diff --git a/attrd/commands.c b/attrd/commands.c index c6586c735d..9e656d862c 100644 --- a/attrd/commands.c +++ b/attrd/commands.c @@ -1,1027 +1,1032 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2013 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ATTRD_PROTOCOL_VERSION "1" int last_cib_op_done = 0; char *peer_writer = NULL; GHashTable *attributes = NULL; typedef struct attribute_s { char *uuid; /* TODO: Remove if at all possible */ char *id; char *set; GHashTable *values; int update; int timeout_ms; /* TODO: refactor these three as a bitmask */ bool changed; /* whether attribute value has changed since last write */ bool unknown_peer_uuids; /* whether we know we're missing a peer uuid */ gboolean is_private; /* whether to keep this attribute out of the CIB */ mainloop_timer_t *timer; char *user; } attribute_t; typedef struct attribute_value_s { uint32_t nodeid; gboolean is_remote; char *nodename; char *current; char *requested; char *stored; } attribute_value_t; void write_attribute(attribute_t *a); void write_or_elect_attribute(attribute_t *a); void attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter); void attrd_peer_sync(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml); void attrd_peer_remove(uint32_t nodeid, const char *host, gboolean uncache, const char *source); static gboolean send_attrd_message(crm_node_t * node, xmlNode * data) { crm_xml_add(data, F_TYPE, T_ATTRD); crm_xml_add(data, F_ATTRD_IGNORE_LOCALLY, "atomic-version"); /* Tell older versions to ignore our messages */ crm_xml_add(data, F_ATTRD_VERSION, ATTRD_PROTOCOL_VERSION); crm_xml_add_int(data, F_ATTRD_WRITER, election_state(writer)); return send_cluster_message(node, crm_msg_attrd, data, TRUE); } static gboolean attribute_timer_cb(gpointer data) { attribute_t *a = data; crm_trace("Dampen interval expired for %s in state %d", a->id, election_state(writer)); write_or_elect_attribute(a); return FALSE; } static void free_attribute_value(gpointer data) { attribute_value_t *v = data; free(v->nodename); free(v->current); free(v->requested); free(v->stored); free(v); } void free_attribute(gpointer data) { attribute_t *a = data; if(a) { free(a->id); free(a->set); free(a->uuid); free(a->user); mainloop_timer_del(a->timer); g_hash_table_destroy(a->values); free(a); } } static xmlNode * build_attribute_xml( xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const char *set, const char *uuid, unsigned int timeout_ms, const char *user, gboolean is_private, const char *peer, uint32_t peerid, const char *value) { xmlNode *xml = create_xml_node(parent, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE, name); crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_SET, set); crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_KEY, uuid); crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_USER, user); crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST, peer); crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, peerid); crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE, value); crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_DAMPEN, timeout_ms/1000); crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_IS_PRIVATE, is_private); return xml; } static attribute_t * create_attribute(xmlNode *xml) { int dampen = 0; const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_DAMPEN); attribute_t *a = calloc(1, sizeof(attribute_t)); a->id = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE); a->set = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_SET); a->uuid = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_KEY); a->values = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, NULL, free_attribute_value); crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_IS_PRIVATE, &a->is_private); #if ENABLE_ACL crm_trace("Performing all %s operations as user '%s'", a->id, a->user); a->user = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_USER); #endif if(value) { dampen = crm_get_msec(value); crm_trace("Created attribute %s with delay %dms (%s)", a->id, dampen, value); } else { crm_trace("Created attribute %s with no delay", a->id); } if(dampen > 0) { a->timeout_ms = dampen; a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(a->id, a->timeout_ms, FALSE, attribute_timer_cb, a); } g_hash_table_replace(attributes, a->id, a); return a; } /*! * \internal * \brief Respond to a client peer-remove request (i.e. propagate to all peers) * * \param[in] client_name Name of client that made request (for log messages) * \param[in] xml Root of request XML * * \return void */ void attrd_client_peer_remove(const char *client_name, xmlNode *xml) { const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST); if (host) { crm_info("Client %s is requesting all values for %s be removed", client_name, host); send_attrd_message(NULL, xml); /* ends up at attrd_peer_message() */ } else { crm_info("Ignoring request by client %s to remove all peer values without specifying peer", client_name); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Respond to a client update request * * \param[in] xml Root of request XML * * \return void */ void attrd_client_update(xmlNode *xml) { attribute_t *a = NULL; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; char *key = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_KEY); char *set = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_SET); char *host = crm_element_value_copy(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST); const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE); const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE); const char *regex = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_REGEX); /* If a regex was specified, broadcast a message for each match */ if ((attr == NULL) && regex) { GHashTableIter aIter; regex_t *r_patt = calloc(1, sizeof(regex_t)); crm_debug("Setting %s to %s", regex, value); if (regcomp(r_patt, regex, REG_EXTENDED)) { crm_err("Bad regex '%s' for update", regex); } else { g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, (gpointer *) & attr, NULL)) { int status = regexec(r_patt, attr, 0, NULL, 0); if (status == 0) { crm_trace("Matched %s with %s", attr, regex); crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE, attr); send_attrd_message(NULL, xml); } } } free(key); free(set); free(host); regfree(r_patt); free(r_patt); return; } if (host == NULL) { crm_trace("Inferring host"); host = strdup(attrd_cluster->uname); crm_xml_add(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST, host); crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, attrd_cluster->nodeid); } a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr); /* If value was specified using ++ or += notation, expand to real value */ if (value) { int offset = 1; int int_value = 0; static const int plus_plus_len = 5; if ((strlen(value) >= (plus_plus_len + 2)) && (value[plus_plus_len] == '+') && ((value[plus_plus_len + 1] == '+') || (value[plus_plus_len + 1] == '='))) { if (a) { v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host); } if (v) { int_value = char2score(v->current); } if (value[plus_plus_len + 1] != '+') { const char *offset_s = value + (plus_plus_len + 2); offset = char2score(offset_s); } int_value += offset; if (int_value > INFINITY) { int_value = INFINITY; } crm_info("Expanded %s=%s to %d", attr, value, int_value); crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE, int_value); /* Replacing the value frees the previous memory, so re-query it */ value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE); } } if ((peer_writer == NULL) && (election_state(writer) != election_in_progress)) { crm_info("Starting an election to determine the writer"); election_vote(writer); } crm_debug("Broadcasting %s[%s] = %s%s", attr, host, value, ((election_state(writer) == election_won)? " (writer)" : "")); free(key); free(set); free(host); send_attrd_message(NULL, xml); /* ends up at attrd_peer_message() */ } /*! * \internal * \brief Respond to a client refresh request (i.e. write out all attributes) * * \return void */ void attrd_client_refresh(void) { GHashTableIter iter; attribute_t *a = NULL; /* 'refresh' forces a write of the current value of all attributes * Cancel any existing timers, we're writing it NOW */ g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) { mainloop_timer_stop(a->timer); } crm_info("Updating all attributes"); write_attributes(TRUE, FALSE); } /*! * \internal * \brief Build the XML reply to a client query * * param[in] attr Name of requested attribute * param[in] host Name of requested host (or NULL for all hosts) * * \return New XML reply * \note Caller is responsible for freeing the resulting XML */ static xmlNode *build_query_reply(const char *attr, const char *host) { xmlNode *reply = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); attribute_t *a; if (reply == NULL) { return NULL; } crm_xml_add(reply, F_TYPE, T_ATTRD); crm_xml_add(reply, F_ATTRD_VERSION, ATTRD_PROTOCOL_VERSION); /* If desired attribute exists, add its value(s) to the reply */ a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr); if (a) { attribute_value_t *v; xmlNode *host_value; crm_xml_add(reply, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE, attr); /* Allow caller to use "localhost" to refer to local node */ if (safe_str_eq(host, "localhost")) { host = attrd_cluster->uname; crm_trace("Mapped localhost to %s", host); } /* If a specific node was requested, add its value */ if (host) { v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host); host_value = create_xml_node(reply, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE); if (host_value == NULL) { free_xml(reply); return NULL; } crm_xml_add(host_value, F_ATTRD_HOST, host); crm_xml_add(host_value, F_ATTRD_VALUE, (v? v->current : NULL)); /* Otherwise, add all nodes' values */ } else { GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &v)) { host_value = create_xml_node(reply, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE); if (host_value == NULL) { free_xml(reply); return NULL; } crm_xml_add(host_value, F_ATTRD_HOST, v->nodename); crm_xml_add(host_value, F_ATTRD_VALUE, v->current); } } } return reply; } /*! * \internal * \brief Respond to a client query * * \param[in] client Who queried us * \param[in] query Root of query XML * * \return void */ void attrd_client_query(crm_client_t *client, uint32_t id, uint32_t flags, xmlNode *query) { const char *attr; const char *origin = crm_element_value(query, F_ORIG); ssize_t rc; xmlNode *reply; if (origin == NULL) { origin = "unknown client"; } crm_debug("Query arrived from %s", origin); /* Request must specify attribute name to query */ attr = crm_element_value(query, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE); if (attr == NULL) { crm_warn("Ignoring malformed query from %s (no attribute name given)", origin); return; } /* Build the XML reply */ reply = build_query_reply(attr, crm_element_value(query, F_ATTRD_HOST)); if (reply == NULL) { crm_err("Could not respond to query from %s: could not create XML reply", origin); return; } crm_log_xml_trace(reply, "Reply"); /* Send the reply to the client */ client->request_id = 0; if ((rc = crm_ipcs_send(client, id, reply, flags)) < 0) { crm_err("Could not respond to query from %s: %s (%d)", origin, pcmk_strerror(-rc), -rc); } free_xml(reply); } void attrd_peer_message(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml) { int peer_state = 0; const char *v = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VERSION); const char *op = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_TASK); const char *election_op = crm_element_value(xml, F_CRM_TASK); const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST); if(election_op) { enum election_result rc = 0; crm_xml_add(xml, F_CRM_HOST_FROM, peer->uname); rc = election_count_vote(writer, xml, TRUE); switch(rc) { case election_start: free(peer_writer); peer_writer = NULL; election_vote(writer); break; case election_lost: free(peer_writer); peer_writer = strdup(peer->uname); break; default: election_check(writer); break; } return; } else if(v == NULL) { /* From the non-atomic version */ if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE)) { const char *name = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE); crm_trace("Compatibility update of %s from %s", name, peer->uname); attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, FALSE); } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_FLUSH)) { const char *name = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE); attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, name); if(a) { crm_trace("Compatibility write-out of %s for %s from %s", a->id, op, peer->uname); write_or_elect_attribute(a); } } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_REFRESH)) { GHashTableIter aIter; attribute_t *a = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) { crm_trace("Compatibility write-out of %s for %s from %s", a->id, op, peer->uname); write_or_elect_attribute(a); } } } crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_WRITER, &peer_state); if(election_state(writer) == election_won && peer_state == election_won && safe_str_neq(peer->uname, attrd_cluster->uname)) { crm_notice("Detected another attribute writer: %s", peer->uname); election_vote(writer); } else if(peer_state == election_won) { if(peer_writer == NULL) { peer_writer = strdup(peer->uname); crm_notice("Recorded attribute writer: %s", peer->uname); } else if(safe_str_neq(peer->uname, peer_writer)) { crm_notice("Recorded new attribute writer: %s (was %s)", peer->uname, peer_writer); free(peer_writer); peer_writer = strdup(peer->uname); } } if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE)) { attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, FALSE); } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_SYNC)) { attrd_peer_sync(peer, xml); } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_PEER_REMOVE)) { int host_id = 0; char *endptr = NULL; host_id = strtol(host, &endptr, 10); if (errno != 0 || endptr == host || *endptr != '\0') { host_id = 0; } else { host = NULL; } attrd_peer_remove(host_id, host, TRUE, peer->uname); } else if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE) && safe_str_neq(peer->uname, attrd_cluster->uname)) { xmlNode *child = NULL; crm_notice("Processing %s from %s", op, peer->uname); for (child = __xml_first_child(xml); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { host = crm_element_value(child, F_ATTRD_HOST); attrd_peer_update(peer, child, host, TRUE); } } } void attrd_peer_sync(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml) { GHashTableIter aIter; GHashTableIter vIter; attribute_t *a = NULL; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE); g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) { crm_debug("Syncing %s[%s] = %s to %s", a->id, v->nodename, v->current, peer?peer->uname:"everyone"); build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private, v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current); } } crm_debug("Syncing values to %s", peer?peer->uname:"everyone"); send_attrd_message(peer, sync); free_xml(sync); } void attrd_peer_remove(uint32_t nodeid, const char *host, gboolean uncache, const char *source) { attribute_t *a = NULL; GHashTableIter aIter; crm_notice("Removing all %s attributes for %s", host, source); if(host == NULL) { return; } g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) { if(g_hash_table_remove(a->values, host)) { crm_debug("Removed %s[%s] for %s", a->id, host, source); } } if (uncache) { crm_remote_peer_cache_remove(host); reap_crm_member(nodeid, host); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Return host's hash table entry (creating one if needed) * * \param[in] values Hash table of values * \param[in] host Name of peer to look up * \param[in] xml XML describing the attribute * * \return Pointer to new or existing hash table entry */ static attribute_value_t * attrd_lookup_or_create_value(GHashTable *values, const char *host, xmlNode *xml) { attribute_value_t *v = g_hash_table_lookup(values, host); if (v == NULL) { v = calloc(1, sizeof(attribute_value_t)); CRM_ASSERT(v != NULL); v->nodename = strdup(host); CRM_ASSERT(v->nodename != NULL); crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_IS_REMOTE, &v->is_remote); if (v->is_remote == TRUE) { crm_remote_peer_cache_add(host); } g_hash_table_replace(values, v->nodename, v); } return(v); } void attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter) { bool changed = FALSE; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE); const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE); attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr); if(a == NULL) { a = create_attribute(xml); } if(host == NULL) { GHashTableIter vIter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values); crm_debug("Setting %s for all hosts to %s", attr, value); xml_remove_prop(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, (gpointer *) & host, NULL)) { attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, filter); } return; } v = attrd_lookup_or_create_value(a->values, host, xml); if(filter && safe_str_neq(v->current, value) && safe_str_eq(host, attrd_cluster->uname)) { xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); crm_notice("%s[%s]: local value '%s' takes priority over '%s' from %s", a->id, host, v->current, value, peer->uname); crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE); v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host); build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private, v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current); crm_xml_add_int(sync, F_ATTRD_WRITER, election_state(writer)); send_attrd_message(peer, sync); free_xml(sync); } else if(safe_str_neq(v->current, value)) { crm_info("Setting %s[%s]: %s -> %s from %s", attr, host, v->current, value, peer->uname); free(v->current); if(value) { v->current = strdup(value); } else { v->current = NULL; } changed = TRUE; } else { crm_trace("Unchanged %s[%s] from %s is %s", attr, host, peer->uname, value); } a->changed |= changed; if(changed) { if(a->timer) { crm_trace("Delayed write out (%dms) for %s", a->timeout_ms, a->id); mainloop_timer_start(a->timer); } else { write_or_elect_attribute(a); } } /* this only involves cluster nodes. */ if(v->nodeid == 0 && (v->is_remote == FALSE)) { if(crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, (int*)&v->nodeid) == 0) { /* Create the name/id association */ crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(v->nodeid, host); crm_trace("We know %s's node id now: %s", peer->uname, peer->uuid); if(election_state(writer) == election_won) { write_attributes(FALSE, TRUE); return; } } } } void write_or_elect_attribute(attribute_t *a) { enum election_result rc = election_state(writer); if(rc == election_won) { write_attribute(a); } else if(rc == election_in_progress) { crm_trace("Election in progress to determine who will write out %s", a->id); } else if(peer_writer == NULL) { crm_info("Starting an election to determine who will write out %s", a->id); election_vote(writer); } else { crm_trace("%s will write out %s, we are in state %d", peer_writer, a->id, rc); } } gboolean attrd_election_cb(gpointer user_data) { crm_trace("Election complete"); free(peer_writer); peer_writer = strdup(attrd_cluster->uname); /* Update the peers after an election */ attrd_peer_sync(NULL, NULL); /* Update the CIB after an election */ write_attributes(TRUE, FALSE); return FALSE; } void attrd_peer_change_cb(enum crm_status_type kind, crm_node_t *peer, const void *data) { if ((kind == crm_status_nstate) || (kind == crm_status_rstate)) { if (safe_str_eq(peer->state, CRM_NODE_MEMBER)) { - if ((election_state(writer) == election_won)) { + /* If we're the writer, send new peers a list of all attributes + * (unless it's a remote node, which doesn't run its own attrd) + */ + if ((election_state(writer) == election_won) + && !is_set(peer->flags, crm_remote_node)) { attrd_peer_sync(peer, NULL); } } else { + /* Remove all attribute values associated with lost nodes */ attrd_peer_remove(peer->id, peer->uname, FALSE, __FUNCTION__); if (peer_writer && safe_str_eq(peer->uname, peer_writer)) { free(peer_writer); peer_writer = NULL; crm_notice("Lost attribute writer %s", peer->uname); } } } } static void attrd_cib_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data) { int level = LOG_ERR; GHashTableIter iter; const char *peer = NULL; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; char *name = user_data; attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, name); if(a == NULL) { crm_info("Attribute %s no longer exists", name); goto done; } a->update = 0; if (rc == pcmk_ok && call_id < 0) { rc = call_id; } switch (rc) { case pcmk_ok: level = LOG_INFO; last_cib_op_done = call_id; break; case -pcmk_err_diff_failed: /* When an attr changes while the CIB is syncing */ case -ETIME: /* When an attr changes while there is a DC election */ case -ENXIO: /* When an attr changes while the CIB is syncing a * newer config from a node that just came up */ level = LOG_WARNING; break; } do_crm_log(level, "Update %d for %s: %s (%d)", call_id, name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & peer, (gpointer *) & v)) { do_crm_log(level, "Update %d for %s[%s]=%s: %s (%d)", call_id, a->id, peer, v->requested, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); if(rc == pcmk_ok) { free(v->stored); v->stored = v->requested; v->requested = NULL; } else { free(v->requested); v->requested = NULL; a->changed = TRUE; /* Attempt write out again */ } } done: if(a && a->changed && election_state(writer) == election_won) { write_attribute(a); } } void write_attributes(bool all, bool peer_discovered) { GHashTableIter iter; attribute_t *a = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) { if (peer_discovered && a->unknown_peer_uuids) { /* a new peer uuid has been discovered, try writing this attribute again. */ a->changed = TRUE; } if(all || a->changed) { write_attribute(a); } else { crm_debug("Skipping unchanged attribute %s", a->id); } } } static void build_update_element(xmlNode *parent, attribute_t *a, const char *nodeid, const char *value) { char *set = NULL; char *uuid = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; if(a->set) { set = strdup(a->set); } else { set = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, nodeid); } if(a->uuid) { uuid = strdup(a->uuid); } else { int lpc; uuid = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", set, a->id); /* Minimal attempt at sanitizing automatic IDs */ for (lpc = 0; uuid[lpc] != 0; lpc++) { switch (uuid[lpc]) { case ':': uuid[lpc] = '.'; } } } xml_obj = create_xml_node(parent, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, nodeid); xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, nodeid); xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, set); xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, uuid); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, a->id); if(value) { crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, value); } else { crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, ""); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, "__delete__", XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE); } free(uuid); free(set); } void write_attribute(attribute_t *a) { int private_updates = 0, cib_updates = 0; xmlNode *xml_top = NULL; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; enum cib_call_options flags = cib_quorum_override; if (a == NULL) { return; } /* If this attribute will be written to the CIB ... */ if (!a->is_private) { /* Defer the write if now's not a good time */ if (the_cib == NULL) { crm_info("Write out of '%s' delayed: cib not connected", a->id); return; } else if (a->update && (a->update < last_cib_op_done)) { crm_info("Write out of '%s' continuing: update %d considered lost", a->id, a->update); } else if (a->update) { crm_info("Write out of '%s' delayed: update %d in progress", a->id, a->update); return; } else if (mainloop_timer_running(a->timer)) { crm_info("Write out of '%s' delayed: timer is running", a->id); return; } /* Initialize the status update XML */ xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); } /* Attribute will be written shortly, so clear changed flag */ a->changed = FALSE; /* We will check all peers' uuids shortly, so initialize this to false */ a->unknown_peer_uuids = FALSE; /* Iterate over each peer value of this attribute */ g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) { crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer_full(v->nodeid, v->nodename, CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE|CRM_GET_PEER_CLUSTER); /* If the value's peer info does not correspond to a peer, ignore it */ if (peer == NULL) { crm_notice("Update error (peer not found): %s[%s]=%s failed (host=%p)", v->nodename, a->id, v->current, peer); continue; } /* If we're just learning the peer's node id, remember it */ if (peer->id && (v->nodeid == 0)) { crm_trace("Updating value's nodeid"); v->nodeid = peer->id; } /* If this is a private attribute, no update needs to be sent */ if (a->is_private) { private_updates++; continue; } /* If the peer is found, but its uuid is unknown, defer write */ if (peer->uuid == NULL) { a->unknown_peer_uuids = TRUE; crm_notice("Update error (unknown peer uuid, retry will be attempted once uuid is discovered): %s[%s]=%s failed (host=%p)", v->nodename, a->id, v->current, peer); continue; } /* Add this value to status update XML */ crm_debug("Update: %s[%s]=%s (%s %u %u %s)", v->nodename, a->id, v->current, peer->uuid, peer->id, v->nodeid, peer->uname); build_update_element(xml_top, a, peer->uuid, v->current); cib_updates++; free(v->requested); v->requested = NULL; if (v->current) { v->requested = strdup(v->current); } else { /* Older attrd versions don't know about the cib_mixed_update * flag so make sure it goes to the local cib which does */ flags |= cib_mixed_update|cib_scope_local; } } if (private_updates) { crm_info("Processed %d private change%s for %s, id=%s, set=%s", private_updates, ((private_updates == 1)? "" : "s"), a->id, (a->uuid? a->uuid : ""), a->set); } if (cib_updates) { crm_log_xml_trace(xml_top, __FUNCTION__); a->update = cib_internal_op(the_cib, CIB_OP_MODIFY, NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, xml_top, NULL, flags, a->user); crm_info("Sent update %d with %d changes for %s, id=%s, set=%s", a->update, cib_updates, a->id, (a->uuid? a->uuid : ""), a->set); the_cib->cmds->register_callback_full(the_cib, a->update, 120, FALSE, strdup(a->id), "attrd_cib_callback", attrd_cib_callback, free); } free_xml(xml_top); } diff --git a/crmd/callbacks.c b/crmd/callbacks.c index 38fb30b955..b780c43c59 100644 --- a/crmd/callbacks.c +++ b/crmd/callbacks.c @@ -1,297 +1,293 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void crmd_ha_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data); /* From join_dc... */ extern gboolean check_join_state(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, const char *source); void crmd_ha_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { crm_trace("Invoked"); if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_HA_DISCONNECTED)) { /* we signed out, so this is expected */ crm_info("Heartbeat disconnection complete"); return; } crm_crit("Lost connection to heartbeat service!"); register_fsa_input(C_HA_DISCONNECT, I_ERROR, NULL); trigger_fsa(fsa_source); } void crmd_ha_msg_filter(xmlNode * msg) { if (AM_I_DC) { const char *sys_from = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM); if (safe_str_eq(sys_from, CRM_SYSTEM_DC)) { const char *from = crm_element_value(msg, F_ORIG); if (safe_str_neq(from, fsa_our_uname)) { int level = LOG_INFO; const char *op = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_TASK); /* make sure the election happens NOW */ if (fsa_state != S_ELECTION) { ha_msg_input_t new_input; level = LOG_WARNING; new_input.msg = msg; register_fsa_error_adv(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION, NULL, &new_input, __FUNCTION__); } do_crm_log(level, "Another DC detected: %s (op=%s)", from, op); goto done; } } } else { const char *sys_to = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_SYS_TO); if (safe_str_eq(sys_to, CRM_SYSTEM_DC)) { return; } } /* crm_log_xml_trace("HA[inbound]", msg); */ route_message(C_HA_MESSAGE, msg); done: trigger_fsa(fsa_source); } #define state_text(state) ((state)? (const char *)(state) : "in unknown state") void peer_update_callback(enum crm_status_type type, crm_node_t * node, const void *data) { uint32_t old = 0; uint32_t changed = 0; bool appeared = FALSE; const char *status = NULL; - set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_PEER_DATA); + /* Crmd waits to receive some information from the membership layer before + * declaring itself operational. If this is being called for a cluster node, + * indicate that we have it. + */ + if (!is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) { + set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_PEER_DATA); + } + if (node->uname == NULL) { return; } switch (type) { case crm_status_uname: /* If we've never seen the node, then it also wont be in the status section */ crm_info("%s is now %s", node->uname, state_text(node->state)); return; case crm_status_rstate: crm_info("Remote node %s is now %s (was %s)", node->uname, state_text(node->state), state_text(data)); /* Keep going */ case crm_status_nstate: crm_info("%s is now %s (was %s)", node->uname, state_text(node->state), state_text(data)); if (safe_str_eq(data, node->state)) { /* State did not change */ return; } else if(safe_str_eq(CRM_NODE_MEMBER, node->state)) { - GListPtr gIter = stonith_cleanup_list; - appeared = TRUE; - - while (gIter != NULL) { - GListPtr tmp = gIter; - char *target = tmp->data; - - gIter = gIter->next; - if(safe_str_eq(node->uname, target)) { - crm_trace("Removing %s from the cleanup list", target); - stonith_cleanup_list = g_list_delete_link(stonith_cleanup_list, tmp); - free(target); - } + if (!is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) { + remove_stonith_cleanup(node->uname); } } crmd_notify_node_event(node); break; case crm_status_processes: if (data) { old = *(const uint32_t *)data; changed = node->processes ^ old; } status = (node->processes & proc_flags) ? ONLINESTATUS : OFFLINESTATUS; crm_info("Client %s/%s now has status [%s] (DC=%s, changed=%6x)", node->uname, peer2text(proc_flags), status, AM_I_DC ? "true" : crm_str(fsa_our_dc), changed); if ((changed & proc_flags) == 0) { /* Peer process did not change */ crm_trace("No change %6x %6x %6x", old, node->processes, proc_flags); return; } else if (is_not_set(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED)) { crm_trace("Not connected"); return; } else if (fsa_state == S_STOPPING) { crm_trace("Stopping"); return; } appeared = (node->processes & proc_flags) != 0; if (safe_str_eq(node->uname, fsa_our_uname) && (node->processes & proc_flags) == 0) { /* Did we get evicted? */ crm_notice("Our peer connection failed"); register_fsa_input(C_CRMD_STATUS_CALLBACK, I_ERROR, NULL); } else if (safe_str_eq(node->uname, fsa_our_dc) && crm_is_peer_active(node) == FALSE) { /* Did the DC leave us? */ crm_notice("Our peer on the DC (%s) is dead", fsa_our_dc); register_fsa_input(C_CRMD_STATUS_CALLBACK, I_ELECTION, NULL); if (compare_version(fsa_our_dc_version, "3.0.9") > 0) { erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local); } } else if(AM_I_DC && appeared == FALSE) { crm_info("Peer %s left us", node->uname); erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local); /* crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, node, crm_join_none); */ } break; } if (AM_I_DC) { xmlNode *update = NULL; int flags = node_update_peer; gboolean alive = crm_is_peer_active(node); crm_action_t *down = match_down_event(0, node->uuid, NULL, appeared); crm_trace("Alive=%d, appear=%d, down=%p", alive, appeared, down); if (alive && type == crm_status_processes) { register_fsa_input_before(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_NODE_JOIN, NULL); } if (down) { const char *task = crm_element_value(down->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); if (alive && safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) { crm_info("Node return implies stonith of %s (action %d) completed", node->uname, down->id); st_fail_count_reset(node->uname); erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local); erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local); /* down->confirmed = TRUE; Only stonith-ng returning should imply completion */ down->sent_update = TRUE; /* Prevent tengine_stonith_callback() from calling send_stonith_update() */ } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) { crm_trace("Waiting for stonithd to report the fencing of %s is complete", node->uname); /* via tengine_stonith_callback() */ } else if (alive == FALSE) { crm_notice("%s of %s (op %d) is complete", task, node->uname, down->id); /* down->confirmed = TRUE; Only stonith-ng returning should imply completion */ stop_te_timer(down->timer); flags |= node_update_join | node_update_expected; crmd_peer_down(node, FALSE); check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__); update_graph(transition_graph, down); trigger_graph(); } else { crm_trace("Other %p", down); } } else if (appeared == FALSE) { crm_notice("Stonith/shutdown of %s not matched", node->uname); crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, node, crm_join_none); check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__); abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Node failure", NULL); fail_incompletable_actions(transition_graph, node->uuid); } else { crm_trace("Other %p", down); } update = do_update_node_cib(node, flags, NULL, __FUNCTION__); fsa_cib_anon_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, cib_scope_local | cib_quorum_override | cib_can_create); free_xml(update); } trigger_fsa(fsa_source); } void crmd_cib_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { CRM_CHECK(user_data == fsa_cib_conn,;); crm_trace("Invoked"); trigger_fsa(fsa_source); fsa_cib_conn->state = cib_disconnected; if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED) == FALSE) { crm_info("Connection to the CIB terminated..."); return; } /* eventually this will trigger a reconnect, not a shutdown */ crm_err("Connection to the CIB terminated..."); register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED); return; } gboolean crm_fsa_trigger(gpointer user_data) { crm_trace("Invoked (queue len: %d)", g_list_length(fsa_message_queue)); s_crmd_fsa(C_FSA_INTERNAL); crm_trace("Exited (queue len: %d)", g_list_length(fsa_message_queue)); return TRUE; } diff --git a/crmd/cib.c b/crmd/cib.c index 41e9efbfcf..4502ebb162 100644 --- a/crmd/cib.c +++ b/crmd/cib.c @@ -1,242 +1,241 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for access */ #include /* for calls to open */ #include /* for calls to open */ #include /* for calls to open */ #include /* for getpwuid */ #include /* for initgroups */ #include /* for getrlimit */ #include /* for getrlimit */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct crm_subsystem_s *cib_subsystem = NULL; int cib_retries = 0; static void do_cib_updated(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { int rc = -1; int format= 1; xmlNode *patchset = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT); xmlNode *change = NULL; CRM_CHECK(msg != NULL, return); crm_element_value_int(msg, F_CIB_RC, &rc); if (rc < pcmk_ok) { crm_trace("Filter rc=%d (%s)", rc, pcmk_strerror(rc)); return; } crm_element_value_int(patchset, "format", &format); if (format == 1) { if (get_xpath_object ("//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//" XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, msg, LOG_TRACE) != NULL) { mainloop_set_trigger(config_read); } } else if (format == 2) { for (change = __xml_first_child(patchset); change != NULL; change = __xml_next(change)) { const char *xpath = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_PATH); if (xpath != NULL && strstr(xpath, "/" XML_TAG_CIB "/" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION "/" XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG "/")) { mainloop_set_trigger(config_read); break; } } } else { crm_warn("Unknown patch format: %d", format); } } static void revision_check_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data) { int cmp = -1; xmlNode *generation = NULL; const char *revision = NULL; if (rc != pcmk_ok) { fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL; register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); return; } generation = output; CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(generation), XML_TAG_CIB), crm_log_xml_err(output, __FUNCTION__); return); crm_trace("Checking our feature revision is allowed: %s", CIB_FEATURE_SET); revision = crm_element_value(generation, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); cmp = compare_version(revision, CRM_FEATURE_SET); if (cmp > 0) { crm_err("This build (%s) does not support the current resource configuration", PACEMAKER_VERSION); crm_err("We can only support up to CRM feature set %s (current=%s)", CRM_FEATURE_SET, revision); crm_err("Shutting down the CRM"); /* go into a stall state */ register_fsa_error_adv(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_SHUTDOWN, NULL, NULL, __FUNCTION__); return; } } static void do_cib_replaced(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { crm_debug("Updating the CIB after a replace: DC=%s", AM_I_DC ? "true" : "false"); if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) { return; } else if (fsa_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN && is_set(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_ASKED)) { /* no need to restart the join - we asked for this replace op */ return; } /* start the join process again so we get everyone's LRM status */ - populate_cib_nodes(node_update_quick | node_update_cluster | node_update_peer | node_update_join - | node_update_expected, __FUNCTION__); + populate_cib_nodes(node_update_quick|node_update_all, __FUNCTION__); register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION, NULL); } /* A_CIB_STOP, A_CIB_START, A_CIB_RESTART, */ void do_cib_control(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { struct crm_subsystem_s *this_subsys = cib_subsystem; long long stop_actions = A_CIB_STOP; long long start_actions = A_CIB_START; if (action & stop_actions) { if (fsa_cib_conn->state != cib_disconnected && last_resource_update != 0) { crm_info("Waiting for resource update %d to complete", last_resource_update); crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); return; } crm_info("Disconnecting CIB"); clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED); CRM_ASSERT(fsa_cib_conn != NULL); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->del_notify_callback(fsa_cib_conn, T_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY, do_cib_updated); if (fsa_cib_conn->state != cib_disconnected) { fsa_cib_conn->cmds->set_slave(fsa_cib_conn, cib_scope_local); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->signoff(fsa_cib_conn); } } if (action & start_actions) { int rc = pcmk_ok; CRM_ASSERT(fsa_cib_conn != NULL); if (cur_state == S_STOPPING) { crm_err("Ignoring request to start %s after shutdown", this_subsys->name); return; } rc = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->signon(fsa_cib_conn, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, cib_command_nonblocking); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { /* a short wait that usually avoids stalling the FSA */ sleep(1); rc = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->signon(fsa_cib_conn, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, cib_command_nonblocking); } if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_info("Could not connect to the CIB service: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); } else if (pcmk_ok != fsa_cib_conn->cmds->set_connection_dnotify(fsa_cib_conn, crmd_cib_connection_destroy)) { crm_err("Could not set dnotify callback"); } else if (pcmk_ok != fsa_cib_conn->cmds->add_notify_callback(fsa_cib_conn, T_CIB_REPLACE_NOTIFY, do_cib_replaced)) { crm_err("Could not set CIB notification callback (replace)"); } else if (pcmk_ok != fsa_cib_conn->cmds->add_notify_callback(fsa_cib_conn, T_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY, do_cib_updated)) { crm_err("Could not set CIB notification callback (update)"); } else { set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED); } if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED) == FALSE) { cib_retries++; crm_warn("Couldn't complete CIB registration %d" " times... pause and retry", cib_retries); if (cib_retries < 30) { crm_timer_start(wait_timer); crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); } else { crm_err("Could not complete CIB" " registration %d times..." " hard error", cib_retries); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); } } else { int call_id = 0; crm_info("CIB connection established"); call_id = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->query(fsa_cib_conn, NULL, NULL, cib_scope_local); fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, NULL, revision_check_callback); cib_retries = 0; } } } diff --git a/crmd/crmd_lrm.h b/crmd/crmd_lrm.h index 78432dff52..826ab1cf32 100644 --- a/crmd/crmd_lrm.h +++ b/crmd/crmd_lrm.h @@ -1,166 +1,164 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include extern gboolean verify_stopped(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level); extern void lrm_clear_last_failure(const char *rsc_id, const char *node_name); void lrm_op_callback(lrmd_event_data_t * op); typedef struct resource_history_s { char *id; uint32_t last_callid; lrmd_rsc_info_t rsc; lrmd_event_data_t *last; lrmd_event_data_t *failed; GList *recurring_op_list; /* Resources must be stopped using the same * parameters they were started with. This hashtable * holds the parameters that should be used for the next stop * cmd on this resource. */ GHashTable *stop_params; } rsc_history_t; void history_free(gpointer data); /* TDOD - Replace this with lrmd_event_data_t */ struct recurring_op_s { int call_id; int interval; gboolean remove; gboolean cancelled; unsigned int start_time; char *rsc_id; char *op_type; char *op_key; char *user_data; GHashTable *params; }; typedef struct lrm_state_s { const char *node_name; /* reserved for lrm_state.c usage only */ void *conn; /* reserved for remote_lrmd_ra.c usage only */ void *remote_ra_data; GHashTable *resource_history; GHashTable *pending_ops; GHashTable *deletion_ops; GHashTable *rsc_info_cache; int num_lrm_register_fails; } lrm_state_t; struct pending_deletion_op_s { char *rsc; ha_msg_input_t *input; }; -xmlNode *do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, gboolean is_replace); - /*! * \brief Is this the local ipc connection to the lrmd */ gboolean lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state_t *lrm_state); /*! * \brief Clear all state information from a single state entry. * \note This does not close the lrmd connection */ void lrm_state_reset_tables(lrm_state_t * lrm_state); GList *lrm_state_get_list(void); /*! * \brief Initiate internal state tables */ gboolean lrm_state_init_local(void); /*! * \brief Destroy all state entries and internal state tables */ void lrm_state_destroy_all(void); /*! * \brief Create lrmd connection entry. */ lrm_state_t *lrm_state_create(const char *node_name); /*! * \brief Destroy lrmd connection keyed of node name */ void lrm_state_destroy(const char *node_name); /*! * \brief Find lrm_state data by node name */ lrm_state_t *lrm_state_find(const char *node_name); /*! * \brief Either find or create a new entry */ lrm_state_t *lrm_state_find_or_create(const char *node_name); /*! * The functions below are wrappers for the lrmd api calls the crmd * uses. These wrapper functions allow us to treat the crmd's remote * lrmd connection resources the same as regular resources. Internally * Regular resources go to the lrmd, and remote connection resources are * handled locally in the crmd. */ void lrm_state_disconnect(lrm_state_t * lrm_state); int lrm_state_ipc_connect(lrm_state_t * lrm_state); int lrm_state_remote_connect_async(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *server, int port, int timeout); int lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state_t * lrm_state); int lrm_state_poke_connection(lrm_state_t * lrm_state); int lrm_state_get_metadata(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *class, const char *provider, const char *agent, char **output, enum lrmd_call_options options); int lrm_state_cancel(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *action, int interval); int lrm_state_exec(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *action, const char *userdata, int interval, /* ms */ int timeout, /* ms */ int start_delay, /* ms */ lrmd_key_value_t * params); lrmd_rsc_info_t *lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, enum lrmd_call_options options); int lrm_state_register_rsc(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *class, const char *provider, const char *agent, enum lrmd_call_options options); int lrm_state_unregister_rsc(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, enum lrmd_call_options options); /*! These functions are used to manage the remote lrmd connection resources */ void remote_lrm_op_callback(lrmd_event_data_t * op); gboolean is_remote_lrmd_ra(const char *agent, const char *provider, const char *id); lrmd_rsc_info_t *remote_ra_get_rsc_info(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id); int remote_ra_cancel(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *action, int interval); int remote_ra_exec(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *action, const char *userdata, int interval, /* ms */ int timeout, /* ms */ int start_delay, /* ms */ lrmd_key_value_t * params); void remote_ra_cleanup(lrm_state_t * lrm_state); xmlNode *simple_remote_node_status(const char *node_name, xmlNode *parent, const char *source); gboolean process_lrm_event(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t * op, struct recurring_op_s *pending); diff --git a/crmd/crmd_utils.h b/crmd/crmd_utils.h index 7e8c3e6b13..9ef7a71e5b 100644 --- a/crmd/crmd_utils.h +++ b/crmd/crmd_utils.h @@ -1,132 +1,129 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef CRMD_UTILS__H # define CRMD_UTILS__H # include # include # include /* For CIB_OP_MODIFY */ # include "notify.h" # define CLIENT_EXIT_WAIT 30 # define FAKE_TE_ID "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" # define fsa_cib_delete(section, data, options, call_id, user_name) \ if(fsa_cib_conn != NULL) { \ call_id = cib_internal_op( \ fsa_cib_conn, CIB_OP_DELETE, NULL, section, data, \ NULL, options, user_name); \ \ } else { \ crm_err("No CIB connection available"); \ } # define fsa_cib_update(section, data, options, call_id, user_name) \ if(fsa_cib_conn != NULL) { \ call_id = cib_internal_op( \ fsa_cib_conn, CIB_OP_MODIFY, NULL, section, data, \ NULL, options, user_name); \ \ } else { \ crm_err("No CIB connection available"); \ } # define fsa_cib_anon_update(section, data, options) \ if(fsa_cib_conn != NULL) { \ fsa_cib_conn->cmds->modify( \ fsa_cib_conn, section, data, options); \ \ } else { \ crm_err("No CIB connection available"); \ } extern gboolean fsa_has_quorum; extern int last_peer_update; extern int last_resource_update; enum node_update_flags { node_update_none = 0x0000, node_update_quick = 0x0001, node_update_cluster = 0x0010, node_update_peer = 0x0020, node_update_join = 0x0040, node_update_expected = 0x0100, + node_update_all = node_update_cluster|node_update_peer|node_update_join|node_update_expected, }; gboolean crm_timer_stop(fsa_timer_t * timer); gboolean crm_timer_start(fsa_timer_t * timer); gboolean crm_timer_popped(gpointer data); gboolean is_timer_started(fsa_timer_t * timer); -xmlNode *create_node_state(const char *uname, const char *in_cluster, - const char *is_peer, const char *join_state, - const char *exp_state, gboolean clear_shutdown, const char *src); - int crmd_exit(int rc); int crmd_fast_exit(int rc); gboolean stop_subsystem(struct crm_subsystem_s *centry, gboolean force_quit); gboolean start_subsystem(struct crm_subsystem_s *centry); void fsa_dump_actions(long long action, const char *text); void fsa_dump_inputs(int log_level, const char *text, long long input_register); gboolean update_dc(xmlNode * msg); void crm_update_peer_join(const char *source, crm_node_t * node, enum crm_join_phase phase); xmlNode *do_update_node_cib(crm_node_t * node, int flags, xmlNode * parent, const char *source); void populate_cib_nodes(enum node_update_flags flags, const char *source); void crm_update_quorum(gboolean quorum, gboolean force_update); void erase_status_tag(const char *uname, const char *tag, int options); void update_attrd(const char *host, const char *name, const char *value, const char *user_name, gboolean is_remote_node); void update_attrd_remote_node_removed(const char *host, const char *user_name); int crmd_join_phase_count(enum crm_join_phase phase); void crmd_join_phase_log(int level); const char *get_timer_desc(fsa_timer_t * timer); gboolean too_many_st_failures(void); void st_fail_count_reset(const char * target); void crmd_peer_down(crm_node_t *peer, bool full); /* Convenience macro for registering a CIB callback * (assumes that data can be freed with free()) */ # define fsa_register_cib_callback(id, flag, data, fn) do { \ CRM_ASSERT(fsa_cib_conn); \ fsa_cib_conn->cmds->register_callback_full( \ fsa_cib_conn, id, 10 * (1 + crm_active_peers()), \ flag, data, #fn, fn, free); \ } while(0) # define start_transition(state) do { \ switch(state) { \ case S_TRANSITION_ENGINE: \ register_fsa_action(A_TE_CANCEL); \ break; \ case S_POLICY_ENGINE: \ case S_IDLE: \ register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_PE_CALC, NULL); \ break; \ default: \ crm_debug("NOT starting a new transition in state %s", \ fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); \ break; \ } \ } while(0) #endif diff --git a/crmd/election.c b/crmd/election.c index adab4e3a7c..dee475069b 100644 --- a/crmd/election.c +++ b/crmd/election.c @@ -1,279 +1,267 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define STORM_INTERVAL 2 /* in seconds */ #define STORM_MULTIPLIER 5 /* multiplied by the number of nodes */ /* A_ELECTION_VOTE */ void do_election_vote(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { gboolean not_voting = FALSE; /* don't vote if we're in one of these states or wanting to shut down */ switch (cur_state) { case S_STARTING: case S_RECOVERY: case S_STOPPING: case S_TERMINATE: crm_warn("Not voting in election, we're in state %s", fsa_state2string(cur_state)); not_voting = TRUE; break; case S_ELECTION: case S_INTEGRATION: case S_RELEASE_DC: break; default: crm_err("Broken? Voting in state %s", fsa_state2string(cur_state)); break; } if (not_voting == FALSE) { if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_STARTING)) { not_voting = TRUE; } } if (not_voting) { if (AM_I_DC) { register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_RELEASE_DC, NULL); } else { register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_PENDING, NULL); } return; } election_vote(fsa_election); return; } void do_election_check(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { if (fsa_state != S_ELECTION) { crm_debug("Ignore election check: we not in an election"); } else if(election_check(fsa_election)) { register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION_DC, NULL); } return; } #define loss_dampen 2 /* in seconds */ /* A_ELECTION_COUNT */ void do_election_count_vote(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { enum election_result rc = 0; ha_msg_input_t *vote = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg); if(crm_peer_cache == NULL) { if(is_not_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) { crm_err("Internal error, no peer cache"); } return; } rc = election_count_vote(fsa_election, vote->msg, cur_state != S_STARTING); switch(rc) { case election_start: election_reset(fsa_election); register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION, NULL); break; case election_lost: update_dc(NULL); if (fsa_input_register & R_THE_DC) { register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_RELEASE_DC, NULL); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->set_slave(fsa_cib_conn, cib_scope_local); } else if (cur_state != S_STARTING) { register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_PENDING, NULL); } break; case election_in_progress: break; default: crm_err("Unhandled election result: %d", rc); } } /* A_ELECT_TIMER_START, A_ELECTION_TIMEOUT */ /* we won */ void do_election_timer_ctrl(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { } static void feature_update_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data) { if (rc != pcmk_ok) { fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL; crm_notice("Update failed: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); } } /* A_DC_TAKEOVER */ void do_dc_takeover(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *cib = NULL; - GListPtr gIter = NULL; const char *cluster_type = name_for_cluster_type(get_cluster_type()); const char *watchdog = NULL; crm_info("Taking over DC status for this partition"); set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_THE_DC); - - for (gIter = stonith_cleanup_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { - char *target = gIter->data; - crm_node_t *target_node = crm_get_peer(0, target); - const char *uuid = crm_peer_uuid(target_node); - - crm_notice("Marking %s, target of a previous stonith action, as clean", target); - send_stonith_update(NULL, target, uuid); - free(target); - } - g_list_free(stonith_cleanup_list); - stonith_cleanup_list = NULL; + execute_stonith_cleanup(); #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC if (is_classic_ais_cluster()) { send_cluster_text(crm_class_quorum, NULL, TRUE, NULL, crm_msg_ais); } #endif election_reset(fsa_election); set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_JOIN_OK); set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_INVOKE_PE); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->set_master(fsa_cib_conn, cib_scope_local); cib = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_CIB); crm_xml_add(cib, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, CRM_FEATURE_SET); fsa_cib_update(XML_TAG_CIB, cib, cib_quorum_override, rc, NULL); fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, feature_update_callback); watchdog = daemon_option("watchdog"); if (watchdog) { update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_ATTR_HAVE_WATCHDOG, watchdog, FALSE, NULL, NULL); } update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "dc-version", PACEMAKER_VERSION "-" BUILD_VERSION, FALSE, NULL, NULL); update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "cluster-infrastructure", cluster_type, FALSE, NULL, NULL); #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC # if !SUPPORT_PLUGIN if (fsa_cluster_name == NULL && is_corosync_cluster()) { char *cluster_name = corosync_cluster_name(); if (cluster_name) { update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "cluster-name", cluster_name, FALSE, NULL, NULL); } free(cluster_name); } # endif #endif mainloop_set_trigger(config_read); free_xml(cib); } /* A_DC_RELEASE */ void do_dc_release(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { if (action & A_DC_RELEASE) { crm_debug("Releasing the role of DC"); clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_THE_DC); } else if (action & A_DC_RELEASED) { crm_info("DC role released"); #if 0 if (are there errors) { /* we cant stay up if not healthy */ /* or perhaps I_ERROR and go to S_RECOVER? */ result = I_SHUTDOWN; } #endif if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) { xmlNode *update = NULL; crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(0, fsa_our_uname); crm_update_peer_expected(__FUNCTION__, node, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN); update = do_update_node_cib(node, node_update_expected, NULL, __FUNCTION__); fsa_cib_anon_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, cib_scope_local | cib_quorum_override | cib_can_create); free_xml(update); } register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_RELEASE_SUCCESS, NULL); } else { crm_err("Unknown action %s", fsa_action2string(action)); } crm_trace("Am I still the DC? %s", AM_I_DC ? XML_BOOLEAN_YES : XML_BOOLEAN_NO); } diff --git a/crmd/fsa.c b/crmd/fsa.c index a3b3a90e8c..cf54d193e8 100644 --- a/crmd/fsa.c +++ b/crmd/fsa.c @@ -1,686 +1,675 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char *fsa_our_dc = NULL; cib_t *fsa_cib_conn = NULL; char *fsa_our_dc_version = NULL; char *fsa_our_uuid = NULL; char *fsa_our_uname = NULL; char *fsa_cluster_name = NULL; #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT ll_cluster_t *fsa_cluster_conn; #endif election_t *fsa_election = NULL; fsa_timer_t *wait_timer = NULL; /* How long to wait before retrying to connect to the cib/lrmd/ccm */ fsa_timer_t *recheck_timer = NULL; /* Periodically re-run the PE to account for time based rules/preferences */ fsa_timer_t *election_trigger = NULL; /* How long to wait at startup, or after an election, for the DC to make contact */ fsa_timer_t *transition_timer = NULL; /* How long to delay the start of a new transition with the expectation something else might happen too */ fsa_timer_t *integration_timer = NULL; fsa_timer_t *finalization_timer = NULL; fsa_timer_t *shutdown_escalation_timer = NULL; /* How long to wait for the DC to stop all resources and give us the all-clear to shut down */ volatile gboolean do_fsa_stall = FALSE; volatile long long fsa_input_register = 0; volatile long long fsa_actions = A_NOTHING; volatile enum crmd_fsa_state fsa_state = S_STARTING; extern uint highest_born_on; extern uint num_join_invites; extern void initialize_join(gboolean before); #define DOT_PREFIX "actions:trace: " #define do_dot_log(fmt, args...) crm_trace( fmt, ##args) long long do_state_transition(long long actions, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_state next_state, fsa_data_t * msg_data); void dump_rsc_info(void); void dump_rsc_info_callback(const xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data); void ghash_print_node(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); void s_crmd_fsa_actions(fsa_data_t * fsa_data); void log_fsa_input(fsa_data_t * stored_msg); void init_dotfile(void); void init_dotfile(void) { do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX "digraph \"g\" {"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " size = \"30,30\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " graph ["); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontsize = \"12\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontname = \"Times-Roman\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontcolor = \"black\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " bb = \"0,0,398.922306,478.927856\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " color = \"black\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " ]"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " node ["); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontsize = \"12\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontname = \"Times-Roman\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontcolor = \"black\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " shape = \"ellipse\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " color = \"black\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " ]"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " edge ["); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontsize = \"12\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontname = \"Times-Roman\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontcolor = \"black\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " color = \"black\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " ]"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX "// special nodes"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " \"S_PENDING\" "); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " ["); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " color = \"blue\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontcolor = \"blue\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " ]"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " \"S_TERMINATE\" "); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " ["); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " color = \"red\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " fontcolor = \"red\""); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " ]"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX "// DC only nodes"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " \"S_INTEGRATION\" [ fontcolor = \"green\" ]"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " \"S_POLICY_ENGINE\" [ fontcolor = \"green\" ]"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " \"S_TRANSITION_ENGINE\" [ fontcolor = \"green\" ]"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " \"S_RELEASE_DC\" [ fontcolor = \"green\" ]"); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX " \"S_IDLE\" [ fontcolor = \"green\" ]"); } static void do_fsa_action(fsa_data_t * fsa_data, long long an_action, void (*function) (long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)) { fsa_actions &= ~an_action; crm_trace(DOT_PREFIX "\t// %s", fsa_action2string(an_action)); function(an_action, fsa_data->fsa_cause, fsa_state, fsa_data->fsa_input, fsa_data); } static long long startup_actions = A_STARTUP | A_CIB_START | A_LRM_CONNECT | A_CCM_CONNECT | A_HA_CONNECT | A_READCONFIG | A_STARTED | A_CL_JOIN_QUERY; enum crmd_fsa_state s_crmd_fsa(enum crmd_fsa_cause cause) { fsa_data_t *fsa_data = NULL; long long register_copy = fsa_input_register; long long new_actions = A_NOTHING; enum crmd_fsa_state last_state; crm_trace("FSA invoked with Cause: %s\tState: %s", fsa_cause2string(cause), fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); fsa_dump_actions(fsa_actions, "Initial"); do_fsa_stall = FALSE; if (is_message() == FALSE && fsa_actions != A_NOTHING) { /* fake the first message so we can get into the loop */ fsa_data = calloc(1, sizeof(fsa_data_t)); fsa_data->fsa_input = I_NULL; fsa_data->fsa_cause = C_FSA_INTERNAL; fsa_data->origin = __FUNCTION__; fsa_data->data_type = fsa_dt_none; fsa_message_queue = g_list_append(fsa_message_queue, fsa_data); fsa_data = NULL; } while (is_message() && do_fsa_stall == FALSE) { crm_trace("Checking messages (%d remaining)", g_list_length(fsa_message_queue)); fsa_data = get_message(); if(fsa_data == NULL) { continue; } log_fsa_input(fsa_data); /* add any actions back to the queue */ fsa_actions |= fsa_data->actions; fsa_dump_actions(fsa_data->actions, "Restored actions"); /* get the next batch of actions */ new_actions = crmd_fsa_actions[fsa_data->fsa_input][fsa_state]; fsa_actions |= new_actions; fsa_dump_actions(new_actions, "New actions"); if (fsa_data->fsa_input != I_NULL && fsa_data->fsa_input != I_ROUTER) { crm_debug("Processing %s: [ state=%s cause=%s origin=%s ]", fsa_input2string(fsa_data->fsa_input), fsa_state2string(fsa_state), fsa_cause2string(fsa_data->fsa_cause), fsa_data->origin); } /* logging : *before* the state is changed */ if (is_set(fsa_actions, A_ERROR)) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_ERROR, do_log); } if (is_set(fsa_actions, A_WARN)) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_WARN, do_log); } if (is_set(fsa_actions, A_LOG)) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_LOG, do_log); } /* update state variables */ last_state = fsa_state; fsa_state = crmd_fsa_state[fsa_data->fsa_input][fsa_state]; /* * Remove certain actions during shutdown */ if (fsa_state == S_STOPPING || ((fsa_input_register & R_SHUTDOWN) == R_SHUTDOWN)) { clear_bit(fsa_actions, startup_actions); } /* * Hook for change of state. * Allows actions to be added or removed when entering a state */ if (last_state != fsa_state) { fsa_actions = do_state_transition(fsa_actions, last_state, fsa_state, fsa_data); } else { do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX "\t// FSA input: State=%s \tCause=%s" " \tInput=%s \tOrigin=%s() \tid=%d", fsa_state2string(fsa_state), fsa_cause2string(fsa_data->fsa_cause), fsa_input2string(fsa_data->fsa_input), fsa_data->origin, fsa_data->id); } /* start doing things... */ s_crmd_fsa_actions(fsa_data); delete_fsa_input(fsa_data); fsa_data = NULL; } if (g_list_length(fsa_message_queue) > 0 || fsa_actions != A_NOTHING || do_fsa_stall) { crm_debug("Exiting the FSA: queue=%d, fsa_actions=0x%llx, stalled=%s", g_list_length(fsa_message_queue), fsa_actions, do_fsa_stall ? "true" : "false"); } else { crm_trace("Exiting the FSA"); } /* cleanup inputs? */ if (register_copy != fsa_input_register) { long long same = register_copy & fsa_input_register; fsa_dump_inputs(LOG_DEBUG, "Added", fsa_input_register ^ same); fsa_dump_inputs(LOG_DEBUG, "Removed", register_copy ^ same); } fsa_dump_actions(fsa_actions, "Remaining"); fsa_dump_queue(LOG_DEBUG); return fsa_state; } void s_crmd_fsa_actions(fsa_data_t * fsa_data) { /* * Process actions in order of priority but do only one * action at a time to avoid complicating the ordering. */ CRM_CHECK(fsa_data != NULL, return); while (fsa_actions != A_NOTHING && do_fsa_stall == FALSE) { /* regular action processing in order of action priority * * Make sure all actions that connect to required systems * are performed first */ if (fsa_actions & A_ERROR) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_ERROR, do_log); } else if (fsa_actions & A_WARN) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_WARN, do_log); } else if (fsa_actions & A_LOG) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_LOG, do_log); /* get out of here NOW! before anything worse happens */ } else if (fsa_actions & A_EXIT_1) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_EXIT_1, do_exit); /* sub-system restart */ } else if ((fsa_actions & O_LRM_RECONNECT) == O_LRM_RECONNECT) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, O_LRM_RECONNECT, do_lrm_control); } else if ((fsa_actions & O_CIB_RESTART) == O_CIB_RESTART) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, O_CIB_RESTART, do_cib_control); } else if ((fsa_actions & O_PE_RESTART) == O_PE_RESTART) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, O_PE_RESTART, do_pe_control); } else if ((fsa_actions & O_TE_RESTART) == O_TE_RESTART) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, O_TE_RESTART, do_te_control); /* essential start tasks */ } else if (fsa_actions & A_STARTUP) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_STARTUP, do_startup); } else if (fsa_actions & A_CIB_START) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_CIB_START, do_cib_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_HA_CONNECT) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_HA_CONNECT, do_ha_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_READCONFIG) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_READCONFIG, do_read_config); /* sub-system start/connect */ } else if (fsa_actions & A_LRM_CONNECT) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_LRM_CONNECT, do_lrm_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_CCM_CONNECT) { #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_CCM_CONNECT, do_ccm_control); } #endif fsa_actions &= ~A_CCM_CONNECT; } else if (fsa_actions & A_TE_START) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_TE_START, do_te_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_PE_START) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_PE_START, do_pe_control); /* Timers */ /* else if(fsa_actions & O_DC_TIMER_RESTART) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, O_DC_TIMER_RESTART, do_timer_control) */ ; } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_TIMER_STOP) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_TIMER_STOP, do_timer_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_STOP) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_STOP, do_timer_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_START) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_START, do_timer_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_FINALIZE_TIMER_STOP) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_FINALIZE_TIMER_STOP, do_timer_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_FINALIZE_TIMER_START) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_FINALIZE_TIMER_START, do_timer_control); /* * Highest priority actions */ } else if (fsa_actions & A_MSG_ROUTE) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_MSG_ROUTE, do_msg_route); } else if (fsa_actions & A_RECOVER) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_RECOVER, do_recover); } else if (fsa_actions & A_CL_JOIN_RESULT) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_CL_JOIN_RESULT, do_cl_join_finalize_respond); } else if (fsa_actions & A_CL_JOIN_REQUEST) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_CL_JOIN_REQUEST, do_cl_join_offer_respond); } else if (fsa_actions & A_SHUTDOWN_REQ) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_SHUTDOWN_REQ, do_shutdown_req); } else if (fsa_actions & A_ELECTION_VOTE) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_ELECTION_VOTE, do_election_vote); } else if (fsa_actions & A_ELECTION_COUNT) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_ELECTION_COUNT, do_election_count_vote); } else if (fsa_actions & A_LRM_EVENT) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_LRM_EVENT, do_lrm_event); /* * High priority actions */ } else if (fsa_actions & A_STARTED) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_STARTED, do_started); } else if (fsa_actions & A_CL_JOIN_QUERY) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_CL_JOIN_QUERY, do_cl_join_query); } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_TIMER_START) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_TIMER_START, do_timer_control); /* * Medium priority actions * - Membership */ } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_TAKEOVER) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_TAKEOVER, do_dc_takeover); } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_RELEASE) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_RELEASE, do_dc_release); } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_JOIN_FINAL) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_JOIN_FINAL, do_dc_join_final); } else if (fsa_actions & A_ELECTION_CHECK) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_ELECTION_CHECK, do_election_check); } else if (fsa_actions & A_ELECTION_START) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_ELECTION_START, do_election_vote); } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ALL) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ALL, do_dc_join_offer_all); } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ONE) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ONE, do_dc_join_offer_one); } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_REQ) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_REQ, do_dc_join_filter_offer); } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_ACK) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_ACK, do_dc_join_ack); } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_JOIN_FINALIZE) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_JOIN_FINALIZE, do_dc_join_finalize); } else if (fsa_actions & A_CL_JOIN_ANNOUNCE) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_CL_JOIN_ANNOUNCE, do_cl_join_announce); /* * Low(er) priority actions * Make sure the CIB is always updated before invoking the * PE, and the PE before the TE */ } else if (fsa_actions & A_TE_HALT) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_TE_HALT, do_te_invoke); } else if (fsa_actions & A_TE_CANCEL) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_TE_CANCEL, do_te_invoke); } else if (fsa_actions & A_LRM_INVOKE) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_LRM_INVOKE, do_lrm_invoke); } else if (fsa_actions & A_PE_INVOKE) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_PE_INVOKE, do_pe_invoke); } else if (fsa_actions & A_TE_INVOKE) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_TE_INVOKE, do_te_invoke); /* Shutdown actions */ } else if (fsa_actions & A_DC_RELEASED) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_DC_RELEASED, do_dc_release); } else if (fsa_actions & A_PE_STOP) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_PE_STOP, do_pe_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_TE_STOP) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_TE_STOP, do_te_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_SHUTDOWN) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_SHUTDOWN, do_shutdown); } else if (fsa_actions & A_LRM_DISCONNECT) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_LRM_DISCONNECT, do_lrm_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_CCM_DISCONNECT) { #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_CCM_DISCONNECT, do_ccm_control); } #endif fsa_actions &= ~A_CCM_DISCONNECT; } else if (fsa_actions & A_HA_DISCONNECT) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_HA_DISCONNECT, do_ha_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_CIB_STOP) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_CIB_STOP, do_cib_control); } else if (fsa_actions & A_STOP) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_STOP, do_stop); /* exit gracefully */ } else if (fsa_actions & A_EXIT_0) { do_fsa_action(fsa_data, A_EXIT_0, do_exit); /* Error checking and reporting */ } else { crm_err("Action %s (0x%llx) not supported ", fsa_action2string(fsa_actions), fsa_actions); register_fsa_error_adv(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, fsa_data, NULL, __FUNCTION__); } } } void log_fsa_input(fsa_data_t * stored_msg) { CRM_ASSERT(stored_msg); crm_trace("Processing queued input %d", stored_msg->id); if (stored_msg->fsa_cause == C_CCM_CALLBACK) { crm_trace("FSA processing CCM callback from %s", stored_msg->origin); } else if (stored_msg->fsa_cause == C_LRM_OP_CALLBACK) { crm_trace("FSA processing LRM callback from %s", stored_msg->origin); } else if (stored_msg->data == NULL) { crm_trace("FSA processing input from %s", stored_msg->origin); } else { ha_msg_input_t *ha_input = fsa_typed_data_adv(stored_msg, fsa_dt_ha_msg, __FUNCTION__); crm_trace("FSA processing XML message from %s", stored_msg->origin); crm_log_xml_trace(ha_input->xml, "FSA message data"); } } long long do_state_transition(long long actions, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_state next_state, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { int level = LOG_INFO; long long tmp = actions; gboolean clear_recovery_bit = TRUE; enum crmd_fsa_cause cause = msg_data->fsa_cause; enum crmd_fsa_input current_input = msg_data->fsa_input; const char *state_from = fsa_state2string(cur_state); const char *state_to = fsa_state2string(next_state); const char *input = fsa_input2string(current_input); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(cur_state != next_state); do_dot_log(DOT_PREFIX "\t%s -> %s [ label=%s cause=%s origin=%s ]", state_from, state_to, input, fsa_cause2string(cause), msg_data->origin); if (cur_state == S_IDLE || next_state == S_IDLE) { level = LOG_NOTICE; } else if (cur_state == S_NOT_DC || next_state == S_NOT_DC) { level = LOG_NOTICE; } else if (cur_state == S_ELECTION) { level = LOG_NOTICE; } else if (cur_state == S_STARTING) { level = LOG_NOTICE; } else if (next_state == S_RECOVERY) { level = LOG_WARNING; } do_crm_log(level, "State transition %s -> %s [ input=%s cause=%s origin=%s ]", state_from, state_to, input, fsa_cause2string(cause), msg_data->origin); /* the last two clauses might cause trouble later */ if (next_state != S_ELECTION && cur_state != S_RELEASE_DC) { election_timeout_stop(fsa_election); /* } else { */ /* crm_timer_start(election_timeout); */ } #if 0 if ((fsa_input_register & R_SHUTDOWN)) { set_bit(tmp, A_DC_TIMER_STOP); } #endif if (next_state == S_INTEGRATION) { set_bit(tmp, A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_START); } else { set_bit(tmp, A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_STOP); } if (next_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN) { set_bit(tmp, A_FINALIZE_TIMER_START); } else { set_bit(tmp, A_FINALIZE_TIMER_STOP); } if (next_state != S_PENDING) { set_bit(tmp, A_DC_TIMER_STOP); } if (next_state != S_ELECTION) { highest_born_on = 0; } if (next_state != S_IDLE) { crm_timer_stop(recheck_timer); } if (cur_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN && next_state == S_POLICY_ENGINE) { - populate_cib_nodes(node_update_quick | node_update_cluster | node_update_peer | - node_update_join | node_update_expected, __FUNCTION__); + populate_cib_nodes(node_update_quick|node_update_all, __FUNCTION__); } switch (next_state) { case S_PENDING: fsa_cib_conn->cmds->set_slave(fsa_cib_conn, cib_scope_local); /* fall through */ case S_ELECTION: crm_trace("Resetting our DC to NULL on transition to %s", fsa_state2string(next_state)); update_dc(NULL); break; case S_NOT_DC: election_trigger->counter = 0; - if (stonith_cleanup_list) { - GListPtr gIter = NULL; + purge_stonith_cleanup(); - for (gIter = stonith_cleanup_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { - char *target = gIter->data; - - crm_info("Purging %s from stonith cleanup list", target); - free(target); - } - g_list_free(stonith_cleanup_list); - stonith_cleanup_list = NULL; - } if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) { crm_info("(Re)Issuing shutdown request now" " that we have a new DC"); set_bit(tmp, A_SHUTDOWN_REQ); } CRM_LOG_ASSERT(fsa_our_dc != NULL); if (fsa_our_dc == NULL) { crm_err("Reached S_NOT_DC without a DC" " being recorded"); } break; case S_RECOVERY: clear_recovery_bit = FALSE; break; case S_FINALIZE_JOIN: CRM_LOG_ASSERT(AM_I_DC); if (cause == C_TIMER_POPPED) { crm_warn("Progressed to state %s after %s", fsa_state2string(next_state), fsa_cause2string(cause)); } if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed) > 0) { crm_warn("%u cluster nodes failed to respond" " to the join offer.", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed)); crmd_join_phase_log(LOG_NOTICE); } else { crm_debug("All %d cluster nodes responded to the join offer.", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_integrated)); } break; case S_POLICY_ENGINE: election_trigger->counter = 0; CRM_LOG_ASSERT(AM_I_DC); if (cause == C_TIMER_POPPED) { crm_info("Progressed to state %s after %s", fsa_state2string(next_state), fsa_cause2string(cause)); } if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_finalized) > 0) { crm_err("%u cluster nodes failed to confirm their join.", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_finalized)); crmd_join_phase_log(LOG_NOTICE); } else if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_confirmed) == crm_active_peers()) { crm_debug("All %u cluster nodes are" " eligible to run resources.", crm_active_peers()); } else if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_confirmed) > crm_active_peers()) { crm_err("We have more confirmed nodes than our membership does: %d vs. %d", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_confirmed), crm_active_peers()); register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION, NULL); } else if (saved_ccm_membership_id != crm_peer_seq) { crm_info("Membership changed: %llu -> %llu - join restart", saved_ccm_membership_id, crm_peer_seq); register_fsa_input_before(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_NODE_JOIN, NULL); } else { crm_warn("Only %u of %u cluster " "nodes are eligible to run resources - continue %d", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_confirmed), crm_active_peers(), crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed)); } /* initialize_join(FALSE); */ break; case S_STOPPING: case S_TERMINATE: /* possibly redundant */ set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN); break; case S_IDLE: CRM_LOG_ASSERT(AM_I_DC); dump_rsc_info(); if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) { crm_info("(Re)Issuing shutdown request now" " that we are the DC"); set_bit(tmp, A_SHUTDOWN_REQ); } if (recheck_timer->period_ms > 0) { crm_debug("Starting %s", get_timer_desc(recheck_timer)); crm_timer_start(recheck_timer); } break; default: break; } if (clear_recovery_bit && next_state != S_PENDING) { tmp &= ~A_RECOVER; } else if (clear_recovery_bit == FALSE) { tmp |= A_RECOVER; } if (tmp != actions) { /* fsa_dump_actions(actions ^ tmp, "New actions"); */ actions = tmp; } return actions; } void dump_rsc_info(void) { } void ghash_print_node(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *text = user_data; const char *uname = key; const char *value_s = value; crm_info("%s: %s %s", text, uname, value_s); } diff --git a/crmd/join_dc.c b/crmd/join_dc.c index 5280b6e6e1..89172319cc 100644 --- a/crmd/join_dc.c +++ b/crmd/join_dc.c @@ -1,691 +1,696 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tengine.h" char *max_epoch = NULL; char *max_generation_from = NULL; xmlNode *max_generation_xml = NULL; void initialize_join(gboolean before); void finalize_join_for(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); void finalize_sync_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data); gboolean check_join_state(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, const char *source); static int current_join_id = 0; unsigned long long saved_ccm_membership_id = 0; void crm_update_peer_join(const char *source, crm_node_t * node, enum crm_join_phase phase) { enum crm_join_phase last = 0; if(node == NULL) { crm_err("%s: Could not set join-%u to %d for NULL", source, current_join_id, phase); return; } + /* Remote nodes do not participate in joins */ + if (is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) { + return; + } + last = node->join; if(phase == last) { crm_trace("%s: Node %s[%u] - join-%u phase still %u", source, node->uname, node->id, current_join_id, last); } else if (phase <= crm_join_none) { node->join = phase; crm_info("%s: Node %s[%u] - join-%u phase %u -> %u", source, node->uname, node->id, current_join_id, last, phase); } else if(phase == last + 1) { node->join = phase; crm_info("%s: Node %s[%u] - join-%u phase %u -> %u", source, node->uname, node->id, current_join_id, last, phase); } else { crm_err("%s: Node %s[%u] - join-%u phase cannot transition from %u to %u", source, node->uname, node->id, current_join_id, last, phase); } } void initialize_join(gboolean before) { GHashTableIter iter; crm_node_t *peer = NULL; /* clear out/reset a bunch of stuff */ crm_debug("join-%d: Initializing join data (flag=%s)", current_join_id, before ? "true" : "false"); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &peer)) { crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, peer, crm_join_none); } if (before) { if (max_generation_from != NULL) { free(max_generation_from); max_generation_from = NULL; } if (max_generation_xml != NULL) { free_xml(max_generation_xml); max_generation_xml = NULL; } clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_HAVE_CIB); clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_ASKED); } } static void join_make_offer(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { xmlNode *offer = NULL; crm_node_t *member = (crm_node_t *)value; CRM_ASSERT(member != NULL); if (crm_is_peer_active(member) == FALSE) { crm_info("Not making an offer to %s: not active (%s)", member->uname, member->state); if(member->expected == NULL && safe_str_eq(member->state, CRM_NODE_LOST)) { /* You would think this unsafe, but in fact this plus an * active resource is what causes it to be fenced. * * Yes, this does mean that any node that dies at the same * time as the old DC and is not running resource (still) * won't be fenced. * * I'm not happy about this either. */ crm_update_peer_expected(__FUNCTION__, member, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN); } return; } if (member->uname == NULL) { crm_err("No recipient for welcome message"); return; } if (saved_ccm_membership_id != crm_peer_seq) { saved_ccm_membership_id = crm_peer_seq; crm_info("Making join offers based on membership %llu", crm_peer_seq); } if(user_data && member->join > crm_join_none) { crm_info("Skipping %s: already known %d", member->uname, member->join); return; } crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, (crm_node_t*)member, crm_join_none); offer = create_request(CRM_OP_JOIN_OFFER, NULL, member->uname, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, CRM_SYSTEM_DC, NULL); crm_xml_add_int(offer, F_CRM_JOIN_ID, current_join_id); /* send the welcome */ crm_info("join-%d: Sending offer to %s", current_join_id, member->uname); send_cluster_message(member, crm_msg_crmd, offer, TRUE); free_xml(offer); crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, member, crm_join_welcomed); /* crm_update_peer_expected(__FUNCTION__, member, CRMD_JOINSTATE_PENDING); */ } /* A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ALL */ void do_dc_join_offer_all(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { /* reset everyones status back to down or in_ccm in the CIB * * any nodes that are active in the CIB but not in the CCM list * will be seen as offline by the PE anyway */ current_join_id++; initialize_join(TRUE); /* do_update_cib_nodes(TRUE, __FUNCTION__); */ update_dc(NULL); if (cause == C_HA_MESSAGE && current_input == I_NODE_JOIN) { crm_info("A new node joined the cluster"); } g_hash_table_foreach(crm_peer_cache, join_make_offer, NULL); /* dont waste time by invoking the PE yet; */ crm_info("join-%d: Waiting on %d outstanding join acks", current_join_id, crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed)); } /* A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ONE */ void do_dc_join_offer_one(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { crm_node_t *member; ha_msg_input_t *welcome = NULL; const char *op = NULL; const char *join_to = NULL; if (msg_data->data) { welcome = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg); } else { crm_info("An unknown node joined - (re-)offer to any unconfirmed nodes"); g_hash_table_foreach(crm_peer_cache, join_make_offer, &member); check_join_state(cur_state, __FUNCTION__); return; } if (welcome == NULL) { crm_err("Attempt to send welcome message without a message to reply to!"); return; } join_to = crm_element_value(welcome->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM); if (join_to == NULL) { crm_err("Attempt to send welcome message without a host to reply to!"); return; } member = crm_get_peer(0, join_to); op = crm_element_value(welcome->msg, F_CRM_TASK); if (join_to != NULL && (cur_state == S_INTEGRATION || cur_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN)) { /* note: it _is_ possible that a node will have been * sick or starting up when the original offer was made. * however, it will either re-announce itself in due course * _or_ we can re-store the original offer on the client. */ crm_trace("(Re-)offering membership to %s...", join_to); } crm_info("join-%d: Processing %s request from %s in state %s", current_join_id, op, join_to, fsa_state2string(cur_state)); crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, member, crm_join_none); join_make_offer(NULL, member, NULL); /* always offer to the DC (ourselves) * this ensures the correct value for max_generation_from */ member = crm_get_peer(0, fsa_our_uname); join_make_offer(NULL, member, NULL); /* this was a genuine join request, cancel any existing * transition and invoke the PE */ abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Node join", NULL); /* dont waste time by invoking the pe yet; */ crm_debug("Waiting on %d outstanding join acks for join-%d", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed), current_join_id); } static int compare_int_fields(xmlNode * left, xmlNode * right, const char *field) { const char *elem_l = crm_element_value(left, field); const char *elem_r = crm_element_value(right, field); int int_elem_l = crm_int_helper(elem_l, NULL); int int_elem_r = crm_int_helper(elem_r, NULL); if (int_elem_l < int_elem_r) { return -1; } else if (int_elem_l > int_elem_r) { return 1; } return 0; } /* A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_REQ */ void do_dc_join_filter_offer(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { xmlNode *generation = NULL; int cmp = 0; int join_id = -1; gboolean ack_nack_bool = TRUE; const char *ack_nack = CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER; ha_msg_input_t *join_ack = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg); const char *join_from = crm_element_value(join_ack->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM); const char *ref = crm_element_value(join_ack->msg, F_CRM_REFERENCE); crm_node_t *join_node = crm_get_peer(0, join_from); crm_debug("Processing req from %s", join_from); generation = join_ack->xml; crm_element_value_int(join_ack->msg, F_CRM_JOIN_ID, &join_id); if (max_generation_xml != NULL && generation != NULL) { int lpc = 0; const char *attributes[] = { XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, }; for (lpc = 0; cmp == 0 && lpc < DIMOF(attributes); lpc++) { cmp = compare_int_fields(max_generation_xml, generation, attributes[lpc]); } } if (join_id != current_join_id) { crm_debug("Invalid response from %s: join-%d vs. join-%d", join_from, join_id, current_join_id); check_join_state(cur_state, __FUNCTION__); return; } else if (join_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(join_node) == FALSE) { crm_err("Node %s is not a member", join_from); ack_nack_bool = FALSE; } else if (generation == NULL) { crm_err("Generation was NULL"); ack_nack_bool = FALSE; } else if (max_generation_xml == NULL) { max_generation_xml = copy_xml(generation); max_generation_from = strdup(join_from); } else if (cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && safe_str_eq(join_from, fsa_our_uname))) { crm_debug("%s has a better generation number than" " the current max %s", join_from, max_generation_from); if (max_generation_xml) { crm_log_xml_debug(max_generation_xml, "Max generation"); } crm_log_xml_debug(generation, "Their generation"); free(max_generation_from); free_xml(max_generation_xml); max_generation_from = strdup(join_from); max_generation_xml = copy_xml(join_ack->xml); } if (ack_nack_bool == FALSE) { /* NACK this client */ ack_nack = CRMD_JOINSTATE_NACK; crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, join_node, crm_join_nack); crm_err("join-%d: NACK'ing node %s (ref %s)", join_id, join_from, ref); } else { crm_debug("join-%d: Welcoming node %s (ref %s)", join_id, join_from, ref); crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, join_node, crm_join_integrated); } crm_update_peer_expected(__FUNCTION__, join_node, ack_nack); crm_debug("%u nodes have been integrated into join-%d", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_integrated), join_id); if (check_join_state(cur_state, __FUNCTION__) == FALSE) { /* dont waste time by invoking the PE yet; */ crm_debug("join-%d: Still waiting on %d outstanding offers", join_id, crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed)); } } /* A_DC_JOIN_FINALIZE */ void do_dc_join_finalize(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { char *sync_from = NULL; int rc = pcmk_ok; /* This we can do straight away and avoid clients timing us out * while we compute the latest CIB */ crm_debug("Finializing join-%d for %d clients", current_join_id, crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_integrated)); crmd_join_phase_log(LOG_INFO); if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed) != 0) { crm_info("Waiting for %d more nodes", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed)); /* crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); Needed? */ return; } else if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_integrated) == 0) { /* Nothing to do */ check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__); return; } clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_HAVE_CIB); if (max_generation_from == NULL || safe_str_eq(max_generation_from, fsa_our_uname)) { set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_HAVE_CIB); } if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_IN_TRANSITION)) { crm_warn("join-%d: We are still in a transition." " Delaying until the TE completes.", current_join_id); crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); return; } if (max_generation_from && is_set(fsa_input_register, R_HAVE_CIB) == FALSE) { /* ask for the agreed best CIB */ sync_from = strdup(max_generation_from); set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_ASKED); crm_notice("join-%d: Syncing the CIB from %s to the rest of the cluster", current_join_id, sync_from); crm_log_xml_notice(max_generation_xml, "Requested version"); } else { /* Send _our_ CIB out to everyone */ sync_from = strdup(fsa_our_uname); crm_info("join-%d: Syncing our CIB to the rest of the cluster", current_join_id); crm_log_xml_debug(max_generation_xml, "Requested version"); } rc = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->sync_from(fsa_cib_conn, sync_from, NULL, cib_quorum_override); fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, sync_from, finalize_sync_callback); } void finalize_sync_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(-EPERM != rc); clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_ASKED); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { do_crm_log((rc == -pcmk_err_old_data ? LOG_WARNING : LOG_ERR), "Sync from %s failed: %s", (char *)user_data, pcmk_strerror(rc)); /* restart the whole join process */ register_fsa_error_adv(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION_DC, NULL, NULL, __FUNCTION__); } else if (AM_I_DC && fsa_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN) { set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_HAVE_CIB); clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_ASKED); /* make sure dc_uuid is re-set to us */ if (check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__) == FALSE) { crm_debug("Notifying %d clients of join-%d results", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_integrated), current_join_id); g_hash_table_foreach(crm_peer_cache, finalize_join_for, NULL); } } else { crm_debug("No longer the DC in S_FINALIZE_JOIN: %s/%s", AM_I_DC ? "DC" : "CRMd", fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); } } static void join_update_complete_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data) { fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL; if (rc == pcmk_ok) { crm_debug("Join update %d complete", call_id); check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__); } else { crm_err("Join update %d failed", call_id); crm_log_xml_debug(msg, "failed"); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); } } /* A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_ACK */ void do_dc_join_ack(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { int join_id = -1; int call_id = 0; ha_msg_input_t *join_ack = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg); const char *op = crm_element_value(join_ack->msg, F_CRM_TASK); const char *join_from = crm_element_value(join_ack->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM); crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(0, join_from); if (safe_str_neq(op, CRM_OP_JOIN_CONFIRM) || peer == NULL) { crm_debug("Ignoring op=%s message from %s", op, join_from); return; } crm_trace("Processing ack from %s", join_from); crm_element_value_int(join_ack->msg, F_CRM_JOIN_ID, &join_id); if (peer->join != crm_join_finalized) { crm_info("Join not in progress: ignoring join-%d from %s (phase = %d)", join_id, join_from, peer->join); return; } else if (join_id != current_join_id) { crm_err("Invalid response from %s: join-%d vs. join-%d", join_from, join_id, current_join_id); crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, peer, crm_join_nack); return; } crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, peer, crm_join_confirmed); crm_info("join-%d: Updating node state to %s for %s", join_id, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER, join_from); /* update CIB with the current LRM status from the node * We dont need to notify the TE of these updates, a transition will * be started in due time */ erase_status_tag(join_from, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local); fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, join_ack->xml, cib_scope_local | cib_quorum_override | cib_can_create, call_id, NULL); fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, NULL, join_update_complete_callback); crm_debug("join-%d: Registered callback for LRM update %d", join_id, call_id); } void finalize_join_for(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { xmlNode *acknak = NULL; xmlNode *tmp1 = NULL; crm_node_t *join_node = value; const char *join_to = join_node->uname; if(join_node->join != crm_join_integrated) { crm_trace("Skipping %s in state %d", join_to, join_node->join); return; } /* make sure a node entry exists for the new node */ crm_trace("Creating node entry for %s", join_to); tmp1 = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE); set_uuid(tmp1, XML_ATTR_UUID, join_node); crm_xml_add(tmp1, XML_ATTR_UNAME, join_to); fsa_cib_anon_update(XML_CIB_TAG_NODES, tmp1, cib_scope_local | cib_quorum_override | cib_can_create); free_xml(tmp1); join_node = crm_get_peer(0, join_to); if (crm_is_peer_active(join_node) == FALSE) { /* * NACK'ing nodes that the membership layer doesn't know about yet * simply creates more churn * * Better to leave them waiting and let the join restart when * the new membership event comes in * * All other NACKs (due to versions etc) should still be processed */ crm_update_peer_expected(__FUNCTION__, join_node, CRMD_JOINSTATE_PENDING); return; } /* send the ack/nack to the node */ acknak = create_request(CRM_OP_JOIN_ACKNAK, NULL, join_to, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, CRM_SYSTEM_DC, NULL); crm_xml_add_int(acknak, F_CRM_JOIN_ID, current_join_id); crm_debug("join-%d: ACK'ing join request from %s", current_join_id, join_to); crm_xml_add(acknak, CRM_OP_JOIN_ACKNAK, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE); crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, join_node, crm_join_finalized); crm_update_peer_expected(__FUNCTION__, join_node, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER); send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, join_to), crm_msg_crmd, acknak, TRUE); free_xml(acknak); return; } void ghash_print_node(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); gboolean check_join_state(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, const char *source) { static unsigned long long highest_seq = 0; crm_debug("Invoked by %s in state: %s", source, fsa_state2string(cur_state)); if (saved_ccm_membership_id != crm_peer_seq) { crm_debug("%s: Membership changed since join started: %llu -> %llu (%llu)", source, saved_ccm_membership_id, crm_peer_seq, highest_seq); if(highest_seq < crm_peer_seq) { /* Don't spam the FSA with duplicates */ highest_seq = crm_peer_seq; register_fsa_input_before(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_NODE_JOIN, NULL); } } else if (cur_state == S_INTEGRATION) { if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed) == 0) { crm_debug("join-%d: Integration of %d peers complete: %s", current_join_id, crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_integrated), source); register_fsa_input_before(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_INTEGRATED, NULL); return TRUE; } } else if (cur_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN) { if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_HAVE_CIB) == FALSE) { crm_debug("join-%d: Delaying I_FINALIZED until we have the CIB", current_join_id); return TRUE; } else if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed) != 0) { crm_debug("join-%d: Still waiting on %d welcomed nodes", current_join_id, crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_welcomed)); crmd_join_phase_log(LOG_DEBUG); } else if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_integrated) != 0) { crm_debug("join-%d: Still waiting on %d integrated nodes", current_join_id, crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_integrated)); crmd_join_phase_log(LOG_DEBUG); } else if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_finalized) != 0) { crm_debug("join-%d: Still waiting on %d finalized nodes", current_join_id, crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_finalized)); crmd_join_phase_log(LOG_DEBUG); } else { crm_debug("join-%d complete: %s", current_join_id, source); register_fsa_input_later(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FINALIZED, NULL); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void do_dc_join_final(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { crm_debug("Ensuring DC, quorum and node attributes are up-to-date"); update_attrd(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE); crm_update_quorum(crm_have_quorum, TRUE); } int crmd_join_phase_count(enum crm_join_phase phase) { int count = 0; crm_node_t *peer; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &peer)) { if(peer->join == phase) { count++; } } return count; } void crmd_join_phase_log(int level) { crm_node_t *peer; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &peer)) { const char *state = "unknown"; switch(peer->join) { case crm_join_nack: state = "nack"; break; case crm_join_none: state = "none"; break; case crm_join_welcomed: state = "welcomed"; break; case crm_join_integrated: state = "integrated"; break; case crm_join_finalized: state = "finalized"; break; case crm_join_confirmed: state = "confirmed"; break; } do_crm_log(level, "join-%d: %s=%s", current_join_id, peer->uname, state); } } diff --git a/crmd/lrm.c b/crmd/lrm.c index ac246eae32..8dabdb240a 100644 --- a/crmd/lrm.c +++ b/crmd/lrm.c @@ -1,2462 +1,2467 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define START_DELAY_THRESHOLD 5 * 60 * 1000 #define MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS 30 struct delete_event_s { int rc; const char *rsc; lrm_state_t *lrm_state; }; static gboolean is_rsc_active(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id); static gboolean build_active_RAs(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_list); static gboolean stop_recurring_actions(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); static int delete_rsc_status(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, int call_options, const char *user_name); static lrmd_event_data_t *construct_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_op, const char *rsc_id, const char *operation); static void do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *operation, xmlNode * msg, xmlNode * request); void send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id); static gboolean lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level); static int do_update_resource(const char *node_name, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op); static void lrm_connection_destroy(void) { if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED)) { crm_crit("LRM Connection failed"); register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED); } else { crm_info("LRM Connection disconnected"); } } static char * make_stop_id(const char *rsc, int call_id) { char *op_id = NULL; op_id = calloc(1, strlen(rsc) + 34); if (op_id != NULL) { snprintf(op_id, strlen(rsc) + 34, "%s:%d", rsc, call_id); } return op_id; } static void copy_instance_keys(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { if (strstr(key, CRM_META "_") == NULL) { g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup((const char *)key), strdup((const char *)value)); } } static void copy_meta_keys(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { if (strstr(key, CRM_META "_") != NULL) { g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup((const char *)key), strdup((const char *)value)); } } /* * \internal * \brief Remove a recurring operation from a resource's history * * \param[in,out] history Resource history to modify * \param[in] op Operation to remove * * \return TRUE if the operation was found and removed, FALSE otherwise */ static gboolean history_remove_recurring_op(rsc_history_t *history, const lrmd_event_data_t *op) { GList *iter; for (iter = history->recurring_op_list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { lrmd_event_data_t *existing = iter->data; if ((op->interval == existing->interval) && crm_str_eq(op->rsc_id, existing->rsc_id, TRUE) && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, existing->op_type)) { history->recurring_op_list = g_list_delete_link(history->recurring_op_list, iter); lrmd_free_event(existing); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* * \internal * \brief Free all recurring operations in resource history * * \param[in,out] history Resource history to modify */ static void history_free_recurring_ops(rsc_history_t *history) { GList *iter; for (iter = history->recurring_op_list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { lrmd_free_event(iter->data); } g_list_free(history->recurring_op_list); history->recurring_op_list = NULL; } /* * \internal * \brief Free resource history * * \param[in,out] history Resource history to free */ void history_free(gpointer data) { rsc_history_t *history = (rsc_history_t*)data; if (history->stop_params) { g_hash_table_destroy(history->stop_params); } /* Don't need to free history->rsc.id because it's set to history->id */ free(history->rsc.type); free(history->rsc.class); free(history->rsc.provider); lrmd_free_event(history->failed); lrmd_free_event(history->last); free(history->id); history_free_recurring_ops(history); free(history); } static void update_history_cache(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op) { int target_rc = 0; rsc_history_t *entry = NULL; if (op->rsc_deleted) { crm_debug("Purged history for '%s' after %s", op->rsc_id, op->op_type); delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, cib_quorum_override, NULL); return; } if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_NOTIFY)) { return; } crm_debug("Updating history for '%s' with %s op", op->rsc_id, op->op_type); entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, op->rsc_id); if (entry == NULL && rsc) { entry = calloc(1, sizeof(rsc_history_t)); entry->id = strdup(op->rsc_id); g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state->resource_history, entry->id, entry); entry->rsc.id = entry->id; entry->rsc.type = strdup(rsc->type); entry->rsc.class = strdup(rsc->class); if (rsc->provider) { entry->rsc.provider = strdup(rsc->provider); } else { entry->rsc.provider = NULL; } } else if (entry == NULL) { crm_info("Resource %s no longer exists, not updating cache", op->rsc_id); return; } entry->last_callid = op->call_id; target_rc = rsc_op_expected_rc(op); if (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) { if (op->interval > 0) { crm_trace("Removing cancelled recurring op: %s_%s_%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval); history_remove_recurring_op(entry, op); return; } else { crm_trace("Skipping %s_%s_%d rc=%d, status=%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->rc, op->op_status); } } else if (did_rsc_op_fail(op, target_rc)) { /* We must store failed monitors here * - otherwise the block below will cause them to be forgetten them when a stop happens */ if (entry->failed) { lrmd_free_event(entry->failed); } entry->failed = lrmd_copy_event(op); } else if (op->interval == 0) { if (entry->last) { lrmd_free_event(entry->last); } entry->last = lrmd_copy_event(op); if (op->params && (safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_START, op->op_type) || safe_str_eq("reload", op->op_type) || safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STATUS, op->op_type))) { if (entry->stop_params) { g_hash_table_destroy(entry->stop_params); } entry->stop_params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); g_hash_table_foreach(op->params, copy_instance_keys, entry->stop_params); } } if (op->interval > 0) { /* Ensure there are no duplicates */ history_remove_recurring_op(entry, op); crm_trace("Adding recurring op: %s_%s_%d", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval); entry->recurring_op_list = g_list_prepend(entry->recurring_op_list, lrmd_copy_event(op)); } else if (entry->recurring_op_list && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_STATUS) == FALSE) { crm_trace("Dropping %d recurring ops because of: %s_%s_%d", g_list_length(entry->recurring_op_list), op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval); history_free_recurring_ops(entry); } } void lrm_op_callback(lrmd_event_data_t * op) { const char *nodename = NULL; lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL; CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return); /* determine the node name for this connection. */ nodename = op->remote_nodename ? op->remote_nodename : fsa_our_uname; if (op->type == lrmd_event_disconnect && (safe_str_eq(nodename, fsa_our_uname))) { /* if this is the local lrmd ipc connection, set the right bits in the * crmd when the connection goes down */ lrm_connection_destroy(); return; } else if (op->type != lrmd_event_exec_complete) { /* we only need to process execution results */ return; } lrm_state = lrm_state_find(nodename); CRM_ASSERT(lrm_state != NULL); process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL); } /* A_LRM_CONNECT */ void do_lrm_control(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { /* This only pertains to local lrmd connections. Remote connections are handled as * resources within the pengine. Connecting and disconnecting from remote lrmd instances * handled differently than the local. */ lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL; if(fsa_our_uname == NULL) { return; /* Nothing to do */ } lrm_state = lrm_state_find_or_create(fsa_our_uname); if (lrm_state == NULL) { register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); return; } if (action & A_LRM_DISCONNECT) { if (lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state, cur_state, LOG_INFO) == FALSE) { if (action == A_LRM_DISCONNECT) { crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); return; } } clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED); crm_info("Disconnecting from the LRM"); lrm_state_disconnect(lrm_state); lrm_state_reset_tables(lrm_state); crm_notice("Disconnected from the LRM"); } if (action & A_LRM_CONNECT) { int ret = pcmk_ok; crm_debug("Connecting to the LRM"); ret = lrm_state_ipc_connect(lrm_state); if (ret != pcmk_ok) { if (lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails < MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS) { crm_warn("Failed to sign on to the LRM %d" " (%d max) times", lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails, MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS); crm_timer_start(wait_timer); crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); return; } } if (ret != pcmk_ok) { crm_err("Failed to sign on to the LRM %d" " (max) times", lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); return; } set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED); crm_info("LRM connection established"); } if (action & ~(A_LRM_CONNECT | A_LRM_DISCONNECT)) { crm_err("Unexpected action %s in %s", fsa_action2string(action), __FUNCTION__); } } static gboolean lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level) { int counter = 0; gboolean rc = TRUE; const char *when = "lrm disconnect"; GHashTableIter gIter; const char *key = NULL; rsc_history_t *entry = NULL; struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL; crm_debug("Checking for active resources before exit"); if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE) { log_level = LOG_ERR; when = "shutdown"; } else if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) { when = "shutdown... waiting"; } if (lrm_state->pending_ops && lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state) == TRUE) { guint removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove( lrm_state->pending_ops, stop_recurring_actions, lrm_state); crm_notice("Stopped %u recurring operations at %s (%u ops remaining)", removed, when, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops)); } if (lrm_state->pending_ops) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->pending_ops); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&pending)) { /* Ignore recurring actions in the shutdown calculations */ if (pending->interval == 0) { counter++; } } } if (counter > 0) { do_crm_log(log_level, "%d pending LRM operations at %s", counter, when); if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE || !is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP)) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->pending_ops); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&pending)) { do_crm_log(log_level, "Pending action: %s (%s)", key, pending->op_key); } } else { rc = FALSE; } return rc; } if (lrm_state->resource_history == NULL) { return rc; } if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE || is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) { /* At this point we're not waiting, we're just shutting down */ when = "shutdown"; } counter = 0; g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->resource_history); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (gpointer*)&entry)) { if (is_rsc_active(lrm_state, entry->id) == FALSE) { continue; } counter++; crm_trace("Found %s active", entry->id); if (lrm_state->pending_ops) { GHashTableIter hIter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&hIter, lrm_state->pending_ops); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&hIter, (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&pending)) { if (crm_str_eq(entry->id, pending->rsc_id, TRUE)) { crm_notice("%sction %s (%s) incomplete at %s", pending->interval == 0 ? "A" : "Recurring a", key, pending->op_key, when); } } } } if (counter) { crm_err("%d resources were active at %s.", counter, when); } return rc; } GHashTable *metadata_hash = NULL; static char * get_rsc_metadata(const char *type, const char *rclass, const char *provider, bool force) { int rc = pcmk_ok; int len = 0; char *key = NULL; char *metadata = NULL; /* Always use a local connection for this operation */ lrm_state_t *lrm_state = lrm_state_find(fsa_our_uname); CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(rclass != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(lrm_state != NULL, return NULL); if (provider == NULL) { provider = "heartbeat"; } if (metadata_hash == NULL) { metadata_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); } len = strlen(type) + strlen(rclass) + strlen(provider) + 4; key = malloc(len); if(key == NULL) { return NULL; } snprintf(key, len, "%s::%s:%s", type, rclass, provider); if(force == FALSE) { crm_trace("Retreiving cached metadata for %s", key); metadata = g_hash_table_lookup(metadata_hash, key); } if(metadata == NULL) { rc = lrm_state_get_metadata(lrm_state, rclass, provider, type, &metadata, 0); crm_trace("Retreived live metadata for %s: %s (%d)", key, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); if(rc == pcmk_ok) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(metadata != NULL); g_hash_table_insert(metadata_hash, key, metadata); key = NULL; } else { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(metadata == NULL); metadata = NULL; } } if (metadata == NULL) { crm_warn("No metadata found for %s: %s (%d)", key, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } free(key); return metadata; } static char * build_parameter_list(lrmd_event_data_t *op, xmlNode *metadata, xmlNode *result, const char *criteria, bool target, bool invert_for_xml) { int len = 0; int max = 0; char *list = NULL; xmlNode *param = NULL; xmlNode *params = NULL; const char *secure_terms[] = { "password", "passwd", "user", }; if(safe_str_eq("private", criteria)) { /* It will take time for the agents to be updated * Check for some common terms */ max = DIMOF(secure_terms); } params = find_xml_node(metadata, "parameters", TRUE); for (param = __xml_first_child(params); param != NULL; param = __xml_next(param)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)param->name, "parameter", TRUE)) { bool accept = FALSE; const char *name = crm_element_value(param, "name"); const char *value = crm_element_value(param, criteria); if(max && value) { /* Turn off the compatibility logic once an agent has been updated to know about 'private' */ max = 0; } if (name == NULL) { crm_err("Invalid parameter in %s metadata", op->rsc_id); } else if(target == crm_is_true(value)) { accept = TRUE; } else if(max) { int lpc = 0; bool found = FALSE; for(lpc = 0; found == FALSE && lpc < max; lpc++) { if(safe_str_eq(secure_terms[lpc], name)) { found = TRUE; } } if(found == target) { accept = TRUE; } } if(accept) { int start = len; crm_trace("Attr %s is %s%s", name, target?"":"not ", criteria); len += strlen(name) + 2; list = realloc_safe(list, len + 1); sprintf(list + start, " %s ", name); } else { crm_trace("Rejecting %s for %s", name, criteria); } if(invert_for_xml) { crm_trace("Inverting %s match for %s xml", name, criteria); accept = !accept; } if(result && accept) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, name); if(value != NULL) { crm_trace("Adding attr to the xml result", name, target?"":"not ", criteria); crm_xml_add(result, name, value); } } } } return list; } static bool resource_supports_action(xmlNode *metadata, const char *name) { const char *value = NULL; xmlNode *action = NULL; xmlNode *actions = NULL; actions = find_xml_node(metadata, "actions", TRUE); for (action = __xml_first_child(actions); action != NULL; action = __xml_next(action)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)action->name, "action", TRUE)) { value = crm_element_value(action, "name"); if (safe_str_eq(name, value)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } static void append_restart_list(lrmd_event_data_t *op, xmlNode *metadata, xmlNode * update, const char *version) { char *list = NULL; char *digest = NULL; xmlNode *restart = NULL; CRM_LOG_ASSERT(op->params != NULL); if (op->interval > 0) { /* monitors are not reloadable */ return; } if(resource_supports_action(metadata, "reload")) { restart = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS); /* Any parameters with unique="1" should be added into the "op-force-restart" list. */ list = build_parameter_list(op, metadata, restart, "unique", TRUE, FALSE); } else { /* Resource does not support reloads */ return; } digest = calculate_operation_digest(restart, version); /* Add "op-force-restart" and "op-restart-digest" to indicate the resource supports reload, * no matter if it actually supports any parameters with unique="1"). */ crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_RESTART, list? list: ""); crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST, digest); crm_trace("%s: %s, %s", op->rsc_id, digest, list); crm_log_xml_trace(restart, "restart digest source"); free_xml(restart); free(digest); free(list); } static void append_secure_list(lrmd_event_data_t *op, xmlNode *metadata, xmlNode * update, const char *version) { char *list = NULL; char *digest = NULL; xmlNode *secure = NULL; CRM_LOG_ASSERT(op->params != NULL); /* * To keep XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_SECURE short, we want it to contain the * secure parameters but XML_LRM_ATTR_SECURE_DIGEST to be based on * the insecure ones */ secure = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS); list = build_parameter_list(op, metadata, secure, "private", TRUE, TRUE); if (list != NULL) { digest = calculate_operation_digest(secure, version); crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_SECURE, list); crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_SECURE_DIGEST, digest); crm_trace("%s: %s, %s", op->rsc_id, digest, list); crm_log_xml_trace(secure, "secure digest source"); } else { crm_trace("%s: no secure parameters", op->rsc_id); } free_xml(secure); free(digest); free(list); } static gboolean build_operation_update(xmlNode * parent, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *src) { int target_rc = 0; xmlNode *xml_op = NULL; xmlNode *metadata = NULL; const char *m_string = NULL; const char *caller_version = NULL; if (op == NULL) { return FALSE; } target_rc = rsc_op_expected_rc(op); /* there is a small risk in formerly mixed clusters that it will * be sub-optimal. * * however with our upgrade policy, the update we send should * still be completely supported anyway */ caller_version = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(caller_version != NULL); if(caller_version == NULL) { caller_version = CRM_FEATURE_SET; } crm_trace("Building %s operation update with originator version: %s", op->rsc_id, caller_version); xml_op = create_operation_update(parent, op, caller_version, target_rc, fsa_our_uname, src, LOG_DEBUG); if (xml_op == NULL) { return TRUE; } if (rsc == NULL || op->params == NULL || crm_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STOP, op->op_type, TRUE)) { /* Stopped resources don't need the digest logic */ crm_trace("No digests needed for %s %p %p %s", op->rsc_id, op->params, rsc, op->op_type); return TRUE; } m_string = get_rsc_metadata(rsc->type, rsc->class, rsc->provider, safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_START)); if(m_string == NULL) { crm_err("No metadata for %s::%s:%s", rsc->provider, rsc->class, rsc->type); return TRUE; } metadata = string2xml(m_string); if(metadata == NULL) { crm_err("Metadata for %s::%s:%s is not valid XML", rsc->provider, rsc->class, rsc->type); return TRUE; } crm_trace("Includind additional digests for %s::%s:%s", rsc->provider, rsc->class, rsc->type); append_restart_list(op, metadata, xml_op, caller_version); append_secure_list(op, metadata, xml_op, caller_version); free_xml(metadata); return TRUE; } static gboolean is_rsc_active(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id) { rsc_history_t *entry = NULL; entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id); if (entry == NULL || entry->last == NULL) { return FALSE; } crm_trace("Processing %s: %s.%d=%d", rsc_id, entry->last->op_type, entry->last->interval, entry->last->rc); if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && safe_str_eq(entry->last->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { return FALSE; } else if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && safe_str_eq(entry->last->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) { /* a stricter check is too complex... * leave that to the PE */ return FALSE; } else if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING) { return FALSE; } else if (entry->last->interval == 0 && entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED) { /* Badly configured resources can't be reliably stopped */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean build_active_RAs(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_list) { GHashTableIter iter; rsc_history_t *entry = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, lrm_state->resource_history); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) { GList *gIter = NULL; xmlNode *xml_rsc = create_xml_node(rsc_list, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, entry->id); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE, entry->rsc.type); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, entry->rsc.class); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, entry->rsc.provider); if (entry->last && entry->last->params) { const char *container = g_hash_table_lookup(entry->last->params, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER); if (container) { crm_trace("Resource %s is a part of container resource %s", entry->id, container); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, container); } } build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), entry->failed, __FUNCTION__); build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), entry->last, __FUNCTION__); for (gIter = entry->recurring_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), gIter->data, __FUNCTION__); } } return FALSE; } -xmlNode * -do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, gboolean is_replace) +static xmlNode * +do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, int update_flags) { xmlNode *xml_state = NULL; xmlNode *xml_data = NULL; xmlNode *rsc_list = NULL; const char *uuid = NULL; - if (safe_str_eq(lrm_state->node_name, fsa_our_uname)) { + if (lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state)) { crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(0, lrm_state->node_name); - xml_state = do_update_node_cib(peer, node_update_cluster|node_update_peer, NULL, __FUNCTION__); - /* The next two lines shouldn't be necessary for newer DCs */ - crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER); - crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER); + xml_state = do_update_node_cib(peer, update_flags, NULL, __FUNCTION__); uuid = fsa_our_uuid; } else { - xml_state = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE); - crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE, "true"); - crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_ATTR_ID, lrm_state->node_name); - crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_ATTR_UNAME, lrm_state->node_name); + xml_state = simple_remote_node_status(lrm_state->node_name, NULL, __FUNCTION__); uuid = lrm_state->node_name; } xml_data = create_xml_node(xml_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); crm_xml_add(xml_data, XML_ATTR_ID, uuid); rsc_list = create_xml_node(xml_data, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES); /* Build a list of active (not always running) resources */ build_active_RAs(lrm_state, rsc_list); crm_log_xml_trace(xml_state, "Current state of the LRM"); return xml_state; } xmlNode * do_lrm_query(gboolean is_replace, const char *node_name) { lrm_state_t *lrm_state = lrm_state_find(node_name); + xmlNode *xml_state; if (!lrm_state) { crm_err("Could not query lrm state for lrmd node %s", node_name); return NULL; } - return do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, is_replace); + xml_state = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, + node_update_cluster|node_update_peer); + + /* In case this function is called to generate a join confirmation to + * send to the DC, force the current and expected join state to member. + * This isn't necessary for newer DCs but is backward compatible. + */ + crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER); + crm_xml_add(xml_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER); + + return xml_state; } static void notify_deleted(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, ha_msg_input_t * input, const char *rsc_id, int rc) { lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL; const char *from_sys = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM); const char *from_host = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM); crm_info("Notifying %s on %s that %s was%s deleted", from_sys, from_host, rsc_id, rc == pcmk_ok ? "" : " not"); op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc_id, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE); CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK; } else { op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, rsc_id); lrmd_free_event(op); if (safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) { /* this isn't expected - trigger a new transition */ time_t now = time(NULL); char *now_s = crm_itoa(now); crm_debug("Triggering a refresh after %s deleted %s from the LRM", from_sys, rsc_id); update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "last-lrm-refresh", now_s, FALSE, NULL, NULL); free(now_s); } } static gboolean lrm_remove_deleted_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { struct delete_event_s *event = user_data; struct pending_deletion_op_s *op = value; if (crm_str_eq(event->rsc, op->rsc, TRUE)) { notify_deleted(event->lrm_state, op->input, event->rsc, event->rc); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean lrm_remove_deleted_op(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *rsc = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *pending = value; if (crm_str_eq(rsc, pending->rsc_id, TRUE)) { crm_info("Removing op %s:%d for deleted resource %s", pending->op_key, pending->call_id, rsc); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * Remove the rsc from the CIB * * Avoids refreshing the entire LRM section of this host */ #define rsc_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']" static int delete_rsc_status(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, int call_options, const char *user_name) { char *rsc_xpath = NULL; int max = 0; int rc = pcmk_ok; CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return -ENXIO); max = strlen(rsc_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(lrm_state->node_name) + 1; rsc_xpath = calloc(1, max); snprintf(rsc_xpath, max, rsc_template, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id); rc = cib_internal_op(fsa_cib_conn, CIB_OP_DELETE, NULL, rsc_xpath, NULL, NULL, call_options | cib_xpath, user_name); free(rsc_xpath); return rc; } static void delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, ha_msg_input_t * input, const char *rsc_id, GHashTableIter * rsc_gIter, int rc, const char *user_name) { struct delete_event_s event; CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { char *rsc_id_copy = strdup(rsc_id); if (rsc_gIter) g_hash_table_iter_remove(rsc_gIter); else g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id_copy); crm_debug("sync: Sending delete op for %s", rsc_id_copy); delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, rsc_id_copy, cib_quorum_override, user_name); g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, lrm_remove_deleted_op, rsc_id_copy); free(rsc_id_copy); } if (input) { notify_deleted(lrm_state, input, rsc_id, rc); } event.rc = rc; event.rsc = rsc_id; event.lrm_state = lrm_state; g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->deletion_ops, lrm_remove_deleted_rsc, &event); } /* * Remove the op from the CIB * * Avoids refreshing the entire LRM section of this host */ #define op_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s']" #define op_call_template "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']/"XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP"[@id='%s' and @"XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID"='%d']" static void delete_op_entry(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id, const char *key, int call_id) { xmlNode *xml_top = NULL; if (op != NULL) { xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP); crm_xml_add_int(xml_top, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, op->call_id); crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, op->user_data); if (op->interval > 0) { char *op_id = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval); /* Avoid deleting last_failure too (if it was a result of this recurring op failing) */ crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_ID, op_id); free(op_id); } crm_debug("async: Sending delete op for %s_%s_%d (call=%d)", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->call_id); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->delete(fsa_cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, xml_top, cib_quorum_override); } else if (rsc_id != NULL && key != NULL) { int max = 0; char *op_xpath = NULL; if (call_id > 0) { max = strlen(op_call_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(lrm_state->node_name) + strlen(key) + 10; op_xpath = calloc(1, max); snprintf(op_xpath, max, op_call_template, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id, key, call_id); } else { max = strlen(op_template) + strlen(rsc_id) + strlen(lrm_state->node_name) + strlen(key) + 1; op_xpath = calloc(1, max); snprintf(op_xpath, max, op_template, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id, key); } crm_debug("sync: Sending delete op for %s (call=%d)", rsc_id, call_id); fsa_cib_conn->cmds->delete(fsa_cib_conn, op_xpath, NULL, cib_quorum_override | cib_xpath); free(op_xpath); } else { crm_err("Not enough information to delete op entry: rsc=%p key=%p", rsc_id, key); return; } crm_log_xml_trace(xml_top, "op:cancel"); free_xml(xml_top); } void lrm_clear_last_failure(const char *rsc_id, const char *node_name) { char *attr = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; GList *lrm_state_list = lrm_state_get_list(); GList *state_entry; rsc_history_t *entry = NULL; attr = generate_op_key(rsc_id, "last_failure", 0); /* This clears last failure for every lrm state that has this rsc.