diff --git a/cts/cli/regression.crm_mon.exp b/cts/cli/regression.crm_mon.exp
index 957758832d..ef75b8d6f7 100644
--- a/cts/cli/regression.crm_mon.exp
+++ b/cts/cli/regression.crm_mon.exp
@@ -1,4196 +1,4196 @@
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output without node section =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output without node section - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output without node section
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output without the node section =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output without the node section - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output without the node section
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output with only the node section =#=#=#=
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Text output with only the node section - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output with only the node section
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* (5) cancel: interval="10000ms"
* (6) promote
* (7) monitor: interval="5000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: httpd-bundle-0@cluster01:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
* Node: httpd-bundle-1@cluster02:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output with detail =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started cluster02
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started cluster01
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster01
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started httpd-bundle-0
* httpd-bundle-docker-0 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-0 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started cluster01
* Replica[1]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster02
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started httpd-bundle-1
* httpd-bundle-docker-1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-1 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started cluster02
* Replica[2]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Stopped
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* httpd-bundle-docker-2 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Stopped
* httpd-bundle-2 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* promotable-rsc (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Promoted cluster02
* promotable-rsc (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Unpromoted cluster01
* promotable-rsc (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Stopped
* promotable-rsc (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Stopped
* promotable-rsc (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Stopped
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* (5) cancel: interval="10000ms"
* (6) promote
* (7) monitor: interval="5000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: httpd-bundle-0@cluster01:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
* Node: httpd-bundle-1@cluster02:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01 (1)
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output with detail - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output with detail
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete brief text output =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Active cluster02
* 1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active cluster01
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* 1/1 (lsb:exim): Active cluster02
* 1/1 (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Active cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* (5) cancel: interval="10000ms"
* (6) promote
* (7) monitor: interval="5000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: httpd-bundle-0@cluster01:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
* Node: httpd-bundle-1@cluster02:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete brief text output - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete brief text output
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output grouped by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Node cluster01: online:
* Resources:
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started
* promotable-rsc (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Unpromoted
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started
* httpd-bundle-docker-0 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started
* Node cluster02: online:
* Resources:
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started
* Email (lsb:exim): Started
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started
* promotable-rsc (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Promoted
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started
* httpd-bundle-docker-1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-0@cluster01: online:
* Resources:
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-1@cluster02: online:
* Resources:
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-2@: OFFLINE:
* Resources:
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* (5) cancel: interval="10000ms"
* (6) promote
* (7) monitor: interval="5000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: httpd-bundle-0@cluster01:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
* Node: httpd-bundle-1@cluster02:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output grouped by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output grouped by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete brief text output grouped by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Node cluster01: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (lsb:mysql-proxy): Active
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Active
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Active
* 1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active
* Node cluster02: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (lsb:exim): Active
* 1 (lsb:mysql-proxy): Active
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Active
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Active
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Active
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-0@cluster01: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Active
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-1@cluster02: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Active
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* (5) cancel: interval="10000ms"
* (6) promote
* (7) monitor: interval="5000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: httpd-bundle-0@cluster01:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
* Node: httpd-bundle-1@cluster02:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete brief text output grouped by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete brief text output grouped by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output grouped by node =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output grouped by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output grouped by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by node =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by tag =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* promotable-rsc: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (4) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* (5) cancel: interval="10000ms"
* (6) promote
* (7) monitor: interval="5000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by tag =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by resource tag =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster01:
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by resource tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by resource tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by resource tag =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by resource tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by resource tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output filtered by node that doesn't exist =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Active Resources:
* No active resources
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output filtered by node that doesn't exist - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output filtered by node that doesn't exist
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by node that doesn't exist =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by node that doesn't exist - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by node that doesn't exist
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by primitive resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster01:
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by primitive resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by primitive resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by primitive resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by primitive resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by primitive resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by group resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by group resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by group resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by group resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by group resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by group resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by group resource member =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by group resource member - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by group resource member
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by group resource member =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by group resource member - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by group resource member
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by clone resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by clone resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by clone resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by clone resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by clone resource instance =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by clone resource instance - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by clone resource instance
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by clone resource instance =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by clone resource instance - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by clone resource instance
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by exact clone resource instance =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started cluster02
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by exact clone resource instance - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by exact clone resource instance
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by exact clone resource instance =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by exact clone resource instance - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by exact clone resource instance
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output filtered by resource that doesn't exist =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* No active resources
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output filtered by resource that doesn't exist - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output filtered by resource that doesn't exist
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by resource that doesn't exist =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by resource that doesn't exist - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by resource that doesn't exist
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by tag =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by inactive bundle resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by inactive bundle resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by inactive bundle resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled IP address resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled IP address resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled IP address resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by bundled IP address resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by bundled IP address resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by bundled IP address resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled container =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[1]
