diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index f78a66665d..820025f157 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
 # Control file for the Travis autobuilder
 # http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-configuration/
 language: c
  - gcc
  - clang
 # - cov-build
     # -- BEGIN Coverity Scan ENV
     # Used by https://scan.coverity.com/scripts/travisci_build_coverity_scan.sh
     # The build command with all of the arguments that you would apply to a manual `cov-build`
     # Email address for notifications related to this build
     - OWNER_EMAIL="andrew@beekhof.net"
     # Regular expression selects on which branches to run analysis
     # Be aware of quotas. Do not run on every branch/commit
     # COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN via "travis encrypt" using the repo's public key
     - secure: "qnrF7L8RejLUY7URdNe7XP4Hu4R55C0tvAuMRg4EjVtelOpw+nIgA7BLiX19q/70VjFuKcGnMhW28TdYl0uwMMdWKKxmwTim04Sy3UfOE2BPeuQOBphr+8s9gd0U1MO8j2dZ84A40t5Mkk946wWZwT0okpjOr/PfBOZkU3o87FM="
     # -- END Coverity Scan ENV
 # sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hotot-team
- - sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy main"
+ - sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic main"
  - sudo apt-get update -qq
  - sudo apt-get install -qq automake autoconf chrpath libglib2.0-dev perl net-tools python libtool libxml2-dev bison flex uuid-dev libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev libltdl3-dev libgnutls-dev python-central python-dev libpam0g-dev libncurses5-dev libcorosync-dev libxslt1-dev libdbus-1-dev
  - sudo apt-get install -qq cluster-glue-dev heartbeat-dev libheartbeat2-dev 
  - sudo apt-get install -qq libqb-dev/saucy
 # Save and restore CC so that ./configure can pass
  - export CC_SAVED=$CC
  - export CC=`echo ${CC} | sed s/cov-build/gcc/`
  - ./autogen.sh
  - ./configure
  - export CC=$CC_SAVED
 - if test ${CC} != cov-build; then sudo make install-exec-local || true; fi
 - if test ${CC} != cov-build; then make && ./BasicSanity.sh -V; fi
 - if test ${CC} = cov-build; then export CC=gcc; bash ./travisci_build_coverity_scan.sh; fi
  - lsb_release -a
  - sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list
  - whoami
  - env | sort 
  - cat include/config.h
   irc: "irc.freenode.org#pcmk"
       - andrew@beekhof.net
 # whitelist
     - master
     - 1.1
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 8bb234d9bd..08b46115ec 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1,1922 +1,1923 @@
 dnl autoconf for Pacemaker
 dnl License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
 dnl ===============================================
 dnl Bootstrap
 dnl ===============================================
 dnl Suggested structure:
 dnl     information on the package
 dnl     checks for programs
 dnl     checks for libraries
 dnl     checks for header files
 dnl     checks for types
 dnl     checks for structures
 dnl     checks for compiler characteristics
 dnl     checks for library functions
 dnl     checks for system services
 AC_INIT([pacemaker], VERSION_NUMBER, pacemaker@oss.clusterlabs.org,pacemaker,http://clusterlabs.org)
 dnl Where #defines go (e.g. `AC_CHECK_HEADERS' below)
 dnl Internal header: include/config.h
 dnl   - Contains ALL defines
 dnl   - include/config.h.in is generated automatically by autoheader
 dnl   - NOT to be included in any header files except lha_internal.h
 dnl     (which is also not to be included in any other header files)
 dnl External header: include/crm_config.h
 dnl   - Contains a subset of defines checked here
 dnl   - Manually edit include/crm_config.h.in to have configure include
 dnl     new defines
 dnl   - Should not include HAVE_* defines
 dnl   - Safe to include anywhere
 AM_CONFIG_HEADER(include/config.h include/crm_config.h)
 ALL_LINGUAS="en fr"
     [  --with-version=version   Override package version (if you're a packager needing to pretend) ],
     [ PACKAGE_VERSION="$withval" ])
     [  --with-pkg-name=name     Override package name (if you're a packager needing to pretend) ],
     [ PACKAGE_NAME="$withval" ])
 PACKAGE_SERIES=`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | awk -F. '{ print $1"."$2 }'`
 dnl automake >= 1.11 offers --enable-silent-rules for suppressing the output from
 dnl normal compilation.  When a failure occurs, it will then display the full
 dnl command line
 dnl Wrap in m4_ifdef to avoid breaking on older platforms
 dnl Example 2.4. Silent Custom Rule to Generate a File
 dnl %-bar.pc: %.pc
 dnl	$(AM_V_GEN)$(LN_S) $(notdir $^) $@
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl Compiler characteristics
 dnl ========================================================================
 AC_PROG_CC dnl Can force other with environment variable "CC".
 AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN               dnl Enable dlopen support...
 AC_LIBLTDL_CONVENIENCE          dnl make libltdl a convenience lib
 AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long long)
 dnl ===============================================
 dnl Helpers
 dnl ===============================================
 cc_supports_flag() {
          local CFLAGS="-Werror $@"
          AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether $CC supports "$@")
          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ ]], [[ ]])], [RC=0; AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],[RC=1; AC_MSG_RESULT(no)])
          return $RC
 try_extract_header_define() {
 	  AC_MSG_CHECKING(if $2 in $1 exists)
 	  printf "#include <stdio.h>\n" > ${Cfile}.c
 	  printf "#include <%s>\n" $1 >> ${Cfile}.c
 	  printf "int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n" >> ${Cfile}.c
 	  printf "#ifdef %s\n" $2 >> ${Cfile}.c
 	  printf "printf(\"%%s\", %s);\n" $2 >> ${Cfile}.c
 	  printf "#endif \n return 0; }\n" >> ${Cfile}.c
 	  $CC $CFLAGS ${Cfile}.c -o ${Cfile} 2>/dev/null
 	  if test -x ${Cfile}; then
 	      value=`${Cfile} 2>/dev/null`
 	  if  test x"${value}" == x""; then
 	      AC_MSG_RESULT(default: $value)
 	  printf $value
 	  rm -rf ${Cfile}.c ${Cfile} ${Cfile}.dSYM ${Cfile}.gcno
 extract_header_define() {
 	  AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $2 in $1)
 	  printf "#include <stdio.h>\n" > ${Cfile}.c
 	  printf "#include <%s>\n" $1 >> ${Cfile}.c
 	  printf "int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf(\"%%s\", %s); return 0; }\n" $2 >> ${Cfile}.c
 	  $CC $CFLAGS ${Cfile}.c -o ${Cfile}
 	  printf $value
 	  rm -rf ${Cfile}.c ${Cfile} ${Cfile}.dSYM ${Cfile}.gcno
 dnl ===============================================
 dnl Configure Options
 dnl ===============================================
 dnl Some systems, like Solaris require a custom package name
     [  --with-pkgname=name     name for pkg (typically for Solaris) ],
     [ PKGNAME="$withval" ],
     [ PKGNAME="LXHAhb" ],
 [  --enable-ansi force GCC to compile to ANSI/ANSI standard for older compilers.
 [  --enable-fatal-warnings very pedantic and fatal warnings for gcc
 [  --enable-quiet
      Supress make output unless there is an error
 [  --enable-thread-safe Enable some client libraries to be thread safe.
 [  --enable-bundled-ltdl  Configure, build and install the standalone ltdl library bundled with ${PACKAGE} [default=no]])
     [  --enable-no-stack
        Only build the Policy Engine and pieces needed to support it [default=no]])
     [  --enable-upstart
        Do not build support for the Upstart init system [default=yes]])
     [  --enable-systemd
        Do not build support for the Systemd init system [default=yes]])
     [  --with-ais
        Support the Corosync messaging and membership layer ],
     [ SUPPORT_CS=$withval ],
     [ SUPPORT_CS=try ],
     [  --with-corosync
        Support the Corosync messaging and membership layer ],
     [ SUPPORT_CS=$withval ]
 dnl	initialized in AC_ARG_WITH(ais...) already,
 dnl	don't reset to try if it was given as --without-ais
     [  --with-heartbeat
        Support the Heartbeat messaging and membership layer ],
     [ SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT=$withval ],
     [  --with-cman
        Support the consumption of membership and quorum from cman ],
     [ SUPPORT_CMAN=$withval ],
     [ SUPPORT_CMAN=try ],
     [  --with-cs-quorum
        Support the consumption of membership and quorum from corosync ],
     [ SUPPORT_CS_QUORUM=$withval ],
     [ SUPPORT_CS_QUORUM=try ],
     [  --with-nagios
        Support nagios remote monitoring ],
     [ SUPPORT_NAGIOS=$withval ],
     [ SUPPORT_NAGIOS=try ],
     [  --with-nagios-plugin-dir=DIR
        Directory for nagios plugins [${NAGIOS_PLUGIN_DIR}]],
     [ NAGIOS_PLUGIN_DIR="$withval" ]
     [  --with-nagios-metadata-dir=DIR
        Directory for nagios plugins metadata [${NAGIOS_METADATA_DIR}]],
     [ NAGIOS_METADATA_DIR="$withval" ]
     [  --with-snmp
        Support the SNMP protocol ],
     [ SUPPORT_SNMP=$withval ],
     [ SUPPORT_SNMP=try ],
     [  --with-esmtp
        Support the sending mail notifications with the esmtp library ],
     [ SUPPORT_ESMTP=$withval ],
     [ SUPPORT_ESMTP=try ],
     [  --with-acl
        Support CIB ACL ],
     [ SUPPORT_ACL=$withval ],
     [ SUPPORT_ACL=yes ],
     [  --with-cibsecrets
        Support CIB secrets ],
     [ SUPPORT_CIBSECRETS=$withval ],
     [  --with-ais-prefix=DIR  Prefix used when Corosync was installed [$prefix]],
     [ CSPREFIX=$withval ],
     [ CSPREFIX=$prefix ])
     [  --with-lcrso-dir=DIR   Corosync lcrso files. ],
     [ LCRSODIR="$withval" ])
     [  --with-initdir=DIR      directory for init (rc) scripts [${INITDIR}]],
     [ INITDIR="$withval" ])
     [  --with-profiling
        Disable optimizations for effective profiling ],
     [ SUPPORT_PROFILING=$withval ])
     [  --with-coverage
        Disable optimizations for effective profiling ],
     [ SUPPORT_COVERAGE=$withval ])
     [  --with-brand=brand  Brand to use for generated documentation [$PUBLICAN_BRAND]],
     [ PUBLICAN_BRAND="$withval" ])
     [  --with-doc-cli=cli_type  CLI type to use for generated documentation. [$ASCIIDOC_CLI_TYPE]],
     [ ASCIIDOC_CLI_TYPE="$withval" ])
 dnl ===============================================
 dnl General Processing
 dnl ===============================================
 echo Our Host OS: $host_os/$host
 AC_MSG_NOTICE(Sanitizing prefix: ${prefix})
 case $prefix in
 	dnl Fix default variables - "prefix" variable if not specified
 	if test "$localstatedir" = "\${prefix}/var"; then
 	if test "$sysconfdir" = "\${prefix}/etc"; then
 AC_MSG_NOTICE(Sanitizing exec_prefix: ${exec_prefix})
 case $exec_prefix in
   dnl For consistency with Heartbeat, map NONE->$prefix
   NONE)	  exec_prefix=$prefix;;
   prefix) exec_prefix=$prefix;;
 AC_MSG_NOTICE(Sanitizing ais_prefix: ${CSPREFIX})
 case $CSPREFIX in
   dnl For consistency with Heartbeat, map NONE->$prefix
   NONE)	  CSPREFIX=$prefix;;
   prefix) CSPREFIX=$prefix;;
 case $INITDIR in
   prefix) INITDIR=$prefix;;
     AC_MSG_CHECKING(which init (rc) directory to use)
       for initdir in /etc/init.d /etc/rc.d/init.d /sbin/init.d	\
 	   /usr/local/etc/rc.d /etc/rc.d
           test -d $initdir
 AC_MSG_NOTICE(Sanitizing libdir: ${libdir})
 case $libdir in
   dnl For consistency with Heartbeat, map NONE->$prefix
     AC_MSG_CHECKING(which lib directory to use)
     for aDir in lib64 lib
         test -d ${trydir}
 dnl Expand autoconf variables so that we dont end up with '${prefix}'
 dnl in #defines and python scripts
 dnl NOTE: Autoconf deliberately leaves them unexpanded to allow
 dnl    make exec_prefix=/foo install
 dnl No longer being able to do this seems like no great loss to me...
 eval prefix="`eval echo ${prefix}`"
 eval exec_prefix="`eval echo ${exec_prefix}`"
 eval bindir="`eval echo ${bindir}`"
 eval sbindir="`eval echo ${sbindir}`"
 eval libexecdir="`eval echo ${libexecdir}`"
 eval datadir="`eval echo ${datadir}`"
 eval sysconfdir="`eval echo ${sysconfdir}`"
 eval sharedstatedir="`eval echo ${sharedstatedir}`"
 eval localstatedir="`eval echo ${localstatedir}`"
 eval libdir="`eval echo ${libdir}`"
 eval includedir="`eval echo ${includedir}`"
 eval oldincludedir="`eval echo ${oldincludedir}`"
 eval infodir="`eval echo ${infodir}`"
 eval mandir="`eval echo ${mandir}`"
 dnl Home-grown variables
 eval docdir="`eval echo ${docdir}`"
 if test x"${docdir}" = x""; then
 for j in prefix exec_prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datadir sysconfdir \
     sharedstatedir localstatedir libdir includedir oldincludedir infodir \
     mandir INITDIR docdir
   dirname=`eval echo '${'${j}'}'`
     test ! -d "$dirname"
     AC_MSG_WARN([$j directory ($dirname) does not exist!])
 dnl This OS-based decision-making is poor autotools practice;
 dnl feature-based mechanisms are strongly preferred.
 dnl So keep this section to a bare minimum; regard as a "necessary evil".
 case "$host_os" in
 		AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ON_BSD, 1, Compiling for BSD platform)
 		CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/usr/local/include"
 		AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ON_SOLARIS, 1, Compiling for Solaris platform)
 		AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ON_LINUX, 1, Compiling for Linux platform)
 		AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ON_DARWIN, 1, Compiling for Darwin platform)
   		LIBS="$LIBS -L${prefix}/lib"
   		CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I${prefix}/include"
 dnl Eventually remove this
 if test "$cross_compiling" != "yes"; then
    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I${prefix}/include/heartbeat"
 AC_MSG_NOTICE(Host CPU: $host_cpu)
 case "$host_cpu" in
     case $CFLAGS in
      *powerpc64*)			;;
      *)	if test "$GCC" = yes; then
 	  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -m64"
 	fi				;;
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(which format is needed to print uint64_t)
 CFLAGS="-Wall -Werror"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 int max = 512;
 uint64_t bignum = 42;
 char *buffer = malloc(max);
 const char *random = "random";
 snprintf(buffer, max-1, "<quorum id=%lu quorate=%s/>", bignum, random);
 fprintf(stderr, "Result: %s\n", buffer);
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(U64T, "$U64T", Correct printf format for logging uint64_t)
 dnl ===============================================
 dnl Program Paths
 dnl ===============================================
 export PATH
 dnl Replacing AC_PROG_LIBTOOL with AC_CHECK_PROG because LIBTOOL
 dnl was NOT being expanded all the time thus causing things to fail.
 AC_CHECK_PROGS(LIBTOOL, glibtool libtool libtool15 libtool13)
 AC_CHECK_PROGS(MAKE, gmake make)
 AC_PATH_PROGS(POD2MAN, pod2man, pod2man)
 AC_PATH_PROGS(SSH, ssh, /usr/bin/ssh)
 AC_PATH_PROGS(SCP, scp, /usr/bin/scp)
 AC_PATH_PROGS(VALGRIND_BIN, valgrind, /usr/bin/valgrind)
 dnl Disable these until we decide if the stonith config file should be supported
 dnl AC_PATH_PROGS(BISON, bison)
 dnl AC_PATH_PROGS(FLEX, flex)
 if test x"${LIBTOOL}" = x""; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(You need (g)libtool installed in order to build ${PACKAGE})
 if test x"${MAKE}" = x""; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(You need (g)make installed in order to build ${PACKAGE})
 if test x"${HELP2MAN}" != x""; then
    PCMK_FEATURES="$PCMK_FEATURES generated-manpages"
 if test x"${XSLTPROC}" != x""; then
   AC_MSG_CHECKING(docbook to manpage transform)
   XSLT=`find ${datadir} -name docbook.xsl`
   for xsl in $XSLT; do
     dname=`dirname $xsl`
     bname=`basename $dname`
     if test "$bname" = "manpages"; then
 if test x"${MANPAGE_XSLT}" != x""; then
    PCMK_FEATURES="$PCMK_FEATURES agent-manpages"
 if test x"${ASCIIDOC}" != x""; then
 if test x"${HAVE_YACC}" != x"" -a x"${FLEX}" != x"" -a x"${BISON}" != x""; then
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SUPPORT_STONITH_CONFIG, $SUPPORT_STONITH_CONFIG, Support a stand-alone stonith config file in addition to the CIB)
 AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_DOCBOOK, test x"${PUBLICAN}" != x"" -a x"${INKSCAPE}" != x"")
 if test x"${PUBLICAN}" != x"" -a x"${INKSCAPE}" != x""; then
    AC_MSG_NOTICE(Enabling publican)
    PCMK_FEATURES="$PCMK_FEATURES publican-docs"
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl checks for library functions to replace them
 dnl     NoSuchFunctionName:
 dnl             is a dummy function which no system supplies.  It is here to make
 dnl             the system compile semi-correctly on OpenBSD which doesn't know
 dnl             how to create an empty archive
 dnl     scandir: Only on BSD.
 dnl             System-V systems may have it, but hidden and/or deprecated.
 dnl             A replacement function is supplied for it.
 dnl     setenv: is some bsdish function that should also be avoided (use
 dnl             putenv instead)
 dnl             On the other hand, putenv doesn't provide the right API for the
 dnl             code and has memory leaks designed in (sigh...)  Fortunately this
 dnl             A replacement function is supplied for it.
 dnl     strerror: returns a string that corresponds to an errno.
 dnl             A replacement function is supplied for it.
 dnl	strnlen: is a gnu function similar to strlen, but safer.
 dnl		We wrote a tolearably-fast replacement function for it.
 dnl	strndup: is a gnu function similar to strdup, but safer.
 dnl		We wrote a tolearably-fast replacement function for it.
 AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(alphasort NoSuchFunctionName scandir setenv strerror strchrnul unsetenv strnlen strndup)
 dnl ===============================================
 dnl Libraries
 dnl ===============================================
 AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, socket)			dnl -lsocket
 AC_CHECK_LIB(c, dlopen)				dnl if dlopen is in libc...
 AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen)			dnl -ldl (for Linux)
 AC_CHECK_LIB(rt, sched_getscheduler)            dnl -lrt (for Tru64)
 AC_CHECK_LIB(gnugetopt, getopt_long)		dnl -lgnugetopt ( if available )
 AC_CHECK_LIB(pam, pam_start)			dnl -lpam (if available)
 AC_CHECK_LIB(uuid, uuid_parse)			dnl load the library if necessary
 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(uuid_unparse)			dnl OSX ships uuid_* as standard functions
 if test "x$ac_cv_func_uuid_unparse" != xyes; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(You do not have the libuuid development package installed)
 if test x"${PKGCONFIG}" = x""; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(You need pkgconfig installed in order to build ${PACKAGE})
 if test "x${enable_thread_safe}" = "xyes"; then
 	set -x
 	$PKGCONFIG --exists $GPKGNAME; echo $?
 	$PKGCONFIG --cflags $GPKGNAME; echo $?
 	set +x
 	AC_MSG_ERROR(You need glib2-devel installed in order to build ${PACKAGE})
 #	Where is dlopen?
 if test "$ac_cv_lib_c_dlopen" = yes; then
 elif test "$ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen" = yes; then
 dnl Check for location of gettext
 dnl On at least Solaris 2.x, where it is in libc, specifying lintl causes
 dnl grief. Ensure minimal result, not the sum of all possibilities.
 dnl And do libc first.
 dnl Known examples:
 dnl    c:      Linux, Solaris 2.6+
 dnl    intl:   BSD, AIX
 AC_CHECK_LIB(c, gettext)
 if test x$ac_cv_lib_c_gettext != xyes; then
    AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, gettext)
 if test x$ac_cv_lib_c_gettext != xyes -a x$ac_cv_lib_intl_gettext != xyes; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(You need gettext installed in order to build ${PACKAGE})
 if test "X$GLIBCONFIG" != X; then
 	AC_MSG_CHECKING(for special glib includes: )
 	AC_MSG_CHECKING(for glib library flags)
 dnl FreeBSD needs -lcompat for ftime() used by lrmd.c
 AC_CHECK_LIB([compat], [ftime], [COMPAT_LIBS='-lcompat'])
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl Headers
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl These headers need prerequisits before the tests will pass
 dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS(net/if.h)
 dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/icmp6.h)
 dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/ip6.h)
 dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/ip_icmp.h)
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for special libxml2 includes)
 if test "x$XML2CONFIG" = "x"; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(libxml2 config not found)
    XML2HEAD="`$XML2CONFIG --cflags`"
    AC_CHECK_LIB(xml2, xmlReadMemory)
    AC_CHECK_LIB(xslt, xsltApplyStylesheet)
 if test "$ac_cv_header_libxml_xpath_h" != "yes"; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(The libxml developement headers were not found)
 if test "$ac_cv_header_libxslt_xslt_h" != "yes"; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(The libxslt developement headers were not found)
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl Structures
 dnl ========================================================================
 AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct tm.tm_gmtoff],,,[[#include <time.h>]])
 AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([lrm_op_t.rsc_deleted],,,[[#include <lrm/lrm_api.h>]])
 AC_CHECK_MEMBER([struct dirent.d_type],
     AC_DEFINE(HAVE_STRUCT_DIRENT_D_TYPE,1,[Define this if struct dirent has d_type]),,
     [#include <dirent.h>])
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl Functions
 dnl ========================================================================
 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getopt, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DECL_GETOPT,  1, [Have getopt function]))
 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(nanosleep, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DECL_NANOSLEEP,  1, [Have nanosleep function]))
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl   ltdl
 dnl ========================================================================
 AC_CHECK_LIB(ltdl, lt_dlopen, [LTDL_foo=1])
 if test "x${enable_bundled_ltdl}" = "xyes"; then
    if test $ac_cv_lib_ltdl_lt_dlopen = yes; then
       AC_MSG_NOTICE([Disabling usage of installed ltdl])
 if test $ac_cv_lib_ltdl_lt_dlopen != yes ; then
    AC_MSG_NOTICE([Installing local ltdl])
    ( cd $srcdir ; $TAR -xvf libltdl.tar )
    if test "$?" -ne 0; then
      AC_MSG_ERROR([$TAR of libltdl.tar in $srcdir failed])
    LIBS="$LIBS -lltdl"
    AC_MSG_NOTICE([Using installed ltdl])
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl   bzip2
 dnl ========================================================================
 AC_CHECK_LIB(bz2, BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress)
 if test x$ac_cv_lib_bz2_BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress != xyes ; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(BZ2 libraries not found)
 if test x$ac_cv_header_bzlib_h != xyes; then
    AC_MSG_ERROR(BZ2 Development headers not found)
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl sighandler_t is missing from Illumos, Solaris11 systems
 dnl ========================================================================
 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for sighandler_t])
 AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <signal.h>],[sighandler_t *f;],
 if test "$has_sighandler_t" = "yes" ; then
     AC_DEFINE( HAVE_SIGHANDLER_T, 1, [Define if sighandler_t available] )
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl   ncurses
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl A few OSes (e.g. Linux) deliver a default "ncurses" alongside "curses".
 dnl Many non-Linux deliver "curses"; sites may add "ncurses".
 dnl However, the source-code recommendation for both is to #include "curses.h"
 dnl (i.e. "ncurses" still wants the include to be simple, no-'n', "curses.h").
 dnl ncurse takes precedence.
 dnl Although n-library is preferred, only look for it if the n-header was found.
 if test "$ac_cv_header_ncurses_h" = "yes"; then
   AC_CHECK_LIB(ncurses, printw,
     [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBNCURSES,1, have ncurses library)]
   CURSESLIBS=`$PKGCONFIG --libs ncurses` || CURSESLIBS='-lncurses'
 if test "$ac_cv_header_ncurses_ncurses_h" = "yes"; then
   AC_CHECK_LIB(ncurses, printw,
     [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBNCURSES,1, have ncurses library)]
   CURSESLIBS=`$PKGCONFIG --libs ncurses` || CURSESLIBS='-lncurses'
 dnl Only look for non-n-library if there was no n-library.
 if test X"$CURSESLIBS" = X"" -a "$ac_cv_header_curses_h" = "yes"; then
   AC_CHECK_LIB(curses, printw,
     [CURSESLIBS='-lcurses'; AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBCURSES,1, have curses library)]
 dnl Only look for non-n-library if there was no n-library.
 if test X"$CURSESLIBS" = X"" -a "$ac_cv_header_curses_curses_h" = "yes"; then
   AC_CHECK_LIB(curses, printw,
     [CURSESLIBS='-lcurses'; AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBCURSES,1, have curses library)]
 if test "x$CURSESLIBS" != "x"; then
 dnl Check for printw() prototype compatibility
 if test X"$CURSESLIBS" != X"" && cc_supports_flag -Wcast-qual && cc_supports_flag -Werror; then
     AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether printw() requires argument of "const char *")
     CFLAGS="-Wcast-qual -Werror"
 #if defined(HAVE_NCURSES_H)
 #  include <ncurses.h>
 #elif defined(HAVE_NCURSES_NCURSES_H)
 #  include <ncurses/ncurses.h>
 #elif defined(HAVE_CURSES_H)
 #  include <curses.h>
 	      [printw((const char *)"Test");]
     if test "$ac_cv_compatible_printw" = no; then
 		AC_MSG_WARN([The printw() function of your ncurses or curses library is old, we will disable usage of the library. If you want to use this library anyway, please update to newer version of the library, ncurses 5.4 or later is recommended. You can get the library from http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/.])
 		AC_MSG_NOTICE([Disabling curses])
 		AC_DEFINE(HAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_PRINTW, 1, [Do we have incompatible printw() in curses library?])
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    Profiling and GProf
 dnl ========================================================================
 	CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage"
 	dnl During linking, make sure to specify -lgcov or -coverage
         dnl Enable gprof
 	#LIBS="$LIBS -pg"
 	dnl Disable various compiler optimizations
 	CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-inline -fno-builtin "
 	dnl CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fno-inline-functions -fno-default-inline -fno-inline-functions-called-once -fno-optimize-sibling-calls"
 	dnl Turn off optimization so tools can get accurate line numbers
 	CFLAGS=`echo $CFLAGS | sed -e 's/-O.\ //g' -e 's/-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=.\ //g' -e 's/-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=.\ //g'`
 	CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O0 -g3 -gdwarf-2"
 	dnl Update features
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    Cluster infrastructure - Heartbeat / LibQB
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl Compatability checks
 AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct lrm_ops.fail_rsc],,,[[#include <lrm/lrm_api.h>]])
 if test x${enable_no_stack} = xyes; then
 PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libqb, libqb, HAVE_libqb=1, HAVE_libqb=0)
 AC_CHECK_LIB(qb, qb_ipcs_connection_auth_set)
 PCMK_FEATURES="$PCMK_FEATURES libqb-logging libqb-ipc"
 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(qb_ipcs_connection_get_buffer_size, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IPCS_GET_BUFFER_SIZE,  1, [Have qb_ipcc_get_buffer_size function]))
    ! pkg-config --atleast-version 0.13 libqb
    AC_MSG_FAILURE(Version of libqb is too old: v0.13 or greater requried)
 LIBS="$LIBS $libqb_LIBS"
 if test "$ac_cv_header_heartbeat_glue_config_h" = "yes";  then
 elif test "$ac_cv_header_heartbeat_hb_config_h" = "yes"; then
    AC_MSG_WARN(cluster-glue development headers were not found)
 if test "$ac_cv_header_stonith_stonith_h" = "yes";  then
 if test $HAVE_GLUE = 1; then
    dnl On Debian, AC_CHECK_LIBS fail if a library has any unresolved symbols
    dnl So check for all the depenancies (so they're added to LIBS) before checking for -lplumb
    AC_CHECK_LIB(pils, PILLoadPlugin)
    AC_CHECK_LIB(plumb, G_main_add_IPC_Channel)
 dnl ===============================================
 dnl Variables needed for substitution
 dnl ===============================================
 CRM_CORE_DIR=`try_extract_header_define $GLUE_HEADER HA_COREDIR ${localstatedir}/lib/pacemaker/cores`
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CRM_CORE_DIR,"$CRM_CORE_DIR", Location to store core files produced by Pacemaker daemons)
 CRM_DAEMON_USER=`try_extract_header_define $GLUE_HEADER HA_CCMUSER hacluster`
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CRM_DAEMON_USER,"$CRM_DAEMON_USER", User to run Pacemaker daemons as)
 CRM_DAEMON_GROUP=`try_extract_header_define $GLUE_HEADER HA_APIGROUP haclient`
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CRM_DAEMON_GROUP,"$CRM_DAEMON_GROUP", Group to run Pacemaker daemons as)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CRM_STATE_DIR,"$CRM_STATE_DIR", Where to keep state files and sockets)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PE_STATE_DIR,"$PE_STATE_DIR", Where to keep PEngine outputs)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CRM_CONFIG_DIR,"$CRM_CONFIG_DIR", Where to keep configuration files)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CRM_CONFIG_CTS,"$CRM_CONFIG_CTS", Where to keep cts stateful data)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CRM_LEGACY_CONFIG_DIR,"$CRM_LEGACY_CONFIG_DIR", Where Pacemaker used to keep configuration files)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CRM_DAEMON_DIR,"$CRM_DAEMON_DIR", Location for Pacemaker daemons)
 HB_DAEMON_DIR=`try_extract_header_define $GLUE_HEADER HA_LIBHBDIR $libdir/heartbeat`
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HB_DAEMON_DIR,"$HB_DAEMON_DIR", Location Heartbeat expects Pacemaker daemons to be in)
 dnl Needed so that the Corosync plugin can clear out the directory as Heartbeat does
 HA_STATE_DIR=`try_extract_header_define $GLUE_HEADER HA_VARRUNDIR ${localstatedir}/run`
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HA_STATE_DIR,"$HA_STATE_DIR", Where Heartbeat keeps state files and sockets)
 CRM_RSCTMP_DIR=`try_extract_header_define agent_config.h HA_RSCTMPDIR $HA_STATE_DIR/resource-agents`
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(Scratch dir for resource agents)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CRM_RSCTMP_DIR,"$CRM_RSCTMP_DIR", Where resource agents should keep state files)
 dnl Needed for the location of hostcache in CTS.py
 HA_VARLIBHBDIR=`try_extract_header_define $GLUE_HEADER HA_VARLIBHBDIR ${localstatedir}/lib/heartbeat`
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(UUID_FILE,"$localstatedir/lib/heartbeat/hb_uuid", Location of Heartbeat's UUID file)
 OCF_ROOT_DIR=`try_extract_header_define $GLUE_HEADER OCF_ROOT_DIR /usr/lib/ocf`
 if test "X$OCF_ROOT_DIR" = X; then
   AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not locate OCF directory)
 OCF_RA_DIR=`try_extract_header_define $GLUE_HEADER OCF_RA_DIR $OCF_ROOT_DIR/resource.d`
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(RH_STONITH_DIR,"$RH_STONITH_DIR", Location for Red Hat Stonith agents)
 AC_PATH_PROGS(GIT, git false)
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(build version)
 if test $BUILD_VERSION != ":%h$"; then
    AC_MSG_RESULT(archive hash: $BUILD_VERSION)
 elif test -x $GIT -a -d .git; then
    BUILD_VERSION=`$GIT log --pretty="format:%h" -n 1`
    # The current directory name make a reasonable default
    # Most generated archives will include the hash or tag
    BASE=`basename $PWD`
    BUILD_VERSION=`echo $BASE | sed s:.*[[Pp]]acemaker-::`
    AC_MSG_RESULT(directory based hash: $BUILD_VERSION)
 PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DBUS, dbus-1, ,HAVE_dbus=0)
 if test $HAVE_dbus = 1; then
    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS `$PKGCONFIG --cflags dbus-1`"
 DBUS_LIBS="$CFLAGS `$PKGCONFIG --libs dbus-1`"
 AC_CHECK_TYPES([DBusBasicValue],,,[[#include <dbus/dbus.h>]])
 if test $HAVE_dbus = 1 -a "x${enable_upstart}" != xno; then
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SUPPORT_UPSTART, $HAVE_upstart, Support upstart based system services)
     $PKGCONFIG --exists systemd
     systemdunitdir=`$PKGCONFIG --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd`
 if test $HAVE_dbus = 1 -a "x${enable_systemd}" != xno; then
    if test -n "$systemdunitdir" -a "x$systemdunitdir" != xno; then
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SUPPORT_SYSTEMD, $HAVE_systemd, Support systemd based system services)
 if test $SUPPORT_NAGIOS = 1; then
 if test x"$NAGIOS_PLUGIN_DIR" = x""; then
 if test x"$NAGIOS_METADATA_DIR" = x""; then
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NAGIOS_METADATA_DIR, "$NAGIOS_METADATA_DIR", Directory for nagios plugins metadata)
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    Cluster stack - Heartbeat
 dnl ========================================================================
    AC_MSG_CHECKING(for heartbeat support)
    AC_CHECK_LIB(hbclient, ll_cluster_new, [SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT=1],
 		[if test $SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT != try; then
 			AC_MSG_FAILURE(Unable to support Heartbeat: client libraries not found)
    if test $SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT = 1 ; then
 	STACKS="$STACKS heartbeat"
 	dnl objdump -x ${libdir}/libccmclient.so | grep SONAME | awk '{print $2}'
 	AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CCM_LIBRARY, "libccmclient.so.1", Library to load for ccm support)
 	AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HEARTBEAT_LIBRARY, "libhbclient.so.1", Library to load for heartbeat support)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT, $SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT, Support the Heartbeat messaging and membership layer)
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    Cluster stack - Corosync
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl Normalize the values
 case $SUPPORT_CS in
      try)	missingisfatal=0;;
      *) SUPPORT_CS=no;;
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for native corosync)
 if test $SUPPORT_CS = no; then
     AC_MSG_RESULT(no (disabled))
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(cpg,    libcpg) dnl Fatal
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(cfg,    libcfg) dnl Fatal
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(cmap,   libcmap,   HAVE_cmap=1,   HAVE_cmap=0)
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(cman,   libcman,   HAVE_cman=1,   HAVE_cman=0)
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(confdb, libconfdb, HAVE_confdb=1, HAVE_confdb=0)
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(fenced, libfenced, HAVE_fenced=1, HAVE_fenced=0)
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(quorum, libquorum, HAVE_quorum=1, HAVE_quorum=0)
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(oldipc, libcoroipcc, HAVE_oldipc=1, HAVE_oldipc=0)
     if test $HAVE_oldipc = 1; then
 	CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $oldipc_FLAGS $cpg_FLAGS $cfg_FLAGS"
         COROSYNC_LIBS="$COROSYNC_LIBS $oldipc_LIBS $cpg_LIBS $cfg_LIBS"
     elif test $HAVE_libqb = 1; then
         AC_CHECK_LIB(corosync_common, cs_strerror)
         aisreason="corosync/libqb IPC libraries not found by pkg_config"
     AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_CONFDB, $HAVE_confdb, Have the old herarchial Corosync config API)
     AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_CMAP, $HAVE_cmap, Have the new non-herarchial Corosync config API)
 if test $SUPPORT_CS = 1 -a x$HAVE_oldipc = x0 ; then
     dnl Support for plugins was removed about the time the IPC was
     dnl moved to libqb.
     dnl The only option now is the built-in quorum API
     CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $cmap_CFLAGS $quorum_CFLAGS"
     STACKS="$STACKS corosync-native"
     AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SUPPORT_CS_QUORUM, 1, Support the consumption of membership and quorum from corosync)
 if test $SUPPORT_CS = 1 -a x$HAVE_confdb = x1; then
     dnl Need confdb to support cman and the plugins
     LCRSODIR=`$PKGCONFIG corosync --variable=lcrsodir`
     STACKS="$STACKS corosync-plugin"
     if test $SUPPORT_CMAN != no; then
         if test $HAVE_cman = 1 -a $HAVE_fenced = 1; then
 	    STACKS="$STACKS cman"
             CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $cman_FLAGS $fenced_FLAGS"
             COROSYNC_LIBS="$COROSYNC_LIBS $cman_LIBS $fenced_LIBS"
 dnl Normalize SUPPORT_CS and SUPPORT_CMAN for use with #if directives
 if test $SUPPORT_CMAN != 1; then
 if test $SUPPORT_CS = 1; then
 elif test $SUPPORT_CS != 0; then
     if test $missingisfatal = 0; then
         AC_MSG_WARN(Unable to support Corosync: $aisreason)
         AC_MSG_FAILURE(Unable to support Corosync: $aisreason)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SUPPORT_COROSYNC, $SUPPORT_CS,    Support the Corosync messaging and membership layer)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SUPPORT_CMAN,     $SUPPORT_CMAN,  Support the consumption of membership and quorum from cman)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CS_USES_LIBQB,    $CS_USES_LIBQB, Does corosync use libqb for its ipc)
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SUPPORT_PLUGIN,   $SUPPORT_PLUGIN, Support the Pacemaker plugin for Corosync)
 dnl    Cluster stack - Sanity
 if test x${enable_no_stack} = xyes; then
     AC_MSG_NOTICE(No cluster stack supported.  Just building the Policy Engine)
     PCMK_FEATURES="$PCMK_FEATURES no-cluster-stack"
     AC_MSG_CHECKING(for supported stacks)
     if test x"$STACKS" = x; then
       AC_MSG_FAILURE(You must support at least one cluster stack (heartbeat or corosync) )
 if test ${BUILD_ATOMIC_ATTRD} = 1; then
     PCMK_FEATURES="$PCMK_FEATURES atomic-attrd"
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    SNMP
 dnl ========================================================================
 case $SUPPORT_SNMP in
      1|yes|true) missingisfatal=1;;
      try)        missingisfatal=0;;
      *)		 SUPPORT_SNMP=no;;
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for snmp support)
 if test $SUPPORT_SNMP = no; then
    AC_MSG_RESULT(no (disabled))
     if test "x${ac_cv_header_net_snmp_net_snmp_config_h}" != "xyes"; then
     if test $SUPPORT_SNMP != no; then
 	AC_PATH_PROGS(SNMPCONFIG, net-snmp-config)
 	if test "X${SNMPCONFIG}" = "X"; then
 		AC_MSG_RESULT(You need the net_snmp development package to continue.)
     if test $SUPPORT_SNMP != no; then
 	AC_MSG_CHECKING(for special snmp libraries)
 	SNMPLIBS=`$SNMPCONFIG --agent-libs`
     if test $SUPPORT_SNMP != no; then
         dnl    On many systems libcrypto is needed when linking against libsnmp.
         dnl    Check to see if it exists, and if so use it.
 	dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(crypto, CRYPTO_free, CRYPTOLIB="-lcrypto",)
         if test $ac_cv_func_netsnmp_transport_open_client != yes; then
             if test $ac_cv_func_netsnmp_tdomain_transport != yes; then
                 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NETSNMPV53, 1, [Use the older 5.3 version of the net-snmp API])
     if test $SUPPORT_SNMP = no; then
      	if test $missingisfatal = 0; then
 	    AC_MSG_WARN(Unable to support SNMP)
 	    AC_MSG_FAILURE(Unable to support SNMP)
 if test $SUPPORT_SNMP = 1; then
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ENABLE_SNMP, $SUPPORT_SNMP, Build in support for sending SNMP traps)
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    ESMTP
 dnl ========================================================================
      1|yes|true) missingisfatal=1;;
      try)        missingisfatal=0;;
      *)		 SUPPORT_ESMTP=no;;
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for esmtp support)
 if test $SUPPORT_ESMTP = no; then
    AC_MSG_RESULT(no (disabled))
    if test "x${ac_cv_header_libesmtp_h}" != "xyes"; then
    if test $SUPPORT_ESMTP != no; then
 	AC_PATH_PROGS(ESMTPCONFIG, libesmtp-config)
 	if test "X${ESMTPCONFIG}" = "X"; then
 		AC_MSG_RESULT(You need the libesmtp development package to continue.)
    if test $SUPPORT_ESMTP != no; then
 	AC_MSG_CHECKING(for special esmtp libraries)
 	ESMTPLIBS=`$ESMTPCONFIG --libs | tr '\n' ' '`
    if test $SUPPORT_ESMTP = no; then
      	if test $missingisfatal = 0; then
 	    AC_MSG_WARN(Unable to support ESMTP)
 	    AC_MSG_FAILURE(Unable to support ESMTP)
         PCMK_FEATURES="$PCMK_FEATURES libesmtp"
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ENABLE_ESMTP, $SUPPORT_ESMTP, Build in support for sending mail notifications with ESMTP)
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    ACL
 dnl ========================================================================
 case $SUPPORT_ACL in
      1|yes|true) missingisfatal=1;;
      try)        missingisfatal=0;;
      *)		 SUPPORT_ACL=no;;
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for acl support)
 if test $SUPPORT_ACL = no; then
     AC_MSG_RESULT(no (disabled))
     AC_CHECK_LIB(qb, qb_ipcs_connection_auth_set)
     if test $ac_cv_lib_qb_qb_ipcs_connection_auth_set != yes; then
     if test $SUPPORT_ACL = 0; then
         if test $missingisfatal = 0; then
             AC_MSG_WARN(Unable to support ACL. You need to use libqb > 0.13.0)
             AC_MSG_FAILURE(Unable to support ACL. You need to use libqb > 0.13.0)
 if test $SUPPORT_ACL = 1; then
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    CIB secrets
 dnl ========================================================================
 if test $SUPPORT_CIBSECRETS = 1; then
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    GnuTLS
 dnl ========================================================================
 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(security/pam_appl.h pam/pam_appl.h)
 dnl GNUTLS library: Attempt to determine by 'libgnutls-config' program.
 dnl If no 'libgnutls-config', try traditional autoconf means.
 if test -n "$LIBGNUTLS_CONFIG"; then
 	AC_MSG_CHECKING(for gnutls header flags)
 	AC_MSG_CHECKING(for gnutls library flags)
 AC_CHECK_LIB(gnutls, gnutls_init)
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl    System Health
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl Check if servicelog development package is installed
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES([SERVICELOG], [servicelog-1])
 dnl Check if OpenIMPI packages and servicelog are installed
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl Compiler flags
 dnl ========================================================================
 dnl Make sure that CFLAGS is not exported. If the user did
 dnl not have CFLAGS in their environment then this should have
 dnl no effect. However if CFLAGS was exported from the user's
 dnl environment, then the new CFLAGS will also be exported
 dnl to sub processes.
 if export | fgrep " CFLAGS=" > /dev/null; then
 	unset CFLAGS
 if test "$GCC" != yes; then
         CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g"
         CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -ggdb"
 	# We had to eliminate -Wnested-externs because of libtool changes
 # Additional warnings it might be nice to enable one day
 #		-Wshadow
 #		-Wunreachable-code
 	case "$host_os" in
 	    *solaris*) ;;
 	for j in $EXTRA_FLAGS
 	    cc_supports_flag $j
 dnl In lib/ais/Makefile.am there's a gcc option available as of v4.x
 	GCC_MAJOR=`gcc -v 2>&1 | awk 'END{print $3}' | sed 's/[.].*//'`
 	AM_CONDITIONAL(GCC_4, test "${GCC_MAJOR}" = 4)
 dnl System specific options
 	case "$host_os" in
 		if test "${enable_fatal_warnings}" = "unknown"; then
 	if test "x${enable_fatal_warnings}" != xno && cc_supports_flag -Werror ; then
 	if test "x${enable_ansi}" = xyes && cc_supports_flag -std=iso9899:199409 ; then
 	  AC_MSG_NOTICE(Enabling ANSI Compatibility)
   	AC_MSG_NOTICE(Activated additional gcc flags: ${CC_EXTRAS})
 dnl We reset CFLAGS to include our warnings *after* all function
 dnl checking goes on, so that our warning flags don't keep the
 dnl AC_*FUNCS() calls above from working.  In particular, -Werror will
 dnl *always* cause us troubles if we set it before here.
 if test "x${enable_fatal_warnings}" = xyes ; then
    AC_MSG_NOTICE(Enabling Fatal Warnings)
    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Werror"
 dnl This is useful for use in Makefiles that need to remove one specific flag
 AC_SUBST(LIBADD_DL)	dnl extra flags for dynamic linking libraries
 AC_SUBST(LIBADD_INTL)	dnl extra flags for GNU gettext stuff...
 dnl Options for cleaning up the compiler output
 if test "x${enable_quiet}" = "xyes"; then
 AC_MSG_RESULT(Supress make details: ${enable_quiet})
 dnl Put the above variables to use
 dnl The Makefiles and shell scripts we output
 AC_CONFIG_FILES(Makefile				        \
 Doxyfile							\
 coverage.sh							\
 cts/Makefile					        	\
 	cts/CTSvars.py						\
 	cts/LSBDummy						\
 	cts/HBDummy						\
 	cts/benchmark/Makefile					\
 	cts/benchmark/clubench					\
 	cts/lxc_autogen.sh					\
 cib/Makefile							\
 attrd/Makefile							\
 crmd/Makefile							\
 pengine/Makefile						\
 	pengine/regression.core.sh				\
 doc/Makefile							\
 	doc/Pacemaker_Explained/publican.cfg			\
 	doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/publican.cfg			\
 	doc/Pacemaker_Remote/publican.cfg			\
 include/Makefile						\
 	include/crm/Makefile					\
 		include/crm/cib/Makefile			\
 		include/crm/common/Makefile			\
 		include/crm/cluster/Makefile			\
 		include/crm/fencing/Makefile			\
 		include/crm/pengine/Makefile			\
 replace/Makefile						\
 lib/Makefile							\
 	lib/pacemaker.pc					\
 	lib/pacemaker-cib.pc					\
 	lib/pacemaker-lrmd.pc					\
 	lib/pacemaker-service.pc				\
 	lib/pacemaker-pengine.pc				\
 	lib/pacemaker-fencing.pc				\
 	lib/pacemaker-cluster.pc				\
 	lib/ais/Makefile					\
 	lib/common/Makefile					\
 	lib/cluster/Makefile					\
 	lib/cib/Makefile					\
 	lib/pengine/Makefile					\
 	lib/transition/Makefile					\
 	lib/fencing/Makefile					\
 	lib/lrmd/Makefile					\
 	lib/services/Makefile					\
 mcp/Makefile							\
 	mcp/pacemaker						\
 	mcp/pacemaker.service					\
 	mcp/pacemaker.upstart					\
 	mcp/pacemaker.combined.upstart				\
 fencing/Makefile                                                \
         fencing/regression.py                                   \
 lrmd/Makefile                                                   \
         lrmd/regression.py                                      \
         lrmd/pacemaker_remote.service				\
         lrmd/pacemaker_remote					\
 extra/Makefile							\
 	extra/resources/Makefile				\
 	extra/rgmanager/Makefile				\
 	extra/logrotate/Makefile				\
 	extra/logrotate/pacemaker				\
 tools/Makefile							\
 	tools/crm_report					\
         tools/report.common                                     \
 	tools/cibsecret						\
+	tools/crm_mon.service					\
 	tools/crm_mon.upstart					\
 xml/Makefile							\
 lib/gnu/Makefile						\
 dnl Now process the entire list of files added by previous
 dnl  calls to AC_CONFIG_FILES()
 dnl *****************
 dnl Configure summary
 dnl *****************
 AC_MSG_RESULT([$PACKAGE configuration:])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Version                  = ${VERSION} (Build: $BUILD_VERSION)])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Features                 =${PCMK_FEATURES}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Prefix                   = ${prefix}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Executables              = ${sbindir}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Man pages                = ${mandir}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Libraries                = ${libdir}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Header files             = ${includedir}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Arch-independent files   = ${datadir}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  State information        = ${localstatedir}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  System configuration     = ${sysconfdir}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Corosync Plugins         = ${LCRSODIR}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Use system LTDL          = ${ac_cv_lib_ltdl_lt_dlopen}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  HA group name            = ${CRM_DAEMON_GROUP}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  HA user name             = ${CRM_DAEMON_USER}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  CFLAGS                   = ${CFLAGS}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Libraries                = ${LIBS}])
 AC_MSG_RESULT([  Stack Libraries          = ${CLUSTERLIBS}])
diff --git a/crmd/callbacks.c b/crmd/callbacks.c
index 2e2b0813f6..34562fd794 100644
--- a/crmd/callbacks.c
+++ b/crmd/callbacks.c
@@ -1,287 +1,290 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <crmd_fsa.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <crm/cluster.h>
 #include <crm/cib.h>
 #include <crmd.h>
 #include <crmd_messages.h>
 #include <crmd_callbacks.h>
 #include <crmd_lrm.h>
 #include <tengine.h>
 #include <membership.h>
 void crmd_ha_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data);
 /* From join_dc... */
 extern gboolean check_join_state(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, const char *source);
 crmd_ha_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data)
     if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_HA_DISCONNECTED)) {
         /* we signed out, so this is expected */
         crm_info("Heartbeat disconnection complete");
     crm_crit("Lost connection to heartbeat service!");
     register_fsa_input(C_HA_DISCONNECT, I_ERROR, NULL);
 crmd_ha_msg_filter(xmlNode * msg)
     if (AM_I_DC) {
         const char *sys_from = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM);
         if (safe_str_eq(sys_from, CRM_SYSTEM_DC)) {
             const char *from = crm_element_value(msg, F_ORIG);
             if (safe_str_neq(from, fsa_our_uname)) {
                 int level = LOG_INFO;
                 const char *op = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_TASK);
                 /* make sure the election happens NOW */
                 if (fsa_state != S_ELECTION) {
                     ha_msg_input_t new_input;
                     level = LOG_WARNING;
                     new_input.msg = msg;
                     register_fsa_error_adv(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION, NULL, &new_input,
                 do_crm_log(level, "Another DC detected: %s (op=%s)", from, op);
                 goto done;
     } else {
         const char *sys_to = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_SYS_TO);
         if (safe_str_eq(sys_to, CRM_SYSTEM_DC)) {
     /* crm_log_xml_trace("HA[inbound]", msg); */
     route_message(C_HA_MESSAGE, msg);
 peer_update_callback(enum crm_status_type type, crm_node_t * node, const void *data)
     uint32_t old = 0;
     uint32_t changed = 0;
     bool appeared = FALSE;
     const char *status = NULL;
     set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_PEER_DATA);
     if (node->uname == NULL) {
     switch (type) {
         case crm_status_uname:
             /* If we've never seen the node, then it also wont be in the status section */
             crm_info("%s is now %s", node->uname, node->state);
         case crm_status_rstate:
             crm_info("Remote node %s is now %s (was %s)", node->uname, node->state, (const char *)data);
             /* Keep going */
         case crm_status_nstate:
             crm_info("%s is now %s (was %s)", node->uname, node->state, (const char *)data);
             if (safe_str_eq(data, node->state)) {
                 /* State did not change */
             } else if(safe_str_eq(CRM_NODE_MEMBER, node->state)) {
                 GListPtr gIter = stonith_cleanup_list;
                 appeared = TRUE;
                 while (gIter != NULL) {
                     GListPtr tmp = gIter;
                     char *target = tmp->data;
                     gIter = gIter->next;
                     if(safe_str_eq(node->uname, target)) {
                         crm_trace("Removing %s from the cleanup list", target);
                         stonith_cleanup_list = g_list_delete_link(stonith_cleanup_list, tmp);
         case crm_status_processes:
             if (data) {
                 old = *(const uint32_t *)data;
                 changed = node->processes ^ old;
             /* crmd_proc_update(node, proc_flags); */
             status = (node->processes & proc_flags) ? ONLINESTATUS : OFFLINESTATUS;
             crm_info("Client %s/%s now has status [%s] (DC=%s, changed=%6x)",
                      node->uname, peer2text(proc_flags), status,
                      AM_I_DC ? "true" : crm_str(fsa_our_dc), changed);
             if ((changed & proc_flags) == 0) {
                 /* Peer process did not change */
                 crm_trace("No change %6x %6x %6x", old, node->processes, proc_flags);
             } else if (is_not_set(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED)) {
                 crm_trace("Not connected");
             } else if (fsa_state == S_STOPPING) {
             appeared = (node->processes & proc_flags) != 0;
             if (safe_str_eq(node->uname, fsa_our_uname) && (node->processes & proc_flags) == 0) {
                 /* Did we get evicted? */
                 crm_notice("Our peer connection failed");
                 register_fsa_input(C_CRMD_STATUS_CALLBACK, I_ERROR, NULL);
             } else if (safe_str_eq(node->uname, fsa_our_dc) && crm_is_peer_active(node) == FALSE) {
                 /* Did the DC leave us? */
                 crm_notice("Our peer on the DC (%s) is dead", fsa_our_dc);
                 register_fsa_input(C_CRMD_STATUS_CALLBACK, I_ELECTION, NULL);
-                erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local);
+                if (compare_version(fsa_our_dc_version, "3.0.9") > 0) {
+                    erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local);
+                }
             } else if(AM_I_DC && appeared == FALSE) {
                 crm_info("Peer %s left us", node->uname);
                 erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local);
                 /* crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, node, crm_join_none); */
     if (AM_I_DC) {
         xmlNode *update = NULL;
         int flags = node_update_peer;
         gboolean alive = crm_is_peer_active(node);
         crm_action_t *down = match_down_event(0, node->uuid, NULL, appeared);
         crm_trace("Alive=%d, appear=%d, down=%p", alive, appeared, down);
         if (alive && type == crm_status_processes) {
             register_fsa_input_before(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_NODE_JOIN, NULL);
         if (down) {
             const char *task = crm_element_value(down->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
             if (alive && safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) {
                 crm_info("Node return implies stonith of %s (action %d) completed", node->uname,
                 erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local);
                 erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local);
                 /* down->confirmed = TRUE; Only stonith-ng returning should imply completion */
                 down->sent_update = TRUE;       /* Prevent tengine_stonith_callback() from calling send_stonith_update() */
             } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) {
                 crm_trace("Waiting for stonithd to report the fencing of %s is complete", node->uname); /* via tengine_stonith_callback() */
             } else if (alive == FALSE) {
                 crm_notice("%s of %s (op %d) is complete", task, node->uname, down->id);
                 /* down->confirmed = TRUE; Only stonith-ng returning should imply completion */
                 flags |= node_update_join | node_update_expected;
                 crmd_peer_down(node, FALSE);
                 check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__);
                 update_graph(transition_graph, down);
             } else {
                 crm_trace("Other %p", down);
         } else if (appeared == FALSE) {
             crm_notice("Stonith/shutdown of %s not matched", node->uname);
             crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, node, crm_join_none);
             check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__);
             abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Node failure", NULL);
             fail_incompletable_actions(transition_graph, node->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("Other %p", down);
         update = do_update_node_cib(node, flags, NULL, __FUNCTION__);
         fsa_cib_anon_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update,
                             cib_scope_local | cib_quorum_override | cib_can_create);
 crmd_cib_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data)
     CRM_CHECK(user_data == fsa_cib_conn,;);
     fsa_cib_conn->state = cib_disconnected;
     if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED) == FALSE) {
         crm_info("Connection to the CIB terminated...");
     /* eventually this will trigger a reconnect, not a shutdown */
     crm_err("Connection to the CIB terminated...");
     register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
     clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED);
 crm_fsa_trigger(gpointer user_data)
     crm_trace("Invoked (queue len: %d)", g_list_length(fsa_message_queue));
     crm_trace("Exited  (queue len: %d)", g_list_length(fsa_message_queue));
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/crmd/fsa_defines.h b/crmd/fsa_defines.h
index 7b2ca00087..ad8ca98cb6 100644
--- a/crmd/fsa_defines.h
+++ b/crmd/fsa_defines.h
@@ -1,493 +1,499 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #ifndef FSA_DEFINES__H
 #  define FSA_DEFINES__H
  *	States the DC/CRMd can be in
 enum crmd_fsa_state {
     S_IDLE = 0,                 /* Nothing happening */
     S_ELECTION,                 /* Take part in the election algorithm as 
                                  * described below
     S_INTEGRATION,              /* integrate that status of new nodes (which is 
                                  * all of them if we have just been elected DC)
                                  * to form a complete and up-to-date picture of
                                  * the CIB
     S_FINALIZE_JOIN,            /* integrate that status of new nodes (which is 
                                  * all of them if we have just been elected DC)
                                  * to form a complete and up-to-date picture of
                                  * the CIB
     S_NOT_DC,                   /* we are in crmd/slave mode */
     S_POLICY_ENGINE,            /* Determin the next stable state of the cluster
     S_RECOVERY,                 /* Something bad happened, check everything is ok
                                  * before continuing and attempt to recover if
                                  * required
     S_RELEASE_DC,               /* we were the DC, but now we arent anymore,
                                  * possibly by our own request, and we should 
                                  * release all unnecessary sub-systems, finish
                                  * any pending actions, do general cleanup and
                                  * unset anything that makes us think we are
                                  * special :)
     S_STARTING,                 /* we are just starting out */
     S_PENDING,                  /* we are not a full/active member yet */
     S_STOPPING,                 /* We are in the final stages of shutting down */
     S_TERMINATE,                /* We are going to shutdown, this is the equiv of
                                  * "Sending TERM signal to all processes" in Linux
                                  * and in worst case scenarios could be considered
                                  * a self STONITH
     S_TRANSITION_ENGINE,        /* Attempt to make the calculated next stable
                                  * state of the cluster a reality
     S_HALT,                     /* Freeze - dont do anything
                                  * Something ad happened that needs the admin to fix
                                  * Wait for I_ELECTION
     /*  ----------- Last input found in table is above ---------- */
     S_ILLEGAL                   /* This is an illegal FSA state */
         /* (must be last) */
 	A state diagram can be constructed from the dc_fsa.dot with the
 	following command:
 	dot -Tpng crmd_fsa.dot > crmd_fsa.png
       Once we start and do some basic sanity checks, we go into the
       S_NOT_DC state and await instructions from the DC or input from
       the CCM which indicates the election algorithm needs to run.
       If the election algorithm is triggered we enter the S_ELECTION state
       from where we can either go back to the S_NOT_DC state or progress
       to the S_INTEGRATION state (or S_RELEASE_DC if we used to be the DC
       but arent anymore).
       The election algorithm has been adapted from
       Loosly known as the Bully Algorithm, its major points are:
       - Election is initiated by any node (N) notices that the coordinator
 	is no longer responding
       - Concurrent multiple elections are possible
       - Algorithm
 	  + N sends ELECTION messages to all nodes that occur earlier in
 	  the CCM's membership list.
 	  + If no one responds, N wins and becomes coordinator
 	  + N sends out COORDINATOR messages to all other nodes in the
 	  + If one of higher-ups answers, it takes over. N is done.
       Once the election is complete, if we are the DC, we enter the
       S_INTEGRATION state which is a DC-in-waiting style state.  We are
       the DC, but we shouldnt do anything yet because we may not have an
       up-to-date picture of the cluster.  There may of course be times
       when this fails, so we should go back to the S_RECOVERY stage and
       check everything is ok.  We may also end up here if a new node came
       online, since each node is authorative on itself and we would want
       to incorporate its information into the CIB.
       Once we have the latest CIB, we then enter the S_POLICY_ENGINE state
       where invoke the Policy Engine. It is possible that between
       invoking the Policy Engine and receiving an answer, that we receive
       more input. In this case we would discard the orginal result and
       invoke it again.
       Once we are satisfied with the output from the Policy Engine we
       enter S_TRANSITION_ENGINE and feed the Policy Engine's output to the
       Transition Engine who attempts to make the Policy Engine's
       calculation a reality.  If the transition completes successfully,
       we enter S_IDLE, otherwise we go back to S_POLICY_ENGINE with the
       current unstable state and try again.
       Of course we may be asked to shutdown at any time, however we must
       progress to S_NOT_DC before doing so.  Once we have handed over DC
       duties to another node, we can then shut down like everyone else,
       that is by asking the DC for permission and waiting it to take all
       our resources away.
       The case where we are the DC and the only node in the cluster is a
       special case and handled as an escalation which takes us to
       S_SHUTDOWN.  Similarly if any other point in the shutdown
       fails or stalls, this is escalated and we end up in S_TERMINATE.
       At any point, the CRMd/DC can relay messages for its sub-systems,
       but outbound messages (from sub-systems) should probably be blocked
       until S_INTEGRATION (for the DC case) or the join protocol has
       completed (for the CRMd case)
  * 	Inputs/Events/Stimuli to be given to the finite state machine
  *	Some of these a true events, and others a synthesised based on
  *	the "register" (see below) and the contents or source of messages.
  *	At this point, my plan is to have a loop of some sort that keeps
  *	going until receiving I_NULL
 enum crmd_fsa_input {
 /* 0 */
     I_NULL,                     /* Nothing happened */
 /* 1 */
     I_CIB_OP,                   /* An update to the CIB occurred */
     I_CIB_UPDATE,               /* An update to the CIB occurred */
     I_DC_TIMEOUT,               /* We have lost communication with the DC */
     I_ELECTION,                 /* Someone started an election */
     I_PE_CALC,                  /* The Policy Engine needs to be invoked */
     I_RELEASE_DC,               /* The election completed and we were not
                                  * elected, but we were the DC beforehand
     I_ELECTION_DC,              /* The election completed and we were (re-)elected
                                  * DC
     I_ERROR,                    /* Something bad happened (more serious than
                                  * I_FAIL) and may not have been due to the action
                                  * being performed.  For example, we may have lost
                                  * our connection to the CIB.
 /* 9 */
     I_FAIL,                     /* The action failed to complete successfully */
     I_NODE_JOIN,                /* A node has entered the cluster */
     I_NOT_DC,                   /* We are not and were not the DC before or after
                                  * the current operation or state
     I_RECOVERED,                /* The recovery process completed successfully */
     I_RELEASE_FAIL,             /* We could not give up DC status for some reason
     I_RELEASE_SUCCESS,          /* We are no longer the DC */
     I_RESTART,                  /* The current set of actions needs to be
                                  * restarted
     I_TE_SUCCESS,               /* Some non-resource, non-ccm action is required
                                  * of us, eg. ping
 /* 20 */
     I_ROUTER,                   /* Do our job as router and forward this to the
                                  * right place
     I_SHUTDOWN,                 /* We are asking to shutdown */
     I_STOP,                     /* We have been told to shutdown */
     I_TERMINATE,                /* Actually exit */
     I_PE_SUCCESS,               /* The action completed successfully */
     I_JOIN_OFFER,               /* The DC is offering membership */
     I_JOIN_REQUEST,             /* The client is requesting membership */
     I_JOIN_RESULT,              /* If not the DC: The result of a join request
                                  * Else: A client is responding with its local state info
     I_WAIT_FOR_EVENT,           /* we may be waiting for an async task to "happen"
                                  * and until it does, we cant do anything else
     I_DC_HEARTBEAT,             /* The DC is telling us that it is alive and well */
 /* 30 */
     /*  ------------ Last input found in table is above ----------- */
     I_ILLEGAL                   /* This is an illegal value for an FSA input */
         /* (must be last) */
  * actions
  * Some of the actions below will always occur together for now, but I can
  * forsee that this may not always be the case.  So I've spilt them up so
  * that if they ever do need to be called independantly in the future, it
  * wont be a problem. 
  * For example, separating A_LRM_CONNECT from A_STARTUP might be useful 
  * if we ever try to recover from a faulty or disconnected LRM.
          /* Dont do anything */
 #  define	A_NOTHING		0x0000000000000000ULL
 /* -- Startup actions -- */
         /* Hook to perform any actions (other than starting the CIB,
          * connecting to HA or the CCM) that might be needed as part
          * of the startup.
 #  define	A_STARTUP		0x0000000000000001ULL
         /* Hook to perform any actions that might be needed as part
          * after startup is successful.
 #  define	A_STARTED		0x0000000000000002ULL
         /* Connect to Heartbeat */
 #  define	A_HA_CONNECT		0x0000000000000004ULL
 #  define	A_HA_DISCONNECT		0x0000000000000008ULL
 #  define	A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_START	0x0000000000000010ULL
 #  define	A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_STOP	0x0000000000000020ULL
 #  define	A_FINALIZE_TIMER_START	0x0000000000000040ULL
 #  define	A_FINALIZE_TIMER_STOP	0x0000000000000080ULL
 /* -- Election actions -- */
 #  define	A_DC_TIMER_START	0x0000000000000100ULL
 #  define	A_DC_TIMER_STOP		0x0000000000000200ULL
 #  define	A_ELECTION_COUNT	0x0000000000000400ULL
 #  define	A_ELECTION_VOTE		0x0000000000000800ULL
 #  define A_ELECTION_START	0x0000000000001000ULL
 /* -- Message processing -- */
         /* Process the queue of requests */
 #  define	A_MSG_PROCESS		0x0000000000002000ULL
         /* Send the message to the correct recipient */
 #  define	A_MSG_ROUTE		0x0000000000004000ULL
         /* Send a welcome message to new node(s) */
 #  define	A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ONE	0x0000000000008000ULL
 /* -- Server Join protocol actions -- */
         /* Send a welcome message to all nodes */
 #  define	A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ALL	0x0000000000010000ULL
         /* Process the remote node's ack of our join message */
 #  define	A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_REQ	0x0000000000020000ULL
         /* Send out the reults of the Join phase */
 #  define	A_DC_JOIN_FINALIZE	0x0000000000040000ULL
         /* Send out the reults of the Join phase */
 #  define	A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_ACK	0x0000000000080000ULL
 /* -- Client Join protocol actions -- */
 #  define	A_CL_JOIN_QUERY		0x0000000000100000ULL
 #  define	A_CL_JOIN_ANNOUNCE	0x0000000000200000ULL
         /* Request membership to the DC list */
 #  define	A_CL_JOIN_REQUEST	0x0000000000400000ULL
         /* Did the DC accept or reject the request */
 #  define	A_CL_JOIN_RESULT	0x0000000000800000ULL
 /* -- Recovery, DC start/stop -- */
         /* Something bad happened, try to recover */
 #  define	A_RECOVER		0x0000000001000000ULL
         /* Hook to perform any actions (apart from starting, the TE, PE 
          * and gathering the latest CIB) that might be necessary before 
          * giving up the responsibilities of being the DC.
 #  define	A_DC_RELEASE		0x0000000002000000ULL
         /* */
 #  define	A_DC_RELEASED		0x0000000004000000ULL
         /* Hook to perform any actions (apart from starting, the TE, PE
          * and gathering the latest CIB) that might be necessary before
          * taking over the responsibilities of being the DC.
 #  define	A_DC_TAKEOVER		0x0000000008000000ULL
 /* -- Shutdown actions -- */
 #  define	A_SHUTDOWN		0x0000000010000000ULL
 #  define	A_STOP			0x0000000020000000ULL
 #  define	A_EXIT_0		0x0000000040000000ULL
 #  define	A_EXIT_1		0x0000000080000000ULL
 #  define	A_SHUTDOWN_REQ		0x0000000100000000ULL
 #  define	A_ELECTION_CHECK	0x0000000200000000ULL
 #  define A_DC_JOIN_FINAL		0x0000000400000000ULL
 /* -- CCM actions -- */
 #  define	A_CCM_CONNECT		0x0000001000000000ULL
 #  define	A_CCM_DISCONNECT	0x0000002000000000ULL
 /* -- CIB actions -- */
 #  define	A_CIB_START		0x0000020000000000ULL
 #  define	A_CIB_STOP		0x0000040000000000ULL
 /* -- Transition Engine actions -- */
         /* Attempt to reach the newly  calculated cluster state.  This is 
          * only called once per transition (except if it is asked to
          * stop the transition or start a new one).
          * Once given a cluster state to reach, the TE will determin
          * tasks that can be performed in parallel, execute them, wait
          * for replies and then determin the next set until the new
          * state is reached or no further tasks can be taken.
 #  define	A_TE_INVOKE		0x0000100000000000ULL
 #  define	A_TE_START		0x0000200000000000ULL
 #  define	A_TE_STOP		0x0000400000000000ULL
 #  define	A_TE_CANCEL		0x0000800000000000ULL
 #  define	A_TE_HALT		0x0001000000000000ULL
 /* -- Policy Engine actions -- */
         /* Calculate the next state for the cluster.  This is only
          * invoked once per needed calculation.
 #  define	A_PE_INVOKE		0x0002000000000000ULL
 #  define	A_PE_START		0x0004000000000000ULL
 #  define	A_PE_STOP		0x0008000000000000ULL
 /* -- Misc actions -- */
         /* Add a system generate "block" so that resources arent moved
          * to or are activly moved away from the affected node.  This
          * way we can return quickly even if busy with other things.
 #  define	A_NODE_BLOCK		0x0010000000000000ULL
         /* Update our information in the local CIB */
 #  define A_UPDATE_NODESTATUS	0x0020000000000000ULL
 #  define	A_CIB_BUMPGEN		0x0040000000000000ULL
 #  define	A_READCONFIG		0x0080000000000000ULL
 /* -- LRM Actions -- */
         /* Connect to the Local Resource Manager */
 #  define	A_LRM_CONNECT		0x0100000000000000ULL
         /* Disconnect from the Local Resource Manager */
 #  define A_LRM_DISCONNECT	0x0200000000000000ULL
 #  define A_LRM_INVOKE		0x0400000000000000ULL
 #  define A_LRM_EVENT		0x0800000000000000ULL
 /* -- Logging actions -- */
 #  define	A_LOG			0x1000000000000000ULL
 #  define	A_ERROR			0x2000000000000000ULL
 #  define	A_WARN			0x4000000000000000ULL
  * "register" contents
  * Things we may want to remember regardless of which state we are in.
  * These also count as inputs for synthesizing I_*
 #  define	R_THE_DC	0x00000001ULL
                                         /* Are we the DC? */
 #  define	R_STARTING	0x00000002ULL
                                         /* Are we starting up? */
 #  define	R_SHUTDOWN	0x00000004ULL
                                         /* Are we trying to shut down? */
 #  define	R_STAYDOWN	0x00000008ULL
                                         /* Should we restart? */
 #  define R_JOIN_OK	0x00000010ULL   /* Have we completed the join process */
 #  define	R_READ_CONFIG	0x00000040ULL
 #  define	R_INVOKE_PE	0x00000080ULL
                                         /* Does the PE needed to be invoked at
                                            the next appropriate point? */
 #  define	R_CIB_CONNECTED	0x00000100ULL
                                         /* Is the CIB connected? */
 #  define	R_PE_CONNECTED	0x00000200ULL
                                         /* Is the Policy Engine connected? */
 #  define	R_TE_CONNECTED	0x00000400ULL
                                         /* Is the Transition Engine connected? */
 #  define	R_LRM_CONNECTED	0x00000800ULL
                                         /* Is the Local Resource Manager
                                            connected? */
 #  define	R_CIB_REQUIRED	0x00001000ULL
                                         /* Is the CIB required? */
 #  define	R_PE_REQUIRED	0x00002000ULL
                                         /* Is the Policy Engine required? */
 #  define	R_TE_REQUIRED	0x00004000ULL
                                         /* Is the Transition Engine required? */
 #  define	R_ST_REQUIRED	0x00008000ULL
                                         /* Is the Stonith daemon required? */
 #  define	R_CIB_DONE	0x00010000ULL
                                         /* Have we calculated the CIB? */
 #  define R_HAVE_CIB	0x00020000ULL   /* Do we have an up-to-date CIB */
 #  define R_CIB_ASKED	0x00040000ULL   /* Have we asked for an up-to-date CIB */
 #  define R_MEMBERSHIP	0x00100000ULL   /* Have we got CCM data yet */
 #  define R_PEER_DATA	0x00200000ULL   /* Have we got T_CL_STATUS data yet */
 #  define R_HA_DISCONNECTED  0x00400000ULL      /* did we sign out of our own accord */
 #  define R_CCM_DISCONNECTED 0x00800000ULL      /* did we sign out of our own accord */
 #  define	R_REQ_PEND	0x01000000ULL
                                         /* Are there Requests waiting for
                                            processing? */
 #  define	R_PE_PEND	0x02000000ULL
                                         /* Has the PE been invoked and we're
                                            awaiting a reply? */
 #  define	R_TE_PEND	0x04000000ULL
                                         /* Has the TE been invoked and we're
                                            awaiting completion? */
 #  define	R_RESP_PEND	0x08000000ULL
                                         /* Do we have clients waiting on a
                                            response? if so perhaps we shouldnt
                                            stop yet */
 #  define R_IN_TRANSITION	0x10000000ULL
                                         /*  */
 #  define R_SENT_RSC_STOP 0x20000000ULL /* Have we sent a stop action to all
                                          * resources in preparation for
                                          * shutting down */
 #  define R_IN_RECOVERY	0x80000000ULL
+ * Magic RC used within CRMd to indicate direct nacks
+ * (operation is invalid in current state)
+ */
+#define CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC (99)
 enum crmd_fsa_cause {
     C_UNKNOWN = 0,
 extern const char *fsa_input2string(enum crmd_fsa_input input);
 extern const char *fsa_state2string(enum crmd_fsa_state state);
 extern const char *fsa_cause2string(enum crmd_fsa_cause cause);
 extern const char *fsa_action2string(long long action);
diff --git a/crmd/lrm.c b/crmd/lrm.c
index c010060a54..f3743898eb 100644
--- a/crmd/lrm.c
+++ b/crmd/lrm.c
@@ -1,2251 +1,2269 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/services.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <crmd.h>
 #include <crmd_fsa.h>
 #include <crmd_messages.h>
 #include <crmd_callbacks.h>
 #include <crmd_lrm.h>
 #define START_DELAY_THRESHOLD 5 * 60 * 1000
 #define MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS 30
 struct delete_event_s {
     int rc;
     const char *rsc;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
 gboolean process_lrm_event(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t * op);
 static gboolean is_rsc_active(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id);
 static gboolean build_active_RAs(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_list);
 static gboolean stop_recurring_actions(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
 static int delete_rsc_status(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, int call_options,
                              const char *user_name);
 static lrmd_event_data_t *construct_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_op,
                                        const char *rsc_id, const char *operation);
 static void do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *operation,
                           xmlNode * msg, xmlNode * request);
 void send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys,
                      lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id);
 static gboolean lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
                                          int log_level);
 static void
     if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED)) {
         crm_crit("LRM Connection failed");
         register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
         clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED);
     } else {
         crm_info("LRM Connection disconnected");
 static char *
 make_stop_id(const char *rsc, int call_id)
     char *op_id = NULL;
     op_id = calloc(1, strlen(rsc) + 34);
     if (op_id != NULL) {
         snprintf(op_id, strlen(rsc) + 34, "%s:%d", rsc, call_id);
     return op_id;
 static void
 copy_instance_keys(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     if (strstr(key, CRM_META "_") == NULL) {
         g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup((const char *)key), strdup((const char *)value));
 static void
 copy_meta_keys(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     if (strstr(key, CRM_META "_") != NULL) {
         g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup((const char *)key), strdup((const char *)value));
 static void
 update_history_cache(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
     int target_rc = 0;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     if (op->rsc_deleted) {
         crm_debug("Purged history for '%s' after %s", op->rsc_id, op->op_type);
         delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, cib_quorum_override, NULL);
     if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_NOTIFY)) {
     crm_debug("Updating history for '%s' with %s op", op->rsc_id, op->op_type);
     entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, op->rsc_id);
     if (entry == NULL && rsc) {
         entry = calloc(1, sizeof(rsc_history_t));
         entry->id = strdup(op->rsc_id);
         g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state->resource_history, entry->id, entry);
         entry->rsc.id = entry->id;
         entry->rsc.type = strdup(rsc->type);
         entry->rsc.class = strdup(rsc->class);
         if (rsc->provider) {
             entry->rsc.provider = strdup(rsc->provider);
         } else {
             entry->rsc.provider = NULL;
     } else if (entry == NULL) {
         crm_info("Resource %s no longer exists, not updating cache", op->rsc_id);
     entry->last_callid = op->call_id;
     target_rc = rsc_op_expected_rc(op);
     if (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
         if (op->interval > 0) {
             GList *gIter, *gIterNext;
             crm_trace("Removing cancelled recurring op: %s_%s_%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type,
             for (gIter = entry->recurring_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIterNext) {
                 lrmd_event_data_t *existing = gIter->data;
                 gIterNext = gIter->next;
                 if (crm_str_eq(op->rsc_id, existing->rsc_id, TRUE)
                     && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, existing->op_type)
                     && op->interval == existing->interval) {
                     entry->recurring_op_list = g_list_delete_link(entry->recurring_op_list, gIter);
         } else {
             crm_trace("Skipping %s_%s_%d rc=%d, status=%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval,
                       op->rc, op->op_status);
     } else if (did_rsc_op_fail(op, target_rc)) {
         /* We must store failed monitors here
          * - otherwise the block below will cause them to be forgetten them when a stop happens
         if (entry->failed) {
         entry->failed = lrmd_copy_event(op);
     } else if (op->interval == 0) {
         if (entry->last) {
         entry->last = lrmd_copy_event(op);
         if (op->params &&
             (safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_START, op->op_type) ||
              safe_str_eq("reload", op->op_type) ||
              safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STATUS, op->op_type))) {
             if (entry->stop_params) {
             entry->stop_params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
                                                        g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str,
             g_hash_table_foreach(op->params, copy_instance_keys, entry->stop_params);
     if (op->interval > 0) {
         GListPtr iter = NULL;
         for(iter = entry->recurring_op_list; iter; iter = iter->next) {
             lrmd_event_data_t *o = iter->data;
             /* op->rsc_id is implied */
             if(op->interval == o->interval && strcmp(op->op_type, o->op_type) == 0) {
                 crm_trace("Removing existing recurring op entry: %s_%s_%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
                 entry->recurring_op_list = g_list_remove(entry->recurring_op_list, o);
         crm_trace("Adding recurring op: %s_%s_%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
         entry->recurring_op_list = g_list_prepend(entry->recurring_op_list, lrmd_copy_event(op));
     } else if (entry->recurring_op_list && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_STATUS) == FALSE) {
         GList *gIter = entry->recurring_op_list;
         crm_trace("Dropping %d recurring ops because of: %s_%s_%d",
                   g_list_length(gIter), op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         entry->recurring_op_list = NULL;
 lrm_op_callback(lrmd_event_data_t * op)
     const char *nodename = NULL;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
     /* determine the node name for this connection. */
     nodename = op->remote_nodename ? op->remote_nodename : fsa_our_uname;
     if (op->type == lrmd_event_disconnect && (safe_str_eq(nodename, fsa_our_uname))) {
         /* if this is the local lrmd ipc connection, set the right bits in the
          * crmd when the connection goes down */
     } else if (op->type != lrmd_event_exec_complete) {
         /* we only need to process execution results */
     lrm_state = lrm_state_find(nodename);
     CRM_ASSERT(lrm_state != NULL);
     process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op);
 do_lrm_control(long long action,
                enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
                enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
                enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
     /* This only pertains to local lrmd connections.  Remote connections are handled as
      * resources within the pengine.  Connecting and disconnecting from remote lrmd instances
      * handled differently than the local. */
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
     if(fsa_our_uname == NULL) {
         return; /* Nothing to do */
     lrm_state = lrm_state_find_or_create(fsa_our_uname);
     if (lrm_state == NULL) {
         register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
     if (action & A_LRM_DISCONNECT) {
         if (lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state, cur_state, LOG_INFO) == FALSE) {
             if (action == A_LRM_DISCONNECT) {
         clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED);
         crm_info("Disconnecting from the LRM");
         crm_notice("Disconnected from the LRM");
     if (action & A_LRM_CONNECT) {
         int ret = pcmk_ok;
         crm_debug("Connecting to the LRM");
         ret = lrm_state_ipc_connect(lrm_state);
         if (ret != pcmk_ok) {
             if (lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails < MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS) {
                 crm_warn("Failed to sign on to the LRM %d"
                          " (%d max) times", lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails, MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS);
         if (ret != pcmk_ok) {
             crm_err("Failed to sign on to the LRM %d" " (max) times",
             register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
         set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED);
         crm_info("LRM connection established");
     if (action & ~(A_LRM_CONNECT | A_LRM_DISCONNECT)) {
         crm_err("Unexpected action %s in %s", fsa_action2string(action), __FUNCTION__);
 static gboolean
 lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level)
     int counter = 0;
     gboolean rc = TRUE;
     const char *when = "lrm disconnect";
     GHashTableIter gIter;
     const char *key = NULL;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
     crm_debug("Checking for active resources before exit");
     if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE) {
         log_level = LOG_ERR;
         when = "shutdown";
     } else if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) {
         when = "shutdown... waiting";
     if (lrm_state->pending_ops && lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state) == TRUE) {
         guint removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(
             lrm_state->pending_ops, stop_recurring_actions, lrm_state);
         crm_notice("Stopped %u recurring operations at %s (%u ops remaining)",
                    removed, when, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops));
     if (lrm_state->pending_ops) {
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->pending_ops);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&pending)) {
             /* Ignore recurring actions in the shutdown calculations */
             if (pending->interval == 0) {
     if (counter > 0) {
         do_crm_log(log_level, "%d pending LRM operations at %s", counter, when);
         if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE || !is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP)) {
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->pending_ops);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&pending)) {
                 do_crm_log(log_level, "Pending action: %s (%s)", key, pending->op_key);
         } else {
             rc = FALSE;
         return rc;
     if (lrm_state->resource_history == NULL) {
         return rc;
     if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE || is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) {
         /* At this point we're not waiting, we're just shutting down */
         when = "shutdown";
     counter = 0;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->resource_history);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (gpointer*)&entry)) {
         if (is_rsc_active(lrm_state, entry->id) == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("Found %s active", entry->id);
         if (lrm_state->pending_ops) {
             GHashTableIter hIter;
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&hIter, lrm_state->pending_ops);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&hIter, (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&pending)) {
                 if (crm_str_eq(entry->id, pending->rsc_id, TRUE)) {
                     crm_notice("%sction %s (%s) incomplete at %s",
                                pending->interval == 0 ? "A" : "Recurring a",
                                key, pending->op_key, when);
     if (counter) {
         crm_err("%d resources were active at %s.", counter, when);
     return rc;
 static char *
 get_rsc_metadata(const char *type, const char *class, const char *provider)
     int rc = 0;
     char *metadata = NULL;
     /* Always use a local connection for this operation */
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = lrm_state_find(fsa_our_uname);
     CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(class != NULL, return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(lrm_state != NULL, return NULL);
     if (provider == NULL) {
         provider = "heartbeat";
     crm_trace("Retreiving metadata for %s::%s:%s", type, class, provider);
     rc = lrm_state_get_metadata(lrm_state, class, provider, type, &metadata, 0);
     if (metadata == NULL) {
         crm_warn("No metadata found for %s::%s:%s: %s (%d)", type, class, provider, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     return metadata;
 typedef struct reload_data_s {
     char *key;
     char *metadata;
     time_t last_query;
     gboolean can_reload;
     GListPtr restart_list;
 } reload_data_t;
 static void
 g_hash_destroy_reload(gpointer data)
     reload_data_t *reload = data;
     g_list_free_full(reload->restart_list, free);
 GHashTable *reload_hash = NULL;
 static GListPtr
 get_rsc_restart_list(lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
     int len = 0;
     char *key = NULL;
     char *copy = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *provider = NULL;
     xmlNode *param = NULL;
     xmlNode *params = NULL;
     xmlNode *actions = NULL;
     xmlNode *metadata = NULL;
     time_t now = time(NULL);
     reload_data_t *reload = NULL;
     if (reload_hash == NULL) {
         reload_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_hash_destroy_reload);
     provider = rsc->provider;
     if (provider == NULL) {
         provider = "heartbeat";
     len = strlen(rsc->type) + strlen(rsc->class) + strlen(provider) + 4;
     key = malloc(len);
     if(key) {
         snprintf(key, len, "%s::%s:%s", rsc->type, rsc->class, provider);
         reload = g_hash_table_lookup(reload_hash, key);
     if (reload && ((now - 9) > reload->last_query)
         && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_START)) {
         reload = NULL;          /* re-query */
     if (reload == NULL) {
         xmlNode *action = NULL;
         reload = calloc(1, sizeof(reload_data_t));
         g_hash_table_replace(reload_hash, key, reload);
         reload->last_query = now;
         reload->key = key;
         key = NULL;
         reload->metadata = get_rsc_metadata(rsc->type, rsc->class, provider);
         if(reload->metadata == NULL) {
             goto cleanup;
         metadata = string2xml(reload->metadata);
         if (metadata == NULL) {
             crm_err("Metadata for %s::%s:%s is not valid XML",
                     rsc->provider, rsc->class, rsc->type);
             goto cleanup;
         actions = find_xml_node(metadata, "actions", TRUE);
         for (action = __xml_first_child(actions); action != NULL; action = __xml_next(action)) {
             if (crm_str_eq((const char *)action->name, "action", TRUE)) {
                 value = crm_element_value(action, "name");
                 if (safe_str_eq("reload", value)) {
                     reload->can_reload = TRUE;
         if (reload->can_reload == FALSE) {
             goto cleanup;
         params = find_xml_node(metadata, "parameters", TRUE);
         for (param = __xml_first_child(params); param != NULL; param = __xml_next(param)) {
             if (crm_str_eq((const char *)param->name, "parameter", TRUE)) {
                 value = crm_element_value(param, "unique");
                 if (crm_is_true(value)) {
                     value = crm_element_value(param, "name");
                     if (value == NULL) {
                         crm_err("%s: NULL param", key);
                     crm_debug("Attr %s is not reloadable", value);
                     copy = strdup(value);
                     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(copy != NULL);
                     if(copy == NULL) { continue; };
                     reload->restart_list = g_list_append(reload->restart_list, copy);
     return reload->restart_list;
 static void
 append_restart_list(lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, xmlNode * update,
                     const char *version)
     int len = 0;
     char *list = NULL;
     char *digest = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     xmlNode *restart = NULL;
     GListPtr restart_list = NULL;
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     if (op->interval > 0) {
         /* monitors are not reloadable */
     } else if (op->params == NULL) {
         crm_debug("%s has no parameters", ID(update));
     } else if (rsc == NULL) {
     } else if (crm_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STOP, op->op_type, TRUE)) {
         /* Stopped resources don't need to be reloaded */
     } else if (compare_version("1.0.8", version) > 0) {
         /* Caller version does not support reloads */
     restart_list = get_rsc_restart_list(rsc, op);
     if (restart_list == NULL) {
         /* Resource does not support reloads */
     restart = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS);
     for (lpc = restart_list; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         const char *param = (const char *)lpc->data;
         int start = len;
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(param != NULL);
         if(param == NULL) {  continue; };
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, param);
         if (value != NULL) {
             crm_xml_add(restart, param, value);
         len += strlen(param) + 2;
         list = realloc_safe(list, len + 1);
         sprintf(list + start, " %s ", param);
     digest = calculate_operation_digest(restart, version);
     crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_RESTART, list);
     crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST, digest);
     crm_trace("%s: %s, %s", rsc->id, digest, list);
     crm_log_xml_trace(restart, "restart digest source");
 static gboolean
 build_operation_update(xmlNode * parent, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op,
                        const char *src)
     int target_rc = 0;
     xmlNode *xml_op = NULL;
     const char *caller_version = CRM_FEATURE_SET;
     if (op == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (AM_I_DC) {
     } else if (fsa_our_dc_version != NULL) {
         caller_version = fsa_our_dc_version;
     } else if (op->params == NULL) {
         caller_version = fsa_our_dc_version;
     } else {
         /* there is a small risk in formerly mixed clusters that
          *   it will be sub-optimal.
          * however with our upgrade policy, the update we send
          *   should still be completely supported anyway
         caller_version = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
         crm_debug("Falling back to operation originator version: %s", caller_version);
     target_rc = rsc_op_expected_rc(op);
     xml_op = create_operation_update(parent, op, caller_version, target_rc, fsa_our_uname, src, LOG_DEBUG);
     if (xml_op) {
         append_restart_list(rsc, op, xml_op, caller_version);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 is_rsc_active(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id)
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
     if (entry == NULL || entry->last == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     crm_trace("Processing %s: %s.%d=%d",
               rsc_id, entry->last->op_type, entry->last->interval, entry->last->rc);
     if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && safe_str_eq(entry->last->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK
                && safe_str_eq(entry->last->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) {
         /* a stricter check is too complex...
          * leave that to the PE
         return FALSE;
     } else if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (entry->last->interval == 0 && entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED) {
         /* Badly configured resources can't be reliably stopped */
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 build_active_RAs(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_list)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, lrm_state->resource_history);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
         GList *gIter = NULL;
         xmlNode *xml_rsc = create_xml_node(rsc_list, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, entry->id);
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE, entry->rsc.type);
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, entry->rsc.class);
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, entry->rsc.provider);
         if (entry->last && entry->last->params) {
             const char *container = g_hash_table_lookup(entry->last->params, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER);
             if (container) {
                 crm_trace("Resource %s is a part of container resource %s", entry->id, container);
                 crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, container);
         build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), entry->failed, __FUNCTION__);
         build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), entry->last, __FUNCTION__);
         for (gIter = entry->recurring_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), gIter->data, __FUNCTION__);
     return FALSE;
 xmlNode *
 do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, gboolean is_replace)
     xmlNode *xml_state = NULL;
     xmlNode *xml_data = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_list = NULL;
     const char *uuid = NULL;
     if (safe_str_eq(lrm_state->node_name, fsa_our_uname)) {
         crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(0, lrm_state->node_name);
         xml_state = do_update_node_cib(peer, node_update_cluster|node_update_peer, NULL, __FUNCTION__);
         /* The next two lines shouldn't be necessary for newer DCs */
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER);
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER);
         uuid = fsa_our_uuid;
     } else {
         xml_state = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE);
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE, "true");
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_ATTR_ID, lrm_state->node_name);
         crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_ATTR_UNAME, lrm_state->node_name);
         uuid = lrm_state->node_name;
     xml_data = create_xml_node(xml_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
     crm_xml_add(xml_data, XML_ATTR_ID, uuid);
     rsc_list = create_xml_node(xml_data, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
     /* Build a list of active (not always running) resources */
     build_active_RAs(lrm_state, rsc_list);
     crm_log_xml_trace(xml_state, "Current state of the LRM");
     return xml_state;
 xmlNode *
 do_lrm_query(gboolean is_replace, const char *node_name)
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = lrm_state_find(node_name);
     if (!lrm_state) {
         crm_err("Could not query lrm state for lrmd node %s", node_name);
         return NULL;
     return do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, is_replace);
 static void
 notify_deleted(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, ha_msg_input_t * input, const char *rsc_id, int rc)
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     const char *from_sys = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM);
     const char *from_host = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
     crm_info("Notifying %s on %s that %s was%s deleted",
              from_sys, from_host, rsc_id, rc == pcmk_ok ? "" : " not");
     op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc_id, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE);
     CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
     } else {
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
     send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, rsc_id);
     if (safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) {
         /* this isn't expected - trigger a new transition */
         time_t now = time(NULL);
         char *now_s = crm_itoa(now);
         crm_debug("Triggering a refresh after %s deleted %s from the LRM", from_sys, rsc_id);
         update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                              "last-lrm-refresh", now_s, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
 static gboolean
 lrm_remove_deleted_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     struct delete_event_s *event = user_data;
     struct pending_deletion_op_s *op = value;
     if (crm_str_eq(event->rsc, op->rsc, TRUE)) {
         notify_deleted(event->lrm_state, op->input, event->rsc, event->rc);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 lrm_remove_deleted_op(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     const char *rsc = user_data;
     struct recurring_op_s *pending = value;
     if (crm_str_eq(rsc, pending->rsc_id, TRUE)) {
         crm_info("Removing op %s:%d for deleted resource %s",
                  pending->op_key, pending->call_id, rsc);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * Remove the rsc from the CIB
  * Avoids refreshing the entire LRM section of this host
 #define rsc_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']"
 static int
 delete_rsc_status(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, int call_options,
                   const char *user_name)
     char *rsc_xpath = NULL;
     int max = 0;
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return -ENXIO);
     max = strlen(rsc_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(lrm_state->node_name) + 1;
     rsc_xpath = calloc(1, max);
     snprintf(rsc_xpath, max, rsc_template, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id);
     rc = cib_internal_op(fsa_cib_conn, CIB_OP_DELETE, NULL, rsc_xpath,
                          NULL, NULL, call_options | cib_xpath, user_name);
     return rc;
 static void
 delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, ha_msg_input_t * input, const char *rsc_id,
                  GHashTableIter * rsc_gIter, int rc, const char *user_name)
     struct delete_event_s event;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         char *rsc_id_copy = strdup(rsc_id);
         if (rsc_gIter)
             g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id_copy);
         crm_debug("sync: Sending delete op for %s", rsc_id_copy);
         delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, rsc_id_copy, cib_quorum_override, user_name);
         g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, lrm_remove_deleted_op, rsc_id_copy);
     if (input) {
         notify_deleted(lrm_state, input, rsc_id, rc);
     event.rc = rc;
     event.rsc = rsc_id;
     event.lrm_state = lrm_state;
     g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->deletion_ops, lrm_remove_deleted_rsc, &event);
  * Remove the op from the CIB
  * Avoids refreshing the entire LRM section of this host
 #define op_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s']"
 #define op_call_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s' and @"XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID"='%d']"
 static void
 delete_op_entry(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id,
                 const char *key, int call_id)
     xmlNode *xml_top = NULL;
     if (op != NULL) {
         xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP);
         crm_xml_add_int(xml_top, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, op->call_id);
         crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, op->user_data);
         if (op->interval > 0) {
             char *op_id = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
             /* Avoid deleting last_failure too (if it was a result of this recurring op failing) */
             crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_ID, op_id);
         crm_debug("async: Sending delete op for %s_%s_%d (call=%d)",
                   op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->call_id);
         fsa_cib_conn->cmds->delete(fsa_cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, xml_top, cib_quorum_override);
     } else if (rsc_id != NULL && key != NULL) {
         int max = 0;
         char *op_xpath = NULL;
         if (call_id > 0) {
             max =
                 strlen(op_call_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(lrm_state->node_name) +
                 strlen(key) + 10;
             op_xpath = calloc(1, max);
             snprintf(op_xpath, max, op_call_template, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id, key, call_id);
         } else {
             max =
                 strlen(op_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(lrm_state->node_name) + strlen(key) +
             op_xpath = calloc(1, max);
             snprintf(op_xpath, max, op_template, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id, key);
         crm_debug("sync: Sending delete op for %s (call=%d)", rsc_id, call_id);
         fsa_cib_conn->cmds->delete(fsa_cib_conn, op_xpath, NULL, cib_quorum_override | cib_xpath);
     } else {
         crm_err("Not enough information to delete op entry: rsc=%p key=%p", rsc_id, key);
     crm_log_xml_trace(xml_top, "op:cancel");
 lrm_clear_last_failure(const char *rsc_id, const char *node_name)
     char *attr = NULL;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     GList *lrm_state_list = lrm_state_get_list();
     GList *state_entry;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     attr = generate_op_key(rsc_id, "last_failure", 0);
     /* This clears last failure for every lrm state that has this rsc.*/
     for (state_entry = lrm_state_list; state_entry != NULL; state_entry = state_entry->next) {
         lrm_state_t *lrm_state = state_entry->data;
         if (node_name != NULL) {
             if (strcmp(node_name, lrm_state->node_name) != 0) {
                 /* filter by node_name if node_name is present */
         delete_op_entry(lrm_state, NULL, rsc_id, attr, 0);
         if (!lrm_state->resource_history) {
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, lrm_state->resource_history);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
             if (crm_str_eq(rsc_id, entry->id, TRUE)) {
                 entry->failed = NULL;
 /* Returns: gboolean - cancellation is in progress */
 static gboolean
 cancel_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *key, int op, gboolean remove)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     char *local_key = NULL;
     struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != 0, return FALSE);
     CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (key == NULL) {
         local_key = make_stop_id(rsc_id, op);
         key = local_key;
     pending = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->pending_ops, key);
     if (pending) {
         if (remove && pending->remove == FALSE) {
             pending->remove = TRUE;
             crm_debug("Scheduling %s for removal", key);
         if (pending->cancelled) {
             crm_debug("Operation %s already cancelled", key);
             return FALSE;
         pending->cancelled = TRUE;
     } else {
         crm_info("No pending op found for %s", key);
         return FALSE;
     crm_debug("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op, rsc_id, key);
     rc = lrm_state_cancel(lrm_state, pending->rsc_id, pending->op_type, pending->interval);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         crm_debug("Op %d for %s (%s): cancelled", op, rsc_id, key);
         return TRUE;
     crm_debug("Op %d for %s (%s): Nothing to cancel", op, rsc_id, key);
     /* The caller needs to make sure the entry is
      * removed from the pending_ops list
      * Usually by returning TRUE inside the worker function
      * supplied to g_hash_table_foreach_remove()
      * Not removing the entry from pending_ops will block
      * the node from shutting down
     return FALSE;
 struct cancel_data {
     gboolean done;
     gboolean remove;
     const char *key;
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
 static gboolean
 cancel_action_by_key(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     gboolean remove = FALSE;
     struct cancel_data *data = user_data;
     struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
     if (crm_str_eq(op->op_key, data->key, TRUE)) {
         data->done = TRUE;
         remove = !cancel_op(data->lrm_state, data->rsc->id, key, op->call_id, data->remove);
     return remove;
 static gboolean
 cancel_op_key(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *key, gboolean remove)
     guint removed = 0;
     struct cancel_data data;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE);
     CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE);
     data.key = key;
     data.rsc = rsc;
     data.done = FALSE;
     data.remove = remove;
     data.lrm_state = lrm_state;
     removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, cancel_action_by_key, &data);
     crm_trace("Removed %u op cache entries, new size: %u",
               removed, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops));
     return data.done;
 static lrmd_rsc_info_t *
 get_lrm_resource(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * resource, xmlNode * op_msg, gboolean do_create)
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
     const char *id = ID(resource);
     const char *type = crm_element_value(resource, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
     const char *class = crm_element_value(resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
     const char *provider = crm_element_value(resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
     const char *long_id = crm_element_value(resource, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG);
     crm_trace("Retrieving %s from the LRM.", id);
     CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, return NULL);
     rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, id, 0);
     if (!rsc && long_id) {
         rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, long_id, 0);
     if (!rsc && do_create) {
         CRM_CHECK(class != NULL, return NULL);
         CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, return NULL);
         crm_trace("Adding rsc %s before operation", id);
         lrm_state_register_rsc(lrm_state, id, class, provider, type, lrmd_opt_drop_recurring);
         rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, id, 0);
         if (!rsc) {
             fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL;
             crm_err("Could not add resource %s to LRM %s", id, lrm_state->node_name);
             /* only register this as a internal error if this involves the local
              * lrmd. Otherwise we're likely dealing with an unresponsive remote-node
              * which is not a FSA failure. */
             if (lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state) == TRUE) {
                 register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL);
     return rsc;
 static void
 delete_resource(lrm_state_t * lrm_state,
                 const char *id,
                 lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc,
                 GHashTableIter * gIter,
                 const char *sys,
                 const char *host,
                 const char *user,
                 ha_msg_input_t * request,
                 gboolean unregister)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     crm_info("Removing resource %s for %s (%s) on %s", id, sys, user ? user : "internal", host);
     if (rsc && unregister) {
         rc = lrm_state_unregister_rsc(lrm_state, id, 0);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         crm_trace("Resource '%s' deleted", id);
     } else if (rc == -EINPROGRESS) {
         crm_info("Deletion of resource '%s' pending", id);
         if (request) {
             struct pending_deletion_op_s *op = NULL;
             char *ref = crm_element_value_copy(request->msg, XML_ATTR_REFERENCE);
             op = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pending_deletion_op_s));
             op->rsc = strdup(rsc->id);
             op->input = copy_ha_msg_input(request);
             g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state->deletion_ops, ref, op);
     } else {
         crm_warn("Deletion of resource '%s' for %s (%s) on %s failed: %d",
                  id, sys, user ? user : "internal", host, rc);
     delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, request, id, gIter, rc, user);
 static int
 get_fake_call_id(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *rsc_id)
     int call_id = 0;
     rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
     entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
     /* Make sure the call id is greater than the last successful operation,
      * otherwise the failure will not result in a possible recovery of the resource
      * as it could appear the failure occurred before the successful start */
     if (entry) {
         call_id = entry->last_callid + 1;
     if (call_id < 0) {
         call_id = 1;
     return call_id;
+static void
+force_reprobe(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *from_sys, const char *from_host, const char *user_name, gboolean is_remote_node)
+        GHashTableIter gIter;
+        rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
+        crm_info("clearing resource history on node %s", lrm_state->node_name);
+        g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->resource_history);
+        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
+            /* only unregister the resource during a reprobe if it is not a remote connection
+             * resource. otherwise unregistering the connection will terminate remote-node
+             * membership */
+            gboolean unregister = TRUE;
+            if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, entry->id)) {
+                lrm_state_t *remote_lrm_state = lrm_state_find(entry->id);
+                if (remote_lrm_state) {
+                    /* when forcing a reprobe, make sure to clear remote node before
+                     * clearing the remote node's connection resource */ 
+                    force_reprobe(remote_lrm_state, from_sys, from_host, user_name, TRUE);
+                }
+                unregister = FALSE;
+            }
+            delete_resource(lrm_state, entry->id, &entry->rsc, &gIter, from_sys, from_host,
+                            user_name, NULL, unregister);
+        }
+        /* Now delete the copy in the CIB */
+        erase_status_tag(lrm_state->node_name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local);
+        /* And finally, _delete_ the value in attrd
+         * Setting it to FALSE results in the PE sending us back here again
+         */
+        update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, CRM_OP_PROBED, NULL, user_name, is_remote_node);
 /*	 A_LRM_INVOKE	*/
 do_lrm_invoke(long long action,
               enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
               enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
               enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
     gboolean create_rsc = TRUE;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
     const char *crm_op = NULL;
     const char *from_sys = NULL;
     const char *from_host = NULL;
     const char *operation = NULL;
     ha_msg_input_t *input = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg);
     const char *user_name = NULL;
     const char *target_node = NULL;
     gboolean is_remote_node = FALSE;
     gboolean crm_rsc_delete = FALSE;
     if (input->xml != NULL) {
         /* Remote node operations are routed here to their remote connections */
         target_node = crm_element_value(input->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
     if (target_node == NULL) {
         target_node = fsa_our_uname;
     } else if (safe_str_neq(target_node, fsa_our_uname)) {
         is_remote_node = TRUE;
     lrm_state = lrm_state_find(target_node);
     if (lrm_state == NULL && is_remote_node) {
         crm_err("no lrmd connection for remote node %s found on cluster node %s. Can not process request.",
             target_node, fsa_our_uname);
     CRM_ASSERT(lrm_state != NULL);
     user_name = crm_acl_get_set_user(input->msg, F_CRM_USER, NULL);
     crm_trace("LRM command from user '%s'", user_name);
     crm_op = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_TASK);
     from_sys = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM);
     if (safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) {
         from_host = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
     crm_trace("LRM command from: %s", from_sys);
     if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE)) {
         /* remember this delete op came from crm_resource */
         crm_rsc_delete = TRUE;
         operation = CRMD_ACTION_DELETE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) {
         operation = CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_FAIL)) {
         lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
         lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
         xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE);
         CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc != NULL, return);
         /* The lrmd can not fail a resource, it does not understand the
          * concept of success or failure in relation to a resource, it simply
          * executes operations and reports the results. We determine what a failure is.
          * Becaues of this, if we want to fail a resource we have to fake what we
          * understand a failure to look like.
