diff --git a/shell/modules/help.py.in b/shell/modules/help.py.in index e4d16884aa..25f15cf9f3 100644 --- a/shell/modules/help.py.in +++ b/shell/modules/help.py.in @@ -1,276 +1,277 @@ # Copyright (C) 2008 Dejan Muhamedagic # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # import os import re from cache import WCache -from utils import odict, page_string, gethomedir +from utils import odict, page_string +from vars import gethomedir from msg import * # # help or make users feel less lonely # def add_shorthelp(topic,shorthelp,topic_help): ''' Join topics ("%s,%s") if they share the same short description. ''' for i in range(len(topic_help)): if topic_help[i][1] == shorthelp: topic_help[i][0] = "%s,%s" % (topic_help[i][0], topic) return topic_help.append([topic, shorthelp]) def dump_short_help(help_tab): topic_help = [] for topic in help_tab: if topic == '.': continue # with odict, for whatever reason, python parses differently: # help_tab["..."] = ("...","...") and # help_tab["..."] = ("...",""" # ...""") # a parser bug? if type(help_tab[topic][0]) == type(()): shorthelp = help_tab[topic][0][0] else: shorthelp = help_tab[topic][0] add_shorthelp(topic,shorthelp,topic_help) for t,d in topic_help: print "\t%-16s %s" % (t,d) def overview(help_tab): print "" print help_tab['.'][1] print "" print "Available commands:" print "" dump_short_help(help_tab) print "" def topic_help(help_tab,topic): if topic not in help_tab: print "There is no help for topic %s" % topic return if type(help_tab[topic][0]) == type(()): shorthelp = help_tab[topic][0][0] longhelp = help_tab[topic][0][1] else: shorthelp = help_tab[topic][0] longhelp = help_tab[topic][1] if longhelp: page_string(longhelp) else: print shorthelp def cmd_help(help_tab,topic = ''): "help!" # help_tab is an odict (ordered dictionary): # help_tab[topic] = (short_help,long_help) # topic '.' is a special entry for the top level if not help_tab: common_info("sorry, help not available") return if not topic: overview(help_tab) else: topic_help(help_tab,topic) def is_level(s): return len(s.split("_")) == 2 def help_short(s): r = re.search("help_[^,]+,(.*)\]\]", s) return r and r.group(1) or '' class HelpSystem(object): ''' The help system. All help is in the following form in the manual: [[cmdhelp__,]] === ... Long help text. ... [[cmdhelp__,]] Help for the level itself is like this: [[cmdhelp_,]] ''' help_text_file = "@datadir@/@PACKAGE@/crm_cli.txt" index_file = os.path.join(gethomedir(),".crm_help_index") def __init__(self): self.key_pos = {} self.leveld = {} self.no_help_file = False # don't print repeatedly messages self.bad_index = False # don't print repeatedly warnings for bad index def open_file(self,name,mode): try: f = open(name,mode) return f except IOError,msg: common_err("%s open: %s"%(name,msg)) common_err("extensive help system is not available") self.no_help_file = True return None def drop_index(self): common_info("removing index") os.unlink(self.index_file) self.key_pos = {} self.leveld = {} self.bad_index = True def mk_index(self): ''' Prepare an index file, sorted by topic, with seek positions Do we need a hash on content? ''' if self.no_help_file: return False crm_help_v = os.getenv("CRM_HELP_FILE") if crm_help_v: self.help_text_file = crm_help_v help_f = self.open_file(self.help_text_file,"r") if not help_f: return False idx_f = self.open_file(self.index_file,"w") if not idx_f: return False common_debug("building help index") key_pos = odict() while 1: pos = help_f.tell() s = help_f.readline() if not s: break if s.startswith("[["): r = re.search(r'..([^,]+),', s) if r: key_pos[r.group(1)] = pos help_f.close() for key in key_pos: print >>idx_f, '%s %d' % (key,key_pos[key]) idx_f.close() return True def is_index_old(self): try: t_idx = os.path.getmtime(self.index_file) except: return True try: t_help = os.path.getmtime(self.help_text_file) except: return True return t_help > t_idx def load_index(self): if self.is_index_old(): self.mk_index() self.key_pos = {} self.leveld = {} idx_f = self.open_file(self.index_file,"r") if not idx_f: return False cur_lvl = '' for s in idx_f: a = s.split() if len(a) != 2: if not self.bad_index: common_err("index file corrupt") idx_f.close() self.drop_index() return self.load_index() # this runs only once return False key = a[0] fpos = long(a[1]) if key.startswith("cmdhelp_"): if is_level(key): if key != cur_lvl: cur_lvl = key self.leveld[cur_lvl] = [] else: self.leveld[cur_lvl].append(key) self.key_pos[key] = fpos idx_f.close() return True def __filter(self,s): if '<<' in s: return re.sub(r'<<[^,]+,(.+)>>', r'\1', s) else: return s def __load_help_one(self,key,skip = 2): longhelp = '' self.help_f.seek(self.key_pos[key]) shorthelp = help_short(self.help_f.readline()) for i in range(skip-1): self.help_f.readline() l = [] for s in self.help_f: if s.startswith("[[") or s.startswith("="): break l.append(self.__filter(s)) if l and l[-1] == '\n': # drop the last line of empty l.pop() if l: longhelp = ''.join(l) if not shorthelp or not longhelp: if not self.bad_index: common_warn("help topic %s not found" % key) self.drop_index() return shorthelp,longhelp def cmdhelp(self,s): if not self.key_pos and not self.load_index(): return None,None if not s in self.key_pos: if not self.bad_index: common_warn("help topic %s not found" % s) self.drop_index() return None,None return self.__load_help_one(s) def __load_level(self,lvl): ''' For the given level, create a help table. ''' if wcache.is_cached("lvl_help_tab_%s" % lvl): return wcache.retrieve("lvl_help_tab_%s" % lvl) if not self.key_pos and not self.load_index(): return None self.help_f = self.open_file(self.help_text_file,"r") if not self.help_f: return None lvl_s = "cmdhelp_%s" % lvl if not lvl_s in self.leveld: if not self.bad_index: common_warn("help table for level %s not found" % lvl) self.drop_index() return None common_debug("loading help table for level %s" % lvl) help_tab = odict() help_tab["."] = self.__load_help_one(lvl_s) try: for key in self.leveld[lvl_s]: cmd = key[len(lvl_s)+1:] help_tab[cmd] = self.__load_help_one(key) except: pass self.help_f.close() help_tab["quit"] = ("exit the program", "") help_tab["help"] = ("show help", "") help_tab["end"] = ("go back one level", "") return help_tab def load_level(self,lvl): help_tab = self.__load_level(lvl) if self.bad_index: # try again help_tab = self.__load_level(lvl) return wcache.store("lvl_help_tab_%s" % lvl, help_tab) wcache = WCache.getInstance() # vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: diff --git a/shell/modules/ra.py.in b/shell/modules/ra.py.in index 022f76755a..b4771bd61a 100644 --- a/shell/modules/ra.py.in +++ b/shell/modules/ra.py.in @@ -1,665 +1,665 @@ # Copyright (C) 2008 Dejan Muhamedagic # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # import os import sys import subprocess import copy import xml.dom.minidom import re import glob from userprefs import Options, UserPrefs from cache import WCache -from vars import Vars +from vars import Vars, getuser from utils import * from msg import * # # Resource Agents interface (meta-data, parameters, etc) # ocf_root = os.getenv("OCF_ROOT") if not ocf_root: ocf_root = "@OCF_ROOT_DIR@" if not ocf_root: ocf_root = "/usr/lib/ocf" os.putenv("OCF_ROOT",ocf_root) class RaLrmd(object): ''' Getting information from the resource agents. ''' lrmadmin_prog = "lrmadmin" def __init__(self): self.good = self.is_lrmd_accessible() def lrmadmin(self, opts, xml = False): ''' Get information directly from lrmd using lrmadmin. ''' l = stdout2list("%s %s" % (self.lrmadmin_prog,opts)) if l and not xml: l = l[1:] # skip the