diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Development/components.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Development/components.rst index a0b904becf..13f5cfd05b 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Development/components.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Development/components.rst @@ -1,377 +1,411 @@ Coding Particular Pacemaker Components -------------------------------------- The Pacemaker code can be intricate and difficult to follow. This chapter has some high-level descriptions of how individual components work. .. index:: single: fencer single: pacemaker-fenced Fencer ###### ``pacemaker-fenced`` is the Pacemaker daemon that handles fencing requests. In the broadest terms, fencing works like this: #. The initiator (an external program such as ``stonith_admin``, or the cluster itself via the controller) asks the local fencer, "Hey, could you please fence this node?" #. The local fencer asks all the fencers in the cluster (including itself), "Hey, what fencing devices do you have access to that can fence this node?" #. Each fencer in the cluster replies with a list of available devices that it knows about. #. Once the original fencer gets all the replies, it asks the most appropriate fencer peer to actually carry out the fencing. It may send out more than one such request if the target node must be fenced with multiple devices. #. The chosen fencer(s) call the appropriate fencing resource agent(s) to do the fencing, then reply to the original fencer with the result. #. The original fencer broadcasts the result to all fencers. #. Each fencer sends the result to each of its local clients (including, at some point, the initiator). A more detailed description follows. .. index:: single: libstonithd Initiating a fencing request ____________________________ A fencing request can be initiated by the cluster or externally, using the libstonithd API. * The cluster always initiates fencing via ``daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c:te_fence_node()`` (which calls the ``fence()`` API method). This occurs when a transition graph synapse contains a ``CRM_OP_FENCE`` XML operation. * The main external clients are ``stonith_admin`` and ``cts-fence-helper``. The ``DLM`` project also uses Pacemaker for fencing. Highlights of the fencing API: * ``stonith_api_new()`` creates and returns a new ``stonith_t`` object, whose ``cmds`` member has methods for connect, disconnect, fence, etc. * the ``fence()`` method creates and sends a ``STONITH_OP_FENCE XML`` request with the desired action and target node. Callers do not have to choose or even have any knowledge about particular fencing devices. Fencing queries _______________ The function calls for a fencing request go something like this: The local fencer receives the client's request via an IPC or messaging layer callback, which calls * ``stonith_command()``, which (for requests) calls * ``handle_request()``, which (for ``STONITH_OP_FENCE`` from a client) calls * ``initiate_remote_stonith_op()``, which creates a ``STONITH_OP_QUERY`` XML request with the target, desired action, timeout, etc. then broadcasts the operation to the cluster group (i.e. all fencer instances) and starts a timer. The query is broadcast because (1) location constraints might prevent the local node from accessing the stonith device directly, and (2) even if the local node does have direct access, another node might be preferred to carry out the fencing. Each fencer receives the original fencer's ``STONITH_OP_QUERY`` broadcast request via IPC or messaging layer callback, which calls: * ``stonith_command()``, which (for requests) calls * ``handle_request()``, which (for ``STONITH_OP_QUERY`` from a peer) calls * ``stonith_query()``, which calls * ``get_capable_devices()`` with ``stonith_query_capable_device_cb()`` to add device information to an XML reply and send it. (A message is considered a reply if it contains ``T_STONITH_REPLY``, which is only set by fencer peers, not clients.) The original fencer receives all peers' ``STONITH_OP_QUERY`` replies via IPC or messaging layer callback, which calls: * ``stonith_command()``, which (for replies) calls * ``handle_reply()`` which (for ``STONITH_OP_QUERY``) calls * ``process_remote_stonith_query()``, which allocates a new query result structure, parses device information into it, and adds it to the operation object. It increments the number of replies received for this operation, and compares it against the expected number of replies (i.e. the number of active peers), and if this is the last expected reply, calls * ``request_peer_fencing()``, which calculates the timeout and sends ``STONITH_OP_FENCE`` request(s) to carry out the fencing. If the target node has a fencing "topology" (which allows specifications such as "this node can be fenced either with device A, or devices B and C in combination"), it will choose the device(s), and send out as many requests as needed. If it chooses a device, it will choose the peer; a peer is preferred if it has "verified" access to the desired device, meaning that it has the device "running" on it and thus has a monitor operation ensuring reachability. Fencing operations __________________ Each ``STONITH_OP_FENCE`` request goes something like this: The chosen peer fencer receives the ``STONITH_OP_FENCE`` request via IPC or messaging layer callback, which calls: * ``stonith_command()``, which (for requests) calls * ``handle_request()``, which (for ``STONITH_OP_FENCE`` from a peer) calls * ``stonith_fence()``, which calls * ``schedule_stonith_command()`` (using supplied device if ``F_STONITH_DEVICE`` was set, otherwise the highest-priority capable device obtained via ``get_capable_devices()`` with ``stonith_fence_get_devices_cb()``), which adds the operation to the device's pending operations list and triggers processing. The chosen peer fencer's mainloop is triggered and calls * ``stonith_device_dispatch()``, which calls * ``stonith_device_execute()``, which pops off the next item from the device's pending operations list. If acting as the (internally implemented) watchdog agent, it panics the node, otherwise it calls * ``stonith_action_create()`` and ``stonith_action_execute_async()`` to call the fencing agent. The chosen peer fencer's mainloop is triggered again once the fencing agent returns, and calls * ``stonith_action_async_done()`` which adds the results to an action object then calls its * done callback (``st_child_done()``), which calls ``schedule_stonith_command()`` for a new device if there are further required actions to execute or if the original action failed, then builds and sends an XML reply to the original fencer (via ``send_async_reply()``), then checks whether any pending actions are the same as the one just executed and merges them if so. Fencing replies _______________ The original fencer receives the ``STONITH_OP_FENCE`` reply via IPC or messaging layer callback, which calls: * ``stonith_command()``, which (for replies) calls * ``handle_reply()``, which calls * ``fenced_process_fencing_reply()``, which calls either ``request_peer_fencing()`` (to retry a failed operation, or try the next device in a topology if appropriate, which issues a new ``STONITH_OP_FENCE`` request, proceeding as before) or ``finalize_op()`` (if the operation is definitively failed or successful). * ``finalize_op()`` broadcasts the result to all peers. Finally, all peers receive the broadcast result and call * ``finalize_op()``, which sends the result to all local clients. .. index:: single: fence history Fencing History _______________ The fencer keeps a running history of all fencing operations. The bulk of the relevant code is in `fenced_history.c` and ensures the history is synchronized across all nodes even if a node leaves and rejoins the cluster. In libstonithd, this information is represented by `stonith_history_t` and is queryable by the `stonith_api_operations_t:history()` method. `crm_mon` and `stonith_admin` use this API to display the history. .. index:: single: scheduler single: pacemaker-schedulerd single: libpe_status single: libpe_rules single: libpacemaker Scheduler ######### ``pacemaker-schedulerd`` is the Pacemaker daemon that runs the Pacemaker scheduler for the controller, but "the scheduler" in general refers to related library code in ``libpe_status`` and ``libpe_rules`` (``lib/pengine/*.c``), and some of ``libpacemaker`` (``lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_*.c``). The purpose of the scheduler is to take a CIB as input and generate a transition graph (list of actions that need to be taken) as output. The controller invokes the scheduler by contacting the scheduler daemon via local IPC. Tools such as ``crm_simulate``, ``crm_mon``, and ``crm_resource`` can also invoke the scheduler, but do so by calling the library functions directly. This allows them to run using a ``CIB_file`` without the cluster needing to be active. The main entry point for the scheduler code is ``lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c:pcmk__schedule_actions()``. It sets defaults and calls a series of functions for the scheduling. Some key steps: * ``unpack_cib()`` parses most of the CIB XML into data structures, and determines the current cluster status. * ``apply_node_criteria()`` applies factors that make resources prefer certain nodes, such as shutdown locks, location constraints, and stickiness. * ``pcmk__create_internal_constraints()`` creates internal constraints, such as the implicit ordering for group members, or start actions being implicitly ordered before promote actions. * ``pcmk__handle_rsc_config_changes()`` processes resource history entries in the CIB status section. This is used to decide whether certain actions need to be done, such as deleting orphan resources, forcing a restart when a resource definition changes, etc. * ``allocate_resources()`` assigns resources to nodes. * ``schedule_resource_actions()`` schedules resource-specific actions (which might or might not end up in the final graph). * ``pcmk__apply_orderings()`` processes ordering constraints in order to modify action attributes such as optional or required. * ``pcmk__create_graph()`` creates the transition graph. Challenges __________ Working with the scheduler is difficult. Challenges include: * It is far too much code to keep more than a small portion in your head at one time. * Small changes can have large (and unexpected) effects. This is why we have a large number of regression tests (``cts/cts-scheduler``), which should be run after making code changes. * It produces an insane amount of log messages at debug and trace levels. You can put resource ID(s) in the ``PCMK_trace_tags`` environment variable to enable trace-level messages only when related to specific resources. * Different parts of the main ``pe_working_set_t`` structure are finalized at different points in the scheduling process, so you have to keep in mind whether information you're using at one point of the code can possibly change later. For example, data unpacked from the CIB can safely be used anytime after ``unpack_cib(),`` but actions may become optional or required anytime before ``pcmk__create_graph()``. There's no easy way to deal with this. * Many names of struct members, functions, etc., are suboptimal, but are part of the public API and cannot be changed until an API backward compatibility break. .. index:: single: pe_working_set_t Cluster Working Set ___________________ The main data object for the scheduler is ``pe_working_set_t``, which contains all information needed about nodes, resources, constraints, etc., both as the raw CIB XML and parsed into more usable data structures, plus the resulting transition graph XML. The variable name is usually ``data_set``. .. index:: single: pe_resource_t Resources _________ ``pe_resource_t`` is the data object representing cluster resources. A resource has a variant: primitive (a.k.a. native), group, clone, or bundle. The resource object has members for two sets of methods, ``resource_object_functions_t`` from the ``libpe_status`` public API, and ``resource_alloc_functions_t`` whose implementation is internal to ``libpacemaker``. The actual functions vary by variant. The object functions have basic capabilities such as unpacking the resource XML, and determining the current or planned location of the resource. The allocation functions have more obscure capabilities needed for scheduling, such as processing location and ordering constraints. For example, ``pcmk__create_internal_constraints()`` simply calls the ``internal_constraints()`` method for each top-level resource in the cluster. .. index:: single: pe_node_t Nodes _____ Allocation of resources to nodes is done by choosing the node with the highest score for a given resource. The scheduler does a bunch of processing to generate the scores, then the actual allocation is straightforward. Node lists are frequently used. For example, ``pe_working_set_t`` has a ``nodes`` member which is a list of all nodes in the cluster, and ``pe_resource_t`` has a ``running_on`` member which is a list of all nodes on which the resource is (or might be) active. These are lists of ``pe_node_t`` objects. The ``pe_node_t`` object contains a ``struct pe_node_shared_s *details`` member with all node information that is independent of resource allocation (the node name, etc.). The working set's ``nodes`` member contains the original of this information. All other node lists contain copies of ``pe_node_t`` where only the ``details`` member points to the originals in the working set's ``nodes`` list. In this way, the other members of ``pe_node_t`` (such as ``weight``, which is the node score) may vary by node list, while the common details are shared. .. index:: single: pe_action_t single: pe_action_flags Actions _______ ``pe_action_t`` is the data object representing actions that might need to be taken. These could be resource actions, cluster-wide actions such as fencing a node, or "pseudo-actions" which are abstractions used as convenient points for ordering other actions against. It has a ``flags`` member which is a bitmask of ``enum pe_action_flags``. The most important of these are ``pe_action_runnable`` (if not set, the action is "blocked" and cannot be added to the transition graph) and ``pe_action_optional`` (actions with this set will not be added to the transition graph; actions often start out as optional, and may become required later). +.. index:: + single: pe__colocation_t + +Colocations +___________ + +``pcmk__colocation_t`` is the data object representing colocations. + +Colocation constraints come into play in these parts of the scheduler code: + +* When sorting resources for assignment, so resources with highest node score + are assigned first (see ``cmp_resources()``) +* When updating node scores for resource assigment or promotion priority +* When assigning resources, so any resources to be colocated with can be + assigned first, and so colocations affect where the resource is assigned +* When choosing roles for promotable clone instances, so colocations involving + a specific role can affect which instances are promoted + +The resource allocation functions have several methods related to colocations: + +* ``apply_coloc_score():`` This applies a colocation's score to either the + dependent's allowed node scores (if called while resources are being + assigned) or the dependent's priority (if called while choosing promotable + instance roles). It can behave differently depending on whether it is being + called as the primary's method or as the dependent's method. +* ``add_colocated_node_scores():`` This updates a table of nodes for a given + colocation attribute and score. It goes through colocations involving a given + resource, and updates the scores of the nodes in the table with the best + scores of nodes that match up according to the colocation criteria. +* ``colocated_resources():`` This generates a list of all resources involved + in mandatory colocations (directly or indirectly via colocation chains) with + a given resource. + + .. index:: single: pe__ordering_t single: pe_ordering Orderings _________ Ordering constraints are simple in concept, but they are one of the most important, powerful, and difficult to follow aspects of the scheduler code. ``pe__ordering_t`` is the data object representing an ordering, better thought of as a relationship between two actions, since the relation can be more complex than just "this one runs after that one". For an ordering "A then B", the code generally refers to A as "first" or "before", and B as "then" or "after". Much of the power comes from ``enum pe_ordering``, which are flags that determine how an ordering behaves. There are many obscure flags with big effects. A few examples: * ``pe_order_none`` means the ordering is disabled and will be ignored. It's 0, meaning no flags set, so it must be compared with equality rather than ``pcmk_is_set()``. * ``pe_order_optional`` means the ordering does not make either action required, so it only applies if they both become required for other reasons. * ``pe_order_implies_first`` means that if action B becomes required for any reason, then action A will become required as well. diff --git a/include/pcmki/pcmki_sched_allocate.h b/include/pcmki/pcmki_sched_allocate.h index 00c1eca53c..82f99d22d9 100644 --- a/include/pcmki/pcmki_sched_allocate.h +++ b/include/pcmki/pcmki_sched_allocate.h @@ -1,214 +1,107 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__PCMKI_PCMKI_SCHED_ALLOCATE__H # define PCMK__PCMKI_PCMKI_SCHED_ALLOCATE__H # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include -struct resource_alloc_functions_s { - GHashTable *(*merge_weights) (pe_resource_t *, const char *, GHashTable *, const char *, float, - enum pe_weights); - pe_node_t *(*allocate) (pe_resource_t *, pe_node_t *, pe_working_set_t *); - void (*create_actions) (pe_resource_t *, pe_working_set_t *); - gboolean(*create_probe) (pe_resource_t *, pe_node_t *, pe_action_t *, gboolean, pe_working_set_t *); - void (*internal_constraints) (pe_resource_t *, pe_working_set_t *); - - void (*rsc_colocation_lh) (pe_resource_t *, pe_resource_t *, - pcmk__colocation_t *, pe_working_set_t *); - void (*rsc_colocation_rh) (pe_resource_t *, pe_resource_t *, - pcmk__colocation_t *, pe_working_set_t *); - - /*! - * \internal - * \brief Create list of all resources in colocations with a given resource - * - * Given a resource, create a list of all resources involved in mandatory - * colocations with it, whether directly or indirectly via chained colocations. - * - * \param[in] rsc Resource to add to colocated list - * \param[in] orig_rsc Resource originally requested - * \param[in] colocated_rscs Existing list - * - * \return List of given resource and all resources involved in colocations - * - * \note This function is recursive; top-level callers should pass NULL as - * \p colocated_rscs and \p orig_rsc, and the desired resource as - * \p rsc. The recursive calls will use other values. - */ - GList *(*colocated_resources)(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, - GList *colocated_rscs); - - void (*rsc_location) (pe_resource_t *, pe__location_t *); - - enum pe_action_flags (*action_flags) (pe_action_t *, pe_node_t *); - enum pe_graph_flags (*update_actions) (pe_action_t *, pe_action_t *, - pe_node_t *, enum pe_action_flags, - enum pe_action_flags, - enum pe_ordering, - pe_working_set_t *data_set); - void (*output_actions)(pe_resource_t *rsc); - - void (*expand) (pe_resource_t *, pe_working_set_t *); - void (*append_meta) (pe_resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml); - - /*! - * \internal - * \brief Add a resource's utilization to a table of utilization values - * - * This function is used when summing the utilization of a resource and all - * resources colocated with it, to determine whether a node has sufficient - * capacity. Given a resource and a table of utilization values, it will add - * the resource's utilization to the existing values, if the resource has - * not yet been allocated to a node. - * - * \param[in] rsc Resource with utilization to add - * \param[in] orig_rsc Resource being allocated (for logging only) - * \param[in] all_rscs List of all resources that will be summed - * \param[in] utilization Table of utilization values to add to - */ - void (*add_utilization)(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, - GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization); - - /*! - * \internal - * \brief Apply a shutdown lock for a resource, if appropriate - * - * \param[in] rsc Resource to check for shutdown lock - */ - void (*shutdown_lock)(pe_resource_t *rsc); -}; - -GHashTable *pcmk__native_merge_weights(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *rhs, - GHashTable *nodes, const char *attr, - float factor, uint32_t flags); - -GHashTable *pcmk__group_merge_weights(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *rhs, - GHashTable *nodes, const char *attr, - float factor, uint32_t flags); - pe_node_t *pcmk__native_allocate(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *preferred, pe_working_set_t *data_set); extern void native_create_actions(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern void native_internal_constraints(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set); -void native_rsc_colocation_lh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set); -void native_rsc_colocation_rh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set); extern enum pe_action_flags native_action_flags(pe_action_t * action, pe_node_t * node); void native_rsc_location(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe__location_t *constraint); extern void native_expand(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean native_create_probe(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * node, pe_action_t * complete, gboolean force, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern void native_append_meta(pe_resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml); void pcmk__primitive_add_utilization(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization); void pcmk__primitive_shutdown_lock(pe_resource_t *rsc); pe_node_t *pcmk__group_allocate(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *preferred, pe_working_set_t *data_set); extern void group_create_actions(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern void group_internal_constraints(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set); -void group_rsc_colocation_lh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set); -void group_rsc_colocation_rh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set); extern enum pe_action_flags group_action_flags(pe_action_t * action, pe_node_t * node); void group_rsc_location(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe__location_t *constraint); extern void group_expand(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern void group_append_meta(pe_resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml); void pcmk__group_add_utilization(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization); void pcmk__group_shutdown_lock(pe_resource_t *rsc); pe_node_t *pcmk__bundle_allocate(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *preferred, pe_working_set_t *data_set); void pcmk__bundle_create_actions(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set); gboolean pcmk__bundle_create_probe(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, pe_action_t *complete, gboolean force, pe_working_set_t *data_set); void pcmk__bundle_internal_constraints(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set); -void pcmk__bundle_rsc_colocation_lh(pe_resource_t *dependent, - pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set); -void pcmk__bundle_rsc_colocation_rh(pe_resource_t *dependent, - pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set); void pcmk__bundle_rsc_location(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe__location_t *constraint); enum pe_action_flags pcmk__bundle_action_flags(pe_action_t *action, pe_node_t *node); void pcmk__bundle_expand(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set); void pcmk__bundle_append_meta(pe_resource_t *rsc, xmlNode *xml); void pcmk__bundle_add_utilization(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization); void pcmk__bundle_shutdown_lock(pe_resource_t *rsc); pe_node_t *pcmk__clone_allocate(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *preferred, pe_working_set_t *data_set); extern void clone_create_actions(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern void clone_internal_constraints(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set); -void clone_rsc_colocation_lh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set); -void clone_rsc_colocation_rh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set); void clone_rsc_location(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe__location_t *constraint); extern enum pe_action_flags clone_action_flags(pe_action_t * action, pe_node_t * node); extern void clone_expand(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean clone_create_probe(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * node, pe_action_t * complete, gboolean force, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern void clone_append_meta(pe_resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml); void pcmk__clone_add_utilization(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization); void pcmk__clone_shutdown_lock(pe_resource_t *rsc); void pcmk__add_promotion_scores(pe_resource_t *rsc); enum pe_graph_flags native_update_actions(pe_action_t *first, pe_action_t *then, pe_node_t *node, enum pe_action_flags flags, enum pe_action_flags filter, enum pe_ordering type, pe_working_set_t *data_set); enum pe_graph_flags group_update_actions(pe_action_t *first, pe_action_t *then, pe_node_t *node, enum pe_action_flags flags, enum pe_action_flags filter, enum pe_ordering type, pe_working_set_t *data_set); enum pe_graph_flags pcmk__multi_update_actions(pe_action_t *first, pe_action_t *then, pe_node_t *node, enum pe_action_flags flags, enum pe_action_flags filter, enum pe_ordering type, pe_working_set_t *data_set); void pcmk__log_transition_summary(const char *filename); void clone_create_pseudo_actions( pe_resource_t * rsc, GList *children, notify_data_t **start_notify, notify_data_t **stop_notify, pe_working_set_t * data_set); #endif diff --git a/include/pcmki/pcmki_scheduler.h b/include/pcmki/pcmki_scheduler.h index 4ba4e77729..e721c3583a 100644 --- a/include/pcmki/pcmki_scheduler.h +++ b/include/pcmki/pcmki_scheduler.h @@ -1,48 +1,40 @@ /* * Copyright 2014-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__PCMKI_PCMKI_SCHEDULER__H # define PCMK__PCMKI_PCMKI_SCHEDULER__H # include # include # include # include # include # include # include -enum pe_weights { - pe_weights_none = 0x0, - pe_weights_init = 0x1, - pe_weights_forward = 0x4, - pe_weights_positive = 0x8, - pe_weights_rollback = 0x10, -}; - typedef struct { const char *id; const char *node_attribute; pe_resource_t *dependent; // The resource being colocated pe_resource_t *primary; // The resource the dependent is colocated with int dependent_role; // Colocation applies only if dependent has this role int primary_role; // Colocation applies only if primary has this role int score; bool influence; // Whether dependent influences active primary placement } pcmk__colocation_t; void pcmk__unpack_constraints(pe_working_set_t *data_set); void pcmk__schedule_actions(xmlNode *cib, unsigned long long flags, pe_working_set_t *data_set); #endif diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/libpacemaker_private.h b/lib/pacemaker/libpacemaker_private.h index d84933fcf6..9188707cea 100644 --- a/lib/pacemaker/libpacemaker_private.h +++ b/lib/pacemaker/libpacemaker_private.h @@ -1,461 +1,615 @@ /* * Copyright 2021-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__LIBPACEMAKER_PRIVATE__H # define PCMK__LIBPACEMAKER_PRIVATE__H /* This header is for the sole use of libpacemaker, so that functions can be * declared with G_GNUC_INTERNAL for efficiency. */ #include // pe_action_t, pe_node_t, pe_working_set_t +// Flags to modify the behavior of the add_colocated_node_scores() method +enum pcmk__coloc_select { + // With no other flags, apply all "with this" colocations + pcmk__coloc_select_default = 0, + + // Apply "this with" colocations instead of "with this" colocations + pcmk__coloc_select_this_with = (1 << 0), + + // Apply only colocations with non-negative scores + pcmk__coloc_select_nonnegative = (1 << 1), + + // Apply only colocations with at least one matching node + pcmk__coloc_select_active = (1 << 2), +}; + +// Resource allocation methods +struct resource_alloc_functions_s { + pe_node_t *(*allocate) (pe_resource_t *, pe_node_t *, pe_working_set_t *); + void (*create_actions) (pe_resource_t *, pe_working_set_t *); + gboolean(*create_probe) (pe_resource_t *, pe_node_t *, pe_action_t *, gboolean, pe_working_set_t *); + void (*internal_constraints) (pe_resource_t *, pe_working_set_t *); + + /*! + * \internal + * \brief Apply a colocation's score to node weights or resource priority + * + * Given a colocation constraint, apply its score to the dependent's + * allowed node weights (if we are still placing resources) or priority (if + * we are choosing promotable clone instance roles). + * + * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in colocation + * \param[in] primary Primary resource in colocation + * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint to apply + * \param[in] for_dependent true if called on behalf of dependent + */ + void (*apply_coloc_score) (pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, + pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, + bool for_dependent); + + /*! + * \internal + * \brief Update nodes with scores of colocated resources' nodes + * + * Given a table of nodes and a resource, update the nodes' scores with the + * scores of the best nodes matching the attribute used for each of the + * resource's relevant colocations. + * + * \param[in,out] rsc Resource to check colocations for + * \param[in] log_id Resource ID to use in log messages + * \param[in,out] nodes Nodes to update + * \param[in] attr Colocation attribute (NULL to use default) + * \param[in] factor Incorporate scores multiplied by this factor + * \param[in] flags Bitmask of enum pcmk__coloc_select values + * + * \note The caller remains responsible for freeing \p *nodes. + */ + void (*add_colocated_node_scores)(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *log_id, + GHashTable **nodes, const char *attr, + float factor, + enum pcmk__coloc_select flags); + + /*! + * \internal + * \brief Create list of all resources in colocations with a given resource + * + * Given a resource, create a list of all resources involved in mandatory + * colocations with it, whether directly or indirectly via chained colocations. + * + * \param[in] rsc Resource to add to colocated list + * \param[in] orig_rsc Resource originally requested + * \param[in] colocated_rscs Existing list + * + * \return List of given resource and all resources involved in colocations + * + * \note This function is recursive; top-level callers should pass NULL as + * \p colocated_rscs and \p orig_rsc, and the desired resource as + * \p rsc. The recursive calls will use other values. + */ + GList *(*colocated_resources)(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, + GList *colocated_rscs); + + void (*rsc_location) (pe_resource_t *, pe__location_t *); + + enum pe_action_flags (*action_flags) (pe_action_t *, pe_node_t *); + enum pe_graph_flags (*update_actions) (pe_action_t *, pe_action_t *, + pe_node_t *, enum pe_action_flags, + enum pe_action_flags, + enum pe_ordering, + pe_working_set_t *data_set); + void (*output_actions)(pe_resource_t *rsc); + + void (*expand) (pe_resource_t *, pe_working_set_t *); + void (*append_meta) (pe_resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml); + + /*! + * \internal + * \brief Add a resource's utilization to a table of utilization values + * + * This function is used when summing the utilization of a resource and all + * resources colocated with it, to determine whether a node has sufficient + * capacity. Given a resource and a table of utilization values, it will add + * the resource's utilization to the existing values, if the resource has + * not yet been allocated to a node. + * + * \param[in] rsc Resource with utilization to add + * \param[in] orig_rsc Resource being allocated (for logging only) + * \param[in] all_rscs List of all resources that will be summed + * \param[in] utilization Table of utilization values to add to + */ + void (*add_utilization)(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, + GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization); + + /*! + * \internal + * \brief Apply a shutdown lock for a resource, if appropriate + * + * \param[in] rsc Resource to check for shutdown lock + */ + void (*shutdown_lock)(pe_resource_t *rsc); +}; + // Actions (pcmk_sched_actions.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__update_action_for_orderings(pe_action_t *action, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__log_action(const char *pre_text, pe_action_t *action, bool details); G_GNUC_INTERNAL pe_action_t *pcmk__new_cancel_action(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *name, guint interval_ms, pe_node_t *node); G_GNUC_INTERNAL pe_action_t *pcmk__new_shutdown_action(pe_node_t *node); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__action_locks_rsc_to_node(const pe_action_t *action); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__deduplicate_action_inputs(pe_action_t *action); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__output_actions(pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__check_action_config(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, xmlNode *xml_op); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__handle_rsc_config_changes(pe_working_set_t *data_set); // Producing transition graphs (pcmk_graph_producer.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__graph_has_loop(pe_action_t *init_action, pe_action_t *action, pe_action_wrapper_t *input); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__add_action_to_graph(pe_action_t *action, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__create_graph(pe_working_set_t *data_set); // Fencing (pcmk_sched_fencing.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__order_vs_fence(pe_action_t *stonith_op, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__order_vs_unfence(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, pe_action_t *action, enum pe_ordering order, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__fence_guest(pe_node_t *node); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__node_unfenced(pe_node_t *node); // Injected scheduler inputs (pcmk_sched_injections.c) void pcmk__inject_scheduler_input(pe_working_set_t *data_set, cib_t *cib, pcmk_injections_t *injections); // Constraints of any type (pcmk_sched_constraints.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL pe_resource_t *pcmk__find_constraint_resource(GList *rsc_list, const char *id); G_GNUC_INTERNAL xmlNode *pcmk__expand_tags_in_sets(xmlNode *xml_obj, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__valid_resource_or_tag(pe_working_set_t *data_set, const char *id, pe_resource_t **rsc, pe_tag_t **tag); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__tag_to_set(xmlNode *xml_obj, xmlNode **rsc_set, const char *attr, bool convert_rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__create_internal_constraints(pe_working_set_t *data_set); // Location constraints G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__unpack_location(xmlNode *xml_obj, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL pe__location_t *pcmk__new_location(const char *id, pe_resource_t *rsc, int node_weight, const char *discover_mode, pe_node_t *foo_node, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__apply_locations(pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__apply_location(pe__location_t *constraint, pe_resource_t *rsc); // Colocation constraints (pcmk_sched_colocation.c) enum pcmk__coloc_affects { pcmk__coloc_affects_nothing = 0, pcmk__coloc_affects_location, pcmk__coloc_affects_role, }; G_GNUC_INTERNAL enum pcmk__coloc_affects pcmk__colocation_affects(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, bool preview); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__apply_coloc_to_weights(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, pcmk__colocation_t *constraint); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__apply_coloc_to_priority(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, pcmk__colocation_t *constraint); G_GNUC_INTERNAL -void pcmk__apply_colocation(pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, - pe_resource_t *rsc1, pe_resource_t *rsc2, - uint32_t flags); +void pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *log_id, + GHashTable **nodes, const char *attr, + float factor, uint32_t flags); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__unpack_colocation(xmlNode *xml_obj, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__new_colocation(const char *id, const char *node_attr, int score, pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, const char *dependent_role, const char *primary_role, bool influence, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__block_colocated_starts(pe_action_t *action, pe_working_set_t *data_set); /*! * \internal - * \brief Check whether colocation's left-hand preferences should be considered + * \brief Check whether colocation's dependent preferences should be considered * * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint - * \param[in] rsc Right-hand instance (normally this will be + * \param[in] rsc Primary instance (normally this will be * colocation->primary, which NULL will be treated as, * but for clones or bundles with multiple instances * this can be a particular instance) * * \return true if colocation influence should be effective, otherwise false */ static inline bool pcmk__colocation_has_influence(const pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, const pe_resource_t *rsc) { if (rsc == NULL) { rsc = colocation->primary; } /* A bundle replica colocates its remote connection with its container, * using a finite score so that the container can run on Pacemaker Remote * nodes. * * Moving a connection is lightweight and does not interrupt the service, * while moving a container is heavyweight and does interrupt the service, * so don't move a clean, active container based solely on the preferences * of its connection. * * This also avoids problematic scenarios where two containers want to * perpetually swap places. */ if (pcmk_is_set(colocation->dependent->flags, pe_rsc_allow_remote_remotes) && !pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) && pcmk__list_of_1(rsc->running_on)) { return false; } - /* The left hand of a colocation influences the right hand's location - * if the influence option is true, or the right hand is not yet active. + /* The dependent in a colocation influences the primary's location + * if the influence option is true or the primary is not yet active. */ return colocation->influence || (rsc->running_on == NULL); } // Ordering constraints (pcmk_sched_ordering.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__new_ordering(pe_resource_t *lh_rsc, char *lh_task, pe_action_t *lh_action, pe_resource_t *rh_rsc, char *rh_task, pe_action_t *rh_action, enum pe_ordering type, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__unpack_ordering(xmlNode *xml_obj, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__disable_invalid_orderings(pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__order_stops_before_shutdown(pe_node_t *node, pe_action_t *shutdown_op, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__apply_orderings(pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__order_after_each(pe_action_t *after, GList *list); /*! * \internal * \brief Create a new ordering between two resource actions * * \param[in] lh_rsc Resource for 'first' action * \param[in] rh_rsc Resource for 'then' action * \param[in] lh_task Action key for 'first' action * \param[in] rh_task Action key for 'then' action * \param[in] flags Bitmask of enum pe_ordering flags * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set to add ordering to */ #define pcmk__order_resource_actions(lh_rsc, lh_task, rh_rsc, rh_task, \ flags, data_set) \ pcmk__new_ordering((lh_rsc), pcmk__op_key((lh_rsc)->id, (lh_task), 0), \ NULL, \ (rh_rsc), pcmk__op_key((rh_rsc)->id, (rh_task), 0), \ NULL, (flags), (data_set)) #define pcmk__order_starts(rsc1, rsc2, type, data_set) \ pcmk__order_resource_actions((rsc1), CRMD_ACTION_START, \ (rsc2), CRMD_ACTION_START, (type), (data_set)) #define pcmk__order_stops(rsc1, rsc2, type, data_set) \ pcmk__order_resource_actions((rsc1), CRMD_ACTION_STOP, \ (rsc2), CRMD_ACTION_STOP, (type), (data_set)) // Ticket constraints (pcmk_sched_tickets.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__unpack_rsc_ticket(xmlNode *xml_obj, pe_working_set_t *data_set); // Promotable clone resources (pcmk_sched_promotable.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__require_promotion_tickets(pe_resource_t *rsc); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__set_instance_roles(pe_resource_t *rsc); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__create_promotable_actions(pe_resource_t *clone); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__promotable_restart_ordering(pe_resource_t *rsc); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__order_promotable_instances(pe_resource_t *clone); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__update_dependent_with_promotable(pe_resource_t *primary, pe_resource_t *dependent, pcmk__colocation_t *colocation); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__update_promotable_dependent_priority(pe_resource_t *primary, pe_resource_t *dependent, pcmk__colocation_t *colocation); // Pacemaker Remote nodes (pcmk_sched_remote.