diff --git a/attrd/commands.c b/attrd/commands.c
index 442c5f89d1..18c0523c77 100644
--- a/attrd/commands.c
+++ b/attrd/commands.c
@@ -1,1023 +1,1026 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2013 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <regex.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/cluster.h>
 #include <crm/cib.h>
 #include <crm/cluster/internal.h>
 #include <crm/cluster/election.h>
 #include <crm/cib/internal.h>
 #include <internal.h>
 int last_cib_op_done = 0;
 char *peer_writer = NULL;
 GHashTable *attributes = NULL;
 typedef struct attribute_s {
     char *uuid; /* TODO: Remove if at all possible */
     char *id;
     char *set;
     GHashTable *values;
     int update;
     int timeout_ms;
     /* TODO: refactor these three as a bitmask */
     bool changed; /* whether attribute value has changed since last write */
     bool unknown_peer_uuids; /* whether we know we're missing a peer uuid */
     gboolean is_private; /* whether to keep this attribute out of the CIB */
     mainloop_timer_t *timer;
     char *user;
 } attribute_t;
 typedef struct attribute_value_s {
         uint32_t nodeid;
         gboolean is_remote;
         char *nodename;
         char *current;
         char *requested;
         char *stored;
 } attribute_value_t;
 void write_attribute(attribute_t *a);
 void write_or_elect_attribute(attribute_t *a);
 void attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter);
 void attrd_peer_sync(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml);
 void attrd_peer_remove(uint32_t nodeid, const char *host, gboolean uncache, const char *source);
 static gboolean
 send_attrd_message(crm_node_t * node, xmlNode * data)
     crm_xml_add(data, F_TYPE, T_ATTRD);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_ATTRD_IGNORE_LOCALLY, "atomic-version"); /* Tell older versions to ignore our messages */
     crm_xml_add_int(data, F_ATTRD_WRITER, election_state(writer));
     return send_cluster_message(node, crm_msg_attrd, data, TRUE);
 static gboolean
 attribute_timer_cb(gpointer data)
     attribute_t *a = data;
     crm_trace("Dampen interval expired for %s in state %d", a->id, election_state(writer));
     return FALSE;
 static void
 free_attribute_value(gpointer data)
     attribute_value_t *v = data;
 free_attribute(gpointer data)
     attribute_t *a = data;
     if(a) {
 static xmlNode *
     xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const char *set, const char *uuid, unsigned int timeout_ms, const char *user,
     gboolean is_private, const char *peer, uint32_t peerid, const char *value)
     xmlNode *xml = create_xml_node(parent, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE, name);
     crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_SET, set);
     crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_KEY, uuid);
     crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_USER, user);
     crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST, peer);
     crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, peerid);
     crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE, value);
     crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_DAMPEN, timeout_ms/1000);
     crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_IS_PRIVATE, is_private);
     return xml;
 static attribute_t *
 create_attribute(xmlNode *xml)
     int dampen = 0;
     const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_DAMPEN);
     attribute_t *a = calloc(1, sizeof(attribute_t));
     a->id      = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
     a->set     = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_SET);
     a->uuid    = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_KEY);
     a->values = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, NULL, free_attribute_value);
     crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_IS_PRIVATE, &a->is_private);
     crm_trace("Performing all %s operations as user '%s'", a->id, a->user);
     a->user = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_USER);
     if(value) {
         dampen = crm_get_msec(value);
         crm_trace("Created attribute %s with delay %dms (%s)", a->id, dampen, value);
     } else {
         crm_trace("Created attribute %s with no delay", a->id);
     if(dampen > 0) {
         a->timeout_ms = dampen;
         a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(a->id, a->timeout_ms, FALSE, attribute_timer_cb, a);
     g_hash_table_replace(attributes, a->id, a);
     return a;
  * \internal
  * \brief Respond to a client peer-remove request (i.e. propagate to all peers)
  * \param[in] client_name Name of client that made request (for log messages)
  * \param[in] xml         Root of request XML
  * \return void
 attrd_client_peer_remove(const char *client_name, xmlNode *xml)
     const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST);
     if (host) {
         crm_info("Client %s is requesting all values for %s be removed",
                  client_name, host);
         send_attrd_message(NULL, xml); /* ends up at attrd_peer_message() */
     } else {
         crm_info("Ignoring request by client %s to remove all peer values without specifying peer",
  * \internal
  * \brief Respond to a client update request
  * \param[in] xml         Root of request XML
  * \return void
 attrd_client_update(xmlNode *xml)
     attribute_t *a = NULL;
     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
     char *key = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_KEY);
     char *set = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_SET);
     char *host = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST);
     const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
     const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE);
     const char *regex = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_REGEX);
     /* If a regex was specified, broadcast a message for each match */
     if ((attr == NULL) && regex) {
         GHashTableIter aIter;
         regex_t *r_patt = calloc(1, sizeof(regex_t));
         crm_debug("Setting %s to %s", regex, value);
         if (regcomp(r_patt, regex, REG_EXTENDED)) {
             crm_err("Bad regex '%s' for update", regex);
         } else {
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, (gpointer *) & attr, NULL)) {
                 int status = regexec(r_patt, attr, 0, NULL, 0);
                 if (status == 0) {
                     crm_trace("Matched %s with %s", attr, regex);
                     crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE, attr);
                     send_attrd_message(NULL, xml);
     if (host == NULL) {
         crm_trace("Inferring host");
         host = strdup(attrd_cluster->uname);
         crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST, host);
         crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, attrd_cluster->nodeid);
     a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);
     /* If value was specified using ++ or += notation, expand to real value */
     if (value) {
         int offset = 1;
         int int_value = 0;
         static const int plus_plus_len = 5;
         if ((strlen(value) >= (plus_plus_len + 2)) && (value[plus_plus_len] == '+')
             && ((value[plus_plus_len + 1] == '+') || (value[plus_plus_len + 1] == '='))) {
             if (a) {
                 v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
             if (v) {
                 int_value = char2score(v->current);
             if (value[plus_plus_len + 1] != '+') {
                 const char *offset_s = value + (plus_plus_len + 2);
                 offset = char2score(offset_s);
             int_value += offset;
             if (int_value > INFINITY) {
                 int_value = INFINITY;
             crm_info("Expanded %s=%s to %d", attr, value, int_value);
             crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE, int_value);
+            /* Replacing the value frees the previous memory, so re-query it */
+            value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE);
     if ((peer_writer == NULL) && (election_state(writer) != election_in_progress)) {
         crm_info("Starting an election to determine the writer");
     crm_debug("Broadcasting %s[%s] = %s%s", attr, host, value,
               ((election_state(writer) == election_won)? " (writer)" : ""));
     send_attrd_message(NULL, xml); /* ends up at attrd_peer_message() */
  * \internal
  * \brief Respond to a client refresh request (i.e. write out all attributes)
  * \return void
     GHashTableIter iter;
     attribute_t *a = NULL;
     /* 'refresh' forces a write of the current value of all attributes
      * Cancel any existing timers, we're writing it NOW
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, attributes);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
     crm_info("Updating all attributes");
     write_attributes(TRUE, FALSE);
  * \internal
  * \brief Build the XML reply to a client query
  * param[in] attr Name of requested attribute
  * param[in] host Name of requested host (or NULL for all hosts)
  * \return New XML reply
  * \note Caller is responsible for freeing the resulting XML
 static xmlNode *build_query_reply(const char *attr, const char *host)
     xmlNode *reply = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
     attribute_t *a;
     if (reply == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_TYPE, T_ATTRD);
     /* If desired attribute exists, add its value(s) to the reply */
     a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);
     if (a) {
         attribute_value_t *v;
         xmlNode *host_value;
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE, attr);
         /* Allow caller to use "localhost" to refer to local node */
         if (safe_str_eq(host, "localhost")) {
             host = attrd_cluster->uname;
             crm_trace("Mapped localhost to %s", host);
         /* If a specific node was requested, add its value */
         if (host) {
             v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
             host_value = create_xml_node(reply, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE);
             if (host_value == NULL) {
                 return NULL;
             crm_xml_add(host_value, F_ATTRD_HOST, host);
             crm_xml_add(host_value, F_ATTRD_VALUE, (v? v->current : NULL));
         /* Otherwise, add all nodes' values */
         } else {
             GHashTableIter iter;
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &v)) {
                 host_value = create_xml_node(reply, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE);
                 if (host_value == NULL) {
                     return NULL;
                 crm_xml_add(host_value, F_ATTRD_HOST, v->nodename);
                 crm_xml_add(host_value, F_ATTRD_VALUE, v->current);
     return reply;
  * \internal
  * \brief Respond to a client query
  * \param[in] client Who queried us
  * \param[in] query  Root of query XML
  * \return void
 attrd_client_query(crm_client_t *client, uint32_t id, uint32_t flags, xmlNode *query)
     const char *attr;
     const char *origin = crm_element_value(query, F_ORIG);
     ssize_t rc;
     xmlNode *reply;
     if (origin == NULL) {
         origin = "unknown client";
     crm_debug("Query arrived from %s", origin);
     /* Request must specify attribute name to query */
     attr = crm_element_value(query, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
     if (attr == NULL) {
         crm_warn("Ignoring malformed query from %s (no attribute name given)",
     /* Build the XML reply */
     reply = build_query_reply(attr, crm_element_value(query, F_ATTRD_HOST));
     if (reply == NULL) {
         crm_err("Could not respond to query from %s: could not create XML reply",
     crm_log_xml_trace(reply, "Reply");
     /* Send the reply to the client */
     client->request_id = 0;
     if ((rc = crm_ipcs_send(client, id, reply, flags)) < 0) {
         crm_err("Could not respond to query from %s: %s (%d)",
                 origin, pcmk_strerror(-rc), -rc);
 attrd_peer_message(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml)
     int peer_state = 0;
     const char *v = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VERSION);
     const char *op = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_TASK);
     const char *election_op = crm_element_value(xml, F_CRM_TASK);
     const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST);
     if(election_op) {
         enum election_result rc = 0;
         crm_xml_add(xml, F_CRM_HOST_FROM, peer->uname);
         rc = election_count_vote(writer, xml, TRUE);
         switch(rc) {
             case election_start:
                 peer_writer = NULL;
             case election_lost:
                 peer_writer = strdup(peer->uname);
     } else if(v == NULL) {
         /* From the non-atomic version */
         if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE)) {
             const char *name = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
             crm_trace("Compatibility update of %s from %s", name, peer->uname);
             attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, FALSE);
         } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_FLUSH)) {
             const char *name = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
             attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, name);
             if(a) {
                 crm_trace("Compatibility write-out of %s for %s from %s", a->id, op, peer->uname);
         } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_REFRESH)) {
             GHashTableIter aIter;
             attribute_t *a = NULL;
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
                 crm_trace("Compatibility write-out of %s for %s from %s", a->id, op, peer->uname);
     crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_WRITER, &peer_state);
     if(election_state(writer) == election_won
        && peer_state == election_won
        && safe_str_neq(peer->uname, attrd_cluster->uname)) {
         crm_notice("Detected another attribute writer: %s", peer->uname);
     } else if(peer_state == election_won) {
         if(peer_writer == NULL) {
             peer_writer = strdup(peer->uname);
             crm_notice("Recorded attribute writer: %s", peer->uname);
         } else if(safe_str_neq(peer->uname, peer_writer)) {
             crm_notice("Recorded new attribute writer: %s (was %s)", peer->uname, peer_writer);
             peer_writer = strdup(peer->uname);
     if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE)) {
         attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, FALSE);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_SYNC)) {
         attrd_peer_sync(peer, xml);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_PEER_REMOVE)) {
         int host_id = 0;
         char *endptr = NULL;
         host_id = strtol(host, &endptr, 10);
         if (errno != 0 || endptr == host || *endptr != '\0') {
             host_id = 0;
         } else {
             host = NULL;
         attrd_peer_remove(host_id, host, TRUE, peer->uname);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE)
               && safe_str_neq(peer->uname, attrd_cluster->uname)) {
         xmlNode *child = NULL;
         crm_notice("Processing %s from %s", op, peer->uname);
         for (child = __xml_first_child(xml); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) {
             host = crm_element_value(child, F_ATTRD_HOST);
             attrd_peer_update(peer, child, host, TRUE);
 attrd_peer_sync(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml)
     GHashTableIter aIter;
     GHashTableIter vIter;
     attribute_t *a = NULL;
     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
     xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE);
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) {
             crm_debug("Syncing %s[%s] = %s to %s", a->id, v->nodename, v->current, peer?peer->uname:"everyone");
             build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private,
                                 v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current);
     crm_debug("Syncing values to %s", peer?peer->uname:"everyone");
     send_attrd_message(peer, sync);
 attrd_peer_remove(uint32_t nodeid, const char *host, gboolean uncache, const char *source)
     attribute_t *a = NULL;
     GHashTableIter aIter;
     crm_notice("Removing all %s attributes for %s", host, source);
     if(host == NULL) {
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
         if(g_hash_table_remove(a->values, host)) {
             crm_debug("Removed %s[%s] for %s", a->id, host, source);
     if (uncache) {
         reap_crm_member(nodeid, host);
  * \internal
  * \brief Return host's hash table entry (creating one if needed)
  * \param[in] values Hash table of values
  * \param[in] host Name of peer to look up
  * \param[in] xml XML describing the attribute
  * \return Pointer to new or existing hash table entry
 static attribute_value_t *
 attrd_lookup_or_create_value(GHashTable *values, const char *host, xmlNode *xml)
     attribute_value_t *v = g_hash_table_lookup(values, host);
     if (v == NULL) {
         v = calloc(1, sizeof(attribute_value_t));
         CRM_ASSERT(v != NULL);
         v->nodename = strdup(host);
         CRM_ASSERT(v->nodename != NULL);
         crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_IS_REMOTE, &v->is_remote);
         if (v->is_remote == TRUE) {
         g_hash_table_replace(values, v->nodename, v);
 attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter)
     bool changed = FALSE;
     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
     const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
     const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE);
     attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);
     if(a == NULL) {
         a = create_attribute(xml);
     if(host == NULL) {
         GHashTableIter vIter;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
         crm_debug("Setting %s for all hosts to %s", attr, value);
         xml_remove_prop(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, (gpointer *) & host, NULL)) {
             attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, filter);
     v = attrd_lookup_or_create_value(a->values, host, xml);
               && safe_str_neq(v->current, value)
               && safe_str_eq(host, attrd_cluster->uname)) {
         xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
         crm_notice("%s[%s]: local value '%s' takes priority over '%s' from %s",
                    a->id, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);
         crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE);
         v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
         build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private,
                             v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current);
         crm_xml_add_int(sync, F_ATTRD_WRITER, election_state(writer));
         send_attrd_message(peer, sync);
     } else if(safe_str_neq(v->current, value)) {
         crm_info("Setting %s[%s]: %s -> %s from %s", attr, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);
         if(value) {
             v->current = strdup(value);
         } else {
             v->current = NULL;
         changed = TRUE;
     } else {
         crm_trace("Unchanged %s[%s] from %s is %s", attr, host, peer->uname, value);
     a->changed |= changed;
     if(changed) {
         if(a->timer) {
             crm_trace("Delayed write out (%dms) for %s", a->timeout_ms, a->id);
         } else {
     /* this only involves cluster nodes. */
     if(v->nodeid == 0 && (v->is_remote == FALSE)) {
         if(crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, (int*)&v->nodeid) == 0) {
             /* Create the name/id association */
             crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(v->nodeid, host);
             crm_trace("We know %s's node id now: %s", peer->uname, peer->uuid);
             if(election_state(writer) == election_won) {
                 write_attributes(FALSE, TRUE);
 write_or_elect_attribute(attribute_t *a)
     enum election_result rc = election_state(writer);
     if(rc == election_won) {
     } else if(rc == election_in_progress) {
         crm_trace("Election in progress to determine who will write out %s", a->id);
     } else if(peer_writer == NULL) {
         crm_info("Starting an election to determine who will write out %s", a->id);
     } else {
         crm_trace("%s will write out %s, we are in state %d", peer_writer, a->id, rc);
 attrd_election_cb(gpointer user_data)
     crm_trace("Election complete");
     peer_writer = strdup(attrd_cluster->uname);
     /* Update the peers after an election */
     attrd_peer_sync(NULL, NULL);
     /* Update the CIB after an election */
     write_attributes(TRUE, FALSE);
     return FALSE;
 attrd_peer_change_cb(enum crm_status_type kind, crm_node_t *peer, const void *data)
     if ((kind == crm_status_nstate) || (kind == crm_status_rstate)) {
         if (safe_str_eq(peer->state, CRM_NODE_MEMBER)) {
             if ((election_state(writer) == election_won)) {
                 attrd_peer_sync(peer, NULL);
         } else {
             attrd_peer_remove(peer->id, peer->uname, FALSE, __FUNCTION__);
             if (peer_writer && safe_str_eq(peer->uname, peer_writer)) {
                 peer_writer = NULL;
                 crm_notice("Lost attribute writer %s", peer->uname);
 static void
 attrd_cib_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data)
     int level = LOG_ERR;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     const char *peer = NULL;
     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
     char *name = user_data;
     attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, name);
     if(a == NULL) {
         crm_info("Attribute %s no longer exists", name);
         goto done;
     a->update = 0;
     if (rc == pcmk_ok && call_id < 0) {
         rc = call_id;
     switch (rc) {
         case pcmk_ok:
             level = LOG_INFO;
             last_cib_op_done = call_id;
         case -pcmk_err_diff_failed:    /* When an attr changes while the CIB is syncing */
         case -ETIME:           /* When an attr changes while there is a DC election */
         case -ENXIO:           /* When an attr changes while the CIB is syncing a
                                 *   newer config from a node that just came up
             level = LOG_WARNING;
     do_crm_log(level, "Update %d for %s: %s (%d)", call_id, name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & peer, (gpointer *) & v)) {
         do_crm_log(level, "Update %d for %s[%s]=%s: %s (%d)", call_id, a->id, peer, v->requested, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         if(rc == pcmk_ok) {
             v->stored = v->requested;
             v->requested = NULL;
         } else {
             v->requested = NULL;
             a->changed = TRUE; /* Attempt write out again */
     if(a && a->changed && election_state(writer) == election_won) {
 write_attributes(bool all, bool peer_discovered)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     attribute_t *a = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, attributes);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
         if (peer_discovered && a->unknown_peer_uuids) {
             /* a new peer uuid has been discovered, try writing this attribute again. */
             a->changed = TRUE;
         if(all || a->changed) {
         } else {
             crm_debug("Skipping unchanged attribute %s", a->id);
 static void
 build_update_element(xmlNode *parent, attribute_t *a, const char *nodeid, const char *value)
     char *set = NULL;
     char *uuid = NULL;
     xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
     if(a->set) {
         set = strdup(a->set);
     } else {
         set = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, nodeid);
     if(a->uuid) {
         uuid = strdup(a->uuid);
     } else {
         int lpc;
         uuid = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", set, a->id);
         /* Minimal attempt at sanitizing automatic IDs */
         for (lpc = 0; uuid[lpc] != 0; lpc++) {
             switch (uuid[lpc]) {
                 case ':':
                     uuid[lpc] = '.';
     xml_obj = create_xml_node(parent, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE);
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, nodeid);
     xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS);
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, nodeid);
     xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS);
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, set);
     xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR);
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, uuid);
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, a->id);
     if(value) {
         crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, value);
     } else {
         crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, "");
         crm_xml_add(xml_obj, "__delete__", XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE);
 write_attribute(attribute_t *a)
     int private_updates = 0, cib_updates = 0;
     xmlNode *xml_top = NULL;
     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     enum cib_call_options flags = cib_quorum_override;
     if (a == NULL) {
     /* If this attribute will be written to the CIB ... */
     if (!a->is_private) {
         /* Defer the write if now's not a good time */
         if (the_cib == NULL) {
             crm_info("Write out of '%s' delayed: cib not connected", a->id);
         } else if (a->update && (a->update < last_cib_op_done)) {
             crm_info("Write out of '%s' continuing: update %d considered lost", a->id, a->update);
         } else if (a->update) {
             crm_info("Write out of '%s' delayed: update %d in progress", a->id, a->update);
         } else if (mainloop_timer_running(a->timer)) {
             crm_info("Write out of '%s' delayed: timer is running", a->id);
         /* Initialize the status update XML */
         xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS);
     /* Attribute will be written shortly, so clear changed flag */
     a->changed = FALSE;
     /* We will check all peers' uuids shortly, so initialize this to false */
     a->unknown_peer_uuids = FALSE;
     /* Iterate over each peer value of this attribute */
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) {
         crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer_full(v->nodeid, v->nodename, CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE|CRM_GET_PEER_CLUSTER);
         /* If the value's peer info does not correspond to a peer, ignore it */
         if (peer == NULL) {
             crm_notice("Update error (peer not found): %s[%s]=%s failed (host=%p)",
                        v->nodename, a->id, v->current, peer);
         /* If we're just learning the peer's node id, remember it */
         if (peer->id && (v->nodeid == 0)) {
             crm_trace("Updating value's nodeid");
             v->nodeid = peer->id;
         /* If this is a private attribute, no update needs to be sent */
         if (a->is_private) {
         /* If the peer is found, but its uuid is unknown, defer write */
         if (peer->uuid == NULL) {
             a->unknown_peer_uuids = TRUE;
             crm_notice("Update error (unknown peer uuid, retry will be attempted once uuid is discovered): %s[%s]=%s failed (host=%p)",
                        v->nodename, a->id, v->current, peer);
         /* Add this value to status update XML */
         crm_debug("Update: %s[%s]=%s (%s %u %u %s)", v->nodename, a->id,
                   v->current, peer->uuid, peer->id, v->nodeid, peer->uname);
         build_update_element(xml_top, a, peer->uuid, v->current);
         v->requested = NULL;
         if (v->current) {
             v->requested = strdup(v->current);
         } else {
             /* Older attrd versions don't know about the cib_mixed_update
              * flag so make sure it goes to the local cib which does
             flags |= cib_mixed_update|cib_scope_local;
     if (private_updates) {
         crm_info("Processed %d private change%s for %s, id=%s, set=%s",
                  private_updates, ((private_updates == 1)? "" : "s"),
                  a->id, (a->uuid? a->uuid : "<n/a>"), a->set);
     if (cib_updates) {
         crm_log_xml_trace(xml_top, __FUNCTION__);
         a->update = cib_internal_op(the_cib, CIB_OP_MODIFY, NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, xml_top, NULL,
                                     flags, a->user);
         crm_info("Sent update %d with %d changes for %s, id=%s, set=%s",
                  a->update, cib_updates, a->id, (a->uuid? a->uuid : "<n/a>"), a->set);
             the_cib, a->update, 120, FALSE, strdup(a->id), "attrd_cib_callback", attrd_cib_callback);
diff --git a/cib/main.c b/cib/main.c
index 2a480545d8..e20a2b6dff 100644
--- a/cib/main.c
+++ b/cib/main.c
@@ -1,576 +1,583 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <sys/utsname.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/cib/internal.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/cluster/internal.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 #include <cibio.h>
 #include <callbacks.h>
 #include <pwd.h>
 #include <grp.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #  include <libxml/parser.h>
 #  include <getopt.h>
 #  include <bzlib.h>
 extern int init_remote_listener(int port, gboolean encrypted);
 gboolean cib_shutdown_flag = FALSE;
 int cib_status = pcmk_ok;
 crm_cluster_t crm_cluster;
 oc_ev_t *cib_ev_token;
 ll_cluster_t *hb_conn = NULL;
 extern void oc_ev_special(const oc_ev_t *, oc_ev_class_t, int);
 gboolean cib_register_ha(ll_cluster_t * hb_cluster, const char *client_name);
 void *hb_conn = NULL;
 extern void terminate_cib(const char *caller, gboolean fast);
 GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL;
 const char *cib_root = NULL;
 char *cib_our_uname = NULL;
 gboolean preserve_status = FALSE;
 gboolean cib_writes_enabled = TRUE;
 int remote_fd = 0;
 int remote_tls_fd = 0;
 int cib_init(void);
 void cib_shutdown(int nsig);
 gboolean startCib(const char *filename);
 extern int write_cib_contents(gpointer p);
 GHashTable *config_hash = NULL;
 GHashTable *local_notify_queue = NULL;
 char *channel1 = NULL;
 char *channel2 = NULL;
 char *channel3 = NULL;
 char *channel4 = NULL;
 char *channel5 = NULL;
 #define OPTARGS	"maswr:V?"
 void cib_cleanup(void);
 static void
 cib_enable_writes(int nsig)
     crm_info("(Re)enabling disk writes");
     cib_writes_enabled = TRUE;
 static void
 log_cib_client(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     crm_info("Client %s", crm_client_name(value));
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
 static struct crm_option long_options[] = {
     /* Top-level Options */
     {"help",    0, 0, '?', "\tThis text"},
     {"verbose", 0, 0, 'V', "\tIncrease debug output"},
     {"per-action-cib", 0, 0, 'a', "\tAdvanced use only"},
     {"stand-alone",    0, 0, 's', "\tAdvanced use only"},
     {"disk-writes",    0, 0, 'w', "\tAdvanced use only"},
     {"cib-root",       1, 0, 'r', "\tAdvanced use only"},
     {0, 0, 0, 0}
 /* *INDENT-ON* */
 main(int argc, char **argv)
     int flag;
     int rc = 0;
     int index = 0;
     int argerr = 0;
     struct passwd *pwentry = NULL;
     crm_log_preinit(NULL, argc, argv);
     crm_set_options(NULL, "[options]",
                     long_options, "Daemon for storing and replicating the cluster configuration");
     mainloop_add_signal(SIGTERM, cib_shutdown);
     mainloop_add_signal(SIGPIPE, cib_enable_writes);
     cib_writer = mainloop_add_trigger(G_PRIORITY_LOW, write_cib_contents, NULL);
     while (1) {
         flag = crm_get_option(argc, argv, &index);
         if (flag == -1)
         switch (flag) {
             case 'V':
                 crm_bump_log_level(argc, argv);
             case 's':
                 stand_alone = TRUE;
                 preserve_status = TRUE;
                 cib_writes_enabled = FALSE;
                 pwentry = getpwnam(CRM_DAEMON_USER);
                 CRM_CHECK(pwentry != NULL,
                           crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Invalid uid (%s) specified", CRM_DAEMON_USER);
                           return 100);
                 rc = setgid(pwentry->pw_gid);
                 if (rc < 0) {
                     crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not set group to %d", pwentry->pw_gid);
                     return 100;
                 rc = initgroups(CRM_DAEMON_GROUP, pwentry->pw_gid);
                 if (rc < 0) {
                     crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not setup groups for user %d", pwentry->pw_uid);
                     return 100;
                 rc = setuid(pwentry->pw_uid);
                 if (rc < 0) {
                     crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not set user to %d", pwentry->pw_uid);
                     return 100;
             case '?':          /* Help message */
                 crm_help(flag, EX_OK);
             case 'w':
                 cib_writes_enabled = TRUE;
             case 'r':
                 cib_root = optarg;
             case 'm':
                 return 0;
     if (argc - optind == 1 && safe_str_eq("metadata", argv[optind])) {
         return 0;
     if (optind > argc) {
     if (argerr) {
         crm_help('?', EX_USAGE);
     crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE);
     if (cib_root == NULL) {
         char *path = crm_strdup_printf("%s/cib.xml", CRM_CONFIG_DIR);
         char *legacy = crm_strdup_printf("%s/cib.xml", CRM_LEGACY_CONFIG_DIR);
         if (g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
             cib_root = CRM_CONFIG_DIR;
         } else if (g_file_test(legacy, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
             cib_root = CRM_LEGACY_CONFIG_DIR;
             crm_notice("Using legacy config location: %s", cib_root);
         } else {
             cib_root = CRM_CONFIG_DIR;
             crm_notice("Using new config location: %s", cib_root);
     } else {
         crm_notice("Using custom config location: %s", cib_root);
     if (crm_is_writable(cib_root, NULL, CRM_DAEMON_USER, CRM_DAEMON_GROUP, FALSE) == FALSE) {
         crm_err("Bad permissions on %s. Terminating", cib_root);
         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Bad permissions on %s. See logs for details\n", cib_root);
         return 100;
     /* read local config file */
     rc = cib_init();
     CRM_CHECK(crm_hash_table_size(client_connections) == 0,
               crm_warn("Not all clients gone at exit"));
     g_hash_table_foreach(client_connections, log_cib_client, NULL);
     if (hb_conn) {
     return rc;
     if (local_notify_queue) {
 unsigned long cib_num_ops = 0;
 const char *cib_stat_interval = "10min";
 unsigned long cib_num_local = 0, cib_num_updates = 0, cib_num_fail = 0;
 unsigned long cib_bad_connects = 0, cib_num_timeouts = 0;
 gboolean ccm_connect(void);
 static void
 ccm_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data)
     crm_err("CCM connection failed... blocking while we reconnect");
 static void *ccm_library = NULL;
     gboolean did_fail = TRUE;
     int num_ccm_fails = 0;
     int max_ccm_fails = 30;
     int ret;
     int cib_ev_fd;
     int (*ccm_api_register) (oc_ev_t ** token) =
         find_library_function(&ccm_library, CCM_LIBRARY, "oc_ev_register", 1);
     int (*ccm_api_set_callback) (const oc_ev_t * token,
                                  oc_ev_class_t class,
                                  oc_ev_callback_t * fn,
                                  oc_ev_callback_t ** prev_fn) =
         find_library_function(&ccm_library, CCM_LIBRARY, "oc_ev_set_callback", 1);
     void (*ccm_api_special) (const oc_ev_t *, oc_ev_class_t, int) =
         find_library_function(&ccm_library, CCM_LIBRARY, "oc_ev_special", 1);
     int (*ccm_api_activate) (const oc_ev_t * token, int *fd) =
         find_library_function(&ccm_library, CCM_LIBRARY, "oc_ev_activate", 1);
     int (*ccm_api_unregister) (oc_ev_t * token) =
         find_library_function(&ccm_library, CCM_LIBRARY, "oc_ev_unregister", 1);
     static struct mainloop_fd_callbacks ccm_fd_callbacks = {
         .dispatch = cib_ccm_dispatch,
         .destroy = ccm_connection_destroy,
     while (did_fail) {
         did_fail = FALSE;
         crm_info("Registering with CCM...");
         ret = (*ccm_api_register) (&cib_ev_token);
         if (ret != 0) {
             did_fail = TRUE;
         if (did_fail == FALSE) {
             crm_trace("Setting up CCM callbacks");
             ret = (*ccm_api_set_callback) (cib_ev_token, OC_EV_MEMB_CLASS,
                                            cib_ccm_msg_callback, NULL);
             if (ret != 0) {
                 crm_warn("CCM callback not set");
                 did_fail = TRUE;
         if (did_fail == FALSE) {
             (*ccm_api_special) (cib_ev_token, OC_EV_MEMB_CLASS, 0);
             crm_trace("Activating CCM token");
             ret = (*ccm_api_activate) (cib_ev_token, &cib_ev_fd);
             if (ret != 0) {
                 crm_warn("CCM Activation failed");
                 did_fail = TRUE;
         if (did_fail) {
             (*ccm_api_unregister) (cib_ev_token);
             if (num_ccm_fails < max_ccm_fails) {
                 crm_warn("CCM Connection failed %d times (%d max)", num_ccm_fails, max_ccm_fails);
             } else {
                 crm_err("CCM Activation failed %d (max) times", num_ccm_fails);
                 return FALSE;
     crm_debug("CCM Activation passed... all set to go!");
     mainloop_add_fd("heartbeat-ccm", G_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, cib_ev_fd, cib_ev_token, &ccm_fd_callbacks);
     return TRUE;
 static void
 cib_cs_dispatch(cpg_handle_t handle,
                  const struct cpg_name *groupName,
                  uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
     uint32_t kind = 0;
     xmlNode *xml = NULL;
     const char *from = NULL;
     char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from);
     if(data == NULL) {
     if (kind == crm_class_cluster) {
         xml = string2xml(data);
         if (xml == NULL) {
             crm_err("Invalid XML: '%.120s'", data);
         crm_xml_add(xml, F_ORIG, from);
         /* crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_SEQ, wrapper->id); */
         cib_peer_callback(xml, NULL);
 static void
 cib_cs_destroy(gpointer user_data)
     if (cib_shutdown_flag) {
         crm_info("Corosync disconnection complete");
     } else {
         crm_err("Corosync connection lost!  Exiting.");
         terminate_cib(__FUNCTION__, TRUE);
 static void
 cib_peer_update_callback(enum crm_status_type type, crm_node_t * node, const void *data)
     if ((type == crm_status_processes) && legacy_mode
         && is_not_set(node->processes, crm_get_cluster_proc())) {
         uint32_t old = 0;
         if (data) {
             old = *(const uint32_t *)data;
         if ((node->processes ^ old) & crm_proc_cpg) {
             crm_info("Attempting to disable legacy mode after %s left the cluster", node->uname);
             legacy_mode = FALSE;
     if (cib_shutdown_flag && crm_active_peers() < 2 && crm_hash_table_size(client_connections) == 0) {
         crm_info("No more peers");
+        /* @TODO
+         * terminate_cib() calls crm_cluster_disconnect() which calls
+         * crm_peer_destroy() which destroys the peer caches, which a peer
+         * status callback shouldn't do. For now, there is a workaround in
+         * crm_update_peer_proc(), but CIB should be refactored to avoid
+         * destroying the peer caches here.
+         */
         terminate_cib(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
 static void
 cib_ha_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data)
     if (cib_shutdown_flag) {
         crm_info("Heartbeat disconnection complete... exiting");
         terminate_cib(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
     } else {
         crm_err("Heartbeat connection lost!  Exiting.");
         terminate_cib(__FUNCTION__, TRUE);
     if (is_openais_cluster()) {
         crm_cluster.destroy = cib_cs_destroy;
         crm_cluster.cpg.cpg_deliver_fn = cib_cs_dispatch;
         crm_cluster.cpg.cpg_confchg_fn = pcmk_cpg_membership;
     } else if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
         crm_cluster.hb_dispatch = cib_ha_peer_callback;
         crm_cluster.destroy = cib_ha_connection_destroy;
     config_hash =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     if (startCib("cib.xml") == FALSE) {
         crm_crit("Cannot start CIB... terminating");
     if (stand_alone == FALSE) {
         if (crm_cluster_connect(&crm_cluster) == FALSE) {
             crm_crit("Cannot sign in to the cluster... terminating");
         cib_our_uname = crm_cluster.uname;
         if (is_openais_cluster()) {
         if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
             gboolean was_error = FALSE;
             hb_conn = crm_cluster.hb_conn;
             if (was_error == FALSE) {
                 if (HA_OK !=
                     hb_conn->llc_ops->set_cstatus_callback(hb_conn, cib_client_status_callback,
                                                            hb_conn)) {
                     crm_err("Cannot set cstatus callback: %s", hb_conn->llc_ops->errmsg(hb_conn));
                     was_error = TRUE;
             if (was_error == FALSE) {
                 was_error = (ccm_connect() == FALSE);
             if (was_error == FALSE) {
                 /* Async get client status information in the cluster */
                 crm_info("Requesting the list of configured nodes");
                 hb_conn->llc_ops->client_status(hb_conn, NULL, CRM_SYSTEM_CIB, -1);
     } else {
         cib_our_uname = strdup("localhost");
     if (stand_alone) {
         cib_is_master = TRUE;
     /* Create the mainloop and run it... */
     mainloop = g_main_new(FALSE);
     crm_info("Starting %s mainloop", crm_system_name);
     cib_ipc_servers_destroy(ipcs_ro, ipcs_rw, ipcs_shm);
     return crm_exit(pcmk_ok);
 startCib(const char *filename)
     gboolean active = FALSE;
     xmlNode *cib = readCibXmlFile(cib_root, filename, !preserve_status);
     CRM_ASSERT(cib != NULL);
     if (activateCibXml(cib, TRUE, "start") == 0) {
         int port = 0;
         const char *port_s = NULL;
         active = TRUE;
         cib_read_config(config_hash, cib);
         port_s = crm_element_value(cib, "remote-tls-port");
         if (port_s) {
             port = crm_parse_int(port_s, "0");
             remote_tls_fd = init_remote_listener(port, TRUE);
         port_s = crm_element_value(cib, "remote-clear-port");
         if (port_s) {
             port = crm_parse_int(port_s, "0");
             remote_fd = init_remote_listener(port, FALSE);
         crm_info("CIB Initialization completed successfully");
     return active;
diff --git a/crmd/lrm.c b/crmd/lrm.c
index 52d54255e2..062f769340 100644
--- a/crmd/lrm.c
+++ b/crmd/lrm.c
@@ -1,2388 +1,2390 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/services.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <crmd.h>
 #include <crmd_fsa.h>
 #include <crmd_messages.h>
 #include <crmd_callbacks.h>
 #include <crmd_lrm.h>
 #define START_DELAY_THRESHOLD 5 * 60 * 1000
 #define MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS 30
 struct delete_event_s {
     int rc;
     const char *rsc;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
 static gboolean is_rsc_active(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id);
 static gboolean build_active_RAs(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_list);
 static gboolean stop_recurring_actions(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
 static int delete_rsc_status(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, int call_options,
                              const char *user_name);
 static lrmd_event_data_t *construct_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_op,
                                        const char *rsc_id, const char *operation);
 static void do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *operation,
                           xmlNode * msg, xmlNode * request);
 void send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys,
                      lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id);
 static gboolean lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
                                          int log_level);
 static int do_update_resource(const char *node_name, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op);
 static void
     if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED)) {
         crm_crit("LRM Connection failed");
         register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
         clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED);
     } else {
         crm_info("LRM Connection disconnected");
 static char *
 make_stop_id(const char *rsc, int call_id)
     char *op_id = NULL;
     op_id = calloc(1, strlen(rsc) + 34);
     if (op_id != NULL) {
         snprintf(op_id, strlen(rsc) + 34, "%s:%d", rsc, call_id);
     return op_id;
 static void
 copy_instance_keys(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     if (strstr(key, CRM_META "_") == NULL) {
         g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup((const char *)key), strdup((const char *)value));
 static void
 copy_meta_keys(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     if (strstr(key, CRM_META "_") != NULL) {
         g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup((const char *)key), strdup((const char *)value));
 static void
 update_history_cache(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
     int target_rc = 0;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     if (op->rsc_deleted) {
         crm_debug("Purged history for '%s' after %s", op->rsc_id, op->op_type);
         delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, cib_quorum_override, NULL);
     if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_NOTIFY)) {
     crm_debug("Updating history for '%s' with %s op", op->rsc_id, op->op_type);
     entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, op->rsc_id);
     if (entry == NULL && rsc) {
         entry = calloc(1, sizeof(rsc_history_t));
         entry->id = strdup(op->rsc_id);
         g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state->resource_history, entry->id, entry);
         entry->rsc.id = entry->id;
         entry->rsc.type = strdup(rsc->type);
         entry->rsc.class = strdup(rsc->class);
         if (rsc->provider) {
             entry->rsc.provider = strdup(rsc->provider);
         } else {
             entry->rsc.provider = NULL;
     } else if (entry == NULL) {
         crm_info("Resource %s no longer exists, not updating cache", op->rsc_id);
     entry->last_callid = op->call_id;
     target_rc = rsc_op_expected_rc(op);
     if (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
         if (op->interval > 0) {
             GList *gIter, *gIterNext;
             crm_trace("Removing cancelled recurring op: %s_%s_%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type,
             for (gIter = entry->recurring_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIterNext) {
                 lrmd_event_data_t *existing = gIter->data;
                 gIterNext = gIter->next;
                 if (crm_str_eq(op->rsc_id, existing->rsc_id, TRUE)
                     && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, existing->op_type)
                     && op->interval == existing->interval) {
                     entry->recurring_op_list = g_list_delete_link(entry->recurring_op_list, gIter);
         } else {
             crm_trace("Skipping %s_%s_%d rc=%d, status=%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval,
                       op->rc, op->op_status);
     } else if (did_rsc_op_fail(op, target_rc)) {
         /* We must store failed monitors here
          * - otherwise the block below will cause them to be forgetten them when a stop happens
         if (entry->failed) {
         entry->failed = lrmd_copy_event(op);
     } else if (op->interval == 0) {
         if (entry->last) {
         entry->last = lrmd_copy_event(op);
         if (op->params &&
             (safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_START, op->op_type) ||
              safe_str_eq("reload", op->op_type) ||
              safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STATUS, op->op_type))) {
             if (entry->stop_params) {
             entry->stop_params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
                                                        g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str,
             g_hash_table_foreach(op->params, copy_instance_keys, entry->stop_params);
     if (op->interval > 0) {
         GListPtr iter = NULL;
         for(iter = entry->recurring_op_list; iter; iter = iter->next) {
             lrmd_event_data_t *o = iter->data;
             /* op->rsc_id is implied */
             if(op->interval == o->interval && strcmp(op->op_type, o->op_type) == 0) {
                 crm_trace("Removing existing recurring op entry: %s_%s_%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
                 entry->recurring_op_list = g_list_remove(entry->recurring_op_list, o);
         crm_trace("Adding recurring op: %s_%s_%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
         entry->recurring_op_list = g_list_prepend(entry->recurring_op_list, lrmd_copy_event(op));
     } else if (entry->recurring_op_list && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_STATUS) == FALSE) {
         GList *gIter = entry->recurring_op_list;
         crm_trace("Dropping %d recurring ops because of: %s_%s_%d",
                   g_list_length(gIter), op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         entry->recurring_op_list = NULL;
 lrm_op_callback(lrmd_event_data_t * op)
     const char *nodename = NULL;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
     /* determine the node name for this connection. */
     nodename = op->remote_nodename ? op->remote_nodename : fsa_our_uname;
     if (op->type == lrmd_event_disconnect && (safe_str_eq(nodename, fsa_our_uname))) {
         /* if this is the local lrmd ipc connection, set the right bits in the
          * crmd when the connection goes down */
     } else if (op->type != lrmd_event_exec_complete) {
         /* we only need to process execution results */
     lrm_state = lrm_state_find(nodename);
     CRM_ASSERT(lrm_state != NULL);
     process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL);
 do_lrm_control(long long action,
                enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
                enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
                enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
     /* This only pertains to local lrmd connections.  Remote connections are handled as
      * resources within the pengine.  Connecting and disconnecting from remote lrmd instances
      * handled differently than the local. */
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
     if(fsa_our_uname == NULL) {
         return; /* Nothing to do */
     lrm_state = lrm_state_find_or_create(fsa_our_uname);
     if (lrm_state == NULL) {
         register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
     if (action & A_LRM_DISCONNECT) {
         if (lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state, cur_state, LOG_INFO) == FALSE) {
             if (action == A_LRM_DISCONNECT) {
         clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED);
         crm_info("Disconnecting from the LRM");
         crm_notice("Disconnected from the LRM");
     if (action & A_LRM_CONNECT) {
         int ret = pcmk_ok;
         crm_debug("Connecting to the LRM");
         ret = lrm_state_ipc_connect(lrm_state);
         if (ret != pcmk_ok) {
             if (lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails < MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS) {
                 crm_warn("Failed to sign on to the LRM %d"
                          " (%d max) times", lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails, MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS);
         if (ret != pcmk_ok) {
             crm_err("Failed to sign on to the LRM %d" " (max) times",
             register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
         set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED);
         crm_info("LRM connection established");
     if (action & ~(A_LRM_CONNECT | A_LRM_DISCONNECT)) {
         crm_err("Unexpected action %s in %s", fsa_action2string(action), __FUNCTION__);
 static gboolean
 lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level)
     int counter = 0;
     gboolean rc = TRUE;
     const char *when = "lrm disconnect";
     GHashTableIter gIter;
     const char *key = NULL;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
     crm_debug("Checking for active resources before exit");
     if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE) {
         log_level = LOG_ERR;
         when = "shutdown";
     } else if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) {
         when = "shutdown... waiting";
     if (lrm_state->pending_ops && lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state) == TRUE) {
         guint removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(
             lrm_state->pending_ops, stop_recurring_actions, lrm_state);
         crm_notice("Stopped %u recurring operations at %s (%u ops remaining)",
                    removed, when, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops));
     if (lrm_state->pending_ops) {
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->pending_ops);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&pending)) {
             /* Ignore recurring actions in the shutdown calculations */
             if (pending->interval == 0) {
     if (counter > 0) {
         do_crm_log(log_level, "%d pending LRM operations at %s", counter, when);
         if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE || !is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP)) {
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->pending_ops);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&pending)) {
                 do_crm_log(log_level, "Pending action: %s (%s)", key, pending->op_key);
         } else {
             rc = FALSE;
         return rc;
     if (lrm_state->resource_history == NULL) {
         return rc;
     if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE || is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) {
         /* At this point we're not waiting, we're just shutting down */
         when = "shutdown";
     counter = 0;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->resource_history);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (gpointer*)&entry)) {
         if (is_rsc_active(lrm_state, entry->id) == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("Found %s active", entry->id);
         if (lrm_state->pending_ops) {
             GHashTableIter hIter;
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&hIter, lrm_state->pending_ops);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&hIter, (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&pending)) {
                 if (crm_str_eq(entry->id, pending->rsc_id, TRUE)) {
                     crm_notice("%sction %s (%s) incomplete at %s",
                                pending->interval == 0 ? "A" : "Recurring a",
                                key, pending->op_key, when);
     if (counter) {
         crm_err("%d resources were active at %s.", counter, when);
     return rc;
 GHashTable *metadata_hash = NULL;
 static char *
 get_rsc_metadata(const char *type, const char *rclass, const char *provider, bool force)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     int len = 0;
     char *key = NULL;
     char *metadata = NULL;
     /* Always use a local connection for this operation */
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = lrm_state_find(fsa_our_uname);
     CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(rclass != NULL, return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(lrm_state != NULL, return NULL);
     if (provider == NULL) {
         provider = "heartbeat";
     if (metadata_hash == NULL) {
         metadata_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     len = strlen(type) + strlen(rclass) + strlen(provider) + 4;
     key = malloc(len);
     if(key == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     snprintf(key, len, "%s::%s:%s", type, rclass, provider);
     if(force == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("Retreiving cached metadata for %s", key);
         metadata = g_hash_table_lookup(metadata_hash, key);
     if(metadata == NULL) {
         rc = lrm_state_get_metadata(lrm_state, rclass, provider, type, &metadata, 0);
         crm_trace("Retreived live metadata for %s: %s (%d)", key, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         if(rc == pcmk_ok) {
             CRM_LOG_ASSERT(metadata != NULL);
             g_hash_table_insert(metadata_hash, key, metadata);
             key = NULL;
         } else {
             CRM_LOG_ASSERT(metadata == NULL);
             metadata = NULL;
     if (metadata == NULL) {
         crm_warn("No metadata found for %s: %s (%d)", key, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     return metadata;
 static char *
 build_parameter_list(lrmd_event_data_t *op, xmlNode *metadata, xmlNode *result,
                      const char *criteria, bool target, bool invert_for_xml)
     int len = 0;
     int max = 0;
     char *list = NULL;
     xmlNode *param = NULL;
     xmlNode *params = NULL;
     const char *secure_terms[] = {
     if(safe_str_eq("private", criteria)) {
         /* It will take time for the agents to be updated
          * Check for some common terms
         max = DIMOF(secure_terms);
     params = find_xml_node(metadata, "parameters", TRUE);
     for (param = __xml_first_child(params); param != NULL; param = __xml_next(param)) {
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)param->name, "parameter", TRUE)) {
             bool accept = FALSE;
             const char *name = crm_element_value(param, "name");
             const char *value = crm_element_value(param, criteria);
             if(max && value) {
                 /* Turn off the compatibility logic once an agent has been updated to know about 'private' */
                 max = 0;
             if (name == NULL) {
                 crm_err("Invalid parameter in %s metadata", op->rsc_id);
             } else if(target == crm_is_true(value)) {
                 accept = TRUE;
             } else if(max) {
                 int lpc = 0;
                 bool found = FALSE;
                 for(lpc = 0; found == FALSE && lpc < max; lpc++) {
                     if(safe_str_eq(secure_terms[lpc], name)) {
                         found = TRUE;
                 if(found == target) {
                     accept = TRUE;
             if(accept) {
                 int start = len;
                 crm_trace("Attr %s is %s%s", name, target?"":"not ", criteria);
                 len += strlen(name) + 2;
                 list = realloc_safe(list, len + 1);
                 sprintf(list + start, " %s ", name);
             } else {
                 crm_trace("Rejecting %s for %s", name, criteria);
             if(invert_for_xml) {
                 crm_trace("Inverting %s match for %s xml", name, criteria);
                 accept = !accept;
             if(result && accept) {
                 value = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, name);
                 if(value != NULL) {
                     crm_trace("Adding attr to the xml result", name, target?"":"not ", criteria);
                     crm_xml_add(result, name, value);
     return list;
 static bool
 resource_supports_action(xmlNode *metadata, const char *name) 
     const char *value = NULL;
     xmlNode *action = NULL;
     xmlNode *actions = NULL;
     actions = find_xml_node(metadata, "actions", TRUE);
     for (action = __xml_first_child(actions); action != NULL; action = __xml_next(action)) {
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)action->name, "action", TRUE)) {
             value = crm_element_value(action, "name");
             if (safe_str_eq(name, value)) {
                 return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static void
 append_restart_list(lrmd_event_data_t *op, xmlNode *metadata, xmlNode * update, const char *version)
     char *list = NULL;
     char *digest = NULL;
     xmlNode *restart = NULL;
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(op->params != NULL);
     if (op->interval > 0) {
         /* monitors are not reloadable */
     if(resource_supports_action(metadata, "reload")) {
         restart = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS);
-        list = build_parameter_list(op, metadata, restart, "unique", FALSE, FALSE);
-    }
+        /* Any parameters with unique="1" should be added into the "op-force-restart" list. */
+        list = build_parameter_list(op, metadata, restart, "unique", TRUE, FALSE);
-    if (list == NULL) {
+    } else {
         /* Resource does not support reloads */
     digest = calculate_operation_digest(restart, version);
-    crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_RESTART, list);
+    /* Add "op-force-restart" and "op-restart-digest" to indicate the resource supports reload,
+     * no matter if it actually supports any parameters with unique="1"). */
+    crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_RESTART, list? list: "");
     crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST, digest);
     crm_trace("%s: %s, %s", op->rsc_id, digest, list);
     crm_log_xml_trace(restart, "restart digest source");
 static void
 append_secure_list(lrmd_event_data_t *op, xmlNode *metadata, xmlNode * update, const char *version)
     char *list = NULL;
     char *digest = NULL;
     xmlNode *secure = NULL;
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(op->params != NULL);
      * To keep XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_SECURE short, we want it to contain the
      * secure parameters but XML_LRM_ATTR_SECURE_DIGEST to be based on
      * the insecure ones
     secure = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS);
     list = build_parameter_list(op, metadata, secure, "private", TRUE, TRUE);
     if (list != NULL) {
         digest = calculate_operation_digest(secure, version);
         crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_SECURE, list);
         crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_SECURE_DIGEST, digest);
         crm_trace("%s: %s, %s", op->rsc_id, digest, list);
         crm_log_xml_trace(secure, "secure digest source");
     } else {
         crm_trace("%s: no secure parameters", op->rsc_id);
 static gboolean
 build_operation_update(xmlNode * parent, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op,
                        const char *src)
     int target_rc = 0;
     xmlNode *xml_op = NULL;
     xmlNode *metadata = NULL;
     const char *m_string = NULL;
     const char *caller_version = NULL;
     if (op == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     target_rc = rsc_op_expected_rc(op);
     /* there is a small risk in formerly mixed clusters that it will
      * be sub-optimal.
      * however with our upgrade policy, the update we send should
      * still be completely supported anyway
     caller_version = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(caller_version != NULL);
     if(caller_version == NULL) {
         caller_version = CRM_FEATURE_SET;
     crm_trace("Building %s operation update with originator version: %s", op->rsc_id, caller_version);
     xml_op = create_operation_update(parent, op, caller_version, target_rc, fsa_our_uname, src, LOG_DEBUG);
     if (xml_op == NULL) {
         return TRUE;
     if (rsc == NULL || op->params == NULL || crm_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STOP, op->op_type, TRUE)) {
         /* Stopped resources don't need the digest logic */
         crm_trace("No digests needed for %s %p %p %s", op->rsc_id, op->params, rsc, op->op_type);
         return TRUE;
     m_string = get_rsc_metadata(rsc->type, rsc->class, rsc->provider, safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_START));
     if(m_string == NULL) {
         crm_err("No metadata for %s::%s:%s", rsc->provider, rsc->class, rsc->type);
         return TRUE;
     metadata = string2xml(m_string);
     if(metadata == NULL) {
         crm_err("Metadata for %s::%s:%s is not valid XML", rsc->provider, rsc->class, rsc->type);
         return TRUE;
     crm_trace("Includind additional digests for %s::%s:%s", rsc->provider, rsc->class, rsc->type);
     append_restart_list(op, metadata, xml_op, caller_version);
     append_secure_list(op, metadata, xml_op, caller_version);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 is_rsc_active(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id)
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
     if (entry == NULL || entry->last == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     crm_trace("Processing %s: %s.%d=%d",
               rsc_id, entry->last->op_type, entry->last->interval, entry->last->rc);
     if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && safe_str_eq(entry->last->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK
                && safe_str_eq(entry->last->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) {
         /* a stricter check is too complex...
          * leave that to the PE
         return FALSE;
     } else if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (entry->last->interval == 0 && entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED) {
         /* Badly configured resources can't be reliably stopped */
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 build_active_RAs(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_list)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, lrm_state->resource_history);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
         GList *gIter = NULL;
         xmlNode *xml_rsc = create_xml_node(rsc_list, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, entry->id);
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE, entry->rsc.type);
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, entry->rsc.class);
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, entry->rsc.provider);
         if (entry->last && entry->last->params) {
             const char *container = g_hash_table_lookup(entry->last->params, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER);
             if (container) {
                 crm_trace("Resource %s is a part of container resource %s", entry->id, container);
                 crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, container);
         build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), entry->failed, __FUNCTION__);
         build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), entry->last, __FUNCTION__);
         for (gIter = entry->recurring_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), gIter->data, __FUNCTION__);
     return FALSE;
 xmlNode *
 do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, gboolean is_replace)
     xmlNode *xml_state = NULL;
     xmlNode *xml_data = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_list = NULL;
     const char *uuid = NULL;
     if (safe_str_eq(lrm_state->node_name, fsa_our_uname)) {
         crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(0, lrm_state->node_name);
         xml_state = do_update_node_cib(peer, node_update_cluster|node_update_peer, NULL, __FUNCTION__);
         /* The next two lines shouldn't be necessary for newer DCs */
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER);
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER);
         uuid = fsa_our_uuid;
     } else {
         xml_state = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE);
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE, "true");
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_ATTR_ID, lrm_state->node_name);
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_ATTR_UNAME, lrm_state->node_name);
         uuid = lrm_state->node_name;
     xml_data = create_xml_node(xml_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
     crm_xml_add(xml_data, XML_ATTR_ID, uuid);
     rsc_list = create_xml_node(xml_data, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
     /* Build a list of active (not always running) resources */
     build_active_RAs(lrm_state, rsc_list);
     crm_log_xml_trace(xml_state, "Current state of the LRM");
     return xml_state;
 xmlNode *
 do_lrm_query(gboolean is_replace, const char *node_name)
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = lrm_state_find(node_name);
     if (!lrm_state) {
         crm_err("Could not query lrm state for lrmd node %s", node_name);
         return NULL;
     return do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, is_replace);
 static void
 notify_deleted(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, ha_msg_input_t * input, const char *rsc_id, int rc)
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     const char *from_sys = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM);
     const char *from_host = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
     crm_info("Notifying %s on %s that %s was%s deleted",
              from_sys, from_host, rsc_id, rc == pcmk_ok ? "" : " not");
     op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc_id, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE);
     CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
     } else {
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
     send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, rsc_id);
     if (safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) {
         /* this isn't expected - trigger a new transition */
         time_t now = time(NULL);
         char *now_s = crm_itoa(now);
         crm_debug("Triggering a refresh after %s deleted %s from the LRM", from_sys, rsc_id);
         update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                              "last-lrm-refresh", now_s, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
 static gboolean
 lrm_remove_deleted_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     struct delete_event_s *event = user_data;
     struct pending_deletion_op_s *op = value;
     if (crm_str_eq(event->rsc, op->rsc, TRUE)) {
         notify_deleted(event->lrm_state, op->input, event->rsc, event->rc);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 lrm_remove_deleted_op(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     const char *rsc = user_data;
     struct recurring_op_s *pending = value;
     if (crm_str_eq(rsc, pending->rsc_id, TRUE)) {
         crm_info("Removing op %s:%d for deleted resource %s",
                  pending->op_key, pending->call_id, rsc);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * Remove the rsc from the CIB
  * Avoids refreshing the entire LRM section of this host
 #define rsc_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']"
 static int
 delete_rsc_status(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, int call_options,
                   const char *user_name)
     char *rsc_xpath = NULL;
     int max = 0;
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return -ENXIO);
     max = strlen(rsc_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(lrm_state->node_name) + 1;
     rsc_xpath = calloc(1, max);
     snprintf(rsc_xpath, max, rsc_template, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id);
     rc = cib_internal_op(fsa_cib_conn, CIB_OP_DELETE, NULL, rsc_xpath,
                          NULL, NULL, call_options | cib_xpath, user_name);
     return rc;
 static void
 delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, ha_msg_input_t * input, const char *rsc_id,
                  GHashTableIter * rsc_gIter, int rc, const char *user_name)
     struct delete_event_s event;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         char *rsc_id_copy = strdup(rsc_id);
         if (rsc_gIter)
             g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id_copy);
         crm_debug("sync: Sending delete op for %s", rsc_id_copy);
         delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, rsc_id_copy, cib_quorum_override, user_name);
         g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, lrm_remove_deleted_op, rsc_id_copy);
     if (input) {
         notify_deleted(lrm_state, input, rsc_id, rc);
     event.rc = rc;
     event.rsc = rsc_id;
     event.lrm_state = lrm_state;
     g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->deletion_ops, lrm_remove_deleted_rsc, &event);
  * Remove the op from the CIB
  * Avoids refreshing the entire LRM section of this host
 #define op_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s']"
 #define op_call_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s' and @"XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID"='%d']"
 static void
 delete_op_entry(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id,
                 const char *key, int call_id)
     xmlNode *xml_top = NULL;
     if (op != NULL) {
         xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP);
         crm_xml_add_int(xml_top, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, op->call_id);
         crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, op->user_data);
         if (op->interval > 0) {
             char *op_id = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
             /* Avoid deleting last_failure too (if it was a result of this recurring op failing) */
             crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_ID, op_id);
         crm_debug("async: Sending delete op for %s_%s_%d (call=%d)",
                   op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->call_id);
         fsa_cib_conn->cmds->delete(fsa_cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, xml_top, cib_quorum_override);
     } else if (rsc_id != NULL && key != NULL) {
         int max = 0;
         char *op_xpath = NULL;
         if (call_id > 0) {
             max =
                 strlen(op_call_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(lrm_state->node_name) +
                 strlen(key) + 10;
             op_xpath = calloc(1, max);
             snprintf(op_xpath, max, op_call_template, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id, key, call_id);
         } else {
             max =
                 strlen(op_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(lrm_state->node_name) + strlen(key) +
             op_xpath = calloc(1, max);
             snprintf(op_xpath, max, op_template, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id, key);
         crm_debug("sync: Sending delete op for %s (call=%d)", rsc_id, call_id);
         fsa_cib_conn->cmds->delete(fsa_cib_conn, op_xpath, NULL, cib_quorum_override | cib_xpath);
     } else {
         crm_err("Not enough information to delete op entry: rsc=%p key=%p", rsc_id, key);
     crm_log_xml_trace(xml_top, "op:cancel");
 lrm_clear_last_failure(const char *rsc_id, const char *node_name)
     char *attr = NULL;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     GList *lrm_state_list = lrm_state_get_list();
     GList *state_entry;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     attr = generate_op_key(rsc_id, "last_failure", 0);
     /* This clears last failure for every lrm state that has this rsc.*/
     for (state_entry = lrm_state_list; state_entry != NULL; state_entry = state_entry->next) {
         lrm_state_t *lrm_state = state_entry->data;
         if (node_name != NULL) {
             if (strcmp(node_name, lrm_state->node_name) != 0) {
                 /* filter by node_name if node_name is present */
         delete_op_entry(lrm_state, NULL, rsc_id, attr, 0);
         if (!lrm_state->resource_history) {
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, lrm_state->resource_history);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
             if (crm_str_eq(rsc_id, entry->id, TRUE)) {
                 entry->failed = NULL;
 /* Returns: gboolean - cancellation is in progress */
 static gboolean
 cancel_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *key, int op, gboolean remove)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     char *local_key = NULL;
     struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != 0, return FALSE);
     CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (key == NULL) {
         local_key = make_stop_id(rsc_id, op);
         key = local_key;
     pending = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->pending_ops, key);
     if (pending) {
         if (remove && pending->remove == FALSE) {
             pending->remove = TRUE;
             crm_debug("Scheduling %s for removal", key);
         if (pending->cancelled) {
             crm_debug("Operation %s already cancelled", key);
             return FALSE;
         pending->cancelled = TRUE;
     } else {
         crm_info("No pending op found for %s", key);
         return FALSE;
     crm_debug("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op, rsc_id, key);
     rc = lrm_state_cancel(lrm_state, pending->rsc_id, pending->op_type, pending->interval);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         crm_debug("Op %d for %s (%s): cancelled", op, rsc_id, key);
         return TRUE;
     crm_debug("Op %d for %s (%s): Nothing to cancel", op, rsc_id, key);
     /* The caller needs to make sure the entry is
      * removed from the pending_ops list
      * Usually by returning TRUE inside the worker function
      * supplied to g_hash_table_foreach_remove()
      * Not removing the entry from pending_ops will block
      * the node from shutting down
     return FALSE;
 struct cancel_data {
     gboolean done;
     gboolean remove;
     const char *key;
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
 static gboolean
 cancel_action_by_key(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     gboolean remove = FALSE;
     struct cancel_data *data = user_data;
     struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
     if (crm_str_eq(op->op_key, data->key, TRUE)) {
         data->done = TRUE;
         remove = !cancel_op(data->lrm_state, data->rsc->id, key, op->call_id, data->remove);
     return remove;
 static gboolean
 cancel_op_key(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *key, gboolean remove)
     guint removed = 0;
     struct cancel_data data;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE);
     CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE);
     data.key = key;
     data.rsc = rsc;
     data.done = FALSE;
     data.remove = remove;
     data.lrm_state = lrm_state;
     removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, cancel_action_by_key, &data);
     crm_trace("Removed %u op cache entries, new size: %u",
               removed, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops));
     return data.done;
 static lrmd_rsc_info_t *
 get_lrm_resource(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * resource, xmlNode * op_msg, gboolean do_create)
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
     const char *id = ID(resource);
     const char *type = crm_element_value(resource, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
     const char *class = crm_element_value(resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
     const char *provider = crm_element_value(resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
     const char *long_id = crm_element_value(resource, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG);
     crm_trace("Retrieving %s from the LRM.", id);
     CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, return NULL);
     rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, id, 0);
     if (!rsc && long_id) {
         rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, long_id, 0);
     if (!rsc && do_create) {
         CRM_CHECK(class != NULL, return NULL);
         CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, return NULL);
         crm_trace("Adding rsc %s before operation", id);
         lrm_state_register_rsc(lrm_state, id, class, provider, type, lrmd_opt_drop_recurring);
         rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, id, 0);
         if (!rsc) {
             fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL;
             crm_err("Could not add resource %s to LRM %s", id, lrm_state->node_name);
             /* only register this as a internal error if this involves the local
              * lrmd. Otherwise we're likely dealing with an unresponsive remote-node
              * which is not a FSA failure. */
             if (lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state) == TRUE) {
                 register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL);
     return rsc;
 static void
 delete_resource(lrm_state_t * lrm_state,
                 const char *id,
                 lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc,
                 GHashTableIter * gIter,
                 const char *sys,
                 const char *host,
                 const char *user,
                 ha_msg_input_t * request,
                 gboolean unregister)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     crm_info("Removing resource %s for %s (%s) on %s", id, sys, user ? user : "internal", host);
     if (rsc && unregister) {
         rc = lrm_state_unregister_rsc(lrm_state, id, 0);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         crm_trace("Resource '%s' deleted", id);
     } else if (rc == -EINPROGRESS) {
         crm_info("Deletion of resource '%s' pending", id);
         if (request) {
             struct pending_deletion_op_s *op = NULL;
             char *ref = crm_element_value_copy(request->msg, XML_ATTR_REFERENCE);
             op = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pending_deletion_op_s));
             op->rsc = strdup(rsc->id);
             op->input = copy_ha_msg_input(request);
             g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state->deletion_ops, ref, op);
     } else {
         crm_warn("Deletion of resource '%s' for %s (%s) on %s failed: %d",
                  id, sys, user ? user : "internal", host, rc);
     delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, request, id, gIter, rc, user);
 static int
 get_fake_call_id(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *rsc_id)
     int call_id = 999999999;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     if(lrm_state) {
         entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
     /* Make sure the call id is greater than the last successful operation,
      * otherwise the failure will not result in a possible recovery of the resource
      * as it could appear the failure occurred before the successful start */
     if (entry) {
         call_id = entry->last_callid + 1;
     if (call_id < 0) {
         call_id = 1;
     return call_id;
 static void
 force_reprobe(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *from_sys, const char *from_host, const char *user_name, gboolean is_remote_node)
         GHashTableIter gIter;
         rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
         crm_info("clearing resource history on node %s", lrm_state->node_name);
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->resource_history);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
             /* only unregister the resource during a reprobe if it is not a remote connection
              * resource. otherwise unregistering the connection will terminate remote-node
              * membership */
             gboolean unregister = TRUE;
             if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, entry->id)) {
                 lrm_state_t *remote_lrm_state = lrm_state_find(entry->id);
                 if (remote_lrm_state) {
                     /* when forcing a reprobe, make sure to clear remote node before
                      * clearing the remote node's connection resource */ 
                     force_reprobe(remote_lrm_state, from_sys, from_host, user_name, TRUE);
                 unregister = FALSE;
             delete_resource(lrm_state, entry->id, &entry->rsc, &gIter, from_sys, from_host,
                             user_name, NULL, unregister);
         /* Now delete the copy in the CIB */
         erase_status_tag(lrm_state->node_name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local);
         /* And finally, _delete_ the value in attrd
          * Setting it to FALSE results in the PE sending us back here again
         update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, CRM_OP_PROBED, NULL, user_name, is_remote_node);
 static void
 synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, xmlNode *action, int rc) 
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     const char *operation = crm_element_value(action, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
     const char *target_node = crm_element_value(action, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
     xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(action, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE);
     if(xml_rsc == NULL) {
         /* Do something else?  driect_ack? */
         crm_info("Skipping %s=%d on %s (%p): no resource",
                  crm_element_value(action, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY), rc, target_node, lrm_state);
     } else if(operation == NULL) {
         /* This probably came from crm_resource -C, nothing to do */
         crm_info("Skipping %s=%d on %s (%p): no operation",
                  crm_element_value(action, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY), rc, target_node, lrm_state);
     op = construct_op(lrm_state, action, ID(xml_rsc), operation);
     CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
     op->call_id = get_fake_call_id(lrm_state, op->rsc_id);
     if(safe_str_eq(operation, RSC_NOTIFY)) {
         /* Notifications can't fail yet */
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
     } else {
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
         op->rc = rc;
     op->t_run = time(NULL);
     op->t_rcchange = op->t_run;
     crm_info("Faking result %d for %s_%s_%d on %s (%p)", op->rc, op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, target_node, lrm_state);
     if(lrm_state) {
         process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL);
     } else {
         lrmd_rsc_info_t rsc;
         rsc.id = strdup(op->rsc_id);
         rsc.type = crm_element_value_copy(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
         rsc.class = crm_element_value_copy(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
         rsc.provider = crm_element_value_copy(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
         do_update_resource(target_node, &rsc, op);
 /*	 A_LRM_INVOKE	*/
 do_lrm_invoke(long long action,
               enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
               enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
               enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
     gboolean create_rsc = TRUE;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
     const char *crm_op = NULL;
     const char *from_sys = NULL;
     const char *from_host = NULL;
     const char *operation = NULL;
     ha_msg_input_t *input = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg);
     const char *user_name = NULL;
     const char *target_node = NULL;
     gboolean is_remote_node = FALSE;
     gboolean crm_rsc_delete = FALSE;
     if (input->xml != NULL) {
         /* Remote node operations are routed here to their remote connections */
         target_node = crm_element_value(input->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
     if (target_node == NULL) {
         target_node = fsa_our_uname;
     } else if (safe_str_neq(target_node, fsa_our_uname)) {
         is_remote_node = TRUE;
     lrm_state = lrm_state_find(target_node);
     if (lrm_state == NULL && is_remote_node) {
         crm_err("no lrmd connection for remote node %s found on cluster node %s. Can not process request.",
             target_node, fsa_our_uname);
         /* The action must be recorded here and in the CIB as failed */
         synthesize_lrmd_failure(NULL, input->xml, PCMK_OCF_CONNECTION_DIED);
     CRM_ASSERT(lrm_state != NULL);
     user_name = crm_acl_get_set_user(input->msg, F_CRM_USER, NULL);
     crm_trace("LRM command from user '%s'", user_name);
     crm_op = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_TASK);
     from_sys = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM);
     if (safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) {
         from_host = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
     crm_trace("LRM command from: %s", from_sys);
     if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE)) {
         /* remember this delete op came from crm_resource */
         crm_rsc_delete = TRUE;
         operation = CRMD_ACTION_DELETE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) {
         operation = CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_FAIL)) {
         lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
         lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
         xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE);
         CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc != NULL, return);
         /* The lrmd can not fail a resource, it does not understand the
          * concept of success or failure in relation to a resource, it simply
          * executes operations and reports the results. We determine what a failure is.