* httpd-bundle-docker-1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started cluster02
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled container - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled container
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by bundled container =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by bundled container - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by bundled container
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle connection =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd-bundle-0 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle connection - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle connection
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by bundle connection =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by bundle connection - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by bundle connection
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled primitive resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started httpd-bundle-0
* Replica[1]
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started httpd-bundle-1
* Replica[2]
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled primitive resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled primitive resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by bundled primitive resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by bundled primitive resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by bundled primitive resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by clone name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by clone name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by clone name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by clone name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by clone name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by clone name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by group name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by group name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by group name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by group name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by group name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by group name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 16 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started cluster01
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Stopped (not installed)
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster02
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started httpd-bundle-0
* httpd-bundle-docker-0 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-0 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started cluster02
* Replica[1]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster01
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): FAILED httpd-bundle-1
* httpd-bundle-docker-1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started cluster01
* Resource Group: partially-active-group (2 members inactive):
* dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): FAILED cluster02
Failed Resource Actions:
* dummy-2_monitor_0 on cluster02 'unimplemented feature' (3): call=2, status='complete', queued=0ms, exec=33ms
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output of partially active resources =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output of partially active resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output of partially active resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 16 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started cluster01
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Stopped (not installed)
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster02
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started httpd-bundle-0
* httpd-bundle-docker-0 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-0 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started cluster02
* Replica[1]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster01
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): FAILED httpd-bundle-1
* httpd-bundle-docker-1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started cluster01
* Resource Group: partially-active-group:
* dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): FAILED cluster02
* dummy-3 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* dummy-4 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (not installed)
* smart-mon (ocf:pacemaker:HealthSMART): Stopped (not installed)
Failed Resource Actions:
* dummy-2_monitor_0 on cluster02 'unimplemented feature' (3): call=2, status='complete', queued=0ms, exec=33ms
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete brief text output, with inactive resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 16 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Full List of Resources:
* 0/1 (ocf:pacemaker:HealthSMART): Active
* 1/1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active cluster01
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started cluster01
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Stopped (not installed)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster02
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started httpd-bundle-0
* httpd-bundle-docker-0 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-0 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started cluster02
* Replica[1]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started cluster01
* httpd (ocf:heartbeat:apache): FAILED httpd-bundle-1
* httpd-bundle-docker-1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Started cluster01
* Resource Group: partially-active-group:
* 2/4 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Active cluster02
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* dummy-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* dummy-2: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) probe
* dummy-4: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) probe
* smart-mon: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (9) probe
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (6) probe
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: httpd-bundle-0@cluster02:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
* Node: httpd-bundle-1@cluster01:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) probe
Failed Resource Actions:
* dummy-2_monitor_0 on cluster02 'unimplemented feature' (3): call=2, status='complete', queued=0ms, exec=33ms
=#=#=#= End test: Complete brief text output, with inactive resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete brief text output, with inactive resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 16 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Active Resources:
* Resource Group: partially-active-group (2 members inactive):
* dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): FAILED cluster02
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active group, with inactive resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 16 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Resource Group: partially-active-group:
* dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): FAILED cluster02
* dummy-3 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* dummy-4 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (not installed)
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active group, with inactive resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active group, with inactive resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of active member of partially active group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 16 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Active Resources:
* Resource Group: partially-active-group (2 members inactive):
* dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of active member of partially active group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of active member of partially active group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of inactive member of partially active group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 16 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Active Resources:
* Resource Group: partially-active-group (2 members inactive):
* dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): FAILED cluster02
Failed Resource Actions:
* dummy-2_monitor_0 on cluster02 'unimplemented feature' (3): call=2, status='complete', queued=0ms, exec=33ms
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of inactive member of partially active group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of inactive member of partially active group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete brief text output grouped by node, with inactive resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 16 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Node cluster01 (1): online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Active
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Active
* 1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active
* Node cluster02 (2): online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Active
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:docker): Active
* 2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Active
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:remote): Active
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-0@cluster02: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Active
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-1@cluster01: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Active
Inactive Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started cluster01
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Stopped (not installed)
* Resource Group: partially-active-group:
* 2/4 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Active cluster02
* smart-mon (ocf:pacemaker:HealthSMART): Stopped (not installed)
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* dummy-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* dummy-2: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) probe
* dummy-4: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) probe
* smart-mon: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (9) probe
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (6) probe
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: httpd-bundle-0@cluster02:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
* Node: httpd-bundle-1@cluster01:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) probe
Failed Resource Actions:
* dummy-2_monitor_0 on cluster02 'unimplemented feature' (3): call=2, status='complete', queued=0ms, exec=33ms
=#=#=#= End test: Complete brief text output grouped by node, with inactive resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete brief text output grouped by node, with inactive resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources, filtered by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 16 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): FAILED cluster01
* smart-mon (ocf:pacemaker:HealthSMART): Stopped (not installed)
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources, filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources, filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active resources, filtered by node =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active resources, filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active resources, filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of active unmanaged resource on offline node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 2 nodes configured
* 3 resource instances configured
*** Resource management is DISABLED ***
The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 ]
* OFFLINE: [ cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01 (unmanaged)
* rsc1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster01 (unmanaged)
* rsc2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of active unmanaged resource on offline node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of active unmanaged resource on offline node
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output of active unmanaged resource on offline node =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output of active unmanaged resource on offline node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output of active unmanaged resource on offline node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Brief text output of active unmanaged resource on offline node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 2 nodes configured
* 3 resource instances configured
*** Resource management is DISABLED ***
The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 ]
* OFFLINE: [ cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Active cluster01
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Active cluster02
* 1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Brief text output of active unmanaged resource on offline node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Brief text output of active unmanaged resource on offline node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Brief text output of active unmanaged resource on offline node, grouped by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 2 nodes configured
* 3 resource instances configured
*** Resource management is DISABLED ***
The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services
Node List:
* Node cluster01: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Active
* 1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active
* Node cluster02: OFFLINE:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Active
=#=#=#= End test: Brief text output of active unmanaged resource on offline node, grouped by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Brief text output of active unmanaged resource on offline node, grouped by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of all resources with maintenance-mode enabled =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
*** Resource management is DISABLED ***
The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services
Node List:
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-0@cluster01: maintenance
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-1@cluster02: maintenance
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping] (unmanaged):
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* ping (ocf:pacemaker:ping): Started cluster01 (unmanaged)
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01 (unmanaged)
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (unmanaged, disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (unmanaged, disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled, unmanaged)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled, unmanaged)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http] (unmanaged):
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01 (unmanaged)
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped (unmanaged)
* Resource Group: exim-group (unmanaged):
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group] (unmanaged):
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0 (unmanaged):
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1 (unmanaged):
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01 (unmanaged)
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable, unmanaged):
* promotable-rsc (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Promoted cluster02 (unmanaged)
* promotable-rsc (ocf:pacemaker:Stateful): Unpromoted cluster01 (unmanaged)
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of all resources with maintenance-mode enabled - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of all resources with maintenance-mode enabled
diff --git a/cts/cli/regression.tools.exp b/cts/cli/regression.tools.exp
index 1bd6eca5db..81b6673958 100644
--- a/cts/cli/regression.tools.exp
+++ b/cts/cli/regression.tools.exp
@@ -1,4885 +1,4885 @@
Created new pacemaker configuration
Setting up shadow instance
A new shadow instance was created. To begin using it paste the following into your shell:
CIB_shadow=cts-cli ; export CIB_shadow
=#=#=#= Begin test: Validate CIB =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Validate CIB =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Validate CIB - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Validate CIB
=#=#=#= Begin test: Configure something before erasing =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Configure something before erasing =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Configure something before erasing - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Configure something before erasing
=#=#=#= Begin test: Require --force for CIB erasure =#=#=#=
The supplied command is considered dangerous. To prevent accidental destruction of the cluster, the --force flag is required in order to proceed.
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Require --force for CIB erasure =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Require --force for CIB erasure - Operation not safe (107) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Require --force for CIB erasure
=#=#=#= Begin test: Allow CIB erasure with --force =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Allow CIB erasure with --force - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Allow CIB erasure with --force
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query CIB =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query CIB =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query CIB - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Query CIB
=#=#=#= Begin test: Set cluster option =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Set cluster option =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Set cluster option - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Set cluster option
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query new cluster option =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query new cluster option =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query new cluster option - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Query new cluster option
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query cluster options =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query cluster options =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query cluster options - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Query cluster options
=#=#=#= Begin test: Set no-quorum policy =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Set no-quorum policy =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Set no-quorum policy - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Set no-quorum policy
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete nvpair =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete nvpair =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete nvpair - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Delete nvpair
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create operation should fail =#=#=#=
Call failed: File exists
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create operation should fail =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create operation should fail - Requested item already exists (108) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Create operation should fail
=#=#=#= Begin test: Modify cluster options section =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Modify cluster options section =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Modify cluster options section - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Modify cluster options section
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query updated cluster option =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query updated cluster option =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query updated cluster option - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Query updated cluster option
=#=#=#= Begin test: Set duplicate cluster option =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Set duplicate cluster option =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Set duplicate cluster option - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Set duplicate cluster option
=#=#=#= Begin test: Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail =#=#=#=
crm_attribute: Please choose from one of the matches below and supply the 'id' with --attr-id
Multiple attributes match name=cluster-delay
Value: 60s (id=cib-bootstrap-options-cluster-delay)
Value: 40s (id=duplicate-cluster-delay)
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail - Multiple items match request (109) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail
=#=#=#= Begin test: Set cluster option with -s =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Set cluster option with -s =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Set cluster option with -s - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Set cluster option with -s
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete cluster option with -i =#=#=#=
Deleted crm_config option: id=(null) name=cluster-delay
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete cluster option with -i =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete cluster option with -i - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Delete cluster option with -i
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create node1 and bring it online =#=#=#=
Current cluster status:
* Full List of Resources:
* No resources
Performing Requested Modifications:
* Bringing node node1 online
Transition Summary:
Executing Cluster Transition:
Revised Cluster Status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ node1 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* No resources
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create node1 and bring it online =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create node1 and bring it online - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Create node1 and bring it online
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create node attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create node attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Create node attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query new node attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query new node attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query new node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Query new node attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Set a transient (fail-count) node attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Set a transient (fail-count) node attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Set a transient (fail-count) node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Set a transient (fail-count) node attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query a fail count =#=#=#=
scope=status name=fail-count-foo value=3
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query a fail count =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query a fail count - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_failcount - Query a fail count
=#=#=#= Begin test: Show node attributes with crm_simulate =#=#=#=
Current cluster status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ node1 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* No resources
* Node Attributes:
* Node: node1:
* ram : 1024M
=#=#=#= End test: Show node attributes with crm_simulate - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Show node attributes with crm_simulate
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete a transient (fail-count) node attribute =#=#=#=
Deleted status attribute: id=status-node1-fail-count-foo name=fail-count-foo
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete a transient (fail-count) node attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete a transient (fail-count) node attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_attribute - Delete a transient (fail-count) node attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Digest calculation =#=#=#=
Digest: =#=#=#= Current cib after: Digest calculation =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Digest calculation - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Digest calculation
=#=#=#= Begin test: Replace operation should fail =#=#=#=
Call failed: Update was older than existing configuration