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__is_failed_remote_node(pe_node_t *node); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__order_remote_connection_actions(pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__rsc_corresponds_to_guest(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node); G_GNUC_INTERNAL pe_node_t *pcmk__connection_host_for_action(pe_action_t *action); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__substitute_remote_addr(pe_resource_t *rsc, GHashTable *params); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__add_bundle_meta_to_xml(xmlNode *args_xml, pe_action_t *action); +// Primitives (pcmk_sched_native.c) + +G_GNUC_INTERNAL +void pcmk__primitive_apply_coloc_score(pe_resource_t *dependent, + pe_resource_t *primary, + pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, + bool for_dependent); + // Groups (pcmk_sched_group.c) +G_GNUC_INTERNAL +void pcmk__group_apply_coloc_score(pe_resource_t *dependent, + pe_resource_t *primary, + pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, + bool for_dependent); + +G_GNUC_INTERNAL +void pcmk__group_add_colocated_node_scores(pe_resource_t *rsc, + const char *log_id, + GHashTable **nodes, const char *attr, + float factor, uint32_t flags); + G_GNUC_INTERNAL GList *pcmk__group_colocated_resources(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *colocated_rscs); +// Clones (pcmk_sched_clone.c) + +G_GNUC_INTERNAL +void pcmk__clone_apply_coloc_score(pe_resource_t *dependent, + pe_resource_t *primary, + pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, + bool for_dependent); // Bundles (pcmk_sched_bundle.c) +G_GNUC_INTERNAL +void pcmk__bundle_apply_coloc_score(pe_resource_t *dependent, + pe_resource_t *primary, + pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, + bool for_dependent); + G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__output_bundle_actions(pe_resource_t *rsc); // Injections (pcmk_injections.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL xmlNode *pcmk__inject_node(cib_t *cib_conn, const char *node, const char *uuid); G_GNUC_INTERNAL xmlNode *pcmk__inject_node_state_change(cib_t *cib_conn, const char *node, bool up); G_GNUC_INTERNAL xmlNode *pcmk__inject_resource_history(pcmk__output_t *out, xmlNode *cib_node, const char *resource, const char *lrm_name, const char *rclass, const char *rtype, const char *rprovider); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__inject_failcount(pcmk__output_t *out, xmlNode *cib_node, const char *resource, const char *task, guint interval_ms, int rc); G_GNUC_INTERNAL xmlNode *pcmk__inject_action_result(xmlNode *cib_resource, lrmd_event_data_t *op, int target_rc); // Nodes (pcmk_sched_nodes.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__node_available(const pe_node_t *node, bool consider_score, bool consider_guest); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__any_node_available(GHashTable *nodes); G_GNUC_INTERNAL GHashTable *pcmk__copy_node_table(GHashTable *nodes); G_GNUC_INTERNAL GList *pcmk__sort_nodes(GList *nodes, pe_node_t *active_node, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__apply_node_health(pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL pe_node_t *pcmk__top_allowed_node(const pe_resource_t *rsc, const pe_node_t *node); // Functions applying to more than one variant (pcmk_sched_resource.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__set_allocation_methods(pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__rsc_agent_changed(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, const xmlNode *rsc_entry, bool active_on_node); G_GNUC_INTERNAL GList *pcmk__rscs_matching_id(const char *id, pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL GList *pcmk__colocated_resources(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *colocated_rscs); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__output_resource_actions(pe_resource_t *rsc); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__assign_primitive(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *chosen, bool force); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__assign_resource(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, bool force); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__unassign_resource(pe_resource_t *rsc); G_GNUC_INTERNAL bool pcmk__threshold_reached(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, pe_resource_t **failed); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__sort_resources(pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL gint pcmk__cmp_instance(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b); G_GNUC_INTERNAL gint pcmk__cmp_instance_number(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b); // Functions related to probes (pcmk_sched_probes.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__order_probes(pe_working_set_t *data_set); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__schedule_probes(pe_working_set_t *data_set); // Functions related to node utilization (pcmk_sched_utilization.c) G_GNUC_INTERNAL int pcmk__compare_node_capacities(const pe_node_t *node1, const pe_node_t *node2); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__consume_node_capacity(GHashTable *current_utilization, pe_resource_t *rsc); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__release_node_capacity(GHashTable *current_utilization, pe_resource_t *rsc); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__ban_insufficient_capacity(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t **prefer); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__create_utilization_constraints(pe_resource_t *rsc, GList *allowed_nodes); G_GNUC_INTERNAL void pcmk__show_node_capacities(const char *desc, pe_working_set_t *data_set); #endif // PCMK__LIBPACEMAKER_PRIVATE__H diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c index 644a309b20..e2c82f35f9 100644 --- a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c +++ b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c @@ -1,1128 +1,1133 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include "libpacemaker_private.h" #define PE__VARIANT_BUNDLE 1 #include static bool is_bundle_node(pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data, pe_node_t *node) { for (GList *gIter = data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; if (node->details == replica->node->details) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void distribute_children(pe_resource_t *rsc, GList *children, GList *nodes, int max, int per_host_max, pe_working_set_t * data_set); static GList * get_container_list(pe_resource_t *rsc) { GList *containers = NULL; if (rsc->variant == pe_container) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(data, rsc); for (GList *gIter = data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; containers = g_list_append(containers, replica->container); } } return containers; } static inline GList * get_containers_or_children(pe_resource_t *rsc) { return (rsc->variant == pe_container)? get_container_list(rsc) : rsc->children; } pe_node_t * pcmk__bundle_allocate(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *prefer, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *containers = NULL; GList *nodes = NULL; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return NULL); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_allocating); containers = get_container_list(rsc); pe__show_node_weights(!pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_show_scores), rsc, __func__, rsc->allowed_nodes, data_set); nodes = g_hash_table_get_values(rsc->allowed_nodes); nodes = pcmk__sort_nodes(nodes, NULL, data_set); containers = g_list_sort(containers, pcmk__cmp_instance); distribute_children(rsc, containers, nodes, bundle_data->nreplicas, bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host, data_set); g_list_free(nodes); g_list_free(containers); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; pe_node_t *container_host = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(replica); if (replica->ip) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating bundle %s IP %s", rsc->id, replica->ip->id); replica->ip->cmds->allocate(replica->ip, prefer, data_set); } container_host = replica->container->allocated_to; if (replica->remote && pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(container_host)) { /* We need 'nested' connection resources to be on the same * host because pacemaker-remoted only supports a single * active connection */ pcmk__new_colocation("child-remote-with-docker-remote", NULL, INFINITY, replica->remote, container_host->details->remote_rsc, NULL, NULL, true, data_set); } if (replica->remote) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating bundle %s connection %s", rsc->id, replica->remote->id); replica->remote->cmds->allocate(replica->remote, prefer, data_set); } // Explicitly allocate replicas' children before bundle child if (replica->child) { pe_node_t *node = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, replica->child->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & node)) { if (node->details != replica->node->details) { node->weight = -INFINITY; } else if (!pcmk__threshold_reached(replica->child, node, NULL)) { node->weight = INFINITY; } } pe__set_resource_flags(replica->child->parent, pe_rsc_allocating); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating bundle %s replica child %s", rsc->id, replica->child->id); replica->child->cmds->allocate(replica->child, replica->node, data_set); pe__clear_resource_flags(replica->child->parent, pe_rsc_allocating); } } if (bundle_data->child) { pe_node_t *node = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, bundle_data->child->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & node)) { if (is_bundle_node(bundle_data, node)) { node->weight = 0; } else { node->weight = -INFINITY; } } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating bundle %s child %s", rsc->id, bundle_data->child->id); bundle_data->child->cmds->allocate(bundle_data->child, prefer, data_set); } pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_allocating|pe_rsc_provisional); return NULL; } void pcmk__bundle_create_actions(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { pe_action_t *action = NULL; GList *containers = NULL; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return); containers = get_container_list(rsc); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; CRM_ASSERT(replica); if (replica->ip) { replica->ip->cmds->create_actions(replica->ip, data_set); } if (replica->container) { replica->container->cmds->create_actions(replica->container, data_set); } if (replica->remote) { replica->remote->cmds->create_actions(replica->remote, data_set); } } clone_create_pseudo_actions(rsc, containers, NULL, NULL, data_set); if (bundle_data->child) { bundle_data->child->cmds->create_actions(bundle_data->child, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(bundle_data->child->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { /* promote */ pe__new_rsc_pseudo_action(rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, true, true); action = pe__new_rsc_pseudo_action(rsc, RSC_PROMOTED, true, true); action->priority = INFINITY; /* demote */ pe__new_rsc_pseudo_action(rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, true, true); action = pe__new_rsc_pseudo_action(rsc, RSC_DEMOTED, true, true); action->priority = INFINITY; } } g_list_free(containers); } void pcmk__bundle_internal_constraints(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); if (bundle_data->child) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_START, bundle_data->child, RSC_START, pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_STOP, bundle_data->child, RSC_STOP, pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); if (bundle_data->child->children) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(bundle_data->child, RSC_STARTED, rsc, RSC_STARTED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(bundle_data->child, RSC_STOPPED, rsc, RSC_STOPPED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); } else { pcmk__order_resource_actions(bundle_data->child, RSC_START, rsc, RSC_STARTED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(bundle_data->child, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_STOPPED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); } } for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; CRM_ASSERT(replica); CRM_ASSERT(replica->container); replica->container->cmds->internal_constraints(replica->container, data_set); pcmk__order_starts(rsc, replica->container, pe_order_runnable_left|pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); if (replica->child) { pcmk__order_stops(rsc, replica->child, pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); } pcmk__order_stops(rsc, replica->container, pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(replica->container, RSC_START, rsc, RSC_STARTED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(replica->container, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_STOPPED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); if (replica->ip) { replica->ip->cmds->internal_constraints(replica->ip, data_set); // Start IP then container pcmk__order_starts(replica->ip, replica->container, pe_order_runnable_left|pe_order_preserve, data_set); pcmk__order_stops(replica->container, replica->ip, pe_order_implies_first|pe_order_preserve, data_set); pcmk__new_colocation("ip-with-docker", NULL, INFINITY, replica->ip, replica->container, NULL, NULL, true, data_set); } if (replica->remote) { /* This handles ordering and colocating remote relative to container * (via "resource-with-container"). Since IP is also ordered and * colocated relative to the container, we don't need to do anything * explicit here with IP. */ replica->remote->cmds->internal_constraints(replica->remote, data_set); } if (replica->child) { CRM_ASSERT(replica->remote); // "Start remote then child" is implicit in scheduler's remote logic } } if (bundle_data->child) { bundle_data->child->cmds->internal_constraints(bundle_data->child, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(bundle_data->child->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__promotable_restart_ordering(rsc); /* child demoted before global demoted */ pcmk__order_resource_actions(bundle_data->child, RSC_DEMOTED, rsc, RSC_DEMOTED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); /* global demote before child demote */ pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, bundle_data->child, RSC_DEMOTE, pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); /* child promoted before global promoted */ pcmk__order_resource_actions(bundle_data->child, RSC_PROMOTED, rsc, RSC_PROMOTED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); /* global promote before child promote */ pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, bundle_data->child, RSC_PROMOTE, pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); } } } static pe_resource_t * compatible_replica_for_node(pe_resource_t *rsc_lh, pe_node_t *candidate, pe_resource_t *rsc, enum rsc_role_e filter, gboolean current) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(candidate != NULL, return NULL); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); crm_trace("Looking for compatible child from %s for %s on %s", rsc_lh->id, rsc->id, candidate->details->uname); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; if (is_child_compatible(replica->container, candidate, filter, current)) { crm_trace("Pairing %s with %s on %s", rsc_lh->id, replica->container->id, candidate->details->uname); return replica->container; } } crm_trace("Can't pair %s with %s", rsc_lh->id, rsc->id); return NULL; } static pe_resource_t * compatible_replica(pe_resource_t *rsc_lh, pe_resource_t *rsc, enum rsc_role_e filter, gboolean current, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *scratch = NULL; pe_resource_t *pair = NULL; pe_node_t *active_node_lh = NULL; active_node_lh = rsc_lh->fns->location(rsc_lh, NULL, current); if (active_node_lh) { return compatible_replica_for_node(rsc_lh, active_node_lh, rsc, filter, current); } scratch = g_hash_table_get_values(rsc_lh->allowed_nodes); scratch = pcmk__sort_nodes(scratch, NULL, data_set); for (GList *gIter = scratch; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_node_t *node = (pe_node_t *) gIter->data; pair = compatible_replica_for_node(rsc_lh, node, rsc, filter, current); if (pair) { goto done; } } pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Can't pair %s with %s", rsc_lh->id, (rsc? rsc->id : "none")); done: g_list_free(scratch); return pair; } -void -pcmk__bundle_rsc_colocation_lh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set) -{ - /* -- Never called -- - * - * Instead we add the colocation constraints to the child and call from there - */ - CRM_ASSERT(FALSE); -} - int copies_per_node(pe_resource_t * rsc) { /* Strictly speaking, there should be a 'copies_per_node' addition * to the resource function table and each case would be a * function. However that would be serious overkill to return an * int. In fact, it seems to me that both function tables * could/should be replaced by resources.{c,h} full of * rsc_{some_operation} functions containing a switch as below * which calls out to functions named {variant}_{some_operation} * as needed. */ switch(rsc->variant) { case pe_unknown: return 0; case pe_native: case pe_group: return 1; case pe_clone: { const char *max_clones_node = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION_NODEMAX); if (max_clones_node == NULL) { return 1; } else { int max_i; pcmk__scan_min_int(max_clones_node, &max_i, 0); return max_i; } } case pe_container: { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(data, rsc); return data->nreplicas_per_host; } } return 0; } +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Apply a colocation's score to node weights or resource priority + * + * Given a colocation constraint, apply its score to the dependent's + * allowed node weights (if we are still placing resources) or priority (if + * we are choosing promotable clone instance roles). + * + * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in colocation + * \param[in] primary Primary resource in colocation + * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint to apply + * \param[in] for_dependent true if called on behalf of dependent + */ void -pcmk__bundle_rsc_colocation_rh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set) +pcmk__bundle_apply_coloc_score(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, + pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, + bool for_dependent) { GList *allocated_primaries = NULL; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; - CRM_CHECK(constraint != NULL, return); - CRM_CHECK(dependent != NULL, - pe_err("dependent was NULL for %s", constraint->id); return); - CRM_CHECK(primary != NULL, - pe_err("primary was NULL for %s", constraint->id); return); + /* This should never be called for the bundle itself as a dependent. + * Instead, we add its colocation constraints to its replicas and call the + * apply_coloc_score() for the replicas as dependents. + */ + CRM_ASSERT(!for_dependent); + + CRM_CHECK((colocation != NULL) && (dependent != NULL) && (primary != NULL), + return); CRM_ASSERT(dependent->variant == pe_native); if (pcmk_is_set(primary->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { pe_rsc_trace(primary, "%s is still provisional", primary->id); return; - } else if(constraint->dependent->variant > pe_group) { + } else if (colocation->dependent->variant > pe_group) { pe_resource_t *primary_replica = compatible_replica(dependent, primary, RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN, - FALSE, data_set); + FALSE, + dependent->cluster); if (primary_replica) { pe_rsc_debug(primary, "Pairing %s with %s", dependent->id, primary_replica->id); - dependent->cmds->rsc_colocation_lh(dependent, primary_replica, - constraint, data_set); + dependent->cmds->apply_coloc_score(dependent, primary_replica, + colocation, true); - } else if (constraint->score >= INFINITY) { + } else if (colocation->score >= INFINITY) { crm_notice("Cannot pair %s with instance of %s", dependent->id, primary->id); pcmk__assign_resource(dependent, NULL, true); } else { pe_rsc_debug(primary, "Cannot pair %s with instance of %s", dependent->id, primary->id); } return; } get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, primary); pe_rsc_trace(primary, "Processing constraint %s: %s -> %s %d", - constraint->id, dependent->id, primary->id, constraint->score); + colocation->id, dependent->id, primary->id, colocation->score); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; - if (constraint->score < INFINITY) { - replica->container->cmds->rsc_colocation_rh(dependent, + if (colocation->score < INFINITY) { + replica->container->cmds->apply_coloc_score(dependent, replica->container, - constraint, data_set); + colocation, false); } else { pe_node_t *chosen = replica->container->fns->location(replica->container, NULL, FALSE); if ((chosen == NULL) || is_set_recursive(replica->container, pe_rsc_block, TRUE)) { continue; } - if ((constraint->primary_role >= RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) + if ((colocation->primary_role >= RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) && (replica->child == NULL)) { continue; } - if ((constraint->primary_role >= RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) + if ((colocation->primary_role >= RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) && (replica->child->next_role < RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED)) { continue; } pe_rsc_trace(primary, "Allowing %s: %s %d", - constraint->id, chosen->details->uname, + colocation->id, chosen->details->uname, chosen->weight); allocated_primaries = g_list_prepend(allocated_primaries, chosen); } } - if (constraint->score >= INFINITY) { + if (colocation->score >= INFINITY) { node_list_exclude(dependent->allowed_nodes, allocated_primaries, FALSE); } g_list_free(allocated_primaries); } enum pe_action_flags pcmk__bundle_action_flags(pe_action_t *action, pe_node_t *node) { GList *containers = NULL; enum pe_action_flags flags = 0; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(data, action->rsc); if(data->child) { enum action_tasks task = get_complex_task(data->child, action->task, TRUE); switch(task) { case no_action: case action_notify: case action_notified: case action_promote: case action_promoted: case action_demote: case action_demoted: return summary_action_flags(action, data->child->children, node); default: break; } } containers = get_container_list(action->rsc); flags = summary_action_flags(action, containers, node); g_list_free(containers); return flags; } pe_resource_t * find_compatible_child_by_node(pe_resource_t * local_child, pe_node_t * local_node, pe_resource_t * rsc, enum rsc_role_e filter, gboolean current) { GList *gIter = NULL; GList *children = NULL; if (local_node == NULL) { crm_err("Can't colocate unrunnable child %s with %s", local_child->id, rsc->id); return NULL; } crm_trace("Looking for compatible child from %s for %s on %s", local_child->id, rsc->id, local_node->details->uname); children = get_containers_or_children(rsc); for (gIter = children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; if(is_child_compatible(child_rsc, local_node, filter, current)) { crm_trace("Pairing %s with %s on %s", local_child->id, child_rsc->id, local_node->details->uname); return child_rsc; } } crm_trace("Can't pair %s with %s", local_child->id, rsc->id); if(children != rsc->children) { g_list_free(children); } return NULL; } static pe__bundle_replica_t * replica_for_container(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *container, pe_node_t *node) { if (rsc->variant == pe_container) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(data, rsc); for (GList *gIter = data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; if (replica->child && (container == replica->container) && (node->details == replica->node->details)) { return replica; } } } return NULL; } static enum pe_graph_flags multi_update_interleave_actions(pe_action_t *first, pe_action_t *then, pe_node_t *node, enum pe_action_flags flags, enum pe_action_flags filter, enum pe_ordering type, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *gIter = NULL; GList *children = NULL; gboolean current = FALSE; enum pe_graph_flags changed = pe_graph_none; /* Fix this - lazy */ if (pcmk__ends_with(first->uuid, "_stopped_0") || pcmk__ends_with(first->uuid, "_demoted_0")) { current = TRUE; } children = get_containers_or_children(then->rsc); for (gIter = children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *then_child = gIter->data; pe_resource_t *first_child = find_compatible_child(then_child, first->rsc, RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN, current, data_set); if (first_child == NULL && current) { crm_trace("Ignore"); } else if (first_child == NULL) { crm_debug("No match found for %s (%d / %s / %s)", then_child->id, current, first->uuid, then->uuid); /* Me no like this hack - but what else can we do? * * If there is no-one active or about to be active * on the same node as then_child, then they must * not be allowed to start */ if (type & (pe_order_runnable_left | pe_order_implies_then) /* Mandatory */ ) { pe_rsc_info(then->rsc, "Inhibiting %s from being active", then_child->id); if (pcmk__assign_resource(then_child, NULL, true)) { pe__set_graph_flags(changed, first, pe_graph_updated_then); } } } else { pe_action_t *first_action = NULL; pe_action_t *then_action = NULL; enum action_tasks task = clone_child_action(first); const char *first_task = task2text(task); pe__bundle_replica_t *first_replica = NULL; pe__bundle_replica_t *then_replica = NULL; first_replica = replica_for_container(first->rsc, first_child, node); if (strstr(first->task, "stop") && first_replica && first_replica->child) { /* Except for 'stopped' we should be looking at the * in-container resource, actions for the child will * happen later and are therefor more likely to align * with the user's intent. */ first_action = find_first_action(first_replica->child->actions, NULL, task2text(task), node); } else { first_action = find_first_action(first_child->actions, NULL, task2text(task), node); } then_replica = replica_for_container(then->rsc, then_child, node); if (strstr(then->task, "mote") && then_replica && then_replica->child) { /* Promote/demote actions will never be found for the * container resource, look in the child instead * * Alternatively treat: * 'XXXX then promote YYYY' as 'XXXX then start container for YYYY', and * 'demote XXXX then stop YYYY' as 'stop container for XXXX then stop YYYY' */ then_action = find_first_action(then_replica->child->actions, NULL, then->task, node); } else { then_action = find_first_action(then_child->actions, NULL, then->task, node); } if (first_action == NULL) { if (!pcmk_is_set(first_child->flags, pe_rsc_orphan) && !pcmk__str_any_of(first_task, RSC_STOP, RSC_DEMOTE, NULL)) { crm_err("Internal error: No action found for %s in %s (first)", first_task, first_child->id); } else { crm_trace("No action found for %s in %s%s (first)", first_task, first_child->id, pcmk_is_set(first_child->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)? " (ORPHAN)" : ""); } continue; } /* We're only interested if 'then' is neither stopping nor being demoted */ if (then_action == NULL) { if (!pcmk_is_set(then_child->flags, pe_rsc_orphan) && !pcmk__str_any_of(then->task, RSC_STOP, RSC_DEMOTE, NULL)) { crm_err("Internal error: No action found for %s in %s (then)", then->task, then_child->id); } else { crm_trace("No action found for %s in %s%s (then)", then->task, then_child->id, pcmk_is_set(then_child->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)? " (ORPHAN)" : ""); } continue; } if (order_actions(first_action, then_action, type)) { crm_debug("Created constraint for %s (%d) -> %s (%d) %.6x", first_action->uuid, pcmk_is_set(first_action->flags, pe_action_optional), then_action->uuid, pcmk_is_set(then_action->flags, pe_action_optional), type); pe__set_graph_flags(changed, first, pe_graph_updated_first|pe_graph_updated_then); } if(first_action && then_action) { changed |= then_child->cmds->update_actions(first_action, then_action, node, first_child->cmds->action_flags(first_action, node), filter, type, data_set); } else { crm_err("Nothing found either for %s (%p) or %s (%p) %s", first_child->id, first_action, then_child->id, then_action, task2text(task)); } } } if(children != then->rsc->children) { g_list_free(children); } return changed; } static bool can_interleave_actions(pe_action_t *first, pe_action_t *then) { bool interleave = FALSE; pe_resource_t *rsc = NULL; const char *interleave_s = NULL; if(first->rsc == NULL || then->rsc == NULL) { crm_trace("Not interleaving %s with %s (both must be resources)", first->uuid, then->uuid); return FALSE; } else if(first->rsc == then->rsc) { crm_trace("Not interleaving %s with %s (must belong to different resources)", first->uuid, then->uuid); return FALSE; } else if(first->rsc->variant < pe_clone || then->rsc->variant < pe_clone) { crm_trace("Not interleaving %s with %s (both sides must be clones or bundles)", first->uuid, then->uuid); return FALSE; } if (pcmk__ends_with(then->uuid, "_stop_0") || pcmk__ends_with(then->uuid, "_demote_0")) { rsc = first->rsc; } else { rsc = then->rsc; } interleave_s = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INTERLEAVE); interleave = crm_is_true(interleave_s); crm_trace("Interleave %s -> %s: %s (based on %s)", first->uuid, then->uuid, interleave ? "yes" : "no", rsc->id); return interleave; } enum pe_graph_flags pcmk__multi_update_actions(pe_action_t *first, pe_action_t *then, pe_node_t *node, enum pe_action_flags flags, enum pe_action_flags filter, enum pe_ordering type, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { enum pe_graph_flags changed = pe_graph_none; crm_trace("%s -> %s", first->uuid, then->uuid); if(can_interleave_actions(first, then)) { changed = multi_update_interleave_actions(first, then, node, flags, filter, type, data_set); } else if(then->rsc) { GList *gIter = NULL; GList *children = NULL; // Handle the 'primitive' ordering case changed |= native_update_actions(first, then, node, flags, filter, type, data_set); // Now any children (or containers in the case of a bundle) children = get_containers_or_children(then->rsc); for (gIter = children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *then_child = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; enum pe_graph_flags then_child_changed = pe_graph_none; pe_action_t *then_child_action = find_first_action(then_child->actions, NULL, then->task, node); if (then_child_action) { enum pe_action_flags then_child_flags = then_child->cmds->action_flags(then_child_action, node); if (pcmk_is_set(then_child_flags, pe_action_runnable)) { then_child_changed |= then_child->cmds->update_actions(first, then_child_action, node, flags, filter, type, data_set); } changed |= then_child_changed; if (then_child_changed & pe_graph_updated_then) { for (GList *lpc = then_child_action->actions_after; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { pe_action_wrapper_t *next = (pe_action_wrapper_t *) lpc->data; pcmk__update_action_for_orderings(next->action, data_set); } } } } if(children != then->rsc->children) { g_list_free(children); } } return changed; } void pcmk__bundle_rsc_location(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe__location_t *constraint) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); pcmk__apply_location(constraint, rsc); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; if (replica->container) { replica->container->cmds->rsc_location(replica->container, constraint); } if (replica->ip) { replica->ip->cmds->rsc_location(replica->ip, constraint); } } if (bundle_data->child && ((constraint->role_filter == RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED) || (constraint->role_filter == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED))) { bundle_data->child->cmds->rsc_location(bundle_data->child, constraint); bundle_data->child->rsc_location = g_list_prepend(bundle_data->child->rsc_location, constraint); } } void pcmk__bundle_expand(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); if (bundle_data->child) { bundle_data->child->cmds->expand(bundle_data->child, data_set); } for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; CRM_ASSERT(replica); if (replica->remote && replica->container && pe__bundle_needs_remote_name(replica->remote, data_set)) { /* REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK: Allow remote nodes to run containers that * run pacemaker-remoted inside, without needing a separate IP for * the container. This is done by configuring the inner remote's * connection host as the magic string "#uname", then * replacing it with the underlying host when needed. */ xmlNode *nvpair = get_xpath_object("//nvpair[@name='" XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_RA_ADDR "']", replica->remote->xml, LOG_ERR); const char *calculated_addr = NULL; // Replace the value in replica->remote->xml (if appropriate) calculated_addr = pe__add_bundle_remote_name(replica->remote, data_set, nvpair, "value"); if (calculated_addr) { /* Since this is for the bundle as a resource, and not any * particular action, replace the value in the default * parameters (not evaluated for node). create_graph_action() * will grab it from there to replace it in node-evaluated * parameters. */ GHashTable *params = pe_rsc_params(replica->remote, NULL, data_set); crm_trace("Set address for bundle connection %s to bundle host %s", replica->remote->id, calculated_addr); g_hash_table_replace(params, strdup(XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_RA_ADDR), strdup(calculated_addr)); } else { /* The only way to get here is if the remote connection is * neither currently running nor scheduled to run. That means we * won't be doing any operations that require addr (only start * requires it; we additionally use it to compare digests when * unpacking status, promote, and migrate_from history, but * that's already happened by this point). */ crm_info("Unable to determine address for bundle %s remote connection", rsc->id); } } if (replica->ip) { replica->ip->cmds->expand(replica->ip, data_set); } if (replica->container) { replica->container->cmds->expand(replica->container, data_set); } if (replica->remote) { replica->remote->cmds->expand(replica->remote, data_set); } } } gboolean pcmk__bundle_create_probe(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, pe_action_t *complete, gboolean force, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { bool any_created = FALSE; pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; CRM_ASSERT(replica); if (replica->ip) { any_created |= replica->ip->cmds->create_probe(replica->ip, node, complete, force, data_set); } if (replica->child && (node->details == replica->node->details)) { any_created |= replica->child->cmds->create_probe(replica->child, node, complete, force, data_set); } if (replica->container) { bool created = replica->container->cmds->create_probe(replica->container, node, complete, force, data_set); if(created) { any_created = TRUE; /* If we're limited to one replica per host (due to * the lack of an IP range probably), then we don't * want any of our peer containers starting until * we've established that no other copies are already * running. * * Partly this is to ensure that nreplicas_per_host is * observed, but also to ensure that the containers * don't fail to start because the necessary port * mappings (which won't include an IP for uniqueness) * are already taken */ for (GList *tIter = bundle_data->replicas; tIter && (bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host == 1); tIter = tIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *other = tIter->data; if ((other != replica) && (other != NULL) && (other->container != NULL)) { pcmk__new_ordering(replica->container, pcmk__op_key(replica->container->id, RSC_STATUS, 0), NULL, other->container, pcmk__op_key(other->container->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional|pe_order_same_node, data_set); } } } } if (replica->container && replica->remote && replica->remote->cmds->create_probe(replica->remote, node, complete, force, data_set)) { /* Do not probe the remote resource until we know where the * container is running. This is required for REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK * to correctly probe remote resources. */ char *probe_uuid = pcmk__op_key(replica->remote->id, RSC_STATUS, 0); pe_action_t *probe = find_first_action(replica->remote->actions, probe_uuid, NULL, node); free(probe_uuid); if (probe) { any_created = TRUE; crm_trace("Ordering %s probe on %s", replica->remote->id, node->details->uname); pcmk__new_ordering(replica->container, pcmk__op_key(replica->container->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, replica->remote, NULL, probe, pe_order_probe, data_set); } } } return any_created; } void pcmk__bundle_append_meta(pe_resource_t *rsc, xmlNode *xml) { } void pcmk__output_bundle_actions(pe_resource_t *rsc) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return); get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data; CRM_ASSERT(replica); if (replica->ip != NULL) { replica->ip->cmds->output_actions(replica->ip); } if (replica->container != NULL) { replica->container->cmds->output_actions(replica->container); } if (replica->remote != NULL) { replica->remote->cmds->output_actions(replica->remote); } if (replica->child != NULL) { replica->child->cmds->output_actions(replica->child); } } } // Bundle implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:add_utilization() void pcmk__bundle_add_utilization(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization) { pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL; pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = NULL; if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return; } get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc); if (bundle_data->replicas == NULL) { return; } /* All bundle replicas are identical, so using the utilization of the first * is sufficient for any. Only the implicit container resource can have * utilization values. */ replica = (pe__bundle_replica_t *) bundle_data->replicas->data; if (replica->container != NULL) { replica->container->cmds->add_utilization(replica->container, orig_rsc, all_rscs, utilization); } } // Bundle implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:shutdown_lock() void pcmk__bundle_shutdown_lock(pe_resource_t *rsc) { return; // Bundles currently don't support shutdown locks } diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c index bbeb78f930..1c336ac7cf 100644 --- a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c +++ b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c @@ -1,1182 +1,1193 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include "libpacemaker_private.h" #define VARIANT_CLONE 1 #include static void append_parent_colocation(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_resource_t * child, gboolean all); static pe_node_t * can_run_instance(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * node, int limit) { pe_node_t *local_node = NULL; if (node == NULL && rsc->allowed_nodes) { GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&local_node)) { can_run_instance(rsc, local_node, limit); } return NULL; } if (!node) { /* make clang analyzer happy */ goto bail; } else if (!pcmk__node_available(node, false, false)) { goto bail; } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { goto bail; } local_node = pcmk__top_allowed_node(rsc, node); if (local_node == NULL) { crm_warn("%s cannot run on %s: node not allowed", rsc->id, node->details->uname); goto bail; } else if (local_node->weight < 0) { common_update_score(rsc, node->details->id, local_node->weight); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s cannot run on %s: Parent node weight doesn't allow it.", rsc->id, node->details->uname); } else if (local_node->count < limit) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s can run on %s (already running %d)", rsc->id, node->details->uname, local_node->count); return local_node; } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s cannot run on %s: node full (%d >= %d)", rsc->id, node->details->uname, local_node->count, limit); } bail: if (node) { common_update_score(rsc, node->details->id, -INFINITY); } return NULL; } static pe_node_t * allocate_instance(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *prefer, gboolean all_coloc, int limit, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { pe_node_t *chosen = NULL; GHashTable *backup = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Checking allocation of %s (preferring %s, using %s parent colocations)", rsc->id, (prefer? prefer->details->uname: "none"), (all_coloc? "all" : "some")); if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return rsc->fns->location(rsc, NULL, FALSE); } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Dependency loop detected involving %s", rsc->id); return NULL; } /* Only include positive colocation preferences of dependent resources * if not every node will get a copy of the clone */ append_parent_colocation(rsc->parent, rsc, all_coloc); if (prefer) { pe_node_t *local_prefer = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, prefer->details->id); if (local_prefer == NULL || local_prefer->weight < 0) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Not pre-allocating %s to %s - unavailable", rsc->id, prefer->details->uname); return NULL; } } can_run_instance(rsc, NULL, limit); backup = pcmk__copy_node_table(rsc->allowed_nodes); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating instance %s", rsc->id); chosen = rsc->cmds->allocate(rsc, prefer, data_set); if (chosen && prefer && (chosen->details != prefer->details)) { crm_info("Not pre-allocating %s to %s because %s is better", rsc->id, prefer->details->uname, chosen->details->uname); g_hash_table_destroy(rsc->allowed_nodes); rsc->allowed_nodes = backup; pcmk__unassign_resource(rsc); chosen = NULL; backup = NULL; } if (chosen) { pe_node_t *local_node = pcmk__top_allowed_node(rsc, chosen); if (local_node) { local_node->count++; } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { /* what to do? we can't enforce per-node limits in this case */ pcmk__config_err("%s not found in %s (list of %d)", chosen->details->id, rsc->parent->id, g_hash_table_size(rsc->parent->allowed_nodes)); } } if(backup) { g_hash_table_destroy(backup); } return chosen; } static void append_parent_colocation(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_resource_t * child, gboolean all) { GList *gIter = NULL; gIter = rsc->rsc_cons; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *cons = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; if (all || cons->score < 0 || cons->score == INFINITY) { child->rsc_cons = g_list_prepend(child->rsc_cons, cons); } } gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *cons = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; if (!pcmk__colocation_has_influence(cons, child)) { continue; } if (all || cons->score < 0) { child->rsc_cons_lhs = g_list_prepend(child->rsc_cons_lhs, cons); } } } void distribute_children(pe_resource_t *rsc, GList *children, GList *nodes, int max, int per_host_max, pe_working_set_t * data_set); void distribute_children(pe_resource_t *rsc, GList *children, GList *nodes, int max, int per_host_max, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { int loop_max = 0; int allocated = 0; int available_nodes = 0; bool all_coloc = false; /* count now tracks the number of clones currently allocated */ for(GList *nIter = nodes; nIter != NULL; nIter = nIter->next) { pe_node_t *node = nIter->data; node->count = 0; if (pcmk__node_available(node, false, false)) { available_nodes++; } } all_coloc = (max < available_nodes) ? true : false; if(available_nodes) { loop_max = max / available_nodes; } if (loop_max < 1) { loop_max = 1; } pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Allocating up to %d %s instances to a possible %d nodes (at most %d per host, %d optimal)", max, rsc->id, available_nodes, per_host_max, loop_max); /* Pre-allocate as many instances as we can to their current location */ for (GList *gIter = children; gIter != NULL && allocated < max; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; pe_node_t *child_node = NULL; pe_node_t *local_node = NULL; if ((child->running_on == NULL) || !pcmk_is_set(child->flags, pe_rsc_provisional) || pcmk_is_set(child->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { continue; } child_node = pe__current_node(child); local_node = pcmk__top_allowed_node(child, child_node); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Checking pre-allocation of %s to %s (%d remaining of %d)", child->id, child_node->details->uname, max - allocated, max); if (!pcmk__node_available(child_node, true, false)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Not pre-allocating because %s can not run %s", child_node->details->uname, child->id); continue; } if ((local_node != NULL) && (local_node->count >= loop_max)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Not pre-allocating because %s already allocated " "optimal instances", child_node->details->uname); continue; } if (allocate_instance(child, child_node, all_coloc, per_host_max, data_set)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Pre-allocated %s to %s", child->id, child_node->details->uname); allocated++; } } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Done pre-allocating (%d of %d)", allocated, max); for (GList *gIter = children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; if (child->running_on != NULL) { pe_node_t *child_node = pe__current_node(child); pe_node_t *local_node = pcmk__top_allowed_node(child, child_node); if (local_node == NULL) { crm_err("%s is running on %s which isn't allowed", child->id, child_node->details->uname); } } if (!pcmk_is_set(child->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { } else if (allocated >= max) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Child %s not allocated - limit reached %d %d", child->id, allocated, max); resource_location(child, NULL, -INFINITY, "clone:limit_reached", data_set); } else { if (allocate_instance(child, NULL, all_coloc, per_host_max, data_set)) { allocated++; } } } pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Allocated %d %s instances of a possible %d", allocated, rsc->id, max); } pe_node_t * pcmk__clone_allocate(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *prefer, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *nodes = NULL; clone_variant_data_t *clone_data = NULL; get_clone_variant_data(clone_data, rsc); if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return NULL; } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Dependency loop detected involving %s", rsc->id); return NULL; } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__add_promotion_scores(rsc); } pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_allocating); /* This information is used by pcmk__cmp_instance() when deciding the order * in which to assign clone instances to nodes. */ for (GList *gIter = rsc->rsc_cons; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Allocating %s first", rsc->id, constraint->primary->id); constraint->primary->cmds->allocate(constraint->primary, prefer, data_set); } for (GList *gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; if (pcmk__colocation_has_influence(constraint, NULL)) { - pcmk__apply_colocation(constraint, rsc, constraint->dependent, - pe_weights_rollback|pe_weights_positive); + pe_resource_t *dependent = constraint->dependent; + const char *attr = constraint->node_attribute; + const float factor = constraint->score / (float) INFINITY; + const uint32_t flags = pcmk__coloc_select_active + |pcmk__coloc_select_nonnegative; + + dependent->cmds->add_colocated_node_scores(dependent, rsc->id, + &rsc->allowed_nodes, + attr, factor, flags); } } pe__show_node_weights(!pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_show_scores), rsc, __func__, rsc->allowed_nodes, data_set); nodes = g_hash_table_get_values(rsc->allowed_nodes); nodes = pcmk__sort_nodes(nodes, NULL, data_set); rsc->children = g_list_sort(rsc->children, pcmk__cmp_instance); distribute_children(rsc, rsc->children, nodes, clone_data->clone_max, clone_data->clone_node_max, data_set); g_list_free(nodes); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__set_instance_roles(rsc); } pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_provisional|pe_rsc_allocating); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Done allocating %s", rsc->id); return NULL; } static void clone_update_pseudo_status(pe_resource_t * rsc, gboolean * stopping, gboolean * starting, gboolean * active) { GList *gIter = NULL; if (rsc->children) { gIter = rsc->children; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; clone_update_pseudo_status(child, stopping, starting, active); } return; } CRM_ASSERT(active != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(starting != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(stopping != NULL); if (rsc->running_on) { *active = TRUE; } gIter = rsc->actions; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *action = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data; if (*starting && *stopping) { return; } else if (pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping optional: %s", action->uuid); continue; } else if (!pcmk_any_flags_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo|pe_action_runnable)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping unrunnable: %s", action->uuid); continue; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(RSC_STOP, action->task, pcmk__str_casei)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Stopping due to: %s", action->uuid); *stopping = TRUE; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(RSC_START, action->task, pcmk__str_casei)) { if (!pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping pseudo-op: %s run=%d, pseudo=%d", action->uuid, pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable), pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)); } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Starting due to: %s", action->uuid); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s run=%d, pseudo=%d", action->uuid, pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable), pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)); *starting = TRUE; } } } } static pe_action_t * find_rsc_action(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *task) { pe_action_t *match = NULL; GList *actions = pe__resource_actions(rsc, NULL, task, FALSE); for (GList *item = actions; item != NULL; item = item->next) { pe_action_t *op = (pe_action_t *) item->data; if (!pcmk_is_set(op->flags, pe_action_optional)) { if (match != NULL) { // More than one match, don't return any match = NULL; break; } match = op; } } g_list_free(actions); return match; } static void child_ordering_constraints(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { pe_action_t *stop = NULL; pe_action_t *start = NULL; pe_action_t *last_stop = NULL; pe_action_t *last_start = NULL; GList *gIter = NULL; if (!pe__clone_is_ordered(rsc)) { return; } /* we have to maintain a consistent sorted child list when building order constraints */ rsc->children = g_list_sort(rsc->children, pcmk__cmp_instance_number); for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; stop = find_rsc_action(child, RSC_STOP); if (stop) { if (last_stop) { /* child/child relative stop */ order_actions(stop, last_stop, pe_order_optional); } last_stop = stop; } start = find_rsc_action(child, RSC_START); if (start) { if (last_start) { /* child/child relative start */ order_actions(last_start, start, pe_order_optional); } last_start = start; } } } void clone_create_actions(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { clone_variant_data_t *clone_data = NULL; get_clone_variant_data(clone_data, rsc); pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Creating actions for clone %s", rsc->id); clone_create_pseudo_actions(rsc, rsc->children, &clone_data->start_notify, &clone_data->stop_notify,data_set); child_ordering_constraints(rsc, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__create_promotable_actions(rsc); } } void clone_create_pseudo_actions( pe_resource_t * rsc, GList *children, notify_data_t **start_notify, notify_data_t **stop_notify, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { gboolean child_active = FALSE; gboolean child_starting = FALSE; gboolean child_stopping = FALSE; gboolean allow_dependent_migrations = TRUE; pe_action_t *stop = NULL; pe_action_t *stopped = NULL; pe_action_t *start = NULL; pe_action_t *started = NULL; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating actions for %s", rsc->id); for (GList *gIter = children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; gboolean starting = FALSE; gboolean stopping = FALSE; child_rsc->cmds->create_actions(child_rsc, data_set); clone_update_pseudo_status(child_rsc, &stopping, &starting, &child_active); if (stopping && starting) { allow_dependent_migrations = FALSE; } child_stopping |= stopping; child_starting |= starting; } /* start */ start = pe__new_rsc_pseudo_action(rsc, RSC_START, !child_starting, true); started = pe__new_rsc_pseudo_action(rsc, RSC_STARTED, !child_starting, false); started->priority = INFINITY; if (child_active || child_starting) { pe__set_action_flags(started, pe_action_runnable); } if (start_notify != NULL && *start_notify == NULL) { *start_notify = pe__clone_notif_pseudo_ops(rsc, RSC_START, start, started); } /* stop */ stop = pe__new_rsc_pseudo_action(rsc, RSC_STOP, !child_stopping, true); stopped = pe__new_rsc_pseudo_action(rsc, RSC_STOPPED, !child_stopping, true); stopped->priority = INFINITY; if (allow_dependent_migrations) { pe__set_action_flags(stop, pe_action_migrate_runnable); } if (stop_notify != NULL && *stop_notify == NULL) { *stop_notify = pe__clone_notif_pseudo_ops(rsc, RSC_STOP, stop, stopped); if (start_notify && *start_notify && *stop_notify) { order_actions((*stop_notify)->post_done, (*start_notify)->pre, pe_order_optional); } } } void clone_internal_constraints(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { pe_resource_t *last_rsc = NULL; GList *gIter; bool ordered = pe__clone_is_ordered(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Internal constraints for %s", rsc->id); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_STOPPED, rsc, RSC_START, pe_order_optional, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_START, rsc, RSC_STARTED, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_STOPPED, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_DEMOTED, rsc, RSC_STOP, pe_order_optional, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_STARTED, rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } if (ordered) { /* we have to maintain a consistent sorted child list when building order constraints */ rsc->children = g_list_sort(rsc->children, pcmk__cmp_instance_number); } for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; child_rsc->cmds->internal_constraints(child_rsc, data_set); pcmk__order_starts(rsc, child_rsc, pe_order_runnable_left|pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(child_rsc, RSC_START, rsc, RSC_STARTED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); if (ordered && (last_rsc != NULL)) { pcmk__order_starts(last_rsc, child_rsc, pe_order_optional, data_set); } pcmk__order_stops(rsc, child_rsc, pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(child_rsc, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_STOPPED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, data_set); if (ordered && (last_rsc != NULL)) { pcmk__order_stops(child_rsc, last_rsc, pe_order_optional, data_set); } last_rsc = child_rsc; } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__order_promotable_instances(rsc); } } gboolean is_child_compatible(pe_resource_t *child_rsc, pe_node_t * local_node, enum rsc_role_e filter, gboolean current) { pe_node_t *node = NULL; enum rsc_role_e next_role = child_rsc->fns->state(child_rsc, current); CRM_CHECK(child_rsc && local_node, return FALSE); if (is_set_recursive(child_rsc, pe_rsc_block, TRUE) == FALSE) { /* We only want instances that haven't failed */ node = child_rsc->fns->location(child_rsc, NULL, current); } if (filter != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && next_role != filter) { crm_trace("Filtered %s", child_rsc->id); return FALSE; } if (node && (node->details == local_node->details)) { return TRUE; } else if (node) { crm_trace("%s - %s vs %s", child_rsc->id, node->details->uname, local_node->details->uname); } else { crm_trace("%s - not allocated %d", child_rsc->id, current); } return FALSE; } pe_resource_t * find_compatible_child(pe_resource_t *local_child, pe_resource_t *rsc, enum rsc_role_e filter, gboolean current, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { pe_resource_t *pair = NULL; GList *gIter = NULL; GList *scratch = NULL; pe_node_t *local_node = NULL; local_node = local_child->fns->location(local_child, NULL, current); if (local_node) { return find_compatible_child_by_node(local_child, local_node, rsc, filter, current); } scratch = g_hash_table_get_values(local_child->allowed_nodes); scratch = pcmk__sort_nodes(scratch, NULL, data_set); gIter = scratch; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_node_t *node = (pe_node_t *) gIter->data; pair = find_compatible_child_by_node(local_child, node, rsc, filter, current); if (pair) { goto done; } } pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Can't pair %s with %s", local_child->id, rsc->id); done: g_list_free(scratch); return pair; } +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Apply a colocation's score to node weights or resource priority + * + * Given a colocation constraint, apply its score to the dependent's + * allowed node weights (if we are still placing resources) or priority (if + * we are choosing promotable clone instance roles). + * + * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in colocation + * \param[in] primary Primary resource in colocation + * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint to apply + * \param[in] for_dependent true if called on behalf of dependent + */ void -clone_rsc_colocation_lh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set) -{ - /* -- Never called -- - * - * Instead we add the colocation constraints to the child and call from there - */ - CRM_ASSERT(FALSE); -} - -void -clone_rsc_colocation_rh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set) +pcmk__clone_apply_coloc_score(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, + pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, + bool for_dependent) { GList *gIter = NULL; gboolean do_interleave = FALSE; const char *interleave_s = NULL; - CRM_CHECK(constraint != NULL, return); - CRM_CHECK(dependent != NULL, - pe_err("dependent was NULL for %s", constraint->id); return); - CRM_CHECK(primary != NULL, - pe_err("primary was NULL for %s", constraint->id); return); + /* This should never be called for the clone itself as a dependent. Instead, + * we add its colocation constraints to its instances and call the + * apply_coloc_score() for the instances as dependents. + */ + CRM_ASSERT(!for_dependent); + + CRM_CHECK((colocation != NULL) && (dependent != NULL) && (primary != NULL), + return); CRM_CHECK(dependent->variant == pe_native, return); pe_rsc_trace(primary, "Processing constraint %s: %s -> %s %d", - constraint->id, dependent->id, primary->id, constraint->score); + colocation->id, dependent->id, primary->id, colocation->score); if (pcmk_is_set(primary->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { if (pcmk_is_set(primary->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { // We haven't placed the primary yet, so we can't apply colocation pe_rsc_trace(primary, "%s is still provisional", primary->id); return; - } else if (constraint->primary_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { + } else if (colocation->primary_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { // This isn't a role-specfic colocation, so handle normally pe_rsc_trace(primary, "Handling %s as a clone colocation", - constraint->id); + colocation->id); } else if (pcmk_is_set(dependent->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { // We're placing the dependent pcmk__update_dependent_with_promotable(primary, dependent, - constraint); + colocation); return; - } else if (constraint->dependent_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { + } else if (colocation->dependent_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { // We're choosing roles for the dependent pcmk__update_promotable_dependent_priority(primary, dependent, - constraint); + colocation); return; } } - /* only the LHS side needs to be labeled as interleave */ - interleave_s = g_hash_table_lookup(constraint->dependent->meta, + // Only the dependent needs to be marked for interleave + interleave_s = g_hash_table_lookup(colocation->dependent->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INTERLEAVE); if (crm_is_true(interleave_s) - && (constraint->dependent->variant > pe_group)) { + && (colocation->dependent->variant > pe_group)) { /* @TODO Do we actually care about multiple primary copies sharing a * dependent copy anymore? */ - if (copies_per_node(constraint->dependent) != copies_per_node(constraint->primary)) { + if (copies_per_node(colocation->dependent) != copies_per_node(colocation->primary)) { pcmk__config_err("Cannot interleave %s and %s because they do not " "support the same number of instances per node", - constraint->dependent->id, - constraint->primary->id); + colocation->dependent->id, + colocation->primary->id); } else { do_interleave = TRUE; } } if (pcmk_is_set(primary->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { pe_rsc_trace(primary, "%s is still provisional", primary->id); return; } else if (do_interleave) { pe_resource_t *primary_instance = NULL; primary_instance = find_compatible_child(dependent, primary, RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN, FALSE, - data_set); + dependent->cluster); if (primary_instance != NULL) { pe_rsc_debug(primary, "Pairing %s with %s", dependent->id, primary_instance->id); - dependent->cmds->rsc_colocation_lh(dependent, primary_instance, - constraint, data_set); + dependent->cmds->apply_coloc_score(dependent, primary_instance, + colocation, true); - } else if (constraint->score >= INFINITY) { + } else if (colocation->score >= INFINITY) { crm_notice("Cannot pair %s with instance of %s", dependent->id, primary->id); pcmk__assign_resource(dependent, NULL, true); } else { pe_rsc_debug(primary, "Cannot pair %s with instance of %s", dependent->id, primary->id); } return; - } else if (constraint->score >= INFINITY) { + } else if (colocation->score >= INFINITY) { GList *affected_nodes = NULL; gIter = primary->children; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; pe_node_t *chosen = child_rsc->fns->location(child_rsc, NULL, FALSE); if (chosen != NULL && is_set_recursive(child_rsc, pe_rsc_block, TRUE) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(primary, "Allowing %s: %s %d", - constraint->id, chosen->details->uname, + colocation->id, chosen->details->uname, chosen->weight); affected_nodes = g_list_prepend(affected_nodes, chosen); } } node_list_exclude(dependent->allowed_nodes, affected_nodes, FALSE); g_list_free(affected_nodes); return; } gIter = primary->children; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; - child_rsc->cmds->rsc_colocation_rh(dependent, child_rsc, constraint, - data_set); + child_rsc->cmds->apply_coloc_score(dependent, child_rsc, colocation, + false); } } enum action_tasks clone_child_action(pe_action_t * action) { enum action_tasks result = no_action; pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) action->rsc->children->data; if (pcmk__strcase_any_of(action->task, "notify", "notified", NULL)) { /* Find the action we're notifying about instead */ int stop = 0; char *key = action->uuid; int lpc = strlen(key); for (; lpc > 0; lpc--) { if (key[lpc] == '_' && stop == 0) { stop = lpc; } else if (key[lpc] == '_') { char *task_mutable = NULL; lpc++; task_mutable = strdup(key + lpc); task_mutable[stop - lpc] = 0; crm_trace("Extracted action '%s' from '%s'", task_mutable, key); result = get_complex_task(child, task_mutable, TRUE); free(task_mutable); break; } } } else { result = get_complex_task(child, action->task, TRUE); } return result; } #define pe__clear_action_summary_flags(flags, action, flag) do { \ flags = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, LOG_TRACE, \ "Action summary", action->rsc->id, \ flags, flag, #flag); \ } while (0) enum pe_action_flags summary_action_flags(pe_action_t * action, GList *children, pe_node_t * node) { GList *gIter = NULL; gboolean any_runnable = FALSE; gboolean check_runnable = TRUE; enum action_tasks task = clone_child_action(action); enum pe_action_flags flags = (pe_action_optional | pe_action_runnable | pe_action_pseudo); const char *task_s = task2text(task); for (gIter = children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *child_action = NULL; pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; child_action = find_first_action(child->actions, NULL, task_s, child->children ? NULL : node); pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Checking for %s in %s on %s (%s)", task_s, child->id, node ? node->details->uname : "none", child_action?child_action->uuid:"NA"); if (child_action) { enum pe_action_flags child_flags = child->cmds->action_flags(child_action, node); if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_action_optional) && !pcmk_is_set(child_flags, pe_action_optional)) { pe_rsc_trace(child, "%s is mandatory because of %s", action->uuid, child_action->uuid); pe__clear_action_summary_flags(flags, action, pe_action_optional); pe__clear_action_flags(action, pe_action_optional); } if (pcmk_is_set(child_flags, pe_action_runnable)) { any_runnable = TRUE; } } } if (check_runnable && any_runnable == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "%s is not runnable because no children are", action->uuid); pe__clear_action_summary_flags(flags, action, pe_action_runnable); if (node == NULL) { pe__clear_action_flags(action, pe_action_runnable); } } return flags; } enum pe_action_flags clone_action_flags(pe_action_t * action, pe_node_t * node) { return summary_action_flags(action, action->rsc->children, node); } void clone_rsc_location(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe__location_t *constraint) { GList *gIter = rsc->children; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing location constraint %s for %s", constraint->id, rsc->id); pcmk__apply_location(constraint, rsc); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; child_rsc->cmds->rsc_location(child_rsc, constraint); } } void clone_expand(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GList *gIter = NULL; clone_variant_data_t *clone_data = NULL; get_clone_variant_data(clone_data, rsc); g_list_foreach(rsc->actions, (GFunc) rsc->cmds->action_flags, NULL); pe__create_notifications(rsc, clone_data->start_notify); pe__create_notifications(rsc, clone_data->stop_notify); pe__create_notifications(rsc, clone_data->promote_notify); pe__create_notifications(rsc, clone_data->demote_notify); /* Now that the notifcations have been created we can expand the children */ gIter = rsc->children; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; child_rsc->cmds->expand(child_rsc, data_set); } native_expand(rsc, data_set); /* The notifications are in the graph now, we can destroy the notify_data */ pe__free_notification_data(clone_data->demote_notify); clone_data->demote_notify = NULL; pe__free_notification_data(clone_data->stop_notify); clone_data->stop_notify = NULL; pe__free_notification_data(clone_data->start_notify); clone_data->start_notify = NULL; pe__free_notification_data(clone_data->promote_notify); clone_data->promote_notify = NULL; } // Check whether a resource or any of its children is known on node static bool rsc_known_on(const pe_resource_t *rsc, const pe_node_t *node) { if (rsc->children) { for (GList *child_iter = rsc->children; child_iter != NULL; child_iter = child_iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) child_iter->data; if (rsc_known_on(child, node)) { return TRUE; } } } else if (rsc->known_on) { GHashTableIter iter; pe_node_t *known_node = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->known_on); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &known_node)) { if (node->details == known_node->details) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } // Look for an instance of clone that is known on node static pe_resource_t * find_instance_on(const pe_resource_t *clone, const pe_node_t *node) { for (GList *gIter = clone->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; if (rsc_known_on(child, node)) { return child; } } return NULL; } // For unique clones, probe each instance separately static gboolean probe_unique_clone(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, pe_action_t *complete, gboolean force, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { gboolean any_created = FALSE; for (GList *child_iter = rsc->children; child_iter != NULL; child_iter = child_iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) child_iter->data; any_created |= child->cmds->create_probe(child, node, complete, force, data_set); } return any_created; } // For anonymous clones, only a single instance needs to be probed static gboolean probe_anonymous_clone(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, pe_action_t *complete, gboolean force, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { // First, check if we probed an instance on this node last time pe_resource_t *child = find_instance_on(rsc, node); // Otherwise, check if we plan to start an instance on this node if (child == NULL) { for (GList *child_iter = rsc->children; child_iter && !child; child_iter = child_iter->next) { pe_node_t *local_node = NULL; pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) child_iter->data; if (child_rsc) { /* make clang analyzer happy */ local_node = child_rsc->fns->location(child_rsc, NULL, FALSE); if (local_node && (local_node->details == node->details)) { child = child_rsc; } } } } // Otherwise, use the first clone instance if (child == NULL) { child = rsc->children->data; } CRM_ASSERT(child); return child->cmds->create_probe(child, node, complete, force, data_set); } gboolean clone_create_probe(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * node, pe_action_t * complete, gboolean force, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { gboolean any_created = FALSE; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); rsc->children = g_list_sort(rsc->children, pcmk__cmp_instance_number); if (rsc->children == NULL) { pe_warn("Clone %s has no children", rsc->id); return FALSE; } if (rsc->exclusive_discover) { pe_node_t *allowed = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id); if (allowed && allowed->rsc_discover_mode != pe_discover_exclusive) { /* exclusive discover is enabled and this node is not marked * as a node this resource should be discovered on * * remove the node from allowed_nodes so that the * notification contains only nodes that we might ever run * on */ g_hash_table_remove(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id); /* Bit of a shortcut - might as well take it */ return FALSE; } } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { any_created = probe_unique_clone(rsc, node, complete, force, data_set); } else { any_created = probe_anonymous_clone(rsc, node, complete, force, data_set); } return any_created; } void clone_append_meta(pe_resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml) { char *name = NULL; clone_variant_data_t *clone_data = NULL; get_clone_variant_data(clone_data, rsc); name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_UNIQUE); crm_xml_add(xml, name, pe__rsc_bool_str(rsc, pe_rsc_unique)); free(name); name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_NOTIFY); crm_xml_add(xml, name, pe__rsc_bool_str(rsc, pe_rsc_notify)); free(name); name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION_MAX); crm_xml_add_int(xml, name, clone_data->clone_max); free(name); name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION_NODEMAX); crm_xml_add_int(xml, name, clone_data->clone_node_max); free(name); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { int promoted_max = pe__clone_promoted_max(rsc); int promoted_node_max = pe__clone_promoted_node_max(rsc); name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_PROMOTED_MAX); crm_xml_add_int(xml, name, promoted_max); free(name); name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_PROMOTED_NODEMAX); crm_xml_add_int(xml, name, promoted_node_max); free(name); /* @COMPAT Maintain backward compatibility with resource agents that * expect the old names (deprecated since 2.0.0). */ name = crm_meta_name(PCMK_XE_PROMOTED_MAX_LEGACY); crm_xml_add_int(xml, name, promoted_max); free(name); name = crm_meta_name(PCMK_XE_PROMOTED_NODE_MAX_LEGACY); crm_xml_add_int(xml, name, promoted_node_max); free(name); } } // Clone implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:add_utilization() void pcmk__clone_add_utilization(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization) { bool existing = false; pe_resource_t *child = NULL; if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return; } // Look for any child already existing in the list for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { child = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; if (g_list_find(all_rscs, child)) { existing = true; // Keep checking remaining children } else { // If this is a clone of a group, look for group's members for (GList *member_iter = child->children; member_iter != NULL; member_iter = member_iter->next) { pe_resource_t *member = (pe_resource_t *) member_iter->data; if (g_list_find(all_rscs, member) != NULL) { // Add *child's* utilization, not group member's child->cmds->add_utilization(child, orig_rsc, all_rscs, utilization); existing = true; break; } } } } if (!existing && (rsc->children != NULL)) { // If nothing was found, still add first child's utilization child = (pe_resource_t *) rsc->children->data; child->cmds->add_utilization(child, orig_rsc, all_rscs, utilization); } } // Clone implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:shutdown_lock() void pcmk__clone_shutdown_lock(pe_resource_t *rsc) { return; // Clones currently don't support shutdown locks } diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_colocation.c b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_colocation.c index bce291ab78..c3f4afce46 100644 --- a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_colocation.c +++ b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_colocation.c @@ -1,1087 +1,1365 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crm/common/util.h" #include "crm/common/xml_internal.h" #include "crm/msg_xml.h" #include "libpacemaker_private.h" #define EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(__set, __rsc, __name) do { \ __rsc = pcmk__find_constraint_resource(data_set->resources, __name); \ if (__rsc == NULL) { \ pcmk__config_err("%s: No resource found for %s", __set, __name); \ return; \ } \ } while(0) +// Used to temporarily mark a node as unusable +#define INFINITY_HACK (INFINITY * -100) + static gint cmp_dependent_priority(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const pcmk__colocation_t *rsc_constraint1 = (const pcmk__colocation_t *) a; const pcmk__colocation_t *rsc_constraint2 = (const pcmk__colocation_t *) b; if (a == NULL) { return 1; } if (b == NULL) { return -1; } CRM_ASSERT(rsc_constraint1->dependent != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(rsc_constraint1->primary != NULL); if (rsc_constraint1->dependent->priority > rsc_constraint2->dependent->priority) { return -1; } if (rsc_constraint1->dependent->priority < rsc_constraint2->dependent->priority) { return 1; } /* Process clones before primitives and groups */ if (rsc_constraint1->dependent->variant > rsc_constraint2->dependent->variant) { return -1; } if (rsc_constraint1->dependent->variant < rsc_constraint2->dependent->variant) { return 1; } /* @COMPAT scheduler <2.0.0: Process promotable clones before nonpromotable * clones (probably unnecessary, but avoids having to update regression * tests) */ if (rsc_constraint1->dependent->variant == pe_clone) { if (pcmk_is_set(rsc_constraint1->dependent->flags, pe_rsc_promotable) && !pcmk_is_set(rsc_constraint2->dependent->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { return -1; } else if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc_constraint1->dependent->flags, pe_rsc_promotable) && pcmk_is_set(rsc_constraint2->dependent->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { return 1; } } return strcmp(rsc_constraint1->dependent->id, rsc_constraint2->dependent->id); } static gint cmp_primary_priority(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const pcmk__colocation_t *rsc_constraint1 = (const pcmk__colocation_t *) a; const pcmk__colocation_t *rsc_constraint2 = (const pcmk__colocation_t *) b; if (a == NULL) { return 1; } if (b == NULL) { return -1; } CRM_ASSERT(rsc_constraint1->dependent != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(rsc_constraint1->primary != NULL); if (rsc_constraint1->primary->priority > rsc_constraint2->primary->priority) { return -1; } if (rsc_constraint1->primary->priority < rsc_constraint2->primary->priority) { return 1; } /* Process clones before primitives and groups */ if (rsc_constraint1->primary->variant > rsc_constraint2->primary->variant) { return -1; } else if (rsc_constraint1->primary->variant < rsc_constraint2->primary->variant) { return 1; } /* @COMPAT scheduler <2.0.0: Process promotable clones before nonpromotable * clones (probably unnecessary, but avoids having to update regression * tests) */ if (rsc_constraint1->primary->variant == pe_clone) { if (pcmk_is_set(rsc_constraint1->primary->flags, pe_rsc_promotable) && !pcmk_is_set(rsc_constraint2->primary->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { return -1; } else if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc_constraint1->primary->flags, pe_rsc_promotable) && pcmk_is_set(rsc_constraint2->primary->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { return 1; } } return strcmp(rsc_constraint1->primary->id, rsc_constraint2->primary->id); } /*! * \internal * \brief Add orderings necessary for an anti-colocation constraint */ static void anti_colocation_order(pe_resource_t *first_rsc, int first_role, pe_resource_t *then_rsc, int then_role, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { const char *first_tasks[] = { NULL, NULL }; const char *then_tasks[] = { NULL, NULL }; /* Actions to make first_rsc lose first_role */ if (first_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { first_tasks[0] = CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE; } else { first_tasks[0] = CRMD_ACTION_STOP; if (first_role == RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED) { first_tasks[1] = CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE; } } /* Actions to make then_rsc gain then_role */ if (then_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { then_tasks[0] = CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE; } else { then_tasks[0] = CRMD_ACTION_START; if (then_role == RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED) { then_tasks[1] = CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE; } } for (int first_lpc = 0; (first_lpc <= 1) && (first_tasks[first_lpc] != NULL); first_lpc++) { for (int then_lpc = 0; (then_lpc <= 1) && (then_tasks[then_lpc] != NULL); then_lpc++) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(first_rsc, first_tasks[first_lpc], then_rsc, then_tasks[then_lpc], pe_order_anti_colocation, data_set); } } } /*! * \internal * \brief Add a new colocation constraint to a cluster working set * * \param[in] id XML ID for this constraint * \param[in] node_attr Colocate by this attribute (or NULL for #uname) * \param[in] score Constraint score * \param[in] dependent Resource to be colocated * \param[in] primary Resource to colocate \p dependent with * \param[in] dependent_role Current role of \p dependent * \param[in] primary_role Current role of \p primary * \param[in] influence Whether colocation constraint has influence * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set to add constraint to */ void pcmk__new_colocation(const char *id, const char *node_attr, int score, pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, const char *dependent_role, const char *primary_role, bool influence, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { pcmk__colocation_t *new_con = NULL; if (score == 0) { crm_trace("Ignoring colocation '%s' because score is 0", id); return; } if ((dependent == NULL) || (primary == NULL)) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring colocation '%s' because resource " "does not exist", id); return; } new_con = calloc(1, sizeof(pcmk__colocation_t)); if (new_con == NULL) { return; } if (pcmk__str_eq(dependent_role, RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S, pcmk__str_null_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) { dependent_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S; } if (pcmk__str_eq(primary_role, RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S, pcmk__str_null_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) { primary_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S; } new_con->id = id; new_con->dependent = dependent; new_con->primary = primary; new_con->score = score; new_con->dependent_role = text2role(dependent_role); new_con->primary_role = text2role(primary_role); new_con->node_attribute = node_attr; new_con->influence = influence; if (node_attr == NULL) { node_attr = CRM_ATTR_UNAME; } pe_rsc_trace(dependent, "%s ==> %s (%s %d)", dependent->id, primary->id, node_attr, score); dependent->rsc_cons = g_list_insert_sorted(dependent->rsc_cons, new_con, cmp_primary_priority); primary->rsc_cons_lhs = g_list_insert_sorted(primary->rsc_cons_lhs, new_con, cmp_dependent_priority); data_set->colocation_constraints = g_list_append(data_set->colocation_constraints, new_con); if (score <= -INFINITY) { anti_colocation_order(dependent, new_con->dependent_role, primary, new_con->primary_role, data_set); anti_colocation_order(primary, new_con->primary_role, dependent, new_con->dependent_role, data_set); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Return the boolean influence corresponding to configuration * * \param[in] coloc_id Colocation XML ID (for error logging) * \param[in] rsc Resource involved in constraint (for default) * \param[in] influence_s String value of influence option * * \return true if string evaluates true, false if string evaluates false, * or value of resource's critical option if string is NULL or invalid */ static bool unpack_influence(const char *coloc_id, const pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *influence_s) { if (influence_s != NULL) { int influence_i = 0; if (crm_str_to_boolean(influence_s, &influence_i) < 0) { pcmk__config_err("Constraint '%s' has invalid value for " XML_COLOC_ATTR_INFLUENCE " (using default)", coloc_id); } else { return (influence_i != 0); } } return pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_critical); } static void unpack_colocation_set(xmlNode *set, int score, const char *coloc_id, const char *influence_s, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { xmlNode *xml_rsc = NULL; pe_resource_t *with = NULL; pe_resource_t *resource = NULL; const char *set_id = ID(set); const char *role = crm_element_value(set, "role"); const char *ordering = crm_element_value(set, "ordering"); int local_score = score; bool sequential = false; const char *score_s = crm_element_value(set, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE); if (score_s) { local_score = char2score(score_s); } if (local_score == 0) { crm_trace("Ignoring colocation '%s' for set '%s' because score is 0", coloc_id, set_id); return; } if (ordering == NULL) { ordering = "group"; } if (pcmk__xe_get_bool_attr(set, "sequential", &sequential) == pcmk_rc_ok && !sequential) { return; } else if ((local_score > 0) && pcmk__str_eq(ordering, "group", pcmk__str_casei)) { for (xml_rsc = first_named_child(set, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); xml_rsc != NULL; xml_rsc = crm_next_same_xml(xml_rsc)) { EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(set_id, resource, ID(xml_rsc)); if (with != NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(resource, "Colocating %s with %s", resource->id, with->id); pcmk__new_colocation(set_id, NULL, local_score, resource, with, role, role, unpack_influence(coloc_id, resource, influence_s), data_set); } with = resource; } } else if (local_score > 0) { pe_resource_t *last = NULL; for (xml_rsc = first_named_child(set, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); xml_rsc != NULL; xml_rsc = crm_next_same_xml(xml_rsc)) { EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(set_id, resource, ID(xml_rsc)); if (last != NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(resource, "Colocating %s with %s", last->id, resource->id); pcmk__new_colocation(set_id, NULL, local_score, last, resource, role, role, unpack_influence(coloc_id, last, influence_s), data_set); } last = resource; } } else { /* Anti-colocating with every prior resource is * the only way to ensure the intuitive result * (i.e. that no one in the set can run with anyone else in the set) */ for (xml_rsc = first_named_child(set, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); xml_rsc != NULL; xml_rsc = crm_next_same_xml(xml_rsc)) { xmlNode *xml_rsc_with = NULL; bool influence = true; EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(set_id, resource, ID(xml_rsc)); influence = unpack_influence(coloc_id, resource, influence_s); for (xml_rsc_with = first_named_child(set, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); xml_rsc_with != NULL; xml_rsc_with = crm_next_same_xml(xml_rsc_with)) { if (pcmk__str_eq(resource->id, ID(xml_rsc_with), pcmk__str_casei)) { break; } EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(set_id, with, ID(xml_rsc_with)); pe_rsc_trace(resource, "Anti-Colocating %s with %s", resource->id, with->id); pcmk__new_colocation(set_id, NULL, local_score, resource, with, role, role, influence, data_set); } } } } static void colocate_rsc_sets(const char *id, xmlNode *set1, xmlNode *set2, int score, const char *influence_s, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { xmlNode *xml_rsc = NULL; pe_resource_t *rsc_1 = NULL; pe_resource_t *rsc_2 = NULL; const char *role_1 = crm_element_value(set1, "role"); const char *role_2 = crm_element_value(set2, "role"); int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; bool sequential = false; if (score == 0) { crm_trace("Ignoring colocation '%s' between sets because score is 0", id); return; } rc = pcmk__xe_get_bool_attr(set1, "sequential", &sequential); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok || sequential) { // Get the first one xml_rsc = first_named_child(set1, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); if (xml_rsc != NULL) { EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(id, rsc_1, ID(xml_rsc)); } } rc = pcmk__xe_get_bool_attr(set2, "sequential", &sequential); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok || sequential) { // Get the last one const char *rid = NULL; for (xml_rsc = first_named_child(set2, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); xml_rsc != NULL; xml_rsc = crm_next_same_xml(xml_rsc)) { rid = ID(xml_rsc); } EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(id, rsc_2, rid); } if ((rsc_1 != NULL) && (rsc_2 != NULL)) { pcmk__new_colocation(id, NULL, score, rsc_1, rsc_2, role_1, role_2, unpack_influence(id, rsc_1, influence_s), data_set); } else if (rsc_1 != NULL) { bool influence = unpack_influence(id, rsc_1, influence_s); for (xml_rsc = first_named_child(set2, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); xml_rsc != NULL; xml_rsc = crm_next_same_xml(xml_rsc)) { EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(id, rsc_2, ID(xml_rsc)); pcmk__new_colocation(id, NULL, score, rsc_1, rsc_2, role_1, role_2, influence, data_set); } } else if (rsc_2 != NULL) { for (xml_rsc = first_named_child(set1, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); xml_rsc != NULL; xml_rsc = crm_next_same_xml(xml_rsc)) { EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(id, rsc_1, ID(xml_rsc)); pcmk__new_colocation(id, NULL, score, rsc_1, rsc_2, role_1, role_2, unpack_influence(id, rsc_1, influence_s), data_set); } } else { for (xml_rsc = first_named_child(set1, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); xml_rsc != NULL; xml_rsc = crm_next_same_xml(xml_rsc)) { xmlNode *xml_rsc_2 = NULL; bool influence = true; EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(id, rsc_1, ID(xml_rsc)); influence = unpack_influence(id, rsc_1, influence_s); for (xml_rsc_2 = first_named_child(set2, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF); xml_rsc_2 != NULL; xml_rsc_2 = crm_next_same_xml(xml_rsc_2)) { EXPAND_CONSTRAINT_IDREF(id, rsc_2, ID(xml_rsc_2)); pcmk__new_colocation(id, NULL, score, rsc_1, rsc_2, role_1, role_2, influence, data_set); } } } } static void unpack_simple_colocation(xmlNode *xml_obj, const char *id, const char *influence_s, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { int score_i = 0; const char *score = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE); const char *dependent_id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE); const char *primary_id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET); const char *dependent_role = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE_ROLE); const char *primary_role = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE); const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_NODE_ATTR); // experimental syntax from pacemaker-next (unlikely to be adopted as-is) const char *dependent_instance = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE_INSTANCE); const char *primary_instance = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET_INSTANCE); pe_resource_t *dependent = pcmk__find_constraint_resource(data_set->resources, dependent_id); pe_resource_t *primary = pcmk__find_constraint_resource(data_set->resources, primary_id); if (dependent == NULL) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring constraint '%s' because resource '%s' " "does not exist", id, dependent_id); return; } else if (primary == NULL) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring constraint '%s' because resource '%s' " "does not exist", id, primary_id); return; } else if ((dependent_instance != NULL) && !pe_rsc_is_clone(dependent)) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring constraint '%s' because resource '%s' " "is not a clone but instance '%s' was requested", id, dependent_id, dependent_instance); return; } else if ((primary_instance != NULL) && !pe_rsc_is_clone(primary)) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring constraint '%s' because resource '%s' " "is not a clone but instance '%s' was requested", id, primary_id, primary_instance); return; } if (dependent_instance != NULL) { dependent = find_clone_instance(dependent, dependent_instance, data_set); if (dependent == NULL) { pcmk__config_warn("Ignoring constraint '%s' because resource '%s' " "does not have an instance '%s'", id, dependent_id, dependent_instance); return; } } if (primary_instance != NULL) { primary = find_clone_instance(primary, primary_instance, data_set); if (primary == NULL) { pcmk__config_warn("Ignoring constraint '%s' because resource '%s' " "does not have an instance '%s'", "'%s'", id, primary_id, primary_instance); return; } } if (pcmk__xe_attr_is_true(xml_obj, XML_CONS_ATTR_SYMMETRICAL)) { pcmk__config_warn("The colocation constraint '" XML_CONS_ATTR_SYMMETRICAL "' attribute has been removed"); } if (score) { score_i = char2score(score); } pcmk__new_colocation(id, attr, score_i, dependent, primary, dependent_role, primary_role, unpack_influence(id, dependent, influence_s), data_set); } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int unpack_colocation_tags(xmlNode *xml_obj, xmlNode **expanded_xml, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { const char *id = NULL; const char *dependent_id = NULL; const char *primary_id = NULL; const char *dependent_role = NULL; const char *primary_role = NULL; pe_resource_t *dependent = NULL; pe_resource_t *primary = NULL; pe_tag_t *dependent_tag = NULL; pe_tag_t *primary_tag = NULL; xmlNode *dependent_set = NULL; xmlNode *primary_set = NULL; bool any_sets = false; *expanded_xml = NULL; CRM_CHECK(xml_obj != NULL, return pcmk_rc_schema_validation); id = ID(xml_obj); if (id == NULL) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring <%s> constraint without " XML_ATTR_ID, crm_element_name(xml_obj)); return pcmk_rc_schema_validation; } // Check whether there are any resource sets with template or tag references *expanded_xml = pcmk__expand_tags_in_sets(xml_obj, data_set); if (*expanded_xml != NULL) { crm_log_xml_trace(*expanded_xml, "Expanded rsc_colocation"); return pcmk_rc_ok; } dependent_id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE); primary_id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET); if ((dependent_id == NULL) || (primary_id == NULL)) { return pcmk_rc_ok; } if (!pcmk__valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, dependent_id, &dependent, &dependent_tag)) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring constraint '%s' because '%s' is not a " "valid resource or tag", id, dependent_id); return pcmk_rc_schema_validation; } if (!pcmk__valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, primary_id, &primary, &primary_tag)) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring constraint '%s' because '%s' is not a " "valid resource or tag", id, primary_id); return pcmk_rc_schema_validation; } if ((dependent != NULL) && (primary != NULL)) { /* Neither side references any template/tag. */ return pcmk_rc_ok; } if ((dependent_tag != NULL) && (primary_tag != NULL)) { // A colocation constraint between two templates/tags makes no sense pcmk__config_err("Ignoring constraint '%s' because two templates or " "tags cannot be colocated", id); return pcmk_rc_schema_validation; } dependent_role = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE_ROLE); primary_role = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE); *expanded_xml = copy_xml(xml_obj); // Convert template/tag reference in "rsc" into resource_set under constraint if (!pcmk__tag_to_set(*expanded_xml, &dependent_set, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE, true, data_set)) { free_xml(*expanded_xml); *expanded_xml = NULL; return pcmk_rc_schema_validation; } if (dependent_set != NULL) { if (dependent_role != NULL) { // Move "rsc-role" into converted resource_set as "role" crm_xml_add(dependent_set, "role", dependent_role); xml_remove_prop(*expanded_xml, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE_ROLE); } any_sets = true; } // Convert template/tag reference in "with-rsc" into resource_set under constraint if (!pcmk__tag_to_set(*expanded_xml, &primary_set, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET, true, data_set)) { free_xml(*expanded_xml); *expanded_xml = NULL; return pcmk_rc_schema_validation; } if (primary_set != NULL) { if (primary_role != NULL) { // Move "with-rsc-role" into converted resource_set as "role" crm_xml_add(primary_set, "role", primary_role); xml_remove_prop(*expanded_xml, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE); } any_sets = true; } if (any_sets) { crm_log_xml_trace(*expanded_xml, "Expanded rsc_colocation"); } else { free_xml(*expanded_xml); *expanded_xml = NULL; } return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Parse a colocation constraint from XML into a cluster working set * * \param[in] xml_obj Colocation constraint XML to unpack * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set to add constraint to */ void pcmk__unpack_colocation(xmlNode *xml_obj, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { int score_i = 0; xmlNode *set = NULL; xmlNode *last = NULL; xmlNode *orig_xml = NULL; xmlNode *expanded_xml = NULL; const char *id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID); const char *score = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE); const char *influence_s = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_INFLUENCE); if (score) { score_i = char2score(score); } if (unpack_colocation_tags(xml_obj, &expanded_xml, data_set) != pcmk_rc_ok) { return; } if (expanded_xml) { orig_xml = xml_obj; xml_obj = expanded_xml; } for (set = first_named_child(xml_obj, XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_SET); set != NULL; set = crm_next_same_xml(set)) { set = expand_idref(set, data_set->input); if (set == NULL) { // Configuration error, message already logged if (expanded_xml != NULL) { free_xml(expanded_xml); } return; } unpack_colocation_set(set, score_i, id, influence_s, data_set); if (last != NULL) { colocate_rsc_sets(id, last, set, score_i, influence_s, data_set); } last = set; } if (expanded_xml) { free_xml(expanded_xml); xml_obj = orig_xml; } if (last == NULL) { unpack_simple_colocation(xml_obj, id, influence_s, data_set); } } static void mark_start_blocked(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *reason, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { char *reason_text = crm_strdup_printf("colocation with %s", reason->id); for (GList *gIter = rsc->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *action = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data; if (pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable) && pcmk__str_eq(action->task, RSC_START, pcmk__str_casei)) { pe__clear_action_flags(action, pe_action_runnable); pe_action_set_reason(action, reason_text, false); pcmk__block_colocated_starts(action, data_set); pcmk__update_action_for_orderings(action, data_set); } } free(reason_text); } /*! * \internal * \brief If a start action is unrunnable, block starts of colocated resources * * \param[in] action Action to check * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set */ void pcmk__block_colocated_starts(pe_action_t *action, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *gIter = NULL; pe_resource_t *rsc = NULL; if (!pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable) && pcmk__str_eq(action->task, RSC_START, pcmk__str_casei)) { rsc = uber_parent(action->rsc); if (rsc->parent) { /* For bundles, uber_parent() returns the clone, not the bundle, so * the existence of rsc->parent implies this is a bundle. * In this case, we need the bundle resource, so that we can check * if all containers are stopped/stopping. */ rsc = rsc->parent; } } if ((rsc == NULL) || (rsc->rsc_cons_lhs == NULL)) { return; } // Block colocated starts only if all children (if any) have unrunnable starts for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *)gIter->data; pe_action_t *start = find_first_action(child->actions, NULL, RSC_START, NULL); if ((start == NULL) || pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { return; } } for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *colocate_with = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; if (colocate_with->score == INFINITY) { mark_start_blocked(colocate_with->dependent, action->rsc, data_set); } } } /*! * \internal * \brief Determine how a colocation constraint should affect a resource * * Colocation constraints have different effects at different points in the * scheduler sequence. Initially, they affect a resource's location; once that * is determined, then for promotable clones they can affect a resource * instance's role; after both are determined, the constraints no longer matter. * Given a specific colocation constraint, check what has been done so far to * determine what should be affected at the current point in the scheduler. * * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in colocation * \param[in] primary Primary resource in colocation * \param[in] constraint Colocation constraint * \param[in] preview If true, pretend resources have already been allocated * * \return How colocation constraint should be applied at this point */ enum pcmk__coloc_affects pcmk__colocation_affects(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, bool preview) { if (!preview && pcmk_is_set(primary->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { // Primary resource has not been allocated yet, so we can't do anything return pcmk__coloc_affects_nothing; } if ((constraint->dependent_role >= RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED) && (dependent->parent != NULL) && pcmk_is_set(dependent->parent->flags, pe_rsc_promotable) && !pcmk_is_set(dependent->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { /* This is a colocation by role, and the dependent is a promotable clone * that has already been allocated, so the colocation should now affect * the role. */ return pcmk__coloc_affects_role; } if (!preview && !pcmk_is_set(dependent->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { /* The dependent resource has already been through allocation, so the * constraint no longer has any effect. Log an error if a mandatory * colocation constraint has been violated. */ const pe_node_t *primary_node = primary->allocated_to; if (dependent->allocated_to == NULL) { crm_trace("Skipping colocation '%s': %s will not run anywhere", constraint->id, dependent->id); } else if (constraint->score >= INFINITY) { // Dependent resource must colocate with primary resource if ((primary_node == NULL) || (primary_node->details != dependent->allocated_to->details)) { crm_err("%s must be colocated with %s but is not (%s vs. %s)", dependent->id, primary->id, dependent->allocated_to->details->uname, (primary_node == NULL)? "unallocated" : primary_node->details->uname); } } else if (constraint->score <= -CRM_SCORE_INFINITY) { // Dependent resource must anti-colocate with primary resource if ((primary_node != NULL) && (dependent->allocated_to->details == primary_node->details)) { crm_err("%s and %s must be anti-colocated but are allocated " "to the same node (%s)", dependent->id, primary->id, primary_node->details->uname); } } return pcmk__coloc_affects_nothing; } if ((constraint->score > 0) && (constraint->dependent_role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) && (constraint->dependent_role != dependent->next_role)) { crm_trace("Skipping colocation '%s': dependent limited to %s role " "but %s next role is %s", constraint->id, role2text(constraint->dependent_role), dependent->id, role2text(dependent->next_role)); return pcmk__coloc_affects_nothing; } if ((constraint->score > 0) && (constraint->primary_role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) && (constraint->primary_role != primary->next_role)) { crm_trace("Skipping colocation '%s': primary limited to %s role " "but %s next role is %s", constraint->id, role2text(constraint->primary_role), primary->id, role2text(primary->next_role)); return pcmk__coloc_affects_nothing; } if ((constraint->score < 0) && (constraint->dependent_role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) && (constraint->dependent_role == dependent->next_role)) { crm_trace("Skipping anti-colocation '%s': dependent role %s matches", constraint->id, role2text(constraint->dependent_role)); return pcmk__coloc_affects_nothing; } if ((constraint->score < 0) && (constraint->primary_role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) && (constraint->primary_role == primary->next_role)) { crm_trace("Skipping anti-colocation '%s': primary role %s matches", constraint->id, role2text(constraint->primary_role)); return pcmk__coloc_affects_nothing; } return pcmk__coloc_affects_location; } /*! * \internal * \brief Apply colocation to dependent for allocation purposes * - * Update the allocated node weights of the dependent resource in a colocation, + * Update the allowed node weights of the dependent resource in a colocation, * for the purposes of allocating it to a node * * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in colocation * \param[in] primary Primary resource in colocation * \param[in] constraint Colocation constraint */ void pcmk__apply_coloc_to_weights(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, pcmk__colocation_t *constraint) { const char *attribute = CRM_ATTR_ID; const char *value = NULL; GHashTable *work = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; pe_node_t *node = NULL; if (constraint->node_attribute != NULL) { attribute = constraint->node_attribute; } if (primary->allocated_to != NULL) { value = pe_node_attribute_raw(primary->allocated_to, attribute); } else if (constraint->score < 0) { // Nothing to do (anti-colocation with something that is not running) return; } work = pcmk__copy_node_table(dependent->allowed_nodes); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, work); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { if (primary->allocated_to == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(dependent, "%s: %s@%s -= %d (%s inactive)", constraint->id, dependent->id, node->details->uname, constraint->score, primary->id); node->weight = pcmk__add_scores(-constraint->score, node->weight); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(pe_node_attribute_raw(node, attribute), value, pcmk__str_casei)) { if (constraint->score < CRM_SCORE_INFINITY) { pe_rsc_trace(dependent, "%s: %s@%s += %d", constraint->id, dependent->id, node->details->uname, constraint->score); node->weight = pcmk__add_scores(constraint->score, node->weight); } } else if (constraint->score >= CRM_SCORE_INFINITY) { pe_rsc_trace(dependent, "%s: %s@%s -= %d (%s mismatch)", constraint->id, dependent->id, node->details->uname, constraint->score, attribute); node->weight = pcmk__add_scores(-constraint->score, node->weight); } } if ((constraint->score <= -INFINITY) || (constraint->score >= INFINITY) || pcmk__any_node_available(work)) { g_hash_table_destroy(dependent->allowed_nodes); dependent->allowed_nodes = work; work = NULL; } else { pe_rsc_info(dependent, "%s: Rolling back scores from %s (no available nodes)", dependent->id, primary->id); } if (work != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(work); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Apply colocation to dependent for role purposes * * Update the priority of the dependent resource in a colocation, for the * purposes of selecting its role * * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in colocation * \param[in] primary Primary resource in colocation * \param[in] constraint Colocation constraint */ void pcmk__apply_coloc_to_priority(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, pcmk__colocation_t *constraint) { const char *dependent_value = NULL; const char *primary_value = NULL; const char *attribute = CRM_ATTR_ID; int score_multiplier = 1; if ((primary->allocated_to == NULL) || (dependent->allocated_to == NULL)) { return; } if (constraint->node_attribute != NULL) { attribute = constraint->node_attribute; } dependent_value = pe_node_attribute_raw(dependent->allocated_to, attribute); primary_value = pe_node_attribute_raw(primary->allocated_to, attribute); if (!pcmk__str_eq(dependent_value, primary_value, pcmk__str_casei)) { if ((constraint->score == INFINITY) && (constraint->dependent_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED)) { dependent->priority = -INFINITY; } return; } if ((constraint->primary_role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) && (constraint->primary_role != primary->next_role)) { return; } if (constraint->dependent_role == RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED) { score_multiplier = -1; } dependent->priority = pcmk__add_scores(score_multiplier * constraint->score, dependent->priority); } /*! * \internal - * \brief Apply a colocation constraint to allowed nodes' weights + * \brief Find score of highest-scored node that matches colocation attribute + * + * \param[in] rsc Resource whose allowed nodes should be searched + * \param[in] attr Colocation attribute name (must not be NULL) + * \param[in] value Colocation attribute value to require + */ +static int +best_node_score_matching_attr(const pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *attr, + const char *value) +{ + GHashTableIter iter; + pe_node_t *node = NULL; + int best_score = -INFINITY; + const char *best_node = NULL; + + // Find best allowed node with matching attribute + g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **) &node)) { + + if ((node->weight > best_score) && pcmk__node_available(node, false, false) + && pcmk__str_eq(value, pe_node_attribute_raw(node, attr), pcmk__str_casei)) { + + best_score = node->weight; + best_node = node->details->uname; + } + } + + if (!pcmk__str_eq(attr, CRM_ATTR_UNAME, pcmk__str_casei)) { + if (best_node == NULL) { + crm_info("No allowed node for %s matches node attribute %s=%s", + rsc->id, attr, value); + } else { + crm_info("Allowed node %s for %s had best score (%d) " + "of those matching node attribute %s=%s", + best_node, rsc->id, best_score, attr, value); + } + } + return best_score; +} + +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Add resource's colocation matches to current node allocation scores + * + * For each node in a given table, if any of a given resource's allowed nodes + * have a matching value for the colocation attribute, add the highest of those + * nodes' scores to the node's score. + * + * \param[in,out] nodes Hash table of nodes with allocation scores so far + * \param[in] rsc Resource whose allowed nodes should be compared + * \param[in] attr Colocation attribute that must match (NULL for default) + * \param[in] factor Factor by which to multiply scores being added + * \param[in] only_positive Whether to add only positive scores + */ +static void +add_node_scores_matching_attr(GHashTable *nodes, const pe_resource_t *rsc, + const char *attr, float factor, + bool only_positive) +{ + GHashTableIter iter; + pe_node_t *node = NULL; + + if (attr == NULL) { + attr = CRM_ATTR_UNAME; + } + + // Iterate through each node + g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, nodes); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { + float weight_f = 0; + int weight = 0; + int score = 0; + int new_score = 0; + + score = best_node_score_matching_attr(rsc, attr, + pe_node_attribute_raw(node, attr)); + + if ((factor < 0) && (score < 0)) { + /* Negative preference for a node with a negative score + * should not become a positive preference. + * + * @TODO Consider filtering only if weight is -INFINITY + */ + crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f * %d (double negative disallowed)", + node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score); + continue; + } + + if (node->weight == INFINITY_HACK) { + crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f * %d (node was marked unusable)", + node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score); + continue; + } + + weight_f = factor * score; + + // Round the number; see http://c-faq.com/fp/round.html + weight = (int) ((weight_f < 0)? (weight_f - 0.5) : (weight_f + 0.5)); + + /* Small factors can obliterate the small scores that are often actually + * used in configurations. If the score and factor are nonzero, ensure + * that the result is nonzero as well. + */ + if ((weight == 0) && (score != 0)) { + if (factor > 0.0) { + weight = 1; + } else if (factor < 0.0) { + weight = -1; + } + } + + new_score = pcmk__add_scores(weight, node->weight); + + if (only_positive && (new_score < 0) && (node->weight > 0)) { + crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f * %d = %d " + "(negative disallowed, marking node unusable)", + node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score, + new_score); + node->weight = INFINITY_HACK; + continue; + } + + if (only_positive && (new_score < 0) && (node->weight == 0)) { + crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f * %d = %d (negative disallowed)", + node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score, + new_score); + continue; + } + + crm_trace("%s: %d + %f * %d = %d", node->details->uname, + node->weight, factor, score, new_score); + node->weight = new_score; + } +} + +static inline bool +is_nonempty_group(pe_resource_t *rsc) +{ + return rsc && (rsc->variant == pe_group) && (rsc->children != NULL); +} + +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Update nodes with scores of colocated resources' nodes + * + * Given a table of nodes and a resource, update the nodes' scores with the + * scores of the best nodes matching the attribute used for each of the + * resource's relevant colocations. * - * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint to apply - * \param[in] rsc1 Resource whose allowed nodes should be updated - * \param[in] rsc2 Resource whose preferences should be added - * \param[in] flags Flags (enum pe_weights) to apply when adding scores + * \param[in,out] rsc Resource to check colocations for + * \param[in] log_id Resource ID to use in log messages + * \param[in,out] nodes Nodes to update + * \param[in] attr Colocation attribute (NULL to use default) + * \param[in] factor Incorporate scores multiplied by this factor + * \param[in] flags Bitmask of enum pcmk__coloc_select values + * + * \note The caller remains responsible for freeing \p *nodes. */ void -pcmk__apply_colocation(pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, pe_resource_t *rsc1, - pe_resource_t *rsc2, uint32_t flags) +pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *log_id, + GHashTable **nodes, const char *attr, + float factor, uint32_t flags) { - CRM_ASSERT((colocation != NULL) && (rsc1 != NULL) && (rsc2 != NULL)); + GHashTable *work = NULL; + + // Avoid infinite recursion + if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging)) { + pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Breaking dependency loop at %s", + log_id, rsc->id); + return; + } + pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_merging); + + if (*nodes == NULL) { + /* Only cmp_resources() passes a NULL nodes table, which indicates we + * should initialize it with the resource's allowed node scores. + */ + if (is_nonempty_group(rsc)) { + GList *last = g_list_last(rsc->children); + pe_resource_t *last_rsc = last->data; + + pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Merging scores from group %s " + "using last member %s (at %.6f)", + log_id, rsc->id, last_rsc->id, factor); + last_rsc->cmds->add_colocated_node_scores(last_rsc, log_id, + &work, attr, factor, + flags); + } else { + work = pcmk__copy_node_table(rsc->allowed_nodes); + } + + } else if (is_nonempty_group(rsc)) { + pe_resource_t *member = rsc->children->data; + + /* The first member of the group will recursively incorporate any + * constraints involving other members (including the group internal + * colocation). + * + * @TODO The indirect colocations from the dependent group's other + * members will be incorporated at full strength rather than by + * factor, so the group's combined stickiness will be treated as + * (factor + (#members - 1)) * stickiness. It is questionable what + * the right approach should be. + */ + pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Merging scores from first member of group %s " + "(at %.6f)", log_id, rsc->id, factor); + work = pcmk__copy_node_table(*nodes); + member->cmds->add_colocated_node_scores(member, log_id, &work, attr, + factor, flags); + + } else { + pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Merging scores from %s (at %.6f)", + log_id, rsc->id, factor); + work = pcmk__copy_node_table(*nodes); + add_node_scores_matching_attr(work, rsc, attr, factor, + pcmk_is_set(flags, + pcmk__coloc_select_nonnegative)); + } + + if (pcmk__any_node_available(work)) { + GList *gIter = NULL; + float multiplier = (factor < 0.0)? -1.0 : 1.0; + + if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pcmk__coloc_select_this_with)) { + gIter = rsc->rsc_cons; + pe_rsc_trace(rsc, + "Checking additional %d optional '%s with' constraints", + g_list_length(gIter), rsc->id); + + } else if (is_nonempty_group(rsc)) { + pe_resource_t *last_rsc = g_list_last(rsc->children)->data; + + gIter = last_rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; + pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Checking additional %d optional 'with group %s' " + "constraints using last member %s", + g_list_length(gIter), rsc->id, last_rsc->id); + + } else { + gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; + pe_rsc_trace(rsc, + "Checking additional %d optional 'with %s' constraints", + g_list_length(gIter), rsc->id); + } + + for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { + pe_resource_t *other = NULL; + pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; + + if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pcmk__coloc_select_this_with)) { + other = constraint->primary; + } else if (!pcmk__colocation_has_influence(constraint, NULL)) { + continue; + } else { + other = constraint->dependent; + } + + pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Optionally merging score of '%s' constraint (%s with %s)", + constraint->id, constraint->dependent->id, + constraint->primary->id); + factor = multiplier * constraint->score / (float) INFINITY; + pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores(other, log_id, &work, + constraint->node_attribute, factor, + flags|pcmk__coloc_select_active); + pe__show_node_weights(true, NULL, log_id, work, rsc->cluster); + } + + } else if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pcmk__coloc_select_active)) { + pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Rolling back optional scores from %s", + log_id, rsc->id); + g_hash_table_destroy(work); + pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_merging); + return; + } + + + if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pcmk__coloc_select_nonnegative)) { + pe_node_t *node = NULL; + GHashTableIter iter; + + g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, work); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { + if (node->weight == INFINITY_HACK) { + node->weight = 1; + } + } + } + + if (*nodes != NULL) { + g_hash_table_destroy(*nodes); + } + *nodes = work; - rsc1->allowed_nodes = rsc2->cmds->merge_weights(rsc2, rsc1->id, - rsc1->allowed_nodes, - colocation->node_attribute, - colocation->score / (float) INFINITY, - flags); + pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_merging); } diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_group.c b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_group.c index bbda9783d3..3602a608a5 100644 --- a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_group.c +++ b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_group.c @@ -1,694 +1,715 @@ /* - * Copyright 2004-2021 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2004-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include "libpacemaker_private.h" #define VARIANT_GROUP 1 #include /*! * \internal * \brief Expand a group's colocations to its members * * \param[in,out] rsc Group resource */ static void expand_group_colocations(pe_resource_t *rsc) { group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; pe_resource_t *member = NULL; bool any_unmanaged = false; get_group_variant_data(group_data, rsc); // Treat "group with R" colocations as "first member with R" member = group_data->first_child; member->rsc_cons = g_list_concat(member->rsc_cons, rsc->rsc_cons); /* The above works for the whole group because each group member is * colocated with the previous one. * * However, there is a special case when a group has a mandatory colocation * with a resource that can't start. In that case, * pcmk__block_colocated_starts() will ensure that dependent resources in * mandatory colocations (i.e. the first member for groups) can't start * either. But if any group member is unmanaged and already started, the * internal group colocations are no longer sufficient to make that apply to * later members. * * To handle that case, add mandatory colocations to each member after the * first. */ any_unmanaged = !pcmk_is_set(member->flags, pe_rsc_managed); for (GList *item = rsc->children->next; item != NULL; item = item->next) { member = item->data; if (any_unmanaged) { for (GList *cons_iter = rsc->rsc_cons; cons_iter != NULL; cons_iter = cons_iter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) cons_iter->data; if (constraint->score == INFINITY) { member->rsc_cons = g_list_prepend(member->rsc_cons, constraint); } } } else if (!pcmk_is_set(member->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { any_unmanaged = true; } } rsc->rsc_cons = NULL; // Treat "R with group" colocations as "R with last member" member = group_data->last_child; member->rsc_cons_lhs = g_list_concat(member->rsc_cons_lhs, rsc->rsc_cons_lhs); rsc->rsc_cons_lhs = NULL; } pe_node_t * pcmk__group_allocate(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *prefer, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { pe_node_t *node = NULL; pe_node_t *group_node = NULL; GList *gIter = NULL; group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; get_group_variant_data(group_data, rsc); if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return rsc->allocated_to; } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Dependency loop detected involving %s", rsc->id); return NULL; } if (group_data->first_child == NULL) { // Nothing to allocate pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_provisional); return NULL; } pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_allocating); rsc->role = group_data->first_child->role; expand_group_colocations(rsc); pe__show_node_weights(!pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_show_scores), rsc, __func__, rsc->allowed_nodes, data_set); gIter = rsc->children; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating group %s member %s", rsc->id, child_rsc->id); node = child_rsc->cmds->allocate(child_rsc, prefer, data_set); if (group_node == NULL) { group_node = node; } } pe__set_next_role(rsc, group_data->first_child->next_role, "first group member"); pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_allocating|pe_rsc_provisional); if (group_data->colocated) { return group_node; } return NULL; } void group_update_pseudo_status(pe_resource_t * parent, pe_resource_t * child); void group_create_actions(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { pe_action_t *op = NULL; const char *value = NULL; GList *gIter = rsc->children; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating actions for %s", rsc->id); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; child_rsc->cmds->create_actions(child_rsc, data_set); group_update_pseudo_status(rsc, child_rsc); } op = start_action(rsc, NULL, TRUE /* !group_data->child_starting */ ); pe__set_action_flags(op, pe_action_pseudo|pe_action_runnable); op = custom_action(rsc, started_key(rsc), RSC_STARTED, NULL, TRUE /* !group_data->child_starting */ , TRUE, data_set); pe__set_action_flags(op, pe_action_pseudo|pe_action_runnable); op = stop_action(rsc, NULL, TRUE /* !group_data->child_stopping */ ); pe__set_action_flags(op, pe_action_pseudo|pe_action_runnable); op = custom_action(rsc, stopped_key(rsc), RSC_STOPPED, NULL, TRUE /* !group_data->child_stopping */ , TRUE, data_set); pe__set_action_flags(op, pe_action_pseudo|pe_action_runnable); value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_PROMOTABLE); if (crm_is_true(value)) { op = custom_action(rsc, demote_key(rsc), RSC_DEMOTE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); pe__set_action_flags(op, pe_action_pseudo|pe_action_runnable); op = custom_action(rsc, demoted_key(rsc), RSC_DEMOTED, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); pe__set_action_flags(op, pe_action_pseudo|pe_action_runnable); op = custom_action(rsc, promote_key(rsc), RSC_PROMOTE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); pe__set_action_flags(op, pe_action_pseudo|pe_action_runnable); op = custom_action(rsc, promoted_key(rsc), RSC_PROMOTED, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); pe__set_action_flags(op, pe_action_pseudo|pe_action_runnable); } } void group_update_pseudo_status(pe_resource_t * parent, pe_resource_t * child) { GList *gIter = child->actions; group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; get_group_variant_data(group_data, parent); if (group_data->ordered == FALSE) { /* If this group is not ordered, then leave the meta-actions as optional */ return; } if (group_data->child_stopping && group_data->child_starting) { return; } for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *action = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data; if (pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional)) { continue; } if (pcmk__str_eq(RSC_STOP, action->task, pcmk__str_casei) && pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { group_data->child_stopping = TRUE; pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Based on %s the group is stopping", action->uuid); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(RSC_START, action->task, pcmk__str_casei) && pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { group_data->child_starting = TRUE; pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Based on %s the group is starting", action->uuid); } } } void group_internal_constraints(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GList *gIter = rsc->children; pe_resource_t *last_rsc = NULL; pe_resource_t *last_active = NULL; pe_resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc); group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; get_group_variant_data(group_data, rsc); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_STOPPED, rsc, RSC_START, pe_order_optional, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_START, rsc, RSC_STARTED, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_STOPPED, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; int stop = pe_order_none; int stopped = pe_order_implies_then_printed; int start = pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left; int started = pe_order_runnable_left | pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_implies_then_printed; child_rsc->cmds->internal_constraints(child_rsc, data_set); if (last_rsc == NULL) { if (group_data->ordered) { pe__set_order_flags(stop, pe_order_optional); stopped = pe_order_implies_then; } } else if (group_data->colocated) { pcmk__new_colocation("group:internal_colocation", NULL, INFINITY, child_rsc, last_rsc, NULL, NULL, pcmk_is_set(child_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_critical), data_set); } if (pcmk_is_set(top->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, child_rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, stop|pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(child_rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, rsc, RSC_DEMOTED, stopped, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(child_rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, rsc, RSC_PROMOTED, started, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, child_rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); } pcmk__order_starts(rsc, child_rsc, pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_stops(rsc, child_rsc, stop|pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(child_rsc, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_STOPPED, stopped, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(child_rsc, RSC_START, rsc, RSC_STARTED, started, data_set); if (group_data->ordered == FALSE) { pcmk__order_starts(rsc, child_rsc, start|pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(top->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, child_rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, start|pe_order_implies_first_printed, data_set); } } else if (last_rsc != NULL) { pcmk__order_starts(last_rsc, child_rsc, start, data_set); pcmk__order_stops(child_rsc, last_rsc, pe_order_optional|pe_order_restart, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(top->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(last_rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, child_rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, start, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(child_rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, last_rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, pe_order_optional, data_set); } } else { pcmk__order_starts(rsc, child_rsc, pe_order_none, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(top->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, child_rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, pe_order_none, data_set); } } /* Look for partially active groups * Make sure they still shut down in sequence */ if (child_rsc->running_on) { if (group_data->ordered && last_rsc && last_rsc->running_on == NULL && last_active && last_active->running_on) { pcmk__order_stops(child_rsc, last_active, pe_order_optional, data_set); } last_active = child_rsc; } last_rsc = child_rsc; } if (group_data->ordered && last_rsc != NULL) { int stop_stop_flags = pe_order_implies_then; int stop_stopped_flags = pe_order_optional; pcmk__order_stops(rsc, last_rsc, stop_stop_flags, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(last_rsc, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_STOPPED, stop_stopped_flags, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(top->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, last_rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, stop_stop_flags, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(last_rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, rsc, RSC_DEMOTED, stop_stopped_flags, data_set); } } } +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Apply a colocation's score to node weights or resource priority + * + * Given a colocation constraint, apply its score to the dependent's + * allowed node weights (if we are still placing resources) or priority (if + * we are choosing promotable clone instance roles). + * + * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in colocation + * \param[in] primary Primary resource in colocation + * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint to apply + * \param[in] for_dependent true if called on behalf of dependent + */ void -group_rsc_colocation_lh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set) +pcmk__group_apply_coloc_score(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, + pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, + bool for_dependent) { GList *gIter = NULL; group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; - if (dependent == NULL) { - pe_err("dependent was NULL for %s", constraint->id); - return; + CRM_CHECK((colocation != NULL) && (dependent != NULL) && (primary != NULL), + return); - } else if (primary == NULL) { - pe_err("primary was NULL for %s", constraint->id); - return; + if (!for_dependent) { + goto for_primary; } gIter = dependent->children; pe_rsc_trace(dependent, "Processing constraints from %s", dependent->id); get_group_variant_data(group_data, dependent); if (group_data->colocated) { - group_data->first_child->cmds->rsc_colocation_lh(group_data->first_child, - primary, constraint, - data_set); + group_data->first_child->cmds->apply_coloc_score(group_data->first_child, + primary, colocation, + true); return; - } else if (constraint->score >= INFINITY) { + } else if (colocation->score >= INFINITY) { pcmk__config_err("%s: Cannot perform mandatory colocation " "between non-colocated group and %s", dependent->id, primary->id); return; } for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; - child_rsc->cmds->rsc_colocation_lh(child_rsc, primary, constraint, - data_set); + child_rsc->cmds->apply_coloc_score(child_rsc, primary, colocation, + true); } -} - -void -group_rsc_colocation_rh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set) -{ - GList *gIter = primary->children; - group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; + return; +for_primary: + gIter = primary->children; get_group_variant_data(group_data, primary); CRM_CHECK(dependent->variant == pe_native, return); - pe_rsc_trace(primary, "Processing RH %s of constraint %s (LH is %s)", - primary->id, constraint->id, dependent->id); + pe_rsc_trace(primary, + "Processing colocation %s (%s with group %s) for primary", + colocation->id, dependent->id, primary->id); if (pcmk_is_set(primary->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return; } else if (group_data->colocated && group_data->first_child) { - if (constraint->score >= INFINITY) { - /* Ensure RHS is _fully_ up before can start LHS */ - group_data->last_child->cmds->rsc_colocation_rh(dependent, + if (colocation->score >= INFINITY) { + // Dependent can't start until group is fully up + group_data->last_child->cmds->apply_coloc_score(dependent, group_data->last_child, - constraint, - data_set); + colocation, false); } else { - /* A partially active RHS is fine */ - group_data->first_child->cmds->rsc_colocation_rh(dependent, + // Dependent can start as long as group is partially up + group_data->first_child->cmds->apply_coloc_score(dependent, group_data->first_child, - constraint, - data_set); + colocation, false); } return; - } else if (constraint->score >= INFINITY) { + } else if (colocation->score >= INFINITY) { pcmk__config_err("%s: Cannot perform mandatory colocation with" " non-colocated group %s", dependent->id, primary->id); return; } for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; - child_rsc->cmds->rsc_colocation_rh(dependent, child_rsc, constraint, - data_set); + child_rsc->cmds->apply_coloc_score(dependent, child_rsc, colocation, + false); } } enum pe_action_flags group_action_flags(pe_action_t * action, pe_node_t * node) { GList *gIter = NULL; enum pe_action_flags flags = (pe_action_optional | pe_action_runnable | pe_action_pseudo); for (gIter = action->rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; enum action_tasks task = get_complex_task(child, action->task, TRUE); const char *task_s = task2text(task); pe_action_t *child_action = find_first_action(child->actions, NULL, task_s, node); if (child_action) { enum pe_action_flags child_flags = child->cmds->action_flags(child_action, node); if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_action_optional) && !pcmk_is_set(child_flags, pe_action_optional)) { pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "%s is mandatory because of %s", action->uuid, child_action->uuid); pe__clear_raw_action_flags(flags, "group action", pe_action_optional); pe__clear_action_flags(action, pe_action_optional); } if (!pcmk__str_eq(task_s, action->task, pcmk__str_casei) && pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_action_runnable) && !pcmk_is_set(child_flags, pe_action_runnable)) { pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "%s is not runnable because of %s", action->uuid, child_action->uuid); pe__clear_raw_action_flags(flags, "group action", pe_action_runnable); pe__clear_action_flags(action, pe_action_runnable); } } else if (task != stop_rsc && task != action_demote) { pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "%s is not runnable because of %s (not found in %s)", action->uuid, task_s, child->id); pe__clear_raw_action_flags(flags, "group action", pe_action_runnable); } } return flags; } enum pe_graph_flags group_update_actions(pe_action_t *first, pe_action_t *then, pe_node_t *node, enum pe_action_flags flags, enum pe_action_flags filter, enum pe_ordering type, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *gIter = then->rsc->children; enum pe_graph_flags changed = pe_graph_none; CRM_ASSERT(then->rsc != NULL); changed |= native_update_actions(first, then, node, flags, filter, type, data_set); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; pe_action_t *child_action = find_first_action(child->actions, NULL, then->task, node); if (child_action) { changed |= child->cmds->update_actions(first, child_action, node, flags, filter, type, data_set); } } return changed; } void group_rsc_location(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe__location_t *constraint) { GList *gIter = rsc->children; GList *saved = constraint->node_list_rh; GList *zero = pcmk__copy_node_list(constraint->node_list_rh, true); gboolean reset_scores = TRUE; group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; get_group_variant_data(group_data, rsc); pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Processing rsc_location %s for %s", constraint->id, rsc->id); pcmk__apply_location(constraint, rsc); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; child_rsc->cmds->rsc_location(child_rsc, constraint); if (group_data->colocated && reset_scores) { reset_scores = FALSE; constraint->node_list_rh = zero; } } constraint->node_list_rh = saved; g_list_free_full(zero, free); } void group_expand(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing actions from %s", rsc->id); native_expand(rsc, data_set); for (GList *gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; child_rsc->cmds->expand(child_rsc, data_set); } } -GHashTable * -pcmk__group_merge_weights(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *primary_id, - GHashTable *nodes, const char *attr, float factor, - uint32_t flags) +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Update nodes with scores of colocated resources' nodes + * + * Given a table of nodes and a resource, update the nodes' scores with the + * scores of the best nodes matching the attribute used for each of the + * resource's relevant colocations. + * + * \param[in,out] rsc Resource to check colocations for + * \param[in] log_id Resource ID to use in log messages + * \param[in,out] nodes Nodes to update + * \param[in] attr Colocation attribute (NULL to use default) + * \param[in] factor Incorporate scores multiplied by this factor + * \param[in] flags Bitmask of enum pcmk__coloc_select values + * + * \note The caller remains responsible for freeing \p *nodes. + */ +void +pcmk__group_add_colocated_node_scores(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *log_id, + GHashTable **nodes, const char *attr, + float factor, uint32_t flags) { GList *gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; + pe_resource_t *member = NULL; group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; get_group_variant_data(group_data, rsc); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging)) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Breaking dependency loop with %s at %s", - rsc->id, primary_id); - return nodes; + rsc->id, log_id); + return; } pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_merging); - nodes = group_data->first_child->cmds->merge_weights(group_data->first_child, - primary_id, nodes, - attr, factor, flags); + member = group_data->first_child; + member->cmds->add_colocated_node_scores(member, log_id, nodes, attr, + factor, flags); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; - nodes = pcmk__native_merge_weights(constraint->dependent, rsc->id, - nodes, constraint->node_attribute, - constraint->score / (float) INFINITY, - flags); + pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores(constraint->dependent, rsc->id, nodes, + constraint->node_attribute, + constraint->score / (float) INFINITY, + flags); } pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_merging); - return nodes; } void group_append_meta(pe_resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml) { } // Group implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:colocated_resources() GList * pcmk__group_colocated_resources(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *colocated_rscs) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = NULL; group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; get_group_variant_data(group_data, rsc); if (orig_rsc == NULL) { orig_rsc = rsc; } if (group_data->colocated || pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc->parent)) { /* This group has colocated members and/or is cloned -- either way, * add every child's colocated resources to the list. */ for (GList *gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; colocated_rscs = child_rsc->cmds->colocated_resources(child_rsc, orig_rsc, colocated_rscs); } } else if (group_data->first_child != NULL) { /* This group's members are not colocated, and the group is not cloned, * so just add the first child's colocations to the list. */ child_rsc = group_data->first_child; colocated_rscs = child_rsc->cmds->colocated_resources(child_rsc, orig_rsc, colocated_rscs); } // Now consider colocations where the group itself is specified colocated_rscs = pcmk__colocated_resources(rsc, orig_rsc, colocated_rscs); return colocated_rscs; } // Group implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:add_utilization() void pcmk__group_add_utilization(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization) { group_variant_data_t *group_data = NULL; pe_resource_t *child = NULL; if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return; } pe_rsc_trace(orig_rsc, "%s: Adding group %s as colocated utilization", orig_rsc->id, rsc->id); get_group_variant_data(group_data, rsc); if (group_data->colocated || pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc->parent)) { // Every group member will be on same node, so sum all members for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { child = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; if (pcmk_is_set(child->flags, pe_rsc_provisional) && (g_list_find(all_rscs, child) == NULL)) { child->cmds->add_utilization(child, orig_rsc, all_rscs, utilization); } } } else { // Just add first child's utilization child = group_data->first_child; if ((child != NULL) && pcmk_is_set(child->flags, pe_rsc_provisional) && (g_list_find(all_rscs, child) == NULL)) { child->cmds->add_utilization(child, orig_rsc, all_rscs, utilization); } } } // Group implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:shutdown_lock() void pcmk__group_shutdown_lock(pe_resource_t *rsc) { for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; child->cmds->shutdown_lock(child); } } diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c index 4cc7daac7c..c0a75a7335 100644 --- a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c +++ b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c @@ -1,2638 +1,2347 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libpacemaker_private.h" // The controller removes the resource from the CIB, making this redundant // #define DELETE_THEN_REFRESH 1 -#define INFINITY_HACK (INFINITY * -100) - #define VARIANT_NATIVE 1 #include extern bool pcmk__is_daemon; static void Recurring(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_action_t *start, pe_node_t *node, pe_working_set_t *data_set); static void RecurringOp(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_action_t *start, pe_node_t *node, xmlNode *operation, pe_working_set_t *data_set); static void Recurring_Stopped(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_action_t *start, pe_node_t *node, pe_working_set_t *data_set); static void RecurringOp_Stopped(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_action_t *start, pe_node_t *node, xmlNode *operation, pe_working_set_t *data_set); gboolean DeleteRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * node, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean StopRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean StartRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean DemoteRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean PromoteRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean RoleError(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean NullOp(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); /* This array says what the *next* role should be when transitioning from one * role to another. For example going from Stopped to Promoted, the next role is * RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED, because the resource must be started before being promoted. * The current state then becomes Started, which is fed into this array again, * giving a next role of RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED. */ static enum rsc_role_e rsc_state_matrix[RSC_ROLE_MAX][RSC_ROLE_MAX] = { /* Current state Next state*/ /* Unknown Stopped Started Unpromoted Promoted */ /* Unknown */ { RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED }, /* Stopped */ { RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STARTED, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED }, /* Started */ { RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STARTED, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED, RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED }, /* Unpromoted */ { RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED, RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED }, /* Promoted */ { RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED, RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED }, }; typedef gboolean (*rsc_transition_fn)(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t *data_set); // This array picks the function needed to transition from one role to another static rsc_transition_fn rsc_action_matrix[RSC_ROLE_MAX][RSC_ROLE_MAX] = { /* Current state Next state */ /* Unknown Stopped Started Unpromoted Promoted */ /* Unknown */ { RoleError, StopRsc, RoleError, RoleError, RoleError, }, /* Stopped */ { RoleError, NullOp, StartRsc, StartRsc, RoleError, }, /* Started */ { RoleError, StopRsc, NullOp, NullOp, PromoteRsc, }, /* Unpromoted */ { RoleError, StopRsc, StopRsc, NullOp, PromoteRsc, }, /* Promoted */ { RoleError, DemoteRsc, DemoteRsc, DemoteRsc, NullOp, }, }; -#define clear_node_weights_flags(nw_flags, nw_rsc, flags_to_clear) do { \ - flags = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, LOG_TRACE, \ - "Node weight", (nw_rsc)->id, (flags), \ - (flags_to_clear), #flags_to_clear); \ - } while (0) - static bool native_choose_node(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * prefer, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GList *nodes = NULL; pe_node_t *chosen = NULL; pe_node_t *best = NULL; int multiple = 1; int length = 0; bool result = false; pcmk__ban_insufficient_capacity(rsc, &prefer); if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return rsc->allocated_to != NULL; } // Sort allowed nodes by weight if (rsc->allowed_nodes) { length = g_hash_table_size(rsc->allowed_nodes); } if (length > 0) { nodes = g_hash_table_get_values(rsc->allowed_nodes); nodes = pcmk__sort_nodes(nodes, pe__current_node(rsc), data_set); // First node in sorted list has the best score best = g_list_nth_data(nodes, 0); } if (prefer && nodes) { chosen = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, prefer->details->id); if (chosen == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Preferred node %s for %s was unknown", prefer->details->uname, rsc->id); /* Favor the preferred node as long as its weight is at least as good as * the best allowed node's. * * An alternative would be to favor the preferred node even if the best * node is better, when the best node's weight is less than INFINITY. */ } else if (chosen->weight < best->weight) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Preferred node %s for %s was unsuitable", chosen->details->uname, rsc->id); chosen = NULL; } else if (!pcmk__node_available(chosen, true, false)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Preferred node %s for %s was unavailable", chosen->details->uname, rsc->id); chosen = NULL; } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Chose preferred node %s for %s (ignoring %d candidates)", chosen->details->uname, rsc->id, length); } } if ((chosen == NULL) && nodes) { /* Either there is no preferred node, or the preferred node is not * available, but there are other nodes allowed to run the resource. */ chosen = best; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Chose node %s for %s from %d candidates", chosen ? chosen->details->uname : "", rsc->id, length); if (!pe_rsc_is_unique_clone(rsc->parent) && (chosen != NULL) && (chosen->weight > 0) // Zero not acceptable && pcmk__node_available(chosen, false, false)) { /* If the resource is already running on a node, prefer that node if * it is just as good as the chosen node. * * We don't do this for unique clone instances, because * distribute_children() has already assigned instances to their * running nodes when appropriate, and if we get here, we don't want * remaining unallocated instances to prefer a node that's already * running another instance. */ pe_node_t *running = pe__current_node(rsc); if ((running != NULL) && !pcmk__node_available(running, true, false)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Current node for %s (%s) can't run resources", rsc->id, running->details->uname); } else if (running) { for (GList *iter = nodes->next; iter; iter = iter->next) { pe_node_t *tmp = (pe_node_t *) iter->data; if (tmp->weight != chosen->weight) { // The nodes are sorted by weight, so no more are equal break; } if (tmp->details == running->details) { // Scores are equal, so prefer the current node chosen = tmp; } multiple++; } } } } if (multiple > 1) { do_crm_log(((chosen->weight >= INFINITY)? LOG_WARNING : LOG_INFO), "Chose node %s for %s from %d nodes with score %s", chosen->details->uname, rsc->id, multiple, pcmk_readable_score(chosen->weight)); } result = pcmk__assign_primitive(rsc, chosen, false); g_list_free(nodes); return result; } -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Find score of highest-scored node that matches colocation attribute - * - * \param[in] rsc Resource whose allowed nodes should be searched - * \param[in] attr Colocation attribute name (must not be NULL) - * \param[in] value Colocation attribute value to require - */ -static int -best_node_score_matching_attr(const pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *attr, - const char *value) -{ - GHashTableIter iter; - pe_node_t *node = NULL; - int best_score = -INFINITY; - const char *best_node = NULL; - - // Find best allowed node with matching attribute - g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); - while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **) &node)) { - - if ((node->weight > best_score) && pcmk__node_available(node, false, false) - && pcmk__str_eq(value, pe_node_attribute_raw(node, attr), pcmk__str_casei)) { - - best_score = node->weight; - best_node = node->details->uname; - } - } - - if (!pcmk__str_eq(attr, CRM_ATTR_UNAME, pcmk__str_casei)) { - if (best_node == NULL) { - crm_info("No allowed node for %s matches node attribute %s=%s", - rsc->id, attr, value); - } else { - crm_info("Allowed node %s for %s had best score (%d) " - "of those matching node attribute %s=%s", - best_node, rsc->id, best_score, attr, value); - } - } - return best_score; -} - -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Add resource's colocation matches to current node allocation scores - * - * For each node in a given table, if any of a given resource's allowed nodes - * have a matching value for the colocation attribute, add the highest of those - * nodes' scores to the node's score. - * - * \param[in,out] nodes Hash table of nodes with allocation scores so far - * \param[in] rsc Resource whose allowed nodes should be compared - * \param[in] attr Colocation attribute that must match (NULL for default) - * \param[in] factor Factor by which to multiply scores being added - * \param[in] only_positive Whether to add only positive scores - */ -static void -add_node_scores_matching_attr(GHashTable *nodes, const pe_resource_t *rsc, - const char *attr, float factor, - bool only_positive) -{ - GHashTableIter iter; - pe_node_t *node = NULL; - - if (attr == NULL) { - attr = CRM_ATTR_UNAME; - } - - // Iterate through each node - g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, nodes); - while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { - float weight_f = 0; - int weight = 0; - int score = 0; - int new_score = 0; - - score = best_node_score_matching_attr(rsc, attr, - pe_node_attribute_raw(node, attr)); - - if ((factor < 0) && (score < 0)) { - /* Negative preference for a node with a negative score - * should not become a positive preference. - * - * @TODO Consider filtering only if weight is -INFINITY - */ - crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f * %d (double negative disallowed)", - node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score); - continue; - } - - if (node->weight == INFINITY_HACK) { - crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f * %d (node was marked unusable)", - node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score); - continue; - } - - weight_f = factor * score; - - // Round the number; see http://c-faq.com/fp/round.html - weight = (int) ((weight_f < 0)? (weight_f - 0.5) : (weight_f + 0.5)); - - /* Small factors can obliterate the small scores that are often actually - * used in configurations. If the score and factor are nonzero, ensure - * that the result is nonzero as well. - */ - if ((weight == 0) && (score != 0)) { - if (factor > 0.0) { - weight = 1; - } else if (factor < 0.0) { - weight = -1; - } - } - - new_score = pcmk__add_scores(weight, node->weight); - - if (only_positive && (new_score < 0) && (node->weight > 0)) { - crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f * %d = %d " - "(negative disallowed, marking node unusable)", - node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score, - new_score); - node->weight = INFINITY_HACK; - continue; - } - - if (only_positive && (new_score < 0) && (node->weight == 0)) { - crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f * %d = %d (negative disallowed)", - node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score, - new_score); - continue; - } - - crm_trace("%s: %d + %f * %d = %d", node->details->uname, - node->weight, factor, score, new_score); - node->weight = new_score; - } -} - -static inline bool -is_nonempty_group(pe_resource_t *rsc) -{ - return rsc && (rsc->variant == pe_group) && (rsc->children != NULL); -} - -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Incorporate colocation constraint scores into node weights - * - * \param[in,out] rsc Resource being placed - * \param[in] primary_id ID of primary resource in constraint - * \param[in,out] nodes Nodes, with scores as of this point - * \param[in] attr Colocation attribute (ID by default) - * \param[in] factor Incorporate scores multiplied by this factor - * \param[in] flags Bitmask of enum pe_weights values - * - * \return Nodes, with scores modified by this constraint - * \note This function assumes ownership of the nodes argument. The caller - * should free the returned copy rather than the original. - */ -GHashTable * -pcmk__native_merge_weights(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *primary_id, - GHashTable *nodes, const char *attr, float factor, - uint32_t flags) -{ - GHashTable *work = NULL; - - // Avoid infinite recursion - if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging)) { - pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Breaking dependency loop at %s", - primary_id, rsc->id); - return nodes; - } - pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_merging); - - if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_weights_init)) { - if (is_nonempty_group(rsc)) { - GList *last = g_list_last(rsc->children); - pe_resource_t *last_rsc = last->data; - - pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Merging scores from group %s " - "using last member %s (at %.6f)", - primary_id, rsc->id, last_rsc->id, factor); - work = pcmk__native_merge_weights(last_rsc, primary_id, NULL, attr, - factor, flags); - } else { - work = pcmk__copy_node_table(rsc->allowed_nodes); - } - clear_node_weights_flags(flags, rsc, pe_weights_init); - - } else if (is_nonempty_group(rsc)) { - /* The first member of the group will recursively incorporate any - * constraints involving other members (including the group internal - * colocation). - * - * @TODO The indirect colocations from the dependent group's other - * members will be incorporated at full strength rather than by - * factor, so the group's combined stickiness will be treated as - * (factor + (#members - 1)) * stickiness. It is questionable what - * the right approach should be. - */ - pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Merging scores from first member of group %s " - "(at %.6f)", primary_id, rsc->id, factor); - work = pcmk__copy_node_table(nodes); - work = pcmk__native_merge_weights(rsc->children->data, primary_id, work, - attr, factor, flags); - - } else { - pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Merging scores from %s (at %.6f)", - primary_id, rsc->id, factor); - work = pcmk__copy_node_table(nodes); - add_node_scores_matching_attr(work, rsc, attr, factor, - pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_weights_positive)); - } - - if (pcmk__any_node_available(work)) { - GList *gIter = NULL; - int multiplier = (factor < 0)? -1 : 1; - - if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_weights_forward)) { - gIter = rsc->rsc_cons; - pe_rsc_trace(rsc, - "Checking additional %d optional '%s with' constraints", - g_list_length(gIter), rsc->id); - - } else if (is_nonempty_group(rsc)) { - pe_resource_t *last_rsc = g_list_last(rsc->children)->data; - - gIter = last_rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; - pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Checking additional %d optional 'with group %s' " - "constraints using last member %s", - g_list_length(gIter), rsc->id, last_rsc->id); - - } else { - gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; - pe_rsc_trace(rsc, - "Checking additional %d optional 'with %s' constraints", - g_list_length(gIter), rsc->id); - } - - for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { - pe_resource_t *other = NULL; - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; - - if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_weights_forward)) { - other = constraint->primary; - } else if (!pcmk__colocation_has_influence(constraint, NULL)) { - continue; - } else { - other = constraint->dependent; - } - - pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Optionally merging score of '%s' constraint (%s with %s)", - constraint->id, constraint->dependent->id, - constraint->primary->id); - work = pcmk__native_merge_weights(other, primary_id, work, - constraint->node_attribute, - multiplier * constraint->score / (float) INFINITY, - flags|pe_weights_rollback); - pe__show_node_weights(true, NULL, primary_id, work, rsc->cluster); - } - - } else if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_weights_rollback)) { - pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Rolling back optional scores from %s", - primary_id, rsc->id); - g_hash_table_destroy(work); - pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_merging); - return nodes; - } - - - if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_weights_positive)) { - pe_node_t *node = NULL; - GHashTableIter iter; - - g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, work); - while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { - if (node->weight == INFINITY_HACK) { - node->weight = 1; - } - } - } - - if (nodes) { - g_hash_table_destroy(nodes); - } - - pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_merging); - return work; -} - pe_node_t * pcmk__native_allocate(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *prefer, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *gIter = NULL; if (rsc->parent && !pcmk_is_set(rsc->parent->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) { /* never allocate children on their own */ pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Escalating allocation of %s to its parent: %s", rsc->id, rsc->parent->id); rsc->parent->cmds->allocate(rsc->parent, prefer, data_set); } if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return rsc->allocated_to; } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Dependency loop detected involving %s", rsc->id); return NULL; } pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_allocating); pe__show_node_weights(true, rsc, "Pre-alloc", rsc->allowed_nodes, data_set); for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; GHashTable *archive = NULL; pe_resource_t *primary = constraint->primary; if ((constraint->dependent_role >= RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) || (constraint->score < 0 && constraint->score > -INFINITY)) { archive = pcmk__copy_node_table(rsc->allowed_nodes); } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Allocating %s first (constraint=%s score=%d role=%s)", rsc->id, primary->id, constraint->id, constraint->score, role2text(constraint->dependent_role)); primary->cmds->allocate(primary, NULL, data_set); - rsc->cmds->rsc_colocation_lh(rsc, primary, constraint, data_set); + rsc->cmds->apply_coloc_score(rsc, primary, constraint, true); if (archive && !pcmk__any_node_available(rsc->allowed_nodes)) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Rolling back scores from %s", rsc->id, primary->id); g_hash_table_destroy(rsc->allowed_nodes); rsc->allowed_nodes = archive; archive = NULL; } if (archive) { g_hash_table_destroy(archive); } } pe__show_node_weights(true, rsc, "Post-coloc", rsc->allowed_nodes, data_set); for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; + pe_resource_t *dependent = constraint->dependent; + const float factor = constraint->score / (float) INFINITY; if (!pcmk__colocation_has_influence(constraint, NULL)) { continue; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Merging score of '%s' constraint (%s with %s)", constraint->id, constraint->dependent->id, constraint->primary->id); - pcmk__apply_colocation(constraint, rsc, constraint->dependent, - pe_weights_rollback); + dependent->cmds->add_colocated_node_scores(dependent, rsc->id, + &rsc->allowed_nodes, + constraint->node_attribute, + factor, + pcmk__coloc_select_active); } if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Making sure %s doesn't get allocated", rsc->id); /* make sure it doesn't come up again */ resource_location(rsc, NULL, -INFINITY, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, data_set); } else if(rsc->next_role > rsc->role && !pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_freeze) { crm_notice("Resource %s cannot be elevated from %s to %s: no-quorum-policy=freeze", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role)); pe__set_next_role(rsc, rsc->role, "no-quorum-policy=freeze"); } pe__show_node_weights(!pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_show_scores), rsc, __func__, rsc->allowed_nodes, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) && !pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource)) { pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_managed); } if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { const char *reason = NULL; pe_node_t *assign_to = NULL; pe__set_next_role(rsc, rsc->role, "unmanaged"); assign_to = pe__current_node(rsc); if (assign_to == NULL) { reason = "inactive"; } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { reason = "promoted"; } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { reason = "failed"; } else { reason = "active"; } pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Unmanaged resource %s allocated to %s: %s", rsc->id, (assign_to? assign_to->details->uname : "no node"), reason); pcmk__assign_primitive(rsc, assign_to, true); } else if (pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_everything)) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Forcing %s to stop", rsc->id); pcmk__assign_primitive(rsc, NULL, true); } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional) && native_choose_node(rsc, prefer, data_set)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocated resource %s to %s", rsc->id, rsc->allocated_to->details->uname); } else if (rsc->allocated_to == NULL) { if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Resource %s cannot run anywhere", rsc->id); } else if (rsc->running_on != NULL) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Stopping orphan resource %s", rsc->id); } } else { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Pre-Allocated resource %s to %s", rsc->id, rsc->allocated_to->details->uname); } pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_allocating); if (rsc->is_remote_node) { pe_node_t *remote_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id); CRM_ASSERT(remote_node != NULL); if (rsc->allocated_to && rsc->next_role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { crm_trace("Setting Pacemaker Remote node %s to ONLINE", remote_node->details->id); remote_node->details->online = TRUE; /* We shouldn't consider an unseen remote-node unclean if we are going * to try and connect to it. Otherwise we get an unnecessary fence */ if (remote_node->details->unseen == TRUE) { remote_node->details->unclean = FALSE; } } else { crm_trace("Setting Pacemaker Remote node %s to SHUTDOWN (next role %s, %sallocated)", remote_node->details->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), (rsc->allocated_to? "" : "un")); remote_node->details->shutdown = TRUE; } } return rsc->allocated_to; } static gboolean is_op_dup(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *name, guint interval_ms) { gboolean dup = FALSE; const char *id = NULL; const char *value = NULL; xmlNode *operation = NULL; guint interval2_ms = 0; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); for (operation = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL; operation = pcmk__xe_next(operation)) { if (pcmk__str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", pcmk__str_none)) { value = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); if (!pcmk__str_eq(value, name, pcmk__str_casei)) { continue; } value = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); interval2_ms = crm_parse_interval_spec(value); if (interval_ms != interval2_ms) { continue; } if (id == NULL) { id = ID(operation); } else { pcmk__config_err("Operation %s is duplicate of %s (do not use " "same name and interval combination more " "than once per resource)", ID(operation), id); dup = TRUE; } } } return dup; } static bool op_cannot_recur(const char *name) { return pcmk__strcase_any_of(name, RSC_STOP, RSC_START, RSC_DEMOTE, RSC_PROMOTE, NULL); } static void RecurringOp(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_action_t * start, pe_node_t * node, xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { char *key = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *role = NULL; const char *interval_spec = NULL; const char *node_uname = node? node->details->uname : "n/a"; guint interval_ms = 0; pe_action_t *mon = NULL; gboolean is_optional = TRUE; GList *possible_matches = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); /* Only process for the operations without role="Stopped" */ role = crm_element_value(operation, "role"); if (role && text2role(role) == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { return; } interval_spec = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); interval_ms = crm_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec); if (interval_ms == 0) { return; } name = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); if (is_op_dup(rsc, name, interval_ms)) { crm_trace("Not creating duplicate recurring action %s for %dms %s", ID(operation), interval_ms, name); return; } if (op_cannot_recur(name)) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring %s because action '%s' cannot be recurring", ID(operation), name); return; } key = pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, name, interval_ms); if (find_rsc_op_entry(rsc, key) == NULL) { crm_trace("Not creating recurring action %s for disabled resource %s", ID(operation), rsc->id); free(key); return; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring action %s for %s in role %s on %s", ID(operation), rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), node_uname); if (start != NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s %s due to %s", key, pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional)? "optional" : "mandatory", start->uuid); is_optional = (rsc->cmds->action_flags(start, NULL) & pe_action_optional); } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s optional", key); is_optional = TRUE; } /* start a monitor for an already active resource */ possible_matches = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, node); if (possible_matches == NULL) { is_optional = FALSE; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s mandatory: not active", key); } else { GList *gIter = NULL; for (gIter = possible_matches; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *op = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data; if (pcmk_is_set(op->flags, pe_action_reschedule)) { is_optional = FALSE; break; } } g_list_free(possible_matches); } if (((rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) && (role == NULL)) || (role != NULL && text2role(role) != rsc->next_role)) { int log_level = LOG_TRACE; const char *result = "Ignoring"; if (is_optional) { char *after_key = NULL; pe_action_t *cancel_op = NULL; // It's running, so cancel it log_level = LOG_INFO; result = "Cancelling"; cancel_op = pcmk__new_cancel_action(rsc, name, interval_ms, node); switch (rsc->role) { case RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED: case RSC_ROLE_STARTED: if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { after_key = promote_key(rsc); } else if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { after_key = stop_key(rsc); } break; case RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED: after_key = demote_key(rsc); break; default: break; } if (after_key) { pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, NULL, cancel_op, rsc, after_key, NULL, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } } do_crm_log(log_level, "%s action %s (%s vs. %s)", result, key, role ? role : role2text(RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED), role2text(rsc->next_role)); free(key); return; } mon = custom_action(rsc, key, name, node, is_optional, TRUE, data_set); key = mon->uuid; if (is_optional) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s\t %s (optional)", node_uname, mon->uuid); } if ((start == NULL) || !pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t %s (cancelled : start un-runnable)", node_uname, mon->uuid); pe__clear_action_flags(mon, pe_action_runnable); } else if (node == NULL || node->details->online == FALSE || node->details->unclean) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t %s (cancelled : no node available)", node_uname, mon->uuid); pe__clear_action_flags(mon, pe_action_runnable); } else if (!pcmk_is_set(mon->flags, pe_action_optional)) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, " Start recurring %s (%us) for %s on %s", mon->task, interval_ms / 1000, rsc->id, node_uname); } if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { char *running_promoted = pcmk__itoa(PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_PROMOTED); add_hash_param(mon->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, running_promoted); free(running_promoted); } if ((node == NULL) || pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL, NULL, strdup(key), mon, pe_order_implies_then|pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, reload_key(rsc), NULL, NULL, strdup(key), mon, pe_order_implies_then|pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, promote_key(rsc), NULL, rsc, NULL, mon, pe_order_optional|pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, demote_key(rsc), NULL, rsc, NULL, mon, pe_order_optional|pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } } } static void Recurring(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_action_t * start, pe_node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance) && (node == NULL || node->details->maintenance == FALSE)) { xmlNode *operation = NULL; for (operation = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL; operation = pcmk__xe_next(operation)) { if (pcmk__str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", pcmk__str_none)) { RecurringOp(rsc, start, node, operation, data_set); } } } } static void RecurringOp_Stopped(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_action_t * start, pe_node_t * node, xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { char *key = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *role = NULL; const char *interval_spec = NULL; const char *node_uname = node? node->details->uname : "n/a"; guint interval_ms = 0; GList *possible_matches = NULL; GList *gIter = NULL; /* Only process for the operations with role="Stopped" */ role = crm_element_value(operation, "role"); if (role == NULL || text2role(role) != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { return; } interval_spec = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); interval_ms = crm_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec); if (interval_ms == 0) { return; } name = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); if (is_op_dup(rsc, name, interval_ms)) { crm_trace("Not creating duplicate recurring action %s for %dms %s", ID(operation), interval_ms, name); return; } if (op_cannot_recur(name)) { pcmk__config_err("Ignoring %s because action '%s' cannot be recurring", ID(operation), name); return; } key = pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, name, interval_ms); if (find_rsc_op_entry(rsc, key) == NULL) { crm_trace("Not creating recurring action %s for disabled resource %s", ID(operation), rsc->id); free(key); return; } // @TODO add support if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { crm_notice("Ignoring %s (recurring monitors for Stopped role are " "not supported for anonymous clones)", ID(operation)); return; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring action %s for %s in role %s on nodes where it should not be running", ID(operation), rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role)); /* if the monitor exists on the node where the resource will be running, cancel it */ if (node != NULL) { possible_matches = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, node); if (possible_matches) { pe_action_t *cancel_op = NULL; g_list_free(possible_matches); cancel_op = pcmk__new_cancel_action(rsc, name, interval_ms, node); if ((rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED) || (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED)) { /* rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED: cancel the monitor before start */ /* rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED: for a migration, cancel the monitor on the target node before start */ pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, NULL, cancel_op, rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Cancel action %s (%s vs. %s) on %s", key, role, role2text(rsc->next_role), node_uname); } } for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_node_t *stop_node = (pe_node_t *) gIter->data; const char *stop_node_uname = stop_node->details->uname; gboolean is_optional = TRUE; gboolean probe_is_optional = TRUE; gboolean stop_is_optional = TRUE; pe_action_t *stopped_mon = NULL; char *rc_inactive = NULL; GList *stop_ops = NULL; GList *local_gIter = NULL; if (node && pcmk__str_eq(stop_node_uname, node_uname, pcmk__str_casei)) { continue; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring action %s for %s on %s", ID(operation), rsc->id, pcmk__s(stop_node_uname, "unknown node")); /* start a monitor for an already stopped resource */ possible_matches = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, stop_node); if (possible_matches == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s mandatory on %s: not active", key, pcmk__s(stop_node_uname, "unknown node")); is_optional = FALSE; } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s optional on %s: already active", key, pcmk__s(stop_node_uname, "unknown node")); is_optional = TRUE; g_list_free(possible_matches); } stopped_mon = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), name, stop_node, is_optional, TRUE, data_set); rc_inactive = pcmk__itoa(PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING); add_hash_param(stopped_mon->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, rc_inactive); free(rc_inactive); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { GList *probes = pe__resource_actions(rsc, stop_node, RSC_STATUS, FALSE); GList *pIter = NULL; for (pIter = probes; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { pe_action_t *probe = (pe_action_t *) pIter->data; order_actions(probe, stopped_mon, pe_order_runnable_left); crm_trace("%s then %s on %s", probe->uuid, stopped_mon->uuid, stop_node->details->uname); } g_list_free(probes); } stop_ops = pe__resource_actions(rsc, stop_node, RSC_STOP, TRUE); for (local_gIter = stop_ops; local_gIter != NULL; local_gIter = local_gIter->next) { pe_action_t *stop = (pe_action_t *) local_gIter->data; if (!pcmk_is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional)) { stop_is_optional = FALSE; } if (!pcmk_is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { crm_debug("%s\t %s (cancelled : stop un-runnable)", pcmk__s(stop_node_uname, ""), stopped_mon->uuid); pe__clear_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_runnable); } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, stop_key(rsc), stop, NULL, strdup(key), stopped_mon, pe_order_implies_then|pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } } if (stop_ops) { g_list_free(stop_ops); } if (is_optional == FALSE && probe_is_optional && stop_is_optional && !pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s optional on %s due to unmanaged", key, pcmk__s(stop_node_uname, "unknown node")); pe__set_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_optional); } if (pcmk_is_set(stopped_mon->flags, pe_action_optional)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s\t %s (optional)", pcmk__s(stop_node_uname, ""), stopped_mon->uuid); } if (stop_node->details->online == FALSE || stop_node->details->unclean) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t %s (cancelled : no node available)", pcmk__s(stop_node_uname, ""), stopped_mon->uuid); pe__clear_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_runnable); } if (pcmk_is_set(stopped_mon->flags, pe_action_runnable) && !pcmk_is_set(stopped_mon->flags, pe_action_optional)) { crm_notice(" Start recurring %s (%us) for %s on %s", stopped_mon->task, interval_ms / 1000, rsc->id, pcmk__s(stop_node_uname, "unknown node")); } } free(key); } static void Recurring_Stopped(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_action_t * start, pe_node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance) && (node == NULL || node->details->maintenance == FALSE)) { xmlNode *operation = NULL; for (operation = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL; operation = pcmk__xe_next(operation)) { if (pcmk__str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", pcmk__str_none)) { RecurringOp_Stopped(rsc, start, node, operation, data_set); } } } } static void handle_migration_actions(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t *current, pe_node_t *chosen, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { pe_action_t *migrate_to = NULL; pe_action_t *migrate_from = NULL; pe_action_t *start = NULL; pe_action_t *stop = NULL; gboolean partial = rsc->partial_migration_target ? TRUE : FALSE; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing migration actions %s moving from %s to %s . partial migration = %s", rsc->id, current->details->id, chosen->details->id, partial ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE); stop = stop_action(rsc, current, TRUE); if (partial == FALSE) { migrate_to = custom_action(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), RSC_MIGRATE, current, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); } migrate_from = custom_action(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), RSC_MIGRATED, chosen, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); if ((migrate_to && migrate_from) || (migrate_from && partial)) { pe__set_action_flags(start, pe_action_migrate_runnable); pe__set_action_flags(stop, pe_action_migrate_runnable); // This is easier than trying to delete it from the graph pe__set_action_flags(start, pe_action_pseudo); /* order probes before migrations */ if (partial) { pe__set_action_flags(migrate_from, pe_action_migrate_runnable); migrate_from->needs = start->needs; pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set); } else { pe__set_action_flags(migrate_from, pe_action_migrate_runnable); pe__set_action_flags(migrate_to, pe_action_migrate_runnable); migrate_to->needs = start->needs; pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set); pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional|pe_order_implies_first_migratable, data_set); } pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional|pe_order_implies_first_migratable, data_set); pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional|pe_order_implies_first_migratable|pe_order_pseudo_left, data_set); } if (migrate_to) { add_hash_param(migrate_to->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE, current->details->uname); add_hash_param(migrate_to->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET, chosen->details->uname); /* Pacemaker Remote connections don't require pending to be recorded in * the CIB. We can reduce CIB writes by not setting PENDING for them. */ if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) { /* migrate_to takes place on the source node, but can * have an effect on the target node depending on how * the agent is written. Because of this, we have to maintain * a record that the migrate_to occurred, in case the source node * loses membership while the migrate_to action is still in-flight. */ add_hash_param(migrate_to->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_PENDING, "true"); } } if (migrate_from) { add_hash_param(migrate_from->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE, current->details->uname); add_hash_param(migrate_from->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET, chosen->details->uname); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Schedule actions to bring resource down and back to current role * * \param[in] rsc Resource to restart * \param[in] current Node that resource should be brought down on * \param[in] chosen Node that resource should be brought up on * \param[in] need_stop Whether the resource must be stopped * \param[in] need_promote Whether the resource must be promoted * * \return Role that resource would have after scheduled actions are taken */ static void schedule_restart_actions(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *current, pe_node_t *chosen, bool need_stop, bool need_promote) { enum rsc_role_e role = rsc->role; enum rsc_role_e next_role; pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_restarting); // Bring resource down to a stop on its current node while (role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { next_role = rsc_state_matrix[role][RSC_ROLE_STOPPED]; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating %s action to take %s down from %s to %s", (need_stop? "required" : "optional"), rsc->id, role2text(role), role2text(next_role)); if (!rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role](rsc, current, !need_stop, rsc->cluster)) { break; } role = next_role; } // Bring resource up to its next role on its next node while ((rsc->role <= rsc->next_role) && (role != rsc->role) && !pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) { bool required = need_stop; next_role = rsc_state_matrix[role][rsc->role]; if ((next_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) && need_promote) { required = true; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating %s action to take %s up from %s to %s", (required? "required" : "optional"), rsc->id, role2text(role), role2text(next_role)); if (!rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role](rsc, chosen, !required, rsc->cluster)) { break; } role = next_role; } pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_restarting); } void native_create_actions(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { pe_action_t *start = NULL; pe_node_t *chosen = NULL; pe_node_t *current = NULL; gboolean need_stop = FALSE; bool need_promote = FALSE; gboolean is_moving = FALSE; gboolean allow_migrate = FALSE; GList *gIter = NULL; unsigned int num_all_active = 0; unsigned int num_clean_active = 0; bool multiply_active = FALSE; enum rsc_role_e role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; enum rsc_role_e next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL); allow_migrate = pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate)? TRUE : FALSE; chosen = rsc->allocated_to; next_role = rsc->next_role; if (next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { pe__set_next_role(rsc, (chosen == NULL)? RSC_ROLE_STOPPED : RSC_ROLE_STARTED, "allocation"); } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating all actions for %s transition from %s to %s (%s) on %s", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role), ((next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN)? "implicit" : "explicit"), ((chosen == NULL)? "no node" : chosen->details->uname)); current = pe__find_active_on(rsc, &num_all_active, &num_clean_active); for (gIter = rsc->dangling_migrations; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_node_t *dangling_source = (pe_node_t *) gIter->data; pe_action_t *stop = NULL; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating stop action %sfor %s on %s due to dangling migration", pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_remove_after_stop)? "and cleanup " : "", rsc->id, dangling_source->details->uname); stop = stop_action(rsc, dangling_source, FALSE); pe__set_action_flags(stop, pe_action_dangle); if (pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_remove_after_stop)) { DeleteRsc(rsc, dangling_source, FALSE, data_set); } } if ((num_all_active == 2) && (num_clean_active == 2) && chosen && rsc->partial_migration_source && rsc->partial_migration_target && (current->details == rsc->partial_migration_source->details) && (chosen->details == rsc->partial_migration_target->details)) { /* The chosen node is still the migration target from a partial * migration. Attempt to continue the migration instead of recovering * by stopping the resource everywhere and starting it on a single node. */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Will attempt to continue with partial migration " "to target %s from %s", rsc->partial_migration_target->details->id, rsc->partial_migration_source->details->id); } else if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_fencing)) { /* If a resource has "requires" set to nothing or quorum, don't consider * it active on unclean nodes (similar to how all resources behave when * stonith-enabled is false). We can start such resources elsewhere * before fencing completes, and if we considered the resource active on * the failed node, we would attempt recovery for being active on * multiple nodes. */ multiply_active = (num_clean_active > 1); } else { multiply_active = (num_all_active > 1); } if (multiply_active) { if (rsc->partial_migration_target && rsc->partial_migration_source) { // Migration was in progress, but we've chosen a different target crm_notice("Resource %s can no longer migrate from %s to %s " "(will stop on both nodes)", rsc->id, rsc->partial_migration_source->details->uname, rsc->partial_migration_target->details->uname); multiply_active = false; } else { const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); // Resource was (possibly) incorrectly multiply active pe_proc_err("%s resource %s might be active on %u nodes (%s)", pcmk__s(class, "Untyped"), rsc->id, num_all_active, recovery2text(rsc->recovery_type)); crm_notice("See https://wiki.clusterlabs.org/wiki/FAQ#Resource_is_Too_Active for more information"); } switch (rsc->recovery_type) { case recovery_stop_start: need_stop = TRUE; break; case recovery_stop_unexpected: need_stop = TRUE; // StopRsc() will skip expected node pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_stop_unexpected); break; default: break; } /* If by chance a partial migration is in process, but the migration * target is not chosen still, clear all partial migration data. */ rsc->partial_migration_source = rsc->partial_migration_target = NULL; allow_migrate = FALSE; } if (!multiply_active) { pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_stop_unexpected); } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating start action for %s to represent already pending start", rsc->id); start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE); pe__set_action_flags(start, pe_action_print_always); } if (current && chosen && current->details != chosen->details) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Moving %s from %s to %s", rsc->id, pcmk__s(current->details->uname, "unknown node"), pcmk__s(chosen->details->uname, "unknown node")); is_moving = TRUE; need_stop = TRUE; } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_stop)) { need_stop = TRUE; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Recovering %s", rsc->id); } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Recovering %s by demotion", rsc->id); if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { need_promote = TRUE; } } } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Blocking further actions on %s", rsc->id); need_stop = TRUE; } else if (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_STARTED && current != NULL && chosen != NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating start action for promoted resource %s", rsc->id); start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE); if (!pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional)) { // Recovery of a promoted resource pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s restart is required for recovery", rsc->id); need_stop = TRUE; } } /* Create any additional actions required when bringing resource down and * back up to same level. */ schedule_restart_actions(rsc, current, chosen, need_stop, need_promote); /* Required steps from this role to the next */ role = rsc->role; while (role != rsc->next_role) { next_role = rsc_state_matrix[role][rsc->next_role]; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating action to take %s from %s to %s (ending at %s)", rsc->id, role2text(role), role2text(next_role), role2text(rsc->next_role)); if (rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role] (rsc, chosen, FALSE, data_set) == FALSE) { break; } role = next_role; } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Not creating recurring monitors for blocked resource %s", rsc->id); } else if ((rsc->next_role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) || !pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring monitors for %s resource %s", ((rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED)? "unmanaged" : "active"), rsc->id); start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE); Recurring(rsc, start, chosen, data_set); Recurring_Stopped(rsc, start, chosen, data_set); } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring monitors for inactive resource %s", rsc->id); Recurring_Stopped(rsc, NULL, NULL, data_set); } /* if we are stuck in a partial migration, where the target * of the partial migration no longer matches the chosen target. * A full stop/start is required */ if (rsc->partial_migration_target && (chosen == NULL || rsc->partial_migration_target->details != chosen->details)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Not allowing partial migration of %s to continue", rsc->id); allow_migrate = FALSE; } else if (!is_moving || !pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) || pcmk_any_flags_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed|pe_rsc_start_pending) || (current && current->details->unclean) || rsc->next_role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) { allow_migrate = FALSE; } if (allow_migrate) { handle_migration_actions(rsc, current, chosen, data_set); } } static void rsc_avoids_remote_nodes(pe_resource_t *rsc) { GHashTableIter iter; pe_node_t *node = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { if (node->details->remote_rsc) { node->weight = -INFINITY; } } } /*! * \internal * \brief Return allowed nodes as (possibly sorted) list * * Convert a resource's hash table of allowed nodes to a list. If printing to * stdout, sort the list, to keep action ID numbers consistent for regression * test output (while avoiding the performance hit on a live cluster). * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check for allowed nodes * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set * * \return List of resource's allowed nodes * \note Callers should take care not to rely on the list being sorted. */ static GList * allowed_nodes_as_list(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *allowed_nodes = NULL; if (rsc->allowed_nodes) { allowed_nodes = g_hash_table_get_values(rsc->allowed_nodes); } if (!pcmk__is_daemon) { allowed_nodes = g_list_sort(allowed_nodes, sort_node_uname); } return allowed_nodes; } void native_internal_constraints(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { /* This function is on the critical path and worth optimizing as much as possible */ pe_resource_t *top = NULL; GList *allowed_nodes = NULL; bool check_unfencing = FALSE; bool check_utilization = false; if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping native constraints for unmanaged resource: %s", rsc->id); return; } top = uber_parent(rsc); // Whether resource requires unfencing check_unfencing = !pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device) && pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing) && pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing); // Whether a non-default placement strategy is used check_utilization = (g_hash_table_size(rsc->utilization) > 0) && !pcmk__str_eq(data_set->placement_strategy, "default", pcmk__str_casei); // Order stops before starts (i.e. restart) pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional|pe_order_implies_then|pe_order_restart, data_set); // Promotable ordering: demote before stop, start before promote if (pcmk_is_set(top->flags, pe_rsc_promotable) || (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED)) { pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_DEMOTE, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, pe_order_promoted_implies_first, data_set); pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_PROMOTE, 0), NULL, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } // Don't clear resource history if probing on same node pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0), NULL, pe_order_same_node|pe_order_then_cancels_first, data_set); // Certain checks need allowed nodes if (check_unfencing || check_utilization || rsc->container) { allowed_nodes = allowed_nodes_as_list(rsc, data_set); } if (check_unfencing) { /* Check if the node needs to be unfenced first */ for (GList *item = allowed_nodes; item; item = item->next) { pe_node_t *node = item->data; pe_action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, data_set); crm_debug("Ordering any stops of %s before %s, and any starts after", rsc->id, unfence->uuid); /* * It would be more efficient to order clone resources once, * rather than order each instance, but ordering the instance * allows us to avoid unnecessary dependencies that might conflict * with user constraints. * * @TODO: This constraint can still produce a transition loop if the * resource has a stop scheduled on the node being unfenced, and * there is a user ordering constraint to start some other resource * (which will be ordered after the unfence) before stopping this * resource. An example is "start some slow-starting cloned service * before stopping an associated virtual IP that may be moving to * it": * stop this -> unfencing -> start that -> stop this */ pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL, NULL, strdup(unfence->uuid), unfence, pe_order_optional|pe_order_same_node, data_set); pcmk__new_ordering(NULL, strdup(unfence->uuid), unfence, rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL, pe_order_implies_then_on_node|pe_order_same_node, data_set); } } if (check_utilization) { pcmk__create_utilization_constraints(rsc, allowed_nodes); } if (rsc->container) { pe_resource_t *remote_rsc = NULL; if (rsc->is_remote_node) { // rsc is the implicit remote connection for a guest or bundle node /* Do not allow a guest resource to live on a Pacemaker Remote node, * to avoid nesting remotes. However, allow bundles to run on remote * nodes. */ if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_remote_remotes)) { rsc_avoids_remote_nodes(rsc->container); } /* If someone cleans up a guest or bundle node's container, we will * likely schedule a (re-)probe of the container and recovery of the * connection. Order the connection stop after the container probe, * so that if we detect the container running, we will trigger a new * transition and avoid the unnecessary recovery. */ pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc->container, RSC_STATUS, rsc, RSC_STOP, pe_order_optional, data_set); /* A user can specify that a resource must start on a Pacemaker Remote * node by explicitly configuring it with the container=NODENAME * meta-attribute. This is of questionable merit, since location * constraints can accomplish the same thing. But we support it, so here * we check whether a resource (that is not itself a remote connection) * has container set to a remote node or guest node resource. */ } else if (rsc->container->is_remote_node) { remote_rsc = rsc->container; } else { remote_rsc = pe__resource_contains_guest_node(data_set, rsc->container); } if (remote_rsc) { /* Force the resource on the Pacemaker Remote node instead of * colocating the resource with the container resource. */ for (GList *item = allowed_nodes; item; item = item->next) { pe_node_t *node = item->data; if (node->details->remote_rsc != remote_rsc) { node->weight = -INFINITY; } } } else { /* This resource is either a filler for a container that does NOT * represent a Pacemaker Remote node, or a Pacemaker Remote * connection resource for a guest node or bundle. */ int score; crm_trace("Order and colocate %s relative to its container %s", rsc->id, rsc->container->id); pcmk__new_ordering(rsc->container, pcmk__op_key(rsc->container->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, pe_order_implies_then|pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, rsc->container, pcmk__op_key(rsc->container->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, pe_order_implies_first, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_remote_remotes)) { score = 10000; /* Highly preferred but not essential */ } else { score = INFINITY; /* Force them to run on the same host */ } pcmk__new_colocation("resource-with-container", NULL, score, rsc, rsc->container, NULL, NULL, true, data_set); } } if (rsc->is_remote_node || pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) { /* don't allow remote nodes to run stonith devices * or remote connection resources.*/ rsc_avoids_remote_nodes(rsc); } g_list_free(allowed_nodes); } +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Apply a colocation's score to node weights or resource priority + * + * Given a colocation constraint, apply its score to the dependent's + * allowed node weights (if we are still placing resources) or priority (if + * we are choosing promotable clone instance roles). + * + * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in colocation + * \param[in] primary Primary resource in colocation + * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint to apply + * \param[in] for_dependent true if called on behalf of dependent + */ void -native_rsc_colocation_lh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set) +pcmk__primitive_apply_coloc_score(pe_resource_t *dependent, + pe_resource_t *primary, + pcmk__colocation_t *colocation, + bool for_dependent) { - if (dependent == NULL) { - pe_err("dependent was NULL for %s", constraint->id); - return; + enum pcmk__coloc_affects filter_results; + + CRM_CHECK((colocation != NULL) && (dependent != NULL) && (primary != NULL), + return); - } else if (constraint->primary == NULL) { - pe_err("primary was NULL for %s", constraint->id); + if (for_dependent) { + // Always process on behalf of primary resource + primary->cmds->apply_coloc_score(dependent, primary, colocation, false); return; } - pe_rsc_trace(dependent, - "Processing colocation constraint between %s and %s", - dependent->id, primary->id); - - primary->cmds->rsc_colocation_rh(dependent, primary, constraint, data_set); -} - -void -native_rsc_colocation_rh(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_resource_t *primary, - pcmk__colocation_t *constraint, - pe_working_set_t *data_set) -{ - enum pcmk__coloc_affects filter_results; - - CRM_ASSERT((dependent != NULL) && (primary != NULL)); - filter_results = pcmk__colocation_affects(dependent, primary, constraint, + filter_results = pcmk__colocation_affects(dependent, primary, colocation, false); pe_rsc_trace(dependent, "%s %s with %s (%s, score=%d, filter=%d)", - ((constraint->score > 0)? "Colocating" : "Anti-colocating"), - dependent->id, primary->id, constraint->id, constraint->score, + ((colocation->score > 0)? "Colocating" : "Anti-colocating"), + dependent->id, primary->id, colocation->id, colocation->score, filter_results); switch (filter_results) { case pcmk__coloc_affects_role: - pcmk__apply_coloc_to_priority(dependent, primary, constraint); + pcmk__apply_coloc_to_priority(dependent, primary, colocation); break; case pcmk__coloc_affects_location: - pcmk__apply_coloc_to_weights(dependent, primary, constraint); + pcmk__apply_coloc_to_weights(dependent, primary, colocation); break; case pcmk__coloc_affects_nothing: default: return; } } enum pe_action_flags native_action_flags(pe_action_t * action, pe_node_t * node) { return action->flags; } static inline bool is_primitive_action(pe_action_t *action) { return action && action->rsc && (action->rsc->variant == pe_native); } /*! * \internal * \brief Clear a single action flag and set reason text * * \param[in] action Action whose flag should be cleared * \param[in] flag Action flag that should be cleared * \param[in] reason Action that is the reason why flag is being cleared */ #define clear_action_flag_because(action, flag, reason) do { \ if (pcmk_is_set((action)->flags, (flag))) { \ pe__clear_action_flags(action, flag); \ if ((action)->rsc != (reason)->rsc) { \ char *reason_text = pe__action2reason((reason), (flag)); \ pe_action_set_reason((action), reason_text, \ ((flag) == pe_action_migrate_runnable)); \ free(reason_text); \ } \ } \ } while (0) /*! * \internal * \brief Set action bits appropriately when pe_restart_order is used * * \param[in] first 'First' action in an ordering with pe_restart_order * \param[in] then 'Then' action in an ordering with pe_restart_order * \param[in] filter What ordering flags to care about * * \note pe_restart_order is set for "stop resource before starting it" and * "stop later group member before stopping earlier group member" */ static void handle_restart_ordering(pe_action_t *first, pe_action_t *then, enum pe_action_flags filter) { const char *reason = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(is_primitive_action(first)); CRM_ASSERT(is_primitive_action(then)); // We need to update the action in two cases: // ... if 'then' is required if (pcmk_is_set(filter, pe_action_optional) && !pcmk_is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional)) { reason = "restart"; } /* ... if 'then' is unrunnable action on same resource (if a resource * should restart but can't start, we still want to stop) */ if (pcmk_is_set(filter, pe_action_runnable) && !pcmk_is_set(then->flags, pe_action_runnable) && pcmk_is_set(then->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) && (first->rsc == then->rsc)) { reason = "stop"; } if (reason == NULL) { return; } pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "Handling %s -> %s for %s", first->uuid, then->uuid, reason); // Make 'first' required if it is runnable if (pcmk_is_set(first->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { clear_action_flag_because(first, pe_action_optional, then); } // Make 'first' required if 'then' is required if (!pcmk_is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional)) { clear_action_flag_because(first, pe_action_optional, then); } // Make 'first' unmigratable if 'then' is unmigratable if (!pcmk_is_set(then->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)) { clear_action_flag_because(first, pe_action_migrate_runnable, then); } // Make 'then' unrunnable if 'first' is required but unrunnable if (!pcmk_is_set(first->flags, pe_action_optional) && !pcmk_is_set(first->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { clear_action_flag_because(then, pe_action_runnable, first); } } /* \param[in] flags Flags from action_flags_for_ordering() */ enum pe_graph_flags native_update_actions(pe_action_t *first, pe_action_t *then, pe_node_t *node, enum pe_action_flags flags, enum pe_action_flags filter, enum pe_ordering type, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { enum pe_graph_flags changed = pe_graph_none; enum pe_action_flags then_flags = then->flags; enum pe_action_flags first_flags = first->flags; if (type & pe_order_asymmetrical) { pe_resource_t *then_rsc = then->rsc; enum rsc_role_e then_rsc_role = then_rsc ? then_rsc->fns->state(then_rsc, TRUE) : 0; if (!then_rsc) { /* ignore */ } else if ((then_rsc_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) && pcmk__str_eq(then->task, RSC_STOP, pcmk__str_casei)) { /* ignore... if 'then' is supposed to be stopped after 'first', but * then is already stopped, there is nothing to be done when non-symmetrical. */ } else if ((then_rsc_role >= RSC_ROLE_STARTED) && pcmk__str_eq(then->task, RSC_START, pcmk__str_casei) && pcmk_is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional) && then->node && pcmk__list_of_1(then_rsc->running_on) && then->node->details == ((pe_node_t *) then_rsc->running_on->data)->details) { /* Ignore. If 'then' is supposed to be started after 'first', but * 'then' is already started, there is nothing to be done when * asymmetrical -- unless the start is mandatory, which indicates * the resource is restarting, and the ordering is still needed. */ } else if (!(first->flags & pe_action_runnable)) { /* prevent 'then' action from happening if 'first' is not runnable and * 'then' has not yet occurred. */ clear_action_flag_because(then, pe_action_optional, first); clear_action_flag_because(then, pe_action_runnable, first); } else { /* ignore... then is allowed to start/stop if it wants to. */ } } if (pcmk_is_set(type, pe_order_implies_first) && !pcmk_is_set(then_flags, pe_action_optional)) { // Then is required, and implies first should be, too if (pcmk_is_set(filter, pe_action_optional) && !pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_action_optional) && pcmk_is_set(first_flags, pe_action_optional)) { clear_action_flag_because(first, pe_action_optional, then); } if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) && !pcmk_is_set(then->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)) { clear_action_flag_because(first, pe_action_migrate_runnable, then); } } if (type & pe_order_promoted_implies_first) { if ((filter & pe_action_optional) && ((then->flags & pe_action_optional) == FALSE) && (then->rsc != NULL) && (then->rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED)) { clear_action_flag_because(first, pe_action_optional, then); if (pcmk_is_set(first->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) && !pcmk_is_set(then->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)) { clear_action_flag_because(first, pe_action_migrate_runnable, then); } } } if ((type & pe_order_implies_first_migratable) && pcmk_is_set(filter, pe_action_optional)) { if (((then->flags & pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE) || ((then->flags & pe_action_runnable) == FALSE)) { clear_action_flag_because(first, pe_action_runnable, then); } if ((then->flags & pe_action_optional) == 0) { clear_action_flag_because(first, pe_action_optional, then); } } if ((type & pe_order_pseudo_left) && pcmk_is_set(filter, pe_action_optional)) { if ((first->flags & pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) { clear_action_flag_because(then, pe_action_migrate_runnable, first); pe__clear_action_flags(then, pe_action_pseudo); } } if (pcmk_is_set(type, pe_order_runnable_left) && pcmk_is_set(filter, pe_action_runnable) && pcmk_is_set(then->flags, pe_action_runnable) && !pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_action_runnable)) { clear_action_flag_because(then, pe_action_runnable, first); clear_action_flag_because(then, pe_action_migrate_runnable, first); } if (pcmk_is_set(type, pe_order_implies_then) && pcmk_is_set(filter, pe_action_optional) && pcmk_is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional) && !pcmk_is_set(flags, pe_action_optional) && !pcmk_is_set(first->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)) { clear_action_flag_because(then, pe_action_optional, first); } if (pcmk_is_set(type, pe_order_restart)) { handle_restart_ordering(first, then, filter); } if (then_flags != then->flags) { pe__set_graph_flags(changed, first, pe_graph_updated_then); pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "%s on %s: flags are now %#.6x (was %#.6x) " "because of 'first' %s (%#.6x)", then->uuid, then->node? then->node->details->uname : "no node", then->flags, then_flags, first->uuid, first->flags); if(then->rsc && then->rsc->parent) { /* "X_stop then X_start" doesn't get handled for cloned groups unless we do this */ pcmk__update_action_for_orderings(then, data_set); } } if (first_flags != first->flags) { pe__set_graph_flags(changed, first, pe_graph_updated_first); pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "%s on %s: flags are now %#.6x (was %#.6x) " "because of 'then' %s (%#.6x)", first->uuid, first->node? first->node->details->uname : "no node", first->flags, first_flags, then->uuid, then->flags); } return changed; } void native_rsc_location(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe__location_t *constraint) { pcmk__apply_location(constraint, rsc); } void native_expand(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GList *gIter = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing actions from %s", rsc->id); for (gIter = rsc->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *action = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data; crm_trace("processing action %d for rsc=%s", action->id, rsc->id); pcmk__add_action_to_graph(action, data_set); } for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; child_rsc->cmds->expand(child_rsc, data_set); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a node is a multiply active resource's expected node * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return true if \p rsc is multiply active with multiple-active set to * stop_unexpected, and \p node is the node where it will remain active * \note This assumes that the resource's next role cannot be changed to stopped * after this is called, which should be reasonable if status has already * been unpacked and resources have been assigned to nodes. */ static bool is_expected_node(const pe_resource_t *rsc, const pe_node_t *node) { return pcmk_all_flags_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_stop_unexpected|pe_rsc_restarting) && (rsc->next_role > RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) && (rsc->allocated_to != NULL) && (node != NULL) && (rsc->allocated_to->details == node->details); } gboolean StopRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GList *gIter = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_node_t *current = (pe_node_t *) gIter->data; pe_action_t *stop; if (is_expected_node(rsc, current)) { /* We are scheduling restart actions for a multiply active resource * with multiple-active=stop_unexpected, and this is where it should * not be stopped. */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping stop of multiply active resource %s " "on expected node %s", rsc->id, current->details->uname); continue; } if (rsc->partial_migration_target) { if (rsc->partial_migration_target->details == current->details // Only if the allocated node still is the migration target. && rsc->allocated_to && rsc->allocated_to->details == rsc->partial_migration_target->details) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping stop of %s on %s " "because migration to %s in progress", rsc->id, current->details->uname, next->details->uname); continue; } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Forcing stop of %s on %s " "because migration target changed", rsc->id, current->details->uname); optional = FALSE; } } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Scheduling stop of %s on %s", rsc->id, current->details->uname); stop = stop_action(rsc, current, optional); if(rsc->allocated_to == NULL) { pe_action_set_reason(stop, "node availability", TRUE); } else if (pcmk_all_flags_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_restarting |pe_rsc_stop_unexpected)) { /* We are stopping a multiply active resource on a node that is * not its expected node, and we are still scheduling restart * actions, so the stop is for being multiply active. */ pe_action_set_reason(stop, "being multiply active", TRUE); } if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pe__clear_action_flags(stop, pe_action_runnable); } if (pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_remove_after_stop)) { DeleteRsc(rsc, current, optional, data_set); } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing)) { pe_action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(current, "on", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, data_set); order_actions(stop, unfence, pe_order_implies_first); if (!pcmk__node_unfenced(current)) { pe_proc_err("Stopping %s until %s can be unfenced", rsc->id, current->details->uname); } } } return TRUE; } gboolean StartRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { pe_action_t *start = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Scheduling %s start of %s on %s (weight=%d)", (optional? "optional" : "required"), rsc->id, ((next == NULL)? "N/A" : next->details->uname), ((next == NULL)? 0 : next->weight)); start = start_action(rsc, next, TRUE); pcmk__order_vs_unfence(rsc, next, start, pe_order_implies_then, data_set); if (pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) && !optional) { pe__clear_action_flags(start, pe_action_optional); } if (is_expected_node(rsc, next)) { /* This could be a problem if the start becomes necessary for other * reasons later. */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Start of multiply active resouce %s " "on expected node %s will be a pseudo-action", rsc->id, next->details->uname); pe__set_action_flags(start, pe_action_pseudo); } return TRUE; } gboolean PromoteRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GList *gIter = NULL; gboolean runnable = TRUE; GList *action_list = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); CRM_CHECK(next != NULL, return FALSE); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s", rsc->id, next->details->uname); action_list = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next, RSC_START, TRUE); for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *start = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data; if (!pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { runnable = FALSE; } } g_list_free(action_list); if (runnable) { pe_action_t *promote = promote_action(rsc, next, optional); if (is_expected_node(rsc, next)) { /* This could be a problem if the promote becomes necessary for * other reasons later. */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Promotion of multiply active resouce %s " "on expected node %s will be a pseudo-action", rsc->id, next->details->uname); pe__set_action_flags(promote, pe_action_pseudo); } return TRUE; } pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\tPromote %s (canceled)", next->details->uname, rsc->id); action_list = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next, RSC_PROMOTE, TRUE); for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *promote = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data; pe__clear_action_flags(promote, pe_action_runnable); } g_list_free(action_list); return TRUE; } gboolean DemoteRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GList *gIter = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); if (is_expected_node(rsc, next)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping demote of multiply active resource %s " "on expected node %s", rsc->id, next->details->uname); return TRUE; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s", rsc->id); /* CRM_CHECK(rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED, return FALSE); */ for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_node_t *current = (pe_node_t *) gIter->data; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s", rsc->id, next ? next->details->uname : "N/A"); demote_action(rsc, current, optional); } return TRUE; } gboolean RoleError(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { CRM_ASSERT(rsc); crm_err("%s on %s", rsc->id, next ? next->details->uname : "N/A"); CRM_CHECK(FALSE, return FALSE); return FALSE; } gboolean NullOp(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s", rsc->id); return FALSE; } gboolean DeleteRsc(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * node, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s not deleted from %s: failed", rsc->id, node->details->uname); return FALSE; } else if (node == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s not deleted: NULL node", rsc->id); return FALSE; } else if (node->details->unclean || node->details->online == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s not deleted from %s: unrunnable", rsc->id, node->details->uname); return FALSE; } crm_notice("Removing %s from %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); delete_action(rsc, node, optional); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_DELETE, optional? pe_order_implies_then : pe_order_optional, data_set); pcmk__order_resource_actions(rsc, RSC_DELETE, rsc, RSC_START, optional? pe_order_implies_then : pe_order_optional, data_set); return TRUE; } gboolean native_create_probe(pe_resource_t * rsc, pe_node_t * node, pe_action_t * complete, gboolean force, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { enum pe_ordering flags = pe_order_optional; char *key = NULL; pe_action_t *probe = NULL; pe_node_t *running = NULL; pe_node_t *allowed = NULL; pe_resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc); static const char *rc_promoted = NULL; static const char *rc_inactive = NULL; if (rc_inactive == NULL) { rc_inactive = pcmk__itoa(PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING); rc_promoted = pcmk__itoa(PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_PROMOTED); } CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return FALSE); if (!force && !pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_probes)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping active resource detection for %s", rsc->id); return FALSE; } if (pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(node)) { const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); if (pcmk__str_eq(class, PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_STONITH, pcmk__str_casei)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on %s because Pacemaker Remote nodes cannot run stonith agents", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } else if (pe__is_guest_node(node) && pe__resource_contains_guest_node(data_set, rsc)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on %s because guest nodes cannot run resources containing guest nodes", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } else if (rsc->is_remote_node) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on %s because Pacemaker Remote nodes cannot host remote connections", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } } if (rsc->children) { GList *gIter = NULL; gboolean any_created = FALSE; for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; any_created = child_rsc->cmds->create_probe(child_rsc, node, complete, force, data_set) || any_created; } return any_created; } else if ((rsc->container) && (!rsc->is_remote_node)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s: it is within container %s", rsc->id, rsc->container->id); return FALSE; } if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping orphan: %s", rsc->id); return FALSE; } // Check whether resource is already known on node if (!force && g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->known_on, node->details->id)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping known: %s on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); return FALSE; } allowed = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id); if (rsc->exclusive_discover || top->exclusive_discover) { if (allowed == NULL) { /* exclusive discover is enabled and this node is not in the allowed list. */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, A", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } else if (allowed->rsc_discover_mode != pe_discover_exclusive) { /* exclusive discover is enabled and this node is not marked * as a node this resource should be discovered on */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, B", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } } if(allowed == NULL && node->rsc_discover_mode == pe_discover_never) { /* If this node was allowed to host this resource it would * have been explicitly added to the 'allowed_nodes' list. * However it wasn't and the node has discovery disabled, so * no need to probe for this resource. */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, C", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } if (allowed && allowed->rsc_discover_mode == pe_discover_never) { /* this resource is marked as not needing to be discovered on this node */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, discovery mode", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } if (pe__is_guest_node(node)) { pe_resource_t *remote = node->details->remote_rsc->container; if(remote->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { /* If the container is stopped, then we know anything that * might have been inside it is also stopped and there is * no need to probe. * * If we don't know the container's state on the target * either: * * - the container is running, the transition will abort * and we'll end up in a different case next time, or * * - the container is stopped * * Either way there is no need to probe. * */ if(remote->allocated_to && g_hash_table_lookup(remote->known_on, remote->allocated_to->details->id) == NULL) { /* For safety, we order the 'rsc' start after 'remote' * has been probed. * * Using 'top' helps for groups, but we may need to * follow the start's ordering chain backwards. */ pcmk__new_ordering(remote, pcmk__op_key(remote->id, RSC_STATUS, 0), NULL, top, pcmk__op_key(top->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set); } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, %s is stopped", rsc->id, node->details->id, remote->id); return FALSE; /* Here we really we want to check if remote->stop is required, * but that information doesn't exist yet */ } else if(node->details->remote_requires_reset || node->details->unclean || pcmk_is_set(remote->flags, pe_rsc_failed) || remote->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED || (remote->allocated_to && pe_find_node(remote->running_on, remote->allocated_to->details->uname) == NULL) ) { /* The container is stopping or restarting, don't start * 'rsc' until 'remote' stops as this also implies that * 'rsc' is stopped - avoiding the need to probe */ pcmk__new_ordering(remote, pcmk__op_key(remote->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, top, pcmk__op_key(top->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, %s is stopping, restarting or moving", rsc->id, node->details->id, remote->id); return FALSE; /* } else { * The container is running so there is no problem probing it */ } } key = pcmk__op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0); probe = custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_STATUS, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set); pe__clear_action_flags(probe, pe_action_optional); pcmk__order_vs_unfence(rsc, node, probe, pe_order_optional, data_set); /* * We need to know if it's running_on (not just known_on) this node * to correctly determine the target rc. */ running = pe_find_node_id(rsc->running_on, node->details->id); if (running == NULL) { add_hash_param(probe->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, rc_inactive); } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { add_hash_param(probe->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, rc_promoted); } crm_debug("Probing %s on %s (%s) %d %p", rsc->id, node->details->uname, role2text(rsc->role), pcmk_is_set(probe->flags, pe_action_runnable), rsc->running_on); if ((pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device) && pcmk_is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) || !pe_rsc_is_clone(top)) { top = rsc; } else { crm_trace("Probing %s on %s (%s) as %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname, role2text(rsc->role), top->id); } if (!pcmk_is_set(probe->flags, pe_action_runnable) && (rsc->running_on == NULL)) { /* Prevent the start from occurring if rsc isn't active, but * don't cause it to stop if it was active already */ pe__set_order_flags(flags, pe_order_runnable_left); } pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, NULL, probe, top, pcmk__op_key(top->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, flags, data_set); // Order the probe before any agent reload pcmk__new_ordering(rsc, NULL, probe, top, reload_key(rsc), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set); return TRUE; } void native_append_meta(pe_resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml) { char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION); pe_resource_t *parent; if (value) { char *name = NULL; name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION); crm_xml_add(xml, name, value); free(name); } value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE); if (value) { char *name = NULL; name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE); crm_xml_add(xml, name, value); free(name); } for (parent = rsc; parent != NULL; parent = parent->parent) { if (parent->container) { crm_xml_add(xml, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, parent->container->id); } } } // Primitive implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:add_utilization() void pcmk__primitive_add_utilization(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *all_rscs, GHashTable *utilization) { if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return; } pe_rsc_trace(orig_rsc, "%s: Adding primitive %s as colocated utilization", orig_rsc->id, rsc->id); pcmk__release_node_capacity(utilization, rsc); } /*! * \internal * \brief Get epoch time of node's shutdown attribute (or now if none) * * \param[in] node Node to check * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set * * \return Epoch time corresponding to shutdown attribute if set or now if not */ static time_t shutdown_time(pe_node_t *node, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { const char *shutdown = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, XML_CIB_ATTR_SHUTDOWN); time_t result = 0; if (shutdown != NULL) { long long result_ll; if (pcmk__scan_ll(shutdown, &result_ll, 0LL) == pcmk_rc_ok) { result = (time_t) result_ll; } } return (result == 0)? get_effective_time(data_set) : result; } // Primitive implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:shutdown_lock() void pcmk__primitive_shutdown_lock(pe_resource_t *rsc) { const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); // Fence devices and remote connections can't be locked if (pcmk__str_eq(class, PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_STONITH, pcmk__str_null_matches) || pe__resource_is_remote_conn(rsc, rsc->cluster)) { return; } if (rsc->lock_node != NULL) { // The lock was obtained from resource history if (rsc->running_on != NULL) { /* The resource was started elsewhere even though it is now * considered locked. This shouldn't be possible, but as a * failsafe, we don't want to disturb the resource now. */ pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Cancelling shutdown lock because %s is already active", rsc->id); pe__clear_resource_history(rsc, rsc->lock_node, rsc->cluster); rsc->lock_node = NULL; rsc->lock_time = 0; } // Only a resource active on exactly one node can be locked } else if (pcmk__list_of_1(rsc->running_on)) { pe_node_t *node = rsc->running_on->data; if (node->details->shutdown) { if (node->details->unclean) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Not locking %s to unclean %s for shutdown", rsc->id, node->details->uname); } else { rsc->lock_node = node; rsc->lock_time = shutdown_time(node, rsc->cluster); } } } if (rsc->lock_node == NULL) { // No lock needed return; } if (rsc->cluster->shutdown_lock > 0) { time_t lock_expiration = rsc->lock_time + rsc->cluster->shutdown_lock; pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Locking %s to %s due to shutdown (expires @%lld)", rsc->id, rsc->lock_node->details->uname, (long long) lock_expiration); pe__update_recheck_time(++lock_expiration, rsc->cluster); } else { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Locking %s to %s due to shutdown", rsc->id, rsc->lock_node->details->uname); } // If resource is locked to one node, ban it from all other nodes for (GList *item = rsc->cluster->nodes; item != NULL; item = item->next) { pe_node_t *node = item->data; if (strcmp(node->details->uname, rsc->lock_node->details->uname)) { resource_location(rsc, node, -CRM_SCORE_INFINITY, XML_CONFIG_ATTR_SHUTDOWN_LOCK, rsc->cluster); } } } diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c index c3edc53fe9..26389562c0 100644 --- a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c +++ b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c @@ -1,1258 +1,1270 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include "libpacemaker_private.h" /*! * \internal * \brief Add implicit promotion ordering for a promotable instance * * \param[in] clone Clone resource * \param[in] child Instance of \p clone being ordered * \param[in] last Previous instance ordered (NULL if \p child is first) */ static void order_instance_promotion(pe_resource_t *clone, pe_resource_t *child, pe_resource_t *last) { // "Promote clone" -> promote instance -> "clone promoted" pcmk__order_resource_actions(clone, RSC_PROMOTE, child, RSC_PROMOTE, pe_order_optional, clone->cluster); pcmk__order_resource_actions(child, RSC_PROMOTE, clone, RSC_PROMOTED, pe_order_optional, clone->cluster); // If clone is ordered, order this instance relative to last if ((last != NULL) && pe__clone_is_ordered(clone)) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(last, RSC_PROMOTE, child, RSC_PROMOTE, pe_order_optional, clone->cluster); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Add implicit demotion ordering for a promotable instance * * \param[in] clone Clone resource * \param[in] child Instance of \p clone being ordered * \param[in] last Previous instance ordered (NULL if \p child is first) */ static void order_instance_demotion(pe_resource_t *clone, pe_resource_t *child, pe_resource_t *last) { // "Demote clone" -> demote instance -> "clone demoted" pcmk__order_resource_actions(clone, RSC_DEMOTE, child, RSC_DEMOTE, pe_order_implies_first_printed, clone->cluster); pcmk__order_resource_actions(child, RSC_DEMOTE, clone, RSC_DEMOTED, pe_order_implies_then_printed, clone->cluster); // If clone is ordered, order this instance relative to last if ((last != NULL) && pe__clone_is_ordered(clone)) { pcmk__order_resource_actions(child, RSC_DEMOTE, last, RSC_DEMOTE, pe_order_optional, clone->cluster); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether an instance will be promoted or demoted * * \param[in] rsc Instance to check * \param[in] demoting If \p rsc will be demoted, this will be set to true * \param[in] promoting If \p rsc will be promoted, this will be set to true */ static void check_for_role_change(pe_resource_t *rsc, bool *demoting, bool *promoting) { GList *iter = NULL; // If this is a cloned group, check group members recursively if (rsc->children != NULL) { for (iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { check_for_role_change((pe_resource_t *) iter->data, demoting, promoting); } return; } for (iter = rsc->actions; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_action_t *action = (pe_action_t *) iter->data; if (*promoting && *demoting) { return; } else if (pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional)) { continue; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(RSC_DEMOTE, action->task, pcmk__str_none)) { *demoting = true; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(RSC_PROMOTE, action->task, pcmk__str_none)) { *promoting = true; } } } /*! * \internal * \brief Add promoted-role location constraint scores to an instance's priority * * Adjust a promotable clone instance's promotion priority by the scores of any * location constraints in a list that are both limited to the promoted role and * for the node where the instance will be placed. * * \param[in] child Promotable clone instance * \param[in] location_constraints List of location constraints to apply * \param[in] chosen Node where \p child will be placed */ static void apply_promoted_locations(pe_resource_t *child, GList *location_constraints, pe_node_t *chosen) { for (GList *iter = location_constraints; iter; iter = iter->next) { pe__location_t *location = iter->data; pe_node_t *weighted_node = NULL; if (location->role_filter == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { weighted_node = pe_find_node_id(location->node_list_rh, chosen->details->id); } if (weighted_node != NULL) { int new_priority = pcmk__add_scores(child->priority, weighted_node->weight); pe_rsc_trace(child, "Applying location %s to %s promotion priority on %s: " "%d + %d = %d", location->id, child->id, weighted_node->details->uname, child->priority, weighted_node->weight, new_priority); child->priority = new_priority; } } } /*! * \internal * \brief Get the node that an instance will be promoted on * * \param[in] rsc Promotable clone instance to check * * \return Node that \p rsc will be promoted on, or NULL if none */ static pe_node_t * node_to_be_promoted_on(pe_resource_t *rsc) { pe_node_t *node = NULL; pe_node_t *local_node = NULL; pe_resource_t *parent = uber_parent(rsc); // If this is a cloned group, bail if any group member can't be promoted for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; if (node_to_be_promoted_on(child) == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s can't be promoted because member %s can't", rsc->id, child->id); return NULL; } } node = rsc->fns->location(rsc, NULL, FALSE); if (node == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s can't be promoted because it won't be active", rsc->id); return NULL; } else if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { if (rsc->fns->state(rsc, TRUE) == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { crm_notice("Unmanaged instance %s will be left promoted on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s can't be promoted because it is unmanaged", rsc->id); return NULL; } } else if (rsc->priority < 0) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s can't be promoted because its promotion priority %d " "is negative", rsc->id, rsc->priority); return NULL; } else if (!pcmk__node_available(node, false, true)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s can't be promoted because %s can't run resources", rsc->id, node->details->uname); return NULL; } local_node = pe_hash_table_lookup(parent->allowed_nodes, node->details->id); if (local_node == NULL) { /* It should not be possible for the scheduler to have allocated the * instance to a node where its parent is not allowed, but it's good to * have a fail-safe. */ if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { crm_warn("%s can't be promoted because %s is not allowed on %s " "(scheduler bug?)", rsc->id, parent->id, node->details->uname); } // else the instance is unmanaged and already promoted return NULL; } else if ((local_node->count >= pe__clone_promoted_node_max(parent)) && pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s can't be promoted because %s has " "maximum promoted instances already", rsc->id, node->details->uname); return NULL; } return local_node; } /*! * \internal * \brief Compare two promotable clone instances by promotion priority * * \param[in] a First instance to compare * \param[in] b Second instance to compare * * \return A negative number if \p a has higher promotion priority, * a positive number if \p b has higher promotion priority, * or 0 if promotion priorities are equal */ static gint cmp_promotable_instance(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const pe_resource_t *rsc1 = (const pe_resource_t *) a; const pe_resource_t *rsc2 = (const pe_resource_t *) b; enum rsc_role_e role1 = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; enum rsc_role_e role2 = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; CRM_ASSERT((rsc1 != NULL) && (rsc2 != NULL)); // Check sort index set by pcmk__set_instance_roles() if (rsc1->sort_index > rsc2->sort_index) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc1, "%s has higher promotion priority than %s " "(sort index %d > %d)", rsc1->id, rsc2->id, rsc1->sort_index, rsc2->sort_index); return -1; } else if (rsc1->sort_index < rsc2->sort_index) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc1, "%s has lower promotion priority than %s " "(sort index %d < %d)", rsc1->id, rsc2->id, rsc1->sort_index, rsc2->sort_index); return 1; } // If those are the same, prefer instance whose current role is higher role1 = rsc1->fns->state(rsc1, TRUE); role2 = rsc2->fns->state(rsc2, TRUE); if (role1 > role2) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc1, "%s has higher promotion priority than %s " "(higher current role)", rsc1->id, rsc2->id); return -1; } else if (role1 < role2) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc1, "%s has lower promotion priority than %s " "(lower current role)", rsc1->id, rsc2->id); return 1; } // Finally, do normal clone instance sorting return pcmk__cmp_instance(a, b); } /*! * \internal * \brief Add a promotable clone instance's sort index to its node's weight * * Add a promotable clone instance's sort index (which sums its promotion * preferences and scores of relevant location constraints for the promoted * role) to the node weight of the instance's allocated node. * * \param[in] data Promotable clone instance * \param[in] user_data Clone parent of \p data */ static void add_sort_index_to_node_weight(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) data; pe_resource_t *clone = (pe_resource_t *) user_data; pe_node_t *node = NULL; pe_node_t *chosen = NULL; if (child->sort_index < 0) { pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Not adding sort index of %s: negative", child->id); return; } chosen = child->fns->location(child, NULL, FALSE); if (chosen == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Not adding sort index of %s: inactive", child->id); return; } node = (pe_node_t *) pe_hash_table_lookup(clone->allowed_nodes, chosen->details->id); CRM_ASSERT(node != NULL); pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Adding sort index %s of %s to weight for %s", pcmk_readable_score(child->sort_index), child->id, node->details->uname); node->weight = pcmk__add_scores(child->sort_index, node->weight); } /*! * \internal * \brief Apply colocation to dependent's node weights if for promoted role * * \param[in] data Colocation constraint to apply * \param[in] user_data Promotable clone that is constraint's dependent */ static void apply_coloc_to_dependent(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) data; pe_resource_t *clone = (pe_resource_t *) user_data; - enum pe_weights flags = 0; + pe_resource_t *primary = constraint->primary; + uint32_t flags = pcmk__coloc_select_default; + float factor = constraint->score / (float) INFINITY; if (constraint->dependent_role != RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { return; } if (constraint->score < INFINITY) { - flags = pe_weights_rollback; + flags = pcmk__coloc_select_active; } - pe_rsc_trace(clone, "RHS: %s with %s: %d", - constraint->dependent->id, constraint->primary->id, - constraint->score); - pcmk__apply_colocation(constraint, clone, constraint->primary, flags); + pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Applying colocation %s (promoted %s with %s) @%s", + constraint->id, constraint->dependent->id, + constraint->primary->id, + pcmk_readable_score(constraint->score)); + primary->cmds->add_colocated_node_scores(primary, clone->id, + &clone->allowed_nodes, + constraint->node_attribute, + factor, flags); } /*! * \internal * \brief Apply colocation to primary's node weights if for promoted role * * \param[in] data Colocation constraint to apply * \param[in] user_data Promotable clone that is constraint's primary */ static void apply_coloc_to_primary(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) data; pe_resource_t *clone = (pe_resource_t *) user_data; + pe_resource_t *dependent = constraint->dependent; + const float factor = constraint->score / (float) INFINITY; + const uint32_t flags = pcmk__coloc_select_active + |pcmk__coloc_select_nonnegative; if ((constraint->primary_role != RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) || !pcmk__colocation_has_influence(constraint, NULL)) { return; } - pe_rsc_trace(clone, "LHS: %s with %s: %d", - constraint->dependent->id, constraint->primary->id, - constraint->score); - pcmk__apply_colocation(constraint, clone, constraint->dependent, - pe_weights_rollback|pe_weights_positive); + pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Applying colocation %s (%s with promoted %s) @%s", + constraint->id, constraint->dependent->id, + constraint->primary->id, + pcmk_readable_score(constraint->score)); + dependent->cmds->add_colocated_node_scores(dependent, clone->id, + &clone->allowed_nodes, + constraint->node_attribute, + factor, flags); } /*! * \internal * \brief Set clone instance's sort index to its node's weight * * \param[in] data Promotable clone instance * \param[in] user_data Parent clone of \p data */ static void set_sort_index_to_node_weight(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) data; pe_resource_t *clone = (pe_resource_t *) user_data; pe_node_t *chosen = child->fns->location(child, NULL, FALSE); if (!pcmk_is_set(child->flags, pe_rsc_managed) && (child->next_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED)) { child->sort_index = INFINITY; pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Final sort index for %s is INFINITY (unmanaged promoted)", child->id); } else if ((chosen == NULL) || (child->sort_index < 0)) { pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Final sort index for %s is %d (ignoring node weight)", child->id, child->sort_index); } else { pe_node_t *node = NULL; node = (pe_node_t *) pe_hash_table_lookup(clone->allowed_nodes, chosen->details->id); CRM_ASSERT(node != NULL); child->sort_index = node->weight; pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Merging weights for %s: final sort index for %s is %d", clone->id, child->id, child->sort_index); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Sort a promotable clone's instances by descending promotion priority * * \param[in] clone Promotable clone to sort */ static void sort_promotable_instances(pe_resource_t *clone) { if (pe__set_clone_flag(clone, pe__clone_promotion_constrained) == pcmk_rc_already) { return; } pe__set_resource_flags(clone, pe_rsc_merging); for (GList *iter = clone->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Merging weights for %s: initial sort index for %s is %d", clone->id, child->id, child->sort_index); } pe__show_node_weights(true, clone, "Before", clone->allowed_nodes, clone->cluster); g_list_foreach(clone->children, add_sort_index_to_node_weight, clone); g_list_foreach(clone->rsc_cons, apply_coloc_to_dependent, clone); g_list_foreach(clone->rsc_cons_lhs, apply_coloc_to_primary, clone); // Ban resource from all nodes if it needs a ticket but doesn't have it pcmk__require_promotion_tickets(clone); pe__show_node_weights(true, clone, "After", clone->allowed_nodes, clone->cluster); // Reset sort indexes to final node weights g_list_foreach(clone->children, set_sort_index_to_node_weight, clone); // Finally, sort instances in descending order of promotion priority clone->children = g_list_sort(clone->children, cmp_promotable_instance); pe__clear_resource_flags(clone, pe_rsc_merging); } /*! * \internal * \brief Find the active instance (if any) of an anonymous clone on a node * * \param[in] clone Anonymous clone to check * \param[in] id Instance ID (without instance number) to check * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return */ static pe_resource_t * find_active_anon_instance(pe_resource_t *clone, const char *id, const pe_node_t *node) { for (GList *iter = clone->children; iter; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = iter->data; pe_resource_t *active = NULL; // Use ->find_rsc() in case this is a cloned group active = clone->fns->find_rsc(child, id, node, pe_find_clone|pe_find_current); if (active != NULL) { return active; } } return NULL; } /* * \brief Check whether an anonymous clone instance is known on a node * * \param[in] clone Anonymous clone to check * \param[in] id Instance ID (without instance number) to check * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return true if \p id instance of \p clone is known on \p node, * otherwise false */ static bool anonymous_known_on(const pe_resource_t *clone, const char *id, const pe_node_t *node) { for (GList *iter = clone->children; iter; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = iter->data; /* Use ->find_rsc() because this might be a cloned group, and knowing * that other members of the group are known here implies nothing. */ child = clone->fns->find_rsc(child, id, NULL, pe_find_clone); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(child != NULL); if (child != NULL) { if (g_hash_table_lookup(child->known_on, node->details->id)) { return true; } } } return false; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a node is allowed to run a resource * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return true if \p node is allowed to run \p rsc, otherwise false */ static bool is_allowed(const pe_resource_t *rsc, const pe_node_t *node) { pe_node_t *allowed = pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id); return (allowed != NULL) && (allowed->weight >= 0); } /*! * \brief Check whether a clone instance's promotion score should be considered * * \param[in] rsc Promotable clone instance to check * \param[in] node Node where score would be applied * * \return true if \p rsc's promotion score should be considered on \p node, * otherwise false */ static bool promotion_score_applies(pe_resource_t *rsc, const pe_node_t *node) { char *id = clone_strip(rsc->id); pe_resource_t *parent = uber_parent(rsc); pe_resource_t *active = NULL; const char *reason = "allowed"; // Some checks apply only to anonymous clone instances if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { // If instance is active on the node, its score definitely applies active = find_active_anon_instance(parent, id, node); if (active == rsc) { reason = "active"; goto check_allowed; } /* If *no* instance is active on this node, this instance's score will * count if it has been probed on this node. */ if ((active == NULL) && anonymous_known_on(parent, id, node)) { reason = "probed"; goto check_allowed; } } /* If this clone's status is unknown on *all* nodes (e.g. cluster startup), * take all instances' scores into account, to make sure we use any * permanent promotion scores. */ if ((rsc->running_on == NULL) && (g_hash_table_size(rsc->known_on) == 0)) { reason = "none probed"; goto check_allowed; } /* Otherwise, we've probed and/or started the resource *somewhere*, so * consider promotion scores on nodes where we know the status. */ if ((pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->known_on, node->details->id) != NULL) || (pe_find_node_id(rsc->running_on, node->details->id) != NULL)) { reason = "known"; } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Ignoring %s promotion score (for %s) on %s: not probed", rsc->id, id, node->details->uname); free(id); return false; } check_allowed: if (is_allowed(rsc, node)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Counting %s promotion score (for %s) on %s: %s", rsc->id, id, node->details->uname, reason); free(id); return true; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Ignoring %s promotion score (for %s) on %s: not allowed", rsc->id, id, node->details->uname); free(id); return false; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get the value of a promotion score node attribute * * \param[in] rsc Promotable clone instance to get promotion score for * \param[in] node Node to get promotion score for * \param[in] name Resource name to use in promotion score attribute name * * \return Value of promotion score node attribute for \p rsc on \p node */ static const char * promotion_attr_value(pe_resource_t *rsc, const pe_node_t *node, const char *name) { char *attr_name = NULL; const char *attr_value = NULL; CRM_CHECK((rsc != NULL) && (node != NULL) && (name != NULL), return NULL); attr_name = pcmk_promotion_score_name(name); attr_value = pe_node_attribute_calculated(node, attr_name, rsc); free(attr_name); return attr_value; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get the promotion score for a clone instance on a node * * \param[in] rsc Promotable clone instance to get score for * \param[in] node Node to get score for * \param[out] is_default If non-NULL, will be set true if no score available * * \return Promotion score for \p rsc on \p node (or 0 if none) */ static int promotion_score(pe_resource_t *rsc, const pe_node_t *node, bool *is_default) { char *name = NULL; const char *attr_value = NULL; if (is_default != NULL) { *is_default = true; } CRM_CHECK((rsc != NULL) && (node != NULL), return 0); /* If this is an instance of a cloned group, the promotion score is the sum * of all members' promotion scores. */ if (rsc->children != NULL) { int score = 0; for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; bool child_default = false; int child_score = promotion_score(child, node, &child_default); if (!child_default && (is_default != NULL)) { *is_default = false; } score += child_score; } return score; } if (!promotion_score_applies(rsc, node)) { return 0; } /* For the promotion score attribute name, use the name the resource is * known as in resource history, since that's what crm_attribute --promotion * would have used. */ name = (rsc->clone_name == NULL)? rsc->id : rsc->clone_name; attr_value = promotion_attr_value(rsc, node, name); if (attr_value != NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Promotion score for %s on %s = %s", name, node->details->uname, pcmk__s(attr_value, "(unset)")); } else if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { /* If we don't have any resource history yet, we won't have clone_name. * In that case, for anonymous clones, try the resource name without * any instance number. */ name = clone_strip(rsc->id); if (strcmp(rsc->id, name) != 0) { attr_value = promotion_attr_value(rsc, node, name); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Promotion score for %s on %s (for %s) = %s", name, node->details->uname, rsc->id, pcmk__s(attr_value, "(unset)")); } free(name); } if (attr_value == NULL) { return 0; } if (is_default != NULL) { *is_default = false; } return char2score(attr_value); } /*! * \internal * \brief Include promotion scores in instances' node weights and priorities * * \param[in] rsc Promotable clone resource to update */ void pcmk__add_promotion_scores(pe_resource_t *rsc) { if (pe__set_clone_flag(rsc, pe__clone_promotion_added) == pcmk_rc_already) { return; } for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; GHashTableIter iter; pe_node_t *node = NULL; int score, new_score; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, child_rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **) &node)) { if (!pcmk__node_available(node, false, false)) { /* This node will never be promoted, so don't apply the * promotion score, as that may lead to clone shuffling. */ continue; } score = promotion_score(child_rsc, node, NULL); if (score > 0) { new_score = pcmk__add_scores(node->weight, score); if (new_score != node->weight) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Adding promotion score to preference " "for %s on %s (%d->%d)", child_rsc->id, node->details->uname, node->weight, new_score); node->weight = new_score; } } if (score > child_rsc->priority) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Updating %s priority to promotion score (%d->%d)", child_rsc->id, child_rsc->priority, score); child_rsc->priority = score; } } } } /*! * \internal * \brief If a resource's current role is started, change it to unpromoted * * \param[in] data Resource to update * \param[in] user_data Ignored */ static void set_current_role_unpromoted(void *data, void *user_data) { pe_resource_t *rsc = (pe_resource_t *) data; if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED) { // Promotable clones should use unpromoted role instead of started rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED; } g_list_foreach(rsc->children, set_current_role_unpromoted, NULL); } /*! * \internal * \brief Set a resource's next role to unpromoted (or stopped if unassigned) * * \param[in] data Resource to update * \param[in] user_data Ignored */ static void set_next_role_unpromoted(void *data, void *user_data) { pe_resource_t *rsc = (pe_resource_t *) data; GList *assigned = NULL; rsc->fns->location(rsc, &assigned, FALSE); if (assigned == NULL) { pe__set_next_role(rsc, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, "stopped instance"); } else { pe__set_next_role(rsc, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED, "unpromoted instance"); g_list_free(assigned); } g_list_foreach(rsc->children, set_next_role_unpromoted, NULL); } /*! * \internal * \brief Set a resource's next role to promoted if not already set * * \param[in] data Resource to update * \param[in] user_data Ignored */ static void set_next_role_promoted(void *data, gpointer user_data) { pe_resource_t *rsc = (pe_resource_t *) data; if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { pe__set_next_role(rsc, RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED, "promoted instance"); } g_list_foreach(rsc->children, set_next_role_promoted, NULL); } /*! * \internal * \brief Show instance's promotion score on node where it will be active * * \param[in] instance Promotable clone instance to show */ static void show_promotion_score(pe_resource_t *instance) { pe_node_t *chosen = instance->fns->location(instance, NULL, FALSE); if (pcmk_is_set(instance->cluster->flags, pe_flag_show_scores) && !pcmk__is_daemon && (instance->cluster->priv != NULL)) { pcmk__output_t *out = instance->cluster->priv; out->message(out, "promotion-score", instance, chosen, pcmk_readable_score(instance->sort_index)); } else { pe_rsc_debug(uber_parent(instance), "%s promotion score on %s: sort=%s priority=%s", instance->id, ((chosen == NULL)? "none" : chosen->details->uname), pcmk_readable_score(instance->sort_index), pcmk_readable_score(instance->priority)); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Set a clone instance's promotion priority * * \param[in] data Promotable clone instance to update * \param[in] user_data Instance's parent clone */ static void set_instance_priority(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { pe_resource_t *instance = (pe_resource_t *) data; pe_resource_t *clone = (pe_resource_t *) user_data; pe_node_t *chosen = NULL; enum rsc_role_e next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; GList *list = NULL; pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Assigning priority for %s: %s", instance->id, role2text(instance->next_role)); if (instance->fns->state(instance, TRUE) == RSC_ROLE_STARTED) { set_current_role_unpromoted(instance, NULL); } // Only an instance that will be active can be promoted chosen = instance->fns->location(instance, &list, FALSE); if (pcmk__list_of_multiple(list)) { pcmk__config_err("Cannot promote non-colocated child %s", instance->id); } g_list_free(list); if (chosen == NULL) { return; } next_role = instance->fns->state(instance, FALSE); switch (next_role) { case RSC_ROLE_STARTED: case RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN: // Set instance priority to its promotion score (or -1 if none) { bool is_default = false; instance->priority = promotion_score(instance, chosen, &is_default); if (is_default) { /* * Default to -1 if no value is set. This allows * instances eligible for promotion to be specified * based solely on rsc_location constraints, but * prevents any instance from being promoted if neither * a constraint nor a promotion score is present */ instance->priority = -1; } } break; case RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED: case RSC_ROLE_STOPPED: // Instance can't be promoted instance->priority = -INFINITY; break; case RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED: // Nothing needed (re-creating actions after scheduling fencing) break; default: CRM_CHECK(FALSE, crm_err("Unknown resource role %d for %s", next_role, instance->id)); } // Add relevant location constraint scores for promoted role apply_promoted_locations(instance, instance->rsc_location, chosen); apply_promoted_locations(instance, clone->rsc_location, chosen); // Apply relevant colocations with promoted role for (GList *iter = instance->rsc_cons; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *cons = (pcmk__colocation_t *) iter->data; - instance->cmds->rsc_colocation_lh(instance, cons->primary, cons, - instance->cluster); + instance->cmds->apply_coloc_score(instance, cons->primary, cons, true); } instance->sort_index = instance->priority; if (next_role == RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) { instance->sort_index = INFINITY; } pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Assigning %s priority = %d", instance->id, instance->priority); } /*! * \internal * \brief Set a promotable clone instance's role * * \param[in] data Promotable clone instance to update * \param[in] user_data Pointer to count of instances chosen for promotion */ static void set_instance_role(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { pe_resource_t *instance = (pe_resource_t *) data; int *count = (int *) user_data; pe_resource_t *clone = uber_parent(instance); pe_node_t *chosen = NULL; show_promotion_score(instance); if (instance->sort_index < 0) { pe_rsc_trace(clone, "Not supposed to promote instance %s", instance->id); } else if ((*count < pe__clone_promoted_max(instance)) || !pcmk_is_set(clone->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { chosen = node_to_be_promoted_on(instance); } if (chosen == NULL) { set_next_role_unpromoted(instance, NULL); return; } if ((instance->role < RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) && !pcmk_is_set(instance->cluster->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) && (instance->cluster->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_freeze)) { crm_notice("Clone instance %s cannot be promoted without quorum", instance->id); set_next_role_unpromoted(instance, NULL); return; } chosen->count++; pe_rsc_info(clone, "Choosing %s (%s) on %s for promotion", instance->id, role2text(instance->role), chosen->details->uname); set_next_role_promoted(instance, NULL); (*count)++; } /*! * \internal * \brief Set roles for all instances of a promotable clone * * \param[in] clone Promotable clone resource to update */ void pcmk__set_instance_roles(pe_resource_t *rsc) { int promoted = 0; GHashTableIter iter; pe_node_t *node = NULL; // Repurpose count to track the number of promoted instances allocated g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { node->count = 0; } // Set instances' promotion priorities and sort by highest priority first g_list_foreach(rsc->children, set_instance_priority, rsc); sort_promotable_instances(rsc); // Choose the first N eligible instances to be promoted g_list_foreach(rsc->children, set_instance_role, &promoted); pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Promoted %d instances of a possible %d", rsc->id, promoted, pe__clone_promoted_max(rsc)); } /*! * * \internal * \brief Create actions for promotable clone instances * * \param[in] clone Promotable clone to create actions for * \param[out] any_promoting Will be set true if any instance is promoting * \param[out] any_demoting Will be set true if any instance is demoting */ static void create_promotable_instance_actions(pe_resource_t *clone, bool *any_promoting, bool *any_demoting) { for (GList *iter = clone->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *instance = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; instance->cmds->create_actions(instance, clone->cluster); check_for_role_change(instance, any_demoting, any_promoting); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Reset each promotable instance's resource priority * * Reset the priority of each instance of a promotable clone to the clone's * priority (after promotion actions are scheduled, when instance priorities * were repurposed as promotion scores). * * \param[in] clone Promotable clone to reset */ static void reset_instance_priorities(pe_resource_t *clone) { for (GList *iter = clone->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *instance = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; instance->priority = clone->priority; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Create actions specific to promotable clones * * \param[in] clone Promotable clone to create actions for */ void pcmk__create_promotable_actions(pe_resource_t *clone) { bool any_promoting = false; bool any_demoting = false; // Create actions for each clone instance individually create_promotable_instance_actions(clone, &any_promoting, &any_demoting); // Create pseudo-actions for clone as a whole pe__create_promotable_pseudo_ops(clone, any_promoting, any_demoting); // Undo our temporary repurposing of resource priority for instances reset_instance_priorities(clone); } /*! * \internal * \brief Create internal orderings for a promotable clone's instances * * \param[in] clone Promotable clone instance to order */ void pcmk__order_promotable_instances(pe_resource_t *clone) { pe_resource_t *previous = NULL; // Needed for ordered clones pcmk__promotable_restart_ordering(clone); for (GList *iter = clone->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *instance = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; // Demote before promote pcmk__order_resource_actions(instance, RSC_DEMOTE, instance, RSC_PROMOTE, pe_order_optional, instance->cluster); order_instance_promotion(clone, instance, previous); order_instance_demotion(clone, instance, previous); previous = instance; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Update dependent's allowed nodes for colocation with promotable * * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource to update * \param[in] primary_node Node where an instance of the primary will be * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint to apply */ static void update_dependent_allowed_nodes(pe_resource_t *dependent, pe_node_t *primary_node, pcmk__colocation_t *colocation) { GHashTableIter iter; pe_node_t *node = NULL; const char *primary_value = NULL; const char *attr = NULL; if (colocation->score >= INFINITY) { return; // Colocation is mandatory, so allowed node scores don't matter } // Get value of primary's colocation node attribute attr = colocation->node_attribute; if (attr == NULL) { attr = CRM_ATTR_UNAME; } primary_value = pe_node_attribute_raw(primary_node, attr); pe_rsc_trace(colocation->primary, "Applying %s (%s with %s on %s by %s @%d) to %s", colocation->id, colocation->dependent->id, colocation->primary->id, primary_node->details->uname, attr, colocation->score, dependent->id); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, dependent->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **) &node)) { const char *dependent_value = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, attr); if (pcmk__str_eq(primary_value, dependent_value, pcmk__str_casei)) { pe_rsc_trace(colocation->primary, "%s: %d + %d", node->details->uname, node->weight, colocation->score); node->weight = pcmk__add_scores(node->weight, colocation->score); } } } /*! * \brief Update dependent for a colocation with a promotable clone * * \param[in] primary Primary resource in the colocation * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in the colocation * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint to apply */ void pcmk__update_dependent_with_promotable(pe_resource_t *primary, pe_resource_t *dependent, pcmk__colocation_t *colocation) { GList *affected_nodes = NULL; /* Build a list of all nodes where an instance of the primary will be, and * (for optional colocations) update the dependent's allowed node scores for * each one. */ for (GList *iter = primary->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *instance = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; pe_node_t *node = instance->fns->location(instance, NULL, FALSE); if (node == NULL) { continue; } if (instance->fns->state(instance, FALSE) == colocation->primary_role) { update_dependent_allowed_nodes(dependent, node, colocation); affected_nodes = g_list_prepend(affected_nodes, node); } } /* For mandatory colocations, add the primary's node weight to the * dependent's node weight for each affected node, and ban the dependent * from all other nodes. * * However, skip this for promoted-with-promoted colocations, otherwise * inactive dependent instances can't start (in the unpromoted role). */ if ((colocation->score >= INFINITY) && ((colocation->dependent_role != RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED) || (colocation->primary_role != RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED))) { pe_rsc_trace(colocation->primary, "Applying %s (mandatory %s with %s) to %s", colocation->id, colocation->dependent->id, colocation->primary->id, dependent->id); node_list_exclude(dependent->allowed_nodes, affected_nodes, TRUE); } g_list_free(affected_nodes); } /*! * \internal * \brief Update dependent priority for colocation with promotable * * \param[in] primary Primary resource in the colocation * \param[in] dependent Dependent resource in the colocation * \param[in] colocation Colocation constraint to apply */ void pcmk__update_promotable_dependent_priority(pe_resource_t *primary, pe_resource_t *dependent, pcmk__colocation_t *colocation) { pe_resource_t *primary_instance = NULL; // Look for a primary instance where dependent will be primary_instance = find_compatible_child(dependent, primary, colocation->primary_role, FALSE, primary->cluster); if (primary_instance != NULL) { // Add primary instance's priority to dependent's int new_priority = pcmk__add_scores(dependent->priority, colocation->score); pe_rsc_trace(colocation->primary, "Applying %s (%s with %s) to %s priority (%s + %s = %s)", colocation->id, colocation->dependent->id, colocation->primary->id, dependent->id, pcmk_readable_score(dependent->priority), pcmk_readable_score(colocation->score), pcmk_readable_score(new_priority)); dependent->priority = new_priority; } else if (colocation->score >= INFINITY) { // Mandatory colocation, but primary won't be here pe_rsc_trace(colocation->primary, "Applying %s (%s with %s) to %s: can't be promoted", colocation->id, colocation->dependent->id, colocation->primary->id, dependent->id); dependent->priority = -INFINITY; } } diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_resource.c b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_resource.c index 67530dd4a4..029d4d0ba9 100644 --- a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_resource.c +++ b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_resource.c @@ -1,1092 +1,1088 @@ /* * Copyright 2014-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "libpacemaker_private.h" // Resource allocation methods that vary by resource variant static resource_alloc_functions_t allocation_methods[] = { { - pcmk__native_merge_weights, pcmk__native_allocate, native_create_actions, native_create_probe, native_internal_constraints, - native_rsc_colocation_lh, - native_rsc_colocation_rh, + pcmk__primitive_apply_coloc_score, + pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores, pcmk__colocated_resources, native_rsc_location, native_action_flags, native_update_actions, pcmk__output_resource_actions, native_expand, native_append_meta, pcmk__primitive_add_utilization, pcmk__primitive_shutdown_lock, }, { - pcmk__group_merge_weights, pcmk__group_allocate, group_create_actions, native_create_probe, group_internal_constraints, - group_rsc_colocation_lh, - group_rsc_colocation_rh, + pcmk__group_apply_coloc_score, + pcmk__group_add_colocated_node_scores, pcmk__group_colocated_resources, group_rsc_location, group_action_flags, group_update_actions, pcmk__output_resource_actions, group_expand, group_append_meta, pcmk__group_add_utilization, pcmk__group_shutdown_lock, }, { - pcmk__native_merge_weights, pcmk__clone_allocate, clone_create_actions, clone_create_probe, clone_internal_constraints, - clone_rsc_colocation_lh, - clone_rsc_colocation_rh, + pcmk__clone_apply_coloc_score, + pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores, pcmk__colocated_resources, clone_rsc_location, clone_action_flags, pcmk__multi_update_actions, pcmk__output_resource_actions, clone_expand, clone_append_meta, pcmk__clone_add_utilization, pcmk__clone_shutdown_lock, }, { - pcmk__native_merge_weights, pcmk__bundle_allocate, pcmk__bundle_create_actions, pcmk__bundle_create_probe, pcmk__bundle_internal_constraints, - pcmk__bundle_rsc_colocation_lh, - pcmk__bundle_rsc_colocation_rh, + pcmk__bundle_apply_coloc_score, + pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores, pcmk__colocated_resources, pcmk__bundle_rsc_location, pcmk__bundle_action_flags, pcmk__multi_update_actions, pcmk__output_bundle_actions, pcmk__bundle_expand, pcmk__bundle_append_meta, pcmk__bundle_add_utilization, pcmk__bundle_shutdown_lock, } }; /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a resource's agent standard, provider, or type changed * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * \param[in] node Node needing unfencing/restart if agent changed * \param[in] rsc_entry XML with previously known agent information * \param[in] active_on_node Whether \p rsc is active on \p node * * \return true if agent for \p rsc changed, otherwise false */ bool pcmk__rsc_agent_changed(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, const xmlNode *rsc_entry, bool active_on_node) { bool changed = false; const char *attr_list[] = { XML_ATTR_TYPE, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER }; for (int i = 0; i < PCMK__NELEM(attr_list); i++) { const char *value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, attr_list[i]); const char *old_value = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, attr_list[i]); if (!pcmk__str_eq(value, old_value, pcmk__str_none)) { changed = true; trigger_unfencing(rsc, node, "Device definition changed", NULL, rsc->cluster); if (active_on_node) { crm_notice("Forcing restart of %s on %s " "because %s changed from '%s' to '%s'", rsc->id, node->details->uname, attr_list[i], pcmk__s(old_value, ""), pcmk__s(value, "")); } } } if (changed && active_on_node) { // Make sure the resource is restarted custom_action(rsc, stop_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_STOP, node, FALSE, TRUE, rsc->cluster); pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_start_pending); } return changed; } /*! * \internal * \brief Add resource (and any matching children) to list if it matches ID * * \param[in] result List to add resource to * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * \param[in] id ID to match * * \return (Possibly new) head of list */ static GList * add_rsc_if_matching(GList *result, pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *id) { if ((strcmp(rsc->id, id) == 0) || ((rsc->clone_name != NULL) && (strcmp(rsc->clone_name, id) == 0))) { result = g_list_prepend(result, rsc); } for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; result = add_rsc_if_matching(result, child, id); } return result; } /*! * \internal * \brief Find all resources matching a given ID by either ID or clone name * * \param[in] id Resource ID to check * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set * * \return List of all resources that match \p id * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value with * g_list_free(). */ GList * pcmk__rscs_matching_id(const char *id, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *result = NULL; CRM_CHECK((id != NULL) && (data_set != NULL), return NULL); for (GList *iter = data_set->resources; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { result = add_rsc_if_matching(result, (pe_resource_t *) iter->data, id); } return result; } /*! * \internal * \brief Set the variant-appropriate allocation methods for a resource * * \param[in] rsc Resource to set allocation methods for * \param[in] ignored Only here so function can be used with g_list_foreach() */ static void set_allocation_methods_for_rsc(pe_resource_t *rsc, void *ignored) { rsc->cmds = &allocation_methods[rsc->variant]; g_list_foreach(rsc->children, (GFunc) set_allocation_methods_for_rsc, NULL); } /*! * \internal * \brief Set the variant-appropriate allocation methods for all resources * * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set */ void pcmk__set_allocation_methods(pe_working_set_t *data_set) { g_list_foreach(data_set->resources, (GFunc) set_allocation_methods_for_rsc, NULL); } // Shared implementation of resource_alloc_functions_t:colocated_resources() GList * pcmk__colocated_resources(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_resource_t *orig_rsc, GList *colocated_rscs) { GList *gIter = NULL; if (orig_rsc == NULL) { orig_rsc = rsc; } if ((rsc == NULL) || (g_list_find(colocated_rscs, rsc) != NULL)) { return colocated_rscs; } pe_rsc_trace(orig_rsc, "%s is in colocation chain with %s", rsc->id, orig_rsc->id); colocated_rscs = g_list_append(colocated_rscs, rsc); // Follow colocations where this resource is the dependent resource for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; pe_resource_t *primary = constraint->primary; if (primary == orig_rsc) { continue; // Break colocation loop } if ((constraint->score == INFINITY) && (pcmk__colocation_affects(rsc, primary, constraint, true) == pcmk__coloc_affects_location)) { colocated_rscs = primary->cmds->colocated_resources(primary, orig_rsc, colocated_rscs); } } // Follow colocations where this resource is the primary resource for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *constraint = (pcmk__colocation_t *) gIter->data; pe_resource_t *dependent = constraint->dependent; if (dependent == orig_rsc) { continue; // Break colocation loop } if (pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc) && !pe_rsc_is_clone(dependent)) { continue; // We can't be sure whether dependent will be colocated } if ((constraint->score == INFINITY) && (pcmk__colocation_affects(dependent, rsc, constraint, true) == pcmk__coloc_affects_location)) { colocated_rscs = dependent->cmds->colocated_resources(dependent, orig_rsc, colocated_rscs); } } return colocated_rscs; } void pcmk__output_resource_actions(pe_resource_t *rsc) { pcmk__output_t *out = rsc->cluster->priv; pe_node_t *next = NULL; pe_node_t *current = NULL; if (rsc->children != NULL) { for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; child->cmds->output_actions(child); } return; } next = rsc->allocated_to; if (rsc->running_on) { current = pe__current_node(rsc); if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { /* * This can occur when resources are being recovered * We fiddle with the current role in native_create_actions() */ rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; } } if ((current == NULL) && pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { /* Don't log stopped orphans */ return; } out->message(out, "rsc-action", rsc, current, next); } /*! * \internal * \brief Assign a specified primitive resource to a node * * Assign a specified primitive resource to a specified node, if the node can * run the resource (or unconditionally, if \p force is true). Mark the resource * as no longer provisional. If the primitive can't be assigned (or \p chosen is * NULL), unassign any previous assignment for it, set its next role to stopped, * and update any existing actions scheduled for it. This is not done * recursively for children, so it should be called only for primitives. * * \param[in] rsc Resource to assign * \param[in] chosen Node to assign \p rsc to * \param[in] force If true, assign to \p chosen even if unavailable * * \return true if \p rsc could be assigned, otherwise false * * \note Assigning a resource to the NULL node using this function is different * from calling pcmk__unassign_resource(), in that it will also update any * actions created for the resource. */ bool pcmk__assign_primitive(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *chosen, bool force) { pcmk__output_t *out = rsc->cluster->priv; CRM_ASSERT(rsc->variant == pe_native); if (!force && (chosen != NULL)) { if ((chosen->weight < 0) // Allow the graph to assume that guest node connections will come up || (!pcmk__node_available(chosen, true, false) && !pe__is_guest_node(chosen))) { crm_debug("All nodes for resource %s are unavailable, unclean or " "shutting down (%s can%s run resources, with weight %d)", rsc->id, chosen->details->uname, (pcmk__node_available(chosen, true, false)? "" : "not"), chosen->weight); pe__set_next_role(rsc, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, "node availability"); chosen = NULL; } } pcmk__unassign_resource(rsc); pe__clear_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_provisional); if (chosen == NULL) { crm_debug("Could not allocate a node for %s", rsc->id); pe__set_next_role(rsc, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, "unable to allocate"); for (GList *iter = rsc->actions; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_action_t *op = (pe_action_t *) iter->data; crm_debug("Updating %s for allocation failure", op->uuid); if (pcmk__str_eq(op->task, RSC_STOP, pcmk__str_casei)) { pe__clear_action_flags(op, pe_action_optional); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(op->task, RSC_START, pcmk__str_casei)) { pe__clear_action_flags(op, pe_action_runnable); //pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_block); } else { // Cancel recurring actions, unless for stopped state const char *interval_ms_s = NULL; const char *target_rc_s = NULL; char *rc_stopped = pcmk__itoa(PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING); interval_ms_s = g_hash_table_lookup(op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS); target_rc_s = g_hash_table_lookup(op->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC); if ((interval_ms_s != NULL) && !pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_none) && !pcmk__str_eq(rc_stopped, target_rc_s, pcmk__str_none)) { pe__clear_action_flags(op, pe_action_runnable); } free(rc_stopped); } } return false; } crm_debug("Assigning %s to %s", rsc->id, chosen->details->uname); rsc->allocated_to = pe__copy_node(chosen); chosen->details->allocated_rsc = g_list_prepend(chosen->details->allocated_rsc, rsc); chosen->details->num_resources++; chosen->count++; pcmk__consume_node_capacity(chosen->details->utilization, rsc); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->cluster->flags, pe_flag_show_utilization)) { out->message(out, "resource-util", rsc, chosen, __func__); } return true; } /*! * \internal * \brief Assign a specified resource (of any variant) to a node * * Assign a specified resource and its children (if any) to a specified node, if * the node can run the resource (or unconditionally, if \p force is true). Mark * the resources as no longer provisional. If the resources can't be assigned * (or \p chosen is NULL), unassign any previous assignments, set next role to * stopped, and update any existing actions scheduled for them. * * \param[in] rsc Resource to assign * \param[in] chosen Node to assign \p rsc to * \param[in] force If true, assign to \p chosen even if unavailable * * \return true if \p rsc could be assigned, otherwise false * * \note Assigning a resource to the NULL node using this function is different * from calling pcmk__unassign_resource(), in that it will also update any * actions created for the resource. */ bool pcmk__assign_resource(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, bool force) { bool changed = false; if (rsc->children == NULL) { if (rsc->allocated_to != NULL) { changed = true; } pcmk__assign_primitive(rsc, node, force); } else { for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_resource_t *child_rsc = (pe_resource_t *) iter->data; changed |= pcmk__assign_resource(child_rsc, node, force); } } return changed; } /*! * \internal * \brief Remove any assignment of a specified resource to a node * * If a specified resource has been assigned to a node, remove that assignment * and mark the resource as provisional again. This is not done recursively for * children, so it should be called only for primitives. * * \param[in] rsc Resource to unassign */ void pcmk__unassign_resource(pe_resource_t *rsc) { pe_node_t *old = rsc->allocated_to; if (old == NULL) { return; } crm_info("Unassigning %s from %s", rsc->id, old->details->uname); pe__set_resource_flags(rsc, pe_rsc_provisional); rsc->allocated_to = NULL; /* We're going to free the pe_node_t, but its details member is shared and * will remain, so update that appropriately first. */ old->details->allocated_rsc = g_list_remove(old->details->allocated_rsc, rsc); old->details->num_resources--; pcmk__release_node_capacity(old->details->utilization, rsc); free(old); } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a resource has reached its migration threshold on a node * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * \param[in] node Node to check * \param[out] failed If the threshold has been reached, this will be set to * the resource that failed (possibly a parent of \p rsc) * * \return true if the migration threshold has been reached, false otherwise */ bool pcmk__threshold_reached(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, pe_resource_t **failed) { int fail_count, remaining_tries; pe_resource_t *rsc_to_ban = rsc; // Migration threshold of 0 means never force away if (rsc->migration_threshold == 0) { return false; } // If we're ignoring failures, also ignore the migration threshold if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failure_ignored)) { return false; } // If there are no failures, there's no need to force away fail_count = pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, NULL, pe_fc_effective|pe_fc_fillers, NULL, rsc->cluster); if (fail_count <= 0) { return false; } // If failed resource is anonymous clone instance, we'll force clone away if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { rsc_to_ban = uber_parent(rsc); } // How many more times recovery will be tried on this node remaining_tries = rsc->migration_threshold - fail_count; if (remaining_tries <= 0) { crm_warn("%s cannot run on %s due to reaching migration threshold " "(clean up resource to allow again)" CRM_XS " failures=%d migration-threshold=%d", rsc_to_ban->id, node->details->uname, fail_count, rsc->migration_threshold); if (failed != NULL) { *failed = rsc_to_ban; } return true; } crm_info("%s can fail %d more time%s on " "%s before reaching migration threshold (%d)", rsc_to_ban->id, remaining_tries, pcmk__plural_s(remaining_tries), node->details->uname, rsc->migration_threshold); return false; } static void * convert_const_pointer(const void *ptr) { /* Worst function ever */ return (void *)ptr; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get a node's weight * * \param[in] node Unweighted node to check (for node ID) * \param[in] nodes List of weighted nodes to look for \p node in * * \return Node's weight, or -INFINITY if not found */ static int get_node_weight(pe_node_t *node, GHashTable *nodes) { pe_node_t *weighted_node = NULL; if ((node != NULL) && (nodes != NULL)) { weighted_node = g_hash_table_lookup(nodes, node->details->id); } return (weighted_node == NULL)? -INFINITY : weighted_node->weight; } /*! * \internal * \brief Compare two resources according to which should be allocated first * * \param[in] a First resource to compare * \param[in] b Second resource to compare * \param[in] data Sorted list of all nodes in cluster * * \return -1 if \p a should be allocated before \b, 0 if they are equal, * or +1 if \p a should be allocated after \b */ static gint cmp_resources(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) { const pe_resource_t *resource1 = a; const pe_resource_t *resource2 = b; GList *nodes = (GList *) data; int rc = 0; int r1_weight = -INFINITY; int r2_weight = -INFINITY; pe_node_t *r1_node = NULL; pe_node_t *r2_node = NULL; GHashTable *r1_nodes = NULL; GHashTable *r2_nodes = NULL; const char *reason = NULL; // Resources with highest priority should be allocated first reason = "priority"; r1_weight = resource1->priority; r2_weight = resource2->priority; if (r1_weight > r2_weight) { rc = -1; goto done; } if (r1_weight < r2_weight) { rc = 1; goto done; } // We need nodes to make any other useful comparisons reason = "no node list"; if (nodes == NULL) { goto done; } // Calculate and log node weights - r1_nodes = pcmk__native_merge_weights(convert_const_pointer(resource1), - resource1->id, NULL, NULL, 1, - pe_weights_forward | pe_weights_init); - r2_nodes = pcmk__native_merge_weights(convert_const_pointer(resource2), - resource2->id, NULL, NULL, 1, - pe_weights_forward | pe_weights_init); + pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores(convert_const_pointer(resource1), + resource1->id, &r1_nodes, NULL, 1, + pcmk__coloc_select_this_with); + pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores(convert_const_pointer(resource2), + resource2->id, &r2_nodes, NULL, 1, + pcmk__coloc_select_this_with); pe__show_node_weights(true, NULL, resource1->id, r1_nodes, resource1->cluster); pe__show_node_weights(true, NULL, resource2->id, r2_nodes, resource2->cluster); // The resource with highest score on its current node goes first reason = "current location"; if (resource1->running_on != NULL) { r1_node = pe__current_node(resource1); } if (resource2->running_on != NULL) { r2_node = pe__current_node(resource2); } r1_weight = get_node_weight(r1_node, r1_nodes); r2_weight = get_node_weight(r2_node, r2_nodes); if (r1_weight > r2_weight) { rc = -1; goto done; } if (r1_weight < r2_weight) { rc = 1; goto done; } // Otherwise a higher weight on any node will do reason = "score"; for (GList *iter = nodes; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pe_node_t *node = (pe_node_t *) iter->data; r1_weight = get_node_weight(node, r1_nodes); r2_weight = get_node_weight(node, r2_nodes); if (r1_weight > r2_weight) { rc = -1; goto done; } if (r1_weight < r2_weight) { rc = 1; goto done; } } done: crm_trace("%s (%d)%s%s %c %s (%d)%s%s: %s", resource1->id, r1_weight, ((r1_node == NULL)? "" : " on "), ((r1_node == NULL)? "" : r1_node->details->id), ((rc < 0)? '>' : ((rc > 0)? '<' : '=')), resource2->id, r2_weight, ((r2_node == NULL)? "" : " on "), ((r2_node == NULL)? "" : r2_node->details->id), reason); if (r1_nodes != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(r1_nodes); } if (r2_nodes != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(r2_nodes); } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Sort resources in the order they should be allocated to nodes * * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set */ void pcmk__sort_resources(pe_working_set_t *data_set) { GList *nodes = g_list_copy(data_set->nodes); nodes = pcmk__sort_nodes(nodes, NULL, data_set); data_set->resources = g_list_sort_with_data(data_set->resources, cmp_resources, nodes); g_list_free(nodes); } /*! * \internal * \brief Create a hash table with a single node in it * * \param[in] node Node to copy into new table * * \return Newly created hash table containing a copy of \p node * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result with * g_hash_table_destroy(). */ static GHashTable * new_node_table(pe_node_t *node) { GHashTable *table = pcmk__strkey_table(NULL, free); node = pe__copy_node(node); g_hash_table_insert(table, (gpointer) node->details->id, node); return table; } /*! * \internal * \brief Apply a resource's parent's colocation scores to a node table * * \param[in] rsc Resource whose colocations should be applied * \param[in,out] nodes Node table to apply colocations to */ static void apply_parent_colocations(const pe_resource_t *rsc, GHashTable **nodes) { GList *iter = NULL; pcmk__colocation_t *colocation = NULL; for (iter = rsc->parent->rsc_cons; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { colocation = (pcmk__colocation_t *) iter->data; - *nodes = pcmk__native_merge_weights(colocation->primary, rsc->id, - *nodes, colocation->node_attribute, - colocation->score / (float) INFINITY, - 0); + pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores(colocation->primary, rsc->id, nodes, + colocation->node_attribute, + colocation->score / (float) INFINITY, + pcmk__coloc_select_default); } for (iter = rsc->parent->rsc_cons_lhs; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { colocation = (pcmk__colocation_t *) iter->data; if (!pcmk__colocation_has_influence(colocation, rsc)) { continue; } - *nodes = pcmk__native_merge_weights(colocation->dependent, rsc->id, - *nodes, colocation->node_attribute, - colocation->score / (float) INFINITY, - pe_weights_positive); + pcmk__add_colocated_node_scores(colocation->dependent, rsc->id, nodes, + colocation->node_attribute, + colocation->score / (float) INFINITY, + pcmk__coloc_select_nonnegative); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Compare clone or bundle instances based on colocation scores * * Determine the relative order in which two clone or bundle instances should be * assigned to nodes, considering the scores of colocation constraints directly * or indirectly involving them. * * \param[in] instance1 First instance to compare * \param[in] instance2 Second instance to compare * * \return A negative number if \p instance1 should be assigned first, * a positive number if \p instance2 should be assigned first, * or 0 if assignment order doesn't matter */ static int cmp_instance_by_colocation(const pe_resource_t *instance1, const pe_resource_t *instance2) { int rc = 0; pe_node_t *node1 = NULL; pe_node_t *node2 = NULL; pe_node_t *current_node1 = pe__current_node(instance1); pe_node_t *current_node2 = pe__current_node(instance2); GHashTable *colocated_scores1 = NULL; GHashTable *colocated_scores2 = NULL; CRM_ASSERT((instance1 != NULL) && (instance1->parent != NULL) && (instance2 != NULL) && (instance2->parent != NULL) && (current_node1 != NULL) && (current_node2 != NULL)); // Create node tables initialized with each node colocated_scores1 = new_node_table(current_node1); colocated_scores2 = new_node_table(current_node2); // Apply parental colocations apply_parent_colocations(instance1, &colocated_scores1); apply_parent_colocations(instance2, &colocated_scores2); // Find original nodes again, with scores updated for colocations node1 = g_hash_table_lookup(colocated_scores1, current_node1->details->id); node2 = g_hash_table_lookup(colocated_scores2, current_node2->details->id); // Compare nodes by updated scores if (node1->weight < node2->weight) { crm_trace("Assign %s (%d on %s) after %s (%d on %s)", instance1->id, node1->weight, node1->details->uname, instance2->id, node2->weight, node2->details->uname); rc = 1; } else if (node1->weight > node2->weight) { crm_trace("Assign %s (%d on %s) before %s (%d on %s)", instance1->id, node1->weight, node1->details->uname, instance2->id, node2->weight, node2->details->uname); rc = -1; } g_hash_table_destroy(colocated_scores1); g_hash_table_destroy(colocated_scores2); return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a resource or any of its children are failed * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * * \return true if \p rsc or any of its children are failed, otherwise false */ static bool did_fail(const pe_resource_t * rsc) { if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { return true; } for (GList *iter = rsc->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { if (did_fail((pe_resource_t *) iter->data)) { return true; } } return false; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a node is allowed to run a resource * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * \param[in,out] node Node to check (will be set NULL if not allowed) * * \return true if *node is either NULL or allowed for \p rsc, otherwise false */ static bool node_is_allowed(const pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t **node) { if (*node != NULL) { pe_node_t *allowed = pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, (*node)->details->id); if ((allowed == NULL) || (allowed->weight < 0)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: current location (%s) is unavailable", rsc->id, (*node)->details->uname); *node = NULL; return false; } } return true; } /*! * \internal * \brief Compare two clone or bundle instances' instance numbers * * \param[in] a First instance to compare * \param[in] b Second instance to compare * * \return A negative number if \p a's instance number is lower, * a positive number if \p b's instance number is lower, * or 0 if their instance numbers are the same */ gint pcmk__cmp_instance_number(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const pe_resource_t *instance1 = (const pe_resource_t *) a; const pe_resource_t *instance2 = (const pe_resource_t *) b; char *div1 = NULL; char *div2 = NULL; CRM_ASSERT((instance1 != NULL) && (instance2 != NULL)); // Clone numbers are after a colon, bundle numbers after a dash div1 = strrchr(instance1->id, ':'); if (div1 == NULL) { div1 = strrchr(instance1->id, '-'); } div2 = strrchr(instance2->id, ':'); if (div2 == NULL) { div2 = strrchr(instance2->id, '-'); } CRM_ASSERT((div1 != NULL) && (div2 != NULL)); return (gint) (strtol(div1 + 1, NULL, 10) - strtol(div2 + 1, NULL, 10)); } /*! * \internal * \brief Compare clone or bundle instances according to assignment order * * Compare two clone or bundle instances according to the order they should be * assigned to nodes, preferring (in order): * * - Active instance that is less multiply active * - Instance that is not active on a disallowed node * - Instance with higher configured priority * - Active instance whose current node can run resources * - Active instance whose parent is allowed on current node * - Active instance whose current node has fewer other instances * - Active instance * - Failed instance * - Instance whose colocations result in higher score on current node * - Instance with lower ID in lexicographic order * * \param[in] a First instance to compare * \param[in] b Second instance to compare * * \return A negative number if \p a should be assigned first, * a positive number if \p b should be assigned first, * or 0 if assignment order doesn't matter */ gint pcmk__cmp_instance(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { int rc = 0; pe_node_t *node1 = NULL; pe_node_t *node2 = NULL; unsigned int nnodes1 = 0; unsigned int nnodes2 = 0; bool can1 = true; bool can2 = true; const pe_resource_t *instance1 = (const pe_resource_t *) a; const pe_resource_t *instance2 = (const pe_resource_t *) b; CRM_ASSERT((instance1 != NULL) && (instance2 != NULL)); node1 = pe__find_active_on(instance1, &nnodes1, NULL); node2 = pe__find_active_on(instance2, &nnodes2, NULL); /* If both instances are running and at least one is multiply * active, prefer instance that's running on fewer nodes. */ if ((nnodes1 > 0) && (nnodes2 > 0)) { if (nnodes1 < nnodes2) { crm_trace("Assign %s (active on %d) before %s (active on %d): " "less multiply active", instance1->id, nnodes1, instance2->id, nnodes2); return -1; } else if (nnodes1 > nnodes2) { crm_trace("Assign %s (active on %d) after %s (active on %d): " "more multiply active", instance1->id, nnodes1, instance2->id, nnodes2); return 1; } } /* An instance that is either inactive or active on an allowed node is * preferred over an instance that is active on a no-longer-allowed node. */ can1 = node_is_allowed(instance1, &node1); can2 = node_is_allowed(instance2, &node2); if (can1 && !can2) { crm_trace("Assign %s before %s: not active on a disallowed node", instance1->id, instance2->id); return -1; } else if (!can1 && can2) { crm_trace("Assign %s after %s: active on a disallowed node", instance1->id, instance2->id); return 1; } // Prefer instance with higher configured priority if (instance1->priority > instance2->priority) { crm_trace("Assign %s before %s: priority (%d > %d)", instance1->id, instance2->id, instance1->priority, instance2->priority); return -1; } else if (instance1->priority < instance2->priority) { crm_trace("Assign %s after %s: priority (%d < %d)", instance1->id, instance2->id, instance1->priority, instance2->priority); return 1; } // Prefer active instance if ((node1 == NULL) && (node2 == NULL)) { crm_trace("No assignment preference for %s vs. %s: inactive", instance1->id, instance2->id); return 0; } else if (node1 == NULL) { crm_trace("Assign %s after %s: active", instance1->id, instance2->id); return 1; } else if (node2 == NULL) { crm_trace("Assign %s before %s: active", instance1->id, instance2->id); return -1; } // Prefer instance whose current node can run resources can1 = pcmk__node_available(node1, false, false); can2 = pcmk__node_available(node2, false, false); if (can1 && !can2) { crm_trace("Assign %s before %s: current node can run resources", instance1->id, instance2->id); return -1; } else if (!can1 && can2) { crm_trace("Assign %s after %s: current node can't run resources", instance1->id, instance2->id); return 1; } // Prefer instance whose parent is allowed to run on instance's current node node1 = pcmk__top_allowed_node(instance1, node1); node2 = pcmk__top_allowed_node(instance2, node2); if ((node1 == NULL) && (node2 == NULL)) { crm_trace("No assignment preference for %s vs. %s: " "parent not allowed on either instance's current node", instance1->id, instance2->id); return 0; } else if (node1 == NULL) { crm_trace("Assign %s after %s: parent not allowed on current node", instance1->id, instance2->id); return 1; } else if (node2 == NULL) { crm_trace("Assign %s before %s: parent allowed on current node", instance1->id, instance2->id); return -1; } // Prefer instance whose current node is running fewer other instances if (node1->count < node2->count) { crm_trace("Assign %s before %s: fewer active instances on current node", instance1->id, instance2->id); return -1; } else if (node1->count > node2->count) { crm_trace("Assign %s after %s: more active instances on current node", instance1->id, instance2->id); return 1; } // Prefer failed instance can1 = did_fail(instance1); can2 = did_fail(instance2); if (!can1 && can2) { crm_trace("Assign %s before %s: failed", instance1->id, instance2->id); return -1; } else if (can1 && !can2) { crm_trace("Assign %s after %s: not failed", instance1->id, instance2->id); return 1; } // Prefer instance with higher cumulative colocation score on current node rc = cmp_instance_by_colocation(instance1, instance2); if (rc != 0) { return rc; } // Prefer instance with lower instance number rc = pcmk__cmp_instance_number(instance1, instance2); if (rc < 0) { crm_trace("Assign %s before %s: instance number", instance1->id, instance2->id); } else if (rc > 0) { crm_trace("Assign %s after %s: instance number", instance1->id, instance2->id); } else { crm_trace("No assignment preference for %s vs. %s", instance1->id, instance2->id); } return rc; }