diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Resources.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Resources.txt index 1d31e1029e..4f6ebc4848 100644 --- a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Resources.txt +++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Resources.txt @@ -1,851 +1,848 @@ = Cluster Resources = == What is a Cluster Resource? == indexterm:[Resource] A resource is a service made highly available by a cluster. The simplest type of resource, a 'primitive' resource, is described in this chapter. More complex forms, such as groups and clones, are described in later chapters. Every primitive resource has a 'resource agent'. A resource agent is an external program that abstracts the service it provides and present a consistent view to the cluster. This allows the cluster to be agnostic about the resources it manages. The cluster doesn't need to understand how the resource works because it relies on the resource agent to do the right thing when given a `start`, `stop` or `monitor` command. For this reason, it is crucial that resource agents are well-tested. Typically, resource agents come in the form of shell scripts. However, they can be written using any technology (such as C, Python or Perl) that the author is comfortable with. [[s-resource-supported]] == Resource Classes == indexterm:[Resource,class] Pacemaker supports several classes of agents: * OCF * LSB * Upstart * Systemd * Service * Fencing * Nagios Plugins === Open Cluster Framework === indexterm:[Resource,OCF] indexterm:[OCF,Resources] indexterm:[Open Cluster Framework,Resources] The OCF standard footnote:[See http://www.opencf.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/specs/ra/resource-agent-api.txt?rev=HEAD -- at least as it relates to resource agents. The Pacemaker implementation has been somewhat extended from the OCF specs, but none of those changes are incompatible with the original OCF specification.] is basically an extension of the Linux Standard Base conventions for init scripts to: * support parameters, * make them self-describing, and * make them extensible OCF specs have strict definitions of the exit codes that actions must return. footnote:[ The resource-agents source code includes the `ocf-tester` script, which can be useful in this regard. ] The cluster follows these specifications exactly, and giving the wrong exit code will cause the cluster to behave in ways you will likely find puzzling and annoying. In particular, the cluster needs to distinguish a completely stopped resource from one which is in some erroneous and indeterminate state. Parameters are passed to the resource agent as environment variables, with the special prefix +OCF_RESKEY_+. So, a parameter which the user thinks of as +ip+ will be passed to the resource agent as +OCF_RESKEY_ip+. The number and purpose of the parameters is left to the resource agent; however, the resource agent should use the `meta-data` command to advertise any that it supports. The OCF class is the most preferred as it is an industry standard, highly flexible (allowing parameters to be passed to agents in a non-positional manner) and self-describing. For more information, see the http://www.linux-ha.org/wiki/OCF_Resource_Agents[reference] and <>. === Linux Standard Base === indexterm:[Resource,LSB] indexterm:[LSB,Resources] indexterm:[Linux Standard Base,Resources] LSB resource agents are those found in +/etc/init.d+. Generally, they are provided by the OS distribution and, in order to be used with the cluster, they must conform to the LSB Spec. footnote:[ See http://refspecs.linux-foundation.org/LSB_3.0.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/iniscrptact.html for the LSB Spec as it relates to init scripts. ] [WARNING] ==== Many distributions claim LSB compliance but ship with broken init scripts. For details on how to check whether your init script is LSB-compatible, see <>. Common problematic violations of the LSB standard include: * Not implementing the status operation at all * Not observing the correct exit status codes for `start/stop/status` actions * Starting a started resource returns an error * Stopping a stopped resource returns an error ==== [IMPORTANT] ==== Remember to make sure the computer is _not_ configured to start any services at boot time -- that should be controlled by the cluster. ==== === Systemd === indexterm:[Resource,Systemd] indexterm:[Systemd,Resources] Some newer distributions have replaced the old http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init#SysV-style["SysV"] style of initialization daemons and scripts with an alternative called http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd[Systemd]. Pacemaker is able to manage these services _if they are present_. Instead of init scripts, systemd has 'unit files'. Generally, the services (unit files) are provided by the OS distribution, but there are online guides for converting from init scripts. footnote:[For example, http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd-for-admins-3.html] [IMPORTANT] ==== Remember to make sure the computer is _not_ configured to start any services at boot time -- that should be controlled by the cluster. ==== === Upstart === indexterm:[Resource,Upstart] indexterm:[Upstart,Resources] Some newer distributions have replaced the old http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init#SysV-style["SysV"] style of initialization daemons (and scripts) with an alternative called http://upstart.ubuntu.com/[Upstart]. Pacemaker is able to manage these services _if they are present_. Instead of init scripts, upstart has 'jobs'. Generally, the services (jobs) are provided by the OS distribution. [IMPORTANT] ==== Remember to make sure the computer is _not_ configured to start any services at boot time -- that should be controlled by the cluster. ==== === System Services === indexterm:[Resource,System Services] indexterm:[System Service,Resources] Since there are various types of system services (+systemd+, +upstart+, and +lsb+), Pacemaker supports a special +service+ alias which intelligently figures out which one applies to a given cluster node. This is particularly useful when the cluster contains a mix of +systemd+, +upstart+, and +lsb+. In order, Pacemaker will try to find the named service as: . an LSB init script . a Systemd unit file . an Upstart job === STONITH === indexterm:[Resource,STONITH] indexterm:[STONITH,Resources] The STONITH class is used exclusively for fencing-related resources. This is discussed later in <>. === Nagios Plugins === indexterm:[Resource,Nagios Plugins] indexterm:[Nagios Plugins,Resources] Nagios Plugins footnote:[The project has two independent forks, hosted at https://www.nagios-plugins.org/ and https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/. Output from both projects' plugins is similar, so plugins from either project can be used with pacemaker.] allow us to monitor services on remote hosts. Pacemaker is able to do remote monitoring with the plugins _if they are present_. A common use case is to configure them as resources belonging to a resource container (usually a virtual machine), and the container will be restarted if any of them has failed. Another use is to configure them as ordinary resources to be used for monitoring hosts or services via the network. The supported parameters are same as the long options of the plugin. [[primitive-resource]] == Resource Properties == These values tell the cluster which resource agent to use for the resource, where to find that resource agent and what standards it conforms to. .Properties of a Primitive Resource [width="95%",cols="1m,6<",options="header",align="center"] |========================================================= |Field |Description |id |Your name for the resource indexterm:[id,Resource] indexterm:[Resource,Property,id] |class |The standard the resource agent conforms to. Allowed values: +lsb+, +nagios+, +ocf+, +service+, +stonith+, +systemd+, +upstart+ indexterm:[class,Resource] indexterm:[Resource,Property,class] |type |The name of the Resource Agent you wish to use. E.g. +IPaddr+ or +Filesystem+ indexterm:[type,Resource] indexterm:[Resource,Property,type] |provider |The OCF spec allows multiple vendors to supply the same resource agent. To use the OCF resource agents supplied by the Heartbeat project, you would specify +heartbeat+ here. indexterm:[provider,Resource] indexterm:[Resource,Property,provider] |========================================================= The XML definition of a resource can be queried with the `crm_resource` tool. For example: ---- # crm_resource --resource Email --query-xml ---- might produce: .A system resource definition ===== [source,XML] ===== [NOTE] ===== One of the main drawbacks to system services (LSB, systemd or Upstart) resources is that they do not allow any parameters! ===== //// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5737 for choice of example IP address //// .An OCF resource definition ===== [source,XML] ------- ------- ===== [[s-resource-options]] == Resource Options == Resources have two types of options: 'meta-attributes' and 'instance attributes'. Meta-attributes apply to any type of resource, while instance attributes are specific to each resource agent. === Resource Meta-Attributes === Meta-attributes are used by the cluster to decide how a resource should behave and can be easily set using the `--meta` option of the `crm_resource` command. .Meta-attributes of a Primitive Resource [width="95%",cols="2m,2,5> resources, promoted to master if appropriate) * +Slave:+ Allow the resource to be started, but only in Slave mode if the resource is <> * +Master:+ Equivalent to +Started+ indexterm:[target-role,Resource Option] indexterm:[Resource,Option,target-role] |is-managed |TRUE |Is the cluster allowed to start and stop the resource? Allowed values: +true+, +false+ indexterm:[is-managed,Resource Option] indexterm:[Resource,Option,is-managed] |resource-stickiness |value of +resource-stickiness+ in the +rsc_defaults+ section |How much does the resource prefer to stay where it is? indexterm:[resource-stickiness,Resource Option] indexterm:[Resource,Option,resource-stickiness] |requires |fencing (unless +stonith-enabled+ is +false+ or +class+ is +stonith+, in which case it defaults to quorum) |Conditions under which the resource can be started '(since 1.1.8)' Allowed values: * +nothing:+ can always be started * +quorum:+ The cluster can only start this resource if a majority of the configured nodes are active * +fencing:+ The cluster can only start this resource if a majority of the configured nodes are active _and_ any failed or unknown nodes have been powered off * +unfencing:+ The cluster can only start this resource if a majority of the configured nodes are active _and_ any failed or unknown nodes have been powered off _and_ only on nodes that have been 'unfenced' '(since 1.1.9)' indexterm:[requires,Resource Option] indexterm:[Resource,Option,requires] |migration-threshold |INFINITY |How many failures may occur for this resource on a node, before this node is marked ineligible to host this resource. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled (the node will never be marked ineligible); by constrast, the cluster treats INFINITY (the default) as a very large but finite number. This option has an effect only if the failed operation has on-fail=restart (the default), and additionally for failed start operations, if the cluster property start-failure-is-fatal is false. indexterm:[migration-threshold,Resource Option] indexterm:[Resource,Option,migration-threshold] |failure-timeout |0 |How many seconds to wait before acting as if the failure had not occurred, and potentially allowing the resource back to the node on which it failed. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled. As with any time-based actions, this is not guaranteed to be checked more frequently than the value of +cluster-recheck-interval+ (see <>). indexterm:[failure-timeout,Resource Option] indexterm:[Resource,Option,failure-timeout] |multiple-active |stop_start |What should the cluster do if it ever finds the resource active on more than one node? Allowed values: * +block:+ mark the resource as unmanaged * +stop_only:+ stop all active instances and leave them that way * +stop_start:+ stop all active instances and start the resource in one location only indexterm:[multiple-active,Resource Option] indexterm:[Resource,Option,multiple-active] |allow-migrate |TRUE for ocf:pacemaker:remote resources, FALSE otherwise |Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs to be moved (see <>) |remote-node | -|The name of the remote-node this resource defines. This both enables the -resource as a remote-node and defines the unique name used to identify the -remote-node. If no other parameters are set, this value will also be assumed as -the hostname to connect to at the port specified by +remote-port+. +WARNING:+ -This value cannot overlap with any resource or node IDs. If not specified, -this feature is disabled. +|The name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with, + if any. If specified, this both enables the resource as a guest node and + defines the unique name used to identify the guest node. The guest must be + configured to run the Pacemaker Remote daemon when it is started. +WARNING:+ + This value cannot overlap with any resource or node IDs. '(since 1.1.9)' |remote-port |3121 -|Port to use for the guest connection to pacemaker_remote +|If +remote-node+ is specified, the port on the guest used for its + Pacemaker Remote connection. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be + configured to listen on this port. '(since 1.1.9)' |remote-addr |value of +remote-node+ -|The IP address or hostname to connect to if remote-node's name is not the -hostname of the guest. +|If +remote-node+ is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to + the guest via Pacemaker Remote. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest + must be configured to accept connections on this address. '(since 1.1.9)' -|+remote-connect-timeout+ +|remote-connect-timeout |60s -|How long before a pending guest connection will time out. +|If +remote-node+ is specified, how long before a pending guest connection will + time out. '(since 1.1.10)' |========================================================= -[NOTE] -==== -Support for remote nodes was added in pacemaker 1.1.10. If you are using an -earlier version, options related to remote nodes will not be available. -==== - As an example of setting resource options, if you performed the following commands on an LSB Email resource: ------- # crm_resource --meta --resource Email --set-parameter priority --parameter-value 100 # crm_resource -m -r Email -p multiple-active -v block ------- the resulting resource definition might be: .An LSB resource with cluster options ===== [source,XML] ------- ------- ===== [[s-resource-defaults]] === Setting Global Defaults for Resource Meta-Attributes === To set a default value for a resource option, add it to the +rsc_defaults+ section with `crm_attribute`. For example, ---- # crm_attribute --type rsc_defaults --name is-managed --update false ---- would prevent the cluster from starting or stopping any of the resources in the configuration (unless of course the individual resources were specifically enabled by having their +is-managed+ set to +true+). === Resource Instance Attributes === The resource agents of some resource classes (lsb, systemd and upstart 'not' among them) can be given parameters which determine how they behave and which instance of a service they control. If your resource agent supports parameters, you can add them with the `crm_resource` command. For example, ---- # crm_resource --resource Public-IP --set-parameter ip --parameter-value ---- would create an entry in the resource like this: .An example OCF resource with instance attributes ===== [source,XML] ------- ------- ===== For an OCF resource, the result would be an environment variable called +OCF_RESKEY_ip+ with a value of + The list of instance attributes supported by an OCF resource agent can be found by calling the resource agent with the `meta-data` command. The output contains an XML description of all the supported attributes, their purpose and default values. .Displaying the metadata for the Dummy resource agent template ===== ---- # export OCF_ROOT=/usr/lib/ocf # $OCF_ROOT/resource.d/pacemaker/Dummy meta-data ---- [source,XML] ------- 1.0 This is a Dummy Resource Agent. It does absolutely nothing except keep track of whether its running or not. Its purpose in life is for testing and to serve as a template for RA writers. NB: Please pay attention to the timeouts specified in the actions section below. They should be meaningful for the kind of resource the agent manages. They should be the minimum advised timeouts, but they shouldn't/cannot cover _all_ possible resource instances. So, try to be neither overly generous nor too stingy, but moderate. The minimum timeouts should never be below 10 seconds. Example stateless resource agent Location to store the resource state in. State file Fake attribute that can be changed to cause a reload Fake attribute that can be changed to cause a reload Number of seconds to sleep during operations. This can be used to test how the cluster reacts to operation timeouts. Operation sleep duration in seconds. ------- ===== == Resource Operations == indexterm:[Resource,Action] 'Operations' are actions the cluster can perform on a resource by calling the resource agent. Resource agents must support certain common operations such as start, stop and monitor, and may implement any others. Some operations are generated by the cluster itself, for example, stopping and starting resources as needed. You can configure operations in the cluster configuration. As an example, by default the cluster will 'not' ensure your resources stay healthy once they are started. footnote:[Currently, anyway. Automatic monitoring operations may be added in a future version of Pacemaker.] To instruct the cluster to do this, you need to add a +monitor+ operation to the resource's definition. .An OCF resource with a recurring health check ===== [source,XML] ------- ------- ===== .Properties of an Operation [width="95%",cols="2m,3,6>. indexterm:[interval,Action Property] indexterm:[Action,Property,interval] |timeout | |How long to wait before declaring the action has failed indexterm:[timeout,Action Property] indexterm:[Action,Property,timeout] |on-fail |restart '(except for stop operations, which default to' fence 'when STONITH is enabled and' block 'otherwise)' |The action to take if this action ever fails. Allowed values: * +ignore:+ Pretend the resource did not fail. * +block:+ Don't perform any further operations on the resource. * +stop:+ Stop the resource and do not start it elsewhere. * +restart:+ Stop the resource and start it again (possibly on a different node). * +fence:+ STONITH the node on which the resource failed. * +standby:+ Move _all_ resources away from the node on which the resource failed. indexterm:[on-fail,Action Property] indexterm:[Action,Property,on-fail] |enabled |TRUE |If +false+, ignore this operation definition. This is typically used to pause a particular recurring monitor operation; for instance, it can complement the respective resource being unmanaged (+is-managed=false+), as this alone will <>. Disabling the operation does not suppress all actions of the given type. Allowed values: +true+, +false+. indexterm:[enabled,Action Property] indexterm:[Action,Property,enabled] |record-pending |FALSE |If +true+, the intention to perform the operation is recorded so that GUIs and CLI tools can indicate that an operation is in progress. This is best set as an 'operation default' (see next section). Allowed values: +true+, +false+. indexterm:[enabled,Action Property] indexterm:[Action,Property,enabled] |role | |Run the operation only on node(s) that the cluster thinks should be in the specified role. This only makes sense for recurring monitor operations. Allowed (case-sensitive) values: +Stopped+, +Started+, and in the case of <> resources, +Slave+ and +Master+. indexterm:[role,Action Property] indexterm:[Action,Property,role] |========================================================= [[s-resource-monitoring]] === Monitoring Resources for Failure === When Pacemaker first starts a resource, it runs one-time monitor operations (referred to as 'probes') to ensure the resource is running where it's supposed to be, and not running where it's not supposed to be. (This behavior can be affected by the +resource-discovery+ location constraint property.) Other than those initial probes, Pacemaker will not (by default) check that the resource continues to stay healthy. As in the example above, you must configure monitor operations explicitly to perform these checks. By default, a monitor operation will ensure that the resource is running where it is supposed to. The +target-role+ property can be used for further checking. For example, if a resource has one monitor operation with +interval=10 role=Started+ and a second monitor operation with +interval=11 role=Stopped+, the cluster will run the first monitor on any nodes it thinks 'should' be running the resource, and the second monitor on any nodes that it thinks 'should not' be running the resource (for the truly paranoid, who want to know when an administrator manually starts a service by mistake). [[s-monitoring-unmanaged]] === Monitoring Resources When Administration is Disabled === Recurring monitor operations behave differently under various administrative settings: * When a resource is unmanaged (by setting +is-managed=false+): No monitors will be stopped. + If the unmanaged resource is stopped on a node where the cluster thinks it should be running, the cluster will detect and report that it is not, but it will not consider the monitor failed, and will not try to start the resource until it is managed again. + Starting the unmanaged resource on a different node is strongly discouraged and will at least cause the cluster to consider the resource failed, and may require the resource's +target-role+ to be set to +Stopped+ then +Started+ to be recovered. * When a node is put into standby: All resources will be moved away from the node, and all monitor operations will be stopped on the node, except those with +role=Stopped+. Monitor operations with +role=Stopped+ will be started on the node if appropriate. * When the cluster is put into maintenance mode: All resources will be marked as unmanaged. All monitor operations will be stopped, except those with +role=Stopped+. As with single unmanaged resources, starting a resource on a node other than where the cluster expects it to be will cause problems. [[s-operation-defaults]] === Setting Global Defaults for Operations === You can change the global default values for operation properties in a given cluster. These are defined in an +op_defaults+ section of the CIB's +configuration+ section, and can be set with `crm_attribute`. For example, ---- # crm_attribute --type op_defaults --name timeout --update 20s ---- would default each operation's +timeout+ to 20 seconds. If an operation's definition also includes a value for +timeout+, then that value would be used for that operation instead. === When Implicit Operations Take a Long Time === The cluster will always perform a number of implicit operations: +start+, +stop+ and a non-recurring +monitor+ operation used at startup to check whether the resource is already active. If one of these is taking too long, then you can create an entry for them and specify a longer timeout. .An OCF resource with custom timeouts for its implicit actions ===== [source,XML] ------- ------- ===== === Multiple Monitor Operations === Provided no two operations (for a single resource) have the same name and interval, you can have as many monitor operations as you like. In this way, you can do a superficial health check every minute and progressively more intense ones at higher intervals. To tell the resource agent what kind of check to perform, you need to provide each monitor with a different value for a common parameter. The OCF standard creates a special parameter called +OCF_CHECK_LEVEL+ for this purpose and dictates that it is "made available to the resource agent without the normal +OCF_RESKEY+ prefix". Whatever name you choose, you can specify it by adding an +instance_attributes+ block to the +op+ tag. It is up to each resource agent to look for the parameter and decide how to use it. .An OCF resource with two recurring health checks, performing different levels of checks specified via +OCF_CHECK_LEVEL+. ===== [source,XML] ------- ------- ===== === Disabling a Monitor Operation === The easiest way to stop a recurring monitor is to just delete it. However, there can be times when you only want to disable it temporarily. In such cases, simply add +enabled="false"+ to the operation's definition. .Example of an OCF resource with a disabled health check ===== [source,XML] ------- ------- ===== This can be achieved from the command line by executing: ---- # cibadmin --modify --xml-text '' ---- Once you've done whatever you needed to do, you can then re-enable it with ---- # cibadmin --modify --xml-text '' ---- diff --git a/doc/index.php b/doc/index.php deleted file mode 100644 index 0473c910ae..0000000000 --- a/doc/index.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -

-The following Pacemaker documentation was generated from the upstream sources -

