diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/collective.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/collective.rst index 076d7cf47e..f327059984 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/collective.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/collective.rst @@ -1,1225 +1,1199 @@ .. index: single: collective resource single: resource; collective Collective Resources -------------------- Pacemaker supports several types of *collective* resources, which consist of multiple, related resource instances. .. index: single: group resource single: resource; group .. _group-resources: Groups - A Syntactic Shortcut ############################# One of the most common elements of a cluster is a set of resources that need to be located together, start sequentially, and stop in the reverse order. To simplify this configuration, we support the concept of groups. .. topic:: A group of two primitive resources .. code-block:: xml Although the example above contains only two resources, there is no limit to the number of resources a group can contain. The example is also sufficient to explain the fundamental properties of a group: * Resources are started in the order they appear in (**Public-IP** first, then **Email**) * Resources are stopped in the reverse order to which they appear in (**Email** first, then **Public-IP**) If a resource in the group can't run anywhere, then nothing after that is allowed to run, too. * If **Public-IP** can't run anywhere, neither can **Email**; * but if **Email** can't run anywhere, this does not affect **Public-IP** in any way The group above is logically equivalent to writing: .. topic:: How the cluster sees a group resource .. code-block:: xml Obviously as the group grows bigger, the reduced configuration effort can become significant. Another (typical) example of a group is a DRBD volume, the filesystem mount, an IP address, and an application that uses them. .. index:: pair: XML element; group Group Properties ________________ .. table:: **Properties of a Group Resource** :widths: 1 4 +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +=============+==================================================================+ | id | .. index:: | | | single: group; property, id | | | single: property; id (group) | | | single: id; group property | | | | | | A unique name for the group | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | description | .. index:: | | | single: group; attribute, description | | | single: attribute; description (group) | | | single: description; group attribute | | | | | | An optional description of the group, for the user's own | | | purposes. | | | E.g. ``resources needed for website`` | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ Group Options _____________ Groups inherit the ``priority``, ``target-role``, and ``is-managed`` properties from primitive resources. See :ref:`resource_options` for information about those properties. Group Instance Attributes _________________________ Groups have no instance attributes. However, any that are set for the group object will be inherited by the group's children. Group Contents ______________ Groups may only contain a collection of cluster resources (see :ref:`primitive-resource`). To refer to a child of a group resource, just use the child's ``id`` instead of the group's. Group Constraints _________________ Although it is possible to reference a group's children in constraints, it is usually preferable to reference the group itself. .. topic:: Some constraints involving groups .. code-block:: xml .. index:: pair: resource-stickiness; group Group Stickiness ________________ Stickiness, the measure of how much a resource wants to stay where it is, is additive in groups. Every active resource of the group will contribute its stickiness value to the group's total. So if the default ``resource-stickiness`` is 100, and a group has seven members, five of which are active, then the group as a whole will prefer its current location with a score of 500. .. index:: single: clone single: resource; clone .. _s-resource-clone: Clones - Resources That Can Have Multiple Active Instances ########################################################## *Clone* resources are resources that can have more than one copy active at the same time. This allows you, for example, to run a copy of a daemon on every node. You can clone any primitive or group resource [#]_. Anonymous versus Unique Clones ______________________________ A clone resource is configured to be either *anonymous* or *globally unique*. Anonymous clones are the simplest. These behave completely identically everywhere they are running. Because of this, there can be only one instance of an anonymous clone active per node. The instances of globally unique clones are distinct entities. All instances are launched identically, but one instance of the clone is not identical to any other instance, whether running on the same node or a different node. As an example, a cloned IP address can use special kernel functionality such that each instance handles a subset of requests for the same IP address. .. index:: single: promotable clone single: resource; promotable .. _s-resource-promotable: Promotable clones _________________ If a clone is *promotable*, its instances can perform a special role that Pacemaker will manage via the ``promote`` and ``demote`` actions of the resource agent. Services that support such a special role have various terms for the special role and the default role: primary and secondary, master and replica, controller and worker, etc. Pacemaker uses the terms *promoted* and *unpromoted* to be agnostic to what the service calls them or what they do. All that Pacemaker cares about is that an instance comes up in the unpromoted role when started, and the resource agent supports the ``promote`` and ``demote`` actions to manage entering and exiting the promoted role. .. index:: pair: XML element; clone Clone Properties ________________ .. table:: **Properties of a Clone Resource** :widths: 1 4 +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +=============+==================================================================+ | id | .. index:: | | | single: clone; property, id | | | single: property; id (clone) | | | single: id; clone property | | | | | | A unique name for the clone | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | description | .. index:: | | | single: clone; attribute, description | | | single: attribute; description (clone) | | | single: description; clone attribute | | | | | | An optional description of the clone, for the user's own | | | purposes. | | | E.g. ``IP address for website`` | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. index:: pair: options; clone Clone Options _____________ :ref:`Options ` inherited from primitive resources: ``priority, target-role, is-managed`` .. table:: **Clone-specific configuration options** :class: longtable :widths: 1 1 3 +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Default | Description | +===================+=================+=======================================================+ | globally-unique | true if | .. index:: | | | clone-node-max | single: clone; option, globally-unique | | | is greater than | single: option; globally-unique (clone) | | | 1, otherwise | single: globally-unique; clone option | | | false | | | | | If **true**, each clone instance performs a | | | | distinct function, such that a single node can run | | | | more than one instance at the same time | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | clone-max | 0 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, clone-max | | | | single: option; clone-max (clone) | | | | single: clone-max; clone option | | | | | | | | The maximum number of clone instances that can | | | | be started across the entire cluster. If 0, the | | | | number of nodes in the cluster will be used. | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | clone-node-max | 1 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, clone-node-max | | | | single: option; clone-node-max (clone) | | | | single: clone-node-max; clone option | | | | | | | | If the clone is globally unique, this is the maximum | | | | number of clone instances that can be started | | | | on a single node | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | clone-min | 0 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, clone-min | | | | single: option; clone-min (clone) | | | | single: clone-min; clone option | | | | | | | | Require at least this number of clone instances | | | | to be runnable before allowing resources | | | | depending on the clone to be runnable. A value | | | | of 0 means require all clone instances to be | | | | runnable. | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | notify | false | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, notify | | | | single: option; notify (clone) | | | | single: notify; clone option | | | | | | | | Call the resource agent's **notify** action for | | | | all active instances, before and after starting | | | | or stopping any clone instance. The resource | | | | agent must support this action. | | | | Allowed values: **false**, **true** | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ordered | false | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, ordered | | | | single: option; ordered (clone) | | | | single: ordered; clone option | | | | | | | | If **true**, clone instances must be started | | | | sequentially instead of in parallel. | | | | Allowed values: **false**, **true** | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | interleave | false | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, interleave | | | | single: option; interleave (clone) | | | | single: interleave; clone option | | | | | | | | When this clone is ordered relative to another | | | | clone, if this option is **false** (the default), | | | | the ordering is relative to *all* instances of | | | | the other clone, whereas if this option is | | | | **true**, the ordering is relative only to | | | | instances on the same node. | | | | Allowed values: **false**, **true** | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | promotable | false | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, promotable | | | | single: option; promotable (clone) | | | | single: promotable; clone option | | | | | | | | If **true**, clone instances can perform a | | | | special role that Pacemaker will manage via the | | | | resource agent's **promote** and **demote** | | | | actions. The resource agent must support these | | | | actions. | | | | Allowed values: **false**, **true** | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | promoted-max | 1 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, promoted-max | | | | single: option; promoted-max (clone) | | | | single: promoted-max; clone option | | | | | | | | If ``promotable`` is **true**, the number of | | | | instances that can be promoted at one time | | | | across the entire cluster | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | promoted-node-max | 1 | .. index:: | | | | single: clone; option, promoted-node-max | | | | single: option; promoted-node-max (clone) | | | | single: promoted-node-max; clone option | | | | | | | | If the clone is promotable and globally unique, this | | | | is the number of instances that can be promoted at | | | | one time on a single node (up to `clone-node-max`) | +-------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: **Deprecated Terminology** In older documentation and online examples, you may see promotable clones referred to as *multi-state*, *stateful*, or *master/slave*; these mean the same thing as *promotable*. Certain syntax is supported for backward compatibility, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future version: * Using the ``master-max`` meta-attribute instead of ``promoted-max`` * Using the ``master-node-max`` meta-attribute instead of ``promoted-node-max`` * Using ``Master`` as a role name instead of ``Promoted`` * Using ``Slave`` as a role name instead of ``Unpromoted`` Clone Contents ______________ Clones must contain exactly one primitive or group resource. .. topic:: A clone that runs a web server on all nodes .. code-block:: xml .. warning:: You should never reference the name of a clone's child (the primitive or group resource being cloned). If you think you need to do this, you probably need to re-evaluate your design. Clone Instance Attribute ________________________ Clones have no instance attributes; however, any that are set here will be inherited by the clone's child. .. index:: single: clone; constraint Clone Constraints _________________ In most cases, a clone will have a single instance on each active cluster node. If this is not the case, you can indicate which nodes the cluster should preferentially assign copies to with resource location constraints. These constraints are written no differently from those for primitive resources except that the clone's **id** is used. .. topic:: Some constraints involving clones .. code-block:: xml Ordering constraints behave slightly differently for clones. In the example above, ``apache-stats`` will wait until all copies of ``apache-clone`` that need to be started have done so before being started itself. Only if *no* copies can be started will ``apache-stats`` be prevented from being active. Additionally, the clone will wait for ``apache-stats`` to be stopped before stopping itself. Colocation of a primitive or group resource with a clone means that the resource can run on any node with an active instance of the clone. The cluster will choose an instance based on where the clone is running and the resource's own location preferences. Colocation between clones is also possible. If one clone **A** is colocated with another clone **B**, the set of allowed locations for **A** is limited to nodes on which **B** is (or will be) active. Placement is then performed normally. .. index:: single: promotable clone; constraint .. _promotable-clone-constraints: Promotable Clone Constraints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For promotable clone resources, the ``first-action`` and/or ``then-action`` fields for ordering constraints may be set to ``promote`` or ``demote`` to constrain the promoted role, and colocation constraints may contain ``rsc-role`` and/or ``with-rsc-role`` fields. .. topic:: Constraints involving promotable clone resources .. code-block:: xml In the example above, **myApp** will wait until one of the database copies has been started and promoted before being started itself on the same node. Only if no copies can be promoted will **myApp** be prevented from being active. Additionally, the cluster will wait for **myApp** to be stopped before demoting the database. Colocation of a primitive or group resource with a promotable clone resource means that it can run on any node with an active instance of the promotable clone resource that has the specified role (``Promoted`` or ``Unpromoted``). In the example above, the cluster will choose a location based on where database is running in the promoted role, and if there are multiple promoted instances it will also factor in **myApp**'s own location preferences when deciding which location to choose. Colocation with regular clones and other promotable clone resources is also possible. In such cases, the set of allowed locations for the **rsc** clone is (after role filtering) limited to nodes on which the ``with-rsc`` promotable clone resource is (or will be) in the specified role. Placement is then performed as normal. Using Promotable Clone Resources in Colocation Sets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a promotable clone is used in a :ref:`resource set ` inside a colocation constraint, the resource set may take a ``role`` attribute. In the following example, an instance of **B** may be promoted only on a node where **A** is in the promoted role. Additionally, resources **C** and **D** must be located on a node where both **A** and **B** are promoted. .. topic:: Colocate C and D with A's and B's promoted instances .. code-block:: xml Using Promotable Clone Resources in Ordered Sets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a promotable clone is used in a :ref:`resource set ` inside an ordering constraint, the resource set may take an ``action`` attribute. .. topic:: Start C and D after first promoting A and B .. code-block:: xml In the above example, **B** cannot be promoted until **A** has been promoted. Additionally, resources **C** and **D** must wait until **A** and **B** have been promoted before they can start. .. index:: pair: resource-stickiness; clone .. _s-clone-stickiness: Clone Stickiness ________________ To achieve stable assignments, clones are slightly sticky by default. If no value for ``resource-stickiness`` is provided, the clone will use a value of 1. Being a small value, it causes minimal disturbance to the score calculations of other resources but is enough to prevent Pacemaker from needlessly moving instances around the cluster. .. note:: For globally unique clones, this may result in multiple instances of the clone staying on a single node, even after another eligible node becomes active (for example, after being put into standby mode then made active again). If you do not want this behavior, specify a ``resource-stickiness`` of 0 for the clone temporarily and let the cluster adjust, then set it back to 1 if you want the default behavior to apply again. .. important:: If ``resource-stickiness`` is set in the ``rsc_defaults`` section, it will apply to clone instances as well. This means an explicit ``resource-stickiness`` of 0 in ``rsc_defaults`` works differently from the implicit default used when ``resource-stickiness`` is not specified. Monitoring Promotable Clone Resources _____________________________________ The usual monitor actions are insufficient to monitor a promotable clone resource, because Pacemaker needs to verify not only that the resource is active, but also that its actual role matches its intended one. Define two monitoring actions: the usual one will cover the unpromoted role, and an additional one with ``role="Promoted"`` will cover the promoted role. .. topic:: Monitoring both states of a promotable clone resource .. code-block:: xml .. important:: It is crucial that *every* monitor operation has a different interval! Pacemaker currently differentiates between operations only by resource and interval; so if (for example) a promotable clone resource had the same monitor interval for both roles, Pacemaker would ignore the role when checking the status -- which would cause unexpected return codes, and therefore unnecessary complications. .. _s-promotion-scores: Determining Which Instance is Promoted ______________________________________ Pacemaker can choose a promotable clone instance to be promoted in one of two ways: * Promotion scores: These are node attributes set via the ``crm_attribute`` command using the ``--promotion`` option, which generally would be called by the resource agent's start action if it supports promotable clones. This tool automatically detects both the resource and host, and should be used to set a preference for being promoted. Based on this, ``promoted-max``, and ``promoted-node-max``, the instance(s) with the highest preference will be promoted. * Constraints: Location constraints can indicate which nodes are most preferred to be promoted. .. topic:: Explicitly preferring node1 to be promoted .. code-block:: xml .. index: single: bundle single: resource; bundle pair: container; Docker pair: container; podman - pair: container; rkt .. _s-resource-bundle: Bundles - Containerized Resources ################################# Pacemaker supports a special syntax for launching a service inside a `container `_ with any infrastructure it requires: the *bundle*. -Pacemaker bundles support `Docker `_, -`podman `_ *(since 2.0.1)*, and -`rkt `_ container technologies. [#]_ +Pacemaker bundles support `Docker `_ and +`podman `_ *(since 2.0.1)* container technologies. [#]_ .. topic:: A bundle for a containerized web server .. code-block:: xml Bundle Prerequisites ____________________ Before configuring a bundle in Pacemaker, the user must install the appropriate -container launch technology (Docker, podman, or rkt), and supply a fully -configured container image, on every node allowed to run the bundle. +container launch technology (Docker or podman), and supply a fully configured +container image, on every node allowed to run the bundle. -Pacemaker will create an implicit resource of type **ocf:heartbeat:docker**, -**ocf:heartbeat:podman**, or **ocf:heartbeat:rkt** to manage a bundle's -container. The user must ensure that the appropriate resource agent is -installed on every node allowed to run the bundle. +Pacemaker will create an implicit resource of type **ocf:heartbeat:docker** or +**ocf:heartbeat:podman** to manage a bundle's container. The user must ensure +that the appropriate resource agent is installed on every node allowed to run +the bundle. .. index:: pair: XML element; bundle Bundle Properties _________________ .. table:: **XML Attributes of a bundle Element** :widths: 1 4 +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +=============+==================================================================+ | id | .. index:: | | | single: bundle; attribute, id | | | single: attribute; id (bundle) | | | single: id; bundle attribute | | | | | | A unique name for the bundle (required) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | description | .. index:: | | | single: bundle; attribute, description | | | single: attribute; description (bundle) | | | single: description; bundle attribute | | | | | | An optional description of the group, for the user's own | | | purposes. | | | E.g. ``manages the container that runs the service`` | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ -A bundle must contain exactly one ``docker``, ``podman``, or ``rkt`` element. +A bundle must contain exactly one ``docker`` or ``podman`` element. .. index:: pair: XML element; docker pair: XML element; podman - pair: XML element; rkt Bundle Container Properties ___________________________ -.. table:: **XML attributes of a docker, podman, or rkt Element** +.. table:: **XML attributes of a docker or podman Element** :class: longtable :widths: 2 3 4 +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Default | Description | +===================+====================================+===================================================+ | image | | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, image | | | | single: attribute; image (docker) | | | | single: image; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, image | | | | single: attribute; image (podman) | | | | single: image; podman attribute | - | | | single: rkt; attribute, image | - | | | single: attribute; image (rkt) | - | | | single: image; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | Container image tag (required) | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | replicas | Value of ``promoted-max`` | .. index:: | | | if that is positive, else 1 | single: docker; attribute, replicas | | | | single: attribute; replicas (docker) | | | | single: replicas; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, replicas | | | | single: attribute; replicas (podman) | | | | single: replicas; podman attribute | - | | | single: rkt; attribute, replicas | - | | | single: attribute; replicas (rkt) | - | | | single: replicas; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | A positive integer specifying the number of | | | | container instances to launch | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | replicas-per-host | 1 | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, replicas-per-host | | | | single: attribute; replicas-per-host (docker) | | | | single: replicas-per-host; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, replicas-per-host | | | | single: attribute; replicas-per-host (podman) | | | | single: replicas-per-host; podman attribute | - | | | single: rkt; attribute, replicas-per-host | - | | | single: attribute; replicas-per-host (rkt) | - | | | single: replicas-per-host; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | A positive integer specifying the number of | | | | container instances allowed to run on a | | | | single node | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | promoted-max | 0 | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, promoted-max | | | | single: attribute; promoted-max (docker) | | | | single: promoted-max; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, promoted-max | | | | single: attribute; promoted-max (podman) | | | | single: promoted-max; podman attribute | - | | | single: rkt; attribute, promoted-max | - | | | single: attribute; promoted-max (rkt) | - | | | single: promoted-max; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | A non-negative integer that, if positive, | | | | indicates that the containerized service | | | | should be treated as a promotable service, | | | | with this many replicas allowed to run the | | | | service in the promoted role | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | network | | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, network | | | | single: attribute; network (docker) | | | | single: network; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, network | | | | single: attribute; network (podman) | | | | single: network; podman attribute | - | | | single: rkt; attribute, network | - | | | single: attribute; network (rkt) | - | | | single: network; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | If specified, this will be passed to the | - | | | ``docker run``, ``podman run``, or | - | | | ``rkt run`` command as the network setting | - | | | for the container. | + | | | ``docker run`` or ``podman run`` command as the | + | | | network setting for the container. | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | run-command | ``/usr/sbin/pacemaker-remoted`` if | .. index:: | | | bundle contains a **primitive**, | single: docker; attribute, run-command | | | otherwise none | single: attribute; run-command (docker) | | | | single: run-command; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, run-command | | | | single: attribute; run-command (podman) | | | | single: run-command; podman attribute | - | | | single: rkt; attribute, run-command | - | | | single: attribute; run-command (rkt) | - | | | single: run-command; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | This command will be run inside the container | | | | when launching it ("PID 1"). If the bundle | | | | contains a **primitive**, this command *must* | | | | start ``pacemaker-remoted`` (but could, for | | | | example, be a script that does other stuff, too). | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | options | | .. index:: | | | | single: docker; attribute, options | | | | single: attribute; options (docker) | | | | single: options; docker attribute | | | | single: podman; attribute, options | | | | single: attribute; options (podman) | | | | single: options; podman attribute | - | | | single: rkt; attribute, options | - | | | single: attribute; options (rkt) | - | | | single: options; rkt attribute | | | | | | | | Extra command-line options to pass to the | - | | | ``docker run``, ``podman run``, or ``rkt run`` | - | | | command | + | | | ``docker run`` or ``podman run`` command | +-------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: Considerations when using cluster configurations or container images from Pacemaker 1.1: * If the container image has a pre-2.0.0 version of Pacemaker, set ``run-command`` to ``/usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted`` (note the underbar instead of dash). * ``masters`` is accepted as an alias for ``promoted-max``, but is deprecated since 2.0.0, and support for it will be removed in a future version. Bundle Network Properties _________________________ A bundle may optionally contain one ```` element. .. index:: pair: XML element; network single: bundle; network .. table:: **XML attributes of a network Element** :widths: 2 1 5 +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Default | Description | +================+=========+============================================================+ | add-host | TRUE | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute, add-host | | | | single: attribute; add-host (network) | | | | single: add-host; network attribute | | | | | | | | If TRUE, and ``ip-range-start`` is used, Pacemaker will | | | | automatically ensure that ``/etc/hosts`` inside the | | | | containers has entries for each | | | | :ref:`replica name ` | | | | and its assigned IP. | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ip-range-start | | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute, ip-range-start | | | | single: attribute; ip-range-start (network) | | | | single: ip-range-start; network attribute | | | | | | | | If specified, Pacemaker will create an implicit | | | | ``ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2`` resource for each container | | | | instance, starting with this IP address, using up to | | | | ``replicas`` sequential addresses. These addresses can be | | | | used from the host's network to reach the service inside | | | | the container, though it is not visible within the | | | | container itself. Only IPv4 addresses are currently | | | | supported. | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | host-netmask | 32 | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute; host-netmask | | | | single: attribute; host-netmask (network) | | | | single: host-netmask; network attribute | | | | | | | | If ``ip-range-start`` is specified, the IP addresses | | | | are created with this CIDR netmask (as a number of bits). | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | host-interface | | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute; host-interface | | | | single: attribute; host-interface (network) | | | | single: host-interface; network attribute | | | | | | | | If ``ip-range-start`` is specified, the IP addresses are | | | | created on this host interface (by default, it will be | | | | determined from the IP address). | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | control-port | 3121 | .. index:: | | | | single: network; attribute; control-port | | | | single: attribute; control-port (network) | | | | single: control-port; network attribute | | | | | | | | If the bundle contains a ``primitive``, the cluster will | | | | use this integer TCP port for communication with | | | | Pacemaker Remote inside the container. Changing this is | | | | useful when the container is unable to listen on the | | | | default port, for example, when the container uses the | | | | host's network rather than ``ip-range-start`` (in which | | | | case ``replicas-per-host`` must be 1), or when the bundle | | | | may run on a Pacemaker Remote node that is already | | | | listening on the default port. Any ``PCMK_remote_port`` | | | | environment variable set on the host or in the container | | | | is ignored for bundle connections. | +----------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _s-resource-bundle-note-replica-names: .. note:: Replicas are named by the bundle id plus a dash and an integer counter starting with zero. For example, if a bundle named **httpd-bundle** has **replicas=2**, its containers will be named **httpd-bundle-0** and **httpd-bundle-1**. .. index:: pair: XML element; port-mapping Additionally, a ``network`` element