diff --git a/cts/CM_ais.py b/cts/CM_ais.py index 23f82f2448..8eac5cc510 100644 --- a/cts/CM_ais.py +++ b/cts/CM_ais.py @@ -1,448 +1,451 @@ '''CTS: Cluster Testing System: AIS dependent modules... ''' __copyright__=''' Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Beekhof ''' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import os, sys, warnings from cts.CTSvars import * from cts.CM_lha import crm_lha from cts.CTS import Process ####################################################################### # # LinuxHA v2 dependent modules # ####################################################################### class crm_ais(crm_lha): ''' The crm version 3 cluster manager class. It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate crm clusters running on top of openais ''' def __init__(self, Environment, randseed=None): crm_lha.__init__(self, Environment, randseed=randseed) self.update({ "Name" : "crm-ais", "EpocheCmd" : "crm_node -e --openais", "QuorumCmd" : "crm_node -q --openais", "ParitionCmd" : "crm_node -p --openais", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:ChildExit" : "Child process .* exited", # Bad news Regexes. Should never occur. "BadRegexes" : ( r" trace:", r"error:", r"crit:", r"ERROR:", r"CRIT:", r"Shutting down...NOW", r"Timer I_TERMINATE just popped", r"input=I_ERROR", r"input=I_FAIL", r"input=I_INTEGRATED cause=C_TIMER_POPPED", r"input=I_FINALIZED cause=C_TIMER_POPPED", r"input=I_ERROR", r", exiting\.", r"(WARN|warn).*Ignoring HA message.*vote.*not in our membership list", r"pengine.*Attempting recovery of resource", r"is taking more than 2x its timeout", r"Confirm not received from", r"Welcome reply not received from", r"Attempting to schedule .* after a stop", r"Resource .* was active at shutdown", r"duplicate entries for call_id", r"Search terminated:", r":global_timer_callback", r"Faking parameter digest creation", r"Parameters to .* action changed:", r"Parameters to .* changed", r"Child process .* terminated with signal", r"LogActions: Recover", r"rsyslogd.* imuxsock lost .* messages from pid .* due to rate-limiting", r"Peer is not part of our cluster", r"We appear to be in an election loop", r"Unknown node -> we will not deliver message", r"crm_write_blackbox", r"pacemakerd.*Could not connect to Cluster Configuration Database API", #r"crm_ipc_send:.*Request .* failed", #r"crm_ipc_send:.*Sending to .* is disabled until pending reply is recieved", # Not inherently bad, but worth tracking #r"No need to invoke the TE", #r"ping.*: DEBUG: Updated connected = 0", #r"Digest mis-match:", r"te_graph_trigger: Transition failed: terminated", #r"Executing .* fencing operation", #r"fence_pcmk.* Call to fence", #r"fence_pcmk", r"cman killed by node", r"Election storm", r"stalled the FSA with pending inputs", ), }) def errorstoignore(self): # At some point implement a more elegant solution that # also produces a report at the end '''Return list of errors which are known and very noisey should be ignored''' if 1: return [ r"crm_mon:", r"crmadmin:", r"update_trace_data", r"async_notify: strange, client not found", r"Parse error: Ignoring unknown option .*nodename", r"error: log_operation: Operation 'reboot' .* with device 'FencingFail' returned:", r"Child process .* terminated with signal 9", ] return [] def NodeUUID(self, node): return node def ais_components(self): fullcomplist = {} self.complist = [] self.common_ignore = [ "Pending action:", "error: crm_log_message_adv:", "error: MSG: No message to dump", "resources were active at shutdown", "pending LRM operations at shutdown", "Lost connection to the CIB service", "Connection to the CIB terminated...", "Sending message to CIB service FAILED", "apply_xml_diff: Diff application failed!", "crmd.*Action A_RECOVER .* not supported", "unconfirmed_actions: Waiting on .* unconfirmed actions", "cib_native_msgready: Message pending on command channel", "crmd.*do_exit: Performing A_EXIT_1 - forcefully exiting the CRMd", "verify_stopped: Resource .* was active at shutdown. You may ignore this error if it is unmanaged.", "error: attrd_connection_destroy: Lost connection to attrd", "info: te_fence_node: Executing .