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Replace operation should fail =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Replace operation should fail - Update was older than existing configuration (103) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Replace operation should fail
=#=#=#= Begin test: Default standby value =#=#=#=
scope=status name=standby value=off
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Default standby value =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Default standby value - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_standby - Default standby value
=#=#=#= Begin test: Set standby status =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Set standby status =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Set standby status - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_standby - Set standby status
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query standby value =#=#=#=
scope=nodes name=standby value=true
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query standby value =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query standby value - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_standby - Query standby value
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete standby value =#=#=#=
Deleted nodes attribute: id=nodes-node1-standby name=standby
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete standby value =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete standby value - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_standby - Delete standby value
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Create a resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
Set 'dummy' option: id=dummy-meta_attributes-is-managed set=dummy-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query a resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query a resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query a resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Query a resource meta attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Remove a resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
Deleted 'dummy' option: id=dummy-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Remove a resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Remove a resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Remove a resource meta attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create another resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create another resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Create another resource meta attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Show why a resource is not running =#=#=#=
Resource dummy is not running
Configuration specifies 'dummy' should remain stopped
=#=#=#= End test: Show why a resource is not running - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Show why a resource is not running
=#=#=#= Begin test: Remove another resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Remove another resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Remove another resource meta attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource attribute =#=#=#=
Set 'dummy' option: id=dummy-instance_attributes-delay set=dummy-instance_attributes name=delay value=10s
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a resource attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: List the configured resources =#=#=#=
Full List of Resources:
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped
=#=#=#= Current cib after: List the configured resources =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List the configured resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List the configured resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: List the configured resources in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List the configured resources in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List the configured resources in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: List IDs of instantiated resources =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List IDs of instantiated resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List IDs of instantiated resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Show XML configuration of resource =#=#=#=
dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped
Resource XML:
=#=#=#= End test: Show XML configuration of resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Show XML configuration of resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Require a destination when migrating a resource that is stopped =#=#=#=
crm_resource: Resource 'dummy' not moved: active in 0 locations.
To prevent 'dummy' from running on a specific location, specify a node.
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Require a destination when migrating a resource that is stopped =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Require a destination when migrating a resource that is stopped - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Require a destination when migrating a resource that is stopped
=#=#=#= Begin test: Don't support migration to non-existent locations =#=#=#=
crm_resource: Node 'i.do.not.exist' not found
Error performing operation: No such object
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Don't support migration to non-existent locations =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Don't support migration to non-existent locations - No such object (105) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Don't support migration to non-existent locations
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a fencing resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a fencing resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a fencing resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Create a fencing resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Bring resources online =#=#=#=
Current cluster status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ node1 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped
* Fence (stonith:fence_true): Stopped
Transition Summary:
* Start dummy ( node1 )
* Start Fence ( node1 )
Executing Cluster Transition:
* Resource action: dummy monitor on node1
* Resource action: Fence monitor on node1
* Resource action: dummy start on node1
* Resource action: Fence start on node1
Revised Cluster Status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ node1 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node1
* Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node1
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Bring resources online =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Bring resources online - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Bring resources online
=#=#=#= Begin test: Try to move a resource to its existing location =#=#=#=
crm_resource: Error performing operation: Requested item already exists
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Try to move a resource to its existing location =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Try to move a resource to its existing location - Requested item already exists (108) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Try to move a resource to its existing location
=#=#=#= Begin test: Move a resource from its existing location =#=#=#=
WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint 'cli-ban-dummy-on-node1' with a score of -INFINITY for resource dummy on node1.
This will prevent dummy from running on node1 until the constraint is removed using the clear option or by editing the CIB with an appropriate tool
This will be the case even if node1 is the last node in the cluster
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Move a resource from its existing location =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Move a resource from its existing location - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Move a resource from its existing location
=#=#=#= Begin test: Clear out constraints generated by --move =#=#=#=
Removing constraint: cli-ban-dummy-on-node1
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Clear out constraints generated by --move =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Clear out constraints generated by --move - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Clear out constraints generated by --move
=#=#=#= Begin test: Default ticket granted state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Default ticket granted state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Default ticket granted state - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_ticket - Default ticket granted state
=#=#=#= Begin test: Set ticket granted state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Set ticket granted state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Set ticket granted state - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_ticket - Set ticket granted state
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query ticket granted state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query ticket granted state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query ticket granted state - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_ticket - Query ticket granted state
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete ticket granted state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete ticket granted state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete ticket granted state - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_ticket - Delete ticket granted state
=#=#=#= Begin test: Make a ticket standby =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Make a ticket standby =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Make a ticket standby - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_ticket - Make a ticket standby
=#=#=#= Begin test: Query ticket standby state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Query ticket standby state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Query ticket standby state - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_ticket - Query ticket standby state
=#=#=#= Begin test: Activate a ticket =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Activate a ticket =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Activate a ticket - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_ticket - Activate a ticket
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete ticket standby state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete ticket standby state =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete ticket standby state - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_ticket - Delete ticket standby state
=#=#=#= Begin test: Ban a resource on unknown node =#=#=#=
crm_resource: Node 'host1' not found
Error performing operation: No such object
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Ban a resource on unknown node =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Ban a resource on unknown node - No such object (105) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Ban a resource on unknown node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create two more nodes and bring them online =#=#=#=
Current cluster status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ node1 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node1
* Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node1
Performing Requested Modifications:
* Bringing node node2 online
* Bringing node node3 online
Transition Summary:
* Move Fence ( node1 -> node2 )
Executing Cluster Transition:
* Resource action: dummy monitor on node3
* Resource action: dummy monitor on node2
* Resource action: Fence stop on node1
* Resource action: Fence monitor on node3
* Resource action: Fence monitor on node2
* Resource action: Fence start on node2
Revised Cluster Status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ node1 node2 node3 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node1
* Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node2
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create two more nodes and bring them online =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create two more nodes and bring them online - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Create two more nodes and bring them online
=#=#=#= Begin test: Ban dummy from node1 =#=#=#=
WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint 'cli-ban-dummy-on-node1' with a score of -INFINITY for resource dummy on node1.
This will prevent dummy from running on node1 until the constraint is removed using the clear option or by editing the CIB with an appropriate tool
This will be the case even if node1 is the last node in the cluster
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Ban dummy from node1 =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Ban dummy from node1 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Ban dummy from node1
=#=#=#= Begin test: Show where a resource is running =#=#=#=
resource dummy is running on: node1
=#=#=#= End test: Show where a resource is running - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Show where a resource is running
=#=#=#= Begin test: Show constraints on a resource =#=#=#=
* Node node1 (score=-INFINITY, id=cli-ban-dummy-on-node1, rsc=dummy)
=#=#=#= End test: Show constraints on a resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Show constraints on a resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Ban dummy from node2 =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Ban dummy from node2 =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Ban dummy from node2 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Ban dummy from node2
=#=#=#= Begin test: Relocate resources due to ban =#=#=#=
Current cluster status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ node1 node2 node3 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node1
* Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node2
Transition Summary:
* Move dummy ( node1 -> node3 )
Executing Cluster Transition:
* Resource action: dummy stop on node1
* Resource action: dummy start on node3
Revised Cluster Status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ node1 node2 node3 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node3
* Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node2
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Relocate resources due to ban =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Relocate resources due to ban - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Relocate resources due to ban
=#=#=#= Begin test: Move dummy to node1 =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Move dummy to node1 =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Move dummy to node1 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Move dummy to node1
=#=#=#= Begin test: Clear implicit constraints for dummy on node2 =#=#=#=
Removing constraint: cli-ban-dummy-on-node2
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Clear implicit constraints for dummy on node2 =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Clear implicit constraints for dummy on node2 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Clear implicit constraints for dummy on node2
=#=#=#= Begin test: Drop the status section =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Drop the status section - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Drop the status section
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a clone =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a clone - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Create a clone
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
Performing update of 'is-managed' on 'test-clone', the parent of 'test-primitive'
Set 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed set=test-clone-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#=
Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed set=test-primitive-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive
=#=#=#= Begin test: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#=
Multiple attributes match name=is-managed
Value: false (id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed)
Value: false (id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed)
A value for 'is-managed' already exists in child 'test-primitive', performing update on that instead of 'test-clone'
Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=true
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Update resource meta attribute with duplicates
=#=#=#= Begin test: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates (force clone) =#=#=#=
Set 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=true
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates (force clone) =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates (force clone) - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Update resource meta attribute with duplicates (force clone)
=#=#=#= Begin test: Update child resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#=
Multiple attributes match name=is-managed
Value: true (id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed)
Value: true (id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed)
Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=false
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Update child resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Update child resource meta attribute with duplicates - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Update child resource meta attribute with duplicates
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#=
Multiple attributes match name=is-managed
Value: false (id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed)
Value: true (id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed)
A value for 'is-managed' already exists in child 'test-primitive', performing delete on that instead of 'test-clone'
Deleted 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete resource meta attribute with duplicates - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Delete resource meta attribute with duplicates
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete resource meta attribute in parent =#=#=#=
Performing delete of 'is-managed' on 'test-clone', the parent of 'test-primitive'
Deleted 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete resource meta attribute in parent =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete resource meta attribute in parent - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Delete resource meta attribute in parent
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#=
Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed set=test-primitive-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive
=#=#=#= Begin test: Update existing resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
A value for 'is-managed' already exists in child 'test-primitive', performing update on that instead of 'test-clone'
Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=true
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Update existing resource meta attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Update existing resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Update existing resource meta attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in the parent =#=#=#=
Set 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed set=test-clone-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=true
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in the parent =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in the parent - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in the parent
=#=#=#= Begin test: Copy resources =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Copy resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Copy resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete resource parent meta attribute (force) =#=#=#=
Deleted 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete resource parent meta attribute (force) =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete resource parent meta attribute (force) - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Delete resource parent meta attribute (force)
=#=#=#= Begin test: Restore duplicates =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Restore duplicates =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Restore duplicates - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cibadmin - Restore duplicates
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete resource child meta attribute =#=#=#=
Multiple attributes match name=is-managed
Value: true (id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed)
Value: true (id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed)
Deleted 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete resource child meta attribute =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete resource child meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Delete resource child meta attribute
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy1 =#=#=#=
Set 'dummy1' option: id=dummy1-meta_attributes-is-managed set=dummy1-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=true
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy1 =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy1 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in dummy1
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy-group =#=#=#=
Set 'dummy1' option: id=dummy1-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=false
Set 'dummy-group' option: id=dummy-group-meta_attributes-is-managed set=dummy-group-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy-group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy-group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in dummy-group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Specify a lifetime when moving a resource =#=#=#=
Migration will take effect until:
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Specify a lifetime when moving a resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Specify a lifetime when moving a resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Specify a lifetime when moving a resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Try to move a resource previously moved with a lifetime =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Try to move a resource previously moved with a lifetime =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Try to move a resource previously moved with a lifetime - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Try to move a resource previously moved with a lifetime
=#=#=#= Begin test: Ban dummy from node1 for a short time =#=#=#=
Migration will take effect until:
WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint 'cli-ban-dummy-on-node1' with a score of -INFINITY for resource dummy on node1.