          * Becaues of this, if we want to fail a resource we have to fake what we
          * understand a failure to look like.
          * To do this we create a fake lrmd operation event for the resource
          * we want to fail.  We then pass that event to the lrmd client callback
          * so it will be processed as if it actually came from the lrmd. */
         op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, ID(xml_rsc), "asyncmon");
         CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
         free((char *)op->user_data);
         op->user_data = NULL;
         op->call_id = get_fake_call_id(lrm_state, op->rsc_id);
         op->interval = 0;
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
         op->t_run = time(NULL);
         op->t_rcchange = op->t_run;
         if (user_name && is_privileged(user_name) == FALSE) {
             crm_err("%s does not have permission to fail %s", user_name, ID(xml_rsc));
             send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc));
         rsc = get_lrm_resource(lrm_state, xml_rsc, input->xml, create_rsc);
         if (rsc) {
             crm_info("Failing resource %s...", rsc->id);
             process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL);
             op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
         } else {
             crm_info("Cannot find/create resource in order to fail it...");
             crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "bad input");
         send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc));
     } else if (input->xml != NULL) {
         operation = crm_element_value(input->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
     if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) {
         int rc = pcmk_ok;
         xmlNode *fragment = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, TRUE);
         fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, fragment, cib_quorum_override, rc, user_name);
         crm_info("Forced a local LRM refresh: call=%d", rc);
         if(strcmp(CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, from_sys) != 0) {
             xmlNode *reply = create_request(
                 CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, fragment,
                 from_host, from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, fsa_our_uuid);
             crm_debug("ACK'ing refresh from %s (%s)", from_sys, from_host);
             if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
                 crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply");
     } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_QUERY)) {
         xmlNode *data = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, FALSE);
         xmlNode *reply = create_reply(input->msg, data);
         if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
             crm_err("Unable to route reply");
             crm_log_xml_err(reply, "reply");
     } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_PROBED)) {
         update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, CRM_OP_PROBED, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE, user_name, is_remote_node);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_REPROBE) || safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_REPROBE)) {
         crm_notice("Forcing the status of all resources to be redetected");
         force_reprobe(lrm_state, from_sys, from_host, user_name, is_remote_node);
         if(strcmp(CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, from_sys) != 0
            && strcmp(CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, from_sys) != 0) {
             xmlNode *reply = create_request(
                 CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, NULL,
                 from_host, from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, fsa_our_uuid);
             crm_debug("ACK'ing re-probe from %s (%s)", from_sys, from_host);
             if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
                 crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply");
     } else if (operation != NULL) {
         lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
         xmlNode *params = NULL;
         xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE);
         CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc != NULL, return);
         /* only the first 16 chars are used by the LRM */
         params = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_TAG_ATTRS, TRUE);
         if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) {
             create_rsc = FALSE;
         if(lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state) == FALSE) {
             synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state, input->xml, PCMK_OCF_CONNECTION_DIED);
         rsc = get_lrm_resource(lrm_state, xml_rsc, input->xml, create_rsc);
         if (rsc == NULL && create_rsc) {
             crm_err("Invalid resource definition for %s", ID(xml_rsc));
             crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "bad input");
             /* if the operation couldn't complete because we can't register
              * the resource, return a generic error */
             synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state, input->xml, PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED);
         } else if (rsc == NULL) {
             lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
             crm_notice("Not creating resource for a %s event: %s", operation, ID(input->xml));
             delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, input, ID(xml_rsc), NULL, pcmk_ok, user_name);
             op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, ID(xml_rsc), operation);
             /* Deleting something that does not exist is a success */
             op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
             CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
             send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc));
         } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL)) {
             char *op_key = NULL;
             char *meta_key = NULL;
             int call = 0;
             const char *call_id = NULL;
             const char *op_task = NULL;
             const char *op_interval = NULL;
             gboolean in_progress = FALSE;
             CRM_CHECK(params != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command");
             meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
             op_interval = crm_element_value(params, meta_key);
             meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
             op_task = crm_element_value(params, meta_key);
             meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID);
             call_id = crm_element_value(params, meta_key);
             CRM_CHECK(op_task != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command");
             CRM_CHECK(op_interval != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command");
             op_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, op_task, crm_parse_int(op_interval, "0"));
             crm_debug("PE requested op %s (call=%s) be cancelled",
                       op_key, call_id ? call_id : "NA");
             call = crm_parse_int(call_id, "0");
             if (call == 0) {
                 /* the normal case when the PE cancels a recurring op */
                 in_progress = cancel_op_key(lrm_state, rsc, op_key, TRUE);
             } else {
                 /* the normal case when the PE cancels an orphan op */
                 in_progress = cancel_op(lrm_state, rsc->id, NULL, call, TRUE);
             if (in_progress == FALSE) {
                 lrmd_event_data_t *op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc->id, op_task);
                 crm_info("Nothing known about operation %d for %s", call, op_key);
                 delete_op_entry(lrm_state, NULL, rsc->id, op_key, call);
                 CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
                 op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
                 op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
                 send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, rsc, op, rsc->id);
                 /* needed?? surely not otherwise the cancel_op_(_key) wouldn't
                  * have failed in the first place
                 g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_key);
         } else if (rsc != NULL && safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) {
             gboolean unregister = TRUE;
             int cib_rc = delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, rsc->id, cib_dryrun | cib_sync_call, user_name);
             if (cib_rc != pcmk_ok) {
                 lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
                     ("Attempted deletion of resource status '%s' from CIB for %s (user=%s) on %s failed: (rc=%d) %s",
                      rsc->id, from_sys, user_name ? user_name : "unknown", from_host, cib_rc,
                 op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc->id, operation);
                 op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
                 if (cib_rc == -EACCES) {
                     op->rc = PCMK_OCF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV;
                 } else {
                     op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
                 send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, rsc->id);
             if (crm_rsc_delete == TRUE && is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id)) {
                 unregister = FALSE;
             delete_resource(lrm_state, rsc->id, rsc, NULL, from_sys, from_host, user_name, input, unregister);
         } else if (rsc != NULL) {
             do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state, rsc, operation, input->xml, input->msg);
     } else {
         crm_err("Operation was neither a lrm_query, nor a rsc op.  %s", crm_str(crm_op));
         register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
 static lrmd_event_data_t *
 construct_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_op, const char *rsc_id, const char *operation)
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     const char *op_delay = NULL;
     const char *op_timeout = NULL;
     const char *op_interval = NULL;
     GHashTable *params = NULL;
     const char *transition = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL);
     op = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_event_data_t));
     op->type = lrmd_event_exec_complete;
     op->op_type = strdup(operation);
     op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING;
     op->rc = -1;
     op->rsc_id = strdup(rsc_id);
     op->interval = 0;
     op->timeout = 0;
     op->start_delay = 0;
     if (rsc_op == NULL) {
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STOP, operation));
         op->user_data = NULL;
         /* the stop_all_resources() case
          * by definition there is no DC (or they'd be shutting
          *   us down).
          * So we should put our version here.
         op->params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                            g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
         g_hash_table_insert(op->params, strdup(XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION), strdup(CRM_FEATURE_SET));
         crm_trace("Constructed %s op for %s", operation, rsc_id);
         return op;
     params = xml2list(rsc_op);
     g_hash_table_remove(params, CRM_META "_op_target_rc");
     op_delay = crm_meta_value(params, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY);
     op_timeout = crm_meta_value(params, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
     op_interval = crm_meta_value(params, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
     op->interval = crm_parse_int(op_interval, "0");
     op->timeout = crm_parse_int(op_timeout, "0");
     op->start_delay = crm_parse_int(op_delay, "0");
     if (safe_str_neq(operation, RSC_STOP)) {
         op->params = params;
     } else {
         rsc_history_t *entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
         /* If we do not have stop parameters cached, use
          * whatever we are given */
         if (!entry || !entry->stop_params) {
             op->params = params;
         } else {
             /* Copy the cached parameter list so that we stop the resource
              * with the old attributes, not the new ones */
             op->params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                                g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
             g_hash_table_foreach(params, copy_meta_keys, op->params);
             g_hash_table_foreach(entry->stop_params, copy_instance_keys, op->params);
             params = NULL;
     /* sanity */
     if (op->interval < 0) {
         op->interval = 0;
     if (op->timeout <= 0) {
         op->timeout = op->interval;
     if (op->start_delay < 0) {
         op->start_delay = 0;
     transition = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
     CRM_CHECK(transition != NULL, return op);
     op->user_data = strdup(transition);
     if (op->interval != 0) {
         if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_START)
             || safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
             crm_err("Start and Stop actions cannot have an interval: %d", op->interval);
             op->interval = 0;
     crm_trace("Constructed %s op for %s: interval=%d", operation, rsc_id, op->interval);
     return op;
 send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys,
                 lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id)
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     xmlNode *update, *iter;
     crm_node_t *peer = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
     if (op->rsc_id == NULL) {
         CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL);
         op->rsc_id = strdup(rsc_id);
     if (to_sys == NULL) {
         to_sys = CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE;
     peer = crm_get_peer(0, fsa_our_uname);
     update = do_update_node_cib(peer, node_update_none, NULL, __FUNCTION__);
     iter = create_xml_node(update, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, fsa_our_uuid);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id);
     build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, __FUNCTION__);
     reply = create_request(CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, update, to_host, to_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, NULL);
     crm_log_xml_trace(update, "ACK Update");
     crm_debug("ACK'ing resource op %s_%s_%d from %s: %s",
               op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->user_data,
               crm_element_value(reply, XML_ATTR_REFERENCE));
     if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
         crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply");
 verify_stopped(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level)
     gboolean res = TRUE;
     GList *lrm_state_list = lrm_state_get_list();
     GList *state_entry;
     for (state_entry = lrm_state_list; state_entry != NULL; state_entry = state_entry->next) {
         lrm_state_t *lrm_state = state_entry->data;
         if (!lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state, cur_state, log_level)) {
             /* keep iterating through all even when false is returned */
             res = FALSE;
     set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP);
     g_list_free(lrm_state_list); lrm_state_list = NULL;
     return res;
 struct stop_recurring_action_s {
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
 static gboolean
 stop_recurring_action_by_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     gboolean remove = FALSE;
     struct stop_recurring_action_s *event = user_data;
     struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
     if (op->interval != 0 && crm_str_eq(op->rsc_id, event->rsc->id, TRUE)) {
         crm_debug("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op->call_id, op->rsc_id, key);
         remove = !cancel_op(event->lrm_state, event->rsc->id, key, op->call_id, FALSE);
     return remove;
 static gboolean
 stop_recurring_actions(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     gboolean remove = FALSE;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = user_data;
     struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
     if (op->interval != 0) {
         crm_info("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op->call_id, op->rsc_id, key);
         remove = !cancel_op(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, key, op->call_id, FALSE);
     return remove;
 static void
 do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *operation, xmlNode * msg,
               xmlNode * request)
     int call_id = 0;
     char *op_id = NULL;
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     lrmd_key_value_t *params = NULL;
     fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL;
     const char *transition = NULL;
     gboolean stop_recurring = FALSE;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(operation != NULL, return);
     if (msg != NULL) {
         transition = crm_element_value(msg, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
         if (transition == NULL) {
             crm_log_xml_err(msg, "Missing transition number");
     op = construct_op(lrm_state, msg, rsc->id, operation);
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
     if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id)
         && op->interval == 0
         && strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) == 0) {
         /* pcmk remote connections are a special use case.
          * We never ever want to stop monitoring a connection resource until
          * the entire migration has completed. If the connection is ever unexpected
          * severed, even during a migration, this is an event we must detect.*/
         stop_recurring = FALSE;
     } else if (op->interval == 0
         && strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) != 0
         && strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY) != 0) {
         /* stop any previous monitor operations before changing the resource state */
         stop_recurring = TRUE;
     if (stop_recurring == TRUE) {
         guint removed = 0;
         struct stop_recurring_action_s data;
         data.rsc = rsc;
         data.lrm_state = lrm_state;
         removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(
             lrm_state->pending_ops, stop_recurring_action_by_rsc, &data);
         crm_debug("Stopped %u recurring operations in preparation for %s_%s_%d",
                   removed, rsc->id, operation, op->interval);
     /* now do the op */
     crm_info("Performing key=%s op=%s_%s_%d", transition, rsc->id, operation, op->interval);
     if (fsa_state != S_NOT_DC && fsa_state != S_POLICY_ENGINE && fsa_state != S_TRANSITION_ENGINE) {
         if (safe_str_neq(operation, "fail")
             && safe_str_neq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
             crm_info("Discarding attempt to perform action %s on %s in state %s",
                      operation, rsc->id, fsa_state2string(fsa_state));
             op->rc = CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC;
             op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
             send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id);
     op_id = generate_op_key(rsc->id, op->op_type, op->interval);
     if (op->interval > 0) {
         /* cancel it so we can then restart it without conflict */
         cancel_op_key(lrm_state, rsc, op_id, FALSE);
     if (op->params) {
         char *key = NULL;
         char *value = NULL;
         GHashTableIter iter;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, op->params);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
             params = lrmd_key_value_add(params, key, value);
     call_id = lrm_state_exec(lrm_state,
                              op->user_data, op->interval, op->timeout, op->start_delay, params);
     if (call_id <= 0 && lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state)) {
         crm_err("Operation %s on %s failed: %d", operation, rsc->id, call_id);
         register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL);
     } else if (call_id <= 0) {
         crm_err("Operation %s on resource %s failed to execute on remote node %s: %d", operation, rsc->id, lrm_state->node_name, call_id);
         op->call_id = get_fake_call_id(lrm_state, rsc->id);
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
         op->t_run = time(NULL);
         op->t_rcchange = op->t_run;
         process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL);
     } else {
         /* record all operations so we can wait
          * for them to complete during shutdown
         char *call_id_s = make_stop_id(rsc->id, call_id);
         struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
         pending = calloc(1, sizeof(struct recurring_op_s));
         crm_trace("Recording pending op: %d - %s %s", call_id, op_id, call_id_s);
         pending->call_id = call_id;
         pending->interval = op->interval;
         pending->op_type = strdup(operation);
         pending->op_key = strdup(op_id);
         pending->rsc_id = strdup(rsc->id);
         pending->start_time = time(NULL);
         pending->user_data = strdup(op->user_data);
         g_hash_table_replace(lrm_state->pending_ops, call_id_s, pending);
         if (op->interval > 0 && op->start_delay > START_DELAY_THRESHOLD) {
             char *uuid = NULL;
             int dummy = 0, target_rc = 0;
             crm_info("Faking confirmation of %s: execution postponed for over 5 minutes", op_id);
             decode_transition_key(op->user_data, &uuid, &dummy, &dummy, &target_rc);
             op->rc = target_rc;
             op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
             send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id);
         pending->params = op->params;
         op->params = NULL;
 int last_resource_update = 0;
 static void
 cib_rsc_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data)
     switch (rc) {
         case pcmk_ok:
         case -pcmk_err_diff_failed:
         case -pcmk_err_diff_resync:
             crm_trace("Resource update %d complete: rc=%d", call_id, rc);
             crm_warn("Resource update %d failed: (rc=%d) %s", call_id, rc, pcmk_strerror(rc));
     if (call_id == last_resource_update) {
         last_resource_update = 0;
 static void
 remote_node_init_status(const char *node_name, int call_opt)
     int call_id = 0;
     xmlNode *update = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS);
     xmlNode *state;
     state = simple_remote_node_status(node_name, update,__FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(state, XML_NODE_IS_FENCED, "0");
     fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, call_opt, call_id, NULL);
     if (call_id != pcmk_ok) {
         crm_debug("Failed to init status section for remote-node %s", node_name);
 static void
 remote_node_clear_status(const char *node_name, int call_opt)
     if (node_name == NULL) {
     remote_node_init_status(node_name, call_opt);
     erase_status_tag(node_name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, call_opt);
     erase_status_tag(node_name, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, call_opt);
 static int
 do_update_resource(const char *node_name, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
   <nodes_status id=uname>
   <lrm_resource id=...>
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *update, *iter = NULL;
     int call_opt = cib_quorum_override;
     const char *uuid = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return 0);
     if (fsa_state == S_ELECTION || fsa_state == S_PENDING) {
         crm_info("Sending update to local CIB in state: %s", fsa_state2string(fsa_state));
         call_opt |= cib_scope_local;
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS);
     update = iter;
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE);
     if (safe_str_eq(node_name, fsa_our_uname)) {
         uuid = fsa_our_uuid;
     } else {
         /* remote nodes uuid and uname are equal */
         uuid = node_name;
         crm_xml_add(iter, XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE, "true");
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(uuid != NULL);
     if(uuid == NULL) {
         rc = -EINVAL;
         goto done;
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_UUID,  uuid);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node_name);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, uuid);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id);
     build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, __FUNCTION__);
     if (rsc) {
         const char *container = NULL;
         crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_TYPE, rsc->type);
         crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, rsc->class);
         crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, rsc->provider);
         if (op->params) {
             container = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER);
         if (container) {
             crm_trace("Resource %s is a part of container resource %s", op->rsc_id, container);
             crm_xml_add(iter, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, container);
         CRM_CHECK(rsc->type != NULL, crm_err("Resource %s has no value for type", op->rsc_id));
         CRM_CHECK(rsc->class != NULL, crm_err("Resource %s has no value for class", op->rsc_id));
         /* check to see if we need to initialize remote-node related status sections */
         if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, "start") && op->rc == 0 && op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
             const char *remote_node = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, CRM_META"_remote_node");
             if (remote_node) {
                 /* A container for a remote-node has started, initalize remote-node's status */
                 crm_info("Initalizing lrm status for container remote-node %s. Container successfully started.", remote_node);
                 remote_node_clear_status(remote_node, call_opt);
             } else if (container == FALSE && safe_str_eq(rsc->type, "remote") && safe_str_eq(rsc->provider, "pacemaker")) {
                 /* baremetal remote node connection resource has started, initalize remote-node's status */
                 crm_info("Initializing lrm status for baremetal remote-node %s", rsc->id);
                 remote_node_clear_status(rsc->id, call_opt);
     } else {
         crm_warn("Resource %s no longer exists in the lrmd", op->rsc_id);
         send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, op->rsc_id);
         goto cleanup;
     crm_log_xml_trace(update, __FUNCTION__);
     /* make it an asyncronous call and be done with it
      * Best case:
      *   the resource state will be discovered during
      *   the next signup or election.
      * Bad case:
      *   we are shutting down and there is no DC at the time,
      *   but then why were we shutting down then anyway?
      *   (probably because of an internal error)
      * Worst case:
      *   we get shot for having resources "running" when the really weren't
      * the alternative however means blocking here for too long, which
      * isnt acceptable
     fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, call_opt, rc, NULL);
     if (rc > 0) {
         last_resource_update = rc;
     /* the return code is a call number, not an error code */
     crm_trace("Sent resource state update message: %d for %s=%d on %s", rc,
               op->op_type, op->interval, op->rsc_id);
     fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, cib_rsc_callback);
     return rc;
 do_lrm_event(long long action,
              enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
              enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
     CRM_CHECK(FALSE, return);
 process_lrm_event(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t * op, struct recurring_op_s *pending)
     char *op_id = NULL;
     char *op_key = NULL;
     int update_id = 0;
     gboolean remove = FALSE;
     gboolean removed = FALSE;
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return FALSE);
     CRM_CHECK(op->rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE);
     op_id = make_stop_id(op->rsc_id, op->call_id);
     op_key = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
     rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, 0);
     if(pending == NULL) {
         remove = TRUE;
         pending = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id);
     if (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR) {
         switch(op->rc) {
             case PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING:
             case PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER:
             case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED:
             case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER:
                 /* Leave it up to the TE/PE to decide if this is an error */
                 op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
                 /* Nothing to do */
     if (op->op_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
         if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_NOTIFY)) {
             /* Keep notify ops out of the CIB */
             send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id);
         } else {
             update_id = do_update_resource(lrm_state->node_name, rsc, op);
     } else if (op->interval == 0) {
         /* This will occur when "crm resource cleanup" is called while actions are in-flight */
         crm_err("Op %s (call=%d): Cancelled", op_key, op->call_id);
         send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id);
     } else if (pending == NULL) {
         /* We don't need to do anything for cancelled ops
          * that are not in our pending op list. There are no
          * transition actions waiting on these operations. */
     } else if (op->user_data == NULL) {
         /* At this point we have a pending entry, but no transition
          * key present in the user_data field. report this */
         crm_err("Op %s (call=%d): No user data", op_key, op->call_id);
     } else if (pending->remove) {
         /* The tengine canceled this op, we have been waiting for the cancel to finish. */
         delete_op_entry(lrm_state, op, op->rsc_id, op_key, op->call_id);
     } else if (pending && op->rsc_deleted) {
         /* The tengine initiated this op, but it was cancelled outside of the
          * tengine's control during a resource cleanup/re-probe request. The tengine
          * must be alerted that this operation completed, otherwise the tengine
          * will continue waiting for this update to occur until it is timed out.
          * We don't want this update going to the cib though, so use a direct ack. */
         crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d): cancelled due to rsc deletion", op_key, op->call_id);
         send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id);
     } else {
         /* Before a stop is called, no need to direct ack */
         crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d): no delete event required", op_key, op->call_id);
     if(remove == FALSE) {
         /* The caller will do this afterwards, but keep the logging consistent */
         removed = TRUE;
     } else if ((op->interval == 0) && g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id)) {
         removed = TRUE;
         crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d, stop-id=%s, remaining=%u): Confirmed",
                   op_key, op->call_id, op_id, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops));
     } else if(op->interval != 0 && op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
         removed = TRUE;
         g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id);
     switch (op->op_status) {
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED:
             crm_info("Operation %s: %s (node=%s, call=%d, confirmed=%s)",
                      op_key, services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status), lrm_state->node_name,
                      op->call_id, removed ? "true" : "false");
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE:
                        "Operation %s: %s (node=%s, call=%d, rc=%d, cib-update=%d, confirmed=%s)",
                        op_key, services_ocf_exitcode_str(op->rc), lrm_state->node_name,
                        op->call_id, op->rc, update_id, removed ? "true" : "false");
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT:
             crm_err("Operation %s: %s (node=%s, call=%d, timeout=%dms)",
                     op_key, services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status), lrm_state->node_name, op->call_id, op->timeout);
             crm_err("Operation %s (node=%s, call=%d, status=%d, cib-update=%d, confirmed=%s) %s",
                     op_key, lrm_state->node_name, op->call_id, op->op_status, update_id, removed ? "true" : "false",
     if (op->output) {
         char *prefix =
             crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s_%s_%d:%d", lrm_state->node_name, op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->call_id);
         if (op->rc) {
             crm_log_output(LOG_NOTICE, prefix, op->output);
         } else {
             crm_log_output(LOG_DEBUG, prefix, op->output);
     if (op->rsc_deleted) {
         crm_info("Deletion of resource '%s' complete after %s", op->rsc_id, op_key);
         delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, NULL, op->rsc_id, NULL, pcmk_ok, NULL);
     /* If a shutdown was escalated while operations were pending,
      * then the FSA will be stalled right now... allow it to continue
     update_history_cache(lrm_state, rsc, op);
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/crmd/throttle.c b/crmd/throttle.c
index 165050c7df..169594b399 100644
--- a/crmd/throttle.c
+++ b/crmd/throttle.c
@@ -1,717 +1,734 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2013 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/cluster.h>
 #include <crmd_fsa.h>
 #include <throttle.h>
 enum throttle_state_e 
     throttle_extreme = 0x1000,
     throttle_high = 0x0100,
     throttle_med  = 0x0010,
     throttle_low  = 0x0001,
     throttle_none = 0x0000,
 struct throttle_record_s 
         int max;
         enum throttle_state_e mode;
         char *node;
 int throttle_job_max = 0;
 float throttle_load_target = 0.0;
 #define THROTTLE_FACTOR_LOW    1.2
 GHashTable *throttle_records = NULL;
 mainloop_timer_t *throttle_timer = NULL;
 int throttle_num_cores(void)
     static int cores = 0;
     char buffer[256];
     FILE *stream = NULL;
     const char *cpufile = "/proc/cpuinfo";
     if(cores) {
         return cores;
     stream = fopen(cpufile, "r");
     if(stream == NULL) {
         int rc = errno;
         crm_warn("Couldn't read %s, assuming a single processor: %s (%d)", cpufile, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         return 1;
     while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stream)) {
         if(strstr(buffer, "processor") == buffer) {
     if(cores == 0) {
         crm_warn("No processors found in %s, assuming 1", cpufile);
         return 1;
     return cores;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Return name of /proc file containing the CIB deamon's load statistics
+ *
+ * \return Newly allocated memory with file name on success, NULL otherwise
+ *
+ * \note It is the caller's responsibility to free the return value.
+ *       This will return NULL if the daemon is being run via valgrind.
+ *       This should be called only on Linux systems.
+ */
 static char *find_cib_loadfile(void) 
     DIR *dp;
     struct dirent *entry;
     struct stat statbuf;
     char *match = NULL;
+    char procpath[128];
+    char value[64];
+    char key[16];
     dp = opendir("/proc");
     if (!dp) {
         /* no proc directory to search through */
         crm_notice("Can not read /proc directory to track existing components");
-        return FALSE;
+        return NULL;
+    /* Iterate through contents of /proc */
     while ((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
-        char procpath[128];
-        char value[64];
-        char key[16];
         FILE *file;
         int pid;
-        strcpy(procpath, "/proc/");
-        /* strlen("/proc/") + strlen("/status") + 1 = 14
-         * 128 - 14 = 114 */
-        strncat(procpath, entry->d_name, 114);
-        if (lstat(procpath, &statbuf)) {
+        /* We're only interested in entries whose name is a PID,
+         * so skip anything non-numeric or that is too long.
+         *
+         * 114 = 128 - strlen("/proc/") - strlen("/status") - 1
+         */
+        pid = atoi(entry->d_name);
+        if ((pid <= 0) || (strlen(entry->d_name) > 114)) {
-        if (!S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) || !isdigit(entry->d_name[0])) {
+        /* We're only interested in subdirectories */
+        strcpy(procpath, "/proc/");
+        strcat(procpath, entry->d_name);
+        if (lstat(procpath, &statbuf) || !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
+        /* Read the first entry ("Name:") from the process's status file.
+         * We could handle the valgrind case if we parsed the cmdline file
+         * instead, but that's more of a pain than it's worth.
+         */
         strcat(procpath, "/status");
         file = fopen(procpath, "r");
         if (!file) {
         if (fscanf(file, "%15s%63s", key, value) != 2) {
-        if (safe_str_neq("cib", value)) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        pid = atoi(entry->d_name);
-        if (pid <= 0) {
-            continue;
+        if (safe_str_eq("cib", value)) {
+            /* We found the CIB! */
+            match = crm_strdup_printf("/proc/%d/stat", pid);
+            break;
-        match = crm_strdup_printf("/proc/%d/stat", pid);
-        break;
     return match;
 static bool throttle_cib_load(float *load) 
               Status information about the process.  This is used by ps(1).  It is defined in /usr/src/linux/fs/proc/array.c.
               The fields, in order, with their proper scanf(3) format specifiers, are:
               pid %d      (1) The process ID.
               comm %s     (2) The filename of the executable, in parentheses.  This is visible whether or not the executable is swapped out.
               state %c    (3) One character from the string "RSDZTW" where R is running, S is sleeping in an interruptible wait, D is waiting in uninterruptible disk sleep, Z is zombie, T is traced or stopped (on a signal), and W is paging.
               ppid %d     (4) The PID of the parent.
               pgrp %d     (5) The process group ID of the process.
               session %d  (6) The session ID of the process.
               tty_nr %d   (7) The controlling terminal of the process.  (The minor device number is contained in the combination of bits 31 to 20 and 7 to 0; the major device number is in bits 15 to 8.)
               tpgid %d    (8) The ID of the foreground process group of the controlling terminal of the process.
               flags %u (%lu before Linux 2.6.22)
                           (9) The kernel flags word of the process.  For bit meanings, see the PF_* defines in the Linux kernel source file include/linux/sched.h.  Details depend on the kernel version.
               minflt %lu  (10) The number of minor faults the process has made which have not required loading a memory page from disk.
               cminflt %lu (11) The number of minor faults that the process's waited-for children have made.
               majflt %lu  (12) The number of major faults the process has made which have required loading a memory page from disk.
               cmajflt %lu (13) The number of major faults that the process's waited-for children have made.
               utime %lu   (14) Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in user mode, measured in clock ticks (divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).  This includes guest time, guest_time (time spent running a virtual CPU, see below), so that applications that are not aware of the guest time field do not lose that time from their calculations.
               stime %lu   (15) Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in kernel mode, measured in clock ticks (divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).
     static char *loadfile = NULL;
     static time_t last_call = 0;
     static long ticks_per_s = 0;
     static unsigned long last_utime, last_stime;
     char buffer[64*1024];
     FILE *stream = NULL;
     time_t now = time(NULL);
     if(load == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         *load = 0.0;
     if(loadfile == NULL) {
         last_call = 0;
         last_utime = 0;
         last_stime = 0;
         loadfile = find_cib_loadfile();
+        if (loadfile == NULL) {
+            crm_warn("Couldn't find CIB load file");
+            return FALSE;
+        }
         ticks_per_s = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
         crm_trace("Found %s", loadfile);
     stream = fopen(loadfile, "r");
     if(stream == NULL) {
         int rc = errno;
         crm_warn("Couldn't read %s: %s (%d)", loadfile, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         free(loadfile); loadfile = NULL;
         return FALSE;
     if(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stream)) {
         char *comm = calloc(1, 256);
         char state = 0;
         int rc = 0, pid = 0, ppid = 0, pgrp = 0, session = 0, tty_nr = 0, tpgid = 0;
         unsigned long flags = 0, minflt = 0, cminflt = 0, majflt = 0, cmajflt = 0, utime = 0, stime = 0;
         rc = sscanf(buffer,  "%d %[^ ] %c %d %d %d %d %d %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
                     &pid, comm, &state,
                     &ppid, &pgrp, &session, &tty_nr, &tpgid,
                     &flags, &minflt, &cminflt, &majflt, &cmajflt, &utime, &stime);
         if(rc != 15) {
             crm_err("Only %d of 15 fields found in %s", rc, loadfile);
             return FALSE;
         } else if(last_call > 0
            && last_call < now
            && last_utime <= utime
            && last_stime <= stime) {
             time_t elapsed = now - last_call;
             unsigned long delta_utime = utime - last_utime;
             unsigned long delta_stime = stime - last_stime;
             *load = (delta_utime + delta_stime); /* Cast to a float before division */
             *load /= ticks_per_s;
             *load /= elapsed;
             crm_debug("cib load: %f (%lu ticks in %ds)", *load, delta_utime + delta_stime, elapsed);
         } else {
             crm_debug("Init %lu + %lu ticks at %d (%lu tps)", utime, stime, now, ticks_per_s);
         last_call = now;
         last_utime = utime;
         last_stime = stime;
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static bool throttle_load_avg(float *load)
     char buffer[256];
     FILE *stream = NULL;
     const char *loadfile = "/proc/loadavg";
     if(load == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     stream = fopen(loadfile, "r");
     if(stream == NULL) {
         int rc = errno;
         crm_warn("Couldn't read %s: %s (%d)", loadfile, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         return FALSE;
     if(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stream)) {
         char *nl = strstr(buffer, "\n");
         /* Grab the 1-minute average, ignore the rest */
         *load = strtof(buffer, NULL);
         if(nl) { nl[0] = 0; }
         crm_debug("Current load is %f (full: %s)", *load, buffer);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static bool throttle_io_load(float *load, unsigned int *blocked)
     char buffer[64*1024];
     FILE *stream = NULL;
     const char *loadfile = "/proc/stat";
     if(load == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     stream = fopen(loadfile, "r");
     if(stream == NULL) {
         int rc = errno;
         crm_warn("Couldn't read %s: %s (%d)", loadfile, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         return FALSE;
     if(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stream)) {
         /* Borrowed from procps-ng's sysinfo.c */
         char *b = NULL;
         unsigned long long cpu_use = 0;
         unsigned long long cpu_nic = 0;
         unsigned long long cpu_sys = 0;
         unsigned long long cpu_idl = 0;
         unsigned long long cpu_iow = 0; /* not separated out until the 2.5.41 kernel */
         unsigned long long cpu_xxx = 0; /* not separated out until the 2.6.0-test4 kernel */
         unsigned long long cpu_yyy = 0; /* not separated out until the 2.6.0-test4 kernel */
         unsigned long long cpu_zzz = 0; /* not separated out until the 2.6.11 kernel */
         long long divo2 = 0;
         long long duse = 0;
         long long dsys = 0;
         long long didl =0;
         long long diow =0;
         long long dstl = 0;
         long long Div = 0;
         b = strstr(buffer, "cpu ");
         if(b) sscanf(b,  "cpu  %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu",
                &cpu_use, &cpu_nic, &cpu_sys, &cpu_idl, &cpu_iow, &cpu_xxx, &cpu_yyy, &cpu_zzz);
         if(blocked) {
             b = strstr(buffer, "procs_blocked ");
             if(b) sscanf(b,  "procs_blocked %u", blocked);
         duse = cpu_use + cpu_nic;
         dsys = cpu_sys + cpu_xxx + cpu_yyy;
         didl = cpu_idl;
         diow = cpu_iow;
         dstl = cpu_zzz;
         Div = duse + dsys + didl + diow + dstl;
         if (!Div) Div = 1, didl = 1;
         divo2 = Div / 2UL;
         /* vmstat output:
          * procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu---- 
          * r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache     si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa
          * 1  0 5537800 958592 204180 1737740    1    1    12    15    0    0  2  1 97  0
          * The last four columns are calculated as:
          * (unsigned)( (100*duse			+ divo2) / Div ),
          * (unsigned)( (100*dsys			+ divo2) / Div ),
          * (unsigned)( (100*didl			+ divo2) / Div ),
          * (unsigned)( (100*diow			+ divo2) / Div )
         *load = (diow + divo2) / Div;
         crm_debug("Current IO load is %f", *load);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static enum throttle_state_e
 throttle_handle_load(float load, const char *desc, int cores)
     float adjusted_load = load;
     if(cores <= 0) {
         /* No fudging of the supplied load value */
     } else if(cores == 1) {
         /* On a single core machine, a load of 1.0 is already too high */
         adjusted_load = load * THROTTLE_FACTOR_MEDIUM;
     } else {
         /* Normalize the load to be per-core */
         adjusted_load = load / cores;
     if(adjusted_load > THROTTLE_FACTOR_HIGH * throttle_load_target) {
         crm_notice("High %s detected: %f", desc, load);
         return throttle_high;
     } else if(adjusted_load > THROTTLE_FACTOR_MEDIUM * throttle_load_target) {
         crm_info("Moderate %s detected: %f", desc, load);
         return throttle_med;
     } else if(adjusted_load > THROTTLE_FACTOR_LOW * throttle_load_target) {
         crm_debug("Noticeable %s detected: %f", desc, load);
         return throttle_low;
     crm_trace("Negligable %s detected: %f", desc, adjusted_load);
     return throttle_none;
 static enum throttle_state_e
     int cores;
     float load;
     unsigned int blocked = 0;
     enum throttle_state_e mode = throttle_none;
 #ifdef ON_SOLARIS
     return throttle_none;
     cores = throttle_num_cores();
     if(throttle_cib_load(&load)) {
         float cib_max_cpu = 0.95;
         const char *desc = "CIB load";
         /* The CIB is a single threaded task and thus cannot consume
          * more than 100% of a CPU (and 1/cores of the overall system
          * load).
          * On a many cored system, the CIB might therefor be maxed out
          * (causing operations to fail or appear to fail) even though
          * the overall system load is still reasonable.
          * Therefor the 'normal' thresholds can not apply here and we
          * need a special case.
         if(cores == 1) {
             cib_max_cpu = 0.4;
         if(throttle_load_target > 0.0 && throttle_load_target < cib_max_cpu) {
             cib_max_cpu = throttle_load_target;
         if(load > 1.5 * cib_max_cpu) {
             /* Can only happen on machines with a low number of cores */
             crm_notice("Extreme %s detected: %f", desc, load);
             mode |= throttle_extreme;
         } else if(load > cib_max_cpu) {
             crm_notice("High %s detected: %f", desc, load);
             mode |= throttle_high;
         } else if(load > cib_max_cpu * 0.9) {
             crm_info("Moderate %s detected: %f", desc, load);
             mode |= throttle_med;
         } else if(load > cib_max_cpu * 0.8) {
             crm_debug("Noticeable %s detected: %f", desc, load);
             mode |= throttle_low;
         } else {
             crm_trace("Negligable %s detected: %f", desc, load);
     if(throttle_load_target <= 0) {
         /* If we ever make this a valid value, the cluster will at least behave as expected */
         return mode;
     if(throttle_load_avg(&load)) {
         mode |= throttle_handle_load(load, "CPU load", cores);
     if(throttle_io_load(&load, &blocked)) {
         mode |= throttle_handle_load(load, "IO load", 0);
         mode |= throttle_handle_load(blocked, "blocked IO ratio", cores);
     if(mode & throttle_extreme) {
         return throttle_extreme;
     } else if(mode & throttle_high) {
         return throttle_high;
     } else if(mode & throttle_med) {
         return throttle_med;
     } else if(mode & throttle_low) {
         return throttle_low;
     return throttle_none;
 static void
 throttle_send_command(enum throttle_state_e mode)
     xmlNode *xml = NULL;
     static enum throttle_state_e last = -1;
     if(mode != last) {
         crm_info("New throttle mode: %.4x (was %.4x)", mode, last);
         last = mode;
         crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_CRM_THROTTLE_MODE, mode);
         crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_CRM_THROTTLE_MAX, throttle_job_max);
         send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_crmd, xml, TRUE);
 static gboolean
 throttle_timer_cb(gpointer data)
     static bool send_updates = FALSE;
     enum throttle_state_e now = throttle_none;
     if(send_updates) {
         now = throttle_mode();
     } else if(compare_version(fsa_our_dc_version, "3.0.8") < 0) {
         /* Optimize for the true case */
         crm_trace("DC version %s doesn't support throttling", fsa_our_dc_version);
     } else {
         send_updates = TRUE;
         now = throttle_mode();
     return TRUE;
 static void
 throttle_record_free(gpointer p)
     struct throttle_record_s *r = p;
 throttle_update_job_max(const char *preference) 
     int max = 0;
     throttle_job_max = 2 * throttle_num_cores();
     if(preference) {
         /* Global preference from the CIB */
         max = crm_int_helper(preference, NULL);
         if(max > 0) {
             throttle_job_max = max;
     preference = getenv("LRMD_MAX_CHILDREN");
     if(preference) {
         /* Legacy env variable */
         max = crm_int_helper(preference, NULL);
         if(max > 0) {
             throttle_job_max = max;
     preference = getenv("PCMK_node_action_limit");
     if(preference) {
         /* Per-node override */
         max = crm_int_helper(preference, NULL);
         if(max > 0) {
             throttle_job_max = max;
     if(throttle_records == NULL) {
         throttle_records = g_hash_table_new_full(
             crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, throttle_record_free);
         throttle_timer = mainloop_timer_add("throttle", 30 * 1000, TRUE, throttle_timer_cb, NULL);
     mainloop_timer_del(throttle_timer); throttle_timer = NULL;
     g_hash_table_destroy(throttle_records); throttle_records = NULL;
 throttle_get_total_job_limit(int l)
     /* Cluster-wide limit */
     GHashTableIter iter;
     int limit = l;
     int peers = crm_active_peers();
     struct throttle_record_s *r = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, throttle_records);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &r)) {
         switch(r->mode) {
             case throttle_extreme:
                 if(limit == 0 || limit > peers/4) {
                     limit = QB_MAX(1, peers/4);
             case throttle_high:
                 if(limit == 0 || limit > peers/2) {
                     limit = QB_MAX(1, peers/2);
     if(limit == l) {
         /* crm_trace("No change to batch-limit=%d", limit); */
     } else if(l == 0) {
         crm_trace("Using batch-limit=%d", limit);
     } else {
         crm_trace("Using batch-limit=%d instead of %d", limit, l);
     return limit;
 throttle_get_job_limit(const char *node)
     int jobs = 1;
     struct throttle_record_s *r = NULL;
     r = g_hash_table_lookup(throttle_records, node);
     if(r == NULL) {
         r = calloc(1, sizeof(struct throttle_record_s));
         r->node = strdup(node);
         r->mode = throttle_low;
         r->max = throttle_job_max;
         crm_trace("Defaulting to local values for unknown node %s", node);
         g_hash_table_insert(throttle_records, r->node, r);
     switch(r->mode) {
         case throttle_extreme:
         case throttle_high:
             jobs = 1; /* At least one job must always be allowed */
         case throttle_med:
             jobs = QB_MAX(1, r->max / 4);
         case throttle_low:
             jobs = QB_MAX(1, r->max / 2);
         case throttle_none:
             jobs = QB_MAX(1, r->max);
             crm_err("Unknown throttle mode %.4x on %s", r->mode, node);
     return jobs;
 throttle_update(xmlNode *xml)
     int max = 0;
     enum throttle_state_e mode = 0;
     struct throttle_record_s *r = NULL;
     const char *from = crm_element_value(xml, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
     crm_element_value_int(xml, F_CRM_THROTTLE_MODE, (int*)&mode);
     crm_element_value_int(xml, F_CRM_THROTTLE_MAX, &max);
     r = g_hash_table_lookup(throttle_records, from);
     if(r == NULL) {
         r = calloc(1, sizeof(struct throttle_record_s));
         r->node = strdup(from);
         g_hash_table_insert(throttle_records, r->node, r);
     r->max = max;
     r->mode = mode;
     crm_debug("Host %s supports a maximum of %d jobs and throttle mode %.4x.  New job limit is %d",
               from, max, mode, throttle_get_job_limit(from));
diff --git a/cts/CIB.py b/cts/CIB.py
index cdfc7ca0a6..82d02d77cc 100644
--- a/cts/CIB.py
+++ b/cts/CIB.py
@@ -1,452 +1,452 @@
 '''CTS: Cluster Testing System: CIB generator
 __copyright__ = '''
 Author: Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de>
 Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Beekhof
 import os, string, warnings
 from cts.CTSvars import *
 from cts.CTS     import ClusterManager
 class CibBase:
     def __init__(self, Factory, tag, _id, **kwargs):
         self.tag = tag
         self.name = _id
         self.kwargs = kwargs
         self.values = []
         self.children = []
         self.Factory = Factory
     def __repr__(self):
         return "%s-%s" % (self.tag, self.name)
     def add_child(self, child):
     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
         if value:
             self.kwargs[key] = value
 from cib_xml import *
 class ConfigBase:
     cts_cib = None
     version = "unknown"
     feature_set = "unknown"
     Factory = None
     def __init__(self, CM, factory, tmpfile=None):
         self.CM = CM
         self.Factory = factory
         if not tmpfile:
             tmpfile = os.tmpnam()
         self.Factory.tmpfile = tmpfile
     def version(self):
         return self.version
     def NextIP(self):
         ip = self.CM.Env["IPBase"]
         if ":" in ip:
             (prefix, sep, suffix) = ip.rpartition(":")
             suffix = str(hex(int(suffix, 16)+1)).lstrip("0x")
             (prefix, sep, suffix) = ip.rpartition(".")
             suffix = str(int(suffix)+1)
         ip = prefix + sep + suffix
         self.CM.Env["IPBase"] = ip
         return ip.strip()
 class CIB11(ConfigBase):
     feature_set = "3.0"
     version = "pacemaker-1.1"
     counter = 1
     def _show(self, command=""):
         output = ""
         (rc, result) = self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "HOME=/root CIB_file="+self.Factory.tmpfile+" cibadmin -Ql "+command, None, )
         for line in result:
             output += line
             self.Factory.debug("Generated Config: "+line)
         return output
     def NewIP(self, name=None, standard="ocf"):
         if self.CM.Env["IPagent"] == "IPaddr2":
             ip = self.NextIP()
             if not name:
                 if ":" in ip:
                     (prefix, sep, suffix) = ip.rpartition(":")
                     name = "r"+suffix
                     name = "r"+ip
             r = Resource(self.Factory, name, self.CM.Env["IPagent"], standard)
             r["ip"] = ip
             if ":" in ip:
                 r["cidr_netmask"] = "64"
                 r["nic"] = "eth0"
                 r["cidr_netmask"] = "32"
             if not name:
                 name = "r%s%d" % (self.CM.Env["IPagent"], self.counter)
                 self.counter = self.counter + 1
 	    r = Resource(self.Factory, name, self.CM.Env["IPagent"], standard)
         r.add_op("monitor", "5s")
         return r
     def install(self, target):
         old = self.Factory.tmpfile
         # Force a rebuild
         self.cts_cib = None
         self.Factory.tmpfile = CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib.xml"
         self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "chown "+CTSvars.CRM_DAEMON_USER+" "+self.Factory.tmpfile)
         self.Factory.tmpfile = old
     def contents(self, target=None):
         # fencing resource
         if self.cts_cib:
             return self.cts_cib
         if target:
             self.Factory.target = target
         self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "HOME=/root cibadmin --empty %s > %s" % (self.version, self.Factory.tmpfile))
         #cib_base = self.cib_template % (self.feature_set, self.version, ''' remote-tls-port='9898' remote-clear-port='9999' ''')
         nodelist = ""
         self.num_nodes = 0
         for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]:
             nodelist += node + " "
             self.num_nodes = self.num_nodes + 1
         no_quorum = "stop"
         if self.num_nodes < 3:
             no_quorum = "ignore"
             self.Factory.log("Cluster only has %d nodes, configuring: no-quroum-policy=ignore" % self.num_nodes)
         # Fencing resource
         # Define first so that the shell doesn't reject every update
         if self.CM.Env["DoFencing"]:
             st = Resource(self.Factory, "Fencing", ""+self.CM.Env["stonith-type"], "stonith")
             # Set a threshold for unreliable stonith devices such as the vmware one
             st.add_meta("migration-threshold", "5")
             st.add_op("monitor", "120s", timeout="120s")
             st.add_op("stop", "0", timeout="60s")
             st.add_op("start", "0", timeout="60s")
             entries = string.split(self.CM.Env["stonith-params"], ',')
             for entry in entries:
                 (name, value) = string.split(entry, '=')
                 if name == "hostlist" and value == "all":
                     value = string.join(self.CM.Env["nodes"], " ")
                 elif name == "pcmk_host_list" and value == "all":
                     value = string.join(self.CM.Env["nodes"], " ")
                 st[name] = value
             # Test advanced fencing logic
             if True:
                 stf_nodes = []
                 stt_nodes = []
                 # Create the levels
                 stl = FencingTopology(self.Factory)
                 for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]:
                     ftype = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice(["levels-and", "levels-or ", "broadcast "])
                     self.CM.log(" - Using %s fencing for node: %s" % (ftype, node))
                     # for baremetal remote node tests
                     stt_nodes.append("remote_%s" % node)
                     if ftype == "levels-and":
                         stl.level(1, node, "FencingPass,Fencing")
                     elif ftype == "levels-or ":
                         stl.level(1, node, "FencingFail")
                         stl.level(2, node, "Fencing")
                 # Create a Dummy agent that always passes for levels-and
                 if len(stt_nodes):
                     self.CM.install_helper("fence_dummy", destdir="/usr/sbin", sourcedir=CTSvars.Fencing_home)
                     stt = Resource(self.Factory, "FencingPass", "fence_dummy", "stonith")
                     stt["pcmk_host_list"] = string.join(stt_nodes, " ")
                     # Wait this many seconds before doing anything, handy for letting disks get flushed too
                     stt["random_sleep_range"] = "30"
                     stt["mode"] = "pass"
                 # Create a Dummy agent that always fails for levels-or
                 if len(stf_nodes):
                     self.CM.install_helper("fence_dummy", destdir="/usr/sbin", sourcedir=CTSvars.Fencing_home)
                     stf = Resource(self.Factory, "FencingFail", "fence_dummy", "stonith")
                     stf["pcmk_host_list"] = string.join(stf_nodes, " ")
                     # Wait this many seconds before doing anything, handy for letting disks get flushed too
                     stf["random_sleep_range"] = "30"
                     stf["mode"] = "fail"
                 # Now commit the levels themselves
         o = Option(self.Factory, "stonith-enabled", self.CM.Env["DoFencing"])
         o["start-failure-is-fatal"] = "false"
         o["pe-input-series-max"] = "5000"
         o["default-action-timeout"] = "90s"
         o["shutdown-escalation"] = "5min"
         o["batch-limit"] = "10"
         o["dc-deadtime"] = "5s"
         o["no-quorum-policy"] = no_quorum
         o["expected-quorum-votes"] = self.num_nodes
         if self.CM.Env["DoBSC"] == 1:
             o["ident-string"] = "Linux-HA TEST configuration file - REMOVEME!!"
         # Add resources?
         if self.CM.Env["CIBResource"] == 1:
         if self.CM.cluster_monitor == 1:
             mon = Resource(self.Factory, "cluster_mon", "ocf", "ClusterMon", "pacemaker")
             mon.add_op("start", "0", requires="nothing")
             mon.add_op("monitor", "5s", requires="nothing")
             mon["update"] = "10"
             mon["extra_options"] = "-r -n"
             mon["user"] = "abeekhof"
             mon["htmlfile"] = "/suse/abeekhof/Export/cluster.html"
             #self._create('''location prefer-dc cluster_mon rule -INFINITY: \#is_dc eq false''')
         # generate cib
         self.cts_cib = self._show()
         if self.Factory.tmpfile != CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib.xml":
             self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "rm -f "+self.Factory.tmpfile)
         return self.cts_cib
     def add_resources(self):
         # Per-node resources
         for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]:
             name = "rsc_"+node
             r = self.NewIP(name)
             r.prefer(node, "100")
         # Migrator
         # Make this slightly sticky (since we have no other location constraints) to avoid relocation during Reattach
         m = Resource(self.Factory, "migrator","Dummy",  "ocf", "pacemaker")
         m["passwd"] = "whatever"
         m.add_meta("allow-migrate", "1")
         m.add_op("monitor", "P10S")
         # Ping the test master
         p = Resource(self.Factory, "ping-1","ping",  "ocf", "pacemaker")
         p.add_op("monitor", "60s")
         p["host_list"] = self.CM.Env["cts-master"]
         p["name"] = "connected"
         p["debug"] = "true"
         c = Clone(self.Factory, "Connectivity", p)
         c["globally-unique"] = "false"
         #master slave resource
         s = Resource(self.Factory, "stateful-1", "Stateful", "ocf", "pacemaker")
         s.add_op("monitor", "15s", timeout="60s")
         s.add_op("monitor", "16s", timeout="60s", role="Master")
         ms = Master(self.Factory, "master-1", s)
         ms["clone-max"] = self.num_nodes
         ms["master-max"] = 1
         ms["clone-node-max"] = 1
         ms["master-node-max"] = 1
         # Require conectivity to run the master
         r = Rule(self.Factory, "connected", "-INFINITY", op="or")
         r.add_child(Expression(self.Factory, "m1-connected-1", "connected", "lt", "1"))
         r.add_child(Expression(self.Factory, "m1-connected-2", "connected", "not_defined", None))
         ms.prefer("connected", rule=r)
         # Group Resource
         g = Group(self.Factory, "group-1")
         if self.CM.Env["have_systemd"]:
             # It would be better to put the python in a separate file, so we
             # could loop "while True" rather than sleep for 24 hours. We can't
             # put a loop in a single-line python command; only simple commands
             # may be separated by semicolon in python.
             dummy_service_file = """
 Description=Dummy resource that takes a while to start
 ExecStart=/usr/bin/python -c 'import time, systemd.daemon; time.sleep(10); systemd.daemon.notify("READY=1"); time.sleep(86400)'
 ExecStop=/bin/sleep 10
-ExecStop=/bin/kill -s KILL $MAINPID
+ExecStop=/bin/kill -s KILL \$MAINPID
             os.system("cat <<-END >/tmp/DummySD.service\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_service_file))
             self.CM.install_helper("DummySD.service", destdir="/usr/lib/systemd/system/", sourcedir="/tmp")
             sysd = Resource(self.Factory, "petulant", "DummySD",  "service")
             sysd.add_op("monitor", "P10S")
         # Group with the master
         g.after("master-1", first="promote", then="start")
         g.colocate("master-1", "INFINITY", withrole="Master")
         # LSB resource
         lsb_agent = self.CM.install_helper("LSBDummy")
         lsb = Resource(self.Factory, "lsb-dummy",lsb_agent,  "lsb")
         lsb.add_op("monitor", "5s")
         # LSB with group
 class CIB12(CIB11):
     feature_set = "3.0"
     version = "pacemaker-1.2"
 class CIB20(CIB11):
     feature_set = "3.0"
     version = "pacemaker-2.0"
 #class HASI(CIB10):
 #    def add_resources(self):
 #        # DLM resource
 #        self._create('''primitive dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld op monitor interval=120s''')
 #        self._create('''clone dlm-clone dlm meta globally-unique=false interleave=true''')
         # O2CB resource
 #        self._create('''primitive o2cb ocf:ocfs2:o2cb op monitor interval=120s''')
 #        self._create('''clone o2cb-clone o2cb meta globally-unique=false interleave=true''')
 #        self._create('''colocation o2cb-with-dlm INFINITY: o2cb-clone dlm-clone''')
 #        self._create('''order start-o2cb-after-dlm mandatory: dlm-clone o2cb-clone''')
 class ConfigFactory:
     def __init__(self, CM):
         self.CM = CM
         self.rsh = self.CM.rsh
         self.register("pacemaker11", CIB11, CM, self)
         self.register("pacemaker12", CIB12, CM, self)
         self.register("pacemaker20", CIB20, CM, self)
 #        self.register("hae", HASI, CM, self)
         self.target = self.CM.Env["nodes"][0]
         self.tmpfile = None
     def log(self, args):
         self.CM.log("cib: %s" % args)
     def debug(self, args):
         self.CM.debug("cib: %s" % args)
     def register(self, methodName, constructor, *args, **kargs):
         """register a constructor"""
         _args = [constructor]
         setattr(self, methodName, apply(ConfigFactoryItem,_args, kargs))
     def unregister(self, methodName):
         """unregister a constructor"""
         delattr(self, methodName)
     def createConfig(self, name="pacemaker-1.0"):
         if name == "pacemaker-1.0":
             name = "pacemaker10";
         elif name == "pacemaker-1.1":
             name = "pacemaker11";
         elif name == "pacemaker-1.2":
             name = "pacemaker12";
         elif name == "pacemaker-2.0":
             name = "pacemaker20";
         elif name == "hasi":
             name = "hae";
         if hasattr(self, name):
             return getattr(self, name)()
             self.CM.log("Configuration variant '%s' is unknown.  Defaulting to latest config" % name)
         return self.pacemaker12()
 class ConfigFactoryItem:
     def __init__(self, function, *args, **kargs):
         assert callable(function), "function should be a callable obj"
         self._function = function
         self._args = args
         self._kargs = kargs
     def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
         """call function"""
         _args = list(self._args)
         _kargs = self._kargs.copy()
         return apply(self._function,_args,_kargs)
 # Basic Sanity Testing
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import CTSlab
     env = CTSlab.LabEnvironment()
     env["nodes"] = []
     env["CIBResource"] = 1
     env["IPBase"] = "fe80::1234:56:7890:1000"
     env["DoStonith"] = 1
     env["stonith-type"] = "fence_xvm"
     env["stonith-params"] = "pcmk_arg_map=domain:uname"
     manager = ClusterManager(env)
     manager.cluster_monitor = False
     CibFactory = ConfigFactory(manager)
     cib = CibFactory.createConfig("pacemaker-1.1")
     print cib.contents()
diff --git a/cts/environment.py b/cts/environment.py
index 0a05f98c57..a3399c308f 100644
--- a/cts/environment.py
+++ b/cts/environment.py
@@ -1,678 +1,678 @@
 Classes related to producing and searching logs
 Copyright (C) 2014 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
 Licensed under the GNU GPL.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.
 import sys, time, os, socket, random
 from cts.remote import *
 class Environment:
     def __init__(self, args):
         self.data = {}
         self.Nodes = []
         self["DeadTime"] = 300
         self["StartTime"] = 300
         self["StableTime"] = 30
         self["tests"] = []
         self["IPagent"] = "IPaddr2"
         self["DoStandby"] = 1
         self["DoFencing"] = 1
         self["XmitLoss"] = "0.0"
         self["RecvLoss"] = "0.0"
         self["ClobberCIB"] = 0
         self["CIBfilename"] = None
         self["CIBResource"] = 0
         self["DoBSC"]    = 0
         self["use_logd"] = 0
         self["oprofile"] = []
         self["warn-inactive"] = 0
         self["ListTests"] = 0
         self["benchmark"] = 0
         self["LogWatcher"] = "any"
         self["SyslogFacility"] = "daemon"
         self["LogFileName"] = "/var/log/messages"
         self["Schema"] = "pacemaker-2.0"
         self["Stack"] = "corosync"
         self["stonith-type"] = "external/ssh"
         self["stonith-params"] = "hostlist=all,livedangerously=yes"
         self["loop-minutes"] = 60
         self["valgrind-prefix"] = None
         self["valgrind-procs"] = "cib crmd attrd pengine stonith-ng"
         self["valgrind-opts"] = """--leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --trace-children=no --num-callers=25 --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions="""+CTSvars.CTS_home+"""/cts.supp"""
         self["experimental-tests"] = 0
         self["container-tests"] = 0
         self["valgrind-tests"] = 0
         self["unsafe-tests"] = 1
         self["loop-tests"] = 1
         self["scenario"] = "random"
         self["stats"] = 0
         self["docker"] = 0
         self.RandomGen = random.Random()
         self.logger = LogFactory()
         self.rsh = RemoteFactory().getInstance()
         self.target = "localhost"
     def SeedRandom(self, seed=None):
         if not seed:
             seed = int(time.time())
         self["RandSeed"] = seed
     def dump(self):
         keys = []
         for key in self.data.keys():
         for key in keys:
     def keys(self):
         return self.data.keys()
     def has_key(self, key):
         if key == "nodes":
             return True
         return self.data.has_key(key)
     def __getitem__(self, key):
         if key == "nodes":
             return self.Nodes
         elif key == "Name":
             return self.get_stack_short()
         elif self.data.has_key(key):
             return self.data[key]
             return None
     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
         if key == "Stack":
         elif key == "node-limit":
             self.data[key] = value
         elif key == "nodes":
             self.Nodes = []
             for node in value:
                 # I don't think I need the IP address, etc. but this validates
                 # the node name against /etc/hosts and/or DNS, so it's a
                 # GoodThing(tm).
                     n = node.strip()
                     if self.data["docker"] == 0:
                     self.logger.log(node+" not found in DNS... aborting")
             self.data[key] = value
     def RandomNode(self):
         '''Choose a random node from the cluster'''
         return self.RandomGen.choice(self["nodes"])
     def set_stack(self, name):
         # Normalize stack names
         if name == "heartbeat" or name == "lha":
             self.data["Stack"] = "heartbeat"
         elif name == "openais" or name == "ais"  or name == "whitetank":
-            self.data["Stack"] = "openais (whitetank)"
+            self.data["Stack"] = "corosync (plugin v0)"
         elif name == "corosync" or name == "cs" or name == "mcp":
             self.data["Stack"] = "corosync 2.x"
         elif name == "cman":
             self.data["Stack"] = "corosync (cman)"
         elif name == "v1":
             self.data["Stack"] = "corosync (plugin v1)"
         elif name == "v0":
             self.data["Stack"] = "corosync (plugin v0)"
             print "Unknown stack: "+name
     def get_stack_short(self):
         # Create the Cluster Manager object
         if not self.data.has_key("Stack"):
             return "unknown"
         elif self.data["Stack"] == "heartbeat":
             return "crm-lha"
         elif self.data["Stack"] == "corosync 2.x":
             if self["docker"]:
                 return "crm-mcp-docker"
                 return "crm-mcp"
         elif self.data["Stack"] == "corosync (cman)":
             return "crm-cman"
         elif self.data["Stack"] == "corosync (plugin v1)":
             return "crm-plugin-v1"
         elif self.data["Stack"] == "corosync (plugin v0)":
             return "crm-plugin-v0"
             LogFactory().log("Unknown stack: "+self.data["stack"])
     def detect_syslog(self):
         # Detect syslog variant
         if not self.has_key("syslogd"):
             if self["have_systemd"]:
                 # Systemd
                 self["syslogd"] = self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl list-units | grep syslog.*\.service.*active.*running | sed 's:.service.*::'", stdout=1).strip()
                 # SYS-V
                 self["syslogd"] = self.rsh(self.target, "chkconfig --list | grep syslog.*on | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1", stdout=1).strip()
             if not self.has_key("syslogd") or not self["syslogd"]:
                 # default
                 self["syslogd"] = "rsyslog"
     def detect_at_boot(self):
         # Detect if the cluster starts at boot
         if not self.has_key("at-boot"):
             atboot = 0
             if self["have_systemd"]:
             # Systemd
                 atboot = atboot or not self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl is-enabled heartbeat.service")
                 atboot = atboot or not self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl is-enabled corosync.service")
                 atboot = atboot or not self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl is-enabled pacemaker.service")
                 # SYS-V
                 atboot = atboot or not self.rsh(self.target, "chkconfig --list | grep -e corosync.*on -e heartbeat.*on -e pacemaker.*on")
             self["at-boot"] = atboot
     def detect_ip_offset(self):
         # Try to determin an offset for IPaddr resources
         if self["CIBResource"] and not self.has_key("IPBase"):
             network=self.rsh(self.target, "ip addr | grep inet | grep -v -e link -e inet6 -e '/32' -e ' lo' | awk '{print $2}'", stdout=1).strip()
             self["IPBase"] = self.rsh(self.target, "nmap -sn -n %s | grep 'scan report' | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's:(::' | sed 's:)::' | sort -V | tail -n 1" % network, stdout=1).strip()
             if not self["IPBase"]:
                 self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:1000"
                 self.logger.log("Could not determine an offset for IPaddr resources.  Perhaps nmap is not installed on the nodes.")