first line return l def is_lrmd_accessible(self): if not (is_program(self.lrmadmin_prog) and is_process("lrmd")): return False return subprocess.call(\ add_sudo(">/dev/null 2>&1 %s -C" % self.lrmadmin_prog), \ shell=True) == 0 def meta(self, ra_class,ra_type,ra_provider): return self.lrmadmin("-M %s %s %s"%(ra_class,ra_type,ra_provider),True) def providers(self, ra_type,ra_class = "ocf"): 'List of providers for a class:type.' return self.lrmadmin("-P %s %s" % (ra_class,ra_type),True) def classes(self): 'List of classes.' return self.lrmadmin("-C") def types(self, ra_class = "ocf", ra_provider = ""): 'List of types for a class.' return self.lrmadmin("-T %s" % ra_class) class RaOS(object): ''' Getting information from the resource agents (direct). ''' def __init__(self): self.good = True def meta(self, ra_class,ra_type,ra_provider): l = [] if ra_class == "ocf": l = stdout2list("%s/resource.d/%s/%s meta-data" % \ (ocf_root,ra_provider,ra_type)) elif ra_class == "stonith": l = stdout2list("stonith -m -t %s" % ra_type) return l def providers(self, ra_type,ra_class = "ocf"): 'List of providers for a class:type.' l = [] if ra_class == "ocf": for s in glob.glob("%s/resource.d/*/%s" % (ocf_root,ra_type)): a = s.split("/") if len(a) == 7: l.append(a[5]) return l def classes(self): 'List of classes.' return "heartbeat lsb ocf stonith".split() def types(self, ra_class = "ocf", ra_provider = ""): 'List of types for a class.' l = [] prov = ra_provider and ra_provider or "*" if ra_class == "ocf": l = os_types_list("%s/resource.d/%s/*" % (ocf_root,prov)) elif ra_class == "lsb": l = os_types_list("/etc/init.d/*") elif ra_class == "stonith": l = stdout2list("stonith -L") l = list(set(l)) l.sort() return l def ra_if(): if vars.ra_if: return vars.ra_if if getuser() in ("root",vars.crm_daemon_user): vars.ra_if = RaLrmd() if not vars.ra_if or not vars.ra_if.good: vars.ra_if = RaOS() return vars.ra_if def ra_classes(): ''' List of RA classes. ''' if wcache.is_cached("ra_classes"): return wcache.retrieve("ra_classes") l = ra_if().classes() l.sort() return wcache.store("ra_classes",l) def ra_providers(ra_type,ra_class = "ocf"): 'List of providers for a class:type.' id = "ra_providers-%s-%s" % (ra_class,ra_type) if wcache.is_cached(id): return wcache.retrieve(id) l = ra_if().providers(ra_type,ra_class) l.sort() return wcache.store(id,l) def ra_providers_all(ra_class = "ocf"): ''' List of providers for a class. ''' id = "ra_providers_all-%s" % ra_class if wcache.is_cached(id): return wcache.retrieve(id) dir = ocf_root + "/resource.d" l = [] for s in os.listdir(dir): if os.path.isdir("%s/%s" % (dir,s)): l.append(s) l.sort() return wcache.store(id,l) def ra_types(ra_class = "ocf", ra_provider = ""): ''' List of RA type for a class. ''' if not ra_class: ra_class = "ocf" id = "ra_types-%s-%s" % (ra_class,ra_provider) if wcache.is_cached(id): return wcache.retrieve(id) if ra_provider: list = [] for ra in ra_if().types(ra_class): if ra_provider in ra_providers(ra,ra_class): list.append(ra) else: list = ra_if().types(ra_class) list.sort() return wcache.store(id,list) def get_pe_meta(): if not vars.pe_metadata: vars.pe_metadata = RAInfo("pengine","metadata") return vars.pe_metadata def get_crmd_meta(): if not vars.crmd_metadata: vars.crmd_metadata = RAInfo("crmd","metadata") vars.crmd_metadata.set_advanced_params(vars.crmd_advanced) return vars.crmd_metadata def get_stonithd_meta(): if not vars.stonithd_metadata: vars.stonithd_metadata = RAInfo("stonithd","metadata") return vars.stonithd_metadata def get_cib_meta(): if not vars.cib_metadata: vars.cib_metadata = RAInfo("cib","metadata") return vars.cib_metadata def get_properties_meta(): if not vars.crm_properties_metadata: get_pe_meta() get_crmd_meta() get_cib_meta() vars.crm_properties_metadata = copy.deepcopy(vars.crmd_metadata) vars.crm_properties_metadata.add_ra_params(vars.pe_metadata) vars.crm_properties_metadata.add_ra_params(vars.cib_metadata) return vars.crm_properties_metadata def get_properties_list(): try: return get_properties_meta().params().keys() except: return [] def prog_meta(prog): ''' Do external program metadata. ''' l = [] if is_program(prog): l = stdout2list("%s metadata" % prog) return l def get_nodes_text(n,tag): try: node = n.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0] for c in node.childNodes: if c.nodeType == c.TEXT_NODE: return c.data.strip() except: return '' def mk_monitor_name(role,depth): depth = depth != "0" and ("_%s" % depth) or "" return role and role != "Started" and \ "monitor_%s%s" % (role,depth) or \ "monitor%s" % depth def monitor_name_node(node): depth = node.getAttribute("depth") or '0' role = node.getAttribute("role") return mk_monitor_name(role,depth) def monitor_name_pl(pl): depth = find_value(pl, "depth") or '0' role = find_value(pl, "role") return mk_monitor_name(role,depth) def crm_msec(t): ''' See lib/common/utils.c:crm_get_msec(). ''' convtab = { 'ms': (1,1), 'msec': (1,1), 'us': (1,1000), 'usec': (1,1000), '': (1000,1), 's': (1000,1), 'sec': (1000,1), 'm': (60*1000,1), 'min': (60*1000,1), 'h': (60*60*1000,1), 'hr': (60*60*1000,1), } if not t: return -1 r = re.match("\s*(\d+)\s*([a-zA-Z]+)?", t) if not r: return -1 if not r.group(2): q = '' else: q = r.group(2).lower() try: mult,div = convtab[q] except: return -1 return (int(r.group(1))*mult)/div def crm_time_cmp(a, b): return crm_msec(a) - crm_msec(b) class RAInfo(object): ''' A resource agent and whatever's useful about it. ''' ra_tab = " " # four horses required_ops = ("start", "stop") skip_ops = ("meta-data", "validate-all") skip_op_attr = ("name", "depth", "role") def __init__(self,ra_class,ra_type,ra_provider = "heartbeat"): self.advanced_params = [] self.ra_class = ra_class self.ra_type = ra_type self.ra_provider = ra_provider if not self.ra_provider: self.ra_provider = "heartbeat" self.ra_node = None def ra_string(self): return self.ra_class == "ocf" and \ "%s:%s:%s" % (self.ra_class, self.ra_provider, self.ra_type) or \ "%s:%s" % (self.ra_class, self.ra_type) def error(self, s): common_err("%s: %s" % (self.ra_string(), s)) def warn(self, s): common_warn("%s: %s" % (self.ra_string(), s)) def set_advanced_params(self, l): self.advanced_params = l def filter_crmd_attributes(self): for n in self.ra_node.getElementsByTagName("parameter"): if not n.getAttribute("name") in vars.crmd_user_attributes: n.parentNode.removeChild(n) def add_ra_params(self,ra): ''' Add parameters from another RAInfo instance. ''' try: if not self.mk_ra_node() or not ra.mk_ra_node(): return except: return try: params_node = self.doc.getElementsByTagName("parameters")[0] except: params_node = self.doc.createElement("parameters") self.ra_node.appendChild(params_node) for n in ra.ra_node.getElementsByTagName("parameter"): params_node.appendChild(self.doc.importNode(n,1)) def mk_ra_node(self): ''' Return the resource_agent node. ''' if self.ra_node: return self.ra_node meta = self.meta() try: self.doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString('\n'.join(meta)) except: self.error("could not parse meta-data: %s" % '\n'.join(meta)) self.ra_node = None return None try: self.ra_node = self.doc.getElementsByTagName("resource-agent")[0] except: self.error("meta-data contains no resource-agent element") self.ra_node = None return None if self.ra_class == "stonith": self.add_ra_params(get_stonithd_meta()) return self.ra_node def param_type_default(self,n): try: content = n.getElementsByTagName("content")[0] type = content.getAttribute("type") default = content.getAttribute("default") return type,default except: return None,None def params(self): ''' Construct a dict of dicts: parameters are keys and dictionary of attributes/values are values. Cached too. ''' id = "ra_params-%s" % self.ra_string() if wcache.is_cached(id): return wcache.retrieve(id) if not self.mk_ra_node(): return None d = {} for pset in self.ra_node.getElementsByTagName("parameters"): for c in pset.getElementsByTagName("parameter"): name = c.getAttribute("name") if not name: continue required = c.getAttribute("required") unique = c.getAttribute("unique") type,default = self.param_type_default(c) d[name] = { "required": required, "unique": unique, "type": type, "default": default, } return wcache.store(id,d) def completion_params(self): ''' Extra method for completion, for we want to filter some (advanced) parameters out. And we want this to be fast. ''' if not self.mk_ra_node(): return None return [c.getAttribute("name") for c in self.ra_node.getElementsByTagName("parameter") if c.getAttribute("name") and c.getAttribute("name") not in self.advanced_params ] def actions(self): ''' Construct a dict of dicts: actions are keys and dictionary of attributes/values are values. Cached too. ''' id = "ra_actions-%s" % self.ra_string() if wcache.is_cached(id): return wcache.retrieve(id) if not self.mk_ra_node(): return None d = {} for pset in self.ra_node.getElementsByTagName("actions"): for c in pset.getElementsByTagName("action"): name = c.getAttribute("name") if not name or name in self.skip_ops: continue if name == "monitor": name = monitor_name_node(c) d[name] = {} for a in c.attributes.keys(): if a in self.skip_op_attr: continue v = c.getAttribute(a) if v: d[name][a] = v # add monitor ops without role, if they don't already # exist d2 = {} for op in d.keys(): if re.match("monitor_[^0-9]", op): norole_op = re.sub(r'monitor_[^0-9_]+_(.*)', r'monitor_\1', op) if not norole_op in d: d2[norole_op] = d[op] d.update(d2) return wcache.store(id,d) def reqd_params_list(self): ''' List of required parameters. ''' d = self.params() if not d: return [] return [x for x in d if d[x]["required"] == '1'] def param_default(self,pname): ''' Parameter's default. ''' d = self.params() try: return d[pname]["default"] except: return None def sanity_check_params(self, id, pl): ''' pl is a list of (attribute,value) pairs. - are all required parameters defined - do all parameters exist ''' rc = 0 d = {} for p,v in pl: d[p] = v for p in self.reqd_params_list(): if p not in d: common_err("%s: required parameter %s not defined" % (id,p)) rc |= user_prefs.get_check_rc() for p in d: if p not in self.params(): common_err("%s: parameter %s does not exist" % (id,p)) rc |= user_prefs.get_check_rc() return rc def get_adv_timeout(self, op, node = None): if node and op == "monitor": name = monitor_name_node(node) else: name = op try: return self.actions()[name]["timeout"] except: return None def sanity_check_ops(self, id, ops, default_timeout): ''' ops is a dict, operation names are keys and values are lists of (attribute,value) pairs. - do all operations exist - are timeouts sensible ''' rc = 0 n_ops = {} for op in ops: n_op = op == "monitor" and monitor_name_pl(ops[op]) or op n_ops[n_op] = {} for p,v in ops[op]: if p in self.skip_op_attr: continue n_ops[n_op][p] = v for req_op in self.required_ops: if req_op not in n_ops: n_ops[req_op] = {} for op in n_ops: if op not in self.actions(): common_warn("%s: action %s not advertised in meta-data, it may not be supported by the RA" % (id,op)) rc |= 1 continue if "interval" in n_ops[op]: if n_ops[op]["interval"] != "0": if op == "start" or op == "stop": v = n_ops[op]["interval"] common_warn("%s: Specified interval for %s is %s, this is greater than 0 thus invalid" %(id,op,v)) try: adv_timeout = self.actions()[op]["timeout"] except: continue if "timeout" in n_ops[op]: v = n_ops[op]["timeout"] timeout_string = "specified timeout" else: v = default_timeout timeout_string = "default timeout" if crm_msec(v) < 0: continue if crm_time_cmp(adv_timeout,v) > 0: common_warn("%s: %s %s for %s is smaller than the advised %s" % \ (id,timeout_string,v,op,adv_timeout)) rc |= 1 return rc def meta(self): ''' RA meta-data as raw xml. ''' id = "ra_meta-%s" % self.ra_string() if wcache.is_cached(id): return wcache.retrieve(id) if self.ra_class in vars.meta_progs: l = prog_meta(self.ra_class) else: l = ra_if().meta(self.ra_class,self.ra_type,self.ra_provider) return wcache.store(id, l) def meta_pretty(self): ''' Print the RA meta-data in a human readable form. ''' if not self.mk_ra_node(): return '' l = [] title = self.meta_title() l.append(title) longdesc = get_nodes_text(self.ra_node,"longdesc") if longdesc: l.append(longdesc) if self.ra_class != "heartbeat": params = self.meta_parameters() if params: l.append(params.rstrip()) actions = self.meta_actions() if actions: l.append(actions) return '\n\n'.join(l) def get_shortdesc(self,n): name = n.getAttribute("name") shortdesc = get_nodes_text(n,"shortdesc") longdesc = get_nodes_text(n,"longdesc") if shortdesc and shortdesc not in (name,longdesc,self.ra_type): return shortdesc return '' def meta_title(self): s = self.ra_string() shortdesc = self.get_shortdesc(self.ra_node) if shortdesc: s = "%s (%s)" % (shortdesc,s) return s def meta_param_head(self,n): name = n.getAttribute("name") if not name: return None s = name if n.getAttribute("required") == "1": s = s + "*" type,default = self.param_type_default(n) if type and default: s = "%s (%s, [%s])" % (s,type,default) elif type: s = "%s (%s)" % (s,type) shortdesc = self.get_shortdesc(n) s = "%s: %s" % (s,shortdesc) return s def format_parameter(self,n): l = [] head = self.meta_param_head(n) if not head: self.error("no name attribute for parameter") return "" l.append(head) longdesc = get_nodes_text(n,"longdesc") if longdesc: longdesc = self.ra_tab + longdesc.replace("\n","\n"+self.ra_tab) + '\n' l.append(longdesc) return '\n'.join(l) def meta_parameter(self,param): if not self.mk_ra_node(): return '' l = [] for pset in self.ra_node.getElementsByTagName("parameters"): for c in pset.getElementsByTagName("parameter"): if c.getAttribute("name") == param: return self.format_parameter(c) def meta_parameters(self): if not self.mk_ra_node(): return '' l = [] for pset in self.ra_node.getElementsByTagName("parameters"): for c in pset.getElementsByTagName("parameter"): s = self.format_parameter(c) if s: l.append(s) if l: return "Parameters (* denotes required, [] the default):\n\n" + '\n'.join(l) def meta_action_head(self,n): name = n.getAttribute("name") if not name: return '' if name in self.skip_ops: return '' if name == "monitor": name = monitor_name_node(n) s = "%-13s" % name for a in n.attributes.keys(): if a in self.skip_op_attr: continue v = n.getAttribute(a) if v: s = "%s %s=%s" % (s,a,v) return s def meta_actions(self): l = [] for aset in self.ra_node.getElementsByTagName("actions"): for c in aset.getElementsByTagName("action"): s = self.meta_action_head(c) if s: l.append(self.ra_tab + s) if l: return "Operations' defaults (advisory minimum):\n\n" + '\n'.join(l) # # resource type definition # def ra_type_validate(s, ra_class, provider, rsc_type): ''' Only ocf ra class supports providers. ''' if not rsc_type: common_err("bad resource type specification %s"%s) return False if ra_class == "ocf": if not provider: common_err("provider could not be determined for %s"%s) return False else: if provider: common_warn("ra class %s does not support providers"%ra_class) return True return True def disambiguate_ra_type(s): ''' Unravel [class:[provider:]]type ''' l = s.split(':') if not l or len(l) > 3: return None if len(l) == 3: return l elif len(l) == 2: ra_class,ra_type = l else: ra_class = "ocf" ra_type = l[0] ra_provider = '' if ra_class == "ocf": pl = ra_providers(ra_type,ra_class) if pl and len(pl) == 1: ra_provider = pl[0] elif not pl: ra_provider = 'heartbeat' return ra_class,ra_provider,ra_type wcache = WCache.getInstance() vars = Vars.getInstance() # vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: diff --git a/shell/modules/utils.py b/shell/modules/utils.py index 240c37c000..a2db8e00da 100644 --- a/shell/modules/utils.py +++ b/shell/modules/utils.py @@ -1,429 +1,406 @@ # Copyright (C) 2008 Dejan Muhamedagic # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # import os import pwd from tempfile import mkstemp import subprocess import re import glob import time from userprefs import Options, UserPrefs +from vars import Vars from msg import * def is_program(prog): return subprocess.call("which %s >/dev/null 2>&1"%prog, shell=True) == 0 def ask(msg): # if there's no terminal, no use asking and default to "no" if not sys.stdin.isatty(): return False print_msg = True while True: try: ans = raw_input(msg + ' ') except EOFError: ans = 'n' if not ans or ans[0].lower() not in ('n','y'): if print_msg: print "Please answer with y[es] or n[o]" print_msg = False else: return ans[0].lower() == 'y' def verify_boolean(opt): return opt.lower() in ("yes","true","on") or \ opt.lower() in ("no","false","off") def is_boolean_true(opt): return opt.lower() in ("yes","true","on") def keyword_cmp(string1, string2): return string1.lower() == string2.lower() from UserDict import DictMixin class odict(DictMixin): def __init__(self, data=None, **kwdata): self._keys = [] self._data = {} def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self._data: self._keys.append(key) self._data[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self._data: return self._data[key.lower()] return self._data[key] def __delitem__(self, key): del self._data[key] self._keys.remove(key) def keys(self): return list(self._keys) def copy(self): copyDict = odict() copyDict._data = self._data.copy() copyDict._keys = self._keys[:] return copyDict class olist(list): def __init__(self, keys): #print "Init %s" % (repr(keys)) super(olist, self).__init__() for key in keys: self.append(key) self.append(key.upper()) def setup_help_aliases(obj): for cmd in obj.cmd_aliases.keys(): for alias in obj.cmd_aliases[cmd]: if obj.help_table: obj.help_table[alias] = obj.help_table[cmd] def setup_aliases(obj): for cmd in obj.cmd_aliases.keys(): for alias in obj.cmd_aliases[cmd]: obj.cmd_table[alias] = obj.cmd_table[cmd] -def getpwdent(): - try: euid = os.geteuid() - except Exception, msg: - common_err(msg) - return None - try: pwdent = pwd.getpwuid(euid) - except Exception, msg: - common_err(msg) - return None - return pwdent -def getuser(): - user = os.getenv("USER") - if not user: - try: return getpwdent()[0] - except: return None - else: - return user -def gethomedir(): - homedir = os.getenv("HOME") - if not homedir: - try: return getpwdent()[5] - except: return None - else: - return homedir - def os_types_list(path): l = [] for f in glob.glob(path): if os.access(f,os.X_OK) and os.path.isfile(f): a = f.split("/") l.append(a[-1]) return l def listtemplates(): l = [] for f in os.listdir(vars.tmpl_dir): if os.path.isfile("%s/%s" % (vars.tmpl_dir,f)): l.append(f) return l def listconfigs(): l = [] for f in os.listdir(vars.tmpl_conf_dir): if os.path.isfile("%s/%s" % (vars.tmpl_conf_dir,f)): l.append(f) return l def add_sudo(cmd): if user_prefs.crm_user: return "sudo -E -u %s %s"%(user_prefs.crm_user,cmd) return cmd def pipe_string(cmd,s): rc = -1 # command failed cmd = add_sudo(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) try: p.communicate(s) p.wait() rc = p.returncode except IOError, msg: common_err(msg) return rc def filter_string(cmd,s,stderr_on = True): rc = -1 # command failed if stderr_on: stderr = None else: stderr = subprocess.PIPE cmd = add_sudo(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, \ stdin = subprocess.PIPE, \ stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = stderr) try: outp = p.communicate(s)[0] p.wait() rc = p.returncode except IOError, msg: common_err(msg) return rc,outp def str2tmp(s): ''' Write the given string to a temporary file. Return the name of the file. ''' fd,tmp = mkstemp() try: f = os.fdopen(fd,"w") except IOError, msg: common_err(msg) return f.write(s) f.close() return tmp def str2file(s,fname): ''' Write a string to a file. ''' try: f = open(fname,"w") except IOError, msg: common_err(msg) return False f.write(s) f.close() return True def is_filename_sane(name): if re.search("['`/#*?$\[\]]",name): common_err("%s: bad name"%name) return False return True def is_name_sane(name): if re.search("[']",name): common_err("%s: bad name"%name) return False return True def is_value_sane(name): if re.search("[']",name): common_err("%s: bad name"%name) return False return True def show_dot_graph(dotfile): p = subprocess.Popen("%s %s" % (user_prefs.dotty,dotfile), shell=True, bufsize=0, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True) common_info("starting %s to show transition graph"%user_prefs.dotty) def ext_cmd(cmd): if options.regression_tests: print ".EXT", cmd return subprocess.call(add_sudo(cmd), shell=True) def get_stdout(cmd, stderr_on = True): ''' Run a cmd, return stdin output. stderr_on controls whether to show output which comes on stderr. ''' if stderr_on: stderr = None else: stderr = subprocess.PIPE proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell = True, \ stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = stderr) outp = proc.communicate()[0] proc.wait() outp = outp.strip() return outp def stdout2list(cmd, stderr_on = True): ''' Run a cmd, fetch output, return it as a list of lines. stderr_on controls whether to show output which comes on stderr. ''' s = get_stdout(add_sudo(cmd), stderr_on) return s.split('\n') def wait4dc(what = "", show_progress = True): ''' Wait for the DC to get into the S_IDLE state. This should be invoked only after a CIB modification which would exercise the PE. Parameter "what" is whatever the caller wants to be printed if showing progress. It is assumed that the DC is already in a different state, usually it should be either PENGINE or TRANSITION. This assumption may not be true, but there's a high chance that it is since crmd should be faster to move through states than this shell. Further, it may also be that crmd already calculated the new graph, did transition, and went back to the idle state. This may in particular be the case if the transition turned out to be empty. Tricky. Though in practice it shouldn't be an issue. There's no timeout, as we expect the DC to eventually becomes idle. ''' cmd = "crmadmin -D" s = get_stdout(add_sudo(cmd)) if not s.startswith("Designated"): common_warn("%s unexpected output: %s" % (cmd,s)) return False dc = s.split()[-1] if not dc: common_warn("can't find DC in: %s" % s) return False cmd = "crmadmin -S %s" % dc cnt = 0 output_started = 0 while True: s = get_stdout(add_sudo(cmd)) if not s.startswith("Status"): common_warn("%s unexpected output: %s" % (cmd,s)) return False try: dc_status = s.split()[-2] except: common_warn("%s unexpected output: %s" % (cmd,s)) return False if dc_status == "S_IDLE": if output_started: sys.stderr.write(" done\n") return True time.sleep(0.1) if show_progress: cnt += 1 if cnt % 10 == 0: if not output_started: output_started = 1 sys.stderr.write("waiting for %s to finish " % what) sys.stderr.write(".") def is_id_valid(id): """ Verify that the id follows the definition: http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xml-names-19990114/#ns-qualnames """ if not id: return False id_re = "^[A-Za-z_][\w._-]*$" return re.match(id_re,id) def check_filename(fname): """ Verify that the string is a filename. """ fname_re = "^[^/]+$" return re.match(fname_re,id) def is_process(s): proc = subprocess.Popen("ps -e -o pid,command | grep -qs '%s'" % s, \ shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() return proc.returncode == 0 def cluster_stack(): if is_process("heartbeat:.