diff --git a/cts/cli/regression.crm_attribute.exp b/cts/cli/regression.crm_attribute.exp index 53c52bb5ff..b2005095ba 100644 --- a/cts/cli/regression.crm_attribute.exp +++ b/cts/cli/regression.crm_attribute.exp @@ -1,1917 +1,1899 @@ =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available options (invalid type) =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Invalid --list-options value 'asdf'. Allowed values: cluster =#=#=#= End test: List all available options (invalid type) - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - List all available options (invalid type) =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available options (invalid type) (XML) =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Invalid --list-options value 'asdf'. Allowed values: cluster =#=#=#= End test: List all available options (invalid type) (XML) - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - List all available options (invalid type) (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: List non-advanced cluster options =#=#=#= Pacemaker cluster options Also known as properties, these are options that affect behavior across the entire cluster. They are configured within cluster_property_set elements inside the crm_config subsection of the CIB configuration section. * dc-version: Pacemaker version on cluster node elected Designated Controller (DC) * Includes a hash which identifies the exact revision the code was built from. Used for diagnostic purposes. * Possible values (generated by Pacemaker): version (no default) * cluster-infrastructure: The messaging layer on which Pacemaker is currently running * Used for informational and diagnostic purposes. * Possible values (generated by Pacemaker): string (no default) * cluster-name: An arbitrary name for the cluster * This optional value is mostly for users' convenience as desired in administration, but may also be used in Pacemaker configuration rules via the #cluster-name node attribute, and by higher-level tools and resource agents. * Possible values: string (no default) * dc-deadtime: How long to wait for a response from other nodes during start-up * The optimal value will depend on the speed and load of your network and the type of switches used. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * cluster-recheck-interval: Polling interval to recheck cluster state and evaluate rules with date specifications * Pacemaker is primarily event-driven, and looks ahead to know when to recheck cluster state for failure-timeout settings and most time-based rules. However, it will also recheck the cluster after this amount of inactivity, to evaluate rules with date specifications and serve as a fail-safe for certain types of scheduler bugs. A value of 0 disables polling. A positive value sets an interval in seconds, unless other units are specified (for example, "5min"). * Possible values: duration (default: ) * fence-reaction: How a cluster node should react if notified of its own fencing * A cluster node may receive notification of a "succeeded" fencing that targeted it if fencing is misconfigured, or if fabric fencing is in use that doesn't cut cluster communication. Use "stop" to attempt to immediately stop Pacemaker and stay stopped, or "panic" to attempt to immediately reboot the local node, falling back to stop on failure. * Possible values: "stop" (default), "panic" * no-quorum-policy: What to do when the cluster does not have quorum * Possible values: "stop" (default), "freeze", "ignore", "demote", "fence", "suicide" * shutdown-lock: Whether to lock resources to a cleanly shut down node * When true, resources active on a node when it is cleanly shut down are kept "locked" to that node (not allowed to run elsewhere) until they start again on that node after it rejoins (or for at most shutdown-lock-limit, if set). Stonith resources and Pacemaker Remote connections are never locked. Clone and bundle instances and the promoted role of promotable clones are currently never locked, though support could be added in a future release. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * shutdown-lock-limit: Do not lock resources to a cleanly shut down node longer than this * If shutdown-lock is true and this is set to a nonzero time duration, shutdown locks will expire after this much time has passed since the shutdown was initiated, even if the node has not rejoined. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * enable-acl: Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * symmetric-cluster: Whether resources can run on any node by default * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * maintenance-mode: Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * start-failure-is-fatal: Whether a start failure should prevent a resource from being recovered on the same node * When true, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node if it fails to start there. When false, the cluster will instead check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * enable-startup-probes: Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up * Possible values: boolean (default: ) - * stonith-action: Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") - * Possible values: "reboot" (default), "off", "poweroff" + * stonith-action: Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced + * Possible values: "reboot" (default), "off" * stonith-timeout: How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default * Possible values: duration (default: ) * have-watchdog: Whether watchdog integration is enabled * This is set automatically by the cluster according to whether SBD is detected to be in use. User-configured values are ignored. The value `true` is meaningful if diskless SBD is used and `stonith-watchdog-timeout` is nonzero. In that case, if fencing is required, watchdog-based self-fencing will be performed via SBD without requiring a fencing resource explicitly configured. * Possible values (generated by Pacemaker): boolean (default: ) * stonith-watchdog-timeout: How long before nodes can be assumed to be safely down when watchdog-based self-fencing via SBD is in use * If this is set to a positive value, lost nodes are assumed to achieve self-fencing using watchdog-based SBD within this much time. This does not require a fencing resource to be explicitly configured, though a fence_watchdog resource can be configured, to limit use to specific nodes. If this is set to 0 (the default), the cluster will never assume watchdog-based self-fencing. If this is set to a negative value, the cluster will use twice the local value of the `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` environment variable if that is positive, or otherwise treat this as 0. WARNING: When used, this timeout must be larger than `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` on all nodes that use watchdog-based SBD, and Pacemaker will refuse to start on any of those nodes where this is not true for the local value or SBD is not active. When this is set to a negative value, `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` must be set to the same value on all nodes that use SBD, otherwise data corruption or loss could occur. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * stonith-max-attempts: How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target * Possible values: score (default: ) * priority-fencing-delay: Apply fencing delay targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority * Apply specified delay for the fencings that are targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority in case we don't have the majority of the nodes in our cluster partition, so that the more significant nodes potentially win any fencing match, which is especially meaningful under split-brain of 2-node cluster. A promoted resource instance takes the base priority + 1 on calculation if the base priority is not 0. Any static/random delays that are introduced by `pcmk_delay_base/max` configured for the corresponding fencing resources will be added to this delay. This delay should be significantly greater than, safely twice, the maximum `pcmk_delay_base/max`. By default, priority fencing delay is disabled. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * node-pending-timeout: How long to wait for a node that has joined the cluster to join the controller process group * Fence nodes that do not join the controller process group within this much time after joining the cluster, to allow the cluster to continue managing resources. A value of 0 means never fence pending nodes. Setting the value to 2h means fence nodes after 2 hours. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * cluster-delay: Maximum time for node-to-node communication * The node elected Designated Controller (DC) will consider an action failed if it does not get a response from the node executing the action within this time (after considering the action's own timeout). The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * load-threshold: Maximum amount of system load that should be used by cluster nodes * The cluster will slow down its recovery process when the amount of system resources used (currently CPU) approaches this limit * Possible values: percentage (default: ) * node-action-limit: Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) * Possible values: integer (default: ) * batch-limit: Maximum number of jobs that the cluster may execute in parallel across all nodes * The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. If set to 0, the cluster will impose a dynamically calculated limit when any node has a high load. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * migration-limit: The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) * Possible values: integer (default: ) * cluster-ipc-limit: Maximum IPC message backlog before disconnecting a cluster daemon * Raise this if log has "Evicting client" messages for cluster daemon PIDs (a good value is the number of resources in the cluster multiplied by the number of nodes). * Possible values: nonnegative_integer (default: ) * stop-all-resources: Whether the cluster should stop all active resources * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * stop-orphan-resources: Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * stop-orphan-actions: Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * pe-error-series-max: The number of scheduler inputs resulting in errors to save * Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * pe-warn-series-max: The number of scheduler inputs resulting in warnings to save * Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * pe-input-series-max: The number of scheduler inputs without errors or warnings to save * Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * node-health-strategy: How cluster should react to node health attributes * Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with the prefix "#health") with values "red", "yellow", or "green". * Possible values: "none" (default), "migrate-on-red", "only-green", "progressive", "custom" * node-health-base: Base health score assigned to a node * Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "progressive". * Possible values: score (default: ) * node-health-green: The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "green" * Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". * Possible values: score (default: ) * node-health-yellow: The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "yellow" * Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". * Possible values: score (default: ) * node-health-red: The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "red" * Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". * Possible values: score (default: ) * placement-strategy: How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes * Possible values: "default" (default), "utilization", "minimal", "balanced" =#=#=#= End test: List non-advanced cluster options - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - List non-advanced cluster options =#=#=#= Begin test: List non-advanced cluster options (XML) =#=#=#= 1.1 Also known as properties, these are options that affect behavior across the entire cluster. They are configured within cluster_property_set elements inside the crm_config subsection of the CIB configuration section. Pacemaker cluster options Includes a hash which identifies the exact revision the code was built from. Used for diagnostic purposes. Pacemaker version on cluster node elected Designated Controller (DC) Used for informational and diagnostic purposes. The messaging layer on which Pacemaker is currently running This optional value is mostly for users' convenience as desired in administration, but may also be used in Pacemaker configuration rules via the #cluster-name node attribute, and by higher-level tools and resource agents. An arbitrary name for the cluster The optimal value will depend on the speed and load of your network and the type of switches used. How long to wait for a response from other nodes during start-up Pacemaker is primarily event-driven, and looks ahead to know when to recheck cluster state for failure-timeout settings and most time-based rules. However, it will also recheck the cluster after this amount of inactivity, to evaluate rules with date specifications and serve as a fail-safe for certain types of scheduler bugs. A value of 0 disables polling. A positive value sets an interval in seconds, unless other units are specified (for example, "5min"). Polling interval to recheck cluster state and evaluate rules with date specifications A cluster node may receive notification of a "succeeded" fencing that targeted it if fencing is misconfigured, or if fabric fencing is in use that doesn't cut cluster communication. Use "stop" to attempt to immediately stop Pacemaker and stay stopped, or "panic" to attempt to immediately reboot the local node, falling back to stop on failure. How a cluster node should react if notified of its own fencing Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. Delay cluster recovery for this much time to allow for additional events to occur. Useful if your configuration is sensitive to the order in which ping updates arrive. Enabling this option will slow down cluster recovery under all conditions What to do when the cluster does not have quorum What to do when the cluster does not have quorum When true, resources active on a node when it is cleanly shut down are kept "locked" to that node (not allowed to run elsewhere) until they start again on that node after it rejoins (or for at most shutdown-lock-limit, if set). Stonith resources and Pacemaker Remote connections are never locked. Clone and bundle instances and the promoted role of promotable clones are currently never locked, though support could be added in a future release. Whether to lock resources to a cleanly shut down node If shutdown-lock is true and this is set to a nonzero time duration, shutdown locks will expire after this much time has passed since the shutdown was initiated, even if the node has not rejoined. Do not lock resources to a cleanly shut down node longer than this Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB Whether resources can run on any node by default Whether resources can run on any node by default Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources When true, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node if it fails to start there. When false, the cluster will instead check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold. Whether a start failure should prevent a resource from being recovered on the same node Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up If false, unresponsive nodes are immediately assumed to be harmless, and resources that were active on them may be recovered elsewhere. This can result in a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. Whether nodes may be fenced as part of recovery - Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") - Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") + Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced + Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default This is set automatically by the cluster according to whether SBD is detected to be in use. User-configured values are ignored. The value `true` is meaningful if diskless SBD is used and `stonith-watchdog-timeout` is nonzero. In that case, if fencing is required, watchdog-based self-fencing will be performed via SBD without requiring a fencing resource explicitly configured. Whether watchdog integration is enabled If this is set to a positive value, lost nodes are assumed to achieve self-fencing using watchdog-based SBD within this much time. This does not require a fencing resource to be explicitly configured, though a fence_watchdog resource can be configured, to limit use to specific nodes. If this is set to 0 (the default), the cluster will never assume watchdog-based self-fencing. If this is set to a negative value, the cluster will use twice the local value of the `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` environment variable if that is positive, or otherwise treat this as 0. WARNING: When used, this timeout must be larger than `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` on all nodes that use watchdog-based SBD, and Pacemaker will refuse to start on any of those nodes where this is not true for the local value or SBD is not active. When this is set to a negative value, `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` must be set to the same value on all nodes that use SBD, otherwise data corruption or loss could occur. How long before nodes can be assumed to be safely down when watchdog-based self-fencing via SBD is in use How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target Allow performing fencing operations in parallel Allow performing fencing operations in parallel Setting this to false may lead to a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. Whether to fence unseen nodes at start-up Apply specified delay for the fencings that are targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority in case we don't have the majority of the nodes in our cluster partition, so that the more significant nodes potentially win any fencing match, which is especially meaningful under split-brain of 2-node cluster. A promoted resource instance takes the base priority + 1 on calculation if the base priority is not 0. Any static/random delays that are introduced by `pcmk_delay_base/max` configured for the corresponding fencing resources will be added to this delay. This delay should be significantly greater than, safely twice, the maximum `pcmk_delay_base/max`. By default, priority fencing delay is disabled. Apply fencing delay targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority Fence nodes that do not join the controller process group within this much time after joining the cluster, to allow the cluster to continue managing resources. A value of 0 means never fence pending nodes. Setting the value to 2h means fence nodes after 2 hours. How long to wait for a node that has joined the cluster to join the controller process group The node elected Designated Controller (DC) will consider an action failed if it does not get a response from the node executing the action within this time (after considering the action's own timeout). The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. Maximum time for node-to-node communication The cluster will slow down its recovery process when the amount of system resources used (currently CPU) approaches this limit Maximum amount of system load that should be used by cluster nodes Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. If set to 0, the cluster will impose a dynamically calculated limit when any node has a high load. Maximum number of jobs that the cluster may execute in parallel across all nodes The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) Raise this if log has "Evicting client" messages for cluster daemon PIDs (a good value is the number of resources in the cluster multiplied by the number of nodes). Maximum IPC message backlog before disconnecting a cluster daemon Whether the cluster should stop all active resources Whether the cluster should stop all active resources Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration - - - Values other than default are poorly tested and potentially dangerous. - Whether to remove stopped resources from the executor - - Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs resulting in errors to save Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs resulting in warnings to save Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs without errors or warnings to save Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with the prefix "#health") with values "red", "yellow", or "green". How cluster should react to node health attributes Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "progressive". Base health score assigned to a node Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "green" Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "yellow" Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "red" How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes =#=#=#= End test: List non-advanced cluster options (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - List non-advanced cluster options (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available cluster options =#=#=#= Pacemaker cluster options Also known as properties, these are options that affect behavior across the entire cluster. They are configured within cluster_property_set elements inside the crm_config subsection of the CIB configuration section. * dc-version: Pacemaker version on cluster node elected Designated Controller (DC) * Includes a hash which identifies the exact revision the code was built from. Used for diagnostic purposes. * Possible values (generated by Pacemaker): version (no default) * cluster-infrastructure: The messaging layer on which Pacemaker is currently running * Used for informational and diagnostic purposes. * Possible values (generated by Pacemaker): string (no default) * cluster-name: An arbitrary name for the cluster * This optional value is mostly for users' convenience as desired in administration, but may also be used in Pacemaker configuration rules via the #cluster-name node attribute, and by higher-level tools and resource agents. * Possible values: string (no default) * dc-deadtime: How long to wait for a response from other nodes during start-up * The optimal value will depend on the speed and load of your network and the type of switches used. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * cluster-recheck-interval: Polling interval to recheck cluster state and evaluate rules with date specifications * Pacemaker is primarily event-driven, and looks ahead to know when to recheck cluster state for failure-timeout settings and most time-based rules. However, it will also recheck the cluster after this amount of inactivity, to evaluate rules with date specifications and serve as a fail-safe for certain types of scheduler bugs. A value of 0 disables polling. A positive value sets an interval in seconds, unless other units are specified (for example, "5min"). * Possible values: duration (default: ) * fence-reaction: How a cluster node should react if notified of its own fencing * A cluster node may receive notification of a "succeeded" fencing that targeted it if fencing is misconfigured, or if fabric fencing is in use that doesn't cut cluster communication. Use "stop" to attempt to immediately stop Pacemaker and stay stopped, or "panic" to attempt to immediately reboot the local node, falling back to stop on failure. * Possible values: "stop" (default), "panic" * no-quorum-policy: What to do when the cluster does not have quorum * Possible values: "stop" (default), "freeze", "ignore", "demote", "fence", "suicide" * shutdown-lock: Whether to lock resources to a cleanly shut down node * When true, resources active on a node when it is cleanly shut down are kept "locked" to that node (not allowed to run elsewhere) until they start again on that node after it rejoins (or for at most shutdown-lock-limit, if set). Stonith resources and Pacemaker Remote connections are never locked. Clone and bundle instances and the promoted role of promotable clones are currently never locked, though support could be added in a future release. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * shutdown-lock-limit: Do not lock resources to a cleanly shut down node longer than this * If shutdown-lock is true and this is set to a nonzero time duration, shutdown locks will expire after this much time has passed since the shutdown was initiated, even if the node has not rejoined. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * enable-acl: Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * symmetric-cluster: Whether resources can run on any node by default * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * maintenance-mode: Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * start-failure-is-fatal: Whether a start failure should prevent a resource from being recovered on the same node * When true, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node if it fails to start there. When false, the cluster will instead check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * enable-startup-probes: Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up * Possible values: boolean (default: ) - * stonith-action: Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") - * Possible values: "reboot" (default), "off", "poweroff" + * stonith-action: Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced + * Possible values: "reboot" (default), "off" * stonith-timeout: How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default * Possible values: duration (default: ) * have-watchdog: Whether watchdog integration is enabled * This is set automatically by the cluster according to whether SBD is detected to be in use. User-configured values are ignored. The value `true` is meaningful if diskless SBD is used and `stonith-watchdog-timeout` is nonzero. In that case, if fencing is required, watchdog-based self-fencing will be performed via SBD without requiring a fencing resource explicitly configured. * Possible values (generated by Pacemaker): boolean (default: ) * stonith-watchdog-timeout: How long before nodes can be assumed to be safely down when watchdog-based self-fencing via SBD is in use * If this is set to a positive value, lost nodes are assumed to achieve self-fencing using watchdog-based SBD within this much time. This does not require a fencing resource to be explicitly configured, though a fence_watchdog resource can be configured, to limit use to specific nodes. If this is set to 0 (the default), the cluster will never assume watchdog-based self-fencing. If this is set to a negative value, the cluster will use twice the local value of the `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` environment variable if that is positive, or otherwise treat this as 0. WARNING: When used, this timeout must be larger than `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` on all nodes that use watchdog-based SBD, and Pacemaker will refuse to start on any of those nodes where this is not true for the local value or SBD is not active. When this is set to a negative value, `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` must be set to the same value on all nodes that use SBD, otherwise data corruption or loss could occur. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * stonith-max-attempts: How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target * Possible values: score (default: ) * priority-fencing-delay: Apply fencing delay targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority * Apply specified delay for the fencings that are targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority in case we don't have the majority of the nodes in our cluster partition, so that the more significant nodes potentially win any fencing match, which is especially meaningful under split-brain of 2-node cluster. A promoted resource instance takes the base priority + 1 on calculation if the base priority is not 0. Any static/random delays that are introduced by `pcmk_delay_base/max` configured for the corresponding fencing resources will be added to this delay. This delay should be significantly greater than, safely twice, the maximum `pcmk_delay_base/max`. By default, priority fencing delay is disabled. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * node-pending-timeout: How long to wait for a node that has joined the cluster to join the controller process group * Fence nodes that do not join the controller process group within this much time after joining the cluster, to allow the cluster to continue managing resources. A value of 0 means never fence pending nodes. Setting the value to 2h means fence nodes after 2 hours. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * cluster-delay: Maximum time for node-to-node communication * The node elected Designated Controller (DC) will consider an action failed if it does not get a response from the node executing the action within this time (after considering the action's own timeout). The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * load-threshold: Maximum amount of system load that should be used by cluster nodes * The cluster will slow down its recovery process when the amount of system resources used (currently CPU) approaches this limit * Possible values: percentage (default: ) * node-action-limit: Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) * Possible values: integer (default: ) * batch-limit: Maximum number of jobs that the cluster may execute in parallel across all nodes * The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. If set to 0, the cluster will impose a dynamically calculated limit when any node has a high load. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * migration-limit: The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) * Possible values: integer (default: ) * cluster-ipc-limit: Maximum IPC message backlog before disconnecting a cluster daemon * Raise this if log has "Evicting client" messages for cluster daemon PIDs (a good value is the number of resources in the cluster multiplied by the number of nodes). * Possible values: nonnegative_integer (default: ) * stop-all-resources: Whether the cluster should stop all active resources * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * stop-orphan-resources: Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * stop-orphan-actions: Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * pe-error-series-max: The number of scheduler inputs resulting in errors to save * Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * pe-warn-series-max: The number of scheduler inputs resulting in warnings to save * Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * pe-input-series-max: The number of scheduler inputs without errors or warnings to save * Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * node-health-strategy: How cluster should react to node health attributes * Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with the prefix "#health") with values "red", "yellow", or "green". * Possible values: "none" (default), "migrate-on-red", "only-green", "progressive", "custom" * node-health-base: Base health score assigned to a node * Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "progressive". * Possible values: score (default: ) * node-health-green: The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "green" * Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". * Possible values: score (default: ) * node-health-yellow: The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "yellow" * Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". * Possible values: score (default: ) * node-health-red: The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "red" * Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". * Possible values: score (default: ) * placement-strategy: How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes * Possible values: "default" (default), "utilization", "minimal", "balanced" * ADVANCED OPTIONS: * election-timeout: Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * shutdown-escalation: Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * join-integration-timeout: If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * join-finalization-timeout: If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * transition-delay: Enabling this option will slow down cluster recovery under all conditions * Delay cluster recovery for this much time to allow for additional events to occur. Useful if your configuration is sensitive to the order in which ping updates arrive. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * stonith-enabled: Whether nodes may be fenced as part of recovery * If false, unresponsive nodes are immediately assumed to be harmless, and resources that were active on them may be recovered elsewhere. This can result in a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * startup-fencing: Whether to fence unseen nodes at start-up * Setting this to false may lead to a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * DEPRECATED OPTIONS (will be removed in a future release): * concurrent-fencing: Allow performing fencing operations in parallel * Possible values: boolean (default: ) - - * remove-after-stop: Whether to remove stopped resources from the executor - * Values other than default are poorly tested and potentially dangerous. - * Possible values: boolean (default: ) =#=#=#= End test: List all available cluster options - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - List all available cluster options =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available cluster options (XML) =#=#=#= 1.1 Also known as properties, these are options that affect behavior across the entire cluster. They are configured within cluster_property_set elements inside the crm_config subsection of the CIB configuration section. Pacemaker cluster options Includes a hash which identifies the exact revision the code was built from. Used for diagnostic purposes. Pacemaker version on cluster node elected Designated Controller (DC) Used for informational and diagnostic purposes. The messaging layer on which Pacemaker is currently running This optional value is mostly for users' convenience as desired in administration, but may also be used in Pacemaker configuration rules via the #cluster-name node attribute, and by higher-level tools and resource agents. An arbitrary name for the cluster The optimal value will depend on the speed and load of your network and the type of switches used. How long to wait for a response from other nodes during start-up Pacemaker is primarily event-driven, and looks ahead to know when to recheck cluster state for failure-timeout settings and most time-based rules. However, it will also recheck the cluster after this amount of inactivity, to evaluate rules with date specifications and serve as a fail-safe for certain types of scheduler bugs. A value of 0 disables polling. A positive value sets an interval in seconds, unless other units are specified (for example, "5min"). Polling interval to recheck cluster state and evaluate rules with date specifications A cluster node may receive notification of a "succeeded" fencing that targeted it if fencing is misconfigured, or if fabric fencing is in use that doesn't cut cluster communication. Use "stop" to attempt to immediately stop Pacemaker and stay stopped, or "panic" to attempt to immediately reboot the local node, falling back to stop on failure. How a cluster node should react if notified of its own fencing Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. Delay cluster recovery for this much time to allow for additional events to occur. Useful if your configuration is sensitive to the order in which ping updates arrive. Enabling this option will slow down cluster recovery under all conditions What to do when the cluster does not have quorum What to do when the cluster does not have quorum When true, resources active on a node when it is cleanly shut down are kept "locked" to that node (not allowed to run elsewhere) until they start again on that node after it rejoins (or for at most shutdown-lock-limit, if set). Stonith resources and Pacemaker Remote connections are never locked. Clone and bundle instances and the promoted role of promotable clones are currently never locked, though support could be added in a future release. Whether to lock resources to a cleanly shut down node If shutdown-lock is true and this is set to a nonzero time duration, shutdown locks will expire after this much time has passed since the shutdown was initiated, even if the node has not rejoined. Do not lock resources to a cleanly shut down node longer than this Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB Whether resources can run on any node by default Whether resources can run on any node by default Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources When true, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node if it fails to start there. When false, the cluster will instead check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold. Whether a start failure should prevent a resource from being recovered on the same node Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up If false, unresponsive nodes are immediately assumed to be harmless, and resources that were active on them may be recovered elsewhere. This can result in a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. Whether nodes may be fenced as part of recovery - Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") - Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") + Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced + Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default This is set automatically by the cluster according to whether SBD is detected to be in use. User-configured values are ignored. The value `true` is meaningful if diskless SBD is used and `stonith-watchdog-timeout` is nonzero. In that case, if fencing is required, watchdog-based self-fencing will be performed via SBD without requiring a fencing resource explicitly configured. Whether watchdog integration is enabled If this is set to a positive value, lost nodes are assumed to achieve self-fencing using watchdog-based SBD within this much time. This does not require a fencing resource to be explicitly configured, though a fence_watchdog resource can be configured, to limit use to specific nodes. If this is set to 0 (the default), the cluster will never assume watchdog-based self-fencing. If this is set to a negative value, the cluster will use twice the local value of the `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` environment variable if that is positive, or otherwise treat this as 0. WARNING: When used, this timeout must be larger than `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` on all nodes that use watchdog-based SBD, and Pacemaker will refuse to start on any of those nodes where this is not true for the local value or SBD is not active. When this is set to a negative value, `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` must be set to the same value on all nodes that use SBD, otherwise data corruption or loss could occur. How long before nodes can be assumed to be safely down when watchdog-based self-fencing via SBD is in use How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target Allow performing fencing operations in parallel Allow performing fencing operations in parallel Setting this to false may lead to a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. Whether to fence unseen nodes at start-up Apply specified delay for the fencings that are targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority in case we don't have the majority of the nodes in our cluster partition, so that the more significant nodes potentially win any fencing match, which is especially meaningful under split-brain of 2-node cluster. A promoted resource instance takes the base priority + 1 on calculation if the base priority is not 0. Any static/random delays that are introduced by `pcmk_delay_base/max` configured for the corresponding fencing resources will be added to this delay. This delay should be significantly greater than, safely twice, the maximum `pcmk_delay_base/max`. By default, priority fencing delay is disabled. Apply fencing delay targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority Fence nodes that do not join the controller process group within this much time after joining the cluster, to allow the cluster to continue managing resources. A value of 0 means never fence pending nodes. Setting the value to 2h means fence nodes after 2 hours. How long to wait for a node that has joined the cluster to join the controller process group The node elected Designated Controller (DC) will consider an action failed if it does not get a response from the node executing the action within this time (after considering the action's own timeout). The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. Maximum time for node-to-node communication The cluster will slow down its recovery process when the amount of system resources used (currently CPU) approaches this limit Maximum amount of system load that should be used by cluster nodes Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. If set to 0, the cluster will impose a dynamically calculated limit when any node has a high load. Maximum number of jobs that the cluster may execute in parallel across all nodes The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) Raise this if log has "Evicting client" messages for cluster daemon PIDs (a good value is the number of resources in the cluster multiplied by the number of nodes). Maximum IPC message backlog before disconnecting a cluster daemon Whether the cluster should stop all active resources Whether the cluster should stop all active resources Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration - - - Values other than default are poorly tested and potentially dangerous. - Whether to remove stopped resources from the executor - - Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs resulting in errors to save Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs resulting in warnings to save Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs without errors or warnings to save Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with the prefix "#health") with values "red", "yellow", or "green". How cluster should react to node health attributes Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "progressive". Base health score assigned to a node Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "green" Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "yellow" Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "red" How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes =#=#=#= End test: List all available cluster options (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - List all available cluster options (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Return usage error if both -p and OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE are empty strings =#=#=#= crm_attribute: -p/--promotion must be called from an OCF resource agent or with a resource ID specified =#=#=#= End test: Return usage error if both -p and OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE are empty strings - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Return usage error if both -p and OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE are empty strings =#=#=#= Begin test: Query the value of an attribute that does not exist =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Error performing operation: No such device or address =#=#=#= End test: Query the value of an attribute that does not exist - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query the value of an attribute that does not exist =#=#=#= Begin test: Configure something before erasing =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Configure something before erasing =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Configure something before erasing - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Configure something before erasing =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '++' XML attribute update syntax =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '++' XML attribute update syntax =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '++' XML attribute update syntax - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Test '++' XML attribute update syntax =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '+=' XML attribute update syntax =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '+=' XML attribute update syntax =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '+=' XML attribute update syntax - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Test '+=' XML attribute update syntax =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Test '++' nvpair value update syntax =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '++' XML attribute update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '++' XML attribute update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '++' XML attribute update syntax (--score not set) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Test '++' XML attribute update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '+=' XML attribute update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '+=' XML attribute update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '+=' XML attribute update syntax (--score not set) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Test '+=' XML attribute update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Test '++' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) =#=#=#= Begin test: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Test '+=' nvpair value update syntax (--score not set) (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Set cluster option =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set cluster option =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set cluster option - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Set cluster option =#=#=#= Begin test: Query new cluster option =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Query new cluster option - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Query new cluster option =#=#=#= Begin test: Set no-quorum policy =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set no-quorum policy =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set no-quorum policy - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Set no-quorum policy =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete nvpair =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete nvpair =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete nvpair - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Delete nvpair =#=#=#= Begin test: Create operation should fail =#=#=#= Call failed: File exists =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create operation should fail =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create operation should fail - Requested item already exists (108) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Create operation should fail =#=#=#= Begin test: Modify cluster options section =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Modify cluster options section =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Modify cluster options section - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Modify cluster options section =#=#=#= Begin test: Query updated cluster option =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Query updated cluster option =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Query updated cluster option - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Query updated cluster option =#=#=#= Begin test: Set duplicate cluster option =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set duplicate cluster option =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set duplicate cluster option - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Set duplicate cluster option =#=#=#= Begin test: Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Please choose from one of the matches below and supply the 'id' with --attr-id Multiple attributes match name=cluster-delay Value: 60s (id=cib-bootstrap-options-cluster-delay) Value: 40s (id=duplicate-cluster-delay) =#=#=#= Current cib after: Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail - Multiple items match request (109) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail =#=#=#= Begin test: Set cluster option with -s =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set cluster option with -s =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set cluster option with -s - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Set cluster option with -s =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete cluster option with -i =#=#=#= Deleted crm_config option: id=(null) name=cluster-delay =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete cluster option with -i =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete cluster option with -i - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Delete cluster option with -i =#=#=#= Begin test: Create node1 and bring it online =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Current cluster status: * Full List of Resources: * No resources Performing Requested Modifications: * Bringing node node1 online Transition Summary: Executing Cluster Transition: Revised Cluster Status: * Node List: * Online: [ node1 ] * Full List of Resources: * No resources =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create node1 and bring it online =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create node1 and bring it online - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_simulate - Create node1 and bring it online =#=#=#= Begin test: Create node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Create node attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query new node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Query new node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Query new node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Query new node attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Create second node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create second node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create second node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Create second node attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= scope=nodes name=ram value=1024M scope=nodes name=rattr value=XYZ =#=#=#= End test: Query node attributes by pattern - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= Begin test: Update node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Update node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update node attributes by pattern - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Update node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= Deleted nodes attribute: id=nodes-node1-rattr name=rattr =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete node attributes by pattern - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Delete node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a transient (fail-count) node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set a transient (fail-count) node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set a transient (fail-count) node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Set a transient (fail-count) node attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query a fail count =#=#=#= scope=status name=fail-count-foo value=3 =#=#=#= Current cib after: Query a fail count =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Query a fail count - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_failcount - Query a fail count =#=#=#= Begin test: Show node attributes with crm_simulate =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Current cluster status: * Node List: * Online: [ node1 ] * Full List of Resources: * No resources * Node Attributes: * Node: node1: * ram : 1024M =#=#=#= End test: Show node attributes with crm_simulate - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_simulate - Show node attributes with crm_simulate =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a second transient node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set a second transient node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set a second transient node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Set a second transient node attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query transient node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= scope=status name=fail-count-foo value=3 scope=status name=fail-count-bar value=5 =#=#=#= End test: Query transient node attributes by pattern - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query transient node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= Begin test: Update transient node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Update transient node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update transient node attributes by pattern - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Update transient node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete transient node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= Deleted status attribute: id=status-node1-fail-count-foo name=fail-count-foo Deleted status attribute: id=status-node1-fail-count-bar name=fail-count-bar =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete transient node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete transient node attributes by pattern - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Delete transient node attributes by pattern =#=#=#= Begin test: crm_attribute given invalid delete usage =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Error: must specify attribute name or pattern to delete =#=#=#= End test: crm_attribute given invalid delete usage - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - crm_attribute given invalid delete usage =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a utilization node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set a utilization node attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set a utilization node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Set a utilization node attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query utilization node attribute =#=#=#= scope=nodes name=cpu value=1 =#=#=#= End test: Query utilization node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query utilization node attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Replace operation should fail =#=#=#= Call failed: Update was older than existing configuration =#=#=#= End test: Replace operation should fail - Update was older than existing configuration (103) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Replace operation should fail =#=#=#= Begin test: Query a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Error performing operation: No such device or address =#=#=#= End test: Query a nonexistent promotable score attribute - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Error performing operation: No such device or address =#=#=#= End test: Query a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete a nonexistent promotable score attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Delete a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Delete a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after deleting a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Error performing operation: No such device or address =#=#=#= End test: Query after deleting a nonexistent promotable score attribute - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after deleting a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after deleting a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Error performing operation: No such device or address =#=#=#= End test: Query after deleting a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after deleting a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Update a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update a nonexistent promotable score attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Update a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Update a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Update a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after updating a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= scope=status name=master-promotable-rsc value=1 =#=#=#= End test: Query after updating a nonexistent promotable score attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after updating a nonexistent promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after updating a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Query after updating a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after updating a nonexistent promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Update an existing promotable score attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update an existing promotable score attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Update an existing promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Update an existing promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update an existing promotable score attribute (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Update an existing promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after updating an existing promotable score attribute =#=#=#= scope=status name=master-promotable-rsc value=5 =#=#=#= End test: Query after updating an existing promotable score attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after updating an existing promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after updating an existing promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Query after updating an existing promotable score attribute (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after updating an existing promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete an existing promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Deleted status attribute: id=status-1-master-promotable-rsc name=master-promotable-rsc =#=#=#= End test: Delete an existing promotable score attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Delete an existing promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete an existing promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete an existing promotable score attribute (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Delete an existing promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after deleting an existing promotable score attribute =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Error performing operation: No such device or address =#=#=#= End test: Query after deleting an existing promotable score attribute - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after deleting an existing promotable score attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after deleting an existing promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= crm_attribute: Error performing operation: No such device or address =#=#=#= End test: Query after deleting an existing promotable score attribute (XML) - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after deleting an existing promotable score attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Update a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Update a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY =#=#=#= Begin test: Update a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Update a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after updating a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY =#=#=#= scope=status name=master-promotable-rsc value=-INFINITY =#=#=#= End test: Query after updating a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after updating a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY =#=#=#= Begin test: Query after updating a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Query after updating a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Query after updating a promotable score attribute to -INFINITY (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Try OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE if -p is specified with an empty string =#=#=#= scope=status name=master-promotable-rsc value=-INFINITY =#=#=#= End test: Try OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE if -p is specified with an empty string - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Try OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE if -p is specified with an empty string diff --git a/cts/cli/regression.daemons.exp b/cts/cli/regression.daemons.exp index 45ce74e3fe..26e9286d58 100644 --- a/cts/cli/regression.daemons.exp +++ b/cts/cli/regression.daemons.exp @@ -1,751 +1,741 @@ =#=#=#= Begin test: Get CIB manager metadata =#=#=#= 1.1 Cluster options used by Pacemaker's Cluster Information Base manager Cluster Information Base manager options Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB Raise this if log has "Evicting client" messages for cluster daemon PIDs (a good value is the number of resources in the cluster multiplied by the number of nodes). Maximum IPC message backlog before disconnecting a cluster daemon =#=#=#= End test: Get CIB manager metadata - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: pacemaker-based - Get CIB manager metadata =#=#=#= Begin test: Get controller metadata =#=#=#= 1.1 Cluster options used by Pacemaker's controller Pacemaker controller options Includes a hash which identifies the exact revision the code was built from. Used for diagnostic purposes. Pacemaker version on cluster node elected Designated Controller (DC) Used for informational and diagnostic purposes. The messaging layer on which Pacemaker is currently running This optional value is mostly for users' convenience as desired in administration, but may also be used in Pacemaker configuration rules via the #cluster-name node attribute, and by higher-level tools and resource agents. An arbitrary name for the cluster The optimal value will depend on the speed and load of your network and the type of switches used. How long to wait for a response from other nodes during start-up Pacemaker is primarily event-driven, and looks ahead to know when to recheck cluster state for failure-timeout settings and most time-based rules. However, it will also recheck the cluster after this amount of inactivity, to evaluate rules with date specifications and serve as a fail-safe for certain types of scheduler bugs. A value of 0 disables polling. A positive value sets an interval in seconds, unless other units are specified (for example, "5min"). Polling interval to recheck cluster state and evaluate rules with date specifications A cluster node may receive notification of a "succeeded" fencing that targeted it if fencing is misconfigured, or if fabric fencing is in use that doesn't cut cluster communication. Use "stop" to attempt to immediately stop Pacemaker and stay stopped, or "panic" to attempt to immediately reboot the local node, falling back to stop on failure. Allowed values: stop, panic How a cluster node should react if notified of its own fencing Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. *** Advanced Use Only *** Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. *** Advanced Use Only *** If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. *** Advanced Use Only *** If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. *** Advanced Use Only *** Delay cluster recovery for this much time to allow for additional events to occur. Useful if your configuration is sensitive to the order in which ping updates arrive. *** Advanced Use Only *** Enabling this option will slow down cluster recovery under all conditions If this is set to a positive value, lost nodes are assumed to achieve self-fencing using watchdog-based SBD within this much time. This does not require a fencing resource to be explicitly configured, though a fence_watchdog resource can be configured, to limit use to specific nodes. If this is set to 0 (the default), the cluster will never assume watchdog-based self-fencing. If this is set to a negative value, the cluster will use twice the local value of the `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` environment variable if that is positive, or otherwise treat this as 0. WARNING: When used, this timeout must be larger than `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` on all nodes that use watchdog-based SBD, and Pacemaker will refuse to start on any of those nodes where this is not true for the local value or SBD is not active. When this is set to a negative value, `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` must be set to the same value on all nodes that use SBD, otherwise data corruption or loss could occur. How long before nodes can be assumed to be safely down when watchdog-based self-fencing via SBD is in use How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target The cluster will slow down its recovery process when the amount of system resources used (currently CPU) approaches this limit Maximum amount of system load that should be used by cluster nodes Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) =#=#=#= End test: Get controller metadata - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: pacemaker-controld - Get controller metadata =#=#=#= Begin test: Get fencer metadata =#=#=#= 1.1 Instance attributes available for all "stonith"-class resources and used by Pacemaker's fence daemon Instance attributes available for all "stonith"-class resources If the fencing agent metadata advertises support for the "port" or "plug" parameter, that will be used as the default, otherwise "none" will be used, which tells the cluster not to supply any additional parameters. *** Advanced Use Only *** Name of agent parameter that should be set to the fencing target For example, "node1:1;node2:2,3" would tell the cluster to use port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2. A mapping of node names to port numbers for devices that do not support node names. Comma-separated list of nodes that can be targeted by this device (for example, "node1,node2,node3"). If pcmk_host_check is "static-list", either this or pcmk_host_map must be set. Nodes targeted by this device Use "dynamic-list" to query the device via the 'list' command; "static-list" to check the pcmk_host_list attribute; "status" to query the device via the 'status' command; or "none" to assume every device can fence every node. The default value is "static-list" if pcmk_host_map or pcmk_host_list is set; otherwise "dynamic-list" if the device supports the list operation; otherwise "status" if the device supports the status operation; otherwise "none" Allowed values: dynamic-list, static-list, status, none How to determine which nodes can be targeted by the device Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. Pacemaker derives the overall delay by taking the value of pcmk_delay_base and adding a random delay value such that the sum is kept below this maximum. Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. This enables a static delay for fencing actions, which can help avoid "death matches" where two nodes try to fence each other at the same time. If pcmk_delay_max is also used, a random delay will be added such that the total delay is kept below that value. This can be set to a single time value to apply to any node targeted by this device (useful if a separate device is configured for each target), or to a node map (for example, "node1:1s;node2:5") to set a different value for each target. Enable a base delay for fencing actions and specify base delay value. If the concurrent-fencing cluster property is "true", this specifies the maximum number of actions that can be performed in parallel on this device. A value of -1 means unlimited. The maximum number of actions can be performed in parallel on this device Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'reboot' action. *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'reboot' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'reboot' actions. *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'reboot' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'reboot' action before giving up. *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'reboot' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'off' action. *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'off' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'off' actions. *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'off' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'off' action before giving up. *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'off' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'on' action. *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'on' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'on' actions. *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'on' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'on' action before giving up. *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'on' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'list' action. *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'list' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'list' actions. *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'list' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'list' action before giving up. *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'list' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'monitor' action. *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'monitor' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'monitor' actions. *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'monitor' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'monitor' action before giving up. *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'monitor' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'status' action. *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'status' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'status' actions. *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'status' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'status' action before giving up. *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'status' command within the timeout period =#=#=#= End test: Get fencer metadata - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: pacemaker-fenced - Get fencer metadata =#=#=#= Begin test: Get scheduler metadata =#=#=#= 1.1 Cluster options used by Pacemaker's scheduler Pacemaker scheduler options What to do when the cluster does not have quorum Allowed values: stop, freeze, ignore, demote, fence, suicide What to do when the cluster does not have quorum When true, resources active on a node when it is cleanly shut down are kept "locked" to that node (not allowed to run elsewhere) until they start again on that node after it rejoins (or for at most shutdown-lock-limit, if set). Stonith resources and Pacemaker Remote connections are never locked. Clone and bundle instances and the promoted role of promotable clones are currently never locked, though support could be added in a future release. Whether to lock resources to a cleanly shut down node If shutdown-lock is true and this is set to a nonzero time duration, shutdown locks will expire after this much time has passed since the shutdown was initiated, even if the node has not rejoined. Do not lock resources to a cleanly shut down node longer than this Whether resources can run on any node by default Whether resources can run on any node by default Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources When true, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node if it fails to start there. When false, the cluster will instead check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold. Whether a start failure should prevent a resource from being recovered on the same node Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up If false, unresponsive nodes are immediately assumed to be harmless, and resources that were active on them may be recovered elsewhere. This can result in a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. *** Advanced Use Only *** Whether nodes may be fenced as part of recovery - Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") Allowed values: reboot, off, poweroff + Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced Allowed values: reboot, off - Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") + Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default This is set automatically by the cluster according to whether SBD is detected to be in use. User-configured values are ignored. The value `true` is meaningful if diskless SBD is used and `stonith-watchdog-timeout` is nonzero. In that case, if fencing is required, watchdog-based self-fencing will be performed via SBD without requiring a fencing resource explicitly configured. Whether watchdog integration is enabled Allow performing fencing operations in parallel *** Deprecated *** Setting this to false may lead to a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. *** Advanced Use Only *** Whether to fence unseen nodes at start-up Apply specified delay for the fencings that are targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority in case we don't have the majority of the nodes in our cluster partition, so that the more significant nodes potentially win any fencing match, which is especially meaningful under split-brain of 2-node cluster. A promoted resource instance takes the base priority + 1 on calculation if the base priority is not 0. Any static/random delays that are introduced by `pcmk_delay_base/max` configured for the corresponding fencing resources will be added to this delay. This delay should be significantly greater than, safely twice, the maximum `pcmk_delay_base/max`. By default, priority fencing delay is disabled. Apply fencing delay targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority Fence nodes that do not join the controller process group within this much time after joining the cluster, to allow the cluster to continue managing resources. A value of 0 means never fence pending nodes. Setting the value to 2h means fence nodes after 2 hours. How long to wait for a node that has joined the cluster to join the controller process group The node elected Designated Controller (DC) will consider an action failed if it does not get a response from the node executing the action within this time (after considering the action's own timeout). The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. Maximum time for node-to-node communication The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. If set to 0, the cluster will impose a dynamically calculated limit when any node has a high load. Maximum number of jobs that the cluster may execute in parallel across all nodes The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) Whether the cluster should stop all active resources Whether the cluster should stop all active resources Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration - - - Values other than default are poorly tested and potentially dangerous. - - - *** Deprecated *** Whether to remove stopped resources from the executor - - - Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs resulting in errors to save Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs resulting in warnings to save Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs without errors or warnings to save Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with the prefix "#health") with values "red", "yellow", or "green". Allowed values: none, migrate-on-red, only-green, progressive, custom How cluster should react to node health attributes Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "progressive". Base health score assigned to a node Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "green" Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "yellow" Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "red" How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes Allowed values: default, utilization, minimal, balanced How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes =#=#=#= End test: Get scheduler metadata - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: pacemaker-schedulerd - Get scheduler metadata diff --git a/include/crm/common/actions_internal.h b/include/crm/common/actions_internal.h index 95809ca058..f05e9d59d5 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/actions_internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/actions_internal.h @@ -1,275 +1,269 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_ACTIONS_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_ACTIONS_INTERNAL__H #include // bool #include // uint32_t, UINT32_C() #include // guint, GList, GHashTable #include // xmlNode #include // PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR #include // enum rsc_role_e #include // pcmk_resource_t, pcmk_node_t #include // pcmk__str_eq() #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -// Action names as strings - -// @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.0.0 -#define PCMK__ACTION_POWEROFF "poweroff" - - //! printf-style format to create operation key from resource, action, interval #define PCMK__OP_FMT "%s_%s_%u" /*! * \internal * \brief Set action flags for an action * * \param[in,out] action Action to set flags for * \param[in] flags_to_set Group of enum pcmk__action_flags to set */ #define pcmk__set_action_flags(action, flags_to_set) do { \ (action)->flags = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, \ "Action", (action)->uuid, \ (action)->flags, \ (flags_to_set), \ #flags_to_set); \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Clear action flags for an action * * \param[in,out] action Action to clear flags for * \param[in] flags_to_clear Group of enum pcmk__action_flags to clear */ #define pcmk__clear_action_flags(action, flags_to_clear) do { \ (action)->flags = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, \ "Action", (action)->uuid, \ (action)->flags, \ (flags_to_clear), \ #flags_to_clear); \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Set action flags for a flag group * * \param[in,out] action_flags Flag group to set flags for * \param[in] action_name Name of action being modified (for logging) * \param[in] to_set Group of enum pcmk__action_flags to set */ #define pcmk__set_raw_action_flags(action_flags, action_name, to_set) do { \ action_flags = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, "Action", action_name, \ (action_flags), \ (to_set), #to_set); \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Clear action flags for a flag group * * \param[in,out] action_flags Flag group to clear flags for * \param[in] action_name Name of action being modified (for logging) * \param[in] to_clear Group of enum pcmk__action_flags to clear */ #define pcmk__clear_raw_action_flags(action_flags, action_name, to_clear) \ do { \ action_flags = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, LOG_TRACE, \ "Action", action_name, \ (action_flags), \ (to_clear), #to_clear); \ } while (0) // Possible actions (including some pseudo-actions) enum pcmk__action_type { pcmk__action_unspecified = 0, // Unspecified or unknown action pcmk__action_monitor, // Monitor // Each "completed" action must be the regular action plus 1 pcmk__action_stop, // Stop pcmk__action_stopped, // Stop completed pcmk__action_start, // Start pcmk__action_started, // Start completed pcmk__action_notify, // Notify pcmk__action_notified, // Notify completed pcmk__action_promote, // Promote pcmk__action_promoted, // Promoted pcmk__action_demote, // Demote pcmk__action_demoted, // Demoted pcmk__action_shutdown, // Shut down node pcmk__action_fence, // Fence node }; // Action scheduling flags enum pcmk__action_flags { // No action flags set (compare with equality rather than bit set) pcmk__no_action_flags = 0, // Whether action does not require invoking an agent pcmk__action_pseudo = (UINT32_C(1) << 0), // Whether action is runnable pcmk__action_runnable = (UINT32_C(1) << 1), // Whether action should not be executed pcmk__action_optional = (UINT32_C(1) << 2), // Whether action should be added to transition graph even if optional pcmk__action_always_in_graph = (UINT32_C(1) << 3), // Whether operation-specific instance attributes have been unpacked yet pcmk__action_attrs_evaluated = (UINT32_C(1) << 4), // Whether action is allowed to be part of a live migration pcmk__action_migratable = (UINT32_C(1) << 7), // Whether action has been added to transition graph pcmk__action_added_to_graph = (UINT32_C(1) << 8), // Whether action is a stop to abort a dangling migration pcmk__action_migration_abort = (UINT32_C(1) << 11), // Whether action is recurring monitor that must be rescheduled if active pcmk__action_reschedule = (UINT32_C(1) << 13), // Whether action has already been processed by a recursive procedure pcmk__action_detect_loop = (UINT32_C(1) << 14), // Whether action's inputs have been de-duplicated yet pcmk__action_inputs_deduplicated = (UINT32_C(1) << 15), // Whether action can be executed on DC rather than own node pcmk__action_on_dc = (UINT32_C(1) << 16), }; /* Possible responses to a resource action failure * * The order is significant; the values are in order of increasing severity so * that they can be compared with less than and greater than. */ enum pcmk__on_fail { pcmk__on_fail_ignore, // Act as if failure didn't happen pcmk__on_fail_demote, // Demote if promotable, else stop pcmk__on_fail_restart, // Restart resource /* Fence the remote node created by the resource if fencing is enabled, * otherwise attempt to restart the resource (used internally for some * remote connection failures). */ pcmk__on_fail_reset_remote, pcmk__on_fail_restart_container, // Restart resource's container pcmk__on_fail_ban, // Ban resource from current node pcmk__on_fail_block, // Treat resource as unmanaged pcmk__on_fail_stop, // Stop resource and leave stopped pcmk__on_fail_standby_node, // Put resource's node in standby pcmk__on_fail_fence_node, // Fence resource's node }; // What resource needs before it can be recovered from a failed node enum pcmk__requires { pcmk__requires_nothing = 0, // Resource can be recovered immediately pcmk__requires_quorum = 1, // Resource can be recovered if quorate pcmk__requires_fencing = 2, // Resource can be recovered after fencing }; // Implementation of pcmk_action_t struct pcmk__action { int id; // Counter to identify action /* * When the controller aborts a transition graph, it sets an abort priority. * If this priority is higher, the action will still be executed anyway. * Pseudo-actions are always allowed, so this is irrelevant for them. */ int priority; pcmk_resource_t *rsc; // Resource to apply action to, if any pcmk_node_t *node; // Node to execute action on, if any xmlNode *op_entry; // Action XML configuration, if any char *task; // Action name char *uuid; // Action key char *cancel_task; // If task is "cancel", the action being cancelled char *reason; // Readable description of why action is needed uint32_t flags; // Group of enum pcmk__action_flags enum pcmk__requires needs; // Prerequisite for recovery enum pcmk__on_fail on_fail; // Response to failure enum rsc_role_e fail_role; // Resource role if action fails GHashTable *meta; // Meta-attributes relevant to action GHashTable *extra; // Action-specific instance attributes pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler; // Scheduler data this action is part of /* Current count of runnable instance actions for "first" action in an * ordering dependency with pcmk__ar_min_runnable set. */ int runnable_before; /* * Number of instance actions for "first" action in an ordering dependency * with pcmk__ar_min_runnable set that must be runnable before this action * can be runnable. */ int required_runnable_before; // Actions in a relation with this one (as pcmk__related_action_t *) GList *actions_before; GList *actions_after; }; char *pcmk__op_key(const char *rsc_id, const char *op_type, guint interval_ms); char *pcmk__notify_key(const char *rsc_id, const char *notify_type, const char *op_type); char *pcmk__transition_key(int transition_id, int action_id, int target_rc, const char *node); void pcmk__filter_op_for_digest(xmlNode *param_set); bool pcmk__is_fencing_action(const char *action); enum pcmk__action_type pcmk__parse_action(const char *action_name); const char *pcmk__action_text(enum pcmk__action_type action); const char *pcmk__on_fail_text(enum pcmk__on_fail on_fail); /*! * \internal * \brief Get a human-friendly action name * * \param[in] action_name Actual action name * \param[in] interval_ms Action interval (in milliseconds) * * \return Action name suitable for display */ static inline const char * pcmk__readable_action(const char *action_name, guint interval_ms) { if ((interval_ms == 0) && pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, pcmk__str_none)) { return "probe"; } return action_name; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_COMMON_ACTIONS_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/include/crm/common/logging_internal.h b/include/crm/common/logging_internal.h index 826b55144e..7bbde5d62d 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/logging_internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/logging_internal.h @@ -1,243 +1,241 @@ /* * Copyright 2015-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_LOGGING_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_LOGGING_INTERNAL__H #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Some warnings are too noisy when logged every time a given function is called * (for example, using a deprecated feature). As an alternative, we allow * warnings to be logged once per invocation of the calling program. Each of * those warnings needs a flag defined here. */ enum pcmk__warnings { pcmk__wo_blind = (1 << 0), pcmk__wo_restart_type = (1 << 1), pcmk__wo_role_after = (1 << 2), - pcmk__wo_poweroff = (1 << 3), pcmk__wo_require_all = (1 << 4), pcmk__wo_order_score = (1 << 5), - pcmk__wo_remove_after = (1 << 7), pcmk__wo_group_order = (1 << 11), pcmk__wo_group_coloc = (1 << 12), pcmk__wo_set_ordering = (1 << 15), pcmk__wo_rdisc_enabled = (1 << 16), pcmk__wo_op_attr_expr = (1 << 19), pcmk__wo_instance_defaults = (1 << 20), pcmk__wo_multiple_rules = (1 << 21), pcmk__wo_clone_master_max = (1 << 23), pcmk__wo_clone_master_node_max = (1 << 24), pcmk__wo_master_role = (1 << 26), pcmk__wo_slave_role = (1 << 27), }; /*! * \internal * \brief Log a warning once per invocation of calling program * * \param[in] wo_flag enum pcmk__warnings value for this warning * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format and arguments */ #define pcmk__warn_once(wo_flag, fmt...) do { \ if (!pcmk_is_set(pcmk__warnings, wo_flag)) { \ if (wo_flag == pcmk__wo_blind) { \ crm_warn(fmt); \ } else { \ pcmk__config_warn(fmt); \ } \ pcmk__warnings = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, \ "Warn-once", "logging", \ pcmk__warnings, \ (wo_flag), #wo_flag); \ } \ } while (0) typedef void (*pcmk__config_error_func) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); typedef void (*pcmk__config_warning_func) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); extern pcmk__config_error_func pcmk__config_error_handler; extern pcmk__config_warning_func pcmk__config_warning_handler; extern void *pcmk__config_error_context; extern void *pcmk__config_warning_context; void pcmk__set_config_error_handler(pcmk__config_error_func error_handler, void *error_context); void pcmk__set_config_warning_handler(pcmk__config_warning_func warning_handler, void *warning_context); /* Pacemaker library functions set this when a configuration error is found, * which turns on extra messages at the end of processing. */ extern bool pcmk__config_has_error; /* Pacemaker library functions set this when a configuration warning is found, * which turns on extra messages at the end of processing. */ extern bool pcmk__config_has_warning; /*! * \internal * \brief Log an error and make crm_verify return failure status * * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format string and arguments */ #define pcmk__config_err(fmt...) do { \ pcmk__config_has_error = true; \ if (pcmk__config_error_handler == NULL) { \ crm_err(fmt); \ } else { \ pcmk__config_error_handler(pcmk__config_error_context, fmt); \ } \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Log a warning and make crm_verify return failure status * * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format string and arguments */ #define pcmk__config_warn(fmt...) do { \ pcmk__config_has_warning = true; \ if (pcmk__config_warning_handler == NULL) { \ crm_warn(fmt); \ } else { \ pcmk__config_warning_handler(pcmk__config_warning_context, fmt);\ } \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Execute code depending on whether trace logging is enabled * * This is similar to \p do_crm_log_unlikely() except instead of logging, it * selects one of two code blocks to execute. * * \param[in] if_action Code block to execute if trace logging is enabled * \param[in] else_action Code block to execute if trace logging is not enabled * * \note Neither \p if_action nor \p else_action can contain a \p break or * \p continue statement. */ #define pcmk__if_tracing(if_action, else_action) do { \ static struct qb_log_callsite *trace_cs = NULL; \ \ if (trace_cs == NULL) { \ trace_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(__func__, __FILE__, \ "if_tracing", LOG_TRACE, \ __LINE__, crm_trace_nonlog); \ } \ if (crm_is_callsite_active(trace_cs, LOG_TRACE, \ crm_trace_nonlog)) { \ if_action; \ } else { \ else_action; \ } \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Log XML changes line-by-line in a formatted fashion * * \param[in] level Priority at which to log the messages * \param[in] xml XML to log * * \note This does nothing when \p level is \c LOG_STDOUT. */ #define pcmk__log_xml_changes(level, xml) do { \ uint8_t _level = pcmk__clip_log_level(level); \ static struct qb_log_callsite *xml_cs = NULL; \ \ switch (_level) { \ case LOG_STDOUT: \ case LOG_NEVER: \ break; \ default: \ if (xml_cs == NULL) { \ xml_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(__func__, __FILE__, \ "xml-changes", _level, \ __LINE__, 0); \ } \ if (crm_is_callsite_active(xml_cs, _level, 0)) { \ pcmk__log_xml_changes_as(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, \ 0, _level, xml); \ } \ break; \ } \ } while(0) /*! * \internal * \brief Log an XML patchset line-by-line in a formatted fashion * * \param[in] level Priority at which to log the messages * \param[in] patchset XML patchset to log * * \note This does nothing when \p level is \c LOG_STDOUT. */ #define pcmk__log_xml_patchset(level, patchset) do { \ uint8_t _level = pcmk__clip_log_level(level); \ static struct qb_log_callsite *xml_cs = NULL; \ \ switch (_level) { \ case LOG_STDOUT: \ case LOG_NEVER: \ break; \ default: \ if (xml_cs == NULL) { \ xml_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(__func__, __FILE__, \ "xml-patchset", _level, \ __LINE__, 0); \ } \ if (crm_is_callsite_active(xml_cs, _level, 0)) { \ pcmk__log_xml_patchset_as(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, \ 0, _level, patchset); \ } \ break; \ } \ } while(0) void pcmk__log_xml_changes_as(const char *file, const char *function, uint32_t line, uint32_t tags, uint8_t level, const xmlNode *xml); void pcmk__log_xml_patchset_as(const char *file, const char *function, uint32_t line, uint32_t tags, uint8_t level, const xmlNode *patchset); /*! * \internal * \brief Initialize logging for command line tools * * \param[in] name The name of the program * \param[in] verbosity How verbose to be in logging * * \note \p verbosity is not the same as the logging level (LOG_ERR, etc.). */ void pcmk__cli_init_logging(const char *name, unsigned int verbosity); int pcmk__add_logfile(const char *filename); void pcmk__add_logfiles(gchar **log_files, pcmk__output_t *out); void pcmk__free_common_logger(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_COMMON_LOGGING_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/include/crm/common/options_internal.h b/include/crm/common/options_internal.h index 142bea4d10..1e8086ca7a 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/options_internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/options_internal.h @@ -1,259 +1,256 @@ /* * Copyright 2006-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_OPTIONS_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_OPTIONS_INTERNAL__H #ifndef PCMK__CONFIG_H #define PCMK__CONFIG_H #include // _Noreturn #endif #include // GHashTable #include // bool #include // pcmk_parse_interval_spec() #include // pcmk__output_t #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif _Noreturn void pcmk__cli_help(char cmd); /* * Environment variable option handling */ const char *pcmk__env_option(const char *option); void pcmk__set_env_option(const char *option, const char *value, bool compat); bool pcmk__env_option_enabled(const char *daemon, const char *option); /* * Cluster option handling */ /*! * \internal * \enum pcmk__opt_flags * \brief Option flags */ enum pcmk__opt_flags { pcmk__opt_none = 0U, //!< No additional information /*! * \brief In CIB manager metadata * * \deprecated This flag will be removed with CIB manager metadata */ pcmk__opt_based = (1U << 0), /*! * \brief In controller metadata * * \deprecated This flag will be removed with controller metadata */ pcmk__opt_controld = (1U << 1), /*! * \brief In scheduler metadata * * \deprecated This flag will be removed with scheduler metadata */ pcmk__opt_schedulerd = (1U << 2), pcmk__opt_advanced = (1U << 3), //!< Advanced use only pcmk__opt_generated = (1U << 4), //!< Generated by Pacemaker pcmk__opt_deprecated = (1U << 5), //!< Option is deprecated pcmk__opt_fencing = (1U << 6), //!< Common fencing resource parameter pcmk__opt_primitive = (1U << 7), //!< Primitive resource meta-attribute }; typedef struct pcmk__cluster_option_s { const char *name; const char *alt_name; const char *type; const char *values; const char *default_value; bool (*is_valid)(const char *); uint32_t flags; //!< Group of enum pcmk__opt_flags const char *description_short; const char *description_long; } pcmk__cluster_option_t; const char *pcmk__cluster_option(GHashTable *options, const char *name); int pcmk__output_cluster_options(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *desc_short, const char *desc_long, uint32_t filter, bool all); int pcmk__output_fencing_params(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *desc_short, const char *desc_long, bool all); int pcmk__output_primitive_meta(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *desc_short, const char *desc_long, bool all); int pcmk__daemon_metadata(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *short_desc, const char *long_desc, enum pcmk__opt_flags filter); void pcmk__validate_cluster_options(GHashTable *options); bool pcmk__valid_interval_spec(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_boolean(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_int(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_positive_int(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_no_quorum_policy(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_percentage(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_placement_strategy(const char *value); // from watchdog.c long pcmk__get_sbd_watchdog_timeout(void); bool pcmk__get_sbd_sync_resource_startup(void); long pcmk__auto_stonith_watchdog_timeout(void); bool pcmk__valid_stonith_watchdog_timeout(const char *value); // Constants for environment variable names #define PCMK__ENV_AUTHKEY_LOCATION "authkey_location" #define PCMK__ENV_BLACKBOX "blackbox" #define PCMK__ENV_CALLGRIND_ENABLED "callgrind_enabled" #define PCMK__ENV_CLUSTER_TYPE "cluster_type" #define PCMK__ENV_DEBUG "debug" #define PCMK__ENV_DH_MAX_BITS "dh_max_bits" #define PCMK__ENV_FAIL_FAST "fail_fast" #define PCMK__ENV_IPC_BUFFER "ipc_buffer" #define PCMK__ENV_IPC_TYPE "ipc_type" #define PCMK__ENV_LOGFACILITY "logfacility" #define PCMK__ENV_LOGFILE "logfile" #define PCMK__ENV_LOGFILE_MODE "logfile_mode" #define PCMK__ENV_LOGPRIORITY "logpriority" #define PCMK__ENV_NODE_ACTION_LIMIT "node_action_limit" #define PCMK__ENV_NODE_START_STATE "node_start_state" #define PCMK__ENV_PANIC_ACTION "panic_action" #define PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_ADDRESS "remote_address" #define PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY "remote_schema_directory" #define PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_PID1 "remote_pid1" #define PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_PORT "remote_port" #define PCMK__ENV_RESPAWNED "respawned" #define PCMK__ENV_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY "schema_directory" #define PCMK__ENV_SERVICE "service" #define PCMK__ENV_STDERR "stderr" #define PCMK__ENV_TLS_PRIORITIES "tls_priorities" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_BLACKBOX "trace_blackbox" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_FILES "trace_files" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_FORMATS "trace_formats" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_FUNCTIONS "trace_functions" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_TAGS "trace_tags" #define PCMK__ENV_VALGRIND_ENABLED "valgrind_enabled" -// @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.1.0 -#define PCMK__OPT_REMOVE_AFTER_STOP "remove-after-stop" - // Constants for meta-attribute names #define PCMK__META_CLONE "clone" #define PCMK__META_CONTAINER "container" #define PCMK__META_DIGESTS_ALL "digests-all" #define PCMK__META_DIGESTS_SECURE "digests-secure" #define PCMK__META_INTERNAL_RSC "internal_rsc" #define PCMK__META_MIGRATE_SOURCE "migrate_source" #define PCMK__META_MIGRATE_TARGET "migrate_target" #define PCMK__META_ON_NODE "on_node" #define PCMK__META_ON_NODE_UUID "on_node_uuid" #define PCMK__META_OP_NO_WAIT "op_no_wait" #define PCMK__META_OP_TARGET_RC "op_target_rc" #define PCMK__META_PHYSICAL_HOST "physical-host" #define PCMK__META_STONITH_ACTION "stonith_action" /* @TODO Plug these in. Currently, they're never set. These are op attrs for use * with https://projects.clusterlabs.org/T382. */ #define PCMK__META_CLEAR_FAILURE_OP "clear_failure_op" #define PCMK__META_CLEAR_FAILURE_INTERVAL "clear_failure_interval" // @COMPAT Deprecated meta-attribute since 2.1.0 #define PCMK__META_CAN_FAIL "can_fail" // @COMPAT Deprecated alias for PCMK__META_PROMOTED_MAX since 2.0.0 #define PCMK__META_PROMOTED_MAX_LEGACY "master-max" // @COMPAT Deprecated alias for PCMK__META_PROMOTED_NODE_MAX since 2.0.0 #define PCMK__META_PROMOTED_NODE_MAX_LEGACY "master-node-max" // @COMPAT Deprecated meta-attribute since 2.0.0 #define PCMK__META_RESTART_TYPE "restart-type" // @COMPAT Deprecated meta-attribute since 2.0.0 #define PCMK__META_ROLE_AFTER_FAILURE "role_after_failure" // Constants for enumerated values #define PCMK__VALUE_ATTRD "attrd" #define PCMK__VALUE_BOLD "bold" #define PCMK__VALUE_BROADCAST "broadcast" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB "cib" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY "cib_diff_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_NOTIFY "cib_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_POST_NOTIFY "cib_post_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_PRE_NOTIFY "cib_pre_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_UPDATE_CONFIRMATION "cib_update_confirmation" #define PCMK__VALUE_CLUSTER "cluster" #define PCMK__VALUE_CRMD "crmd" #define PCMK__VALUE_EN "en" #define PCMK__VALUE_EPOCH "epoch" #define PCMK__VALUE_HEALTH_RED "health_red" #define PCMK__VALUE_HEALTH_YELLOW "health_yellow" #define PCMK__VALUE_INIT "init" #define PCMK__VALUE_LOCAL "local" #define PCMK__VALUE_LOST "lost" #define PCMK__VALUE_LRMD "lrmd" #define PCMK__VALUE_MAINT "maint" #define PCMK__VALUE_OUTPUT "output" #define PCMK__VALUE_PASSWORD "password" #define PCMK__VALUE_PRIMITIVE "primitive" #define PCMK__VALUE_REFRESH "refresh" #define PCMK__VALUE_REQUEST "request" #define PCMK__VALUE_RESPONSE "response" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_FAILED "rsc-failed" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_FAILURE_IGNORED "rsc-failure-ignored" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_MANAGED "rsc-managed" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_MULTIPLE "rsc-multiple" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_OK "rsc-ok" #define PCMK__VALUE_RUNNING "running" #define PCMK__VALUE_SCHEDULER "scheduler" #define PCMK__VALUE_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE "shutdown_complete" #define PCMK__VALUE_SHUTTING_DOWN "shutting_down" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_VALUE "st-async-timeout-value" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY "st_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT "st_notify_disconnect" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_FENCE "st_notify_fence" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_HISTORY "st_notify_history" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_HISTORY_SYNCED "st_notify_history_synced" #define PCMK__VALUE_STARTING_DAEMONS "starting_daemons" #define PCMK__VALUE_STONITH_NG "stonith-ng" #define PCMK__VALUE_WAIT_FOR_PING "wait_for_ping" #define PCMK__VALUE_WARNING "warning" /* @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.1.7 (used with PCMK__XA_ORDERING attribute of * resource sets) */ #define PCMK__VALUE_GROUP "group" // @COMPAT Drop when daemon metadata commands are dropped #define PCMK__VALUE_TIME "time" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__OPTIONS_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/include/crm/common/scheduler_internal.h b/include/crm/common/scheduler_internal.h index 6d8243330e..39e806d92c 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/scheduler_internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/scheduler_internal.h @@ -1,289 +1,286 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL__H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif enum pcmk__check_parameters { /* Clear fail count if parameters changed for un-expired start or monitor * last_failure. */ pcmk__check_last_failure, /* Clear fail count if parameters changed for start, monitor, promote, or * migrate_from actions for active resources. */ pcmk__check_active, }; // Scheduling options and conditions enum pcmk__scheduler_flags { // No scheduler flags set (compare with equality rather than bit set) pcmk__sched_none = 0ULL, /* These flags are dynamically determined conditions */ // Whether partition has quorum (via \c PCMK_XA_HAVE_QUORUM attribute) //! \deprecated Call pcmk_has_quorum() to check quorum instead pcmk__sched_quorate = (1ULL << 0), // Whether cluster is symmetric (via symmetric-cluster property) pcmk__sched_symmetric_cluster = (1ULL << 1), // Whether scheduling encountered a non-configuration error pcmk__sched_processing_error = (1ULL << 2), // Whether cluster is in maintenance mode (via maintenance-mode property) pcmk__sched_in_maintenance = (1ULL << 3), // Whether fencing is enabled (via stonith-enabled property) pcmk__sched_fencing_enabled = (1ULL << 4), // Whether cluster has a fencing resource (via CIB resources) /*! \deprecated To indicate the cluster has a fencing resource, add either a * fencing resource configuration or the have-watchdog cluster option to the * input CIB */ pcmk__sched_have_fencing = (1ULL << 5), // Whether any resource provides or requires unfencing (via CIB resources) pcmk__sched_enable_unfencing = (1ULL << 6), // Whether concurrent fencing is allowed (via concurrent-fencing property) pcmk__sched_concurrent_fencing = (1ULL << 7), /* * Whether resources removed from the configuration should be stopped (via * stop-orphan-resources property) */ pcmk__sched_stop_removed_resources = (1ULL << 8), /* * Whether recurring actions removed from the configuration should be * cancelled (via stop-orphan-actions property) */ pcmk__sched_cancel_removed_actions = (1ULL << 9), // Whether to stop all resources (via stop-all-resources property) pcmk__sched_stop_all = (1ULL << 10), // Whether scheduler processing encountered a warning pcmk__sched_processing_warning = (1ULL << 11), /* * Whether start failure should be treated as if * \c PCMK_META_MIGRATION_THRESHOLD is 1 (via * \c PCMK_OPT_START_FAILURE_IS_FATAL property) */ pcmk__sched_start_failure_fatal = (1ULL << 12), - // Unused - pcmk__sched_remove_after_stop = (1ULL << 13), - // Whether unseen nodes should be fenced (via startup-fencing property) pcmk__sched_startup_fencing = (1ULL << 14), /* * Whether resources should be left stopped when their node shuts down * cleanly (via shutdown-lock property) */ pcmk__sched_shutdown_lock = (1ULL << 15), /* * Whether resources' current state should be probed (when unknown) before * scheduling any other actions (via the enable-startup-probes property) */ pcmk__sched_probe_resources = (1ULL << 16), // Whether the CIB status section has been parsed yet pcmk__sched_have_status = (1ULL << 17), // Whether the cluster includes any Pacemaker Remote nodes (via CIB) pcmk__sched_have_remote_nodes = (1ULL << 18), /* The remaining flags are scheduling options that must be set explicitly */ /* * Whether to skip unpacking the CIB status section and stop the scheduling * sequence after applying node-specific location criteria (skipping * assignment, ordering, actions, etc.). */ pcmk__sched_location_only = (1ULL << 20), // Whether sensitive resource attributes have been masked pcmk__sched_sanitized = (1ULL << 21), // Skip counting of total, disabled, and blocked resource instances pcmk__sched_no_counts = (1ULL << 23), // Whether node scores should be output instead of logged pcmk__sched_output_scores = (1ULL << 25), // Whether to show node and resource utilization (in log or output) pcmk__sched_show_utilization = (1ULL << 26), /* * Whether to stop the scheduling sequence after unpacking the CIB, * calculating cluster status, and applying node health (skipping * applying node-specific location criteria, assignment, etc.) */ pcmk__sched_validate_only = (1ULL << 27), }; // Implementation of pcmk__scheduler_private_t struct pcmk__scheduler_private { // Be careful about when each piece of information is available and final char *local_node_name; // Name of node running scheduler (if known) crm_time_t *now; // Time to use when evaluating rules pcmk__output_t *out; // Output object for displaying messages GHashTable *options; // Cluster options const char *fence_action; // Default fencing action guint fence_timeout_ms; // Default fencing action timeout (in ms) guint priority_fencing_ms; // Priority-based fencing delay (in ms) guint shutdown_lock_ms; // How long to lock resources (in ms) guint node_pending_ms; // Pending join times out after this (in ms) const char *placement_strategy; // Value of placement-strategy property xmlNode *rsc_defaults; // Configured resource defaults xmlNode *op_defaults; // Configured operation defaults GList *resources; // Resources in cluster GHashTable *templates; // Key = template ID, value = resource list GHashTable *tags; // Key = tag ID, value = element list GList *actions; // All scheduled actions GHashTable *singletons; // Scheduled non-resource actions int next_action_id; // Counter used as ID for actions xmlNode *failed; // History entries of failed actions GList *param_check; // History entries that need to be checked GList *stop_needed; // Containers that need stop actions GList *location_constraints; // Location constraints GList *colocation_constraints; // Colocation constraints GList *ordering_constraints; // Ordering constraints GHashTable *ticket_constraints; // Key = ticket ID, value = pcmk__ticket_t int next_ordering_id; // Counter used as ID for orderings int ninstances; // Total number of resource instances int blocked_resources; // Number of blocked resources in cluster int disabled_resources; // Number of disabled resources in cluster time_t recheck_by; // Hint to controller when to reschedule xmlNode *graph; // Transition graph int synapse_count; // Number of transition graph synapses }; // Group of enum pcmk__warnings flags for warnings we want to log once extern uint32_t pcmk__warnings; /*! * \internal * \brief Log a resource-tagged message at info severity * * \param[in] rsc Tag message with this resource's ID * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format and arguments */ #define pcmk__rsc_info(rsc, fmt, args...) \ crm_log_tag(LOG_INFO, ((rsc) == NULL)? "" : (rsc)->id, (fmt), ##args) /*! * \internal * \brief Log a resource-tagged message at debug severity * * \param[in] rsc Tag message with this resource's ID * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format and arguments */ #define pcmk__rsc_debug(rsc, fmt, args...) \ crm_log_tag(LOG_DEBUG, ((rsc) == NULL)? "" : (rsc)->id, (fmt), ##args) /*! * \internal * \brief Log a resource-tagged message at trace severity * * \param[in] rsc Tag message with this resource's ID * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format and arguments */ #define pcmk__rsc_trace(rsc, fmt, args...) \ crm_log_tag(LOG_TRACE, ((rsc) == NULL)? "" : (rsc)->id, (fmt), ##args) /*! * \internal * \brief Log an error and remember that current scheduler input has errors * * \param[in,out] scheduler Scheduler data * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format and arguments */ #define pcmk__sched_err(scheduler, fmt...) do { \ pcmk__set_scheduler_flags((scheduler), \ pcmk__sched_processing_error); \ crm_err(fmt); \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Log a warning and remember that current scheduler input has warnings * * \param[in,out] scheduler Scheduler data * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format and arguments */ #define pcmk__sched_warn(scheduler, fmt...) do { \ pcmk__set_scheduler_flags((scheduler), \ pcmk__sched_processing_warning); \ crm_warn(fmt); \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Set scheduler flags * * \param[in,out] scheduler Scheduler data * \param[in] flags_to_set Group of enum pcmk__scheduler_flags to set */ #define pcmk__set_scheduler_flags(scheduler, flags_to_set) do { \ (scheduler)->flags = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, "Scheduler", crm_system_name, \ (scheduler)->flags, (flags_to_set), #flags_to_set); \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Clear scheduler flags * * \param[in,out] scheduler Scheduler data * \param[in] flags_to_clear Group of enum pcmk__scheduler_flags to clear */ #define pcmk__clear_scheduler_flags(scheduler, flags_to_clear) do { \ (scheduler)->flags = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, "Scheduler", crm_system_name, \ (scheduler)->flags, (flags_to_clear), #flags_to_clear); \ } while (0) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_COMMON_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/lib/common/actions.c b/lib/common/actions.c index ae5c963c82..cbfe6ebe8d 100644 --- a/lib/common/actions.c +++ b/lib/common/actions.c @@ -1,586 +1,584 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*! * \internal * \brief Get string equivalent of an action type * * \param[in] action Action type * * \return Static string describing \p action */ const char * pcmk__action_text(enum pcmk__action_type action) { switch (action) { case pcmk__action_stop: return PCMK_ACTION_STOP; case pcmk__action_stopped: return PCMK_ACTION_STOPPED; case pcmk__action_start: return PCMK_ACTION_START; case pcmk__action_started: return PCMK_ACTION_RUNNING; case pcmk__action_shutdown: return PCMK_ACTION_DO_SHUTDOWN; case pcmk__action_fence: return PCMK_ACTION_STONITH; case pcmk__action_monitor: return PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR; case pcmk__action_notify: return PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY; case pcmk__action_notified: return PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFIED; case pcmk__action_promote: return PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTE; case pcmk__action_promoted: return PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTED; case pcmk__action_demote: return PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTE; case pcmk__action_demoted: return PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTED; default: // pcmk__action_unspecified or invalid return "no_action"; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Parse an action type from an action name * * \param[in] action_name Action name * * \return Action type corresponding to \p action_name */ enum pcmk__action_type pcmk__parse_action(const char *action_name) { if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_STOP, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_stop; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_STOPPED, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_stopped; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_START, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_start; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_RUNNING, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_started; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_DO_SHUTDOWN, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_shutdown; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_STONITH, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_fence; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_monitor; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_notify; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFIED, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_notified; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTE, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_promote; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTE, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_demote; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTED, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_promoted; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(action_name, PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTED, pcmk__str_none)) { return pcmk__action_demoted; } return pcmk__action_unspecified; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get string equivalent of a failure handling type * * \param[in] on_fail Failure handling type * * \return Static string describing \p on_fail */ const char * pcmk__on_fail_text(enum pcmk__on_fail on_fail) { switch (on_fail) { case pcmk__on_fail_ignore: return "ignore"; case pcmk__on_fail_demote: return "demote"; case pcmk__on_fail_block: return "block"; case pcmk__on_fail_restart: return "recover"; case pcmk__on_fail_ban: return "migrate"; case pcmk__on_fail_stop: return "stop"; case pcmk__on_fail_fence_node: return "fence"; case pcmk__on_fail_standby_node: return "standby"; case pcmk__on_fail_restart_container: return "restart-container"; case pcmk__on_fail_reset_remote: return "reset-remote"; } return ""; } /*! * \brief Generate an operation key (RESOURCE_ACTION_INTERVAL) * * \param[in] rsc_id ID of resource being operated on * \param[in] op_type Operation name * \param[in] interval_ms Operation interval * * \return Newly allocated memory containing operation key as string * * \note This function asserts on errors, so it will never return NULL. * The caller is responsible for freeing the result with free(). */ char * pcmk__op_key(const char *rsc_id, const char *op_type, guint interval_ms) { pcmk__assert((rsc_id != NULL) && (op_type != NULL)); return crm_strdup_printf(PCMK__OP_FMT, rsc_id, op_type, interval_ms); } static inline gboolean convert_interval(const char *s, guint *interval_ms) { unsigned long l; errno = 0; l = strtoul(s, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { return FALSE; } *interval_ms = (guint) l; return TRUE; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check for underbar-separated substring match * * \param[in] key Overall string being checked * \param[in] position Match before underbar at this \p key index * \param[in] matches Substrings to match (may contain underbars) * * \return \p key index of underbar before any matching substring, * or 0 if none */ static size_t match_before(const char *key, size_t position, const char **matches) { for (int i = 0; matches[i] != NULL; ++i) { const size_t match_len = strlen(matches[i]); // Must have at least X_MATCH before position if (position > (match_len + 1)) { const size_t possible = position - match_len - 1; if ((key[possible] == '_') && (strncmp(key + possible + 1, matches[i], match_len) == 0)) { return possible; } } } return 0; } gboolean parse_op_key(const char *key, char **rsc_id, char **op_type, guint *interval_ms) { guint local_interval_ms = 0; const size_t key_len = (key == NULL)? 0 : strlen(key); // Operation keys must be formatted as RSC_ACTION_INTERVAL size_t action_underbar = 0; // Index in key of underbar before ACTION size_t interval_underbar = 0; // Index in key of underbar before INTERVAL size_t possible = 0; /* Underbar was a poor choice of separator since both RSC and ACTION can * contain underbars. Here, list action names and name prefixes that can. */ const char *actions_with_underbars[] = { PCMK_ACTION_MIGRATE_FROM, PCMK_ACTION_MIGRATE_TO, NULL }; const char *action_prefixes_with_underbars[] = { "pre_" PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, "post_" PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, "confirmed-pre_" PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, "confirmed-post_" PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, NULL, }; // Initialize output variables in case of early return if (rsc_id) { *rsc_id = NULL; } if (op_type) { *op_type = NULL; } if (interval_ms) { *interval_ms = 0; } // RSC_ACTION_INTERVAL implies a minimum of 5 characters if (key_len < 5) { return FALSE; } // Find, parse, and validate interval interval_underbar = key_len - 2; while ((interval_underbar > 2) && (key[interval_underbar] != '_')) { --interval_underbar; } if ((interval_underbar == 2) || !convert_interval(key + interval_underbar + 1, &local_interval_ms)) { return FALSE; } // Find the base (OCF) action name, disregarding prefixes action_underbar = match_before(key, interval_underbar, actions_with_underbars); if (action_underbar == 0) { action_underbar = interval_underbar - 2; while ((action_underbar > 0) && (key[action_underbar] != '_')) { --action_underbar; } if (action_underbar == 0) { return FALSE; } } possible = match_before(key, action_underbar, action_prefixes_with_underbars); if (possible != 0) { action_underbar = possible; } // Set output variables if (rsc_id != NULL) { *rsc_id = strndup(key, action_underbar); pcmk__mem_assert(*rsc_id); } if (op_type != NULL) { *op_type = strndup(key + action_underbar + 1, interval_underbar - action_underbar - 1); pcmk__mem_assert(*op_type); } if (interval_ms != NULL) { *interval_ms = local_interval_ms; } return TRUE; } char * pcmk__notify_key(const char *rsc_id, const char *notify_type, const char *op_type) { CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(op_type != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(notify_type != NULL, return NULL); return crm_strdup_printf("%s_%s_notify_%s_0", rsc_id, notify_type, op_type); } /*! * \brief Parse a transition magic string into its constituent parts * * \param[in] magic Magic string to parse (must be non-NULL) * \param[out] uuid If non-NULL, where to store copy of parsed UUID * \param[out] transition_id If non-NULL, where to store parsed transition ID * \param[out] action_id If non-NULL, where to store parsed action ID * \param[out] op_status If non-NULL, where to store parsed result status * \param[out] op_rc If non-NULL, where to store parsed actual rc * \param[out] target_rc If non-NULL, where to stored parsed target rc * * \return TRUE if key was valid, FALSE otherwise * \note If uuid is supplied and this returns TRUE, the caller is responsible * for freeing the memory for *uuid using free(). */ gboolean decode_transition_magic(const char *magic, char **uuid, int *transition_id, int *action_id, int *op_status, int *op_rc, int *target_rc) { int res = 0; char *key = NULL; gboolean result = TRUE; int local_op_status = -1; int local_op_rc = -1; CRM_CHECK(magic != NULL, return FALSE); #ifdef HAVE_SSCANF_M res = sscanf(magic, "%d:%d;%ms", &local_op_status, &local_op_rc, &key); #else // magic must have >=4 other characters key = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, strlen(magic) - 3); res = sscanf(magic, "%d:%d;%s", &local_op_status, &local_op_rc, key); #endif if (res == EOF) { crm_err("Could not decode transition information '%s': %s", magic, pcmk_rc_str(errno)); result = FALSE; } else if (res < 3) { crm_warn("Transition information '%s' incomplete (%d of 3 expected items)", magic, res); result = FALSE; } else { if (op_status) { *op_status = local_op_status; } if (op_rc) { *op_rc = local_op_rc; } result = decode_transition_key(key, uuid, transition_id, action_id, target_rc); } free(key); return result; } char * pcmk__transition_key(int transition_id, int action_id, int target_rc, const char *node) { CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL); return crm_strdup_printf("%d:%d:%d:%-*s", action_id, transition_id, target_rc, 36, node); } /*! * \brief Parse a transition key into its constituent parts * * \param[in] key Transition key to parse (must be non-NULL) * \param[out] uuid If non-NULL, where to store copy of parsed UUID * \param[out] transition_id If non-NULL, where to store parsed transition ID * \param[out] action_id If non-NULL, where to store parsed action ID * \param[out] target_rc If non-NULL, where to stored parsed target rc * * \return TRUE if key was valid, FALSE otherwise * \note If uuid is supplied and this returns TRUE, the caller is responsible * for freeing the memory for *uuid using free(). */ gboolean decode_transition_key(const char *key, char **uuid, int *transition_id, int *action_id, int *target_rc) { int local_transition_id = -1; int local_action_id = -1; int local_target_rc = -1; char local_uuid[37] = { '\0' }; // Initialize any supplied output arguments if (uuid) { *uuid = NULL; } if (transition_id) { *transition_id = -1; } if (action_id) { *action_id = -1; } if (target_rc) { *target_rc = -1; } CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE); if (sscanf(key, "%d:%d:%d:%36s", &local_action_id, &local_transition_id, &local_target_rc, local_uuid) != 4) { crm_err("Invalid transition key '%s'", key); return FALSE; } if (strlen(local_uuid) != 36) { crm_warn("Invalid UUID '%s' in transition key '%s'", local_uuid, key); } if (uuid) { *uuid = pcmk__str_copy(local_uuid); } if (transition_id) { *transition_id = local_transition_id; } if (action_id) { *action_id = local_action_id; } if (target_rc) { *target_rc = local_target_rc; } return TRUE; } int rsc_op_expected_rc(const lrmd_event_data_t *op) { int rc = 0; if (op && op->user_data) { decode_transition_key(op->user_data, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rc); } return rc; } gboolean did_rsc_op_fail(lrmd_event_data_t * op, int target_rc) { switch (op->op_status) { case PCMK_EXEC_CANCELLED: case PCMK_EXEC_PENDING: return FALSE; case PCMK_EXEC_NOT_SUPPORTED: case PCMK_EXEC_TIMEOUT: case PCMK_EXEC_ERROR: case PCMK_EXEC_NOT_CONNECTED: case PCMK_EXEC_NO_FENCE_DEVICE: case PCMK_EXEC_NO_SECRETS: case PCMK_EXEC_INVALID: return TRUE; default: if (target_rc != op->rc) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /*! * \brief Create a CIB XML element for an operation * * \param[in,out] parent If not NULL, make new XML node a child of this * \param[in] prefix Generate an ID using this prefix * \param[in] task Operation task to set * \param[in] interval_spec Operation interval to set * \param[in] timeout If not NULL, operation timeout to set * * \return New XML object on success, NULL otherwise */ xmlNode * crm_create_op_xml(xmlNode *parent, const char *prefix, const char *task, const char *interval_spec, const char *timeout) { xmlNode *xml_op; CRM_CHECK(prefix && task && interval_spec, return NULL); xml_op = pcmk__xe_create(parent, PCMK_XE_OP); pcmk__xe_set_id(xml_op, "%s-%s-%s", prefix, task, interval_spec); crm_xml_add(xml_op, PCMK_META_INTERVAL, interval_spec); crm_xml_add(xml_op, PCMK_XA_NAME, task); if (timeout) { crm_xml_add(xml_op, PCMK_META_TIMEOUT, timeout); } return xml_op; } /*! * \brief Check whether an operation requires resource agent meta-data * * \param[in] rsc_class Resource agent class (or NULL to skip class check) * \param[in] op Operation action (or NULL to skip op check) * * \return true if operation needs meta-data, false otherwise * \note At least one of rsc_class and op must be specified. */ bool crm_op_needs_metadata(const char *rsc_class, const char *op) { /* Agent metadata is used to determine whether an agent reload is possible, * so if this op is not relevant to that feature, we don't need metadata. */ CRM_CHECK((rsc_class != NULL) || (op != NULL), return false); if ((rsc_class != NULL) && !pcmk_is_set(pcmk_get_ra_caps(rsc_class), pcmk_ra_cap_params)) { // Metadata is needed only for resource classes that use parameters return false; } if (op == NULL) { return true; } // Metadata is needed only for these actions return pcmk__str_any_of(op, PCMK_ACTION_START, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTE, PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTE, PCMK_ACTION_RELOAD, PCMK_ACTION_RELOAD_AGENT, PCMK_ACTION_MIGRATE_TO, PCMK_ACTION_MIGRATE_FROM, PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, NULL); } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether an action name is for a fencing action * * \param[in] action Action name to check * - * \return \c true if \p action is \c PCMK_ACTION_OFF, \c PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT, - * or \c PCMK__ACTION_POWEROFF, otherwise \c false + * \return \c true if \p action is \c PCMK_ACTION_OFF or \c PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT, + * or \c false otherwise */ bool pcmk__is_fencing_action(const char *action) { - // @COMPAT PCMK__ACTION_POWEROFF is disallowed by schema - return pcmk__str_any_of(action, PCMK_ACTION_OFF, PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT, - PCMK__ACTION_POWEROFF, NULL); + return pcmk__str_any_of(action, PCMK_ACTION_OFF, PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT, NULL); } diff --git a/lib/common/options.c b/lib/common/options.c index ef59c94501..7ed6bd9990 100644 --- a/lib/common/options.c +++ b/lib/common/options.c @@ -1,1570 +1,1553 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void pcmk__cli_help(char cmd) { if (cmd == 'v' || cmd == '$') { printf("Pacemaker %s\n", PACEMAKER_VERSION); printf("Written by Andrew Beekhof and " "the Pacemaker project contributors\n"); } else if (cmd == '!') { printf("Pacemaker %s (Build: %s): %s\n", PACEMAKER_VERSION, BUILD_VERSION, CRM_FEATURES); } crm_exit(CRM_EX_OK); while(1); // above does not return } /* * Option metadata */ static const pcmk__cluster_option_t cluster_options[] = { /* name, old name, type, allowed values, * default value, validator, * flags, * short description, * long description */ { PCMK_OPT_DC_VERSION, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_VERSION, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_generated, N_("Pacemaker version on cluster node elected Designated Controller " "(DC)"), N_("Includes a hash which identifies the exact revision the code was " "built from. Used for diagnostic purposes."), }, { PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_INFRASTRUCTURE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_generated, N_("The messaging layer on which Pacemaker is currently running"), N_("Used for informational and diagnostic purposes."), }, { PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_NAME, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("An arbitrary name for the cluster"), N_("This optional value is mostly for users' convenience as desired " "in administration, but may also be used in Pacemaker " "configuration rules via the #cluster-name node attribute, and " "by higher-level tools and resource agents."), }, { PCMK_OPT_DC_DEADTIME, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "20s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("How long to wait for a response from other nodes during start-up"), N_("The optimal value will depend on the speed and load of your " "network and the type of switches used."), }, { PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_RECHECK_INTERVAL, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "15min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("Polling interval to recheck cluster state and evaluate rules " "with date specifications"), N_("Pacemaker is primarily event-driven, and looks ahead to know when " "to recheck cluster state for failure-timeout settings and most " "time-based rules. However, it will also recheck the cluster after " "this amount of inactivity, to evaluate rules with date " "specifications and serve as a fail-safe for certain types of " "scheduler bugs. A value of 0 disables polling. A positive value " "sets an interval in seconds, unless other units are specified " "(for example, \"5min\")."), }, { PCMK_OPT_FENCE_REACTION, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SELECT, PCMK_VALUE_STOP ", " PCMK_VALUE_PANIC, PCMK_VALUE_STOP, NULL, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("How a cluster node should react if notified of its own fencing"), N_("A cluster node may receive notification of a \"succeeded\" " "fencing that targeted it if fencing is misconfigured, or if " "fabric fencing is in use that doesn't cut cluster communication. " "Use \"stop\" to attempt to immediately stop Pacemaker and stay " "stopped, or \"panic\" to attempt to immediately reboot the local " "node, falling back to stop on failure."), }, { PCMK_OPT_ELECTION_TIMEOUT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "2min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much " "time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates " "the presence of a bug."), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_SHUTDOWN_ESCALATION, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "20min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much " "time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates " "the presence of a bug."), NULL, }, { - // @COMPAT crmd-integration-timeout is disallowed by the schema - PCMK_OPT_JOIN_INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT, "crmd-integration-timeout", - PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, + PCMK_OPT_JOIN_INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "3min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates " "the presence of a bug."), NULL, }, { - // @COMPAT crmd-finalization-timeout is disallowed by the schema - PCMK_OPT_JOIN_FINALIZATION_TIMEOUT, "crmd-finalization-timeout", - PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, + PCMK_OPT_JOIN_FINALIZATION_TIMEOUT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "30min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates " "the presence of a bug."), NULL, }, { - // @COMPAT crmd-transition-delay is disallowed by the schema - PCMK_OPT_TRANSITION_DELAY, "crmd-transition-delay", PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, - NULL, + PCMK_OPT_TRANSITION_DELAY, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "0s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Enabling this option will slow down cluster recovery under all " "conditions"), N_("Delay cluster recovery for this much time to allow for additional " "events to occur. Useful if your configuration is sensitive to " "the order in which ping updates arrive."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NO_QUORUM_POLICY, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SELECT, PCMK_VALUE_STOP ", " PCMK_VALUE_FREEZE ", " PCMK_VALUE_IGNORE ", " PCMK_VALUE_DEMOTE ", " PCMK_VALUE_FENCE ", " PCMK_VALUE_FENCE_LEGACY, PCMK_VALUE_STOP, pcmk__valid_no_quorum_policy, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("What to do when the cluster does not have quorum"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_SHUTDOWN_LOCK, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether to lock resources to a cleanly shut down node"), N_("When true, resources active on a node when it is cleanly shut down " "are kept \"locked\" to that node (not allowed to run elsewhere) " "until they start again on that node after it rejoins (or for at " "most shutdown-lock-limit, if set). Stonith resources and " "Pacemaker Remote connections are never locked. Clone and bundle " "instances and the promoted role of promotable clones are " "currently never locked, though support could be added in a future " "release."), }, { PCMK_OPT_SHUTDOWN_LOCK_LIMIT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Do not lock resources to a cleanly shut down node longer than " "this"), N_("If shutdown-lock is true and this is set to a nonzero time " "duration, shutdown locks will expire after this much time has " "passed since the shutdown was initiated, even if the node has not " "rejoined."), }, { PCMK_OPT_ENABLE_ACL, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_based, N_("Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_SYMMETRIC_CLUSTER, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether resources can run on any node by default"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_MAINTENANCE_MODE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and " "stopping resources"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_START_FAILURE_IS_FATAL, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether a start failure should prevent a resource from being " "recovered on the same node"), N_("When true, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node " "if it fails to start there. When false, the cluster will instead " "check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold.") }, { PCMK_OPT_ENABLE_STARTUP_PROBES, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether the cluster should check for active resources during " "start-up"), NULL, }, // Fencing-related options { PCMK_OPT_STONITH_ENABLED, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Whether nodes may be fenced as part of recovery"), N_("If false, unresponsive nodes are immediately assumed to be " "harmless, and resources that were active on them may be recovered " "elsewhere. This can result in a \"split-brain\" situation, " "potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability."), }, { - // @COMPAT PCMK__ACTION_POWEROFF is disallowed by schema PCMK_OPT_STONITH_ACTION, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SELECT, - PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT ", " PCMK_ACTION_OFF ", " PCMK__ACTION_POWEROFF, + PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT ", " PCMK_ACTION_OFF, PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT, pcmk__is_fencing_action, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, - N_("Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced " - "(\"poweroff\" is a deprecated alias for \"off\")"), + N_("Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_STONITH_TIMEOUT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "60s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete " "by default"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_HAVE_WATCHDOG, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd|pcmk__opt_generated, N_("Whether watchdog integration is enabled"), N_("This is set automatically by the cluster according to whether SBD " "is detected to be in use. User-configured values are ignored. " "The value `true` is meaningful if diskless SBD is used and " "`stonith-watchdog-timeout` is nonzero. In that case, if fencing " "is required, watchdog-based self-fencing will be performed via " "SBD without requiring a fencing resource explicitly configured."), }, { /* @COMPAT Currently, unparsable values default to -1 (auto-calculate), * while missing values default to 0 (disable). All values are accepted * (unless the controller finds that the value conflicts with the * SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT). * * At a compatibility break: properly validate as a timeout, let * either negative values or a particular string like "auto" mean auto- * calculate, and use 0 as the single default for when the option either * is unset or fails to validate. */ PCMK_OPT_STONITH_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TIMEOUT, NULL, "0", NULL, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("How long before nodes can be assumed to be safely down when " "watchdog-based self-fencing via SBD is in use"), N_("If this is set to a positive value, lost nodes are assumed to " "achieve self-fencing using watchdog-based SBD within this much " "time. This does not require a fencing resource to be explicitly " "configured, though a fence_watchdog resource can be configured, to " "limit use to specific nodes. If this is set to 0 (the default), " "the cluster will never assume watchdog-based self-fencing. If this " "is set to a negative value, the cluster will use twice the local " "value of the `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` environment variable if that " "is positive, or otherwise treat this as 0. WARNING: When used, " "this timeout must be larger than `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` on all " "nodes that use watchdog-based SBD, and Pacemaker will refuse to " "start on any of those nodes where this is not true for the local " "value or SBD is not active. When this is set to a negative value, " "`SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` must be set to the same value on all nodes " "that use SBD, otherwise data corruption or loss could occur."), }, { PCMK_OPT_STONITH_MAX_ATTEMPTS, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SCORE, NULL, "10", pcmk__valid_positive_int, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be " "immediately re-attempted on a target"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_CONCURRENT_FENCING, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, #if PCMK__CONCURRENT_FENCING_DEFAULT_TRUE PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, #else PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, #endif pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd|pcmk__opt_deprecated, N_("Allow performing fencing operations in parallel"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_STARTUP_FENCING, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Whether to fence unseen nodes at start-up"), N_("Setting this to false may lead to a \"split-brain\" situation, " "potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability."), }, { PCMK_OPT_PRIORITY_FENCING_DELAY, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Apply fencing delay targeting the lost nodes with the highest " "total resource priority"), N_("Apply specified delay for the fencings that are targeting the lost " "nodes with the highest total resource priority in case we don't " "have the majority of the nodes in our cluster partition, so that " "the more significant nodes potentially win any fencing match, " "which is especially meaningful under split-brain of 2-node " "cluster. A promoted resource instance takes the base priority + 1 " "on calculation if the base priority is not 0. Any static/random " "delays that are introduced by `pcmk_delay_base/max` configured " "for the corresponding fencing resources will be added to this " "delay. This delay should be significantly greater than, safely " "twice, the maximum `pcmk_delay_base/max`. By default, priority " "fencing delay is disabled."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_PENDING_TIMEOUT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("How long to wait for a node that has joined the cluster to join " "the controller process group"), N_("Fence nodes that do not join the controller process group within " "this much time after joining the cluster, to allow the cluster " "to continue managing resources. A value of 0 means never fence " "pending nodes. Setting the value to 2h means fence nodes after " "2 hours."), }, { PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_DELAY, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "60s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Maximum time for node-to-node communication"), N_("The node elected Designated Controller (DC) will consider an action " "failed if it does not get a response from the node executing the " "action within this time (after considering the action's own " "timeout). The \"correct\" value will depend on the speed and " "load of your network and cluster nodes.") }, // Limits { PCMK_OPT_LOAD_THRESHOLD, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_PERCENTAGE, NULL, "80%", pcmk__valid_percentage, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("Maximum amount of system load that should be used by cluster " "nodes"), N_("The cluster will slow down its recovery process when the amount of " "system resources used (currently CPU) approaches this limit"), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_ACTION_LIMIT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to " "2x cores)"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_BATCH_LIMIT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Maximum number of jobs that the cluster may execute in parallel " "across all nodes"), N_("The \"correct\" value will depend on the speed and load of your " "network and cluster nodes. If set to 0, the cluster will " "impose a dynamically calculated limit when any node has a " "high load."), }, { PCMK_OPT_MIGRATION_LIMIT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "-1", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed " "to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit)"), NULL, }, { /* @TODO This is actually ignored if not strictly positive. We should * overhaul value types in Pacemaker Explained. There are lots of * inaccurate ranges (assumptions of 32-bit width, "nonnegative" when * positive is required, etc.). * * Maybe a single integer type with the allowed range specified would be * better. * * Drop the PCMK_VALUE_NONNEGATIVE_INTEGER constant if we do this before * a release. */ PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_IPC_LIMIT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_NONNEGATIVE_INTEGER, NULL, "500", pcmk__valid_positive_int, pcmk__opt_based, N_("Maximum IPC message backlog before disconnecting a cluster daemon"), N_("Raise this if log has \"Evicting client\" messages for cluster " "daemon PIDs (a good value is the number of resources in the " "cluster multiplied by the number of nodes)."), }, // Orphans and stopping { PCMK_OPT_STOP_ALL_RESOURCES, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether the cluster should stop all active resources"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_STOP_ORPHAN_RESOURCES, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether to stop resources that were removed from the " "configuration"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_STOP_ORPHAN_ACTIONS, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the " "configuration"), NULL, }, - { - // @COMPAT Disallowed by schema - PCMK__OPT_REMOVE_AFTER_STOP, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, - PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, - pcmk__opt_schedulerd|pcmk__opt_deprecated, - N_("Whether to remove stopped resources from the executor"), - N_("Values other than default are poorly tested and potentially " - "dangerous."), - }, // Storing inputs { PCMK_OPT_PE_ERROR_SERIES_MAX, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "-1", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The number of scheduler inputs resulting in errors to save"), N_("Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited."), }, { PCMK_OPT_PE_WARN_SERIES_MAX, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "5000", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The number of scheduler inputs resulting in warnings to save"), N_("Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited."), }, { PCMK_OPT_PE_INPUT_SERIES_MAX, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "4000", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The number of scheduler inputs without errors or warnings to save"), N_("Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited."), }, // Node health { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_STRATEGY, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SELECT, PCMK_VALUE_NONE ", " PCMK_VALUE_MIGRATE_ON_RED ", " PCMK_VALUE_ONLY_GREEN ", " PCMK_VALUE_PROGRESSIVE ", " PCMK_VALUE_CUSTOM, PCMK_VALUE_NONE, pcmk__validate_health_strategy, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("How cluster should react to node health attributes"), N_("Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with " "the prefix \"#health\") with values \"red\", \"yellow\", or " "\"green\".") }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_BASE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SCORE, NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Base health score assigned to a node"), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to " "\"progressive\"."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_GREEN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SCORE, NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is " "\"green\""), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"custom\" or " "\"progressive\"."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_YELLOW, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SCORE, NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is " "\"yellow\""), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"custom\" or " "\"progressive\"."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_RED, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SCORE, NULL, "-INFINITY", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is " "\"red\""), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"custom\" or " "\"progressive\".") }, // Placement strategy { PCMK_OPT_PLACEMENT_STRATEGY, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SELECT, PCMK_VALUE_DEFAULT ", " PCMK_VALUE_UTILIZATION ", " PCMK_VALUE_MINIMAL ", " PCMK_VALUE_BALANCED, PCMK_VALUE_DEFAULT, pcmk__valid_placement_strategy, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes"), NULL, }, { NULL, }, }; static const pcmk__cluster_option_t fencing_params[] = { /* name, old name, type, allowed values, * default value, validator, * flags, * short description, * long description */ { PCMK_STONITH_HOST_ARGUMENT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Name of agent parameter that should be set to the fencing target"), N_("If the fencing agent metadata advertises support for the \"port\" " "or \"plug\" parameter, that will be used as the default, " "otherwise \"none\" will be used, which tells the cluster not to " "supply any additional parameters."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_HOST_MAP, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("A mapping of node names to port numbers for devices that do not " "support node names."), N_("For example, \"node1:1;node2:2,3\" would tell the cluster to use " "port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_HOST_LIST, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Nodes targeted by this device"), N_("Comma-separated list of nodes that can be targeted by this device " "(for example, \"node1,node2,node3\"). If pcmk_host_check is " "\"static-list\", either this or pcmk_host_map must be set."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_HOST_CHECK, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SELECT, PCMK_VALUE_DYNAMIC_LIST ", " PCMK_VALUE_STATIC_LIST ", " PCMK_VALUE_STATUS ", " PCMK_VALUE_NONE, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("How to determine which nodes can be targeted by the device"), N_("Use \"dynamic-list\" to query the device via the 'list' command; " "\"static-list\" to check the pcmk_host_list attribute; " "\"status\" to query the device via the 'status' command; or " "\"none\" to assume every device can fence every node. " "The default value is \"static-list\" if pcmk_host_map or " "pcmk_host_list is set; otherwise \"dynamic-list\" if the device " "supports the list operation; otherwise \"status\" if the device " "supports the status operation; otherwise \"none\""), }, { PCMK_STONITH_DELAY_MAX, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "0s", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing " "fencing actions."), N_("Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing " "fencing actions. Pacemaker derives the overall delay by taking " "the value of pcmk_delay_base and adding a random delay value such " "that the sum is kept below this maximum."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_DELAY_BASE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, "0s", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Enable a base delay for fencing actions and specify base delay " "value."), N_("This enables a static delay for fencing actions, which can help " "avoid \"death matches\" where two nodes try to fence each other " "at the same time. If pcmk_delay_max is also used, a random delay " "will be added such that the total delay is kept below that value. " "This can be set to a single time value to apply to any node " "targeted by this device (useful if a separate device is " "configured for each target), or to a node map (for example, " "\"node1:1s;node2:5\") to set a different value for each target."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_ACTION_LIMIT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "1", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("The maximum number of actions can be performed in parallel on this " "device"), N_("If the concurrent-fencing cluster property is \"true\", this " "specifies the maximum number of actions that can be performed in " "parallel on this device. A value of -1 means unlimited."), }, { "pcmk_reboot_action", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'reboot'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'reboot' action."), }, { "pcmk_reboot_timeout", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TIMEOUT, NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'reboot' actions instead " "of stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'reboot' actions."), }, { "pcmk_reboot_retries", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'reboot' command within the " "timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'reboot' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_off_action", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, PCMK_ACTION_OFF, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'off'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'off' action."), }, { "pcmk_off_timeout", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TIMEOUT, NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'off' actions instead of " "stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'off' actions."), }, { "pcmk_off_retries", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'off' command within the " "timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'off' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_on_action", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, PCMK_ACTION_ON, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'on'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'on' action."), }, { "pcmk_on_timeout", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TIMEOUT, NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'on' actions instead of " "stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'on' actions."), }, { "pcmk_on_retries", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'on' command within the " "timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'on' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_list_action", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, PCMK_ACTION_LIST, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'list'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'list' action."), }, { "pcmk_list_timeout", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TIMEOUT, NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'list' actions instead of " "stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'list' actions."), }, { "pcmk_list_retries", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'list' command within the " "timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'list' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_monitor_action", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'monitor'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'monitor' action."), }, { "pcmk_monitor_timeout", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TIMEOUT, NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'monitor' actions instead " "of stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'monitor' actions."), }, { "pcmk_monitor_retries", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'monitor' command within " "the timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'monitor' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_status_action", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, PCMK_ACTION_STATUS, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'status'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'status' action."), }, { "pcmk_status_timeout", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TIMEOUT, NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'status' actions instead " "of stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'status' actions."), }, { "pcmk_status_retries", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INTEGER, NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'status' command within " "the timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'status' action before giving up."), }, { NULL, }, }; static const pcmk__cluster_option_t primitive_meta[] = { /* name, old name, type, allowed values, * default value, validator, * flags, * short description, * long description */ { PCMK_META_PRIORITY, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SCORE, NULL, "0", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Resource assignment priority"), N_("If not all resources can be active, the cluster will stop " "lower-priority resources in order to keep higher-priority ones " "active."), }, { PCMK_META_CRITICAL, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Default value for influence in colocation constraints"), N_("Use this value as the default for influence in all colocation " "constraints involving this resource, as well as in the implicit " "colocation constraints created if this resource is in a group."), }, { PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SELECT, PCMK_ROLE_STOPPED ", " PCMK_ROLE_STARTED ", " PCMK_ROLE_UNPROMOTED ", " PCMK_ROLE_PROMOTED, PCMK_ROLE_STARTED, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("State the cluster should attempt to keep this resource in"), N_("\"Stopped\" forces the resource to be stopped. " "\"Started\" allows the resource to be started (and in the case of " "promotable clone resources, promoted if appropriate). " "\"Unpromoted\" allows the resource to be started, but only in the " "unpromoted role if the resource is promotable. " "\"Promoted\" is equivalent to \"Started\"."), }, { PCMK_META_IS_MANAGED, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Whether the cluster is allowed to actively change the resource's " "state"), N_("If false, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the " "resource on any node. Recurring actions for the resource are " "unaffected. If true, a true value for the maintenance-mode " "cluster option, the maintenance node attribute, or the " "maintenance resource meta-attribute overrides this."), }, { PCMK_META_MAINTENANCE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("If true, the cluster will not schedule any actions involving the " "resource"), N_("If true, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the " "resource on any node, and will pause any recurring monitors " "(except those specifying role as \"Stopped\"). If false, a true " "value for the maintenance-mode cluster option or maintenance node " "attribute overrides this."), }, { PCMK_META_RESOURCE_STICKINESS, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SCORE, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Score to add to the current node when a resource is already " "active"), N_("Score to add to the current node when a resource is already " "active. This allows running resources to stay where they are, " "even if they would be placed elsewhere if they were being started " "from a stopped state. " "The default is 1 for individual clone instances, and 0 for all " "other resources."), }, { PCMK_META_REQUIRES, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SELECT, PCMK_VALUE_NOTHING ", " PCMK_VALUE_QUORUM ", " PCMK_VALUE_FENCING ", " PCMK_VALUE_UNFENCING, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Conditions under which the resource can be started"), N_("Conditions under which the resource can be started. " "\"nothing\" means the cluster can always start this resource. " "\"quorum\" means the cluster can start this resource only if a " "majority of the configured nodes are active. " "\"fencing\" means the cluster can start this resource only if a " "majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or " "unknown nodes have been fenced. " "\"unfencing\" means the cluster can start this resource only if " "a majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or " "unknown nodes have been fenced, and only on nodes that have been " "unfenced. " "The default is \"quorum\" for resources with a class of stonith; " "otherwise, \"unfencing\" if unfencing is active in the cluster; " "otherwise, \"fencing\" if the stonith-enabled cluster option is " "true; " "otherwise, \"quorum\"."), }, { PCMK_META_MIGRATION_THRESHOLD, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SCORE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_INFINITY, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Number of failures on a node before the resource becomes " "ineligible to run there."), N_("Number of failures that may occur for this resource on a node, " "before that node is marked ineligible to host this resource. A " "value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled (the node will " "never be marked ineligible). By contrast, the cluster treats " "\"INFINITY\" (the default) as a very large but finite number. " "This option has an effect only if the failed operation specifies " "its on-fail attribute as \"restart\" (the default), and " "additionally for failed start operations, if the " "start-failure-is-fatal cluster property is set to false."), }, { PCMK_META_FAILURE_TIMEOUT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_DURATION, NULL, "0", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Number of seconds before acting as if a failure had not occurred"), N_("Number of seconds after a failed action for this resource before " "acting as if the failure had not occurred, and potentially " "allowing the resource back to the node on which it failed. " "A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled."), }, { PCMK_META_MULTIPLE_ACTIVE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_SELECT, PCMK_VALUE_BLOCK ", " PCMK_VALUE_STOP_ONLY ", " PCMK_VALUE_STOP_START ", " PCMK_VALUE_STOP_UNEXPECTED, PCMK_VALUE_STOP_START, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than " "one node"), N_("What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than " "one node. " "\"block\" means to mark the resource as unmanaged. " "\"stop_only\" means to stop all active instances of this resource " "and leave them stopped. " "\"stop_start\" means to stop all active instances of this " "resource and start the resource in one location only. " "\"stop_unexpected\" means to stop all active instances of this " "resource except where the resource should be active. (This should " "be used only when extra instances are not expected to disrupt " "existing instances, and the resource agent's monitor of an " "existing instance is capable of detecting any problems that could " "be caused. Note that any resources ordered after this one will " "still need to be restarted.)"), }, { PCMK_META_ALLOW_MIGRATE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Whether the cluster should try to \"live migrate\" this resource " "when it needs to be moved"), N_("Whether the cluster should try to \"live migrate\" this resource " "when it needs to be moved. " "The default is true for ocf:pacemaker:remote resources, and false " "otherwise."), }, { PCMK_META_ALLOW_UNHEALTHY_NODES, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Whether the resource should be allowed to run on a node even if " "the node's health score would otherwise prevent it"), NULL, }, { PCMK_META_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Where to check user-defined node attributes"), N_("Whether to check user-defined node attributes on the physical host " "where a container is running or on the local node. This is " "usually set for a bundle resource and inherited by the bundle's " "primitive resource. " "A value of \"host\" means to check user-defined node attributes " "on the underlying physical host. Any other value means to check " "user-defined node attributes on the local node (for a bundled " "primitive resource, this is the bundle node)."), }, { PCMK_META_REMOTE_NODE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is " "associated with, if any"), N_("Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is " "associated with, if any. If specified, this both enables the " "resource as a guest node and defines the unique name used to " "identify the guest node. The guest must be configured to run the " "Pacemaker Remote daemon when it is started. " "WARNING: This value cannot overlap with any resource or node " "IDs."), }, { PCMK_META_REMOTE_ADDR, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to " "connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote"), N_("If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to " "connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote. The Pacemaker Remote " "daemon on the guest must be configured to accept connections on " "this address. " "The default is the value of the remote-node meta-attribute."), }, { PCMK_META_REMOTE_PORT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_PORT, NULL, "3121", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("If remote-node is specified, port on the guest used for its " "Pacemaker Remote connection"), N_("If remote-node is specified, the port on the guest used for its " "Pacemaker Remote connection. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the " "guest must be configured to listen on this port."), }, { PCMK_META_REMOTE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TIMEOUT, NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("If remote-node is specified, how long before a pending Pacemaker " "Remote guest connection times out."), NULL, }, { PCMK_META_REMOTE_ALLOW_MIGRATE, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_BOOLEAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("If remote-node is specified, this acts as the allow-migrate " "meta-attribute for the implicit remote connection resource " "(ocf:pacemaker:remote)."), NULL, }, { NULL, }, }; /* * Environment variable option handling */ /*! * \internal * \brief Get the value of a Pacemaker environment variable option * * If an environment variable option is set, with either a PCMK_ or (for * backward compatibility) HA_ prefix, log and return the value. * * \param[in] option Environment variable name (without prefix) * * \return Value of environment variable option, or NULL in case of * option name too long or value not found */ const char * pcmk__env_option(const char *option) { const char *const prefixes[] = {"PCMK_", "HA_"}; char env_name[NAME_MAX]; const char *value = NULL; CRM_CHECK(!pcmk__str_empty(option), return NULL); for (int i = 0; i < PCMK__NELEM(prefixes); i++) { int rv = snprintf(env_name, NAME_MAX, "%s%s", prefixes[i], option); if (rv < 0) { crm_err("Failed to write %s%s to buffer: %s", prefixes[i], option, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (rv >= sizeof(env_name)) { crm_trace("\"%s%s\" is too long", prefixes[i], option); continue; } value = getenv(env_name); if (value != NULL) { crm_trace("Found %s = %s", env_name, value); return value; } } crm_trace("Nothing found for %s", option); return NULL; } /*! * \brief Set or unset a Pacemaker environment variable option * * Set an environment variable option with a \c "PCMK_" prefix and optionally * an \c "HA_" prefix for backward compatibility. * * \param[in] option Environment variable name (without prefix) * \param[in] value New value (or NULL to unset) * \param[in] compat If false and \p value is not \c NULL, set only * \c "PCMK_