                 self.logger.log("Defaulting to '%s', use --test-ip-base to override" % self["IPBase"])
             elif int(self["IPBase"].split('.')[3]) >= 240:
                 self.logger.log("Could not determine an offset for IPaddr resources. Upper bound is too high: %s %s"
                                 % (self["IPBase"], self["IPBase"].split('.')[3]))
                 self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:1000"
                 self.logger.log("Defaulting to '%s', use --test-ip-base to override" % self["IPBase"])
     def filter_nodes(self):
         if self["node-limit"] > 0:
             if len(self["nodes"]) > self["node-limit"]:
                 self.logger.log("Limiting the number of nodes configured=%d (max=%d)"
                                 %(len(self["nodes"]), self["node-limit"]))
                 while len(self["nodes"]) > self["node-limit"]:
     def validate(self):
         if len(self["nodes"]) < 1:
             print "No nodes specified!"
     def discover(self):
         self.target = random.Random().choice(self["nodes"])
         master = socket.gethostname()
         # Use the IP where possible to avoid name lookup failures
         for ip in socket.gethostbyname_ex(master)[2]:
             if ip != "":
                 master = ip
         self["cts-master"] = master
         if not self.has_key("have_systemd"):
             self["have_systemd"] = not self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl list-units")
     def parse_args(self, args):
         if not args:
         for i in range(0, len(args)):
             if skipthis:
             elif args[i] == "-l" or args[i] == "--limit-nodes":
                 self["node-limit"] = int(args[i+1])
             elif args[i] == "-r" or args[i] == "--populate-resources":
                 self["CIBResource"] = 1
                 self["ClobberCIB"] = 1
             elif args[i] == "--outputfile":
                 self["OutputFile"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "-L" or args[i] == "--logfile":
                 self["LogWatcher"] = "remote"
                 self["LogAuditDisabled"] = 1
                 self["LogFileName"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "--ip" or args[i] == "--test-ip-base":
                 self["IPBase"] = args[i+1]
                 self["CIBResource"] = 1
                 self["ClobberCIB"] = 1
             elif args[i] == "--oprofile":
                 self["oprofile"] = args[i+1].split(' ')
             elif args[i] == "--trunc":
             elif args[i] == "--list-tests" or args[i] == "--list" :
             elif args[i] == "--benchmark":
             elif args[i] == "--bsc":
                 self["DoBSC"] = 1
                 self["scenario"] = "basic-sanity"
             elif args[i] == "--qarsh":
             elif args[i] == "--docker":
                 self["docker"] = 1
             elif args[i] == "--stonith" or args[i] == "--fencing":
                 if args[i+1] == "1" or args[i+1] == "yes":
                 elif args[i+1] == "0" or args[i+1] == "no":
                 elif args[i+1] == "phd":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_phd_kvm"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "pcmk_arg_map=domain:uname,delay=0"
                 elif args[i+1] == "rhcs" or args[i+1] == "xvm" or args[i+1] == "virt":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_xvm"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "pcmk_arg_map=domain:uname,delay=0"
                 elif args[i+1] == "docker":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_docker_cts"
                 elif args[i+1] == "scsi":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_scsi"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "delay=0"
                 elif args[i+1] == "ssh" or args[i+1] == "lha":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "external/ssh"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "hostlist=all,livedangerously=yes"
                 elif args[i+1] == "north":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=north-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=north-01:2;north-02:3;north-03:4;north-04:5;north-05:6;north-06:7;north-07:9;north-08:10;north-09:11;north-10:12;north-11:13;north-12:14;north-13:15;north-14:18;north-15:17;north-16:19;"
                 elif args[i+1] == "south":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=south-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=south-01:2;south-02:3;south-03:4;south-04:5;south-05:6;south-06:7;south-07:9;south-08:10;south-09:11;south-10:12;south-11:13;south-12:14;south-13:15;south-14:18;south-15:17;south-16:19;"
                 elif args[i+1] == "east":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=east-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=east-01:2;east-02:3;east-03:4;east-04:5;east-05:6;east-06:7;east-07:9;east-08:10;east-09:11;east-10:12;east-11:13;east-12:14;east-13:15;east-14:18;east-15:17;east-16:19;"
                 elif args[i+1] == "west":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=west-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=west-01:2;west-02:3;west-03:4;west-04:5;west-05:6;west-06:7;west-07:9;west-08:10;west-09:11;west-10:12;west-11:13;west-12:14;west-13:15;west-14:18;west-15:17;west-16:19;"
                 elif args[i+1] == "openstack":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_openstack"
                     print "Obtaining OpenStack credentials from the current environment"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "region=%s,tenant=%s,auth=%s,user=%s,password=%s" % (
                 elif args[i+1] == "rhevm":
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_rhevm"
                     print "Obtaining RHEV-M credentials from the current environment"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "login=%s,passwd=%s,ipaddr=%s,ipport=%s,ssl=1,shell_timeout=10" % (
             elif args[i] == "--stonith-type":
                 self["stonith-type"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "--stonith-args":
                 self["stonith-params"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "--standby":
                 if args[i+1] == "1" or args[i+1] == "yes":
                     self["DoStandby"] = 1
                 elif args[i+1] == "0" or args[i+1] == "no":
                     self["DoStandby"] = 0
             elif args[i] == "--clobber-cib" or args[i] == "-c":
                 self["ClobberCIB"] = 1
             elif args[i] == "--cib-filename":
                 self["CIBfilename"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "--xmit-loss":
                 except ValueError:
                     print ("--xmit-loss parameter should be float")
                 self["XmitLoss"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "--recv-loss":
                 except ValueError:
                     print ("--recv-loss parameter should be float")
                 self["RecvLoss"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "--choose":
                 self["scenario"] = "sequence"
             elif args[i] == "--nodes":
                 self["nodes"] = args[i+1].split(' ')
             elif args[i] == "-g" or args[i] == "--group" or args[i] == "--dsh-group":
                 self["OutputFile"] = "%s/cluster-%s.log" % (os.environ['HOME'], args[i+1])
                 LogFactory().add_file(self["OutputFile"], "CTS")
                 dsh_file = "%s/.dsh/group/%s" % (os.environ['HOME'], args[i+1])
                 # Hacks to make my life easier
                 if args[i+1] == "r6":
                     self["Stack"] = "cman"
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_xvm"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "delay=0"
                     self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:4000"
                 elif args[i+1] == "virt1":
                     self["Stack"] = "corosync"
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_xvm"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "delay=0"
                     self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:1000"
                 elif args[i+1] == "east16" or args[i+1] == "nsew":
                     self["Stack"] = "corosync"
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=east-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=east-01:2;east-02:3;east-03:4;east-04:5;east-05:6;east-06:7;east-07:9;east-08:10;east-09:11;east-10:12;east-11:13;east-12:14;east-13:15;east-14:18;east-15:17;east-16:19;"
                     self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:2000"
                     if args[i+1] == "east16":
                         # Requires newer python than available via nsew
                         self["IPagent"] = "Dummy"
                 elif args[i+1] == "corosync8":
                     self["Stack"] = "corosync"
                     self["stonith-type"] = "fence_rhevm"
                     print "Obtaining RHEV-M credentials from the current environment"
                     self["stonith-params"] = "login=%s,passwd=%s,ipaddr=%s,ipport=%s,ssl=1,shell_timeout=10" % (
                     self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:3000"
                 if os.path.isfile(dsh_file):
                     self["nodes"] = []
                     f = open(dsh_file, 'r')
                     for line in f:
                         l = line.strip().rstrip()
                         if not l.startswith('#'):
                     print("Unknown DSH group: %s" % args[i+1])
             elif args[i] == "--syslog-facility" or args[i] == "--facility":
                 self["SyslogFacility"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "--seed":
             elif args[i] == "--warn-inactive":
                 self["warn-inactive"] = 1
             elif args[i] == "--schema":
                 self["Schema"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "--ais":
                 self["Stack"] = "openais"
             elif args[i] == "--at-boot" or args[i] == "--cluster-starts-at-boot":
                 if args[i+1] == "1" or args[i+1] == "yes":
                     self["at-boot"] = 1
                 elif args[i+1] == "0" or args[i+1] == "no":
                     self["at-boot"] = 0
             elif args[i] == "--heartbeat" or args[i] == "--lha":
                 self["Stack"] = "heartbeat"
             elif args[i] == "--hae":
                 self["Stack"] = "openais"
                 self["Schema"] = "hae"
             elif args[i] == "--stack":
                 if args[i+1] == "fedora" or args[i+1] == "fedora-17" or args[i+1] == "fedora-18":
                     self["Stack"] = "corosync"
                 elif args[i+1] == "rhel-6":
                     self["Stack"] = "cman"
                 elif args[i+1] == "rhel-7":
                     self["Stack"] = "corosync"
                     self["Stack"] = args[i+1]
             elif args[i] == "--once":
                 self["scenario"] = "all-once"
             elif args[i] == "--boot":
                 self["scenario"] = "boot"
             elif args[i] == "--valgrind-tests":
                 self["valgrind-tests"] = 1
             elif args[i] == "--no-loop-tests":
                 self["loop-tests"] = 0
             elif args[i] == "--loop-minutes":
                 except ValueError:
             elif args[i] == "--no-unsafe-tests":
                 self["unsafe-tests"] = 0
             elif args[i] == "--experimental-tests":
                 self["experimental-tests"] = 1
             elif args[i] == "--container-tests":
                 self["container-tests"] = 1
             elif args[i] == "--set":
                 (name, value) = args[i+1].split('=')
                 self[name] = value
                 print "Setting %s = %s" % (name, value)
             elif args[i] == "--help":
                 self.usage(args[i], 0)
             elif args[i] == "--":
                     self["iterations"] = NumIter
                 except ValueError:
     def usage(self, arg, status=1):
         if status:
             print "Illegal argument %s" % arg
         print "usage: " + sys.argv[0] +" [options] number-of-iterations"
         print "\nCommon options: "
         print "\t [--nodes 'node list']        list of cluster nodes separated by whitespace"
         print "\t [--group | -g 'name']        use the nodes listed in the named DSH group (~/.dsh/groups/$name)"
         print "\t [--limit-nodes max]          only use the first 'max' cluster nodes supplied with --nodes"
         print "\t [--stack (v0|v1|cman|corosync|heartbeat|openais)]    which cluster stack is installed"
         print "\t [--list-tests]               list the valid tests"
         print "\t [--benchmark]                add the timing information"
         print "\t "
         print "Options that CTS will usually auto-detect correctly: "
         print "\t [--logfile path]             where should the test software look for logs from cluster nodes"
         print "\t [--syslog-facility name]     which syslog facility should the test software log to"
         print "\t [--at-boot (1|0)]            does the cluster software start at boot time"
         print "\t [--test-ip-base ip]          offset for generated IP address resources"
         print "\t "
         print "Options for release testing: "
         print "\t [--populate-resources | -r]  generate a sample configuration"
         print "\t [--choose name]              run only the named test"
         print "\t [--stonith (1 | 0 | yes | no | rhcs | ssh)]"
         print "\t [--once]                     run all valid tests once"
         print "\t "
         print "Additional (less common) options: "
         print "\t [--clobber-cib | -c ]        erase any existing configuration"
         print "\t [--outputfile path]          optional location for the test software to write logs to"
         print "\t [--trunc]                    truncate logfile before starting"
         print "\t [--xmit-loss lost-rate(0.0-1.0)]"
         print "\t [--recv-loss lost-rate(0.0-1.0)]"
         print "\t [--standby (1 | 0 | yes | no)]"
         print "\t [--fencing (1 | 0 | yes | no | rhcs | lha | openstack )]"
         print "\t [--stonith-type type]"
         print "\t [--stonith-args name=value]"
         print "\t [--bsc]"
         print "\t [--no-loop-tests]            dont run looping/time-based tests"
         print "\t [--no-unsafe-tests]          dont run tests that are unsafe for use with ocfs2/drbd"
         print "\t [--valgrind-tests]           include tests using valgrind"
         print "\t [--experimental-tests]       include experimental tests"
         print "\t [--container-tests]          include pacemaker_remote tests that run in lxc container resources"
         print "\t [--oprofile 'node list']     list of cluster nodes to run oprofile on]"
         print "\t [--qarsh]                    use the QARSH backdoor to access nodes instead of SSH"
         print "\t [--docker]                   Indicates nodes are docker nodes."
         print "\t [--seed random_seed]"
         print "\t [--set option=value]"
         print "\t "
         print "\t Example: "
         print "\t    python sys.argv[0] -g virt1 --stack cs -r --stonith ssh --schema pacemaker-1.0 500"
 class EnvFactory:
     instance = None
     def __init__(self):
     def getInstance(self, args=None):
         if not EnvFactory.instance:
             EnvFactory.instance = Environment(args)
         return EnvFactory.instance
diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Stonith.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Stonith.txt
index 02525d6f08..a3c02cbc4c 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Stonith.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Stonith.txt
@@ -1,833 +1,859 @@
 We prefer [[ch-stonith]], but older versions of asciidoc don't deal well
 with that construct for chapter headings
 anchor:ch-stonith[Chapter 13, STONITH]
 indexterm:[STONITH, Configuration]
 == What Is STONITH? ==
 STONITH (an acronym for "Shoot The Other Node In The Head"), also called
 'fencing', protects your data from being corrupted by rogue nodes or concurrent
 Just because a node is unresponsive, this doesn't mean it isn't
 accessing your data. The only way to be 100% sure that your data is
 safe, is to use STONITH so we can be certain that the node is truly
 offline, before allowing the data to be accessed from another node.
 STONITH also has a role to play in the event that a clustered service
 cannot be stopped. In this case, the cluster uses STONITH to force the
 whole node offline, thereby making it safe to start the service
 == What STONITH Device Should You Use? ==
 It is crucial that the STONITH device can allow the cluster to
 differentiate between a node failure and a network one.
 The biggest mistake people make in choosing a STONITH device is to
 use a remote power switch (such as many on-board IPMI controllers) that
 shares power with the node it controls. In such cases, the cluster
 cannot be sure if the node is really offline, or active and suffering
 from a network fault.
 Likewise, any device that relies on the machine being active (such as
 SSH-based "devices" used during testing) are inappropriate.
 == Special Treatment of STONITH Resources ==
 STONITH resources are somewhat special in Pacemaker.
 STONITH may be initiated by pacemaker or by other parts of the cluster
 (such as resources like DRBD or DLM). To accommodate this, pacemaker
 does not require the STONITH resource to be in the 'started' state
 in order to be used, thus allowing reliable use of STONITH devices in such a
 In pacemaker versions 1.1.9 and earlier, this feature either did not exist or
 did not work well. Only "running" STONITH resources could be used by Pacemaker
 for fencing, and if another component tried to fence a node while Pacemaker was
 moving STONITH resources, the fencing could fail.
 All nodes have access to STONITH devices' definitions and instantiate them
 on-the-fly when needed, but preference is given to 'verified' instances, which
 are the ones that are 'started' according to the cluster's knowledge.
 In the case of a cluster split, the partition with a verified instance
 will have a slight advantage, because the STONITH daemon in the other partition
 will have to hear from all its current peers before choosing a node to
 perform the fencing.
 Fencing resources do work the same as regular resources in some respects:
 * +target-role+ can be used to enable or disable the resource
 * Location constraints can be used to prevent a specific node from using the resource
 Currently there is a limitation that fencing resources may only have
 one set of meta-attributes and one set of instance attributes.  This
 can be revisited if it becomes a significant limitation for people.
 .Properties of Fencing Resources
 |Older versions used this to override the default period to wait for a STONITH (reboot, on, off) action to complete for this device.
  It has been replaced by the +pcmk_reboot_timeout+ and +pcmk_off_timeout+ properties.
 |The priority of the STONITH resource. Devices are tried in order of highest priority to lowest.
 |A mapping of host names to ports numbers for devices that do not support host names.
  Example: +node1:1;node2:2,3+ tells the cluster to use port 1 for
  *node1* and ports 2 and 3 for *node2*.
 |A list of machines controlled by this device (optional unless
 +pcmk_host_check+ is +static-list+).
 |How to determine which machines are controlled by the device.
  Allowed values:
 * +dynamic-list:+ query the device
 * +static-list:+ check the +pcmk_host_list+ attribute
 * +none:+ assume every device can fence every machine
 |'Advanced use only.' Which parameter should be supplied to the resource agent
 to identify the node to be fenced. Some devices do not support the standard
 +port+ parameter or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an
 alternate, device-specific parameter. A value of +none+ tells the
 cluster not to supply any additional parameters.
 |'Advanced use only.' The command to send to the resource agent in order to
 reboot a node. Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide
 additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific command.
 |'Advanced use only.' Specify an alternate timeout to use for `reboot` actions
 instead of the value of +stonith-timeout+. Some devices need much more or less
 time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific
 |'Advanced use only.' The maximum number of times to retry the `reboot` command
 within the timeout period. Some devices do not support multiple connections, and
 operations may fail if the device is busy with another task, so Pacemaker will
 automatically retry the operation, if there is time remaining. Use this option
 to alter the number of times Pacemaker retries before giving up.
 |'Advanced use only.' The command to send to the resource agent in order to
 shut down a node. Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide
 additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific command.
 |'Advanced use only.' Specify an alternate timeout to use for `off` actions
 instead of the value of +stonith-timeout+. Some devices need much more or less
 time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific
 |'Advanced use only.' The maximum number of times to retry the `off` command
 within the timeout period. Some devices do not support multiple connections, and
 operations may fail if the device is busy with another task, so Pacemaker will
 automatically retry the operation, if there is time remaining. Use this option
 to alter the number of times Pacemaker retries before giving up.
 |'Advanced use only.' The command to send to the resource agent in order to
 list nodes. Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide
 additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific command.
 |'Advanced use only.' Specify an alternate timeout to use for `list` actions
 instead of the value of +stonith-timeout+. Some devices need much more or less
 time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific
 |'Advanced use only.' The maximum number of times to retry the `list` command
 within the timeout period. Some devices do not support multiple connections, and
 operations may fail if the device is busy with another task, so Pacemaker will
 automatically retry the operation, if there is time remaining. Use this option
 to alter the number of times Pacemaker retries before giving up.
 |'Advanced use only.' The command to send to the resource agent in order to
 report extended status. Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide
 additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific command.
 |'Advanced use only.' Specify an alternate timeout to use for `monitor` actions
 instead of the value of +stonith-timeout+. Some devices need much more or less
 time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific
 |'Advanced use only.' The maximum number of times to retry the `monitor` command
 within the timeout period. Some devices do not support multiple connections, and
 operations may fail if the device is busy with another task, so Pacemaker will
 automatically retry the operation, if there is time remaining. Use this option
 to alter the number of times Pacemaker retries before giving up.
 |'Advanced use only.' The command to send to the resource agent in order to
 report status. Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide
 additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific command.
 |'Advanced use only.' Specify an alternate timeout to use for `status` actions
 instead of the value of +stonith-timeout+. Some devices need much more or less
 time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific
 |'Advanced use only.' The maximum number of times to retry the `status` command
 within the timeout period. Some devices do not support multiple connections, and
 operations may fail if the device is busy with another task, so Pacemaker will
 automatically retry the operation, if there is time remaining. Use this option
 to alter the number of times Pacemaker retries before giving up.
 == Configuring STONITH ==
 Higher-level configuration shells include functionality to simplify the
 process below, particularly the step for deciding which parameters are
 required.  However since this document deals only with core
 components, you should refer to the STONITH chapter of the
 http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/[Clusters from Scratch] guide for those details.
 . Find the correct driver:
 # stonith_admin --list-installed
 . Find the required parameters associated with the device
   (replacing $AGENT_NAME with the name obtained from the previous step):
 # stonith_admin --metadata --agent $AGENT_NAME
 . Create a file called +stonith.xml+ containing a primitive resource
   with a class of +stonith+, a type equal to the agent name obtained earlier,
   and a parameter for each of the values returned in the previous step.
 . If the device does not know how to fence nodes based on their uname,
   you may also need to set the special +pcmk_host_map+ parameter.  See
   `man stonithd` for details.
 . If the device does not support the `list` command, you may also need
   to set the special +pcmk_host_list+ and/or +pcmk_host_check+
   parameters.  See `man stonithd` for details.
 . If the device does not expect the victim to be specified with the
   `port` parameter, you may also need to set the special
   +pcmk_host_argument+ parameter. See `man stonithd` for details.
 . Upload it into the CIB using cibadmin:
 # cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-file stonith.xml
-. Set stonith-enabled to true:
+. Set +stonith-enabled+ to true:
 # crm_attribute -t crm_config -n stonith-enabled -v true
 . Once the stonith resource is running, you can test it by executing the
   following (although you might want to stop the cluster on that machine
 # stonith_admin --reboot nodename
 === Example STONITH Configuration ===
 Assume we have an chassis containing four nodes and an IPMI device
 active on We would choose the `fence_ipmilan` driver,
 and obtain the following list of parameters:
 .Obtaining a list of STONITH Parameters
 # stonith_admin --metadata -a fence_ipmilan
 <resource-agent name="fence_ipmilan" shortdesc="Fence agent for IPMI over LAN">
   <symlink name="fence_ilo3" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO3"/>
   <symlink name="fence_ilo4" shortdesc="Fence agent for HP iLO4"/>
   <symlink name="fence_idrac" shortdesc="Fence agent for Dell iDRAC"/>
   <symlink name="fence_imm" shortdesc="Fence agent for IBM Integrated Management Module"/>
     <parameter name="auth" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-A"/>
       <content type="string"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1">
       <getopt mixed="-a"/>
       <content type="string"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-p"/>
       <content type="string"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-S"/>
       <content type="string"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="lanplus" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-P"/>
       <content type="boolean"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="login" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-l"/>
       <content type="string"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="action" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-o"/>
       <content type="string" default="reboot"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="timeout" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-t"/>
       <content type="string"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="cipher" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-C"/>
       <content type="string"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="method" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-M"/>
       <content type="string" default="onoff"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-T"/>
       <content type="string" default="2"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-f"/>
       <content type="string"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="privlvl" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-L"/>
       <content type="string"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">
       <getopt mixed="-v"/>
       <content type="boolean"/>
       <shortdesc lang="en">
     <action name="on"/>
     <action name="off"/>
     <action name="reboot"/>
     <action name="status"/>
     <action name="diag"/>
     <action name="list"/>
     <action name="monitor"/>
     <action name="metadata"/>
     <action name="stop" timeout="20s"/>
     <action name="start" timeout="20s"/>
 Based on that, we would create a STONITH resource fragment that might look
 like this:
 .An IPMI-based STONITH Resource
 <primitive id="Fencing" class="stonith" type="fence_ipmilan" >
   <instance_attributes id="Fencing-params" >
     <nvpair id="Fencing-passwd" name="passwd" value="testuser" />
     <nvpair id="Fencing-login" name="login" value="abc123" />
     <nvpair id="Fencing-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value="" />
     <nvpair id="Fencing-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="pcmk-1 pcmk-2" />
   <operations >
     <op id="Fencing-monitor-10m" interval="10m" name="monitor" timeout="300s" />
 Finally, we need to enable STONITH:
 # crm_attribute -t crm_config -n stonith-enabled -v true
 == Advanced STONITH Configurations ==
 Some people consider that having one fencing device is a single point
 of failure footnote:[Not true, since a node or resource must fail
 before fencing even has a chance to]; others prefer removing the node
 from the storage and network instead of turning it off.
 Whatever the reason, Pacemaker supports fencing nodes with multiple
 devices through a feature called 'fencing topologies'.
 Simply create the individual devices as you normally would, then
 define one or more +fencing-level+ entries in the +fencing-topology+ section of
 the configuration.
 * Each fencing level is attempted in order of ascending +index+.
 * If a device fails, processing terminates for the current level.
   No further devices in that level are exercised, and the next level is attempted instead.
 * If the operation succeeds for all the listed devices in a level, the level is deemed to have passed.
 * The operation is finished when a level has passed (success), or all levels have been attempted (failed).
 * If the operation failed, the next step is determined by the Policy Engine and/or `crmd`.
 Some possible uses of topologies include:
 * Try poison-pill and fail back to power
 * Try disk and network, and fall back to power if either fails
 * Initiate a kdump and then poweroff the node
 .Properties of Fencing Levels
 |A unique name for the level
 |The node to which this level applies
 |The order in which to attempt the levels.
  Levels are attempted in ascending order 'until one succeeds'.
 |A comma-separated list of devices that must all be tried for this level
 .Fencing topology with different devices for different nodes
  <cib crm_feature_set="3.0.6" validate-with="pacemaker-1.2" admin_epoch="1" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
       <!-- For pcmk-1, try poison-pill and fail back to power -->
       <fencing-level id="f-p1.1" target="pcmk-1" index="1" devices="poison-pill"/>
       <fencing-level id="f-p1.2" target="pcmk-1" index="2" devices="power"/>
       <!-- For pcmk-2, try disk and network, and fail back to power -->
       <fencing-level id="f-p2.1" target="pcmk-2" index="1" devices="disk,network"/>
       <fencing-level id="f-p2.2" target="pcmk-2" index="2" devices="power"/>
 === Example Dual-Layer, Dual-Device Fencing Topologies ===
 The following example illustrates an advanced use of +fencing-topology+ in a cluster with the following properties:
 * 3 nodes (2 active prod-mysql nodes, 1 prod_mysql-rep in standby for quorum purposes)
 * the active nodes have an IPMI-controlled power board reached at and
 * the active nodes also have two independent PSUs (Power Supply Units)
   connected to two independent PDUs (Power Distribution Units) reached at (port 10 and port 11) and (port 10 and port 11)
 * the first fencing method uses the `fence_ipmi` agent
 * the second fencing method uses the `fence_apc_snmp` agent targetting 2 fencing devices (one per PSU, either port 10 or 11)
 * fencing is only implemented for the active nodes and has location constraints
 * fencing topology is set to try IPMI fencing first then default to a "sure-kill" dual PDU fencing
 In a normal failure scenario, STONITH will first select +fence_ipmi+ to try to kill the faulty node.
 Using a fencing topology, if that first method fails, STONITH will then move on to selecting +fence_apc_snmp+ twice:
 * once for the first PDU 
 * again for the second PDU 
 The fence action is considered successful only if both PDUs report the required status. If any of them fails, STONITH loops back to the first fencing method, +fence_ipmi+, and so on until the node is fenced or fencing action is cancelled.
 .First fencing method: single IPMI device
 Each cluster node has it own dedicated IPMI channel that can be called for fencing using the following primitives:
 <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi" type="fence_ipmilan">
   <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes">
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="finishme"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-verbose" name="verbose" value="true"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql1"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-lanplus" name="lanplus" value="true"/>
 <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi" type="fence_ipmilan">
   <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes">
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="finishme"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-verbose" name="verbose" value="true"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql2"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-lanplus" name="lanplus" value="true"/>
 .Second fencing method: dual PDU devices
 Each cluster node also has two distinct power channels controlled by two
 distinct PDUs. That means a total of 4 fencing devices configured as follows:
 - Node 1, PDU 1, PSU 1 @ port 10
 - Node 1, PDU 2, PSU 2 @ port 10
 - Node 2, PDU 1, PSU 1 @ port 11
 - Node 2, PDU 2, PSU 2 @ port 11
 The matching fencing agents are configured as follows:
 <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1" type="fence_apc_snmp">
   <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes">
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-port" name="port" value="10"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql1"/>
 <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2" type="fence_apc_snmp">
   <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes">
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-port" name="port" value="10"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql1"/>
 <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1" type="fence_apc_snmp">
   <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes">
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-port" name="port" value="11"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql2"/>
 <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2" type="fence_apc_snmp">
   <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes">
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-port" name="port" value="11"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="fencing"/>
     <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql2"/>
 .Location Constraints 
 To prevent STONITH from trying to run a fencing agent on the same node it is
 supposed to fence, constraints are placed on all the fencing primitives:
   <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi" node="prod-mysql1" rsc="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi" score="-INFINITY"/>
   <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi" node="prod-mysql2" rsc="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi" score="-INFINITY"/>
   <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql1_apc2" node="prod-mysql1" rsc="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2" score="-INFINITY"/>
   <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql1_apc1" node="prod-mysql1" rsc="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1" score="-INFINITY"/>
   <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql2_apc1" node="prod-mysql2" rsc="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1" score="-INFINITY"/>
   <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql2_apc2" node="prod-mysql2" rsc="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2" score="-INFINITY"/>
 .Fencing topology
 Now that all the fencing resources are defined, it's time to create the right topology. 
 We want to first fence using IPMI and if that does not work, fence both PDUs to effectively and surely kill the node.
   <fencing-level devices="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi" id="fencing-2" index="1" target="prod-mysql1"/>
   <fencing-level devices="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1,fence_prod-mysql1_apc2" id="fencing-3" index="2" target="prod-mysql1"/>
   <fencing-level devices="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi" id="fencing-0" index="1" target="prod-mysql2"/>
   <fencing-level devices="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1,fence_prod-mysql2_apc2" id="fencing-1" index="2" target="prod-mysql2"/>
 Please note, in +fencing-topology+, the lowest +index+ value determines the priority of the first fencing method. 
 .Final configuration
 Put together, the configuration looks like this:
 <cib admin_epoch="0" crm_feature_set="3.0.7" epoch="292" have-quorum="1" num_updates="29" validate-with="pacemaker-1.2">
       <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith-enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="true"/>
         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith-action" name="stonith-action" value="off"/>
         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-expected-quorum-votes" name="expected-quorum-votes" value="3"/>
       <node id="prod-mysql1" uname="prod-mysql1">
       <node id="prod-mysql2" uname="prod-mysql2"/>
       <node id="prod-mysql-rep1" uname="prod-mysql-rep1"/>
         <instance_attributes id="prod-mysql-rep1">
           <nvpair id="prod-mysql-rep1-standby" name="standby" value="on"/>
       <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi" type="fence_ipmilan">
         <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes">
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="finishme"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-verbose" name="verbose" value="true"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql1"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi-instance_attributes-lanplus" name="lanplus" value="true"/>
       <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi" type="fence_ipmilan">
         <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes">
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="finishme"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-verbose" name="verbose" value="true"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql2"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi-instance_attributes-lanplus" name="lanplus" value="true"/>
       <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1" type="fence_apc_snmp">
         <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes">
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-port" name="port" value="10"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql1"/>
       <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2" type="fence_apc_snmp">
         <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes">
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-port" name="port" value="10"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql1"/>
       <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1" type="fence_apc_snmp">
         <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes">
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-port" name="port" value="11"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql2"/>
       <primitive class="stonith" id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2" type="fence_apc_snmp">
         <instance_attributes id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes">
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-ipaddr" name="ipaddr" value=""/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-action" name="action" value="off"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-port" name="port" value="11"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-login" name="login" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-passwd" name="passwd" value="fencing"/>
           <nvpair id="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2-instance_attributes-pcmk_host_list" name="pcmk_host_list" value="prod-mysql2"/>
       <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi" node="prod-mysql1" rsc="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi" score="-INFINITY"/>
       <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi" node="prod-mysql2" rsc="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi" score="-INFINITY"/>
       <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql1_apc2" node="prod-mysql1" rsc="fence_prod-mysql1_apc2" score="-INFINITY"/>
       <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql1_apc1" node="prod-mysql1" rsc="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1" score="-INFINITY"/>
       <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql2_apc1" node="prod-mysql2" rsc="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1" score="-INFINITY"/>
       <rsc_location id="l_fence_prod-mysql2_apc2" node="prod-mysql2" rsc="fence_prod-mysql2_apc2" score="-INFINITY"/>
       <fencing-level devices="fence_prod-mysql1_ipmi" id="fencing-2" index="1" target="prod-mysql1"/>
       <fencing-level devices="fence_prod-mysql1_apc1,fence_prod-mysql1_apc2" id="fencing-3" index="2" target="prod-mysql1"/>
       <fencing-level devices="fence_prod-mysql2_ipmi" id="fencing-0" index="1" target="prod-mysql2"/>
       <fencing-level devices="fence_prod-mysql2_apc1,fence_prod-mysql2_apc2" id="fencing-1" index="2" target="prod-mysql2"/>
+== Remapping Reboots ==
+When the cluster needs to reboot a node, whether because +stonith-action+ is +reboot+ or because
+a reboot was manually requested (such as by `stonith_admin --reboot`), it will remap that to
+other commands in two cases:
+. If the chosen fencing device does not support the +reboot+ command, the cluster
+  will ask it to perform +off+ instead.
+. If a fencing topology level with multiple devices must be executed, the cluster
+  will ask all the devices to perform +off+, then ask the devices to perform +on+.
+To understand the second case, consider the example of a node with redundant
+power supplies connected to intelligent power switches. Rebooting one switch
+and then the other would have no effect on the node. Turning both switches off,
+and then on, actually reboots the node.
+In such a case, the fencing operation will be treated as successful as long as
+the +off+ commands succeed, because then it is safe for the cluster to recover
+any resources that were on the node. Timeouts and errors in the +on+ phase will
+be logged but ignored.
+When a reboot operation is remapped, any action-specific timeout for the
+remapped action will be used (for example, +pcmk_off_timeout+ will be used when
+executing the +off+ command, not +pcmk_reboot_timeout+).
diff --git a/doc/asciidoc.reference b/doc/asciidoc.reference
index a9a171b297..9323864998 100644
--- a/doc/asciidoc.reference
+++ b/doc/asciidoc.reference
@@ -1,52 +1,70 @@
+= Single-chapter part of the documentation =
+== Go-to reference chapter for how we use AsciiDoc on this project ==
+This is *not* an attempt for fully self-hosted AsciiDoc document,
+consider it a plaintext full of AsciiDoc samples (it's up to the reader
+to recognize the borderline) at documentation writers' disposal
+to somewhat standardize the style{empty}footnote:[
+  style of both source notation and final visual appearance
 See also:
-Commands:    `some-tool --with option`
-Files:       '/tmp/file.name' 
-Italic:	     _some text_
+Emphasis:    _some test_
 Mono:        +some text+
-Bold:        *some text*
-Super:	     ^some text^
-Sub:	     ~some text~
+Strong:      *some text*
+Super:       ^some text^
+Sub:         ~some text~
              ``double quoted''
               `single quoted'
-Tool:        command
+Command:     `some-tool --with option`
+Newly introduced term:
+             'some text' (another form of emphasis as of this edit)
+File:        mono
 Literal:     mono
+Tool:        command
+Option:      mono
+Replaceable: emphasis mono
 Varname:     mono
-Option:      italic
-Emphasis:    italic bold
-Replaceable: italic mono 
+Term encountered on system (e.g., menu choice, hostname):
+             strong
-.Title for Eaxmple
+.Title for Example
 Some text
-.Title for Eaxmple with XML Listing
+.Title for Example with XML Listing
 <some xml=here/>
 Naked code listing:
 (Use 'C' and a leading '#' instead of 'Bash' when commands are being show)
 # some command --here
 Section anchors:
 === Some Section Title ===
 References to section anchors:
-<<s-name>> or <<s-name,Alternate Text>>
\ No newline at end of file
+<<s-name>> or <<s-name,Alternate Text>>
diff --git a/doc/shared/en-US/pacemaker-intro.txt b/doc/shared/en-US/pacemaker-intro.txt
index bf432fc26d..6b898c98cc 100644
--- a/doc/shared/en-US/pacemaker-intro.txt
+++ b/doc/shared/en-US/pacemaker-intro.txt
@@ -1,141 +1,169 @@
-== What Is Pacemaker? ==
+== What Is 'Pacemaker'? ==
-Pacemaker is a cluster resource manager.
+Pacemaker is a 'cluster resource manager', that is, a logic responsible
+for a life-cycle of deployed software -- indirectly perhaps even whole
+systems or their interconnections -- under its control within a set of
+computers (a.k.a. 'cluster nodes', 'nodes' for short) and driven by
+prescribed rules.
 It achieves maximum availability for your cluster services
-(aka. resources) by detecting and recovering from node- and
+(a.k.a. 'resources') by detecting and recovering from node- and
 resource-level failures by making use of the messaging and membership
 capabilities provided by your preferred cluster infrastructure (either
 http://www.corosync.org/[Corosync] or
+http://linux-ha.org/wiki/Heartbeat[Heartbeat]), and possibly by
+utilizing other parts of the overall cluster stack.
+.High Availability Clusters
+For *the goal of minimal downtime* a term 'high availability' was coined
+and together with its acronym, 'HA', is well-established in the sector.
+To differentiate this sort of clusters from high performance computing
+('HPC') ones, should a context require it (apparently, not the case in
+this document), using 'HA cluster' is an option.
 Pacemaker's key features include:
  * Detection and recovery of node and service-level failures
  * Storage agnostic, no requirement for shared storage
  * Resource agnostic, anything that can be scripted can be clustered
- * Supports fencing (aka. STONITH) for ensuring data integrity
+ * Supports 'fencing' (also referred to as the 'STONITH' acronym,
+   <<s-intro-stonith,deciphered>> later on) for ensuring data integrity
  * Supports large and small clusters
  * Supports both quorate and resource-driven clusters
  * Supports practically any redundancy configuration
- * Automatically replicated configuration that can be updated from any node
- * Ability to specify cluster-wide service ordering, colocation and anti-colocation
+ * Automatically replicated configuration that can be updated
+   from any node
+ * Ability to specify cluster-wide service ordering,
+   colocation and anti-colocation
  * Support for advanced service types
  ** Clones: for services which need to be active on multiple nodes
- ** Multi-state: for services with multiple modes (eg. master/slave, primary/secondary)
- * Unified, scriptable, cluster management tools.
+ ** Multi-state: for services with multiple modes
+    (e.g. master/slave, primary/secondary)
+ * Unified, scriptable cluster management tools
 == Pacemaker Architecture ==
 At the highest level, the cluster is made up of three pieces:
- * Non-cluster-aware components. These pieces
+ * *Non-cluster-aware components*. These pieces
    include the resources themselves; scripts that start, stop and
    monitor them; and a local daemon that masks the differences
    between the different standards these scripts implement.
+   Even though interactions of these resources when run as multiple
+   instances can resemble a distributed system, they still lack
+   the proper HA mechanisms and/or autonomous cluster-wide governance
+   as subsumed in the following item.
- * Resource management. Pacemaker provides the brain that processes
+ * *Resource management*. Pacemaker provides the brain that processes
    and reacts to events regarding the cluster.  These events include
    nodes joining or leaving the cluster; resource events caused by
    failures, maintenance and scheduled activities; and other
    administrative actions. Pacemaker will compute the ideal state of
    the cluster and plot a path to achieve it after any of these
    events. This may include moving resources, stopping nodes and even
    forcing them offline with remote power switches.
- * Low-level infrastructure. Projects like Corosync, CMAN and
-   Heartbeat provide reliable messaging, membership and quorum
+ * *Low-level infrastructure*. Projects like 'Corosync', 'CMAN' and
+   'Heartbeat' provide reliable messaging, membership and quorum
    information about the cluster.
 When combined with Corosync, Pacemaker also supports popular open
-source cluster filesystems.
-footnote:[Even though Pacemaker also supports Heartbeat, the filesystems need
-to use the stack for messaging and membership, and Corosync seems to be
-what they're standardizing on. Technically, it would be possible for them to
-support Heartbeat as well, but there seems little interest in this.]
+source cluster filesystems.{empty}footnote:[
+  Even though Pacemaker also supports Heartbeat, the filesystems need to
+  use the stack for messaging and membership, and Corosync seems to be
+  what they're standardizing on.  Technically, it would be possible for
+  them to support Heartbeat as well, but there seems little interest
+  in this.
 Due to past standardization within the cluster filesystem community,
-cluster filesystems make use of a common distributed lock manager, which makes
-use of Corosync for its messaging and membership capabilities (which nodes
-are up/down) and Pacemaker for fencing services.
+cluster filesystems make use of a common 'distributed lock manager',
+which makes use of Corosync for its messaging and membership
+capabilities (which nodes are up/down) and Pacemaker for fencing
 .The Pacemaker Stack
 image::images/pcmk-stack.png["The Pacemaker stack",width="10cm",height="7.5cm",align="center"]
 === Internal Components ===
 Pacemaker itself is composed of five key components:
- * Cluster Information Base (CIB)
- * Cluster Resource Management daemon (CRMd)
- * Local Resource Management daemon (LRMd)
- * Policy Engine (PEngine or PE)
- * Fencing daemon (STONITHd)
+ * 'Cluster Information Base' ('CIB')
+ * 'Cluster Resource Management daemon' ('CRMd')
+ * 'Local Resource Management daemon' ('LRMd')
+ * 'Policy Engine' ('PEngine' or 'PE')
+ * Fencing daemon ('STONITHd')
 .Internal Components
 image::images/pcmk-internals.png["Subsystems of a Pacemaker cluster",align="center",scaledwidth="65%"]
 The CIB uses XML to represent both the cluster's configuration and
 current state of all resources in the cluster. The contents of the CIB
-are automatically kept in sync across the entire cluster and are used
-by the PEngine to compute the ideal state of the cluster and how it
-should be achieved.
+are automatically kept in sync across the entire cluster and are used by
+the PEngine to compute the ideal state of the cluster and how it should
+be achieved.
-This list of instructions is then fed to the Designated
-Controller (DC).  Pacemaker centralizes all cluster decision making by
-electing one of the CRMd instances to act as a master. Should the
-elected CRMd process (or the node it is on) fail, a new one is
-quickly established.
+This list of instructions is then fed to the 'Designated Controller'
+('DC').  Pacemaker centralizes all cluster decision making by electing
+one of the CRMd instances to act as a master. Should the elected CRMd
+process (or the node it is on) fail, a new one is quickly established.
 The DC carries out the PEngine's instructions in the required order by
 passing them to either the Local Resource Management daemon (LRMd) or
 CRMd peers on other nodes via the cluster messaging infrastructure
 (which in turn passes them on to their LRMd process).
-The peer nodes all report the results of their operations back to the
-DC and, based on the expected and actual results, will either execute
-any actions that needed to wait for the previous one to complete, or
-abort processing and ask the PEngine to recalculate the ideal cluster
-state based on the unexpected results.
+The peer nodes all report the results of their operations back to the DC
+and, based on the expected and actual results, will either execute any
+actions that needed to wait for the previous one to complete, or abort
+processing and ask the PEngine to recalculate the ideal cluster state
+based on the unexpected results.
 In some cases, it may be necessary to power off nodes in order to
 protect shared data or complete resource recovery. For this, Pacemaker
 comes with STONITHd. 
-STONITH is an acronym for Shoot-The-Other-Node-In-The-Head and is
-usually implemented with a remote power switch.
+*STONITH* is an acronym for 'Shoot-The-Other-Node-In-The-Head',
+a recommended practice that misbehaving node is best to be promptly
+'fenced' (shut off, cut from shared resources or otherwise immobilized),
+and is usually implemented with a remote power switch.
 In Pacemaker, STONITH devices are modeled as resources (and configured
 in the CIB) to enable them to be easily monitored for failure, however
-STONITHd takes care of understanding the STONITH topology such that
-its clients simply request a node be fenced, and it does the rest.
+STONITHd takes care of understanding the STONITH topology such that its
+clients simply request a node be fenced, and it does the rest.
 == Types of Pacemaker Clusters ==
 Pacemaker makes no assumptions about your environment. This allows it
 to support practically any
-configuration] including Active/Active, Active/Passive, N+1, N+M,
-N-to-1 and N-to-N.
+configuration] including 'Active/Active', 'Active/Passive', 'N+1',
+'N+M', 'N-to-1' and 'N-to-N'.
 .Active/Passive Redundancy
 image::images/pcmk-active-passive.png["Active/Passive Redundancy",width="10cm",height="7.5cm",align="center"]
-Two-node Active/Passive clusters using Pacemaker and DRBD are a
-cost-effective solution for many High Availability situations.
+Two-node Active/Passive clusters using Pacemaker and 'DRBD' are
+a cost-effective solution for many High Availability situations.
 .Shared Failover
 image::images/pcmk-shared-failover.png["Shared Failover",width="10cm",height="7.5cm",align="center"]
 By supporting many nodes, Pacemaker can dramatically reduce hardware
 costs by allowing several active/passive clusters to be combined and
-share a common backup node
+share a common backup node.
 .N to N Redundancy
 image::images/pcmk-active-active.png["N to N Redundancy",width="10cm",height="7.5cm",align="center"]
-When shared storage is available, every node can potentially be used
-for failover.  Pacemaker can even run multiple copies of services to
-spread out the workload.
+When shared storage is available, every node can potentially be used for
+failover.  Pacemaker can even run multiple copies of services to spread
+out the workload.
diff --git a/fencing/commands.c b/fencing/commands.c
index 10d6976234..0d2d614137 100644
--- a/fencing/commands.c
+++ b/fencing/commands.c
@@ -1,2402 +1,2480 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <sys/utsname.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipc.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipcs.h>
 #include <crm/cluster/internal.h>
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 #include <crm/stonith-ng.h>
 #include <crm/fencing/internal.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #  include <crm/common/cib_secrets.h>
 #include <internal.h>
 GHashTable *device_list = NULL;
 GHashTable *topology = NULL;
 GList *cmd_list = NULL;
 struct device_search_s {
     /* target of fence action */
     char *host;
     /* requested fence action */
     char *action;
     /* timeout to use if a device is queried dynamically for possible targets */
     int per_device_timeout;
     /* number of registered fencing devices at time of request */
     int replies_needed;
     /* number of device replies received so far */
     int replies_received;
     /* whether the target is eligible to perform requested action (or off) */
     bool allow_suicide;
     /* private data to pass to search callback function */
     void *user_data;
     /* function to call when all replies have been received */
     void (*callback) (GList * devices, void *user_data);
     /* devices capable of performing requested action (or off if remapping) */
     GListPtr capable;
 static gboolean stonith_device_dispatch(gpointer user_data);
 static void st_child_done(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data);
 static void stonith_send_reply(xmlNode * reply, int call_options, const char *remote_peer,
                                const char *client_id);
 static void search_devices_record_result(struct device_search_s *search, const char *device,
                                          gboolean can_fence);
 typedef struct async_command_s {
     int id;
     int pid;
     int fd_stdout;
     int options;
     int default_timeout; /* seconds */
     int timeout; /* seconds */
     int start_delay; /* milliseconds */
     int delay_id;
     char *op;
     char *origin;
     char *client;
     char *client_name;
     char *remote_op_id;
     char *victim;
     uint32_t victim_nodeid;
     char *action;
     char *device;
     char *mode;
     GListPtr device_list;
     GListPtr device_next;
     void *internal_user_data;
     void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data);
     guint timer_sigterm;
     guint timer_sigkill;
     /*! If the operation timed out, this is the last signal
      *  we sent to the process to get it to terminate */
     int last_timeout_signo;
 } async_command_t;
 static xmlNode *stonith_construct_async_reply(async_command_t * cmd, const char *output,
                                               xmlNode * data, int rc);
 static gboolean
 is_action_required(const char *action, stonith_device_t *device)
     if(device == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (device->required_actions == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (strstr(device->required_actions, action)) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static int
 get_action_delay_max(stonith_device_t * device, const char * action)
     const char *value = NULL;
     int delay_max_ms = 0;
     if (safe_str_neq(action, "off") && safe_str_neq(action, "reboot")) {
         return 0;
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(device->params, STONITH_ATTR_DELAY_MAX);
     if (value) {
        delay_max_ms = crm_get_msec(value);
     return delay_max_ms;
  * \internal
  * \brief Override STONITH timeout with pcmk_*_timeout if available
  * \param[in] device           STONITH device to use
  * \param[in] action           STONITH action name
  * \param[in] default_timeout  Timeout to use if device does not have
  *                             a pcmk_*_timeout parameter for action
  * \return Value of pcmk_(action)_timeout if available, otherwise default_timeout
  * \note For consistency, it would be nice if reboot/off/on timeouts could be
  *       set the same way as start/stop/monitor timeouts, i.e. with an
  *       <operation> entry in the fencing resource configuration. However that
  *       is insufficient because fencing devices may be registered directly via
  *       the STONITH register_device() API instead of going through the CIB
  *       (e.g. stonith_admin uses it for its -R option, and the LRMD uses it to
  *       ensure a device is registered when a command is issued). As device
  *       properties, pcmk_*_timeout parameters can be grabbed by stonithd when
  *       the device is registered, whether by CIB change or API call.
 static int
 get_action_timeout(stonith_device_t * device, const char *action, int default_timeout)
     if (action && device && device->params) {
         char buffer[64] = { 0, };
         const char *value = NULL;
         /* If "reboot" was requested but the device does not support it,
          * we will remap to "off", so check timeout for "off" instead
         if (safe_str_eq(action, "reboot")
             && is_not_set(device->flags, st_device_supports_reboot)) {
             crm_trace("%s doesn't support reboot, using timeout for off instead",
             action = "off";
         /* If the device config specified an action-specific timeout, use it */
         snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, "pcmk_%s_timeout", action);
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(device->params, buffer);
         if (value) {
             return atoi(value);
     return default_timeout;
 static void
 free_async_command(async_command_t * cmd)
     if (!cmd) {
     if (cmd->delay_id) {
     cmd_list = g_list_remove(cmd_list, cmd);
     g_list_free_full(cmd->device_list, free);
 static async_command_t *
 create_async_command(xmlNode * msg)
     async_command_t *cmd = NULL;
     xmlNode *op = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_ACTION, msg, LOG_ERR);
     const char *action = crm_element_value(op, F_STONITH_ACTION);
     CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "NoAction"); return NULL);
     crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "Command");
     cmd = calloc(1, sizeof(async_command_t));
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, &(cmd->id));
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, &(cmd->options));
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, &(cmd->default_timeout));
     cmd->timeout = cmd->default_timeout;
     cmd->origin = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_ORIG);
     cmd->remote_op_id = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID);
     cmd->client = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_CLIENTID);
     cmd->client_name = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME);
     cmd->op = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION);
     cmd->action = strdup(action);
     cmd->victim = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_TARGET);
     cmd->mode = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_MODE);
     cmd->device = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     CRM_CHECK(cmd->op != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "NoOp"); free_async_command(cmd); return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(cmd->client != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "NoClient"));
     cmd->done_cb = st_child_done;
     cmd_list = g_list_append(cmd_list, cmd);
     return cmd;
 static gboolean
 stonith_device_execute(stonith_device_t * device)
     int exec_rc = 0;
     const char *action_str = NULL;
     async_command_t *cmd = NULL;
     stonith_action_t *action = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(device != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (device->active_pid) {
         crm_trace("%s is still active with pid %u", device->id, device->active_pid);
         return TRUE;
     if (device->pending_ops) {
         GList *first = device->pending_ops;
         cmd = first->data;
         if (cmd && cmd->delay_id) {
                 ("Operation %s%s%s on %s was asked to run too early, waiting for start_delay timeout of %dms",
                  cmd->action, cmd->victim ? " for node " : "", cmd->victim ? cmd->victim : "",
                  device->id, cmd->start_delay);
             return TRUE;
         device->pending_ops = g_list_remove_link(device->pending_ops, first);
     if (cmd == NULL) {
         crm_trace("Nothing further to do for %s", device->id);
         return TRUE;
     if(safe_str_eq(device->agent, STONITH_WATCHDOG_AGENT)) {
         if(safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "reboot")) {
             return TRUE;
         } else if(safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "off")) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             crm_info("Faking success for %s watchdog operation", cmd->action);
             cmd->done_cb(0, 0, NULL, cmd);
             return TRUE;
     if (replace_secret_params(device->id, device->params) < 0) {
         /* replacing secrets failed! */
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action,"stop")) {
             /* don't fail on stop! */
             crm_info("proceeding with the stop operation for %s", device->id);
         } else {
             crm_err("failed to get secrets for %s, "
                     "considering resource not configured", device->id);
             exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED;
             cmd->done_cb(0, exec_rc, NULL, cmd);
             return TRUE;
     action_str = cmd->action;
     if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "reboot") && is_not_set(device->flags, st_device_supports_reboot)) {
         crm_warn("Agent '%s' does not advertise support for 'reboot', performing 'off' action instead", device->agent);
         action_str = "off";
     action = stonith_action_create(device->agent,
                                    cmd->timeout, device->params, device->aliases);
     /* for async exec, exec_rc is pid if positive and error code if negative/zero */
     exec_rc = stonith_action_execute_async(action, (void *)cmd, cmd->done_cb);
     if (exec_rc > 0) {
         crm_debug("Operation %s%s%s on %s now running with pid=%d, timeout=%ds",
                   cmd->action, cmd->victim ? " for node " : "", cmd->victim ? cmd->victim : "",
                   device->id, exec_rc, cmd->timeout);
         device->active_pid = exec_rc;
     } else {
         crm_warn("Operation %s%s%s on %s failed: %s (%d)",
                  cmd->action, cmd->victim ? " for node " : "", cmd->victim ? cmd->victim : "",
                  device->id, pcmk_strerror(exec_rc), exec_rc);
         cmd->done_cb(0, exec_rc, NULL, cmd);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 stonith_device_dispatch(gpointer user_data)
     return stonith_device_execute(user_data);
 static gboolean
 start_delay_helper(gpointer data)
     async_command_t *cmd = data;
     stonith_device_t *device = NULL;
     cmd->delay_id = 0;
     device = cmd->device ? g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, cmd->device) : NULL;
     if (device) {
     return FALSE;
 static void
 schedule_stonith_command(async_command_t * cmd, stonith_device_t * device)
     int delay_max = 0;
     CRM_CHECK(cmd != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(device != NULL, return);
     if (cmd->device) {
     if (device->include_nodeid && cmd->victim) {
         crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(0, cmd->victim);
         cmd->victim_nodeid = node->id;
     cmd->device = strdup(device->id);
     cmd->timeout = get_action_timeout(device, cmd->action, cmd->default_timeout);
     if (cmd->remote_op_id) {
         crm_debug("Scheduling %s on %s for remote peer %s with op id (%s) (timeout=%ds)",
                   cmd->action, device->id, cmd->origin, cmd->remote_op_id, cmd->timeout);
     } else {
         crm_debug("Scheduling %s on %s for %s (timeout=%ds)",
                   cmd->action, device->id, cmd->client, cmd->timeout);
     device->pending_ops = g_list_append(device->pending_ops, cmd);
     delay_max = get_action_delay_max(device, cmd->action);
     if (delay_max > 0) {
         cmd->start_delay = rand() % delay_max;
         crm_notice("Delaying %s on %s for %lldms (timeout=%ds)",
                     cmd->action, device->id, cmd->start_delay, cmd->timeout);
         cmd->delay_id = g_timeout_add(cmd->start_delay, start_delay_helper, cmd);
 free_device(gpointer data)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     stonith_device_t *device = data;
     for (gIter = device->pending_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         async_command_t *cmd = gIter->data;
         crm_warn("Removal of device '%s' purged operation %s", device->id, cmd->action);
         cmd->done_cb(0, -ENODEV, NULL, cmd);
     g_list_free_full(device->targets, free);
 static GHashTable *
 build_port_aliases(const char *hostmap, GListPtr * targets)
     char *name = NULL;
     int last = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0, added = 0;
     GHashTable *aliases =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     if (hostmap == NULL) {
         return aliases;
     max = strlen(hostmap);
     for (; lpc <= max; lpc++) {
         switch (hostmap[lpc]) {
                 /* Assignment chars */
             case '=':
             case ':':
                 if (lpc > last) {
                     name = calloc(1, 1 + lpc - last);
                     memcpy(name, hostmap + last, lpc - last);
                 last = lpc + 1;
                 /* Delimeter chars */
                 /* case ',': Potentially used to specify multiple ports */
             case 0:
             case ';':
             case ' ':
             case '\t':
                 if (name) {
                     char *value = NULL;
                     value = calloc(1, 1 + lpc - last);
                     memcpy(value, hostmap + last, lpc - last);
                     crm_debug("Adding alias '%s'='%s'", name, value);
                     g_hash_table_replace(aliases, name, value);
                     if (targets) {
                         *targets = g_list_append(*targets, strdup(value));
                     value = NULL;
                     name = NULL;
                 } else if (lpc > last) {
                     crm_debug("Parse error at offset %d near '%s'", lpc - last, hostmap + last);
                 last = lpc + 1;
         if (hostmap[lpc] == 0) {
     if (added == 0) {
         crm_info("No host mappings detected in '%s'", hostmap);
     return aliases;
 static void
 parse_host_line(const char *line, int max, GListPtr * output)
     int lpc = 0;
     int last = 0;
     if (max <= 0) {
     /* Check for any complaints about additional parameters that the device doesn't understand */
     if (strstr(line, "invalid") || strstr(line, "variable")) {
         crm_debug("Skipping: %s", line);
     crm_trace("Processing %d bytes: [%s]", max, line);
     /* Skip initial whitespace */
     for (lpc = 0; lpc <= max && isspace(line[lpc]); lpc++) {
         last = lpc + 1;
     /* Now the actual content */
     for (lpc = 0; lpc <= max; lpc++) {
         gboolean a_space = isspace(line[lpc]);
         if (a_space && lpc < max && isspace(line[lpc + 1])) {
             /* fast-forward to the end of the spaces */
         } else if (a_space || line[lpc] == ',' || line[lpc] == ';' || line[lpc] == 0) {
             int rc = 1;
             char *entry = NULL;
             if (lpc != last) {
                 entry = calloc(1, 1 + lpc - last);
                 rc = sscanf(line + last, "%[a-zA-Z0-9_-.]", entry);
             if (entry == NULL) {
                 /* Skip */
             } else if (rc != 1) {
                 crm_warn("Could not parse (%d %d): %s", last, lpc, line + last);
             } else if (safe_str_neq(entry, "on") && safe_str_neq(entry, "off")) {
                 crm_trace("Adding '%s'", entry);
                 *output = g_list_append(*output, entry);
                 entry = NULL;
             last = lpc + 1;
 static GListPtr
 parse_host_list(const char *hosts)
     int lpc = 0;
     int max = 0;
     int last = 0;
     GListPtr output = NULL;
     if (hosts == NULL) {
         return output;
     max = strlen(hosts);
     for (lpc = 0; lpc <= max; lpc++) {
         if (hosts[lpc] == '\n' || hosts[lpc] == 0) {
             char *line = NULL;
             int len = lpc - last;
             if(len > 1) {
                 line = malloc(1 + len);
             if(line) {
                 snprintf(line, 1 + len, "%s", hosts + last);
                 line[len] = 0; /* Because it might be '\n' */
                 parse_host_line(line, len, &output);
             last = lpc + 1;
     crm_trace("Parsed %d entries from '%s'", g_list_length(output), hosts);
     return output;
 GHashTable *metadata_cache = NULL;
 static xmlNode *
 get_agent_metadata(const char *agent)
     xmlNode *xml = NULL;
     char *buffer = NULL;
     if(metadata_cache == NULL) {
         metadata_cache = g_hash_table_new_full(
             crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     buffer = g_hash_table_lookup(metadata_cache, agent);
     if(safe_str_eq(agent, STONITH_WATCHDOG_AGENT)) {
         return NULL;
     } else if(buffer == NULL) {
         stonith_t *st = stonith_api_new();
         int rc = st->cmds->metadata(st, st_opt_sync_call, agent, NULL, &buffer, 10);
         if (rc || !buffer) {
             crm_err("Could not retrieve metadata for fencing agent %s", agent);
             return NULL;
         g_hash_table_replace(metadata_cache, strdup(agent), buffer);
     xml = string2xml(buffer);
     return xml;
 static gboolean
 is_nodeid_required(xmlNode * xml)
     xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath = NULL;
     if (stand_alone) {
         return FALSE;
     if (!xml) {
         return FALSE;
     xpath = xpath_search(xml, "//parameter[@name='nodeid']");
     if (numXpathResults(xpath)  <= 0) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 static char *
 add_action(char *actions, const char *action)
     static size_t len = 256;
     int offset = 0;
     if (actions == NULL) {
         actions = calloc(1, len);
     } else {
         offset = strlen(actions);
     if (offset > 0) {
         offset += snprintf(actions+offset, len-offset, " ");
     offset += snprintf(actions+offset, len-offset, "%s", action);
     return actions;
 static void
 read_action_metadata(stonith_device_t *device)
     xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath = NULL;
     int max = 0;
     int lpc = 0;
     if (device->agent_metadata == NULL) {
     xpath = xpath_search(device->agent_metadata, "//action");
     max = numXpathResults(xpath);
     if (max <= 0) {
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
         const char *on_target = NULL;
         const char *action = NULL;
         const char *automatic = NULL;
         const char *required = NULL;
         xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpath, lpc);
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL);
         if(match == NULL) { continue; };
         on_target = crm_element_value(match, "on_target");
         action = crm_element_value(match, "name");
         automatic = crm_element_value(match, "automatic");
         required = crm_element_value(match, "required");
         if(safe_str_eq(action, "list")) {
             set_bit(device->flags, st_device_supports_list);
         } else if(safe_str_eq(action, "status")) {
             set_bit(device->flags, st_device_supports_status);
         } else if(safe_str_eq(action, "reboot")) {
             set_bit(device->flags, st_device_supports_reboot);
         } else if(safe_str_eq(action, "on") && (crm_is_true(automatic))) {
             /* this setting implies required=true for unfencing */
             required = "true";
         if (action && crm_is_true(on_target)) {
             device->on_target_actions = add_action(device->on_target_actions, action);
         if (action && crm_is_true(required)) {
             device->required_actions = add_action(device->required_actions, action);
 static stonith_device_t *
 build_device_from_xml(xmlNode * msg)
     const char *value = NULL;
     xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//" F_STONITH_DEVICE, msg, LOG_ERR);
     stonith_device_t *device = NULL;
     device = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_device_t));
     device->id = crm_element_value_copy(dev, XML_ATTR_ID);
     device->agent = crm_element_value_copy(dev, "agent");
     device->namespace = crm_element_value_copy(dev, "namespace");
     device->params = xml2list(dev);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(device->params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTLIST);
     if (value) {
         device->targets = parse_host_list(value);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(device->params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTMAP);
     device->aliases = build_port_aliases(value, &(device->targets));
     device->agent_metadata = get_agent_metadata(device->agent);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(device->params, "nodeid");
     if (!value) {
         device->include_nodeid = is_nodeid_required(device->agent_metadata);
     value = crm_element_value(dev, "rsc_provides");
     if (safe_str_eq(value, "unfencing")) {
         /* if this agent requires unfencing, 'on' is considered a required action */
         device->required_actions = add_action(device->required_actions, "on");
     if (is_action_required("on", device)) {
         crm_info("The fencing device '%s' requires unfencing", device->id);
     if (device->on_target_actions) {
         crm_info("The fencing device '%s' requires actions (%s) to be executed on the target node",
                  device->id, device->on_target_actions);
     device->work = mainloop_add_trigger(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, stonith_device_dispatch, device);
     /* TODO: Hook up priority */
     return device;
 static const char *
 target_list_type(stonith_device_t * dev)
     const char *check_type = NULL;
     check_type = g_hash_table_lookup(dev->params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTCHECK);
     if (check_type == NULL) {
         if (g_hash_table_lookup(dev->params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTLIST)) {
             check_type = "static-list";
         } else if (g_hash_table_lookup(dev->params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTMAP)) {
             check_type = "static-list";
         } else if(is_set(dev->flags, st_device_supports_list)){
             check_type = "dynamic-list";
         } else if(is_set(dev->flags, st_device_supports_status)){
             check_type = "status";
         } else {
             check_type = "none";
     return check_type;
 schedule_internal_command(const char *origin,
                           stonith_device_t * device,
                           const char *action,
                           const char *victim,
                           int timeout,
                           void *internal_user_data,
                           void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output,
                                            gpointer user_data))
     async_command_t *cmd = NULL;
     cmd = calloc(1, sizeof(async_command_t));
     cmd->id = -1;
     cmd->default_timeout = timeout ? timeout : 60;
     cmd->timeout = cmd->default_timeout;
     cmd->action = strdup(action);
     cmd->victim = victim ? strdup(victim) : NULL;
     cmd->device = strdup(device->id);
     cmd->origin = strdup(origin);
     cmd->client = strdup(crm_system_name);
     cmd->client_name = strdup(crm_system_name);
     cmd->internal_user_data = internal_user_data;
     cmd->done_cb = done_cb; /* cmd, not internal_user_data, is passed to 'done_cb' as the userdata */
     schedule_stonith_command(cmd, device);
 string_in_list(GListPtr list, const char *item)
     int lpc = 0;
     int max = g_list_length(list);
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
         const char *value = g_list_nth_data(list, lpc);
         if (safe_str_eq(item, value)) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             crm_trace("%d: '%s' != '%s'", lpc, item, value);
     return FALSE;
 static void
 status_search_cb(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data)
     async_command_t *cmd = user_data;
     struct device_search_s *search = cmd->internal_user_data;
     stonith_device_t *dev = cmd->device ? g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, cmd->device) : NULL;
     gboolean can = FALSE;
     if (!dev) {
         search_devices_record_result(search, NULL, FALSE);
     dev->active_pid = 0;
     if (rc == 1 /* unknown */ ) {
         crm_trace("Host %s is not known by %s", search->host, dev->id);
     } else if (rc == 0 /* active */  || rc == 2 /* inactive */ ) {
         crm_trace("Host %s is known by %s", search->host, dev->id);
         can = TRUE;
     } else {
         crm_notice("Unknown result when testing if %s can fence %s: rc=%d", dev->id, search->host,
     search_devices_record_result(search, dev->id, can);
 static void
 dynamic_list_search_cb(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data)
     async_command_t *cmd = user_data;
     struct device_search_s *search = cmd->internal_user_data;
     stonith_device_t *dev = cmd->device ? g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, cmd->device) : NULL;
     gboolean can_fence = FALSE;
     /* Host/alias must be in the list output to be eligible to be fenced
      * Will cause problems if down'd nodes aren't listed or (for virtual nodes)
      *  if the guest is still listed despite being moved to another machine
     if (!dev) {
         search_devices_record_result(search, NULL, FALSE);
     dev->active_pid = 0;
     /* If we successfully got the targets earlier, don't disable. */
     if (rc != 0 && !dev->targets) {
         crm_notice("Disabling port list queries for %s (%d): %s", dev->id, rc, output);
         /* Fall back to status */
         g_hash_table_replace(dev->params, strdup(STONITH_ATTR_HOSTCHECK), strdup("status"));
         g_list_free_full(dev->targets, free);
         dev->targets = NULL;
     } else if (!rc) {
         crm_info("Refreshing port list for %s", dev->id);
         g_list_free_full(dev->targets, free);
         dev->targets = parse_host_list(output);
         dev->targets_age = time(NULL);
     if (dev->targets) {
         const char *alias = g_hash_table_lookup(dev->aliases, search->host);
         if (!alias) {
             alias = search->host;
         if (string_in_list(dev->targets, alias)) {
             can_fence = TRUE;
     search_devices_record_result(search, dev->id, can_fence);
  * \internal
  * \brief Checks to see if an identical device already exists in the device_list
 static stonith_device_t *
 device_has_duplicate(stonith_device_t * device)
     char *key = NULL;
     char *value = NULL;
     GHashTableIter gIter;
     stonith_device_t *dup = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, device->id);
     if (!dup) {
         crm_trace("No match for %s", device->id);
         return NULL;
     } else if (safe_str_neq(dup->agent, device->agent)) {
         crm_trace("Different agent: %s != %s", dup->agent, device->agent);
         return NULL;
     /* Use calculate_operation_digest() here? */
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, device->params);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, (void **)&key, (void **)&value)) {
         if(strstr(key, "CRM_meta") == key) {
         } else if(strcmp(key, "crm_feature_set") == 0) {
         } else {
             char *other_value = g_hash_table_lookup(dup->params, key);
             if (!other_value || safe_str_neq(other_value, value)) {
                 crm_trace("Different value for %s: %s != %s", key, other_value, value);
                 return NULL;
     return dup;
 stonith_device_register(xmlNode * msg, const char **desc, gboolean from_cib)
     stonith_device_t *dup = NULL;
     stonith_device_t *device = build_device_from_xml(msg);
     dup = device_has_duplicate(device);
     if (dup) {
         crm_debug("Device '%s' already existed in device list (%d active devices)", device->id,
         device = dup;
     } else {
         stonith_device_t *old = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, device->id);
         if (from_cib && old && old->api_registered) {
             /* If the cib is writing over an entry that is shared with a stonith client,
              * copy any pending ops that currently exist on the old entry to the new one.