  • Version: $version
    "; - foreach (glob("build-$version.txt") as $filename) { - readfile($filename); - } - echo "
      "; - - foreach (glob("$base/*/Pacemaker/$version") as $item) { - $lang = basename(dirname(dirname($item))); - - $books = array(); - foreach (glob("$base/$lang/Pacemaker/$version/pdf/*") as $filename) { - $books[] = basename($filename); - } - - foreach ($books as $b) { - echo "
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    "; -?> -

    -You can find additional documentation and details about the Pacemaker project at http://www.clusterlabs.org. -

  • -
    - - - - diff --git a/lib/ais/plugin.h b/lib/ais/plugin.h old mode 100755 new mode 100644 diff --git a/lib/services/dbus.c b/lib/services/dbus.c index 0748c8673d..fb3e867f9f 100644 --- a/lib/services/dbus.c +++ b/lib/services/dbus.c @@ -1,641 +1,638 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Andrew Beekhof * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #define BUS_PROPERTY_IFACE "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" static GList *conn_dispatches = NULL; struct db_getall_data { char *name; char *target; char *object; void *userdata; void (*callback)(const char *name, const char *value, void *userdata); }; DBusConnection * pcmk_dbus_connect(void) { DBusError err; DBusConnection *connection; dbus_error_init(&err); connection = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &err); if (dbus_error_is_set(&err)) { crm_err("Could not connect to System DBus: %s", err.message); dbus_error_free(&err); return NULL; } if(connection) { pcmk_dbus_connection_setup_with_select(connection); } return connection; } void pcmk_dbus_disconnect(DBusConnection *connection) { return; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a DBus reply indicates an error occurred * * \param[in] pending If non-NULL, indicates that a DBus request was sent * \param[in] reply Reply received from DBus * \param[out] ret If non-NULL, will be set to DBus error, if any * * \return TRUE if an error was found, FALSE otherwise * * \note Following the DBus API convention, a TRUE return is exactly equivalent * to ret being set. If ret is provided and this function returns TRUE, * the caller is responsible for calling dbus_error_free() on ret when * done using it. */ bool pcmk_dbus_find_error(DBusPendingCall *pending, DBusMessage *reply, DBusError *ret) { DBusError error; dbus_error_init(&error); if(pending == NULL) { dbus_set_error_const(&error, "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.NoRequest", "No request sent"); } else if(reply == NULL) { dbus_set_error_const(&error, "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.NoReply", "No reply"); } else { DBusMessageIter args; int dtype = dbus_message_get_type(reply); char *sig; switch(dtype) { case DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN: dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &args); sig = dbus_message_iter_get_signature(&args); crm_trace("DBus call returned output args '%s'", sig); dbus_free(sig); break; case DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID: dbus_set_error_const(&error, "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.InvalidReply", "Invalid reply"); break; case DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL: dbus_set_error_const(&error, "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.InvalidReply.Method", "Invalid reply (method call)"); break; case DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL: dbus_set_error_const(&error, "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.InvalidReply.Signal", "Invalid reply (signal)"); break; case DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR: dbus_set_error_from_message(&error, reply); break; default: dbus_set_error(&error, "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.InvalidReply.Type", "Unknown reply type %d", dtype); } } if (dbus_error_is_set(&error)) { crm_trace("DBus reply indicated error '%s' (%s)", error.name, error.message); if (ret) { dbus_error_init(ret); dbus_move_error(&error, ret); } else { dbus_error_free(&error); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*! * \internal * \brief Send a DBus request and wait for the reply * * \param[in] msg DBus request to send * \param[in] connection DBus connection to use * \param[out] error If non-NULL, will be set to error, if any * \param[in] timeout Timeout to use for request * * \return DBus reply * * \note If error is non-NULL, it is initialized, so the caller may always use * dbus_error_is_set() to determine whether an error occurred; the caller * is responsible for calling dbus_error_free() in this case. */ DBusMessage * pcmk_dbus_send_recv(DBusMessage *msg, DBusConnection *connection, DBusError *error, int timeout) { const char *method = NULL; DBusMessage *reply = NULL; DBusPendingCall* pending = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(dbus_message_get_type (msg) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL); method = dbus_message_get_member (msg); /* Ensure caller can reliably check whether error is set */ if (error) { dbus_error_init(error); } if (timeout <= 0) { /* DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT (-1) tells DBus to use a sane default */ timeout = DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT; } // send message and get a handle for a reply if (!dbus_connection_send_with_reply(connection, msg, &pending, timeout)) { if(error) { dbus_set_error(error, "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.SendFailed", "Could not queue DBus '%s' request", method); } return NULL; } dbus_connection_flush(connection); if(pending) { /* block until we receive a reply */ dbus_pending_call_block(pending); /* get the reply message */ reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending); } (void)pcmk_dbus_find_error(pending, reply, error); if(pending) { /* free the pending message handle */ dbus_pending_call_unref(pending); } return reply; } DBusPendingCall * pcmk_dbus_send(DBusMessage *msg, DBusConnection *connection, void(*done)(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data), void *user_data, int timeout) { const char *method = NULL; DBusPendingCall* pending = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(done); CRM_ASSERT(dbus_message_get_type (msg) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL); method = dbus_message_get_member (msg); if (timeout <= 0) { /* DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT (-1) tells DBus to use a sane default */ timeout = DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT; } // send message and get a handle for a reply if (!dbus_connection_send_with_reply(connection, msg, &pending, timeout)) { crm_err("Send with reply failed for %s", method); return NULL; } else if (pending == NULL) { crm_err("No pending call found for %s: Connection to System DBus may be closed", method); return NULL; } crm_trace("DBus %s call sent", method); if (dbus_pending_call_get_completed(pending)) { crm_info("DBus %s call completed too soon", method); if(done) { #if 0 /* This sounds like a good idea, but allegedly it breaks things */ done(pending, user_data); pending = NULL; #else CRM_ASSERT(dbus_pending_call_set_notify(pending, done, user_data, NULL)); #endif } } else if(done) { CRM_ASSERT(dbus_pending_call_set_notify(pending, done, user_data, NULL)); } return pending; } bool pcmk_dbus_type_check(DBusMessage *msg, DBusMessageIter *field, int expected, const char *function, int line) { int dtype = 0; DBusMessageIter lfield; if(field == NULL) { if(dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &lfield)) { field = &lfield; } } if(field == NULL) { do_crm_log_alias(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, function, line, "Empty parameter list in reply expecting '%c'", expected); return FALSE; } dtype = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(field); if(dtype != expected) { DBusMessageIter args; char *sig; dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &args); sig = dbus_message_iter_get_signature(&args); do_crm_log_alias(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, function, line, "Unexpected DBus type, expected %c in '%s' instead of %c", expected, sig, dtype); dbus_free(sig); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static char * pcmk_dbus_lookup_result(DBusMessage *reply, struct db_getall_data *data) { DBusError error; char *output = NULL; DBusMessageIter dict; DBusMessageIter args; if (pcmk_dbus_find_error((void*)&error, reply, &error)) { crm_err("Cannot get properties from %s for %s: %s", data->target, data->object, error.message); dbus_error_free(&error); goto cleanup; } dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &args); if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) { crm_err("Invalid reply from %s for %s", data->target, data->object); goto cleanup; } dbus_message_iter_recurse(&args, &dict); while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&dict) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) { DBusMessageIter sv; DBusMessageIter v; DBusBasicValue name; DBusBasicValue value; if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &dict, DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) { dbus_message_iter_next (&dict); continue; } dbus_message_iter_recurse(&dict, &sv); while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&sv) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) { int dtype = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&sv); switch(dtype) { case DBUS_TYPE_STRING: dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&sv, &name); if(data->name && strcmp(name.str, data->name) != 0) { dbus_message_iter_next (&sv); /* Skip the value */ } break; case DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT: dbus_message_iter_recurse(&sv, &v); if(pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &v, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) { dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&v, &value); crm_trace("Property %s[%s] is '%s'", data->object, name.str, value.str); if(data->callback) { data->callback(name.str, value.str, data->userdata); } else { free(output); output = strdup(value.str); } if(data->name) { goto cleanup; } } break; default: pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &sv, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } dbus_message_iter_next (&sv); } dbus_message_iter_next (&dict); } if(data->name && data->callback) { crm_trace("No value for property %s[%s]", data->object, data->name); data->callback(data->name, NULL, data->userdata); } cleanup: free(data->target); free(data->object); free(data->name); free(data); return output; } static void pcmk_dbus_lookup_cb(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data) { DBusMessage *reply = NULL; char *value = NULL; if(pending) { reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending); } value = pcmk_dbus_lookup_result(reply, user_data); free(value); if(reply) { dbus_message_unref(reply); } } char * pcmk_dbus_get_property(DBusConnection *connection, const char *target, const char *obj, const gchar * iface, const char *name, void (*callback)(const char *name, const char *value, void *userdata), void *userdata, DBusPendingCall **pending, int timeout) { DBusMessage *msg; const char *method = "GetAll"; char *output = NULL; struct db_getall_data *query_data = NULL; crm_debug("Calling: %s on %s", method, target); msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(target, // target for the method call obj, // object to call on BUS_PROPERTY_IFACE, // interface to call on method); // method name if (NULL == msg) { crm_err("Call to %s failed: No message", method); return NULL; } CRM_LOG_ASSERT(dbus_message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &iface, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)); query_data = malloc(sizeof(struct db_getall_data)); if(query_data == NULL) { crm_err("Call to %s failed: malloc failed", method); return NULL; } query_data->target = strdup(target); query_data->object = strdup(obj); query_data->callback = callback; query_data->userdata = userdata; query_data->name = NULL; if(name) { query_data->name = strdup(name); } if(query_data->callback) { DBusPendingCall* _pending; _pending = pcmk_dbus_send(msg, connection, pcmk_dbus_lookup_cb, query_data, timeout); if (pending != NULL) { *pending = _pending; } } else { DBusMessage *reply = pcmk_dbus_send_recv(msg, connection, NULL, timeout); output = pcmk_dbus_lookup_result(reply, query_data); if(reply) { dbus_message_unref(reply); } } dbus_message_unref(msg); return output; } static void pcmk_dbus_connection_dispatch_status(DBusConnection *connection, DBusDispatchStatus new_status, void *data) { crm_trace("New status %d for connection %p", new_status, connection); if (new_status == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS){ conn_dispatches = g_list_prepend(conn_dispatches, connection); } } static void pcmk_dbus_connections_dispatch() { GList *gIter = NULL; for (gIter = conn_dispatches; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { DBusConnection *connection = gIter->data; while (dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status(connection) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS) { crm_trace("Dispatching for connection %p", connection); dbus_connection_dispatch(connection); } } g_list_free(conn_dispatches); conn_dispatches = NULL; } /* Copied from dbus-watch.c */ static const char* dbus_watch_flags_to_string(int flags) { const char *watch_type; if ((flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE) && (flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE)) { watch_type = "readwrite"; } else if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE) { watch_type = "read"; } else if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE) { watch_type = "write"; } else { watch_type = "not read or write"; } return watch_type; } static int pcmk_dbus_watch_dispatch(gpointer userdata) { bool oom = FALSE; DBusWatch *watch = userdata; int flags = dbus_watch_get_flags(watch); bool enabled = dbus_watch_get_enabled (watch); mainloop_io_t *client = dbus_watch_get_data(watch); crm_trace("Dispatching client %p: %s", client, dbus_watch_flags_to_string(flags)); - if (enabled && is_set(flags, DBUS_WATCH_READABLE)) { - oom = !dbus_watch_handle(watch, flags); - - } else if (enabled && is_set(flags, DBUS_WATCH_READABLE)) { + if (enabled && (flags & (DBUS_WATCH_READABLE|DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE))) { oom = !dbus_watch_handle(watch, flags); } else if(enabled) { oom = !dbus_watch_handle(watch, DBUS_WATCH_ERROR); } if(flags != dbus_watch_get_flags(watch)) { flags = dbus_watch_get_flags(watch); crm_trace("Dispatched client %p: %s (%d)", client, dbus_watch_flags_to_string(flags), flags); } if(oom) { crm_err("DBus encountered OOM while attempting to dispatch %p (%s)", client, dbus_watch_flags_to_string(flags)); } else { pcmk_dbus_connections_dispatch(); } return 0; } static void pcmk_dbus_watch_destroy(gpointer userdata) { mainloop_io_t *client = dbus_watch_get_data(userdata); crm_trace("Destroyed %p", client); } struct mainloop_fd_callbacks pcmk_dbus_cb = { .dispatch = pcmk_dbus_watch_dispatch, .destroy = pcmk_dbus_watch_destroy, }; static dbus_bool_t pcmk_dbus_watch_add(DBusWatch *watch, void *data) { int fd = dbus_watch_get_unix_fd(watch); mainloop_io_t *client = mainloop_add_fd( "dbus", G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, fd, watch, &pcmk_dbus_cb); crm_trace("Added watch %p with fd=%d to client %p", watch, fd, client); dbus_watch_set_data(watch, client, NULL); return TRUE; } static void pcmk_dbus_watch_toggle(DBusWatch *watch, void *data) { mainloop_io_t *client = dbus_watch_get_data(watch); crm_notice("DBus client %p is now %s", client, (dbus_watch_get_enabled(watch)? "enabled" : "disabled")); } static void pcmk_dbus_watch_remove(DBusWatch *watch, void *data) { mainloop_io_t *client = dbus_watch_get_data(watch); crm_trace("Removed client %p (%p)", client, data); mainloop_del_fd(client); } static gboolean pcmk_dbus_timeout_dispatch(gpointer data) { crm_info("Timeout %p expired", data); dbus_timeout_handle(data); return FALSE; } static dbus_bool_t pcmk_dbus_timeout_add(DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data) { guint id = g_timeout_add(dbus_timeout_get_interval(timeout), pcmk_dbus_timeout_dispatch, timeout); crm_trace("Adding timeout %p (%d)", timeout, dbus_timeout_get_interval(timeout)); if(id) { dbus_timeout_set_data(timeout, GUINT_TO_POINTER(id), NULL); } return TRUE; } static void pcmk_dbus_timeout_remove(DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data) { void *vid = dbus_timeout_get_data(timeout); guint id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(vid); crm_trace("Removing timeout %p (%p)", timeout, data); if(id) { g_source_remove(id); dbus_timeout_set_data(timeout, 0, NULL); } } static void pcmk_dbus_timeout_toggle(DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data) { bool enabled = dbus_timeout_get_enabled(timeout); crm_trace("Toggling timeout for %p to %s", timeout, enabled?"off":"on"); if(enabled) { pcmk_dbus_timeout_add(timeout, data); } else { pcmk_dbus_timeout_remove(timeout, data); } } /* Inspired by http://www.kolej.mff.cuni.cz/~vesej3am/devel/dbus-select.c */ void pcmk_dbus_connection_setup_with_select(DBusConnection *c) { dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect(c, FALSE); dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions(c, pcmk_dbus_timeout_add, pcmk_dbus_timeout_remove, pcmk_dbus_timeout_toggle, NULL, NULL); dbus_connection_set_watch_functions(c, pcmk_dbus_watch_add, pcmk_dbus_watch_remove, pcmk_dbus_watch_toggle, NULL, NULL); dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function(c, pcmk_dbus_connection_dispatch_status, NULL, NULL); pcmk_dbus_connection_dispatch_status(c, dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status(c), NULL); } diff --git a/pacemaker.spec.in b/pacemaker.spec.in index 6e0ef27078..77380a6319 100644 --- a/pacemaker.spec.in +++ b/pacemaker.spec.in @@ -1,790 +1,790 @@ # Globals and defines to control package behavior (configure these as desired) ## User and group to use for nonprivileged services %global uname hacluster %global gname haclient ## Where to install Pacemaker documentation %global pcmk_docdir %{_docdir}/%{name} ## GitHub entity that distributes source (for ease of using a fork) %global github_owner ClusterLabs ## Upstream pacemaker version, and its package version (specversion ## can be incremented to build packages reliably considered "newer" ## than previously built packages with the same pcmkversion) %global pcmkversion 1.1.16 %global specversion 1 ## Upstream commit (or git tag, such as "Pacemaker-" plus the ## {pcmkversion} macro for an official release) to use for this package %global commit HEAD # Define globals for convenient use later ## Workaround to use parentheses in other globals %global lparen ( %global rparen ) ## Short version of git commit %define shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; case ${c} in Pacemaker-*%{rparen} echo ${c:10};; *%{rparen} echo ${c:0:7};; esac) ## Whether this is a tagged release %define tag_release %([ %{commit} != Pacemaker-%{shortcommit} ]; echo $?) ## Whether this is a release candidate (in case of a tagged release) %define pre_release %(s=%{shortcommit}; [ "%{tag_release}" -eq 0 ] || { case %{s} in *-rc[[:digit:]]*%{rparen} false;; esac; }; echo $?) ## Turn off auto-compilation of python files outside site-packages directory, ## so that the -libs-devel package is multilib-compliant (no *.py[co] files) %define __os_install_post %(echo '%{__os_install_post}' | sed -e 's!/usr/lib[^[:space:]]*/brp-python-bytecompile[[:space:]].*$!!g') ## Heuristic used to infer bleeding-edge deployments that are ## less likely to have working versions of the documentation tools %define bleeding %(test ! -e /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-rawhide.repo; echo $?) ## Corosync version %define cs_version %(pkg-config corosync --modversion 2>/dev/null | awk -F . '{print $1}') ## Where to install python site libraries (currently, this uses the unversioned ## python_sitearch macro to get the default system python, but at some point, ## we should explicitly choose python2_sitearch or python3_sitearch -- or both) %define py_site %{?python_sitearch}%{!?python_sitearch:%( python -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib as gpl; print(gpl(1))' 2>/dev/null)} ## Whether this platform defaults to using CMAN %define cman_native (0%{?el6} || (0%{?fedora} > 0 && 0%{?fedora} < 17)) ## Whether this platform defaults to using systemd as an init system ## (needs to be evaluated prior to BuildRequires being enumerated and ## installed as it's intended to conditionally select some of these, and ## for that there are only few indicators with varying reliability: ## - presence of systemd-defined macros (when building in a full-fledged ## environment, which is not the case with ordinary mock-based builds) ## - systemd-aware rpm as manifested with the presence of particular ## macro (rpm itself will trivially always be present when building) ## - existence of /usr/lib/os-release file, which is something heavily ## propagated by systemd project ## - when not good enough, there's always a possibility to check ## particular distro-specific macros (incl. version comparison) %define systemd_native (%{?_unitdir:1}%{?!_unitdir:0}%{nil \ } || %{?__transaction_systemd_inhibit:1}%{?!__transaction_systemd_inhibit:0}%{nil \ } || %(test -f /usr/lib/os-release; test $? -ne 0; echo $?)) # Definitions for backward compatibility with older RPM versions -## Ensure %license macro behaves consistently (older RPM will otherwise -## overwrite %license once it encounters "License:"). Courtesy Jason Tibbitts: +## Ensure the license macro behaves consistently (older RPM will otherwise +## overwrite it once it encounters "License:"). Courtesy Jason Tibbitts: ## https://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/epel-rpm-macros.git/tree/macros.zzz-epel?h=el6&id=e1adcb77 %if !%{defined _licensedir} %define description %{lua: rpm.define("license %doc") print("%description") } %endif # Define conditionals so that "rpmbuild --with " and # "rpmbuild --without " can enable and disable specific features ## Add option to enable support for stonith/external fencing agents %bcond_with stonithd ## Add option to create binaries suitable for use with profiling tools %bcond_with profiling ## Add option to create binaries with coverage analysis %bcond_with coverage ## Add option to skip generating documentation ## (the build tools aren't available everywhere) %bcond_without doc ## Add option to prefix package version with "0." ## (so later "official" packages will be considered updates) %bcond_with pre_release ## Add option to ship Upstart job files %bcond_with upstart_job ## Add option to turn off CMAN support on CMAN-native platforms %bcond_without cman ## Add option to turn off hardening of libraries and daemon executables %bcond_without hardening # Keep sane profiling data if requested %if %{with profiling} ## Disable -debuginfo package and stripping binaries/libraries %define debug_package %{nil} %endif # Define the release version # (do not look at externally enforced pre-release flag for tagged releases # as only -rc tags, captured with the second condition, implies that then) %if (!%{tag_release} && %{with pre_release}) || 0%{pre_release} %if 0%{pre_release} %define pcmk_release 0.%{specversion}.%(s=%{shortcommit}; echo ${s: -3}) %else %define pcmk_release 0.%{specversion}.%{shortcommit}.git %endif %else %if 0%{tag_release} %define pcmk_release %{specversion} %else %define pcmk_release %{specversion}.%{shortcommit}.git %endif %endif Name: pacemaker Summary: Scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager Version: %{pcmkversion} Release: %{pcmk_release}%{?dist} %if %{defined _unitdir} License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ %else # initscript is Revised BSD License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD %endif Url: http://www.clusterlabs.org Group: System Environment/Daemons # Hint: use "spectool -s 0 pacemaker.spec" (rpmdevtools) to check the final URL: # https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/archive/e91769e5a39f5cb2f7b097d3c612368f0530535e/pacemaker-e91769e.tar.gz Source0: https://github.com/%{github_owner}/%{name}/archive/%{commit}/%{name}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX) AutoReqProv: on Requires: resource-agents Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-cluster-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-cli = %{version}-%{release} %if %{defined systemd_requires} %systemd_requires %endif # Pacemaker targets compatibility with python 2.6+ and 3.2+ Requires: python >= 2.6 BuildRequires: python-devel >= 2.6 # Pacemaker requires a minimum libqb functionality Requires: libqb >= 0.13.0 BuildRequires: libqb-devel >= 0.13.0 # Basics required for the build (even if usually satisfied through other BRs) BuildRequires: coreutils findutils grep sed # Required for core functionality BuildRequires: automake autoconf libtool pkgconfig libtool-ltdl-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0) libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libuuid-devel BuildRequires: bzip2-devel pam-devel # Required for agent_config.h which specifies the correct scratch directory BuildRequires: resource-agents # Enables optional functionality BuildRequires: ncurses-devel docbook-style-xsl BuildRequires: bison byacc flex help2man gnutls-devel pkgconfig(dbus-1) %if %{systemd_native} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd) %endif %if %{with cman} && %{cman_native} BuildRequires: clusterlib-devel # pacemaker initscript: cman initscript, fence_tool (+ some soft-dependencies) # "post" scriptlet: ccs_update_schema Requires: cman %endif Requires: corosync BuildRequires: corosynclib-devel %if %{with stonithd} BuildRequires: cluster-glue-libs-devel %endif ## (note no avoiding effect when building through non-customized mock) %if !