diff --git a/cts/CTStests.py b/cts/CTStests.py index 060d722ce3..73b6b20ea1 100644 --- a/cts/CTStests.py +++ b/cts/CTStests.py @@ -1,2291 +1,2296 @@ '''CTS: Cluster Testing System: Tests module There are a few things we want to do here: ''' __copyright__=''' Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Alan Robertson Licensed under the GNU GPL. Add RecourceRecover testcase Zhao Kai ''' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # SPECIAL NOTE: # # Tests may NOT implement any cluster-manager-specific code in them. # EXTEND the ClusterManager object to provide the base capabilities # the test needs if you need to do something that the current CM classes # do not. Otherwise you screw up the whole point of the object structure # in CTS. # # Thank you. # import time, os, re, types, string, tempfile, sys from stat import * from cts import CTS from cts.CTSaudits import * AllTestClasses = [ ] class CTSTest: ''' A Cluster test. We implement the basic set of properties and behaviors for a generic cluster test. Cluster tests track their own statistics. We keep each of the kinds of counts we track as separate {name,value} pairs. ''' def __init__(self, cm): #self.name="the unnamed test" self.Stats = {"calls":0 , "success":0 , "failure":0 , "skipped":0 , "auditfail":0} # if not issubclass(cm.__class__, ClusterManager): # raise ValueError("Must be a ClusterManager object") self.CM = cm self.Audits = [] self.timeout=120 self.passed = 1 self.is_loop = 0 self.is_unsafe = 0 self.is_experimental = 0 self.is_valgrind = 0 self.benchmark = 0 # which tests to benchmark self.timer = {} # timers def has_key(self, key): return self.Stats.has_key(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.Stats[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.Stats[key] def log_mark(self, msg): self.CM.debug("MARK: test %s %s %d" % (self.name,msg,time.time())) return def get_timer(self,key = "test"): try: return self.timer[key] except: return 0 def set_timer(self,key = "test"): self.timer[key] = time.time() return self.timer[key] def log_timer(self,key = "test"): elapsed = 0 if key in self.timer: elapsed = time.time() - self.timer[key] s = key == "test" and self.name or "%s:%s" %(self.name,key) self.CM.debug("%s runtime: %.2f" % (s, elapsed)) del self.timer[key] return elapsed def incr(self, name): '''Increment (or initialize) the value associated with the given name''' if not self.Stats.has_key(name): self.Stats[name]=0 self.Stats[name] = self.Stats[name]+1 # Reset the test passed boolean if name == "calls": self.passed = 1 def failure(self, reason="none"): '''Increment the failure count''' self.passed = 0 self.incr("failure") self.CM.log(("Test %s" % self.name).ljust(35) +" FAILED: %s" % reason) return None def success(self): '''Increment the success count''' self.incr("success") return 1 def skipped(self): '''Increment the skipped count''' self.incr("skipped") return 1 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the given test''' raise ValueError("Abstract Class member (__call__)") self.incr("calls") return self.failure() def audit(self): passed = 1 if len(self.Audits) > 0: for audit in self.Audits: if not audit(): self.CM.log("Internal %s Audit %s FAILED." % (self.name, audit.name())) self.incr("auditfail") passed = 0 return passed def setup(self, node): '''Setup the given test''' return self.success() def teardown(self, node): '''Tear down the given test''' return self.success() def create_watch(self, patterns, timeout, name=None): if not name: name = self.name return CTS.LogWatcher(self.CM.Env, self.CM["LogFileName"], patterns, name, timeout) def local_badnews(self, prefix, watch, local_ignore=[]): errcount = 0 if not prefix: prefix = "LocalBadNews:" ignorelist = [] ignorelist.append(" CTS: ") ignorelist.append(prefix) ignorelist.extend(local_ignore) while errcount < 100: match=watch.look(0) if match: add_err = 1 for ignore in ignorelist: if add_err == 1 and re.search(ignore, match): add_err = 0 if add_err == 1: self.CM.log(prefix + " " + match) errcount=errcount+1 else: break else: self.CM.log("Too many errors!") return errcount def is_applicable(self): return self.is_applicable_common() def is_applicable_common(self): '''Return TRUE if we are applicable in the current test configuration''' #raise ValueError("Abstract Class member (is_applicable)") if self.is_loop and not self.CM.Env["loop-tests"]: return 0 elif self.is_unsafe and not self.CM.Env["unsafe-tests"]: return 0 elif self.is_valgrind and not self.CM.Env["valgrind-tests"]: return 0 elif self.is_experimental and not self.CM.Env["experimental-tests"]: return 0 elif self.CM.Env["benchmark"] and self.benchmark == 0: return 0 return 1 def find_ocfs2_resources(self, node): self.r_o2cb = None self.r_ocfs2 = [] (rc, lines) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): r = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if r.rtype == "o2cb" and r.parent != "NA": self.CM.debug("Found o2cb: %s" % self.r_o2cb) self.r_o2cb = r.parent if re.search("^Constraint", line): c = AuditConstraint(self.CM, line) if c.type == "rsc_colocation" and c.target == self.r_o2cb: self.r_ocfs2.append(c.rsc) self.CM.debug("Found ocfs2 filesystems: %s" % repr(self.r_ocfs2)) return len(self.r_ocfs2) def canrunnow(self, node): '''Return TRUE if we can meaningfully run right now''' return 1 def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which are 'normal' and should be ignored''' return [] ################################################################### class StopTest(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Stop (deactivate) the cluster manager on a node''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self, cm) self.name="Stop" def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'stop' test. ''' self.incr("calls") if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] != "up": return self.skipped() patterns = [] # Technically we should always be able to notice ourselves stopping patterns.append(self.CM["Pat:We_stopped"] % node) #if self.CM.Env["use_logd"]: # patterns.append(self.CM["Pat:Logd_stopped"] % node) # Any active node needs to notice this one left # NOTE: This wont work if we have multiple partitions for other in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[other] == "up" and other != node: patterns.append(self.CM["Pat:They_stopped"] %(other, self.CM.key_for_node(node))) #self.debug("Checking %s will notice %s left"%(other, node)) watch = self.create_watch(patterns, self.CM["DeadTime"]) watch.setwatch() if node == self.CM.OurNode: self.incr("us") else: if self.CM.upcount() <= 1: self.incr("all") else: self.incr("them") self.CM.StopaCM(node) watch_result = watch.lookforall() failreason=None UnmatchedList = "||" if watch.unmatched: (rc, output) = self.CM.rsh(node, "/bin/ps axf", None) for line in output: self.CM.debug(line) (rc, output) = self.CM.rsh(node, "/usr/sbin/dlm_tool dump", None) for line in output: self.CM.debug(line) for regex in watch.unmatched: self.CM.log ("ERROR: Shutdown pattern not found: %s" % (regex)) UnmatchedList += regex + "||"; failreason="Missing shutdown pattern" self.CM.cluster_stable(self.CM["DeadTime"]) if not watch.unmatched or self.CM.upcount() == 0: return self.success() if len(watch.unmatched) >= self.CM.upcount(): return self.failure("no match against (%s)" % UnmatchedList) if failreason == None: return self.success() else: return self.failure(failreason) # # We don't register StopTest because it's better when called by # another test... # ################################################################### class StartTest(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Start (activate) the cluster manager on a node''' def __init__(self, cm, debug=None): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="start" self.debug = debug