diff --git a/lib/pengine/common.c b/lib/pengine/common.c index 79aa116abb..fbe4a7b561 100644 --- a/lib/pengine/common.c +++ b/lib/pengine/common.c @@ -1,627 +1,627 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2023 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include gboolean was_processing_error = FALSE; gboolean was_processing_warning = FALSE; static bool check_placement_strategy(const char *value) { return pcmk__strcase_any_of(value, "default", "utilization", "minimal", "balanced", NULL); } static pcmk__cluster_option_t pe_opts[] = { /* name, old name, type, allowed values, * default value, validator, * short description, * long description */ { "no-quorum-policy", NULL, "select", "stop, freeze, ignore, demote, suicide", "stop", pcmk__valid_quorum, N_("What to do when the cluster does not have quorum"), NULL }, { "symmetric-cluster", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "true", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Whether resources can run on any node by default"), NULL }, { "maintenance-mode", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "false", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, " "and stopping resources"), NULL }, { "start-failure-is-fatal", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "true", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Whether a start failure should prevent a resource from being " "recovered on the same node"), N_("When true, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node " "if it fails to start there. When false, the cluster will instead " "check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold.") }, { "enable-startup-probes", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "true", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up"), NULL }, { XML_CONFIG_ATTR_SHUTDOWN_LOCK, NULL, "boolean", NULL, "false", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Whether to lock resources to a cleanly shut down node"), N_("When true, resources active on a node when it is cleanly shut down " "are kept \"locked\" to that node (not allowed to run elsewhere) " "until they start again on that node after it rejoins (or for at " "most shutdown-lock-limit, if set). Stonith resources and " "Pacemaker Remote connections are never locked. Clone and bundle " "instances and the promoted role of promotable clones are " "currently never locked, though support could be added in a future " "release.") }, { XML_CONFIG_ATTR_SHUTDOWN_LOCK_LIMIT, NULL, "time", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, N_("Do not lock resources to a cleanly shut down node longer than " "this"), N_("If shutdown-lock is true and this is set to a nonzero time " "duration, shutdown locks will expire after this much time has " "passed since the shutdown was initiated, even if the node has not " "rejoined.") }, // Fencing-related options { "stonith-enabled", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "true", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("*** Advanced Use Only *** " "Whether nodes may be fenced as part of recovery"), N_("If false, unresponsive nodes are immediately assumed to be harmless, " "and resources that were active on them may be recovered " "elsewhere. This can result in a \"split-brain\" situation, " "potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability.") }, { "stonith-action", NULL, "select", "reboot, off, poweroff", PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT, pcmk__is_fencing_action, N_("Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced " "(\"poweroff\" is a deprecated alias for \"off\")"), NULL }, { "stonith-timeout", NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, N_("*** Advanced Use Only *** Unused by Pacemaker"), N_("This value is not used by Pacemaker, but is kept for backward " "compatibility, and certain legacy fence agents might use it.") }, { XML_ATTR_HAVE_WATCHDOG, NULL, "boolean", NULL, "false", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Whether watchdog integration is enabled"), N_("This is set automatically by the cluster according to whether SBD " "is detected to be in use. User-configured values are ignored. " "The value `true` is meaningful if diskless SBD is used and " "`stonith-watchdog-timeout` is nonzero. In that case, if fencing " "is required, watchdog-based self-fencing will be performed via " "SBD without requiring a fencing resource explicitly configured.") }, { "concurrent-fencing", NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK__CONCURRENT_FENCING_DEFAULT, pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Allow performing fencing operations in parallel"), NULL }, { "startup-fencing", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "true", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("*** Advanced Use Only *** Whether to fence unseen nodes at start-up"), N_("Setting this to false may lead to a \"split-brain\" situation," "potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability.") }, { XML_CONFIG_ATTR_PRIORITY_FENCING_DELAY, NULL, "time", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, N_("Apply