diff --git a/python/pacemaker/_cts/watcher.py b/python/pacemaker/_cts/watcher.py index 47e246c3cf..4962d5f7a1 100644 --- a/python/pacemaker/_cts/watcher.py +++ b/python/pacemaker/_cts/watcher.py @@ -1,547 +1,545 @@ """Log searching classes for Pacemaker's Cluster Test Suite (CTS).""" __all__ = ["LogKind", "LogWatcher"] __copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors" __license__ = "GNU General Public License version 2 or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY" from enum import Enum, auto, unique import re import time import threading from pacemaker.buildoptions import BuildOptions from pacemaker._cts.logging import LogFactory from pacemaker._cts.remote import RemoteFactory LOG_WATCHER_BIN = "%s/cts-log-watcher" % BuildOptions.DAEMON_DIR @unique class LogKind(Enum): """The various kinds of log files that can be watched.""" LOCAL_FILE = auto() # From a local aggregation file on the exerciser REMOTE_FILE = auto() # From a file on each cluster node JOURNAL = auto() # From the systemd journal on each cluster node def __str__(self): """Return a printable string for a LogKind value.""" return self.name.lower().replace('_', ' ') class SearchObj: """ The base class for various kinds of log watchers. Log-specific watchers need to be built on top of this one. """ def __init__(self, filename, host=None, name=None): """ Create a new SearchObj instance. Arguments: filename -- The log to watch host -- The cluster node on which to watch the log name -- A unique name to use when logging about this watch """ self.cache = [] self.filename = filename self.limit = None self.logger = LogFactory() self.name = name self.offset = "EOF" self.rsh = RemoteFactory().getInstance() if host: self.host = host else: self.host = "localhost" def __str__(self): if self.host: return "%s:%s" % (self.host, self.filename) return self.filename def log(self, args): """Log a message.""" message = "lw: %s: %s" % (self, args) self.logger.log(message) def debug(self, args): """Log a debug message.""" message = "lw: %s: %s" % (self, args) self.logger.debug(message) def harvest(self, delegate=None): """Collect lines from a log, optionally calling delegate when complete.""" async_task = self.harvest_async(delegate) async_task.join() def harvest_async(self, delegate=None): """ Collect lines from a log asynchronously. Optionally, also call delegate when complete. This method must be implemented by all subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError def end(self): """ Mark that a log is done being watched. This function also resets internal data structures to the beginning of the file. Subsequent watches will therefore start from the beginning again. """ self.debug("Unsetting the limit") self.limit = None class FileObj(SearchObj): """A specialized SearchObj subclass for watching log files.""" def __init__(self, filename, host=None, name=None): """ Create a new FileObj instance. Arguments: filename -- The file to watch host -- The cluster node on which to watch the file name -- A unique name to use when logging about this watch """ SearchObj.__init__(self, filename, host, name) self._delegate = None self.harvest() def async_complete(self, pid, returncode, out, err): """ Handle completion of an asynchronous log file read. This function saves the output from that read for look()/look_for_all() to process and records the current position in the journal. Future reads will pick back up from that spot. Arguments: pid -- The ID of the process that did the read returncode -- The return code of the process that did the read out -- stdout from the file read err -- stderr from the file read """ for line in out: match = re.search(r"^CTSwatcher:Last read: (\d+)", line) if match: self.offset = match.group(1) self.debug("Got %d lines, new offset: %s %r" % (len(out), self.offset, self._delegate)) elif re.search(r"^CTSwatcher:.*truncated", line): self.log(line) elif re.search(r"^CTSwatcher:", line): self.debug("Got control line: %s" % line) else: self.cache.append(line) if self._delegate: self._delegate.async_complete(pid, returncode, self.cache, err) def harvest_async(self, delegate=None): """ Collect lines from the log file on a single host asynchronously. Optionally, call delegate when complete. This can be called repeatedly, reading a chunk each time or until the end of the log file is hit. """ self._delegate = delegate self.cache = [] if self.limit and (self.offset == "EOF" or int(self.offset) > self.limit): if self._delegate: self._delegate.async_complete(-1, -1, [], []) return None cmd = ("%s -p CTSwatcher: -l 200 -f %s -o %s" % (LOG_WATCHER_BIN, self.filename, self.offset)) return self.rsh.call_async(self.host, cmd, delegate=self) def set_end(self): """ Internally record where we expect to find the end of a log file. Calls to harvest from the log file will not go any farther than what this function records. """ if self.limit: return cmd = ("%s -p CTSwatcher: -l 2 -f %s -o EOF" % (LOG_WATCHER_BIN, self.filename)) # pylint: disable=not-callable (_, lines) = self.rsh(self.host, cmd, verbose=0) for line in lines: match = re.search(r"^CTSwatcher:Last read: (\d+)", line) if match: self.limit = int(match.group(1)) self.debug("Set limit to: %d" % self.limit) class JournalObj(SearchObj): """A specialized SearchObj subclass for watching systemd journals.""" def __init__(self, host=None, name=None): """ Create a new JournalObj instance. Arguments: host -- The cluster node on which to watch the journal name -- A unique name to use when logging about this watch """ SearchObj.__init__(self, name, host, name) self._delegate = None self._hit_limit = False self.harvest() def async_complete(self, pid, returncode, out, err): """ Handle completion of an asynchronous journal read. This function saves the output from that read for look()/look_for_all() to process and records the current position in the journal. Future reads will pick back up from that spot. Arguments: pid -- The ID of the process that did the journal read returncode -- The return code of the process that did the journal read out -- stdout from the journal read err -- stderr from the journal read """ found_cursor = False for line in out: match = re.search(r"^-- cursor: ([^.]+)", line) if match: found_cursor = True self.offset = match.group(1).strip() self.debug("Got %d lines, new cursor: %s" % (len(out), self.offset)) else: self.cache.append(line) if self.limit and not found_cursor: self._hit_limit = True self.debug("Got %d lines but no cursor: %s" % (len(out), self.offset)) # Get the current cursor # pylint: disable=not-callable (_, out) = self.rsh(self.host, "journalctl -q -n 0 --show-cursor", verbose=0) for line in out: match = re.search(r"^-- cursor: ([^.]+)", line) if match: self.offset = match.group(1).strip() self.debug("Got %d lines, new cursor: %s" % (len(out), self.offset)) else: self.log("Not a new cursor: %s" % line) self.cache.append(line) if self._delegate: self._delegate.async_complete(pid, returncode, self.cache, err) def harvest_async(self, delegate=None): """ Collect lines from the journal on a single host asynchronously. Optionally, call delegate when complete. This can be called repeatedly, reading a chunk each time or until the end of the journal is hit. """ self._delegate = delegate self.cache = [] # Use --lines to prevent journalctl from overflowing the Popen input buffer if self.limit and self._hit_limit: return None if self.offset == "EOF": command = "journalctl -q -n 0 --show-cursor" elif self.limit: command = "journalctl -q --after-cursor='%s' --until '%s' --lines=200 --show-cursor" % (self.offset, self.limit) else: command = "journalctl -q --after-cursor='%s' --lines=200 --show-cursor" % (self.offset) return self.rsh.call_async(self.host, command, delegate=self) def set_end(self): """ Internally record where we expect to find the end of a host's journal. Calls to harvest from the journal will not go any farther than what this function records. """ if self.limit: return self._hit_limit = False # pylint: disable=not-callable (rc, lines) = self.rsh(self.host, "date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'", verbose=0) if rc == 0 and len(lines) == 1: self.limit = lines[0].strip() self.debug("Set limit to: %s" % self.limit) else: self.debug("Unable to set limit for %s because date returned %d lines with status %d" % (self.host, len(lines), rc)) class LogWatcher: """ Watch a single log file or journal across multiple hosts. Instances of this class look for lines that match given regular expressions. The way you use this class is as follows: - Construct a LogWatcher object - Call set_watch() when you want to start watching the log - Call look() to scan the log looking for the patterns """ def __init__(self, log, regexes, hosts, kind, name="Anon", timeout=10, silent=False): """ Create a new LogWatcher instance. Arguments: log -- The log file to watch regexes -- A list of regular expressions to match against the log hosts -- A list of cluster nodes on which to watch the log kind -- What type of log is this object watching? name -- A unique name to use when logging about this watch timeout -- Default number of seconds to watch a log file at a time; this can be overridden by the timeout= parameter to self.look on an as-needed basis silent -- If False, log extra information """ self.filename = log self.hosts = hosts self.kind = kind self.name = name self.regexes = regexes self.unmatched = None self.whichmatch = -1 self._cache_lock = threading.Lock() self._file_list = [] self._line_cache = [] self._logger = LogFactory() self._timeout = int(timeout) # Validate our arguments. Better sooner than later ;-) for regex in regexes: re.compile(regex) if not self.hosts: raise ValueError("LogWatcher requires hosts argument") if not self.filename: raise ValueError("LogWatcher requires log argument") if not silent: for regex in self.regexes: self._debug("Looking for regex: %s" % regex) def _debug(self, args): """Log a debug message.""" message = "lw: %s: %s" % (self.name, args) self._logger.debug(message) def set_watch(self): """Mark the place to start watching the log from.""" if self.kind == LogKind.LOCAL_FILE: self._file_list.append(FileObj(self.filename)) elif self.kind == LogKind.REMOTE_FILE: for node in self.hosts: self._file_list.append(FileObj(self.filename, node, self.name)) elif self.kind == LogKind.JOURNAL: for node in self.hosts: self._file_list.append(JournalObj(node, self.name)) def async_complete(self, pid, returncode, out, err): """ Handle completion of an asynchronous log file read. This function saves the output from that read for look()/look_for_all() to process and records the current position. Future reads will pick back up from that spot. Arguments: pid -- The ID of the process that did the read returncode -- The return code of the process that did the read out -- stdout from the file read err -- stderr from the file read """ - # It's not clear to me whether this function ever gets called as - # delegate somewhere, which is what would pass returncode and err - # as parameters. Just disable the warning for now. + # Called as delegate through {File,Journal}Obj.async_complete() # pylint: disable=unused-argument # TODO: Probably need a lock for updating self._line_cache self._logger.debug("%s: Got %d lines from %d (total %d)" % (self.name, len(out), pid, len(self._line_cache))) if out: with self._cache_lock: self._line_cache.extend(out) def __get_lines(self): """Iterate over all watched log files and collect new lines from each.""" if not self._file_list: raise ValueError("No sources to read from") pending = [] for f in self._file_list: t = f.harvest_async(self) if t: pending.append(t) for t in pending: t.join(60.0) if t.is_alive(): self._logger.log("%s: Aborting after 20s waiting for %r logging commands" % (self.name, t)) return def end(self): """ Mark that a log is done being watched. This function also resets internal data structures to the beginning of the file. Subsequent watches will therefore start from the beginning again. """ for f in self._file_list: f.end() def look(self, timeout=None): """ Examine the log looking for the regexes in this object. It starts looking from the place marked by set_watch(), continuing through the file in the fashion of `tail -f`. It properly recovers from log file truncation but not from removing and recreating the log. Arguments: timeout -- Number of seconds to watch the log file; defaults to seconds argument passed when this object was created Returns the first line which matches any regex """ if not timeout: timeout = self._timeout lines = 0 begin = time.time() end = begin + timeout + 1 if not self.regexes: self._debug("Nothing to look for") return None if timeout == 0: for f in self._file_list: f.set_end() while True: if self._line_cache: lines += 1 with self._cache_lock: line = self._line_cache[0] self._line_cache.remove(line) which = -1 if re.search("CTS:", line): continue for regex in self.regexes: which += 1 matchobj = re.search(regex, line) if matchobj: self.whichmatch = which self._debug("Matched: %s" % line) return line elif timeout > 0 and end < time.time(): timeout = 0 for f in self._file_list: f.set_end() else: self.__get_lines() if not self._line_cache and end < time.time(): self._debug("Single search terminated: start=%d, end=%d, now=%d, lines=%d" % (begin, end, time.time(), lines)) return None self._debug("Waiting: start=%d, end=%d, now=%d, lines=%d" % (begin, end, time.time(), len(self._line_cache))) time.sleep(1) def look_for_all(self, allow_multiple_matches=False, silent=False): """ Like look(), but looks for matches for multiple regexes. This function returns when the timeout is reached or all regexes were matched. As a side effect, self.unmatched will contain regexes that were not matched. This can be inspected by the caller. Arguments: allow_multiple_matches -- If True, allow each regex to match more than once. If False (the default), once a regex matches a line, it will no longer be searched for. silent -- If False, log extra information Returns the matching lines if all regexes are matched, or None. """ save_regexes = self.regexes result = [] if not silent: self._debug("starting search: timeout=%d" % self._timeout) while self.regexes: one_result = self.look(self._timeout) if not one_result: self.unmatched = self.regexes self.regexes = save_regexes self.end() return None result.append(one_result) if not allow_multiple_matches: del self.regexes[self.whichmatch] else: # Allow multiple regexes to match a single line tmp_regexes = self.regexes self.regexes = [] for regex in tmp_regexes: matchobj = re.search(regex, one_result) if not matchobj: self.regexes.append(regex) self.unmatched = None self.regexes = save_regexes return result