              * Otherwise the pending ops will be reported as failures
             crm_info("Overwriting an existing entry for %s from the cib", device->id);
             device->pending_ops = old->pending_ops;
             device->api_registered = TRUE;
             old->pending_ops = NULL;
             if (device->pending_ops) {
         g_hash_table_replace(device_list, device->id, device);
         crm_notice("Added '%s' to the device list (%d active devices)", device->id,
     if (desc) {
         *desc = device->id;
     if (from_cib) {
         device->cib_registered = TRUE;
     } else {
         device->api_registered = TRUE;
     return pcmk_ok;
 stonith_device_remove(const char *id, gboolean from_cib)
     stonith_device_t *device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, id);
     if (!device) {
         crm_info("Device '%s' not found (%d active devices)", id, g_hash_table_size(device_list));
         return pcmk_ok;
     if (from_cib) {
         device->cib_registered = FALSE;
     } else {
         device->verified = FALSE;
         device->api_registered = FALSE;
     if (!device->cib_registered && !device->api_registered) {
         g_hash_table_remove(device_list, id);
         crm_info("Removed '%s' from the device list (%d active devices)",
                  id, g_hash_table_size(device_list));
     return pcmk_ok;
  * \internal
  * \brief Return the number of stonith levels registered for a node
  * \param[in] tp  Node's topology table entry
  * \return Number of non-NULL levels in topology entry
  * \note This function is used only for log messages.
 static int
 count_active_levels(stonith_topology_t * tp)
     int lpc = 0;
     int count = 0;
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < ST_LEVEL_MAX; lpc++) {
         if (tp->levels[lpc] != NULL) {
     return count;
 free_topology_entry(gpointer data)
     stonith_topology_t *tp = data;
     int lpc = 0;
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < ST_LEVEL_MAX; lpc++) {
         if (tp->levels[lpc] != NULL) {
             g_list_free_full(tp->levels[lpc], free);
  * \internal
  * \brief Register a STONITH level for a node
  * Given an XML request specifying the node name, level index, and device IDs
  * for the level, this will create an entry for the node in the global topology
  * table if one does not already exist, then append the specified device IDs to
  * the entry's device list for the specified level.
  * \param[in]  msg   XML request for STONITH level registration
  * \param[out] desc  If not NULL, will be set to string representation ("NODE[LEVEL]")
  * \return pcmk_ok on success, -EINVAL if XML does not specify valid level index
 stonith_level_register(xmlNode * msg, char **desc)
     int id = 0;
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *child = NULL;
     xmlNode *level = get_xpath_object("//" F_STONITH_LEVEL, msg, LOG_ERR);
     const char *node = crm_element_value(level, F_STONITH_TARGET);
     stonith_topology_t *tp = g_hash_table_lookup(topology, node);
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(node != NULL);
     crm_element_value_int(level, XML_ATTR_ID, &id);
     if (desc) {
         *desc = crm_strdup_printf("%s[%d]", node, id);
     if (id <= 0 || id >= ST_LEVEL_MAX) {
         return -EINVAL;
     if (tp == NULL) {
         tp = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_topology_t));
         tp->node = strdup(node);
         g_hash_table_replace(topology, tp->node, tp);
         crm_trace("Added %s to the topology (%d active entries)", node,
     if (tp->levels[id] != NULL) {
         crm_info("Adding to the existing %s[%d] topology entry (%d active entries)", node, id,
     for (child = __xml_first_child(level); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) {
         const char *device = ID(child);
         crm_trace("Adding device '%s' for %s (%d)", device, node, id);
         tp->levels[id] = g_list_append(tp->levels[id], strdup(device));
     crm_info("Node %s has %d active fencing levels", node, count_active_levels(tp));
     return rc;
 stonith_level_remove(xmlNode * msg, char **desc)
     int id = 0;
     xmlNode *level = get_xpath_object("//" F_STONITH_LEVEL, msg, LOG_ERR);
     const char *node = crm_element_value(level, F_STONITH_TARGET);
     stonith_topology_t *tp = g_hash_table_lookup(topology, node);
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(node != NULL);
     if (desc) {
         *desc = crm_strdup_printf("%s[%d]", node, id);
     crm_element_value_int(level, XML_ATTR_ID, &id);
     if (tp == NULL) {
         crm_info("Node %s not found (%d active entries)", node, g_hash_table_size(topology));
         return pcmk_ok;
     } else if (id < 0 || id >= ST_LEVEL_MAX) {
         return -EINVAL;
     if (id == 0 && g_hash_table_remove(topology, node)) {
         crm_info("Removed all %s related entries from the topology (%d active entries)",
                  node, g_hash_table_size(topology));
     } else if (id > 0 && tp->levels[id] != NULL) {
         g_list_free_full(tp->levels[id], free);
         tp->levels[id] = NULL;
         crm_info("Removed entry '%d' from %s's topology (%d active entries remaining)",
                  id, node, count_active_levels(tp));
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 stonith_device_action(xmlNode * msg, char **output)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//" F_STONITH_DEVICE, msg, LOG_ERR);
     const char *id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     async_command_t *cmd = NULL;
     stonith_device_t *device = NULL;
     if (id) {
         crm_trace("Looking for '%s'", id);
         device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, id);
     if (device && device->api_registered == FALSE) {
         rc = -ENODEV;
     } else if (device) {
         cmd = create_async_command(msg);
         if (cmd == NULL) {
             return -EPROTO;
         schedule_stonith_command(cmd, device);
         rc = -EINPROGRESS;
     } else {
         crm_info("Device %s not found", id ? id : "<none>");
         rc = -ENODEV;
     return rc;
 static void
 search_devices_record_result(struct device_search_s *search, const char *device, gboolean can_fence)
     if (can_fence && device) {
         search->capable = g_list_append(search->capable, strdup(device));
     if (search->replies_needed == search->replies_received) {
         crm_debug("Finished Search. %d devices can perform action (%s) on node %s",
                   search->action ? search->action : "<unknown>",
                   search->host ? search->host : "<anyone>");
         search->callback(search->capable, search->user_data);
  * \internal
  * \brief Check whether the local host is allowed to execute a fencing action
  * \param[in] device         Fence device to check
  * \param[in] action         Fence action to check
  * \param[in] target         Hostname of fence target
  * \param[in] allow_suicide  Whether self-fencing is allowed for this operation
  * \return TRUE if local host is allowed to execute action, FALSE otherwise
 static gboolean
 localhost_is_eligible(const stonith_device_t *device, const char *action,
                       const char *target, gboolean allow_suicide)
     gboolean localhost_is_target = safe_str_eq(target, stonith_our_uname);
     if (device && action && device->on_target_actions
         && strstr(device->on_target_actions, action)) {
         if (!localhost_is_target) {
             crm_trace("%s operation with %s can only be executed for localhost not %s",
                       action, device->id, target);
             return FALSE;
     } else if (localhost_is_target && !allow_suicide) {
         crm_trace("%s operation does not support self-fencing", action);
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 static void
 can_fence_host_with_device(stonith_device_t * dev, struct device_search_s *search)
     gboolean can = FALSE;
     const char *check_type = NULL;
     const char *host = search->host;
     const char *alias = NULL;
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(dev != NULL);
     if (dev == NULL) {
         goto search_report_results;
     } else if (host == NULL) {
         can = TRUE;
         goto search_report_results;
-    /* Short-circuit the query if the local host is not allowed to perform the
-     * desired action.
-     */
-    if (!localhost_is_eligible(dev, search->action, host,
-                               search->allow_suicide)) {
+    /* Short-circuit query if this host is not allowed to perform the action */
+    if (safe_str_eq(search->action, "reboot")) {
+        /* A "reboot" *might* get remapped to "off" then "on", so short-circuit
+         * only if all three are disallowed. If only one or two are disallowed,
+         * we'll report that with the results. We never allow suicide for
+         * remapped "on" operations because the host is off at that point.
+         */
+        if (!localhost_is_eligible(dev, "reboot", host, search->allow_suicide)
+            && !localhost_is_eligible(dev, "off", host, search->allow_suicide)
+            && !localhost_is_eligible(dev, "on", host, FALSE)) {
+            goto search_report_results;
+        }
+    } else if (!localhost_is_eligible(dev, search->action, host,
+                                      search->allow_suicide)) {
         goto search_report_results;
     alias = g_hash_table_lookup(dev->aliases, host);
     if (alias == NULL) {
         alias = host;
     check_type = target_list_type(dev);
     if (safe_str_eq(check_type, "none")) {
         can = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(check_type, "static-list")) {
         /* Presence in the hostmap is sufficient
          * Only use if all hosts on which the device can be active can always fence all listed hosts
         if (string_in_list(dev->targets, host)) {
             can = TRUE;
         } else if (g_hash_table_lookup(dev->params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTMAP)
                    && g_hash_table_lookup(dev->aliases, host)) {
             can = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(check_type, "dynamic-list")) {
         time_t now = time(NULL);
         if (dev->targets == NULL || dev->targets_age + 60 < now) {
             crm_trace("Running %s command to see if %s can fence %s (%s)",
                       check_type, dev?dev->id:"N/A", search->host, search->action);
             schedule_internal_command(__FUNCTION__, dev, "list", NULL,
                                       search->per_device_timeout, search, dynamic_list_search_cb);
             /* we'll respond to this search request async in the cb */
         if (string_in_list(dev->targets, alias)) {
             can = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(check_type, "status")) {
         crm_trace("Running %s command to see if %s can fence %s (%s)",
                   check_type, dev?dev->id:"N/A", search->host, search->action);
         schedule_internal_command(__FUNCTION__, dev, "status", search->host,
                                   search->per_device_timeout, search, status_search_cb);
         /* we'll respond to this search request async in the cb */
     } else {
         crm_err("Unknown check type: %s", check_type);
     if (safe_str_eq(host, alias)) {
         crm_notice("%s can%s fence (%s) %s: %s", dev->id, can ? "" : " not", search->action, host, check_type);
     } else {
         crm_notice("%s can%s fence (%s) %s (aka. '%s'): %s", dev->id, can ? "" : " not", search->action, host, alias,
     search_devices_record_result(search, dev ? dev->id : NULL, can);
 static void
 search_devices(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     stonith_device_t *dev = value;
     struct device_search_s *search = user_data;
     can_fence_host_with_device(dev, search);
 static void
 get_capable_devices(const char *host, const char *action, int timeout, bool suicide, void *user_data,
                     void (*callback) (GList * devices, void *user_data))
     struct device_search_s *search;
     int per_device_timeout = DEFAULT_QUERY_TIMEOUT;
     int devices_needing_async_query = 0;
     char *key = NULL;
     const char *check_type = NULL;
     GHashTableIter gIter;
     stonith_device_t *device = NULL;
     if (!g_hash_table_size(device_list)) {
         callback(NULL, user_data);
     search = calloc(1, sizeof(struct device_search_s));
     if (!search) {
         callback(NULL, user_data);
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, device_list);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, (void **)&key, (void **)&device)) {
         check_type = target_list_type(device);
         if (safe_str_eq(check_type, "status") || safe_str_eq(check_type, "dynamic-list")) {
     /* If we have devices that require an async event in order to know what
      * nodes they can fence, we have to give the events a timeout. The total
      * query timeout is divided among those events. */
     if (devices_needing_async_query) {
         per_device_timeout = timeout / devices_needing_async_query;
         if (!per_device_timeout) {
             crm_err("STONITH timeout %ds is too low; using %ds, but consider raising to at least %ds",
                     timeout, DEFAULT_QUERY_TIMEOUT,
                     DEFAULT_QUERY_TIMEOUT * devices_needing_async_query);
             per_device_timeout = DEFAULT_QUERY_TIMEOUT;
         } else if (per_device_timeout < DEFAULT_QUERY_TIMEOUT) {
             crm_notice("STONITH timeout %ds is low for the current configuration;"
                        " consider raising to at least %ds",
                        timeout, DEFAULT_QUERY_TIMEOUT * devices_needing_async_query);
     search->host = host ? strdup(host) : NULL;
     search->action = action ? strdup(action) : NULL;
     search->per_device_timeout = per_device_timeout;
     /* We are guaranteed this many replies. Even if a device gets
      * unregistered some how during the async search, we will get
      * the correct number of replies. */
     search->replies_needed = g_hash_table_size(device_list);
     search->allow_suicide = suicide;
     search->callback = callback;
     search->user_data = user_data;
     /* kick off the search */
     crm_debug("Searching through %d devices to see what is capable of action (%s) for target %s",
               search->action ? search->action : "<unknown>",
               search->host ? search->host : "<anyone>");
     g_hash_table_foreach(device_list, search_devices, search);
 struct st_query_data {
     xmlNode *reply;
     char *remote_peer;
     char *client_id;
     char *target;
     char *action;
     int call_options;
  * \internal
  * \brief Add action-specific attributes to query reply XML
  * \param[in,out] xml     XML to add attributes to
  * \param[in]     action  Fence action
  * \param[in]     device  Fence device
 static void
 add_action_specific_attributes(xmlNode *xml, const char *action,
                                stonith_device_t *device)
     int action_specific_timeout;
     int delay_max;
     CRM_CHECK(xml && action && device, return);
     if (is_action_required(action, device)) {
         crm_trace("Action %s is required on %s", action, device->id);
         crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_STONITH_DEVICE_REQUIRED, 1);
     action_specific_timeout = get_action_timeout(device, action, 0);
     if (action_specific_timeout) {
         crm_trace("Action %s has timeout %dms on %s",
                   action, action_specific_timeout, device->id);
         crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_STONITH_ACTION_TIMEOUT, action_specific_timeout);
     delay_max = get_action_delay_max(device, action);
     if (delay_max > 0) {
         crm_trace("Action %s has maximum random delay %dms on %s",
                   action, delay_max, device->id);
         crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_STONITH_DELAY_MAX, delay_max / 1000);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Add "disallowed" attribute to query reply XML if appropriate
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] xml            XML to add attribute to
+ * \param[in]     action         Fence action
+ * \param[in]     device         Fence device
+ * \param[in]     target         Fence target
+ * \param[in]     allow_suicide  Whether self-fencing is allowed
+ */
+static void
+add_disallowed(xmlNode *xml, const char *action, stonith_device_t *device,
+               const char *target, gboolean allow_suicide)
+    if (!localhost_is_eligible(device, action, target, allow_suicide)) {
+        crm_trace("Action %s on %s is disallowed for local host",
+                  action, device->id);
+    }
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Add child element with action-specific values to query reply XML
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] xml            XML to add attribute to
+ * \param[in]     action         Fence action
+ * \param[in]     device         Fence device
+ * \param[in]     target         Fence target
+ * \param[in]     allow_suicide  Whether self-fencing is allowed
+ */
+static void
+add_action_reply(xmlNode *xml, const char *action, stonith_device_t *device,
+               const char *target, gboolean allow_suicide)
+    xmlNode *child = create_xml_node(xml, F_STONITH_ACTION);
+    crm_xml_add(child, XML_ATTR_ID, action);
+    add_action_specific_attributes(child, action, device);
+    add_disallowed(child, action, device, target, allow_suicide);
 static void
 stonith_query_capable_device_cb(GList * devices, void *user_data)
     struct st_query_data *query = user_data;
     int available_devices = 0;
     xmlNode *dev = NULL;
     xmlNode *list = NULL;
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     /* Pack the results into XML */
     list = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(list, F_STONITH_TARGET, query->target);
     for (lpc = devices; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         stonith_device_t *device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, lpc->data);
         const char *action = query->action;
         if (!device) {
             /* It is possible the device got unregistered while
              * determining who can fence the target */
         dev = create_xml_node(list, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
         crm_xml_add(dev, XML_ATTR_ID, device->id);
         crm_xml_add(dev, "namespace", device->namespace);
         crm_xml_add(dev, "agent", device->agent);
         crm_xml_add_int(dev, F_STONITH_DEVICE_VERIFIED, device->verified);
         /* If the originating stonithd wants to reboot the node, and we have a
          * capable device that doesn't support "reboot", remap to "off" instead.
         if (is_not_set(device->flags, st_device_supports_reboot)
             && safe_str_eq(query->action, "reboot")) {
             crm_trace("%s doesn't support reboot, using values for off instead",
             action = "off";
         /* Add action-specific values if available */
         add_action_specific_attributes(dev, action, device);
+        if (safe_str_eq(query->action, "reboot")) {
+            /* A "reboot" *might* get remapped to "off" then "on", so after
+             * sending the "reboot"-specific values in the main element, we add
+             * sub-elements for "off" and "on" values.
+             *
+             * We short-circuited earlier if "reboot", "off" and "on" are all
+             * disallowed for the local host. However if only one or two are
+             * disallowed, we send back the results and mark which ones are
+             * disallowed. If "reboot" is disallowed, this might cause problems
+             * with older stonithd versions, which won't check for it. Older
+             * versions will ignore "off" and "on", so they are not a problem.
+             */
+            add_disallowed(dev, action, device, query->target,
+                           is_set(query->call_options, st_opt_allow_suicide));
+            add_action_reply(dev, "off", device, query->target,
+                             is_set(query->call_options, st_opt_allow_suicide));
+            add_action_reply(dev, "on", device, query->target, FALSE);
+        }
+        /* A query without a target wants device parameters */
         if (query->target == NULL) {
             xmlNode *attrs = create_xml_node(dev, XML_TAG_ATTRS);
             g_hash_table_foreach(device->params, hash2field, attrs);
     crm_xml_add_int(list, F_STONITH_AVAILABLE_DEVICES, available_devices);
     if (query->target) {
         crm_debug("Found %d matching devices for '%s'", available_devices, query->target);
     } else {
         crm_debug("%d devices installed", available_devices);
     if (list != NULL) {
         crm_log_xml_trace(list, "Add query results");
         add_message_xml(query->reply, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, list);
     stonith_send_reply(query->reply, query->call_options, query->remote_peer, query->client_id);
     g_list_free_full(devices, free);
 static void
 stonith_query(xmlNode * msg, const char *remote_peer, const char *client_id, int call_options)
     struct st_query_data *query = NULL;
     const char *action = NULL;
     const char *target = NULL;
     int timeout = 0;
     xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_ACTION, msg, LOG_DEBUG_3);
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, &timeout);
     if (dev) {
         const char *device = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
         target = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET);
         action = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_ACTION);
         if (device && safe_str_eq(device, "manual_ack")) {
             /* No query or reply necessary */
     crm_log_xml_debug(msg, "Query");
     query = calloc(1, sizeof(struct st_query_data));
     query->reply = stonith_construct_reply(msg, NULL, NULL, pcmk_ok);
     query->remote_peer = remote_peer ? strdup(remote_peer) : NULL;
     query->client_id = client_id ? strdup(client_id) : NULL;
     query->target = target ? strdup(target) : NULL;
     query->action = action ? strdup(action) : NULL;
     query->call_options = call_options;
     get_capable_devices(target, action, timeout,
                         is_set(call_options, st_opt_allow_suicide),
                         query, stonith_query_capable_device_cb);
 #define ST_LOG_OUTPUT_MAX 512
 static void
 log_operation(async_command_t * cmd, int rc, int pid, const char *next, const char *output)
     if (rc == 0) {
         next = NULL;
     if (cmd->victim != NULL) {
         do_crm_log(rc == 0 ? LOG_NOTICE : LOG_ERR,
                    "Operation '%s' [%d] (call %d from %s) for host '%s' with device '%s' returned: %d (%s)%s%s",
                    cmd->action, pid, cmd->id, cmd->client_name, cmd->victim, cmd->device, rc,
                    pcmk_strerror(rc), next ? ". Trying: " : "", next ? next : "");
     } else {
         do_crm_log_unlikely(rc == 0 ? LOG_DEBUG : LOG_NOTICE,
                             "Operation '%s' [%d] for device '%s' returned: %d (%s)%s%s",
                             cmd->action, pid, cmd->device, rc, pcmk_strerror(rc),
                             next ? ". Trying: " : "", next ? next : "");
     if (output) {
         /* Logging the whole string confuses syslog when the string is xml */
         char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d", cmd->device, pid);
         crm_log_output(rc == 0 ? LOG_DEBUG : LOG_WARNING, prefix, output);
 static void
 stonith_send_async_reply(async_command_t * cmd, const char *output, int rc, GPid pid)
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     gboolean bcast = FALSE;
     reply = stonith_construct_async_reply(cmd, output, NULL, rc);
     if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "metadata")) {
         /* Too verbose to log */
         crm_trace("Metadata query for %s", cmd->device);
         output = NULL;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor", TRUE) ||
                crm_str_eq(cmd->action, "list", TRUE) || crm_str_eq(cmd->action, "status", TRUE)) {
         crm_trace("Never broadcast %s replies", cmd->action);
     } else if (!stand_alone && safe_str_eq(cmd->origin, cmd->victim) && safe_str_neq(cmd->action, "on")) {
         crm_trace("Broadcast %s reply for %s", cmd->action, cmd->victim);
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_SUBTYPE, "broadcast");
         bcast = TRUE;
     log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, NULL, output);
     crm_log_xml_trace(reply, "Reply");
     if (bcast) {
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY);
         send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE);
     } else if (cmd->origin) {
         crm_trace("Directed reply to %s", cmd->origin);
         send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, cmd->origin), crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE);
     } else {
         crm_trace("Directed local %ssync reply to %s",
                   (cmd->options & st_opt_sync_call) ? "" : "a-", cmd->client_name);
         do_local_reply(reply, cmd->client, cmd->options & st_opt_sync_call, FALSE);
     if (stand_alone) {
         /* Do notification with a clean data object */
         xmlNode *notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE);
         crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_RC, rc);
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_TARGET, cmd->victim);
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_OPERATION, cmd->op);
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DELEGATE, "localhost");
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, cmd->device);
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID, cmd->remote_op_id);
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, cmd->client);
         do_stonith_notify(0, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE, rc, notify_data);
 unfence_cb(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data)
     async_command_t * cmd = user_data;
     stonith_device_t *dev = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, cmd->device);
     log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, NULL, output);
     if(dev) {
         dev->active_pid = 0;
     } else {
         crm_trace("Device %s does not exist", cmd->device);
     if(rc != 0) {
 static void
 cancel_stonith_command(async_command_t * cmd)
     stonith_device_t *device;
     CRM_CHECK(cmd != NULL, return);
     if (!cmd->device) {
     device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, cmd->device);
     if (device) {
         crm_trace("Cancel scheduled %s on %s", cmd->action, device->id);
         device->pending_ops = g_list_remove(device->pending_ops, cmd);
 static void
 st_child_done(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data)
     stonith_device_t *device = NULL;
     stonith_device_t *next_device = NULL;
     async_command_t *cmd = user_data;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr gIterNext = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(cmd != NULL, return);
     /* The device is ready to do something else now */
     device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, cmd->device);
     if (device) {
         device->active_pid = 0;
         if (rc == pcmk_ok &&
             (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "list") ||
              safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor") || safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "status"))) {
             device->verified = TRUE;
     crm_debug("Operation '%s' on '%s' completed with rc=%d (%d remaining)",
               cmd->action, cmd->device, rc, g_list_length(cmd->device_next));
     if (rc == 0) {
         GListPtr iter;
         /* see if there are any required devices left to execute for this op */
         for (iter = cmd->device_next; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
             next_device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, iter->data);
             if (next_device != NULL && is_action_required(cmd->action, next_device)) {
                 cmd->device_next = iter->next;
             next_device = NULL;
     } else if (rc != 0 && cmd->device_next && (is_action_required(cmd->action, device) == FALSE)) {
         /* if this device didn't work out, see if there are any others we can try.
          * if the failed device was 'required', we can't pick another device. */
         next_device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, cmd->device_next->data);
         cmd->device_next = cmd->device_next->next;
     /* this operation requires more fencing, hooray! */
     if (next_device) {
         log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, cmd->device, output);
         schedule_stonith_command(cmd, next_device);
         /* Prevent cmd from being freed */
         cmd = NULL;
         goto done;
     if (rc > 0) {
         /* Try to provide _something_ useful */
         if(output == NULL) {
             rc = -ENODATA;
         } else if(strstr(output, "imed out")) {
             rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
         } else if(strstr(output, "Unrecognised action")) {
             rc = -EOPNOTSUPP;
         } else {
             rc = -pcmk_err_generic;
     stonith_send_async_reply(cmd, output, rc, pid);
     if (rc != 0) {
         goto done;
     /* Check to see if any operations are scheduled to do the exact
      * same thing that just completed.  If so, rather than
      * performing the same fencing operation twice, return the result
      * of this operation for all pending commands it matches. */
     for (gIter = cmd_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIterNext) {
         async_command_t *cmd_other = gIter->data;
         gIterNext = gIter->next;
         if (cmd == cmd_other) {
         /* A pending scheduled command matches the command that just finished if.
          * 1. The client connections are different.
          * 2. The node victim is the same.
          * 3. The fencing action is the same.
          * 4. The device scheduled to execute the action is the same.
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->client, cmd_other->client) ||
             safe_str_neq(cmd->victim, cmd_other->victim) ||
             safe_str_neq(cmd->action, cmd_other->action) ||
             safe_str_neq(cmd->device, cmd_other->device)) {
+        /* Duplicate merging will do the right thing for either type of remapped
+         * reboot. If the executing stonithd remapped an unsupported reboot to
+         * off, then cmd->action will be reboot and will be merged with any
+         * other reboot requests. If the originating stonithd remapped a
+         * topology reboot to off then on, we will get here once with
+         * cmd->action "off" and once with "on", and they will be merged
+         * separately with similar requests.
+         */
             ("Merging stonith action %s for node %s originating from client %s with identical stonith request from client %s",
              cmd_other->action, cmd_other->victim, cmd_other->client_name, cmd->client_name);
         cmd_list = g_list_remove_link(cmd_list, gIter);
         stonith_send_async_reply(cmd_other, output, rc, pid);
 static gint
 sort_device_priority(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     const stonith_device_t *dev_a = a;
     const stonith_device_t *dev_b = b;
     if (dev_a->priority > dev_b->priority) {
         return -1;
     } else if (dev_a->priority < dev_b->priority) {
         return 1;
     return 0;
 static void
 stonith_fence_get_devices_cb(GList * devices, void *user_data)
     async_command_t *cmd = user_data;
     stonith_device_t *device = NULL;
     crm_info("Found %d matching devices for '%s'", g_list_length(devices), cmd->victim);
     if (g_list_length(devices) > 0) {
         /* Order based on priority */
         devices = g_list_sort(devices, sort_device_priority);
         device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, devices->data);
         if (device) {
             cmd->device_list = devices;
             cmd->device_next = devices->next;
             devices = NULL;     /* list owned by cmd now */
     /* we have a device, schedule it for fencing. */
     if (device) {
         schedule_stonith_command(cmd, device);
         /* in progress */
     /* no device found! */
     stonith_send_async_reply(cmd, NULL, -ENODEV, 0);
     g_list_free_full(devices, free);
 static int
 stonith_fence(xmlNode * msg)
     const char *device_id = NULL;
     stonith_device_t *device = NULL;
     async_command_t *cmd = create_async_command(msg);
     xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_TARGET, msg, LOG_ERR);
     if (cmd == NULL) {
         return -EPROTO;
     device_id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     if (device_id) {
         device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, device_id);
         if (device == NULL) {
             crm_err("Requested device '%s' is not available", device_id);
             return -ENODEV;
         schedule_stonith_command(cmd, device);
     } else {
         const char *host = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET);
         if (cmd->options & st_opt_cs_nodeid) {
             int nodeid = crm_atoi(host, NULL);
             crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(nodeid, NULL);
             if (node) {
                 host = node->uname;
         /* If we get to here, then self-fencing is implicitly allowed */
         get_capable_devices(host, cmd->action, cmd->default_timeout,
                             TRUE, cmd, stonith_fence_get_devices_cb);
     return -EINPROGRESS;
 xmlNode *
 stonith_construct_reply(xmlNode * request, const char *output, xmlNode * data, int rc)
     int lpc = 0;
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     const char *name = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *names[] = {
     crm_trace("Creating a basic reply");
     reply = create_xml_node(NULL, T_STONITH_REPLY);
     crm_xml_add(reply, "st_origin", __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG);
     crm_xml_add(reply, "st_output", output);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_STONITH_RC, rc);
     CRM_CHECK(request != NULL, crm_warn("Can't create a sane reply"); return reply);
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(names); lpc++) {
         name = names[lpc];
         value = crm_element_value(request, name);
         crm_xml_add(reply, name, value);
     if (data != NULL) {
         crm_trace("Attaching reply output");
         add_message_xml(reply, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data);
     return reply;
 static xmlNode *
 stonith_construct_async_reply(async_command_t * cmd, const char *output, xmlNode * data, int rc)
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     crm_trace("Creating a basic reply");
     reply = create_xml_node(NULL, T_STONITH_REPLY);
     crm_xml_add(reply, "st_origin", __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION, cmd->op);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_DEVICE, cmd->device);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID, cmd->remote_op_id);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, cmd->client);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, cmd->client_name);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_TARGET, cmd->victim);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_ACTION, cmd->op);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, cmd->origin);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_STONITH_CALLID, cmd->id);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, cmd->options);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_STONITH_RC, rc);
     crm_xml_add(reply, "st_output", output);
     if (data != NULL) {
         crm_info("Attaching reply output");
         add_message_xml(reply, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data);
     return reply;
 bool fencing_peer_active(crm_node_t *peer)
     if (peer == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (peer->uname == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (is_set(peer->processes, crm_get_cluster_proc())) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * \internal
  * \brief Determine if we need to use an alternate node to
  * fence the target. If so return that node's uname
  * \retval NULL, no alternate host
  * \retval uname, uname of alternate host to use
 static const char *
 check_alternate_host(const char *target)
     const char *alternate_host = NULL;
     if (find_topology_for_host(target) && safe_str_eq(target, stonith_our_uname)) {
         GHashTableIter gIter;
         crm_node_t *entry = NULL;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, crm_peer_cache);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
             crm_trace("Checking for %s.%d != %s", entry->uname, entry->id, target);
             if (fencing_peer_active(entry)
                 && safe_str_neq(entry->uname, target)) {
                 alternate_host = entry->uname;
         if (alternate_host == NULL) {
             crm_err("No alternate host available to handle complex self fencing request");
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, crm_peer_cache);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
                 crm_notice("Peer[%d] %s", entry->id, entry->uname);
     return alternate_host;
 static void
 stonith_send_reply(xmlNode * reply, int call_options, const char *remote_peer,
                    const char *client_id)
     if (remote_peer) {
         send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, remote_peer), crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE);
     } else {
         do_local_reply(reply, client_id, is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call), remote_peer != NULL);
 static int
 handle_request(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, uint32_t flags, xmlNode * request,
                const char *remote_peer)
     int call_options = 0;
     int rc = -EOPNOTSUPP;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     char *output = NULL;
     const char *op = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_OPERATION);
     const char *client_id = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID);
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, &call_options);
     if (is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call)) {
         CRM_ASSERT(client == NULL || client->request_id == id);
     if (crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_REGISTER, TRUE)) {
         xmlNode *reply = create_xml_node(NULL, "reply");
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION, CRM_OP_REGISTER);
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, client->id);
         crm_ipcs_send(client, id, reply, flags);
         client->request_id = 0;
         return 0;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_EXEC, TRUE)) {
         rc = stonith_device_action(request, &output);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_TIMEOUT_UPDATE, TRUE)) {
         const char *call_id = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_CALLID);
         const char *client_id = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID);
         int op_timeout = 0;
         crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, &op_timeout);
         do_stonith_async_timeout_update(client_id, call_id, op_timeout);
         return 0;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_QUERY, TRUE)) {
         if (remote_peer) {
             create_remote_stonith_op(client_id, request, TRUE); /* Record it for the future notification */
         stonith_query(request, remote_peer, client_id, call_options);
         return 0;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, T_STONITH_NOTIFY, TRUE)) {
         const char *flag_name = NULL;
         flag_name = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE);
         if (flag_name) {
             crm_debug("Setting %s callbacks for %s (%s): ON", flag_name, client->name, client->id);
             client->options |= get_stonith_flag(flag_name);
         flag_name = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE);
         if (flag_name) {
             crm_debug("Setting %s callbacks for %s (%s): off", flag_name, client->name, client->id);
             client->options |= get_stonith_flag(flag_name);
         if (flags & crm_ipc_client_response) {
             crm_ipcs_send_ack(client, id, flags, "ack", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         return 0;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_RELAY, TRUE)) {
         xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_TARGET, request, LOG_TRACE);
         crm_notice("Peer %s has received a forwarded fencing request from %s to fence (%s) peer %s",
                    client ? client->name : remote_peer,
                    crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_ACTION),
                    crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET));
         if (initiate_remote_stonith_op(NULL, request, FALSE) != NULL) {
             rc = -EINPROGRESS;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_FENCE, TRUE)) {
         if (remote_peer || stand_alone) {
             rc = stonith_fence(request);
         } else if (call_options & st_opt_manual_ack) {
             remote_fencing_op_t *rop = NULL;
             xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_TARGET, request, LOG_TRACE);
             const char *target = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET);
             crm_notice("Received manual confirmation that %s is fenced", target);
             rop = initiate_remote_stonith_op(client, request, TRUE);
             rc = stonith_manual_ack(request, rop);
         } else {
             const char *alternate_host = NULL;
             xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_TARGET, request, LOG_TRACE);
             const char *target = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET);
             const char *action = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_ACTION);
             const char *device = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
             if (client) {
                 int tolerance = 0;
                 crm_notice("Client %s.%.8s wants to fence (%s) '%s' with device '%s'",
                            client->name, client->id, action, target, device ? device : "(any)");
                 crm_element_value_int(dev, F_STONITH_TOLERANCE, &tolerance);
                 if (stonith_check_fence_tolerance(tolerance, target, action)) {
                     rc = 0;
                     goto done;
             } else {
                 crm_notice("Peer %s wants to fence (%s) '%s' with device '%s'",
                            remote_peer, action, target, device ? device : "(any)");
             alternate_host = check_alternate_host(target);
             if (alternate_host && client) {
                 const char *client_id = NULL;
                 crm_notice("Forwarding complex self fencing request to peer %s", alternate_host);
                 if (client) {
                     client_id = client->id;
                 } else {
                     client_id = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID);
                 /* Create a record of it, otherwise call_id will be 0 if we need to notify of failures */
                 create_remote_stonith_op(client_id, request, FALSE);
                 crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_OPERATION, STONITH_OP_RELAY);
                 crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, client->id);
                 send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, alternate_host), crm_msg_stonith_ng, request,
                 rc = -EINPROGRESS;
             } else if (initiate_remote_stonith_op(client, request, FALSE) != NULL) {
                 rc = -EINPROGRESS;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_FENCE_HISTORY, TRUE)) {
         rc = stonith_fence_history(request, &data);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, TRUE)) {
         const char *id = NULL;
         xmlNode *notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, op);
         rc = stonith_device_register(request, &id, FALSE);
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, id);
         crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_ACTIVE, g_hash_table_size(device_list));
         do_stonith_notify(call_options, op, rc, notify_data);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, TRUE)) {
         xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//" F_STONITH_DEVICE, request, LOG_ERR);
         const char *id = crm_element_value(dev, XML_ATTR_ID);
         xmlNode *notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, op);
         rc = stonith_device_remove(id, FALSE);
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, id);
         crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_ACTIVE, g_hash_table_size(device_list));
         do_stonith_notify(call_options, op, rc, notify_data);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD, TRUE)) {
         char *id = NULL;
         xmlNode *notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, op);
         rc = stonith_level_register(request, &id);
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, id);
         crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_ACTIVE, g_hash_table_size(topology));
         do_stonith_notify(call_options, op, rc, notify_data);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL, TRUE)) {
         char *id = NULL;
         xmlNode *notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, op);
         rc = stonith_level_remove(request, &id);
         crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, id);
         crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_ACTIVE, g_hash_table_size(topology));
         do_stonith_notify(call_options, op, rc, notify_data);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_CONFIRM, TRUE)) {
         async_command_t *cmd = create_async_command(request);
         xmlNode *reply = stonith_construct_async_reply(cmd, NULL, NULL, 0);
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY);
         crm_notice("Broadcasting manual fencing confirmation for node %s", cmd->victim);
         send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE);
     } else if(safe_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_RM_NODE_CACHE)) {
         int id = 0;
         const char *name = NULL;
         crm_element_value_int(request, XML_ATTR_ID, &id);
         name = crm_element_value(request, XML_ATTR_UNAME);
         reap_crm_member(id, name);
         return pcmk_ok;
     } else {
         crm_err("Unknown %s from %s", op, client ? client->name : remote_peer);
         crm_log_xml_warn(request, "UnknownOp");
     /* Always reply unless the request is in process still.
      * If in progress, a reply will happen async after the request
      * processing is finished */
     if (rc != -EINPROGRESS) {
         crm_trace("Reply handling: %p %u %u %d %d %s", client, client?client->request_id:0,
                   id, is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call), call_options,
                   crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS));
         if (is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call)) {
             CRM_ASSERT(client == NULL || client->request_id == id);
         reply = stonith_construct_reply(request, output, data, rc);
         stonith_send_reply(reply, call_options, remote_peer, client_id);
     return rc;
 static void
 handle_reply(crm_client_t * client, xmlNode * request, const char *remote_peer)
     const char *op = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_OPERATION);
     if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_QUERY, TRUE)) {
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, T_STONITH_NOTIFY, TRUE)) {
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_FENCE, TRUE)) {
         /* Reply to a complex fencing op */
     } else {
         crm_err("Unknown %s reply from %s", op, client ? client->name : remote_peer);
         crm_log_xml_warn(request, "UnknownOp");
 stonith_command(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, uint32_t flags, xmlNode * request,
                 const char *remote_peer)
     int call_options = 0;
     int rc = 0;
     gboolean is_reply = FALSE;
     /* Copy op for reporting. The original might get freed by handle_reply()
      * before we use it in crm_debug():
      *     handle_reply()
      *     |- process_remote_stonith_exec()
      *     |-- remote_op_done()
      *     |--- handle_local_reply_and_notify()
      *     |---- crm_xml_add(...F_STONITH_OPERATION...)
      *     |--- free_xml(op->request)
     char *op = crm_element_value_copy(request, F_STONITH_OPERATION);
     if (get_xpath_object("//" T_STONITH_REPLY, request, LOG_DEBUG_3)) {
         is_reply = TRUE;
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, &call_options);
     crm_debug("Processing %s%s %u from %s (%16x)", op, is_reply ? " reply" : "",
               id, client ? client->name : remote_peer, call_options);
     if (is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call)) {
         CRM_ASSERT(client == NULL || client->request_id == id);
     if (is_reply) {
         handle_reply(client, request, remote_peer);
     } else {
         rc = handle_request(client, id, flags, request, remote_peer);
     crm_debug("Processed %s%s from %s: %s (%d)", op,
               is_reply ? " reply" : "", client ? client->name : remote_peer,
               rc > 0 ? "" : pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
diff --git a/fencing/internal.h b/fencing/internal.h
index 28436e69a5..5fb8f9cb94 100644
--- a/fencing/internal.h
+++ b/fencing/internal.h
@@ -1,215 +1,233 @@
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
  * \internal
  * \brief Check to see if target was fenced in the last few seconds.
  * \param tolerance, The number of seconds to look back in time
  * \param target, The node to search for
  * \param action, The action we want to match.
  * \retval FALSE, not match
  * \retval TRUE, fencing operation took place in the last 'tolerance' number of seconds.
 gboolean stonith_check_fence_tolerance(int tolerance, const char *target, const char *action);
 enum st_device_flags
     st_device_supports_list   = 0x0001,
     st_device_supports_status = 0x0002,
     st_device_supports_reboot = 0x0004,
 typedef struct stonith_device_s {
     char *id;
     char *agent;
     char *namespace;
     /*! list of actions that must execute on the target node. Used for unfencing */
     char *on_target_actions;
     char *required_actions;
     GListPtr targets;
     time_t targets_age;
     gboolean has_attr_map;
     /* should nodeid parameter for victim be included in agent arguments */
     gboolean include_nodeid;
     guint priority;
     guint active_pid;
     enum st_device_flags flags;
     GHashTable *params;
     GHashTable *aliases;
     GList *pending_ops;
     crm_trigger_t *work;
     xmlNode *agent_metadata;
     /*! A verified device is one that has contacted the
      * agent successfully to perform a monitor operation */
     gboolean verified;
     gboolean cib_registered;
     gboolean api_registered;
 } stonith_device_t;
+/* These values are used to index certain arrays by "phase". Usually an
+ * operation has only one "phase", so phase is always zero. However, some
+ * reboots are remapped to "off" then "on", in which case "reboot" will be
+ * phase 0, "off" will be phase 1 and "on" will be phase 2.
+ */
+enum st_remap_phase {
+    st_phase_requested = 0,
+    st_phase_off = 1,
+    st_phase_on = 2
 typedef struct remote_fencing_op_s {
     /* The unique id associated with this operation */
     char *id;
     /*! The node this operation will fence */
     char *target;
     /*! The fencing action to perform on the target. (reboot, on, off) */
     char *action;
     /*! When was the fencing action recorded (seconds since epoch) */
     time_t created;
     /*! Marks if the final notifications have been sent to local stonith clients. */
     gboolean notify_sent;
     /*! The number of query replies received */
     guint replies;
     /*! The number of query replies expected */
     guint replies_expected;
     /*! Does this node own control of this operation */
     gboolean owner;
     /*! After query is complete, This the high level timer that expires the entire operation */
     guint op_timer_total;
     /*! This timer expires the current fencing request. Many fencing
      * requests may exist in a single operation */
     guint op_timer_one;
     /*! This timer expires the query request sent out to determine
      * what nodes are contain what devices, and who those devices can fence */
     guint query_timer;
     /*! This is the default timeout to use for each fencing device if no
      * custom timeout is received in the query. */
     gint base_timeout;
     /*! This is the calculated total timeout an operation can take before
      * expiring. This is calculated by adding together all the timeout
      * values associated with the devices this fencing operation may call */
     gint total_timeout;
     /*! Delegate is the node being asked to perform a fencing action
      * on behalf of the node that owns the remote operation. Some operations
      * will involve multiple delegates. This value represents the final delegate
      * that is used. */
     char *delegate;
     /*! The point at which the remote operation completed */
     time_t completed;
     /*! The stonith_call_options associated with this remote operation */
     long long call_options;
     /*! The current state of the remote operation. This indicates
-     * what phase the op is in, query, exec, done, duplicate, failed. */
+     * what stage the op is in, query, exec, done, duplicate, failed. */
     enum op_state state;
     /*! The node that owns the remote operation */
     char *originator;
     /*! The local client id that initiated the fencing request */
     char *client_id;
     /*! The client's call_id that initiated the fencing request */
     int client_callid;
     /*! The name of client that initiated the fencing request */
     char *client_name;
     /*! List of the received query results for all the nodes in the cpg group */
     GListPtr query_results;
     /*! The original request that initiated the remote stonith operation */
     xmlNode *request;
     /*! The current topology level being executed */
     guint level;
-    /*! List of required devices the topology must execute regardless of what
-     * topology level they exist at. */
-    GListPtr required_list;
+    /*! The current operation phase being executed */
+    enum st_remap_phase phase;
+    /* For phase 0 or 1 (requested action or a remapped "off"), required devices
+     * will be executed regardless of what topology level is being executed
+     * currently. For phase 1 (remapped "on"), required devices will not be
+     * attempted, because the cluster will execute them automatically when the
+     * node next joins the cluster.
+     */
+    /*! Lists of devices marked as required for each phase */
+    GListPtr required_list[3];
     /*! The device list of all the devices at the current executing topology level. */
     GListPtr devices_list;
     /*! Current entry in the topology device list */
     GListPtr devices;
     /*! List of duplicate operations attached to this operation. Once this operation
      * completes, the duplicate operations will be closed out as well. */
     GListPtr duplicates;
 } remote_fencing_op_t;
  * Complex fencing requirements are specified via fencing topologies.
  * A topology consists of levels; each level is a list of fencing devices.
  * Topologies are stored in a hash table by node name. When a node needs to be
  * fenced, if it has an entry in the topology table, the levels are tried
  * sequentially, and the devices in each level are tried sequentially.
  * Fencing is considered successful as soon as any level succeeds;
  * a level is considered successful if all its devices succeed.
  * Essentially, all devices at a given level are "and-ed" and the
  * levels are "or-ed".
  * This structure is used for the topology table entries.
  * Topology levels start from 1, so levels[0] is unused and always NULL.
 typedef struct stonith_topology_s {
     char *node;
     GListPtr levels[ST_LEVEL_MAX];
 } stonith_topology_t;
 extern long long get_stonith_flag(const char *name);
 extern void stonith_command(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, uint32_t flags,
                             xmlNode * op_request, const char *remote_peer);
 extern int stonith_device_register(xmlNode * msg, const char **desc, gboolean from_cib);
 extern int stonith_device_remove(const char *id, gboolean from_cib);
 extern int stonith_level_register(xmlNode * msg, char **desc);
 extern int stonith_level_remove(xmlNode * msg, char **desc);
 extern stonith_topology_t *find_topology_for_host(const char *host);
 extern void do_local_reply(xmlNode * notify_src, const char *client_id, gboolean sync_reply,
                            gboolean from_peer);
 extern xmlNode *stonith_construct_reply(xmlNode * request, const char *output, xmlNode * data,
                                         int rc);
  do_stonith_async_timeout_update(const char *client, const char *call_id, int timeout);
 extern void do_stonith_notify(int options, const char *type, int result, xmlNode * data);
 extern remote_fencing_op_t *initiate_remote_stonith_op(crm_client_t * client, xmlNode * request,
                                                        gboolean manual_ack);
 extern int process_remote_stonith_exec(xmlNode * msg);
 extern int process_remote_stonith_query(xmlNode * msg);
 extern void *create_remote_stonith_op(const char *client, xmlNode * request, gboolean peer);
 extern int stonith_fence_history(xmlNode * msg, xmlNode ** output);
 extern void free_device(gpointer data);
 extern void free_topology_entry(gpointer data);
 bool fencing_peer_active(crm_node_t *peer);
 int stonith_manual_ack(xmlNode * msg, remote_fencing_op_t * op);
 void unfence_cb(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data);
 gboolean string_in_list(GListPtr list, const char *item);
 schedule_internal_command(const char *origin,
                           stonith_device_t * device,
                           const char *action,
                           const char *victim,
                           int timeout,
                           void *internal_user_data,
                           void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output,
                                            gpointer user_data));
 extern char *stonith_our_uname;
 extern gboolean stand_alone;
 extern GHashTable *device_list;
 extern GHashTable *topology;
 extern long stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms;
diff --git a/fencing/regression.py.in b/fencing/regression.py.in
index da6d4dbbf3..b4e6f084fd 100644
--- a/fencing/regression.py.in
+++ b/fencing/regression.py.in
@@ -1,1081 +1,1158 @@
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.
 import os
 import sys
 import subprocess
 import shlex
 import time
 def output_from_command(command):
-	test = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-	test.wait()
+    test = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    test.wait()
-	return test.communicate()[0].split("\n")
+    return test.communicate()[0].split("\n")
 class Test:
-	def __init__(self, name, description, verbose = 0, with_cpg = 0):
-		self.name = name
-		self.description = description
-		self.cmds = []
-		self.verbose = verbose
+    def __init__(self, name, description, verbose = 0, with_cpg = 0):
+        self.name = name
+        self.description = description
+        self.cmds = []
+        self.verbose = verbose
-		self.result_txt = ""
-		self.cmd_tool_output = ""
-		self.result_exitcode = 0;
+        self.result_txt = ""
+        self.cmd_tool_output = ""
+        self.result_exitcode = 0;
-		self.stonith_options = "-s"
-		self.enable_corosync = 0
+        self.stonith_options = "-s"
+        self.enable_corosync = 0
-		if with_cpg:
-			self.stonith_options = "-c"
-			self.enable_corosync = 1
+        if with_cpg:
+            self.stonith_options = "-c"
+            self.enable_corosync = 1
-		self.stonith_process = None
-		self.stonith_output = ""
-		self.stonith_patterns = []
-		self.negative_stonith_patterns = []
+        self.stonith_process = None
+        self.stonith_output = ""
+        self.stonith_patterns = []
+        self.negative_stonith_patterns = []
-		self.executed = 0
+        self.executed = 0
-		rsc_classes = output_from_command("crm_resource --list-standards")
+        rsc_classes = output_from_command("crm_resource --list-standards")
-	def __new_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode, stdout_match = "", no_wait = 0, stdout_negative_match = "", kill=None):
-		self.cmds.append(
-			{
-				"cmd" : cmd,
-				"kill" : kill,
-				"args" : args,
-				"expected_exitcode" : exitcode,
-				"stdout_match" : stdout_match,
-				"stdout_negative_match" : stdout_negative_match,
-				"no_wait" : no_wait,
-			}
-		)
+    def __new_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode, stdout_match = "", no_wait = 0, stdout_negative_match = "", kill=None):
+        self.cmds.append(
+            {
+                "cmd" : cmd,
+                "kill" : kill,
+                "args" : args,
+                "expected_exitcode" : exitcode,
+                "stdout_match" : stdout_match,
+                "stdout_negative_match" : stdout_negative_match,
+                "no_wait" : no_wait,
+            }
+        )
-	def stop_pacemaker(self):
-		cmd = shlex.split("killall -9 -q pacemakerd")
-		test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-		test.wait()
+    def stop_pacemaker(self):
+        cmd = shlex.split("killall -9 -q pacemakerd")
+        test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+        test.wait()
-	def start_environment(self):
-		### make sure we are in full control here ###
-		self.stop_pacemaker()
+    def start_environment(self):
+        ### make sure we are in full control here ###
+        self.stop_pacemaker()
-		cmd = shlex.split("killall -9 -q stonithd")
-		test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-		test.wait()
+        cmd = shlex.split("killall -9 -q stonithd")
+        test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+        test.wait()
-		if self.verbose:
-			self.stonith_options = self.stonith_options + " -V"
-			print "Starting stonithd with %s" % self.stonith_options
+        if self.verbose:
+            self.stonith_options = self.stonith_options + " -V"
+            print "Starting stonithd with %s" % self.stonith_options
-		if os.path.exists("/tmp/stonith-regression.log"):
-			os.remove('/tmp/stonith-regression.log')
+        if os.path.exists("/tmp/stonith-regression.log"):
+            os.remove('/tmp/stonith-regression.log')
-		self.stonith_process = subprocess.Popen(
-			shlex.split("@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@/stonithd %s -l /tmp/stonith-regression.log" % self.stonith_options))
+        self.stonith_process = subprocess.Popen(
+            shlex.split("@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@/stonithd %s -l /tmp/stonith-regression.log" % self.stonith_options))
-		time.sleep(1)
-	def clean_environment(self):
-		if self.stonith_process:
-			self.stonith_process.terminate()
-			self.stonith_process.wait()
-		self.stonith_output = ""
-		self.stonith_process = None
-		f = open('/tmp/stonith-regression.log', 'r')
-		for line in f.readlines():
-			self.stonith_output = self.stonith_output + line
-		if self.verbose:
-			print "Daemon Output Start"
-			print self.stonith_output
-			print "Daemon Output End"
-		os.remove('/tmp/stonith-regression.log')
-	def add_stonith_log_pattern(self, pattern):
-		self.stonith_patterns.append(pattern)
-	def add_stonith_negative_log_pattern(self, pattern):
-		self.negative_stonith_patterns.append(pattern)
-	def add_cmd(self, cmd, args):
-		self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "")
-	def add_cmd_no_wait(self, cmd, args):
-		self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "", 1)
-	def add_cmd_check_stdout(self, cmd, args, match, no_match = ""):
-		self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, match, 0, no_match)
-	def add_expected_fail_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode = 255):
-		self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, exitcode, "")
-	def get_exitcode(self):
-		return self.result_exitcode
-	def print_result(self, filler):
-		print "%s%s" % (filler, self.result_txt)
-	def run_cmd(self, args):
-		cmd = shlex.split(args['args'])
-		cmd.insert(0, args['cmd'])
-		if self.verbose:
-			print "\n\nRunning: "+" ".join(cmd)
-		test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-		if args['kill']:
-			if self.verbose:
-				print "Also running: "+args['kill']
-			subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(args['kill']))
-		if args['no_wait'] == 0:
-			test.wait()
-		else:
-			return 0
-		output_res = test.communicate()
-		output = output_res[0] + output_res[1]
-		if self.verbose:
-			print output
-		if args['stdout_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_match']) == 0:
-			test.returncode = -2
-			print "STDOUT string '%s' was not found in cmd output: %s" % (args['stdout_match'], output)
-		if args['stdout_negative_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_negative_match']) != 0:
-			test.returncode = -2
-			print "STDOUT string '%s' was found in cmd output: %s" % (args['stdout_negative_match'], output)
-		return test.returncode;
-	def count_negative_matches(self, outline):
-		count = 0
-		for line in self.negative_stonith_patterns:
-			if outline.count(line):
-				count = 1
-				if self.verbose:
-					print "This pattern should not have matched = '%s" % (line)
-		return count
-	def match_stonith_patterns(self):
-		negative_matches = 0
-		cur = 0
-		pats = self.stonith_patterns
-		total_patterns = len(self.stonith_patterns)
-		if len(self.stonith_patterns) == 0:
-			return
-		for line in self.stonith_output.split("\n"):
-			negative_matches = negative_matches + self.count_negative_matches(line)
-			if len(pats) == 0:
-				continue
-			cur = -1
-			for p in pats:
-				cur = cur + 1
-				if line.count(pats[cur]):
-					del pats[cur]
-					break
-		if len(pats) > 0 or negative_matches:
-			if self.verbose:
-				for p in pats:
-					print "Pattern Not Matched = '%s'" % p
-			self.result_txt = "FAILURE - '%s' failed. %d patterns out of %d not matched. %d negative matches." % (self.name, len(pats), total_patterns, negative_matches)
-			self.result_exitcode = -1
-	def run(self):
-		res = 0
-		i = 1
-		self.start_environment()
-		if self.verbose:
-			print "\n--- START TEST - %s" % self.name
-		self.result_txt = "SUCCESS - '%s'" % (self.name)
-		self.result_exitcode = 0
-		for cmd in self.cmds:
-			res = self.run_cmd(cmd)
-			if res != cmd['expected_exitcode']:
-				print "Step %d FAILED - command returned %d, expected %d" % (i, res, cmd['expected_exitcode'])
-				self.result_txt = "FAILURE - '%s' failed at step %d. Command: %s %s" % (self.name, i, cmd['cmd'], cmd['args'])
-				self.result_exitcode = -1
-				break
-			else:
-				if self.verbose:
-					print "Step %d SUCCESS" % (i)
-			i = i + 1
-		self.clean_environment()
-		if self.result_exitcode == 0:
-			self.match_stonith_patterns()
-		print self.result_txt
-		if self.verbose:
-			print "--- END TEST - %s\n" % self.name
-		self.executed = 1
-		return res
+        time.sleep(1)
+    def clean_environment(self):
+        if self.stonith_process:
+            self.stonith_process.terminate()
+            self.stonith_process.wait()
+        self.stonith_output = ""
+        self.stonith_process = None
+        f = open('/tmp/stonith-regression.log', 'r')
+        for line in f.readlines():
+            self.stonith_output = self.stonith_output + line
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "Daemon Output Start"
+            print self.stonith_output
+            print "Daemon Output End"
+        os.remove('/tmp/stonith-regression.log')
+    def add_stonith_log_pattern(self, pattern):
+        self.stonith_patterns.append(pattern)
+    def add_stonith_negative_log_pattern(self, pattern):
+        self.negative_stonith_patterns.append(pattern)
+    def add_cmd(self, cmd, args):
+        self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "")
+    def add_cmd_no_wait(self, cmd, args):
+        self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "", 1)
+    def add_cmd_check_stdout(self, cmd, args, match, no_match = ""):
+        self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, match, 0, no_match)
+    def add_expected_fail_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode = 255):
+        self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, exitcode, "")
+    def get_exitcode(self):
+        return self.result_exitcode
+    def print_result(self, filler):
+        print "%s%s" % (filler, self.result_txt)
+    def run_cmd(self, args):
+        cmd = shlex.split(args['args'])
+        cmd.insert(0, args['cmd'])
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "\n\nRunning: "+" ".join(cmd)
+        test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        if args['kill']:
+            if self.verbose:
+                print "Also running: "+args['kill']
+            subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(args['kill']))
+        if args['no_wait'] == 0:
+            test.wait()
+        else:
+            return 0
+        output_res = test.communicate()
+        output = output_res[0] + output_res[1]
+        if self.verbose:
+            print output
+        if args['stdout_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_match']) == 0:
+            test.returncode = -2
+            print "STDOUT string '%s' was not found in cmd output: %s" % (args['stdout_match'], output)
+        if args['stdout_negative_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_negative_match']) != 0:
+            test.returncode = -2
+            print "STDOUT string '%s' was found in cmd output: %s" % (args['stdout_negative_match'], output)
+        return test.returncode;
+    def count_negative_matches(self, outline):
+        count = 0
+        for line in self.negative_stonith_patterns:
+            if outline.count(line):
+                count = 1
+                if self.verbose:
+                    print "This pattern should not have matched = '%s" % (line)
+        return count
+    def match_stonith_patterns(self):
+        negative_matches = 0
+        cur = 0
+        pats = self.stonith_patterns
+        total_patterns = len(self.stonith_patterns)
+        if len(self.stonith_patterns) == 0:
+            return
+        for line in self.stonith_output.split("\n"):
+            negative_matches = negative_matches + self.count_negative_matches(line)
+            if len(pats) == 0:
+                continue
+            cur = -1
+            for p in pats:
+                cur = cur + 1
+                if line.count(pats[cur]):
+                    del pats[cur]
+                    break
+        if len(pats) > 0 or negative_matches:
+            if self.verbose:
+                for p in pats:
+                    print "Pattern Not Matched = '%s'" % p
+            self.result_txt = "FAILURE - '%s' failed. %d patterns out of %d not matched. %d negative matches." % (self.name, len(pats), total_patterns, negative_matches)
+            self.result_exitcode = -1
+    def run(self):
+        res = 0
+        i = 1
+        self.start_environment()
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "\n--- START TEST - %s" % self.name
+        self.result_txt = "SUCCESS - '%s'" % (self.name)
+        self.result_exitcode = 0
+        for cmd in self.cmds:
+            res = self.run_cmd(cmd)
+            if res != cmd['expected_exitcode']:
+                print "Step %d FAILED - command returned %d, expected %d" % (i, res, cmd['expected_exitcode'])
+                self.result_txt = "FAILURE - '%s' failed at step %d. Command: %s %s" % (self.name, i, cmd['cmd'], cmd['args'])
+                self.result_exitcode = -1
+                break
+            else:
+                if self.verbose:
+                    print "Step %d SUCCESS" % (i)
+            i = i + 1
+        self.clean_environment()
+        if self.result_exitcode == 0:
+            self.match_stonith_patterns()
+        print self.result_txt
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "--- END TEST - %s\n" % self.name
+        self.executed = 1
+        return res
 class Tests:
-	def __init__(self, verbose = 0):
-		self.tests = []
-		self.verbose = verbose
-		self.autogen_corosync_cfg = 0
-		if not os.path.exists("/etc/corosync/corosync.conf"):
-			self.autogen_corosync_cfg = 1
-	def new_test(self, name, description, with_cpg = 0):
-		test = Test(name, description, self.verbose, with_cpg)
-		self.tests.append(test)
-		return test
-	def print_list(self):
-		print "\n==== %d TESTS FOUND ====" % (len(self.tests))
-		print "%35s - %s" % ("TEST NAME", "TEST DESCRIPTION")
-		print "%35s - %s" % ("--------------------", "--------------------")
-		for test in self.tests:
-			print "%35s - %s" % (test.name, test.description)
-		print "==== END OF LIST ====\n"
-	def start_corosync(self):
-		if self.verbose:
-			print "Starting corosync"
-		test = subprocess.Popen("corosync", stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-		test.wait()
-		time.sleep(10)
-	def stop_corosync(self):
-		cmd = shlex.split("killall -9 -q corosync")
-		test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-		test.wait()
-	def run_single(self, name):
-		for test in self.tests:
-			if test.name == name:
-				test.run()
-				break;
-	def run_tests_matching(self, pattern):
-		for test in self.tests:
-			if test.name.count(pattern) != 0:
-				test.run()
-	def run_cpg_only(self):
-		for test in self.tests:
-			if test.enable_corosync:
-				test.run()
-	def run_no_cpg(self):
-		for test in self.tests:
-			if not test.enable_corosync:
-				test.run()
-	def run_tests(self):
-		for test in self.tests:
-			test.run()
-	def exit(self):
-		for test in self.tests:
-			if test.executed == 0:
-				continue
-			if test.get_exitcode() != 0:
-				sys.exit(-1)
-		sys.exit(0)
-	def print_results(self):
-		failures = 0;
-		success = 0;
-		print "\n\n======= FINAL RESULTS =========="
-		print "\n--- FAILURE RESULTS:"
-		for test in self.tests:
-			if test.executed == 0:
-				continue
-			if test.get_exitcode() != 0:
-				failures = failures + 1
-				test.print_result("    ")
-			else:
-				success = success + 1
-		if failures == 0:
-			print "    None"
-		print "\n--- TOTALS\n    Pass:%d\n    Fail:%d\n" % (success, failures)
-	def build_api_sanity_tests(self):
-		verbose_arg = ""
-		if self.verbose:
-			verbose_arg = "-V"
-		test = self.new_test("standalone_low_level_api_test", "Sanity test client api in standalone mode.")
-		test.add_cmd("@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@/stonith-test", "-t %s" % (verbose_arg))
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_low_level_api_test", "Sanity test client api using mainloop and cpg.", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@/stonith-test", "-m %s" % (verbose_arg))
-	def build_custom_timeout_tests(self):
-		# custom timeout without topology
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_timeout_1",
-				"Verify per device timeouts work as expected without using topology.", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" -o \"pcmk_off_timeout=1\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" -o \"pcmk_off_timeout=4\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
-		# timeout is 2+1+4 = 7
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 7")
-		# custom timeout _WITH_ topology
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_timeout_2",
-				"Verify per device timeouts work as expected _WITH_ topology.", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" -o \"pcmk_off_timeout=1\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" -o \"pcmk_off_timeout=4000\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true1")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v false2")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
-		# timeout is 2+1+4000 = 4003
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 4003")
-	def build_fence_merge_tests(self):
-		### Simple test that overlapping fencing operations get merged
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_merge_single",
-				"Verify overlapping identical fencing operations are merged, no fencing levels used.", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" ")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		### one merger will happen
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-		### the pattern below signifies that both the original and duplicate operation completed
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		### Test that multiple mergers occur
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_merge_multiple",
-				"Verify multiple overlapping identical fencing operations are merged", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"delay=2\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" ")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		### 4 mergers should occur
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-		### the pattern below signifies that both the original and duplicate operation completed
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		### Test that multiple mergers occur with topologies used
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_merge_with_topology",
-				"Verify multiple overlapping identical fencing operations are merged with fencing levels.", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" ")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false2")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true1")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		### 4 mergers should occur
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-		### the pattern below signifies that both the original and duplicate operation completed
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_no_merge",
-				"Verify differing fencing operations are not merged", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3 node2\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3 node2\" ")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3 node2\"")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false2")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true1")
-		test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node2 -t 10")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
-		test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
-	def build_standalone_tests(self):
-		test_types = [
-			{
-				"prefix" : "standalone" ,
-				"use_cpg" : 0,
-			},
-			{
-				"prefix" : "cpg" ,
-				"use_cpg" : 1,
-			},
-		]
-		# test what happens when all devices timeout
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_fence_multi_device_failure" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify that all devices timeout, a fencing failure is returned.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			if test_type["use_cpg"] == 1:
-				test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2", 194)
-				test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 6")
-			else:
-				test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2", 55)
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false1' returned: ")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false2' returned: ")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false3' returned: ")
-		# test what happens when multiple devices can fence a node, but the first device fails.
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_fence_device_failure_rollover" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify that when one fence device fails for a node, the others are tried.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
-			if test_type["use_cpg"] == 1:
-				test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 6")
-		# simple topology test for one device
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
-				continue
-			test = self.new_test("%s_topology_simple" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify all fencing devices at a level are used.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 2")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true' returned: 0")
-		# add topology, delete topology, verify fencing still works 
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
-				continue
-			test = self.new_test("%s_topology_add_remove" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify fencing occurrs after all topology levels are removed", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-d node3 -i 1")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 2")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true' returned: 0")
-		# test what happens when the first fencing level has multiple devices.
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
-				continue
-			test = self.new_test("%s_topology_device_fails" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify if one device in a level fails, the other is tried.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 20")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 40")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false' returned: -201")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true' returned: 0")
-		# test what happens when the first fencing level fails.
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
-				continue
-			test = self.new_test("%s_topology_multi_level_fails" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify if one level fails, the next leve is tried.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true4  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true1")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true2")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v false2")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true3")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true4")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 3")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 18")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false1' returned: -201")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false2' returned: -201")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true3' returned: 0")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true4' returned: 0")
-		# test what happens when the first fencing level had devices that no one has registered
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
-				continue
-			test = self.new_test("%s_topology_missing_devices" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify topology can continue with missing devices.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true4  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true1")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true2")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v false2")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true3")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true4")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
-		# Test what happens if multiple fencing levels are defined, and then the first one is removed.
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
-				continue
-			test = self.new_test("%s_topology_level_removal" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify level removal works.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true4  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true1")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true2")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v false2")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true3")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true4")
-			# Now remove level 2, verify none of the devices in level two are hit.
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-d node3 -i 2")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 20")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 8")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false1' returned: -201")
-			test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false2' returned: ")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true3' returned: 0")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true4' returned: 0")
-		# test the stonith builds the correct list of devices that can fence a node.
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_list_devices" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify list of devices that can fence a node is correct", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-l node1 -V", "true2", "true1")
-			test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-l node1 -V", "true3", "true1")
-		# simple test of device monitor
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_monitor" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify device is reachable", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q false1")
-			test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true2", 237)
-		# Verify monitor occurs for duration of timeout period on failure
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_monitor_timeout" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify monitor uses duration of timeout period given.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy_monitor_fail -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-			test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1 -t 5", 195)
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Attempt 2 to execute")
-		# Verify monitor occurs for duration of timeout period on failure, but stops at max retries
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_monitor_timeout_max_retries" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify monitor retries until max retry value or timeout is hit.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy_monitor_fail -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-			test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1 -t 15",195)
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Attempted to execute agent fence_dummy_monitor_fail (list) the maximum number of times")
-		# simple register test
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_register" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify devices can be registered and un-registered", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-D true1")
-			test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1", 237)
-		# simple reboot test
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_reboot" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify devices can be rebooted", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node3 -t 2")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-D true1")
-			test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1", 237)
-		# test fencing history.
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
-				continue
-			test = self.new_test("%s_fence_history" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify last fencing operation is returned.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2 -V")
-			test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-H node3", "was able to turn off node node3", "")
-		# simple test of dynamic list query
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_dynamic_list_query" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify dynamic list of fencing devices can be retrieved.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy_list")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy_list")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy_list")
-			test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-l fake_port_1", "3 devices found")
-		# fence using dynamic list query
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_fence_dynamic_list_query" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify dynamic list of fencing devices can be retrieved.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy_list")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy_list")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy_list")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F fake_port_1 -t 5 -V");
-		# simple test of  query using status action
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_status_query" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify dynamic list of fencing devices can be retrieved.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_check=status\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_check=status\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_check=status\"")
-			test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-l fake_port_1", "3 devices found")
-		# test what happens when no reboot action is advertised
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_no_reboot_support" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify reboot action defaults to off when no reboot action is advertised by agent.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_no_reboot -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node1 -t 5 -V");
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("does not advertise support for 'reboot', performing 'off'")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
-		# make sure reboot is used when reboot action is advertised
-		for test_type in test_types:
-			test = self.new_test("%s_with_reboot_support" % test_type["prefix"],
-					"Verify reboot action can be used when metadata advertises it.", test_type["use_cpg"])
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
-			test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node1 -t 5 -V");
-			test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("does not advertise support for 'reboot', performing 'off'")
-			test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
-	def build_nodeid_tests(self):
-		our_uname = output_from_command("uname -n")
-		if our_uname:
-			our_uname = our_uname[0]
-		### verify nodeid is supplied when nodeid is in the metadata parameters
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_supply_nodeid",
-				"Verify nodeid is given when fence agent has nodeid as parameter", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("For stonith action (off) for victim %s, adding nodeid" % (our_uname))
-		### verify nodeid is _NOT_ supplied when nodeid is not in the metadata parameters
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_do_not_supply_nodeid",
-				"Verify nodeid is _NOT_ given when fence agent does not have nodeid as parameter", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("For stonith action (off) for victim %s, adding nodeid" % (our_uname))
-		### verify nodeid use doesn't explode standalone mode
-		test = self.new_test("standalone_do_not_supply_nodeid",
-				"Verify nodeid in metadata parameter list doesn't kill standalone mode", 0)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("For stonith action (off) for victim %s, adding nodeid" % (our_uname))
-	def build_unfence_tests(self):
-		our_uname = output_from_command("uname -n")
-		if our_uname:
-			our_uname = our_uname[0]
-		### verify unfencing using automatic unfencing
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_1",
-				"Verify require unfencing on all devices when automatic=true in agent's metadata", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
-		# both devices should be executed
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true2' returned: 0 (OK)");
-		### verify unfencing using automatic unfencing fails if any of the required agents fail
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_2",
-				"Verify require unfencing on all devices when automatic=true in agent's metadata", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 6" % (our_uname), 143)
-		### verify unfencing using automatic devices with topology
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_3",
-				"Verify require unfencing on all devices even when required devices are at different topology levels", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 1 -v true1" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v true2" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true2' returned: 0 (OK)");
-		### verify unfencing using automatic devices with topology
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_4",
-				"Verify all required devices are executed even with topology levels fail.", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true4 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false4 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 1 -v true1" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 1 -v false1" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v false2" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v true2" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v false3" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v true3" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 3 -v false4" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 4 -v true4" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true2' returned: 0 (OK)");
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true3' returned: 0 (OK)");
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true4' returned: 0 (OK)");
-		### verify unfencing using on_target device
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_1",
-				"Verify unfencing with on_target = true", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on the target node")
-		### verify failure of unfencing using on_target device
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_2",
-				"Verify failure unfencing with on_target = true", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node_fake_1234\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U node_fake_1234 -t 3", 237)
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on the target node")
-		### verify unfencing using on_target device with topology
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_3",
-				"Verify unfencing with on_target = true using topology", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 1 -v true1" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v true2" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on the target node")
-		### verify unfencing using on_target device with topology fails when victim node doesn't exist
-		test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_4",
-				"Verify unfencing failure with on_target = true using topology", 1)
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node_fake\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node_fake\"" % (our_uname))
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 1 -v true1")
-		test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 2 -v true2")
-		test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U node_fake -t 3", 237)
-		test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on the target node")
-	def setup_environment(self, use_corosync):
-		if self.autogen_corosync_cfg and use_corosync:
-			corosync_conf = ("""
+    def __init__(self, verbose = 0):
+        self.tests = []
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.autogen_corosync_cfg = 0
+        if not os.path.exists("/etc/corosync/corosync.conf"):
+            self.autogen_corosync_cfg = 1
+    def new_test(self, name, description, with_cpg = 0):
+        test = Test(name, description, self.verbose, with_cpg)
+        self.tests.append(test)
+        return test
+    def print_list(self):
+        print "\n==== %d TESTS FOUND ====" % (len(self.tests))
+        print "%35s - %s" % ("TEST NAME", "TEST DESCRIPTION")
+        print "%35s - %s" % ("--------------------", "--------------------")
+        for test in self.tests:
+            print "%35s - %s" % (test.name, test.description)
+        print "==== END OF LIST ====\n"
+    def start_corosync(self):
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "Starting corosync"
+        test = subprocess.Popen("corosync", stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+        test.wait()
+        time.sleep(10)
+    def stop_corosync(self):
+        cmd = shlex.split("killall -9 -q corosync")
+        test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+        test.wait()
+    def run_single(self, name):
+        for test in self.tests:
+            if test.name == name:
+                test.run()
+                break;
+    def run_tests_matching(self, pattern):
+        for test in self.tests:
+            if test.name.count(pattern) != 0:
+                test.run()
+    def run_cpg_only(self):
+        for test in self.tests:
+            if test.enable_corosync:
+                test.run()
+    def run_no_cpg(self):
+        for test in self.tests:
+            if not test.enable_corosync:
+                test.run()
+    def run_tests(self):
+        for test in self.tests:
+            test.run()
+    def exit(self):
+        for test in self.tests:
+            if test.executed == 0:
+                continue
+            if test.get_exitcode() != 0:
+                sys.exit(-1)
+        sys.exit(0)
+    def print_results(self):
+        failures = 0;
+        success = 0;
+        print "\n\n======= FINAL RESULTS =========="
+        print "\n--- FAILURE RESULTS:"
+        for test in self.tests:
+            if test.executed == 0:
+                continue
+            if test.get_exitcode() != 0:
+                failures = failures + 1
+                test.print_result("    ")
+            else:
+                success = success + 1
+        if failures == 0:
+            print "    None"
+        print "\n--- TOTALS\n    Pass:%d\n    Fail:%d\n" % (success, failures)
+    def build_api_sanity_tests(self):
+        verbose_arg = ""
+        if self.verbose:
+            verbose_arg = "-V"
+        test = self.new_test("standalone_low_level_api_test", "Sanity test client api in standalone mode.")
+        test.add_cmd("@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@/stonith-test", "-t %s" % (verbose_arg))
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_low_level_api_test", "Sanity test client api using mainloop and cpg.", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@/stonith-test", "-m %s" % (verbose_arg))
+    def build_custom_timeout_tests(self):
+        # custom timeout without topology
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_timeout_1",
+                "Verify per device timeouts work as expected without using topology.", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" -o \"pcmk_off_timeout=1\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" -o \"pcmk_off_timeout=4\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
+        # timeout is 2+1+4 = 7
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 7")
+        # custom timeout _WITH_ topology
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_timeout_2",
+                "Verify per device timeouts work as expected _WITH_ topology.", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" -o \"pcmk_off_timeout=1\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" -o \"pcmk_off_timeout=4000\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true1")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v false2")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
+        # timeout is 2+1+4000 = 4003
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 4003")
+    def build_fence_merge_tests(self):
+        ### Simple test that overlapping fencing operations get merged
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_merge_single",
+                "Verify overlapping identical fencing operations are merged, no fencing levels used.", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" ")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        ### one merger will happen
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+        ### the pattern below signifies that both the original and duplicate operation completed
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        ### Test that multiple mergers occur
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_merge_multiple",
+                "Verify multiple overlapping identical fencing operations are merged", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"delay=2\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" ")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        ### 4 mergers should occur
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+        ### the pattern below signifies that both the original and duplicate operation completed
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        ### Test that multiple mergers occur with topologies used
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_merge_with_topology",
+                "Verify multiple overlapping identical fencing operations are merged with fencing levels.", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" ")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false2")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true1")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        ### 4 mergers should occur
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+        ### the pattern below signifies that both the original and duplicate operation completed
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation off of node3 by")
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_no_merge",
+                "Verify differing fencing operations are not merged", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3 node2\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3 node2\" ")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3 node2\"")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false2")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true1")
+        test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "-F node2 -t 10")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 10")
+        test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("Merging stonith action off for node node3 originating from client")
+    def build_standalone_tests(self):
+        test_types = [
+            {
+                "prefix" : "standalone" ,
+                "use_cpg" : 0,
+            },
+            {
+                "prefix" : "cpg" ,
+                "use_cpg" : 1,
+            },
+        ]
+        # test what happens when all devices timeout
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_fence_multi_device_failure" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify that all devices timeout, a fencing failure is returned.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            if test_type["use_cpg"] == 1:
+                test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2", 194)
+                test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 6")
+            else:
+                test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2", 55)
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false1' returned: ")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false2' returned: ")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false3' returned: ")
+        # test what happens when multiple devices can fence a node, but the first device fails.
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_fence_device_failure_rollover" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify that when one fence device fails for a node, the others are tried.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
+            if test_type["use_cpg"] == 1:
+                test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 6")
+        # simple topology test for one device
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
+                continue
+            test = self.new_test("%s_topology_simple" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify all fencing devices at a level are used.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 2")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true' returned: 0")
+        # add topology, delete topology, verify fencing still works 
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
+                continue
+            test = self.new_test("%s_topology_add_remove" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify fencing occurrs after all topology levels are removed", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-d node3 -i 1")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 2")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true' returned: 0")
+        # test what happens when the first fencing level has multiple devices.
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
+                continue
+            test = self.new_test("%s_topology_device_fails" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify if one device in a level fails, the other is tried.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 20")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 40")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false' returned: -201")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true' returned: 0")
+        # test what happens when the first fencing level fails.
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
+                continue
+            test = self.new_test("%s_topology_multi_level_fails" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify if one level fails, the next leve is tried.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true4  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true1")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true2")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v false2")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true3")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true4")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 3")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 18")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false1' returned: -201")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false2' returned: -201")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true3' returned: 0")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true4' returned: 0")
+        # test what happens when the first fencing level had devices that no one has registered
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
+                continue
+            test = self.new_test("%s_topology_missing_devices" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify topology can continue with missing devices.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true4  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true1")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true2")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v false2")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true3")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true4")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2")
+        # Test what happens if multiple fencing levels are defined, and then the first one is removed.
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
+                continue
+            test = self.new_test("%s_topology_level_removal" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify level removal works.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true4  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v false1")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 1 -v true1")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v true2")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 2 -v false2")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true3")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node3 -i 3 -v true4")
+            # Now remove level 2, verify none of the devices in level two are hit.
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-d node3 -i 2")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 20")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 8")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false1' returned: -201")
+            test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'false2' returned: ")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true3' returned: 0")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("for host 'node3' with device 'true4' returned: 0")
+        # test the stonith builds the correct list of devices that can fence a node.
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_list_devices" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify list of devices that can fence a node is correct", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-l node1 -V", "true2", "true1")
+            test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-l node1 -V", "true3", "true1")
+        # simple test of device monitor
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_monitor" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify device is reachable", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q false1")
+            test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true2", 237)
+        # Verify monitor occurs for duration of timeout period on failure
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_monitor_timeout" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify monitor uses duration of timeout period given.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy_monitor_fail -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+            test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1 -t 5", 195)
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Attempt 2 to execute")
+        # Verify monitor occurs for duration of timeout period on failure, but stops at max retries
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_monitor_timeout_max_retries" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify monitor retries until max retry value or timeout is hit.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy_monitor_fail -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+            test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1 -t 15",195)
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Attempted to execute agent fence_dummy_monitor_fail (list) the maximum number of times")
+        # simple register test
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_register" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify devices can be registered and un-registered", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-D true1")
+            test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1", 237)
+        # simple reboot test
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_reboot" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify devices can be rebooted", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node3 -t 2")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-D true1")
+            test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-Q true1", 237)
+        # test fencing history.
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0:
+                continue
+            test = self.new_test("%s_fence_history" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify last fencing operation is returned.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F node3 -t 2 -V")
+            test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-H node3", "was able to turn off node node3", "")
+        # simple test of dynamic list query
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_dynamic_list_query" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify dynamic list of fencing devices can be retrieved.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy_list")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy_list")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy_list")
+            test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-l fake_port_1", "3 devices found")
+        # fence using dynamic list query
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_fence_dynamic_list_query" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify dynamic list of fencing devices can be retrieved.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy_list")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy_list")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy_list")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F fake_port_1 -t 5 -V");
+        # simple test of  query using status action
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_status_query" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify dynamic list of fencing devices can be retrieved.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_check=status\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_check=status\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3  -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_check=status\"")
+            test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "-l fake_port_1", "3 devices found")
+        # test what happens when no reboot action is advertised
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_no_reboot_support" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify reboot action defaults to off when no reboot action is advertised by agent.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_no_reboot -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node1 -t 5 -V");
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("does not advertise support for 'reboot', performing 'off'")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
+        # make sure reboot is used when reboot action is advertised
+        for test_type in test_types:
+            test = self.new_test("%s_with_reboot_support" % test_type["prefix"],
+                    "Verify reboot action can be used when metadata advertises it.", test_type["use_cpg"])
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"")
+            test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node1 -t 5 -V");
+            test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("does not advertise support for 'reboot', performing 'off'")
+            test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
+    def build_nodeid_tests(self):
+        our_uname = output_from_command("uname -n")
+        if our_uname:
+            our_uname = our_uname[0]
+        ### verify nodeid is supplied when nodeid is in the metadata parameters
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_supply_nodeid",
+                "Verify nodeid is given when fence agent has nodeid as parameter", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("For stonith action (off) for victim %s, adding nodeid" % (our_uname))
+        ### verify nodeid is _NOT_ supplied when nodeid is not in the metadata parameters
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_do_not_supply_nodeid",
+                "Verify nodeid is _NOT_ given when fence agent does not have nodeid as parameter", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("For stonith action (off) for victim %s, adding nodeid" % (our_uname))
+        ### verify nodeid use doesn't explode standalone mode
+        test = self.new_test("standalone_do_not_supply_nodeid",
+                "Verify nodeid in metadata parameter list doesn't kill standalone mode", 0)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-F %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("For stonith action (off) for victim %s, adding nodeid" % (our_uname))
+    def build_unfence_tests(self):
+        our_uname = output_from_command("uname -n")
+        if our_uname:
+            our_uname = our_uname[0]
+        ### verify unfencing using automatic unfencing
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_1",
+                "Verify require unfencing on all devices when automatic=true in agent's metadata", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
+        # both devices should be executed
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true2' returned: 0 (OK)");
+        ### verify unfencing using automatic unfencing fails if any of the required agents fail
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_2",
+                "Verify require unfencing on all devices when automatic=true in agent's metadata", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 6" % (our_uname), 143)
+        ### verify unfencing using automatic devices with topology
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_3",
+                "Verify require unfencing on all devices even when required devices are at different topology levels", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 1 -v true1" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v true2" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true2' returned: 0 (OK)");
+        ### verify unfencing using automatic devices with topology
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_4",
+                "Verify all required devices are executed even with topology levels fail.", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true3 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true4 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R false4 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 1 -v true1" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 1 -v false1" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v false2" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v true2" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v false3" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v true3" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 3 -v false4" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 4 -v true4" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true1' returned: 0 (OK)");
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true2' returned: 0 (OK)");
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true3' returned: 0 (OK)");
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("with device 'true4' returned: 0 (OK)");
+        ### verify unfencing using on_target device
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_1",
+                "Verify unfencing with on_target = true", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on the target node")
+        ### verify failure of unfencing using on_target device
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_2",
+                "Verify failure unfencing with on_target = true", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node_fake_1234\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U node_fake_1234 -t 3", 237)
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on the target node")
+        ### verify unfencing using on_target device with topology
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_3",
+                "Verify unfencing with on_target = true using topology", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 1 -v true1" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r %s -i 2 -v true2" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U %s -t 3" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on the target node")
+        ### verify unfencing using on_target device with topology fails when victim node doesn't exist
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_4",
+                "Verify unfencing failure with on_target = true using topology", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node_fake\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node_fake\"" % (our_uname))
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 1 -v true1")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 2 -v true2")
+        test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "-U node_fake -t 3", 237)
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on the target node")
+    def build_remap_tests(self):
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_remap_simple",
+                             "Verify sequential topology reboot is remapped to all-off-then-all-on", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin",
+                     """-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """
+                     """-o "pcmk_off_timeout=1" -o "pcmk_reboot_timeout=10" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin",
+                     """-R true2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """
+                     """-o "pcmk_off_timeout=2" -o "pcmk_reboot_timeout=20" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 1 -v true1 -v true2")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node_fake -t 5")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapping multiple-device reboot of node_fake")
+        # timeout should be sum of off timeouts (1+2=3), not reboot timeouts (10+20=30)
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("remote op timeout set to 3 for fencing of node node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op off node_fake with true1")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op off node_fake with true2")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapped off of node_fake complete, remapping to on")
+        # fence_dummy sets "on" as an on_target action
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Ignoring true1 'on' failure (no capable peers) for node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Ignoring true2 'on' failure (no capable peers) for node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Undoing remap of reboot of node_fake")
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_remap_automatic",
+                             "Verify remapped topology reboot skips automatic 'on'", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin",
+                     """-R true1 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence """
+                     """-o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin",
+                     """-R true2 -a fence_dummy_automatic_unfence """
+                     """-o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 1 -v true1 -v true2")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node_fake -t 5")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapping multiple-device reboot of node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op off node_fake with true1")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op off node_fake with true2")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapped off of node_fake complete, remapping to on")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Undoing remap of reboot of node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("perform op on node_fake with")
+        test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("'on' failure")
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_remap_complex_1",
+                "Verify remapped topology reboot in second level works if non-remapped first level fails", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """-R true2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 1 -v false1")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 2 -v true1 -v true2")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node_fake -t 5")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op reboot node_fake with false1")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapping multiple-device reboot of node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op off node_fake with true1")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op off node_fake with true2")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapped off of node_fake complete, remapping to on")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Ignoring true1 'on' failure (no capable peers) for node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Ignoring true2 'on' failure (no capable peers) for node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Undoing remap of reboot of node_fake")
+        test = self.new_test("cpg_remap_complex_2",
+                "Verify remapped topology reboot failure in second level proceeds to third level", 1)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """-R false1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """-R false2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """-R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """-R true2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """-R true3 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """)
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 1 -v false1")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 2 -v true1 -v false2 -v true3")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-r node_fake -i 3 -v true2")
+        test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "-B node_fake -t 5")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op reboot node_fake with false1")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapping multiple-device reboot of node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op off node_fake with true1")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op off node_fake with false2")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Attempted to execute agent fence_dummy (off) the maximum number of times")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Undoing remap of reboot of node_fake")
+        test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform op reboot node_fake with true2")
+        test.add_stonith_negative_log_pattern("node_fake with true3")
+    def setup_environment(self, use_corosync):
+        if self.autogen_corosync_cfg and use_corosync:
+            corosync_conf = ("""
 totem {
         version: 2
         crypto_cipher: none
         crypto_hash: none
         nodeid:         101
         secauth:        off
         interface {
                 ttl: 1
                 ringnumber: 0
                 mcastport: 6666
 logging {
         debug: off
         fileline: off
         to_syslog: no
         to_stderr: no
         syslog_facility: daemon
         timestamp: on
         to_logfile: yes
         logfile: /var/log/corosync.log
         logfile_priority: info
-			os.system("cat <<-END >>/etc/corosync/corosync.conf\n%s\nEND" % (corosync_conf))
+            os.system("cat <<-END >>/etc/corosync/corosync.conf\n%s\nEND" % (corosync_conf))
-		if use_corosync:
-			### make sure we are in control ###
-			self.stop_corosync()
-			self.start_corosync()
+        if use_corosync:
+            ### make sure we are in control ###
+            self.stop_corosync()
+            self.start_corosync()
-		monitor_fail_agent = ("""#!/usr/bin/python
+        monitor_fail_agent = ("""#!/usr/bin/python
 import sys
 def main():
     for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
         if line.count("monitor") > 0:
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-		dynamic_list_agent = ("""#!/usr/bin/python
+        dynamic_list_agent = ("""#!/usr/bin/python
 import sys
 def main():
     for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
         if line.count("list") > 0:
             print "fake_port_1"
         if line.count("off") > 0:
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-		os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_list\n%s\nEND" % (dynamic_list_agent))
-		os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_list")
+        os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_list\n%s\nEND" % (dynamic_list_agent))
+        os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_list")
-		os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor_fail\n%s\nEND" % (monitor_fail_agent))
-		os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor_fail")
+        os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor_fail\n%s\nEND" % (monitor_fail_agent))
+        os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor_fail")
-		os.system("cp /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/fence_dummy /usr/sbin/fence_dummy")
+        os.system("cp /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/fence_dummy /usr/sbin/fence_dummy")
-		# modifies dummy agent to do require unfencing 
-		os.system("cat /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/fence_dummy  | sed 's/on_target=/automatic=/g' > /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_automatic_unfence");
-		os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_automatic_unfence")
+        # modifies dummy agent to do require unfencing 
+        os.system("cat /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/fence_dummy  | sed 's/on_target=/automatic=/g' > /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_automatic_unfence");
+        os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_automatic_unfence")
-		# modifies dummy agent to not advertise reboot
-		os.system("cat /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/fence_dummy  | sed 's/^.*<action.*name.*reboot.*>.*//g' > /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_no_reboot");
-		os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_no_reboot")
+        # modifies dummy agent to not advertise reboot
+        os.system("cat /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/fence_dummy  | sed 's/^.*<action.*name.*reboot.*>.*//g' > /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_no_reboot");
+        os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_no_reboot")
-	def cleanup_environment(self, use_corosync):
-		if use_corosync:
-			self.stop_corosync()
+    def cleanup_environment(self, use_corosync):
+        if use_corosync:
+            self.stop_corosync()
-			if self.verbose and os.path.exists('/var/log/corosync.log'):
-				print "Corosync output"
-				f = open('/var/log/corosync.log', 'r')
-				for line in f.readlines():
-					print line.strip()
-				os.remove('/var/log/corosync.log')
+            if self.verbose and os.path.exists('/var/log/corosync.log'):
+                print "Corosync output"
+                f = open('/var/log/corosync.log', 'r')
+                for line in f.readlines():
+                    print line.strip()
+                os.remove('/var/log/corosync.log')
-		if self.autogen_corosync_cfg:
-			os.system("rm -f /etc/corosync/corosync.conf")
+        if self.autogen_corosync_cfg:
+            os.system("rm -f /etc/corosync/corosync.conf")
-		os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor_fail")
-		os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_list")
-		os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy")
-		os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_automatic_unfence")
-		os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_no_reboot")
+        os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor_fail")
+        os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_list")
+        os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy")
+        os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_automatic_unfence")
+        os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_no_reboot")
 class TestOptions:
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.options = {}
-		self.options['list-tests'] = 0
-		self.options['run-all'] = 1
-		self.options['run-only'] = ""
-		self.options['run-only-pattern'] = ""
-		self.options['verbose'] = 0
-		self.options['invalid-arg'] = ""
-		self.options['cpg-only'] = 0
-		self.options['no-cpg'] = 0
-		self.options['show-usage'] = 0
-	def build_options(self, argv):
-		args = argv[1:]
-		skip = 0
-		for i in range(0, len(args)):
-			if skip:
-				skip = 0
-				continue
-			elif args[i] == "-h" or args[i] == "--help":
-				self.options['show-usage'] = 1
-			elif args[i] == "-l" or args[i] == "--list-tests":
-				self.options['list-tests'] = 1
-			elif args[i] == "-V" or args[i] == "--verbose":
-				self.options['verbose'] = 1
-			elif args[i] == "-n" or args[i] == "--no-cpg":
-				self.options['no-cpg'] = 1
-			elif args[i] == "-c" or args[i] == "--cpg-only":
-				self.options['cpg-only'] = 1
-			elif args[i] == "-r" or args[i] == "--run-only":
-				self.options['run-only'] = args[i+1]
-				skip = 1
-			elif args[i] == "-p" or args[i] == "--run-only-pattern":
-				self.options['run-only-pattern'] = args[i+1]
-				skip = 1
-	def show_usage(self):
-		print "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options]"
-		print "If no options are provided, all tests will run"
-		print "Options:"
-		print "\t [--help | -h]                        Show usage"
-		print "\t [--list-tests | -l]                  Print out all registered tests."
-		print "\t [--cpg-only | -c]                    Only run tests that require corosync."
-		print "\t [--no-cpg | -n]                      Only run tests that do not require corosync"
-		print "\t [--run-only | -r 'testname']         Run a specific test"
-		print "\t [--verbose | -V]                     Verbose output"
-		print "\t [--run-only-pattern | -p 'string']   Run only tests containing the string value"
-		print "\n\tExample: Run only the test 'start_top'"
-		print "\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only start_stop"
-		print "\n\tExample: Run only the tests with the string 'systemd' present in them"
-		print "\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only-pattern systemd"
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.options = {}
+        self.options['list-tests'] = 0
+        self.options['run-all'] = 1
+        self.options['run-only'] = ""
+        self.options['run-only-pattern'] = ""
+        self.options['verbose'] = 0
+        self.options['invalid-arg'] = ""
+        self.options['cpg-only'] = 0
+        self.options['no-cpg'] = 0
+        self.options['show-usage'] = 0
+    def build_options(self, argv):
+        args = argv[1:]
+        skip = 0
+        for i in range(0, len(args)):
+            if skip:
+                skip = 0
+                continue
+            elif args[i] == "-h" or args[i] == "--help":
+                self.options['show-usage'] = 1
+            elif args[i] == "-l" or args[i] == "--list-tests":
+                self.options['list-tests'] = 1
+            elif args[i] == "-V" or args[i] == "--verbose":
+                self.options['verbose'] = 1
+            elif args[i] == "-n" or args[i] == "--no-cpg":
+                self.options['no-cpg'] = 1
+            elif args[i] == "-c" or args[i] == "--cpg-only":
+                self.options['cpg-only'] = 1
+            elif args[i] == "-r" or args[i] == "--run-only":
+                self.options['run-only'] = args[i+1]
+                skip = 1
+            elif args[i] == "-p" or args[i] == "--run-only-pattern":
+                self.options['run-only-pattern'] = args[i+1]
+                skip = 1
+    def show_usage(self):
+        print "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options]"
+        print "If no options are provided, all tests will run"
+        print "Options:"
+        print "\t [--help | -h]                        Show usage"
+        print "\t [--list-tests | -l]                  Print out all registered tests."
+        print "\t [--cpg-only | -c]                    Only run tests that require corosync."
+        print "\t [--no-cpg | -n]                      Only run tests that do not require corosync"
+        print "\t [--run-only | -r 'testname']         Run a specific test"
+        print "\t [--verbose | -V]                     Verbose output"
+        print "\t [--run-only-pattern | -p 'string']   Run only tests containing the string value"
+        print "\n\tExample: Run only the test 'start_top'"
+        print "\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only start_stop"
+        print "\n\tExample: Run only the tests with the string 'systemd' present in them"
+        print "\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only-pattern systemd"
 def main(argv):
-	o = TestOptions()
-	o.build_options(argv)
-	use_corosync = 1
-	tests = Tests(o.options['verbose'])
-	tests.build_standalone_tests()
-	tests.build_custom_timeout_tests()
-	tests.build_api_sanity_tests()
-	tests.build_fence_merge_tests()
-	tests.build_unfence_tests()
-	tests.build_nodeid_tests()
-	if o.options['list-tests']:
-		tests.print_list()
-		sys.exit(0)
-	elif o.options['show-usage']:
-		o.show_usage()
-		sys.exit(0)
-	print "Starting ..."
-	if o.options['no-cpg']:
-		use_corosync = 0
-	tests.setup_environment(use_corosync)
-	if o.options['run-only-pattern'] != "":
-		tests.run_tests_matching(o.options['run-only-pattern'])
-		tests.print_results()
-	elif o.options['run-only'] != "":
-		tests.run_single(o.options['run-only'])
-		tests.print_results()
-	elif o.options['no-cpg']:
-		tests.run_no_cpg()
-		tests.print_results()
-	elif o.options['cpg-only']:
-		tests.run_cpg_only()
-		tests.print_results()
-	else:
-		tests.run_tests()
-		tests.print_results()
-	tests.cleanup_environment(use_corosync)
-	tests.exit()
+    o = TestOptions()
+    o.build_options(argv)
+    use_corosync = 1
+    tests = Tests(o.options['verbose'])
+    tests.build_standalone_tests()
+    tests.build_custom_timeout_tests()
+    tests.build_api_sanity_tests()
+    tests.build_fence_merge_tests()
+    tests.build_unfence_tests()
+    tests.build_nodeid_tests()
+    tests.build_remap_tests()
+    if o.options['list-tests']:
+        tests.print_list()
+        sys.exit(0)
+    elif o.options['show-usage']:
+        o.show_usage()
+        sys.exit(0)
+    print "Starting ..."
+    if o.options['no-cpg']:
+        use_corosync = 0
+    tests.setup_environment(use_corosync)
+    if o.options['run-only-pattern'] != "":
+        tests.run_tests_matching(o.options['run-only-pattern'])
+        tests.print_results()
+    elif o.options['run-only'] != "":
+        tests.run_single(o.options['run-only'])
+        tests.print_results()
+    elif o.options['no-cpg']:
+        tests.run_no_cpg()
+        tests.print_results()
+    elif o.options['cpg-only']:
+        tests.run_cpg_only()
+        tests.print_results()
+    else:
+        tests.run_tests()
+        tests.print_results()
+    tests.cleanup_environment(use_corosync)
+    tests.exit()
 if __name__=="__main__":
-	main(sys.argv)
+    main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/fencing/remote.c b/fencing/remote.c
index 1f014487c4..2c00b5fa4a 100644
--- a/fencing/remote.c
+++ b/fencing/remote.c
@@ -1,1854 +1,2065 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <sys/utsname.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <regex.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipc.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipcs.h>
 #include <crm/cluster/internal.h>
 #include <crm/stonith-ng.h>
 #include <crm/fencing/internal.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/util.h>
 #include <internal.h>
 /* When one stonithd queries its peers for devices able to handle a fencing
  * request, each peer will reply with a list of such devices available to it.
  * Each reply will be parsed into a st_query_result_t, with each device's
  * information kept in a device_properties_t.
 typedef struct device_properties_s {
     /* Whether access to this device has been verified */
     gboolean verified;
-    /* Action-specific timeout */
-    int custom_action_timeout;
-    /* Action-specific maximum random delay */
-    int delay_max;
-    /* Whether this device has been executed */
-    gboolean executed;
+    /* The remaining members are indexed by the operation's "phase" */
+    /* Whether this device has been executed in each phase */
+    gboolean executed[3];
+    /* Whether this device is disallowed from executing in each phase */
+    gboolean disallowed[3];
+    /* Action-specific timeout for each phase */
+    int custom_action_timeout[3];
+    /* Action-specific maximum random delay for each phase */
+    int delay_max[3];
 } device_properties_t;
 typedef struct st_query_result_s {
     /* Name of peer that sent this result */
     char *host;
     /* Only try peers for non-topology based operations once */
     gboolean tried;
     /* Number of entries in the devices table */
     int ndevices;
     /* Devices available to this host that are capable of fencing the target */
     GHashTable *devices;
 } st_query_result_t;
 GHashTable *remote_op_list = NULL;
 void call_remote_stonith(remote_fencing_op_t * op, st_query_result_t * peer);
 static void remote_op_done(remote_fencing_op_t * op, xmlNode * data, int rc, int dup);
 extern xmlNode *stonith_create_op(int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data,
                                   int call_options);
 static void report_timeout_period(remote_fencing_op_t * op, int op_timeout);
 static int get_op_total_timeout(const remote_fencing_op_t *op,
                                 const st_query_result_t *chosen_peer);
 static gint
 sort_strings(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     return strcmp(a, b);
 static void
 free_remote_query(gpointer data)
     if (data) {
         st_query_result_t *query = data;
         crm_trace("Free'ing query result from %s", query->host);
 struct peer_count_data {
+    const remote_fencing_op_t *op;
     gboolean verified_only;
     int count;
  * \internal
  * \brief Increment a counter if a device has not been executed yet
  * \param[in] key        Device ID (ignored)
  * \param[in] value      Device properties
  * \param[in] user_data  Peer count data
 static void
 count_peer_device(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     device_properties_t *props = (device_properties_t*)value;
     struct peer_count_data *data = user_data;
-    if (!props->executed
+    if (!props->executed[data->op->phase]
         && (!data->verified_only || props->verified)) {
  * \internal
  * \brief Check the number of available devices in a peer's query results
+ * \param[in] op             Operation that results are for
  * \param[in] peer           Peer to count
  * \param[in] verified_only  Whether to count only verified devices
  * \return Number of devices available to peer that were not already executed
 static int
-count_peer_devices(const st_query_result_t *peer, gboolean verified_only)
+count_peer_devices(const remote_fencing_op_t *op, const st_query_result_t *peer,
+                   gboolean verified_only)
     struct peer_count_data data;
+    data.op = op;
     data.verified_only = verified_only;
     data.count = 0;
     if (peer) {
         g_hash_table_foreach(peer->devices, count_peer_device, &data);
     return data.count;
  * \internal
  * \brief Search for a device in a query result
+ * \param[in] op      Operation that result is for
  * \param[in] peer    Query result for a peer
  * \param[in] device  Device ID to search for
  * \return Device properties if found, NULL otherwise
 static device_properties_t *
-find_peer_device(const st_query_result_t *peer, const char *device)
+find_peer_device(const remote_fencing_op_t *op, const st_query_result_t *peer,
+                 const char *device)
     device_properties_t *props = g_hash_table_lookup(peer->devices, device);
-    return (props && !props->executed)? props : NULL;
+    return (props && !props->executed[op->phase]
+           && !props->disallowed[op->phase])? props : NULL;
  * \internal
  * \brief Find a device in a peer's device list and mark it as executed
+ * \param[in]     op                     Operation that peer result is for
  * \param[in,out] peer                   Peer with results to search
  * \param[in]     device                 ID of device to mark as done
  * \param[in]     verified_devices_only  Only consider verified devices
  * \return TRUE if device was found and marked, FALSE otherwise
 static gboolean
-grab_peer_device(st_query_result_t *peer, const char *device,
-                 gboolean verified_devices_only)
+grab_peer_device(const remote_fencing_op_t *op, st_query_result_t *peer,
+                 const char *device, gboolean verified_devices_only)
-    device_properties_t *props = find_peer_device(peer, device);
+    device_properties_t *props = find_peer_device(op, peer, device);
     if ((props == NULL) || (verified_devices_only && !props->verified)) {
         return FALSE;
     crm_trace("Removing %s from %s (%d remaining)",
-              device, peer->host, count_peer_devices(peer, FALSE));
-    props->executed = TRUE;
+              device, peer->host, count_peer_devices(op, peer, FALSE));
+    props->executed[op->phase] = TRUE;
     return TRUE;
  * \internal
- * \brief Free the list of required devices
+ * \brief Free the list of required devices for a particular phase
  * \param[in,out] op     Operation to modify
+ * \param[in]     phase  Phase to modify
 static void
-free_required_list(remote_fencing_op_t *op)
+free_required_list(remote_fencing_op_t *op, enum st_remap_phase phase)
-    if (op->required_list) {
-        g_list_free_full(op->required_list, free);
-        op->required_list = NULL;
+    if (op->required_list[phase]) {
+        g_list_free_full(op->required_list[phase], free);
+        op->required_list[phase] = NULL;
 static void
 clear_remote_op_timers(remote_fencing_op_t * op)
     if (op->query_timer) {
         op->query_timer = 0;
     if (op->op_timer_total) {
         op->op_timer_total = 0;
     if (op->op_timer_one) {
         op->op_timer_one = 0;
 static void
 free_remote_op(gpointer data)
     remote_fencing_op_t *op = data;
     crm_trace("Free'ing op %s for %s", op->id, op->target);
     crm_log_xml_debug(op->request, "Destroying");
     if (op->query_results) {
         g_list_free_full(op->query_results, free_remote_query);
     if (op->request) {
         op->request = NULL;
     if (op->devices_list) {
         g_list_free_full(op->devices_list, free);
         op->devices_list = NULL;
-    free_required_list(op);
+    free_required_list(op, st_phase_requested);
+    free_required_list(op, st_phase_off);
+    free_required_list(op, st_phase_on);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Return an operation's originally requested action (before any remap)
+ *
+ * \param[in] op  Operation to check
+ *
+ * \return Operation's original action
+ */
+static const char *
+op_requested_action(const remote_fencing_op_t *op)
+    return ((op->phase > st_phase_requested)? "reboot" : op->action);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Remap a "reboot" operation to the "off" phase
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] op      Operation to remap
+ */
+static void
+op_phase_off(remote_fencing_op_t *op)
+    crm_info("Remapping multiple-device reboot of %s (%s) to off",
+             op->target, op->id);
+    op->phase = st_phase_off;
+    /* Happily, "off" and "on" are shorter than "reboot", so we can reuse the
+     * memory allocation at each phase.
+     */
+    strcpy(op->action, "off");
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Advance a remapped reboot operation to the "on" phase
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] op  Operation to remap
+ */
+static void
+op_phase_on(remote_fencing_op_t *op)
+    GListPtr iter = NULL;
+    crm_info("Remapped off of %s complete, remapping to on for %s.%.8s",
+             op->target, op->client_name, op->id);
+    op->phase = st_phase_on;
+    strcpy(op->action, "on");
+    /* Any devices that are required for "on" will be automatically executed by
+     * the cluster when the node next joins, so we skip them here.
+     */
+    for (iter = op->required_list[op->phase]; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
+        GListPtr match = g_list_find_custom(op->devices_list, iter->data,
+                                            sort_strings);
+        if (match) {
+            op->devices_list = g_list_remove(op->devices_list, match->data);
+        }
+    }
+    /* We know this level will succeed, because phase 1 completed successfully
+     * and we ignore any errors from phase 2. So we can free the required list,
+     * which will keep them from being executed after the device list is done.
+     */
+    free_required_list(op, op->phase);
+    /* Rewind device list pointer */
+    op->devices = op->devices_list;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Reset a remapped reboot operation
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] op  Operation to reset
+ */
+static void
+undo_op_remap(remote_fencing_op_t *op)
+    if (op->phase > 0) {
+        crm_info("Undoing remap of reboot of %s for %s.%.8s",
+                 op->target, op->client_name, op->id);
+        op->phase = st_phase_requested;
+        strcpy(op->action, "reboot");
+    }
 static xmlNode *
 create_op_done_notify(remote_fencing_op_t * op, int rc)
     xmlNode *notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, "state", op->state);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_RC, rc);
     crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_TARGET, op->target);
     crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_ACTION, op->action);
     crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DELEGATE, op->delegate);
     crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID, op->id);
     crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, op->originator);
     crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, op->client_id);
     crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, op->client_name);
     return notify_data;
 static void
 bcast_result_to_peers(remote_fencing_op_t * op, int rc)
     static int count = 0;
     xmlNode *bcast = create_xml_node(NULL, T_STONITH_REPLY);
     xmlNode *notify_data = create_op_done_notify(op, rc);
     crm_trace("Broadcasting result to peers");
     crm_xml_add(bcast, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add(bcast, F_SUBTYPE, "broadcast");
     crm_xml_add(bcast, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add_int(bcast, "count", count);
     add_message_xml(bcast, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, notify_data);
     send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, bcast, FALSE);
 static void
 handle_local_reply_and_notify(remote_fencing_op_t * op, xmlNode * data, int rc)
     xmlNode *notify_data = NULL;
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     if (op->notify_sent == TRUE) {
         /* nothing to do */
     /* Do notification with a clean data object */
     notify_data = create_op_done_notify(op, rc);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, "state", op->state);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, op->target);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op->action);
     reply = stonith_construct_reply(op->request, NULL, data, rc);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_DELEGATE, op->delegate);
     /* Send fencing OP reply to local client that initiated fencing */
     do_local_reply(reply, op->client_id, op->call_options & st_opt_sync_call, FALSE);
     /* bcast to all local clients that the fencing operation happend */
     do_stonith_notify(0, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE, rc, notify_data);
     /* mark this op as having notify's already sent */
     op->notify_sent = TRUE;
 static void
 handle_duplicates(remote_fencing_op_t * op, xmlNode * data, int rc)
     GListPtr iter = NULL;
     for (iter = op->duplicates; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
         remote_fencing_op_t *other = iter->data;
         if (other->state == st_duplicate) {
             /* Ie. it hasn't timed out already */
             other->state = op->state;
             crm_debug("Peforming duplicate notification for %s@%s.%.8s = %s", other->client_name,
                       other->originator, other->id, pcmk_strerror(rc));
             remote_op_done(other, data, rc, TRUE);
         } else {
             crm_err("Skipping duplicate notification for %s@%s - %d", other->client_name,
                     other->originator, other->state);
  * \internal
  * \brief Finalize a remote operation.
  * \description This function has two code paths.
  * Path 1. This node is the owner of the operation and needs
  *         to notify the cpg group via a broadcast as to the operation's
  *         results.
  * Path 2. The cpg broadcast is received. All nodes notify their local
  *         stonith clients the operation results.
  * So, The owner of the operation first notifies the cluster of the result,
  * and once that cpg notify is received back it notifies all the local clients.
  * Nodes that are passive watchers of the operation will receive the
  * broadcast and only need to notify their local clients the operation finished.
  * \param op, The fencing operation to finalize
  * \param data, The xml msg reply (if present) of the last delegated fencing
  *              operation.
  * \param dup, Is this operation a duplicate, if so treat it a little differently
  *             making sure the broadcast is not sent out.
 static void
 remote_op_done(remote_fencing_op_t * op, xmlNode * data, int rc, int dup)
     int level = LOG_ERR;
     const char *subt = NULL;
     xmlNode *local_data = NULL;
     op->completed = time(NULL);
+    undo_op_remap(op);
     if (op->notify_sent == TRUE) {
         crm_err("Already sent notifications for '%s of %s by %s' (for=%s@%s.%.8s, state=%d): %s",
                 op->action, op->target, op->delegate ? op->delegate : "<no-one>",
                 op->client_name, op->originator, op->id, op->state, pcmk_strerror(rc));
         goto remote_op_done_cleanup;
     if (!op->delegate && data && rc != -ENODEV && rc != -EHOSTUNREACH) {
         xmlNode *ndata = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_DELEGATE, data, LOG_TRACE);
         if(ndata) {
             op->delegate = crm_element_value_copy(ndata, F_STONITH_DELEGATE);
         } else { 
             op->delegate = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_ORIG);
     if (data == NULL) {
         data = create_xml_node(NULL, "remote-op");
         local_data = data;
     /* Tell everyone the operation is done, we will continue
      * with doing the local notifications once we receive
      * the broadcast back. */
     subt = crm_element_value(data, F_SUBTYPE);
     if (dup == FALSE && safe_str_neq(subt, "broadcast")) {
         /* Defer notification until the bcast message arrives */
         bcast_result_to_peers(op, rc);
         goto remote_op_done_cleanup;
     if (rc == pcmk_ok || dup) {
         level = LOG_NOTICE;
     } else if (safe_str_neq(op->originator, stonith_our_uname)) {
         level = LOG_NOTICE;
                "Operation %s of %s by %s for %s@%s.%.8s: %s",
                op->action, op->target, op->delegate ? op->delegate : "<no-one>",
                op->client_name, op->originator, op->id, pcmk_strerror(rc));
     handle_local_reply_and_notify(op, data, rc);
     if (dup == FALSE) {
         handle_duplicates(op, data, rc);
     /* Free non-essential parts of the record
      * Keep the record around so we can query the history
     if (op->query_results) {
         g_list_free_full(op->query_results, free_remote_query);
         op->query_results = NULL;
     if (op->request) {
         op->request = NULL;
 static gboolean
 remote_op_watchdog_done(gpointer userdata)
     remote_fencing_op_t *op = userdata;
     op->op_timer_one = 0;
     crm_notice("Remote %s operation on %s for %s.%8s assumed complete",
                op->action, op->target, op->client_name, op->id);
     op->state = st_done;
     remote_op_done(op, NULL, pcmk_ok, FALSE);
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 remote_op_timeout_one(gpointer userdata)
     remote_fencing_op_t *op = userdata;
     op->op_timer_one = 0;
     crm_notice("Remote %s operation on %s for %s.%8s timed out",
                op->action, op->target, op->client_name, op->id);
     call_remote_stonith(op, NULL);
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 remote_op_timeout(gpointer userdata)
     remote_fencing_op_t *op = userdata;
     op->op_timer_total = 0;
     if (op->state == st_done) {
         crm_debug("Action %s (%s) for %s (%s) already completed",
                   op->action, op->id, op->target, op->client_name);
         return FALSE;
     crm_debug("Action %s (%s) for %s (%s) timed out",
               op->action, op->id, op->target, op->client_name);
+    if (op->phase == st_phase_on) {
+        /* A remapped reboot operation timed out in the "on" phase, but the
+         * "off" phase completed successfully, so quit trying any further
+         * devices, and return success.
+         */
+        remote_op_done(op, NULL, pcmk_ok, FALSE);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
     op->state = st_failed;
     remote_op_done(op, NULL, -ETIME, FALSE);
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 remote_op_query_timeout(gpointer data)
     remote_fencing_op_t *op = data;
     op->query_timer = 0;
     if (op->state == st_done) {
         crm_debug("Operation %s for %s already completed", op->id, op->target);
     } else if (op->state == st_exec) {
         crm_debug("Operation %s for %s already in progress", op->id, op->target);
     } else if (op->query_results) {
         crm_debug("Query %s for %s complete: %d", op->id, op->target, op->state);
         call_remote_stonith(op, NULL);
     } else {
         crm_debug("Query %s for %s timed out: %d", op->id, op->target, op->state);
         if (op->op_timer_total) {
             op->op_timer_total = 0;
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 topology_is_empty(stonith_topology_t *tp)
     int i;
     if (tp == NULL) {
         return TRUE;
     for (i = 0; i < ST_LEVEL_MAX; i++) {
         if (tp->levels[i] != NULL) {
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
  * \internal
- * \brief Add a device to the required list
+ * \brief Add a device to the required list for a particular phase
  * \param[in,out] op      Operation to modify
+ * \param[in]     phase   Phase to modify
  * \param[in]     device  Device ID to add
 static void
-add_required_device(remote_fencing_op_t * op, const char *device)
+add_required_device(remote_fencing_op_t *op, enum st_remap_phase phase,
+                    const char *device)
-    GListPtr match  = g_list_find_custom(op->required_list, device, sort_strings);
-    if (match) {
-        /* device already marked required */
-        return;
+    GListPtr match  = g_list_find_custom(op->required_list[phase], device,
+                                         sort_strings);
+    if (!match) {
+        op->required_list[phase] = g_list_prepend(op->required_list[phase],
+                                                  strdup(device));
-    op->required_list = g_list_prepend(op->required_list, strdup(device));
  * \internal
- * \brief Remove a device from the required list
+ * \brief Remove a device from the required list for the current phase
  * \param[in,out] op      Operation to modify
  * \param[in]     device  Device ID to remove
 static void
 remove_required_device(remote_fencing_op_t *op, const char *device)
-    GListPtr match = g_list_find_custom(op->required_list, device,
+    GListPtr match = g_list_find_custom(op->required_list[op->phase], device,
     if (match) {
-        op->required_list = g_list_remove(op->required_list, match->data);
+        op->required_list[op->phase] = g_list_remove(op->required_list[op->phase],
+                                                     match->data);
 /* deep copy the device list */
 static void
 set_op_device_list(remote_fencing_op_t * op, GListPtr devices)
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     if (op->devices_list) {
         g_list_free_full(op->devices_list, free);
         op->devices_list = NULL;
     for (lpc = devices; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         op->devices_list = g_list_append(op->devices_list, strdup(lpc->data));
     op->devices = op->devices_list;
 stonith_topology_t *
 find_topology_for_host(const char *host) 
     stonith_topology_t *tp = g_hash_table_lookup(topology, host);
     if(tp == NULL) {
         int status = 1;
         regex_t r_patt;
         GHashTableIter tIter;
         crm_trace("Testing %d topologies for a match", g_hash_table_size(topology));
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&tIter, topology);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&tIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & tp)) {
             if (regcomp(&r_patt, tp->node, REG_EXTENDED)) {
                 crm_info("Bad regex '%s' for fencing level", tp->node);
             } else {
                 status = regexec(&r_patt, host, 0, NULL, 0);
+                regfree(&r_patt);
             if (status == 0) {
                 crm_notice("Matched %s with %s", host, tp->node);
             crm_trace("No match for %s with %s", host, tp->node);
             tp = NULL;
     return tp;
  * \internal
  * \brief Set fencing operation's device list to target's next topology level
  * \param[in,out] op  Remote fencing operation to modify
  * \return pcmk_ok if successful, target was not specified (i.e. queries) or
  *         target has no topology, or -EINVAL if no more topology levels to try
 static int
 stonith_topology_next(remote_fencing_op_t * op)
     stonith_topology_t *tp = NULL;
     if (op->target) {
         /* Queries don't have a target set */
         tp = find_topology_for_host(op->target);
     if (topology_is_empty(tp)) {
         return pcmk_ok;
     set_bit(op->call_options, st_opt_topology);
+    /* This is a new level, so undo any remapping left over from previous */
+    undo_op_remap(op);
     do {
     } while (op->level < ST_LEVEL_MAX && tp->levels[op->level] == NULL);
     if (op->level < ST_LEVEL_MAX) {
         crm_trace("Attempting fencing level %d for %s (%d devices) - %s@%s.%.8s",
                   op->level, op->target, g_list_length(tp->levels[op->level]),
                   op->client_name, op->originator, op->id);
         set_op_device_list(op, tp->levels[op->level]);
+        if (g_list_next(op->devices_list) && safe_str_eq(op->action, "reboot")) {
+            /* A reboot has been requested for a topology level with multiple
+             * devices. Instead of rebooting the devices sequentially, we will
+             * turn them all off, then turn them all on again. (Think about
+             * switched power outlets for redundant power supplies.)
+             */
+            op_phase_off(op);
+        }
         return pcmk_ok;
     crm_notice("All fencing options to fence %s for %s@%s.%.8s failed",
                op->target, op->client_name, op->originator, op->id);
     return -EINVAL;
  * \brief Check to see if this operation is a duplicate of another in flight
  * operation. If so merge this operation into the inflight operation, and mark
  * it as a duplicate.
 static void
 merge_duplicates(remote_fencing_op_t * op)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     remote_fencing_op_t *other = NULL;
     time_t now = time(NULL);
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, remote_op_list);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&other)) {
         crm_node_t *peer = NULL;
+        const char *other_action = op_requested_action(other);
         if (other->state > st_exec) {
             /* Must be in-progress */
         } else if (safe_str_neq(op->target, other->target)) {
             /* Must be for the same node */
-        } else if (safe_str_neq(op->action, other->action)) {
-            crm_trace("Must be for the same action: %s vs. ", op->action, other->action);
+        } else if (safe_str_neq(op->action, other_action)) {
+            crm_trace("Must be for the same action: %s vs. %s",
+                      op->action, other_action);
         } else if (safe_str_eq(op->client_name, other->client_name)) {
             crm_trace("Must be for different clients: %s", op->client_name);
         } else if (safe_str_eq(other->target, other->originator)) {
             crm_trace("Can't be a suicide operation: %s", other->target);
         peer = crm_get_peer(0, other->originator);
         if(fencing_peer_active(peer) == FALSE) {
             crm_notice("Failing stonith action %s for node %s originating from %s@%s.%.8s: Originator is dead",
                        other->action, other->target, other->client_name, other->originator, other->id);
             other->state = st_failed;
         } else if(other->total_timeout > 0 && now > (other->total_timeout + other->created)) {
             crm_info("Stonith action %s for node %s originating from %s@%s.%.8s is too old: %d vs. %d + %d",
                      other->action, other->target, other->client_name, other->originator, other->id,
                      now, other->created, other->total_timeout);
         /* There is another in-flight request to fence the same host
          * Piggyback on that instead.  If it fails, so do we.
         other->duplicates = g_list_append(other->duplicates, op);
         if (other->total_timeout == 0) {
             crm_trace("Making a best-guess as to the timeout used");
             other->total_timeout = op->total_timeout =
                 TIMEOUT_MULTIPLY_FACTOR * get_op_total_timeout(op, NULL);
             ("Merging stonith action %s for node %s originating from client %s.%.8s with identical request from %s@%s.%.8s (%ds)",
              op->action, op->target, op->client_name, op->id, other->client_name, other->originator,
              other->id, other->total_timeout);
         report_timeout_period(op, other->total_timeout);
         op->state = st_duplicate;
 static uint32_t fencing_active_peers(void)
     uint32_t count = 0;
     crm_node_t *entry;
     GHashTableIter gIter;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, crm_peer_cache);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
         if(fencing_peer_active(entry)) {
     return count;
 stonith_manual_ack(xmlNode * msg, remote_fencing_op_t * op)
     xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_TARGET, msg, LOG_ERR);
     op->state = st_done;
     op->completed = time(NULL);
     op->delegate = strdup("a human");
     crm_notice("Injecting manual confirmation that %s is safely off/down",
                crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET));
     remote_op_done(op, msg, pcmk_ok, FALSE);
     /* Replies are sent via done_cb->stonith_send_async_reply()->do_local_reply() */
     return -EINPROGRESS;
  * \internal
  * \brief Create a new remote stonith op
  * \param client, he local stonith client id that initaited the operation
  * \param request, The request from the client that started the operation
  * \param peer, Is this operation owned by another stonith peer? Operations
  *        owned by other peers are stored on all the stonith nodes, but only the
  *        owner executes the operation.  All the nodes get the results to the operation
  *        once the owner finishes executing it.
 void *
 create_remote_stonith_op(const char *client, xmlNode * request, gboolean peer)
     remote_fencing_op_t *op = NULL;
     xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_TARGET, request, LOG_TRACE);
     int call_options = 0;
     if (remote_op_list == NULL) {
         remote_op_list = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, free_remote_op);
     /* If this operation is owned by another node, check to make
      * sure we haven't already created this operation. */
     if (peer && dev) {
         const char *op_id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID);
         CRM_CHECK(op_id != NULL, return NULL);
         op = g_hash_table_lookup(remote_op_list, op_id);
         if (op) {
             crm_debug("%s already exists", op_id);
             return op;
     op = calloc(1, sizeof(remote_fencing_op_t));
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, (int *)&(op->base_timeout));
     if (peer && dev) {
         op->id = crm_element_value_copy(dev, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID);
     } else {
         op->id = crm_generate_uuid();
     g_hash_table_replace(remote_op_list, op->id, op);
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(g_hash_table_lookup(remote_op_list, op->id) != NULL);
     crm_trace("Created %s", op->id);
     op->state = st_query;
     op->replies_expected = fencing_active_peers();
     op->action = crm_element_value_copy(dev, F_STONITH_ACTION);
     op->originator = crm_element_value_copy(dev, F_STONITH_ORIGIN);
     op->delegate = crm_element_value_copy(dev, F_STONITH_DELEGATE); /* May not be set */
     op->created = time(NULL);
     if (op->originator == NULL) {
         /* Local or relayed request */
         op->originator = strdup(stonith_our_uname);
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(client != NULL);
     if (client) {
         op->client_id = strdup(client);
     op->client_name = crm_element_value_copy(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME);
     op->target = crm_element_value_copy(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET);
     op->request = copy_xml(request);    /* TODO: Figure out how to avoid this */
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, &call_options);
     op->call_options = call_options;
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_CALLID, (int *)&(op->client_callid));
     crm_trace("%s new stonith op: %s - %s of %s for %s",
                && dev) ? "Recorded" : "Generated", op->id, op->action, op->target, op->client_name);
     if (op->call_options & st_opt_cs_nodeid) {
         int nodeid = crm_atoi(op->target, NULL);
         crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(nodeid, NULL);
         /* Ensure the conversion only happens once */
         op->call_options &= ~st_opt_cs_nodeid;
         if (node && node->uname) {
             op->target = strdup(node->uname);
         } else {
             crm_warn("Could not expand nodeid '%s' into a host name (%p)", op->target, node);
     /* check to see if this is a duplicate operation of another in-flight operation */
     return op;
 remote_fencing_op_t *
 initiate_remote_stonith_op(crm_client_t * client, xmlNode * request, gboolean manual_ack)
     int query_timeout = 0;
     xmlNode *query = NULL;
     const char *client_id = NULL;
     remote_fencing_op_t *op = NULL;
     if (client) {
         client_id = client->id;
     } else {
         client_id = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID);
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(client_id != NULL);
     op = create_remote_stonith_op(client_id, request, FALSE);
     op->owner = TRUE;
     if (manual_ack) {
         crm_notice("Initiating manual confirmation for %s: %s",
                    op->target, op->id);
         return op;
     CRM_CHECK(op->action, return NULL);
     if (stonith_topology_next(op) != pcmk_ok) {
         op->state = st_failed;
     switch (op->state) {
         case st_failed:
             crm_warn("Initiation of remote operation %s for %s: failed (%s)", op->action,
                      op->target, op->id);
             remote_op_done(op, NULL, -EINVAL, FALSE);
             return op;
         case st_duplicate:
             crm_info("Initiating remote operation %s for %s: %s (duplicate)", op->action,
                      op->target, op->id);
             return op;
             crm_notice("Initiating remote operation %s for %s: %s (%d)", op->action, op->target,
                        op->id, op->state);
     query = stonith_create_op(op->client_callid, op->id, STONITH_OP_QUERY,
                               NULL, op->call_options);
     crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID, op->id);
     crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_TARGET, op->target);
-    crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_ACTION, op->action);
+    crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_ACTION, op_requested_action(op));
     crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, op->originator);
     crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, op->client_id);
     crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, op->client_name);
     crm_xml_add_int(query, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, op->base_timeout);
     send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, query, FALSE);
     query_timeout = op->base_timeout * TIMEOUT_MULTIPLY_FACTOR;
     op->query_timer = g_timeout_add((1000 * query_timeout), remote_op_query_timeout, op);
     return op;
 enum find_best_peer_options {
     /*! Skip checking the target peer for capable fencing devices */
     FIND_PEER_SKIP_TARGET = 0x0001,
     /*! Only check the target peer for capable fencing devices */
     FIND_PEER_TARGET_ONLY = 0x0002,
     /*! Skip peers and devices that are not verified */
 static st_query_result_t *
 find_best_peer(const char *device, remote_fencing_op_t * op, enum find_best_peer_options options)
     GListPtr iter = NULL;
     gboolean verified_devices_only = (options & FIND_PEER_VERIFIED_ONLY) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     if (!device && is_set(op->call_options, st_opt_topology)) {
         return NULL;
     for (iter = op->query_results; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
         st_query_result_t *peer = iter->data;
         crm_trace("Testing result from %s for %s with %d devices: %d %x",
                   peer->host, op->target, peer->ndevices, peer->tried, options);
         if ((options & FIND_PEER_SKIP_TARGET) && safe_str_eq(peer->host, op->target)) {
         if ((options & FIND_PEER_TARGET_ONLY) && safe_str_neq(peer->host, op->target)) {
         if (is_set(op->call_options, st_opt_topology)) {
-            if (grab_peer_device(peer, device, verified_devices_only)) {
+            if (grab_peer_device(op, peer, device, verified_devices_only)) {
                 return peer;
         } else if ((peer->tried == FALSE)
-                   && count_peer_devices(peer, verified_devices_only)) {
+                   && count_peer_devices(op, peer, verified_devices_only)) {
             /* No topology: Use the current best peer */
             crm_trace("Simple fencing");
             return peer;
     return NULL;
 static st_query_result_t *
 stonith_choose_peer(remote_fencing_op_t * op)
     const char *device = NULL;
     st_query_result_t *peer = NULL;
     uint32_t active = fencing_active_peers();
     do {
         if (op->devices) {
             device = op->devices->data;
-            crm_trace("Checking for someone to fence %s with %s", op->target, device);
+            crm_trace("Checking for someone to fence (%s) %s with %s",
+                      op->action, op->target, device);
         } else {
-            crm_trace("Checking for someone to fence %s", op->target);
+            crm_trace("Checking for someone to fence (%s) %s",
+                      op->action, op->target);
+        /* Best choice is a peer other than the target with verified access */
         peer = find_best_peer(device, op, FIND_PEER_SKIP_TARGET|FIND_PEER_VERIFIED_ONLY);
         if (peer) {
             crm_trace("Found verified peer %s for %s", peer->host, device?device:"<any>");
             return peer;
         if(op->query_timer != 0 && op->replies < QB_MIN(op->replies_expected, active)) {
             crm_trace("Waiting before looking for unverified devices to fence %s", op->target);
             return NULL;
+        /* If no other peer has verified access, next best is unverified access */
         peer = find_best_peer(device, op, FIND_PEER_SKIP_TARGET);
         if (peer) {
             crm_trace("Found best unverified peer %s", peer->host);
             return peer;
-        peer = find_best_peer(device, op, FIND_PEER_TARGET_ONLY);
-        if(peer) {
-            crm_trace("%s will fence itself", peer->host);
-            return peer;
+        /* If no other peer can do it, last option is self-fencing
+         * (which is never allowed for the "on" phase of a remapped reboot)
+         */
+        if (op->phase != st_phase_on) {
+            peer = find_best_peer(device, op, FIND_PEER_TARGET_ONLY);
+            if (peer) {
+                crm_trace("%s will fence itself", peer->host);
+                return peer;
+            }
-        /* Try the next fencing level if there is one */
-    } while (is_set(op->call_options, st_opt_topology)
+        /* Try the next fencing level if there is one (unless we're in the "on"
+         * phase of a remapped "reboot", because we ignore errors in that case)
+         */
+    } while ((op->phase != st_phase_on)
+             && is_set(op->call_options, st_opt_topology)
              && stonith_topology_next(op) == pcmk_ok);
-    crm_notice("Couldn't find anyone to fence %s with %s", op->target, device?device:"<any>");
+    crm_notice("Couldn't find anyone to fence (%s) %s with %s",
+               op->action, op->target, (device? device : "any device"));
     return NULL;
 static int
 get_device_timeout(const remote_fencing_op_t *op, const st_query_result_t *peer,
                    const char *device)
     device_properties_t *props;
     if (!peer || !device) {
         return op->base_timeout;
     props = g_hash_table_lookup(peer->devices, device);
     if (!props) {
         return op->base_timeout;
-    return (props->custom_action_timeout?
-           props->custom_action_timeout : op->base_timeout)
-           + props->delay_max;
+    return (props->custom_action_timeout[op->phase]?
+           props->custom_action_timeout[op->phase] : op->base_timeout)
+           + props->delay_max[op->phase];
 struct timeout_data {
     const remote_fencing_op_t *op;
     const st_query_result_t *peer;
     int total_timeout;
  * \internal
  * \brief Add timeout to a total if device has not been executed yet
  * \param[in] key        GHashTable key (device ID)
  * \param[in] value      GHashTable value (device properties)
  * \param[in] user_data  Timeout data
 static void
 add_device_timeout(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     const char *device_id = key;
     device_properties_t *props = value;
     struct timeout_data *timeout = user_data;
-    if (!props->executed) {
+    if (!props->executed[timeout->op->phase]
+        && !props->disallowed[timeout->op->phase]) {
         timeout->total_timeout += get_device_timeout(timeout->op,
                                                      timeout->peer, device_id);
 static int
 get_peer_timeout(const remote_fencing_op_t *op, const st_query_result_t *peer)
     struct timeout_data timeout;
     timeout.op = op;
     timeout.peer = peer;
     timeout.total_timeout = 0;
     g_hash_table_foreach(peer->devices, add_device_timeout, &timeout);
     return (timeout.total_timeout? timeout.total_timeout : op->base_timeout);
 static int
 get_op_total_timeout(const remote_fencing_op_t *op,
                      const st_query_result_t *chosen_peer)
     int total_timeout = 0;
     stonith_topology_t *tp = find_topology_for_host(op->target);
     if (is_set(op->call_options, st_opt_topology) && tp) {
         int i;
         GListPtr device_list = NULL;
         GListPtr iter = NULL;
         /* Yep, this looks scary, nested loops all over the place.
          * Here is what is going on.
          * Loop1: Iterate through fencing levels.
          * Loop2: If a fencing level has devices, loop through each device
          * Loop3: For each device in a fencing level, see what peer owns it
          *        and what that peer has reported the timeout is for the device.
         for (i = 0; i < ST_LEVEL_MAX; i++) {
             if (!tp->levels[i]) {
             for (device_list = tp->levels[i]; device_list; device_list = device_list->next) {
                 for (iter = op->query_results; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
                     const st_query_result_t *peer = iter->data;
-                    if (find_peer_device(peer, device_list->data)) {
+                    if (find_peer_device(op, peer, device_list->data)) {
                         total_timeout += get_device_timeout(op, peer,
                 }               /* End Loop3: match device with peer that owns device, find device's timeout period */
             }                   /* End Loop2: iterate through devices at a specific level */
         }                       /*End Loop1: iterate through fencing levels */
     } else if (chosen_peer) {
         total_timeout = get_peer_timeout(op, chosen_peer);
     } else {
         total_timeout = op->base_timeout;
     return total_timeout ? total_timeout : op->base_timeout;
 static void
 report_timeout_period(remote_fencing_op_t * op, int op_timeout)
     GListPtr iter = NULL;
     xmlNode *update = NULL;
     const char *client_node = NULL;
     const char *client_id = NULL;
     const char *call_id = NULL;
     if (op->call_options & st_opt_sync_call) {
         /* There is no reason to report the timeout for a syncronous call. It
          * is impossible to use the reported timeout to do anything when the client
          * is blocking for the response.  This update is only important for
          * async calls that require a callback to report the results in. */
     } else if (!op->request) {
     crm_trace("Reporting timeout for %s.%.8s", op->client_name, op->id);
     client_node = crm_element_value(op->request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNODE);
     call_id = crm_element_value(op->request, F_STONITH_CALLID);
     client_id = crm_element_value(op->request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID);
     if (!client_node || !call_id || !client_id) {
     if (safe_str_eq(client_node, stonith_our_uname)) {
         /* The client is connected to this node, send the update direclty to them */
         do_stonith_async_timeout_update(client_id, call_id, op_timeout);
     /* The client is connected to another node, relay this update to them */
     update = stonith_create_op(op->client_callid, op->id, STONITH_OP_TIMEOUT_UPDATE, NULL, 0);
     crm_xml_add(update, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID, op->id);
     crm_xml_add(update, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, client_id);
     crm_xml_add(update, F_STONITH_CALLID, call_id);
     crm_xml_add_int(update, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, op_timeout);
     send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, client_node), crm_msg_stonith_ng, update, FALSE);
     for (iter = op->duplicates; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
         remote_fencing_op_t *dup = iter->data;
         crm_trace("Reporting timeout for duplicate %s.%.8s", dup->client_name, dup->id);
         report_timeout_period(iter->data, op_timeout);
  * \internal
  * \brief Advance an operation to the next device in its topology
  * \param[in,out] op      Operation to advance
  * \param[in]     device  ID of device just completed
  * \param[in]     msg     XML reply that contained device result (if available)
  * \param[in]     rc      Return code of device's execution
 static void
 advance_op_topology(remote_fencing_op_t *op, const char *device, xmlNode *msg,
                     int rc)
     /* Advance to the next device at this topology level, if any */
     if (op->devices) {
         op->devices = op->devices->next;
     /* If this device was required, it's not anymore */
     remove_required_device(op, device);
     /* If there are no more devices at this topology level,
      * run through any required devices not already executed
     if (op->devices == NULL) {
-        op->devices = op->required_list;
+        op->devices = op->required_list[op->phase];
+    }
+    if ((op->devices == NULL) && (op->phase == st_phase_off)) {
+        /* We're done with this level and with required devices, but we had
+         * remapped "reboot" to "off", so start over with "on". If any devices
+         * need to be turned back on, op->devices will be non-NULL after this.
+         */
+        op_phase_on(op);
     if (op->devices) {
         /* Necessary devices remain, so execute the next one */
         crm_trace("Next for %s on behalf of %s@%s (rc was %d)",
                   op->target, op->originator, op->client_name, rc);
         call_remote_stonith(op, NULL);
     } else {
-        /* We're done with all devices, so finalize operation */
+        /* We're done with all devices and phases, so finalize operation */
         crm_trace("Marking complex fencing op for %s as complete", op->target);
         op->state = st_done;
         remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE);
 call_remote_stonith(remote_fencing_op_t * op, st_query_result_t * peer)
     const char *device = NULL;
     int timeout = op->base_timeout;
     crm_trace("State for %s.%.8s: %s %d", op->target, op->client_name, op->id, op->state);
     if (peer == NULL && !is_set(op->call_options, st_opt_topology)) {
         peer = stonith_choose_peer(op);
     if (!op->op_timer_total) {
         int total_timeout = get_op_total_timeout(op, peer);
         op->total_timeout = TIMEOUT_MULTIPLY_FACTOR * total_timeout;
         op->op_timer_total = g_timeout_add(1000 * op->total_timeout, remote_op_timeout, op);
         report_timeout_period(op, op->total_timeout);
         crm_info("Total remote op timeout set to %d for fencing of node %s for %s.%.8s",
                  total_timeout, op->target, op->client_name, op->id);
     if (is_set(op->call_options, st_opt_topology) && op->devices) {
         /* Ignore any peer preference, they might not have the device we need */
         /* When using topology, stonith_choose_peer() removes the device from
          * further consideration, so be sure to calculate timeout beforehand */
         peer = stonith_choose_peer(op);
         device = op->devices->data;
         timeout = get_device_timeout(op, peer, device);
     if (peer) {
         int timeout_one = 0;
         xmlNode *remote_op = stonith_create_op(op->client_callid, op->id, STONITH_OP_FENCE, NULL, 0);
         crm_xml_add(remote_op, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID, op->id);
         crm_xml_add(remote_op, F_STONITH_TARGET, op->target);
         crm_xml_add(remote_op, F_STONITH_ACTION, op->action);
         crm_xml_add(remote_op, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, op->originator);
         crm_xml_add(remote_op, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, op->client_id);
         crm_xml_add(remote_op, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, op->client_name);
         crm_xml_add_int(remote_op, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout);
         crm_xml_add_int(remote_op, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, op->call_options);
         if (device) {
             timeout_one = TIMEOUT_MULTIPLY_FACTOR *
                           get_device_timeout(op, peer, device);
             crm_info("Requesting that %s perform op %s %s with %s for %s (%ds)", peer->host,
                      op->action, op->target, device, op->client_name, timeout_one);
             crm_xml_add(remote_op, F_STONITH_DEVICE, device);
             crm_xml_add(remote_op, F_STONITH_MODE, "slave");
         } else {
             timeout_one = TIMEOUT_MULTIPLY_FACTOR * get_peer_timeout(op, peer);
             crm_info("Requesting that %s perform op %s %s for %s (%ds, %ds)",
                      peer->host, op->action, op->target, op->client_name, timeout_one, stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms);
             crm_xml_add(remote_op, F_STONITH_MODE, "smart");
         op->state = st_exec;
         if (op->op_timer_one) {
         if(stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms > 0 && device && safe_str_eq(device, "watchdog")) {
-            crm_notice("Waiting %ds for %s to self-terminate for %s.%.8s (%p)",
-                       stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms/1000, op->target, op->client_name, op->id, device);
+            crm_notice("Waiting %ds for %s to self-fence (%s) for %s.%.8s (%p)",
+                       stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms/1000, op->target,
+                       op->action, op->client_name, op->id, device);
             op->op_timer_one = g_timeout_add(stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms, remote_op_watchdog_done, op);
             /* TODO check devices to verify watchdog will be in use */
         } else if(stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms > 0
                   && safe_str_eq(peer->host, op->target)
                   && safe_str_neq(op->action, "on")) {
-            crm_notice("Waiting %ds for %s to self-terminate for %s.%.8s (%p)",
-                       stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms/1000, op->target, op->client_name, op->id, device);
+            crm_notice("Waiting %ds for %s to self-fence (%s) for %s.%.8s (%p)",
+                       stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms/1000, op->target,
+                       op->action, op->client_name, op->id, device);
             op->op_timer_one = g_timeout_add(stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms, remote_op_watchdog_done, op);
         } else {
             op->op_timer_one = g_timeout_add((1000 * timeout_one), remote_op_timeout_one, op);
         send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, peer->host), crm_msg_stonith_ng, remote_op, FALSE);
         peer->tried = TRUE;
+    } else if (op->phase == st_phase_on) {
+        /* A remapped "on" cannot be executed, but the node was already
+         * turned off successfully, so ignore the error and continue.
+         */
+        crm_warn("Ignoring %s 'on' failure (no capable peers) for %s after successful 'off'",
+                 device, op->target);
+        advance_op_topology(op, device, NULL, pcmk_ok);
+        return;
     } else if (op->owner == FALSE) {
-        crm_err("The termination of %s for %s is not ours to control", op->target, op->client_name);
+        crm_err("Fencing (%s) of %s for %s is not ours to control",
+                op->action, op->target, op->client_name);
     } else if (op->query_timer == 0) {
         /* We've exhausted all available peers */
-        crm_info("No remaining peers capable of terminating %s for %s (%d)", op->target,
-                 op->client_name, op->state);
+        crm_info("No remaining peers capable of fencing (%s) %s for %s (%d)",
+                 op->target, op->action, op->client_name, op->state);
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(op->state < st_done);
     } else if(op->replies >= op->replies_expected || op->replies >= fencing_active_peers()) {
         int rc = -EHOSTUNREACH;
         /* if the operation never left the query state,
          * but we have all the expected replies, then no devices
          * are available to execute the fencing operation. */
         if(stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms && (device == NULL || safe_str_eq(device, "watchdog"))) {
-            crm_notice("Waiting %ds for %s to self-terminate for %s.%.8s (%p)",
-                     stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms/1000, op->target, op->client_name, op->id, device);
+            crm_notice("Waiting %ds for %s to self-fence (%s) for %s.%.8s (%p)",
+                     stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms/1000, op->target,
+                     op->action, op->client_name, op->id, device);
             op->op_timer_one = g_timeout_add(stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms, remote_op_watchdog_done, op);
         if (op->state == st_query) {
-           crm_info("None of the %d peers have devices capable of terminating %s for %s (%d)",
-                   op->replies, op->target, op->client_name, op->state);
+           crm_info("None of the %d peers have devices capable of fencing (%s) %s for %s (%d)",
+                   op->replies, op->action, op->target, op->client_name,
+                   op->state);
             rc = -ENODEV;
         } else {
-           crm_info("None of the %d peers are capable of terminating %s for %s (%d)",
-                   op->replies, op->target, op->client_name, op->state);
+           crm_info("None of the %d peers are capable of fencing (%s) %s for %s (%d)",
+                   op->replies, op->action, op->target, op->client_name,
+                   op->state);
         op->state = st_failed;
         remote_op_done(op, NULL, rc, FALSE);
     } else if (device) {
-        crm_info("Waiting for additional peers capable of terminating %s with %s for %s.%.8s",
-                 op->target, device, op->client_name, op->id);
+        crm_info("Waiting for additional peers capable of fencing (%s) %s with %s for %s.%.8s",
+                 op->action, op->target, device, op->client_name, op->id);
     } else {
-        crm_info("Waiting for additional peers capable of terminating %s for %s%.8s",
-                 op->target, op->client_name, op->id);
+        crm_info("Waiting for additional peers capable of fencing (%s) %s for %s%.8s",
+                 op->action, op->target, op->client_name, op->id);
  * \internal
  * \brief Comparison function for sorting query results
  * \param[in] a  GList item to compare
  * \param[in] b  GList item to compare
  * \return Per the glib documentation, "a negative integer if the first value
  *         comes before the second, 0 if they are equal, or a positive integer
  *         if the first value comes after the second."
 static gint
 sort_peers(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     const st_query_result_t *peer_a = a;
     const st_query_result_t *peer_b = b;
     return (peer_b->ndevices - peer_a->ndevices);
  * \internal
  * \brief Determine if all the devices in the topology are found or not
 static gboolean
 all_topology_devices_found(remote_fencing_op_t * op)
     GListPtr device = NULL;
     GListPtr iter = NULL;
     device_properties_t *match = NULL;
     stonith_topology_t *tp = NULL;
     gboolean skip_target = FALSE;
     int i;
     tp = find_topology_for_host(op->target);
     if (!tp) {
         return FALSE;
     if (safe_str_eq(op->action, "off") || safe_str_eq(op->action, "reboot")) {
         /* Don't count the devices on the target node if we are killing
          * the target node. */
         skip_target = TRUE;
     for (i = 0; i < ST_LEVEL_MAX; i++) {
         for (device = tp->levels[i]; device; device = device->next) {
             match = NULL;
             for (iter = op->query_results; iter && !match; iter = iter->next) {
                 st_query_result_t *peer = iter->data;
                 if (skip_target && safe_str_eq(peer->host, op->target)) {
-                match = find_peer_device(peer, device->data);
+                match = find_peer_device(op, peer, device->data);
             if (!match) {
                 return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
  * \internal
  * \brief Parse action-specific device properties from XML
  * \param[in]     msg     XML element containing the properties
  * \param[in]     peer    Name of peer that sent XML (for logs)
  * \param[in]     device  Device ID (for logs)
- * \param[in]     action  Action the properties relate to
+ * \param[in]     action  Action the properties relate to (for logs)
+ * \param[in]     phase   Phase the properties relate to
  * \param[in,out] props   Device properties to update
 static void
 parse_action_specific(xmlNode *xml, const char *peer, const char *device,
                       const char *action, remote_fencing_op_t *op,
-                      device_properties_t *props)
+                      enum st_remap_phase phase, device_properties_t *props)
     int required;
-    props->custom_action_timeout = 0;
+    props->custom_action_timeout[phase] = 0;
     crm_element_value_int(xml, F_STONITH_ACTION_TIMEOUT,
-                          &props->custom_action_timeout);
-    if (props->custom_action_timeout) {
+                          &props->custom_action_timeout[phase]);
+    if (props->custom_action_timeout[phase]) {
         crm_trace("Peer %s with device %s returned %s action timeout %d",
-                  peer, device, action, props->custom_action_timeout);
+                  peer, device, action, props->custom_action_timeout[phase]);
-    props->delay_max = 0;
-    crm_element_value_int(xml, F_STONITH_DELAY_MAX, &props->delay_max);
-    if (props->delay_max) {
+    props->delay_max[phase] = 0;
+    crm_element_value_int(xml, F_STONITH_DELAY_MAX, &props->delay_max[phase]);
+    if (props->delay_max[phase]) {
         crm_trace("Peer %s with device %s returned maximum of random delay %d for %s",
-                  peer, device, props->delay_max, action);
+                  peer, device, props->delay_max[phase], action);
     required = 0;
     crm_element_value_int(xml, F_STONITH_DEVICE_REQUIRED, &required);
     if (required) {
         /* If the action is marked as required, add the device to the
-         * operation's list of required devices. We use this
-         * for unfencing when executing a topology.
-         * Required devices get executed regardless of their topology level.
+         * operation's list of required devices for this phase. We use this
+         * for unfencing when executing a topology. In phase 0 (requested
+         * action) or phase 1 (remapped "off"), required devices get executed
+         * regardless of their topology level; in phase 2 (remapped "on"),
+         * required devices are not attempted, because the cluster will
+         * execute them automatically later.
         crm_trace("Peer %s requires device %s to execute for action %s",
                   peer, device, action);
-        add_required_device(op, device);
+        add_required_device(op, phase, device);
+    }
+    /* If a reboot is remapped to off+on, it's possible that a node is allowed
+     * to perform one action but not another.
+     */
+    if (crm_is_true(crm_element_value(xml, F_STONITH_ACTION_DISALLOWED))) {
+        props->disallowed[phase] = TRUE;
+        crm_trace("Peer %s is disallowed from executing %s for device %s",
+                  peer, action, device);
  * \internal
  * \brief Parse one device's properties from peer's XML query reply
  * \param[in]     xml       XML node containing device properties
  * \param[in,out] op        Operation that query and reply relate to
  * \param[in,out] result    Peer's results
  * \param[in]     device    ID of device being parsed
 static void
 add_device_properties(xmlNode *xml, remote_fencing_op_t *op,
                       st_query_result_t *result, const char *device)
+    xmlNode *child;
     int verified = 0;
     device_properties_t *props = calloc(1, sizeof(device_properties_t));
     /* Add a new entry to this result's devices list */
     CRM_ASSERT(props != NULL);
     g_hash_table_insert(result->devices, strdup(device), props);
     /* Peers with verified (monitored) access will be preferred */
     crm_element_value_int(xml, F_STONITH_DEVICE_VERIFIED, &verified);
     if (verified) {
         crm_trace("Peer %s has confirmed a verified device %s",
                   result->host, device);
         props->verified = TRUE;
     /* Parse action-specific device properties */
-    parse_action_specific(xml, result->host, device, op->action,
-                          op, props);
+    parse_action_specific(xml, result->host, device, op_requested_action(op),
+                          op, st_phase_requested, props);
+    for (child = __xml_first_child(xml); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) {
+        /* Replies for "reboot" operations will include the action-specific
+         * values for "off" and "on" in child elements, just in case the reboot
+         * winds up getting remapped.
+         */
+        if (safe_str_eq(ID(child), "off")) {
+            parse_action_specific(child, result->host, device, "off",
+                                  op, st_phase_off, props);
+        } else if (safe_str_eq(ID(child), "on")) {
+            parse_action_specific(child, result->host, device, "on",
+                                  op, st_phase_on, props);
+        }
+    }
  * \internal
  * \brief Parse a peer's XML query reply and add it to operation's results
  * \param[in,out] op        Operation that query and reply relate to
  * \param[in]     host      Name of peer that sent this reply
  * \param[in]     ndevices  Number of devices expected in reply
  * \param[in]     xml       XML node containing device list
  * \return Newly allocated result structure with parsed reply
 static st_query_result_t *
 add_result(remote_fencing_op_t *op, const char *host, int ndevices, xmlNode *xml)
     st_query_result_t *result = calloc(1, sizeof(st_query_result_t));
     xmlNode *child;
     CRM_CHECK(result != NULL, return NULL);
     result->host = strdup(host);
     result->devices = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, free);
     /* Each child element describes one capable device available to the peer */
     for (child = __xml_first_child(xml); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) {
         const char *device = ID(child);
         if (device) {
             add_device_properties(child, op, result, device);
     result->ndevices = g_hash_table_size(result->devices);
     CRM_CHECK(ndevices == result->ndevices,
               crm_err("Query claimed to have %d devices but %d found",
                       ndevices, result->ndevices));
     op->query_results = g_list_insert_sorted(op->query_results, result, sort_peers);
     return result;
  * \internal
  * \brief Handle a peer's reply to our fencing query
  * Parse a query result from XML and store it in the remote operation
  * table, and when enough replies have been received, issue a fencing request.
  * \param[in] msg  XML reply received
  * \return pcmk_ok on success, -errno on error
  * \note See initiate_remote_stonith_op() for how the XML query was initially
  *       formed, and stonith_query() for how the peer formed its XML reply.
 process_remote_stonith_query(xmlNode * msg)
     int ndevices = 0;
     gboolean host_is_target = FALSE;
     gboolean have_all_replies = FALSE;
     const char *id = NULL;
     const char *host = NULL;
     remote_fencing_op_t *op = NULL;
     st_query_result_t *result = NULL;
     uint32_t replies_expected;
     xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID, msg, LOG_ERR);
     CRM_CHECK(dev != NULL, return -EPROTO);
     id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID);
     CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, return -EPROTO);
     dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_AVAILABLE_DEVICES, msg, LOG_ERR);
     CRM_CHECK(dev != NULL, return -EPROTO);
     crm_element_value_int(dev, F_STONITH_AVAILABLE_DEVICES, &ndevices);
     op = g_hash_table_lookup(remote_op_list, id);
     if (op == NULL) {
         crm_debug("Unknown or expired remote op: %s", id);
         return -EOPNOTSUPP;
     replies_expected = QB_MIN(op->replies_expected, fencing_active_peers());
     if ((++op->replies >= replies_expected) && (op->state == st_query)) {
         have_all_replies = TRUE;
     host = crm_element_value(msg, F_ORIG);
     host_is_target = safe_str_eq(host, op->target);
     crm_info("Query result %d of %d from %s for %s/%s (%d devices) %s",
              op->replies, replies_expected, host,
              op->target, op->action, ndevices, id);
     if (ndevices > 0) {
         result = add_result(op, host, ndevices, dev);
     if (is_set(op->call_options, st_opt_topology)) {
         /* If we start the fencing before all the topology results are in,
          * it is possible fencing levels will be skipped because of the missing
          * query results. */
         if (op->state == st_query && all_topology_devices_found(op)) {
             /* All the query results are in for the topology, start the fencing ops. */
             crm_trace("All topology devices found");
             call_remote_stonith(op, result);
         } else if (have_all_replies) {
             crm_info("All topology query replies have arrived, continuing (%d expected/%d received) ",
                      replies_expected, op->replies);
             call_remote_stonith(op, NULL);
     } else if (op->state == st_query) {
-        int nverified = count_peer_devices(result, TRUE);
+        int nverified = count_peer_devices(op, result, TRUE);
         /* We have a result for a non-topology fencing op that looks promising,
          * go ahead and start fencing before query timeout */
         if (result && (host_is_target == FALSE) && nverified) {
             /* we have a verified device living on a peer that is not the target */
             crm_trace("Found %d verified devices", nverified);
             call_remote_stonith(op, result);
         } else if (have_all_replies) {
             crm_info("All query replies have arrived, continuing (%d expected/%d received) ",
                      replies_expected, op->replies);
             call_remote_stonith(op, NULL);
         } else {
             crm_trace("Waiting for more peer results before launching fencing operation");
     } else if (result && (op->state == st_done)) {
         crm_info("Discarding query result from %s (%d devices): Operation is in state %d",
                  result->host, result->ndevices, op->state);
     return pcmk_ok;
  * \internal
  * \brief Handle a peer's reply to a fencing request
  * Parse a fencing reply from XML, and either finalize the operation
  * or attempt another device as appropriate.
  * \param[in] msg  XML reply received
  * \return pcmk_ok on success, -errno on error
 process_remote_stonith_exec(xmlNode * msg)
     int rc = 0;
     const char *id = NULL;
     const char *device = NULL;
     remote_fencing_op_t *op = NULL;
     xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID, msg, LOG_ERR);
     CRM_CHECK(dev != NULL, return -EPROTO);
     id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID);
     CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, return -EPROTO);
     dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_RC, msg, LOG_ERR);
     CRM_CHECK(dev != NULL, return -EPROTO);
     crm_element_value_int(dev, F_STONITH_RC, &rc);
     device = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     if (remote_op_list) {
         op = g_hash_table_lookup(remote_op_list, id);
     if (op == NULL && rc == pcmk_ok) {
         /* Record successful fencing operations */
         const char *client_id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_CLIENTID);
         op = create_remote_stonith_op(client_id, dev, TRUE);
     if (op == NULL) {
         /* Could be for an event that began before we started */
         /* TODO: Record the op for later querying */
         crm_info("Unknown or expired remote op: %s", id);
         return -EOPNOTSUPP;
     if (op->devices && device && safe_str_neq(op->devices->data, device)) {
             ("Received outdated reply for device %s (instead of %s) to %s node %s. Operation already timed out at remote level.",
              device, op->devices->data, op->action, op->target);
         return rc;
     if (safe_str_eq(crm_element_value(msg, F_SUBTYPE), "broadcast")) {
         crm_debug("Marking call to %s for %s on behalf of %s@%s.%.8s: %s (%d)",
                   op->action, op->target, op->client_name, op->id, op->originator,
                   pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
             op->state = st_done;
         } else {
             op->state = st_failed;
         remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE);
         return pcmk_ok;
     } else if (safe_str_neq(op->originator, stonith_our_uname)) {
         /* If this isn't a remote level broadcast, and we are not the
          * originator of the operation, we should not be receiving this msg. */
             ("%s received non-broadcast fencing result for operation it does not own (device %s targeting %s)",
              stonith_our_uname, device, op->target);
         return rc;
     if (is_set(op->call_options, st_opt_topology)) {
         const char *device = crm_element_value(msg, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
         crm_notice("Call to %s for %s on behalf of %s@%s: %s (%d)",
                    device, op->target, op->client_name, op->originator,
                    pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         /* We own the op, and it is complete. broadcast the result to all nodes
          * and notify our local clients. */
         if (op->state == st_done) {
             remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE);
             return rc;
+        if ((op->phase == 2) && (rc != pcmk_ok)) {
+            /* A remapped "on" failed, but the node was already turned off
+             * successfully, so ignore the error and continue.
+             */
+            crm_warn("Ignoring %s 'on' failure (exit code %d) for %s after successful 'off'",
+                     device, rc, op->target);
+            rc = pcmk_ok;
+        }
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
             /* An operation completed successfully. Try another device if
              * necessary, otherwise mark the operation as done. */
             advance_op_topology(op, device, msg, rc);
             return rc;
         } else {
             /* This device failed, time to try another topology level. If no other
              * levels are available, mark this operation as failed and report results. */
             if (stonith_topology_next(op) != pcmk_ok) {
                 op->state = st_failed;
                 remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE);
                 return rc;
     } else if (rc == pcmk_ok && op->devices == NULL) {
         crm_trace("All done for %s", op->target);
         op->state = st_done;
         remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE);
         return rc;
     } else if (rc == -ETIME && op->devices == NULL) {
         /* If the operation timed out don't bother retrying other peers. */
         op->state = st_failed;
         remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE);
         return rc;
     } else {
         /* fall-through and attempt other fencing action using another peer */
     /* Retry on failure */
     crm_trace("Next for %s on behalf of %s@%s (rc was %d)", op->target, op->originator,
               op->client_name, rc);
     call_remote_stonith(op, NULL);
     return rc;
 stonith_fence_history(xmlNode * msg, xmlNode ** output)
     int rc = 0;
     const char *target = NULL;
     xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@" F_STONITH_TARGET, msg, LOG_TRACE);
     if (dev) {
         int options = 0;
         target = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, &options);
         if (target && (options & st_opt_cs_nodeid)) {
             int nodeid = crm_atoi(target, NULL);
             crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(nodeid, NULL);
             if (node) {
                 target = node->uname;
     crm_trace("Looking for operations on %s in %p", target, remote_op_list);
     *output = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_HISTORY_LIST);
     if (remote_op_list) {
         GHashTableIter iter;
         remote_fencing_op_t *op = NULL;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, remote_op_list);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&op)) {
             xmlNode *entry = NULL;
             if (target && strcmp(op->target, target) != 0) {
             rc = 0;
             crm_trace("Attaching op %s", op->id);
             entry = create_xml_node(*output, STONITH_OP_EXEC);
             crm_xml_add(entry, F_STONITH_TARGET, op->target);
             crm_xml_add(entry, F_STONITH_ACTION, op->action);
             crm_xml_add(entry, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, op->originator);
             crm_xml_add(entry, F_STONITH_DELEGATE, op->delegate);
             crm_xml_add(entry, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, op->client_name);
             crm_xml_add_int(entry, F_STONITH_DATE, op->completed);
             crm_xml_add_int(entry, F_STONITH_STATE, op->state);
     return rc;
 stonith_check_fence_tolerance(int tolerance, const char *target, const char *action)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     time_t now = time(NULL);
     remote_fencing_op_t *rop = NULL;
     crm_trace("tolerance=%d, remote_op_list=%p", tolerance, remote_op_list);
     if (tolerance <= 0 || !remote_op_list || target == NULL || action == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, remote_op_list);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&rop)) {
         if (strcmp(rop->target, target) != 0) {
         } else if (rop->state != st_done) {
+        /* We don't have to worry about remapped reboots here
+         * because if state is done, any remapping has been undone
+         */
         } else if (strcmp(rop->action, action) != 0) {
         } else if ((rop->completed + tolerance) < now) {
         crm_notice("Target %s was fenced (%s) less than %ds ago by %s on behalf of %s",
                    target, action, tolerance, rop->delegate, rop->originator);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
diff --git a/include/crm/fencing/internal.h b/include/crm/fencing/internal.h
index a6f58b12eb..a59151b333 100644
--- a/include/crm/fencing/internal.h
+++ b/include/crm/fencing/internal.h
@@ -1,132 +1,134 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2011 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #  include <crm/common/ipc.h>
 #  include <crm/common/xml.h>
 struct stonith_action_s;
 typedef struct stonith_action_s stonith_action_t;
 stonith_action_t *stonith_action_create(const char *agent,
                                         const char *_action,
                                         const char *victim,
                                         uint32_t victim_nodeid,
                                         int timeout,
                                         GHashTable * device_args, GHashTable * port_map);
 stonith_action_execute_async(stonith_action_t * action,
                              void *userdata,
                              void (*done) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output,
                                            gpointer user_data));
  stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action, int *agent_result, char **output);
 gboolean is_redhat_agent(const char *agent);
 xmlNode *create_level_registration_xml(const char *node, int level,
                                        stonith_key_value_t * device_list);
 xmlNode *create_device_registration_xml(const char *id, const char *namespace, const char *agent,
                                         stonith_key_value_t * params, const char *rsc_provides);
 #  define ST_LEVEL_MAX 10
 #  define F_STONITH_CLIENTID      "st_clientid"
 #  define F_STONITH_CALLOPTS      "st_callopt"
 #  define F_STONITH_CALLID        "st_callid"
 #  define F_STONITH_CALLDATA      "st_calldata"
 #  define F_STONITH_OPERATION     "st_op"
 #  define F_STONITH_TARGET        "st_target"
 #  define F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID  "st_remote_op"
 #  define F_STONITH_RC            "st_rc"
 /*! Timeout period per a device execution */
 #  define F_STONITH_TIMEOUT       "st_timeout"
 #  define F_STONITH_TOLERANCE     "st_tolerance"
 /*! Action specific timeout period returned in query of fencing devices. */
 #  define F_STONITH_ACTION_TIMEOUT       "st_action_timeout"
+/*! Host in query result is not allowed to run this action */
+#  define F_STONITH_ACTION_DISALLOWED     "st_action_disallowed"
 /*! Maximum of random fencing delay for a device */
 #  define F_STONITH_DELAY_MAX            "st_delay_max"
 /*! Has this device been verified using a monitor type
  *  operation (monitor, list, status) */
 #  define F_STONITH_DEVICE_VERIFIED   "st_monitor_verified"
 /*! device is required for this action */
 #  define F_STONITH_DEVICE_REQUIRED   "st_required"
 /*! number of available devices in query result */
 #  define F_STONITH_AVAILABLE_DEVICES "st-available-devices"
 #  define F_STONITH_CALLBACK_TOKEN    "st_async_id"
 #  define F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME        "st_clientname"
 #  define F_STONITH_CLIENTNODE        "st_clientnode"
 #  define F_STONITH_NOTIFY_TYPE       "st_notify_type"
 #  define F_STONITH_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE   "st_notify_activate"
 #  define F_STONITH_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE "st_notify_deactivate"
 #  define F_STONITH_DELEGATE      "st_delegate"
 /*! The node initiating the stonith operation.  If an operation
  * is relayed, this is the last node the operation lands on. When
  * in standalone mode, origin is the client's id that originated the
  * operation. */
 #  define F_STONITH_ORIGIN        "st_origin"
 #  define F_STONITH_HISTORY_LIST  "st_history"
 #  define F_STONITH_DATE          "st_date"
 #  define F_STONITH_STATE         "st_state"
 #  define F_STONITH_LEVEL         "st_level"
 #  define F_STONITH_ACTIVE        "st_active"
 #  define F_STONITH_DEVICE        "st_device_id"
 #  define F_STONITH_ACTION        "st_device_action"
 #  define F_STONITH_MODE          "st_mode"
 #  define T_STONITH_NG        "stonith-ng"
 #  define T_STONITH_REPLY     "st-reply"
 /*! For async operations, an event from the server containing
  * the total amount of time the server is allowing for the operation
  * to take place is returned to the client. */
 #  define T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE "st-async-timeout-value"
 #  define T_STONITH_NOTIFY    "st_notify"
 #  define STONITH_ATTR_ARGMAP    "pcmk_arg_map"
 #  define STONITH_ATTR_HOSTARG   "pcmk_host_argument"
 #  define STONITH_ATTR_HOSTMAP   "pcmk_host_map"
 #  define STONITH_ATTR_HOSTLIST  "pcmk_host_list"
 #  define STONITH_ATTR_HOSTCHECK "pcmk_host_check"
 #  define STONITH_ATTR_DELAY_MAX "pcmk_delay_max"
 #  define STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP   "action"
 #  define STONITH_OP_EXEC        "st_execute"
 #  define STONITH_OP_TIMEOUT_UPDATE        "st_timeout_update"
 #  define STONITH_OP_QUERY       "st_query"
 #  define STONITH_OP_FENCE       "st_fence"
 #  define STONITH_OP_RELAY       "st_relay"
 #  define STONITH_OP_CONFIRM     "st_confirm"
 #  define STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD      "st_device_register"
 #  define STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL      "st_device_remove"
 #  define STONITH_OP_DEVICE_METADATA "st_device_metadata"
 #  define STONITH_OP_FENCE_HISTORY   "st_fence_history"
 #  define STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD       "st_level_add"
 #  define STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL       "st_level_remove"
 #  define stonith_channel            "st_command"
 #  define stonith_channel_callback   "st_callback"
 #  define STONITH_WATCHDOG_AGENT  "#watchdog"
diff --git a/lib/cib/cib_ops.c b/lib/cib/cib_ops.c
index 5f73559727..8966ae24a5 100644
--- a/lib/cib/cib_ops.c
+++ b/lib/cib/cib_ops.c
@@ -1,847 +1,850 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <time.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/cib/internal.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 cib_process_query(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input,
                   xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer)
     xmlNode *obj_root = NULL;
     int result = pcmk_ok;
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event for section=%s", op, crm_str(section));
     if (options & cib_xpath) {
         return cib_process_xpath(op, options, section, req, input,
                                  existing_cib, result_cib, answer);
     CRM_CHECK(*answer == NULL, free_xml(*answer));
     *answer = NULL;
     if (safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_SECTION_ALL, section)) {
         section = NULL;
     obj_root = get_object_root(section, existing_cib);
     if (obj_root == NULL) {
         result = -ENXIO;
     } else if (options & cib_no_children) {
         const char *tag = TYPE(obj_root);
         xmlNode *shallow = create_xml_node(*answer, tag);
         copy_in_properties(shallow, obj_root);
         *answer = shallow;
     } else {
         *answer = obj_root;
     if (result == pcmk_ok && *answer == NULL) {
         crm_err("Error creating query response");
         result = -ENOMSG;
     return result;
 cib_process_erase(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input,
                   xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer)
     int result = pcmk_ok;
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event", op);
     *answer = NULL;
     *result_cib = createEmptyCib(0);
     copy_in_properties(*result_cib, existing_cib);
     cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, FALSE);
     return result;
 cib_process_upgrade(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req,
                     xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib,
                     xmlNode ** answer)
     int rc = 0;
     int new_version = 0;
     int current_version = 0;
     int max_version = 0;
     const char *max = crm_element_value(req, F_CIB_SCHEMA_MAX);
     const char *value = crm_element_value(existing_cib, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION);
     *answer = NULL;
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event with max=%s", op, max);
     if (value != NULL) {
         current_version = get_schema_version(value);
     if (max) {
         max_version = get_schema_version(max);
     rc = update_validation(result_cib, &new_version, max_version, TRUE, TRUE);
     if (new_version > current_version) {
         cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, FALSE);
         cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, TRUE);
         cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, TRUE);
         return pcmk_ok;
     return rc;
 cib_process_bump(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input,
                  xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer)
     int result = pcmk_ok;
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event for epoch=%s",
               op, crm_str(crm_element_value(existing_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION)));
     *answer = NULL;
     cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, FALSE);
     return result;
 cib_update_counter(xmlNode * xml_obj, const char *field, gboolean reset)
     char *new_value = NULL;
     char *old_value = NULL;
     int int_value = -1;
     if (reset == FALSE && crm_element_value(xml_obj, field) != NULL) {
         old_value = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, field);
     if (old_value != NULL) {
         new_value = calloc(1, 128);
         int_value = atoi(old_value);
         sprintf(new_value, "%d", ++int_value);
     } else {
         new_value = strdup("1");
     crm_trace("%s %d(%s)->%s", field, int_value, crm_str(old_value), crm_str(new_value));
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, field, new_value);
     return pcmk_ok;
 cib_process_replace(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req,
                     xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib,
                     xmlNode ** answer)
     const char *tag = NULL;
     int result = pcmk_ok;
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event for section=%s", op, crm_str(section));
     if (options & cib_xpath) {
         return cib_process_xpath(op, options, section, req, input,
                                  existing_cib, result_cib, answer);
     *answer = NULL;
     if (input == NULL) {
         return -EINVAL;
     tag = crm_element_name(input);
     if (safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_SECTION_ALL, section)) {
         section = NULL;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(tag, section)) {
         section = NULL;
     if (safe_str_eq(tag, XML_TAG_CIB)) {
         int updates = 0;
         int epoch = 0;
         int admin_epoch = 0;
         int replace_updates = 0;
         int replace_epoch = 0;
         int replace_admin_epoch = 0;
         const char *reason = NULL;
         const char *peer = crm_element_value(req, F_ORIG);
         const char *digest = crm_element_value(req, XML_ATTR_DIGEST);
         if (digest) {
             const char *version = crm_element_value(req, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
             char *digest_verify = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(input, FALSE, TRUE,
                                                                  version ? version :
             if (safe_str_neq(digest_verify, digest)) {
                 crm_err("Digest mis-match on replace from %s: %s vs. %s (expected)", peer,
                         digest_verify, digest);
                 reason = "digest mismatch";
             } else {
                 crm_info("Digest matched on replace from %s: %s", peer, digest);
         } else {
             crm_trace("No digest to verify");
         cib_version_details(existing_cib, &admin_epoch, &epoch, &updates);
         cib_version_details(input, &replace_admin_epoch, &replace_epoch, &replace_updates);
         if (replace_admin_epoch < admin_epoch) {
             reason = XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN;
         } else if (replace_admin_epoch > admin_epoch) {
             /* no more checks */
         } else if (replace_epoch < epoch) {
             reason = XML_ATTR_GENERATION;
         } else if (replace_epoch > epoch) {
             /* no more checks */
         } else if (replace_updates < updates) {
             reason = XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES;
         if (reason != NULL) {
             crm_info("Replacement %d.%d.%d from %s not applied to %d.%d.%d:"
                      " current %s is greater than the replacement",
                      replace_admin_epoch, replace_epoch,
                      replace_updates, peer, admin_epoch, epoch, updates, reason);
             result = -pcmk_err_old_data;
         } else {
             crm_info("Replaced %d.%d.%d with %d.%d.%d from %s",
                      admin_epoch, epoch, updates,
                      replace_admin_epoch, replace_epoch, replace_updates, peer);
         *result_cib = copy_xml(input);
     } else {
         xmlNode *obj_root = NULL;
         gboolean ok = TRUE;
         obj_root = get_object_root(section, *result_cib);
         ok = replace_xml_child(NULL, obj_root, input, FALSE);
         if (ok == FALSE) {
             crm_trace("No matching object to replace");
             result = -ENXIO;
     return result;
 cib_process_delete(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input,
                    xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer)
     xmlNode *obj_root = NULL;
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event", op);
     if (options & cib_xpath) {
         return cib_process_xpath(op, options, section, req, input,
                                  existing_cib, result_cib, answer);
     if (input == NULL) {
         crm_err("Cannot perform modification with no data");
         return -EINVAL;
     obj_root = get_object_root(section, *result_cib);
     if(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(input), section)) {
         xmlNode *child = NULL;
         for(child = __xml_first_child(input); child; child = __xml_next(child)) {
             if (replace_xml_child(NULL, obj_root, child, TRUE) == FALSE) {
                 crm_trace("No matching object to delete: %s=%s", child->name, ID(child));
     } else if (replace_xml_child(NULL, obj_root, input, TRUE) == FALSE) {
             crm_trace("No matching object to delete: %s=%s", input->name, ID(input));
     return pcmk_ok;
 cib_process_modify(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input,
                    xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer)
     xmlNode *obj_root = NULL;
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event", op);
     if (options & cib_xpath) {
         return cib_process_xpath(op, options, section, req, input,
                                  existing_cib, result_cib, answer);
     if (input == NULL) {
         crm_err("Cannot perform modification with no data");
         return -EINVAL;
     obj_root = get_object_root(section, *result_cib);
     if (obj_root == NULL) {
         xmlNode *tmp_section = NULL;
         const char *path = get_object_parent(section);
         if (path == NULL) {
             return -EINVAL;
         tmp_section = create_xml_node(NULL, section);
         cib_process_xpath(CIB_OP_CREATE, 0, path, NULL, tmp_section, NULL, result_cib, answer);
         obj_root = get_object_root(section, *result_cib);
     CRM_CHECK(obj_root != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     if (update_xml_child(obj_root, input) == FALSE) {
         if (options & cib_can_create) {
             add_node_copy(obj_root, input);
         } else {
             return -ENXIO;
     if(options & cib_mixed_update) {
         int max = 0, lpc;
         xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = xpath_search(*result_cib, "//@__delete__");
         if (xpathObj) {
             max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
             crm_log_xml_trace(*result_cib, "Mixed result");
         for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
             xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
-            crm_debug("Destroying %s", (char *)xmlGetNodePath(match));
+            xmlChar *match_path = xmlGetNodePath(match);
+            crm_debug("Destroying %s", match_path);
+            free(match_path);
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 update_cib_object(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * update)
     int result = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *target = NULL;
     xmlNode *a_child = NULL;
     const char *replace = NULL;
     const char *object_id = NULL;
     const char *object_name = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     CRM_CHECK(parent != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     object_name = crm_element_name(update);
     CRM_CHECK(object_name != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     object_id = ID(update);
     crm_trace("Processing: <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id));
     if (object_id == NULL) {
         /*  placeholder object */
         target = find_xml_node(parent, object_name, FALSE);
     } else {
         target = find_entity(parent, object_name, object_id);
     if (target == NULL) {
         target = create_xml_node(parent, object_name);
     crm_trace("Found node <%s id=%s> to update", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id));
     replace = crm_element_value(update, XML_CIB_ATTR_REPLACE);
     if (replace != NULL) {
         xmlNode *remove = NULL;
         int last = 0, lpc = 0, len = 0;
         len = strlen(replace);
         while (lpc <= len) {
             if (replace[lpc] == ',' || replace[lpc] == 0) {
                 char *replace_item = NULL;
                 if (last == lpc) {
                     /* nothing to do */
                     last = lpc + 1;
                     goto incr;
                 replace_item = calloc(1, lpc - last + 1);
                 memcpy(replace_item, replace + last, lpc - last);
                 remove = find_xml_node(target, replace_item, FALSE);
                 if (remove != NULL) {
                     crm_trace("Replacing node <%s> in <%s>",
                               replace_item, crm_element_name(target));
                     remove = NULL;
                 last = lpc + 1;
         xml_remove_prop(update, XML_CIB_ATTR_REPLACE);
         xml_remove_prop(target, XML_CIB_ATTR_REPLACE);
     copy_in_properties(target, update);
     crm_trace("Processing children of <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id));
     for (a_child = __xml_first_child(update); a_child != NULL; a_child = __xml_next(a_child)) {
         int tmp_result = 0;
         crm_trace("Updating child <%s id=%s>", crm_element_name(a_child), ID(a_child));
         tmp_result = update_cib_object(target, a_child);
         /*  only the first error is likely to be interesting */
         if (tmp_result != pcmk_ok) {
             crm_err("Error updating child <%s id=%s>", crm_element_name(a_child), ID(a_child));
             if (result == pcmk_ok) {
                 result = tmp_result;
     crm_trace("Finished with <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id));
     return result;
 static int
 add_cib_object(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * new_obj)
     int result = pcmk_ok;
     const char *object_name = NULL;
     const char *object_id = NULL;
     xmlNode *equiv_node = NULL;
     if (new_obj != NULL) {
         object_name = crm_element_name(new_obj);
     object_id = crm_element_value(new_obj, XML_ATTR_ID);
     crm_trace("Processing: <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id));
     if (new_obj == NULL || object_name == NULL) {
         result = -EINVAL;
     } else if (parent == NULL) {
         result = -EINVAL;
     } else if (object_id == NULL) {
         /*  placeholder object */
         equiv_node = find_xml_node(parent, object_name, FALSE);
     } else {
         equiv_node = find_entity(parent, object_name, object_id);
     if (result != pcmk_ok) {
         ;                       /* do nothing */
     } else if (equiv_node != NULL) {
         result = -ENOTUNIQ;
     } else {
         result = update_cib_object(parent, new_obj);
     return result;
 cib_process_create(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input,
                    xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer)
     xmlNode *failed = NULL;
     int result = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *update_section = NULL;
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event for section=%s", op, crm_str(section));
     if (safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_SECTION_ALL, section)) {
         section = NULL;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(XML_TAG_CIB, section)) {
         section = NULL;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(input), XML_TAG_CIB)) {
         section = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(strcasecmp(CIB_OP_CREATE, op) == 0, return -EINVAL);
     if (input == NULL) {
         crm_err("Cannot perform modification with no data");
         return -EINVAL;
     if (section == NULL) {
         return cib_process_modify(op, options, section, req, input, existing_cib, result_cib,
     failed = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_FAILED);
     update_section = get_object_root(section, *result_cib);
     if (safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(input), section)) {
         xmlNode *a_child = NULL;
         for (a_child = __xml_first_child(input); a_child != NULL; a_child = __xml_next(a_child)) {
             result = add_cib_object(update_section, a_child);
             if (update_results(failed, a_child, op, result)) {
     } else {
         result = add_cib_object(update_section, input);
         update_results(failed, input, op, result);
     if (xml_has_children(failed)) {
         CRM_CHECK(result != pcmk_ok, result = -EINVAL);
     if (result != pcmk_ok) {
         crm_log_xml_err(failed, "CIB Update failures");
         *answer = failed;
     } else {
     return result;
 cib_process_diff(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input,
                  xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer)
     const char *originator = NULL;
     if (req != NULL) {
         originator = crm_element_value(req, F_ORIG);
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event from %s %s",
               op, originator, is_set(options, cib_force_diff)?"(global update)":"");
     *result_cib = copy_xml(existing_cib);
     return xml_apply_patchset(*result_cib, input, TRUE);
 cib_config_changed(xmlNode * last, xmlNode * next, xmlNode ** diff)
     int lpc = 0, max = 0;
     gboolean config_changes = FALSE;
     xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(diff != NULL);
     if (*diff == NULL && last != NULL && next != NULL) {
         *diff = diff_xml_object(last, next, FALSE);
     if (*diff == NULL) {
         goto done;
     xpathObj = xpath_search(*diff, "//" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION);
     if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) {
         config_changes = TRUE;
         goto done;
      * Do not check XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//" XML_TAG_CIB
      * This always contains every field and would produce a false positive
      * every time if the checked value existed
     xpathObj = xpath_search(*diff, "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_REMOVED "//" XML_TAG_CIB);
     max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
         xmlNode *top = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
         if (crm_element_value(top, XML_ATTR_GENERATION) != NULL) {
             config_changes = TRUE;
             goto done;
         if (crm_element_value(top, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN) != NULL) {
             config_changes = TRUE;
             goto done;
         if (crm_element_value(top, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION) != NULL) {
             config_changes = TRUE;
             goto done;
         if (crm_element_value(top, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION) != NULL) {
             config_changes = TRUE;
             goto done;
         if (crm_element_value(top, "remote-clear-port") != NULL) {
             config_changes = TRUE;
             goto done;
         if (crm_element_value(top, "remote-tls-port") != NULL) {
             config_changes = TRUE;
             goto done;
     return config_changes;
 cib_process_xpath(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input,
                   xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer)
     int lpc = 0;
     int max = 0;
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     gboolean is_query = safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_QUERY);
     xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL;
     crm_trace("Processing \"%s\" event", op);
     if (is_query) {
         xpathObj = xpath_search(existing_cib, section);
     } else {
         xpathObj = xpath_search(*result_cib, section);
     max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
     if (max < 1 && safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_DELETE)) {
         crm_debug("%s was already removed", section);
     } else if (max < 1) {
         crm_debug("%s: %s does not exist", op, section);
         rc = -ENXIO;
     } else if (is_query) {
         if (max > 1) {
             *answer = create_xml_node(NULL, "xpath-query");
     if (safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_DELETE) && (options & cib_multiple)) {
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
         xmlChar *path = NULL;
         xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
         if (match == NULL) {
         path = xmlGetNodePath(match);
         crm_debug("Processing %s op for %s (%s)", op, section, path);
         if (safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_DELETE)) {
             if (match == *result_cib) {
                 /* Attempting to delete the whole "/cib" */
                 crm_warn("Cannot perform %s for %s: The xpath is addressing the whole /cib", op, section);
                 rc = -EINVAL;
             if ((options & cib_multiple) == 0) {
         } else if (safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_MODIFY)) {
             if (update_xml_child(match, input) == FALSE) {
                 rc = -ENXIO;
             } else if ((options & cib_multiple) == 0) {
         } else if (safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_CREATE)) {
             add_node_copy(match, input);
         } else if (safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_QUERY)) {
             if (options & cib_no_children) {
                 const char *tag = TYPE(match);
                 xmlNode *shallow = create_xml_node(*answer, tag);
                 copy_in_properties(shallow, match);
                 if (*answer == NULL) {
                     *answer = shallow;
             } else if (options & cib_xpath_address) {
                 int path_len = 0;
                 char *path = NULL;
                 xmlNode *parent = match;
                 while (parent && parent->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                     int extra = 1;
                     char *new_path = NULL;
                     const char *id = crm_element_value(parent, XML_ATTR_ID);
                     extra += strlen((const char *)parent->name);
                     if (id) {
                         extra += 8;     /* [@id=""] */
                         extra += strlen(id);
                     path_len += extra;
                     new_path = malloc(path_len + 1);
                     if(new_path == NULL) {
                     } else if (id) {
                         snprintf(new_path, path_len + 1, "/%s[@id='%s']%s", parent->name, id,
                                  path ? path : "");
                     } else {
                         snprintf(new_path, path_len + 1, "/%s%s", parent->name, path ? path : "");
                     path = new_path;
                     parent = parent->parent;
                 crm_trace("Got: %s\n", path);
                 if (*answer == NULL) {
                     *answer = create_xml_node(NULL, "xpath-query");
                 parent = create_xml_node(*answer, "xpath-query-path");
                 crm_xml_add(parent, XML_ATTR_ID, path);
             } else if (*answer) {
                 add_node_copy(*answer, match);
             } else {
                 *answer = match;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_REPLACE)) {
             xmlNode *parent = match->parent;
             if (input != NULL) {
                 add_node_copy(parent, input);
             if ((options & cib_multiple) == 0) {
     return rc;
 /* remove this function */
 update_results(xmlNode * failed, xmlNode * target, const char *operation, int return_code)
     xmlNode *xml_node = NULL;
     gboolean was_error = FALSE;
     const char *error_msg = NULL;
     if (return_code != pcmk_ok) {
         error_msg = pcmk_strerror(return_code);
         was_error = TRUE;
         xml_node = create_xml_node(failed, XML_FAIL_TAG_CIB);
         add_node_copy(xml_node, target);
         crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_FAILCIB_ATTR_ID, ID(target));
         crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_FAILCIB_ATTR_OBJTYPE, TYPE(target));
         crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_FAILCIB_ATTR_OP, operation);
         crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_FAILCIB_ATTR_REASON, error_msg);
         crm_warn("Action %s failed: %s (cde=%d)", operation, error_msg, return_code);
     return was_error;
diff --git a/lib/cluster/membership.c b/lib/cluster/membership.c
index 28f41cb4b0..b7958ebcf3 100644
--- a/lib/cluster/membership.c
+++ b/lib/cluster/membership.c
@@ -1,887 +1,895 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
 #  define _GNU_SOURCE
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipc.h>
 #include <crm/cluster/internal.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/stonith-ng.h>
 GHashTable *crm_peer_cache = NULL;
 GHashTable *crm_remote_peer_cache = NULL;
 unsigned long long crm_peer_seq = 0;
 gboolean crm_have_quorum = FALSE;
 static gboolean crm_autoreap  = TRUE;
     if (crm_remote_peer_cache == NULL) {
         return 0;
     return g_hash_table_size(crm_remote_peer_cache);
 crm_remote_peer_cache_add(const char *node_name)
     crm_node_t *node = g_hash_table_lookup(crm_remote_peer_cache, node_name);
     if (node == NULL) {
             crm_trace("added %s to remote cache", node_name);
             node = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_node_t));
             node->flags = crm_remote_node;
             node->uname = strdup(node_name);
             node->uuid = strdup(node_name);
             node->state = strdup(CRM_NODE_MEMBER);
             g_hash_table_replace(crm_remote_peer_cache, node->uname, node);
 crm_remote_peer_cache_remove(const char *node_name)
     g_hash_table_remove(crm_remote_peer_cache, node_name);
 static void
 remote_cache_refresh_helper(xmlNode *cib, const char *xpath, const char *field, int flags)
     const char *remote = NULL;
     crm_node_t *node = NULL;
     xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL;
     int max = 0;
     int lpc = 0;
     xpathObj = xpath_search(cib, xpath);
     max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
         xmlNode *xml = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(xml != NULL);
         if(xml != NULL) {
             remote = crm_element_value(xml, field);
         if (remote) {
             crm_trace("added %s to remote cache", remote);
             node = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_node_t));
             node->flags = flags;
             node->uname = strdup(remote);
             node->uuid = strdup(remote);
             node->state = strdup(CRM_NODE_MEMBER);
             g_hash_table_replace(crm_remote_peer_cache, node->uname, node);
 void crm_remote_peer_cache_refresh(xmlNode *cib)
     const char *xpath = NULL;
     /* remote nodes associated with a cluster resource */
     xpath = "//" XML_TAG_CIB "//" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION "//" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE "//" XML_TAG_META_SETS "//" XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR "[@name='remote-node']";
     remote_cache_refresh_helper(cib, xpath, "value", crm_remote_node | crm_remote_container);
     /* baremetal nodes defined by connection resources*/
     xpath = "//" XML_TAG_CIB "//" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION "//" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE "[@type='remote'][@provider='pacemaker']";
     remote_cache_refresh_helper(cib, xpath, "id", crm_remote_node | crm_remote_baremetal);
     /* baremetal nodes we have seen in the config that may or may not have connection
      * resources associated with them anymore */
     xpath = "//" XML_TAG_CIB "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATE "[@remote_node='true']";
     remote_cache_refresh_helper(cib, xpath, "id", crm_remote_node | crm_remote_baremetal);
 crm_is_peer_active(const crm_node_t * node)
     if(node == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     if (is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) {
         /* remote nodes are never considered active members. This
          * guarantees they will never be considered for DC membership.*/
         return FALSE;
     if (is_openais_cluster()) {
         return crm_is_corosync_peer_active(node);
     if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
         return crm_is_heartbeat_peer_active(node);
     crm_err("Unhandled cluster type: %s", name_for_cluster_type(get_cluster_type()));
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 crm_reap_dead_member(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     crm_node_t *node = value;
     crm_node_t *search = user_data;
     if (search == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (search->id && node->id != search->id) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (search->id == 0 && safe_str_neq(node->uname, search->uname)) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (crm_is_peer_active(value) == FALSE) {
         crm_notice("Removing %s/%u from the membership list", node->uname, node->id);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * \brief Remove all peer cache entries matching a node ID and/or uname
  * \param[in] id    ID of node to remove (or 0 to ignore)
  * \param[in] name  Uname of node to remove (or NULL to ignore)
  * \return Number of cache entries removed
 reap_crm_member(uint32_t id, const char *name)
     int matches = 0;
     crm_node_t search;
     if (crm_peer_cache == NULL) {
         crm_trace("Nothing to do, cache not initialized");
         return 0;
     search.id = id;
     search.uname = name ? strdup(name) : NULL;
     matches = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(crm_peer_cache, crm_reap_dead_member, &search);
     if(matches) {
         crm_notice("Purged %d peers with id=%u and/or uname=%s from the membership cache",
                    matches, search.id, search.uname);
     } else {
         crm_info("No peers with id=%u and/or uname=%s exist", id, name);
     return matches;
 static void
 crm_count_peer(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     guint *count = user_data;
     crm_node_t *node = value;
     if (crm_is_peer_active(node)) {
         *count = *count + 1;
     guint count = 0;
     if (crm_peer_cache) {
         g_hash_table_foreach(crm_peer_cache, crm_count_peer, &count);
     return count;
 static void
 destroy_crm_node(gpointer data)
     crm_node_t *node = data;
     crm_trace("Destroying entry for node %u: %s", node->id, node->uname);
     if (crm_peer_cache == NULL) {
         crm_peer_cache = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, free, destroy_crm_node);
     if (crm_remote_peer_cache == NULL) {
         crm_remote_peer_cache = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, NULL, destroy_crm_node);
     if (crm_peer_cache != NULL) {
         crm_trace("Destroying peer cache with %d members", g_hash_table_size(crm_peer_cache));
         crm_peer_cache = NULL;
     if (crm_remote_peer_cache != NULL) {
         crm_trace("Destroying remote peer cache with %d members", g_hash_table_size(crm_remote_peer_cache));
         crm_remote_peer_cache = NULL;
 void (*crm_status_callback) (enum crm_status_type, crm_node_t *, const void *) = NULL;
  * \brief Set a client function that will be called after peer status changes
  * \param[in] dispatch  Pointer to function to use as callback
  * \note Previously, client callbacks were responsible for peer cache
  *       management. This is no longer the case, and client callbacks should do
  *       only client-specific handling. Callbacks MUST NOT add or remove entries
  *       in the peer caches.
 crm_set_status_callback(void (*dispatch) (enum crm_status_type, crm_node_t *, const void *))
     crm_status_callback = dispatch;
  * \brief Tell the library whether to automatically reap lost nodes
  * If TRUE (the default), calling crm_update_peer_proc() will also update the
  * peer state to CRM_NODE_MEMBER or CRM_NODE_LOST, and crm_update_peer_state()
  * will reap peers whose state changes to anything other than CRM_NODE_MEMBER.
  * Callers should leave this enabled unless they plan to manage the cache
  * separately on their own.
  * \param[in] autoreap  TRUE to enable automatic reaping, FALSE to disable
 crm_set_autoreap(gboolean autoreap)
     crm_autoreap = autoreap;
 static void crm_dump_peer_hash(int level, const char *caller)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     const char *id = NULL;
     crm_node_t *node = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &id, (gpointer *) &node)) {
         do_crm_log(level, "%s: Node %u/%s = %p - %s", caller, node->id, node->uname, node, id);
 static gboolean crm_hash_find_by_data(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     if(value == user_data) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 crm_node_t *
 crm_find_peer_full(unsigned int id, const char *uname, int flags)
     crm_node_t *node = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL);
     if (flags & CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE) {
         node = g_hash_table_lookup(crm_remote_peer_cache, uname);
     if (node == NULL && (flags & CRM_GET_PEER_CLUSTER)) {
         node = crm_find_peer(id, uname);
     return node;
 crm_node_t *
 crm_get_peer_full(unsigned int id, const char *uname, int flags)
     crm_node_t *node = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL);
     if (flags & CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE) {
         node = g_hash_table_lookup(crm_remote_peer_cache, uname);
     if (node == NULL && (flags & CRM_GET_PEER_CLUSTER)) {
         node = crm_get_peer(id, uname);
     return node;
 crm_node_t *
 crm_find_peer(unsigned int id, const char *uname)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     crm_node_t *node = NULL;
     crm_node_t *by_id = NULL;
     crm_node_t *by_name = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL);
     if (uname != NULL) {
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) {
             if(node->uname && strcasecmp(node->uname, uname) == 0) {
                 crm_trace("Name match: %s = %p", node->uname, node);
                 by_name = node;
     if (id > 0) {
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) {
             if(node->id == id) {
                 crm_trace("ID match: %u = %p", node->id, node);
                 by_id = node;
     node = by_id; /* Good default */
     if(by_id == by_name) {
         /* Nothing to do if they match (both NULL counts) */
         crm_trace("Consistent: %p for %u/%s", by_id, id, uname);
     } else if(by_id == NULL && by_name) {
         crm_trace("Only one: %p for %u/%s", by_name, id, uname);
         if(id && by_name->id) {
             crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_WARNING, __FUNCTION__);
             crm_crit("Node %u and %u share the same name '%s'",
                      id, by_name->id, uname);
             node = NULL; /* Create a new one */
         } else {
             node = by_name;
     } else if(by_name == NULL && by_id) {
         crm_trace("Only one: %p for %u/%s", by_id, id, uname);
         if(uname && by_id->uname) {
             crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_WARNING, __FUNCTION__);
             crm_crit("Node '%s' and '%s' share the same cluster nodeid %u: assuming '%s' is correct",
                      uname, by_id->uname, id, uname);
     } else if(uname && by_id->uname) {
         if(safe_str_eq(uname, by_id->uname)) {
             crm_notice("Node '%s' has changed its ID from %u to %u", by_id->uname, by_name->id, by_id->id);
             g_hash_table_foreach_remove(crm_peer_cache, crm_hash_find_by_data, by_name);
         } else {
             crm_warn("Node '%s' and '%s' share the same cluster nodeid: %u %s", by_id->uname, by_name->uname, id, uname);
             crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_INFO, __FUNCTION__);
             crm_abort(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "member weirdness", TRUE, TRUE);
     } else if(id && by_name->id) {
         crm_warn("Node %u and %u share the same name: '%s'", by_id->id, by_name->id, uname);
     } else {
         /* Simple merge */
         /* Only corosync based clusters use nodeid's
          * The functions that call crm_update_peer_state() only know nodeid
          * so 'by_id' is authorative when merging
          * Same for crm_update_peer_proc()
         crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__);
         crm_info("Merging %p into %p", by_name, by_id);
         g_hash_table_foreach_remove(crm_peer_cache, crm_hash_find_by_data, by_name);
     return node;
 static guint
 crm_remove_conflicting_peer(crm_node_t *node)
     int matches = 0;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     crm_node_t *existing_node = NULL;
     if (node->id == 0 || node->uname == NULL) {
         return 0;
     if (corosync_cmap_has_config("nodelist") != 0) {
         return 0;
 #  endif
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &existing_node)) {
         if (existing_node->id > 0
             && existing_node->id != node->id
             && existing_node->uname != NULL
             && strcasecmp(existing_node->uname, node->uname) == 0) {
             if (crm_is_peer_active(existing_node)) {
             crm_warn("Removing cached offline node %u/%s which has conflicting uname with %u",
                      existing_node->id, existing_node->uname, node->id);
     return matches;
 /* coverity[-alloc] Memory is referenced in one or both hashtables */
 crm_node_t *
 crm_get_peer(unsigned int id, const char *uname)
     crm_node_t *node = NULL;
     char *uname_lookup = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL);
     node = crm_find_peer(id, uname);
     /* if uname wasn't provided, and find_peer did not turn up a uname based on id.
      * we need to do a lookup of the node name using the id in the cluster membership. */
     if ((node == NULL || node->uname == NULL) && (uname == NULL)) { 
         uname_lookup = get_node_name(id);
     if (uname_lookup) {
         uname = uname_lookup;
         crm_trace("Inferred a name of '%s' for node %u", uname, id);
         /* try to turn up the node one more time now that we know the uname. */
         if (node == NULL) {
             node = crm_find_peer(id, uname);
     if (node == NULL) {
         char *uniqueid = crm_generate_uuid();
         node = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_node_t));
         crm_info("Created entry %s/%p for node %s/%u (%d total)",
                  uniqueid, node, uname, id, 1 + g_hash_table_size(crm_peer_cache));
         g_hash_table_replace(crm_peer_cache, uniqueid, node);
     if(id > 0 && uname && (node->id == 0 || node->uname == NULL)) {
         crm_info("Node %u is now known as %s", id, uname);
     if(id > 0 && node->id == 0) {
         node->id = id;
     if(uname && node->uname == NULL) {
         int lpc, len = strlen(uname);
         for (lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) {
             if (uname[lpc] >= 'A' && uname[lpc] <= 'Z') {
                 crm_warn("Node names with capitals are discouraged, consider changing '%s' to something else",
         node->uname = strdup(uname);
         if (crm_status_callback) {
             crm_status_callback(crm_status_uname, node, NULL);
         if (is_openais_cluster()) {
     if(node->uuid == NULL) {
         const char *uuid = crm_peer_uuid(node);
         if (uuid) {
             crm_info("Node %u has uuid %s", id, uuid);
         } else {
             crm_info("Cannot obtain a UUID for node %u/%s", id, node->uname);
     return node;
  * \internal
  * \brief Update all of a node's information (process list, state, etc.)
  * \param[in] source      Caller's function name (for log messages)
  * \return NULL if node was reaped from peer caches, pointer to node otherwise
  * \note This function should not be called within a peer cache iteration,
  *       otherwise reaping could invalidate the iterator.
 crm_node_t *
 crm_update_peer(const char *source, unsigned int id, uint64_t born, uint64_t seen, int32_t votes,
                 uint32_t children, const char *uuid, const char *uname, const char *addr,
                 const char *state)
     gboolean addr_changed = FALSE;
     gboolean votes_changed = FALSE;
     crm_node_t *node = NULL;
     id = get_corosync_id(id, uuid);
     node = crm_get_peer(id, uname);
     CRM_ASSERT(node != NULL);
     if (node->uuid == NULL) {
         if (is_openais_cluster()) {
             /* Yes, overrule whatever was passed in */
         } else if (uuid != NULL) {
             node->uuid = strdup(uuid);
     if (children > 0) {
         if (crm_update_peer_proc(source, node, children, state) == NULL) {
             return NULL;
     if (state != NULL) {
         if (crm_update_peer_state(source, node, state, seen) == NULL) {
             return NULL;
     if (born != 0) {
         node->born = born;
     /* These were only used by the plugin */
     if (born != 0) {
         node->born = born;
     if (votes > 0 && node->votes != votes) {
         votes_changed = TRUE;
         node->votes = votes;
     if (addr != NULL) {
         if (node->addr == NULL || crm_str_eq(node->addr, addr, FALSE) == FALSE) {
             addr_changed = TRUE;
             node->addr = strdup(addr);
     if (addr_changed || votes_changed) {
         crm_info("%s: Node %s: id=%u state=%s addr=%s%s votes=%d%s born=" U64T " seen=" U64T
                  " proc=%.32x", source, node->uname, node->id, node->state,
                  node->addr, addr_changed ? " (new)" : "", node->votes,
                  votes_changed ? " (new)" : "", node->born, node->last_seen, node->processes);
     return node;
  * \internal
  * \brief Update a node's process information (and potentially state)
  * \param[in] source      Caller's function name (for log messages)
  * \param[in] node        Node object to update
  * \param[in] flag        Bitmask of new process information
  * \param[in] status      node status (online, offline, etc.)
  * \return NULL if any node was reaped from peer caches, value of node otherwise
  * \note If this function returns TRUE, the supplied node object was likely
  *       freed and should not be used again. This function should not be
  *       called within a cache iteration if reaping is possible, otherwise
  *       reaping could invalidate the iterator.
 crm_node_t *
 crm_update_peer_proc(const char *source, crm_node_t * node, uint32_t flag, const char *status)
     uint32_t last = 0;
     gboolean changed = FALSE;
     CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, crm_err("%s: Could not set %s to %s for NULL",
                                     source, peer2text(flag), status); return NULL);
     last = node->processes;
     if (status == NULL) {
         node->processes = flag;
         if (node->processes != last) {
             changed = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(status, ONLINESTATUS)) {
         if ((node->processes & flag) != flag) {
             set_bit(node->processes, flag);
             changed = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(status, CRM_NODE_MEMBER)) {
         if (flag > 0 && node->processes != flag) {
             node->processes = flag;
             changed = TRUE;
     } else if (node->processes & flag) {
         clear_bit(node->processes, flag);
         changed = TRUE;
     if (changed) {
         if (status == NULL && flag <= crm_proc_none) {
             crm_info("%s: Node %s[%u] - all processes are now offline", source, node->uname,
         } else {
             crm_info("%s: Node %s[%u] - %s is now %s", source, node->uname, node->id,
                      peer2text(flag), status);
         /* Call the client callback first, then update the peer state,
          * in case the node will be reaped
         if (crm_status_callback) {
             crm_status_callback(crm_status_processes, node, &last);
+        /* The client callback shouldn't touch the peer caches,
+         * but as a safety net, bail if the peer cache was destroyed.
+         */
+        if (crm_peer_cache == NULL) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
         if (crm_autoreap) {
             node = crm_update_peer_state(__FUNCTION__, node,
                                          is_set(node->processes, crm_get_cluster_proc())?
                                          CRM_NODE_MEMBER : CRM_NODE_LOST, 0);
     } else {
         crm_trace("%s: Node %s[%u] - %s is unchanged (%s)", source, node->uname, node->id,
                   peer2text(flag), status);
     return node;
 crm_update_peer_expected(const char *source, crm_node_t * node, const char *expected)
     char *last = NULL;
     gboolean changed = FALSE;
     CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, crm_err("%s: Could not set 'expected' to %s", source, expected);
     last = node->expected;
     if (expected != NULL && safe_str_neq(node->expected, expected)) {
         node->expected = strdup(expected);
         changed = TRUE;
     if (changed) {
         crm_info("%s: Node %s[%u] - expected state is now %s (was %s)", source, node->uname, node->id,
                  expected, last);
     } else {
         crm_trace("%s: Node %s[%u] - expected state is unchanged (%s)", source, node->uname,
                   node->id, expected);
  * \internal
  * \brief Update a node's state and membership information
  * \param[in] source      Caller's function name (for log messages)
  * \param[in] node        Node object to update
  * \param[in] state       Node's new state
  * \param[in] membership  Node's new membership ID
  * \return NULL if any node was reaped, value of node otherwise
  * \note If this function returns NULL, the supplied node object was likely
  *       freed and should not be used again. This function should not be
  *       called within a cache iteration if reaping is possible,
  *       otherwise reaping could invalidate the iterator.
 crm_node_t *
 crm_update_peer_state(const char *source, crm_node_t * node, const char *state, int membership)
     gboolean is_member;
     CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, crm_err("%s: Could not set 'state' to %s", source, state);
                             return NULL);
     is_member = safe_str_eq(state, CRM_NODE_MEMBER);
     if (membership && is_member) {
         node->last_seen = membership;
     if (state && safe_str_neq(node->state, state)) {
         char *last = node->state;
         enum crm_status_type status_type = is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)?
                                            crm_status_rstate : crm_status_nstate;
         node->state = strdup(state);
         crm_notice("%s: Node %s[%u] - state is now %s (was %s)",
                    source, node->uname, node->id, state, last);
         if (crm_status_callback) {
             crm_status_callback(status_type, node, last);
         if (!is_member && crm_autoreap) {
             if (status_type == crm_status_rstate) {
             } else {
                 reap_crm_member(node->id, node->uname);
             node = NULL;
     } else {
         crm_trace("%s: Node %s[%u] - state is unchanged (%s)", source, node->uname, node->id,
     return node;
  * \internal
  * \brief Reap all nodes from cache whose membership information does not match
  * \param[in] membership  Membership ID of nodes to keep
 crm_reap_unseen_nodes(uint64_t membership)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     crm_node_t *node = NULL;
     crm_trace("Reaping unseen nodes...");
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *)&node)) {
         if (node->last_seen != membership) {
             if (node->state) {
                 /* crm_update_peer_state() cannot be called here, because that
                  * might modify the peer cache, invalidating our iterator
                 if (safe_str_eq(node->state, CRM_NODE_LOST)) {
                     crm_trace("Node %s[%u] - state is unchanged (%s)",
                               node->uname, node->id, CRM_NODE_LOST);
                 } else {
                     char *last = node->state;
                     node->state = strdup(CRM_NODE_LOST);
                     crm_notice("Node %s[%u] - state is now %s (was %s)",
                                node->uname, node->id, CRM_NODE_LOST, last);
                     if (crm_status_callback) {
                         crm_status_callback(crm_status_nstate, node, last);
                     if (crm_autoreap) {
             } else {
                 crm_info("State of node %s[%u] is still unknown",
                          node->uname, node->id);
 crm_terminate_member(int nodeid, const char *uname, void *unused)
     /* Always use the synchronous, non-mainloop version */
     return stonith_api_kick(nodeid, uname, 120, TRUE);
 crm_terminate_member_no_mainloop(int nodeid, const char *uname, int *connection)
     return stonith_api_kick(nodeid, uname, 120, TRUE);
diff --git a/lib/fencing/st_client.c b/lib/fencing/st_client.c
index 6ac4074182..67114c2f37 100644
--- a/lib/fencing/st_client.c
+++ b/lib/fencing/st_client.c
@@ -1,2522 +1,2525 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdarg.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <libgen.h>             /* Add it for compiling on OSX */
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/stonith-ng.h>
 #include <crm/fencing/internal.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #  include <stonith/stonith.h>
 #  define LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY "libstonith.so.1"
 static void *lha_agents_lib = NULL;
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 struct stonith_action_s {
     /*! user defined data */
     char *agent;
     char *action;
     char *victim;
     char *args;
     int timeout;
     int async;
     void *userdata;
     void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, gint status, const char *output, gpointer user_data);
     /*! internal async track data */
     int fd_stdout;
     int last_timeout_signo;
     /*! internal timing information */
     time_t initial_start_time;
     int tries;
     int remaining_timeout;
     guint timer_sigterm;
     guint timer_sigkill;
     int max_retries;
     /* device output data */
     GPid pid;
     int rc;
     char *output;
 typedef struct stonith_private_s {
     char *token;
     crm_ipc_t *ipc;
     mainloop_io_t *source;
     GHashTable *stonith_op_callback_table;
     GList *notify_list;
     void (*op_callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data);
 } stonith_private_t;
 typedef struct stonith_notify_client_s {
     const char *event;
     const char *obj_id;         /* implement one day */
     const char *obj_type;       /* implement one day */
     void (*notify) (stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e);
 } stonith_notify_client_t;
 typedef struct stonith_callback_client_s {
     void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data);
     const char *id;
     void *user_data;
     gboolean only_success;
     gboolean allow_timeout_updates;
     struct timer_rec_s *timer;
 } stonith_callback_client_t;
 struct notify_blob_s {
     stonith_t *stonith;
     xmlNode *xml;
 struct timer_rec_s {
     int call_id;
     int timeout;
     guint ref;
     stonith_t *stonith;
 typedef int (*stonith_op_t) (const char *, int, const char *, xmlNode *,
                              xmlNode *, xmlNode *, xmlNode **, xmlNode **);
 static const char META_TEMPLATE[] =
     "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
     "<!DOCTYPE resource-agent SYSTEM \"ra-api-1.dtd\">\n"
     "<resource-agent name=\"%s\">\n"
     "  <version>1.0</version>\n"
     "  <longdesc lang=\"en\">\n"
     "  </longdesc>\n"
     "  <shortdesc lang=\"en\">%s</shortdesc>\n"
     "  <actions>\n"
     "    <action name=\"start\"   timeout=\"20\" />\n"
     "    <action name=\"stop\"    timeout=\"15\" />\n"
     "    <action name=\"status\"  timeout=\"20\" />\n"
     "    <action name=\"monitor\" timeout=\"20\" interval=\"3600\"/>\n"
     "    <action name=\"meta-data\"  timeout=\"15\" />\n"
     "  </actions>\n"
     "  <special tag=\"heartbeat\">\n"
     "    <version>2.0</version>\n" "  </special>\n" "</resource-agent>\n";
 bool stonith_dispatch(stonith_t * st);
 int stonith_dispatch_internal(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata);
 void stonith_perform_callback(stonith_t * stonith, xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc);
 xmlNode *stonith_create_op(int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data,
                            int call_options);
 int stonith_send_command(stonith_t * stonith, const char *op, xmlNode * data,
                          xmlNode ** output_data, int call_options, int timeout);
 static void stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data);
 static void stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data);
 static int internal_stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action);
 static void
 stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data)
     stonith_t *stonith = user_data;
     stonith_private_t *native = NULL;
     struct notify_blob_s blob;
     crm_trace("Sending destroyed notification");
     blob.stonith = stonith;
     blob.xml = create_xml_node(NULL, "notify");
     native = stonith->private;
     native->ipc = NULL;
     native->source = NULL;
     stonith->state = stonith_disconnected;
     crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_SUBTYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT);
     g_list_foreach(native->notify_list, stonith_send_notification, &blob);
 xmlNode *
 create_device_registration_xml(const char *id, const char *namespace, const char *agent,
                                stonith_key_value_t * params, const char *rsc_provides)
     xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     xmlNode *args = create_xml_node(data, XML_TAG_ATTRS);
     namespace = get_stonith_provider(agent, namespace);
     if (safe_str_eq(namespace, "heartbeat")) {
         hash2field((gpointer) "plugin", (gpointer) agent, args);
         agent = "fence_legacy";
     crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, "agent", agent);
     crm_xml_add(data, "namespace", namespace);
     if (rsc_provides) {
         crm_xml_add(data, "rsc_provides", rsc_provides);
     for (; params; params = params->next) {
         hash2field((gpointer) params->key, (gpointer) params->value, args);
     return data;
 static int
 stonith_api_register_device(stonith_t * st, int call_options,
                             const char *id, const char *namespace, const char *agent,
                             stonith_key_value_t * params)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_device_registration_xml(id, namespace, agent, params, NULL);
     rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, data, NULL, call_options, 0);
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_remove_device(stonith_t * st, int call_options, const char *name)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, name);
     rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, data, NULL, call_options, 0);
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_remove_level(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, int level)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_LEVEL);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_ID, level);
     rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL, data, NULL, options, 0);
     return rc;
 xmlNode *
 create_level_registration_xml(const char *node, int level, stonith_key_value_t * device_list)
     xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_LEVEL);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_ID, level);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     for (; device_list; device_list = device_list->next) {
         xmlNode *dev = create_xml_node(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
         crm_xml_add(dev, XML_ATTR_ID, device_list->value);
     return data;
 static int
 stonith_api_register_level(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, int level,
                            stonith_key_value_t * device_list)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = create_level_registration_xml(node, level, device_list);
     rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD, data, NULL, options, 0);
     return rc;
 static void
 append_arg(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     int len = 3;                /* =, \n, \0 */
     int last = 0;
     char **args = user_data;
     CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(value != NULL, return);
     if (strstr(key, "pcmk_")) {
     } else if (strstr(key, CRM_META)) {
     } else if (safe_str_eq(key, "crm_feature_set")) {
     len += strlen(key);
     len += strlen(value);
     if (*args != NULL) {
         last = strlen(*args);
     *args = realloc_safe(*args, last + len);
     crm_trace("Appending: %s=%s", (char *)key, (char *)value);
     sprintf((*args) + last, "%s=%s\n", (char *)key, (char *)value);
 static void
 append_const_arg(const char *key, const char *value, char **arg_list)
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(key && value);
     if(key && value) {
         char *glib_sucks_key = strdup(key);
         char *glib_sucks_value = strdup(value);
         append_arg(glib_sucks_key, glib_sucks_value, arg_list);
 static void
 append_host_specific_args(const char *victim, const char *map, GHashTable * params, char **arg_list)
     char *name = NULL;
     int last = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0;
     if (map == NULL) {
         /* The best default there is for now... */
         crm_debug("Using default arg map: port=uname");
         append_const_arg("port", victim, arg_list);
     max = strlen(map);
     crm_debug("Processing arg map: %s", map);
     for (; lpc < max + 1; lpc++) {
         if (isalpha(map[lpc])) {
             /* keep going */
         } else if (map[lpc] == '=' || map[lpc] == ':') {
             name = calloc(1, 1 + lpc - last);
             memcpy(name, map + last, lpc - last);
             crm_debug("Got name: %s", name);
             last = lpc + 1;
         } else if (map[lpc] == 0 || map[lpc] == ',' || isspace(map[lpc])) {
             char *param = NULL;
             const char *value = NULL;
             param = calloc(1, 1 + lpc - last);
             memcpy(param, map + last, lpc - last);
             last = lpc + 1;
             crm_debug("Got key: %s", param);
             if (name == NULL) {
                 crm_err("Misparsed '%s', found '%s' without a name", map, param);
             if (safe_str_eq(param, "uname")) {
                 value = victim;
             } else {
                 char *key = crm_meta_name(param);
                 value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, key);
             if (value) {
                 crm_debug("Setting '%s'='%s' (%s) for %s", name, value, param, victim);
                 append_const_arg(name, value, arg_list);
             } else {
                 crm_err("No node attribute '%s' for '%s'", name, victim);
             name = NULL;
             if (map[lpc] == 0) {
         } else if (isspace(map[lpc])) {
             last = lpc;
 static char *
 make_args(const char *agent, const char *action, const char *victim, uint32_t victim_nodeid, GHashTable * device_args,
           GHashTable * port_map)
     char buffer[512];
     char *arg_list = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *_action = action;
     CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, return NULL);
     buffer[511] = 0;
     snprintf(buffer, 511, "pcmk_%s_action", action);
     if (device_args) {
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, buffer);
     if (value == NULL && device_args) {
         /* Legacy support for early 1.1 releases - Remove for 1.4 */
         snprintf(buffer, 511, "pcmk_%s_cmd", action);
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, buffer);
     if (value == NULL && device_args && safe_str_eq(action, "off")) {
         /* Legacy support for late 1.1 releases - Remove for 1.4 */
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, "pcmk_poweroff_action");
     if (value) {
         crm_info("Substituting action '%s' for requested operation '%s'", value, action);
         action = value;
     append_const_arg(STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP, action, &arg_list);
     if (victim && device_args) {
         const char *alias = victim;
         const char *param = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTARG);
         if (port_map && g_hash_table_lookup(port_map, victim)) {
             alias = g_hash_table_lookup(port_map, victim);
         /* Always supply the node's name too:
          *    https://fedorahosted.org/cluster/wiki/FenceAgentAPI
         append_const_arg("nodename", victim, &arg_list);
         if (victim_nodeid) {
             char nodeid_str[33] = { 0, };
             if (snprintf(nodeid_str, 33, "%u", (unsigned int)victim_nodeid)) {
                 crm_info("For stonith action (%s) for victim %s, adding nodeid (%d) to parameters",
                          action, victim, nodeid_str);
                 append_const_arg("nodeid", nodeid_str, &arg_list);
         /* Check if we need to supply the victim in any other form */
         if(safe_str_eq(agent, "fence_legacy")) {
             value = agent;
         } else if (param == NULL) {
             const char *map = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, STONITH_ATTR_ARGMAP);
             if (map == NULL) {
                 param = "port";
                 value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, param);
             } else {
                 /* Legacy handling */
                 append_host_specific_args(alias, map, device_args, &arg_list);
                 value = map;    /* Nothing more to do */
         } else if (safe_str_eq(param, "none")) {
             value = param;      /* Nothing more to do */
         } else {
             value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, param);
         /* Don't overwrite explictly set values for $param */
         if (value == NULL || safe_str_eq(value, "dynamic")) {
             crm_debug("Performing %s action for node '%s' as '%s=%s'", action, victim, param,
             append_const_arg(param, alias, &arg_list);
     if (device_args) {
         g_hash_table_foreach(device_args, append_arg, &arg_list);
     if(device_args && g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP)) {
            || safe_str_eq(_action,"status")
            || safe_str_eq(_action,"monitor")
            || safe_str_eq(_action,"metadata")) {
             /* Force use of the calculated command for support ops
              * We don't want list or monitor ops initiating fencing, regardless of what the admin configured
             append_const_arg(STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP, action, &arg_list);
     return arg_list;
 static gboolean
 st_child_term(gpointer data)
     int rc = 0;
     stonith_action_t *track = data;
     crm_info("Child %d timed out, sending SIGTERM", track->pid);
     track->timer_sigterm = 0;
     track->last_timeout_signo = SIGTERM;
     rc = kill(-track->pid, SIGTERM);
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't send SIGTERM to %d", track->pid);
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 st_child_kill(gpointer data)
     int rc = 0;
     stonith_action_t *track = data;
     crm_info("Child %d timed out, sending SIGKILL", track->pid);
     track->timer_sigkill = 0;
     track->last_timeout_signo = SIGKILL;
     rc = kill(-track->pid, SIGKILL);
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't send SIGKILL to %d", track->pid);
     return FALSE;
 static void
 stonith_action_clear_tracking_data(stonith_action_t * action)
     if (action->timer_sigterm > 0) {
         action->timer_sigterm = 0;
     if (action->timer_sigkill > 0) {
         action->timer_sigkill = 0;
     if (action->fd_stdout) {
         action->fd_stdout = 0;
     action->output = NULL;
     action->rc = 0;
     action->pid = 0;
     action->last_timeout_signo = 0;
 static void
 stonith_action_destroy(stonith_action_t * action)
 stonith_action_t *
 stonith_action_create(const char *agent,
                       const char *_action,
                       const char *victim,
                       uint32_t victim_nodeid,
                       int timeout, GHashTable * device_args, GHashTable * port_map)
     stonith_action_t *action;
     action = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_action_t));
     crm_debug("Initiating action %s for agent %s (target=%s)", _action, agent, victim);
     action->args = make_args(agent, _action, victim, victim_nodeid, device_args, port_map);
     action->agent = strdup(agent);
     action->action = strdup(_action);
     if (victim) {
         action->victim = strdup(victim);
     action->timeout = action->remaining_timeout = timeout;
     action->max_retries = FAILURE_MAX_RETRIES;
     if (device_args) {
         char buffer[512];
         const char *value = NULL;
         snprintf(buffer, 511, "pcmk_%s_retries", _action);
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, buffer);
         if (value) {
             action->max_retries = atoi(value);
     return action;
 #define READ_MAX 500
 static char *
 read_output(int fd)
     char buffer[READ_MAX];
     char *output = NULL;
     int len = 0;
     int more = 0;
     if (!fd) {
         return NULL;
     do {
         errno = 0;
         memset(&buffer, 0, READ_MAX);
         more = read(fd, buffer, READ_MAX - 1);
         if (more > 0) {
             buffer[more] = 0; /* Make sure its nul-terminated for logging
                               * 'more' is always less than our buffer size
             crm_trace("Got %d more bytes: %.200s...", more, buffer);
             output = realloc_safe(output, len + more + 1);
             snprintf(output + len, more + 1, "%s", buffer);
             len += more;
     } while (more == (READ_MAX - 1) || (more < 0 && errno == EINTR));
     return output;
 static gboolean
 update_remaining_timeout(stonith_action_t * action)
     int diff = time(NULL) - action->initial_start_time;
     if (action->tries >= action->max_retries) {
         crm_info("Attempted to execute agent %s (%s) the maximum number of times (%d) allowed",
                  action->agent, action->action, action->max_retries);
         action->remaining_timeout = 0;
     } else if ((action->rc != -ETIME) && diff < (action->timeout * 0.7)) {
         /* only set remaining timeout period if there is 30%
          * or greater of the original timeout period left */
         action->remaining_timeout = action->timeout - diff;
     } else {
         action->remaining_timeout = 0;
     return action->remaining_timeout ? TRUE : FALSE;
 static void
 stonith_action_async_done(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode)
     stonith_action_t *action = mainloop_child_userdata(p);
     if (action->timer_sigterm > 0) {
         action->timer_sigterm = 0;
     if (action->timer_sigkill > 0) {
         action->timer_sigkill = 0;
     if (action->last_timeout_signo) {
         action->rc = -ETIME;
         crm_notice("Child process %d performing action '%s' timed out with signal %d",
                    pid, action->action, action->last_timeout_signo);
     } else if (signo) {
         action->rc = -ECONNABORTED;
         crm_notice("Child process %d performing action '%s' timed out with signal %d",
                    pid, action->action, signo);
     } else {
         action->rc = exitcode;
         crm_debug("Child process %d performing action '%s' exited with rc %d",
                   pid, action->action, exitcode);
     action->output = read_output(action->fd_stdout);
     if (action->rc != pcmk_ok && update_remaining_timeout(action)) {
         int rc = internal_stonith_action_execute(action);
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
     if (action->done_cb) {
         action->done_cb(pid, action->rc, action->output, action->userdata);
 static int
 internal_stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action)
     int pid, status, len, rc = -EPROTO;
     int ret;
     int total = 0;
     int p_read_fd, p_write_fd;  /* parent read/write file descriptors */
     int c_read_fd, c_write_fd;  /* child read/write file descriptors */
     int fd1[2];
     int fd2[2];
     int is_retry = 0;
     /* clear any previous tracking data */
     if (!action->tries) {
         action->initial_start_time = time(NULL);
     if (action->tries > 1) {
         crm_info("Attempt %d to execute %s (%s). remaining timeout is %d",
                  action->tries, action->agent, action->action, action->remaining_timeout);
         is_retry = 1;
     c_read_fd = c_write_fd = p_read_fd = p_write_fd = -1;
     if (action->args == NULL || action->agent == NULL)
         goto fail;
     len = strlen(action->args);
     if (pipe(fd1))
         goto fail;
     p_read_fd = fd1[0];
     c_write_fd = fd1[1];
     if (pipe(fd2))
         goto fail;
     c_read_fd = fd2[0];
     p_write_fd = fd2[1];
     pid = fork();
     if (pid < 0) {
         rc = -ECHILD;
         goto fail;
     if (!pid) {
         /* child */
         setpgid(0, 0);
         /* coverity[leaked_handle] False positive */
         if (dup(c_write_fd) < 0)
             goto fail;
         /* coverity[leaked_handle] False positive */
         if (dup(c_write_fd) < 0)
             goto fail;
         /* coverity[leaked_handle] False positive */
         if (dup(c_read_fd) < 0)
             goto fail;
         /* keep c_write_fd open so parent can report all errors. */
         /* keep retries from executing out of control */
         if (is_retry) {
         execlp(action->agent, action->agent, NULL);
     /* parent */
     action->pid = pid;
     ret = fcntl(p_read_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(p_read_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);
     if (ret < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_NOTICE, "Could not change the output of %s to be non-blocking",
     do {
         crm_debug("sending args");
         ret = write(p_write_fd, action->args + total, len - total);
         if (ret > 0) {
             total += ret;
     } while (errno == EINTR && total < len);
     if (total != len) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Sent %d not %d bytes", total, len);
         if (ret >= 0) {
             rc = -ECOMM;
         goto fail;
     close(p_write_fd); p_write_fd = -1;
     /* async */
     if (action->async) {
         action->fd_stdout = p_read_fd;
         mainloop_child_add(pid, 0/* Move the timeout here? */, action->action, action, stonith_action_async_done);
         crm_trace("Op: %s on %s, pid: %d, timeout: %ds", action->action, action->agent, pid,
         action->last_timeout_signo = 0;
         if (action->remaining_timeout) {
             action->timer_sigterm =
                 g_timeout_add(1000 * action->remaining_timeout, st_child_term, action);
             action->timer_sigkill =
                 g_timeout_add(1000 * (action->remaining_timeout + 5), st_child_kill, action);
         } else {
             crm_err("No timeout set for stonith operation %s with device %s",
                     action->action, action->agent);
         return 0;
     } else {
         /* sync */
         int timeout = action->remaining_timeout + 1;
         pid_t p = 0;
         while (action->remaining_timeout < 0 || timeout > 0) {
             p = waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG);
             if (p > 0) {
         if (timeout == 0) {
             int killrc = kill(-pid, SIGKILL);
             if (killrc && errno != ESRCH) {
                 crm_err("kill(%d, KILL) failed: %s (%d)", pid, pcmk_strerror(errno), errno);
              * From sigprocmask(2):
              * It is not possible to block SIGKILL or SIGSTOP.  Attempts to do so are silently ignored.
              * This makes it safe to skip WNOHANG here
             p = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
         if (p <= 0) {
             crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "waitpid(%d)", pid);
         } else if (p != pid) {
             crm_err("Waited for %d, got %d", pid, p);
         action->output = read_output(p_read_fd);
         action->rc = -ECONNABORTED;
         rc = action->rc;
         if (timeout == 0) {
             action->rc = -ETIME;
         } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
             crm_debug("result = %d", WEXITSTATUS(status));
             action->rc = -WEXITSTATUS(status);
             rc = 0;
         } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
             crm_err("call %s for %s exited due to signal %d", action->action, action->agent,
         } else {
             crm_err("call %s for %s exited abnormally. stopped=%d, continued=%d",
                     action->action, action->agent, WIFSTOPPED(status), WIFCONTINUED(status));
     if (p_read_fd >= 0) {
     if (p_write_fd >= 0) {
     if (c_read_fd >= 0) {
     if (c_write_fd >= 0) {
     return rc;
 stonith_action_execute_async(stonith_action_t * action,
                              void *userdata,
                              void (*done) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output,
                                            gpointer user_data))
     int rc = 0;
     if (!action) {
         return -1;
     action->userdata = userdata;
     action->done_cb = done;
     action->async = 1;
     rc = internal_stonith_action_execute(action);
     return rc < 0 ? rc : action->pid;
 stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action, int *agent_result, char **output)
     int rc = 0;
     if (!action) {
         return -1;
     do {
         rc = internal_stonith_action_execute(action);
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
             /* success! */
         /* keep retrying while we have time left */
     } while (update_remaining_timeout(action));
     if (rc) {
         /* error */
         return rc;
     if (agent_result) {
         *agent_result = action->rc;
     if (output) {
         *output = action->output;
         action->output = NULL;  /* handed it off, do not free */
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_device_list(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *namespace,
                         stonith_key_value_t ** devices, int timeout)
     int count = 0;
     if (devices == NULL) {
         crm_err("Parameter error: stonith_api_device_list");
         return -EFAULT;
     /* Include Heartbeat agents */
     if (namespace == NULL || safe_str_eq("heartbeat", namespace)) {
         static gboolean need_init = TRUE;
         char **entry = NULL;
         char **type_list = NULL;
         static char **(*type_list_fn) (void) = NULL;
         static void (*type_free_fn) (char **) = NULL;
         if (need_init) {
             need_init = FALSE;
             type_list_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_types", FALSE);
             type_free_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_free_hostlist",
         if (type_list_fn) {
             type_list = (*type_list_fn) ();
         for (entry = type_list; entry != NULL && *entry; ++entry) {
             crm_trace("Added: %s", *entry);
             *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, *entry);
         if (type_list && type_free_fn) {
             (*type_free_fn) (type_list);
         if (namespace != NULL) {
             return -EINVAL;     /* Heartbeat agents not supported */
     /* Include Red Hat agents, basically: ls -1 @sbin_dir@/fence_* */
     if (namespace == NULL || safe_str_eq("redhat", namespace)) {
         struct dirent **namelist;
         int file_num = scandir(RH_STONITH_DIR, &namelist, 0, alphasort);
         if (file_num > 0) {
             struct stat prop;
             char buffer[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
             while (file_num--) {
                 if ('.' == namelist[file_num]->d_name[0]) {
                 } else if (0 != strncmp(RH_STONITH_PREFIX,
                                         namelist[file_num]->d_name, strlen(RH_STONITH_PREFIX))) {
                 snprintf(buffer, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", RH_STONITH_DIR, namelist[file_num]->d_name);
                 if (stat(buffer, &prop) == 0 && S_ISREG(prop.st_mode)) {
                     *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, namelist[file_num]->d_name);
     return count;
 static inline char *
 strdup_null(const char *val)
     if (val) {
         return strdup(val);
     return NULL;
 static void
 stonith_plugin(int priority, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
 static void
 stonith_plugin(int priority, const char *format, ...)
     int err = errno;
     va_list ap;
     int len = 0;
     char *string = NULL;
     va_start(ap, format);
     len = vasprintf (&string, format, ap);
     CRM_ASSERT(len > 0);
     do_crm_log_alias(priority, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, "%s", string);
     errno = err;
 static int
 stonith_api_device_metadata(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *agent,
                             const char *namespace, char **output, int timeout)
     int rc = 0;
     char *buffer = NULL;
     const char *provider = get_stonith_provider(agent, namespace);
     crm_trace("looking up %s/%s metadata", agent, provider);
     /* By having this in a library, we can access it from stonith_admin
      *  when neither lrmd or stonith-ng are running
      * Important for the crm shell's validations...
     if (safe_str_eq(provider, "redhat")) {
         stonith_action_t *action = stonith_action_create(agent, "metadata", NULL, 0, 5, NULL, NULL);
         int exec_rc = stonith_action_execute(action, &rc, &buffer);
         xmlNode *xml = NULL;
         xmlNode *actions = NULL;
         xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = NULL;
         if (exec_rc < 0 || rc != 0 || buffer == NULL) {
             crm_warn("Could not obtain metadata for %s", agent);
             crm_debug("Query failed: %d %d: %s", exec_rc, rc, crm_str(buffer));
             free(buffer);       /* Just in case */
             return -EINVAL;
         xml = string2xml(buffer);
         if(xml == NULL) {
             crm_warn("Metadata for %s is invalid", agent);
             return -EINVAL;
         xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, "//actions");
         if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) {
             actions = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0);
         /* Now fudge the metadata so that the start/stop actions appear */
         xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, "//action[@name='stop']");
         if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) <= 0) {
             xmlNode *tmp = NULL;
             tmp = create_xml_node(actions, "action");
             crm_xml_add(tmp, "name", "stop");
             crm_xml_add(tmp, "timeout", "20s");
             tmp = create_xml_node(actions, "action");
             crm_xml_add(tmp, "name", "start");
             crm_xml_add(tmp, "timeout", "20s");
         /* Now fudge the metadata so that the port isn't required in the configuration */
         xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, "//parameter[@name='port']");
         if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) {
             /* We'll fill this in */
             xmlNode *tmp = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0);
             crm_xml_add(tmp, "required", "0");
         buffer = dump_xml_formatted(xml);
         if (!buffer) {
             return -EINVAL;
     } else {
         return -EINVAL;         /* Heartbeat agents not supported */
         int bufferlen = 0;
         static const char *no_parameter_info = "<!-- no value -->";
         Stonith *stonith_obj = NULL;
         static gboolean need_init = TRUE;
         static Stonith *(*st_new_fn) (const char *) = NULL;
         static const char *(*st_info_fn) (Stonith *, int) = NULL;
         static void (*st_del_fn) (Stonith *) = NULL;
         static void (*st_log_fn) (Stonith *, PILLogFun) = NULL;
         if (need_init) {
             need_init = FALSE;
             st_new_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_new", FALSE);
             st_del_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_delete",
             st_log_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_set_log",
             st_info_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_get_info",
         if (lha_agents_lib && st_new_fn && st_del_fn && st_info_fn && st_log_fn) {
             char *xml_meta_longdesc = NULL;
             char *xml_meta_shortdesc = NULL;
             char *meta_param = NULL;
             char *meta_longdesc = NULL;
             char *meta_shortdesc = NULL;
             stonith_obj = (*st_new_fn) (agent);
             if (stonith_obj) {
                 (*st_log_fn) (stonith_obj, (PILLogFun) & stonith_plugin);
                 meta_longdesc = strdup_null((*st_info_fn) (stonith_obj, ST_DEVICEDESCR));
                 if (meta_longdesc == NULL) {
                     crm_warn("no long description in %s's metadata.", agent);
                     meta_longdesc = strdup(no_parameter_info);
                 meta_shortdesc = strdup_null((*st_info_fn) (stonith_obj, ST_DEVICEID));
                 if (meta_shortdesc == NULL) {
                     crm_warn("no short description in %s's metadata.", agent);
                     meta_shortdesc = strdup(no_parameter_info);
                 meta_param = strdup_null((*st_info_fn) (stonith_obj, ST_CONF_XML));
                 if (meta_param == NULL) {
                     crm_warn("no list of parameters in %s's metadata.", agent);
                     meta_param = strdup(no_parameter_info);
                 (*st_del_fn) (stonith_obj);
             } else {
                 return -EINVAL; /* Heartbeat agents not supported */
             xml_meta_longdesc =
                 (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, (const unsigned char *)meta_longdesc);
             xml_meta_shortdesc =
                 (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, (const unsigned char *)meta_shortdesc);
             bufferlen = strlen(META_TEMPLATE) + strlen(agent)
                 + strlen(xml_meta_longdesc) + strlen(xml_meta_shortdesc)
                 + strlen(meta_param) + 1;
             buffer = calloc(1, bufferlen);
             snprintf(buffer, bufferlen - 1, META_TEMPLATE,
                      agent, xml_meta_longdesc, xml_meta_shortdesc, meta_param);
     if (output) {
         *output = buffer;
     } else {
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_query(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *target,
                   stonith_key_value_t ** devices, int timeout)
     int rc = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     xmlNode *output = NULL;
     xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(devices != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, target);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, "off");
     rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_QUERY, data, &output, call_options, timeout);
     if (rc < 0) {
         return rc;
     xpathObj = xpath_search(output, "//@agent");
     if (xpathObj) {
         max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
         for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
             xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
             CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL);
             if(match != NULL) {
-                crm_info("%s[%d] = %s", "//@agent", lpc, xmlGetNodePath(match));
+                xmlChar *match_path = xmlGetNodePath(match);
+                crm_info("%s[%d] = %s", "//@agent", lpc, match_path);
+                free(match_path);
                 *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, crm_element_value(match, XML_ATTR_ID));
     return max;
 static int
 stonith_api_call(stonith_t * stonith,
                  int call_options,
                  const char *id,
                  const char *action, const char *victim, int timeout, xmlNode ** output)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, id);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, victim);
     rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_EXEC, data, output, call_options, timeout);
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_list(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, char **list_info,
                  int timeout)
     int rc;
     xmlNode *output = NULL;
     rc = stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "list", NULL, timeout, &output);
     if (output && list_info) {
         const char *list_str;
         list_str = crm_element_value(output, "st_output");
         if (list_str) {
             *list_info = strdup(list_str);
     if (output) {
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_monitor(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, int timeout)
     return stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "monitor", NULL, timeout, NULL);
 static int
 stonith_api_status(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, const char *port,
                    int timeout)
     return stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "status", port, timeout, NULL);
 static int
 stonith_api_fence(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *node, const char *action,
                   int timeout, int tolerance)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, F_STONITH_TOLERANCE, tolerance);
     rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE, data, NULL, call_options, timeout);
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_confirm(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *target)
     return stonith_api_fence(stonith, call_options | st_opt_manual_ack, target, "off", 0, 0);
 static int
 stonith_api_history(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *node,
                     stonith_history_t ** history, int timeout)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     xmlNode *output = NULL;
     stonith_history_t *last = NULL;
     *history = NULL;
     if (node) {
         data = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
         crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node);
     rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE_HISTORY, data, &output,
                               call_options | st_opt_sync_call, timeout);
     if (rc == 0) {
         xmlNode *op = NULL;
         xmlNode *reply = get_xpath_object("//" F_STONITH_HISTORY_LIST, output, LOG_ERR);
         for (op = __xml_first_child(reply); op != NULL; op = __xml_next(op)) {
             stonith_history_t *kvp;
             kvp = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_history_t));
             kvp->target = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_TARGET);
             kvp->action = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_ACTION);
             kvp->origin = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_ORIGIN);
             kvp->delegate = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_DELEGATE);
             kvp->client = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME);
             crm_element_value_int(op, F_STONITH_DATE, &kvp->completed);
             crm_element_value_int(op, F_STONITH_STATE, &kvp->state);
             if (last) {
                 last->next = kvp;
             } else {
                 *history = kvp;
             last = kvp;
     return rc;
 is_redhat_agent(const char *agent)
     int rc = 0;
     struct stat prop;
     char buffer[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
     snprintf(buffer, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", RH_STONITH_DIR, agent);
     rc = stat(buffer, &prop);
     if (rc >= 0 && S_ISREG(prop.st_mode)) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 const char *
 get_stonith_provider(const char *agent, const char *provider)
     /* This function sucks */
     if (is_redhat_agent(agent)) {
         return "redhat";
     } else {
         Stonith *stonith_obj = NULL;
         static gboolean need_init = TRUE;
         static Stonith *(*st_new_fn) (const char *) = NULL;
         static void (*st_del_fn) (Stonith *) = NULL;
         if (need_init) {
             need_init = FALSE;
             st_new_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_new", FALSE);
             st_del_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_delete",
         if (lha_agents_lib && st_new_fn && st_del_fn) {
             stonith_obj = (*st_new_fn) (agent);
             if (stonith_obj) {
                 (*st_del_fn) (stonith_obj);
                 return "heartbeat";
     crm_err("No such device: %s", agent);
     return NULL;
 static gint
 stonithlib_GCompareFunc(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     int rc = 0;
     const stonith_notify_client_t *a_client = a;
     const stonith_notify_client_t *b_client = b;
     CRM_CHECK(a_client->event != NULL && b_client->event != NULL, return 0);
     rc = strcmp(a_client->event, b_client->event);
     if (rc == 0) {
         if (a_client->notify == NULL || b_client->notify == NULL) {
             return 0;
         } else if (a_client->notify == b_client->notify) {
             return 0;
         } else if (((long)a_client->notify) < ((long)b_client->notify)) {
             crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p",
                     a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify);
             return -1;
         crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p",
                 a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify);
         return 1;
     return rc;
 xmlNode *
 stonith_create_op(int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data, int call_options)
     xmlNode *op_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command");
     CRM_CHECK(op_msg != NULL, return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(token != NULL, return NULL);
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_XML_TAGNAME, "stonith_command");
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG);
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLBACK_TOKEN, token);
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op);
     crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, call_id);
     crm_trace("Sending call options: %.8lx, %d", (long)call_options, call_options);
     crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, call_options);
     if (data != NULL) {
         add_message_xml(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data);
     return op_msg;
 static void
 stonith_destroy_op_callback(gpointer data)
     stonith_callback_client_t *blob = data;
     if (blob->timer && blob->timer->ref > 0) {
 static int
 stonith_api_signoff(stonith_t * stonith)
     stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private;
     crm_debug("Signing out of the STONITH Service");
     if (native->source != NULL) {
         /* Attached to mainloop */
         native->source = NULL;
         native->ipc = NULL;
     } else if (native->ipc) {
         /* Not attached to mainloop */
         crm_ipc_t *ipc = native->ipc;
         native->ipc = NULL;
     free(native->token); native->token = NULL;
     stonith->state = stonith_disconnected;
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 stonith_api_signon(stonith_t * stonith, const char *name, int *stonith_fd)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private;
     static struct ipc_client_callbacks st_callbacks = {
         .dispatch = stonith_dispatch_internal,
         .destroy = stonith_connection_destroy
     crm_trace("Connecting command channel");
     stonith->state = stonith_connected_command;
     if (stonith_fd) {
         /* No mainloop */
         native->ipc = crm_ipc_new("stonith-ng", 0);
         if (native->ipc && crm_ipc_connect(native->ipc)) {
             *stonith_fd = crm_ipc_get_fd(native->ipc);
         } else if (native->ipc) {
             crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Connection to STONITH manager failed");
             rc = -ENOTCONN;
     } else {
         /* With mainloop */
         native->source =
             mainloop_add_ipc_client("stonith-ng", G_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 0, stonith, &st_callbacks);
         native->ipc = mainloop_get_ipc_client(native->source);
     if (native->ipc == NULL) {
         crm_debug("Could not connect to the Stonith API");
         rc = -ENOTCONN;
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         xmlNode *reply = NULL;
         xmlNode *hello = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command");
         crm_xml_add(hello, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG);
         crm_xml_add(hello, F_STONITH_OPERATION, CRM_OP_REGISTER);
         crm_xml_add(hello, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, name);
         rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, hello, crm_ipc_client_response, -1, &reply);
         if (rc < 0) {
             crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't complete registration with the fencing API: %d", rc);
             rc = -ECOMM;
         } else if (reply == NULL) {
             crm_err("Did not receive registration reply");
             rc = -EPROTO;
         } else {
             const char *msg_type = crm_element_value(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION);
             const char *tmp_ticket = crm_element_value(reply, F_STONITH_CLIENTID);
             if (safe_str_neq(msg_type, CRM_OP_REGISTER)) {
                 crm_err("Invalid registration message: %s", msg_type);
                 crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Bad reply");
                 rc = -EPROTO;
             } else if (tmp_ticket == NULL) {
                 crm_err("No registration token provided");
                 crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Bad reply");
                 rc = -EPROTO;
             } else {
                 crm_trace("Obtained registration token: %s", tmp_ticket);
                 native->token = strdup(tmp_ticket);
                 rc = pcmk_ok;
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         stonith->call_timeout = MAX_IPC_DELAY;
         crm_debug("Connection to STONITH successful");
         return pcmk_ok;
     crm_debug("Connection to STONITH failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_set_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *callback, int enabled)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *notify_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
     stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private;
     if (stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) {
         crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY);
         if (enabled) {
             crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE, callback);
         } else {
             crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE, callback);
         rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, notify_msg, crm_ipc_client_response, -1, NULL);
         if (rc < 0) {
             crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't register for fencing notifications: %d", rc);
             rc = -ECOMM;
         } else {
             rc = pcmk_ok;
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_add_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *event,
                              void (*callback) (stonith_t * stonith, stonith_event_t * e))
     GList *list_item = NULL;
     stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     private = stonith->private;
     crm_trace("Adding callback for %s events (%d)", event, g_list_length(private->notify_list));
     new_client = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t));
     new_client->event = event;
     new_client->notify = callback;
     list_item = g_list_find_custom(private->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc);
     if (list_item != NULL) {
         crm_warn("Callback already present");
         return -ENOTUNIQ;
     } else {
         private->notify_list = g_list_append(private->notify_list, new_client);
         stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 1);
         crm_trace("Callback added (%d)", g_list_length(private->notify_list));
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 stonith_api_del_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *event)
     GList *list_item = NULL;
     stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     crm_debug("Removing callback for %s events", event);
     private = stonith->private;
     new_client = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t));
     new_client->event = event;
     new_client->notify = NULL;
     list_item = g_list_find_custom(private->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc);
     stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 0);
     if (list_item != NULL) {
         stonith_notify_client_t *list_client = list_item->data;
         private->notify_list = g_list_remove(private->notify_list, list_client);
         crm_trace("Removed callback");
     } else {
         crm_trace("Callback not present");
     return pcmk_ok;
 static gboolean
 stonith_async_timeout_handler(gpointer data)
     struct timer_rec_s *timer = data;
     crm_err("Async call %d timed out after %dms", timer->call_id, timer->timeout);
     stonith_perform_callback(timer->stonith, NULL, timer->call_id, -ETIME);
     /* Always return TRUE, never remove the handler
      * We do that in stonith_del_callback()
     return TRUE;
 static void
 set_callback_timeout(stonith_callback_client_t * callback, stonith_t * stonith, int call_id,
                      int timeout)
     struct timer_rec_s *async_timer = callback->timer;
     if (timeout <= 0) {
     if (!async_timer) {
         async_timer = calloc(1, sizeof(struct timer_rec_s));
         callback->timer = async_timer;
     async_timer->stonith = stonith;
     async_timer->call_id = call_id;
     /* Allow a fair bit of grace to allow the server to tell us of a timeout
      * This is only a fallback
     async_timer->timeout = (timeout + 60) * 1000;
     if (async_timer->ref) {
     async_timer->ref =
         g_timeout_add(async_timer->timeout, stonith_async_timeout_handler, async_timer);
 static void
 update_callback_timeout(int call_id, int timeout, stonith_t * st)
     stonith_callback_client_t *callback = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = st->private;
     callback = g_hash_table_lookup(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id));
     if (!callback || !callback->allow_timeout_updates) {
     set_callback_timeout(callback, st, call_id, timeout);
 static void
 invoke_callback(stonith_t * st, int call_id, int rc, void *userdata,
                 void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data))
     stonith_callback_data_t data = { 0, };
     data.call_id = call_id;
     data.rc = rc;
     data.userdata = userdata;
     callback(st, &data);
 static int
 stonith_api_add_callback(stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, int timeout, int options,
                          void *user_data, const char *callback_name,
                          void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data))
     stonith_callback_client_t *blob = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     CRM_CHECK(stonith->private != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     private = stonith->private;
     if (call_id == 0) {
         private->op_callback = callback;
     } else if (call_id < 0) {
         if (!(options & st_opt_report_only_success)) {
             crm_trace("Call failed, calling %s: %s", callback_name, pcmk_strerror(call_id));
             invoke_callback(stonith, call_id, call_id, user_data, callback);
         } else {
             crm_warn("STONITH call failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(call_id));
         return FALSE;
     blob = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_callback_client_t));
     blob->id = callback_name;
     blob->only_success = (options & st_opt_report_only_success) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     blob->user_data = user_data;
     blob->callback = callback;
     blob->allow_timeout_updates = (options & st_opt_timeout_updates) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     if (timeout > 0) {
         set_callback_timeout(blob, stonith, call_id, timeout);
     g_hash_table_insert(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id), blob);
     crm_trace("Added callback to %s for call %d", callback_name, call_id);
     return TRUE;
 static int
 stonith_api_del_callback(stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, bool all_callbacks)
     stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private;
     if (all_callbacks) {
         private->op_callback = NULL;
         private->stonith_op_callback_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal,
     } else if (call_id == 0) {
         private->op_callback = NULL;
     } else {
         g_hash_table_remove(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id));
     return pcmk_ok;
 static void
 stonith_dump_pending_op(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     int call = GPOINTER_TO_INT(key);
     stonith_callback_client_t *blob = value;
     crm_debug("Call %d (%s): pending", call, crm_str(blob->id));
 stonith_dump_pending_callbacks(stonith_t * stonith)
     stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private;
     if (private->stonith_op_callback_table == NULL) {
     return g_hash_table_foreach(private->stonith_op_callback_table, stonith_dump_pending_op, NULL);
 stonith_perform_callback(stonith_t * stonith, xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc)
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     stonith_callback_client_t *blob = NULL;
     stonith_callback_client_t local_blob;
     CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(stonith->private != NULL, return);
     private = stonith->private;
     local_blob.id = NULL;
     local_blob.callback = NULL;
     local_blob.user_data = NULL;
     local_blob.only_success = FALSE;
     if (msg != NULL) {
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_RC, &rc);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call_id);
     CRM_CHECK(call_id > 0, crm_log_xml_err(msg, "Bad result"));
     blob = g_hash_table_lookup(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id));
     if (blob != NULL) {
         local_blob = *blob;
         blob = NULL;
         stonith_api_del_callback(stonith, call_id, FALSE);
     } else {
         crm_trace("No callback found for call %d", call_id);
         local_blob.callback = NULL;
     if (local_blob.callback != NULL && (rc == pcmk_ok || local_blob.only_success == FALSE)) {
         crm_trace("Invoking callback %s for call %d", crm_str(local_blob.id), call_id);
         invoke_callback(stonith, call_id, rc, local_blob.user_data, local_blob.callback);
     } else if (private->op_callback == NULL && rc != pcmk_ok) {
         crm_warn("STONITH command failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));
         crm_log_xml_debug(msg, "Failed STONITH Update");
     if (private->op_callback != NULL) {
         crm_trace("Invoking global callback for call %d", call_id);
         invoke_callback(stonith, call_id, rc, NULL, private->op_callback);
     crm_trace("OP callback activated.");
  <notify t="st_notify" subt="st_device_register" st_op="st_device_register" st_rc="0" >
    <st_calldata >
      <stonith_command t="stonith-ng" st_async_id="088fb640-431a-48b9-b2fc-c4ff78d0a2d9" st_op="st_device_register" st_callid="2" st_callopt="4096" st_timeout="0" st_clientid="088fb640-431a-48b9-b2fc-c4ff78d0a2d9" st_clientname="stonith-test" >
        <st_calldata >
          <st_device_id id="test-id" origin="create_device_registration_xml" agent="fence_virsh" namespace="stonith-ng" >
            <attributes ipaddr="localhost" pcmk-portmal="some-host=pcmk-1 pcmk-3=3,4" login="root" identity_file="/root/.ssh/id_dsa" />
  <notify t="st_notify" subt="st_notify_fence" st_op="st_notify_fence" st_rc="0" >
    <st_calldata >
      <st_notify_fence st_rc="0" st_target="some-host" st_op="st_fence" st_delegate="test-id" st_origin="61dd7759-e229-4be7-b1f8-ef49dd14d9f0" />
 static stonith_event_t *
 xml_to_event(xmlNode * msg)
     stonith_event_t *event = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_event_t));
     const char *ntype = crm_element_value(msg, F_SUBTYPE);
     char *data_addr = crm_strdup_printf("//%s", ntype);
     xmlNode *data = get_xpath_object(data_addr, msg, LOG_DEBUG);
     crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "stonith_notify");
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_RC, &(event->result));
     if (safe_str_eq(ntype, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE)) {
         event->operation = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION);
         if (data) {
             event->origin = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN);
             event->action = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_ACTION);
             event->target = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_TARGET);
             event->executioner = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_DELEGATE);
             event->id = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID);
             event->client_origin = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME);
             event->device = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
         } else {
             crm_err("No data for %s event", ntype);
             crm_log_xml_notice(msg, "BadEvent");
     return event;
 static void
 event_free(stonith_event_t * event)
 static void
 stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
     struct notify_blob_s *blob = user_data;
     stonith_notify_client_t *entry = data;
     stonith_event_t *st_event = NULL;
     const char *event = NULL;
     if (blob->xml == NULL) {
         crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL message");
     event = crm_element_value(blob->xml, F_SUBTYPE);
     if (entry == NULL) {
         crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback client");
     } else if (entry->notify == NULL) {
         crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback");
     } else if (safe_str_neq(entry->event, event)) {
         crm_trace("Skipping callback - event mismatch %p/%s vs. %s", entry, entry->event, event);
     st_event = xml_to_event(blob->xml);
     crm_trace("Invoking callback for %p/%s event...", entry, event);
     entry->notify(blob->stonith, st_event);
     crm_trace("Callback invoked...");
 stonith_send_command(stonith_t * stonith, const char *op, xmlNode * data, xmlNode ** output_data,
                      int call_options, int timeout)
     int rc = 0;
     int reply_id = -1;
     enum crm_ipc_flags ipc_flags = crm_ipc_flags_none;
     xmlNode *op_msg = NULL;
     xmlNode *op_reply = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private;
     if (stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) {
         return -ENOTCONN;
     if (output_data != NULL) {
         *output_data = NULL;
     if (op == NULL) {
         crm_err("No operation specified");
         return -EINVAL;
     if (call_options & st_opt_sync_call) {
         ipc_flags |= crm_ipc_client_response;
     /* prevent call_id from being negative (or zero) and conflicting
      *    with the stonith_errors enum
      * use 2 because we use it as (stonith->call_id - 1) below
     if (stonith->call_id < 1) {
         stonith->call_id = 1;
     CRM_CHECK(native->token != NULL,;
     op_msg = stonith_create_op(stonith->call_id, native->token, op, data, call_options);
     if (op_msg == NULL) {
         return -EINVAL;
     crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout);
     crm_trace("Sending %s message to STONITH service, Timeout: %ds", op, timeout);
     rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, op_msg, ipc_flags, 1000 * (timeout + 60), &op_reply);
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't perform %s operation (timeout=%ds): %d", op, timeout, rc);
         rc = -ECOMM;
         goto done;
     crm_log_xml_trace(op_reply, "Reply");
     if (!(call_options & st_opt_sync_call)) {
         crm_trace("Async call %d, returning", stonith->call_id);
         CRM_CHECK(stonith->call_id != 0, return -EPROTO);
         return stonith->call_id;
     rc = pcmk_ok;
     crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_STONITH_CALLID, &reply_id);
     if (reply_id == stonith->call_id) {
         crm_trace("Syncronous reply %d received", reply_id);
         if (crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_STONITH_RC, &rc) != 0) {
             rc = -ENOMSG;
         if ((call_options & st_opt_discard_reply) || output_data == NULL) {
             crm_trace("Discarding reply");
         } else {
             *output_data = op_reply;
             op_reply = NULL;    /* Prevent subsequent free */
     } else if (reply_id <= 0) {
         crm_err("Received bad reply: No id set");
         crm_log_xml_err(op_reply, "Bad reply");
         rc = -ENOMSG;
     } else {
         crm_err("Received bad reply: %d (wanted %d)", reply_id, stonith->call_id);
         crm_log_xml_err(op_reply, "Old reply");
         rc = -ENOMSG;
     if (crm_ipc_connected(native->ipc) == FALSE) {
         crm_err("STONITH disconnected");
         stonith->state = stonith_disconnected;
     return rc;
 /* Not used with mainloop */
 stonith_dispatch(stonith_t * st)
     gboolean stay_connected = TRUE;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(st != NULL);
     private = st->private;
     while (crm_ipc_ready(private->ipc)) {
         if (crm_ipc_read(private->ipc) > 0) {
             const char *msg = crm_ipc_buffer(private->ipc);
             stonith_dispatch_internal(msg, strlen(msg), st);
         if (crm_ipc_connected(private->ipc) == FALSE) {
             crm_err("Connection closed");
             stay_connected = FALSE;
     return stay_connected;
 stonith_dispatch_internal(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata)
     const char *type = NULL;
     struct notify_blob_s blob;
     stonith_t *st = userdata;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(st != NULL);
     private = st->private;
     blob.stonith = st;
     blob.xml = string2xml(buffer);
     if (blob.xml == NULL) {
         crm_warn("Received a NULL msg from STONITH service: %s.", buffer);
         return 0;
     /* do callbacks */
     type = crm_element_value(blob.xml, F_TYPE);
     crm_trace("Activating %s callbacks...", type);
     if (safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NG)) {
         stonith_perform_callback(st, blob.xml, 0, 0);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NOTIFY)) {
         g_list_foreach(private->notify_list, stonith_send_notification, &blob);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE)) {
         int call_id = 0;
         int timeout = 0;
         crm_element_value_int(blob.xml, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, &timeout);
         crm_element_value_int(blob.xml, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call_id);
         update_callback_timeout(call_id, timeout, st);
     } else {
         crm_err("Unknown message type: %s", type);
         crm_log_xml_warn(blob.xml, "BadReply");
     return 1;
 static int
 stonith_api_free(stonith_t * stonith)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     crm_trace("Destroying %p", stonith);
     if (stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) {
         crm_trace("Disconnecting %p first", stonith);
         rc = stonith->cmds->disconnect(stonith);
     if (stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) {
         stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private;
         crm_trace("Removing %d callbacks", g_hash_table_size(private->stonith_op_callback_table));
         crm_trace("Destroying %d notification clients", g_list_length(private->notify_list));
         g_list_free_full(private->notify_list, free);
     } else {
         crm_err("Not free'ing active connection: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     return rc;
 stonith_api_delete(stonith_t * stonith)
     crm_trace("Destroying %p", stonith);
     if(stonith) {
 stonith_t *
     stonith_t *new_stonith = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     new_stonith = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_t));
     private = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_private_t));
     new_stonith->private = private;
     private->stonith_op_callback_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal,
                                                                NULL, stonith_destroy_op_callback);
     private->notify_list = NULL;
     new_stonith->call_id = 1;
     new_stonith->state = stonith_disconnected;
     new_stonith->cmds = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_api_operations_t));
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
     new_stonith->cmds->free       = stonith_api_free;
     new_stonith->cmds->connect    = stonith_api_signon;
     new_stonith->cmds->disconnect = stonith_api_signoff;
     new_stonith->cmds->list       = stonith_api_list;
     new_stonith->cmds->monitor    = stonith_api_monitor;
     new_stonith->cmds->status     = stonith_api_status;
     new_stonith->cmds->fence      = stonith_api_fence;
     new_stonith->cmds->confirm    = stonith_api_confirm;
     new_stonith->cmds->history    = stonith_api_history;
     new_stonith->cmds->list_agents  = stonith_api_device_list;
     new_stonith->cmds->metadata     = stonith_api_device_metadata;
     new_stonith->cmds->query           = stonith_api_query;
     new_stonith->cmds->remove_device   = stonith_api_remove_device;
     new_stonith->cmds->register_device = stonith_api_register_device;
     new_stonith->cmds->remove_level    = stonith_api_remove_level;
     new_stonith->cmds->register_level  = stonith_api_register_level;
     new_stonith->cmds->remove_callback       = stonith_api_del_callback;
     new_stonith->cmds->register_callback     = stonith_api_add_callback;
     new_stonith->cmds->remove_notification   = stonith_api_del_notification;
     new_stonith->cmds->register_notification = stonith_api_add_notification;
 /* *INDENT-ON* */
     return new_stonith;
 stonith_key_value_t *
 stonith_key_value_add(stonith_key_value_t * head, const char *key, const char *value)
     stonith_key_value_t *p, *end;
     p = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_key_value_t));
     if (key) {
         p->key = strdup(key);
     if (value) {
         p->value = strdup(value);
     end = head;
     while (end && end->next) {
         end = end->next;
     if (end) {
         end->next = p;
     } else {
         head = p;
     return head;
 stonith_key_value_freeall(stonith_key_value_t * head, int keys, int values)
     stonith_key_value_t *p;
     while (head) {
         p = head->next;
         if (keys) {
         if (values) {
         head = p;
 #define api_log_open() openlog("stonith-api", LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON)
 #define api_log(level, fmt, args...) syslog(level, "%s: "fmt, __FUNCTION__, args)
 stonith_api_kick(uint32_t nodeid, const char *uname, int timeout, bool off)
     char *name = NULL;
     const char *action = "reboot";
     int rc = -EPROTO;
     stonith_t *st = NULL;
     enum stonith_call_options opts = st_opt_sync_call | st_opt_allow_suicide;
     st = stonith_api_new();
     if (st) {
         rc = st->cmds->connect(st, "stonith-api", NULL);
         if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
             api_log(LOG_ERR, "Connection failed, could not kick (%s) node %u/%s : %s (%d)", action, nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     if (uname != NULL) {
         name = strdup(uname);
     } else if (nodeid > 0) {
         opts |= st_opt_cs_nodeid;
         name = crm_itoa(nodeid);
     if (off) {
         action = "off";
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         rc = st->cmds->fence(st, opts, name, action, timeout, 0);
         if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
             api_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not kick (%s) node %u/%s : %s (%d)", action, nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         } else {
             api_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Node %u/%s kicked: %s ", nodeid, uname, action);
     if (st) {
     return rc;
 stonith_api_time(uint32_t nodeid, const char *uname, bool in_progress)
     int rc = 0;
     char *name = NULL;
     time_t when = 0;
     stonith_t *st = NULL;
     stonith_history_t *history, *hp = NULL;
     enum stonith_call_options opts = st_opt_sync_call;
     st = stonith_api_new();
     if (st) {
         rc = st->cmds->connect(st, "stonith-api", NULL);
         if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
             api_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Connection failed: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     if (uname != NULL) {
         name = strdup(uname);
     } else if (nodeid > 0) {
         opts |= st_opt_cs_nodeid;
         name = crm_itoa(nodeid);
     if (st && rc == pcmk_ok) {
         int entries = 0;
         int progress = 0;
         int completed = 0;
         rc = st->cmds->history(st, opts, name, &history, 120);
         for (hp = history; hp; hp = hp->next) {
             if (in_progress) {
                 if (hp->state != st_done && hp->state != st_failed) {
                     when = time(NULL);
             } else if (hp->state == st_done) {
                 if (hp->completed > when) {
                     when = hp->completed;
         if(rc == pcmk_ok) {
             api_log(LOG_INFO, "Found %d entries for %u/%s: %d in progress, %d completed", entries, nodeid, uname, progress, completed);
         } else {
             api_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not retrieve fence history for %u/%s: %s (%d)", nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     if (st) {
     if(when) {
         api_log(LOG_INFO, "Node %u/%s last kicked at: %ld", nodeid, uname, (long int)when);
     return when;
 #  include <pils/plugin.h>
 const char *i_hate_pils(int rc);
 const char *
 i_hate_pils(int rc)
     return PIL_strerror(rc);
diff --git a/lrmd/lrmd.c b/lrmd/lrmd.c
index bd4d33ec4c..0cf98ccef1 100644
--- a/lrmd/lrmd.c
+++ b/lrmd/lrmd.c
@@ -1,1692 +1,1693 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2012 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/services.h>
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipc.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipcs.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <lrmd_private.h>
 #  include <sys/timeb.h>
 #define EXIT_REASON_MAX_LEN 128
 GHashTable *rsc_list = NULL;
 typedef struct lrmd_cmd_s {
     int timeout;
     int interval;
     int start_delay;
     int timeout_orig;
     int call_id;
     int exec_rc;
     int lrmd_op_status;
     int call_opts;
     /* Timer ids, must be removed on cmd destruction. */
     int delay_id;
     int stonith_recurring_id;
     int rsc_deleted;
     int service_flags;
     char *client_id;
     char *origin;
     char *rsc_id;
     char *action;
     char *real_action;
     char *exit_reason;
     char *output;
     char *userdata_str;
     /* when set, this cmd should go through a container wrapper */
     const char *isolation_wrapper;
     /* recurring and systemd operations may involve more than one lrmd command
      * per operation, so they need info about original and most recent
     struct timeb t_first_run;   /* Timestamp of when op first ran */
     struct timeb t_run;         /* Timestamp of when op most recently ran */
     struct timeb t_first_queue; /* Timestamp of when op first was queued */
     struct timeb t_queue;       /* Timestamp of when op most recently was queued */
     struct timeb t_rcchange;    /* Timestamp of last rc change */
     int first_notify_sent;
     int last_notify_rc;
     int last_notify_op_status;
     int last_pid;
     GHashTable *params;
 } lrmd_cmd_t;
 static void cmd_finalize(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd, lrmd_rsc_t * rsc);
 static gboolean lrmd_rsc_dispatch(gpointer user_data);
 static void cancel_all_recurring(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, const char *client_id);
 static void
 log_finished(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd, int exec_time, int queue_time)
     char pid_str[32] = { 0, };
     int log_level = LOG_INFO;
     if (cmd->last_pid) {
         snprintf(pid_str, 32, "%d", cmd->last_pid);
     if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor")) {
         log_level = LOG_DEBUG;
                "finished - rsc:%s action:%s call_id:%d %s%s exit-code:%d exec-time:%dms queue-time:%dms",
                cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->call_id, cmd->last_pid ? "pid:" : "", pid_str,
                cmd->exec_rc, exec_time, queue_time);
     do_crm_log(log_level, "finished - rsc:%s action:%s call_id:%d %s%s exit-code:%d",
                cmd->action, cmd->call_id, cmd->last_pid ? "pid:" : "", pid_str, cmd->exec_rc);
 static void
 log_execute(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     int log_level = LOG_INFO;
     if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor")) {
         log_level = LOG_DEBUG;
     do_crm_log(log_level, "executing - rsc:%s action:%s call_id:%d",
                cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->call_id);
 static const char *
 normalize_action_name(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, const char *action)
     if (safe_str_eq(action, "monitor") &&
         (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "lsb") ||
          safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "service") || safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "systemd"))) {
         return "status";
     return action;
 static lrmd_rsc_t *
 build_rsc_from_xml(xmlNode * msg)
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, msg, LOG_ERR);
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     rsc = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_rsc_t));
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_CALLOPTS, &rsc->call_opts);
     rsc->rsc_id = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     rsc->class = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_CLASS);
     rsc->provider = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_PROVIDER);
     rsc->type = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_TYPE);
     rsc->work = mainloop_add_trigger(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, lrmd_rsc_dispatch, rsc);
     return rsc;
 static lrmd_cmd_t *
 create_lrmd_cmd(xmlNode * msg, crm_client_t * client, lrmd_rsc_t *rsc)
     int call_options = 0;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, msg, LOG_ERR);
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = NULL;
     cmd = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_cmd_t));
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_CALLOPTS, &call_options);
     cmd->call_opts = call_options;
     cmd->client_id = strdup(client->id);
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_CALLID, &cmd->call_id);
     crm_element_value_int(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL, &cmd->interval);
     crm_element_value_int(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_TIMEOUT, &cmd->timeout);
     crm_element_value_int(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_START_DELAY, &cmd->start_delay);
     cmd->timeout_orig = cmd->timeout;
     cmd->origin = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_ORIGIN);
     cmd->action = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION);
     cmd->userdata_str = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_USERDATA_STR);
     cmd->rsc_id = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     cmd->params = xml2list(rsc_xml);
     cmd->isolation_wrapper = g_hash_table_lookup(cmd->params, "CRM_meta_isolation_wrapper");
     if (cmd->isolation_wrapper) {
         if (g_hash_table_lookup(cmd->params, "CRM_meta_isolation_instance") == NULL) {
             g_hash_table_insert(cmd->params, strdup("CRM_meta_isolation_instance"), strdup(rsc->rsc_id));
         if (rsc->provider) {
             g_hash_table_insert(cmd->params, strdup("CRM_meta_provider"), strdup(rsc->provider));
         g_hash_table_insert(cmd->params, strdup("CRM_meta_class"), strdup(rsc->class));
         g_hash_table_insert(cmd->params, strdup("CRM_meta_type"), strdup(rsc->type));
     if (safe_str_eq(g_hash_table_lookup(cmd->params, "CRM_meta_on_fail"), "block")) {
         crm_debug("Setting flag to leave pid group on timeout and only kill action pid for %s_%s_%d", cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->interval);
         cmd->service_flags |= SVC_ACTION_LEAVE_GROUP;
     return cmd;
 static void
 free_lrmd_cmd(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     if (cmd->stonith_recurring_id) {
     if (cmd->delay_id) {
     if (cmd->params) {
+    free(cmd->real_action);
 static gboolean
 stonith_recurring_op_helper(gpointer data)
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = data;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc;
     cmd->stonith_recurring_id = 0;
     if (!cmd->rsc_id) {
         return FALSE;
     rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, cmd->rsc_id);
     CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL);
     /* take it out of recurring_ops list, and put it in the pending ops
      * to be executed */
     rsc->recurring_ops = g_list_remove(rsc->recurring_ops, cmd);
     rsc->pending_ops = g_list_append(rsc->pending_ops, cmd);
     if (cmd->t_first_queue.time == 0) {
         cmd->t_first_queue = cmd->t_queue;
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 start_delay_helper(gpointer data)
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = data;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     cmd->delay_id = 0;
     rsc = cmd->rsc_id ? g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, cmd->rsc_id) : NULL;
     if (rsc) {
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 merge_recurring_duplicate(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     lrmd_cmd_t * dup = NULL;
     gboolean dup_pending = FALSE;
     if (cmd->interval == 0) {
         return 0;
     for (gIter = rsc->pending_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         dup = gIter->data;
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, dup->action) && cmd->interval == dup->interval) {
             dup_pending = TRUE;
             goto merge_dup;
     /* if dup is in recurring_ops list, that means it has already executed
      * and is in the interval loop. we can't just remove it in this case. */
     for (gIter = rsc->recurring_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         dup = gIter->data;
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, dup->action) && cmd->interval == dup->interval) {
             goto merge_dup;
     return FALSE;
     /* This should not occur, if it does we need to investigate in the crmd
      * how something like this is possible */
     crm_warn("Duplicate recurring op entry detected (%s_%s_%d), merging with previous op entry",
             normalize_action_name(rsc, dup->action),
     /* merge */
     dup->first_notify_sent = 0;
     dup->userdata_str = cmd->userdata_str;
     cmd->userdata_str = NULL;
     dup->call_id = cmd->call_id;
     if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith")) {
         /* if we are waiting for the next interval, kick it off now */
         if (dup_pending == TRUE) {
             cmd->stonith_recurring_id = 0;
     } else if (dup_pending == FALSE) {
         /* if we've already handed this to the service lib, kick off an early execution */
         services_action_kick(rsc->rsc_id, normalize_action_name(rsc, dup->action), dup->interval);
     return TRUE;
 static void
 schedule_lrmd_cmd(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     gboolean dup_processed = FALSE;
     CRM_CHECK(cmd != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
     crm_trace("Scheduling %s on %s", cmd->action, rsc->rsc_id);
     dup_processed = merge_recurring_duplicate(rsc, cmd);
     if (dup_processed) {
         /* duplicate recurring cmd found, cmds merged */
     /* crmd expects lrmd to automatically cancel recurring ops before rsc stops. */
     if (rsc && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "stop")) {
         cancel_all_recurring(rsc, NULL);
     rsc->pending_ops = g_list_append(rsc->pending_ops, cmd);
     if (cmd->t_first_queue.time == 0) {
         cmd->t_first_queue = cmd->t_queue;
     if (cmd->start_delay) {
         cmd->delay_id = g_timeout_add(cmd->start_delay, start_delay_helper, cmd);
 static void
 send_reply(crm_client_t * client, int rc, uint32_t id, int call_id)
     int send_rc = 0;
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     reply = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_REPLY);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_RC, rc);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_CALLID, call_id);
     send_rc = lrmd_server_send_reply(client, id, reply);
     if (send_rc < 0) {
         crm_warn("LRMD reply to %s failed: %d", client->name, send_rc);
 static void
 send_client_notify(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     xmlNode *update_msg = user_data;
     crm_client_t *client = value;
     if (client == NULL) {
         crm_err("Asked to send event to  NULL client");
     } else if (client->name == NULL) {
         crm_trace("Asked to send event to client with no name");
     if (lrmd_server_send_notify(client, update_msg) <= 0) {
         crm_warn("Notification of client %s/%s failed", client->name, client->id);
  * \internal
  * \brief Return difference between two times in milliseconds
  * \param[in] now  More recent time (or NULL to use current time)
  * \param[in] old  Earlier time
  * \return milliseconds difference (or 0 if old is NULL or has time zero)
 static int
 time_diff_ms(struct timeb *now, struct timeb *old)
     struct timeb local_now = { 0, };
     if (now == NULL) {
         now = &local_now;
     if ((old == NULL) || (old->time == 0)) {
         return 0;
     return difftime(now->time, old->time) * 1000 + now->millitm - old->millitm;
  * \internal
  * \brief Reset a command's operation times to their original values.
  * Reset a command's run and queued timestamps to the timestamps of the original
  * command, so we report the entire time since then and not just the time since
  * the most recent command (for recurring and systemd operations).
  * /param[in] cmd  LRMD command object to reset
  * /note It's not obvious what the queued time should be for a systemd
  * start/stop operation, which might go like this:
  *   initial command queued 5ms, runs 3s
  *   monitor command queued 10ms, runs 10s
  *   monitor command queued 10ms, runs 10s
  * Is the queued time for that operation 5ms, 10ms or 25ms? The current
  * implementation will report 5ms. If it's 25ms, then we need to
  * subtract 20ms from the total exec time so as not to count it twice.
  * We can implement that later if it matters to anyone ...
 static void
 cmd_original_times(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     cmd->t_run = cmd->t_first_run;
     cmd->t_queue = cmd->t_first_queue;
 static void
 send_cmd_complete_notify(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     int exec_time = 0;
     int queue_time = 0;
     xmlNode *notify = NULL;
     exec_time = time_diff_ms(NULL, &cmd->t_run);
     queue_time = time_diff_ms(&cmd->t_run, &cmd->t_queue);
     log_finished(cmd, exec_time, queue_time);
     /* if the first notify result for a cmd has already been sent earlier, and the
      * the option to only send notifies on result changes is set. Check to see
      * if the last result is the same as the new one. If so, suppress this update */
     if (cmd->first_notify_sent && (cmd->call_opts & lrmd_opt_notify_changes_only)) {
         if (cmd->last_notify_rc == cmd->exec_rc &&
             cmd->last_notify_op_status == cmd->lrmd_op_status) {
             /* only send changes */
     cmd->first_notify_sent = 1;
     cmd->last_notify_rc = cmd->exec_rc;
     cmd->last_notify_op_status = cmd->lrmd_op_status;
     notify = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_TIMEOUT, cmd->timeout);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL, cmd->interval);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_START_DELAY, cmd->start_delay);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_EXEC_RC, cmd->exec_rc);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_OP_STATUS, cmd->lrmd_op_status);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_CALLID, cmd->call_id);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_DELETED, cmd->rsc_deleted);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_RUN_TIME, cmd->t_run.time);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_RCCHANGE_TIME, cmd->t_rcchange.time);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_EXEC_TIME, exec_time);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_QUEUE_TIME, queue_time);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_OPERATION, LRMD_OP_RSC_EXEC);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, cmd->rsc_id);
     if(cmd->real_action) {
         crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION, cmd->real_action);
     } else {
         crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION, cmd->action);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_USERDATA_STR, cmd->userdata_str);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_OUTPUT, cmd->output);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_EXIT_REASON, cmd->exit_reason);
     if (cmd->params) {
         char *key = NULL;
         char *value = NULL;
         GHashTableIter iter;
         xmlNode *args = create_xml_node(notify, XML_TAG_ATTRS);
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, cmd->params);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
             hash2smartfield((gpointer) key, (gpointer) value, args);
     if (cmd->client_id && (cmd->call_opts & lrmd_opt_notify_orig_only)) {
         crm_client_t *client = crm_client_get_by_id(cmd->client_id);
         if (client) {
             send_client_notify(client->id, client, notify);
     } else {
         g_hash_table_foreach(client_connections, send_client_notify, notify);
 static void
 send_generic_notify(int rc, xmlNode * request)
     int call_id = 0;
     xmlNode *notify = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     const char *op = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_OPERATION);
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_LRMD_CALLID, &call_id);
     notify = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RC, rc);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_CALLID, call_id);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_OPERATION, op);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, rsc_id);
     g_hash_table_foreach(client_connections, send_client_notify, notify);
 static void
 cmd_reset(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     cmd->lrmd_op_status = 0;
     cmd->last_pid = 0;
     memset(&cmd->t_run, 0, sizeof(cmd->t_run));
     memset(&cmd->t_queue, 0, sizeof(cmd->t_queue));
     cmd->exit_reason = NULL;
     cmd->output = NULL;
 static void
 cmd_finalize(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd, lrmd_rsc_t * rsc)
     crm_trace("Resource operation rsc:%s action:%s completed (%p %p)", cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action,
               rsc ? rsc->active : NULL, cmd);
     if (rsc && (rsc->active == cmd)) {
         rsc->active = NULL;
     if (!rsc) {
         cmd->rsc_deleted = 1;
     /* reset original timeout so client notification has correct information */
     cmd->timeout = cmd->timeout_orig;
     if (cmd->interval && (cmd->lrmd_op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED)) {
         if (rsc) {
             rsc->recurring_ops = g_list_remove(rsc->recurring_ops, cmd);
             rsc->pending_ops = g_list_remove(rsc->pending_ops, cmd);
     } else if (cmd->interval == 0) {
         if (rsc) {
             rsc->pending_ops = g_list_remove(rsc->pending_ops, cmd);
     } else {
         /* Clear all the values pertaining just to the last iteration of a recurring op. */
 static int pattern_matched(const char *pat, const char *str)
     if (g_pattern_match_simple(pat, str)) {
         crm_debug("RA output matched stopped pattern [%s]", pat);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static int
 hb2uniform_rc(const char *action, int rc, const char *stdout_data)
     const char *stop_pattern[] = { "*stopped*", "*not*running*" };
     const char *running_pattern[] = { "*running*", "*OK*" };
     char *lower_std_output = NULL;
     int result;
     if (rc < 0) {
         return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
     /* Treat class heartbeat the same as class lsb. */
     if (!safe_str_eq(action, "status") && !safe_str_eq(action, "monitor")) {
         return services_get_ocf_exitcode(action, rc);
     /* for status though, exit code is ignored,
      * and the stdout is scanned for specific strings */
     if (stdout_data == NULL) {
         crm_warn("No status output from the (hb) resource agent, assuming stopped");
         return PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     lower_std_output = g_ascii_strdown(stdout_data, -1);
     if (pattern_matched(stop_pattern[0], lower_std_output) ||
         pattern_matched(stop_pattern[1], lower_std_output)) {
         result = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     } else if (pattern_matched(running_pattern[0], lower_std_output) ||
         pattern_matched(running_pattern[1], stdout_data)) {
             /* "OK" is matched case sensitive */
         result = PCMK_OCF_OK;
     } else {
         /* It didn't say it was running - must be stopped */
         crm_debug("RA output did not match any pattern, assuming stopped");
         result = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     return result;
 static int
 ocf2uniform_rc(int rc)
     if (rc < 0 || rc > PCMK_OCF_FAILED_MASTER) {
         return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith2uniform_rc(const char *action, int rc)
     if (rc == -ENODEV) {
         if (safe_str_eq(action, "stop")) {
             rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(action, "start")) {
             rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED;
         } else {
             rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     } else if (rc != 0) {
     return rc;
 static int
 nagios2uniform_rc(const char *action, int rc)
     if (rc < 0) {
         return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
     switch (rc) {
         case NAGIOS_STATE_OK:
             return PCMK_OCF_OK;
             return PCMK_OCF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV;
             return PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED;
             return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
 static int
 get_uniform_rc(const char *standard, const char *action, int rc)
     if (safe_str_eq(standard, "ocf")) {
         return ocf2uniform_rc(rc);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(standard, "stonith")) {
         return stonith2uniform_rc(action, rc);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(standard, "systemd")) {
         return rc;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(standard, "upstart")) {
         return rc;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(standard, "nagios")) {
         return nagios2uniform_rc(action, rc);
     } else {
         return services_get_ocf_exitcode(action, rc);
 static int
 action_get_uniform_rc(svc_action_t * action)
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = action->cb_data;
     if (safe_str_eq(action->standard, "heartbeat")) {
         return hb2uniform_rc(cmd->action, action->rc, action->stdout_data);
     return get_uniform_rc(action->standard, cmd->action, action->rc);
 notify_of_new_client(crm_client_t *new_client)
     crm_client_t *client = NULL;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     xmlNode *notify = NULL;
     char *key = NULL;
     notify = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_OPERATION, LRMD_OP_NEW_CLIENT);
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, client_connections);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & client)) {
         if (safe_str_eq(client->id, new_client->id)) {
         send_client_notify((gpointer) key, (gpointer) client, (gpointer) notify);
 static char *
 parse_exit_reason(const char *output)
     const char *cur = NULL;
     const char *last = NULL;
     char *reason = NULL;
     static int cookie_len = 0;
     char *eol = NULL;
     if (output == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     if (!cookie_len) {
         cookie_len = strlen(PCMK_OCF_REASON_PREFIX);
     cur = strstr(output, PCMK_OCF_REASON_PREFIX);
     for (; cur != NULL; cur = strstr(cur, PCMK_OCF_REASON_PREFIX)) {
         /* skip over the cookie delimiter string */
         cur += cookie_len;
         last = cur;
     if (last == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     /* make our own copy */
     reason = calloc(1, (EXIT_REASON_MAX_LEN+1));
     /* limit reason string size */
     strncpy(reason, last, EXIT_REASON_MAX_LEN);
     /* truncate everything after a new line */
     eol = strchr(reason, '\n');
     if (eol != NULL) {
         *eol = '\0';
     return reason;
 client_disconnect_cleanup(const char *client_id)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     char *key = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc_list);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & rsc)) {
         if (rsc->call_opts & lrmd_opt_drop_recurring) {
             /* This client is disconnecting, drop any recurring operations
              * it may have initiated on the resource */
             cancel_all_recurring(rsc, client_id);
 static void
 action_complete(svc_action_t * action)
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc;
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = action->cb_data;
     const char *rclass = NULL;
     bool goagain = false;
     if (!cmd) {
         crm_err("LRMD action (%s) completed does not match any known operations.", action->id);
     if (cmd->exec_rc != action->rc) {
     cmd->last_pid = action->pid;
     cmd->exec_rc = action_get_uniform_rc(action);
     cmd->lrmd_op_status = action->status;
     rsc = cmd->rsc_id ? g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, cmd->rsc_id) : NULL;
     if(rsc && safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "service")) {
         rclass = resources_find_service_class(rsc->class);
     } else if(rsc) {
         rclass = rsc->class;
     if (safe_str_eq(rclass, "systemd")) {
         if(cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "start")) {
             /* systemd I curse thee!
              * systemd returns from start actions after the start _begins_
              * not after it completes.
              * So we have to jump through a few hoops so that we don't
              * report 'complete' to the rest of pacemaker until, you know,
              * its actually done.
             goagain = true;
             cmd->real_action = cmd->action;
             cmd->action = strdup("monitor");
         } else if(cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "stop")) {
             goagain = true;
             cmd->real_action = cmd->action;
             cmd->action = strdup("monitor");
         } else if(cmd->real_action) {
             /* Ok, so this is the follow up monitor action to check if start actually completed */
             if(cmd->lrmd_op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE && cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_PENDING) {
                 goagain = true;
             } else {
                 int time_sum = time_diff_ms(NULL, &cmd->t_first_run);
                 int timeout_left = cmd->timeout_orig - time_sum;
                 crm_debug("%s %s is now complete (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms): %s (%d)",
                           cmd->rsc_id, cmd->real_action, time_sum, timeout_left, services_ocf_exitcode_str(cmd->exec_rc), cmd->exec_rc);
                 if(cmd->lrmd_op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE && cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING && safe_str_eq(cmd->real_action, "stop")) {
                     cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
     if (rsc && safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "nagios")) {
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor") &&
             cmd->interval == 0 && cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK) {
             /* Successfully executed --version for the nagios plugin */
             cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "start") && cmd->exec_rc != PCMK_OCF_OK) {
             goagain = true;
     /* Wrapping this section in ifdef implies that systemd resources are not
      * fully supported on platforms without sys/timeb.h. Since timeb is
      * obsolete, we should eventually prefer a clock_gettime() implementation
      * (wrapped in its own ifdef) with timeb as a fallback.
     if(goagain) {
         int time_sum = time_diff_ms(NULL, &cmd->t_first_run);
         int timeout_left = cmd->timeout_orig - time_sum;
         int delay = cmd->timeout_orig / 10;
         if(delay >= timeout_left && timeout_left > 20) {
             delay = timeout_left/2;
         delay = QB_MIN(2000, delay);
         if (delay < timeout_left) {
             cmd->start_delay = delay;
             cmd->timeout = timeout_left;
             if(cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK) {
                 crm_debug("%s %s may still be in progress: re-scheduling (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms, start_delay=%dms)",
                           cmd->rsc_id, cmd->real_action, time_sum, timeout_left, delay);
             } else if(cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_PENDING) {
                 crm_info("%s %s is still in progress: re-scheduling (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms, start_delay=%dms)",
                          cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, time_sum, timeout_left, delay);
             } else {
                 crm_notice("%s %s failed '%s' (%d): re-scheduling (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms, start_delay=%dms)",
                            cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, services_ocf_exitcode_str(cmd->exec_rc), cmd->exec_rc, time_sum, timeout_left, delay);
             if(rsc) {
                 rsc->active = NULL;
             schedule_lrmd_cmd(rsc, cmd);
             /* Don't finalize cmd, we're not done with it yet */
         } else {
             crm_notice("Giving up on %s %s (rc=%d): timeout (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms)",
                        cmd->rsc_id, cmd->real_action?cmd->real_action:cmd->action, cmd->exec_rc, time_sum, timeout_left);
             cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT;
             cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_TIMEOUT;
     if (action->stderr_data) {
         cmd->output = strdup(action->stderr_data);
         cmd->exit_reason = parse_exit_reason(action->stderr_data);
     } else if (action->stdout_data) {
         cmd->output = strdup(action->stdout_data);
     cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
 static void
 stonith_action_complete(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd, int rc)
     int recurring = cmd->interval;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     cmd->exec_rc = get_uniform_rc("stonith", cmd->action, rc);
     rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, cmd->rsc_id);
     if (cmd->lrmd_op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
         recurring = 0;
         /* do nothing */
     } else if (rc == -ENODEV && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor")) {
         /* Not registered == inactive */
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     } else if (rc) {
         /* Attempt to map return codes to op status if possible */
         switch (rc) {
             case -EPROTONOSUPPORT:
                 cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_NOTSUPPORTED;
             case -ETIME:
                 cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT;
                 /* TODO: This looks wrong.  Status should be _DONE and exec_rc set to an error */
                 cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
     } else {
         /* command successful */
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "start") && rsc) {
             rsc->stonith_started = 1;
     if (recurring && rsc) {
         if (cmd->stonith_recurring_id) {
         cmd->stonith_recurring_id = g_timeout_add(cmd->interval, stonith_recurring_op_helper, cmd);
     cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
 static void
 lrmd_stonith_callback(stonith_t * stonith, stonith_callback_data_t * data)
     stonith_action_complete(data->userdata, data->rc);
     GHashTableIter iter;
     GList *cmd_list = NULL;
     GList *cmd_iter = NULL;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     char *key = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc_list);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & rsc)) {
         if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith")) {
             if (rsc->active) {
                 cmd_list = g_list_append(cmd_list, rsc->active);
             if (rsc->recurring_ops) {
                 cmd_list = g_list_concat(cmd_list, rsc->recurring_ops);
             if (rsc->pending_ops) {
                 cmd_list = g_list_concat(cmd_list, rsc->pending_ops);
             rsc->pending_ops = rsc->recurring_ops = NULL;
     if (!cmd_list) {
     crm_err("STONITH connection failed, finalizing %d pending operations.",
     for (cmd_iter = cmd_list; cmd_iter; cmd_iter = cmd_iter->next) {
         stonith_action_complete(cmd_iter->data, -ENOTCONN);
 static int
 lrmd_rsc_execute_stonith(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     int rc = 0;
     int do_monitor = 0;
     stonith_t *stonith_api = get_stonith_connection();
     if (!stonith_api) {
         cmd->exec_rc = get_uniform_rc("stonith", cmd->action, -ENOTCONN);
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
         cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
         return -EUNATCH;
     if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "start")) {
         char *key = NULL;
         char *value = NULL;
         stonith_key_value_t *device_params = NULL;
         if (cmd->params) {
             GHashTableIter iter;
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, cmd->params);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
                 device_params = stonith_key_value_add(device_params, key, value);
         /* Stonith automatically registers devices from the IPC when changes occur,
          * but to avoid a possible race condition between stonith receiving the IPC update
          * and the lrmd requesting that resource, the lrmd still registers the device as well.
          * Stonith knows how to handle duplicate device registrations correctly. */
         rc = stonith_api->cmds->register_device(stonith_api,
                                                 rsc->provider, rsc->type, device_params);
         stonith_key_value_freeall(device_params, 1, 1);
         if (rc == 0) {
             do_monitor = 1;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "stop")) {
         rc = stonith_api->cmds->remove_device(stonith_api, st_opt_sync_call, cmd->rsc_id);
         rsc->stonith_started = 0;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor")) {
         if (cmd->interval) {
             do_monitor = 1;
         } else {
             rc = rsc->stonith_started ? 0 : -ENODEV;
     if (!do_monitor) {
         goto cleanup_stonith_exec;
     rc = stonith_api->cmds->monitor(stonith_api, 0, cmd->rsc_id, cmd->timeout / 1000);
     rc = stonith_api->cmds->register_callback(stonith_api,
                                               cmd, "lrmd_stonith_callback", lrmd_stonith_callback);
     /* don't cleanup yet, we will find out the result of the monitor later */
     if (rc > 0) {
         rsc->active = cmd;
         return rc;
     } else if (rc == 0) {
         rc = -1;
     stonith_action_complete(cmd, rc);
     return rc;
 static void
 dup_attr(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup(key), strdup(value));
 static int
 lrmd_rsc_execute_service_lib(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     svc_action_t *action = NULL;
     GHashTable *params_copy = NULL;
     crm_trace("Creating action, resource:%s action:%s class:%s provider:%s agent:%s",
               rsc->rsc_id, cmd->action, rsc->class, rsc->provider, rsc->type);
     /* Recurring operations are cancelled anyway for a stop operation */
     if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "nagios") && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "stop")) {
         cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
         goto exec_done;
     if (cmd->params) {
         params_copy = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
                                             g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
         if (params_copy != NULL) {
             g_hash_table_foreach(cmd->params, dup_attr, params_copy);
     if (cmd->isolation_wrapper) {
         g_hash_table_remove(params_copy, "CRM_meta_isolation_wrapper");
         action = resources_action_create(rsc->rsc_id,
                                          cmd->action, /*action will be normalized in wrapper*/
     } else {
         action = resources_action_create(rsc->rsc_id,
                                          normalize_action_name(rsc, cmd->action),
     if (!action) {
         crm_err("Failed to create action, action:%s on resource %s", cmd->action, rsc->rsc_id);
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
         goto exec_done;
     action->cb_data = cmd;
     /* 'cmd' may not be valid after this point if
      * services_action_async() returned TRUE
      * Upstart and systemd both synchronously determine monitor/status
      * results and call action_complete (which may free 'cmd') if necessary.
     if (services_action_async(action, action_complete)) {
         return TRUE;
     cmd->exec_rc = action->rc;
     if(action->status != PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = action->status;
     } else {
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
     action = NULL;
     cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 lrmd_rsc_execute(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc)
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (rsc->active) {
         crm_trace("%s is still active", rsc->rsc_id);
         return TRUE;
     if (rsc->pending_ops) {
         GList *first = rsc->pending_ops;
         cmd = first->data;
         if (cmd->delay_id) {
                 ("Command %s %s was asked to run too early, waiting for start_delay timeout of %dms",
                  cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->start_delay);
             return TRUE;
         rsc->pending_ops = g_list_remove_link(rsc->pending_ops, first);
         if (cmd->t_first_run.time == 0) {
     if (!cmd) {
         crm_trace("Nothing further to do for %s", rsc->rsc_id);
         return TRUE;
     rsc->active = cmd;          /* only one op at a time for a rsc */
     if (cmd->interval) {
         rsc->recurring_ops = g_list_append(rsc->recurring_ops, cmd);
     if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith")) {
         lrmd_rsc_execute_stonith(rsc, cmd);
     } else {
         lrmd_rsc_execute_service_lib(rsc, cmd);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 lrmd_rsc_dispatch(gpointer user_data)
     return lrmd_rsc_execute(user_data);
 free_rsc(gpointer data)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = data;
     int is_stonith = safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith");
     for (gIter = rsc->pending_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = gIter->data;
         /* command was never executed */
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
         cmd_finalize(cmd, NULL);
     /* frees list, but not list elements. */
     for (gIter = rsc->recurring_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = gIter->data;
         if (is_stonith) {
             cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
             /* if a stonith cmd is in-flight, mark just mark it as cancelled,
              * it is not safe to finalize/free the cmd until the stonith api
              * says it has either completed or timed out.*/ 
             if (rsc->active != cmd) {
                 cmd_finalize(cmd, NULL);
         } else {
             /* This command is already handed off to service library,
              * let service library cancel it and tell us via the callback
              * when it is cancelled. The rsc can be safely destroyed
              * even if we are waiting for the cancel result */
             services_action_cancel(rsc->rsc_id, normalize_action_name(rsc, cmd->action), cmd->interval);
     /* frees list, but not list elements. */
 static int
 process_lrmd_signon(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     xmlNode *reply = create_xml_node(NULL, "reply");
     const char *is_ipc_provider = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_IS_IPC_PROVIDER);
     const char *protocol_version = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
     if (safe_str_neq(protocol_version, LRMD_PROTOCOL_VERSION)) {
         crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_RC, -EPROTO);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_OPERATION, CRM_OP_REGISTER);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_CLIENTID, client->id);
     lrmd_server_send_reply(client, id, reply);
     if (crm_is_true(is_ipc_provider)) {
         /* this is a remote connection from a cluster nodes crmd */
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 process_lrmd_rsc_register(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = build_rsc_from_xml(request);
     lrmd_rsc_t *dup = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc->rsc_id);
     if (dup &&
         safe_str_eq(rsc->class, dup->class) &&
         safe_str_eq(rsc->provider, dup->provider) && safe_str_eq(rsc->type, dup->type)) {
         crm_warn("Can't add, RSC '%s' already present in the rsc list (%d active resources)",
                  rsc->rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
         return rc;
     g_hash_table_replace(rsc_list, rsc->rsc_id, rsc);
     crm_info("Added '%s' to the rsc list (%d active resources)",
              rsc->rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
     return rc;
 static void
 process_lrmd_get_rsc_info(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     int send_rc = 0;
     int call_id = 0;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_LRMD_CALLID, &call_id);
     if (!rsc_id) {
         rc = -ENODEV;
         goto get_rsc_done;
     if (!(rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc_id))) {
         crm_info("Resource '%s' not found (%d active resources)",
                  rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
         rc = -ENODEV;
         goto get_rsc_done;
     reply = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_REPLY);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_RC, rc);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_CALLID, call_id);
     if (rsc) {
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, rsc->rsc_id);
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_CLASS, rsc->class);
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_PROVIDER, rsc->provider);
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_TYPE, rsc->type);
     send_rc = lrmd_server_send_reply(client, id, reply);
     if (send_rc < 0) {
         crm_warn("LRMD reply to %s failed: %d", client->name, send_rc);
 static int
 process_lrmd_rsc_unregister(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     if (!rsc_id) {
         return -ENODEV;
     if (!(rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc_id))) {
         crm_info("Resource '%s' not found (%d active resources)",
                  rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
         return pcmk_ok;
     if (rsc->active) {
         /* let the caller know there are still active ops on this rsc to watch for */
         crm_trace("Operation still in progress: %p", rsc->active);
         rc = -EINPROGRESS;
     g_hash_table_remove(rsc_list, rsc_id);
     return rc;
 static int
 process_lrmd_rsc_exec(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     int call_id;
     if (!rsc_id) {
         return -EINVAL;
     if (!(rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc_id))) {
         crm_info("Resource '%s' not found (%d active resources)",
                  rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
         return -ENODEV;
     cmd = create_lrmd_cmd(request, client, rsc);
     call_id = cmd->call_id;
     /* Don't reference cmd after handing it off to be scheduled.
      * The cmd could get merged and freed. */
     schedule_lrmd_cmd(rsc, cmd);
     return call_id;
 static int
 cancel_op(const char *rsc_id, const char *action, int interval)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc_id);
     /* How to cancel an action.
      * 1. Check pending ops list, if it hasn't been handed off
      *    to the service library or stonith recurring list remove
      *    it there and that will stop it.
      * 2. If it isn't in the pending ops list, then its either a
      *    recurring op in the stonith recurring list, or the service
      *    library's recurring list.  Stop it there
      * 3. If not found in any lists, then this operation has either
      *    been executed already and is not a recurring operation, or
      *    never existed.
     if (!rsc) {
         return -ENODEV;
     for (gIter = rsc->pending_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = gIter->data;
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, action) && cmd->interval == interval) {
             cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
             cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
             return pcmk_ok;
     if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith")) {
         /* The service library does not handle stonith operations.
          * We have to handle recurring stonith opereations ourselves. */
         for (gIter = rsc->recurring_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = gIter->data;
             if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, action) && cmd->interval == interval) {
                 cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
                 if (rsc->active != cmd) {
                     cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
                 return pcmk_ok;
     } else if (services_action_cancel(rsc_id, normalize_action_name(rsc, action), interval) == TRUE) {
         /* The service library will tell the action_complete callback function
          * this action was cancelled, which will destroy the cmd and remove
          * it from the recurring_op list. Do not do that in this function
          * if the service library says it cancelled it. */
         return pcmk_ok;
     return -EOPNOTSUPP;
 static void
 cancel_all_recurring(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, const char *client_id)
     GList *cmd_list = NULL;
     GList *cmd_iter = NULL;
     /* Notice a copy of each list is created when concat is called.
      * This prevents odd behavior from occurring when the cmd_list
      * is iterated through later on.  It is possible the cancel_op
      * function may end up modifying the recurring_ops and pending_ops
      * lists.  If we did not copy those lists, our cmd_list iteration
      * could get messed up.*/
     if (rsc->recurring_ops) {
         cmd_list = g_list_concat(cmd_list, g_list_copy(rsc->recurring_ops));
     if (rsc->pending_ops) {
         cmd_list = g_list_concat(cmd_list, g_list_copy(rsc->pending_ops));
     if (!cmd_list) {
     for (cmd_iter = cmd_list; cmd_iter; cmd_iter = cmd_iter->next) {
         lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = cmd_iter->data;
         if (cmd->interval == 0) {
         if (client_id && safe_str_neq(cmd->client_id, client_id)) {
         cancel_op(rsc->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->interval);
     /* frees only the copied list data, not the cmds */
 static int
 process_lrmd_rsc_cancel(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     const char *action = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION);
     int interval = 0;
     crm_element_value_int(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL, &interval);
     if (!rsc_id || !action) {
         return -EINVAL;
     return cancel_op(rsc_id, action, interval);
 process_lrmd_message(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     int call_id = 0;
     const char *op = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_OPERATION);
     int do_reply = 0;
     int do_notify = 0;
     crm_trace("Processing %s operation from %s", op, client->id);
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_LRMD_CALLID, &call_id);
     if (crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_IPC_FWD, TRUE)) {
         ipc_proxy_forward_client(client, request);
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_REGISTER, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_signon(client, id, request);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_REG, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_rsc_register(client, id, request);
         do_notify = 1;
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_INFO, TRUE)) {
         process_lrmd_get_rsc_info(client, id, request);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_UNREG, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_rsc_unregister(client, id, request);
         /* don't notify anyone about failed un-registers */
         if (rc == pcmk_ok || rc == -EINPROGRESS) {
             do_notify = 1;
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_EXEC, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_rsc_exec(client, id, request);
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_CANCEL, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_rsc_cancel(client, id, request);
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_POKE, TRUE)) {
         do_notify = 1;
         do_reply = 1;
     } else {
         rc = -EOPNOTSUPP;
         do_reply = 1;
         crm_err("Unknown %s from %s", op, client->name);
         crm_log_xml_warn(request, "UnknownOp");
     crm_debug("Processed %s operation from %s: rc=%d, reply=%d, notify=%d, exit=%d",
               op, client->id, rc, do_reply, do_notify, exit);
     if (do_reply) {
         send_reply(client, rc, id, call_id);
     if (do_notify) {
         send_generic_notify(rc, request);
diff --git a/tools/fake_transition.c b/tools/fake_transition.c
index e8c37f7893..fe5de95acb 100644
--- a/tools/fake_transition.c
+++ b/tools/fake_transition.c
@@ -1,846 +1,849 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/cib.h>
 #include <crm/common/util.h>
 #include <crm/transition.h>
 #include <crm/common/iso8601.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/status.h>
 #include <allocate.h>
 #include "fake_transition.h"
 static bool fake_quiet = FALSE;
 static cib_t *fake_cib = NULL;
 static GListPtr fake_resource_list = NULL;
 static GListPtr fake_op_fail_list = NULL;
 gboolean bringing_nodes_online = FALSE;
 #define STATUS_PATH_MAX 512
 #define quiet_log(fmt, args...) do {              \
               if(fake_quiet) {                         \
                   crm_trace(fmt, ##args);         \
               } else {                            \
                   printf(fmt , ##args);           \
               }                                   \
     } while(0)
 #define new_node_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_NODE"[@uname='%s']"
 #define node_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']"
 #define rsc_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']"
 #define op_template  "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s']"
 /* #define op_template  "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s' and @"XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID"='%d']" */
 static void
 inject_transient_attr(xmlNode * cib_node, const char *name, const char *value)
     xmlNode *attrs = NULL;
     xmlNode *container = NULL;
     xmlNode *nvp = NULL;
+    xmlChar *node_path;
     const char *node_uuid = ID(cib_node);
     char *nvp_id = crm_concat(name, node_uuid, '-');
-    quiet_log("Injecting attribute %s=%s into %s '%s'", name, value, xmlGetNodePath(cib_node),
+    node_path = xmlGetNodePath(cib_node);
+    quiet_log("Injecting attribute %s=%s into %s '%s'", name, value, node_path,
+    free(node_path);
     attrs = first_named_child(cib_node, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS);
     if (attrs == NULL) {
         attrs = create_xml_node(cib_node, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS);
         crm_xml_add(attrs, XML_ATTR_ID, node_uuid);
     container = first_named_child(attrs, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS);
     if (container == NULL) {
         container = create_xml_node(attrs, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS);
         crm_xml_add(container, XML_ATTR_ID, node_uuid);
     nvp = create_xml_node(container, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR);
     crm_xml_add(nvp, XML_ATTR_ID, nvp_id);
     crm_xml_add(nvp, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, name);
     crm_xml_add(nvp, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, value);
 static void
 update_failcounts(xmlNode * cib_node, const char *resource, int interval, int rc)
     if (rc == 0) {
     } else if (rc == 7 && interval == 0) {
     } else {
         char *name = NULL;
         char *now = crm_itoa(time(NULL));
         name = crm_concat("fail-count", resource, '-');
         inject_transient_attr(cib_node, name, "value++");
         name = crm_concat("last-failure", resource, '-');
         inject_transient_attr(cib_node, name, now);
 static void
 create_node_entry(cib_t * cib_conn, const char *node)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     int max = strlen(new_node_template) + strlen(node) + 1;
     char *xpath = NULL;
     xpath = calloc(1, max);
     snprintf(xpath, max, new_node_template, node);
     rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, xpath, NULL, cib_xpath | cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
     if (rc == -ENXIO) {
         xmlNode *cib_object = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE);
         /* Using node uname as uuid ala corosync/openais */
         crm_xml_add(cib_object, XML_ATTR_ID, node);
         crm_xml_add(cib_object, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node);
         cib_conn->cmds->create(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_NODES, cib_object,
                                cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         /* Not bothering with subsequent query to see if it exists,
            we'll bomb out later in the call to query_node_uuid()... */
 static lrmd_event_data_t *
 create_op(xmlNode * cib_resource, const char *task, int interval, int outcome)
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     xmlNode *xop = NULL;
     op = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_event_data_t));
     op->rsc_id = strdup(ID(cib_resource));
     op->interval = interval;
     op->op_type = strdup(task);
     op->rc = outcome;
     op->op_status = 0;
     op->params = NULL;          /* TODO: Fill me in */
     op->t_run = time(NULL);
     op->t_rcchange = op->t_run;
     op->call_id = 0;
     for (xop = __xml_first_child(cib_resource); xop != NULL; xop = __xml_next(xop)) {
         int tmp = 0;
         crm_element_value_int(xop, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &tmp);
         if (tmp > op->call_id) {
             op->call_id = tmp;
     return op;
 static xmlNode *
 inject_op(xmlNode * cib_resource, lrmd_event_data_t * op, int target_rc)
     return create_operation_update(cib_resource, op, CRM_FEATURE_SET, target_rc, NULL, crm_system_name,
 static xmlNode *
 inject_node_state(cib_t * cib_conn, const char *node, const char *uuid)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     int max = strlen(rsc_template) + strlen(node) + 1;
     char *xpath = NULL;
     xmlNode *cib_object = NULL;
     xpath = calloc(1, max);
     if (bringing_nodes_online) {
         create_node_entry(cib_conn, node);
     snprintf(xpath, max, node_template, node);
     rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, xpath, &cib_object,
                                cib_xpath | cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
     if (cib_object && ID(cib_object) == NULL) {
         crm_err("Detected multiple node_state entries for xpath=%s, bailing", xpath);
         crm_log_xml_warn(cib_object, "Duplicates");
     if (rc == -ENXIO) {
         char *found_uuid = NULL;
         if (uuid == NULL) {
             query_node_uuid(cib_conn, node, &found_uuid, NULL);
         } else {
             found_uuid = strdup(uuid);
         cib_object = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE);
         crm_xml_add(cib_object, XML_ATTR_UUID, found_uuid);
         crm_xml_add(cib_object, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node);
         cib_conn->cmds->create(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_object,
                                cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, xpath, &cib_object,
                                    cib_xpath | cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         crm_trace("injecting node state for %s. rc is %d", node, rc);
     CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     return cib_object;
 static xmlNode *
 modify_node(cib_t * cib_conn, char *node, gboolean up)
     xmlNode *cib_node = inject_node_state(cib_conn, node, NULL);
     if (up) {
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_NODE_IN_CLUSTER, XML_BOOLEAN_YES);
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_NODE_IS_PEER, ONLINESTATUS);
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER);
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_NODE_EXPECTED, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER);
     } else {
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_NODE_IN_CLUSTER, XML_BOOLEAN_NO);
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_NODE_IS_PEER, OFFLINESTATUS);
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN);
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_NODE_EXPECTED, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN);
     crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, crm_system_name);
     return cib_node;
 static xmlNode *
 find_resource_xml(xmlNode * cib_node, const char *resource)
     char *xpath = NULL;
     xmlNode *match = NULL;
     const char *node = crm_element_value(cib_node, XML_ATTR_UNAME);
     int max = strlen(rsc_template) + strlen(resource) + strlen(node) + 1;
     xpath = calloc(1, max);
     snprintf(xpath, max, rsc_template, node, resource);
     match = get_xpath_object(xpath, cib_node, LOG_DEBUG_2);
     return match;
 static xmlNode *
 inject_resource(xmlNode * cib_node, const char *resource, const char *rclass, const char *rtype,
                 const char *rprovider)
     xmlNode *lrm = NULL;
     xmlNode *container = NULL;
     xmlNode *cib_resource = NULL;
     char *xpath = NULL;
     cib_resource = find_resource_xml(cib_node, resource);
     if (cib_resource != NULL) {
         return cib_resource;
     /* One day, add query for class, provider, type */
     if (rclass == NULL || rtype == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Resource %s not found in the status section of %s."
                 "  Please supply the class and type to continue\n", resource, ID(cib_node));
         return NULL;
     } else if (safe_str_neq(rclass, "ocf")
                && safe_str_neq(rclass, "stonith")
                && safe_str_neq(rclass, "heartbeat")
                && safe_str_neq(rclass, "service")
                && safe_str_neq(rclass, "upstart")
                && safe_str_neq(rclass, "systemd")
                && safe_str_neq(rclass, "lsb")) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Invalid class for %s: %s\n", resource, rclass);
         return NULL;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(rclass, "ocf") && rprovider == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Please specify the provider for resource %s\n", resource);
         return NULL;
     xpath = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(cib_node);
     crm_info("Injecting new resource %s into %s '%s'", resource, xpath, ID(cib_node));
     lrm = first_named_child(cib_node, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
     if (lrm == NULL) {
         const char *node_uuid = ID(cib_node);
         lrm = create_xml_node(cib_node, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
         crm_xml_add(lrm, XML_ATTR_ID, node_uuid);
     container = first_named_child(lrm, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
     if (container == NULL) {
         container = create_xml_node(lrm, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
     cib_resource = create_xml_node(container, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
     crm_xml_add(cib_resource, XML_ATTR_ID, resource);
     crm_xml_add(cib_resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, rclass);
     crm_xml_add(cib_resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, rprovider);
     crm_xml_add(cib_resource, XML_ATTR_TYPE, rtype);
     return cib_resource;
 static int
 find_ticket_state(cib_t * the_cib, const char *ticket_id, xmlNode ** ticket_state_xml)
     int offset = 0;
     static int xpath_max = 1024;
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *xml_search = NULL;
     char *xpath_string = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(ticket_state_xml != NULL);
     *ticket_state_xml = NULL;
     xpath_string = calloc(1, xpath_max);
     offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "%s", "/cib/status/tickets");
     if (ticket_id) {
         offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "/%s[@id=\"%s\"]",
                            XML_CIB_TAG_TICKET_STATE, ticket_id);
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(offset > 0);
     rc = the_cib->cmds->query(the_cib, xpath_string, &xml_search,
                               cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local | cib_xpath);
     if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
         goto bail;
     crm_log_xml_debug(xml_search, "Match");
     if (xml_has_children(xml_search)) {
         if (ticket_id) {
             fprintf(stdout, "Multiple ticket_states match ticket_id=%s\n", ticket_id);
         *ticket_state_xml = xml_search;
     } else {
         *ticket_state_xml = xml_search;
     return rc;
 static int
 set_ticket_state_attr(const char *ticket_id, const char *attr_name,
                       const char *attr_value, cib_t * cib, int cib_options)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *xml_top = NULL;
     xmlNode *ticket_state_xml = NULL;
     rc = find_ticket_state(cib, ticket_id, &ticket_state_xml);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         crm_debug("Found a match state for ticket: id=%s", ticket_id);
         xml_top = ticket_state_xml;
     } else if (rc != -ENXIO) {
         return rc;
     } else {
         xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
         xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS);
         xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_top, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS);
         ticket_state_xml = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKET_STATE);
         crm_xml_add(ticket_state_xml, XML_ATTR_ID, ticket_id);
     crm_xml_add(ticket_state_xml, attr_name, attr_value);
     crm_log_xml_debug(xml_top, "Update");
     rc = cib->cmds->modify(cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, xml_top, cib_options);
     return rc;
 modify_configuration(pe_working_set_t * data_set, cib_t *cib,
                      const char *quorum, const char *watchdog, GListPtr node_up, GListPtr node_down, GListPtr node_fail,
                      GListPtr op_inject, GListPtr ticket_grant, GListPtr ticket_revoke,
                      GListPtr ticket_standby, GListPtr ticket_activate)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     xmlNode *cib_op = NULL;
     xmlNode *cib_node = NULL;
     xmlNode *cib_resource = NULL;
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     if (quorum) {
         xmlNode *top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_CIB);
         quiet_log(" + Setting quorum: %s\n", quorum);
         /* crm_xml_add(top, XML_ATTR_DC_UUID, dc_uuid);      */
         crm_xml_add(top, XML_ATTR_HAVE_QUORUM, quorum);
         rc = cib->cmds->modify(cib, NULL, top, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     if (watchdog) {
         quiet_log(" + Setting watchdog: %s\n", watchdog);
         rc = update_attr_delegate(cib, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local,
                              XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                              XML_ATTR_HAVE_WATCHDOG, watchdog, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     for (gIter = node_up; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         char *node = (char *)gIter->data;
         quiet_log(" + Bringing node %s online\n", node);
         cib_node = modify_node(cib, node, TRUE);
         CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL);
         rc = cib->cmds->modify(cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node,
                                       cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     for (gIter = node_down; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         char xpath[STATUS_PATH_MAX];
         char *node = (char *)gIter->data;
         quiet_log(" + Taking node %s offline\n", node);
         cib_node = modify_node(cib, node, FALSE);
         CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL);
         rc = cib->cmds->modify(cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node,
                                       cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
         snprintf(xpath, STATUS_PATH_MAX, "//node_state[@uname='%s']/%s", node, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
         cib->cmds->delete(cib, xpath, NULL,
                                       cib_xpath | cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         snprintf(xpath, STATUS_PATH_MAX, "//node_state[@uname='%s']/%s", node,
         cib->cmds->delete(cib, xpath, NULL,
                                       cib_xpath | cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
     for (gIter = node_fail; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         char *node = (char *)gIter->data;
         quiet_log(" + Failing node %s\n", node);
         cib_node = modify_node(cib, node, TRUE);
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_NODE_IN_CLUSTER, XML_BOOLEAN_NO);
         CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL);
         rc = cib->cmds->modify(cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node,
                                       cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     for (gIter = ticket_grant; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         char *ticket_id = (char *)gIter->data;
         quiet_log(" + Granting ticket %s\n", ticket_id);
         rc = set_ticket_state_attr(ticket_id, "granted", "true",
                                    cib, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     for (gIter = ticket_revoke; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         char *ticket_id = (char *)gIter->data;
         quiet_log(" + Revoking ticket %s\n", ticket_id);
         rc = set_ticket_state_attr(ticket_id, "granted", "false",
                                    cib, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     for (gIter = ticket_standby; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         char *ticket_id = (char *)gIter->data;
         quiet_log(" + Making ticket %s standby\n", ticket_id);
         rc = set_ticket_state_attr(ticket_id, "standby", "true",
                                    cib, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     for (gIter = ticket_activate; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         char *ticket_id = (char *)gIter->data;
         quiet_log(" + Activating ticket %s\n", ticket_id);
         rc = set_ticket_state_attr(ticket_id, "standby", "false",
                                    cib, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     for (gIter = op_inject; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         char *spec = (char *)gIter->data;
         int rc = 0;
         int outcome = 0;
         int interval = 0;
         char *key = NULL;
         char *node = NULL;
         char *task = NULL;
         char *resource = NULL;
         const char *rtype = NULL;
         const char *rclass = NULL;
         const char *rprovider = NULL;
         resource_t *rsc = NULL;
         quiet_log(" + Injecting %s into the configuration\n", spec);
         key = calloc(1, strlen(spec) + 1);
         node = calloc(1, strlen(spec) + 1);
         rc = sscanf(spec, "%[^@]@%[^=]=%d", key, node, &outcome);
         CRM_CHECK(rc == 3,
                   fprintf(stderr, "Invalid operation spec: %s.  Only found %d fields\n", spec, rc);
         parse_op_key(key, &resource, &task, &interval);
         rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, resource);
         if (rsc == NULL) {
             fprintf(stderr, " - Invalid resource name: %s\n", resource);
         } else {
             rclass = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
             rtype = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
             rprovider = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
             cib_node = inject_node_state(cib, node, NULL);
             CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL);
             update_failcounts(cib_node, resource, interval, outcome);
             cib_resource = inject_resource(cib_node, resource, rclass, rtype, rprovider);
             CRM_ASSERT(cib_resource != NULL);
             op = create_op(cib_resource, task, interval, outcome);
             CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
             cib_op = inject_op(cib_resource, op, 0);
             CRM_ASSERT(cib_op != NULL);
             rc = cib->cmds->modify(cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node,
                                           cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
             CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
 static gboolean
 exec_pseudo_action(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action)
     const char *node = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
     const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
     action->confirmed = TRUE;
     quiet_log(" * Pseudo action:   %s%s%s\n", task, node ? " on " : "", node ? node : "");
     update_graph(graph, action);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 exec_rsc_action(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action)
     int rc = 0;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     int target_outcome = 0;
     gboolean uname_is_uuid = FALSE;
     const char *rtype = NULL;
     const char *rclass = NULL;
     const char *resource = NULL;
     const char *rprovider = NULL;
     const char *operation = crm_element_value(action->xml, "operation");
     const char *target_rc_s = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC);
     xmlNode *cib_node = NULL;
     xmlNode *cib_resource = NULL;
     xmlNode *action_rsc = first_named_child(action->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE);
     char *node = crm_element_value_copy(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
     char *uuid = crm_element_value_copy(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID);
     const char *router_node = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE);
     if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_PROBED)
         || safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_REPROBE)) {
         crm_info("Skipping %s op for %s\n", operation, node);
         goto done;
     if (action_rsc == NULL) {
         crm_log_xml_err(action->xml, "Bad");
         free(node); free(uuid);
         return FALSE;
     /* Look for the preferred name
      * If not found, try the expected 'local' name
      * If not found use the preferred name anyway
     resource = crm_element_value(action_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID);
     if (pe_find_resource(fake_resource_list, resource) == NULL) {
         const char *longname = crm_element_value(action_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG);
         if (pe_find_resource(fake_resource_list, longname)) {
             resource = longname;
     if (safe_str_eq(operation, "delete")) {
         quiet_log(" * Resource action: %-15s delete on %s\n", resource, node);
         goto done;
     rclass = crm_element_value(action_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
     rtype = crm_element_value(action_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
     rprovider = crm_element_value(action_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
     if (target_rc_s != NULL) {
         target_outcome = crm_parse_int(target_rc_s, "0");
     CRM_ASSERT(fake_cib->cmds->query(fake_cib, NULL, NULL, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local) ==
     if (router_node) {
         uname_is_uuid = TRUE;
     cib_node = inject_node_state(fake_cib, node, uname_is_uuid ? node : uuid);
     CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL);
     cib_resource = inject_resource(cib_node, resource, rclass, rtype, rprovider);
     CRM_ASSERT(cib_resource != NULL);
     op = convert_graph_action(cib_resource, action, 0, target_outcome);
     if (op->interval) {
         quiet_log(" * Resource action: %-15s %s=%d on %s\n", resource, op->op_type, op->interval,
     } else {
         quiet_log(" * Resource action: %-15s %s on %s\n", resource, op->op_type, node);
     for (gIter = fake_op_fail_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         char *spec = (char *)gIter->data;
         char *key = NULL;
         key = calloc(1, 1 + strlen(spec));
         snprintf(key, strlen(spec), "%s_%s_%d@%s=", resource, op->op_type, op->interval, node);
         if (strncasecmp(key, spec, strlen(key)) == 0) {
             sscanf(spec, "%*[^=]=%d", (int *)&op->rc);
             action->failed = TRUE;
             graph->abort_priority = INFINITY;
             printf("\tPretending action %d failed with rc=%d\n", action->id, op->rc);
             update_failcounts(cib_node, resource, op->interval, op->rc);
     inject_op(cib_resource, op, target_outcome);
     rc = fake_cib->cmds->modify(fake_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node,
                                   cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
     CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
     free(node); free(uuid);
     action->confirmed = TRUE;
     update_graph(graph, action);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 exec_crmd_action(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action)
     const char *node = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
     const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
     xmlNode *rsc = first_named_child(action->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE);
     action->confirmed = TRUE;
     if(rsc) {
         quiet_log(" * Cluster action:  %s for %s on %s\n", task, ID(rsc), node);
     } else {
         quiet_log(" * Cluster action:  %s on %s\n", task, node);
     update_graph(graph, action);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 exec_stonith_action(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action)
     const char *op = crm_meta_value(action->params, "stonith_action");
     char *target = crm_element_value_copy(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
     quiet_log(" * Fencing %s (%s)\n", target, op);
     if(safe_str_neq(op, "on")) {
         int rc = 0;
         char xpath[STATUS_PATH_MAX];
         xmlNode *cib_node = modify_node(fake_cib, target, FALSE);
         crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
         CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL);
         rc = fake_cib->cmds->replace(fake_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node,
                                    cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
         snprintf(xpath, STATUS_PATH_MAX, "//node_state[@uname='%s']/%s", target, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
         fake_cib->cmds->delete(fake_cib, xpath, NULL,
                                       cib_xpath | cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         snprintf(xpath, STATUS_PATH_MAX, "//node_state[@uname='%s']/%s", target,
         fake_cib->cmds->delete(fake_cib, xpath, NULL,
                                       cib_xpath | cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
     action->confirmed = TRUE;
     update_graph(graph, action);
     return TRUE;
 run_simulation(pe_working_set_t * data_set, cib_t *cib, GListPtr op_fail_list, bool quiet)
     crm_graph_t *transition = NULL;
     enum transition_status graph_rc = -1;
     crm_graph_functions_t exec_fns = {
     fake_cib = cib;
     fake_quiet = quiet;
     fake_op_fail_list = op_fail_list;
     quiet_log("\nExecuting cluster transition:\n");
     transition = unpack_graph(data_set->graph, crm_system_name);
     print_graph(LOG_DEBUG, transition);
     fake_resource_list = data_set->resources;
     do {
         graph_rc = run_graph(transition);
     } while (graph_rc == transition_active);
     fake_resource_list = NULL;
     if (graph_rc != transition_complete) {
         fprintf(stdout, "Transition failed: %s\n", transition_status(graph_rc));
         print_graph(LOG_ERR, transition);
     if (graph_rc != transition_complete) {
         fprintf(stdout, "An invalid transition was produced\n");
     if (quiet == FALSE) {
         xmlNode *cib_object = NULL;
         int rc = fake_cib->cmds->query(fake_cib, NULL, &cib_object, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local);
         CRM_ASSERT(rc == pcmk_ok);
         data_set->input = cib_object;
     if (graph_rc != transition_complete) {
         return graph_rc;
     return 0;