%{bleeding} %if %{with doc} BuildRequires: publican inkscape asciidoc %endif %endif %description Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA. It supports more than 16 node clusters with significant capabilities for managing resources and dependencies. It will run scripts at initialization, when machines go up or down, when related resources fail and can be configured to periodically check resource health. Available rpmbuild rebuild options: --with(out) : cman coverage doc stonithd hardening pre_release profiling upstart_job %package cli License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Command line tools for controlling Pacemaker clusters Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: perl-TimeDate %description cli Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA. The %{name}-cli package contains command line tools that can be used to query and control the cluster from machines that may, or may not, be part of the cluster. %package -n %{name}-libs License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Core Pacemaker libraries Group: System Environment/Daemons %description -n %{name}-libs Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA. The %{name}-libs package contains shared libraries needed for cluster nodes and those just running the CLI tools. %package -n %{name}-cluster-libs License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Cluster Libraries used by Pacemaker Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{name}-cluster-libs Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA. The %{name}-cluster-libs package contains cluster-aware shared libraries needed for nodes that will form part of the cluster nodes. %package remote %if %{defined _unitdir} License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ %else # initscript is Revised BSD License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD %endif Summary: Pacemaker remote daemon for non-cluster nodes Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-cli = %{version}-%{release} Requires: resource-agents %if %{defined systemd_requires} %systemd_requires %endif %description remote Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA. The %{name}-remote package contains the Pacemaker Remote daemon which is capable of extending pacemaker functionality to remote nodes not running the full corosync/cluster stack. %package -n %{name}-libs-devel License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Pacemaker development package Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name}-cts = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-cluster-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: libtool-ltdl-devel libqb-devel libuuid-devel Requires: libxml2-devel libxslt-devel bzip2-devel glib2-devel Requires: corosynclib-devel %description -n %{name}-libs-devel Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA. The %{name}-libs-devel package contains headers and shared libraries for developing tools for Pacemaker. # NOTE: can be noarch if lrmd_test is moved to another subpackage %package cts License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Test framework for cluster-related technologies like Pacemaker Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: python >= 2.6 Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} # systemd python bindings are separate package in some distros %if %{defined systemd_requires} %if 0%{?fedora} > 22 Requires: python2-systemd %else %if 0%{?fedora} > 20 || 0%{?rhel} > 6 Requires: systemd-python %endif %endif %endif %description cts Test framework for cluster-related technologies like Pacemaker %package doc License: CC-BY-SA Summary: Documentation for Pacemaker Group: Documentation %description doc Documentation for Pacemaker. Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{commit} # Force the local time # # 'git' sets the file date to the date of the last commit. # This can result in files having been created in the future # when building on machines in timezones 'behind' the one the # commit occurred in - which seriously confuses 'make' find . -exec touch \{\} \; %build # Early versions of autotools (e.g. RHEL <= 5) do not support --docdir export docdir=%{pcmk_docdir} export systemdunitdir=%{?_unitdir}%{?!_unitdir:no} %if %{with hardening} # prefer distro-provided hardening flags in case they are defined # through _hardening_{c,ld}flags macros, configure script will # use its own defaults otherwise; if such hardenings are completely # undesired, rpmbuild using "--without hardening" # (or "--define '_without_hardening 1'") export CFLAGS_HARDENED_EXE="%{?_hardening_cflags}" export CFLAGS_HARDENED_LIB="%{?_hardening_cflags}" export LDFLAGS_HARDENED_EXE="%{?_hardening_ldflags}" export LDFLAGS_HARDENED_LIB="%{?_hardening_ldflags}" %endif ./autogen.sh %{configure} \ %{?with_profiling: --with-profiling} \ %{?with_coverage: --with-coverage} \ %{!?with_cman: --without-cman} \ --without-heartbeat \ %{!?with_doc: --with-brand=} \ %{!?with_hardening: --disable-hardening} \ --with-initdir=%{_initrddir} \ --localstatedir=%{_var} \ --with-version=%{version}-%{release} %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1200 # Fedora handles rpath removal automagically sed -i 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' libtool sed -i 's|^runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH|runpath_var=DIE_RPATH_DIE|g' libtool %endif make %{_smp_mflags} V=1 all %check { pengine/regression.sh --run one-or-more-unrunnnable-instances \ && tools/regression.sh \ && touch .CHECKED } 2>&1 | sed 's/[fF]ail/faiil/g' # prevent false positives in rpmlint [ -f .CHECKED ] && rm -f -- .CHECKED %install rm -rf %{buildroot} make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} docdir=%{pcmk_docdir} V=1 install mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig install -m 644 mcp/pacemaker.sysconfig ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pacemaker install -m 644 tools/crm_mon.sysconfig ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/crm_mon %if %{with upstart_job} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init install -m 644 mcp/pacemaker.upstart ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.conf install -m 644 mcp/pacemaker.combined.upstart ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.combined.conf install -m 644 tools/crm_mon.upstart ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init/crm_mon.conf %endif %if %{defined _unitdir} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name} %endif # Scripts that should be executable chmod a+x %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests/cts/CTSlab.py # These are not actually scripts find %{buildroot} -name '*.xml' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod a-x # Don't package static libs find %{buildroot} -name '*.a' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f find %{buildroot} -name '*.la' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f # Do not package these either rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/service_crm.so # Don't ship init scripts for systemd based platforms %if %{defined _unitdir} rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_initrddir}/pacemaker rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_initrddir}/pacemaker_remote %endif # Don't ship fence_pcmk where it has no use %if %{without cman} rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}/fence_pcmk %endif %if %{with coverage} GCOV_BASE=%{buildroot}/%{_var}/lib/pacemaker/gcov mkdir -p $GCOV_BASE find . -name '*.gcno' -type f | while read F ; do D=`dirname $F` mkdir -p ${GCOV_BASE}/$D cp $F ${GCOV_BASE}/$D done %endif %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %post %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_post pacemaker.service %else /sbin/chkconfig --add pacemaker || : %if %{with cman} && %{cman_native} # make fence_pcmk in cluster.conf valid instantly otherwise tools like ccs may # choke (until schema gets auto-regenerated on the next start of cluster), # per the protocol shared with other packages contributing to cluster.rng /usr/sbin/ccs_update_schema >/dev/null 2>&1 || : %endif %endif %preun %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_preun pacemaker.service %else /sbin/service pacemaker stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # Package removal, not upgrade /sbin/chkconfig --del pacemaker || : fi %endif %postun %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_postun_with_restart pacemaker.service %endif %pre remote %if %{defined _unitdir} # Stop the service before anything is touched, and remember to restart # it as one of the last actions (compared to using systemd_postun_with_restart, # this avoids suicide when sbd is in use) systemctl --quiet is-active pacemaker_remote if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then mkdir -p %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name} touch %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote systemctl stop pacemaker_remote >/dev/null 2>&1 else rm -f %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote fi %endif %post remote %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_post pacemaker_remote.service %else /sbin/chkconfig --add pacemaker_remote || : %endif %preun remote %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_preun pacemaker_remote.service %else /sbin/service pacemaker_remote stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # Package removal, not upgrade /sbin/chkconfig --del pacemaker_remote || : fi %endif %postun remote %if %{defined _unitdir} # This next line is a no-op, because we stopped the service earlier, but # we leave it here because it allows us to revert to the standard behavior # in the future if desired %systemd_postun_with_restart pacemaker_remote.service # Explicitly take care of removing the flag-file(s) upon final removal if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then rm -f %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote fi %endif %posttrans remote %if %{defined _unitdir} if [ -e %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote ] ; then systemctl start pacemaker_remote >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote fi %endif %post cli %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_post crm_mon.service %endif %preun cli %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_preun crm_mon.service %endif %postun cli %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_postun_with_restart crm_mon.service %endif %pre -n %{name}-libs getent group %{gname} >/dev/null || groupadd -r %{gname} -g 189 getent passwd %{uname} >/dev/null || useradd -r -g %{gname} -u 189 -s /sbin/nologin -c "cluster user" %{uname} exit 0 %post -n %{name}-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{name}-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n %{name}-cluster-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{name}-cluster-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %files ########################################################### %defattr(-,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pacemaker %{_sbindir}/pacemakerd %if %{defined _unitdir} %{_unitdir}/pacemaker.service %else %{_initrddir}/pacemaker %endif %exclude %{_libexecdir}/pacemaker/lrmd_test %exclude %{_sbindir}/pacemaker_remoted %{_libexecdir}/pacemaker/* %{_sbindir}/crm_attribute %{_sbindir}/crm_master %{_sbindir}/crm_node %{_sbindir}/fence_legacy %if %{with cman} %{_sbindir}/fence_pcmk %endif %{_sbindir}/stonith_admin %doc %{_mandir}/man7/crmd.* %doc %{_mandir}/man7/pengine.* %doc %{_mandir}/man7/stonithd.* %if %{without cman} || !%{cman_native} %doc %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_controld.* %endif %doc %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_o2cb.* %doc %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_remote.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/crm_attribute.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/crm_node.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/crm_master.* %if %{with cman} %doc %{_mandir}/man8/fence_pcmk.* %endif %doc %{_mandir}/man8/fence_legacy.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/pacemakerd.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/stonith_admin.* %doc %{_datadir}/pacemaker/alerts %license licenses/GPLv2 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/cib %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/pengine %if %{without cman} || !%{cman_native} /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/controld %endif /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/o2cb /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/remote /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/.isolation %if "%{?cs_version}" != "UNKNOWN" %if 0%{?cs_version} < 2 %{_libexecdir}/lcrso/pacemaker.lcrso %endif %endif %if %{with upstart_job} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.combined.conf %endif %files cli %defattr(-,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/pacemaker %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/crm_mon %if %{defined _unitdir} %{_unitdir}/crm_mon.service %endif %if %{with upstart_job} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/crm_mon.conf %endif %{_sbindir}/attrd_updater %{_sbindir}/cibadmin %{_sbindir}/crm_diff %{_sbindir}/crm_error %{_sbindir}/crm_failcount %{_sbindir}/crm_mon %{_sbindir}/crm_resource %{_sbindir}/crm_standby %{_sbindir}/crm_verify %{_sbindir}/crmadmin %{_sbindir}/iso8601 %{_sbindir}/crm_shadow %{_sbindir}/crm_simulate %{_sbindir}/crm_report %{_sbindir}/crm_ticket %exclude %{_datadir}/pacemaker/alerts %exclude %{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests %{_datadir}/pacemaker %{_datadir}/snmp/mibs/PCMK-MIB.txt %exclude /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/controld %exclude /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/o2cb %exclude /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/remote %dir /usr/lib/ocf %dir /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker %doc %{_mandir}/man7/* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/crmd.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/pengine.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/stonithd.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_controld.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_o2cb.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_remote.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/crm_attribute.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/crm_node.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/crm_master.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/fence_pcmk.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/fence_legacy.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/pacemakerd.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/pacemaker_remoted.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/stonith_admin.* %license licenses/GPLv2 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/blackbox %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/cores %files -n %{name}-libs %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/libcib.so.* %{_libdir}/liblrmd.so.* %{_libdir}/libcrmservice.so.* %{_libdir}/libcrmcommon.so.* %{_libdir}/libpe_status.so.* %{_libdir}/libpe_rules.so.* %{_libdir}/libpengine.so.* %{_libdir}/libstonithd.so.* %{_libdir}/libtransitioner.so.* %license licenses/LGPLv2.1 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %files -n %{name}-cluster-libs %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/libcrmcluster.so.* %license licenses/LGPLv2.1 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %files remote %defattr(-,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pacemaker %if %{defined _unitdir} # state directory is shared between the subpackets # let rpm take care of removing it once it isn't # referenced anymore and empty %ghost %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name} %{_unitdir}/pacemaker_remote.service %else %{_initrddir}/pacemaker_remote %endif %{_sbindir}/pacemaker_remoted %{_mandir}/man8/pacemaker_remoted.* %license licenses/GPLv2 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %files doc %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %{pcmk_docdir} %license licenses/CC-BY-SA-4.0 %files cts %defattr(-,root,root) %{py_site}/cts %{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests/cts %{_libexecdir}/pacemaker/lrmd_test %license licenses/GPLv2 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %files -n %{name}-libs-devel %defattr(-,root,root) %exclude %{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests/cts %{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests %{_includedir}/pacemaker %{_libdir}/*.so %if %{with coverage} %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/gcov %endif %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*.pc %license licenses/LGPLv2.1 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %changelog diff --git a/pengine/native.c b/pengine/native.c index ff4467bc3d..0c972ea5a5 100644 --- a/pengine/native.c +++ b/pengine/native.c @@ -1,3270 +1,3272 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* #define DELETE_THEN_REFRESH 1 // The crmd will remove the resource from the CIB itself, making this redundant */ #define INFINITY_HACK (INFINITY * -100) #define VARIANT_NATIVE 1 #include gboolean update_action(action_t * then); void native_rsc_colocation_rh_must(resource_t * rsc_lh, gboolean update_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, gboolean update_rh); void native_rsc_colocation_rh_mustnot(resource_t * rsc_lh, gboolean update_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, gboolean update_rh); void Recurring(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set); void RecurringOp(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set); void Recurring_Stopped(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set); void RecurringOp_Stopped(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set); void ReloadRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t *node, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean DeleteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean StopRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean StartRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean DemoteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean PromoteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean RoleError(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); gboolean NullOp(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ enum rsc_role_e rsc_state_matrix[RSC_ROLE_MAX][RSC_ROLE_MAX] = { /* Current State */ /* Next State: Unknown Stopped Started Slave Master */ /* Unknown */ { RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, }, /* Stopped */ { RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STARTED, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE, }, /* Started */ { RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STARTED, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE, RSC_ROLE_MASTER, }, /* Slave */ { RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE, RSC_ROLE_MASTER, }, /* Master */ { RSC_ROLE_STOPPED, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE, RSC_ROLE_MASTER, }, }; gboolean (*rsc_action_matrix[RSC_ROLE_MAX][RSC_ROLE_MAX])(resource_t*,node_t*,gboolean,pe_working_set_t*) = { /* Current State */ /* Next State: Unknown Stopped Started Slave Master */ /* Unknown */ { RoleError, StopRsc, RoleError, RoleError, RoleError, }, /* Stopped */ { RoleError, NullOp, StartRsc, StartRsc, RoleError, }, /* Started */ { RoleError, StopRsc, NullOp, NullOp, PromoteRsc, }, /* Slave */ { RoleError, StopRsc, StopRsc, NullOp, PromoteRsc, }, /* Master */ { RoleError, DemoteRsc, DemoteRsc, DemoteRsc, NullOp, }, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static action_t * get_first_named_action(resource_t * rsc, const char *action, gboolean only_valid, node_t * current); static gboolean native_choose_node(resource_t * rsc, node_t * prefer, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { /* 1. Sort by weight 2. color.chosen_node = the node (of those with the highest wieght) with the fewest resources 3. remove color.chosen_node from all other colors */ GListPtr nodes = NULL; node_t *chosen = NULL; int lpc = 0; int multiple = 0; int length = 0; gboolean result = FALSE; process_utilization(rsc, &prefer, data_set); length = g_hash_table_size(rsc->allowed_nodes); if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return rsc->allocated_to ? TRUE : FALSE; } if (prefer) { chosen = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, prefer->details->id); if (chosen && chosen->weight >= 0 && can_run_resources(chosen)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Using preferred node %s for %s instead of choosing from %d candidates", chosen->details->uname, rsc->id, length); } else if (chosen && chosen->weight < 0) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Preferred node %s for %s was unavailable", chosen->details->uname, rsc->id); chosen = NULL; } else if (chosen && can_run_resources(chosen)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Preferred node %s for %s was unsuitable", chosen->details->uname, rsc->id); chosen = NULL; } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Preferred node %s for %s was unknown", prefer->details->uname, rsc->id); } } if (chosen == NULL && rsc->allowed_nodes) { nodes = g_hash_table_get_values(rsc->allowed_nodes); nodes = g_list_sort_with_data(nodes, sort_node_weight, g_list_nth_data(rsc->running_on, 0)); chosen = g_list_nth_data(nodes, 0); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Chose node %s for %s from %d candidates", chosen ? chosen->details->uname : "", rsc->id, length); if (chosen && chosen->weight > 0 && can_run_resources(chosen)) { node_t *running = g_list_nth_data(rsc->running_on, 0); if (running && can_run_resources(running) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Current node for %s (%s) can't run resources", rsc->id, running->details->uname); running = NULL; } for (lpc = 1; lpc < length && running; lpc++) { node_t *tmp = g_list_nth_data(nodes, lpc); if (tmp->weight == chosen->weight) { multiple++; if (tmp->details == running->details) { /* prefer the existing node if scores are equal */ chosen = tmp; } } } } } if (multiple > 1) { int log_level = LOG_INFO; static char score[33]; score2char_stack(chosen->weight, score, sizeof(score)); if (chosen->weight >= INFINITY) { log_level = LOG_WARNING; } do_crm_log(log_level, "%d nodes with equal score (%s) for" " running %s resources. Chose %s.", multiple, score, rsc->id, chosen->details->uname); } result = native_assign_node(rsc, nodes, chosen, FALSE); g_list_free(nodes); return result; } static int node_list_attr_score(GHashTable * list, const char *attr, const char *value) { GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node = NULL; int best_score = -INFINITY; const char *best_node = NULL; if (attr == NULL) { attr = "#" XML_ATTR_UNAME; } g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, list); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { int weight = node->weight; if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE) { weight = -INFINITY; } if (weight > best_score || best_node == NULL) { const char *tmp = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, attr); if (safe_str_eq(value, tmp)) { best_score = weight; best_node = node->details->uname; } } } if (safe_str_neq(attr, "#" XML_ATTR_UNAME)) { crm_info("Best score for %s=%s was %s with %d", attr, value, best_node ? best_node : "", best_score); } return best_score; } static void node_hash_update(GHashTable * list1, GHashTable * list2, const char *attr, float factor, gboolean only_positive) { int score = 0; int new_score = 0; GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node = NULL; if (attr == NULL) { attr = "#" XML_ATTR_UNAME; } g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, list1); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(node != NULL); if(node == NULL) { continue; }; score = node_list_attr_score(list2, attr, g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, attr)); new_score = merge_weights(factor * score, node->weight); if (factor < 0 && score < 0) { /* Negative preference for a node with a negative score * should not become a positive preference * * TODO - Decide if we want to filter only if weight == -INFINITY * */ crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f*%d (factor * score)", node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score); } else if (node->weight == INFINITY_HACK) { crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f*%d (node < 0)", node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score); } else if (only_positive && new_score < 0 && node->weight > 0) { node->weight = INFINITY_HACK; crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f*%d (score > 