
del options[k]
if len(options.get("--plug", "")) > 8:
fail_usage("Failed: Name of image can not be longer than 8 characters")
if options["--action"] == "validate-all":
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for use with z/VM Virtual Machines"
- docs["longdesc"] = """The fence_zvmip agent is intended to be used with the
-z/VM SMAPI service via TCP/IP.
+ docs["longdesc"] = """fence_zvmip is a Power Fencing agent for z/VM \
+SMAPI service via TCP/IP.
The z/VM SMAPI service must be configured so that the virtual machine running
the agent can connect to the service, access the system's directory manager,
and shortly thereafter run image_deactivate and image_activate. This involves
The NAMELIST entry assigns all the required functions to one nick and should
look similar to this:
The AUTHLIST entry authorizes the user to perform all the functions associated
with the nick, and should look similar to this:
Column 1 Column 66 Column 131
| | |
where XXXXXXXX is the name of the user in the authuser field of the request.
Refer to the official z/VM documentation for complete instructions and
reference materials.
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_power_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_aliyun.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_aliyun.xml
index b0671889..a52de014 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_aliyun.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_aliyun.xml
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_aliyun" shortdesc="Fence agent for Aliyun (Aliyun Web Services)" >
-<longdesc>fence_aliyun is an I/O Fencing agent for Aliyun</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_aliyun is a Power Fencing agent for Aliyun.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="region" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-r, --region=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Region.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="access_key" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-a, --access-key=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Access Key.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secret_key" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-s, --secret-key=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Secret Key.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ram_role" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ram-role=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Ram Role.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="filter" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--filter=[key=value]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Filter for list-action.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="60" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_alom.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_alom.xml
index 6532ad6d..de0a4b60 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_alom.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_alom.xml
@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_alom" shortdesc="Fence agent for Sun ALOM" >
-<longdesc>fence_alom is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with ALOM connected machines.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_alom is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with ALOM connected machines.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;sc\\&gt;\\ &apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;sc\\&gt;\\ &apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="22" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_amt.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_amt.xml
index 809c2dfe..58eb8676 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_amt.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_amt.xml
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_amt" shortdesc="Fence agent for AMT" >
-<longdesc>fence_amt is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with Intel AMT. This agent calls support software amttool(</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_amt is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with Intel AMT. This agent calls support software amttool(</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="boot_option" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --boot-option=[option]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="pxe" />
<option value="hd" />
<option value="hdsafe" />
<option value="cd" />
<option value="diag" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Change the default boot behavior of the machine.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="16994" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="amttool_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--amttool-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to amttool binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_amt_ws.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_amt_ws.xml
index 97a22252..08ed7514 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_amt_ws.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_amt_ws.xml
@@ -1,170 +1,170 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_amt_ws" shortdesc="Fence agent for AMT (WS)" >
-<longdesc>fence_amt_ws is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with Intel AMT (WS). This agent requires the pywsman Python library which is included in OpenWSMAN. (</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_amt_ws is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with Intel AMT (WS). This agent requires the pywsman Python library which is included in OpenWSMAN. (</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="boot_option" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --boot-option=[option]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="pxe" />
<option value="hd" />
<option value="hdsafe" />
<option value="cd" />
<option value="diag" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Change the default boot behavior of the machine.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="16992" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_apc.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_apc.xml
index 6081b1ff..e40c7879 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_apc.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_apc.xml
@@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_apc" shortdesc="Fence agent for APC over telnet/ssh" >
-<longdesc>fence_apc is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the APC network power switch. It logs into device via telnet/ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet/ssh connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_apc is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the APC network power switch. It logs into device via telnet/ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet/ssh connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\n&gt;&apos;, &apos;\napc&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\n&gt;&apos;, &apos;\napc&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" default="-1 -c blowfish" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="switch" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-s, --switch=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical switch number on device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_apc_snmp.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_apc_snmp.xml
index 02efbb0b..8df05345 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_apc_snmp.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_apc_snmp.xml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_apc_snmp" shortdesc="Fence agent for APC, Tripplite PDU over SNMP" >
<symlink name="fence_tripplite_snmp" shortdesc="Fence agent for Tripplife over SNMP"/>
-<longdesc>fence_apc_snmp is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the APC network power switch or Tripplite PDU devices.It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v1, v2c, v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_apc_snmp is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the APC network power switch or Tripplite PDU devices.It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v1, v2c, v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="community" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c, --community=[community]" />
<content type="string" default="private" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set the community string</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="161" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_auth_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --snmp-auth-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="MD5" />
<option value="SHA" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set authentication protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --snmp-priv-passwd=[pass]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-R, --snmp-priv-passwd-script" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve privacy password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-B, --snmp-priv-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DES" />
<option value="AES" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_sec_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-E, --snmp-sec-level=[level]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="noAuthNoPriv" />
<option value="authNoPriv" />
<option value="authPriv" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set security level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --snmp-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" default="1" >
<option value="1" />
<option value="2c" />
<option value="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specifies SNMP version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpget_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpget-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpget binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpset_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpset-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpset binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpwalk_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpwalk-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpwalk binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_aws.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_aws.xml
index 32de4418..ad471c79 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_aws.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_aws.xml
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_aws" shortdesc="Fence agent for AWS (Amazon Web Services)" >
-<longdesc>fence_aws is an I/O Fencing agent for AWS (Amazon WebServices). It uses the boto3 library to connect to AWS.
+<longdesc>fence_aws is a Power Fencing agent for AWS (Amazon WebServices). It uses the boto3 library to connect to AWS.
boto3 can be configured with AWS CLI or by creating ~/.aws/credentials.
For instructions see:</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="region" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-r, --region=[region]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Region.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="access_key" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-a, --access-key=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Access Key.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secret_key" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-s, --secret-key=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Secret Key.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="filter" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--filter=[key=value]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Filter for list-action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="boto3_debug" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --boto3_debug=[option]" />
<content type="string" default="False" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Boto Lib debug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="skip_race_check" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--skip-race-check" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Skip race condition check</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="60" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_azure_arm.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_azure_arm.xml
index 8b745076..59c3b743 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_azure_arm.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_azure_arm.xml
@@ -1,208 +1,208 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_azure_arm" shortdesc="Fence agent for Azure Resource Manager" >
-<longdesc>fence_azure_arm is an I/O Fencing agent for Azure Resource Manager. It uses Azure SDK for Python to connect to Azure.
+<longdesc>fence_azure_arm is a Power Fencing agent for Azure Resource Manager. It uses Azure SDK for Python to connect to Azure.
For instructions to setup credentials see:
Username and password are application ID and authentication key from "App registrations".
Network fencing requires an additional Subnet named "fence-subnet" for the Virtual Network using a Network Security Group with the following rules:
| Inbound | 100 | FENCE_DENY_ALL_INBOUND | Any | Any | Any | Any | Deny |
| Outbound | 100 | FENCE_DENY_ALL_OUTBOUND | Any | Any | Any | Any | Deny |
When using network fencing the reboot-action will cause a quick-return once the network has been fenced (instead of waiting for the off-action to succeed). It will check the status during the monitor-action, and request power-on when the shutdown operation is complete.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[appid]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Application ID</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[authkey]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Authentication key</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[authkey]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Authentication key</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[appid]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Application ID</shortdesc>
<parameter name="resourceGroup" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--resourceGroup=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Name of resource group. Metadata service is used if the value is not provided.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="tenantId" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--tenantId=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Id of Azure Active Directory tenant.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="subscriptionId" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--subscriptionId=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Id of the Azure subscription. Metadata service is used if the value is not provided.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="network-fencing" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--network-fencing" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use network fencing. See NOTE-section for configuration.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="network_fencing" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="network-fencing">
<getopt mixed="--network-fencing" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use network fencing. See NOTE-section for configuration.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="msi" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--msi" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Determines if Managed Service Identity should be used.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cloud" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--cloud=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Name of the cloud you want to use.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="metadata-endpoint" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--metadata-endpoint=[URL]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">URL to metadata endpoint (used when cloud=stack).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="metadata_endpoint" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="metadata-endpoint">
<getopt mixed="--metadata-endpoint=[URL]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">URL to metadata endpoint (used when cloud=stack).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="150" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_bladecenter.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_bladecenter.xml
index 3cc41535..e8468e33 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_bladecenter.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_bladecenter.xml
@@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_bladecenter" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM BladeCenter" >
-<longdesc>fence_bladecenter is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with IBM Bladecenters with recent enough firmware that includes telnet support. It logs into a Brocade chasis via telnet or ssh and uses the command line interface to power on and off blades.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_bladecenter is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with IBM Bladecenters with recent enough firmware that includes telnet support. It logs into a Brocade chasis via telnet or ssh and uses the command line interface to power on and off blades.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;system&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;system&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="missing_as_off" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--missing-as-off" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Missing port returns OFF instead of failure</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="10" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_cdu.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_cdu.xml
index ef87d795..b92e7a93 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_cdu.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_cdu.xml
@@ -1,172 +1,172 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_cdu" shortdesc="Fence agent for a Sentry Switch CDU over telnet" >
-<longdesc>fence_cdu is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the Sentry Switch CDU. It logs into the device via telnet and power's on/off an outlet.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_cdu is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Sentry Switch CDU. It logs into the device via telnet and power's on/off an outlet.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="switch" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-s, --switch=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical switch number on device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_cisco_mds.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_cisco_mds.xml
index 829c9dcb..2105eccc 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_cisco_mds.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_cisco_mds.xml
@@ -1,223 +1,223 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_cisco_mds" shortdesc="Fence agent for Cisco MDS" >
