diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Clusters_from_Scratch/active-passive.rst b/doc/sphinx/Clusters_from_Scratch/active-passive.rst index a4c6801333..1699c43377 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Clusters_from_Scratch/active-passive.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Clusters_from_Scratch/active-passive.rst @@ -1,324 +1,324 @@ Create an Active/Passive Cluster -------------------------------- .. index:: pair: resource; IP address Add a Resource ############## Our first resource will be a floating IP address that the cluster can bring up on either node. Regardless of where any cluster service(s) are running, end users need to be able to communicate with them at a consistent address. Here, we will use ```` as the floating IP address, give it the imaginative name ``ClusterIP``, and tell the cluster to check whether it is still running every 30 seconds. .. WARNING:: The chosen address must not already be in use on the network, on a cluster node or elsewhere. Do not reuse an IP address one of the nodes already has configured. .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ ip= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=30s Another important piece of information here is ``ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2``. This tells Pacemaker three things about the resource you want to add: * The first field (``ocf`` in this case) is the standard to which the resource agent conforms and where to find it. * The second field (``heartbeat`` in this case) is known as the provider. Currently, this field is supported only for OCF resources. It tells Pacemaker which OCF namespace the resource script is in. * The third field (``IPaddr2`` in this case) is the name of the resource agent, the executable file responsible for starting, stopping, monitoring, and possibly promoting and demoting the resource. To obtain a list of the available resource standards (the ``ocf`` part of ``ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2``), run: .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource standards lsb ocf service systemd To obtain a list of the available OCF resource providers (the ``heartbeat`` part of ``ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2``), run: .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource providers heartbeat openstack pacemaker Finally, if you want to see all the resource agents available for a specific OCF provider (the ``IPaddr2`` part of ``ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2``), run: .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource agents ocf:heartbeat apache conntrackd corosync-qnetd . . (skipping lots of resources to save space) . VirtualDomain Xinetd If you want to list all resource agents available on the system, run ``pcs resource list``. We'll skip that here. Now, verify that the IP resource has been added, and display the cluster's status to see that it is now active. Note: There should be a stonith device by now, but it's okay if it doesn't look like the one below. .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: mycluster Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.1.2-4.el9-ada5c3b36e2) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Wed Jul 27 00:37:28 2022 * Last change: Wed Jul 27 00:37:14 2022 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 * 2 nodes configured * 2 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ] Full List of Resources: * fence_dev (stonith:some_fence_agent): Started pcmk-1 * ClusterIP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started pcmk-2 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled On the node where the ``ClusterIP`` resource is running, verify that the address has been added. .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-2 ~]# ip -o addr show 1: lo inet scope host lo\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 1: lo inet6 ::1/128 scope host \ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp1s0 inet brd scope global noprefixroute enp1s0\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp1s0 inet brd scope global secondary enp1s0\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp1s0 inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fe95:209/64 scope link noprefixroute \ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever Perform a Failover ################## Since our ultimate goal is high availability, we should test failover of our new resource before moving on. First, from the ``pcs status`` output in the previous step, find the node on which the IP address is running. You can see that the status of the ``ClusterIP`` resource is ``Started`` on a particular node (in this example, ``pcmk-2``). Shut down ``pacemaker`` and ``corosync`` on that machine to trigger a failover. .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-2 ~]# pcs cluster stop pcmk-2 pcmk-2: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)... pcmk-2: Stopping Cluster (corosync)... .. NOTE:: A cluster command such as ``pcs cluster stop `` can be run from any node in the cluster, not just the node where the cluster services will be stopped. Running ``pcs cluster stop`` without a ```` stops the cluster services on the local host. The same is true for ``pcs cluster start`` and many other such commands. Verify that ``pacemaker`` and ``corosync`` are no longer running: .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-2 ~]# pcs status Error: error running crm_mon, is pacemaker running? Could not connect to pacemakerd: Connection refused crm_mon: Connection to cluster failed: Connection refused Go to the other node, and check the cluster status. .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: mycluster Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.1.2-4.el9-ada5c3b36e2) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Wed Jul 27 00:43:51 2022 * Last change: Wed Jul 27 00:43:14 2022 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 * 2 nodes configured * 2 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ pcmk-1 ] * OFFLINE: [ pcmk-2 ] Full List of Resources: * fence_dev (stonith:some_fence_agent): Started pcmk-1 * ClusterIP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started pcmk-1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled Notice that ``pcmk-2`` is ``OFFLINE`` for cluster purposes (its ``pcsd`` is still active, allowing it to receive ``pcs`` commands, but it is not participating in the cluster). Also notice that ``ClusterIP`` is now running on ``pcmk-1`` -- failover happened automatically, and no errors are reported. .. topic:: Quorum If a cluster splits into two (or more) groups of nodes that can no longer communicate with each other (a.k.a. *partitions*), *quorum* is used to prevent resources from starting on more nodes than desired, which would risk data corruption. A cluster has quorum when more than half of all known nodes are online in the same partition, or for the mathematically inclined, whenever the following inequality is true: .. code-block:: console total_nodes < 2 * active_nodes For example, if a 5-node cluster split into 3- and 2-node paritions, the 3-node partition would have quorum and could continue serving resources. If a 6-node cluster split into two 3-node partitions, neither partition would have quorum; Pacemaker's default behavior in such cases is to stop all resources, in order to prevent data corruption. Two-node clusters are a special case. By the above definition, a two-node cluster would only have quorum when both nodes are running. This would make the creation of a two-node cluster pointless. However, Corosync has the ability to require only one node for quorum in a two-node cluster. The ``pcs cluster setup`` command will automatically configure ``two_node: 1`` in ``corosync.conf``, so a two-node cluster will "just work". .. NOTE:: You might wonder, "What if the nodes in a two-node cluster can't communicate with each other? Wouldn't this ``two_node: 1`` setting create a split-brain scenario, in which each node has quorum separately and they both try to manage the same cluster resources?" As long as fencing is configured, there is no danger of this. If the nodes lose contact with each other, each node will try to fence the other node. Resource management is disabled until fencing succeeds; neither node is allowed to start, stop, promote, or demote resources. After fencing succeeds, the surviving node can safely recover any resources that were running on the fenced node. If the fenced node boots up and rejoins the cluster, it does not have quorum until it can communicate with the surviving node at least once. This prevents "fence loops," in which a node gets fenced, reboots, rejoins the cluster, and fences the other node. This protective behavior is controlled by the ``wait_for_all: 1`` option, which is enabled automatically when ``two_node: 1`` is configured. If you are using a different cluster shell, you may have to configure ``corosync.conf`` appropriately yourself. Now, simulate node recovery by restarting the cluster stack on ``pcmk-2``, and check the cluster's status. (It may take a little while before the cluster gets going on the node, but it eventually will look like the below.) .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: mycluster Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.1.2-4.el9-ada5c3b36e2) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Wed Jul 27 00:45:17 2022 * Last change: Wed Jul 27 00:45:01 2022 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 * 2 nodes configured * 2 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ] Full List of Resources: * fence_dev (stonith:some_fence_agent): Started pcmk-1 * ClusterIP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started pcmk-1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled .. index:: stickiness Prevent Resources from Moving after Recovery ############################################ In most circumstances, it is highly desirable to prevent healthy resources from being moved around the cluster. Moving resources almost always requires a period of downtime. For complex services such as databases, this period can be quite long. To address this, Pacemaker has the concept of resource *stickiness*, which controls how strongly a service prefers to stay running where it is. You may like to think of it as the "cost" of any downtime. By default, [#]_ Pacemaker assumes there is zero cost associated with moving resources and will do so to achieve "optimal" [#]_ resource placement. We can specify a different stickiness for every resource, but it is often sufficient to change the default. -In |CFS_DISTRO| |CFS_VERSION|, the cluster setup process automatically +In |CFS_DISTRO| |CFS_DISTRO_VER|, the cluster setup process automatically configures a default resource stickiness score of 1. This is sufficient to prevent healthy resources from moving around the cluster when there are no user-configured constraints that influence where Pacemaker prefers to run those resources. .