0)", node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score); } else if (only_positive && new_score < 0 && node->weight == 0) { crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f*%d (score == 0)", node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score); } else { crm_trace("%s: %d + %f*%d", node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score); node->weight = new_score; } } } GHashTable * node_hash_dup(GHashTable * hash) { /* Hack! */ GListPtr list = g_hash_table_get_values(hash); GHashTable *result = node_hash_from_list(list); g_list_free(list); return result; } GHashTable * native_merge_weights(resource_t * rsc, const char *rhs, GHashTable * nodes, const char *attr, float factor, enum pe_weights flags) { return rsc_merge_weights(rsc, rhs, nodes, attr, factor, flags); } GHashTable * rsc_merge_weights(resource_t * rsc, const char *rhs, GHashTable * nodes, const char *attr, float factor, enum pe_weights flags) { GHashTable *work = NULL; int multiplier = 1; if (factor < 0) { multiplier = -1; } if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging)) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Breaking dependency loop at %s", rhs, rsc->id); return nodes; } set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging); if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_init)) { if (rsc->variant == pe_group && rsc->children) { GListPtr last = rsc->children; while (last->next != NULL) { last = last->next; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Merging %s as a group %p %p", rsc->id, rsc->children, last); work = rsc_merge_weights(last->data, rhs, NULL, attr, factor, flags); } else { work = node_hash_dup(rsc->allowed_nodes); } clear_bit(flags, pe_weights_init); } else if (rsc->variant == pe_group && rsc->children) { GListPtr iter = rsc->children; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Combining scores from %d children of %s", rhs, g_list_length(iter), rsc->id); work = node_hash_dup(nodes); for(iter = rsc->children; iter->next != NULL; iter = iter->next) { work = rsc_merge_weights(iter->data, rhs, work, attr, factor, flags); } } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Combining scores from %s", rhs, rsc->id); work = node_hash_dup(nodes); node_hash_update(work, rsc->allowed_nodes, attr, factor, is_set(flags, pe_weights_positive)); } if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_rollback) && can_run_any(work) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Rolling back scores from %s", rhs, rsc->id); g_hash_table_destroy(work); clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging); return nodes; } if (can_run_any(work)) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_forward)) { gIter = rsc->rsc_cons; crm_trace("Checking %d additional colocation constraints", g_list_length(gIter)); } else if(rsc->variant == pe_group && rsc->children) { GListPtr last = rsc->children; while (last->next != NULL) { last = last->next; } gIter = ((resource_t*)last->data)->rsc_cons_lhs; crm_trace("Checking %d additional optional group colocation constraints from %s", g_list_length(gIter), ((resource_t*)last->data)->id); } else { gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; crm_trace("Checking %d additional optional colocation constraints %s", g_list_length(gIter), rsc->id); } for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *other = NULL; rsc_colocation_t *constraint = (rsc_colocation_t *) gIter->data; if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_forward)) { other = constraint->rsc_rh; } else { other = constraint->rsc_lh; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Applying %s (%s)", constraint->id, other->id); work = rsc_merge_weights(other, rhs, work, constraint->node_attribute, multiplier * (float)constraint->score / INFINITY, flags|pe_weights_rollback); dump_node_scores(LOG_TRACE, NULL, rhs, work); } } if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_positive)) { node_t *node = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, work); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { if (node->weight == INFINITY_HACK) { node->weight = 1; } } } if (nodes) { g_hash_table_destroy(nodes); } clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging); return work; } node_t * native_color(resource_t * rsc, node_t * prefer, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; int alloc_details = scores_log_level + 1; if (rsc->parent && is_not_set(rsc->parent->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) { /* never allocate children on their own */ pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Escalating allocation of %s to its parent: %s", rsc->id, rsc->parent->id); rsc->parent->cmds->allocate(rsc->parent, prefer, data_set); } if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return rsc->allocated_to; } if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Dependency loop detected involving %s", rsc->id); return NULL; } set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating); print_resource(alloc_details, "Allocating: ", rsc, FALSE); - dump_node_scores(alloc_details, rsc, "Pre-allloc", rsc->allowed_nodes); + dump_node_scores(alloc_details, rsc, "Pre-alloc", rsc->allowed_nodes); for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { rsc_colocation_t *constraint = (rsc_colocation_t *) gIter->data; GHashTable *archive = NULL; resource_t *rsc_rh = constraint->rsc_rh; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Pre-Processing %s (%s, %d, %s)", rsc->id, constraint->id, rsc_rh->id, constraint->score, role2text(constraint->role_lh)); if (constraint->role_lh >= RSC_ROLE_MASTER || (constraint->score < 0 && constraint->score > -INFINITY)) { archive = node_hash_dup(rsc->allowed_nodes); } rsc_rh->cmds->allocate(rsc_rh, NULL, data_set); rsc->cmds->rsc_colocation_lh(rsc, rsc_rh, constraint); if (archive && can_run_any(rsc->allowed_nodes) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Rolling back scores from %s", rsc->id, rsc_rh->id); g_hash_table_destroy(rsc->allowed_nodes); rsc->allowed_nodes = archive; archive = NULL; } if (archive) { g_hash_table_destroy(archive); } } dump_node_scores(alloc_details, rsc, "Post-coloc", rsc->allowed_nodes); for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { rsc_colocation_t *constraint = (rsc_colocation_t *) gIter->data; rsc->allowed_nodes = constraint->rsc_lh->cmds->merge_weights(constraint->rsc_lh, rsc->id, rsc->allowed_nodes, constraint->node_attribute, (float)constraint->score / INFINITY, pe_weights_rollback); } print_resource(LOG_DEBUG_2, "Allocating: ", rsc, FALSE); if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Making sure %s doesn't get allocated", rsc->id); /* make sure it doesn't come up again */ resource_location(rsc, NULL, -INFINITY, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, data_set); } else if(rsc->next_role > rsc->role && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_freeze) { crm_notice("Resource %s cannot be elevated from %s to %s: no-quorum-policy=freeze", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role)); rsc->next_role = rsc->role; } dump_node_scores(show_scores ? 0 : scores_log_level, rsc, __FUNCTION__, rsc->allowed_nodes); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource) == FALSE) { clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed); } if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { const char *reason = NULL; node_t *assign_to = NULL; rsc->next_role = rsc->role; if (rsc->running_on == NULL) { reason = "inactive"; } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { assign_to = rsc->running_on->data; reason = "master"; } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { assign_to = rsc->running_on->data; reason = "failed"; } else { assign_to = rsc->running_on->data; reason = "active"; } pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Unmanaged resource %s allocated to %s: %s", rsc->id, assign_to ? assign_to->details->uname : "'nowhere'", reason); native_assign_node(rsc, NULL, assign_to, TRUE); } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_everything)) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Forcing %s to stop", rsc->id); native_assign_node(rsc, NULL, NULL, TRUE); } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional) && native_choose_node(rsc, prefer, data_set)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocated resource %s to %s", rsc->id, rsc->allocated_to->details->uname); } else if (rsc->allocated_to == NULL) { if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Resource %s cannot run anywhere", rsc->id); } else if (rsc->running_on != NULL) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Stopping orphan resource %s", rsc->id); } } else { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Pre-Allocated resource %s to %s", rsc->id, rsc->allocated_to->details->uname); } clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating); print_resource(LOG_DEBUG_3, "Allocated ", rsc, TRUE); if (rsc->is_remote_node) { node_t *remote_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id); CRM_ASSERT(remote_node != NULL); if (rsc->allocated_to && rsc->next_role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { crm_trace("Setting remote node %s to ONLINE", remote_node->details->id); remote_node->details->online = TRUE; /* We shouldn't consider an unseen remote-node unclean if we are going * to try and connect to it. Otherwise we get an unnecessary fence */ if (remote_node->details->unseen == TRUE) { remote_node->details->unclean = FALSE; } } else { crm_trace("Setting remote node %s to SHUTDOWN. next role = %s, allocated=%s", remote_node->details->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), rsc->allocated_to ? "true" : "false"); remote_node->details->shutdown = TRUE; } } return rsc->allocated_to; } static gboolean is_op_dup(resource_t * rsc, const char *name, const char *interval) { gboolean dup = FALSE; const char *id = NULL; const char *value = NULL; xmlNode *operation = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL; operation = __xml_next_element(operation)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) { value = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); if (safe_str_neq(value, name)) { continue; } value = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); if (value == NULL) { value = "0"; } if (safe_str_neq(value, interval)) { continue; } if (id == NULL) { id = ID(operation); } else { crm_config_err("Operation %s is a duplicate of %s", ID(operation), id); crm_config_err ("Do not use the same (name, interval) combination more than once per resource"); dup = TRUE; } } } return dup; } void RecurringOp(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { char *key = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *interval = NULL; const char *node_uname = NULL; unsigned long long interval_ms = 0; action_t *mon = NULL; gboolean is_optional = TRUE; GListPtr possible_matches = NULL; /* Only process for the operations without role="Stopped" */ value = crm_element_value(operation, "role"); if (value && text2role(value) == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { return; } CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring action %s for %s in role %s on %s", ID(operation), rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), node ? node->details->uname : "n/a"); if (node != NULL) { node_uname = node->details->uname; } interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); interval_ms = crm_get_interval(interval); if (interval_ms == 0) { return; } name = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); if (is_op_dup(rsc, name, interval)) { return; } if (safe_str_eq(name, RSC_STOP) || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_START) || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_DEMOTE) || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_PROMOTE) ) { crm_config_err("Invalid recurring action %s wth name: '%s'", ID(operation), name); return; } key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, name, interval_ms); if (find_rsc_op_entry(rsc, key) == NULL) { /* disabled */ free(key); return; } if (start != NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s %s due to %s", key, is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional) ? "optional" : "mandatory", start->uuid); is_optional = (rsc->cmds->action_flags(start, NULL) & pe_action_optional); } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s optional", key); is_optional = TRUE; } /* start a monitor for an already active resource */ possible_matches = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, node); if (possible_matches == NULL) { is_optional = FALSE; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s mandatory: not active", key); } else { GListPtr gIter = NULL; for (gIter = possible_matches; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *op = (action_t *) gIter->data; if (is_set(op->flags, pe_action_reschedule)) { is_optional = FALSE; break; } } g_list_free(possible_matches); } if ((rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER && value == NULL) || (value != NULL && text2role(value) != rsc->next_role)) { int log_level = LOG_DEBUG_2; const char *result = "Ignoring"; if (is_optional) { char *local_key = strdup(key); log_level = LOG_INFO; result = "Cancelling"; /* it's running : cancel it */ mon = custom_action(rsc, local_key, RSC_CANCEL, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set); free(mon->task); free(mon->cancel_task); mon->task = strdup(RSC_CANCEL); mon->cancel_task = strdup(name); add_hash_param(mon->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, interval); add_hash_param(mon->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK, name); local_key = NULL; switch (rsc->role) { case RSC_ROLE_SLAVE: case RSC_ROLE_STARTED: if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { local_key = promote_key(rsc); } else if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { local_key = stop_key(rsc); } break; case RSC_ROLE_MASTER: local_key = demote_key(rsc); break; default: break; } if (local_key) { custom_action_order(rsc, NULL, mon, rsc, local_key, NULL, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } mon = NULL; } do_crm_log(log_level, "%s action %s (%s vs. %s)", result, key, value ? value : role2text(RSC_ROLE_SLAVE), role2text(rsc->next_role)); free(key); return; } mon = custom_action(rsc, key, name, node, is_optional, TRUE, data_set); key = mon->uuid; if (is_optional) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s\t %s (optional)", crm_str(node_uname), mon->uuid); } if (start == NULL || is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t %s (cancelled : start un-runnable)", crm_str(node_uname), mon->uuid); update_action_flags(mon, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); } else if (node == NULL || node->details->online == FALSE || node->details->unclean) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t %s (cancelled : no node available)", crm_str(node_uname), mon->uuid); update_action_flags(mon, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); } else if (is_set(mon->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, " Start recurring %s (%llus) for %s on %s", mon->task, interval_ms / 1000, rsc->id, crm_str(node_uname)); } if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { char *running_master = crm_itoa(PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER); add_hash_param(mon->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, running_master); free(running_master); } if (node == NULL || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { custom_action_order(rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL, NULL, strdup(key), mon, pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); custom_action_order(rsc, reload_key(rsc), NULL, NULL, strdup(key), mon, pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { custom_action_order(rsc, promote_key(rsc), NULL, rsc, NULL, mon, pe_order_optional | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { custom_action_order(rsc, demote_key(rsc), NULL, rsc, NULL, mon, pe_order_optional | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } } } void Recurring(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance) && (node == NULL || node->details->maintenance == FALSE)) { xmlNode *operation = NULL; for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL; operation = __xml_next_element(operation)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) { RecurringOp(rsc, start, node, operation, data_set); } } } } void RecurringOp_Stopped(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { char *key = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *role = NULL; const char *interval = NULL; const char *node_uname = NULL; unsigned long long interval_ms = 0; GListPtr possible_matches = NULL; GListPtr gIter = NULL; /* TODO: Support of non-unique clone */ if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique) == FALSE) { return; } /* Only process for the operations with role="Stopped" */ role = crm_element_value(operation, "role"); if (role == NULL || text2role(role) != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { return; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring actions %s for %s in role %s on nodes where it'll not be running", ID(operation), rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role)); if (node != NULL) { node_uname = node->details->uname; } interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); interval_ms = crm_get_interval(interval); if (interval_ms == 0) { return; } name = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); if (is_op_dup(rsc, name, interval)) { return; } if (safe_str_eq(name, RSC_STOP) || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_START) || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_DEMOTE) || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_PROMOTE) ) { crm_config_err("Invalid recurring action %s wth name: '%s'", ID(operation), name); return; } key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, name, interval_ms); if (find_rsc_op_entry(rsc, key) == NULL) { /* disabled */ free(key); return; } /* if the monitor exists on the node where the resource will be running, cancel it */ if (node != NULL) { possible_matches = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, node); if (possible_matches) { action_t *cancel_op = NULL; char *local_key = strdup(key); g_list_free(possible_matches); cancel_op = custom_action(rsc, local_key, RSC_CANCEL, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set); free(cancel_op->task); free(cancel_op->cancel_task); cancel_op->task = strdup(RSC_CANCEL); cancel_op->cancel_task = strdup(name); add_hash_param(cancel_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, interval); add_hash_param(cancel_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK, name); local_key = NULL; if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED || rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) { /* rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED: cancel the monitor before start */ /* rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED: for a migration, cancel the monitor on the target node before start */ custom_action_order(rsc, NULL, cancel_op, rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Cancel action %s (%s vs. %s) on %s", key, role, role2text(rsc->next_role), crm_str(node_uname)); } } for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *stop_node = (node_t *) gIter->data; const char *stop_node_uname = stop_node->details->uname; gboolean is_optional = TRUE; gboolean probe_is_optional = TRUE; gboolean stop_is_optional = TRUE; action_t *stopped_mon = NULL; char *rc_inactive = NULL; GListPtr probe_complete_ops = NULL; GListPtr stop_ops = NULL; GListPtr local_gIter = NULL; char *stop_op_key = NULL; if (node_uname && safe_str_eq(stop_node_uname, node_uname)) { continue; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring action %s for %s on %s", ID(operation), rsc->id, crm_str(stop_node_uname)); /* start a monitor for an already stopped resource */ possible_matches = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, stop_node); if (possible_matches == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s mandatory on %s: not active", key, crm_str(stop_node_uname)); is_optional = FALSE; } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s optional on %s: already active", key, crm_str(stop_node_uname)); is_optional = TRUE; g_list_free(possible_matches); } stopped_mon = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), name, stop_node, is_optional, TRUE, data_set); rc_inactive = crm_itoa(PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING); add_hash_param(stopped_mon->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, rc_inactive); free(rc_inactive); if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { char *probe_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS, 0); GListPtr probes = find_actions(rsc->actions, probe_key, stop_node); GListPtr pIter = NULL; for (pIter = probes; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { action_t *probe = (action_t *) pIter->data; order_actions(probe, stopped_mon, pe_order_runnable_left); crm_trace("%s then %s on %s", probe->uuid, stopped_mon->uuid, stop_node->details->uname); } g_list_free(probes); free(probe_key); } if (probe_complete_ops) { g_list_free(probe_complete_ops); } stop_op_key = stop_key(rsc); stop_ops = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, stop_op_key, stop_node); for (local_gIter = stop_ops; local_gIter != NULL; local_gIter = local_gIter->next) { action_t *stop = (action_t *) local_gIter->data; if (is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) { stop_is_optional = FALSE; } if (is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) { crm_debug("%s\t %s (cancelled : stop un-runnable)", crm_str(stop_node_uname), stopped_mon->uuid); update_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); } if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { custom_action_order(rsc, strdup(stop_op_key), stop, NULL, strdup(key), stopped_mon, pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } } if (stop_ops) { g_list_free(stop_ops); } free(stop_op_key); if (is_optional == FALSE && probe_is_optional && stop_is_optional && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s optional on %s due to unmanaged", key, crm_str(stop_node_uname)); update_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_optional, __FUNCTION__); } if (is_set(stopped_mon->flags, pe_action_optional)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s\t %s (optional)", crm_str(stop_node_uname), stopped_mon->uuid); } if (stop_node->details->online == FALSE || stop_node->details->unclean) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t %s (cancelled : no node available)", crm_str(stop_node_uname), stopped_mon->uuid); update_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); } if (is_set(stopped_mon->flags, pe_action_runnable) && is_set(stopped_mon->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) { crm_notice(" Start recurring %s (%llus) for %s on %s", stopped_mon->task, interval_ms / 1000, rsc->id, crm_str(stop_node_uname)); } } free(key); } void Recurring_Stopped(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance) && (node == NULL || node->details->maintenance == FALSE)) { xmlNode *operation = NULL; for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL; operation = __xml_next_element(operation)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) { RecurringOp_Stopped(rsc, start, node, operation, data_set); } } } } static void handle_migration_actions(resource_t * rsc, node_t *current, node_t *chosen, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { action_t *migrate_to = NULL; action_t *migrate_from = NULL; action_t *start = NULL; action_t *stop = NULL; gboolean partial = rsc->partial_migration_target ? TRUE : FALSE; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing migration actions %s moving from %s to %s . partial migration = %s", rsc->id, current->details->id, chosen->details->id, partial ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE); stop = stop_action(rsc, current, TRUE); if (partial == FALSE) { migrate_to = custom_action(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), RSC_MIGRATE, current, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); } migrate_from = custom_action(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), RSC_MIGRATED, chosen, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); if ((migrate_to && migrate_from) || (migrate_from && partial)) { set_bit(start->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable); set_bit(stop->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable); update_action_flags(start, pe_action_pseudo, __FUNCTION__); /* easier than trying to delete it from the graph */ /* order probes before migrations */ if (partial) { set_bit(migrate_from->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable); migrate_from->needs = start->needs; custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0), NULL, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set); } else { set_bit(migrate_from->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable); set_bit(migrate_to->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable); migrate_to->needs = start->needs; custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0), NULL, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set); custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), NULL, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional | pe_order_implies_first_migratable, data_set); } custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional | pe_order_implies_first_migratable, data_set); custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional | pe_order_implies_first_migratable | pe_order_pseudo_left, data_set); } if (migrate_to) { add_hash_param(migrate_to->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE, current->details->uname); add_hash_param(migrate_to->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET, chosen->details->uname); /* pcmk remote connections don't require pending to be recorded in cib. * We can optimize cib writes by only setting PENDING for non pcmk remote * connection resources */ if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) { /* migrate_to takes place on the source node, but can * have an effect on the target node depending on how * the agent is written. Because of this, we have to maintain * a record that the migrate_to occurred incase the source node * loses membership while the migrate_to action is still in-flight. */ add_hash_param(migrate_to->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_PENDING, "true"); } } if (migrate_from) { add_hash_param(migrate_from->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE, current->details->uname); add_hash_param(migrate_from->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET, chosen->details->uname); } } void native_create_actions(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { action_t *start = NULL; node_t *chosen = NULL; node_t *current = NULL; gboolean need_stop = FALSE; gboolean is_moving = FALSE; gboolean allow_migrate = is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate) ? TRUE : FALSE; GListPtr gIter = NULL; int num_active_nodes = 0; enum rsc_role_e role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; enum rsc_role_e next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); chosen = rsc->allocated_to; if (chosen != NULL && rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Fixed next_role: unknown -> %s", role2text(rsc->next_role)); } else if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Fixed next_role: unknown -> %s", role2text(rsc->next_role)); } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing state transition for %s %p: %s->%s", rsc->id, rsc, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role)); if (rsc->running_on) { current = rsc->running_on->data; } for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *n = (node_t *) gIter->data; if (rsc->partial_migration_source && (n->details == rsc->partial_migration_source->details)) { current = rsc->partial_migration_source; } num_active_nodes++; } for (gIter = rsc->dangling_migrations; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *current = (node_t *) gIter->data; action_t *stop = stop_action(rsc, current, FALSE); set_bit(stop->flags, pe_action_dangle); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Forcing a cleanup of %s on %s", rsc->id, current->details->uname); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_remove_after_stop)) { DeleteRsc(rsc, current, FALSE, data_set); } } if (num_active_nodes > 1) { if (num_active_nodes == 2 && chosen && rsc->partial_migration_target && rsc->partial_migration_source && (current->details == rsc->partial_migration_source->details) && (chosen->details == rsc->partial_migration_target->details)) { /* Here the chosen node is still the migration target from a partial * migration. Attempt to continue the migration instead of recovering * by stopping the resource everywhere and starting it on a single node. */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Will attempt to continue with a partial migration to target %s from %s", rsc->partial_migration_target->details->id, rsc->partial_migration_source->details->id); } else { const char *type = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE); const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); if(rsc->partial_migration_target && rsc->partial_migration_source) { crm_notice("Resource %s can no longer migrate to %s. Stopping on %s too", rsc->id, rsc->partial_migration_target->details->uname, rsc->partial_migration_source->details->uname); } else { pe_proc_err("Resource %s (%s::%s) is active on %d nodes %s", rsc->id, class, type, num_active_nodes, recovery2text(rsc->recovery_type)); crm_warn("See %s for more information.", "http://clusterlabs.org/wiki/FAQ#Resource_is_Too_Active"); } if (rsc->recovery_type == recovery_stop_start) { need_stop = TRUE; } /* If by chance a partial migration is in process, * but the migration target is not chosen still, clear all * partial migration data. */ rsc->partial_migration_source = rsc->partial_migration_target = NULL; allow_migrate = FALSE; } } if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending)) { start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE); set_bit(start->flags, pe_action_print_always); } if (current && chosen && current->details != chosen->details) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Moving %s", rsc->id); is_moving = TRUE; need_stop = TRUE; } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Recovering %s", rsc->id); need_stop = TRUE; } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Block %s", rsc->id); need_stop = TRUE; } else if (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_STARTED && current != NULL && chosen != NULL) { /* Recovery of a promoted resource */ start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE); if (is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Forced start %s", rsc->id); need_stop = TRUE; } } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating actions for %s: %s->%s", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role)); + /* Create any additional actions required when bringing resource down and + * back up to same level. + */ role = rsc->role; - /* Potentiall optional steps on brining the resource down and back up to the same level */ while (role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { next_role = rsc_state_matrix[role][RSC_ROLE_STOPPED]; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Down: Executing: %s->%s (%s)%s", role2text(role), role2text(next_role), rsc->id, need_stop ? " required" : ""); if (rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role] (rsc, current, !need_stop, data_set) == FALSE) { break; } role = next_role; } while (rsc->role <= rsc->next_role && role != rsc->role && is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) { next_role = rsc_state_matrix[role][rsc->role]; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Up: Executing: %s->%s (%s)%s", role2text(role), role2text(next_role), rsc->id, need_stop ? " required" : ""); if (rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role] (rsc, chosen, !need_stop, data_set) == FALSE) { break; } role = next_role; } role = rsc->role; /* Required steps from this role to the next */ while (role != rsc->next_role) { next_role = rsc_state_matrix[role][rsc->next_role]; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Role: Executing: %s->%s = (%s)", role2text(role), role2text(next_role), rsc->id); if (rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role] (rsc, chosen, FALSE, data_set) == FALSE) { break; } role = next_role; } if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "No monitor additional ops for blocked resource"); } else if (rsc->next_role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Monitor ops for active resource"); start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE); Recurring(rsc, start, chosen, data_set); Recurring_Stopped(rsc, start, chosen, data_set); } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Monitor ops for in-active resource"); Recurring_Stopped(rsc, NULL, NULL, data_set); } /* if we are stuck in a partial migration, where the target * of the partial migration no longer matches the chosen target. * A full stop/start is required */ if (rsc->partial_migration_target && (chosen == NULL || rsc->partial_migration_target->details != chosen->details)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Not allowing partial migration to continue. %s", rsc->id); allow_migrate = FALSE; } else if (is_moving == FALSE || is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending) || (current->details->unclean == TRUE) || rsc->next_role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) { allow_migrate = FALSE; } if (allow_migrate) { handle_migration_actions(rsc, current, chosen, data_set); } } static void rsc_avoids_remote_nodes(resource_t *rsc) { GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { if (node->details->remote_rsc) { node->weight = -INFINITY; } } } void native_internal_constraints(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { /* This function is on the critical path and worth optimizing as much as possible */ resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc); int type = pe_order_optional | pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_restart; gboolean is_stonith = is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device); custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, type, data_set); if (top->variant == pe_master || rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) { custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_DEMOTE, 0), NULL, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, pe_order_implies_first_master, data_set); custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_PROMOTE, 0), NULL, pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } if (is_stonith == FALSE && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing) && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing)) { /* Check if the node needs to be unfenced first */ node_t *node = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", TRUE, data_set); crm_debug("Ordering any stops of %s before %s, and any starts after", rsc->id, unfence->uuid); /* * It would be more efficient to order clone resources once, * rather than order each instance, but ordering the instance * allows us to avoid unnecessary dependencies that might conflict * with user constraints. * * @TODO: This constraint can still produce a transition loop if the * resource has a stop scheduled on the node being unfenced, and * there is a user ordering constraint to start some other resource * (which will be ordered after the unfence) before stopping this * resource. An example is "start some slow-starting cloned service * before stopping an associated virtual IP that may be moving to * it": * stop this -> unfencing -> start that -> stop this */ custom_action_order(rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL, NULL, strdup(unfence->uuid), unfence, pe_order_optional|pe_order_same_node, data_set); custom_action_order(NULL, strdup(unfence->uuid), unfence, rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL, pe_order_implies_then_on_node|pe_order_same_node, data_set); } } if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping fencing constraints for unmanaged resource: %s", rsc->id); return; } { action_t *all_stopped = get_pseudo_op(ALL_STOPPED, data_set); custom_action_order(rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL, NULL, strdup(all_stopped->task), all_stopped, pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); } if (g_hash_table_size(rsc->utilization) > 0 && safe_str_neq(data_set->placement_strategy, "default")) { GHashTableIter iter; node_t *next = NULL; GListPtr gIter = NULL; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating utilization constraints for %s - strategy: %s", rsc->id, data_set->placement_strategy); for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *current = (node_t *) gIter->data; char *load_stopped_task = crm_concat(LOAD_STOPPED, current->details->uname, '_'); action_t *load_stopped = get_pseudo_op(load_stopped_task, data_set); if (load_stopped->node == NULL) { load_stopped->node = node_copy(current); update_action_flags(load_stopped, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); } custom_action_order(rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL, NULL, load_stopped_task, load_stopped, pe_order_load, data_set); } g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&next)) { char *load_stopped_task = crm_concat(LOAD_STOPPED, next->details->uname, '_'); action_t *load_stopped = get_pseudo_op(load_stopped_task, data_set); if (load_stopped->node == NULL) { load_stopped->node = node_copy(next); update_action_flags(load_stopped, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); } custom_action_order(NULL, strdup(load_stopped_task), load_stopped, rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL, pe_order_load, data_set); custom_action_order(NULL, strdup(load_stopped_task), load_stopped, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), NULL, pe_order_load, data_set); free(load_stopped_task); } } if (rsc->container) { resource_t *remote_rsc = NULL; /* find out if the container is associated with remote node connection resource */ if (rsc->container->is_remote_node) { remote_rsc = rsc->container; } else if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) { remote_rsc = rsc_contains_remote_node(data_set, rsc->container); } /* if the container is a remote-node, force the resource within the container * instead of colocating the resource with the container. */ if (remote_rsc) { GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { if (node->details->remote_rsc != remote_rsc) { node->weight = -INFINITY; } } } else { crm_trace("Generating order and colocation rules for rsc %s with container %s", rsc->id, rsc->container->id); custom_action_order(rsc->container, generate_op_key(rsc->container->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set); custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, rsc->container, generate_op_key(rsc->container->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, pe_order_implies_first, data_set); rsc_colocation_new("resource-with-container", NULL, INFINITY, rsc, rsc->container, NULL, NULL, data_set); } } if (rsc->is_remote_node || is_stonith) { /* don't allow remote nodes to run stonith devices * or remote connection resources.*/ rsc_avoids_remote_nodes(rsc); } /* If this rsc is a remote connection resource associated * with a container ( which will most likely be a virtual guest ) * do not allow the container to live on any remote-nodes. * remote-nodes managing nested remote-nodes should not be allowed. */ if (rsc->is_remote_node && rsc->container) { rsc_avoids_remote_nodes(rsc->container); } } void native_rsc_colocation_lh(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t * constraint) { if (rsc_lh == NULL) { pe_err("rsc_lh was NULL for %s", constraint->id); return; } else if (constraint->rsc_rh == NULL) { pe_err("rsc_rh was NULL for %s", constraint->id); return; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "Processing colocation constraint between %s and %s", rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id); rsc_rh->cmds->rsc_colocation_rh(rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint); } enum filter_colocation_res filter_colocation_constraint(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t * constraint, gboolean preview) { if (constraint->score == 0) { return influence_nothing; } /* rh side must be allocated before we can process constraint */ if (preview == FALSE && is_set(rsc_rh->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { return influence_nothing; } if ((constraint->role_lh >= RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) && rsc_lh->parent && rsc_lh->parent->variant == pe_master && is_not_set(rsc_lh->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { /* LH and RH resources have already been allocated, place the correct * priority oh LH rsc for the given multistate resource role */ return influence_rsc_priority; } if (preview == FALSE && is_not_set(rsc_lh->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) { /* error check */ struct node_shared_s *details_lh; struct node_shared_s *details_rh; if ((constraint->score > -INFINITY) && (constraint->score < INFINITY)) { return influence_nothing; } details_rh = rsc_rh->allocated_to ? rsc_rh->allocated_to->details : NULL; details_lh = rsc_lh->allocated_to ? rsc_lh->allocated_to->details : NULL; if (constraint->score == INFINITY && details_lh != details_rh) { crm_err("%s and %s are both allocated" " but to different nodes: %s vs. %s", rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id, details_lh ? details_lh->uname : "n/a", details_rh ? details_rh->uname : "n/a"); } else if (constraint->score == -INFINITY && details_lh == details_rh) { crm_err("%s and %s are both allocated" " but to the SAME node: %s", rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id, details_rh ? details_rh->uname : "n/a"); } return influence_nothing; } if (constraint->score > 0 && constraint->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_lh != rsc_lh->next_role) { crm_trace("LH: Skipping constraint: \"%s\" state filter nextrole is %s", role2text(constraint->role_lh), role2text(rsc_lh->next_role)); return influence_nothing; } if (constraint->score > 0 && constraint->role_rh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_rh != rsc_rh->next_role) { crm_trace("RH: Skipping constraint: \"%s\" state filter", role2text(constraint->role_rh)); return FALSE; } if (constraint->score < 0 && constraint->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_lh == rsc_lh->next_role) { crm_trace("LH: Skipping -ve constraint: \"%s\" state filter", role2text(constraint->role_lh)); return influence_nothing; } if (constraint->score < 0 && constraint->role_rh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_rh == rsc_rh->next_role) { crm_trace("RH: Skipping -ve constraint: \"%s\" state filter", role2text(constraint->role_rh)); return influence_nothing; } return influence_rsc_location; } static void influence_priority(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t * constraint) { const char *rh_value = NULL; const char *lh_value = NULL; const char *attribute = "#id"; int score_multiplier = 1; if (constraint->node_attribute != NULL) { attribute = constraint->node_attribute; } if (!rsc_rh->allocated_to || !rsc_lh->allocated_to) { return; } lh_value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_lh->allocated_to->details->attrs, attribute); rh_value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_rh->allocated_to->details->attrs, attribute); if (!safe_str_eq(lh_value, rh_value)) { if(constraint->score == INFINITY && constraint->role_lh == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { rsc_lh->priority = -INFINITY; } return; } if (constraint->role_rh && (constraint->role_rh != rsc_rh->next_role)) { return; } if (constraint->role_lh == RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) { score_multiplier = -1; } rsc_lh->priority = merge_weights(score_multiplier * constraint->score, rsc_lh->priority); } static void colocation_match(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t * constraint) { const char *tmp = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *attribute = "#id"; GHashTable *work = NULL; gboolean do_check = FALSE; GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node = NULL; if (constraint->node_attribute != NULL) { attribute = constraint->node_attribute; } if (rsc_rh->allocated_to) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_rh->allocated_to->details->attrs, attribute); do_check = TRUE; } else if (constraint->score < 0) { /* nothing to do: * anti-colocation with something thats not running */ return; } work = node_hash_dup(rsc_lh->allowed_nodes); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, work); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { tmp = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, attribute); if (do_check && safe_str_eq(tmp, value)) { if (constraint->score < INFINITY) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%s: %s.%s += %d", constraint->id, rsc_lh->id, node->details->uname, constraint->score); node->weight = merge_weights(constraint->score, node->weight); } } else if (do_check == FALSE || constraint->score >= INFINITY) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%s: %s.%s -= %d (%s)", constraint->id, rsc_lh->id, node->details->uname, constraint->score, do_check ? "failed" : "unallocated"); node->weight = merge_weights(-constraint->score, node->weight); } } if (can_run_any(work) || constraint->score <= -INFINITY || constraint->score >= INFINITY) { g_hash_table_destroy(rsc_lh->allowed_nodes); rsc_lh->allowed_nodes = work; work = NULL; } else { static char score[33]; score2char_stack(constraint->score, score, sizeof(score)); pe_rsc_info(rsc_lh, "%s: Rolling back scores from %s (%d, %s)", rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id, do_check, score); } if (work) { g_hash_table_destroy(work); } } void native_rsc_colocation_rh(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t * constraint) { enum filter_colocation_res filter_results; CRM_ASSERT(rsc_lh); CRM_ASSERT(rsc_rh); filter_results = filter_colocation_constraint(rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint, FALSE); pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%sColocating %s with %s (%s, weight=%d, filter=%d)", constraint->score >= 0 ? "" : "Anti-", rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id, constraint->id, constraint->score, filter_results); switch (filter_results) { case influence_rsc_priority: influence_priority(rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint); break; case influence_rsc_location: pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%sColocating %s with %s (%s, weight=%d)", constraint->score >= 0 ? "" : "Anti-", rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id, constraint->id, constraint->score); colocation_match(rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint); break; case influence_nothing: default: return; } } static gboolean filter_rsc_ticket(resource_t * rsc_lh, rsc_ticket_t * rsc_ticket) { if (rsc_ticket->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && rsc_ticket->role_lh != rsc_lh->role) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "LH: Skipping constraint: \"%s\" state filter", role2text(rsc_ticket->role_lh)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void rsc_ticket_constraint(resource_t * rsc_lh, rsc_ticket_t * rsc_ticket, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if (rsc_ticket == NULL) { pe_err("rsc_ticket was NULL"); return; } if (rsc_lh == NULL) { pe_err("rsc_lh was NULL for %s", rsc_ticket->id); return; } if (rsc_ticket->ticket->granted && rsc_ticket->ticket->standby == FALSE) { return; } if (rsc_lh->children) { GListPtr gIter = rsc_lh->children; pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "Processing ticket dependencies from %s", rsc_lh->id); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; rsc_ticket_constraint(child_rsc, rsc_ticket, data_set); } return; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%s: Processing ticket dependency on %s (%s, %s)", rsc_lh->id, rsc_ticket->ticket->id, rsc_ticket->id, role2text(rsc_ticket->role_lh)); if (rsc_ticket->ticket->granted == FALSE && g_list_length(rsc_lh->running_on) > 0) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; switch (rsc_ticket->loss_policy) { case loss_ticket_stop: resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__loss_of_ticket__", data_set); break; case loss_ticket_demote: /*Promotion score will be set to -INFINITY in master_promotion_order() */ if (rsc_ticket->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__loss_of_ticket__", data_set); } break; case loss_ticket_fence: if (filter_rsc_ticket(rsc_lh, rsc_ticket) == FALSE) { return; } resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__loss_of_ticket__", data_set); for (gIter = rsc_lh->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data; pe_fence_node(data_set, node, "because deadman ticket was lost"); } break; case loss_ticket_freeze: if (filter_rsc_ticket(rsc_lh, rsc_ticket) == FALSE) { return; } if (g_list_length(rsc_lh->running_on) > 0) { clear_bit(rsc_lh->flags, pe_rsc_managed); set_bit(rsc_lh->flags, pe_rsc_block); } break; } } else if (rsc_ticket->ticket->granted == FALSE) { if (rsc_ticket->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_MASTER || rsc_ticket->loss_policy == loss_ticket_stop) { resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__no_ticket__", data_set); } } else if (rsc_ticket->ticket->standby) { if (rsc_ticket->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_MASTER || rsc_ticket->loss_policy == loss_ticket_stop) { resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__ticket_standby__", data_set); } } } enum pe_action_flags native_action_flags(action_t * action, node_t * node) { return action->flags; } enum pe_graph_flags native_update_actions(action_t * first, action_t * then, node_t * node, enum pe_action_flags flags, enum pe_action_flags filter, enum pe_ordering type) { /* flags == get_action_flags(first, then_node) called from update_action() */ enum pe_graph_flags changed = pe_graph_none; enum pe_action_flags then_flags = then->flags; enum pe_action_flags first_flags = first->flags; crm_trace( "Testing %s on %s (0x%.6x) with %s 0x%.6x", first->uuid, first->node ? first->node->details->uname : "[none]", first->flags, then->uuid, then->flags); if (type & pe_order_asymmetrical) { resource_t *then_rsc = then->rsc; enum rsc_role_e then_rsc_role = then_rsc ? then_rsc->fns->state(then_rsc, TRUE) : 0; if (!then_rsc) { /* ignore */ } else if ((then_rsc_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) && safe_str_eq(then->task, RSC_STOP)) { /* ignore... if 'then' is supposed to be stopped after 'first', but * then is already stopped, there is nothing to be done when non-symmetrical. */ } else if ((then_rsc_role >= RSC_ROLE_STARTED) && safe_str_eq(then->task, RSC_START) && then->node && then_rsc->running_on && g_list_length(then_rsc->running_on) == 1 && then->node->details == ((node_t *) then_rsc->running_on->data)->details) { /* ignore... if 'then' is supposed to be started after 'first', but * then is already started, there is nothing to be done when non-symmetrical. */ } else if (!