          * To do this we create a fake lrmd operation event for the resource
          * we want to fail.  We then pass that event to the lrmd client callback
          * so it will be processed as if it actually came from the lrmd. */
         op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, ID(xml_rsc), "asyncmon");
         CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
         free((char *)op->user_data);
         op->user_data = NULL;
         op->call_id = get_fake_call_id(lrm_state, op->rsc_id);
         op->interval = 0;
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
         op->t_run = time(NULL);
         op->t_rcchange = op->t_run;
         if (user_name && is_privileged(user_name) == FALSE) {
             crm_err("%s does not have permission to fail %s", user_name, ID(xml_rsc));
             send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc));
         rsc = get_lrm_resource(lrm_state, xml_rsc, input->xml, create_rsc);
         if (rsc) {
             crm_info("Failing resource %s...", rsc->id);
             process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op);
             op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
         } else {
             crm_info("Cannot find/create resource in order to fail it...");
             crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "bad input");
         send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc));
     } else if (input->xml != NULL) {
         operation = crm_element_value(input->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
     if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) {
         int rc = pcmk_ok;
         xmlNode *fragment = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, TRUE);
         fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, fragment, cib_quorum_override, rc, user_name);
         crm_info("Forced a local LRM refresh: call=%d", rc);
         if(strcmp(CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, from_sys) != 0) {
             xmlNode *reply = create_request(
                 CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, fragment,
                 from_host, from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, fsa_our_uuid);
             crm_debug("ACK'ing refresh from %s (%s)", from_sys, from_host);
             if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
                 crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply");
     } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_QUERY)) {
         xmlNode *data = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, FALSE);
         xmlNode *reply = create_reply(input->msg, data);
         if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
             crm_err("Unable to route reply");
             crm_log_xml_err(reply, "reply");
     } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_PROBED)) {
         update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, CRM_OP_PROBED, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE, user_name, is_remote_node);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_REPROBE) || safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_REPROBE)) {
-        GHashTableIter gIter;
-        rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
         crm_notice("Forcing the status of all resources to be redetected");
-        g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->resource_history);
-        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
-            /* only unregister the resource during a reprobe if it is not a remote connection
-             * resource. otherwise unregistering the connection will terminate remote-node
-             * membership */
-            gboolean unregister = is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, entry->id) ? FALSE : TRUE;
-            delete_resource(lrm_state, entry->id, &entry->rsc, &gIter, from_sys, from_host,
-                            user_name, NULL, unregister);
-        }
-        /* Now delete the copy in the CIB */
-        erase_status_tag(lrm_state->node_name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local);
-        /* And finally, _delete_ the value in attrd
-         * Setting it to FALSE results in the PE sending us back here again
-         */
-        update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, CRM_OP_PROBED, NULL, user_name, is_remote_node);
+        force_reprobe(lrm_state, from_sys, from_host, user_name, is_remote_node);
         if(strcmp(CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, from_sys) != 0
            && strcmp(CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, from_sys) != 0) {
             xmlNode *reply = create_request(
                 CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, NULL,
                 from_host, from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, fsa_our_uuid);
             crm_debug("ACK'ing re-probe from %s (%s)", from_sys, from_host);
             if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
                 crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply");
     } else if (operation != NULL) {
         lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
         xmlNode *params = NULL;
         xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE);
         CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc != NULL, return);
         /* only the first 16 chars are used by the LRM */
         params = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_TAG_ATTRS, TRUE);
         if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) {
             create_rsc = FALSE;
         rsc = get_lrm_resource(lrm_state, xml_rsc, input->xml, create_rsc);
         if (rsc == NULL && create_rsc) {
             lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
             /* if the operation couldn't complete because we can't register
              * the resource, return a generic error */
             op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, ID(xml_rsc), operation);
             CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
             op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
             op->t_run = time(NULL);
             op->t_rcchange = op->t_run;
             send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc));
             crm_err("Invalid resource definition");
             crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "bad input");
         } else if (rsc == NULL) {
             lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
             crm_notice("Not creating resource for a %s event: %s", operation, ID(input->xml));
             delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, input, ID(xml_rsc), NULL, pcmk_ok, user_name);
             op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, ID(xml_rsc), operation);
             op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
             CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
             send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc));
         } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL)) {
             char *op_key = NULL;
             char *meta_key = NULL;
             int call = 0;
             const char *call_id = NULL;
             const char *op_task = NULL;
             const char *op_interval = NULL;
             gboolean in_progress = FALSE;
             CRM_CHECK(params != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command");
             meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
             op_interval = crm_element_value(params, meta_key);
             meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
             op_task = crm_element_value(params, meta_key);
             meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID);
             call_id = crm_element_value(params, meta_key);
             CRM_CHECK(op_task != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command");
             CRM_CHECK(op_interval != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command");
             op_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, op_task, crm_parse_int(op_interval, "0"));
             crm_debug("PE requested op %s (call=%s) be cancelled",
                       op_key, call_id ? call_id : "NA");
             call = crm_parse_int(call_id, "0");
             if (call == 0) {
                 /* the normal case when the PE cancels a recurring op */
                 in_progress = cancel_op_key(lrm_state, rsc, op_key, TRUE);
             } else {
                 /* the normal case when the PE cancels an orphan op */
                 in_progress = cancel_op(lrm_state, rsc->id, NULL, call, TRUE);
             if (in_progress == FALSE) {
                 lrmd_event_data_t *op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc->id, op_task);
                 crm_info("Nothing known about operation %d for %s", call, op_key);
                 delete_op_entry(lrm_state, NULL, rsc->id, op_key, call);
                 CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL);
                 op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
                 op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
                 send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, rsc, op, rsc->id);
                 /* needed?? surely not otherwise the cancel_op_(_key) wouldn't
                  * have failed in the first place
                 g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_key);
         } else if (rsc != NULL && safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) {
             gboolean unregister = TRUE;
             int cib_rc = delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, rsc->id, cib_dryrun | cib_sync_call, user_name);
             if (cib_rc != pcmk_ok) {
                 lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
                     ("Attempted deletion of resource status '%s' from CIB for %s (user=%s) on %s failed: (rc=%d) %s",
                      rsc->id, from_sys, user_name ? user_name : "unknown", from_host, cib_rc,
                 op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc->id, operation);
                 op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
                 if (cib_rc == -EACCES) {
                     op->rc = PCMK_OCF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV;
                 } else {
                     op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
                 send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, rsc->id);
             if (crm_rsc_delete == TRUE && is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id)) {
                 unregister = FALSE;
             delete_resource(lrm_state, rsc->id, rsc, NULL, from_sys, from_host, user_name, input, unregister);
         } else if (rsc != NULL) {
             do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state, rsc, operation, input->xml, input->msg);
     } else {
         crm_err("Operation was neither a lrm_query, nor a rsc op.  %s", crm_str(crm_op));
         register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
 static lrmd_event_data_t *
 construct_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_op, const char *rsc_id, const char *operation)
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     const char *op_delay = NULL;
     const char *op_timeout = NULL;
     const char *op_interval = NULL;
     GHashTable *params = NULL;
     const char *transition = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL);
     op = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_event_data_t));
     op->type = lrmd_event_exec_complete;
     op->op_type = strdup(operation);
     op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING;
     op->rc = -1;
     op->rsc_id = strdup(rsc_id);
     op->interval = 0;
     op->timeout = 0;
     op->start_delay = 0;
     if (rsc_op == NULL) {
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STOP, operation));
         op->user_data = NULL;
         /* the stop_all_resources() case
          * by definition there is no DC (or they'd be shutting
          *   us down).
          * So we should put our version here.
         op->params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                            g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
         g_hash_table_insert(op->params, strdup(XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION), strdup(CRM_FEATURE_SET));
         crm_trace("Constructed %s op for %s", operation, rsc_id);
         return op;
     params = xml2list(rsc_op);
     g_hash_table_remove(params, CRM_META "_op_target_rc");
     op_delay = crm_meta_value(params, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY);
     op_timeout = crm_meta_value(params, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
     op_interval = crm_meta_value(params, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
     op->interval = crm_parse_int(op_interval, "0");
     op->timeout = crm_parse_int(op_timeout, "0");
     op->start_delay = crm_parse_int(op_delay, "0");
     if (safe_str_neq(operation, RSC_STOP)) {
         op->params = params;
     } else {
         rsc_history_t *entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
         /* If we do not have stop parameters cached, use
          * whatever we are given */
         if (!entry || !entry->stop_params) {
             op->params = params;
         } else {
             /* Copy the cached parameter list so that we stop the resource
              * with the old attributes, not the new ones */
             op->params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                                g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
             g_hash_table_foreach(params, copy_meta_keys, op->params);
             g_hash_table_foreach(entry->stop_params, copy_instance_keys, op->params);
             params = NULL;
     /* sanity */
     if (op->interval < 0) {
         op->interval = 0;
     if (op->timeout <= 0) {
         op->timeout = op->interval;
     if (op->start_delay < 0) {
         op->start_delay = 0;
     transition = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
     CRM_CHECK(transition != NULL, return op);
     op->user_data = strdup(transition);
     if (op->interval != 0) {
         if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_START)
             || safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
             crm_err("Start and Stop actions cannot have an interval: %d", op->interval);
             op->interval = 0;
     crm_trace("Constructed %s op for %s: interval=%d", operation, rsc_id, op->interval);
     return op;
 send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys,
                 lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id)
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     xmlNode *update, *iter;
     crm_node_t *peer = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
     if (op->rsc_id == NULL) {
         CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL);
         op->rsc_id = strdup(rsc_id);
     if (to_sys == NULL) {
         to_sys = CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE;
     peer = crm_get_peer(0, fsa_our_uname);
     update = do_update_node_cib(peer, node_update_none, NULL, __FUNCTION__);
     iter = create_xml_node(update, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, fsa_our_uuid);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id);
     build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, __FUNCTION__);
     reply = create_request(CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, update, to_host, to_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, NULL);
     crm_log_xml_trace(update, "ACK Update");
     crm_debug("ACK'ing resource op %s_%s_%d from %s: %s",
               op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->user_data,
               crm_element_value(reply, XML_ATTR_REFERENCE));
     if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
         crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply");
 verify_stopped(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level)
     gboolean res = TRUE;
     GList *lrm_state_list = lrm_state_get_list();
     GList *state_entry;
     for (state_entry = lrm_state_list; state_entry != NULL; state_entry = state_entry->next) {
         lrm_state_t *lrm_state = state_entry->data;
         if (!lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state, cur_state, log_level)) {
             /* keep iterating through all even when false is returned */
             res = FALSE;
     set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP);
     g_list_free(lrm_state_list); lrm_state_list = NULL;
     return res;
 struct stop_recurring_action_s {
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
 static gboolean
 stop_recurring_action_by_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     gboolean remove = FALSE;
     struct stop_recurring_action_s *event = user_data;
     struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
     if (op->interval != 0 && crm_str_eq(op->rsc_id, event->rsc->id, TRUE)) {
         crm_debug("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op->call_id, op->rsc_id, key);
         remove = !cancel_op(event->lrm_state, event->rsc->id, key, op->call_id, FALSE);
     return remove;
 static gboolean
 stop_recurring_actions(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     gboolean remove = FALSE;
     lrm_state_t *lrm_state = user_data;
     struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
     if (op->interval != 0) {
         crm_info("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op->call_id, op->rsc_id, key);
         remove = !cancel_op(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, key, op->call_id, FALSE);
     return remove;
 static void
 do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *operation, xmlNode * msg,
               xmlNode * request)
     int call_id = 0;
     char *op_id = NULL;
     lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
     lrmd_key_value_t *params = NULL;
     fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL;
     const char *transition = NULL;
     gboolean stop_recurring = FALSE;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(operation != NULL, return);
     if (msg != NULL) {
         transition = crm_element_value(msg, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
         if (transition == NULL) {
             crm_log_xml_err(msg, "Missing transition number");
     op = construct_op(lrm_state, msg, rsc->id, operation);
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
     if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id)
         && op->interval == 0
         && strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) == 0) {
         /* pcmk remote connections are a special use case.
          * We never ever want to stop monitoring a connection resource until
          * the entire migration has completed. If the connection is ever unexpected
          * severed, even during a migration, this is an event we must detect.*/
         stop_recurring = FALSE;
     } else if (op->interval == 0
         && strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) != 0
         && strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY) != 0) {
         /* stop any previous monitor operations before changing the resource state */
         stop_recurring = TRUE;
     if (stop_recurring == TRUE) {
         guint removed = 0;
         struct stop_recurring_action_s data;
         data.rsc = rsc;
         data.lrm_state = lrm_state;
         removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(
             lrm_state->pending_ops, stop_recurring_action_by_rsc, &data);
         crm_debug("Stopped %u recurring operations in preparation for %s_%s_%d",
                   removed, rsc->id, operation, op->interval);
     /* now do the op */
     crm_info("Performing key=%s op=%s_%s_%d", transition, rsc->id, operation, op->interval);
     if (fsa_state != S_NOT_DC && fsa_state != S_POLICY_ENGINE && fsa_state != S_TRANSITION_ENGINE) {
         if (safe_str_neq(operation, "fail")
             && safe_str_neq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
             crm_info("Discarding attempt to perform action %s on %s in state %s",
                      operation, rsc->id, fsa_state2string(fsa_state));
-            op->rc = 99;
+            op->rc = CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC;
             op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
             send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id);
     op_id = generate_op_key(rsc->id, op->op_type, op->interval);
     if (op->interval > 0) {
         /* cancel it so we can then restart it without conflict */
         cancel_op_key(lrm_state, rsc, op_id, FALSE);
     if (op->params) {
         char *key = NULL;
         char *value = NULL;
         GHashTableIter iter;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, op->params);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
             params = lrmd_key_value_add(params, key, value);
     call_id = lrm_state_exec(lrm_state,
                              op->user_data, op->interval, op->timeout, op->start_delay, params);
     if (call_id <= 0 && lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state)) {
         crm_err("Operation %s on %s failed: %d", operation, rsc->id, call_id);
         register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL);
     } else if (call_id <= 0) {
         crm_err("Operation %s on resource %s failed to execute on remote node %s: %d", operation, rsc->id, lrm_state->node_name, call_id);
         op->call_id = get_fake_call_id(lrm_state, rsc->id);
         op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
         op->t_run = time(NULL);
         op->t_rcchange = op->t_run;
         process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op);
     } else {
         /* record all operations so we can wait
          * for them to complete during shutdown
         char *call_id_s = make_stop_id(rsc->id, call_id);
         struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
         pending = calloc(1, sizeof(struct recurring_op_s));
         crm_trace("Recording pending op: %d - %s %s", call_id, op_id, call_id_s);
         pending->call_id = call_id;
         pending->interval = op->interval;
         pending->op_type = strdup(operation);
         pending->op_key = strdup(op_id);
         pending->rsc_id = strdup(rsc->id);
         g_hash_table_replace(lrm_state->pending_ops, call_id_s, pending);
         if (op->interval > 0 && op->start_delay > START_DELAY_THRESHOLD) {
             char *uuid = NULL;
             int dummy = 0, target_rc = 0;
             crm_info("Faking confirmation of %s: execution postponed for over 5 minutes", op_id);
             decode_transition_key(op->user_data, &uuid, &dummy, &dummy, &target_rc);
             op->rc = target_rc;
             op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
             send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id);
 int last_resource_update = 0;
 static void
 cib_rsc_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data)
     switch (rc) {
         case pcmk_ok:
         case -pcmk_err_diff_failed:
         case -pcmk_err_diff_resync:
             crm_trace("Resource update %d complete: rc=%d", call_id, rc);
             crm_warn("Resource update %d failed: (rc=%d) %s", call_id, rc, pcmk_strerror(rc));
     if (call_id == last_resource_update) {
         last_resource_update = 0;
 static void
 remote_node_init_status(const char *node_name, int call_opt)
     int call_id = 0;
     xmlNode *update = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS);
     simple_remote_node_status(node_name, update,__FUNCTION__);
     fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, call_opt, call_id, NULL);
     if (call_id != pcmk_ok) {
         crm_debug("Failed to init status section for remote-node %s", node_name);
 static void
 remote_node_clear_status(const char *node_name, int call_opt)
     if (node_name == NULL) {
     remote_node_init_status(node_name, call_opt);
     erase_status_tag(node_name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, call_opt);
     erase_status_tag(node_name, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, call_opt);
 static int
 do_update_resource(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
   <nodes_status id=uname>
   <lrm_resource id=...>
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *update, *iter = NULL;
     int call_opt = cib_quorum_override;
     const char *uuid = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return 0);
     if (fsa_state == S_ELECTION || fsa_state == S_PENDING) {
         crm_info("Sending update to local CIB in state: %s", fsa_state2string(fsa_state));
         call_opt |= cib_scope_local;
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS);
     update = iter;
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE);
     if (safe_str_eq(lrm_state->node_name, fsa_our_uname)) {
         uuid = fsa_our_uuid;
     } else {
         /* remote nodes uuid and uname are equal */
         uuid = lrm_state->node_name;
         crm_xml_add(iter, XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE, "true");
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(uuid != NULL);
     if(uuid == NULL) {
         rc = -EINVAL;
         goto done;
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_UUID,  uuid);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_UNAME, lrm_state->node_name);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, uuid);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
     iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
     crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id);
     build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, __FUNCTION__);
     if (rsc) {
         const char *container = NULL;
         crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_TYPE, rsc->type);
         crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, rsc->class);
         crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, rsc->provider);
         if (op->params) {
             container = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER);
         if (container) {
             crm_trace("Resource %s is a part of container resource %s", op->rsc_id, container);
             crm_xml_add(iter, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, container);
         CRM_CHECK(rsc->type != NULL, crm_err("Resource %s has no value for type", op->rsc_id));
         CRM_CHECK(rsc->class != NULL, crm_err("Resource %s has no value for class", op->rsc_id));
         /* check to see if we need to initialize remote-node related status sections */
         if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, "start") && op->rc == 0 && op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
             const char *remote_node = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, CRM_META"_remote_node");
             if (remote_node) {
                 /* A container for a remote-node has started, initalize remote-node's status */
                 crm_info("Initalizing lrm status for container remote-node %s. Container successfully started.", remote_node);
                 remote_node_clear_status(remote_node, call_opt);
             } else if (container == FALSE && safe_str_eq(rsc->type, "remote") && safe_str_eq(rsc->provider, "pacemaker")) {
                 /* baremetal remote node connection resource has started, initalize remote-node's status */
                 crm_info("Initializing lrm status for baremetal remote-node %s", rsc->id);
                 remote_node_clear_status(rsc->id, call_opt);
     } else {
         crm_warn("Resource %s no longer exists in the lrmd", op->rsc_id);
         send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, op->rsc_id);
         goto cleanup;
     crm_log_xml_trace(update, __FUNCTION__);
     /* make it an asyncronous call and be done with it
      * Best case:
      *   the resource state will be discovered during
      *   the next signup or election.
      * Bad case:
      *   we are shutting down and there is no DC at the time,
      *   but then why were we shutting down then anyway?
      *   (probably because of an internal error)
      * Worst case:
      *   we get shot for having resources "running" when the really weren't
      * the alternative however means blocking here for too long, which
      * isnt acceptable
     fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, call_opt, rc, NULL);
     if (rc > 0) {
         last_resource_update = rc;
     /* the return code is a call number, not an error code */
     crm_trace("Sent resource state update message: %d for %s=%d on %s", rc,
               op->op_type, op->interval, op->rsc_id);
     fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, cib_rsc_callback);
     return rc;
 do_lrm_event(long long action,
              enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
              enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
     CRM_CHECK(FALSE, return);
 process_lrm_event(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
     char *op_id = NULL;
     char *op_key = NULL;
     int update_id = 0;
     gboolean removed = FALSE;
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
     struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return FALSE);
     CRM_CHECK(op->rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE);
     op_id = make_stop_id(op->rsc_id, op->call_id);
     pending = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id);
     op_key = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval);
     rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, 0);
     if (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR) {
         switch(op->rc) {
             case PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING:
             case PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER:
             case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED:
             case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER:
                 /* Leave it up to the TE/PE to decide if this is an error */
                 op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
                 /* Nothing to do */
     if (op->op_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
         if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_NOTIFY)) {
             /* Keep notify ops out of the CIB */
             send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id);
         } else {
             update_id = do_update_resource(lrm_state, rsc, op);
     } else if (op->interval == 0) {
         /* This will occur when "crm resource cleanup" is called while actions are in-flight */
         crm_err("Op %s (call=%d): Cancelled", op_key, op->call_id);
         send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id);
     } else if (pending == NULL) {
         /* We don't need to do anything for cancelled ops
          * that are not in our pending op list. There are no
          * transition actions waiting on these operations. */
     } else if (op->user_data == NULL) {
         /* At this point we have a pending entry, but no transition
          * key present in the user_data field. report this */
         crm_err("Op %s (call=%d): No user data", op_key, op->call_id);
     } else if (pending->remove) {
         /* The tengine canceled this op, we have been waiting for the cancel to finish. */
         delete_op_entry(lrm_state, op, op->rsc_id, op_key, op->call_id);
     } else if (pending && op->rsc_deleted) {
         /* The tengine initiated this op, but it was cancelled outside of the
          * tengine's control during a resource cleanup/re-probe request. The tengine
          * must be alerted that this operation completed, otherwise the tengine
          * will continue waiting for this update to occur until it is timed out.
          * We don't want this update going to the cib though, so use a direct ack. */
         crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d): cancelled due to rsc deletion", op_key, op->call_id);
         send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id);
     } else {
         /* Before a stop is called, no need to direct ack */
         crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d): no delete event required", op_key, op->call_id);
     if ((op->interval == 0) && g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id)) {
         removed = TRUE;
         crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d, stop-id=%s, remaining=%u): Confirmed",
                   op_key, op->call_id, op_id, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops));
     } else if(op->interval != 0 && op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
         removed = TRUE;
         g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id);
     switch (op->op_status) {
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED:
             crm_info("Operation %s: %s (node=%s, call=%d, confirmed=%s)",
                      op_key, services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status), lrm_state->node_name,
                      op->call_id, removed ? "true" : "false");
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE:
             crm_notice("Operation %s: %s (node=%s, call=%d, rc=%d, cib-update=%d, confirmed=%s)",
                        op_key, services_ocf_exitcode_str(op->rc), lrm_state->node_name,
                        op->call_id, op->rc, update_id, removed ? "true" : "false");
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT:
             crm_err("Operation %s: %s (node=%s, call=%d, timeout=%dms)",
                     op_key, services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status), lrm_state->node_name, op->call_id, op->timeout);
             crm_err("Operation %s (node=%s, call=%d, status=%d, cib-update=%d, confirmed=%s) %s",
                     op_key, lrm_state->node_name, op->call_id, op->op_status, update_id, removed ? "true" : "false",
     if (op->output) {
         char *prefix =
             crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s_%s_%d:%d", lrm_state->node_name, op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->call_id);
         if (op->rc) {
             crm_log_output(LOG_NOTICE, prefix, op->output);
         } else {
             crm_log_output(LOG_DEBUG, prefix, op->output);
     if (op->rsc_deleted) {
         crm_info("Deletion of resource '%s' complete after %s", op->rsc_id, op_key);
         delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, NULL, op->rsc_id, NULL, pcmk_ok, NULL);
     /* If a shutdown was escalated while operations were pending,
      * then the FSA will be stalled right now... allow it to continue
     update_history_cache(lrm_state, rsc, op);
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/crmd/te_callbacks.c b/crmd/te_callbacks.c
index eba5f11a0a..68742c29cf 100644
--- a/crmd/te_callbacks.c
+++ b/crmd/te_callbacks.c
@@ -1,790 +1,786 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <tengine.h>
 #include <te_callbacks.h>
 #include <crmd_fsa.h>
 #include <crm/cluster.h>        /* For ONLINESTATUS etc */
 void te_update_confirm(const char *event, xmlNode * msg);
 extern char *te_uuid;
 gboolean shuttingdown = FALSE;
 crm_graph_t *transition_graph;
 crm_trigger_t *transition_trigger = NULL;
 /* #define rsc_op_template "//"XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED"//"XML_TAG_CIB"//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']"//"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s]" */
 #define rsc_op_template "//"XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED"//"XML_TAG_CIB"//"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s']"
 static const char *
 get_node_id(xmlNode * rsc_op)
     xmlNode *node = rsc_op;
     while (node != NULL && safe_str_neq(XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TYPE(node))) {
         node = node->parent;
     CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL);
     return ID(node);
 static void
 te_legacy_update_diff(const char *event, xmlNode * diff)
     int lpc, max;
     xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(diff != NULL, return);
     xml_log_patchset(LOG_TRACE, __FUNCTION__, diff);
     if (cib_config_changed(NULL, NULL, &diff)) {
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Non-status change", diff);
         goto bail;              /* configuration changed */
     /* Tickets Attributes - Added/Updated */
     xpathObj =
                      "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//" XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS);
     if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) {
         xmlNode *aborted = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0);
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Ticket attribute: update", aborted);
         goto bail;
     /* Tickets Attributes - Removed */
     xpathObj =
                      "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_REMOVED "//" XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS);
     if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) {
         xmlNode *aborted = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0);
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Ticket attribute: removal", aborted);
         goto bail;
     /* Transient Attributes - Added/Updated */
     xpathObj =
                      "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//"
     max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
         xmlNode *attr = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
         const char *name = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME);
         const char *value = NULL;
         if (safe_str_eq(CRM_OP_PROBED, name)) {
             value = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE);
         if (crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) {
             abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Transient attribute: update", attr);
             crm_log_xml_trace(attr, "Abort");
             goto bail;
     /* Transient Attributes - Removed */
     xpathObj =
                      "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_REMOVED "//"
     if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) {
         xmlNode *aborted = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0);
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Transient attribute: removal", aborted);
         goto bail;
      * Check for and fast-track the processing of LRM refreshes
      * In large clusters this can result in _huge_ speedups
      * Unfortunately we can only do so when there are no pending actions
      * Otherwise we could miss updates we're waiting for and stall
     xpathObj = NULL;
     if (transition_graph->pending == 0) {
         xpathObj =
                          "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//"
     max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
     if (max > 1) {
         /* Updates by, or in response to, TE actions will never contain updates
          * for more than one resource at a time
         crm_debug("Detected LRM refresh - %d resources updated: Skipping all resource events", max);
         crm_log_xml_trace(diff, "lrm-refresh");
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "LRM Refresh", NULL);
         goto bail;
     /* Process operation updates */
     xpathObj =
                      "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP);
     if (numXpathResults(xpathObj)) {
        <node_state id="node1" state=CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER exp_state="active">
         	<rsc_state id="" rsc_id="rsc4" node_id="node1" rsc_state="stopped"/>
         int lpc = 0, max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
         for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
             xmlNode *rsc_op = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
             const char *node = get_node_id(rsc_op);
             process_graph_event(rsc_op, node);
     /* Detect deleted (as opposed to replaced or added) actions - eg. crm_resource -C */
     xpathObj = xpath_search(diff, "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_REMOVED "//" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP);
     max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
         int path_max = 0;
         const char *op_id = NULL;
         char *rsc_op_xpath = NULL;
         xmlXPathObject *op_match = NULL;
         xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL);
         if(match == NULL) { continue; };
         op_id = ID(match);
         path_max = strlen(rsc_op_template) + strlen(op_id) + 1;
         rsc_op_xpath = calloc(1, path_max);
         snprintf(rsc_op_xpath, path_max, rsc_op_template, op_id);
         op_match = xpath_search(diff, rsc_op_xpath);
         if (numXpathResults(op_match) == 0) {
             /* Prevent false positives by matching cancelations too */
             const char *node = get_node_id(match);
             crm_action_t *cancelled = get_cancel_action(op_id, node);
             if (cancelled == NULL) {
                 crm_debug("No match for deleted action %s (%s on %s)", rsc_op_xpath, op_id,
                 abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Resource op removal", match);
                 goto bail;
             } else {
                 crm_debug("Deleted lrm_rsc_op %s on %s was for graph event %d",
                           op_id, node, cancelled->id);
 static void process_resource_updates(
     const char *node, xmlNode *xml, xmlNode *change, const char *op, const char *xpath) 
     xmlNode *cIter = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL;
     int num_resources = 0;
     if(xml == NULL) {
     } else if(strcmp((const char*)xml->name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM) == 0) {
         xml = first_named_child(xml, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
         crm_trace("Got %p in %s", xml, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
     CRM_ASSERT(strcmp((const char*)xml->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES) == 0);
     for(cIter = xml->children; cIter; cIter = cIter->next) {
     if(num_resources > 1) {
          * Check for and fast-track the processing of LRM refreshes
          * In large clusters this can result in _huge_ speedups
          * Unfortunately we can only do so when there are no pending actions
          * Otherwise we could miss updates we're waiting for and stall
         crm_debug("Detected LRM refresh - %d resources updated", num_resources);
         crm_log_xml_trace(change, "lrm-refresh");
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "LRM Refresh", NULL);
     for (rsc = __xml_first_child(xml); rsc != NULL; rsc = __xml_next(rsc)) {
         crm_trace("Processing %s", ID(rsc));
         for (rsc_op = __xml_first_child(rsc); rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = __xml_next(rsc_op)) {
             crm_trace("Processing %s", ID(rsc_op));
             process_graph_event(rsc_op, node);
 #define NODE_PATT "/lrm[@id="
 static char *get_node_from_xpath(const char *xpath) 
     char *nodeid = NULL;
     char *tmp = strstr(xpath, NODE_PATT);
     if(tmp) {
         tmp += strlen(NODE_PATT);
         tmp += 1;
         nodeid = strdup(tmp);
         tmp = strstr(nodeid, "\'");
         tmp[0] = 0;
     return nodeid;
 te_update_diff(const char *event, xmlNode * msg)
     int rc = -EINVAL;
     int format = 1;
     xmlNode *change = NULL;
     const char *op = NULL;
     xmlNode *diff = NULL;
     int p_add[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
     int p_del[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
     CRM_CHECK(msg != NULL, return);
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_CIB_RC, &rc);
     if (transition_graph == NULL) {
         crm_trace("No graph");
     } else if (rc < pcmk_ok) {
         crm_trace("Filter rc=%d (%s)", rc, pcmk_strerror(rc));
     } else if (transition_graph->complete == TRUE
                && fsa_state != S_IDLE
                && fsa_state != S_TRANSITION_ENGINE && fsa_state != S_POLICY_ENGINE) {
         crm_trace("Filter state=%s, complete=%d", fsa_state2string(fsa_state),
     op = crm_element_value(msg, F_CIB_OPERATION);
     diff = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT);
     xml_patch_versions(diff, p_add, p_del);
     crm_debug("Processing (%s) diff: %d.%d.%d -> %d.%d.%d (%s)", op,
               p_del[0], p_del[1], p_del[2], p_add[0], p_add[1], p_add[2],
     crm_element_value_int(diff, "format", &format);
     switch(format) {
         case 1:
             te_legacy_update_diff(event, diff);
         case 2:
             /* Cool, we know what to do here */
             crm_log_xml_trace(diff, "Patch:Raw");
             crm_warn("Unknown patch format: %d", format);
     for (change = __xml_first_child(diff); change != NULL; change = __xml_next(change)) {
         const char *name = NULL;
         const char *op = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_OP);
         const char *xpath = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_PATH);
         xmlNode *match = NULL;
         const char *node = NULL;
         if(op == NULL) {
         } else if(strcmp(op, "create") == 0) {
             match = change->children;
         } else if(strcmp(op, "move") == 0) {
         } else if(strcmp(op, "modify") == 0) {
             match = first_named_child(change, XML_DIFF_RESULT);
             if(match) {
                 match = match->children;
         if(match) {
             name = (const char *)match->name;
         crm_trace("Handling %s operation for %s %p, %s", op, xpath, match, name);
         if(xpath == NULL) {
             /* Version field, ignore */
         } else if(strstr(xpath, "/cib/configuration")) {
             abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Non-status change", change);
             break; /* Wont be packaged with any resource operations we may be waiting for */
         } else if(strstr(xpath, "/"XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS) || safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS)) {
             abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Ticket attribute change", change);
             break; /* Wont be packaged with any resource operations we may be waiting for */
         } else if(strstr(xpath, "/"XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS"[") || safe_str_eq(name, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS)) {
             abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Transient attribute change", change);
             break; /* Wont be packaged with any resource operations we may be waiting for */
         } else if(strstr(xpath, "/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[") && safe_str_eq(op, "delete")) {
             crm_action_t *cancel = NULL;
             char *mutable_key = strdup(xpath);
             char *mutable_node = strdup(xpath);
             char *search = NULL;
             const char *key = NULL;
             const char *node_uuid = NULL;
             search = strrchr(mutable_key, '\'');
             search[0] = 0;
             key = strrchr(mutable_key, '\'') + 1;
             node_uuid = strstr(mutable_node, "node_state[@id=\'") + strlen("node_state[@id=\'");
             search = strchr(node_uuid, '\'');
             search[0] = 0;
             cancel = get_cancel_action(key, node_uuid);
             if (cancel == NULL) {
                 abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Resource operation removal", change);
             } else {
                 crm_info("Cancellation of %s on %s confirmed (%d)", key, node_uuid, cancel->id);
                 update_graph(transition_graph, cancel);
         } else if(strstr(xpath, "/"XML_CIB_TAG_LRM"[") && safe_str_eq(op, "delete")) {
             abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Resource state removal", change);
         } else if(strstr(xpath, "/"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[") && safe_str_eq(op, "delete")) {
             abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Node state removal", change);
         } else if(name == NULL) {
             crm_debug("No result for %s operation to %s", op, xpath);
             CRM_ASSERT(strcmp(op, "delete") == 0 || strcmp(op, "move") == 0);
         } else if(strcmp(name, XML_TAG_CIB) == 0) {
             xmlNode *state = NULL;
             xmlNode *status = first_named_child(match, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS);
             xmlNode *config = first_named_child(match, XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION);
             for (state = __xml_first_child(status); state != NULL; state = __xml_next(state)) {
                 xmlNode *lrm = first_named_child(state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
                 node = ID(state);
                 process_resource_updates(node, lrm, change, op, xpath);
             if(config) {
                 abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Non-status change", change);
         } else if(strcmp(name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS) == 0) {
             xmlNode *state = NULL;
             for (state = __xml_first_child(match); state != NULL; state = __xml_next(state)) {
                 xmlNode *lrm = first_named_child(state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
                 node = ID(state);
                 process_resource_updates(node, lrm, change, op, xpath);
         } else if(strcmp(name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE) == 0) {
             xmlNode *lrm = first_named_child(match, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
             node = ID(match);
             process_resource_updates(node, lrm, change, op, xpath);
         } else if(strcmp(name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM) == 0) {
             node = ID(match);
             process_resource_updates(node, match, change, op, xpath);
         } else if(strcmp(name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES) == 0) {
             char *local_node = get_node_from_xpath(xpath);
             process_resource_updates(local_node, match, change, op, xpath);
         } else if(strcmp(name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE) == 0) {
             xmlNode *rsc_op;
             char *local_node = get_node_from_xpath(xpath);
             for (rsc_op = __xml_first_child(match); rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = __xml_next(rsc_op)) {
                 process_graph_event(rsc_op, local_node);
         } else if(strcmp(name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP) == 0) {
             char *local_node = get_node_from_xpath(xpath);
             process_graph_event(match, local_node);
         } else {
             crm_err("Ignoring %s operation for %s %p, %s", op, xpath, match, name);
 process_te_message(xmlNode * msg, xmlNode * xml_data)
     const char *from = crm_element_value(msg, F_ORIG);
     const char *sys_to = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_SYS_TO);
     const char *sys_from = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM);
     const char *ref = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_REFERENCE);
     const char *op = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_TASK);
     const char *type = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_MSG_TYPE);
     crm_trace("Processing %s (%s) message", op, ref);
     crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "ipc");
     if (op == NULL) {
         /* error */
     } else if (sys_to == NULL || strcasecmp(sys_to, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE) != 0) {
         crm_trace("Bad sys-to %s", crm_str(sys_to));
         return FALSE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM)
                && safe_str_eq(sys_from, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD)
 /* 		  && safe_str_eq(type, XML_ATTR_RESPONSE) */
         ) {
         xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = NULL;
         crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "Processing (N)ACK");
         crm_debug("Processing (N)ACK %s from %s", crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_REFERENCE), from);
         xpathObj = xpath_search(xml_data, "//" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP);
         if (numXpathResults(xpathObj)) {
             int lpc = 0, max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
             for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
                 xmlNode *rsc_op = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
                 const char *node = get_node_id(rsc_op);
                 process_graph_event(rsc_op, node);
         } else {
             crm_log_xml_err(msg, "Invalid (N)ACK");
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         crm_err("Unknown command: %s::%s from %s", type, op, sys_from);
     crm_trace("finished processing message");
     return TRUE;
 GHashTable *stonith_failures = NULL;
 struct st_fail_rec {
     int count;
     int last_rc;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     const char *key = NULL;
     struct st_fail_rec *value = NULL;
     if (stonith_failures == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, stonith_failures);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
         if (value->count > 10) {
             crm_notice("Too many failures to fence %s (%d), giving up", key, value->count);
             return TRUE;
         } else if (value->last_rc == -ENODEV) {
             crm_notice("No devices found in cluster to fence %s, giving up", key);
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 st_fail_count_reset(const char *target)
     struct st_fail_rec *rec = NULL;
     if (stonith_failures) {
         rec = g_hash_table_lookup(stonith_failures, target);
     if (rec) {
         rec->count = 0;
         rec->last_rc = 0;
 static void
 st_fail_count_increment(const char *target, int rc)
     struct st_fail_rec *rec = NULL;
     if (stonith_failures == NULL) {
         stonith_failures =
             g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, free);
     rec = g_hash_table_lookup(stonith_failures, target);
     if (rec) {
     } else {
         rec = malloc(sizeof(struct st_fail_rec));
         if(rec == NULL) {
         rec->count = 1;
         g_hash_table_insert(stonith_failures, strdup(target), rec);
     rec->last_rc = rc;
 tengine_stonith_callback(stonith_t * stonith, stonith_callback_data_t * data)
     char *uuid = NULL;
     int target_rc = -1;
     int stonith_id = -1;
     int transition_id = -1;
     crm_action_t *action = NULL;
     int call_id = data->call_id;
     int rc = data->rc;
     char *userdata = data->userdata;
     CRM_CHECK(userdata != NULL, return);
     crm_notice("Stonith operation %d/%s: %s (%d)", call_id, (char *)userdata,
                pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) {
     /* crm_info("call=%d, optype=%d, node_name=%s, result=%d, node_list=%s, action=%s", */
     /*       op->call_id, op->optype, op->node_name, op->op_result, */
     /*       (char *)op->node_list, op->private_data); */
     /* filter out old STONITH actions */
     CRM_CHECK(decode_transition_key(userdata, &uuid, &transition_id, &stonith_id, &target_rc),
               crm_err("Invalid event detected");
               goto bail;
     if (transition_graph->complete || stonith_id < 0 || safe_str_neq(uuid, te_uuid)
         || transition_graph->id != transition_id) {
         crm_info("Ignoring STONITH action initiated outside of the current transition");
         goto bail;
     /* this will mark the event complete if a match is found */
     action = get_action(stonith_id, FALSE);
     if (action == NULL) {
         crm_err("Stonith action not matched");
         goto bail;
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         const char *target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
         const char *uuid = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID);
         const char *op = crm_meta_value(action->params, "stonith_action"); 
         crm_debug("Stonith operation %d for %s passed", call_id, target);
         if (action->confirmed == FALSE) {
             if (action->sent_update == FALSE && safe_str_neq("on", op)) {
                 send_stonith_update(action, target, uuid);
     } else {
         const char *target = crm_element_value_const(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
-        const char *allow_fail = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_ATTR_TE_ALLOWFAIL);
         action->failed = TRUE;
-        if (crm_is_true(allow_fail) == FALSE) {
-            crm_notice("Stonith operation %d for %s failed (%s): aborting transition.", call_id,
-                       target, pcmk_strerror(rc));
-            abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Stonith failed", NULL);
-        }
+        crm_notice("Stonith operation %d for %s failed (%s): aborting transition.",
+                   call_id, target, pcmk_strerror(rc));
+        abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Stonith failed", NULL);
         st_fail_count_increment(target, rc);
     update_graph(transition_graph, action);
 cib_fencing_updated(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data)
     if (rc < pcmk_ok) {
         crm_err("Fencing update %d for %s: failed - %s (%d)",
                 call_id, (char *)user_data, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "Failed update");
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_shutdown, "CIB update failed", NULL);
     } else {
         crm_info("Fencing update %d for %s: complete", call_id, (char *)user_data);
 cib_action_updated(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data)
     if (rc < pcmk_ok) {
         crm_err("Update %d FAILED: %s", call_id, pcmk_strerror(rc));
 action_timer_callback(gpointer data)
     crm_action_timer_t *timer = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(data != NULL, return FALSE);
     timer = (crm_action_timer_t *) data;
     crm_warn("Timer popped (timeout=%d, abort_level=%d, complete=%s)",
              transition_graph->abort_priority, transition_graph->complete ? "true" : "false");
     CRM_CHECK(timer->action != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (transition_graph->complete) {
         crm_warn("Ignoring timeout while not in transition");
     } else if (timer->reason == timeout_action_warn) {
         print_action(LOG_WARNING, "Action missed its timeout: ", timer->action);
         /* Don't check the FSA state
          * We might also be in S_INTEGRATION or some other state waiting for this
          * action so we can close the transition and continue
     } else {
         /* fail the action */
         gboolean send_update = TRUE;
         const char *task = crm_element_value(timer->action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
         print_action(LOG_ERR, "Aborting transition, action lost: ", timer->action);
         timer->action->failed = TRUE;
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Action lost", NULL);
         update_graph(transition_graph, timer->action);
         if (timer->action->type != action_type_rsc) {
             send_update = FALSE;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(task, RSC_CANCEL)) {
             /* we dont need to update the CIB with these */
             send_update = FALSE;
         if (send_update) {
             cib_action_update(timer->action, PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR);
     return FALSE;
diff --git a/crmd/te_events.c b/crmd/te_events.c
index b81a13e0a0..f54cc99bd7 100644
--- a/crmd/te_events.c
+++ b/crmd/te_events.c
@@ -1,590 +1,616 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/cib.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <tengine.h>
 #include <crmd_fsa.h>
 char *failed_stop_offset = NULL;
 char *failed_start_offset = NULL;
-int match_graph_event(int action_id, xmlNode * event, const char *event_node,
-                      int op_status, int op_rc, int target_rc);
 fail_incompletable_actions(crm_graph_t * graph, const char *down_node)
     const char *target_uuid = NULL;
     const char *router = NULL;
     const char *router_uuid = NULL;
     xmlNode *last_action = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
     if (graph == NULL || graph->complete) {
         return FALSE;
     gIter = graph->synapses;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) gIter->data;
         if (synapse->confirmed) {
         gIter2 = synapse->actions;
         for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
             crm_action_t *action = (crm_action_t *) gIter2->data;
             if (action->type == action_type_pseudo || action->confirmed) {
             } else if (action->type == action_type_crm) {
                 const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
                 if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) {
             target_uuid = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID);
             router = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE);
             if (router) {
                 crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(0, router);
                 if (node) {
                     router_uuid = node->uuid;
             if (safe_str_eq(target_uuid, down_node) || safe_str_eq(router_uuid, down_node)) {
                 action->failed = TRUE;
                 synapse->failed = TRUE;
                 last_action = action->xml;
                 update_graph(graph, action);
                 if (synapse->executed) {
                     crm_notice("Action %d (%s) was pending on %s (offline)",
                                action->id, ID(action->xml), down_node);
                 } else {
                     crm_notice("Action %d (%s) is scheduled for %s (offline)",
                                action->id, ID(action->xml), down_node);
     if (last_action != NULL) {
         crm_warn("Node %s shutdown resulted in un-runnable actions", down_node);
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Node failure", last_action);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Update failure-related node attributes if warranted
+ *
+ * \param[in] event            XML describing operation that (maybe) failed
+ * \param[in] event_node_uuid  Node that event occurred on
+ * \param[in] rc               Actual operation return code
+ * \param[in] target_rc        Expected operation return code
+ * \param[in] do_update        If TRUE, do update regardless of operation type
+ * \param[in] ignore_failures  If TRUE, update last failure but not fail count
+ *
+ * \return TRUE if this was not a direct nack, success or lrm status refresh
+ */
 static gboolean
-update_failcount(xmlNode * event, const char *event_node_uuid, int rc, int target_rc, gboolean do_update)
+update_failcount(xmlNode * event, const char *event_node_uuid, int rc,
+                 int target_rc, gboolean do_update, gboolean ignore_failures)
     int interval = 0;
     char *task = NULL;
     char *rsc_id = NULL;
-    char *attr_name = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *id = crm_element_value(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
     const char *on_uname = crm_peer_uname(event_node_uuid);
     const char *origin = crm_element_value(event, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN);
-    if (rc == 99) {
-        /* this is an internal code for "we're busy, try again" */
-        return FALSE;
-    } else if (rc == target_rc) {
+    /* Nothing needs to be done for success, lrm status refresh,
+     * or direct nack (internal code for "busy, try again")
+     */
+    if ((rc == CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC) || (rc == target_rc)) {
         return FALSE;
-    }
-    if (safe_str_eq(origin, "build_active_RAs")) {
+    } else if (safe_str_eq(origin, "build_active_RAs")) {
         crm_debug("No update for %s (rc=%d) on %s: Old failure from lrm status refresh",
                   id, rc, on_uname);
         return FALSE;
+    /* Sanity check */
     CRM_CHECK(on_uname != NULL, return TRUE);
-    if (failed_stop_offset == NULL) {
-        failed_stop_offset = strdup(INFINITY_S);
-    }
-    if (failed_start_offset == NULL) {
-        failed_start_offset = strdup(INFINITY_S);
-    }
-    CRM_CHECK(parse_op_key(id, &rsc_id, &task, &interval), crm_err("Couldn't parse: %s", ID(event));
-              goto bail);
+    CRM_CHECK(parse_op_key(id, &rsc_id, &task, &interval),
+              crm_err("Couldn't parse: %s", ID(event)); goto bail);
     CRM_CHECK(task != NULL, goto bail);
     CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, goto bail);
-    if (do_update || interval > 0) {
+    /* Decide whether update is necessary and what value to use */
+    if ((interval > 0) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)
+        || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) {
         do_update = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START)) {
         do_update = TRUE;
+        if (failed_start_offset == NULL) {
+            failed_start_offset = strdup(INFINITY_S);
+        }
         value = failed_start_offset;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
         do_update = TRUE;
+        if (failed_stop_offset == NULL) {
+            failed_stop_offset = strdup(INFINITY_S);
+        }
         value = failed_stop_offset;
-    } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) {
-        do_update = TRUE;
-    } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) {
-        do_update = TRUE;
+    /* Fail count will be either incremented or set to infinity */
     if (value == NULL || safe_str_neq(value, INFINITY_S)) {
         value = XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE "++";
     if (do_update) {
         char *now = crm_itoa(time(NULL));
+        char *attr_name = NULL;
         gboolean is_remote_node = FALSE;
         if (g_hash_table_lookup(crm_remote_peer_cache, event_node_uuid)) {
             is_remote_node = TRUE;
-        crm_warn("Updating failcount for %s on %s after failed %s:"
-                 " rc=%d (update=%s, time=%s)", rsc_id, on_uname, task, rc, value, now);
+        crm_warn("Updating %s for %s on %s after failed %s: rc=%d (update=%s, time=%s)",
+                 (ignore_failures? "last failure" : "failcount"),
+                 rsc_id, on_uname, task, rc, value, now);
-        attr_name = crm_concat("fail-count", rsc_id, '-');
-        update_attrd(on_uname, attr_name, value, NULL, is_remote_node);
-        free(attr_name);
+        /* Update the fail count, if we're not ignoring failures */
+        if (!ignore_failures) {
+            attr_name = crm_concat("fail-count", rsc_id, '-');
+            update_attrd(on_uname, attr_name, value, NULL, is_remote_node);
+            free(attr_name);
+        }
+        /* Update the last failure time (even if we're ignoring failures,
+         * so that failure can still be detected and shown, e.g. by crm_mon)
+         */
         attr_name = crm_concat("last-failure", rsc_id, '-');
         update_attrd(on_uname, attr_name, now, NULL, is_remote_node);
     return TRUE;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Return simplified operation status based on operation return code
+ *
+ * \param[in] action       CRM action instance of operation
+ * \param[in] orig_status  Original reported operation status
+ * \param[in] rc           Actual operation return code
+ * \param[in] target_rc    Expected operation return code
+ *
+ * \return PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE if rc equals target_rc, PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR otherwise
+ *
+ * \note This assumes that PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING operations have already been
+ *       filtered (otherwise they will get simplified as well).
+ */
 static int
 status_from_rc(crm_action_t * action, int orig_status, int rc, int target_rc)
-    int status = orig_status;
     if (target_rc == rc) {
         crm_trace("Target rc: == %d", rc);
-        if (status != PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
-            crm_trace("Re-mapping op status to" " PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE for rc=%d", rc);
-            status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
+        if (orig_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
+            crm_trace("Re-mapping op status to PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE for rc=%d", rc);
-    } else {
-        status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
+        return PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
-    /* 99 is the code we use for direct nack's */
-    if (rc != 99 && status != PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
-        const char *task, *uname;
+    if (rc != CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC) {
+        const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
+        const char *uname = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
-        task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
-        uname = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
         crm_warn("Action %d (%s) on %s failed (target: %d vs. rc: %d): %s",
-                 action->id, task, uname, target_rc, rc, services_lrm_status_str(status));
+                 action->id, task, uname, target_rc, rc,
+                 services_lrm_status_str(PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR));
-    return status;
+    return PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
 static void
 process_remote_node_action(crm_action_t *action, xmlNode *event)
     xmlNode *child = NULL;
     /* The whole point of this function is to detect when a remote-node
      * is integrated into the cluster, and abort the transition if that remote-node
      * was fenced earlier in the transition. This allows a new transition to be
      * generated so resources can be placed on the new node.
     if (crm_remote_peer_cache_size() == 0) {
     } else if (action->type != action_type_rsc) {
     } else if (action->failed || action->confirmed == FALSE) {
     } else if (safe_str_neq(crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK), "start")) {
     for (child = __xml_first_child(action->xml); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) {
         const char *provider;
         const char *type;
         const char *rsc;
         crm_node_t *remote_peer;
         if (safe_str_neq(crm_element_name(child), XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE)) {
         provider = crm_element_value(child, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
         type = crm_element_value(child, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
         rsc = ID(child);
         if (safe_str_neq(provider, "pacemaker") || safe_str_neq(type, "remote") || rsc == NULL) {
         remote_peer = crm_get_peer_full(0, rsc, CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE);
         if (remote_peer == NULL) {
         /* A remote node will be placed in the "lost" state after
          * it has been successfully fenced.  After successfully connecting
          * to a remote-node after being fenced, we need to abort the transition
          * so resources can be placed on the newly integrated remote-node */
         if (safe_str_eq(remote_peer->state, CRM_NODE_LOST)) {
             abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Remote-node re-discovered.", event);
- * returns the ID of the action if a match is found
- * returns -1 if a match was not found
- * returns -2 if a match was found but the action failed (and was
- *            not allowed to)
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Confirm action and update transition graph, aborting transition on failures
+ *
+ * \param[in/out] action           CRM action instance of this operation
+ * \param[in]     event            Event instance of this operation
+ * \param[in]     orig_status      Original reported operation status
+ * \param[in]     op_rc            Actual operation return code
+ * \param[in]     target_rc        Expected operation return code
+ * \param[in]     ignore_failures  Whether to ignore operation failures
+ *
+ * \note This assumes that PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING operations have already been
+ *       filtered (otherwise they may be treated as failures).
-match_graph_event(int action_id, xmlNode * event, const char *event_node,
-                  int op_status, int op_rc, int target_rc)
+static void
+match_graph_event(crm_action_t *action, xmlNode *event, int op_status,
+                  int op_rc, int target_rc, gboolean ignore_failures)
     const char *target = NULL;
-    const char *allow_fail = NULL;
     const char *this_event = NULL;
-    crm_action_t *action = NULL;
-    action = get_action(action_id, FALSE);
-    if (action == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
+    const char *ignore_s = "";
+    /* Remap operation status based on return code */
     op_status = status_from_rc(action, op_status, op_rc, target_rc);
-    if (op_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
-        update_failcount(event, event_node, op_rc, target_rc, FALSE);
-    }
     /* Process OP status */
     switch (op_status) {
-        case PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING:
-            crm_debug("Ignoring pending operation");
-            return action->id;
-            break;
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE:
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR:
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT:
-            action->failed = TRUE;
+            if (ignore_failures) {
+                ignore_s = ", ignoring failure";
+            } else {
+                action->failed = TRUE;
+            }
         case PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED:
             /* do nothing?? */
             crm_err("Dont know what to do for cancelled ops yet");
+            /*
+             PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_HARD,
+             PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_FATAL,
+             */
             action->failed = TRUE;
             crm_err("Unsupported action result: %d", op_status);
     /* stop this event's timer if it had one */
     update_graph(transition_graph, action);
-    if (action->failed) {
-        allow_fail = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_ATTR_TE_ALLOWFAIL);
-        if (crm_is_true(allow_fail)) {
-            action->failed = FALSE;
-        }
-    }
     if (action->failed) {
         abort_transition(action->synapse->priority + 1, tg_restart, "Event failed", event);
     this_event = crm_element_value(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
     target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
-    crm_info("Action %s (%d) confirmed on %s (rc=%d)",
-             crm_str(this_event), action->id, crm_str(target), op_status);
+    crm_info("Action %s (%d) confirmed on %s (rc=%d%s)",
+             crm_str(this_event), action->id, crm_str(target), op_rc, ignore_s);
     /* determine if this action affects a remote-node's online/offline status */
     process_remote_node_action(action, event);
-    return action->id;
 crm_action_t *
 get_action(int id, gboolean confirmed)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
     gIter = transition_graph->synapses;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) gIter->data;
         gIter2 = synapse->actions;
         for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
             crm_action_t *action = (crm_action_t *) gIter2->data;
             if (action->id == id) {
                 if (confirmed) {
                 return action;
     return NULL;
 crm_action_t *
 get_cancel_action(const char *id, const char *node)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
     gIter = transition_graph->synapses;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) gIter->data;
         gIter2 = synapse->actions;
         for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
             const char *task = NULL;
             const char *target = NULL;
             crm_action_t *action = (crm_action_t *) gIter2->data;
             task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
             if (safe_str_neq(CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL, task)) {
             task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
             if (safe_str_neq(task, id)) {
                 crm_trace("Wrong key %s for %s on %s", task, id, node);
             target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID);
             if (node && safe_str_neq(target, node)) {
                 crm_trace("Wrong node %s for %s on %s", target, id, node);
             crm_trace("Found %s on %s", id, node);
             return action;
     return NULL;
 crm_action_t *
 match_down_event(int id, const char *target, const char *filter, bool quiet)
     const char *this_action = NULL;
     const char *this_node = NULL;
     crm_action_t *match = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
     gIter = transition_graph->synapses;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) gIter->data;
         /* lookup event */
         gIter2 = synapse->actions;
         for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
             crm_action_t *action = (crm_action_t *) gIter2->data;
             if (id > 0 && action->id == id) {
                 match = action;
             this_action = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
             if (action->type != action_type_crm) {
             } else if (safe_str_eq(this_action, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) {
             } else if (filter != NULL && safe_str_neq(this_action, filter)) {
             this_node = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID);
             if (this_node == NULL) {
                 crm_log_xml_err(action->xml, "No node uuid");
             if (safe_str_neq(this_node, target)) {
                 crm_debug("Action %d : Node mismatch: %s", action->id, this_node);
             match = action;
             id = action->id;
         if (match != NULL) {
             /* stop this event's timer if it had one */
     if (match != NULL) {
         /* stop this event's timer if it had one */
         crm_debug("Match found for action %d: %s on %s", id,
                   crm_element_value(match->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY), target);
     } else if (id > 0) {
         crm_err("No match for action %d", id);
     } else if(quiet == FALSE) {
         crm_warn("No match for shutdown action on %s", target);
     return match;
 process_graph_event(xmlNode * event, const char *event_node)
     int rc = -1;
     int status = -1;
     int callid = -1;
-    int action = -1;
+    int action_num = -1;
+    crm_action_t *action = NULL;
     int target_rc = -1;
     int transition_num = -1;
     char *update_te_uuid = NULL;
     gboolean stop_early = FALSE;
-    gboolean passed = FALSE;
+    gboolean ignore_failures = FALSE;
     const char *id = NULL;
     const char *desc = NULL;
     const char *magic = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(event != NULL);
 <lrm_rsc_op id="rsc_east-05_last_0" operation_key="rsc_east-05_monitor_0" operation="monitor" crm-debug-origin="do_update_resource" crm_feature_set="3.0.6" transition-key="9:2:7:be2e97d9-05e2-439d-863e-48f7aecab2aa" transition-magic="0:7;9:2:7:be2e97d9-05e2-439d-863e-48f7aecab2aa" call-id="17" rc-code="7" op-status="0" interval="0" last-run="1355361636" last-rc-change="1355361636" exec-time="128" queue-time="0" op-digest="c81f5f40b1c9e859c992e800b1aa6972"/>
     id = crm_element_value(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
     crm_element_value_int(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, &rc);
     crm_element_value_int(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS, &status);
     crm_element_value_int(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &callid);
     magic = crm_element_value(event, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
     if (magic == NULL) {
         /* non-change */
         return FALSE;
-    if (decode_transition_key(magic, &update_te_uuid, &transition_num, &action, &target_rc) ==
-        FALSE) {
+    if (decode_transition_key(magic, &update_te_uuid, &transition_num,
+                              &action_num, &target_rc) == FALSE) {
         crm_err("Invalid event %s.%d detected: %s", id, callid, magic);
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Bad event", event);
         return FALSE;
     if (status == PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING) {
         goto bail;
     if (transition_num == -1) {
         desc = "initiated outside of the cluster";
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Unexpected event", event);
-    } else if (action < 0 || crm_str_eq(update_te_uuid, te_uuid, TRUE) == FALSE) {
+    } else if ((action_num < 0) || (crm_str_eq(update_te_uuid, te_uuid, TRUE) == FALSE)) {
         desc = "initiated by a different node";
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Foreign event", event);
         stop_early = TRUE;      /* This could be an lrm status refresh */
     } else if (transition_graph->id != transition_num) {
         desc = "arrived really late";
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Old event", event);
         stop_early = TRUE;      /* This could be an lrm status refresh */
     } else if (transition_graph->complete) {
         desc = "arrived late";
         abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Inactive graph", event);
-    } else if (match_graph_event(action, event, event_node, status, rc, target_rc) < 0) {
-        desc = "unknown";
-        abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Unknown event", event);
+    } else {
+        action = get_action(action_num, FALSE);
-    } else if (rc == target_rc) {
-        passed = TRUE;
-        crm_trace("Processed update to %s: %s", id, magic);
+        if (action == NULL) {
+            desc = "unknown";
+            abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Unknown event", event);
+        } else {
+            /* XML_ATTR_TE_ALLOWFAIL will be true if on-fail=ignore for the operation */
+            ignore_failures = crm_is_true(crm_meta_value(action->params,
+                                                         XML_ATTR_TE_ALLOWFAIL));
+            match_graph_event(action, event, status, rc, target_rc, ignore_failures);
+        }
-    if (passed == FALSE) {
-        if (update_failcount(event, event_node, rc, target_rc, transition_num == -1)) {
+    if (action && (rc == target_rc)) {
+        crm_trace("Processed update to %s: %s", id, magic);
+    } else {
+        if (update_failcount(event, event_node, rc, target_rc,
+                             (transition_num == -1), ignore_failures)) {
             /* Turns out this wasn't an lrm status refresh update aferall */
             stop_early = FALSE;
             desc = "failed";
-        crm_info("Detected action (%d.%d) %s.%d=%s: %s", transition_num, action, id, callid,
-                 services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), desc);
+        crm_info("Detected action (%d.%d) %s.%d=%s: %s", transition_num,
+                 action_num, id, callid, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), desc);
     return stop_early;
diff --git a/doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/en-US/Ch-Installation.txt b/doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/en-US/Ch-Installation.txt
index 0cdc71d956..1c2303b999 100644
--- a/doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/en-US/Ch-Installation.txt
+++ b/doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/en-US/Ch-Installation.txt
@@ -1,527 +1,527 @@
 = Installation =
 == Install the OS ==
 Detailed instructions for installing Fedora are available at
 http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/21/html/Installation_Guide/ in a number of
 languages. The abbreviated version is as follows:
 Point your browser to https://getfedora.org/,
 choose a flavor (Server is an appropriate choice),
 and download the installation image appropriate to your hardware.
 Burn the installation image to a DVD or USB drive
 and boot from it, or use the image to boot a virtual machine.
 After starting the installation, select your language and keyboard layout at
 the welcome screen.
 At this point, you get a chance to tweak the default installation options.
 In the *NETWORK & HOSTNAME* section you'll want to:
 - Assign your machine a host name.
   I happen to control the clusterlabs.org domain name, so I will use
   pcmk-1.clusterlabs.org here.
 - Assign a fixed IPv4 address. In this example, I'll use
 Do not accept the default network settings.
 Cluster machines should never obtain an IP address via DHCP, because
 DHCP's periodic address renewal will interfere with corosync.
 If you miss this step during installation, it can easily be fixed later. You will have
 to navigate to *system settings* and select *network*.  From there, you can select
 what device to configure.
 In the *Software Selection* section (try saying that 10 times
 quickly), leave all *Add-Ons* unchecked so that we see everything that gets
 installed. We'll install any extra software we need later.
 By default Fedora uses LVM for partitioning which allows us to
 dynamically change the amount of space allocated to a given partition.
 However, by default it also allocates all free space to the +/+
 (aka. *root*) partition, which cannot be dynamically _reduced_ in size
 (dynamic increases are fine, by the way).
 So if you plan on following the DRBD or GFS2 portions of this guide,
 you should reserve at least 1GiB of space on each machine from which to
 create a shared volume.  To do so, enter the *Installation
 Destination* section where you are be given an opportunity to reduce
 the size of the *root* partition (after choosing which hard drive you
 wish to install to). If you want the reserved space to be available
 within an LVM volume group, be sure to select *Modify...* next to
 the volume group name and change the *Size policy:* to *Fixed*
 or *As large as possible*.
 It is highly recommended to enable NTP on your cluster nodes. Doing so
 ensures all nodes agree on the current time and makes reading log files
 significantly easier. You can do this in the *DATE & TIME* section. 
 Once you've completed the installation, set a root password as instructed.
 For the purposes of this document, it is not necessary to create any additional
 users. After the node reboots, you'll see a (possibly mangled) login prompt on
 the console. Login using *root* and the password you created earlier.
 image::images/Console.png["Initial Console",align="center",scaledwidth="65%"]
 From here on, we're going to be working exclusively from the terminal.
 == Configure the OS ==
 === Verify Networking ===
 Ensure that the machine has the static IP address you configured earlier.
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# ip addr
 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
     link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
     inet scope host lo
     inet6 ::1/128 scope host
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
     link/ether 52:54:00:d7:d6:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
     inet brd scope global eth0
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
     inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fed7:d608/64 scope link
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
 If you ever need to change the node's IP address from the command line, follow these instructions:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${device} # manually edit as desired
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# nmcli dev disconnect ${device}
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# nmcli con reload ${device}
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# nmcli con up ${device}
 This makes *NetworkManager* aware that a change was made on the config file.
 Next, ensure that the routes are as expected:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# ip route
 default via dev eth0  proto static  metric 1024 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
 If there is no line beginning with *default via*, then you may need to add a line such as
 to +/etc/sysconfig/network+ and restart the network.
 Now, check for connectivity to the outside world. Start small by
 testing whether we can reach the gateway we configured.
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# ping -c 1
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.249 ms
  --- ping statistics ---
 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.249/0.249/0.249/0.000 ms
 Now try something external; choose a location you know should be available.
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# ping -c 1 www.google.com
 PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from tf-in-f106.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=41 time=167 ms
  --- www.l.google.com ping statistics ---
 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 167.618/167.618/167.618/0.000 ms
 === Login Remotely ===
 The console isn't a very friendly place to work from, so we will now
 switch to accessing the machine remotely via SSH where we can
 use copy and paste, etc.
 From another host, check whether we can see the new host at all:
 beekhof@f16 ~ # ping -c 1
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=1.01 ms
 --- ping statistics ---
 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.012/1.012/1.012/0.000 ms
 Next, login as root via SSH.
 beekhof@f16 ~ # ssh -l root
 root@'s password:
 Last login: Fri Mar 30 19:41:19 2012 from
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]#
 === Apply Updates ===
 Apply any package updates released since your installation image was created:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# yum update
 === Disable Security During Testing ===
 To simplify this guide and focus on the aspects directly connected to
 clustering, we will now disable the machine's firewall and SELinux
 These actions create significant security issues and should not be performed on
 machines that will be exposed to the outside world.
  TODO: Create an Appendix that deals with (at least) re-enabling the firewall.
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# setenforce 0
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" /etc/selinux/config
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# systemctl disable firewalld.service
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld.service
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# iptables --flush
 If you are using Fedora 17 or earlier or are using the iptables
 service for your firewall, the commands would be:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# setenforce 0
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" /etc/selinux/config
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# systemctl disable iptables.service
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# rm -f /etc/systemd/system/basic.target.wants/iptables.service
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# systemctl stop iptables.service
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# iptables --flush
 === Use Short Node Names ===
 During installation, we filled in the machine's fully qualified domain
 name (FQDN), which can be rather long when it appears in cluster logs and
 status output. See for yourself how the machine identifies itself:
 (((Nodes, short name)))
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# uname -n
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# dnsdomainname
 (((Nodes, Domain name (Query))))
 The output from the second command is fine, but we really don't need the
 domain name included in the basic host details. To address this, we need
 to use the `hostnamectl` tool to strip off the domain name.
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname $(uname -n | sed s/\\..*//)
 (((Nodes, Domain name (Remove from host name))))
 Now check the machine is using the correct names
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# uname -n
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# dnsdomainname
 If it concerns you that the shell prompt has not been updated, simply
 log out and back in again.
 == Repeat for Second Node ==
 Repeat the Installation steps so far, so that you have two Fedora
 nodes ready to have the cluster software installed.
 For the purposes of this document, the additional node is called
 pcmk-2 with address
 == Configure Communication Between Nodes ==
 === Configure Host Name Resolution ===
 Confirm that you can communicate between the two new nodes:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# ping -c 3
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.343 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.402 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.558 ms
 --- ping statistics ---
 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.343/0.434/0.558/0.092 ms
 Now we need to make sure we can communicate with the machines by their
 name. If you have a DNS server, add additional entries for the two
 machines. Otherwise, you'll need to add the machines to +/etc/hosts+
 on both nodes. Below are the entries for my cluster nodes:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# grep pcmk /etc/hosts pcmk-1.clusterlabs.org pcmk-1 pcmk-2.clusterlabs.org pcmk-2
 We can now verify the setup by again using ping:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# ping -c 3 pcmk-2
 PING pcmk-2.clusterlabs.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from pcmk-1.clusterlabs.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.164 ms
 64 bytes from pcmk-1.clusterlabs.org ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.475 ms
 64 bytes from pcmk-1.clusterlabs.org ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.186 ms
 --- pcmk-2.clusterlabs.org ping statistics ---
 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.164/0.275/0.475/0.141 ms
 === Configure SSH ===
 SSH is a convenient and secure way to copy files and perform commands
 remotely. For the purposes of this guide, we will create a key without a
 password (using the -N option) so that we can perform remote actions
 without being prompted.
 Unprotected SSH keys (those without a password) are not recommended for servers exposed to the outside world.
 We use them here only to simplify the demo.
 Create a new key and allow anyone with that key to log in:
 .Creating and Activating a new SSH Key
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa -N ""
 Generating public/private dsa key pair.
 Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_dsa.
 Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.
 The key fingerprint is:
 91:09:5c:82:5a:6a:50:08:4e:b2:0c:62:de:cc:74:44 root@pcmk-1.clusterlabs.org
 The key's randomart image is:
 +--[ DSA 1024]----+
 |==.ooEo..        |
 |X O + .o o       |
 | * A    +        |
 |  +      .       |
 | .      S        |
 |                 |
 |                 |
 |                 |
 |                 |
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# cp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
 (((Creating and Activating a new SSH Key)))
 Install the key on the other node and test that you can now run commands
 remotely, without being prompted.
 .Installing the SSH Key on Another Host
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# scp -r ~/.ssh pcmk-2:
 The authenticity of host 'pcmk-2 (' can't be established.
 RSA key fingerprint is b1:2b:55:93:f1:d9:52:2b:0f:f2:8a:4e:ae:c6:7c:9a.
 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
 Warning: Permanently added 'pcmk-2,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.root@pcmk-2's password:
 id_dsa.pub                           100%  616     0.6KB/s   00:00
 id_dsa                               100%  672     0.7KB/s   00:00
 known_hosts                          100%  400     0.4KB/s   00:00
 authorized_keys                      100%  616     0.6KB/s   00:00
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# ssh pcmk-2 -- uname -n
 == Install the Cluster Software ==
 Fedora 17 and later comes with everything you need, so simply fire up a shell
 on both nodes and run the following to install pacemaker and command-line
 cluster management software:
-# yum install -y pacemaker pcs
+# yum install -y pacemaker pcs psmisc
 This document will show commands that need to be executed on both nodes
 with a simple `#` prompt. Be sure to run them on each node individually.
 This document uses pcs for cluster management. Other alternatives,
 such as crmsh, are available, but their syntax
 will differ from the examples used here.
 == Configure the Cluster Software ==
 === Enable pcs Daemon ===
 Before the cluster can be configured, the pcs daemon must be started and enabled
 to start at boot time on each node. This daemon works with the pcs command-line interface
 to manage synchronizing the corosync configuration across all nodes in the cluster.
 Start and enable the daemon by issuing the following commands on each node:
 # systemctl start pcsd.service
 # systemctl enable pcsd.service
 The installed packages will create a *hacluster* user with a disabled password.
 While this is fine for running `pcs` commands locally,
 the account needs a login password in order to perform such tasks as syncing
 the corosync configuration, or starting and stopping the cluster on other nodes.
 This tutorial will make use of such commands,
 so now we will set a password for the *hacluster* user, using the same password
 on both nodes:
 # passwd hacluster
 Alternatively, to script this process or set the password on a
 different machine from the one you're logged into, you can use 
 the `--stdin` option for `passwd`:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# ssh pcmk-2 -- 'echo redhat1 | passwd --stdin hacluster'
 === Configure Corosync ===
 On either node, use `pcs cluster auth` to authenticate as the *hacluster* user:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster auth pcmk-1 pcmk-2
 Username: hacluster
 pcmk-1: Authorized
 pcmk-2: Authorized
 The version of pcs shipped with Fedora 21 will bind only to
 the host's IPv6 address in some circumstances. If you get errors
 with `pcs cluster auth`, add this line before the first *server.run* line in
 +/usr/lib/pcsd/ssl.rb+ to bind to IPv4 only:
 webrick_options[:BindAddress] = ''
 And restart pcsd:
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# systemctl restart pcsd
 This is a temporary workaround that will get removed if the pcsd
 package is later updated.
 Next, use `pcs cluster setup` to generate and synchronize the corosync
 [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster setup --name mycluster pcmk-1 pcmk-2
 Shutting down pacemaker/corosync services...
 Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  pacemaker.service
 Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  corosync.service
 Killing any remaining services...
 Removing all cluster configuration files...
 pcmk-1: Succeeded
 pcmk-2: Succeeded
 If you received an authorization error for either of those commands, make
 sure you configured the *hacluster* user account on each node
 with the same password.
 Early versions of pcs, such as the one shipped with Fedora 20 and earlier,
 require that `--name` be omitted from the above command.
 If using a different cluster shell such as crmsh rather than pcs, you must
 manually create a corosync.conf and copy it to all nodes.
 The pcs command will configure corosync to use UDP unicast transport; if you
 choose to use multicast instead, choose a multicast address carefully.
 footnote:[For some subtle issues, see the now-defunct http://web.archive.org/web/20101211210054/http://29west.com/docs/THPM/multicast-address-assignment.html or the more detailed treatment in
 Guidelines for Enterprise IP Multicast Address Allocation] paper.]
 The final /etc/corosync.conf configuration on each node should look
 something like the sample in Appendix B, Sample Corosync Configuration.
 With versions of Corosync before 2.0, Pacemaker could obtain membership and
 quorum from a custom Corosync plugin. This plugin also had the capability to
 start Pacemaker automatically when Corosync was started.
 Neither behavior is possible with Corosync 2.0 and later, as support for
 plugins was removed.
 Because Pacemaker made use of the plugin for message routing, a cluster node
 using an older Corosync cannot talk to one using Corosync 2.0 or later.
 Rolling upgrades between these versions are therefore not possible, and an
 alternate strategy
 must be used.
diff --git a/extra/resources/HealthSMART b/extra/resources/HealthSMART
index 45bb0f1387..3747bfa25e 100644
--- a/extra/resources/HealthSMART
+++ b/extra/resources/HealthSMART
@@ -1,328 +1,328 @@
 # HealthSMART OCF RA. Checks the S.M.A.R.T. status of all given
 # drives and writes the #health-smart status into the CIB
 # Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Schwartzkopff, 2010 Matthew Richardson
 #                    All Rights Reserved.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
 # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
 # or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
 # otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
 # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
 # other software, or any other product whatsoever.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
 # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
 # Initialization:
 : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS=${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/heartbeat/.ocf-shellfuncs}
 : ${__OCF_ACTION=$1}
 meta_data() {
     cat <<END
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <!DOCTYPE resource-agent SYSTEM "ra-api-1.dtd">
 <resource-agent name="HealthSMART" version="0.1">
 <longdesc lang="en">
 Systhem health agent that checks the S.M.A.R.T. status of the given drives and
 updates the #health-smart attribute.
 <shortdesc lang="en">SMART health status</shortdesc>
 <parameter name="state" unique="1">
 <longdesc lang="en">
 Location to store the resource state in.
 <shortdesc lang="en">State file</shortdesc>
 <content type="string" default="${HA_VARRUN}/HealthSMART-{OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}.state" />
-<parameter name="drives" unique="1">
+<parameter name="drives" unique="0">
 <longdesc lang="en">
 The drive(s) to check as a SPACE separated list. Enter the full path to the device, e.g. "/dev/sda".
 <shortdesc lang="en">Drives to check</shortdesc>
 <content type="string" default="/dev/sda" />
-<parameter name="devices" unique="1">
+<parameter name="devices" unique="0">
 <longdesc lang="en">
 The device type(s) to assume for the drive(s) being tested as a SPACE separated list.
 <shortdesc lang="en">Device types</shortdesc>
 <content type="string" />
-<parameter name="temp_lower_limit" unique="1">
+<parameter name="temp_lower_limit" unique="0">
 <longdesc lang="en">
 Lower limit of the temperature in deg C of the drive(s). Below this limit the status will be red.
 <shortdesc lang="en">Lower limit for the red smart attribute</shortdesc>
 <content type="string" default="0"/>
-<parameter name="temp_upper_limit" unique="1">
+<parameter name="temp_upper_limit" unique="0">
 <longdesc lang="en">
 Upper limit of the temperature if deg C of the drives(s). If the drive reports
 a temperature higher than this value the status of #health-smart will be red.
 <shortdesc lang="en">Upper limit for red smart attribute</shortdesc>
 <content type="string" default="60"/>
-<parameter name="temp_warning" unique="1">
+<parameter name="temp_warning" unique="0">
 <longdesc lang="en">
 Number of deg C below/above the upper/lower temp limits at which point the status of #health-smart will change to yellow.
 <shortdesc lang="en">Deg C below/above the upper limits for yellow smart attribute</shortdesc>
 <content type="string" default="5"/>
 <action name="start"        timeout="10" />
 <action name="stop"         timeout="10" />
 <action name="monitor"      timeout="10" interval="10" start-delay="0" />
 <action name="meta-data"    timeout="5" />
 <action name="validate-all"   timeout="10" />
 check_temperature() {
     if [ $1 -lt ${lower_red_limit} ] ; then
 	ocf_log info "Drive ${DRIVE} ${DEVICE} too cold: ${1} C"
 	$ATTRDUP -n "#health-smart" -U "red" -d "5s"
 	return 1
     if [ $1 -gt ${upper_red_limit} ] ; then
 	ocf_log info "Drive ${DRIVE} ${DEVICE} too hot: ${1} C"
 	$ATTRDUP -n "#health-smart" -U "red" -d "5s"
 	return 1
     if [ $1 -lt ${lower_yellow_limit} ] ; then
 	ocf_log info "Drive ${DRIVE} ${DEVICE} quite cold: ${1} C"
 	$ATTRDUP -n "#health-smart" -U "yellow" -d "5s"
 	return 1
     if [ $1 -gt ${upper_yellow_limit} ] ; then
 	ocf_log info "Drive ${DRIVE} ${DEVICE} quite hot: ${1} C"
 	$ATTRDUP -n "#health-smart" -U "yellow" -d "5s"
 	return 1
 init_smart() {
     #Set temperature defaults
     if [ -z ${OCF_RESKEY_temp_warning} ]; then
     if [ -z ${OCF_RESKEY_temp_lower_limit} ] ; then
     if [ -z ${OCF_RESKEY_temp_upper_limit} ] ; then
     #Set disk defaults
-    if [ -z ${OCF_RESKEY_drives} ] ; then
+    if [ -z "${OCF_RESKEY_drives}" ] ; then
     #Test for presence of smartctl
     if [ ! -x $SMARTCTL ] ; then
         ocf_log err "${SMARTCTL} not installed."
         exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED
     for DRIVE in $DRIVES; do
 	if [ "${OCF_RESKEY_devices}" ]; then
 	    for DEVICE in ${OCF_RESKEY_devices}; do
 		$SMARTCTL -d $DEVICE -i ${DRIVE} | grep -q "SMART support is: Enabled"
 		if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
 		    ocf_log err "S.M.A.R.T. not enabled for drive "${DRIVE}
 		    exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED
 	    $SMARTCTL -i ${DRIVE} | grep -q "SMART support is: Enabled"
 	    if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
 		ocf_log err "S.M.A.R.T. not enabled for drive "${DRIVE}
 HealthSMART_usage() {
     cat <<END
 usage: $0 {start|stop|monitor|validate-all|meta-data}
 Expects to have a fully populated OCF RA-compliant environment set.
 HealthSMART_start() {
     if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
         return $OCF_SUCCESS
     touch ${OCF_RESKEY_state}
 HealthSMART_stop() {
     if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
         rm ${OCF_RESKEY_state}
     return $OCF_SUCCESS
 HealthSMART_monitor() {
     # Monitor _MUST!_ differentiate correctly between running
     # (SUCCESS), failed (ERROR) or _cleanly_ stopped (NOT RUNNING).
     # That is THREE states, not just yes/no.
     if [ -f ${OCF_RESKEY_state} ]; then
         # Check overall S.M.A.R.T. status
         for DRIVE in $DRIVES; do
 	    if [ "${OCF_RESKEY_devices}" ]; then
 		for DEVICE in ${OCF_RESKEY_devices}; do
 		    $SMARTCTL -d $DEVICE -H ${DRIVE} | grep -q "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED"
 		    if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
 			$ATTRDUP -n "#health-smart" -U "red" -d "5s"
 			return $OCF_SUCCESS
 		$SMARTCTL -H ${DRIVE} | grep -q "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED"
 		if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
 		    $ATTRDUP -n "#health-smart" -U "red" -d "5s"
 		    return $OCF_SUCCESS
             # Check drive temperature(s)
 	    if [ "${OCF_RESKEY_devices}" ]; then
 		for DEVICE in ${OCF_RESKEY_devices}; do
 		    check_temperature `$SMARTCTL -d $DEVICE -A ${DRIVE} | awk '/^194/ { print $10 }'`
 		    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
 			return $OCF_SUCCESS
 		check_temperature `$SMARTCTL -A ${DRIVE} | awk '/^194/ { print $10 }'`
 		if [ $? != 0 ]; then
 		    return $OCF_SUCCESS
         $ATTRDUP -n "#health-smart" -U "green" -d "5s"
         return $OCF_SUCCESS
     return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
 HealthSMART_validate() {
   # Is the state directory writable?
     state_dir=`dirname "$OCF_RESKEY_state"`
     touch "$state_dir/$$"
     if [ $? != 0 ]; then
         return $OCF_ERR_ARGS
     rm "$state_dir/$$"
     return $OCF_SUCCESS
 : ${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_interval=0}
 : ${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_globally_unique:="true"}
 if [ "x$OCF_RESKEY_state" = "x" ]; then
     if [ ${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_globally_unique} = "false" ]; then
   # Strip off the trailing clone marker
         OCF_RESKEY_state=`echo $state | sed s/:[0-9][0-9]*\.state/.state/`
 case $__OCF_ACTION in
     start)	  HealthSMART_start;;
     stop)	  HealthSMART_stop;;
     monitor)	  HealthSMART_monitor;;
     validate-all) HealthSMART_validate;;
     *)  HealthSMART_usage
 ocf_log debug "${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} $__OCF_ACTION : $rc"
 exit $rc
diff --git a/extra/resources/Makefile.am b/extra/resources/Makefile.am
index ad9c615b12..a090a16fcb 100644
--- a/extra/resources/Makefile.am
+++ b/extra/resources/Makefile.am
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
 # Makefile.am for OCF RAs
 # Author: Andrew Beekhof
 # Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Beekhof
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
-isolationtechdir    = @OCF_RA_DIR@/isolation
+isolationtechdir    = @OCF_RA_DIR@/.isolation
 ocfdir		    = @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker
 ocf_SCRIPTS	     =  ClusterMon 	\
 			controld	\
 			Dummy		\
 			HealthCPU	\
 			HealthSMART	\
 			o2cb		\
 			ping		\
 			pingd		\
 			Stateful	\
 			SysInfo		\
 			SystemHealth \
 isolationtech_SCRIPTS	= docker-wrapper
 man7_MANS = $(ocf_SCRIPTS:%=ocf_pacemaker_%.7)
 DBOOK_OPTS = --stringparam command.prefix ocf_pacemaker_ --stringparam variable.prefix OCF_RESKEY_ --param man.vol 7
 ocf_pacemaker_%.xml:  %
 	$(AM_V_GEN)OCF_FUNCTIONS=/dev/null OCF_ROOT=$(OCF_ROOT_DIR) sh $(abs_builddir)/$< meta-data > $@
 	rm -f $(man7_MANS) $(ocf_SCRIPTS:%=%.xml) *~
diff --git a/fencing/fence_legacy b/fencing/fence_legacy
index a91f6569d9..39d4d6a502 100755
--- a/fencing/fence_legacy
+++ b/fencing/fence_legacy
@@ -1,234 +1,234 @@
 use Getopt::Long;
 my $ME = $0;
 END {
   defined fileno STDOUT or return;
   close STDOUT and return;
   warn "$ME: failed to close standard output: $!\n";
   $? ||= 1;
 # Get the program name from $0 and strip directory names
 my $pname = $_;
 $opt_o = 'reset';       # Default fence action
 $opt_s = 'stonith';     # Default fence binary
 $opt_t = 'none';        # Default fence type
 $extra_args = '-E';
 sub usage
     print "Helper that presents a RHCS-style interface for Linux-HA stonith plugins\n\n";
     print "Should never need to use invoked by the user directly\n\n";
     print "\n";
     print "Usage: $pname [options]\n";
     print "\n";
     print "Options:\n";
     print "  -h               usage\n";
     print "  -t <sub agent>   sub agent\n";
     print "  -n <name>        nodename\n";
     print "  -o <string>      Action:  on | off | reset (default) | stat | hostlist\n";
     print "  -s <stonith>     stonith command\n";
     print "  -q               quiet mode\n";
     print "  -V               version\n";
     exit 0;
 sub print_metadata
 print '<?xml version="1.0" ?>
 <resource-agent name="fence_pcmk" shortdesc="Helper that presents a RHCS-style interface for Linux-HA stonith plugins" >
 Should never need to use invoked by the user directly and should only
 be configured in cluster.conf, not directly in Pacemaker.
         <parameter name="action" unique="1" required="1">
                 <getopt mixed="-o &lt;action&gt;" />
                 <content type="string" default="disable" />
                 <shortdesc lang="en">Fencing Action</shortdesc>
         <parameter name="port" unique="1" required="1">
                 <getopt mixed="-n &lt;id&gt;" />
                 <content type="string"  />
                 <shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number or name of virtual machine</shortdesc>
         <parameter name="help" unique="1" required="0">
                 <getopt mixed="-h" />
                 <content type="string"  />
                 <shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
         <action name="enable" />
         <action name="disable" />
         <action name="reboot" />
         <action name="off" />
         <action name="on" />
         <action name="status" />
         <action name="metadata" />
 sub fail
   ($msg) = @_;
   print $msg."\n" unless defined $opt_q;
   $t->close if defined $t;
   exit 1;
 sub fail_usage
   print STDERR $msg."\n" if $msg;
   print STDERR "Please use '-h' for usage.\n";
   exit 1;
 sub version
   print "1.0.0\n";
   exit 0;
 sub get_options_stdin
     my $opt;
     my $line = 0;
     while( defined($in = <>) )
         $_ = $in;
 	# strip leading and trailing whitespace
 	# skip comments
         next if /^#/;
         next unless $opt;
         ($name,$val)=split /\s*=\s*/, $opt, 2;
         if ( $name eq "" )
            print STDERR "parse error: illegal name in option $line\n";
            exit 2;
         # DO NOTHING -- this field is used by fenced
 	elsif ($name eq "agent" ) {} 
 	elsif ($name eq "plugin" ) 
 	    $opt_t = $val;
         elsif ($name eq "option" || $name eq "action" )
             $opt_o = $val;
-	elsif ($name eq "port" ) 
+	elsif ($name eq "nodename" ) 
             $opt_n = $val;
 	    $ENV{$name} = $val;
 	elsif ($name eq "stonith" ) 
             $opt_s = $val;
 	    $ENV{$name} = $val;
 if (@ARGV > 0) {
 	       "q"  =>\$opt_q,
 	       "V"  =>\$opt_V,
 	       "version"  =>\$opt_V,
 	       "help"  =>\$opt_h,
 	       "h"  =>\$opt_h) || fail_usage;
     foreach (@ARGV) {
 	print "$_\n";
 #   getopts("ht:n:o:s:qV") || fail_usage ;
    usage if defined $opt_h;
    version if defined $opt_V;
    fail_usage "Unknown parameter." if (@ARGV > 0);
 if ((defined $opt_o) && ($opt_o =~ /metadata/i)) {
     exit 0;
 fail "failed: unrecognised action: $opt_o"
     unless $opt_o =~ /^(on|off|reset|reboot|stat|status|monitor|list|hostlist|poweroff|poweron)$/;
 if ( $pid=fork() == 0 )
    if ( $opt_o eq "reboot" ) 
    elsif ( $opt_o eq "poweron" ) 
    elsif ( $opt_o eq "poweroff" ) 
    if ( $opt_o eq "hostlist"|| $opt_o eq "list" )
        exec "$opt_s -t $opt_t $extra_args -l" or die "failed to exec \"$opt_s\"\n";
    elsif ( $opt_o eq "monitor" || $opt_o eq "stat" || $opt_o eq "status" ) 
        print "Performing: $opt_s -t $opt_t -S\n" unless defined $opt_q;
        exec "$opt_s -t $opt_t $extra_args -S" or die "failed to exec \"$opt_s\"\n";
        print "Performing: $opt_s -t $opt_t -T $opt_o $opt_n\n" unless defined $opt_q;
        fail "failed: no plug number" unless defined $opt_n;
        exec "$opt_s -t $opt_t $extra_args -T $opt_o $opt_n" or die "failed to exec \"$opt_s\"\n";
 print (($status == 0 ? "success":"failed") . ": $opt_n $status\n")
    unless defined $opt_q;
 exit ($status == 0 ? 0 : 1 );
diff --git a/include/crm/common/mainloop.h b/include/crm/common/mainloop.h
index 6d1c51e7ad..52e7e4844d 100644
--- a/include/crm/common/mainloop.h
+++ b/include/crm/common/mainloop.h
@@ -1,114 +1,126 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
  * \file
  * \brief Wrappers for and extensions to glib mainloop
  * \ingroup core
 #  include <glib.h>
+enum mainloop_child_flags {
+    /* don't kill pid group on timeout, only kill the pid */
+    mainloop_leave_pid_group = 0x01,
 typedef struct trigger_s crm_trigger_t;
 typedef struct mainloop_io_s mainloop_io_t;
 typedef struct mainloop_child_s mainloop_child_t;
 typedef struct mainloop_timer_s mainloop_timer_t;
 void mainloop_cleanup(void);
 crm_trigger_t *mainloop_add_trigger(int priority, int (*dispatch) (gpointer user_data),
                                     gpointer userdata);
 void mainloop_set_trigger(crm_trigger_t * source);
 void mainloop_trigger_complete(crm_trigger_t * trig);
 gboolean mainloop_destroy_trigger(crm_trigger_t * source);
 gboolean crm_signal(int sig, void (*dispatch) (int sig));
 gboolean mainloop_add_signal(int sig, void (*dispatch) (int sig));
 gboolean mainloop_destroy_signal(int sig);
 bool mainloop_timer_running(mainloop_timer_t *t);
 void mainloop_timer_start(mainloop_timer_t *t);
 void mainloop_timer_stop(mainloop_timer_t *t);
 guint mainloop_timer_set_period(mainloop_timer_t *t, guint period_ms);
 mainloop_timer_t *mainloop_timer_add(const char *name, guint period_ms, bool repeat, GSourceFunc cb, void *userdata);
 void mainloop_timer_del(mainloop_timer_t *t);
 #  include <crm/common/ipc.h>
 #  include <qb/qbipcs.h>
 struct ipc_client_callbacks {
     int (*dispatch) (const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata);
     void (*destroy) (gpointer);
 qb_ipcs_service_t *mainloop_add_ipc_server(const char *name, enum qb_ipc_type type,
                                            struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers *callbacks);
 void mainloop_del_ipc_server(qb_ipcs_service_t * server);
 mainloop_io_t *mainloop_add_ipc_client(const char *name, int priority, size_t max_size,
                                        void *userdata, struct ipc_client_callbacks *callbacks);
 void mainloop_del_ipc_client(mainloop_io_t * client);
 crm_ipc_t *mainloop_get_ipc_client(mainloop_io_t * client);
 struct mainloop_fd_callbacks {
     int (*dispatch) (gpointer userdata);
     void (*destroy) (gpointer userdata);
 mainloop_io_t *mainloop_add_fd(const char *name, int priority, int fd, void *userdata,
                                struct mainloop_fd_callbacks *callbacks);
 void mainloop_del_fd(mainloop_io_t * client);
  * Create a new tracked process
  * To track a process group, use -pid
 void mainloop_child_add(pid_t pid,
                         int timeout,
                         const char *desc,
                         void *userdata,
                         void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode));
+void mainloop_child_add_with_flags(pid_t pid,
+                        int timeout,
+                        const char *desc,
+                        void *userdata,
+                        enum mainloop_child_flags,
+                        void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode));
 void *mainloop_child_userdata(mainloop_child_t * child);
 int mainloop_child_timeout(mainloop_child_t * child);
 const char *mainloop_child_name(mainloop_child_t * child);
 pid_t mainloop_child_pid(mainloop_child_t * child);
 void mainloop_clear_child_userdata(mainloop_child_t * child);
 gboolean mainloop_child_kill(pid_t pid);
diff --git a/include/crm/crm.h b/include/crm/crm.h
index 37bc5ce8d9..537aedf855 100644
--- a/include/crm/crm.h
+++ b/include/crm/crm.h
@@ -1,201 +1,201 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #ifndef CRM__H
 #  define CRM__H
  * \file
  * \brief A dumping ground
  * \ingroup core
 #  include <crm_config.h>
 #  include <stdlib.h>
 #  include <glib.h>
 #  include <stdbool.h>
 #  undef MIN
 #  undef MAX
 #  include <string.h>
 #  include <libxml/tree.h>
-#  define CRM_FEATURE_SET		"3.0.9"
+#  define CRM_FEATURE_SET		"3.0.10"
 #  define EOS		'\0'
 #  define DIMOF(a)	((int) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) )
 #  ifndef MAX_NAME
 #    define MAX_NAME	256
 #  endif
 #  ifndef __GNUC__
 #    define __builtin_expect(expr, result) (expr)
 #  endif
 /* Some handy macros used by the Linux kernel */
 #  define __likely(expr) __builtin_expect(expr, 1)
 #  define __unlikely(expr) __builtin_expect(expr, 0)
 #  define CRM_META			"CRM_meta"
 extern char *crm_system_name;
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
 /* Clean these up at some point, some probably should be runtime options */
 #  define SOCKET_LEN	1024
 #  define APPNAME_LEN	256
 #  define MAX_IPC_FAIL	5
 #  define MAX_IPC_DELAY   120
 #  define DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP 100
 #  define MSG_LOG			1
 #  define DOT_FSA_ACTIONS		1
 #  define DOT_ALL_FSA_INPUTS	1
 /* #define FSA_TRACE		1 */
 #  define INFINITY_S        "INFINITY"
 #  define INFINITY        1000000
 /* Sub-systems */
 #  define CRM_SYSTEM_DC		"dc"
 #  define CRM_SYSTEM_DCIB		"dcib"
                                         /*  The master CIB */
 #  define CRM_SYSTEM_CIB		"cib"
 #  define CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD		"crmd"
 #  define CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD		"lrmd"
 #  define CRM_SYSTEM_PENGINE	"pengine"
 #  define CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE	"tengine"
 #  define CRM_SYSTEM_STONITHD	"stonithd"
 #  define CRM_SYSTEM_MCP	"pacemakerd"
 /* Valid operations */
 #  define CRM_OP_NOOP		"noop"
 #  define CRM_OP_JOIN_ANNOUNCE	"join_announce"
 #  define CRM_OP_JOIN_OFFER	"join_offer"
 #  define CRM_OP_JOIN_REQUEST	"join_request"
 #  define CRM_OP_JOIN_ACKNAK	"join_ack_nack"
 #  define CRM_OP_JOIN_CONFIRM	"join_confirm"
 #  define CRM_OP_DIE		"die_no_respawn"
 #  define CRM_OP_RETRIVE_CIB	"retrieve_cib"
 #  define CRM_OP_PING		"ping"
 #  define CRM_OP_THROTTLE	"throttle"
 #  define CRM_OP_VOTE		"vote"
 #  define CRM_OP_NOVOTE		"no-vote"
 #  define CRM_OP_HELLO		"hello"
 #  define CRM_OP_HBEAT		"dc_beat"
 #  define CRM_OP_PECALC		"pe_calc"
 #  define CRM_OP_ABORT		"abort"
 #  define CRM_OP_QUIT		"quit"
 #  define CRM_OP_LOCAL_SHUTDOWN 	"start_shutdown"
 #  define CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN_REQ	"req_shutdown"
 #  define CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN 	"do_shutdown"
 #  define CRM_OP_FENCE	 	"stonith"
 #  define CRM_OP_EVENTCC		"event_cc"
 #  define CRM_OP_TEABORT		"te_abort"
 #  define CRM_OP_TEABORTED	"te_abort_confirmed"    /* we asked */
 #  define CRM_OP_TE_HALT		"te_halt"
 #  define CRM_OP_TECOMPLETE	"te_complete"
 #  define CRM_OP_TETIMEOUT	"te_timeout"
 #  define CRM_OP_TRANSITION	"transition"
 #  define CRM_OP_REGISTER		"register"
 #  define CRM_OP_IPC_FWD		"ipc_fwd"
 #  define CRM_OP_DEBUG_UP		"debug_inc"
 #  define CRM_OP_DEBUG_DOWN	"debug_dec"
 #  define CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM	"lrm_invoke"
 #  define CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH	"lrm_refresh" /* Deprecated */
 #  define CRM_OP_LRM_QUERY	"lrm_query"
 #  define CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE	"lrm_delete"
 #  define CRM_OP_LRM_FAIL		"lrm_fail"
 #  define CRM_OP_PROBED		"probe_complete"
 #  define CRM_OP_NODES_PROBED	"probe_nodes_complete"
 #  define CRM_OP_REPROBE		"probe_again"
 #  define CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT  "clear_failcount"
 #  define CRM_OP_RELAXED_SET  "one-or-more"
 #  define CRM_OP_RELAXED_CLONE  "clone-one-or-more"
 #  define CRM_OP_RM_NODE_CACHE "rm_node_cache"
 #  define CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN           "down"
 #  define CRMD_JOINSTATE_PENDING        "pending"
 #  define CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER         "member"
 #  define CRMD_JOINSTATE_NACK           "banned"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_DELETE		"delete"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL		"cancel"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE		"migrate_to"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED		"migrate_from"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_START		"start"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_STARTED		"running"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_STOP		"stop"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_STOPPED		"stopped"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE		"promote"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTED		"promoted"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE		"demote"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTED		"demoted"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY		"notify"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFIED		"notified"
 #  define CRMD_ACTION_STATUS		"monitor"
 /* short names */
 /* *INDENT-ON* */
 typedef GList *GListPtr;
 #  include <crm/common/logging.h>
 #  include <crm/common/util.h>
 #  include <crm/error.h>
 #  define crm_str_hash g_str_hash_traditional
 guint crm_strcase_hash(gconstpointer v);
 guint g_str_hash_traditional(gconstpointer v);
diff --git a/include/crm/services.h b/include/crm/services.h
index e84b3d33e8..83f8013a67 100644
--- a/include/crm/services.h
+++ b/include/crm/services.h
@@ -1,397 +1,405 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
  * \file
  * \brief Services API
  * \ingroup core
 #ifndef __PCMK_SERVICES__
 #  define __PCMK_SERVICES__
 #  ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
 #  endif
 #  include <glib.h>
 #  include <stdio.h>
 #  include <string.h>
 #  include <stdbool.h>
 #  ifndef OCF_ROOT_DIR
 #    define OCF_ROOT_DIR "/usr/lib/ocf"
 #  endif
 #  ifndef LSB_ROOT_DIR
 #    define LSB_ROOT_DIR "/etc/init.d"
 #  endif
 /* TODO: Autodetect these two ?*/
 #  ifndef SYSTEMCTL
 #    define SYSTEMCTL "/bin/systemctl"
 #  endif
 #    define SERVICE_SCRIPT "/sbin/service"
 #  endif
 /* This is the string passed in the OCF_EXIT_REASON_PREFIX
  * environment variable. The stderr output that occurs
  * after this prefix is encountered is considered the exit
  * reason for a completed operationt */
 #define PCMK_OCF_REASON_PREFIX "ocf-exit-reason:"
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
 enum lsb_exitcode {
     PCMK_LSB_OK                  = 0,
     PCMK_LSB_UNKNOWN_ERROR       = 1,
     PCMK_LSB_INVALID_PARAM       = 2,
     PCMK_LSB_NOT_INSTALLED       = 5,
     PCMK_LSB_NOT_RUNNING         = 7,
 /* The return codes for the status operation are not the same for other
  * operatios - go figure
 enum lsb_status_exitcode {
     PCMK_LSB_STATUS_OK             = 0,
     PCMK_LSB_STATUS_VAR_PID        = 1,
     PCMK_LSB_STATUS_VAR_LOCK       = 2,
     PCMK_LSB_STATUS_UNKNOWN        = 4,
     /* custom codes should be in the 150-199 range reserved for application use */
 /* Uniform exit codes
  * Everything is mapped to its OCF equivalent so that Pacemaker only deals with one set of codes
 enum ocf_exitcode {
     PCMK_OCF_OK                   = 0,
     PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR        = 1,
     PCMK_OCF_INVALID_PARAM        = 2,
     PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED        = 5,
     PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING          = 7,  /* End of overlap with LSB */
     PCMK_OCF_FAILED_MASTER        = 9,
     /* 150-199	reserved for application use */
     PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED        = 190, /* Active reasource that is no longer 100% functional */
     PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER = 191, /* Promoted reasource that is no longer 100% functional */
     PCMK_OCF_EXEC_ERROR    = 192, /* Generic problem invoking the agent */
     PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN       = 193, /* State of the service is unknown - used for recording in-flight operations */
     PCMK_OCF_SIGNAL        = 194,
     PCMK_OCF_PENDING       = 196,
     PCMK_OCF_CANCELLED     = 197,
     PCMK_OCF_TIMEOUT       = 198,
     PCMK_OCF_OTHER_ERROR   = 199, /* Keep the same codes as PCMK_LSB */
 enum op_status {
 enum nagios_exitcode {
     NAGIOS_STATE_OK        = 0,
     NAGIOS_NOT_INSTALLED     = 101,
+enum svc_action_flags {
+    /* On timeout, only kill pid, do not kill entire pid group */
 /* *INDENT-ON* */
     typedef struct svc_action_private_s svc_action_private_t;
     typedef struct svc_action_s {
         char *id;
         char *rsc;
         char *action;
         int interval;
         char *standard;
         char *provider;
         char *agent;
         int timeout;
         GHashTable *params;
         int rc;
         int pid;
         int cancel;
         int status;
         int sequence;
         int expected_rc;
         int synchronous;
+        enum svc_action_flags flags;
         char *stderr_data;
         char *stdout_data;
      * Data stored by the creator of the action.
      * This may be used to hold data that is needed later on by a callback,
      * for example.
         void *cb_data;
         svc_action_private_t *opaque;
     } svc_action_t;
  * \brief Get a list of files or directories in a given path
  * \param[in] root       full path to a directory to read
  * \param[in] files      return list of files if TRUE or directories if FALSE
  * \param[in] executable if TRUE and files is TRUE, only return executable files
  * \return a list of what was found.  The list items are char *.
  * \note It is the caller's responsibility to free the result with g_list_free_full(list, free).
     GList *get_directory_list(const char *root, gboolean files, gboolean executable);
  * Get a list of services
  * \return a list of services.  The list items are gchar *.  This list _must_
  *         be destroyed using g_list_free_full(list, free).
     GList *services_list(void);
  * \brief Get a list of providers
  * \param[in] standard  list providers of this standard (e.g. ocf, lsb, etc.)
  * \return a list of providers as char * list items (or NULL if standard does not support providers)
  * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result using g_list_free_full(list, free).
     GList *resources_list_providers(const char *standard);
  * \brief Get a list of resource agents
  * \param[in] standard  list agents using this standard (e.g. ocf, lsb, etc.) (or NULL for all)
  * \param[in] provider  list agents from this provider (or NULL for all)
  * \return a list of resource agents.  The list items are char *.
  * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result using g_list_free_full(list, free).
     GList *resources_list_agents(const char *standard, const char *provider);
  * Get list of available standards
  * \return a list of resource standards. The list items are char *. This list _must_
  *         be destroyed using g_list_free_full(list, free).
     GList *resources_list_standards(void);
     svc_action_t *services_action_create(const char *name, const char *action,
                                          int interval /* ms */ , int timeout /* ms */ );
  * \brief Create a new resource action
  * \param[in] name     name of resource
  * \param[in] standard resource agent standard (ocf, lsb, etc.)
  * \param[in] provider resource agent provider
  * \param[in] agent    resource agent name
  * \param[in] action   action (start, stop, monitor, etc.)
  * \param[in] interval how often to repeat this action, in milliseconds (if 0, execute only once)
  * \param[in] timeout  consider action failed if it does not complete in this many milliseconds
  * \param[in] params   action parameters
  * \return newly allocated action instance
  * \post After the call, 'params' is owned, and later free'd by the svc_action_t result
  * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value using
  *       services_action_free().
     svc_action_t *resources_action_create(const char *name, const char *standard,
                                           const char *provider, const char *agent,
                                           const char *action, int interval /* ms */ ,
-                                          int timeout /* ms */ , GHashTable * params);
+                                          int timeout /* ms */ , GHashTable * params,
+                                          enum svc_action_flags flags);
  * Kick a recurring action so it is scheduled immediately for re-execution
     gboolean services_action_kick(const char *name, const char *action, int interval /* ms */);
  * Find the first class that can provide service::${agent}
  * \param[in] agent which agent to search for
  * \return NULL, or the first class that provides the named agent
     const char *resources_find_service_class(const char *agent);
  * Utilize services API to execute an arbitrary command.
  * This API has useful infrastructure in place to be able to run a command
  * in the background and get notified via a callback when the command finishes.
  * \param[in] exec command to execute
  * \param[in] args arguments to the command, NULL terminated
  * \return a svc_action_t object, used to pass to the execute function
  * (services_action_sync() or services_action_async()) and is
  * provided to the callback.
     svc_action_t *services_action_create_generic(const char *exec, const char *args[]);
     void services_action_cleanup(svc_action_t * op);
     void services_action_free(svc_action_t * op);
     gboolean services_action_sync(svc_action_t * op);
  * Run an action asynchronously.
  * \param[in] op services action data
  * \param[in] action_callback callback for when the action completes
  * \retval TRUE succesfully started execution
  * \retval FALSE failed to start execution, no callback will be received
     gboolean services_action_async(svc_action_t * op, void (*action_callback) (svc_action_t *));
     gboolean services_action_cancel(const char *name, const char *action, int interval);
     static inline const char *services_lrm_status_str(enum op_status status) {
         switch (status) {
             case PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING:
                 return "pending";
                 case PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE:return "complete";
                 case PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED:return "Cancelled";
                 case PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT:return "Timed Out";
                 case PCMK_LRM_OP_NOTSUPPORTED:return "NOT SUPPORTED";
                 case PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR:return "Error";
                 case PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_INSTALLED:return "Not installed";
                 default:return "UNKNOWN!";
     static inline const char *services_ocf_exitcode_str(enum ocf_exitcode code) {
         switch (code) {
             case PCMK_OCF_OK:
                 return "ok";
             case PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR:
                 return "unknown error";
             case PCMK_OCF_INVALID_PARAM:
                 return "invalid parameter";
                 return "unimplemented feature";
                 return "insufficient privileges";
             case PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED:
                 return "not installed";
             case PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED:
                 return "not configured";
             case PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING:
                 return "not running";
             case PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER:
                 return "master";
             case PCMK_OCF_FAILED_MASTER:
                 return "master (failed)";
             case PCMK_OCF_SIGNAL:
                 return "OCF_SIGNAL";
             case PCMK_OCF_NOT_SUPPORTED:
                 return "OCF_NOT_SUPPORTED";
             case PCMK_OCF_PENDING:
                 return "OCF_PENDING";
             case PCMK_OCF_CANCELLED:
                 return "OCF_CANCELLED";
             case PCMK_OCF_TIMEOUT:
                 return "OCF_TIMEOUT";
             case PCMK_OCF_OTHER_ERROR:
                 return "OCF_OTHER_ERROR";
             case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED:
                 return "OCF_DEGRADED";
             case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER:
                 return "OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER";
                 return "unknown";
      * \brief Get OCF equivalent of LSB exit code
      * \param[in] action        LSB action that produced exit code
      * \param[in] lsb_exitcode  Exit code of LSB action
      * \return PCMK_OCF_* constant that corresponds to LSB exit code
     static inline enum ocf_exitcode
     services_get_ocf_exitcode(const char *action, int lsb_exitcode)
         /* For non-status actions, LSB and OCF share error code meaning <= 7 */
         if (action && strcmp(action, "status") && strcmp(action, "monitor")) {
             if ((lsb_exitcode < 0) || (lsb_exitcode > PCMK_LSB_NOT_RUNNING)) {
                 return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
             return (enum ocf_exitcode)lsb_exitcode;
         /* status has different return codes */
         switch (lsb_exitcode) {
             case PCMK_LSB_STATUS_OK:
                 return PCMK_OCF_OK;
                 return PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED;
                 return PCMK_OCF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV;
             case PCMK_LSB_STATUS_VAR_PID:
             case PCMK_LSB_STATUS_VAR_LOCK:
             case PCMK_LSB_STATUS_NOT_RUNNING:
                 return PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
         return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
 #  ifdef __cplusplus
 #  endif
 #endif                          /* __PCMK_SERVICES__ */
diff --git a/lib/cluster/cluster.c b/lib/cluster/cluster.c
index 992abb48b4..cfc224e75d 100644
--- a/lib/cluster/cluster.c
+++ b/lib/cluster/cluster.c
@@ -1,656 +1,659 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <dlfcn.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <time.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/utsname.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipc.h>
 #include <crm/cluster/internal.h>
 void *hb_library = NULL;
 static char *
 get_heartbeat_uuid(const char *uname)
     char *uuid_calc = NULL;
     cl_uuid_t uuid_raw;
     const char *unknown = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
     if (heartbeat_cluster == NULL) {
         crm_warn("No connection to heartbeat, using uuid=uname");
         return NULL;
     } else if(uname == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     if (heartbeat_cluster->llc_ops->get_uuid_by_name(heartbeat_cluster, uname, &uuid_raw) ==
         HA_FAIL) {
         crm_err("get_uuid_by_name() call failed for host %s", uname);
         return NULL;
     uuid_calc = calloc(1, 50);
     cl_uuid_unparse(&uuid_raw, uuid_calc);
     if (safe_str_eq(uuid_calc, unknown)) {
         crm_warn("Could not calculate UUID for %s", uname);
         return NULL;
     return uuid_calc;
 static gboolean
     static const char *uuid_pref = NULL;
     if (uuid_pref == NULL) {
         uuid_pref = getenv("PCMK_uname_is_uuid");
     if (uuid_pref == NULL) {
         /* true is legacy mode */
         uuid_pref = "false";
     return crm_is_true(uuid_pref);
 get_corosync_id(int id, const char *uuid)
     if (id == 0 && !uname_is_uuid() && is_corosync_cluster()) {
         id = crm_atoi(uuid, "0");
     return id;
 char *
 get_corosync_uuid(crm_node_t *node)
     if(node == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     } else if (!uname_is_uuid() && is_corosync_cluster()) {
         if (node->id > 0) {
             int len = 32;
             char *buffer = NULL;
             buffer = calloc(1, (len + 1));
             if (buffer != NULL) {
                 snprintf(buffer, len, "%u", node->id);
             return buffer;
         } else {
             crm_info("Node %s is not yet known by corosync", node->uname);
     } else if (node->uname != NULL) {
         return strdup(node->uname);
     return NULL;
 const char *
 crm_peer_uuid(crm_node_t *peer)
     char *uuid = NULL;
     enum cluster_type_e type = get_cluster_type();
     /* avoid blocking heartbeat calls where possible */
     if(peer == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     } else if (peer->uuid) {
         return peer->uuid;
     switch (type) {
         case pcmk_cluster_corosync:
             uuid = get_corosync_uuid(peer);
         case pcmk_cluster_cman:
         case pcmk_cluster_classic_ais:
             if (peer->uname) {
                 uuid = strdup(peer->uname);
         case pcmk_cluster_heartbeat:
             uuid = get_heartbeat_uuid(peer->uname);
         case pcmk_cluster_unknown:
         case pcmk_cluster_invalid:
             crm_err("Unsupported cluster type");
     peer->uuid = uuid;
     return peer->uuid;
 crm_cluster_connect(crm_cluster_t * cluster)
     enum cluster_type_e type = get_cluster_type();
     crm_notice("Connecting to cluster infrastructure: %s", name_for_cluster_type(type));
     if (is_openais_cluster()) {
         return init_cs_connection(cluster);
     if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
         int rv;
         /* coverity[var_deref_op] False positive */
         if (cluster->hb_conn == NULL) {
             /* No object passed in, create a new one. */
             ll_cluster_t *(*new_cluster) (const char *llctype) =
                 find_library_function(&hb_library, HEARTBEAT_LIBRARY, "ll_cluster_new", 1);
             cluster->hb_conn = (*new_cluster) ("heartbeat");
             /* dlclose(handle); */
         } else {
             /* Object passed in. Disconnect first, then reconnect below. */
             cluster->hb_conn->llc_ops->signoff(cluster->hb_conn, FALSE);
         /* make sure we are disconnected first with the old object, if any. */
         if (heartbeat_cluster && heartbeat_cluster != cluster->hb_conn) {
             heartbeat_cluster->llc_ops->signoff(heartbeat_cluster, FALSE);
         CRM_ASSERT(cluster->hb_conn != NULL);
         heartbeat_cluster = cluster->hb_conn;
         rv = register_heartbeat_conn(cluster);
         if (rv) {
             /* we'll benefit from a bigger queue length on heartbeat side.
              * Otherwise, if peers send messages faster than we can consume
              * them right now, heartbeat messaging layer will kick us out once
              * it's (small) default queue fills up :(
              * If we fail to adjust the sendq length, that's not yet fatal, though.
             if (HA_OK != heartbeat_cluster->llc_ops->set_sendq_len(heartbeat_cluster, 1024)) {
                 crm_warn("Cannot set sendq length: %s",
         return rv;
     crm_info("Unsupported cluster stack: %s", getenv("HA_cluster_type"));
     return FALSE;
 crm_cluster_disconnect(crm_cluster_t * cluster)
     enum cluster_type_e type = get_cluster_type();
     const char *type_str = name_for_cluster_type(type);
     crm_info("Disconnecting from cluster infrastructure: %s", type_str);
     if (is_openais_cluster()) {
         crm_info("Disconnected from %s", type_str);
     if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
         if (cluster == NULL) {
             crm_info("No cluster connection");
         } else if (cluster->hb_conn) {
             cluster->hb_conn->llc_ops->signoff(cluster->hb_conn, TRUE);
             cluster->hb_conn = NULL;
             crm_info("Disconnected from %s", type_str);
         } else {
             crm_info("No %s connection", type_str);
     crm_info("Unsupported cluster stack: %s", getenv("HA_cluster_type"));
 send_cluster_message(crm_node_t * node, enum crm_ais_msg_types service, xmlNode * data,
                      gboolean ordered)
     if (is_openais_cluster()) {
         return send_cluster_message_cs(data, FALSE, node, service);
     if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
         return send_ha_message(heartbeat_cluster, data, node ? node->uname : NULL, ordered);
     return FALSE;
 const char *
     static char *name = NULL;
     if(name) {
         return name;
     name = get_node_name(0);
     return name;
 char *
 get_node_name(uint32_t nodeid)
     char *name = NULL;
     const char *isolation_host = NULL;
     enum cluster_type_e stack;
     if (nodeid == 0) {
         isolation_host = getenv("OCF_RESKEY_"CRM_META"_isolation_host");
         if (isolation_host) {
             return strdup(isolation_host);
     stack = get_cluster_type();
     switch (stack) {
         case pcmk_cluster_heartbeat:
         case pcmk_cluster_classic_ais:
             name = classic_node_name(nodeid);
         case pcmk_cluster_corosync:
             name = corosync_node_name(0, nodeid);
 #  endif
         case pcmk_cluster_cman:
             name = cman_node_name(nodeid);
             crm_err("Unknown cluster type: %s (%d)", name_for_cluster_type(stack), stack);
     if(name == NULL && nodeid == 0) {
         struct utsname res;
         int rc = uname(&res);
         if (rc == 0) {
             crm_notice("Defaulting to uname -n for the local %s node name",
             name = strdup(res.nodename);
         if (name == NULL) {
             crm_err("Could not obtain the local %s node name", name_for_cluster_type(stack));
     if (name == NULL) {
         crm_notice("Could not obtain a node name for %s nodeid %u",
                    name_for_cluster_type(stack), nodeid);
     return name;
 /* Only used by update_failcount() in te_utils.c */
 const char *
 crm_peer_uname(const char *uuid)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     crm_node_t *node = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(uuid != NULL, return NULL);
     /* remote nodes have the same uname and uuid */
     if (g_hash_table_lookup(crm_remote_peer_cache, uuid)) {
         return uuid;
     /* avoid blocking calls where possible */
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) {
         if(node->uuid && strcasecmp(node->uuid, uuid) == 0) {
             if(node->uname) {
                 return node->uname;
     if (is_openais_cluster()) {
         if (uname_is_uuid() == FALSE && is_corosync_cluster()) {
             uint32_t id = crm_int_helper(uuid, NULL);
-            node = crm_find_peer(id, NULL);
+            if(id != 0) {
+                node = crm_find_peer(id, NULL);
+            } else {
+                crm_err("Invalid node id: %s", uuid);
+            }
         } else {
             node = crm_find_peer(0, uuid);
         if (node) {
             crm_info("Setting uuid for node %s[%u] to '%s'", node->uname, node->id, uuid);
             node->uuid = strdup(uuid);
             if(node->uname) {
                 return node->uname;
         return NULL;
     if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
         if (heartbeat_cluster != NULL) {
             cl_uuid_t uuid_raw;
             char *uuid_copy = strdup(uuid);
             char *uname = malloc(MAX_NAME);
             cl_uuid_parse(uuid_copy, &uuid_raw);
             if (heartbeat_cluster->llc_ops->get_name_by_uuid(heartbeat_cluster, &uuid_raw, uname,
                                                              MAX_NAME) == HA_FAIL) {
                 crm_err("Could not calculate uname for %s", uuid);
             } else {
                 node = crm_get_peer(0, uname);
         if (node) {
             crm_info("Setting uuid for node %s to '%s'", node->uname, uuid);
             node->uuid = strdup(uuid);
             if(node->uname) {
                 return node->uname;
         return NULL;
     return NULL;
 set_uuid(xmlNode *xml, const char *attr, crm_node_t *node)
     const char *uuid_calc = crm_peer_uuid(node);
     crm_xml_add(xml, attr, uuid_calc);
 const char *
 name_for_cluster_type(enum cluster_type_e type)
     switch (type) {
         case pcmk_cluster_classic_ais:
             return "classic openais (with plugin)";
         case pcmk_cluster_cman:
             return "cman";
         case pcmk_cluster_corosync:
             return "corosync";
         case pcmk_cluster_heartbeat:
             return "heartbeat";
         case pcmk_cluster_unknown:
             return "unknown";
         case pcmk_cluster_invalid:
             return "invalid";
     crm_err("Invalid cluster type: %d", type);
     return "invalid";
 /* Do not expose these two */
 int set_cluster_type(enum cluster_type_e type);
 static enum cluster_type_e cluster_type = pcmk_cluster_unknown;
 set_cluster_type(enum cluster_type_e type)
     if (cluster_type == pcmk_cluster_unknown) {
         crm_info("Cluster type set to: %s", name_for_cluster_type(type));
         cluster_type = type;
         return 0;
     } else if (cluster_type == type) {
         return 0;
     } else if (pcmk_cluster_unknown == type) {
         cluster_type = type;
         return 0;
     crm_err("Cluster type already set to %s, ignoring %s",
             name_for_cluster_type(cluster_type), name_for_cluster_type(type));
     return -1;
 enum cluster_type_e
     bool detected = FALSE;
     const char *cluster = NULL;
     /* Return the previous calculation, if any */
     if (cluster_type != pcmk_cluster_unknown) {
         return cluster_type;
     cluster = getenv("HA_cluster_type");
     /* If nothing is defined in the environment, try heartbeat (if supported) */
     if(cluster == NULL) {
         ll_cluster_t *hb;
         ll_cluster_t *(*new_cluster) (const char *llctype) = find_library_function(
             &hb_library, HEARTBEAT_LIBRARY, "ll_cluster_new", 1);
         hb = (*new_cluster) ("heartbeat");
         crm_debug("Testing with Heartbeat");
          * Test as "casual" client (clientid == NULL; will be replaced by
          * current pid).  We are trying to detect if we can communicate with
          * heartbeat, not if we can register as some specific service.
          * Otherwise all but one of several concurrent invocations will get
          * HA_FAIL because of:
          * WARN: duplicate client add request
          * ERROR: api_process_registration_msg: cannot add client()
          * and then likely fail :(
         if (hb->llc_ops->signon(hb, NULL) == HA_OK) {
             hb->llc_ops->signoff(hb, FALSE);
             cluster_type = pcmk_cluster_heartbeat;
             detected = TRUE;
             goto done;
     /* If nothing is defined in the environment, try corosync (if supported) */
     if(cluster == NULL) {
         crm_debug("Testing with Corosync");
         cluster_type = find_corosync_variant();
         if (cluster_type != pcmk_cluster_unknown) {
             detected = TRUE;
             goto done;
     /* Something was defined in the environment, test it against what we support */
     crm_info("Verifying cluster type: '%s'", cluster?cluster:"-unspecified-");
     if (cluster == NULL) {
     } else if (safe_str_eq(cluster, "heartbeat")) {
         cluster_type = pcmk_cluster_heartbeat;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(cluster, "openais")
                || safe_str_eq(cluster, "classic openais (with plugin)")) {
         cluster_type = pcmk_cluster_classic_ais;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(cluster, "corosync")) {
         cluster_type = pcmk_cluster_corosync;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(cluster, "cman")) {
         cluster_type = pcmk_cluster_cman;
     } else {
         cluster_type = pcmk_cluster_invalid;
         goto done; /* Keep the compiler happy when no stacks are supported */
     if (cluster_type == pcmk_cluster_unknown) {
         crm_notice("Could not determin the current cluster type");
     } else if (cluster_type == pcmk_cluster_invalid) {
         crm_notice("This installation does not support the '%s' cluster infrastructure: terminating.",
     } else {
         crm_info("%s an active '%s' cluster", detected?"Detected":"Assuming", name_for_cluster_type(cluster_type));
     return cluster_type;
     return get_cluster_type() == pcmk_cluster_cman;
     return get_cluster_type() == pcmk_cluster_corosync;
     return get_cluster_type() == pcmk_cluster_classic_ais;
     enum cluster_type_e type = get_cluster_type();
     if (type == pcmk_cluster_classic_ais) {
         return TRUE;
     } else if (type == pcmk_cluster_corosync) {
         return TRUE;
     } else if (type == pcmk_cluster_cman) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
     return get_cluster_type() == pcmk_cluster_heartbeat;
 node_name_is_valid(const char *key, const char *name)
     int octet;
     if (name == NULL) {
         crm_trace("%s is empty", key);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (sscanf(name, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &octet, &octet, &octet, &octet) == 4) {
         crm_trace("%s contains an ipv4 address, ignoring: %s", key, name);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (strstr(name, ":") != NULL) {
         crm_trace("%s contains an ipv6 address, ignoring: %s", key, name);
         return FALSE;
     crm_trace("%s is valid", key);
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/lib/common/Makefile.am b/lib/common/Makefile.am
index a593f40237..f5c07660ce 100644
--- a/lib/common/Makefile.am
+++ b/lib/common/Makefile.am
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 AM_CPPFLAGS       	= -I$(top_builddir)/include  -I$(top_srcdir)/include   \
 		  -I$(top_builddir)/libltdl  -I$(top_srcdir)/libltdl   \
 		  -I$(top_builddir)/lib/gnu  -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/gnu
 ## libraries
 lib_LTLIBRARIES	= libcrmcommon.la
 # Can't use -Wcast-qual here because glib insists on pretending things are const  
 # when they're not and thus we need the crm_element_value_const() hack
 # s390 needs -fPIC 
 # s390-suse-linux/bin/ld: .libs/ipc.o: relocation R_390_PC32DBL against `__stack_chk_fail@@GLIBC_2.4' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
 CFLAGS		= $(CFLAGS_COPY:-Wcast-qual=) -fPIC
 libcrmcommon_la_SOURCES	= compat.c digest.c ipc.c io.c utils.c xml.c iso8601.c remote.c mainloop.c logging.c watchdog.c
 libcrmcommon_la_SOURCES	+= cib_secrets.c
-libcrmcommon_la_LDFLAGS	= -version-info 7:0:4
+libcrmcommon_la_LDFLAGS	= -version-info 8:0:5
 libcrmcommon_la_LIBADD  = @LIBADD_DL@ $(GNUTLSLIBS)
 libcrmcommon_la_SOURCES += $(top_builddir)/lib/gnu/md5.c
 	rm -f *.log *.debug *.xml *~
diff --git a/lib/common/mainloop.c b/lib/common/mainloop.c
index e30a78177a..cdf7f75162 100644
--- a/lib/common/mainloop.c
+++ b/lib/common/mainloop.c
@@ -1,1217 +1,1239 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
 #  define _GNU_SOURCE
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipcs.h>
 struct mainloop_child_s {
     pid_t pid;
     char *desc;
     unsigned timerid;
     unsigned watchid;
     gboolean timeout;
     void *privatedata;
+    enum mainloop_child_flags flags;
     /* Called when a process dies */
     void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode);
 struct trigger_s {
     GSource source;
     gboolean running;
     gboolean trigger;
     void *user_data;
     guint id;
 static gboolean
 crm_trigger_prepare(GSource * source, gint * timeout)
     crm_trigger_t *trig = (crm_trigger_t *) source;
     /* cluster-glue's FD and IPC related sources make use of
      * g_source_add_poll() but do not set a timeout in their prepare
      * functions
      * This means mainloop's poll() will block until an event for one
      * of these sources occurs - any /other/ type of source, such as
      * this one or g_idle_*, that doesn't use g_source_add_poll() is
      * S-O-L and wont be processed until there is something fd-based
      * happens.
      * Luckily the timeout we can set here affects all sources and
      * puts an upper limit on how long poll() can take.
      * So unconditionally set a small-ish timeout, not too small that
      * we're in constant motion, which will act as an upper bound on
      * how long the signal handling might be delayed for.
     *timeout = 500;             /* Timeout in ms */
     return trig->trigger;
 static gboolean
 crm_trigger_check(GSource * source)
     crm_trigger_t *trig = (crm_trigger_t *) source;
     return trig->trigger;
 static gboolean
 crm_trigger_dispatch(GSource * source, GSourceFunc callback, gpointer userdata)
     int rc = TRUE;
     crm_trigger_t *trig = (crm_trigger_t *) source;
     if (trig->running) {
         /* Wait until the existing job is complete before starting the next one */
         return TRUE;
     trig->trigger = FALSE;
     if (callback) {
         rc = callback(trig->user_data);
         if (rc < 0) {
             crm_trace("Trigger handler %p not yet complete", trig);
             trig->running = TRUE;
             rc = TRUE;
     return rc;
 static void
 crm_trigger_finalize(GSource * source)
     crm_trace("Trigger %p destroyed", source);
 #if 0
 struct _GSourceCopy
   gpointer callback_data;
   GSourceCallbackFuncs *callback_funcs;
   const GSourceFuncs *source_funcs;
   guint ref_count;
   GMainContext *context;
   gint priority;
   guint flags;
   guint source_id;
   GSList *poll_fds;
   GSource *prev;
   GSource *next;
   char    *name;
   void *priv;
 static int
 g_source_refcount(GSource * source)
     /* Duplicating the contents of private header files is a necessary evil */
     if (source) {
         struct _GSourceCopy *evil = (struct _GSourceCopy*)source;
         return evil->ref_count;
     return 0;
 static int g_source_refcount(GSource * source)
     return 0;
 static GSourceFuncs crm_trigger_funcs = {
 static crm_trigger_t *
 mainloop_setup_trigger(GSource * source, int priority, int (*dispatch) (gpointer user_data),
                        gpointer userdata)
     crm_trigger_t *trigger = NULL;
     trigger = (crm_trigger_t *) source;
     trigger->id = 0;
     trigger->trigger = FALSE;
     trigger->user_data = userdata;
     if (dispatch) {
         g_source_set_callback(source, dispatch, trigger, NULL);
     g_source_set_priority(source, priority);
     g_source_set_can_recurse(source, FALSE);
     crm_trace("Setup %p with ref-count=%u", source, g_source_refcount(source));
     trigger->id = g_source_attach(source, NULL);
     crm_trace("Attached %p with ref-count=%u", source, g_source_refcount(source));
     return trigger;
 mainloop_trigger_complete(crm_trigger_t * trig)
     crm_trace("Trigger handler %p complete", trig);
     trig->running = FALSE;
 /* If dispatch returns:
  *  -1: Job running but not complete
  *   0: Remove the trigger from mainloop
  *   1: Leave the trigger in mainloop
 crm_trigger_t *
 mainloop_add_trigger(int priority, int (*dispatch) (gpointer user_data), gpointer userdata)
     GSource *source = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(sizeof(crm_trigger_t) > sizeof(GSource));
     source = g_source_new(&crm_trigger_funcs, sizeof(crm_trigger_t));
     CRM_ASSERT(source != NULL);
     return mainloop_setup_trigger(source, priority, dispatch, userdata);
 mainloop_set_trigger(crm_trigger_t * source)
     if(source) {
         source->trigger = TRUE;
 mainloop_destroy_trigger(crm_trigger_t * source)
     GSource *gs = NULL;
     if(source == NULL) {
         return TRUE;
     gs = (GSource *)source;
     if(g_source_refcount(gs) > 2) {
         crm_info("Trigger %p is still referenced %u times", gs, g_source_refcount(gs));
     g_source_destroy(gs); /* Remove from mainloop, ref_count-- */
     g_source_unref(gs); /* The caller no longer carries a reference to source
                          * At this point the source should be free'd,
                          * unless we're currently processing said
                          * source, in which case mainloop holds an
                          * additional reference and it will be free'd
                          * once our processing completes
     return TRUE;
 typedef struct signal_s {
     crm_trigger_t trigger;      /* must be first */
     void (*handler) (int sig);
     int signal;
 } crm_signal_t;
 static crm_signal_t *crm_signals[NSIG];
 static gboolean
 crm_signal_dispatch(GSource * source, GSourceFunc callback, gpointer userdata)
     crm_signal_t *sig = (crm_signal_t *) source;
     if(sig->signal != SIGCHLD) {
         crm_notice("Invoking handler for signal %d: %s", sig->signal, strsignal(sig->signal));
     sig->trigger.trigger = FALSE;
     if (sig->handler) {
     return TRUE;
 static void
 mainloop_signal_handler(int sig)
     if (sig > 0 && sig < NSIG && crm_signals[sig] != NULL) {
         mainloop_set_trigger((crm_trigger_t *) crm_signals[sig]);
 static GSourceFuncs crm_signal_funcs = {
 crm_signal(int sig, void (*dispatch) (int sig))
     sigset_t mask;
     struct sigaction sa;
     struct sigaction old;
     if (sigemptyset(&mask) < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Call to sigemptyset failed");
         return FALSE;
     memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
     sa.sa_handler = dispatch;
     sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
     sa.sa_mask = mask;
     if (sigaction(sig, &sa, &old) < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not install signal handler for signal %d", sig);
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 mainloop_add_signal(int sig, void (*dispatch) (int sig))
     GSource *source = NULL;
     int priority = G_PRIORITY_HIGH - 1;
     if (sig == SIGTERM) {
         /* TERM is higher priority than other signals,
          *   signals are higher priority than other ipc.
          * Yes, minus: smaller is "higher"
     if (sig >= NSIG || sig < 0) {
         crm_err("Signal %d is out of range", sig);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (crm_signals[sig] != NULL && crm_signals[sig]->handler == dispatch) {
         crm_trace("Signal handler for %d is already installed", sig);
         return TRUE;
     } else if (crm_signals[sig] != NULL) {
         crm_err("Different signal handler for %d is already installed", sig);
         return FALSE;
     CRM_ASSERT(sizeof(crm_signal_t) > sizeof(GSource));
     source = g_source_new(&crm_signal_funcs, sizeof(crm_signal_t));
     crm_signals[sig] = (crm_signal_t *) mainloop_setup_trigger(source, priority, NULL, NULL);
     CRM_ASSERT(crm_signals[sig] != NULL);
     crm_signals[sig]->handler = dispatch;
     crm_signals[sig]->signal = sig;
     if (crm_signal(sig, mainloop_signal_handler) == FALSE) {
         crm_signal_t *tmp = crm_signals[sig];
         crm_signals[sig] = NULL;
         mainloop_destroy_trigger((crm_trigger_t *) tmp);
         return FALSE;
 #if 0
     /* If we want signals to interrupt mainloop's poll(), instead of waiting for
      * the timeout, then we should call siginterrupt() below
      * For now, just enforce a low timeout
     if (siginterrupt(sig, 1) < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_INFO, "Could not enable system call interruptions for signal %d", sig);
     return TRUE;
 mainloop_destroy_signal(int sig)
     crm_signal_t *tmp = NULL;
     if (sig >= NSIG || sig < 0) {
         crm_err("Signal %d is out of range", sig);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (crm_signal(sig, NULL) == FALSE) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not uninstall signal handler for signal %d", sig);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (crm_signals[sig] == NULL) {
         return TRUE;
     crm_trace("Destroying signal %d", sig);
     tmp = crm_signals[sig];
     crm_signals[sig] = NULL;
     mainloop_destroy_trigger((crm_trigger_t *) tmp);
     return TRUE;
 static qb_array_t *gio_map = NULL;
     if(gio_map) {
  * libqb...
 struct gio_to_qb_poll {
     int32_t is_used;
     guint source;
     int32_t events;
     void *data;
     qb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t fn;
     enum qb_loop_priority p;
 static gboolean
 gio_read_socket(GIOChannel * gio, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data)
     struct gio_to_qb_poll *adaptor = (struct gio_to_qb_poll *)data;
     gint fd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(gio);
     crm_trace("%p.%d %d", data, fd, condition);
-    if (condition & G_IO_NVAL) {
-        crm_trace("Marking failed adaptor %p unused", adaptor);
-        adaptor->is_used = QB_FALSE;
-    }
+    /* if this assert get's hit, then there is a race condition between
+     * when we destroy a fd and when mainloop actually gives it up */
+    CRM_ASSERT(adaptor->is_used > 0);
     return (adaptor->fn(fd, condition, adaptor->data) == 0);
 static void
 gio_poll_destroy(gpointer data)
     struct gio_to_qb_poll *adaptor = (struct gio_to_qb_poll *)data;
-    adaptor->is_used = QB_FALSE;
-    adaptor->source = 0;
+    adaptor->is_used--;
+    CRM_ASSERT(adaptor->is_used >= 0);
+    if (adaptor->is_used == 0) {
+        crm_trace("Marking adaptor %p unused", adaptor);
+        adaptor->source = 0;
+    }
 static int32_t
 gio_poll_dispatch_update(enum qb_loop_priority p, int32_t fd, int32_t evts,
                          void *data, qb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t fn, int32_t add)
     struct gio_to_qb_poll *adaptor;
     GIOChannel *channel;
     int32_t res = 0;
     res = qb_array_index(gio_map, fd, (void **)&adaptor);
     if (res < 0) {
         crm_err("Array lookup failed for fd=%d: %d", fd, res);
         return res;
     crm_trace("Adding fd=%d to mainloop as adaptor %p", fd, adaptor);
-    if (add && adaptor->is_used) {
+    if (add && adaptor->source) {
         crm_err("Adaptor for descriptor %d is still in-use", fd);
         return -EEXIST;
     if (!add && !adaptor->is_used) {
         crm_err("Adaptor for descriptor %d is not in-use", fd);
         return -ENOENT;
     /* channel is created with ref_count = 1 */
     channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd);
     if (!channel) {
         crm_err("No memory left to add fd=%d", fd);
         return -ENOMEM;
-    /* Because unlike the poll() API, glib doesn't tell us about HUPs by default */
-    evts |= (G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_ERR);
-    if (adaptor->is_used) {
+    if (adaptor->source) {
+        adaptor->source = 0;
+    /* Because unlike the poll() API, glib doesn't tell us about HUPs by default */
+    evts |= (G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_ERR);
     adaptor->fn = fn;
     adaptor->events = evts;
     adaptor->data = data;
     adaptor->p = p;
-    adaptor->is_used = QB_TRUE;
+    adaptor->is_used++;
     adaptor->source =
         g_io_add_watch_full(channel, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, evts, gio_read_socket, adaptor,
     /* Now that mainloop now holds a reference to channel,
      * thanks to g_io_add_watch_full(), drop ours from g_io_channel_unix_new().
      * This means that channel will be free'd by:
      * g_main_context_dispatch()
      *  -> g_source_destroy_internal()
      *      -> g_source_callback_unref()
      * shortly after gio_poll_destroy() completes
     crm_trace("Added to mainloop with gsource id=%d", adaptor->source);
     if (adaptor->source > 0) {
         return 0;
     return -EINVAL;
 static int32_t
 gio_poll_dispatch_add(enum qb_loop_priority p, int32_t fd, int32_t evts,
                       void *data, qb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t fn)
     return gio_poll_dispatch_update(p, fd, evts, data, fn, QB_TRUE);
 static int32_t
 gio_poll_dispatch_mod(enum qb_loop_priority p, int32_t fd, int32_t evts,
                       void *data, qb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t fn)
     return gio_poll_dispatch_update(p, fd, evts, data, fn, QB_FALSE);
 static int32_t
 gio_poll_dispatch_del(int32_t fd)
     struct gio_to_qb_poll *adaptor;
     crm_trace("Looking for fd=%d", fd);
     if (qb_array_index(gio_map, fd, (void **)&adaptor) == 0) {
-        crm_trace("Marking adaptor %p unused", adaptor);
         if (adaptor->source) {
             adaptor->source = 0;
-        adaptor->is_used = QB_FALSE;
     return 0;
 struct qb_ipcs_poll_handlers gio_poll_funcs = {
     .job_add = NULL,
     .dispatch_add = gio_poll_dispatch_add,
     .dispatch_mod = gio_poll_dispatch_mod,
     .dispatch_del = gio_poll_dispatch_del,
 static enum qb_ipc_type
 pick_ipc_type(enum qb_ipc_type requested)
     const char *env = getenv("PCMK_ipc_type");
     if (env && strcmp("shared-mem", env) == 0) {
         return QB_IPC_SHM;
     } else if (env && strcmp("socket", env) == 0) {
         return QB_IPC_SOCKET;
     } else if (env && strcmp("posix", env) == 0) {
         return QB_IPC_POSIX_MQ;
     } else if (env && strcmp("sysv", env) == 0) {
         return QB_IPC_SYSV_MQ;
     } else if (requested == QB_IPC_NATIVE) {
         /* We prefer shared memory because the server never blocks on
          * send.  If part of a message fits into the socket, libqb
          * needs to block until the remainder can be sent also.
          * Otherwise the client will wait forever for the remaining
          * bytes.
         return QB_IPC_SHM;
     return requested;
 qb_ipcs_service_t *
 mainloop_add_ipc_server(const char *name, enum qb_ipc_type type,
                         struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers * callbacks)
     int rc = 0;
     qb_ipcs_service_t *server = NULL;
     if (gio_map == NULL) {
         gio_map = qb_array_create_2(64, sizeof(struct gio_to_qb_poll), 1);
     server = qb_ipcs_create(name, 0, pick_ipc_type(type), callbacks);
     /* All clients should use at least ipc_buffer_max as their buffer size */
     qb_ipcs_enforce_buffer_size(server, crm_ipc_default_buffer_size());
     qb_ipcs_poll_handlers_set(server, &gio_poll_funcs);
     rc = qb_ipcs_run(server);
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_err("Could not start %s IPC server: %s (%d)", name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         return NULL;
     return server;
 mainloop_del_ipc_server(qb_ipcs_service_t * server)
     if (server) {
 struct mainloop_io_s {
     char *name;
     void *userdata;
     int fd;
     guint source;
     crm_ipc_t *ipc;
     GIOChannel *channel;
     int (*dispatch_fn_ipc) (const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata);
     int (*dispatch_fn_io) (gpointer userdata);
     void (*destroy_fn) (gpointer userdata);
 static gboolean
 mainloop_gio_callback(GIOChannel * gio, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data)
     gboolean keep = TRUE;
     mainloop_io_t *client = data;
     CRM_ASSERT(client->fd == g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(gio));
     if (condition & G_IO_IN) {
         if (client->ipc) {
             long rc = 0;
             int max = 10;
             do {
                 rc = crm_ipc_read(client->ipc);
                 if (rc <= 0) {
                     crm_trace("Message acquisition from %s[%p] failed: %s (%ld)",
                               client->name, client, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
                 } else if (client->dispatch_fn_ipc) {
                     const char *buffer = crm_ipc_buffer(client->ipc);
                     crm_trace("New message from %s[%p] = %d", client->name, client, rc, condition);
                     if (client->dispatch_fn_ipc(buffer, rc, client->userdata) < 0) {
                         crm_trace("Connection to %s no longer required", client->name);
                         keep = FALSE;
             } while (keep && rc > 0 && --max > 0);
         } else {
             crm_trace("New message from %s[%p] %u", client->name, client, condition);
             if (client->dispatch_fn_io) {
                 if (client->dispatch_fn_io(client->userdata) < 0) {
                     crm_trace("Connection to %s no longer required", client->name);
                     keep = FALSE;
     if (client->ipc && crm_ipc_connected(client->ipc) == FALSE) {
         crm_err("Connection to %s[%p] closed (I/O condition=%d)", client->name, client, condition);
         keep = FALSE;
     } else if (condition & (G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_ERR)) {
         crm_trace("The connection %s[%p] has been closed (I/O condition=%d)",
                   client->name, client, condition);
         keep = FALSE;
     } else if ((condition & G_IO_IN) == 0) {
            #define      GLIB_SYSDEF_POLLIN     =1
            #define      GLIB_SYSDEF_POLLPRI    =2
            #define      GLIB_SYSDEF_POLLOUT    =4
            #define      GLIB_SYSDEF_POLLERR    =8
            #define      GLIB_SYSDEF_POLLHUP    =16
            #define      GLIB_SYSDEF_POLLNVAL   =32
            typedef enum
            G_IO_IN      GLIB_SYSDEF_POLLIN,
            } GIOCondition;
            A bitwise combination representing a condition to watch for on an event source.
            G_IO_IN      There is data to read.
            G_IO_OUT     Data can be written (without blocking).
            G_IO_PRI     There is urgent data to read.
            G_IO_ERR     Error condition.
            G_IO_HUP     Hung up (the connection has been broken, usually for pipes and sockets).
            G_IO_NVAL    Invalid request. The file descriptor is not open.
         crm_err("Strange condition: %d", condition);
     /* keep == FALSE results in mainloop_gio_destroy() being called
      * just before the source is removed from mainloop
     return keep;
 static void
 mainloop_gio_destroy(gpointer c)
     mainloop_io_t *client = c;
     char *c_name = strdup(client->name);
     /* client->source is valid but about to be destroyed (ref_count == 0) in gmain.c
      * client->channel will still have ref_count > 0... should be == 1
     crm_trace("Destroying client %s[%p]", c_name, c);
     if (client->ipc) {
     if (client->destroy_fn) {
         void (*destroy_fn) (gpointer userdata) = client->destroy_fn;
         client->destroy_fn = NULL;
     if (client->ipc) {
         crm_ipc_t *ipc = client->ipc;
         client->ipc = NULL;
     crm_trace("Destroyed client %s[%p]", c_name, c);
     free(client->name); client->name = NULL;
 mainloop_io_t *
 mainloop_add_ipc_client(const char *name, int priority, size_t max_size, void *userdata,
                         struct ipc_client_callbacks *callbacks)
     mainloop_io_t *client = NULL;
     crm_ipc_t *conn = crm_ipc_new(name, max_size);
     if (conn && crm_ipc_connect(conn)) {
         int32_t fd = crm_ipc_get_fd(conn);
         client = mainloop_add_fd(name, priority, fd, userdata, NULL);
         client->ipc = conn;
         client->destroy_fn = callbacks->destroy;
         client->dispatch_fn_ipc = callbacks->dispatch;
     if (conn && client == NULL) {
         crm_trace("Connection to %s failed", name);
     return client;
 mainloop_del_ipc_client(mainloop_io_t * client)
 crm_ipc_t *
 mainloop_get_ipc_client(mainloop_io_t * client)
     if (client) {
         return client->ipc;
     return NULL;
 mainloop_io_t *
 mainloop_add_fd(const char *name, int priority, int fd, void *userdata,
                 struct mainloop_fd_callbacks * callbacks)
     mainloop_io_t *client = NULL;
     if (fd >= 0) {
         client = calloc(1, sizeof(mainloop_io_t));
         client->name = strdup(name);
         client->userdata = userdata;
         if (callbacks) {
             client->destroy_fn = callbacks->destroy;
             client->dispatch_fn_io = callbacks->dispatch;
         client->fd = fd;
         client->channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd);
         client->source =
             g_io_add_watch_full(client->channel, priority,
                                 (G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_ERR), mainloop_gio_callback,
                                 client, mainloop_gio_destroy);
         /* Now that mainloop now holds a reference to channel,
          * thanks to g_io_add_watch_full(), drop ours from g_io_channel_unix_new().
          * This means that channel will be free'd by:
          * g_main_context_dispatch() or g_source_remove()
          *  -> g_source_destroy_internal()
          *      -> g_source_callback_unref()
          * shortly after mainloop_gio_destroy() completes
         crm_trace("Added connection %d for %s[%p].%d", client->source, client->name, client, fd);
     return client;
 mainloop_del_fd(mainloop_io_t * client)
     if (client != NULL) {
         crm_trace("Removing client %s[%p]", client->name, client);
         if (client->source) {
             /* Results in mainloop_gio_destroy() being called just
              * before the source is removed from mainloop
+static GListPtr child_list = NULL;
 mainloop_child_pid(mainloop_child_t * child)
     return child->pid;
 const char *
 mainloop_child_name(mainloop_child_t * child)
     return child->desc;
 mainloop_child_timeout(mainloop_child_t * child)
     return child->timeout;
 void *
 mainloop_child_userdata(mainloop_child_t * child)
     return child->privatedata;
 mainloop_clear_child_userdata(mainloop_child_t * child)
     child->privatedata = NULL;
 /* good function name */
 static void
 child_free(mainloop_child_t *child)
     if (child->timerid != 0) {
         crm_trace("Removing timer %d", child->timerid);
         child->timerid = 0;
 /* terrible function name */
 static int
 child_kill_helper(mainloop_child_t *child)
-    if (kill(-child->pid, SIGKILL) < 0) {
+    int rc;
+    if (child->flags & mainloop_leave_pid_group) {
+        crm_debug("Kill pid %d only. leave group intact.", child->pid);
+        rc = kill(child->pid, SIGKILL);
+    } else {
+        crm_debug("Kill pid %d's group", child->pid);
+        rc = kill(-child->pid, SIGKILL);
+    }
+    if (rc < 0) {
         if (errno != ESRCH) {
             crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "kill(%d, KILL) failed", child->pid);
         return -errno;
     return 0;
 static gboolean
 child_timeout_callback(gpointer p)
     mainloop_child_t *child = p;
     int rc = 0;
     child->timerid = 0;
     if (child->timeout) {
         crm_crit("%s process (PID %d) will not die!", child->desc, (int)child->pid);
         return FALSE;
     rc = child_kill_helper(child);
     if (rc == ESRCH) {
         /* Nothing left to do. pid doesn't exist */
         return FALSE;
     child->timeout = TRUE;
     crm_warn("%s process (PID %d) timed out", child->desc, (int)child->pid);
     child->timerid = g_timeout_add(5000, child_timeout_callback, child);
     return FALSE;
-static GListPtr child_list = NULL;
 static gboolean
 child_waitpid(mainloop_child_t *child, int flags)
     int rc = 0;
     int core = 0;
     int signo = 0;
     int status = 0;
     int exitcode = 0;
     rc = waitpid(child->pid, &status, flags);
     if(rc == 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "wait(%d) = %d", child->pid, rc);
         return FALSE;
     } else if(rc != child->pid) {
         signo = SIGCHLD;
         exitcode = 1;
         status = 1;
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Call to waitpid(%d) failed", child->pid);
     } else {
         crm_trace("Managed process %d exited: %p", child->pid, child);
         if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
             exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(status);
             crm_trace("Managed process %d (%s) exited with rc=%d", child->pid, child->desc, exitcode);
         } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
             signo = WTERMSIG(status);
             crm_trace("Managed process %d (%s) exited with signal=%d", child->pid, child->desc, signo);
         if (WCOREDUMP(status)) {
             core = 1;
             crm_err("Managed process %d (%s) dumped core", child->pid, child->desc);
     if (child->callback) {
         child->callback(child, child->pid, core, signo, exitcode);
     return TRUE;
 static void
 child_death_dispatch(int signal)
     GListPtr iter = child_list;
     gboolean exited;
     while(iter) {
         GListPtr saved = NULL;
         mainloop_child_t *child = iter->data;
         exited = child_waitpid(child, WNOHANG);
         saved = iter;
         iter = iter->next;
         if (exited == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("Removing process entry %p for %d", child, child->pid);
         child_list = g_list_remove_link(child_list, saved);
 static gboolean
 child_signal_init(gpointer p)
     crm_trace("Installed SIGCHLD handler");
     /* Do NOT use g_child_watch_add() and friends, they rely on pthreads */
     mainloop_add_signal(SIGCHLD, child_death_dispatch);
     /* In case they terminated before the signal handler was installed */
     return FALSE;
 mainloop_child_kill(pid_t pid)
     GListPtr iter;
     mainloop_child_t *child = NULL;
     mainloop_child_t *match = NULL;
     /* It is impossible to block SIGKILL, this allows us to
      * call waitpid without WNOHANG flag.*/
     int waitflags = 0, rc = 0;
     for (iter = child_list; iter != NULL && match == NULL; iter = iter->next) {
         child = iter->data;
         if (pid == child->pid) {
             match = child;
     if (match == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     rc = child_kill_helper(match);
     if(rc == -ESRCH) {
         /* Its gone, but hasn't shown up in waitpid() yet
          * Wait until we get SIGCHLD and let child_death_dispatch()
          * clean it up as normal (so we get the correct return
          * code/status)
          * The blocking alternative would be to call:
          *    child_waitpid(match, 0);
         crm_trace("Waiting for child %d to be reaped by child_death_dispatch()", match->pid);
         return TRUE;
     } else if(rc != 0) {
         /* If KILL for some other reason set the WNOHANG flag since we
          * can't be certain what happened.
         waitflags = WNOHANG;
     if (child_waitpid(match, waitflags) == FALSE) {
         /* not much we can do if this occurs */
         return FALSE;
     child_list = g_list_remove(child_list, match);
     return TRUE;
 /* Create/Log a new tracked process
  * To track a process group, use -pid
-mainloop_child_add(pid_t pid, int timeout, const char *desc, void *privatedata,
+mainloop_child_add_with_flags(pid_t pid, int timeout, const char *desc, void *privatedata, enum mainloop_child_flags flags, 
                    void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode))
     static bool need_init = TRUE;
     mainloop_child_t *child = g_new(mainloop_child_t, 1);
     child->pid = pid;
     child->timerid = 0;
     child->timeout = FALSE;
     child->privatedata = privatedata;
     child->callback = callback;
+    child->flags = flags;
     if(desc) {
         child->desc = strdup(desc);
     if (timeout) {
         child->timerid = g_timeout_add(timeout, child_timeout_callback, child);
     child_list = g_list_append(child_list, child);
     if(need_init) {
         need_init = FALSE;
         /* SIGCHLD processing has to be invoked from mainloop.
          * We do not want it to be possible to both add a child pid
          * to mainloop, and have the pid's exit callback invoked within
          * the same callstack. */
         g_timeout_add(1, child_signal_init, NULL);
+mainloop_child_add(pid_t pid, int timeout, const char *desc, void *privatedata,
+                   void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode))
+    mainloop_child_add_with_flags(pid, timeout, desc, privatedata, 0, callback);
 struct mainloop_timer_s {
         guint id;
         guint period_ms;
         bool repeat;
         char *name;
         GSourceFunc cb;
         void *userdata;
 struct mainloop_timer_s mainloop;
 static gboolean mainloop_timer_cb(gpointer user_data)
     int id = 0;
     bool repeat = FALSE;
     struct mainloop_timer_s *t = user_data;
     CRM_ASSERT(t != NULL);
     id = t->id;
     t->id = 0; /* Ensure its unset during callbacks so that
                 * mainloop_timer_running() works as expected
     if(t->cb) {
         crm_trace("Invoking callbacks for timer %s", t->name);
         repeat = t->repeat;
         if(t->cb(t->userdata) == FALSE) {
             crm_trace("Timer %s complete", t->name);
             repeat = FALSE;
     if(repeat) {
         /* Restore if repeating */
         t->id = id;
     return repeat;
 bool mainloop_timer_running(mainloop_timer_t *t)
     if(t && t->id != 0) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 void mainloop_timer_start(mainloop_timer_t *t)
     if(t && t->period_ms > 0) {
         crm_trace("Starting timer %s", t->name);
         t->id = g_timeout_add(t->period_ms, mainloop_timer_cb, t);
 void mainloop_timer_stop(mainloop_timer_t *t)
     if(t && t->id != 0) {
         crm_trace("Stopping timer %s", t->name);
         t->id = 0;
 guint mainloop_timer_set_period(mainloop_timer_t *t, guint period_ms)
     guint last = 0;
     if(t) {
         last = t->period_ms;
         t->period_ms = period_ms;
     if(t && t->id != 0 && last != t->period_ms) {
     return last;
 mainloop_timer_t *
 mainloop_timer_add(const char *name, guint period_ms, bool repeat, GSourceFunc cb, void *userdata)
     mainloop_timer_t *t = calloc(1, sizeof(mainloop_timer_t));
     if(t) {
         if(name) {
             t->name = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%u-%d", name, period_ms, repeat);
         } else {
             t->name = crm_strdup_printf("%p-%u-%d", t, period_ms, repeat);
         t->id = 0;
         t->period_ms = period_ms;
         t->repeat = repeat;
         t->cb = cb;
         t->userdata = userdata;
         crm_trace("Created timer %s with %p %p", t->name, userdata, t->userdata);
     return t;
 mainloop_timer_del(mainloop_timer_t *t)
     if(t) {
         crm_trace("Destroying timer %s", t->name);
diff --git a/lib/fencing/st_client.c b/lib/fencing/st_client.c
index 451694a2bd..a7f2a350ea 100644
--- a/lib/fencing/st_client.c
+++ b/lib/fencing/st_client.c
@@ -1,2514 +1,2517 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdarg.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <libgen.h>             /* Add it for compiling on OSX */
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/stonith-ng.h>
 #include <crm/fencing/internal.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #  include <stonith/stonith.h>
 #  define LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY "libstonith.so.1"
 static void *lha_agents_lib = NULL;
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 struct stonith_action_s {
     /*! user defined data */
     char *agent;
     char *action;
     char *victim;
     char *args;
     int timeout;
     int async;
     void *userdata;
     void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, gint status, const char *output, gpointer user_data);
     /*! internal async track data */
     int fd_stdout;
     int last_timeout_signo;
     /*! internal timing information */
     time_t initial_start_time;
     int tries;
     int remaining_timeout;
     guint timer_sigterm;
     guint timer_sigkill;
     int max_retries;
     /* device output data */
     GPid pid;
     int rc;
     char *output;
 typedef struct stonith_private_s {
     char *token;
     crm_ipc_t *ipc;
     mainloop_io_t *source;
     GHashTable *stonith_op_callback_table;
     GList *notify_list;
     void (*op_callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data);
 } stonith_private_t;
 typedef struct stonith_notify_client_s {
     const char *event;
     const char *obj_id;         /* implement one day */
     const char *obj_type;       /* implement one day */
     void (*notify) (stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e);
 } stonith_notify_client_t;
 typedef struct stonith_callback_client_s {
     void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data);
     const char *id;
     void *user_data;
     gboolean only_success;
     gboolean allow_timeout_updates;
     struct timer_rec_s *timer;
 } stonith_callback_client_t;
 struct notify_blob_s {
     stonith_t *stonith;
     xmlNode *xml;
 struct timer_rec_s {
     int call_id;
     int timeout;
     guint ref;
     stonith_t *stonith;
 typedef int (*stonith_op_t) (const char *, int, const char *, xmlNode *,
                              xmlNode *, xmlNode *, xmlNode **, xmlNode **);
 static const char META_TEMPLATE[] =
     "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
     "<!DOCTYPE resource-agent SYSTEM \"ra-api-1.dtd\">\n"
     "<resource-agent name=\"%s\">\n"
     "  <version>1.0</version>\n"
     "  <longdesc lang=\"en\">\n"
     "  </longdesc>\n"
     "  <shortdesc lang=\"en\">%s</shortdesc>\n"
     "  <actions>\n"
     "    <action name=\"start\"   timeout=\"20\" />\n"
     "    <action name=\"stop\"    timeout=\"15\" />\n"
     "    <action name=\"status\"  timeout=\"20\" />\n"
     "    <action name=\"monitor\" timeout=\"20\" interval=\"3600\"/>\n"
     "    <action name=\"meta-data\"  timeout=\"15\" />\n"
     "  </actions>\n"
     "  <special tag=\"heartbeat\">\n"
     "    <version>2.0</version>\n" "  </special>\n" "</resource-agent>\n";
 bool stonith_dispatch(stonith_t * st);
 int stonith_dispatch_internal(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata);
 void stonith_perform_callback(stonith_t * stonith, xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc);
 xmlNode *stonith_create_op(int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data,
                            int call_options);
 int stonith_send_command(stonith_t * stonith, const char *op, xmlNode * data,
                          xmlNode ** output_data, int call_options, int timeout);
 static void stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data);
 static void stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data);
 static int internal_stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action);
 static void
 stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data)
     stonith_t *stonith = user_data;
     stonith_private_t *native = NULL;
     struct notify_blob_s blob;
     crm_trace("Sending destroyed notification");
     blob.stonith = stonith;
     blob.xml = create_xml_node(NULL, "notify");
     native = stonith->private;
     native->ipc = NULL;
     native->source = NULL;
     stonith->state = stonith_disconnected;
     crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_SUBTYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT);
     g_list_foreach(native->notify_list, stonith_send_notification, &blob);
 xmlNode *
 create_device_registration_xml(const char *id, const char *namespace, const char *agent,
                                stonith_key_value_t * params, const char *rsc_provides)
     xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     xmlNode *args = create_xml_node(data, XML_TAG_ATTRS);
     namespace = get_stonith_provider(agent, namespace);
     if (safe_str_eq(namespace, "heartbeat")) {
         hash2field((gpointer) "plugin", (gpointer) agent, args);
         agent = "fence_legacy";
     crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, "agent", agent);
     crm_xml_add(data, "namespace", namespace);
     if (rsc_provides) {
         crm_xml_add(data, "rsc_provides", rsc_provides);
     for (; params; params = params->next) {
         hash2field((gpointer) params->key, (gpointer) params->value, args);
     return data;
 static int
 stonith_api_register_device(stonith_t * st, int call_options,
                             const char *id, const char *namespace, const char *agent,
                             stonith_key_value_t * params)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_device_registration_xml(id, namespace, agent, params, NULL);
     rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, data, NULL, call_options, 0);
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_remove_device(stonith_t * st, int call_options, const char *name)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, name);
     rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, data, NULL, call_options, 0);
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_remove_level(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, int level)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_LEVEL);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_ID, level);
     rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL, data, NULL, options, 0);
     return rc;
 xmlNode *
 create_level_registration_xml(const char *node, int level, stonith_key_value_t * device_list)
     xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_LEVEL);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_ID, level);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     for (; device_list; device_list = device_list->next) {
         xmlNode *dev = create_xml_node(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
         crm_xml_add(dev, XML_ATTR_ID, device_list->value);
     return data;
 static int
 stonith_api_register_level(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, int level,
                            stonith_key_value_t * device_list)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = create_level_registration_xml(node, level, device_list);
     rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD, data, NULL, options, 0);
     return rc;
 static void
 append_arg(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     int len = 3;                /* =, \n, \0 */
     int last = 0;
     char **args = user_data;
     CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(value != NULL, return);
     if (strstr(key, "pcmk_")) {
     } else if (strstr(key, CRM_META)) {
     } else if (safe_str_eq(key, "crm_feature_set")) {
     len += strlen(key);
     len += strlen(value);
     if (*args != NULL) {
         last = strlen(*args);
     *args = realloc_safe(*args, last + len);
     crm_trace("Appending: %s=%s", (char *)key, (char *)value);
     sprintf((*args) + last, "%s=%s\n", (char *)key, (char *)value);
 static void
 append_const_arg(const char *key, const char *value, char **arg_list)
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(key && value);
     if(key && value) {
         char *glib_sucks_key = strdup(key);
         char *glib_sucks_value = strdup(value);
         append_arg(glib_sucks_key, glib_sucks_value, arg_list);
 static void
 append_host_specific_args(const char *victim, const char *map, GHashTable * params, char **arg_list)
     char *name = NULL;
     int last = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0;
     if (map == NULL) {
         /* The best default there is for now... */
         crm_debug("Using default arg map: port=uname");
         append_const_arg("port", victim, arg_list);
     max = strlen(map);
     crm_debug("Processing arg map: %s", map);
     for (; lpc < max + 1; lpc++) {
         if (isalpha(map[lpc])) {
             /* keep going */
         } else if (map[lpc] == '=' || map[lpc] == ':') {
             name = calloc(1, 1 + lpc - last);
             memcpy(name, map + last, lpc - last);
             crm_debug("Got name: %s", name);
             last = lpc + 1;
         } else if (map[lpc] == 0 || map[lpc] == ',' || isspace(map[lpc])) {
             char *param = NULL;
             const char *value = NULL;
             param = calloc(1, 1 + lpc - last);
             memcpy(param, map + last, lpc - last);
             last = lpc + 1;
             crm_debug("Got key: %s", param);
             if (name == NULL) {
                 crm_err("Misparsed '%s', found '%s' without a name", map, param);
             if (safe_str_eq(param, "uname")) {
                 value = victim;
             } else {
                 char *key = crm_meta_name(param);
                 value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, key);
             if (value) {
                 crm_debug("Setting '%s'='%s' (%s) for %s", name, value, param, victim);
                 append_const_arg(name, value, arg_list);
             } else {
                 crm_err("No node attribute '%s' for '%s'", name, victim);
             name = NULL;
             if (map[lpc] == 0) {
         } else if (isspace(map[lpc])) {
             last = lpc;
 static char *
-make_args(const char *action, const char *victim, uint32_t victim_nodeid, GHashTable * device_args,
+make_args(const char *agent, const char *action, const char *victim, uint32_t victim_nodeid, GHashTable * device_args,
           GHashTable * port_map)
     char buffer[512];
     char *arg_list = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *_action = action;
     CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, return NULL);
     buffer[511] = 0;
     snprintf(buffer, 511, "pcmk_%s_action", action);
     if (device_args) {
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, buffer);
     if (value == NULL && device_args) {
         /* Legacy support for early 1.1 releases - Remove for 1.4 */
         snprintf(buffer, 511, "pcmk_%s_cmd", action);
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, buffer);
     if (value == NULL && device_args && safe_str_eq(action, "off")) {
         /* Legacy support for late 1.1 releases - Remove for 1.4 */
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, "pcmk_poweroff_action");
     if (value) {
         crm_info("Substituting action '%s' for requested operation '%s'", value, action);
         action = value;
     append_const_arg(STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP, action, &arg_list);
     if (victim && device_args) {
         const char *alias = victim;
         const char *param = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTARG);
         if (port_map && g_hash_table_lookup(port_map, victim)) {
             alias = g_hash_table_lookup(port_map, victim);
         /* Always supply the node's name too:
          *    https://fedorahosted.org/cluster/wiki/FenceAgentAPI
         append_const_arg("nodename", victim, &arg_list);
         if (victim_nodeid) {
             char nodeid_str[33] = { 0, };
             if (snprintf(nodeid_str, 33, "%u", (unsigned int)victim_nodeid)) {
                 crm_info("For stonith action (%s) for victim %s, adding nodeid (%d) to parameters",
                          action, victim, nodeid_str);
                 append_const_arg("nodeid", nodeid_str, &arg_list);
         /* Check if we need to supply the victim in any other form */
-        if (param == NULL) {
+        if(safe_str_eq(agent, "fence_legacy")) {
+            value = agent;
+        } else if (param == NULL) {
             const char *map = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, STONITH_ATTR_ARGMAP);
             if (map == NULL) {
                 param = "port";
                 value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, param);
             } else {
                 /* Legacy handling */
                 append_host_specific_args(alias, map, device_args, &arg_list);
                 value = map;    /* Nothing more to do */
         } else if (safe_str_eq(param, "none")) {
             value = param;      /* Nothing more to do */
         } else {
             value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, param);
         /* Don't overwrite explictly set values for $param */
         if (value == NULL || safe_str_eq(value, "dynamic")) {
             crm_debug("Performing %s action for node '%s' as '%s=%s'", action, victim, param,
             append_const_arg(param, alias, &arg_list);
     if (device_args) {
         g_hash_table_foreach(device_args, append_arg, &arg_list);
     if(device_args && g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP)) {
            || safe_str_eq(_action,"status")
            || safe_str_eq(_action,"monitor")
            || safe_str_eq(_action,"metadata")) {
             /* Force use of the calculated command for support ops
              * We don't want list or monitor ops initiating fencing, regardless of what the admin configured
             append_const_arg(STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP, action, &arg_list);
     return arg_list;
 static gboolean
 st_child_term(gpointer data)
     int rc = 0;
     stonith_action_t *track = data;
     crm_info("Child %d timed out, sending SIGTERM", track->pid);
     track->timer_sigterm = 0;
     track->last_timeout_signo = SIGTERM;
     rc = kill(-track->pid, SIGTERM);
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't send SIGTERM to %d", track->pid);
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 st_child_kill(gpointer data)
     int rc = 0;
     stonith_action_t *track = data;
     crm_info("Child %d timed out, sending SIGKILL", track->pid);
     track->timer_sigkill = 0;
     track->last_timeout_signo = SIGKILL;
     rc = kill(-track->pid, SIGKILL);
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't send SIGKILL to %d", track->pid);
     return FALSE;
 static void
 stonith_action_clear_tracking_data(stonith_action_t * action)
     if (action->timer_sigterm > 0) {
         action->timer_sigterm = 0;
     if (action->timer_sigkill > 0) {
         action->timer_sigkill = 0;
     if (action->fd_stdout) {
         action->fd_stdout = 0;
     action->output = NULL;
     action->rc = 0;
     action->pid = 0;
     action->last_timeout_signo = 0;
 static void
 stonith_action_destroy(stonith_action_t * action)
 stonith_action_t *
 stonith_action_create(const char *agent,
                       const char *_action,
                       const char *victim,
                       uint32_t victim_nodeid,
                       int timeout, GHashTable * device_args, GHashTable * port_map)
     stonith_action_t *action;
     action = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_action_t));
     crm_debug("Initiating action %s for agent %s (target=%s)", _action, agent, victim);
-    action->args = make_args(_action, victim, victim_nodeid, device_args, port_map);
+    action->args = make_args(agent, _action, victim, victim_nodeid, device_args, port_map);
     action->agent = strdup(agent);
     action->action = strdup(_action);
     if (victim) {
         action->victim = strdup(victim);
     action->timeout = action->remaining_timeout = timeout;
     action->max_retries = FAILURE_MAX_RETRIES;
     if (device_args) {
         char buffer[512];
         const char *value = NULL;
         snprintf(buffer, 511, "pcmk_%s_retries", _action);
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, buffer);
         if (value) {
             action->max_retries = atoi(value);
     return action;
 #define READ_MAX 500
 static char *
 read_output(int fd)
     char buffer[READ_MAX];
     char *output = NULL;
     int len = 0;
     int more = 0;
     if (!fd) {
         return NULL;
     do {
         errno = 0;
         memset(&buffer, 0, READ_MAX);
         more = read(fd, buffer, READ_MAX - 1);
         if (more > 0) {
             buffer[more] = 0; /* Make sure its nul-terminated for logging
                               * 'more' is always less than our buffer size
             crm_trace("Got %d more bytes: %.200s...", more, buffer);
             output = realloc_safe(output, len + more + 1);
             snprintf(output + len, more + 1, "%s", buffer);
             len += more;
     } while (more == (READ_MAX - 1) || (more < 0 && errno == EINTR));
     return output;
 static gboolean
 update_remaining_timeout(stonith_action_t * action)
     int diff = time(NULL) - action->initial_start_time;
     if (action->tries >= action->max_retries) {
         crm_info("Attempted to execute agent %s (%s) the maximum number of times (%d) allowed",
                  action->agent, action->action, action->max_retries);
         action->remaining_timeout = 0;
     } else if ((action->rc != -ETIME) && diff < (action->timeout * 0.7)) {
         /* only set remaining timeout period if there is 30%
          * or greater of the original timeout period left */
         action->remaining_timeout = action->timeout - diff;
     } else {
         action->remaining_timeout = 0;
     return action->remaining_timeout ? TRUE : FALSE;
 static void
 stonith_action_async_done(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode)
     stonith_action_t *action = mainloop_child_userdata(p);
     if (action->timer_sigterm > 0) {
         action->timer_sigterm = 0;
     if (action->timer_sigkill > 0) {
         action->timer_sigkill = 0;
     if (action->last_timeout_signo) {
         action->rc = -ETIME;
         crm_notice("Child process %d performing action '%s' timed out with signal %d",
                    pid, action->action, action->last_timeout_signo);
     } else if (signo) {
         action->rc = -ECONNABORTED;
         crm_notice("Child process %d performing action '%s' timed out with signal %d",
                    pid, action->action, signo);
     } else {
         action->rc = exitcode;
         crm_debug("Child process %d performing action '%s' exited with rc %d",
                   pid, action->action, exitcode);
     action->output = read_output(action->fd_stdout);
     if (action->rc != pcmk_ok && update_remaining_timeout(action)) {
         int rc = internal_stonith_action_execute(action);
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
     if (action->done_cb) {
         action->done_cb(pid, action->rc, action->output, action->userdata);
 static int
 internal_stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action)
     int pid, status, len, rc = -EPROTO;
     int ret;
     int total = 0;
     int p_read_fd, p_write_fd;  /* parent read/write file descriptors */
     int c_read_fd, c_write_fd;  /* child read/write file descriptors */
     int fd1[2];
     int fd2[2];
     int is_retry = 0;
     /* clear any previous tracking data */
     if (!action->tries) {
         action->initial_start_time = time(NULL);
     if (action->tries > 1) {
         crm_info("Attempt %d to execute %s (%s). remaining timeout is %d",
                  action->tries, action->agent, action->action, action->remaining_timeout);
         is_retry = 1;
     c_read_fd = c_write_fd = p_read_fd = p_write_fd = -1;
     if (action->args == NULL || action->agent == NULL)
         goto fail;
     len = strlen(action->args);
     if (pipe(fd1))
         goto fail;
     p_read_fd = fd1[0];
     c_write_fd = fd1[1];
     if (pipe(fd2))
         goto fail;
     c_read_fd = fd2[0];
     p_write_fd = fd2[1];
     pid = fork();
     if (pid < 0) {
         rc = -ECHILD;
         goto fail;
     if (!pid) {
         /* child */
         setpgid(0, 0);
         /* coverity[leaked_handle] False positive */
         if (dup(c_write_fd) < 0)
             goto fail;
         /* coverity[leaked_handle] False positive */
         if (dup(c_write_fd) < 0)
             goto fail;
         /* coverity[leaked_handle] False positive */
         if (dup(c_read_fd) < 0)
             goto fail;
         /* keep c_write_fd open so parent can report all errors. */
         /* keep retries from executing out of control */
         if (is_retry) {
         execlp(action->agent, action->agent, NULL);
     /* parent */
     action->pid = pid;
     ret = fcntl(p_read_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(p_read_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);
     if (ret < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_NOTICE, "Could not change the output of %s to be non-blocking",
     do {
         crm_debug("sending args");
         ret = write(p_write_fd, action->args + total, len - total);
         if (ret > 0) {
             total += ret;
     } while (errno == EINTR && total < len);
     if (total != len) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Sent %d not %d bytes", total, len);
         if (ret >= 0) {
             rc = -ECOMM;
         goto fail;
     close(p_write_fd); p_write_fd = -1;
     /* async */
     if (action->async) {
         action->fd_stdout = p_read_fd;
         mainloop_child_add(pid, 0/* Move the timeout here? */, action->action, action, stonith_action_async_done);
         crm_trace("Op: %s on %s, pid: %d, timeout: %ds", action->action, action->agent, pid,
         action->last_timeout_signo = 0;
         if (action->remaining_timeout) {
             action->timer_sigterm =
                 g_timeout_add(1000 * action->remaining_timeout, st_child_term, action);
             action->timer_sigkill =
                 g_timeout_add(1000 * (action->remaining_timeout + 5), st_child_kill, action);
         } else {
             crm_err("No timeout set for stonith operation %s with device %s",
                     action->action, action->agent);
         return 0;
     } else {
         /* sync */
         int timeout = action->remaining_timeout + 1;
         pid_t p = 0;
         while (action->remaining_timeout < 0 || timeout > 0) {
             p = waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG);
             if (p > 0) {
         if (timeout == 0) {
             int killrc = kill(-pid, SIGKILL);
             if (killrc && errno != ESRCH) {
                 crm_err("kill(%d, KILL) failed: %s (%d)", pid, pcmk_strerror(errno), errno);
              * From sigprocmask(2):
              * It is not possible to block SIGKILL or SIGSTOP.  Attempts to do so are silently ignored.
              * This makes it safe to skip WNOHANG here
             p = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
         if (p <= 0) {
             crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "waitpid(%d)", pid);
         } else if (p != pid) {
             crm_err("Waited for %d, got %d", pid, p);
         action->output = read_output(p_read_fd);
         action->rc = -ECONNABORTED;
         rc = action->rc;
         if (timeout == 0) {
             action->rc = -ETIME;
         } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
             crm_debug("result = %d", WEXITSTATUS(status));
             action->rc = -WEXITSTATUS(status);
             rc = 0;
         } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
             crm_err("call %s for %s exited due to signal %d", action->action, action->agent,
         } else {
             crm_err("call %s for %s exited abnormally. stopped=%d, continued=%d",
                     action->action, action->agent, WIFSTOPPED(status), WIFCONTINUED(status));
     if (p_read_fd >= 0) {
     if (p_write_fd >= 0) {
     if (c_read_fd >= 0) {
     if (c_write_fd >= 0) {
     return rc;
 stonith_action_execute_async(stonith_action_t * action,
                              void *userdata,
                              void (*done) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output,
                                            gpointer user_data))
     int rc = 0;
     if (!action) {
         return -1;
     action->userdata = userdata;
     action->done_cb = done;
     action->async = 1;
     rc = internal_stonith_action_execute(action);
     return rc < 0 ? rc : action->pid;
 stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action, int *agent_result, char **output)
     int rc = 0;
     if (!action) {
         return -1;
     do {
         rc = internal_stonith_action_execute(action);
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
             /* success! */
         /* keep retrying while we have time left */
     } while (update_remaining_timeout(action));
     if (rc) {
         /* error */
         return rc;
     if (agent_result) {
         *agent_result = action->rc;
     if (output) {
         *output = action->output;
         action->output = NULL;  /* handed it off, do not free */
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_device_list(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *namespace,
                         stonith_key_value_t ** devices, int timeout)
     int count = 0;
     if (devices == NULL) {
         crm_err("Parameter error: stonith_api_device_list");
         return -EFAULT;
     /* Include Heartbeat agents */
     if (namespace == NULL || safe_str_eq("heartbeat", namespace)) {
         static gboolean need_init = TRUE;
         char **entry = NULL;
         char **type_list = NULL;
         static char **(*type_list_fn) (void) = NULL;
         static void (*type_free_fn) (char **) = NULL;
         if (need_init) {
             need_init = FALSE;
             type_list_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_types", FALSE);
             type_free_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_free_hostlist",
         if (type_list_fn) {
             type_list = (*type_list_fn) ();
         for (entry = type_list; entry != NULL && *entry; ++entry) {
             crm_trace("Added: %s", *entry);
             *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, *entry);
         if (type_list && type_free_fn) {
             (*type_free_fn) (type_list);
         if (namespace != NULL) {
             return -EINVAL;     /* Heartbeat agents not supported */
     /* Include Red Hat agents, basically: ls -1 @sbin_dir@/fence_* */
     if (namespace == NULL || safe_str_eq("redhat", namespace)) {
         struct dirent **namelist;
         int file_num = scandir(RH_STONITH_DIR, &namelist, 0, alphasort);
         if (file_num > 0) {
             struct stat prop;
             char buffer[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
             while (file_num--) {
                 if ('.' == namelist[file_num]->d_name[0]) {
                 } else if (0 != strncmp(RH_STONITH_PREFIX,
                                         namelist[file_num]->d_name, strlen(RH_STONITH_PREFIX))) {
                 snprintf(buffer, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", RH_STONITH_DIR, namelist[file_num]->d_name);
                 if (stat(buffer, &prop) == 0 && S_ISREG(prop.st_mode)) {
                     *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, namelist[file_num]->d_name);
     return count;
 static inline char *
 strdup_null(const char *val)
     if (val) {
         return strdup(val);
     return NULL;
 static void
 stonith_plugin(int priority, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
 static void
 stonith_plugin(int priority, const char *format, ...)
     int err = errno;
     va_list ap;
     int len = 0;
     char *string = NULL;
     va_start(ap, format);
     len = vasprintf (&string, format, ap);
     CRM_ASSERT(len > 0);
     do_crm_log_alias(priority, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, "%s", string);
     errno = err;
 static int
 stonith_api_device_metadata(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *agent,
                             const char *namespace, char **output, int timeout)
     int rc = 0;
     char *buffer = NULL;
     const char *provider = get_stonith_provider(agent, namespace);
     crm_trace("looking up %s/%s metadata", agent, provider);
     /* By having this in a library, we can access it from stonith_admin
      *  when neither lrmd or stonith-ng are running
      * Important for the crm shell's validations...
     if (safe_str_eq(provider, "redhat")) {
         stonith_action_t *action = stonith_action_create(agent, "metadata", NULL, 0, 5, NULL, NULL);
         int exec_rc = stonith_action_execute(action, &rc, &buffer);
         if (exec_rc < 0 || rc != 0 || buffer == NULL) {
             crm_debug("Query failed: %d %d: %s", exec_rc, rc, crm_str(buffer));
             free(buffer);       /* Just in case */
             return -EINVAL;
         } else {
             xmlNode *xml = string2xml(buffer);
             xmlNode *actions = NULL;
             xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = NULL;
             xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, "//actions");
             if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) {
                 actions = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0);
             /* Now fudge the metadata so that the start/stop actions appear */
             xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, "//action[@name='stop']");
             if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) <= 0) {
                 xmlNode *tmp = NULL;
                 tmp = create_xml_node(actions, "action");
                 crm_xml_add(tmp, "name", "stop");
                 crm_xml_add(tmp, "timeout", "20s");
                 tmp = create_xml_node(actions, "action");
                 crm_xml_add(tmp, "name", "start");
                 crm_xml_add(tmp, "timeout", "20s");
             /* Now fudge the metadata so that the port isn't required in the configuration */
             xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, "//parameter[@name='port']");
             if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) {
                 /* We'll fill this in */
                 xmlNode *tmp = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0);
                 crm_xml_add(tmp, "required", "0");
             buffer = dump_xml_formatted(xml);
             if (!buffer) {
                 return -EINVAL;
     } else {
         return -EINVAL;         /* Heartbeat agents not supported */
         int bufferlen = 0;
         static const char *no_parameter_info = "<!-- no value -->";
         Stonith *stonith_obj = NULL;
         static gboolean need_init = TRUE;
         static Stonith *(*st_new_fn) (const char *) = NULL;
         static const char *(*st_info_fn) (Stonith *, int) = NULL;
         static void (*st_del_fn) (Stonith *) = NULL;
         static void (*st_log_fn) (Stonith *, PILLogFun) = NULL;
         if (need_init) {
             need_init = FALSE;
             st_new_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_new", FALSE);
             st_del_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_delete",
             st_log_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_set_log",
             st_info_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_get_info",
         if (lha_agents_lib && st_new_fn && st_del_fn && st_info_fn && st_log_fn) {
             char *xml_meta_longdesc = NULL;
             char *xml_meta_shortdesc = NULL;
             char *meta_param = NULL;
             char *meta_longdesc = NULL;
             char *meta_shortdesc = NULL;
             stonith_obj = (*st_new_fn) (agent);
             if (stonith_obj) {
                 (*st_log_fn) (stonith_obj, (PILLogFun) & stonith_plugin);
                 meta_longdesc = strdup_null((*st_info_fn) (stonith_obj, ST_DEVICEDESCR));
                 if (meta_longdesc == NULL) {
                     crm_warn("no long description in %s's metadata.", agent);
                     meta_longdesc = strdup(no_parameter_info);
                 meta_shortdesc = strdup_null((*st_info_fn) (stonith_obj, ST_DEVICEID));
                 if (meta_shortdesc == NULL) {
                     crm_warn("no short description in %s's metadata.", agent);
                     meta_shortdesc = strdup(no_parameter_info);
                 meta_param = strdup_null((*st_info_fn) (stonith_obj, ST_CONF_XML));
                 if (meta_param == NULL) {
                     crm_warn("no list of parameters in %s's metadata.", agent);
                     meta_param = strdup(no_parameter_info);
                 (*st_del_fn) (stonith_obj);
             } else {
                 return -EINVAL; /* Heartbeat agents not supported */
             xml_meta_longdesc =
                 (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, (const unsigned char *)meta_longdesc);
             xml_meta_shortdesc =
                 (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, (const unsigned char *)meta_shortdesc);
             bufferlen = strlen(META_TEMPLATE) + strlen(agent)
                 + strlen(xml_meta_longdesc) + strlen(xml_meta_shortdesc)
                 + strlen(meta_param) + 1;
             buffer = calloc(1, bufferlen);
             snprintf(buffer, bufferlen - 1, META_TEMPLATE,
                      agent, xml_meta_longdesc, xml_meta_shortdesc, meta_param);
     if (output) {
         *output = buffer;
     } else {
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_query(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *target,
                   stonith_key_value_t ** devices, int timeout)
     int rc = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     xmlNode *output = NULL;
     xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(devices != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, target);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, "off");
     rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_QUERY, data, &output, call_options, timeout);
     if (rc < 0) {
         return rc;
     xpathObj = xpath_search(output, "//@agent");
     if (xpathObj) {
         max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
         for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
             xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
             CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL);
             if(match != NULL) {
                 crm_info("%s[%d] = %s", "//@agent", lpc, xmlGetNodePath(match));
                 *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, crm_element_value(match, XML_ATTR_ID));
     return max;
 static int
 stonith_api_call(stonith_t * stonith,
                  int call_options,
                  const char *id,
                  const char *action, const char *victim, int timeout, xmlNode ** output)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, id);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, victim);
     rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_EXEC, data, output, call_options, timeout);
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_list(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, char **list_info,
                  int timeout)
     int rc;
     xmlNode *output = NULL;
     rc = stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "list", NULL, timeout, &output);
     if (output && list_info) {
         const char *list_str;
         list_str = crm_element_value(output, "st_output");
         if (list_str) {
             *list_info = strdup(list_str);
     if (output) {
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_monitor(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, int timeout)
     return stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "monitor", NULL, timeout, NULL);
 static int
 stonith_api_status(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, const char *port,
                    int timeout)
     return stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "status", port, timeout, NULL);
 static int
 stonith_api_fence(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *node, const char *action,
                   int timeout, int tolerance)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, F_STONITH_TOLERANCE, tolerance);
     rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE, data, NULL, call_options, timeout);
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_confirm(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *target)
     return stonith_api_fence(stonith, call_options | st_opt_manual_ack, target, "off", 0, 0);
 static int
 stonith_api_history(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *node,
                     stonith_history_t ** history, int timeout)
     int rc = 0;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     xmlNode *output = NULL;
     stonith_history_t *last = NULL;
     *history = NULL;
     if (node) {
         data = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
         crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node);
     rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE_HISTORY, data, &output,
                               call_options | st_opt_sync_call, timeout);
     if (rc == 0) {
         xmlNode *op = NULL;
         xmlNode *reply = get_xpath_object("//" F_STONITH_HISTORY_LIST, output, LOG_ERR);
         for (op = __xml_first_child(reply); op != NULL; op = __xml_next(op)) {
             stonith_history_t *kvp;
             kvp = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_history_t));
             kvp->target = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_TARGET);
             kvp->action = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_ACTION);
             kvp->origin = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_ORIGIN);
             kvp->delegate = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_DELEGATE);
             kvp->client = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME);
             crm_element_value_int(op, F_STONITH_DATE, &kvp->completed);
             crm_element_value_int(op, F_STONITH_STATE, &kvp->state);
             if (last) {
                 last->next = kvp;
             } else {
                 *history = kvp;
             last = kvp;
     return rc;
 is_redhat_agent(const char *agent)
     int rc = 0;
     struct stat prop;
     char buffer[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
     snprintf(buffer, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", RH_STONITH_DIR, agent);
     rc = stat(buffer, &prop);
     if (rc >= 0 && S_ISREG(prop.st_mode)) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 const char *
 get_stonith_provider(const char *agent, const char *provider)
     /* This function sucks */
     if (is_redhat_agent(agent)) {
         return "redhat";
     } else {
         Stonith *stonith_obj = NULL;
         static gboolean need_init = TRUE;
         static Stonith *(*st_new_fn) (const char *) = NULL;
         static void (*st_del_fn) (Stonith *) = NULL;
         if (need_init) {
             need_init = FALSE;
             st_new_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_new", FALSE);
             st_del_fn =
                 find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_delete",
         if (lha_agents_lib && st_new_fn && st_del_fn) {
             stonith_obj = (*st_new_fn) (agent);
             if (stonith_obj) {
                 (*st_del_fn) (stonith_obj);
                 return "heartbeat";
     crm_err("No such device: %s", agent);
     return NULL;
 static gint
 stonithlib_GCompareFunc(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     int rc = 0;
     const stonith_notify_client_t *a_client = a;
     const stonith_notify_client_t *b_client = b;
     CRM_CHECK(a_client->event != NULL && b_client->event != NULL, return 0);
     rc = strcmp(a_client->event, b_client->event);
     if (rc == 0) {
         if (a_client->notify == NULL || b_client->notify == NULL) {
             return 0;
         } else if (a_client->notify == b_client->notify) {
             return 0;
         } else if (((long)a_client->notify) < ((long)b_client->notify)) {
             crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p",
                     a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify);
             return -1;
         crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p",
                 a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify);
         return 1;
     return rc;
 xmlNode *
 stonith_create_op(int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data, int call_options)
     xmlNode *op_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command");
     CRM_CHECK(op_msg != NULL, return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(token != NULL, return NULL);
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_XML_TAGNAME, "stonith_command");
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG);
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLBACK_TOKEN, token);
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op);
     crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, call_id);
     crm_trace("Sending call options: %.8lx, %d", (long)call_options, call_options);
     crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, call_options);
     if (data != NULL) {
         add_message_xml(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data);
     return op_msg;
 static void
 stonith_destroy_op_callback(gpointer data)
     stonith_callback_client_t *blob = data;
     if (blob->timer && blob->timer->ref > 0) {
 static int
 stonith_api_signoff(stonith_t * stonith)
     stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private;
     crm_debug("Signing out of the STONITH Service");
     if (native->source != NULL) {
         /* Attached to mainloop */
         native->source = NULL;
         native->ipc = NULL;
     } else if (native->ipc) {
         /* Not attached to mainloop */
         crm_ipc_t *ipc = native->ipc;
         native->ipc = NULL;
     free(native->token); native->token = NULL;
     stonith->state = stonith_disconnected;
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 stonith_api_signon(stonith_t * stonith, const char *name, int *stonith_fd)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private;
     static struct ipc_client_callbacks st_callbacks = {
         .dispatch = stonith_dispatch_internal,
         .destroy = stonith_connection_destroy
     crm_trace("Connecting command channel");
     stonith->state = stonith_connected_command;
     if (stonith_fd) {
         /* No mainloop */
         native->ipc = crm_ipc_new("stonith-ng", 0);
         if (native->ipc && crm_ipc_connect(native->ipc)) {
             *stonith_fd = crm_ipc_get_fd(native->ipc);
         } else if (native->ipc) {
             rc = -ENOTCONN;
     } else {
         /* With mainloop */
         native->source =
             mainloop_add_ipc_client("stonith-ng", G_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 0, stonith, &st_callbacks);
         native->ipc = mainloop_get_ipc_client(native->source);
     if (native->ipc == NULL) {
         crm_debug("Could not connect to the Stonith API");
         rc = -ENOTCONN;
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         xmlNode *reply = NULL;
         xmlNode *hello = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command");
         crm_xml_add(hello, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG);
         crm_xml_add(hello, F_STONITH_OPERATION, CRM_OP_REGISTER);
         crm_xml_add(hello, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, name);
         rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, hello, crm_ipc_client_response, -1, &reply);
         if (rc < 0) {
             crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't complete registration with the fencing API: %d", rc);
             rc = -ECOMM;
         } else if (reply == NULL) {
             crm_err("Did not receive registration reply");
             rc = -EPROTO;
         } else {
             const char *msg_type = crm_element_value(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION);
             const char *tmp_ticket = crm_element_value(reply, F_STONITH_CLIENTID);
             if (safe_str_neq(msg_type, CRM_OP_REGISTER)) {
                 crm_err("Invalid registration message: %s", msg_type);
                 crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Bad reply");
                 rc = -EPROTO;
             } else if (tmp_ticket == NULL) {
                 crm_err("No registration token provided");
                 crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Bad reply");
                 rc = -EPROTO;
             } else {
                 crm_trace("Obtained registration token: %s", tmp_ticket);
                 native->token = strdup(tmp_ticket);
                 rc = pcmk_ok;
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         stonith->call_timeout = MAX_IPC_DELAY;
         crm_debug("Connection to STONITH successful");
         return pcmk_ok;
     crm_debug("Connection to STONITH failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_set_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *callback, int enabled)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *notify_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
     stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private;
     if (stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) {
         crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY);
         if (enabled) {
             crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE, callback);
         } else {
             crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE, callback);
         rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, notify_msg, crm_ipc_client_response, -1, NULL);
         if (rc < 0) {
             crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't register for fencing notifications: %d", rc);
             rc = -ECOMM;
         } else {
             rc = pcmk_ok;
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith_api_add_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *event,
                              void (*callback) (stonith_t * stonith, stonith_event_t * e))
     GList *list_item = NULL;
     stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     private = stonith->private;
     crm_trace("Adding callback for %s events (%d)", event, g_list_length(private->notify_list));
     new_client = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t));
     new_client->event = event;
     new_client->notify = callback;
     list_item = g_list_find_custom(private->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc);
     if (list_item != NULL) {
         crm_warn("Callback already present");
         return -ENOTUNIQ;
     } else {
         private->notify_list = g_list_append(private->notify_list, new_client);
         stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 1);
         crm_trace("Callback added (%d)", g_list_length(private->notify_list));
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 stonith_api_del_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *event)
     GList *list_item = NULL;
     stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     crm_debug("Removing callback for %s events", event);
     private = stonith->private;
     new_client = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t));
     new_client->event = event;
     new_client->notify = NULL;
     list_item = g_list_find_custom(private->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc);
     stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 0);
     if (list_item != NULL) {
         stonith_notify_client_t *list_client = list_item->data;
         private->notify_list = g_list_remove(private->notify_list, list_client);
         crm_trace("Removed callback");
     } else {
         crm_trace("Callback not present");
     return pcmk_ok;
 static gboolean
 stonith_async_timeout_handler(gpointer data)
     struct timer_rec_s *timer = data;
     crm_err("Async call %d timed out after %dms", timer->call_id, timer->timeout);
     stonith_perform_callback(timer->stonith, NULL, timer->call_id, -ETIME);
     /* Always return TRUE, never remove the handler
      * We do that in stonith_del_callback()
     return TRUE;
 static void
 set_callback_timeout(stonith_callback_client_t * callback, stonith_t * stonith, int call_id,
                      int timeout)
     struct timer_rec_s *async_timer = callback->timer;
     if (timeout <= 0) {
     if (!async_timer) {
         async_timer = calloc(1, sizeof(struct timer_rec_s));
         callback->timer = async_timer;
     async_timer->stonith = stonith;
     async_timer->call_id = call_id;
     /* Allow a fair bit of grace to allow the server to tell us of a timeout
      * This is only a fallback
     async_timer->timeout = (timeout + 60) * 1000;
     if (async_timer->ref) {
     async_timer->ref =
         g_timeout_add(async_timer->timeout, stonith_async_timeout_handler, async_timer);
 static void
 update_callback_timeout(int call_id, int timeout, stonith_t * st)
     stonith_callback_client_t *callback = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = st->private;
     callback = g_hash_table_lookup(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id));
     if (!callback || !callback->allow_timeout_updates) {
     set_callback_timeout(callback, st, call_id, timeout);
 static void
 invoke_callback(stonith_t * st, int call_id, int rc, void *userdata,
                 void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data))
     stonith_callback_data_t data = { 0, };
     data.call_id = call_id;
     data.rc = rc;
     data.userdata = userdata;
     callback(st, &data);
 static int
 stonith_api_add_callback(stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, int timeout, int options,
                          void *user_data, const char *callback_name,
                          void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data))
     stonith_callback_client_t *blob = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     CRM_CHECK(stonith->private != NULL, return -EINVAL);
     private = stonith->private;
     if (call_id == 0) {
         private->op_callback = callback;
     } else if (call_id < 0) {
         if (!(options & st_opt_report_only_success)) {
             crm_trace("Call failed, calling %s: %s", callback_name, pcmk_strerror(call_id));
             invoke_callback(stonith, call_id, call_id, user_data, callback);
         } else {
             crm_warn("STONITH call failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(call_id));
         return FALSE;
     blob = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_callback_client_t));
     blob->id = callback_name;
     blob->only_success = (options & st_opt_report_only_success) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     blob->user_data = user_data;
     blob->callback = callback;
     blob->allow_timeout_updates = (options & st_opt_timeout_updates) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     if (timeout > 0) {
         set_callback_timeout(blob, stonith, call_id, timeout);
     g_hash_table_insert(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id), blob);
     crm_trace("Added callback to %s for call %d", callback_name, call_id);
     return TRUE;
 static int
 stonith_api_del_callback(stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, bool all_callbacks)
     stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private;
     if (all_callbacks) {
         private->op_callback = NULL;
         private->stonith_op_callback_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal,
     } else if (call_id == 0) {
         private->op_callback = NULL;
     } else {
         g_hash_table_remove(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id));
     return pcmk_ok;
 static void
 stonith_dump_pending_op(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     int call = GPOINTER_TO_INT(key);
     stonith_callback_client_t *blob = value;
     crm_debug("Call %d (%s): pending", call, crm_str(blob->id));
 stonith_dump_pending_callbacks(stonith_t * stonith)
     stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private;
     if (private->stonith_op_callback_table == NULL) {
     return g_hash_table_foreach(private->stonith_op_callback_table, stonith_dump_pending_op, NULL);
 stonith_perform_callback(stonith_t * stonith, xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc)
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     stonith_callback_client_t *blob = NULL;
     stonith_callback_client_t local_blob;
     CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(stonith->private != NULL, return);
     private = stonith->private;
     local_blob.id = NULL;
     local_blob.callback = NULL;
     local_blob.user_data = NULL;
     local_blob.only_success = FALSE;
     if (msg != NULL) {
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_RC, &rc);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call_id);
     CRM_CHECK(call_id > 0, crm_log_xml_err(msg, "Bad result"));
     blob = g_hash_table_lookup(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id));
     if (blob != NULL) {
         local_blob = *blob;
         blob = NULL;
         stonith_api_del_callback(stonith, call_id, FALSE);
     } else {
         crm_trace("No callback found for call %d", call_id);
         local_blob.callback = NULL;
     if (local_blob.callback != NULL && (rc == pcmk_ok || local_blob.only_success == FALSE)) {
         crm_trace("Invoking callback %s for call %d", crm_str(local_blob.id), call_id);
         invoke_callback(stonith, call_id, rc, local_blob.user_data, local_blob.callback);
     } else if (private->op_callback == NULL && rc != pcmk_ok) {
         crm_warn("STONITH command failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));
         crm_log_xml_debug(msg, "Failed STONITH Update");
     if (private->op_callback != NULL) {
         crm_trace("Invoking global callback for call %d", call_id);
         invoke_callback(stonith, call_id, rc, NULL, private->op_callback);
     crm_trace("OP callback activated.");
  <notify t="st_notify" subt="st_device_register" st_op="st_device_register" st_rc="0" >
    <st_calldata >
      <stonith_command t="stonith-ng" st_async_id="088fb640-431a-48b9-b2fc-c4ff78d0a2d9" st_op="st_device_register" st_callid="2" st_callopt="4096" st_timeout="0" st_clientid="088fb640-431a-48b9-b2fc-c4ff78d0a2d9" st_clientname="stonith-test" >
        <st_calldata >
          <st_device_id id="test-id" origin="create_device_registration_xml" agent="fence_virsh" namespace="stonith-ng" >
            <attributes ipaddr="localhost" pcmk-portmal="some-host=pcmk-1 pcmk-3=3,4" login="root" identity_file="/root/.ssh/id_dsa" />
  <notify t="st_notify" subt="st_notify_fence" st_op="st_notify_fence" st_rc="0" >
    <st_calldata >
      <st_notify_fence st_rc="0" st_target="some-host" st_op="st_fence" st_delegate="test-id" st_origin="61dd7759-e229-4be7-b1f8-ef49dd14d9f0" />
 static stonith_event_t *
 xml_to_event(xmlNode * msg)
     stonith_event_t *event = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_event_t));
     const char *ntype = crm_element_value(msg, F_SUBTYPE);
     char *data_addr = crm_strdup_printf("//%s", ntype);
     xmlNode *data = get_xpath_object(data_addr, msg, LOG_DEBUG);
     crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "stonith_notify");
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_RC, &(event->result));
     if (safe_str_eq(ntype, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE)) {
         event->operation = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION);
         if (data) {
             event->origin = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN);
             event->action = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_ACTION);
             event->target = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_TARGET);
             event->executioner = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_DELEGATE);
             event->id = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID);
             event->client_origin = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME);
             event->device = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE);
         } else {
             crm_err("No data for %s event", ntype);
             crm_log_xml_notice(msg, "BadEvent");
     return event;
 static void
 event_free(stonith_event_t * event)
 static void
 stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
     struct notify_blob_s *blob = user_data;
     stonith_notify_client_t *entry = data;
     stonith_event_t *st_event = NULL;
     const char *event = NULL;
     if (blob->xml == NULL) {
         crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL message");
     event = crm_element_value(blob->xml, F_SUBTYPE);
     if (entry == NULL) {
         crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback client");
     } else if (entry->notify == NULL) {
         crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback");
     } else if (safe_str_neq(entry->event, event)) {
         crm_trace("Skipping callback - event mismatch %p/%s vs. %s", entry, entry->event, event);
     st_event = xml_to_event(blob->xml);
     crm_trace("Invoking callback for %p/%s event...", entry, event);
     entry->notify(blob->stonith, st_event);
     crm_trace("Callback invoked...");
 stonith_send_command(stonith_t * stonith, const char *op, xmlNode * data, xmlNode ** output_data,
                      int call_options, int timeout)
     int rc = 0;
     int reply_id = -1;
     enum crm_ipc_flags ipc_flags = crm_ipc_flags_none;
     xmlNode *op_msg = NULL;
     xmlNode *op_reply = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private;
     if (stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) {
         return -ENOTCONN;
     if (output_data != NULL) {
         *output_data = NULL;
     if (op == NULL) {
         crm_err("No operation specified");
         return -EINVAL;
     if (call_options & st_opt_sync_call) {
         ipc_flags |= crm_ipc_client_response;
     /* prevent call_id from being negative (or zero) and conflicting
      *    with the stonith_errors enum
      * use 2 because we use it as (stonith->call_id - 1) below
     if (stonith->call_id < 1) {
         stonith->call_id = 1;
     CRM_CHECK(native->token != NULL,;
     op_msg = stonith_create_op(stonith->call_id, native->token, op, data, call_options);
     if (op_msg == NULL) {
         return -EINVAL;
     crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout);
     crm_trace("Sending %s message to STONITH service, Timeout: %ds", op, timeout);
     rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, op_msg, ipc_flags, 1000 * (timeout + 60), &op_reply);
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't perform %s operation (timeout=%ds): %d", op, timeout, rc);
         rc = -ECOMM;
         goto done;
     crm_log_xml_trace(op_reply, "Reply");
     if (!(call_options & st_opt_sync_call)) {
         crm_trace("Async call %d, returning", stonith->call_id);
         CRM_CHECK(stonith->call_id != 0, return -EPROTO);
         return stonith->call_id;
     rc = pcmk_ok;
     crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_STONITH_CALLID, &reply_id);
     if (reply_id == stonith->call_id) {
         crm_trace("Syncronous reply %d received", reply_id);
         if (crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_STONITH_RC, &rc) != 0) {
             rc = -ENOMSG;
         if ((call_options & st_opt_discard_reply) || output_data == NULL) {
             crm_trace("Discarding reply");
         } else {
             *output_data = op_reply;
             op_reply = NULL;    /* Prevent subsequent free */
     } else if (reply_id <= 0) {
         crm_err("Received bad reply: No id set");
         crm_log_xml_err(op_reply, "Bad reply");
         rc = -ENOMSG;
     } else {
         crm_err("Received bad reply: %d (wanted %d)", reply_id, stonith->call_id);
         crm_log_xml_err(op_reply, "Old reply");
         rc = -ENOMSG;
     if (crm_ipc_connected(native->ipc) == FALSE) {
         crm_err("STONITH disconnected");
         stonith->state = stonith_disconnected;
     return rc;
 /* Not used with mainloop */
 stonith_dispatch(stonith_t * st)
     gboolean stay_connected = TRUE;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(st != NULL);
     private = st->private;
     while (crm_ipc_ready(private->ipc)) {
         if (crm_ipc_read(private->ipc) > 0) {
             const char *msg = crm_ipc_buffer(private->ipc);
             stonith_dispatch_internal(msg, strlen(msg), st);
         if (crm_ipc_connected(private->ipc) == FALSE) {
             crm_err("Connection closed");
             stay_connected = FALSE;
     return stay_connected;
 stonith_dispatch_internal(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata)
     const char *type = NULL;
     struct notify_blob_s blob;
     stonith_t *st = userdata;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(st != NULL);
     private = st->private;
     blob.stonith = st;
     blob.xml = string2xml(buffer);
     if (blob.xml == NULL) {
         crm_warn("Received a NULL msg from STONITH service: %s.", buffer);
         return 0;
     /* do callbacks */
     type = crm_element_value(blob.xml, F_TYPE);
     crm_trace("Activating %s callbacks...", type);
     if (safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NG)) {
         stonith_perform_callback(st, blob.xml, 0, 0);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NOTIFY)) {
         g_list_foreach(private->notify_list, stonith_send_notification, &blob);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE)) {
         int call_id = 0;
         int timeout = 0;
         crm_element_value_int(blob.xml, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, &timeout);
         crm_element_value_int(blob.xml, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call_id);
         update_callback_timeout(call_id, timeout, st);
     } else {
         crm_err("Unknown message type: %s", type);
         crm_log_xml_warn(blob.xml, "BadReply");
     return 1;
 static int
 stonith_api_free(stonith_t * stonith)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     crm_trace("Destroying %p", stonith);
     if (stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) {
         crm_trace("Disconnecting %p first", stonith);
         rc = stonith->cmds->disconnect(stonith);
     if (stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) {
         stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private;
         crm_trace("Removing %d callbacks", g_hash_table_size(private->stonith_op_callback_table));
         crm_trace("Destroying %d notification clients", g_list_length(private->notify_list));
         g_list_free_full(private->notify_list, free);
     } else {
         crm_err("Not free'ing active connection: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     return rc;
 stonith_api_delete(stonith_t * stonith)
     crm_trace("Destroying %p", stonith);
     if(stonith) {
 stonith_t *
     stonith_t *new_stonith = NULL;
     stonith_private_t *private = NULL;
     new_stonith = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_t));
     private = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_private_t));
     new_stonith->private = private;
     private->stonith_op_callback_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal,
                                                                NULL, stonith_destroy_op_callback);
     private->notify_list = NULL;
     new_stonith->call_id = 1;
     new_stonith->state = stonith_disconnected;
     new_stonith->cmds = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_api_operations_t));
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
     new_stonith->cmds->free       = stonith_api_free;
     new_stonith->cmds->connect    = stonith_api_signon;
     new_stonith->cmds->disconnect = stonith_api_signoff;
     new_stonith->cmds->list       = stonith_api_list;
     new_stonith->cmds->monitor    = stonith_api_monitor;
     new_stonith->cmds->status     = stonith_api_status;
     new_stonith->cmds->fence      = stonith_api_fence;
     new_stonith->cmds->confirm    = stonith_api_confirm;
     new_stonith->cmds->history    = stonith_api_history;
     new_stonith->cmds->list_agents  = stonith_api_device_list;
     new_stonith->cmds->metadata     = stonith_api_device_metadata;
     new_stonith->cmds->query           = stonith_api_query;
     new_stonith->cmds->remove_device   = stonith_api_remove_device;
     new_stonith->cmds->register_device = stonith_api_register_device;
     new_stonith->cmds->remove_level    = stonith_api_remove_level;
     new_stonith->cmds->register_level  = stonith_api_register_level;
     new_stonith->cmds->remove_callback       = stonith_api_del_callback;
     new_stonith->cmds->register_callback     = stonith_api_add_callback;
     new_stonith->cmds->remove_notification   = stonith_api_del_notification;
     new_stonith->cmds->register_notification = stonith_api_add_notification;
 /* *INDENT-ON* */
     return new_stonith;
 stonith_key_value_t *
 stonith_key_value_add(stonith_key_value_t * head, const char *key, const char *value)
     stonith_key_value_t *p, *end;
     p = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_key_value_t));
     if (key) {
         p->key = strdup(key);
     if (value) {
         p->value = strdup(value);
     end = head;
     while (end && end->next) {
         end = end->next;
     if (end) {
         end->next = p;
     } else {
         head = p;
     return head;
 stonith_key_value_freeall(stonith_key_value_t * head, int keys, int values)
     stonith_key_value_t *p;
     while (head) {
         p = head->next;
         if (keys) {
         if (values) {
         head = p;
 #define api_log_open() openlog("stonith-api", LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON)
 #define api_log(level, fmt, args...) syslog(level, "%s: "fmt, __FUNCTION__, args)
 stonith_api_kick(uint32_t nodeid, const char *uname, int timeout, bool off)
     char *name = NULL;
     const char *action = "reboot";
     int rc = -EPROTO;
     stonith_t *st = NULL;
     enum stonith_call_options opts = st_opt_sync_call | st_opt_allow_suicide;
     st = stonith_api_new();
     if (st) {
         rc = st->cmds->connect(st, "stonith-api", NULL);
         if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
             api_log(LOG_ERR, "Connection failed, could not kick (%s) node %u/%s : %s (%d)", action, nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     if (uname != NULL) {
         name = strdup(uname);
     } else if (nodeid > 0) {
         opts |= st_opt_cs_nodeid;
         name = crm_itoa(nodeid);
     if (off) {
         action = "off";
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         rc = st->cmds->fence(st, opts, name, action, timeout, 0);
         if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
             api_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not kick (%s) node %u/%s : %s (%d)", action, nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         } else {
             api_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Node %u/%s kicked: %s ", nodeid, uname, action);
     if (st) {
     return rc;
 stonith_api_time(uint32_t nodeid, const char *uname, bool in_progress)
     int rc = 0;
     char *name = NULL;
     time_t when = 0;
     stonith_t *st = NULL;
     stonith_history_t *history, *hp = NULL;
     enum stonith_call_options opts = st_opt_sync_call;
     st = stonith_api_new();
     if (st) {
         rc = st->cmds->connect(st, "stonith-api", NULL);
         if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
             api_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Connection failed: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     if (uname != NULL) {
         name = strdup(uname);
     } else if (nodeid > 0) {
         opts |= st_opt_cs_nodeid;
         name = crm_itoa(nodeid);
     if (st && rc == pcmk_ok) {
         int entries = 0;
         int progress = 0;
         int completed = 0;
         rc = st->cmds->history(st, opts, name, &history, 120);
         for (hp = history; hp; hp = hp->next) {
             if (in_progress) {
                 if (hp->state != st_done && hp->state != st_failed) {
                     when = time(NULL);
             } else if (hp->state == st_done) {
                 if (hp->completed > when) {
                     when = hp->completed;
         if(rc == pcmk_ok) {
             api_log(LOG_INFO, "Found %d entries for %u/%s: %d in progress, %d completed", entries, nodeid, uname, progress, completed);
         } else {
             api_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not retrieve fence history for %u/%s: %s (%d)", nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
     if (st) {
     if(when) {
         api_log(LOG_INFO, "Node %u/%s last kicked at: %ld", nodeid, uname, (long int)when);
     return when;
 #  include <pils/plugin.h>
 const char *i_hate_pils(int rc);
 const char *
 i_hate_pils(int rc)
     return PIL_strerror(rc);
diff --git a/lib/lrmd/lrmd_client.c b/lib/lrmd/lrmd_client.c
index bf45822652..55924c9bd4 100644
--- a/lib/lrmd/lrmd_client.c
+++ b/lib/lrmd/lrmd_client.c
@@ -1,2165 +1,2166 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2012 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdarg.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/lrmd.h>
 #include <crm/services.h>
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipcs.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/stonith-ng.h>
 #  undef KEYFILE
 #  include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netinet/ip.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 static int lrmd_api_disconnect(lrmd_t * lrmd);
 static int lrmd_api_is_connected(lrmd_t * lrmd);
 /* IPC proxy functions */
 int lrmd_internal_proxy_send(lrmd_t * lrmd, xmlNode *msg);
 static void lrmd_internal_proxy_dispatch(lrmd_t *lrmd, xmlNode *msg);
 void lrmd_internal_set_proxy_callback(lrmd_t * lrmd, void *userdata, void (*callback)(lrmd_t *lrmd, void *userdata, xmlNode *msg));
 #  define LRMD_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT 5000    /* 5 seconds */
 gnutls_psk_client_credentials_t psk_cred_s;
 int lrmd_tls_set_key(gnutls_datum_t * key);
 static void lrmd_tls_disconnect(lrmd_t * lrmd);
 static int global_remote_msg_id = 0;
 int lrmd_tls_send_msg(crm_remote_t * session, xmlNode * msg, uint32_t id, const char *msg_type);
 static void lrmd_tls_connection_destroy(gpointer userdata);
 typedef struct lrmd_private_s {
     enum client_type type;
     char *token;
     mainloop_io_t *source;
     /* IPC parameters */
     crm_ipc_t *ipc;
     crm_remote_t *remote;
     /* Extra TLS parameters */
     char *remote_nodename;
     char *server;
     int port;
     gnutls_psk_client_credentials_t psk_cred_c;
     /* while the async connection is occuring, this is the id
      * of the connection timeout timer. */
     int async_timer;
     int sock;
     /* since tls requires a round trip across the network for a
      * request/reply, there are times where we just want to be able
      * to send a request from the client and not wait around (or even care
      * about) what the reply is. */
     int expected_late_replies;
     GList *pending_notify;
     crm_trigger_t *process_notify;
     lrmd_event_callback callback;
     /* Internal IPC proxy msg passing for remote guests */
     void (*proxy_callback)(lrmd_t *lrmd, void *userdata, xmlNode *msg);
     void *proxy_callback_userdata;
 } lrmd_private_t;
 static lrmd_list_t *
 lrmd_list_add(lrmd_list_t * head, const char *value)
     lrmd_list_t *p, *end;
     p = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_list_t));
     p->val = strdup(value);
     end = head;
     while (end && end->next) {
         end = end->next;
     if (end) {
         end->next = p;
     } else {
         head = p;
     return head;
 lrmd_list_freeall(lrmd_list_t * head)
     lrmd_list_t *p;
     while (head) {
         char *val = (char *)head->val;
         p = head->next;
         head = p;
 lrmd_key_value_t *
 lrmd_key_value_add(lrmd_key_value_t * head, const char *key, const char *value)
     lrmd_key_value_t *p, *end;
     p = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_key_value_t));
     p->key = strdup(key);
     p->value = strdup(value);
     end = head;
     while (end && end->next) {
         end = end->next;
     if (end) {
         end->next = p;
     } else {
         head = p;
     return head;
 lrmd_key_value_freeall(lrmd_key_value_t * head)
     lrmd_key_value_t *p;
     while (head) {
         p = head->next;
         head = p;
 static void
 dup_attr(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup(key), strdup(value));
 lrmd_event_data_t *
 lrmd_copy_event(lrmd_event_data_t * event)
     lrmd_event_data_t *copy = NULL;
     copy = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_event_data_t));
     /* This will get all the int values.