def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'start' test. ''' self.incr("calls") if self.CM.upcount() == 0: self.incr("us") else: self.incr("them") if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] != "down": return self.skipped() elif self.CM.StartaCM(node): return self.success() else: return self.failure("Startup %s on node %s failed" %(self.CM["Name"], node)) # # We don't register StartTest because it's better when called by # another test... # ################################################################### class FlipTest(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''If it's running, stop it. If it's stopped start it. Overthrow the status quo... ''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="Flip" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'Flip' test. ''' self.incr("calls") if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": self.incr("stopped") ret = self.stop(node) type="up->down" # Give the cluster time to recognize it's gone... time.sleep(self.CM["StableTime"]) elif self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down": self.incr("started") ret = self.start(node) type="down->up" else: return self.skipped() self.incr(type) if ret: return self.success() else: return self.failure("%s failure" % type) # Register FlipTest as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(FlipTest) ################################################################### class RestartTest(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Stop and restart a node''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="Restart" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) self.benchmark = 1 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'restart' test. ''' self.incr("calls") self.incr("node:" + node) ret1 = 1 if self.CM.StataCM(node): self.incr("WasStopped") if not self.start(node): return self.failure("start (setup) failure: "+node) self.set_timer() if not self.stop(node): return self.failure("stop failure: "+node) if not self.start(node): return self.failure("start failure: "+node) return self.success() # Register RestartTest as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(RestartTest) ################################################################### class StonithdTest(CTSTest): ################################################################### def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self, cm) self.name="Stonithd" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.benchmark = 1 def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") if len(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) < 2: return self.skipped() ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") is_dc = self.CM.is_node_dc(node) watchpats = [] watchpats.append("log_operation: Operation .* for host '%s' with device .* returned: 0" % node) watchpats.append("tengine_stonith_notify: Peer %s was terminated .*: OK" % node) if self.CM.Env["at-boot"] == 0: self.CM.debug("Expecting %s to stay down" % node) self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node]="down" else: self.CM.debug("Expecting %s to come up again %d" % (node, self.CM.Env["at-boot"])) watchpats.append("%s .*do_state_transition: .* S_STARTING -> S_PENDING" % node) watchpats.append("%s .*do_state_transition: .* S_PENDING -> S_NOT_DC" % node) watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, 30 + self.CM["DeadTime"] + self.CM["StableTime"] + self.CM["StartTime"]) watch.setwatch() origin = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) rc = self.CM.rsh(origin, "stonith_admin --reboot %s -VVVVVV" % node) if rc == 194: # 194 - 256 = -62 = Timer expired # # Look for the patterns, usually this means the required # device was running on the node to be fenced - or that # the required devices were in the process of being loaded # and/or moved # # Effectively the node committed suicide so there will be # no confirmation, but pacemaker should be watching and # fence the node again self.CM.log("Fencing command on %s to fence %s timed out" % (origin, node)) elif origin != node and rc != 0: self.CM.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() self.CM.debug("Waiting STONITHd node to come back up") self.CM.ns.WaitForAllNodesToComeUp(self.CM.Env["nodes"], 600) self.CM.log("Fencing command on %s failed to fence %s (rc=%d)" % (origin, node, rc)) elif origin == node and rc != 255: # 255 == broken pipe, ie. the node was fenced as epxected self.CM.log("Logcally originated fencing returned %d" % rc) self.set_timer("fence") matched = watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("fence") self.set_timer("reform") if watch.unmatched: self.CM.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) self.CM.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() self.CM.debug("Waiting STONITHd node to come back up") self.CM.ns.WaitForAllNodesToComeUp(self.CM.Env["nodes"], 600) self.CM.debug("Waiting for the cluster to re-stabilize with all nodes") is_stable = self.CM.cluster_stable(self.CM["StartTime"]) if not matched: return self.failure("Didn't find all expected patterns") elif not is_stable: return self.failure("Cluster did not become stable") self.log_timer("reform") return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): return [ self.CM["Pat:We_fenced"] % ".*", self.CM["Pat:They_fenced"] % ".*", "error: native_create_actions: Resource .*stonith::.* is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery", "error: remote_op_done: Operation reboot of .*by .* for stonith_admin.*: Timer expired", ] def is_applicable(self): if not self.is_applicable_common(): return 0 if self.CM.Env.has_key("DoFencing"): return self.CM.Env["DoFencing"] return 1 AllTestClasses.append(StonithdTest) ################################################################### class StartOnebyOne(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Start all the nodes ~ one by one''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="StartOnebyOne" self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.start = StartTest(cm) self.ns=CTS.NodeStatus(cm.Env) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'StartOnebyOne' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Shut down all the nodes... ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Test setup failed") failed=[] self.set_timer() for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if not self.start(node): failed.append(node) if len(failed) > 0: return self.failure("Some node failed to start: " + repr(failed)) return self.success() # Register StartOnebyOne as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(StartOnebyOne) ################################################################### class SimulStart(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Start all the nodes ~ simultaneously''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="SimulStart" self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'SimulStart' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Shut down all the nodes... ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") self.CM.clear_all_caches() if not self.startall(None): return self.failure("Startall failed") return self.success() # Register SimulStart as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(SimulStart) ################################################################### class SimulStop(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Stop all the nodes ~ simultaneously''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="SimulStop" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'SimulStop' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Start up all the nodes... ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") if not self.stopall(None): return self.failure("Stopall failed") return self.success() # Register SimulStop as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(SimulStop) ################################################################### class StopOnebyOne(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Stop all the nodes in order''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="StopOnebyOne" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'StopOnebyOne' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Start up all the nodes... ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") failed=[] self.set_timer() for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if not self.stop(node): failed.append(node) if len(failed) > 0: return self.failure("Some node failed to stop: " + repr(failed)) self.CM.clear_all_caches() return self.success() # Register StopOnebyOne as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(StopOnebyOne) ################################################################### class RestartOnebyOne(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Restart all the nodes in order''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="RestartOnebyOne" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'RestartOnebyOne' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Start up all the nodes... ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") did_fail=[] self.set_timer() self.restart = RestartTest(self.CM) for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if not self.restart(node): did_fail.append(node) if did_fail: return self.failure("Could not restart %d nodes: %s" %(len(did_fail), repr(did_fail))) return self.success() # Register StopOnebyOne as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(RestartOnebyOne) ################################################################### class PartialStart(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Start a node - but tell it to stop before it finishes starting up''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="PartialStart" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) #self.is_unsafe = 1 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'PartialStart' test. ''' self.incr("calls") ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") # FIXME! This should use the CM class to get the pattern # then it would be applicable in general watchpats = [] watchpats.append("crmd.*Connecting to cluster infrastructure") watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.CM["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() self.CM.StartaCMnoBlock(node) ret = watch.lookforall() if not ret: self.CM.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) return self.failure("Setup of %s failed" % node) ret = self.stop(node) if not ret: return self.failure("%s did not stop in time" % node) return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' # We might do some fencing in the 2-node case if we make it up far enough return [ """Executing reboot fencing operation""" ] # Register StopOnebyOne as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(PartialStart) ####################################################################### class StandbyTest(CTSTest): ####################################################################### def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="Standby" self.benchmark = 1 self.start = StartTest(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) # make sure the node is active # set the node to standby mode # check resources, none resource should be running on the node # set the node to active mode # check resouces, resources should have been migrated back (SHOULD THEY?) def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") ret=self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Start all nodes failed") self.CM.debug("Make sure node %s is active" % node) if self.CM.StandbyStatus(node) != "off": if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off"): return self.failure("can't set node %s to active mode" % node) self.CM.cluster_stable() status = self.CM.StandbyStatus(node) if status != "off": return self.failure("standby status of %s is [%s] but we expect [off]" % (node, status)) self.CM.debug("Getting resources running on node %s" % node) rsc_on_node = self.CM.active_resources(node) watchpats = [] watchpats.append("do_state_transition:.*-> S_POLICY_ENGINE") watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.CM["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() self.CM.debug("Setting node %s to standby mode" % node) if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "on"): return self.failure("can't set node %s to standby mode" % node) self.set_timer("on") ret = watch.lookforall() if not ret: self.CM.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off") return self.failure("cluster didn't react to standby change on %s" % node) self.CM.cluster_stable() status = self.CM.StandbyStatus(node) if status != "on": return self.failure("standby status of %s is [%s] but we expect [on]" % (node, status)) self.log_timer("on") self.CM.debug("Checking resources") bad_run = self.CM.active_resources(node) if len(bad_run) > 0: rc = self.failure("%s set to standby, %s is still running on it" % (node, repr(bad_run))) self.CM.debug("Setting node %s to active mode" % node) self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off") return rc self.CM.debug("Setting node %s to active mode" % node) if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off"): return self.failure("can't set node %s to active mode" % node) self.set_timer("off") self.CM.cluster_stable() status = self.CM.StandbyStatus(node) if status != "off": return self.failure("standby status of %s is [%s] but we expect [off]" % (node, status)) self.log_timer("off") return self.success() AllTestClasses.append(StandbyTest) ####################################################################### class ValgrindTest(CTSTest): ####################################################################### '''Check for memory leaks''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="Valgrind" self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.is_valgrind = 1 self.is_loop = 1 def setup(self, node): self.incr("calls") ret=self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Stop all nodes failed") # Enable valgrind self.logPat = "/tmp/%s-*.valgrind" % self.name self.CM.Env["valgrind-prefix"] = self.name self.CM.rsh(node, "rm -f %s" % self.logPat, None) ret=self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Start all nodes failed") for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: (rc, output) = self.CM.rsh(node, "ps u --ppid `pidofproc aisexec`", None) for line in output: self.CM.debug(line) return self.success() def teardown(self, node): # Disable valgrind self.CM.Env["valgrind-prefix"] = None # Return all nodes to normal ret=self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Stop all nodes failed") return self.success() def find_leaks(self): # Check for leaks leaked = [] self.stop = StopTest(self.CM) for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: (rc, ps_out) = self.CM.rsh(node, "ps u --ppid `pidofproc aisexec`", None) rc = self.stop(node) if not rc: self.failure("Couldn't shut down %s" % node) rc = self.CM.rsh(node, "grep -e indirectly.*lost:.*[1-9] -e definitely.*lost:.*[1-9] -e (ERROR|error).*SUMMARY:.*[1-9].*errors %s" % self.logPat, 0) if rc != 1: leaked.append(node) self.failure("Valgrind errors detected on %s" % node) for line in ps_out: self.CM.log(line) (rc, output) = self.CM.rsh(node, "grep -e lost: -e SUMMARY: %s" % self.logPat, None) for line in output: self.CM.log(line) (rc, output) = self.CM.rsh(node, "cat %s" % self.logPat, None) for line in output: self.CM.debug(line) self.CM.rsh(node, "rm -f %s" % self.logPat, None) return leaked def __call__(self, node): leaked = self.find_leaks() if len(leaked) > 0: return self.failure("Nodes %s leaked" % repr(leaked)) return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' return [ """cib:.*readCibXmlFile:""", """HA_VALGRIND_ENABLED""" ] ####################################################################### class StandbyLoopTest(ValgrindTest): ####################################################################### '''Check for memory leaks by putting a node in and out of standby for an hour''' def __init__(self, cm): ValgrindTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="StandbyLoop" def __call__(self, node): lpc = 0 delay = 2 failed = 0 done=time.time() + self.CM.Env["loop-minutes"]*60 while time.time() <= done and not failed: lpc = lpc + 1 time.sleep(delay) if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "on"): self.failure("can't set node %s to standby mode" % node) failed = lpc time.sleep(delay) if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off"): self.failure("can't set node %s to active mode" % node) failed = lpc leaked = self.find_leaks() if failed: return self.failure("Iteration %d failed" % failed) elif len(leaked) > 0: return self.failure("Nodes %s leaked" % repr(leaked)) return self.success() AllTestClasses.append(StandbyLoopTest) ############################################################################## class BandwidthTest(CTSTest): ############################################################################## # Tests should not be cluster-manager-specific # If you need to find out cluster manager configuration to do this, then # it should be added to the generic cluster manager API. '''Test the bandwidth which heartbeat uses''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self, cm) self.name = "Bandwidth" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.__setitem__("min",0) self.__setitem__("max",0) self.__setitem__("totalbandwidth",0) self.tempfile = tempfile.mktemp(".cts") self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the Bandwidth test''' self.incr("calls") if self.CM.upcount()<1: return self.skipped() Path = self.CM.InternalCommConfig() if "ip" not in Path["mediatype"]: return self.skipped() port = Path["port"][0] port = int(port) ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Test setup failed") time.sleep(5) # We get extra messages right after startup. fstmpfile = "/var/run/band_estimate" dumpcmd = "tcpdump -p -n -c 102 -i any udp port %d > %s 2>&1" \ % (port, fstmpfile) rc = self.CM.rsh(node, dumpcmd) if rc == 0: farfile = "root@%s:%s" % (node, fstmpfile) self.CM.rsh.cp(farfile, self.tempfile) Bandwidth = self.countbandwidth(self.tempfile) if not Bandwidth: self.CM.log("Could not compute bandwidth.") return self.success() intband = int(Bandwidth + 0.5) self.CM.log("...bandwidth: %d bits/sec" % intband) self.Stats["totalbandwidth"] = self.Stats["totalbandwidth"] + Bandwidth if self.Stats["min"] == 0: self.Stats["min"] = Bandwidth if Bandwidth > self.Stats["max"]: self.Stats["max"] = Bandwidth if Bandwidth < self.Stats["min"]: self.Stats["min"] = Bandwidth self.CM.rsh(node, "rm -f %s" % fstmpfile) os.unlink(self.tempfile) return self.success() else: return self.failure("no response from tcpdump command [%d]!" % rc) def countbandwidth(self, file): fp = open(file, "r") fp.seek(0) count = 0 sum = 0 while 1: line = fp.readline() if not line: return None if re.search("udp",line) or re.search("UDP,", line): count=count+1 linesplit = string.split(line," ") for j in range(len(linesplit)-1): if linesplit[j]=="udp": break if linesplit[j]=="length:": break try: sum = sum + int(linesplit[j+1]) except ValueError: self.CM.log("Invalid tcpdump line: %s" % line) return None T1 = linesplit[0] timesplit = string.split(T1,":") time2split = string.split(timesplit[2],".") time1 = (long(timesplit[0])*60+long(timesplit[1]))*60+long(time2split[0])+long(time2split[1])*0.000001 break while count < 100: line = fp.readline() if not line: return None if re.search("udp",line) or re.search("UDP,", line): count = count+1 linessplit = string.split(line," ") for j in range(len(linessplit)-1): if linessplit[j] =="udp": break if linesplit[j]=="length:": break try: sum=int(linessplit[j+1])+sum except ValueError: self.CM.log("Invalid tcpdump line: %s" % line) return None T2 = linessplit[0] timesplit = string.split(T2,":") time2split = string.split(timesplit[2],".") time2 = (long(timesplit[0])*60+long(timesplit[1]))*60+long(time2split[0])+long(time2split[1])*0.000001 time = time2-time1 if (time <= 0): return 0 return (sum*8)/time def is_applicable(self): '''BandwidthTest never applicable''' return 0 AllTestClasses.append(BandwidthTest) ################################################################### class ResourceRecover(CTSTest): ################################################################### def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="ResourceRecover" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.max=30 self.rid=None self.rid_alt=None #self.is_unsafe = 1 self.benchmark = 1 # these are the values used for the new LRM API call self.action = "asyncmon" self.interval = 0 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'ResourceRecover' test. ''' self.incr("calls") ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") resourcelist = self.CM.active_resources(node) # if there are no resourcelist, return directly if len(resourcelist)==0: self.CM.log("No active resources on %s" % node) return self.skipped() self.rid = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice(resourcelist) self.rid_alt = self.rid rsc = None (rc, lines) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): tmp = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if tmp.id == self.rid: rsc = tmp # Handle anonymous clones that get renamed self.rid = rsc.clone_id break if not rsc: return self.failure("Could not find %s in the resource list" % self.rid) self.CM.debug("Shooting %s aka. %s" % (rsc.clone_id, rsc.id)) pats = [] pats.append("Updating failcount for %s on .* after .* %s" % (self.rid, self.action)) if rsc.managed(): pats.append("process_lrm_event: LRM operation %s_stop_0.*confirmed.*ok" % self.rid) if rsc.unique(): pats.append("process_lrm_event: LRM operation %s_start_0.*confirmed.*ok" % self.rid) else: # Anonymous clones may get restarted with a different clone number pats.append("process_lrm_event: LRM operation .*_start_0.*confirmed.*ok") watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60) watch.setwatch() self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_resource -V -F -r %s -H %s &>/dev/null" % (self.rid, node)) self.set_timer("recover") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() recovered=self.CM.ResourceLocation(self.rid) if watch.unmatched: return self.failure("Patterns not found: %s" % repr(watch.unmatched)) elif rsc.unique() and len(recovered) > 1: return self.failure("%s is now active on more than one node: %s"%(self.rid, repr(recovered))) elif len(recovered) > 0: self.CM.debug("%s is running on: %s" %(self.rid, repr(recovered))) elif rsc.managed(): return self.failure("%s was not recovered and is inactive" % self.rid) return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' return [ """Updating failcount for %s""" % self.rid, """LogActions: Recover %s""" % self.rid, """LogActions: Recover %s""" % self.rid_alt, """Unknown operation: fail""", """(ERROR|error): sending stonithRA op to stonithd failed.""", """(ERROR|error): process_lrm_event: LRM operation %s_%s_%d""" % (self.rid, self.action, self.interval), """(ERROR|error): process_graph_event: Action %s_%s_%d .* initiated outside of a transition""" % (self.rid, self.action, self.interval), ] AllTestClasses.append(ResourceRecover) ################################################################### class ComponentFail(CTSTest): ################################################################### def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="ComponentFail" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.complist = cm.Components() self.patterns = [] self.okerrpatterns = [] self.is_unsafe = 1 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'ComponentFail' test. ''' self.incr("calls") self.patterns = [] self.okerrpatterns = [] # start all nodes ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") if not self.CM.cluster_stable(self.CM["StableTime"]): return self.failure("Setup failed - unstable") node_is_dc = self.CM.is_node_dc(node, None) # select a component to kill chosen = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice(self.complist) while chosen.dc_only == 1 and node_is_dc == 0: chosen = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice(self.complist) self.CM.debug("...component %s (dc=%d,boot=%d)" % (chosen.name, node_is_dc,chosen.triggersreboot)) self.incr(chosen.name) if chosen.name != "aisexec": if self.CM["Name"] != "crm-lha" or chosen.name != "pengine": self.patterns.append(self.CM["Pat:ChildKilled"] %(node, chosen.name)) self.patterns.append(self.CM["Pat:ChildRespawn"] %(node, chosen.name)) self.patterns.extend(chosen.pats) if node_is_dc: self.patterns.extend(chosen.dc_pats) # In an ideal world, this next stuff should be in the "chosen" object as a member function if self.CM["Name"] == "crm-lha" and chosen.triggersreboot: # Make sure the node goes down and then comes back up if it should reboot... for other in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if other != node: self.patterns.append(self.CM["Pat:They_stopped"] %(other, self.CM.key_for_node(node))) self.patterns.append(self.CM["Pat:Slave_started"] % node) self.patterns.append(self.CM["Pat:Local_started"] % node) if chosen.dc_only: # Sometimes these will be in the log, and sometimes they won't... self.okerrpatterns.append("%s .*Process %s:.* exited" %(node, chosen.name)) self.okerrpatterns.append("%s .*I_ERROR.*crmdManagedChildDied" %node) self.okerrpatterns.append("%s .*The %s subsystem terminated unexpectedly" %(node, chosen.name)) self.okerrpatterns.append("(ERROR|error): Client .* exited with return code") else: # Sometimes this won't be in the log... self.okerrpatterns.append(self.CM["Pat:ChildKilled"] %(node, chosen.name)) self.okerrpatterns.append(self.CM["Pat:ChildRespawn"] %(node, chosen.name)) self.okerrpatterns.append(self.CM["Pat:ChildExit"]) # supply a copy so self.patterns doesnt end up empty tmpPats = [] tmpPats.extend(self.patterns) self.patterns.extend(chosen.badnews_ignore) # Look for STONITH ops, depending on Env["at-boot"] we might need to change the nodes status stonithPats = [] stonithPats.append(self.CM["Pat:They_fenced"] % node) stonith = self.create_watch(stonithPats, 0) stonith.setwatch() # set the watch for stable watch = self.create_watch( tmpPats, self.CM["DeadTime"] + self.CM["StableTime"] + self.CM["StartTime"]) watch.setwatch() # kill the component chosen.kill(node) self.CM.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() self.CM.debug("Waiting for any STONITHd node to come back up") self.CM.ns.WaitForAllNodesToComeUp(self.CM.Env["nodes"], 600) self.CM.debug("Waiting for the cluster to re-stabilize with all nodes") self.CM.cluster_stable(self.CM["StartTime"]) self.CM.debug("Checking if %s was shot" % node) shot = stonith.look(60) if shot: self.CM.debug("Found: "+ repr(shot)) self.okerrpatterns.append(self.CM["Pat:We_fenced"] % node) if self.CM.Env["at-boot"] == 0: self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node]="down" # If fencing occurred, chances are many (if not all) the expected logs # will not be sent - or will be lost when the node reboots return self.success() # check for logs indicating a graceful recovery matched = watch.lookforall(allow_multiple_matches=1) if watch.unmatched: self.CM.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) self.CM.debug("Waiting for the cluster to re-stabilize with all nodes") is_stable = self.CM.cluster_stable(self.CM["StartTime"]) if not matched: return self.failure("Didn't find all expected patterns") elif not is_stable: return self.failure("Cluster did not become stable") return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' # Note that okerrpatterns refers to the last time we ran this test # The good news is that this works fine for us... self.okerrpatterns.extend(self.patterns) return self.okerrpatterns AllTestClasses.append(ComponentFail) #################################################################### class SplitBrainTest(CTSTest): #################################################################### '''It is used to test split-brain. when the path between the two nodes break check the two nodes both take over the resource''' def __init__(self,cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "SplitBrain" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.is_experimental = 1 def isolate_partition(self, partition): other_nodes = [] other_nodes.extend(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) for node in partition: try: other_nodes.remove(node) except ValueError: self.CM.log("Node "+node+" not in " + repr(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) + " from " +repr(partition)) if len(other_nodes) == 0: return 1 self.CM.debug("Creating partition: " + repr(partition)) self.CM.debug("Everyone else: " + repr(other_nodes)) for node in partition: if not self.CM.isolate_node(node, other_nodes): self.CM.log("Could not isolate %s" % node) return 0 return 1 def heal_partition(self, partition): other_nodes = [] other_nodes.extend(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) for node in partition: try: other_nodes.remove(node) except ValueError: self.CM.log("Node "+node+" not in " + repr(self.CM.Env["nodes"])) if len(other_nodes) == 0: return 1 self.CM.debug("Healing partition: " + repr(partition)) self.CM.debug("Everyone else: " + repr(other_nodes)) for node in partition: self.CM.unisolate_node(node, other_nodes) def __call__(self, node): '''Perform split-brain test''' self.incr("calls") self.passed = 1 partitions = {} ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") while 1: # Retry until we get multiple partitions partitions = {} p_max = len(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: p = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.randint(1, p_max) if not partitions.has_key(p): partitions[p]= [] partitions[p].append(node) p_max = len(partitions.keys()) if p_max > 1: break # else, try again self.CM.debug("Created %d partitions" % p_max) for key in partitions.keys(): self.CM.debug("Partition["+str(key)+"]:\t"+repr(partitions[key])) # Disabling STONITH to reduce test complexity for now self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -n stonith-enabled -v false") for key in partitions.keys(): self.isolate_partition(partitions[key]) count = 30 while count > 0: if len(self.CM.find_partitions()) != p_max: time.sleep(10) else: break else: self.failure("Expected partitions were not created") # Target number of partitions formed - wait for stability if not self.CM.cluster_stable(): self.failure("Partitioned cluster not stable") # Now audit the cluster state self.CM.partitions_expected = p_max if not self.audit(): self.failure("Audits failed") self.CM.partitions_expected = 1 # And heal them again for key in partitions.keys(): self.heal_partition(partitions[key]) # Wait for a single partition to form count = 30 while count > 0: if len(self.CM.find_partitions()) != 1: time.sleep(10) count -= 1 else: break else: self.failure("Cluster did not reform") # Wait for it to have the right number of members count = 30 while count > 0: members = [] partitions = self.CM.find_partitions() if len(partitions) > 0: members = partitions[0].split() if len(members) != len(self.CM.Env["nodes"]): time.sleep(10) count -= 1 else: break else: self.failure("Cluster did not completely reform") # Wait up to 20 minutes - the delay is more preferable than # trying to continue with in a messed up state if not self.CM.cluster_stable(1200): self.failure("Reformed cluster not stable") answer = raw_input('Continue? [nY]') if answer and answer == "n": raise ValueError("Reformed cluster not stable") # Turn fencing back on if self.CM.Env["DoFencing"]: self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n stonith-enabled") self.CM.cluster_stable() if self.passed: return self.success() return self.failure("See previous errors") def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which are 'normal' and should be ignored''' return [ "Another DC detected:", "(ERROR|error): attrd_cib_callback: .*Application of an update diff failed", "crmd_ha_msg_callback:.*not in our membership list", "CRIT:.*node.*returning after partition", ] def is_applicable(self): if not self.is_applicable_common(): return 0 return len(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) > 2 AllTestClasses.append(SplitBrainTest) #################################################################### class Reattach(CTSTest): #################################################################### def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="Reattach" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.restart1 = RestartTest(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.is_unsafe = 0 # Handled by canrunnow() def setup(self, node): attempt=0 if not self.startall(None): return None # Make sure we are really _really_ stable and that all # resources, including those that depend on transient node # attributes, are started while not self.CM.cluster_stable(double_check=True): if attempt < 5: attempt += 1 self.CM.debug("Not stable yet, re-testing") else: self.CM.log("Cluster is not stable") return None return 1 def teardown(self, node): # Make sure 'node' is up start = StartTest(self.CM) start(node) is_managed = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -Q -G -t crm_config -n is-managed-default -d true", 1) is_managed = is_managed[:-1] # Strip off the newline if is_managed != "true": self.CM.log("Attempting to re-enable resource management on %s (%s)" % (node, is_managed)) managed = self.create_watch(["is-managed-default"], 60) managed.setwatch() self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") if not managed.lookforall(): self.CM.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(managed.unmatched)) self.CM.log("Could not re-enable resource management") return 0 return 1 def canrunnow(self, node): '''Return TRUE if we can meaningfully run right now''' if self.find_ocfs2_resources(node): self.CM.log("Detach/Reattach scenarios are not possible with OCFS2 services present") return 0 return 1 def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") pats = [] managed = self.create_watch(["is-managed-default"], 60) managed.setwatch() self.CM.debug("Disable resource management") self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -n is-managed-default -v false") if not managed.lookforall(): self.CM.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(managed.unmatched)) return self.failure("Resource management not disabled") pats = [] pats.append("process_lrm_event: .*_stop") pats.append("process_lrm_event: .*_start") pats.append("process_lrm_event: .*_promote") pats.append("process_lrm_event: .*_demote") pats.append("process_lrm_event: .*_migrate") watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60, "ShutdownActivity") watch.setwatch() self.CM.debug("Shutting down the cluster") ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: self.CM.debug("Re-enable resource management") self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") return self.failure("Couldn't shut down the cluster") self.CM.debug("Bringing the cluster back up") ret = self.startall(None) time.sleep(5) # allow ping to update the CIB if not ret: self.CM.debug("Re-enable resource management") self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") return self.failure("Couldn't restart the cluster") if self.local_badnews("ResourceActivity:", watch): self.CM.debug("Re-enable resource management") self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") return self.failure("Resources stopped or started during cluster restart") watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60, "StartupActivity") watch.setwatch() managed = self.create_watch(["is-managed-default"], 60) managed.setwatch() self.CM.debug("Re-enable resource management") self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") if not managed.lookforall(): self.CM.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(managed.unmatched)) return self.failure("Resource management not enabled") self.CM.cluster_stable() # Ignore actions for STONITH resources ignore = [] (rc, lines) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): r = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if r.rclass == "stonith": self.CM.debug("Ignoring start actions for %s" % r.id) ignore.append("process_lrm_event: LRM operation %s_start_0.*confirmed.*ok" % r.id) if self.local_badnews("ResourceActivity:", watch, ignore): return self.failure("Resources stopped or started after resource management was re-enabled") return ret def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' return [ "You may ignore this error if it is unmanaged.", "pingd: .*(ERROR|error): send_ipc_message:", "pingd: .*(ERROR|error): send_update:", "lrmd: .*(ERROR|error): notify_client:", ] def is_applicable(self): if self.CM["Name"] == "crm-lha": return None return 1 AllTestClasses.append(Reattach) #################################################################### class SpecialTest1(CTSTest): #################################################################### '''Set up a custom test to cause quorum failure issues for Andrew''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="SpecialTest1" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.restart1 = RestartTest(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'SpecialTest1' test for Andrew. ''' self.incr("calls") # Shut down all the nodes... ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Could not stop all nodes") # Start the selected node ret = self.restart1(node) if not ret: return self.failure("Could not start "+node) # Start all remaining nodes ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Could not start the remaining nodes") return self.success() AllTestClasses.append(SpecialTest1) #################################################################### class HAETest(CTSTest): #################################################################### '''Set up a custom test to cause quorum failure issues for Andrew''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="HAETest" self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.is_loop = 1 def setup(self, node): # Start all remaining nodes ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't start all nodes") return self.success() def teardown(self, node): # Stop everything ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't stop all nodes") return self.success() def wait_on_state(self, node, resource, expected_clones, attempts=240): while attempts > 0: active=0 (rc, lines) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_resource -r %s -W -Q" % resource, stdout=None) # Hack until crm_resource does the right thing if rc == 0 and lines: active = len(lines) if len(lines) == expected_clones: return 1 elif rc == 1: self.CM.debug("Resource %s is still inactive" % resource) elif rc == 234: self.CM.log("Unknown resource %s" % resource) return 0 elif rc == 246: self.CM.log("Cluster is inactive") return 0 elif rc != 0: self.CM.log("Call to crm_resource failed, rc=%d" % rc) return 0 else: self.CM.debug("Resource %s is active on %d times instead of %d" % (resource, active, expected_clones)) attempts -= 1 time.sleep(1) return 0 def find_dlm(self, node): self.r_dlm = None (rc, lines) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): r = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if r.rtype == "controld" and r.parent != "NA": self.CM.debug("Found dlm: %s" % self.r_dlm) self.r_dlm = r.parent return 1 return 0 def find_hae_resources(self, node): self.r_dlm = None self.r_o2cb = None self.r_ocfs2 = [] if self.find_dlm(node): self.find_ocfs2_resources(node) def is_applicable(self): if not self.is_applicable_common(): return 0 if self.CM.Env["Schema"] == "hae": return 1 return None #################################################################### class HAERoleTest(HAETest): #################################################################### def __init__(self, cm): '''Lars' mount/unmount test for the HA extension. ''' HAETest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="HAERoleTest" def change_state(self, node, resource, target): rc = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_resource -V -r %s -p target-role -v %s --meta" % (resource, target)) return rc def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") lpc = 0 failed = 0 delay = 2 done=time.time() + self.CM.Env["loop-minutes"]*60 self.find_hae_resources(node) clone_max = len(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) while time.time() <= done and not failed: lpc = lpc + 1 self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "Stopped") if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, 0): self.failure("%s did not go down correctly" % self.r_dlm) failed = lpc self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "Started") if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_dlm) failed = lpc if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_o2cb, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_o2cb) failed = lpc for fs in self.r_ocfs2: if not self.wait_on_state(node, fs, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % fs) failed = lpc if failed: return self.failure("iteration %d failed" % failed) return self.success() AllTestClasses.append(HAERoleTest) #################################################################### class HAEStandbyTest(HAETest): #################################################################### '''Set up a custom test to cause quorum failure issues for Andrew''' def __init__(self, cm): HAETest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="HAEStandbyTest" def change_state(self, node, resource, target): rc = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_standby -V -l reboot -v %s" % (target)) return rc def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") lpc = 0 failed = 0 done=time.time() + self.CM.Env["loop-minutes"]*60 self.find_hae_resources(node) clone_max = len(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) while time.time() <= done and not failed: lpc = lpc + 1 self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "true") if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, clone_max-1): self.failure("%s did not go down correctly" % self.r_dlm) failed = lpc self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "false") if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_dlm) failed = lpc if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_o2cb, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_o2cb) failed = lpc for fs in self.r_ocfs2: if not self.wait_on_state(node, fs, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % fs) failed = lpc if failed: return self.failure("iteration %d failed" % failed) return self.success() AllTestClasses.append(HAEStandbyTest) ################################################################### class NearQuorumPointTest(CTSTest): ################################################################### ''' This test brings larger clusters near the quorum point (50%). In addition, it will test doing starts and stops at the same time. Here is how I think it should work: - loop over the nodes and decide randomly which will be up and which will be down Use a 50% probability for each of up/down. - figure out what to do to get into that state from the current state - in parallel, bring up those going up and bring those going down. ''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="NearQuorumPoint" def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'NearQuorumPoint' test. ''' self.incr("calls") startset = [] stopset = [] stonith = self.CM.prepare_fencing_watcher("NearQuorumPoint") #decide what to do with each node for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: action = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice(["start","stop"]) #action = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice(["start","stop","no change"]) if action == "start" : startset.append(node) elif action == "stop" : stopset.append(node) self.CM.debug("start nodes:" + repr(startset)) self.CM.debug("stop nodes:" + repr(stopset)) #add search patterns watchpats = [ ] for node in stopset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:We_stopped"] % node) for node in startset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down": #watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:Slave_started"] % node) watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:Local_started"] % node) else: for stopping in stopset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[stopping] == "up": watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:They_stopped"] % (node, self.CM.key_for_node(stopping))) if len(watchpats) == 0: return self.skipped() if len(startset) != 0: watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:DC_IDLE"]) watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.CM["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() #begin actions for node in stopset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": self.CM.StopaCMnoBlock(node) for node in startset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down": self.CM.StartaCMnoBlock(node) #get the result if watch.lookforall(): self.CM.cluster_stable() self.CM.fencing_cleanup("NearQuorumPoint", stonith) return self.success() self.CM.log("Warn: Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) #get the "bad" nodes upnodes = [] for node in stopset: if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 1: upnodes.append(node) downnodes = [] for node in startset: if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 0: downnodes.append(node) self.CM.fencing_cleanup,("NearQuorumPoint", stonith) if upnodes == [] and downnodes == []: self.CM.cluster_stable() # Make sure they're completely down with no residule for node in stopset: self.CM.rsh(node, self.CM["StopCmd"]) return self.success() if len(upnodes) > 0: self.CM.log("Warn: Unstoppable nodes: " + repr(upnodes)) if len(downnodes) > 0: self.CM.log("Warn: Unstartable nodes: " + repr(downnodes)) return self.failure() + def is_applicable(self): + if self.CM["Name"] == "crm-cman": + return None + return 1 + AllTestClasses.append(NearQuorumPointTest) ################################################################### class RollingUpgradeTest(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Perform a rolling upgrade of the cluster''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="RollingUpgrade" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) def setup(self, node): # Start all remaining nodes ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't stop all nodes") for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if not self.downgrade(node, None): return self.failure("Couldn't downgrade %s" % node) ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't start all nodes") return self.success() def teardown(self, node): # Stop everything ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't stop all nodes") for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if not self.upgrade(node, None): return self.failure("Couldn't upgrade %s" % node) return self.success() def install(self, node, version, start=1, flags="--force"): target_dir = "/tmp/rpm-%s" % version src_dir = "%s/%s" % (self.CM.Env["rpm-dir"], version) self.CM.log("Installing %s on %s with %s" % (version, node, flags)) if not self.stop(node): return self.failure("stop failure: "+node) rc = self.CM.rsh(node, "mkdir -p %s" % target_dir) rc = self.CM.rsh(node, "rm -f %s/*.rpm" % target_dir) (rc, lines) = self.CM.rsh(node, "ls -1 %s/*.rpm" % src_dir, None) for line in lines: line = line[:-1] rc = self.CM.rsh.cp("%s" % (line), "%s:%s/" % (node, target_dir)) rc = self.CM.rsh(node, "rpm -Uvh %s %s/*.rpm" % (flags, target_dir)) if start and not self.start(node): return self.failure("start failure: "+node) return self.success() def upgrade(self, node, start=1): return self.install(node, self.CM.Env["current-version"], start) def downgrade(self, node, start=1): return self.install(node, self.CM.Env["previous-version"], start, "--force --nodeps") def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'Rolling Upgrade' test. ''' self.incr("calls") for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if self.upgrade(node): return self.failure("Couldn't upgrade %s" % node) self.CM.cluster_stable() return self.success() def is_applicable(self): if not self.is_applicable_common(): return None if not self.CM.Env.has_key("rpm-dir"): return None if not self.CM.Env.has_key("current-version"): return None if not self.CM.Env.has_key("previous-version"): return None return 1 # Register RestartTest as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(RollingUpgradeTest) ################################################################### class BSC_AddResource(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Add a resource to the cluster''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self, cm) self.name="AddResource" self.resource_offset = 0 self.cib_cmd="""cibadmin -C -o %s -X '%s' """ def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") self.resource_offset = self.resource_offset + 1 r_id = "bsc-rsc-%s-%d" % (node, self.resource_offset) start_pat = "crmd.*%s_start_0.*confirmed.*ok" patterns = [] patterns.append(start_pat % r_id) watch = self.create_watch(patterns, self.CM["DeadTime"]) watch.setwatch() fields = string.split(self.CM.Env["IPBase"], '.') fields[3] = str(int(fields[3])+1) ip = string.join(fields, '.') self.CM.Env["IPBase"] = ip if not self.make_ip_resource(node, r_id, "ocf", "IPaddr", ip): return self.failure("Make resource %s failed" % r_id) failed = 0 watch_result = watch.lookforall() if watch.unmatched: for regex in watch.unmatched: self.CM.log ("Warn: Pattern not found: %s" % (regex)) failed = 1 if failed: return self.failure("Resource pattern(s) not found") if not self.CM.cluster_stable(self.CM["DeadTime"]): return self.failure("Unstable cluster") return self.success() def make_ip_resource(self, node, id, rclass, type, ip): self.CM.log("Creating %s::%s:%s (%s) on %s" % (rclass,type,id,ip,node)) rsc_xml=""" """ % (id, rclass, type, id, id, ip) node_constraint=""" """ % (id, id, id, id, node) rc = 0 (rc, lines) = self.CM.rsh(node, self.cib_cmd % ("constraints", node_constraint), None) if rc != 0: self.CM.log("Constraint creation failed: %d" % rc) return None (rc, lines) = self.CM.rsh(node, self.cib_cmd % ("resources", rsc_xml), None) if rc != 0: self.CM.log("Resource creation failed: %d" % rc) return None return 1 def is_applicable(self): if self.CM.Env["DoBSC"]: return 1 return None AllTestClasses.append(BSC_AddResource) class SimulStopLite(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Stop any active nodes ~ simultaneously''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="SimulStopLite" def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'SimulStopLite' setup work. ''' self.incr("calls") self.CM.debug("Setup: " + self.name) # We ignore the "node" parameter... watchpats = [ ] for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": self.incr("WasStarted") watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:We_stopped"] % node) #if self.CM.Env["use_logd"]: # watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:Logd_stopped"] % node) if len(watchpats) == 0: self.CM.clear_all_caches() return self.success() # Stop all the nodes - at about the same time... watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.CM["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() self.set_timer() for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": self.CM.StopaCMnoBlock(node) if watch.lookforall(): self.CM.clear_all_caches() # Make sure they're completely down with no residule for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: self.CM.rsh(node, self.CM["StopCmd"]) return self.success() did_fail=0 up_nodes = [] for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 1: did_fail=1 up_nodes.append(node) if did_fail: return self.failure("Active nodes exist: " + repr(up_nodes)) self.CM.log("Warn: All nodes stopped but CTS didnt detect: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) self.CM.clear_all_caches() return self.failure("Missing log message: "+repr(watch.unmatched)) def is_applicable(self): '''SimulStopLite is a setup test and never applicable''' return 0 ################################################################### class SimulStartLite(CTSTest): ################################################################### '''Start any stopped nodes ~ simultaneously''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name="SimulStartLite" def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'SimulStartList' setup work. ''' self.incr("calls") self.CM.debug("Setup: " + self.name) # We ignore the "node" parameter... node_list = [] for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down": self.incr("WasStopped") node_list.append(node) self.set_timer() while len(node_list) > 0: watchpats = [ ] uppat = self.CM["Pat:Slave_started"] if self.CM.upcount() == 0: uppat = self.CM["Pat:Local_started"] watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:DC_IDLE"]) for node in node_list: watchpats.append(uppat % node) watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:InfraUp"] % node) watchpats.append(self.CM["Pat:PacemakerUp"] % node) # Start all the nodes - at about the same time... watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.CM["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() stonith = self.CM.prepare_fencing_watcher(self.name) for node in node_list: self.CM.StartaCMnoBlock(node) watch.lookforall() node_list = self.CM.fencing_cleanup(self.name, stonith) # Remove node_list messages from watch.unmatched for node in node_list: if watch.unmatched: watch.unmatched.remove(uppat % node) if watch.unmatched: for regex in watch.unmatched: self.CM.log ("Warn: Startup pattern not found: %s" %(regex)) if not self.CM.cluster_stable(): return self.failure("Cluster did not stabilize") did_fail=0 unstable = [] for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 0: did_fail=1 unstable.append(node) if did_fail: return self.failure("Unstarted nodes exist: " + repr(unstable)) unstable = [] for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: if not self.CM.node_stable(node): did_fail=1 unstable.append(node) if did_fail: return self.failure("Unstable cluster nodes exist: " + repr(unstable)) return self.success() def is_applicable(self): '''SimulStartLite is a setup test and never applicable''' return 0 def TestList(cm, audits): result = [] for testclass in AllTestClasses: bound_test = testclass(cm) if bound_test.is_applicable(): bound_test.Audits = audits result.append(bound_test) return result # vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: