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diff --git a/agents/rhevm/ b/agents/rhevm/
index f623881a..0b084c49 100644
--- a/agents/rhevm/
+++ b/agents/rhevm/
@@ -1,208 +1,208 @@
#!@PYTHON@ -tt
import sys, re
import pycurl, io
import logging
import atexit
from fencing import *
from fencing import fail, EC_STATUS, run_delay
RE_GET_ID = re.compile("<vm( .*)? id=\"(.*?)\"", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_STATUS = re.compile("<state>(.*?)</state>", re.IGNORECASE)
RE_GET_NAME = re.compile("<name>(.*?)</name>", re.IGNORECASE)
def get_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
### Obtain real ID from name
res = send_command(options, "vms/?search=name%3D" + options["--plug"])
result =
if result == None:
# Unable to obtain ID needed to access virtual machine
options["id"] =
result =
if result == None:
# We were able to parse ID so output is correct
# in some cases it is possible that RHEV-M output does not
# contain <status> line. We can assume machine is OFF then
return "off"
status =
if status.lower() == "down":
return "off"
return "on"
def set_power_status(conn, options):
del conn
action = {
'on' : "start",
'off' : "stop"
url = "vms/" + options["id"] + "/" + action
send_command(options, url, "POST")
def get_list(conn, options):
del conn
outlets = {}
res = send_command(options, "vms")
lines = res.split("<vm ")
for i in range(1, len(lines)):
name =[i]).group(1)
status =[i]).group(1)
outlets[name] = ("", status)
except AttributeError:
return {}
except IndexError:
return {}
return outlets
def send_command(opt, command, method="GET"):
## setup correct URL
if "--ssl" in opt or "--ssl-secure" in opt or "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
url = "https:"
url = "http:"
if "--api-path" in opt:
api_path = opt["--api-path"]
api_path = "/ovirt-engine/api"
if "--disable-http-filter" in opt:
http_filter = 'false'
http_filter = 'true'
url += "//" + opt["--ip"] + ":" + str(opt["--ipport"]) + api_path + "/" + command
## send command through pycurl
conn = pycurl.Curl()
web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("ascii"))
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
"Version: 3",
"Content-type: application/xml",
"Accept: application/xml",
"Prefer: persistent-auth",
"Filter: {}".format(http_filter),
if "cookie" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.COOKIE, opt["cookie"])
conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
conn.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, opt["--username"] + ":" + opt["--password"])
if "--use-cookies" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.COOKIEFILE, "")
conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(opt["--shell-timeout"]))
if "--ssl" in opt or "--ssl-secure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
if "--ssl-insecure" in opt:
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
if method == "POST":
conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, "<action />")
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
if "cookie" not in opt and "--use-cookies" in opt:
cookie = ""
for c in conn.getinfo(pycurl.INFO_COOKIELIST):
tokens = c.split("\t",7)
cookie = cookie + tokens[5] + "=" + tokens[6] + ";"
opt["cookie"] = cookie
result = web_buffer.getvalue().decode()
logging.debug("%s\n", command)
logging.debug("%s\n", result)
return result
def define_new_opts():
all_opt["port"] = {
"getopt" : "n:",
"longopt" : "plug",
"help" : "-n, --plug=[name] "
- "The VM name in RHV",
+ "VM name in RHV",
"required" : "1",
"order" : 1}
all_opt["use_cookies"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "use-cookies",
"help" : "--use-cookies Reuse cookies for authentication",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Reuse cookies for authentication",
"order" : 1}
all_opt["api_path"] = {
"getopt" : ":",
"longopt" : "api-path",
"help" : "--api-path=[path] The path part of the API URL",
"default" : "/ovirt-engine/api",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "The path part of the API URL",
"order" : 2}
all_opt["disable_http_filter"] = {
"getopt" : "",
"longopt" : "disable-http-filter",
"help" : "--disable-http-filter Set HTTP Filter header to false",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Set HTTP Filter header to false",
"order" : 3}
def main():
device_opt = [
all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "1"
options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
docs = {}
docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for RHEV-M REST API"
docs["longdesc"] = "fence_rhevm is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
used with RHEV-M REST API to fence virtual machines."
docs["vendorurl"] = ""
show_docs(options, docs)
## Fence operations
result = fence_action(None, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rhevm.xml b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rhevm.xml
index c5e68c2b..6344db79 100644
--- a/tests/data/metadata/fence_rhevm.xml
+++ b/tests/data/metadata/fence_rhevm.xml
@@ -1,192 +1,192 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_rhevm" shortdesc="Fence agent for RHEV-M REST API" >
<longdesc>fence_rhevm is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with RHEV-M REST API to fence virtual machines.</longdesc>
<parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o, --action=[action]" />
<content type="string" default="reboot" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet4_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-4, --inet4-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="inet6_only" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-6, --inet6-only" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ip" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="ipaddr">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-a, --ip=[ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP address or hostname of fencing device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=[port]" />
<content type="integer" default="80" />
<shortdesc lang="en">TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="notls" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-t, --notls" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable TLS negotiation and force SSL3.0. This should only be used for devices that do not support TLS1.0 and up.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd">
<getopt mixed="-p, --password=[password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="password_script" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="passwd_script">
<getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=[script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to run to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="plug" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="port">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
- <shortdesc lang="en">The VM name in RHV</shortdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">VM name in RHV</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="0" required="1" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-n, --plug=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
- <shortdesc lang="en">The VM name in RHV</shortdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">VM name in RHV</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-z, --ssl" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_insecure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-insecure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection without verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ssl_secure" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--ssl-secure" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Use SSL connection with verifying certificate</shortdesc>
<parameter name="use_cookies" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--use-cookies" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Reuse cookies for authentication</shortdesc>
<parameter name="username" unique="0" required="1" obsoletes="login">
<getopt mixed="-l, --username=[name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="api_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--api-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">The path part of the API URL</shortdesc>
<parameter name="disable_http_filter" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--disable-http-filter" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Set HTTP Filter header to false</shortdesc>
<parameter name="quiet" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-q, --quiet" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Disable logging to stderr. Does not affect --verbose or --debug-file or logging to syslog.</shortdesc>
<parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-v, --verbose" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0" deprecated="1">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="debug_file" unique="0" required="0" obsoletes="debug">
<getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>
<parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-V, --version" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h, --help" />
<content type="boolean" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-C, --separator=[char]" />
<content type="string" default="," />
<shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation</shortdesc>
<parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--delay=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="0" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is started</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--login-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="5" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="20" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--power-wait=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>
<parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--shell-timeout=[seconds]" />
<content type="second" default="3" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command</shortdesc>
<parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--retry-on=[attempts]" />
<content type="integer" default="1" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>
<parameter name="gnutlscli_path" unique="0" required="0">
<getopt mixed="--gnutlscli-path=[path]" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Path to gnutls-cli binary</shortdesc>
<action name="on" automatic="0"/>
<action name="off" />
<action name="reboot" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="list" />
<action name="list-status" />
<action name="monitor" />
<action name="metadata" />
<action name="manpage" />
<action name="validate-all" />
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Tue, Feb 25, 8:08 AM (1 d, 13 h)
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(13 KB)
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rF Fence Agents
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