diff --git a/crmd/crmd_lrm.h b/crmd/crmd_lrm.h index abc7965c57..6f8141b296 100644 --- a/crmd/crmd_lrm.h +++ b/crmd/crmd_lrm.h @@ -1,21 +1,20 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ -extern void free_lrm_op(lrm_op_t *op); extern gboolean verify_stopped(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level); extern void lrm_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data); diff --git a/crmd/lrm.c b/crmd/lrm.c index 4be970ef0f..c68d78e076 100644 --- a/crmd/lrm.c +++ b/crmd/lrm.c @@ -1,1775 +1,1761 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct recurring_op_s { char *rsc_id; char *op_key; int call_id; int interval; gboolean remove; gboolean cancelled; }; char *make_stop_id(const char *rsc, int call_id); void cib_rsc_callback(xmlNode *msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode *output, void *user_data); gboolean build_operation_update( xmlNode *rsc_list, lrm_rsc_t *rsc, lrm_op_t *op, const char *src, int lpc, int level); gboolean build_active_RAs(xmlNode *rsc_list); gboolean is_rsc_active(const char *rsc_id); int do_update_resource(lrm_op_t *op); gboolean process_lrm_event(lrm_op_t *op); void do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_rsc_t *rsc, const char *operation, xmlNode *msg, xmlNode *request); lrm_op_t *construct_op( xmlNode *rsc_op, const char *rsc_id, const char *operation); void send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys, lrm_rsc_t *rsc, lrm_op_t* op, const char *rsc_id); void free_recurring_op(gpointer value); GHashTable *resources = NULL; GHashTable *pending_ops = NULL; GCHSource *lrm_source = NULL; int num_lrm_register_fails = 0; int max_lrm_register_fails = 30; void lrm_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { if(is_set(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED)) { crm_crit("LRM Connection failed"); register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); clear_bit_inplace(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED); } else { crm_info("LRM Connection disconnected"); } lrm_source = NULL; } /* A_LRM_CONNECT */ void do_lrm_control(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data) { if(fsa_lrm_conn == NULL) { register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); return; } if(action & A_LRM_DISCONNECT) { if(verify_stopped(cur_state, LOG_INFO) == FALSE) { crmd_fsa_stall(NULL); return; } if(is_set(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED)) { clear_bit_inplace(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED); fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->signoff(fsa_lrm_conn); crm_info("Disconnected from the LRM"); } /* TODO: Clean up the hashtable */ } if(action & A_LRM_CONNECT) { int ret = HA_OK; pending_ops = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, free_recurring_op); resources = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); if(ret == HA_OK) { crm_debug("Connecting to the LRM"); ret = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->signon( fsa_lrm_conn, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD); } if(ret != HA_OK) { if(++num_lrm_register_fails < max_lrm_register_fails) { crm_warn("Failed to sign on to the LRM %d" " (%d max) times", num_lrm_register_fails, max_lrm_register_fails); crm_timer_start(wait_timer); crmd_fsa_stall(NULL); return; } } if(ret == HA_OK) { crm_debug_4("LRM: set_lrm_callback..."); ret = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->set_lrm_callback( fsa_lrm_conn, lrm_op_callback); if(ret != HA_OK) { crm_err("Failed to set LRM callbacks"); } } if(ret != HA_OK) { crm_err("Failed to sign on to the LRM %d" " (max) times", num_lrm_register_fails); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); return; } /* TODO: create a destroy handler that causes * some recovery to happen */ lrm_source = G_main_add_IPC_Channel( G_PRIORITY_LOW, fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->ipcchan(fsa_lrm_conn), FALSE, lrm_dispatch, fsa_lrm_conn, lrm_connection_destroy); set_bit_inplace(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED); crm_debug("LRM connection established"); } if(action & ~(A_LRM_CONNECT|A_LRM_DISCONNECT)) { crm_err("Unexpected action %s in %s", fsa_action2string(action), __FUNCTION__); } } static void ghash_print_pending(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *stop_id = key; int *log_level = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *pending = value; do_crm_log(*log_level, "Pending action: %s (%s)", stop_id, pending->op_key); } static void ghash_print_pending_for_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *stop_id = key; char *rsc = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *pending = value; if(safe_str_eq(rsc, pending->rsc_id)) { do_crm_log(LOG_NOTICE, "%sction %s (%s) incomplete at shutdown", pending->interval==0?"A":"Recurring a", stop_id, pending->op_key); } } static void ghash_count_pending(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { int *counter = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *pending = value; if(pending->interval > 0) { /* Ignore recurring actions in the shutdown calculations */ return; } (*counter)++; } gboolean verify_stopped(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level) { int counter = 0; gboolean rc = TRUE; GListPtr lrm_list = NULL; crm_debug("Checking for active resources before exit"); if(cur_state == S_TERMINATE) { log_level = LOG_ERR; } if(pending_ops) { g_hash_table_foreach(pending_ops, ghash_count_pending, &counter); } if(counter > 0) { rc = FALSE; do_crm_log(log_level, "%d pending LRM operations at shutdown%s", counter, cur_state == S_TERMINATE?"":"... waiting"); if(cur_state == S_TERMINATE || !is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP)) { g_hash_table_foreach( pending_ops, ghash_print_pending, &log_level); } goto bail; } if(is_set(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED)) { lrm_list = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->get_all_rscs(fsa_lrm_conn); } slist_iter( rsc_id, char, lrm_list, lpc, if(is_rsc_active(rsc_id) == FALSE) { continue; } crm_err("Resource %s was active at shutdown." " You may ignore this error if it is unmanaged.", rsc_id); g_hash_table_foreach( pending_ops, ghash_print_pending_for_rsc, rsc_id); ); slist_destroy(char, rid, lrm_list, free(rid)); bail: set_bit_inplace(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP); if(cur_state == S_TERMINATE) { rc = TRUE; } return rc; } static char * get_rsc_metadata(const char *type, const char *class, const char *provider) { char *metadata = NULL; CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(class != NULL, return NULL); if(provider == NULL) { provider = "heartbeat"; } crm_debug_2("Retreiving metadata for %s::%s:%s", type, class, provider); metadata = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->get_rsc_type_metadata( fsa_lrm_conn, class, type, provider); if(metadata) { /* copy the metadata because the LRM likes using * g_alloc instead of cl_malloc */ char *m_copy = crm_strdup(metadata); g_free(metadata); metadata = m_copy; } else { crm_warn("No metadata found for %s::%s:%s", type, class, provider); } return metadata; } typedef struct reload_data_s { char *key; char *metadata; time_t last_query; gboolean can_reload; GListPtr restart_list; } reload_data_t; static void g_hash_destroy_reload(gpointer data) { reload_data_t *reload = data; crm_free(reload->key); crm_free(reload->metadata); slist_destroy(char, child, reload->restart_list, crm_free(child)); crm_free(reload); } GHashTable *reload_hash = NULL; static GListPtr get_rsc_restart_list(lrm_rsc_t *rsc, lrm_op_t *op) { int len = 0; char *key = NULL; char *copy = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *provider = NULL; xmlNode *params = NULL; xmlNode *actions = NULL; xmlNode *metadata = NULL; time_t now = time(NULL); reload_data_t *reload = NULL; if(reload_hash == NULL) { reload_hash = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_hash_destroy_reload); } provider = rsc->provider; if(provider == NULL) { provider = "heartbeat"; } len = strlen(rsc->type) + strlen(rsc->class) + strlen(provider) + 4; crm_malloc(key, len); snprintf(key, len, "%s::%s:%s", rsc->type, rsc->class, provider); reload = g_hash_table_lookup(reload_hash, key); if(reload && ((now - 9) > reload->last_query) && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_START)) { reload = NULL; /* re-query */ } if(reload == NULL) { crm_malloc0(reload, sizeof(reload_data_t)); g_hash_table_replace(reload_hash, key, reload); reload->last_query = now; reload->key = key; key = NULL; reload->metadata = get_rsc_metadata(rsc->type, rsc->class, provider); metadata = string2xml(reload->metadata); if(metadata == NULL) { crm_err("Metadata for %s::%s:%s is not valid XML", rsc->provider, rsc->class, rsc->type); goto cleanup; } actions = find_xml_node(metadata, "actions", TRUE); xml_child_iter_filter( actions, action, "action", value = crm_element_value(action, "name"); if(safe_str_eq("reload", value)) { reload->can_reload = TRUE; break; } ); if(reload->can_reload == FALSE) { goto cleanup; } params = find_xml_node(metadata, "parameters", TRUE); xml_child_iter_filter( params, param, "parameter", value = crm_element_value(param, "unique"); if(crm_is_true(value)) { value = crm_element_value(param, "name"); if(value == NULL) { crm_err("%s: NULL param", key); continue; } crm_debug("Attr %s is not reloadable", value); copy = crm_strdup(value); CRM_CHECK(copy != NULL, continue); reload->restart_list = g_list_append(reload->restart_list, copy); } ); } cleanup: crm_free(key); free_xml(metadata); return reload?reload->restart_list:NULL; } static void append_restart_list(lrm_rsc_t *rsc, lrm_op_t *op, xmlNode *update, const char *version) { int len = 0; char *list = NULL; char *digest = NULL; const char *value = NULL; gboolean non_empty = FALSE; xmlNode *restart = NULL; GListPtr restart_list = NULL; if(op->interval > 0) { /* monitors are not reloadable */ return; } else if(op->params == NULL) { crm_debug("%s has no parameters", ID(update)); return; } else if(rsc == NULL) { return; } else if(crm_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_START, op->op_type, TRUE) == FALSE) { /* only starts are potentially reloadable */ return; } else if(compare_version("1.0.8", version) > 0) { /* Caller version does not support reloads */ return; } restart_list = get_rsc_restart_list(rsc, op); if(restart_list == NULL) { /* Resource does not support reloads */ return; } restart = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS); slist_iter(param, const char, restart_list, lpc, int start = len; CRM_CHECK(param != NULL, continue); value = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, param); if(value != NULL) { non_empty = TRUE; crm_xml_add(restart, param, value); } len += strlen(param) + 2; crm_realloc(list, len+1); sprintf(list+start, " %s ", param); ); digest = calculate_xml_digest(restart, TRUE, FALSE); crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_RESTART, list); crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST, digest); #if 0 crm_debug("%s: %s, %s", rsc->id, digest, list); if(non_empty) { crm_log_xml_debug(restart, "restart digest source"); } #endif free_xml(restart); crm_free(digest); crm_free(list); } gboolean build_operation_update( xmlNode *parent, lrm_rsc_t *rsc, lrm_op_t *op, const char *src, int lpc, int level) { xmlNode *xml_op = NULL; const char *caller_version = CRM_FEATURE_SET; if(AM_I_DC) { } else if(fsa_our_dc_version != NULL) { caller_version = fsa_our_dc_version; } else if(op->params == NULL) { caller_version = fsa_our_dc_version; } else { /* there is a small risk in formerly mixed clusters that * it will be sub-optimal. * however with our upgrade policy, the update we send * should still be completely supported anyway */ caller_version = g_hash_table_lookup( op->params, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); crm_warn("Falling back to operation originator version: %s", caller_version); } xml_op = create_operation_update(parent, op, caller_version, 0, src, level); if(xml_op) { append_restart_list(rsc, op, xml_op, caller_version); } return TRUE; } gboolean is_rsc_active(const char *rsc_id) { GList *op_list = NULL; gboolean active = FALSE; lrm_rsc_t *the_rsc = NULL; state_flag_t cur_state = 0; int max_call_id = -1; if(fsa_lrm_conn == NULL) { return FALSE; } the_rsc = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->get_rsc(fsa_lrm_conn, rsc_id); crm_debug_3("Processing lrm_rsc_t entry %s", rsc_id); if(the_rsc == NULL) { crm_err("NULL resource returned from the LRM"); return FALSE; } op_list = the_rsc->ops->get_cur_state(the_rsc, &cur_state); crm_debug_3("\tcurrent state:%s",cur_state==LRM_RSC_IDLE?"Idle":"Busy"); slist_iter( op, lrm_op_t, op_list, llpc, crm_debug_2("Processing op %s_%d (%d) for %s (status=%d, rc=%d)", op->op_type, op->interval, op->call_id, the_rsc->id, op->op_status, op->rc); CRM_ASSERT(max_call_id <= op->call_id); if(op->rc == EXECRA_OK && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { active = FALSE; } else if(op->rc == EXECRA_OK && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) { /* a stricter check is too complex... * leave that to the PE */ active = FALSE; } else if(op->rc == EXECRA_NOT_RUNNING) { active = FALSE; } else { active = TRUE; } max_call_id = op->call_id; lrm_free_op(op); ); g_list_free(op_list); lrm_free_rsc(the_rsc); return active; } gboolean build_active_RAs(xmlNode *rsc_list) { GList *op_list = NULL; GList *lrm_list = NULL; gboolean found_op = FALSE; state_flag_t cur_state = 0; if(fsa_lrm_conn == NULL) { return FALSE; } lrm_list = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->get_all_rscs(fsa_lrm_conn); slist_iter( rid, char, lrm_list, lpc, int max_call_id = -1; xmlNode *xml_rsc = NULL; lrm_rsc_t *the_rsc = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->get_rsc(fsa_lrm_conn, rid); if(the_rsc == NULL) { crm_err("NULL resource returned from the LRM: %s", rid); continue; } xml_rsc = create_xml_node(rsc_list, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, the_rsc->id); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE, the_rsc->type); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, the_rsc->class); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER,the_rsc->provider); op_list = the_rsc->ops->get_cur_state(the_rsc, &cur_state); slist_iter( op, lrm_op_t, op_list, llpc, if(max_call_id < op->call_id) { build_operation_update( xml_rsc, the_rsc, op, __FUNCTION__, llpc, LOG_DEBUG); } else if(max_call_id > op->call_id) { crm_err("Bad call_id in list=%d. Previous call_id=%d", op->call_id, max_call_id); } else { crm_warn("lrm->get_cur_state() returned" " duplicate entries for call_id=%d", op->call_id); } max_call_id = op->call_id; found_op = TRUE; lrm_free_op(op); ); if(found_op == FALSE && g_list_length(op_list) != 0) { crm_err("Could not properly determin last op" " for %s from %d entries", the_rsc->id, g_list_length(op_list)); } g_list_free(op_list); lrm_free_rsc(the_rsc); ); slist_destroy(char, rid, lrm_list, free(rid)); return TRUE; } xmlNode* do_lrm_query(gboolean is_replace) { gboolean shut_down = FALSE; xmlNode *xml_result= NULL; xmlNode *xml_state = NULL; xmlNode *xml_data = NULL; xmlNode *rsc_list = NULL; const char *exp_state = CRMD_STATE_ACTIVE; if(is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) { exp_state = CRMD_STATE_INACTIVE; shut_down = TRUE; } xml_state = create_node_state( fsa_our_uname, ACTIVESTATUS, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE, ONLINESTATUS, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER, exp_state, !shut_down, __FUNCTION__); xml_data = create_xml_node(xml_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); crm_xml_add(xml_data, XML_ATTR_ID, fsa_our_uuid); rsc_list = create_xml_node(xml_data, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES); /* Build a list of active (not always running) resources */ build_active_RAs(rsc_list); xml_result = create_cib_fragment(xml_state, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); crm_log_xml_debug_3(xml_state, "Current state of the LRM"); free_xml(xml_state); return xml_result; } /* * Remove the rsc from the CIB * * Avoids refreshing the entire LRM section of this host */ #define rsc_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']" static void delete_rsc_entry(const char *rsc_id) { int max = 0; char *rsc_xpath = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return); max = strlen(rsc_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(fsa_our_uname) + 1; crm_malloc0(rsc_xpath, max); snprintf(rsc_xpath, max, rsc_template, fsa_our_uname, rsc_id); CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return); crm_debug("sync: Sending delete op for %s", rsc_id); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->delete( fsa_cib_conn, rsc_xpath, NULL, cib_quorum_override|cib_xpath); crm_free(rsc_xpath); } /* * Remove the op from the CIB * * Avoids refreshing the entire LRM section of this host */ #define op_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s']" #define op_call_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s' and @"XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID"='%d']" static void delete_op_entry(lrm_op_t *op, const char *rsc_id, const char *key, int call_id) { xmlNode *xml_top = NULL; if(op != NULL) { xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP); crm_xml_add_int(xml_top, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, op->call_id); crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, op->user_data); crm_debug("async: Sending delete op for %s_%s_%d (call=%d)", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->call_id); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->delete( fsa_cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, xml_top, cib_quorum_override); } else if (rsc_id != NULL && key != NULL) { int max = 0; char *op_xpath = NULL; if(call_id > 0) { max = strlen(op_call_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(fsa_our_uname) + strlen(key) + 10; crm_malloc0(op_xpath, max); snprintf(op_xpath, max, op_call_template, fsa_our_uname, rsc_id, key, call_id); } else { max = strlen(op_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(fsa_our_uname) + strlen(key) + 1; crm_malloc0(op_xpath, max); snprintf(op_xpath, max, op_template, fsa_our_uname, rsc_id, key); } crm_debug("sync: Sending delete op for %s (call=%d)", rsc_id, call_id); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->delete( fsa_cib_conn, op_xpath, NULL, cib_quorum_override|cib_xpath); crm_free(op_xpath); } else { crm_err("Not enough information to delete op entry: rsc=%p key=%p", rsc_id, key); return; } crm_log_xml_debug_2(xml_top, "op:cancel"); free_xml(xml_top); } static gboolean cancel_op(lrm_rsc_t *rsc, const char *key, int op, gboolean remove) { int rc = HA_OK; struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL; CRM_CHECK(op != 0, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE); if(key == NULL) { key = make_stop_id(rsc->id, op); } pending = g_hash_table_lookup(pending_ops, key); if(pending) { if(remove && pending->remove == FALSE) { pending->remove = TRUE; crm_debug("Scheduling %s for removal", key); } if(pending->cancelled) { crm_debug("Operation %s already cancelled", key); return TRUE; } pending->cancelled = TRUE; } else { crm_info("No pending op found for %s", key); } crm_debug("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op, rsc->id, key); rc = rsc->ops->cancel_op(rsc, op); if(rc != HA_OK) { crm_debug("Op %d for %s (%s): Nothing to cancel", op, rsc->id, key); /* The caller needs to make sure the entry is * removed from the pending_ops list * * Usually by returning TRUE inside the worker function * supplied to g_hash_table_foreach_remove() * * Not removing the entry from pending_ops will block * the node from shutting down */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } struct cancel_data { gboolean done; gboolean remove; const char *key; lrm_rsc_t *rsc; }; static gboolean cancel_action_by_key(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { struct cancel_data *data = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s*)value; if(safe_str_eq(op->op_key, data->key)) { data->done = TRUE; if (cancel_op(data->rsc, key, op->call_id, data->remove) == FALSE) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static gboolean cancel_op_key(lrm_rsc_t *rsc, const char *key, gboolean remove) { struct cancel_data data; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE); data.key = key; data.rsc = rsc; data.done = FALSE; data.remove = remove; g_hash_table_foreach_remove(pending_ops, cancel_action_by_key, &data); return data.done; } static lrm_rsc_t * get_lrm_resource(xmlNode *resource, xmlNode *op_msg, gboolean do_create) { char rid[64]; lrm_rsc_t *rsc = NULL; const char *short_id = ID(resource); const char *long_id = crm_element_value(resource, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG); crm_debug_2("Retrieving %s from the LRM.", short_id); CRM_CHECK(short_id != NULL, return NULL); if(rsc == NULL) { /* check if its already there (short name) */ strncpy(rid, short_id, 64); rid[63] = 0; rsc = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->get_rsc(fsa_lrm_conn, rid); } if(rsc == NULL && long_id != NULL) { /* try the long name instead */ strncpy(rid, long_id, 64); rid[63] = 0; rsc = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->get_rsc(fsa_lrm_conn, rid); } if(rsc == NULL && do_create) { /* add it to the LRM */ const char *type = crm_element_value(resource, XML_ATTR_TYPE); const char *class = crm_element_value(resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); const char *provider = crm_element_value(resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER); GHashTable *params = xml2list(op_msg); CRM_CHECK(class != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, return NULL); crm_debug_2("Adding rsc %s before operation", short_id); strncpy(rid, short_id, 64); rid[63] = 0; if(g_hash_table_size(params) == 0) { crm_log_xml_warn(op_msg, "EmptyParams"); } if(params != NULL) { g_hash_table_remove(params, CRM_META"_op_target_rc"); } fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->add_rsc( fsa_lrm_conn, rid, class, type, provider, params); rsc = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->get_rsc(fsa_lrm_conn, rid); g_hash_table_destroy(params); if(rsc == NULL) { fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL; crm_err("Could not add resource %s to LRM", rid); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL); } } return rsc; } static gboolean lrm_remove_deleted_op( gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *rsc = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *pending = value; if(safe_str_eq(rsc, pending->rsc_id)) { crm_info("Removing op %s:%d for deleted resource %s", pending->op_key, pending->call_id, rsc); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* A_LRM_INVOKE */ void do_lrm_invoke(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data) { gboolean done = FALSE; gboolean create_rsc = TRUE; const char *crm_op = NULL; const char *from_sys = NULL; const char *from_host = NULL; const char *operation = NULL; ha_msg_input_t *input = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg); crm_op = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_TASK); from_sys = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM); if(safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) { from_host = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM); } crm_debug_2("LRM command from: %s", from_sys); if(safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE)) { operation = CRMD_ACTION_DELETE; } else if(safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) { crm_op = CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH; } else if(safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_FAIL)) { #if HAVE_STRUCT_LRM_OPS_FAIL_RSC lrm_rsc_t *rsc = NULL; xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node( input->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE); CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc != NULL, return); rsc = get_lrm_resource(xml_rsc, input->xml, create_rsc); if(rsc) { int rc = HA_OK; crm_info("Failing resource %s...", rsc->id); rc = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->fail_rsc(fsa_lrm_conn, rsc->id, 1, "do_lrm_invoke: Async failure"); if(rc != HA_OK) { crm_err("Could not initiate an asynchronous failure for %s (%d)", rsc->id, rc); } lrm_free_rsc(rsc); } else { crm_info("Cannot find/create resource in order to fail it..."); crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "bad input"); } return; #else crm_info("Failing resource..."); operation = "fail"; #endif } else if(input->xml != NULL) { operation = crm_element_value(input->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); } if(safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) { enum cib_errors rc = cib_ok; xmlNode *fragment = do_lrm_query(TRUE); crm_info("Forcing a local LRM refresh"); fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, fragment, cib_quorum_override, rc); free_xml(fragment); } else if(safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_QUERY)) { xmlNode *data = do_lrm_query(FALSE); xmlNode *reply = create_reply(input->msg, data); if(relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { crm_err("Unable to route reply"); crm_log_xml(LOG_ERR, "reply", reply); } free_xml(reply); free_xml(data); } else if(safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_PROBED) || safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_REPROBE)) { int cib_options = cib_inhibit_notify; const char *probed = XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE; if(safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_REPROBE)) { cib_options = cib_none; probed = XML_BOOLEAN_FALSE; } update_attrd(NULL, CRM_OP_PROBED, probed); } else if(operation != NULL) { lrm_rsc_t *rsc = NULL; xmlNode *params = NULL; xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node( input->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE); CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc != NULL, return); /* only the first 16 chars are used by the LRM */ params = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_TAG_ATTRS, TRUE); if(safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) { create_rsc = FALSE; } rsc = get_lrm_resource(xml_rsc, input->xml, create_rsc); if(rsc == NULL && create_rsc) { crm_err("Invalid resource definition"); crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "bad input"); } else if(rsc == NULL) { lrm_op_t* op = NULL; crm_err("Not creating resource for a %s event: %s", operation, ID(input->xml)); crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "bad input"); op = construct_op(input->xml, ID(xml_rsc), operation); op->op_status = LRM_OP_DONE; op->rc = EXECRA_OK; CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL); send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc)); free_lrm_op(op); } else if(safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL)) { lrm_op_t* op = NULL; char *op_key = NULL; char *meta_key = NULL; int call = 0; const char *call_id = NULL; const char *op_task = NULL; const char *op_interval = NULL; CRM_CHECK(params != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command"); return); meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); op_interval = crm_element_value(params, meta_key); crm_free(meta_key); meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); op_task = crm_element_value(params, meta_key); crm_free(meta_key); meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID); call_id = crm_element_value(params, meta_key); crm_free(meta_key); CRM_CHECK(op_task != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command"); return); CRM_CHECK(op_interval != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command"); return); op = construct_op(input->xml, rsc->id, op_task); CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL); op_key = generate_op_key( rsc->id,op_task,crm_parse_int(op_interval,"0")); crm_debug("PE requested op %s (call=%s) be cancelled", op_key, call_id?call_id:"NA"); call = crm_parse_int(call_id, "0"); if(call == 0) { /* the normal case when the PE cancels a recurring op */ done = cancel_op_key(rsc, op_key, TRUE); } else { /* the normal case when the PE cancels an orphan op */ done = cancel_op(rsc, NULL, call, TRUE); } if(done == FALSE) { crm_debug("Nothing known about operation %d for %s", call, op_key); delete_op_entry(NULL, rsc->id, op_key, call); /* needed?? surely not otherwise the cancel_op_(_key) wouldn't * have failed in the first place */ g_hash_table_remove(pending_ops, op_key); } op->rc = EXECRA_OK; op->op_status = LRM_OP_DONE; send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, rsc, op, rsc->id); crm_free(op_key); free_lrm_op(op); } else if(safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) { int rc = HA_OK; lrm_op_t* op = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL); op = construct_op(input->xml, rsc->id, operation); CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL); op->op_status = LRM_OP_DONE; op->rc = EXECRA_OK; crm_info("Removing resource %s from the LRM", rsc->id); rc = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->delete_rsc(fsa_lrm_conn, rsc->id); if(rc != HA_OK) { crm_err("Failed to remove resource %s", rsc->id); op->op_status = LRM_OP_ERROR; op->rc = EXECRA_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } delete_rsc_entry(rsc->id); send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, rsc, op, rsc->id); free_lrm_op(op); g_hash_table_foreach_remove(pending_ops, lrm_remove_deleted_op, rsc->id); if(safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) { /* this isn't expected - trigger a new transition */ time_t now = time(NULL); char *now_s = crm_itoa(now); crm_debug("Triggering a refresh after %s deleted %s from the LRM", from_sys, rsc->id); update_attr(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "last-lrm-refresh", now_s, FALSE); crm_free(now_s); } } else if(rsc != NULL) { do_lrm_rsc_op(rsc, operation, input->xml, input->msg); } lrm_free_rsc(rsc); } else { crm_err("Operation was neither a lrm_query, nor a rsc op. %s", crm_str(crm_op)); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); } } lrm_op_t * construct_op(xmlNode *rsc_op, const char *rsc_id, const char *operation) { lrm_op_t *op = NULL; const char *op_delay = NULL; const char *op_timeout = NULL; const char *op_interval = NULL; const char *transition = NULL; CRM_DEV_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL); crm_malloc0(op, sizeof(lrm_op_t)); op->op_type = crm_strdup(operation); op->op_status = LRM_OP_PENDING; op->rc = -1; op->rsc_id = crm_strdup(rsc_id); op->interval = 0; op->timeout = 0; op->start_delay = 0; op->copyparams = 0; op->app_name = crm_strdup(CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD); if(rsc_op == NULL) { CRM_DEV_ASSERT(safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STOP, operation)); op->user_data = NULL; op->user_data_len = 0; /* the stop_all_resources() case * by definition there is no DC (or they'd be shutting * us down). * So we should put our version here. */ op->params = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); g_hash_table_insert(op->params, crm_strdup(XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION), crm_strdup(CRM_FEATURE_SET)); crm_debug_2("Constructed %s op for %s", operation, rsc_id); return op; } op->params = xml2list(rsc_op); if(op->params == NULL) { CRM_DEV_ASSERT(safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STOP, operation)); } else { g_hash_table_remove(op->params, CRM_META"_op_target_rc"); } op_delay = crm_meta_value(op->params, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY); op_timeout = crm_meta_value(op->params, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT); op_interval = crm_meta_value(op->params, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); op->interval = crm_parse_int(op_interval, "0"); op->timeout = crm_parse_int(op_timeout, "0"); op->start_delay = crm_parse_int(op_delay, "0"); /* sanity */ if(op->interval < 0) { op->interval = 0; } if(op->timeout < 0) { op->timeout = 0; } if(op->start_delay < 0) { op->start_delay = 0; } transition = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY); CRM_CHECK(transition != NULL, return op); op->user_data = crm_strdup(transition); op->user_data_len = 1+strlen(op->user_data); if(op->interval != 0) { if(safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_START) || safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { crm_err("Start and Stop actions cannot have an interval: %d", op->interval); op->interval = 0; } } /* reset the resource's parameters? */ if(op->interval == 0) { if(safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_START, operation) || safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STATUS, operation)) { op->copyparams = 1; } } crm_debug_2("Constructed %s op for %s: interval=%d", operation, rsc_id, op->interval); return op; } void send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys, lrm_rsc_t *rsc, lrm_op_t* op, const char *rsc_id) { xmlNode *reply = NULL; xmlNode *update, *iter; xmlNode *fragment; CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return); if(op->rsc_id == NULL) { CRM_DEV_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL); op->rsc_id = crm_strdup(rsc_id); } if(to_sys == NULL) { to_sys = CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE; } update = create_node_state( fsa_our_uname, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, __FUNCTION__); iter = create_xml_node(update, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, fsa_our_uuid); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id); build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, __FUNCTION__, 0, LOG_DEBUG); fragment = create_cib_fragment(update, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); reply = create_request(CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, fragment, to_host, to_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, NULL); crm_log_xml_debug_2(update, "ACK Update"); crm_info("ACK'ing resource op %s_%s_%d from %s: %s", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->user_data, crm_element_value(reply, XML_ATTR_REFERENCE)); if(relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { crm_log_xml(LOG_ERR, "Unable to route reply", reply); } free_xml(fragment); free_xml(update); free_xml(reply); } static gboolean stop_recurring_action_by_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { lrm_rsc_t *rsc = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s*)value; if(op->interval != 0 && safe_str_eq(op->rsc_id, rsc->id)) { if (cancel_op(rsc, key, op->call_id, FALSE) == FALSE) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_rsc_t *rsc, const char *operation, xmlNode *msg, xmlNode *request) { int call_id = 0; char *op_id = NULL; lrm_op_t* op = NULL; fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL; const char *transition = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return); if(msg != NULL) { transition = crm_element_value(msg, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY); if(transition == NULL) { crm_log_xml_err(msg, "Missing transition number"); } } op = construct_op(msg, rsc->id, operation); /* stop the monitor before stopping the resource */ if(crm_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP, TRUE) || crm_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE, TRUE) || crm_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE, TRUE) || crm_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE, TRUE)) { g_hash_table_foreach_remove(pending_ops, stop_recurring_action_by_rsc, rsc); } /* now do the op */ crm_info("Performing key=%s op=%s_%s_%d )", transition, rsc->id, operation, op->interval); if(fsa_state != S_NOT_DC && fsa_state != S_TRANSITION_ENGINE) { if(safe_str_neq(operation, "fail") && safe_str_neq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { crm_info("Discarding attempt to perform action %s on %s" " in state %s", operation, rsc->id, fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); op->rc = 99; op->op_status = LRM_OP_ERROR; send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id); free_lrm_op(op); crm_free(op_id); return; } } op_id = generate_op_key(rsc->id, op->op_type, op->interval); if(op->interval > 0) { /* cancel it so we can then restart it without conflict */ cancel_op_key(rsc, op_id, FALSE); op->target_rc = CHANGED; } else { op->target_rc = EVERYTIME; } g_hash_table_replace(resources,crm_strdup(rsc->id), crm_strdup(op_id)); call_id = rsc->ops->perform_op(rsc, op); if(call_id <= 0) { crm_err("Operation %s on %s failed: %d", operation, rsc->id, call_id); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL); } else if(op->interval > 0 && op->start_delay > 5 * 60 * 1000) { char *uuid = NULL; int dummy = 0, target_rc = 0; crm_info("Faking confirmation of %s: execution postponed for over 5 minutes", op_id); decode_transition_key(op->user_data, &uuid, &dummy, &dummy, &target_rc); crm_free(uuid); op->rc = target_rc; op->op_status = LRM_OP_DONE; send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id); } else { /* record all operations so we can wait * for them to complete during shutdown */ char *call_id_s = make_stop_id(rsc->id, call_id); struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL; crm_malloc0(pending, sizeof(struct recurring_op_s)); crm_debug_2("Recording pending op: %d - %s %s", call_id, op_id, call_id_s); pending->call_id = call_id; pending->interval = op->interval; pending->op_key = crm_strdup(op_id); pending->rsc_id = crm_strdup(rsc->id); g_hash_table_replace(pending_ops, call_id_s, pending); } crm_free(op_id); free_lrm_op(op); return; } void free_recurring_op(gpointer value) { struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s*)value; crm_free(op->rsc_id); crm_free(op->op_key); crm_free(op); } - -void -free_lrm_op(lrm_op_t *op) -{ - g_hash_table_destroy(op->params); - crm_free(op->user_data); - crm_free(op->output); - crm_free(op->rsc_id); - crm_free(op->op_type); - crm_free(op->app_name); - crm_free(op); -} - - static void dup_attr(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_hash_table_replace(user_data, crm_strdup(key), crm_strdup(value)); } lrm_op_t * copy_lrm_op(const lrm_op_t *op) { lrm_op_t *op_copy = NULL; CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(op->rsc_id != NULL, return NULL); crm_malloc0(op_copy, sizeof(lrm_op_t)); op_copy->op_type = crm_strdup(op->op_type); /* input fields */ op_copy->params = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); if(op->params != NULL) { g_hash_table_foreach(op->params, dup_attr, op_copy->params); } op_copy->timeout = op->timeout; op_copy->interval = op->interval; op_copy->target_rc = op->target_rc; /* in the CRM, this is always a string */ if(op->user_data != NULL) { op_copy->user_data = crm_strdup(op->user_data); } /* output fields */ op_copy->op_status = op->op_status; op_copy->rc = op->rc; op_copy->call_id = op->call_id; op_copy->output = NULL; op_copy->rsc_id = crm_strdup(op->rsc_id); if(op->app_name != NULL) { op_copy->app_name = crm_strdup(op->app_name); } if(op->output != NULL) { op_copy->output = crm_strdup(op->output); } return op_copy; } lrm_rsc_t * copy_lrm_rsc(const lrm_rsc_t *rsc) { lrm_rsc_t *rsc_copy = NULL; if(rsc == NULL) { return NULL; } crm_malloc0(rsc_copy, sizeof(lrm_rsc_t)); rsc_copy->id = crm_strdup(rsc->id); rsc_copy->type = crm_strdup(rsc->type); rsc_copy->class = NULL; rsc_copy->provider = NULL; if(rsc->class != NULL) { rsc_copy->class = crm_strdup(rsc->class); } if(rsc->provider != NULL) { rsc_copy->provider = crm_strdup(rsc->provider); } /* GHashTable* params; */ rsc_copy->params = NULL; rsc_copy->ops = NULL; return rsc_copy; } void cib_rsc_callback(xmlNode *msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode *output, void *user_data) { switch(rc) { case cib_ok: case cib_diff_failed: case cib_diff_resync: crm_debug_2("Resource update %d complete: rc=%d", call_id, rc); break; default: crm_warn("Resource update %d failed: (rc=%d) %s", call_id, rc, cib_error2string(rc)); } } int do_update_resource(lrm_op_t* op) { /* */ int rc = cib_ok; lrm_rsc_t *rsc = NULL; xmlNode *update, *iter = NULL; int call_opt = cib_quorum_override; CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return 0); if(fsa_state == S_ELECTION || fsa_state == S_PENDING) { crm_info("Sending update to local CIB in state: %s", fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); call_opt |= cib_scope_local; } iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); update = iter; iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE); set_uuid(iter, XML_ATTR_UUID, fsa_our_uname); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_UNAME, fsa_our_uname); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, fsa_our_uuid); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id); rsc = fsa_lrm_conn->lrm_ops->get_rsc(fsa_lrm_conn, op->rsc_id); build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, __FUNCTION__, 0, LOG_DEBUG); if(rsc) { crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_TYPE, rsc->type); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, rsc->class); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER,rsc->provider); CRM_CHECK(rsc->type != NULL, crm_err("Resource %s has no value for type", op->rsc_id)); CRM_CHECK(rsc->class != NULL, crm_err("Resource %s has no value for class", op->rsc_id)); lrm_free_rsc(rsc); } else { crm_warn("Resource %s no longer exists in the lrmd", op->rsc_id); goto cleanup; } /* make it an asyncronous call and be done with it * * Best case: * the resource state will be discovered during * the next signup or election. * * Bad case: * we are shutting down and there is no DC at the time, * but then why were we shutting down then anyway? * (probably because of an internal error) * * Worst case: * we get shot for having resources "running" when the really weren't * * the alternative however means blocking here for too long, which * isnt acceptable */ fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, call_opt, rc); /* the return code is a call number, not an error code */ crm_debug_2("Sent resource state update message: %d", rc); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->register_callback( fsa_cib_conn, rc, 60, FALSE, NULL, "cib_rsc_callback", cib_rsc_callback); cleanup: free_xml(update); return rc; } void do_lrm_event(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data) { CRM_CHECK(FALSE, return); } gboolean process_lrm_event(lrm_op_t *op) { char *op_id = NULL; char *op_key = NULL; int update_id = 0; int log_level = LOG_ERR; gboolean removed = FALSE; struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL; CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(op->rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE); op_key = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval); switch(op->op_status) { case LRM_OP_ERROR: case LRM_OP_PENDING: case LRM_OP_NOTSUPPORTED: break; case LRM_OP_CANCELLED: log_level = LOG_INFO; break; case LRM_OP_DONE: log_level = LOG_INFO; break; case LRM_OP_TIMEOUT: log_level = LOG_DEBUG_3; crm_err("LRM operation %s (%d) %s (timeout=%dms)", op_key, op->call_id, op_status2text(op->op_status), op->timeout); break; default: crm_err("Mapping unknown status (%d) to ERROR", op->op_status); op->op_status = LRM_OP_ERROR; } if(op->op_status == LRM_OP_ERROR && (op->rc == EXECRA_RUNNING_MASTER || op->rc == EXECRA_NOT_RUNNING)) { /* Leave it up to the TE/PE to decide if this is an error */ op->op_status = LRM_OP_DONE; log_level = LOG_INFO; } op_id = make_stop_id(op->rsc_id, op->call_id); pending = g_hash_table_lookup(pending_ops, op_id); if(op->op_status != LRM_OP_CANCELLED) { update_id = do_update_resource(op); if(op->interval != 0) { goto out; } } else if(op->interval == 0) { /* This will occur when "crm resource cleanup" is called while actions are in-flight */ crm_err("Op %s (call=%d): Cancelled", op_key, op->call_id); send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id); } else if(pending == NULL) { crm_err("Op %s (call=%d): No 'pending' entry", op_key, op->call_id); } else if(op->user_data == NULL) { crm_err("Op %s (call=%d): No user data", op_key, op->call_id); } else if(pending->remove) { delete_op_entry(op, op->rsc_id, op_key, op->call_id); } else { /* Before a stop is called, no need to direct ack */ crm_debug_2("Op %s (call=%d): no delete event required", op_key, op->call_id); } if(g_hash_table_remove(pending_ops, op_id)) { removed = TRUE; crm_debug_2("Op %s (call=%d, stop-id=%s): Confirmed", op_key, op->call_id, op_id); } out: if(op->op_status == LRM_OP_DONE) { do_crm_log(log_level, "LRM operation %s (call=%d, rc=%d, cib-update=%d, confirmed=%s) %s", op_key, op->call_id, op->rc, update_id, removed?"true":"false", execra_code2string(op->rc)); } else { do_crm_log(log_level, "LRM operation %s (call=%d, status=%d, cib-update=%d, confirmed=%s) %s", op_key, op->call_id, op->op_status, update_id, removed?"true":"false", op_status2text(op->op_status)); } if(op->rc != 0 && op->output != NULL) { crm_info("Result: %s", op->output); } else if(op->output != NULL) { crm_debug("Result: %s", op->output); } /* If a shutdown was escalated while operations were pending, * then the FSA will be stalled right now... allow it to continue */ mainloop_set_trigger(fsa_source); crm_free(op_key); crm_free(op_id); return TRUE; } char * make_stop_id(const char *rsc, int call_id) { char *op_id = NULL; crm_malloc0(op_id, strlen(rsc) + 34); if(op_id != NULL) { snprintf(op_id, strlen(rsc) + 34, "%s:%d", rsc, call_id); } return op_id; } diff --git a/fencing/commands.c b/fencing/commands.c index 5d31eaab8b..9325d780ee 100644 --- a/fencing/commands.c +++ b/fencing/commands.c @@ -1,934 +1,937 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include GHashTable *device_list = NULL; static int active_children = 0; static void exec_child_done(ProcTrack* proc, int status, int signo, int rc, int waslogged); static void exec_child_new(ProcTrack* p) { active_children++; } static const char *exec_child_name(ProcTrack* p) { async_command_t *cmd = proctrack_data(p); return cmd->client?cmd->client:cmd->remote; } static ProcTrack_ops StonithdProcessTrackOps = { exec_child_done, exec_child_new, exec_child_name, }; +static void free_async_command(async_command_t *cmd) +{ + if(cmd->node_attrs) { + g_hash_table_destroy(cmd->node_attrs); + } + crm_free(cmd->action); + crm_free(cmd->victim); + crm_free(cmd->remote); + crm_free(cmd->client); + crm_free(cmd->origin); + crm_free(cmd->op); + crm_free(cmd); +} + static async_command_t *create_async_command(xmlNode *msg, const char *action) { async_command_t *cmd = NULL; CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "NoAction"); return NULL); crm_malloc0(cmd, sizeof(async_command_t)); crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, &(cmd->id)); crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, &cmd->options); cmd->origin = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_ORIG); cmd->remote = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_REMOTE); cmd->client = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_CLIENTID); cmd->op = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION); cmd->action = crm_strdup(action); cmd->victim = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_TARGET); cmd->pt_ops = &StonithdProcessTrackOps; - CRM_CHECK(cmd->op != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "NoOp"); return NULL); + CRM_CHECK(cmd->op != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "NoOp"); free_async_command(cmd); return NULL); CRM_CHECK(cmd->client != NULL || cmd->remote != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "NoClient")); return cmd; } -static void free_async_command(async_command_t *cmd) -{ - if(cmd->node_attrs) { - g_hash_table_destroy(cmd->node_attrs); - } - crm_free(cmd->action); - crm_free(cmd->victim); - crm_free(cmd->remote); - crm_free(cmd->client); - crm_free(cmd->origin); - crm_free(cmd->op); - crm_free(cmd); -} - static void free_device(gpointer data) { stonith_device_t *device = data; g_hash_table_destroy(device->params); slist_destroy(char, item, device->targets, crm_free(item)); crm_free(device->namespace); crm_free(device->agent); crm_free(device->id); crm_free(device); } static GHashTable *build_port_aliases(const char *hostmap, GListPtr *targets) { char *name = NULL; - char *value = NULL; int last = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0; GHashTable *aliases = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); if(hostmap == NULL) { return aliases; } max = strlen(hostmap); for(; lpc < max; lpc++) { if(hostmap[lpc] == 0) { break; } else if(isalpha(hostmap[lpc])) { /* keep going */ } else if(hostmap[lpc] == '=') { crm_malloc0(name, 1 + lpc - last); strncpy(name, hostmap + last, lpc - last); last = lpc + 1; } else if(name && isspace(hostmap[lpc])) { + char *value = NULL; crm_malloc0(value, 1 + lpc - last); strncpy(value, hostmap + last, lpc - last); last = lpc + 1; crm_debug("Adding alias '%s'='%s'", name, value); g_hash_table_replace(aliases, name, value); if(targets) { *targets = g_list_append(*targets, crm_strdup(value)); } value=NULL; name=NULL; } else if(isspace(hostmap[lpc])) { last = lpc; } } + crm_free(name); return aliases; } static void parse_host_line(const char *line, GListPtr *output) { int lpc = 0; int max = 0; int last = 0; if(line) { max = strlen(line); } else { return; } /* Check for any complaints about additional parameters that the device doesn't understand */ if(strstr(line, "invalid") || strstr(line, "variable")) { crm_debug("Skipping: %s", line); return; } crm_debug_2("Processing: %s", line); /* Skip initial whitespace */ for(lpc = 0; lpc <= max && isspace(line[lpc]); lpc++) { last = lpc+1; } /* Now the actual content */ for(lpc = 0; lpc <= max; lpc++) { gboolean a_space = isspace(line[lpc]); if(a_space && lpc < max && isspace(line[lpc+1])) { /* fast-forward to the end of the spaces */ } else if(a_space || line[lpc] == ',' || line[lpc] == 0) { int rc = 0; char *entry = NULL; crm_malloc0(entry, 1 + lpc - last); rc = sscanf(line+last, "%[a-zA-Z0-9_-.]", entry); if(rc != 1) { crm_warn("Could not parse (%d %d): %s", last, lpc, line+last); } else if(safe_str_neq(entry, "on") && safe_str_neq(entry, "off")) { crm_debug_2("Adding '%s'", entry); *output = g_list_append(*output, entry); entry = NULL; } crm_free(entry); last = lpc + 1; } } } static GListPtr parse_host_list(const char *hosts) { int lpc = 0; int max = 0; int last = 0; GListPtr output = NULL; if(hosts) { max = strlen(hosts); } for(lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { if(hosts[lpc] == '\n' || hosts[lpc] == 0) { char *line = NULL; crm_malloc0(line, 2 + lpc - last); snprintf(line, 1 + lpc - last, "%s", hosts+last); parse_host_line(line, &output); crm_free(line); last = lpc + 1; } } return output; } static stonith_device_t *build_device_from_xml(xmlNode *msg) { xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//"F_STONITH_DEVICE, msg, LOG_ERR); stonith_device_t *device = NULL; crm_malloc0(device, sizeof(stonith_device_t)); device->id = crm_element_value_copy(dev, XML_ATTR_ID); device->agent = crm_element_value_copy(dev, "agent"); device->namespace = crm_element_value_copy(dev, "namespace"); device->params = xml2list(dev); /* TODO: Hook up priority */ return device; } static int stonith_device_register(xmlNode *msg) { const char *value = NULL; stonith_device_t *device = build_device_from_xml(msg); value = g_hash_table_lookup(device->params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTLIST); if(value) { device->targets = parse_host_list(value); } value = g_hash_table_lookup(device->params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTMAP); device->aliases = build_port_aliases(value, &(device->targets)); g_hash_table_replace(device_list, device->id, device); crm_info("Added '%s' to the device list (%d active devices)", device->id, g_hash_table_size(device_list)); return stonith_ok; } static int stonith_device_remove(xmlNode *msg) { xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//"F_STONITH_DEVICE, msg, LOG_ERR); const char *id = crm_element_value(dev, XML_ATTR_ID); if(g_hash_table_remove(device_list, id)) { crm_info("Removed '%s' from the device list (%d active devices)", id, g_hash_table_size(device_list)); } else { crm_info("Device '%s' not found (%d active devices)", id, g_hash_table_size(device_list)); } return stonith_ok; } static gboolean string_in_list(GListPtr list, const char *item) { int lpc = 0; int max = g_list_length(list); for(lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc ++) { const char *value = g_list_nth_data(list, lpc); if(safe_str_eq(item, value)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static const char *get_victim_name(stonith_device_t *dev, const char *host) { if(dev == NULL) { return NULL; } else if(host && dev->aliases) { char *alias = g_hash_table_lookup(dev->aliases, host); if(alias) { return alias; } } return host; } static int stonith_device_action(xmlNode *msg, char **output) { int rc = stonith_ok; xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//"F_STONITH_DEVICE, msg, LOG_ERR); const char *id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_DEVICE); const char *action = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_ACTION); async_command_t *cmd = NULL; stonith_device_t *device = NULL; GHashTable *node_attrs = xml2list(dev); if(id) { crm_debug_2("Looking for '%s'", id); device = g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, id); } else { CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(action, "metadata"), crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "StrangeOp")); device = build_device_from_xml(msg); if(device != NULL && device->id == NULL) { device->id = crm_strdup(device->agent); } } if(device) { int exec_rc = 0; const char *victim = NULL; cmd = create_async_command(msg, action); if(cmd == NULL) { + free_device(device); return st_err_internal; } cmd->node_attrs = node_attrs; victim = get_victim_name(device, cmd->victim); if(cmd->victim && victim == NULL) { crm_err("Unknown or unhandled port '%s' for device '%s'", cmd->victim, device->id); free_async_command(cmd); return st_err_unknown_port; } cmd->device = crm_strdup(device->id); crm_debug("Calling '%s' with action '%s'%s%s", device->id, action, victim?" on port ":"", victim?victim:""); exec_rc = run_stonith_agent( device->agent, device->params, cmd->node_attrs, action, victim, &rc, output, cmd); if(exec_rc < 0 || rc != 0) { crm_warn("Operation %s on %s failed (%d/%d): %.100s", action, device->id, exec_rc, rc, *output); } else if(exec_rc > 0) { crm_info("Operation %s on %s active with pid: %d", action, device->id, exec_rc); rc = exec_rc; } else { crm_info("Operation %s on %s passed: %.100s", action, device->id, *output); } } else { crm_notice("Device %s not found", id); rc = st_err_unknown_device; } if(id == NULL) { free_device(device); } return rc; } static gboolean can_fence_host_with_device(stonith_device_t *dev, const char *host) { gboolean can = FALSE; const char *victim = NULL; const char *check_type = NULL; if(dev == NULL) { return FALSE; } else if(host == NULL) { return TRUE; } victim = get_victim_name(dev, host); check_type = g_hash_table_lookup(dev->params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTCHECK); if(check_type == NULL) { check_type = "dynamic-list"; } if(safe_str_eq(check_type, "none")) { can = TRUE; } else if(safe_str_eq(check_type, "static-list")) { /* Presence in the hostmap is sufficient * Only use if all hosts on which the device can be active can always fence all listed hosts */ if(string_in_list(dev->targets, victim)) { can = TRUE; } } else if(safe_str_eq(check_type, "dynamic-list")) { time_t now = time(NULL); /* Host/alias must be in the list output to be eligable to be fenced * * Will cause problems if down'd nodes aren't listed or (for virtual nodes) * if the guest is still listed despite being moved to another machine */ if(dev->targets == NULL || dev->targets_age + 60 < now) { char *output = NULL; int rc = stonith_ok; int exec_rc = stonith_ok; /* Some use hostlist instead of the "standard" list */ const char *list_cmd = g_hash_table_lookup(dev->params, STONITH_ATTR_LIST_OP); if(list_cmd == NULL) { list_cmd = "list"; } /* Check for the target's presence in the output of the 'list' command */ slist_destroy(char, item, dev->targets, crm_free(item)); dev->targets = NULL; exec_rc = run_stonith_agent(dev->agent, dev->params, NULL, list_cmd, NULL, &rc, &output, NULL); if(exec_rc < 0 || rc != 0) { crm_notice("Disabling port list queries for %s", dev->id); dev->targets_age = -1; } else { crm_info("Refreshing port list for %s", dev->id); dev->targets = parse_host_list(output); dev->targets_age = now; } crm_free(output); } if(string_in_list(dev->targets, victim)) { can = TRUE; } } else if(safe_str_eq(check_type, "status")) { int rc = 0; int exec_rc = 0; /* Some use stat instead of the "standard" status */ const char *status = g_hash_table_lookup(dev->params, STONITH_ATTR_STATUS_OP); if(status == NULL) { status = "status"; } /* Run the status operation for the device/target combination * Will cause problems if the device doesn't return 2 for down'd nodes or * (for virtual nodes) if the device doesn't return 1 for guests that * have been moved to another host */ /* TODO: Get node_attrs in here */ exec_rc = run_stonith_agent( dev->agent, dev->params, NULL, status, victim, &rc, NULL, NULL); if(exec_rc != 0) { crm_err("Could not invoke %s: rc=%d", dev->id, exec_rc); } else if(rc == 1 /* unkown */) { crm_debug_2("Host %s is not known by %s", victim, dev->id); } else if(rc == 0 /* active */ || rc == 2 /* inactive */) { can = TRUE; } else { crm_err("Unkown result calling %s for %s with %s: rc=%d", status, victim, dev->id, rc); } } else { crm_err("Unknown check type: %s", check_type); } crm_info("%s can%s fence %s: %s", dev->id, can?"":" not", victim, check_type); return can; } struct device_search_s { const char *host; GListPtr capable; }; static void search_devices( gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { stonith_device_t *dev = value; struct device_search_s *search = user_data; if(can_fence_host_with_device(dev, search->host)) { search->capable = g_list_append(search->capable, value); } } static int stonith_query(xmlNode *msg, xmlNode **list) { struct device_search_s search; xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@"F_STONITH_TARGET, msg, LOG_DEBUG_3); search.host = NULL; search.capable = NULL; if(dev) { search.host = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET); } crm_log_xml_info(msg, "Query"); g_hash_table_foreach(device_list, search_devices, &search); if(search.host) { crm_info("Found %d matching devices for '%s'", g_list_length(search.capable), search.host); } else { crm_info("%d devices installed", g_list_length(search.capable)); } /* Pack the results into data */ if(list) { *list = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(*list, F_STONITH_TARGET, search.host); crm_xml_add_int(*list, "st-available-devices", g_list_length(search.capable)); slist_iter(device, stonith_device_t, search.capable, lpc, dev = create_xml_node(*list, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(dev, XML_ATTR_ID, device->id); crm_xml_add(dev, "namespace", device->namespace); crm_xml_add(dev, "agent", device->agent); if(search.host == NULL) { xmlNode *attrs = create_xml_node(dev, XML_TAG_ATTRS); g_hash_table_foreach(device->params, hash2field, attrs); } ); } return g_list_length(search.capable); } static void log_operation(async_command_t *cmd, int rc, int pid, const char *next, const char *output) { if(rc == 0) { next = NULL; } if(cmd->victim != NULL) { do_crm_log(rc==0?LOG_INFO:LOG_ERR, "Operation '%s' [%d] for host '%s' with device '%s' returned: %d%s%s (call %d from %s)", cmd->action, pid, cmd->victim, cmd->device, rc, next?". Trying: ":"", next?next:"", cmd->id, cmd->client); } else { do_crm_log(rc==0?LOG_INFO:LOG_NOTICE, "Operation '%s' [%d] for device '%s' returned: %d%s%s", cmd->action, pid, cmd->device, rc, next?". Trying: ":"", next?next:""); } if(output) { /* Logging the whole string confuses syslog when the string is xml */ char *local_copy = crm_strdup(output); int lpc = 0, last = 0, more = strlen(local_copy); for(lpc = 0; lpc < more; lpc++) { if(local_copy[lpc] == '\n' || local_copy[lpc] == 0) { local_copy[lpc] = 0; crm_debug("%s output: %s", cmd->device, local_copy+last); last = lpc+1; } } crm_debug("%s output: %s (total %d bytes)", cmd->device, local_copy+last, more); crm_free(local_copy); } } #define READ_MAX 500 static void exec_child_done(ProcTrack* proc, int status, int signum, int rc, int waslogged) { int len = 0; int more = 0; gboolean bcast = FALSE; char *output = NULL; xmlNode *data = NULL; xmlNode *reply = NULL; int pid = proctrack_pid(proc); async_command_t *cmd = proctrack_data(proc); CRM_CHECK(cmd != NULL, return); active_children--; if( signum ) { rc = st_err_signal; if( proctrack_timedout(proc) ) { crm_warn("Child '%d' performing action '%s' with '%s' timed out", pid, cmd->action, cmd->device); rc = st_err_timeout; } } do { char buffer[READ_MAX]; errno = 0; memset(&buffer, 0, READ_MAX); more = read(cmd->stdout, buffer, READ_MAX-1); do_crm_log(status!=0?LOG_DEBUG:LOG_DEBUG_2, "Got %d more bytes: %s", more, buffer); if(more > 0) { crm_realloc(output, len + more + 1); sprintf(output+len, "%s", buffer); len += more; } } while (more == (READ_MAX-1) || (more < 0 && errno == EINTR)); if(cmd->stdout) { close(cmd->stdout); cmd->stdout = 0; } while(rc != 0 && cmd->device_next) { int exec_rc = 0; stonith_device_t *dev = cmd->device_next->data; const char *victim = get_victim_name(dev, cmd->victim); log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, dev->id, output); cmd->device = dev->id; cmd->device_next = cmd->device_next->next; exec_rc = run_stonith_agent(dev->agent, dev->params, cmd->node_attrs, cmd->action, victim, &rc, NULL, cmd); if(exec_rc > 0) { goto done; } pid = exec_rc; } reply = stonith_construct_async_reply(cmd, output, data, rc); if(safe_str_eq(cmd->action, "metadata")) { /* Too verbose to log */ crm_free(output); output = NULL; } else if(crm_str_eq(cmd->action, "reboot", TRUE) || crm_str_eq(cmd->action, "off", TRUE) || crm_str_eq(cmd->action, "on", TRUE)) { bcast = TRUE; } log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, NULL, output); crm_log_xml_debug_3(reply, "Reply"); if(bcast) { /* Send reply as T_STONITH_NOTIFY so everyone does notifications * Potentially limit to unsucessful operations to the originator? */ crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY); send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE); } else if(cmd->origin) { send_cluster_message(cmd->origin, crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE); } else { do_local_reply(reply, cmd->client, cmd->options & st_opt_sync_call, FALSE); } free_async_command(cmd); done: reset_proctrack_data(proc); crm_free(output); free_xml(reply); free_xml(data); } static gint sort_device_priority(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const stonith_device_t *dev_a = a; const stonith_device_t *dev_b = a; if(dev_a->priority > dev_b->priority) { return -1; } else if(dev_a->priority < dev_b->priority) { return 1; } return 0; } static int stonith_fence(xmlNode *msg) { int rc = 0; struct device_search_s search; stonith_device_t *device = NULL; async_command_t *cmd = create_async_command(msg, crm_element_value(msg, F_STONITH_ACTION)); xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@"F_STONITH_TARGET, msg, LOG_ERR); GHashTable *node_attrs = xml2list(dev); if(cmd == NULL) { return st_err_internal; } search.capable = NULL; search.host = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET); crm_log_xml_info(msg, "Exec"); g_hash_table_foreach(device_list, search_devices, &search); crm_info("Found %d matching devices for '%s'", g_list_length(search.capable), search.host); if(g_list_length(search.capable) == 0) { + free_async_command(cmd); return st_err_none_available; } /* Order based on priority */ search.capable = g_list_sort(search.capable, sort_device_priority); device = search.capable->data; cmd->device = device->id; if(g_list_length(search.capable) > 1) { cmd->device_list = search.capable; cmd->node_attrs = node_attrs; } return run_stonith_agent(device->agent, device->params, node_attrs, cmd->action, cmd->victim, &rc, NULL, cmd); } xmlNode *stonith_construct_reply(xmlNode *request, char *output, xmlNode *data, int rc) { int lpc = 0; xmlNode *reply = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *names[] = { F_STONITH_OPERATION, F_STONITH_CALLID, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, F_STONITH_REMOTE, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS }; crm_debug_4("Creating a basic reply"); reply = create_xml_node(NULL, T_STONITH_REPLY); crm_xml_add(reply, "st_origin", __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(reply, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(reply, "st_output", output); crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_STONITH_RC, rc); CRM_CHECK(request != NULL, crm_warn("Can't create a sane reply"); return reply); for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(names); lpc++) { name = names[lpc]; value = crm_element_value(request, name); crm_xml_add(reply, name, value); } if(data != NULL) { crm_debug_4("Attaching reply output"); add_message_xml(reply, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data); } return reply; } xmlNode *stonith_construct_async_reply(async_command_t *cmd, char *output, xmlNode *data, int rc) { xmlNode *reply = NULL; crm_debug_4("Creating a basic reply"); reply = create_xml_node(NULL, T_STONITH_REPLY); crm_xml_add(reply, "st_origin", __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(reply, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION, cmd->op); crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_REMOTE, cmd->remote); crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, cmd->client); crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_STONITH_CALLID, cmd->id); crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, cmd->options); crm_xml_add_int(reply, F_STONITH_RC, rc); crm_xml_add(reply, "st_output", output); if(data != NULL) { crm_info("Attaching reply output"); add_message_xml(reply, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data); } return reply; } void stonith_command(stonith_client_t *client, xmlNode *request, const char *remote) { int call_options = 0; int rc = st_err_generic; gboolean is_reply = FALSE; xmlNode *reply = NULL; xmlNode *data = NULL; char *output = NULL; const char *op = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_OPERATION); const char *client_id = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID); crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, &call_options); if(get_xpath_object("//"T_STONITH_REPLY, request, LOG_DEBUG_3)) { is_reply = TRUE; } if(device_list == NULL) { device_list = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, free_device); } crm_debug("Processing %s%s from %s", op, is_reply?" reply":"", client?client->name:remote); if(crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_REGISTER, TRUE)) { return; } else if(crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, TRUE)) { rc = stonith_device_register(request); do_stonith_notify(call_options, op, rc, request, NULL); } else if(crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, TRUE)) { rc = stonith_device_remove(request); do_stonith_notify(call_options, op, rc, request, NULL); } else if(crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_CONFIRM, TRUE)) { async_command_t *cmd = create_async_command(request, crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_ACTION)); xmlNode *reply = stonith_construct_async_reply(cmd, NULL, NULL, 0); crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY); crm_notice("Broadcasting manual fencing confirmation for node %s", cmd->victim); send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE); free_async_command(cmd); free_xml(reply); } else if(crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_EXEC, TRUE)) { rc = stonith_device_action(request, &output); } else if(is_reply && crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_QUERY, TRUE)) { process_remote_stonith_query(request); return; } else if(crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_QUERY, TRUE)) { create_remote_stonith_op(client_id, request, TRUE); /* Record it for the future notification */ rc = stonith_query(request, &data); } else if(is_reply && crm_str_eq(op, T_STONITH_NOTIFY, TRUE)) { process_remote_stonith_exec(request); return; } else if(crm_str_eq(op, T_STONITH_NOTIFY, TRUE)) { const char *flag_name = NULL; flag_name = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE); if(flag_name) { crm_debug("Setting %s callbacks for %s (%s): ON", flag_name, client->name, client->id); client->flags |= get_stonith_flag(flag_name); } flag_name = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE); if(flag_name) { crm_debug("Setting %s callbacks for %s (%s): off", flag_name, client->name, client->id); client->flags |= get_stonith_flag(flag_name); } return; /* } else if(is_reply && crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_FENCE, TRUE)) { */ /* process_remote_stonith_exec(request); */ /* return; */ } else if(is_reply == FALSE && crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_FENCE, TRUE)) { if(remote) { rc = stonith_fence(request); } else if(call_options & st_opt_local_first) { rc = stonith_fence(request); if(rc < 0) { initiate_remote_stonith_op(client, request); } } else { initiate_remote_stonith_op(client, request); } return; } else { crm_err("Unknown %s%s from %s", op, is_reply?" reply":"", client?client->name:remote); crm_log_xml_warn(request, "UnknownOp"); } crm_info("Processed %s%s from %s: rc=%d", op, is_reply?" reply":"", client?client->name:remote, rc); if(is_reply) { /* Nothing */ } else if(remote) { reply = stonith_construct_reply(request, output, data, rc); send_cluster_message(remote, crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE); } else if(rc <= 0 || crm_str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_QUERY, TRUE)) { reply = stonith_construct_reply(request, output, data, rc); do_local_reply(reply, client_id, call_options & st_opt_sync_call, remote!=NULL); free_xml(reply); } crm_free(output); free_xml(data); } diff --git a/fencing/remote.c b/fencing/remote.c index 1b1161b5b7..4dfe319684 100644 --- a/fencing/remote.c +++ b/fencing/remote.c @@ -1,502 +1,505 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum op_state { st_query, st_exec, st_done, st_failed, }; typedef struct st_query_result_s { char *host; int devices; } st_query_result_t; typedef struct remote_fencing_op_s { char *id; char *target; char *action; guint replies; guint op_timer; guint query_timer; guint base_timeout; char *delegate; time_t completed; long long call_options; enum op_state state; char *client_id; char *originator; GListPtr query_results; xmlNode *request; } remote_fencing_op_t; GHashTable *remote_op_list = NULL; static void call_remote_stonith(remote_fencing_op_t *op, st_query_result_t *peer); extern xmlNode *stonith_create_op( int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode *data, int call_options); static void free_remote_query(gpointer data) { if(data) { st_query_result_t *query = data; crm_free(query->host); crm_free(query); } } static void free_remote_op(gpointer data) { remote_fencing_op_t *op = data; crm_log_xml_debug(op->request, "Destroying"); crm_free(op->id); crm_free(op->action); crm_free(op->target); crm_free(op->client_id); crm_free(op->originator); if(op->query_timer) { g_source_remove(op->query_timer); } if(op->op_timer) { g_source_remove(op->op_timer); } if(op->query_results) { slist_destroy(st_query_result_t, result, op->query_results, free_remote_query(result); ); } if(op->request) { free_xml(op->request); op->request = NULL; } crm_free(op); } static void remote_op_done(remote_fencing_op_t *op, xmlNode *data, int rc) { int call = 0; xmlNode *reply = NULL; xmlNode *local_data = NULL; xmlNode *notify_data = NULL; op->completed = time(NULL); CRM_CHECK(op->request != NULL, return); crm_element_value_int(op->request, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call); if(op->query_timer) { g_source_remove(op->query_timer); op->query_timer = 0; } if(op->op_timer) { g_source_remove(op->op_timer); op->op_timer = 0; } if(data == NULL) { data = create_xml_node(NULL, "remote-op"); local_data = data; } else { op->delegate = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_ORIG); } crm_xml_add_int(data, "state", op->state); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, op->target); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op->action); reply = stonith_construct_reply(op->request, NULL, data, rc); crm_xml_add(reply, F_STONITH_DELEGATE, op->delegate); crm_info("Notifing clients of %s (%s of %s from %s by %s): %d, rc=%d", op->id, op->action, op->target, op->client_id, op->delegate, op->state, rc); if(call) { /* Don't bother with this if there is no callid - and thus the op originated elsewhere */ do_local_reply(reply, op->client_id, op->call_options & st_opt_sync_call, FALSE); } /* Do notification with a clean data object */ notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, "st-data"); crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, "state", op->state); crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_RC, rc); crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_TARGET, op->target); crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op->action); crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DELEGATE, op->delegate); crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_REMOTE, op->id); crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, op->originator); do_stonith_notify(0, STONITH_OP_FENCE, rc, notify_data, NULL); free_xml(notify_data); free_xml(local_data); free_xml(reply); /* Free non-essential parts of the record * Keep the record around so we can query the history */ if(op->query_results) { slist_destroy(st_query_result_t, result, op->query_results, free_remote_query(result); ); op->query_results = NULL; } if(op->request) { free_xml(op->request); op->request = NULL; } } static gboolean remote_op_timeout(gpointer userdata) { remote_fencing_op_t *op = userdata; op->query_timer = 0; if(op->state == st_done) { crm_debug("Action %s (%s) for %s already completed", op->action, op->id, op->target); return FALSE; } crm_err("Action %s (%s) for %s timed out", op->action, op->id, op->target); remote_op_done(op, NULL, st_err_timeout); op->state = st_failed; return FALSE; } static gboolean remote_op_query_timeout(gpointer data) { remote_fencing_op_t *op = data; op->query_timer = 0; if(op->state == st_done) { crm_debug("Operation %s for %s already completed", op->id, op->target); } else if(op->state == st_exec) { crm_debug("Operation %s for %s already in progress", op->id, op->target); } else if(op->query_results) { crm_info("Query %s for %s complete: %d", op->id, op->target, op->state); call_remote_stonith(op, NULL); } else { crm_err("Query %s for %s timed out", op->id, op->target); if(op->op_timer) { g_source_remove(op->op_timer); op->op_timer = 0; } remote_op_timeout(op); } return FALSE; } void *create_remote_stonith_op(const char *client, xmlNode *request, gboolean peer) { remote_fencing_op_t *op = NULL; xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@"F_STONITH_TARGET, request, LOG_ERR); if(remote_op_list == NULL) { remote_op_list = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, free_remote_op); } if(peer) { const char *peer_id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_REMOTE); CRM_CHECK(peer_id != NULL, return NULL); op = g_hash_table_lookup(remote_op_list, peer_id); if(op) { crm_debug("%s already exists", peer_id); return op; } } crm_malloc0(op, sizeof(remote_fencing_op_t)); crm_element_value_int(dev, "timeout", (int*)&(op->base_timeout)); if(peer) { op->id = crm_element_value_copy(dev, F_STONITH_REMOTE); } else { cl_uuid_t new_uuid; char uuid_str[UU_UNPARSE_SIZEOF]; cl_uuid_generate(&new_uuid); cl_uuid_unparse(&new_uuid, uuid_str); op->id = crm_strdup(uuid_str); } g_hash_table_replace(remote_op_list, op->id, op); op->state = st_query; op->action = crm_element_value_copy(dev, F_STONITH_ACTION); op->originator = crm_element_value_copy(dev, "src"); if(op->originator == NULL) { /* Local request */ op->originator = crm_strdup(stonith_our_uname); } op->client_id = crm_strdup(client); op->target = crm_element_value_copy(dev, F_STONITH_TARGET); op->request = copy_xml(request); /* TODO: Figure out how to avoid this */ crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, (int*)&(op->call_options)); return op; } void initiate_remote_stonith_op(stonith_client_t *client, xmlNode *request) { xmlNode *query = NULL; remote_fencing_op_t *op = NULL; crm_log_xml_debug(request, "RemoteOp"); op = create_remote_stonith_op(client->id, request, FALSE); op->op_timer = g_timeout_add(1000*op->base_timeout, remote_op_timeout, op); op->query_timer = g_timeout_add(100*op->base_timeout, remote_op_query_timeout, op); query = stonith_create_op(0, op->id, STONITH_OP_QUERY, NULL, 0); crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_REMOTE, op->id); crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_TARGET, op->target); crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_ACTION, op->action); crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, op->client_id); crm_info("Initiating remote operation %s for %s: %s", op->action, op->target, op->id); CRM_CHECK(op->action, return); send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, query, FALSE); free_xml(query); } static void call_remote_stonith(remote_fencing_op_t *op, st_query_result_t *peer) { xmlNode *query = stonith_create_op(0, op->id, STONITH_OP_FENCE, NULL, 0);; crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_REMOTE, op->id); crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_TARGET, op->target); crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_ACTION, op->action); op->state = st_exec; while(peer == NULL && op->query_results) { peer = g_list_nth_data(op->query_results, 0); op->query_results = g_list_remove(op->query_results, peer); if(peer && peer->devices < 1) { free_remote_query(peer); peer = NULL; } } if(peer) { crm_info("Requesting that %s perform op %s %s", peer->host, op->action, op->target); send_cluster_message(peer->host, crm_msg_stonith_ng, query, FALSE); } else if(op->query_timer == 0) { /* We've exhausted all available peers */ crm_info("No remaining peers capable of terminating %s", op->target); remote_op_timeout(op); } else { crm_info("Waiting for additional peers capable of terminating %s", op->target); } free_remote_query(peer); free_xml(query); } static gint sort_peers(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const st_query_result_t *peer_a = a; const st_query_result_t *peer_b = a; /* TODO: Factor in priority? */ if(peer_a->devices > peer_b->devices) { return -1; } else if(peer_a->devices > peer_b->devices) { return 1; } return 0; } int process_remote_stonith_query(xmlNode *msg) { int devices = 0; const char *id = NULL; remote_fencing_op_t *op = NULL; st_query_result_t *result = NULL; xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@"F_STONITH_REMOTE, msg, LOG_ERR); crm_log_xml_debug(msg, "QueryResult"); CRM_CHECK(dev != NULL, return st_err_internal); id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_REMOTE); CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, return st_err_internal); dev = get_xpath_object("//@st-available-devices", msg, LOG_ERR); CRM_CHECK(dev != NULL, return st_err_internal); crm_element_value_int(dev, "st-available-devices", &devices); op = g_hash_table_lookup(remote_op_list, id); if(op == NULL) { crm_debug("Unknown or expired remote op: %s", id); return st_err_unknown_operation; } op->replies++; crm_malloc0(result, sizeof(st_query_result_t)); result->host = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_ORIG); result->devices = devices; /* TODO: Implement options * A) If we have anyone that can do the job * B) If we have someone that can do the job and some percent of the known peers * C) If all known peers have responded * * Implement A first */ /* Track A */ if(result->devices > 0) { gboolean do_queue = FALSE; gboolean do_exec = FALSE; if(op->call_options & st_opt_allow_suicide) { crm_info("Allowing %s to potentialy fence itself", op->target); } else if(safe_str_eq(result->host, op->target)) { crm_info("Ignoring reply from %s, hosts are not permitted to commit suicide", op->target); free_remote_query(result); return 0; } switch(op->state) { case st_query: if( op->call_options & st_opt_all_replies ) { do_queue = TRUE; } else { do_exec = TRUE; } break; case st_exec: do_queue = TRUE; break; case st_failed: do_exec = TRUE; break; case st_done: crm_info("Discarding query result from %s (%d deices): Operation is in state %d", result->host, result->devices, op->state); break; } if(do_exec) { call_remote_stonith(op, result); } else if(do_queue) { crm_info("Queuing query result from %s (%d devices): %s", result->host, result->devices, op->state==st_query?"Waiting for remaining replies":"Operation is pending"); op->query_results = g_list_insert_sorted(op->query_results, result, sort_peers); } else { free_remote_query(result); } + + } else { + free_remote_query(result); } return 0; } int process_remote_stonith_exec(xmlNode *msg) { int rc = 0; const char *id = NULL; remote_fencing_op_t *op = NULL; xmlNode *dev = get_xpath_object("//@"F_STONITH_REMOTE, msg, LOG_ERR); crm_log_xml_info(msg, "ExecResult"); CRM_CHECK(dev != NULL, return st_err_internal); id = crm_element_value(dev, F_STONITH_REMOTE); CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, return st_err_internal); dev = get_xpath_object("//@"F_STONITH_RC, msg, LOG_ERR); CRM_CHECK(dev != NULL, return st_err_internal); op = g_hash_table_lookup(remote_op_list, id); if(op == NULL) { crm_err("Unknown or expired remote op: %s", id); return st_err_unknown_operation; } crm_element_value_int(dev, F_STONITH_RC, &rc); if(rc == stonith_ok || op->state != st_exec) { remote_op_done(op, msg, rc); } else if(rc < stonith_ok && op->state == st_exec) { call_remote_stonith(op, NULL); } return rc; } diff --git a/include/crm/common/util.h b/include/crm/common/util.h index 26b7094387..8af8b60088 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/util.h +++ b/include/crm/common/util.h @@ -1,276 +1,277 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef CRM_COMMON_UTIL__H #define CRM_COMMON_UTIL__H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT # include #else # define NORMALNODE "normal" # define ACTIVESTATUS "active" /* fully functional, and all links are up */ # define DEADSTATUS "dead" /* Status of non-working link or machine */ # define PINGSTATUS "ping" /* Status of a working ping node */ # define JOINSTATUS "join" /* Status when an api client joins */ # define LEAVESTATUS "leave" /* Status when an api client leaves */ # define ONLINESTATUS "online" /* Status of an online client */ # define OFFLINESTATUS "offline" /* Status of an offline client */ #endif #define DEBUG_INC SIGUSR1 #define DEBUG_DEC SIGUSR2 extern unsigned int crm_log_level; extern gboolean crm_config_error; extern gboolean crm_config_warning; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H # include #else #define no_argument 0 #define required_argument 1 #endif #define pcmk_option_default 0x00000 #define pcmk_option_hidden 0x00001 #define pcmk_option_paragraph 0x00002 #define pcmk_option_example 0x00004 struct crm_option { /* Fields from 'struct option' in getopt.h */ /* name of long option */ const char *name; /* * one of no_argument, required_argument, and optional_argument: * whether option takes an argument */ int has_arg; /* if not NULL, set *flag to val when option found */ int *flag; /* if flag not NULL, value to set *flag to; else return value */ int val; /* Custom fields */ const char *desc; long flags; }; #define crm_config_err(fmt...) { crm_config_error = TRUE; crm_err(fmt); } #define crm_config_warn(fmt...) { crm_config_warning = TRUE; crm_warn(fmt); } extern void crm_log_deinit(void); extern gboolean crm_log_init( const char *entity, int level, gboolean coredir, gboolean to_stderr, int argc, char **argv, gboolean quiet); /* returns the old value */ extern unsigned int set_crm_log_level(unsigned int level); extern unsigned int get_crm_log_level(void); extern char *crm_itoa(int an_int); extern char *crm_strdup_fn(const char *a, const char *file, const char *fn, int line); extern char *generate_hash_key(const char *crm_msg_reference, const char *sys); extern char *generate_hash_value(const char *src_node, const char *src_subsys); extern gboolean decodeNVpair(const char *srcstring, char separator, char **name, char **value); extern int compare_version(const char *version1, const char *version2); extern char *generateReference(const char *custom1, const char *custom2); extern void alter_debug(int nsig); extern void g_hash_destroy_str(gpointer data); extern gboolean crm_is_true(const char * s); extern int crm_str_to_boolean(const char * s, int * ret); extern long long crm_get_msec(const char * input); extern unsigned long long crm_get_interval(const char * input); extern const char *op_status2text(op_status_t status); extern char *generate_op_key( const char *rsc_id, const char *op_type, int interval); extern gboolean parse_op_key( const char *key, char **rsc_id, char **op_type, int *interval); extern char *generate_notify_key( const char *rsc_id, const char *notify_type, const char *op_type); extern char *generate_transition_magic_v202( const char *transition_key, int op_status); extern char *generate_transition_magic( const char *transition_key, int op_status, int op_rc); extern gboolean decode_transition_magic( const char *magic, char **uuid, int *transition_id, int *action_id, int *op_status, int *op_rc, int *target_rc); extern char *generate_transition_key(int action, int transition_id, int target_rc, const char *node); extern gboolean decode_transition_key( const char *key, char **uuid, int *action, int *transition_id, int *target_rc); extern char *crm_concat(const char *prefix, const char *suffix, char join); extern gboolean decode_op_key( const char *key, char **rsc_id, char **op_type, int *interval); extern void filter_action_parameters(xmlNode *param_set, const char *version); extern void filter_reload_parameters(xmlNode *param_set, const char *restart_string); #define safe_str_eq(a, b) crm_str_eq(a, b, FALSE) extern gboolean crm_str_eq(const char *a, const char *b, gboolean use_case); extern gboolean safe_str_neq(const char *a, const char *b); extern int crm_parse_int(const char *text, const char *default_text); extern long long crm_int_helper(const char *text, char **end_text); #define crm_atoi(text, default_text) crm_parse_int(text, default_text) extern void crm_abort(const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *condition, gboolean do_core, gboolean do_fork); extern char *generate_series_filename( const char *directory, const char *series, int sequence, gboolean bzip); extern int get_last_sequence(const char *directory, const char *series); extern void write_last_sequence( const char *directory, const char *series, int sequence, int max); extern int crm_pid_active(long pid); extern int crm_read_pidfile(const char *filename); extern int crm_lock_pidfile(const char *filename); extern void crm_make_daemon( const char *name, gboolean daemonize, const char *pidfile); typedef struct pe_cluster_option_s { const char *name; const char *alt_name; const char *type; const char *values; const char *default_value; gboolean (*is_valid)(const char *); const char *description_short; const char *description_long; } pe_cluster_option; extern const char *cluster_option( GHashTable* options, gboolean(*validate)(const char*), const char *name, const char *old_name, const char *def_value); extern const char *get_cluster_pref( GHashTable *options, pe_cluster_option *option_list, int len, const char *name); extern void config_metadata( const char *name, const char *version, const char *desc_short, const char *desc_long, pe_cluster_option *option_list, int len); extern void verify_all_options(GHashTable *options, pe_cluster_option *option_list, int len); extern gboolean check_time(const char *value); extern gboolean check_timer(const char *value); extern gboolean check_boolean(const char *value); extern gboolean check_number(const char *value); extern int char2score(const char *score); extern char *score2char(int score); extern gboolean crm_is_writable( const char *dir, const char *file, const char *user, const char *group, gboolean need_both); extern long long crm_set_bit(const char *function, long long word, long long bit); extern long long crm_clear_bit(const char *function, long long word, long long bit); #define set_bit(word, bit) word = crm_set_bit(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, word, bit) #define clear_bit(word, bit) word = crm_clear_bit(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, word, bit) #define set_bit_inplace(word, bit) word |= bit #define clear_bit_inplace(word, bit) word &= ~bit static inline gboolean is_not_set(long long word, long long bit) { return ((word & bit) == 0); } static inline gboolean is_set(long long word, long long bit) { return ((word & bit) == bit); } static inline gboolean is_set_any(long long word, long long bit) { return ((word & bit) != 0); } extern gboolean is_openais_cluster(void); extern gboolean is_heartbeat_cluster(void); extern xmlNode *cib_recv_remote_msg(void *session, gboolean encrypted); extern void cib_send_remote_msg(void *session, xmlNode *msg, gboolean encrypted); extern char *crm_meta_name(const char *field); extern const char *crm_meta_value(GHashTable *hash, const char *field); extern void crm_set_options(const char *short_options, const char *usage, struct crm_option *long_options, const char *app_desc); extern int crm_get_option(int argc, char **argv, int *index); extern void crm_help(char cmd, int exit_code); extern gboolean attrd_update(IPC_Channel *cluster, char command, const char *host, const char *name, const char *value, const char *section, const char *set, const char *dampen); extern gboolean attrd_lazy_update(char command, const char *host, const char *name, const char *value, const char *section, const char *set, const char *dampen); extern gboolean attrd_update_no_mainloop(int *connection, char command, const char *host, const char *name, const char *value, const char *section, const char *set, const char *dampen); extern int node_score_red; extern int node_score_green; extern int node_score_yellow; extern int node_score_infinity; #include extern xmlNode *create_operation_update(xmlNode *parent, lrm_op_t *op, const char *caller_version, int target_rc, const char *origin, int level); +extern void free_lrm_op(lrm_op_t *op); #endif diff --git a/lib/ais/plugin.c b/lib/ais/plugin.c index 6b2c27afd4..54a49ddd2b 100644 --- a/lib/ais/plugin.c +++ b/lib/ais/plugin.c @@ -1,1687 +1,1688 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SUPPORT_COROSYNC # include # include # include #endif #include #include #include "plugin.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct corosync_api_v1 *pcmk_api = NULL; uint32_t plugin_has_votes = 0; uint32_t plugin_expected_votes = 2; int use_mgmtd = 0; int plugin_log_level = LOG_DEBUG; char *local_uname = NULL; int local_uname_len = 0; char *local_cname = NULL; int local_cname_len = 0; uint32_t local_nodeid = 0; char *ipc_channel_name = NULL; static uint64_t local_born_on = 0; uint64_t membership_seq = 0; pthread_t pcmk_wait_thread; gboolean wait_active = TRUE; gboolean have_reliable_membership_id = FALSE; GHashTable *ipc_client_list = NULL; GHashTable *membership_list = NULL; GHashTable *membership_notify_list = NULL; #define MAX_RESPAWN 100 #define LOOPBACK_ID 16777343 #define crm_flag_none 0x00000000 #define crm_flag_members 0x00000001 struct crm_identify_msg_s { coroipc_request_header_t header __attribute__((aligned(8))); uint32_t id; uint32_t pid; int32_t votes; uint32_t processes; char uname[256]; char version[256]; uint64_t born_on; } __attribute__((packed)); static crm_child_t pcmk_children[] = { { 0, crm_proc_none, crm_flag_none, 0, 0, FALSE, "none", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { 0, crm_proc_ais, crm_flag_none, 0, 0, FALSE, "ais", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { 0, crm_proc_lrmd, crm_flag_none, 3, 0, TRUE, "lrmd", NULL, HB_DAEMON_DIR"/lrmd", NULL, NULL }, { 0, crm_proc_cib, crm_flag_members, 2, 0, TRUE, "cib", CRM_DAEMON_USER, CRM_DAEMON_DIR"/cib", NULL, NULL }, { 0, crm_proc_crmd, crm_flag_members, 6, 0, TRUE, "crmd", CRM_DAEMON_USER, CRM_DAEMON_DIR"/crmd", NULL, NULL }, { 0, crm_proc_attrd, crm_flag_none, 4, 0, TRUE, "attrd", CRM_DAEMON_USER, CRM_DAEMON_DIR"/attrd", NULL, NULL }, { 0, crm_proc_stonithd, crm_flag_none, 0, 0, TRUE, "stonithd", NULL, "/bin/false", NULL, NULL }, { 0, crm_proc_pe, crm_flag_none, 5, 0, TRUE, "pengine", CRM_DAEMON_USER, CRM_DAEMON_DIR"/pengine", NULL, NULL }, { 0, crm_proc_mgmtd, crm_flag_none, 7, 0, TRUE, "mgmtd", NULL, HB_DAEMON_DIR"/mgmtd", NULL, NULL }, { 0, crm_proc_stonith_ng, crm_flag_none, 1, 0, TRUE, "stonith-ng", NULL, CRM_DAEMON_DIR"/stonithd", NULL, NULL }, }; void send_cluster_id(void); int send_cluster_msg_raw(const AIS_Message *ais_msg); char *pcmk_generate_membership_data(void); gboolean check_message_sanity(const AIS_Message *msg, const char *data); #ifdef SUPPORT_COROSYNC typedef const void ais_void_ptr; int pcmk_shutdown(void); void pcmk_peer_update(enum totem_configuration_type configuration_type, const unsigned int *member_list, size_t member_list_entries, const unsigned int *left_list, size_t left_list_entries, const unsigned int *joined_list, size_t joined_list_entries, const struct memb_ring_id *ring_id); #else typedef void ais_void_ptr; extern totempg_groups_handle openais_group_handle; int pcmk_shutdown(struct objdb_iface_ver0 *objdb); void pcmk_peer_update(enum totem_configuration_type configuration_type, unsigned int *member_list, int member_list_entries, unsigned int *left_list, int left_list_entries, unsigned int *joined_list, int joined_list_entries, struct memb_ring_id *ring_id); #endif int pcmk_startup (struct corosync_api_v1 *corosync_api); int pcmk_config_init(struct corosync_api_v1 *corosync_api); int pcmk_ipc_exit (void *conn); int pcmk_ipc_connect (void *conn); void pcmk_ipc(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg); void pcmk_exec_dump(void); void pcmk_cluster_swab(void *msg); void pcmk_cluster_callback(ais_void_ptr *message, unsigned int nodeid); void pcmk_nodeid(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg); void pcmk_nodes(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg); void pcmk_notify(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg); void pcmk_remove_member(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg); void pcmk_quorum(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg); void pcmk_cluster_id_swab(void *msg); void pcmk_cluster_id_callback(ais_void_ptr *message, unsigned int nodeid); void ais_remove_peer(char *node_id); static uint32_t get_process_list(void) { int lpc = 0; uint32_t procs = crm_proc_ais; for (lpc = 0; lpc < SIZEOF(pcmk_children); lpc++) { if(pcmk_children[lpc].pid != 0) { procs |= pcmk_children[lpc].flag; } } return procs; } static struct corosync_lib_handler pcmk_lib_service[] = { { /* 0 */ .lib_handler_fn = pcmk_ipc, .flow_control = COROSYNC_LIB_FLOW_CONTROL_NOT_REQUIRED, }, { /* 1 */ .lib_handler_fn = pcmk_nodes, .flow_control = COROSYNC_LIB_FLOW_CONTROL_NOT_REQUIRED, }, { /* 2 */ .lib_handler_fn = pcmk_notify, .flow_control = COROSYNC_LIB_FLOW_CONTROL_NOT_REQUIRED, }, { /* 3 */ .lib_handler_fn = pcmk_nodeid, .flow_control = COROSYNC_LIB_FLOW_CONTROL_NOT_REQUIRED, }, { /* 4 */ .lib_handler_fn = pcmk_remove_member, .flow_control = COROSYNC_LIB_FLOW_CONTROL_NOT_REQUIRED, }, { /* 5 */ .lib_handler_fn = pcmk_quorum, .flow_control = COROSYNC_LIB_FLOW_CONTROL_NOT_REQUIRED, }, }; static struct corosync_exec_handler pcmk_exec_service[] = { { /* 0 */ .exec_handler_fn = pcmk_cluster_callback, .exec_endian_convert_fn = pcmk_cluster_swab }, { /* 1 */ .exec_handler_fn = pcmk_cluster_id_callback, .exec_endian_convert_fn = pcmk_cluster_id_swab } }; /* * Exports the interface for the service */ struct corosync_service_engine pcmk_service_handler = { .name = (unsigned char *)"Pacemaker Cluster Manager "PACKAGE_VERSION, .id = PCMK_SERVICE_ID, .private_data_size = 0, .flow_control = COROSYNC_LIB_FLOW_CONTROL_NOT_REQUIRED, .lib_init_fn = pcmk_ipc_connect, .lib_exit_fn = pcmk_ipc_exit, .exec_init_fn = pcmk_startup, .exec_exit_fn = pcmk_shutdown, .config_init_fn = pcmk_config_init, #ifdef SUPPORT_COROSYNC .priority = 50, .lib_engine = pcmk_lib_service, .lib_engine_count = sizeof (pcmk_lib_service) / sizeof (struct corosync_lib_handler), .exec_engine = pcmk_exec_service, .exec_engine_count = sizeof (pcmk_exec_service) / sizeof (struct corosync_exec_handler), #else .lib_service = pcmk_lib_service, .lib_service_count = sizeof (pcmk_lib_service) / sizeof (struct corosync_lib_handler), .exec_service = pcmk_exec_service, .exec_service_count = sizeof (pcmk_exec_service) / sizeof (struct corosync_exec_handler), #endif .confchg_fn = pcmk_peer_update, .exec_dump_fn = pcmk_exec_dump, /* void (*sync_init) (void); */ /* int (*sync_process) (void); */ /* void (*sync_activate) (void); */ /* void (*sync_abort) (void); */ }; /* * Dynamic Loader definition */ struct corosync_service_engine *pcmk_get_handler_ver0 (void); #ifdef SUPPORT_COROSYNC struct corosync_service_engine_iface_ver0 pcmk_service_handler_iface = { .corosync_get_service_engine_ver0 = pcmk_get_handler_ver0 }; #else struct openais_service_handler_iface_ver0 pcmk_service_handler_iface = { .openais_get_service_handler_ver0 = pcmk_get_handler_ver0 }; #endif static struct lcr_iface openais_pcmk_ver0[1] = { { .name = "pacemaker", .version = 0, .versions_replace = 0, .versions_replace_count = 0, .dependencies = 0, .dependency_count = 0, .constructor = NULL, .destructor = NULL, .interfaces = NULL } }; static struct lcr_comp pcmk_comp_ver0 = { .iface_count = 1, .ifaces = openais_pcmk_ver0 }; struct corosync_service_engine *pcmk_get_handler_ver0 (void) { return (&pcmk_service_handler); } __attribute__ ((constructor)) static void register_this_component (void) { lcr_interfaces_set (&openais_pcmk_ver0[0], &pcmk_service_handler_iface); lcr_component_register (&pcmk_comp_ver0); } static int plugin_has_quorum(void) { if((plugin_expected_votes >> 1) < plugin_has_votes) { return 1; } return 0; } static void update_expected_votes(int value) { if(value < plugin_has_votes) { /* Never drop below the number of connected nodes */ ais_info("Cannot update expected quorum votes %d -> %d:" " value cannot be less that the current number of votes", plugin_expected_votes, value); } else if(plugin_expected_votes != value) { ais_info("Expected quorum votes %d -> %d", plugin_expected_votes, value); plugin_expected_votes = value; } } /* Create our own local copy of the config so we can navigate it */ static void process_ais_conf(void) { char *value = NULL; gboolean any_log = FALSE; hdb_handle_t top_handle = 0; hdb_handle_t local_handle = 0; ais_info("Reading configure"); top_handle = config_find_init(pcmk_api, "logging"); local_handle = config_find_next(pcmk_api, "logging", top_handle); get_config_opt(pcmk_api, local_handle, "debug", &value, "on"); if(ais_get_boolean(value)) { plugin_log_level = LOG_DEBUG; pcmk_env.debug = "1"; } else { plugin_log_level = LOG_INFO; pcmk_env.debug = "0"; } get_config_opt(pcmk_api, local_handle, "to_logfile", &value, "off"); if(ais_get_boolean(value)) { get_config_opt(pcmk_api, local_handle, "logfile", &value, NULL); if(value == NULL) { ais_err("Logging to a file requested but no log file specified"); } else { uid_t pcmk_uid = geteuid(); uid_t pcmk_gid = getegid(); FILE *logfile = fopen(value, "a"); if(logfile) { int logfd = fileno(logfile); pcmk_env.logfile = value; /* Ensure the file has the correct permissions */ fchown(logfd, pcmk_uid, pcmk_gid); fchmod(logfd, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP); fprintf(logfile, "Set r/w permissions for uid=%d, gid=%d on %s\n", pcmk_uid, pcmk_gid, value); fflush(logfile); fsync(logfd); fclose(logfile); any_log = TRUE; } else { ais_err("Couldn't create logfile: %s", value); } } } get_config_opt(pcmk_api, local_handle, "to_syslog", &value, "on"); if(any_log && ais_get_boolean(value) == FALSE) { ais_info("User configured file based logging and explicitly disabled syslog."); value = "none"; } else { if(ais_get_boolean(value) == FALSE) { ais_err("Please enable some sort of logging, either 'to_file: on' or 'to_syslog: on'."); ais_err("If you use file logging, be sure to also define a value for 'logfile'"); } get_config_opt(pcmk_api, local_handle, "syslog_facility", &value, "daemon"); } pcmk_env.syslog = value; config_find_done(pcmk_api, local_handle); top_handle = config_find_init(pcmk_api, "service"); local_handle = config_find_next(pcmk_api, "service", top_handle); while(local_handle) { value = NULL; pcmk_api->object_key_get(local_handle, "name", strlen("name"), (void**)&value, NULL); if(ais_str_eq("pacemaker", value)) { break; } local_handle = config_find_next(pcmk_api, "service", top_handle); } get_config_opt(pcmk_api, local_handle, "clustername", &local_cname, "pcmk"); local_cname_len = strlen(local_cname); get_config_opt(pcmk_api, local_handle, "use_logd", &value, "no"); pcmk_env.use_logd = value; get_config_opt(pcmk_api, local_handle, "use_mgmtd", &value, "no"); if(ais_get_boolean(value) == FALSE) { int lpc = 0; for (; lpc < SIZEOF(pcmk_children); lpc++) { if(crm_proc_mgmtd & pcmk_children[lpc].flag) { /* Disable mgmtd startup */ pcmk_children[lpc].start_seq = 0; break; } } } config_find_done(pcmk_api, local_handle); } int pcmk_config_init(struct corosync_api_v1 *unused) { return 0; } static void *pcmk_wait_dispatch (void *arg) { struct timespec waitsleep = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0 }; while(wait_active) { int lpc = 0; for (; lpc < SIZEOF(pcmk_children); lpc++) { if(pcmk_children[lpc].pid > 0) { int status; pid_t pid = wait4( pcmk_children[lpc].pid, &status, WNOHANG, NULL); if(pid == 0) { continue; } else if(pid < 0) { ais_perror("Call to wait4(%s) failed", pcmk_children[lpc].name); continue; } /* cleanup */ pcmk_children[lpc].pid = 0; pcmk_children[lpc].conn = NULL; pcmk_children[lpc].async_conn = NULL; if(WIFSIGNALED(status)) { int sig = WTERMSIG(status); ais_err("Child process %s terminated with signal %d" " (pid=%d, core=%s)", pcmk_children[lpc].name, sig, pid, WCOREDUMP(status)?"true":"false"); } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) { int rc = WEXITSTATUS(status); do_ais_log(rc==0?LOG_NOTICE:LOG_ERR, "Child process %s exited (pid=%d, rc=%d)", pcmk_children[lpc].name, pid, rc); if(rc == 100) { ais_notice("Child process %s no longer wishes" " to be respawned", pcmk_children[lpc].name); pcmk_children[lpc].respawn = FALSE; } } pcmk_children[lpc].respawn_count += 1; if(pcmk_children[lpc].respawn_count > MAX_RESPAWN) { ais_err("Child respawn count exceeded by %s", pcmk_children[lpc].name); pcmk_children[lpc].respawn = FALSE; } if(pcmk_children[lpc].respawn) { ais_notice("Respawning failed child process: %s", pcmk_children[lpc].name); spawn_child(&(pcmk_children[lpc])); } send_cluster_id(); } } sched_yield (); nanosleep (&waitsleep, 0); } return 0; } static uint32_t pcmk_update_nodeid(void) { int last = local_nodeid; #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC local_nodeid = pcmk_api->totem_nodeid_get(); #else local_nodeid = totempg_my_nodeid_get(); #endif if(last != local_nodeid) { if(last == 0) { ais_info("Local node id: %u", local_nodeid); } else { char *last_s = NULL; ais_malloc0(last_s, 32); ais_warn("Detected local node id change: %u -> %u", last, local_nodeid); snprintf(last_s, 31, "%u", last); ais_remove_peer(last_s); ais_free(last_s); } update_member(local_nodeid, 0, 0, 1, 0, local_uname, CRM_NODE_MEMBER, NULL); } return local_nodeid; } static void build_path(const char *path_c, mode_t mode) { int offset = 1, len = 0; char *path = ais_strdup(path_c); AIS_CHECK(path != NULL, return); for(len = strlen(path); offset < len; offset++) { if(path[offset] == '/') { path[offset] = 0; if(mkdir(path, mode) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { ais_perror("Could not create directory '%s'", path); break; } path[offset] = '/'; } } if(mkdir(path, mode) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { ais_perror("Could not create directory '%s'", path); } ais_free(path); } int pcmk_startup(struct corosync_api_v1 *init_with) { int rc = 0; int lpc = 0; int start_seq = 1; struct utsname us; struct rlimit cores; static int max = SIZEOF(pcmk_children); uid_t pcmk_uid = 0; gid_t pcmk_gid = 0; uid_t root_uid = -1; uid_t cs_uid = geteuid(); pcmk_user_lookup("root", &root_uid, NULL); pcmk_api = init_with; pcmk_env.debug = "0"; pcmk_env.logfile = NULL; pcmk_env.use_logd = "false"; pcmk_env.syslog = "daemon"; if(cs_uid != root_uid) { ais_err("Corosync must be configured to start as 'root'," " otherwise Pacemaker cannot manage services." " Expected %d got %d", root_uid, cs_uid); return -1; } process_ais_conf(); membership_list = g_hash_table_new_full( g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, destroy_ais_node); membership_notify_list = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); ipc_client_list = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); ais_info("CRM: Initialized"); log_printf(LOG_INFO, "Logging: Initialized %s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); rc = getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &cores); if(rc < 0) { ais_perror("Cannot determine current maximum core size."); } if(cores.rlim_max <= 0) { cores.