may optionally contain one or more ``port-mapping`` elements. .. table:: **Attributes of a port-mapping Element** :widths: 2 1 5 +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Default | Description | +===============+===================+======================================================+ | id | | .. index:: | | | | single: port-mapping; attribute, id | | | | single: attribute; id (port-mapping) | | | | single: id; port-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | A unique name for the port mapping (required) | +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | port | | .. index:: | | | | single: port-mapping; attribute, port | | | | single: attribute; port (port-mapping) | | | | single: port; port-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | If this is specified, connections to this TCP port | | | | number on the host network (on the container's | | | | assigned IP address, if ``ip-range-start`` is | | | | specified) will be forwarded to the container | | | | network. Exactly one of ``port`` or ``range`` | | | | must be specified in a ``port-mapping``. | +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | internal-port | value of ``port`` | .. index:: | | | | single: port-mapping; attribute, internal-port | | | | single: attribute; internal-port (port-mapping) | | | | single: internal-port; port-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | If ``port`` and this are specified, connections | | | | to ``port`` on the host's network will be | | | | forwarded to this port on the container network. | +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | range | | .. index:: | | | | single: port-mapping; attribute, range | | | | single: attribute; range (port-mapping) | | | | single: range; port-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | If this is specified, connections to these TCP | | | | port numbers (expressed as *first_port*-*last_port*) | | | | on the host network (on the container's assigned IP | | | | address, if ``ip-range-start`` is specified) will | | | | be forwarded to the same ports in the container | | | | network. Exactly one of ``port`` or ``range`` | | | | must be specified in a ``port-mapping``. | +---------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: If the bundle contains a ``primitive``, Pacemaker will automatically map the ``control-port``, so it is not necessary to specify that port in a ``port-mapping``. .. index: pair: XML element; storage pair: XML element; storage-mapping single: bundle; storage .. _s-bundle-storage: Bundle Storage Properties _________________________ A bundle may optionally contain one ``storage`` element. A ``storage`` element has no properties of its own, but may contain one or more ``storage-mapping`` elements. .. table:: **Attributes of a storage-mapping Element** :widths: 2 1 5 +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Default | Description | +=================+=========+=============================================================+ | id | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, id | | | | single: attribute; id (storage-mapping) | | | | single: id; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | A unique name for the storage mapping (required) | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | source-dir | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, source-dir | | | | single: attribute; source-dir (storage-mapping) | | | | single: source-dir; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | The absolute path on the host's filesystem that will be | | | | mapped into the container. Exactly one of ``source-dir`` | | | | and ``source-dir-root`` must be specified in a | | | | ``storage-mapping``. | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | source-dir-root | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, source-dir-root | | | | single: attribute; source-dir-root (storage-mapping) | | | | single: source-dir-root; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | The start of a path on the host's filesystem that will | | | | be mapped into the container, using a different | | | | subdirectory on the host for each container instance. | | | | The subdirectory will be named the same as the | | | | :ref:`replica name `. | | | | Exactly one of ``source-dir`` and ``source-dir-root`` | | | | must be specified in a ``storage-mapping``. | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | target-dir | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, target-dir | | | | single: attribute; target-dir (storage-mapping) | | | | single: target-dir; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | The path name within the container where the host | | | | storage will be mapped (required) | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | options | | .. index:: | | | | single: storage-mapping; attribute, options | | | | single: attribute; options (storage-mapping) | | | | single: options; storage-mapping attribute | | | | | | | | A comma-separated list of file system mount | | | | options to use when mapping the storage | +-----------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: Pacemaker does not define the behavior if the source directory does not already exist on the host. However, it is expected that the container technology and/or its resource agent will create the source directory in that case. .. note:: If the bundle contains a ``primitive``, Pacemaker will automatically map the equivalent of ``source-dir=/etc/pacemaker/authkey target-dir=/etc/pacemaker/authkey`` and ``source-dir-root=/var/log/pacemaker/bundles target-dir=/var/log`` into the container, so it is not necessary to specify those paths in a ``storage-mapping``. .. important:: The ``PCMK_authkey_location`` environment variable must not be set to anything other than the default of ``/etc/pacemaker/authkey`` on any node in the cluster. .. important:: If SELinux is used in enforcing mode on the host, you must ensure the container is allowed to use any storage you mount into it. For Docker and podman bundles, adding "Z" to the mount options will create a container-specific label for the mount that allows the container access. .. index:: single: bundle; primitive Bundle Primitive ________________ A bundle may optionally contain one :ref:`primitive ` resource. The primitive may have operations, instance attributes, and meta-attributes defined, as usual. If a bundle contains a primitive resource, the container image must include the Pacemaker Remote daemon, and at least one of ``ip-range-start`` or ``control-port`` must be configured in the bundle. Pacemaker will create an implicit **ocf:pacemaker:remote** resource for the connection, launch Pacemaker Remote within the container, and monitor and manage the primitive resource via Pacemaker Remote. If the bundle has more than one container instance (replica), the primitive resource will function as an implicit :ref:`clone ` -- a :ref:`promotable clone ` if the bundle has ``promoted-max`` greater than zero. .. note:: If you want to pass environment variables to a bundle's Pacemaker Remote connection or primitive, you have two options: * Environment variables whose value is the same regardless of the underlying host may be set using the container element's ``options`` attribute. * If you want variables to have host-specific values, you can use the :ref:`storage-mapping ` element to map a file on the host as ``/etc/pacemaker/pcmk-init.env`` in the container *(since 2.0.3)*. Pacemaker Remote will parse this file as a shell-like format, with variables set as NAME=VALUE, ignoring blank lines and comments starting with "#". .. important:: When a bundle has a ``primitive``, Pacemaker on all cluster nodes must be able to contact Pacemaker Remote inside the bundle's containers. * The containers must have an accessible network (for example, ``network`` should not be set to "none" with a ``primitive``). * The default, using a distinct network space inside the container, works in combination with ``ip-range-start``. Any firewall must allow access from all cluster nodes to the ``control-port`` on the container IPs. * If the container shares the host's network space (for example, by setting ``network`` to "host"), a unique ``control-port`` should be specified for each bundle. Any firewall must allow access from all cluster nodes to the ``control-port`` on all cluster and remote node IPs. .. index:: single: bundle; node attributes .. _s-bundle-attributes: Bundle Node Attributes ______________________ If the bundle has a ``primitive``, the primitive's resource agent may want to set node attributes such as :ref:`promotion scores `. However, with containers, it is not apparent which node should get the attribute. If the container uses shared storage that is the same no matter which node the container is hosted on, then it is appropriate to use the promotion score on the bundle node itself. On the other hand, if the container uses storage exported from the underlying host, then it may be more appropriate to use the promotion score on the underlying host. Since this depends on the particular situation, the ``container-attribute-target`` resource meta-attribute allows the user to specify which approach to use. If it is set to ``host``, then user-defined node attributes will be checked on the underlying host. If it is anything else, the local node (in this case the bundle node) is used as usual. This only applies to user-defined attributes; the cluster will always check the local node for cluster-defined attributes such as ``#uname``. If ``container-attribute-target`` is ``host``, the cluster will pass additional environment variables to the primitive's resource agent that allow it to set node attributes appropriately: ``CRM_meta_container_attribute_target`` (identical to the meta-attribute value) and ``CRM_meta_physical_host`` (the name of the underlying host). .. note:: When called by a resource agent, the ``attrd_updater`` and ``crm_attribute`` commands will automatically check those environment variables and set attributes appropriately. .. index:: single: bundle; meta-attributes Bundle Meta-Attributes ______________________ Any meta-attribute set on a bundle will be inherited by the bundle's primitive and any resources implicitly created by Pacemaker for the bundle. This includes options such as ``priority``, ``target-role``, and ``is-managed``. See :ref:`resource_options` for more information. Bundles support clone meta-attributes including ``notify``, ``ordered``, and ``interleave``. Limitations of Bundles ______________________ Restarting pacemaker while a bundle is unmanaged or the cluster is in maintenance mode may cause the bundle to fail. Bundles may not be explicitly cloned or included in groups. This includes the bundle's primitive and any resources implicitly created by Pacemaker for the bundle. (If ``replicas`` is greater than 1, the bundle will behave like a clone implicitly.) Bundles do not have instance attributes, utilization attributes, or operations, though a bundle's primitive may have them. A bundle with a primitive can run on a Pacemaker Remote node only if the bundle uses a distinct ``control-port``. .. [#] Of course, the service must support running multiple instances. .. [#] Docker is a trademark of Docker, Inc. No endorsement by or association with Docker, Inc. is implied. diff --git a/include/crm/common/logging_internal.h b/include/crm/common/logging_internal.h index 6b1a77f156..4a959ffd31 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/logging_internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/logging_internal.h @@ -1,245 +1,244 @@ /* * Copyright 2015-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_LOGGING_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_LOGGING_INTERNAL__H #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Some warnings are too noisy when logged every time a given function is called * (for example, using a deprecated feature). As an alternative, we allow * warnings to be logged once per invocation of the calling program. Each of * those warnings needs a flag defined here. */ enum pcmk__warnings { pcmk__wo_blind = (1 << 0), pcmk__wo_restart_type = (1 << 1), pcmk__wo_role_after = (1 << 2), pcmk__wo_poweroff = (1 << 3), pcmk__wo_require_all = (1 << 4), pcmk__wo_order_score = (1 << 5), pcmk__wo_remove_after = (1 << 7), pcmk__wo_ping_node = (1 << 8), pcmk__wo_group_order = (1 << 11), pcmk__wo_group_coloc = (1 << 12), pcmk__wo_set_ordering = (1 << 15), pcmk__wo_rdisc_enabled = (1 << 16), - pcmk__wo_rkt = (1 << 17), pcmk__wo_op_attr_expr = (1 << 19), pcmk__wo_instance_defaults = (1 << 20), pcmk__wo_multiple_rules = (1 << 21), pcmk__wo_clone_master_max = (1 << 23), pcmk__wo_clone_master_node_max = (1 << 24), pcmk__wo_master_role = (1 << 26), pcmk__wo_slave_role = (1 << 27), }; /*! * \internal * \brief Log a warning once per invocation of calling program * * \param[in] wo_flag enum pcmk__warnings value for this warning * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format and arguments */ #define pcmk__warn_once(wo_flag, fmt...) do { \ if (!pcmk_is_set(pcmk__warnings, wo_flag)) { \ if (wo_flag == pcmk__wo_blind) { \ crm_warn(fmt); \ } else { \ pcmk__config_warn(fmt); \ } \ pcmk__warnings = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, \ "Warn-once", "logging", \ pcmk__warnings, \ (wo_flag), #wo_flag); \ } \ } while (0) typedef void (*pcmk__config_error_func) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); typedef void (*pcmk__config_warning_func) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); extern pcmk__config_error_func pcmk__config_error_handler; extern pcmk__config_warning_func pcmk__config_warning_handler; extern void *pcmk__config_error_context; extern void *pcmk__config_warning_context; void pcmk__set_config_error_handler(pcmk__config_error_func error_handler, void *error_context); void pcmk__set_config_warning_handler(pcmk__config_warning_func warning_handler, void *warning_context); /* Pacemaker library functions set this when a configuration error is found, * which turns on extra messages at the end of processing. */ extern bool pcmk__config_has_error; /* Pacemaker library functions set this when a configuration warning is found, * which turns on extra messages at the end of processing. */ extern bool pcmk__config_has_warning; /*! * \internal * \brief Log an error and make crm_verify return failure status * * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format string and arguments */ #define pcmk__config_err(fmt...) do { \ pcmk__config_has_error = true; \ if (pcmk__config_error_handler == NULL) { \ crm_err(fmt); \ } else { \ pcmk__config_error_handler(pcmk__config_error_context, fmt); \ } \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Log a warning and make crm_verify return failure status * * \param[in] fmt... printf(3)-style format string and arguments */ #define pcmk__config_warn(fmt...) do { \ pcmk__config_has_warning = true; \ if (pcmk__config_warning_handler == NULL) { \ crm_warn(fmt); \ } else { \ pcmk__config_warning_handler(pcmk__config_warning_context, fmt);\ } \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Execute code depending on whether trace logging is enabled * * This is similar to \p do_crm_log_unlikely() except instead of logging, it * selects one of two code blocks to execute. * * \param[in] if_action Code block to execute if trace logging is enabled * \param[in] else_action Code block to execute if trace logging is not enabled * * \note Neither \p if_action nor \p else_action can contain a \p break or * \p continue statement. */ #define pcmk__if_tracing(if_action, else_action) do { \ static struct qb_log_callsite *trace_cs = NULL; \ \ if (trace_cs == NULL) { \ trace_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(__func__, __FILE__, \ "if_tracing", LOG_TRACE, \ __LINE__, crm_trace_nonlog); \ } \ if (crm_is_callsite_active(trace_cs, LOG_TRACE, \ crm_trace_nonlog)) { \ if_action; \ } else { \ else_action; \ } \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Log XML changes line-by-line in a formatted fashion * * \param[in] level Priority at which to log the messages * \param[in] xml XML to log * * \note This does nothing when \p level is \c LOG_STDOUT. */ #define pcmk__log_xml_changes(level, xml) do { \ uint8_t _level = pcmk__clip_log_level(level); \ static struct qb_log_callsite *xml_cs = NULL; \ \ switch (_level) { \ case LOG_STDOUT: \ case LOG_NEVER: \ break; \ default: \ if (xml_cs == NULL) { \ xml_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(__func__, __FILE__, \ "xml-changes", _level, \ __LINE__, 0); \ } \ if (crm_is_callsite_active(xml_cs, _level, 0)) { \ pcmk__log_xml_changes_as(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, \ 0, _level, xml); \ } \ break; \ } \ } while(0) /*! * \internal * \brief Log an XML patchset line-by-line in a formatted fashion * * \param[in] level Priority at which to log the messages * \param[in] patchset XML patchset to log * * \note This does nothing when \p level is \c LOG_STDOUT. */ #define pcmk__log_xml_patchset(level, patchset) do { \ uint8_t _level = pcmk__clip_log_level(level); \ static struct qb_log_callsite *xml_cs = NULL; \ \ switch (_level) { \ case LOG_STDOUT: \ case LOG_NEVER: \ break; \ default: \ if (xml_cs == NULL) { \ xml_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(__func__, __FILE__, \ "xml-patchset", _level, \ __LINE__, 0); \ } \ if (crm_is_callsite_active(xml_cs, _level, 0)) { \ pcmk__log_xml_patchset_as(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, \ 0, _level, patchset); \ } \ break; \ } \ } while(0) void pcmk__log_xml_changes_as(const char *file, const char *function, uint32_t line, uint32_t tags, uint8_t level, const xmlNode *xml); void pcmk__log_xml_patchset_as(const char *file, const char *function, uint32_t line, uint32_t tags, uint8_t level, const xmlNode *patchset); /*! * \internal * \brief Initialize logging for command line tools * * \param[in] name The name of the program * \param[in] verbosity How verbose to be in logging * * \note \p verbosity is not the same as the logging level (LOG_ERR, etc.). */ void pcmk__cli_init_logging(const char *name, unsigned int verbosity); int pcmk__add_logfile(const char *filename); void pcmk__add_logfiles(gchar **log_files, pcmk__output_t *out); void pcmk__free_common_logger(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_COMMON_LOGGING_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/include/crm/common/xml_names_internal.h b/include/crm/common/xml_names_internal.h index 55624320cb..47061682ec 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/xml_names_internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/xml_names_internal.h @@ -1,293 +1,290 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_XML_NAMES_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_XML_NAMES_INTERNAL__H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* * XML element names used only by internal code */ #define PCMK__XE_ACK "ack" #define PCMK__XE_ATTRIBUTES "attributes" #define PCMK__XE_CIB_CALLBACK "cib-callback" #define PCMK__XE_CIB_CALLDATA "cib_calldata" #define PCMK__XE_CIB_COMMAND "cib_command" #define PCMK__XE_CIB_REPLY "cib-reply" #define PCMK__XE_CIB_RESULT "cib_result" #define PCMK__XE_CIB_TRANSACTION "cib_transaction" #define PCMK__XE_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "cib_update_result" #define PCMK__XE_COPY "copy" #define PCMK__XE_CRM_EVENT "crm_event" #define PCMK__XE_CRM_XML "crm_xml" #define PCMK__XE_DIV "div" #define PCMK__XE_DOWNED "downed" #define PCMK__XE_EXIT_NOTIFICATION "exit-notification" #define PCMK__XE_FAILED_UPDATE "failed_update" #define PCMK__XE_GENERATION_TUPLE "generation_tuple" #define PCMK__XE_LRM "lrm" #define PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCE "lrm_resource" #define PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCES "lrm_resources" #define PCMK__XE_LRM_RSC_OP "lrm_rsc_op" #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_ALERT "lrmd_alert" #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_CALLDATA "lrmd_calldata" #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_COMMAND "lrmd_command" #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_MSG "lrmd_ipc_msg" #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_PROXY "lrmd_ipc_proxy" #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_NOTIFY "lrmd_notify" #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_REPLY "lrmd_reply" #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_RSC "lrmd_rsc" #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_RSC_OP "lrmd_rsc_op" #define PCMK__XE_MAINTENANCE "maintenance" #define PCMK__XE_MESSAGE "message" #define PCMK__XE_META "meta" #define PCMK__XE_NACK "nack" #define PCMK__XE_NODE_STATE "node_state" #define PCMK__XE_NOTIFY "notify" #define PCMK__XE_OPTIONS "options" #define PCMK__XE_PARAM "param" #define PCMK__XE_PING "ping" #define PCMK__XE_PING_RESPONSE "ping_response" #define PCMK__XE_PSEUDO_EVENT "pseudo_event" #define PCMK__XE_RESOURCE_SETTINGS "resource-settings" #define PCMK__XE_RSC_OP "rsc_op" #define PCMK__XE_SHUTDOWN "shutdown" #define PCMK__XE_SPAN "span" #define PCMK__XE_ST_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_VALUE "st-async-timeout-value" #define PCMK__XE_ST_CALLDATA "st_calldata" #define PCMK__XE_ST_DEVICE_ACTION "st_device_action" #define PCMK__XE_ST_DEVICE_ID "st_device_id" #define PCMK__XE_ST_HISTORY "st_history" #define PCMK__XE_ST_NOTIFY_FENCE "st_notify_fence" #define PCMK__XE_ST_REPLY "st-reply" #define PCMK__XE_STONITH_COMMAND "stonith_command" #define PCMK__XE_TICKET_STATE "ticket_state" #define PCMK__XE_TRANSIENT_ATTRIBUTES "transient_attributes" #define PCMK__XE_TRANSITION_GRAPH "transition_graph" #define PCMK__XE_XPATH_QUERY "xpath-query" #define PCMK__XE_XPATH_QUERY_PATH "xpath-query-path" /* @COMPAT Deprecate somehow. It's undocumented and behaves the same as * PCMK__XE_CIB in places where it's recognized. */ #define PCMK__XE_ALL "all" // @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.1.8 #define PCMK__XE_FAILED "failed" -// @COMPAT Support for rkt is deprecated since 2.1.8 -#define PCMK__XE_RKT "rkt" - /* * XML attribute names used only by internal code */ #define PCMK__XA_ACL_TARGET "acl_target" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_INTERVAL "attr_clear_interval" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_OPERATION "attr_clear_operation" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_DAMPENING "attr_dampening" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST "attr_host" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID "attr_host_id" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_PRIVATE "attr_is_private" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_REMOTE "attr_is_remote" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME "attr_name" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_REGEX "attr_regex" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_RESOURCE "attr_resource" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_SECTION "attr_section" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_SET "attr_set" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_SET_TYPE "attr_set_type" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_SYNC_POINT "attr_sync_point" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_USER "attr_user" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE "attr_value" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_VERSION "attr_version" #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_WRITER "attr_writer" #define PCMK__XA_ATTRD_IS_FORCE_WRITE "attrd_is_force_write" #define PCMK__XA_CALL_ID "call-id" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_CALLID "cib_callid" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_CALLOPT "cib_callopt" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_CLIENTID "cib_clientid" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_CLIENTNAME "cib_clientname" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_DELEGATED_FROM "cib_delegated_from" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_HOST "cib_host" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_ISREPLYTO "cib_isreplyto" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE "cib_notify_activate" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_NOTIFY_TYPE "cib_notify_type" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_OP "cib_op" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_PING_ID "cib_ping_id" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_RC "cib_rc" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_SCHEMA_MAX "cib_schema_max" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_SECTION "cib_section" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_UPDATE "cib_update" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_UPGRADE_RC "cib_upgrade_rc" #define PCMK__XA_CIB_USER "cib_user" #define PCMK__XA_CLIENT_NAME "client_name" #define PCMK__XA_CLIENT_UUID "client_uuid" #define PCMK__XA_CONFIRM "confirm" #define PCMK__XA_CONNECTION_HOST "connection_host" #define PCMK__XA_CONTENT "content" #define PCMK__XA_CRMD_STATE "crmd_state" #define PCMK__XA_CRM_HOST_TO "crm_host_to" #define PCMK__XA_CRM_LIMIT_MAX "crm-limit-max" #define PCMK__XA_CRM_LIMIT_MODE "crm-limit-mode" #define PCMK__XA_CRM_SUBSYSTEM "crm_subsystem" #define PCMK__XA_CRM_SYS_FROM "crm_sys_from" #define PCMK__XA_CRM_SYS_TO "crm_sys_to" #define PCMK__XA_CRM_TASK "crm_task" #define PCMK__XA_CRM_TGRAPH_IN "crm-tgraph-in" #define PCMK__XA_CRM_USER "crm_user" #define PCMK__XA_DC_LEAVING "dc-leaving" #define PCMK__XA_DIGEST "digest" #define PCMK__XA_ELECTION_AGE_SEC "election-age-sec" #define PCMK__XA_ELECTION_AGE_NANO_SEC "election-age-nano-sec" #define PCMK__XA_ELECTION_ID "election-id" #define PCMK__XA_ELECTION_OWNER "election-owner" #define PCMK__XA_GRANTED "granted" #define PCMK__XA_HIDDEN "hidden" #define PCMK__XA_HTTP_EQUIV "http-equiv" #define PCMK__XA_IN_CCM "in_ccm" #define PCMK__XA_IPC_PROTO_VERSION "ipc-protocol-version" #define PCMK__XA_JOIN "join" #define PCMK__XA_JOIN_ID "join_id" #define PCMK__XA_LINE "line" #define PCMK__XA_LONG_ID "long-id" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_ALERT_ID "lrmd_alert_id" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_ALERT_PATH "lrmd_alert_path" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CALLID "lrmd_callid" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CALLOPT "lrmd_callopt" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CLASS "lrmd_class" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CLIENTID "lrmd_clientid" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CLIENTNAME "lrmd_clientname" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_EXEC_OP_STATUS "lrmd_exec_op_status" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_EXEC_RC "lrmd_exec_rc" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_EXEC_TIME "lrmd_exec_time" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_CLIENT "lrmd_ipc_client" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_MSG_FLAGS "lrmd_ipc_msg_flags" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_MSG_ID "lrmd_ipc_msg_id" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_OP "lrmd_ipc_op" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_SERVER "lrmd_ipc_server" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_SESSION "lrmd_ipc_session" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_USER "lrmd_ipc_user" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IS_IPC_PROVIDER "lrmd_is_ipc_provider" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_OP "lrmd_op" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_ORIGIN "lrmd_origin" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_PROTOCOL_VERSION "lrmd_protocol_version" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_PROVIDER "lrmd_provider" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_QUEUE_TIME "lrmd_queue_time" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RC "lrmd_rc" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RCCHANGE_TIME "lrmd_rcchange_time" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_ID "lrmd_remote_msg_id" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_TYPE "lrmd_remote_msg_type" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_ACTION "lrmd_rsc_action" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_DELETED "lrmd_rsc_deleted" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_EXIT_REASON "lrmd_rsc_exit_reason" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_ID "lrmd_rsc_id" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL "lrmd_rsc_interval" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_OUTPUT "lrmd_rsc_output" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_START_DELAY "lrmd_rsc_start_delay" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_USERDATA_STR "lrmd_rsc_userdata_str" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RUN_TIME "lrmd_run_time" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_TIMEOUT "lrmd_timeout" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_TYPE "lrmd_type" #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_WATCHDOG "lrmd_watchdog" #define PCMK__XA_MAJOR_VERSION "major_version" #define PCMK__XA_MINOR_VERSION "minor_version" #define PCMK__XA_MODE "mode" #define PCMK__XA_MOON "moon" #define PCMK__XA_NAMESPACE "namespace" #define PCMK__XA_NODE_FENCED "node_fenced" #define PCMK__XA_NODE_IN_MAINTENANCE "node_in_maintenance" #define PCMK__XA_NODE_START_STATE "node_start_state" #define PCMK__XA_NODE_STATE "node_state" #define PCMK__XA_OP_DIGEST "op-digest" #define PCMK__XA_OP_FORCE_RESTART "op-force-restart" #define PCMK__XA_OP_RESTART_DIGEST "op-restart-digest" #define PCMK__XA_OP_SECURE_DIGEST "op-secure-digest" #define PCMK__XA_OP_SECURE_PARAMS "op-secure-params" #define PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS "op-status" #define PCMK__XA_OPERATION_KEY "operation_key" #define PCMK__XA_ORIGINAL_CIB_OP "original_cib_op" #define PCMK__XA_PACEMAKERD_STATE "pacemakerd_state" #define PCMK__XA_PASSWORD "password" #define PCMK__XA_PRIORITY "priority" #define PCMK__XA_RC_CODE "rc-code" #define PCMK__XA_REAP "reap" /* Actions to be executed on Pacemaker Remote nodes are routed through the * controller on the cluster node hosting the remote connection. That cluster * node is considered the router node for the action. */ #define PCMK__XA_ROUTER_NODE "router_node" #define PCMK__XA_RSC_ID "rsc-id" #define PCMK__XA_RSC_PROVIDES "rsc_provides" #define PCMK__XA_SCHEMA "schema" #define PCMK__XA_SCHEMAS "schemas" #define PCMK__XA_SET "set" #define PCMK__XA_SRC "src" #define PCMK__XA_ST_ACTION_DISALLOWED "st_action_disallowed" #define PCMK__XA_ST_ACTION_TIMEOUT "st_action_timeout" #define PCMK__XA_ST_AVAILABLE_DEVICES "st-available-devices" #define PCMK__XA_ST_CALLID "st_callid" #define PCMK__XA_ST_CALLOPT "st_callopt" #define PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTID "st_clientid" #define PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTNAME "st_clientname" #define PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTNODE "st_clientnode" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DATE "st_date" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DATE_NSEC "st_date_nsec" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DELAY "st_delay" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DELAY_BASE "st_delay_base" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DELAY_MAX "st_delay_max" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DELEGATE "st_delegate" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DEVICE_ACTION "st_device_action" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DEVICE_ID "st_device_id" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DEVICE_SUPPORT_FLAGS "st_device_support_flags" #define PCMK__XA_ST_DIFFERENTIAL "st_differential" #define PCMK__XA_ST_MONITOR_VERIFIED "st_monitor_verified" #define PCMK__XA_ST_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE "st_notify_activate" #define PCMK__XA_ST_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE "st_notify_deactivate" #define PCMK__XA_ST_OP "st_op" #define PCMK__XA_ST_OP_MERGED "st_op_merged" #define PCMK__XA_ST_ORIGIN "st_origin" #define PCMK__XA_ST_OUTPUT "st_output" #define PCMK__XA_ST_RC "st_rc" #define PCMK__XA_ST_REMOTE_OP "st_remote_op" #define PCMK__XA_ST_REMOTE_OP_RELAY "st_remote_op_relay" #define PCMK__XA_ST_REQUIRED "st_required" #define PCMK__XA_ST_STATE "st_state" #define PCMK__XA_ST_TARGET "st_target" #define PCMK__XA_ST_TIMEOUT "st_timeout" #define PCMK__XA_ST_TOLERANCE "st_tolerance" #define PCMK__XA_SUBT "subt" // subtype #define PCMK__XA_T "t" // type #define PCMK__XA_TRANSITION_KEY "transition-key" #define PCMK__XA_TRANSITION_MAGIC "transition-magic" #define PCMK__XA_UPTIME "uptime" // @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.1.7 #define PCMK__XA_ORDERING "ordering" // @COMPAT Deprecated alias for PCMK_XA_PROMOTED_ONLY since 2.0.0 #define PCMK__XA_PROMOTED_ONLY_LEGACY "master_only" // @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.1.6 #define PCMK__XA_REPLACE "replace" // @COMPAT Deprecated alias for \c PCMK_XA_AUTOMATIC since 1.1.14 #define PCMK__XA_REQUIRED "required" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_COMMON_XML_NAMES_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/lib/pengine/bundle.c b/lib/pengine/bundle.c index d4f57ba3b3..c43904815b 100644 --- a/lib/pengine/bundle.c +++ b/lib/pengine/bundle.c @@ -1,2133 +1,2090 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum pe__bundle_mount_flags { pe__bundle_mount_none = 0x00, // mount instance-specific subdirectory rather than source directly pe__bundle_mount_subdir = 0x01 }; typedef struct { char *source; char *target; char *options; uint32_t flags; // bitmask of pe__bundle_mount_flags } pe__bundle_mount_t; typedef struct { char *source; char *target; } pe__bundle_port_t; enum pe__container_agent { PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_UNKNOWN, PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER, - PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT, PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN, }; #define PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_UNKNOWN_S "unknown" #define PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER_S "docker" -#define PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT_S "rkt" #define PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN_S "podman" typedef struct pe__bundle_variant_data_s { int promoted_max; int nreplicas; int nreplicas_per_host; char *prefix; char *image; const char *ip_last; char *host_network; char *host_netmask; char *control_port; char *container_network; char *ip_range_start; gboolean add_host; gchar *container_host_options; char *container_command; char *launcher_options; const char *attribute_target; pcmk_resource_t *child; GList *replicas; // pcmk__bundle_replica_t * GList *ports; // pe__bundle_port_t * GList *mounts; // pe__bundle_mount_t * enum pe__container_agent agent_type; } pe__bundle_variant_data_t; #define get_bundle_variant_data(data, rsc) do { \ CRM_ASSERT(pcmk__is_bundle(rsc)); \ data = rsc->priv->variant_opaque; \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Get maximum number of bundle replicas allowed to run * * \param[in] rsc Bundle or bundled resource to check * * \return Maximum replicas for bundle corresponding to \p rsc */ int pe__bundle_max(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { const pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, pe__const_top_resource(rsc, true)); return bundle_data->nreplicas; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get the resource inside a bundle * * \param[in] bundle Bundle to check * * \return Resource inside \p bundle if any, otherwise NULL */ pcmk_resource_t * pe__bundled_resource(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { const pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, pe__const_top_resource(rsc, true)); return bundle_data->child; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get containerized resource corresponding to a given bundle container * * \param[in] instance Collective instance that might be a bundle container * * \return Bundled resource instance inside \p instance if it is a bundle * container instance, otherwise NULL */ const pcmk_resource_t * pe__get_rsc_in_container(const pcmk_resource_t *instance) { const pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data = NULL; const pcmk_resource_t *top = pe__const_top_resource(instance, true); if (!pcmk__is_bundle(top)) { return NULL; } get_bundle_variant_data(data, top); for (const GList *iter = data->replicas; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { const pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = iter->data; if (instance == replica->container) { return replica->child; } } return NULL; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a given node is created by a bundle * * \param[in] bundle Bundle resource to check * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return true if \p node is an instance of \p bundle, otherwise false */ bool pe__node_is_bundle_instance(const pcmk_resource_t *bundle, const pcmk_node_t *node) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, bundle); for (GList *iter = bundle_data->replicas; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = iter->data; if (pcmk__same_node(node, replica->node)) { return true; } } return false; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get the container of a bundle's first replica * * \param[in] bundle Bundle resource to get container for * * \return Container resource from first replica of \p bundle if any, * otherwise NULL */ pcmk_resource_t * pe__first_container(const pcmk_resource_t *bundle) { const pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; const pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, bundle); if (bundle_data->replicas == NULL) { return NULL; } replica = bundle_data->replicas->data; return replica->container; } /*! * \internal * \brief Iterate over bundle replicas * * \param[in,out] bundle Bundle to iterate over * \param[in] fn Function to call for each replica (its return value * indicates whether to continue iterating) * \param[in,out] user_data Pointer to pass to \p fn */ void pe__foreach_bundle_replica(pcmk_resource_t *bundle, bool (*fn)(pcmk__bundle_replica_t *, void *), void *user_data) { const pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, bundle); for (GList *iter = bundle_data->replicas; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { if (!fn((pcmk__bundle_replica_t *) iter->data, user_data)) { break; } } } /*! * \internal * \brief Iterate over const bundle replicas * * \param[in] bundle Bundle to iterate over * \param[in] fn Function to call for each replica (its return value * indicates whether to continue iterating) * \param[in,out] user_data Pointer to pass to \p fn */ void pe__foreach_const_bundle_replica(const pcmk_resource_t *bundle, bool (*fn)(const pcmk__bundle_replica_t *, void *), void *user_data) { const pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, bundle); for (const GList *iter = bundle_data->replicas; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { if (!fn((const pcmk__bundle_replica_t *) iter->data, user_data)) { break; } } } static char * next_ip(const char *last_ip) { unsigned int oct1 = 0; unsigned int oct2 = 0; unsigned int oct3 = 0; unsigned int oct4 = 0; int rc = sscanf(last_ip, "%u.%u.%u.%u", &oct1, &oct2, &oct3, &oct4); if (rc != 4) { /*@ TODO check for IPv6 */ return NULL; } else if (oct3 > 253) { return NULL; } else if (oct4 > 253) { ++oct3; oct4 = 1; } else { ++oct4; } return crm_strdup_printf("%u.%u.%u.%u", oct1, oct2, oct3, oct4); } static void allocate_ip(pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data, pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica, GString *buffer) { if(data->ip_range_start == NULL) { return; } else if(data->ip_last) { replica->ipaddr = next_ip(data->ip_last); } else { replica->ipaddr = strdup(data->ip_range_start); } data->ip_last = replica->ipaddr; switch (data->agent_type) { case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER: case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN: if (data->add_host) { g_string_append_printf(buffer, " --add-host=%s-%d:%s", data->prefix, replica->offset, replica->ipaddr); } else { g_string_append_printf(buffer, " --hosts-entry=%s=%s-%d", replica->ipaddr, data->prefix, replica->offset); } break; - case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT: - g_string_append_printf(buffer, " --hosts-entry=%s=%s-%d", - replica->ipaddr, data->prefix, - replica->offset); - break; - default: // PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_UNKNOWN break; } } static xmlNode * create_resource(const char *name, const char *provider, const char *kind) { xmlNode *rsc = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, PCMK_XE_PRIMITIVE); crm_xml_add(rsc, PCMK_XA_ID, name); crm_xml_add(rsc, PCMK_XA_CLASS, PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_OCF); crm_xml_add(rsc, PCMK_XA_PROVIDER, provider); crm_xml_add(rsc, PCMK_XA_TYPE, kind); return rsc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether cluster can manage resource inside container * * \param[in,out] data Container variant data * * \return TRUE if networking configuration is acceptable, FALSE otherwise * * \note The resource is manageable if an IP range or control port has been * specified. If a control port is used without an IP range, replicas per * host must be 1. */ static bool valid_network(pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data) { if(data->ip_range_start) { return TRUE; } if(data->control_port) { if(data->nreplicas_per_host > 1) { pcmk__config_err("Specifying the '" PCMK_XA_CONTROL_PORT "' for %s " "requires '" PCMK_XA_REPLICAS_PER_HOST "=1'", data->prefix); data->nreplicas_per_host = 1; // @TODO to be sure: // pcmk__clear_rsc_flags(rsc, pcmk__rsc_unique); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static int create_ip_resource(pcmk_resource_t *parent, pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data, pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica) { if(data->ip_range_start) { char *id = NULL; xmlNode *xml_ip = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; id = crm_strdup_printf("%s-ip-%s", data->prefix, replica->ipaddr); pcmk__xml_sanitize_id(id); xml_ip = create_resource(id, "heartbeat", "IPaddr2"); free(id); xml_obj = pcmk__xe_create(xml_ip, PCMK_XE_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTES); pcmk__xe_set_id(xml_obj, "%s-attributes-%d", data->prefix, replica->offset); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "ip", replica->ipaddr); if(data->host_network) { crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "nic", data->host_network); } if(data->host_netmask) { crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "cidr_netmask", data->host_netmask); } else { crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "cidr_netmask", "32"); } xml_obj = pcmk__xe_create(xml_ip, PCMK_XE_OPERATIONS); crm_create_op_xml(xml_obj, pcmk__xe_id(xml_ip), PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, "60s", NULL); // TODO: Other ops? Timeouts and intervals from underlying resource? if (pe__unpack_resource(xml_ip, &replica->ip, parent, parent->priv->scheduler) != pcmk_rc_ok) { return pcmk_rc_unpack_error; } parent->priv->children = g_list_append(parent->priv->children, replica->ip); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } static const char* container_agent_str(enum pe__container_agent t) { switch (t) { case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER: return PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER_S; - case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT: return PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT_S; case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN: return PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN_S; default: // PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_UNKNOWN break; } return PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_UNKNOWN_S; } static int create_container_resource(pcmk_resource_t *parent, const pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data, pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica) { char *id = NULL; xmlNode *xml_container = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; // Agent-specific const char *hostname_opt = NULL; const char *env_opt = NULL; const char *agent_str = NULL; - int volid = 0; // rkt-only GString *buffer = NULL; GString *dbuffer = NULL; // Where syntax differences are drop-in replacements, set them now switch (data->agent_type) { case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER: case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN: hostname_opt = "-h "; env_opt = "-e "; break; - case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT: - hostname_opt = "--hostname="; - env_opt = "--environment="; - break; default: // PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_UNKNOWN return pcmk_rc_unpack_error; } agent_str = container_agent_str(data->agent_type); buffer = g_string_sized_new(4096); id = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s-%d", data->prefix, agent_str, replica->offset); pcmk__xml_sanitize_id(id); xml_container = create_resource(id, "heartbeat", agent_str); free(id); xml_obj = pcmk__xe_create(xml_container, PCMK_XE_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTES); pcmk__xe_set_id(xml_obj, "%s-attributes-%d", data->prefix, replica->offset); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "image", data->image); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "allow_pull", PCMK_VALUE_TRUE); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "force_kill", PCMK_VALUE_FALSE); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "reuse", PCMK_VALUE_FALSE); if (data->agent_type == PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER) { g_string_append(buffer, " --restart=no"); } /* Set a container hostname only if we have an IP to map it to. The user can * set -h or --uts=host themselves if they want a nicer name for logs, but * this makes applications happy who need their hostname to match the IP * they bind to. */ if (data->ip_range_start != NULL) { g_string_append_printf(buffer, " %s%s-%d", hostname_opt, data->prefix, replica->offset); } pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " ", env_opt, "PCMK_stderr=1", NULL); if (data->container_network != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " --net=", data->container_network, NULL); } if (data->control_port != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " ", env_opt, "PCMK_" PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_PORT "=", data->control_port, NULL); } else { g_string_append_printf(buffer, " %sPCMK_" PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_PORT "=%d", env_opt, DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT); } for (GList *iter = data->mounts; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe__bundle_mount_t *mount = (pe__bundle_mount_t *) iter->data; char *source = NULL; if (pcmk_is_set(mount->flags, pe__bundle_mount_subdir)) { source = crm_strdup_printf("%s/%s-%d", mount->source, data->prefix, replica->offset); pcmk__add_separated_word(&dbuffer, 1024, source, ","); } switch (data->agent_type) { case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER: case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN: pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " -v ", pcmk__s(source, mount->source), ":", mount->target, NULL); if (mount->options != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, ":", mount->options, NULL); } break; - case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT: - g_string_append_printf(buffer, - " --volume vol%d,kind=host," - "source=%s%s%s " - "--mount volume=vol%d,target=%s", - volid, pcmk__s(source, mount->source), - (mount->options != NULL)? "," : "", - pcmk__s(mount->options, ""), - volid, mount->target); - volid++; - break; default: break; } free(source); } for (GList *iter = data->ports; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe__bundle_port_t *port = (pe__bundle_port_t *) iter->data; switch (data->agent_type) { case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER: case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN: if (replica->ipaddr != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " -p ", replica->ipaddr, ":", port->source, ":", port->target, NULL); } else if (!pcmk__str_eq(data->container_network, PCMK_VALUE_HOST, pcmk__str_none)) { // No need to do port mapping if net == host pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " -p ", port->source, ":", port->target, NULL); } break; - case PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT: - if (replica->ipaddr != NULL) { - pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, - " --port=", port->target, - ":", replica->ipaddr, ":", port->source, - NULL); - } else { - pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, - " --port=", port->target, ":", port->source, - NULL); - } - break; default: break; } } /* @COMPAT: We should use pcmk__add_word() here, but we can't yet, because * it would cause restarts during rolling upgrades. * * In a previous version of the container resource creation logic, if * data->launcher_options is not NULL, we append * (" %s", data->launcher_options) even if data->launcher_options is an * empty string. Likewise for data->container_host_options. Using * * pcmk__add_word(buffer, 0, data->launcher_options) * * removes that extra trailing space, causing a resource definition change. */ if (data->launcher_options != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " ", data->launcher_options, NULL); } if (data->container_host_options != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " ", data->container_host_options, NULL); } crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_opts", (const char *) buffer->str); g_string_free(buffer, TRUE); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "mount_points", (dbuffer != NULL)? (const char *) dbuffer->str : ""); if (dbuffer != NULL) { g_string_free(dbuffer, TRUE); } if (replica->child != NULL) { if (data->container_command != NULL) { crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_cmd", data->container_command); } else { crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_cmd", SBIN_DIR "/" PCMK__SERVER_REMOTED); } /* TODO: Allow users to specify their own? * * We just want to know if the container is alive; we'll monitor the * child independently. */ crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd", "/bin/true"); #if 0 /* @TODO Consider supporting the use case where we can start and stop * resources, but not proxy local commands (such as setting node * attributes), by running the local executor in stand-alone mode. * However, this would probably be better done via ACLs as with other * Pacemaker Remote nodes. */ } else if ((child != NULL) && data->untrusted) { crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_cmd", CRM_DAEMON_DIR "/" PCMK__SERVER_EXECD); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd", CRM_DAEMON_DIR "/pacemaker/cts-exec-helper -c poke"); #endif } else { if (data->container_command != NULL) { crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_cmd", data->container_command); } /* TODO: Allow users to specify their own? * * We don't know what's in the container, so we just want to know if it * is alive. */ crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd", "/bin/true"); } xml_obj = pcmk__xe_create(xml_container, PCMK_XE_OPERATIONS); crm_create_op_xml(xml_obj, pcmk__xe_id(xml_container), PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, "60s", NULL); // TODO: Other ops? Timeouts and intervals from underlying resource? if (pe__unpack_resource(xml_container, &replica->container, parent, parent->priv->scheduler) != pcmk_rc_ok) { return pcmk_rc_unpack_error; } pcmk__set_rsc_flags(replica->container, pcmk__rsc_replica_container); parent->priv->children = g_list_append(parent->priv->children, replica->container); return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \brief Ban a node from a resource's (and its children's) allowed nodes list * * \param[in,out] rsc Resource to modify * \param[in] uname Name of node to ban */ static void disallow_node(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *uname) { gpointer match = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->priv->allowed_nodes, uname); if (match) { ((pcmk_node_t *) match)->assign->score = -PCMK_SCORE_INFINITY; ((pcmk_node_t *) match)->assign->probe_mode = pcmk__probe_never; } g_list_foreach(rsc->priv->children, (GFunc) disallow_node, (gpointer) uname); } static int create_remote_resource(pcmk_resource_t *parent, pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data, pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica) { if (replica->child && valid_network(data)) { GHashTableIter gIter; pcmk_node_t *node = NULL; xmlNode *xml_remote = NULL; char *id = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%d", data->prefix, replica->offset); char *port_s = NULL; const char *uname = NULL; const char *connect_name = NULL; pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = parent->priv->scheduler; if (pe_find_resource(scheduler->priv->resources, id) != NULL) { free(id); // The biggest hammer we have id = crm_strdup_printf("pcmk-internal-%s-remote-%d", replica->child->id, replica->offset); //@TODO return error instead of asserting? CRM_ASSERT(pe_find_resource(scheduler->priv->resources, id) == NULL); } /* REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK: Using "#uname" as the server name when the * connection does not have its own IP is a magic string that we use to * support nested remotes (i.e. a bundle running on a remote node). */ connect_name = (replica->ipaddr? replica->ipaddr : "#uname"); if (data->control_port == NULL) { port_s = pcmk__itoa(DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT); } /* This sets replica->container as replica->remote's container, which is * similar to what happens with guest nodes. This is how the scheduler * knows that the bundle node is fenced by recovering the container, and * that remote should be ordered relative to the container. */ xml_remote = pe_create_remote_xml(NULL, id, replica->container->id, NULL, NULL, NULL, connect_name, (data->control_port? data->control_port : port_s)); free(port_s); /* Abandon our created ID, and pull the copy from the XML, because we * need something that will get freed during scheduler data cleanup to * use as the node ID and uname. */ free(id); id = NULL; uname = pcmk__xe_id(xml_remote); /* Ensure a node has been created for the guest (it may have already * been, if it has a permanent node attribute), and ensure its weight is * -INFINITY so no other resources can run on it. */ node = pcmk_find_node(scheduler, uname); if (node == NULL) { node = pe_create_node(uname, uname, PCMK_VALUE_REMOTE, -PCMK_SCORE_INFINITY, scheduler); } else { node->assign->score = -PCMK_SCORE_INFINITY; } node->assign->probe_mode = pcmk__probe_never; /* unpack_remote_nodes() ensures that each remote node and guest node * has a pcmk_node_t entry. Ideally, it would do the same for bundle * nodes. Unfortunately, a bundle has to be mostly unpacked before it's * obvious what nodes will be needed, so we do it just above. * * Worse, that means that the node may have been utilized while * unpacking other resources, without our weight correction. The most * likely place for this to happen is when pe__unpack_resource() calls * resource_location() to set a default score in symmetric clusters. * This adds a node *copy* to each resource's allowed nodes, and these * copies will have the wrong weight. * * As a hacky workaround, fix those copies here. * * @TODO Possible alternative: ensure bundles are unpacked before other * resources, so the weight is correct before any copies are made. */ g_list_foreach(scheduler->priv->resources, (GFunc) disallow_node, (gpointer) uname); replica->node = pe__copy_node(node); replica->node->assign->score = 500; replica->node->assign->probe_mode = pcmk__probe_exclusive; /* Ensure the node shows up as allowed and with the correct discovery set */ if (replica->child->priv->allowed_nodes != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(replica->child->priv->allowed_nodes); } replica->child->priv->allowed_nodes = pcmk__strkey_table(NULL, free); g_hash_table_insert(replica->child->priv->allowed_nodes, (gpointer) replica->node->priv->id, pe__copy_node(replica->node)); { const pcmk_resource_t *parent = replica->child->priv->parent; pcmk_node_t *copy = pe__copy_node(replica->node); copy->assign->score = -PCMK_SCORE_INFINITY; g_hash_table_insert(parent->priv->allowed_nodes, (gpointer) replica->node->priv->id, copy); } if (pe__unpack_resource(xml_remote, &replica->remote, parent, scheduler) != pcmk_rc_ok) { return pcmk_rc_unpack_error; } g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, replica->remote->priv->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { if (pcmk__is_pacemaker_remote_node(node)) { /* Remote resources can only run on 'normal' cluster node */ node->assign->score = -PCMK_SCORE_INFINITY; } } replica->node->priv->remote = replica->remote; // Ensure pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node() functions correctly replica->remote->priv->launcher = replica->container; /* A bundle's #kind is closer to "container" (guest node) than the * "remote" set by pe_create_node(). */ pcmk__insert_dup(replica->node->priv->attrs, CRM_ATTR_KIND, "container"); /* One effect of this is that unpack_launcher() will add * replica->remote to replica->container's launched resources, which * will make pe__resource_contains_guest_node() true for * replica->container. * * replica->child does NOT get added to replica->container's launched * resources. The only noticeable effect if it did would be for its * fail count to be taken into account when checking * replica->container's migration threshold. */ parent->priv->children = g_list_append(parent->priv->children, replica->remote); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } static int create_replica_resources(pcmk_resource_t *parent, pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data, pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; rc = create_container_resource(parent, data, replica); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } rc = create_ip_resource(parent, data, replica); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } rc = create_remote_resource(parent, data, replica); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } if ((replica->child != NULL) && (replica->ipaddr != NULL)) { pcmk__insert_meta(replica->child->priv, "external-ip", replica->ipaddr); } if (replica->remote != NULL) { /* * Allow the remote connection resource to be allocated to a * different node than the one on which the container is active. * * This makes it possible to have Pacemaker Remote nodes running * containers with the remote executor inside in order to start * services inside those containers. */ pcmk__set_rsc_flags(replica->remote, pcmk__rsc_remote_nesting_allowed); } return rc; } static void mount_add(pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data, const char *source, const char *target, const char *options, uint32_t flags) { pe__bundle_mount_t *mount = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_mount_t)); mount->source = pcmk__str_copy(source); mount->target = pcmk__str_copy(target); mount->options = pcmk__str_copy(options); mount->flags = flags; bundle_data->mounts = g_list_append(bundle_data->mounts, mount); } static void mount_free(pe__bundle_mount_t *mount) { free(mount->source); free(mount->target); free(mount->options); free(mount); } static void port_free(pe__bundle_port_t *port) { free(port->source); free(port->target); free(port); } static pcmk__bundle_replica_t * replica_for_remote(pcmk_resource_t *remote) { pcmk_resource_t *top = remote; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; if (top == NULL) { return NULL; } while (top->priv->parent != NULL) { top = top->priv->parent; } get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, top); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; if (replica->remote == remote) { return replica; } } CRM_LOG_ASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; } bool pe__bundle_needs_remote_name(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { const char *value; GHashTable *params = NULL; if (rsc == NULL) { return false; } // Use NULL node since pcmk__bundle_expand() uses that to set value params = pe_rsc_params(rsc, NULL, rsc->priv->scheduler); value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, PCMK_REMOTE_RA_ADDR); return pcmk__str_eq(value, "#uname", pcmk__str_casei) && xml_contains_remote_node(rsc->priv->xml); } const char * pe__add_bundle_remote_name(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, xmlNode *xml, const char *field) { // REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK: Allow remote nodes that start containers with pacemaker remote inside pcmk_node_t *node = NULL; pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = NULL; if (!pe__bundle_needs_remote_name(rsc)) { return NULL; } replica = replica_for_remote(rsc); if (replica == NULL) { return NULL; } node = replica->container->priv->assigned_node; if (node == NULL) { /* If it won't be running anywhere after the * transition, go with where it's running now. */ node = pcmk__current_node(replica->container); } if(node == NULL) { crm_trace("Cannot determine address for bundle connection %s", rsc->id); return NULL; } crm_trace("Setting address for bundle connection %s to bundle host %s", rsc->id, pcmk__node_name(node)); if(xml != NULL && field != NULL) { crm_xml_add(xml, field, node->priv->name); } return node->priv->name; } #define pe__set_bundle_mount_flags(mount_xml, flags, flags_to_set) do { \ flags = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, LOG_TRACE, \ "Bundle mount", pcmk__xe_id(mount_xml), \ flags, (flags_to_set), #flags_to_set); \ } while (0) gboolean pe__unpack_bundle(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) { const char *value = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; const xmlNode *xml_child = NULL; xmlNode *xml_resource = NULL; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; bool need_log_mount = TRUE; CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL); pcmk__rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing resource %s...", rsc->id); bundle_data = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_variant_data_t)); rsc->priv->variant_opaque = bundle_data; bundle_data->prefix = strdup(rsc->id); xml_obj = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XE_DOCKER, NULL, NULL); if (xml_obj != NULL) { bundle_data->agent_type = PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER; - } else { - xml_obj = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK__XE_RKT, NULL, + } + + if (xml_obj == NULL) { + xml_obj = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XE_PODMAN, NULL, NULL); if (xml_obj != NULL) { - pcmk__warn_once(pcmk__wo_rkt, - "Support for " PCMK__XE_RKT " in bundles " - "(such as %s) is deprecated and will be " - "removed in a future release", rsc->id); - bundle_data->agent_type = PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT; - } else { - xml_obj = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XE_PODMAN, - NULL, NULL); - if (xml_obj != NULL) { - bundle_data->agent_type = PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN; - } else { - return FALSE; - } + bundle_data->agent_type = PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN; } } + if (xml_obj == NULL) { + return FALSE; + } + // Use 0 for default, minimum, and invalid PCMK_XA_PROMOTED_MAX value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_PROMOTED_MAX); pcmk__scan_min_int(value, &bundle_data->promoted_max, 0); /* Default replicas to PCMK_XA_PROMOTED_MAX if it was specified and 1 * otherwise */ value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_REPLICAS); if ((value == NULL) && (bundle_data->promoted_max > 0)) { bundle_data->nreplicas = bundle_data->promoted_max; } else { pcmk__scan_min_int(value, &bundle_data->nreplicas, 1); } /* * Communication between containers on the same host via the * floating IPs only works if the container is started with: * --userland-proxy=false --ip-masq=false */ value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_REPLICAS_PER_HOST); pcmk__scan_min_int(value, &bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host, 1); if (bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host == 1) { pcmk__clear_rsc_flags(rsc, pcmk__rsc_unique); } bundle_data->container_command = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_RUN_COMMAND); bundle_data->launcher_options = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_OPTIONS); bundle_data->image = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_IMAGE); bundle_data->container_network = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_NETWORK); xml_obj = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XE_NETWORK, NULL, NULL); if(xml_obj) { bundle_data->ip_range_start = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_IP_RANGE_START); bundle_data->host_netmask = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_HOST_NETMASK); bundle_data->host_network = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_HOST_INTERFACE); bundle_data->control_port = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_CONTROL_PORT); value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_ADD_HOST); if (crm_str_to_boolean(value, &bundle_data->add_host) != 1) { bundle_data->add_host = TRUE; } for (xml_child = pcmk__xe_first_child(xml_obj, PCMK_XE_PORT_MAPPING, NULL, NULL); xml_child != NULL; xml_child = pcmk__xe_next_same(xml_child)) { pe__bundle_port_t *port = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_port_t)); port->source = crm_element_value_copy(xml_child, PCMK_XA_PORT); if(port->source == NULL) { port->source = crm_element_value_copy(xml_child, PCMK_XA_RANGE); } else { port->target = crm_element_value_copy(xml_child, PCMK_XA_INTERNAL_PORT); } if(port->source != NULL && strlen(port->source) > 0) { if(port->target == NULL) { port->target = strdup(port->source); } bundle_data->ports = g_list_append(bundle_data->ports, port); } else { pcmk__config_err("Invalid " PCMK_XA_PORT " directive %s", pcmk__xe_id(xml_child)); port_free(port); } } } xml_obj = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XE_STORAGE, NULL, NULL); for (xml_child = pcmk__xe_first_child(xml_obj, PCMK_XE_STORAGE_MAPPING, NULL, NULL); xml_child != NULL; xml_child = pcmk__xe_next_same(xml_child)) { const char *source = crm_element_value(xml_child, PCMK_XA_SOURCE_DIR); const char *target = crm_element_value(xml_child, PCMK_XA_TARGET_DIR); const char *options = crm_element_value(xml_child, PCMK_XA_OPTIONS); int flags = pe__bundle_mount_none; if (source == NULL) { source = crm_element_value(xml_child, PCMK_XA_SOURCE_DIR_ROOT); pe__set_bundle_mount_flags(xml_child, flags, pe__bundle_mount_subdir); } if (source && target) { mount_add(bundle_data, source, target, options, flags); if (strcmp(target, "/var/log") == 0) { need_log_mount = FALSE; } } else { pcmk__config_err("Invalid mount directive %s", pcmk__xe_id(xml_child)); } } xml_obj = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XE_PRIMITIVE, NULL, NULL); if (xml_obj && valid_network(bundle_data)) { const char *suffix = NULL; char *value = NULL; xmlNode *xml_set = NULL; xml_resource = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, PCMK_XE_CLONE); /* @COMPAT We no longer use the tag, but we need to keep it as * part of the resource name, so that bundles don't restart in a rolling * upgrade. (It also avoids needing to change regression tests.) */ suffix = (const char *) xml_resource->name; if (bundle_data->promoted_max > 0) { suffix = "master"; } pcmk__xe_set_id(xml_resource, "%s-%s", bundle_data->prefix, suffix); xml_set = pcmk__xe_create(xml_resource, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES); pcmk__xe_set_id(xml_set, "%s-%s-meta", bundle_data->prefix, xml_resource->name); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL, PCMK_META_ORDERED, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE); value = pcmk__itoa(bundle_data->nreplicas); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL, PCMK_META_CLONE_MAX, value); free(value); value = pcmk__itoa(bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL, PCMK_META_CLONE_NODE_MAX, value); free(value); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL, PCMK_META_GLOBALLY_UNIQUE, pcmk__btoa(bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host > 1)); if (bundle_data->promoted_max) { crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL, PCMK_META_PROMOTABLE, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE); value = pcmk__itoa(bundle_data->promoted_max); crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL, PCMK_META_PROMOTED_MAX, value); free(value); } //crm_xml_add(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_ID, bundle_data->prefix); pcmk__xml_copy(xml_resource, xml_obj); } else if(xml_obj) { pcmk__config_err("Cannot control %s inside %s without either " PCMK_XA_IP_RANGE_START " or " PCMK_XA_CONTROL_PORT, rsc->id, pcmk__xe_id(xml_obj)); return FALSE; } if(xml_resource) { int lpc = 0; GList *childIter = NULL; pe__bundle_port_t *port = NULL; GString *buffer = NULL; if (pe__unpack_resource(xml_resource, &(bundle_data->child), rsc, scheduler) != pcmk_rc_ok) { return FALSE; } /* Currently, we always map the default authentication key location * into the same location inside the container. * * Ideally, we would respect the host's PCMK_authkey_location, but: * - it may be different on different nodes; * - the actual connection will do extra checking to make sure the key * file exists and is readable, that we can't do here on the DC * - tools such as crm_resource and crm_simulate may not have the same * environment variables as the cluster, causing operation digests to * differ * * Always using the default location inside the container is fine, * because we control the pacemaker_remote environment, and it avoids * having to pass another environment variable to the container. * * @TODO A better solution may be to have only pacemaker_remote use the * environment variable, and have the cluster nodes use a new * cluster option for key location. This would introduce the limitation * of the location being the same on all cluster nodes, but that's * reasonable. */ mount_add(bundle_data, DEFAULT_REMOTE_KEY_LOCATION, DEFAULT_REMOTE_KEY_LOCATION, NULL, pe__bundle_mount_none); if (need_log_mount) { mount_add(bundle_data, CRM_BUNDLE_DIR, "/var/log", NULL, pe__bundle_mount_subdir); } port = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_port_t)); if(bundle_data->control_port) { port->source = strdup(bundle_data->control_port); } else { /* If we wanted to respect PCMK_remote_port, we could use * crm_default_remote_port() here and elsewhere in this file instead * of DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT. * * However, it gains nothing, since we control both the container * environment and the connection resource parameters, and the user * can use a different port if desired by setting * PCMK_XA_CONTROL_PORT. */ port->source = pcmk__itoa(DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT); } port->target = strdup(port->source); bundle_data->ports = g_list_append(bundle_data->ports, port); buffer = g_string_sized_new(1024); for (childIter = bundle_data->child->priv->children; childIter != NULL; childIter = childIter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = NULL; replica = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(pcmk__bundle_replica_t)); replica->child = childIter->data; pcmk__set_rsc_flags(replica->child, pcmk__rsc_exclusive_probes); replica->offset = lpc++; // Ensure the child's notify gets set based on the underlying primitive's value if (pcmk_is_set(replica->child->flags, pcmk__rsc_notify)) { pcmk__set_rsc_flags(bundle_data->child, pcmk__rsc_notify); } allocate_ip(bundle_data, replica, buffer); bundle_data->replicas = g_list_append(bundle_data->replicas, replica); bundle_data->attribute_target = g_hash_table_lookup(replica->child->priv->meta, PCMK_META_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET); } bundle_data->container_host_options = g_string_free(buffer, FALSE); if (bundle_data->attribute_target) { pcmk__insert_dup(rsc->priv->meta, PCMK_META_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET, bundle_data->attribute_target); pcmk__insert_dup(bundle_data->child->priv->meta, PCMK_META_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET, bundle_data->attribute_target); } } else { // Just a naked container, no pacemaker-remote GString *buffer = g_string_sized_new(1024); for (int lpc = 0; lpc < bundle_data->nreplicas; lpc++) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = NULL; replica = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(pcmk__bundle_replica_t)); replica->offset = lpc; allocate_ip(bundle_data, replica, buffer); bundle_data->replicas = g_list_append(bundle_data->replicas, replica); } bundle_data->container_host_options = g_string_free(buffer, FALSE); } for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; if (create_replica_resources(rsc, bundle_data, replica) != pcmk_rc_ok) { pcmk__config_err("Failed unpacking resource %s", rsc->id); rsc->priv->fns->free(rsc); return FALSE; } /* Utilization needs special handling for bundles. It makes no sense for * the inner primitive to have utilization, because it is tied * one-to-one to the guest node created by the container resource -- and * there's no way to set capacities for that guest node anyway. * * What the user really wants is to configure utilization for the * container. However, the schema only allows utilization for * primitives, and the container resource is implicit anyway, so the * user can *only* configure utilization for the inner primitive. If * they do, move the primitive's utilization values to the container. * * @TODO This means that bundles without an inner primitive can't have * utilization. An alternative might be to allow utilization values in * the top-level bundle XML in the schema, and copy those to each * container. */ if (replica->child != NULL) { GHashTable *empty = replica->container->priv->utilization; replica->container->priv->utilization = replica->child->priv->utilization; replica->child->priv->utilization = empty; } } if (bundle_data->child) { rsc->priv->children = g_list_append(rsc->priv->children, bundle_data->child); } return TRUE; } static int replica_resource_active(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, gboolean all) { if (rsc) { gboolean child_active = rsc->priv->fns->active(rsc, all); if (child_active && !all) { return TRUE; } else if (!child_active && all) { return FALSE; } } return -1; } gboolean pe__bundle_active(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, gboolean all) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; GList *iter = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); for (iter = bundle_data->replicas; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = iter->data; int rsc_active; rsc_active = replica_resource_active(replica->ip, all); if (rsc_active >= 0) { return (gboolean) rsc_active; } rsc_active = replica_resource_active(replica->child, all); if (rsc_active >= 0) { return (gboolean) rsc_active; } rsc_active = replica_resource_active(replica->container, all); if (rsc_active >= 0) { return (gboolean) rsc_active; } rsc_active = replica_resource_active(replica->remote, all); if (rsc_active >= 0) { return (gboolean) rsc_active; } } /* If "all" is TRUE, we've already checked that no resources were inactive, * so return TRUE; if "all" is FALSE, we didn't find any active resources, * so return FALSE. */ return all; } /*! * \internal * \brief Find the bundle replica corresponding to a given node * * \param[in] bundle Top-level bundle resource * \param[in] node Node to search for * * \return Bundle replica if found, NULL otherwise */ pcmk_resource_t * pe__find_bundle_replica(const pcmk_resource_t *bundle, const pcmk_node_t *node) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(bundle && node); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, bundle); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; CRM_ASSERT(replica && replica->node); if (pcmk__same_node(replica->node, node)) { return replica->child; } } return NULL; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("bundle", "uint32_t", "pcmk_resource_t *", "GList *", "GList *") int pe__bundle_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; gboolean printed_header = FALSE; gboolean print_everything = TRUE; const char *desc = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); if (rsc->priv->fns->is_filtered(rsc, only_rsc, TRUE)) { return rc; } print_everything = pcmk__str_in_list(rsc->id, only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; pcmk_resource_t *ip = replica->ip; pcmk_resource_t *child = replica->child; pcmk_resource_t *container = replica->container; pcmk_resource_t *remote = replica->remote; char *id = NULL; gboolean print_ip, print_child, print_ctnr, print_remote; CRM_ASSERT(replica); if (pcmk__rsc_filtered_by_node(container, only_node)) { continue; } print_ip = (ip != NULL) && !ip->priv->fns->is_filtered(ip, only_rsc, print_everything); print_child = (child != NULL) && !child->priv->fns->is_filtered(child, only_rsc, print_everything); print_ctnr = !container->priv->fns->is_filtered(container, only_rsc, print_everything); print_remote = (remote != NULL) && !remote->priv->fns->is_filtered(remote, only_rsc, print_everything); if (!print_everything && !print_ip && !print_child && !print_ctnr && !print_remote) { continue; } if (!printed_header) { const char *type = container_agent_str(bundle_data->agent_type); const char *unique = pcmk__flag_text(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_unique); const char *maintenance = pcmk__flag_text(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_maintenance); const char *managed = pcmk__flag_text(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_managed); const char *failed = pcmk__flag_text(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_failed); printed_header = TRUE; desc = pe__resource_description(rsc, show_opts); rc = pe__name_and_nvpairs_xml(out, true, PCMK_XE_BUNDLE, PCMK_XA_ID, rsc->id, PCMK_XA_TYPE, type, PCMK_XA_IMAGE, bundle_data->image, PCMK_XA_UNIQUE, unique, PCMK_XA_MAINTENANCE, maintenance, PCMK_XA_MANAGED, managed, PCMK_XA_FAILED, failed, PCMK_XA_DESCRIPTION, desc, NULL); CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_rc_ok); } id = pcmk__itoa(replica->offset); rc = pe__name_and_nvpairs_xml(out, true, PCMK_XE_REPLICA, PCMK_XA_ID, id, NULL); free(id); CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_rc_ok); if (print_ip) { out->message(out, (const char *) ip->priv->xml->name, show_opts, ip, only_node, only_rsc); } if (print_child) { out->message(out, (const char *) child->priv->xml->name, show_opts, child, only_node, only_rsc); } if (print_ctnr) { out->message(out, (const char *) container->priv->xml->name, show_opts, container, only_node, only_rsc); } if (print_remote) { out->message(out, (const char *) remote->priv->xml->name, show_opts, remote, only_node, only_rsc); } pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); // replica } if (printed_header) { pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); // bundle } return rc; } static void pe__bundle_replica_output_html(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica, pcmk_node_t *node, uint32_t show_opts) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = replica->child; int offset = 0; char buffer[LINE_MAX]; if(rsc == NULL) { rsc = replica->container; } if (replica->remote) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, LINE_MAX - offset, "%s", rsc_printable_id(replica->remote)); } else { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, LINE_MAX - offset, "%s", rsc_printable_id(replica->container)); } if (replica->ipaddr) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, LINE_MAX - offset, " (%s)", replica->ipaddr); } pe__common_output_html(out, rsc, buffer, node, show_opts); } /*! * \internal * \brief Get a string describing a resource's unmanaged state or lack thereof * * \param[in] rsc Resource to describe * * \return A string indicating that a resource is in maintenance mode or * otherwise unmanaged, or an empty string otherwise */ static const char * get_unmanaged_str(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_maintenance)) { return " (maintenance)"; } if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_managed)) { return " (unmanaged)"; } return ""; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("bundle", "uint32_t", "pcmk_resource_t *", "GList *", "GList *") int pe__bundle_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); const char *desc = NULL; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; gboolean print_everything = TRUE; CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); desc = pe__resource_description(rsc, show_opts); if (rsc->priv->fns->is_filtered(rsc, only_rsc, TRUE)) { return rc; } print_everything = pcmk__str_in_list(rsc->id, only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; pcmk_resource_t *ip = replica->ip; pcmk_resource_t *child = replica->child; pcmk_resource_t *container = replica->container; pcmk_resource_t *remote = replica->remote; gboolean print_ip, print_child, print_ctnr, print_remote; CRM_ASSERT(replica); if (pcmk__rsc_filtered_by_node(container, only_node)) { continue; } print_ip = (ip != NULL) && !ip->priv->fns->is_filtered(ip, only_rsc, print_everything); print_child = (child != NULL) && !child->priv->fns->is_filtered(child, only_rsc, print_everything); print_ctnr = !container->priv->fns->is_filtered(container, only_rsc, print_everything); print_remote = (remote != NULL) && !remote->priv->fns->is_filtered(remote, only_rsc, print_everything); if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_implicit_rscs) || (print_everything == FALSE && (print_ip || print_child || print_ctnr || print_remote))) { /* The text output messages used below require pe_print_implicit to * be set to do anything. */ uint32_t new_show_opts = show_opts | pcmk_show_implicit_rscs; PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Container bundle%s: %s [%s]%s%s%s%s%s", (bundle_data->nreplicas > 1)? " set" : "", rsc->id, bundle_data->image, pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_unique)? " (unique)" : "", desc ? " (" : "", desc ? desc : "", desc ? ")" : "", get_unmanaged_str(rsc)); if (pcmk__list_of_multiple(bundle_data->replicas)) { out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Replica[%d]", replica->offset); } if (print_ip) { out->message(out, (const char *) ip->priv->xml->name, new_show_opts, ip, only_node, only_rsc); } if (print_child) { out->message(out, (const char *) child->priv->xml->name, new_show_opts, child, only_node, only_rsc); } if (print_ctnr) { out->message(out, (const char *) container->priv->xml->name, new_show_opts, container, only_node, only_rsc); } if (print_remote) { out->message(out, (const char *) remote->priv->xml->name, new_show_opts, remote, only_node, only_rsc); } if (pcmk__list_of_multiple(bundle_data->replicas)) { out->end_list(out); } } else if (print_everything == FALSE && !(print_ip || print_child || print_ctnr || print_remote)) { continue; } else { PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Container bundle%s: %s [%s]%s%s%s%s%s", (bundle_data->nreplicas > 1)? " set" : "", rsc->id, bundle_data->image, pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_unique)? " (unique)" : "", desc ? " (" : "", desc ? desc : "", desc ? ")" : "", get_unmanaged_str(rsc)); pe__bundle_replica_output_html(out, replica, pcmk__current_node(container), show_opts); } } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } static void pe__bundle_replica_output_text(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica, pcmk_node_t *node, uint32_t show_opts) { const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = replica->child; int offset = 0; char buffer[LINE_MAX]; if(rsc == NULL) { rsc = replica->container; } if (replica->remote) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, LINE_MAX - offset, "%s", rsc_printable_id(replica->remote)); } else { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, LINE_MAX - offset, "%s", rsc_printable_id(replica->container)); } if (replica->ipaddr) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, LINE_MAX - offset, " (%s)", replica->ipaddr); } pe__common_output_text(out, rsc, buffer, node, show_opts); } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("bundle", "uint32_t", "pcmk_resource_t *", "GList *", "GList *") int pe__bundle_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); const char *desc = NULL; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; gboolean print_everything = TRUE; desc = pe__resource_description(rsc, show_opts); CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); if (rsc->priv->fns->is_filtered(rsc, only_rsc, TRUE)) { return rc; } print_everything = pcmk__str_in_list(rsc->id, only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; pcmk_resource_t *ip = replica->ip; pcmk_resource_t *child = replica->child; pcmk_resource_t *container = replica->container; pcmk_resource_t *remote = replica->remote; gboolean print_ip, print_child, print_ctnr, print_remote; CRM_ASSERT(replica); if (pcmk__rsc_filtered_by_node(container, only_node)) { continue; } print_ip = (ip != NULL) && !ip->priv->fns->is_filtered(ip, only_rsc, print_everything); print_child = (child != NULL) && !child->priv->fns->is_filtered(child, only_rsc, print_everything); print_ctnr = !container->priv->fns->is_filtered(container, only_rsc, print_everything); print_remote = (remote != NULL) && !remote->priv->fns->is_filtered(remote, only_rsc, print_everything); if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_implicit_rscs) || (print_everything == FALSE && (print_ip || print_child || print_ctnr || print_remote))) { /* The text output messages used below require pe_print_implicit to * be set to do anything. */ uint32_t new_show_opts = show_opts | pcmk_show_implicit_rscs; PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Container bundle%s: %s [%s]%s%s%s%s%s", (bundle_data->nreplicas > 1)? " set" : "", rsc->id, bundle_data->image, pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_unique)? " (unique)" : "", desc ? " (" : "", desc ? desc : "", desc ? ")" : "", get_unmanaged_str(rsc)); if (pcmk__list_of_multiple(bundle_data->replicas)) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "Replica[%d]", replica->offset); } out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (print_ip) { out->message(out, (const char *) ip->priv->xml->name, new_show_opts, ip, only_node, only_rsc); } if (print_child) { out->message(out, (const char *) child->priv->xml->name, new_show_opts, child, only_node, only_rsc); } if (print_ctnr) { out->message(out, (const char *) container->priv->xml->name, new_show_opts, container, only_node, only_rsc); } if (print_remote) { out->message(out, (const char *) remote->priv->xml->name, new_show_opts, remote, only_node, only_rsc); } out->end_list(out); } else if (print_everything == FALSE && !(print_ip || print_child || print_ctnr || print_remote)) { continue; } else { PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Container bundle%s: %s [%s]%s%s%s%s%s", (bundle_data->nreplicas > 1)? " set" : "", rsc->id, bundle_data->image, pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_unique)? " (unique)" : "", desc ? " (" : "", desc ? desc : "", desc ? ")" : "", get_unmanaged_str(rsc)); pe__bundle_replica_output_text(out, replica, pcmk__current_node(container), show_opts); } } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } static void free_bundle_replica(pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica) { if (replica == NULL) { return; } if (replica->node) { free(replica->node); replica->node = NULL; } if (replica->ip) { pcmk__xml_free(replica->ip->priv->xml); replica->ip->priv->xml = NULL; replica->ip->priv->fns->free(replica->ip); } if (replica->container) { pcmk__xml_free(replica->container->priv->xml); replica->container->priv->xml = NULL; replica->container->priv->fns->free(replica->container); } if (replica->remote) { pcmk__xml_free(replica->remote->priv->xml); replica->remote->priv->xml = NULL; replica->remote->priv->fns->free(replica->remote); } free(replica->ipaddr); free(replica); } void pe__free_bundle(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); pcmk__rsc_trace(rsc, "Freeing %s", rsc->id); free(bundle_data->prefix); free(bundle_data->image); free(bundle_data->control_port); free(bundle_data->host_network); free(bundle_data->host_netmask); free(bundle_data->ip_range_start); free(bundle_data->container_network); free(bundle_data->launcher_options); free(bundle_data->container_command); g_free(bundle_data->container_host_options); g_list_free_full(bundle_data->replicas, (GDestroyNotify) free_bundle_replica); g_list_free_full(bundle_data->mounts, (GDestroyNotify)mount_free); g_list_free_full(bundle_data->ports, (GDestroyNotify)port_free); g_list_free(rsc->priv->children); if(bundle_data->child) { pcmk__xml_free(bundle_data->child->priv->xml); bundle_data->child->priv->xml = NULL; bundle_data->child->priv->fns->free(bundle_data->child); } common_free(rsc); } enum rsc_role_e pe__bundle_resource_state(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, gboolean current) { enum rsc_role_e container_role = pcmk_role_unknown; return container_role; } /*! * \brief Get the number of configured replicas in a bundle * * \param[in] rsc Bundle resource * * \return Number of configured replicas, or 0 on error */ int pe_bundle_replicas(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { if (pcmk__is_bundle(rsc)) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); return bundle_data->nreplicas; } return 0; } void pe__count_bundle(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); for (GList *item = bundle_data->replicas; item != NULL; item = item->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = item->data; if (replica->ip) { replica->ip->priv->fns->count(replica->ip); } if (replica->child) { replica->child->priv->fns->count(replica->child); } if (replica->container) { replica->container->priv->fns->count(replica->container); } if (replica->remote) { replica->remote->priv->fns->count(replica->remote); } } } gboolean pe__bundle_is_filtered(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, GList *only_rsc, gboolean check_parent) { gboolean passes = FALSE; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; if (pcmk__str_in_list(rsc_printable_id(rsc), only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches)) { passes = TRUE; } else { get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; pcmk_resource_t *ip = replica->ip; pcmk_resource_t *child = replica->child; pcmk_resource_t *container = replica->container; pcmk_resource_t *remote = replica->remote; if ((ip != NULL) && !ip->priv->fns->is_filtered(ip, only_rsc, FALSE)) { passes = TRUE; break; } if ((child != NULL) && !child->priv->fns->is_filtered(child, only_rsc, FALSE)) { passes = TRUE; break; } if (!container->priv->fns->is_filtered(container, only_rsc, FALSE)) { passes = TRUE; break; } if ((remote != NULL) && !remote->priv->fns->is_filtered(remote, only_rsc, FALSE)) { passes = TRUE; break; } } } return !passes; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get a list of a bundle's containers * * \param[in] bundle Bundle resource * * \return Newly created list of \p bundle's containers * \note It is the caller's responsibility to free the result with * g_list_free(). */ GList * pe__bundle_containers(const pcmk_resource_t *bundle) { GList *containers = NULL; const pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(data, bundle); for (GList *iter = data->replicas; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = iter->data; containers = g_list_append(containers, replica->container); } return containers; } // Bundle implementation of pcmk__rsc_methods_t:active_node() pcmk_node_t * pe__bundle_active_node(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, unsigned int *count_all, unsigned int *count_clean) { pcmk_node_t *active = NULL; pcmk_node_t *node = NULL; pcmk_resource_t *container = NULL; GList *containers = NULL; GList *iter = NULL; GHashTable *nodes = NULL; const pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data = NULL; if (count_all != NULL) { *count_all = 0; } if (count_clean != NULL) { *count_clean = 0; } if (rsc == NULL) { return NULL; } /* For the purposes of this method, we only care about where the bundle's * containers are active, so build a list of active containers. */ get_bundle_variant_data(data, rsc); for (iter = data->replicas; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pcmk__bundle_replica_t *replica = iter->data; if (replica->container->priv->active_nodes != NULL) { containers = g_list_append(containers, replica->container); } } if (containers == NULL) { return NULL; } /* If the bundle has only a single active container, just use that * container's method. If live migration is ever supported for bundle * containers, this will allow us to prefer the migration source when there * is only one container and it is migrating. For now, this just lets us * avoid creating the nodes table. */ if (pcmk__list_of_1(containers)) { container = containers->data; node = container->priv->fns->active_node(container, count_all, count_clean); g_list_free(containers); return node; } // Add all containers' active nodes to a hash table (for uniqueness) nodes = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL); for (iter = containers; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { container = iter->data; for (GList *node_iter = container->priv->active_nodes; node_iter != NULL; node_iter = node_iter->next) { node = node_iter->data; // If insert returns true, we haven't counted this node yet if (g_hash_table_insert(nodes, (gpointer) node->details, (gpointer) node) && !pe__count_active_node(rsc, node, &active, count_all, count_clean)) { goto done; } } } done: g_list_free(containers); g_hash_table_destroy(nodes); return active; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get maximum bundle resource instances per node * * \param[in] rsc Bundle resource to check * * \return Maximum number of \p rsc instances that can be active on one node */ unsigned int pe__bundle_max_per_node(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); CRM_ASSERT(bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host >= 0); return (unsigned int) bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host; }