diff --git a/tools/cibadmin.c b/tools/cibadmin.c index 6e00d2b3d1..f7bd506ccd 100644 --- a/tools/cibadmin.c +++ b/tools/cibadmin.c @@ -1,585 +1,586 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int exit_code = cib_ok; int message_timer_id = -1; int message_timeout_ms = 30; GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL; IPC_Channel *crmd_channel = NULL; const char *host = NULL; void usage(const char *cmd, int exit_status); enum cib_errors do_init(void); int do_work(xmlNode *input, int command_options, xmlNode **output); gboolean admin_msg_callback(IPC_Channel * source_data, void *private_data); gboolean admin_message_timeout(gpointer data); void cib_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data); void cibadmin_op_callback(xmlNode *msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode *output, void *user_data); int command_options = 0; const char *cib_action = NULL; typedef struct str_list_s { int num_items; char *value; struct str_list_s *next; } str_list_t; char *obj_type = NULL; char *status = NULL; char *migrate_from = NULL; char *migrate_res = NULL; char *subtype = NULL; char *reset = NULL; int request_id = 0; int operation_status = 0; cib_t *the_cib = NULL; gboolean force_flag = FALSE; static struct crm_option long_options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, '?', "\tThis text"}, {"version", 0, 0, '$', "\tVersion information" }, {"verbose", 0, 0, 'V', "\tIncrease debug output\n"}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Commands:"}, {"upgrade", 0, 0, 'u', "\tUpgrade the configuration to the latest syntax"}, {"query", 0, 0, 'Q', "\tQuery the contents of the CIB"}, {"erase", 0, 0, 'E', "\tErase the contents of the whole CIB"}, {"bump", 0, 0, 'B', "\tIncrease the CIB's epoch value by 1"}, {"create", 0, 0, 'C', "\tCreate an object in the CIB. Will fail if the object already exists."}, {"modify", 0, 0, 'M', "\tFind the object somewhere in the CIB's XML tree and update it. Fails if the object does not exist unless -c is specified"}, {"patch", 0, 0, 'P', "\tSupply an update in the form of an xml diff (See also: crm_diff)"}, {"replace", 0, 0, 'R', "\tRecursivly replace an object in the CIB"}, {"delete", 0, 0, 'D', "\tDelete the first object matching the supplied criteria, Eg. "}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\n\t\t\tThe tagname and all attributes must match in order for the element to be deleted"}, {"delete-all", 0, 0, 'd', "\tWhen used with --xpath, remove all matching objects in the configuration instead of just the first one"}, {"md5-sum", 0, 0, '5', "\tCalculate a CIB digest"}, {"sync", 0, 0, 'S', "\t(Advanced) Force a refresh of the CIB to all nodes\n"}, {"make-slave", 0, 0, 'r', NULL, 1}, {"make-master", 0, 0, 'w', NULL, 1}, {"is-master", 0, 0, 'm', NULL, 1}, {"empty", 0, 0, 'a', "\tOutput an empty CIB", 1}, + {"blank", 0, 0, 'a', NULL, 1}, {"-spacer-",1, 0, '-', "\nAdditional options:"}, {"force", 0, 0, 'f'}, {"timeout", 1, 0, 't', "Time (in seconds) to wait before declaring the operation failed"}, {"sync-call", 0, 0, 's', "Wait for call to complete before returning"}, {"local", 0, 0, 'l', "\tCommand takes effect locally. Should only be used for queries"}, {"allow-create",0, 0, 'c', "(Advanced) Allow the target of a -M operation to be created if they do not exist"}, {"no-children", 0, 0, 'n', "(Advanced) When querying an object, do not return include its children in the result\n"}, {"no-bcast", 0, 0, 'b', NULL, 1}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Data:"}, {"xml-text", 1, 0, 'X', "Retrieve XML from the supplied string"}, {"xml-file", 1, 0, 'x', "Retrieve XML from the named file"}, {"xml-pipe", 0, 0, 'p', "Retrieve XML from stdin\n"}, {"xpath", 1, 0, 'A', "A valid XPath to use instead of -o"}, {"scope", 1, 0, 'o', "Limit the scope of the operation to a specific section of the CIB."}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\t\t\tValid values are: nodes, resources, constraints, crm_config, rsc_defaults, op_defaults, status"}, {"node", 1, 0, 'N', "(Advanced) Send command to the specified host\n"}, {"-space-", 0, 0, '!', NULL, 1}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "\nExamples:\n"}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Query the configuration from the local node:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --query --local", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Query the just the cluster options configuration:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --query --scope crm_config", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Query all 'target-role' settings:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --query --xpath \"//nvpair[@name='target-role']\"", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Remove all 'is-managed' settings:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --delete-all --xpath \"//nvpair[@name='is-managed']\"", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Remove the resource named 'old':", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --delete --xml-text ''", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Remove all resources from the configuration:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --replace --scope resources --xml-text ''", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Replace the complete configuration with the contents of $HOME/pacemaker.xml:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --replace --xml-file $HOME/pacemaker.xml", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Replace the constraints section of the configuration with the contents of $HOME/constraints.xml:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --replace --scope constraints --xml-file $HOME/constraints.xml", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Increase the configuration version to prevent old configurations from being loaded accidentally:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --modify --xml-text ''", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "Edit the configuration with your favorite $EDITOR:", pcmk_option_paragraph}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --query > $HOME/local.xml", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " $EDITOR $HOME/local.xml", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --replace --xml-file $HOME/local.xml", pcmk_option_example}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', "SEE ALSO:"}, {"-spacer-", 0, 0, '-', " CRM shell, crm(8), crm_shadow(8)"}, /* Legacy options */ {"host", 0, 0, 'h', NULL, 1}, {"force-quorum", 0, 0, 'f', NULL, 1}, {"obj_type", 1, 0, 'o', NULL, 1}, {F_CRM_DATA, 1, 0, 'X', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_ERASE, 0, 0, 'E', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_QUERY, 0, 0, 'Q', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_CREATE, 0, 0, 'C', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_REPLACE, 0, 0, 'R', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_UPDATE, 0, 0, 'U', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_MODIFY, 0, 0, 'M', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_DELETE, 0, 0, 'D', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_BUMP, 0, 0, 'B', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_SYNC, 0, 0, 'S', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_SLAVE, 0, 0, 'r', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_MASTER, 0, 0, 'w', NULL, 1}, {CIB_OP_ISMASTER,0, 0, 'm', NULL, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int argerr = 0; int flag; const char *source = NULL; char *admin_input_xml = NULL; char *admin_input_file = NULL; gboolean dangerous_cmd = FALSE; gboolean admin_input_stdin = FALSE; xmlNode *output = NULL; xmlNode *input = NULL; int option_index = 0; crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_CRIT, FALSE, FALSE, argc, argv); crm_set_options("!V?$o:QDUCEX:t:Srwlsh:MmBfbRx:pP5N:A:uncda", "command [options] [data]", long_options, "Provides direct access to the cluster configuration." "\n\n Allows the configuration, or sections of it, to be queried, modified, replaced and deleted." "\n\n Where necessary, XML data will be obtained using the -X, -x, or -p options\n"); if(argc < 2) { crm_help('?',LSB_EXIT_EINVAL); } while (1) { flag = crm_get_option(argc, argv, &option_index); if (flag == -1) break; switch(flag) { case 't': message_timeout_ms = atoi(optarg); if(message_timeout_ms < 1) { message_timeout_ms = 30; } break; case 'A': obj_type = crm_strdup(optarg); command_options |= cib_xpath; break; case 'u': cib_action = CIB_OP_UPGRADE; dangerous_cmd = TRUE; break; case 'E': cib_action = CIB_OP_ERASE; dangerous_cmd = TRUE; break; case 'Q': cib_action = CIB_OP_QUERY; break; case 'P': cib_action = CIB_OP_APPLY_DIFF; break; case 'S': cib_action = CIB_OP_SYNC; break; case 'U': case 'M': cib_action = CIB_OP_MODIFY; break; case 'R': cib_action = CIB_OP_REPLACE; break; case 'C': cib_action = CIB_OP_CREATE; break; case 'D': cib_action = CIB_OP_DELETE; break; case '5': cib_action = "md5-sum"; break; case 'c': command_options |= cib_can_create; break; case 'n': command_options |= cib_no_children; break; case 'm': cib_action = CIB_OP_ISMASTER; command_options |= cib_scope_local; break; case 'B': cib_action = CIB_OP_BUMP; break; case 'r': dangerous_cmd = TRUE; cib_action = CIB_OP_SLAVE; break; case 'w': dangerous_cmd = TRUE; cib_action = CIB_OP_MASTER; command_options |= cib_scope_local; break; case 'V': command_options = command_options | cib_verbose; cl_log_enable_stderr(TRUE); alter_debug(DEBUG_INC); break; case '?': case '$': case '!': crm_help(flag, LSB_EXIT_OK); break; case 'o': crm_debug_2("Option %c => %s", flag, optarg); obj_type = crm_strdup(optarg); break; case 'X': crm_debug_2("Option %c => %s", flag, optarg); admin_input_xml = crm_strdup(optarg); break; case 'x': crm_debug_2("Option %c => %s", flag, optarg); admin_input_file = crm_strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': admin_input_stdin = TRUE; break; case 'h': host = crm_strdup(optarg); break; case 'l': command_options |= cib_scope_local; break; case 'd': cib_action = CIB_OP_DELETE; command_options |= cib_multiple; dangerous_cmd = TRUE; break; case 'b': dangerous_cmd = TRUE; command_options |= cib_inhibit_bcast; command_options |= cib_scope_local; break; case 's': command_options |= cib_sync_call; break; case 'f': force_flag = TRUE; command_options |= cib_quorum_override; break; case 'a': output = createEmptyCib(); crm_xml_add(output, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, CRM_FEATURE_SET); crm_xml_add(output, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION, LATEST_SCHEMA_VERSION); crm_xml_add_int(output, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, 1); crm_xml_add_int(output, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, 0); crm_xml_add_int(output, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, 0); admin_input_xml = dump_xml_formatted(output); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", crm_str(admin_input_xml)); exit(0); break; default: printf("Argument code 0%o (%c)" " is not (?yet?) supported\n", flag, flag); ++argerr; break; } } if (optind < argc) { printf("non-option ARGV-elements: "); while (optind < argc) printf("%s ", argv[optind++]); printf("\n"); crm_help('?', LSB_EXIT_EINVAL); } if (optind > argc || cib_action == NULL) { ++argerr; } if (argerr) { crm_help('?', LSB_EXIT_GENERIC); } if(dangerous_cmd && force_flag == FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "The supplied command is considered dangerous." " To prevent accidental destruction of the cluster," " the --force flag is required in order to proceed.\n"); fflush(stderr); exit(LSB_EXIT_GENERIC); } if(admin_input_file != NULL) { input = filename2xml(admin_input_file); source = admin_input_file; } else if(admin_input_xml != NULL) { source = "input string"; input = string2xml(admin_input_xml); } else if(admin_input_stdin) { source = "STDIN"; input = stdin2xml(); } if(input != NULL) { crm_log_xml_debug(input, "[admin input]"); } else if(source) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't parse input from %s.\n", source); return 1; } if(safe_str_eq(cib_action, "md5-sum")) { char *digest = NULL; if(input == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Please supply XML to process with -X, -x or -p\n"); exit(1); } digest = calculate_on_disk_digest(input); fprintf(stderr, "Digest: "); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", crm_str(digest)); crm_free(digest); exit(0); } exit_code = do_init(); if(exit_code != cib_ok) { crm_err("Init failed, could not perform requested operations"); fprintf(stderr, "Init failed, could not perform requested operations\n"); return -exit_code; } exit_code = do_work(input, command_options, &output); if (exit_code > 0) { /* wait for the reply by creating a mainloop and running it until * the callbacks are invoked... */ request_id = exit_code; the_cib->cmds->register_callback( the_cib, request_id, message_timeout_ms, FALSE, NULL, "cibadmin_op_callback", cibadmin_op_callback); mainloop = g_main_new(FALSE); crm_debug_3("%s waiting for reply from the local CIB", crm_system_name); crm_info("Starting mainloop"); g_main_run(mainloop); } else if(exit_code < 0) { crm_err("Call failed: %s", cib_error2string(exit_code)); fprintf(stderr, "Call failed: %s\n", cib_error2string(exit_code)); operation_status = exit_code; if(exit_code == cib_dtd_validation) { if(crm_str_eq(cib_action, CIB_OP_UPGRADE, TRUE)) { xmlNode *obj = NULL; int version = 0, rc = 0; rc = the_cib->cmds->query(the_cib, NULL, &obj, command_options); if(rc == cib_ok) { update_validation(&obj, &version, TRUE, FALSE); } } else if(output) { validate_xml_verbose(output); } } } if(output != NULL) { char *buffer = dump_xml_formatted(output); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", crm_str(buffer)); crm_free(buffer); free_xml(output); } crm_debug_3("%s exiting normally", crm_system_name); free_xml(input); crm_free(admin_input_xml); crm_free(admin_input_file); the_cib->cmds->signoff(the_cib); cib_delete(the_cib); crm_xml_cleanup(); return -exit_code; } int do_work(xmlNode *input, int call_options, xmlNode **output) { /* construct the request */ the_cib->call_timeout = message_timeout_ms; if (strcasecmp(CIB_OP_REPLACE, cib_action) == 0 && safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(input), XML_TAG_CIB)) { xmlNode *status = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, input); if(status == NULL) { create_xml_node(input, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); } } if (strcasecmp(CIB_OP_SYNC, cib_action) == 0) { crm_debug_4("Performing %s op...", cib_action); return the_cib->cmds->sync_from( the_cib, host, obj_type, call_options); } else if (strcasecmp(CIB_OP_SLAVE, cib_action) == 0 && (call_options ^ cib_scope_local) ) { crm_debug_4("Performing %s op on all nodes...", cib_action); return the_cib->cmds->set_slave_all(the_cib, call_options); } else if (strcasecmp(CIB_OP_MASTER, cib_action) == 0) { crm_debug_4("Performing %s op on all nodes...", cib_action); return the_cib->cmds->set_master(the_cib, call_options); } else if(cib_action != NULL) { crm_debug_4("Passing \"%s\" to variant_op...", cib_action); return the_cib->cmds->variant_op( the_cib, cib_action, host, obj_type, input, output, call_options); } else { crm_err("You must specify an operation"); } return cib_operation; } enum cib_errors do_init(void) { enum cib_errors rc = cib_ok; the_cib = cib_new(); rc = the_cib->cmds->signon(the_cib, crm_system_name, cib_command); if(rc != cib_ok) { crm_err("Signon to CIB failed: %s", cib_error2string(rc)); fprintf(stderr, "Signon to CIB failed: %s\n", cib_error2string(rc)); } return rc; } void cib_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { crm_err("Connection to the CIB terminated... exiting"); g_main_quit(mainloop); return; } void cibadmin_op_callback(xmlNode *msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode *output, void *user_data) { char *admin_input_xml = NULL; exit_code = rc; if(output != NULL) { admin_input_xml = dump_xml_formatted(output); } if(safe_str_eq(cib_action, CIB_OP_ISMASTER) && rc != cib_ok) { crm_info("CIB on %s is _not_ the master instance", host?host:"localhost"); fprintf(stderr, "CIB on %s is _not_ the master instance\n", host?host:"localhost"); } else if(safe_str_eq(cib_action, CIB_OP_ISMASTER)) { crm_info("CIB on %s _is_ the master instance", host?host:"localhost"); fprintf(stderr, "CIB on %s _is_ the master instance\n", host?host:"localhost"); } else if(rc != 0) { crm_warn("Call %s failed (%d): %s", cib_action, rc, cib_error2string(rc)); fprintf(stderr, "Call %s failed (%d): %s\n", cib_action, rc, cib_error2string(rc)); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", crm_str(admin_input_xml)); } else if(safe_str_eq(cib_action, CIB_OP_QUERY) && output==NULL) { crm_err("Output expected in query response"); crm_log_xml(LOG_ERR, "no output", msg); } else if(output == NULL) { crm_info("Call passed"); } else { crm_info("Call passed"); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", crm_str(admin_input_xml)); } crm_free(admin_input_xml); if(call_id == request_id) { g_main_quit(mainloop); } else { crm_info("Message was not the response we were looking for (%d vs. %d", call_id, request_id); } }