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; rc = setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &cores); if(rc < 0) { ais_perror("Core file generation will remain disabled." " Core files are an important diagnositic tool," " please consider enabling them by default."); } } else { ais_info("Maximum core file size is: %lu", cores.rlim_max); #if 0 /* system() is not thread-safe, can't call from here * Actually, its a pretty hacky way to try and achieve this anyway */ if(system("echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid") != 0) { ais_perror("Could not enable /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid"); } #endif } if(pcmk_user_lookup(CRM_DAEMON_USER, &pcmk_uid, &pcmk_gid) < 0) { ais_err("Cluster user %s does not exist, aborting Pacemaker startup", CRM_DAEMON_USER); return TRUE; } mkdir(CRM_STATE_DIR, 0750); chown(CRM_STATE_DIR, pcmk_uid, pcmk_gid); /* Used by stonithd */ build_path(HA_STATE_DIR"/heartbeat", 0755); /* Used by RAs - Leave owned by root */ build_path(CRM_RSCTMP_DIR, 0755); rc = uname(&us); AIS_ASSERT(rc == 0); local_uname = ais_strdup(us.nodename); local_uname_len = strlen(local_uname); ais_info("Service: %d", PCMK_SERVICE_ID); ais_info("Local hostname: %s", local_uname); pcmk_update_nodeid(); pthread_create (&pcmk_wait_thread, NULL, pcmk_wait_dispatch, NULL); for (start_seq = 1; start_seq < max; start_seq++) { /* dont start anything with start_seq < 1 */ for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { if(start_seq == pcmk_children[lpc].start_seq) { spawn_child(&(pcmk_children[lpc])); } } } return 0; } /* static void ais_print_node(const char *prefix, struct totem_ip_address *host) { int len = 0; char *buffer = NULL; ais_malloc0(buffer, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+1); inet_ntop(host->family, host->addr, buffer, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); len = strlen(buffer); ais_info("%s: %.*s", prefix, len, buffer); ais_free(buffer); } */ #if 0 /* copied here for reference from exec/totempg.c */ char *totempg_ifaces_print (unsigned int nodeid) { static char iface_string[256 * INTERFACE_MAX]; char one_iface[64]; struct totem_ip_address interfaces[INTERFACE_MAX]; char **status; unsigned int iface_count; unsigned int i; int res; iface_string[0] = '\0'; res = totempg_ifaces_get (nodeid, interfaces, &status, &iface_count); if (res == -1) { return ("no interface found for nodeid"); } for (i = 0; i < iface_count; i++) { sprintf (one_iface, "r(%d) ip(%s), ", i, totemip_print (&interfaces[i])); strcat (iface_string, one_iface); } return (iface_string); } #endif static void ais_mark_unseen_peer_dead( gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { int *changed = user_data; crm_node_t *node = value; if(node->last_seen != membership_seq && ais_str_eq(CRM_NODE_LOST, node->state) == FALSE) { ais_info("Node %s was not seen in the previous transition", node->uname); *changed += update_member(node->id, 0, membership_seq, node->votes, node->processes, node->uname, CRM_NODE_LOST, NULL); } } void pcmk_peer_update ( enum totem_configuration_type configuration_type, #ifdef SUPPORT_COROSYNC const unsigned int *member_list, size_t member_list_entries, const unsigned int *left_list, size_t left_list_entries, const unsigned int *joined_list, size_t joined_list_entries, const struct memb_ring_id *ring_id #else unsigned int *member_list, int member_list_entries, unsigned int *left_list, int left_list_entries, unsigned int *joined_list, int joined_list_entries, struct memb_ring_id *ring_id #endif ) { int lpc = 0; int changed = 0; int do_update = 0; AIS_ASSERT(ring_id != NULL); switch(configuration_type) { case TOTEM_CONFIGURATION_REGULAR: do_update = 1; break; case TOTEM_CONFIGURATION_TRANSITIONAL: break; } membership_seq = ring_id->seq; ais_notice("%s membership event on ring %lld: memb=%ld, new=%ld, lost=%ld", do_update?"Stable":"Transitional", ring_id->seq, (long)member_list_entries, (long)joined_list_entries, (long)left_list_entries); if(do_update == 0) { for(lpc = 0; lpc < joined_list_entries; lpc++) { const char *prefix = "new: "; uint32_t nodeid = joined_list[lpc]; ais_info("%s %s %u", prefix, member_uname(nodeid), nodeid); } for(lpc = 0; lpc < member_list_entries; lpc++) { const char *prefix = "memb:"; uint32_t nodeid = member_list[lpc]; ais_info("%s %s %u", prefix, member_uname(nodeid), nodeid); } for(lpc = 0; lpc < left_list_entries; lpc++) { const char *prefix = "lost:"; uint32_t nodeid = left_list[lpc]; ais_info("%s %s %u", prefix, member_uname(nodeid), nodeid); } return; } for(lpc = 0; lpc < joined_list_entries; lpc++) { const char *prefix = "NEW: "; uint32_t nodeid = joined_list[lpc]; crm_node_t *node = NULL; changed += update_member( nodeid, 0, membership_seq, -1, 0, NULL, CRM_NODE_MEMBER, NULL); ais_info("%s %s %u", prefix, member_uname(nodeid), nodeid); node = g_hash_table_lookup(membership_list, GUINT_TO_POINTER(nodeid)); if(node->addr == NULL) { const char *addr = totempg_ifaces_print(nodeid); node->addr = ais_strdup(addr); ais_debug("Node %u has address %s", nodeid, node->addr); } } for(lpc = 0; lpc < member_list_entries; lpc++) { const char *prefix = "MEMB:"; uint32_t nodeid = member_list[lpc]; changed += update_member( nodeid, 0, membership_seq, -1, 0, NULL, CRM_NODE_MEMBER, NULL); ais_info("%s %s %u", prefix, member_uname(nodeid), nodeid); } for(lpc = 0; lpc < left_list_entries; lpc++) { const char *prefix = "LOST:"; uint32_t nodeid = left_list[lpc]; changed += update_member( nodeid, 0, membership_seq, -1, 0, NULL, CRM_NODE_LOST, NULL); ais_info("%s %s %u", prefix, member_uname(nodeid), nodeid); } if(changed && joined_list_entries == 0 && left_list_entries == 0) { ais_err("Something strange happened: %d", changed); changed = 0; } ais_debug_2("Reaping unseen nodes..."); g_hash_table_foreach(membership_list, ais_mark_unseen_peer_dead, &changed); if(member_list_entries > 1) { /* Used to set born-on in send_cluster_id()) * We need to wait until we have at least one peer since first * membership id is based on the one before we stopped and isn't reliable */ have_reliable_membership_id = TRUE; } if(changed) { ais_debug("%d nodes changed", changed); pcmk_update_nodeid(); send_member_notification(); } send_cluster_id(); } int pcmk_ipc_exit (void *conn) { int lpc = 0; const char *client = NULL; void *async_conn = conn; for (; lpc < SIZEOF(pcmk_children); lpc++) { if(pcmk_children[lpc].conn == conn) { if(wait_active == FALSE) { /* Make sure the shutdown loop exits */ pcmk_children[lpc].pid = 0; } pcmk_children[lpc].conn = NULL; pcmk_children[lpc].async_conn = NULL; client = pcmk_children[lpc].name; break; } } g_hash_table_remove(membership_notify_list, async_conn); g_hash_table_remove(ipc_client_list, async_conn); do_ais_log(client?LOG_INFO:(LOG_DEBUG+1), "Client %s (conn=%p, async-conn=%p) left", client?client:"unknown-transient", conn, async_conn); return (0); } int pcmk_ipc_connect (void *conn) { /* OpenAIS hasn't finished setting up the connection at this point * Sending messages now messes up the protocol! */ return (0); } /* * Executive message handlers */ void pcmk_cluster_swab(void *msg) { AIS_Message *ais_msg = msg; ais_debug_3("Performing endian conversion..."); ais_msg->id = swab32 (ais_msg->id); ais_msg->size = swab32 (ais_msg->size); ais_msg->is_compressed = swab32 (ais_msg->is_compressed); ais_msg->compressed_size = swab32 (ais_msg->compressed_size); ais_msg->host.id = swab32 (ais_msg->host.id); ais_msg->host.pid = swab32 (ais_msg->host.pid); ais_msg->host.type = swab32 (ais_msg->host.type); ais_msg->host.size = swab32 (ais_msg->host.size); ais_msg->host.local = swab32 (ais_msg->host.local); ais_msg->sender.id = swab32 (ais_msg->sender.id); ais_msg->sender.pid = swab32 (ais_msg->sender.pid); ais_msg->sender.type = swab32 (ais_msg->sender.type); ais_msg->sender.size = swab32 (ais_msg->sender.size); ais_msg->sender.local = swab32 (ais_msg->sender.local); ais_msg->header.size = swab32 (ais_msg->header.size); ais_msg->header.id = swab32 (ais_msg->header.id); ais_msg->header.error = swab32 (ais_msg->header.error); } void pcmk_cluster_callback ( ais_void_ptr *message, unsigned int nodeid) { const AIS_Message *ais_msg = message; ais_debug_2("Message from node %u (%s)", nodeid, nodeid==local_nodeid?"local":"remote"); /* Shouldn't be required... update_member( ais_msg->sender.id, membership_seq, -1, 0, ais_msg->sender.uname, NULL); */ if(ais_msg->host.size == 0 || ais_str_eq(ais_msg->host.uname, local_uname)) { route_ais_message(ais_msg, FALSE); } else { ais_debug_3("Discarding Msg[%d] (dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s)", ais_msg->id, ais_dest(&(ais_msg->host)), msg_type2text(ais_msg->host.type), ais_dest(&(ais_msg->sender)), msg_type2text(ais_msg->sender.type)); } } void pcmk_cluster_id_swab(void *msg) { struct crm_identify_msg_s *ais_msg = msg; ais_debug_3("Performing endian conversion..."); ais_msg->id = swab32 (ais_msg->id); ais_msg->pid = swab32 (ais_msg->pid); ais_msg->votes = swab32 (ais_msg->votes); ais_msg->processes = swab32 (ais_msg->processes); ais_msg->born_on = swab64 (ais_msg->born_on); ais_msg->header.size = swab32 (ais_msg->header.size); ais_msg->header.id = swab32 (ais_msg->header.id); } void pcmk_cluster_id_callback (ais_void_ptr *message, unsigned int nodeid) { int changed = 0; const struct crm_identify_msg_s *msg = message; if(nodeid != msg->id) { ais_err("Invalid message: Node %u claimed to be node %d", nodeid, msg->id); return; } ais_debug("Node update: %s (%s)", msg->uname, msg->version); changed = update_member( nodeid, msg->born_on, membership_seq, msg->votes, msg->processes, msg->uname, NULL, msg->version); if(changed) { send_member_notification(); } } struct res_overlay { coroipc_response_header_t header __attribute((aligned(8))); char buf[4096]; }; struct res_overlay *res_overlay = NULL; static void send_ipc_ack(void *conn) { if(res_overlay == NULL) { ais_malloc0(res_overlay, sizeof(struct res_overlay)); } res_overlay->header.id = CRM_MESSAGE_IPC_ACK; res_overlay->header.size = sizeof (coroipc_response_header_t); res_overlay->header.error = CS_OK; #ifdef SUPPORT_COROSYNC pcmk_api->ipc_response_send (conn, res_overlay, res_overlay->header.size); #else openais_response_send (conn, res_overlay, res_overlay->header.size); #endif } /* local callbacks */ void pcmk_ipc(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg) { AIS_Message *mutable; int type = 0, size = 0; gboolean transient = TRUE; const AIS_Message *ais_msg = (const AIS_Message*)msg; void *async_conn = conn; ais_debug_2("Message from client %p", conn); if(check_message_sanity(msg, ((const AIS_Message*)msg)->data) == FALSE) { /* The message is corrupted - ignore */ send_ipc_ack(conn); msg = NULL; return; } /* Make a copy of the message here and ACK it * The message is only valid until a response is sent * but the response must also be sent _before_ we send anything else */ mutable = ais_msg_copy(ais_msg); AIS_ASSERT(check_message_sanity(mutable, mutable->data)); size = mutable->header.size; /* ais_malloc0(ais_msg, size); */ /* memcpy(ais_msg, msg, size); */ type = mutable->sender.type; ais_debug_3("type: %d local: %d conn: %p host type: %d ais: %d sender pid: %d child pid: %d size: %d", type, mutable->host.local, pcmk_children[type].conn, mutable->host.type, crm_msg_ais, mutable->sender.pid, pcmk_children[type].pid, ((int)SIZEOF(pcmk_children))); if(type > crm_msg_none && type < SIZEOF(pcmk_children)) { /* known child process */ transient = FALSE; } /* If this check fails, the order of pcmk_children probably * doesn't match that of the crm_ais_msg_types enum */ AIS_CHECK(transient || mutable->sender.pid == pcmk_children[type].pid, ais_err("Sender: %d, child[%d]: %d", mutable->sender.pid, type, pcmk_children[type].pid); + ais_free(mutable); return); if(transient == FALSE && type > crm_msg_none && mutable->host.local && pcmk_children[type].conn == NULL && mutable->host.type == crm_msg_ais) { AIS_CHECK(mutable->sender.type != mutable->sender.pid, ais_err("Pid=%d, type=%d", mutable->sender.pid, mutable->sender.type)); ais_info("Recorded connection %p for %s/%d", conn, pcmk_children[type].name, pcmk_children[type].pid); pcmk_children[type].conn = conn; pcmk_children[type].async_conn = async_conn; /* Make sure they have the latest membership */ if(pcmk_children[type].flags & crm_flag_members) { char *update = pcmk_generate_membership_data(); g_hash_table_replace(membership_notify_list, async_conn, async_conn); ais_info("Sending membership update "U64T" to %s", membership_seq, pcmk_children[type].name); send_client_msg(async_conn, crm_class_members, crm_msg_none,update); } } else if(transient) { AIS_CHECK(mutable->sender.type == mutable->sender.pid, ais_err("Pid=%d, type=%d", mutable->sender.pid, mutable->sender.type)); g_hash_table_replace(ipc_client_list, async_conn, GUINT_TO_POINTER(mutable->sender.pid)); } mutable->sender.id = local_nodeid; mutable->sender.size = local_uname_len; memset(mutable->sender.uname, 0, MAX_NAME); memcpy(mutable->sender.uname, local_uname, mutable->sender.size); route_ais_message(mutable, TRUE); send_ipc_ack(conn); msg = NULL; ais_free(mutable); } int pcmk_shutdown ( #ifdef SUPPORT_COROSYNC void #else struct objdb_iface_ver0 *objdb #endif ) { int lpc = 0; static int phase = 0; static int max_wait = 0; static time_t next_log = 0; static int max = SIZEOF(pcmk_children); if(phase == 0) { ais_notice("Shuting down Pacemaker"); phase = max; } wait_active = FALSE; /* stop the wait loop */ for (; phase > 0; phase--) { /* dont stop anything with start_seq < 1 */ for (lpc = max - 1; lpc >= 0; lpc--) { if(phase != pcmk_children[lpc].start_seq) { continue; } if(pcmk_children[lpc].pid) { pid_t pid = 0; int status = 0; time_t now = time(NULL); if(pcmk_children[lpc].respawn) { max_wait = 5; /* 5 * 30s = 2.5 minutes... plenty once the crmd is gone */ next_log = now + 30; pcmk_children[lpc].respawn = FALSE; stop_child(&(pcmk_children[lpc]), SIGTERM); } pid = wait4(pcmk_children[lpc].pid, &status, WNOHANG, NULL); if(pid < 0) { ais_perror("Call to wait4(%s/%d) failed - treating it as stopped", pcmk_children[lpc].name, pcmk_children[lpc].pid); } else if(pid == 0) { if(now >= next_log) { max_wait--; next_log = now + 30; ais_notice("Still waiting for %s (pid=%d, seq=%d) to terminate...", pcmk_children[lpc].name, pcmk_children[lpc].pid, pcmk_children[lpc].start_seq); if(max_wait <= 0 && phase < pcmk_children[crm_msg_crmd].start_seq) { ais_err("Child %s taking too long to terminate, sending SIGKILL", pcmk_children[lpc].name); stop_child(&(pcmk_children[lpc]), SIGKILL); } } /* Return control to corosync */ return -1; } } /* cleanup */ ais_notice("%s confirmed stopped", pcmk_children[lpc].name); pcmk_children[lpc].async_conn = NULL; pcmk_children[lpc].conn = NULL; pcmk_children[lpc].pid = 0; } } send_cluster_id(); ais_notice("Shutdown complete"); /* TODO: Add back the logsys flush call once its written */ return 0; } struct member_loop_data { char *string; }; void member_vote_count_fn(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { crm_node_t *node = value; if (ais_str_eq(CRM_NODE_MEMBER, node->state)) { plugin_has_votes += node->votes; } } void member_loop_fn(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { crm_node_t *node = value; struct member_loop_data *data = user_data; ais_debug_2("Dumping node %u", node->id); data->string = append_member(data->string, node); } char *pcmk_generate_membership_data(void) { int size = 0; struct member_loop_data data; size = 256; ais_malloc0(data.string, size); /* Ensure the list of active processes is up-to-date */ update_member(local_nodeid, 0, 0, -1, get_process_list(), local_uname, CRM_NODE_MEMBER, NULL); plugin_has_votes = 0; g_hash_table_foreach(membership_list, member_vote_count_fn, NULL); if(plugin_has_votes > plugin_expected_votes) { update_expected_votes(plugin_has_votes); } snprintf(data.string, size, "", membership_seq, plugin_has_quorum()?"true":"false", plugin_expected_votes, plugin_has_votes); g_hash_table_foreach(membership_list, member_loop_fn, &data); size = strlen(data.string); data.string = realloc(data.string, size + 9) ;/* 9 = + nul */ sprintf(data.string + size, ""); return data.string; } void pcmk_nodes(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg) { char *data = pcmk_generate_membership_data(); void *async_conn = conn; /* send the ACK before we send any other messages * - but after we no longer need to access the message */ send_ipc_ack(conn); msg = NULL; if(async_conn) { send_client_msg(async_conn, crm_class_members, crm_msg_none, data); } ais_free(data); } void pcmk_remove_member(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg) { const AIS_Message *ais_msg = msg; char *data = get_ais_data(ais_msg); send_ipc_ack(conn); msg = NULL; if(data != NULL) { char *bcast = ais_concat("remove-peer", data, ':'); send_cluster_msg(crm_msg_ais, NULL, bcast); ais_info("Sent: %s", bcast); ais_free(bcast); } ais_free(data); } static void send_quorum_details(void *conn) { int size = 256; char *data = NULL; ais_malloc0(data, size); snprintf(data, size, "", membership_seq, plugin_has_quorum()?"true":"false", plugin_expected_votes, plugin_has_votes); send_client_msg(conn, crm_class_quorum, crm_msg_none, data); ais_free(data); } void pcmk_quorum(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg) { char *dummy = NULL; const AIS_Message *ais_msg = msg; char *data = get_ais_data(ais_msg); send_ipc_ack(conn); msg = NULL; /* Make sure the current number of votes is accurate */ dummy = pcmk_generate_membership_data(); ais_free(dummy); /* Calls without data just want the current quorum details */ if(data != NULL && strlen(data) > 0) { int value = ais_get_int(data, NULL); update_expected_votes(value); } send_quorum_details(conn); ais_free(data); } void pcmk_notify(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg) { const AIS_Message *ais_msg = msg; char *data = get_ais_data(ais_msg); void *async_conn = conn; int enable = 0; int sender = ais_msg->sender.pid; send_ipc_ack(conn); msg = NULL; if(ais_str_eq("true", data)) { enable = 1; } ais_info("%s node notifications for child %d (%p)", enable?"Enabling":"Disabling", sender, async_conn); if(enable) { g_hash_table_replace(membership_notify_list, async_conn, async_conn); } else { g_hash_table_remove(membership_notify_list, async_conn); } ais_free(data); } void pcmk_nodeid(void *conn, ais_void_ptr *msg) { static int counter = 0; struct crm_ais_nodeid_resp_s resp; ais_debug_2("Sending local nodeid: %d to %p[%d]", local_nodeid, conn, counter); resp.header.id = crm_class_nodeid; resp.header.size = sizeof (struct crm_ais_nodeid_resp_s); resp.header.error = CS_OK; resp.id = local_nodeid; resp.counter = counter++; memset(resp.uname, 0, MAX_NAME); memcpy(resp.uname, local_uname, local_uname_len); memset(resp.cname, 0, MAX_NAME); memcpy(resp.cname, local_cname, local_cname_len); #ifdef SUPPORT_COROSYNC pcmk_api->ipc_response_send (conn, &resp, resp.header.size); #else openais_response_send (conn, &resp, resp.header.size); #endif } static gboolean ghash_send_update(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { if(send_client_msg(value, crm_class_members, crm_msg_none, data) != 0) { /* remove it */ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void send_member_notification(void) { char *update = pcmk_generate_membership_data(); ais_info("Sending membership update "U64T" to %d children", membership_seq, g_hash_table_size(membership_notify_list)); g_hash_table_foreach_remove(membership_notify_list, ghash_send_update, update); ais_free(update); } gboolean check_message_sanity(const AIS_Message *msg, const char *data) { gboolean sane = TRUE; gboolean repaired = FALSE; int dest = msg->host.type; int tmp_size = msg->header.size - sizeof(AIS_Message); if(sane && msg->header.size == 0) { ais_err("Message with no size"); sane = FALSE; } if(sane && msg->header.error != CS_OK) { ais_err("Message header contains an error: %d", msg->header.error); sane = FALSE; } AIS_CHECK(msg->header.size > sizeof(AIS_Message), ais_err("Message %d size too small: %d < %zu", msg->header.id, msg->header.size, sizeof(AIS_Message)); return FALSE); if(sane && ais_data_len(msg) != tmp_size) { ais_warn("Message payload size is incorrect: expected %d, got %d", ais_data_len(msg), tmp_size); sane = TRUE; } if(sane && ais_data_len(msg) == 0) { ais_err("Message with no payload"); sane = FALSE; } if(sane && data && msg->is_compressed == FALSE) { int str_size = strlen(data) + 1; if(ais_data_len(msg) != str_size) { int lpc = 0; ais_err("Message payload is corrupted: expected %d bytes, got %d", ais_data_len(msg), str_size); sane = FALSE; for(lpc = (str_size - 10); lpc < msg->size; lpc++) { if(lpc < 0) { lpc = 0; } ais_debug_2("bad_data[%d]: %d / '%c'", lpc, data[lpc], data[lpc]); } } } if(sane == FALSE) { AIS_CHECK(sane, ais_err("Invalid message %d: (dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d, compressed=%d, size=%d, total=%d)", msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(dest), ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->sender.pid, msg->is_compressed, ais_data_len(msg), msg->header.size)); } else if(repaired) { ais_err("Repaired message %d: (dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d, compressed=%d, size=%d, total=%d)", msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(dest), ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->sender.pid, msg->is_compressed, ais_data_len(msg), msg->header.size); } else { ais_debug_3("Verified message %d: (dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d, compressed=%d, size=%d, total=%d)", msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(dest), ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->sender.pid, msg->is_compressed, ais_data_len(msg), msg->header.size); } return sane; } static int delivered_transient = 0; static void deliver_transient_msg(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { int pid = GPOINTER_TO_INT(value); AIS_Message *mutable = user_data; if(pid == mutable->host.type) { int rc = send_client_ipc(key, mutable); delivered_transient++; ais_info("Sent message to %s.%d (rc=%d)", ais_dest(&(mutable->host)), pid, rc); if(rc != 0) { ais_warn("Sending message to %s.%d failed (rc=%d)", ais_dest(&(mutable->host)), pid, rc); log_ais_message(LOG_DEBUG, mutable); } } } gboolean route_ais_message(const AIS_Message *msg, gboolean local_origin) { int rc = 0; int dest = msg->host.type; const char *reason = "unknown"; AIS_Message *mutable = ais_msg_copy(msg); static int service_id = SERVICE_ID_MAKE(PCMK_SERVICE_ID, 0); ais_debug_3("Msg[%d] (dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d, remote=%s, size=%d)", mutable->id, ais_dest(&(mutable->host)), msg_type2text(dest), ais_dest(&(mutable->sender)), msg_type2text(mutable->sender.type), mutable->sender.pid, local_origin?"false":"true", ais_data_len((mutable))); if(local_origin == FALSE) { if(mutable->host.size == 0 || ais_str_eq(local_uname, mutable->host.uname)) { mutable->host.local = TRUE; } } if(check_message_sanity(mutable, mutable->data) == FALSE) { /* Dont send this message to anyone */ rc = 1; goto bail; } if(mutable->host.local) { void *conn = NULL; const char *lookup = NULL; if(dest == crm_msg_ais) { process_ais_message(mutable); goto bail; } else if(dest == crm_msg_lrmd) { /* lrmd messages are routed via the crm */ dest = crm_msg_crmd; } else if(dest == crm_msg_te) { /* te messages are routed via the crm */ dest = crm_msg_crmd; } else if(dest >= SIZEOF(pcmk_children)) { /* Transient client */ delivered_transient = 0; g_hash_table_foreach(ipc_client_list, deliver_transient_msg, mutable); if(delivered_transient) { ais_debug_2("Sent message to %d transient clients: %d", delivered_transient, dest); goto bail; } else { /* try the crmd */ ais_debug_2("Sending message to transient client %d via crmd", dest); dest = crm_msg_crmd; } } else if(dest == 0) { ais_err("Invalid destination: %d", dest); log_ais_message(LOG_ERR, mutable); log_printf(LOG_ERR, "%s", get_ais_data(mutable)); rc = 1; goto bail; } lookup = msg_type2text(dest); conn = pcmk_children[dest].async_conn; /* the cluster fails in weird and wonderfully obscure ways when this is not true */ AIS_ASSERT(ais_str_eq(lookup, pcmk_children[dest].name)); if(mutable->header.id == service_id) { mutable->header.id = 0; /* reset this back to zero for IPC messages */ } else if(mutable->header.id != 0) { ais_err("reset header id back to zero from %d", mutable->header.id); mutable->header.id = 0; /* reset this back to zero for IPC messages */ } reason = "ipc delivery failed"; rc = send_client_ipc(conn, mutable); } else if(local_origin) { /* forward to other hosts */ ais_debug_3("Forwarding to cluster"); reason = "cluster delivery failed"; rc = send_cluster_msg_raw(mutable); } if(rc != 0) { ais_warn("Sending message to %s.%s failed: %s (rc=%d)", ais_dest(&(mutable->host)), msg_type2text(dest), reason, rc); log_ais_message(LOG_DEBUG, mutable); } bail: ais_free(mutable); return rc==0?TRUE:FALSE; } int send_cluster_msg_raw(const AIS_Message *ais_msg) { int rc = 0; struct iovec iovec; static uint32_t msg_id = 0; AIS_Message *mutable = ais_msg_copy(ais_msg); AIS_ASSERT(local_nodeid != 0); AIS_ASSERT(ais_msg->header.size == (sizeof(AIS_Message) + ais_data_len(ais_msg))); if(mutable->id == 0) { msg_id++; AIS_CHECK(msg_id != 0 /* detect wrap-around */, msg_id++; ais_err("Message ID wrapped around")); mutable->id = msg_id; } mutable->header.error = CS_OK; mutable->header.id = SERVICE_ID_MAKE(PCMK_SERVICE_ID, 0); mutable->sender.id = local_nodeid; mutable->sender.size = local_uname_len; memset(mutable->sender.uname, 0, MAX_NAME); memcpy(mutable->sender.uname, local_uname, mutable->sender.size); iovec.iov_base = (char *)mutable; iovec.iov_len = mutable->header.size; ais_debug_3("Sending message (size=%u)", (unsigned int)iovec.iov_len); #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC rc = pcmk_api->totem_mcast(&iovec, 1, TOTEMPG_SAFE); #else rc = totempg_groups_mcast_joined(openais_group_handle, &iovec, 1, TOTEMPG_SAFE); #endif if(rc == 0 && mutable->is_compressed == FALSE) { ais_debug_2("Message sent: %.80s", mutable->data); } AIS_CHECK(rc == 0, ais_err("Message not sent (%d): %.120s", rc, mutable->data)); ais_free(mutable); return rc; } #define min(x,y) (x)<(y)?(x):(y) void send_cluster_id(void) { int rc = 0; int lpc = 0; int len = 0; time_t now = time(NULL); struct iovec iovec; struct crm_identify_msg_s *msg = NULL; static time_t started = 0; static uint64_t first_seq = 0; AIS_ASSERT(local_nodeid != 0); if(started == 0) { started = now; first_seq = membership_seq; } if(local_born_on == 0) { if(started + 15 < now) { ais_debug("Born-on set to: "U64T" (age)", first_seq); local_born_on = first_seq; } else if(have_reliable_membership_id) { ais_debug("Born-on set to: "U64T" (peer)", membership_seq); local_born_on = membership_seq; } else { ais_debug("Leaving born-on unset: "U64T, membership_seq); } } ais_malloc0(msg, sizeof(struct crm_identify_msg_s)); msg->header.size = sizeof(struct crm_identify_msg_s); msg->id = local_nodeid; /* msg->header.error = CS_OK; */ msg->header.id = SERVICE_ID_MAKE(PCMK_SERVICE_ID, 1); len = min(local_uname_len, MAX_NAME-1); memset(msg->uname, 0, MAX_NAME); memcpy(msg->uname, local_uname, len); len = min(strlen(VERSION), MAX_NAME-1); memset(msg->version, 0, MAX_NAME); memcpy(msg->version, VERSION, len); msg->votes = 1; msg->pid = getpid(); msg->processes = get_process_list(); msg->born_on = local_born_on; ais_debug("Local update: id=%u, born="U64T", seq="U64T"", local_nodeid, local_born_on, membership_seq); update_member( local_nodeid, local_born_on, membership_seq, msg->votes, msg->processes, NULL, NULL, VERSION); iovec.iov_base = (char *)msg; iovec.iov_len = msg->header.size; #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC rc = pcmk_api->totem_mcast(&iovec, 1, TOTEMPG_SAFE); #else rc = totempg_groups_mcast_joined(openais_group_handle, &iovec, 1, TOTEMPG_SAFE); #endif AIS_CHECK(rc == 0, ais_err("Message not sent (%d)", rc)); ais_free(msg); } static gboolean ghash_send_removal(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { send_quorum_details(value); if(send_client_msg(value, crm_class_rmpeer, crm_msg_none, data) != 0) { /* remove it */ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void ais_remove_peer(char *node_id) { uint32_t id = ais_get_int(node_id, NULL); crm_node_t *node = g_hash_table_lookup(membership_list, GUINT_TO_POINTER(id)); if(node == NULL) { ais_info("Peer %u is unknown", id); } else if(ais_str_eq(CRM_NODE_MEMBER, node->state)) { ais_warn("Peer %u/%s is still active", id, node->uname); } else if(g_hash_table_remove(membership_list, GUINT_TO_POINTER(id))) { plugin_expected_votes--; ais_notice("Removed dead peer %u from the membership list", id); ais_info("Sending removal of %u to %d children", id, g_hash_table_size(membership_notify_list)); g_hash_table_foreach_remove(membership_notify_list, ghash_send_removal, node_id); } else { ais_warn("Peer %u/%s was not removed", id, node->uname); } } gboolean process_ais_message(const AIS_Message *msg) { int len = ais_data_len(msg); char *data = get_ais_data(msg); do_ais_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Msg[%d] (dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d, remote=%s, size=%d): %.90s", msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(msg->host.type), ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->sender.pid, msg->sender.uname==local_uname?"false":"true", ais_data_len(msg), data); if(data && len > 12 && strncmp("remove-peer:", data, 12) == 0) { char *node = data+12; ais_remove_peer(node); } ais_free(data); return TRUE; } static void member_dump_fn(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { crm_node_t *node = value; ais_info(" node id:%u, uname=%s state=%s processes=%.16x born="U64T" seen="U64T" addr=%s version=%s", node->id, node->uname?node->uname:"-unknown-", node->state, node->processes, node->born, node->last_seen, node->addr?node->addr:"-unknown-", node->version?node->version:"-unknown-"); } void pcmk_exec_dump(void) { /* Called after SIG_USR2 */ process_ais_conf(); ais_info("Local id: %u, uname: %s, born: "U64T, local_nodeid, local_uname, local_born_on); ais_info("Membership id: "U64T", quorate: %s, expected: %u, actual: %u", membership_seq, plugin_has_quorum()?"true":"false", plugin_expected_votes, plugin_has_votes); g_hash_table_foreach(membership_list, member_dump_fn, NULL); } diff --git a/lib/cib/cib_ops.c b/lib/cib/cib_ops.c index c1435a14fb..475f94cfa0 100644 --- a/lib/cib/cib_ops.c +++ b/lib/cib/cib_ops.c @@ -1,1015 +1,1014 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum cib_errors cib_process_query( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { xmlNode *obj_root = NULL; enum cib_errors result = cib_ok; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event for section=%s", op, crm_str(section)); if(options & cib_xpath) { return cib_process_xpath(op, options, section, req, input, existing_cib, result_cib, answer); } CRM_CHECK(*answer == NULL, free_xml(*answer)); *answer = NULL; if (safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_SECTION_ALL, section)) { section = NULL; } obj_root = get_object_root(section, existing_cib); if(obj_root == NULL) { result = cib_NOTEXISTS; } else { *answer = obj_root; } if(result == cib_ok && *answer == NULL) { crm_err("Error creating query response"); result = cib_output_data; } return result; } enum cib_errors cib_process_erase( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { enum cib_errors result = cib_ok; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event", op); *answer = NULL; free_xml(*result_cib); *result_cib = createEmptyCib(); copy_in_properties(*result_cib, existing_cib); cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, FALSE); return result; } enum cib_errors cib_process_upgrade( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { int rc = 0; int new_version = 0; int current_version = 0; - const char *value = NULL; + const char *value = crm_element_value(existing_cib, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION);; *answer = NULL; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event", op); - value = crm_element_value_copy(existing_cib, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); if(value != NULL) { current_version = get_schema_version(value); } rc = update_validation(result_cib, &new_version, TRUE, TRUE); if(new_version > current_version) { return cib_ok; } return rc; } enum cib_errors cib_process_bump( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { enum cib_errors result = cib_ok; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event for epoch=%s", op, crm_str(crm_element_value(existing_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION))); *answer = NULL; cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, FALSE); return result; } enum cib_errors cib_update_counter(xmlNode *xml_obj, const char *field, gboolean reset) { char *new_value = NULL; char *old_value = NULL; int int_value = -1; if(reset == FALSE && crm_element_value(xml_obj, field) != NULL) { old_value = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, field); } if(old_value != NULL) { crm_malloc0(new_value, 128); int_value = atoi(old_value); sprintf(new_value, "%d", ++int_value); } else { new_value = crm_strdup("1"); } crm_debug_4("%s %d(%s)->%s", field, int_value, crm_str(old_value), crm_str(new_value)); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, field, new_value); crm_free(new_value); crm_free(old_value); return cib_ok; } enum cib_errors cib_process_replace( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { const char *tag = NULL; gboolean verbose = FALSE; enum cib_errors result = cib_ok; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event for section=%s", op, crm_str(section)); if(options & cib_xpath) { return cib_process_xpath(op, options, section, req, input, existing_cib, result_cib, answer); } *answer = NULL; if (input == NULL) { return cib_NOOBJECT; } tag = crm_element_name(input); if (options & cib_verbose) { verbose = TRUE; } if(safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_SECTION_ALL, section)) { section = NULL; } else if(safe_str_eq(tag, section)) { section = NULL; } if(safe_str_eq(tag, XML_TAG_CIB)) { int updates = 0; int epoch = 0; int admin_epoch = 0; int replace_updates = 0; int replace_epoch = 0; int replace_admin_epoch = 0; const char *reason = NULL; cib_version_details( existing_cib, &admin_epoch, &epoch, &updates); cib_version_details(input, &replace_admin_epoch, &replace_epoch, &replace_updates); if(replace_admin_epoch < admin_epoch) { reason = XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN; } else if(replace_admin_epoch > admin_epoch) { /* no more checks */ } else if(replace_epoch < epoch) { reason = XML_ATTR_GENERATION; } else if(replace_epoch > epoch) { /* no more checks */ } else if(replace_updates < updates) { reason = XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES; } if(reason != NULL) { crm_warn("Replacement %d.%d.%d not applied to %d.%d.%d:" " current %s is greater than the replacement", replace_admin_epoch, replace_epoch, replace_updates, admin_epoch, epoch, updates, reason); result = cib_old_data; } free_xml(*result_cib); *result_cib = copy_xml(input); } else { xmlNode *obj_root = NULL; gboolean ok = TRUE; obj_root = get_object_root(section, *result_cib); ok = replace_xml_child(NULL, obj_root, input, FALSE); if(ok == FALSE) { crm_debug_2("No matching object to replace"); result = cib_NOTEXISTS; } } return result; } enum cib_errors cib_process_delete( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { xmlNode *obj_root = NULL; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event", op); if(options & cib_xpath) { return cib_process_xpath(op, options, section, req, input, existing_cib, result_cib, answer); } if(input == NULL) { crm_err("Cannot perform modification with no data"); return cib_NOOBJECT; } obj_root = get_object_root(section, *result_cib); crm_validate_data(input); crm_validate_data(*result_cib); if(replace_xml_child(NULL, obj_root, input, TRUE) == FALSE) { crm_debug_2("No matching object to delete"); } return cib_ok; } enum cib_errors cib_process_modify( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { xmlNode *obj_root = NULL; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event", op); if(options & cib_xpath) { return cib_process_xpath(op, options, section, req, input, existing_cib, result_cib, answer); } if(input == NULL) { crm_err("Cannot perform modification with no data"); return cib_NOOBJECT; } obj_root = get_object_root(section, *result_cib); crm_validate_data(input); crm_validate_data(*result_cib); if(obj_root == NULL) { xmlNode *tmp_section = NULL; const char *path = get_object_parent(section); if(path == NULL) { return cib_bad_section; } tmp_section = create_xml_node(NULL, section); cib_process_xpath( CIB_OP_CREATE, 0, path, NULL, tmp_section, NULL, result_cib, answer); free_xml(tmp_section); obj_root = get_object_root(section, *result_cib); } CRM_CHECK(obj_root != NULL, return cib_unknown); if(update_xml_child(obj_root, input) == FALSE) { if(options & cib_can_create) { add_node_copy(obj_root, input); } else { return cib_NOTEXISTS; } } return cib_ok; } static int update_cib_object(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *update) { const char *replace = NULL; const char *object_name = NULL; const char *object_id = NULL; xmlNode *target = NULL; int result = cib_ok; CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return cib_NOOBJECT); CRM_CHECK(parent != NULL, return cib_NOPARENT); object_name = crm_element_name(update); CRM_CHECK(object_name != NULL, return cib_NOOBJECT); object_id = ID(update); crm_debug_3("Processing: <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id)); if(object_id == NULL) { /* placeholder object */ target = find_xml_node(parent, object_name, FALSE); } else { target = find_entity(parent, object_name, object_id); } if(target == NULL) { target = create_xml_node(parent, object_name); } crm_debug_2("Found node <%s id=%s> to update", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id)); replace = crm_element_value(update, XML_CIB_ATTR_REPLACE); if(replace != NULL) { xmlNode *remove = NULL; int last = 0, lpc = 0, len = 0; len = strlen(replace); while(lpc <= len) { if(replace[lpc] == ',' || replace[lpc] == 0) { char *replace_item = NULL; if ( last == lpc ) { /* nothing to do */ last = lpc+1; goto incr; } crm_malloc0(replace_item, lpc - last + 1); strncpy(replace_item, replace+last, lpc-last); remove = find_xml_node(target, replace_item, FALSE); if(remove != NULL) { crm_debug_3("Replacing node <%s> in <%s>", replace_item, crm_element_name(target)); zap_xml_from_parent(target, remove); } crm_free(replace_item); last = lpc+1; } incr: lpc++; } xml_remove_prop(update, XML_CIB_ATTR_REPLACE); xml_remove_prop(target, XML_CIB_ATTR_REPLACE); } copy_in_properties(target, update); crm_debug_3("Processing children of <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id)); xml_child_iter( update, a_child, int tmp_result = 0; crm_debug_3("Updating child <%s id=%s>", crm_element_name(a_child), ID(a_child)); tmp_result = update_cib_object(target, a_child); /* only the first error is likely to be interesting */ if(tmp_result != cib_ok) { crm_err("Error updating child <%s id=%s>", crm_element_name(a_child), ID(a_child)); if(result == cib_ok) { result = tmp_result; } } ); crm_debug_3("Finished with <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id)); return result; } static int add_cib_object(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *new_obj) { enum cib_errors result = cib_ok; const char *object_name = NULL; const char *object_id = NULL; xmlNode *equiv_node = NULL; if(new_obj != NULL) { object_name = crm_element_name(new_obj); } object_id = crm_element_value(new_obj, XML_ATTR_ID); crm_debug_3("Processing: <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id)); if(new_obj == NULL || object_name == NULL) { result = cib_NOOBJECT; } else if(parent == NULL) { result = cib_NOPARENT; } else if(object_id == NULL) { /* placeholder object */ equiv_node = find_xml_node(parent, object_name, FALSE); } else { equiv_node = find_entity(parent, object_name, object_id); } if(result != cib_ok) { ; /* do nothing */ } else if(equiv_node != NULL) { result = cib_EXISTS; } else { result = update_cib_object(parent, new_obj); } return result; } enum cib_errors cib_process_create( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { xmlNode *failed = NULL; enum cib_errors result = cib_ok; xmlNode *update_section = NULL; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event for section=%s", op, crm_str(section)); if(safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_SECTION_ALL, section)) { section = NULL; } else if(safe_str_eq(XML_TAG_CIB, section)) { section = NULL; } else if(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(input), XML_TAG_CIB)) { section = NULL; } CRM_CHECK(strcasecmp(CIB_OP_CREATE, op) == 0, return cib_operation); if(input == NULL) { crm_err("Cannot perform modification with no data"); return cib_NOOBJECT; } if(section == NULL) { return cib_process_modify(op, options, section, req, input, existing_cib, result_cib, answer); } failed = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_FAILED); update_section = get_object_root(section, *result_cib); if(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(input), section)) { xml_child_iter(input, a_child, result = add_cib_object(update_section, a_child); if(update_results(failed, a_child, op, result)) { break; } ); } else { result = add_cib_object(update_section, input); update_results(failed, input, op, result); } if(xml_has_children(failed)) { CRM_CHECK(result != cib_ok, result = cib_unknown); } if (result != cib_ok) { crm_log_xml_err(failed, "CIB Update failures"); *answer = failed; } else { free_xml(failed); } return result; } enum cib_errors cib_process_diff( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { unsigned int log_level = LOG_DEBUG; const char *reason = NULL; gboolean apply_diff = TRUE; enum cib_errors result = cib_ok; int this_updates = 0; int this_epoch = 0; int this_admin_epoch = 0; int diff_add_updates = 0; int diff_add_epoch = 0; int diff_add_admin_epoch = 0; int diff_del_updates = 0; int diff_del_epoch = 0; int diff_del_admin_epoch = 0; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event", op); cib_diff_version_details( input, &diff_add_admin_epoch, &diff_add_epoch, &diff_add_updates, &diff_del_admin_epoch, &diff_del_epoch, &diff_del_updates); crm_element_value_int(existing_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, &this_epoch); crm_element_value_int(existing_cib, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, &this_updates); crm_element_value_int(existing_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, &this_admin_epoch); if(this_epoch < 0) { this_epoch = 0; } if(this_updates < 0) { this_updates = 0; } if(this_admin_epoch < 0) { this_admin_epoch = 0; } if(diff_del_admin_epoch == diff_add_admin_epoch && diff_del_epoch == diff_add_epoch && diff_del_updates == diff_add_updates) { if(options & cib_force_diff) { apply_diff = FALSE; log_level = LOG_ERR; reason = "+ and - versions in the diff did not change in global update"; crm_log_xml_warn(input, "Bad global update"); } else if(diff_add_admin_epoch == -1 && diff_add_epoch == -1 && diff_add_updates == -1) { crm_err("Massaging diff versions"); diff_add_epoch = this_epoch; diff_add_updates = this_updates + 1; diff_add_admin_epoch = this_admin_epoch; diff_del_epoch = this_epoch; diff_del_updates = this_updates; diff_del_admin_epoch = this_admin_epoch; crm_log_xml_err(input, __FUNCTION__); } else { apply_diff = FALSE; log_level = LOG_ERR; reason = "+ and - versions in the diff did not change"; log_cib_diff(LOG_ERR, input, __FUNCTION__); } } if(apply_diff && diff_del_admin_epoch > this_admin_epoch) { result = cib_diff_resync; apply_diff = FALSE; log_level = LOG_INFO; reason = "current \""XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN"\" is less than required"; } else if(apply_diff && diff_del_admin_epoch < this_admin_epoch) { apply_diff = FALSE; log_level = LOG_WARNING; reason = "current \""XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN"\" is greater than required"; } else if(apply_diff && diff_del_epoch > this_epoch) { result = cib_diff_resync; apply_diff = FALSE; log_level = LOG_INFO; reason = "current \""XML_ATTR_GENERATION"\" is less than required"; } else if(apply_diff && diff_del_epoch < this_epoch) { apply_diff = FALSE; log_level = LOG_WARNING; reason = "current \""XML_ATTR_GENERATION"\" is greater than required"; } else if(apply_diff && diff_del_updates > this_updates) { result = cib_diff_resync; apply_diff = FALSE; log_level = LOG_INFO; reason = "current \""XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES"\" is less than required"; } else if(apply_diff && diff_del_updates < this_updates) { apply_diff = FALSE; log_level = LOG_WARNING; reason = "current \""XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES"\" is greater than required"; } if(apply_diff) { free_xml(*result_cib); *result_cib = NULL; if(apply_xml_diff(existing_cib, input, result_cib) == FALSE) { log_level = LOG_NOTICE; reason = "Failed application of an update diff"; if(options & cib_force_diff) { result = cib_diff_resync; } } } if(reason != NULL) { do_crm_log( log_level, "Diff %d.%d.%d -> %d.%d.%d not applied to %d.%d.%d: %s", diff_del_admin_epoch,diff_del_epoch,diff_del_updates, diff_add_admin_epoch,diff_add_epoch,diff_add_updates, this_admin_epoch,this_epoch,this_updates, reason); if(result == cib_ok) { result = cib_diff_failed; } } else if(apply_diff) { crm_debug_2("Diff %d.%d.%d -> %d.%d.%d was applied to %d.%d.%d", diff_del_admin_epoch,diff_del_epoch,diff_del_updates, diff_add_admin_epoch,diff_add_epoch,diff_add_updates, this_admin_epoch,this_epoch,this_updates); } return result; } gboolean apply_cib_diff(xmlNode *old, xmlNode *diff, xmlNode **new) { gboolean result = TRUE; const char *value = NULL; int this_updates = 0; int this_epoch = 0; int this_admin_epoch = 0; int diff_add_updates = 0; int diff_add_epoch = 0; int diff_add_admin_epoch = 0; int diff_del_updates = 0; int diff_del_epoch = 0; int diff_del_admin_epoch = 0; CRM_CHECK(diff != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(old != NULL, return FALSE); value = crm_element_value(old, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN); this_admin_epoch = crm_parse_int(value, "0"); crm_debug_3("%s=%d (%s)", XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, this_admin_epoch, value); value = crm_element_value(old, XML_ATTR_GENERATION); this_epoch = crm_parse_int(value, "0"); crm_debug_3("%s=%d (%s)", XML_ATTR_GENERATION, this_epoch, value); value = crm_element_value(old, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES); this_updates = crm_parse_int(value, "0"); crm_debug_3("%s=%d (%s)", XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, this_updates, value); cib_diff_version_details( diff, &diff_add_admin_epoch, &diff_add_epoch, &diff_add_updates, &diff_del_admin_epoch, &diff_del_epoch, &diff_del_updates); value = NULL; if(result && diff_del_admin_epoch != this_admin_epoch) { value = XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN; result = FALSE; crm_debug_3("%s=%d", value, diff_del_admin_epoch); } else if(result && diff_del_epoch != this_epoch) { value = XML_ATTR_GENERATION; result = FALSE; crm_debug_3("%s=%d", value, diff_del_epoch); } else if(result && diff_del_updates != this_updates) { value = XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES; result = FALSE; crm_debug_3("%s=%d", value, diff_del_updates); } if(result) { xmlNode *tmp = NULL; xmlNode *diff_copy = copy_xml(diff); tmp = find_xml_node(diff_copy, "diff-removed", TRUE); if(tmp != NULL) { xml_remove_prop(tmp, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN); xml_remove_prop(tmp, XML_ATTR_GENERATION); xml_remove_prop(tmp, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES); } tmp = find_xml_node(diff_copy, "diff-added", TRUE); if(tmp != NULL) { xml_remove_prop(tmp, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN); xml_remove_prop(tmp, XML_ATTR_GENERATION); xml_remove_prop(tmp, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES); } result = apply_xml_diff(old, diff_copy, new); free_xml(diff_copy); } else { crm_err("target and diff %s values didnt match", value); } return result; } gboolean cib_config_changed(xmlNode *last, xmlNode *next, xmlNode **diff) { gboolean config_changes = FALSE; xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(diff != NULL); *diff = diff_xml_object(last, next, FALSE); if(*diff == NULL) { char *digest_last = calculate_xml_digest(last, FALSE, TRUE); char *digest_next = calculate_xml_digest(next, FALSE, TRUE); /* Detect ordering changes - important for groups and resource sets */ if(safe_str_neq(digest_last, digest_next)) { config_changes = TRUE; crm_info("Detected ordering change: %s vs %s", digest_last, digest_next); /* Create a fake diff so that notifications will be sent */ *diff = create_xml_node(NULL, "diff"); create_xml_node(*diff, "diff-removed"); create_xml_node(*diff, "diff-added"); } crm_free(digest_last); crm_free(digest_next); goto done; } xpathObj = xpath_search(*diff, "//"XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION); if(xpathObj && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr > 0) { config_changes = TRUE; goto done; } else if(xpathObj) { xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); } xpathObj = xpath_search(*diff, "//"XML_TAG_CIB); if(xpathObj) { int lpc = 0, max = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr; for(lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *top = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); xml_prop_name_iter(top, name, if(crm_str_eq(XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, name, TRUE) == FALSE) { config_changes = TRUE; goto done; } ); } } done: if(xpathObj) { xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); } return config_changes; } xmlNode * diff_cib_object(xmlNode *old_cib, xmlNode *new_cib, gboolean suppress) { xmlNode *dest = NULL; xmlNode *src = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; xmlNode *diff = diff_xml_object(old_cib, new_cib, suppress); /* add complete version information */ src = old_cib; dest = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-removed", FALSE); if(src != NULL && dest != NULL) { name = XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN; value = crm_element_value(src, name); if(value == NULL) { value = "0"; } crm_xml_add(dest, name, value); name = XML_ATTR_GENERATION; value = crm_element_value(src, name); if(value == NULL) { value = "0"; } crm_xml_add(dest, name, value); name = XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES; value = crm_element_value(src, name); if(value == NULL) { value = "0"; } crm_xml_add(dest, name, value); } src = new_cib; dest = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-added", FALSE); if(src != NULL && dest != NULL) { name = XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN; value = crm_element_value(src, name); if(value == NULL) { value = "0"; } crm_xml_add(dest, name, value); name = XML_ATTR_GENERATION; value = crm_element_value(src, name); if(value == NULL) { value = "0"; } crm_xml_add(dest, name, value); name = XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES; value = crm_element_value(src, name); if(value == NULL) { value = "0"; } crm_xml_add(dest, name, value); } return diff; } enum cib_errors cib_process_xpath( const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **answer) { int lpc = 0; int max = 0; int rc = cib_ok; gboolean is_query = safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_QUERY); xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; crm_debug_2("Processing \"%s\" event", op); if(is_query) { xpathObj = xpath_search(existing_cib, section); } else { xpathObj = xpath_search(*result_cib, section); } if(xpathObj != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL) { max = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr; } if(max < 1 && safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_DELETE)) { crm_debug("%s was already removed", section); } else if(max < 1) { crm_debug("%s: %s does not exist", op, section); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; } else if(is_query) { if(max > 1) { *answer = create_xml_node(NULL, "xpath-query"); } } for(lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlChar *path = NULL; xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); if(match == NULL) { continue; } path = xmlGetNodePath(match); crm_debug("Processing %s op for %s (%s)", op, section, path); free(path); if(safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_DELETE)) { free_xml_from_parent(NULL, match); if((options & cib_multiple) == 0) { break; } } else if(safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_MODIFY)) { if(update_xml_child(match, input) == FALSE) { rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; } else if((options & cib_multiple) == 0) { break; } } else if(safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_CREATE)) { add_node_copy(match, input); break; } else if(safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_QUERY)) { if(options & cib_no_children) { const char *tag = TYPE(match); xmlNode *shallow = create_xml_node(*answer, tag); copy_in_properties(shallow, match); if(*answer == NULL) { *answer = shallow; } } else if(*answer) { add_node_copy(*answer, match); } else { *answer = match; } } else if(safe_str_eq(op, CIB_OP_REPLACE)) { xmlNode *parent = match->parent; free_xml_from_parent(NULL, match); if(input != NULL) { add_node_copy(parent, input); } if((options & cib_multiple) == 0) { break; } } } if(xpathObj) { xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); } return rc; } /* remove this function */ gboolean update_results( xmlNode *failed, xmlNode *target, const char* operation, int return_code) { xmlNode *xml_node = NULL; gboolean was_error = FALSE; const char *error_msg = NULL; if (return_code != cib_ok) { error_msg = cib_error2string(return_code); xml_node = create_xml_node(failed, XML_FAIL_TAG_CIB); was_error = TRUE; add_node_copy(xml_node, target); crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_FAILCIB_ATTR_ID, ID(target)); crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_FAILCIB_ATTR_OBJTYPE, TYPE(target)); crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_FAILCIB_ATTR_OP, operation); crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_FAILCIB_ATTR_REASON, error_msg); crm_warn("Action %s failed: %s (cde=%d)", operation, error_msg, return_code); } return was_error; } diff --git a/lib/common/ais.c b/lib/common/ais.c index 0c4e293c20..e46999a49d 100644 --- a/lib/common/ais.c +++ b/lib/common/ais.c @@ -1,654 +1,657 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "stack.h" #ifdef SUPPORT_COROSYNC # include #endif enum crm_ais_msg_types text2msg_type(const char *text) { int type = crm_msg_none; CRM_CHECK(text != NULL, return type); if(safe_str_eq(text, "ais")) { type = crm_msg_ais; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, "crm_plugin")) { type = crm_msg_ais; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, CRM_SYSTEM_CIB)) { type = crm_msg_cib; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD)) { type = crm_msg_crmd; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, CRM_SYSTEM_DC)) { type = crm_msg_crmd; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) { type = crm_msg_te; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, CRM_SYSTEM_PENGINE)) { type = crm_msg_pe; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD)) { type = crm_msg_lrmd; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, CRM_SYSTEM_STONITHD)) { type = crm_msg_stonithd; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, "stonith-ng")) { type = crm_msg_stonith_ng; } else if(safe_str_eq(text, "attrd")) { type = crm_msg_attrd; } else { /* This will normally be a transient client rather than * a cluster daemon. Set the type to the pid of the client */ int scan_rc = sscanf(text, "%d", &type); if(scan_rc != 1) { /* Ensure its sane */ type = crm_msg_none; } } return type; } char *get_ais_data(const AIS_Message *msg) { int rc = BZ_OK; char *uncompressed = NULL; unsigned int new_size = msg->size + 1; if(msg->is_compressed == FALSE) { crm_debug_2("Returning uncompressed message data"); uncompressed = strdup(msg->data); } else { crm_debug_2("Decompressing message data"); crm_malloc0(uncompressed, new_size); rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( uncompressed, &new_size, (char*)msg->data, msg->compressed_size, 1, 0); CRM_ASSERT(rc == BZ_OK); CRM_ASSERT(new_size == msg->size); } return uncompressed; } #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC int ais_fd_sync = -1; int ais_fd_async = -1; /* never send messages via this channel */ void *ais_ipc_ctx = NULL; hdb_handle_t ais_ipc_handle = 0; GFDSource *ais_source = NULL; GFDSource *ais_source_sync = NULL; static char *ais_cluster_name = NULL; gboolean get_ais_nodeid(uint32_t *id, char **uname) { struct iovec iov; int retries = 0; int rc = CS_OK; coroipc_response_header_t header; struct crm_ais_nodeid_resp_s answer; header.error = CS_OK; header.id = crm_class_nodeid; header.size = sizeof(coroipc_response_header_t); CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(uname != NULL, return FALSE); iov.iov_base = &header; iov.iov_len = header.size; retry: errno = 0; rc = coroipcc_msg_send_reply_receive( ais_ipc_handle, &iov, 1, &answer, sizeof (answer)); if(rc == CS_OK) { CRM_CHECK(answer.header.size == sizeof (struct crm_ais_nodeid_resp_s), crm_err("Odd message: id=%d, size=%d, error=%d", answer.header.id, answer.header.size, answer.header.error)); CRM_CHECK(answer.header.id == crm_class_nodeid, crm_err("Bad response id: %d", answer.header.id)); } if(rc == CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN && retries < 20) { retries++; crm_info("Peer overloaded: Re-sending message (Attempt %d of 20)", retries); sleep(retries); /* Proportional back off */ goto retry; } if(rc != CS_OK) { crm_err("Sending nodeid request: FAILED (rc=%d): %s", rc, ais_error2text(rc)); return FALSE; } else if(answer.header.error != CS_OK) { crm_err("Bad response from peer: (rc=%d): %s", rc, ais_error2text(rc)); return FALSE; } crm_info("Server details: id=%u uname=%s cname=%s", answer.id, answer.uname, answer.cname); *id = answer.id; *uname = crm_strdup(answer.uname); ais_cluster_name = crm_strdup(answer.cname); return TRUE; } gboolean crm_get_cluster_name(char **cname) { CRM_CHECK(cname != NULL, return FALSE); if(ais_cluster_name) { *cname = crm_strdup(ais_cluster_name); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean send_ais_text(int class, const char *data, gboolean local, const char *node, enum crm_ais_msg_types dest) { static int msg_id = 0; static int local_pid = 0; int retries = 0; int rc = CS_OK; int buf_len = sizeof(coroipc_response_header_t); char *buf = NULL; struct iovec iov; coroipc_response_header_t *header; AIS_Message *ais_msg = NULL; enum crm_ais_msg_types sender = text2msg_type(crm_system_name); /* There are only 6 handlers registered to crm_lib_service in plugin.c */ CRM_CHECK(class < 6, crm_err("Invalid message class: %d", class); return FALSE); if(data == NULL) { data = ""; } if(local_pid == 0) { local_pid = getpid(); } if(sender == crm_msg_none) { sender = local_pid; } crm_malloc0(ais_msg, sizeof(AIS_Message)); ais_msg->id = msg_id++; ais_msg->header.id = class; ais_msg->header.error = CS_OK; ais_msg->host.type = dest; ais_msg->host.local = local; if(node) { ais_msg->host.size = strlen(node); memset(ais_msg->host.uname, 0, MAX_NAME); memcpy(ais_msg->host.uname, node, ais_msg->host.size); ais_msg->host.id = 0; } else { ais_msg->host.size = 0; memset(ais_msg->host.uname, 0, MAX_NAME); ais_msg->host.id = 0; } ais_msg->sender.type = sender; ais_msg->sender.pid = local_pid; ais_msg->sender.size = 0; memset(ais_msg->sender.uname, 0, MAX_NAME); ais_msg->sender.id = 0; ais_msg->size = 1 + strlen(data); if(ais_msg->size < CRM_BZ2_THRESHOLD) { failback: crm_realloc(ais_msg, sizeof(AIS_Message) + ais_msg->size); memcpy(ais_msg->data, data, ais_msg->size); } else { char *compressed = NULL; char *uncompressed = crm_strdup(data); unsigned int len = (ais_msg->size * 1.1) + 600; /* recomended size */ crm_debug_5("Compressing message payload"); crm_malloc(compressed, len); rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress( compressed, &len, uncompressed, ais_msg->size, CRM_BZ2_BLOCKS, 0, CRM_BZ2_WORK); crm_free(uncompressed); if(rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("Compression failed: %d", rc); crm_free(compressed); goto failback; } crm_realloc(ais_msg, sizeof(AIS_Message) + len + 1); memcpy(ais_msg->data, compressed, len); ais_msg->data[len] = 0; crm_free(compressed); ais_msg->is_compressed = TRUE; ais_msg->compressed_size = len; crm_debug_2("Compression details: %d -> %d", ais_msg->size, ais_data_len(ais_msg)); } ais_msg->header.size = sizeof(AIS_Message) + ais_data_len(ais_msg); crm_debug_3("Sending%s message %d to %s.%s (data=%d, total=%d)", ais_msg->is_compressed?" compressed":"", ais_msg->id, ais_dest(&(ais_msg->host)), msg_type2text(dest), ais_data_len(ais_msg), ais_msg->header.size); iov.iov_base = ais_msg; iov.iov_len = ais_msg->header.size; retry: errno = 0; crm_realloc(buf, buf_len); rc = coroipcc_msg_send_reply_receive(ais_ipc_handle, &iov, 1, buf, buf_len); header = (coroipc_response_header_t *)buf; if(rc == CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN && retries < 20) { retries++; crm_info("Peer overloaded: Re-sending message (Attempt %d of 20)", retries); sleep(retries); /* Proportional back off */ goto retry; } else if(rc == CS_OK) { CRM_CHECK_AND_STORE(header->size == sizeof (coroipc_response_header_t), crm_err("Odd message: id=%d, size=%d, class=%d, error=%d", header->id, header->size, class, header->error)); if(buf_len < header->size) { crm_err("Increasing buffer length to %d and retrying", header->size); buf_len = header->size + 1; goto retry; } else if(header->id == crm_class_nodeid && header->size == sizeof (struct crm_ais_nodeid_resp_s)){ struct crm_ais_nodeid_resp_s *answer = (struct crm_ais_nodeid_resp_s *)header; crm_err("Server details: id=%u uname=%s counter=%u", answer->id, answer->uname, answer->counter); } else { CRM_CHECK_AND_STORE(header->id == CRM_MESSAGE_IPC_ACK, crm_err("Bad response id (%d) for request (%d)", header->id, ais_msg->header.id)); CRM_CHECK(header->error == CS_OK, rc = header->error); } } if(rc != CS_OK) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Sending message %d: FAILED (rc=%d): %s", ais_msg->id, rc, ais_error2text(rc)); ais_fd_async = -1; } else { crm_debug_4("Message %d: sent", ais_msg->id); } crm_free(buf); crm_free(ais_msg); return (rc == CS_OK); } gboolean send_ais_message(xmlNode *msg, gboolean local, const char *node, enum crm_ais_msg_types dest) { gboolean rc = TRUE; char *data = NULL; if(ais_fd_async < 0 || ais_source == NULL) { crm_err("Not connected to AIS"); return FALSE; } data = dump_xml_unformatted(msg); rc = send_ais_text(0, data, local, node, dest); crm_free(data); return rc; } void terminate_ais_connection(void) { if(ais_ipc_ctx) { coroipcc_service_disconnect(ais_ipc_handle); } crm_notice("Disconnected from AIS"); /* G_main_del_fd(ais_source); */ /* G_main_del_fd(ais_source_sync); */ } int ais_membership_timer = 0; gboolean ais_membership_force = FALSE; gboolean ais_dispatch(int sender, gpointer user_data) { char *data = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; char *uncompressed = NULL; int rc = CS_OK; xmlNode *xml = NULL; AIS_Message *msg = NULL; gboolean (*dispatch)(AIS_Message*,char*,int) = user_data; rc = coroipcc_dispatch_get (ais_ipc_handle, (void**)&buffer, 0); if (rc == 0) { /* Zero is a legal "no message afterall" value */ goto done; } else if (rc != CS_OK) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Receiving message body failed: (%d) %s", rc, ais_error2text(rc)); goto bail; } msg = (AIS_Message*)buffer; crm_debug_3("Got new%s message (size=%d, %d, %d)", msg->is_compressed?" compressed":"", ais_data_len(msg), msg->size, msg->compressed_size); data = msg->data; if(msg->is_compressed && msg->size > 0) { int rc = BZ_OK; unsigned int new_size = msg->size + 1; if(check_message_sanity(msg, NULL) == FALSE) { goto badmsg; } crm_debug_5("Decompressing message data"); crm_malloc0(uncompressed, new_size); rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( uncompressed, &new_size, data, msg->compressed_size, 1, 0); if(rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("Decompression failed: %d", rc); goto badmsg; } CRM_ASSERT(rc == BZ_OK); CRM_ASSERT(new_size == msg->size); data = uncompressed; } else if(check_message_sanity(msg, data) == FALSE) { goto badmsg; } else if(safe_str_eq("identify", data)) { int pid = getpid(); char *pid_s = crm_itoa(pid); send_ais_text(0, pid_s, TRUE, NULL, crm_msg_ais); crm_free(pid_s); goto done; } if(msg->header.id != crm_class_members) { crm_update_peer(msg->sender.id, 0,0,0,0, msg->sender.uname, msg->sender.uname, NULL, NULL); } if(msg->header.id == crm_class_rmpeer) { uint32_t id = crm_int_helper(data, NULL); crm_info("Removing peer %s/%u", data, id); reap_crm_member(id); goto done; } else if(msg->header.id == crm_class_members || msg->header.id == crm_class_quorum) { const char *value = NULL; gboolean quorate = FALSE; xml = string2xml(data); if(xml == NULL) { crm_err("Invalid membership update: %s", data); goto badmsg; } value = crm_element_value(xml, "quorate"); CRM_CHECK(value != NULL, crm_log_xml_err(xml, "No quorum value:"); goto badmsg); if(crm_is_true(value)) { quorate = TRUE; } value = crm_element_value(xml, "id"); CRM_CHECK(value != NULL, crm_log_xml_err(xml, "No membership id"); goto badmsg); crm_peer_seq = crm_int_helper(value, NULL); if(quorate != crm_have_quorum) { crm_notice("Membership %s: quorum %s", value, quorate?"acquired":"lost"); crm_have_quorum = quorate; } else { crm_info("Membership %s: quorum %s", value, quorate?"retained":"still lost"); } xml_child_iter(xml, node, crm_update_ais_node(node, crm_peer_seq)); } if(dispatch != NULL) { dispatch(msg, data, sender); } done: crm_free(uncompressed); free_xml(xml); coroipcc_dispatch_put (ais_ipc_handle); buffer = NULL; crm_free(buffer); return TRUE; badmsg: crm_err("Invalid message (id=%d, dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d):" " min=%d, total=%d, size=%d, bz2_size=%d", msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(msg->host.type), ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->sender.pid, (int)sizeof(AIS_Message), msg->header.size, msg->size, msg->compressed_size); goto done; bail: crm_err("AIS connection failed"); buffer = NULL; return FALSE; } static void ais_destroy(gpointer user_data) { crm_err("AIS connection terminated"); ais_fd_sync = -1; exit(1); } gboolean init_ais_connection( gboolean (*dispatch)(AIS_Message*,char*,int), void (*destroy)(gpointer), char **our_uuid, char **our_uname, int *nodeid) { int pid = 0; int retries = 0; int rc = CS_OK; char *pid_s = NULL; struct utsname name; uint32_t local_nodeid = 0; char *local_uname = NULL; retry: crm_info("Creating connection to our AIS plugin"); rc = coroipcc_service_connect( COROSYNC_SOCKET_NAME, PCMK_SERVICE_ID, AIS_IPC_MESSAGE_SIZE, AIS_IPC_MESSAGE_SIZE, AIS_IPC_MESSAGE_SIZE, &ais_ipc_handle); if(ais_ipc_handle) { coroipcc_fd_get(ais_ipc_handle, &ais_fd_async); } if(ais_fd_async <= 0 && rc == CS_OK) { crm_err("No context created, but connection reported 'ok'"); rc = CS_ERR_LIBRARY; } if (rc != CS_OK) { crm_info("Connection to our AIS plugin (%d) failed: %s (%d)", PCMK_SERVICE_ID, ais_error2text(rc), rc); } switch(rc) { case CS_OK: break; case CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN: if(retries < 30) { sleep(1); retries++; goto retry; } crm_err("Retry count exceeded"); return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } if(destroy == NULL) { destroy = ais_destroy; } crm_info("AIS connection established"); pid = getpid(); pid_s = crm_itoa(pid); send_ais_text(0, pid_s, TRUE, NULL, crm_msg_ais); crm_free(pid_s); crm_peer_init(); get_ais_nodeid(&local_nodeid, &local_uname); if(uname(&name) < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"uname(2) call failed"); exit(100); } if(safe_str_neq(name.nodename, local_uname)) { crm_crit("Node name mismatch! OpenAIS supplied %s, our lookup returned %s", local_uname, name.nodename); crm_notice("Node name mismatches usually occur when assigned automatically by DHCP servers"); crm_notice("If this node was part of the cluster with a different name," " you will need to remove the old entry with crm_node --remove"); } + if(local_nodeid != 0) { + /* Ensure the local node always exists */ + crm_update_peer(local_nodeid, 0, 0, 0, 0, local_uname, local_uname, NULL, NULL); + } + if(our_uuid != NULL) { *our_uuid = crm_strdup(local_uname); } + if(our_uname != NULL) { *our_uname = local_uname; + } else { + crm_free(local_uname); } if(nodeid != NULL) { *nodeid = local_nodeid; } - - if(local_nodeid != 0) { - /* Ensure the local node always exists */ - crm_update_peer(local_nodeid, 0, 0, 0, 0, local_uname, local_uname, NULL, NULL); - } if(dispatch) { ais_source = G_main_add_fd( G_PRIORITY_HIGH, ais_fd_async, FALSE, ais_dispatch, dispatch, destroy); } return TRUE; } gboolean check_message_sanity(const AIS_Message *msg, const char *data) { gboolean sane = TRUE; gboolean repaired = FALSE; int dest = msg->host.type; int tmp_size = msg->header.size - sizeof(AIS_Message); if(sane && msg->header.size == 0) { crm_warn("Message with no size"); sane = FALSE; } if(sane && msg->header.error != CS_OK) { crm_warn("Message header contains an error: %d", msg->header.error); sane = FALSE; } if(sane && ais_data_len(msg) != tmp_size) { crm_warn("Message payload size is incorrect: expected %d, got %d", ais_data_len(msg), tmp_size); sane = TRUE; } if(sane && ais_data_len(msg) == 0) { crm_warn("Message with no payload"); sane = FALSE; } if(sane && data && msg->is_compressed == FALSE) { int str_size = strlen(data) + 1; if(ais_data_len(msg) != str_size) { int lpc = 0; crm_warn("Message payload is corrupted: expected %d bytes, got %d", ais_data_len(msg), str_size); sane = FALSE; for(lpc = (str_size - 10); lpc < msg->size; lpc++) { if(lpc < 0) { lpc = 0; } crm_debug("bad_data[%d]: %d / '%c'", lpc, data[lpc], data[lpc]); } } } if(sane == FALSE) { crm_err("Invalid message %d: (dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d, compressed=%d, size=%d, total=%d)", msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(dest), ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->sender.pid, msg->is_compressed, ais_data_len(msg), msg->header.size); } else if(repaired) { crm_err("Repaired message %d: (dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d, compressed=%d, size=%d, total=%d)", msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(dest), ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->sender.pid, msg->is_compressed, ais_data_len(msg), msg->header.size); } else { crm_debug_3("Verfied message %d: (dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d, compressed=%d, size=%d, total=%d)", msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(dest), ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->sender.pid, msg->is_compressed, ais_data_len(msg), msg->header.size); } return sane; } #endif diff --git a/lib/common/utils.c b/lib/common/utils.c index 361e8970f0..e79447b0c1 100644 --- a/lib/common/utils.c +++ b/lib/common/utils.c @@ -1,2364 +1,2376 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_HB_CONFIG_H #include /* for HB_COREDIR */ #endif #if HAVE_GLUE_CONFIG_H #include /* for HB_COREDIR */ #endif #ifndef MAXLINE # define MAXLINE 512 #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H # include #endif static uint ref_counter = 0; unsigned int crm_log_level = LOG_INFO; gboolean crm_config_error = FALSE; gboolean crm_config_warning = FALSE; const char *crm_system_name = "unknown"; int node_score_red = 0; int node_score_green = 0; int node_score_yellow = 0; int node_score_infinity = INFINITY; void crm_set_env_options(void); gboolean check_time(const char *value) { if(crm_get_msec(value) < 5000) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean check_timer(const char *value) { if(crm_get_msec(value) < 0) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean check_boolean(const char *value) { int tmp = FALSE; if(crm_str_to_boolean(value, &tmp) != 1) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean check_number(const char *value) { errno = 0; if(value == NULL) { return FALSE; } else if(safe_str_eq(value, MINUS_INFINITY_S)) { } else if(safe_str_eq(value, INFINITY_S)) { } else { crm_int_helper(value, NULL); } if(errno != 0) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } int char2score(const char *score) { int score_f = 0; if(score == NULL) { } else if(safe_str_eq(score, MINUS_INFINITY_S)) { score_f = -node_score_infinity; } else if(safe_str_eq(score, INFINITY_S)) { score_f = node_score_infinity; } else if(safe_str_eq(score, "+"INFINITY_S)) { score_f = node_score_infinity; } else if(safe_str_eq(score, "red")) { score_f = node_score_red; } else if(safe_str_eq(score, "yellow")) { score_f = node_score_yellow; } else if(safe_str_eq(score, "green")) { score_f = node_score_green; } else { score_f = crm_parse_int(score, NULL); if(score_f > 0 && score_f > node_score_infinity) { score_f = node_score_infinity; } else if(score_f < 0 && score_f < -node_score_infinity) { score_f = -node_score_infinity; } } return score_f; } char * score2char(int score) { if(score >= node_score_infinity) { return crm_strdup(INFINITY_S); } else if(score <= -node_score_infinity) { return crm_strdup("-"INFINITY_S); } return crm_itoa(score); } const char * cluster_option(GHashTable* options, gboolean(*validate)(const char*), const char *name, const char *old_name, const char *def_value) { const char *value = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(name != NULL); if(options != NULL) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, name); } if(value == NULL && old_name && options != NULL) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, old_name); if(value != NULL) { crm_config_warn("Using deprecated name '%s' for" " cluster option '%s'", old_name, name); g_hash_table_insert( options, crm_strdup(name), crm_strdup(value)); value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, old_name); } } if(value == NULL) { crm_debug_2("Using default value '%s' for cluster option '%s'", def_value, name); if(options == NULL) { return def_value; } g_hash_table_insert( options, crm_strdup(name), crm_strdup(def_value)); value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, name); } if(validate && validate(value) == FALSE) { crm_config_err("Value '%s' for cluster option '%s' is invalid." " Defaulting to %s", value, name, def_value); g_hash_table_replace(options, crm_strdup(name), crm_strdup(def_value)); value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, name); } return value; } const char * get_cluster_pref(GHashTable *options, pe_cluster_option *option_list, int len, const char *name) { int lpc = 0; const char *value = NULL; gboolean found = FALSE; for(lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) { if(safe_str_eq(name, option_list[lpc].name)) { found = TRUE; value = cluster_option(options, option_list[lpc].is_valid, option_list[lpc].name, option_list[lpc].alt_name, option_list[lpc].default_value); } } CRM_CHECK(found, crm_err("No option named: %s", name)); CRM_ASSERT(value != NULL); return value; } void config_metadata(const char *name, const char *version, const char *desc_short, const char *desc_long, pe_cluster_option *option_list, int len) { int lpc = 0; fprintf(stdout, "" "\n" "\n" " %s\n" " %s\n" " %s\n" " \n", name, version, desc_long, desc_short); for(lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) { if(option_list[lpc].description_long == NULL && option_list[lpc].description_short == NULL) { continue; } fprintf(stdout, " \n" " %s\n" " \n" " %s%s%s\n" " \n", option_list[lpc].name, option_list[lpc].description_short, option_list[lpc].type, option_list[lpc].default_value, option_list[lpc].description_long?option_list[lpc].description_long:option_list[lpc].description_short, option_list[lpc].values?" Allowed values: ":"", option_list[lpc].values?option_list[lpc].values:""); } fprintf(stdout, " \n\n"); } void verify_all_options(GHashTable *options, pe_cluster_option *option_list, int len) { int lpc = 0; for(lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) { cluster_option(options, option_list[lpc].is_valid, option_list[lpc].name, option_list[lpc].alt_name, option_list[lpc].default_value); } } char * generateReference(const char *custom1, const char *custom2) { const char *local_cust1 = custom1; const char *local_cust2 = custom2; int reference_len = 4; char *since_epoch = NULL; reference_len += 20; /* too big */ reference_len += 40; /* too big */ if(local_cust1 == NULL) { local_cust1 = "_empty_"; } reference_len += strlen(local_cust1); if(local_cust2 == NULL) { local_cust2 = "_empty_"; } reference_len += strlen(local_cust2); crm_malloc0(since_epoch, reference_len); if(since_epoch != NULL) { sprintf(since_epoch, "%s-%s-%ld-%u", local_cust1, local_cust2, (unsigned long)time(NULL), ref_counter++); } return since_epoch; } gboolean decodeNVpair(const char *srcstring, char separator, char **name, char **value) { int lpc = 0; int len = 0; const char *temp = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(name != NULL && value != NULL); *name = NULL; *value = NULL; crm_debug_4("Attempting to decode: [%s]", srcstring); if (srcstring != NULL) { len = strlen(srcstring); while(lpc <= len) { if (srcstring[lpc] == separator) { crm_malloc0(*name, lpc+1); if(*name == NULL) { break; /* and return FALSE */ } strncpy(*name, srcstring, lpc); (*name)[lpc] = '\0'; /* this sucks but as the strtok manpage says.. * it *is* a bug */ len = len-lpc; len--; if(len <= 0) { *value = NULL; } else { crm_malloc0(*value, len+1); if(*value == NULL) { crm_free(*name); break; /* and return FALSE */ } temp = srcstring+lpc+1; strncpy(*value, temp, len); (*value)[len] = '\0'; } return TRUE; } lpc++; } } if(*name != NULL) { crm_free(*name); } *name = NULL; *value = NULL; return FALSE; } char * crm_concat(const char *prefix, const char *suffix, char join) { int len = 0; char *new_str = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(prefix != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(suffix != NULL); len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(suffix) + 2; crm_malloc0(new_str, (len)); sprintf(new_str, "%s%c%s", prefix, join, suffix); new_str[len-1] = 0; return new_str; } char * generate_hash_key(const char *crm_msg_reference, const char *sys) { char *hash_key = crm_concat(sys?sys:"none", crm_msg_reference, '_'); crm_debug_3("created hash key: (%s)", hash_key); return hash_key; } char * generate_hash_value(const char *src_node, const char *src_subsys) { char *hash_value = NULL; if (src_node == NULL || src_subsys == NULL) { return NULL; } if (strcasecmp(CRM_SYSTEM_DC, src_subsys) == 0) { hash_value = crm_strdup(src_subsys); CRM_ASSERT(hash_value); return hash_value; } hash_value = crm_concat(src_node, src_subsys, '_'); crm_info("created hash value: (%s)", hash_value); return hash_value; } char * crm_itoa(int an_int) { int len = 32; char *buffer = NULL; crm_malloc0(buffer, (len+1)); if(buffer != NULL) { snprintf(buffer, len, "%d", an_int); } return buffer; } extern int LogToLoggingDaemon(int priority, const char * buf, int bstrlen, gboolean use_pri_str); #ifdef HAVE_G_LOG_SET_DEFAULT_HANDLER GLogFunc glib_log_default; static void crm_glib_handler(const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags flags, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data) { int log_level = LOG_WARNING; GLogLevelFlags msg_level = (flags & G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK); switch(msg_level) { case G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL: /* log and record how we got here */ crm_abort(__FILE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__, message, TRUE, TRUE); return; case G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: log_level = LOG_ERR; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE: log_level = LOG_NOTICE; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: log_level = LOG_INFO; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: log_level = LOG_DEBUG; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: case G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION: case G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL: case G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK: log_level = LOG_WARNING; break; } do_crm_log(log_level, "%s: %s", log_domain, message); } #endif void crm_log_deinit(void) { #ifdef HAVE_G_LOG_SET_DEFAULT_HANDLER g_log_set_default_handler(glib_log_default, NULL); #endif } gboolean crm_log_init( const char *entity, int level, gboolean coredir, gboolean to_stderr, int argc, char **argv, gboolean quiet) { /* Redirect messages from glib functions to our handler */ /* cl_malloc_forced_for_glib(); */ #ifdef HAVE_G_LOG_SET_DEFAULT_HANDLER glib_log_default = g_log_set_default_handler(crm_glib_handler, NULL); #endif /* and for good measure... - this enum is a bit field (!) */ g_log_set_always_fatal((GLogLevelFlags)0); /*value out of range*/ if(entity) { crm_system_name = entity; } else if(argc > 0 && argv != NULL) { crm_system_name = basename(argv[0]); if(strstr(crm_system_name, "lt-") == crm_system_name) { crm_system_name += 3; } } else if(crm_system_name == NULL) { crm_system_name = "Unknown"; } setenv("PCMK_service", crm_system_name, 1); cl_log_set_entity(crm_system_name); set_crm_log_level(level); crm_set_env_options(); if(quiet) { /* Nuke any syslog activity */ unsetenv("HA_logfacility"); } else { cl_log_args(argc, argv); if(getenv("HA_logfacility") == NULL) { /* Set a default */ cl_log_set_facility(HA_LOG_FACILITY); } /* else: picked up by crm_set_env_options() */ } cl_log_enable_stderr(to_stderr); if(coredir) { const char *user = getenv("USER"); if(safe_str_neq(user, "root") && safe_str_neq(user, CRM_DAEMON_USER)) { crm_info("Not switching to corefile directory"); coredir = FALSE; } } if(coredir) { int user = getuid(); const char *base = HA_COREDIR; struct passwd *pwent = getpwuid(user); if (pwent == NULL) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Cannot get name for uid: %d", user); } else if(safe_str_neq(pwent->pw_name, "root") && safe_str_neq(pwent->pw_name, "nobody") && safe_str_neq(pwent->pw_name, CRM_DAEMON_USER)) { crm_debug("Don't change active directory for regular user: %s", pwent->pw_name); } else if (chdir(base) < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Cannot change active directory to %s", base); } else if (chdir(pwent->pw_name) < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Cannot change active directory to %s/%s", base, pwent->pw_name); } else { crm_info("Changed active directory to %s/%s", base, pwent->pw_name); } } crm_signal(DEBUG_INC, alter_debug); crm_signal(DEBUG_DEC, alter_debug); return TRUE; } /* returns the old value */ unsigned int set_crm_log_level(unsigned int level) { unsigned int old = crm_log_level; crm_log_level = level; return old; } unsigned int get_crm_log_level(void) { return crm_log_level; } static int crm_version_helper(const char *text, char **end_text) { int atoi_result = -1; CRM_ASSERT(end_text != NULL); errno = 0; if(text != NULL && text[0] != 0) { atoi_result = (int)strtol(text, end_text, 10); if(errno == EINVAL) { crm_err("Conversion of '%s' %c failed", text, text[0]); atoi_result = -1; } } return atoi_result; } /* * version1 < version2 : -1 * version1 = version2 : 0 * version1 > version2 : 1 */ int compare_version(const char *version1, const char *version2) { int rc = 0; int lpc = 0; char *ver1_copy = NULL, *ver2_copy = NULL; char *rest1 = NULL, *rest2 = NULL; if(version1 == NULL && version2 == NULL) { return 0; } else if(version1 == NULL) { return -1; } else if(version2 == NULL) { return 1; } ver1_copy = crm_strdup(version1); ver2_copy = crm_strdup(version2); rest1 = ver1_copy; rest2 = ver2_copy; while(1) { int digit1 = 0; int digit2 = 0; lpc++; if(rest1 == rest2) { break; } if(rest1 != NULL) { digit1 = crm_version_helper(rest1, &rest1); } if(rest2 != NULL) { digit2 = crm_version_helper(rest2, &rest2); } if(digit1 < digit2){ rc = -1; crm_debug_5("%d < %d", digit1, digit2); break; } else if (digit1 > digit2){ rc = 1; crm_debug_5("%d > %d", digit1, digit2); break; } if(rest1 != NULL && rest1[0] == '.') { rest1++; } if(rest1 != NULL && rest1[0] == 0) { rest1 = NULL; } if(rest2 != NULL && rest2[0] == '.') { rest2++; } if(rest2 != NULL && rest2[0] == 0) { rest2 = NULL; } } crm_free(ver1_copy); crm_free(ver2_copy); if(rc == 0) { crm_debug_3("%s == %s (%d)", version1, version2, lpc); } else if(rc < 0) { crm_debug_3("%s < %s (%d)", version1, version2, lpc); } else if(rc > 0) { crm_debug_3("%s > %s (%d)", version1, version2, lpc); } return rc; } gboolean do_stderr = FALSE; void alter_debug(int nsig) { crm_signal(DEBUG_INC, alter_debug); crm_signal(DEBUG_DEC, alter_debug); switch(nsig) { case DEBUG_INC: if (crm_log_level < 100) { crm_log_level++; } break; case DEBUG_DEC: if (crm_log_level > 0) { crm_log_level--; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown signal %d\n", nsig); cl_log(LOG_ERR, "Unknown signal %d", nsig); break; } } void g_hash_destroy_str(gpointer data) { crm_free(data); } #include /* #include */ /* #include */ long long crm_int_helper(const char *text, char **end_text) { long long result = -1; char *local_end_text = NULL; int saved_errno = 0; errno = 0; if(text != NULL) { #ifdef ANSI_ONLY if(end_text != NULL) { result = strtol(text, end_text, 10); } else { result = strtol(text, &local_end_text, 10); } #else if(end_text != NULL) { result = strtoll(text, end_text, 10); } else { result = strtoll(text, &local_end_text, 10); } #endif saved_errno = errno; /* CRM_CHECK(errno != EINVAL); */ if(errno == EINVAL) { crm_err("Conversion of %s failed", text); result = -1; } else if(errno == ERANGE) { crm_err("Conversion of %s was clipped: %lld", text, result); } else if(errno != 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Conversion of %s failed:", text); } if(local_end_text != NULL && local_end_text[0] != '\0') { crm_err("Characters left over after parsing '%s': '%s'", text, local_end_text); } errno = saved_errno; } return result; } int crm_parse_int(const char *text, const char *default_text) { int atoi_result = -1; if(text != NULL) { atoi_result = crm_int_helper(text, NULL); if(errno == 0) { return atoi_result; } } if(default_text != NULL) { atoi_result = crm_int_helper(default_text, NULL); if(errno == 0) { return atoi_result; } } else { crm_err("No default conversion value supplied"); } return -1; } gboolean safe_str_neq(const char *a, const char *b) { if(a == b) { return FALSE; } else if(a==NULL || b==NULL) { return TRUE; } else if(strcasecmp(a, b) == 0) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } char * crm_strdup_fn(const char *src, const char *file, const char *fn, int line) { char *dup = NULL; CRM_CHECK(src != NULL, crm_err("Could not perform copy at %s:%d (%s)", file, line, fn); return NULL); crm_malloc0(dup, strlen(src) + 1); return strcpy(dup, src); } #define ENV_PREFIX "HA_" void crm_set_env_options(void) { cl_inherit_logging_environment(500); cl_log_set_logd_channel_source(NULL, NULL); if(debug_level > 0 && (debug_level+LOG_INFO) > (int)crm_log_level) { set_crm_log_level(LOG_INFO + debug_level); } } gboolean crm_is_true(const char * s) { gboolean ret = FALSE; if(s != NULL) { crm_str_to_boolean(s, &ret); } return ret; } int crm_str_to_boolean(const char * s, int * ret) { if(s == NULL) { return -1; } else if (strcasecmp(s, "true") == 0 || strcasecmp(s, "on") == 0 || strcasecmp(s, "yes") == 0 || strcasecmp(s, "y") == 0 || strcasecmp(s, "1") == 0){ *ret = TRUE; return 1; } else if (strcasecmp(s, "false") == 0 || strcasecmp(s, "off") == 0 || strcasecmp(s, "no") == 0 || strcasecmp(s, "n") == 0 || strcasecmp(s, "0") == 0){ *ret = FALSE; return 1; } return -1; } #ifndef NUMCHARS # define NUMCHARS "0123456789." #endif #ifndef WHITESPACE # define WHITESPACE " \t\n\r\f" #endif unsigned long long crm_get_interval(const char * input) { ha_time_t *interval = NULL; char *input_copy = crm_strdup(input); char *input_copy_mutable = input_copy; unsigned long long msec = 0; if(input == NULL) { return 0; } else if(input[0] != 'P') { crm_free(input_copy); return crm_get_msec(input); } interval = parse_time_duration(&input_copy_mutable); msec = date_in_seconds(interval); free_ha_date(interval); crm_free(input_copy); return msec * 1000; } long long crm_get_msec(const char * input) { const char *cp = input; const char *units; long long multiplier = 1000; long long divisor = 1; long long msec = -1; char *end_text = NULL; /* double dret; */ if(input == NULL) { return msec; } cp += strspn(cp, WHITESPACE); units = cp + strspn(cp, NUMCHARS); units += strspn(units, WHITESPACE); if (strchr(NUMCHARS, *cp) == NULL) { return msec; } if (strncasecmp(units, "ms", 2) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "msec", 4) == 0) { multiplier = 1; divisor = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(units, "us", 2) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "usec", 4) == 0) { multiplier = 1; divisor = 1000; } else if (strncasecmp(units, "s", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "sec", 3) == 0) { multiplier = 1000; divisor = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(units, "m", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "min", 3) == 0) { multiplier = 60*1000; divisor = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(units, "h", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "hr", 2) == 0) { multiplier = 60*60*1000; divisor = 1; } else if (*units != EOS && *units != '\n' && *units != '\r') { return msec; } msec = crm_int_helper(cp, &end_text); msec *= multiplier; msec /= divisor; /* dret += 0.5; */ /* msec = (long long)dret; */ return msec; } const char * op_status2text(op_status_t status) { switch(status) { case LRM_OP_PENDING: return "pending"; break; case LRM_OP_DONE: return "complete"; break; case LRM_OP_ERROR: return "Error"; break; case LRM_OP_TIMEOUT: return "Timed Out"; break; case LRM_OP_NOTSUPPORTED: return "NOT SUPPORTED"; break; case LRM_OP_CANCELLED: return "Cancelled"; break; } crm_err("Unknown status: %d", status); return "UNKNOWN!"; } char * generate_op_key(const char *rsc_id, const char *op_type, int interval) { int len = 35; char *op_id = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(op_type != NULL, return NULL); len += strlen(op_type); len += strlen(rsc_id); crm_malloc0(op_id, len); CRM_CHECK(op_id != NULL, return NULL); sprintf(op_id, "%s_%s_%d", rsc_id, op_type, interval); return op_id; } gboolean parse_op_key(const char *key, char **rsc_id, char **op_type, int *interval) { char *mutable_key = NULL; char *mutable_key_ptr = NULL; int len = 0, offset = 0, ch = 0; CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE); *interval = 0; len = strlen(key); offset = len-1; crm_debug_3("Source: %s", key); while(offset > 0 && isdigit(key[offset])) { int digits = len-offset; ch = key[offset] - '0'; CRM_CHECK(ch < 10, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(ch >= 0, return FALSE); while(digits > 1) { digits--; ch = ch * 10; } *interval += ch; offset--; } crm_debug_3(" Interval: %d", *interval); CRM_CHECK(key[offset] == '_', return FALSE); mutable_key = crm_strdup(key); mutable_key_ptr = mutable_key_ptr; mutable_key[offset] = 0; offset--; while(offset > 0 && key[offset] != '_') { offset--; } CRM_CHECK(key[offset] == '_', crm_free(mutable_key); return FALSE); mutable_key_ptr = mutable_key+offset+1; crm_debug_3(" Action: %s", mutable_key_ptr); *op_type = crm_strdup(mutable_key_ptr); mutable_key[offset] = 0; offset--; CRM_CHECK(mutable_key != mutable_key_ptr, crm_free(mutable_key); return FALSE); crm_debug_3(" Resource: %s", mutable_key); *rsc_id = crm_strdup(mutable_key); crm_free(mutable_key); return TRUE; } char * generate_notify_key(const char *rsc_id, const char *notify_type, const char *op_type) { int len = 12; char *op_id = NULL; CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(op_type != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(notify_type != NULL, return NULL); len += strlen(op_type); len += strlen(rsc_id); len += strlen(notify_type); crm_malloc0(op_id, len); if(op_id != NULL) { sprintf(op_id, "%s_%s_notify_%s_0", rsc_id, notify_type, op_type); } return op_id; } char * generate_transition_magic_v202(const char *transition_key, int op_status) { int len = 80; char *fail_state = NULL; CRM_CHECK(transition_key != NULL, return NULL); len += strlen(transition_key); crm_malloc0(fail_state, len); if(fail_state != NULL) { snprintf(fail_state, len, "%d:%s", op_status,transition_key); } return fail_state; } char * generate_transition_magic(const char *transition_key, int op_status, int op_rc) { int len = 80; char *fail_state = NULL; CRM_CHECK(transition_key != NULL, return NULL); len += strlen(transition_key); crm_malloc0(fail_state, len); if(fail_state != NULL) { snprintf(fail_state, len, "%d:%d;%s", op_status, op_rc, transition_key); } return fail_state; } gboolean decode_transition_magic( const char *magic, char **uuid, int *transition_id, int *action_id, int *op_status, int *op_rc, int *target_rc) { int res = 0; char *key = NULL; gboolean result = TRUE; CRM_CHECK(magic != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(op_rc != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(op_status != NULL, return FALSE); crm_malloc0(key, strlen(magic)+1); res = sscanf(magic, "%d:%d;%s", op_status, op_rc, key); if(res != 3) { crm_crit("Only found %d items in: %s", res, magic); result = FALSE; goto bail; } CRM_CHECK(decode_transition_key(key, uuid, transition_id, action_id, target_rc), result = FALSE; goto bail; ); bail: crm_free(key); return result; } char * generate_transition_key(int transition_id, int action_id, int target_rc, const char *node) { int len = 40; char *fail_state = NULL; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL); len += strlen(node); crm_malloc0(fail_state, len); if(fail_state != NULL) { snprintf(fail_state, len, "%d:%d:%d:%s", action_id, transition_id, target_rc, node); } return fail_state; } gboolean decode_transition_key( const char *key, char **uuid, int *transition_id, int *action_id, int *target_rc) { int res = 0; gboolean done = FALSE; CRM_CHECK(uuid != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(target_rc != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(action_id != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(transition_id != NULL, return FALSE); crm_malloc0(*uuid, strlen(key)+1); res = sscanf(key, "%d:%d:%d:%s", action_id, transition_id, target_rc, *uuid); switch(res) { case 4: /* Post Pacemaker 0.6 */ done = TRUE; break; case 3: case 2: /* this can be tricky - the UUID might start with an integer */ /* Until Pacemaker 0.6 */ done = TRUE; *target_rc = -1; res = sscanf(key, "%d:%d:%s", action_id, transition_id, *uuid); if(res == 2) { *action_id = -1; res = sscanf(key, "%d:%s", transition_id, *uuid); CRM_CHECK(res == 2, done = FALSE); } else if(res != 3) { CRM_CHECK(res == 3, done = FALSE); } break; case 1: /* Prior to Heartbeat 2.0.8 */ done = TRUE; *action_id = -1; *target_rc = -1; res = sscanf(key, "%d:%s", transition_id, *uuid); CRM_CHECK(res == 2, done = FALSE); break; default: crm_crit("Unhandled sscanf result (%d) for %s", res, key); } if(strlen(*uuid) != 36) { crm_warn("Bad UUID (%s) in sscanf result (%d) for %s", *uuid, res, key); } if(done == FALSE) { crm_err("Cannot decode '%s' rc=%d", key, res); crm_free(*uuid); *uuid = NULL; *target_rc = -1; *action_id = -1; *transition_id = -1; } return done; } void filter_action_parameters(xmlNode *param_set, const char *version) { char *key = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *interval = NULL; #if CRM_DEPRECATED_SINCE_2_0_5 const char *filter_205[] = { XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC, XML_ATTR_LRM_PROBE, XML_RSC_ATTR_START, XML_RSC_ATTR_NOTIFY, XML_RSC_ATTR_UNIQUE, XML_RSC_ATTR_MANAGED, XML_RSC_ATTR_PRIORITY, XML_RSC_ATTR_MULTIPLE, XML_RSC_ATTR_STICKINESS, XML_RSC_ATTR_FAIL_STICKINESS, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, /* ignore clone fields */ XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION_MAX, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION_NODEMAX, XML_RSC_ATTR_MASTER_MAX, XML_RSC_ATTR_MASTER_NODEMAX, /* old field names */ "role", "crm_role", "te-target-rc", /* ignore notify fields */ "notify_stop_resource", "notify_stop_uname", "notify_start_resource", "notify_start_uname", "notify_active_resource", "notify_active_uname", "notify_inactive_resource", "notify_inactive_uname", "notify_promote_resource", "notify_promote_uname", "notify_demote_resource", "notify_demote_uname", "notify_master_resource", "notify_master_uname", "notify_slave_resource", "notify_slave_uname" }; #endif const char *attr_filter[] = { XML_ATTR_ID, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_DIGEST, }; gboolean do_delete = FALSE; int lpc = 0; static int meta_len = 0; if(meta_len == 0) { meta_len = strlen(CRM_META); } if(param_set == NULL) { return; } #if CRM_DEPRECATED_SINCE_2_0_5 if(version == NULL || compare_version("1.0.5", version) > 0) { for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(filter_205); lpc++) { xml_remove_prop(param_set, filter_205[lpc]); } } #endif for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(attr_filter); lpc++) { xml_remove_prop(param_set, attr_filter[lpc]); } key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); interval = crm_element_value_copy(param_set, key); crm_free(key); key = crm_meta_name(XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT); timeout = crm_element_value_copy(param_set, key); xml_prop_name_iter(param_set, prop_name, do_delete = FALSE; if(strncasecmp(prop_name, CRM_META, meta_len) == 0) { do_delete = TRUE; } if(do_delete) { xml_remove_prop(param_set, prop_name); } ); if(crm_get_msec(interval) > 0 && compare_version(version, "1.0.8") > 0) { /* Re-instate the operation's timeout value */ if(timeout != NULL) { crm_xml_add(param_set, key, timeout); } } crm_free(interval); crm_free(timeout); crm_free(key); } void filter_reload_parameters(xmlNode *param_set, const char *restart_string) { int len = 0; char *name = NULL; char *match = NULL; if(param_set == NULL) { return; } xml_prop_name_iter(param_set, prop_name, name = NULL; len = strlen(prop_name) + 3; crm_malloc0(name, len); sprintf(name, " %s ", prop_name); name[len-1] = 0; match = strstr(restart_string, name); if(match == NULL) { crm_debug_3("%s not found in %s", prop_name, restart_string); xml_remove_prop(param_set, prop_name); } crm_free(name); ); } void crm_abort(const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *assert_condition, gboolean do_core, gboolean do_fork) { int rc = 0; int pid = 0; int status = 0; if(do_core == FALSE) { do_crm_log(LOG_ERR, "%s: Triggered assert at %s:%d : %s", function, file, line, assert_condition); return; } else if(do_fork) { pid=fork(); } else { do_crm_log(LOG_ERR, "%s: Triggered fatal assert at %s:%d : %s", function, file, line, assert_condition); } switch(pid) { case -1: do_crm_log(LOG_CRIT, "%s: Cannot create core for non-fatal assert at %s:%d : %s", function, file, line, assert_condition); return; default: /* Parent */ do_crm_log(LOG_ERR, "%s: Forked child %d to record non-fatal assert at %s:%d : %s", function, pid, file, line, assert_condition); do { rc = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if(rc < 0 && errno != EINTR) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"%s: Cannot wait on forked child %d", function, pid); } } while(rc < 0 && errno == EINTR); return; case 0: /* Child */ abort(); break; } } char * generate_series_filename( const char *directory, const char *series, int sequence, gboolean bzip) { int len = 40; char *filename = NULL; const char *ext = "raw"; CRM_CHECK(directory != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(series != NULL, return NULL); len += strlen(directory); len += strlen(series); crm_malloc0(filename, len); CRM_CHECK(filename != NULL, return NULL); if(bzip) { ext = "bz2"; } sprintf(filename, "%s/%s-%d.