diff --git a/agents/raritan_px3/fence_raritan_px3.py b/agents/raritan_px3/fence_raritan_px3.py index b1c7436b..2dbf7254 100644 --- a/agents/raritan_px3/fence_raritan_px3.py +++ b/agents/raritan_px3/fence_raritan_px3.py @@ -1,195 +1,195 @@ #!@PYTHON@ -tt import logging import sys import atexit sys.path.append("@FENCEAGENTSLIBDIR@") from fencing import * from fencing import EC_STATUS """ Raritan PX3 family is totaly different the PX family (PX2 seem to be compatible with PX3 and seem to share the same BIOS, so this fence should work with PX2 as well). It has another command line prompt and totally other commands and output. It follows the concept of separating outlets and outletgroups (if created). You can reach outlets via a fixed, not changeble "plug" number (from 1-20 on my device). Additionally one can, but does not need to assign names to each plug. Plugs/outlets can be combined to outletgroups. There can be zero to N (N = No. outlets) outletgroups. While it's possible to create outletgroups with one plug, this does not make sense and might slow things down. --plug=X paramter can be: 1. X == outlet No 2. X == outlet Name (if one got assigned) 3. X == outlet group Name -> One cannot reach a group by number -> Groups need an extra call (first single outlet devices are searched for given No/Name, then OutletGroups """ class FenceRaritanPX3: outlets={} # Plug id of outlet plug=None outletgroups={} # Group name if outlet plug id/name have not been found group_name=None def px3_get_outlet_group(conn, options): conn.send_eol("show outletgroups") conn.expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"])) for line in conn.after.splitlines(): split_line = line.split(" ") """ Groups always have a name assigned: ``` Outlet Group 1 - test: Member outlets: 10-11 State: 2 on ``` """ if len(split_line) == 5 and split_line[0] == "Outlet" and split_line[1] == "Group": group_no = split_line[2] group_name = split_line[4][:-1] if len(split_line) > 0 and split_line[0] == "State:": group_state = split_line[-1] FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups[group_no] = [ group_name, group_state ] logging.debug("Outletgroups found:\n%s", FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups) return FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups def px3_get_outlet_list(conn, options): conn.send_eol("show outlets") conn.expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"])) for line in conn.after.splitlines(): split_line = line.split(" ") """ Plug with no name assigned: ``` Outlet 1: Power state: On ``` """ if len(split_line) == 2 and split_line[0] == "Outlet": outlet_no = split_line[1][:-1] outlet_name = "" """ Plug with name assigned: ``` Outlet 8 - Test: Power state: On ``` """ if len(split_line) == 4 and split_line[0] == "Outlet": outlet_no = split_line[1] outlet_name = split_line[3][:-1] # fetch state of previously parsed outlet from next line/iter if len(split_line) == 3 and split_line[0] == "Power" and split_line[1] == "state:": outlet_state = split_line[2] FenceRaritanPX3.outlets[outlet_no] = [outlet_name, outlet_state] logging.debug("Outlets found:\n%s", FenceRaritanPX3.outlets) return FenceRaritanPX3.outlets def get_power_status(conn, options): if FenceRaritanPX3.plug: return FenceRaritanPX3.outlets[str(FenceRaritanPX3.plug)][1].lower() elif FenceRaritanPX3.group_name: return FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups[FenceRaritanPX3.group_name][1].lower() sys.exit(EC_STATUS) def set_power_status(conn, options): action = { "on" : "on", "off" : "off", "reboot" : "cycle", }[options["--action"]] if FenceRaritanPX3.plug: conn.send_eol("power outlets %s %s" % (FenceRaritanPX3.plug, action)) # Do you wish to turn outlet 5 off? [y/n] elif FenceRaritanPX3.group_name: conn.send_eol("power outletgroup %s %s" % (FenceRaritanPX3.group_name, action)) # Do you wish to turn on all 2 outlets in group 1? [y/n] conn.log_expect("Do you wish to turn.