* fencing operation", # "error: native_create_actions: Resource .*stonith::.* is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery", # "error: process_pe_message: Transition .* ERRORs found during PE processing", ] cib_ignore = [ "lrmd.*error: crm_ipc_read: Connection to stonith-ng failed", "lrmd.*error: mainloop_gio_callback: Connection to stonith-ng.* closed", "lrmd.*error: stonith_connection_destroy_cb: LRMD lost STONITH connection", "lrmd.*error: stonith_connection_failed: STONITH connection failed, finalizing .* pending operations", ] fullcomplist["cib"] = Process(self, "cib", pats = [ "State transition .* S_RECOVERY", "Respawning .* crmd", "Respawning .* attrd", "error: crm_ipc_read: Connection to cib_.* failed", "error: mainloop_gio_callback: Connection to cib_.* closed", "Connection to the CIB terminated...", "Child process crmd exited .* rc=2", "Child process attrd exited .* rc=1", "crmd.*Input I_TERMINATE from do_recover", "crmd.*I_ERROR.*crmd_cib_connection_destroy", "crmd.*do_exit: Could not recover from internal error", ], badnews_ignore = cib_ignore, common_ignore = self.common_ignore) fullcomplist["lrmd"] = Process(self, "lrmd", pats = [ "State transition .* S_RECOVERY", "LRM Connection failed", "Respawning .* crmd", "error: crm_ipc_read: Connection to lrmd failed", "error: mainloop_gio_callback: Connection to lrmd.* closed", "crmd.*I_ERROR.*lrm_connection_destroy", "Child process crmd exited .* rc=2", "crmd.*Input I_TERMINATE from do_recover", "crmd.*do_exit: Could not recover from internal error", ], badnews_ignore = self.common_ignore) fullcomplist["crmd"] = Process(self, "crmd", pats = [ # "WARN: determine_online_status: Node .* is unclean", # "Scheduling Node .* for STONITH", # "Executing .* fencing operation", # Only if the node wasn't the DC: "State transition S_IDLE", "State transition .* -> S_IDLE", ], badnews_ignore = self.common_ignore) fullcomplist["attrd"] = Process(self, "attrd", pats = [ ], badnews_ignore = self.common_ignore) fullcomplist["pengine"] = Process(self, "pengine", dc_pats = [ "State transition .* S_RECOVERY", "Respawning .* crmd", "Child process crmd exited .* rc=2", "crm_ipc_read: Connection to pengine failed", "error: mainloop_gio_callback: Connection to pengine.* closed", "crit: pe_ipc_destroy: Connection to the Policy Engine failed", "crmd.*I_ERROR.*save_cib_contents", "crmd.*Input I_TERMINATE from do_recover", "crmd.*do_exit: Could not recover from internal error", ], badnews_ignore = self.common_ignore) stonith_ignore = [ "LogActions: Recover Fencing", "update_failcount: Updating failcount for Fencing", "error: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry", "stonith_connection_failed: STONITH connection failed, finalizing .* pending operations.", "process_lrm_event: LRM operation Fencing.* Error" ] stonith_ignore.extend(self.common_ignore) fullcomplist["stonith-ng"] = Process(self, "stonith-ng", process="stonithd", pats = [ "crm_ipc_read: Connection to stonith-ng failed", "stonith_connection_destroy_cb: LRMD lost STONITH connection", "mainloop_gio_callback: Connection to stonith-ng.* closed", "tengine_stonith_connection_destroy: Fencing daemon connection failed", "crmd.*stonith_api_add_notification: Callback already present", ], badnews_ignore = stonith_ignore) vgrind = self.Env["valgrind-procs"].split() for key in fullcomplist.keys(): if self.Env["valgrind-tests"]: if key in vgrind: # Processes running under valgrind can't be shot with "killall -9 processname" self.log("Filtering %s from the component list as it is being profiled by valgrind" % key) continue if key == "stonith-ng" and not self.Env["DoFencing"]: continue self.complist.append(fullcomplist[key]) #self.complist = [ fullcomplist["pengine"] ] return self.complist class crm_whitetank(crm_ais): ''' The crm version 3 cluster manager class. It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate crm clusters running on top of openais ''' def __init__(self, Environment, randseed=None): crm_ais.__init__(self, Environment, randseed=randseed) self.update({ "Name" : "crm-whitetank", "StartCmd" : "service openais start", "StopCmd" : "service openais stop", "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*openais.*pcmk_shutdown: Shutdown complete", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:They_dead" : "openais:.*Node %s is now: lost", "Pat:ChildKilled" : "%s openais.*Child process %s terminated with signal 9", "Pat:ChildRespawn" : "%s openais.*Respawning failed child process: %s", "Pat:ChildExit" : "Child process .* exited", }) def Components(self): self.ais_components() aisexec_ignore = [ "error: ais_dispatch: Receiving message .* failed", "crmd.*I_ERROR.*crmd_cib_connection_destroy", "cib.*error: cib_ais_destroy: AIS connection terminated", #"crmd.*error: crm_ais_destroy: AIS connection terminated", "crmd.*do_exit: Could not recover from internal error", "crmd.*I_TERMINATE.*do_recover", "attrd.*attrd_ais_destroy: Lost connection to OpenAIS service!", "stonithd.*error: AIS connection terminated", ] aisexec_ignore.extend(self.common_ignore) self.complist.append(Process(self, "aisexec", pats = [ "error: ais_dispatch: AIS connection failed", "crmd.*error: do_exit: Could not recover from internal error", "pengine.*Scheduling Node .* for STONITH", "stonithd.*requests a STONITH operation RESET on node", "stonithd.*Succeeded to STONITH the node", ], badnews_ignore = aisexec_ignore)) class crm_cs_v0(crm_ais): ''' The crm version 3 cluster manager class. It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate crm clusters running against version 0 of our plugin ''' def __init__(self, Environment, randseed=None): crm_ais.__init__(self, Environment, randseed=randseed) self.update({ "Name" : "crm-plugin-v0", "StartCmd" : "service corosync start", "StopCmd" : "service corosync stop", # The next pattern is too early # "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Service engine unloaded: Pacemaker Cluster Manager", # The next pattern would be preferred, but it doesn't always come out # "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Corosync Cluster Engine exiting with status", "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Service engine unloaded: corosync cluster quorum service", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:They_dead" : "corosync:.*Node %s is now: lost", "Pat:ChildKilled" : "%s corosync.*Child process %s terminated with signal 9", "Pat:ChildRespawn" : "%s corosync.*Respawning failed child process: %s", }) def Components(self): self.ais_components() corosync_ignore = [ + r"error: crmd_quorum_destroy: connection terminated", + r"error: lrm_state_verify_stopped: .* resources were active at lrm disconnect", + r"pacemakerd.*error: pcmk_child_exit: Child process .* exited", r"error: send_cpg_message: Sending message via cpg FAILED", - r"crmd.*error: verify_stopped: Resource .* was active at shutdown. You may ignore this error if it is unmanaged.", + r"error: verify_stopped: Resource .* was active at shutdown. You may ignore this error if it is unmanaged.", r"error: pcmk_cpg_dispatch: Connection to the CPG API failed:", r"error: pcmk_cman_dispatch: Connection to cman failed: -1", r"error: crm_ipc_read: Connection to cib_shm failed", r"error: mainloop_gio_callback: Connection to .* closed", r"crmd_cib_connection_destroys:", r"crmd.*error: do_recover: Action A_RECOVER .* not supported", r"error: do_log: FSA: Input I_TERMINATE.*do_recover", r"error: cib_ais_destroy: Corosync connection lost! Exiting.", r"attrd.*error: attrd_cib_connection_destroy: Connection to the CIB terminated...", r"error: send_ais_text: Sending message .* via cpg: FAILED", r"error: crmd_quorum_destroy: connection terminated", r"error: lrm_state_verify_stopped: .* resources were active at lrm disconnect.", r"error: crm_ipc_read: Connection to stonith-ng failed", r"crit: tengine_stonith_connection_destroy: Fencing daemon connection failed", r"error: stonith_connection_destroy_cb: LRMD lost STONITH connection", r"error: stonith_connection_failed: STONITH connection failed", r"error: te_connect_stonith: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry", r"error: process_lrm_event: LRM operation Fencing.*", r"error: do_log: FSA: Input I_ERROR from crmd_cib_connection_destroy.* received in state", r"error: do_log: FSA: Input I_ERROR from do_shutdown_req.* received in state", r"do_state_transition: State transition .* S_RECOVERY .*origin=crmd_cib_connection_destroy", r"do_state_transition: State transition .* S_RECOVERY .*origin=do_shutdown_req", r"crmd.*error: cib_native_perform_op_delegate: Couldn't perform cib_slave operation", r"crmd.*error: cib_native_perform_op_delegate: CIB disconnected", ] self.complist.append(Process(self, "corosync", pats = [ r"pacemakerd.*error: cfg_connection_destroy: Connection destroyed", r"pacemakerd.*error: cpg_connection_destroy: Connection destroyed", r"attrd_ais_destroy: Lost connection to Corosync service!", r"stonith_peer_ais_destroy: AIS connection terminated", r"cib_ais_destroy: Corosync connection lost! Exiting.", r"crmd.*do_exit: Could not recover from internal error", r"pengine.*Scheduling Node .* for STONITH", r"log_operation: Operation .* for host .* with device .* returned: 0", r"tengine_stonith_notify: Peer .* was terminated .*: OK", ], badnews_ignore = corosync_ignore, common_ignore = self.common_ignore)) return self.complist class crm_cs_v1(crm_cs_v0): ''' The crm version 3 cluster manager class. It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate crm clusters running on top of version 1 of our plugin ''' def __init__(self, Environment, randseed=None): crm_cs_v0.__init__(self, Environment, randseed=randseed) self.update({ "Name" : "crm-plugin-v1", "StartCmd" : "service corosync start && service pacemaker start", "StopCmd" : "service pacemaker stop; service corosync stop", "EpocheCmd" : "crm_node -e", "QuorumCmd" : "crm_node -q", "ParitionCmd" : "crm_node -p", "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Service engine unloaded: corosync cluster quorum service", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:They_dead" : "crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:ChildKilled" : "%s pacemakerd.*Child process %s terminated with signal 9", "Pat:ChildRespawn" : "%s pacemakerd.*Respawning failed child process: %s", }) class crm_mcp(crm_cs_v0): ''' The crm version 4 cluster manager class. It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate crm clusters running on top of native corosync (no plugins) ''' def __init__(self, Environment, randseed=None): crm_cs_v0.__init__(self, Environment, randseed=randseed) self.update({ "Name" : "crm-mcp", "StartCmd" : "service corosync start && service pacemaker start", "StopCmd" : "service pacemaker stop; service corosync stop", "EpocheCmd" : "crm_node -e", "QuorumCmd" : "crm_node -q", "ParitionCmd" : "crm_node -p", # Close enough... "Corosync Cluster Engine exiting normally" isn't printed # reliably and there's little interest in doing anything it "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Unloading all Corosync service engines", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:They_dead" : "crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:ChildKilled" : "%s pacemakerd.*Child process %s terminated with signal 9", "Pat:ChildRespawn" : "%s pacemakerd.*Respawning failed child process: %s", "Pat:InfraUp" : "%s corosync.*Initializing transport", "Pat:PacemakerUp" : "%s pacemakerd.*Starting Pacemaker", }) class crm_cman(crm_cs_v0): ''' The crm version 3 cluster manager class. It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate crm clusters running on top of openais ''' def __init__(self, Environment, randseed=None): crm_cs_v0.__init__(self, Environment, randseed=randseed) self.update({ "Name" : "crm-cman", "StartCmd" : "service cman start && service pacemaker start", "StopCmd" : "service pacemaker stop; service cman stop;", "EpocheCmd" : "crm_node -e --cman", "QuorumCmd" : "crm_node -q --cman", "ParitionCmd" : "crm_node -p --cman", "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Unloading all Corosync service engines", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:They_dead" : "crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:ChildKilled" : "%s pacemakerd.*Child process %s terminated with signal 9", "Pat:ChildRespawn" : "%s pacemakerd.*Respawning failed child process: %s", })