%s", directory, series, sequence, ext); return filename; } int get_last_sequence(const char *directory, const char *series) { FILE *file_strm = NULL; int start = 0, length = 0, read_len = 0; char *series_file = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; int seq = 0; int len = 36; CRM_CHECK(directory != NULL, return 0); CRM_CHECK(series != NULL, return 0); len += strlen(directory); len += strlen(series); crm_malloc0(series_file, len); CRM_CHECK(series_file != NULL, return 0); sprintf(series_file, "%s/%s.last", directory, series); file_strm = fopen(series_file, "r"); if(file_strm == NULL) { crm_debug("Series file %s does not exist", series_file); crm_free(series_file); return 0; } /* see how big the file is */ start = ftell(file_strm); fseek(file_strm, 0L, SEEK_END); length = ftell(file_strm); fseek(file_strm, 0L, start); CRM_ASSERT(length >= 0); CRM_ASSERT(start == ftell(file_strm)); crm_debug_3("Reading %d bytes from file", length); crm_malloc0(buffer, (length+1)); read_len = fread(buffer, 1, length, file_strm); if(read_len != length) { crm_err("Calculated and read bytes differ: %d vs. %d", length, read_len); crm_free(buffer); buffer = NULL; } else if(length <= 0) { crm_info("%s was not valid", series_file); crm_free(buffer); buffer = NULL; } crm_free(series_file); seq = crm_parse_int(buffer, "0"); crm_free(buffer); fclose(file_strm); return seq; } void write_last_sequence( const char *directory, const char *series, int sequence, int max) { int rc = 0; int len = 36; FILE *file_strm = NULL; char *series_file = NULL; CRM_CHECK(directory != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(series != NULL, return); if(max == 0) { return; } while(max > 0 && sequence > max) { sequence -= max; } len += strlen(directory); len += strlen(series); crm_malloc0(series_file, len); sprintf(series_file, "%s/%s.last", directory, series); file_strm = fopen(series_file, "w"); if(file_strm == NULL) { crm_err("Cannout open series file %s for writing", series_file); goto bail; } rc = fprintf(file_strm, "%d", sequence); if(rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Cannot write to series file %s", series_file); } bail: if(file_strm != NULL) { fflush(file_strm); fclose(file_strm); } crm_free(series_file); } #define LOCKSTRLEN 11 int crm_pid_active(long pid) { int rc = 0; int running = 0; char proc_path[PATH_MAX], exe_path[PATH_MAX], myexe_path[PATH_MAX]; if(pid <= 0) { return -1; } else if (kill(pid, 0) < 0 && errno == ESRCH) { return 0; } #ifndef HAVE_PROC_PID return 1; #endif /* check to make sure pid hasn't been reused by another process */ snprintf(proc_path, sizeof(proc_path), "/proc/%lu/exe", pid); rc = readlink(proc_path, exe_path, PATH_MAX-1); if(rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not read from %s", proc_path); goto bail; } exe_path[rc] = 0; snprintf(proc_path, sizeof(proc_path), "/proc/%lu/exe", (long unsigned int)getpid()); rc = readlink(proc_path, myexe_path, PATH_MAX-1); if(rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not read from %s", proc_path); goto bail; } myexe_path[rc] = 0; if(strcmp(exe_path, myexe_path) == 0) { running = 1; } bail: return running; } int crm_read_pidfile(const char *filename) { int fd; long pid = -1; char buf[LOCKSTRLEN+1]; if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { goto bail; } if (read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 1) { goto bail; } if (sscanf(buf, "%lu", &pid) > 0) { if (pid <= 0){ pid = -LSB_STATUS_STOPPED; } } bail: if(fd >= 0) { close(fd); } return pid; } int crm_lock_pidfile(const char *filename) { struct stat sbuf; int fd = 0, rc = 0; long pid = 0, mypid = 0; char lf_name[256], tf_name[256], buf[LOCKSTRLEN+1]; mypid = (unsigned long) getpid(); snprintf(lf_name, sizeof(lf_name), "%s",filename); snprintf(tf_name, sizeof(tf_name), "%s.%lu", filename, mypid); if ((fd = open(lf_name, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { if (fstat(fd, &sbuf) >= 0 && sbuf.st_size < LOCKSTRLEN) { sleep(1); /* if someone was about to create one, * give'm a sec to do so * Though if they follow our protocol, * this won't happen. They should really * put the pid in, then link, not the * other way around. */ } if (read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) { if (sscanf(buf, "%lu", &pid) > 0) { if (pid > 1 && pid != getpid() && crm_pid_active(pid)) { /* locked by existing process - give up */ close(fd); return -1; } } } unlink(lf_name); close(fd); } if ((fd = open(tf_name, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL, 0644)) < 0) { /* Hmmh, why did we fail? Anyway, nothing we can do about it */ return -3; } /* Slight overkill with the %*d format ;-) */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%*lu\n", LOCKSTRLEN-1, mypid); if (write(fd, buf, LOCKSTRLEN) != LOCKSTRLEN) { /* Again, nothing we can do about this */ rc = -3; close(fd); goto out; } close(fd); switch (link(tf_name, lf_name)) { case 0: if (stat(tf_name, &sbuf) < 0) { /* something weird happened */ rc = -3; } else if (sbuf.st_nlink < 2) { /* somehow, it didn't get through - NFS trouble? */ rc = -2; } else { rc = 0; } break; case EEXIST: rc = -1; break; default: rc = -3; } out: unlink(tf_name); return rc; } void crm_make_daemon(const char *name, gboolean daemonize, const char *pidfile) { long pid; const char *devnull = "/dev/null"; if(daemonize == FALSE) { return; } pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not start daemon\n", name); crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"fork"); exit(LSB_EXIT_GENERIC); } else if (pid > 0) { exit(LSB_EXIT_OK); } if (crm_lock_pidfile(pidfile) < 0 ) { pid = crm_read_pidfile(pidfile); if(crm_pid_active(pid) > 0) { crm_warn("%s: already running [pid %ld] (%s).\n", name, pid, pidfile); exit(LSB_EXIT_OK); } } umask(022); close(STDIN_FILENO); (void)open(devnull, O_RDONLY); /* Stdin: fd 0 */ close(STDOUT_FILENO); (void)open(devnull, O_WRONLY); /* Stdout: fd 1 */ close(STDERR_FILENO); (void)open(devnull, O_WRONLY); /* Stderr: fd 2 */ } gboolean crm_is_writable(const char *dir, const char *file, const char *user, const char *group, gboolean need_both) { int s_res = -1; struct stat buf; char *full_file = NULL; const char *target = NULL; gboolean pass = TRUE; gboolean readwritable = FALSE; CRM_ASSERT(dir != NULL); if(file != NULL) { full_file = crm_concat(dir, file, '/'); target = full_file; s_res = stat(full_file, &buf); if( s_res == 0 && S_ISREG(buf.st_mode) == FALSE ) { crm_err("%s must be a regular file", target); pass = FALSE; goto out; } } if (s_res != 0) { target = dir; s_res = stat(dir, &buf); if(s_res != 0) { crm_err("%s must exist and be a directory", dir); pass = FALSE; goto out; } else if( S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) == FALSE ) { crm_err("%s must be a directory", dir); pass = FALSE; } } if(user) { struct passwd *sys_user = NULL; sys_user = getpwnam(user); readwritable = (sys_user != NULL && buf.st_uid == sys_user->pw_uid && (buf.st_mode & (S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR))); if(readwritable == FALSE) { crm_err("%s must be owned and r/w by user %s", target, user); if(need_both) { pass = FALSE; } } } if(group) { struct group *sys_grp = getgrnam(group); readwritable = ( sys_grp != NULL && buf.st_gid == sys_grp->gr_gid && (buf.st_mode & (S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP))); if(readwritable == FALSE) { if(need_both || user == NULL) { pass = FALSE; crm_err("%s must be owned and r/w by group %s", target, group); } else { crm_warn("%s should be owned and r/w by group %s", target, group); } } } out: crm_free(full_file); return pass; } static unsigned long long crm_bit_filter = 0; /* 0x00000002ULL; */ static unsigned int bit_log_level = LOG_DEBUG_5; long long crm_clear_bit(const char *function, long long word, long long bit) { unsigned int level = bit_log_level; if(bit & crm_bit_filter) { level = LOG_ERR; } do_crm_log_unlikely(level, "Bit 0x%.16llx cleared by %s", bit, function); word &= ~bit; return word; } long long crm_set_bit(const char *function, long long word, long long bit) { unsigned int level = bit_log_level; if(bit & crm_bit_filter) { level = LOG_ERR; } do_crm_log_unlikely(level, "Bit 0x%.16llx set by %s", bit, function); word |= bit; return word; } static const char *cluster_type = NULL; gboolean is_openais_cluster(void) { if(cluster_type == NULL) { cluster_type = getenv("HA_cluster_type"); if(cluster_type == NULL) { cluster_type = "Heartbeat"; } } if(safe_str_eq("openais", cluster_type)) { #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC return TRUE; #else crm_crit("The installation of Pacemaker only supports Heartbeat" " but you're trying to run it on %s. Terminating.", cluster_type); exit(100); #endif } return FALSE; } gboolean is_heartbeat_cluster(void) { #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT return !is_openais_cluster(); #else if(is_openais_cluster() == FALSE) { crm_crit("The installation of Pacemaker only supports OpenAIS" " but you're trying to run it on %s. Terminating.", cluster_type); exit(100); } return FALSE; #endif } gboolean crm_str_eq(const char *a, const char *b, gboolean use_case) { if(a == b) { return TRUE; } else if(a == NULL || b == NULL) { /* shouldn't be comparing NULLs */ return FALSE; } else if(use_case && a[0] != b[0]) { return FALSE; } else if(strcasecmp(a, b) == 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } char *crm_meta_name(const char *field) { int lpc = 0; int max = 0; char *crm_name = NULL; CRM_CHECK(field != NULL, return NULL); crm_name = crm_concat(CRM_META, field, '_'); /* Massage the names so they can be used as shell variables */ max = strlen(crm_name); for(; lpc < max; lpc++) { switch(crm_name[lpc]) { case '-': crm_name[lpc] = '_'; break; } } return crm_name; } const char *crm_meta_value(GHashTable *hash, const char *field) { char *key = NULL; const char *value = NULL; key = crm_meta_name(field); if(key) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, key); crm_free(key); } return value; } static struct crm_option *crm_long_options = NULL; static const char *crm_app_description = NULL; static const char *crm_short_options = NULL; static const char *crm_app_usage = NULL; static struct option *crm_create_long_opts(struct crm_option *long_options) { struct option *long_opts = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H int index = 0, lpc = 0; /* * A previous, possibly poor, choice of '?' as the short form of --help * means that getopt_long() returns '?' for both --help and for "unknown option" * * This dummy entry allows us to differentiate between the two in crm_get_option() * and exit with the correct error code */ crm_realloc(long_opts, (index+1) * sizeof(struct option)); long_opts[index].name = "__dummmy__"; long_opts[index].has_arg = 0; long_opts[index].flag = 0; long_opts[index].val = '_'; index++; for(lpc = 0; long_options[lpc].name != NULL; lpc++) { if(long_options[lpc].name[0] == '-') { continue; } crm_realloc(long_opts, (index+1) * sizeof(struct option)); /*fprintf(stderr, "Creating %d %s = %c\n", index, * long_options[lpc].name, long_options[lpc].val); */ long_opts[index].name = long_options[lpc].name; long_opts[index].has_arg = long_options[lpc].has_arg; long_opts[index].flag = long_options[lpc].flag; long_opts[index].val = long_options[lpc].val; index++; } /* Now create the list terminator */ crm_realloc(long_opts, (index+1) * sizeof(struct option)); long_opts[index].name = NULL; long_opts[index].has_arg = 0; long_opts[index].flag = 0; long_opts[index].val = 0; #endif return long_opts; } void crm_set_options(const char *short_options, const char *app_usage, struct crm_option *long_options, const char *app_desc) { if(short_options) { crm_short_options = short_options; } if(long_options) { crm_long_options = long_options; } if(app_desc) { crm_app_description = app_desc; } if(app_usage) { crm_app_usage = app_usage; } } int crm_get_option(int argc, char **argv, int *index) { #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H static struct option *long_opts = NULL; if(long_opts == NULL && crm_long_options) { long_opts = crm_create_long_opts(crm_long_options); } if(long_opts) { int flag = getopt_long(argc, argv, crm_short_options, long_opts, index); switch(flag) { case 0: return long_opts[*index].val; case -1: /* End of option processing */ break; case ':': crm_debug_2("Missing argument"); crm_help('?', 1); break; case '?': crm_help('?', *index?0:1); break; } return flag; } #endif if(crm_short_options) { return getopt(argc, argv, crm_short_options); } return -1; } void crm_help(char cmd, int exit_code) { int i = 0; FILE *stream = (exit_code ? stderr : stdout); if(cmd == 'v' || cmd == '$') { fprintf(stream, "Pacemaker %s\n", VERSION); fprintf(stream, "Written by Andrew Beekhof\n"); goto out; } if(cmd == '!') { fprintf(stream, "Pacemaker %s (Build: %s): %s\n", VERSION, BUILD_VERSION, CRM_FEATURES); goto out; } fprintf(stream, "%s - %s\n", crm_system_name, crm_app_description); if(crm_app_usage) { fprintf(stream, "Usage: %s %s\n", crm_system_name, crm_app_usage); } if(crm_long_options) { fprintf(stream, "Options:\n"); for(i = 0; crm_long_options[i].name != NULL; i++) { if(crm_long_options[i].flags & pcmk_option_hidden) { } else if(crm_long_options[i].flags & pcmk_option_paragraph) { fprintf(stream, "%s\n\n", crm_long_options[i].desc); } else if(crm_long_options[i].flags & pcmk_option_example) { fprintf(stream, "\t#%s\n\n", crm_long_options[i].desc); } else if(crm_long_options[i].val == '-' && crm_long_options[i].desc) { fprintf(stream, "%s\n", crm_long_options[i].desc); } else { fprintf(stream, " -%c, --%s%c%s\t%s\n", crm_long_options[i].val, crm_long_options[i].name, crm_long_options[i].has_arg?'=':' ',crm_long_options[i].has_arg?"value":"", crm_long_options[i].desc?crm_long_options[i].desc:""); } } } else if(crm_short_options) { fprintf(stream, "Usage: %s - %s\n", crm_system_name, crm_app_description); for(i = 0; crm_short_options[i] != 0; i++) { int has_arg = FALSE; if(crm_short_options[i+1] == ':') { has_arg = TRUE; } fprintf(stream, " -%c %s\n", crm_short_options[i], has_arg?"{value}":""); if(has_arg) { i++; } } } fprintf(stream, "\nReport bugs to %s\n", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); out: if(exit_code >= 0) { exit(exit_code); } } #include <../../tools/attrd.h> gboolean attrd_update(IPC_Channel *cluster, char command, const char *host, const char *name, const char *value, const char *section, const char *set, const char *dampen) { gboolean success = FALSE; const char *reason = "Cluster connection failed"; /* remap common aliases */ if(safe_str_eq(section, "reboot")) { section = XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS; } else if(safe_str_eq(section, "forever")) { section = XML_CIB_TAG_NODES; } if(cluster == NULL) { reason = "No connection to the cluster"; } else { xmlNode *update = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(update, F_TYPE, T_ATTRD); crm_xml_add(update, F_ORIG, crm_system_name); if(name == NULL && command == 'U') { command = 'R'; } switch(command) { case 'D': case 'U': case 'v': crm_xml_add(update, F_ATTRD_TASK, "update"); crm_xml_add(update, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE, name); break; case 'R': crm_xml_add(update, F_ATTRD_TASK, "refresh"); break; case 'q': crm_xml_add(update, F_ATTRD_TASK, "query"); break; } crm_xml_add(update, F_ATTRD_VALUE, value); crm_xml_add(update, F_ATTRD_DAMPEN, dampen); crm_xml_add(update, F_ATTRD_SECTION, section); crm_xml_add(update, F_ATTRD_HOST, host); crm_xml_add(update, F_ATTRD_SET, set); success = send_ipc_message(cluster, update); free_xml(update); } if(success) { crm_debug("Sent update: %s=%s for %s", name, value, host?host:"localhost"); return TRUE; } crm_info("Could not send update: %s=%s for %s", name, value, host?host:"localhost"); return FALSE; } gboolean attrd_lazy_update(char command, const char *host, const char *name, const char *value, const char *section, const char *set, const char *dampen) { int max = 5; gboolean updated = FALSE; static IPC_Channel *cluster = NULL; while(updated == 0 && max > 0) { if(cluster == NULL) { crm_info("Connecting to cluster... %d retries remaining", max); cluster = init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch(T_ATTRD); } if(cluster != NULL) { updated = attrd_update(cluster, command, host, name, value, section, set, dampen); } if(updated == 0) { cluster = NULL; sleep(2); max--; } } return updated; } gboolean attrd_update_no_mainloop(int *connection, char command, const char *host, const char *name, const char *value, const char *section, const char *set, const char *dampen) { int max = 5; gboolean updated = FALSE; static IPC_Channel *cluster = NULL; if(connection && *connection == 0 && cluster) { crm_info("Forcing a new connection to the cluster"); cluster = NULL; } while(updated == 0 && max > 0) { if(cluster == NULL) { crm_info("Connecting to cluster... %d retries remaining", max); cluster = init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch(T_ATTRD); } if(connection) { if(cluster != NULL) { *connection = cluster->ops->get_recv_select_fd(cluster); } else { *connection = 0; } } if(cluster != NULL) { updated = attrd_update(cluster, command, host, name, value, section, set, dampen); } if(updated == 0) { cluster = NULL; sleep(2); max--; } } return updated; } #define FAKE_TE_ID "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" static void append_digest(lrm_op_t *op, xmlNode *update, const char *version, const char *magic, int level) { /* this will enable us to later determine that the * resource's parameters have changed and we should force * a restart */ char *digest = NULL; xmlNode *args_xml = NULL; if(op->params == NULL) { return; } args_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS); g_hash_table_foreach(op->params, hash2field, args_xml); filter_action_parameters(args_xml, version); digest = calculate_xml_digest(args_xml, TRUE, FALSE); #if 0 if(level < crm_log_level && op->interval == 0 && crm_str_eq(op->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_START, TRUE)) { char *digest_source = dump_xml_unformatted(args_xml); do_crm_log(level, "Calculated digest %s for %s (%s). Source: %s\n", digest, ID(update), magic, digest_source); crm_free(digest_source); } #endif crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_DIGEST, digest); free_xml(args_xml); crm_free(digest); } xmlNode * create_operation_update( xmlNode *parent, lrm_op_t *op, const char *caller_version, int target_rc, const char *origin, int level) { char *magic = NULL; const char *task = NULL; xmlNode *xml_op = NULL; char *op_id = NULL; char *local_user_data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return NULL); do_crm_log(level, "%s: Updating resouce %s after %s %s op (interval=%d)", origin, op->rsc_id, op_status2text(op->op_status), op->op_type, op->interval); if(op->op_status == LRM_OP_CANCELLED) { crm_debug_3("Ignoring cancelled op"); return NULL; } crm_debug_3("DC version: %s", caller_version); task = op->op_type; /* remap the task name under various scenarios * this makes life easier for the PE when its trying determin the current state */ if(crm_str_eq(task, "reload", TRUE)) { if(op->op_status == LRM_OP_DONE) { task = CRMD_ACTION_START; } else { task = CRMD_ACTION_STATUS; } } else if(crm_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE, TRUE)) { /* if the migrate_from fails it will have enough info to do the right thing */ if(op->op_status == LRM_OP_DONE) { task = CRMD_ACTION_STOP; } else { task = CRMD_ACTION_STATUS; } } else if(op->op_status == LRM_OP_DONE && crm_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED, TRUE)) { task = CRMD_ACTION_START; } else if(crm_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY, TRUE)) { const char *n_type = crm_meta_value(op->params, "notify_type"); const char *n_task = crm_meta_value(op->params, "notify_operation"); CRM_DEV_ASSERT(n_type != NULL); CRM_DEV_ASSERT(n_task != NULL); op_id = generate_notify_key(op->rsc_id, n_type, n_task); /* these are not yet allowed to fail */ op->op_status = LRM_OP_DONE; op->rc = 0; } if (op_id == NULL) { op_id = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, task, op->interval); } xml_op = find_entity(parent, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, op_id); if(xml_op != NULL) { crm_log_xml(LOG_DEBUG, "Replacing existing entry", xml_op); } else { xml_op = create_xml_node(parent, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP); } if(op->user_data == NULL) { crm_debug("Generating fake transition key for:" " %s_%s_%d %d from %s", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->call_id, op->app_name); local_user_data = generate_transition_key(-1, op->call_id, target_rc, FAKE_TE_ID); op->user_data = local_user_data; } magic = generate_transition_magic(op->user_data, op->op_status, op->rc); crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_ID, op_id); crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK, task); crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, origin); crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, caller_version); crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, op->user_data); crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC, magic); crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, op->call_id); crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, op->rc); crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS, op->op_status); crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, op->interval); if(compare_version("2.1", caller_version) <= 0) { if(op->t_run || op->t_rcchange || op->exec_time || op->queue_time) { crm_debug_2("Timing data (%s_%s_%d): last=%lu change=%lu exec=%lu queue=%lu", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->t_run, op->t_rcchange, op->exec_time, op->queue_time); crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, "last-run", op->t_run); crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, "last-rc-change", op->t_rcchange); crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, "exec-time", op->exec_time); crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, "queue-time", op->queue_time); } } append_digest(op, xml_op, caller_version, magic, LOG_DEBUG); if(op->op_status != LRM_OP_DONE && crm_str_eq(op->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED, TRUE)) { const char *host = crm_meta_value(op->params, "migrate_source_uuid"); crm_xml_add(xml_op, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED, host); } if(local_user_data) { crm_free(local_user_data); op->user_data = NULL; } crm_free(magic); crm_free(op_id); return xml_op; } + +void +free_lrm_op(lrm_op_t *op) +{ + g_hash_table_destroy(op->params); + crm_free(op->user_data); + crm_free(op->output); + crm_free(op->rsc_id); + crm_free(op->op_type); + crm_free(op->app_name); + crm_free(op); +} diff --git a/lib/common/xml.c b/lib/common/xml.c index ff97b9e6ce..2feb118133 100644 --- a/lib/common/xml.c +++ b/lib/common/xml.c @@ -1,2805 +1,2806 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_BZLIB_H # include #endif #define XML_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 #define XML_PARSER_DEBUG 0 xmlDoc *getDocPtr(xmlNode *node); struct schema_s { int type; const char *name; const char *location; const char *transform; int after_transform; }; struct schema_s known_schemas[] = { /* 0 */ { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1 }, /* 1 */ { 1, "pacemaker-0.6", CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY"/crm.dtd", CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY"/upgrade06.xsl", 4 }, /* 2 */ { 1, "transitional-0.6", CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY"/crm-transitional.dtd", CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY"/upgrade06.xsl", 4 }, /* 3 */ { 2, "pacemaker-0.7", CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY"/pacemaker-1.0.rng", NULL, 0 }, /* 4 */ { 2, "pacemaker-1.0", CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY"/pacemaker-1.0.rng", NULL, 6 }, /* 5 */ { 2, "pacemaker-1.1", CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY"/pacemaker-1.1.rng", NULL, 6 }, /* 6 */ { 2, "pacemaker-1.2", CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY"/pacemaker-1.2.rng", NULL, 0 }, /* 7 */ { 0, "none", NULL, NULL, 0 }, }; static int all_schemas = DIMOF(known_schemas); static int max_schemas = DIMOF(known_schemas) - 2; /* skip back past 'none' */ static const char *filter[] = { XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, XML_DIFF_MARKER, XML_CIB_ATTR_WRITTEN, }; static void add_ha_nocopy(HA_Message *parent, HA_Message *child, const char *field) { int next = parent->nfields; if (parent->nfields >= parent->nalloc && ha_msg_expand(parent) != HA_OK ) { crm_err("Parent expansion failed"); return; } parent->names[next] = crm_strdup(field); parent->nlens[next] = strlen(field); parent->values[next] = child; parent->vlens[next] = sizeof(HA_Message); parent->types[next] = FT_UNCOMPRESS; parent->nfields++; } int print_spaces(char *buffer, int spaces, int max); int log_data_element(const char *function, const char *prefix, int log_level, int depth, xmlNode *data, gboolean formatted); int get_tag_name(const char *input, size_t offset, size_t max); int get_attr_name(const char *input, size_t offset, size_t max); int get_attr_value(const char *input, size_t offset, size_t max); gboolean can_prune_leaf(xmlNode *xml_node); void diff_filter_context(int context, int upper_bound, int lower_bound, xmlNode *xml_node, xmlNode *parent); int in_upper_context(int depth, int context, xmlNode *xml_node); int write_file(const char *string, const char *filename); xmlNode * find_xml_node(xmlNode *root, const char * search_path, gboolean must_find) { const char *name = "NULL"; if(must_find || root != NULL) { crm_validate_data(root); } if(root != NULL) { name = crm_element_name(root); } if(search_path == NULL) { crm_warn("Will never find "); return NULL; } xml_child_iter_filter( root, a_child, search_path, /* crm_debug_5("returning node (%s).", crm_element_name(a_child)); */ crm_validate_data(a_child); return a_child; ); if(must_find) { crm_warn("Could not find %s in %s.", search_path, name); } else if(root != NULL) { crm_debug_3("Could not find %s in %s.", search_path, name); } else { crm_debug_3("Could not find %s in .", search_path); } return NULL; } xmlNode* find_entity(xmlNode *parent, const char *node_name, const char *id) { crm_validate_data(parent); xml_child_iter_filter( parent, a_child, node_name, if(id == NULL || crm_str_eq(id, ID(a_child), TRUE)) { crm_debug_4("returning node (%s).", crm_element_name(a_child)); return a_child; } ); crm_debug_3("node <%s id=%s> not found in %s.", node_name, id, crm_element_name(parent)); return NULL; } void copy_in_properties(xmlNode* target, xmlNode *src) { crm_validate_data(src); crm_validate_data(target); if(src == NULL) { crm_warn("No node to copy properties from"); } else if (target == NULL) { crm_err("No node to copy properties into"); } else { xml_prop_iter( src, local_prop_name, local_prop_value, expand_plus_plus(target, local_prop_name, local_prop_value) ); crm_validate_data(target); } return; } void fix_plus_plus_recursive(xmlNode* target) { xml_prop_iter(target, name, value, expand_plus_plus(target, name, value)); xml_child_iter(target, child, fix_plus_plus_recursive(child)); } void expand_plus_plus(xmlNode* target, const char *name, const char *value) { int offset = 1; int name_len = 0; int int_value = 0; int value_len = 0; const char *old_value = NULL; if(value == NULL || name == NULL) { return; } old_value = crm_element_value(target, name); if(old_value == NULL) { /* if no previous value, set unexpanded */ goto set_unexpanded; } else if(strstr(value, name) != value) { goto set_unexpanded; } name_len = strlen(name); value_len = strlen(value); if(value_len < (name_len + 2) || value[name_len] != '+' || (value[name_len+1] != '+' && value[name_len+1] != '=')) { goto set_unexpanded; } /* if we are expanding ourselves, * then no previous value was set and leave int_value as 0 */ if(old_value != value) { int_value = char2score(old_value); } if(value[name_len+1] != '+') { const char *offset_s = value+(name_len+2); offset = char2score(offset_s); } int_value += offset; if(int_value > INFINITY) { int_value = INFINITY; } crm_xml_add_int(target, name, int_value); return; set_unexpanded: if(old_value == value) { /* the old value is already set, nothing to do */ return; } crm_xml_add(target, name, value); return; } xmlDoc *getDocPtr(xmlNode *node) { xmlDoc *doc = NULL; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL); doc = node->doc; if(doc == NULL) { doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar*)"1.0"); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); xmlSetTreeDoc(node, doc); } return doc; } xmlNode* add_node_copy(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *src_node) { xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlDoc *doc = getDocPtr(parent); CRM_CHECK(src_node != NULL, return NULL); child = xmlDocCopyNode(src_node, doc, 1); xmlAddChild(parent, child); return child; } int add_node_nocopy(xmlNode *parent, const char *name, xmlNode *child) { add_node_copy(parent, child); free_xml(child); return HA_OK; } const char * crm_xml_add(xmlNode* node, const char *name, const char *value) { xmlAttr *attr = NULL; CRM_CHECK_AND_STORE(node != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK_AND_STORE(name != NULL, return NULL); if(value == NULL) { return NULL; } #if XML_PARANOIA_CHECKS { const char *old_value = NULL; old_value = crm_element_value(node, name); /* Could be re-setting the same value */ CRM_CHECK_AND_STORE(old_value != value, crm_err("Cannot reset %s with crm_xml_add(%s)", name, value); return value); } #endif attr = xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar*)name, (const xmlChar*)value); CRM_CHECK(attr && attr->children && attr->children->content, return NULL); return (char *)attr->children->content; } const char * crm_xml_replace(xmlNode* node, const char *name, const char *value) { xmlAttr *attr = NULL; const char *old_value = NULL; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(name != NULL && name[0] != 0, return NULL); old_value = crm_element_value(node, name); /* Could be re-setting the same value */ CRM_CHECK_AND_STORE(old_value != value, return value); if (old_value != NULL && value == NULL) { xml_remove_prop(node, name); return NULL; } else if(value == NULL) { return NULL; } attr = xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar*)name, (const xmlChar*)value); CRM_CHECK(attr && attr->children && attr->children->content, return NULL); return (char *)attr->children->content; } const char * crm_xml_add_int(xmlNode* node, const char *name, int value) { char *number = crm_itoa(value); const char *added = crm_xml_add(node, name, number); crm_free(number); return added; } xmlNode* create_xml_node(xmlNode *parent, const char *name) { xmlDoc *doc = NULL; xmlNode *node = NULL; if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0) { return NULL; } if(parent == NULL) { doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar*)"1.0"); node = xmlNewDocRawNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)name, NULL); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); } else { doc = getDocPtr(parent); node = xmlNewDocRawNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)name, NULL); xmlAddChild(parent, node); } return node; } void free_xml_from_parent(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *a_node) { CRM_CHECK(a_node != NULL, return); xmlUnlinkNode(a_node); xmlFreeNode(a_node); } xmlNode* copy_xml(xmlNode *src) { xmlDoc *doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar*)"1.0"); xmlNode *copy = xmlDocCopyNode(src, doc, 1); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, copy); xmlSetTreeDoc(copy, doc); return copy; } static void crm_xml_err(void * ctx, const char * msg, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2,3); extern size_t strlcat(char * dest, const char *source, size_t len); int write_file(const char *string, const char *filename) { int rc = 0; FILE *file_output_strm = NULL; CRM_CHECK(filename != NULL, return -1); if (string == NULL) { crm_err("Cannot write NULL to %s", filename); return -1; } file_output_strm = fopen(filename, "w"); if(file_output_strm == NULL) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Cannot open %s for writing", filename); return -1; } rc = fprintf(file_output_strm, "%s", string); if(rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Cannot write output to %s", filename); } if(fflush(file_output_strm) != 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"fflush for %s failed:", filename); rc = -1; } if(fsync(fileno(file_output_strm)) < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"fsync for %s failed:", filename); rc = -1; } fclose(file_output_strm); return rc; } static void crm_xml_err(void * ctx, const char * msg, ...) { int len = 0; va_list args; char *buf = NULL; static int buffer_len = 0; static char *buffer = NULL; va_start(args, msg); len = vasprintf(&buf, msg, args); if(strchr(buf, '\n')) { buf[len - 1] = 0; if(buffer) { crm_err("XML Error: %s%s", buffer, buf); free(buffer); } else { crm_err("XML Error: %s", buf); } buffer = NULL; buffer_len = 0; } else if(buffer == NULL) { buffer_len = len; buffer = buf; buf = NULL; } else { buffer_len += len; buffer = realloc(buffer, buffer_len); strlcat(buffer, buf, buffer_len); } va_end(args); free(buf); } xmlNode* string2xml(const char *input) { xmlNode *xml = NULL; xmlDocPtr output = NULL; xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = NULL; xmlErrorPtr last_error = NULL; if(input == NULL) { crm_err("Can't parse NULL input"); return NULL; } /* create a parser context */ ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt(); CRM_CHECK(ctxt != NULL, return NULL); /* xmlCtxtUseOptions(ctxt, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS|XML_PARSE_RECOVER); */ xmlCtxtResetLastError(ctxt); xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(ctxt, crm_xml_err); /* initGenericErrorDefaultFunc(crm_xml_err); */ output = xmlCtxtReadDoc(ctxt, (const xmlChar*)input, NULL, NULL, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS|XML_PARSE_RECOVER); if(output) { xml = xmlDocGetRootElement(output); } last_error = xmlCtxtGetLastError(ctxt); if(last_error && last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK) { /* crm_abort(__FILE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__, "last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK", TRUE, TRUE); */ /* * http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlErrorLevel * http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlParserErrors */ crm_warn("Parsing failed (domain=%d, level=%d, code=%d): %s", last_error->domain, last_error->level, last_error->code, last_error->message); if(last_error->code != XML_ERR_DOCUMENT_END) { crm_err("Couldn't%s parse %d chars: %s", xml?" fully":"", (int)strlen(input), input); if(xml != NULL) { crm_log_xml_err(xml, "Partial"); } } else { int len = strlen(input); crm_warn("String start: %.50s", input); crm_warn("String start+%d: %s", len-50, input+len-50); crm_abort(__FILE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__, "String parsing error", TRUE, TRUE); } } xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); return xml; } xmlNode * stdin2xml(void) { size_t data_length = 0; size_t read_chars = 0; char *xml_buffer = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; do { crm_realloc(xml_buffer, XML_BUFFER_SIZE + data_length + 1); read_chars = fread(xml_buffer + data_length, 1, XML_BUFFER_SIZE, stdin); data_length += read_chars; } while (read_chars > 0); if(data_length == 0) { crm_warn("No XML supplied on stdin"); + crm_free(xml_buffer); return NULL; } xml_buffer[data_length] = '\0'; xml_obj = string2xml(xml_buffer); crm_free(xml_buffer); crm_log_xml_debug_3(xml_obj, "Created fragment"); return xml_obj; } static char * decompress_file(const char *filename) { char *buffer = NULL; #if HAVE_BZLIB_H int rc = 0; size_t length = 0, read_len = 0; BZFILE *bz_file = NULL; FILE *input = fopen(filename, "r"); if(input == NULL) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Could not open %s for reading", filename); return NULL; } bz_file = BZ2_bzReadOpen(&rc, input, 0, 0, NULL, 0); if ( rc != BZ_OK ) { BZ2_bzReadClose ( &rc, bz_file); return NULL; } rc = BZ_OK; while ( rc == BZ_OK ) { crm_realloc(buffer, XML_BUFFER_SIZE + length + 1); read_len = BZ2_bzRead ( &rc, bz_file, buffer + length, XML_BUFFER_SIZE); crm_debug_5("Read %ld bytes from file: %d", (long)read_len, rc); if ( rc == BZ_OK || rc == BZ_STREAM_END) { length += read_len; } } buffer[length] = '\0'; read_len = length; if ( rc != BZ_STREAM_END ) { crm_err("Couldnt read compressed xml from file"); crm_free(buffer); buffer = NULL; } BZ2_bzReadClose (&rc, bz_file); fclose(input); #else crm_err("Cannot read compressed files:" " bzlib was not available at compile time"); #endif return buffer; } xmlNode * filename2xml(const char *filename) { xmlNode *xml = NULL; xmlDocPtr output = NULL; xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = NULL; xmlErrorPtr last_error = NULL; static int xml_options = XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS|XML_PARSE_RECOVER; /* create a parser context */ ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt(); CRM_CHECK(ctxt != NULL, return NULL); /* xmlCtxtUseOptions(ctxt, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS|XML_PARSE_RECOVER); */ xmlCtxtResetLastError(ctxt); xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(ctxt, crm_xml_err); /* initGenericErrorDefaultFunc(crm_xml_err); */ if(filename == NULL) { /* STDIN_FILENO == fileno(stdin) */ output = xmlCtxtReadFd(ctxt, STDIN_FILENO, "unknown.xml", NULL, xml_options); } else if(strstr(filename, ".bz2") == NULL) { output = xmlCtxtReadFile(ctxt, filename, NULL, xml_options); } else { char *input = decompress_file(filename); output = xmlCtxtReadDoc(ctxt, (const xmlChar*)input, NULL, NULL, xml_options); crm_free(input); } if(output) { xml = xmlDocGetRootElement(output); } last_error = xmlCtxtGetLastError(ctxt); if(last_error && last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK) { /* crm_abort(__FILE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__, "last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK", TRUE, TRUE); */ /* * http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlErrorLevel * http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlParserErrors */ crm_err("Parsing failed (domain=%d, level=%d, code=%d): %s", last_error->domain, last_error->level, last_error->code, last_error->message); if(last_error && last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK) { crm_err("Couldn't%s parse %s", xml?" fully":"", filename); if(xml != NULL) { crm_log_xml_err(xml, "Partial"); } } } xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); return xml; } int write_xml_file(xmlNode *xml_node, const char *filename, gboolean compress) { int res = 0; time_t now; char *buffer = NULL; char *now_str = NULL; unsigned int out = 0; FILE *file_output_strm = NULL; static mode_t cib_mode = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR; CRM_CHECK(filename != NULL, return -1); crm_debug_3("Writing XML out to %s", filename); crm_validate_data(xml_node); if (xml_node == NULL) { crm_err("Cannot write NULL to %s", filename); return -1; } file_output_strm = fopen(filename, "w"); if(file_output_strm == NULL) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Cannot open %s for writing", filename); return -1; } /* establish the correct permissions */ fchmod(fileno(file_output_strm), cib_mode); crm_log_xml_debug_4(xml_node, "Writing out"); now = time(NULL); now_str = ctime(&now); now_str[24] = EOS; /* replace the newline */ crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_WRITTEN, now_str); crm_validate_data(xml_node); buffer = dump_xml_formatted(xml_node); CRM_CHECK(buffer != NULL && strlen(buffer) > 0, crm_log_xml_warn(xml_node, "dump:failed"); goto bail); if(compress) { #if HAVE_BZLIB_H int rc = BZ_OK; unsigned int in = 0; BZFILE *bz_file = NULL; bz_file = BZ2_bzWriteOpen(&rc, file_output_strm, 5, 0, 30); if(rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("bzWriteOpen failed: %d", rc); } else { BZ2_bzWrite(&rc,bz_file,buffer,strlen(buffer)); if(rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("bzWrite() failed: %d", rc); } } if(rc == BZ_OK) { BZ2_bzWriteClose(&rc, bz_file, 0, &in, &out); if(rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("bzWriteClose() failed: %d",rc); out = -1; } else { crm_debug_2("%s: In: %d, out: %d", filename, in, out); } } #else crm_err("Cannot write compressed files:" " bzlib was not available at compile time"); #endif } if(out <= 0) { res = fprintf(file_output_strm, "%s", buffer); if(res < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Cannot write output to %s", filename); goto bail; } } bail: if(fflush(file_output_strm) != 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"fflush for %s failed:", filename); res = -1; } if(fsync(fileno(file_output_strm)) < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"fsync for %s failed:", filename); res = -1; } fclose(file_output_strm); crm_debug_3("Saved %d bytes to the Cib as XML", res); crm_free(buffer); return res; } void print_xml_formatted(int log_level, const char *function, xmlNode *msg, const char *text) { if(msg == NULL) { do_crm_log(log_level, "%s: %s: NULL", function, crm_str(text)); return; } crm_validate_data(msg); log_data_element(function, text, log_level, 0, msg, TRUE); return; } static HA_Message* convert_xml_message_struct(HA_Message *parent, xmlNode *src_node, const char *field) { xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlNode *__crm_xml_iter = src_node->children; xmlAttrPtr prop_iter = src_node->properties; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; HA_Message *result = ha_msg_new(3); ha_msg_add(result, F_XML_TAGNAME, (const char *)src_node->name); while(prop_iter != NULL) { name = (const char *)prop_iter->name; value = (const char *)xmlGetProp(src_node, prop_iter->name); prop_iter = prop_iter->next; ha_msg_add(result, name, value); } while(__crm_xml_iter != NULL) { child = __crm_xml_iter; __crm_xml_iter = __crm_xml_iter->next; convert_xml_message_struct(result, child, NULL); } if(parent == NULL) { return result; } if(field) { HA_Message *holder = ha_msg_new(3); CRM_ASSERT(holder != NULL); ha_msg_add(holder, F_XML_TAGNAME, field); add_ha_nocopy(holder, result, (const char*)src_node->name); ha_msg_addstruct_compress(parent, field, holder); ha_msg_del(holder); } else { add_ha_nocopy(parent, result, (const char*)src_node->name); } return result; } static void convert_xml_child(HA_Message *msg, xmlNode *xml) { int orig = 0; int rc = BZ_OK; unsigned int len = 0; char *buffer = NULL; char *compressed = NULL; const char *name = NULL; name = (const char *)xml->name; buffer = dump_xml_unformatted(xml); orig = strlen(buffer); if(orig < CRM_BZ2_THRESHOLD) { ha_msg_add(msg, name, buffer); goto done; } len = (orig * 1.1) + 600; /* recomended size */ crm_malloc(compressed, len); rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress(compressed, &len, buffer, orig, CRM_BZ2_BLOCKS, 0, CRM_BZ2_WORK); if(rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("Compression failed: %d", rc); crm_free(compressed); convert_xml_message_struct(msg, xml, name); goto done; } crm_free(buffer); buffer = compressed; crm_debug_2("Compression details: %d -> %d", orig, len); ha_msg_addbin(msg, name, buffer, len); done: crm_free(buffer); # if 0 { unsigned int used = orig; char *uncompressed = NULL; crm_debug("Trying to decompress %d bytes", len); crm_malloc0(uncompressed, orig); rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( uncompressed, &used, compressed, len, 1, 0); CRM_CHECK(rc == BZ_OK, ;); CRM_CHECK(used == orig, ;); crm_debug("rc=%d, used=%d", rc, used); if(rc != BZ_OK) { exit(100); } crm_debug("Original %s, decompressed %s", buffer, uncompressed); crm_free(uncompressed); } # endif } HA_Message* convert_xml_message(xmlNode *xml) { HA_Message *result = NULL; result = ha_msg_new(3); ha_msg_add(result, F_XML_TAGNAME, (const char *)xml->name); xml_prop_iter(xml, name, value, ha_msg_add(result, name, value)); xml_child_iter(xml, child, convert_xml_child(result, child)); return result; } static void convert_ha_field(xmlNode *parent, HA_Message *msg, int lpc) { int type = 0; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; xmlNode *xml = NULL; int rc = BZ_OK; size_t orig_len = 0; unsigned int used = 0; char *uncompressed = NULL; char *compressed = NULL; int size = orig_len * 10; CRM_CHECK(parent != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(msg != NULL, return); name = msg->names[lpc]; type = cl_get_type(msg, name); switch(type) { case FT_STRUCT: convert_ha_message(parent, msg->values[lpc], name); break; case FT_COMPRESS: case FT_UNCOMPRESS: convert_ha_message(parent, cl_get_struct(msg, name), name); break; case FT_STRING: value = cl_get_string(msg, name); CRM_CHECK_AND_STORE(value != NULL, return); crm_debug_5("Converting %s/%d/%s", name, type, value[0] == '<' ? "xml":"field"); if( value[0] != '<' ) { crm_xml_add(parent, name, value); break; } /* unpack xml string */ xml = string2xml(value); if(xml == NULL) { crm_err("Conversion of field '%s' failed", name); return; } add_node_nocopy(parent, NULL, xml); break; case FT_BINARY: value = cl_get_binary(msg, name, &orig_len); size = orig_len * 10 + 1; /* +1 because an exact 10x compression factor happens occasionally */ if(orig_len < 3 || value[0] != 'B' || value[1] != 'Z' || value[2] != 'h') { if(strstr(name, "uuid") == NULL) { crm_err("Skipping non-bzip binary field: %s", name); } return; } crm_malloc0(compressed, orig_len); memcpy(compressed, value, orig_len); crm_debug_2("Trying to decompress %d bytes", (int)orig_len); retry: crm_realloc(uncompressed, size); memset(uncompressed, 0, size); used = size - 1; /* always leave room for a trailing '\0' * BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress wont say anything if * the uncompressed data is exactly 'size' bytes */ rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( uncompressed, &used, compressed, orig_len, 1, 0); if(rc == BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL) { size = size * 2; /* dont try to allocate more memory than we have */ if(size > 0) { goto retry; } } if(rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("Decompression of %s (%d bytes) into %d failed: %d", name, (int)orig_len, size, rc); } else { CRM_ASSERT(used < size); CRM_CHECK(uncompressed[used] == 0, uncompressed[used] = 0); xml = string2xml(uncompressed); } if(xml != NULL) { add_node_copy(parent, xml); free_xml(xml); } crm_free(uncompressed); crm_free(compressed); break; } } xmlNode * convert_ha_message(xmlNode *parent, HA_Message *msg, const char *field) { int lpc = 0; xmlNode *child = NULL; const char *tag = NULL; CRM_CHECK_AND_STORE(msg != NULL, crm_err("Empty message for %s", field); return parent); tag = cl_get_string(msg, F_XML_TAGNAME); if(tag == NULL) { tag = field; } else if(parent && safe_str_neq(field, tag)) { /* For compatability with 0.6.x */ crm_debug("Creating intermediate parent %s between %s and %s", field, crm_element_name(parent), tag); parent = create_xml_node(parent, field); } if(parent == NULL) { parent = create_xml_node(NULL, tag); child = parent; } else { child = create_xml_node(parent, tag); } for (lpc = 0; lpc < msg->nfields; lpc++) { convert_ha_field(child, msg, lpc); } return parent; } xmlNode *convert_ipc_message(IPC_Message *msg, const char *field) { HA_Message *hmsg = wirefmt2msg((char *)msg->msg_body, msg->msg_len, 0); xmlNode *xml = convert_ha_message(NULL, hmsg, __FUNCTION__); crm_msg_del(hmsg); return xml; } xmlNode * get_message_xml(xmlNode *msg, const char *field) { xmlNode *tmp = first_named_child(msg, field); return first_named_child(tmp, NULL); } gboolean add_message_xml(xmlNode *msg, const char *field, xmlNode *xml) { xmlNode *holder = create_xml_node(msg, field); add_node_copy(holder, xml); return TRUE; } static char * dump_xml(xmlNode *an_xml_node, gboolean formatted, gboolean for_digest) { int len = 0; char *buffer = NULL; xmlBuffer *xml_buffer = NULL; xmlDoc *doc = getDocPtr(an_xml_node); /* doc will only be NULL if an_xml_node is */ CRM_CHECK(doc != NULL, return NULL); xml_buffer = xmlBufferCreate(); CRM_ASSERT(xml_buffer != NULL); len = xmlNodeDump(xml_buffer, doc, an_xml_node, 0, formatted); if(len > 0) { if(for_digest) { /* for compatability with the old result which is used for digests */ len += 3; crm_malloc0(buffer, len); snprintf(buffer, len, " %s\n", (char *)xml_buffer->content); } else { buffer = crm_strdup((char *)xml_buffer->content); } } else { crm_err("Conversion failed"); } xmlBufferFree(xml_buffer); return buffer; } char * dump_xml_formatted(xmlNode *an_xml_node) { return dump_xml(an_xml_node, TRUE, FALSE); } char * dump_xml_unformatted(xmlNode *an_xml_node) { return dump_xml(an_xml_node, FALSE, FALSE); } #define update_buffer() do { \ if(printed < 0) { \ crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"snprintf failed"); \ goto print; \ } else if(printed >= (buffer_len - offset)) { \ crm_err("Output truncated: available=%d, needed=%d", buffer_len - offset, printed); \ offset += printed; \ goto print; \ } else if(offset >= buffer_len) { \ crm_err("Buffer exceeded"); \ offset += printed; \ goto print; \ } else { \ offset += printed; \ } \ } while(0) int print_spaces(char *buffer, int depth, int max) { int lpc = 0; int spaces = 2*depth; max--; /* <= so that we always print 1 space - prevents problems with syslog */ for(lpc = 0; lpc <= spaces && lpc < max; lpc++) { if(sprintf(buffer+lpc, "%c", ' ') < 1) { return -1; } } return lpc; } int log_data_element( const char *function, const char *prefix, int log_level, int depth, xmlNode *data, gboolean formatted) { int child_result = 0; int offset = 0; int printed = 0; char *buffer = NULL; int buffer_len = 1000; const char *name = NULL; const char *hidden = NULL; if(data == NULL) { crm_warn("No data to dump as XML"); return 0; } name = crm_element_name(data); CRM_ASSERT(name != NULL); crm_debug_5("Dumping %s", name); crm_malloc0(buffer, buffer_len); if(formatted) { offset = print_spaces(buffer, depth, buffer_len - offset); } printed = snprintf(buffer + offset, buffer_len - offset, "<%s", name); update_buffer(); hidden = crm_element_value(data, "hidden"); xml_prop_iter( data, prop_name, prop_value, if(prop_name == NULL || safe_str_eq(F_XML_TAGNAME, prop_name)) { continue; } else if(hidden != NULL && prop_name[0] != 0 && strstr(hidden, prop_name) != NULL) { prop_value = "*****"; } crm_debug_5("Dumping <%s %s=\"%s\"...", name, prop_name, prop_value); printed = snprintf(buffer + offset, buffer_len - offset, " %s=\"%s\"", prop_name, prop_value); update_buffer(); ); printed = snprintf(buffer + offset, buffer_len - offset, " %s>", xml_has_children(data)?"":"/"); update_buffer(); print: do_crm_log(log_level, "%s: %s%s", function, prefix?prefix:"", buffer); if(xml_has_children(data) == FALSE) { crm_free(buffer); return 0; } xml_child_iter( data, a_child, child_result = log_data_element( function, prefix, log_level, depth+1, a_child, formatted); ); if(formatted) { offset = print_spaces(buffer, depth, buffer_len); } do_crm_log(log_level, "%s: %s%s", function, prefix?prefix:"", buffer, name); crm_free(buffer); return 1; } gboolean xml_has_children(const xmlNode *xml_root) { if(xml_root != NULL && xml_root->children != NULL) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void xml_validate(const xmlNode *xml_root) { CRM_ASSERT(xml_root != NULL); } int crm_element_value_int(xmlNode *data, const char *name, int *dest) { const char *value = crm_element_value(data, name); CRM_CHECK(dest != NULL, return -1); if(value) { *dest = crm_int_helper(value, NULL); return 0; } return -1; } const char * crm_element_value_const(const xmlNode *data, const char *name) { return crm_element_value((xmlNode*)data, name); } char * crm_element_value_copy(xmlNode *data, const char *name) { char *value_copy = NULL; const char *value = crm_element_value(data, name); if(value != NULL) { value_copy = crm_strdup(value); } return value_copy; } void xml_remove_prop(xmlNode *obj, const char *name) { xmlUnsetProp(obj, (const xmlChar*)name); } void log_xml_diff(unsigned int log_level, xmlNode *diff, const char *function) { xmlNode *added = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-added", FALSE); xmlNode *removed = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-removed", FALSE); gboolean is_first = TRUE; if(crm_log_level < log_level) { /* nothing will ever be printed */ return; } xml_child_iter( removed, child, log_data_element(function, "-", log_level, 0, child, TRUE); if(is_first) { is_first = FALSE; } else { do_crm_log(log_level, " --- "); } ); is_first = TRUE; xml_child_iter( added, child, log_data_element(function, "+", log_level, 0, child, TRUE); if(is_first) { is_first = FALSE; } else { do_crm_log(log_level, " +++ "); } ); } void purge_diff_markers(xmlNode *a_node) { CRM_CHECK(a_node != NULL, return); xml_remove_prop(a_node, XML_DIFF_MARKER); xml_child_iter(a_node, child, purge_diff_markers(child); ); } gboolean apply_xml_diff(xmlNode *old, xmlNode *diff, xmlNode **new) { gboolean result = TRUE; const char *digest = crm_element_value(diff, XML_ATTR_DIGEST); xmlNode *added = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-added", FALSE); xmlNode *removed = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-removed", FALSE); int root_nodes_seen = 0; CRM_CHECK(new != NULL, return FALSE); crm_debug_2("Substraction Phase"); xml_child_iter(removed, child_diff, CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, result = FALSE); if(root_nodes_seen == 0) { *new = subtract_xml_object(old, child_diff, NULL); } root_nodes_seen++; ); if(root_nodes_seen == 0) { *new = copy_xml(old); } else if(root_nodes_seen > 1) { crm_err("(-) Diffs cannot contain more than one change set..." " saw %d", root_nodes_seen); result = FALSE; } root_nodes_seen = 0; crm_debug_2("Addition Phase"); if(result) { xml_child_iter(added, child_diff, CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, result = FALSE); if(root_nodes_seen == 0) { add_xml_object(NULL, *new, child_diff); } root_nodes_seen++; ); } if(root_nodes_seen > 1) { crm_err("(+) Diffs cannot contain more than one change set..." " saw %d", root_nodes_seen); result = FALSE; } else if(result && digest) { char *new_digest = calculate_xml_digest(*new, FALSE, TRUE); if(safe_str_neq(new_digest, digest)) { crm_info("Digest mis-match: expected %s, calculated %s", digest, new_digest); result = FALSE; } else { crm_debug_2("Digest matched: expected %s, calculated %s", digest, new_digest); } crm_free(new_digest); } else if(result) { int lpc = 0; xmlNode *intermediate = NULL; xmlNode *diff_of_diff = NULL; xmlNode *calc_added = NULL; xmlNode *calc_removed = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *version_attrs[] = { XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN }; crm_debug_2("Verification Phase"); intermediate = diff_xml_object(old, *new, FALSE); calc_added = find_xml_node(intermediate, "diff-added", FALSE); calc_removed = find_xml_node(intermediate, "diff-removed", FALSE); /* add any version details to the diff so they match */ for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(version_attrs); lpc++) { name = version_attrs[lpc]; value = crm_element_value(added, name); crm_xml_add(calc_added, name, value); value = crm_element_value(removed, name); crm_xml_add(calc_removed, name, value); } diff_of_diff = diff_xml_object(intermediate, diff, TRUE); if(diff_of_diff != NULL) { crm_info("Diff application failed!"); crm_log_xml_debug(old, "diff:original"); crm_log_xml_debug(diff, "diff:input"); result = FALSE; } free_xml(diff_of_diff); free_xml(intermediate); diff_of_diff = NULL; intermediate = NULL; } if(result) { purge_diff_markers(*new); } return result; } xmlNode * diff_xml_object(xmlNode *old, xmlNode *new, gboolean suppress) { xmlNode *diff = NULL; xmlNode *tmp1 = NULL; xmlNode *added = NULL; xmlNode *removed = NULL; tmp1 = subtract_xml_object(old, new, "removed:top"); if(tmp1 != NULL) { if(suppress && can_prune_leaf(tmp1)) { free_xml(tmp1); } else { diff = create_xml_node(NULL, "diff"); removed = create_xml_node(diff, "diff-removed"); added = create_xml_node(diff, "diff-added"); add_node_nocopy(removed, NULL, tmp1); } } tmp1 = subtract_xml_object(new, old, "added:top"); if(tmp1 != NULL) { if(suppress && can_prune_leaf(tmp1)) { free_xml(tmp1); return diff; } if(diff == NULL) { diff = create_xml_node(NULL, "diff"); } if(removed == NULL) { create_xml_node(diff, "diff-removed"); } if(added == NULL) { added = create_xml_node(diff, "diff-added"); } add_node_nocopy(added, NULL, tmp1); } return diff; } gboolean can_prune_leaf(xmlNode *xml_node) { gboolean can_prune = TRUE; /* return FALSE; */ xml_prop_name_iter(xml_node, prop_name, if(safe_str_eq(prop_name, XML_ATTR_ID)) { continue; } can_prune = FALSE; ); xml_child_iter(xml_node, child, if(can_prune_leaf(child)) { free_xml(child); } else { can_prune = FALSE; } ); return can_prune; } void diff_filter_context(int context, int upper_bound, int lower_bound, xmlNode *xml_node, xmlNode *parent) { xmlNode *us = NULL; xmlNode *new_parent = parent; const char *name = crm_element_name(xml_node); CRM_CHECK(xml_node != NULL && name != NULL, return); us = create_xml_node(parent, name); xml_prop_iter(xml_node, prop_name, prop_value, lower_bound = context; crm_xml_add(us, prop_name, prop_value); ); if(lower_bound >= 0 || upper_bound >= 0) { crm_xml_add(us, XML_ATTR_ID, ID(xml_node)); new_parent = us; } else { upper_bound = in_upper_context(0, context, xml_node); if(upper_bound >= 0) { crm_xml_add(us, XML_ATTR_ID, ID(xml_node)); new_parent = us; } else { free_xml(us); us = NULL; } } xml_child_iter(us, child, diff_filter_context( context, upper_bound-1, lower_bound-1, child, new_parent); ); } int in_upper_context(int depth, int context, xmlNode *xml_node) { gboolean has_attributes = FALSE; if(context == 0) { return 0; } xml_prop_name_iter(xml_node, prop_name, has_attributes = TRUE; break; ); if(has_attributes) { return depth; } else if(depth < context) { xml_child_iter(xml_node, child, if(in_upper_context(depth+1, context, child)) { return depth; } ); } return 0; } xmlNode * subtract_xml_object(xmlNode *left, xmlNode *right, const char *marker) { gboolean skip = FALSE; gboolean differences = FALSE; xmlNode *diff = NULL; xmlNode *child_diff = NULL; xmlNode *right_child = NULL; const char *id = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *right_val = NULL; int lpc = 0; static int filter_len = DIMOF(filter); if(left == NULL) { return NULL; } id = ID(left); if(right == NULL) { xmlNode *deleted = NULL; crm_debug_5("Processing <%s id=%s> (complete copy)", crm_element_name(left), id); deleted = copy_xml(left); crm_xml_add(deleted, XML_DIFF_MARKER, marker); return deleted; } name = crm_element_name(left); CRM_CHECK(name != NULL, return NULL); diff = create_xml_node(NULL, name); /* changes to name/value pairs */ xml_prop_iter(left, prop_name, left_value, if(crm_str_eq(prop_name, XML_ATTR_ID, TRUE)) { continue; } skip = FALSE; for(lpc = 0; skip == FALSE && lpc < filter_len; lpc++){ if(crm_str_eq(prop_name, filter[lpc], TRUE)) { skip = TRUE; } } if(skip) { continue; } right_val = crm_element_value(right, prop_name); if(right_val == NULL) { /* new */ differences = TRUE; crm_xml_add(diff, prop_name, left_value); } else if(strcmp(left_value, right_val) == 0) { /* unchanged */ } else { /* changed */ differences = TRUE; crm_xml_add(diff, prop_name, left_value); } ); /* changes to child objects */ xml_child_iter( left, left_child, right_child = find_entity( right, crm_element_name(left_child), ID(left_child)); child_diff = subtract_xml_object( left_child, right_child, marker); if(child_diff != NULL) { differences = TRUE; add_node_nocopy(diff, NULL, child_diff); } ); if(differences == FALSE) { /* check for XML_DIFF_MARKER in a child */ xml_child_iter( right, right_child, value = crm_element_value(right_child, XML_DIFF_MARKER); if(value != NULL && safe_str_eq(value, "removed:top")) { crm_debug_3("Found the root of the deletion: %s", name); differences = TRUE; break; } ); } if(differences == FALSE) { free_xml(diff); crm_debug_5("\tNo changes to <%s id=%s>", crm_str(name), id); return NULL; } crm_xml_add(diff, XML_ATTR_ID, id); return diff; } int add_xml_object(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *target, xmlNode *update) { const char *object_id = NULL; const char *object_name = NULL; #if XML_PARSE_DEBUG crm_log_xml(LOG_DEBUG_5, "update:", update); crm_log_xml(LOG_DEBUG_5, "target:", target); #endif CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return 0); object_name = crm_element_name(update); object_id = ID(update); CRM_CHECK(object_name != NULL, return 0); if(target == NULL && object_id == NULL) { /* placeholder object */ target = find_xml_node(parent, object_name, FALSE); } else if(target == NULL) { target = find_entity(parent, object_name, object_id); } if(target == NULL) { target = create_xml_node(parent, object_name); CRM_CHECK(target != NULL, return 0); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG crm_debug_2("Added <%s%s%s/>", crm_str(object_name), object_id?" id=":"", object_id?object_id:""); } else { crm_debug_3("Found node <%s%s%s/> to update", crm_str(object_name), object_id?" id=":"", object_id?object_id:""); #endif } copy_in_properties(target, update); xml_child_iter( update, a_child, #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG crm_debug_4("Updating child <%s id=%s>", crm_element_name(a_child), ID(a_child)); #endif add_xml_object(target, NULL, a_child); ); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG crm_debug_3("Finished with <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id)); #endif return 0; } gboolean update_xml_child(xmlNode *child, xmlNode *to_update) { gboolean can_update = TRUE; CRM_CHECK(child != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(to_update != NULL, return FALSE); if(safe_str_neq(crm_element_name(to_update), crm_element_name(child))) { can_update = FALSE; } else if(safe_str_neq(ID(to_update), ID(child))) { can_update = FALSE; } else if(can_update) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG crm_log_xml_debug_2(child, "Update match found..."); #endif add_xml_object(NULL, child, to_update); } xml_child_iter( child, child_of_child, /* only update the first one */ if(can_update) { break; } can_update = update_xml_child(child_of_child, to_update); ); return can_update; } int find_xml_children(xmlNode **children, xmlNode *root, const char *tag, const char *field, const char *value, gboolean search_matches) { int match_found = 0; CRM_CHECK(root != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(children != NULL, return FALSE); if(tag != NULL && safe_str_neq(tag, crm_element_name(root))) { } else if(value != NULL && safe_str_neq(value, crm_element_value(root, field))) { } else { if(*children == NULL) { *children = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); } add_node_copy(*children, root); match_found = 1; } if(search_matches || match_found == 0) { xml_child_iter( root, child, match_found += find_xml_children( children, child, tag, field, value, search_matches); ); } return match_found; } gboolean replace_xml_child(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *child, xmlNode *update, gboolean delete_only) { gboolean can_delete = FALSE; const char *up_id = NULL; const char *child_id = NULL; const char *right_val = NULL; CRM_CHECK(child != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return FALSE); up_id = ID(update); child_id = ID(child); if(up_id == NULL || safe_str_eq(child_id, up_id)) { can_delete = TRUE; } if(safe_str_neq(crm_element_name(update), crm_element_name(child))) { can_delete = FALSE; } if(can_delete && delete_only) { xml_prop_iter(update, prop_name, left_value, right_val = crm_element_value(child, prop_name); if(safe_str_neq(left_value, right_val)) { can_delete = FALSE; } ); } if(can_delete && parent != NULL) { crm_log_xml_debug_4(child, "Delete match found..."); if(delete_only || update == NULL) { free_xml_from_parent(NULL, child); } else { xmlNode *tmp = copy_xml(update); xmlDoc *doc = tmp->doc; xmlNode *old = xmlReplaceNode(child, tmp); free_xml_from_parent(NULL, old); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, NULL); xmlFreeDoc(doc); } child = NULL; return TRUE; } else if(can_delete) { crm_log_xml_debug(child, "Cannot delete the search root"); can_delete = FALSE; } xml_child_iter( child, child_of_child, /* only delete the first one */ if(can_delete) { break; } can_delete = replace_xml_child(child, child_of_child, update, delete_only); ); return can_delete; } void hash2nvpair(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *name = key; const char *s_value = value; xmlNode *xml_node = user_data; xmlNode *xml_child = create_xml_node(xml_node, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR); crm_xml_add(xml_child, XML_ATTR_ID, name); crm_xml_add(xml_child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, name); crm_xml_add(xml_child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, s_value); crm_debug_3("dumped: name=%s value=%s", name, s_value); } void hash2smartfield(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *name = key; const char *s_value = value; xmlNode *xml_node = user_data; if(isdigit(name[0])) { xmlNode *tmp = create_xml_node(xml_node, XML_TAG_PARAM); crm_xml_add(tmp, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, name); crm_xml_add(tmp, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, s_value); } else if(crm_element_value(xml_node, name) == NULL) { crm_xml_add(xml_node, name, s_value); crm_debug_3("dumped: %s=%s", name, s_value); } else { crm_debug_2("duplicate: %s=%s", name, s_value); } } void hash2field(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *name = key; const char *s_value = value; xmlNode *xml_node = user_data; if(crm_element_value(xml_node, name) == NULL) { crm_xml_add(xml_node, name, s_value); crm_debug_3("dumped: %s=%s", name, s_value); } else { crm_debug_2("duplicate: %s=%s", name, s_value); } } void hash2metafield(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { char *crm_name = NULL; if(key == NULL || value == NULL) { return; } else if(((char*)key)[0] == '#') { return; } else if(strstr(key, ":")) { return; } crm_name = crm_meta_name(key); hash2field(crm_name, value, user_data); crm_free(crm_name); } GHashTable * xml2list(xmlNode *parent) { xmlNode *nvpair_list = NULL; GHashTable *nvpair_hash = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); CRM_CHECK(parent != NULL, return nvpair_hash); nvpair_list = find_xml_node(parent, XML_TAG_ATTRS, FALSE); if(nvpair_list == NULL) { crm_debug_2("No attributes in %s", crm_element_name(parent)); crm_log_xml_debug_2( parent,"No attributes for resource op"); } crm_log_xml_debug_3(nvpair_list, "Unpacking"); xml_prop_iter( nvpair_list, key, value, crm_debug_4("Added %s=%s", key, value); g_hash_table_insert( nvpair_hash, crm_strdup(key), crm_strdup(value)); ); xml_child_iter_filter( nvpair_list, child, XML_TAG_PARAM, const char *key = crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME); const char *value = crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE); crm_debug_4("Added %s=%s", key, value); if(key != NULL && value != NULL) { g_hash_table_insert(nvpair_hash, crm_strdup(key), crm_strdup(value)); } ); return nvpair_hash; } typedef struct name_value_s { const char *name; const void *value; } name_value_t; static gint sort_pairs(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { int rc = 0; const name_value_t *pair_a = a; const name_value_t *pair_b = b; CRM_ASSERT(a != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(pair_a->name != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(b != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(pair_b->name != NULL); rc = strcmp(pair_a->name, pair_b->name); if(rc < 0) { return -1; } else if(rc > 0) { return 1; } return 0; } static void dump_pair(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { name_value_t *pair = data; xmlNode *parent = user_data; crm_xml_add(parent, pair->name, pair->value); } xmlNode * sorted_xml(xmlNode *input, xmlNode *parent, gboolean recursive) { GListPtr sorted = NULL; GListPtr unsorted = NULL; name_value_t *pair = NULL; xmlNode *result = NULL; const char *name = NULL; CRM_CHECK(input != NULL, return NULL); name = crm_element_name(input); CRM_CHECK(name != NULL, return NULL); result = create_xml_node(parent, name); xml_prop_iter(input, p_name, p_value, crm_malloc0(pair, sizeof(name_value_t)); pair->name = p_name; pair->value = p_value; unsorted = g_list_prepend(unsorted, pair); pair = NULL; ); sorted = g_list_sort(unsorted, sort_pairs); g_list_foreach(sorted, dump_pair, result); slist_destroy(name_value_t, child, sorted, crm_free(child)); if(recursive) { xml_child_iter(input, child, sorted_xml(child, result, recursive)); } else { xml_child_iter(input, child, add_node_copy(result, child)); } return result; } static void filter_xml(xmlNode *data, const char **filter, int filter_len, gboolean recursive) { int lpc = 0; for(lpc = 0; lpc < filter_len; lpc++) { xml_remove_prop(data, filter[lpc]); } if(recursive == FALSE) { return; } xml_child_iter(data, child, filter_xml(child, filter, filter_len, recursive)); } /* "c048eae664dba840e1d2060f00299e9d" */ char * calculate_xml_digest(xmlNode *input, gboolean sort, gboolean do_filter) { int i = 0; int digest_len = 16; char *digest = NULL; unsigned char *raw_digest = NULL; xmlNode *sorted = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; size_t buffer_len = 0; if(sort || do_filter) { sorted = sorted_xml(input, NULL, TRUE); } else { sorted = copy_xml(input); } if(do_filter) { filter_xml(sorted, filter, DIMOF(filter), TRUE); } buffer = dump_xml(sorted, FALSE, TRUE); buffer_len = strlen(buffer); CRM_CHECK(buffer != NULL && buffer_len > 0, free_xml(sorted); crm_free(buffer); return NULL); crm_malloc(digest, (2 * digest_len + 1)); crm_malloc(raw_digest, (digest_len + 1)); MD5((unsigned char *)buffer, buffer_len, raw_digest); for(i = 0; i < digest_len; i++) { sprintf(digest+(2*i), "%02x", raw_digest[i]); } digest[(2*digest_len)] = 0; crm_debug_2("Digest %s: %s\n", digest, buffer); crm_log_xml(LOG_DEBUG_3, "digest:source", sorted); crm_free(buffer); crm_free(raw_digest); free_xml(sorted); return digest; } #if HAVE_LIBXML2 # include # include # include # include # include #endif static gboolean validate_with_dtd( xmlDocPtr doc, gboolean to_logs, const char *dtd_file) { gboolean valid = TRUE; xmlDtdPtr dtd = NULL; xmlValidCtxtPtr cvp = NULL; CRM_CHECK(doc != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(dtd_file != NULL, return FALSE); dtd = xmlParseDTD(NULL, (const xmlChar *)dtd_file); CRM_CHECK(dtd != NULL, crm_err("Could not find/parse %s", dtd_file); goto cleanup); cvp = xmlNewValidCtxt(); CRM_CHECK(cvp != NULL, goto cleanup); if(to_logs) { cvp->userData = (void *) LOG_ERR; cvp->error = (xmlValidityErrorFunc) cl_log; cvp->warning = (xmlValidityWarningFunc) cl_log; } else { cvp->userData = (void *) stderr; cvp->error = (xmlValidityErrorFunc) fprintf; cvp->warning = (xmlValidityWarningFunc) fprintf; } if (!xmlValidateDtd(cvp, doc, dtd)) { valid = FALSE; } cleanup: if(cvp) { xmlFreeValidCtxt(cvp); } if(dtd) { xmlFreeDtd(dtd); } return valid; } xmlNode *first_named_child(xmlNode *parent, const char *name) { xml_child_iter_filter(parent, match, name, return match); return NULL; } #if 0 static void relaxng_invalid_stderr(void * userData, xmlErrorPtr error) { /* Structure xmlError struct _xmlError { int domain : What part of the library raised this er int code : The error code, e.g. an xmlParserError char * message : human-readable informative error messag xmlErrorLevel level : how consequent is the error char * file : the filename int line : the line number if available char * str1 : extra string information char * str2 : extra string information char * str3 : extra string information int int1 : extra number information int int2 : column number of the error or 0 if N/A void * ctxt : the parser context if available void * node : the node in the tree } */ crm_err("Structured error: line=%d, level=%d %s", error->line, error->level, error->message); } #endif static gboolean validate_with_relaxng( xmlDocPtr doc, gboolean to_logs, const char *relaxng_file) { gboolean valid = TRUE; int rc = 0; xmlRelaxNGPtr rng = NULL; xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr valid_ctx = NULL; xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr parser_ctx = NULL; CRM_CHECK(doc != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(relaxng_file != NULL, return FALSE); xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1; parser_ctx = xmlRelaxNGNewParserCtxt(relaxng_file); CRM_CHECK(parser_ctx != NULL, goto cleanup); if(to_logs) { xmlRelaxNGSetParserErrors(parser_ctx, (xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc) cl_log, (xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc) cl_log, GUINT_TO_POINTER(LOG_ERR)); } else { xmlRelaxNGSetParserErrors(parser_ctx, (xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc) fprintf, (xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc) fprintf, stderr); } rng = xmlRelaxNGParse(parser_ctx); CRM_CHECK(rng != NULL, crm_err("Could not find/parse %s", relaxng_file); goto cleanup); valid_ctx = xmlRelaxNGNewValidCtxt(rng); CRM_CHECK(valid_ctx != NULL, goto cleanup); if(to_logs) { xmlRelaxNGSetValidErrors(valid_ctx, (xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc) cl_log, (xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc) cl_log, GUINT_TO_POINTER(LOG_ERR)); } else { xmlRelaxNGSetValidErrors(valid_ctx, (xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc) fprintf, (xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc) fprintf, stderr); } /* xmlRelaxNGSetValidStructuredErrors( */ /* valid_ctx, relaxng_invalid_stderr, valid_ctx); */ xmlLineNumbersDefault(1); rc = xmlRelaxNGValidateDoc(valid_ctx, doc); if (rc > 0) { valid = FALSE; } else if (rc < 0) { crm_err("Internal libxml error during validation\n"); } cleanup: if(parser_ctx != NULL) { xmlRelaxNGFreeParserCtxt(parser_ctx); xmlCleanupParser(); } if(valid_ctx != NULL) { xmlRelaxNGFreeValidCtxt(valid_ctx); } if (rng != NULL) { xmlRelaxNGFree(rng); } return valid; } static gboolean validate_with(xmlNode *xml, int method, gboolean to_logs) { xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; gboolean valid = FALSE; int type = known_schemas[method].type; const char *file = known_schemas[method].location; CRM_CHECK(xml != NULL, return FALSE); doc = getDocPtr(xml); crm_debug_2("Validating with: %s (type=%d)", crm_str(file), type); switch(type) { case 0: valid = TRUE; break; case 1: valid = validate_with_dtd(doc, to_logs, file); break; case 2: valid = validate_with_relaxng(doc, to_logs, file); break; default: crm_err("Unknown validator type: %d", type); break; } return valid; } #include static void dump_file(const char *filename) { FILE *fp = NULL; int ch, line = 0; CRM_CHECK(filename != NULL, return); fp = fopen(filename, "r"); CRM_CHECK(fp != NULL, return); fprintf(stderr, "%4d ", ++line); do { ch = getc(fp); if(ch == EOF) { putc('\n', stderr); break; } else if(ch == '\n') { fprintf(stderr, "\n%4d ", ++line); } else { putc(ch, stderr); } } while(1); fclose(fp); } gboolean validate_xml_verbose(xmlNode *xml_blob) { xmlDoc *doc = NULL; xmlNode *xml = NULL; gboolean rc = FALSE; char *filename = NULL; static char *template = NULL; if(template == NULL) { template = crm_strdup(CRM_STATE_DIR"/cib-invalid.XXXXXX"); } filename = mktemp(template); write_xml_file(xml_blob, filename, FALSE); dump_file(filename); doc = xmlParseFile(filename); xml = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); rc = validate_xml(xml, NULL, FALSE); free_xml(xml); return rc; } gboolean validate_xml(xmlNode *xml_blob, const char *validation, gboolean to_logs) { int lpc = 0; if(validation == NULL) { validation = crm_element_value(xml_blob, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); } if(validation == NULL) { validation = crm_element_value(xml_blob, "ignore-dtd"); if(crm_is_true(validation)) { validation = "none"; } else { validation = "transitional-0.6"; } } if(safe_str_eq(validation, "none")) { return TRUE; } for(; lpc < all_schemas; lpc++) { if(safe_str_eq(validation, known_schemas[lpc].name)) { return validate_with(xml_blob, lpc, to_logs); } } crm_err("Unknown validator: %s", validation); return FALSE; } static xmlNode *apply_transformation(xmlNode *xml, const char *transform) { xmlNode *out = NULL; xmlDocPtr res = NULL; xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; xsltStylesheet *xslt = NULL; CRM_CHECK(xml != NULL, return FALSE); doc = getDocPtr(xml); xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1; xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1); xslt = xsltParseStylesheetFile((const xmlChar *)transform); CRM_CHECK(xslt != NULL, goto cleanup); res = xsltApplyStylesheet(xslt, doc, NULL); CRM_CHECK(res != NULL, goto cleanup); out = xmlDocGetRootElement(res); cleanup: if(xslt) { xsltFreeStylesheet(xslt); } xsltCleanupGlobals(); xmlCleanupParser(); return out; } const char *get_schema_name(int version) { if(version < 0 || version >= all_schemas) { return "unknown"; } return known_schemas[version].name; } int get_schema_version(const char *name) { int lpc = 0; for(; lpc < all_schemas; lpc++) { if(safe_str_eq(name, known_schemas[lpc].name)) { return lpc; } } return -1; } /* set which validation to use */ #include int update_validation( xmlNode **xml_blob, int *best, gboolean transform, gboolean to_logs) { xmlNode *xml = NULL; char *value = NULL; int lpc = 0, match = -1, rc = cib_ok; CRM_CHECK(best != NULL, return cib_invalid_argument); CRM_CHECK(xml_blob != NULL, return cib_invalid_argument); CRM_CHECK(*xml_blob != NULL, return cib_invalid_argument); *best = 0; xml = *xml_blob; value = crm_element_value_copy(xml, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); if(value != NULL) { match = get_schema_version(value); lpc = match; if(lpc >= 0 && transform == FALSE) { lpc++; } else if(lpc < 0) { crm_debug("Unknown validation type"); lpc = 0; } } if(match >= max_schemas) { /* nothing to do */ crm_free(value); *best = match; return cib_ok; } for(; lpc < max_schemas; lpc++) { gboolean valid = TRUE; crm_debug("Testing '%s' validation", known_schemas[lpc].name?known_schemas[lpc].name:""); valid = validate_with(xml, lpc, to_logs); if(valid) { *best = lpc; } if(valid && transform) { xmlNode *upgrade = NULL; int next = known_schemas[lpc].after_transform; if(next <= 0) { next = lpc+1; } crm_notice("Upgrading %s-style configuration to %s with %s", known_schemas[lpc].name, known_schemas[next].name, known_schemas[lpc].transform?known_schemas[lpc].transform:"no-op"); if(known_schemas[lpc].transform == NULL) { if(validate_with(xml, next, to_logs)) { crm_debug("Configuration valid for schema: %s", known_schemas[next].name); lpc = next; *best = next; rc = cib_ok; } else { crm_info("Configuration not valid for schema: %s", known_schemas[next].name); } } else { upgrade = apply_transformation(xml, known_schemas[lpc].transform); if(upgrade == NULL) { crm_err("Transformation %s failed", known_schemas[lpc].transform); rc = cib_transform_failed; } else if(validate_with(upgrade, next, to_logs)) { crm_info("Transformation %s successful", known_schemas[lpc].transform); lpc = next; *best = next; free_xml(xml); xml = upgrade; rc = cib_ok; } else { crm_err("Transformation %s did not produce a valid configuration", known_schemas[lpc].transform); crm_log_xml_info(upgrade, "transform:bad"); free_xml(upgrade); rc = cib_dtd_validation; } } } } if(*best > match) { crm_notice("Upgraded from %s to %s validation", value?value:"", known_schemas[*best].name); crm_xml_add(xml, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION, known_schemas[*best].name); } *xml_blob = xml; crm_free(value); return rc; } xmlNode * getXpathResult(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj, int index) { xmlNode *match = NULL; CRM_CHECK(index >= 0, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(xpathObj != NULL, return NULL); if(index >= xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr) { crm_err("Requested index %d of only %d items", index, xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr); return NULL; } match = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index]; CRM_CHECK(match != NULL, return NULL); /* * From xpath2.c * * All the elements returned by an XPath query are pointers to * elements from the tree *except* namespace nodes where the XPath * semantic is different from the implementation in libxml2 tree. * As a result when a returned node set is freed when * xmlXPathFreeObject() is called, that routine must check the * element type. But node from the returned set may have been removed * by xmlNodeSetContent() resulting in access to freed data. * This can be exercised by running * valgrind xpath2 test3.xml '//discarded' discarded * There is 2 ways around it: * - make a copy of the pointers to the nodes from the result set * then call xmlXPathFreeObject() and then modify the nodes * or * - remove the reference to the modified nodes from the node set * as they are processed, if they are not namespace nodes. */ if (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index]->type != XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) { xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index] = NULL; } if(match->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) { /* Will happen if section = '/' */ match = match->children; } else if(match->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE && match->parent && match->parent->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { /* reurning the parent instead */ match = match->parent; } else if(match->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { /* We only support searching nodes */ crm_err("We only support %d not %d", XML_ELEMENT_NODE, match->type); match = NULL; } return match; } /* the caller needs to check if the result contains a xmlDocPtr or xmlNodePtr */ xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_search(xmlNode *xml_top, const char *path) { xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = NULL; const xmlChar *xpathExpr = (const xmlChar *)path; CRM_CHECK(path != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(xml_top != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(strlen(path) > 0, return NULL); doc = getDocPtr(xml_top); crm_debug_2("Evaluating: %s", path); xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); CRM_ASSERT(xpathCtx != NULL); xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpathExpr, xpathCtx); xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx); return xpathObj; } gboolean cli_config_update(xmlNode **xml, int *best_version, gboolean to_logs) { gboolean rc = TRUE; static int min_version = -1; static int max_version = -1; const char *value = crm_element_value(*xml, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); int version = get_schema_version(value); if(min_version < 0) { min_version = get_schema_version(MINIMUM_SCHEMA_VERSION); } if(max_version < 0) { max_version = get_schema_version(LATEST_SCHEMA_VERSION); } if(version < min_version) { xmlNode *converted = NULL; converted = copy_xml(*xml); update_validation(&converted, &version, TRUE, to_logs); value = crm_element_value(converted, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); if(version < min_version) { if(to_logs) { crm_config_err("Your current configuration could only be upgraded to %s... " "the minimum requirement is %s.\n", crm_str(value), MINIMUM_SCHEMA_VERSION); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Your current configuration could only be upgraded to %s... " "the minimum requirement is %s.\n", crm_str(value), MINIMUM_SCHEMA_VERSION); } free_xml(converted); converted = NULL; rc = FALSE; } else { free_xml(*xml); *xml = converted; if(version < max_version) { crm_config_warn("Your configuration was internally updated to %s... " "which is acceptable but not the most recent", get_schema_name(version)); } else if(to_logs){ crm_info("Your configuration was internally updated to the latest version (%s)", get_schema_name(version)); } } } else if(version > max_version) { if(to_logs){ crm_config_warn("Configuration validation is currently disabled." " It is highly encouraged and prevents many common cluster issues."); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Configuration validation is currently disabled." " It is highly encouraged and prevents many common cluster issues.\n"); } } if(best_version) { *best_version = version; } return rc; } xmlNode *expand_idref(xmlNode *input, xmlNode *top) { const char *tag = NULL; const char *ref = NULL; xmlNode *result = input; char *xpath_string = NULL; if(result == NULL) { return NULL; } else if(top == NULL) { top = input; } tag = crm_element_name(result); ref = crm_element_value(result, XML_ATTR_IDREF); if(ref != NULL) { int xpath_max = 512, offset = 0; crm_malloc0(xpath_string, xpath_max); offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//%s[@id='%s']", tag, ref); result = get_xpath_object(xpath_string, top, LOG_ERR); if(result == NULL) { char *nodePath = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(top); crm_err("No match for %s found in %s: Invalid configuration", xpath_string, crm_str(nodePath)); crm_free(nodePath); } } crm_free(xpath_string); return result; } xmlNode* get_xpath_object_relative(const char *xpath, xmlNode *xml_obj, int error_level) { int len = 0; xmlNode *result = NULL; char *xpath_full = NULL; char *xpath_prefix = NULL; if(xml_obj == NULL || xpath == NULL) { return NULL; } xpath_prefix = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(xml_obj); len += strlen(xpath_prefix); len += strlen(xpath); xpath_full = crm_strdup(xpath_prefix); crm_realloc(xpath_full, len+1); strncat(xpath_full, xpath, len); result = get_xpath_object(xpath_full, xml_obj, error_level); crm_free(xpath_prefix); crm_free(xpath_full); return result; } xmlNode* get_xpath_object(const char *xpath, xmlNode *xml_obj, int error_level) { xmlNode *result = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; char *nodePath = NULL; char *matchNodePath = NULL; if(xpath == NULL) { return xml_obj; /* or return NULL? */ } xpathObj = xpath_search(xml_obj, xpath); nodePath = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(xml_obj); if(xpathObj == NULL || xpathObj->nodesetval == NULL || xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr < 1) { do_crm_log(error_level, "No match for %s in %s", xpath, crm_str(nodePath)); crm_log_xml(LOG_DEBUG_2, "Bad Input", xml_obj); } else if(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr > 1) { int lpc = 0, max = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr; do_crm_log(error_level, "Too many matches for %s in %s", xpath, crm_str(nodePath)); for(lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); CRM_CHECK(match != NULL, continue); matchNodePath = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(match); do_crm_log(error_level, "%s[%d] = %s", xpath, lpc, crm_str(matchNodePath)); crm_free(matchNodePath); } crm_log_xml(LOG_DEBUG_2, "Bad Input", xml_obj); } else { result = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0); } if(xpathObj) { xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); } crm_free(nodePath); return result; } const char * crm_element_value(xmlNode *data, const char *name) { xmlAttr *attr = NULL; if(data == NULL) { crm_err("Couldn't find %s in NULL", name?name:""); return NULL; } else if(name == NULL) { crm_err("Couldn't find NULL in %s", crm_element_name(data)); return NULL; } attr = xmlHasProp(data, (const xmlChar*)name); if(attr == NULL || attr->children == NULL) { return NULL; } return (const char*)attr->children->content; } diff --git a/lib/fencing/st_client.c b/lib/fencing/st_client.c index bb2486aa67..c52b37d1a3 100644 --- a/lib/fencing/st_client.c +++ b/lib/fencing/st_client.c @@ -1,1609 +1,1610 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FE_AGENT_FORK -2 #define FE_AGENT_ERROR -3 typedef struct stonith_private_s { char *token; IPC_Channel *command_channel; IPC_Channel *callback_channel; GCHSource *callback_source; GHashTable *stonith_op_callback_table; void (*op_callback)( stonith_t *st, const xmlNode *msg, int call, int rc, xmlNode *output, void *userdata); } stonith_private_t; typedef struct stonith_notify_client_s { const char *event; const char *obj_id; /* implement one day */ const char *obj_type; /* implement one day */ void (*notify)(stonith_t *st, const char *event, xmlNode *msg); } stonith_notify_client_t; typedef struct stonith_callback_client_s { void (*callback)( stonith_t *st, const xmlNode *msg, int call, int rc, xmlNode *output, void *userdata); const char *id; void *user_data; gboolean only_success; struct timer_rec_s *timer; } stonith_callback_client_t; struct notify_blob_s { stonith_t *stonith; xmlNode *xml; }; struct timer_rec_s { int call_id; int timeout; guint ref; stonith_t *stonith; }; typedef enum stonith_errors (*stonith_op_t)( const char *, int, const char *, xmlNode *, xmlNode*, xmlNode*, xmlNode**, xmlNode**); static const char META_TEMPLATE[] = "\n" "\n" "\n" " 1.0\n" " \n" "%s\n" " \n" " %s\n" "%s\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " 2.0\n" " \n" "\n"; gboolean stonith_dispatch(IPC_Channel *channel, gpointer user_data); void stonith_perform_callback(stonith_t *stonith, xmlNode *msg, int call_id, int rc); xmlNode *stonith_create_op( int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode *data, int call_options); int stonith_send_command( stonith_t *stonith, const char *op, xmlNode *data, xmlNode **output_data, int call_options, int timeout); static void stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data); static void stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data); static void stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { stonith_t *stonith = user_data; stonith_private_t *native = NULL; struct notify_blob_s blob; blob.stonith = stonith; blob.xml = create_xml_node(NULL, "notify");; native = stonith->private; native->callback_source = NULL; stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY); crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_SUBTYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT); g_list_foreach(stonith->notify_list, stonith_send_notification, &blob); free_xml(blob.xml); } static int stonith_api_register_device( stonith_t *stonith, int call_options, const char *id, const char *namespace, const char *agent, GHashTable *params) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); xmlNode *args = create_xml_node(data, XML_TAG_ATTRS); crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_xml_add(data, "origin", __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, "agent", agent); crm_xml_add(data, "namespace", namespace); g_hash_table_foreach(params, hash2field, args); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, data, NULL, call_options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_remove_device( stonith_t *stonith, int call_options, const char *name) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(data, "origin", __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, name); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, data, NULL, call_options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static void append_arg( gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { int len = 3; /* =, \n, \0 */ int last = 0; char **args = user_data; CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(value != NULL, return); if(strstr(key, "pcmk_")) { return; } else if(strstr(key, CRM_META)) { return; } else if(safe_str_eq(key, "crm_feature_set")) { return; } len += strlen(key); len += strlen(value); if(*args != NULL) { last = strlen(*args); } crm_realloc(*args, last+len); crm_debug_2("Appending: %s=%s", (char *)key, (char *)value); sprintf((*args)+last, "%s=%s\n", (char *)key, (char *)value); } static void append_const_arg(const char *key, const char *value, char **arg_list) { char *glib_sucks_key = crm_strdup(key); char *glib_sucks_value = crm_strdup(value); append_arg(glib_sucks_key, glib_sucks_value, arg_list); crm_free(glib_sucks_value); crm_free(glib_sucks_key); } static void append_host_specific_args(const char *victim, const char *map, GHashTable *params, char **arg_list) { char *name = NULL; int last = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0; if(map == NULL) { /* The best default there is for now... */ crm_debug("Using default arg map: port=uname"); append_const_arg("port", victim, arg_list); return; } max = strlen(map); crm_debug("Processing arg map: %s", map); for(; lpc < max + 1; lpc++) { if(isalpha(map[lpc])) { /* keep going */ } else if(map[lpc] == '=' || map[lpc] == ':') { crm_malloc0(name, 1 + lpc - last); strncpy(name, map + last, lpc - last); crm_debug("Got name: %s", name); last = lpc + 1; } else if(map[lpc] == 0 || map[lpc] == ',' || isspace(map[lpc])) { char *param = NULL; const char *value = NULL; crm_malloc0(param, 1 + lpc - last); strncpy(param, map + last, lpc - last); last = lpc + 1; crm_debug("Got key: %s", param); if(name == NULL) { crm_err("Misparsed '%s', found '%s' without a name", map, param); crm_free(param); continue; } if(safe_str_eq(param, "uname")) { value = victim; } else { char *key = crm_meta_name(param); value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, key); crm_free(key); } if(value) { crm_debug("Setting '%s'='%s' (%s) for %s", name, value, param, victim); append_const_arg(name, value, arg_list); } else { crm_err("No node attribute '%s' for '%s'", name, victim); } crm_free(name); name=NULL; crm_free(param); if(map[lpc] == 0) { break; } } else if(isspace(map[lpc])) { last = lpc; } } + crm_free(name); } static char *make_args(GHashTable *dev_hash, GHashTable *node_hash, const char *action, const char *victim) { char *arg_list = NULL; const char *map = NULL; CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, return NULL); if(dev_hash) { map = g_hash_table_lookup(dev_hash, STONITH_ATTR_ARGMAP); g_hash_table_foreach(dev_hash, append_arg, &arg_list); } append_const_arg(STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP, action, &arg_list); if(victim) { append_const_arg("nodename", victim, &arg_list); append_host_specific_args(victim, map, node_hash, &arg_list); } crm_debug_3("Calculated: %s", arg_list); return arg_list; } /* Borrowed from libfence and extended */ int run_stonith_agent( const char *agent, GHashTable *dev_hash, GHashTable *node_hash, const char *action, const char *victim, int *agent_result, char **output, async_command_t *track) { char *args = make_args(dev_hash, node_hash, action, victim); int pid, status, len, rc = -1; int p_read_fd, p_write_fd; /* parent read/write file descriptors */ int c_read_fd, c_write_fd; /* child read/write file descriptors */ int fd1[2]; int fd2[2]; c_read_fd = c_write_fd = p_read_fd = p_write_fd = -1; if (args == NULL || agent == NULL) goto fail; len = strlen(args); if (pipe(fd1)) goto fail; p_read_fd = fd1[0]; c_write_fd = fd1[1]; if (pipe(fd2)) goto fail; c_read_fd = fd2[0]; p_write_fd = fd2[1]; crm_debug("forking"); pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { *agent_result = FE_AGENT_FORK; goto fail; } if (pid) { /* parent */ int ret; fcntl(p_read_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(p_read_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); do { crm_debug("sending args"); ret = write(p_write_fd, args, len); } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (ret != len) { if(ret >= 0) { rc = st_err_generic; } goto fail; } close(p_write_fd); if(track) { NewTrackedProc(pid, 0, PT_LOGNORMAL, track, track->pt_ops); #if 0 ProcTrackKillInfo *info = NULL; crm_malloc0(info, sizeof(ProcTrackKillInfo) * 3); killseq[0].mstimeout = timeout; /* after timeout send TERM */ killseq[0].signalno = SIGTERM; killseq[1].mstimeout = 5000; /* after 5 secs remove it */ killseq[1].signalno = SIGKILL; killseq[2].mstimeout = 5000; /* if it's still there after 5, complain */ killseq[2].signalno = 0; SetTrackedProcTimeouts(pid,killseq); #endif track->stdout = p_read_fd; crm_free(args); close(c_write_fd); close(c_read_fd); return pid; } else { waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if(output != NULL) { len = 0; do { char buf[500]; ret = read(p_read_fd, buf, 500); if(ret > 0) { buf[ret] = 0; crm_realloc(*output, len + ret + 1); sprintf((*output)+len, "%s", buf); crm_debug("%d: %s", ret, (*output)+len); len += ret; } } while (ret == 500 || (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR)); } *agent_result = FE_AGENT_ERROR; if (WIFEXITED(status)) { crm_debug("result = %d", WEXITSTATUS(status)); *agent_result = -WEXITSTATUS(status); rc = 0; } if(node_hash) { g_hash_table_destroy(node_hash); } } } else { /* child */ close(1); if (dup(c_write_fd) < 0) goto fail; close(2); if (dup(c_write_fd) < 0) goto fail; close(0); if (dup(c_read_fd) < 0) goto fail; /* keep c_write_fd open so parent can report all errors. */ close(c_read_fd); close(p_read_fd); close(p_write_fd); execlp(agent, agent, NULL); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fail: crm_free(args); if(p_read_fd >= 0) { close(p_read_fd); } if(p_write_fd >= 0) { close(p_write_fd); } if(c_read_fd >= 0) { close(c_read_fd); } if(c_write_fd >= 0) { close(c_write_fd); } return rc; } static int stonith_api_device_metadata( stonith_t *stonith, int call_options, const char *agent, const char *namespace, char **output, int timeout) { int rc = 0; int bufferlen = 0; char *buffer = NULL; char *xml_meta_longdesc = NULL; char *xml_meta_shortdesc = NULL; char *meta_param = NULL; char *meta_longdesc = NULL; char *meta_shortdesc = NULL; const char *provider = get_stonith_provider(agent, namespace); Stonith *stonith_obj = NULL; static const char *no_parameter_info = ""; crm_info("looking up %s/%s metadata", agent, provider); /* By having this in a library, we can access it from stonith_admin * when neither lrmd or stonith-ng are running * Important for the crm shell's validations... */ if(safe_str_eq(provider, "redhat")) { int exec_rc = run_stonith_agent( agent, NULL, NULL, "metadata", NULL, &rc, &buffer, NULL); if(exec_rc < 0 || rc != 0 || buffer == NULL) { /* failed */ crm_debug("Query failed: %d %d: %s", exec_rc, rc, crm_str(buffer)); /* provide a fake metadata entry */ meta_longdesc = crm_strdup(no_parameter_info); meta_shortdesc = crm_strdup(no_parameter_info); meta_param = crm_strdup( " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " Fencing action (null, off, on, [reboot], status, hostlist, devstatus)\n" " \n" " "); goto build; } } else { stonith_obj = stonith_new(agent); meta_longdesc = crm_strdup(stonith_get_info(stonith_obj, ST_DEVICEDESCR)); if (meta_longdesc == NULL) { crm_warn("no long description in %s's metadata.", agent); meta_longdesc = crm_strdup(no_parameter_info); } meta_shortdesc = crm_strdup(stonith_get_info(stonith_obj, ST_DEVICENAME)); crm_info("short description: %s", meta_shortdesc); if (meta_shortdesc == NULL) { crm_warn("no short description in %s's metadata.", agent); meta_shortdesc = crm_strdup(no_parameter_info); } meta_param = crm_strdup(stonith_get_info(stonith_obj, ST_CONF_XML)); if (meta_param == NULL) { crm_warn("no list of parameters in %s's metadata.", agent); meta_param = crm_strdup(no_parameter_info); } build: xml_meta_longdesc = (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, (const unsigned char *)meta_longdesc); xml_meta_shortdesc = (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, (const unsigned char *)meta_shortdesc); bufferlen = strlen(META_TEMPLATE) + strlen(agent) + strlen(xml_meta_longdesc) + strlen(xml_meta_shortdesc) + strlen(meta_param) + 1; crm_malloc0(buffer, bufferlen); snprintf(buffer, bufferlen-1, META_TEMPLATE, agent, xml_meta_longdesc, xml_meta_shortdesc, meta_param); xmlFree(xml_meta_longdesc); xmlFree(xml_meta_shortdesc); if(stonith_obj) { stonith_delete(stonith_obj); } crm_free(meta_shortdesc); crm_free(meta_longdesc); crm_free(meta_param); } if(output) { *output = buffer; } else { crm_free(buffer); } return rc; } static int stonith_api_confirm( stonith_t *stonith, int call_options, const char *target) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, target); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE, data, NULL, call_options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_query( stonith_t *stonith, int call_options, const char *target, GListPtr *devices, int timeout) { int rc = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; xmlNode *output = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; CRM_CHECK(devices != NULL, return st_err_missing); data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(data, "origin", __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, target); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_QUERY, data, &output, call_options, timeout); if(rc < 0) { return rc; } xpathObj = xpath_search(output, "//@agent"); if(xpathObj) { max = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr; for(lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); CRM_CHECK(match != NULL, continue); crm_info("%s[%d] = %s", "//@agent", lpc, xmlGetNodePath(match)); *devices = g_list_append(*devices, crm_element_value_copy(match, XML_ATTR_ID)); } } free_xml(output); free_xml(data); return max; } static int stonith_api_call( stonith_t *stonith, int call_options, const char *id, const char *action, const char *victim, int timeout) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(data, "origin", __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, id); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, victim); crm_xml_add_int(data, "timeout", timeout); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_EXEC, data, NULL, call_options, timeout); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_fence( stonith_t *stonith, int call_options, const char *node, GHashTable *parameters, const char *action, int timeout) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; xmlNode *params = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action); crm_xml_add_int(data, "timeout", timeout); params = create_xml_node(data, XML_TAG_ATTRS); g_hash_table_foreach(parameters, hash2nvpair, params); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE, data, NULL, call_options, timeout); free_xml(data); return rc; } const char * stonith_error2string(enum stonith_errors return_code) { const char *error_msg = NULL; switch(return_code) { case stonith_ok: error_msg = "OK"; break; case st_err_not_supported: error_msg = "Not supported"; break; case st_err_authentication: error_msg = "Not authenticated"; break; case st_err_generic: error_msg = "Generic error"; break; case st_err_internal: error_msg = "Internal error"; break; case st_err_unknown_device: error_msg = "Unknown device"; break; case st_err_unknown_operation: error_msg = "Unknown operation"; break; case st_err_unknown_port: error_msg = "Unknown victim"; break; case st_err_none_available: error_msg = "No available fencing devices"; break; case st_err_connection: error_msg = "Not connected"; break; case st_err_missing: error_msg = "Missing input"; break; case st_err_exists: error_msg = "Device exists"; break; case st_err_timeout: error_msg = "Operation timed out"; break; case st_err_signal: error_msg = "Killed by signal"; break; case st_err_ipc: error_msg = "IPC connection failed"; break; case st_err_peer: error_msg = "Error from peer"; break; } if(error_msg == NULL) { crm_err("Unknown Stonith error code: %d", return_code); error_msg = ""; } return error_msg; } gboolean is_redhat_agent(const char *agent) { int rc = 0; struct stat prop; char buffer[FILENAME_MAX+1]; snprintf(buffer,FILENAME_MAX,"%s/%s", RH_STONITH_DIR, agent); rc = stat(buffer, &prop); if (rc >= 0 && S_ISREG(prop.st_mode)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } const char *get_stonith_provider(const char *agent, const char *provider) { /* This function sucks */ if(is_redhat_agent(agent)) { return "redhat"; } else { Stonith *stonith_obj = stonith_new(agent); if(stonith_obj) { stonith_delete(stonith_obj); return "heartbeat"; } } crm_err("No such device: %s", agent); return NULL; } static gint stonithlib_GCompareFunc(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { int rc = 0; const stonith_notify_client_t *a_client = a; const stonith_notify_client_t *b_client = b; CRM_CHECK(a_client->event != NULL && b_client->event != NULL, return 0); rc = strcmp(a_client->event, b_client->event); if(rc == 0) { if(a_client->notify == NULL || b_client->notify == NULL) { return 0; } else if(a_client->notify == b_client->notify) { return 0; } else if(((long)a_client->notify) < ((long)b_client->notify)) { crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p", a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify); return -1; } crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p", a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify); return 1; } return rc; } static int get_stonith_token(IPC_Channel *ch, char **token) { int rc = stonith_ok; xmlNode *reg_msg = NULL; const char *msg_type = NULL; const char *tmp_ticket = NULL; CRM_CHECK(ch != NULL, return st_err_missing); CRM_CHECK(token != NULL, return st_err_missing); crm_debug_4("Waiting for msg on command channel"); reg_msg = xmlfromIPC(ch, MAX_IPC_DELAY); if(ch->ops->get_chan_status(ch) != IPC_CONNECT) { crm_err("No reply message - disconnected"); free_xml(reg_msg); return st_err_connection; } else if(reg_msg == NULL) { crm_err("No reply message - empty"); return st_err_ipc; } msg_type = crm_element_value(reg_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION); tmp_ticket = crm_element_value(reg_msg, F_STONITH_CLIENTID); if(safe_str_neq(msg_type, CRM_OP_REGISTER) ) { crm_err("Invalid registration message: %s", msg_type); rc = st_err_internal; } else if(tmp_ticket == NULL) { crm_err("No registration token provided"); crm_log_xml_warn(reg_msg, "Bad reply") rc = st_err_internal; } else { crm_debug("Obtained registration token: %s", tmp_ticket); *token = crm_strdup(tmp_ticket); } free_xml(reg_msg); return rc; } xmlNode *stonith_create_op( int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode *data, int call_options) { int rc = HA_OK; xmlNode *op_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command"); CRM_CHECK(op_msg != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(token != NULL, return NULL); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_XML_TAGNAME, "stonith_command"); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLBACK_TOKEN, token); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op); crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, call_id); crm_debug_4("Sending call options: %.8lx, %d", (long)call_options, call_options); crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, call_options); if(data != NULL) { add_message_xml(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data); } if (rc != HA_OK) { crm_err("Failed to create STONITH operation message"); crm_log_xml(LOG_ERR, "BadOp", op_msg); free_xml(op_msg); return NULL; } return op_msg; } static void stonith_destroy_op_callback(gpointer data) { stonith_callback_client_t *blob = data; if(blob->timer && blob->timer->ref > 0) { g_source_remove(blob->timer->ref); } crm_free(blob->timer); crm_free(blob); } static int stonith_api_signoff(stonith_t* stonith) { stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private; crm_debug("Signing out of the STONITH Service"); /* close channels */ if (native->command_channel != NULL) { native->command_channel->ops->destroy( native->command_channel); native->command_channel = NULL; } if (native->callback_source != NULL) { G_main_del_IPC_Channel(native->callback_source); native->callback_source = NULL; } if (native->callback_channel != NULL) { #ifdef BUG native->callback_channel->ops->destroy( native->callback_channel); #endif native->callback_channel = NULL; } stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; return stonith_ok; } static int stonith_api_signon( stonith_t* stonith, const char *name, int *async_fd, int *sync_fd) { int rc = stonith_ok; xmlNode *hello = NULL; char *uuid_ticket = NULL; stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private; crm_debug_4("Connecting command channel"); stonith->state = stonith_connected_command; native->command_channel = init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch(stonith_channel); if(native->command_channel == NULL) { crm_debug("Connection to command channel failed"); rc = st_err_connection; } else if(native->command_channel->ch_status != IPC_CONNECT) { crm_err("Connection may have succeeded," " but authentication to command channel failed"); rc = st_err_authentication; } if(rc == stonith_ok) { rc = get_stonith_token(native->command_channel, &uuid_ticket); if(rc == stonith_ok) { native->token = uuid_ticket; uuid_ticket = NULL; } else { stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; native->command_channel->ops->disconnect(native->command_channel); return rc; } } native->callback_channel = init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch( stonith_channel_callback); if(native->callback_channel == NULL) { crm_debug("Connection to callback channel failed"); rc = st_err_connection; } else if(native->callback_channel->ch_status != IPC_CONNECT) { crm_err("Connection may have succeeded," " but authentication to command channel failed"); rc = st_err_authentication; } if(rc == stonith_ok) { native->callback_channel->send_queue->max_qlen = 500; rc = get_stonith_token(native->callback_channel, &uuid_ticket); if(rc == stonith_ok) { crm_free(native->token); native->token = uuid_ticket; } } if(rc == stonith_ok) { CRM_CHECK(native->token != NULL, ;); hello = stonith_create_op(0, native->token, CRM_OP_REGISTER, NULL, 0); crm_xml_add(hello, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, name); if(send_ipc_message(native->command_channel, hello) == FALSE) { rc = st_err_internal; } free_xml(hello); } if(rc == stonith_ok) { gboolean do_mainloop = TRUE; if(async_fd != NULL) { do_mainloop = FALSE; *async_fd = native->callback_channel->ops->get_recv_select_fd(native->callback_channel); } if(sync_fd != NULL) { do_mainloop = FALSE; *sync_fd = native->callback_channel->ops->get_send_select_fd(native->callback_channel); } if(do_mainloop) { crm_debug_4("Connecting callback channel"); native->callback_source = G_main_add_IPC_Channel( G_PRIORITY_HIGH, native->callback_channel, FALSE, stonith_dispatch, stonith, default_ipc_connection_destroy); if(native->callback_source == NULL) { crm_err("Callback source not recorded"); rc = st_err_connection; } else { set_IPC_Channel_dnotify( native->callback_source, stonith_connection_destroy); } } } if(rc == stonith_ok) { #if HAVE_MSGFROMIPC_TIMEOUT stonith->call_timeout = MAX_IPC_DELAY; #endif crm_debug("Connection to STONITH successful"); return stonith_ok; } crm_debug("Connection to STONITH failed: %s", stonith_error2string(rc)); stonith->cmds->disconnect(stonith); return rc; } static int stonith_set_notification(stonith_t* stonith, const char *callback, int enabled) { xmlNode *notify_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private; if(stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) { crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY); if(enabled) { crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE, callback); } else { crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE, callback); } send_ipc_message(native->callback_channel, notify_msg); } free_xml(notify_msg); return stonith_ok; } static int stonith_api_add_notification( stonith_t *stonith, const char *event, void (*callback)(stonith_t *stonith, const char *event, xmlNode *msg)) { GList *list_item = NULL; stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL; crm_debug_2("Adding callback for %s events (%d)", event, g_list_length(stonith->notify_list)); crm_malloc0(new_client, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t)); new_client->event = event; new_client->notify = callback; list_item = g_list_find_custom( stonith->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc); if(list_item != NULL) { crm_warn("Callback already present"); crm_free(new_client); return st_err_exists; } else { stonith->notify_list = g_list_append( stonith->notify_list, new_client); stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 1); crm_debug_3("Callback added (%d)", g_list_length(stonith->notify_list)); } return stonith_ok; } static int stonith_api_del_notification(stonith_t *stonith, const char *event) { GList *list_item = NULL; stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL; crm_debug("Removing callback for %s events", event); crm_malloc0(new_client, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t)); new_client->event = event; new_client->notify = NULL; list_item = g_list_find_custom( stonith->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc); stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 0); if(list_item != NULL) { stonith_notify_client_t *list_client = list_item->data; stonith->notify_list = g_list_remove(stonith->notify_list, list_client); crm_free(list_client); crm_debug_3("Removed callback"); } else { crm_debug_3("Callback not present"); } crm_free(new_client); return stonith_ok; } static gboolean stonith_async_timeout_handler(gpointer data) { struct timer_rec_s *timer = data; crm_debug("Async call %d timed out after %dms", timer->call_id, timer->timeout); stonith_perform_callback(timer->stonith, NULL, timer->call_id, st_err_timeout); /* Always return TRUE, never remove the handler * We do that in stonith_del_callback() */ return TRUE; } static int stonith_api_add_callback( stonith_t *stonith, int call_id, int timeout, gboolean only_success, void *user_data, const char *callback_name, void (*callback)( stonith_t *st, const xmlNode *msg, int call, int rc, xmlNode *output, void *userdata)) { stonith_callback_client_t *blob = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return st_err_missing); CRM_CHECK(stonith->private != NULL, return st_err_missing); private = stonith->private; if(call_id == 0) { private->op_callback = callback; } else if(call_id < 0) { if(only_success == FALSE) { callback(stonith, NULL, call_id, call_id, NULL, user_data); } else { crm_warn("STONITH call failed: %s", stonith_error2string(call_id)); } return FALSE; } crm_malloc0(blob, sizeof(stonith_callback_client_t)); blob->id = callback_name; blob->only_success = only_success; blob->user_data = user_data; blob->callback = callback; if(timeout > 0) { struct timer_rec_s *async_timer = NULL; crm_malloc0(async_timer, sizeof(struct timer_rec_s)); blob->timer = async_timer; async_timer->stonith = stonith; async_timer->call_id = call_id; async_timer->timeout = timeout*1100; async_timer->ref = g_timeout_add( async_timer->timeout, stonith_async_timeout_handler, async_timer); } g_hash_table_insert(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id), blob); return TRUE; } static int stonith_api_del_callback(stonith_t *stonith, int call_id, gboolean all_callbacks) { stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private; if(all_callbacks) { private->op_callback = NULL; g_hash_table_destroy(private->stonith_op_callback_table); private->stonith_op_callback_table = g_hash_table_new_full( g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, stonith_destroy_op_callback); } else if(call_id == 0) { private->op_callback = NULL; } else { g_hash_table_remove(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id)); } return stonith_ok; } static void stonith_dump_pending_op( gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { int call = GPOINTER_TO_INT(key); stonith_callback_client_t *blob = value; crm_debug("Call %d (%s): pending", call, crm_str(blob->id)); } void stonith_dump_pending_callbacks(stonith_t *stonith) { stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private; if(private->stonith_op_callback_table == NULL) { return; } return g_hash_table_foreach( private->stonith_op_callback_table, stonith_dump_pending_op, NULL); } void stonith_perform_callback(stonith_t *stonith, xmlNode *msg, int call_id, int rc) { xmlNode *output = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; stonith_callback_client_t *blob = NULL; stonith_callback_client_t local_blob; CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(stonith->private != NULL, return); private = stonith->private; local_blob.id = NULL; local_blob.callback = NULL; local_blob.user_data = NULL; local_blob.only_success = FALSE; if(msg != NULL) { crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_RC, &rc); crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call_id); output = get_message_xml(msg, F_STONITH_CALLDATA); } CRM_CHECK(call_id > 0, crm_warn("Strange or missing call-id")); blob = g_hash_table_lookup( private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id)); if(blob != NULL) { local_blob = *blob; blob = NULL; stonith_api_del_callback(stonith, call_id, FALSE); } else { crm_debug_2("No callback found for call %d", call_id); local_blob.callback = NULL; } if(stonith == NULL) { crm_debug("No stonith object supplied"); } if(local_blob.callback != NULL && (rc == stonith_ok || local_blob.only_success == FALSE)) { crm_debug_2("Invoking callback %s for call %d", crm_str(local_blob.id), call_id); local_blob.callback(stonith, msg, call_id, rc, output, local_blob.user_data); } else if(private->op_callback == NULL && rc != stonith_ok) { crm_warn("STONITH command failed: %s", stonith_error2string(rc)); crm_log_xml(LOG_DEBUG, "Failed STONITH Update", msg); } if(private->op_callback != NULL) { crm_debug_2("Invoking global callback for call %d", call_id); private->op_callback(stonith, msg, call_id, rc, output, NULL); } crm_debug_4("OP callback activated."); } static void stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { struct notify_blob_s *blob = user_data; stonith_notify_client_t *entry = data; const char *event = NULL; if(blob->xml == NULL) { crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL message"); return; } event = crm_element_value(blob->xml, F_SUBTYPE); if(entry == NULL) { crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback client"); return; } else if(entry->notify == NULL) { crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback"); return; } else if(safe_str_neq(entry->event, event)) { crm_debug_4("Skipping callback - event mismatch %p/%s vs. %s", entry, entry->event, event); return; } crm_debug_4("Invoking callback for %p/%s event...", entry, event); entry->notify(blob->stonith, event, blob->xml); crm_debug_4("Callback invoked..."); } int stonith_send_command( stonith_t *stonith, const char *op, xmlNode *data, xmlNode **output_data, int call_options, int timeout) { int rc = HA_OK; xmlNode *op_msg = NULL; xmlNode *op_reply = NULL; stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private; if(stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) { return st_err_connection; } if(output_data != NULL) { *output_data = NULL; } if(op == NULL) { crm_err("No operation specified"); return st_err_missing; } stonith->call_id++; /* prevent call_id from being negative (or zero) and conflicting * with the stonith_errors enum * use 2 because we use it as (stonith->call_id - 1) below */ if(stonith->call_id < 1) { stonith->call_id = 1; } CRM_CHECK(native->token != NULL, ;); op_msg = stonith_create_op(stonith->call_id, native->token, op, data, call_options); if(op_msg == NULL) { return st_err_missing; } crm_debug_3("Sending %s message to STONITH service", op); if(send_ipc_message(native->command_channel, op_msg) == FALSE) { crm_err("Sending message to STONITH service FAILED"); free_xml(op_msg); return st_err_ipc; } else { crm_debug_3("Message sent"); } free_xml(op_msg); if((call_options & st_opt_discard_reply)) { crm_debug_3("Discarding reply"); return stonith_ok; } else if(!(call_options & st_opt_sync_call)) { crm_debug_3("Async call, returning"); CRM_CHECK(stonith->call_id != 0, return st_err_ipc); return stonith->call_id; } rc = IPC_OK; crm_debug_3("Waiting for a syncronous reply"); rc = stonith_ok; while(IPC_ISRCONN(native->command_channel)) { int reply_id = -1; int msg_id = stonith->call_id; op_reply = xmlfromIPC(native->command_channel, stonith->call_timeout); if(op_reply == NULL) { rc = st_err_peer; break; } crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_STONITH_CALLID, &reply_id); if(reply_id <= 0) { rc = st_err_peer; break; } else if(reply_id == msg_id) { crm_debug_3("Syncronous reply received"); crm_log_xml(LOG_MSG, "Reply", op_reply); if(crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_STONITH_RC, &rc) != 0) { rc = st_err_peer; } if(output_data != NULL && is_not_set(call_options, st_opt_discard_reply)) { *output_data = op_reply; op_reply = NULL; } break; } else if(reply_id < msg_id) { crm_debug("Recieved old reply: %d (wanted %d)", reply_id, msg_id); crm_log_xml(LOG_MSG, "Old reply", op_reply); } else if((reply_id - 10000) > msg_id) { /* wrap-around case */ crm_debug("Recieved old reply: %d (wanted %d)", reply_id, msg_id); crm_log_xml(LOG_MSG, "Old reply", op_reply); } else { crm_err("Received a __future__ reply:" " %d (wanted %d)", reply_id, msg_id); } free_xml(op_reply); op_reply = NULL; } if(IPC_ISRCONN(native->command_channel) == FALSE) { crm_err("STONITH disconnected: %d", native->command_channel->ch_status); stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; } if(op_reply == NULL && stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) { rc = st_err_connection; } else if(rc == stonith_ok && op_reply == NULL) { rc = st_err_peer; } free_xml(op_reply); return rc; } static gboolean stonith_msgready(stonith_t* stonith) { stonith_private_t *private = NULL; if (stonith == NULL) { crm_err("No STONITH!"); return FALSE; } private = stonith->private; if(private->command_channel != NULL) { /* drain the channel */ IPC_Channel *cmd_ch = private->command_channel; xmlNode *cmd_msg = NULL; while(cmd_ch->ch_status != IPC_DISCONNECT && cmd_ch->ops->is_message_pending(cmd_ch)) { /* this will happen when the STONITH exited from beneath us */ cmd_msg = xmlfromIPC(cmd_ch, MAX_IPC_DELAY); free_xml(cmd_msg); } } else { crm_err("No command channel"); } if(private->callback_channel == NULL) { crm_err("No callback channel"); return FALSE; } else if(private->callback_channel->ch_status == IPC_DISCONNECT) { crm_info("Lost connection to the STONITH service [%d].", private->callback_channel->farside_pid); return FALSE; } else if(private->callback_channel->ops->is_message_pending( private->callback_channel)) { crm_debug_4("Message pending on command channel [%d]", private->callback_channel->farside_pid); return TRUE; } crm_debug_3("No message pending"); return FALSE; } static int stonith_rcvmsg(stonith_t* stonith) { const char *type = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; struct notify_blob_s blob; if (stonith == NULL) { crm_err("No STONITH!"); return FALSE; } blob.stonith = stonith; private = stonith->private; /* if it is not blocking mode and no message in the channel, return */ if (stonith_msgready(stonith) == FALSE) { crm_debug_3("No message ready and non-blocking..."); return 0; } /* IPC_INTR is not a factor here */ blob.xml = xmlfromIPC(private->callback_channel, MAX_IPC_DELAY); if (blob.xml == NULL) { crm_warn("Received a NULL msg from STONITH service."); return 0; } /* do callbacks */ type = crm_element_value(blob.xml, F_TYPE); crm_debug_4("Activating %s callbacks...", type); if(safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NG)) { stonith_perform_callback(stonith, blob.xml, 0, 0); } else if(safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NOTIFY)) { g_list_foreach(stonith->notify_list, stonith_send_notification, &blob); } else { crm_err("Unknown message type: %s", type); crm_log_xml_warn(blob.xml, "BadReply"); } free_xml(blob.xml); return 1; } gboolean stonith_dispatch(IPC_Channel *channel, gpointer user_data) { stonith_t *stonith = user_data; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; gboolean stay_connected = TRUE; CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return FALSE); private = stonith->private; CRM_CHECK(private->callback_channel == channel, return FALSE); while(stonith_msgready(stonith)) { /* invoke the callbacks but dont block */ int rc = stonith_rcvmsg(stonith); if( rc < 0) { crm_err("Message acquisition failed: %d", rc); break; } else if(rc == 0) { break; } } if(private->callback_channel && private->callback_channel->ch_status != IPC_CONNECT) { crm_crit("Lost connection to the STONITH service [%d/callback].", channel->farside_pid); private->callback_source = NULL; stay_connected = FALSE; } if(private->command_channel && private->command_channel->ch_status != IPC_CONNECT) { crm_crit("Lost connection to the STONITH service [%d/command].", channel->farside_pid); private->callback_source = NULL; stay_connected = FALSE; } return stay_connected; } static int stonith_api_free (stonith_t* stonith) { int rc = stonith_ok; if(stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) { rc = stonith->cmds->disconnect(stonith); } if(stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) { stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private; g_hash_table_destroy(private->stonith_op_callback_table); crm_free(private->token); crm_free(stonith->private); crm_free(stonith->cmds); crm_free(stonith); } return rc; } void stonith_api_delete(stonith_t *stonith) { GList *list = stonith->notify_list; while(list != NULL) { stonith_notify_client_t *client = g_list_nth_data(list, 0); list = g_list_remove(list, client); crm_free(client); } stonith->cmds->free(stonith); stonith = NULL; } stonith_t *stonith_api_new(void) { stonith_t* new_stonith = NULL; stonith_private_t* private = NULL; crm_malloc0(new_stonith, sizeof(stonith_t)); crm_malloc0(private, sizeof(stonith_private_t)); new_stonith->private = private; private->stonith_op_callback_table = g_hash_table_new_full( g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, stonith_destroy_op_callback); new_stonith->call_id = 1; new_stonith->notify_list = NULL; new_stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; crm_malloc0(new_stonith->cmds, sizeof(stonith_api_operations_t)); new_stonith->cmds->free = stonith_api_free; new_stonith->cmds->connect = stonith_api_signon; new_stonith->cmds->disconnect = stonith_api_signoff; new_stonith->cmds->call = stonith_api_call; new_stonith->cmds->fence = stonith_api_fence; new_stonith->cmds->confirm = stonith_api_confirm; new_stonith->cmds->metadata = stonith_api_device_metadata; new_stonith->cmds->query = stonith_api_query; new_stonith->cmds->remove_device = stonith_api_remove_device; new_stonith->cmds->register_device = stonith_api_register_device; new_stonith->cmds->remove_callback = stonith_api_del_callback; new_stonith->cmds->register_callback = stonith_api_add_callback; new_stonith->cmds->remove_notification = stonith_api_del_notification; new_stonith->cmds->register_notification = stonith_api_add_notification; return new_stonith; } diff --git a/lib/transition/unpack.c b/lib/transition/unpack.c index 9ace14cdbd..61bb313f3b 100644 --- a/lib/transition/unpack.c +++ b/lib/transition/unpack.c @@ -1,312 +1,311 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static crm_action_t* unpack_action(synapse_t *parent, xmlNode *xml_action) { crm_action_t *action = NULL; xmlNode *action_copy = NULL; const char *value = crm_element_value(xml_action, XML_ATTR_ID); if(value == NULL) { crm_err("Actions must have an id!"); crm_log_xml_debug_3(xml_action, "Action with missing id"); return NULL; } action_copy = copy_xml(xml_action); crm_malloc0(action, sizeof(crm_action_t)); if(action == NULL) { return NULL; } action->id = crm_parse_int(value, NULL); action->type = action_type_rsc; action->xml = action_copy; action->synapse = parent; if(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(action_copy), XML_GRAPH_TAG_RSC_OP)) { action->type = action_type_rsc; } else if(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(action_copy), XML_GRAPH_TAG_PSEUDO_EVENT)) { action->type = action_type_pseudo; } else if(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(action_copy), XML_GRAPH_TAG_CRM_EVENT)) { action->type = action_type_crm; } action->params = xml2list(action_copy); value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->params, "CRM_meta_timeout"); if(value != NULL) { action->timeout = crm_parse_int(value, NULL); } value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->params, "CRM_meta_interval"); if(value != NULL) { action->interval = crm_parse_int(value, NULL); } value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->params, "CRM_meta_can_fail"); if(value != NULL) { crm_str_to_boolean(value, &(action->can_fail)); } crm_debug_3("Action %d has timer set to %dms", action->id, action->timeout); return action; } static synapse_t * unpack_synapse(crm_graph_t *new_graph, xmlNode *xml_synapse) { const char *value = NULL; synapse_t *new_synapse = NULL; CRM_CHECK(xml_synapse != NULL, return NULL); crm_debug_3("looking in synapse %s", ID(xml_synapse)); crm_malloc0(new_synapse, sizeof(synapse_t)); new_synapse->id = crm_parse_int(ID(xml_synapse), NULL); value = crm_element_value(xml_synapse, XML_CIB_ATTR_PRIORITY); if(value != NULL) { new_synapse->priority = crm_parse_int(value, NULL); } new_graph->num_synapses++; CRM_CHECK(new_synapse->id >= 0, crm_free(new_synapse); return NULL); crm_debug_3("look for actions in synapse %s", crm_element_value(xml_synapse, XML_ATTR_ID)); xml_child_iter_filter( xml_synapse, action_set, "action_set", xml_child_iter( action_set, action, crm_action_t *new_action = unpack_action( new_synapse, action); new_graph->num_actions++; if(new_action == NULL) { continue; } crm_debug_3("Adding action %d to synapse %d", new_action->id, new_synapse->id); new_synapse->actions = g_list_append( new_synapse->actions, new_action); ); ); crm_debug_3("look for inputs in synapse %s", ID(xml_synapse)); xml_child_iter_filter( xml_synapse, inputs, "inputs", xml_child_iter( inputs, trigger, xml_child_iter( trigger, input, crm_action_t *new_input = unpack_action( new_synapse, input); if(new_input == NULL) { continue; } crm_debug_3("Adding input %d to synapse %d", new_input->id, new_synapse->id); new_synapse->inputs = g_list_append( new_synapse->inputs, new_input); ); ); ); return new_synapse; } crm_graph_t * unpack_graph(xmlNode *xml_graph, const char *reference) { /* id = -1; new_graph->abort_priority = 0; new_graph->network_delay = -1; new_graph->transition_timeout = -1; new_graph->stonith_timeout = -1; new_graph->completion_action = tg_done; if(reference) { new_graph->source = crm_strdup(reference); } else { new_graph->source = crm_strdup("unknown"); } if(xml_graph != NULL) { t_id = crm_element_value(xml_graph, "transition_id"); CRM_CHECK(t_id != NULL, crm_free(new_graph); return NULL); new_graph->id = crm_parse_int(t_id, "-1"); time = crm_element_value(xml_graph, "cluster-delay"); CRM_CHECK(time != NULL, crm_free(new_graph); return NULL); new_graph->network_delay = crm_get_msec(time); time = crm_element_value(xml_graph, "stonith-timeout"); if(time == NULL) { new_graph->stonith_timeout = new_graph->network_delay; } else { new_graph->stonith_timeout = crm_get_msec(time); } t_id = crm_element_value(xml_graph, "batch-limit"); new_graph->batch_limit = crm_parse_int(t_id, "0"); } xml_child_iter_filter( xml_graph, synapse, "synapse", synapse_t *new_synapse = unpack_synapse(new_graph, synapse); if(new_synapse != NULL) { new_graph->synapses = g_list_append( new_graph->synapses, new_synapse); } ); crm_info("Unpacked transition %d: %d actions in %d synapses", new_graph->id, new_graph->num_actions,new_graph->num_synapses); return new_graph; } static void destroy_action(crm_action_t *action) { if(action->timer && action->timer->source_id != 0) { crm_warn("Cancelling timer for action %d (src=%d)", action->id, action->timer->source_id); g_source_remove(action->timer->source_id); } g_hash_table_destroy(action->params); free_xml(action->xml); crm_free(action->timer); crm_free(action); } static void destroy_synapse(synapse_t *synapse) { while(g_list_length(synapse->actions) > 0) { crm_action_t *action = g_list_nth_data(synapse->actions, 0); synapse->actions = g_list_remove(synapse->actions, action); destroy_action(action); } while(g_list_length(synapse->inputs) > 0) { crm_action_t *action = g_list_nth_data(synapse->inputs, 0); synapse->inputs = g_list_remove(synapse->inputs, action); destroy_action(action); } crm_free(synapse); } void destroy_graph(crm_graph_t *graph) { if(graph == NULL) { return; } while(g_list_length(graph->synapses) > 0) { synapse_t *synapse = g_list_nth_data(graph->synapses, 0); graph->synapses = g_list_remove(graph->synapses, synapse); destroy_synapse(synapse); } crm_free(graph->source); crm_free(graph); } lrm_op_t *convert_graph_action(xmlNode *resource, crm_action_t *action, int status, int rc) { lrm_op_t *op = NULL; xmlNode *action_resource = NULL; CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(action->type == action_type_rsc, return NULL); + action_resource = first_named_child(action->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE); + CRM_CHECK(action_resource != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(action->xml, "Bad"); return NULL); + crm_malloc0(op, sizeof(lrm_op_t)); - op->app_name = crm_strdup(crm_system_name); - action_resource = first_named_child(action->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE); - CRM_CHECK(action_resource != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(action->xml, "Bad"); return NULL); - op->rsc_id = crm_strdup(ID(action_resource)); op->interval = action->interval; op->op_type = crm_strdup(crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK)); op->rc = rc; op->op_status = status; op->params = action->params; op->call_id = 0; xml_child_iter(resource, xop, int tmp = 0; crm_element_value_int(xop, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &tmp); crm_info("Got call_id=%d for %s", tmp, ID(resource)); if(tmp > op->call_id) { op->call_id = tmp; } ); op->call_id++; return op; } diff --git a/tools/crm_inject.c b/tools/crm_inject.c index b832695d5c..3fd2be6fd1 100644 --- a/tools/crm_inject.c +++ b/tools/crm_inject.c @@ -1,1152 +1,1154 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include cib_t *global_cib = NULL; GListPtr op_fail = NULL; gboolean quiet = FALSE; #define new_node_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_NODE"[@uname='%s']" #define node_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']" #define rsc_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']" #define op_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s']" /* #define op_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s' and @"XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID"='%d']" */ #define FAKE_TE_ID "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" #define quiet_log(fmt, args...) do { \ if(quiet == FALSE) { \ printf(fmt , ##args); \ } \ } while(0) extern void cleanup_alloc_calculations(pe_working_set_t *data_set); extern xmlNode * do_calculations( pe_working_set_t *data_set, xmlNode *xml_input, ha_time_t *now); static xmlNode *find_resource(xmlNode *cib_node, const char *resource) { char *xpath = NULL; xmlNode *match = NULL; const char *node = crm_element_value(cib_node, XML_ATTR_UNAME); int max = strlen(rsc_template) + strlen(resource) + strlen(node) + 1; crm_malloc0(xpath, max); snprintf(xpath, max, rsc_template, node, resource); match = get_xpath_object(xpath, cib_node, LOG_DEBUG_2); crm_free(xpath); return match; } static void create_node_entry(cib_t *cib_conn, char *node) { int rc = cib_ok; int max = strlen(new_node_template) + strlen(node) + 1; char *xpath = NULL; crm_malloc0(xpath, max); snprintf(xpath, max, new_node_template, node); rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, xpath, NULL, cib_xpath|cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); if (rc == cib_NOTEXISTS) { xmlNode *cib_object = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE); /* Using node uname as uuid ala corosync/openais */ crm_xml_add(cib_object, XML_ATTR_ID, node); crm_xml_add(cib_object, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node); crm_xml_add(cib_object, XML_ATTR_TYPE, NORMALNODE); cib_conn->cmds->create(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_NODES, cib_object, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); /* Not bothering with subsequent query to see if it exists, we'll bomb out later in the call to determine_host... */ free_xml(cib_object); } crm_free(xpath); } static xmlNode *inject_node_state(cib_t *cib_conn, char *node) { int rc = cib_ok; int max = strlen(rsc_template) + strlen(node) + 1; char *xpath = NULL; xmlNode *cib_object = NULL; crm_malloc0(xpath, max); create_node_entry(cib_conn, node); snprintf(xpath, max, node_template, node); rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, xpath, &cib_object, cib_xpath|cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); if(rc == cib_NOTEXISTS) { char *uuid = NULL; cib_object = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE); determine_host(cib_conn, &node, &uuid); crm_xml_add(cib_object, XML_ATTR_UUID, uuid); crm_xml_add(cib_object, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node); cib_conn->cmds->create(cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_object, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); free_xml(cib_object); crm_free(uuid); rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, xpath, &cib_object, cib_xpath|cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); } crm_free(xpath); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); return cib_object; } static xmlNode *modify_node(cib_t *cib_conn, char *node, gboolean up) { xmlNode *cib_node = inject_node_state(cib_conn, node); if(up) { crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_HASTATE, ACTIVESTATUS); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_INCCM, XML_BOOLEAN_YES); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_CRMDSTATE, ONLINESTATUS); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_JOINSTATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_EXPSTATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER); } else { crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_HASTATE, DEADSTATUS); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_INCCM, XML_BOOLEAN_NO); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_CRMDSTATE, OFFLINESTATUS); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_JOINSTATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_EXPSTATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN); } crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, crm_system_name); return cib_node; } static void inject_transient_attr(xmlNode *cib_node, const char *name, const char *value) { xmlNode *attrs = NULL; xmlNode *container = NULL; xmlNode *nvp = NULL; const char *node_uuid = ID(cib_node); char *nvp_id = crm_concat(name, node_uuid, '-'); crm_info("Injecting attribute %s=%s into %s '%s'", name, value, xmlGetNodePath(cib_node), ID(cib_node)); attrs = first_named_child(cib_node, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS); if(attrs == NULL) { attrs = create_xml_node(cib_node, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS); crm_xml_add(attrs, XML_ATTR_ID, node_uuid); } container = first_named_child(attrs, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS); if(container == NULL) { container = create_xml_node(attrs, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS); crm_xml_add(container, XML_ATTR_ID, node_uuid); } nvp = create_xml_node(container, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR); crm_xml_add(nvp, XML_ATTR_ID, nvp_id); crm_xml_add(nvp, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, name); crm_xml_add(nvp, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, value); crm_free(nvp_id); } static xmlNode *inject_resource(xmlNode *cib_node, const char *resource, const char *rclass, const char *rtype, const char *rprovider) { xmlNode *lrm = NULL; xmlNode *container = NULL; xmlNode *cib_resource = NULL; cib_resource = find_resource(cib_node, resource); if(cib_resource != NULL) { return cib_resource; } /* One day, add query for class, provider, type */ if(rclass == NULL || rtype == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Resource %s not found in the status section of %s." " Please supply the class and type to continue\n", resource, ID(cib_node)); return NULL; } else if(safe_str_neq(rclass, "ocf") && safe_str_neq(rclass, "stonith") && safe_str_neq(rclass, "heartbeat") && safe_str_neq(rclass, "lsb")) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid class for %s: %s\n", resource, rclass); return NULL; } else if(safe_str_eq(rclass, "ocf") && rprovider == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify the provider for resource %s\n", resource); return NULL; } crm_info("Injecting new resource %s into %s '%s'", resource, xmlGetNodePath(cib_node), ID(cib_node)); lrm = first_named_child(cib_node, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); if(lrm == NULL) { const char *node_uuid = ID(cib_node); lrm = create_xml_node(cib_node, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); crm_xml_add(lrm, XML_ATTR_ID, node_uuid); } container = first_named_child(lrm, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES); if(container == NULL) { container = create_xml_node(lrm, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES); } cib_resource = create_xml_node(container, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE); crm_xml_add(cib_resource, XML_ATTR_ID, resource); crm_xml_add(cib_resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, rclass); crm_xml_add(cib_resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, rprovider); crm_xml_add(cib_resource, XML_ATTR_TYPE, rtype); return cib_resource; } static lrm_op_t *create_op( xmlNode *cib_resource, const char *task, int interval, int outcome) { lrm_op_t *op = NULL; crm_malloc0(op, sizeof(lrm_op_t)); op->app_name = crm_strdup(crm_system_name); op->rsc_id = crm_strdup(ID(cib_resource)); op->interval = interval; op->op_type = crm_strdup(task); op->rc = outcome; op->op_status = 0; op->params = NULL; /* TODO: Fill me in */ op->call_id = 0; xml_child_iter(cib_resource, xop, int tmp = 0; crm_element_value_int(xop, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &tmp); if(tmp > op->call_id) { op->call_id = tmp; } ); op->call_id++; return op; } static xmlNode *inject_op(xmlNode *cib_resource, lrm_op_t *op, int target_rc) { return create_operation_update(cib_resource, op, CRM_FEATURE_SET, target_rc, crm_system_name, LOG_DEBUG_2); } static void update_failcounts(xmlNode *cib_node, const char *resource, int interval, int rc) { if(rc == 0) { return; } else if(rc == 7 && interval == 0) { return; } else { char *name = NULL; char *now = crm_itoa(time(NULL)); name = crm_concat("fail-count", resource, '-'); inject_transient_attr(cib_node, name, "value++"); name = crm_concat("last-failure", resource, '-'); inject_transient_attr(cib_node, name, now); crm_free(name); crm_free(now); } } static gboolean exec_pseudo_action(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action) { action->confirmed = TRUE; update_graph(graph, action); return TRUE; } static gboolean exec_rsc_action(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action) { int rc = 0; lrm_op_t *op = NULL; int target_outcome = 0; const char *rtype = NULL; const char *rclass = NULL; const char *resource = NULL; const char *rprovider = NULL; const char *target_rc_s = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC); xmlNode *cib_node = NULL; xmlNode *cib_resource = NULL; xmlNode *action_rsc = first_named_child(action->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE); char *node = crm_element_value_copy(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); if(safe_str_eq(crm_element_value(action->xml, "operation"), "probe_complete")) { crm_info("Skipping %s op for %s\n", crm_element_value(action->xml, "operation"), node); goto done; } if(action_rsc == NULL) { crm_log_xml_err(action->xml, "Bad"); crm_free(node); return FALSE; } resource = ID(action_rsc); rclass = crm_element_value(action_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); rtype = crm_element_value(action_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE); rprovider = crm_element_value(action_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER); if(target_rc_s != NULL) { target_outcome = crm_parse_int(target_rc_s, "0"); } CRM_ASSERT(global_cib->cmds->query(global_cib, NULL, NULL, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local) == cib_ok); cib_node = inject_node_state(global_cib, node); CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL); cib_resource = inject_resource(cib_node, resource, rclass, rtype, rprovider); CRM_ASSERT(cib_resource != NULL); op = convert_graph_action(cib_resource, action, 0, target_outcome); quiet_log(" * Executing action %d: %s_%s_%d on %s\n", action->id, resource, op->op_type, op->interval, node); slist_iter(spec, char, op_fail, lpc, char *key = NULL; crm_malloc0(key, strlen(spec)); snprintf(key, strlen(spec), "%s_%s_%d@%s=", resource, op->op_type, op->interval, node); if(strncasecmp(key, spec, strlen(key)) == 0) { rc = sscanf(spec, "%*[^=]=%d", &op->rc); action->failed = TRUE; graph->abort_priority = INFINITY; printf("\tPretending action %d failed with rc=%d\n", action->id, op->rc); update_failcounts(cib_node, resource, op->interval, op->rc); break; } ); inject_op(cib_resource, op, target_outcome); crm_free(op->user_data); crm_free(op->output); crm_free(op->rsc_id); crm_free(op->op_type); crm_free(op->app_name); crm_free(op); rc = global_cib->cmds->modify(global_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); done: crm_free(node); free_xml(cib_node); action->confirmed = TRUE; update_graph(graph, action); return TRUE; } static gboolean exec_crmd_action(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action) { action->confirmed = TRUE; update_graph(graph, action); return TRUE; } #define STATUS_PATH_MAX 512 static gboolean exec_stonith_action(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action) { int rc = 0; char xpath[STATUS_PATH_MAX]; char *target = crm_element_value_copy(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); xmlNode *cib_node = modify_node(global_cib, target, FALSE); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL); quiet_log(" * Fencing %s\n", target); rc = global_cib->cmds->replace(global_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); snprintf(xpath, STATUS_PATH_MAX, "//node_state[@uname='%s']/%s", target, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); rc = global_cib->cmds->delete(global_cib, xpath, NULL, cib_xpath|cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); snprintf(xpath, STATUS_PATH_MAX, "//node_state[@uname='%s']/%s", target, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS); rc = global_cib->cmds->delete(global_cib, xpath, NULL, cib_xpath|cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); action->confirmed = TRUE; update_graph(graph, action); free_xml(cib_node); crm_free(target); return TRUE; } static char * add_list_element(char *list, const char *value) { int len = 0; int last = 0; if(value == NULL) { return list; } if(list) { last = strlen(list); } len = last + 2; /* +1 space, +1 EOS */ len += strlen(value); crm_realloc(list, len); sprintf(list + last, " %s", value); return list; } static void print_cluster_status(pe_working_set_t *data_set) { char *online_nodes = NULL; char *offline_nodes = NULL; slist_iter(node, node_t, data_set->nodes, lpc2, const char *node_mode = NULL; if(node->details->unclean) { if(node->details->online && node->details->unclean) { node_mode = "UNCLEAN (online)"; } else if(node->details->pending) { node_mode = "UNCLEAN (pending)"; } else { node_mode = "UNCLEAN (offline)"; } } else if(node->details->pending) { node_mode = "pending"; } else if(node->details->standby_onfail && node->details->online) { node_mode = "standby (on-fail)"; } else if(node->details->standby) { if(node->details->online) { node_mode = "standby"; } else { node_mode = "OFFLINE (standby)"; } } else if(node->details->online) { node_mode = "online"; online_nodes = add_list_element(online_nodes, node->details->uname); continue; } else { node_mode = "OFFLINE"; offline_nodes = add_list_element(offline_nodes, node->details->uname); continue; } if(safe_str_eq(node->details->uname, node->details->id)) { printf("Node %s: %s\n", node->details->uname, node_mode); } else { printf("Node %s (%s): %s\n", node->details->uname, node->details->id, node_mode); } ); if(online_nodes) { printf("Online: [%s ]\n", online_nodes); crm_free(online_nodes); } if(offline_nodes) { printf("OFFLINE: [%s ]\n", offline_nodes); crm_free(offline_nodes); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); slist_iter(rsc, resource_t, data_set->resources, lpc, if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan) && rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { continue; } rsc->fns->print(rsc, NULL, pe_print_printf, stdout); ); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } static int run_simulation(pe_working_set_t *data_set) { crm_graph_t *transition = NULL; enum transition_status graph_rc = -1; crm_graph_functions_t exec_fns = { exec_pseudo_action, exec_rsc_action, exec_crmd_action, exec_stonith_action, }; set_graph_functions(&exec_fns); quiet_log("\nExecuting cluster transition:\n"); transition = unpack_graph(data_set->graph, crm_system_name); print_graph(LOG_DEBUG, transition); do { graph_rc = run_graph(transition); } while(graph_rc == transition_active); if(graph_rc != transition_complete) { fprintf(stdout, "Transition failed: %s\n", transition_status(graph_rc)); print_graph(LOG_ERR, transition); } destroy_graph(transition); if(graph_rc != transition_complete) { fprintf(stdout, "An invalid transition was produced\n"); } if(quiet == FALSE) { xmlNode *cib_object = NULL; ha_time_t *a_date = data_set->now; int rc = global_cib->cmds->query(global_cib, NULL, &cib_object, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); quiet_log("\nRevised cluster status:\n"); cleanup_alloc_calculations(data_set); data_set->input = cib_object; data_set->now = a_date; cluster_status(data_set); print_cluster_status(data_set); } if(graph_rc != transition_complete) { return graph_rc; } return 0; } static char * create_action_name(action_t *action) { char *action_name = NULL; const char *action_host = NULL; if(action->node) { action_host = action->node->details->uname; action_name = crm_concat(action->uuid, action_host, ' '); } else if(action->pseudo) { action_name = crm_strdup(action->uuid); } else { action_host = ""; action_name = crm_concat(action->uuid, action_host, ' '); } if(safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_CANCEL)) { char *tmp_action_name = action_name; action_name = crm_concat("Cancel", tmp_action_name, ' '); crm_free(tmp_action_name); } return action_name; } static void create_dotfile(pe_working_set_t *data_set, const char *dot_file, gboolean all_actions) { FILE *dot_strm = fopen(dot_file, "w"); if(dot_strm == NULL) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Could not open %s for writing", dot_file); return; } fprintf(dot_strm, " digraph \"g\" {\n"); slist_iter( action, action_t, data_set->actions, lpc, const char *style = "filled"; const char *font = "black"; const char *color = "black"; const char *fill = NULL; char *action_name = create_action_name(action); crm_debug_3("Action %d: %p", action->id, action); if(action->pseudo) { font = "orange"; } style = "dashed"; if(action->dumped) { style = "bold"; color = "green"; } else if(action->rsc != NULL && is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { color = "purple"; if(all_actions == FALSE) { goto dont_write; } } else if(action->optional) { color = "blue"; if(all_actions == FALSE) { goto dont_write; } } else { color = "red"; CRM_CHECK(action->runnable == FALSE, ;); } action->dumped = TRUE; fprintf(dot_strm, "\"%s\" [ style=%s color=\"%s\" fontcolor=\"%s\" %s%s]\n", action_name, style, color, font, fill?"fillcolor=":"", fill?fill:""); dont_write: crm_free(action_name); ); slist_iter( action, action_t, data_set->actions, lpc, slist_iter( before, action_wrapper_t, action->actions_before, lpc2, char *before_name = NULL; char *after_name = NULL; const char *style = "dashed"; gboolean optional = TRUE; if(before->state == pe_link_dumped) { optional = FALSE; style = "bold"; } else if(action->pseudo && (before->type & pe_order_stonith_stop)) { continue; } else if(before->state == pe_link_dup) { continue; } else if(before->type == pe_order_none) { continue; } else if(action->dumped && before->action->dumped) { optional = FALSE; } if(all_actions || optional == FALSE) { before_name = create_action_name(before->action); after_name = create_action_name(action); fprintf(dot_strm, "\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [ style = %s]\n", before_name, after_name, style); crm_free(before_name); crm_free(after_name); } ); ); fprintf(dot_strm, "}\n"); if(dot_strm != NULL) { fflush(dot_strm); fclose(dot_strm); } } static void modify_configuration( pe_working_set_t *data_set, const char *quorum, GListPtr node_up, GListPtr node_down, GListPtr node_fail, GListPtr op_inject) { int rc = cib_ok; xmlNode *cib_op = NULL; xmlNode *cib_node = NULL; xmlNode *cib_resource = NULL; lrm_op_t *op = NULL; if(quorum) { xmlNode *top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_CIB); quiet_log(" + Setting quorum: %s\n", quorum); /* crm_xml_add(top, XML_ATTR_DC_UUID, dc_uuid); */ crm_xml_add(top, XML_ATTR_HAVE_QUORUM, quorum); rc = global_cib->cmds->modify(global_cib, NULL, top, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); } slist_iter(node, char, node_up, lpc, quiet_log(" + Bringing node %s online\n", node); cib_node = modify_node(global_cib, node, TRUE); CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL); rc = global_cib->cmds->modify(global_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); ); slist_iter(node, char, node_down, lpc, quiet_log(" + Taking node %s offline\n", node); cib_node = modify_node(global_cib, node, FALSE); CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL); rc = global_cib->cmds->modify(global_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); ); slist_iter(node, char, node_fail, lpc, quiet_log(" + Failing node %s\n", node); cib_node = modify_node(global_cib, node, TRUE); crm_xml_add(cib_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_INCCM, XML_BOOLEAN_NO); CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL); rc = global_cib->cmds->modify(global_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); ); slist_iter(spec, char, op_inject, lpc, int rc = 0; int outcome = 0; int interval = 0; char *key = NULL; char *node = NULL; char *task = NULL; char *resource = NULL; const char *rtype = NULL; const char *rclass = NULL; const char *rprovider = NULL; resource_t *rsc = NULL; quiet_log(" + Injecting %s into the configuration\n", spec); crm_malloc0(key, strlen(spec)+1); crm_malloc0(node, strlen(spec)+1); rc = sscanf(spec, "%[^@]@%[^=]=%d", key, node, &outcome); CRM_CHECK(rc == 3, fprintf(stderr, "Invalid operation spec: %s. Only found %d fields\n", spec, rc); continue); parse_op_key(key, &resource, &task, &interval); + crm_free(task); rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, resource); CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, fprintf(stderr, "Invalid resource name: %s\n", resource); continue); rclass = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); rtype = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE); rprovider = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER); cib_node = inject_node_state(global_cib, node); CRM_ASSERT(cib_node != NULL); update_failcounts(cib_node, resource, interval, rc); cib_resource = inject_resource(cib_node, resource, rclass, rtype, rprovider); CRM_ASSERT(cib_resource != NULL); op = create_op(cib_resource, task, interval, outcome); CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL); cib_op = inject_op(cib_resource, op, 0); CRM_ASSERT(cib_op != NULL); + free_lrm_op(op); rc = global_cib->cmds->modify(global_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_node, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); ); } static void setup_input(const char *input, const char *output) { int rc = cib_ok; cib_t *cib_conn = NULL; xmlNode *cib_object = NULL; char *local_output = NULL; if(input == NULL) { /* Use live CIB */ cib_conn = cib_new(); rc = cib_conn->cmds->signon(cib_conn, crm_system_name, cib_command); if(rc == cib_ok) { cib_object = get_cib_copy(cib_conn); } cib_conn->cmds->signoff(cib_conn); cib_delete(cib_conn); cib_conn = NULL; if(cib_object == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Live CIB query failed: empty result\n"); exit(3); } } else if(safe_str_eq(input, "-")) { cib_object = filename2xml(NULL); } else { cib_object = filename2xml(input); } if(cli_config_update(&cib_object, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { free_xml(cib_object); exit(cib_STALE); } if(validate_xml(cib_object, NULL, FALSE) != TRUE) { free_xml(cib_object); exit(cib_dtd_validation); } if(output == NULL) { char *pid = crm_itoa(getpid()); local_output = get_shadow_file(pid); output = local_output; crm_free(pid); } rc = write_xml_file(cib_object, output, FALSE); free_xml(cib_object); cib_object = NULL; if(rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create '%s': %s\n", output, strerror(errno)); exit(rc); } setenv("CIB_file", output, 1); crm_free(local_output); } static struct crm_option long_options[] = { /* Top-level Options */ {"help", 0, 0, '?', "\tThis text"}, {"version", 0, 0, '$', "\tVersion information" }, {"quiet", 0, 0, 'Q', "\tDisplay only essentialoutput"}, {"verbose", 0, 0, 'V', "\tIncrease debug output"}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\nOperations:"}, {"run", 0, 0, 'R', "\tDetermine the cluster's response to the given configuration and status"}, {"simulate", 0, 0, 'S', "Simulate the transition's execution and display the resulting cluster status"}, {"in-place", 0, 0, 'X', "Simulate the transition's execution and store the result back to the input file"}, {"show-scores", 0, 0, 's', "Show allocation scores"}, {"show-utilization", 0, 0, 'U', "Show utilization information"}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\nSynthetic Cluster Events:"}, {"node-up", 1, 0, 'u', "\tBring a node online"}, {"node-down", 1, 0, 'd', "\tTake a node offline"}, {"node-fail", 1, 0, 'f', "\tMark a node as failed"}, {"op-inject", 1, 0, 'i', "\t$rsc_$task_$interval@$node=$rc - Inject the specified task before running the simulation"}, {"op-fail", 1, 0, 'F', "\t$rsc_$task_$interval@$node=$rc - Fail the specified task while running the simulation"}, {"set-datetime", 1, 0, 't', "Set date/time"}, {"quorum", 1, 0, 'q', "\tSpecify a value for quorum"}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\nOutput Options:"}, {"save-input", 1, 0, 'I', "\tSave the input configuration to the named file"}, {"save-output", 1, 0, 'O', "Save the output configuration to the named file"}, {"save-graph", 1, 0, 'G', "\tSave the transition graph (XML format) to the named file"}, {"save-dotfile", 1, 0, 'D', "Save the transition graph (DOT format) to the named file"}, {"all-actions", 0, 0, 'a', "\tDisplay all possible actions in the DOT graph - even ones not part of the transition"}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\nData Source:"}, {"live-check", 0, 0, 'L', "\tConnect to the CIB and use the current contents as input"}, {"xml-file", 1, 0, 'x', "\tRetrieve XML from the named file"}, {"xml-pipe", 0, 0, 'p', "\tRetrieve XML from stdin"}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int rc = 0; guint modified = 0; gboolean store = FALSE; gboolean process = FALSE; gboolean verbose = FALSE; gboolean simulate = FALSE; gboolean all_actions = FALSE; pe_working_set_t data_set; ha_time_t *a_date = NULL; const char *xml_file = "-"; const char *quorum = NULL; const char *dot_file = NULL; const char *graph_file = NULL; const char *input_file = NULL; const char *output_file = NULL; int flag = 0; int index = 0; int argerr = 0; char *use_date = NULL; GListPtr node_up = NULL; GListPtr node_down = NULL; GListPtr node_fail = NULL; GListPtr op_inject = NULL; xmlNode *input = NULL; crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_ERR, FALSE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); crm_set_options("?