fencing delay targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority"), N_("Apply specified delay for the fencings that are targeting the lost " "nodes with the highest total resource priority in case we don't " "have the majority of the nodes in our cluster partition, so that " "the more significant nodes potentially win any fencing match, " "which is especially meaningful under split-brain of 2-node " "cluster. A promoted resource instance takes the base priority + 1 " "on calculation if the base priority is not 0. Any static/random " "delays that are introduced by `pcmk_delay_base/max` configured " "for the corresponding fencing resources will be added to this " "delay. This delay should be significantly greater than, safely " "twice, the maximum `pcmk_delay_base/max`. By default, priority " "fencing delay is disabled.") }, { XML_CONFIG_ATTR_NODE_PENDING_TIMEOUT, NULL, "time", NULL, "10min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, N_("How long to wait for a node that has joined the cluster to join " "the process group"), N_("A node that has joined the cluster can be pending on joining the " "process group. We wait up to this much time for it. If it times " "out, fencing targeting the node will be issued if enabled.") }, { "cluster-delay", NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, N_("Maximum time for node-to-node communication"), N_("The node elected Designated Controller (DC) will consider an action " "failed if it does not get a response from the node executing the " "action within this time (after considering the action's own " "timeout). The \"correct\" value will depend on the speed and " "load of your network and cluster nodes.") }, { "batch-limit", NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_number, N_("Maximum number of jobs that the cluster may execute in parallel " "across all nodes"), N_("The \"correct\" value will depend on the speed and load of your " "network and cluster nodes. If set to 0, the cluster will " "impose a dynamically calculated limit when any node has a " "high load.") }, { "migration-limit", NULL, "integer", NULL, "-1", pcmk__valid_number, N_("The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed " "to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit)") }, /* Orphans and stopping */ { "stop-all-resources", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "false", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Whether the cluster should stop all active resources"), NULL }, { "stop-orphan-resources", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "true", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration"), NULL }, { "stop-orphan-actions", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "true", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration"), NULL }, { "remove-after-stop", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "false", pcmk__valid_boolean, N_("*** Deprecated *** Whether to remove stopped resources from " "the executor"), N_("Values other than default are poorly tested and potentially dangerous." " This option will be removed in a future release.") }, /* Storing inputs */ { "pe-error-series-max", NULL, "integer", NULL, "-1", pcmk__valid_number, N_("The number of scheduler inputs resulting in errors to save"), N_("Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited.") }, { "pe-warn-series-max", NULL, "integer", NULL, "5000", pcmk__valid_number, N_("The number of scheduler inputs resulting in warnings to save"), N_("Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited.") }, { "pe-input-series-max", NULL, "integer", NULL, "4000", pcmk__valid_number, N_("The number of scheduler inputs without errors or warnings to save"), N_("Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited.") }, /* Node health */ { PCMK__OPT_NODE_HEALTH_STRATEGY, NULL, "select", PCMK__VALUE_NONE ", " PCMK__VALUE_MIGRATE_ON_RED ", " PCMK__VALUE_ONLY_GREEN ", " PCMK__VALUE_PROGRESSIVE ", " PCMK__VALUE_CUSTOM, PCMK__VALUE_NONE, pcmk__validate_health_strategy, N_("How cluster should react to node health attributes"), N_("Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with " "the prefix \"#health\") with values \"red\", " "\"yellow\", or \"green\".") }, { PCMK__OPT_NODE_HEALTH_BASE, NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_number, N_("Base health score assigned to a node"), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"progressive\".") }, { PCMK__OPT_NODE_HEALTH_GREEN, NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_number, N_("The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is \"green\""), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"custom\" or \"progressive\".") }, { PCMK__OPT_NODE_HEALTH_YELLOW, NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_number, N_("The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is \"yellow\""), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"custom\" or \"progressive\".") }, { PCMK__OPT_NODE_HEALTH_RED, NULL, "integer", NULL, "-INFINITY", pcmk__valid_number, N_("The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is \"red\""), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"custom\" or \"progressive\".") }, /*Placement Strategy*/ { "placement-strategy", NULL, "select", "default, utilization, minimal, balanced", "default", check_placement_strategy, N_("How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes"), NULL }, }; void pe_metadata(pcmk__output_t *out) { const char *desc_short = "Pacemaker scheduler options"; const char *desc_long = "Cluster options used by Pacemaker's scheduler"; gchar *s = pcmk__format_option_metadata("pacemaker-schedulerd", desc_short, desc_long, pe_opts, PCMK__NELEM(pe_opts)); out->output_xml(out, "metadata", s); g_free(s); } void verify_pe_options(GHashTable * options) { pcmk__validate_cluster_options(options, pe_opts, PCMK__NELEM(pe_opts)); } const char * pe_pref(GHashTable * options, const char *name) { return pcmk__cluster_option(options, pe_opts, PCMK__NELEM(pe_opts), name); } const char * fail2text(enum action_fail_response fail) { const char *result = ""; switch (fail) { case action_fail_ignore: result = "ignore"; break; case action_fail_demote: result = "demote"; break; case action_fail_block: result = "block"; break; case action_fail_recover: result = "recover"; break; case action_fail_migrate: result = "migrate"; break; case action_fail_stop: result = "stop"; break; case action_fail_fence: result = "fence"; break; case action_fail_standby: result = "standby"; break; case action_fail_restart_container: result = "restart-container"; break; case action_fail_reset_remote: result = "reset-remote"; break; } return result; } enum action_tasks text2task(const char *task) { if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_STOP, pcmk__str_casei)) { return stop_rsc; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_STOPPED, pcmk__str_casei)) { return stopped_rsc; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_START, pcmk__str_casei)) { return start_rsc; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_RUNNING, pcmk__str_casei)) { return started_rsc; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_DO_SHUTDOWN, pcmk__str_casei)) { return shutdown_crm; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_STONITH, pcmk__str_casei)) { return stonith_node; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, pcmk__str_casei)) { return monitor_rsc; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, pcmk__str_casei)) { return action_notify; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFIED, pcmk__str_casei)) { return action_notified; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTE, pcmk__str_casei)) { return action_promote; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTE, pcmk__str_casei)) { return action_demote; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTED, pcmk__str_casei)) { return action_promoted; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTED, pcmk__str_casei)) { return action_demoted; } #if SUPPORT_TRACING if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_CANCEL, pcmk__str_casei)) { return no_action; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_DELETE, pcmk__str_casei)) { return no_action; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, pcmk__str_casei)) { return no_action; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_MIGRATE_TO, pcmk__str_casei)) { return no_action; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_MIGRATE_FROM, pcmk__str_casei)) { return no_action; } crm_trace("Unsupported action: %s", task); #endif return no_action; } const char * task2text(enum action_tasks task) { const char *result = ""; switch (task) { case no_action: result = "no_action"; break; case stop_rsc: result = PCMK_ACTION_STOP; break; case stopped_rsc: result = PCMK_ACTION_STOPPED; break; case start_rsc: result = PCMK_ACTION_START; break; case started_rsc: result = PCMK_ACTION_RUNNING; break; case shutdown_crm: result = PCMK_ACTION_DO_SHUTDOWN; break; case stonith_node: result = PCMK_ACTION_STONITH; break; case monitor_rsc: result = PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR; break; case action_notify: result = PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY; break; case action_notified: result = PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFIED; break; case action_promote: result = PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTE; break; case action_promoted: result = PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTED; break; case action_demote: result = PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTE; break; case action_demoted: result = PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTED; break; } return result; } const char * role2text(enum rsc_role_e role) { switch (role) { - case pcmk_role_unknown: - return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S; case pcmk_role_stopped: return RSC_ROLE_STOPPED_S; + case pcmk_role_started: return RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S; + case pcmk_role_unpromoted: #ifdef PCMK__COMPAT_2_0 return RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED_LEGACY_S; #else return RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED_S; #endif + case pcmk_role_promoted: #ifdef PCMK__COMPAT_2_0 return RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED_LEGACY_S; #else return RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED_S; #endif + + default: // pcmk_role_unknown + return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S; } - CRM_CHECK(role >= pcmk_role_unknown, return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S); - CRM_CHECK(role < RSC_ROLE_MAX, return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S); - // coverity[dead_error_line] - return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S; } enum rsc_role_e text2role(const char *role) { CRM_ASSERT(role != NULL); if (pcmk__str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED_S, pcmk__str_casei)) { return pcmk_role_stopped; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S, pcmk__str_casei)) { return pcmk_role_started; } else if (pcmk__strcase_any_of(role, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED_S, RSC_ROLE_UNPROMOTED_LEGACY_S, NULL)) { return pcmk_role_unpromoted; } else if (pcmk__strcase_any_of(role, RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED_S, RSC_ROLE_PROMOTED_LEGACY_S, NULL)) { return pcmk_role_promoted; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S, pcmk__str_casei)) { return pcmk_role_unknown; } crm_err("Unknown role: %s", role); return pcmk_role_unknown; } void add_hash_param(GHashTable * hash, const char *name, const char *value) { CRM_CHECK(hash != NULL, return); crm_trace("Adding name='%s' value='%s' to hash table", pcmk__s(name, ""), pcmk__s(value, "")); if (name == NULL || value == NULL) { return; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(value, "#default", pcmk__str_casei)) { return; } else if (g_hash_table_lookup(hash, name) == NULL) { g_hash_table_insert(hash, strdup(name), strdup(value)); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Look up an attribute value on the appropriate node * * If \p node is a guest node and either the \c XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET meta * attribute is set to "host" for \p rsc or \p force_host is \c true, query the * attribute on the node's host. Otherwise, query the attribute on \p node * itself. * * \param[in] node Node to query attribute value on by default * \param[in] name Name of attribute to query * \param[in] rsc Resource on whose behalf we're querying * \param[in] node_type Type of resource location lookup * \param[in] force_host Force a lookup on the guest node's host, regardless of * the \c XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET value * * \return Value of the attribute on \p node or on the host of \p node * * \note If \p force_host is \c true, \p node \e must be a guest node. */ const char * pe__node_attribute_calculated(const pe_node_t *node, const char *name, const pe_resource_t *rsc, enum pe__rsc_node node_type, bool force_host) { // @TODO: Use pe__is_guest_node() after merging libpe_{rules,status} bool is_guest = (node != NULL) && (node->details->type == node_remote) && (node->details->remote_rsc != NULL) && (node->details->remote_rsc->container != NULL); const char *source = NULL; const char *node_type_s = NULL; const char *reason = NULL; const pe_resource_t *container = NULL; const pe_node_t *host = NULL; CRM_ASSERT((node != NULL) && (name != NULL) && (rsc != NULL) && (!force_host || is_guest)); /* Ignore XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET if node is not a guest node. This represents a * user configuration error. */ source = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET); if (!force_host && (!is_guest || !pcmk__str_eq(source, "host", pcmk__str_casei))) { return g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, name); } container = node->details->remote_rsc->container; switch (node_type) { case pe__rsc_node_assigned: node_type_s = "assigned"; host = container->allocated_to; if (host == NULL) { reason = "not assigned"; } break; case pe__rsc_node_current: node_type_s = "current"; if (container->running_on != NULL) { host = container->running_on->data; } if (host == NULL) { reason = "inactive"; } break; default: // Add support for other enum pe__rsc_node values if needed CRM_ASSERT(false); break; } if (host != NULL) { const char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(host->details->attrs, name); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Value lookup for %s on %s container host %s %s%s", rsc->id, name, node_type_s, pe__node_name(host), ((value != NULL)? "succeeded: " : "failed"), pcmk__s(value, "")); return value; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Not looking for %s on %s container host: %s is %s", rsc->id, name, node_type_s, container->id, reason); return NULL; } const char * pe_node_attribute_raw(const pe_node_t *node, const char *name) { if(node == NULL) { return NULL; } return g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, name); }