[m]aster"): return "heartbeat" elif is_process("[a]isexec"): return "openais" return "" def edit_file(fname): 'Edit a file.' if not fname: return if not user_prefs.editor: return return ext_cmd("%s %s" % (user_prefs.editor,fname)) def page_string(s): 'Write string through a pager.' if not s: return w,h = get_winsize() if s.count('\n') <= h: print s elif not user_prefs.pager or not options.interactive: print s else: opts = "" if user_prefs.pager == "less": opts = "-R" pipe_string("%s %s" % (user_prefs.pager,opts), s) def get_winsize(): try: import curses curses.setupterm() w = curses.tigetnum('cols') h = curses.tigetnum('lines') except: try: w = os.environ['COLS'] h = os.environ['LINES'] except: w = 80; h = 25 return w,h def multicolumn(l): ''' A ls-like representation of a list of strings. A naive approach. ''' min_gap = 2 w,h = get_winsize() max_len = 8 for s in l: if len(s) > max_len: max_len = len(s) cols = w/(max_len + min_gap) # approx. col_len = w/cols for i in range(len(l)/cols + 1): s = '' for j in range(i*cols,(i+1)*cols): if not j < len(l): break if not s: s = "%-*s" % (col_len,l[j]) elif (j+1)%cols == 0: s = "%s%s" % (s,l[j]) else: s = "%s%-*s" % (s,col_len,l[j]) if s: print s def find_value(pl,name): for n,v in pl: if n == name: return v return None def lines2cli(s): ''' Convert a string into a list of lines. Replace continuation characters. Strip white space, left and right. Drop empty lines. ''' cl = [] l = s.split('\n') cum = [] for p in l: p = p.strip() if p.endswith('\\'): p = p.rstrip('\\') cum.append(p) else: cum.append(p) cl.append(''.join(cum).strip()) cum = [] if cum: # in case s ends with backslash cl.append(''.join(cum)) return [x for x in cl if x] user_prefs = UserPrefs.getInstance() options = Options.getInstance() +vars = Vars.getInstance() # vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: diff --git a/shell/modules/vars.py.in b/shell/modules/vars.py.in index ea2c40a790..c61a1c9639 100644 --- a/shell/modules/vars.py.in +++ b/shell/modules/vars.py.in @@ -1,187 +1,211 @@ # Copyright (C) 2008 Dejan Muhamedagic # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # -import os +import os, pwd from singletonmixin import Singleton -from utils import gethomedir + +def getpwdent(): + try: euid = os.geteuid() + except Exception, msg: + common_err(msg) + return None + try: pwdent = pwd.getpwuid(euid) + except Exception, msg: + common_err(msg) + return None + return pwdent +def getuser(): + user = os.getenv("USER") + if not user: + try: return getpwdent()[0] + except: return None + else: + return user +def gethomedir(): + homedir = os.getenv("HOME") + if not homedir: + try: return getpwdent()[5] + except: return None + else: + return homedir class Vars(Singleton): cib_cli_map = { "node": "node", "primitive": "primitive", "group": "group", "clone": "clone", "master": "ms", "rsc_location": "location", "rsc_colocation": "colocation", "rsc_order": "order", "cluster_property_set": "property", "rsc_defaults": "rsc_defaults", "op_defaults": "op_defaults", "acl_user": "user", "acl_role": "role", } container_tags = ("group", "clone", "ms", "master") clonems_tags = ("clone", "ms", "master") resource_tags = ("primitive","group","clone","ms","master") constraint_tags = ("rsc_location","rsc_colocation","rsc_order") constraint_rsc_refs = ("rsc","with-rsc","first","then") children_tags = ("group", "primitive") nvpairs_tags = ("meta_attributes", "instance_attributes", "utilization") defaults_tags = ("rsc_defaults","op_defaults") resource_cli_names = ("primitive","group","clone","ms","master") constraint_cli_names = ("location","colocation","collocation","order") nvset_cli_names = ("property","rsc_defaults","op_defaults") op_cli_names = ("monitor", "start", "stop", "migrate_to", "migrate_from","promote","demote","notify") ra_operations = ("probe", "monitor", "start", "stop", "promote", "demote", "notify", "migrate_to", "migrate_from") subpfx_list = { "instance_attributes": "instance_attributes", "meta_attributes": "meta_attributes", "utilization": "utilization", "operations": "ops", "rule": "rule", "expression": "expression", "date_expression": "expression", "duration": "duration", "date_spec": "date_spec", "read": "read", "write": "write", "deny": "deny", } acl_rule_names = ("read","write","deny") acl_spec_map = { "xpath": "xpath", "ref": "ref", "tag": "tag", "attribute": "attribute", } acl_shortcuts = { "meta": (r"//primitive\[@id='@@'\]/meta_attributes",r"/nvpair\[@name='@@'\]"), "params": (r"//primitive\[@id='@@'\]/instance_attributes",r"/nvpair\[@name='@@'\]"), "utilization": (r"//primitive\[@id='@@'\]/utilization",), "location": (r"//rsc_location\[@id='cli-prefer-@@' and @rsc='@@'\]",), "property": (r"//crm_config/cluster_property_set",r"/nvpair\[@name='@@'\]"), "nodeattr": (r"//nodes/node/instance_attributes",r"/nvpair\[@name='@@'\]"), "nodeutil": (r"//nodes/node/utilization",r"\[@uname='@@'\]"), "node": (r"//nodes/node",r"\[@uname='@@'\]"), "status": (r"/cib/status",), "cib": (r"/cib",), } lrm_exit_codes = { "success": "0", "unknown": "1", "args": "2", "unimplemented": "3", "perm": "4", "installed": "5", "configured": "6", "not_running": "7", "master": "8", "failed_master": "9", } lrm_status_codes = { "pending": "-1", "done": "0", "cancelled": "1", "timeout": "2", "notsupported": "3", "error": "4", } node_states = ("online", "offline", "unclean") precious_attrs = ("id-ref",) time_op_attrs = ("timeout",) req_op_attributes = ("name", "id") req_sections = ("crm_config", "nodes", "resources", "constraints") op_attributes = ( "interval", "timeout", "requires", "enabled", "role", "on-fail", "start-delay", "interval-origin", "record-pending", "description", ) rsc_meta_attributes = ( "allow-migrate", "is-managed", "interval-origin", "migration-threshold", "priority", "multiple-active", "failure-timeout", "resource-stickiness", "target-role", "restart-type", "description", ) clone_meta_attributes = ( "ordered", "notify", "interleave", "globally-unique", "clone-max", "clone-node-max", "clone-state", "description", ) ms_meta_attributes = ( "master-max", "master-node-max", "description", ) score_types = {'advisory': '0','mandatory': 'INFINITY'} boolean_ops = ('or','and') binary_ops = ('lt','gt','lte','gte','eq','ne') binary_types = ('string' , 'version' , 'number') unary_ops = ('defined','not_defined') simple_date_ops = ('lt','gt') date_ops = ('lt','gt','in_range','date_spec') date_spec_names = '''hours monthdays weekdays yearsdays months \ weeks years weekyears moon'''.split() in_range_attrs = ('start','end') roles_names = ('Stopped', 'Started', 'Master', 'Slave') actions_names = ( 'start', 'promote', 'demote', 'stop') node_default_type = "normal" node_attributes_keyw = ("attributes","utilization") shadow_envvar = "CIB_shadow" prompt = '' tmpfiles = [] this_node = os.uname()[1] cib_in_use = os.getenv(shadow_envvar) homedir = gethomedir() if not homedir: hist_file = '' else: hist_file = os.path.join(homedir,".crm_history") rc_file = os.path.join(homedir,".crm.rc") tmpl_conf_dir = os.path.join(homedir,".crmconf") tmpl_dir = "@datadir@/@PACKAGE@/templates" pe_dir = "@PE_STATE_DIR@" crm_conf_dir = "@CRM_CONFIG_DIR@" crm_daemon_dir = "@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@" crm_daemon_user = "@CRM_DAEMON_USER@" crm_version = "@VERSION@ (Build @BUILD_VERSION@)" ra_if = None # class interface to RA stonithd_metadata = None # stonithd meta data pe_metadata = None # PE meta data crmd_metadata = None # crmd meta data cib_metadata = None # cib meta data crm_properties_metadata = None # PE + crmd + cib meta data meta_progs = ("crmd","pengine","stonithd","cib") crmd_advanced = ( "dc-version", "cluster-infrastructure", "crmd-integration-timeout", "crmd-finalization-timeout", "expected-quorum-votes", ) # vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: diff --git a/shell/modules/xmlutil.py b/shell/modules/xmlutil.py index 3beaca881b..b4735042b2 100644 --- a/shell/modules/xmlutil.py +++ b/shell/modules/xmlutil.py @@ -1,809 +1,809 @@ # Copyright (C) 2008 Dejan Muhamedagic # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # import os import subprocess import xml.dom.minidom from userprefs import Options, UserPrefs -from vars import Vars +from vars import Vars, getuser, gethomedir from msg import * from utils import * def xmlparse(f): try: doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f) except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError,msg: common_err("cannot parse xml: %s" % msg) return None return doc def file2doc(s): try: f = open(s,'r') except IOError, msg: common_err(msg) return None doc = xmlparse(f) f.close() return doc cib_dump = "cibadmin -Ql" def cibdump2file(fname): cmd = add_sudo(cib_dump) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) try: s = ''.join(p.stdout) p.wait() except IOError, msg: common_err(msg) return None return str2file(s,fname) def cib2tmp(): cmd = add_sudo(cib_dump) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) try: tmpf = str2tmp(''.join(p.stdout)) p.wait() except IOError, msg: common_err(msg) return None return tmpf def cibdump2doc(section = None): doc = None if section: cmd = "%s -o %s" % (cib_dump,section) else: cmd = cib_dump cmd = add_sudo(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) try: doc = xmlparse(p.stdout) p.wait() except IOError, msg: common_err(msg) return None return doc cib_piped = "cibadmin -p" def commit_rsc(node): "Replace a resource definition using cibadmin -R" rc = pipe_string("%s -R -o %s" % \ (cib_piped, "resources"), node.toxml()) return rc == 0 def get_conf_elem(doc, tag): try: return doc.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0] except: return None def read_cib(fun, params = None): doc = fun(params) if not doc: return doc,None cib = doc.childNodes[0] if not is_element(cib) or cib.tagName != "cib": cib_no_elem_err("cib") return doc,None return doc,cib def sanity_check_nvpairs(id,node,attr_list): rc = 0 for nvpair in node.childNodes: if not is_element(nvpair) or nvpair.tagName != "nvpair": continue n = nvpair.getAttribute("name") if n and not n in attr_list: common_err("%s: attribute %s does not exist" % (id,n)) rc |= user_prefs.get_check_rc() return rc def sanity_check_meta(id,node,attr_list): rc = 0 if not node or not attr_list: return rc for c in node.childNodes: if not is_element(c): continue if c.tagName == "meta_attributes": rc |= sanity_check_nvpairs(id,c,attr_list) return rc def get_interesting_nodes(node,nodes): for c in node.childNodes: if is_element(c) and c.tagName in vars.cib_cli_map: nodes.append(c) get_interesting_nodes(c,nodes) return nodes def resources_xml(): return cibdump2doc("resources") def rsc2node(id): doc = resources_xml() if not doc: return None nodes = get_interesting_nodes(doc,[]) for n in nodes: if is_resource(n) and n.getAttribute("id") == id: return n def get_meta_param(id,param): rsc_meta_show = "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -g '%s'" return get_stdout(rsc_meta_show % (id,param), stderr_on = False) def listnodes(): nodes = [] doc = cibdump2doc("nodes") if not doc: return [] nodes_node = get_conf_elem(doc, "nodes") if not nodes_node: return [] for c in nodes_node.childNodes: if not is_element(c): continue if c.tagName != "node": continue if c.getAttribute("type") == 'normal': nodes.append(c.getAttribute("uname")) return nodes def is_live_cib(): '''We working with the live cluster?''' return not vars.cib_in_use and not os.getenv("CIB_file") def cib_shadow_dir(): if os.getenv("CIB_shadow_dir"): return os.getenv("CIB_shadow_dir") if getuser() in ("root",vars.crm_daemon_user): return vars.crm_conf_dir home = gethomedir() if home and home.startswith(os.path.sep): return os.path.join(home,".cib") return os.getenv("TMPDIR") or "/tmp" def listshadows(): dir = cib_shadow_dir() if os.path.isdir(dir): return stdout2list("ls %s | fgrep shadow. | sed 's/^shadow\.//'" % dir) else: return [] def shadowfile(name): return "%s/shadow.%s" % (cib_shadow_dir(), name) def shadow2doc(name): return file2doc(shadowfile(name)) def is_rsc_running(id): if not is_live_cib(): return False rsc_node = rsc2node(id) if not rsc_node: return False if not is_resource(rsc_node): return False rsc_status = "crm_resource -W -r '%s'" test_id = rsc_clone(id) or id outp = get_stdout(rsc_status % test_id, stderr_on = False) return outp.find("running") > 0 and outp.find("NOT") == -1 def is_rsc_clone(rsc_id): rsc_node = rsc2node(rsc_id) return is_clone(rsc_node) def is_rsc_ms(rsc_id): rsc_node = rsc2node(rsc_id) return is_ms(rsc_node) def rsc_clone(rsc_id): '''Get a clone of a resource.''' rsc_node = rsc2node(rsc_id) if not rsc_node or not rsc_node.parentNode: return None pnode = rsc_node.parentNode if is_group(pnode): pnode = pnode.parentNode if is_clonems(pnode): return pnode.getAttribute("id") def get_topmost_rsc(node): ''' Return a topmost node which is a resource and contains this resource ''' if is_container(node.parentNode): return get_topmost_rsc(node.parentNode) return node def get_cloned_rsc(rsc_id): rsc_node = rsc2node(rsc_id) if not rsc_node: return "" for c in rsc_node.childNodes: if is_child_rsc(c): return c.getAttribute("id") return "" attr_defaults_missing = { } def add_missing_attr(node): try: for defaults in attr_defaults_missing[node.tagName]: if not node.hasAttribute(defaults[0]): node.setAttribute(defaults[0],defaults[1]) except: pass attr_defaults = { "rule": (("boolean-op","and"),), "expression": (("type","string"),), } def drop_attr_defaults(node, ts = 0): try: for defaults in attr_defaults[node.tagName]: if node.getAttribute(defaults[0]) == defaults[1]: node.removeAttribute(defaults[0]) except: pass def is_element(xmlnode): return xmlnode and xmlnode.nodeType == xmlnode.ELEMENT_NODE def nameandid(xmlnode,level): if xmlnode.nodeType == xmlnode.ELEMENT_NODE: print level*' ',xmlnode.tagName,xmlnode.getAttribute("id"),xmlnode.getAttribute("name") def xmltraverse(xmlnode,fun,ts=0): for c in xmlnode.childNodes: if is_element(c): fun(c,ts) xmltraverse(c,fun,ts+1) def xmltraverse_thin(xmlnode,fun,ts=0): ''' Skip elements which may be resources themselves. NB: Call this only on resource (or constraint) nodes, but never on cib or configuration! ''' for c in xmlnode.childNodes: if is_element(c) and not c.tagName in ('primitive','group'): xmltraverse_thin(c,fun,ts+1) fun(xmlnode,ts) def xml_processnodes(xmlnode,node_filter,proc): ''' Process with proc all nodes that match filter. ''' node_list = [] for child in xmlnode.childNodes: if node_filter(child): node_list.append(child) if child.hasChildNodes(): xml_processnodes(child,node_filter,proc) if node_list: proc(node_list) # filter the cib def is_whitespace(node): return node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE and not node.data.strip() def is_comment(node): return node.