$VQx:Lpu:d:f:i:RSXD:G:I:O:sUaF:t:q:", "datasource operation [additional options]", long_options, "Tool for simulating the cluster's response to events"); if(argc < 2) { crm_help('?', LSB_EXIT_EINVAL); } while (1) { flag = crm_get_option(argc, argv, &index); if (flag == -1) break; switch(flag) { case 'V': verbose = TRUE; alter_debug(DEBUG_INC); cl_log_enable_stderr(TRUE); break; case '?': case '$': crm_help(flag, LSB_EXIT_OK); break; case 'p': xml_file = "-"; break; case 'Q': quiet = TRUE; break; case 'L': xml_file = NULL; break; case 'x': xml_file = optarg; break; case 'u': modified++; node_up = g_list_append(node_up, optarg); break; case 'd': modified++; node_down = g_list_append(node_down, optarg); break; case 'f': modified++; node_fail = g_list_append(node_fail, optarg); break; case 't': use_date = crm_strdup(optarg); break; case 'i': modified++; op_inject = g_list_append(op_inject, optarg); break; case 'F': process = TRUE; simulate = TRUE; op_fail = g_list_append(op_fail, optarg); break; case 'q': modified++; quorum = optarg; break; case 'a': all_actions = TRUE; break; case 's': process = TRUE; show_scores = TRUE; break; case 'U': process = TRUE; show_utilization = TRUE; break; case 'S': process = TRUE; simulate = TRUE; break; case 'X': store = TRUE; process = TRUE; simulate = TRUE; break; case 'R': process = TRUE; break; case 'D': process = TRUE; dot_file = optarg; break; case 'G': process = TRUE; graph_file = optarg; break; case 'I': input_file = optarg; break; case 'O': simulate = TRUE; output_file = optarg; break; default: ++argerr; break; } } if (optind > argc) { ++argerr; } if (argerr) { crm_help('?', LSB_EXIT_GENERIC); } setup_input(xml_file, store?xml_file:output_file); global_cib = cib_new(); global_cib->cmds->signon(global_cib, crm_system_name, cib_command); if(use_date != NULL) { char *date_m = use_date; a_date = parse_date(&date_m); quiet_log(" + Setting effective cluster time: %s", use_date); log_date(LOG_WARNING, "Set fake 'now' to", a_date, ha_log_date|ha_log_time); crm_free(use_date); use_date = NULL; } set_working_set_defaults(&data_set); if(quiet == FALSE) { xmlNode *cib_object = NULL; rc = global_cib->cmds->query(global_cib, NULL, &cib_object, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local); CRM_ASSERT(rc == cib_ok); data_set.input = cib_object; data_set.now = a_date; cluster_status(&data_set); quiet_log("\nCurrent cluster status:\n"); print_cluster_status(&data_set); if(process == FALSE && modified == FALSE) { rc = 0; goto done; } } if(modified) { quiet_log("Performing requested modifications\n"); modify_configuration(&data_set, quorum, node_up, node_down, node_fail, op_inject); } rc = global_cib->cmds->query(global_cib, NULL, &input, cib_sync_call); if(rc != cib_ok) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to the CIB for input: %s\n", cib_error2string(rc)); goto done; } if(input_file != NULL) { rc = write_xml_file(input, input_file, FALSE); if(rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create '%s': %s\n", input_file, strerror(errno)); goto done; } free_xml(input); } rc = 0; if(process || simulate) { if(show_scores && show_utilization) { printf("Allocation scores and utilization information:\n"); } else if(show_scores) { fprintf(stdout, "Allocation scores:\n"); } else if(show_utilization) { printf("Utilization information:\n"); } cleanup_alloc_calculations(&data_set); do_calculations(&data_set, input, a_date); if(graph_file != NULL) { char *msg_buffer = dump_xml_formatted(data_set.graph); FILE *graph_strm = fopen(graph_file, "w"); if(graph_strm == NULL) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Could not open %s for writing", graph_file); } else { if(fprintf(graph_strm, "%s\n\n", msg_buffer) < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR,"Write to %s failed", graph_file); } fflush(graph_strm); fclose(graph_strm); } crm_free(msg_buffer); } if(dot_file != NULL) { create_dotfile(&data_set, dot_file, all_actions); } if(quiet == FALSE && verbose == FALSE) { quiet_log("%sTransition Summary:\n", show_scores||show_utilization||modified?"\n":""); fflush(stdout); crm_log_level = LOG_NOTICE; cl_log_enable_stderr(TRUE); slist_iter( rsc, resource_t, data_set.resources, lpc, LogActions(rsc, &data_set); ); cl_log_enable_stderr(FALSE); } } if(simulate) { rc = run_simulation(&data_set); } done: cleanup_alloc_calculations(&data_set); global_cib->cmds->signoff(global_cib); cib_delete(global_cib); fflush(stderr); return rc; } diff --git a/tools/crm_resource.c b/tools/crm_resource.c index ed65e79315..ae9dba3be1 100644 --- a/tools/crm_resource.c +++ b/tools/crm_resource.c @@ -1,1548 +1,1553 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include gboolean do_force = FALSE; gboolean BE_QUIET = FALSE; const char *attr_set_type = XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS; char *host_id = NULL; const char *rsc_id = NULL; const char *host_uname = NULL; const char *prop_name = NULL; const char *prop_value = NULL; const char *rsc_type = NULL; const char *prop_id = NULL; const char *prop_set = NULL; char *move_lifetime = NULL; char rsc_cmd = 'L'; char *our_pid = NULL; IPC_Channel *crmd_channel = NULL; char *xml_file = NULL; int cib_options = cib_sync_call; #define CMD_ERR(fmt, args...) do { \ crm_warn(fmt, ##args); \ fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args); \ } while(0) static int do_find_resource(const char *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { int found = 0; resource_t *the_rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc); if(the_rsc == NULL) { return cib_NOTEXISTS; } slist_iter(node, node_t, the_rsc->running_on, lpc, crm_debug_3("resource %s is running on: %s", rsc, node->details->uname); if(BE_QUIET) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", node->details->uname); } else { fprintf(stdout, "resource %s is running on: %s\n", rsc, node->details->uname); } found++; ); if(BE_QUIET == FALSE && found == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "resource %s is NOT running\n", rsc); } return 0; } #define cons_string(x) x?x:"NA" static void print_cts_constraints(pe_working_set_t *data_set) { xmlNode *lifetime = NULL; xmlNode * cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, data_set->input); xml_child_iter(cib_constraints, xml_obj, const char *id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID); if(id == NULL) { continue; } lifetime = first_named_child(xml_obj, "lifetime"); if(test_ruleset(lifetime, NULL, data_set->now) == FALSE) { continue; } if(safe_str_eq(XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_DEPEND, crm_element_name(xml_obj))) { printf("Constraint %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", crm_element_name(xml_obj), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE_ROLE)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE))); } else if(safe_str_eq(XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION, crm_element_name(xml_obj))) { /* unpack_rsc_location(xml_obj, data_set); */ } ); } static void print_cts_rsc(resource_t *rsc) { const char *host = NULL; gboolean needs_quorum = TRUE; const char *rtype = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE); const char *rprov = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER); const char *rclass = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); if(safe_str_eq(rclass, "stonith")) { needs_quorum = FALSE; } else { xml_child_iter_filter(rsc->ops_xml, op, "op", const char *name = crm_element_value(op, "name"); if(safe_str_neq(name, CRMD_ACTION_START)) { const char *value = crm_element_value(op, "requires"); if(safe_str_eq(value, "nothing")) { needs_quorum = FALSE; } break; } ); } if(rsc->running_on != NULL && g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1) { node_t *tmp = rsc->running_on->data; host = tmp->details->uname; } printf("Resource: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %d %lld 0x%.16llx\n", crm_element_name(rsc->xml), rsc->id, rsc->clone_name?rsc->clone_name:rsc->id, rsc->parent?rsc->parent->id:"NA", rprov?rprov:"NA", rclass, rtype, host?host:"NA", needs_quorum, rsc->flags, rsc->flags); slist_iter(child, resource_t, rsc->children, lpc, print_cts_rsc(child); ); } static void print_raw_rsc(resource_t *rsc) { GListPtr children = rsc->children; if(children == NULL) { printf("%s\n", rsc->id); } slist_iter(child, resource_t, children, lpc, print_raw_rsc(child); ); } static int do_find_resource_list(pe_working_set_t *data_set, gboolean raw) { int found = 0; slist_iter( rsc, resource_t, data_set->resources, lpc, if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan) && rsc->fns->active(rsc, TRUE) == FALSE) { continue; } rsc->fns->print( rsc, NULL, pe_print_printf|pe_print_rsconly, stdout); found++; ); if(found == 0) { printf("NO resources configured\n"); return cib_NOTEXISTS; } return 0; } static resource_t *find_rsc_or_clone(const char *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { resource_t *the_rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc); if(the_rsc == NULL) { char *as_clone = crm_concat(rsc, "0", ':'); the_rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, as_clone); crm_free(as_clone); } return the_rsc; } static int dump_resource(const char *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { char *rsc_xml = NULL; resource_t *the_rsc = find_rsc_or_clone(rsc, data_set); if(the_rsc == NULL) { return cib_NOTEXISTS; } the_rsc->fns->print(the_rsc, NULL, pe_print_printf, stdout); rsc_xml = dump_xml_formatted(the_rsc->xml); fprintf(stdout, "raw xml:\n%s\n", rsc_xml); crm_free(rsc_xml); return 0; } static int dump_resource_attr( const char *rsc, const char *attr, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { int rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; node_t *current = NULL; GHashTable *params = NULL; resource_t *the_rsc = find_rsc_or_clone(rsc, data_set); const char *value = NULL; if(the_rsc == NULL) { return cib_NOTEXISTS; } if(g_list_length(the_rsc->running_on) == 1) { current = the_rsc->running_on->data; } else if(g_list_length(the_rsc->running_on) > 1) { CMD_ERR("%s is active on more than one node," " returning the default value for %s\n", the_rsc->id, crm_str(value)); } params = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); if(safe_str_eq(attr_set_type, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS)) { get_rsc_attributes(params, the_rsc, current, data_set); } else if(safe_str_eq(attr_set_type, XML_TAG_META_SETS)) { get_meta_attributes(params, the_rsc, current, data_set); } else { unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, the_rsc->xml, XML_TAG_UTILIZATION, NULL, params, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); } crm_debug("Looking up %s in %s", attr, the_rsc->id); value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, attr); if(value != NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", value); rc = 0; } g_hash_table_destroy(params); return rc; } static int find_resource_attr( cib_t *the_cib, const char *attr, const char *rsc, const char *set_type, const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, char **value) { int offset = 0; static int xpath_max = 1024; enum cib_errors rc = cib_ok; xmlNode *xml_search = NULL; char *xpath_string = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(value != NULL); *value = NULL; crm_malloc0(xpath_string, xpath_max); offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "%s", get_object_path("resources")); offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//*[@id=\"%s\"]", rsc); if(set_type) { offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//%s", set_type); if(set_name) { offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "[@id=\"%s\"]", set_name); } } offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//nvpair["); if(attr_id) { offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "@id=\"%s\"", attr_id); } if(attr_name) { if(attr_id) { offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, " and "); } offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "@name=\"%s\"", attr_name); } offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "]"); rc = the_cib->cmds->query( the_cib, xpath_string, &xml_search, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local|cib_xpath); if(rc != cib_ok) { goto bail; } crm_log_xml_debug(xml_search, "Match"); if(xml_has_children(xml_search)) { rc = cib_missing_data; printf("Multiple attributes match name=%s\n", attr_name); xml_child_iter(xml_search, child, printf(" Value: %s \t(id=%s)\n", crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE), ID(child)); ); } else { const char *tmp = crm_element_value(xml_search, attr); if(tmp) { *value = crm_strdup(tmp); } } bail: crm_free(xpath_string); free_xml(xml_search); return rc; } static int set_resource_attr(const char *rsc_id, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value, cib_t *cib, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { int rc = cib_ok; char *local_attr_id = NULL; char *local_attr_set = NULL; xmlNode *xml_top = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; gboolean use_attributes_tag = FALSE; resource_t *rsc = find_rsc_or_clone(rsc_id, data_set); if(rsc == NULL) { return cib_NOTEXISTS; } if(safe_str_eq(attr_set_type, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS)) { rc = find_resource_attr( cib, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id, XML_TAG_META_SETS, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name, &local_attr_id); if(rc == cib_ok) { printf("WARNING: There is already a meta attribute called %s (id=%s)\n", attr_name, local_attr_id); } } rc = find_resource_attr( cib, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id, attr_set_type, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name, &local_attr_id); if(rc == cib_ok) { crm_debug("Found a match for name=%s: id=%s", attr_name, local_attr_id); attr_id = local_attr_id; } else if(rc != cib_NOTEXISTS) { + crm_free(local_attr_id); return rc; } else { const char *value = NULL; xmlNode *cib_top = NULL; const char *tag = crm_element_name(rsc->xml); rc = cib->cmds->query(cib, "/cib", &cib_top, cib_sync_call|cib_scope_local|cib_xpath|cib_no_children); value = crm_element_value(cib_top, "ignore_dtd"); if(value != NULL) { use_attributes_tag = TRUE; } else { value = crm_element_value(cib_top, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); if(value && strstr(value, "-0.6")) { use_attributes_tag = TRUE; } } free_xml(cib_top); if(attr_set == NULL) { local_attr_set = crm_concat(rsc_id, attr_set_type, '-'); attr_set = local_attr_set; } if(attr_id == NULL) { local_attr_id = crm_concat(attr_set, attr_name, '-'); attr_id = local_attr_id; } if(use_attributes_tag && safe_str_eq(tag, XML_CIB_TAG_MASTER)) { tag = "master_slave"; /* use the old name */ } xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, tag); crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id); xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_top, attr_set_type); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, attr_set); if(use_attributes_tag) { xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTRS); } } xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR); if(xml_top == NULL) { xml_top = xml_obj; } crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, attr_id); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, attr_name); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, attr_value); crm_log_xml_debug(xml_top, "Update"); rc = cib->cmds->modify(cib, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, xml_top, cib_options); free_xml(xml_top); crm_free(local_attr_id); crm_free(local_attr_set); return rc; } static int delete_resource_attr( const char *rsc_id, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, cib_t *cib, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; int rc = cib_ok; char *local_attr_id = NULL; resource_t *rsc = find_rsc_or_clone(rsc_id, data_set); if(rsc == NULL) { return cib_NOTEXISTS; } rc = find_resource_attr( cib, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id, attr_set_type, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name, &local_attr_id); if(rc == cib_NOTEXISTS) { return cib_ok; } else if(rc != cib_ok) { return rc; } if(attr_id == NULL) { attr_id = local_attr_id; } xml_obj = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, attr_id); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, attr_name); crm_log_xml_debug(xml_obj, "Delete"); rc = cib->cmds->delete(cib, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, xml_obj, cib_options); if(rc == cib_ok) { printf("Deleted %s option: id=%s%s%s%s%s\n", rsc_id, local_attr_id, attr_set?" set=":"", attr_set?attr_set:"", attr_name?" name=":"", attr_name?attr_name:""); } free_xml(xml_obj); crm_free(local_attr_id); return rc; } static int dump_resource_prop( const char *rsc, const char *attr, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { const char *value = NULL; resource_t *the_rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc); if(the_rsc == NULL) { return cib_NOTEXISTS; } value = crm_element_value(the_rsc->xml, attr); if(value != NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", value); return 0; } return cib_NOTEXISTS; } static void resource_ipc_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { crm_info("Connection to CRMd was terminated"); exit(1); } static gboolean crmd_msg_callback(IPC_Channel * server, void *private_data) { int lpc = 0; IPC_Message *msg = NULL; gboolean hack_return_good = TRUE; while (server->ch_status != IPC_DISCONNECT && server->ops->is_message_pending(server) == TRUE) { if (server->ops->recv(server, &msg) != IPC_OK) { perror("Receive failure:"); return !hack_return_good; } if (msg == NULL) { crm_debug_4("No message this time"); continue; } lpc++; msg->msg_done(msg); } if (server->ch_status == IPC_DISCONNECT) { crm_debug_2("admin_msg_callback: received HUP"); return !hack_return_good; } return hack_return_good; } static int send_lrm_rsc_op(IPC_Channel *crmd_channel, const char *op, const char *host_uname, const char *rsc_id, gboolean only_failed, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { char *key = NULL; int rc = cib_send_failed; xmlNode *cmd = NULL; xmlNode *xml_rsc = NULL; const char *value = NULL; xmlNode *params = NULL; xmlNode *msg_data = NULL; resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc_id); if(rsc == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Resource %s not found\n", rsc_id); return cib_NOTEXISTS; } else if(rsc->variant != pe_native) { CMD_ERR("We can only process primitive resources, not %s\n", rsc_id); return cib_invalid_argument; } else if(host_uname == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Please supply a hostname with -H\n"); return cib_invalid_argument; } key = crm_concat("0:0:crm-resource", our_pid, '-'); msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_GRAPH_TAG_RSC_OP); crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, key); crm_free(key); xml_rsc = create_xml_node(msg_data, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE); if(rsc->clone_name) { crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc->clone_name); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG, rsc->id); } else { crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc->id); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG, rsc->long_name); } value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE, value); if(value == NULL) { CMD_ERR("%s has no type! Aborting...\n", rsc_id); return cib_NOTEXISTS; } value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, value); if(value == NULL) { CMD_ERR("%s has no class! Aborting...\n", rsc_id); return cib_NOTEXISTS; } value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, value); params = create_xml_node(msg_data, XML_TAG_ATTRS); crm_xml_add(params, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, CRM_FEATURE_SET); key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); crm_xml_add(params, key, "60000"); /* 1 minute */ crm_free(key); cmd = create_request(op, msg_data, host_uname, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, crm_system_name, our_pid); /* crm_log_xml_warn(cmd, "send_lrm_rsc_op"); */ free_xml(msg_data); if(send_ipc_message(crmd_channel, cmd)) { rc = 0; sleep(1); /* dont exit striaght away, give the crmd time * to process our request */ } else { CMD_ERR("Could not send %s op to the crmd", op); rc = cib_connection; } free_xml(cmd); return rc; } static int delete_lrm_rsc(IPC_Channel *crmd_channel, const char *host_uname, resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { int rc = cib_ok; if(rsc == NULL) { return cib_NOTEXISTS; } else if(rsc->children) { slist_iter(child, resource_t, rsc->children, lpc, delete_lrm_rsc(crmd_channel, host_uname, child, data_set)); return cib_ok; } else if(host_uname == NULL) { slist_iter(node, node_t, data_set->nodes, lpc, delete_lrm_rsc(crmd_channel, node->details->uname, rsc, data_set)); return cib_ok; } printf("Cleaning up %s on %s\n", rsc->id, host_uname); rc = send_lrm_rsc_op(crmd_channel, CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE, host_uname, rsc->id, TRUE, data_set); if(rc == cib_ok) { char *attr_name = NULL; const char *id = rsc->id; if(rsc->clone_name) { id = rsc->clone_name; } attr_name = crm_concat("fail-count", id, '-'); attrd_lazy_update('D', host_uname, attr_name, NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, NULL, NULL); crm_free(attr_name); } return rc; } static int fail_lrm_rsc(IPC_Channel *crmd_channel, const char *host_uname, const char *rsc_id, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { crm_warn("Failing: %s", rsc_id); return send_lrm_rsc_op(crmd_channel, CRM_OP_LRM_FAIL, host_uname, rsc_id, FALSE, data_set); } static int refresh_lrm(IPC_Channel *crmd_channel, const char *host_uname) { xmlNode *cmd = NULL; int rc = cib_send_failed; cmd = create_request(CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH, NULL, host_uname, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, crm_system_name, our_pid); if(send_ipc_message(crmd_channel, cmd)) { rc = 0; } free_xml(cmd); return rc; } static int move_resource( const char *rsc_id, const char *existing_node, const char *preferred_node, cib_t * cib_conn) { char *later_s = NULL; enum cib_errors rc = cib_ok; char *id = NULL; xmlNode *rule = NULL; xmlNode *expr = NULL; xmlNode *constraints = NULL; xmlNode *fragment = NULL; xmlNode *can_run = NULL; xmlNode *dont_run = NULL; fragment = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS); constraints = fragment; id = crm_concat("cli-prefer", rsc_id, '-'); can_run = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION); crm_xml_add(can_run, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_free(id); id = crm_concat("cli-standby", rsc_id, '-'); dont_run = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION); crm_xml_add(dont_run, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_free(id); if(move_lifetime) { char *life = crm_strdup(move_lifetime); char *life_mutable = life; ha_time_t *now = NULL; ha_time_t *later = NULL; ha_time_t *duration = parse_time_duration(&life_mutable); if(duration == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Invalid duration specified: %s\n", move_lifetime); CMD_ERR("Please refer to" " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Duration" " for examples of valid durations\n"); crm_free(life); return cib_invalid_argument; } now = new_ha_date(TRUE); later = add_time(now, duration); log_date(LOG_INFO, "now ", now, ha_log_date|ha_log_time); log_date(LOG_INFO, "later ", later, ha_log_date|ha_log_time); log_date(LOG_INFO, "duration", duration, ha_log_date|ha_log_time|ha_log_local); later_s = date_to_string(later, ha_log_date|ha_log_time); printf("Migration will take effect until: %s\n", later_s); free_ha_date(duration); free_ha_date(later); free_ha_date(now); crm_free(life); } if(existing_node == NULL) { crm_log_xml_notice(can_run, "Deleting"); rc = cib_conn->cmds->delete( cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, dont_run, cib_options); if(rc == cib_NOTEXISTS) { rc = cib_ok; } else if(rc != cib_ok) { goto bail; } } else { if(BE_QUIET == FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint '%s'" " with a score of -INFINITY for resource %s" " on %s.\n", ID(dont_run), rsc_id, existing_node); CMD_ERR("\tThis will prevent %s from running" " on %s until the constraint is removed using" " the 'crm_resource -U' command or manually" " with cibadmin\n", rsc_id, existing_node); CMD_ERR("\tThis will be the case even if %s is" " the last node in the cluster\n", existing_node); CMD_ERR("\tThis message can be disabled with -Q\n"); } crm_xml_add(dont_run, "rsc", rsc_id); rule = create_xml_node(dont_run, XML_TAG_RULE); expr = create_xml_node(rule, XML_TAG_EXPRESSION); id = crm_concat("cli-standby-rule", rsc_id, '-'); crm_xml_add(rule, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_free(id); crm_xml_add(rule, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE, MINUS_INFINITY_S); crm_xml_add(rule, XML_RULE_ATTR_BOOLEAN_OP, "and"); id = crm_concat("cli-standby-expr", rsc_id, '-'); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_free(id); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE, "#uname"); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_OPERATION, "eq"); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_VALUE, existing_node); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_TYPE, "string"); if(later_s) { expr = create_xml_node(rule, "date_expression"); id = crm_concat("cli-standby-lifetime-end",rsc_id,'-'); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_free(id); crm_xml_add(expr, "operation", "lt"); crm_xml_add(expr, "end", later_s); } add_node_copy(constraints, dont_run); } if(preferred_node == NULL) { crm_log_xml_notice(can_run, "Deleting"); rc = cib_conn->cmds->delete( cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, can_run, cib_options); if(rc == cib_NOTEXISTS) { rc = cib_ok; } else if(rc != cib_ok) { goto bail; } } else { crm_xml_add(can_run, "rsc", rsc_id); rule = create_xml_node(can_run, XML_TAG_RULE); expr = create_xml_node(rule, XML_TAG_EXPRESSION); id = crm_concat("cli-prefer-rule", rsc_id, '-'); crm_xml_add(rule, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_free(id); crm_xml_add(rule, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE, INFINITY_S); crm_xml_add(rule, XML_RULE_ATTR_BOOLEAN_OP, "and"); id = crm_concat("cli-prefer-expr", rsc_id, '-'); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_free(id); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE, "#uname"); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_OPERATION, "eq"); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_VALUE, preferred_node); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_EXPR_ATTR_TYPE, "string"); if(later_s) { expr = create_xml_node(rule, "date_expression"); id = crm_concat("cli-prefer-lifetime-end", rsc_id, '-'); crm_xml_add(expr, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_free(id); crm_xml_add(expr, "operation", "lt"); crm_xml_add(expr, "end", later_s); } add_node_copy(constraints, can_run); } if(preferred_node != NULL || existing_node != NULL) { crm_log_xml_notice(fragment, "CLI Update"); rc = cib_conn->cmds->update( cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, fragment, cib_options); } bail: free_xml(fragment); free_xml(dont_run); free_xml(can_run); crm_free(later_s); return rc; } static int list_resource_operations( const char *rsc_id, const char *host_uname, gboolean active, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { resource_t *rsc = NULL; int opts = pe_print_printf|pe_print_rsconly|pe_print_suppres_nl; GListPtr ops = find_operations(rsc_id, host_uname, active, data_set); slist_iter(xml_op, xmlNode, ops, lpc, const char *op_rsc = crm_element_value(xml_op, "resource"); const char *last = crm_element_value(xml_op, "last_run"); const char *status_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS); int status = crm_parse_int(status_s, "0"); rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, op_rsc); rsc->fns->print(rsc, "", opts, stdout); fprintf(stdout, ": %s (node=%s, call=%s, rc=%s", ID(xml_op), crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_UNAME), crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID), crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC)); if(last) { time_t run_at = crm_parse_int(last, "0"); fprintf(stdout, ", last-run=%s, exec=%sms\n", ctime(&run_at), crm_element_value(xml_op, "exec_time")); } fprintf(stdout, "): %s\n", op_status2text(status)); ); return cib_ok; } #include "../pengine/pengine.h" static void show_location(resource_t *rsc) { GListPtr list = rsc->rsc_location; slist_iter(cons, rsc_to_node_t, list, lpc, slist_iter(node, node_t, cons->node_list_rh, lpc2, + char *score = score2char(node->weight); fprintf(stdout, "+ '%s': %s = %s \n", - cons->id, node->details->uname, score2char(node->weight)); + cons->id, node->details->uname, score); + crm_free(score); ); ); } static void show_colocation(resource_t *rsc, gboolean dependants, gboolean raw) { const char *prefix = " "; GListPtr list = rsc->rsc_cons; if(dependants) { prefix = " "; list = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; } if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) { /* Break colocation loops */ return; } set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating); slist_iter(cons, rsc_colocation_t, list, lpc, resource_t *peer = cons->rsc_rh; if(dependants) { peer = cons->rsc_lh; } if(raw) { - fprintf(stdout, "%s '%s': %s = %s\n", prefix, cons->id, peer->id, score2char(cons->score)); + char *score = score2char(cons->score); + fprintf(stdout, "%s '%s': %s = %s\n", prefix, cons->id, peer->id, score); + crm_free(score); continue; } if(dependants) { if(is_set(peer->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)) { continue; } show_colocation(peer, dependants, raw); } fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s\n", prefix, peer->id, is_set(peer->flags, pe_rsc_allocating)?" (loop) ":""); if(!dependants) { show_colocation(peer, dependants, raw); } ); clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allocating); } static struct crm_option long_options[] = { /* Top-level Options */ {"help", 0, 0, '?', "\t\tThis text"}, {"version", 0, 0, '$', "\t\tVersion information" }, {"verbose", 0, 0, 'V', "\t\tIncrease debug output"}, {"quiet", 0, 0, 'Q', "\t\tPrint only the value on stdout\n"}, {"resource", 1, 0, 'r', "\tResource ID" }, {"-spacer-",1, 0, '-', "\nQueries:"}, {"list", 0, 0, 'L', "\t\tList all resources"}, {"list-raw", 0, 0, 'l', "\tList the IDs of all instansiated resources (no groups/clones/...)"}, {"list-cts", 0, 0, 'c', NULL, 1}, {"list-operations", 0, 0, 'O', "\tList active resource operations. Optionally filtered by resource (-r) and/or node (-N)"}, {"list-all-operations", 0, 0, 'o', "List all resource operations. Optionally filtered by resource (-r) and/or node (-N)\n"}, {"query-xml", 0, 0, 'q', "\tQuery the definition of a resource"}, {"locate", 0, 0, 'W', "\t\tDisplay the current location(s) of a resource"}, {"stack", 0, 0, 'A', "\t\tDisplay the pre-requisits and depandants of a resource"}, {"constraints",0, 0, 'a', "\tDisplay the (co)location constraints that apply to a resource"}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "\nCommands:"}, {"set-parameter", 1, 0, 'p', "Set the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta"}, {"get-parameter", 1, 0, 'g', "Display the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta"}, {"delete-parameter",1, 0, 'd', "Delete the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta"}, {"get-property", 1, 0, 'G', "Display the 'class', 'type' or 'provider' of a resource", 1}, {"set-property", 1, 0, 'S', "(Advanced) Set the class, type or provider of a resource", 1}, {"move", 0, 0, 'M', "\t\tMove a resource from its current location, optionally specifying a destination (-N) and/or a period for which it should take effect (-u)" "\n\t\t\t\tIf -N is not specified, the cluster will force the resource to move by creating a rule for the current location and a score of -INFINITY" "\n\t\t\t\tNOTE: This will prevent the resource from running on this node until the constraint is removed with -U"}, {"un-move", 0, 0, 'U', "\tRemove all constraints created by a move command"}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "\nAdvanced Commands:"}, {"delete", 0, 0, 'D', "\t\tDelete a resource from the CIB"}, {"fail", 0, 0, 'F', "\t\tTell the cluster this resource has failed"}, {"refresh", 0, 0, 'R', "\t\t(Advanced) Refresh the CIB from the LRM"}, {"cleanup", 0, 0, 'C', "\t\t(Advanced) Delete a resource from the LRM"}, {"reprobe", 0, 0, 'P', "\t\t(Advanced) Re-check for resources started outside of the CRM\n"}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "\nAdditional Options:"}, {"node", 1, 0, 'N', "\tHost uname"}, {"resource-type", 1, 0, 't', "Resource type (primitive, clone, group, ...)"}, {"parameter-value", 1, 0, 'v', "Value to use with -p, -g or -d"}, {"lifetime", 1, 0, 'u', "\tLifespan of migration constraints\n"}, {"meta", 0, 0, 'm', "\t\tModify a resource's configuration option rather than one which is passed to the resource agent script. For use with -p, -g, -d"}, {"utilization", 0, 0, 'z', "\tModify a resource's utilization attribute. For use with -p, -g, -d"}, {"set-name", 1, 0, 's', "\t(Advanced) ID of the instance_attributes object to change"}, {"nvpair", 1, 0, 'i', "\t(Advanced) ID of the nvpair object to change/delete"}, {"force", 0, 0, 'f', "\n" /* Is this actually true anymore? "\t\tForce the resource to move by creating a rule for the current location and a score of -INFINITY" "\n\t\tThis should be used if the resource's stickiness and constraint scores total more than INFINITY (Currently 100,000)" "\n\t\tNOTE: This will prevent the resource from running on this node until the constraint is removed with -U or the --lifetime duration expires\n"*/ }, {"xml-file", 1, 0, 'x', NULL, 1},\ /* legacy options */ {"host-uname", 1, 0, 'H', NULL, 1}, {"migrate", 0, 0, 'M', NULL, 1}, {"un-migrate", 0, 0, 'U', NULL, 1}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "\nExamples:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "List the configured resources:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --list", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Display the current location of 'myResource':", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --locate", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Move 'myResource' to another machine:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --move", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Move 'myResource' to a specific machine:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --move --node altNode", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Allow (but not force) 'myResource' to move back to its original location:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --un-move", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Tell the cluster that 'myResource' failed:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --fail", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Stop a 'myResource' (and anything that depends on it):", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter target-role --meta --parameter-value Stopped", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Tell the cluster not to manage 'myResource':", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "The cluster will not attempt to start or stop the resource under any circumstances."}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Useful when performing maintenance tasks on a resource.", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter is-managed --meta --parameter-value false", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Erase the operation history of 'myResource' on 'aNode':", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "The cluster will 'forget' the existing resource state (including any errors) and attempt to recover the resource."}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', "Useful when a resource had failed permanently and has been repaired by an administrator.", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 1, 0, '-', " crm_resource --resource myResource --cleanup --node aNode", pcmk_option_example}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { pe_working_set_t data_set; xmlNode *cib_xml_copy = NULL; cib_t * cib_conn = NULL; enum cib_errors rc = cib_ok; gboolean need_cib = TRUE; int option_index = 0; int argerr = 0; int flag; crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_ERR, FALSE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); crm_set_options("V?$LRQxDCPp:WMUr:H:h:v:t:p:g:d:i:s:G:S:fx:lmzu:FOocqN:aA", "(query|command) [options]", long_options, "Perform tasks related to cluster resources.\n Allows resources to be queried (definition and location), modified, and moved around the cluster.\n"); if(argc < 2) { crm_help('?', LSB_EXIT_EINVAL); } while (1) { flag = crm_get_option(argc, argv, &option_index); if (flag == -1) break; switch(flag) { case 'V': cl_log_enable_stderr(TRUE); alter_debug(DEBUG_INC); break; case '$': case '?': crm_help(flag, LSB_EXIT_OK); break; case 'x': xml_file = crm_strdup(optarg); break; case 'Q': BE_QUIET = TRUE; break; case 'm': attr_set_type = XML_TAG_META_SETS; break; case 'z': attr_set_type = XML_TAG_UTILIZATION; break; case 'u': move_lifetime = crm_strdup(optarg); break; case 'f': do_force = TRUE; break; case 'i': prop_id = optarg; break; case 's': prop_set = optarg; break; case 'r': rsc_id = optarg; break; case 'v': prop_value = optarg; break; case 't': rsc_type = optarg; break; case 'R': case 'P': need_cib = FALSE; rsc_cmd = flag; break; case 'L': case 'c': case 'l': case 'q': case 'D': case 'F': case 'C': case 'W': case 'M': case 'U': case 'O': case 'o': case 'A': case 'a': rsc_cmd = flag; break; case 'p': case 'g': case 'd': case 'S': case 'G': prop_name = optarg; rsc_cmd = flag; break; case 'h': case 'H': case 'N': crm_debug_2("Option %c => %s", flag, optarg); host_uname = optarg; break; default: CMD_ERR("Argument code 0%o (%c) is not (?yet?) supported\n", flag, flag); ++argerr; break; } } if (optind < argc && argv[optind] != NULL) { CMD_ERR("non-option ARGV-elements: "); while (optind < argc && argv[optind] != NULL) { CMD_ERR("%s ", argv[optind++]); ++argerr; } CMD_ERR("\n"); } if (optind > argc) { ++argerr; } if (argerr) { crm_help('?', LSB_EXIT_GENERIC); } crm_malloc0(our_pid, 11); if(our_pid != NULL) { snprintf(our_pid, 10, "%d", getpid()); our_pid[10] = '\0'; } if(do_force) { crm_debug("Forcing..."); cib_options |= cib_scope_local|cib_quorum_override; } set_working_set_defaults(&data_set); if(need_cib) { resource_t *rsc = NULL; if(xml_file != NULL) { cib_xml_copy = filename2xml(xml_file); } else { cib_conn = cib_new(); rc = cib_conn->cmds->signon( cib_conn, crm_system_name, cib_command); if(rc != cib_ok) { CMD_ERR("Error signing on to the CIB service: %s\n", cib_error2string(rc)); return rc; } cib_xml_copy = get_cib_copy(cib_conn); } if(cli_config_update(&cib_xml_copy, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { rc = cib_STALE; goto bail; } data_set.input = cib_xml_copy; data_set.now = new_ha_date(TRUE); cluster_status(&data_set); if(rsc_id) { rsc = find_rsc_or_clone(rsc_id, &data_set); } if(rsc == NULL) { rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; } } if(rsc_cmd == 'R' || rsc_cmd == 'C' || rsc_cmd == 'F' || rsc_cmd == 'P') { GCHSource *src = NULL; src = init_client_ipc_comms(CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, crmd_msg_callback, NULL, &crmd_channel); if(src == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Error signing on to the CRMd service\n"); rc = cib_connection; goto bail; } send_hello_message( crmd_channel, our_pid, crm_system_name, "0", "1"); set_IPC_Channel_dnotify(src, resource_ipc_connection_destroy); } if(rsc_cmd == 'L') { rc = cib_ok; do_find_resource_list(&data_set, FALSE); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'l') { int found = 0; rc = cib_ok; slist_iter( rsc, resource_t, data_set.resources, lpc, found++; print_raw_rsc(rsc); ); if(found == 0) { printf("NO resources configured\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } } else if(rsc_cmd == 'A') { resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id); xmlNode * cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, data_set.input); if(rsc == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } unpack_constraints(cib_constraints, &data_set); show_colocation(rsc, TRUE, FALSE); fprintf(stdout, "* %s\n", rsc->id); show_colocation(rsc, FALSE, FALSE); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'a') { resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id); xmlNode * cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, data_set.input); if(rsc == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } unpack_constraints(cib_constraints, &data_set); show_colocation(rsc, TRUE, TRUE); fprintf(stdout, "* %s\n", rsc->id); show_colocation(rsc, FALSE, TRUE); show_location(rsc); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'c') { int found = 0; rc = cib_ok; slist_iter( rsc, resource_t, data_set.resources, lpc, found++; print_cts_rsc(rsc); ); print_cts_constraints(&data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'C') { resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id); rc = delete_lrm_rsc(crmd_channel, host_uname, rsc, &data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'F') { rc = fail_lrm_rsc(crmd_channel, host_uname, rsc_id, &data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'O') { rc = list_resource_operations(rsc_id, host_uname, TRUE, &data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'o') { rc = list_resource_operations(rsc_id, host_uname, FALSE, &data_set); } else if(rc == cib_NOTEXISTS) { CMD_ERR("Resource %s not found: %s\n", crm_str(rsc_id), cib_error2string(rc)); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'W') { if(rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } rc = do_find_resource(rsc_id, &data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'q') { if(rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } rc = dump_resource(rsc_id, &data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'U') { if(rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } rc = move_resource(rsc_id, NULL, NULL, cib_conn); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'M') { node_t *dest = NULL; node_t *current = NULL; const char *current_uname = NULL; resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set.resources, rsc_id); if(rsc != NULL && rsc->running_on != NULL) { current = rsc->running_on->data; if(current != NULL) { current_uname = current->details->uname; } } if(host_uname != NULL) { dest = pe_find_node(data_set.nodes, host_uname); } if(rsc == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Resource %s not moved:" " not found\n", rsc_id); } else if(rsc->variant == pe_native && g_list_length(rsc->running_on) > 1) { CMD_ERR("Resource %s not moved:" " active on multiple nodes\n", rsc_id); } else if(host_uname != NULL && dest == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: " "%s is not a known node\n", host_uname); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; } else if(host_uname != NULL && safe_str_eq(current_uname, host_uname)) { CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: " "%s is already active on %s\n", rsc_id, host_uname); } else if(current_uname != NULL && (do_force || host_uname == NULL)) { rc = move_resource(rsc_id, current_uname, host_uname, cib_conn); } else if(host_uname != NULL) { rc = move_resource( rsc_id, NULL, host_uname, cib_conn); } else { CMD_ERR("Resource %s not moved: " "not-active and no preferred location" " specified.\n", rsc_id); rc = cib_missing; } } else if(rsc_cmd == 'G') { if(rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } rc = dump_resource_prop(rsc_id, prop_name, &data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'S') { xmlNode *msg_data = NULL; if(prop_value == NULL || strlen(prop_value) == 0) { CMD_ERR("You need to supply a value with the -v option\n"); rc = CIBRES_MISSING_FIELD; goto bail; } else if(cib_conn == NULL) { rc = cib_connection; goto bail; } if(rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } CRM_DEV_ASSERT(rsc_type != NULL); CRM_DEV_ASSERT(prop_name != NULL); CRM_DEV_ASSERT(prop_value != NULL); msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, rsc_type); crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id); crm_xml_add(msg_data, prop_name, prop_value); rc = cib_conn->cmds->modify( cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, msg_data, cib_options); free_xml(msg_data); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'g') { if(rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } rc = dump_resource_attr(rsc_id, prop_name, &data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'p') { if(rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } if(prop_value == NULL || strlen(prop_value) == 0) { CMD_ERR("You need to supply a value with the -v option\n"); rc = CIBRES_MISSING_FIELD; goto bail; } rc = set_resource_attr(rsc_id, prop_set, prop_id, prop_name, prop_value, cib_conn, &data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'd') { if(rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } rc = delete_resource_attr(rsc_id, prop_set, prop_id, prop_name, cib_conn, &data_set); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'P') { xmlNode *cmd = NULL; cmd = create_request(CRM_OP_REPROBE, NULL, host_uname, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, crm_system_name, our_pid); send_ipc_message(crmd_channel, cmd); free_xml(cmd); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'R') { refresh_lrm(crmd_channel, host_uname); } else if(rsc_cmd == 'D') { xmlNode *msg_data = NULL; if(rsc_id == NULL) { CMD_ERR("Must supply a resource id with -r\n"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } if(rsc_type == NULL) { CMD_ERR("You need to specify a resource type with -t"); rc = cib_NOTEXISTS; goto bail; } else if(cib_conn == NULL) { rc = cib_connection; goto bail; } msg_data = create_xml_node(NULL, rsc_type); crm_xml_add(msg_data, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id); rc = cib_conn->cmds->delete( cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, msg_data, cib_options); free_xml(msg_data); } else { CMD_ERR("Unknown command: %c\n", rsc_cmd); } bail: if(cib_conn != NULL) { cleanup_calculations(&data_set); cib_conn->cmds->signoff(cib_conn); cib_delete(cib_conn); } else { xmlCleanupParser(); } if(rc == cib_no_quorum) { CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: %s\n", cib_error2string(rc)); CMD_ERR("Try using -f\n"); } else if(rc != cib_ok) { CMD_ERR("Error performing operation: %s\n", cib_error2string(rc)); } return rc; }