This will prevent dummy from running on node1 until the constraint is removed using the clear option or by editing the CIB with an appropriate tool
This will be the case even if node1 is the last node in the cluster
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Ban dummy from node1 for a short time =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Ban dummy from node1 for a short time - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Ban dummy from node1 for a short time
=#=#=#= Begin test: Remove expired constraints =#=#=#=
Removing constraint: cli-ban-dummy-on-node1
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Remove expired constraints =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Remove expired constraints - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Remove expired constraints
=#=#=#= Begin test: Clear all implicit constraints for dummy =#=#=#=
Removing constraint: cli-prefer-dummy
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Clear all implicit constraints for dummy =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Clear all implicit constraints for dummy - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Clear all implicit constraints for dummy
=#=#=#= Begin test: Delete a resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete a resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Delete a resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Delete a resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Create an XML patchset =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Create an XML patchset - Error occurred (1) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_diff - Create an XML patchset
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim1 =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim1 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim1
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim1 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim1 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim1 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim2 =#=#=#=
* Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2)
Resources prim2 is colocated with:
* prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim2 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim2
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 =#=#=#=
* Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2)
Resources prim2 is colocated with:
* prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY)
* Resources prim3 is colocated with:
* prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4)
* Resources prim4 is colocated with:
* prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim2 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim2 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim2 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim3 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim3:
* prim2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2)
Resources prim3 is colocated with:
* prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim3 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim3
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim3:
* prim2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2)
Resources prim3 is colocated with:
* prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4)
* Resources prim4 is colocated with:
* prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim3 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim3 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim3 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim4 =#=#=#=
* Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4)
Resources colocated with prim4:
* prim10 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY)
* prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY)
Resources prim4 is colocated with:
* prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim4 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim4
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 =#=#=#=
* Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4)
Resources colocated with prim4:
* prim10 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY)
* prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY)
* Resources colocated with prim3:
* prim2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2)
Resources prim4 is colocated with:
* prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim4 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim4 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim4 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim5 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim5:
* prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim5 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim5
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim5:
* prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4)
* Resources colocated with prim4:
* prim10 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY)
* prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY)
* Resources colocated with prim3:
* prim2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim5 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim5 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim5 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim6 =#=#=#=
* Node cluster02 (score=-INFINITY, id=prim6-not-on-cluster2, rsc=prim6)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim6 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim6
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 =#=#=#=
* Node cluster02 (score=-INFINITY, id=prim6-not-on-cluster2, rsc=prim6)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim6 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim6 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim6 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim7 =#=#=#=
Resources prim7 is colocated with:
* group (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim7-group-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim7 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim7
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 =#=#=#=
Resources prim7 is colocated with:
* group (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim7-group-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim7 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim7 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim7 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim8 =#=#=#=
Resources prim8 is colocated with:
* gr2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim8-gr2-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim8 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim8
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 =#=#=#=
Resources prim8 is colocated with:
* gr2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim8-gr2-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim8 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim8 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim8 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim9 =#=#=#=
Resources prim9 is colocated with:
* clone (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim9-clone-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim9 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim9
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 =#=#=#=
Resources prim9 is colocated with:
* clone (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim9-clone-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim9 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim9 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim9 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim10 =#=#=#=
Resources prim10 is colocated with:
* prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim10 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim10
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 =#=#=#=
Resources prim10 is colocated with:
* prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY)
* Locations:
* Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4)
* Resources prim4 is colocated with:
* prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim10 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim10 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim10 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim11 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim11:
* prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY)
Resources prim11 is colocated with:
* prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim11 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim11
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim11:
* prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY)
* Resources colocated with prim13:
* prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY)
* Resources colocated with prim12:
* prim11 (id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY - loop)
Resources prim11 is colocated with:
* prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY)
* Resources prim12 is colocated with:
* prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY)
* Resources prim13 is colocated with:
* prim11 (id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY - loop)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim11 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim11 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim11 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim12 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim12:
* prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY)
Resources prim12 is colocated with:
* prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim12 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim12
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim12:
* prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY)
* Resources colocated with prim11:
* prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY)
* Resources colocated with prim13:
* prim12 (id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY - loop)
Resources prim12 is colocated with:
* prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY)
* Resources prim13 is colocated with:
* prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY)
* Resources prim11 is colocated with:
* prim12 (id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY - loop)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim12 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim12 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim12 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim13 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim13:
* prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY)
Resources prim13 is colocated with:
* prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim13 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim13
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with prim13:
* prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY)
* Resources colocated with prim12:
* prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY)
* Resources colocated with prim11:
* prim13 (id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY - loop)
Resources prim13 is colocated with:
* prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY)
* Resources prim11 is colocated with:
* prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY)
* Resources prim12 is colocated with:
* prim13 (id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY - loop)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim13 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim13 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim13 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for group =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with group:
* prim7 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim7-group-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for group =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with group:
* prim7 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim7-group-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for group in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for group in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for group in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for group in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for group in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for group in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for clone =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with clone:
* prim9 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim9-clone-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for clone - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for clone
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for clone =#=#=#=
Resources colocated with clone:
* prim9 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim9-clone-INFINITY)
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for clone - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for clone
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for clone in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for clone in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for clone in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for clone in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for clone in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for clone in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Show resource digests =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Show resource digests - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Show resource digests
=#=#=#= Begin test: Show resource digests with overrides =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Show resource digests with overrides - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - Show resource digests with overrides
=#=#=#= Begin test: List all nodes =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List all nodes - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crmadmin - List all nodes
=#=#=#= Begin test: List cluster nodes =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List cluster nodes - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crmadmin - List cluster nodes
=#=#=#= Begin test: List guest nodes =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List guest nodes - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crmadmin - List guest nodes
=#=#=#= Begin test: List remote nodes =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List remote nodes - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crmadmin - List remote nodes
=#=#=#= Begin test: List cluster,remote nodes =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List cluster,remote nodes - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crmadmin - List cluster,remote nodes
=#=#=#= Begin test: List guest,remote nodes =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List guest,remote nodes - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crmadmin - List guest,remote nodes
=#=#=#= Begin test: Show allocation scores with crm_simulate =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Show allocation scores with crm_simulate - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Show allocation scores with crm_simulate
=#=#=#= Begin test: Show utilization with crm_simulate =#=#=#=
4 of 32 resource instances DISABLED and 0 BLOCKED from further action due to failure
[ cluster01 cluster02 ]
[ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
Only 'private' parameters to 60s-interval monitor for dummy on cluster02 changed: 0:0;16:2:0:4a9e64d6-e1dd-4395-917c-1596312eafe4
Original: cluster01 capacity:
Original: cluster02 capacity:
Original: httpd-bundle-0 capacity:
Original: httpd-bundle-1 capacity:
Original: httpd-bundle-2 capacity:
pcmk__assign_primitive: ping:0 utilization on cluster02:
pcmk__assign_primitive: ping:1 utilization on cluster01:
pcmk__assign_primitive: Fencing utilization on cluster01:
pcmk__assign_primitive: dummy utilization on cluster02:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd-bundle-docker-0 utilization on cluster01:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd-bundle-docker-1 utilization on cluster02:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd-bundle-ip- utilization on cluster01:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd-bundle-0 utilization on cluster01:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd:0 utilization on httpd-bundle-0:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd-bundle-ip- utilization on cluster02:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd-bundle-1 utilization on cluster02:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd:1 utilization on httpd-bundle-1:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd-bundle-2 utilization on cluster01:
pcmk__assign_primitive: httpd:2 utilization on httpd-bundle-2:
pcmk__assign_primitive: Public-IP utilization on cluster02:
pcmk__assign_primitive: Email utilization on cluster02:
pcmk__assign_primitive: mysql-proxy:0 utilization on cluster02:
pcmk__assign_primitive: mysql-proxy:1 utilization on cluster01:
pcmk__assign_primitive: promotable-rsc:0 utilization on cluster02:
pcmk__assign_primitive: promotable-rsc:1 utilization on cluster01:
Remaining: cluster01 capacity:
Remaining: cluster02 capacity:
Remaining: httpd-bundle-0 capacity:
Remaining: httpd-bundle-1 capacity:
Remaining: httpd-bundle-2 capacity:
Start httpd-bundle-2 ( cluster01 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-2 start (blocked)
Start httpd:2 ( httpd-bundle-2 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-2 start (blocked)
=#=#=#= End test: Show utilization with crm_simulate - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Show utilization with crm_simulate
=#=#=#= Begin test: Simulate injecting a failure =#=#=#=
4 of 32 resource instances DISABLED and 0 BLOCKED from further action due to failure
Current cluster status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
Performing Requested Modifications:
* Injecting ping_monitor_10000@cluster02=1 into the configuration
* Injecting attribute fail-count-ping#monitor_10000=value++ into /node_state '2'
* Injecting attribute last-failure-ping#monitor_10000= into /node_state '2'
Transition Summary:
* Recover ping:0 ( cluster02 )
* Start httpd-bundle-2 ( cluster01 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-2 start (blocked)
* Start httpd:2 ( httpd-bundle-2 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-2 start (blocked)
Executing Cluster Transition:
* Cluster action: clear_failcount for ping on cluster02
* Pseudo action: ping-clone_stop_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_start_0
* Resource action: ping stop on cluster02
* Pseudo action: ping-clone_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: ping-clone_start_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_start_0
* Resource action: ping start on cluster02
* Resource action: ping monitor=10000 on cluster02
* Pseudo action: ping-clone_running_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_running_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_running_0
Revised Cluster Status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Simulate injecting a failure - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Simulate injecting a failure
=#=#=#= Begin test: Simulate bringing a node down =#=#=#=
4 of 32 resource instances DISABLED and 0 BLOCKED from further action due to failure
Current cluster status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
Performing Requested Modifications:
* Taking node cluster01 offline
Transition Summary:
* Fence (off) httpd-bundle-0 (resource: httpd-bundle-docker-0) 'guest is unclean'
* Start Fencing ( cluster02 )
* Start httpd-bundle-0 ( cluster02 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-0 start (blocked)
* Stop httpd:0 ( httpd-bundle-0 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-0 start
* Start httpd-bundle-2 ( cluster02 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-2 start (blocked)
* Start httpd:2 ( httpd-bundle-2 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-2 start (blocked)
Executing Cluster Transition:
* Resource action: Fencing start on cluster02
* Pseudo action: stonith-httpd-bundle-0-off on httpd-bundle-0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_stop_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_start_0
* Resource action: Fencing monitor=60000 on cluster02
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_stop_0
* Pseudo action: httpd_stop_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_start_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_running_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_running_0
Revised Cluster Status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ cluster02 ]
* OFFLINE: [ cluster01 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
* Stopped: [ cluster01 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster02
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): FAILED
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
* Stopped: [ cluster01 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Stopped: [ cluster01 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Simulate bringing a node down - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Simulate bringing a node down
=#=#=#= Begin test: Simulate a node failing =#=#=#=
4 of 32 resource instances DISABLED and 0 BLOCKED from further action due to failure
Current cluster status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
Performing Requested Modifications:
* Failing node cluster02
Transition Summary:
* Fence (off) httpd-bundle-1 (resource: httpd-bundle-docker-1) 'guest is unclean'
* Fence (reboot) cluster02 'peer is no longer part of the cluster'
* Stop ping:0 ( cluster02 ) due to node availability
* Stop dummy ( cluster02 ) due to node availability
* Stop httpd-bundle-ip- ( cluster02 ) due to node availability
* Stop httpd-bundle-docker-1 ( cluster02 ) due to node availability
* Stop httpd-bundle-1 ( cluster02 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-1 start
* Stop httpd:1 ( httpd-bundle-1 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-1 start
* Start httpd-bundle-2 ( cluster01 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-2 start (blocked)
* Start httpd:2 ( httpd-bundle-2 ) due to unrunnable httpd-bundle-docker-2 start (blocked)
* Move Public-IP ( cluster02 -> cluster01 )
* Move Email ( cluster02 -> cluster01 )
* Stop mysql-proxy:0 ( cluster02 ) due to node availability
* Stop promotable-rsc:0 ( Promoted cluster02 ) due to node availability
Executing Cluster Transition:
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-1_stop_0
* Pseudo action: promotable-clone_demote_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_stop_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_start_0
* Fencing cluster02 (reboot)
* Pseudo action: ping-clone_stop_0
* Pseudo action: dummy_stop_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-docker-1_stop_0
* Pseudo action: exim-group_stop_0
* Pseudo action: Email_stop_0
* Pseudo action: mysql-clone-group_stop_0
* Pseudo action: promotable-rsc_demote_0
* Pseudo action: promotable-clone_demoted_0
* Pseudo action: promotable-clone_stop_0
* Pseudo action: stonith-httpd-bundle-1-off on httpd-bundle-1
* Pseudo action: ping_stop_0
* Pseudo action: ping-clone_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_stop_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-ip-
* Pseudo action: Public-IP_stop_0
* Pseudo action: mysql-group:0_stop_0
* Pseudo action: mysql-proxy_stop_0
* Pseudo action: promotable-rsc_stop_0
* Pseudo action: promotable-clone_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: httpd_stop_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_start_0
* Pseudo action: exim-group_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: exim-group_start_0
* Resource action: Public-IP start on cluster01
* Resource action: Email start on cluster01
* Pseudo action: mysql-group:0_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: mysql-clone-group_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle-clone_running_0
* Pseudo action: exim-group_running_0
* Pseudo action: httpd-bundle_running_0
Revised Cluster Status:
* Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 ]
* OFFLINE: [ cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 ]
* Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Stopped: [ cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): FAILED
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster01
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster01
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Stopped: [ cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
* Stopped: [ cluster02 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Simulate a node failing - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_simulate - Simulate a node failing
=#=#=#= Begin test: List a promotable clone resource =#=#=#=
resource promotable-clone is running on: cluster01
resource promotable-clone is running on: cluster02 Promoted
=#=#=#= End test: List a promotable clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List a promotable clone resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: List the primitive of a promotable clone resource =#=#=#=
resource promotable-rsc is running on: cluster01
resource promotable-rsc is running on: cluster02 Promoted
=#=#=#= End test: List the primitive of a promotable clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List the primitive of a promotable clone resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: List a single instance of a promotable clone resource =#=#=#=
resource promotable-rsc:0 is running on: cluster02 Promoted
=#=#=#= End test: List a single instance of a promotable clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List a single instance of a promotable clone resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: List another instance of a promotable clone resource =#=#=#=
resource promotable-rsc:1 is running on: cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: List another instance of a promotable clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List another instance of a promotable clone resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: List a promotable clone resource in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List a promotable clone resource in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List a promotable clone resource in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: List the primitive of a promotable clone resource in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List the primitive of a promotable clone resource in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List the primitive of a promotable clone resource in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: List a single instance of a promotable clone resource in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List a single instance of a promotable clone resource in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List a single instance of a promotable clone resource in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: List another instance of a promotable clone resource in XML =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: List another instance of a promotable clone resource in XML - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_resource - List another instance of a promotable clone resource in XML
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check that CIB_file="-" works - crm_mon =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 32 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster01 httpd-bundle-1@cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster01
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf:heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Clone Set: promotable-clone [promotable-rsc] (promotable):
* Promoted: [ cluster02 ]
* Unpromoted: [ cluster01 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Check that CIB_file="-" works - crm_mon - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cat - Check that CIB_file="-" works - crm_mon
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check that CIB_file="-" works - crm_resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check that CIB_file="-" works - crm_resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cat - Check that CIB_file="-" works - crm_resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Check that CIB_file="-" works - crmadmin =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Check that CIB_file="-" works - crmadmin - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: cat - Check that CIB_file="-" works - crmadmin