(first->flags & pe_action_runnable)) { /* prevent 'then' action from happening if 'first' is not runnable and * 'then' has not yet occurred. */ pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_runnable); pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_optional); pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset optional and runnable on %s", then->uuid); } else { /* ignore... then is allowed to start/stop if it wants to. */ } } if (type & pe_order_implies_first) { if ((filter & pe_action_optional) && (flags & pe_action_optional) == 0) { pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "Unset optional on %s because of %s", first->uuid, then->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_optional); } if (is_set(flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) && is_set(then->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE && is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "Unset migrate runnable on %s because of %s", first->uuid, then->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_migrate_runnable); } } if (type & pe_order_implies_first_master) { if ((filter & pe_action_optional) && ((then->flags & pe_action_optional) == FALSE) && then->rsc && (then->rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER)) { pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_optional); if (is_set(first->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) && is_set(then->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "Unset migrate runnable on %s because of %s", first->uuid, then->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_migrate_runnable); } pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset optional on %s because of %s", first->uuid, then->uuid); } } if ((type & pe_order_implies_first_migratable) && is_set(filter, pe_action_optional)) { if (((then->flags & pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE) || ((then->flags & pe_action_runnable) == FALSE)) { pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset runnable on %s because %s is neither runnable or migratable", first->uuid, then->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_runnable); } if ((then->flags & pe_action_optional) == 0) { pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset optional on %s because %s is not optional", first->uuid, then->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_optional); } } if ((type & pe_order_pseudo_left) && is_set(filter, pe_action_optional)) { if ((first->flags & pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) { pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_migrate_runnable); pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_pseudo); pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset pseudo on %s because %s is not runnable", then->uuid, first->uuid); } } if (is_set(type, pe_order_runnable_left) && is_set(filter, pe_action_runnable) && is_set(then->flags, pe_action_runnable) && is_set(flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset runnable on %s because of %s", then->uuid, first->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_runnable); pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_migrate_runnable); } if (is_set(type, pe_order_implies_then) && is_set(filter, pe_action_optional) && is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional) && is_set(flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) { /* in this case, treat migrate_runnable as if first is optional */ if (is_set(first->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset optional on %s because of %s", then->uuid, first->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_optional); } } if (is_set(type, pe_order_restart)) { const char *reason = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(first->rsc && first->rsc->variant == pe_native); CRM_ASSERT(then->rsc && then->rsc->variant == pe_native); if ((filter & pe_action_runnable) && (then->flags & pe_action_runnable) == 0 && (then->rsc->flags & pe_rsc_managed)) { reason = "shutdown"; } if ((filter & pe_action_optional) && (then->flags & pe_action_optional) == 0) { reason = "recover"; } if (reason && is_set(first->flags, pe_action_optional)) { if (is_set(first->flags, pe_action_runnable) || is_not_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional)) { pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "Handling %s: %s -> %s", reason, first->uuid, then->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_optional); } } if (reason && is_not_set(first->flags, pe_action_optional) && is_not_set(first->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Handling %s: %s -> %s", reason, first->uuid, then->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_runnable); } if (reason && is_not_set(first->flags, pe_action_optional) && is_set(first->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) && is_not_set(then->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)) { pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_migrate_runnable); } } if (then_flags != then->flags) { changed |= pe_graph_updated_then; pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Then: Flags for %s on %s are now 0x%.6x (was 0x%.6x) because of %s 0x%.6x", then->uuid, then->node ? then->node->details->uname : "[none]", then->flags, then_flags, first->uuid, first->flags); if(then->rsc && then->rsc->parent) { /* "X_stop then X_start" doesn't get handled for cloned groups unless we do this */ update_action(then); } } if (first_flags != first->flags) { changed |= pe_graph_updated_first; pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "First: Flags for %s on %s are now 0x%.6x (was 0x%.6x) because of %s 0x%.6x", first->uuid, first->node ? first->node->details->uname : "[none]", first->flags, first_flags, then->uuid, then->flags); } return changed; } void native_rsc_location(resource_t * rsc, rsc_to_node_t * constraint) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node = NULL; if (constraint == NULL) { pe_err("Constraint is NULL"); return; } else if (rsc == NULL) { pe_err("LHS of rsc_to_node (%s) is NULL", constraint->id); return; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Applying %s (%s) to %s", constraint->id, role2text(constraint->role_filter), rsc->id); /* take "lifetime" into account */ if (constraint->role_filter > RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_filter != rsc->next_role) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Constraint (%s) is not active (role : %s vs. %s)", constraint->id, role2text(constraint->role_filter), role2text(rsc->next_role)); return; } else if (is_active(constraint) == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Constraint (%s) is not active", constraint->id); return; } if (constraint->node_list_rh == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "RHS of constraint %s is NULL", constraint->id); return; } for (gIter = constraint->node_list_rh; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data; node_t *other_node = NULL; other_node = (node_t *) pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id); if (other_node != NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s + %s: %d + %d", node->details->uname, other_node->details->uname, node->weight, other_node->weight); other_node->weight = merge_weights(other_node->weight, node->weight); } else { other_node = node_copy(node); g_hash_table_insert(rsc->allowed_nodes, (gpointer) other_node->details->id, other_node); } if (other_node->rsc_discover_mode < constraint->discover_mode) { if (constraint->discover_mode == discover_exclusive) { rsc->exclusive_discover = TRUE; } /* exclusive > never > always... always is default */ other_node->rsc_discover_mode = constraint->discover_mode; } } g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s + %s : %d", rsc->id, node->details->uname, node->weight); } } void native_expand(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing actions from %s", rsc->id); for (gIter = rsc->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data; crm_trace("processing action %d for rsc=%s", action->id, rsc->id); graph_element_from_action(action, data_set); } for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; child_rsc->cmds->expand(child_rsc, data_set); } } #define log_change(fmt, args...) do { \ if(terminal) { \ printf(" * "fmt"\n", ##args); \ } else { \ crm_notice(fmt, ##args); \ } \ } while(0) #define STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(lineno) do { \ if(current && current->details->unclean) { \ /* It will be a pseudo op */ \ } else if(stop == NULL) { \ crm_err("%s:%d: No stop action exists for %s", __FUNCTION__, lineno, rsc->id); \ CRM_ASSERT(stop != NULL); \ } else if(is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional)) { \ crm_err("%s:%d: Action %s is still optional", __FUNCTION__, lineno, stop->uuid); \ CRM_ASSERT(is_not_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional)); \ } \ } while(0) void LogActions(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set, gboolean terminal) { node_t *next = NULL; node_t *current = NULL; action_t *stop = NULL; action_t *start = NULL; action_t *demote = NULL; action_t *promote = NULL; char *key = NULL; gboolean moving = FALSE; GListPtr possible_matches = NULL; if (rsc->children) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; LogActions(child_rsc, data_set, terminal); } return; } next = rsc->allocated_to; if (rsc->running_on) { if (g_list_length(rsc->running_on) > 1 && rsc->partial_migration_source) { current = rsc->partial_migration_source; } else { current = rsc->running_on->data; } if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { /* * This can occur when resources are being recovered * We fiddle with the current role in native_create_actions() */ rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; } } if (current == NULL && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { /* Don't log stopped orphans */ return; } if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) || (current == NULL && next == NULL)) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Leave %s\t(%s%s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) ? " unmanaged" : ""); return; } if (current != NULL && next != NULL && safe_str_neq(current->details->id, next->details->id)) { moving = TRUE; } key = start_key(rsc); possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, next); free(key); if (possible_matches) { start = possible_matches->data; g_list_free(possible_matches); } key = stop_key(rsc); if(start == NULL || is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) { possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, NULL); } else { possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, current); } free(key); if (possible_matches) { stop = possible_matches->data; g_list_free(possible_matches); } key = promote_key(rsc); possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, next); free(key); if (possible_matches) { promote = possible_matches->data; g_list_free(possible_matches); } key = demote_key(rsc); possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, next); free(key); if (possible_matches) { demote = possible_matches->data; g_list_free(possible_matches); } if (rsc->role == rsc->next_role) { action_t *migrate_to = NULL; key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0); possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, next); free(key); if (possible_matches) { migrate_to = possible_matches->data; } CRM_CHECK(next != NULL,); if (next == NULL) { } else if (migrate_to && is_set(migrate_to->flags, pe_action_runnable) && current) { log_change("Migrate %s\t(%s %s -> %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), current->details->uname, next->details->uname); } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_reload)) { log_change("Reload %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname); } else if (start == NULL || is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional)) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Leave %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname); } else if (start && is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) { log_change("Stop %s\t(%s %s%s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), current?current->details->uname:"N/A", stop && is_not_set(stop->flags, pe_action_runnable) ? " - blocked" : ""); STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); } else if (moving && current) { log_change("%s %s\t(%s %s -> %s)", is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) ? "Recover" : "Move ", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), current->details->uname, next->details->uname); } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { log_change("Recover %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname); STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); } else { log_change("Restart %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname); /* STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); False positive for migrate-fail-7 */ } g_list_free(possible_matches); return; } if (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_SLAVE && rsc->role > rsc->next_role) { CRM_CHECK(current != NULL,); if (current != NULL) { gboolean allowed = FALSE; if (demote != NULL && (demote->flags & pe_action_runnable)) { allowed = TRUE; } log_change("Demote %s\t(%s -> %s %s%s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role), current->details->uname, allowed ? "" : " - blocked"); if (stop != NULL && is_not_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional) && rsc->next_role > RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && moving == FALSE) { if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { log_change("Recover %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname); STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_reload)) { log_change("Reload %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname); } else { log_change("Restart %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), next->details->uname); STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); } } } } else if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; CRM_CHECK(current != NULL,); key = stop_key(rsc); for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data; action_t *stop_op = NULL; gboolean allowed = FALSE; possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, node); if (possible_matches) { stop_op = possible_matches->data; g_list_free(possible_matches); } if (stop_op && (stop_op->flags & pe_action_runnable)) { STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); allowed = TRUE; } log_change("Stop %s\t(%s%s)", rsc->id, node->details->uname, allowed ? "" : " - blocked"); } free(key); } if (moving) { log_change("Move %s\t(%s %s -> %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), current->details->uname, next->details->uname); STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); } if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { gboolean allowed = FALSE; if (start && (start->flags & pe_action_runnable)) { allowed = TRUE; } CRM_CHECK(next != NULL,); if (next != NULL) { log_change("Start %s\t(%s%s)", rsc->id, next->details->uname, allowed ? "" : " - blocked"); } if (allowed == FALSE) { return; } } if (rsc->next_role > RSC_ROLE_SLAVE && rsc->role < rsc->next_role) { gboolean allowed = FALSE; CRM_LOG_ASSERT(next); if (stop != NULL && is_not_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional) && rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { log_change("Recover %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next?next->details->uname:NULL); STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_reload)) { log_change("Reload %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next?next->details->uname:NULL); STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); } else { log_change("Restart %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next?next->details->uname:NULL); STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); } } if (promote && (promote->flags & pe_action_runnable)) { allowed = TRUE; } log_change("Promote %s\t(%s -> %s %s%s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role), next?next->details->uname:NULL, allowed ? "" : " - blocked"); } } gboolean StopRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s", rsc->id); for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *current = (node_t *) gIter->data; action_t *stop; if (rsc->partial_migration_target) { if (rsc->partial_migration_target->details == current->details) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Filtered %s -> %s %s", current->details->uname, next->details->uname, rsc->id); continue; } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Forced on %s %s", current->details->uname, rsc->id); optional = FALSE; } } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s", rsc->id, current->details->uname); stop = stop_action(rsc, current, optional); if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { update_action_flags(stop, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); } if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_remove_after_stop)) { DeleteRsc(rsc, current, optional, data_set); } } return TRUE; } gboolean StartRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { action_t *start = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s %d", rsc->id, next ? next->details->uname : "N/A", optional); start = start_action(rsc, next, TRUE); if (is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) && optional == FALSE) { update_action_flags(start, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); } return TRUE; } gboolean PromoteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { char *key = NULL; GListPtr gIter = NULL; gboolean runnable = TRUE; GListPtr action_list = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); CRM_CHECK(next != NULL, return FALSE); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s", rsc->id, next->details->uname); key = start_key(rsc); action_list = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, next); free(key); for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *start = (action_t *) gIter->data; if (is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) { runnable = FALSE; } } g_list_free(action_list); if (runnable) { promote_action(rsc, next, optional); return TRUE; } pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\tPromote %s (canceled)", next->details->uname, rsc->id); key = promote_key(rsc); action_list = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, next); free(key); for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *promote = (action_t *) gIter->data; update_action_flags(promote, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); } g_list_free(action_list); return TRUE; } gboolean DemoteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s", rsc->id); /* CRM_CHECK(rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_SLAVE, return FALSE); */ for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *current = (node_t *) gIter->data; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s", rsc->id, next ? next->details->uname : "N/A"); demote_action(rsc, current, optional); } return TRUE; } gboolean RoleError(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { CRM_ASSERT(rsc); crm_err("%s on %s", rsc->id, next ? next->details->uname : "N/A"); CRM_CHECK(FALSE, return FALSE); return FALSE; } gboolean NullOp(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s", rsc->id); return FALSE; } gboolean DeleteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s not deleted from %s: failed", rsc->id, node->details->uname); return FALSE; } else if (node == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s not deleted: NULL node", rsc->id); return FALSE; } else if (node->details->unclean || node->details->online == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s not deleted from %s: unrunnable", rsc->id, node->details->uname); return FALSE; } crm_notice("Removing %s from %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); delete_action(rsc, node, optional); new_rsc_order(rsc, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_DELETE, optional ? pe_order_implies_then : pe_order_optional, data_set); new_rsc_order(rsc, RSC_DELETE, rsc, RSC_START, optional ? pe_order_implies_then : pe_order_optional, data_set); return TRUE; } #include <../lib/pengine/unpack.h> #define set_char(x) last_rsc_id[lpc] = x; complete = TRUE; static char * increment_clone(char *last_rsc_id) { int lpc = 0; int len = 0; char *tmp = NULL; gboolean complete = FALSE; CRM_CHECK(last_rsc_id != NULL, return NULL); if (last_rsc_id != NULL) { len = strlen(last_rsc_id); } lpc = len - 1; while (complete == FALSE && lpc > 0) { switch (last_rsc_id[lpc]) { case 0: lpc--; break; case '0': set_char('1'); break; case '1': set_char('2'); break; case '2': set_char('3'); break; case '3': set_char('4'); break; case '4': set_char('5'); break; case '5': set_char('6'); break; case '6': set_char('7'); break; case '7': set_char('8'); break; case '8': set_char('9'); break; case '9': last_rsc_id[lpc] = '0'; lpc--; break; case ':': tmp = last_rsc_id; last_rsc_id = calloc(1, len + 2); memcpy(last_rsc_id, tmp, len); last_rsc_id[++lpc] = '1'; last_rsc_id[len] = '0'; last_rsc_id[len + 1] = 0; complete = TRUE; free(tmp); break; default: crm_err("Unexpected char: %c (%d)", last_rsc_id[lpc], lpc); return NULL; break; } } return last_rsc_id; } static node_t * probe_grouped_clone(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { node_t *running = NULL; resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc); if (running == NULL && is_set(top->flags, pe_rsc_unique) == FALSE) { /* Annoyingly we also need to check any other clone instances * Clumsy, but it will work. * * An alternative would be to update known_on for every peer * during process_rsc_state() * * This code desperately needs optimization * ptest -x with 100 nodes, 100 clones and clone-max=10: * No probes O(25s) * Detection without clone loop O(3m) * Detection with clone loop O(8m) ptest[32211]: 2010/02/18_14:27:55 CRIT: stage5: Probing for unknown resources ptest[32211]: 2010/02/18_14:33:39 CRIT: stage5: Done ptest[32211]: 2010/02/18_14:35:05 CRIT: stage7: Updating action states ptest[32211]: 2010/02/18_14:35:05 CRIT: stage7: Done */ char *clone_id = clone_zero(rsc->id); resource_t *peer = pe_find_resource(top->children, clone_id); while (peer && running == NULL) { running = pe_hash_table_lookup(peer->known_on, node->details->id); if (running != NULL) { /* we already know the status of the resource on this node */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping active clone: %s", rsc->id); free(clone_id); return running; } clone_id = increment_clone(clone_id); peer = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, clone_id); } free(clone_id); } return running; } gboolean native_create_probe(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, action_t * complete, gboolean force, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { enum pe_ordering flags = pe_order_optional; char *key = NULL; action_t *probe = NULL; node_t *running = NULL; node_t *allowed = NULL; resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc); static const char *rc_master = NULL; static const char *rc_inactive = NULL; if (rc_inactive == NULL) { rc_inactive = crm_itoa(PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING); rc_master = crm_itoa(PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER); } CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return FALSE); if (force == FALSE && is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_probes)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping active resource detection for %s", rsc->id); return FALSE; } else if (force == FALSE && is_container_remote_node(node)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping active resource detection for %s on container %s", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } if (is_remote_node(node)) { const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); if (safe_str_eq(class, "stonith")) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, remote-nodes do not run stonith agents.", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } else if (rsc_contains_remote_node(data_set, rsc)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, remote-nodes can not run resources that contain connection resources.", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } else if (rsc->is_remote_node) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, remote-nodes can not run connection resources", rsc->id, node->details->id); return FALSE; } } if (rsc->children) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; gboolean any_created = FALSE; for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; any_created = child_rsc->cmds->create_probe(child_rsc, node, complete, force, data_set) || any_created; } return any_created; } else if (rsc->container) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s: it is within container %s", rsc->id, rsc->container->id); return FALSE; } if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping orphan: %s", rsc->id); return FALSE; } running = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->known_on, node->details->id); if (running == NULL && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique) == FALSE) { /* Anonymous clones */ if (rsc->parent == top) { running = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->parent->known_on, node->details->id); } else { /* Grouped anonymous clones need extra special handling */ running = probe_grouped_clone(rsc, node, data_set); } } if (force == FALSE && running != NULL) { /* we already know the status of the resource on this node */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping active: %s on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); return FALSE; } allowed = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id); if (rsc->exclusive_discover || top->exclusive_discover) { if (allowed == NULL) { /* exclusive discover is enabled and this node is not in the allowed list. */ return FALSE; } else if (allowed->rsc_discover_mode != discover_exclusive) { /* exclusive discover is enabled and this node is not marked * as a node this resource should be discovered on */ return FALSE; } } if (allowed && allowed->rsc_discover_mode == discover_never) { /* this resource is marked as not needing to be discovered on this node */ return FALSE; } key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0); probe = custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_STATUS, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set); update_action_flags(probe, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__); /* If enabled, require unfencing before probing any fence devices * but ensure it happens after any resources that require * unfencing have been probed. * * Doing it the other way (requiring unfencing after probing * resources that need it) would result in the node being * unfenced, and all its resources being stopped, whenever a new * resource is added. Which would be highly suboptimal. * * So essentially, at the point the fencing device(s) have been * probed, we know the state of all resources that require * unfencing and that unfencing occurred. */ if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device) && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) { trigger_unfencing(NULL, node, "node discovery", probe, data_set); probe->priority = INFINITY; /* Ensure this runs if unfencing succeeds */ } else if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing)) { action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", TRUE, data_set); order_actions(probe, unfence, pe_order_optional); } /* * We need to know if it's running_on (not just known_on) this node * to correctly determine the target rc. */ running = pe_find_node_id(rsc->running_on, node->details->id); if (running == NULL) { add_hash_param(probe->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, rc_inactive); } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { add_hash_param(probe->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, rc_master); } crm_debug("Probing %s on %s (%s) %d %p", rsc->id, node->details->uname, role2text(rsc->role), is_set(probe->flags, pe_action_runnable), rsc->running_on); if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device) && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) { top = rsc; } else if (top->variant < pe_clone) { top = rsc; } else { crm_trace("Probing %s on %s (%s) as %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname, role2text(rsc->role), top->id); } if(is_not_set(probe->flags, pe_action_runnable) && rsc->running_on == NULL) { /* Prevent the start from occuring if rsc isn't active, but * don't cause it to stop if it was active already */ flags |= pe_order_runnable_left; } custom_action_order(rsc, NULL, probe, top, generate_op_key(top->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, flags, data_set); /* Before any reloads, if they exist */ custom_action_order(rsc, NULL, probe, top, reload_key(rsc), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set); if (node->details->shutdown == FALSE) { custom_action_order(rsc, NULL, probe, rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set); } if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device) && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) { /* Normally rsc.start depends on probe complete which depends * on rsc.probe. But this can't be the case in this scenario as * it would create graph loops. * * So instead we explicitly order 'rsc.probe then rsc.start' */ } else { order_actions(probe, complete, pe_order_implies_then); } return TRUE; } static void native_start_constraints(resource_t * rsc, action_t * stonith_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { node_t *target; GListPtr gIter = NULL; action_t *all_stopped = get_pseudo_op(ALL_STOPPED, data_set); action_t *stonith_done = get_pseudo_op(STONITH_DONE, data_set); CRM_CHECK(stonith_op && stonith_op->node, return); target = stonith_op->node; for (gIter = rsc->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data; if(action->needs == rsc_req_nothing) { /* Anything other than start or promote requires nothing */ } else if (action->needs == rsc_req_stonith) { order_actions(stonith_done, action, pe_order_optional); } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_START) && NULL == pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->known_on, target->details->id)) { /* if known == NULL, then we don't know if * the resource is active on the node * we're about to shoot * * in this case, regardless of action->needs, * the only safe option is to wait until * the node is shot before doing anything * to with the resource * * it's analogous to waiting for all the probes * for rscX to complete before starting rscX * * the most likely explanation is that the * DC died and took its status with it */ pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Ordering %s after %s recovery", action->uuid, target->details->uname); order_actions(all_stopped, action, pe_order_optional | pe_order_runnable_left); } } } static void native_stop_constraints(resource_t * rsc, action_t * stonith_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { char *key = NULL; GListPtr gIter = NULL; GListPtr action_list = NULL; action_t *start = NULL; resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc); node_t *target; CRM_CHECK(stonith_op && stonith_op->node, return); target = stonith_op->node; /* Check whether the resource has a pending start action */ start = find_first_action(rsc->actions, NULL, CRMD_ACTION_START, NULL); /* Get a list of stop actions potentially implied by the fencing */ key = stop_key(rsc); action_list = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, target); free(key); for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data; if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { crm_notice("Stop of failed resource %s is implicit after %s is fenced", rsc->id, target->details->uname); } else { crm_info("%s is implicit after %s is fenced", action->uuid, target->details->uname); } /* The stop would never complete and is now implied by the fencing, * so convert it into a pseudo-action. */ update_action_flags(action, pe_action_pseudo, __FUNCTION__); update_action_flags(action, pe_action_runnable, __FUNCTION__); update_action_flags(action, pe_action_implied_by_stonith, __FUNCTION__); if(start == NULL || start->needs > rsc_req_quorum) { enum pe_ordering flags = pe_order_optional; action_t *parent_stop = find_first_action(top->actions, NULL, RSC_STOP, NULL); if (target->details->remote_rsc) { /* User constraints must not order a resource in a guest node * relative to the guest node container resource. This flag * marks constraints as generated by the cluster and thus * immune to that check. */ flags |= pe_order_preserve; } order_actions(stonith_op, action, flags); order_actions(stonith_op, parent_stop, flags); } if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_notify)) { /* Create a second notification that will be delivered * immediately after the node is fenced * * Basic problem: * - C is a clone active on the node to be shot and stopping on another * - R is a resource that depends on C * * + C.stop depends on R.stop * + C.stopped depends on STONITH * + C.notify depends on C.stopped * + C.healthy depends on C.notify * + R.stop depends on C.healthy * * The extra notification here changes * + C.healthy depends on C.notify * into: * + C.healthy depends on C.notify' * + C.notify' depends on STONITH' * thus breaking the loop */ create_secondary_notification(action, rsc, stonith_op, data_set); } /* From Bug #1601, successful fencing must be an input to a failed resources stop action. However given group(rA, rB) running on nodeX and B.stop has failed, A := stop healthy resource (rA.stop) B := stop failed resource (pseudo operation B.stop) C := stonith nodeX A requires B, B requires C, C requires A This loop would prevent the cluster from making progress. This block creates the "C requires A" dependency and therefore must (at least for now) be disabled. Instead, run the block above and treat all resources on nodeX as B would be (marked as a pseudo op depending on the STONITH). TODO: Break the "A requires B" dependency in update_action() and re-enable this block } else if(is_stonith == FALSE) { crm_info("Moving healthy resource %s" " off %s before fencing", rsc->id, node->details->uname); * stop healthy resources before the * stonith op * custom_action_order( rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL, NULL,strdup(CRM_OP_FENCE),stonith_op, pe_order_optional, data_set); */ } g_list_free(action_list); /* Get a list of demote actions potentially implied by the fencing */ key = demote_key(rsc); action_list = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, target); free(key); for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data; if (action->node->details->online == FALSE || action->node->details->unclean == TRUE || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Demote of failed resource %s is implicit after %s is fenced", rsc->id, target->details->uname); } else { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s is implicit after %s is fenced", action->uuid, target->details->uname); } /* The demote would never complete and is now implied by the * fencing, so convert it into a pseudo-action. */ update_action_flags(action, pe_action_pseudo, __FUNCTION__); update_action_flags(action, pe_action_runnable, __FUNCTION__); if (start == NULL || start->needs > rsc_req_quorum) { order_actions(stonith_op, action, pe_order_preserve|pe_order_optional); } } } g_list_free(action_list); } void rsc_stonith_ordering(resource_t * rsc, action_t * stonith_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if (rsc->children) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; rsc_stonith_ordering(child_rsc, stonith_op, data_set); } } else if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping fencing constraints for unmanaged resource: %s", rsc->id); } else { native_start_constraints(rsc, stonith_op, data_set); native_stop_constraints(rsc, stonith_op, data_set); } } enum stack_activity { stack_stable = 0, stack_starting = 1, stack_stopping = 2, stack_middle = 4, }; static action_t * get_first_named_action(resource_t * rsc, const char *action, gboolean only_valid, node_t * current) { action_t *a = NULL; GListPtr action_list = NULL; char *key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, action, 0); action_list = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, current); if (action_list == NULL || action_list->data == NULL) { crm_trace("%s: no %s action", rsc->id, action); free(key); return NULL; } a = action_list->data; g_list_free(action_list); if (only_valid && is_set(a->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) { crm_trace("%s: pseudo", key); a = NULL; } else if (only_valid && is_not_set(a->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { crm_trace("%s: runnable", key); a = NULL; } free(key); return a; } void ReloadRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t *node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; action_t *other = NULL; action_t *reload = NULL; if (rsc->children) { for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; ReloadRsc(child_rsc, node, data_set); } return; } else if (rsc->variant > pe_native) { /* Complex resource with no children */ return; } else if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: unmanaged", rsc->id); return; } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: general resource state: flags=0x%.16llx", rsc->id, rsc->flags); stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE); /* Force a full restart, overkill? */ return; } else if (node == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: not active", rsc->id); return; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing %s", rsc->id); set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_reload); reload = custom_action( rsc, reload_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_RELOAD, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set); /* stop = stop_action(rsc, node, optional); */ other = get_first_named_action(rsc, RSC_STOP, TRUE, node); if (other != NULL) { order_actions(reload, other, pe_order_optional); } other = get_first_named_action(rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, TRUE, node); if (other != NULL) { order_actions(reload, other, pe_order_optional); } } void native_append_meta(resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml) { char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION); resource_t *iso_parent, *last_parent, *parent; if (value) { char *name = NULL; name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION); crm_xml_add(xml, name, value); free(name); } value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE); if (value) { char *name = NULL; name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE); crm_xml_add(xml, name, value); free(name); } for (parent = rsc; parent != NULL; parent = parent->parent) { if (parent->container) { crm_xml_add(xml, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, parent->container->id); } } last_parent = iso_parent = rsc; while (iso_parent != NULL) { char *name = NULL; char *iso = NULL; if (iso_parent->isolation_wrapper == NULL) { last_parent = iso_parent; iso_parent = iso_parent->parent; continue; } /* name of wrapper script this resource is routed through. */ name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_ISOLATION_WRAPPER); crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso_parent->isolation_wrapper); free(name); /* instance name for isolated environment */ name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_ISOLATION_INSTANCE); if (iso_parent->variant >= pe_clone) { /* if isolation is set at the clone/master level, we have to * give this resource the unique isolation instance associated * with the clone child (last_parent)*/ /* Example: cloned group. group is container * clone myclone - iso_parent * group mygroup - last_parent (this is the iso environment) * rsc myrsc1 - rsc * rsc myrsc2 * The group is what is isolated in example1. We have to make * sure myrsc1 and myrsc2 launch in the same isolated environment. * * Example: cloned primitives. rsc primitive is container * clone myclone iso_parent * rsc myrsc1 - last_parent == rsc (this is the iso environment) * The individual cloned primitive instances are isolated */ value = g_hash_table_lookup(last_parent->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION); CRM_ASSERT(value != NULL); iso = crm_concat(crm_element_value(last_parent->xml, XML_ATTR_ID), value, '_'); crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso); free(iso); } else { /* * Example: cloned group of containers * clone myclone * group mygroup * rsc myrsc1 - iso_parent (this is the iso environment) * rsc myrsc2 * * Example: group of containers * group mygroup * rsc myrsc1 - iso_parent (this is the iso environment) * rsc myrsc2 * * Example: group is container * group mygroup - iso_parent ( this is iso environment) * rsc myrsc1 * rsc myrsc2 * * Example: single primitive * rsc myrsc1 - iso_parent (this is the iso environment) */ value = g_hash_table_lookup(iso_parent->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION); if (value) { crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso_parent->id); iso = crm_concat(crm_element_value(iso_parent->xml, XML_ATTR_ID), value, '_'); crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso); free(iso); } else { crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso_parent->id); } } free(name); break; } } diff --git a/rpmlintrc b/rpmlintrc index e762c6d498..2e9aca3c65 100644 --- a/rpmlintrc +++ b/rpmlintrc @@ -1,38 +1,41 @@ addFilter("E: non-standard-dir-perm .* 0750") addFilter("W: shared-lib-calls-exit") # Really, really do not care addFilter("spelling-error") addFilter("mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs") # Mandated location for OCF directory addFilter("W: only-non-binary-in-usr-lib") addFilter("E: hardcoded-library-path in /usr/lib/ocf") -# Its there but rpmlint can't find it for some reason +# Common location used to guess systemd presence +addFilter("E: hardcoded-library-path in /usr/lib/os-release") + +# It's there but rpmlint can't find it for some reason addFilter("no-status-entry /etc/rc.d/init.d/") # We don't want the cluster to start by default addFilter("no-chkconfig-line /etc/rc.d/init.d/") # Not interested in lock files addFilter("subsys-not-used /etc/rc.d/init.d/") # When building developer packages addFilter("W: invalid-url Source0:") addFilter("W: unstripped-binary-or-object") addFilter("W: hidden-file-or-dir /var/lib/pacemaker/gcov") # Build artifacts addFilter("E: changelog-time-in-future") addFilter("pacemaker.src: W: strange-permission .* 0600") addFilter("enchant-dictionary-not-found en_US") # Isolation agents are hidden so they don't show up in agent list addFilter("W: hidden-file-or-dir /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/.isolation") # rpmlint doesn't like logrotate script being in pacemaker-cli package addFilter("E: incoherent-logrotate-file /etc/logrotate.d/pacemaker") # buildbot builds the not-yet-released version addFilter("W: incoherent-version-in-changelog") diff --git a/tools/crm_resource.c b/tools/crm_resource.c index 450abd1589..6cb71bf07b 100644 --- a/tools/crm_resource.c +++ b/tools/crm_resource.c @@ -1,1058 +1,1063 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include bool BE_QUIET = FALSE; bool scope_master = FALSE; int cib_options = cib_sync_call; GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL; #define message_timeout_ms 60*1000 static gboolean resource_ipc_timeout(gpointer data) { fprintf(stderr, "No messages received in %d seconds.. aborting\n", (int)message_timeout_ms / 1000); crm_err("No messages received in %d seconds", (int)message_timeout_ms / 1000); return crm_exit(-1); } static void resource_ipc_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { crm_info("Connection to CRMd was terminated"); crm_exit(1); } static void start_mainloop(void) { if (crmd_replies_needed == 0) { return; } mainloop = g_main_new(FALSE); fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for %d replies from the CRMd", crmd_replies_needed); crm_debug("Waiting for %d replies from the CRMd", crmd_replies_needed); g_timeout_add(message_timeout_ms, resource_ipc_timeout, NULL); g_main_run(mainloop); } static int resource_ipc_callback(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata) { xmlNode *msg = string2xml(buffer); fprintf(stderr, "."); crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "[inbound]"); crmd_replies_needed--; if (crmd_replies_needed == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " OK\n"); crm_debug("Got all the replies we expected"); return crm_exit(pcmk_ok); } free_xml(msg); return 0; } struct ipc_client_callbacks crm_callbacks = { .dispatch = resource_ipc_callback, .destroy = resource_ipc_connection_destroy, }; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct crm_option long_options[] = { /* Top-level Options */ {"help", 0, 0, '?', "\t\tThis text"}, {"version", 0, 0, '$', "\t\tVersion information" }, {"verbose", 0, 0, 'V', "\t\tIncrease debug output"}, {"quiet", 0, 0, 'Q', "\t\tPrint only the value on stdout\n"}, {"resource", 1, 0, 'r', "\tResource ID" }, {"-spacer-",1, 0, '-', "\nQueries:"}, {"list", 0, 0, 'L', "\t\tList all cluster resources"}, {"list-raw", 0, 0, 'l', "\tList the IDs of all instantiated resources (no groups/clones/...)"}, {"list-cts", 0, 0, 'c', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden}, {"list-operations", 0, 0, 'O', "\tList active resource operations. Optionally filtered by resource (-r) and/or node (-N)"}, {"list-all-operations", 0, 0, 'o', "List all resource operations. Optionally filtered by resource (-r) and/or node (-N)\n"}, {"pending", 0, 0, 'j', "\t\tDisplay pending state if 'record-pending' is enabled\n", pcmk_option_hidden}, {"list-standards", 0, 0, 0, "\tList supported standards"}, {"list-ocf-providers", 0, 0, 0, "List all available OCF providers"}, {"list-agents", 1, 0, 0, "List all agents available for the named standard and/or provider."}, {"list-ocf-alternatives", 1, 0, 0, "List all available providers for the named OCF agent\n"}, {"show-metadata", 1, 0, 0, "Show the metadata for the named class:provider:agent"}, {"query-xml", 0, 0, 'q', "\tQuery the definition of a resource (template expanded)"}, {"query-xml-raw", 0, 0, 'w', "\tQuery the definition of a resource (raw xml)"}, {"locate", 0, 0, 'W', "\t\tDisplay the current location(s) of a resource"}, {"stack", 0, 0, 'A', "\t\tDisplay the prerequisites and dependents of a resource"}, {"constraints",0, 0, 'a', "\tDisplay the (co)location constraints that apply to a resource"}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "\nCommands:"}, {"cleanup", 0, 0, 'C', "\t\tDelete the resource history and re-check the current state. Optional: --resource"}, {"set-parameter", 1, 0, 'p', "Set the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta"}, {"get-parameter", 1, 0, 'g', "Display the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta"}, {"delete-parameter",1, 0, 'd', "Delete the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta"}, {"get-property", 1, 0, 'G', "Display the 'class', 'type' or 'provider' of a resource", pcmk_option_hidden}, - {"set-property", 1, 0, 'S', "(Advanced) Set the class, type or provider of a resource", pcmk_option_hidden}, + {"set-property", 1, 0, 'S', + "(Advanced) Set resource property (e.g. 'class', 'type', or 'provider'). Required: -r, -t, -v", + pcmk_option_hidden}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "\nResource location:"}, { "move", 0, 0, 'M', "\t\tMove a resource from its current location to the named destination.\n " "\t\t\t\tRequires: --host. Optional: --lifetime, --master\n\n" "\t\t\t\tNOTE: This may prevent the resource from running on the previous location node until the implicit constraints expire or are removed with --unban\n" }, { "ban", 0, 0, 'B', "\t\tPrevent the named resource from running on the named --host. \n" "\t\t\t\tRequires: --resource. Optional: --host, --lifetime, --master\n\n" "\t\t\t\tIf --host is not specified, it defaults to:\n" "\t\t\t\t * the current location for primitives and groups, or\n\n" "\t\t\t\t * the current location of the master for m/s resources with master-max=1\n\n" "\t\t\t\tAll other situations result in an error as there is no sane default.\n\n" "\t\t\t\tNOTE: This will prevent the resource from running on this node until the constraint expires or is removed with --clear\n" }, { "clear", 0, 0, 'U', "\t\tRemove all constraints created by the --ban and/or --move commands. \n" "\t\t\t\tRequires: --resource. Optional: --host, --master\n\n" "\t\t\t\tIf --host is not specified, all constraints created by --ban and --move will be removed for the named resource.\n" }, {"lifetime", 1, 0, 'u', "\tLifespan of constraints created by the --ban and --move commands"}, { "master", 0, 0, 0, "\t\tLimit the scope of the --ban, --move and --clear commands to the Master role.\n" "\t\t\t\tFor --ban and --move, the previous master can still remain active in the Slave role." }, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "\nAdvanced Commands:"}, {"delete", 0, 0, 'D', "\t\t(Advanced) Delete a resource from the CIB"}, {"fail", 0, 0, 'F', "\t\t(Advanced) Tell the cluster this resource has failed"}, {"restart", 0, 0, 0, "\t\t(Advanced) Tell the cluster to restart this resource and anything that depends on it"}, {"wait", 0, 0, 0, "\t\t(Advanced) Wait until the cluster settles into a stable state"}, {"force-demote",0,0, 0, "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and demote a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V"}, {"force-stop", 0, 0, 0, "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and stop a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V"}, {"force-start",0, 0, 0, "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and start a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V"}, {"force-promote",0,0, 0, "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and promote a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V"}, {"force-check",0, 0, 0, "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and check the state of a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V\n"}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "\nAdditional Options:"}, {"node", 1, 0, 'N', "\tHost uname"}, {"recursive", 0, 0, 0, "\tFollow colocation chains when using --set-parameter"}, {"resource-type", 1, 0, 't', "Resource type (primitive, clone, group, ...)"}, - {"parameter-value", 1, 0, 'v', "Value to use with -p or -S"}, + {"parameter-value", 1, 0, 'v', "Value to use with -p"}, {"meta", 0, 0, 'm', "\t\tModify a resource's configuration option rather than one which is passed to the resource agent script. For use with -p, -g, -d"}, {"utilization", 0, 0, 'z', "\tModify a resource's utilization attribute. For use with -p, -g, -d"}, {"set-name", 1, 0, 's', "\t(Advanced) ID of the instance_attributes object to change"}, {"nvpair", 1, 0, 'i', "\t(Advanced) ID of the nvpair object to change/delete"}, {"timeout", 1, 0, 'T', "\t(Advanced) Abort if command does not finish in this time (with --restart or --wait)"}, {"force", 0, 0, 'f', "\n" /* Is this actually true anymore? "\t\tForce the resource to move by creating a rule for the current location and a score of -INFINITY" "\n\t\tThis should be used if the resource's stickiness and constraint scores total more than INFINITY (Currently 100,000)" "\n\t\tNOTE: This will prevent the resource from running on this node until the constraint is removed with -U or the --lifetime duration expires\n"*/ }, {"xml-file", 1, 0, 'x', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden},\ /* legacy options */ {"host-uname", 1, 0, 'H', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden}, {"migrate", 0, 0, 'M', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden}, {"un-migrate", 0, 0, 'U', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden}, {"un-move", 0, 0, 'U', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden}, {"refresh", 0, 0, 'R', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden}, {"reprobe", 0, 0, 'P', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "\nExamples:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "List the configured resources:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --list", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "List the available OCF agents:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --list-agents ocf", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "List the available OCF agents from the linux-ha project:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --list-agents ocf:heartbeat", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Display the current location of 'myResource':", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --locate", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Move 'myResource' to another machine:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --move", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Move 'myResource' to a specific machine:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --move --node altNode", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Allow (but not force) 'myResource' to move back to its original location:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --un-move", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Tell the cluster that 'myResource' failed:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --fail", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Stop 'myResource' (and anything that depends on it):", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter target-role --meta --parameter-value Stopped", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Tell the cluster not to manage 'myResource':", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "The cluster will not attempt to start or stop the resource under any circumstances."}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Useful when performing maintenance tasks on a resource.", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter is-managed --meta --parameter-value false", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Erase the operation history of 'myResource' on 'aNode':", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "The cluster will 'forget' the existing resource state (including any errors) and attempt to recover the resource."}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Useful when a resource had failed permanently and has been repaired by an administrator.", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --cleanup --node aNode", pcmk_option_example}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char rsc_cmd = 'L'; const char *rsc_id = NULL; const char *host_uname = NULL; const char *prop_name = NULL; const char *prop_value = NULL; const char *rsc_type = NULL; const char *prop_id = NULL; const char *prop_set = NULL; const char *rsc_long_cmd = NULL; const char *longname = NULL; GHashTable *override_params = NULL; char *xml_file = NULL; crm_ipc_t *crmd_channel = NULL; pe_working_set_t data_set; cib_t *cib_conn = NULL; bool recursive = FALSE; char *our_pid = NULL; /* Not all commands set these appropriately, but the defaults here are * sufficient to get the logic right. */ bool require_resource = TRUE; /* whether command requires that resource be specified */ bool require_dataset = TRUE; /* whether command requires populated dataset instance */ bool require_crmd = FALSE; /* whether command requires connection to CRMd */ int rc = pcmk_ok; int option_index = 0; int timeout_ms = 0; int argerr = 0; int flag; crm_log_cli_init("crm_resource"); crm_set_options(NULL, "(query|command) [options]", long_options, "Perform tasks related to cluster resources.\nAllows resources to be queried (definition and location), modified, and moved around the cluster.\n"); if (argc < 2) { crm_help('?', EX_USAGE); } while (1) { flag = crm_get_option_long(argc, argv, &option_index, &longname); if (flag == -1) break; switch (flag) { case 0: /* long options with no short equivalent */ if (safe_str_eq("master", longname)) { scope_master = TRUE; } else if(safe_str_eq(longname, "recursive")) { recursive = TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq("wait", longname)) { rsc_cmd = flag; rsc_long_cmd = longname; require_resource = FALSE; require_dataset = FALSE; } else if ( safe_str_eq("restart", longname) || safe_str_eq("force-demote", longname) || safe_str_eq("force-stop", longname) || safe_str_eq("force-start", longname) || safe_str_eq("force-promote", longname) || safe_str_eq("force-check", longname)) { rsc_cmd = flag; rsc_long_cmd = longname; crm_log_args(argc, argv); } else if (safe_str_eq("list-ocf-providers", longname) || safe_str_eq("list-ocf-alternatives", longname) || safe_str_eq("list-standards", longname)) { const char *text = NULL; lrmd_list_t *list = NULL; lrmd_list_t *iter = NULL; lrmd_t *lrmd_conn = lrmd_api_new(); if (safe_str_eq("list-ocf-providers", longname) || safe_str_eq("list-ocf-alternatives", longname)) { rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->list_ocf_providers(lrmd_conn, optarg, &list); text = "OCF providers"; } else if (safe_str_eq("list-standards", longname)) { rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->list_standards(lrmd_conn, &list); text = "standards"; } if (rc > 0) { rc = 0; for (iter = list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { rc++; printf("%s\n", iter->val); } lrmd_list_freeall(list); } else if (optarg) { fprintf(stderr, "No %s found for %s\n", text, optarg); } else { fprintf(stderr, "No %s found\n", text); } lrmd_api_delete(lrmd_conn); return crm_exit(rc); } else if (safe_str_eq("show-metadata", longname)) { char standard[512]; char provider[512]; char type[512]; char *metadata = NULL; lrmd_t *lrmd_conn = lrmd_api_new(); rc = sscanf(optarg, "%[^:]:%[^:]:%s", standard, provider, type); if (rc == 3) { rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->get_metadata(lrmd_conn, standard, provider, type, &metadata, 0); } else if (rc == 2) { rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->get_metadata(lrmd_conn, standard, NULL, provider, &metadata, 0); } else if (rc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify standard:type or standard:provider:type, not %s\n", optarg); rc = -EINVAL; } if (metadata) { printf("%s\n", metadata); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Metadata query for %s failed: %d\n", optarg, rc); } lrmd_api_delete(lrmd_conn); return crm_exit(rc); } else if (safe_str_eq("list-agents", longname)) { lrmd_list_t *list = NULL; lrmd_list_t *iter = NULL; char *provider = strchr (optarg, ':'); lrmd_t *lrmd_conn = lrmd_api_new(); if (provider) { *provider++ = 0; } rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->list_agents(lrmd_conn, &list, optarg, provider); if (rc > 0) { rc = 0; for (iter = list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { printf("%s\n", iter->val); rc++; } lrmd_list_freeall(list); rc = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "No agents found for standard=%s, provider=%s\n", optarg, (provider? provider : "*")); rc = -1; } lrmd_api_delete(lrmd_conn); return crm_exit(rc); } else { crm_err("Unhandled long option: %s", longname); } break; case 'V': do_trace = TRUE; crm_bump_log_level(argc, argv); break; case '$': case '?': crm_help(flag, EX_OK); break; case 'x': xml_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 'Q': BE_QUIET = TRUE; break; case 'm': attr_set_type = XML_TAG_META_SETS; break; case 'z': attr_set_type = XML_TAG_UTILIZATION; break; case 'u': move_lifetime = strdup(optarg); break; case 'f': do_force = TRUE; crm_log_args(argc, argv); break; case 'i': prop_id = optarg; break; case 's': prop_set = optarg; break; case 'r': rsc_id = optarg; break; case 'v': prop_value = optarg; break; case 't': rsc_type = optarg; break; case 'T': timeout_ms = crm_get_msec(optarg); break; case 'C': case 'R': case 'P': crm_log_args(argc, argv); require_resource = FALSE; require_crmd = TRUE; rsc_cmd = 'C'; break; case 'F': crm_log_args(argc, argv); require_crmd = TRUE; rsc_cmd = flag; break; case 'U': case 'B': case 'M': case 'D': crm_log_args(argc, argv); rsc_cmd = flag; break; case 'L': case 'c': case 'l': case 'q': case 'w': case 'W': case 'O': case 'o': case 'A': case 'a': rsc_cmd = flag; break; case 'j': print_pending = TRUE; break; case 'p': case 'd': case 'S': crm_log_args(argc, argv); prop_name = optarg; rsc_cmd = flag; break; case 'G': case 'g': prop_name = optarg; rsc_cmd = flag; break; case 'h': case 'H': case 'N': crm_trace("Option %c => %s", flag, optarg); host_uname = optarg; break; default: CMD_ERR("Argument code 0%o (%c) is not (?yet?) supported", flag, flag); ++argerr; break; } } if (optind < argc && argv[optind] != NULL && rsc_cmd == 0 && rsc_long_cmd) { override_params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); while (optind < argc && argv[optind] != NULL) { char *name = calloc(1, strlen(argv[optind])); char *value = calloc(1, strlen(argv[optind])); int rc = sscanf(argv[optind], "%[^=]=%s", name, value); if(rc == 2) { g_hash_table_replace(override_params, name, value); } else { CMD_ERR("Error parsing '%s' as a name=value pair for --%s", argv[optind], rsc_long_cmd); free(value); free(name); argerr++; } optind++; } } else if (optind < argc && argv[optind] != NULL && rsc_cmd == 0) { CMD_ERR("non-option ARGV-elements: "); while (optind < argc && argv[optind] != NULL) { CMD_ERR("[%d of %d] %s ", optind, argc, argv[optind]); optind++; argerr++; } } if (optind > argc) { ++argerr; } if (argerr) { CMD_ERR("Invalid option(s) supplied, use --help for valid usage"); return crm_exit(EX_USAGE); } our_pid = calloc(1, 11); if (our_pid != NULL) { snprintf(our_pid, 10, "%d", getpid()); our_pid[10] = '\0'; } if (do_force) { crm_debug("Forcing..."); cib_options |= cib_quorum_override; } data_set.input = NULL; /* make clean-up easier */ /* If user specified resource, look for it, even if it's optional for command */ if (rsc_id) { require_resource = TRUE; } /* We need a dataset to find a resource, even if command doesn't need it */ if (require_resource) { require_dataset = TRUE; } /* Establish a connection to the CIB */ cib_conn = cib_new(); rc = cib_conn->cmds->signon(cib_conn, crm_system_name, cib_command); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { CMD_ERR("Error signing on to the CIB service: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); return crm_exit(rc); } /* Populate working set from XML file if specified or CIB query otherwise */ if (require_dataset) { xmlNode *cib_xml_copy = NULL; if (xml_file != NULL) { cib_xml_copy = filename2xml(xml_file); } else { rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, NULL, &cib_xml_copy, cib_scope_local | cib_sync_call); } if(rc != pcmk_ok) { goto bail; } /* Populate the working set instance */ set_working_set_defaults(&data_set); rc = update_working_set_xml(&data_set, &cib_xml_copy); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { goto bail; } cluster_status(&data_set); /* Set rc to -ENXIO if no resource matching rsc_id is found. * This does not bail, but is handled later for certain commands. * That handling could be done here instead if all flags above set * require_resource appropriately. */ if (require_resource && rsc_id && (find_rsc_or_clone(rsc_id, &data_set) == NULL)) { rc = -ENXIO; } } /* Establish a connection to the CRMd if needed */ if (require_crmd) { xmlNode *xml = NULL; mainloop_io_t *source = mainloop_add_ipc_client(CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, &crm_callbacks); crmd_channel = mainloop_get_ipc_client(source); if (crmd_channel == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Error signing on to the CRMd service"); rc = -ENOTCONN; goto bail; } xml = create_hello_message(our_pid, crm_system_name, "0", "1"); crm_ipc_send(crmd_channel, xml, 0, 0, NULL); free_xml(xml); } /* Handle rsc_cmd appropriately */ if (rsc_cmd == 'L') { rc = pcmk_ok; cli_resource_print_list(&data_set, FALSE); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'l') { int found = 0; GListPtr lpc = NULL; rc = pcmk_ok; for (lpc = data_set.resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) lpc->data; found++; cli_resource_print_raw(rsc); } if (found == 0) { printf("NO resources configured\n"); rc = -ENXIO; } } else if (rsc_cmd == 0 && rsc_long_cmd && safe_str_eq(rsc_long_cmd, "restart")) { resource_t *rsc = NULL; rc = -ENXIO; if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); goto bail; } rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id); rc = -EINVAL; if (rsc == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not restarted: unknown", rsc_id); goto bail; } rc = cli_resource_restart(rsc, host_uname, timeout_ms, cib_conn); } else if (rsc_cmd == 0 && rsc_long_cmd && safe_str_eq(rsc_long_cmd, "wait")) { rc = wait_till_stable(timeout_ms, cib_conn); } else if (rsc_cmd == 0 && rsc_long_cmd) { /* force-(stop|start|check) */ rc = cli_resource_execute(rsc_id, rsc_long_cmd, override_params, cib_conn, &data_set); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'A' || rsc_cmd == 'a') { GListPtr lpc = NULL; resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id); xmlNode *cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, data_set.input); if (rsc == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } unpack_constraints(cib_constraints, &data_set); for (lpc = data_set.resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { resource_t *r = (resource_t *) lpc->data; clear_bit(r->flags, pe_rsc_allocating); } cli_resource_print_colocation(rsc, TRUE, rsc_cmd == 'A', 1); fprintf(stdout, "* %s\n", rsc->id); cli_resource_print_location(rsc, NULL); for (lpc = data_set.resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { resource_t *r = (resource_t *) lpc->data; clear_bit(r->flags, pe_rsc_allocating); } cli_resource_print_colocation(rsc, FALSE, rsc_cmd == 'A', 1); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'c') { int found = 0; GListPtr lpc = NULL; rc = pcmk_ok; for (lpc = data_set.resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) lpc->data; cli_resource_print_cts(rsc); found++; } cli_resource_print_cts_constraints(&data_set); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'F') { rc = cli_resource_fail(crmd_channel, host_uname, rsc_id, &data_set); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { start_mainloop(); } } else if (rsc_cmd == 'O') { rc = cli_resource_print_operations(rsc_id, host_uname, TRUE, &data_set); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'o') { rc = cli_resource_print_operations(rsc_id, host_uname, FALSE, &data_set); /* All remaining commands require that resource exist */ } else if (rc == -ENXIO) { CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not found: %s", crm_str(rsc_id), pcmk_strerror(rc)); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'W') { if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } rc = cli_resource_search(rsc_id, &data_set); if (rc >= 0) { rc = pcmk_ok; } } else if (rsc_cmd == 'q') { if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } rc = cli_resource_print(rsc_id, &data_set, TRUE); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'w') { if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } rc = cli_resource_print(rsc_id, &data_set, FALSE); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'U') { node_t *dest = NULL; if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("No value specified for --resource"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } if (host_uname) { dest = pe_find_node(data_set.nodes, host_uname); if (dest == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Unknown node: %s", host_uname); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } rc = cli_resource_clear(rsc_id, dest->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn); } else { rc = cli_resource_clear(rsc_id, NULL, data_set.nodes, cib_conn); } } else if (rsc_cmd == 'M' && host_uname) { rc = cli_resource_move(rsc_id, host_uname, cib_conn, &data_set); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'B' && host_uname) { resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id); node_t *dest = pe_find_node(data_set.nodes, host_uname); rc = -ENXIO; if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("No value specified for --resource"); goto bail; } else if(rsc == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: unknown", rsc_id); } else if (dest == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: node '%s' is unknown", host_uname); goto bail; } rc = cli_resource_ban(rsc_id, dest->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'B' || rsc_cmd == 'M') { resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id); rc = -ENXIO; if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("No value specified for --resource"); goto bail; } rc = -EINVAL; if(rsc == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: unknown", rsc_id); } else if(g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1) { node_t *current = rsc->running_on->data; rc = cli_resource_ban(rsc_id, current->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn); } else if(rsc->variant == pe_master) { int count = 0; GListPtr iter = NULL; node_t *current = NULL; for(iter = rsc->children; iter; iter = iter->next) { resource_t *child = (resource_t *)iter->data; enum rsc_role_e child_role = child->fns->state(child, TRUE); if(child_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { count++; current = child->running_on->data; } } if(count == 1 && current) { rc = cli_resource_ban(rsc_id, current->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn); } else { CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: active in %d locations (promoted in %d).", rsc_id, g_list_length(rsc->running_on), count); CMD_ERR("You can prevent '%s' from running on a specific location with: --ban --host ", rsc_id); CMD_ERR("You can prevent '%s' from being promoted at a specific location with:" " --ban --master --host ", rsc_id); } } else { CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: active in %d locations.", rsc_id, g_list_length(rsc->running_on)); CMD_ERR("You can prevent '%s' from running on a specific location with: --ban --host ", rsc_id); } } else if (rsc_cmd == 'G') { if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } rc = cli_resource_print_property(rsc_id, prop_name, &data_set); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'S') { xmlNode *msg_data = NULL; - if (prop_value == NULL || strlen(prop_value) == 0) { - CMD_ERR("You need to supply a value with the -v option"); + if ((rsc_id == NULL) || !strlen(rsc_id)) { + CMD_ERR("Must specify -r with resource id"); + rc = -ENXIO; + goto bail; + + } else if ((rsc_type == NULL) || !strlen(rsc_type)) { + CMD_ERR("Must specify -t with resource type"); + rc = -ENXIO; + goto bail; + + } else if ((prop_value == NULL) || !strlen(prop_value)) { + CMD_ERR("Must supply -v with new value"); rc = -EINVAL; goto bail; } else if (cib_conn == NULL) { rc = -ENOTCONN; goto bail; } - if (rsc_id == NULL) { - CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); - rc = -ENXIO; - goto bail; - } - CRM_LOG_ASSERT(rsc_type != NULL); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(prop_name != NULL); - CRM_LOG_ASSERT(prop_value != NULL); msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, rsc_type); crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id); crm_xml_add(msg_data, prop_name, prop_value); rc = cib_conn->cmds->modify(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, msg_data, cib_options); free_xml(msg_data); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'g') { if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } rc = cli_resource_print_attribute(rsc_id, prop_name, &data_set); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'p') { if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } if (prop_value == NULL || strlen(prop_value) == 0) { CMD_ERR("You need to supply a value with the -v option"); rc = -EINVAL; goto bail; } /* coverity[var_deref_model] False positive */ rc = cli_resource_update_attribute(rsc_id, prop_set, prop_id, prop_name, prop_value, recursive, cib_conn, &data_set); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'd') { if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } /* coverity[var_deref_model] False positive */ rc = cli_resource_delete_attribute(rsc_id, prop_set, prop_id, prop_name, cib_conn, &data_set); } else if (rsc_cmd == 'C' && rsc_id) { resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id); if(do_force == FALSE) { rsc = uber_parent(rsc); } crm_debug("Re-checking the state of %s for %s on %s", rsc->id, rsc_id, host_uname); if(rsc) { crmd_replies_needed = 0; rc = cli_resource_delete(cib_conn, crmd_channel, host_uname, rsc, &data_set); } else { rc = -ENODEV; } if(rc == pcmk_ok && BE_QUIET == FALSE) { /* Now check XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE and XML_RSC_ATTR_MANAGED */ cli_resource_check(cib_conn, rsc); } if (rc == pcmk_ok) { start_mainloop(); } } else if (rsc_cmd == 'C') { #if HAVE_ATOMIC_ATTRD const char *router_node = host_uname; xmlNode *msg_data = NULL; xmlNode *cmd = NULL; if (host_uname) { node_t *node = pe_find_node(data_set.nodes, host_uname); if (node && is_remote_node(node)) { if (node->details->remote_rsc == NULL || node->details->remote_rsc->running_on == NULL) { CMD_ERR("No lrmd connection detected to remote node %s", host_uname); return -ENXIO; } node = node->details->remote_rsc->running_on->data; router_node = node->details->uname; } } msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, "crm-resource-reprobe-op"); crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET, host_uname); if (safe_str_neq(router_node, host_uname)) { crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE, router_node); } cmd = create_request(CRM_OP_REPROBE, msg_data, router_node, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, crm_system_name, our_pid); free_xml(msg_data); crm_debug("Re-checking the state of all resources on %s", host_uname?host_uname:"all nodes"); rc = attrd_update_delegate( NULL, 'u', host_uname, "fail-count-*", NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, NULL, NULL, NULL, attrd_opt_none); if (crm_ipc_send(crmd_channel, cmd, 0, 0, NULL) > 0) { start_mainloop(); } free_xml(cmd); #else GListPtr rIter = NULL; crmd_replies_needed = 0; for (rIter = data_set.resources; rIter; rIter = rIter->next) { resource_t *rsc = rIter->data; cli_resource_delete(cib_conn, crmd_channel, host_uname, rsc, &data_set); } start_mainloop(); #endif } else if (rsc_cmd == 'D') { xmlNode *msg_data = NULL; if (rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } if (rsc_type == NULL) { CMD_ERR("You need to specify a resource type with -t"); rc = -ENXIO; goto bail; } else if (cib_conn == NULL) { rc = -ENOTCONN; goto bail; } msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, rsc_type); crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id); rc = cib_conn->cmds->delete(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, msg_data, cib_options); free_xml(msg_data); } else { CMD_ERR("Unknown command: %c", rsc_cmd); } bail: if (data_set.input != NULL) { cleanup_alloc_calculations(&data_set); } if (cib_conn != NULL) { cib_conn->cmds->signoff(cib_conn); cib_delete(cib_conn); } if (rc == -pcmk_err_no_quorum) { CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); CMD_ERR("Try using -f"); } else if (rc != pcmk_ok) { CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); } return crm_exit(rc); }