*", int(options["--shell-timeout"])) conn.send_eol("y") print("YYYYY") conn.log_expect(options["--command-prompt"], int(options["--shell-timeout"])) print("XXXXXXXX") def disconnect(conn): conn.sendline("EXIT") conn.close() def main(): device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "port", "telnet", "cmd_prompt", "secure"] atexit.register(atexit_handler) opt = process_input(device_opt) - all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = ".*\[My PDU\] #" + all_opt["cmd_prompt"]["default"] = r".*\[My PDU\] #" all_opt["ipport"]["default"] = "23" all_opt["shell_timeout"]["default"] = "8" opt["eol"] = "\r\n" options = check_input(device_opt, opt) docs = {} docs["shortdesc"] = "Power Fencing agent for Raritan Dominion PX2 and PX3" docs["longdesc"] = "fence_raritan_px3 is a Power Fencing agent which can be \ used with the Raritan PX2 and PX3 Power Distribution Unit series. It logs into \ device via telnet or ssh and reboots a specified outlet. Single outlets and \ grouped outlets are supported. The fence is tested on this model: PX3-5466V. \ There have been issues seen with the telnet prompt on 3.4.x and 3.5.x Raritan \ firmware versions. It's recommended to update to at least version 3.6.x" docs["vendorurl"] = "http://www.raritan.com/" show_docs(options, docs) conn = fence_login(options, re_login_string=r"Username.*") px3_get_outlet_list(conn, options) try: FenceRaritanPX3.plug = int(options["--plug"]) if FenceRaritanPX3.plug > len(FenceRaritanPX3.outlets): logging.error("Plug no exceeds no of outlets") sys.exit(EC_STATUS) except ValueError: for no, values in FenceRaritanPX3.outlets.items(): if values[0] == options["--plug"]: FenceRaritanPX3.plug = no break if not FenceRaritanPX3.plug: px3_get_outlet_group(conn, options) for no, values in FenceRaritanPX3.outletgroups.items(): if values[0] == options["--plug"]: FenceRaritanPX3.group_name = no break if not FenceRaritanPX3.group_name: logging.error("Plug %s not found", options["--plug"]) sys.exit(EC_STATUS) logging.debug("\nSingle outlet: %s\nGroup outlet: %s" % (FenceRaritanPX3.plug, FenceRaritanPX3.group_name)) result = 0 if options["--action"] != "monitor": result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlet_list=px3_get_outlet_list, reboot_cycle_fn=set_power_status) atexit.register(disconnect, conn) sys.exit(result) if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/lib/fence2man.xsl b/lib/fence2man.xsl index c1cb1e93..7a1d2827 100644 --- a/lib/fence2man.xsl +++ b/lib/fence2man.xsl @@ -1,78 +1,100 @@ .TP .B .B . ( | ) This parameter is always required. - (Default Value: ) + + (Default Value: + + + + ) + Obsoletes: .TP \fB \fP Power on machine. Power off machine. Enable fabric access. Disable fabric access. Reboot machine. Pulse a diagnostic interrupt to the processor(s). Check the health of fence device Display the XML metadata describing this resource. List available plugs with aliases/virtual machines if there is support for more then one device. Returns N/A otherwise. List available plugs with aliases/virtual machines and their power state if it can be obtained without additional commands. This returns the status of the plug/virtual machine. Validate if all required parameters are entered. The operational behavior of this is not known. .TH FENCE_AGENT 8 2009-10-20 " (Fence Agent)" .SH NAME - .P - (symlink) .SH DESCRIPTION .P .P The fence agent accepts options on the command line as well as from stdin. Fenced sends parameters through stdin when it execs the agent. The agent can be run by itself with command line options. This is useful for testing and for turning outlets on or off from scripts. Vendor URL: .SH PARAMETERS getopt .SH ACTIONS .SH STDIN PARAMETERS stdin + + + + + + + \\ + + + + + + + + +