diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/advanced-resources.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/advanced-resources.rst index a4d5ff1bd2..6596cba4d9 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/advanced-resources.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/advanced-resources.rst @@ -1,1611 +1,1632 @@ Advanced Resource Types ----------------------- .. index: single: group resource single: resource; group .. _group-resources: Groups - A Syntactic Shortcut ############################# One of the most common elements of a cluster is a set of resources that need to be located together, start sequentially, and stop in the reverse order. To simplify this configuration, we support the concept of groups. .. topic:: A group of two primitive resources .. code-block:: xml Although the example above contains only two resources, there is no limit to the number of resources a group can contain. The example is also sufficient to explain the fundamental properties of a group: * Resources are started in the order they appear in (**Public-IP** first, then **Email**) * Resources are stopped in the reverse order to which they appear in (**Email** first, then **Public-IP**) If a resource in the group can't run anywhere, then nothing after that is allowed to run, too. * If **Public-IP** can't run anywhere, neither can **Email**; * but if **Email** can't run anywhere, this does not affect **Public-IP** in any way The group above is logically equivalent to writing: .. topic:: How the cluster sees a group resource .. code-block:: xml Obviously as the group grows bigger, the reduced configuration effort can become significant. Another (typical) example of a group is a DRBD volume, the filesystem mount, an IP address, and an application that uses them. .. index:: pair: XML element; group Group Properties ________________ .. table:: **Properties of a Group Resource** :widths: 1 4 - +-------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Description | - +=======+======================================+ - | id | .. index:: | - | | single: group; property, id | - | | single: property; id (group) | - | | single: id; group property | - | | | - | | A unique name for the group | - +-------+--------------------------------------+ + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | Field | Description | + +=============+==================================================================+ + | id | .. index:: | + | | single: group; property, id | + | | single: property; id (group) | + | | single: id; group property | + | | | + | | A unique name for the group | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | description | .. index:: | + | | single: group; attribute, description | + | | single: attribute; description (group) | + | | single: description; group attribute | + | | | + | | An optional description of the group, for the user's own | + | | purposes. | + | | E.g. ``resources needed for website`` | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ Group Options _____________ Groups inherit the ``priority``, ``target-role``, and ``is-managed`` properties from primitive resources. See :ref:`resource_options` for information about those properties. Group Instance Attributes _________________________ Groups have no instance attributes. However, any that are set for the group object will be inherited by the group's children. Group Contents ______________ Groups may only contain a collection of cluster resources (see :ref:`primitive-resource`). To refer to a child of a group resource, just use the child's ``id`` instead of the group's. Group Constraints _________________ Although it is possible to reference a group's children in constraints, it is usually preferable to reference the group itself. .. topic:: Some constraints involving groups .. code-block:: xml .. index:: pair: resource-stickiness; group Group Stickiness ________________ Stickiness, the measure of how much a resource wants to stay where it is, is additive in groups. Every active resource of the group will contribute its stickiness value to the group's total. So if the default ``resource-stickiness`` is 100, and a group has seven members, five of which are active, then the group as a whole will prefer its current location with a score of 500. .. index:: single: clone single: resource; clone .. _s-resource-clone: Clones - Resources That Can Have Multiple Active Instances ########################################################## *Clone* resources are resources that can have more than one copy active at the same time. This allows you, for example, to run a copy of a daemon on every node. You can clone any primitive or group resource [#]_. Anonymous versus Unique Clones ______________________________ A clone resource is configured to be either *anonymous* or *globally unique*. Anonymous clones are the simplest. These behave completely identically everywhere they are running. Because of this, there can be only one instance of an anonymous clone active per node. The instances of globally unique clones are distinct entities. All instances are launched identically, but one instance of the clone is not identical to any other instance, whether running on the same node or a different node. As an example, a cloned IP address can use special kernel functionality such that each instance handles a subset of requests for the same IP address. .. index:: single: promotable clone single: resource; promotable .. _s-resource-promotable: Promotable clones _________________ If a clone is *promotable*, its instances can perform a special role that Pacemaker will manage via the ``promote`` and ``demote`` actions of the resource agent. Services that support such a special role have various terms for the special role and the default role: primary and secondary, master and replica, controller and worker, etc. Pacemaker uses the terms *promoted* and *unpromoted* to be agnostic to what the service calls them or what they do. All that Pacemaker cares about is that an instance comes up in the unpromoted role when started, and the resource agent supports the ``promote`` and ``demote`` actions to manage entering and exiting the promoted role. .. index:: pair: XML element; clone Clone Properties ________________ .. table:: **Properties of a Clone Resource** :widths: 1 4 - +-------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Description | - +=======+======================================+ - | id | .. index:: | - | | single: clone; property, id | - | | single: property; id (clone) | - | | single: id; clone property | - | | | - | | A unique name for the clone | - +-------+--------------------------------------+ + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | Field | Description | + +=============+==================================================================+ + | id | .. index:: | + | | single: clone; property, id | + | | single: property; id (clone) | + | | single: id; clone property | + | | | + | | A unique name for the clone | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | description | .. index:: | + | | single: clone; attribute, description | + | | single: attribute; description (clone) | + | | single: description; clone attribute | + | | | + | | An optional description of the clone, for the user's own | + | | purposes. | + | | E.g. ``IP address for website`` | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. index:: pair: options; clone Clone Options _____________ :ref:`Options ` inherited from primitive resources: ``priority, target-role, is-managed`` .. table:: **Clone-specific configuration options** :class: longtable :widths: 1 1 3 +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Default | Description | +===================+=================+=======================================================+ | globally-unique | false | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, globally-unique | | | | single: option; globally-unique (clone) | | | | single: globally-unique; clone option | | | | | | | | If **true**, each clone instance performs a | | | | distinct function | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | clone-max | 0 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, clone-max | | | | single: option; clone-max (clone) | | | | single: clone-max; clone option | | | | | | | | The maximum number of clone instances that can | | | | be started across the entire cluster. If 0, the | | | | number of nodes in the cluster will be used. | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | clone-node-max | 1 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, clone-node-max | | | | single: option; clone-node-max (clone) | | | | single: clone-node-max; clone option | | | | | | | | If ``globally-unique`` is **true**, the maximum | | | | number of clone instances that can be started | | | | on a single node | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | clone-min | 0 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, clone-min | | | | single: option; clone-min (clone) | | | | single: clone-min; clone option | | | | | | | | Require at least this number of clone instances | | | | to be runnable before allowing resources | | | | depending on the clone to be runnable. A value | | | | of 0 means require all clone instances to be | | | | runnable. | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | notify | false | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, notify | | | | single: option; notify (clone) | | | | single: notify; clone option | | | | | | | | Call the resource agent's **notify** action for | | | | all active instances, before and after starting | | | | or stopping any clone instance. The resource | | | | agent must support this action. | | | | Allowed values: **false**, **true** | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ordered | false | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, ordered | | | | single: option; ordered (clone) | | | | single: ordered; clone option | | | | | | | | If **true**, clone instances must be started | | | | sequentially instead of in parallel. | | | | Allowed values: **false**, **true** | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | interleave | false | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, interleave | | | | single: option; interleave (clone) | | | | single: interleave; clone option | | | | | | | | When this clone is ordered relative to another | | | | clone, if this option is **false** (the default), | | | | the ordering is relative to *all* instances of | | | | the other clone, whereas if this option is | | | | **true**, the ordering is relative only to | | | | instances on the same node. | | | | Allowed values: **false**, **true** | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | promotable | false | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, promotable | | | | single: option; promotable (clone) | | | | single: promotable; clone option | | | | | | | | If **true**, clone instances can perform a | | | | special role that Pacemaker will manage via the | | | | resource agent's **promote** and **demote** | | | | actions. The resource agent must support these | | | | actions. | | | | Allowed values: **false**, **true** | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | promoted-max | 1 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, promoted-max | | | | single: option; promoted-max (clone) | | | | single: promoted-max; clone option | | | | | | | | If ``promotable`` is **true**, the number of | | | | instances that can be promoted at one time | | | | across the entire cluster | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | promoted-node-max | 1 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, promoted-node-max | | | | single: option; promoted-node-max (clone) | | | | single: promoted-node-max; clone option | | | | | | | | If ``promotable`` is **true** and ``globally-unique`` | | | | is **false**, the number of clone instances can be | | | | promoted at one time on a single node | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: **Deprecated Terminology** In older documentation and online examples, you may see promotable clones referred to as *multi-state*, *stateful*, or *master/slave*; these mean the same thing as *promotable*. Certain syntax is supported for backward compatibility, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future version: * Using a ``master`` tag, instead of a ``clone`` tag with the ``promotable`` meta-attribute set to ``true`` * Using the ``master-max`` meta-attribute instead of ``promoted-max`` * Using the ``master-node-max`` meta-attribute instead of ``promoted-node-max`` * Using ``Master`` as a role name instead of ``Promoted`` * Using ``Slave`` as a role name instead of ``Unpromoted`` Clone Contents ______________ Clones must contain exactly one primitive or group resource. .. topic:: A clone that runs a web server on all nodes .. code-block:: xml .. warning:: You should never reference the name of a clone's child (the primitive or group resource being cloned). If you think you need to do this, you probably need to re-evaluate your design. Clone Instance Attribute ________________________ Clones have no instance attributes; however, any that are set here will be inherited by the clone's child. .. index:: single: clone; constraint Clone Constraints _________________ In most cases, a clone will have a single instance on each active cluster node. If this is not the case, you can indicate which nodes the cluster should preferentially assign copies to with resource location constraints. These constraints are written no differently from those for primitive resources except that the clone's **id** is used. .. topic:: Some constraints involving clones .. code-block:: xml Ordering constraints behave slightly differently for clones. In the example above, ``apache-stats`` will wait until all copies of ``apache-clone`` that need to be started have done so before being started itself. Only if *no* copies can be started will ``apache-stats`` be prevented from being active. Additionally, the clone will wait for ``apache-stats`` to be stopped before stopping itself. Colocation of a primitive or group resource with a clone means that the resource can run on any node with an active instance of the clone. The cluster will choose an instance based on where the clone is running and the resource's own location preferences. Colocation between clones is also possible. If one clone **A** is colocated with another clone **B**, the set of allowed locations for **A** is limited to nodes on which **B** is (or will be) active. Placement is then performed normally. .. index:: single: promotable clone; constraint .. _promotable-clone-constraints: Promotable Clone Constraints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For promotable clone resources, the ``first-action`` and/or ``then-action`` fields for ordering constraints may be set to ``promote`` or ``demote`` to constrain the promoted role, and colocation constraints may contain ``rsc-role`` and/or ``with-rsc-role`` fields. .. topic:: Constraints involving promotable clone resources .. code-block:: xml In the example above, **myApp** will wait until one of the database copies has been started and promoted before being started itself on the same node. Only if no copies can be promoted will **myApp** be prevented from being active. Additionally, the cluster will wait for **myApp** to be stopped before demoting the database. Colocation of a primitive or group resource with a promotable clone resource means that it can run on any node with an active instance of the promotable clone resource that has the specified role (``Promoted`` or ``Unpromoted``). In the example above, the cluster will choose a location based on where database is running in the promoted role, and if there are multiple promoted instances it will also factor in **myApp**'s own location preferences when deciding which location to choose. Colocation with regular clones and other promotable clone resources is also possible. In such cases, the set of allowed locations for the **rsc** clone is (after role filtering) limited to nodes on which the ``with-rsc`` promotable clone resource is (or will be) in the specified role. Placement is then performed as normal. Using Promotable Clone Resources in Colocation Sets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a promotable clone is used in a :ref:`resource set ` inside a colocation constraint, the resource set may take a ``role`` attribute. In the following example, an instance of **B** may be promoted only on a node where **A** is in the promoted role. Additionally, resources **C** and **D** must be located on a node where both **A** and **B** are promoted. .. topic:: Colocate C and D with A's and B's promoted instances .. code-block:: xml Using Promotable Clone Resources in Ordered Sets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a promotable clone is used in a :ref:`resource set ` inside an ordering constraint, the resource set may take an ``action`` attribute. .. topic:: Start C and D after first promoting A and B .. code-block:: xml In the above example, **B** cannot be promoted until **A** has been promoted. Additionally, resources **C** and **D** must wait until **A** and **B** have been promoted before they can start. .. index:: pair: resource-stickiness; clone .. _s-clone-stickiness: Clone Stickiness ________________ To achieve a stable allocation pattern, clones are slightly sticky by default. If no value for ``resource-stickiness`` is provided, the clone will use a value of 1. Being a small value, it causes minimal disturbance to the score calculations of other resources but is enough to prevent Pacemaker from needlessly moving copies around the cluster. .. note:: For globally unique clones, this may result in multiple instances of the clone staying on a single node, even after another eligible node becomes active (for example, after being put into standby mode then made active again). If you do not want this behavior, specify a ``resource-stickiness`` of 0 for the clone temporarily and let the cluster adjust, then set it back to 1 if you want the default behavior to apply again. .. important:: If ``resource-stickiness`` is set in the ``rsc_defaults`` section, it will apply to clone instances as well. This means an explicit ``resource-stickiness`` of 0 in ``rsc_defaults`` works differently from the implicit default used when ``resource-stickiness`` is not specified. Clone Resource Agent Requirements _________________________________ Any resource can be used as an anonymous clone, as it requires no additional support from the resource agent. Whether it makes sense to do so depends on your resource and its resource agent. Resource Agent Requirements for Globally Unique Clones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Globally unique clones require additional support in the resource agent. In particular, it must only respond with ``${OCF_SUCCESS}`` if the node has that exact instance active. All other probes for instances of the clone should result in ``${OCF_NOT_RUNNING}`` (or one of the other OCF error codes if they are failed). Individual instances of a clone are identified by appending a colon and a numerical offset, e.g. **apache:2**. Resource agents can find out how many copies there are by examining the ``OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_clone_max`` environment variable and which instance it is by examining ``OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_clone``. The resource agent must not make any assumptions (based on ``OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_clone``) about which numerical instances are active. In particular, the list of active copies will not always be an unbroken sequence, nor always start at 0. Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Promotable clone resources require two extra actions, ``demote`` and ``promote``, which are responsible for changing the state of the resource. Like **start** and **stop**, they should return ``${OCF_SUCCESS}`` if they completed successfully or a relevant error code if they did not. The states can mean whatever you wish, but when the resource is started, it must come up in the unpromoted role. From there, the cluster will decide which instances to promote. In addition to the clone requirements for monitor actions, agents must also *accurately* report which state they are in. The cluster relies on the agent to report its status (including role) accurately and does not indicate to the agent what role it currently believes it to be in. .. table:: **Role implications of OCF return codes** :widths: 1 3 +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Monitor Return Code | Description | +======================+==================================================+ | OCF_NOT_RUNNING | .. index:: | | | single: OCF_NOT_RUNNING | | | single: OCF return code; OCF_NOT_RUNNING | | | | | | Stopped | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_SUCCESS | .. index:: | | | single: OCF_SUCCESS | | | single: OCF return code; OCF_SUCCESS | | | | | | Running (Unpromoted) | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RUNNING_PROMOTED | .. index:: | | | single: OCF_RUNNING_PROMOTED | | | single: OCF return code; OCF_RUNNING_PROMOTED | | | | | | Running (Promoted) | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_FAILED_PROMOTED | .. index:: | | | single: OCF_FAILED_PROMOTED | | | single: OCF return code; OCF_FAILED_PROMOTED | | | | | | Failed (Promoted) | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Other | .. index:: | | | single: return code | | | | | | Failed (Unpromoted) | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ Clone Notifications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the clone has the ``notify`` meta-attribute set to **true**, and the resource agent supports the ``notify`` action, Pacemaker will call the action when appropriate, passing a number of extra variables which, when combined with additional context, can be used to calculate the current state of the cluster and what is about to happen to it. .. index:: single: clone; environment variables single: notify; environment variables .. table:: **Environment variables supplied with Clone notify actions** :widths: 1 1 +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Description | +==============================================+===============================================================================+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_type | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_type | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_type | | | | | | Allowed values: **pre**, **post** | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_operation | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_operation | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_operation | | | | | | Allowed values: **start**, **stop** | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource | | | | | | Resources to be started | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource | | | | | | Resources to be stopped | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource | | | | | | Resources that are running | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource | | | | | | Resources that are not running | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_uname | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_uname | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_uname | | | | | | Nodes on which resources will be started | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_uname | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_uname | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_uname | | | | | | Nodes on which resources will be stopped | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_uname | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_uname | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_uname | | | | | | Nodes on which resources are running | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The variables come in pairs, such as ``OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` and ``OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_uname``, and should be treated as an array of whitespace-separated elements. ``OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource`` is an exception, as the matching **uname** variable does not exist since inactive resources are not running on any node. Thus, in order to indicate that **clone:0** will be started on **sles-1**, **clone:2** will be started on **sles-3**, and **clone:3** will be started on **sles-2**, the cluster would set: .. topic:: Notification variables .. code-block:: none OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource="clone:0 clone:2 clone:3" OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_uname="sles-1 sles-3 sles-2" .. note:: Pacemaker will log but otherwise ignore failures of notify actions. Interpretation of Notification Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Pre-notification (stop):** * Active resources: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource`` * Inactive resources: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource`` * Resources to be started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources to be stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` **Post-notification (stop) / Pre-notification (start):** * Active resources * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * Inactive resources * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * Resources that were started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources that were stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` **Post-notification (start):** * Active resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Inactive resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources that were started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources that were stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: clone; environment variables single: promotable; environment variables .. table:: **Extra environment variables supplied for promotable clones** :widths: 1 1 +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Description | +================================================+=================================================================================+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_resource | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_resource | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_resource | | | | | | Resources that are running in the promoted role | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_resource | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_resource | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_resource | | | | | | Resources that are running in the unpromoted role | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource | | | | | | Resources to be promoted | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource | | | | | | Resources to be demoted | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_uname | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_uname | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_uname | | | | | | Nodes on which resources will be promoted | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_uname | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_uname | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_uname | | | | | | Nodes on which resources will be demoted | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_uname | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_uname | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_uname | | | | | | Nodes on which resources are running in the promoted role | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_uname | .. index:: | | | single: environment variable; OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_uname | | | single: OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_uname | | | | | | Nodes on which resources are running in the unpromoted role | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Interpretation of Promotable Notification Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Pre-notification (demote):** * Active resources: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource`` * Promoted resources: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_resource`` * Unpromoted resources: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_resource`` * Inactive resources: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource`` * Resources to be started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources to be promoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource`` * Resources to be demoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Resources to be stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` **Post-notification (demote) / Pre-notification (stop):** * Active resources: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource`` * Promoted resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Unpromoted resources: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_resource`` * Inactive resources: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource`` * Resources to be started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources to be promoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource`` * Resources to be demoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Resources to be stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * Resources that were demoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` **Post-notification (stop) / Pre-notification (start)** * Active resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * Promoted resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Unpromoted resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * Inactive resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * Resources to be started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources to be promoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource`` * Resources to be demoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Resources to be stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * Resources that were demoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Resources that were stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` **Post-notification (start) / Pre-notification (promote)** * Active resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Promoted resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Unpromoted resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Inactive resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources to be started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources to be promoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource`` * Resources to be demoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Resources to be stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * Resources that were started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources that were demoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Resources that were stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` **Post-notification (promote)** * Active resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Promoted resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promoted_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource`` * Unpromoted resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_unpromoted_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource`` * Inactive resources: * ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource`` * plus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * minus ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources to be started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources to be promoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource`` * Resources to be demoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Resources to be stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` * Resources that were started: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource`` * Resources that were promoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource`` * Resources that were demoted: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource`` * Resources that were stopped: ``$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource`` Monitoring Promotable Clone Resources _____________________________________ The usual monitor actions are insufficient to monitor a promotable clone resource, because Pacemaker needs to verify not only that the resource is active, but also that its actual role matches its intended one. Define two monitoring actions: the usual one will cover the unpromoted role, and an additional one with ``role="Promoted"`` will cover the promoted role. .. topic:: Monitoring both states of a promotable clone resource .. code-block:: xml .. important:: It is crucial that *every* monitor operation has a different interval! Pacemaker currently differentiates between operations only by resource and interval; so if (for example) a promotable clone resource had the same monitor interval for both roles, Pacemaker would ignore the role when checking the status -- which would cause unexpected return codes, and therefore unnecessary complications. .. _s-promotion-scores: Determining Which Instance is Promoted ______________________________________ Pacemaker can choose a promotable clone instance to be promoted in one of two ways: * Promotion scores: These are node attributes set via the ``crm_attribute`` command using the ``--promotion`` option, which generally would be called by the resource agent's start action if it supports promotable clones. This tool automatically detects both the resource and host, and should be used to set a preference for being promoted. Based on this, ``promoted-max``, and ``promoted-node-max``, the instance(s) with the highest preference will be promoted. * Constraints: Location constraints can indicate which nodes are most preferred to be promoted. .. topic:: Explicitly preferring node1 to be promoted .. code-block:: xml .. index: single: bundle resource single: resource; bundle pair: container; Docker pair: container; podman pair: container; rkt .. _s-resource-bundle: Bundles - Containerized Resources ################################# Pacemaker supports a special syntax for launching a service inside a `container `_ with any infrastructure it requires: the *bundle*. Pacemaker bundles support `Docker `_, `podman `_ *(since 2.0.1)*, and `rkt `_ container technologies. [#]_ .. topic:: A bundle for a containerized web server .. code-block:: xml .. index: single: bundle resource single: resource; bundle Bundle Prerequisites ____________________ Before configuring a bundle in Pacemaker, the user must install the appropriate container launch technology (Docker, podman, or rkt), and supply a fully configured container image, on every node allowed to run the bundle. Pacemaker will create an implicit resource of type **ocf:heartbeat:docker**, **ocf:heartbeat:podman**, or **ocf:heartbeat:rkt** to manage a bundle's container. The user must ensure that the appropriate resource agent is installed on every node allowed to run the bundle. .. index:: pair: XML element; bundle Bundle Properties _________________ .. table:: **XML Attributes of a bundle Element** :widths: 1 4 - +-------------+-----------------------------------------------+ - | Attribute | Description | - +=============+===============================================+ - | id | .. index:: | - | | single: bundle; attribute, id | - | | single: attribute; id (bundle) | - | | single: id; bundle attribute | - | | | - | | A unique name for the bundle (required) | - +-------------+-----------------------------------------------+ - | description | .. index:: | - | | single: bundle; attribute, description | - | | single: attribute; description (bundle) | - | | single: description; bundle attribute | - | | | - | | Arbitrary text (not used by Pacemaker) | - +-------------+-----------------------------------------------+ - + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | Field | Description | + +=============+==================================================================+ + | id | .. index:: | + | | single: bundle; attribute, id | + | | single: attribute; id (bundle) | + | | single: id; bundle attribute | + | | | + | | A unique name for the bundle (required) | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | description | .. index:: | + | | single: bundle; attribute, description | + | | single: attribute; description (bundle) | + | | single: description; bundle attribute | + | | | + | | An optional description of the group, for the user's own | + | | purposes. | + | | E.g. ``manages the container that runs the service`` | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + A bundle must contain exactly one ``docker``, ``podman``, or ``rkt`` element. .. index:: pair: XML element; docker pair: XML element; podman pair: XML element; rkt single: resource; bundle Bundle Container Properties ___________________________ .. table:: **XML attributes of a docker, podman, or rkt Element** :class: longtable :widths: 2 3 4 +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Default | Description | +===================+====================================+===================================================+ | image | | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, image | | | | single: attribute; image (docker) | | | | single: image; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, image | | | | single: attribute; image (podman) | | | | single: image; podman attribute | | | | single: rkt; attribute, image | | | | single: attribute; image (rkt) | | | | single: image; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | Container image tag (required) | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | replicas | Value of ``promoted-max`` | .. index:: | | | if that is positive, else 1 | single: docker; attribute, replicas | | | | single: attribute; replicas (docker) | | | | single: replicas; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, replicas | | | | single: attribute; replicas (podman) | | | | single: replicas; podman attribute | | | | single: rkt; attribute, replicas | | | | single: attribute; replicas (rkt) | | | | single: replicas; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | A positive integer specifying the number of | | | | container instances to launch | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | replicas-per-host | 1 | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, replicas-per-host | | | | single: attribute; replicas-per-host (docker) | | | | single: replicas-per-host; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, replicas-per-host | | | | single: attribute; replicas-per-host (podman) | | | | single: replicas-per-host; podman attribute | | | | single: rkt; attribute, replicas-per-host | | | | single: attribute; replicas-per-host (rkt) | | | | single: replicas-per-host; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | A positive integer specifying the number of | | | | container instances allowed to run on a | | | | single node | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | promoted-max | 0 | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, promoted-max | | | | single: attribute; promoted-max (docker) | | | | single: promoted-max; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, promoted-max | | | | single: attribute; promoted-max (podman) | | | | single: promoted-max; podman attribute | | | | single: rkt; attribute, promoted-max | | | | single: attribute; promoted-max (rkt) | | | | single: promoted-max; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | A non-negative integer that, if positive, | | | | indicates that the containerized service | | | | should be treated as a promotable service, | | | | with this many replicas allowed to run the | | | | service in the promoted role | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | network | | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, network | | | | single: attribute; network (docker) | | | | single: network; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, network | | | | single: attribute; network (podman) | | | | single: network; podman attribute | | | | single: rkt; attribute, network | | | | single: attribute; network (rkt) | | | | single: network; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | If specified, this will be passed to the | | | | ``docker run``, ``podman run``, or | | | | ``rkt run`` command as the network setting | | | | for the container. | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | run-command | ``/usr/sbin/pacemaker-remoted`` if | .. index:: | | | bundle contains a **primitive**, | single: docker; attribute, run-command | | | otherwise none | single: attribute; run-command (docker) | | | | single: run-command; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, run-command | | | | single: attribute; run-command (podman) | | | | single: run-command; podman attribute | | | | single: rkt; attribute, run-command | | | | single: attribute; run-command (rkt) | | | | single: run-command; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | This command will be run inside the container | | | | when launching it ("PID 1"). If the bundle | | | | contains a **primitive**, this command *must* | | | | start ``pacemaker-remoted`` (but could, for | | | | example, be a script that does other stuff, too). | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | options | | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, options | | | | single: attribute; options (docker) | | | | single: options; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, options | | | | single: attribute; options (podman) | | | | single: options; podman attribute | | | | single: rkt; attribute, options | | | | single: attribute; options (rkt) | | | | single: options; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | Extra command-line options to pass to the | | | | ``docker run``, ``podman run``, or ``rkt run`` | | | | command | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: Considerations when using cluster configurations or container images from Pacemaker 1.1: * If the container image has a pre-2.0.0 version of Pacemaker, set ``run-command`` to ``/usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted`` (note the underbar instead of dash). * ``masters`` is accepted as an alias for ``promoted-max``, but is deprecated since 2.0.0, and support for it will be removed in a future version. Bundle Network Properties _________________________ A bundle may optionally contain one ```` element. .. index:: pair: XML element; network single: resource; bundle single: bundle; networking .. table:: **XML attributes of a network Element** :widths: 2 1 5 +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Default | Description | +================+=========+============================================================+ | add-host | TRUE | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute, add-host | | | | single: attribute; add-host (network) | | | | single: add-host; network attribute | | | | | | | | If TRUE, and ``ip-range-start`` is used, Pacemaker will | | | | automatically ensure that ``/etc/hosts`` inside the | | | | containers has entries for each | | | | :ref:`replica name ` | | | | and its assigned IP. | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ip-range-start | | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute, ip-range-start | | | | single: attribute; ip-range-start (network) | | | | single: ip-range-start; network attribute | | | | | | | | If specified, Pacemaker will create an implicit | | | | ``ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2`` resource for each container | | | | instance, starting with this IP address, using up to | | | | ``replicas`` sequential addresses. These addresses can be | | | | used from the host's network to reach the service inside | | | | the container, though it is not visible within the | | | | container itself. Only IPv4 addresses are currently | | | | supported. | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | host-netmask | 32 | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute; host-netmask | | | | single: attribute; host-netmask (network) | | | | single: host-netmask; network attribute | | | | | | | | If ``ip-range-start`` is specified, the IP addresses | | | | are created with this CIDR netmask (as a number of bits). | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | host-interface | | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute; host-interface | | | | single: attribute; host-interface (network) | | | | single: host-interface; network attribute | | | | | | | | If ``ip-range-start`` is specified, the IP addresses are | | | | created on this host interface (by default, it will be | | | | determined from the IP address). | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | control-port | 3121 | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute; control-port | | | | single: attribute; control-port (network) | | | | single: control-port; network attribute | | | | | | | | If the bundle contains a ``primitive``, the cluster will | | | | use this integer TCP port for communication with | | | | Pacemaker Remote inside the container. Changing this is | | | | useful when the container is unable to listen on the | | | | default port, for example, when the container uses the | | | | host's network rather than ``ip-range-start`` (in which | | | | case ``replicas-per-host`` must be 1), or when the bundle | | | | may run on a Pacemaker Remote node that is already | | | | listening on the default port. Any ``PCMK_remote_port`` | | | | environment variable set on the host or in the container | | | | is ignored for bundle connections. | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _s-resource-bundle-note-replica-names: .. note:: Replicas are named by the bundle id plus a dash and an integer counter starting with zero. For example, if a bundle named **httpd-bundle** has **replicas=2**, its containers will be named **httpd-bundle-0** and **httpd-bundle-1**. .. index:: pair: XML element; port-mapping Additionally, a ``network`` element may optionally contain one or more ``port-mapping`` elements. .. table:: **Attributes of a port-mapping Element** :widths: 2 1 5 +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Default | Description | +===============+===================+======================================================+ | id | | .. index:: | | | | single: port-mapping; attribute, id | | | | single: attribute; id (port-mapping) | | | | single: id; port-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | A unique name for the port mapping (required) | +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | port | | .. index:: | | | | single: port-mapping; attribute, port | | | | single: attribute; port (port-mapping) | | | | single: port; port-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | If this is specified, connections to this TCP port | | | | number on the host network (on the container's | | | | assigned IP address, if ``ip-range-start`` is | | | | specified) will be forwarded to the container | | | | network. Exactly one of ``port`` or ``range`` | | | | must be specified in a ``port-mapping``. | +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | internal-port | value of ``port`` | .. index:: | | | | single: port-mapping; attribute, internal-port | | | | single: attribute; internal-port (port-mapping) | | | | single: internal-port; port-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | If ``port`` and this are specified, connections | | | | to ``port`` on the host's network will be | | | | forwarded to this port on the container network. | +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | range | | .. index:: | | | | single: port-mapping; attribute, range | | | | single: attribute; range (port-mapping) | | | | single: range; port-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | If this is specified, connections to these TCP | | | | port numbers (expressed as *first_port*-*last_port*) | | | | on the host network (on the container's assigned IP | | | | address, if ``ip-range-start`` is specified) will | | | | be forwarded to the same ports in the container | | | | network. Exactly one of ``port`` or ``range`` | | | | must be specified in a ``port-mapping``. | +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: If the bundle contains a ``primitive``, Pacemaker will automatically map the ``control-port``, so it is not necessary to specify that port in a ``port-mapping``. .. index: pair: XML element; storage pair: XML element; storage-mapping single: resource; bundle .. _s-bundle-storage: Bundle Storage Properties _________________________ A bundle may optionally contain one ``storage`` element. A ``storage`` element has no properties of its own, but may contain one or more ``storage-mapping`` elements. .. table:: **Attributes of a storage-mapping Element** :widths: 2 1 5 +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Default | Description | +=================+=========+=============================================================+ | id | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, id | | | | single: attribute; id (storage-mapping) | | | | single: id; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | A unique name for the storage mapping (required) | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | source-dir | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, source-dir | | | | single: attribute; source-dir (storage-mapping) | | | | single: source-dir; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | The absolute path on the host's filesystem that will be | | | | mapped into the container. Exactly one of ``source-dir`` | | | | and ``source-dir-root`` must be specified in a | | | | ``storage-mapping``. | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | source-dir-root | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, source-dir-root | | | | single: attribute; source-dir-root (storage-mapping) | | | | single: source-dir-root; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | The start of a path on the host's filesystem that will | | | | be mapped into the container, using a different | | | | subdirectory on the host for each container instance. | | | | The subdirectory will be named the same as the | | | | :ref:`replica name `. | | | | Exactly one of ``source-dir`` and ``source-dir-root`` | | | | must be specified in a ``storage-mapping``. | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | target-dir | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, target-dir | | | | single: attribute; target-dir (storage-mapping) | | | | single: target-dir; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | The path name within the container where the host | | | | storage will be mapped (required) | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | options | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, options | | | | single: attribute; options (storage-mapping) | | | | single: options; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | A comma-separated list of file system mount | | | | options to use when mapping the storage | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: Pacemaker does not define the behavior if the source directory does not already exist on the host. However, it is expected that the container technology and/or its resource agent will create the source directory in that case. .. note:: If the bundle contains a ``primitive``, Pacemaker will automatically map the equivalent of ``source-dir=/etc/pacemaker/authkey target-dir=/etc/pacemaker/authkey`` and ``source-dir-root=/var/log/pacemaker/bundles target-dir=/var/log`` into the container, so it is not necessary to specify those paths in a ``storage-mapping``. .. important:: The ``PCMK_authkey_location`` environment variable must not be set to anything other than the default of ``/etc/pacemaker/authkey`` on any node in the cluster. .. important:: If SELinux is used in enforcing mode on the host, you must ensure the container is allowed to use any storage you mount into it. For Docker and podman bundles, adding "Z" to the mount options will create a container-specific label for the mount that allows the container access. .. index:: single: resource; bundle Bundle Primitive ________________ A bundle may optionally contain one :ref:`primitive ` resource. The primitive may have operations, instance attributes, and meta-attributes defined, as usual. If a bundle contains a primitive resource, the container image must include the Pacemaker Remote daemon, and at least one of ``ip-range-start`` or ``control-port`` must be configured in the bundle. Pacemaker will create an implicit **ocf:pacemaker:remote** resource for the connection, launch Pacemaker Remote within the container, and monitor and manage the primitive resource via Pacemaker Remote. If the bundle has more than one container instance (replica), the primitive resource will function as an implicit :ref:`clone ` -- a :ref:`promotable clone ` if the bundle has ``promoted-max`` greater than zero. .. note:: If you want to pass environment variables to a bundle's Pacemaker Remote connection or primitive, you have two options: * Environment variables whose value is the same regardless of the underlying host may be set using the container element's ``options`` attribute. * If you want variables to have host-specific values, you can use the :ref:`storage-mapping ` element to map a file on the host as ``/etc/pacemaker/pcmk-init.env`` in the container *(since 2.0.3)*. Pacemaker Remote will parse this file as a shell-like format, with variables set as NAME=VALUE, ignoring blank lines and comments starting with "#". .. important:: When a bundle has a ``primitive``, Pacemaker on all cluster nodes must be able to contact Pacemaker Remote inside the bundle's containers. * The containers must have an accessible network (for example, ``network`` should not be set to "none" with a ``primitive``). * The default, using a distinct network space inside the container, works in combination with ``ip-range-start``. Any firewall must allow access from all cluster nodes to the ``control-port`` on the container IPs. * If the container shares the host's network space (for example, by setting ``network`` to "host"), a unique ``control-port`` should be specified for each bundle. Any firewall must allow access from all cluster nodes to the ``control-port`` on all cluster and remote node IPs. .. index:: single: resource; bundle .. _s-bundle-attributes: Bundle Node Attributes ______________________ If the bundle has a ``primitive``, the primitive's resource agent may want to set node attributes such as :ref:`promotion scores `. However, with containers, it is not apparent which node should get the attribute. If the container uses shared storage that is the same no matter which node the container is hosted on, then it is appropriate to use the promotion score on the bundle node itself. On the other hand, if the container uses storage exported from the underlying host, then it may be more appropriate to use the promotion score on the underlying host. Since this depends on the particular situation, the ``container-attribute-target`` resource meta-attribute allows the user to specify which approach to use. If it is set to ``host``, then user-defined node attributes will be checked on the underlying host. If it is anything else, the local node (in this case the bundle node) is used as usual. This only applies to user-defined attributes; the cluster will always check the local node for cluster-defined attributes such as ``#uname``. If ``container-attribute-target`` is ``host``, the cluster will pass additional environment variables to the primitive's resource agent that allow it to set node attributes appropriately: ``CRM_meta_container_attribute_target`` (identical to the meta-attribute value) and ``CRM_meta_physical_host`` (the name of the underlying host). .. note:: When called by a resource agent, the ``attrd_updater`` and ``crm_attribute`` commands will automatically check those environment variables and set attributes appropriately. .. index:: single: resource; bundle Bundle Meta-Attributes ______________________ Any meta-attribute set on a bundle will be inherited by the bundle's primitive and any resources implicitly created by Pacemaker for the bundle. This includes options such as ``priority``, ``target-role``, and ``is-managed``. See :ref:`resource_options` for more information. Limitations of Bundles ______________________ Restarting pacemaker while a bundle is unmanaged or the cluster is in maintenance mode may cause the bundle to fail. Bundles may not be explicitly cloned or included in groups. This includes the bundle's primitive and any resources implicitly created by Pacemaker for the bundle. (If ``replicas`` is greater than 1, the bundle will behave like a clone implicitly.) Bundles do not have instance attributes, utilization attributes, or operations, though a bundle's primitive may have them. A bundle with a primitive can run on a Pacemaker Remote node only if the bundle uses a distinct ``control-port``. .. [#] Of course, the service must support running multiple instances. .. [#] Docker is a trademark of Docker, Inc. No endorsement by or association with Docker, Inc. is implied. diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/resources.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/resources.rst index 430e670cff..80b3e39b37 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/resources.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/resources.rst @@ -1,1064 +1,1071 @@ .. _resource: Cluster Resources ----------------- .. _s-resource-primitive: What is a Cluster Resource? ########################### .. index:: single: resource A *resource* is a service managed by Pacemaker. The simplest type of resource, a *primitive*, is described in this chapter. More complex forms, such as groups and clones, are described in later chapters. Every primitive has a *resource agent* that provides Pacemaker a standardized interface for managing the service. This allows Pacemaker to be agnostic about the services it manages. Pacemaker doesn't need to understand how the service works because it relies on the resource agent to do the right thing when asked. Every resource has a *class* specifying the standard that its resource agent follows, and a *type* identifying the specific service being managed. .. _s-resource-supported: .. index:: single: resource; class Resource Classes ################ Pacemaker supports several classes, or standards, of resource agents: * OCF * LSB * Systemd * Upstart (deprecated) * Service * Fencing * Nagios .. index:: single: resource; OCF single: OCF; resources single: Open Cluster Framework; resources Open Cluster Framework ______________________ The Open Cluster Framework (OCF) Resource Agent API is a ClusterLabs standard for managing services. It is the most preferred since it is specifically designed for use in a Pacemaker cluster. OCF agents are scripts that support a variety of actions including ``start``, ``stop``, and ``monitor``. They may accept parameters, making them more flexible than other classes. The number and purpose of parameters is left to the agent, which advertises them via the ``meta-data`` action. Unlike other classes, OCF agents have a *provider* as well as a class and type. For more information, see the "Resource Agents" chapter of *Pacemaker Administration* and the `OCF standard `_. .. _s-resource-supported-systemd: .. index:: single: Resource; Systemd single: Systemd; resources Systemd _______ Most Linux distributions use `Systemd `_ for system initialization and service management. *Unit files* specify how to manage services and are usually provided by the distribution. Pacemaker can manage systemd services. Simply create a resource with ``systemd`` as the resource class and the unit file name as the resource type. Do *not* run ``systemctl enable`` on the unit. .. important:: Make sure that any systemd services to be controlled by the cluster are *not* enabled to start at boot. .. index:: single: resource; LSB single: LSB; resources single: Linux Standard Base; resources Linux Standard Base ___________________ *LSB* resource agents, also known as `SysV-style `_, are scripts that provide start, stop, and status actions for a service. They are provided by some operating system distributions. If a full path is not given, they are assumed to be located in a directory specified when your Pacemaker software was built (usually ``/etc/init.d``). In order to be used with Pacemaker, they must conform to the `LSB specification `_ as it relates to init scripts. .. warning:: Some LSB scripts do not fully comply with the standard. For details on how to check whether your script is LSB-compatible, see the "Resource Agents" chapter of `Pacemaker Administration`. Common problems include: * Not implementing the ``status`` action * Not observing the correct exit status codes * Starting a started resource returns an error * Stopping a stopped resource returns an error .. important:: Make sure the host is *not* configured to start any LSB services at boot that will be controlled by the cluster. .. index:: single: Resource; Upstart single: Upstart; resources Upstart _______ Some Linux distributions previously used `Upstart `_ for system initialization and service management. Pacemaker is able to manage services using Upstart if the local system supports them and support was enabled when your Pacemaker software was built. The *jobs* that specify how services are managed are usually provided by the operating system distribution. .. important:: Make sure the host is *not* configured to start any Upstart services at boot that will be controlled by the cluster. .. warning:: Upstart support is deprecated in Pacemaker. Upstart is no longer actively maintained, and test platforms for it are no longer readily usable. Support will be dropped entirely at the next major release of Pacemaker. .. index:: single: Resource; System Services single: System Service; resources System Services _______________ Since there are various types of system services (``systemd``, ``upstart``, and ``lsb``), Pacemaker supports a special ``service`` alias which intelligently figures out which one applies to a given cluster node. This is particularly useful when the cluster contains a mix of ``systemd``, ``upstart``, and ``lsb``. In order, Pacemaker will try to find the named service as: * an LSB init script * a Systemd unit file * an Upstart job .. index:: single: Resource; STONITH single: STONITH; resources STONITH _______ The ``stonith`` class is used for managing fencing devices, discussed later in :ref:`fencing`. .. index:: single: Resource; Nagios Plugins single: Nagios Plugins; resources Nagios Plugins ______________ Nagios Plugins [#]_ are a way to monitor services. Pacemaker can use these as resources, to react to a change in the service's status. To use plugins as resources, Pacemaker must have been built with support, and OCF-style meta-data for the plugins must be installed on nodes that can run them. Meta-data for several common plugins is provided by the `nagios-agents-metadata `_ project. The supported parameters for such a resource are same as the long options of the plugin. Start and monitor actions for plugin resources are implemented as invoking the plugin. A plugin result of "OK" (0) is treated as success, a result of "WARN" (1) is treated as a successful but degraded service, and any other result is considered a failure. A plugin resource is not going to change its status after recovery by restarting the plugin, so using them alone does not make sense with ``on-fail`` set (or left to default) to ``restart``. Another value could make sense, for example, if you want to fence or standby nodes that cannot reach some external service. A more common use case for plugin resources is to configure them with a ``container`` meta-attribute set to the name of another resource that actually makes the service available, such as a virtual machine or container. With ``container`` set, the plugin resource will automatically be colocated with the containing resource and ordered after it, and the containing resource will be considered failed if the plugin resource fails. This allows monitoring of a service inside a virtual machine or container, with recovery of the virtual machine or container if the service fails. Configuring a virtual machine as a guest node, or a container as a :ref:`bundle `, is the preferred way of monitoring a service inside, but plugin resources can be useful when it is not practical to modify the virtual machine or container image for this purpose. .. _primitive-resource: Resource Properties ################### These values tell the cluster which resource agent to use for the resource, where to find that resource agent and what standards it conforms to. .. table:: **Properties of a Primitive Resource** :widths: 1 4 - +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Description | - +==========+==================================================================+ - | id | .. index:: | - | | single: id; resource | - | | single: resource; property, id | - | | | - | | Your name for the resource | - +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | class | .. index:: | - | | single: class; resource | - | | single: resource; property, class | - | | | - | | The standard the resource agent conforms to. Allowed values: | - | | ``lsb``, ``nagios``, ``ocf``, ``service``, ``stonith``, | - | | ``systemd``, ``upstart`` | - +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | type | .. index:: | - | | single: type; resource | - | | single: resource; property, type | - | | | - | | The name of the Resource Agent you wish to use. E.g. | - | | ``IPaddr`` or ``Filesystem`` | - +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | provider | .. index:: | - | | single: provider; resource | - | | single: resource; property, provider | - | | | - | | The OCF spec allows multiple vendors to supply the same resource | - | | agent. To use the OCF resource agents supplied by the Heartbeat | - | | project, you would specify ``heartbeat`` here. | - +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | Field | Description | + +=============+==================================================================+ + | id | .. index:: | + | | single: id; resource | + | | single: resource; property, id | + | | | + | | Your name for the resource | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | class | .. index:: | + | | single: class; resource | + | | single: resource; property, class | + | | | + | | The standard the resource agent conforms to. Allowed values: | + | | ``lsb``, ``nagios``, ``ocf``, ``service``, ``stonith``, | + | | ``systemd``, ``upstart`` | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | description | .. index:: | + | | single: description; resource | + | | single: resource; property, description | + | | | + | | A description of the Resource Agent, intended for local use. | + | | E.g. ``IP address for website`` | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | type | .. index:: | + | | single: type; resource | + | | single: resource; property, type | + | | | + | | The name of the Resource Agent you wish to use. E.g. | + | | ``IPaddr`` or ``Filesystem`` | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ + | provider | .. index:: | + | | single: provider; resource | + | | single: resource; property, provider | + | | | + | | The OCF spec allows multiple vendors to supply the same resource | + | | agent. To use the OCF resource agents supplied by the Heartbeat | + | | project, you would specify ``heartbeat`` here. | + +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ The XML definition of a resource can be queried with the **crm_resource** tool. For example: .. code-block:: none # crm_resource --resource Email --query-xml might produce: .. topic:: A system resource definition .. code-block:: xml .. note:: One of the main drawbacks to system services (LSB, systemd or Upstart) resources is that they do not allow any parameters! .. topic:: An OCF resource definition .. code-block:: xml .. _resource_options: Resource Options ################ Resources have two types of options: *meta-attributes* and *instance attributes*. Meta-attributes apply to any type of resource, while instance attributes are specific to each resource agent. Resource Meta-Attributes ________________________ Meta-attributes are used by the cluster to decide how a resource should behave and can be easily set using the ``--meta`` option of the **crm_resource** command. .. table:: **Meta-attributes of a Primitive Resource** :class: longtable :widths: 2 2 3 +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Default | Description | +============================+==================================+======================================================+ | priority | 0 | .. index:: | | | | single: priority; resource option | | | | single: resource; option, priority | | | | | | | | If not all resources can be active, the cluster | | | | will stop lower priority resources in order to | | | | keep higher priority ones active. | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | critical | true | .. index:: | | | | single: critical; resource option | | | | single: resource; option, critical | | | | | | | | Use this value as the default for ``influence`` in | | | | all :ref:`colocation constraints | | | | ` involving this resource, | | | | as well as the implicit colocation constraints | | | | created if this resource is in a :ref:`group | | | | `. For details, see | | | | :ref:`s-coloc-influence`. *(since 2.1.0)* | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | target-role | Started | .. index:: | | | | single: target-role; resource option | | | | single: resource; option, target-role | | | | | | | | What state should the cluster attempt to keep this | | | | resource in? Allowed values: | | | | | | | | * ``Stopped:`` Force the resource to be stopped | | | | * ``Started:`` Allow the resource to be started | | | | (and in the case of :ref:`promotable clone | | | | resources `, promoted | | | | if appropriate) | | | | * ``Unpromoted:`` Allow the resource to be started, | | | | but only in the unpromoted role if the resource is | | | | :ref:`promotable ` | | | | * ``Promoted:`` Equivalent to ``Started`` | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | is-managed | TRUE | .. index:: | | | | single: is-managed; resource option | | | | single: resource; option, is-managed | | | | | | | | Is the cluster allowed to start and stop | | | | the resource? Allowed values: ``true``, ``false`` | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | maintenance | FALSE | .. index:: | | | | single: maintenance; resource option | | | | single: resource; option, maintenance | | | | | | | | Similar to the ``maintenance-mode`` | | | | :ref:`cluster option `, but for | | | | a single resource. If true, the resource will not | | | | be started, stopped, or monitored on any node. This | | | | differs from ``is-managed`` in that monitors will | | | | not be run. Allowed values: ``true``, ``false`` | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | resource-stickiness | 1 for individual clone | .. _resource-stickiness: | | | instances, 0 for all | | | | other resources | .. index:: | | | | single: resource-stickiness; resource option | | | | single: resource; option, resource-stickiness | | | | | | | | A score that will be added to the current node when | | | | a resource is already active. This allows running | | | | resources to stay where they are, even if they | | | | would be placed elsewhere if they were being | | | | started from a stopped state. | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | requires | ``quorum`` for resources | .. _requires: | | | with a ``class`` of ``stonith``, | | | | otherwise ``unfencing`` if | .. index:: | | | unfencing is active in the | single: requires; resource option | | | cluster, otherwise ``fencing`` | single: resource; option, requires | | | if ``stonith-enabled`` is true, | | | | otherwise ``quorum`` | Conditions under which the resource can be | | | | started. Allowed values: | | | | | | | | * ``nothing:`` can always be started | | | | * ``quorum:`` The cluster can only start this | | | | resource if a majority of the configured nodes | | | | are active | | | | * ``fencing:`` The cluster can only start this | | | | resource if a majority of the configured nodes | | | | are active *and* any failed or unknown nodes | | | | have been :ref:`fenced ` | | | | * ``unfencing:`` The cluster can only start this | | | | resource if a majority of the configured nodes | | | | are active *and* any failed or unknown nodes have | | | | been fenced *and* only on nodes that have been | | | | :ref:`unfenced ` | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | migration-threshold | INFINITY | .. index:: | | | | single: migration-threshold; resource option | | | | single: resource; option, migration-threshold | | | | | | | | How many failures may occur for this resource on | | | | a node, before this node is marked ineligible to | | | | host this resource. A value of 0 indicates that this | | | | feature is disabled (the node will never be marked | | | | ineligible); by constrast, the cluster treats | | | | INFINITY (the default) as a very large but finite | | | | number. This option has an effect only if the | | | | failed operation specifies ``on-fail`` as | | | | ``restart`` (the default), and additionally for | | | | failed ``start`` operations, if the cluster | | | | property ``start-failure-is-fatal`` is ``false``. | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | failure-timeout | 0 | .. index:: | | | | single: failure-timeout; resource option | | | | single: resource; option, failure-timeout | | | | | | | | How many seconds to wait before acting as if the | | | | failure had not occurred, and potentially allowing | | | | the resource back to the node on which it failed. | | | | A value of 0 indicates that this feature is | | | | disabled. | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | multiple-active | stop_start | .. index:: | | | | single: multiple-active; resource option | | | | single: resource; option, multiple-active | | | | | | | | What should the cluster do if it ever finds the | | | | resource active on more than one node? Allowed | | | | values: | | | | | | | | * ``block``: mark the resource as unmanaged | | | | * ``stop_only``: stop all active instances and | | | | leave them that way | | | | * ``stop_start``: stop all active instances and | | | | start the resource in one location only | | | | * ``stop_unexpected``: stop all active instances | | | | except where the resource should be active (this | | | | should be used only when extra instances are not | | | | expected to disrupt existing instances, and the | | | | resource agent's monitor of an existing instance | | | | is capable of detecting any problems that could be | | | | caused; note that any resources ordered after this | | | | will still need to be restarted) | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | allow-migrate | TRUE for ocf:pacemaker:remote | Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" | | | resources, FALSE otherwise | this resource when it needs to be moved (see | | | | :ref:`live-migration`) | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | allow-unhealthy-nodes | FALSE | Whether the resource should be able to run on a node | | | | even if the node's health score would otherwise | | | | prevent it (see :ref:`node-health`) *(since 2.1.3)* | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | container-attribute-target | | Specific to bundle resources; see | | | | :ref:`s-bundle-attributes` | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | remote-node | | The name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this | | | | resource is associated with, if any. If | | | | specified, this both enables the resource as a | | | | guest node and defines the unique name used to | | | | identify the guest node. The guest must be | | | | configured to run the Pacemaker Remote daemon | | | | when it is started. **WARNING:** This value | | | | cannot overlap with any resource or node IDs. | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | remote-port | 3121 | If ``remote-node`` is specified, the port on the | | | | guest used for its Pacemaker Remote connection. | | | | The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must | | | | be configured to listen on this port. | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | remote-addr | value of ``remote-node`` | If ``remote-node`` is specified, the IP | | | | address or hostname used to connect to the | | | | guest via Pacemaker Remote. The Pacemaker Remote | | | | daemon on the guest must be configured to accept | | | | connections on this address. | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | remote-connect-timeout | 60s | If ``remote-node`` is specified, how long before | | | | a pending guest connection will time out. | +----------------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ As an example of setting resource options, if you performed the following commands on an LSB Email resource: .. code-block:: none # crm_resource --meta --resource Email --set-parameter priority --parameter-value 100 # crm_resource -m -r Email -p multiple-active -v block the resulting resource definition might be: .. topic:: An LSB resource with cluster options .. code-block:: xml In addition to the cluster-defined meta-attributes described above, you may also configure arbitrary meta-attributes of your own choosing. Most commonly, this would be done for use in :ref:`rules `. For example, an IT department might define a custom meta-attribute to indicate which company department each resource is intended for. To reduce the chance of name collisions with cluster-defined meta-attributes added in the future, it is recommended to use a unique, organization-specific prefix for such attributes. .. _s-resource-defaults: Setting Global Defaults for Resource Meta-Attributes ____________________________________________________ To set a default value for a resource option, add it to the ``rsc_defaults`` section with ``crm_attribute``. For example, .. code-block:: none # crm_attribute --type rsc_defaults --name is-managed --update false would prevent the cluster from starting or stopping any of the resources in the configuration (unless of course the individual resources were specifically enabled by having their ``is-managed`` set to ``true``). Resource Instance Attributes ____________________________ The resource agents of some resource classes (lsb, systemd and upstart *not* among them) can be given parameters which determine how they behave and which instance of a service they control. If your resource agent supports parameters, you can add them with the ``crm_resource`` command. For example, .. code-block:: none # crm_resource --resource Public-IP --set-parameter ip --parameter-value would create an entry in the resource like this: .. topic:: An example OCF resource with instance attributes .. code-block:: xml For an OCF resource, the result would be an environment variable called ``OCF_RESKEY_ip`` with a value of ````. The list of instance attributes supported by an OCF resource agent can be found by calling the resource agent with the ``meta-data`` command. The output contains an XML description of all the supported attributes, their purpose and default values. .. topic:: Displaying the metadata for the Dummy resource agent template .. code-block:: none # export OCF_ROOT=/usr/lib/ocf # $OCF_ROOT/resource.d/pacemaker/Dummy meta-data .. code-block:: xml 1.1 This is a dummy OCF resource agent. It does absolutely nothing except keep track of whether it is running or not, and can be configured so that actions fail or take a long time. Its purpose is primarily for testing, and to serve as a template for resource agent writers. Example stateless resource agent Location to store the resource state in. State file Fake password field Password Fake attribute that can be changed to cause a reload Fake attribute that can be changed to cause a reload Number of seconds to sleep during operations. This can be used to test how the cluster reacts to operation timeouts. Operation sleep duration in seconds. Start, migrate_from, and reload-agent actions will return failure if running on the host specified here, but the resource will run successfully anyway (future monitor calls will find it running). This can be used to test on-fail=ignore. Report bogus start failure on specified host If this is set, the environment will be dumped to this file for every call. Environment dump file .. index:: single: resource; action single: resource; operation .. _operation: Resource Operations ################### *Operations* are actions the cluster can perform on a resource by calling the resource agent. Resource agents must support certain common operations such as start, stop, and monitor, and may implement any others. Operations may be explicitly configured for two purposes: to override defaults for options (such as timeout) that the cluster will use whenever it initiates the operation, and to run an operation on a recurring basis (for example, to monitor the resource for failure). .. topic:: An OCF resource with a non-default start timeout .. code-block:: xml Pacemaker identifies operations by a combination of name and interval, so this combination must be unique for each resource. That is, you should not configure two operations for the same resource with the same name and interval. .. _operation_properties: Operation Properties ____________________ Operation properties may be specified directly in the ``op`` element as XML attributes, or in a separate ``meta_attributes`` block as ``nvpair`` elements. XML attributes take precedence over ``nvpair`` elements if both are specified. .. table:: **Properties of an Operation** :class: longtable :widths: 1 2 3 +----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Default | Description | +================+===================================+=====================================================+ | id | | .. index:: | | | | single: id; action property | | | | single: action; property, id | | | | | | | | A unique name for the operation. | +----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | name | | .. index:: | | | | single: name; action property | | | | single: action; property, name | | | | | | | | The action to perform. This can be any action | | | | supported by the agent; common values include | | | | ``monitor``, ``start``, and ``stop``. | +----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | interval | 0 | .. index:: | | | | single: interval; action property | | | | single: action; property, interval | | | | | | | | How frequently (in seconds) to perform the | | | | operation. A value of 0 means "when needed". | | | | A positive value defines a *recurring action*, | | | | which is typically used with | | | | :ref:`monitor `. | +----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | timeout | | .. index:: | | | | single: timeout; action property | | | | single: action; property, timeout | | | | | | | | How long to wait before declaring the action | | | | has failed | +----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | on-fail | Varies by action: | .. index:: | | | | single: on-fail; action property | | | * ``stop``: ``fence`` if | single: action; property, on-fail | | | ``stonith-enabled`` is true | | | | or ``block`` otherwise | The action to take if this action ever fails. | | | * ``demote``: ``on-fail`` of the | Allowed values: | | | ``monitor`` action with | | | | ``role`` set to ``Promoted``, | * ``ignore:`` Pretend the resource did not fail. | | | if present, enabled, and | * ``block:`` Don't perform any further operations | | | configured to a value other | on the resource. | | | than ``demote``, or ``restart`` | * ``stop:`` Stop the resource and do not start | | | otherwise | it elsewhere. | | | * all other actions: ``restart`` | * ``demote:`` Demote the resource, without a | | | | full restart. This is valid only for ``promote`` | | | | actions, and for ``monitor`` actions with both | | | | a nonzero ``interval`` and ``role`` set to | | | | ``Promoted``; for any other action, a | | | | configuration error will be logged, and the | | | | default behavior will be used. *(since 2.0.5)* | | | | * ``restart:`` Stop the resource and start it | | | | again (possibly on a different node). | | | | * ``fence:`` STONITH the node on which the | | | | resource failed. | | | | * ``standby:`` Move *all* resources away from the | | | | node on which the resource failed. | +----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | enabled | TRUE | .. index:: | | | | single: enabled; action property | | | | single: action; property, enabled | | | | | | | | If ``false``, ignore this operation definition. | | | | This is typically used to pause a particular | | | | recurring ``monitor`` operation; for instance, it | | | | can complement the respective resource being | | | | unmanaged (``is-managed=false``), as this alone | | | | will :ref:`not block any configured monitoring | | | | `. Disabling the operation | | | | does not suppress all actions of the given type. | | | | Allowed values: ``true``, ``false``. | +----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | record-pending | TRUE | .. index:: | | | | single: record-pending; action property | | | | single: action; property, record-pending | | | | | | | | If ``true``, the intention to perform the operation | | | | is recorded so that GUIs and CLI tools can indicate | | | | that an operation is in progress. This is best set | | | | as an *operation default* | | | | (see :ref:`s-operation-defaults`). Allowed values: | | | | ``true``, ``false``. | +----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | role | | .. index:: | | | | single: role; action property | | | | single: action; property, role | | | | | | | | Run the operation only on node(s) that the cluster | | | | thinks should be in the specified role. This only | | | | makes sense for recurring ``monitor`` operations. | | | | Allowed (case-sensitive) values: ``Stopped``, | | | | ``Started``, and in the case of :ref:`promotable | | | | clone resources `, | | | | ``Unpromoted`` and ``Promoted``. | +----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: When ``on-fail`` is set to ``demote``, recovery from failure by a successful demote causes the cluster to recalculate whether and where a new instance should be promoted. The node with the failure is eligible, so if promotion scores have not changed, it will be promoted again. There is no direct equivalent of ``migration-threshold`` for the promoted role, but the same effect can be achieved with a location constraint using a :ref:`rule ` with a node attribute expression for the resource's fail count. For example, to immediately ban the promoted role from a node with any failed promote or promoted instance monitor: .. code-block:: xml This example assumes that there is a promotable clone of the ``my_primitive`` resource (note that the primitive name, not the clone name, is used in the rule), and that there is a recurring 10-second-interval monitor configured for the promoted role (fail count attributes specify the interval in milliseconds). .. _s-resource-monitoring: Monitoring Resources for Failure ________________________________ When Pacemaker first starts a resource, it runs one-time ``monitor`` operations (referred to as *probes*) to ensure the resource is running where it's supposed to be, and not running where it's not supposed to be. (This behavior can be affected by the ``resource-discovery`` location constraint property.) Other than those initial probes, Pacemaker will *not* (by default) check that the resource continues to stay healthy [#]_. You must configure ``monitor`` operations explicitly to perform these checks. .. topic:: An OCF resource with a recurring health check .. code-block:: xml By default, a ``monitor`` operation will ensure that the resource is running where it is supposed to. The ``target-role`` property can be used for further checking. For example, if a resource has one ``monitor`` operation with ``interval=10 role=Started`` and a second ``monitor`` operation with ``interval=11 role=Stopped``, the cluster will run the first monitor on any nodes it thinks *should* be running the resource, and the second monitor on any nodes that it thinks *should not* be running the resource (for the truly paranoid, who want to know when an administrator manually starts a service by mistake). .. note:: Currently, monitors with ``role=Stopped`` are not implemented for :ref:`clone ` resources. .. _s-monitoring-unmanaged: Monitoring Resources When Administration is Disabled ____________________________________________________ Recurring ``monitor`` operations behave differently under various administrative settings: * When a resource is unmanaged (by setting ``is-managed=false``): No monitors will be stopped. If the unmanaged resource is stopped on a node where the cluster thinks it should be running, the cluster will detect and report that it is not, but it will not consider the monitor failed, and will not try to start the resource until it is managed again. Starting the unmanaged resource on a different node is strongly discouraged and will at least cause the cluster to consider the resource failed, and may require the resource's ``target-role`` to be set to ``Stopped`` then ``Started`` to be recovered. * When a resource is put into maintenance mode (by setting ``maintenance=true``): The resource will be marked as unmanaged. (This overrides ``is-managed=true``.) Additionally, all monitor operations will be stopped, except those specifying ``role`` as ``Stopped`` (which will be newly initiated if appropriate). As with unmanaged resources in general, starting a resource on a node other than where the cluster expects it to be will cause problems. * When a node is put into standby: All resources will be moved away from the node, and all ``monitor`` operations will be stopped on the node, except those specifying ``role`` as ``Stopped`` (which will be newly initiated if appropriate). * When a node is put into maintenance mode: All resources that are active on the node will be marked as in maintenance mode. See above for more details. * When the cluster is put into maintenance mode: All resources in the cluster will be marked as in maintenance mode. See above for more details. A resource is in maintenance mode if the cluster, the node where the resource is active, or the resource itself is configured to be in maintenance mode. If a resource is in maintenance mode, then it is also unmanaged. However, if a resource is unmanaged, it is not necessarily in maintenance mode. .. _s-operation-defaults: Setting Global Defaults for Operations ______________________________________ You can change the global default values for operation properties in a given cluster. These are defined in an ``op_defaults`` section of the CIB's ``configuration`` section, and can be set with ``crm_attribute``. For example, .. code-block:: none # crm_attribute --type op_defaults --name timeout --update 20s would default each operation's ``timeout`` to 20 seconds. If an operation's definition also includes a value for ``timeout``, then that value would be used for that operation instead. When Implicit Operations Take a Long Time _________________________________________ The cluster will always perform a number of implicit operations: ``start``, ``stop`` and a non-recurring ``monitor`` operation used at startup to check whether the resource is already active. If one of these is taking too long, then you can create an entry for them and specify a longer timeout. .. topic:: An OCF resource with custom timeouts for its implicit actions .. code-block:: xml Multiple Monitor Operations ___________________________ Provided no two operations (for a single resource) have the same name and interval, you can have as many ``monitor`` operations as you like. In this way, you can do a superficial health check every minute and progressively more intense ones at higher intervals. To tell the resource agent what kind of check to perform, you need to provide each monitor with a different value for a common parameter. The OCF standard creates a special parameter called ``OCF_CHECK_LEVEL`` for this purpose and dictates that it is "made available to the resource agent without the normal ``OCF_RESKEY`` prefix". Whatever name you choose, you can specify it by adding an ``instance_attributes`` block to the ``op`` tag. It is up to each resource agent to look for the parameter and decide how to use it. .. topic:: An OCF resource with two recurring health checks, performing different levels of checks specified via ``OCF_CHECK_LEVEL``. .. code-block:: xml Disabling a Monitor Operation _____________________________ The easiest way to stop a recurring monitor is to just delete it. However, there can be times when you only want to disable it temporarily. In such cases, simply add ``enabled=false`` to the operation's definition. .. topic:: Example of an OCF resource with a disabled health check .. code-block:: xml This can be achieved from the command line by executing: .. code-block:: none # cibadmin --modify --xml-text '' Once you've done whatever you needed to do, you can then re-enable it with .. code-block:: none # cibadmin --modify --xml-text '' .. [#] The project has two independent forks, hosted at https://www.nagios-plugins.org/ and https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/. Output from both projects' plugins is similar, so plugins from either project can be used with pacemaker. .. [#] Currently, anyway. Automatic monitoring operations may be added in a future version of Pacemaker.