-<longdesc>fence_cisco_mds is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with any Cisco MDS 9000 series with SNMP enabled device.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_cisco_mds is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with any Cisco MDS 9000 series with SNMP enabled device.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="off" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="community" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c, --community=[community]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set the community string</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="161" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_auth_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --snmp-auth-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="MD5" />
<option value="SHA" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set authentication protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --snmp-priv-passwd=[pass]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-R, --snmp-priv-passwd-script" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve privacy password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-B, --snmp-priv-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DES" />
<option value="AES" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_sec_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-E, --snmp-sec-level=[level]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="noAuthNoPriv" />
<option value="authNoPriv" />
<option value="authPriv" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set security level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --snmp-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="1" />
<option value="2c" />
<option value="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specifies SNMP version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpget_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpget-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpget binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpset_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpset-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpset binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpwalk_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpwalk-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpwalk binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="1"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_cisco_ucs.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_cisco_ucs.xml
index 76d15e9f..a9368e8b 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_cisco_ucs.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_cisco_ucs.xml
@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_cisco_ucs" shortdesc="Fence agent for Cisco UCS" >
-<longdesc>fence_cisco_ucs is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with Cisco UCS to fence machines.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_cisco_ucs is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with Cisco UCS to fence machines.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="80" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="notls" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-t, --notls" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force SSL3.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.0 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="suborg" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--suborg=[path]" />
<content type="string" default="" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Additional path needed to access suborganization</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="missing_as_off" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--missing-as-off" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Missing port returns OFF instead of failure</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_cyberpower_ssh.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_cyberpower_ssh.xml
index 505db632..b0377630 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_cyberpower_ssh.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_cyberpower_ssh.xml
@@ -1,206 +1,206 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_cyberpower_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for CyberPower over ssh" >
-<longdesc>fence_cyberpower_ssh is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the CyberPower network power switch. It logs into device via ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy ssh connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_cyberpower_ssh is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the CyberPower network power switch. It logs into device via ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy ssh connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\n&gt;&apos;, &apos;\nCyberPower &gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\n&gt;&apos;, &apos;\nCyberPower &gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_docker.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_docker.xml
index f685b116..f0cacd4d 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_docker.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_docker.xml
@@ -1,180 +1,180 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_docker" shortdesc="Fence agent for Docker" >
-<longdesc>fence_docker is I/O fencing agent which can be used with the Docker Engine containers. You can use this fence-agent without any authentication, or you can use TLS authentication (use --ssl option, more info about TLS authentication in docker:</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_docker is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Docker Engine containers. You can use this fence-agent without any authentication, or you can use TLS authentication (use --ssl option, more info about TLS authentication in docker:</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="443" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="api_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--api-version" />
<content type="string" default="1.11" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Version of Docker Remote API (default: 1.11)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="tlscacert" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--tlscacert" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to CA certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="tlscert" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--tlscert" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to client certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="tlskey" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--tlskey" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to client key (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_drac.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_drac.xml
index a9912613..b2ce0825 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_drac.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_drac.xml
@@ -1,175 +1,175 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<resource-agent name="fence_drac" shortdesc="I/O Fencing agent for Dell DRAC IV" >
-<longdesc>fence_drac is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC). This card provides remote access to controlling power to a server. It logs into the DRAC through the telnet interface of the card. By default, the telnet interface is not enabled. To enable the interface, you will need to use the racadm command in the racser-devel rpm available from Dell. To enable telnet on the DRAC: [root]# racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialTelnetEnable 1 [root]# racadm racreset </longdesc>
+<resource-agent name="fence_drac" shortdesc="Power Fencing agent for Dell DRAC IV" >
+<longdesc>fence_drac is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC). This card provides remote access to controlling power to a server. It logs into the DRAC through the telnet interface of the card. By default, the telnet interface is not enabled. To enable the interface, you will need to use the racadm command in the racser-devel rpm available from Dell. To enable telnet on the DRAC: [root]# racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialTelnetEnable 1 [root]# racadm racreset </longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\[username\\]# &apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\[username\\]# &apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_drac5.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_drac5.xml
index a0c73ebf..a633d43b 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_drac5.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_drac5.xml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_drac5" shortdesc="Fence agent for Dell DRAC CMC/5" >
-<longdesc>fence_drac5 is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the Dell Remote Access Card v5 or CMC (DRAC). This device provides remote access to controlling power to a server. It logs into the DRAC through the telnet/ssh interface of the card. By default, the telnet interface is not enabled.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_drac5 is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Dell Remote Access Card v5 or CMC (DRAC). This device provides remote access to controlling power to a server. It logs into the DRAC through the telnet/ssh interface of the card. By default, the telnet interface is not enabled.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\$&apos;, &apos;DRAC\\/MC:&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\$&apos;, &apos;DRAC\\/MC:&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="drac_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --drac-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DRAC CMC" />
<option value="DRAC MC" />
<option value="DRAC 5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force DRAC version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_eaton_snmp.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_eaton_snmp.xml
index 1d89b527..cb852fb0 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_eaton_snmp.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_eaton_snmp.xml
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_eaton_snmp" shortdesc="Fence agent for Eaton over SNMP" >
-<longdesc>fence_eaton_snmp is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the Eaton network power switch. It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v1 and v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_eaton_snmp is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Eaton network power switch. It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v1 and v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="community" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c, --community=[community]" />
<content type="string" default="private" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set the community string</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="161" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_auth_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --snmp-auth-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="MD5" />
<option value="SHA" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set authentication protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --snmp-priv-passwd=[pass]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-R, --snmp-priv-passwd-script" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve privacy password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-B, --snmp-priv-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DES" />
<option value="AES" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_sec_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-E, --snmp-sec-level=[level]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="noAuthNoPriv" />
<option value="authNoPriv" />
<option value="authPriv" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set security level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --snmp-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" default="1" >
<option value="1" />
<option value="2c" />
<option value="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specifies SNMP version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpget_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpget-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpget binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpset_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpset-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpset binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpwalk_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpwalk-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpwalk binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_eaton_ssh.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_eaton_ssh.xml
index a3be1ac6..2e70d94d 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_eaton_ssh.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_eaton_ssh.xml
@@ -1,206 +1,206 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_eaton_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for Eaton ePDU G3 over SSH" >
-<longdesc>fence_eaton_ssh is a fence agent that connects to Eaton ePDU devices. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_eaton_ssh is a Power Fencing agent that connects to Eaton ePDU devices. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ecloud.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ecloud.xml
index 97217103..e4fc4bbb 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ecloud.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ecloud.xml
@@ -1,123 +1,123 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ecloud" shortdesc="Fence Agent for ANS eCloud" >
-<longdesc>fence_ecloud is a fence agent for use with the ANS eCloud platform which is compatible with eCloud VPC and eCloud v1.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ecloud is a Power Fencing agent for use with the ANS eCloud platform which is compatible with eCloud VPC and eCloud v1.</longdesc>
<parameter name="apikey" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--apikey=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">API Key</shortdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[instance]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Instance ID (VPC) or server ID (v1)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[instance]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Instance ID (VPC) or server ID (v1)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_emerson.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_emerson.xml
index 1ed792e2..fde75bd5 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_emerson.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_emerson.xml
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_emerson" shortdesc="Fence agent for Emerson over SNMP" >
-<longdesc>fence_emerson is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with MPX and MPH2 managed rack PDU.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_emerson is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with MPX and MPH2 managed rack PDU.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="community" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c, --community=[community]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set the community string</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="161" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_auth_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --snmp-auth-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="MD5" />
<option value="SHA" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set authentication protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --snmp-priv-passwd=[pass]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-R, --snmp-priv-passwd-script" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve privacy password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-B, --snmp-priv-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DES" />
<option value="AES" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_sec_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-E, --snmp-sec-level=[level]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="noAuthNoPriv" />
<option value="authNoPriv" />
<option value="authPriv" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set security level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --snmp-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="1" />
<option value="2c" />
<option value="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specifies SNMP version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpget_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpget-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpget binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpset_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpset-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpset binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpwalk_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpwalk-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpwalk binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_eps.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_eps.xml
index a8cf8ad4..3f9ebdc2 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_eps.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_eps.xml
@@ -1,175 +1,175 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_eps" shortdesc="Fence agent for ePowerSwitch" >
-<longdesc>fence_eps is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the ePowerSwitch 8M+ power switch to fence connected machines. Fence agent works ONLY on 8M+ device, because this is only one, which has support for hidden page feature.
+<longdesc>fence_eps is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the ePowerSwitch 8M+ power switch to fence connected machines. Fence agent works ONLY on 8M+ device, because this is only one, which has support for hidden page feature.
Agent basically works by connecting to hidden page and pass appropriate arguments to GET request. This means, that hidden page feature must be enabled and properly configured.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hidden_page" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --page=[page]" />
<content type="string" default="hidden.htm" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Name of hidden page</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="80" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="page" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="hidden_page">
<getopt mixed="-c, --page=[page]" />
<content type="string" default="hidden.htm" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Name of hidden page</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_gce.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_gce.xml
index 2a89b16c..8226e1aa 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_gce.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_gce.xml
@@ -1,213 +1,213 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_gce" shortdesc="Fence agent for GCE (Google Cloud Engine)" >
-<longdesc>fence_gce is an I/O Fencing agent for GCE (Google Cloud Engine). It uses the googleapiclient library to connect to GCE.
+<longdesc>fence_gce is a Power Fencing agent for GCE (Google Cloud Engine). It uses the googleapiclient library to connect to GCE.
googleapiclient can be configured with Google SDK CLI or by executing 'gcloud auth application-default login'.
For instructions see:</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="cycle" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="zone" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--zone=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Zone.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="project" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--project=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Project ID.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stackdriver-logging" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--stackdriver-logging" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Stackdriver-logging support.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stackdriver_logging" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="stackdriver-logging">
<getopt mixed="--stackdriver-logging" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Stackdriver-logging support.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="baremetalsolution" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--baremetalsolution" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">If enabled this is a bare metal offering from google.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="apitimeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--apitimeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="60" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Timeout in seconds to use for API calls, default is 60.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retries" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retries=[retries]" />
<content type="integer" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Number of retries on failure for API calls, default is 3.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retrysleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retrysleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Time to sleep in seconds between API retries, default is 5.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="serviceaccount" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--serviceaccount=[filename]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Service Account to use for authentication to the google cloud APIs.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plugzonemap" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plugzonemap=[plugzonemap]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Comma separated zone map when fencing multiple plugs.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="proxyhost" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--proxyhost=[proxy_host]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">If a proxy is used for internet access, the proxy host should be specified.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="proxyport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--proxyport=[proxy_port]" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">If a proxy is used for internet access, the proxy port should be specified.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="earlyexit" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--earlyexit" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">If an existing reset operation is detected, the fence agent will return before the operation completes with a 0 return code.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="warntimeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--warntimeout=[warn_timeout]" />
<content type="second" />
<shortdesc lang="en">If the operation is not completed within the timeout, the cluster operations are allowed to continue.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="errortimeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--errortimeout=[error_timeout]" />
<content type="second" />
<shortdesc lang="en">If the operation is not completed within the timeout, cluster is notified of the operation failure.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="runonwarn" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--runonwarn=[run_on_warn]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">If a timeout would occur while running the agent, then the supplied command is run.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="runonfail" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--runonfail=[run_on_fail]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">If a failure would occur while running the agent, then the supplied command is run.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="60" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_hds_cb.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_hds_cb.xml
index e25d889e..1e3a4889 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_hds_cb.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_hds_cb.xml
@@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_hds_cb" shortdesc="Fence agent for Hitachi Compute Blade systems" >
-<longdesc>fence_hds_cb is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with Hitachi Compute Blades with recent enough firmware that includes telnet support.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_hds_cb is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with Hitachi Compute Blades with recent enough firmware that includes telnet support.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\) :&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\) :&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="missing_as_off" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--missing-as-off" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Missing port returns OFF instead of failure</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_hpblade.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_hpblade.xml
index 0957fcdd..3f05be22 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_hpblade.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_hpblade.xml
@@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_hpblade" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP BladeSystem" >
-<longdesc>fence_hpblade is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with HP BladeSystem and HP Integrity Superdome X. It logs into the onboard administrator of an enclosure via telnet or ssh and uses the command line interface to power blades or partitions on or off.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_hpblade is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with HP BladeSystem and HP Integrity Superdome X. It logs into the onboard administrator of an enclosure via telnet or ssh and uses the command line interface to power blades or partitions on or off.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;c7000oa&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;c7000oa&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="10" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="missing_as_off" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--missing-as-off" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Missing port returns OFF instead of failure</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibm_powervs.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibm_powervs.xml
index 7bdee4e2..c1dc034d 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibm_powervs.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibm_powervs.xml
@@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ibm_powervs" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM PowerVS" >
-<longdesc>fence_ibm_powervs is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with IBM PowerVS to fence virtual machines.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ibm_powervs is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with IBM PowerVS to fence virtual machines.</longdesc>
<parameter name="api-type" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--api-type=[public|private]" />
<content type="string" default="private" />
<shortdesc lang="en">API-type (public|private)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="api_type" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="api-type">
<getopt mixed="--api-type=[public|private]" />
<content type="string" default="private" />
<shortdesc lang="en">API-type (public|private)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="crn" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--crn=[crn]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">CRN</shortdesc>
<parameter name="instance" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--instance=[instance]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">PowerVS Instance</shortdesc>
<parameter name="proxy" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--proxy=[http://&lt;URL&gt;:&lt;PORT&gt;]" />
<content type="string" default="" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Network proxy</shortdesc>
<parameter name="region" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--region=[region]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Region</shortdesc>
<parameter name="token" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--token=[token]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">API Token</shortdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="30" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="500" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibm_vpc.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibm_vpc.xml
index fe29ffb8..fafcad21 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibm_vpc.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibm_vpc.xml
@@ -1,142 +1,142 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ibm_vpc" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM Cloud VPC" >
-<longdesc>fence_ibm_vpc is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with IBM Cloud VPC to fence virtual machines.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ibm_vpc is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with IBM Cloud VPC to fence virtual machines.</longdesc>
<parameter name="apikey" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--apikey=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">API Key</shortdesc>
<parameter name="limit" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--limit=[number]" />
<content type="string" default="50" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Number of nodes returned by API</shortdesc>
<parameter name="proxy" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--proxy=[http://&lt;URL&gt;:&lt;PORT&gt;]" />
<content type="string" default="" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Network proxy</shortdesc>
<parameter name="region" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--region=[region]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Region</shortdesc>
<parameter name="token_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--token-file=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to the token cache file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="30" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="15" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibmblade.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibmblade.xml
index 3286ca6d..61366ca3 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibmblade.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibmblade.xml
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ibmblade" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM BladeCenter over SNMP" >
-<longdesc>fence_ibmblade is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with IBM BladeCenter chassis. It issues SNMP Set request to BladeCenter chassis, rebooting, powering up or down the specified Blade Server.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ibmblade is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with IBM BladeCenter chassis. It issues SNMP Set request to BladeCenter chassis, rebooting, powering up or down the specified Blade Server.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="community" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c, --community=[community]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set the community string</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="161" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_auth_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --snmp-auth-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="MD5" />
<option value="SHA" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set authentication protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --snmp-priv-passwd=[pass]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-R, --snmp-priv-passwd-script" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve privacy password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-B, --snmp-priv-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DES" />
<option value="AES" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_sec_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-E, --snmp-sec-level=[level]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="noAuthNoPriv" />
<option value="authNoPriv" />
<option value="authPriv" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set security level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --snmp-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" default="1" >
<option value="1" />
<option value="2c" />
<option value="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specifies SNMP version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpget_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpget-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpget binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpset_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpset-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpset binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpwalk_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpwalk-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpwalk binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibmz.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibmz.xml
index ba74fa6f..7554d4d7 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibmz.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ibmz.xml
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ibmz" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM z LPARs" >
-<longdesc>fence_ibmz is a power fencing agent which uses the HMC Web Services API to fence IBM z LPARs.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ibmz is a Power Fencing agent which uses the HMC Web Services API to fence IBM z LPARs.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="6794" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug id in the format cpc-name/partition-name (case-sensitive)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug id in the format cpc-name/partition-name (case-sensitive)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="connect_retries" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--connect-retries=[number]" />
<content type="integer" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">How many times to retry on connection errors</shortdesc>
<parameter name="connect_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--connect-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="30" />
<shortdesc lang="en">How long to wait to establish a connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="operation_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--operation-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="900" />
<shortdesc lang="en">How long to wait for power operation to complete</shortdesc>
<parameter name="read_retries" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--read-retries=[number]" />
<content type="integer" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">How many times to retry on read errors</shortdesc>
<parameter name="read_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--read-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="300" />
<shortdesc lang="en">How long to wait for server data</shortdesc>
<parameter name="load_on_activate" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--load-on-activate" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Rely on the HMC to perform a load operation on activation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="300" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_idrac.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_idrac.xml
index d1f283e4..aa291345 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_idrac.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_idrac.xml
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_idrac" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMI" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5"/>
<symlink name="fence_ipmilanplus" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMIv2 lanplus"/>
<symlink name="fence_imm" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM Integrated Management Module"/>
<symlink name="fence_idrac" shortdesc="Fence agent for Dell iDRAC"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ipmilan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_idrac is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-A, --auth=[auth]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="md5" />
<option value="password" />
<option value="none" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IPMI Lan Auth type.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cipher" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --cipher=[cipher]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Ciphersuite to use (same as ipmitool -C parameter)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hexadecimal_kg" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--hexadecimal-kg=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="623" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="lanplus" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --lanplus" />
<content type="boolean" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use Lanplus to improve security of connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="privlvl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-L, --privlvl=[level]" />
<content type="select" default="administrator" >
<option value="callback" />
<option value="user" />
<option value="operator" />
<option value="administrator" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Privilege level on IPMI device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="target" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--target=[targetaddress]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Bridge IPMI requests to the remote target address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ipmitool binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-timeout=[timeout]" />
<content type="string" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Timeout (sec) for IPMI operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
<action name="diag" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo.xml
index 0bac03c8..f8fe61cb 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo.xml
@@ -1,201 +1,201 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo2" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO2"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ilo is an I/O Fencing agent used for HP servers with the Integrated Light Out (iLO) PCI card.The agent opens an SSL connection to the iLO card. Once the SSL connection is established, the agent is able to communicate with the iLO card through an XML stream.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ilo is a Power Fencing agent used for HP servers with the Integrated Light Out (iLO) PCI card.The agent opens an SSL connection to the iLO card. Once the SSL connection is established, the agent is able to communicate with the iLO card through an XML stream.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="443" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="notls" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-t, --notls" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force SSL3.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.0 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ribcl" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-r, --ribcl-version=[version]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force ribcl version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ribcl_version" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ribcl">
<getopt mixed="-r, --ribcl-version=[version]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force ribcl version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="tls1.0" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--tls1.0" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force TLS1.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.1 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="10" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo2.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo2.xml
index 3d954a34..d7e72084 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo2.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo2.xml
@@ -1,201 +1,201 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo2" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo2" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO2"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ilo is an I/O Fencing agent used for HP servers with the Integrated Light Out (iLO) PCI card.The agent opens an SSL connection to the iLO card. Once the SSL connection is established, the agent is able to communicate with the iLO card through an XML stream.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ilo2 is a Power Fencing agent used for HP servers with the Integrated Light Out (iLO) PCI card.The agent opens an SSL connection to the iLO card. Once the SSL connection is established, the agent is able to communicate with the iLO card through an XML stream.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="443" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="notls" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-t, --notls" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force SSL3.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.0 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ribcl" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-r, --ribcl-version=[version]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force ribcl version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ribcl_version" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ribcl">
<getopt mixed="-r, --ribcl-version=[version]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force ribcl version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="tls1.0" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--tls1.0" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force TLS1.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.1 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="10" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo3.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo3.xml
index 5aca0211..90dc2f65 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo3.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo3.xml
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo3" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMI" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5"/>
<symlink name="fence_ipmilanplus" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMIv2 lanplus"/>
<symlink name="fence_imm" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM Integrated Management Module"/>
<symlink name="fence_idrac" shortdesc="Fence agent for Dell iDRAC"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ipmilan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ilo3 is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-A, --auth=[auth]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="md5" />
<option value="password" />
<option value="none" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IPMI Lan Auth type.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cipher" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --cipher=[cipher]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Ciphersuite to use (same as ipmitool -C parameter)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hexadecimal_kg" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--hexadecimal-kg=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="623" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="lanplus" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --lanplus" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use Lanplus to improve security of connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="privlvl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-L, --privlvl=[level]" />
<content type="select" default="administrator" >
<option value="callback" />
<option value="user" />
<option value="operator" />
<option value="administrator" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Privilege level on IPMI device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="target" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--target=[targetaddress]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Bridge IPMI requests to the remote target address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ipmitool binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="4" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-timeout=[timeout]" />
<content type="string" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Timeout (sec) for IPMI operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
<action name="diag" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo3_ssh.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo3_ssh.xml
index e2a25661..f46ec7d1 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo3_ssh.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo3_ssh.xml
@@ -1,221 +1,221 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo3_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO over SSH" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3 over SSH"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4 over SSH"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5 over SSH"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ilo_ssh is a fence agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.
+<longdesc>fence_ilo3_ssh is a Power Fencing agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.
WARNING: The monitor-action is prone to timeouts. Use the fence_ilo-equivalent to avoid this issue.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo4.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo4.xml
index 3aa001ad..494ff0b3 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo4.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo4.xml
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo4" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMI" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5"/>
<symlink name="fence_ipmilanplus" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMIv2 lanplus"/>
<symlink name="fence_imm" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM Integrated Management Module"/>
<symlink name="fence_idrac" shortdesc="Fence agent for Dell iDRAC"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ipmilan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ilo4 is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-A, --auth=[auth]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="md5" />
<option value="password" />
<option value="none" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IPMI Lan Auth type.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cipher" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --cipher=[cipher]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Ciphersuite to use (same as ipmitool -C parameter)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hexadecimal_kg" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--hexadecimal-kg=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="623" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="lanplus" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --lanplus" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use Lanplus to improve security of connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="privlvl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-L, --privlvl=[level]" />
<content type="select" default="administrator" >
<option value="callback" />
<option value="user" />
<option value="operator" />
<option value="administrator" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Privilege level on IPMI device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="target" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--target=[targetaddress]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Bridge IPMI requests to the remote target address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ipmitool binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-timeout=[timeout]" />
<content type="string" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Timeout (sec) for IPMI operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
<action name="diag" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo4_ssh.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo4_ssh.xml
index 4fd6b2ef..e2a5b716 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo4_ssh.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo4_ssh.xml
@@ -1,221 +1,221 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo4_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO over SSH" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3 over SSH"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4 over SSH"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5 over SSH"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ilo_ssh is a fence agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.
+<longdesc>fence_ilo4_ssh is a Power Fencing agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.
WARNING: The monitor-action is prone to timeouts. Use the fence_ilo-equivalent to avoid this issue.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo5.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo5.xml
index 26278790..25e7446b 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo5.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo5.xml
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo5" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMI" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5"/>
<symlink name="fence_ipmilanplus" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMIv2 lanplus"/>
<symlink name="fence_imm" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM Integrated Management Module"/>
<symlink name="fence_idrac" shortdesc="Fence agent for Dell iDRAC"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ipmilan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ilo5 is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-A, --auth=[auth]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="md5" />
<option value="password" />
<option value="none" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IPMI Lan Auth type.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cipher" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --cipher=[cipher]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Ciphersuite to use (same as ipmitool -C parameter)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hexadecimal_kg" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--hexadecimal-kg=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="623" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="lanplus" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --lanplus" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use Lanplus to improve security of connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="privlvl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-L, --privlvl=[level]" />
<content type="select" default="administrator" >
<option value="callback" />
<option value="user" />
<option value="operator" />
<option value="administrator" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Privilege level on IPMI device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="target" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--target=[targetaddress]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Bridge IPMI requests to the remote target address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ipmitool binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-timeout=[timeout]" />
<content type="string" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Timeout (sec) for IPMI operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
<action name="diag" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo5_ssh.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo5_ssh.xml
index 036aec5c..f4bd8622 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo5_ssh.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo5_ssh.xml
@@ -1,221 +1,221 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo5_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO over SSH" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3 over SSH"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4 over SSH"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5 over SSH"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ilo_ssh is a fence agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.
+<longdesc>fence_ilo5_ssh is a Power Fencing agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.
WARNING: The monitor-action is prone to timeouts. Use the fence_ilo-equivalent to avoid this issue.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo_mp.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo_mp.xml
index 7d4fd22d..4ac9484d 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo_mp.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo_mp.xml
@@ -1,208 +1,208 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo_mp" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO MP" >
+<longdesc>fence_ilo_mp is a Power Fencing agent for HP iLO MP.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo_ssh.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo_ssh.xml
index 2e1cb84b..7564200d 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo_ssh.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ilo_ssh.xml
@@ -1,221 +1,221 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ilo_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO over SSH" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3 over SSH"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4 over SSH"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5_ssh" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5 over SSH"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ilo_ssh is a fence agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.
+<longdesc>fence_ilo_ssh is a Power Fencing agent that connects to iLO device. It logs into device via ssh and reboot a specified outlet.
WARNING: The monitor-action is prone to timeouts. Use the fence_ilo-equivalent to avoid this issue.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;MP&gt;&apos;, &apos;hpiLO-&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_imm.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_imm.xml
index 26f9a76d..943e9c3f 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_imm.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_imm.xml
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_imm" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMI" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5"/>
<symlink name="fence_ipmilanplus" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMIv2 lanplus"/>
<symlink name="fence_imm" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM Integrated Management Module"/>
<symlink name="fence_idrac" shortdesc="Fence agent for Dell iDRAC"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ipmilan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_imm is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-A, --auth=[auth]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="md5" />
<option value="password" />
<option value="none" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IPMI Lan Auth type.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cipher" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --cipher=[cipher]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Ciphersuite to use (same as ipmitool -C parameter)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hexadecimal_kg" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--hexadecimal-kg=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="623" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="lanplus" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --lanplus" />
<content type="boolean" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use Lanplus to improve security of connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="privlvl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-L, --privlvl=[level]" />
<content type="select" default="administrator" >
<option value="callback" />
<option value="user" />
<option value="operator" />
<option value="administrator" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Privilege level on IPMI device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="target" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--target=[targetaddress]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Bridge IPMI requests to the remote target address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ipmitool binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-timeout=[timeout]" />
<content type="string" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Timeout (sec) for IPMI operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
<action name="diag" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_intelmodular.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_intelmodular.xml
index 5dad0d0b..66ddb47a 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_intelmodular.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_intelmodular.xml
@@ -1,226 +1,226 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_intelmodular" shortdesc="Fence agent for Intel Modular" >
-<longdesc>fence_intelmodular is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with Intel Modular device (tested on Intel MFSYS25, should work with MFSYS35 as well).
+<longdesc>fence_intelmodular is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with Intel Modular device (tested on Intel MFSYS25, should work with MFSYS35 as well).
Note: Since firmware update version 2.7, SNMP v2 write support is removed, and replaced by SNMP v3 support. So agent now has default SNMP version 3. If you are using older firmware, please supply -d for command line and snmp_version option for your cluster.conf.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="community" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c, --community=[community]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set the community string</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="161" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_auth_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --snmp-auth-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="MD5" />
<option value="SHA" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set authentication protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --snmp-priv-passwd=[pass]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-R, --snmp-priv-passwd-script" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve privacy password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-B, --snmp-priv-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DES" />
<option value="AES" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_sec_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-E, --snmp-sec-level=[level]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="noAuthNoPriv" />
<option value="authNoPriv" />
<option value="authPriv" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set security level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --snmp-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="1" />
<option value="2c" />
<option value="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specifies SNMP version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpget_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpget-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpget binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpset_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpset-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpset binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpwalk_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpwalk-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpwalk binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipdu.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipdu.xml
index 22024a7a..941dcbed 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipdu.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipdu.xml
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ipdu" shortdesc="Fence agent for iPDU over SNMP" >
-<longdesc>fence_ipdu is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the IBM iPDU network power switch. It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ipdu is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the IBM iPDU network power switch. It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="community" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c, --community=[community]" />
<content type="string" default="private" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set the community string</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="161" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_auth_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --snmp-auth-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="MD5" />
<option value="SHA" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set authentication protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --snmp-priv-passwd=[pass]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-R, --snmp-priv-passwd-script" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve privacy password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-B, --snmp-priv-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DES" />
<option value="AES" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_sec_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-E, --snmp-sec-level=[level]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="noAuthNoPriv" />
<option value="authNoPriv" />
<option value="authPriv" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set security level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --snmp-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" default="3" >
<option value="1" />
<option value="2c" />
<option value="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specifies SNMP version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpget_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpget-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpget binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpset_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpset-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpset binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpwalk_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpwalk-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpwalk binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipmilan.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipmilan.xml
index daad65a7..3107cad3 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipmilan.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipmilan.xml
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ipmilan" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMI" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5"/>
<symlink name="fence_ipmilanplus" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMIv2 lanplus"/>
<symlink name="fence_imm" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM Integrated Management Module"/>
<symlink name="fence_idrac" shortdesc="Fence agent for Dell iDRAC"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ipmilan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ipmilan is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-A, --auth=[auth]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="md5" />
<option value="password" />
<option value="none" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IPMI Lan Auth type.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cipher" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --cipher=[cipher]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Ciphersuite to use (same as ipmitool -C parameter)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hexadecimal_kg" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--hexadecimal-kg=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="623" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="lanplus" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --lanplus" />
<content type="boolean" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use Lanplus to improve security of connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="privlvl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-L, --privlvl=[level]" />
<content type="select" default="administrator" >
<option value="callback" />
<option value="user" />
<option value="operator" />
<option value="administrator" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Privilege level on IPMI device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="target" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--target=[targetaddress]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Bridge IPMI requests to the remote target address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ipmitool binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-timeout=[timeout]" />
<content type="string" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Timeout (sec) for IPMI operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
<action name="diag" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipmilanplus.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipmilanplus.xml
index 7b678b24..146d05a7 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipmilanplus.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ipmilanplus.xml
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ipmilanplus" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMI" >
<symlink name="fence_ilo3" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo4" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4"/>
<symlink name="fence_ilo5" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO5"/>
<symlink name="fence_ipmilanplus" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMIv2 lanplus"/>
<symlink name="fence_imm" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM Integrated Management Module"/>
<symlink name="fence_idrac" shortdesc="Fence agent for Dell iDRAC"/>
-<longdesc>fence_ipmilan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ipmilanplus is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by IPMI. This agent calls support software ipmitool ( WARNING! This fence agent might report success before the node is powered off. You should use -m/method onoff if your fence device works correctly with that option.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-A, --auth=[auth]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="md5" />
<option value="password" />
<option value="none" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IPMI Lan Auth type.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cipher" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --cipher=[cipher]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Ciphersuite to use (same as ipmitool -C parameter)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hexadecimal_kg" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--hexadecimal-kg=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="623" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="lanplus" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --lanplus" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use Lanplus to improve security of connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="privlvl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-L, --privlvl=[level]" />
<content type="select" default="administrator" >
<option value="callback" />
<option value="user" />
<option value="operator" />
<option value="administrator" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Privilege level on IPMI device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="target" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--target=[targetaddress]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Bridge IPMI requests to the remote target address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ipmitool binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipmitool_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ipmitool-timeout=[timeout]" />
<content type="string" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Timeout (sec) for IPMI operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
<action name="diag" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ironic.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ironic.xml
index 813b0373..f9bec38d 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ironic.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ironic.xml
@@ -1,177 +1,177 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ironic" shortdesc="Fence agent for OpenStack's Ironic (Bare Metal as a service) service" >
-<longdesc>fence_ironic is a Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by the Ironic service. This agent calls the openstack CLI. WARNING! This fence agent is not intended for production use. Relying on a functional ironic service for fencing is not a good design choice.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ironic is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by the Ironic service. This agent calls the openstack CLI. WARNING! This fence agent is not intended for production use. Relying on a functional ironic service for fencing is not a good design choice.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth-url" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--auth-url=[authurl]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Admin Auth URL</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth_url" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="auth-url">
<getopt mixed="--auth-url=[authurl]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Admin Auth URL</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="tenant-name" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-t, --tenant-name=[tenant]" />
<content type="string" default="admin" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Admin Tenant</shortdesc>
<parameter name="tenant_name" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="tenant-name">
<getopt mixed="-t, --tenant-name=[tenant]" />
<content type="string" default="admin" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Admin Tenant</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="openstack-path" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--openstack-path=[path]" />
<content type="string" default="/usr/bin/openstack" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to the OpenStack binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="openstack_path" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="openstack-path">
<getopt mixed="--openstack-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to the OpenStack binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_kubevirt.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_kubevirt.xml
index e6b42aa5..2850c343 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_kubevirt.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_kubevirt.xml
@@ -1,138 +1,138 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_kubevirt" shortdesc="Fence agent for KubeVirt" >
-<longdesc>fence_kubevirt is an I/O Fencing agent for KubeVirt.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_kubevirt is a Power Fencing agent for KubeVirt.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="namespace" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--namespace=[namespace]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Namespace of the KubeVirt machine.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="kubeconfig" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--kubeconfig=[kubeconfig]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Kubeconfig file path</shortdesc>
<parameter name="apiversion" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--apiversion=[apiversion]" />
<content type="string" default="" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Version of the KubeVirt API.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="40" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ldom.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ldom.xml
index 59facad6..aaa73701 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ldom.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ldom.xml
@@ -1,208 +1,208 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ldom" shortdesc="Fence agent for Sun LDOM" >
-<longdesc>fence_ldom is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with LDoms virtual machines. This agent works so, that run ldm command on host machine. So ldm must be directly runnable.
+<longdesc>fence_ldom is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with LDoms virtual machines. This agent works so, that run ldm command on host machine. So ldm must be directly runnable.
Very useful parameter is -c (or cmd_prompt in stdin mode). This must be set to something, what is displayed after successful login to host machine. Default string is space on end of string (default for root in bash). But (for example) csh use ], so in that case you must use parameter -c with argument ]. Very similar situation is, if you use bash and login to host machine with other user than root. Than prompt is $, so again, you must use parameter -c.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\ $&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\ $&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="22" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_lindypdu.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_lindypdu.xml
index 56f81f4c..79be15a8 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_lindypdu.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_lindypdu.xml
@@ -1,229 +1,229 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_lindypdu" shortdesc="Fence agent for Lindy over SNMP" >
-<longdesc>fence_lindypdu is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the Lindy PDU network power switch. It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v1 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_lindypdu is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Lindy PDU network power switch. It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v1 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="community" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c, --community=[community]" />
<content type="string" default="public" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set the community string</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="161" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_auth_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --snmp-auth-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="MD5" />
<option value="SHA" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set authentication protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --snmp-priv-passwd=[pass]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-R, --snmp-priv-passwd-script" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve privacy password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-B, --snmp-priv-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DES" />
<option value="AES" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_sec_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-E, --snmp-sec-level=[level]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="noAuthNoPriv" />
<option value="authNoPriv" />
<option value="authPriv" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set security level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --snmp-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" default="1" >
<option value="1" />
<option value="2c" />
<option value="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specifies SNMP version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="switch" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-s, --switch=[id]" />
<content type="string" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical switch number on device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpget_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpget-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpget binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpset_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpset-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpset binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpwalk_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpwalk-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpwalk binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_lpar.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_lpar.xml
index 22f12dc2..018409e2 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_lpar.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_lpar.xml
@@ -1,220 +1,220 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_lpar" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM LPAR" >
+<longdesc>fence_lpar is a Power Fencing agent for IBM LPAR.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;:~&gt;&apos;, &apos;]\\$&apos;, &apos;\\$ &apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;:~&gt;&apos;, &apos;]\\$&apos;, &apos;\\$ &apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hmc_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-H, --hmc-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" default="4" >
<option value="3" />
<option value="4" />
<option value="ivm" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force HMC version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="22" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="managed" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-s, --managed=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Managed system name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="15" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_mpath.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_mpath.xml
index 262956dc..b36fab96 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_mpath.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_mpath.xml
@@ -1,155 +1,155 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_mpath" shortdesc="Fence agent for multipath persistent reservation" >
-<longdesc>fence_mpath is an I/O fencing agent that uses SCSI-3 persistent reservations to control access multipath devices. Underlying devices must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations (SPC-3 or greater) as well as the "preempt-and-abort" subcommand.
+<longdesc>fence_mpath is an I/O Fencing agent that uses SCSI-3 persistent reservations to control access multipath devices. Underlying devices must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations (SPC-3 or greater) as well as the "preempt-and-abort" subcommand.
The fence_mpath agent works by having a unique key for each node that has to be set in /etc/multipath.conf. Once registered, a single node will become the reservation holder by creating a "write exclusive, registrants only" reservation on the device(s). The result is that only registered nodes may write to the device(s). When a node failure occurs, the fence_mpath agent will remove the key belonging to the failed node from the device(s). The failed node will no longer be able to write to the device(s). A manual reboot is required.