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE def is_status_node(node): return is_element(node) and node.tagName == "status" def is_emptynvpairs(node): if is_element(node) and node.tagName in vars.nvpairs_tags: for a in vars.precious_attrs: if node.getAttribute(a): return False for n in node.childNodes: if is_element(n): return False return True else: return False def is_group(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName == "group" def is_ms(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName in ("master","ms") def is_clone(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName == "clone" def is_clonems(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName in vars.clonems_tags def is_container(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName in vars.container_tags def is_primitive(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName == "primitive" def is_resource(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName in vars.resource_tags def is_child_rsc(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName in vars.children_tags def is_constraint(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName in vars.constraint_tags def is_defaults(node): return is_element(node) \ and node.tagName in vars.defaults_tags def rsc_constraint(rsc_id,cons_node): if not is_element(cons_node): return False for attr in cons_node.attributes.keys(): if attr in vars.constraint_rsc_refs \ and rsc_id == cons_node.getAttribute(attr): return True for rref in cons_node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref"): if rsc_id == rref.getAttribute("id"): return True return False def sort_container_children(node_list): ''' Make sure that attributes's nodes are first, followed by the elements (primitive/group). The order of elements is not disturbed, they are just shifted to end! ''' for node in node_list: children = [] for c in node.childNodes: if is_element(c) and c.tagName in vars.children_tags: children.append(c) for c in children: node.removeChild(c) for c in children: node.appendChild(c) def rmnode(node): if node and node.parentNode: if node.parentNode: node.parentNode.removeChild(node) node.unlink() def rmnodes(node_list): for node in node_list: rmnode(node) def printid(node_list): for node in node_list: id = node.getAttribute("id") if id: print "node id:",id def sanitize_cib(doc): xml_processnodes(doc,is_status_node,rmnodes) #xml_processnodes(doc,is_element,printid) xml_processnodes(doc,is_emptynvpairs,rmnodes) xml_processnodes(doc,is_whitespace,rmnodes) #xml_processnodes(doc,is_comment,rmnodes) xml_processnodes(doc,is_container,sort_container_children) xmltraverse(doc,drop_attr_defaults) def is_simpleconstraint(node): return len(node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref")) == 0 match_list = { "node": ("uname",), "crm_config": (), "rsc_defaults": (), "op_defaults": (), "cluster_property_set": (), "instance_attributes": (), "meta_attributes": (), "utilization": (), "operations": (), "nvpair": ("name",), "op": ("name","interval"), "rule": ("score","score-attribute","role"), "expression": ("attribute","operation","value"), } def add_comment(node,s): ''' Add comment s to node from doc. ''' if not node or not s: return comm_node = node.ownerDocument.createComment(s) firstelem = None for n in node.childNodes: if is_element(n): firstelem = n break node.insertBefore(comm_node, firstelem) def stuff_comments(node,comments): for s in comments: add_comment(node,s) def fix_comments(node): 'Make sure that comments start with #' cnodes = [x for x in node.childNodes if is_comment(x)] for n in cnodes: n.data = n.data.strip() if not n.data.startswith("#"): n.data = "# %s" % n.data def set_id_used_attr(node): node.setAttribute("__id_used", "Yes") def is_id_used_attr(node): return node.getAttribute("__id_used") == "Yes" def remove_id_used_attr(node,lvl): if is_element(node) and is_id_used_attr(node): node.removeAttribute("__id_used") def remove_id_used_attributes(node): if node: xmltraverse(node, remove_id_used_attr) def lookup_node(node,oldnode,location_only = False): ''' Find a child of oldnode which matches node. This is used to "harvest" existing ids in order to prevent irrelevant changes to the XML code. The list of attributes to match is in the dictionary match_list. The "id" attribute is treated differently. In case the new node (the first parameter here) contains the id, then the "id" attribute is added to the match list. ''' #print "lookup:",node.tagName,node.getAttribute("id") if not oldnode: return None #print " in:",oldnode.tagName,oldnode.getAttribute("id") try: attr_list = list(match_list[node.tagName]) except KeyError: attr_list = [] if node.getAttribute("id"): #print " add id attribute" attr_list.append("id") for c in oldnode.childNodes: if not is_element(c): continue if not location_only and is_id_used_attr(c): continue #print " checking:",c.tagName,c.getAttribute("id") if node.tagName == c.tagName: failed = False for a in attr_list: if node.getAttribute(a) != c.getAttribute(a): failed = True break if not failed: #print " found:",c.tagName,c.getAttribute("id") return c return None def find_operation(rsc_node,name,interval): op_node_l = rsc_node.getElementsByTagName("operations") for ops in op_node_l: for c in ops.childNodes: if not is_element(c): continue if c.tagName != "op": continue if c.getAttribute("name") == name \ and c.getAttribute("interval") == interval: return c def filter_on_tag(nl,tag): return [node for node in nl if node.tagName == tag] def nodes(node_list): return filter_on_tag(node_list,"node") def primitives(node_list): return filter_on_tag(node_list,"primitive") def groups(node_list): return filter_on_tag(node_list,"group") def clones(node_list): return filter_on_tag(node_list,"clone") def mss(node_list): return filter_on_tag(node_list,"master") def constraints(node_list): return filter_on_tag(node_list,"rsc_location") \ + filter_on_tag(node_list,"rsc_colocation") \ + filter_on_tag(node_list,"rsc_order") def properties(node_list): return filter_on_tag(node_list,"cluster_property_set") \ + filter_on_tag(node_list,"rsc_defaults") \ + filter_on_tag(node_list,"op_defaults") def acls(node_list): return filter_on_tag(node_list,"acl_role") \ + filter_on_tag(node_list,"acl_user") def processing_sort(nl): ''' It's usually important to process cib objects in this order, i.e. simple objects first. ''' return nodes(nl) + primitives(nl) + groups(nl) + mss(nl) + clones(nl) \ + constraints(nl) + properties(nl) + acls(nl) def obj_cmp(obj1,obj2): return cmp(obj1.obj_id,obj2.obj_id) def filter_on_type(cl,obj_type): if type(cl[0]) == type([]): l = [cli_list for cli_list in cl if cli_list[0][0] == obj_type] if user_prefs.get_sort_elems(): l.sort(cmp = cmp) else: l = [obj for obj in cl if obj.obj_type == obj_type] if user_prefs.get_sort_elems(): l.sort(cmp = obj_cmp) return l def nodes_cli(cl): return filter_on_type(cl,"node") def primitives_cli(cl): return filter_on_type(cl,"primitive") def groups_cli(cl): return filter_on_type(cl,"group") def clones_cli(cl): return filter_on_type(cl,"clone") def mss_cli(cl): return filter_on_type(cl,"ms") + filter_on_type(cl,"master") def constraints_cli(node_list): return filter_on_type(node_list,"location") \ + filter_on_type(node_list,"colocation") \ + filter_on_type(node_list,"collocation") \ + filter_on_type(node_list,"order") def properties_cli(cl): return filter_on_type(cl,"property") \ + filter_on_type(cl,"rsc_defaults") \ + filter_on_type(cl,"op_defaults") def acls_cli(cl): return filter_on_type(cl,"role") \ + filter_on_type(cl,"user") def ops_cli(cl): return filter_on_type(cl,"op") def processing_sort_cli(cl): ''' Return the given list in this order: nodes, primitives, groups, ms, clones, constraints, rest Both a list of objects (CibObject) and list of cli representations accepted. ''' return nodes_cli(cl) + primitives_cli(cl) + groups_cli(cl) + mss_cli(cl) + clones_cli(cl) \ + constraints_cli(cl) + properties_cli(cl) + ops_cli(cl) + acls_cli(cl) def is_resource_cli(s): return s in olist(vars.resource_cli_names) def is_constraint_cli(s): return s in olist(vars.constraint_cli_names) def referenced_resources(node): if not is_constraint(node): return [] xml_obj_type = node.tagName if xml_obj_type == "rsc_location": node_list = node.getElementsByTagName("rsc") elif node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref"): # resource sets node_list = node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref") elif xml_obj_type == "rsc_colocation": node_list = node.getElementsByTagName("rsc") + \ node.getElementsByTagName("with-rsc") elif xml_obj_type == "rsc_order": node_list = node.getElementsByTagName("first") + \ node.getElementsByTagName("then") return [x.getAttribute("id") for x in node_list] def rename_id(node,old_id,new_id): if node.getAttribute("id") == old_id: node.setAttribute("id", new_id) def rename_rscref_simple(c_obj,old_id,new_id): c_modified = False for attr in c_obj.node.attributes.keys(): if attr in vars.constraint_rsc_refs and \ c_obj.node.getAttribute(attr) == old_id: c_obj.node.setAttribute(attr, new_id) c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True return c_modified def delete_rscref_simple(c_obj,rsc_id): c_modified = False for attr in c_obj.node.attributes.keys(): if attr in vars.constraint_rsc_refs and \ c_obj.node.getAttribute(attr) == rsc_id: c_obj.node.removeAttribute(attr) c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True return c_modified def rset_uniq(c_obj,d): ''' Drop duplicate resource references. ''' l = [] for rref in c_obj.node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref"): rsc_id = rref.getAttribute("id") if d[rsc_id] > 1: # drop one l.append(rref) d[rsc_id] -= 1 rmnodes(l) def delete_rscref_rset(c_obj,rsc_id): ''' Drop all reference to rsc_id. ''' c_modified = False l = [] for rref in c_obj.node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref"): if rsc_id == rref.getAttribute("id"): l.append(rref) c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True rmnodes(l) l = [] for rset in c_obj.node.getElementsByTagName("resource_set"): if len(rset.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref")) == 0: l.append(rset) c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True rmnodes(l) return c_modified def rset_convert(c_obj): l = c_obj.node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref") if len(l) != 2: return # eh? c_obj.modified = True cli = c_obj.repr_cli(format = -1) newnode = c_obj.cli2node(cli) if newnode: c_obj.node.parentNode.replaceChild(newnode,c_obj.node) c_obj.node.unlink() def rename_rscref_rset(c_obj,old_id,new_id): c_modified = False d = {} for rref in c_obj.node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref"): rsc_id = rref.getAttribute("id") if rsc_id == old_id: rref.setAttribute("id", new_id) rsc_id = new_id c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True if not rsc_id in d: d[rsc_id] = 0 else: d[rsc_id] += 1 rset_uniq(c_obj,d) # if only two resource references remained then, to preserve # sanity, convert it to a simple constraint (sigh) cnt = 0 for key in d: cnt += d[key] if cnt == 2: rset_convert(c_obj) return c_modified def rename_rscref(c_obj,old_id,new_id): if rename_rscref_simple(c_obj,old_id,new_id) or \ rename_rscref_rset(c_obj,old_id,new_id): err_buf.info("resource references in %s updated" % c_obj.obj_string()) def delete_rscref(c_obj,rsc_id): return delete_rscref_simple(c_obj,rsc_id) or \ delete_rscref_rset(c_obj,rsc_id) def silly_constraint(c_node,rsc_id): ''' Remove a constraint from rsc_id to rsc_id. Or an invalid one. ''' if c_node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref"): # it's a resource set # the resource sets have already been uniq-ed return len(c_node.getElementsByTagName("resource_ref")) <= 1 cnt = 0 # total count of referenced resources have to be at least two rsc_cnt = 0 for attr in c_node.attributes.keys(): if attr in vars.constraint_rsc_refs: cnt += 1 if c_node.getAttribute(attr) == rsc_id: rsc_cnt += 1 if c_node.tagName == "rsc_location": # locations are never silly return cnt < 1 else: return rsc_cnt == 2 or cnt < 2 def get_rsc_children_ids(node): return [x.getAttribute("id") \ for x in node.childNodes if is_child_rsc(x)] def get_rscop_defaults_meta_node(node): for c in node.childNodes: if not is_element(c) or c.tagName != "meta_attributes": continue return c return None def new_cib(): doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() cib = doc.createElement("cib") doc.appendChild(cib) configuration = doc.createElement("configuration") cib.appendChild(configuration) for name in vars.req_sections: node = doc.createElement(name) configuration.appendChild(node) return doc def get_topnode(doc, tag): "Get configuration element or create/append if there's none." try: e = doc.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0] except: e = doc.createElement(tag) conf = doc.getElementsByTagName("configuration")[0] if conf: conf.appendChild(e) else: return None return e def new_cib_element(node,tagname,id_pfx): base_id = node.getAttribute("id") newnode = node.ownerDocument.createElement(tagname) newnode.setAttribute("id", "%s-%s" % (base_id,id_pfx)) node.appendChild(newnode) return newnode def get_attr_in_set(node,attr): for c in node.childNodes: if not is_element(c): continue if c.tagName == "nvpair" and c.getAttribute("name") == attr: return c return None def set_attr(node,attr,value): ''' Set an attribute in the attribute set. ''' nvpair = get_attr_in_set(node,attr) if not nvpair: nvpair = new_cib_element(node,"nvpair",attr) nvpair.setAttribute("name",attr) nvpair.setAttribute("value",value) def get_set_nodes(node,setname,create = 0): 'Return the attributes set nodes (create one if requested)' l = [] for c in node.childNodes: if not is_element(c): continue if c.tagName == setname: l.append(c) if l: return l if create: l.append(new_cib_element(node,setname,setname)) return l def xml_cmp(n, m, show = False): rc = hash(n.toxml()) == hash(m.toxml()) if not rc and show and user_prefs.get_debug(): print "original:",n.toprettyxml() print "processed:",m.toprettyxml() return hash(n.toxml()) == hash(m.toxml()) def merge_nvpairs(dnode,snode): rc = False add_children = [] for c in snode.childNodes: if not is_element(c): continue if c.tagName == "nvpair": dc = lookup_node(c,dnode) if dc: dc.setAttribute("value",c.getAttribute("value")) else: add_children.append(c) rc = True for c in add_children: dnode.appendChild(c) return rc def merge_nodes(dnode,snode): ''' Import elements from snode into dnode. If an element is attributes set (vars.nvpairs_tags), then merge nvpairs by the name attribute. Otherwise, replace the whole element. (TBD) ''' #print "1:",dnode.toprettyxml() #print "2:",snode.toprettyxml() #vars.nvpairs_tags rc = False # any changes done? if not dnode or not snode: return rc for c in snode.childNodes: dc = lookup_node(c,dnode) if not dc: if c.tagName in vars.nvpairs_tags: dnode.appendChild(c) rc = True continue if dc.tagName in vars.nvpairs_tags: rc = rc or merge_nvpairs(dc,c) return rc user_prefs = UserPrefs.getInstance() vars = Vars.getInstance() # vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: