diff --git a/tools/stonith_admin.c b/tools/stonith_admin.c index 77dddc0cb5..56a335400b 100644 --- a/tools/stonith_admin.c +++ b/tools/stonith_admin.c @@ -1,767 +1,771 @@ /* * Copyright 2009-2018 Andrew Beekhof * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct crm_option long_options[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, '?', "\tDisplay this text and exit." }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, '$', "\tDisplay version information and exit." }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'V', "\tIncrease debug output (may be specified multiple times)." }, { "quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q', "\tBe less descriptive in output." }, { "cleanup", no_argument, NULL, 'c', "\tCleanup wherever appropriate." }, { "broadcast", no_argument, NULL, 'b', "\tBroadcast wherever appropriate." }, { "-spacer-", no_argument, NULL, '-', "\nDevice definition commands:" }, { "register", required_argument, NULL, 'R', "Register the named stonith device. Requires: --agent.\n" "\t\t\tOptional: --option, --env-option." }, { "deregister", required_argument, NULL, 'D', "De-register the named stonith device." }, { "register-level", required_argument, NULL, 'r', "Register a stonith level for the named target,\n" "\t\t\tspecified as one of NAME, @PATTERN, or ATTR=VALUE.\n" "\t\t\tRequires: --index and one or more --device entries." }, { "deregister-level", required_argument, NULL, 'd', "Unregister a stonith level for the named target,\n" "\t\t\tspecified as for --register-level. Requires: --index." }, { "-spacer-", no_argument, NULL, '-', "\nQueries:" }, { "list", required_argument, NULL, 'l', "List devices that can terminate the specified host.\n" "\t\t\tOptional: --timeout." }, { "list-registered", no_argument, NULL, 'L', "List all registered devices. Optional: --timeout." }, { "list-installed", no_argument, NULL, 'I', "List all installed devices. Optional: --timeout." }, { "list-targets", required_argument, NULL, 's', "List the targets that can be fenced by the\n" "\t\t\tnamed device. Optional: --timeout." }, { "metadata", no_argument, NULL, 'M', "\tShow agent metadata. Requires: --agent.\n" "\t\t\tOptional: --timeout." }, { "query", required_argument, NULL, 'Q', "Check the named device's status. Optional: --timeout." }, { "history", required_argument, NULL, 'H', "Show last successful fencing operation for named node\n" "\t\t\t(or '*' for all nodes). Optional: --timeout, --cleanup,\n" "\t\t\t--quiet (show only the operation's epoch timestamp),\n" "\t\t\t--verbose (show all recorded and pending operations),\n" "\t\t\t--broadcast (update history from all nodes available)." }, { "last", required_argument, NULL, 'h', "Indicate when the named node was last fenced.\n" "\t\t\tOptional: --as-node-id." }, { "validate", no_argument, NULL, 'K', "\tValidate a fence device configuration.\n" "\t\t\tRequires: --agent. Optional: --option, --env-option,\n" "\t\t\t--quiet (print no output, only return status).\n" }, { "-spacer-", no_argument, NULL, '-', "\nFencing Commands:" }, { "fence", required_argument, NULL, 'F', "Fence named host. Optional: --timeout, --tolerance." }, { "unfence", required_argument, NULL, 'U', "Unfence named host. Optional: --timeout, --tolerance." }, { "reboot", required_argument, NULL, 'B', "Reboot named host. Optional: --timeout, --tolerance." }, { "confirm", required_argument, NULL, 'C', "Tell cluster that named host is now safely down." }, { "-spacer-", no_argument, NULL, '-', "\nAdditional Options:" }, { "agent", required_argument, NULL, 'a', "The agent to use (for example, fence_xvm;\n" "\t\t\twith --register, --metadata, --validate)." }, { "option", required_argument, NULL, 'o', "Specify a device configuration parameter as NAME=VALUE\n" "\t\t\t(may be specified multiple times; with --register,\n" "\t\t\t--validate)." }, { "env-option", required_argument, NULL, 'e', "Specify a device configuration parameter with the\n" "\t\t\tspecified name, using the value of the\n" "\t\t\tenvironment variable of the same name prefixed with\n" "\t\t\tOCF_RESKEY_ (may be specified multiple times;\n" "\t\t\twith --register, --validate)." }, { "tag", required_argument, NULL, 'T', "Identify fencing operations in logs with the specified\n" "\t\t\ttag; useful when multiple entities might invoke\n" "\t\t\tstonith_admin (used with most commands)." }, { "device", required_argument, NULL, 