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource defaults Meta Attrs: build-resource-defaults resource-stickiness=1 For this example, we will increase the default resource stickiness to 100. Later in this guide, we will configure a location constraint with a score lower than the default resource stickiness. .. code-block:: console [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource defaults update resource-stickiness=100 Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource defaults Meta Attrs: build-resource-defaults resource-stickiness=100 .. [#] Zero resource stickiness is Pacemaker's default if you remove the default value that was created at cluster setup time, or if you're using an older version of Pacemaker that doesn't create this value at setup time. .. [#] Pacemaker's default definition of "optimal" may not always agree with yours. The order in which Pacemaker processes lists of resources and nodes creates implicit preferences in situations where the administrator has not explicitly specified them. diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/baremetal-tutorial.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/baremetal-tutorial.rst index 861d3e34a9..a3c0fbeb19 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/baremetal-tutorial.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/baremetal-tutorial.rst @@ -1,238 +1,288 @@ .. index:: single: remote node; walk-through Remote Node Walk-through ------------------------ **What this tutorial is:** An in-depth walk-through of how to get Pacemaker to integrate a remote node into the cluster as a node capable of running cluster resources. **What this tutorial is not:** A realistic deployment scenario. The steps shown here are meant to get users familiar with the concept of remote nodes as quickly as possible. Configure Cluster Nodes ####################### This walk-through assumes you already have a Pacemaker cluster configured. For examples, we will use a cluster with two cluster nodes named pcmk-1 and pcmk-2. You can substitute whatever your node names are, for however many nodes you have. If you are not familiar with setting up basic Pacemaker clusters, follow the walk-through in the Clusters From Scratch document before attempting this one. -You will need to add the remote node's hostname (we're using **remote1** in -this tutorial) to the cluster nodes' ``/etc/hosts`` files if you haven't already. -This is required unless you have DNS set up in a way where remote1's address can be -discovered. - -Execute the following on each cluster node, replacing the IP address with the -actual IP address of the remote node. - -.. code-block:: none - - # cat << END >> /etc/hosts - remote1 - END - Configure Remote Node ##################### .. index:: single: remote node; firewall Configure Firewall on Remote Node _________________________________ Allow cluster-related services through the local firewall: .. code-block:: none # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability success # firewall-cmd --reload success .. NOTE:: If you are using some other firewall solution besides firewalld, simply open the following ports, which can be used by various - clustering components: TCP ports 2224, 3121, and 21064, and UDP port 5405. + clustering components: TCP ports 2224, 3121, and 21064. If you run into any problems during testing, you might want to disable the firewall and SELinux entirely until you have everything working. This may create significant security issues and should not be performed on machines that will be exposed to the outside world, but may be appropriate during development and testing on a protected host. To disable security measures: .. code-block:: none # setenforce 0 - # sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" /etc/selinux/config + # sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" \ + /etc/selinux/config # systemctl mask firewalld.service # systemctl stop firewalld.service +Configure ``/etc/hosts`` +________________________ + +You will need to add the remote node's hostname (we're using **remote1** in +this tutorial) to the cluster nodes' ``/etc/hosts`` files if you haven't already. +This is required unless you have DNS set up in a way where remote1's address can be +discovered. + +For each remote node, execute the following on each cluster node and on the +remote nodes, replacing the IP address with the actual IP address of the remote +node. + +.. code-block:: none + + # cat << END >> /etc/hosts + remote1 + END + +Also add entries for each cluster node to the ``/etc/hosts`` file on each +remote node. For example: + +.. code-block:: none + + # cat << END >> /etc/hosts + pcmk-1 + pcmk-2 + END + Configure pacemaker_remote on Remote Node _________________________________________ Install the pacemaker_remote daemon on the remote node. .. code-block:: none - # yum install -y pacemaker-remote resource-agents pcs + [root@remote1 ~]# dnf config-manager --set-enabled highavailability + [root@remote1 ~]# dnf install -y pacemaker-remote resource-agents pcs + +Prepare ``pcsd`` +________________ + +Now we need to prepare ``pcsd`` on the remote node so that we can use ``pcs`` +commands to communicate with it. + +Start and enable the ``pcsd`` daemon on the remote node. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@remote1 ~]# systemctl start pcsd + [root@remote1 ~]# systemctl enable pcsd + Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/pcsd.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/pcsd.service. + +Next, set a password for the ``hacluster`` user on the remote node + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@remote ~]# echo MyPassword | passwd --stdin hacluster + Changing password for user hacluster. + passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. + +Now authenticate the existing cluster nodes to ``pcsd`` on the remote node. The +below command only needs to be run from one cluster node. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs host auth remote1 -u hacluster + Password: + remote1: Authorized Integrate Remote Node into Cluster __________________________________ Integrating a remote node into the cluster is achieved through the creation of a remote node connection resource. The remote node connection resource both establishes the connection to the remote node and defines that the remote node exists. Note that this resource is actually internal to -Pacemaker's controller. A metadata file for this resource can be found in -the ``/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/remote`` file that describes what options -are available, but there is no actual **ocf:pacemaker:remote** resource agent -script that performs any work. +Pacemaker's controller. The metadata for this resource can be found in +the ``/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/remote`` file. The metadata in this file +describes what options are available, but there is no actual +**ocf:pacemaker:remote** resource agent script that performs any work. -Before we integrate the remote node, we'll need to authorize it. - -.. code-block:: none - - # pcs host auth remote1 - -Now, define the remote node connection resource to our remote node, +Define the remote node connection resource to our remote node, **remote1**, using the following command on any cluster node. This -command creates the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource, creates and copies -the key, and enables pacemaker_remote. +command creates the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource; creates the authkey if it +does not exist already and distributes it to the remote node; and starts and +enables ``pacemaker-remoted`` on the remote node. .. code-block:: none - # pcs cluster node add-remote remote1 + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster node add-remote remote1 + No addresses specified for host 'remote1', using 'remote1' + Sending 'pacemaker authkey' to 'remote1' + remote1: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker authkey' + Requesting 'pacemaker_remote enable', 'pacemaker_remote start' on 'remote1' + remote1: successful run of 'pacemaker_remote enable' + remote1: successful run of 'pacemaker_remote start' That's it. After a moment you should see the remote node come online. The final ``pcs status`` output should look something like this, and you can see that it created the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource: .. code-block:: none - # pcs status + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: mycluster Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync - * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum - * Last updated: Wed Mar 3 11:02:03 2021 - * Last change: Wed Mar 3 11:01:57 2021 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 + * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.1.2-4.el9-ada5c3b36e2) - partition with quorum + * Last updated: Wed Aug 10 05:17:28 2022 + * Last change: Wed Aug 10 05:17:26 2022 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 * 3 nodes configured - * 1 resource instance configured - + * 2 resource instances configured + Node List: * Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ] * RemoteOnline: [ remote1 ] - + Full List of Resources: - * remote1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started pcmk-1 + * xvm (stonith:fence_xvm): Started pcmk-1 + * remote1 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started pcmk-1 + + Daemon Status: + corosync: active/disabled + pacemaker: active/disabled + pcsd: active/enabled How pcs Configures the Remote ############################# -To see that it created the key and copied it to all cluster nodes and the -guest, run: +Let's take a closer look at what the ``pcs cluster node add-remote`` command is +doing. There is no need to run any of the commands in this section. + +First, ``pcs`` copies the Pacemaker authkey file to the VM that will become the +guest. If an authkey is not already present on the cluster nodes, this command +creates one and distributes it to the existing nodes and to the guest. + +If you want to do this manually, you can run a command like the following to +generate