When used as a watchdog device you can define e.g. retry=1, retry-sleep=2 and verbose=yes parameters in /etc/sysconfig/stonith if you have issues with it failing.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="off" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="devices" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --devices=[devices]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">List of devices to use for current operation. Devices can be comma or space separated list of device-mapper multipath devices (eg. /dev/mapper/3600508b400105df70000e00000ac0000 or /dev/mapper/mpath1). Each device must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="key" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --key=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Replaced by port/-n/--plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Key to use for the current operation. This key should be unique to a node and have to be written in /etc/multipath.conf. For the "on" action, the key specifies the key use to register the local node. For the "off" action, this key specifies the key to be removed from the device(s).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Key to use for the current operation. This key should be unique to a node and have to be written in /etc/multipath.conf. For the "on" action, the key specifies the key use to register the local node. For the "off" action, this key specifies the key to be removed from the device(s).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="suppress-errors" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--suppress-errors" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Error log suppression.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="suppress_errors" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="suppress-errors">
<getopt mixed="--suppress-errors" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Error log suppression.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="mpathpersist_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--mpathpersist-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to mpathpersist binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="store_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--store-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to directory where fence agent can store information</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" on_target="1" automatic="1"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_netio.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_netio.xml
index 95f3cf34..c1486c95 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_netio.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_netio.xml
@@ -1,167 +1,167 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<resource-agent name="fence_netio" shortdesc="I/O Fencing agent for Koukaam NETIO-230B" >
-<longdesc>fence_netio is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the Koukaam NETIO-230B Power Distribution Unit. It logs into device via telnet and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
+<resource-agent name="fence_netio" shortdesc="Power Fencing agent for Koukaam NETIO-230B" >
+<longdesc>fence_netio is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Koukaam NETIO-230B Power Distribution Unit. It logs into device via telnet and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="1234" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_openstack.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_openstack.xml
index 0bf1a78e..5eeaee01 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_openstack.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_openstack.xml
@@ -1,218 +1,218 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_openstack" shortdesc="Fence agent for OpenStack's Nova service" >
-<longdesc>fence_openstack is a Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by the Openstack's Nova service. This agent calls the python-novaclient and it is mandatory to be installed </longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_openstack is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with machines controlled by the Openstack's Nova service. This agent calls the python-novaclient and it is mandatory to be installed </longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[UUID]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">UUID of the node to be fenced.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[UUID]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">UUID of the node to be fenced.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth-url" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--auth-url=[authurl]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Auth URL</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth_url" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="auth-url">
<getopt mixed="--auth-url=[authurl]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Auth URL</shortdesc>
<parameter name="project-name" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--project-name=[project]" />
<content type="string" default="admin" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Project</shortdesc>
<parameter name="project_name" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="project-name">
<getopt mixed="--project-name=[project]" />
<content type="string" default="admin" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Project</shortdesc>
<parameter name="user-domain-name" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--user-domain-name=[domain]" />
<content type="string" default="Default" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone User Domain Name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="user_domain_name" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="user-domain-name">
<getopt mixed="--user-domain-name=[domain]" />
<content type="string" default="Default" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone User Domain Name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="project-domain-name" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--project-domain-name=[domain]" />
<content type="string" default="Default" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Project Domain Name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="project_domain_name" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="project-domain-name">
<getopt mixed="--project-domain-name=[domain]" />
<content type="string" default="Default" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Keystone Project Domain Name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cloud" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--cloud=[cloud]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Cloud from clouds.yaml</shortdesc>
<parameter name="openrc" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--openrc=[openrc]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">openrc config file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="uuid" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--uuid=[uuid]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Replaced by port/-n/--plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cacert" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--cacert=[cacert]" />
<content type="string" default="" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSL X.509 certificates file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="apitimeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--apitimeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="60" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Timeout in seconds to use for API calls, default is 60.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="60" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ovh.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ovh.xml
index 79d5eda9..f369f46c 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_ovh.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_ovh.xml
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_ovh" shortdesc="Fence agent for OVH" >
-<longdesc>fence_ovh is an Power Fencing agent which can be used within OVH datecentre. Poweroff is simulated with a reboot into rescue-pro mode.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_ovh is a Power Fencing agent which can be used within OVH datecentre. Poweroff is simulated with a reboot into rescue-pro mode.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="email" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-Z, --email=[email]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Reboot email</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_powerman.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_powerman.xml
index 10514fd3..09d0b2ba 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_powerman.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_powerman.xml
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_powerman" shortdesc="Fence Agent for Powerman" >
-<longdesc>This is a Pacemaker Fence Agent for the Powerman management utility that was designed for LLNL systems.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_powerman is a Power Fence Agent for the Powerman management utility that was designed for LLNL systems.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="10101" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="powerman_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--powerman-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to powerman binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_pve.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_pve.xml
index 1ed3cda4..1aeebfe3 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_pve.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_pve.xml
@@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_pve" shortdesc="Fencing agent for the Proxmox Virtual Environment" >
-<longdesc>The fence_pve agent can be used to fence virtual machines acting as nodes in a virtualized cluster.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_pve is a Power Fencing agent for virtual machines acting as nodes in a virtualized cluster.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP Address or Hostname of a node within the Proxmox cluster.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP Address or Hostname of a node within the Proxmox cluster.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="8006" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" default="root@pam" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Id of the virtual machine.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Id of the virtual machine.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" default="root@pam" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="pve_node" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-N, --pve-node=[node_name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Proxmox node name on which machine is located. (Must be specified if not using --pve-node-auto)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="pve_node_auto" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-A, --pve-node-auto" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Automatically select proxmox node. (This option overrides --pve-node)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="vmtype" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--vmtype" />
<content type="string" default="qemu" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Virtual machine type lxc or qemu. (Default: qemu)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="node_name" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--nodename" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Replaced by --pve-node</shortdesc>
<parameter name="nodename" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="node_name">
<getopt mixed="--nodename" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Replaced by --pve-node</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_raritan.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_raritan.xml
index 5e387c78..00bfadb7 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_raritan.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_raritan.xml
@@ -1,167 +1,167 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<resource-agent name="fence_raritan" shortdesc="I/O Fencing agent for Raritan Dominion PX" >
-<longdesc>fence_raritan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the Raritan DPXS12-20 Power Distribution Unit. It logs into device via telnet and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
+<resource-agent name="fence_raritan" shortdesc="Power Fencing agent for Raritan Dominion PX" >
+<longdesc>fence_raritan is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Raritan DPXS12-20 Power Distribution Unit. It logs into device via telnet and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_raritan_px3.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_raritan_px3.xml
index af33cfd4..d3e009dd 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_raritan_px3.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_raritan_px3.xml
@@ -1,210 +1,210 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<resource-agent name="fence_raritan_px3" shortdesc="I/O Fencing agent for Raritan Dominion PX2 and PX3" >
-<longdesc>fence_raritan is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the Raritan PX2 and PX3 Power Distribution Unit series. It logs into device via telnet or ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Single outlets and grouped outlets are supported. The fence is tested on this model: PX3-5466V. There have been issues seen with the telnet prompt on 3.4.x and 3.5.x Raritan firmware versions. It's recommended to update to at least version 3.6.x</longdesc>
+<resource-agent name="fence_raritan_px3" shortdesc="Power Fencing agent for Raritan Dominion PX2 and PX3" >
+<longdesc>fence_raritan_px3 is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Raritan PX2 and PX3 Power Distribution Unit series. It logs into device via telnet or ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Single outlets and grouped outlets are supported. The fence is tested on this model: PX3-5466V. There have been issues seen with the telnet prompt on 3.4.x and 3.5.x Raritan firmware versions. It's recommended to update to at least version 3.6.x</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default=".*\[My PDU\] #" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default=".*\[My PDU\] #" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="8" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rcd_serial.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rcd_serial.xml
index c14d342f..030696ef 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rcd_serial.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rcd_serial.xml
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_rcd_serial" shortdesc="rcd_serial fence agent" >
-<longdesc>fence_rcd_serial operates a serial cable that toggles a reset of an opposing server using the reset switch on its motherboard. The cable itself is simple with no power, network or moving parts. An example of the cable is available here: and the circuit design is available in the fence-agents src as SVG</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_rcd_serial is a Power Fencing agent that operates a serial cable that toggles a reset of an opposing server using the reset switch on its motherboard. The cable itself is simple with no power, network or moving parts. An example of the cable is available here: and the circuit design is available in the fence-agents src as SVG</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="cycle" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="serial_port" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--serial-port=[port]" />
<content type="string" default="/dev/ttyS0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Port of the serial device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_redfish.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_redfish.xml
index 76a23af3..3285f77c 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_redfish.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_redfish.xml
@@ -1,201 +1,201 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<resource-agent name="fence_redfish" shortdesc="I/O Fencing agent for Redfish" >
-<longdesc>fence_redfish is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with Out-of-Band controllers that support Redfish APIs. These controllers provide remote access to control power on a server.</longdesc>
+<resource-agent name="fence_redfish" shortdesc="Power Fencing agent for Redfish" >
+<longdesc>fence_redfish is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with Out-of-Band controllers that support Redfish APIs. These controllers provide remote access to control power on a server.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="443" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="redfish-uri" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--redfish-uri=[uri]" />
<content type="string" default="/redfish/v1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Base or starting Redfish URI</shortdesc>
<parameter name="redfish_uri" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="redfish-uri">
<getopt mixed="--redfish-uri=[uri]" />
<content type="string" default="/redfish/v1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Base or starting Redfish URI</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="systems-uri" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--systems-uri=[uri]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Redfish Systems resource URI, i.e. /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1</shortdesc>
<parameter name="systems_uri" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="systems-uri">
<getopt mixed="--systems-uri=[uri]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Redfish Systems resource URI, i.e. /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
<action name="diag" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rhevm.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rhevm.xml
index 0b223993..a51be18e 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rhevm.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rhevm.xml
@@ -1,210 +1,210 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_rhevm" shortdesc="Fence agent for RHEV-M REST API" >
-<longdesc>fence_rhevm is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with RHEV-M REST API to fence virtual machines.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_rhevm is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with RHEV-M REST API to fence virtual machines.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="80" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="notls" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-t, --notls" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force SSL3.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.0 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">VM name in RHV</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">VM name in RHV</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_cookies" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--use-cookies" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Reuse cookies for authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="api_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--api-version" />
<content type="string" default="auto" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Version of RHEV API (default: auto)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cookie_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--cookie-file" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to cookie file for authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="api_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--api-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">The path part of the API URL</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_http_filter" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-http-filter" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set HTTP Filter header to false</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rsa.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rsa.xml
index 284f9184..8563d500 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rsa.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rsa.xml
@@ -1,208 +1,208 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_rsa" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM RSA" >
-<longdesc>fence_rsa is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the IBM RSA II management interface. It logs into an RSA II device via telnet and reboots the associated machine. Lengthy telnet connections to the RSA II device should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_rsa is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the IBM RSA II management interface. It logs into an RSA II device via telnet and reboots the associated machine. Lengthy telnet connections to the RSA II device should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" default="-F /dev/null" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="10" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rsb.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rsb.xml
index e3d6e109..ca42ff43 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rsb.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rsb.xml
@@ -1,208 +1,208 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<resource-agent name="fence_rsb" shortdesc="I/O Fencing agent for Fujitsu-Siemens RSB" >
-<longdesc>fence_rsb is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the Fujitsu-Siemens RSB management interface. It logs into device via telnet/ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet/ssh connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
+<resource-agent name="fence_rsb" shortdesc="Power Fencing agent for Fujitsu-Siemens RSB" >
+<longdesc>fence_rsb is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the Fujitsu-Siemens RSB management interface. It logs into device via telnet/ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Lengthy telnet/ssh connections should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;to quit:&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;to quit:&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="3172" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_sbd.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_sbd.xml
index d5600b7c..82ded25b 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_sbd.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_sbd.xml
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_sbd" shortdesc="Fence agent for sbd" >
-<longdesc>fence_sbd is I/O Fencing agent which can be used in environments where sbd can be used (shared storage).</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_sbd is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used in environments where sbd can be used (shared storage).</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="devices" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="--devices=[device_a,device_b]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SBD Device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="cycle" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="30" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sbd_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sbd-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to SBD binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_scsi.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_scsi.xml
index facb2f52..b963fd77 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_scsi.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_scsi.xml
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_scsi" shortdesc="Fence agent for SCSI persistent reservation" >
-<longdesc>fence_scsi is an I/O fencing agent that uses SCSI-3 persistent reservations to control access to shared storage devices. These devices must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations (SPC-3 or greater) as well as the "preempt-and-abort" subcommand.
+<longdesc>fence_scsi is an I/O Fencing agent that uses SCSI-3 persistent reservations to control access to shared storage devices. These devices must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations (SPC-3 or greater) as well as the "preempt-and-abort" subcommand.
The fence_scsi agent works by having each node in the cluster register a unique key with the SCSI device(s). Reservation key is generated from "node id" (default) or from "node name hash" (RECOMMENDED) by adjusting "key_value" option. Using hash is recommended to prevent issues when removing nodes from cluster without full cluster restart. Once registered, a single node will become the reservation holder by creating a "write exclusive, registrants only" reservation on the device(s). The result is that only registered nodes may write to the device(s). When a node failure occurs, the fence_scsi agent will remove the key belonging to the failed node from the device(s). The failed node will no longer be able to write to the device(s). A manual reboot is required.
When used as a watchdog device you can define e.g. retry=1, retry-sleep=2 and verbose=yes parameters in /etc/sysconfig/stonith if you have issues with it failing.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="off" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="aptpl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-a, --aptpl" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use the APTPL flag for registrations. This option is only used for the 'on' action.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="devices" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --devices=[devices]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">List of devices to use for current operation. Devices can be comma or space separated list of raw devices (eg. /dev/sdc). Each device must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations. Optional if cluster is configured with clvm or lvmlockd.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="key" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --key=[key]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Key to use for the current operation. This key should be unique to a node. For the "on" action, the key specifies the key use to register the local node. For the "off" action, this key specifies the key to be removed from the device(s).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[nodename]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Name of the node to be fenced. The node name is used to generate the key value used for the current operation. This option will be ignored when used with the -k option.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[nodename]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Name of the node to be fenced. The node name is used to generate the key value used for the current operation. This option will be ignored when used with the -k option.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="readonly" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--readonly" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Open DEVICE read-only.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="suppress-errors" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--suppress-errors" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Error log suppression.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="suppress_errors" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="suppress-errors">
<getopt mixed="--suppress-errors" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Error log suppression.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="logfile" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-f, --logfile" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Log output (stdout and stderr) to file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="corosync_cmap_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--corosync-cmap-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to corosync-cmapctl binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="key_value" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--key-value=&lt;id|hash&gt;" />
<content type="string" default="id" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method used to generate the SCSI key. "id" (default) uses the positional ID from "corosync-cmactl nodelist" output which can get inconsistent when nodes are removed from cluster without full cluster restart. "hash" uses part of hash made out of node names which is not affected over time but there is theoretical chance that hashes can collide as size of SCSI key is quite limited.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sg_persist_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sg_persist-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sg_persist binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sg_turs_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sg_turs-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sg_turs binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="vgs_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--vgs-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to vgs binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" on_target="1" automatic="1"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_skalar.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_skalar.xml
index 84f3f4ea..5ce022b3 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_skalar.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_skalar.xml
@@ -1,192 +1,192 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_skalar" shortdesc="Skala-R Fence agent" >
-<longdesc>A fence agent for Skala-R.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_skalar is a Power Fencing agent for Skala-R.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="force" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--force" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">vm_stop command parameter, force stop or not, default false</shortdesc>
<parameter name="graceful" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--graceful" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">vm_stop command parameter, graceful stop or not, default false</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="80" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_tripplite_snmp.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_tripplite_snmp.xml
index c5f66d56..418832f9 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_tripplite_snmp.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_tripplite_snmp.xml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_tripplite_snmp" shortdesc="Fence agent for APC, Tripplite PDU over SNMP" >
<symlink name="fence_tripplite_snmp" shortdesc="Fence agent for Tripplife over SNMP"/>
-<longdesc>fence_apc_snmp is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the APC network power switch or Tripplite PDU devices.It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v1, v2c, v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_tripplite_snmp is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the APC network power switch or Tripplite PDU devices.It logs into a device via SNMP and reboots a specified outlet. It supports SNMP v1, v2c, v3 with all combinations of authenticity/privacy settings.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="community" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c, --community=[community]" />
<content type="string" default="private" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set the community string</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="161" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_auth_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-b, --snmp-auth-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="MD5" />
<option value="SHA" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set authentication protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P, --snmp-priv-passwd=[pass]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-R, --snmp-priv-passwd-script" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve privacy password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_priv_prot" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-B, --snmp-priv-prot=[prot]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="DES" />
<option value="AES" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set privacy protocol</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_sec_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-E, --snmp-sec-level=[level]" />
<content type="select" >
<option value="noAuthNoPriv" />
<option value="authNoPriv" />
<option value="authPriv" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set security level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmp_version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --snmp-version=[version]" />
<content type="select" default="1" >
<option value="1" />
<option value="2c" />
<option value="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specifies SNMP version to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpget_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpget-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpget binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpset_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpset-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpset binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="snmpwalk_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--snmpwalk-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to snmpwalk binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vbox.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vbox.xml
index 35577a6b..347f04c7 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vbox.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vbox.xml
@@ -1,240 +1,240 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_vbox" shortdesc="Fence agent for VirtualBox" >
-<longdesc>fence_vbox is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the virtual machines managed by VirtualBox. It logs via ssh to a dom0 where it runs VBoxManage to do all of the work.
+<longdesc>fence_vbox is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the virtual machines managed by VirtualBox. It logs via ssh to a dom0 where it runs VBoxManage to do all of the work.
By default, vbox needs to log in as a user that is a member of the vboxusers group. Also, you must allow ssh login in your sshd_config.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\[EXPECT\\]#&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\[EXPECT\\]#&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="22" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" default="-t &apos;/bin/bash -c &quot;PS1=\\[EXPECT\\]# HISTFILE=/dev/null /bin/bash --noprofile --norc&quot;&apos;" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="host_os" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--host-os=[os]" />
<content type="select" default="linux" >
<option value="linux" />
<option value="macos" />
<option value="windows" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Operating system of the host</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="missing_as_off" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--missing-as-off" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Missing port returns OFF instead of failure</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="vboxmanage_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--vboxmanage-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to VBoxManage on the host</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_virsh.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_virsh.xml
index 82fe9b6d..dc36693f 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_virsh.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_virsh.xml
@@ -1,227 +1,227 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_virsh" shortdesc="Fence agent for virsh" >
-<longdesc>fence_virsh is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the virtual machines managed by libvirt. It logs via ssh to a dom0 and there run virsh command, which does all work.
+<longdesc>fence_virsh is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the virtual machines managed by libvirt. It logs via ssh to a dom0 and there run virsh command, which does all work.
By default, virsh needs root account to do properly work. So you must allow ssh login in your sshd_config.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\[EXPECT\\]#&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;\\[EXPECT\\]#&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="22" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" default="-t &apos;/bin/bash -c &quot;PS1=\\[EXPECT\\]# /bin/bash --noprofile --norc&quot;&apos;" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="missing_as_off" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--missing-as-off" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Missing port returns OFF instead of failure</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_sudo" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="sudo">
<getopt mixed="--use-sudo" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use sudo (without password) when calling 3rd party software</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="sudo_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--sudo-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to sudo binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_virt.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_virt.xml
index 612d4d3c..eec67ad8 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_virt.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_virt.xml
@@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_virt" shortdesc="Fence agent for virtual machines">
-<longdesc>fence_virt is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with virtual machines.
+<longdesc>fence_virt is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with virtual machines.
NOTE: reboot-action does not power on nodes that are powered off.</longdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Specify (stdin) or increment (command line) debug level</shortdesc>
<parameter name="serial_device" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-D" />
<content type="string" default="/dev/ttyS1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Serial device (default=/dev/ttyS1)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="serial_params" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-P" />
<content type="string" default="115200,8N1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Serial Parameters (default=115200,8N1)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="channel_address" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-A" />
<content type="string" default="" />
<shortdesc lang="en">VM Channel IP address (default=</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-p" />
<content type="string" default="1229" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP, Multicast, VMChannel, or VM socket port (default=1229)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Virtual Machine (domain name) to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-H" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Virtual Machine (domain name) to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-o" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action (null, off, on, [reboot], status, list, list-status, monitor, validate-all, metadata)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-t" />
<content type="string" default="30" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing timeout (in seconds; default=30)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-T" />
<content type="string" default="" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address to connect to in TCP mode (default= / ::1)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="vsock" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-S" />
<content type="integer" default="2" />
<shortdesc lang="en">vm socket CID to connect to in vsock mode</shortdesc>
<parameter name="auth" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C" />
<content type="string" default="sha256" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Authentication (none, sha1, [sha256], sha512)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="hash" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-c" />
<content type="string" default="sha256" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Packet hash strength (none, sha1, [sha256], sha512)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="key_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k" />
<content type="string" default="/etc/cluster/fence_xvm.key" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Shared key file (default=/etc/cluster/fence_xvm.key)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-w" />
<content type="string" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing delay (in seconds; default=0)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="domain" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Virtual Machine (domain name) to fence (deprecated; use port)</shortdesc>
<action name="null" />
<action name="on" />
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware.xml
index a46ffdb0..a5fad2fd 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware.xml
@@ -1,217 +1,217 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_vmware" shortdesc="Fence agent for VMWare" >
-<longdesc>fence_vmware is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the VMware ESX, VMware ESXi or VMware Server to fence virtual machines.
+<longdesc>fence_vmware is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the VMware ESX, VMware ESXi or VMware Server to fence virtual machines.
Before you can use this agent, it must be installed VI Perl Toolkit or vmrun command on every node you want to make fencing.
VI Perl Toolkit is preferred for VMware ESX/ESXi and Virtual Center. Vmrun command is only solution for VMware Server 1/2 (this command will works against ESX/ESXi 3.5 up2 and VC up2 too, but not cluster aware!) and is available as part of VMware VIX API SDK package. VI Perl and VIX API SDK are both available from VMware web pages (not int RHEL repository!).
You can specify type of VMware you are connecting to with -d switch (or vmware_type for stdin). Possible values are esx, server2 and server1.Default value is esx, which will use VI Perl. With server1 and server2, vmrun command is used.
After you have successfully installed VI Perl Toolkit or VIX API, you should be able to run fence_vmware_helper (part of this agent) or vmrun command. This agent supports only vmrun from version 2.0.0 (VIX API 1.6.0).</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="exec" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-e, --exec=[command]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Command to execute</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="22" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device (together with --port-as-ip)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="vmware_type" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-d, --vmware_type=[type]" />
<content type="string" default="esx" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Type of VMware to connect</shortdesc>
<parameter name="vmware_datacenter" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-s, --vmware-datacenter=[dc]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">VMWare datacenter filter</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port_as_ip" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--port-as-ip" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Make "port/plug" to be an alias to IP address</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_rest.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_rest.xml
index 5c69c2f2..672769d9 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_rest.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_rest.xml
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_vmware_rest" shortdesc="Fence agent for VMware REST API" >
-<longdesc>fence_vmware_rest is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with VMware API to fence virtual machines.
+<longdesc>fence_vmware_rest is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with VMware API to fence virtual machines.
NOTE: If there's more than 1000 VMs there is a filter parameter to work around the API limit. See for full list of filters.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="80" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="notls" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-t, --notls" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force SSL3.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.0 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="api_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--api-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">The path part of the API URL</shortdesc>
<parameter name="filter" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--filter=[filter]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Filter to only return relevant VMs. It can be used to avoid the agent failing when more than 1000 VMs should be returned.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_soap.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_soap.xml
index 72b27e35..5d5ff36e 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_soap.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_soap.xml
@@ -1,189 +1,189 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_vmware_soap" shortdesc="Fence agent for VMWare over SOAP API" >
-<longdesc>fence_vmware_soap is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the virtual machines managed by VMWare products that have SOAP API v4.1+.
+<longdesc>fence_vmware_soap is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the virtual machines managed by VMWare products that have SOAP API v4.1+.
Name of virtual machine (-n / port) has to be used in inventory path format (e.g. /datacenter/vm/Discovered virtual machine/myMachine). In the cases when name of yours VM is unique you can use it instead. Alternatively you can always use UUID to access virtual machine.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="80" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="notls" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-t, --notls" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force SSL3.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.0 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_vcloud.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_vcloud.xml
index 3c8bb74a..c017daf5 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_vcloud.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_vmware_vcloud.xml
@@ -1,191 +1,191 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_vmware_vcloud" shortdesc="Fence agent for VMware vCloud Director API" >
-<longdesc>fence_vmware_vcloud is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with VMware vCloud Director API to fence virtual machines.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_vmware_vcloud is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with VMware vCloud Director API to fence virtual machines.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="80" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="notls" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-t, --notls" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force SSL3.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.0 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="api_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--api-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">The path part of the API URL</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_wti.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_wti.xml
index b9eb9c6b..72e6d17f 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_wti.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_wti.xml
@@ -1,210 +1,210 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_wti" shortdesc="Fence agent for WTI" >
-<longdesc>fence_wti is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with the WTI Network Power Switch (NPS). It logs into an NPS via telnet or ssh and boots a specified plug. Lengthy telnet connections to the NPS should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_wti is a Power Fencing agent which can be used with the WTI Network Power Switch (NPS). It logs into an NPS via telnet or ssh and boots a specified plug. Lengthy telnet connections to the NPS should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="cmd_prompt" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;RSM&gt;&apos;, &apos;MPC&gt;&apos;, &apos;IPS&gt;&apos;, &apos;TPS&gt;&apos;, &apos;NBB&gt;&apos;, &apos;NPS&gt;&apos;, &apos;VMR&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="command_prompt" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="cmd_prompt">
<getopt mixed="-c, --command-prompt=[prompt]" />
<content type="string" default="[&apos;RSM&gt;&apos;, &apos;MPC&gt;&apos;, &apos;IPS&gt;&apos;, &apos;TPS&gt;&apos;, &apos;NBB&gt;&apos;, &apos;NPS&gt;&apos;, &apos;VMR&gt;&apos;]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Force Python regex for command prompt</shortdesc>
<parameter name="identity_file" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-k, --identity-file=[filename]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Identity file (private key) for SSH</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="23" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="secure" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="secure">
<getopt mixed="-x, --ssh" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSH connection</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_options" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-options=[options]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">SSH options to use</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="10" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssh_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssh-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to ssh binary</shortdesc>
<parameter name="telnet_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--telnet-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to telnet binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_xenapi.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_xenapi.xml
index 380ac28d..c61d465f 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_xenapi.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_xenapi.xml
@@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_xenapi" shortdesc="Fence agent for Citrix XenServer over XenAPI" >
-<longdesc>fence_cxs is an I/O Fencing agent used on Citrix XenServer hosts. It uses the XenAPI, supplied by Citrix, to establish an XML-RPC session to a XenServer host. Once the session is established, further XML-RPC commands are issued in order to switch on, switch off, restart and query the status of virtual machines running on the host.</longdesc>
+<longdesc>fence_xenapi is a Power Fencing agent used on Citrix XenServer hosts. It uses the XenAPI, supplied by Citrix, to establish an XML-RPC session to a XenServer host. Once the session is established, further XML-RPC commands are issued in order to switch on, switch off, restart and query the status of virtual machines running on the host.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="session_url" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-s, --session-url" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">URL to connect to XenServer on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_zvmip.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_zvmip.xml
index 96393bdf..67104386 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_zvmip.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_zvmip.xml
@@ -1,244 +1,243 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_zvmip" shortdesc="Fence agent for use with z/VM Virtual Machines" >
-<longdesc>The fence_zvmip agent is intended to be used with the
-z/VM SMAPI service via TCP/IP.
+<longdesc>fence_zvmip is a Power Fencing agent for z/VM SMAPI service via TCP/IP.
The z/VM SMAPI service must be configured so that the virtual machine running
the agent can connect to the service, access the system's directory manager,
and shortly thereafter run image_deactivate and image_activate. This involves
The NAMELIST entry assigns all the required functions to one nick and should
look similar to this:
The AUTHLIST entry authorizes the user to perform all the functions associated
with the nick, and should look similar to this:
Column 1 Column 66 Column 131
| | |
where XXXXXXXX is the name of the user in the authuser field of the request.
Refer to the official z/VM documentation for complete instructions and
reference materials.
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="44444" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-m, --method=[method]" />
<content type="select" default="onoff" >
<option value="onoff" />
<option value="cycle" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Method to fence</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number on device, UUID or identification of machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate (Default)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-ssl" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Don't use SSL</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode. Multiple -v flags can be stacked on the command line (e.g., -vvv) to increase verbosity.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose_level" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--verbose-level" />
<content type="integer" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Level of debugging detail in output. Defaults to the number of --verbose flags specified on the command line, or to 1 if verbose=1 in a stonith device configuration (i.e., on stdin).</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug_separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--plug-separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for plug parameter when specifying more than 1 plug</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-timeout=[true/false]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable timeout (true/false) (default: true when run from Pacemaker 2.0+)</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="missing_as_off" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--missing-as-off" />
<content type="boolean" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Missing port returns OFF instead of failure</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="stonith_status_sleep" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--stonith-status-sleep=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Sleep X seconds between status calls during a STONITH action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />

File Metadata

Mime Type
Mon, Feb 24, 4:11 AM (1 d, 16 h ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(1 MB)

Event Timeline