diff --git a/crm/pengine/native.c b/crm/pengine/native.c index 6ecc0a0716..99238972a6 100644 --- a/crm/pengine/native.c +++ b/crm/pengine/native.c @@ -1,1201 +1,1203 @@ -/* $Id: native.c,v 1.41 2005/05/20 09:58:43 andrew Exp $ */ +/* $Id: native.c,v 1.42 2005/05/23 16:25:24 andrew Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include extern color_t *add_color(resource_t *rh_resource, color_t *color); gboolean native_choose_color(resource_t *lh_resource); void native_assign_color(resource_t *rsc, color_t *color); void native_update_node_weight(resource_t *rsc, rsc_to_node_t *cons, const char *id, GListPtr nodes); void native_rsc_colocation_rh_must(resource_t *rsc_lh, gboolean update_lh, resource_t *rsc_rh, gboolean update_rh); void native_rsc_colocation_rh_mustnot(resource_t *rsc_lh, gboolean update_lh, resource_t *rsc_rh, gboolean update_rh); void filter_nodes(resource_t *rsc); int num_allowed_nodes4color(color_t *color); void create_recurring_actions(resource_t *rsc, action_t *start, node_t *node, GListPtr *ordering_constraints); action_t *create_recurring_action(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node, const char *action, const char *key); typedef struct native_variant_data_s { lrm_agent_t *agent; GListPtr running_on; /* node_t* */ color_t *color; GListPtr node_cons; /* rsc_to_node_t* */ GListPtr allowed_nodes; /* node_t* */ } native_variant_data_t; #define get_native_variant_data(data, rsc) \ CRM_ASSERT(rsc->variant == pe_native); \ CRM_ASSERT(rsc->variant_opaque != NULL); \ data = (native_variant_data_t *)rsc->variant_opaque; void native_add_running(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node) { native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); CRM_DEV_ASSERT(node != NULL); if(crm_assert_failed) { return; } slist_iter( a_node, node_t, native_data->running_on, lpc, CRM_DEV_ASSERT(a_node != NULL); if(safe_str_eq(a_node->details->id, node->details->id)) { return; } ); native_data->running_on = g_list_append(native_data->running_on, node); node->details->running_rsc = g_list_append( node->details->running_rsc, rsc); if(g_list_length(native_data->running_on) > 1) { pe_warn("Resource %s is (potentially) active on %d nodes." " Latest: %s/%s", rsc->id, g_list_length(native_data->running_on), node->details->uname, node->details->id); } } void native_unpack(resource_t *rsc) { crm_data_t * xml_obj = rsc->xml; native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; const char *version = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_VERSION); crm_debug_3("Processing resource %s...", rsc->id); crm_malloc0(native_data, sizeof(native_variant_data_t)); crm_malloc0(native_data->agent, sizeof(lrm_agent_t)); native_data->agent->class = crm_element_value(xml_obj, "class"); native_data->agent->type = crm_element_value(xml_obj, "type"); native_data->agent->version = version?version:"0.0"; native_data->color = NULL; native_data->allowed_nodes = NULL; native_data->node_cons = NULL; native_data->running_on = NULL; rsc->variant_opaque = native_data; } resource_t * native_find_child(resource_t *rsc, const char *id) { return NULL; } int native_num_allowed_nodes(resource_t *rsc) { int num_nodes = 0; native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; if(rsc->variant == pe_native) { native_data = (native_variant_data_t *)rsc->variant_opaque; } else { pe_err("Resource %s was not a \"native\" variant", rsc->id); return 0; } if(native_data->color) { return num_allowed_nodes4color(native_data->color); } else if(rsc->candidate_colors) { /* TODO: sort colors first */ color_t *color = g_list_nth_data(rsc->candidate_colors, 0); return num_allowed_nodes4color(color); } else { slist_iter( this_node, node_t, native_data->allowed_nodes, lpc, if(this_node->weight < 0) { continue; } num_nodes++; ); } return num_nodes; } int num_allowed_nodes4color(color_t *color) { int num_nodes = 0; if(color->details->pending == FALSE) { if(color->details->chosen_node) { return 1; } return 0; } slist_iter( this_node, node_t, color->details->candidate_nodes, lpc, if(this_node->weight < 0) { continue; } num_nodes++; ); return num_nodes; } void native_color(resource_t *rsc, GListPtr *colors) { color_t *new_color = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); if( native_choose_color(rsc) ) { crm_debug_3("Colored resource %s with color %d", rsc->id, native_data->color->id); } else { if(native_data->allowed_nodes != NULL) { /* filter out nodes with a negative weight */ filter_nodes(rsc); new_color = create_color( colors, rsc, native_data->allowed_nodes); native_assign_color(rsc, new_color); } if(new_color == NULL) { pe_warn("Resource %s cannot run anywhere", rsc->id); print_resource("ERROR: No color", rsc, FALSE); native_assign_color(rsc, no_color); } } rsc->provisional = FALSE; } void create_recurring_actions(resource_t *rsc, action_t *start, node_t *node, GListPtr *ordering_constraints) { action_t *mon = NULL; char *key = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; if(node == NULL || !node->details->online || node->details->unclean) { crm_debug_3("Not creating recurring actions"); return; } xml_child_iter( rsc->ops_xml, operation, "op", name = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); value = crm_element_value(operation, "interval"); key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, name, crm_get_msec(value)); mon = custom_action(rsc, key, name, node); if(start != NULL) { custom_action_order( rsc, start_key(rsc), NULL, NULL, crm_strdup(key), mon, pecs_must, ordering_constraints); } ); } void native_create_actions(resource_t *rsc, GListPtr *ordering_constraints) { action_t *start = NULL; action_t *stop = NULL; node_t *chosen = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); if(native_data->color != NULL) { chosen = native_data->color->details->chosen_node; } if(chosen != NULL && g_list_length(native_data->running_on) == 0) { /* create start action */ start = start_action(rsc, chosen); if( !have_quorum && no_quorum_policy != no_quorum_ignore) { start->runnable = FALSE; } else { crm_info("Start resource %s (%s)", rsc->id, chosen->details->uname); rsc->schedule_recurring = TRUE; } } else if(g_list_length(native_data->running_on) > 1) { pe_err("Attempting recovery of resource %s", rsc->id); if(rsc->recovery_type == recovery_stop_start || rsc->recovery_type == recovery_stop_only) { slist_iter( node, node_t, native_data->running_on, lpc, crm_info("Stop resource %s\t(%s) (recovery)", rsc->id, node->details->uname); stop = stop_action(rsc, node); ); } if(rsc->recovery_type == recovery_stop_start && chosen) { /* if one of the "stops" is for a node outside * our partition, then this will block anyway */ crm_info("Start resource %s (%s)\t(recovery)", rsc->id, chosen->details->uname); start = start_action(rsc, chosen); rsc->schedule_recurring = TRUE; } if(rsc->recovery_type == recovery_block) { pe_warn("RESOURCE %s WILL REMAIN ACTIVE ON MULTIPLE" " NODES PENDING MANUAL INTERVENTION", rsc->id); slist_iter( node, node_t, native_data->running_on, lpc, pe_warn("Resource %s active on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); ); } } else if(g_list_length(native_data->running_on) == 1) { node_t *node = native_data->running_on->data; crm_debug_2("Stop%s of %s", chosen?" and restart":"", rsc->id); CRM_DEV_ASSERT(node != NULL); if(have_quorum == FALSE && no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_stop){ + pe_warn("Stop resource %s\t(%s) (no quorum)", + rsc->id, node->details->uname); start = start_action(rsc, chosen); stop = stop_action(rsc, node); start->runnable = FALSE; } else if(chosen != NULL && safe_str_eq( node->details->id, chosen->details->id)) { /* restart */ if(rsc->recover) { crm_info("Restart resource %s\t(%s)", rsc->id, chosen->details->uname); start = start_action(rsc, chosen); stop = stop_action(rsc, node); rsc->schedule_recurring = TRUE; } else { crm_info("Leave resource %s\t(%s)", rsc->id, chosen->details->uname); start = start_action(rsc, chosen); if(rsc->start_pending == FALSE) { start->optional = TRUE; } else { rsc->schedule_recurring = TRUE; } stop = stop_action(rsc, node); stop->optional = TRUE; } } else if(chosen != NULL) { /* move */ crm_info("Move resource %s\t(%s -> %s)", rsc->id, node->details->uname, chosen->details->uname); stop = stop_action(rsc, node); start = start_action(rsc, chosen); rsc->schedule_recurring = TRUE; } else { crm_info("Stop resource %s\t(%s)", rsc->id, node->details->uname); stop_action(rsc, node); } } if(start != NULL && start->runnable) { create_recurring_actions( rsc, start, chosen, ordering_constraints); } } void native_internal_constraints(resource_t *rsc,GListPtr *ordering_constraints) { native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); order_stop_start(rsc, rsc); } void native_rsc_colocation_lh(rsc_colocation_t *constraint) { resource_t *rsc = constraint->rsc_lh; if(rsc == NULL) { pe_err("rsc_lh was NULL for %s", constraint->id); return; } else if(constraint->rsc_rh == NULL) { pe_err("rsc_rh was NULL for %s", constraint->id); return; } else { crm_debug_4("Processing constraints from %s", rsc->id); } constraint->rsc_rh->fns->rsc_colocation_rh(rsc, constraint); } void native_rsc_colocation_rh(resource_t *rsc, rsc_colocation_t *constraint) { gboolean do_check = FALSE; gboolean update_lh = FALSE; gboolean update_rh = FALSE; resource_t *rsc_lh = rsc; resource_t *rsc_rh = constraint->rsc_rh; native_variant_data_t *native_data_lh = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data_rh = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data_lh, rsc_lh); get_native_variant_data(native_data_rh, rsc_rh); crm_debug_3("Processing RH of constraint %s", constraint->id); crm_action_debug_3(print_resource("LHS", rsc_lh, TRUE)); crm_action_debug_3(print_resource("RHS", rsc_rh, TRUE)); if(constraint->strength == pecs_ignore || constraint->strength == pecs_startstop){ crm_debug_4("Skipping constraint type %d", constraint->strength); return; } if(rsc_lh->provisional && rsc_rh->provisional) { if(constraint->strength == pecs_must) { /* update effective_priorities */ native_rsc_colocation_rh_must( rsc_lh, update_lh, rsc_rh, update_rh); } else { /* nothing */ crm_debug_4( "Skipping constraint, both sides provisional"); } return; } else if( (!rsc_lh->provisional) && (!rsc_rh->provisional) && (!native_data_lh->color->details->pending) && (!native_data_rh->color->details->pending) ) { /* error check */ do_check = TRUE; if(rsc_lh->effective_priority < rsc_rh->effective_priority) { update_lh = TRUE; } else if(rsc_lh->effective_priority > rsc_rh->effective_priority) { update_rh = TRUE; } else { update_lh = TRUE; update_rh = TRUE; } } else if(rsc_lh->provisional == FALSE && native_data_lh->color->details->pending == FALSE) { /* update _them_ : postproc color version */ update_rh = TRUE; } else if(rsc_rh->provisional == FALSE && native_data_rh->color->details->pending == FALSE) { /* update _us_ : postproc color alt version */ update_lh = TRUE; } else if(rsc_lh->provisional == FALSE) { /* update _them_ : preproc version */ update_rh = TRUE; } else if(rsc_rh->provisional == FALSE) { /* update _us_ : postproc version */ update_lh = TRUE; } else { pe_warn("Un-expected combination of inputs"); return; } if(update_lh) { crm_debug_4("Updating LHS"); } if(update_rh) { crm_debug_4("Updating RHS"); } if(do_check) { if(native_constraint_violated( rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint) == FALSE) { crm_debug_4("Constraint satisfied"); return; } /* else constraint cant be satisified */ pe_warn("Constraint %s could not be satisfied", constraint->id); if(update_lh) { pe_warn("Marking resource %s unrunnable as a result", rsc_lh->id); rsc_lh->runnable = FALSE; } if(update_rh) { pe_warn("Marking resource %s unrunnable as a result", rsc_rh->id); rsc_rh->runnable = FALSE; } } if(constraint->strength == pecs_must) { native_rsc_colocation_rh_must( rsc_lh, update_lh, rsc_rh, update_rh); return; } else if(constraint->strength != pecs_must_not) { /* unknown type */ pe_err("Unknown constraint type %d", constraint->strength); return; } native_rsc_colocation_rh_mustnot(rsc_lh, update_lh,rsc_rh, update_rh); } void native_rsc_order_lh(resource_t *lh_rsc, order_constraint_t *order) { GListPtr lh_actions = NULL; action_t *lh_action = order->lh_action; crm_debug_3("Processing LH of ordering constraint %d", order->id); if(lh_action != NULL) { lh_actions = g_list_append(NULL, lh_action); } else if(lh_action == NULL && lh_rsc != NULL) { #if 0 /* this should be safe to remove */ if(order->strength == pecs_must) { crm_debug_4("No LH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint..." " creating", lh_rsc->id, order->lh_action_task); pe_err("BROKEN CODE"); custom_action( lh_rsc, order->lh_action_task, NULL, NULL); } #endif lh_actions = find_actions( lh_rsc->actions, order->lh_action_task, NULL); if(lh_actions == NULL) { crm_debug_4("No LH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint", lh_rsc->id, order->lh_action_task); if(order->rh_rsc != NULL) { crm_debug_4("RH-Side was: (%s/%s)", order->rh_rsc->id, order->rh_action_task); } else if(order->rh_action != NULL && order->rh_action->rsc != NULL) { crm_debug_4("RH-Side was: (%s/%s)", order->rh_action->rsc->id, order->rh_action_task); } else if(order->rh_action != NULL) { crm_debug_4("RH-Side was: %s", order->rh_action_task); } else { crm_debug_4("RH-Side was NULL"); } return; } } else { pe_warn("No LH-Side (%s) specified for constraint", order->lh_action_task); if(order->rh_rsc != NULL) { crm_debug_4("RH-Side was: (%s/%s)", order->rh_rsc->id, order->rh_action_task); } else if(order->rh_action != NULL && order->rh_action->rsc != NULL) { crm_debug_4("RH-Side was: (%s/%s)", order->rh_action->rsc->id, order->rh_action_task); } else if(order->rh_action != NULL) { crm_debug_4("RH-Side was: %s", order->rh_action_task); } else { crm_debug_4("RH-Side was NULL"); } return; } slist_iter( lh_action_iter, action_t, lh_actions, lpc, resource_t *rh_rsc = order->rh_rsc; if(rh_rsc == NULL && order->rh_action) { rh_rsc = order->rh_action->rsc; } if(rh_rsc) { rh_rsc->fns->rsc_order_rh( lh_action_iter, rh_rsc, order); } else if(order->rh_action) { order_actions(lh_action_iter, order->rh_action, order); } ); pe_free_shallow_adv(lh_actions, FALSE); } void native_rsc_order_rh( action_t *lh_action, resource_t *rsc, order_constraint_t *order) { GListPtr rh_actions = NULL; action_t *rh_action = order->rh_action; crm_debug_3("Processing RH of ordering constraint %d", order->id); if(rh_action != NULL) { rh_actions = g_list_append(NULL, rh_action); } else if(rh_action == NULL && rsc != NULL) { rh_actions = find_actions( rsc->actions, order->rh_action_task, NULL); if(rh_actions == NULL) { crm_debug_4("No RH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint..." " ignoring", rsc->id, order->rh_action_task); crm_debug_4("LH-Side was: (%s/%s)", order->lh_rsc?order->lh_rsc->id:order->lh_action?order->lh_action->rsc->id:"", order->lh_action_task); return; } } else if(rh_action == NULL) { crm_debug_4("No RH-Side (%s) specified for constraint..." " ignoring", order->rh_action_task); crm_debug_4("LH-Side was: (%s/%s)", order->lh_rsc?order->lh_rsc->id:order->lh_action?order->lh_action->rsc->id:"", order->lh_action_task); return; } slist_iter( rh_action_iter, action_t, rh_actions, lpc, order_actions(lh_action, rh_action_iter, order); ); pe_free_shallow_adv(rh_actions, FALSE); } void native_rsc_location(resource_t *rsc, rsc_to_node_t *constraint) { GListPtr or_list; native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; crm_action_debug_3(print_rsc_to_node("Applying", constraint, FALSE)); /* take "lifetime" into account */ if(constraint == NULL) { pe_err("Constraint is NULL"); return; } else if(is_active(constraint) == FALSE) { crm_debug_2("Constraint (%s) is not active", constraint->id); return; } else if(rsc == NULL) { pe_err("LHS of rsc_to_node (%s) is NULL", constraint->id); return; } get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); native_data->node_cons = g_list_append(native_data->node_cons, constraint); if(constraint->node_list_rh == NULL) { crm_debug_2("RHS of constraint %s is NULL", constraint->id); return; } crm_action_debug_3(print_resource("before update", rsc,TRUE)); or_list = node_list_or( native_data->allowed_nodes, constraint->node_list_rh, FALSE); pe_free_shallow(native_data->allowed_nodes); native_data->allowed_nodes = or_list; slist_iter(node_rh, node_t, constraint->node_list_rh, lpc, native_update_node_weight( rsc, constraint, node_rh->details->uname, native_data->allowed_nodes)); crm_action_debug_3(print_resource("after update", rsc, TRUE)); } void native_expand(resource_t *rsc, crm_data_t * *graph) { slist_iter( action, action_t, rsc->actions, lpc, crm_debug_4("processing action %d for rsc=%s", action->id, rsc->id); graph_element_from_action(action, graph); ); } void native_dump(resource_t *rsc, const char *pre_text, gboolean details) { native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); common_dump(rsc, pre_text, details); crm_debug_4("\t%d candidate colors, %d allowed nodes," " %d rsc_cons and %d node_cons", g_list_length(rsc->candidate_colors), g_list_length(native_data->allowed_nodes), g_list_length(rsc->rsc_cons), g_list_length(native_data->node_cons)); if(details) { crm_debug_4("\t=== Actions"); slist_iter( action, action_t, rsc->actions, lpc, print_action("\trsc action: ", action, FALSE); ); crm_debug_4("\t=== Colors"); slist_iter( color, color_t, rsc->candidate_colors, lpc, print_color("\t", color, FALSE) ); crm_debug_4("\t=== Allowed Nodes"); slist_iter( node, node_t, native_data->allowed_nodes, lpc, print_node("\t", node, FALSE); ); } } void native_free(resource_t *rsc) { native_variant_data_t *native_data = (native_variant_data_t *)rsc->variant_opaque; crm_debug_4("Freeing Allowed Nodes & Agent"); pe_free_shallow(native_data->allowed_nodes); crm_free(native_data->agent); common_free(rsc); } void native_rsc_colocation_rh_must(resource_t *rsc_lh, gboolean update_lh, resource_t *rsc_rh, gboolean update_rh) { native_variant_data_t *native_data_lh = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data_rh = NULL; gboolean do_merge = FALSE; GListPtr old_list = NULL; GListPtr merged_node_list = NULL; float max_pri = rsc_lh->effective_priority; if(max_pri < rsc_rh->effective_priority) { max_pri = rsc_rh->effective_priority; } rsc_lh->effective_priority = max_pri; rsc_rh->effective_priority = max_pri; get_native_variant_data(native_data_lh, rsc_lh); get_native_variant_data(native_data_rh, rsc_rh); if(native_data_lh->color && native_data_rh->color) { do_merge = TRUE; merged_node_list = node_list_and( native_data_lh->color->details->candidate_nodes, native_data_rh->color->details->candidate_nodes, TRUE); } else if(native_data_lh->color) { do_merge = TRUE; merged_node_list = node_list_and( native_data_lh->color->details->candidate_nodes, native_data_rh->allowed_nodes, TRUE); } else if(native_data_rh->color) { do_merge = TRUE; merged_node_list = node_list_and( native_data_lh->allowed_nodes, native_data_rh->color->details->candidate_nodes, TRUE); } if(update_lh) { crm_free(native_data_lh->color); rsc_lh->runnable = rsc_rh->runnable; rsc_lh->provisional = rsc_rh->provisional; native_data_lh->color = copy_color(native_data_rh->color); } if(update_rh) { crm_free(native_data_rh->color); rsc_rh->runnable = rsc_lh->runnable; rsc_rh->provisional = rsc_lh->provisional; native_data_rh->color = copy_color(native_data_lh->color); } if((update_rh || update_lh) && do_merge) { crm_debug_4("Merging candidate nodes"); old_list = native_data_rh->color->details->candidate_nodes; native_data_rh->color->details->candidate_nodes = merged_node_list; pe_free_shallow(old_list); } crm_debug_4("Finished processing pecs_must constraint"); } void native_rsc_colocation_rh_mustnot(resource_t *rsc_lh, gboolean update_lh, resource_t *rsc_rh, gboolean update_rh) { color_t *color_lh = NULL; color_t *color_rh = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data_lh = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data_rh = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data_lh, rsc_lh); get_native_variant_data(native_data_rh, rsc_rh); crm_debug_4("Processing pecs_must_not constraint"); /* pecs_must_not */ if(update_lh) { color_rh = native_data_rh->color; if(rsc_lh->provisional) { color_lh = find_color( rsc_lh->candidate_colors, color_rh); rsc_lh->candidate_colors = g_list_remove( rsc_lh->candidate_colors, color_lh); crm_action_debug_3( print_color("Removed LH", color_lh, FALSE)); crm_action_debug_3( print_resource("Modified LH", rsc_lh, TRUE)); crm_free(color_lh); } else if(native_data_lh->color && native_data_lh->color->details->pending) { node_t *node_lh = NULL; color_lh = native_data_lh->color; node_lh = pe_find_node( color_lh->details->candidate_nodes, safe_val5(NULL, color_rh, details, chosen_node, details, uname)); color_lh->details->candidate_nodes = g_list_remove( color_lh->details->candidate_nodes, node_lh); crm_action_debug_3( print_node("Removed LH", node_lh, FALSE)); crm_action_debug_3( print_color("Modified LH", color_lh, FALSE)); crm_free(node_lh); } else { /* error, rsc marked as unrunnable above */ pe_warn("lh else"); } } if(update_rh) { color_lh = native_data_lh->color; if(rsc_rh->provisional) { color_rh = find_color( rsc_rh->candidate_colors, color_lh); rsc_rh->candidate_colors = g_list_remove( rsc_rh->candidate_colors, color_rh); crm_action_debug_3( print_color("Removed RH", color_rh, FALSE)); crm_action_debug_3( print_resource("Modified RH", rsc_rh, TRUE)); crm_free(color_rh); } else if(native_data_rh->color && native_data_rh->color->details->pending) { node_t *node_rh = NULL; color_rh = native_data_rh->color; node_rh = pe_find_node( color_rh->details->candidate_nodes, safe_val5(NULL, color_lh, details, chosen_node, details, uname)); color_rh->details->candidate_nodes = g_list_remove( color_rh->details->candidate_nodes, node_rh); crm_action_debug_3( print_node("Removed RH", node_rh, FALSE)); crm_action_debug_3( print_color("Modified RH", color_rh, FALSE)); crm_free(node_rh); } else { /* error, rsc marked as unrunnable above */ pe_warn("rh else"); } } } void native_agent_constraints(resource_t *rsc) { native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); crm_debug_5("Applying RA restrictions to %s", rsc->id); common_agent_constraints( native_data->allowed_nodes, native_data->agent, rsc->id); } gboolean native_choose_color(resource_t *rsc) { GListPtr sorted_colors = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); if(rsc->runnable == FALSE) { native_assign_color(rsc, no_color); } if(rsc->provisional == FALSE) { return !rsc->provisional; } sorted_colors = g_list_sort( rsc->candidate_colors, sort_color_weight); rsc->candidate_colors = sorted_colors; crm_debug_3("Choose a color from %d possibilities", g_list_length(sorted_colors)); slist_iter( this_color, color_t, rsc->candidate_colors, lpc, GListPtr intersection = NULL; GListPtr minus = NULL; int len = 0; if(this_color == NULL) { pe_err("color was NULL"); continue; } else if(rsc->effective_priority < this_color->details->highest_priority) { minus = node_list_minus( this_color->details->candidate_nodes, native_data->allowed_nodes, TRUE); len = g_list_length(minus); pe_free_shallow(minus); if(len > 0) { native_assign_color(rsc, this_color); break; } } else { intersection = node_list_and( this_color->details->candidate_nodes, native_data->allowed_nodes, TRUE); len = g_list_length(intersection); pe_free_shallow(intersection); if(len != 0) { native_assign_color(rsc, this_color); break; } } ); return !rsc->provisional; } void native_assign_color(resource_t *rsc, color_t *color) { color_t *local_color = add_color(rsc, color); GListPtr intersection = NULL; GListPtr old_list = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); native_data->color = local_color; rsc->provisional = FALSE; if(local_color != NULL) { (local_color->details->num_resources)++; local_color->details->allocated_resources = g_list_append( local_color->details->allocated_resources,rsc); intersection = node_list_and( local_color->details->candidate_nodes, native_data->allowed_nodes, TRUE); old_list = local_color->details->candidate_nodes; pe_free_shallow(old_list); local_color->details->candidate_nodes = intersection; crm_debug_3("Colored resource %s with new color %d", rsc->id, native_data->color->id); crm_action_debug_3( print_resource("Colored Resource", rsc, TRUE)); } else { pe_err("local color was NULL"); } return; } void native_update_node_weight(resource_t *rsc, rsc_to_node_t *cons, const char *id, GListPtr nodes) { node_t *node_rh = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); node_rh = pe_find_node(native_data->allowed_nodes, id); if(node_rh == NULL) { pe_err("Node not found - cant update"); return; } if(node_rh->weight >= INFINITY && cons->weight == -INFINITY) { pe_err("Constraint %s mixes +/- INFINITY", cons->id); } else if(node_rh->weight <= -INFINITY && cons->weight == INFINITY) { pe_err("Constraint %s mixes +/- INFINITY", cons->id); } if(node_rh->fixed) { /* warning */ crm_debug_2("Constraint %s is irrelevant as the" " weight of node %s is fixed as %f.", cons->id, node_rh->details->uname, node_rh->weight); return; } if(cons->weight != INFINITY && cons->weight != -INFINITY) { crm_debug_3("Constraint %s (%f): node %s weight %f.", cons->id, cons->weight, node_rh->details->uname, node_rh->weight); } else if(cons->weight == -INFINITY) { crm_debug_3("Constraint %s (-INFINITY): node %s weight %f.", cons->id, node_rh->details->uname, node_rh->weight); } else { crm_debug_3("Constraint %s (+INFINITY): node %s weight %f.", cons->id, node_rh->details->uname, node_rh->weight); } node_rh->weight = merge_weights(node_rh->weight, cons->weight); if(node_rh->weight < 0) { node_rh->fixed = TRUE; } crm_action_debug_3(print_node("Updated", node_rh, FALSE)); return; } gboolean native_constraint_violated( resource_t *rsc_lh, resource_t *rsc_rh, rsc_colocation_t *constraint) { native_variant_data_t *native_data_lh = NULL; native_variant_data_t *native_data_rh = NULL; GListPtr result = NULL; color_t *color_lh = NULL; color_t *color_rh = NULL; GListPtr candidate_nodes_lh = NULL; GListPtr candidate_nodes_rh = NULL; gboolean matched = FALSE; get_native_variant_data(native_data_lh, rsc_lh); get_native_variant_data(native_data_rh, rsc_rh); color_lh = native_data_lh->color; color_rh = native_data_rh->color; if(constraint->strength == pecs_must_not) { matched = TRUE; } if(rsc_lh->provisional || rsc_rh->provisional) { return FALSE; } if(color_lh->details->pending && color_rh->details->pending) { candidate_nodes_lh = color_lh->details->candidate_nodes; candidate_nodes_rh = color_rh->details->candidate_nodes; } else if(color_lh->details->pending == FALSE && color_rh->details->pending == FALSE) { if(color_lh == NULL && color_rh == NULL) { return matched; } else if(color_lh == NULL || color_rh == NULL) { return !matched; } else if(color_lh->details->chosen_node == NULL && color_rh->details->chosen_node == NULL) { return matched; } else if(color_lh->details->chosen_node == NULL || color_rh->details->chosen_node == NULL) { return !matched; } else if(safe_str_eq( color_lh->details->chosen_node->details->id, color_rh->details->chosen_node->details->id)) { return matched; } return !matched; } else if(color_lh->details->pending) { candidate_nodes_lh = color_lh->details->candidate_nodes; candidate_nodes_rh = g_list_append( NULL, color_rh->details->chosen_node); } else if(color_rh->details->pending) { candidate_nodes_rh = color_rh->details->candidate_nodes; candidate_nodes_lh = g_list_append( NULL, color_lh->details->chosen_node); } result = node_list_and(candidate_nodes_lh, candidate_nodes_rh, TRUE); if(g_list_length(result) == 0 && constraint->strength == pecs_must) { /* free result */ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * Remove any nodes with a -ve weight */ void filter_nodes(resource_t *rsc) { native_variant_data_t *native_data = NULL; get_native_variant_data(native_data, rsc); crm_action_debug_3(print_resource("Filtering nodes for", rsc, FALSE)); slist_iter( node, node_t, native_data->allowed_nodes, lpc, if(node == NULL) { pe_err("Invalid NULL node"); } else if(node->weight < 0.0 || node->details->online == FALSE || node->details->type == node_ping) { crm_action_debug_3(print_node("Removing", node, FALSE)); native_data->allowed_nodes = g_list_remove(native_data->allowed_nodes, node); crm_free(node); lpc = -1; /* restart the loop */ } ); }