an authkey in ``/etc/pacemaker/authkey``, and then distribute the key +to the rest of the nodes and to the new guest. .. code-block:: none - # ls -l /etc/pacemaker + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1 -To see that it enables pacemaker_remote, run: +Then ``pcs`` starts and enables the ``pacemaker_remote`` service on the guest. +If you want to do this manually, run the following commands. .. code-block:: none - # systemctl status pacemaker_remote - ● pacemaker_remote.service - Pacemaker Remote executor daemon - Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) - Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-03-02 10:42:40 EST; 1min 23s ago - Docs: man:pacemaker-remoted - https://clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/doc/ - Main PID: 1139 (pacemaker-remot) - Tasks: 1 - Memory: 5.4M - CGroup: /system.slice/pacemaker_remote.service - └─1139 /usr/sbin/pacemaker-remoted - - Mar 02 10:42:40 remote1 systemd[1]: Started Pacemaker Remote executor daemon. - Mar 02 10:42:40 remote1 pacemaker-remoted[1139]: notice: Additional logging available in /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log - Mar 02 10:42:40 remote1 pacemaker-remoted[1139]: notice: Starting Pacemaker remote executor - Mar 02 10:42:41 remote1 pacemaker-remoted[1139]: notice: Pacemaker remote executor successfully started and accepting connections + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl start pacemaker_remote + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl enable pacemaker_remote Starting Resources on Remote Node ################################# -Once the remote node is integrated into the cluster, starting resources on a -remote node is the exact same as on cluster nodes. Refer to the +Once the remote node is integrated into the cluster, starting and managing +resources on a remote node is the exact same as on cluster nodes. Refer to the `Clusters from Scratch `_ document for examples of resource creation. .. WARNING:: Never involve a remote node connection resource in a resource group, colocation constraint, or order constraint. .. index:: single: remote node; fencing Fencing Remote Nodes #################### Remote nodes are fenced the same way as cluster nodes. No special considerations are required. Configure fencing resources for use with remote nodes the same as you would with cluster nodes. Note, however, that remote nodes can never 'initiate' a fencing action. Only cluster nodes are capable of actually executing a fencing operation against another node. Accessing Cluster Tools from a Remote Node ########################################## Besides allowing the cluster to manage resources on a remote node, pacemaker_remote has one other trick. The pacemaker_remote daemon allows nearly all the pacemaker tools (``crm_resource``, ``crm_mon``, ``crm_attribute``, etc.) to work on remote nodes natively. Try it: Run ``crm_mon`` on the remote node after pacemaker has integrated it into the cluster. These tools just work. These means resource agents such as promotable resources (which need access to tools like ``crm_attribute``) work seamlessly on the remote nodes. Higher-level command shells such as ``pcs`` may have partial support on remote nodes, but it is recommended to run them from a cluster node. Troubleshooting a Remote Connection ################################### -Note: This section should not be done when the remote is connected to the cluster. - -Should connectivity issues occur, it can be worth verifying that the cluster nodes -can contact the remote node on port 3121. Here's a trick you can use. -Connect using ssh from each of the cluster nodes. The connection will get -destroyed, but how it is destroyed tells you whether it worked or not. +If connectivity issues occur, it's worth verifying that the cluster nodes can +communicate with the remote node on TCP port 3121. We can use the ``nc`` command +to test the connection. -If running the ssh command on one of the cluster nodes results in this -output before disconnecting, the connection works: +On the cluster nodes, install the package that provides the ``nc`` command. The +package name may vary by distribution; on |REMOTE_DISTRO| |REMOTE_DISTRO_VER| +it's ``nmap-ncat``. -.. code-block:: none - - # ssh -p 3121 remote1 - ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer +Now connect using ``nc`` from each of the cluster nodes to the remote node and +run a ``/bin/true`` command that does nothing except return success. No output +indicates that the cluster node is able to communicate with the remote node on +TCP port 3121. An error indicates that the connection failed. This could be due +to a network issue or because ``pacemaker-remoted`` is not currently running on +the remote node. -If you see one of these, the connection is not working: +Example of success: .. code-block:: none - # ssh -p 3121 remote1 - ssh: connect to host remote1 port 3121: No route to host + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# nc remote1 3121 --sh-exec /bin/true + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# + +Examples of failure: .. code-block:: none - # ssh -p 3121 remote1 - ssh: connect to host remote1 port 3121: Connection refused + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# nc remote1 3121 --sh-exec /bin/true + Ncat: Connection refused. + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# nc remote1 3121 --sh-exec /bin/true + Ncat: No route to host. -Once you can successfully connect to the remote node from the both -cluster nodes, you may move on to setting up Pacemaker on the -cluster nodes. diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/intro.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/intro.rst index 93af71b1f7..c0edac9f3c 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/intro.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/intro.rst @@ -1,186 +1,187 @@ Scaling a Pacemaker Cluster --------------------------- Overview ######## In a basic Pacemaker high-availability cluster [#]_ each node runs the full cluster stack of Corosync and all Pacemaker components. This allows great -flexibility but limits scalability to around 16 nodes. +flexibility but limits scalability to around 32 nodes. To allow for scalability to dozens or even hundreds of nodes, Pacemaker allows nodes not running the full cluster stack to integrate into the cluster and have the cluster manage their resources as if they were a cluster node. Terms ##### .. index:: single: cluster node single: node; cluster node **cluster node** A node running the full high-availability stack of corosync and all Pacemaker components. Cluster nodes may run cluster resources, run all Pacemaker command-line tools (``crm_mon``, ``crm_resource`` and so on), execute fencing actions, count toward cluster quorum, and serve as the cluster's Designated Controller (DC). .. index:: pacemaker-remoted **pacemaker-remoted** A small service daemon that allows a host to be used as a Pacemaker node without running the full cluster stack. Nodes running ``pacemaker-remoted`` may run cluster resources and most command-line tools, but cannot perform other functions of full cluster nodes such as fencing execution, quorum voting, or DC eligibility. The ``pacemaker-remoted`` daemon is an enhanced version of Pacemaker's local executor daemon (pacemaker-execd). .. index:: single: remote node single: node; remote node **pacemaker_remote** The name of the systemd service that manages ``pacemaker-remoted`` **Pacemaker Remote** A way to refer to the general technology implementing nodes running ``pacemaker-remoted``, including the cluster-side implementation and the communication protocol between them. **remote node** A physical host running ``pacemaker-remoted``. Remote nodes have a special resource that manages communication with the cluster. This is sometimes referred to as the *bare metal* case. .. index:: single: guest node single: node; guest node **guest node** A virtual host running ``pacemaker-remoted``. Guest nodes differ from remote nodes mainly in that the guest node is itself a resource that the cluster manages. .. NOTE:: *Remote* in this document refers to the node not being a part of the underlying corosync cluster. It has nothing to do with physical proximity. Remote nodes and guest nodes are subject to the same latency requirements as cluster nodes, which means they are typically in the same data center. .. NOTE:: It is important to distinguish the various roles a virtual machine can serve in Pacemaker clusters: * A virtual machine can run the full cluster stack, in which case it is a cluster node and is not itself managed by the cluster. * A virtual machine can be managed by the cluster as a resource, without the cluster having any awareness of the services running inside the virtual machine. The virtual machine is *opaque* to the cluster. * A virtual machine can be a cluster resource, and run ``pacemaker-remoted`` to make it a guest node, allowing the cluster to manage services inside it. The virtual machine is *transparent* to the cluster. .. index:: single: virtual machine; as guest node Guest Nodes ########### **"I want a Pacemaker cluster to manage virtual machine resources, but I also want Pacemaker to be able to manage the resources that live within those virtual machines."** Without ``pacemaker-remoted``, the possibilities for implementing the above use case have significant limitations: * The cluster stack could be run on the physical hosts only, which loses the ability to monitor resources within the guests. * A separate cluster could be on the virtual guests, which quickly hits scalability issues. * The cluster stack could be run on the guests using the same cluster as the physical hosts, which also hits scalability issues and complicates fencing. With ``pacemaker-remoted``: * The physical hosts are cluster nodes (running the full cluster stack). * The virtual machines are guest nodes (running ``pacemaker-remoted``). Nearly zero configuration is required on the virtual machine. * The cluster stack on the cluster nodes launches the virtual machines and immediately connects to ``pacemaker-remoted`` on them, allowing the virtual machines to integrate into the cluster. The key difference here between the guest nodes and the cluster nodes is that the guest nodes do not run the cluster stack. This means they will never become the DC, initiate fencing actions or participate in quorum voting. On the other hand, this also means that they are not bound to the scalability -limits associated with the cluster stack (no 16-node corosync member limits to +limits associated with the cluster stack (no 32-node corosync member limits to deal with). That isn't to say that guest nodes can scale indefinitely, but it is known that guest nodes scale horizontally much further than cluster nodes. Other than the quorum limitation, these guest nodes behave just like cluster nodes with respect to resource management. The cluster is fully capable of managing and monitoring resources on each guest node. You can build constraints against guest nodes, put them in standby, or do whatever else you'd expect to be able to do with cluster nodes. They even show up in ``crm_mon`` output as nodes. To solidify the concept, below is an example that is very similar to an actual -deployment we test in our developer environment to verify guest node scalability: +deployment that we tested in a developer environment to verify guest node +scalability: * 16 cluster nodes running the full Corosync + Pacemaker stack * 64 Pacemaker-managed virtual machine resources running ``pacemaker-remoted`` configured as guest nodes * 64 Pacemaker-managed webserver and database resources configured to run on the 64 guest nodes With this deployment, you would have 64 webservers and databases running on 64 virtual machines on 16 hardware nodes, all of which are managed and monitored by the same Pacemaker deployment. It is known that ``pacemaker-remoted`` can scale to these lengths and possibly much further depending on the specific scenario. Remote Nodes ############ **"I want my traditional high-availability cluster to scale beyond the limits imposed by the corosync messaging layer."** Ultimately, the primary advantage of remote nodes over cluster nodes is scalability. There are likely some other use cases related to geographically distributed HA clusters that remote nodes may serve a purpose in, but those use cases are not well understood at this point. Like guest nodes, remote nodes will never become the DC, initiate fencing actions or participate in quorum voting. That is not to say, however, that fencing of a remote node works any differently than that of a cluster node. The Pacemaker scheduler understands how to fence remote nodes. As long as a fencing device exists, the cluster is capable of ensuring remote nodes are fenced in the exact same way as cluster nodes. Expanding the Cluster Stack ########################### With ``pacemaker-remoted``, the traditional view of the high-availability stack can be expanded to include a new layer: Traditional HA Stack ____________________ .. image:: images/pcmk-ha-cluster-stack.png :alt: Traditional Pacemaker+Corosync Stack :align: center HA Stack With Guest Nodes _________________________ .. image:: images/pcmk-ha-remote-stack.png :alt: Pacemaker+Corosync Stack with pacemaker-remoted :align: center .. [#] See the ``_ Pacemaker documentation, especially *Clusters From Scratch* and *Pacemaker Explained*. diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/kvm-tutorial.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/kvm-tutorial.rst index 92b37f1f47..253149e6e4 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/kvm-tutorial.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/kvm-tutorial.rst @@ -1,598 +1,584 @@ .. index:: single: guest node; walk-through Guest Node Walk-through ----------------------- **What this tutorial is:** An in-depth walk-through of how to get Pacemaker to manage a KVM guest instance and integrate that guest into the cluster as a guest node. **What this tutorial is not:** A realistic deployment scenario. The steps shown here are meant to get users familiar with the concept of guest nodes as quickly as possible. Configure Cluster Nodes ####################### This walk-through assumes you already have a Pacemaker cluster configured. For examples, we will use a cluster with two cluster nodes named pcmk-1 and pcmk-2. You can substitute whatever your node names are, for however many nodes you have. If you are not familiar with setting up basic Pacemaker clusters, follow the walk-through in the Clusters From Scratch document before attempting this one. -You will need to add the remote node's hostname (we're using **guest1** in -this tutorial) to the cluster nodes' ``/etc/hosts`` files if you haven't already. -This is required unless you have DNS set up in a way where guest1's address can be -discovered. - -Execute the following on each cluster node, replacing the IP address with the -actual IP address of the remote node. - -.. code-block:: none - - # cat << END >> /etc/hosts - guest1 - END - Install Virtualization Software _______________________________ On each node within your cluster, install virt-install, libvirt, and qemu-kvm. -Start and enable libvirtd. +Start and enable ``virtnetworkd``. .. code-block:: none - # yum install -y virt-install libvirt qemu-kvm - # systemctl start libvirtd - # systemctl enable libvirtd + # dnf install -y virt-install libvirt qemu-kvm + # systemctl start virtnetworkd + # systemctl enable virtnetworkd Reboot the host. .. NOTE:: While KVM is used in this example, any virtualization platform with a Pacemaker resource agent can be used to create a guest node. The resource agent needs only to support usual commands (start, stop, etc.); Pacemaker implements the **remote-node** meta-attribute, independent of the agent. Configure the KVM guest ####################### Create Guest ____________ Create a KVM guest to use as a guest node. Be sure to configure the guest with a hostname and a static IP address (as an example here, we will use guest1 and Here's an example way to create a guest: -* Download an .iso file from the `CentOS Mirrors List `_ into a directory on your cluster node. +* Download an .iso file from the |REMOTE_DISTRO| |REMOTE_DISTRO_VER| `mirrors + list `_ into a directory on your + cluster node. * Run the following command, using your own path for the **location** flag: .. code-block:: none - # virt-install \ - --name guest-vm \ - --ram 1024 \ - --disk path=./guest-vm.qcow2,size=1 \ - --vcpus 2 \ - --os-type linux \ - --os-variant centos-stream8\ - --network bridge=virbr0 \ - --graphics none \ - --console pty,target_type=serial \ - --location \ - --extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial' + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# virt-install \ + --name vm-guest1 \ + --memory 1536 \ + --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/vm-guest1.qcow2,size=4 \ + --vcpus 2 \ + --os-variant almalinux9 \ + --network bridge=virbr0 \ + --graphics none \ + --console pty,target_type=serial \ + --location /tmp/AlmaLinux-9-latest-x86_64-dvd.iso \ + --extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8' + + .. NOTE:: + + See the Clusters from Scratch document for more details about installing + |REMOTE_DISTRO| |REMOTE_DISTRO_VER|. The above command will perform a + text-based installation by default, but feel free to do a graphical + installation, which exposes more options. .. index:: single: guest node; firewall Configure Firewall on Guest ___________________________ -On each guest, allow cluster-related services through the local firewall. +On each guest, allow cluster-related services through the local firewall. If +you're using ``firewalld``, run the following commands. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@guest1 ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability + success + [root@guest1 ~]# firewall-cmd --reload + success + +.. NOTE:: + + If you are using some other firewall solution besides firewalld, + simply open the following ports, which can be used by various + clustering components: TCP ports 2224, 3121, and 21064. + + If you run into any problems during testing, you might want to disable + the firewall and SELinux entirely until you have everything working. + This may create significant security issues and should not be performed on + machines that will be exposed to the outside world, but may be appropriate + during development and testing on a protected host. + + To disable security measures: + + .. code-block:: none + + [root@guest1 ~]# setenforce 0 + [root@guest1 ~]# sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" \ + /etc/selinux/config + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl mask firewalld.service + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld.service + +Configure ``/etc/hosts`` +________________________ + +You will need to add the remote node's hostname (we're using **guest1** in +this tutorial) to the cluster nodes' ``/etc/hosts`` files if you haven't already. +This is required unless you have DNS set up in a way where guest1's address can be +discovered. + +For each guest, execute the following on each cluster node and on the guests, +replacing the IP address with the actual IP address of the guest node. + +.. code-block:: none + + # cat << END >> /etc/hosts + guest1 + END + +Also add entries for each cluster node to the ``/etc/hosts`` file on each guest. +For example: + +.. code-block:: none + + # cat << END >> /etc/hosts + pcmk-1 + pcmk-2 + END Verify Connectivity ___________________ At this point, you should be able to ping and ssh into guests from hosts, and vice versa. +Depending on your installation method, you may have to perform an additional +step to make SSH work. The simplest approach is to open the +``/etc/ssh/sshd_config`` file and set ``PermitRootLogin yes``. Then to make the +change take effect, run the following command. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl restart sshd + Configure pacemaker_remote on Guest Node ________________________________________ -Install the pacemaker_remote daemon on the guest node. Here, -we also install the ``pacemaker`` package; it is not required, but -it contains the dummy resource agent that we will use later -for testing. +Install the pacemaker_remote daemon on the guest node. We'll also install the +``pacemaker`` package. It isn't required for a guest node to run, but it +provides the ``crm_attribute`` tool, which many resource agents use. .. code-block:: none - # yum install -y pacemaker-remote resource-agents pcs pacemaker + [root@guest1 ~]# dnf config-manager --set-enabled highavailability + [root@guest1 ~]# dnf install -y pacemaker-remote resource-agents pcs \ + pacemaker Integrate Guest into Cluster ############################ Now the fun part, integrating the virtual machine you've just created into the cluster. It is incredibly simple. Start the Cluster _________________ -On the host, start Pacemaker. +On the host, start Pacemaker if it's not already running. .. code-block:: none # pcs cluster start -Wait for the host to become the DC. +Create a ``VirtualDomain`` Resource for the Guest VM +____________________________________________________ + +For this simple walk-through, we have created the VM and made its disk +available only on node ``pcmk-1``, so that's the only node where the VM is +capable of running. In a more realistic scenario, you'll probably want to have +multiple nodes that are capable of running the VM. + +Next we'll assign an attribute to node 1 that denotes its eligibility to host +``vm-guest1``. If other nodes are capable of hosting your guest VM, then add the +attribute to each of those nodes as well. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs node attribute pcmk-1 can-host-vm-guest1=1 + +Then we'll create a ``VirtualDomain`` resource so that Pacemaker can manage +``vm-guest1``. Be sure to replace the XML file path below with your own if it +differs. We'll also create a rule to prevent Pacemaker from trying to start the +resource or probe its status on any node that isn't capable of running the VM. +We'll save the CIB to a file, make both of these edits, and push them +simultaneously. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster cib vm_cfg + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f vm_cfg resource create vm-guest1 VirtualDomain \ + hypervisor="qemu:///system" config="/etc/libvirt/qemu/vm-guest1.xml" + Assumed agent name 'ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain' (deduced from 'VirtualDomain') + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f vm_cfg constraint location vm-guest1 rule \ + resource-discovery=never score=-INFINITY can-host-vm-guest1 ne 1 + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster cib-push --config vm_cfg --wait + +.. NOTE:: + + If all nodes in your cluster are capable of hosting the VM that you've + created, then you can skip the ``pcs node attribute`` and ``pcs constraint + location`` commands. + +.. NOTE:: + + The ID of the resource managing the virtual machine (``vm-guest1`` in the + above example) **must** be different from the virtual machine's node name + (``guest1`` in the above example). Pacemaker will create an implicit + internal resource for the Pacemaker Remote connection to the guest. This + implicit resource will be named with the value of the ``VirtualDomain`` + resource's ``remote-node`` meta attribute, which will be set by ``pcs`` to + the guest node's node name. Therefore, that value cannot be used as the name + of any other resource. + +Now we can confirm that the ``VirtualDomain`` resource is running on ``pcmk-1``. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource status + * vm-guest1 (ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started pcmk-1 + +Prepare ``pcsd`` +________________ + +Now we need to prepare ``pcsd`` on the guest so that we can use ``pcs`` commands +to communicate with it. + +Start and enable the ``pcsd`` daemon on the guest. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl start pcsd + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl enable pcsd + Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/pcsd.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/pcsd.service. + +Next, set a password for the ``hacluster`` user on the guest. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@guest1 ~]# echo MyPassword | passwd --stdin hacluster + Changing password for user hacluster. + passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. + +Now authenticate the existing cluster nodes to ``pcsd`` on the guest. The below +command only needs to be run from one cluster node. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs host auth guest1 -u hacluster + Password: + guest1: Authorized Integrate Guest Node into Cluster _________________________________ -We will use the following command, which creates the VirtualDomain resource, -creates and copies the key, and enables pacemaker_remote: +We're finally ready to integrate the VM into the cluster as a guest node. Run +the following command, which will create a guest node from the ``VirtualDomain`` +resource and take care of all the remaining steps. Note that the format is ``pcs +cluster node add-guest ``. .. code-block:: none - # pcs cluster node add-guest guest1 + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster node add-guest guest1 vm-guest1 + No addresses specified for host 'guest1', using 'guest1' + Sending 'pacemaker authkey' to 'guest1' + guest1: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker authkey' + Requesting 'pacemaker_remote enable', 'pacemaker_remote start' on 'guest1' + guest1: successful run of 'pacemaker_remote enable' + guest1: successful run of 'pacemaker_remote start' -Once the **vm-guest1** resource is started you will see **guest1** appear in the -``pcs status`` output as a node. The final ``pcs status`` output should look -something like this, and you can see that it created the VirtualDomain resource: +You should soon see ``guest1`` appear in the ``pcs status`` output as a node. +The output should look something like this: .. code-block:: none - # pcs status + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: mycluster - Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync - * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum - * Last updated: Wed Mar 17 08:37:37 2021 - * Last change: Wed Mar 17 08:31:01 2021 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 + * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.1.2-4.el9-ada5c3b36e2) - partition with quorum + * Last updated: Wed Aug 10 00:08:58 2022 + * Last change: Wed Aug 10 00:02:37 2022 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 * 3 nodes configured - * 2 resource instances configured - + * 3 resource instances configured + Node List: * Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ] * GuestOnline: [ guest1@pcmk-1 ] Full List of Resources: - * vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): pcmk-1 + * xvm (stonith:fence_xvm): Started pcmk-1 + * vm-guest1 (ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started pcmk-1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled +The resulting configuration should look something like the following: + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource config + Resource: vm-guest1 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=VirtualDomain) + Attributes: config=/etc/libvirt/qemu/vm-guest1.xml hypervisor=qemu:///system + Meta Attrs: remote-addr=guest1 remote-node=guest1 + Operations: migrate_from interval=0s timeout=60s (vm-guest1-migrate_from-interval-0s) + migrate_to interval=0s timeout=120s (vm-guest1-migrate_to-interval-0s) + monitor interval=10s timeout=30s (vm-guest1-monitor-interval-10s) + start interval=0s timeout=90s (vm-guest1-start-interval-0s) + stop interval=0s timeout=90s (vm-guest1-stop-interval-0s) + How pcs Configures the Guest ____________________________ -To see that it created the key and copied it to all cluster nodes and the -guest, run: +Let's take a closer look at what the ``pcs cluster node add-guest`` command is +doing. There is no need to run any of the commands in this section. + +First, ``pcs`` copies the Pacemaker authkey file to the VM that will become the +guest. If an authkey is not already present on the cluster nodes, this command +creates one and distributes it to the existing nodes and to the guest. + +If you want to do this manually, you can run a command like the following to +generate an authkey in ``/etc/pacemaker/authkey``, and then distribute the key +to the rest of the nodes and to the new guest. .. code-block:: none - # ls -l /etc/pacemaker + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1 -To see that it enables pacemaker_remote, run: +Then ``pcs`` starts and enables the ``pacemaker_remote`` service on the guest. +If you want to do this manually, run the following commands. .. code-block:: none - # systemctl status pacemaker_remote - - ● pacemaker_remote.service - Pacemaker Remote executor daemon - Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) - Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-03-17 08:31:01 EDT; 1min 5s ago - Docs: man:pacemaker-remoted - https://clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/doc/ - Main PID: 90160 (pacemaker-remot) - Tasks: 1 - Memory: 1.4M - CGroup: /system.slice/pacemaker_remote.service - └─90160 /usr/sbin/pacemaker-remoted - - Mar 17 08:31:01 guest1 systemd[1]: Started Pacemaker Remote executor daemon. - Mar 17 08:31:01 guest1 pacemaker-remoted[90160]: notice: Additional logging available in /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log - Mar 17 08:31:01 guest1 pacemaker-remoted[90160]: notice: Starting Pacemaker remote executor - Mar 17 08:31:01 guest1 pacemaker-remoted[90160]: notice: Pacemaker remote executor successfully started and accepting connections -.. NOTE:: + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl start pacemaker_remote + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl enable pacemaker_remote - Pacemaker will automatically monitor pacemaker_remote connections for failure, - so it is not necessary to create a recurring monitor on the **VirtualDomain** - resource. +Finally, ``pcs`` creates a guest node from the ``VirtualDomain`` resource by +adding ``remote-addr`` and ``remote-node`` meta attributes to the resource. If +you want to do this manually, you can run the following command if you're using +``pcs``. Alternativately, run an equivalent command if you're using another +cluster shell, or edit the CIB manually. + +.. code-block:: none + + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource update vm-guest1 meta remote-addr='guest1' \ + remote-node='guest1' --force Starting Resources on KVM Guest ############################### -The commands below demonstrate how resources can be executed on both the -guest node and the cluster node. +The following example demonstrates that resources can be run on the guest node +in the exact same way as on the cluster nodes. -Create a few Dummy resources. Dummy resources are real resource agents used -just for testing purposes. They actually execute on the host they are assigned -to just like an apache server or database would, except their execution just -means a file was created. When the resource is stopped, that the file it -created is removed. +Create a few ``Dummy`` resources. A ``Dummy`` resource is a real resource that +actually executes operations on its assigned node. However, these operations are +trivial (creating, deleting, or checking the existence of an empty or small +file), so ``Dummy`` resources are ideal for testing purposes. ``Dummy`` +resources use the ``ocf:heartbeat:Dummy`` or ``ocf:pacemaker:Dummy`` resource +agent. .. code-block:: none - # pcs resource create FAKE1 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy - # pcs resource create FAKE2 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy - # pcs resource create FAKE3 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy - # pcs resource create FAKE4 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy - # pcs resource create FAKE5 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy + # for i in {1..5}; do pcs resource create FAKE${i} ocf:heartbeat:Dummy; done -Now check your ``pcs status`` output. In the resource section, you should see -something like the following, where some of the resources started on the -cluster node, and some started on the guest node. +Now run ``pcs resource status``. You should see something like the following, +where some of the resources are started on the cluster nodes, and some are +started on the guest node. .. code-block:: none - Full List of Resources: - * vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started pcmk-1 - * FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 - * FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 - * FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started pcmk-1 - * FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 - * FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started pcmk-1 - -The guest node, **guest1**, reacts just like any other node in the cluster. For -example, pick out a resource that is running on your cluster node. For my -purposes, I am picking FAKE3 from the output above. We can force FAKE3 to run -on **guest1** in the exact same way we would any other node. + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource status + * vm-guest1 (ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started pcmk-1 + * FAKE1 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 + * FAKE2 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started pcmk-2 + * FAKE3 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 + * FAKE4 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started pcmk-2 + * FAKE5 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 + +The guest node, ``guest1``, behaves just like any other node in the cluster with +respect to resources. For example, choose a resource that is running on one of +your cluster nodes. We'll choose ``FAKE2`` from the output above. It's currently +running on ``pcmk-2``. We can force ``FAKE2`` to run on ``guest1`` in the exact +same way as we could force it to run on any particular cluster node. We do this +by creating a location constraint: .. code-block:: none - # pcs constraint location FAKE3 prefers guest1 + # pcs constraint location FAKE2 prefers guest1 -Now, looking at the bottom of the `pcs status` output you'll see FAKE3 is on -**guest1**. +Now the ``pcs resource status`` output shows that ``FAKE2`` is on ``guest1``. .. code-block:: none - Full List of Resources: - * vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started pcmk-1 - * FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 - * FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 - * FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 - * FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started pcmk-1 - * FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started pcmk-1 + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource status + * vm-guest1 (ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started pcmk-1 + * FAKE1 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 + * FAKE2 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 + * FAKE3 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 + * FAKE4 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started pcmk-2 + * FAKE5 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 Testing Recovery and Fencing ############################ Pacemaker's scheduler is smart enough to know fencing guest nodes associated with a virtual machine means shutting off/rebooting the virtual machine. No special configuration is necessary to make this happen. If you are interested in testing this functionality out, trying stopping the guest's pacemaker_remote daemon. This would be equivalent of abruptly terminating a cluster node's corosync membership without properly shutting it down. ssh into the guest and run this command. .. code-block:: none - # kill -9 $(pidof pacemaker-remoted) + [root@guest1 ~]# kill -9 $(pidof pacemaker-remoted) Within a few seconds, your ``pcs status`` output will show a monitor failure, and the **guest1** node will not be shown while it is being recovered. .. code-block:: none - # pcs status + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: mycluster - Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync - * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum - * Last updated: Wed Mar 17 08:37:37 2021 - * Last change: Wed Mar 17 08:31:01 2021 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 + * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.1.2-4.el9-ada5c3b36e2) - partition with quorum + * Last updated: Wed Aug 10 01:39:40 2022 + * Last change: Wed Aug 10 01:34:55 2022 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 * 3 nodes configured - * 7 resource instances configured - + * 8 resource instances configured + Node List: * Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ] - * GuestOnline: [ guest1@pcmk-1 ] Full List of Resources: - * vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): pcmk-1 - * FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped - * FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped - * FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped - * FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started pcmk-1 - * FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started pcmk-1 + * xvm (stonith:fence_xvm): Started pcmk-1 + * vm-guest1 (ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain): FAILED pcmk-1 + * FAKE1 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): FAILED guest1 + * FAKE2 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): FAILED guest1 + * FAKE3 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): FAILED guest1 + * FAKE4 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started pcmk-2 + * FAKE5 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): FAILED guest1 - Failed Actions: - * guest1_monitor_30000 on pcmk-1 'unknown error' (1): call=8, status=Error, exitreason='none', - last-rc-change='Wed Mar 17 08:32:01 2021', queued=0ms, exec=0ms + Failed Resource Actions: + * guest1 30s-interval monitor on pcmk-1 could not be executed (Error) because 'Lost connection to remote executor' at Wed Aug 10 01:39:38 2022 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled - .. NOTE:: - A guest node involves two resources: the one you explicitly configured creates the guest, - and Pacemaker creates an implicit resource for the pacemaker_remote connection, which - will be named the same as the value of the **remote-node** attribute of the explicit resource. - When we killed pacemaker_remote, it is the implicit resource that failed, which is why - the failed action starts with **guest1** and not **vm-guest1**. + A guest node involves two resources: an explicitly configured resource that + you create, which manages the virtual machine (the ``VirtualDomain`` + resource in our example); and an implicit resource that Pacemaker creates, + which manages the ``pacemaker-remoted`` connection to the guest. The + implicit resource's name is the value of the explicit resource's + ``remote-node`` meta attribute. When we killed ``pacemaker-remoted``, the + **implicit** resource is what failed. That's why the failed action starts + with ``guest1`` and not ``vm-guest1``. Once recovery of the guest is complete, you'll see it automatically get re-integrated into the cluster. The final ``pcs status`` output should look something like this. .. code-block:: none - # pcs status + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: mycluster - Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync - * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum - * Last updated: Wed Mar 17 08:37:37 2021 - * Last change: Wed Mar 17 08:31:01 2021 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 + * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.1.2-4.el9-ada5c3b36e2) - partition with quorum + * Last updated: Wed Aug 10 01:40:05 2022 + * Last change: Wed Aug 10 01:34:55 2022 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 * 3 nodes configured - * 7 resource instances configured - + * 8 resource instances configured + Node List: * Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ] * GuestOnline: [ guest1@pcmk-1 ] Full List of Resources: - * vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): pcmk-1 - * FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped - * FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped - * FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped - * FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started pcmk-1 - * FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started pcmk-1 + * xvm (stonith:fence_xvm): Started pcmk-1 + * vm-guest1 (ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started pcmk-1 + * FAKE1 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 + * FAKE2 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 + * FAKE3 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started pcmk-2 + * FAKE4 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started pcmk-2 + * FAKE5 (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started guest1 - Failed Actions: - * guest1_monitor_30000 on pcmk-1 'unknown error' (1): call=8, status=Error, exitreason='none', - last-rc-change='Fri Jan 12 18:08:29 2018', queued=0ms, exec=0ms + Failed Resource Actions: + * guest1 30s-interval monitor on pcmk-1 could not be executed (Error) because 'Lost connection to remote executor' at Wed Aug 10 01:39:38 2022 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled Normally, once you've investigated and addressed a failed action, you can clear the failure. However Pacemaker does not yet support cleanup for the implicitly created connection resource while the explicit resource is active. If you want to clear the failed action from the status output, stop the guest resource before clearing it. For example: .. code-block:: none # pcs resource disable vm-guest1 --wait # pcs resource cleanup guest1 # pcs resource enable vm-guest1 Accessing Cluster Tools from Guest Node ####################################### Besides allowing the cluster to manage resources on a guest node, pacemaker_remote has one other trick. The pacemaker_remote daemon allows nearly all the pacemaker tools (``crm_resource``, ``crm_mon``, ``crm_attribute``, etc.) to work on guest nodes natively. Try it: Run ``crm_mon`` on the guest after pacemaker has integrated the guest node into the cluster. These tools just work. This means resource agents such as promotable resources (which need access to tools like ``crm_attribute``) work seamlessly on the guest nodes. Higher-level command shells such as ``pcs`` may have partial support on guest nodes, but it is recommended to run them from a cluster node. -Guest nodes will show up in ``crm_mon`` output as normal. For example, this is the -``crm_mon`` output after **guest1** is integrated into the cluster: - -.. code-block:: none - - Cluster name: mycluster - - Cluster Summary: - * Stack: corosync - * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum - * Last updated: Wed Mar 17 08:37:37 2021 - * Last change: Wed Mar 17 08:31:01 2021 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 - * 2 nodes configured - * 2 resource instances configured - - Node List: - * Online: [ pcmk-1 ] - * GuestOnline: [ guest1@pcmk-1 ] - - Full List of Resources: - * vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started pcmk-1 - -Now, you could place a resource, such as a webserver, on **guest1**: - -.. code-block:: none - - # pcs resource create webserver apache params configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf op monitor interval=30s - # pcs constraint location webserver prefers guest1 - -Now, the crm_mon output would show: - -.. code-block:: none - - Cluster name: mycluster - - Cluster Summary: - * Stack: corosync - * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum - * Last updated: Wed Mar 17 08:38:37 2021 - * Last change: Wed Mar 17 08:35:01 2021 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 - * 2 nodes configured - * 3 resource instances configured - - Node List: - * Online: [ pcmk-1 ] - * GuestOnline: [ guest1@pcmk-1 ] - - Full List of Resources: - * vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started pcmk-1 - * webserver (ocf::heartbeat::apache): Started guest1 - -It is worth noting that after **guest1** is integrated into the cluster, nearly all the -Pacemaker command-line tools immediately become available to the guest node. -This means things like ``crm_mon``, ``crm_resource``, and ``crm_attribute`` will work -natively on the guest node, as long as the connection between the guest node -and a cluster node exists. This is particularly important for any promotable -clone resources executing on the guest node that need access to -``crm_attribute`` to set promotion scores. - -Mile-High View of Configuration Steps -##################################### - -The command used in `Integrate Guest Node into Cluster`_ does multiple things. -If you'd like to each part manually, you can do so as follows. You'll see that the -end result is the same: - -* Later, we are going to put the same authentication key with the path - ``/etc/pacemaker/authkey`` on every cluster node and on every virtual machine. - This secures remote communication. - - Run this command on your cluster node if you want to make a somewhat random key: - - .. code-block:: none - - # dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1 - - -* To create the VirtualDomain resource agent for the management of the virtual - machine, Pacemaker requires the virtual machine's xml config file to be dumped - to a file -- which we can name as we'd like -- on disk. We named our virtual - machine guest1; for this example, we'll dump to the file /etc/pacemaker/guest1.xml - - .. code-block:: none - - # virsh dumpxml guest1 > /etc/pacemaker/guest1.xml - -* Install pacemaker_remote on the virtual machine, and if a local firewall is used, - allow the node to accept connections on TCP port 3121. - - .. code-block:: none - - # yum install pacemaker-remote resource-agents - # firewall-cmd --add-port 3121/tcp --permanent - - .. NOTE:: - - If you just want to see this work, you may want to simply disable the local - firewall and put SELinux in permissive mode while testing. This creates - security risks and should not be done on a production machine exposed to the - Internet, but can be appropriate for a protected test machine. - -* On a cluster node, create a Pacemaker VirtualDomain resource to launch the virtual machine. - - .. code-block:: none - - [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource create vm-guest1 VirtualDomain hypervisor="qemu:///system" config="vm-guest1.xml" meta - Assumed agent name 'ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain' (deduced from 'VirtualDomain') - -* Now use the following command to convert the VirtualDomain resource into a guest node - which we'll name guest1. By doing so, the /etc/pacemaker/authkey will get copied to - the guest node and the pacemaker_remote daemon will get started and enabled on the - guest node as well. - - .. code-block:: none - - [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster node add-guest guest1 vm-guest1 - No addresses specified for host 'guest1', using 'guest1' - Sending 'pacemaker authkey' to 'guest1' - guest1: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker authkey' - Requesting 'pacemaker_remote enable', 'pacemaker_remote start' on 'guest1' - guest1: successful run of 'pacemaker_remote enable' - guest1: successful run of 'pacemaker_remote start' - -* This will create CIB XML similar to the following: - - .. code-block:: xml - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. code-block:: xml - - [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource status - * vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Stopped - - [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource config - Resource: vm-guest1 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=VirtualDomain) - Attributes: config=vm-guest1.xml hypervisor=qemu:///system - Meta Attrs: remote-addr=guest1 remote-node=guest1 - Operations: migrate_from interval=0s timeout=60s (vm-guest1-migrate_from-interval-0s) - migrate_to interval=0s timeout=120s (vm-guest1-migrate_to-interval-0s) - monitor interval=10s timeout=30s (vm-guest1-monitor-interval-10s) - start interval=0s timeout=90s (vm-guest1-start-interval-0s) - stop interval=0s timeout=90s (vm-guest1-stop-interval-0s) - -The cluster will attempt to contact the virtual machine's pacemaker_remote service at the -hostname **guest1** after it launches. - -.. NOTE:: - - The ID of the resource creating the virtual machine (**vm-guest1** in the above - example) 'must' be different from the virtual machine's uname (**guest1** in the - above example). Pacemaker will create an implicit internal resource for the - pacemaker_remote connection to the guest, named with the value of **remote-node**, - so that value cannot be used as the name of any other resource. - Troubleshooting a Remote Connection ################################### -Note: This section should not be done when the guest is connected to the cluster. - -Should connectivity issues occur, it can be worth verifying that the cluster nodes -can contact the remote node on port 3121. Here's a trick you can use. -Connect using ssh from each of the cluster nodes. The connection will get -destroyed, but how it is destroyed tells you whether it worked or not. +If connectivity issues occur, it's worth verifying that the cluster nodes can +communicate with the guest node on TCP port 3121. We can use the ``nc`` command +to test the connection. -If running the ssh command on one of the cluster nodes results in this -output before disconnecting, the connection works: +On the cluster nodes, install the package that provides the ``nc`` command. The +package name may vary by distribution; on |REMOTE_DISTRO| |REMOTE_DISTRO_VER| +it's ``nmap-ncat``. -.. code-block:: none - - # ssh -p 3121 guest1 - ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer - -If you see one of these, the connection is not working: +Now connect using ``nc`` from each of the cluster nodes to the guest and run a +``/bin/true`` command that does nothing except return success. No output +indicates that the cluster node is able to communicate with the guest on TCP +port 3121. An error indicates that the connection failed. This could be due to +a network issue or because ``pacemaker-remoted`` is not currently running on +the guest node. -.. code-block:: none - - # ssh -p 3121 guest1 - ssh: connect to host guest1 port 3121: No route to host +Example of success: .. code-block:: none - # ssh -p 3121 guest1 - ssh: connect to host guest1 port 3121: Connection refused + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# nc guest1 3121 --sh-exec /bin/true + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# -If you see this, then the connection is working, but port 3121 is attached -to SSH, which it should not be. +Examples of failure: .. code-block:: none - # ssh -p 3121 guest1 - kex_exchange_identification: banner line contains invalid characters - -Once you can successfully connect to the guest from the host, you may -shutdown the guest. Pacemaker will be managing the virtual machine from -this point forward. + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# nc guest1 3121 --sh-exec /bin/true + Ncat: Connection refused. + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# nc guest1 3121 --sh-exec /bin/true + Ncat: No route to host. diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/options.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/options.rst index 27baa77a1e..482182976e 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/options.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/options.rst @@ -1,171 +1,174 @@ .. index:: single: configuration Configuration Explained ----------------------- The walk-through examples use some of these options, but don't explain exactly what they mean or do. This section is meant to be the go-to resource for all the options available for configuring Pacemaker Remote. .. index:: pair: configuration; guest node single: guest node; meta-attribute Resource Meta-Attributes for Guest Nodes ######################################## When configuring a virtual machine as a guest node, the virtual machine is created using one of the usual resource agents for that purpose (for example, **ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain** or **ocf:heartbeat:Xen**), with additional meta-attributes. No restrictions are enforced on what agents may be used to create a guest node, but obviously the agent must create a distinct environment capable of running the pacemaker_remote daemon and cluster resources. An additional requirement is that fencing the host running the guest node resource must be sufficient for ensuring the guest node is stopped. This means, for example, that not all hypervisors supported by **VirtualDomain** may be used to create guest nodes; if the guest can survive the hypervisor being fenced, it may not be used as a guest node. Below are the meta-attributes available to enable a resource as a guest node and define its connection parameters. .. table:: **Meta-attributes for configuring VM resources as guest nodes** +------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Default | Description | +========================+=================+===========================================================+ | remote-node | none | The node name of the guest node this resource defines. | | | | This both enables the resource as a guest node and | | | | defines the unique name used to identify the guest node. | | | | If no other parameters are set, this value will also be | | | | assumed as the hostname to use when connecting to | | | | pacemaker_remote on the VM. This value **must not** | | | | overlap with any resource or node IDs. | +------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | remote-port | 3121 | The port on the virtual machine that the cluster will | | | | use to connect to pacemaker_remote. | +------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | remote-addr | 'value of' | The IP address or hostname to use when connecting to | | | ``remote-node`` | pacemaker_remote on the VM. | +------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | remote-connect-timeout | 60s | How long before a pending guest connection will time out. | +------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ .. index:: pair: configuration; remote node Connection Resources for Remote Nodes ##################################### A remote node is defined by a connection resource. That connection resource has instance attributes that define where the remote node is located on the network and how to communicate with it. Descriptions of these instance attributes can be retrieved using the following ``pcs`` command: .. code-block:: none - # pcs resource describe remote - ocf:pacemaker:remote - remote resource agent + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource describe remote + Assumed agent name 'ocf:pacemaker:remote' (deduced from 'remote') + ocf:pacemaker:remote - Pacemaker Remote connection Resource options: - server: Server location to connect to (IP address or resolvable host name) - port: TCP port at which to contact Pacemaker Remote executor - reconnect_interval: If this is a positive time interval, the cluster will attempt to - reconnect to a remote node after an active connection has been - lost at this interval. Otherwise, the cluster will attempt to - reconnect immediately (after any fencing needed). - + server (unique group: address): Server location to connect to (IP address + or resolvable host name) + port (unique group: address): TCP port at which to contact Pacemaker + Remote executor + reconnect_interval: If this is a positive time interval, the cluster will + attempt to reconnect to a remote node after an active + connection has been lost at this interval. Otherwise, + the cluster will attempt to reconnect immediately + (after any fencing needed). When defining a remote node's connection resource, it is common and recommended to name the connection resource the same as the remote node's hostname. By default, if no ``server`` option is provided, the cluster will attempt to contact the remote node using the resource name as the hostname. Environment Variables for Daemon Start-up ######################################### Authentication and encryption of the connection between cluster nodes and nodes running pacemaker_remote is achieved using with `TLS-PSK `_ encryption/authentication over TCP (port 3121 by default). This means that both the cluster node and remote node must share the same private key. By default, this key is placed at ``/etc/pacemaker/authkey`` on each node. You can change the default port and/or key location for Pacemaker and ``pacemaker_remoted`` via environment variables. How these variables are set varies by OS, but usually they are set in the ``/etc/sysconfig/pacemaker`` or ``/etc/default/pacemaker`` file. .. code-block:: none #==#==# Pacemaker Remote # Use the contents of this file as the authorization key to use with Pacemaker # Remote connections. This file must be readable by Pacemaker daemons (that is, # it must allow read permissions to either the hacluster user or the haclient # group), and its contents must be identical on all nodes. The default is # "/etc/pacemaker/authkey". # PCMK_authkey_location=/etc/pacemaker/authkey # If the Pacemaker Remote service is run on the local node, it will listen # for connections on this address. The value may be a resolvable hostname or an # IPv4 or IPv6 numeric address. When resolving names or using the default # wildcard address (i.e. listen on all available addresses), IPv6 will be # preferred if available. When listening on an IPv6 address, IPv4 clients will # be supported (via IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses). # PCMK_remote_address="" - + # Use this TCP port number when connecting to a Pacemaker Remote node. This # value must be the same on all nodes. The default is "3121". # PCMK_remote_port=3121 - + # Use these GnuTLS cipher priorities for TLS connections. See: # # https://gnutls.org/manual/html_node/Priority-Strings.html # # Pacemaker will append ":+ANON-DH" for remote CIB access (when enabled) and # ":+DHE-PSK:+PSK" for Pacemaker Remote connections, as they are required for # the respective functionality. # PCMK_tls_priorities="NORMAL" - + # Set bounds on the bit length of the prime number generated for Diffie-Hellman # parameters needed by TLS connections. The default is not to set any bounds. # # If these values are specified, the server (Pacemaker Remote daemon, or CIB # manager configured to accept remote clients) will use these values to provide # a floor and/or ceiling for the value recommended by the GnuTLS library. The # library will only accept a limited number of specific values, which vary by # library version, so setting these is recommended only when required for # compatibility with specific client versions. # # If PCMK_dh_min_bits is specified, the client (connecting cluster node or # remote CIB command) will require that the server use a prime of at least this # size. This is only recommended when the value must be lowered in order for # the client's GnuTLS library to accept a connection to an older server. # The client side does not use PCMK_dh_max_bits. # # PCMK_dh_min_bits=1024 # PCMK_dh_max_bits=2048 Removing Remote Nodes and Guest Nodes ##################################### If the resource creating a guest node, or the **ocf:pacemaker:remote** resource creating a connection to a remote node, is removed from the configuration, the affected node will continue to show up in output as an offline node. If you want to get rid of that output, run (replacing ``$NODE_NAME`` appropriately): .. code-block:: none # crm_node --force --remove $NODE_NAME .. WARNING:: Be absolutely sure that there are no references to the node's resource in the configuration before running the above command. diff --git a/doc/sphinx/conf.py.in b/doc/sphinx/conf.py.in index 62139f45b3..498c873b8f 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/conf.py.in +++ b/doc/sphinx/conf.py.in @@ -1,316 +1,316 @@ """ Sphinx configuration for Pacemaker documentation """ __copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors" __license__ = "GNU General Public License version 2 or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY" # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import datetime import os import sys # Variables that can be used later in this file authors = "the Pacemaker project contributors" year = datetime.datetime.now().year doc_license = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike International Public License" doc_license += " version 4.0 or later (CC-BY-SA v4.0+)" # rST markup to insert at beginning of every document; mainly used for # # .. || replace:: # # where occurrences of || in the rST will be substituted with rst_prolog=""" .. |CFS_DISTRO| replace:: AlmaLinux .. |CFS_DISTRO_VER| replace:: 9 -.. |REMOTE_DISTRO| replace:: CentOS Stream -.. |REMOTE_DISTRO_VER| replace:: 8 +.. |REMOTE_DISTRO| replace:: AlmaLinux +.. |REMOTE_DISTRO_VER| replace:: 9 """ # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. 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List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ ('index', '%BOOK_ID%', '%BOOK_TITLE%', authors, '%BOOK_TITLE%', 'Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable high-availability cluster resource manager.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. #texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # -- Options for Epub output --------------------------------------------------- # Bibliographic Dublin Core info. epub_title = '%BOOK_TITLE%' epub_author = authors epub_publisher = 'ClusterLabs.org' epub_copyright = copyright # The language of the text. It defaults to the language option # or en if the language is not set. #epub_language = '' # The scheme of the identifier. Typical schemes are ISBN or URL. epub_scheme = 'URL' # The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number # or the project homepage. epub_identifier = 'https://www.clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/doc/2.1/%BOOK_ID%/epub/%BOOK_ID%.epub' # A unique identification for the text. epub_uid = 'ClusterLabs.org-Pacemaker-%BOOK_ID%' # A tuple containing the cover image and cover page html template filenames. #epub_cover = () # HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx. # The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. #epub_pre_files = [] # HTML files that should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx. # The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. #epub_post_files = [] # A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file. epub_exclude_files = [ '_static/doctools.js', '_static/jquery.js', '_static/searchtools.js', '_static/underscore.js', '_static/basic.css', '_static/websupport.js', 'search.html', ] # The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx. #epub_tocdepth = 3 # Allow duplicate toc entries. #epub_tocdup = True