      * we just have to be careful not to leave any
      * dangling pointers to strings. */
     memcpy(copy, event, sizeof(lrmd_event_data_t));
     copy->rsc_id = event->rsc_id ? strdup(event->rsc_id) : NULL;
     copy->op_type = event->op_type ? strdup(event->op_type) : NULL;
     copy->user_data = event->user_data ? strdup(event->user_data) : NULL;
     copy->output = event->output ? strdup(event->output) : NULL;
     copy->exit_reason = event->exit_reason ? strdup(event->exit_reason) : NULL;
     copy->remote_nodename = event->remote_nodename ? strdup(event->remote_nodename) : NULL;
     if (event->params) {
         copy->params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
                                              g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
         if (copy->params != NULL) {
             g_hash_table_foreach(event->params, dup_attr, copy->params);
     return copy;
 lrmd_free_event(lrmd_event_data_t * event)
     if (!event) {
     /* free gives me grief if i try to cast */
     free((char *)event->rsc_id);
     free((char *)event->op_type);
     free((char *)event->user_data);
     free((char *)event->output);
     free((char *)event->exit_reason);
     free((char *)event->remote_nodename);
     if (event->params) {
 static int
 lrmd_dispatch_internal(lrmd_t * lrmd, xmlNode * msg)
     const char *type;
     const char *proxy_session = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_IPC_SESSION);
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     lrmd_event_data_t event = { 0, };
     if (proxy_session != NULL) {
         /* this is proxy business */
         lrmd_internal_proxy_dispatch(lrmd, msg);
         return 1;
     } else if (!native->callback) {
         /* no callback set */
         crm_trace("notify event received but client has not set callback");
         return 1;
     event.remote_nodename = native->remote_nodename;
     type = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_OPERATION);
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_CALLID, &event.call_id);
     event.rsc_id = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     if (crm_str_eq(type, LRMD_OP_RSC_REG, TRUE)) {
         event.type = lrmd_event_register;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(type, LRMD_OP_RSC_UNREG, TRUE)) {
         event.type = lrmd_event_unregister;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(type, LRMD_OP_RSC_EXEC, TRUE)) {
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_TIMEOUT, &event.timeout);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL, &event.interval);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_START_DELAY, &event.start_delay);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_EXEC_RC, (int *)&event.rc);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_OP_STATUS, &event.op_status);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_DELETED, &event.rsc_deleted);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_RUN_TIME, (int *)&event.t_run);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_RCCHANGE_TIME, (int *)&event.t_rcchange);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_EXEC_TIME, (int *)&event.exec_time);
         crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_QUEUE_TIME, (int *)&event.queue_time);
         event.op_type = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION);
         event.user_data = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_USERDATA_STR);
         event.output = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_OUTPUT);
         event.exit_reason = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_RSC_EXIT_REASON);
         event.type = lrmd_event_exec_complete;
         event.params = xml2list(msg);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(type, LRMD_OP_NEW_CLIENT, TRUE)) {
         event.type = lrmd_event_new_client;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(type, LRMD_OP_POKE, TRUE)) {
         event.type = lrmd_event_poke;
     } else {
         return 1;
     crm_trace("op %s notify event received", type);
     if (event.params) {
     return 1;
 static int
 lrmd_ipc_dispatch(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata)
     lrmd_t *lrmd = userdata;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     xmlNode *msg;
     int rc;
     if (!native->callback) {
         /* no callback set */
         return 1;
     msg = string2xml(buffer);
     rc = lrmd_dispatch_internal(lrmd, msg);
     return rc;
 static void
 lrmd_free_xml(gpointer userdata)
     free_xml((xmlNode *) userdata);
 static int
 lrmd_tls_connected(lrmd_t * lrmd)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     if (native->remote->tls_session) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static int
 lrmd_tls_dispatch(gpointer userdata)
     lrmd_t *lrmd = userdata;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     xmlNode *xml = NULL;
     int rc = 0;
     int disconnected = 0;
     if (lrmd_tls_connected(lrmd) == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("tls dispatch triggered after disconnect");
         return 0;
     crm_trace("tls_dispatch triggered");
     /* First check if there are any pending notifies to process that came
      * while we were waiting for replies earlier. */
     if (native->pending_notify) {
         GList *iter = NULL;
         crm_trace("Processing pending notifies");
         for (iter = native->pending_notify; iter; iter = iter->next) {
             lrmd_dispatch_internal(lrmd, iter->data);
         g_list_free_full(native->pending_notify, lrmd_free_xml);
         native->pending_notify = NULL;
     /* Next read the current buffer and see if there are any messages to handle. */
     rc = crm_remote_ready(native->remote, 0);
     if (rc == 0) {
         /* nothing to read, see if any full messages are already in buffer. */
         xml = crm_remote_parse_buffer(native->remote);
     } else if (rc < 0) {
         disconnected = 1;
     } else {
         crm_remote_recv(native->remote, -1, &disconnected);
         xml = crm_remote_parse_buffer(native->remote);
     while (xml) {
         const char *msg_type = crm_element_value(xml, F_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_TYPE);
         if (safe_str_eq(msg_type, "notify")) {
             lrmd_dispatch_internal(lrmd, xml);
         } else if (safe_str_eq(msg_type, "reply")) {
             if (native->expected_late_replies > 0) {
             } else {
                 int reply_id = 0;
                 crm_element_value_int(xml, F_LRMD_CALLID, &reply_id);
                 /* if this happens, we want to know about it */
                 crm_err("Got outdated reply %d", reply_id);
         xml = crm_remote_parse_buffer(native->remote);
     if (disconnected) {
         crm_info("Server disconnected while reading remote server msg.");
         return 0;
     return 1;
 /* Not used with mainloop */
 lrmd_poll(lrmd_t * lrmd, int timeout)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     switch (native->type) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
             return crm_ipc_ready(native->ipc);
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             if (native->pending_notify) {
                 return 1;
             return crm_remote_ready(native->remote, 0);
             crm_err("Unsupported connection type: %d", native->type);
     return 0;
 /* Not used with mainloop */
 lrmd_dispatch(lrmd_t * lrmd)
     lrmd_private_t *private = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(lrmd != NULL);
     private = lrmd->private;
     switch (private->type) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
             while (crm_ipc_ready(private->ipc)) {
                 if (crm_ipc_read(private->ipc) > 0) {
                     const char *msg = crm_ipc_buffer(private->ipc);
                     lrmd_ipc_dispatch(msg, strlen(msg), lrmd);
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             crm_err("Unsupported connection type: %d", private->type);
     if (lrmd_api_is_connected(lrmd) == FALSE) {
         crm_err("Connection closed");
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 static xmlNode *
 lrmd_create_op(const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data, enum lrmd_call_options options)
     xmlNode *op_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, "lrmd_command");
     CRM_CHECK(op_msg != NULL, return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(token != NULL, return NULL);
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_XML_TAGNAME, "lrmd_command");
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_TYPE, T_LRMD);
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_LRMD_CALLBACK_TOKEN, token);
     crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_LRMD_OPERATION, op);
     crm_trace("Sending call options: %.8lx, %d", (long)options, options);
     crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_LRMD_CALLOPTS, options);
     if (data != NULL) {
         add_message_xml(op_msg, F_LRMD_CALLDATA, data);
     return op_msg;
 static void
 lrmd_ipc_connection_destroy(gpointer userdata)
     lrmd_t *lrmd = userdata;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     crm_info("IPC connection destroyed");
     /* Prevent these from being cleaned up in lrmd_api_disconnect() */
     native->ipc = NULL;
     native->source = NULL;
     if (native->callback) {
         lrmd_event_data_t event = { 0, };
         event.type = lrmd_event_disconnect;
         event.remote_nodename = native->remote_nodename;
 static void
 lrmd_tls_connection_destroy(gpointer userdata)
     lrmd_t *lrmd = userdata;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     crm_info("TLS connection destroyed");
     if (native->remote->tls_session) {
         gnutls_bye(*native->remote->tls_session, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR);
     if (native->psk_cred_c) {
     if (native->sock) {
     if (native->process_notify) {
         native->process_notify = NULL;
     if (native->pending_notify) {
         g_list_free_full(native->pending_notify, lrmd_free_xml);
         native->pending_notify = NULL;
     native->remote->buffer = NULL;
     native->source = 0;
     native->sock = 0;
     native->psk_cred_c = NULL;
     native->remote->tls_session = NULL;
     native->sock = 0;
     if (native->callback) {
         lrmd_event_data_t event = { 0, };
         event.remote_nodename = native->remote_nodename;
         event.type = lrmd_event_disconnect;
 lrmd_tls_send_msg(crm_remote_t * session, xmlNode * msg, uint32_t id, const char *msg_type)
     int rc = -1;
     crm_xml_add_int(msg, F_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_ID, id);
     crm_xml_add(msg, F_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_TYPE, msg_type);
     rc = crm_remote_send(session, msg);
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_err("Failed to send remote lrmd tls msg, rc = %d", rc);
         return rc;
     return rc;
 static xmlNode *
 lrmd_tls_recv_reply(lrmd_t * lrmd, int total_timeout, int expected_reply_id, int *disconnected)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     xmlNode *xml = NULL;
     time_t start = time(NULL);
     const char *msg_type = NULL;
     int reply_id = 0;
     int remaining_timeout = 0;
     /* A timeout of 0 here makes no sense.  We have to wait a period of time
      * for the response to come back.  If -1 or 0, default to 10 seconds. */
     if (total_timeout <= 0) {
         total_timeout = 10000;
     while (!xml) {
         xml = crm_remote_parse_buffer(native->remote);
         if (!xml) {
             /* read some more off the tls buffer if we still have time left. */
             if (remaining_timeout) {
                 remaining_timeout = remaining_timeout - ((time(NULL) - start) * 1000);
             } else {
                 remaining_timeout = total_timeout;
             if (remaining_timeout <= 0) {
                 crm_err("Never received the expected reply during the timeout period, disconnecting.");
                 *disconnected = TRUE;
                 return NULL;
             crm_remote_recv(native->remote, remaining_timeout, disconnected);
             xml = crm_remote_parse_buffer(native->remote);
             if (!xml) {
                 crm_err("Unable to receive expected reply, disconnecting.");
                 *disconnected = TRUE;
                 return NULL;
             } else if (*disconnected) {
                 return NULL;
         CRM_ASSERT(xml != NULL);
         crm_element_value_int(xml, F_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_ID, &reply_id);
         msg_type = crm_element_value(xml, F_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_TYPE);
         if (!msg_type) {
             crm_err("Empty msg type received while waiting for reply");
             xml = NULL;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(msg_type, "notify")) {
             /* got a notify while waiting for reply, trigger the notify to be processed later */
             crm_info("queueing notify");
             native->pending_notify = g_list_append(native->pending_notify, xml);
             if (native->process_notify) {
                 crm_info("notify trigger set.");
             xml = NULL;
         } else if (safe_str_neq(msg_type, "reply")) {
             /* msg isn't a reply, make some noise */
             crm_err("Expected a reply, got %s", msg_type);
             xml = NULL;
         } else if (reply_id != expected_reply_id) {
             if (native->expected_late_replies > 0) {
             } else {
                 crm_err("Got outdated reply, expected id %d got id %d", expected_reply_id, reply_id);
             xml = NULL;
     if (native->remote->buffer && native->process_notify) {
     return xml;
 static int
 lrmd_tls_send(lrmd_t * lrmd, xmlNode * msg)
     int rc = 0;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     if (global_remote_msg_id <= 0) {
         global_remote_msg_id = 1;
     rc = lrmd_tls_send_msg(native->remote, msg, global_remote_msg_id, "request");
     if (rc <= 0) {
         crm_err("Remote lrmd send failed, disconnecting");
         return -ENOTCONN;
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 lrmd_tls_send_recv(lrmd_t * lrmd, xmlNode * msg, int timeout, xmlNode ** reply)
     int rc = 0;
     int disconnected = 0;
     xmlNode *xml = NULL;
     if (lrmd_tls_connected(lrmd) == FALSE) {
         return -1;
     rc = lrmd_tls_send(lrmd, msg);
     if (rc < 0) {
         return rc;
     xml = lrmd_tls_recv_reply(lrmd, timeout, global_remote_msg_id, &disconnected);
     if (disconnected) {
         crm_err("Remote lrmd server disconnected while waiting for reply with id %d. ",
         rc = -ENOTCONN;
     } else if (!xml) {
         crm_err("Remote lrmd never received reply for request id %d. timeout: %dms ",
                 global_remote_msg_id, timeout);
         rc = -ECOMM;
     if (reply) {
         *reply = xml;
     } else {
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_send_xml(lrmd_t * lrmd, xmlNode * msg, int timeout, xmlNode ** reply)
     int rc = -1;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     switch (native->type) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
             rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, msg, crm_ipc_client_response, timeout, reply);
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             rc = lrmd_tls_send_recv(lrmd, msg, timeout, reply);
             crm_err("Unsupported connection type: %d", native->type);
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_send_xml_no_reply(lrmd_t * lrmd, xmlNode * msg)
     int rc = -1;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     switch (native->type) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
             rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, msg, crm_ipc_flags_none, 0, NULL);
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             rc = lrmd_tls_send(lrmd, msg);
             if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
                 /* we don't want to wait around for the reply, but
                  * since the request/reply protocol needs to behave the same
                  * as libqb, a reply will eventually come later anyway. */
             crm_err("Unsupported connection type: %d", native->type);
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_api_is_connected(lrmd_t * lrmd)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     switch (native->type) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
             return crm_ipc_connected(native->ipc);
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             return lrmd_tls_connected(lrmd);
             crm_err("Unsupported connection type: %d", native->type);
     return 0;
 static int
 lrmd_send_command(lrmd_t * lrmd, const char *op, xmlNode * data, xmlNode ** output_data, int timeout,   /* ms. defaults to 1000 if set to 0 */
                   enum lrmd_call_options options, gboolean expect_reply)
 {                               /* TODO we need to reduce usage of this boolean */
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     int reply_id = -1;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     xmlNode *op_msg = NULL;
     xmlNode *op_reply = NULL;
     if (!lrmd_api_is_connected(lrmd)) {
         return -ENOTCONN;
     if (op == NULL) {
         crm_err("No operation specified");
         return -EINVAL;
     CRM_CHECK(native->token != NULL,;
     crm_trace("sending %s op to lrmd", op);
     op_msg = lrmd_create_op(native->token, op, data, options);
     if (op_msg == NULL) {
         return -EINVAL;
     crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_LRMD_TIMEOUT, timeout);
     if (expect_reply) {
         rc = lrmd_send_xml(lrmd, op_msg, timeout, &op_reply);
     } else {
         rc = lrmd_send_xml_no_reply(lrmd, op_msg);
         goto done;
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't perform %s operation (timeout=%d): %d", op, timeout, rc);
         rc = -ECOMM;
         goto done;
     } else if(op_reply == NULL) {
         rc = -ENOMSG;
         goto done;
     rc = pcmk_ok;
     crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_LRMD_CALLID, &reply_id);
     crm_trace("%s op reply received", op);
     if (crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_LRMD_RC, &rc) != 0) {
         rc = -ENOMSG;
         goto done;
     crm_log_xml_trace(op_reply, "Reply");
     if (output_data) {
         *output_data = op_reply;
         op_reply = NULL;        /* Prevent subsequent free */
     if (lrmd_api_is_connected(lrmd) == FALSE) {
         crm_err("LRMD disconnected");
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_api_poke_connection(lrmd_t * lrmd)
     int rc;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_LRMD_RSC);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     rc = lrmd_send_command(lrmd, LRMD_OP_POKE, data, NULL, 0, 0, native->type == CRM_CLIENT_IPC ? TRUE : FALSE);
     return rc < 0 ? rc : pcmk_ok;
 static int
 lrmd_handshake(lrmd_t * lrmd, const char *name)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     xmlNode *hello = create_xml_node(NULL, "lrmd_command");
     crm_xml_add(hello, F_TYPE, T_LRMD);
     crm_xml_add(hello, F_LRMD_OPERATION, CRM_OP_REGISTER);
     crm_xml_add(hello, F_LRMD_CLIENTNAME, name);
     /* advertise that we are a proxy provider */
     if (native->proxy_callback) {
         crm_xml_add(hello, F_LRMD_IS_IPC_PROVIDER, "true");
     rc = lrmd_send_xml(lrmd, hello, -1, &reply);
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't complete registration with the lrmd API: %d", rc);
         rc = -ECOMM;
     } else if (reply == NULL) {
         crm_err("Did not receive registration reply");
         rc = -EPROTO;
     } else {
         const char *msg_type = crm_element_value(reply, F_LRMD_OPERATION);
         const char *tmp_ticket = crm_element_value(reply, F_LRMD_CLIENTID);
         crm_element_value_int(reply, F_LRMD_RC, &rc);
         if (rc == -EPROTO) {
             crm_err("LRMD protocol mismatch client version %s, server version %s",
                 LRMD_PROTOCOL_VERSION, crm_element_value(reply, F_LRMD_PROTOCOL_VERSION));
             crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Protocol Error");
         } else if (safe_str_neq(msg_type, CRM_OP_REGISTER)) {
             crm_err("Invalid registration message: %s", msg_type);
             crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Bad reply");
             rc = -EPROTO;
         } else if (tmp_ticket == NULL) {
             crm_err("No registration token provided");
             crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Bad reply");
             rc = -EPROTO;
         } else {
             crm_trace("Obtained registration token: %s", tmp_ticket);
             native->token = strdup(tmp_ticket);
             rc = pcmk_ok;
     if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_ipc_connect(lrmd_t * lrmd, int *fd)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     static struct ipc_client_callbacks lrmd_callbacks = {
         .dispatch = lrmd_ipc_dispatch,
         .destroy = lrmd_ipc_connection_destroy
     crm_info("Connecting to lrmd");
     if (fd) {
         /* No mainloop */
         native->ipc = crm_ipc_new(CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, 0);
         if (native->ipc && crm_ipc_connect(native->ipc)) {
             *fd = crm_ipc_get_fd(native->ipc);
         } else if (native->ipc) {
             rc = -ENOTCONN;
     } else {
         native->source = mainloop_add_ipc_client(CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, G_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0, lrmd, &lrmd_callbacks);
         native->ipc = mainloop_get_ipc_client(native->source);
     if (native->ipc == NULL) {
         crm_debug("Could not connect to the LRMD API");
         rc = -ENOTCONN;
     return rc;
 static int
 set_key(gnutls_datum_t * key, const char *location)
     FILE *stream;
     int read_len = 256;
     int cur_len = 0;
     int buf_len = read_len;
     static char *key_cache = NULL;
     static size_t key_cache_len = 0;
     static time_t key_cache_updated;
     if (location == NULL) {
         return -1;
     if (key_cache) {
         time_t now = time(NULL);
         if ((now - key_cache_updated) < 60) {
             key->data = gnutls_malloc(key_cache_len + 1);
             key->size = key_cache_len;
             memcpy(key->data, key_cache, key_cache_len);
             crm_debug("using cached LRMD key");
             return 0;
         } else {
             key_cache_len = 0;
             key_cache_updated = 0;
             key_cache = NULL;
             crm_debug("clearing lrmd key cache");
     stream = fopen(location, "r");
     if (!stream) {
         return -1;
     key->data = gnutls_malloc(read_len);
     while (!feof(stream)) {
         int next;
         if (cur_len == buf_len) {
             buf_len = cur_len + read_len;
             key->data = gnutls_realloc(key->data, buf_len);
         next = fgetc(stream);
         if (next == EOF && feof(stream)) {
         key->data[cur_len] = next;
     key->size = cur_len;
     if (!cur_len) {
         key->data = 0;
         return -1;
     if (!key_cache) {
         key_cache = calloc(1, key->size + 1);
         memcpy(key_cache, key->data, key->size);
         key_cache_len = key->size;
         key_cache_updated = time(NULL);
     return 0;
 lrmd_tls_set_key(gnutls_datum_t * key)
     int rc = 0;
     const char *specific_location = getenv("PCMK_authkey_location");
     if (set_key(key, specific_location) == 0) {
         crm_debug("Using custom authkey location %s", specific_location);
         return 0;
     if (set_key(key, DEFAULT_REMOTE_KEY_LOCATION)) {
         rc = set_key(key, ALT_REMOTE_KEY_LOCATION);
     if (rc) {
         crm_err("No lrmd remote key found");
         return -1;
     return rc;
 static void
     static int gnutls_init = 0;
     if (!gnutls_init) {
     gnutls_init = 1;
 static void
 report_async_connection_result(lrmd_t * lrmd, int rc)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     if (native->callback) {
         lrmd_event_data_t event = { 0, };
         event.type = lrmd_event_connect;
         event.remote_nodename = native->remote_nodename;
         event.connection_rc = rc;
 static void
 lrmd_tcp_connect_cb(void *userdata, int sock)
     lrmd_t *lrmd = userdata;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     char name[256] = { 0, };
     static struct mainloop_fd_callbacks lrmd_tls_callbacks = {
         .dispatch = lrmd_tls_dispatch,
         .destroy = lrmd_tls_connection_destroy,
     int rc = sock;
     gnutls_datum_t psk_key = { NULL, 0 };
     native->async_timer = 0;
     if (rc < 0) {
         crm_info("remote lrmd connect to %s at port %d failed", native->server, native->port);
         report_async_connection_result(lrmd, rc);
     /* TODO continue with tls stuff now that tcp connect passed. make this async as well soon
      * to avoid all blocking code in the client. */
     native->sock = sock;
     if (lrmd_tls_set_key(&psk_key) != 0) {
     gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials(native->psk_cred_c, DEFAULT_REMOTE_USERNAME, &psk_key, GNUTLS_PSK_KEY_RAW);
     native->remote->tls_session = create_psk_tls_session(sock, GNUTLS_CLIENT, native->psk_cred_c);
     if (crm_initiate_client_tls_handshake(native->remote, LRMD_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT) != 0) {
         crm_warn("Client tls handshake failed for server %s:%d. Disconnecting", native->server,
         native->remote->tls_session = NULL;
         report_async_connection_result(lrmd, -1);
     crm_info("Remote lrmd client TLS connection established with server %s:%d", native->server,
     snprintf(name, 128, "remote-lrmd-%s:%d", native->server, native->port);
     native->process_notify = mainloop_add_trigger(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, lrmd_tls_dispatch, lrmd);
     native->source =
         mainloop_add_fd(name, G_PRIORITY_HIGH, native->sock, lrmd, &lrmd_tls_callbacks);
     rc = lrmd_handshake(lrmd, name);
     report_async_connection_result(lrmd, rc);
 static int
 lrmd_tls_connect_async(lrmd_t * lrmd, int timeout /*ms */ )
     int rc = -1;
     int sock = 0;
     int timer_id = 0;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     sock = crm_remote_tcp_connect_async(native->server, native->port, timeout, &timer_id, lrmd,
     if (sock != -1) {
         native->sock = sock;
         rc = 0;
         native->async_timer = timer_id;
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_tls_connect(lrmd_t * lrmd, int *fd)
     static struct mainloop_fd_callbacks lrmd_tls_callbacks = {
         .dispatch = lrmd_tls_dispatch,
         .destroy = lrmd_tls_connection_destroy,
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     int sock;
     gnutls_datum_t psk_key = { NULL, 0 };
     sock = crm_remote_tcp_connect(native->server, native->port);
     if (sock < 0) {
         crm_warn("Could not establish remote lrmd connection to %s", native->server);
         return -ENOTCONN;
     native->sock = sock;
     if (lrmd_tls_set_key(&psk_key) != 0) {
         return -1;
     gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials(native->psk_cred_c, DEFAULT_REMOTE_USERNAME, &psk_key, GNUTLS_PSK_KEY_RAW);
     native->remote->tls_session = create_psk_tls_session(sock, GNUTLS_CLIENT, native->psk_cred_c);
     if (crm_initiate_client_tls_handshake(native->remote, LRMD_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT) != 0) {
         crm_err("Session creation for %s:%d failed", native->server, native->port);
         native->remote->tls_session = NULL;
         return -1;
     crm_info("Remote lrmd client TLS connection established with server %s:%d", native->server,
     if (fd) {
         *fd = sock;
     } else {
         char name[256] = { 0, };
         snprintf(name, 128, "remote-lrmd-%s:%d", native->server, native->port);
         native->process_notify = mainloop_add_trigger(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, lrmd_tls_dispatch, lrmd);
         native->source =
             mainloop_add_fd(name, G_PRIORITY_HIGH, native->sock, lrmd, &lrmd_tls_callbacks);
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 lrmd_api_connect(lrmd_t * lrmd, const char *name, int *fd)
     int rc = -ENOTCONN;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     switch (native->type) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
             rc = lrmd_ipc_connect(lrmd, fd);
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             rc = lrmd_tls_connect(lrmd, fd);
             crm_err("Unsupported connection type: %d", native->type);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         rc = lrmd_handshake(lrmd, name);
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_api_connect_async(lrmd_t * lrmd, const char *name, int timeout)
     int rc = 0;
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     if (!native->callback) {
         crm_err("Async connect not possible, no lrmd client callback set.");
         return -1;
     switch (native->type) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
             /* fake async connection with ipc.  it should be fast
              * enough that we gain very little from async */
             rc = lrmd_api_connect(lrmd, name, NULL);
             if (!rc) {
                 report_async_connection_result(lrmd, rc);
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             rc = lrmd_tls_connect_async(lrmd, timeout);
             if (rc) {
                 /* connection failed, report rc now */
                 report_async_connection_result(lrmd, rc);
             crm_err("Unsupported connection type: %d", native->type);
     return rc;
 static void
 lrmd_ipc_disconnect(lrmd_t * lrmd)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     if (native->source != NULL) {
         /* Attached to mainloop */
         native->source = NULL;
         native->ipc = NULL;
     } else if (native->ipc) {
         /* Not attached to mainloop */
         crm_ipc_t *ipc = native->ipc;
         native->ipc = NULL;
 static void
 lrmd_tls_disconnect(lrmd_t * lrmd)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     if (native->remote->tls_session) {
         gnutls_bye(*native->remote->tls_session, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR);
         native->remote->tls_session = 0;
     if (native->async_timer) {
         native->async_timer = 0;
     if (native->source != NULL) {
         /* Attached to mainloop */
         native->source = NULL;
     } else if (native->sock) {
     if (native->pending_notify) {
         g_list_free_full(native->pending_notify, lrmd_free_xml);
         native->pending_notify = NULL;
 static int
 lrmd_api_disconnect(lrmd_t * lrmd)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     crm_info("Disconnecting from lrmd service");
     switch (native->type) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             crm_err("Unsupported connection type: %d", native->type);
     native->token = NULL;
     return 0;
 static int
 lrmd_api_register_rsc(lrmd_t * lrmd,
                       const char *rsc_id,
                       const char *class,
                       const char *provider, const char *type, enum lrmd_call_options options)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *data = NULL;
     if (!class || !type || !rsc_id) {
         return -EINVAL;
     if (safe_str_eq(class, "ocf") && !provider) {
         return -EINVAL;
     data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_LRMD_RSC);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, rsc_id);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_CLASS, class);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_PROVIDER, provider);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_TYPE, type);
     rc = lrmd_send_command(lrmd, LRMD_OP_RSC_REG, data, NULL, 0, options, TRUE);
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_api_unregister_rsc(lrmd_t * lrmd, const char *rsc_id, enum lrmd_call_options options)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_LRMD_RSC);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, rsc_id);
     rc = lrmd_send_command(lrmd, LRMD_OP_RSC_UNREG, data, NULL, 0, options, TRUE);
     return rc;
 lrmd_rsc_info_t *
 lrmd_copy_rsc_info(lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc_info)
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *copy = NULL;
     copy = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_rsc_info_t));
     copy->id = strdup(rsc_info->id);
     copy->type = strdup(rsc_info->type);
     copy->class = strdup(rsc_info->class);
     if (rsc_info->provider) {
         copy->provider = strdup(rsc_info->provider);
     return copy;
 lrmd_free_rsc_info(lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc_info)
     if (!rsc_info) {
 static lrmd_rsc_info_t *
 lrmd_api_get_rsc_info(lrmd_t * lrmd, const char *rsc_id, enum lrmd_call_options options)
     lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc_info = NULL;
     xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_LRMD_RSC);
     xmlNode *output = NULL;
     const char *class = NULL;
     const char *provider = NULL;
     const char *type = NULL;
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, rsc_id);
     lrmd_send_command(lrmd, LRMD_OP_RSC_INFO, data, &output, 30000, options, TRUE);
     if (!output) {
         return NULL;
     class = crm_element_value(output, F_LRMD_CLASS);
     provider = crm_element_value(output, F_LRMD_PROVIDER);
     type = crm_element_value(output, F_LRMD_TYPE);
     if (!class || !type) {
         return NULL;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(class, "ocf") && !provider) {
         return NULL;
     rsc_info = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_rsc_info_t));
     rsc_info->id = strdup(rsc_id);
     rsc_info->class = strdup(class);
     if (provider) {
         rsc_info->provider = strdup(provider);
     rsc_info->type = strdup(type);
     return rsc_info;
 static void
 lrmd_api_set_callback(lrmd_t * lrmd, lrmd_event_callback callback)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     native->callback = callback;
 lrmd_internal_set_proxy_callback(lrmd_t * lrmd, void *userdata, void (*callback)(lrmd_t *lrmd, void *userdata, xmlNode *msg))
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     native->proxy_callback = callback;
     native->proxy_callback_userdata = userdata;
 lrmd_internal_proxy_dispatch(lrmd_t *lrmd, xmlNode *msg)
     lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
     if (native->proxy_callback) {
         crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "PROXY_INBOUND");
         native->proxy_callback(lrmd, native->proxy_callback_userdata, msg);
 lrmd_internal_proxy_send(lrmd_t * lrmd, xmlNode *msg)
     if (lrmd == NULL) {
         return -ENOTCONN;
     crm_xml_add(msg, F_LRMD_OPERATION, CRM_OP_IPC_FWD);
     crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "PROXY_OUTBOUND");
     return lrmd_send_xml_no_reply(lrmd, msg);
 static int
 stonith_get_metadata(const char *provider, const char *type, char **output)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     stonith_t *stonith_api = stonith_api_new();
     if(stonith_api) {
         stonith_api->cmds->metadata(stonith_api, st_opt_sync_call, type, provider, output, 0);
     if (*output == NULL) {
         rc = -EIO;
     return rc;
 #define lsb_metadata_template  \
     "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"                                           \
     "<!DOCTYPE resource-agent SYSTEM 'ra-api-1.dtd'>\n"                 \
     "<resource-agent name='%s' version='0.1'>\n"                        \
     "  <version>1.0</version>\n"                                        \
     "  <longdesc lang='en'>\n"                                          \
     "    %s\n"                                                          \
     "  </longdesc>\n"                                                   \
     "  <shortdesc lang='en'>%s</shortdesc>\n"                           \
     "  <parameters>\n"                                                  \
     "  </parameters>\n"                                                 \
     "  <actions>\n"                                                     \
     "    <action name='meta-data'    timeout='5' />\n"                  \
     "    <action name='start'        timeout='15' />\n"                 \
     "    <action name='stop'         timeout='15' />\n"                 \
     "    <action name='status'       timeout='15' />\n"                 \
     "    <action name='restart'      timeout='15' />\n"                 \
     "    <action name='force-reload' timeout='15' />\n"                 \
     "    <action name='monitor'      timeout='15' interval='15' />\n"   \
     "  </actions>\n"                                                    \
     "  <special tag='LSB'>\n"                                           \
     "    <Provides>%s</Provides>\n"                                     \
     "    <Required-Start>%s</Required-Start>\n"                         \
     "    <Required-Stop>%s</Required-Stop>\n"                           \
     "    <Should-Start>%s</Should-Start>\n"                             \
     "    <Should-Stop>%s</Should-Stop>\n"                               \
     "    <Default-Start>%s</Default-Start>\n"                           \
     "    <Default-Stop>%s</Default-Stop>\n"                             \
     "  </special>\n"                                                    \
 #define PROVIDES    "# Provides:"
 #define REQ_START   "# Required-Start:"
 #define REQ_STOP    "# Required-Stop:"
 #define SHLD_START  "# Should-Start:"
 #define SHLD_STOP   "# Should-Stop:"
 #define DFLT_START  "# Default-Start:"
 #define DFLT_STOP   "# Default-Stop:"
 #define SHORT_DSCR  "# Short-Description:"
 #define DESCRIPTION "# Description:"
 #define lsb_meta_helper_free_value(m)           \
     do {                                        \
         if ((m) != NULL) {                      \
             xmlFree(m);                         \
             (m) = NULL;                         \
         }                                       \
     } while(0)
 #define lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, ptr, keyword)                 \
     do {                                                                \
         if (!ptr && !strncasecmp(buffer, keyword, strlen(keyword))) {   \
             (ptr) = (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, BAD_CAST buffer+strlen(keyword)); \
             continue;                                                   \
         }                                                               \
     } while(0)
 static int
 lsb_get_metadata(const char *type, char **output)
     char ra_pathname[PATH_MAX] = { 0, };
     FILE *fp;
     char buffer[1024];
     char *provides = NULL;
     char *req_start = NULL;
     char *req_stop = NULL;
     char *shld_start = NULL;
     char *shld_stop = NULL;
     char *dflt_start = NULL;
     char *dflt_stop = NULL;
     char *s_dscrpt = NULL;
     char *xml_l_dscrpt = NULL;
     int offset = 0;
     int max = 2048;
     char description[max];
     if(type[0] == '/') {
         snprintf(ra_pathname, sizeof(ra_pathname), "%s", type);
     } else {
         snprintf(ra_pathname, sizeof(ra_pathname), "%s/%s", LSB_ROOT_DIR, type);
     crm_trace("Looking into %s", ra_pathname);
     if (!(fp = fopen(ra_pathname, "r"))) {
         return -errno;
     /* Enter into the lsb-compliant comment block */
     while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
         /* Now suppose each of the following eight arguments contain only one line */
         lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, provides, PROVIDES);
         lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, req_start, REQ_START);
         lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, req_stop, REQ_STOP);
         lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, shld_start, SHLD_START);
         lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, shld_stop, SHLD_STOP);
         lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, dflt_start, DFLT_START);
         lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, dflt_stop, DFLT_STOP);
         lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, s_dscrpt, SHORT_DSCR);
         /* Long description may cross multiple lines */
         if (offset == 0 && (0 == strncasecmp(buffer, DESCRIPTION, strlen(DESCRIPTION)))) {
             /* Between # and keyword, more than one space, or a tab
              * character, indicates the continuation line.
              * Extracted from LSB init script standard
             while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
                 if (!strncmp(buffer, "#  ", 3) || !strncmp(buffer, "#\t", 2)) {
                     buffer[0] = ' ';
                     offset += snprintf(description+offset, max-offset, "%s", buffer);
                 } else {
                     fputs(buffer, fp);
                     break;      /* Long description ends */
         if (xml_l_dscrpt == NULL && offset > 0) {
             xml_l_dscrpt = (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, BAD_CAST(description));
         if (!strncasecmp(buffer, LSB_INITSCRIPT_INFOEND_TAG, strlen(LSB_INITSCRIPT_INFOEND_TAG))) {
             /* Get to the out border of LSB comment block */
         if (buffer[0] != '#') {
             break;              /* Out of comment block in the beginning */
     *output = crm_strdup_printf(lsb_metadata_template, type,
                                 (xml_l_dscrpt == NULL) ? type : xml_l_dscrpt,
                                 (s_dscrpt == NULL) ? type : s_dscrpt, (provides == NULL) ? "" : provides,
                                 (req_start == NULL) ? "" : req_start, (req_stop == NULL) ? "" : req_stop,
                                 (shld_start == NULL) ? "" : shld_start, (shld_stop == NULL) ? "" : shld_stop,
                                 (dflt_start == NULL) ? "" : dflt_start, (dflt_stop == NULL) ? "" : dflt_stop);
     crm_trace("Created fake metadata: %d", strlen(*output));
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 nagios_get_metadata(const char *type, char **output)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     FILE *file_strm = NULL;
     int start = 0, length = 0, read_len = 0;
     char *metadata_file = NULL;
     int len = 36;
     len += strlen(NAGIOS_METADATA_DIR);
     len += strlen(type);
     metadata_file = calloc(1, len);
     CRM_CHECK(metadata_file != NULL, return -ENOMEM);
     sprintf(metadata_file, "%s/%s.xml", NAGIOS_METADATA_DIR, type);
     file_strm = fopen(metadata_file, "r");
     if (file_strm == NULL) {
         crm_err("Metadata file %s does not exist", metadata_file);
         return -EIO;
     /* see how big the file is */
     start = ftell(file_strm);
     fseek(file_strm, 0L, SEEK_END);
     length = ftell(file_strm);
     fseek(file_strm, 0L, start);
     CRM_ASSERT(length >= 0);
     CRM_ASSERT(start == ftell(file_strm));
     if (length <= 0) {
         crm_info("%s was not valid", metadata_file);
         *output = NULL;
         rc = -EIO;
     } else {
         crm_trace("Reading %d bytes from file", length);
         *output = calloc(1, (length + 1));
         read_len = fread(*output, 1, length, file_strm);
         if (read_len != length) {
             crm_err("Calculated and read bytes differ: %d vs. %d", length, read_len);
             *output = NULL;
             rc = -EIO;
     return rc;
 /* strictly speaking, support for class=heartbeat style scripts
  * does not require "heartbeat support" to be enabled.
  * But since those scripts are part of the "heartbeat" package usually,
  * and are very unlikely to be present in any other deployment,
  * I leave it inside this ifdef.
  * Yes, I know, these are legacy and should die,
  * or at least be rewritten to be a proper OCF style agent.
  * But they exist, and custom scripts following these rules do, too.
  * Taken from the old "glue" lrmd, see
  * http://hg.linux-ha.org/glue/file/0a7add1d9996/lib/plugins/lrm/raexechb.c#l49
  * http://hg.linux-ha.org/glue/file/0a7add1d9996/lib/plugins/lrm/raexechb.c#l393
 static const char hb_metadata_template[] =
 "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"
 "<!DOCTYPE resource-agent SYSTEM 'ra-api-1.dtd'>\n"
 "<resource-agent name='%s' version='0.1'>\n"
 "<longdesc lang='en'>\n"
 "<shortdesc lang='en'>%s</shortdesc>\n"
 "<parameter name='1' unique='1' required='0'>\n"
 "<longdesc lang='en'>\n"
 "This argument will be passed as the first argument to the "
 "heartbeat resource agent (assuming it supports one)\n"
 "<shortdesc lang='en'>argv[1]</shortdesc>\n"
 "<content type='string' default=' ' />\n"
 "<parameter name='2' unique='1' required='0'>\n"
 "<longdesc lang='en'>\n"
 "This argument will be passed as the second argument to the "
 "heartbeat resource agent (assuming it supports one)\n"
 "<shortdesc lang='en'>argv[2]</shortdesc>\n"
 "<content type='string' default=' ' />\n"
 "<parameter name='3' unique='1' required='0'>\n"
 "<longdesc lang='en'>\n"
 "This argument will be passed as the third argument to the "
 "heartbeat resource agent (assuming it supports one)\n"
 "<shortdesc lang='en'>argv[3]</shortdesc>\n"
 "<content type='string' default=' ' />\n"
 "<parameter name='4' unique='1' required='0'>\n"
 "<longdesc lang='en'>\n"
 "This argument will be passed as the fourth argument to the "
 "heartbeat resource agent (assuming it supports one)\n"
 "<shortdesc lang='en'>argv[4]</shortdesc>\n"
 "<content type='string' default=' ' />\n"
 "<parameter name='5' unique='1' required='0'>\n"
 "<longdesc lang='en'>\n"
 "This argument will be passed as the fifth argument to the "
 "heartbeat resource agent (assuming it supports one)\n"
 "<shortdesc lang='en'>argv[5]</shortdesc>\n"
 "<content type='string' default=' ' />\n"
 "<action name='start'   timeout='15' />\n"
 "<action name='stop'    timeout='15' />\n"
 "<action name='status'  timeout='15' />\n"
 "<action name='monitor' timeout='15' interval='15' start-delay='15' />\n"
 "<action name='meta-data'  timeout='5' />\n"
 "<special tag='heartbeat'>\n"
 static int
 heartbeat_get_metadata(const char *type, char **output)
 	*output = crm_strdup_printf(hb_metadata_template, type, type, type);
 	crm_trace("Created fake metadata: %d", strlen(*output));
 	return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 generic_get_metadata(const char *standard, const char *provider, const char *type, char **output)
     svc_action_t *action = resources_action_create(type,
-                                                   NULL);
+                                                   NULL,
+                                                   0);
     if (!(services_action_sync(action))) {
         crm_err("Failed to retrieve meta-data for %s:%s:%s", standard, provider, type);
         return -EIO;
     if (!action->stdout_data) {
         crm_err("Failed to retrieve meta-data for %s:%s:%s", standard, provider, type);
         return -EIO;
     *output = strdup(action->stdout_data);
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 lrmd_api_get_metadata(lrmd_t * lrmd,
                       const char *class,
                       const char *provider,
                       const char *type, char **output, enum lrmd_call_options options)
     if (!class || !type) {
         return -EINVAL;
     if (safe_str_eq(class, "service")) {
         class = resources_find_service_class(type);
     if (safe_str_eq(class, "stonith")) {
         return stonith_get_metadata(provider, type, output);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(class, "lsb")) {
         return lsb_get_metadata(type, output);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(class, "nagios")) {
         return nagios_get_metadata(type, output);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(class, "heartbeat")) {
 	return heartbeat_get_metadata(type, output);
     return generic_get_metadata(class, provider, type, output);
 static int
 lrmd_api_exec(lrmd_t * lrmd, const char *rsc_id, const char *action, const char *userdata, int interval,        /* ms */
               int timeout,      /* ms */
               int start_delay,  /* ms */
               enum lrmd_call_options options, lrmd_key_value_t * params)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_LRMD_RSC);
     xmlNode *args = create_xml_node(data, XML_TAG_ATTRS);
     lrmd_key_value_t *tmp = NULL;
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, rsc_id);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION, action);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_RSC_USERDATA_STR, userdata);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, F_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL, interval);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, F_LRMD_TIMEOUT, timeout);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, F_LRMD_RSC_START_DELAY, start_delay);
     for (tmp = params; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
         hash2smartfield((gpointer) tmp->key, (gpointer) tmp->value, args);
     rc = lrmd_send_command(lrmd, LRMD_OP_RSC_EXEC, data, NULL, timeout, options, TRUE);
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_api_cancel(lrmd_t * lrmd, const char *rsc_id, const char *action, int interval)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_LRMD_RSC);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION, action);
     crm_xml_add(data, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, rsc_id);
     crm_xml_add_int(data, F_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL, interval);
     rc = lrmd_send_command(lrmd, LRMD_OP_RSC_CANCEL, data, NULL, 0, 0, TRUE);
     return rc;
 static int
 list_stonith_agents(lrmd_list_t ** resources)
     int rc = 0;
     stonith_t *stonith_api = stonith_api_new();
     stonith_key_value_t *stonith_resources = NULL;
     stonith_key_value_t *dIter = NULL;
     if(stonith_api) {
         stonith_api->cmds->list_agents(stonith_api, st_opt_sync_call, NULL, &stonith_resources, 0);
     for (dIter = stonith_resources; dIter; dIter = dIter->next) {
         if (resources) {
             *resources = lrmd_list_add(*resources, dIter->value);
     stonith_key_value_freeall(stonith_resources, 1, 0);
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_api_list_agents(lrmd_t * lrmd, lrmd_list_t ** resources, const char *class,
                      const char *provider)
     int rc = 0;
     if (safe_str_eq(class, "stonith")) {
         rc += list_stonith_agents(resources);
     } else {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         GList *agents = resources_list_agents(class, provider);
         for (gIter = agents; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             *resources = lrmd_list_add(*resources, (const char *)gIter->data);
         g_list_free_full(agents, free);
         if (!class) {
             rc += list_stonith_agents(resources);
     if (rc == 0) {
         crm_notice("No agents found for class %s", class);
         rc = -EPROTONOSUPPORT;
     return rc;
 static int
 does_provider_have_agent(const char *agent, const char *provider, const char *class)
     int found = 0;
     GList *agents = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
     agents = resources_list_agents(class, provider);
     for (gIter2 = agents; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
         if (safe_str_eq(agent, gIter2->data)) {
             found = 1;
     g_list_free_full(agents, free);
     return found;
 static int
 lrmd_api_list_ocf_providers(lrmd_t * lrmd, const char *agent, lrmd_list_t ** providers)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     char *provider = NULL;
     GList *ocf_providers = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     ocf_providers = resources_list_providers("ocf");
     for (gIter = ocf_providers; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         provider = gIter->data;
         if (!agent || does_provider_have_agent(agent, provider, "ocf")) {
             *providers = lrmd_list_add(*providers, (const char *)gIter->data);
     g_list_free_full(ocf_providers, free);
     return rc;
 static int
 lrmd_api_list_standards(lrmd_t * lrmd, lrmd_list_t ** supported)
     int rc = 0;
     GList *standards = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     standards = resources_list_standards();
     for (gIter = standards; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         *supported = lrmd_list_add(*supported, (const char *)gIter->data);
     if (list_stonith_agents(NULL) > 0) {
         *supported = lrmd_list_add(*supported, "stonith");
     g_list_free_full(standards, free);
     return rc;
 lrmd_t *
     lrmd_t *new_lrmd = NULL;
     lrmd_private_t *pvt = NULL;
     new_lrmd = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_t));
     pvt = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_private_t));
     pvt->remote = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_remote_t));
     new_lrmd->cmds = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_api_operations_t));
     pvt->type = CRM_CLIENT_IPC;
     new_lrmd->private = pvt;
     new_lrmd->cmds->connect = lrmd_api_connect;
     new_lrmd->cmds->connect_async = lrmd_api_connect_async;
     new_lrmd->cmds->is_connected = lrmd_api_is_connected;
     new_lrmd->cmds->poke_connection = lrmd_api_poke_connection;
     new_lrmd->cmds->disconnect = lrmd_api_disconnect;
     new_lrmd->cmds->register_rsc = lrmd_api_register_rsc;
     new_lrmd->cmds->unregister_rsc = lrmd_api_unregister_rsc;
     new_lrmd->cmds->get_rsc_info = lrmd_api_get_rsc_info;
     new_lrmd->cmds->set_callback = lrmd_api_set_callback;
     new_lrmd->cmds->get_metadata = lrmd_api_get_metadata;
     new_lrmd->cmds->exec = lrmd_api_exec;
     new_lrmd->cmds->cancel = lrmd_api_cancel;
     new_lrmd->cmds->list_agents = lrmd_api_list_agents;
     new_lrmd->cmds->list_ocf_providers = lrmd_api_list_ocf_providers;
     new_lrmd->cmds->list_standards = lrmd_api_list_standards;
     return new_lrmd;
 lrmd_t *
 lrmd_remote_api_new(const char *nodename, const char *server, int port)
     lrmd_t *new_lrmd = lrmd_api_new();
     lrmd_private_t *native = new_lrmd->private;
     if (!nodename && !server) {
         return NULL;
     native->type = CRM_CLIENT_TLS;
     native->remote_nodename = nodename ? strdup(nodename) : strdup(server);
     native->server = server ? strdup(server) : strdup(nodename);
     native->port = port;
     if (native->port == 0) {
         const char *remote_port_str = getenv("PCMK_remote_port");
         native->port = remote_port_str ? atoi(remote_port_str) : DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT;
     return new_lrmd;
     crm_err("GNUTLS is not enabled for this build, remote LRMD client can not be created");
     return NULL;
 lrmd_api_delete(lrmd_t * lrmd)
     if (!lrmd) {
     lrmd->cmds->disconnect(lrmd);       /* no-op if already disconnected */
     if (lrmd->private) {
         lrmd_private_t *native = lrmd->private;
diff --git a/lib/pengine/complex.c b/lib/pengine/complex.c
index 16b59fb437..5c1ea33f14 100644
--- a/lib/pengine/complex.c
+++ b/lib/pengine/complex.c
@@ -1,845 +1,842 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/rules.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/internal.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 void populate_hash(xmlNode * nvpair_list, GHashTable * hash, const char **attrs, int attrs_length);
 resource_object_functions_t resource_class_functions[] = {
 enum pe_obj_types
 get_resource_type(const char *name)
     if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE)) {
         return pe_native;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_GROUP)) {
         return pe_group;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_INCARNATION)) {
         return pe_clone;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_MASTER)) {
         return pe_master;
     return pe_unknown;
 const char *
 get_resource_typename(enum pe_obj_types type)
     switch (type) {
         case pe_native:
             return XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE;
         case pe_group:
             return XML_CIB_TAG_GROUP;
         case pe_clone:
             return XML_CIB_TAG_INCARNATION;
         case pe_master:
             return XML_CIB_TAG_MASTER;
         case pe_unknown:
             return "unknown";
     return "<unknown>";
 static void
 dup_attr(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     add_hash_param(user_data, key, value);
 get_meta_attributes(GHashTable * meta_hash, resource_t * rsc,
                     node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GHashTable *node_hash = NULL;
     const char *version = crm_element_value(data_set->input, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
     if (node) {
         node_hash = node->details->attrs;
     if (rsc->xml) {
         xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL;
         for (xIter = rsc->xml->properties; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) {
             const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name;
             const char *prop_value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, prop_name);
             add_hash_param(meta_hash, prop_name, prop_value);
     unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, rsc->xml, XML_TAG_META_SETS, node_hash,
                                meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
     if(version == NULL || compare_version(version, "3.0.9") < 0) {
         /* populate from the regular attributes until the GUI can create
          * meta attributes
         unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, rsc->xml, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, node_hash,
                                    meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
     /* set anything else based on the parent */
     if (rsc->parent != NULL) {
         g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->parent->meta, dup_attr, meta_hash);
     /* and finally check the defaults */
     unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, data_set->rsc_defaults, XML_TAG_META_SETS,
                                node_hash, meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
 get_rsc_attributes(GHashTable * meta_hash, resource_t * rsc,
                    node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GHashTable *node_hash = NULL;
     if (node) {
         node_hash = node->details->attrs;
     unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, rsc->xml, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, node_hash,
                                meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
-    if (rsc->container) {
-        g_hash_table_replace(meta_hash, strdup(CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER), strdup(rsc->container->id));
-    }
     /* set anything else based on the parent */
     if (rsc->parent != NULL) {
         get_rsc_attributes(meta_hash, rsc->parent, node, data_set);
     } else {
         /* and finally check the defaults */
         unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, data_set->rsc_defaults, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS,
                                    node_hash, meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
 static char *
 template_op_key(xmlNode * op)
     const char *name = crm_element_value(op, "name");
     const char *role = crm_element_value(op, "role");
     char *key = NULL;
     if (role == NULL || crm_str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S, TRUE)
         || crm_str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE_S, TRUE)) {
         role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S;
     key = crm_concat(name, role, '-');
     return key;
 static gboolean
 unpack_template(xmlNode * xml_obj, xmlNode ** expanded_xml, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     xmlNode *cib_resources = NULL;
     xmlNode *template = NULL;
     xmlNode *new_xml = NULL;
     xmlNode *child_xml = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_ops = NULL;
     xmlNode *template_ops = NULL;
     const char *template_ref = NULL;
     const char *clone = NULL;
     const char *id = NULL;
     if (xml_obj == NULL) {
         pe_err("No resource object for template unpacking");
         return FALSE;
     template_ref = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_RSC_TEMPLATE);
     if (template_ref == NULL) {
         return TRUE;
     id = ID(xml_obj);
     if (id == NULL) {
         pe_err("'%s' object must have a id", crm_element_name(xml_obj));
         return FALSE;
     if (crm_str_eq(template_ref, id, TRUE)) {
         pe_err("The resource object '%s' should not reference itself", id);
         return FALSE;
     cib_resources = get_xpath_object("//"XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, data_set->input, LOG_TRACE);
     if (cib_resources == NULL) {
         pe_err("No resources configured");
         return FALSE;
     template = find_entity(cib_resources, XML_CIB_TAG_RSC_TEMPLATE, template_ref);
     if (template == NULL) {
         pe_err("No template named '%s'", template_ref);
         return FALSE;
     new_xml = copy_xml(template);
     xmlNodeSetName(new_xml, xml_obj->name);
     crm_xml_replace(new_xml, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
     clone = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION);
     if(clone) {
         crm_xml_add(new_xml, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION, clone);
     template_ops = find_xml_node(new_xml, "operations", FALSE);
     for (child_xml = __xml_first_child(xml_obj); child_xml != NULL;
          child_xml = __xml_next(child_xml)) {
         xmlNode *new_child = NULL;
         new_child = add_node_copy(new_xml, child_xml);
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)new_child->name, "operations", TRUE)) {
             rsc_ops = new_child;
     if (template_ops && rsc_ops) {
         xmlNode *op = NULL;
         GHashTable *rsc_ops_hash =
             g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, NULL);
         for (op = __xml_first_child(rsc_ops); op != NULL; op = __xml_next(op)) {
             char *key = template_op_key(op);
             g_hash_table_insert(rsc_ops_hash, key, op);
         for (op = __xml_first_child(template_ops); op != NULL; op = __xml_next(op)) {
             char *key = template_op_key(op);
             if (g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_ops_hash, key) == NULL) {
                 add_node_copy(rsc_ops, op);
         if (rsc_ops_hash) {
     /*free_xml(*expanded_xml); */
     *expanded_xml = new_xml;
     /* Disable multi-level templates for now */
     /*if(unpack_template(new_xml, expanded_xml, data_set) == FALSE) {
        *expanded_xml = NULL;
        return FALSE;
        } */
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 add_template_rsc(xmlNode * xml_obj, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     const char *template_ref = NULL;
     const char *id = NULL;
     if (xml_obj == NULL) {
         pe_err("No resource object for processing resource list of template");
         return FALSE;
     template_ref = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_RSC_TEMPLATE);
     if (template_ref == NULL) {
         return TRUE;
     id = ID(xml_obj);
     if (id == NULL) {
         pe_err("'%s' object must have a id", crm_element_name(xml_obj));
         return FALSE;
     if (crm_str_eq(template_ref, id, TRUE)) {
         pe_err("The resource object '%s' should not reference itself", id);
         return FALSE;
     if (add_tag_ref(data_set->template_rsc_sets, template_ref, id) == FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 static void
 handle_rsc_isolation(resource_t *rsc)
     resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc);
     resource_t *iso = rsc;
     const char *wrapper = NULL;
     const char *value;
     /* check for isolation wrapper mapping if the parent doesn't have one set
      * isolation mapping is enabled by default. For safety, we are allowing isolation
      * to be disabled by setting the meta attr, isolation=false. */
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_ISOLATION);
     if (top->isolation_wrapper == NULL && (value == NULL || crm_is_true(value))) {
-        if (g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, "pcmk_docker_image")) {
+        if (g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->parameters, "pcmk_docker_image")) {
             wrapper = "docker-wrapper";
         /* add more isolation technologies here as we expand */
     } else if (top->isolation_wrapper) {
         goto set_rsc_opts;
     if (wrapper == NULL) {
     /* if this is a cloned primitive/group, go head and set the isolation wrapper at
      * at the clone level. this is really the only sane thing to do in this situation.
      * This allows someone to clone an isolated resource without having to shuffle
      * around the isolation attributes to the clone parent */
     if (top == rsc->parent && top->variant >= pe_clone) {
         iso = top;
     iso->isolation_wrapper = wrapper;
     set_bit(top->flags, pe_rsc_unique);
     clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate);
     set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique);
     if (top->variant >= pe_clone) {
         add_hash_param(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_UNIQUE, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
 common_unpack(xmlNode * xml_obj, resource_t ** rsc,
               resource_t * parent, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     bool isdefault = FALSE;
     xmlNode *expanded_xml = NULL;
     xmlNode *ops = NULL;
     resource_t *top = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *rclass = NULL; /* Look for this after any templates have been expanded */
     const char *id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID);
     int container_remote_node = 0;
     int baremetal_remote_node = 0;
     crm_log_xml_trace(xml_obj, "Processing resource input...");
     if (id == NULL) {
         pe_err("Must specify id tag in <resource>");
         return FALSE;
     } else if (rsc == NULL) {
         pe_err("Nowhere to unpack resource into");
         return FALSE;
     if (unpack_template(xml_obj, &expanded_xml, data_set) == FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     *rsc = calloc(1, sizeof(resource_t));
     if (expanded_xml) {
         crm_log_xml_trace(expanded_xml, "Expanded resource...");
         (*rsc)->xml = expanded_xml;
         (*rsc)->orig_xml = xml_obj;
     } else {
         (*rsc)->xml = xml_obj;
         (*rsc)->orig_xml = NULL;
     /* Do not use xml_obj from here on, use (*rsc)->xml in case templates are involved */
     rclass = crm_element_value((*rsc)->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
     (*rsc)->parent = parent;
     ops = find_xml_node((*rsc)->xml, "operations", FALSE);
     (*rsc)->ops_xml = expand_idref(ops, data_set->input);
     (*rsc)->variant = get_resource_type(crm_element_name((*rsc)->xml));
     if ((*rsc)->variant == pe_unknown) {
         pe_err("Unknown resource type: %s", crm_element_name((*rsc)->xml));
         return FALSE;
     (*rsc)->parameters =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     (*rsc)->meta =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     (*rsc)->allowed_nodes =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_hash_destroy_str);
     (*rsc)->known_on = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_hash_destroy_str);
     value = crm_element_value((*rsc)->xml, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION);
     if (value) {
         (*rsc)->id = crm_concat(id, value, ':');
         add_hash_param((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION, value);
     } else {
         (*rsc)->id = strdup(id);
     (*rsc)->fns = &resource_class_functions[(*rsc)->variant];
     pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "Unpacking resource...");
     get_meta_attributes((*rsc)->meta, *rsc, NULL, data_set);
+    get_rsc_attributes((*rsc)->parameters, *rsc, NULL, data_set);
     (*rsc)->flags = 0;
     set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_runnable);
     set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_provisional);
     if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_is_managed_default)) {
         set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
     (*rsc)->rsc_cons = NULL;
     (*rsc)->rsc_tickets = NULL;
     (*rsc)->actions = NULL;
     (*rsc)->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
     (*rsc)->next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
     (*rsc)->recovery_type = recovery_stop_start;
     (*rsc)->stickiness = data_set->default_resource_stickiness;
     (*rsc)->migration_threshold = INFINITY;
     (*rsc)->failure_timeout = 0;
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_CIB_ATTR_PRIORITY);
     (*rsc)->priority = crm_parse_int(value, "0");
     (*rsc)->effective_priority = (*rsc)->priority;
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_NOTIFY);
     if (crm_is_true(value)) {
         set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_notify);
     if (xml_contains_remote_node((*rsc)->xml)) {
         if (g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER)) {
             container_remote_node = 1;
         } else {
             baremetal_remote_node = 1;
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_ALLOW_MIGRATE);
     if (crm_is_true(value)) {
         set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate);
     } else if (value == NULL && baremetal_remote_node) {
         /* by default, we want baremetal remote-nodes to be able
          * to float around the cluster without having to stop all the
          * resources within the remote-node before moving. Allowing
          * migration support enables this feature. If this ever causes
          * problems, migration support can be explicitly turned off with
          * allow-migrate=false. */
         set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_MANAGED);
     if (value != NULL && safe_str_neq("default", value)) {
         gboolean bool_value = TRUE;
         crm_str_to_boolean(value, &bool_value);
         if (bool_value == FALSE) {
             clear_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
         } else {
             set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_MAINTENANCE);
     if (value != NULL && safe_str_neq("default", value)) {
         gboolean bool_value = FALSE;
         crm_str_to_boolean(value, &bool_value);
         if (bool_value == TRUE) {
             clear_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
             set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance);
     } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_maintenance_mode)) {
         clear_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
         set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance);
     pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "Options for %s", (*rsc)->id);
     top = uber_parent(*rsc);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_UNIQUE);
     if (crm_is_true(value) || top->variant < pe_clone) {
         set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_unique);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_RESTART);
     if (safe_str_eq(value, "restart")) {
         (*rsc)->restart_type = pe_restart_restart;
         pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tDependency restart handling: restart");
     } else {
         (*rsc)->restart_type = pe_restart_ignore;
         pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tDependency restart handling: ignore");
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_MULTIPLE);
     if (safe_str_eq(value, "stop_only")) {
         (*rsc)->recovery_type = recovery_stop_only;
         pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tMultiple running resource recovery: stop only");
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "block")) {
         (*rsc)->recovery_type = recovery_block;
         pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tMultiple running resource recovery: block");
     } else {
         (*rsc)->recovery_type = recovery_stop_start;
         pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tMultiple running resource recovery: stop/start");
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_STICKINESS);
     if (value != NULL && safe_str_neq("default", value)) {
         (*rsc)->stickiness = char2score(value);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_FAIL_STICKINESS);
     if (value != NULL && safe_str_neq("default", value)) {
         (*rsc)->migration_threshold = char2score(value);
     } else if (value == NULL) {
         /* Make a best-effort guess at a migration threshold for people with 0.6 configs
          * try with underscores and hyphens, from both the resource and global defaults section
         value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, "resource-failure-stickiness");
         if (value == NULL) {
             value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, "resource_failure_stickiness");
         if (value == NULL) {
             value =
                 g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->config_hash, "default-resource-failure-stickiness");
         if (value == NULL) {
             value =
                 g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->config_hash, "default_resource_failure_stickiness");
         if (value) {
             int fail_sticky = char2score(value);
             if (fail_sticky == -INFINITY) {
                 (*rsc)->migration_threshold = 1;
                             "Set a migration threshold of %d for %s based on a failure-stickiness of %s",
                             (*rsc)->migration_threshold, (*rsc)->id, value);
             } else if ((*rsc)->stickiness != 0 && fail_sticky != 0) {
                 (*rsc)->migration_threshold = (*rsc)->stickiness / fail_sticky;
                 if ((*rsc)->migration_threshold < 0) {
                     /* Make sure it's positive */
                     (*rsc)->migration_threshold = 0 - (*rsc)->migration_threshold;
                 (*rsc)->migration_threshold += 1;
                             "Calculated a migration threshold for %s of %d based on a stickiness of %d/%s",
                             (*rsc)->id, (*rsc)->migration_threshold, (*rsc)->stickiness, value);
     if (safe_str_eq(rclass, "stonith")) {
         set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource);
         set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_REQUIRES);
     if (safe_str_eq(value, "nothing")) {
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "quorum")) {
         set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_needs_quorum);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "unfencing")) {
         if (is_set((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) {
             crm_config_warn("%s is a fencing device but requires (un)fencing", (*rsc)->id);
             value = "quorum";
             isdefault = TRUE;
             goto handle_requires_pref;
         } else if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
             crm_config_warn("%s requires (un)fencing but fencing is disabled", (*rsc)->id);
             value = "quorum";
             isdefault = TRUE;
             goto handle_requires_pref;
         } else {
             set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_needs_fencing);
             set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "fencing")) {
         set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_needs_fencing);
         if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
             crm_config_warn("%s requires fencing but fencing is disabled", (*rsc)->id);
     } else {
         if (value) {
             crm_config_err("Invalid value for %s->requires: %s%s",
                            (*rsc)->id, value,
                            is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) ? "" : " (stonith-enabled=false)");
         isdefault = TRUE;
         if(is_set((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) {
             value = "quorum";
         } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) {
             value = "unfencing";
         } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
             value = "fencing";
         } else if (data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_ignore) {
             value = "nothing";
         } else {
             value = "quorum";
         goto handle_requires_pref;
     pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tRequired to start: %s%s", value, isdefault?" (default)":"");
     value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_FAIL_TIMEOUT);
     if (value != NULL) {
         /* call crm_get_msec() and convert back to seconds */
         (*rsc)->failure_timeout = (crm_get_msec(value) / 1000);
     get_target_role(*rsc, &((*rsc)->next_role));
     pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tDesired next state: %s",
                  (*rsc)->next_role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN ? role2text((*rsc)->next_role) : "default");
     if ((*rsc)->fns->unpack(*rsc, data_set) == FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_symmetric_cluster)) {
         resource_location(*rsc, NULL, 0, "symmetric_default", data_set);
     } else if (container_remote_node) {
         /* remote resources tied to a container resource must always be allowed
          * to opt-in to the cluster. Whether the connection resource is actually
          * allowed to be placed on a node is dependent on the container resource */
         resource_location(*rsc, NULL, 0, "remote_connection_default", data_set);
     pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tAction notification: %s",
                  is_set((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_notify) ? "required" : "not required");
     (*rsc)->utilization =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, (*rsc)->xml, XML_TAG_UTILIZATION, NULL,
                                (*rsc)->utilization, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
 /* 	data_set->resources = g_list_append(data_set->resources, (*rsc)); */
     if (expanded_xml) {
         if (add_template_rsc(xml_obj, data_set) == FALSE) {
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 common_update_score(resource_t * rsc, const char *id, int score)
     node_t *node = NULL;
     node = pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, id);
     if (node != NULL) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Updating score for %s on %s: %d + %d", rsc->id, id, node->weight, score);
         node->weight = merge_weights(node->weight, score);
     if (rsc->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             common_update_score(child_rsc, id, score);
 is_parent(resource_t *child, resource_t *rsc)
     resource_t *parent = child;
     if (parent == NULL || rsc == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     while (parent->parent != NULL) {
         if (parent->parent == rsc) {
             return TRUE;
         parent = parent->parent;
     return FALSE;
 resource_t *
 uber_parent(resource_t * rsc)
     resource_t *parent = rsc;
     if (parent == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     while (parent->parent != NULL) {
         parent = parent->parent;
     return parent;
 common_free(resource_t * rsc)
     if (rsc == NULL) {
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Freeing %s %d", rsc->id, rsc->variant);
     if (rsc->parameters != NULL) {
     if (rsc->meta != NULL) {
     if (rsc->utilization != NULL) {
     if (rsc->parent == NULL && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
         rsc->xml = NULL;
         rsc->orig_xml = NULL;
         /* if rsc->orig_xml, then rsc->xml is an expanded xml from a template */
     } else if (rsc->orig_xml) {
         rsc->xml = NULL;
     if (rsc->running_on) {
         rsc->running_on = NULL;
     if (rsc->known_on) {
         rsc->known_on = NULL;
     if (rsc->actions) {
         rsc->actions = NULL;
     if (rsc->allowed_nodes) {
         rsc->allowed_nodes = NULL;
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource freed");
diff --git a/lib/pengine/rules.c b/lib/pengine/rules.c
index 626d7b2b3e..851ff412ff 100644
--- a/lib/pengine/rules.c
+++ b/lib/pengine/rules.c
@@ -1,735 +1,737 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/rules.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/internal.h>
 crm_time_t *parse_xml_duration(crm_time_t * start, xmlNode * duration_spec);
 gboolean test_date_expression(xmlNode * time_expr, crm_time_t * now);
 gboolean cron_range_satisfied(crm_time_t * now, xmlNode * cron_spec);
 gboolean test_attr_expression(xmlNode * expr, GHashTable * hash, crm_time_t * now);
 gboolean test_role_expression(xmlNode * expr, enum rsc_role_e role, crm_time_t * now);
 test_ruleset(xmlNode * ruleset, GHashTable * node_hash, crm_time_t * now)
     gboolean ruleset_default = TRUE;
     xmlNode *rule = NULL;
     for (rule = __xml_first_child(ruleset); rule != NULL; rule = __xml_next(rule)) {
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rule->name, XML_TAG_RULE, TRUE)) {
             ruleset_default = FALSE;
             if (test_rule(rule, node_hash, RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN, now)) {
                 return TRUE;
     return ruleset_default;
 test_rule(xmlNode * rule, GHashTable * node_hash, enum rsc_role_e role, crm_time_t * now)
     xmlNode *expr = NULL;
     gboolean test = TRUE;
     gboolean empty = TRUE;
     gboolean passed = TRUE;
     gboolean do_and = TRUE;
     const char *value = NULL;
     rule = expand_idref(rule, NULL);
     value = crm_element_value(rule, XML_RULE_ATTR_BOOLEAN_OP);
     if (safe_str_eq(value, "or")) {
         do_and = FALSE;
         passed = FALSE;
     crm_trace("Testing rule %s", ID(rule));
     for (expr = __xml_first_child(rule); expr != NULL; expr = __xml_next(expr)) {
         test = test_expression(expr, node_hash, role, now);
         empty = FALSE;
         if (test && do_and == FALSE) {
             crm_trace("Expression %s/%s passed", ID(rule), ID(expr));
             return TRUE;
         } else if (test == FALSE && do_and) {
             crm_trace("Expression %s/%s failed", ID(rule), ID(expr));
             return FALSE;
     if (empty) {
         crm_err("Invalid Rule %s: rules must contain at least one expression", ID(rule));
     crm_trace("Rule %s %s", ID(rule), passed ? "passed" : "failed");
     return passed;
 test_expression(xmlNode * expr, GHashTable * node_hash, enum rsc_role_e role, crm_time_t * now)
     gboolean accept = FALSE;
     const char *uname = NULL;
     switch (find_expression_type(expr)) {
         case nested_rule:
             accept = test_rule(expr, node_hash, role, now);
         case attr_expr:
         case loc_expr:
             /* these expressions can never succeed if there is
              * no node to compare with
             if (node_hash != NULL) {
                 accept = test_attr_expression(expr, node_hash, now);
         case time_expr:
             accept = test_date_expression(expr, now);
         case role_expr:
             accept = test_role_expression(expr, role, now);
             CRM_CHECK(FALSE /* bad type */ , return FALSE);
             accept = FALSE;
     if (node_hash) {
         uname = g_hash_table_lookup(node_hash, "#uname");
     crm_trace("Expression %s %s on %s",
               ID(expr), accept ? "passed" : "failed", uname ? uname : "all ndoes");
     return accept;
 enum expression_type
 find_expression_type(xmlNode * expr)
     const char *tag = NULL;
     const char *attr = NULL;
     attr = crm_element_value(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE);
     tag = crm_element_name(expr);
     if (safe_str_eq(tag, "date_expression")) {
         return time_expr;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(tag, XML_TAG_RULE)) {
         return nested_rule;
     } else if (safe_str_neq(tag, "expression")) {
         return not_expr;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(attr, "#uname") || safe_str_eq(attr, "#kind") || safe_str_eq(attr, "#id")) {
         return loc_expr;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(attr, "#role")) {
         return role_expr;
     return attr_expr;
 test_role_expression(xmlNode * expr, enum rsc_role_e role, crm_time_t * now)
     gboolean accept = FALSE;
     const char *op = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     if (role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
         return accept;
     value = crm_element_value(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_VALUE);
     op = crm_element_value(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_OPERATION);
     if (safe_str_eq(op, "defined")) {
         if (role > RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "not_defined")) {
         if (role < RSC_ROLE_SLAVE && role > RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "eq")) {
         if (text2role(value) == role) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "ne")) {
         /* we will only test "ne" wtih master/slave roles style */
         if (role < RSC_ROLE_SLAVE && role > RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
             accept = FALSE;
         } else if (text2role(value) != role) {
             accept = TRUE;
     return accept;
 test_attr_expression(xmlNode * expr, GHashTable * hash, crm_time_t * now)
     gboolean accept = FALSE;
     int cmp = 0;
     const char *h_val = NULL;
     const char *op = NULL;
     const char *type = NULL;
     const char *attr = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     attr = crm_element_value(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE);
     op = crm_element_value(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_OPERATION);
     value = crm_element_value(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_VALUE);
     type = crm_element_value(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_TYPE);
     if (attr == NULL || op == NULL) {
         pe_err("Invlaid attribute or operation in expression"
                " (\'%s\' \'%s\' \'%s\')", crm_str(attr), crm_str(op), crm_str(value));
         return FALSE;
     if (hash != NULL) {
         h_val = (const char *)g_hash_table_lookup(hash, attr);
     if (value != NULL && h_val != NULL) {
         if (type == NULL) {
             if (safe_str_eq(op, "lt")
                 || safe_str_eq(op, "lte")
                 || safe_str_eq(op, "gt")
                 || safe_str_eq(op, "gte")) {
                 type = "number";
             } else {
                 type = "string";
             crm_trace("Defaulting to %s based comparison for '%s' op", type, op);
         if (safe_str_eq(type, "string")) {
             cmp = strcasecmp(h_val, value);
         } else if (safe_str_eq(type, "number")) {
             int h_val_f = crm_parse_int(h_val, NULL);
             int value_f = crm_parse_int(value, NULL);
             if (h_val_f < value_f) {
                 cmp = -1;
             } else if (h_val_f > value_f) {
                 cmp = 1;
             } else {
                 cmp = 0;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(type, "version")) {
             cmp = compare_version(h_val, value);
     } else if (value == NULL && h_val == NULL) {
         cmp = 0;
     } else if (value == NULL) {
         cmp = 1;
     } else {
         cmp = -1;
     if (safe_str_eq(op, "defined")) {
         if (h_val != NULL) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "not_defined")) {
         if (h_val == NULL) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "eq")) {
         if ((h_val == value) || cmp == 0) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "ne")) {
         if ((h_val == NULL && value != NULL)
             || (h_val != NULL && value == NULL)
             || cmp != 0) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (value == NULL || h_val == NULL) {
         /* the comparision is meaningless from this point on */
         accept = FALSE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "lt")) {
         if (cmp < 0) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "lte")) {
         if (cmp <= 0) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "gt")) {
         if (cmp > 0) {
             accept = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "gte")) {
         if (cmp >= 0) {
             accept = TRUE;
     return accept;
 /* As per the nethack rules:
  * moon period = 29.53058 days ~= 30, year = 365.2422 days
  * days moon phase advances on first day of year compared to preceding year
  *      = 365.2422 - 12*29.53058 ~= 11
  * years in Metonic cycle (time until same phases fall on the same days of
  *      the month) = 18.6 ~= 19
  * moon phase on first day of year (epact) ~= (11*(year%19) + 29) % 30
  *      (29 as initial condition)
  * current phase in days = first day phase + days elapsed in year
  * 6 moons ~= 177 days
  * 177 ~= 8 reported phases * 22
  * + 11/22 for rounding
  * 0-7, with 0: new, 4: full
 static int
 phase_of_the_moon(crm_time_t * now)
     uint32_t epact, diy, goldn;
     uint32_t y;
     crm_time_get_ordinal(now, &y, &diy);
     goldn = (y % 19) + 1;
     epact = (11 * goldn + 18) % 30;
     if ((epact == 25 && goldn > 11) || epact == 24)
     return ((((((diy + epact) * 6) + 11) % 177) / 22) & 7);
 static gboolean
 decodeNVpair(const char *srcstring, char separator, char **name, char **value)
     int lpc = 0;
     int len = 0;
     const char *temp = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(name != NULL && value != NULL);
     *name = NULL;
     *value = NULL;
     crm_trace("Attempting to decode: [%s]", srcstring);
     if (srcstring != NULL) {
         len = strlen(srcstring);
         while (lpc <= len) {
             if (srcstring[lpc] == separator) {
                 *name = calloc(1, lpc + 1);
                 if (*name == NULL) {
                     break;      /* and return FALSE */
                 memcpy(*name, srcstring, lpc);
                 (*name)[lpc] = '\0';
 /* this sucks but as the strtok manpage says..
  * it *is* a bug
                 len = len - lpc;
                 if (len <= 0) {
                     *value = NULL;
                 } else {
                     *value = calloc(1, len + 1);
                     if (*value == NULL) {
                         break;  /* and return FALSE */
                     temp = srcstring + lpc + 1;
                     memcpy(*value, temp, len);
                     (*value)[len] = '\0';
                 return TRUE;
     if (*name != NULL) {
         *name = NULL;
     *name = NULL;
     *value = NULL;
     return FALSE;
 #define cron_check(xml_field, time_field)				\
     value = crm_element_value(cron_spec, xml_field);			\
     if(value != NULL) {							\
 	gboolean pass = TRUE;						\
 	decodeNVpair(value, '-', &value_low, &value_high);		\
 	if(value_low == NULL) {						\
 	    value_low = strdup(value);				\
 	}								\
 	value_low_i = crm_parse_int(value_low, "0");			\
 	value_high_i = crm_parse_int(value_high, "-1");			\
 	if(value_high_i < 0) {						\
 	    if(value_low_i != time_field) {				\
 		pass = FALSE;						\
 	    }								\
 	} else if(value_low_i > time_field) {				\
 	    pass = FALSE;						\
 	} else if(value_high_i < time_field) {				\
 	    pass = FALSE;						\
 	}								\
 	free(value_low);						\
 	free(value_high);						\
 	if(pass == FALSE) {						\
 	    crm_debug("Condition '%s' in %s: failed", value, xml_field); \
 	    return pass;						\
 	}								\
 	crm_debug("Condition '%s' in %s: passed", value, xml_field);	\
 cron_range_satisfied(crm_time_t * now, xmlNode * cron_spec)
     const char *value = NULL;
     char *value_low = NULL;
     char *value_high = NULL;
     int value_low_i = 0;
     int value_high_i = 0;
     uint32_t h, m, s, y, d, w;
     CRM_CHECK(now != NULL, return FALSE);
     crm_time_get_timeofday(now, &h, &m, &s);
     cron_check("seconds", s);
     cron_check("minutes", m);
     cron_check("hours", h);
     crm_time_get_gregorian(now, &y, &m, &d);
     cron_check("monthdays", d);
     cron_check("months", m);
     cron_check("years", y);
     crm_time_get_ordinal(now, &y, &d);
     cron_check("yeardays", d);
     crm_time_get_isoweek(now, &y, &w, &d);
     cron_check("weekyears", y);
     cron_check("weeks", w);
     cron_check("weekdays", d);
     cron_check("moon", phase_of_the_moon(now));
     return TRUE;
 #define update_field(xml_field, time_fn)			\
     value = crm_element_value(duration_spec, xml_field);	\
     if(value != NULL) {						\
 	int value_i = crm_parse_int(value, "0");		\
 	time_fn(end, value_i);					\
 crm_time_t *
 parse_xml_duration(crm_time_t * start, xmlNode * duration_spec)
     crm_time_t *end = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     end = crm_time_new(NULL);
     crm_time_set(end, start);
     update_field("years", crm_time_add_years);
     update_field("months", crm_time_add_months);
     update_field("weeks", crm_time_add_weeks);
     update_field("days", crm_time_add_days);
     update_field("hours", crm_time_add_hours);
     update_field("minutes", crm_time_add_minutes);
     update_field("seconds", crm_time_add_seconds);
     return end;
 test_date_expression(xmlNode * time_expr, crm_time_t * now)
     crm_time_t *start = NULL;
     crm_time_t *end = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *op = crm_element_value(time_expr, "operation");
     xmlNode *duration_spec = NULL;
     xmlNode *date_spec = NULL;
     gboolean passed = FALSE;
     crm_trace("Testing expression: %s", ID(time_expr));
     duration_spec = first_named_child(time_expr, "duration");
     date_spec = first_named_child(time_expr, "date_spec");
     value = crm_element_value(time_expr, "start");
     if (value != NULL) {
         start = crm_time_new(value);
     value = crm_element_value(time_expr, "end");
     if (value != NULL) {
         end = crm_time_new(value);
     if (start != NULL && end == NULL && duration_spec != NULL) {
         end = parse_xml_duration(start, duration_spec);
     if (op == NULL) {
         op = "in_range";
     if (safe_str_eq(op, "date_spec") || safe_str_eq(op, "in_range")) {
         if (start != NULL && crm_time_compare(start, now) > 0) {
             passed = FALSE;
         } else if (end != NULL && crm_time_compare(end, now) < 0) {
             passed = FALSE;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "in_range")) {
             passed = TRUE;
         } else {
             passed = cron_range_satisfied(now, date_spec);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "gt") && crm_time_compare(start, now) < 0) {
         passed = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "lt") && crm_time_compare(end, now) > 0) {
         passed = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "eq") && crm_time_compare(start, now) == 0) {
         passed = TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op, "neq") && crm_time_compare(start, now) != 0) {
         passed = TRUE;
     return passed;
 typedef struct sorted_set_s {
     int score;
     const char *name;
     const char *special_name;
     xmlNode *attr_set;
 } sorted_set_t;
 static gint
 sort_pairs(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     const sorted_set_t *pair_a = a;
     const sorted_set_t *pair_b = b;
     if (a == NULL && b == NULL) {
         return 0;
     } else if (a == NULL) {
         return 1;
     } else if (b == NULL) {
         return -1;
     if (safe_str_eq(pair_a->name, pair_a->special_name)) {
         return -1;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(pair_b->name, pair_a->special_name)) {
         return 1;
     if (pair_a->score < pair_b->score) {
         return 1;
     } else if (pair_a->score > pair_b->score) {
         return -1;
     return 0;
 static void
 populate_hash(xmlNode * nvpair_list, GHashTable * hash, gboolean overwrite, xmlNode * top)
     const char *name = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *old_value = NULL;
     xmlNode *list = nvpair_list;
     xmlNode *an_attr = NULL;
     name = crm_element_name(list->children);
     if (safe_str_eq(XML_TAG_ATTRS, name)) {
         list = list->children;
     for (an_attr = __xml_first_child(list); an_attr != NULL; an_attr = __xml_next(an_attr)) {
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)an_attr->name, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR, TRUE)) {
             xmlNode *ref_nvpair = expand_idref(an_attr, top);
             name = crm_element_value(an_attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME);
             if (name == NULL) {
                 name = crm_element_value(ref_nvpair, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME);
             crm_trace("Setting attribute: %s", name);
             value = crm_element_value(an_attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE);
             if (value == NULL) {
                 value = crm_element_value(ref_nvpair, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE);
             if (name == NULL || value == NULL) {
             old_value = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, name);
             if (safe_str_eq(value, "#default")) {
                 if (old_value) {
                     crm_trace("Removing value for %s (%s)", name, value);
                     g_hash_table_remove(hash, name);
             } else if (old_value == NULL) {
                 g_hash_table_insert(hash, strdup(name), strdup(value));
             } else if (overwrite) {
                 crm_debug("Overwriting value of %s: %s -> %s", name, old_value, value);
                 g_hash_table_replace(hash, strdup(name), strdup(value));
 struct unpack_data_s {
     gboolean overwrite;
     GHashTable *node_hash;
     GHashTable *hash;
     crm_time_t *now;
     xmlNode *top;
 static void
 unpack_attr_set(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
     sorted_set_t *pair = data;
     struct unpack_data_s *unpack_data = user_data;
     if (test_ruleset(pair->attr_set, unpack_data->node_hash, unpack_data->now) == FALSE) {
     crm_trace("Adding attributes from %s", pair->name);
     populate_hash(pair->attr_set, unpack_data->hash, unpack_data->overwrite, unpack_data->top);
 unpack_instance_attributes(xmlNode * top, xmlNode * xml_obj, const char *set_name,
                            GHashTable * node_hash, GHashTable * hash, const char *always_first,
                            gboolean overwrite, crm_time_t * now)
     GListPtr sorted = NULL;
     GListPtr unsorted = NULL;
     const char *score = NULL;
     sorted_set_t *pair = NULL;
     struct unpack_data_s data;
     xmlNode *attr_set = NULL;
     if (xml_obj == NULL) {
         crm_trace("No instance attributes");
     crm_trace("Checking for attributes");
     for (attr_set = __xml_first_child(xml_obj); attr_set != NULL; attr_set = __xml_next(attr_set)) {
         /* Uncertain if set_name == NULL check is strictly necessary here */
         if (set_name == NULL || crm_str_eq((const char *)attr_set->name, set_name, TRUE)) {
             pair = NULL;
             attr_set = expand_idref(attr_set, top);
             if (attr_set == NULL) {
             pair = calloc(1, sizeof(sorted_set_t));
             pair->name = ID(attr_set);
             pair->special_name = always_first;
             pair->attr_set = attr_set;
             score = crm_element_value(attr_set, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE);
             pair->score = char2score(score);
             unsorted = g_list_prepend(unsorted, pair);
     if (pair != NULL) {
         data.hash = hash;
         data.node_hash = node_hash;
         data.now = now;
         data.overwrite = overwrite;
         data.top = top;
-    sorted = g_list_sort(unsorted, sort_pairs);
-    g_list_foreach(sorted, unpack_attr_set, &data);
-    g_list_free_full(sorted, free);
+    if (unsorted) {
+        sorted = g_list_sort(unsorted, sort_pairs);
+        g_list_foreach(sorted, unpack_attr_set, &data);
+        g_list_free_full(sorted, free);
+    }
diff --git a/lib/pengine/utils.c b/lib/pengine/utils.c
index 82f1b0a409..9010ffaede 100644
--- a/lib/pengine/utils.c
+++ b/lib/pengine/utils.c
@@ -1,2167 +1,2169 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/util.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/rules.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/internal.h>
 pe_working_set_t *pe_dataset = NULL;
 extern xmlNode *get_object_root(const char *object_type, xmlNode * the_root);
 void print_str_str(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
 gboolean ghash_free_str_str(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
 void unpack_operation(action_t * action, xmlNode * xml_obj, resource_t * container,
                       pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 static xmlNode *find_rsc_op_entry_helper(resource_t * rsc, const char *key,
                                          gboolean include_disabled);
 static gboolean is_rsc_baremetal_remote_node(resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 bool pe_can_fence(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t *node)
     if(is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
         return FALSE; /* Turned off */
     } else if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource)) {
         return FALSE; /* No devices */
     } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum)) {
         return TRUE;
     } else if (data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_ignore) {
         return TRUE;
     } else if(node == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if(node->details->online) {
         crm_notice("We can fence %s without quorum because they're in our membership", node->details->uname);
         return TRUE;
     crm_trace("Cannot fence %s", node->details->uname);
     return FALSE;
 node_t *
 node_copy(node_t * this_node)
     node_t *new_node = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(this_node != NULL, return NULL);
     new_node = calloc(1, sizeof(node_t));
     CRM_ASSERT(new_node != NULL);
     crm_trace("Copying %p (%s) to %p", this_node, this_node->details->uname, new_node);
     new_node->rsc_discover_mode = this_node->rsc_discover_mode;
     new_node->weight = this_node->weight;
     new_node->fixed = this_node->fixed;
     new_node->details = this_node->details;
     return new_node;
 /* any node in list1 or list2 and not in the other gets a score of -INFINITY */
 node_list_exclude(GHashTable * hash, GListPtr list, gboolean merge_scores)
     GHashTable *result = hash;
     node_t *other_node = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = list;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     node_t *node = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
         other_node = pe_find_node_id(list, node->details->id);
         if (other_node == NULL) {
             node->weight = -INFINITY;
         } else if (merge_scores) {
             node->weight = merge_weights(node->weight, other_node->weight);
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         other_node = pe_hash_table_lookup(result, node->details->id);
         if (other_node == NULL) {
             node_t *new_node = node_copy(node);
             new_node->weight = -INFINITY;
             g_hash_table_insert(result, (gpointer) new_node->details->id, new_node);
 GHashTable *
 node_hash_from_list(GListPtr list)
     GListPtr gIter = list;
     GHashTable *result = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_hash_destroy_str);
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         node_t *n = node_copy(node);
         g_hash_table_insert(result, (gpointer) n->details->id, n);
     return result;
 node_list_dup(GListPtr list1, gboolean reset, gboolean filter)
     GListPtr result = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = list1;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *new_node = NULL;
         node_t *this_node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         if (filter && this_node->weight < 0) {
         new_node = node_copy(this_node);
         if (reset) {
             new_node->weight = 0;
         if (new_node != NULL) {
             result = g_list_prepend(result, new_node);
     return result;
 sort_node_uname(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     const node_t *node_a = a;
     const node_t *node_b = b;
     return strcmp(node_a->details->uname, node_b->details->uname);
 dump_node_scores_worker(int level, const char *file, const char *function, int line,
                         resource_t * rsc, const char *comment, GHashTable * nodes)
     GHashTable *hash = nodes;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     node_t *node = NULL;
     if (rsc) {
         hash = rsc->allowed_nodes;
     if (rsc && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
         /* Don't show the allocation scores for orphans */
     if (level == 0) {
         char score[128];
         int len = sizeof(score);
         /* For now we want this in sorted order to keep the regression tests happy */
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         GListPtr list = g_hash_table_get_values(hash);
         list = g_list_sort(list, sort_node_uname);
         gIter = list;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
             /* This function is called a whole lot, use stack allocated score */
             score2char_stack(node->weight, score, len);
             if (rsc) {
                 printf("%s: %s allocation score on %s: %s\n",
                        comment, rsc->id, node->details->uname, score);
             } else {
                 printf("%s: %s = %s\n", comment, node->details->uname, score);
     } else if (hash) {
         char score[128];
         int len = sizeof(score);
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
             /* This function is called a whole lot, use stack allocated score */
             score2char_stack(node->weight, score, len);
             if (rsc) {
                 do_crm_log_alias(LOG_TRACE, file, function, line,
                                  "%s: %s allocation score on %s: %s", comment, rsc->id,
                                  node->details->uname, score);
             } else {
                 do_crm_log_alias(LOG_TRACE, file, function, line + 1, "%s: %s = %s", comment,
                                  node->details->uname, score);
     if (rsc && rsc->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         gIter = rsc->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             dump_node_scores_worker(level, file, function, line, child, comment, nodes);
 static void
 append_dump_text(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     char **dump_text = user_data;
     int len = 0;
     char *new_text = NULL;
     len = strlen(*dump_text) + strlen(" ") + strlen(key) + strlen("=") + strlen(value) + 1;
     new_text = calloc(1, len);
     sprintf(new_text, "%s %s=%s", *dump_text, (char *)key, (char *)value);
     *dump_text = new_text;
 dump_node_capacity(int level, const char *comment, node_t * node)
     int len = 0;
     char *dump_text = NULL;
     len = strlen(comment) + strlen(": ") + strlen(node->details->uname) + strlen(" capacity:") + 1;
     dump_text = calloc(1, len);
     sprintf(dump_text, "%s: %s capacity:", comment, node->details->uname);
     g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text);
     if (level == 0) {
         fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", dump_text);
     } else {
         crm_trace("%s", dump_text);
 dump_rsc_utilization(int level, const char *comment, resource_t * rsc, node_t * node)
     int len = 0;
     char *dump_text = NULL;
     len = strlen(comment) + strlen(": ") + strlen(rsc->id) + strlen(" utilization on ")
         + strlen(node->details->uname) + strlen(":") + 1;
     dump_text = calloc(1, len);
     sprintf(dump_text, "%s: %s utilization on %s:", comment, rsc->id, node->details->uname);
     g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text);
     if (level == 0) {
         fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", dump_text);
     } else {
         crm_trace("%s", dump_text);
 sort_rsc_index(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     const resource_t *resource1 = (const resource_t *)a;
     const resource_t *resource2 = (const resource_t *)b;
     if (a == NULL && b == NULL) {
         return 0;
     if (a == NULL) {
         return 1;
     if (b == NULL) {
         return -1;
     if (resource1->sort_index > resource2->sort_index) {
         return -1;
     if (resource1->sort_index < resource2->sort_index) {
         return 1;
     return 0;
 sort_rsc_priority(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     const resource_t *resource1 = (const resource_t *)a;
     const resource_t *resource2 = (const resource_t *)b;
     if (a == NULL && b == NULL) {
         return 0;
     if (a == NULL) {
         return 1;
     if (b == NULL) {
         return -1;
     if (resource1->priority > resource2->priority) {
         return -1;
     if (resource1->priority < resource2->priority) {
         return 1;
     return 0;
 action_t *
 custom_action(resource_t * rsc, char *key, const char *task,
               node_t * on_node, gboolean optional, gboolean save_action,
               pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     action_t *action = NULL;
     GListPtr possible_matches = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(task != NULL, free(key); return NULL);
     if (save_action && rsc != NULL) {
         possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, on_node);
     } else if(save_action) {
 #if 0
         action = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->singletons, key);
         /* More expensive but takes 'node' into account */
         possible_matches = find_actions(data_set->actions, key, on_node);
     if(data_set->singletons == NULL) {
         data_set->singletons = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, NULL);
     if (possible_matches != NULL) {
         if (g_list_length(possible_matches) > 1) {
             pe_warn("Action %s for %s on %s exists %d times",
                     task, rsc ? rsc->id : "<NULL>",
                     on_node ? on_node->details->uname : "<NULL>", g_list_length(possible_matches));
         action = g_list_nth_data(possible_matches, 0);
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Found existing action (%d) %s for %s on %s",
                      action->id, task, rsc ? rsc->id : "<NULL>",
                      on_node ? on_node->details->uname : "<NULL>");
     if (action == NULL) {
         if (save_action) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating%s action %d: %s for %s on %s %d",
                          optional ? "" : " manditory", data_set->action_id, key,
                          rsc ? rsc->id : "<NULL>", on_node ? on_node->details->uname : "<NULL>", optional);
         action = calloc(1, sizeof(action_t));
         if (save_action) {
             action->id = data_set->action_id++;
         } else {
             action->id = 0;
         action->rsc = rsc;
         CRM_ASSERT(task != NULL);
         action->task = strdup(task);
         if (on_node) {
             action->node = node_copy(on_node);
         action->uuid = strdup(key);
         pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_failure_is_fatal);
         pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
         if (optional) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Set optional on %s", action->uuid);
             pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
         } else {
             pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unset optional on %s", action->uuid);
   Implied by calloc()...
   action->actions_before   = NULL;
   action->actions_after    = NULL;
   action->pseudo     = FALSE;
   action->dumped     = FALSE;
   action->processed  = FALSE;
   action->seen_count = 0;
         action->extra = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, free);
         action->meta = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, free);
         if (save_action) {
             data_set->actions = g_list_prepend(data_set->actions, action);
             if(rsc == NULL) {
                 g_hash_table_insert(data_set->singletons, action->uuid, action);
         if (rsc != NULL) {
             action->op_entry = find_rsc_op_entry_helper(rsc, key, TRUE);
             unpack_operation(action, action->op_entry, rsc->container, data_set);
             if (save_action) {
                 rsc->actions = g_list_prepend(rsc->actions, action);
         if (save_action) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Action %d created", action->id);
     if (optional == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unset optional on %s", action->uuid);
         pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
     if (rsc != NULL) {
         enum action_tasks a_task = text2task(action->task);
         int warn_level = LOG_TRACE;
         if (save_action) {
             warn_level = LOG_WARNING;
         if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_have_node_attrs) == FALSE
             && action->node != NULL && action->op_entry != NULL) {
             pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_have_node_attrs);
             unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, action->op_entry, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS,
                                        action->extra, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
         if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) {
             /* leave untouched */
         } else if (action->node == NULL) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unset runnable on %s", action->uuid);
             pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
         } else if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
                    && g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL) == NULL) {
             crm_debug("Action %s (unmanaged)", action->uuid);
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Set optional on %s", action->uuid);
             pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
 /*   			action->runnable = FALSE; */
         } else if (action->node->details->online == FALSE) {
             pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
             do_crm_log(warn_level, "Action %s on %s is unrunnable (offline)",
                        action->uuid, action->node->details->uname);
             if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
                 && save_action && a_task == stop_rsc) {
                 pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "Node is unclean");
         } else if (action->node->details->pending) {
             pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
             do_crm_log(warn_level, "Action %s on %s is unrunnable (pending)",
                        action->uuid, action->node->details->uname);
         } else if (action->needs == rsc_req_nothing) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Action %s doesnt require anything", action->uuid);
             pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
 #if 0
              * No point checking this
              * - if we dont have quorum we cant stonith anyway
         } else if (action->needs == rsc_req_stonith) {
             crm_trace("Action %s requires only stonith", action->uuid);
             action->runnable = TRUE;
         } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE
                    && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_stop) {
             pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
             crm_debug("%s\t%s (cancelled : quorum)", action->node->details->uname, action->uuid);
         } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE
                    && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_freeze) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Check resource is already active: %s %s %s %s", rsc->id, action->uuid, role2text(rsc->next_role), role2text(rsc->role));
             if (rsc->fns->active(rsc, TRUE) == FALSE || rsc->next_role > rsc->role) {
                 pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
                 pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t%s (cancelled : quorum freeze)",
                              action->node->details->uname, action->uuid);
         } else {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Action %s is runnable", action->uuid);
             pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
         if (save_action) {
             switch (a_task) {
                 case stop_rsc:
                     set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_stopping);
                 case start_rsc:
                     clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_starting);
                     if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
                         set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_starting);
     return action;
 static const char *
 unpack_operation_on_fail(action_t * action)
     const char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL);
     if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP) && safe_str_eq(value, "standby")) {
         crm_config_err("on-fail=standby is not allowed for stop actions: %s", action->rsc->id);
         return NULL;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE) && !value) {
         /* demote on_fail defaults to master monitor value if present */
         xmlNode *operation = NULL;
         const char *name = NULL;
         const char *role = NULL;
         const char *on_fail = NULL;
         const char *interval = NULL;
         const char *enabled = NULL;
         CRM_CHECK(action->rsc != NULL, return NULL);
         for (operation = __xml_first_child(action->rsc->ops_xml);
              operation && !value; operation = __xml_next(operation)) {
             if (!crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) {
             name = crm_element_value(operation, "name");
             role = crm_element_value(operation, "role");
             on_fail = crm_element_value(operation, XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL);
             enabled = crm_element_value(operation, "enabled");
             interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
             if (!on_fail) {
             } else if (enabled && !crm_is_true(enabled)) {
             } else if (safe_str_neq(name, "monitor") || safe_str_neq(role, "Master")) {
             } else if (crm_get_interval(interval) <= 0) {
             value = on_fail;
     return value;
 static xmlNode *
 find_min_interval_mon(resource_t * rsc, gboolean include_disabled)
     int number = 0;
     int min_interval = -1;
     const char *name = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *interval = NULL;
     xmlNode *op = NULL;
     xmlNode *operation = NULL;
     for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL;
          operation = __xml_next(operation)) {
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) {
             name = crm_element_value(operation, "name");
             interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
             value = crm_element_value(operation, "enabled");
             if (!include_disabled && value && crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) {
             if (safe_str_neq(name, RSC_STATUS)) {
             number = crm_get_interval(interval);
             if (number < 0) {
             if (min_interval < 0 || number < min_interval) {
                 min_interval = number;
                 op = operation;
     return op;
 unpack_operation(action_t * action, xmlNode * xml_obj, resource_t * container,
                  pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int value_i = 0;
     unsigned long long interval = 0;
     unsigned long long start_delay = 0;
     char *value_ms = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *field = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(action->rsc != NULL, return);
     unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, data_set->op_defaults, XML_TAG_META_SETS, NULL,
                                action->meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
     if (xml_obj) {
         xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL;
         for (xIter = xml_obj->properties; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) {
             const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name;
             const char *prop_value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, prop_name);
             g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(prop_name), strdup(prop_value));
     unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_META_SETS,
                                NULL, action->meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
     unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS,
                                NULL, action->meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
     g_hash_table_remove(action->meta, "id");
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, field);
     if (value != NULL) {
         interval = crm_get_interval(value);
         if (interval > 0) {
             value_ms = crm_itoa(interval);
             g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(field), value_ms);
         } else {
             g_hash_table_remove(action->meta, field);
     /* Begin compatability code */
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "requires");
     if (safe_str_neq(action->task, RSC_START)
         && safe_str_neq(action->task, RSC_PROMOTE)) {
         action->needs = rsc_req_nothing;
         value = "nothing (not start/promote)";
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "nothing")) {
         action->needs = rsc_req_nothing;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "quorum")) {
         action->needs = rsc_req_quorum;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "unfencing")) {
         action->needs = rsc_req_stonith;
         set_bit(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing);
         if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
             crm_notice("%s requires (un)fencing but fencing is disabled", action->rsc->id);
     } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)
                && safe_str_eq(value, "fencing")) {
         action->needs = rsc_req_stonith;
         if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
             crm_notice("%s requires fencing but fencing is disabled", action->rsc->id);
         /* End compatability code */
     } else if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_fencing)) {
         action->needs = rsc_req_stonith;
         value = "fencing (resource)";
     } else if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_quorum)) {
         action->needs = rsc_req_quorum;
         value = "quorum (resource)";
     } else {
         action->needs = rsc_req_nothing;
         value = "nothing (resource)";
     pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\tAction %s requires: %s", action->task, value);
     value = unpack_operation_on_fail(action);
     if (value == NULL) {
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "block")) {
         action->on_fail = action_fail_block;
+        g_hash_table_insert(action->meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL), strdup("block"));
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "fence")) {
         action->on_fail = action_fail_fence;
         value = "node fencing";
         if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) == FALSE) {
             crm_config_err("Specifying on_fail=fence and" " stonith-enabled=false makes no sense");
             action->on_fail = action_fail_stop;
             action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
             value = "stop resource";
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "standby")) {
         action->on_fail = action_fail_standby;
         value = "node standby";
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "ignore")
                || safe_str_eq(value, "nothing")) {
         action->on_fail = action_fail_ignore;
+        pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_failure_is_fatal);
         value = "ignore";
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "migrate")) {
         action->on_fail = action_fail_migrate;
         value = "force migration";
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "stop")) {
         action->on_fail = action_fail_stop;
         action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
         value = "stop resource";
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "restart")) {
         action->on_fail = action_fail_recover;
         value = "restart (and possibly migrate)";
     } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "restart-container")) {
         if (container) {
             action->on_fail = action_fail_restart_container;
             value = "restart container (and possibly migrate)";
         } else {
             value = NULL;
     } else {
         pe_err("Resource %s: Unknown failure type (%s)", action->rsc->id, value);
         value = NULL;
     /* defaults */
     if (value == NULL && container) {
         action->on_fail = action_fail_restart_container;
         value = "restart container (and possibly migrate) (default)";
     /* for baremetal remote nodes, ensure that a recurring monitor operation failure
      * defaults to either fencing the remote-node for recovery, or at least
      * attempting to recover the the connection when fencing is disabled. */
     } else if (value == NULL &&
                is_rsc_baremetal_remote_node(action->rsc, data_set) &&
                safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) &&
                interval > 0) {
         if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
             action->on_fail = action_fail_reset_remote;
             value = "fence baremetal remote node (default)";
         } else {
             action->on_fail = action_fail_recover;
             value = "recover baremetal remote node connection (default)";
     } else if (value == NULL && safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
         if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
             action->on_fail = action_fail_fence;
             value = "resource fence (default)";
         } else {
             action->on_fail = action_fail_block;
             value = "resource block (default)";
     } else if (value == NULL) {
         action->on_fail = action_fail_recover;
         value = "restart (and possibly migrate) (default)";
     pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\t%s failure handling: %s", action->task, value);
     value = NULL;
     if (xml_obj != NULL) {
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "role_after_failure");
     if (value != NULL && action->fail_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
         action->fail_role = text2role(value);
     /* defaults */
     if (action->fail_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
         if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) {
             action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_SLAVE;
         } else {
             action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED;
     pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\t%s failure results in: %s", action->task,
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, field);
     if (value != NULL) {
         value_i = crm_get_msec(value);
         if (value_i < 0) {
             value_i = 0;
         start_delay = value_i;
         value_ms = crm_itoa(value_i);
         g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(field), value_ms);
     } else if (interval > 0 && g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_ORIGIN)) {
         crm_time_t *origin = NULL;
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_ORIGIN);
         origin = crm_time_new(value);
         if (origin == NULL) {
             crm_config_err("Operation %s contained an invalid " XML_OP_ATTR_ORIGIN ": %s",
                            ID(xml_obj), value);
         } else {
             crm_time_t *delay = NULL;
             int rc = crm_time_compare(origin, data_set->now);
             long long delay_s = 0;
             int interval_s = (interval / 1000);
             crm_trace("Origin: %s, interval: %d", value, interval_s);
             /* If 'origin' is in the future, find the most recent "multiple" that occurred in the past */
             while(rc > 0) {
                 crm_time_add_seconds(origin, -interval_s);
                 rc = crm_time_compare(origin, data_set->now);
             /* Now find the first "multiple" that occurs after 'now' */
             while (rc < 0) {
                 crm_time_add_seconds(origin, interval_s);
                 rc = crm_time_compare(origin, data_set->now);
             delay = crm_time_calculate_duration(origin, data_set->now);
             crm_time_log(LOG_TRACE, "origin", origin,
                          crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday |
             crm_time_log(LOG_TRACE, "now", data_set->now,
                          crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday |
             crm_time_log(LOG_TRACE, "delay", delay, crm_time_log_duration);
             delay_s = crm_time_get_seconds(delay);
             CRM_CHECK(delay_s >= 0, delay_s = 0);
             start_delay = delay_s * 1000;
             crm_info("Calculated a start delay of %llds for %s", delay_s, ID(xml_obj));
             g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY),
     field = XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT;
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, field);
     if (value == NULL && xml_obj == NULL && safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_STATUS) && interval == 0) {
         xmlNode *min_interval_mon = find_min_interval_mon(action->rsc, FALSE);
         if (min_interval_mon) {
             value = crm_element_value(min_interval_mon, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
                          "\t%s uses the timeout value '%s' from the minimum interval monitor",
                          action->uuid, value);
     if (value == NULL) {
         value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "default-action-timeout");
     value_i = crm_get_msec(value);
     if (value_i < 0) {
         value_i = 0;
     value_i += start_delay;
     value_ms = crm_itoa(value_i);
     g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(field), value_ms);
 static xmlNode *
 find_rsc_op_entry_helper(resource_t * rsc, const char *key, gboolean include_disabled)
     unsigned long long number = 0;
     gboolean do_retry = TRUE;
     char *local_key = NULL;
     const char *name = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *interval = NULL;
     char *match_key = NULL;
     xmlNode *op = NULL;
     xmlNode *operation = NULL;
     for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL;
          operation = __xml_next(operation)) {
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) {
             name = crm_element_value(operation, "name");
             interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
             value = crm_element_value(operation, "enabled");
             if (!include_disabled && value && crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) {
             number = crm_get_interval(interval);
             match_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, name, number);
             if (safe_str_eq(key, match_key)) {
                 op = operation;
             if (rsc->clone_name) {
                 match_key = generate_op_key(rsc->clone_name, name, number);
                 if (safe_str_eq(key, match_key)) {
                     op = operation;
             if (op != NULL) {
                 return op;
     if (do_retry == FALSE) {
         return NULL;
     do_retry = FALSE;
     if (strstr(key, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) || strstr(key, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
         local_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, "migrate", 0);
         key = local_key;
         goto retry;
     } else if (strstr(key, "_notify_")) {
         local_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, "notify", 0);
         key = local_key;
         goto retry;
     return NULL;
 xmlNode *
 find_rsc_op_entry(resource_t * rsc, const char *key)
     return find_rsc_op_entry_helper(rsc, key, FALSE);
 print_node(const char *pre_text, node_t * node, gboolean details)
     if (node == NULL) {
         crm_trace("%s%s: <NULL>", pre_text == NULL ? "" : pre_text, pre_text == NULL ? "" : ": ");
     crm_trace("%s%s%sNode %s: (weight=%d, fixed=%s)",
               pre_text == NULL ? "" : pre_text,
               pre_text == NULL ? "" : ": ",
               node->details->online ? "" : "Unavailable/Unclean ",
               node->details->uname, node->weight, node->fixed ? "True" : "False");
     if (details) {
         char *pe_mutable = strdup("\t\t");
         GListPtr gIter = node->details->running_rsc;
         crm_trace("\t\t===Node Attributes");
         g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->attrs, print_str_str, pe_mutable);
         crm_trace("\t\t=== Resources");
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             print_resource(LOG_DEBUG_4, "\t\t", rsc, FALSE);
  * Used by the HashTable for-loop
 print_str_str(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     crm_trace("%s%s %s ==> %s",
               user_data == NULL ? "" : (char *)user_data,
               user_data == NULL ? "" : ": ", (char *)key, (char *)value);
 print_resource(int log_level, const char *pre_text, resource_t * rsc, gboolean details)
     long options = pe_print_log;
     if (rsc == NULL) {
         do_crm_log(log_level - 1, "%s%s: <NULL>",
                    pre_text == NULL ? "" : pre_text, pre_text == NULL ? "" : ": ");
     if (details) {
         options |= pe_print_details;
     rsc->fns->print(rsc, pre_text, options, &log_level);
 pe_free_action(action_t * action)
     if (action == NULL) {
     g_list_free_full(action->actions_before, free);     /* action_warpper_t* */
     g_list_free_full(action->actions_after, free);      /* action_warpper_t* */
     if (action->extra) {
     if (action->meta) {
 find_recurring_actions(GListPtr input, node_t * not_on_node)
     const char *value = NULL;
     GListPtr result = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = input;
     CRM_CHECK(input != NULL, return NULL);
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
         if (value == NULL) {
             /* skip */
         } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "0")) {
             /* skip */
         } else if (safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL, action->task)) {
             /* skip */
         } else if (not_on_node == NULL) {
             crm_trace("(null) Found: %s", action->uuid);
             result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
         } else if (action->node == NULL) {
             /* skip */
         } else if (action->node->details != not_on_node->details) {
             crm_trace("Found: %s", action->uuid);
             result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
     return result;
 enum action_tasks
 get_complex_task(resource_t * rsc, const char *name, gboolean allow_non_atomic)
     enum action_tasks task = text2task(name);
     if (rsc == NULL) {
         return task;
     } else if (allow_non_atomic == FALSE || rsc->variant == pe_native) {
         switch (task) {
             case stopped_rsc:
             case started_rsc:
             case action_demoted:
             case action_promoted:
                 crm_trace("Folding %s back into its atomic counterpart for %s", name, rsc->id);
                 return task - 1;
     return task;
 action_t *
 find_first_action(GListPtr input, const char *uuid, const char *task, node_t * on_node)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(uuid || task, return NULL);
     for (gIter = input; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if (uuid != NULL && safe_str_neq(uuid, action->uuid)) {
         } else if (task != NULL && safe_str_neq(task, action->task)) {
         } else if (on_node == NULL) {
             return action;
         } else if (action->node == NULL) {
         } else if (on_node->details == action->node->details) {
             return action;
     return NULL;
 find_actions(GListPtr input, const char *key, node_t * on_node)
     GListPtr gIter = input;
     GListPtr result = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL);
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         crm_trace("Matching %s against %s", key, action->uuid);
         if (safe_str_neq(key, action->uuid)) {
         } else if (on_node == NULL) {
             result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
         } else if (action->node == NULL) {
             /* skip */
             crm_trace("While looking for %s action on %s, "
                       "found an unallocated one.  Assigning"
                       " it to the requested node...", key, on_node->details->uname);
             action->node = node_copy(on_node);
             result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
         } else if (on_node->details == action->node->details) {
             result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
     return result;
 find_actions_exact(GListPtr input, const char *key, node_t * on_node)
     GListPtr gIter = input;
     GListPtr result = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL);
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         crm_trace("Matching %s against %s", key, action->uuid);
         if (safe_str_neq(key, action->uuid)) {
             crm_trace("Key mismatch: %s vs. %s", key, action->uuid);
         } else if (on_node == NULL || action->node == NULL) {
             crm_trace("on_node=%p, action->node=%p", on_node, action->node);
         } else if (safe_str_eq(on_node->details->id, action->node->details->id)) {
             result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
         crm_trace("Node mismatch: %s vs. %s", on_node->details->id, action->node->details->id);
     return result;
 static void
 resource_node_score(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, int score, const char *tag)
     node_t *match = NULL;
     if (rsc->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             resource_node_score(child_rsc, node, score, tag);
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Setting %s for %s on %s: %d", tag, rsc->id, node->details->uname, score);
     match = pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id);
     if (match == NULL) {
         match = node_copy(node);
         match->weight = merge_weights(score, node->weight);
         g_hash_table_insert(rsc->allowed_nodes, (gpointer) match->details->id, match);
     match->weight = merge_weights(match->weight, score);
 resource_location(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, int score, const char *tag,
                   pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     if (node != NULL) {
         resource_node_score(rsc, node, score, tag);
     } else if (data_set != NULL) {
         GListPtr gIter = data_set->nodes;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
             resource_node_score(rsc, node, score, tag);
     } else {
         GHashTableIter iter;
         node_t *node = NULL;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
             resource_node_score(rsc, node, score, tag);
     if (node == NULL && score == -INFINITY) {
         if (rsc->allocated_to) {
             crm_info("Deallocating %s from %s", rsc->id, rsc->allocated_to->details->uname);
             rsc->allocated_to = NULL;
 #define sort_return(an_int, why) do {					\
 	free(a_uuid);						\
 	free(b_uuid);						\
 	crm_trace("%s (%d) %c %s (%d) : %s",				\
 		  a_xml_id, a_call_id, an_int>0?'>':an_int<0?'<':'=',	\
 		  b_xml_id, b_call_id, why);				\
 	return an_int;							\
     } while(0)
 sort_op_by_callid(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     int a_call_id = -1;
     int b_call_id = -1;
     char *a_uuid = NULL;
     char *b_uuid = NULL;
     const xmlNode *xml_a = a;
     const xmlNode *xml_b = b;
     const char *a_xml_id = crm_element_value_const(xml_a, XML_ATTR_ID);
     const char *b_xml_id = crm_element_value_const(xml_b, XML_ATTR_ID);
     if (safe_str_eq(a_xml_id, b_xml_id)) {
         /* We have duplicate lrm_rsc_op entries in the status
          *    section which is unliklely to be a good thing
          *    - we can handle it easily enough, but we need to get
          *    to the bottom of why its happening.
         pe_err("Duplicate lrm_rsc_op entries named %s", a_xml_id);
         sort_return(0, "duplicate");
     crm_element_value_const_int(xml_a, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &a_call_id);
     crm_element_value_const_int(xml_b, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &b_call_id);
     if (a_call_id == -1 && b_call_id == -1) {
         /* both are pending ops so it doesnt matter since
          *   stops are never pending
         sort_return(0, "pending");
     } else if (a_call_id >= 0 && a_call_id < b_call_id) {
         sort_return(-1, "call id");
     } else if (b_call_id >= 0 && a_call_id > b_call_id) {
         sort_return(1, "call id");
     } else if (b_call_id >= 0 && a_call_id == b_call_id) {
          * The op and last_failed_op are the same
          * Order on last-rc-change
         int last_a = -1;
         int last_b = -1;
         crm_element_value_const_int(xml_a, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, &last_a);
         crm_element_value_const_int(xml_b, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, &last_b);
         crm_trace("rc-change: %d vs %d", last_a, last_b);
         if (last_a >= 0 && last_a < last_b) {
             sort_return(-1, "rc-change");
         } else if (last_b >= 0 && last_a > last_b) {
             sort_return(1, "rc-change");
         sort_return(0, "rc-change");
     } else {
         /* One of the inputs is a pending operation
          * Attempt to use XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC to determine its age relative to the other
         int a_id = -1;
         int b_id = -1;
         int dummy = -1;
         const char *a_magic = crm_element_value_const(xml_a, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC);
         const char *b_magic = crm_element_value_const(xml_b, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC);
         CRM_CHECK(a_magic != NULL && b_magic != NULL, sort_return(0, "No magic"));
         if(!decode_transition_magic(a_magic, &a_uuid, &a_id, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy)) {
             sort_return(0, "bad magic a");
         if(!decode_transition_magic(b_magic, &b_uuid, &b_id, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy)) {
             sort_return(0, "bad magic b");
         /* try and determin the relative age of the operation...
          * some pending operations (ie. a start) may have been supuerceeded
          *   by a subsequent stop
          * [a|b]_id == -1 means its a shutdown operation and _always_ comes last
         if (safe_str_neq(a_uuid, b_uuid) || a_id == b_id) {
              * some of the logic in here may be redundant...
              * if the UUID from the TE doesnt match then one better
              *   be a pending operation.
              * pending operations dont survive between elections and joins
              *   because we query the LRM directly
             if (b_call_id == -1) {
                 sort_return(-1, "transition + call");
             } else if (a_call_id == -1) {
                 sort_return(1, "transition + call");
         } else if ((a_id >= 0 && a_id < b_id) || b_id == -1) {
             sort_return(-1, "transition");
         } else if ((b_id >= 0 && a_id > b_id) || a_id == -1) {
             sort_return(1, "transition");
     /* we should never end up here */
     CRM_CHECK(FALSE, sort_return(0, "default"));
 get_effective_time(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     if(data_set) {
         if (data_set->now == NULL) {
             crm_trace("Recording a new 'now'");
             data_set->now = crm_time_new(NULL);
         return crm_time_get_seconds_since_epoch(data_set->now);
     crm_trace("Defaulting to 'now'");
     return time(NULL);
 struct fail_search {
     resource_t *rsc;
     pe_working_set_t * data_set;
     int count;
     long long last;
     char *key;
 static void
 get_failcount_by_prefix(gpointer key_p, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     struct fail_search *search = user_data;
     const char *attr_id = key_p;
     const char *match = strstr(attr_id, search->key);
     resource_t *parent = NULL;
     if (match == NULL) {
     /* we are only incrementing the failcounts here if the rsc
      * that matches our prefix has the same uber parent as the rsc we're
      * calculating the failcounts for. This prevents false positive matches
      * where unrelated resources may have similar prefixes in their names.
      * search->rsc is already set to be the uber parent. */
     parent = uber_parent(pe_find_resource(search->data_set->resources, match));
     if (parent == NULL || parent != search->rsc) {
     if (strstr(attr_id, "last-failure-") == attr_id) {
         search->last = crm_int_helper(value, NULL);
     } else if (strstr(attr_id, "fail-count-") == attr_id) {
         search->count += char2score(value);
 get_failcount(node_t * node, resource_t * rsc, time_t *last_failure, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     return get_failcount_full(node, rsc, last_failure, TRUE, NULL, data_set);
 static gboolean
 is_matched_failure(const char * rsc_id, xmlNode * conf_op_xml, xmlNode * lrm_op_xml)
     gboolean matched = FALSE;
     const char *conf_op_name = NULL;
     int conf_op_interval = 0;
     const char *lrm_op_task = NULL;
     int lrm_op_interval = 0;
     const char *lrm_op_id = NULL;
     char *last_failure_key = NULL;
     if (rsc_id == NULL || conf_op_xml == NULL || lrm_op_xml == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     conf_op_name = crm_element_value(conf_op_xml, "name");
     conf_op_interval = crm_get_msec(crm_element_value(conf_op_xml, "interval"));
     lrm_op_task = crm_element_value(lrm_op_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
     crm_element_value_int(lrm_op_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, &lrm_op_interval);
     if (safe_str_eq(conf_op_name, lrm_op_task) == FALSE
         || conf_op_interval != lrm_op_interval) {
         return FALSE;
     lrm_op_id = ID(lrm_op_xml);
     last_failure_key = generate_op_key(rsc_id, "last_failure", 0);
     if (safe_str_eq(last_failure_key, lrm_op_id)) {
         matched = TRUE;
     } else {
         char *expected_op_key = generate_op_key(rsc_id, conf_op_name, conf_op_interval);
         if (safe_str_eq(expected_op_key, lrm_op_id)) {
             int rc = 0;
             int target_rc = get_target_rc(lrm_op_xml);
             crm_element_value_int(lrm_op_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, &rc);
             if (rc != target_rc) {
                 matched = TRUE;
     return matched;
 static gboolean
 block_failure(node_t * node, resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *xml_name = clone_strip(rsc->id);
     char *xpath = crm_strdup_printf("//primitive[@id='%s']//op[@on-fail='block']", xml_name);
     xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = xpath_search(rsc->xml, xpath);
     gboolean should_block = FALSE;
     if (xpathObj) {
         int max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);
         int lpc = 0;
         for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
             xmlNode *pref = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);
             if (xml_op) {
                 should_block = is_matched_failure(xml_name, pref, xml_op);
                 if (should_block) {
             } else {
                 const char *conf_op_name = NULL;
                 int conf_op_interval = 0;
                 char *lrm_op_xpath = NULL;
                 xmlXPathObject *lrm_op_xpathObj = NULL;
                 conf_op_name = crm_element_value(pref, "name");
                 conf_op_interval = crm_get_msec(crm_element_value(pref, "interval"));
                 lrm_op_xpath = crm_strdup_printf("//node_state[@uname='%s']"
                                                node->details->uname, xml_name,
                                                conf_op_name, conf_op_interval);
                 lrm_op_xpathObj = xpath_search(data_set->input, lrm_op_xpath);
                 if (lrm_op_xpathObj) {
                     int max2 = numXpathResults(lrm_op_xpathObj);
                     int lpc2 = 0;
                     for (lpc2 = 0; lpc2 < max2; lpc2++) {
                         xmlNode *lrm_op_xml = getXpathResult(lrm_op_xpathObj, lpc2);
                         should_block = is_matched_failure(xml_name, pref, lrm_op_xml);
                         if (should_block) {
                 if (should_block) {
     return should_block;
 get_failcount_full(node_t * node, resource_t * rsc, time_t *last_failure,
                    bool effective, xmlNode * xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     struct fail_search search = { rsc, data_set, 0, 0, NULL };
     /* Optimize the "normal" case */
     key = crm_concat("fail-count", rsc->clone_name ? rsc->clone_name : rsc->id, '-');
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, key);
     search.count = char2score(value);
     crm_trace("%s = %s", key, value);
     if (value) {
         key = crm_concat("last-failure", rsc->clone_name ? rsc->clone_name : rsc->id, '-');
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, key);
         search.last = crm_int_helper(value, NULL);
         /* This block is still relevant once we omit anonymous instance numbers
          * because stopped clones wont have clone_name set
     } else if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
         search.rsc = uber_parent(rsc);
         search.key = clone_strip(rsc->id);
         g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->attrs, get_failcount_by_prefix, &search);
         search.key = NULL;
     if (search.count != 0 && search.last != 0 && last_failure) {
         *last_failure = search.last;
     if(search.count && rsc->failure_timeout) {
         /* Never time-out if blocking failures are configured */
         if (block_failure(node, rsc, xml_op, data_set)) {
             pe_warn("Setting %s.failure-timeout=%d conflicts with on-fail=block: ignoring timeout", rsc->id, rsc->failure_timeout);
             rsc->failure_timeout = 0;
 #if 0
             /* A good idea? */
         } else if (rsc->container == NULL && is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
             /* In this case, stop.on-fail defaults to block in unpack_operation() */
             rsc->failure_timeout = 0;
     if (effective && search.count != 0 && search.last != 0 && rsc->failure_timeout) {
         if (search.last > 0) {
             time_t now = get_effective_time(data_set);
             if (now > (search.last + rsc->failure_timeout)) {
                 crm_debug("Failcount for %s on %s has expired (limit was %ds)",
                           search.rsc->id, node->details->uname, rsc->failure_timeout);
                 search.count = 0;
     if (search.count != 0) {
         char *score = score2char(search.count);
         crm_info("%s has failed %s times on %s", search.rsc->id, score, node->details->uname);
     return search.count;
 /* If it's a resource container, get its failcount plus all the failcounts of the resources within it */
 get_failcount_all(node_t * node, resource_t * rsc, time_t *last_failure, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int failcount_all = 0;
     failcount_all = get_failcount(node, rsc, last_failure, data_set);
     if (rsc->fillers) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         for (gIter = rsc->fillers; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *filler = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             time_t filler_last_failure = 0;
             failcount_all += get_failcount(node, filler, &filler_last_failure, data_set);
             if (last_failure && filler_last_failure > *last_failure) {
                 *last_failure = filler_last_failure;
         if (failcount_all != 0) {
             char *score = score2char(failcount_all);
             crm_info("Container %s and the resources within it have failed %s times on %s",
                      rsc->id, score, node->details->uname);
     return failcount_all;
 get_target_role(resource_t * rsc, enum rsc_role_e * role)
     enum rsc_role_e local_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
     const char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE);
     CRM_CHECK(role != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (value == NULL || safe_str_eq("started", value)
         || safe_str_eq("default", value)) {
         return FALSE;
     local_role = text2role(value);
     if (local_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
         crm_config_err("%s: Unknown value for %s: %s", rsc->id, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, value);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (local_role > RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
         if (uber_parent(rsc)->variant == pe_master) {
             if (local_role > RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) {
                 /* This is what we'd do anyway, just leave the default to avoid messing up the placement algorithm */
                 return FALSE;
         } else {
             crm_config_err("%s is not part of a master/slave resource, a %s of '%s' makes no sense",
                            rsc->id, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, value);
             return FALSE;
     *role = local_role;
     return TRUE;
 order_actions(action_t * lh_action, action_t * rh_action, enum pe_ordering order)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     action_wrapper_t *wrapper = NULL;
     GListPtr list = NULL;
     if (order == pe_order_none) {
         return FALSE;
     if (lh_action == NULL || rh_action == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     crm_trace("Ordering Action %s before %s", lh_action->uuid, rh_action->uuid);
     /* Ensure we never create a dependancy on ourselves... its happened */
     CRM_ASSERT(lh_action != rh_action);
     /* Filter dups, otherwise update_action_states() has too much work to do */
     gIter = lh_action->actions_after;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_wrapper_t *after = (action_wrapper_t *) gIter->data;
         if (after->action == rh_action && (after->type & order)) {
             return FALSE;
     wrapper = calloc(1, sizeof(action_wrapper_t));
     wrapper->action = rh_action;
     wrapper->type = order;
     list = lh_action->actions_after;
     list = g_list_prepend(list, wrapper);
     lh_action->actions_after = list;
     wrapper = NULL;
 /* 	order |= pe_order_implies_then; */
 /* 	order ^= pe_order_implies_then; */
     wrapper = calloc(1, sizeof(action_wrapper_t));
     wrapper->action = lh_action;
     wrapper->type = order;
     list = rh_action->actions_before;
     list = g_list_prepend(list, wrapper);
     rh_action->actions_before = list;
     return TRUE;
 action_t *
 get_pseudo_op(const char *name, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     action_t *op = NULL;
     if(data_set->singletons) {
         op = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->singletons, name);
     if (op == NULL) {
         op = custom_action(NULL, strdup(name), name, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
         set_bit(op->flags, pe_action_pseudo);
         set_bit(op->flags, pe_action_runnable);
     return op;
 destroy_ticket(gpointer data)
     ticket_t *ticket = data;
     if (ticket->state) {
 ticket_t *
 ticket_new(const char *ticket_id, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     ticket_t *ticket = NULL;
     if (ticket_id == NULL || strlen(ticket_id) == 0) {
         return NULL;
     if (data_set->tickets == NULL) {
         data_set->tickets =
             g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, destroy_ticket);
     ticket = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->tickets, ticket_id);
     if (ticket == NULL) {
         ticket = calloc(1, sizeof(ticket_t));
         if (ticket == NULL) {
             crm_err("Cannot allocate ticket '%s'", ticket_id);
             return NULL;
         crm_trace("Creaing ticket entry for %s", ticket_id);
         ticket->id = strdup(ticket_id);
         ticket->granted = FALSE;
         ticket->last_granted = -1;
         ticket->standby = FALSE;
         ticket->state = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                               g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
         g_hash_table_insert(data_set->tickets, strdup(ticket->id), ticket);
     return ticket;
 op_digest_cache_t *
 rsc_action_digest_cmp(resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml_op, node_t * node,
                       pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     op_digest_cache_t *data = NULL;
     GHashTable *local_rsc_params = NULL;
     action_t *action = NULL;
     char *key = NULL;
     int interval = 0;
     const char *op_id = ID(xml_op);
     const char *interval_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
     const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
     const char *digest_all;
     const char *digest_restart;
     const char *restart_list;
     const char *op_version;
     data = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->digest_cache, op_id);
     if (data) {
         return data;
     data = calloc(1, sizeof(op_digest_cache_t));
     digest_all = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_DIGEST);
     digest_restart = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST);
     restart_list = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_RESTART);
     op_version = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
     /* key is freed in custom_action */
     interval = crm_parse_int(interval_s, "0");
     key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval);
     action = custom_action(rsc, key, task, node, TRUE, FALSE, data_set);
     key = NULL;
     local_rsc_params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                              g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     get_rsc_attributes(local_rsc_params, rsc, node, data_set);
     data->params_all = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS);
     g_hash_table_foreach(local_rsc_params, hash2field, data->params_all);
     g_hash_table_foreach(action->extra, hash2field, data->params_all);
     g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->parameters, hash2field, data->params_all);
     g_hash_table_foreach(action->meta, hash2metafield, data->params_all);
     filter_action_parameters(data->params_all, op_version);
     data->digest_all_calc = calculate_operation_digest(data->params_all, op_version);
     if (digest_restart) {
         data->params_restart = copy_xml(data->params_all);
         if (restart_list) {
             filter_reload_parameters(data->params_restart, restart_list);
         data->digest_restart_calc = calculate_operation_digest(data->params_restart, op_version);
     if (digest_restart && strcmp(data->digest_restart_calc, digest_restart) != 0) {
         data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_RESTART;
     } else if (digest_all == NULL) {
         /* it is unknown what the previous op digest was */
         data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_UNKNOWN;
     } else if (strcmp(digest_all, data->digest_all_calc) != 0) {
         data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_ALL;
     g_hash_table_insert(node->details->digest_cache, strdup(op_id), data);
     return data;
 const char *rsc_printable_id(resource_t *rsc)
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
         return ID(rsc->xml);
     return rsc->id;
 is_rsc_baremetal_remote_node(resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     node_t *node;
     if (rsc == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id);
     if (node == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     return is_baremetal_remote_node(node);
 is_baremetal_remote_node(node_t *node)
     if (is_remote_node(node) && (node->details->remote_rsc == FALSE || node->details->remote_rsc->container == FALSE)) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 is_container_remote_node(node_t *node)
     if (is_remote_node(node) && (node->details->remote_rsc && node->details->remote_rsc->container)) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 is_remote_node(node_t *node)
     if (node && node->details->type == node_remote) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 resource_t *
 rsc_contains_remote_node(pe_working_set_t * data_set, resource_t *rsc)
     if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_remote_nodes) == FALSE) {
         return NULL;
     if (rsc->fillers) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         for (gIter = rsc->fillers; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *filler = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             if (filler->is_remote_node) {
                 return filler;
     return NULL;
 xml_contains_remote_node(xmlNode *xml)
     const char *class = crm_element_value(xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
     const char *provider = crm_element_value(xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
     const char *agent = crm_element_value(xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
     if (safe_str_eq(agent, "remote") && safe_str_eq(provider, "pacemaker") && safe_str_eq(class, "ocf")) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 clear_bit_recursive(resource_t * rsc, unsigned long long flag)
     GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
     clear_bit(rsc->flags, flag);
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         clear_bit_recursive(child_rsc, flag);
 set_bit_recursive(resource_t * rsc, unsigned long long flag)
     GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
     set_bit(rsc->flags, flag);
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         set_bit_recursive(child_rsc, flag);
 action_t *
 pe_fence_op(node_t * node, const char *op, bool optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     action_t *stonith_op = NULL;
     if(op == NULL) {
         op = data_set->stonith_action;
     key = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s-%s", CRM_OP_FENCE, node->details->uname, op);
     if(data_set->singletons) {
         stonith_op = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->singletons, key);
     if(stonith_op == NULL) {
         stonith_op = custom_action(NULL, key, CRM_OP_FENCE, node, optional, TRUE, data_set);
         add_hash_param(stonith_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET, node->details->uname);
         add_hash_param(stonith_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID, node->details->id);
         add_hash_param(stonith_op->meta, "stonith_action", op);
     } else {
     if(optional == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("%s is no longer optional", stonith_op->uuid);
         pe_clear_action_bit(stonith_op, pe_action_optional);
     return stonith_op;
     resource_t * rsc, node_t *node, const char *reason, action_t *dependancy, pe_working_set_t * data_set) 
     if(is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) {
         /* No resources require it */
     } else if (rsc != NULL && is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) {
         /* Wasnt a stonith device */
     } else if(node
               && node->details->online
               && node->details->unclean == FALSE
               && node->details->shutdown == FALSE) {
         action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", FALSE, data_set);
         crm_notice("Unfencing %s: %s", node->details->uname, reason);
         if(dependancy) {
             order_actions(unfence, dependancy, pe_order_optional);
     } else if(rsc) {
         GHashTableIter iter;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
             if(node->details->online && node->details->unclean == FALSE && node->details->shutdown == FALSE) {
                 trigger_unfencing(rsc, node, reason, dependancy, data_set);
 add_tag_ref(GHashTable * tags, const char * tag_name,  const char * obj_ref)
     tag_t *tag = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     gboolean is_existing = FALSE;
     CRM_CHECK(tags && tag_name && obj_ref, return FALSE);
     tag = g_hash_table_lookup(tags, tag_name);
     if (tag == NULL) {
         tag = calloc(1, sizeof(tag_t));
         if (tag == NULL) {
             return FALSE;
         tag->id = strdup(tag_name);
         tag->refs = NULL;
         g_hash_table_insert(tags, strdup(tag_name), tag);
     for (gIter = tag->refs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         const char *existing_ref = (const char *) gIter->data;
         if (crm_str_eq(existing_ref, obj_ref, TRUE)){
             is_existing = TRUE;
     if (is_existing == FALSE) {
         tag->refs = g_list_append(tag->refs, strdup(obj_ref));
         crm_trace("Added: tag=%s ref=%s", tag->id, obj_ref);
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/lib/services/Makefile.am b/lib/services/Makefile.am
index 8cdad1ca1d..2593c0ed0e 100644
--- a/lib/services/Makefile.am
+++ b/lib/services/Makefile.am
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2012 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 AM_CPPFLAGS         = -I$(top_builddir)/include
 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libcrmservice.la
 noinst_HEADERS  = upstart.h systemd.h services_private.h
 libcrmservice_la_SOURCES = services.c services_linux.c
-libcrmservice_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 2:0:1
+libcrmservice_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 3:0:0
 libcrmservice_la_CFLAGS  = $(GIO_CFLAGS) -DOCF_ROOT_DIR=\"@OCF_ROOT_DIR@\"
 libcrmservice_la_LIBADD  = $(GIO_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/lib/common/libcrmcommon.la $(DBUS_LIBS)
 libcrmservice_la_SOURCES += dbus.c
 libcrmservice_la_SOURCES += upstart.c
 libcrmservice_la_SOURCES += systemd.c
diff --git a/lib/services/services.c b/lib/services/services.c
index 0a1b0817e0..12df6bb01b 100644
--- a/lib/services/services.c
+++ b/lib/services/services.c
@@ -1,734 +1,735 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
 #  define _GNU_SOURCE
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 #include <crm/services.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include "services_private.h"
 #  include <upstart.h>
 #  include <systemd.h>
 /* TODO: Develop a rollover strategy */
 static int operations = 0;
 GHashTable *recurring_actions = NULL;
 svc_action_t *
 services_action_create(const char *name, const char *action, int interval, int timeout)
-    return resources_action_create(name, "lsb", NULL, name, action, interval, timeout, NULL);
+    return resources_action_create(name, "lsb", NULL, name, action, interval, timeout, NULL, 0);
 const char *
 resources_find_service_class(const char *agent)
     /* Priority is:
      * - lsb
      * - systemd
      * - upstart
     int rc = 0;
     struct stat st;
     char *path = NULL;
 #ifdef LSB_ROOT_DIR
     rc = asprintf(&path, "%s/%s", LSB_ROOT_DIR, agent);
     if (rc > 0 && stat(path, &st) == 0) {
         return "lsb";
     if (systemd_unit_exists(agent)) {
         return "systemd";
     if (upstart_job_exists(agent)) {
         return "upstart";
     return NULL;
 svc_action_t *
 resources_action_create(const char *name, const char *standard, const char *provider,
                         const char *agent, const char *action, int interval, int timeout,
-                        GHashTable * params)
+                        GHashTable * params, enum svc_action_flags flags)
     svc_action_t *op = NULL;
      * Do some up front sanity checks before we go off and
      * build the svc_action_t instance.
     if (crm_strlen_zero(name)) {
         crm_err("A service or resource action must have a name.");
         goto return_error;
     if (crm_strlen_zero(standard)) {
         crm_err("A service action must have a valid standard.");
         goto return_error;
     if (!strcasecmp(standard, "ocf") && crm_strlen_zero(provider)) {
         crm_err("An OCF resource action must have a provider.");
         goto return_error;
     if (crm_strlen_zero(agent)) {
         crm_err("A service or resource action must have an agent.");
         goto return_error;
     if (crm_strlen_zero(action)) {
         crm_err("A service or resource action must specify an action.");
         goto return_error;
     if (safe_str_eq(action, "monitor") && (
         safe_str_eq(standard, "heartbeat") ||
         safe_str_eq(standard, "lsb") || safe_str_eq(standard, "service"))) {
         action = "status";
      * Sanity checks passed, proceed!
     op = calloc(1, sizeof(svc_action_t));
     op->opaque = calloc(1, sizeof(svc_action_private_t));
     op->rsc = strdup(name);
     op->action = strdup(action);
     op->interval = interval;
     op->timeout = timeout;
     op->standard = strdup(standard);
     op->agent = strdup(agent);
     op->sequence = ++operations;
+    op->flags = flags;
     if (asprintf(&op->id, "%s_%s_%d", name, action, interval) == -1) {
         goto return_error;
     if (strcasecmp(op->standard, "service") == 0) {
         const char *expanded = resources_find_service_class(op->agent);
         if(expanded) {
             crm_debug("Found a %s agent for %s/%s", expanded, op->rsc, op->agent);
             op->standard = strdup(expanded);
         } else {
             crm_info("Cannot determine the standard for %s (%s)", op->rsc, op->agent);
             op->standard = strdup("lsb");
     if (strcasecmp(op->standard, "ocf") == 0) {
         op->provider = strdup(provider);
         op->params = params;
         params = NULL;
         if (asprintf(&op->opaque->exec, "%s/resource.d/%s/%s", OCF_ROOT_DIR, provider, agent) == -1) {
             crm_err("Internal error: cannot create agent path");
             goto return_error;
         op->opaque->args[0] = strdup(op->opaque->exec);
         op->opaque->args[1] = strdup(action);
     } else if (strcasecmp(op->standard, "lsb") == 0) {
         if (op->agent[0] == '/') {
             /* if given an absolute path, use that instead
              * of tacking on the LSB_ROOT_DIR path to the front */
             op->opaque->exec = strdup(op->agent);
         } else if (asprintf(&op->opaque->exec, "%s/%s", LSB_ROOT_DIR, op->agent) == -1) {
             crm_err("Internal error: cannot create agent path");
             goto return_error;
         op->opaque->args[0] = strdup(op->opaque->exec);
         op->opaque->args[1] = strdup(op->action);
         op->opaque->args[2] = NULL;
     } else if (strcasecmp(op->standard, "heartbeat") == 0) {
         int index;
         int param_num;
         char buf_tmp[20];
         void *value_tmp;
         if (op->agent[0] == '/') {
             /* if given an absolute path, use that instead
              * of tacking on the HB_RA_DIR path to the front */
             op->opaque->exec = strdup(op->agent);
         } else if (asprintf(&op->opaque->exec, "%s/%s", HB_RA_DIR, op->agent) == -1) {
             crm_err("Internal error: cannot create agent path");
             goto return_error;
         op->opaque->args[0] = strdup(op->opaque->exec);
         /* The "heartbeat" agent class only has positional arguments,
          * which we keyed by their decimal position number. */
         param_num = 1;
 	for (index = 1; index <= MAX_ARGC - 3; index++ ) {
             snprintf(buf_tmp, sizeof(buf_tmp), "%d", index);
             value_tmp = g_hash_table_lookup(params, buf_tmp);
             if (value_tmp == NULL) {
                 /* maybe: strdup("") ??
                  * But the old lrmd did simply continue as well. */
             op->opaque->args[param_num++] = strdup(value_tmp);
 	/* Add operation code as the last argument, */
 	/* and the teminating NULL pointer */
         op->opaque->args[param_num++] = strdup(op->action);
         op->opaque->args[param_num] = NULL;
     } else if (strcasecmp(op->standard, "systemd") == 0) {
         op->opaque->exec = strdup("systemd-dbus");
     } else if (strcasecmp(op->standard, "upstart") == 0) {
         op->opaque->exec = strdup("upstart-dbus");
     } else if (strcasecmp(op->standard, "service") == 0) {
         op->opaque->exec = strdup(SERVICE_SCRIPT);
         op->opaque->args[0] = strdup(SERVICE_SCRIPT);
         op->opaque->args[1] = strdup(agent);
         op->opaque->args[2] = strdup(action);
     } else if (strcasecmp(op->standard, "nagios") == 0) {
         int index = 0;
         if (op->agent[0] == '/') {
             /* if given an absolute path, use that instead
              * of tacking on the NAGIOS_PLUGIN_DIR path to the front */
             op->opaque->exec = strdup(op->agent);
         } else if (asprintf(&op->opaque->exec, "%s/%s", NAGIOS_PLUGIN_DIR, op->agent) == -1) {
             crm_err("Internal error: cannot create agent path");
             goto return_error;
         op->opaque->args[0] = strdup(op->opaque->exec);
         index = 1;
         if (safe_str_eq(op->action, "monitor") && op->interval == 0) {
             /* Invoke --version for a nagios probe */
             op->opaque->args[index] = strdup("--version");
         } else if (params) {
             GHashTableIter iter;
             char *key = NULL;
             char *value = NULL;
             static int args_size = sizeof(op->opaque->args) / sizeof(char *);
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, params);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value) &&
                    index <= args_size - 3) {
                 int len = 3;
                 char *long_opt = NULL;
                 if (safe_str_eq(key, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION) || strstr(key, CRM_META "_")) {
                 len += strlen(key);
                 long_opt = calloc(1, len);
                 sprintf(long_opt, "--%s", key);
                 long_opt[len - 1] = 0;
                 op->opaque->args[index] = long_opt;
                 op->opaque->args[index + 1] = strdup(value);
                 index += 2;
         op->opaque->args[index] = NULL;
     } else {
         crm_err("Unknown resource standard: %s", op->standard);
         op = NULL;
     if(params) {
     return op;
     if(params) {
     return NULL;
 svc_action_t *
 services_action_create_generic(const char *exec, const char *args[])
     svc_action_t *op;
     unsigned int cur_arg;
     op = calloc(1, sizeof(*op));
     op->opaque = calloc(1, sizeof(svc_action_private_t));
     op->opaque->exec = strdup(exec);
     op->opaque->args[0] = strdup(exec);
     for (cur_arg = 1; args && args[cur_arg - 1]; cur_arg++) {
         op->opaque->args[cur_arg] = strdup(args[cur_arg - 1]);
         if (cur_arg == DIMOF(op->opaque->args) - 1) {
             crm_err("svc_action_t args list not long enough for '%s' execution request.", exec);
     return op;
 services_action_cleanup(svc_action_t * op)
     if(op->opaque == NULL) {
     if(op->opaque->timerid != 0) {
         crm_trace("Removing timer for call %s to %s", op->action, op->rsc);
         op->opaque->timerid = 0;
     if(op->opaque->pending) {
         crm_trace("Cleaning up pending dbus call %p %s for %s", op->opaque->pending, op->action, op->rsc);
         if(dbus_pending_call_get_completed(op->opaque->pending)) {
             crm_warn("Pending dbus call %s for %s did not complete", op->action, op->rsc);
         op->opaque->pending = NULL;
     if (op->opaque->stderr_gsource) {
         op->opaque->stderr_gsource = NULL;
     if (op->opaque->stdout_gsource) {
         op->opaque->stdout_gsource = NULL;
 services_action_free(svc_action_t * op)
     unsigned int i;
     if (op == NULL) {
     if (op->opaque->repeat_timer) {
         op->opaque->repeat_timer = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < DIMOF(op->opaque->args); i++) {
     if (op->params) {
         op->params = NULL;
 cancel_recurring_action(svc_action_t * op)
     crm_info("Cancelling operation %s", op->id);
     if (recurring_actions) {
         g_hash_table_remove(recurring_actions, op->id);
     if (op->opaque->repeat_timer) {
         op->opaque->repeat_timer = 0;
     return TRUE;
 services_action_cancel(const char *name, const char *action, int interval)
     svc_action_t *op = NULL;
     char id[512];
     snprintf(id, sizeof(id), "%s_%s_%d", name, action, interval);
     if (!(op = g_hash_table_lookup(recurring_actions, id))) {
         return FALSE;
     /* Always kill the recurring timer */
     if (op->pid == 0) {
         op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
         if (op->opaque->callback) {
     } else {
         crm_info("Cancelling in-flight op: performing early termination of %s (pid=%d)", id, op->pid);
         op->cancel = 1;
         if (mainloop_child_kill(op->pid) == FALSE) {
             /* even though the early termination failed,
              * the op will be marked as cancelled once it completes. */
             crm_err("Termination of %s (pid=%d) failed", id, op->pid);
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 services_action_kick(const char *name, const char *action, int interval /* ms */)
     svc_action_t * op = NULL;
     char *id = NULL;
     if (asprintf(&id, "%s_%s_%d", name, action, interval) == -1) {
         return FALSE;
     op = g_hash_table_lookup(recurring_actions, id);
     if (op == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     if (op->pid) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         if (op->opaque->repeat_timer) {
             op->opaque->repeat_timer = 0;
         return TRUE;
 /* add new recurring operation, check for duplicates. 
  * - if duplicate found, return TRUE, immediately reschedule op.
  * - if no dup, return FALSE, inserve into recurring op list.*/
 static gboolean
 handle_duplicate_recurring(svc_action_t * op, void (*action_callback) (svc_action_t *))
     svc_action_t * dup = NULL;
     if (recurring_actions == NULL) {
         recurring_actions = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, NULL);
         return FALSE;
     /* check for duplicates */
     dup = g_hash_table_lookup(recurring_actions, op->id);
     if (dup && (dup != op)) {
         /* update user data */
         if (op->opaque->callback) {
             dup->opaque->callback = op->opaque->callback;
             dup->cb_data = op->cb_data;
             op->cb_data = NULL;
         /* immediately execute the next interval */
         if (dup->pid != 0) {
             if (op->opaque->repeat_timer) {
                 op->opaque->repeat_timer = 0;
         /* free the dup.  */
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 services_action_async(svc_action_t * op, void (*action_callback) (svc_action_t *))
     op->synchronous = false;
     if (action_callback) {
         op->opaque->callback = action_callback;
     if (op->interval > 0) {
         if (handle_duplicate_recurring(op, action_callback) == TRUE) {
             /* entry rescheduled, dup freed */
             return TRUE;
         g_hash_table_replace(recurring_actions, op->id, op);
     if (op->standard && strcasecmp(op->standard, "upstart") == 0) {
         return upstart_job_exec(op, FALSE);
     if (op->standard && strcasecmp(op->standard, "systemd") == 0) {
         return systemd_unit_exec(op);
     return services_os_action_execute(op, FALSE);
 services_action_sync(svc_action_t * op)
     gboolean rc = TRUE;
     if (op == NULL) {
         crm_trace("No operation to execute");
         return FALSE;
     op->synchronous = true;
     if (op->standard && strcasecmp(op->standard, "upstart") == 0) {
         rc = upstart_job_exec(op, TRUE);
     } else if (op->standard && strcasecmp(op->standard, "systemd") == 0) {
         rc = systemd_unit_exec(op);
     } else {
         rc = services_os_action_execute(op, TRUE);
     crm_trace(" > %s_%s_%d: %s = %d", op->rsc, op->action, op->interval, op->opaque->exec, op->rc);
     if (op->stdout_data) {
         crm_trace(" >  stdout: %s", op->stdout_data);
     if (op->stderr_data) {
         crm_trace(" >  stderr: %s", op->stderr_data);
     return rc;
 GList *
 get_directory_list(const char *root, gboolean files, gboolean executable)
     return services_os_get_directory_list(root, files, executable);
 GList *
     return resources_list_agents("lsb", NULL);
 static GList *
     return services_os_get_directory_list(HB_RA_DIR, TRUE, TRUE);
 GList *
     GList *standards = NULL;
     GList *agents = NULL;
     standards = g_list_append(standards, strdup("ocf"));
     standards = g_list_append(standards, strdup("lsb"));
     standards = g_list_append(standards, strdup("service"));
     agents = systemd_unit_listall();
     agents = NULL;
     if (agents) {
         standards = g_list_append(standards, strdup("systemd"));
         g_list_free_full(agents, free);
     agents = upstart_job_listall();
     agents = NULL;
     if (agents) {
         standards = g_list_append(standards, strdup("upstart"));
         g_list_free_full(agents, free);
     agents = resources_os_list_nagios_agents();
     if (agents) {
         standards = g_list_append(standards, strdup("nagios"));
         g_list_free_full(agents, free);
     standards = g_list_append(standards, strdup("heartbeat"));
     return standards;
 GList *
 resources_list_providers(const char *standard)
     if (strcasecmp(standard, "ocf") == 0) {
         return resources_os_list_ocf_providers();
     return NULL;
 GList *
 resources_list_agents(const char *standard, const char *provider)
     if (standard == NULL || strcasecmp(standard, "service") == 0) {
         GList *tmp1;
         GList *tmp2;
         GList *result = resources_os_list_lsb_agents();
         if (standard == NULL) {
             tmp1 = result;
             tmp2 = resources_os_list_ocf_agents(NULL);
             if (tmp2) {
                 result = g_list_concat(tmp1, tmp2);
         tmp1 = result;
         tmp2 = systemd_unit_listall();
         if (tmp2) {
             result = g_list_concat(tmp1, tmp2);
         tmp1 = result;
         tmp2 = upstart_job_listall();
         if (tmp2) {
             result = g_list_concat(tmp1, tmp2);
         return result;
     } else if (strcasecmp(standard, "ocf") == 0) {
         return resources_os_list_ocf_agents(provider);
     } else if (strcasecmp(standard, "lsb") == 0) {
         return resources_os_list_lsb_agents();
     } else if (strcasecmp(standard, "heartbeat") == 0) {
         return resources_os_list_hb_agents();
     } else if (strcasecmp(standard, "systemd") == 0) {
         return systemd_unit_listall();
     } else if (strcasecmp(standard, "upstart") == 0) {
         return upstart_job_listall();
     } else if (strcasecmp(standard, "nagios") == 0) {
         return resources_os_list_nagios_agents();
     return NULL;
diff --git a/lib/services/services_linux.c b/lib/services/services_linux.c
index 41a9fb144d..8c20d2e083 100644
--- a/lib/services/services_linux.c
+++ b/lib/services/services_linux.c
@@ -1,816 +1,822 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
 #  define _GNU_SOURCE
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <sys/time.h>
 #include <sys/resource.h>
 #include <sys/signalfd.h>
 #include "crm/crm.h"
 #include "crm/common/mainloop.h"
 #include "crm/services.h"
 #include "services_private.h"
 #  include "crm/common/cib_secrets.h"
 static inline void
 set_fd_opts(int fd, int opts)
     int flag;
     if ((flag = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL)) >= 0) {
         if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flag | opts) < 0) {
             crm_err("fcntl() write failed");
     } else {
         crm_err("fcntl() read failed");
 static gboolean
 svc_read_output(int fd, svc_action_t * op, bool is_stderr)
     char *data = NULL;
     int rc = 0, len = 0;
     char buf[500];
     static const size_t buf_read_len = sizeof(buf) - 1;
     if (fd < 0) {
         crm_trace("No fd for %s", op->id);
         return FALSE;
     if (is_stderr && op->stderr_data) {
         len = strlen(op->stderr_data);
         data = op->stderr_data;
         crm_trace("Reading %s stderr into offset %d", op->id, len);
     } else if (is_stderr == FALSE && op->stdout_data) {
         len = strlen(op->stdout_data);
         data = op->stdout_data;
         crm_trace("Reading %s stdout into offset %d", op->id, len);
     } else {
         crm_trace("Reading %s %s", op->id, is_stderr?"stderr":"stdout", len);
     do {
         rc = read(fd, buf, buf_read_len);
         if (rc > 0) {
             crm_trace("Got %d chars: %.80s", rc, buf);
             buf[rc] = 0;
             data = realloc_safe(data, len + rc + 1);
             len += sprintf(data + len, "%s", buf);
         } else if (errno != EINTR) {
             /* error or EOF
              * Cleanup happens in pipe_done()
             rc = FALSE;
     } while (rc == buf_read_len || rc < 0);
     if (is_stderr) {
         op->stderr_data = data;
     } else {
         op->stdout_data = data;
     return rc;
 static int
 dispatch_stdout(gpointer userdata)
     svc_action_t *op = (svc_action_t *) userdata;
     return svc_read_output(op->opaque->stdout_fd, op, FALSE);
 static int
 dispatch_stderr(gpointer userdata)
     svc_action_t *op = (svc_action_t *) userdata;
     return svc_read_output(op->opaque->stderr_fd, op, TRUE);
 static void
 pipe_out_done(gpointer user_data)
     svc_action_t *op = (svc_action_t *) user_data;
     crm_trace("%p", op);
     op->opaque->stdout_gsource = NULL;
     if (op->opaque->stdout_fd > STDOUT_FILENO) {
     op->opaque->stdout_fd = -1;
 static void
 pipe_err_done(gpointer user_data)
     svc_action_t *op = (svc_action_t *) user_data;
     op->opaque->stderr_gsource = NULL;
     if (op->opaque->stderr_fd > STDERR_FILENO) {
     op->opaque->stderr_fd = -1;
 static struct mainloop_fd_callbacks stdout_callbacks = {
     .dispatch = dispatch_stdout,
     .destroy = pipe_out_done,
 static struct mainloop_fd_callbacks stderr_callbacks = {
     .dispatch = dispatch_stderr,
     .destroy = pipe_err_done,
 static void
 set_ocf_env(const char *key, const char *value, gpointer user_data)
     if (setenv(key, value, 1) != 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "setenv failed for key:%s and value:%s", key, value);
 static void
 set_ocf_env_with_prefix(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     char buffer[500];
     snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "OCF_RESKEY_%s", (char *)key);
     set_ocf_env(buffer, value, user_data);
 static void
 add_OCF_env_vars(svc_action_t * op)
     if (!op->standard || strcasecmp("ocf", op->standard) != 0) {
     if (op->params) {
         g_hash_table_foreach(op->params, set_ocf_env_with_prefix, NULL);
     set_ocf_env("OCF_RA_VERSION_MAJOR", "1", NULL);
     set_ocf_env("OCF_RA_VERSION_MINOR", "0", NULL);
     set_ocf_env("OCF_ROOT", OCF_ROOT_DIR, NULL);
     if (op->rsc) {
         set_ocf_env("OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE", op->rsc, NULL);
     if (op->agent != NULL) {
         set_ocf_env("OCF_RESOURCE_TYPE", op->agent, NULL);
     /* Notes: this is not added to specification yet. Sept 10,2004 */
     if (op->provider != NULL) {
         set_ocf_env("OCF_RESOURCE_PROVIDER", op->provider, NULL);
 recurring_action_timer(gpointer data)
     svc_action_t *op = data;
     crm_debug("Scheduling another invokation of %s", op->id);
     /* Clean out the old result */
     op->stdout_data = NULL;
     op->stderr_data = NULL;
     op->opaque->repeat_timer = 0;
     services_action_async(op, NULL);
     return FALSE;
 /* Returns FALSE if 'op' should be free'd by the caller */
 operation_finalize(svc_action_t * op)
     int recurring = 0;
     if (op->interval) {
         if (op->cancel) {
             op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
         } else {
             recurring = 1;
             op->opaque->repeat_timer = g_timeout_add(op->interval,
                                                      recurring_action_timer, (void *)op);
     if (op->opaque->callback) {
     op->pid = 0;
     if (!recurring && op->synchronous == FALSE) {
          * If this is a recurring action, do not free explicitly.
          * It will get freed whenever the action gets cancelled.
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static void
 operation_finished(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode)
     svc_action_t *op = mainloop_child_userdata(p);
     char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d", op->id, op->pid);
     op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
     CRM_ASSERT(op->pid == pid);
     crm_trace("%s %p %p", prefix, op->opaque->stderr_gsource, op->opaque->stdout_gsource);
     if (op->opaque->stderr_gsource) {
         /* Make sure we have read everything from the buffer.
          * Depending on the priority mainloop gives the fd, operation_finished
          * could occur before all the reads are done.  Force the read now.*/
         crm_trace("%s dispatching stderr", prefix);
         crm_trace("%s: %p", op->id, op->stderr_data);
         op->opaque->stderr_gsource = NULL;
     if (op->opaque->stdout_gsource) {
         /* Make sure we have read everything from the buffer.
          * Depending on the priority mainloop gives the fd, operation_finished
          * could occur before all the reads are done.  Force the read now.*/
         crm_trace("%s dispatching stdout", prefix);
         crm_trace("%s: %p", op->id, op->stdout_data);
         op->opaque->stdout_gsource = NULL;
     if (signo) {
         if (mainloop_child_timeout(p)) {
             crm_warn("%s - timed out after %dms", prefix, op->timeout);
             op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT;
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_TIMEOUT;
         } else {
             do_crm_log_unlikely((op->cancel) ? LOG_INFO : LOG_WARNING,
                                 "%s - terminated with signal %d", prefix, signo);
             op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_SIGNAL;
     } else {
         op->rc = exitcode;
         crm_debug("%s - exited with rc=%d", prefix, exitcode);
     prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d:stderr", op->id, op->pid);
     crm_log_output(LOG_NOTICE, prefix, op->stderr_data);
     prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d:stdout", op->id, op->pid);
     crm_log_output(LOG_DEBUG, prefix, op->stdout_data);
  * \internal
  * \brief Set operation rc and status per errno from stat(), fork() or execvp()
  * \param[in,out] op     Operation to set rc and status for
  * \param[in]     error  Value of errno after system call
  * \return void
 static void
 services_handle_exec_error(svc_action_t * op, int error)
     int rc_not_installed, rc_insufficient_priv, rc_exec_error;
     /* Mimic the return codes for each standard as that's what we'll convert back from in get_uniform_rc() */
     if (safe_str_eq(op->standard, "lsb") && safe_str_eq(op->action, "status")) {
         rc_not_installed = PCMK_LSB_STATUS_NOT_INSTALLED;
         rc_insufficient_priv = PCMK_LSB_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV;
         rc_exec_error = PCMK_LSB_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(op->standard, "nagios")) {
         rc_not_installed = NAGIOS_NOT_INSTALLED;
         rc_insufficient_priv = NAGIOS_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV;
         rc_exec_error = PCMK_OCF_EXEC_ERROR;
     } else {
         rc_not_installed = PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED;
         rc_insufficient_priv = PCMK_OCF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV;
         rc_exec_error = PCMK_OCF_EXEC_ERROR;
     switch (error) {   /* see execve(2), stat(2) and fork(2) */
         case ENOENT:   /* No such file or directory */
         case EISDIR:   /* Is a directory */
         case ENOTDIR:  /* Path component is not a directory */
         case EINVAL:   /* Invalid executable format */
         case ENOEXEC:  /* Invalid executable format */
             op->rc = rc_not_installed;
             op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_INSTALLED;
         case EACCES:   /* permission denied (various errors) */
         case EPERM:    /* permission denied (various errors) */
             op->rc = rc_insufficient_priv;
             op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
             op->rc = rc_exec_error;
             op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
 static void
 action_launch_child(svc_action_t *op)
     int lpc;
     /* SIGPIPE is ignored (which is different from signal blocking) by the gnutls library.
      * Depending on the libqb version in use, libqb may set SIGPIPE to be ignored as well. 
      * We do not want this to be inherited by the child process. By resetting this the signal
      * to the default behavior, we avoid some potential odd problems that occur during OCF
      * scripts when SIGPIPE is ignored by the environment. */
     signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
     if (sched_getscheduler(0) != SCHED_OTHER) {
         struct sched_param sp;
         memset(&sp, 0, sizeof(sp));
         sp.sched_priority = 0;
         if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_OTHER, &sp) == -1) {
             crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not reset scheduling policy to SCHED_OTHER for %s", op->id);
     if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0) == -1) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not reset process priority to 0 for %s", op->id);
     /* Man: The call setpgrp() is equivalent to setpgid(0,0)
      * _and_ compiles on BSD variants too
      * need to investigate if it works the same too.
     setpgid(0, 0);
     /* close all descriptors except stdin/out/err and channels to logd */
     for (lpc = getdtablesize() - 1; lpc > STDERR_FILENO; lpc--) {
     if (replace_secret_params(op->rsc, op->params) < 0) {
         /* replacing secrets failed! */
         if (safe_str_eq(op->action,"stop")) {
             /* don't fail on stop! */
             crm_info("proceeding with the stop operation for %s", op->rsc);
         } else {
             crm_err("failed to get secrets for %s, "
                     "considering resource not configured", op->rsc);
     /* Setup environment correctly */
     /* execute the RA */
     execvp(op->opaque->exec, op->opaque->args);
     /* Most cases should have been already handled by stat() */
     services_handle_exec_error(op, errno);
 static void
 action_synced_wait(svc_action_t * op, sigset_t mask)
     int status = 0;
     int timeout = op->timeout;
     int sfd = -1;
     time_t start = -1;
     struct pollfd fds[3];
     int wait_rc = 0;
     sfd = signalfd(-1, &mask, SFD_NONBLOCK);
     if (sfd < 0) {
         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "signalfd() failed");
     fds[0].fd = op->opaque->stdout_fd;
     fds[0].events = POLLIN;
     fds[0].revents = 0;
     fds[1].fd = op->opaque->stderr_fd;
     fds[1].events = POLLIN;
     fds[1].revents = 0;
     fds[2].fd = sfd;
     fds[2].events = POLLIN;
     fds[2].revents = 0;
     crm_trace("Waiting for %d", op->pid);
     start = time(NULL);
     do {
         int poll_rc = poll(fds, 3, timeout);
         if (poll_rc > 0) {
             if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) {
                 svc_read_output(op->opaque->stdout_fd, op, FALSE);
             if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) {
                 svc_read_output(op->opaque->stderr_fd, op, TRUE);
             if (fds[2].revents & POLLIN) {
                 struct signalfd_siginfo fdsi;
                 ssize_t s;
                 s = read(sfd, &fdsi, sizeof(struct signalfd_siginfo));
                 if (s != sizeof(struct signalfd_siginfo)) {
                     crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Read from signal fd %d failed", sfd);
                 } else if (fdsi.ssi_signo == SIGCHLD) {
                     wait_rc = waitpid(op->pid, &status, WNOHANG);
                     if (wait_rc < 0){
                         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "waitpid() for %d failed", op->pid);
                     } else if (wait_rc > 0) {
         } else if (poll_rc == 0) {
             timeout = 0;
         } else if (poll_rc < 0) {
             if (errno != EINTR) {
                 crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "poll() failed");
         timeout = op->timeout - (time(NULL) - start) * 1000;
     } while ((op->timeout < 0 || timeout > 0));
     crm_trace("Child done: %d", op->pid);
     if (wait_rc <= 0) {
         int killrc = kill(op->pid, SIGKILL);
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
         if (op->timeout > 0 && timeout <= 0) {
             op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT;
             crm_warn("%s:%d - timed out after %dms", op->id, op->pid, op->timeout);
         } else {
             op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
         if (killrc && errno != ESRCH) {
             crm_err("kill(%d, KILL) failed: %d", op->pid, errno);
          * From sigprocmask(2):
          * It is not possible to block SIGKILL or SIGSTOP.  Attempts to do so are silently ignored.
          * This makes it safe to skip WNOHANG here
         waitpid(op->pid, &status, 0);
     } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
         op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         op->rc = WEXITSTATUS(status);
         crm_info("Managed %s process %d exited with rc=%d", op->id, op->pid, op->rc);
     } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
         int signo = WTERMSIG(status);
         op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
         crm_err("Managed %s process %d exited with signal=%d", op->id, op->pid, signo);
     if (WCOREDUMP(status)) {
         crm_err("Managed %s process %d dumped core", op->id, op->pid);
     svc_read_output(op->opaque->stdout_fd, op, FALSE);
     svc_read_output(op->opaque->stderr_fd, op, TRUE);
 /* Returns FALSE if 'op' should be free'd by the caller */
 services_os_action_execute(svc_action_t * op, gboolean synchronous)
     int stdout_fd[2];
     int stderr_fd[2];
     sigset_t mask;
     sigset_t old_mask;
     struct stat st;
     if (pipe(stdout_fd) < 0) {
         crm_err("pipe() failed");
     if (pipe(stderr_fd) < 0) {
         crm_err("pipe() failed");
     /* Fail fast */
     if(stat(op->opaque->exec, &st) != 0) {
         int rc = errno;
         crm_warn("Cannot execute '%s': %s (%d)", op->opaque->exec, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         services_handle_exec_error(op, rc);
         if (!synchronous) {
             return operation_finalize(op);
         return FALSE;
     if (synchronous) {
         sigaddset(&mask, SIGCHLD);
         if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &old_mask) < 0) {
             crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "sigprocmask() failed");
     op->pid = fork();
     switch (op->pid) {
         case -1:
                 int rc = errno;
                 crm_err("Could not execute '%s': %s (%d)", op->opaque->exec, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
                 services_handle_exec_error(op, rc);
                 if (!synchronous) {
                     return operation_finalize(op);
                 return FALSE;
         case 0:                /* Child */
             if (STDOUT_FILENO != stdout_fd[1]) {
                 if (dup2(stdout_fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO) != STDOUT_FILENO) {
                     crm_err("dup2() failed (stdout)");
             if (STDERR_FILENO != stderr_fd[1]) {
                 if (dup2(stderr_fd[1], STDERR_FILENO) != STDERR_FILENO) {
                     crm_err("dup2() failed (stderr)");
     /* Only the parent reaches here */
     op->opaque->stdout_fd = stdout_fd[0];
     set_fd_opts(op->opaque->stdout_fd, O_NONBLOCK);
     op->opaque->stderr_fd = stderr_fd[0];
     set_fd_opts(op->opaque->stderr_fd, O_NONBLOCK);
     if (synchronous) {
         action_synced_wait(op, mask);
         if (sigismember(&old_mask, SIGCHLD) == 0) {
             if (sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, NULL) < 0) {
                 crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "sigprocmask() to unblocked failed");
     } else {
         crm_trace("Async waiting for %d - %s", op->pid, op->opaque->exec);
-        mainloop_child_add(op->pid, op->timeout, op->id, op, operation_finished);
+        mainloop_child_add_with_flags(op->pid,
+                                      op->timeout,
+                                      op->id,
+                                      op,
+                                      (op->flags & SVC_ACTION_LEAVE_GROUP) ? mainloop_leave_pid_group : 0,
+                                      operation_finished);
         op->opaque->stdout_gsource = mainloop_add_fd(op->id,
                                                      op->opaque->stdout_fd, op, &stdout_callbacks);
         op->opaque->stderr_gsource = mainloop_add_fd(op->id,
                                                      op->opaque->stderr_fd, op, &stderr_callbacks);
     return TRUE;
 GList *
 services_os_get_directory_list(const char *root, gboolean files, gboolean executable)
     GList *list = NULL;
     struct dirent **namelist;
     int entries = 0, lpc = 0;
     char buffer[PATH_MAX];
     entries = scandir(root, &namelist, NULL, alphasort);
     if (entries <= 0) {
         return list;
     for (lpc = 0; lpc < entries; lpc++) {
         struct stat sb;
         if ('.' == namelist[lpc]->d_name[0]) {
         snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", root, namelist[lpc]->d_name);
         if (stat(buffer, &sb)) {
         if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
             if (files) {
         } else if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {
             if (files == FALSE) {
             } else if (executable
                        && (sb.st_mode & S_IXUSR) == 0
                        && (sb.st_mode & S_IXGRP) == 0 && (sb.st_mode & S_IXOTH) == 0) {
         list = g_list_append(list, strdup(namelist[lpc]->d_name));
     return list;
 GList *
     return get_directory_list(LSB_ROOT_DIR, TRUE, TRUE);
 GList *
     return get_directory_list(OCF_ROOT_DIR "/resource.d", FALSE, TRUE);
 GList *
 resources_os_list_ocf_agents(const char *provider)
     GList *gIter = NULL;
     GList *result = NULL;
     GList *providers = NULL;
     if (provider) {
         char buffer[500];
         snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/resource.d/%s", OCF_ROOT_DIR, provider);
         return get_directory_list(buffer, TRUE, TRUE);
     providers = resources_os_list_ocf_providers();
     for (gIter = providers; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         GList *tmp1 = result;
         GList *tmp2 = resources_os_list_ocf_agents(gIter->data);
         if (tmp2) {
             result = g_list_concat(tmp1, tmp2);
     g_list_free_full(providers, free);
     return result;
 GList *
     GList *plugin_list = NULL;
     GList *result = NULL;
     GList *gIter = NULL;
     plugin_list = get_directory_list(NAGIOS_PLUGIN_DIR, TRUE, TRUE);
     /* Make sure both the plugin and its metadata exist */
     for (gIter = plugin_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         const char *plugin = gIter->data;
         char *metadata = crm_strdup_printf(NAGIOS_METADATA_DIR "/%s.xml", plugin);
         struct stat st;
         if (stat(metadata, &st) == 0) {
             result = g_list_append(result, strdup(plugin));
     g_list_free_full(plugin_list, free);
     return result;
diff --git a/lrmd/lrmd.c b/lrmd/lrmd.c
index ee878a27be..95f786a95a 100644
--- a/lrmd/lrmd.c
+++ b/lrmd/lrmd.c
@@ -1,1673 +1,1684 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2012 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/services.h>
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipc.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipcs.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <lrmd_private.h>
 #  include <sys/timeb.h>
 #define EXIT_REASON_MAX_LEN 128
 GHashTable *rsc_list = NULL;
 typedef struct lrmd_cmd_s {
     int timeout;
     int interval;
     int start_delay;
     int timeout_orig;
     int call_id;
     int exec_rc;
     int lrmd_op_status;
     int call_opts;
     /* Timer ids, must be removed on cmd destruction. */
     int delay_id;
     int stonith_recurring_id;
     int rsc_deleted;
+    int service_flags;
     char *client_id;
     char *origin;
     char *rsc_id;
     char *action;
     char *real_action;
     char *exit_reason;
     char *output;
     char *userdata_str;
     /* when set, this cmd should go through a container wrapper */
     const char *isolation_wrapper;
     /* recurring and systemd operations may involve more than one lrmd command
      * per operation, so they need info about original and most recent
     struct timeb t_first_run;   /* Timestamp of when op first ran */
     struct timeb t_run;         /* Timestamp of when op most recently ran */
     struct timeb t_first_queue; /* Timestamp of when op first was queued */
     struct timeb t_queue;       /* Timestamp of when op most recently was queued */
     struct timeb t_rcchange;    /* Timestamp of last rc change */
     int first_notify_sent;
     int last_notify_rc;
     int last_notify_op_status;
     int last_pid;
     GHashTable *params;
 } lrmd_cmd_t;
 static void cmd_finalize(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd, lrmd_rsc_t * rsc);
 static gboolean lrmd_rsc_dispatch(gpointer user_data);
 static void cancel_all_recurring(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, const char *client_id);
 static void
 log_finished(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd, int exec_time, int queue_time)
     char pid_str[32] = { 0, };
     int log_level = LOG_INFO;
     if (cmd->last_pid) {
         snprintf(pid_str, 32, "%d", cmd->last_pid);
     if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor")) {
         log_level = LOG_DEBUG;
                "finished - rsc:%s action:%s call_id:%d %s%s exit-code:%d exec-time:%dms queue-time:%dms",
                cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->call_id, cmd->last_pid ? "pid:" : "", pid_str,
                cmd->exec_rc, exec_time, queue_time);
     do_crm_log(log_level, "finished - rsc:%s action:%s call_id:%d %s%s exit-code:%d",
                cmd->action, cmd->call_id, cmd->last_pid ? "pid:" : "", pid_str, cmd->exec_rc);
 static void
 log_execute(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     int log_level = LOG_INFO;
     if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor")) {
         log_level = LOG_DEBUG;
     do_crm_log(log_level, "executing - rsc:%s action:%s call_id:%d",
                cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->call_id);
 static const char *
 normalize_action_name(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, const char *action)
     if (safe_str_eq(action, "monitor") &&
         (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "lsb") ||
          safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "service") || safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "systemd"))) {
         return "status";
     return action;
 static lrmd_rsc_t *
 build_rsc_from_xml(xmlNode * msg)
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, msg, LOG_ERR);
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     rsc = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_rsc_t));
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_CALLOPTS, &rsc->call_opts);
     rsc->rsc_id = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     rsc->class = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_CLASS);
     rsc->provider = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_PROVIDER);
     rsc->type = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_TYPE);
     rsc->work = mainloop_add_trigger(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, lrmd_rsc_dispatch, rsc);
     return rsc;
 static lrmd_cmd_t *
 create_lrmd_cmd(xmlNode * msg, crm_client_t * client, lrmd_rsc_t *rsc)
     int call_options = 0;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, msg, LOG_ERR);
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = NULL;
     cmd = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_cmd_t));
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_CALLOPTS, &call_options);
     cmd->call_opts = call_options;
     cmd->client_id = strdup(client->id);
     crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_CALLID, &cmd->call_id);
     crm_element_value_int(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL, &cmd->interval);
     crm_element_value_int(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_TIMEOUT, &cmd->timeout);
     crm_element_value_int(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_START_DELAY, &cmd->start_delay);
     cmd->timeout_orig = cmd->timeout;
     cmd->origin = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_ORIGIN);
     cmd->action = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION);
     cmd->userdata_str = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_USERDATA_STR);
     cmd->rsc_id = crm_element_value_copy(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     cmd->params = xml2list(rsc_xml);
     cmd->isolation_wrapper = g_hash_table_lookup(cmd->params, "CRM_meta_isolation_wrapper");
     if (cmd->isolation_wrapper) {
         if (g_hash_table_lookup(cmd->params, "CRM_meta_isolation_instance") == NULL) {
             g_hash_table_insert(cmd->params, strdup("CRM_meta_isolation_instance"), strdup(rsc->rsc_id));
         if (rsc->provider) {
             g_hash_table_insert(cmd->params, strdup("CRM_meta_provider"), strdup(rsc->provider));
         g_hash_table_insert(cmd->params, strdup("CRM_meta_class"), strdup(rsc->class));
         g_hash_table_insert(cmd->params, strdup("CRM_meta_type"), strdup(rsc->type));
+    if (safe_str_eq(g_hash_table_lookup(cmd->params, "CRM_meta_on_fail"), "block")) {
+        crm_debug("Setting flag to leave pid group on timeout and only kill action pid for %s_%s_%d", cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->interval);
+        cmd->service_flags |= SVC_ACTION_LEAVE_GROUP;
+    }
     return cmd;
 static void
 free_lrmd_cmd(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     if (cmd->stonith_recurring_id) {
     if (cmd->delay_id) {
     if (cmd->params) {
 static gboolean
 stonith_recurring_op_helper(gpointer data)
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = data;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc;
     cmd->stonith_recurring_id = 0;
     if (!cmd->rsc_id) {
         return FALSE;
     rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, cmd->rsc_id);
     CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL);
     /* take it out of recurring_ops list, and put it in the pending ops
      * to be executed */
     rsc->recurring_ops = g_list_remove(rsc->recurring_ops, cmd);
     rsc->pending_ops = g_list_append(rsc->pending_ops, cmd);
     if (cmd->t_first_queue.time == 0) {
         cmd->t_first_queue = cmd->t_queue;
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 start_delay_helper(gpointer data)
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = data;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     cmd->delay_id = 0;
     rsc = cmd->rsc_id ? g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, cmd->rsc_id) : NULL;
     if (rsc) {
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 merge_recurring_duplicate(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     lrmd_cmd_t * dup = NULL;
     gboolean dup_pending = FALSE;
     if (cmd->interval == 0) {
         return 0;
     for (gIter = rsc->pending_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         dup = gIter->data;
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, dup->action) && cmd->interval == dup->interval) {
             dup_pending = TRUE;
             goto merge_dup;
     /* if dup is in recurring_ops list, that means it has already executed
      * and is in the interval loop. we can't just remove it in this case. */
     for (gIter = rsc->recurring_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         dup = gIter->data;
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, dup->action) && cmd->interval == dup->interval) {
             goto merge_dup;
     return FALSE;
     /* This should not occur, if it does we need to investigate in the crmd
      * how something like this is possible */
     crm_warn("Duplicate recurring op entry detected (%s_%s_%d), merging with previous op entry",
             normalize_action_name(rsc, dup->action),
     /* merge */
     dup->first_notify_sent = 0;
     dup->userdata_str = cmd->userdata_str;
     cmd->userdata_str = NULL;
     dup->call_id = cmd->call_id;
     if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith")) {
         /* if we are waiting for the next interval, kick it off now */
         if (dup_pending == TRUE) {
             cmd->stonith_recurring_id = 0;
     } else if (dup_pending == FALSE) {
         /* if we've already handed this to the service lib, kick off an early execution */
         services_action_kick(rsc->rsc_id, normalize_action_name(rsc, dup->action), dup->interval);
     return TRUE;
 static void
 schedule_lrmd_cmd(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     gboolean dup_processed = FALSE;
     CRM_CHECK(cmd != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
     crm_trace("Scheduling %s on %s", cmd->action, rsc->rsc_id);
     dup_processed = merge_recurring_duplicate(rsc, cmd);
     if (dup_processed) {
         /* duplicate recurring cmd found, cmds merged */
     /* crmd expects lrmd to automatically cancel recurring ops before rsc stops. */
     if (rsc && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "stop")) {
         cancel_all_recurring(rsc, NULL);
     rsc->pending_ops = g_list_append(rsc->pending_ops, cmd);
     if (cmd->t_first_queue.time == 0) {
         cmd->t_first_queue = cmd->t_queue;
     if (cmd->start_delay) {
         cmd->delay_id = g_timeout_add(cmd->start_delay, start_delay_helper, cmd);
 static void
 send_reply(crm_client_t * client, int rc, uint32_t id, int call_id)
     int send_rc = 0;
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     reply = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_REPLY);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_RC, rc);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_CALLID, call_id);
     send_rc = lrmd_server_send_reply(client, id, reply);
     if (send_rc < 0) {
         crm_warn("LRMD reply to %s failed: %d", client->name, send_rc);
 static void
 send_client_notify(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     xmlNode *update_msg = user_data;
     crm_client_t *client = value;
     if (client == NULL) {
         crm_err("Asked to send event to  NULL client");
     } else if (client->name == NULL) {
         crm_trace("Asked to send event to client with no name");
     if (lrmd_server_send_notify(client, update_msg) <= 0) {
         crm_warn("Notification of client %s/%s failed", client->name, client->id);
  * \internal
  * \brief Return difference between two times in milliseconds
  * \param[in] now  More recent time (or NULL to use current time)
  * \param[in] old  Earlier time
  * \return milliseconds difference (or 0 if old is NULL or has time zero)
 static int
 time_diff_ms(struct timeb *now, struct timeb *old)
     struct timeb local_now = { 0, };
     if (now == NULL) {
         now = &local_now;
     if ((old == NULL) || (old->time == 0)) {
         return 0;
     return difftime(now->time, old->time) * 1000 + now->millitm - old->millitm;
  * \internal
  * \brief Reset a command's operation times to their original values.
  * Reset a command's run and queued timestamps to the timestamps of the original
  * command, so we report the entire time since then and not just the time since
  * the most recent command (for recurring and systemd operations).
  * /param[in] cmd  LRMD command object to reset
  * /note It's not obvious what the queued time should be for a systemd
  * start/stop operation, which might go like this:
  *   initial command queued 5ms, runs 3s
  *   monitor command queued 10ms, runs 10s
  *   monitor command queued 10ms, runs 10s
  * Is the queued time for that operation 5ms, 10ms or 25ms? The current
  * implementation will report 5ms. If it's 25ms, then we need to
  * subtract 20ms from the total exec time so as not to count it twice.
  * We can implement that later if it matters to anyone ...
 static void
 cmd_original_times(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     cmd->t_run = cmd->t_first_run;
     cmd->t_queue = cmd->t_first_queue;
 static void
 send_cmd_complete_notify(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     int exec_time = 0;
     int queue_time = 0;
     xmlNode *notify = NULL;
     exec_time = time_diff_ms(NULL, &cmd->t_run);
     queue_time = time_diff_ms(&cmd->t_run, &cmd->t_queue);
     log_finished(cmd, exec_time, queue_time);
     /* if the first notify result for a cmd has already been sent earlier, and the
      * the option to only send notifies on result changes is set. Check to see
      * if the last result is the same as the new one. If so, suppress this update */
     if (cmd->first_notify_sent && (cmd->call_opts & lrmd_opt_notify_changes_only)) {
         if (cmd->last_notify_rc == cmd->exec_rc &&
             cmd->last_notify_op_status == cmd->lrmd_op_status) {
             /* only send changes */
     cmd->first_notify_sent = 1;
     cmd->last_notify_rc = cmd->exec_rc;
     cmd->last_notify_op_status = cmd->lrmd_op_status;
     notify = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_TIMEOUT, cmd->timeout);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL, cmd->interval);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_START_DELAY, cmd->start_delay);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_EXEC_RC, cmd->exec_rc);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_OP_STATUS, cmd->lrmd_op_status);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_CALLID, cmd->call_id);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_DELETED, cmd->rsc_deleted);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_RUN_TIME, cmd->t_run.time);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_RCCHANGE_TIME, cmd->t_rcchange.time);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_EXEC_TIME, exec_time);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_QUEUE_TIME, queue_time);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_OPERATION, LRMD_OP_RSC_EXEC);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, cmd->rsc_id);
     if(cmd->real_action) {
         crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION, cmd->real_action);
     } else {
         crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION, cmd->action);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_USERDATA_STR, cmd->userdata_str);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_OUTPUT, cmd->output);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_EXIT_REASON, cmd->exit_reason);
     if (cmd->params) {
         char *key = NULL;
         char *value = NULL;
         GHashTableIter iter;
         xmlNode *args = create_xml_node(notify, XML_TAG_ATTRS);
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, cmd->params);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
             hash2smartfield((gpointer) key, (gpointer) value, args);
     if (cmd->client_id && (cmd->call_opts & lrmd_opt_notify_orig_only)) {
         crm_client_t *client = crm_client_get_by_id(cmd->client_id);
         if (client) {
             send_client_notify(client->id, client, notify);
     } else {
         g_hash_table_foreach(client_connections, send_client_notify, notify);
 static void
 send_generic_notify(int rc, xmlNode * request)
     int call_id = 0;
     xmlNode *notify = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     const char *op = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_OPERATION);
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_LRMD_CALLID, &call_id);
     notify = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_RC, rc);
     crm_xml_add_int(notify, F_LRMD_CALLID, call_id);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_OPERATION, op);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, rsc_id);
     g_hash_table_foreach(client_connections, send_client_notify, notify);
 static void
 cmd_reset(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     cmd->lrmd_op_status = 0;
     cmd->last_pid = 0;
     memset(&cmd->t_run, 0, sizeof(cmd->t_run));
     memset(&cmd->t_queue, 0, sizeof(cmd->t_queue));
     cmd->exit_reason = NULL;
     cmd->output = NULL;
 static void
 cmd_finalize(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd, lrmd_rsc_t * rsc)
     crm_trace("Resource operation rsc:%s action:%s completed (%p %p)", cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action,
               rsc ? rsc->active : NULL, cmd);
     if (rsc && (rsc->active == cmd)) {
         rsc->active = NULL;
     if (!rsc) {
         cmd->rsc_deleted = 1;
     /* reset original timeout so client notification has correct information */
     cmd->timeout = cmd->timeout_orig;
     if (cmd->interval && (cmd->lrmd_op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED)) {
         if (rsc) {
             rsc->recurring_ops = g_list_remove(rsc->recurring_ops, cmd);
             rsc->pending_ops = g_list_remove(rsc->pending_ops, cmd);
     } else if (cmd->interval == 0) {
         if (rsc) {
             rsc->pending_ops = g_list_remove(rsc->pending_ops, cmd);
     } else {
         /* Clear all the values pertaining just to the last iteration of a recurring op. */
 static int pattern_matched(const char *pat, const char *str)
     if (g_pattern_match_simple(pat, str)) {
         crm_debug("RA output matched stopped pattern [%s]", pat);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static int
 hb2uniform_rc(const char *action, int rc, const char *stdout_data)
     const char *stop_pattern[] = { "*stopped*", "*not*running*" };
     const char *running_pattern[] = { "*running*", "*OK*" };
     char *lower_std_output = NULL;
     int result;
     if (rc < 0) {
         return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
     /* Treat class heartbeat the same as class lsb. */
     if (!safe_str_eq(action, "status") && !safe_str_eq(action, "monitor")) {
         return services_get_ocf_exitcode(action, rc);
     /* for status though, exit code is ignored,
      * and the stdout is scanned for specific strings */
     if (stdout_data == NULL) {
         crm_warn("No status output from the (hb) resource agent, assuming stopped");
         return PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     lower_std_output = g_ascii_strdown(stdout_data, -1);
     if (pattern_matched(stop_pattern[0], lower_std_output) ||
         pattern_matched(stop_pattern[1], lower_std_output)) {
         result = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     } else if (pattern_matched(running_pattern[0], lower_std_output) ||
         pattern_matched(running_pattern[1], stdout_data)) {
             /* "OK" is matched case sensitive */
         result = PCMK_OCF_OK;
     } else {
         /* It didn't say it was running - must be stopped */
         crm_debug("RA output did not match any pattern, assuming stopped");
         result = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     return result;
 static int
 ocf2uniform_rc(int rc)
     if (rc < 0 || rc > PCMK_OCF_FAILED_MASTER) {
         return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
     return rc;
 static int
 stonith2uniform_rc(const char *action, int rc)
     if (rc == -ENODEV) {
         if (safe_str_eq(action, "stop")) {
             rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(action, "start")) {
             rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED;
         } else {
             rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     } else if (rc != 0) {
     return rc;
 static int
 nagios2uniform_rc(const char *action, int rc)
     if (rc < 0) {
         return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
     switch (rc) {
         case NAGIOS_STATE_OK:
             return PCMK_OCF_OK;
             return PCMK_OCF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV;
             return PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED;
             return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
 static int
 get_uniform_rc(const char *standard, const char *action, int rc)
     if (safe_str_eq(standard, "ocf")) {
         return ocf2uniform_rc(rc);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(standard, "stonith")) {
         return stonith2uniform_rc(action, rc);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(standard, "systemd")) {
         return rc;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(standard, "upstart")) {
         return rc;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(standard, "nagios")) {
         return nagios2uniform_rc(action, rc);
     } else {
         return services_get_ocf_exitcode(action, rc);
 static int
 action_get_uniform_rc(svc_action_t * action)
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = action->cb_data;
     if (safe_str_eq(action->standard, "heartbeat")) {
         return hb2uniform_rc(cmd->action, action->rc, action->stdout_data);
     return get_uniform_rc(action->standard, cmd->action, action->rc);
 notify_of_new_client(crm_client_t *new_client)
     crm_client_t *client = NULL;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     xmlNode *notify = NULL;
     char *key = NULL;
     notify = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_NOTIFY);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add(notify, F_LRMD_OPERATION, LRMD_OP_NEW_CLIENT);
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, client_connections);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & client)) {
         if (safe_str_eq(client->id, new_client->id)) {
         send_client_notify((gpointer) key, (gpointer) client, (gpointer) notify);
 static char *
 parse_exit_reason(const char *output)
     const char *cur = NULL;
     const char *last = NULL;
     char *reason = NULL;
     static int cookie_len = 0;
     char *eol = NULL;
     if (output == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     if (!cookie_len) {
         cookie_len = strlen(PCMK_OCF_REASON_PREFIX);
     cur = strstr(output, PCMK_OCF_REASON_PREFIX);
     for (; cur != NULL; cur = strstr(cur, PCMK_OCF_REASON_PREFIX)) {
         /* skip over the cookie delimiter string */
         cur += cookie_len;
         last = cur;
     if (last == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     /* make our own copy */
     reason = calloc(1, (EXIT_REASON_MAX_LEN+1));
     /* limit reason string size */
     strncpy(reason, last, EXIT_REASON_MAX_LEN);
     /* truncate everything after a new line */
     eol = strchr(reason, '\n');
     if (eol != NULL) {
         *eol = '\0';
     return reason;
 client_disconnect_cleanup(const char *client_id)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     char *key = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc_list);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & rsc)) {
         if (rsc->call_opts & lrmd_opt_drop_recurring) {
             /* This client is disconnecting, drop any recurring operations
              * it may have initiated on the resource */
             cancel_all_recurring(rsc, client_id);
 static void
 action_complete(svc_action_t * action)
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc;
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = action->cb_data;
     const char *rclass = NULL;
     bool goagain = false;
     if (!cmd) {
         crm_err("LRMD action (%s) completed does not match any known operations.", action->id);
     if (cmd->exec_rc != action->rc) {
     cmd->last_pid = action->pid;
     cmd->exec_rc = action_get_uniform_rc(action);
     cmd->lrmd_op_status = action->status;
     rsc = cmd->rsc_id ? g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, cmd->rsc_id) : NULL;
     if(rsc && safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "service")) {
         rclass = resources_find_service_class(rsc->class);
     } else if(rsc) {
         rclass = rsc->class;
     if (safe_str_eq(rclass, "systemd")) {
         if(cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "start")) {
             /* systemd I curse thee!
              * systemd returns from start actions after the start _begins_
              * not after it completes.
              * So we have to jump through a few hoops so that we don't
              * report 'complete' to the rest of pacemaker until, you know,
              * its actually done.
             goagain = true;
             cmd->real_action = cmd->action;
             cmd->action = strdup("monitor");
         } else if(cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "stop")) {
             goagain = true;
             cmd->real_action = cmd->action;
             cmd->action = strdup("monitor");
         } else if(cmd->real_action) {
             /* Ok, so this is the follow up monitor action to check if start actually completed */
             if(cmd->lrmd_op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE && cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_PENDING) {
                 goagain = true;
             } else {
                 int time_sum = time_diff_ms(NULL, &cmd->t_first_run);
                 int timeout_left = cmd->timeout_orig - time_sum;
                 crm_debug("%s %s is now complete (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms): %s (%d)",
                           cmd->rsc_id, cmd->real_action, time_sum, timeout_left, services_ocf_exitcode_str(cmd->exec_rc), cmd->exec_rc);
                 if(cmd->lrmd_op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE && cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING && safe_str_eq(cmd->real_action, "stop")) {
                     cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
     if (rsc && safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "nagios")) {
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor") &&
             cmd->interval == 0 && cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK) {
             /* Successfully executed --version for the nagios plugin */
             cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "start") && cmd->exec_rc != PCMK_OCF_OK) {
             goagain = true;
     /* Wrapping this section in ifdef implies that systemd resources are not
      * fully supported on platforms without sys/timeb.h. Since timeb is
      * obsolete, we should eventually prefer a clock_gettime() implementation
      * (wrapped in its own ifdef) with timeb as a fallback.
     if(goagain) {
         int time_sum = time_diff_ms(NULL, &cmd->t_first_run);
         int timeout_left = cmd->timeout_orig - time_sum;
         int delay = cmd->timeout_orig / 10;
         if(delay >= timeout_left && timeout_left > 20) {
             delay = timeout_left/2;
         delay = QB_MIN(2000, delay);
         if (delay < timeout_left) {
             cmd->start_delay = delay;
             cmd->timeout = timeout_left;
             if(cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK) {
                 crm_debug("%s %s may still be in progress: re-scheduling (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms, start_delay=%dms)",
                           cmd->rsc_id, cmd->real_action, time_sum, timeout_left, delay);
             } else if(cmd->exec_rc == PCMK_OCF_PENDING) {
                 crm_info("%s %s is still in progress: re-scheduling (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms, start_delay=%dms)",
                          cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, time_sum, timeout_left, delay);
             } else {
                 crm_notice("%s %s failed '%s' (%d): re-scheduling (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms, start_delay=%dms)",
                            cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, services_ocf_exitcode_str(cmd->exec_rc), cmd->exec_rc, time_sum, timeout_left, delay);
             if(rsc) {
                 rsc->active = NULL;
             schedule_lrmd_cmd(rsc, cmd);
             /* Don't finalize cmd, we're not done with it yet */
         } else {
             crm_notice("Giving up on %s %s (rc=%d): timeout (elapsed=%dms, remaining=%dms)",
                        cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->exec_rc, time_sum, timeout_left);
             cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT;
             cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_TIMEOUT;
     if (action->stderr_data) {
         cmd->output = strdup(action->stderr_data);
         cmd->exit_reason = parse_exit_reason(action->stderr_data);
     } else if (action->stdout_data) {
         cmd->output = strdup(action->stdout_data);
     cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
 static void
 stonith_action_complete(lrmd_cmd_t * cmd, int rc)
     int recurring = cmd->interval;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     cmd->exec_rc = get_uniform_rc("stonith", cmd->action, rc);
     rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, cmd->rsc_id);
     if (cmd->lrmd_op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
         recurring = 0;
         /* do nothing */
     } else if (rc == -ENODEV && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor")) {
         /* Not registered == inactive */
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
     } else if (rc) {
         /* Attempt to map return codes to op status if possible */
         switch (rc) {
             case -EPROTONOSUPPORT:
                 cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_NOTSUPPORTED;
             case -ETIME:
                 cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT;
                 /* TODO: This looks wrong.  Status should be _DONE and exec_rc set to an error */
                 cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
     } else {
         /* command successful */
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "start") && rsc) {
             rsc->stonith_started = 1;
     if (recurring && rsc) {
         if (cmd->stonith_recurring_id) {
         cmd->stonith_recurring_id = g_timeout_add(cmd->interval, stonith_recurring_op_helper, cmd);
     cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
 static void
 lrmd_stonith_callback(stonith_t * stonith, stonith_callback_data_t * data)
     stonith_action_complete(data->userdata, data->rc);
     GHashTableIter iter;
     GList *cmd_list = NULL;
     GList *cmd_iter = NULL;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     char *key = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc_list);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & rsc)) {
         if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith")) {
             if (rsc->recurring_ops) {
                 cmd_list = g_list_concat(cmd_list, rsc->recurring_ops);
             if (rsc->pending_ops) {
                 cmd_list = g_list_concat(cmd_list, rsc->pending_ops);
             rsc->pending_ops = rsc->recurring_ops = NULL;
     if (!cmd_list) {
     crm_err("STONITH connection failed, finalizing %d pending operations.",
     for (cmd_iter = cmd_list; cmd_iter; cmd_iter = cmd_iter->next) {
         stonith_action_complete(cmd_iter->data, -ENOTCONN);
 static int
 lrmd_rsc_execute_stonith(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     int rc = 0;
     int do_monitor = 0;
     stonith_t *stonith_api = get_stonith_connection();
     if (!stonith_api) {
         cmd->exec_rc = get_uniform_rc("stonith", cmd->action, -ENOTCONN);
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
         cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
         return -EUNATCH;
     if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "start")) {
         char *key = NULL;
         char *value = NULL;
         stonith_key_value_t *device_params = NULL;
         if (cmd->params) {
             GHashTableIter iter;
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, cmd->params);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
                 device_params = stonith_key_value_add(device_params, key, value);
         /* Stonith automatically registers devices from the IPC when changes occur,
          * but to avoid a possible race condition between stonith receiving the IPC update
          * and the lrmd requesting that resource, the lrmd still registers the device as well.
          * Stonith knows how to handle duplicate device registrations correctly. */
         rc = stonith_api->cmds->register_device(stonith_api,
                                                 rsc->provider, rsc->type, device_params);
         stonith_key_value_freeall(device_params, 1, 1);
         if (rc == 0) {
             do_monitor = 1;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "stop")) {
         rc = stonith_api->cmds->remove_device(stonith_api, st_opt_sync_call, cmd->rsc_id);
         rsc->stonith_started = 0;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "monitor")) {
         if (cmd->interval) {
             do_monitor = 1;
         } else {
             rc = rsc->stonith_started ? 0 : -ENODEV;
     if (!do_monitor) {
         goto cleanup_stonith_exec;
     rc = stonith_api->cmds->monitor(stonith_api, 0, cmd->rsc_id, cmd->timeout / 1000);
     rc = stonith_api->cmds->register_callback(stonith_api,
                                               cmd, "lrmd_stonith_callback", lrmd_stonith_callback);
     /* don't cleanup yet, we will find out the result of the monitor later */
     if (rc > 0) {
         rsc->active = cmd;
         return rc;
     } else if (rc == 0) {
         rc = -1;
     stonith_action_complete(cmd, rc);
     return rc;
 static void
 dup_attr(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup(key), strdup(value));
 static int
 lrmd_rsc_execute_service_lib(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, lrmd_cmd_t * cmd)
     svc_action_t *action = NULL;
     GHashTable *params_copy = NULL;
     crm_trace("Creating action, resource:%s action:%s class:%s provider:%s agent:%s",
               rsc->rsc_id, cmd->action, rsc->class, rsc->provider, rsc->type);
     /* Recurring operations are cancelled anyway for a stop operation */
     if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "nagios") && safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "stop")) {
         cmd->exec_rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
         goto exec_done;
     if (cmd->params) {
         params_copy = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
                                             g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
         if (params_copy != NULL) {
             g_hash_table_foreach(cmd->params, dup_attr, params_copy);
     if (cmd->isolation_wrapper) {
         g_hash_table_remove(params_copy, "CRM_meta_isolation_wrapper");
         action = resources_action_create(rsc->rsc_id,
-                                         ISOLATION_PROVIDER,
+                                         LRMD_ISOLATION_PROVIDER,
                                          cmd->action, /*action will be normalized in wrapper*/
-                                         cmd->interval, cmd->timeout, params_copy);
+                                         cmd->interval,
+                                         cmd->timeout,
+                                         params_copy,
+                                         cmd->service_flags);
     } else {
         action = resources_action_create(rsc->rsc_id,
                                          normalize_action_name(rsc, cmd->action),
-                                         cmd->interval, cmd->timeout, params_copy);
+                                         cmd->interval,
+                                         cmd->timeout,
+                                         params_copy,
+                                         cmd->service_flags);
     if (!action) {
         crm_err("Failed to create action, action:%s on resource %s", cmd->action, rsc->rsc_id);
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
         goto exec_done;
     action->cb_data = cmd;
     /* 'cmd' may not be valid after this point if
      * services_action_async() returned TRUE
      * Upstart and systemd both synchronously determine monitor/status
      * results and call action_complete (which may free 'cmd') if necessary.
     if (services_action_async(action, action_complete)) {
         return TRUE;
     cmd->exec_rc = action->rc;
     if(action->status != PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = action->status;
     } else {
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
     action = NULL;
     cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 lrmd_rsc_execute(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc)
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (rsc->active) {
         crm_trace("%s is still active", rsc->rsc_id);
         return TRUE;
     if (rsc->pending_ops) {
         GList *first = rsc->pending_ops;
         cmd = first->data;
         if (cmd->delay_id) {
                 ("Command %s %s was asked to run too early, waiting for start_delay timeout of %dms",
                  cmd->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->start_delay);
             return TRUE;
         rsc->pending_ops = g_list_remove_link(rsc->pending_ops, first);
         if (cmd->t_first_run.time == 0) {
     if (!cmd) {
         crm_trace("Nothing further to do for %s", rsc->rsc_id);
         return TRUE;
     rsc->active = cmd;          /* only one op at a time for a rsc */
     if (cmd->interval) {
         rsc->recurring_ops = g_list_append(rsc->recurring_ops, cmd);
     if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith")) {
         lrmd_rsc_execute_stonith(rsc, cmd);
     } else {
         lrmd_rsc_execute_service_lib(rsc, cmd);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 lrmd_rsc_dispatch(gpointer user_data)
     return lrmd_rsc_execute(user_data);
 free_rsc(gpointer data)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = data;
     int is_stonith = safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith");
     for (gIter = rsc->pending_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = gIter->data;
         /* command was never executed */
         cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
         cmd_finalize(cmd, NULL);
     /* frees list, but not list elements. */
     for (gIter = rsc->recurring_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = gIter->data;
         if (is_stonith) {
             cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
             cmd_finalize(cmd, NULL);
         } else {
             /* This command is already handed off to service library,
              * let service library cancel it and tell us via the callback
              * when it is cancelled. The rsc can be safely destroyed
              * even if we are waiting for the cancel result */
             services_action_cancel(rsc->rsc_id, normalize_action_name(rsc, cmd->action), cmd->interval);
     /* frees list, but not list elements. */
 static int
 process_lrmd_signon(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     xmlNode *reply = create_xml_node(NULL, "reply");
     const char *is_ipc_provider = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_IS_IPC_PROVIDER);
     const char *protocol_version = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
     if (safe_str_neq(protocol_version, LRMD_PROTOCOL_VERSION)) {
         crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_RC, -EPROTO);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_OPERATION, CRM_OP_REGISTER);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_CLIENTID, client->id);
     lrmd_server_send_reply(client, id, reply);
     if (crm_is_true(is_ipc_provider)) {
         /* this is a remote connection from a cluster nodes crmd */
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 process_lrmd_rsc_register(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = build_rsc_from_xml(request);
     lrmd_rsc_t *dup = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc->rsc_id);
     if (dup &&
         safe_str_eq(rsc->class, dup->class) &&
         safe_str_eq(rsc->provider, dup->provider) && safe_str_eq(rsc->type, dup->type)) {
         crm_warn("Can't add, RSC '%s' already present in the rsc list (%d active resources)",
                  rsc->rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
         return rc;
     g_hash_table_replace(rsc_list, rsc->rsc_id, rsc);
     crm_info("Added '%s' to the rsc list (%d active resources)",
              rsc->rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
     return rc;
 static void
 process_lrmd_get_rsc_info(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     int send_rc = 0;
     int call_id = 0;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     xmlNode *reply = NULL;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_LRMD_CALLID, &call_id);
     if (!rsc_id) {
         rc = -ENODEV;
         goto get_rsc_done;
     if (!(rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc_id))) {
         crm_info("Resource '%s' not found (%d active resources)",
                  rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
         rc = -ENODEV;
         goto get_rsc_done;
     reply = create_xml_node(NULL, T_LRMD_REPLY);
     crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_RC, rc);
     crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_LRMD_CALLID, call_id);
     if (rsc) {
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_RSC_ID, rsc->rsc_id);
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_CLASS, rsc->class);
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_PROVIDER, rsc->provider);
         crm_xml_add(reply, F_LRMD_TYPE, rsc->type);
     send_rc = lrmd_server_send_reply(client, id, reply);
     if (send_rc < 0) {
         crm_warn("LRMD reply to %s failed: %d", client->name, send_rc);
 static int
 process_lrmd_rsc_unregister(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     if (!rsc_id) {
         return -ENODEV;
     if (!(rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc_id))) {
         crm_info("Resource '%s' not found (%d active resources)",
                  rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
         return pcmk_ok;
     if (rsc->active) {
         /* let the caller know there are still active ops on this rsc to watch for */
         crm_trace("Operation still in progress: %p", rsc->active);
         rc = -EINPROGRESS;
     g_hash_table_remove(rsc_list, rsc_id);
     return rc;
 static int
 process_lrmd_rsc_exec(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = NULL;
     lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     int call_id;
     if (!rsc_id) {
         return -EINVAL;
     if (!(rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc_id))) {
         crm_info("Resource '%s' not found (%d active resources)",
                  rsc_id, g_hash_table_size(rsc_list));
         return -ENODEV;
     cmd = create_lrmd_cmd(request, client, rsc);
     call_id = cmd->call_id;
     /* Don't reference cmd after handing it off to be scheduled.
      * The cmd could get merged and freed. */
     schedule_lrmd_cmd(rsc, cmd);
     return call_id;
 static int
 cancel_op(const char *rsc_id, const char *action, int interval)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     lrmd_rsc_t *rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_list, rsc_id);
     /* How to cancel an action.
      * 1. Check pending ops list, if it hasn't been handed off
      *    to the service library or stonith recurring list remove
      *    it there and that will stop it.
      * 2. If it isn't in the pending ops list, then its either a
      *    recurring op in the stonith recurring list, or the service
      *    library's recurring list.  Stop it there
      * 3. If not found in any lists, then this operation has either
      *    been executed already and is not a recurring operation, or
      *    never existed.
     if (!rsc) {
         return -ENODEV;
     for (gIter = rsc->pending_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = gIter->data;
         if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, action) && cmd->interval == interval) {
             cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
             cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
             return pcmk_ok;
     if (safe_str_eq(rsc->class, "stonith")) {
         /* The service library does not handle stonith operations.
          * We have to handle recurring stonith opereations ourselves. */
         for (gIter = rsc->recurring_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = gIter->data;
             if (safe_str_eq(cmd->action, action) && cmd->interval == interval) {
                 cmd->lrmd_op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED;
                 if (rsc->active != cmd) {
                     cmd_finalize(cmd, rsc);
                 return pcmk_ok;
     } else if (services_action_cancel(rsc_id, normalize_action_name(rsc, action), interval) == TRUE) {
         /* The service library will tell the action_complete callback function
          * this action was cancelled, which will destroy the cmd and remove
          * it from the recurring_op list. Do not do that in this function
          * if the service library says it cancelled it. */
         return pcmk_ok;
     return -EOPNOTSUPP;
 static void
 cancel_all_recurring(lrmd_rsc_t * rsc, const char *client_id)
     GList *cmd_list = NULL;
     GList *cmd_iter = NULL;
     /* Notice a copy of each list is created when concat is called.
      * This prevents odd behavior from occurring when the cmd_list
      * is iterated through later on.  It is possible the cancel_op
      * function may end up modifying the recurring_ops and pending_ops
      * lists.  If we did not copy those lists, our cmd_list iteration
      * could get messed up.*/
     if (rsc->recurring_ops) {
         cmd_list = g_list_concat(cmd_list, g_list_copy(rsc->recurring_ops));
     if (rsc->pending_ops) {
         cmd_list = g_list_concat(cmd_list, g_list_copy(rsc->pending_ops));
     if (!cmd_list) {
     for (cmd_iter = cmd_list; cmd_iter; cmd_iter = cmd_iter->next) {
         lrmd_cmd_t *cmd = cmd_iter->data;
         if (cmd->interval == 0) {
         if (client_id && safe_str_neq(cmd->client_id, client_id)) {
         cancel_op(rsc->rsc_id, cmd->action, cmd->interval);
     /* frees only the copied list data, not the cmds */
 static int
 process_lrmd_rsc_cancel(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object("//" F_LRMD_RSC, request, LOG_ERR);
     const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ID);
     const char *action = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_ACTION);
     int interval = 0;
     crm_element_value_int(rsc_xml, F_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL, &interval);
     if (!rsc_id || !action) {
         return -EINVAL;
     return cancel_op(rsc_id, action, interval);
 process_lrmd_message(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     int call_id = 0;
     const char *op = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_OPERATION);
     int do_reply = 0;
     int do_notify = 0;
     crm_trace("Processing %s operation from %s", op, client->id);
     crm_element_value_int(request, F_LRMD_CALLID, &call_id);
     if (crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_IPC_FWD, TRUE)) {
         ipc_proxy_forward_client(client, request);
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_REGISTER, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_signon(client, id, request);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_REG, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_rsc_register(client, id, request);
         do_notify = 1;
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_INFO, TRUE)) {
         process_lrmd_get_rsc_info(client, id, request);
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_UNREG, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_rsc_unregister(client, id, request);
         /* don't notify anyone about failed un-registers */
         if (rc == pcmk_ok || rc == -EINPROGRESS) {
             do_notify = 1;
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_EXEC, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_rsc_exec(client, id, request);
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_RSC_CANCEL, TRUE)) {
         rc = process_lrmd_rsc_cancel(client, id, request);
         do_reply = 1;
     } else if (crm_str_eq(op, LRMD_OP_POKE, TRUE)) {
         do_notify = 1;
         do_reply = 1;
     } else {
         rc = -EOPNOTSUPP;
         do_reply = 1;
         crm_err("Unknown %s from %s", op, client->name);
         crm_log_xml_warn(request, "UnknownOp");
     crm_debug("Processed %s operation from %s: rc=%d, reply=%d, notify=%d, exit=%d",
               op, client->id, rc, do_reply, do_notify, exit);
     if (do_reply) {
         send_reply(client, rc, id, call_id);
     if (do_notify) {
         send_generic_notify(rc, request);
diff --git a/lrmd/lrmd_private.h b/lrmd/lrmd_private.h
index ad09079461..d3a052c196 100644
--- a/lrmd/lrmd_private.h
+++ b/lrmd/lrmd_private.h
@@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2012 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #ifndef LRMD_PVT__H
 #  define LRMD_PVT__H
 #  include <glib.h>
 #  include <crm/common/ipcs.h>
 #  include <crm/lrmd.h>
 #  include <crm/stonith-ng.h>
 #    undef KEYFILE
 #    include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
 #  endif
-#define ISOLATION_PROVIDER "isolation"
+#define LRMD_ISOLATION_PROVIDER ".isolation"
 GHashTable *rsc_list;
 typedef struct lrmd_rsc_s {
     char *rsc_id;
     char *class;
     char *provider;
     char *type;
     int call_opts;
     /* NEVER dereference this pointer,
      * It simply exists as a switch to let us know
      * when the currently active operation has completed */
     void *active;
     /* Operations in this list
      * have not been executed yet. */
     GList *pending_ops;
     /* Operations in this list are recurring operations
      * that have been handed off from the pending ops list. */
     GList *recurring_ops;
     int stonith_started;
     crm_trigger_t *work;
 } lrmd_rsc_t;
 /* in remote_tls.c */
 int lrmd_init_remote_tls_server(int port);
 void lrmd_tls_server_destroy(void);
 /* Hidden in lrmd client lib */
 extern int lrmd_tls_send_msg(crm_remote_t * session, xmlNode * msg, uint32_t id,
                              const char *msg_type);
 extern int lrmd_tls_set_key(gnutls_datum_t * key);
 #  endif
 int lrmd_server_send_reply(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * reply);
 int lrmd_server_send_notify(crm_client_t * client, xmlNode * msg);
 void notify_of_new_client(crm_client_t *new_client);
 void process_lrmd_message(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * request);
 void free_rsc(gpointer data);
 void lrmd_shutdown(int nsig);
 void client_disconnect_cleanup(const char *client_id);
  * \brief Don't worry about freeing this connection. It is
  *        taken care of after mainloop exits by the main() function.
 stonith_t *get_stonith_connection(void);
  * \brief This is a callback that tells the lrmd
  * the current stonith connection has gone away. This allows
  * us to timeout any pending stonith commands
 void stonith_connection_failed(void);
 void ipc_proxy_init(void);
 void ipc_proxy_cleanup(void);
 void ipc_proxy_add_provider(crm_client_t *client);
 void ipc_proxy_remove_provider(crm_client_t *client);
 void ipc_proxy_forward_client(crm_client_t *client, xmlNode *xml);
diff --git a/lrmd/main.c b/lrmd/main.c
index 4c588be846..636cf44831 100644
--- a/lrmd/main.c
+++ b/lrmd/main.c
@@ -1,361 +1,367 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2012 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/services.h>
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipc.h>
 #include <crm/common/ipcs.h>
 #include <lrmd_private.h>
 #if defined(HAVE_GNUTLS_GNUTLS_H) && defined(SUPPORT_REMOTE)
 GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL;
 static qb_ipcs_service_t *ipcs = NULL;
 stonith_t *stonith_api = NULL;
 int lrmd_call_id = 0;
 static void
 stonith_connection_destroy_cb(stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e)
     stonith_api->state = stonith_disconnected;
     crm_err("LRMD lost STONITH connection");
 stonith_t *
     if (stonith_api && stonith_api->state == stonith_disconnected) {
         stonith_api = NULL;
     if (!stonith_api) {
         int rc = 0;
         int tries = 10;
         stonith_api = stonith_api_new();
         do {
             rc = stonith_api->cmds->connect(stonith_api, "lrmd", NULL);
             if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         } while (tries);
         if (rc) {
             crm_err("Unable to connect to stonith daemon to execute command. error: %s",
             stonith_api = NULL;
     return stonith_api;
 static int32_t
 lrmd_ipc_accept(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
     crm_trace("Connection %p", c);
     if (crm_client_new(c, uid, gid) == NULL) {
         return -EIO;
     return 0;
 static void
 lrmd_ipc_created(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c)
     crm_client_t *new_client = crm_client_get(c);
     crm_trace("Connection %p", c);
     CRM_ASSERT(new_client != NULL);
     /* Now that the connection is offically established, alert
      * the other clients a new connection exists. */
 static int32_t
 lrmd_ipc_dispatch(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c, void *data, size_t size)
     uint32_t id = 0;
     uint32_t flags = 0;
     crm_client_t *client = crm_client_get(c);
     xmlNode *request = crm_ipcs_recv(client, data, size, &id, &flags);
     CRM_CHECK(client != NULL, crm_err("Invalid client");
               return FALSE);
     CRM_CHECK(client->id != NULL, crm_err("Invalid client: %p", client);
               return FALSE);
     CRM_CHECK(flags & crm_ipc_client_response, crm_err("Invalid client request: %p", client);
               return FALSE);
     if (!request) {
         return 0;
     if (!client->name) {
         const char *value = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_CLIENTNAME);
         if (value == NULL) {
             client->name = crm_itoa(crm_ipcs_client_pid(c));
         } else {
             client->name = strdup(value);
     if (lrmd_call_id < 1) {
         lrmd_call_id = 1;
     crm_xml_add(request, F_LRMD_CLIENTID, client->id);
     crm_xml_add(request, F_LRMD_CLIENTNAME, client->name);
     crm_xml_add_int(request, F_LRMD_CALLID, lrmd_call_id);
     process_lrmd_message(client, id, request);
     return 0;
 static int32_t
 lrmd_ipc_closed(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c)
     crm_client_t *client = crm_client_get(c);
     if (client == NULL) {
         return 0;
     crm_trace("Connection %p", c);
     return 0;
 static void
 lrmd_ipc_destroy(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c)
     crm_trace("Connection %p", c);
 static struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers lrmd_ipc_callbacks = {
     .connection_accept = lrmd_ipc_accept,
     .connection_created = lrmd_ipc_created,
     .msg_process = lrmd_ipc_dispatch,
     .connection_closed = lrmd_ipc_closed,
     .connection_destroyed = lrmd_ipc_destroy
 lrmd_server_send_reply(crm_client_t * client, uint32_t id, xmlNode * reply)
     crm_trace("sending reply to client (%s) with msg id %d", client->id, id);
     switch (client->kind) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
             return crm_ipcs_send(client, id, reply, FALSE);
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             return lrmd_tls_send_msg(client->remote, reply, id, "reply");
             crm_err("Unknown lrmd client type %d", client->kind);
     return -1;
 lrmd_server_send_notify(crm_client_t * client, xmlNode * msg)
     crm_trace("sending notify to client (%s)", client->id);
     switch (client->kind) {
         case CRM_CLIENT_IPC:
             if (client->ipcs == NULL) {
                 crm_trace("Asked to send event to disconnected local client");
                 return -1;
             return crm_ipcs_send(client, 0, msg, crm_ipc_server_event);
         case CRM_CLIENT_TLS:
             if (client->remote == NULL) {
                 crm_trace("Asked to send event to disconnected remote client");
                 return -1;
             return lrmd_tls_send_msg(client->remote, msg, 0, "notify");
             crm_err("Unknown lrmd client type %d", client->kind);
     return -1;
 lrmd_shutdown(int nsig)
     crm_info("Terminating with  %d clients", crm_hash_table_size(client_connections));
     if (ipcs) {
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
 static struct crm_option long_options[] = {
     /* Top-level Options */
     {"help",    0, 0,    '?', "\tThis text"},
     {"version", 0, 0,    '$', "\tVersion information"  },
     {"verbose", 0, 0,    'V', "\tIncrease debug output"},
     {"logfile", 1, 0,    'l', "\tSend logs to the additional named logfile"},
     /* For compatibility with the original lrmd */
     {"dummy",  0, 0, 'r', NULL, 1},
     {0, 0, 0, 0}
 /* *INDENT-ON* */
 main(int argc, char **argv)
     int rc = 0;
     int flag = 0;
     int index = 0;
     const char *option = NULL;
     crm_log_preinit("lrmd", argc, argv);
     crm_set_options(NULL, "[options]", long_options,
                     "Daemon for controlling services confirming to different standards");
     crm_log_preinit("pacemaker_remoted", argc, argv);
     crm_set_options(NULL, "[options]", long_options,
                     "Pacemaker Remote daemon for extending pacemaker functionality to remote nodes.");
     while (1) {
         flag = crm_get_option(argc, argv, &index);
         if (flag == -1) {
         switch (flag) {
             case 'r':
             case 'l':
             case 'V':
                 crm_bump_log_level(argc, argv);
             case '?':
             case '$':
                 crm_help(flag, EX_OK);
                 crm_help('?', EX_USAGE);
     crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE);
     option = daemon_option("logfacility");
     if(option && safe_str_neq(option, "none")) {
         setenv("HA_LOGFACILITY", option, 1);  /* Used by the ocf_log/ha_log OCF macro */
     option = daemon_option("logfile");
     if(option && safe_str_neq(option, "none")) {
         setenv("HA_LOGFILE", option, 1);      /* Used by the ocf_log/ha_log OCF macro */
         if (daemon_option_enabled(crm_system_name, "debug")) {
             setenv("HA_DEBUGLOG", option, 1); /* Used by the ocf_log/ha_debug OCF macro */
+    /* The presence of this variable allegedly controls whether child
+     * processes like httpd will try and use Systemd's sd_notify
+     * API
+     */
+    unsetenv("NOTIFY_SOCKET");
     /* Used by RAs - Leave owned by root */
     crm_build_path(CRM_RSCTMP_DIR, 0755);
     /* Legacy: Used by RAs - Leave owned by root */
     crm_build_path(HA_STATE_DIR"/heartbeat/rsctmp", 0755);
     rsc_list = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, free_rsc);
     ipcs = mainloop_add_ipc_server(CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, QB_IPC_SHM, &lrmd_ipc_callbacks);
     if (ipcs == NULL) {
         crm_err("Failed to create IPC server: shutting down and inhibiting respawn");
         const char *remote_port_str = getenv("PCMK_remote_port");
         int remote_port = remote_port_str ? atoi(remote_port_str) : DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT;
         if (lrmd_init_remote_tls_server(remote_port) < 0) {
             crm_err("Failed to create TLS server on port %d: shutting down and inhibiting respawn", remote_port);
     mainloop_add_signal(SIGTERM, lrmd_shutdown);
     mainloop = g_main_new(FALSE);
     if (stonith_api) {
     return rc;
diff --git a/mcp/pacemaker.service.in b/mcp/pacemaker.service.in
index ebad32f7eb..b682779c64 100644
--- a/mcp/pacemaker.service.in
+++ b/mcp/pacemaker.service.in
@@ -1,56 +1,61 @@
 Description=Pacemaker High Availability Cluster Manager
+# if you use crm_mon, uncomment the line below.
+# Wants=crm_mon.service
 ExecStart=@sbindir@/pacemakerd -f
 # If pacemakerd doesn't stop, its probably waiting on a cluster
 # resource.  Sending -KILL will just get the node fenced
 # If we ever hit the StartLimitInterval/StartLimitBurst limit and the
 # admin wants to stop the cluster while pacemakerd is not running, it
 # might be a good idea to enable the ExecStopPost directive below.
 # Although the node will likely end up being fenced as a result so its
 # not on by default
 # ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/killall -TERM crmd attrd fenced cib pengine lrmd
 # If you want Corosync to stop whenever Pacemaker is stopped,
 # uncomment the next line too:
 # ExecStopPost=/bin/sh -c 'pidof crmd || killall -TERM corosync'
 # Uncomment this for older versions of systemd that didn't support
 # TimeoutStopSec
 # TimeoutSec=30min
 # Pacemaker can only exit after all managed services have shut down
 # A HA database could conceivably take even longer than this 
 # Restart options include: no, on-success, on-failure, on-abort or always
+# if you use crm_mon, uncomment the line below.
+# ExecStopPost=/bin/sh -c 'systemctl status crm_mon >/dev/null && systemctl stop crm_mon'
diff --git a/pacemaker.spec.in b/pacemaker.spec.in
index 83c26503e9..971804e6d0 100644
--- a/pacemaker.spec.in
+++ b/pacemaker.spec.in
@@ -1,870 +1,892 @@
 %global gname haclient
 %global uname hacluster
 %global pcmk_docdir %{_docdir}/%{name}
 %global specversion 1
 %global commit HEAD
 %global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
 %global github_owner ClusterLabs
 # Turn off the auto compilation of python files not in the site-packages directory
 # Needed so that the -devel package is multilib compliant
 %global __os_install_post %(echo '%{__os_install_post}' | sed -e 's!/usr/lib[^[:space:]]*/brp-python-bytecompile[[:space:]].*$!!g')
 %global rawhide  %(test ! -e /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-rawhide.repo; echo $?)
 %global cs_version %(pkg-config corosync --modversion  | awk -F . '{print $1}')
 %global py_site %(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(1))")
 # Conditionals
 # Invoke "rpmbuild --without <feature>" or "rpmbuild --with <feature>"
 # to disable or enable specific features
 # Legacy stonithd fencing agents
 %bcond_with stonithd
 # Build with/without support for profiling tools
 %bcond_with profiling
 # Include Build with/without support for performing coverage analysis
 %bcond_with coverage
 # We generate docs using Publican, Asciidoc and Inkscape, but they're not available everywhere
 %bcond_without doc
 # Use a different versioning scheme
 %bcond_with pre_release
 # Ship an Upstart job file
 %bcond_with upstart_job
 # Turn off cman support on platforms that normally ship with it
 %bcond_without cman
 %if %{with profiling}
 # This disables -debuginfo package creation and also the stripping binaries/libraries
 # Useful if you want sane profiling data
 %global debug_package %{nil}
 %if %{with pre_release}
 %global pcmk_release 0.%{specversion}.%{shortcommit}.git
 %global pcmk_release %{specversion}
 Name:          pacemaker
 Summary:       Scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
 Version:       1.1.11
 Release:       %{pcmk_release}%{?dist}
 License:       GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
 Url:           http://www.clusterlabs.org
 Group:         System Environment/Daemons
 Source0:        https://github.com/%{github_owner}/%{name}/archive/%{commit}/%{name}-%{commit}.tar.gz
 BuildRoot:     %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
 AutoReqProv:   on
 Requires:      python
 Requires:      resource-agents
 Requires:      %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      %{name}-cluster-libs = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      %{name}-cli = %{version}-%{release}
 %if %{defined systemd_requires}
 %if 0%{?rhel} > 0
 ExclusiveArch: i386 i686 x86_64
 # Required for core functionality
 BuildRequires: automake autoconf libtool pkgconfig python libtool-ltdl-devel
 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0) libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libuuid-devel
 BuildRequires: pkgconfig python-devel gcc-c++ bzip2-devel pam-devel
 # Required for agent_config.h which specifies the correct scratch directory
 BuildRequires: resource-agents
 # We need reasonably recent versions of libqb
 BuildRequires: libqb-devel > 0.11.0
 Requires:      libqb > 0.11.0
 # Enables optional functionality
 BuildRequires: ncurses-devel openssl-devel libselinux-devel docbook-style-xsl
 BuildRequires: bison byacc flex help2man gnutls-devel pkgconfig(dbus-1)
 %if %{defined _unitdir}
 BuildRequires: systemd-devel
 %if %{with cman}
 %if 0%{?fedora} > 0
 %if 0%{?fedora} < 17
 BuildRequires: clusterlib-devel
 %if 0%{?rhel} > 0
 %if 0%{?rhel} < 7
 BuildRequires: clusterlib-devel
 Requires:      corosync
 BuildRequires: corosynclib-devel
 %if %{with stonithd}
 BuildRequires: cluster-glue-libs-devel
 %if !%{rawhide}
 # More often than not, inkscape is busted on rawhide, don't even bother
 %if %{with doc}
 %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
 BuildRequires: publican inkscape asciidoc
 Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource
 manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA.
 It supports more than 16 node clusters with significant capabilities
 for managing resources and dependencies.
 It will run scripts at initialization, when machines go up or down,
 when related resources fail and can be configured to periodically check
 resource health.
 Available rpmbuild rebuild options:
   --with(out) : cman stonithd doc coverage profiling pre_release upstart_job
 %package cli
 License:       GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
 Summary:       Command line tools for controlling Pacemaker clusters
 Group:         System Environment/Daemons
 Requires:      %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      perl-TimeDate
 %description cli
 Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource
 manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA.
 The %{name}-cli package contains command line tools that can be used
 to query and control the cluster from machines that may, or may not,
 be part of the cluster.
 %package -n %{name}-libs
 License:       GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
 Summary:       Core Pacemaker libraries
 Group:         System Environment/Daemons
 %description -n %{name}-libs
 Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource
 manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA.
 The %{name}-libs package contains shared libraries needed for cluster
 nodes and those just running the CLI tools.
 %package -n %{name}-cluster-libs
 License:       GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
 Summary:       Cluster Libraries used by Pacemaker
 Group:         System Environment/Daemons
 Requires:      %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
 %description -n %{name}-cluster-libs
 Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource
 manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA.
 The %{name}-cluster-libs package contains cluster-aware shared
 libraries needed for nodes that will form part of the cluster nodes.
 %package remote
 License:       GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
 Summary:       Pacemaker remote daemon for non-cluster nodes
 Group:         System Environment/Daemons
 Requires:      %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      %{name}-cli = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      resource-agents
 %if %{defined systemd_requires}
 %description remote
 Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource
 manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA.
 The %{name}-remote package contains the Pacemaker Remote daemon
 which is capable of extending pacemaker functionality to remote
 nodes not running the full corosync/cluster stack.
 %package -n %{name}-libs-devel
 License:       GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
 Summary:       Pacemaker development package
 Group:         Development/Libraries
 Requires:      %{name}-cts = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      %{name}-cluster-libs = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      libtool-ltdl-devel libqb-devel libuuid-devel
 Requires:      libxml2-devel libxslt-devel bzip2-devel glib2-devel
 Requires:      corosynclib-devel
 %description -n %{name}-libs-devel
 Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource
 manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA.
 The %{name}-libs-devel package contains headers and shared libraries
 for developing tools for Pacemaker.
 %package       cts
 License:       GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
 Summary:       Test framework for cluster-related technologies like Pacemaker
 Group:         System Environment/Daemons
 Requires:      python
 Requires:      %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
 %description   cts
 Test framework for cluster-related technologies like Pacemaker
 %package       doc
 License:       GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
 Summary:       Documentation for Pacemaker
 Group:         Documentation
 %description   doc
 Documentation for Pacemaker.
 Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource
 manager for Corosync, CMAN and/or Linux-HA.
 %setup -q -n %{name}-%{commit}
 # Force the local time
 # 'git' sets the file date to the date of the last commit.
 # This can result in files having been created in the future
 # when building on machines in timezones 'behind' the one the
 # commit occurred in - which seriously confuses 'make'
 find . -exec touch \{\} \;
 # RHEL <= 5 does not support --docdir
 docdir=%{pcmk_docdir} %{configure}                 \
         %{?with_profiling:   --with-profiling}     \
         %{?with_coverage:    --with-coverage}      \
         %{!?with_cman:       --without-cman}       \
 	--without-heartbeat			   \
         --with-initdir=%{_initrddir}               \
         --localstatedir=%{_var}                    \
 %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1200
 # Fedora handles rpath removal automagically
 sed -i 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' libtool
 sed -i 's|^runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH|runpath_var=DIE_RPATH_DIE|g' libtool
 make %{_smp_mflags} V=1 docdir=%{pcmk_docdir} all
 rm -rf %{buildroot}
 make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} docdir=%{pcmk_docdir} V=1 install
 mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
 mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_var}/lib/pacemaker/cores
 install -m 644 mcp/pacemaker.sysconfig ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pacemaker
 install -m 644 tools/crm_mon.sysconfig ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/crm_mon
 %if %{with upstart_job}
 mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init
 install -m 644 mcp/pacemaker.upstart ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.conf
 install -m 644 mcp/pacemaker.combined.upstart ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.combined.conf
 install -m 644 tools/crm_mon.upstart ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init/crm_mon.conf
 # Scripts that should be executable
 chmod a+x %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests/cts/CTSlab.py
 # These are not actually scripts
 find %{buildroot} -name '*.xml' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod a-x
 find %{buildroot} -name '*.xsl' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod a-x
 find %{buildroot} -name '*.rng' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod a-x
 find %{buildroot} -name '*.dtd' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod a-x
 # Dont package static libs
 find %{buildroot} -name '*.a' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
 find %{buildroot} -name '*.la' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
 # Do not package these either
 rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/service_crm.so
 # Don't ship init scripts for systemd based platforms
 %if %{defined _unitdir}
 rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_initrddir}/pacemaker
 rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_initrddir}/pacemaker_remote
 # Only useful on rhel6
 rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/ccs2cib
 rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/ccs_flatten
 rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/disable_rgmanager
 %if %{with coverage}
 mkdir -p $GCOV_BASE
 find . -name '*.gcno' -type f | while read F ; do
         D=`dirname $F`
         mkdir -p ${GCOV_BASE}/$D
         cp $F ${GCOV_BASE}/$D
 rm -rf %{buildroot}
 %if %{defined _unitdir}
 %systemd_post pacemaker.service
 %systemd_preun pacemaker.service
 %systemd_postun_with_restart pacemaker.service 
 %post remote
 %systemd_post pacemaker_remote.service
 %preun remote
 %systemd_preun pacemaker_remote.service
 %postun remote
 %systemd_postun_with_restart pacemaker_remote.service 
+%post cli
+%systemd_post crm_mon.service
+%preun cli
+%systemd_preun crm_mon.service
+%postun cli
+%systemd_postun_with_restart crm_mon.service
 /sbin/chkconfig --add pacemaker || :
 /sbin/service pacemaker stop || :
 if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
     # Package removal, not upgrade
     /sbin/chkconfig --del pacemaker || :
 %post remote
 /sbin/chkconfig --add pacemaker_remote || :
 %preun remote
 /sbin/service pacemaker_remote stop &>/dev/null || :
 if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
     # Package removal, not upgrade
     /sbin/chkconfig --del pacemaker_remote || :
 %pre -n %{name}-libs
 getent group %{gname} >/dev/null || groupadd -r %{gname} -g 189
 getent passwd %{uname} >/dev/null || useradd -r -g %{gname} -u 189 -s /sbin/nologin -c "cluster user" %{uname}
 exit 0
 %post -n %{name}-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
 %postun -n %{name}-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
 %post -n %{name}-cluster-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
 %postun -n %{name}-cluster-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
 %exclude %{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pacemaker
-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/crm_mon
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/pacemaker
 %if %{defined _unitdir}
+%exclude %{_datadir}/pacemaker/report.common
+%exclude %{_datadir}/pacemaker/report.collector
 %exclude %{_libexecdir}/pacemaker/lrmd_test
 %exclude %{_sbindir}/pacemaker_remoted
 %doc %{_mandir}/man7/*
 %doc %{_mandir}/man8/attrd_updater.*
 %doc %{_mandir}/man8/crm_attribute.*
 %doc %{_mandir}/man8/crm_node.*
 %doc %{_mandir}/man8/crm_master.*
 %doc %{_mandir}/man8/fence_pcmk.*
 %doc %{_mandir}/man8/fence_legacy.*
 %doc %{_mandir}/man8/pacemakerd.*
 %doc %{_mandir}/man8/stonith_admin.*
 %doc ChangeLog
 %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker
 %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/cib
 %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/cores
 %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/pengine
 %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/blackbox
 %ghost %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/run/crm
 %dir /usr/lib/ocf
 %dir /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d
 %if "%{?cs_version}" != "UNKNOWN"
 %if 0%{?cs_version} < 2
 %if %{with upstart_job}
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.conf
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.combined.conf
-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/crm_mon.conf
 %files cli
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/crm_mon
+%if %{defined _unitdir}
+%if %{with upstart_job}
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/crm_mon.conf
 %doc %{_mandir}/man8/*
 %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/attrd_updater.*
 %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/crm_attribute.*
 %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/crm_node.*
 %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/crm_master.*
 %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/fence_pcmk.*
 %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/fence_legacy.*
 %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/pacemakerd.*
 %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/pacemaker_remoted.*
 %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/stonith_admin.*
 %doc ChangeLog
 %files -n %{name}-libs
 %files -n %{name}-cluster-libs
 %files remote
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pacemaker
 %if %{defined _unitdir}
 %files doc
 %doc %{pcmk_docdir}
 %files cts
 %files -n %{name}-libs-devel
 %exclude %{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests/cts
 %if %{with coverage}
 * Fri Jul 26 2013 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> 1.1.10-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: Pacemaker-1.1.10
 - Changesets: 602
 - Diff:       143 files changed, 8162 insertions(+), 5159 deletions(-)
 - See included ChangeLog file or https://raw.github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/master/ChangeLog for full details
 * Thu Jun 20 2013 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> Pacemaker-1.1.9-2
 - Simplify the spec file
 - Drop uncommon bcond variations: 
   with-heartbeat, without-cman, without-corosync, with-esmtp, with-snmp
 - Drop bcond compatibility macros (everywhere has them now)
 - Simplify python macros
 - Use macroized systemd pre,post scriptlets
 - Don't install SYSV init scripts if systemd is in use 
 * Fri Mar 08 2013 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> Pacemaker-1.1.9-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 7e42d77
 - Statistics:
   Changesets: 731
   Diff:       1301 files changed, 92909 insertions(+), 57455 deletions(-)
 - See included ChangeLog file or https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/blob/master/ChangeLog for details
 * Thu Sep 20 2012 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> Pacemaker-1.1.8-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 1a5341f
 - Statistics:
   Changesets: 1019
   Diff:       2107 files changed, 117258 insertions(+), 73606 deletions(-)
 - See included ChangeLog file or https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/blob/master/ChangeLog for details
 * Wed Mar 28 2012 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> Pacemaker-1.1.7-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: bc7ff2c
 - Statistics:
   Changesets: 513
   Diff:       1171 files changed, 90472 insertions(+), 19368 deletions(-)
 - See included ChangeLog file or https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/blob/master/ChangeLog for details
 * Wed Aug 31 2011 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> 1.1.6-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 676e5f25aa46 tip
 - Statistics:
   Changesets: 376
   Diff:       1761 files changed, 36259 insertions(+), 140578 deletions(-)
 - See included ChangeLog file or https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/blob/master/ChangeLog for details
 * Fri Feb 11 2011 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> 1.1.5-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: baad6636a053
 - Statistics:
   Changesets: 184
   Diff:       605 files changed, 46103 insertions(+), 26417 deletions(-)
 - See included ChangeLog file or https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/blob/master/ChangeLog for details
 * Wed Oct 20 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> 1.1.4-1
 - Moved all the interesting parts of the changelog into a separate file as per the Fedora policy :-/
 - Update source tarball to revision: 75406c3eb2c1 tip
 - Significant performance enhancements to the Policy Engine and CIB
 - Statistics:
   Changesets: 169
   Diff:       772 files changed, 56172 insertions(+), 39309 deletions(-)
 - See included ChangeLog file or http://hg.clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/1.1/file/tip/ChangeLog for details
 * Tue Sep 21 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> 1.1.3-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: e3bb31c56244 tip
 - Statistics:
   Changesets: 352
   Diff:       481 files changed, 14130 insertions(+), 11156 deletions(-)
 * Wed May 12 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> 1.1.2-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: c25c972a25cc tip
 - Statistics:
   Changesets: 339
   Diff:       708 files changed, 37918 insertions(+), 10584 deletions(-)
 * Tue Feb 16 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.1.1-1
 - First public release of Pacemaker 1.1
 - Package reference documentation in a doc subpackage
 - Move cts into a subpackage so that it can be easily consumed by others
 - Update source tarball to revision: 17d9cd4ee29f
   + New stonith daemon that supports global notifications
   + Service placement influenced by the physical resources
   + A new tool for simulating failures and the cluster’s reaction to them
   + Ability to serialize an otherwise unrelated a set of resource actions (eg. Xen migrations)
 * Wed Feb 10 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.7-4
 - Rebuild for heartbeat 3.0.2-2
 * Wed Feb 10 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.7-3
 - Rebuild for cluster-glue 1.0.3
 * Tue Jan 19 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.7-2
 - Rebuild for corosync 1.2.0
 * Mon Jan 18 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.7-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 2eed906f43e9 (stable-1.0) tip
 - Statistics:
       Changesets:      193
       Diff:            220 files changed, 15933 insertions(+), 8782 deletions(-)
 * Thu Oct 29 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.5-4
 - Include the fixes from CoroSync integration testing
 - Move the resource templates - they are not documentation
 - Ensure documentation is placed in a standard location
 - Exclude documentation that is included elsewhere in the package
 - Update the tarball from upstream to version ee19d8e83c2a
   + High: cib: Correctly clean up when both plaintext and tls remote ports are requested
   + High: PE: Bug bnc#515172 - Provide better defaults for lt(e) and gt(e) comparisions
   + High: PE: Bug lf#2197 - Allow master instances placemaker to be influenced by colocation constraints
   + High: PE: Make sure promote/demote pseudo actions are created correctly
   + High: PE: Prevent target-role from promoting more than master-max instances
   + High: ais: Bug lf#2199 - Prevent expected-quorum-votes from being populated with garbage
   + High: ais: Prevent deadlock - dont try to release IPC message if the connection failed
   + High: cib: For validation errors, send back the full CIB so the client can display the errors
   + High: cib: Prevent use-after-free for remote plaintext connections
   + High: crmd: Bug lf#2201 - Prevent use-of-NULL when running heartbeat
 * Tue Oct 13 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.5-3
 - Update the tarball from upstream to version 38cd629e5c3c
   + High: Core: Bug lf#2169 - Allow dtd/schema validation to be disabled
   + High: PE: Bug lf#2106 - Not all anonymous clone children are restarted after configuration change
   + High: PE: Bug lf#2170 - stop-all-resources option had no effect
   + High: PE: Bug lf#2171 - Prevent groups from starting if they depend on a complex resource which can not
   + High: PE: Disable resource management if stonith-enabled=true and no stonith resources are defined
   + High: PE: do not include master score if it would prevent allocation
   + High: ais: Avoid excessive load by checking for dead children every 1s (instead of 100ms)
   + High: ais: Bug rh#525589 - Prevent shutdown deadlocks when running on CoroSync
   + High: ais: Gracefully handle changes to the AIS nodeid
   + High: crmd: Bug bnc#527530 - Wait for the transition to complete before leaving S_TRANSITION_ENGINE
   + High: crmd: Prevent use-after-free with LOG_DEBUG_3
   + Medium: xml: Mask the "symmetrical" attribute on rsc_colocation constraints (bnc#540672)
   + Medium (bnc#520707): Tools: crm: new templates ocfs2 and clvm
   + Medium: Build: Invert the disable ais/heartbeat logic so that --without (ais|heartbeat) is available to rpmbuild
   + Medium: PE: Bug lf#2178 - Indicate unmanaged clones
   + Medium: PE: Bug lf#2180 - Include node information for all failed ops
   + Medium: PE: Bug lf#2189 - Incorrect error message when unpacking simple ordering constraint
   + Medium: PE: Correctly log resources that would like to start but can not
   + Medium: PE: Stop ptest from logging to syslog
   + Medium: ais: Include version details in plugin name
   + Medium: crmd: Requery the resource metadata after every start operation
 * Fri Aug 21 2009 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 1.0.5-2.1
 - rebuilt with new openssl
 * Wed Aug 19 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.5-2
 - Add versioned perl dependency as specified by
 - No longer remove RPATH data, it prevents us finding libperl.so and no other
   libraries were being hardcoded
 - Compile in support for heartbeat
 - Conditionally add heartbeat-devel and corosynclib-devel to the -devel requirements
   depending on which stacks are supported
 * Mon Aug 17 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.5-1
 - Add dependency on resource-agents
 - Use the version of the configure macro that supplies --prefix, --libdir, etc
 - Update the tarball from upstream to version 462f1569a437 (Pacemaker 1.0.5 final)
   + High: Tools: crm_resource - Advertise --move instead of --migrate
   + Medium: Extra: New node connectivity RA that uses system ping and attrd_updater
   + Medium: crmd: Note that dc-deadtime can be used to mask the brokeness of some switches
 * Tue Aug 11 2009 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@iki.fi> - 1.0.5-0.7.c9120a53a6ae.hg
 - Use bzipped upstream tarball.
 * Wed Jul  29 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.5-0.6.c9120a53a6ae.hg
 - Add back missing build auto* dependancies
 - Minor cleanups to the install directive
 * Tue Jul  28 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.5-0.5.c9120a53a6ae.hg
 - Add a leading zero to the revision when alphatag is used
 * Tue Jul  28 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.5-0.4.c9120a53a6ae.hg
 - Incorporate the feedback from the cluster-glue review
 - Realistically, the version is a 1.0.5 pre-release
 - Use the global directive instead of define for variables
 - Use the haclient/hacluster group/user instead of daemon
 - Use the _configure macro
 - Fix install dependancies
 * Fri Jul  24 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.4-3
 - Initial Fedora checkin
 - Include an AUTHORS and license file in each package
 - Change the library package name to pacemaker-libs to be more
   Fedora compliant
 - Remove execute permissions from xml related files
 - Reference the new cluster-glue devel package name
 - Update the tarball from upstream to version c9120a53a6ae
   + High: PE: Only prevent migration if the clone dependency is stopping/starting on the target node
   + High: PE: Bug 2160 - Dont shuffle clones due to colocation
   + High: PE: New implementation of the resource migration (not stop/start) logic
   + Medium: Tools: crm_resource - Prevent use-of-NULL by requiring a resource name for the -A and -a options
   + Medium: PE: Prevent use-of-NULL in find_first_action()
 * Tue Jul 14 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 1.0.4-2
 - Reference authors from the project AUTHORS file instead of listing in description
 - Change Source0 to reference the Mercurial repo
 - Cleaned up the summaries and descriptions
 - Incorporate the results of Fedora package self-review
 * Thu Jun 04 2009 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 1.0.4-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 1d87d3e0fc7f (stable-1.0)
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      209
     Diff:            266 files changed, 12010 insertions(+), 8276 deletions(-)
 * Wed Apr 08 2009 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 1.0.3-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: b133b3f19797 (stable-1.0) tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      383
     Diff:            329 files changed, 15471 insertions(+), 15119 deletions(-)
 * Mon Feb 16 2009 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 1.0.2-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: d232d19daeb9 (stable-1.0) tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      441
     Diff:            639 files changed, 20871 insertions(+), 21594 deletions(-)
 * Tue Nov 18 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 1.0.1-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 6fc5ce8302ab (stable-1.0) tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      170
     Diff:            816 files changed, 7633 insertions(+), 6286 deletions(-)
 * Thu Oct 16 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 1.0.0-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 388654dfef8f tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      261
     Diff:            3021 files changed, 244985 insertions(+), 111596 deletions(-)
 * Mon Sep 22 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.7.3-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 33e677ab7764+ tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      133
     Diff:            89 files changed, 7492 insertions(+), 1125 deletions(-)
 * Wed Aug 20 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.7.1-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: f805e1b30103+ tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      184
     Diff:            513 files changed, 43408 insertions(+), 43783 deletions(-)
 * Fri Jul 18 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.7.0-19
 - Update source tarball to revision: 007c3a1c50f5 (unstable) tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      108
     Diff:            216 files changed, 4632 insertions(+), 4173 deletions(-)
 * Wed Jun 25 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.7.0-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: bde0c7db74fb tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      439
     Diff:            676 files changed, 41310 insertions(+), 52071 deletions(-)
 * Thu Jun 19 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.6.5-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: b9fe723d1ac5 tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      48
     Diff:            37 files changed, 1204 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)
 * Thu May 22 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.6.4-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 226d8e356924 tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:       55
     Diff:             199 files changed, 7103 insertions(+), 12378 deletions(-)
 * Wed Apr 23 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.6.3-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: fd8904c9bc67 tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      117
     Diff:            354 files changed, 19094 insertions(+), 11338 deletions(-)
 * Thu Feb 14 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.6.2-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: 28b1a8c1868b tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:    11
     Diff:          7 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 * Tue Feb 12 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.6.1-1
 - Update source tarball to revision: e7152d1be933 tip
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:    25
     Diff:          37 files changed, 1323 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-)
 * Mon Jan 14 2008 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.6.0-2
 - This is the first release of the Pacemaker Cluster Resource Manager formerly part of Heartbeat.
 - For those looking for the GUI, mgmtd, CIM or TSA components, they are now found in
   the new pacemaker-pygui project.  Build dependancies prevent them from being
   included in Heartbeat (since the built-in CRM is no longer supported) and,
   being non-core components, are not included with Pacemaker.
 - Update source tarball to revision: c94b92d550cf
 - Statistics:
     Changesets:      347
     Diff:            2272 files changed, 132508 insertions(+), 305991 deletions(-)
 - Test hardware:
     + 6-node vmware cluster (sles10-sp1/256Mb/vmware stonith) on a single host (opensuse10.3/2Gb/2.66Ghz Quad Core2)
     + 7-node EMC Centera cluster (sles10/512Mb/2Ghz Xeon/ssh stonith)
 - Notes: Heartbeat Stack
     + All testing was performed with STONITH enabled
     + The CRM was enabled using the "crm respawn" directive
 - Notes: OpenAIS Stack
     + This release contains a preview of support for the OpenAIS cluster stack
     + The current release of the OpenAIS project is missing two important
     patches that we require.  OpenAIS packages containing these patches are
     available for most major distributions at:
     + The OpenAIS stack is not currently recommended for use in clusters that
     have shared data as STONITH support is not yet implimented
     + pingd is not yet available for use with the OpenAIS stack
     + 3 significant OpenAIS issues were found during testing of 4 and 6 node
     clusters.  We are activly working together with the OpenAIS project to
     get these resolved.
 - Pending bugs encountered during testing:
     + OpenAIS   #1736 - Openais membership took 20s to stabilize
     + Heartbeat #1750 - ipc_bufpool_update: magic number in head does not match
     + OpenAIS   #1793 - Assertion failure in memb_state_gather_enter()
     + OpenAIS   #1796 - Cluster message corruption
 * Mon Dec 10 2007 Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de> - 0.6.0-1
 - Initial opensuse package check-in
diff --git a/pengine/allocate.c b/pengine/allocate.c
index 6c5d581367..a882d6c4bf 100644
--- a/pengine/allocate.c
+++ b/pengine/allocate.c
@@ -1,2558 +1,2561 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/cib.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/status.h>
 #include <pengine.h>
 #include <allocate.h>
 #include <utils.h>
 void set_alloc_actions(pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 void migrate_reload_madness(pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 resource_alloc_functions_t resource_class_alloc_functions[] = {
 static gboolean
 check_rsc_parameters(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, xmlNode * rsc_entry,
                      gboolean active_here, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int attr_lpc = 0;
     gboolean force_restart = FALSE;
     gboolean delete_resource = FALSE;
     gboolean changed = FALSE;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *old_value = NULL;
     const char *attr_list[] = {
     for (; attr_lpc < DIMOF(attr_list); attr_lpc++) {
         value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, attr_list[attr_lpc]);
         old_value = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, attr_list[attr_lpc]);
         if (value == old_value  /* ie. NULL */
             || crm_str_eq(value, old_value, TRUE)) {
         changed = TRUE;
         trigger_unfencing(rsc, node, "Device definition changed", NULL, data_set);
         if (active_here) {
             force_restart = TRUE;
             crm_notice("Forcing restart of %s on %s, %s changed: %s -> %s",
                        rsc->id, node->details->uname, attr_list[attr_lpc],
                        crm_str(old_value), crm_str(value));
     if (force_restart) {
         /* make sure the restart happens */
         stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE);
         set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending);
         delete_resource = TRUE;
     } else if (changed) {
         delete_resource = TRUE;
     return delete_resource;
 static void
 CancelXmlOp(resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml_op, node_t * active_node,
             const char *reason, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int interval = 0;
     action_t *cancel = NULL;
     char *key = NULL;
     const char *task = NULL;
     const char *call_id = NULL;
     const char *interval_s = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(xml_op != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(active_node != NULL, return);
     task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
     call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID);
     interval_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
     interval = crm_parse_int(interval_s, "0");
     /* we need to reconstruct the key because of the way we used to construct resource IDs */
     key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval);
     crm_info("Action %s on %s will be stopped: %s",
              key, active_node->details->uname, reason ? reason : "unknown");
     /* TODO: This looks highly dangerous if we ever try to schedule 'key' too */
     cancel = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), RSC_CANCEL, active_node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
     cancel->task = strdup(RSC_CANCEL);
     cancel->cancel_task = strdup(task);
     add_hash_param(cancel->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK, task);
     add_hash_param(cancel->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, call_id);
     add_hash_param(cancel->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, interval_s);
     custom_action_order(rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL, rsc, NULL, cancel, pe_order_optional, data_set);
     key = NULL;
 static gboolean
 check_action_definition(resource_t * rsc, node_t * active_node, xmlNode * xml_op,
                         pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     int interval = 0;
     const char *interval_s = NULL;
     const op_digest_cache_t *digest_data = NULL;
     gboolean did_change = FALSE;
     const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
     const char *op_version;
     CRM_CHECK(active_node != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (safe_str_eq(task, RSC_STOP)) {
         return FALSE;
     interval_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
     interval = crm_parse_int(interval_s, "0");
     if (interval > 0) {
         xmlNode *op_match = NULL;
         /* we need to reconstruct the key because of the way we used to construct resource IDs */
         key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval);
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Checking parameters for %s", key);
         op_match = find_rsc_op_entry(rsc, key);
         if (op_match == NULL && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_action_orphans)) {
             CancelXmlOp(rsc, xml_op, active_node, "orphan", data_set);
             return TRUE;
         } else if (op_match == NULL) {
             pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Orphan action detected: %s on %s", key, active_node->details->uname);
             return TRUE;
         key = NULL;
     crm_trace("Testing %s_%s_%d on %s", rsc->id, task, interval, active_node?active_node->details->uname:"N/A");
     if (interval == 0 && safe_str_eq(task, RSC_STATUS)) {
         /* Reload based on the start action not a probe */
         task = RSC_START;
     } else if (interval == 0 && safe_str_eq(task, RSC_MIGRATED)) {
         /* Reload based on the start action not a migrate */
         task = RSC_START;
+    } else if (interval == 0 && safe_str_eq(task, RSC_PROMOTE)) {
+        /* Reload based on the start action not a promote */
+        task = RSC_START;
     digest_data = rsc_action_digest_cmp(rsc, xml_op, active_node, data_set);
     op_version = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
     /* Changes that force a restart */
     if (digest_data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_RESTART) {
         const char *digest_restart = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST);
         did_change = TRUE;
         key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval);
         crm_log_xml_info(digest_data->params_restart, "params:restart");
         pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Parameters to %s on %s changed: was %s vs. now %s (restart:%s) %s",
                  key, active_node->details->uname,
                  crm_str(digest_restart), digest_data->digest_restart_calc,
                  op_version, crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC));
         custom_action(rsc, key, task, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
         trigger_unfencing(rsc, NULL, "Device parameters changed", NULL, data_set);
     } else if ((digest_data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_ALL) || (digest_data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_UNKNOWN)) {
         /* Changes that can potentially be handled by a reload */
         const char *digest_restart = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST);
         const char *digest_all = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_DIGEST);
         did_change = TRUE;
         trigger_unfencing(rsc, NULL, "Device parameters changed (reload)", NULL, data_set);
         crm_log_xml_info(digest_data->params_all, "params:reload");
         key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval);
         pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Parameters to %s on %s changed: was %s vs. now %s (reload:%s) %s",
                  key, active_node->details->uname,
                  crm_str(digest_all), digest_data->digest_all_calc, op_version,
                  crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC));
         if (interval > 0) {
             action_t *op = NULL;
 #if 0
             /* Always reload/restart the entire resource */
             op = custom_action(rsc, start_key(rsc), RSC_START, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
             update_action_flags(op, pe_action_allow_reload_conversion);
             /* Re-sending the recurring op is sufficient - the old one will be cancelled automatically */
             op = custom_action(rsc, key, task, active_node, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
             set_bit(op->flags, pe_action_reschedule);
         } else if (digest_restart && rsc->isolation_wrapper == NULL && (uber_parent(rsc))->isolation_wrapper == NULL) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Reloading '%s' action for resource %s", task, rsc->id);
             /* Allow this resource to reload - unless something else causes a full restart */
             set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_try_reload);
             /* Create these for now, it keeps the action IDs the same in the regression outputs */
             custom_action(rsc, key, task, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
         } else {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s doesn't know how to reload", rsc->id);
             /* Re-send the start/demote/promote op
              * Recurring ops will be detected independantly
             custom_action(rsc, key, task, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
     return did_change;
 extern gboolean DeleteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, gboolean optional,
                           pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 static void
 check_actions_for(xmlNode * rsc_entry, resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     int offset = -1;
     int interval = 0;
     int stop_index = 0;
     int start_index = 0;
     const char *task = NULL;
     const char *interval_s = NULL;
     xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL;
     GListPtr op_list = NULL;
     GListPtr sorted_op_list = NULL;
     gboolean is_probe = FALSE;
     gboolean did_change = FALSE;
     CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return);
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
         resource_t *parent = uber_parent(rsc);
         if(parent == NULL
            || parent->variant < pe_clone
            || is_set(parent->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping param check for %s and deleting: orphan", rsc->id);
             DeleteRsc(rsc, node, FALSE, data_set);
         } else {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping param check for %s (orphan clone)", rsc->id);
     } else if (pe_find_node_id(rsc->running_on, node->details->id) == NULL) {
         if (check_rsc_parameters(rsc, node, rsc_entry, FALSE, data_set)) {
             DeleteRsc(rsc, node, FALSE, data_set);
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping param check for %s: no longer active on %s",
                      rsc->id, node->details->uname);
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing %s on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname);
     if (check_rsc_parameters(rsc, node, rsc_entry, TRUE, data_set)) {
         DeleteRsc(rsc, node, FALSE, data_set);
     for (rsc_op = __xml_first_child(rsc_entry); rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = __xml_next(rsc_op)) {
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_op->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, TRUE)) {
             op_list = g_list_prepend(op_list, rsc_op);
     sorted_op_list = g_list_sort(op_list, sort_op_by_callid);
     calculate_active_ops(sorted_op_list, &start_index, &stop_index);
     for (gIter = sorted_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data;
         if (start_index < stop_index) {
             /* stopped */
         } else if (offset < start_index) {
             /* action occurred prior to a start */
         is_probe = FALSE;
         did_change = FALSE;
         task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
         interval_s = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
         interval = crm_parse_int(interval_s, "0");
         if (interval == 0 && safe_str_eq(task, RSC_STATUS)) {
             is_probe = TRUE;
         if (interval > 0 &&
             (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance) || node->details->maintenance)) {
             CancelXmlOp(rsc, rsc_op, node, "maintenance mode", data_set);
-        } else if (is_probe || safe_str_eq(task, RSC_START) || interval > 0
+        } else if (is_probe || safe_str_eq(task, RSC_START) || safe_str_eq(task, RSC_PROMOTE) || interval > 0
                    || safe_str_eq(task, RSC_MIGRATED)) {
             did_change = check_action_definition(rsc, node, rsc_op, data_set);
         if (did_change && get_failcount(node, rsc, NULL, data_set)) {
             char *key = NULL;
             action_t *action_clear = NULL;
             key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT, 0);
             action_clear =
                 custom_action(rsc, key, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
             set_bit(action_clear->flags, pe_action_runnable);
 static GListPtr
 find_rsc_list(GListPtr result, resource_t * rsc, const char *id, gboolean renamed_clones,
               gboolean partial, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     gboolean match = FALSE;
     if (id == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     } else if (rsc == NULL && data_set) {
         for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             result = find_rsc_list(result, child, id, renamed_clones, partial, NULL);
         return result;
     } else if (rsc == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     if (partial) {
         if (strstr(rsc->id, id)) {
             match = TRUE;
         } else if (renamed_clones && rsc->clone_name && strstr(rsc->clone_name, id)) {
             match = TRUE;
     } else {
         if (strcmp(rsc->id, id) == 0) {
             match = TRUE;
         } else if (renamed_clones && rsc->clone_name && strcmp(rsc->clone_name, id) == 0) {
             match = TRUE;
     if (match) {
         result = g_list_prepend(result, rsc);
     if (rsc->children) {
         gIter = rsc->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             result = find_rsc_list(result, child, id, renamed_clones, partial, NULL);
     return result;
 static void
 check_actions(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     const char *id = NULL;
     node_t *node = NULL;
     xmlNode *lrm_rscs = NULL;
     xmlNode *status = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, data_set->input);
     xmlNode *node_state = NULL;
     for (node_state = __xml_first_child(status); node_state != NULL;
          node_state = __xml_next(node_state)) {
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)node_state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE)) {
             id = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_ATTR_ID);
             lrm_rscs = find_xml_node(node_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE);
             lrm_rscs = find_xml_node(lrm_rscs, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE);
             node = pe_find_node_id(data_set->nodes, id);
             if (node == NULL) {
             /* Still need to check actions for a maintenance node to cancel existing monitor operations */
             } else if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE && node->details->maintenance == FALSE) {
                 crm_trace("Skipping param check for %s: cant run resources", node->details->uname);
             crm_trace("Processing node %s", node->details->uname);
             if (node->details->online || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
                 xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL;
                 for (rsc_entry = __xml_first_child(lrm_rscs); rsc_entry != NULL;
                      rsc_entry = __xml_next(rsc_entry)) {
                     if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_entry->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE)) {
                         if (xml_has_children(rsc_entry)) {
                             GListPtr gIter = NULL;
                             GListPtr result = NULL;
                             const char *rsc_id = ID(rsc_entry);
                             CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return);
                             result = find_rsc_list(NULL, NULL, rsc_id, TRUE, FALSE, data_set);
                             for (gIter = result; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
                                 resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
                                 if (rsc->variant != pe_native) {
                                 check_actions_for(rsc_entry, rsc, node, data_set);
 static gboolean
 apply_placement_constraints(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     crm_trace("Applying constraints...");
     for (gIter = data_set->placement_constraints; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         rsc_to_node_t *cons = (rsc_to_node_t *) gIter->data;
         cons->rsc_lh->cmds->rsc_location(cons->rsc_lh, cons);
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 failcount_clear_action_exists(node_t * node, resource_t * rsc)
     gboolean rc = FALSE;
     char *key = crm_concat(rsc->id, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT, '_');
     GListPtr list = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, node);
     if (list) {
         rc = TRUE;
     return rc;
 static void
 common_apply_stickiness(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int fail_count = 0;
     resource_t *failed = rsc;
     if (rsc->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             common_apply_stickiness(child_rsc, node, data_set);
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
         && rsc->stickiness != 0 && g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1) {
         node_t *current = pe_find_node_id(rsc->running_on, node->details->id);
         node_t *match = pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id);
         if (current == NULL) {
         } else if (match != NULL || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_symmetric_cluster)) {
             resource_t *sticky_rsc = rsc;
             resource_location(sticky_rsc, node, rsc->stickiness, "stickiness", data_set);
             pe_rsc_debug(sticky_rsc, "Resource %s: preferring current location"
                          " (node=%s, weight=%d)", sticky_rsc->id,
                          node->details->uname, rsc->stickiness);
         } else {
             GHashTableIter iter;
             node_t *nIter = NULL;
             pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Ignoring stickiness for %s: the cluster is asymmetric"
                          " and node %s is not explicitly allowed", rsc->id, node->details->uname);
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&nIter)) {
                 crm_err("%s[%s] = %d", rsc->id, nIter->details->uname, nIter->weight);
     /* only check failcount here if a failcount clear action
      * has not already been placed for this resource on the node.
      * There is no sense in potentially forcing the rsc from this
      * node if the failcount is being reset anyway. */
     if (failcount_clear_action_exists(node, rsc) == FALSE) {
         fail_count = get_failcount_all(node, rsc, NULL, data_set);
     if (fail_count > 0 && rsc->migration_threshold != 0) {
         if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
             failed = uber_parent(rsc);
         if (rsc->migration_threshold <= fail_count) {
             resource_location(failed, node, -INFINITY, "__fail_limit__", data_set);
             crm_warn("Forcing %s away from %s after %d failures (max=%d)",
                      failed->id, node->details->uname, fail_count, rsc->migration_threshold);
         } else {
             crm_info("%s can fail %d more times on %s before being forced off",
                      failed->id, rsc->migration_threshold - fail_count, node->details->uname);
 static void
 complex_set_cmds(resource_t * rsc)
     GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
     rsc->cmds = &resource_class_alloc_functions[rsc->variant];
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
 set_alloc_actions(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = data_set->resources;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
 static void
 calculate_system_health(gpointer gKey, gpointer gValue, gpointer user_data)
     const char *key = (const char *)gKey;
     const char *value = (const char *)gValue;
     int *system_health = (int *)user_data;
     if (!gKey || !gValue || !user_data) {
     /* Does it start with #health? */
     if (0 == strncmp(key, "#health", 7)) {
         int score;
         /* Convert the value into an integer */
         score = char2score(value);
         /* Add it to the running total */
         *system_health = merge_weights(score, *system_health);
 static gboolean
 apply_system_health(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     const char *health_strategy = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-strategy");
     if (health_strategy == NULL || safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "none")) {
         /* Prevent any accidental health -> score translation */
         node_score_red = 0;
         node_score_yellow = 0;
         node_score_green = 0;
         return TRUE;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "migrate-on-red")) {
         /* Resources on nodes which have health values of red are
          * weighted away from that node.
         node_score_red = -INFINITY;
         node_score_yellow = 0;
         node_score_green = 0;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "only-green")) {
         /* Resources on nodes which have health values of red or yellow
          * are forced away from that node.
         node_score_red = -INFINITY;
         node_score_yellow = -INFINITY;
         node_score_green = 0;
     } else if (safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "progressive")) {
         /* Same as the above, but use the r/y/g scores provided by the user
          * Defaults are provided by the pe_prefs table
     } else if (safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "custom")) {
         /* Requires the admin to configure the rsc_location constaints for
          * processing the stored health scores
         /* TODO: Check for the existance of appropriate node health constraints */
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         crm_err("Unknown node health strategy: %s", health_strategy);
         return FALSE;
     crm_info("Applying automated node health strategy: %s", health_strategy);
     for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         int system_health = 0;
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         /* Search through the node hash table for system health entries. */
         g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->attrs, calculate_system_health, &system_health);
         crm_info(" Node %s has an combined system health of %d",
                  node->details->uname, system_health);
         /* If the health is non-zero, then create a new rsc2node so that the
          * weight will be added later on.
         if (system_health != 0) {
             GListPtr gIter2 = data_set->resources;
             for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
                 resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter2->data;
                 rsc2node_new(health_strategy, rsc, system_health, NULL, node, data_set);
     return TRUE;
 stage0(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     xmlNode *cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, data_set->input);
     if (data_set->input == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_status) == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("Calculating status");
     unpack_constraints(cib_constraints, data_set);
     return TRUE;
 static void
 wait_for_probe(resource_t * rsc, const char *action, action_t * probe_complete,
                pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     if (probe_complete == NULL) {
     if (rsc->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             wait_for_probe(child, action, probe_complete, data_set);
     } else {
         char *key = NULL;
         if (safe_str_eq(action, RSC_STOP) && g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1) {
             node_t *node = (node_t *) rsc->running_on->data;
             /* Stop actions on nodes that are shutting down do not need to wait for probes to complete
              * Doing so prevents node shutdown in the presence of nodes that are coming up
              * The purpose of waiting is to not stop resources until we know for sure the
              *  intended destination is able to take them
             if (node && node->details->shutdown) {
                 crm_debug("Skipping %s before %s_%s_0 due to %s shutdown",
                           probe_complete->uuid, rsc->id, action, node->details->uname);
         key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, action, 0);
         custom_action_order(NULL, NULL, probe_complete, rsc, key, NULL,
                             pe_order_optional, data_set);
  * Check nodes for resources started outside of the LRM
 probe_resources(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     action_t *probe_complete = NULL;
     action_t *probe_node_complete = NULL;
     action_t *probe_cluster_nodes_complete = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
     gIter = data_set->nodes;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         const char *probed = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, CRM_OP_PROBED);
         if (node->details->online == FALSE) {
         } else if (node->details->unclean) {
         } else if (is_remote_node(node) && node->details->shutdown) {
             /* Don't try and probe a remote node we're shutting down.
              * It causes constraint conflicts to try and run any sort of action
              * other that 'stop' on resources living within a remote-node when
              * it is being shutdown. */
         } else if (is_container_remote_node(node)) {
             /* TODO enable container node probes once ordered probing is implemented. */
         } else if (node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled == FALSE) {
             /* resource discovery is disabled for this node */
         } else if (probe_complete == NULL) {
             probe_complete = get_pseudo_op(CRM_OP_PROBED, data_set);
             if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_remote_nodes)) {
                 probe_cluster_nodes_complete = get_pseudo_op(CRM_OP_NODES_PROBED, data_set);
         if (probed != NULL && crm_is_true(probed) == FALSE) {
             action_t *probe_op = custom_action(NULL, crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", CRM_OP_REPROBE, node->details->uname),
                                                CRM_OP_REPROBE, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
             add_hash_param(probe_op->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_NOWAIT, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
         probe_node_complete = custom_action(NULL, crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", CRM_OP_PROBED, node->details->uname),
                                             CRM_OP_PROBED, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
         if (crm_is_true(probed)) {
             update_action_flags(probe_node_complete, pe_action_optional);
         } else {
             update_action_flags(probe_node_complete, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
         crm_trace("%s - %d", node->details->uname, probe_node_complete->flags & pe_action_optional);
         probe_node_complete->priority = INFINITY;
         add_hash_param(probe_node_complete->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_NOWAIT, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
         if (node->details->pending) {
             update_action_flags(probe_node_complete, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
             crm_info("Action %s on %s is unrunnable (pending)",
                      probe_node_complete->uuid, probe_node_complete->node->details->uname);
         if (is_remote_node(node)) {
             order_actions(probe_node_complete, probe_complete,
                       pe_order_runnable_left /*|pe_order_implies_then */ );
         } else if (probe_cluster_nodes_complete == NULL) {
             order_actions(probe_node_complete, probe_complete,
                       pe_order_runnable_left /*|pe_order_implies_then */ );
         } else {
             order_actions(probe_node_complete, probe_cluster_nodes_complete,
                       pe_order_runnable_left /*|pe_order_implies_then */ );
         gIter2 = data_set->resources;
         for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
             resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter2->data;
             if (rsc->cmds->create_probe(rsc, node, probe_node_complete, FALSE, data_set)) {
                 update_action_flags(probe_complete, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
                 update_action_flags(probe_node_complete, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
                 if (probe_cluster_nodes_complete
                     && (rsc->is_remote_node || rsc_contains_remote_node(data_set, rsc))) {
                     update_action_flags(probe_cluster_nodes_complete, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
                     /* allow remote connection resources and resources
                      * containing remote connection resources to run after all
                      * cluster nodes are probed */
                     wait_for_probe(rsc, RSC_START, probe_cluster_nodes_complete, data_set);
                 } else {
                     wait_for_probe(rsc, RSC_START, probe_complete, data_set);
     gIter = data_set->resources;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         if (rsc->is_remote_node || rsc_contains_remote_node(data_set, rsc)) {
             /* allow remote connection resources and any resources containing
              * remote connection resources to run after cluster nodes are probed.*/
             wait_for_probe(rsc, RSC_STOP, probe_cluster_nodes_complete, data_set);
         } else {
             wait_for_probe(rsc, RSC_STOP, probe_complete, data_set);
     return TRUE;
 static void
 rsc_discover_filter(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node)
     GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
     resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc);
     node_t *match;
     if (rsc->exclusive_discover == FALSE && top->exclusive_discover == FALSE) {
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         rsc_discover_filter(child_rsc, node);
     match = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id);
     if (match && match->rsc_discover_mode != discover_exclusive) {
         match->weight = -INFINITY;
  * Count how many valid nodes we have (so we know the maximum number of
  *  colors we can resolve).
  * Apply node constraints (ie. filter the "allowed_nodes" part of resources
 stage2(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     crm_trace("Applying placement constraints");
     gIter = data_set->nodes;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         if (node == NULL) {
             /* error */
         } else if (node->weight >= 0.0  /* global weight */
                    && node->details->online && node->details->type != node_ping) {
     gIter = data_set->nodes;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         gIter2 = data_set->resources;
         for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
             resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter2->data;
             common_apply_stickiness(rsc, node, data_set);
             rsc_discover_filter(rsc, node);
     return TRUE;
  * Create internal resource constraints before allocation
 stage3(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = data_set->resources;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         rsc->cmds->internal_constraints(rsc, data_set);
     return TRUE;
  * Check for orphaned or redefined actions
 stage4(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     return TRUE;
 static gint
 sort_rsc_process_order(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data)
     int rc = 0;
     int r1_weight = -INFINITY;
     int r2_weight = -INFINITY;
     const char *reason = "existance";
     const GListPtr nodes = (GListPtr) data;
     resource_t *resource1 = (resource_t *) convert_const_pointer(a);
     resource_t *resource2 = (resource_t *) convert_const_pointer(b);
     node_t *node = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GHashTable *r1_nodes = NULL;
     GHashTable *r2_nodes = NULL;
     if (a == NULL && b == NULL) {
         goto done;
     if (a == NULL) {
         return 1;
     if (b == NULL) {
         return -1;
     reason = "priority";
     r1_weight = resource1->priority;
     r2_weight = resource2->priority;
     if (r1_weight > r2_weight) {
         rc = -1;
         goto done;
     if (r1_weight < r2_weight) {
         rc = 1;
         goto done;
     reason = "no node list";
     if (nodes == NULL) {
         goto done;
     r1_nodes =
         rsc_merge_weights(resource1, resource1->id, NULL, NULL, 1,
                           pe_weights_forward | pe_weights_init);
     dump_node_scores(LOG_TRACE, NULL, resource1->id, r1_nodes);
     r2_nodes =
         rsc_merge_weights(resource2, resource2->id, NULL, NULL, 1,
                           pe_weights_forward | pe_weights_init);
     dump_node_scores(LOG_TRACE, NULL, resource2->id, r2_nodes);
     /* Current location score */
     reason = "current location";
     r1_weight = -INFINITY;
     r2_weight = -INFINITY;
     if (resource1->running_on) {
         node = g_list_nth_data(resource1->running_on, 0);
         node = g_hash_table_lookup(r1_nodes, node->details->id);
         if (node != NULL) {
             r1_weight = node->weight;
     if (resource2->running_on) {
         node = g_list_nth_data(resource2->running_on, 0);
         node = g_hash_table_lookup(r2_nodes, node->details->id);
         if (node != NULL) {
             r2_weight = node->weight;
     if (r1_weight > r2_weight) {
         rc = -1;
         goto done;
     if (r1_weight < r2_weight) {
         rc = 1;
         goto done;
     reason = "score";
     for (gIter = nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *r1_node = NULL;
         node_t *r2_node = NULL;
         node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         r1_weight = -INFINITY;
         if (r1_nodes) {
             r1_node = g_hash_table_lookup(r1_nodes, node->details->id);
         if (r1_node) {
             r1_weight = r1_node->weight;
         r2_weight = -INFINITY;
         if (r2_nodes) {
             r2_node = g_hash_table_lookup(r2_nodes, node->details->id);
         if (r2_node) {
             r2_weight = r2_node->weight;
         if (r1_weight > r2_weight) {
             rc = -1;
             goto done;
         if (r1_weight < r2_weight) {
             rc = 1;
             goto done;
     if (r1_nodes) {
     if (r2_nodes) {
     crm_trace("%s (%d) %c %s (%d) on %s: %s",
               resource1->id, r1_weight, rc < 0 ? '>' : rc > 0 ? '<' : '=',
               resource2->id, r2_weight, node ? node->details->id : "n/a", reason);
     return rc;
 static void
 allocate_resources(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_remote_nodes)) {
         /* Force remote connection resources to be allocated first. This
          * also forces any colocation dependencies to be allocated as well */
         for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating: %s", rsc->id);
             /* for remote node connection resources, always prefer the partial migration
              * target during resource allocation if the rsc is in the middle of a
              * migration */ 
             rsc->cmds->allocate(rsc, rsc->partial_migration_target, data_set);
     /* now do the rest of the resources */
     for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         if (rsc->is_remote_node == TRUE) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating: %s", rsc->id);
         rsc->cmds->allocate(rsc, NULL, data_set);
 stage5(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     if (safe_str_neq(data_set->placement_strategy, "default")) {
         GListPtr nodes = g_list_copy(data_set->nodes);
         nodes = g_list_sort_with_data(nodes, sort_node_weight, NULL);
         data_set->resources =
             g_list_sort_with_data(data_set->resources, sort_rsc_process_order, nodes);
     gIter = data_set->nodes;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         dump_node_capacity(show_utilization ? 0 : utilization_log_level, "Original", node);
     crm_trace("Allocating services");
     /* Take (next) highest resource, assign it and create its actions */
     gIter = data_set->nodes;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         dump_node_capacity(show_utilization ? 0 : utilization_log_level, "Remaining", node);
     if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_probes)) {
         crm_trace("Calculating needed probes");
         /* This code probably needs optimization
          * ptest -x with 100 nodes, 100 clones and clone-max=100:
          With probes:
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:46 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:258 Calculate cluster status
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:46 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:278 Applying placement constraints
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:47 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:285 Create internal constraints
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:47 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:292 Check actions
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:48 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:299 Allocate resources
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:48 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:881 Allocating services
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:49 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:894 Calculating needed probes
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:51 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:899 Creating actions
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:52 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:905 Creating done
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:52 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:306 Processing fencing and shutdown cases
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:52 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:313 Applying ordering constraints
          ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:57:28 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:320 Create transition graph
          Without probes:
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:21 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:258 Calculate cluster status
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:22 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:278 Applying placement constraints
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:22 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:285 Create internal constraints
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:22 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:292 Check actions
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:23 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:299 Allocate resources
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:23 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:881 Allocating services
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:24 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:899 Creating actions
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:25 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:905 Creating done
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:25 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:306 Processing fencing and shutdown cases
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:25 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:313 Applying ordering constraints
          ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:25 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:320 Create transition graph
     crm_trace("Creating actions");
     gIter = data_set->resources;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         rsc->cmds->create_actions(rsc, data_set);
     crm_trace("Creating done");
     return TRUE;
 static gboolean
 is_managed(const resource_t * rsc)
     GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
         return TRUE;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         if (is_managed(child_rsc)) {
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static gboolean
 any_managed_resources(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = data_set->resources;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         if (is_managed(rsc)) {
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * Create dependancies for stonith and shutdown operations
 stage6(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     action_t *dc_down = NULL;
     action_t *dc_fence = NULL;
     action_t *stonith_op = NULL;
     action_t *last_stonith = NULL;
     gboolean integrity_lost = FALSE;
     action_t *all_stopped = get_pseudo_op(ALL_STOPPED, data_set);
     action_t *done = get_pseudo_op(STONITH_DONE, data_set);
     gboolean need_stonith = TRUE;
     GListPtr gIter = data_set->nodes;
     crm_trace("Processing fencing and shutdown cases");
     if (any_managed_resources(data_set) == FALSE) {
         crm_notice("Delaying fencing operations until there are resources to manage");
         need_stonith = FALSE;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         /* remote-nodes associated with a container resource (such as a vm) are not fenced */
         if (is_container_remote_node(node)) {
         stonith_op = NULL;
         if (need_stonith && node->details->unclean && pe_can_fence(data_set, node)) {
             pe_warn("Scheduling Node %s for STONITH", node->details->uname);
             stonith_op = pe_fence_op(node, NULL, FALSE, data_set);
             stonith_constraints(node, stonith_op, data_set);
             if (node->details->is_dc) {
                 dc_down = stonith_op;
                 dc_fence = stonith_op;
             } else {
                 if (last_stonith) {
                     order_actions(last_stonith, stonith_op, pe_order_optional);
                 last_stonith = stonith_op;
         } else if (node->details->online && node->details->shutdown &&
                 /* TODO define what a shutdown op means for a baremetal remote node.
                  * For now we do not send shutdown operations for remote nodes, but
                  * if we can come up with a good use for this in the future, we will. */
                     is_remote_node(node) == FALSE) {
             action_t *down_op = NULL;
             crm_notice("Scheduling Node %s for shutdown", node->details->uname);
             down_op = custom_action(NULL, crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN, node->details->uname),
                                     CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
             shutdown_constraints(node, down_op, data_set);
             add_hash_param(down_op->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_NOWAIT, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
             if (node->details->is_dc) {
                 dc_down = down_op;
         if (node->details->unclean && stonith_op == NULL) {
             integrity_lost = TRUE;
             pe_warn("Node %s is unclean!", node->details->uname);
     if (integrity_lost) {
         if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) == FALSE) {
         } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE) {
             crm_notice("Cannot fence unclean nodes until quorum is"
                        " attained (or no-quorum-policy is set to ignore)");
     if (dc_down != NULL) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         crm_trace("Ordering shutdowns before %s on %s (DC)",
                   dc_down->task, dc_down->node->details->uname);
         add_hash_param(dc_down->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_NOWAIT, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
         for (gIter = data_set->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             action_t *node_stop = (action_t *) gIter->data;
             if (safe_str_neq(CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN, node_stop->task)) {
             } else if (node_stop->node->details->is_dc) {
             crm_debug("Ordering shutdown on %s before %s on %s",
                       dc_down->task, dc_down->node->details->uname);
             order_actions(node_stop, dc_down, pe_order_optional);
         if (last_stonith && dc_down != last_stonith) {
             order_actions(last_stonith, dc_down, pe_order_optional);
     if (last_stonith) {
         order_actions(last_stonith, done, pe_order_implies_then);
     } else if (dc_fence) {
         order_actions(dc_down, done, pe_order_implies_then);
     order_actions(done, all_stopped, pe_order_implies_then);
     return TRUE;
  * Determin the sets of independant actions and the correct order for the
  *  actions in each set.
  * Mark dependencies of un-runnable actions un-runnable
 static GListPtr
 find_actions_by_task(GListPtr actions, resource_t * rsc, const char *original_key)
     GListPtr list = NULL;
     list = find_actions(actions, original_key, NULL);
     if (list == NULL) {
         /* we're potentially searching a child of the original resource */
         char *key = NULL;
         char *tmp = NULL;
         char *task = NULL;
         int interval = 0;
         if (parse_op_key(original_key, &tmp, &task, &interval)) {
             key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval);
             /* crm_err("looking up %s instead of %s", key, original_key); */
             /* slist_iter(action, action_t, actions, lpc, */
             /*         crm_err("  - %s", action->uuid)); */
             list = find_actions(actions, key, NULL);
         } else {
             crm_err("search key: %s", original_key);
     return list;
 static void
 rsc_order_then(action_t * lh_action, resource_t * rsc, order_constraint_t * order)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr rh_actions = NULL;
     action_t *rh_action = NULL;
     enum pe_ordering type = order->type;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
     CRM_CHECK(order != NULL, return);
     rh_action = order->rh_action;
     crm_trace("Processing RH of ordering constraint %d", order->id);
     if (rh_action != NULL) {
         rh_actions = g_list_prepend(NULL, rh_action);
     } else if (rsc != NULL) {
         rh_actions = find_actions_by_task(rsc->actions, rsc, order->rh_action_task);
     if (rh_actions == NULL) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "No RH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint..."
                      " ignoring", rsc->id, order->rh_action_task);
         if (lh_action) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "LH-Side was: %s", lh_action->uuid);
     if (lh_action && lh_action->rsc == rsc && is_set(lh_action->flags, pe_action_dangle)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Detected dangling operation %s -> %s", lh_action->uuid,
         clear_bit(type, pe_order_implies_then);
     gIter = rh_actions;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *rh_action_iter = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if (lh_action) {
             order_actions(lh_action, rh_action_iter, type);
         } else if (type & pe_order_implies_then) {
             update_action_flags(rh_action_iter, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
             crm_warn("Unrunnable %s 0x%.6x", rh_action_iter->uuid, type);
         } else {
             crm_warn("neither %s 0x%.6x", rh_action_iter->uuid, type);
 static void
 rsc_order_first(resource_t * lh_rsc, order_constraint_t * order, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr lh_actions = NULL;
     action_t *lh_action = order->lh_action;
     resource_t *rh_rsc = order->rh_rsc;
     crm_trace("Processing LH of ordering constraint %d", order->id);
     CRM_ASSERT(lh_rsc != NULL);
     if (lh_action != NULL) {
         lh_actions = g_list_prepend(NULL, lh_action);
     } else if (lh_action == NULL) {
         lh_actions = find_actions_by_task(lh_rsc->actions, lh_rsc, order->lh_action_task);
     if (lh_actions == NULL && lh_rsc != rh_rsc) {
         char *key = NULL;
         char *rsc_id = NULL;
         char *op_type = NULL;
         int interval = 0;
         parse_op_key(order->lh_action_task, &rsc_id, &op_type, &interval);
         key = generate_op_key(lh_rsc->id, op_type, interval);
         if (lh_rsc->fns->state(lh_rsc, TRUE) == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && safe_str_eq(op_type, RSC_STOP)) {
             pe_rsc_trace(lh_rsc, "No LH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint %d with %s - ignoring",
                          lh_rsc->id, order->lh_action_task, order->id, order->rh_action_task);
         } else if (lh_rsc->fns->state(lh_rsc, TRUE) == RSC_ROLE_SLAVE && safe_str_eq(op_type, RSC_DEMOTE)) {
             pe_rsc_trace(lh_rsc, "No LH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint %d with %s - ignoring",
                          lh_rsc->id, order->lh_action_task, order->id, order->rh_action_task);
         } else {
             pe_rsc_trace(lh_rsc, "No LH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint %d with %s - creating",
                          lh_rsc->id, order->lh_action_task, order->id, order->rh_action_task);
             lh_action = custom_action(lh_rsc, key, op_type, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
             lh_actions = g_list_prepend(NULL, lh_action);
     gIter = lh_actions;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *lh_action_iter = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if (rh_rsc == NULL && order->rh_action) {
             rh_rsc = order->rh_action->rsc;
         if (rh_rsc) {
             rsc_order_then(lh_action_iter, rh_rsc, order);
         } else if (order->rh_action) {
             order_actions(lh_action_iter, order->rh_action, order->type);
 extern gboolean update_action(action_t * action);
 extern void update_colo_start_chain(action_t * action);
 static void
 apply_remote_node_ordering(pe_working_set_t *data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = data_set->actions;
     if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_remote_nodes) == FALSE) {
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         resource_t *remote_rsc = NULL;
         resource_t *container = NULL;
         if (action->node == NULL ||
             is_remote_node(action->node) == FALSE ||
             action->node->details->remote_rsc == NULL ||
             action->rsc == NULL ||
             is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) {
         remote_rsc = action->node->details->remote_rsc;
         container = remote_rsc->container;
         if (safe_str_eq(action->task, "monitor") ||
             safe_str_eq(action->task, "start") ||
             safe_str_eq(action->task, "promote") ||
             safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH) ||
             safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT) ||
             safe_str_eq(action->task, "delete")) {
                 generate_op_key(remote_rsc->id, RSC_START, 0),
                 pe_order_preserve | pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left,
         } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, "demote")) {
             /* If the connection is being torn down, we don't want
              * to build a constraint between a resource's demotion and
              * the connection resource starting... because the connection
              * resource can not start. The connection might already be up,
              * but the START action would not be allowed which in turn would
              * block the demotion of any resournces living in the remote-node.
              * In this case, only build the constraint between the demotion and
              * the connection's stop action. This allows the connection and all the
              * resources within the remote-node to be torn down properly. */
             if (remote_rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
                     generate_op_key(remote_rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0),
                     pe_order_preserve | pe_order_implies_first,
             } else {
                     generate_op_key(remote_rsc->id, RSC_START, 0),
                     pe_order_preserve | pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left,
         } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, "stop") &&
                    container &&
                    is_set(container->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
             /* when the container representing a remote node fails, the stop
              * action for all the resources living in that container is implied
              * by the container stopping.  This is similar to how fencing operations
              * work for cluster nodes. */
             pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_pseudo);
                 generate_op_key(container->id, RSC_STOP, 0),
                 pe_order_preserve | pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left,
         } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, "stop")) {
             gboolean after_start = FALSE;
             /* handle special case with baremetal remote where stop actions need to be
              * ordered after the connection resource starts somewhere else. */
             if (is_baremetal_remote_node(action->node)) {
                 node_t *cluster_node = remote_rsc->running_on ? remote_rsc->running_on->data : NULL;
                 /* if the current cluster node a baremetal connection resource
                  * is residing on is unclean or went offline we can't process any
                  * operations on that remote node until after it starts somewhere else. */
                 if (cluster_node == NULL ||
                     cluster_node->details->unclean == TRUE ||
                     cluster_node->details->online == FALSE) {
                     after_start = TRUE;
                 } else if (g_list_length(remote_rsc->running_on) > 1 &&
                            remote_rsc->partial_migration_source &&
                             remote_rsc->partial_migration_target) {
                     /* if we're caught in the middle of migrating a connection resource,
                      * then we have to wait until after the resource migrates before performing
                      * any actions. */
                     after_start = TRUE;
             if (after_start) {
                     generate_op_key(remote_rsc->id, RSC_START, 0),
                     pe_order_preserve | pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left,
             } else {
                     generate_op_key(remote_rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0),
                     pe_order_preserve | pe_order_implies_first,
 stage7(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     crm_trace("Applying ordering constraints");
     /* Don't ask me why, but apparently they need to be processed in
      * the order they were created in... go figure
      * Also g_list_prepend() has horrendous performance characteristics
      * So we need to use g_list_prepend() and then reverse the list here
     data_set->ordering_constraints = g_list_reverse(data_set->ordering_constraints);
     gIter = data_set->ordering_constraints;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         order_constraint_t *order = (order_constraint_t *) gIter->data;
         resource_t *rsc = order->lh_rsc;
         crm_trace("Applying ordering constraint: %d", order->id);
         if (rsc != NULL) {
             rsc_order_first(rsc, order, data_set);
         rsc = order->rh_rsc;
         if (rsc != NULL) {
             rsc_order_then(order->lh_action, rsc, order);
         } else {
             order_actions(order->lh_action, order->rh_action, order->type);
     crm_trace("Updating %d actions", g_list_length(data_set->actions));
     gIter = data_set->actions;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
     crm_trace("Processing reloads");
     gIter = data_set->resources;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         rsc_reload(rsc, data_set);
         LogActions(rsc, data_set, FALSE);
     return TRUE;
 static gint
 sort_notify_entries(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     int tmp;
     const notify_entry_t *entry_a = a;
     const notify_entry_t *entry_b = b;
     if (entry_a == NULL && entry_b == NULL) {
         return 0;
     if (entry_a == NULL) {
         return 1;
     if (entry_b == NULL) {
         return -1;
     if (entry_a->rsc == NULL && entry_b->rsc == NULL) {
         return 0;
     if (entry_a->rsc == NULL) {
         return 1;
     if (entry_b->rsc == NULL) {
         return -1;
     tmp = strcmp(entry_a->rsc->id, entry_b->rsc->id);
     if (tmp != 0) {
         return tmp;
     if (entry_a->node == NULL && entry_b->node == NULL) {
         return 0;
     if (entry_a->node == NULL) {
         return 1;
     if (entry_b->node == NULL) {
         return -1;
     return strcmp(entry_a->node->details->id, entry_b->node->details->id);
 static void
 expand_list(GListPtr list, char **rsc_list, char **node_list)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     const char *uname = NULL;
     const char *rsc_id = NULL;
     const char *last_rsc_id = NULL;
     if (rsc_list) {
         *rsc_list = NULL;
     if (list == NULL) {
         if (rsc_list) {
             *rsc_list = strdup(" ");
         if (node_list) {
             *node_list = strdup(" ");
     if (node_list) {
         *node_list = NULL;
     for (gIter = list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         notify_entry_t *entry = (notify_entry_t *) gIter->data;
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(entry != NULL);
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(entry && entry->rsc != NULL);
         if(entry == NULL || entry->rsc == NULL) {
         /* Uh, why? */
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(node_list == NULL || entry->node != NULL);
         if(node_list != NULL && entry->node == NULL) {
         uname = NULL;
         rsc_id = entry->rsc->id;
         CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL);
         /* filter dups */
         if (safe_str_eq(rsc_id, last_rsc_id)) {
         last_rsc_id = rsc_id;
         if (rsc_list != NULL) {
             int existing_len = 0;
             int len = 2 + strlen(rsc_id);       /* +1 space, +1 EOS */
             if (rsc_list && *rsc_list) {
                 existing_len = strlen(*rsc_list);
             crm_trace("Adding %s (%dc) at offset %d", rsc_id, len - 2, existing_len);
             *rsc_list = realloc_safe(*rsc_list, len + existing_len);
             sprintf(*rsc_list + existing_len, "%s%s", existing_len == 0 ? "":" ", rsc_id);
         if (entry->node != NULL) {
             uname = entry->node->details->uname;
         if (node_list != NULL && uname) {
             int existing_len = 0;
             int len = 2 + strlen(uname);
             if (node_list && *node_list) {
                 existing_len = strlen(*node_list);
             crm_trace("Adding %s (%dc) at offset %d", uname, len - 2, existing_len);
             *node_list = realloc_safe(*node_list, len + existing_len);
             sprintf(*node_list + existing_len, "%s%s", existing_len == 0 ? "":" ", uname);
 static void
 dup_attr(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     add_hash_param(user_data, key, value);
 static action_t *
 pe_notify(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, action_t * op, action_t * confirm,
           notify_data_t * n_data, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     action_t *trigger = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *task = NULL;
     if (op == NULL || confirm == NULL) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Op=%p confirm=%p", op, confirm);
         return NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return NULL);
     CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL);
     if (node->details->online == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping notification for %s: node offline", rsc->id);
         return NULL;
     } else if (is_set(op->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping notification for %s: not runnable", op->uuid);
         return NULL;
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(op->meta, "notify_type");
     task = g_hash_table_lookup(op->meta, "notify_operation");
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating notify actions for %s: %s (%s-%s)", op->uuid, rsc->id, value, task);
     key = generate_notify_key(rsc->id, value, task);
     trigger = custom_action(rsc, key, op->task, node,
                             is_set(op->flags, pe_action_optional), TRUE, data_set);
     g_hash_table_foreach(op->meta, dup_attr, trigger->meta);
     g_hash_table_foreach(n_data->keys, dup_attr, trigger->meta);
     /* pseudo_notify before notify */
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Ordering %s before %s (%d->%d)", op->uuid, trigger->uuid, trigger->id,
     order_actions(op, trigger, pe_order_optional);
     order_actions(trigger, confirm, pe_order_optional);
     return trigger;
 static void
 pe_post_notify(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, notify_data_t * n_data, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     action_t *notify = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
     if (n_data->post == NULL) {
         return;                 /* Nothing to do */
     notify = pe_notify(rsc, node, n_data->post, n_data->post_done, n_data, data_set);
     if (notify != NULL) {
         notify->priority = INFINITY;
     if (n_data->post_done) {
         GListPtr gIter = rsc->actions;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             action_t *mon = (action_t *) gIter->data;
             const char *interval = g_hash_table_lookup(mon->meta, "interval");
             if (interval == NULL || safe_str_eq(interval, "0")) {
                 pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s: interval", mon->uuid);
             } else if (safe_str_eq(mon->task, RSC_CANCEL)) {
                 pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s: cancel", mon->uuid);
             order_actions(n_data->post_done, mon, pe_order_optional);
 notify_data_t *
 create_notification_boundaries(resource_t * rsc, const char *action, action_t * start,
                                action_t * end, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     /* Create the pseudo ops that preceed and follow the actual notifications */
      * Creates two sequences (conditional on start and end being supplied):
      *   pre_notify -> pre_notify_complete -> start, and
      *   end -> post_notify -> post_notify_complete
      * 'start' and 'end' may be the same event or ${X} and ${X}ed as per clones
     char *key = NULL;
     notify_data_t *n_data = NULL;
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_notify)) {
         return NULL;
     n_data = calloc(1, sizeof(notify_data_t));
     n_data->action = action;
     n_data->keys =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     if (start) {
         /* create pre-event notification wrappers */
         key = generate_notify_key(rsc->id, "pre", start->task);
         n_data->pre =
             custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_NOTIFY, NULL, is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional),
                           TRUE, data_set);
         update_action_flags(n_data->pre, pe_action_pseudo);
         update_action_flags(n_data->pre, pe_action_runnable);
         add_hash_param(n_data->pre->meta, "notify_type", "pre");
         add_hash_param(n_data->pre->meta, "notify_operation", n_data->action);
         add_hash_param(n_data->pre->meta, "notify_key_type", "pre");
         add_hash_param(n_data->pre->meta, "notify_key_operation", start->task);
         /* create pre_notify_complete */
         key = generate_notify_key(rsc->id, "confirmed-pre", start->task);
         n_data->pre_done =
             custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_NOTIFIED, NULL, is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional),
                           TRUE, data_set);
         update_action_flags(n_data->pre_done, pe_action_pseudo);
         update_action_flags(n_data->pre_done, pe_action_runnable);
         add_hash_param(n_data->pre_done->meta, "notify_type", "pre");
         add_hash_param(n_data->pre_done->meta, "notify_operation", n_data->action);
         add_hash_param(n_data->pre_done->meta, "notify_key_type", "confirmed-pre");
         add_hash_param(n_data->pre_done->meta, "notify_key_operation", start->task);
         order_actions(n_data->pre_done, start, pe_order_optional);
         order_actions(n_data->pre, n_data->pre_done, pe_order_optional);
     if (end) {
         /* create post-event notification wrappers */
         key = generate_notify_key(rsc->id, "post", end->task);
         n_data->post =
             custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_NOTIFY, NULL, is_set(end->flags, pe_action_optional), TRUE,
         n_data->post->priority = INFINITY;
         update_action_flags(n_data->post, pe_action_pseudo);
         if (is_set(end->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
             update_action_flags(n_data->post, pe_action_runnable);
         } else {
             update_action_flags(n_data->post, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
         add_hash_param(n_data->post->meta, "notify_type", "post");
         add_hash_param(n_data->post->meta, "notify_operation", n_data->action);
         add_hash_param(n_data->post->meta, "notify_key_type", "post");
         add_hash_param(n_data->post->meta, "notify_key_operation", end->task);
         /* create post_notify_complete */
         key = generate_notify_key(rsc->id, "confirmed-post", end->task);
         n_data->post_done =
             custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_NOTIFIED, NULL, is_set(end->flags, pe_action_optional),
                           TRUE, data_set);
         n_data->post_done->priority = INFINITY;
         update_action_flags(n_data->post_done, pe_action_pseudo);
         if (is_set(end->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
             update_action_flags(n_data->post_done, pe_action_runnable);
         } else {
             update_action_flags(n_data->post_done, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
         add_hash_param(n_data->post_done->meta, "notify_type", "post");
         add_hash_param(n_data->post_done->meta, "notify_operation", n_data->action);
         add_hash_param(n_data->post_done->meta, "notify_key_type", "confirmed-post");
         add_hash_param(n_data->post_done->meta, "notify_key_operation", end->task);
         order_actions(end, n_data->post, pe_order_implies_then);
         order_actions(n_data->post, n_data->post_done, pe_order_implies_then);
     if (start && end) {
         order_actions(n_data->pre_done, n_data->post, pe_order_optional);
     if (safe_str_eq(action, RSC_STOP)) {
         action_t *all_stopped = get_pseudo_op(ALL_STOPPED, data_set);
         order_actions(n_data->post_done, all_stopped, pe_order_optional);
     return n_data;
 collect_notification_data(resource_t * rsc, gboolean state, gboolean activity,
                           notify_data_t * n_data)
     if (rsc->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             collect_notification_data(child, state, activity, n_data);
     if (state) {
         notify_entry_t *entry = NULL;
         entry = calloc(1, sizeof(notify_entry_t));
         entry->rsc = rsc;
         if (rsc->running_on) {
             /* we only take the first one */
             entry->node = rsc->running_on->data;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s state: %s", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role));
         switch (rsc->role) {
             case RSC_ROLE_STOPPED:
                 n_data->inactive = g_list_prepend(n_data->inactive, entry);
             case RSC_ROLE_STARTED:
                 n_data->active = g_list_prepend(n_data->active, entry);
             case RSC_ROLE_SLAVE:
                 n_data->slave = g_list_prepend(n_data->slave, entry);
             case RSC_ROLE_MASTER:
                 n_data->master = g_list_prepend(n_data->master, entry);
                 crm_err("Unsupported notify role");
     if (activity) {
         notify_entry_t *entry = NULL;
         enum action_tasks task;
         GListPtr gIter = rsc->actions;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             action_t *op = (action_t *) gIter->data;
             if (is_set(op->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE && op->node != NULL) {
                 entry = calloc(1, sizeof(notify_entry_t));
                 entry->node = op->node;
                 entry->rsc = rsc;
                 task = text2task(op->task);
                 switch (task) {
                     case start_rsc:
                         n_data->start = g_list_prepend(n_data->start, entry);
                     case stop_rsc:
                         n_data->stop = g_list_prepend(n_data->stop, entry);
                     case action_promote:
                         n_data->promote = g_list_prepend(n_data->promote, entry);
                     case action_demote:
                         n_data->demote = g_list_prepend(n_data->demote, entry);
 expand_notification_data(notify_data_t * n_data)
     /* Expand the notification entries into a key=value hashtable
      * This hashtable is later used in action2xml()
     gboolean required = FALSE;
     char *rsc_list = NULL;
     char *node_list = NULL;
     if (n_data->stop) {
         n_data->stop = g_list_sort(n_data->stop, sort_notify_entries);
     expand_list(n_data->stop, &rsc_list, &node_list);
     if (rsc_list != NULL && safe_str_neq(" ", rsc_list)) {
         if (safe_str_eq(n_data->action, RSC_STOP)) {
             required = TRUE;
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_stop_resource"), rsc_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_stop_uname"), node_list);
     if (n_data->start) {
         n_data->start = g_list_sort(n_data->start, sort_notify_entries);
         if (rsc_list && safe_str_eq(n_data->action, RSC_START)) {
             required = TRUE;
     expand_list(n_data->start, &rsc_list, &node_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_start_resource"), rsc_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_start_uname"), node_list);
     if (n_data->demote) {
         n_data->demote = g_list_sort(n_data->demote, sort_notify_entries);
         if (safe_str_eq(n_data->action, RSC_DEMOTE)) {
             required = TRUE;
     expand_list(n_data->demote, &rsc_list, &node_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_demote_resource"), rsc_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_demote_uname"), node_list);
     if (n_data->promote) {
         n_data->promote = g_list_sort(n_data->promote, sort_notify_entries);
         if (safe_str_eq(n_data->action, RSC_PROMOTE)) {
             required = TRUE;
     expand_list(n_data->promote, &rsc_list, &node_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_promote_resource"), rsc_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_promote_uname"), node_list);
     if (n_data->active) {
         n_data->active = g_list_sort(n_data->active, sort_notify_entries);
     expand_list(n_data->active, &rsc_list, &node_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_active_resource"), rsc_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_active_uname"), node_list);
     if (n_data->slave) {
         n_data->slave = g_list_sort(n_data->slave, sort_notify_entries);
     expand_list(n_data->slave, &rsc_list, &node_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_slave_resource"), rsc_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_slave_uname"), node_list);
     if (n_data->master) {
         n_data->master = g_list_sort(n_data->master, sort_notify_entries);
     expand_list(n_data->master, &rsc_list, &node_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_master_resource"), rsc_list);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_master_uname"), node_list);
     if (n_data->inactive) {
         n_data->inactive = g_list_sort(n_data->inactive, sort_notify_entries);
     expand_list(n_data->inactive, &rsc_list, NULL);
     g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_inactive_resource"), rsc_list);
     if (required && n_data->pre) {
         update_action_flags(n_data->pre, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
         update_action_flags(n_data->pre_done, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
     if (required && n_data->post) {
         update_action_flags(n_data->post, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
         update_action_flags(n_data->post_done, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
     return required;
 create_notifications(resource_t * rsc, notify_data_t * n_data, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     action_t *stop = NULL;
     action_t *start = NULL;
     enum action_tasks task = text2task(n_data->action);
     if (rsc->children) {
         gIter = rsc->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             create_notifications(child, n_data, data_set);
     /* Copy notification details into standard ops */
     gIter = rsc->actions;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *op = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if (is_set(op->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE && op->node != NULL) {
             enum action_tasks t = text2task(op->task);
             switch (t) {
                 case start_rsc:
                 case stop_rsc:
                 case action_promote:
                 case action_demote:
                     g_hash_table_foreach(n_data->keys, dup_attr, op->meta);
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating notificaitons for: %s.%s (%s->%s)",
                  n_data->action, rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role));
     stop = find_first_action(rsc->actions, NULL, RSC_STOP, NULL);
     start = find_first_action(rsc->actions, NULL, RSC_START, NULL);
     /* stop / demote */
     if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
         if (task == stop_rsc || task == action_demote) {
             gIter = rsc->running_on;
             for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
                 node_t *current_node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
                 pe_notify(rsc, current_node, n_data->pre, n_data->pre_done, n_data, data_set);
                 if (task == action_demote || stop == NULL
                     || is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
                     pe_post_notify(rsc, current_node, n_data, data_set);
     /* start / promote */
     if (rsc->next_role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
         if (rsc->allocated_to == NULL) {
             pe_proc_err("Next role '%s' but %s is not allocated", role2text(rsc->next_role),
         } else if (task == start_rsc || task == action_promote) {
             if (task != start_rsc || start == NULL || is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
                 pe_notify(rsc, rsc->allocated_to, n_data->pre, n_data->pre_done, n_data, data_set);
             pe_post_notify(rsc, rsc->allocated_to, n_data, data_set);
 free_notification_data(notify_data_t * n_data)
     if (n_data == NULL) {
     g_list_free_full(n_data->stop, free);
     g_list_free_full(n_data->start, free);
     g_list_free_full(n_data->demote, free);
     g_list_free_full(n_data->promote, free);
     g_list_free_full(n_data->master, free);
     g_list_free_full(n_data->slave, free);
     g_list_free_full(n_data->active, free);
     g_list_free_full(n_data->inactive, free);
 int transition_id = -1;
  * Create a dependency graph to send to the transitioner (via the CRMd)
 stage8(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     crm_trace("Creating transition graph %d.", transition_id);
     data_set->graph = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_GRAPH);
     value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "cluster-delay");
     crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "cluster-delay", value);
     value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "stonith-timeout");
     crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "stonith-timeout", value);
     crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "failed-stop-offset", "INFINITY");
     if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_start_failure_fatal)) {
         crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "failed-start-offset", "INFINITY");
     } else {
         crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "failed-start-offset", "1");
     value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "batch-limit");
     crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "batch-limit", value);
     crm_xml_add_int(data_set->graph, "transition_id", transition_id);
     value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "migration-limit");
     if (crm_int_helper(value, NULL) > 0) {
         crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "migration-limit", value);
 /* errors...
    slist_iter(action, action_t, action_list, lpc,
    if(action->optional == FALSE && action->runnable == FALSE) {
    print_action("Ignoring", action, TRUE);
     gIter = data_set->resources;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "processing actions for rsc=%s", rsc->id);
         rsc->cmds->expand(rsc, data_set);
     crm_log_xml_trace(data_set->graph, "created resource-driven action list");
     /* catch any non-resource specific actions */
     crm_trace("processing non-resource actions");
     gIter = data_set->actions;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if (action->rsc
             && action->node
             && action->node->details->shutdown
             && is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance)
             && is_not_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional)
             && is_not_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)
             && crm_str_eq(action->task, RSC_STOP, TRUE)
             ) {
             /* Eventually we should just ignore the 'fence' case
              * But for now its the best way to detect (in CTS) when
              * CIB resource updates are being lost
             if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum)
                 || data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_ignore) {
                 crm_crit("Cannot %s node '%s' because of %s:%s%s",
                          action->node->details->unclean ? "fence" : "shut down",
                          action->node->details->uname, action->rsc->id,
                          is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) ? " unmanaged" : " blocked",
                          is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) ? " failed" : "");
         graph_element_from_action(action, data_set);
     crm_log_xml_trace(data_set->graph, "created generic action list");
     crm_trace("Created transition graph %d.", transition_id);
     return TRUE;
 cleanup_alloc_calculations(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     if (data_set == NULL) {
     crm_trace("deleting %d order cons: %p",
               g_list_length(data_set->ordering_constraints), data_set->ordering_constraints);
     data_set->ordering_constraints = NULL;
     crm_trace("deleting %d node cons: %p",
               g_list_length(data_set->placement_constraints), data_set->placement_constraints);
     data_set->placement_constraints = NULL;
     crm_trace("deleting %d inter-resource cons: %p",
               g_list_length(data_set->colocation_constraints), data_set->colocation_constraints);
     g_list_free_full(data_set->colocation_constraints, free);
     data_set->colocation_constraints = NULL;
     crm_trace("deleting %d ticket deps: %p",
               g_list_length(data_set->ticket_constraints), data_set->ticket_constraints);
     g_list_free_full(data_set->ticket_constraints, free);
     data_set->ticket_constraints = NULL;
diff --git a/pengine/graph.c b/pengine/graph.c
index 18805d3f89..5f16bc879d 100644
--- a/pengine/graph.c
+++ b/pengine/graph.c
@@ -1,1334 +1,1334 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/cib.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <allocate.h>
 #include <utils.h>
 gboolean update_action(action_t * action);
 void update_colo_start_chain(action_t * action);
 gboolean rsc_update_action(action_t * first, action_t * then, enum pe_ordering type);
 static enum pe_action_flags
 get_action_flags(action_t * action, node_t * node)
     enum pe_action_flags flags = action->flags;
     if (action->rsc) {
         flags = action->rsc->cmds->action_flags(action, NULL);
         if (action->rsc->variant >= pe_clone && node) {
             /* We only care about activity on $node */
             enum pe_action_flags clone_flags = action->rsc->cmds->action_flags(action, node);
             /* Go to great lengths to ensure the correct value for pe_action_runnable...
              * If we are a clone, then for _ordering_ constraints, its only relevant
              * if we are runnable _anywhere_.
              * This only applies to _runnable_ though, and only for ordering constraints.
              * If this function is ever used during colocation, then we'll need additional logic
              * Not very satisfying, but its logical and appears to work well.
             if (is_not_set(clone_flags, pe_action_runnable)
                 && is_set(flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
                 pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Fixing up runnable flag for %s", action->uuid);
                 set_bit(clone_flags, pe_action_runnable);
             flags = clone_flags;
     return flags;
 static char *
 convert_non_atomic_uuid(char *old_uuid, resource_t * rsc, gboolean allow_notify,
                         gboolean free_original)
     int interval = 0;
     char *uuid = NULL;
     char *rid = NULL;
     char *raw_task = NULL;
     int task = no_action;
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing %s", old_uuid);
     if (old_uuid == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     } else if (strstr(old_uuid, "notify") != NULL) {
         goto done;              /* no conversion */
     } else if (rsc->variant < pe_group) {
         goto done;              /* no conversion */
     CRM_ASSERT(parse_op_key(old_uuid, &rid, &raw_task, &interval));
     if (interval > 0) {
         goto done;              /* no conversion */
     task = text2task(raw_task);
     switch (task) {
         case stop_rsc:
         case start_rsc:
         case action_notify:
         case action_promote:
         case action_demote:
         case stopped_rsc:
         case started_rsc:
         case action_notified:
         case action_promoted:
         case action_demoted:
         case monitor_rsc:
         case shutdown_crm:
         case stonith_node:
             task = no_action;
             crm_err("Unknown action: %s", raw_task);
             task = no_action;
     if (task != no_action) {
         if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_notify) && allow_notify) {
             uuid = generate_notify_key(rid, "confirmed-post", task2text(task + 1));
         } else {
             uuid = generate_op_key(rid, task2text(task + 1), 0);
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Converted %s -> %s", old_uuid, uuid);
     if (uuid == NULL) {
         uuid = strdup(old_uuid);
     if (free_original) {
     return uuid;
 static action_t *
 rsc_expand_action(action_t * action)
     action_t *result = action;
     if (action->rsc && action->rsc->variant >= pe_group) {
         /* Expand 'start' -> 'started' */
         char *uuid = NULL;
         gboolean notify = FALSE;
         if (action->rsc->parent == NULL) {
             /* Only outter-most resources have notification actions */
             notify = is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_notify);
         uuid = convert_non_atomic_uuid(action->uuid, action->rsc, notify, FALSE);
         if (uuid) {
             pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Converting %s to %s %d", action->uuid, uuid,
                          is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_notify));
             result = find_first_action(action->rsc->actions, uuid, NULL, NULL);
             if (result == NULL) {
                 crm_err("Couldn't expand %s", action->uuid);
                 result = action;
     return result;
 static enum pe_graph_flags
 graph_update_action(action_t * first, action_t * then, node_t * node, enum pe_action_flags flags,
                     enum pe_ordering type)
     enum pe_graph_flags changed = pe_graph_none;
     gboolean processed = FALSE;
     /* TODO: Do as many of these in parallel as possible */
     if (type & pe_order_implies_then) {
         processed = TRUE;
         if (then->rsc) {
             changed |=
                 then->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags & pe_action_optional,
                                                 pe_action_optional, pe_order_implies_then);
         } else if (is_set(flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
             if (update_action_flags(then, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear)) {
                 changed |= pe_graph_updated_then;
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "implies right: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("implies right: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if ((type & pe_order_restart) && then->rsc) {
         enum pe_action_flags restart = (pe_action_optional | pe_action_runnable);
         processed = TRUE;
         changed |=
             then->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags, restart, pe_order_restart);
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "restart: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("restart: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if (type & pe_order_implies_first) {
         processed = TRUE;
         if (first->rsc) {
             changed |=
                 first->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags,
                                                  pe_action_optional, pe_order_implies_first);
         } else if (is_set(flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
             if (update_action_flags(first, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear)) {
                 changed |= pe_graph_updated_first;
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "implies left: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("implies left: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if (type & pe_order_implies_first_master) {
         processed = TRUE;
         if (then->rsc) {
             changed |=
                 then->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags & pe_action_optional,
                                                 pe_action_optional, pe_order_implies_first_master);
         if (changed) {
                          "implies left when right rsc is Master role: %s then %s: changed",
                          first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("implies left when right rsc is Master role: %s then %s", first->uuid,
     if (type & pe_order_one_or_more) {
         processed = TRUE;
         if (then->rsc) {
             changed |=
                 then->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags,
                                                 pe_action_runnable, pe_order_one_or_more);
         } else if (is_set(flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
             if (update_action_flags(then, pe_action_runnable)) {
                 changed |= pe_graph_updated_then;
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "runnable_one_or_more: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid,
         } else {
             crm_trace("runnable_one_or_more: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if (type & pe_order_runnable_left) {
         processed = TRUE;
         if (then->rsc) {
             changed |=
                 then->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags,
                                                 pe_action_runnable, pe_order_runnable_left);
         } else if (is_set(flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
             if (update_action_flags(then, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear)) {
                 changed |= pe_graph_updated_then;
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "runnable: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("runnable: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if (type & pe_order_implies_first_migratable) {
         processed = TRUE;
         if (then->rsc) {
             changed |=
                 then->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags,
                                                 pe_action_optional, pe_order_implies_first_migratable);
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "optional: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("optional: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if (type & pe_order_pseudo_left) {
         processed = TRUE;
         if (then->rsc) {
             changed |=
                 then->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags,
                                                 pe_action_optional, pe_order_pseudo_left);
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "optional: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("optional: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if (type & pe_order_optional) {
         processed = TRUE;
         if (then->rsc) {
             changed |=
                 then->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags,
                                                 pe_action_runnable, pe_order_optional);
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "optional: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("optional: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if (type & pe_order_asymmetrical) {
         processed = TRUE;
         if (then->rsc) {
             changed |=
                 then->rsc->cmds->update_actions(first, then, node, flags,
                                                 pe_action_runnable, pe_order_asymmetrical);
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "asymmetrical: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("asymmetrical: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if ((first->flags & pe_action_runnable) && (type & pe_order_implies_then_printed)
         && (flags & pe_action_optional) == 0) {
         processed = TRUE;
         crm_trace("%s implies %s printed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         update_action_flags(then, pe_action_print_always);      /* dont care about changed */
     if ((type & pe_order_implies_first_printed) && (flags & pe_action_optional) == 0) {
         processed = TRUE;
         crm_trace("%s implies %s printed", then->uuid, first->uuid);
         update_action_flags(first, pe_action_print_always);     /* dont care about changed */
     if ((type & pe_order_implies_then
          || type & pe_order_implies_first
          || type & pe_order_restart)
         && first->rsc
         && safe_str_eq(first->task, RSC_STOP)
         && is_not_set(first->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
         && is_set(first->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)
         && is_not_set(first->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
         if (update_action_flags(then, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear)) {
             changed |= pe_graph_updated_then;
         if (changed) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "unmanaged left: %s then %s: changed", first->uuid, then->uuid);
         } else {
             crm_trace("unmanaged left: %s then %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if (processed == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("Constraint 0x%.6x not applicable", type);
     return changed;
 static void
 mark_start_blocked(resource_t *rsc)
     GListPtr gIter = rsc->actions;
     for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if (safe_str_neq(action->task, RSC_START)) {
         if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
             clear_bit(action->flags, pe_action_runnable);
 update_colo_start_chain(action_t *action)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     resource_t *rsc = NULL;
     if (is_not_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable) && safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_START)) {
         rsc = uber_parent(action->rsc);
     if (rsc == NULL || rsc->rsc_cons_lhs == NULL) {
     /* if rsc has children, all the children need to have start set to
      * unrunnable before we follow the colo chain for the parent. */
     for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *child = (resource_t *)gIter->data;
         action_t *start = find_first_action(child->actions, NULL, RSC_START, NULL);
         if (start == NULL || is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
     for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         rsc_colocation_t *colocate_with = (rsc_colocation_t *)gIter->data;
         if (colocate_with->score == INFINITY) {
 update_action(action_t * then)
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     enum pe_graph_flags changed = pe_graph_none;
     int last_flags = then->flags;
     crm_trace("Processing %s (%s %s %s)",
               is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional) ? "optional" : "required",
               is_set(then->flags, pe_action_runnable) ? "runnable" : "unrunnable",
                      pe_action_pseudo) ? "pseudo" : then->node ? then->node->details->uname : "");
     if (is_set(then->flags, pe_action_requires_any)) {
         clear_bit(then->flags, pe_action_runnable);
     for (lpc = then->actions_before; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         action_wrapper_t *other = (action_wrapper_t *) lpc->data;
         action_t *first = other->action;
         node_t *then_node = then->node;
         node_t *first_node = first->node;
         enum pe_action_flags then_flags = 0;
         enum pe_action_flags first_flags = 0;
         if (first->rsc && first->rsc->variant == pe_group && safe_str_eq(first->task, RSC_START)) {
             first_node = first->rsc->fns->location(first->rsc, NULL, FALSE);
             if (first_node) {
                 crm_trace("First: Found node %s for %s", first_node->details->uname, first->uuid);
         if (then->rsc && then->rsc->variant == pe_group && safe_str_eq(then->task, RSC_START)) {
             then_node = then->rsc->fns->location(then->rsc, NULL, FALSE);
             if (then_node) {
                 crm_trace("Then: Found node %s for %s", then_node->details->uname, then->uuid);
         clear_bit(changed, pe_graph_updated_first);
         if (first->rsc != then->rsc
             && first->rsc != NULL && then->rsc != NULL && first->rsc != then->rsc->parent) {
             first = rsc_expand_action(first);
         if (first != other->action) {
             crm_trace("Ordering %s afer %s instead of %s", then->uuid, first->uuid,
         first_flags = get_action_flags(first, then_node);
         then_flags = get_action_flags(then, first_node);
         crm_trace("Checking %s (%s %s %s) against %s (%s %s %s) filter=0x%.6x type=0x%.6x",
                   is_set(then_flags, pe_action_optional) ? "optional" : "required",
                   is_set(then_flags, pe_action_runnable) ? "runnable" : "unrunnable",
                          pe_action_pseudo) ? "pseudo" : then->node ? then->node->details->
                   uname : "", first->uuid, is_set(first_flags,
                                                   pe_action_optional) ? "optional" : "required",
                   is_set(first_flags, pe_action_runnable) ? "runnable" : "unrunnable",
                          pe_action_pseudo) ? "pseudo" : first->node ? first->node->details->
                   uname : "", first_flags, other->type);
         if (first == other->action) {
              * 'first' was not expanded (ie. from 'start' to 'running'), which could mean it:
              * - has no associated resource,
              * - was a primitive,
              * - was pre-expanded (ie. 'running' instead of 'start')
              * The third argument here to graph_update_action() is a node which is used under two conditions:
              * - Interleaving, in which case first->node and
              *   then->node are equal (and NULL)
              * - If 'then' is a clone, to limit the scope of the
              *   constraint to instances on the supplied node
             int otype = other->type;
             node_t *node = then->node;
             if(is_set(otype, pe_order_implies_then_on_node)) {
                 /* Normally we want the _whole_ 'then' clone to
                  * restart if 'first' is restarted, so then->node is
                  * needed.
                  * However for unfencing, we want to limit this to
                  * instances on the same node as 'first' (the
                  * unfencing operation), so first->node is supplied.
                  * Swap the node, from then on we can can treat it
                  * like any other 'pe_order_implies_then'
                 clear_bit(otype, pe_order_implies_then_on_node);
                 set_bit(otype, pe_order_implies_then);
                 node = first->node;
             clear_bit(first_flags, pe_action_pseudo);
             changed |= graph_update_action(first, then, node, first_flags, otype);
             /* 'first' was for a complex resource (clone, group, etc),
              * create a new dependancy if necessary
         } else if (order_actions(first, then, other->type)) {
             /* This was the first time 'first' and 'then' were associated,
              * start again to get the new actions_before list
             changed |= (pe_graph_updated_then | pe_graph_disable);
         if (changed & pe_graph_disable) {
             crm_trace("Disabled constraint %s -> %s", other->action->uuid, then->uuid);
             clear_bit(changed, pe_graph_disable);
             other->type = pe_order_none;
         if (changed & pe_graph_updated_first) {
             GListPtr lpc2 = NULL;
             crm_trace("Updated %s (first %s %s %s), processing dependants ",
                       is_set(first->flags, pe_action_optional) ? "optional" : "required",
                       is_set(first->flags, pe_action_runnable) ? "runnable" : "unrunnable",
                              pe_action_pseudo) ? "pseudo" : first->node ? first->node->details->
                       uname : "");
             for (lpc2 = first->actions_after; lpc2 != NULL; lpc2 = lpc2->next) {
                 action_wrapper_t *other = (action_wrapper_t *) lpc2->data;
     if (is_set(then->flags, pe_action_requires_any)) {
         if (last_flags != then->flags) {
             changed |= pe_graph_updated_then;
         } else {
             clear_bit(changed, pe_graph_updated_then);
     if (changed & pe_graph_updated_then) {
         crm_trace("Updated %s (then %s %s %s), processing dependants ",
                   is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional) ? "optional" : "required",
                   is_set(then->flags, pe_action_runnable) ? "runnable" : "unrunnable",
                          pe_action_pseudo) ? "pseudo" : then->node ? then->node->details->
                   uname : "");
         if (is_set(last_flags, pe_action_runnable) && is_not_set(then->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
         for (lpc = then->actions_after; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             action_wrapper_t *other = (action_wrapper_t *) lpc->data;
     return FALSE;
 shutdown_constraints(node_t * node, action_t * shutdown_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     /* add the stop to the before lists so it counts as a pre-req
      * for the shutdown
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     for (lpc = data_set->actions; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) lpc->data;
         if (action->rsc == NULL || action->node == NULL) {
         } else if (action->node->details != node->details) {
         } else if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance)) {
             pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Skipping %s: maintainence mode", action->uuid);
         } else if (node->details->maintenance) {
             pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Skipping %s: node %s is in maintenance mode",
                          action->uuid, node->details->uname);
         } else if (safe_str_neq(action->task, RSC_STOP)) {
         } else if (is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
                    && is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) {
              * If another action depends on this one, we may still end up blocking
             pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Skipping %s: unmanaged", action->uuid);
         pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Ordering %s before shutdown on %s", action->uuid,
         pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
         custom_action_order(action->rsc, NULL, action,
                             NULL, strdup(CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN), shutdown_op,
                             pe_order_optional | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
     return TRUE;
 stonith_constraints(node_t * node, action_t * stonith_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     CRM_CHECK(stonith_op != NULL, return FALSE);
      * Make sure the stonith OP occurs before we start any shared resources
     if (stonith_op != NULL) {
         GListPtr lpc = NULL;
         for (lpc = data_set->resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
             rsc_stonith_ordering(rsc, stonith_op, data_set);
     /* add the stonith OP as a stop pre-req and the mark the stop
      * as a pseudo op - since its now redundant
     return TRUE;
 static node_t *
 get_router_node(action_t *action)
     node_t *began_on = NULL;
     node_t *ended_on = NULL;
     node_t *router_node = NULL;
     if (is_remote_node(action->node) == FALSE) {
         return NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(action->node->details->remote_rsc != NULL);
     if (action->node->details->remote_rsc->running_on) {
         began_on = action->node->details->remote_rsc->running_on->data;
     ended_on = action->node->details->remote_rsc->allocated_to;
     /* if there is only one location to choose from,
      * this is easy. Check for those conditions first */
     if (!began_on || !ended_on) {
         /* remote rsc is either shutting down or starting up */
         return began_on ? began_on : ended_on;
     } else if (began_on->details == ended_on->details) {
         /* remote rsc didn't move nodes. */
         return began_on;
     /* If we have get here, we know the remote resource
      * began on one node and is moving to another node.
      * This means some actions will get routed through the cluster
      * node the connection rsc began on, and others are routed through
      * the cluster node the connection rsc ends up on.
      * 1. stop, demote, migrate actions of resources living in the remote
      *    node _MUST_ occur _BEFORE_ the connection can move (these actions
      *    are all required before the remote rsc stop action can occur.) In
      *    this case, we know these actions have to be routed through the initial
      *    cluster node the connection resource lived on before the move takes place.
      * 2. Everything else (start, promote, monitor, probe, refresh, clear failcount
      *    delete ....) must occur after the resource starts on the node it is
      *    moving to.
     /* 1. before connection rsc moves. */
     if (safe_str_eq(action->task, "stop") ||
         safe_str_eq(action->task, "demote") ||
         safe_str_eq(action->task, "migrate_from") ||
         safe_str_eq(action->task, "migrate_to")) {
         router_node = began_on;
     /* 2. after connection rsc moves. */
     } else {
         router_node = ended_on;
     return router_node;
 static xmlNode *
 action2xml(action_t * action, gboolean as_input, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
     gboolean needs_node_info = TRUE;
     xmlNode *action_xml = NULL;
     xmlNode *args_xml = NULL;
     char *action_id_s = NULL;
     if (action == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) {
         action_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_GRAPH_TAG_CRM_EVENT);
 /* 		needs_node_info = FALSE; */
     } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN)) {
         action_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_GRAPH_TAG_CRM_EVENT);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT)) {
         action_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_GRAPH_TAG_CRM_EVENT);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) {
         action_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_GRAPH_TAG_CRM_EVENT);
 /* 	} else if(safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_PROBED)) { */
 /* 		action_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_GRAPH_TAG_CRM_EVENT); */
     } else if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) {
         action_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_GRAPH_TAG_PSEUDO_EVENT);
         needs_node_info = FALSE;
     } else {
         action_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_GRAPH_TAG_RSC_OP);
     action_id_s = crm_itoa(action->id);
     crm_xml_add(action_xml, XML_ATTR_ID, action_id_s);
     crm_xml_add(action_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK, action->task);
     if (action->rsc != NULL && action->rsc->clone_name != NULL) {
         char *clone_key = NULL;
         const char *interval_s = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
         int interval = crm_parse_int(interval_s, "0");
         if (safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_NOTIFY)) {
             const char *n_type = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "notify_type");
             const char *n_task = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "notify_operation");
             CRM_CHECK(n_type != NULL, crm_err("No notify type value found for %s", action->uuid));
             CRM_CHECK(n_task != NULL,
                       crm_err("No notify operation value found for %s", action->uuid));
             clone_key = generate_notify_key(action->rsc->clone_name, n_type, n_task);
         } else if(action->cancel_task) {
             clone_key = generate_op_key(action->rsc->clone_name, action->cancel_task, interval);
         } else {
             clone_key = generate_op_key(action->rsc->clone_name, action->task, interval);
         CRM_CHECK(clone_key != NULL, crm_err("Could not generate a key for %s", action->uuid));
         crm_xml_add(action_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY, clone_key);
         crm_xml_add(action_xml, "internal_" XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY, action->uuid);
     } else {
         crm_xml_add(action_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY, action->uuid);
     if (needs_node_info && action->node != NULL) {
         node_t *router_node = get_router_node(action);
         crm_xml_add(action_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET, action->node->details->uname);
         crm_xml_add(action_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID, action->node->details->id);
         if (router_node) {
             crm_xml_add(action_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE, router_node->details->uname);
     if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_failure_is_fatal) == FALSE) {
         add_hash_param(action->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_ALLOWFAIL, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
     if (as_input) {
         return action_xml;
     if (action->rsc) {
         if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo) == FALSE) {
             int lpc = 0;
             xmlNode *rsc_xml = create_xml_node(action_xml, crm_element_name(action->rsc->xml));
             const char *attr_list[] = {
             if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan) && action->rsc->clone_name) {
                 /* Do not use the 'instance free' name here as that
                  * might interfere with the instance we plan to keep.
                  * Ie. if there are more than two named /anonymous/
                  * instances on a given node, we need to make sure the
                  * command goes to the right one.
                  * Keep this block, even when everyone is using
                  * 'instance free' anonymous clone names - it means
                  * we'll do the right thing if anyone toggles the
                  * unique flag to 'off'
                 crm_debug("Using orphan clone name %s instead of %s", action->rsc->id,
                 crm_xml_add(rsc_xml, XML_ATTR_ID, action->rsc->clone_name);
                 crm_xml_add(rsc_xml, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG, action->rsc->id);
             } else if (is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
                 const char *xml_id = ID(action->rsc->xml);
                 crm_debug("Using anonymous clone name %s for %s (aka. %s)", xml_id, action->rsc->id,
                 /* ID is what we'd like client to use
                  * ID_LONG is what they might know it as instead
                  * ID_LONG is only strictly needed /here/ during the
                  * transition period until all nodes in the cluster
                  * are running the new software /and/ have rebooted
                  * once (meaning that they've only ever spoken to a DC
                  * supporting this feature).
                  * If anyone toggles the unique flag to 'on', the
                  * 'instance free' name will correspond to an orphan
                  * and fall into the claus above instead
                 crm_xml_add(rsc_xml, XML_ATTR_ID, xml_id);
                 if (action->rsc->clone_name && safe_str_neq(xml_id, action->rsc->clone_name)) {
                     crm_xml_add(rsc_xml, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG, action->rsc->clone_name);
                 } else {
                     crm_xml_add(rsc_xml, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG, action->rsc->id);
             } else {
                 CRM_ASSERT(action->rsc->clone_name == NULL);
                 crm_xml_add(rsc_xml, XML_ATTR_ID, action->rsc->id);
             for (lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(attr_list); lpc++) {
                 crm_xml_add(rsc_xml, attr_list[lpc],
                             g_hash_table_lookup(action->rsc->meta, attr_list[lpc]));
     args_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_ATTRS);
     crm_xml_add(args_xml, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, CRM_FEATURE_SET);
     g_hash_table_foreach(action->extra, hash2field, args_xml);
     if (action->rsc != NULL && action->node) {
         GHashTable *p = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
         get_rsc_attributes(p, action->rsc, action->node, data_set);
         g_hash_table_foreach(p, hash2smartfield, args_xml);
-    } else if(action->rsc) {
+    } else if(action->rsc && action->rsc->variant <= pe_native) {
         g_hash_table_foreach(action->rsc->parameters, hash2smartfield, args_xml);
     g_hash_table_foreach(action->meta, hash2metafield, args_xml);
     if (action->rsc != NULL) {
         int isolated = 0;
         resource_t *parent = action->rsc;
         while (parent != NULL) {
             isolated |= parent->isolation_wrapper ? 1 : 0;
             parent->cmds->append_meta(parent, args_xml);
             parent = parent->parent;
         if (isolated && action->node) {
             char *nodeattr = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_ISOLATION_HOST);
             crm_xml_add(args_xml, nodeattr, action->node->details->uname);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_FENCE) && action->node) {
         g_hash_table_foreach(action->node->details->attrs, hash2metafield, args_xml);
     sorted_xml(args_xml, action_xml, FALSE);
     crm_log_xml_trace(action_xml, "dumped action");
     return action_xml;
 static gboolean
 should_dump_action(action_t * action)
     CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_dumped)) {
         crm_trace("action %d (%s) was already dumped", action->id, action->uuid);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo) && safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_PROBED)) {
         GListPtr lpc = NULL;
         /* This is a horrible but convenient hack
          * It mimimizes the number of actions with unsatisfied inputs
          * (ie. not included in the graph)
          * This in turn, means we can be more concise when printing
          * aborted/incomplete graphs.
          * It also makes it obvious which node is preventing
          * probe_complete from running (presumably because it is only
          * partially up)
          * For these reasons we tolerate such perversions
         for (lpc = action->actions_after; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             action_wrapper_t *wrapper = (action_wrapper_t *) lpc->data;
             if (is_not_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
                 /* Only interested in runnable operations */
             } else if (safe_str_neq(wrapper->action->task, RSC_START)) {
                 /* Only interested in start operations */
             } else if (is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_dumped)) {
                 crm_trace("action %d (%s) dependancy of %s",
                           action->id, action->uuid, wrapper->action->uuid);
                 return TRUE;
             } else if (should_dump_action(wrapper->action)) {
                 crm_trace("action %d (%s) dependancy of %s",
                           action->id, action->uuid, wrapper->action->uuid);
                 return TRUE;
     if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("action %d (%s) was not runnable", action->id, action->uuid);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional)
                && is_set(action->flags, pe_action_print_always) == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("action %d (%s) was optional", action->id, action->uuid);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (action->rsc != NULL && is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
         const char *interval = NULL;
         interval = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
         /* make sure probes and recurring monitors go through */
         if (safe_str_neq(action->task, RSC_STATUS) && interval == NULL) {
             crm_trace("action %d (%s) was for an unmanaged resource (%s)",
                       action->id, action->uuid, action->rsc->id);
             return FALSE;
     if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)
         || safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_FENCE)
         || safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN)) {
         /* skip the next checks */
         return TRUE;
     if (action->node == NULL) {
         pe_err("action %d (%s) was not allocated", action->id, action->uuid);
         log_action(LOG_DEBUG, "Unallocated action", action, FALSE);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (action->node->details->online == FALSE) {
         pe_err("action %d was (%s) scheduled for offline node", action->id, action->uuid);
         log_action(LOG_DEBUG, "Action for offline node", action, FALSE);
         return FALSE;
 #if 0
         /* but this would also affect resources that can be safely
          *  migrated before a fencing op
     } else if (action->node->details->unclean == FALSE) {
         pe_err("action %d was (%s) scheduled for unclean node", action->id, action->uuid);
         log_action(LOG_DEBUG, "Action for unclean node", action, FALSE);
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 /* lowest to highest */
 static gint
 sort_action_id(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
     const action_wrapper_t *action_wrapper2 = (const action_wrapper_t *)a;
     const action_wrapper_t *action_wrapper1 = (const action_wrapper_t *)b;
     if (a == NULL) {
         return 1;
     if (b == NULL) {
         return -1;
     if (action_wrapper1->action->id > action_wrapper2->action->id) {
         return -1;
     if (action_wrapper1->action->id < action_wrapper2->action->id) {
         return 1;
     return 0;
 static gboolean
 should_dump_input(int last_action, action_t * action, action_wrapper_t * wrapper)
     int type = wrapper->type;
     type &= ~pe_order_implies_first_printed;
     type &= ~pe_order_implies_then_printed;
     type &= ~pe_order_optional;
     if (wrapper->action->node
         && action->rsc && action->rsc->fillers
         && is_not_set(type, pe_order_preserve)
         && wrapper->action->node->details->remote_rsc
         && uber_parent(action->rsc) != uber_parent(wrapper->action->rsc)
         ) {
         /* This prevents user-defined ordering constraints between
          * resources in remote nodes and the resources that
          * define/represent a remote node.
          * There is no known valid reason to allow this sort of thing
          * but if one arises, we'd need to change the
          * action->rsc->fillers clause to be more specific, possibly
          * to check that it contained wrapper->action->rsc
         crm_warn("Invalid ordering constraint between %s and %s",
                  wrapper->action->rsc->id, action->rsc->id);
         wrapper->type = pe_order_none;
         return FALSE;
     wrapper->state = pe_link_not_dumped;
     if (last_action == wrapper->action->id) {
         crm_trace("Input (%d) %s duplicated for %s",
                   wrapper->action->id, wrapper->action->uuid, action->uuid);
         wrapper->state = pe_link_dup;
         return FALSE;
     } else if (wrapper->type == pe_order_none) {
         crm_trace("Input (%d) %s suppressed for %s",
                   wrapper->action->id, wrapper->action->uuid, action->uuid);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE
                && type == pe_order_none && safe_str_neq(wrapper->action->uuid, CRM_OP_PROBED)) {
         crm_trace("Input (%d) %s optional (ordering) for %s",
                   wrapper->action->id, wrapper->action->uuid, action->uuid);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)
                && (wrapper->type & pe_order_stonith_stop)) {
         crm_trace("Input (%d) %s suppressed for %s",
                   wrapper->action->id, wrapper->action->uuid, action->uuid);
         return FALSE;
     } else if ((wrapper->type & pe_order_implies_first_migratable) && (is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE)) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if ((wrapper->type & pe_order_apply_first_non_migratable)
                 && (is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable))) {
         return FALSE;
     } else if ((wrapper->type == pe_order_optional)
                && strstr(wrapper->action->uuid, "_stop_0")
                && is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)) {
         /* for optional only ordering, ordering is not preserved for
          * a stop action that is actually involved with a migration. */
         return FALSE;
     } else if (wrapper->type == pe_order_load) {
         crm_trace("check load filter %s.%s -> %s.%s",
                   wrapper->action->node ? wrapper->action->node->details->uname : "", action->uuid,
                   action->node ? action->node->details->uname : "");
         if (action->rsc && safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_MIGRATE)) {
             /* Remove the orders like the following if not needed or introducing transition loop:
              *     "load_stopped_node2" -> "rscA_migrate_to node1"
              * which were created also from: pengine/native.c: MigrateRsc()
              *     order_actions(other, then, other_w->type);
             /* For migrate_to ops, we care about where it has been
              * allocated to, not where the action will be executed
             if (wrapper->action->node == NULL || action->rsc->allocated_to == NULL
                 || wrapper->action->node->details != action->rsc->allocated_to->details) {
                 /* Check if the actions are for the same node, ignore otherwise */
                 crm_trace("load filter - migrate");
                 wrapper->type = pe_order_none;
                 return FALSE;
             } else {
                 GListPtr lpc = NULL;
                 for (lpc = wrapper->action->actions_before; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
                     action_wrapper_t *wrapper_before = (action_wrapper_t *) lpc->data;
                     /* If there's any order like:
                      * "rscB_stop node2"-> "load_stopped_node2" -> "rscA_migrate_to node1"
                      * rscA is being migrated from node1 to node2,
                      * while rscB is being migrated from node2 to node1.
                      * There will be potential transition loop.
                      * Break the order "load_stopped_node2" -> "rscA_migrate_to node1".
                     if (wrapper_before->type != pe_order_load
                         || is_set(wrapper_before->action->flags, pe_action_optional)
                         || is_not_set(wrapper_before->action->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)
                         || wrapper_before->action->node == NULL
                         || wrapper->action->node == NULL
                         || wrapper_before->action->node->details != wrapper->action->node->details) {
                     if (wrapper_before->action->rsc
                         && wrapper_before->action->rsc->allocated_to
                         && action->node
                         && wrapper_before->action->rsc->allocated_to->details == action->node->details) {
                         crm_trace("load filter - migrate loop");
                         wrapper->type = pe_order_none;
                         return FALSE;
         } else if (wrapper->action->node == NULL || action->node == NULL
                    || wrapper->action->node->details != action->node->details) {
             /* Check if the actions are for the same node, ignore otherwise */
             crm_trace("load filter - node");
             wrapper->type = pe_order_none;
             return FALSE;
         } else if (is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
             /* Check if the pre-req is optional, ignore if so */
             crm_trace("load filter - optional");
             wrapper->type = pe_order_none;
             return FALSE;
     } else if (wrapper->type == pe_order_anti_colocation) {
         crm_trace("check anti-colocation filter %s.%s -> %s.%s",
                   wrapper->action->node ? wrapper->action->node->details->uname : "",
                   action->node ? action->node->details->uname : "");
         if (wrapper->action->node && action->node
             && wrapper->action->node->details != action->node->details) {
             /* Check if the actions are for the same node, ignore otherwise */
             crm_trace("anti-colocation filter - node");
             wrapper->type = pe_order_none;
             return FALSE;
         } else if (is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
             /* Check if the pre-req is optional, ignore if so */
             crm_trace("anti-colocation filter - optional");
             wrapper->type = pe_order_none;
             return FALSE;
     } else if (wrapper->action->rsc
                && wrapper->action->rsc != action->rsc
                && is_set(wrapper->action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)
                && is_not_set(wrapper->action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
                && strstr(wrapper->action->uuid, "_stop_0")
                && action->rsc && action->rsc->variant >= pe_clone) {
         crm_warn("Ignoring requirement that %s complete before %s:"
                  " unmanaged failed resources cannot prevent clone shutdown",
                  wrapper->action->uuid, action->uuid);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_dumped)
                || should_dump_action(wrapper->action)) {
         crm_trace("Input (%d) %s should be dumped for %s", wrapper->action->id,
                   wrapper->action->uuid, action->uuid);
         goto dump;
 #if 0
     } else if (is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_runnable)
                && is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)
                && wrapper->action->rsc->variant != pe_native) {
         crm_crit("Input (%d) %s should be dumped for %s",
                  wrapper->action->id, wrapper->action->uuid, action->uuid);
         goto dump;
     } else if (is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_optional) == TRUE
                && is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_print_always) == FALSE) {
         crm_trace("Input (%d) %s optional for %s", wrapper->action->id,
                   wrapper->action->uuid, action->uuid);
         crm_trace("Input (%d) %s n=%p p=%d r=%d o=%d a=%d f=0x%.6x",
                   wrapper->action->id, wrapper->action->uuid, wrapper->action->node,
                   is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_pseudo),
                   is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_runnable),
                   is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_optional),
                   is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_print_always), wrapper->type);
         return FALSE;
     crm_trace("Input (%d) %s n=%p p=%d r=%d o=%d a=%d f=0x%.6x dumped for %s",
               is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_pseudo),
               is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_runnable),
               is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_optional),
               is_set(wrapper->action->flags, pe_action_print_always), wrapper->type, action->uuid);
     return TRUE;
 graph_element_from_action(action_t * action, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     int last_action = -1;
     int synapse_priority = 0;
     xmlNode *syn = NULL;
     xmlNode *set = NULL;
     xmlNode *in = NULL;
     xmlNode *input = NULL;
     xmlNode *xml_action = NULL;
     if (should_dump_action(action) == FALSE) {
     set_bit(action->flags, pe_action_dumped);
     syn = create_xml_node(data_set->graph, "synapse");
     set = create_xml_node(syn, "action_set");
     in = create_xml_node(syn, "inputs");
     crm_xml_add_int(syn, XML_ATTR_ID, data_set->num_synapse);
     if (action->rsc != NULL) {
         synapse_priority = action->rsc->priority;
     if (action->priority > synapse_priority) {
         synapse_priority = action->priority;
     if (synapse_priority > 0) {
         crm_xml_add_int(syn, XML_CIB_ATTR_PRIORITY, synapse_priority);
     xml_action = action2xml(action, FALSE, data_set);
     add_node_nocopy(set, crm_element_name(xml_action), xml_action);
     action->actions_before = g_list_sort(action->actions_before, sort_action_id);
     for (lpc = action->actions_before; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         action_wrapper_t *wrapper = (action_wrapper_t *) lpc->data;
         if (should_dump_input(last_action, action, wrapper) == FALSE) {
         wrapper->state = pe_link_dumped;
         CRM_CHECK(last_action < wrapper->action->id,;
         last_action = wrapper->action->id;
         input = create_xml_node(in, "trigger");
         xml_action = action2xml(wrapper->action, TRUE, data_set);
         add_node_nocopy(input, crm_element_name(xml_action), xml_action);
diff --git a/pengine/native.c b/pengine/native.c
index 05c9d0f922..ef2387c12d 100644
--- a/pengine/native.c
+++ b/pengine/native.c
@@ -1,3366 +1,3370 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <pengine.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/rules.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <allocate.h>
 #include <utils.h>
 #include <crm/services.h>
 /* #define DELETE_THEN_REFRESH 1  // The crmd will remove the resource from the CIB itself, making this redundant */
 #define INFINITY_HACK   (INFINITY * -100)
 #include <lib/pengine/variant.h>
 gboolean update_action(action_t * then);
 void native_rsc_colocation_rh_must(resource_t * rsc_lh, gboolean update_lh,
                                    resource_t * rsc_rh, gboolean update_rh);
 void native_rsc_colocation_rh_mustnot(resource_t * rsc_lh, gboolean update_lh,
                                       resource_t * rsc_rh, gboolean update_rh);
 void Recurring(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 void RecurringOp(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node,
                  xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 void Recurring_Stopped(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node,
                        pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 void RecurringOp_Stopped(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node,
                          xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 void pe_post_notify(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, action_t * op,
                     notify_data_t * n_data, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 gboolean DeleteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 gboolean StopRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 gboolean StartRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 gboolean DemoteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 gboolean PromoteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional,
                     pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 gboolean RoleError(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 gboolean NullOp(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
 enum rsc_role_e rsc_state_matrix[RSC_ROLE_MAX][RSC_ROLE_MAX] = {
 /* Current State */
 /*       Next State:    Unknown 	  Stopped	     Started	        Slave	          Master */
 gboolean (*rsc_action_matrix[RSC_ROLE_MAX][RSC_ROLE_MAX])(resource_t*,node_t*,gboolean,pe_working_set_t*) = {
 /* Current State */
 /*       Next State:       Unknown	Stopped		Started		Slave		Master */
     /* Unknown */	{ RoleError,	StopRsc,	RoleError,	RoleError,	RoleError,  },
     /* Stopped */	{ RoleError,	NullOp,		StartRsc,	StartRsc,	RoleError,  },
     /* Started */	{ RoleError,	StopRsc,	NullOp,		NullOp,		PromoteRsc, },
     /* Slave */	        { RoleError,	StopRsc,	StopRsc, 	NullOp,		PromoteRsc, },
     /* Master */	{ RoleError,	DemoteRsc,	DemoteRsc,	DemoteRsc,	NullOp,     },
 /* *INDENT-ON* */
 struct capacity_data {
     node_t *node;
     resource_t *rsc;
     gboolean is_enough;
 static action_t * get_first_named_action(resource_t * rsc, const char *action, gboolean only_valid, node_t * current);
 static void
 check_capacity(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
     int required = 0;
     int remaining = 0;
     struct capacity_data *data = user_data;
     required = crm_parse_int(value, "0");
     remaining = crm_parse_int(g_hash_table_lookup(data->node->details->utilization, key), "0");
     if (required > remaining) {
                      "Node %s has no enough %s for resource %s: required=%d remaining=%d",
                      data->node->details->uname, (char *)key, data->rsc->id, required, remaining);
         data->is_enough = FALSE;
 static gboolean
 have_enough_capacity(node_t * node, resource_t * rsc)
     struct capacity_data data;
     data.node = node;
     data.rsc = rsc;
     data.is_enough = TRUE;
     g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->utilization, check_capacity, &data);
     return data.is_enough;
 static gboolean
 native_choose_node(resource_t * rsc, node_t * prefer, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
        1. Sort by weight
        2. color.chosen_node = the node (of those with the highest wieght)
        with the fewest resources
        3. remove color.chosen_node from all other colors
     int alloc_details = scores_log_level + 1;
     GListPtr nodes = NULL;
     node_t *chosen = NULL;
     int lpc = 0;
     int multiple = 0;
     int length = 0;
     gboolean result = FALSE;
     if (safe_str_neq(data_set->placement_strategy, "default")) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
             if (have_enough_capacity(node, rsc) == FALSE) {
                              "Resource %s cannot be allocated to node %s: none of enough capacity",
                              rsc->id, node->details->uname);
                 resource_location(rsc, node, -INFINITY, "__limit_utilization_", data_set);
         dump_node_scores(alloc_details, rsc, "Post-utilization", rsc->allowed_nodes);
     length = g_hash_table_size(rsc->allowed_nodes);
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) {
         return rsc->allocated_to ? TRUE : FALSE;
     if (prefer) {
         chosen = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, prefer->details->id);
         if (chosen && chosen->weight >= 0 && can_run_resources(chosen)) {
                          "Using preferred node %s for %s instead of choosing from %d candidates",
                          chosen->details->uname, rsc->id, length);
         } else if (chosen && chosen->weight < 0) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Preferred node %s for %s was unavailable", chosen->details->uname,
             chosen = NULL;
         } else if (chosen && can_run_resources(chosen)) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Preferred node %s for %s was unsuitable", chosen->details->uname,
             chosen = NULL;
         } else {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Preferred node %s for %s was unknown", prefer->details->uname,
     if (chosen == NULL && rsc->allowed_nodes) {
         nodes = g_hash_table_get_values(rsc->allowed_nodes);
         nodes = g_list_sort_with_data(nodes, sort_node_weight, g_list_nth_data(rsc->running_on, 0));
         chosen = g_list_nth_data(nodes, 0);
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Chose node %s for %s from %d candidates",
                      chosen ? chosen->details->uname : "<none>", rsc->id, length);
         if (chosen && chosen->weight > 0 && can_run_resources(chosen)) {
             node_t *running = g_list_nth_data(rsc->running_on, 0);
             if (running && can_run_resources(running) == FALSE) {
                 pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Current node for %s (%s) can't run resources",
                              rsc->id, running->details->uname);
                 running = NULL;
             for (lpc = 1; lpc < length && running; lpc++) {
                 node_t *tmp = g_list_nth_data(nodes, lpc);
                 if (tmp->weight == chosen->weight) {
                     if (tmp->details == running->details) {
                         /* prefer the existing node if scores are equal */
                         chosen = tmp;
     if (multiple > 1) {
         int log_level = LOG_INFO;
         static char score[33];
         score2char_stack(chosen->weight, score, sizeof(score));
         if (chosen->weight >= INFINITY) {
             log_level = LOG_WARNING;
         do_crm_log(log_level, "%d nodes with equal score (%s) for"
                    " running %s resources.  Chose %s.",
                    multiple, score, rsc->id, chosen->details->uname);
     result = native_assign_node(rsc, nodes, chosen, FALSE);
     return result;
 static int
 node_list_attr_score(GHashTable * list, const char *attr, const char *value)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     node_t *node = NULL;
     int best_score = -INFINITY;
     const char *best_node = NULL;
     if (attr == NULL) {
         attr = "#" XML_ATTR_UNAME;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, list);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
         int weight = node->weight;
         if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE) {
             weight = -INFINITY;
         if (weight > best_score || best_node == NULL) {
             const char *tmp = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, attr);
             if (safe_str_eq(value, tmp)) {
                 best_score = weight;
                 best_node = node->details->uname;
     if (safe_str_neq(attr, "#" XML_ATTR_UNAME)) {
         crm_info("Best score for %s=%s was %s with %d",
                  attr, value, best_node ? best_node : "<none>", best_score);
     return best_score;
 static void
 node_hash_update(GHashTable * list1, GHashTable * list2, const char *attr, float factor,
                  gboolean only_positive)
     int score = 0;
     int new_score = 0;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     node_t *node = NULL;
     if (attr == NULL) {
         attr = "#" XML_ATTR_UNAME;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, list1);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(node != NULL);
         if(node == NULL) { continue; };
         score = node_list_attr_score(list2, attr, g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, attr));
         new_score = merge_weights(factor * score, node->weight);
         if (factor < 0 && score < 0) {
             /* Negative preference for a node with a negative score
              * should not become a positive preference
              * TODO - Decide if we want to filter only if weight == -INFINITY
             crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f*%d (factor * score)",
                       node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score);
         } else if (node->weight == INFINITY_HACK) {
             crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f*%d (node < 0)",
                       node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score);
         } else if (only_positive && new_score < 0 && node->weight > 0) {
             node->weight = INFINITY_HACK;
             crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f*%d (score > 0)",
                       node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score);
         } else if (only_positive && new_score < 0 && node->weight == 0) {
             crm_trace("%s: Filtering %d + %f*%d (score == 0)",
                       node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score);
         } else {
             crm_trace("%s: %d + %f*%d", node->details->uname, node->weight, factor, score);
             node->weight = new_score;
 GHashTable *
 node_hash_dup(GHashTable * hash)
     /* Hack! */
     GListPtr list = g_hash_table_get_values(hash);
     GHashTable *result = node_hash_from_list(list);
     return result;
 GHashTable *
 native_merge_weights(resource_t * rsc, const char *rhs, GHashTable * nodes, const char *attr,
                      float factor, enum pe_weights flags)
     return rsc_merge_weights(rsc, rhs, nodes, attr, factor, flags);
 GHashTable *
 rsc_merge_weights(resource_t * rsc, const char *rhs, GHashTable * nodes, const char *attr,
                   float factor, enum pe_weights flags)
     GHashTable *work = NULL;
     int multiplier = 1;
     if (factor < 0) {
         multiplier = -1;
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging)) {
         pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Breaking dependency loop at %s", rhs, rsc->id);
         return nodes;
     set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging);
     if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_init)) {
         if (rsc->variant == pe_group && rsc->children) {
             GListPtr last = rsc->children;
             while (last->next != NULL) {
                 last = last->next;
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Merging %s as a group %p %p", rsc->id, rsc->children, last);
             work = rsc_merge_weights(last->data, rhs, NULL, attr, factor, flags);
         } else {
             work = node_hash_dup(rsc->allowed_nodes);
         clear_bit(flags, pe_weights_init);
     } else if (rsc->variant == pe_group && rsc->children) {
         GListPtr iter = rsc->children;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Combining scores from %d children of %s", rhs, g_list_length(iter), rsc->id);
         work = node_hash_dup(nodes);
         for(iter = rsc->children; iter->next != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
             work = rsc_merge_weights(iter->data, rhs, work, attr, factor, flags);
     } else {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Combining scores from %s", rhs, rsc->id);
         work = node_hash_dup(nodes);
         node_hash_update(work, rsc->allowed_nodes, attr, factor,
                          is_set(flags, pe_weights_positive));
     if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_rollback) && can_run_any(work) == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Rolling back scores from %s", rhs, rsc->id);
         clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging);
         return nodes;
     if (can_run_any(work)) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_forward)) {
             gIter = rsc->rsc_cons;
             crm_trace("Checking %d additional colocation constraints", g_list_length(gIter));
         } else if(rsc->variant == pe_group && rsc->children) {
             GListPtr last = rsc->children;
             while (last->next != NULL) {
                 last = last->next;
             gIter = ((resource_t*)last->data)->rsc_cons_lhs;
             crm_trace("Checking %d additional optional group colocation constraints from %s",
                       g_list_length(gIter), ((resource_t*)last->data)->id);
         } else {
             gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs;
             crm_trace("Checking %d additional optional colocation constraints %s", g_list_length(gIter), rsc->id);
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *other = NULL;
             rsc_colocation_t *constraint = (rsc_colocation_t *) gIter->data;
             if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_forward)) {
                 other = constraint->rsc_rh;
             } else {
                 other = constraint->rsc_lh;
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Applying %s (%s)", constraint->id, other->id);
             work = rsc_merge_weights(other, rhs, work, constraint->node_attribute,
                                      multiplier * (float)constraint->score / INFINITY, flags|pe_weights_rollback);
             dump_node_scores(LOG_TRACE, NULL, rhs, work);
     if (is_set(flags, pe_weights_positive)) {
         node_t *node = NULL;
         GHashTableIter iter;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, work);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
             if (node->weight == INFINITY_HACK) {
                 node->weight = 1;
     if (nodes) {
     clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging);
     return work;
 node_t *
 native_color(resource_t * rsc, node_t * prefer, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     int alloc_details = scores_log_level + 1;
     if (rsc->parent && is_not_set(rsc->parent->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) {
         /* never allocate children on their own */
         pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Escalating allocation of %s to its parent: %s", rsc->id,
         rsc->parent->cmds->allocate(rsc->parent, prefer, data_set);
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) {
         return rsc->allocated_to;
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) {
         pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Dependency loop detected involving %s", rsc->id);
         return NULL;
     set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating);
     print_resource(alloc_details, "Allocating: ", rsc, FALSE);
     dump_node_scores(alloc_details, rsc, "Pre-allloc", rsc->allowed_nodes);
     for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         rsc_colocation_t *constraint = (rsc_colocation_t *) gIter->data;
         GHashTable *archive = NULL;
         resource_t *rsc_rh = constraint->rsc_rh;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Pre-Processing %s (%s, %d, %s)",
                      rsc->id, constraint->id, rsc_rh->id,
                      constraint->score, role2text(constraint->role_lh));
         if (constraint->role_lh >= RSC_ROLE_MASTER
             || (constraint->score < 0 && constraint->score > -INFINITY)) {
             archive = node_hash_dup(rsc->allowed_nodes);
         rsc_rh->cmds->allocate(rsc_rh, NULL, data_set);
         rsc->cmds->rsc_colocation_lh(rsc, rsc_rh, constraint);
         if (archive && can_run_any(rsc->allowed_nodes) == FALSE) {
             pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Rolling back scores from %s", rsc->id, rsc_rh->id);
             rsc->allowed_nodes = archive;
             archive = NULL;
         if (archive) {
     dump_node_scores(alloc_details, rsc, "Post-coloc", rsc->allowed_nodes);
     for (gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         rsc_colocation_t *constraint = (rsc_colocation_t *) gIter->data;
         rsc->allowed_nodes =
             constraint->rsc_lh->cmds->merge_weights(constraint->rsc_lh, rsc->id, rsc->allowed_nodes,
                                                     (float)constraint->score / INFINITY,
     print_resource(LOG_DEBUG_2, "Allocating: ", rsc, FALSE);
     if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Making sure %s doesn't get allocated", rsc->id);
         /* make sure it doesnt come up again */
         resource_location(rsc, NULL, -INFINITY, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, data_set);
     } else if(rsc->next_role > rsc->role
               && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE
               && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_freeze) {
         crm_notice("Resource %s cannot be elevated from %s to %s: no-quorum-policy=freeze",
                    rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role));
         rsc->next_role = rsc->role;
     dump_node_scores(show_scores ? 0 : scores_log_level, rsc, __FUNCTION__,
     if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)
         && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource) == FALSE) {
         clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
         const char *reason = NULL;
         node_t *assign_to = NULL;
         rsc->next_role = rsc->role;
         if (rsc->running_on == NULL) {
             reason = "inactive";
         } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
             assign_to = rsc->running_on->data;
             reason = "master";
         } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
             assign_to = rsc->running_on->data;
             reason = "failed";
         } else {
             assign_to = rsc->running_on->data;
             reason = "active";
         pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Unmanaged resource %s allocated to %s: %s", rsc->id,
                     assign_to ? assign_to->details->uname : "'nowhere'", reason);
         native_assign_node(rsc, NULL, assign_to, TRUE);
     } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_everything)) {
         pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Forcing %s to stop", rsc->id);
         native_assign_node(rsc, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
     } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)
                && native_choose_node(rsc, prefer, data_set)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocated resource %s to %s", rsc->id,
     } else if (rsc->allocated_to == NULL) {
         if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
             pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Resource %s cannot run anywhere", rsc->id);
         } else if (rsc->running_on != NULL) {
             pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Stopping orphan resource %s", rsc->id);
     } else {
         pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Pre-Allocated resource %s to %s", rsc->id,
     clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating);
     print_resource(LOG_DEBUG_3, "Allocated ", rsc, TRUE);
     if (rsc->is_remote_node) {
         node_t *remote_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id);
         CRM_ASSERT(remote_node != NULL);
         if (rsc->allocated_to && rsc->next_role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
             crm_trace("Setting remote node %s to ONLINE", remote_node->details->id);
             remote_node->details->online = TRUE;
             /* We shouldn't consider an unseen remote-node unclean if we are going
              * to try and connect to it. Otherwise we get an unnecessary fence */
             if (remote_node->details->unseen == TRUE) {
                 remote_node->details->unclean = FALSE;
         } else {
             crm_trace("Setting remote node %s to SHUTDOWN.  next role = %s, allocated=%s",
                 remote_node->details->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), rsc->allocated_to ? "true" : "false");
             remote_node->details->shutdown = TRUE;
     return rsc->allocated_to;
 static gboolean
 is_op_dup(resource_t * rsc, const char *name, const char *interval)
     gboolean dup = FALSE;
     const char *id = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     xmlNode *operation = NULL;
     for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL;
          operation = __xml_next(operation)) {
         if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) {
             value = crm_element_value(operation, "name");
             if (safe_str_neq(value, name)) {
             value = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
             if (value == NULL) {
                 value = "0";
             if (safe_str_neq(value, interval)) {
             if (id == NULL) {
                 id = ID(operation);
             } else {
                 crm_config_err("Operation %s is a duplicate of %s", ID(operation), id);
                     ("Do not use the same (name, interval) combination more than once per resource");
                 dup = TRUE;
     return dup;
 RecurringOp(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node,
             xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     const char *name = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *interval = NULL;
     const char *node_uname = NULL;
     unsigned long long interval_ms = 0;
     action_t *mon = NULL;
     gboolean is_optional = TRUE;
     GListPtr possible_matches = NULL;
     /* Only process for the operations without role="Stopped" */
     value = crm_element_value(operation, "role");
     if (value && text2role(value) == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring action %s for %s in role %s on %s",
                  ID(operation), rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role),
                  node ? node->details->uname : "n/a");
     if (node != NULL) {
         node_uname = node->details->uname;
     interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
     interval_ms = crm_get_interval(interval);
     if (interval_ms == 0) {
     name = crm_element_value(operation, "name");
     if (is_op_dup(rsc, name, interval)) {
     if (safe_str_eq(name, RSC_STOP)
         || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_START)
         || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_DEMOTE)
         || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_PROMOTE)
         ) {
         crm_config_err("Invalid recurring action %s wth name: '%s'", ID(operation), name);
     key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, name, interval_ms);
     if (find_rsc_op_entry(rsc, key) == NULL) {
         /* disabled */
     if (start != NULL) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s %s due to %s",
                      key, is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional) ? "optional" : "manditory",
         is_optional = (rsc->cmds->action_flags(start, NULL) & pe_action_optional);
     } else {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s optional", key);
         is_optional = TRUE;
     /* start a monitor for an already active resource */
     possible_matches = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, node);
     if (possible_matches == NULL) {
         is_optional = FALSE;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s manditory: not active", key);
     } else {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         for (gIter = possible_matches; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             action_t *op = (action_t *) gIter->data;
             if (is_set(op->flags, pe_action_reschedule)) {
                 is_optional = FALSE;
     if ((rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER && value == NULL)
         || (value != NULL && text2role(value) != rsc->next_role)) {
         int log_level = LOG_DEBUG_2;
         const char *result = "Ignoring";
         if (is_optional) {
             char *local_key = strdup(key);
             log_level = LOG_INFO;
             result = "Cancelling";
             /* its running : cancel it */
             mon = custom_action(rsc, local_key, RSC_CANCEL, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
             mon->task = strdup(RSC_CANCEL);
             mon->cancel_task = strdup(name);
             add_hash_param(mon->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, interval);
             add_hash_param(mon->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK, name);
             local_key = NULL;
             switch (rsc->role) {
                 case RSC_ROLE_SLAVE:
                 case RSC_ROLE_STARTED:
                     if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
                         local_key = promote_key(rsc);
                     } else if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
                         local_key = stop_key(rsc);
                 case RSC_ROLE_MASTER:
                     local_key = demote_key(rsc);
             if (local_key) {
                 custom_action_order(rsc, NULL, mon, rsc, local_key, NULL,
                                     pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
             mon = NULL;
         do_crm_log(log_level, "%s action %s (%s vs. %s)",
                    result, key, value ? value : role2text(RSC_ROLE_SLAVE),
         key = NULL;
     mon = custom_action(rsc, key, name, node, is_optional, TRUE, data_set);
     key = mon->uuid;
     if (is_optional) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s\t   %s (optional)", crm_str(node_uname), mon->uuid);
     if (start == NULL || is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t   %s (cancelled : start un-runnable)", crm_str(node_uname),
         update_action_flags(mon, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
     } else if (node == NULL || node->details->online == FALSE || node->details->unclean) {
         pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t   %s (cancelled : no node available)", crm_str(node_uname),
         update_action_flags(mon, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
     } else if (is_set(mon->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_info(rsc, " Start recurring %s (%llus) for %s on %s", mon->task, interval_ms / 1000,
                     rsc->id, crm_str(node_uname));
     if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
         char *running_master = crm_itoa(PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER);
         add_hash_param(mon->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, running_master);
     if (node == NULL || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
         custom_action_order(rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL,
                             NULL, strdup(key), mon,
                             pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
         if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
             custom_action_order(rsc, promote_key(rsc), NULL,
                                 rsc, NULL, mon,
                                 pe_order_optional | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
         } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
             custom_action_order(rsc, demote_key(rsc), NULL,
                                 rsc, NULL, mon,
                                 pe_order_optional | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
 Recurring(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance) &&
         (node == NULL || node->details->maintenance == FALSE)) {
         xmlNode *operation = NULL;
         for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL;
              operation = __xml_next(operation)) {
             if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) {
                 RecurringOp(rsc, start, node, operation, data_set);
 RecurringOp_Stopped(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node,
                     xmlNode * operation, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     const char *name = NULL;
     const char *role = NULL;
     const char *interval = NULL;
     const char *node_uname = NULL;
     unsigned long long interval_ms = 0;
     GListPtr possible_matches = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     /* TODO: Support of non-unique clone */
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique) == FALSE) {
     /* Only process for the operations with role="Stopped" */
     role = crm_element_value(operation, "role");
     if (role == NULL || text2role(role) != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
                  "Creating recurring actions %s for %s in role %s on nodes where it'll not be running",
                  ID(operation), rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role));
     if (node != NULL) {
         node_uname = node->details->uname;
     interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
     interval_ms = crm_get_interval(interval);
     if (interval_ms == 0) {
     name = crm_element_value(operation, "name");
     if (is_op_dup(rsc, name, interval)) {
     if (safe_str_eq(name, RSC_STOP)
         || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_START)
         || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_DEMOTE)
         || safe_str_eq(name, RSC_PROMOTE)
         ) {
         crm_config_err("Invalid recurring action %s wth name: '%s'", ID(operation), name);
     key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, name, interval_ms);
     if (find_rsc_op_entry(rsc, key) == NULL) {
         /* disabled */
     /* if the monitor exists on the node where the resource will be running, cancel it */
     if (node != NULL) {
         possible_matches = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, node);
         if (possible_matches) {
             action_t *cancel_op = NULL;
             char *local_key = strdup(key);
             cancel_op = custom_action(rsc, local_key, RSC_CANCEL, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
             cancel_op->task = strdup(RSC_CANCEL);
             cancel_op->cancel_task = strdup(name);
             add_hash_param(cancel_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, interval);
             add_hash_param(cancel_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK, name);
             local_key = NULL;
             if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED || rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) {
                 /* rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED: cancel the monitor before start */
                 /* rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED: for a migration, cancel the monitor on the target node before start */
                 custom_action_order(rsc, NULL, cancel_op, rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL,
                                     pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
             pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Cancel action %s (%s vs. %s) on %s",
                         key, role, role2text(rsc->next_role), crm_str(node_uname));
     for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *stop_node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         const char *stop_node_uname = stop_node->details->uname;
         gboolean is_optional = TRUE;
         gboolean probe_is_optional = TRUE;
         gboolean stop_is_optional = TRUE;
         action_t *stopped_mon = NULL;
         char *rc_inactive = NULL;
         GListPtr probe_complete_ops = NULL;
         GListPtr stop_ops = NULL;
         GListPtr local_gIter = NULL;
         char *stop_op_key = NULL;
         if (node_uname && safe_str_eq(stop_node_uname, node_uname)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating recurring action %s for %s on %s",
                      ID(operation), rsc->id, crm_str(stop_node_uname));
         /* start a monitor for an already stopped resource */
         possible_matches = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, stop_node);
         if (possible_matches == NULL) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s manditory on %s: not active", key,
             is_optional = FALSE;
         } else {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s optional on %s: already active", key,
             is_optional = TRUE;
         stopped_mon = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), name, stop_node, is_optional, TRUE, data_set);
         rc_inactive = crm_itoa(PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING);
         add_hash_param(stopped_mon->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, rc_inactive);
         probe_complete_ops = find_actions(data_set->actions, CRM_OP_PROBED, NULL);
         for (local_gIter = probe_complete_ops; local_gIter != NULL; local_gIter = local_gIter->next) {
             action_t *probe_complete = (action_t *) local_gIter->data;
             if (probe_complete->node == NULL) {
                 if (is_set(probe_complete->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
                     probe_is_optional = FALSE;
                 if (is_set(probe_complete->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
                     crm_debug("%s\t   %s (cancelled : probe un-runnable)",
                               crm_str(stop_node_uname), stopped_mon->uuid);
                     update_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
                 if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
                     custom_action_order(NULL, NULL, probe_complete,
                                         NULL, strdup(key), stopped_mon,
                                         pe_order_optional, data_set);
         if (probe_complete_ops) {
         stop_op_key = stop_key(rsc);
         stop_ops = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, stop_op_key, stop_node);
         for (local_gIter = stop_ops; local_gIter != NULL; local_gIter = local_gIter->next) {
             action_t *stop = (action_t *) local_gIter->data;
             if (is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
                 stop_is_optional = FALSE;
             if (is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
                 crm_debug("%s\t   %s (cancelled : stop un-runnable)",
                           crm_str(stop_node_uname), stopped_mon->uuid);
                 update_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
             if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
                 custom_action_order(rsc, strdup(stop_op_key), stop,
                                     NULL, strdup(key), stopped_mon,
                                     pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
         if (stop_ops) {
         if (is_optional == FALSE && probe_is_optional && stop_is_optional
             && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) == FALSE) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking %s optional on %s due to unmanaged",
                          key, crm_str(stop_node_uname));
             update_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_optional);
         if (is_set(stopped_mon->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s\t   %s (optional)", crm_str(stop_node_uname), stopped_mon->uuid);
         if (stop_node->details->online == FALSE || stop_node->details->unclean) {
             pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t   %s (cancelled : no node available)",
                          crm_str(stop_node_uname), stopped_mon->uuid);
             update_action_flags(stopped_mon, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
         if (is_set(stopped_mon->flags, pe_action_runnable)
             && is_set(stopped_mon->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
             crm_notice(" Start recurring %s (%llus) for %s on %s", stopped_mon->task,
                        interval_ms / 1000, rsc->id, crm_str(stop_node_uname));
 Recurring_Stopped(resource_t * rsc, action_t * start, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance) && 
         (node == NULL || node->details->maintenance == FALSE)) {
         xmlNode *operation = NULL;
         for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL;
              operation = __xml_next(operation)) {
             if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) {
                 RecurringOp_Stopped(rsc, start, node, operation, data_set);
 static void
 handle_migration_actions(resource_t * rsc, node_t *current, node_t *chosen, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     action_t *migrate_to = NULL;
     action_t *migrate_from = NULL;
     action_t *start = NULL;
     action_t *stop = NULL;
     gboolean partial = rsc->partial_migration_target ? TRUE : FALSE;
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing migration actions %s moving from %s to %s . partial migration = %s",
     rsc->id, current->details->id, chosen->details->id, partial ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
     start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE);
     stop = stop_action(rsc, current, TRUE);
     if (partial == FALSE) {
         migrate_to = custom_action(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), RSC_MIGRATE, current, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
     migrate_from = custom_action(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), RSC_MIGRATED, chosen, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
     if ((migrate_to && migrate_from) || (migrate_from && partial)) {
         set_bit(start->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
         set_bit(stop->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
         update_action_flags(start, pe_action_pseudo);       /* easier than trying to delete it from the graph */
         /* order probes before migrations */
         if (partial) {
             set_bit(migrate_from->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
             migrate_from->needs = start->needs;
             custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0), NULL,
                                 rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set);
         } else {
             set_bit(migrate_from->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
             set_bit(migrate_to->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
             migrate_to->needs = start->needs;
             custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0), NULL,
                                 rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional, data_set);
             custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), NULL,
                                 rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional | pe_order_implies_first_migratable, data_set);
         custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL,
                             rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional | pe_order_implies_first_migratable, data_set);
         custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0), NULL,
                             rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, pe_order_optional | pe_order_implies_first_migratable | pe_order_pseudo_left, data_set);
     if (migrate_to) {
         add_hash_param(migrate_to->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE, current->details->uname);
         add_hash_param(migrate_to->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET, chosen->details->uname);
         /* pcmk remote connections don't require pending to be recorded in cib.
          * We can optimize cib writes by only setting PENDING for non pcmk remote
          * connection resources */
         if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) {
             /* migrate_to takes place on the source node, but can 
              * have an effect on the target node depending on how
              * the agent is written. Because of this, we have to maintain
              * a record that the migrate_to occurred incase the source node 
              * loses membership while the migrate_to action is still in-flight. */
             add_hash_param(migrate_to->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_PENDING, "true");
     if (migrate_from) {
         add_hash_param(migrate_from->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE, current->details->uname);
         add_hash_param(migrate_from->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET, chosen->details->uname);
 native_create_actions(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     action_t *start = NULL;
     node_t *chosen = NULL;
     node_t *current = NULL;
     gboolean need_stop = FALSE;
     gboolean is_moving = FALSE;
     gboolean allow_migrate = is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     int num_active_nodes = 0;
     enum rsc_role_e role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
     enum rsc_role_e next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
     chosen = rsc->allocated_to;
     if (chosen != NULL && rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
         rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Fixed next_role: unknown -> %s", role2text(rsc->next_role));
     } else if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
         rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Fixed next_role: unknown -> %s", role2text(rsc->next_role));
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing state transition for %s %p: %s->%s", rsc->id, rsc,
                  role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role));
     if (rsc->running_on) {
         current = rsc->running_on->data;
     for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *n = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         if (rsc->partial_migration_source &&
             (n->details == rsc->partial_migration_source->details)) {
             current = rsc->partial_migration_source;
-    get_rsc_attributes(rsc->parameters, rsc, chosen, data_set);
     for (gIter = rsc->dangling_migrations; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *current = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         action_t *stop = stop_action(rsc, current, FALSE);
         set_bit(stop->flags, pe_action_dangle);
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Forcing a cleanup of %s on %s", rsc->id, current->details->uname);
         if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_remove_after_stop)) {
             DeleteRsc(rsc, current, FALSE, data_set);
     if (num_active_nodes > 1) {
         if (num_active_nodes == 2
             && chosen
             && rsc->partial_migration_target
             && rsc->partial_migration_source
             && (current->details == rsc->partial_migration_source->details)
             && (chosen->details == rsc->partial_migration_target->details)) {
             /* Here the chosen node is still the migration target from a partial
              * migration. Attempt to continue the migration instead of recovering
              * by stopping the resource everywhere and starting it on a single node. */
                          "Will attempt to continue with a partial migration to target %s from %s",
         } else {
             const char *type = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
             const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
             if(rsc->partial_migration_target && rsc->partial_migration_source) {
                 crm_notice("Resource %s can no longer migrate to %s. Stopping on %s too", rsc->id,
             } else {
                 pe_proc_err("Resource %s (%s::%s) is active on %d nodes %s",
                             rsc->id, class, type, num_active_nodes, recovery2text(rsc->recovery_type));
                 crm_warn("See %s for more information.",
             if (rsc->recovery_type == recovery_stop_start) {
                 need_stop = TRUE;
             /* If by chance a partial migration is in process,
              * but the migration target is not chosen still, clear all
              * partial migration data.  */
             rsc->partial_migration_source = rsc->partial_migration_target = NULL;
             allow_migrate = FALSE;
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending)) {
         start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE);
         set_bit(start->flags, pe_action_print_always);
     if (current && chosen && current->details != chosen->details) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Moving %s", rsc->id);
         is_moving = TRUE;
         need_stop = TRUE;
     } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Recovering %s", rsc->id);
         need_stop = TRUE;
     } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Block %s", rsc->id);
         need_stop = TRUE;
     } else if (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_STARTED && current != NULL && chosen != NULL) {
         /* Recovery of a promoted resource */
         start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE);
         if (is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Forced start %s", rsc->id);
             need_stop = TRUE;
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating actions for %s: %s->%s", rsc->id,
                  role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role));
     role = rsc->role;
     /* Potentiall optional steps on brining the resource down and back up to the same level */
     while (role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
         next_role = rsc_state_matrix[role][RSC_ROLE_STOPPED];
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Down: Executing: %s->%s (%s)%s", role2text(role), role2text(next_role),
                      rsc->id, need_stop ? " required" : "");
         if (rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role] (rsc, current, !need_stop, data_set) == FALSE) {
         role = next_role;
     while (rsc->role <= rsc->next_role && role != rsc->role && is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) {
         next_role = rsc_state_matrix[role][rsc->role];
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Up:   Executing: %s->%s (%s)%s", role2text(role), role2text(next_role),
                      rsc->id, need_stop ? " required" : "");
         if (rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role] (rsc, chosen, !need_stop, data_set) == FALSE) {
         role = next_role;
     role = rsc->role;
     /* Required steps from this role to the next */
     while (role != rsc->next_role) {
         next_role = rsc_state_matrix[role][rsc->next_role];
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Role: Executing: %s->%s = (%s)", role2text(role),
                      role2text(rsc->next_role), role2text(next_role), rsc->id);
         if (rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role] (rsc, chosen, FALSE, data_set) == FALSE) {
         role = next_role;
     if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "No monitor additional ops for blocked resource");
     } else if (rsc->next_role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Monitor ops for active resource");
         start = start_action(rsc, chosen, TRUE);
         Recurring(rsc, start, chosen, data_set);
         Recurring_Stopped(rsc, start, chosen, data_set);
     } else {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Monitor ops for in-active resource");
         Recurring_Stopped(rsc, NULL, NULL, data_set);
     /* if we are stuck in a partial migration, where the target
      * of the partial migration no longer matches the chosen target.
      * A full stop/start is required */
     if (rsc->partial_migration_target && (chosen == NULL || rsc->partial_migration_target->details != chosen->details)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Not allowing partial migration to continue. %s", rsc->id);
         allow_migrate = FALSE;
     } else if (is_moving == FALSE ||
                is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) ||
                is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) ||
                is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending) ||
                (current->details->unclean == TRUE) ||
                rsc->next_role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
         allow_migrate = FALSE;
     if (allow_migrate) {
         handle_migration_actions(rsc, current, chosen, data_set);
 static void
 rsc_avoids_remote_nodes(resource_t *rsc)
     GHashTableIter iter;
     node_t *node = NULL;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
         if (node->details->remote_rsc) {
             node->weight = -INFINITY;
 native_internal_constraints(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     /* This function is on the critical path and worth optimizing as much as possible */
     resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc);
     int type = pe_order_optional | pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_restart;
     gboolean is_stonith = is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device);
     custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL,
                         rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL, type, data_set);
     if (top->variant == pe_master || rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) {
         custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_DEMOTE, 0), NULL,
                             rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL,
                             pe_order_implies_first_master, data_set);
         custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL,
                             rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_PROMOTE, 0), NULL,
                             pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
     if (is_stonith == FALSE
         && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)
         && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing)
         && is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_have_unfencing)) {
         /* Check if the node needs to be unfenced first */
         node_t *node = NULL;
         GHashTableIter iter;
         if(rsc != top) {
             /* Only create these constraints once, rsc is almost certainly cloned */
             clear_bit_recursive(top, pe_rsc_have_unfencing);
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
             action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", TRUE, data_set);
             custom_action_order(top, generate_op_key(top->id, top == rsc?RSC_STOP:RSC_STOPPED, 0), NULL,
                                 NULL, strdup(unfence->uuid), unfence,
                                 pe_order_optional, data_set);
             crm_debug("Stopping %s prior to unfencing %s", top->id, unfence->uuid);
             custom_action_order(NULL, strdup(unfence->uuid), unfence,
                                 top, generate_op_key(top->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL,
                                 pe_order_implies_then_on_node, data_set);
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping fencing constraints for unmanaged resource: %s", rsc->id);
         action_t *all_stopped = get_pseudo_op(ALL_STOPPED, data_set);
         custom_action_order(rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL,
                             NULL, strdup(all_stopped->task), all_stopped,
                             pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
     if (g_hash_table_size(rsc->utilization) > 0
         && safe_str_neq(data_set->placement_strategy, "default")) {
         GHashTableIter iter;
         node_t *next = NULL;
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating utilization constraints for %s - strategy: %s",
                      rsc->id, data_set->placement_strategy);
         for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             node_t *current = (node_t *) gIter->data;
             char *load_stopped_task = crm_concat(LOAD_STOPPED, current->details->uname, '_');
             action_t *load_stopped = get_pseudo_op(load_stopped_task, data_set);
             if (load_stopped->node == NULL) {
                 load_stopped->node = node_copy(current);
                 update_action_flags(load_stopped, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
             custom_action_order(rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL,
                                 NULL, load_stopped_task, load_stopped, pe_order_load, data_set);
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&next)) {
             char *load_stopped_task = crm_concat(LOAD_STOPPED, next->details->uname, '_');
             action_t *load_stopped = get_pseudo_op(load_stopped_task, data_set);
             if (load_stopped->node == NULL) {
                 load_stopped->node = node_copy(next);
                 update_action_flags(load_stopped, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
             custom_action_order(NULL, strdup(load_stopped_task), load_stopped,
                                 rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL, pe_order_load, data_set);
             custom_action_order(NULL, strdup(load_stopped_task), load_stopped,
                                 rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATE, 0), NULL,
                                 pe_order_load, data_set);
     if (rsc->container) {
         resource_t *remote_rsc = NULL;
         /* find out if the container is associated with remote node connection resource */
         if (rsc->container->is_remote_node) {
             remote_rsc = rsc->container;
         } else if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) {
             remote_rsc = rsc_contains_remote_node(data_set, rsc->container);
         /* if the container is a remote-node, force the resource within the container
          * instead of colocating the resource with the container. */
         if (remote_rsc) {
             GHashTableIter iter;
             node_t *node = NULL;
             g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
                 if (node->details->remote_rsc != remote_rsc) {
                     node->weight = -INFINITY;
         } else {
             crm_trace("Generating order and colocation rules for rsc %s with container %s", rsc->id, rsc->container->id);
             custom_action_order(rsc->container, generate_op_key(rsc->container->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL,
                                 rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL,
                                 pe_order_implies_then | pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
             custom_action_order(rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL,
                                 rsc->container, generate_op_key(rsc->container->id, RSC_STOP, 0), NULL,
                                 pe_order_implies_first, data_set);
             rsc_colocation_new("resource-with-containter", NULL, INFINITY, rsc, rsc->container, NULL,
                                NULL, data_set);
     if (rsc->is_remote_node || is_stonith) {
         /* don't allow remote nodes to run stonith devices
          * or remote connection resources.*/
     /* If this rsc is a remote connection resource associated
      * with a container ( which will most likely be a virtual guest )
      * do not allow the container to live on any remote-nodes.
      * remote-nodes managing nested remote-nodes should not be allowed. */
     if (rsc->is_remote_node && rsc->container) {
 native_rsc_colocation_lh(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t * constraint)
     if (rsc_lh == NULL) {
         pe_err("rsc_lh was NULL for %s", constraint->id);
     } else if (constraint->rsc_rh == NULL) {
         pe_err("rsc_rh was NULL for %s", constraint->id);
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "Processing colocation constraint between %s and %s", rsc_lh->id,
     rsc_rh->cmds->rsc_colocation_rh(rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint);
 enum filter_colocation_res {
     influence_nothing = 0,
 static enum filter_colocation_res
 filter_colocation_constraint(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh,
                              rsc_colocation_t * constraint)
     if (constraint->score == 0) {
         return influence_nothing;
     /* rh side must be allocated before we can process constraint */
     if (is_set(rsc_rh->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) {
         return influence_nothing;
     if ((constraint->role_lh >= RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) &&
         rsc_lh->parent &&
         rsc_lh->parent->variant == pe_master && is_not_set(rsc_lh->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) {
         /* LH and RH resources have already been allocated, place the correct
          * priority oh LH rsc for the given multistate resource role */
         return influence_rsc_priority;
     if (is_not_set(rsc_lh->flags, pe_rsc_provisional)) {
         /* error check */
         struct node_shared_s *details_lh;
         struct node_shared_s *details_rh;
         if ((constraint->score > -INFINITY) && (constraint->score < INFINITY)) {
             return influence_nothing;
         details_rh = rsc_rh->allocated_to ? rsc_rh->allocated_to->details : NULL;
         details_lh = rsc_lh->allocated_to ? rsc_lh->allocated_to->details : NULL;
         if (constraint->score == INFINITY && details_lh != details_rh) {
             crm_err("%s and %s are both allocated"
                     " but to different nodes: %s vs. %s",
                     rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id,
                     details_lh ? details_lh->uname : "n/a", details_rh ? details_rh->uname : "n/a");
         } else if (constraint->score == -INFINITY && details_lh == details_rh) {
             crm_err("%s and %s are both allocated"
                     " but to the SAME node: %s",
                     rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id, details_rh ? details_rh->uname : "n/a");
         return influence_nothing;
     if (constraint->score > 0
         && constraint->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_lh != rsc_lh->next_role) {
         crm_trace("LH: Skipping constraint: \"%s\" state filter nextrole is %s",
                   role2text(constraint->role_lh), role2text(rsc_lh->next_role));
         return influence_nothing;
     if (constraint->score > 0
         && constraint->role_rh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_rh != rsc_rh->next_role) {
         crm_trace("RH: Skipping constraint: \"%s\" state filter", role2text(constraint->role_rh));
         return FALSE;
     if (constraint->score < 0
         && constraint->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_lh == rsc_lh->next_role) {
         crm_trace("LH: Skipping -ve constraint: \"%s\" state filter",
         return influence_nothing;
     if (constraint->score < 0
         && constraint->role_rh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_rh == rsc_rh->next_role) {
         crm_trace("RH: Skipping -ve constraint: \"%s\" state filter",
         return influence_nothing;
     return influence_rsc_location;
 static void
 influence_priority(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t * constraint)
     const char *rh_value = NULL;
     const char *lh_value = NULL;
     const char *attribute = "#id";
     int score_multiplier = 1;
     if (constraint->node_attribute != NULL) {
         attribute = constraint->node_attribute;
     if (!rsc_rh->allocated_to || !rsc_lh->allocated_to) {
     lh_value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_lh->allocated_to->details->attrs, attribute);
     rh_value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_rh->allocated_to->details->attrs, attribute);
     if (!safe_str_eq(lh_value, rh_value)) {
         if(constraint->score == INFINITY && constraint->role_lh == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
             rsc_lh->priority = -INFINITY;
     if (constraint->role_rh && (constraint->role_rh != rsc_rh->next_role)) {
     if (constraint->role_lh == RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) {
         score_multiplier = -1;
     rsc_lh->priority = merge_weights(score_multiplier * constraint->score, rsc_lh->priority);
 static void
 colocation_match(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t * constraint)
     const char *tmp = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *attribute = "#id";
     GHashTable *work = NULL;
     gboolean do_check = FALSE;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     node_t *node = NULL;
     if (constraint->node_attribute != NULL) {
         attribute = constraint->node_attribute;
     if (rsc_rh->allocated_to) {
         value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_rh->allocated_to->details->attrs, attribute);
         do_check = TRUE;
     } else if (constraint->score < 0) {
         /* nothing to do:
          *   anti-colocation with something thats not running
     work = node_hash_dup(rsc_lh->allowed_nodes);
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, work);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
         tmp = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, attribute);
         if (do_check && safe_str_eq(tmp, value)) {
             if (constraint->score < INFINITY) {
                 pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%s: %s.%s += %d", constraint->id, rsc_lh->id,
                              node->details->uname, constraint->score);
                 node->weight = merge_weights(constraint->score, node->weight);
         } else if (do_check == FALSE || constraint->score >= INFINITY) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%s: %s.%s -= %d (%s)", constraint->id, rsc_lh->id,
                          node->details->uname, constraint->score,
                          do_check ? "failed" : "unallocated");
             node->weight = merge_weights(-constraint->score, node->weight);
     if (can_run_any(work)
         || constraint->score <= -INFINITY || constraint->score >= INFINITY) {
         rsc_lh->allowed_nodes = work;
         work = NULL;
     } else {
         static char score[33];
         score2char_stack(constraint->score, score, sizeof(score));
         pe_rsc_info(rsc_lh, "%s: Rolling back scores from %s (%d, %s)",
                     rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id, do_check, score);
     if (work) {
 native_rsc_colocation_rh(resource_t * rsc_lh, resource_t * rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t * constraint)
     enum filter_colocation_res filter_results;
     filter_results = filter_colocation_constraint(rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint);
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%sColocating %s with %s (%s, weight=%d, filter=%d)",
                  constraint->score >= 0 ? "" : "Anti-",
                  rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id, constraint->id, constraint->score, filter_results);
     switch (filter_results) {
         case influence_rsc_priority:
             influence_priority(rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint);
         case influence_rsc_location:
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%sColocating %s with %s (%s, weight=%d)",
                          constraint->score >= 0 ? "" : "Anti-",
                          rsc_lh->id, rsc_rh->id, constraint->id, constraint->score);
             colocation_match(rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint);
         case influence_nothing:
 static gboolean
 filter_rsc_ticket(resource_t * rsc_lh, rsc_ticket_t * rsc_ticket)
     if (rsc_ticket->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && rsc_ticket->role_lh != rsc_lh->role) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "LH: Skipping constraint: \"%s\" state filter",
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 rsc_ticket_constraint(resource_t * rsc_lh, rsc_ticket_t * rsc_ticket, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     if (rsc_ticket == NULL) {
         pe_err("rsc_ticket was NULL");
     if (rsc_lh == NULL) {
         pe_err("rsc_lh was NULL for %s", rsc_ticket->id);
     if (rsc_ticket->ticket->granted && rsc_ticket->ticket->standby == FALSE) {
     if (rsc_lh->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = rsc_lh->children;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "Processing ticket dependencies from %s", rsc_lh->id);
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             rsc_ticket_constraint(child_rsc, rsc_ticket, data_set);
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc_lh, "%s: Processing ticket dependency on %s (%s, %s)",
                  rsc_lh->id, rsc_ticket->ticket->id, rsc_ticket->id,
     if (rsc_ticket->ticket->granted == FALSE && g_list_length(rsc_lh->running_on) > 0) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         switch (rsc_ticket->loss_policy) {
             case loss_ticket_stop:
                 resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__loss_of_ticket__", data_set);
             case loss_ticket_demote:
                 /*Promotion score will be set to -INFINITY in master_promotion_order() */
                 if (rsc_ticket->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
                     resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__loss_of_ticket__", data_set);
             case loss_ticket_fence:
                 if (filter_rsc_ticket(rsc_lh, rsc_ticket) == FALSE) {
                 resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__loss_of_ticket__", data_set);
                 for (gIter = rsc_lh->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
                     node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
                     pe_fence_node(data_set, node, "deadman ticket lost");
             case loss_ticket_freeze:
                 if (filter_rsc_ticket(rsc_lh, rsc_ticket) == FALSE) {
                 if (g_list_length(rsc_lh->running_on) > 0) {
                     clear_bit(rsc_lh->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
                     set_bit(rsc_lh->flags, pe_rsc_block);
     } else if (rsc_ticket->ticket->granted == FALSE) {
         if (rsc_ticket->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_MASTER || rsc_ticket->loss_policy == loss_ticket_stop) {
             resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__no_ticket__", data_set);
     } else if (rsc_ticket->ticket->standby) {
         if (rsc_ticket->role_lh != RSC_ROLE_MASTER || rsc_ticket->loss_policy == loss_ticket_stop) {
             resource_location(rsc_lh, NULL, -INFINITY, "__ticket_standby__", data_set);
 enum pe_action_flags
 native_action_flags(action_t * action, node_t * node)
     return action->flags;
 enum pe_graph_flags
 native_update_actions(action_t * first, action_t * then, node_t * node, enum pe_action_flags flags,
                       enum pe_action_flags filter, enum pe_ordering type)
     /* flags == get_action_flags(first, then_node) called from update_action() */
     enum pe_graph_flags changed = pe_graph_none;
     enum pe_action_flags then_flags = then->flags;
     enum pe_action_flags first_flags = first->flags;
     crm_trace(   "Testing %s on %s (0x%.6x) with %s 0x%.6x %x %x",
                  first->uuid, first->node ? first->node->details->uname : "[none]",
                  first->flags, then->uuid, then->flags);
     if (type & pe_order_asymmetrical) {
         resource_t *then_rsc = then->rsc;
         enum rsc_role_e then_rsc_role = then_rsc ? then_rsc->fns->state(then_rsc, TRUE) : 0;
         if (!then_rsc) {
             /* ignore */
         } else if ((then_rsc_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) && safe_str_eq(then->task, RSC_STOP)) {
             /* ignore... if 'then' is supposed to be stopped after 'first', but
              * then is already stopped, there is nothing to be done when non-symmetrical.  */
         } else if ((then_rsc_role >= RSC_ROLE_STARTED) && safe_str_eq(then->task, RSC_START)) {
             /* ignore... if 'then' is supposed to be started after 'first', but
              * then is already started, there is nothing to be done when non-symmetrical.  */
         } else if (!(first->flags & pe_action_runnable)) {
             /* prevent 'then' action from happening if 'first' is not runnable and
              * 'then' has not yet occurred. */
             pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_runnable);
             pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_optional);
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset optional and runnable on %s", then->uuid);
         } else {
             /* ignore... then is allowed to start/stop if it wants to. */
     if (type & pe_order_implies_first) {
         if ((filter & pe_action_optional) && (flags & pe_action_optional) == 0) {
             pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "Unset optional on %s because of %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
             pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_optional);
         if (is_set(flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) &&
             is_set(then->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE &&
             is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
             pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "Unset migrate runnable on %s because of %s",
                          first->uuid, then->uuid);
             pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
     if (type & pe_order_implies_first_master) {
         if ((filter & pe_action_optional) &&
             ((then->flags & pe_action_optional) == FALSE) &&
             then->rsc && (then->rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER)) {
             pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_optional);
             if (is_set(first->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) &&
                 is_set(then->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE) {
                 pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "Unset migrate runnable on %s because of %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
                 pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset optional on %s because of %s", first->uuid, then->uuid);
     if ((type & pe_order_implies_first_migratable)
         && is_set(filter, pe_action_optional)) {
         if (((then->flags & pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE) ||
             ((then->flags & pe_action_runnable) == FALSE)) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset runnable on %s because %s is neither runnable or migratable", first->uuid, then->uuid);
             pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_runnable);
         if ((then->flags & pe_action_optional) == 0) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset optional on %s because %s is not optional", first->uuid, then->uuid);
             pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_optional);
     if ((type & pe_order_pseudo_left)
         && is_set(filter, pe_action_optional)) {
         if ((first->flags & pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
             pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
             pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_pseudo);
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset pseudo on %s because %s is not runnable", then->uuid, first->uuid);
     if (is_set(type, pe_order_runnable_left)
         && is_set(filter, pe_action_runnable)
         && is_set(then->flags, pe_action_runnable)
         && is_set(flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset runnable on %s because of %s", then->uuid, first->uuid);
         pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_runnable);
         pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
     if (is_set(type, pe_order_implies_then)
         && is_set(filter, pe_action_optional)
         && is_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional)
         && is_set(flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
         /* in this case, treat migrate_runnable as if first is optional */
         if (is_set(first->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE) {
            pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Unset optional on %s because of %s", then->uuid, first->uuid);
            pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_optional);
     if (is_set(type, pe_order_restart)) {
         const char *reason = NULL;
         CRM_ASSERT(first->rsc && first->rsc->variant == pe_native);
         CRM_ASSERT(then->rsc && then->rsc->variant == pe_native);
         if ((filter & pe_action_runnable)
             && (then->flags & pe_action_runnable) == 0
             && (then->rsc->flags & pe_rsc_managed)) {
             reason = "shutdown";
         if ((filter & pe_action_optional) && (then->flags & pe_action_optional) == 0) {
             reason = "recover";
         if (reason && is_set(first->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
             if (is_set(first->flags, pe_action_runnable)
                 || is_not_set(then->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
                 pe_rsc_trace(first->rsc, "Handling %s: %s -> %s", reason, first->uuid, then->uuid);
                 pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_optional);
         if (reason && is_not_set(first->flags, pe_action_optional)
             && is_not_set(first->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
             pe_rsc_trace(then->rsc, "Handling %s: %s -> %s", reason, first->uuid, then->uuid);
             pe_clear_action_bit(then, pe_action_runnable);
         if (reason &&
             is_not_set(first->flags, pe_action_optional) &&
             is_set(first->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)  &&
             is_not_set(then->flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)) {
             pe_clear_action_bit(first, pe_action_migrate_runnable);
     if (then_flags != then->flags) {
         changed |= pe_graph_updated_then;
                      "Then: Flags for %s on %s are now  0x%.6x (was 0x%.6x) because of %s 0x%.6x",
                      then->uuid, then->node ? then->node->details->uname : "[none]", then->flags,
                      then_flags, first->uuid, first->flags);
         if(then->rsc && then->rsc->parent) {
             /* "X_stop then X_start" doesn't get handled for cloned groups unless we do this */
     if (first_flags != first->flags) {
         changed |= pe_graph_updated_first;
                      "First: Flags for %s on %s are now  0x%.6x (was 0x%.6x) because of %s 0x%.6x",
                      first->uuid, first->node ? first->node->details->uname : "[none]",
                      first->flags, first_flags, then->uuid, then->flags);
     return changed;
 native_rsc_location(resource_t * rsc, rsc_to_node_t * constraint)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     node_t *node = NULL;
     if (constraint == NULL) {
         pe_err("Constraint is NULL");
     } else if (rsc == NULL) {
         pe_err("LHS of rsc_to_node (%s) is NULL", constraint->id);
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Applying %s (%s) to %s", constraint->id,
                  role2text(constraint->role_filter), rsc->id);
     /* take "lifetime" into account */
     if (constraint->role_filter > RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN && constraint->role_filter != rsc->next_role) {
         pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Constraint (%s) is not active (role : %s vs. %s)",
                      constraint->id, role2text(constraint->role_filter), role2text(rsc->next_role));
     } else if (is_active(constraint) == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Constraint (%s) is not active", constraint->id);
     if (constraint->node_list_rh == NULL) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "RHS of constraint %s is NULL", constraint->id);
     for (gIter = constraint->node_list_rh; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         node_t *other_node = NULL;
         other_node = (node_t *) pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id);
         if (other_node != NULL) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s + %s: %d + %d",
                          other_node->details->uname, node->weight, other_node->weight);
             other_node->weight = merge_weights(other_node->weight, node->weight);
         } else {
             other_node = node_copy(node);
             g_hash_table_insert(rsc->allowed_nodes, (gpointer) other_node->details->id, other_node);
         if (other_node->rsc_discover_mode < constraint->discover_mode) {
             if (constraint->discover_mode == discover_exclusive) {
                 rsc->exclusive_discover = TRUE;
             /* exclusive > never > always... always is default */
             other_node->rsc_discover_mode = constraint->discover_mode;
     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s + %s : %d", rsc->id, node->details->uname, node->weight);
 native_expand(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing actions from %s", rsc->id);
     for (gIter = rsc->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         crm_trace("processing action %d for rsc=%s", action->id, rsc->id);
         graph_element_from_action(action, data_set);
     for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         child_rsc->cmds->expand(child_rsc, data_set);
 #define log_change(fmt, args...)  do {          \
         if(terminal) {                          \
             printf(" * "fmt"\n", ##args);       \
         } else {                                \
             crm_notice(fmt, ##args);            \
         }                                       \
     } while(0)
 #define STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(lineno) do {                                 \
         if(current && current->details->unclean) {                      \
             /* It will be a pseduo op */                                \
         } else if(stop == NULL) {                                       \
             crm_err("%s:%d: No stop action exists for %s", __FUNCTION__, lineno, rsc->id); \
             CRM_ASSERT(stop != NULL);                                   \
         } else if(is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional)) { \
             crm_err("%s:%d: Action %s is still optional", __FUNCTION__, lineno, stop->uuid); \
             CRM_ASSERT(is_not_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional));    \
         }                                                               \
     } while(0)
 LogActions(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set, gboolean terminal)
     node_t *next = NULL;
     node_t *current = NULL;
     action_t *stop = NULL;
     action_t *start = NULL;
     action_t *demote = NULL;
     action_t *promote = NULL;
     char *key = NULL;
     gboolean moving = FALSE;
     GListPtr possible_matches = NULL;
     if (rsc->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             LogActions(child_rsc, data_set, terminal);
     next = rsc->allocated_to;
     if (rsc->running_on) {
         if (g_list_length(rsc->running_on) > 1 && rsc->partial_migration_source) {
             current = rsc->partial_migration_source;
         } else {
             current = rsc->running_on->data;
         if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
              * This can occur when resources are being recovered
              * We fiddle with the current role in native_create_actions()
             rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED;
     if (current == NULL && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
         /* Don't log stopped orphans */
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
         || (current == NULL && next == NULL)) {
         pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Leave   %s\t(%s%s)",
                     rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), is_not_set(rsc->flags,
                                                               pe_rsc_managed) ? " unmanaged" : "");
     if (current != NULL && next != NULL && safe_str_neq(current->details->id, next->details->id)) {
         moving = TRUE;
     key = start_key(rsc);
     possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, next);
     if (possible_matches) {
         start = possible_matches->data;
     key = stop_key(rsc);
     if(start == NULL || is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
         possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, NULL);
     } else {
         possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, current);
     if (possible_matches) {
         stop = possible_matches->data;
     key = promote_key(rsc);
     possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, next);
     if (possible_matches) {
         promote = possible_matches->data;
     key = demote_key(rsc);
     possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, next);
     if (possible_matches) {
         demote = possible_matches->data;
     if (rsc->role == rsc->next_role) {
         action_t *migrate_to = NULL;
         key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_MIGRATED, 0);
         possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, next);
         if (possible_matches) {
             migrate_to = possible_matches->data;
         CRM_CHECK(next != NULL,);
         if (next == NULL) {
         } else if (migrate_to && is_set(migrate_to->flags, pe_action_runnable) && current) {
             log_change("Migrate %s\t(%s %s -> %s)",
                        rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), current->details->uname,
         } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_reload)) {
             log_change("Reload  %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname);
         } else if (start == NULL || is_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
             pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Leave   %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role),
         } else if (start && is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
             log_change("Stop    %s\t(%s %s%s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), current?current->details->uname:"N/A",
                        stop && is_not_set(stop->flags, pe_action_runnable) ? " - blocked" : "");
         } else if (moving && current) {
             log_change("%s %s\t(%s %s -> %s)",
                        is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) ? "Recover" : "Move   ",
                        rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role),
                        current->details->uname, next->details->uname);
         } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
             log_change("Recover %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname);
         } else {
             log_change("Restart %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname);
             /* STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(__LINE__); False positive for migrate-fail-7 */
     if (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_SLAVE && rsc->role > rsc->next_role) {
         CRM_CHECK(current != NULL,);
         if (current != NULL) {
             gboolean allowed = FALSE;
             if (demote != NULL && (demote->flags & pe_action_runnable)) {
                 allowed = TRUE;
             log_change("Demote  %s\t(%s -> %s %s%s)",
                        current->details->uname, allowed ? "" : " - blocked");
             if (stop != NULL && is_not_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional)
                 && rsc->next_role > RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && moving == FALSE) {
                 if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
                     log_change("Recover %s\t(%s %s)",
                                rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next->details->uname);
                 } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_reload)) {
                     log_change("Reload  %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role),
                 } else {
                     log_change("Restart %s\t(%s %s)",
                                rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), next->details->uname);
     } else if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         CRM_CHECK(current != NULL,);
         key = stop_key(rsc);
         for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
             action_t *stop_op = NULL;
             gboolean allowed = FALSE;
             possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, node);
             if (possible_matches) {
                 stop_op = possible_matches->data;
             if (stop_op && (stop_op->flags & pe_action_runnable)) {
                 allowed = TRUE;
             log_change("Stop    %s\t(%s%s)", rsc->id, node->details->uname,
                        allowed ? "" : " - blocked");
     if (moving) {
         log_change("Move    %s\t(%s %s -> %s)",
                    rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), current->details->uname,
     if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
         gboolean allowed = FALSE;
         if (start && (start->flags & pe_action_runnable)) {
             allowed = TRUE;
         CRM_CHECK(next != NULL,);
         if (next != NULL) {
             log_change("Start   %s\t(%s%s)", rsc->id, next->details->uname,
                        allowed ? "" : " - blocked");
         if (allowed == FALSE) {
     if (rsc->next_role > RSC_ROLE_SLAVE && rsc->role < rsc->next_role) {
         gboolean allowed = FALSE;
         if (stop != NULL && is_not_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional)
             && rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
             if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
                 log_change("Recover %s\t(%s %s)",
                            rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next?next->details->uname:NULL);
             } else if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_reload)) {
                 log_change("Reload  %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role),
             } else {
                 log_change("Restart %s\t(%s %s)",
                            rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), next?next->details->uname:NULL);
         if (promote && (promote->flags & pe_action_runnable)) {
             allowed = TRUE;
         log_change("Promote %s\t(%s -> %s %s%s)",
                    allowed ? "" : " - blocked");
 StopRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s", rsc->id);
     for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *current = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         action_t *stop;
         if (rsc->partial_migration_target) {
             if (rsc->partial_migration_target->details == current->details) {
                 pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Filtered %s -> %s %s", current->details->uname,
                              next->details->uname, rsc->id);
             } else {
                 pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Forced on %s %s", current->details->uname, rsc->id);
                 optional = FALSE;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s", rsc->id, current->details->uname);
         stop = stop_action(rsc, current, optional);
         if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
             update_action_flags(stop, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
         if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_remove_after_stop)) {
             DeleteRsc(rsc, current, optional, data_set);
     return TRUE;
 StartRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     action_t *start = NULL;
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s %d", rsc->id, next ? next->details->uname : "N/A", optional);
     start = start_action(rsc, next, TRUE);
     if (is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) && optional == FALSE) {
         update_action_flags(start, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
     return TRUE;
 PromoteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     gboolean runnable = TRUE;
     GListPtr action_list = NULL;
     CRM_CHECK(next != NULL, return FALSE);
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s", rsc->id, next->details->uname);
     key = start_key(rsc);
     action_list = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, next);
     for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *start = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if (is_set(start->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) {
             runnable = FALSE;
     if (runnable) {
         promote_action(rsc, next, optional);
         return TRUE;
     pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\tPromote %s (canceled)", next->details->uname, rsc->id);
     key = promote_key(rsc);
     action_list = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, next);
     for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *promote = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         update_action_flags(promote, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear);
     return TRUE;
 DemoteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s", rsc->id);
 /* 	CRM_CHECK(rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_SLAVE, return FALSE); */
     for (gIter = rsc->running_on; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         node_t *current = (node_t *) gIter->data;
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s", rsc->id, next ? next->details->uname : "N/A");
         demote_action(rsc, current, optional);
     return TRUE;
 RoleError(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     crm_err("%s on %s", rsc->id, next ? next->details->uname : "N/A");
     CRM_CHECK(FALSE, return FALSE);
     return FALSE;
 NullOp(resource_t * rsc, node_t * next, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s", rsc->id);
     return FALSE;
 DeleteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s not deleted from %s: failed", rsc->id, node->details->uname);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (node == NULL) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s not deleted: NULL node", rsc->id);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (node->details->unclean || node->details->online == FALSE) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s not deleted from %s: unrunnable", rsc->id,
         return FALSE;
     crm_notice("Removing %s from %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname);
     delete_action(rsc, node, optional);
     new_rsc_order(rsc, RSC_STOP, rsc, RSC_DELETE,
                   optional ? pe_order_implies_then : pe_order_optional, data_set);
     new_rsc_order(rsc, RSC_DELETE, rsc, RSC_START,
                   optional ? pe_order_implies_then : pe_order_optional, data_set);
     return TRUE;
 #include <../lib/pengine/unpack.h>
 #define set_char(x) last_rsc_id[lpc] = x; complete = TRUE;
 static char *
 increment_clone(char *last_rsc_id)
     int lpc = 0;
     int len = 0;
     char *tmp = NULL;
     gboolean complete = FALSE;
     CRM_CHECK(last_rsc_id != NULL, return NULL);
     if (last_rsc_id != NULL) {
         len = strlen(last_rsc_id);
     lpc = len - 1;
     while (complete == FALSE && lpc > 0) {
         switch (last_rsc_id[lpc]) {
             case 0:
             case '0':
             case '1':
             case '2':
             case '3':
             case '4':
             case '5':
             case '6':
             case '7':
             case '8':
             case '9':
                 last_rsc_id[lpc] = '0';
             case ':':
                 tmp = last_rsc_id;
                 last_rsc_id = calloc(1, len + 2);
                 memcpy(last_rsc_id, tmp, len);
                 last_rsc_id[++lpc] = '1';
                 last_rsc_id[len] = '0';
                 last_rsc_id[len + 1] = 0;
                 complete = TRUE;
                 crm_err("Unexpected char: %c (%d)", last_rsc_id[lpc], lpc);
                 return NULL;
     return last_rsc_id;
 static node_t *
 probe_grouped_clone(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     node_t *running = NULL;
     resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc);
     if (running == NULL && is_set(top->flags, pe_rsc_unique) == FALSE) {
         /* Annoyingly we also need to check any other clone instances
          * Clumsy, but it will work.
          * An alternative would be to update known_on for every peer
          * during process_rsc_state()
          * This code desperately needs optimization
          * ptest -x with 100 nodes, 100 clones and clone-max=10:
          *   No probes                          O(25s)
          *   Detection without clone loop               O(3m)
          *   Detection with clone loop                  O(8m)
          ptest[32211]: 2010/02/18_14:27:55 CRIT: stage5: Probing for unknown resources
          ptest[32211]: 2010/02/18_14:33:39 CRIT: stage5: Done
          ptest[32211]: 2010/02/18_14:35:05 CRIT: stage7: Updating action states
          ptest[32211]: 2010/02/18_14:35:05 CRIT: stage7: Done
         char *clone_id = clone_zero(rsc->id);
         resource_t *peer = pe_find_resource(top->children, clone_id);
         while (peer && running == NULL) {
             running = pe_hash_table_lookup(peer->known_on, node->details->id);
             if (running != NULL) {
                 /* we already know the status of the resource on this node */
                 pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping active clone: %s", rsc->id);
                 return running;
             clone_id = increment_clone(clone_id);
             peer = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, clone_id);
     return running;
 native_create_probe(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, action_t * complete,
                     gboolean force, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     action_t *probe = NULL;
     node_t *running = NULL;
     node_t *allowed = NULL;
     resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc);
     static const char *rc_master = NULL;
     static const char *rc_inactive = NULL;
     if (rc_inactive == NULL) {
         rc_inactive = crm_itoa(PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING);
         rc_master = crm_itoa(PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER);
     CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return FALSE);
     if (force == FALSE && is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_probes)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping active resource detection for %s", rsc->id);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (force == FALSE && is_container_remote_node(node)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping active resource detection for %s on container %s",
                      rsc->id, node->details->id);
         return FALSE;
     if (is_remote_node(node)) {
         const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
         if (safe_str_eq(class, "stonith")) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, remote-nodes do not run stonith agents.", rsc->id, node->details->id);
             return FALSE;
         } else if (rsc_contains_remote_node(data_set, rsc)) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, remote-nodes can not run resources that contain connection resources.", rsc->id, node->details->id);
             return FALSE;
         } else if (rsc->is_remote_node) {
             pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping probe for %s on node %s, remote-nodes can not run connection resources", rsc->id, node->details->id);
             return FALSE;
     if (rsc->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         gboolean any_created = FALSE;
         for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             any_created = child_rsc->cmds->create_probe(child_rsc, node, complete, force, data_set)
                 || any_created;
         return any_created;
     } else if (rsc->container) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s: it is within container %s", rsc->id, rsc->container->id);
         return FALSE;
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping orphan: %s", rsc->id);
         return FALSE;
     running = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->known_on, node->details->id);
     if (running == NULL && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique) == FALSE) {
         /* Anonymous clones */
         if (rsc->parent == top) {
             running = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->parent->known_on, node->details->id);
         } else {
             /* Grouped anonymous clones need extra special handling */
             running = probe_grouped_clone(rsc, node, data_set);
     if (force == FALSE && running != NULL) {
         /* we already know the status of the resource on this node */
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping active: %s on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname);
         return FALSE;
     allowed = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id);
     if (rsc->exclusive_discover || top->exclusive_discover) {
         if (allowed == NULL) {
             /* exclusive discover is enabled and this node is not in the allowed list. */    
             return FALSE;
         } else if (allowed->rsc_discover_mode != discover_exclusive) {
             /* exclusive discover is enabled and this node is not marked
              * as a node this resource should be discovered on */ 
             return FALSE;
     if (allowed && allowed->rsc_discover_mode == discover_never) {
         /* this resource is marked as not needing to be discovered on this node */
         return FALSE;
     key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_STATUS, 0);
     probe = custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_STATUS, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
     update_action_flags(probe, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
     /* If enabled, require unfencing before probing any fence devices
      * but ensure it happens after any resources that require
      * unfencing have been probed.
      * Doing it the other way (requiring unfencing after probing
      * resources that need it) would result in the node being
      * unfenced, and all its resources being stopped, whenever a new
      * resource is added.  Which would be highly suboptimal.
      * So essentially, at the point the fencing device(s) have been
      * probed, we know the state of all resources that require
      * unfencing and that unfencing occurred.
     if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device) && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) {
         trigger_unfencing(NULL, node, "node discovery", probe, data_set);
         probe->priority = INFINITY; /* Ensure this runs if unfencing succeeds */
     } else if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing)) {
         action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", TRUE, data_set);
         order_actions(probe, unfence, pe_order_optional);
      * We need to know if it's running_on (not just known_on) this node
      * to correctly determine the target rc.
     running = pe_find_node_id(rsc->running_on, node->details->id);
     if (running == NULL) {
         add_hash_param(probe->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, rc_inactive);
     } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
         add_hash_param(probe->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, rc_master);
     pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Probing %s on %s (%s)", rsc->id, node->details->uname, role2text(rsc->role));
     if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device) && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) {
         /* Normally rsc.start depends on probe complete which depends
          * on rsc.probe. But this can't be the case in this scenario as
          * it would create graph loops.
          * So instead we explicitly order 'rsc.probe then rsc.start'
         custom_action_order(rsc, NULL, probe,
                             rsc, generate_op_key(rsc->id, RSC_START, 0), NULL,
                             pe_order_optional, data_set);
     } else {
         order_actions(probe, complete, pe_order_implies_then);
     return TRUE;
 static void
 native_start_constraints(resource_t * rsc, action_t * stonith_op, gboolean is_stonith,
                          pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     node_t *target = stonith_op ? stonith_op->node : NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     action_t *all_stopped = get_pseudo_op(ALL_STOPPED, data_set);
     action_t *stonith_done = get_pseudo_op(STONITH_DONE, data_set);
     for (gIter = rsc->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if(action->needs == rsc_req_nothing) {
         } else if (action->needs == rsc_req_stonith) {
             order_actions(stonith_done, action, pe_order_optional);
         } else if (target != NULL
                    && safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_START)
                    && NULL == pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->known_on, target->details->id)) {
             /* if known == NULL, then we dont know if
              *   the resource is active on the node
              *   we're about to shoot
              * in this case, regardless of action->needs,
              *   the only safe option is to wait until
              *   the node is shot before doing anything
              *   to with the resource
              * its analogous to waiting for all the probes
              *   for rscX to complete before starting rscX
              * the most likely explaination is that the
              *   DC died and took its status with it
             pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Ordering %s after %s recovery", action->uuid,
             order_actions(all_stopped, action, pe_order_optional | pe_order_runnable_left);
 static GListPtr
 find_fence_target_node_actions(GListPtr search_list, const char *key, node_t *fence_target, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr result_list = find_actions(search_list, key, fence_target);
     /* find stop actions for this rsc on any container nodes running on
      * the fencing target node */
     for (gIter = fence_target->details->running_rsc; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { 
         GListPtr iter = NULL;
         GListPtr tmp_list = NULL;
         resource_t *tmp_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
         node_t *container_node = NULL;
         /* found a container node that lives on the host node
          * that is getting fenced. Find stop for our rsc that live on
          * the container node as well. These stop operations are also
          * implied by fencing of the host cluster node. */
         if (tmp_rsc->is_remote_node && tmp_rsc->container != NULL) {
             container_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, tmp_rsc->id);
         if (container_node) {
             tmp_list = find_actions(search_list, key, container_node);
         for (iter = tmp_list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { 
             result_list = g_list_prepend(result_list, (action_t *) iter->data);
     return result_list;
 static void
 native_stop_constraints(resource_t * rsc, action_t * stonith_op, gboolean is_stonith,
                         pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     GListPtr action_list = NULL;
     resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc);
     key = stop_key(rsc);
     action_list = find_fence_target_node_actions(rsc->actions, key, stonith_op->node, data_set);
     /* add the stonith OP as a stop pre-req and the mark the stop
      * as a pseudo op - since its now redundant
     for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if (action->node->details->online
             && action->node->details->unclean == FALSE && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
         if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
             crm_notice("Stop of failed resource %s is"
                        " implicit after %s is fenced", rsc->id, action->node->details->uname);
         } else {
             crm_info("%s is implicit after %s is fenced",
                      action->uuid, action->node->details->uname);
         /* the stop would never complete and is
          * now implied by the stonith operation
         update_action_flags(action, pe_action_pseudo);
         update_action_flags(action, pe_action_runnable);
         update_action_flags(action, pe_action_implied_by_stonith);
             enum pe_ordering flags = pe_order_optional;
             action_t *parent_stop = find_first_action(top->actions, NULL, RSC_STOP, NULL);
             if(stonith_op->node->details->remote_rsc) {
                 flags |= pe_order_preserve;
             order_actions(stonith_op, action, flags);
             order_actions(stonith_op, parent_stop, flags);
         if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_notify)) {
             /* Create a second notification that will be delivered
              *   immediately after the node is fenced
              * Basic problem:
              * - C is a clone active on the node to be shot and stopping on another
              * - R is a resource that depends on C
              * + C.stop depends on R.stop
              * + C.stopped depends on STONITH
              * + C.notify depends on C.stopped
              * + C.healthy depends on C.notify
              * + R.stop depends on C.healthy
              * The extra notification here changes
              *  + C.healthy depends on C.notify
              * into:
              *  + C.healthy depends on C.notify'
              *  + C.notify' depends on STONITH'
              * thus breaking the loop
             notify_data_t *n_data =
                 create_notification_boundaries(rsc, RSC_STOP, NULL, stonith_op, data_set);
             crm_info("Creating secondary notification for %s", action->uuid);
             collect_notification_data(rsc, TRUE, FALSE, n_data);
             g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_stop_resource"), strdup(rsc->id));
             g_hash_table_insert(n_data->keys, strdup("notify_stop_uname"),
             create_notifications(uber_parent(rsc), n_data, data_set);
 /* From Bug #1601, successful fencing must be an input to a failed resources stop action.
    However given group(rA, rB) running on nodeX and B.stop has failed,
    A := stop healthy resource (rA.stop)
    B := stop failed resource (pseudo operation B.stop)
    C := stonith nodeX
    A requires B, B requires C, C requires A
    This loop would prevent the cluster from making progress.
    This block creates the "C requires A" dependency and therefore must (at least
    for now) be disabled.
    Instead, run the block above and treat all resources on nodeX as B would be
    (marked as a pseudo op depending on the STONITH).
    TODO: Break the "A requires B" dependency in update_action() and re-enable this block
    } else if(is_stonith == FALSE) {
    crm_info("Moving healthy resource %s"
    " off %s before fencing",
    rsc->id, node->details->uname);
    * stop healthy resources before the
    * stonith op
    rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL,
    pe_order_optional, data_set);
     key = demote_key(rsc);
     action_list = find_fence_target_node_actions(rsc->actions, key, stonith_op->node, data_set);
     for (gIter = action_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
         action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
         if (action->node->details->online == FALSE || action->node->details->unclean == TRUE
             || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
             if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
                 pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Demote of failed resource %s is"
                             " implict after %s is fenced", rsc->id, action->node->details->uname);
             } else {
                 pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s is implicit after %s is fenced",
                             action->uuid, action->node->details->uname);
             /* the stop would never complete and is
              * now implied by the stonith operation
             crm_trace("here - 1");
             update_action_flags(action, pe_action_pseudo);
             update_action_flags(action, pe_action_runnable);
             if (is_stonith == FALSE) {
                 order_actions(stonith_op, action, pe_order_preserve|pe_order_optional);
 rsc_stonith_ordering(resource_t * rsc, action_t * stonith_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     gboolean is_stonith = FALSE;
     if (rsc->children) {
         GListPtr gIter = NULL;
         for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             rsc_stonith_ordering(child_rsc, stonith_op, data_set);
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping fencing constraints for unmanaged resource: %s", rsc->id);
     /* Start constraints */
     native_start_constraints(rsc, stonith_op, is_stonith, data_set);
     /* Stop constraints */
     if (stonith_op) {
         native_stop_constraints(rsc, stonith_op, is_stonith, data_set);
 enum stack_activity {
     stack_stable = 0,
     stack_starting = 1,
     stack_stopping = 2,
     stack_middle = 4,
 static action_t *
 get_first_named_action(resource_t * rsc, const char *action, gboolean only_valid, node_t * current)
     action_t *a = NULL;
     GListPtr action_list = NULL;
     char *key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, action, 0);
     action_list = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, current);
     if (action_list == NULL || action_list->data == NULL) {
         crm_trace("%s: no %s action", rsc->id, action);
         return NULL;
     a = action_list->data;
     if (only_valid && is_set(a->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) {
         crm_trace("%s: pseudo", key);
         a = NULL;
     } else if (only_valid && is_not_set(a->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
         crm_trace("%s: runnable", key);
         a = NULL;
     return a;
 static void
 ReloadRsc(resource_t * rsc, action_t * stop, action_t * start, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     action_t *action = NULL;
     action_t *rewrite = NULL;
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_try_reload)) {
     } else if (is_not_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: stop action", rsc->id);
     } else if (is_not_set(start->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: start action", rsc->id);
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s on %s", rsc->id, stop->node->details->uname);
     action = get_first_named_action(rsc, RSC_PROMOTE, TRUE, NULL);
     if (action && is_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
         update_action_flags(action, pe_action_pseudo);
     action = get_first_named_action(rsc, RSC_DEMOTE, TRUE, NULL);
     if (action && is_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) {
         rewrite = action;
         update_action_flags(stop, pe_action_pseudo);
     } else {
         rewrite = start;
     pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Rewriting %s of %s on %s as a reload",
                 rewrite->task, rsc->id, stop->node->details->uname);
     set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_reload);
     update_action_flags(rewrite, pe_action_optional | pe_action_clear);
     rewrite->task = strdup("reload");
     rewrite->uuid = generate_op_key(rsc->id, rewrite->task, 0);
 rsc_reload(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GListPtr gIter = NULL;
     action_t *stop = NULL;
     action_t *start = NULL;
     if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_munging)) {
     set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_munging);
     if (rsc->children) {
         for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
             rsc_reload(child_rsc, data_set);
     } else if (rsc->variant > pe_native) {
     pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing %s", rsc->id);
     stop =
         get_first_named_action(rsc, RSC_STOP, TRUE,
                                rsc->running_on ? rsc->running_on->data : NULL);
     start = get_first_named_action(rsc, RSC_START, TRUE, NULL);
     if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
         || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)
         || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending)
         || rsc->next_role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
         pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: general resource state: flags=0x%.16llx", rsc->id, rsc->flags);
     if (stop != NULL && is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_optional) && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_try_reload)) {
         ReloadRsc(rsc, stop, start, data_set);
 native_append_meta(resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml)
     char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION);
-    resource_t *iso_parent, *last_parent;
+    resource_t *iso_parent, *last_parent, *parent;
     if (value) {
         char *name = NULL;
         name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION);
         crm_xml_add(xml, name, value);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE);
     if (value) {
         char *name = NULL;
         name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE);
         crm_xml_add(xml, name, value);
+    for (parent = rsc; parent != NULL; parent = parent->parent) {
+        if (parent->container) {
+            crm_xml_add(xml, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, parent->container->id);
+        }
+    }
     last_parent = iso_parent = rsc;
     while (iso_parent != NULL) {
         char *name = NULL;
         char *iso = NULL;
         if (iso_parent->isolation_wrapper == NULL) {
             last_parent = iso_parent;
             iso_parent = iso_parent->parent;
         /* name of wrapper script this resource is routed through. */
         name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_ISOLATION_WRAPPER);
         crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso_parent->isolation_wrapper);
         /* instance name for isolated environment */
         name = crm_meta_name(XML_RSC_ATTR_ISOLATION_INSTANCE);
         if (iso_parent->variant >= pe_clone) { 
             /* if isolation is set at the clone/master level, we have to 
              * give this resource the unique isolation instance associated
              * with the clone child (last_parent)*/
             /* Example: cloned group. group is container
              * clone myclone - iso_parent
              *    group mygroup - last_parent (this is the iso environment)
              *       rsc myrsc1 - rsc
              *       rsc myrsc2
              * The group is what is isolated in example1. We have to make
              * sure myrsc1 and myrsc2 launch in the same isolated environment.
              * Example: cloned primitives. rsc primitive is container
              * clone myclone iso_parent
              *     rsc myrsc1 - last_parent == rsc (this is the iso environment)
              * The individual cloned primitive instances are isolated
             value = g_hash_table_lookup(last_parent->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION);
             CRM_ASSERT(value != NULL);
             iso = crm_concat(crm_element_value(last_parent->xml, XML_ATTR_ID), value, '_');
             crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso);
         } else { 
              * Example: cloned group of containers
              * clone myclone
              *    group mygroup
              *       rsc myrsc1 - iso_parent (this is the iso environment)
              *       rsc myrsc2
              * Example: group of containers
              * group mygroup
              *   rsc myrsc1 - iso_parent (this is the iso environment)
              *   rsc myrsc2
              * Example: group is container
              * group mygroup - iso_parent ( this is iso environment)
              *   rsc myrsc1 
              *   rsc myrsc2
              * Example: single primitive
              * rsc myrsc1 - iso_parent (this is the iso environment)
             value = g_hash_table_lookup(iso_parent->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION);
             if (value) {
                 crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso_parent->id);
                 iso = crm_concat(crm_element_value(iso_parent->xml, XML_ATTR_ID), value, '_');
                 crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso);
             } else {
                 crm_xml_add(xml, name, iso_parent->id);
diff --git a/pengine/test10/bug-1572-2.xml b/pengine/test10/bug-1572-2.xml
index 20a75ffe8b..8b42d10d59 100644
--- a/pengine/test10/bug-1572-2.xml
+++ b/pengine/test10/bug-1572-2.xml
@@ -1,185 +1,185 @@
 <cib admin_epoch="0" epoch="65" num_updates="13878" dc-uuid="2ba293d2-2c30-4957-ad8d-59ad15bb7e26" have-quorum="true" remote-tls-port="0" validate-with="pacemaker-1.0" cib-last-written="Fri Jul 13 13:51:00 2012">
       <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21849" name="symmetric-cluster" value="true"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21859" name="no_quorum-policy" value="stop"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21868" name="default-resource-stickiness" value="0"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21877" name="default-migration-threshold" value="0"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21887" name="stonith-enabled" value="false"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21896" name="stonith-action" value="reboot"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21905" name="stop-orphan-resources" value="true"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21914" name="stop-orphan-actions" value="true"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21924" name="remove-after-stop" value="false"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21933" name="short-resource-names" value="true"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21942" name="transition-idle-timeout" value="5min"/>
         <nvpair name="default-action-timeout" id="nvpair.id21952" value="120s"/>
         <nvpair id="nvpair.id21961" name="is-managed-default" value="true"/>
         <nvpair name="last-lrm-refresh" id="nvpair.id21970" value="1178199084"/>
       <node id="8c16c69e-f753-49cf-ba89-3ae421940042" uname="arc-dknightlx" type="normal">
         <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id21994"/>
         <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id22002"/>
       <node id="2ba293d2-2c30-4957-ad8d-59ad15bb7e26" uname="arc-tkincaidlx.wsicorp.com" type="normal">
         <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id22021"/>
         <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id22029"/>
       <master id="ms_drbd_7788">
         <primitive id="rsc_drbd_7788" class="ocf" type="drbd" provider="heartbeat">
           <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id22104">
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22110" name="drbd_resource" value="pgsql"/>
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22120" name="dummy" value="cause_restart"/>
             <op name="monitor" interval="5m" id="drbd_monitor" timeout="60" start-delay="0" enabled="true" role="Started"/>
           <meta_attributes id="primitive-rsc_drbd_7788.meta"/>
         <meta_attributes id="master_slave-ms_drbd_7788.meta">
           <nvpair id="notify.meta.auto-75" name="notify" value="true"/>
           <nvpair id="nvpair.meta.auto-81" name="clone-max" value="2"/>
           <nvpair id="nvpair.meta.auto-83" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
           <nvpair id="nvpair.meta.auto-85" name="master-max" value="1"/>
           <nvpair id="nvpair.meta.auto-87" name="master-node-max" value="1"/>
       <group id="grp_pgsql_mirror">
         <meta_attributes id="meta_attributes.id22162">
           <nvpair id="nvpair.id22169" name="restart-type" value="restart"/>
         <primitive id="fs_mirror" class="ocf" type="Filesystem" provider="heartbeat">
           <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id22190">
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22196" name="device" value="/dev/drbd0"/>
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22205" name="directory" value="/mirror"/>
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22214" name="fstype" value="ext3"/>
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22223" name="notify" value="true"/>
           <meta_attributes id="primitive-fs_mirror.meta"/>
         <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id22234"/>
         <primitive id="pgsql_5555" class="ocf" type="pgsql" provider="heartbeat">
           <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id22253">
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22259" name="pgctl" value="/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl"/>
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22268" name="start_opt" value="-p 5555"/>
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22277" name="psql" value="/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql"/>
             <nvpair name="pgdata" id="nvpair.id22286" value="/mirror/pgsql/data_hb"/>
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22295" name="pgdba" value="postgres"/>
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22304" name="logfile" value="/var/log/pg.log"/>
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22313" name="pgport" value="5555"/>
             <op name="monitor" interval="30" id="pgsql_5555_monitor" timeout="30" start-delay="10"/>
           <meta_attributes id="primitive-pgsql_5555.meta"/>
         <primitive id="IPaddr_147_81_84_133" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr">
             <op name="monitor" interval="25s" id="IPaddr_147_81_84_133_mon" timeout="25s" start-delay="0" enabled="true" role="Started"/>
           <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id22371">
             <nvpair id="nvpair.id22377" name="ip" value=""/>
           <meta_attributes id="primitive-IPaddr_147_81_84_133.meta"/>
         <meta_attributes id="group-grp_pgsql_mirror.meta">
           <nvpair id="ordered.meta.auto-110" name="ordered" value="true"/>
           <nvpair id="collocated.meta.auto-110" name="collocated" value="true"/>
       <rsc_order id="drbd_before_fs-1" first="ms_drbd_7788" then="grp_pgsql_mirror" then-action="start" first-action="promote" score="0"/>
       <rsc_colocation id="fs_on_drbd_master" rsc="grp_pgsql_mirror" with-rsc="ms_drbd_7788" with-rsc-role="Master" score="INFINITY"/>
     <node_state id="8c16c69e-f753-49cf-ba89-3ae421940042" uname="arc-dknightlx" crmd="online" in_ccm="true" ha="active" join="member" shutdown="1178215411" expected="down">
       <lrm id="lrm.auto-1">
         <lrm_resources id="lrm_resources.id22459">
           <lrm_resource id="fs_mirror" type="Filesystem" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="fs_mirror_monitor_0" operation="monitor" transition-key="5:2:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" transition-magic="0:7;5:2:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" call-id="4" crm_feature_set="2.0" rc-code="7" op-status="0" interval="0" op-digest="d4c8a663863ff9f9b2c2bb8d0a37d246"/>
             <lrm_rsc_op id="fs_mirror_start_0" operation="start" transition-key="32:7:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" transition-magic="0:0;32:7:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" call-id="11" crm_feature_set="2.0" rc-code="0" op-status="0" interval="0" op-digest="d4c8a663863ff9f9b2c2bb8d0a37d246"/>
             <lrm_rsc_op id="fs_mirror_stop_0" operation="stop" transition-key="33:9:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" transition-magic="0:0;33:9:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" call-id="23" crm_feature_set="2.0" rc-code="0" op-status="0" interval="0" op-digest="d4c8a663863ff9f9b2c2bb8d0a37d246"/>
           <lrm_resource id="IPaddr_147_81_84_133" type="IPaddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="IPaddr_147_81_84_133_monitor_0" operation="monitor" transition-key="7:2:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" transition-magic="0:7;7:2:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" call-id="6" crm_feature_set="2.0" rc-code="7" op-status="0" interval="0" op-digest="26517a2a9fde8bc02319582a3ac78d34"/>
             <lrm_rsc_op id="IPaddr_147_81_84_133_start_0" operation="start" transition-key="35:7:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" transition-magic="0:0;35:7:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" call-id="14" crm_feature_set="2.0" rc-code="0" op-status="0" interval="0" op-digest="26517a2a9fde8bc02319582a3ac78d34"/>
             <lrm_rsc_op id="IPaddr_147_81_84_133_monitor_25000" operation="monitor" transition-key="36:7:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" transition-magic="0:0;36:7:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" call-id="15" crm_feature_set="2.0" rc-code="0" op-status="0" interval="25000" op-digest="50a368444c5fd3280a6b039fc46c1f77"/>
             <lrm_rsc_op id="IPaddr_147_81_84_133_stop_0" operation="stop" transition-key="41:8:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" transition-magic="0:0;41:8:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" call-id="17" crm_feature_set="2.0" rc-code="0" op-status="0" interval="0" op-digest="26517a2a9fde8bc02319582a3ac78d34"/>
           <lrm_resource id="pgsql_5555" type="pgsql" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="pgsql_5555_monitor_0" operation="monitor" transition-key="6:2:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" transition-magic="0:7;6:2:e8a993e1-86e0-4a31-99e4-246fc14b7cf6" call-id="5" crm_feature_set="2.0" rc-code="7" op-status="0" interval="0" op-digest="bb681a2f89182aa75fa88792c3f47e85"/>
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pengine/test10/isolation-clone.xml b/pengine/test10/isolation-clone.xml
index c000d674c0..dd800b512a 100644
--- a/pengine/test10/isolation-clone.xml
+++ b/pengine/test10/isolation-clone.xml
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
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diff --git a/pengine/test10/isolation-restart-all.xml b/pengine/test10/isolation-restart-all.xml
index 50a33b7f33..124f524f58 100644
--- a/pengine/test10/isolation-restart-all.xml
+++ b/pengine/test10/isolation-restart-all.xml
@@ -1,184 +1,184 @@
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diff --git a/pengine/test10/isolation-start-all.xml b/pengine/test10/isolation-start-all.xml
index b9c7dc9ecb..98580ab3e2 100644
--- a/pengine/test10/isolation-start-all.xml
+++ b/pengine/test10/isolation-start-all.xml
@@ -1,189 +1,189 @@
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+<cib crm_feature_set="3.0.9" validate-with="pacemaker-2.3" epoch="57" num_updates="11" admin_epoch="0" cib-last-written="Fri Mar 20 17:07:35 2015" have-quorum="0" dc-uuid="5">
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index 5cdd8d7a5b..a4cefd68e8 100644
--- a/pengine/test10/master-5.xml
+++ b/pengine/test10/master-5.xml
@@ -1,411 +1,411 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 2debcfaa42..f65b599244 100644
--- a/pengine/test10/master-6.xml
+++ b/pengine/test10/master-6.xml
@@ -1,443 +1,443 @@
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           <lrm_resource id="ocf_192.168.100.181" type="IPaddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="ocf_192.168.100.181_monitor_0" op-digest="d284750e2bd4a30721ccaeb78f5582de" interval="0" operation="monitor" transition-key="8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="4:7;8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="3" rc-code="7" op-status="4"/>
           <lrm_resource id="rsc_c001n02" type="IPaddr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="rsc_c001n02_monitor_0" op-digest="dcdbdc304c192f671a390f7df0317954" interval="0" operation="monitor" transition-key="8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="4:7;8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="8" rc-code="7" op-status="4"/>
           <lrm_resource id="ocf_msdummy:0" type="/usr/lib/heartbeat/cts/OCFMSDummy" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="ocf_msdummy-0_monitor_0" op-digest="ec8db50619941e7d81394ae605c8b3e7" interval="0" operation="monitor" transition-key="8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="4:7;8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="12" rc-code="7" op-status="4"/>
           <lrm_resource id="heartbeat_192.168.100.182" type="IPaddr" class="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="heartbeat_192.168.100.182_monitor_0" op-digest="228e5b6a6590df0e8af9a9964014ed59" interval="0" operation="monitor" transition-key="8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="4:7;8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="4" rc-code="7" op-status="4"/>
           <lrm_resource id="ocf_msdummy:1" type="/usr/lib/heartbeat/cts/OCFMSDummy" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="ocf_msdummy-1_monitor_0" op-digest="ec8db50619941e7d81394ae605c8b3e7" interval="0" operation="monitor" transition-key="8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="4:7;8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="13" rc-code="7" op-status="4"/>
           <lrm_resource id="child_DoFencing:3" type="ssh" class="stonith">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="child_DoFencing-3_start_0" op-digest="cd062168f843c5d2a0d53ed7c4789de3" operation="start" interval="0" transition-key="8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="0:0;8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="15" rc-code="0" op-status="0"/>
             <lrm_rsc_op id="child_DoFencing-3_monitor_20000" op-digest="0236f7c4dbc3d459c82f4f981a7bf5f4" interval="20000" operation="monitor" transition-key="9:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="0:0;9:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="19" rc-code="0" op-status="0"/>
           <lrm_resource id="ocf_msdummy:7" type="/usr/lib/heartbeat/cts/OCFMSDummy" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="ocf_msdummy-7_start_0" op-digest="ec8db50619941e7d81394ae605c8b3e7" operation="start" interval="0" transition-key="8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="0:0;8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="17" rc-code="0" op-status="0"/>
             <lrm_rsc_op id="ocf_msdummy-7_monitor_5000" op-digest="58ac6c95966de17b553a8743eab51b18" interval="5000" operation="monitor" transition-key="9:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="0:0;9:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="21" rc-code="0" op-status="0"/>
           <lrm_resource id="ocf_msdummy:6" type="/usr/lib/heartbeat/cts/OCFMSDummy" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat">
             <lrm_rsc_op id="ocf_msdummy-6_start_0" op-digest="ec8db50619941e7d81394ae605c8b3e7" operation="start" interval="0" transition-key="8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="0:0;8:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="16" rc-code="0" op-status="0"/>
             <lrm_rsc_op id="ocf_msdummy-6_monitor_5000" op-digest="58ac6c95966de17b553a8743eab51b18" interval="5000" operation="monitor" transition-key="9:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" crm_feature_set="2.0" transition-magic="0:0;9:b76c3e2e-f4d3-4800-af76-89ec8931503c" call-id="20" rc-code="0" op-status="0"/>
       <transient_attributes id="de937e3d-0309-4b5d-b85c-f96edc1ed8e3">
         <instance_attributes id="instance_attributes.id25850">
           <nvpair id="nvpair.id25858" name="probe_complete" value="true"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/Makefile.am b/tools/Makefile.am
index 74b69e3cc7..f6bf768ed4 100644
--- a/tools/Makefile.am
+++ b/tools/Makefile.am
@@ -1,149 +1,153 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Andrew Beekhof
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
+systemdunit_DATA = crm_mon.service
 COMMONLIBS	= 							\
 		$(top_builddir)/lib/common/libcrmcommon.la		\
 		$(top_builddir)/lib/cib/libcib.la			\
 headerdir               = $(pkgincludedir)/crm
 header_HEADERS		=
 pcmkdir			= $(datadir)/$(PACKAGE)
 pcmk_DATA		= report.common report.collector
 sbin_SCRIPTS		= crm_report crm_standby crm_master crm_failcount
 sbin_SCRIPTS		+= cibsecret
 sbin_PROGRAMS		= crm_simulate crmadmin cibadmin crm_node crm_attribute crm_resource crm_verify \
 			 crm_shadow attrd_updater crm_diff crm_mon iso8601 crm_ticket crm_error
 testdir			= $(datadir)/$(PACKAGE)/tests/cli
 test_SCRIPTS		= regression.sh
 test_DATA               = regression.dates.exp regression.tools.exp regression.acls.exp 
 sbin_PROGRAMS           += crm_uuid
 sbin_PROGRAMS		+= notifyServicelogEvent
 sbin_PROGRAMS		+= ipmiservicelogd
 noinst_HEADERS		=
 MAN8DEPS		= crm_attribute crm_node
 crmadmin_SOURCES	= crmadmin.c
 crmadmin_LDADD		= $(top_builddir)/lib/pengine/libpe_status.la \
 crm_error_SOURCES	= crm_error.c
 crm_error_LDADD		= $(COMMONLIBS)
 crm_uuid_SOURCES	= crm_uuid.c
 crm_uuid_LDADD		= $(COMMONLIBS) $(top_builddir)/lib/cluster/libcrmcluster.la
 cibadmin_SOURCES	= cibadmin.c
 cibadmin_LDADD		= $(COMMONLIBS)
 crm_shadow_SOURCES	= cib_shadow.c
 crm_shadow_LDADD	= $(COMMONLIBS)
 crm_node_SOURCES	= crm_node.c
 crm_node_LDADD		= $(top_builddir)/lib/cluster/libcrmcluster.la \
 crm_simulate_SOURCES	= crm_simulate.c fake_transition.c
 crm_simulate_CFLAGS	= -I$(top_srcdir)/pengine
 crm_simulate_LDADD	= $(top_builddir)/lib/pengine/libpe_status.la		\
 			$(top_builddir)/pengine/libpengine.la 			\
 			$(top_builddir)/lib/cib/libcib.la			\
 			$(top_builddir)/lib/lrmd/liblrmd.la			\
 			$(top_builddir)/lib/transition/libtransitioner.la	\
 crm_diff_SOURCES	= xml_diff.c
 crm_diff_LDADD		= $(COMMONLIBS)
 crm_mon_SOURCES		= crm_mon.c
 crm_mon_LDADD		= $(top_builddir)/lib/pengine/libpe_status.la		\
 			  $(top_builddir)/lib/fencing/libstonithd.la		\
 			  $(top_builddir)/pengine/libpengine.la \
 # Arguments could be made that this should live in crm/pengine
 crm_verify_SOURCES	= crm_verify.c
 crm_verify_LDADD	= $(top_builddir)/lib/pengine/libpe_status.la 	\
 			$(top_builddir)/pengine/libpengine.la		\
 crm_attribute_SOURCES	= crm_attribute.c
 crm_attribute_LDADD	= $(top_builddir)/lib/cluster/libcrmcluster.la $(COMMONLIBS)
 crm_resource_SOURCES	= crm_resource.c fake_transition.c
 crm_resource_CFLAGS	= -I$(top_srcdir)/pengine
 crm_resource_LDADD	= $(top_builddir)/lib/pengine/libpe_rules.la  		\
 			$(top_builddir)/lib/lrmd/liblrmd.la 			\
 			$(top_builddir)/lib/services/libcrmservice.la 		\
 			$(top_builddir)/lib/pengine/libpe_status.la 		\
 			$(top_builddir)/pengine/libpengine.la 			\
 			$(top_builddir)/lib/transition/libtransitioner.la	\
 iso8601_SOURCES		= test.iso8601.c
 iso8601_LDADD		= $(COMMONLIBS)
 attrd_updater_SOURCES	= attrd_updater.c
 attrd_updater_LDADD	= $(COMMONLIBS)
 crm_ticket_SOURCES	= crm_ticket.c
 crm_ticket_LDADD	= $(top_builddir)/lib/pengine/libpe_rules.la  \
 			$(top_builddir)/lib/pengine/libpe_status.la \
 			$(top_builddir)/pengine/libpengine.la \
 notifyServicelogEvent_SOURCES	= notifyServicelogEvent.c
 notifyServicelogEvent_CFLAGS	= $(SERVICELOG_CFLAGS)
 notifyServicelogEvent_LDADD	= $(top_builddir)/lib/common/libcrmcommon.la $(SERVICELOG_LIBS)
 ipmiservicelogd_SOURCES	= ipmiservicelogd.c
 ipmiservicelogd_LDFLAGS	= $(top_builddir)/lib/common/libcrmcommon.la $(OPENIPMI_SERVICELOG_LIBS) $(SERVICELOG_LIBS)
 	rm -f *.log *.debug *.xml *~
 .PHONY: install-exec-hook
diff --git a/tools/crm_mon.service.in b/tools/crm_mon.service.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3717824188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/crm_mon.service.in
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=Daemon for pacemaker monitor
+ExecStart=@sbindir@/crm_mon $OPTIONS
diff --git a/tools/crm_resource.c b/tools/crm_resource.c
index a37245e0a7..358f413502 100644
--- a/tools/crm_resource.c
+++ b/tools/crm_resource.c
@@ -1,2993 +1,3018 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <libgen.h>
 #include <time.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/services.h>
 #include <crm/common/xml.h>
 #include <crm/common/mainloop.h>
 #include <crm/cib.h>
 #include <crm/attrd.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/rules.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/status.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/internal.h>
 #include "fake_transition.h"
 extern xmlNode *do_calculations(pe_working_set_t * data_set, xmlNode * xml_input, crm_time_t * now);
 bool scope_master = FALSE;
 gboolean do_force = FALSE;
 gboolean BE_QUIET = FALSE;
 const char *attr_set_type = XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS;
 char *host_id = NULL;
 const char *rsc_id = NULL;
 const char *host_uname = NULL;
 const char *prop_name = NULL;
 const char *prop_value = NULL;
 const char *rsc_type = NULL;
 const char *prop_id = NULL;
 const char *prop_set = NULL;
 char *move_lifetime = NULL;
 char rsc_cmd = 'L';
 const char *rsc_long_cmd = NULL;
 char *our_pid = NULL;
 crm_ipc_t *crmd_channel = NULL;
 char *xml_file = NULL;
 int cib_options = cib_sync_call;
 int crmd_replies_needed = 1; /* The welcome message */
 GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL;
 gboolean print_pending = FALSE;
 extern void cleanup_alloc_calculations(pe_working_set_t * data_set);
 #define CMD_ERR(fmt, args...) do {		\
 	crm_warn(fmt, ##args);			\
 	fprintf(stderr, fmt"\n", ##args);		\
     } while(0)
 #define message_timeout_ms 60*1000
 static gboolean
 resource_ipc_timeout(gpointer data)
     fprintf(stderr, "No messages received in %d seconds.. aborting\n",
             (int)message_timeout_ms / 1000);
     crm_err("No messages received in %d seconds", (int)message_timeout_ms / 1000);
     return crm_exit(-1);
 static void
 resource_ipc_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data)
     crm_info("Connection to CRMd was terminated");
 static void
     if (crmd_replies_needed == 0) {
     mainloop = g_main_new(FALSE);
     fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for %d replies from the CRMd", crmd_replies_needed);
     crm_debug("Waiting for %d replies from the CRMd", crmd_replies_needed);
     g_timeout_add(message_timeout_ms, resource_ipc_timeout, NULL);
 static int
 resource_ipc_callback(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata)
     xmlNode *msg = string2xml(buffer);
     fprintf(stderr, ".");
     crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "[inbound]");
     if (crmd_replies_needed == 0) {
         fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");
         crm_debug("Got all the replies we expected");
         return crm_exit(pcmk_ok);
     return 0;
 struct ipc_client_callbacks crm_callbacks = {
     .dispatch = resource_ipc_callback,
     .destroy = resource_ipc_connection_destroy,
 static int
 do_find_resource(const char *rsc, resource_t * the_rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int found = 0;
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     for (lpc = the_rsc->running_on; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         node_t *node = (node_t *) lpc->data;
         crm_trace("resource %s is running on: %s", rsc, node->details->uname);
         if (BE_QUIET) {
             fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", node->details->uname);
         } else {
             const char *state = "";
             if (the_rsc->variant < pe_clone && the_rsc->fns->state(the_rsc, TRUE) == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
                 state = "Master";
             fprintf(stdout, "resource %s is running on: %s %s\n", rsc, node->details->uname, state);
     if (BE_QUIET == FALSE && found == 0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "resource %s is NOT running\n", rsc);
     return found;
 static int
 search_resource(const char *rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int found = 0;
     resource_t *the_rsc = NULL;
     resource_t *parent = NULL;
     if (the_rsc == NULL) {
         the_rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc);
     if (the_rsc == NULL) {
         return -ENXIO;
     if (the_rsc->variant >= pe_clone) {
         GListPtr gIter = the_rsc->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             found += do_find_resource(rsc, gIter->data, data_set);
     /* The anonymous clone children's common ID is supplied */
     } else if ((parent = uber_parent(the_rsc)) != NULL
                && parent->variant >= pe_clone
                && is_not_set(the_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)
                && the_rsc->clone_name
                && safe_str_eq(rsc, the_rsc->clone_name)
                && safe_str_neq(rsc, the_rsc->id)) {
         GListPtr gIter = parent->children;
         for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
             found += do_find_resource(rsc, gIter->data, data_set);
     } else {
         found += do_find_resource(rsc, the_rsc, data_set);
     return found;
 #define cons_string(x) x?x:"NA"
 static void
 print_cts_constraints(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
     xmlNode *lifetime = NULL;
     xmlNode *cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, data_set->input);
     for (xml_obj = __xml_first_child(cib_constraints); xml_obj != NULL;
          xml_obj = __xml_next(xml_obj)) {
         const char *id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID);
         if (id == NULL) {
         lifetime = first_named_child(xml_obj, "lifetime");
         if (test_ruleset(lifetime, NULL, data_set->now) == FALSE) {
         if (safe_str_eq(XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_DEPEND, crm_element_name(xml_obj))) {
             printf("Constraint %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",
                    cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID)),
                    cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE)),
                    cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET)),
                    cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE)),
                    cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE_ROLE)),
                    cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE)));
         } else if (safe_str_eq(XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION, crm_element_name(xml_obj))) {
             /* unpack_location(xml_obj, data_set); */
 static void
 print_cts_rsc(resource_t * rsc)
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     const char *host = NULL;
     gboolean needs_quorum = TRUE;
     const char *rtype = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
     const char *rprov = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
     const char *rclass = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
     if (safe_str_eq(rclass, "stonith")) {
         xmlNode *op = NULL;
         needs_quorum = FALSE;
         for (op = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); op != NULL; op = __xml_next(op)) {
             if (crm_str_eq((const char *)op->name, "op", TRUE)) {
                 const char *name = crm_element_value(op, "name");
                 if (safe_str_neq(name, CRMD_ACTION_START)) {
                     const char *value = crm_element_value(op, "requires");
                     if (safe_str_eq(value, "nothing")) {
                         needs_quorum = FALSE;
     if (rsc->running_on != NULL && g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1) {
         node_t *tmp = rsc->running_on->data;
         host = tmp->details->uname;
     printf("Resource: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %d %lld 0x%.16llx\n",
            crm_element_name(rsc->xml), rsc->id,
            rsc->clone_name ? rsc->clone_name : rsc->id, rsc->parent ? rsc->parent->id : "NA",
            rprov ? rprov : "NA", rclass, rtype, host ? host : "NA", needs_quorum, rsc->flags,
     for (lpc = rsc->children; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         resource_t *child = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
 static void
 print_raw_rsc(resource_t * rsc)
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     GListPtr children = rsc->children;
     if (children == NULL) {
         printf("%s\n", rsc->id);
     for (lpc = children; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         resource_t *child = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
 static int
 do_find_resource_list(pe_working_set_t * data_set, gboolean raw)
     int found = 0;
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     int opts = pe_print_printf | pe_print_rsconly;
     if (print_pending) {
         opts |= pe_print_pending;
     for (lpc = data_set->resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
         if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)
             && rsc->fns->active(rsc, TRUE) == FALSE) {
         rsc->fns->print(rsc, NULL, opts, stdout);
     if (found == 0) {
         printf("NO resources configured\n");
         return -ENXIO;
     return 0;
 static resource_t *
 find_rsc_or_clone(const char *rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     resource_t *the_rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc);
     if (the_rsc == NULL) {
         char *as_clone = crm_concat(rsc, "0", ':');
         the_rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, as_clone);
     return the_rsc;
 static int
 dump_resource(const char *rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set, gboolean expanded)
     char *rsc_xml = NULL;
     resource_t *the_rsc = find_rsc_or_clone(rsc, data_set);
     int opts = pe_print_printf;
     if (the_rsc == NULL) {
         return -ENXIO;
     if (print_pending) {
         opts |= pe_print_pending;
     the_rsc->fns->print(the_rsc, NULL, opts, stdout);
     if (expanded) {
         rsc_xml = dump_xml_formatted(the_rsc->xml);
     } else {
         if (the_rsc->orig_xml) {
             rsc_xml = dump_xml_formatted(the_rsc->orig_xml);
         } else {
             rsc_xml = dump_xml_formatted(the_rsc->xml);
     fprintf(stdout, "%sxml:\n%s\n", expanded ? "" : "raw ", rsc_xml);
     return 0;
 static int
 dump_resource_attr(const char *rsc, const char *attr, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int rc = -ENXIO;
     node_t *current = NULL;
     GHashTable *params = NULL;
     resource_t *the_rsc = find_rsc_or_clone(rsc, data_set);
     const char *value = NULL;
     if (the_rsc == NULL) {
         return -ENXIO;
     if (g_list_length(the_rsc->running_on) == 1) {
         current = the_rsc->running_on->data;
     } else if (g_list_length(the_rsc->running_on) > 1) {
         CMD_ERR("%s is active on more than one node,"
                 " returning the default value for %s", the_rsc->id, crm_str(value));
     params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                    g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     if (safe_str_eq(attr_set_type, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS)) {
         get_rsc_attributes(params, the_rsc, current, data_set);
     } else if (safe_str_eq(attr_set_type, XML_TAG_META_SETS)) {
         get_meta_attributes(params, the_rsc, current, data_set);
     } else {
         unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, the_rsc->xml, XML_TAG_UTILIZATION, NULL,
                                    params, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
     crm_debug("Looking up %s in %s", attr, the_rsc->id);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, attr);
     if (value != NULL) {
         fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", value);
         rc = 0;
     } else {
         CMD_ERR("Attribute '%s' not found for '%s'", attr, the_rsc->id);
     return rc;
 static int
 find_resource_attr(cib_t * the_cib, const char *attr, const char *rsc, const char *set_type,
                    const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, char **value)
     int offset = 0;
     static int xpath_max = 1024;
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *xml_search = NULL;
     char *xpath_string = NULL;
     CRM_ASSERT(value != NULL);
     *value = NULL;
     if(the_cib == NULL) {
         return -ENOTCONN;
     xpath_string = calloc(1, xpath_max);
     offset +=
         snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "%s", get_object_path("resources"));
     offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//*[@id=\"%s\"]", rsc);
     if (set_type) {
         offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "/%s", set_type);
         if (set_name) {
             offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "[@id=\"%s\"]", set_name);
     offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//nvpair[");
     if (attr_id) {
         offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "@id=\"%s\"", attr_id);
     if (attr_name) {
         if (attr_id) {
             offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, " and ");
         offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "@name=\"%s\"", attr_name);
     offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "]");
     CRM_LOG_ASSERT(offset > 0);
     rc = the_cib->cmds->query(the_cib, xpath_string, &xml_search,
                               cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local | cib_xpath);
     if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
         goto bail;
     crm_log_xml_debug(xml_search, "Match");
     if (xml_has_children(xml_search)) {
         xmlNode *child = NULL;
         rc = -EINVAL;
         printf("Multiple attributes match name=%s\n", attr_name);
         for (child = __xml_first_child(xml_search); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) {
             printf("  Value: %s \t(id=%s)\n",
                    crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE), ID(child));
     } else {
         const char *tmp = crm_element_value(xml_search, attr);
         if (tmp) {
             *value = strdup(tmp);
     return rc;
 #include "../pengine/pengine.h"
 static int
 set_resource_attr(const char *rsc_id, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_id,
                   const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value, bool recursive,
                   cib_t * cib, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     static bool need_init = TRUE;
     char *local_attr_id = NULL;
     char *local_attr_set = NULL;
     xmlNode *xml_top = NULL;
     xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
     gboolean use_attributes_tag = FALSE;
     resource_t *rsc = find_rsc_or_clone(rsc_id, data_set);
     if (rsc == NULL) {
         return -ENXIO;
     if (safe_str_eq(attr_set_type, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS)) {
         rc = find_resource_attr(cib, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id, XML_TAG_META_SETS, attr_set, attr_id,
                                 attr_name, &local_attr_id);
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
             printf("WARNING: There is already a meta attribute called %s (id=%s)\n", attr_name,
     rc = find_resource_attr(cib, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id, attr_set_type, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name,
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         crm_debug("Found a match for name=%s: id=%s", attr_name, local_attr_id);
         attr_id = local_attr_id;
     } else if (rc != -ENXIO) {
         return rc;
     } else {
         const char *value = NULL;
         xmlNode *cib_top = NULL;
         const char *tag = crm_element_name(rsc->xml);
         cib->cmds->query(cib, "/cib", &cib_top,
                               cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local | cib_xpath | cib_no_children);
         value = crm_element_value(cib_top, "ignore_dtd");
         if (value != NULL) {
             use_attributes_tag = TRUE;
         } else {
             value = crm_element_value(cib_top, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION);
             if (value && strstr(value, "-0.6")) {
                 use_attributes_tag = TRUE;
         if (attr_set == NULL) {
             local_attr_set = crm_concat(rsc_id, attr_set_type, '-');
             attr_set = local_attr_set;
         if (attr_id == NULL) {
             local_attr_id = crm_concat(attr_set, attr_name, '-');
             attr_id = local_attr_id;
         if (use_attributes_tag && safe_str_eq(tag, XML_CIB_TAG_MASTER)) {
             tag = "master_slave";       /* use the old name */
         xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, tag);
         crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id);
         xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_top, attr_set_type);
         crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, attr_set);
         if (use_attributes_tag) {
             xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTRS);
     xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR);
     if (xml_top == NULL) {
         xml_top = xml_obj;
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, attr_id);
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, attr_name);
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, attr_value);
     crm_log_xml_debug(xml_top, "Update");
     rc = cib->cmds->modify(cib, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, xml_top, cib_options);
     if(recursive && safe_str_eq(attr_set_type, XML_TAG_META_SETS)) {
         GListPtr lpc = NULL;
         if(need_init) {
             xmlNode *cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, data_set->input);
             need_init = FALSE;
             unpack_constraints(cib_constraints, data_set);
             for (lpc = data_set->resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
                 resource_t *r = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
                 clear_bit(r->flags, pe_rsc_allocating);
         crm_debug("Looking for dependancies %p", rsc->rsc_cons_lhs);
         set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating);
         for (lpc = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             rsc_colocation_t *cons = (rsc_colocation_t *) lpc->data;
             resource_t *peer = cons->rsc_lh;
             crm_debug("Checking %s %d", cons->id, cons->score);
             if (cons->score > 0 && is_not_set(peer->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) {
                 /* Don't get into colocation loops */
                 crm_debug("Setting %s=%s for dependant resource %s", attr_name, attr_value, peer->id);
                 set_resource_attr(peer->id, NULL, NULL, attr_name, attr_value, recursive, cib, data_set);
     return rc;
 static int
 delete_resource_attr(const char *rsc_id, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_id,
                      const char *attr_name, cib_t * cib, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     char *local_attr_id = NULL;
     resource_t *rsc = find_rsc_or_clone(rsc_id, data_set);
     if (rsc == NULL) {
         return -ENXIO;
     rc = find_resource_attr(cib, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id, attr_set_type, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name,
     if (rc == -ENXIO) {
         return pcmk_ok;
     } else if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
         return rc;
     if (attr_id == NULL) {
         attr_id = local_attr_id;
     xml_obj = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR);
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, attr_id);
     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, attr_name);
     crm_log_xml_debug(xml_obj, "Delete");
     rc = cib->cmds->delete(cib, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, xml_obj, cib_options);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         printf("Deleted %s option: id=%s%s%s%s%s\n", rsc_id, local_attr_id,
                attr_set ? " set=" : "", attr_set ? attr_set : "",
                attr_name ? " name=" : "", attr_name ? attr_name : "");
     return rc;
 static int
 dump_resource_prop(const char *rsc, const char *attr, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     const char *value = NULL;
     resource_t *the_rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc);
     if (the_rsc == NULL) {
         return -ENXIO;
     value = crm_element_value(the_rsc->xml, attr);
     if (value != NULL) {
         fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", value);
         return 0;
     return -ENXIO;
 static int
 send_lrm_rsc_op(crm_ipc_t * crmd_channel, const char *op,
                 const char *host_uname, const char *rsc_id,
                 gboolean only_failed, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     char *key = NULL;
     int rc = -ECOMM;
     xmlNode *cmd = NULL;
     xmlNode *xml_rsc = NULL;
     const char *value = NULL;
     const char *router_node = host_uname;
     xmlNode *params = NULL;
     xmlNode *msg_data = NULL;
     resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc_id);
     if (rsc == NULL) {
         CMD_ERR("Resource %s not found", rsc_id);
         return -ENXIO;
     } else if (rsc->variant != pe_native) {
         CMD_ERR("We can only process primitive resources, not %s", rsc_id);
         return -EINVAL;
     } else if (host_uname == NULL) {
         CMD_ERR("Please supply a hostname with -H");
         return -EINVAL;
     } else {
         node_t *node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, host_uname);
         if (node && is_remote_node(node)) {
             if (node->details->remote_rsc == NULL || node->details->remote_rsc->running_on == NULL) {
                 CMD_ERR("No lrmd connection detected to remote node %s", host_uname);
                 return -ENXIO;
             node = node->details->remote_rsc->running_on->data;
             router_node = node->details->uname;
     key = generate_transition_key(0, getpid(), 0, "xxxxxxxx-xrsc-opxx-xcrm-resourcexxxx");
     msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_GRAPH_TAG_RSC_OP);
     crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, key);
     crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET, host_uname);
     if (safe_str_neq(router_node, host_uname)) {
         crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE, router_node);
     xml_rsc = create_xml_node(msg_data, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE);
     if (rsc->clone_name) {
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc->clone_name);
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG, rsc->id);
     } else {
         crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc->id);
     value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
     crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE, value);
     if (value == NULL) {
         CMD_ERR("%s has no type!  Aborting...", rsc_id);
         return -ENXIO;
     value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
     crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, value);
     if (value == NULL) {
         CMD_ERR("%s has no class!  Aborting...", rsc_id);
         return -ENXIO;
     value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
     crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, value);
     params = create_xml_node(msg_data, XML_TAG_ATTRS);
     crm_xml_add(params, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, CRM_FEATURE_SET);
     key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
     crm_xml_add(params, key, "60000");  /* 1 minute */
     cmd = create_request(op, msg_data, router_node, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, crm_system_name, our_pid);
 /* 	crm_log_xml_warn(cmd, "send_lrm_rsc_op"); */
     if (crm_ipc_send(crmd_channel, cmd, 0, 0, NULL) > 0) {
         rc = 0;
     } else {
         CMD_ERR("Could not send %s op to the crmd", op);
         rc = -ENOTCONN;
     return rc;
 static int
 delete_lrm_rsc(cib_t *cib_conn, crm_ipc_t * crmd_channel, const char *host_uname,
                resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     node_t *node = NULL;
     if (rsc == NULL) {
         return -ENXIO;
     } else if (rsc->children) {
         GListPtr lpc = NULL;
         for (lpc = rsc->children; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             resource_t *child = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
             delete_lrm_rsc(cib_conn, crmd_channel, host_uname, child, data_set);
         return pcmk_ok;
     } else if (host_uname == NULL) {
         GListPtr lpc = NULL;
         for (lpc = data_set->nodes; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             node = (node_t *) lpc->data;
             if (node->details->online) {
                 delete_lrm_rsc(cib_conn, crmd_channel, node->details->uname, rsc, data_set);
         return pcmk_ok;
     node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, host_uname);
     if (node && node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled) {
         printf("Cleaning up %s on %s\n", rsc->id, host_uname);
         rc = send_lrm_rsc_op(crmd_channel, CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE, host_uname, rsc->id, TRUE, data_set);
     } else {
         printf("Resource discovery disabled on %s. Unable to delete lrm state.\n", host_uname);
     if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
         char *attr_name = NULL;
         const char *id = rsc->id;
         if(node && node->details->remote_rsc == NULL && node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled) {
         if (rsc->clone_name) {
             id = rsc->clone_name;
         attr_name = crm_concat("fail-count", id, '-');
         rc = attrd_update_delegate(NULL, 'D', host_uname, attr_name, NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, NULL,
                               NULL, NULL, node ? is_remote_node(node) : FALSE);
     return rc;
 static int
 fail_lrm_rsc(crm_ipc_t * crmd_channel, const char *host_uname,
              const char *rsc_id, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     crm_warn("Failing: %s", rsc_id);
     return send_lrm_rsc_op(crmd_channel, CRM_OP_LRM_FAIL, host_uname, rsc_id, FALSE, data_set);
 static char *
 parse_cli_lifetime(const char *input)
     char *later_s = NULL;
     crm_time_t *now = NULL;
     crm_time_t *later = NULL;
     crm_time_t *duration = NULL;
     if (input == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     duration = crm_time_parse_duration(move_lifetime);
     if (duration == NULL) {
         CMD_ERR("Invalid duration specified: %s", move_lifetime);
         CMD_ERR("Please refer to"
                 " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations"
                 " for examples of valid durations");
         return NULL;
     now = crm_time_new(NULL);
     later = crm_time_add(now, duration);
     crm_time_log(LOG_INFO, "now     ", now,
                  crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday | crm_time_log_with_timezone);
     crm_time_log(LOG_INFO, "later   ", later,
                  crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday | crm_time_log_with_timezone);
     crm_time_log(LOG_INFO, "duration", duration, crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday);
     later_s = crm_time_as_string(later, crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday);
     printf("Migration will take effect until: %s\n", later_s);
     return later_s;
 static int
 ban_resource(const char *rsc_id, const char *host, GListPtr allnodes, cib_t * cib_conn)
     char *later_s = NULL;
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     char *id = NULL;
     xmlNode *fragment = NULL;
     xmlNode *location = NULL;
     if(host == NULL) {
         GListPtr n = allnodes;
         for(; n && rc == pcmk_ok; n = n->next) {
             node_t *target = n->data;
             rc = ban_resource(rsc_id, target->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn);
         return rc;
     later_s = parse_cli_lifetime(move_lifetime);
     if(move_lifetime && later_s == NULL) {
         return -EINVAL;
     fragment = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS);
     id = crm_strdup_printf("cli-ban-%s-on-%s", rsc_id, host);
     location = create_xml_node(fragment, XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION);
     crm_xml_add(location, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
     if (BE_QUIET == FALSE) {
         CMD_ERR("WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint '%s'"
                 " with a score of -INFINITY for resource %s"
                 " on %s.", ID(location), rsc_id, host);
         CMD_ERR("\tThis will prevent %s from %s"
                 " on %s until the constraint is removed using"
                 " the 'crm_resource --clear' command or manually"
                 " with cibadmin", rsc_id, scope_master?"being promoted":"running", host);
         CMD_ERR("\tThis will be the case even if %s is"
                 " the last node in the cluster", host);
         CMD_ERR("\tThis message can be disabled with --quiet");
     crm_xml_add(location, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE, rsc_id);
     if(scope_master) {
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_RULE_ATTR_ROLE, RSC_ROLE_MASTER_S);
     } else {
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_RULE_ATTR_ROLE, RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S);
     if (later_s == NULL) {
         /* Short form */
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE, host);
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE, MINUS_INFINITY_S);
     } else {
         xmlNode *rule = create_xml_node(location, XML_TAG_RULE);
         xmlNode *expr = create_xml_node(rule, XML_TAG_EXPRESSION);
         id = crm_strdup_printf("cli-ban-%s-on-%s-rule", rsc_id, host);
         crm_xml_add(rule, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
         crm_xml_add(rule, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE, MINUS_INFINITY_S);
         crm_xml_add(rule, XML_RULE_ATTR_BOOLEAN_OP, "and");
         id = crm_strdup_printf("cli-ban-%s-on-%s-expr", rsc_id, host);
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE, "#uname");
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_OPERATION, "eq");
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_VALUE, host);
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_TYPE, "string");
         expr = create_xml_node(rule, "date_expression");
         id = crm_strdup_printf("cli-ban-%s-on-%s-lifetime", rsc_id, host);
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
         crm_xml_add(expr, "operation", "lt");
         crm_xml_add(expr, "end", later_s);
     crm_log_xml_notice(fragment, "Modify");
     rc = cib_conn->cmds->update(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, fragment, cib_options);
     return rc;
 static int
 prefer_resource(const char *rsc_id, const char *host, cib_t * cib_conn)
     char *later_s = parse_cli_lifetime(move_lifetime);
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     char *id = NULL;
     xmlNode *location = NULL;
     xmlNode *fragment = NULL;
     if(move_lifetime && later_s == NULL) {
         return -EINVAL;
     if(cib_conn == NULL) {
         return -ENOTCONN;
     fragment = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS);
     id = crm_strdup_printf("cli-prefer-%s", rsc_id);
     location = create_xml_node(fragment, XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION);
     crm_xml_add(location, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
     crm_xml_add(location, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE, rsc_id);
     if(scope_master) {
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_RULE_ATTR_ROLE, RSC_ROLE_MASTER_S);
     } else {
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_RULE_ATTR_ROLE, RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S);
     if (later_s == NULL) {
         /* Short form */
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE, host);
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE, INFINITY_S);
     } else {
         xmlNode *rule = create_xml_node(location, XML_TAG_RULE);
         xmlNode *expr = create_xml_node(rule, XML_TAG_EXPRESSION);
         id = crm_concat("cli-prefer-rule", rsc_id, '-');
         crm_xml_add(rule, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
         crm_xml_add(rule, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE, INFINITY_S);
         crm_xml_add(rule, XML_RULE_ATTR_BOOLEAN_OP, "and");
         id = crm_concat("cli-prefer-expr", rsc_id, '-');
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE, "#uname");
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_OPERATION, "eq");
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_VALUE, host);
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_TYPE, "string");
         expr = create_xml_node(rule, "date_expression");
         id = crm_concat("cli-prefer-lifetime-end", rsc_id, '-');
         crm_xml_add(expr, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
         crm_xml_add(expr, "operation", "lt");
         crm_xml_add(expr, "end", later_s);
     crm_log_xml_info(fragment, "Modify");
     rc = cib_conn->cmds->update(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, fragment, cib_options);
     return rc;
 static int
 clear_resource(const char *rsc_id, const char *host, GListPtr allnodes, cib_t * cib_conn)
     char *id = NULL;
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     xmlNode *fragment = NULL;
     xmlNode *location = NULL;
     if(cib_conn == NULL) {
         return -ENOTCONN;
     fragment = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS);
     if(host) {
         id = crm_strdup_printf("cli-ban-%s-on-%s", rsc_id, host);
         location = create_xml_node(fragment, XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION);
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
     } else {
         GListPtr n = allnodes;
         for(; n; n = n->next) {
             node_t *target = n->data;
             id = crm_strdup_printf("cli-ban-%s-on-%s", rsc_id, target->details->uname);
             location = create_xml_node(fragment, XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION);
             crm_xml_add(location, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
     id = crm_strdup_printf("cli-prefer-%s", rsc_id);
     location = create_xml_node(fragment, XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION);
     crm_xml_add(location, XML_ATTR_ID, id);
     if(host && do_force == FALSE) {
         crm_xml_add(location, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE, host);
     crm_log_xml_info(fragment, "Delete");
     rc = cib_conn->cmds->delete(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, fragment, cib_options);
     if (rc == -ENXIO) {
         rc = pcmk_ok;
     } else if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
         goto bail;
     return rc;
 static int
 list_resource_operations(const char *rsc_id, const char *host_uname, gboolean active,
                          pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     resource_t *rsc = NULL;
     int opts = pe_print_printf | pe_print_rsconly | pe_print_suppres_nl;
     GListPtr ops = find_operations(rsc_id, host_uname, active, data_set);
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     if (print_pending) {
         opts |= pe_print_pending;
     for (lpc = ops; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         xmlNode *xml_op = (xmlNode *) lpc->data;
         const char *op_rsc = crm_element_value(xml_op, "resource");
         const char *last = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE);
         const char *status_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS);
         const char *op_key = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
         int status = crm_parse_int(status_s, "0");
         rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, op_rsc);
         if(rsc) {
             rsc->fns->print(rsc, "", opts, stdout);
         } else {
             fprintf(stdout, "Unknown resource %s", op_rsc);
         fprintf(stdout, ": %s (node=%s, call=%s, rc=%s",
                 op_key ? op_key : ID(xml_op),
                 crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_UNAME),
                 crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID),
                 crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC));
         if (last) {
             time_t run_at = crm_parse_int(last, "0");
             fprintf(stdout, ", last-rc-change=%s, exec=%sms",
                     crm_strip_trailing_newline(ctime(&run_at)), crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_T_EXEC));
         fprintf(stdout, "): %s\n", services_lrm_status_str(status));
     return pcmk_ok;
 static void
 show_location(resource_t * rsc, const char *prefix)
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     GListPtr list = rsc->rsc_location;
     int offset = 0;
     if (prefix) {
         offset = strlen(prefix) - 2;
     for (lpc = list; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         rsc_to_node_t *cons = (rsc_to_node_t *) lpc->data;
         GListPtr lpc2 = NULL;
         for (lpc2 = cons->node_list_rh; lpc2 != NULL; lpc2 = lpc2->next) {
             node_t *node = (node_t *) lpc2->data;
             char *score = score2char(node->weight);
             fprintf(stdout, "%s: Node %-*s (score=%s, id=%s)\n",
                     prefix ? prefix : "  ", 71 - offset, node->details->uname, score, cons->id);
 static void
 show_colocation(resource_t * rsc, gboolean dependants, gboolean recursive, int offset)
     char *prefix = NULL;
     GListPtr lpc = NULL;
     GListPtr list = rsc->rsc_cons;
     prefix = calloc(1, (offset * 4) + 1);
     memset(prefix, ' ', offset * 4);
     if (dependants) {
         list = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs;
     if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) {
         /* Break colocation loops */
         printf("loop %s\n", rsc->id);
     set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating);
     for (lpc = list; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
         rsc_colocation_t *cons = (rsc_colocation_t *) lpc->data;
         char *score = NULL;
         resource_t *peer = cons->rsc_rh;
         if (dependants) {
             peer = cons->rsc_lh;
         if (is_set(peer->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) {
             if (dependants == FALSE) {
                 fprintf(stdout, "%s%-*s (id=%s - loop)\n", prefix, 80 - (4 * offset), peer->id,
         if (dependants && recursive) {
             show_colocation(peer, dependants, recursive, offset + 1);
         score = score2char(cons->score);
         if (cons->role_rh > RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
             fprintf(stdout, "%s%-*s (score=%s, %s role=%s, id=%s)\n", prefix, 80 - (4 * offset),
                     peer->id, score, dependants ? "needs" : "with", role2text(cons->role_rh),
         } else {
             fprintf(stdout, "%s%-*s (score=%s, id=%s)\n", prefix, 80 - (4 * offset),
                     peer->id, score, cons->id);
         show_location(peer, prefix);
         if (!dependants && recursive) {
             show_colocation(peer, dependants, recursive, offset + 1);
 static GHashTable *
 generate_resource_params(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
     GHashTable *params = NULL;
     GHashTable *meta = NULL;
     GHashTable *combined = NULL;
     GHashTableIter iter;
     if (!rsc) {
         crm_err("Resource does not exist in config");
         return NULL;
     params =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     meta = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     combined =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     get_rsc_attributes(params, rsc, NULL /* TODO: Pass in local node */ , data_set);
     get_meta_attributes(meta, rsc, NULL /* TODO: Pass in local node */ , data_set);
     if (params) {
         char *key = NULL;
         char *value = NULL;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, params);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
             g_hash_table_insert(combined, strdup(key), strdup(value));
     if (meta) {
         char *key = NULL;
         char *value = NULL;
         g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, meta);
         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
             char *crm_name = crm_meta_name(key);
             g_hash_table_insert(combined, crm_name, strdup(value));
     return combined;
 static bool resource_is_running_on(resource_t *rsc, const char *host) 
     bool found = TRUE;
     GListPtr hIter = NULL;
     GListPtr hosts = NULL;
     if(rsc == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
     rsc->fns->location(rsc, &hosts, TRUE);
     for (hIter = hosts; host != NULL && hIter != NULL; hIter = hIter->next) {
         pe_node_t *node = (pe_node_t *) hIter->data;
         if(strcmp(host, node->details->uname) == 0) {
             crm_trace("Resource %s is running on %s\n", rsc->id, host);
             goto done;
         } else if(strcmp(host, node->details->id) == 0) {
             crm_trace("Resource %s is running on %s\n", rsc->id, host);
             goto done;
     if(host != NULL) {
         crm_trace("Resource %s is not running on: %s\n", rsc->id, host);
         found = FALSE;
     } else if(host == NULL && hosts == NULL) {
         crm_trace("Resource %s is not running\n", rsc->id);
         found = FALSE;
     return found;
 static GList *get_active_resources(const char *host, pe_working_set_t *data_set) 
     GList *rIter = NULL;
     GList *active = NULL;
     for (rIter = data_set->resources; rIter != NULL; rIter = rIter->next) {
         resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) rIter->data;
         if(resource_is_running_on(rsc, host)) {
             active = g_list_append(active, strdup(rsc->id));
     return active;
 static GList *subtract_lists(GList *from, GList *items) 
     GList *item = NULL;
     GList *result = g_list_copy(from);
     for (item = items; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
         GList *candidate = NULL;
         for (candidate = from; candidate != NULL; candidate = candidate->next) {
             crm_info("Comparing %s with %s", candidate->data, item->data);
             if(strcmp(candidate->data, item->data) == 0) {
                 result = g_list_remove(result, candidate->data);
     return result;
 static void dump_list(GList *items, const char *tag) 
     int lpc = 0;
     GList *item = NULL;
     for (item = items; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
         crm_trace("%s[%d]: %s", tag, lpc, item->data);
 static void display_list(GList *items, const char *tag) 
     GList *item = NULL;
     for (item = items; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
         fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", tag, (const char *)item->data);
  * \internal
  * \brief Upgrade XML to latest schema version and use it as working set input
  * This also updates the working set timestamp to the current time.
  * \param[in] data_set   Working set instance to update
  * \param[in] xml        XML to use as input
  * \return pcmk_ok on success, -ENOKEY if unable to upgrade XML
  * \note On success, caller is responsible for freeing memory allocated for
  *       data_set->now.
  * \todo This follows the example of other callers of cli_config_update()
  *       and returns -ENOKEY ("Required key not available") if that fails,
  *       but perhaps -pcmk_err_schema_validation would be better in that case.
 static int
 update_working_set_xml(pe_working_set_t *data_set, xmlNode **xml)
     if (cli_config_update(xml, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) {
         return -ENOKEY;
     data_set->input = *xml;
     data_set->now = crm_time_new(NULL);
     return pcmk_ok;
  * \internal
  * \brief Update a working set's XML input based on a CIB query
  * \param[in] data_set   Data set instance to initialize
  * \param[in] cib        Connection to the CIB
  * \return pcmk_ok on success, -errno on failure
  * \note On success, caller is responsible for freeing memory allocated for
  *       data_set->input and data_set->now.
 static int
 update_working_set_from_cib(pe_working_set_t * data_set, cib_t *cib)
     xmlNode *cib_xml_copy = NULL;
     int rc;
     rc = cib->cmds->query(cib, NULL, &cib_xml_copy, cib_scope_local | cib_sync_call);
     if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the current CIB: %s (%d)\n", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         return rc;
     rc = update_working_set_xml(data_set, &cib_xml_copy);
     if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Could not upgrade the current CIB XML\n");
         return rc;
     return pcmk_ok;
 static int
 update_dataset(cib_t *cib, pe_working_set_t * data_set, bool simulate)
     char *pid = NULL;
     char *shadow_file = NULL;
     cib_t *shadow_cib = NULL;
     int rc;
     rc = update_working_set_from_cib(data_set, cib);
     if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
         return rc;
     if(simulate) {
         pid = crm_itoa(getpid());
         shadow_cib = cib_shadow_new(pid);
         shadow_file = get_shadow_file(pid);
         if (shadow_cib == NULL) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Could not create shadow cib: '%s'\n", pid);
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto cleanup;
         rc = write_xml_file(data_set->input, shadow_file, FALSE);
         if (rc < 0) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Could not populate shadow cib: %s (%d)\n", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
             goto cleanup;
         rc = shadow_cib->cmds->signon(shadow_cib, crm_system_name, cib_command);
         if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to shadow cib: %s (%d)\n", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
             goto cleanup;
         do_calculations(data_set, data_set->input, NULL);
         run_simulation(data_set, shadow_cib, NULL, TRUE);
         rc = update_dataset(shadow_cib, data_set, FALSE);
     } else {
     /* Do not free data_set->input here, we need rsc->xml to be valid later on */
     if(shadow_file) {
     return rc;
 static int
 max_delay_for_resource(pe_working_set_t * data_set, resource_t *rsc) 
     int delay = 0;
     int max_delay = 0;
     if(rsc && rsc->children) {
         GList *iter = NULL;
         for(iter = rsc->children; iter; iter = iter->next) {
             resource_t *child = (resource_t *)iter->data;
             delay = max_delay_for_resource(data_set, child);
             if(delay > max_delay) {
                 double seconds = delay / 1000;
                 crm_trace("Calculated new delay of %.1fs due to %s", seconds, child->id);
                 max_delay = delay;
     } else if(rsc) {
         char *key = crm_strdup_printf("%s_%s_0", rsc->id, RSC_STOP);
         action_t *stop = custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_STOP, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, data_set);
         const char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(stop->meta, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
         max_delay = crm_int_helper(value, NULL);
     return max_delay;
 static int
 max_delay_in(pe_working_set_t * data_set, GList *resources) 
     int max_delay = 0;
     GList *item = NULL;
     for (item = resources; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
         int delay = 0;
         resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, (const char *)item->data);
         delay = max_delay_for_resource(data_set, rsc);
         if(delay > max_delay) {
             double seconds = delay / 1000;
             crm_trace("Calculated new delay of %.1fs due to %s", seconds, rsc->id);
             max_delay = delay;
     return 5 + (max_delay / 1000);
  * \internal
  * \brief Restart a resource (on a particular host if requested).
  * \param[in] rsc        The resource to restart
  * \param[in] host       The host to restart the resource on (or NULL for all)
  * \param[in] timeout_ms Consider failed if actions do not complete in this time
  *                       (specified in milliseconds, but a two-second
  *                       granularity is actually used; if 0, a timeout will be
  *                       calculated based on the resource timeout)
  * \param[in] cib        Connection to the CIB for modifying/checking resource
  * \return pcmk_ok on success, -errno on failure (exits on certain failures)
 static int
 resource_restart(resource_t * rsc, const char *host, int timeout_ms, cib_t * cib)
     int rc = 0;
     int lpc = 0;
     int before = 0;
     int step_timeout_s = 0;
     int sleep_interval = 2;
     int timeout = timeout_ms / 1000;
     bool is_clone = FALSE;
     char *rsc_id = NULL;
     GList *list_delta = NULL;
     GList *target_active = NULL;
     GList *current_active = NULL;
     GList *restart_target_active = NULL;
     pe_working_set_t data_set;
     if(resource_is_running_on(rsc, host) == FALSE) {
         return -ENXIO;
     attr_set_type = XML_TAG_META_SETS;
     rsc_id = strdup(rsc->id);
     if(rsc->variant > pe_group) {
         is_clone = TRUE;
       grab full cib
       determine resource state of list
       disable or ban
       poll and and watch for resources to get stopped
       without --timeout, calculate the stop timeout for each step and wait for that
       if we hit --timeout or the service timeout, re-enable or un-ban, report failure and indicate which resources we couldn't take down
       if everything stopped, re-enable or un-ban
       poll and and watch for resources to get stopped
       without --timeout, calculate the start timeout for each step and wait for that
       if we hit --timeout or the service timeout, report (different) failure and indicate which resources we couldn't bring back up
       report success
       - use constraints to determine ordered list of affected resources
       - Allow a --no-deps option (aka. --force-restart)
     rc = update_dataset(cib, &data_set, FALSE);
     if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
         fprintf(stdout, "Could not get new resource list: %s (%d)\n", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         return rc;
     restart_target_active = get_active_resources(host, &data_set);
     current_active = get_active_resources(host, &data_set);
     dump_list(current_active, "Origin");
     if(is_clone && host) {
         BE_QUIET = TRUE;
         rc = ban_resource(rsc_id, host, NULL, cib);
     } else {
         rc = set_resource_attr(rsc_id, NULL, NULL, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, RSC_STOPPED, FALSE, cib, &data_set);
     if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Could not set target-role for %s: %s (%d)\n", rsc_id, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         return crm_exit(rc);
     rc = update_dataset(cib, &data_set, TRUE);
     if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Could not determine which resources would be stopped\n");
         goto failure;
     target_active = get_active_resources(host, &data_set);
     dump_list(target_active, "Target");
     list_delta = subtract_lists(current_active, target_active);
     fprintf(stdout, "Waiting for %d resources to stop:\n", g_list_length(list_delta));
     display_list(list_delta, " * ");
     step_timeout_s = timeout / sleep_interval;
     while(g_list_length(list_delta) > 0) {
         before = g_list_length(list_delta);
         if(timeout_ms == 0) {
             step_timeout_s = max_delay_in(&data_set, list_delta) / sleep_interval;
         /* We probably don't need the entire step timeout */
         for(lpc = 0; lpc < step_timeout_s && g_list_length(list_delta) > 0; lpc++) {
             if(timeout) {
                 timeout -= sleep_interval;
                 crm_trace("%ds remaining", timeout);
             rc = update_dataset(cib, &data_set, FALSE);
             if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
                 fprintf(stderr, "Could not determine which resources were stopped\n");
                 goto failure;
             current_active = get_active_resources(host, &data_set);
             list_delta = subtract_lists(current_active, target_active);
             dump_list(current_active, "Current");
             dump_list(list_delta, "Delta");
         crm_trace("%d (was %d) resources remaining", before, g_list_length(list_delta));
         if(before == g_list_length(list_delta)) {
             /* aborted during stop phase, print the contents of list_delta */
             fprintf(stderr, "Could not complete shutdown of %s, %d resources remaining\n", rsc_id, g_list_length(list_delta));
             display_list(list_delta, " * ");
             rc = -ETIME;
             goto failure;
     if(is_clone && host) {
         rc = clear_resource(rsc_id, host, NULL, cib);
     } else {
         rc = delete_resource_attr(rsc_id, NULL, NULL, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, cib, &data_set);
     if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Could not unset target-role for %s: %s (%d)\n", rsc_id, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
         return crm_exit(rc);
     target_active = restart_target_active;
     list_delta = subtract_lists(target_active, current_active);
     fprintf(stdout, "Waiting for %d resources to start again:\n", g_list_length(list_delta));
     display_list(list_delta, " * ");
     step_timeout_s = timeout / sleep_interval;
     while(g_list_length(list_delta) > 0) {
         if(timeout_ms == 0) {
             step_timeout_s = max_delay_in(&data_set, list_delta) / sleep_interval;
         /* We probably don't need the entire step timeout */
         for(lpc = 0; lpc < step_timeout_s && g_list_length(list_delta) > 0; lpc++) {
             if(timeout) {
                 timeout -= sleep_interval;
                 crm_trace("%ds remaining", timeout);
             rc = update_dataset(cib, &data_set, FALSE);
             if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
                 fprintf(stderr, "Could not determine which resources were started\n");
                 goto failure;
             current_active = get_active_resources(host, &data_set);
             list_delta = subtract_lists(target_active, current_active);
             dump_list(current_active, "Current");
             dump_list(list_delta, "Delta");
         if(before == g_list_length(list_delta)) {
             /* aborted during start phase, print the contents of list_delta */
             fprintf(stdout, "Could not complete restart of %s, %d resources remaining\n", rsc_id, g_list_length(list_delta));
             display_list(list_delta, " * ");
             rc = -ETIME;
             goto failure;
     } while(g_list_length(list_delta) > 0);
     return pcmk_ok;
     if(is_clone && host) {
         clear_resource(rsc_id, host, NULL, cib);
     } else {
         delete_resource_attr(rsc_id, NULL, NULL, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, cib, &data_set);
     return rc;
 #define action_is_pending(action) \
     ((is_set((action)->flags, pe_action_optional) == FALSE) \
     && (is_set((action)->flags, pe_action_runnable) == TRUE) \
     && (is_set((action)->flags, pe_action_pseudo) == FALSE))
  * \internal
  * \brief Return TRUE if any actions in a list are pending
  * \param[in] actions   List of actions to check
  * \return TRUE if any actions in the list are pending, FALSE otherwise
 static gboolean
 actions_are_pending(GListPtr actions)
     GListPtr action;
     for (action = actions; action != NULL; action = action->next) {
         if (action_is_pending((action_t *) action->data)) {
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * \internal
  * \brief Print pending actions to stderr
  * \param[in] actions   List of actions to check
  * \return void
 static void
 print_pending_actions(GListPtr actions)
     GListPtr action;
     fprintf(stderr, "Pending actions:\n");
     for (action = actions; action != NULL; action = action->next) {
         action_t *a = (action_t *) action->data;
         if (action_is_pending(a)) {
             fprintf(stderr, "\tAction %d: %s", a->id, a->uuid);
             if (a->node) {
                 fprintf(stderr, "\ton %s", a->node->details->uname);
             fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 /* For --wait, timeout (in seconds) to use if caller doesn't specify one */
 #define WAIT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_S (60 * 60)
 /* For --wait, how long to sleep between cluster state checks */
 #define WAIT_SLEEP_S (2)
  * \internal
  * \brief Wait until all pending cluster actions are complete
  * This waits until either the CIB's transition graph is idle or a timeout is
  * reached.
  * \param[in] timeout_ms Consider failed if actions do not complete in this time
  *                       (specified in milliseconds, but one-second granularity
  *                       is actually used; if 0, a default will be used)
  * \param[in] cib        Connection to the CIB
  * \return pcmk_ok on success, -errno on failure
 static int
 wait_till_stable(int timeout_ms, cib_t * cib)
     pe_working_set_t data_set;
     int rc = -1;
     int timeout_s = timeout_ms? ((timeout_ms + 999) / 1000) : WAIT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_S;
     time_t expire_time = time(NULL) + timeout_s;
     time_t time_diff;
     do {
         /* Abort if timeout is reached */
         time_diff = expire_time - time(NULL);
         if (time_diff > 0) {
             crm_info("Waiting up to %d seconds for cluster actions to complete", time_diff);
         } else {
             return -ETIME;
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) { /* this avoids sleep on first loop iteration */
         /* Get latest transition graph */
         rc = update_working_set_from_cib(&data_set, cib);
         if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
             return rc;
         do_calculations(&data_set, data_set.input, NULL);
     } while (actions_are_pending(data_set.actions));
     return pcmk_ok;
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
 static struct crm_option long_options[] = {
     /* Top-level Options */
     {"help",    0, 0, '?', "\t\tThis text"},
     {"version", 0, 0, '$', "\t\tVersion information"  },
     {"verbose", 0, 0, 'V', "\t\tIncrease debug output"},
     {"quiet",   0, 0, 'Q', "\t\tPrint only the value on stdout\n"},
     {"resource",   1, 0, 'r', "\tResource ID" },
     {"-spacer-",1, 0, '-', "\nQueries:"},
     {"list",       0, 0, 'L', "\t\tList all cluster resources"},
     {"list-raw",   0, 0, 'l', "\tList the IDs of all instantiated resources (no groups/clones/...)"},
     {"list-cts",   0, 0, 'c', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"list-operations", 0, 0, 'O', "\tList active resource operations.  Optionally filtered by resource (-r) and/or node (-N)"},
     {"list-all-operations", 0, 0, 'o', "List all resource operations.  Optionally filtered by resource (-r) and/or node (-N)"},
     {"pending",    0, 0, 'j', "\t\tDisplay pending state if 'record-pending' is enabled\n"},
     {"list-standards",        0, 0, 0, "\tList supported standards"},
     {"list-ocf-providers",    0, 0, 0, "List all available OCF providers"},
     {"list-agents",           1, 0, 0, "List all agents available for the named standard and/or provider."},
     {"list-ocf-alternatives", 1, 0, 0, "List all available providers for the named OCF agent\n"},
     {"show-metadata",         1, 0, 0, "Show the metadata for the named class:provider:agent"},
     {"query-xml",  0, 0, 'q', "\tQuery the definition of a resource (template expanded)"},
     {"query-xml-raw",  0, 0, 'w', "\tQuery the definition of a resource (raw xml)"},
     {"locate",     0, 0, 'W', "\t\tDisplay the current location(s) of a resource"},
     {"stack",      0, 0, 'A', "\t\tDisplay the prerequisites and dependents of a resource"},
     {"constraints",0, 0, 'a', "\tDisplay the (co)location constraints that apply to a resource"},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "\nCommands:"},
     {"cleanup",         0, 0, 'C', "\t\tDelete the resource history and re-check the current state. Optional: --resource"},
     {"set-parameter",   1, 0, 'p', "Set the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta"},
     {"get-parameter",   1, 0, 'g', "Display the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta"},
     {"delete-parameter",1, 0, 'd', "Delete the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta"},
     {"get-property",    1, 0, 'G', "Display the 'class', 'type' or 'provider' of a resource", pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"set-property",    1, 0, 'S', "(Advanced) Set the class, type or provider of a resource", pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "\nResource location:"},
         "move",    0, 0, 'M',
         "\t\tMove a resource from its current location to the named destination.\n  "
         "\t\t\t\tRequires: --host. Optional: --lifetime, --master\n\n"
         "\t\t\t\tNOTE: This may prevent the resource from running on the previous location node until the implicit constraints expire or are removed with --unban\n"
         "ban",    0, 0, 'B',
         "\t\tPrevent the named resource from running on the named --host.  \n"
         "\t\t\t\tRequires: --resource. Optional: --host, --lifetime, --master\n\n"
         "\t\t\t\tIf --host is not specified, it defaults to:\n"
         "\t\t\t\t * the current location for primitives and groups, or\n\n"
         "\t\t\t\t * the current location of the master for m/s resources with master-max=1\n\n"
         "\t\t\t\tAll other situations result in an error as there is no sane default.\n\n"
         "\t\t\t\tNOTE: This will prevent the resource from running on this node until the constraint expires or is removed with --clear\n"
         "clear", 0, 0, 'U', "\t\tRemove all constraints created by the --ban and/or --move commands.  \n"
         "\t\t\t\tRequires: --resource. Optional: --host, --master\n\n"
         "\t\t\t\tIf --host is not specified, all constraints created by --ban and --move will be removed for the named resource.\n"
     {"lifetime",   1, 0, 'u', "\tLifespan of constraints created by the --ban and --move commands"},
         "master",  0, 0,  0,
         "\t\tLimit the scope of the --ban, --move and --clear  commands to the Master role.\n"
         "\t\t\t\tFor --ban and --move, the previous master can still remain active in the Slave role."
     {"-spacer-",   1, 0, '-', "\nAdvanced Commands:"},
     {"delete",     0, 0, 'D', "\t\t(Advanced) Delete a resource from the CIB"},
     {"fail",       0, 0, 'F', "\t\t(Advanced) Tell the cluster this resource has failed"},
     {"restart",    0, 0,  0,  "\t\t(Advanced) Tell the cluster to restart this resource and anything that depends on it"},
     {"wait",       0, 0,  0,  "\t\t(Advanced) Wait until the cluster settles into a stable state"},
     {"force-demote",0,0,  0,  "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and demote a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V"},
     {"force-stop", 0, 0,  0,  "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and stop a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V"},
     {"force-start",0, 0,  0,  "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and start a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V"},
     {"force-promote",0,0, 0,  "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and promote a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V"},
     {"force-check",0, 0,  0,  "\t(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and check the state of a resource on the local node. Additional detail with -V\n"},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "\nAdditional Options:"},
     {"node",		1, 0, 'N', "\tHost uname"},
     {"recursive",       0, 0,  0,  "\tFollow colocation chains when using --set-parameter"},
     {"resource-type",	1, 0, 't', "Resource type (primitive, clone, group, ...)"},
     {"parameter-value", 1, 0, 'v', "Value to use with -p or -S"},
     {"meta",		0, 0, 'm', "\t\tModify a resource's configuration option rather than one which is passed to the resource agent script. For use with -p, -g, -d"},
     {"utilization",	0, 0, 'z', "\tModify a resource's utilization attribute. For use with -p, -g, -d"},
     {"set-name",        1, 0, 's', "\t(Advanced) ID of the instance_attributes object to change"},
     {"nvpair",          1, 0, 'i', "\t(Advanced) ID of the nvpair object to change/delete"},
     {"timeout",         1, 0, 'T',  "\t(Advanced) Abort if command does not finish in this time (with --restart or --wait)", pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"force",		0, 0, 'f', "\n" /* Is this actually true anymore?
 					   "\t\tForce the resource to move by creating a rule for the current location and a score of -INFINITY"
 					   "\n\t\tThis should be used if the resource's stickiness and constraint scores total more than INFINITY (Currently 100,000)"
 					   "\n\t\tNOTE: This will prevent the resource from running on this node until the constraint is removed with -U or the --lifetime duration expires\n"*/ },
     {"xml-file", 1, 0, 'x', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden},\
     /* legacy options */
     {"host-uname", 1, 0, 'H', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"migrate",    0, 0, 'M', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"un-migrate", 0, 0, 'U', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"un-move",    0, 0, 'U', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"refresh",    0, 0, 'R', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"reprobe",    0, 0, 'P', NULL, pcmk_option_hidden},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "\nExamples:", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "List the configured resources:", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --list", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "List the available OCF agents:", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --list-agents ocf", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "List the available OCF agents from the linux-ha project:", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --list-agents ocf:heartbeat", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Display the current location of 'myResource':", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --locate", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Move 'myResource' to another machine:", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --move", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Move 'myResource' to a specific machine:", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --move --node altNode", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Allow (but not force) 'myResource' to move back to its original location:", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --un-move", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Tell the cluster that 'myResource' failed:", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --fail", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Stop 'myResource' (and anything that depends on it):", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter target-role --meta --parameter-value Stopped", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Tell the cluster not to manage 'myResource':", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "The cluster will not attempt to start or stop the resource under any circumstances."},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Useful when performing maintenance tasks on a resource.", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter is-managed --meta --parameter-value false", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Erase the operation history of 'myResource' on 'aNode':", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "The cluster will 'forget' the existing resource state (including any errors) and attempt to recover the resource."},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', "Useful when a resource had failed permanently and has been repaired by an administrator.", pcmk_option_paragraph},
     {"-spacer-",	1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --cleanup --node aNode", pcmk_option_example},
     {0, 0, 0, 0}
 /* *INDENT-ON* */
 main(int argc, char **argv)
     const char *longname = NULL;
     pe_working_set_t data_set;
     cib_t *cib_conn = NULL;
     bool do_trace = FALSE;
     bool recursive = FALSE;
     /* Not all commands set these appropriately, but the defaults here are
      * sufficient to get the logic right. */
     bool require_resource = TRUE; /* whether command requires that resource be specified */
     bool require_dataset = TRUE;  /* whether command requires populated dataset instance */
     bool require_crmd = FALSE;    /* whether command requires connection to CRMd */
     int rc = pcmk_ok;
     int option_index = 0;
     int timeout_ms = 0;
     int argerr = 0;
     int flag;
     crm_set_options(NULL, "(query|command) [options]", long_options,
                     "Perform tasks related to cluster resources.\nAllows resources to be queried (definition and location), modified, and moved around the cluster.\n");
     if (argc < 2) {
         crm_help('?', EX_USAGE);
     while (1) {
         flag = crm_get_option_long(argc, argv, &option_index, &longname);
         if (flag == -1)
         switch (flag) {
             case 0: /* long options with no short equivalent */
                 if (safe_str_eq("master", longname)) {
                     scope_master = TRUE;
                 } else if(safe_str_eq(longname, "recursive")) {
                     recursive = TRUE;
                 } else if (safe_str_eq("wait", longname)) {
                     rsc_cmd = flag;
                     rsc_long_cmd = longname;
                     require_resource = FALSE;
                     require_dataset = FALSE;
                 } else if (
                     safe_str_eq("restart", longname)
                     || safe_str_eq("force-demote",  longname)
                     || safe_str_eq("force-stop",    longname)
                     || safe_str_eq("force-start",   longname)
                     || safe_str_eq("force-promote", longname)
                     || safe_str_eq("force-check",   longname)) {
                     rsc_cmd = flag;
                     rsc_long_cmd = longname;
                 } else if (safe_str_eq("list-ocf-providers", longname)
                            || safe_str_eq("list-ocf-alternatives", longname)
                            || safe_str_eq("list-standards", longname)) {
                     const char *text = NULL;
                     lrmd_list_t *list = NULL;
                     lrmd_list_t *iter = NULL;
                     lrmd_t *lrmd_conn = lrmd_api_new();
                     if (safe_str_eq("list-ocf-providers", longname)
                         || safe_str_eq("list-ocf-alternatives", longname)) {
                         rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->list_ocf_providers(lrmd_conn, optarg, &list);
                         text = "OCF providers";
                     } else if (safe_str_eq("list-standards", longname)) {
                         rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->list_standards(lrmd_conn, &list);
                         text = "standards";
                     if (rc > 0) {
                         rc = 0;
                         for (iter = list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
                             printf("%s\n", iter->val);
                     } else if (optarg) {
                         fprintf(stderr, "No %s found for %s\n", text, optarg);
                     } else {
                         fprintf(stderr, "No %s found\n", text);
                     return crm_exit(rc);
                 } else if (safe_str_eq("show-metadata", longname)) {
                     char standard[512];
                     char provider[512];
                     char type[512];
                     char *metadata = NULL;
                     lrmd_t *lrmd_conn = lrmd_api_new();
                     rc = sscanf(optarg, "%[^:]:%[^:]:%s", standard, provider, type);
                     if (rc == 3) {
                         rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->get_metadata(lrmd_conn, standard, provider, type,
                                                            &metadata, 0);
                     } else if (rc == 2) {
                         rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->get_metadata(lrmd_conn, standard, NULL, provider,
                                                            &metadata, 0);
                     } else if (rc < 2) {
                                 "Please specify standard:type or standard:provider:type, not %s\n",
                         rc = -EINVAL;
                     if (metadata) {
                         printf("%s\n", metadata);
                     } else {
                         fprintf(stderr, "Metadata query for %s failed: %d\n", optarg, rc);
                     return crm_exit(rc);
                 } else if (safe_str_eq("list-agents", longname)) {
                     lrmd_list_t *list = NULL;
                     lrmd_list_t *iter = NULL;
                     char standard[512];
                     char provider[512];
                     lrmd_t *lrmd_conn = lrmd_api_new();
                     rc = sscanf(optarg, "%[^:]:%s", standard, provider);
                     if (rc == 1) {
                         rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->list_agents(lrmd_conn, &list, optarg, NULL);
                         provider[0] = '*';
                         provider[1] = 0;
                     } else if (rc == 2) {
                         rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->list_agents(lrmd_conn, &list, standard, provider);
                     if (rc > 0) {
                         rc = 0;
                         for (iter = list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
                             printf("%s\n", iter->val);
                         rc = 0;
                     } else {
                         fprintf(stderr, "No agents found for standard=%s, provider=%s\n", standard,
                         rc = -1;
                     return crm_exit(rc);
                 } else {
                     crm_err("Unhandled long option: %s", longname);
             case 'V':
                 do_trace = TRUE;
                 crm_bump_log_level(argc, argv);
             case '$':
             case '?':
                 crm_help(flag, EX_OK);
             case 'x':
                 xml_file = strdup(optarg);
             case 'Q':
                 BE_QUIET = TRUE;
             case 'm':
                 attr_set_type = XML_TAG_META_SETS;
             case 'z':
                 attr_set_type = XML_TAG_UTILIZATION;
             case 'u':
                 move_lifetime = strdup(optarg);
             case 'f':
                 do_force = TRUE;
             case 'i':
                 prop_id = optarg;
             case 's':
                 prop_set = optarg;
             case 'r':
                 rsc_id = optarg;
             case 'v':
                 prop_value = optarg;
             case 't':
                 rsc_type = optarg;
             case 'T':
                 timeout_ms = crm_get_msec(optarg);
             case 'C':
             case 'R':
             case 'P':
                 rsc_cmd = 'C';
                 require_resource = FALSE;
                 require_crmd = TRUE;
             case 'F':
                 rsc_cmd = flag;
                 require_crmd = TRUE;
             case 'L':
             case 'c':
             case 'l':
             case 'q':
             case 'w':
             case 'D':
             case 'W':
             case 'M':
             case 'U':
             case 'B':
             case 'O':
             case 'o':
             case 'A':
             case 'a':
                 rsc_cmd = flag;
             case 'j':
                 print_pending = TRUE;
             case 'p':
             case 'g':
             case 'd':
             case 'S':
             case 'G':
                 prop_name = optarg;
                 rsc_cmd = flag;
             case 'h':
             case 'H':
             case 'N':
                 crm_trace("Option %c => %s", flag, optarg);
                 host_uname = optarg;
                 CMD_ERR("Argument code 0%o (%c) is not (?yet?) supported", flag, flag);
     if (optind < argc && argv[optind] != NULL) {
         CMD_ERR("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
         while (optind < argc && argv[optind] != NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("%s ", argv[optind++]);
     if (optind > argc) {
     if (argerr) {
         crm_help('?', EX_USAGE);
     our_pid = calloc(1, 11);
     if (our_pid != NULL) {
         snprintf(our_pid, 10, "%d", getpid());
         our_pid[10] = '\0';
     if (do_force) {
         cib_options |= cib_quorum_override;
     data_set.input = NULL; /* make clean-up easier */
     /* If user specified resource, look for it, even if it's optional for command */
     if (rsc_id) {
         require_resource = TRUE;
     /* We need a dataset to find a resource, even if command doesn't need it */
     if (require_resource) {
         require_dataset = TRUE;
     /* Establish a connection to the CIB */
     cib_conn = cib_new();
     rc = cib_conn->cmds->signon(cib_conn, crm_system_name, cib_command);
     if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
         CMD_ERR("Error signing on to the CIB service: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));
         return crm_exit(rc);
     /* Populate working set from XML file if specified or CIB query otherwise */
     if (require_dataset) {
         xmlNode *cib_xml_copy = NULL;
         if (xml_file != NULL) {
             cib_xml_copy = filename2xml(xml_file);
         } else {
             rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, NULL, &cib_xml_copy, cib_scope_local | cib_sync_call);
         if(rc != pcmk_ok) {
             goto bail;
         /* Populate the working set instance */
         rc = update_working_set_xml(&data_set, &cib_xml_copy);
         if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
             goto bail;
         /* Set rc to -ENXIO if no resource matching rsc_id is found.
          * This does not bail, but is handled later for certain commands.
          * That handling could be done here instead if all flags above set
          * require_resource appropriately. */
         if (require_resource && rsc_id && (find_rsc_or_clone(rsc_id, &data_set) == NULL)) {
             rc = -ENXIO;
     /* Establish a connection to the CRMd if needed */
     if (require_crmd) {
         xmlNode *xml = NULL;
         mainloop_io_t *source =
             mainloop_add_ipc_client(CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, &crm_callbacks);
         crmd_channel = mainloop_get_ipc_client(source);
         if (crmd_channel == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Error signing on to the CRMd service");
             rc = -ENOTCONN;
             goto bail;
         xml = create_hello_message(our_pid, crm_system_name, "0", "1");
         crm_ipc_send(crmd_channel, xml, 0, 0, NULL);
     /* Handle rsc_cmd appropriately */
     if (rsc_cmd == 'L') {
         rc = pcmk_ok;
         do_find_resource_list(&data_set, FALSE);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'l') {
         int found = 0;
         GListPtr lpc = NULL;
         rc = pcmk_ok;
         for (lpc = data_set.resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
         if (found == 0) {
             printf("NO resources configured\n");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 0 && rsc_long_cmd && safe_str_eq(rsc_long_cmd, "restart")) {
         resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id);
         rc = resource_restart(rsc, host_uname, timeout_ms, cib_conn);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 0 && rsc_long_cmd && safe_str_eq(rsc_long_cmd, "wait")) {
         rc = wait_till_stable(timeout_ms, cib_conn);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 0 && rsc_long_cmd) { /* force-(stop|start|check) */
         svc_action_t *op = NULL;
         const char *rtype = NULL;
         const char *rprov = NULL;
         const char *rclass = NULL;
         const char *action = NULL;
         GHashTable *params = NULL;
         resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id);
         if (rsc == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         if (safe_str_eq(rsc_long_cmd, "force-check")) {
             action = "monitor";
         } else if (safe_str_eq(rsc_long_cmd, "force-stop")) {
             action = rsc_long_cmd+6;
         } else if (safe_str_eq(rsc_long_cmd, "force-start")
                    || safe_str_eq(rsc_long_cmd, "force-demote")
                    || safe_str_eq(rsc_long_cmd, "force-promote")) {
             action = rsc_long_cmd+6;
             if(rsc->variant >= pe_clone) {
                 rc = search_resource(rsc_id, &data_set);
                 if(rc > 0 && do_force == FALSE) {
                     CMD_ERR("It is not safe to %s %s here: the cluster claims it is already active", action, rsc_id);
                     CMD_ERR("Try setting target-role=stopped first or specifying --force");
         if(rsc->variant == pe_clone || rsc->variant == pe_master) {
             /* Grab the first child resource in the hope its not a group */
             rsc = rsc->children->data;
         if(rsc->variant == pe_group) {
             CMD_ERR("Sorry, --%s doesn't support group resources", rsc_long_cmd);
         rclass = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
         rprov = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
         rtype = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
         if(safe_str_eq(rclass, "stonith")){
             CMD_ERR("Sorry, --%s doesn't support %s resources yet", rsc_long_cmd, rclass);
         params = generate_resource_params(rsc, &data_set);
-        op = resources_action_create(rsc->id, rclass, rprov, rtype, action, 0, -1, params);
+        op = resources_action_create(rsc->id, rclass, rprov, rtype, action, 0, -1, params, 0);
         if(do_trace) {
             setenv("OCF_TRACE_RA", "1", 1);
         if(op == NULL) {
             /* Re-run but with stderr enabled so we can display a sane error message */
-            resources_action_create(rsc->id, rclass, rprov, rtype, action, 0, -1, params);
+            resources_action_create(rsc->id, rclass, rprov, rtype, action, 0, -1, params, 0);
             return crm_exit(EINVAL);
         } else if (services_action_sync(op)) {
             int more, lpc, last;
             char *local_copy = NULL;
             if (op->status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
                 printf("Operation %s for %s (%s:%s:%s) returned %d\n",
                        action, rsc->id, rclass, rprov ? rprov : "", rtype, op->rc);
             } else {
                 printf("Operation %s for %s (%s:%s:%s) failed: %d\n",
                        action, rsc->id, rclass, rprov ? rprov : "", rtype, op->status);
             if (op->stdout_data) {
                 local_copy = strdup(op->stdout_data);
                 more = strlen(local_copy);
                 last = 0;
                 for (lpc = 0; lpc < more; lpc++) {
                     if (local_copy[lpc] == '\n' || local_copy[lpc] == 0) {
                         local_copy[lpc] = 0;
                         printf(" >  stdout: %s\n", local_copy + last);
                         last = lpc + 1;
             if (op->stderr_data) {
                 local_copy = strdup(op->stderr_data);
                 more = strlen(local_copy);
                 last = 0;
                 for (lpc = 0; lpc < more; lpc++) {
                     if (local_copy[lpc] == '\n' || local_copy[lpc] == 0) {
                         local_copy[lpc] = 0;
                         printf(" >  stderr: %s\n", local_copy + last);
                         last = lpc + 1;
         rc = op->rc;
         return crm_exit(rc);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'A' || rsc_cmd == 'a') {
         GListPtr lpc = NULL;
         resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id);
         xmlNode *cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, data_set.input);
         if (rsc == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         unpack_constraints(cib_constraints, &data_set);
         for (lpc = data_set.resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             resource_t *r = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
             clear_bit(r->flags, pe_rsc_allocating);
         show_colocation(rsc, TRUE, rsc_cmd == 'A', 1);
         fprintf(stdout, "* %s\n", rsc->id);
         show_location(rsc, NULL);
         for (lpc = data_set.resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             resource_t *r = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
             clear_bit(r->flags, pe_rsc_allocating);
         show_colocation(rsc, FALSE, rsc_cmd == 'A', 1);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'c') {
         int found = 0;
         GListPtr lpc = NULL;
         rc = pcmk_ok;
         for (lpc = data_set.resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
             resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) lpc->data;
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'F') {
         rc = fail_lrm_rsc(crmd_channel, host_uname, rsc_id, &data_set);
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'O') {
         rc = list_resource_operations(rsc_id, host_uname, TRUE, &data_set);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'o') {
         rc = list_resource_operations(rsc_id, host_uname, FALSE, &data_set);
     /* All remaining commands require that resource exist */
     } else if (rc == -ENXIO) {
         CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not found: %s", crm_str(rsc_id), pcmk_strerror(rc));
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'W') {
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         rc = search_resource(rsc_id, &data_set);
         if (rc >= 0) {
             rc = pcmk_ok;
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'q') {
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         rc = dump_resource(rsc_id, &data_set, TRUE);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'w') {
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         rc = dump_resource(rsc_id, &data_set, FALSE);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'U') {
         node_t *dest = NULL;
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("No value specified for --resource");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         if (host_uname) {
             dest = pe_find_node(data_set.nodes, host_uname);
             if (dest == NULL) {
                 CMD_ERR("Unknown node: %s", host_uname);
                 rc = -ENXIO;
                 goto bail;
             rc = clear_resource(rsc_id, dest->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn);
         } else {
             rc = clear_resource(rsc_id, NULL, data_set.nodes, cib_conn);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'M' && host_uname) {
         int count = 0;
         node_t *current = NULL;
         node_t *dest = pe_find_node(data_set.nodes, host_uname);
         resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id);
         gboolean cur_is_dest = FALSE;
         rc = -EINVAL;
         if (rsc == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: not found", rsc_id);
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         } else if (scope_master && rsc->variant < pe_master) {
             resource_t *p = uber_parent(rsc);
             if(p->variant == pe_master) {
                 CMD_ERR("Using parent '%s' for --move command instead of '%s'.", rsc->id, rsc_id);
                 rsc_id = p->id;
                 rsc = p;
             } else {
                 CMD_ERR("Ignoring '--master' option: not valid for %s resources.",
                 scope_master = FALSE;
         if(rsc->variant == pe_master) {
             GListPtr iter = NULL;
             for(iter = rsc->children; iter; iter = iter->next) {
                 resource_t *child = (resource_t *)iter->data;
                 enum rsc_role_e child_role = child->fns->state(child, TRUE);
                 if(child_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
                     rsc = child;
             if(scope_master == FALSE && count == 0) {
                 count = g_list_length(rsc->running_on);
         } else if (rsc->variant > pe_group) {
             count = g_list_length(rsc->running_on);
         } else if (g_list_length(rsc->running_on) > 1) {
             CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: active on multiple nodes", rsc_id);
             goto bail;
         if(dest == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: node '%s' is unknown", host_uname);
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         if(g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1) {
             current = rsc->running_on->data;
         if(current == NULL) {
             /* Nothing to check */
         } else if(scope_master && rsc->fns->state(rsc, TRUE) != RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
             crm_trace("%s is already active on %s but not in correct state", rsc_id, dest->details->uname);
         } else if (safe_str_eq(current->details->uname, dest->details->uname)) {
             cur_is_dest = TRUE;
             if (do_force) {
                 crm_info("%s is already %s on %s, reinforcing placement with location constraint.",
                          rsc_id, scope_master?"promoted":"active", dest->details->uname);
             } else {
                 CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: %s is already %s on %s",
                         rsc_id, scope_master?"promoted":"active", dest->details->uname);
                 goto bail;
         /* Clear any previous constraints for 'dest' */
         clear_resource(rsc_id, dest->details->uname, data_set.nodes, cib_conn);
         /* Record an explicit preference for 'dest' */
         rc = prefer_resource(rsc_id, dest->details->uname, cib_conn);
         crm_trace("%s%s now prefers node %s%s",
                   rsc->id, scope_master?" (master)":"", dest->details->uname, do_force?"(forced)":"");
         /* only ban the previous location if current location != destination location.
          * it is possible to use -M to enforce a location without regard of where the
          * resource is currently located */
         if(do_force && (cur_is_dest == FALSE)) {
             /* Ban the original location if possible */
             if(current) {
                 ban_resource(rsc_id, current->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn);
             } else if(count > 1) {
                 CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' is currently %s in %d locations.  One may now move one to %s",
                         rsc_id, scope_master?"promoted":"active", count, dest->details->uname);
                 CMD_ERR("You can prevent '%s' from being %s at a specific location with:"
                         " --ban %s--host <name>", rsc_id, scope_master?"promoted":"active", scope_master?"--master ":"");
             } else {
                 crm_trace("Not banning %s from it's current location: not active", rsc_id);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'B' && host_uname) {
         resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id);
         node_t *dest = pe_find_node(data_set.nodes, host_uname);
         rc = -ENXIO;
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("No value specified for --resource");
             goto bail;
         } else if(rsc == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: unknown", rsc_id);
         } else if (dest == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: node '%s' is unknown", host_uname);
             goto bail;
         rc = ban_resource(rsc_id, dest->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'B' || rsc_cmd == 'M') {
         resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id);
         rc = -ENXIO;
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("No value specified for --resource");
             goto bail;
         rc = -EINVAL;
         if(rsc == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: unknown", rsc_id);
         } else if(g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1) {
             node_t *current = rsc->running_on->data;
             rc = ban_resource(rsc_id, current->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn);
         } else if(rsc->variant == pe_master) {
             int count = 0;
             GListPtr iter = NULL;
             node_t *current = NULL;
             for(iter = rsc->children; iter; iter = iter->next) {
                 resource_t *child = (resource_t *)iter->data;
                 enum rsc_role_e child_role = child->fns->state(child, TRUE);
                 if(child_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
                     current = child->running_on->data;
             if(count == 1 && current) {
                 rc = ban_resource(rsc_id, current->details->uname, NULL, cib_conn);
             } else {
                 CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: active in %d locations (promoted in %d).", rsc_id, g_list_length(rsc->running_on), count);
                 CMD_ERR("You can prevent '%s' from running on a specific location with: --ban --host <name>", rsc_id);
                 CMD_ERR("You can prevent '%s' from being promoted at a specific location with:"
                         " --ban --master --host <name>", rsc_id);
         } else {
             CMD_ERR("Resource '%s' not moved: active in %d locations.", rsc_id, g_list_length(rsc->running_on));
             CMD_ERR("You can prevent '%s' from running on a specific location with: --ban --host <name>", rsc_id);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'G') {
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         rc = dump_resource_prop(rsc_id, prop_name, &data_set);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'S') {
         xmlNode *msg_data = NULL;
         if (prop_value == NULL || strlen(prop_value) == 0) {
             CMD_ERR("You need to supply a value with the -v option");
             rc = -EINVAL;
             goto bail;
         } else if (cib_conn == NULL) {
             rc = -ENOTCONN;
             goto bail;
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(rsc_type != NULL);
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(prop_name != NULL);
         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(prop_value != NULL);
         msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, rsc_type);
         crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id);
         crm_xml_add(msg_data, prop_name, prop_value);
         rc = cib_conn->cmds->modify(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, msg_data, cib_options);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'g') {
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         rc = dump_resource_attr(rsc_id, prop_name, &data_set);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'p') {
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         if (prop_value == NULL || strlen(prop_value) == 0) {
             CMD_ERR("You need to supply a value with the -v option");
             rc = -EINVAL;
             goto bail;
         /* coverity[var_deref_model] False positive */
         rc = set_resource_attr(rsc_id, prop_set, prop_id, prop_name,
                                prop_value, recursive, cib_conn, &data_set);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'd') {
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         /* coverity[var_deref_model] False positive */
         rc = delete_resource_attr(rsc_id, prop_set, prop_id, prop_name, cib_conn, &data_set);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'C' && rsc_id) {
         resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id);
         crm_debug("Re-checking the state of %s on %s", rsc_id, host_uname);
         if(rsc) {
             crmd_replies_needed = 0;
             rc = delete_lrm_rsc(cib_conn, crmd_channel, host_uname, rsc, &data_set);
         } else {
             rc = -ENODEV;
         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'C') {
-        xmlNode *cmd = create_request(CRM_OP_REPROBE, NULL, host_uname,
-                                      CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, crm_system_name, our_pid);
+        const char *router_node = host_uname;
+        xmlNode *msg_data = NULL;
+        xmlNode *cmd = NULL;
+        if (host_uname) {
+            node_t *node = pe_find_node(data_set.nodes, host_uname);
+            if (node && is_remote_node(node)) {
+                if (node->details->remote_rsc == NULL || node->details->remote_rsc->running_on == NULL) {
+                    CMD_ERR("No lrmd connection detected to remote node %s", host_uname);
+                    return -ENXIO;
+                }
+                node = node->details->remote_rsc->running_on->data;
+                router_node = node->details->uname;
+            }
+        }
+        msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, "crm-resource-reprobe-op");
+        crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET, host_uname);
+        if (safe_str_neq(router_node, host_uname)) {
+            crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE, router_node);
+        }
+        cmd = create_request(CRM_OP_REPROBE, msg_data, router_node,
+                             CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, crm_system_name, our_pid);
+        free_xml(msg_data);
         crm_debug("Re-checking the state of all resources on %s", host_uname?host_uname:"all nodes");
         rc = attrd_update_delegate(
             NULL, 'u', host_uname, "fail-count-*", NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
         if (crm_ipc_send(crmd_channel, cmd, 0, 0, NULL) > 0) {
         GListPtr rIter = NULL;
         crmd_replies_needed = 0;
         for (rIter = data_set.resources; rIter; rIter = rIter->next) {
             resource_t *rsc = rIter->data;
             delete_lrm_rsc(cib_conn, crmd_channel, host_uname, rsc, &data_set);
     } else if (rsc_cmd == 'D') {
         xmlNode *msg_data = NULL;
         if (rsc_id == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         if (rsc_type == NULL) {
             CMD_ERR("You need to specify a resource type with -t");
             rc = -ENXIO;
             goto bail;
         } else if (cib_conn == NULL) {
             rc = -ENOTCONN;
             goto bail;
         msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, rsc_type);
         crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id);
         rc = cib_conn->cmds->delete(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, msg_data, cib_options);
     } else {
         CMD_ERR("Unknown command: %c", rsc_cmd);
     if (data_set.input != NULL) {
     if (cib_conn != NULL) {
     if (rc == -pcmk_err_no_quorum) {
         CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));
         CMD_ERR("Try using -f");
     } else if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
         CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));
     return crm_exit(rc);
diff --git a/xml/Makefile.am b/xml/Makefile.am
index e3a3d041c0..81ba763df5 100644
--- a/xml/Makefile.am
+++ b/xml/Makefile.am
@@ -1,110 +1,129 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 dtddir			= $(CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY)
 dtd_SCRIPTS		= crm.dtd crm-transitional.dtd
 xsltdir			= $(dtddir)
 xslt_SCRIPTS		= upgrade06.xsl upgrade-*.xsl
 RNGdir			= $(dtddir)
 # See Readme.md for details on updating schema files
-RNG_max			?= $(firstword $(shell ls -1 *.rng | sed -e 's/.*-//' -e 's/.rng//' | sort -unr))
-RNG_last		?= $(shell ls -1 *.rng | sed -e 's/.*-//' -e 's/.rng//' | sort -unr | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)
-RNG_versions		= $(shell ls -1 *.rng | sed -e 's/.*-//' -e 's/.rng//' | sort -un)
+# Sorted list of available numeric RNG versions,
+# extracted from filenames like NAME-MAJOR[.MINOR][.MINOR-MINOR].rng
+RNG_numeric_versions    = $(shell ls -1 *.rng \
+			  | sed -n -e 's/^.*-\([0-9.]\+\).rng$$/\1/p' \
+			  | sort -u -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n)
+# The highest numeric version
+RNG_max			?= $(lastword $(RNG_numeric_versions))
+# The previous numeric version before $(RNG_max)
+RNG_last		?= $(shell ls -1 *.rng \
+			   | sed -n -e 's/^.*-\([0-9.]\+\).rng$$/\1/p' \
+			   | sort -u -t. -k 1,1nr -k 2,2nr -k 3,3nr \
+			   | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)
+# A sorted list of all RNG versions (numeric and "next")
+RNG_versions		= next $(RNG_numeric_versions)
 RNG_generated		= pacemaker.rng $(foreach base,$(RNG_versions),pacemaker-$(base).rng) versions.rng
 RNG_cfg_base	 	= options nodes resources constraints fencing acls tags
 RNG_base	 	= cib $(RNG_cfg_base) status score rule nvset
 RNG_files	 	= $(foreach base,$(RNG_base),$(wildcard $(base)*.rng))
-RNG_SCRIPTS		= $(RNG_files) $(RNG_generated)
+# List of non-Pacemaker RNGs
+RNG_extra		= crm_mon.rng
+RNG_SCRIPTS		= $(RNG_files) $(RNG_generated) $(RNG_extra)
 EXTRA_DIST		= best-match.sh
 best_match		= $(shell $(top_srcdir)/xml/best-match.sh $(1) $(2))
 	echo "Max: $(RNG_max)"
 	echo "Available: $(RNG_versions)"
 versions.rng: Makefile.am
 	echo "  RNG      $@"
 	echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" > $@
 	echo "<grammar xmlns='http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0' datatypeLibrary='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes'>" >> $@
 	echo "  <start>" >> $@
 	echo "   <interleave>" >> $@
 	echo "    <optional>" >> $@
 	echo "      <attribute name='validate-with'>" >> $@
 	echo "        <choice>" >> $@
 	echo "          <value>none</value>" >> $@
 	echo "          <value>pacemaker-0.6</value>" >> $@
 	echo "          <value>transitional-0.6</value>" >> $@
 	echo "          <value>pacemaker-0.7</value>" >> $@
 	echo "          <value>pacemaker-1.1</value>" >> $@
 	for rng in $(RNG_versions); do echo "          <value>pacemaker-$$rng</value>" >> $@; done
 	echo "        </choice>" >> $@
 	echo "      </attribute>" >> $@
 	echo "    </optional>" >> $@
 	echo "    <attribute name='admin_epoch'><data type='nonNegativeInteger'/></attribute>" >> $@
 	echo "    <attribute name='epoch'><data type='nonNegativeInteger'/></attribute>" >> $@
 	echo "    <attribute name='num_updates'><data type='nonNegativeInteger'/></attribute>" >> $@
 	echo "   </interleave>" >> $@
 	echo "  </start>" >> $@
 	echo "</grammar>" >> $@
 pacemaker.rng: pacemaker-$(RNG_max).rng
 	echo "  RNG      $@"
 	cp $(top_builddir)/xml/$< $@
 pacemaker-%.rng: $(RNG_files) best-match.sh Makefile.am 
 	echo "  RNG      $@"
 	echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" > $@
 	echo "<grammar xmlns='http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0' datatypeLibrary='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes'>" >> $@
 	echo "  <start>" >> $@
 	echo "    <element name='cib'>" >> $@
 	$(top_srcdir)/xml/best-match.sh cib $(*) $(@) "      "
 	echo "      <element name='configuration'>" >> $@
 	echo "        <interleave>" >> $@
 	for rng in $(RNG_cfg_base); do $(top_srcdir)/xml/best-match.sh $$rng $(*) $(@) "          "; done
 	echo "        </interleave>" >> $@
 	echo "      </element>" >> $@
 	echo "      <element name='status'>" >> $@
 	$(top_srcdir)/xml/best-match.sh status $(*) $(@) "        "
 	echo "      </element>" >> $@
 	echo "    </element>" >> $@
 	echo "  </start>" >> $@
 	echo "</grammar>" >> $@
 files_next = $(shell echo $(wildcard *-next.rng) | sed 's/-next.rng//g')
 files_max = $(shell echo $(wildcard *-$(RNG_max).rng) | sed 's/-[0-9][0-9.]*.rng//g')
 	echo "#  Comparing changes in: $(RNG_max)"
 	-for rng in $(files_max); do echo "### $${rng}"; diff -u `$(top_srcdir)/xml/best-match.sh $${rng} $(RNG_last)` $${rng}-$(RNG_max).rng; done
 	echo -e "\n\n\n#  Comparing changes since: $(RNG_max)"
 	-for rng in $(files_next); do echo "### $${rng}"; diff -u `$(top_srcdir)/xml/best-match.sh $${rng} $(RNG_max)` $${rng}-next.rng; done
 	git rm -f $(wildcard *-next.rng)
 	make pacemaker-next.rng
 	rm -f $(RNG_generated)
diff --git a/xml/crm_mon.rng b/xml/crm_mon.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f6dc7cd27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/crm_mon.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" 
+         datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">
+    <start>
+        <ref name="element-crm_mon"/>
+    </start>
+    <define name="element-crm_mon">
+        <element name="crm_mon">
+            <attribute name="version"> <text/> </attribute>
+            <element name="summary">
+                <optional>
+                    <element name="last_update">
+                        <!-- crm_mon shows dates like "Mon Apr 13 16:06:27 2015" not
+                             the XSD dateTime like "2015-04-13T16:06:27-05:00" -->
+                        <attribute name="time"> <text/> </attribute>
+                    </element>
+                </optional>
+                <optional>
+                    <element name="last_change">
+                        <attribute name="time"> <text/> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="user"> <text/> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="client"> <text/> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="origin"> <text/> </attribute>
+                    </element>
+                </optional>
+                <optional>
+                    <element name="stack">
+                        <attribute name="type"> <text/> </attribute>
+                    </element>
+                </optional>
+                <element name="current_dc">
+                    <attribute name="present"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                    <optional>
+                        <group>
+                            <attribute name="version"> <text/> </attribute>
+                            <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+                            <!-- pacemaker IDs are user-defined strings that are
+                                 not as restricted as the XSD ID type -->
+                            <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+                            <attribute name="with_quorum"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        </group>
+                    </optional>
+                </element>
+                <element name="nodes_configured">
+                    <attribute name="number"> <data type="int" /> </attribute>
+                    <choice>
+                        <attribute name="expected_votes"> <data type="int" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="expected_votes"> <value>unknown</value> </attribute>
+                    </choice>
+                </element>
+                <element name="resources_configured">
+                    <attribute name="number"> <data type="int" /> </attribute>
+                </element>
+            </element>
+            <element name="nodes">
+                <zeroOrMore>
+                    <element name="node">
+                        <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="online"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="standby"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="standby_onfail"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="maintenance"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="pending"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="unclean"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="shutdown"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="expected_up"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="is_dc"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="resources_running"> <data type="int" /> </attribute>
+                        <attribute name="type">
+                            <choice>
+                                <value>unknown</value>
+                                <value>member</value>
+                                <value>remote</value>
+                                <value>ping</value>
+                            </choice>
+                        </attribute>
+                        <optional>
+                            <!-- 1.1.13 adds container_id for virtualized pacemaker_remote nodes -->
+                            <attribute name="container_id"> <text/> </attribute>
+                        </optional>
+                        <ref name="resource_list" />
+                    </element>
+                </zeroOrMore>
+            </element>
+            <optional>
+                <element name="resources">
+                    <ref name="resource_list" />
+                </element>
+            </optional>
+            <optional>
+                <element name="failures">
+                    <zeroOrMore>
+                        <element name="failure">
+                            <choice>
+                                <attribute name="op_key"> <text/> </attribute>
+                                <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+                            </choice>
+                            <attribute name="node"> <text/> </attribute>
+                            <attribute name="exitstatus"> <text/> </attribute>
+                            <attribute name="exitreason"> <text/> </attribute>
+                            <attribute name="exitcode"> <data type="int" /> </attribute>
+                            <attribute name="call"> <text/> </attribute>
+                            <attribute name="status"> <text/> </attribute>
+                            <optional>
+                                <group>
+                                    <attribute name="last-rc-change"> <text/> </attribute>
+                                    <attribute name="queued"> <text/> </attribute>
+                                    <attribute name="exec"> <text/> </attribute>
+                                    <attribute name="interval"> <data type="int" />  </attribute>
+                                    <attribute name="task"> <text/> </attribute>
+                                </group>
+                            </optional>
+                        </element>
+                    </zeroOrMore>
+                </element>
+            </optional>
+        </element>
+    </define>
+    <define name="resource_list">
+        <interleave>
+            <zeroOrMore>
+                <ref name="element-resource" />
+            </zeroOrMore>
+            <zeroOrMore>
+                <ref name="element-group" />
+            </zeroOrMore>
+            <zeroOrMore>
+                <ref name="element-clone" />
+            </zeroOrMore>
+        </interleave>
+    </define>
+    <define name="element-resource">
+        <element name="resource">
+            <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="resource_agent"> <text/> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="role"> <text/> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="active"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="orphaned"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="nodes_running_on"> <data type="int" />  </attribute>
+            <optional>
+                <attribute name="pending"> <text/> </attribute>
+            </optional>
+            <optional>
+                <!-- crm_mon prints the node only if group-by-node is false -->
+                <element name="node">
+                    <attribute name="name"> <text/> </attribute>
+                    <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+                    <attribute name="cached"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+                </element>
+            </optional>
+        </element>
+    </define>
+    <define name="element-group">
+        <element name="group">
+            <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="number_resources"> <data type="int" /> </attribute>
+            <ref name="resource_list" />
+        </element>
+    </define>
+    <define name="element-clone">
+        <element name="clone">
+            <attribute name="id"> <text/> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="multi_state"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="unique"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="managed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="failed"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <attribute name="failure_ignored"> <data type="boolean" /> </attribute>
+            <ref name="resource_list" />
+        </element>
+    </define>
diff --git a/xml/upgrade-1.3.xsl b/xml/upgrade-1.3.xsl
index 317e74ce34..0d41bafd0a 100644
--- a/xml/upgrade-1.3.xsl
+++ b/xml/upgrade-1.3.xsl
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
 <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output method='xml' version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' indent='yes'/>
 <xsl:template match="role_ref">
   <xsl:element name="role">
     <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
     <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />
 <xsl:template match="read|write|deny">
   <xsl:element name="acl_permission">
     <xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
     <xsl:attribute name="kind"><xsl:value-of select="name()"/></xsl:attribute>
     <xsl:if test="@ref">
       <xsl:attribute name="reference"><xsl:value-of select="@ref"/></xsl:attribute>
-      <xsl:if test="@attribute">
-	<xsl:attribute name="attribute"><xsl:value-of select="@attribute"/></xsl:attribute>
-      </xsl:if>
     <xsl:if test="not(@ref)">
       <xsl:if test="@tag">
 	<xsl:attribute name="object-type"><xsl:value-of select="@tag"/></xsl:attribute>
+	<xsl:if test="@attribute">
+	  <xsl:attribute name="attribute"><xsl:value-of select="@attribute"/></xsl:attribute>
+	</xsl:if>
     <xsl:if test="@xpath">
       <xsl:attribute name="xpath"><xsl:value-of select="@xpath"/></xsl:attribute>
 <xsl:template match="acl_user[role_ref]">
   <!-- schema disallows role_ref's AND deny/reda/write -->
   <xsl:element name="acl_target">
     <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
     <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />
 <xsl:template match="acl_user[not(role_ref)]">
   <xsl:element name="acl_target">
     <xsl:for-each select="@*"> 
       <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
     <xsl:if test="count(deny|read|write)" > 
       <xsl:element name="role">
 	<xsl:attribute name="id">
 	  <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
   <xsl:if test="count(deny|read|write)" > 
     <xsl:element name="acl_role">
       <xsl:attribute name="id">
 	<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
       <xsl:for-each select="node()"> 
 	  <xsl:when test="starts-with(name(), 'role_ref')"/>
 	    <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
 <xsl:template match="@*">
   <xsl:attribute name="{name()}">
     <xsl:value-of select="."/>
 <xsl:template match="/">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
   <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>
 <xsl:template match="*">
   <xsl:element name="{name()}">
     <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
     <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />