diff --git a/lrmd/regression.py.in b/lrmd/regression.py.in index ddc0cb7a34..3fd7b60ecd 100755 --- a/lrmd/regression.py.in +++ b/lrmd/regression.py.in @@ -1,1246 +1,1290 @@ #!/usr/bin/python """ Regression tests for Pacemaker's lrmd """ # Pacemaker targets compatibility with Python 2.6+ and 3.2+ from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Andrew Beekhof " __license__ = "GNU General Public License version 2 or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY" import io import os import sys import subprocess import shlex import time # Where to find test binaries # Prefer the source tree if available BUILD_DIR = "@abs_top_builddir@" TEST_DIR = sys.path[0] def update_path(): """ Set the PATH environment variable appropriately for the tests """ new_path = os.environ['PATH'] if os.path.exists("%s/regression.py.in" % TEST_DIR): print("Running tests from the source tree: %s (%s)" % (BUILD_DIR, TEST_DIR)) new_path = "%s/lrmd:%s" % (BUILD_DIR, new_path) # For lrmd, lrmd_test and pacemaker_remoted new_path = "%s/tools:%s" % (BUILD_DIR, new_path) # For crm_resource new_path = "%s/fencing:%s" % (BUILD_DIR, new_path) # For stonithd else: print("Running tests from the install tree: @CRM_DAEMON_DIR@ (not %s)" % TEST_DIR) new_path = "@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@:%s" % (new_path) # For stonithd, lrmd, lrmd_test and pacemaker_remoted print(new_path) os.environ['PATH'] = new_path def shlex_split(command): """ Wrapper for shlex.split() that works around Python 2.6 bug """ if sys.version_info < (2, 7,): return shlex.split(command.encode('ascii')) else: return shlex.split(command) def pipe_output(pipes, stdout=True, stderr=False): """ Wrapper to get text output from pipes regardless of Python version """ output = "" pipe_outputs = pipes.communicate() if sys.version_info < (3,): if stdout: output = output + pipe_outputs[0] if stderr: output = output + pipe_outputs[1] else: if stdout: output = output + pipe_outputs[0].decode(sys.stdout.encoding) if stderr: output = output + pipe_outputs[1].decode(sys.stderr.encoding) return output def output_from_command(command): """ Run a command, and return its standard output. """ test = subprocess.Popen(shlex_split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) test.wait() return pipe_output(test).split("\n") class Test(object): """ Executor for a single lrmd regression test """ def __init__(self, name, description, verbose=0, tls=0): self.name = name self.description = description self.cmds = [] if tls: self.daemon_location = "pacemaker_remoted" else: self.daemon_location = "lrmd" self.test_tool_location = "lrmd_test" self.verbose = verbose self.tls = tls self.result_txt = "" self.cmd_tool_output = "" self.result_exitcode = 0 self.lrmd_process = None self.stonith_process = None self.executed = 0 def __new_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode, stdout_match="", no_wait=0, stdout_negative_match="", kill=None): """ Add a command to be executed as part of this test """ if self.verbose and cmd == self.test_tool_location: args = args + " -V " if (cmd == self.test_tool_location) and self.tls: args = args + " -S " self.cmds.append( { "cmd" : cmd, "kill" : kill, "args" : args, "expected_exitcode" : exitcode, "stdout_match" : stdout_match, "stdout_negative_match" : stdout_negative_match, "no_wait" : no_wait, "cmd_output" : "", } ) def start_environment(self): """ Prepare the host for running a test """ ### make sure we are in full control here ### cmd = shlex_split("killall -q -9 stonithd lt-stonithd lrmd lt-lrmd lrmd_test lt-lrmd_test pacemaker_remoted") test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) test.wait() additional_args = "" if self.tls == 0: self.stonith_process = subprocess.Popen(shlex_split("stonithd -s")) if self.verbose: additional_args = additional_args + " -V" self.lrmd_process = subprocess.Popen(shlex_split("%s %s -l /tmp/lrmd-regression.log" % (self.daemon_location, additional_args))) time.sleep(1) def clean_environment(self): """ Clean up the host after running a test """ if self.lrmd_process: self.lrmd_process.terminate() self.lrmd_process.wait() if self.verbose: print("Daemon output") logfile = io.open('/tmp/lrmd-regression.log', 'rt') for line in logfile.readlines(): print(line.strip()) os.remove('/tmp/lrmd-regression.log') if self.stonith_process: self.stonith_process.terminate() self.stonith_process.wait() self.lrmd_process = None self.stonith_process = None def add_sys_cmd(self, cmd, args): """ Add a simple command to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "") def add_sys_cmd_no_wait(self, cmd, args): """ Add a simple command to be executed (without waiting) as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "", 1) def add_expected_fail_sys_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode): """ Add a command to be executed as part of this test and expected to fail """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, exitcode) def add_cmd_check_stdout(self, args, match, no_match=""): """ Add a command with expected output to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 0, match, 0, no_match) def add_cmd(self, args): """ Add an lrmd_test command to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 0, "") def add_cmd_and_kill(self, kill_proc, args): """ Add an lrmd_test command and system command to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 0, "", kill=kill_proc) def add_expected_fail_cmd(self, args): """ Add an lrmd_test command to be executed as part of this test and expected to fail """ self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 1, "") def get_exitcode(self): """ Return the exit status of the last test execution """ return self.result_exitcode def print_result(self, filler): """ Print the result of the last test execution """ print("%s%s" % (filler, self.result_txt)) def run_cmd(self, args): """ Execute a command as part of this test """ cmd = shlex_split(args['args']) cmd.insert(0, args['cmd']) if self.verbose: print("\n\nRunning: "+" ".join(cmd)) test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if args['kill']: if self.verbose: print("Also running: "+args['kill']) ### Typically, the kill argument is used to detect some sort of ### failure. Without yielding for a few seconds here, the process ### launched earlier that is listening for the failure may not have ### time to connect to the lrmd. time.sleep(2) subprocess.Popen(shlex_split(args['kill'])) if args['no_wait'] == 0: test.wait() else: return 0 output = pipe_output(test) if args['stdout_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_match']) == 0: test.returncode = -2 print("STDOUT string '%s' was not found in cmd output" % (args['stdout_match'])) if args['stdout_negative_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_negative_match']) != 0: test.returncode = -2 print("STDOUT string '%s' was found in cmd output" % (args['stdout_negative_match'])) args['cmd_output'] = output return test.returncode def run(self): """ Execute this test. """ res = 0 i = 1 if self.tls and self.name.count("stonith") != 0: self.result_txt = "SKIPPED - '%s' - disabled when testing pacemaker_remote" % (self.name) print(self.result_txt) return res self.start_environment() if self.verbose: print("\n--- START TEST - %s" % self.name) self.result_txt = "SUCCESS - '%s'" % (self.name) self.result_exitcode = 0 for cmd in self.cmds: res = self.run_cmd(cmd) if res != cmd['expected_exitcode']: print(cmd['cmd_output']) print("Step %d FAILED - command returned %d, expected %d" % (i, res, cmd['expected_exitcode'])) msg = "FAILURE - '%s' failed at step %d. Command: lrmd_test %s" self.result_txt = msg % (self.name, i, cmd['args']) self.result_exitcode = -1 break else: if self.verbose: print(cmd['cmd_output'].strip()) print("Step %d SUCCESS" % (i)) i = i + 1 self.clean_environment() print(self.result_txt) if self.verbose: print("--- END TEST - %s\n" % self.name) self.executed = 1 return res class Tests(object): """ Collection of all lrmd regression tests """ def __init__(self, verbose=0, tls=0): self.tests = [] self.verbose = verbose self.tls = tls self.rsc_classes = output_from_command("crm_resource --list-standards") self.rsc_classes = self.rsc_classes[:-1] # Strip trailing empty line self.need_authkey = 0 self.action_timeout = " -t 5000 " if self.tls: self.rsc_classes.remove("stonith") if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: try: # This code doesn't need this import, but lrmd_dummy_daemon does, # so ensure the dependency is available rather than cause all # systemd tests to fail. import systemd.daemon except ImportError: print("Fatal error: python systemd bindings not found. Is package installed?", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) print("Testing "+repr(self.rsc_classes)) self.common_cmds = { "ocf_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r ocf_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C ocf -P pacemaker -T Dummy", "ocf_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "ocf_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "ocf_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "ocf_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "ocf_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "ocf_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "systemd_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r systemd_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon", "systemd_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "systemd_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "systemd_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "systemd_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "systemd_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "systemd_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "upstart_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r upstart_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C upstart -T lrmd_dummy_daemon", "upstart_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "upstart_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "upstart_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "upstart_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "upstart_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "upstart_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "service_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r service_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C service -T LSBDummy", "service_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "service_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"service_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "service_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "service_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "service_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "service_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "lsb_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r lsb_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C lsb -T LSBDummy", "lsb_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "lsb_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "lsb_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "lsb_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "lsb_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a status -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a \"status\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "lsb_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "heartbeat_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r hb_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C heartbeat -T HBDummy", "heartbeat_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "heartbeat_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"hb_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "heartbeat_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "heartbeat_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "heartbeat_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a status -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a \"status\" -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "heartbeat_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "stonith_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r stonith_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C stonith -P pacemaker -T fence_dummy_monitor", "stonith_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "stonith_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "stonith_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -t 8000 ", "stonith_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "stonith_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "stonith_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "stonith_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", } def new_test(self, name, description): """ Create a named test """ test = Test(name, description, self.verbose, self.tls) self.tests.append(test) return test def setup_test_environment(self): """ Prepare the host before executing any tests """ os.system("service pacemaker_remote stop") self.cleanup_test_environment() if self.tls and not os.path.isfile("/etc/pacemaker/authkey"): self.need_authkey = 1 os.system("mkdir -p /etc/pacemaker") os.system("dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1") ### Make fake systemd daemon and unit file ### dummy_daemon = """#!/usr/bin/python import time, systemd.daemon time.sleep(3) systemd.daemon.notify("READY=1") while True: time.sleep(5) """ dummy_service_file = """ [Unit] Description=Dummy resource that takes a while to start [Service] Type=notify ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon """ dummy_upstart_job = (""" description "Dummy service for regression tests" exec dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/null """) dummy_fence_sleep_agent = ("""#!/usr/bin/python import sys import time def main(): for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): if line.count("monitor") > 0: time.sleep(30000) sys.exit(0) sys.exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main() """) dummy_fence_agent = ("""#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division import sys def main(): for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): if line.count("monitor") > 0: sys.exit(0) if line.count("metadata") > 0: print('') print(' dummy description.') print(' http://www.example.com') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' Fencing Action') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' Physical plug number or name of virtual machine') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print('') sys.exit(0) sys.exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main() """) os.system("cat <<-END >>/etc/init/lrmd_dummy_daemon.conf\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_upstart_job)) os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_daemon)) os.system("cat <<-END >>/lib/systemd/system/lrmd_dummy_daemon.service\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_service_file)) os.system("chmod a+x /usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon") os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_sleep\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_fence_sleep_agent)) os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_sleep") os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_fence_agent)) os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor") if os.path.exists("%s/cts/LSBDummy" % BUILD_DIR): print("Using %s/cts/LSBDummy" % BUILD_DIR) os.system("cp %s/cts/LSBDummy /etc/init.d/LSBDummy" % BUILD_DIR) if not os.path.exists("@OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker"): os.system("mkdir -p @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker/") # Install helper OCF agents for agent in ["Dummy", "Stateful", "ping"]: os.system("cp %s/extra/resources/%s @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker/%s" % (BUILD_DIR, agent, agent)) os.system("chmod a+x @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker/%s" % (agent)) else: # Assume it's installed print("Using @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/LSBDummy") os.system("cp @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/LSBDummy /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("chmod a+x /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("ls -al /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("mkdir -p @CRM_CORE_DIR@/root") os.system("mkdir -p /etc/ha.d/resource.d") if os.path.exists("%s/cts/HBDummy" % BUILD_DIR): print("Using %s/cts/HBDummy" % BUILD_DIR) os.system("cp %s/cts/HBDummy /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy" % BUILD_DIR) else: # Assume it's installed print("Using @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/HBDummy") os.system("cp @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/HBDummy /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") os.system("chmod a+x /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") os.system("ls -al /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") if os.path.exists("/bin/systemctl"): os.system("systemctl daemon-reload") def cleanup_test_environment(self): """ Clean up the host after executing desired tests """ if self.need_authkey: os.system("rm -f /etc/pacemaker/authkey") os.system("rm -f /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("rm -f /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") os.system("rm -f /lib/systemd/system/lrmd_dummy_daemon.service") os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon") os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor") os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_sleep") if os.path.exists("/bin/systemctl"): os.system("systemctl daemon-reload") def build_generic_tests(self): """ Register tests that apply to all resource classes """ common_cmds = self.common_cmds ### register/unregister tests ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_registration_%s" % (rsc), "Simple resource registration test for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### start/stop tests ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_start_stop_%s" % (rsc), "Simple start and stop test for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### monitor cancel test ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_monitor_cancel_%s" % (rsc), "Simple monitor cancel test for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_cancel_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_cancel_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### monitor duplicate test ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_monitor_duplicate_%s" % (rsc), "Test creation and canceling of duplicate monitors for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) # Add the duplicate monitors test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) # verify we still get update events ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) # cancel the monitor, if the duplicate merged with the original, we should no longer see monitor updates test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_cancel_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_cancel_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### stop implies cancel test ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_stop_implies_cancel_%s" % (rsc), "Verify stopping a resource implies cancel of recurring ops for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) def build_multi_rsc_tests(self): """ Register complex tests that involve managing multiple resouces of different types """ common_cmds = self.common_cmds # do not use service and systemd at the same time, it is the same resource. ### register start monitor stop unregister resources of each type at the same time. ### test = self.new_test("multi_rsc_start_stop_all", "Start, monitor, and stop resources of multiple types and classes") for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: ### If this fails, that means the monitor is not being rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_cancel_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_cancel_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) def build_negative_tests(self): """ Register tests related to how the lrmd handles failures """ ### ocf start timeout test ### test = self.new_test("ocf_start_timeout", "Force start timeout to occur, verify start failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") # -t must be less than self.action_timeout test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -k \"op_sleep\" -v \"5\" -t 1000 -w") test.add_cmd('-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:unknown error op_status:Timed Out" ' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### stonith start timeout test ### test = self.new_test("stonith_start_timeout", "Force start timeout to occur, verify start failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"stonith\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"fence_dummy_sleep\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -t 1000 -w") # -t must be less than self.action_timeout test.add_cmd('-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:unknown error op_status:Timed Out" ' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### stonith component fail ### common_cmds = self.common_cmds test = self.new_test("stonith_component_fail", "Kill stonith component after lrmd connects") test.add_cmd(common_cmds["stonith_reg_line"] + " " + common_cmds["stonith_reg_event"]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["stonith_start_line"] + " " + common_cmds["stonith_start_event"]) test.add_cmd('-c exec -r "stonith_test_rsc" -a "monitor" -i "600000" -l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete" ' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("killall -9 -q stonithd lt-stonithd", '-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:unknown error op_status:error" -t 15000') test.add_cmd(common_cmds["stonith_unreg_line"] + " " + common_cmds["stonith_unreg_event"]) ### monitor fail for ocf resources ### test = self.new_test("monitor_fail_ocf", "Force ocf monitor to fail, verify failure is reported.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd('-c exec -r "test_rsc" -a "monitor" -i "100" ' + self.action_timeout + '-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete"') test.add_cmd('-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete"' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd('-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete"' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("rm -f @localstatedir@/run/Dummy-test_rsc.state", '-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete" -t 6000') test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" " + self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" " + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### verify notify changes only for monitor operation. ### test = self.new_test("monitor_changes_only", "Verify when flag is set, only monitor changes are notified.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+" -o " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd('-c exec -r "test_rsc" -a "monitor" -i "100" ' + self.action_timeout + ' -o -l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete" ') test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("rm -f @localstatedir@/run/Dummy-test_rsc.state", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 6000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd('-c unregister_rsc -r "test_rsc" ' + self.action_timeout + '-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete"') ### monitor fail for systemd resource ### if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("monitor_fail_systemd", "Force systemd monitor to fail, verify failure is reported..") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("killall -9 -q lrmd_dummy_daemon", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 8000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### monitor fail for upstart resource ### if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("monitor_fail_upstart", "Force upstart monitor to fail, verify failure is reported..") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C upstart -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("killall -9 -q dd", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 8000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Cancel non-existent operation on a resource ### test = self.new_test("cancel_non_existent_op", "Attempt to cancel the wrong monitor operation, verify expected failure") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a \"monitor\" -i 1234 -t \"6000\" " ### interval is wrong, should fail "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a stop -i 100 -t \"6000\" " ### action name is wrong, should fail "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Attempt to invoke non-existent rsc id ### test = self.new_test("invoke_non_existent_rsc", "Attempt to perform operations on a non-existent rsc id.") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:unknown error op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a monitor -i 6000 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a start "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register and start a resource that doesn't exist, systemd ### if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("start_uninstalled_systemd", "Register uninstalled systemd agent, try to start, verify expected failure") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C systemd -T this_is_fake1234 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("start_uninstalled_upstart", "Register uninstalled upstart agent, try to start, verify expected failure") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C upstart -T this_is_fake1234 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register and start a resource that doesn't exist, ocf ### test = self.new_test("start_uninstalled_ocf", "Register uninstalled ocf agent, try to start, verify expected failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C ocf -P pacemaker -T this_is_fake1234 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register ocf with non-existent provider ### test = self.new_test("start_ocf_bad_provider", "Register ocf agent with a non-existent provider, verify expected failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C ocf -P pancakes -T Dummy "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register ocf with empty provider field ### test = self.new_test("start_ocf_no_provider", "Register ocf agent with a no provider, verify expected failure.") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C ocf -T Dummy "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:Error\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") def build_stress_tests(self): """ Register stress tests """ timeout = "-t 20000" iterations = 25 test = self.new_test("ocf_stress", "Verify OCF agent handling works under load") for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -C ocf -P heartbeat -T Dummy -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a start %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a monitor %s -i 1000 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a stop %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("systemd_stress", "Verify systemd dbus connection works under load") for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a start %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a monitor %s -i 1000 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a stop %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) iterations = 9 timeout = "-t 30000" ### Verify recurring op in-flight collision is handled in series properly test = self.new_test("rsc_inflight_collision", "Verify recurring ops do not collide with other operations for the same rsc.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P pacemaker -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a start %s -k op_sleep -v 1 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout)) for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a monitor %s -i 100%d -k op_sleep -v 2 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout, i)) # test.add_sys_cmd("sleep", "-al @CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout)) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout)) def build_custom_tests(self): """ Register tests that target specific cases """ ### verify resource temporary folder is created and used by heartbeat agents. ### test = self.new_test("rsc_tmp_dir", "Verify creation and use of rsc temporary state directory") test.add_sys_cmd("ls", "-al @CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P heartbeat -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a start -t 4000") test.add_sys_cmd("ls", "-al @CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@") test.add_sys_cmd("ls", "@CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@/Dummy-test_rsc.state") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop -t 4000") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### start delay then stop test ### test = self.new_test("start_delay", "Verify start delay works as expected.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P pacemaker -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -s 6000 -a start -w -t 6000") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" -t 2000") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" -t 6000") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### start delay, but cancel before it gets a chance to start. ### test = self.new_test("start_delay_cancel", "Using start_delay, start a rsc, but cancel the start op before execution.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P pacemaker -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -s 5000 -a start -w -t 4000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a start " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" -t 5000") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register a bunch of resources, verify we can get info on them ### test = self.new_test("verify_get_rsc_info", "Register multiple resources, verify retrieval of rsc info.") if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc1 -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc1 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc1 -C upstart -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc1 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Dummy -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc2 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ") ### Register duplicate, verify only one entry exists and can still be removed. test = self.new_test("duplicate_registration", "Register resource multiple times, verify only one entry exists and can be removed.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Dummy -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ", "id:rsc2 class:ocf provider:pacemaker type:Dummy") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Dummy -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ", "id:rsc2 class:ocf provider:pacemaker type:Dummy") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Stateful -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ", "id:rsc2 class:ocf provider:pacemaker type:Stateful") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc2 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ") ### verify the option to only send notification to the original client. ### test = self.new_test("notify_orig_client_only", "Verify option to only send notifications to the client originating the action.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+" -n " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") # this will fail because the monitor notifications should only go to the original caller, which no longer exists. test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") + ### Verify that versioned resource parameters are chosen properly ### + + # We'll default to one state file, then check the version to use a different one + state_file_default = "@CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@/versioned_params_default.state" + state_file_expected = "@CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@/versioned_params_expected.state" + + # Versioned attributes are passed as a single key-value pair. + # Here, we define the value to choose the state file; + # ocf:heartbeat:Dummy should always be at least version 0.9. + versioned_key = "#versioned_attributes" + versioned_attrs = """ + + + + + + + + + + """ % (state_file_expected, state_file_default) + cmd_params = "-k '%s' -v '%s' " % (versioned_key, versioned_attrs) + + test = self.new_test("versioned_params", "Verify use of versioned resource parameters") + + # First, remove the possible state files, so we can reliably tell what gets created. + test.add_sys_cmd("rm", "-f %s %s" % (state_file_expected, state_file_default)) + + # Register and start the resource. + test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P heartbeat -C ocf -T Dummy " + "-l 'NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete' " + "%s" % (self.action_timeout)) + test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a start -t 6000 %s" % cmd_params) + + # Check the created state file. + test.add_expected_fail_sys_cmd("ls", state_file_default, 2) + test.add_sys_cmd("ls", state_file_expected) + + # Stop and unregister the resource. + test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop -t 4000 %s" % cmd_params) + test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc " + self.action_timeout + + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") + + ### get metadata ### test = self.new_test("get_ocf_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\"", "resource-agent name=\"Dummy\"") test.add_cmd("-c metadata -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Stateful\"") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c metadata -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Stateful\"") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c metadata -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"fake_agent\"") ### get metadata ### test = self.new_test("get_lsb_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"lsb\" -T \"LSBDummy\"", "resource-agent name='LSBDummy'") ### get stonith metadata ### test = self.new_test("get_stonith_metadata", "Retrieve stonith metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"stonith\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"fence_dummy_monitor\"", "resource-agent name=\"fence_dummy_monitor\"") ### get metadata ### if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("get_systemd_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"systemd\" -T \"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"", "resource-agent name=\"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"") ### get metadata ### if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("get_upstart_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"upstart\" -T \"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"", "resource-agent name=\"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"") if "heartbeat" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("get_heartbeat_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"heartbeat\" -T \"HBDummy\"", "resource-agent name='HBDummy'") ### get ocf providers ### test = self.new_test("list_ocf_providers", "Retrieve list of available resource providers, verifies pacemaker is a provider.") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_ocf_providers ", "pacemaker") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_ocf_providers -T ping", "pacemaker") ### Verify agents only exist in their lists ### test = self.new_test("verify_agent_lists", "Verify the agent lists contain the right data.") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "Stateful") ### ocf ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "Stateful") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C lsb", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "LSBDummy") ### init.d ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C lsb", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C lsb", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### systemd ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C systemd", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C systemd", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C systemd", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### upstart ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C upstart", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C upstart", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C upstart", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist if "stonith" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C stonith", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### stonith ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C stonith", "", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C stonith", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "fence_dummy_monitor") if "heartbeat" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C heartbeat", "HBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C heartbeat", "", "LSBDummy") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "", "HBDummy") ### should not exist def print_list(self): """ List all registered tests """ print("\n==== %d TESTS FOUND ====" % (len(self.tests))) print("%35s - %s" % ("TEST NAME", "TEST DESCRIPTION")) print("%35s - %s" % ("--------------------", "--------------------")) for test in self.tests: print("%35s - %s" % (test.name, test.description)) print("==== END OF LIST ====\n") def run_single(self, name): """ Run a single named test """ for test in self.tests: if test.name == name: test.run() break def run_tests_matching(self, pattern): """ Run all tests whose name matches a pattern """ for test in self.tests: if test.name.count(pattern) != 0: test.run() def run_tests(self): """ Run all tests """ for test in self.tests: test.run() def exit(self): """ Exit (with error status code if any test failed) """ for test in self.tests: if test.executed == 0: continue if test.get_exitcode() != 0: sys.exit(-1) sys.exit(0) def print_results(self): """ Print summary of results of executed tests """ failures = 0 success = 0 print("\n\n======= FINAL RESULTS ==========") print("\n--- FAILURE RESULTS:") for test in self.tests: if test.executed == 0: continue if test.get_exitcode() != 0: failures = failures + 1 test.print_result(" ") else: success = success + 1 if failures == 0: print(" None") print("\n--- TOTALS\n Pass:%d\n Fail:%d\n" % (success, failures)) class TestOptions(object): """ Option handler """ def __init__(self): self.options = {} self.options['list-tests'] = 0 self.options['run-all'] = 1 self.options['run-only'] = "" self.options['run-only-pattern'] = "" self.options['verbose'] = 0 self.options['invalid-arg'] = "" self.options['show-usage'] = 0 self.options['pacemaker-remote'] = 0 def build_options(self, argv): """ Set options based on command-line arguments """ args = argv[1:] skip = 0 for i in range(0, len(args)): if skip: skip = 0 continue elif args[i] == "-h" or args[i] == "--help": self.options['show-usage'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-l" or args[i] == "--list-tests": self.options['list-tests'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-V" or args[i] == "--verbose": self.options['verbose'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-R" or args[i] == "--pacemaker-remote": self.options['pacemaker-remote'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-r" or args[i] == "--run-only": self.options['run-only'] = args[i+1] skip = 1 elif args[i] == "-p" or args[i] == "--run-only-pattern": self.options['run-only-pattern'] = args[i+1] skip = 1 def show_usage(self): """ Show command usage """ print("usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options]") print("If no options are provided, all tests will run") print("Options:") print("\t [--help | -h] Show usage") print("\t [--list-tests | -l] Print out all registered tests.") print("\t [--run-only | -r 'testname'] Run a specific test") print("\t [--verbose | -V] Verbose output") print("\t [--pacemaker-remote | -R Test pacemaker-remote binary instead of lrmd.") print("\t [--run-only-pattern | -p 'string'] Run only tests containing the string value") print("\n\tExample: Run only the test 'start_top'") print("\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only start_stop") print("\n\tExample: Run only the tests with the string 'systemd' present in them") print("\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only-pattern systemd") def main(argv): """ Run lrmd regression tests as specified by arguments """ update_path() opts = TestOptions() opts.build_options(argv) tests = Tests(opts.options['verbose'], opts.options['pacemaker-remote']) tests.build_generic_tests() tests.build_multi_rsc_tests() tests.build_negative_tests() tests.build_custom_tests() tests.build_stress_tests() tests.setup_test_environment() print("Starting ...") if opts.options['list-tests']: tests.print_list() elif opts.options['show-usage']: opts.show_usage() elif opts.options['run-only-pattern'] != "": tests.run_tests_matching(opts.options['run-only-pattern']) tests.print_results() elif opts.options['run-only'] != "": tests.run_single(opts.options['run-only']) tests.print_results() else: tests.run_tests() tests.print_results() tests.cleanup_test_environment() tests.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)