'v', "Device ID (with --register-level, device to associate with\n" "\t\t\ta given host and level; may be specified multiple times)" #if SUPPORT_CIBSECRETS "\n\t\t\t(with --validate, name to use to load CIB secrets)" #endif "." }, { "index", required_argument, NULL, 'i', "The stonith level (1-9) (with --register-level,\n" "\t\t\t--deregister-level)." }, { "timeout", required_argument, NULL, 't', "Operation timeout in seconds (default 120;\n" "\t\t\tused with most commands)." }, { "as-node-id", no_argument, NULL, 'n', "(Advanced) The supplied node is the corosync node ID\n" "\t\t\t(with --last)." }, { "tolerance", required_argument, NULL, 0, "(Advanced) Do nothing if an equivalent --fence request\n" "\t\t\tsucceeded less than this many seconds earlier\n" "\t\t\t(with --fence, --unfence, --reboot)." }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static int st_opts = st_opt_sync_call | st_opt_allow_suicide; static GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL; struct { stonith_t *st; const char *target; const char *action; char *name; int timeout; int tolerance; int rc; } async_fence_data; static int try_mainloop_connect(void) { stonith_t *st = async_fence_data.st; int tries = 10; int i = 0; int rc = 0; for (i = 0; i < tries; i++) { crm_debug("Connecting as %s", async_fence_data.name); rc = st->cmds->connect(st, async_fence_data.name, NULL); if (!rc) { crm_debug("stonith client connection established"); return 0; } else { crm_debug("stonith client connection failed"); } sleep(1); } crm_err("Could not connect to the fencer"); return -1; } static void notify_callback(stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e) { if (e->result != pcmk_ok) { return; } if (safe_str_eq(async_fence_data.target, e->target) && safe_str_eq(async_fence_data.action, e->action)) { async_fence_data.rc = e->result; g_main_loop_quit(mainloop); } } static void fence_callback(stonith_t * stonith, stonith_callback_data_t * data) { async_fence_data.rc = data->rc; g_main_loop_quit(mainloop); } static gboolean async_fence_helper(gpointer user_data) { stonith_t *st = async_fence_data.st; int call_id = 0; if (try_mainloop_connect()) { g_main_loop_quit(mainloop); return TRUE; } st->cmds->register_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE, notify_callback); call_id = st->cmds->fence(st, st_opt_allow_suicide, async_fence_data.target, async_fence_data.action, async_fence_data.timeout, async_fence_data.tolerance); if (call_id < 0) { g_main_loop_quit(mainloop); return TRUE; } st->cmds->register_callback(st, call_id, async_fence_data.timeout, st_opt_timeout_updates, NULL, "callback", fence_callback); return TRUE; } static int mainloop_fencing(stonith_t * st, const char *target, const char *action, int timeout, int tolerance) { crm_trigger_t *trig; async_fence_data.st = st; async_fence_data.target = target; async_fence_data.action = action; async_fence_data.timeout = timeout; async_fence_data.tolerance = tolerance; async_fence_data.rc = -1; trig = mainloop_add_trigger(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, async_fence_helper, NULL); mainloop_set_trigger(trig); mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); g_main_loop_run(mainloop); return async_fence_data.rc; } static int handle_level(stonith_t *st, char *target, int fence_level, stonith_key_value_t *devices, bool added) { char *node = NULL; char *pattern = NULL; char *name = NULL; char *value = strchr(target, '='); /* Determine if targeting by attribute, node name pattern or node name */ if (value != NULL) { name = target; *value++ = '\0'; } else if (*target == '@') { pattern = target + 1; } else { node = target; } /* Register or unregister level as appropriate */ if (added) { return st->cmds->register_level_full(st, st_opts, node, pattern, name, value, fence_level, devices); } return st->cmds->remove_level_full(st, st_opts, node, pattern, name, value, fence_level); } static char * fence_action_str(const char *action) { char *str = NULL; if (action == NULL) { str = strdup("unknown"); } else if (action[0] == 'o') { // on, off str = crm_concat("turn", action, ' '); } else { str = strdup(action); } return str; } static void print_fence_event(stonith_history_t *event) { char *action_s = fence_action_str(event->action); time_t complete = event->completed; printf("%s was able to %s node %s on behalf of %s from %s at %s\n", (event->delegate? event->delegate : "This node"), action_s, event->target, event->client, event->origin, ctime(&complete)); free(action_s); } static int handle_history(stonith_t *st, const char *target, int timeout, int quiet, int verbose, int cleanup, int broadcast) { stonith_history_t *history = NULL, *hp, *latest = NULL; int rc = 0; if (!quiet) { if (cleanup) { printf("cleaning up fencing-history%s%s\n", target?" for node ":"", target?target:""); } if (broadcast) { printf("gather fencing-history from all nodes\n"); } } rc = st->cmds->history(st, st_opts | (cleanup?st_opt_cleanup:0) | (broadcast?st_opt_broadcast:0), (safe_str_eq(target, "*")? NULL : target), &history, timeout); for (hp = history; hp; hp = hp->next) { char *action_s = NULL; time_t complete = hp->completed; if (hp->state == st_done) { latest = hp; } if (quiet || !verbose) { continue; } if (hp->state == st_failed) { action_s = fence_action_str(hp->action); printf("%s failed to %s node %s on behalf of %s from %s at %s\n", hp->delegate ? hp->delegate : "We", action_s, hp->target, hp->client, hp->origin, ctime(&complete)); } else if (hp->state == st_done) { print_fence_event(latest); } else { /* ocf:pacemaker:controld depends on "wishes to" being * in this output, when used with older versions of DLM * that don't report stateful_merge_wait */ action_s = fence_action_str(hp->action); printf("%s at %s wishes to %s node %s - %d %lld\n", hp->client, hp->origin, action_s, hp->target, hp->state, (long long) complete); } free(action_s); } if (latest) { if (quiet) { printf("%lld\n", (long long) latest->completed); } else if (!verbose) { // already printed if verbose print_fence_event(latest); } } stonith_history_free(history); return rc; } static int validate(stonith_t *st, const char *agent, const char *id, stonith_key_value_t *params, int timeout, int quiet) { int rc = 1; char *output = NULL; char *error_output = NULL; rc = st->cmds->validate(st, st_opt_sync_call, id, NULL, agent, params, timeout, &output, &error_output); if (!quiet) { printf("Validation of %s %s\n", agent, (rc? "failed" : "succeeded")); if (output && *output) { puts(output); free(output); } if (error_output && *error_output) { puts(error_output); free(error_output); } } return rc; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int flag; int rc = 0; int quiet = 0; int cleanup = 0; int broadcast = 0; int verbose = 0; int argerr = 0; int timeout = 120; int option_index = 0; int fence_level = 0; int no_connect = 0; int tolerance = 0; int as_nodeid = FALSE; char *name = NULL; char *value = NULL; char *target = NULL; char *lists = NULL; const char *agent = NULL; const char *device = NULL; const char *longname = NULL; char action = 0; crm_exit_t exit_code = CRM_EX_OK; stonith_t *st = NULL; stonith_key_value_t *params = NULL; stonith_key_value_t *devices = NULL; stonith_key_value_t *dIter = NULL; crm_log_cli_init("stonith_admin"); crm_set_options(NULL, " []", long_options, "access the Pacemaker fencing API"); async_fence_data.name = strdup(crm_system_name); while (1) { flag = crm_get_option_long(argc, argv, &option_index, &longname); if (flag == -1) break; switch (flag) { case 'V': verbose = 1; crm_bump_log_level(argc, argv); break; case '$': case '?': crm_help(flag, CRM_EX_OK); break; case 'I': case 'K': no_connect = 1; /* fall through */ case 'L': action = flag; break; case 'q': quiet = 1; break; case 'c': cleanup = 1; break; case 'b': broadcast = 1; break; case 'Q': case 'R': case 'D': case 's': action = flag; device = optarg; break; case 'T': free(async_fence_data.name); async_fence_data.name = crm_strdup_printf("%s.%s", crm_system_name, optarg); break; case 'a': agent = optarg; break; case 'l': target = optarg; action = 'L'; break; case 'M': no_connect = 1; action = flag; break; case 't': timeout = crm_atoi(optarg, NULL); break; case 'B': case 'F': case 'U': /* using mainloop here */ no_connect = 1; /* fall through */ case 'C': /* Always log the input arguments */ crm_log_args(argc, argv); target = optarg; action = flag; break; case 'n': as_nodeid = TRUE; break; case 'h': case 'H': case 'r': case 'd': target = optarg; action = flag; break; case 'i': fence_level = crm_atoi(optarg, NULL); break; case 'v': devices = stonith_key_value_add(devices, NULL, optarg); break; case 'o': crm_info("Scanning: -o %s", optarg); rc = sscanf(optarg, "%m[^=]=%m[^=]", &name, &value); if (rc != 2) { crm_err("Invalid option: -o %s", optarg); ++argerr; } else { crm_info("Got: '%s'='%s'", name, value); params = stonith_key_value_add(params, name, value); } free(value); value = NULL; free(name); name = NULL; break; case 'e': { char *key = crm_concat("OCF_RESKEY", optarg, '_'); const char *env = getenv(key); if (env == NULL) { crm_err("Invalid option: -e %s", optarg); ++argerr; } else { crm_info("Got: '%s'='%s'", optarg, env); params = stonith_key_value_add(params, optarg, env); } free(key); } break; case 0: if (safe_str_eq("tolerance", longname)) { tolerance = crm_get_msec(optarg) / 1000; /* Send in seconds */ } break; default: ++argerr; break; } } if (optind > argc) { ++argerr; } + if (action == 0) { + ++argerr; + } + if (argerr) { crm_help('?', CRM_EX_USAGE); } st = stonith_api_new(); if (!no_connect) { rc = st->cmds->connect(st, async_fence_data.name, NULL); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to fencer: %s\n", pcmk_strerror(rc)); exit_code = CRM_EX_DISCONNECT; goto done; } } switch (action) { case 'I': rc = st->cmds->list_agents(st, st_opt_sync_call, NULL, &devices, timeout); for (dIter = devices; dIter; dIter = dIter->next) { fprintf(stdout, " %s\n", dIter->value); } if (rc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No devices found\n"); } else if (rc > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%d devices found\n", rc); rc = 0; } stonith_key_value_freeall(devices, 1, 1); break; case 'L': rc = st->cmds->query(st, st_opts, target, &devices, timeout); for (dIter = devices; dIter; dIter = dIter->next) { fprintf(stdout, " %s\n", dIter->value); } if (rc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No devices found\n"); } else if (rc > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%d devices found\n", rc); rc = 0; } stonith_key_value_freeall(devices, 1, 1); break; case 'Q': rc = st->cmds->monitor(st, st_opts, device, timeout); if (rc < 0) { rc = st->cmds->list(st, st_opts, device, NULL, timeout); } break; case 's': rc = st->cmds->list(st, st_opts, device, &lists, timeout); if (rc == 0) { if (lists) { char *source = lists, *dest = lists; while (*dest) { if ((*dest == '\\') && (*(dest+1) == 'n')) { *source = '\n'; dest++; dest++; source++; } else if ((*dest == ',') || (*dest == ';')) { dest++; } else { *source = *dest; dest++; source++; } if (!(*dest)) { *source = 0; } } fprintf(stdout, "%s", lists); free(lists); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "List command returned error. rc : %d\n", rc); } break; case 'R': rc = st->cmds->register_device(st, st_opts, device, NULL, agent, params); break; case 'D': rc = st->cmds->remove_device(st, st_opts, device); break; case 'd': case 'r': rc = handle_level(st, target, fence_level, devices, action == 'r'); break; case 'M': if (agent == NULL) { printf("Please specify an agent to query using -a,--agent [value]\n"); exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; goto done; } else { char *buffer = NULL; rc = st->cmds->metadata(st, st_opt_sync_call, agent, NULL, &buffer, timeout); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { printf("%s\n", buffer); } free(buffer); } break; case 'C': rc = st->cmds->confirm(st, st_opts, target); break; case 'B': rc = mainloop_fencing(st, target, "reboot", timeout, tolerance); break; case 'F': rc = mainloop_fencing(st, target, "off", timeout, tolerance); break; case 'U': rc = mainloop_fencing(st, target, "on", timeout, tolerance); break; case 'h': { time_t when = 0; if(as_nodeid) { uint32_t nodeid = atol(target); when = stonith_api_time(nodeid, NULL, FALSE); } else { when = stonith_api_time(0, target, FALSE); } if(when) { printf("Node %s last kicked at: %s\n", target, ctime(&when)); } else { printf("Node %s has never been kicked\n", target); } } break; case 'H': rc = handle_history(st, target, timeout, quiet, verbose, cleanup, broadcast); break; case 'K': if (agent == NULL) { printf("Please specify an agent to validate with --agent\n"); exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; goto done; } device = (devices? devices->key : NULL); rc = validate(st, agent, device, params, timeout, quiet); break; } crm_info("Command returned: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); exit_code = crm_errno2exit(rc); done: free(async_fence_data.name); stonith_key_value_freeall(params, 1, 1); st->cmds->disconnect(st); stonith_api_delete(st); return exit_code; }