*/ for (state_entry = lrm_state_list; state_entry != NULL; state_entry = state_entry->next) { lrm_state_t *lrm_state = state_entry->data; if (node_name != NULL) { if (strcmp(node_name, lrm_state->node_name) != 0) { /* filter by node_name if node_name is present */ continue; } } delete_op_entry(lrm_state, NULL, rsc_id, attr, 0); if (!lrm_state->resource_history) { continue; } g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, lrm_state->resource_history); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) { if (crm_str_eq(rsc_id, entry->id, TRUE)) { lrmd_free_event(entry->failed); entry->failed = NULL; } } } free(attr); g_list_free(lrm_state_list); } /* Returns: gboolean - cancellation is in progress */ static gboolean cancel_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *key, int op, gboolean remove) { int rc = pcmk_ok; char *local_key = NULL; struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL; CRM_CHECK(op != 0, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE); if (key == NULL) { local_key = make_stop_id(rsc_id, op); key = local_key; } pending = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->pending_ops, key); if (pending) { if (remove && pending->remove == FALSE) { pending->remove = TRUE; crm_debug("Scheduling %s for removal", key); } if (pending->cancelled) { crm_debug("Operation %s already cancelled", key); free(local_key); return FALSE; } pending->cancelled = TRUE; } else { crm_info("No pending op found for %s", key); free(local_key); return FALSE; } crm_debug("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op, rsc_id, key); rc = lrm_state_cancel(lrm_state, pending->rsc_id, pending->op_type, pending->interval); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { crm_debug("Op %d for %s (%s): cancelled", op, rsc_id, key); free(local_key); return TRUE; } crm_debug("Op %d for %s (%s): Nothing to cancel", op, rsc_id, key); /* The caller needs to make sure the entry is * removed from the pending_ops list * * Usually by returning TRUE inside the worker function * supplied to g_hash_table_foreach_remove() * * Not removing the entry from pending_ops will block * the node from shutting down */ free(local_key); return FALSE; } struct cancel_data { gboolean done; gboolean remove; const char *key; lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc; lrm_state_t *lrm_state; }; static gboolean cancel_action_by_key(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { gboolean remove = FALSE; struct cancel_data *data = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value; if (crm_str_eq(op->op_key, data->key, TRUE)) { data->done = TRUE; remove = !cancel_op(data->lrm_state, data->rsc->id, key, op->call_id, data->remove); } return remove; } static gboolean cancel_op_key(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *key, gboolean remove) { guint removed = 0; struct cancel_data data; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE); data.key = key; data.rsc = rsc; data.done = FALSE; data.remove = remove; data.lrm_state = lrm_state; removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, cancel_action_by_key, &data); crm_trace("Removed %u op cache entries, new size: %u", removed, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops)); return data.done; } static lrmd_rsc_info_t * get_lrm_resource(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * resource, xmlNode * op_msg, gboolean do_create) { lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL; const char *id = ID(resource); const char *type = crm_element_value(resource, XML_ATTR_TYPE); const char *class = crm_element_value(resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); const char *provider = crm_element_value(resource, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER); const char *long_id = crm_element_value(resource, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG); crm_trace("Retrieving %s from the LRM.", id); CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, return NULL); rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, id, 0); if (!rsc && long_id) { rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, long_id, 0); } if (!rsc && do_create) { CRM_CHECK(class != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, return NULL); crm_trace("Adding rsc %s before operation", id); lrm_state_register_rsc(lrm_state, id, class, provider, type, lrmd_opt_drop_recurring); rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, id, 0); if (!rsc) { fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL; crm_err("Could not add resource %s to LRM %s", id, lrm_state->node_name); /* only register this as a internal error if this involves the local * lrmd. Otherwise we're likely dealing with an unresponsive remote-node * which is not a FSA failure. */ if (lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state) == TRUE) { register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL); } } } return rsc; } static void delete_resource(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *id, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, GHashTableIter * gIter, const char *sys, const char *host, const char *user, ha_msg_input_t * request, gboolean unregister) { int rc = pcmk_ok; crm_info("Removing resource %s for %s (%s) on %s", id, sys, user ? user : "internal", host); if (rsc && unregister) { rc = lrm_state_unregister_rsc(lrm_state, id, 0); } if (rc == pcmk_ok) { crm_trace("Resource '%s' deleted", id); } else if (rc == -EINPROGRESS) { crm_info("Deletion of resource '%s' pending", id); if (request) { struct pending_deletion_op_s *op = NULL; char *ref = crm_element_value_copy(request->msg, XML_ATTR_REFERENCE); op = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pending_deletion_op_s)); op->rsc = strdup(rsc->id); op->input = copy_ha_msg_input(request); g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state->deletion_ops, ref, op); } return; } else { crm_warn("Deletion of resource '%s' for %s (%s) on %s failed: %d", id, sys, user ? user : "internal", host, rc); } delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, request, id, gIter, rc, user); } static int get_fake_call_id(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *rsc_id) { int call_id = 999999999; rsc_history_t *entry = NULL; if(lrm_state) { entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id); } /* Make sure the call id is greater than the last successful operation, * otherwise the failure will not result in a possible recovery of the resource * as it could appear the failure occurred before the successful start */ if (entry) { call_id = entry->last_callid + 1; } if (call_id < 0) { call_id = 1; } return call_id; } static void force_reprobe(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *from_sys, const char *from_host, const char *user_name, gboolean is_remote_node) { GHashTableIter gIter; rsc_history_t *entry = NULL; crm_info("clearing resource history on node %s", lrm_state->node_name); g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->resource_history); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) { /* only unregister the resource during a reprobe if it is not a remote connection * resource. otherwise unregistering the connection will terminate remote-node * membership */ gboolean unregister = TRUE; if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, entry->id)) { lrm_state_t *remote_lrm_state = lrm_state_find(entry->id); if (remote_lrm_state) { /* when forcing a reprobe, make sure to clear remote node before * clearing the remote node's connection resource */ force_reprobe(remote_lrm_state, from_sys, from_host, user_name, TRUE); } unregister = FALSE; } delete_resource(lrm_state, entry->id, &entry->rsc, &gIter, from_sys, from_host, user_name, NULL, unregister); } /* Now delete the copy in the CIB */ erase_status_tag(lrm_state->node_name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local); /* And finally, _delete_ the value in attrd * Setting it to FALSE results in the PE sending us back here again */ update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, CRM_OP_PROBED, NULL, user_name, is_remote_node); } static void synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, xmlNode *action, int rc) { lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL; const char *operation = crm_element_value(action, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); const char *target_node = crm_element_value(action, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(action, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE); if(xml_rsc == NULL) { /* Do something else? driect_ack? */ crm_info("Skipping %s=%d on %s (%p): no resource", crm_element_value(action, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY), rc, target_node, lrm_state); return; } else if(operation == NULL) { /* This probably came from crm_resource -C, nothing to do */ crm_info("Skipping %s=%d on %s (%p): no operation", crm_element_value(action, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY), rc, target_node, lrm_state); return; } op = construct_op(lrm_state, action, ID(xml_rsc), operation); CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL); op->call_id = get_fake_call_id(lrm_state, op->rsc_id); if(safe_str_eq(operation, RSC_NOTIFY)) { /* Notifications can't fail yet */ op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK; } else { op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; op->rc = rc; } op->t_run = time(NULL); op->t_rcchange = op->t_run; crm_info("Faking result %d for %s_%s_%d on %s (%p)", op->rc, op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, target_node, lrm_state); if(lrm_state) { process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL); } else { lrmd_rsc_info_t rsc; rsc.id = strdup(op->rsc_id); rsc.type = crm_element_value_copy(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE); rsc.class = crm_element_value_copy(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); rsc.provider = crm_element_value_copy(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER); do_update_resource(target_node, &rsc, op); free(rsc.id); free(rsc.type); free(rsc.class); free(rsc.provider); } lrmd_free_event(op); } /* A_LRM_INVOKE */ void do_lrm_invoke(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { gboolean create_rsc = TRUE; lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL; const char *crm_op = NULL; const char *from_sys = NULL; const char *from_host = NULL; const char *operation = NULL; ha_msg_input_t *input = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg); const char *user_name = NULL; const char *target_node = NULL; gboolean is_remote_node = FALSE; gboolean crm_rsc_delete = FALSE; if (input->xml != NULL) { /* Remote node operations are routed here to their remote connections */ target_node = crm_element_value(input->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); } if (target_node == NULL) { target_node = fsa_our_uname; } else if (safe_str_neq(target_node, fsa_our_uname)) { is_remote_node = TRUE; } lrm_state = lrm_state_find(target_node); if (lrm_state == NULL && is_remote_node) { crm_err("no lrmd connection for remote node %s found on cluster node %s. Can not process request.", target_node, fsa_our_uname); /* The action must be recorded here and in the CIB as failed */ synthesize_lrmd_failure(NULL, input->xml, PCMK_OCF_CONNECTION_DIED); return; } CRM_ASSERT(lrm_state != NULL); #if ENABLE_ACL user_name = crm_acl_get_set_user(input->msg, F_CRM_USER, NULL); crm_trace("LRM command from user '%s'", user_name); #endif crm_op = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_TASK); from_sys = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM); if (safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) { from_host = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM); } crm_trace("LRM command from: %s", from_sys); if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE)) { /* remember this delete op came from crm_resource */ crm_rsc_delete = TRUE; operation = CRMD_ACTION_DELETE; } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) { operation = CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH; } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_FAIL)) { lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL; lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL; xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE); CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc != NULL, return); /* The lrmd can not fail a resource, it does not understand the * concept of success or failure in relation to a resource, it simply * executes operations and reports the results. We determine what a failure is. * Becaues of this, if we want to fail a resource we have to fake what we * understand a failure to look like. * * To do this we create a fake lrmd operation event for the resource * we want to fail. We then pass that event to the lrmd client callback * so it will be processed as if it actually came from the lrmd. */ op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, ID(xml_rsc), "asyncmon"); CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL); free((char *)op->user_data); op->user_data = NULL; op->call_id = get_fake_call_id(lrm_state, op->rsc_id); op->interval = 0; op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR; op->t_run = time(NULL); op->t_rcchange = op->t_run; #if ENABLE_ACL if (user_name && is_privileged(user_name) == FALSE) { crm_err("%s does not have permission to fail %s", user_name, ID(xml_rsc)); send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc)); lrmd_free_event(op); return; } #endif rsc = get_lrm_resource(lrm_state, xml_rsc, input->xml, create_rsc); if (rsc) { crm_info("Failing resource %s...", rsc->id); process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL); op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK; lrmd_free_rsc_info(rsc); } else { crm_info("Cannot find/create resource in order to fail it..."); crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "bad input"); } send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc)); lrmd_free_event(op); return; } else if (input->xml != NULL) { operation = crm_element_value(input->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); } if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) { int rc = pcmk_ok; - xmlNode *fragment = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, TRUE); + xmlNode *fragment = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, node_update_all); fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, fragment, cib_quorum_override, rc, user_name); crm_info("Forced a local LRM refresh: call=%d", rc); if(strcmp(CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, from_sys) != 0) { xmlNode *reply = create_request( CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, fragment, from_host, from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, fsa_our_uuid); crm_debug("ACK'ing refresh from %s (%s)", from_sys, from_host); if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply"); } free_xml(reply); } free_xml(fragment); } else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_QUERY)) { - xmlNode *data = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, FALSE); + xmlNode *data = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, node_update_all); xmlNode *reply = create_reply(input->msg, data); if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { crm_err("Unable to route reply"); crm_log_xml_err(reply, "reply"); } free_xml(reply); free_xml(data); } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_PROBED)) { update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, CRM_OP_PROBED, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE, user_name, is_remote_node); } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_REPROBE) || safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_REPROBE)) { crm_notice("Forcing the status of all resources to be redetected"); force_reprobe(lrm_state, from_sys, from_host, user_name, is_remote_node); if(strcmp(CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, from_sys) != 0 && strcmp(CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, from_sys) != 0) { xmlNode *reply = create_request( CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, NULL, from_host, from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, fsa_our_uuid); crm_debug("ACK'ing re-probe from %s (%s)", from_sys, from_host); if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply"); } free_xml(reply); } } else if (operation != NULL) { lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL; xmlNode *params = NULL; xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE); CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc != NULL, return); /* only the first 16 chars are used by the LRM */ params = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_TAG_ATTRS, TRUE); if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) { create_rsc = FALSE; } if(lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state) == FALSE) { synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state, input->xml, PCMK_OCF_CONNECTION_DIED); return; } rsc = get_lrm_resource(lrm_state, xml_rsc, input->xml, create_rsc); if (rsc == NULL && create_rsc) { crm_err("Invalid resource definition for %s", ID(xml_rsc)); crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "bad input"); /* if the operation couldn't complete because we can't register * the resource, return a generic error */ synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state, input->xml, PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED); } else if (rsc == NULL) { lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL; crm_notice("Not creating resource for a %s event: %s", operation, ID(input->xml)); delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, input, ID(xml_rsc), NULL, pcmk_ok, user_name); op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, ID(xml_rsc), operation); /* Deleting something that does not exist is a success */ op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK; CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL); send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc)); lrmd_free_event(op); } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL)) { char *op_key = NULL; char *meta_key = NULL; int call = 0; const char *call_id = NULL; const char *op_task = NULL; const char *op_interval = NULL; gboolean in_progress = FALSE; CRM_CHECK(params != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command"); lrmd_free_rsc_info(rsc); return); meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); op_interval = crm_element_value(params, meta_key); free(meta_key); meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); op_task = crm_element_value(params, meta_key); free(meta_key); meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID); call_id = crm_element_value(params, meta_key); free(meta_key); CRM_CHECK(op_task != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command"); lrmd_free_rsc_info(rsc); return); CRM_CHECK(op_interval != NULL, crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command"); lrmd_free_rsc_info(rsc); return); op_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, op_task, crm_parse_int(op_interval, "0")); crm_debug("PE requested op %s (call=%s) be cancelled", op_key, call_id ? call_id : "NA"); call = crm_parse_int(call_id, "0"); if (call == 0) { /* the normal case when the PE cancels a recurring op */ in_progress = cancel_op_key(lrm_state, rsc, op_key, TRUE); } else { /* the normal case when the PE cancels an orphan op */ in_progress = cancel_op(lrm_state, rsc->id, NULL, call, TRUE); } if (in_progress == FALSE) { lrmd_event_data_t *op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc->id, op_task); crm_info("Nothing known about operation %d for %s", call, op_key); delete_op_entry(lrm_state, NULL, rsc->id, op_key, call); CRM_ASSERT(op != NULL); op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK; op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, rsc, op, rsc->id); lrmd_free_event(op); /* needed?? surely not otherwise the cancel_op_(_key) wouldn't * have failed in the first place */ g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_key); } free(op_key); } else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) { gboolean unregister = TRUE; #if ENABLE_ACL int cib_rc = delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, rsc->id, cib_dryrun | cib_sync_call, user_name); if (cib_rc != pcmk_ok) { lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL; crm_err ("Attempted deletion of resource status '%s' from CIB for %s (user=%s) on %s failed: (rc=%d) %s", rsc->id, from_sys, user_name ? user_name : "unknown", from_host, cib_rc, pcmk_strerror(cib_rc)); op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc->id, operation); op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; if (cib_rc == -EACCES) { op->rc = PCMK_OCF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV; } else { op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, rsc->id); lrmd_free_event(op); lrmd_free_rsc_info(rsc); return; } #endif if (crm_rsc_delete == TRUE && is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id)) { unregister = FALSE; } delete_resource(lrm_state, rsc->id, rsc, NULL, from_sys, from_host, user_name, input, unregister); } else { do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state, rsc, operation, input->xml, input->msg); } lrmd_free_rsc_info(rsc); } else { crm_err("Operation was neither a lrm_query, nor a rsc op. %s", crm_str(crm_op)); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL); } } static lrmd_event_data_t * construct_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_op, const char *rsc_id, const char *operation) { lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL; const char *op_delay = NULL; const char *op_timeout = NULL; const char *op_interval = NULL; GHashTable *params = NULL; const char *transition = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL); op = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_event_data_t)); op->type = lrmd_event_exec_complete; op->op_type = strdup(operation); op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING; op->rc = -1; op->rsc_id = strdup(rsc_id); op->interval = 0; op->timeout = 0; op->start_delay = 0; if (rsc_op == NULL) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STOP, operation)); op->user_data = NULL; /* the stop_all_resources() case * by definition there is no DC (or they'd be shutting * us down). * So we should put our version here. */ op->params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); g_hash_table_insert(op->params, strdup(XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION), strdup(CRM_FEATURE_SET)); crm_trace("Constructed %s op for %s", operation, rsc_id); return op; } params = xml2list(rsc_op); g_hash_table_remove(params, CRM_META "_op_target_rc"); op_delay = crm_meta_value(params, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY); op_timeout = crm_meta_value(params, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT); op_interval = crm_meta_value(params, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); op->interval = crm_parse_int(op_interval, "0"); op->timeout = crm_parse_int(op_timeout, "0"); op->start_delay = crm_parse_int(op_delay, "0"); if (safe_str_neq(operation, RSC_STOP)) { op->params = params; } else { rsc_history_t *entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id); /* If we do not have stop parameters cached, use * whatever we are given */ if (!entry || !entry->stop_params) { op->params = params; } else { /* Copy the cached parameter list so that we stop the resource * with the old attributes, not the new ones */ op->params = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); g_hash_table_foreach(params, copy_meta_keys, op->params); g_hash_table_foreach(entry->stop_params, copy_instance_keys, op->params); g_hash_table_destroy(params); params = NULL; } } /* sanity */ if (op->interval < 0) { op->interval = 0; } if (op->timeout <= 0) { op->timeout = op->interval; } if (op->start_delay < 0) { op->start_delay = 0; } transition = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY); CRM_CHECK(transition != NULL, return op); op->user_data = strdup(transition); if (op->interval != 0) { if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_START) || safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { crm_err("Start and Stop actions cannot have an interval: %d", op->interval); op->interval = 0; } } crm_trace("Constructed %s op for %s: interval=%d", operation, rsc_id, op->interval); return op; } void send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id) { xmlNode *reply = NULL; xmlNode *update, *iter; crm_node_t *peer = NULL; CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return); if (op->rsc_id == NULL) { CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL); op->rsc_id = strdup(rsc_id); } if (to_sys == NULL) { to_sys = CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE; } peer = crm_get_peer(0, fsa_our_uname); update = do_update_node_cib(peer, node_update_none, NULL, __FUNCTION__); iter = create_xml_node(update, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, fsa_our_uuid); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id); build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, __FUNCTION__); reply = create_request(CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, update, to_host, to_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, NULL); crm_log_xml_trace(update, "ACK Update"); crm_debug("ACK'ing resource op %s_%s_%d from %s: %s", op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->user_data, crm_element_value(reply, XML_ATTR_REFERENCE)); if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply"); } free_xml(update); free_xml(reply); } gboolean verify_stopped(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level) { gboolean res = TRUE; GList *lrm_state_list = lrm_state_get_list(); GList *state_entry; for (state_entry = lrm_state_list; state_entry != NULL; state_entry = state_entry->next) { lrm_state_t *lrm_state = state_entry->data; if (!lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state, cur_state, log_level)) { /* keep iterating through all even when false is returned */ res = FALSE; } } set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP); g_list_free(lrm_state_list); lrm_state_list = NULL; return res; } struct stop_recurring_action_s { lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc; lrm_state_t *lrm_state; }; static gboolean stop_recurring_action_by_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { gboolean remove = FALSE; struct stop_recurring_action_s *event = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value; if (op->interval != 0 && crm_str_eq(op->rsc_id, event->rsc->id, TRUE)) { crm_debug("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op->call_id, op->rsc_id, key); remove = !cancel_op(event->lrm_state, event->rsc->id, key, op->call_id, FALSE); } return remove; } static gboolean stop_recurring_actions(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { gboolean remove = FALSE; lrm_state_t *lrm_state = user_data; struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value; if (op->interval != 0) { crm_info("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op->call_id, op->rsc_id, key); remove = !cancel_op(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, key, op->call_id, FALSE); } return remove; } static void do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *operation, xmlNode * msg, xmlNode * request) { int call_id = 0; char *op_id = NULL; lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL; lrmd_key_value_t *params = NULL; fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL; const char *transition = NULL; gboolean stop_recurring = FALSE; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(operation != NULL, return); if (msg != NULL) { transition = crm_element_value(msg, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY); if (transition == NULL) { crm_log_xml_err(msg, "Missing transition number"); } } op = construct_op(lrm_state, msg, rsc->id, operation); CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return); if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id) && op->interval == 0 && strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) == 0) { /* pcmk remote connections are a special use case. * We never ever want to stop monitoring a connection resource until * the entire migration has completed. If the connection is ever unexpected * severed, even during a migration, this is an event we must detect.*/ stop_recurring = FALSE; } else if (op->interval == 0 && strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) != 0 && strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY) != 0) { /* stop any previous monitor operations before changing the resource state */ stop_recurring = TRUE; } if (stop_recurring == TRUE) { guint removed = 0; struct stop_recurring_action_s data; data.rsc = rsc; data.lrm_state = lrm_state; removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove( lrm_state->pending_ops, stop_recurring_action_by_rsc, &data); crm_debug("Stopped %u recurring operations in preparation for %s_%s_%d", removed, rsc->id, operation, op->interval); } /* now do the op */ crm_info("Performing key=%s op=%s_%s_%d", transition, rsc->id, operation, op->interval); if (fsa_state != S_NOT_DC && fsa_state != S_POLICY_ENGINE && fsa_state != S_TRANSITION_ENGINE) { if (safe_str_neq(operation, "fail") && safe_str_neq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { crm_info("Discarding attempt to perform action %s on %s in state %s", operation, rsc->id, fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); op->rc = CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC; op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id); lrmd_free_event(op); free(op_id); return; } } op_id = generate_op_key(rsc->id, op->op_type, op->interval); if (op->interval > 0) { /* cancel it so we can then restart it without conflict */ cancel_op_key(lrm_state, rsc, op_id, FALSE); } if (op->params) { char *key = NULL; char *value = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, op->params); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) { params = lrmd_key_value_add(params, key, value); } } call_id = lrm_state_exec(lrm_state, rsc->id, op->op_type, op->user_data, op->interval, op->timeout, op->start_delay, params); if (call_id <= 0 && lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state)) { crm_err("Operation %s on %s failed: %d", operation, rsc->id, call_id); register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL); } else if (call_id <= 0) { crm_err("Operation %s on resource %s failed to execute on remote node %s: %d", operation, rsc->id, lrm_state->node_name, call_id); op->call_id = get_fake_call_id(lrm_state, rsc->id); op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR; op->t_run = time(NULL); op->t_rcchange = op->t_run; process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL); } else { /* record all operations so we can wait * for them to complete during shutdown */ char *call_id_s = make_stop_id(rsc->id, call_id); struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL; pending = calloc(1, sizeof(struct recurring_op_s)); crm_trace("Recording pending op: %d - %s %s", call_id, op_id, call_id_s); pending->call_id = call_id; pending->interval = op->interval; pending->op_type = strdup(operation); pending->op_key = strdup(op_id); pending->rsc_id = strdup(rsc->id); pending->start_time = time(NULL); pending->user_data = strdup(op->user_data); g_hash_table_replace(lrm_state->pending_ops, call_id_s, pending); if (op->interval > 0 && op->start_delay > START_DELAY_THRESHOLD) { char *uuid = NULL; int dummy = 0, target_rc = 0; crm_info("Faking confirmation of %s: execution postponed for over 5 minutes", op_id); decode_transition_key(op->user_data, &uuid, &dummy, &dummy, &target_rc); free(uuid); op->rc = target_rc; op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id); } pending->params = op->params; op->params = NULL; } free(op_id); lrmd_free_event(op); return; } int last_resource_update = 0; static void cib_rsc_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data) { switch (rc) { case pcmk_ok: case -pcmk_err_diff_failed: case -pcmk_err_diff_resync: crm_trace("Resource update %d complete: rc=%d", call_id, rc); break; default: crm_warn("Resource update %d failed: (rc=%d) %s", call_id, rc, pcmk_strerror(rc)); } if (call_id == last_resource_update) { last_resource_update = 0; trigger_fsa(fsa_source); } } /* * \internal * \brief Initialize status section for a newly started pacemaker_remote node * * Clear the XML_NODE_IS_FENCED flag in the CIB status section for a remote node * or guest node (intended to be called when the node starts). If the node ever * needs to be fenced, this flag will allow various actions to determine whether * the fencing has happened yet. * * \param[in] node_name Name of new remote node * \param[in] call_opt Call options to pass to CIB update method */ static void remote_node_init_status(const char *node_name, int call_opt) { int call_id = 0; xmlNode *update = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); xmlNode *state; state = simple_remote_node_status(node_name, update,__FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(state, XML_NODE_IS_FENCED, "0"); /* TODO: Consider forcing a synchronous or asynchronous call here. * In practice, it's currently always async, the benefit of which is * quicker startup. The argument for sync is to close the tiny window * in which the remote connection could drop immediately after connecting, * and fencing might not happen because it appears to already have been. */ fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, call_opt, call_id, NULL); if (call_id < 0) { /* TODO: Return an error code on failure, and handle it somehow. * If this fails, later actions could mistakenly think the node has * already been fenced, thus preventing actual fencing, or allowing * recurring monitor failures to be cleared too soon. */ crm_perror(LOG_WARNING, "Initializing status for pacemaker_remote node %s in CIB", node_name); } free_xml(update); } static void remote_node_clear_status(const char *node_name, int call_opt) { if (node_name == NULL) { return; } remote_node_init_status(node_name, call_opt); erase_status_tag(node_name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, call_opt); erase_status_tag(node_name, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, call_opt); } static int do_update_resource(const char *node_name, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op) { /* */ int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *update, *iter = NULL; int call_opt = cib_quorum_override; const char *uuid = NULL; CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return 0); if (fsa_state == S_ELECTION || fsa_state == S_PENDING) { crm_info("Sending update to local CIB in state: %s", fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); call_opt |= cib_scope_local; } iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); update = iter; iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE); if (safe_str_eq(node_name, fsa_our_uname)) { uuid = fsa_our_uuid; } else { /* remote nodes uuid and uname are equal */ uuid = node_name; crm_xml_add(iter, XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE, "true"); } CRM_LOG_ASSERT(uuid != NULL); if(uuid == NULL) { rc = -EINVAL; goto done; } crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_UUID, uuid); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node_name); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, uuid); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES); iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id); build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, __FUNCTION__); if (rsc) { const char *container = NULL; crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_TYPE, rsc->type); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, rsc->class); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, rsc->provider); if (op->params) { container = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER); } if (container) { crm_trace("Resource %s is a part of container resource %s", op->rsc_id, container); crm_xml_add(iter, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, container); } CRM_CHECK(rsc->type != NULL, crm_err("Resource %s has no value for type", op->rsc_id)); CRM_CHECK(rsc->class != NULL, crm_err("Resource %s has no value for class", op->rsc_id)); /* check to see if we need to initialize remote-node related status sections */ if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, "start") && op->rc == 0 && op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) { const char *remote_node = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, CRM_META"_remote_node"); if (remote_node) { /* A container for a remote-node has started, initialize remote-node's status */ crm_info("Initalizing lrm status for container remote-node %s. Container successfully started.", remote_node); remote_node_clear_status(remote_node, call_opt); } else if (container == FALSE && safe_str_eq(rsc->type, "remote") && safe_str_eq(rsc->provider, "pacemaker")) { /* baremetal remote node connection resource has started, initialize remote-node's status */ crm_info("Initializing lrm status for baremetal remote-node %s", rsc->id); remote_node_clear_status(rsc->id, call_opt); } } } else { crm_warn("Resource %s no longer exists in the lrmd", op->rsc_id); send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, op->rsc_id); goto cleanup; } crm_log_xml_trace(update, __FUNCTION__); /* make it an asyncronous call and be done with it * * Best case: * the resource state will be discovered during * the next signup or election. * * Bad case: * we are shutting down and there is no DC at the time, * but then why were we shutting down then anyway? * (probably because of an internal error) * * Worst case: * we get shot for having resources "running" when the really weren't * * the alternative however means blocking here for too long, which * isnt acceptable */ fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, call_opt, rc, NULL); if (rc > 0) { last_resource_update = rc; } done: /* the return code is a call number, not an error code */ crm_trace("Sent resource state update message: %d for %s=%d on %s", rc, op->op_type, op->interval, op->rsc_id); fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, cib_rsc_callback); cleanup: free_xml(update); return rc; } void do_lrm_event(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { CRM_CHECK(FALSE, return); } gboolean process_lrm_event(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t * op, struct recurring_op_s *pending) { char *op_id = NULL; char *op_key = NULL; int update_id = 0; gboolean remove = FALSE; gboolean removed = FALSE; lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL; CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(op->rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE); op_id = make_stop_id(op->rsc_id, op->call_id); op_key = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval); rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, 0); if(pending == NULL) { remove = TRUE; pending = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id); } if (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR) { switch(op->rc) { case PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING: case PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER: case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED: case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER: /* Leave it up to the TE/PE to decide if this is an error */ op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; break; default: /* Nothing to do */ break; } } if (op->op_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) { if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_NOTIFY)) { /* Keep notify ops out of the CIB */ send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id); } else { update_id = do_update_resource(lrm_state->node_name, rsc, op); } } else if (op->interval == 0) { /* This will occur when "crm resource cleanup" is called while actions are in-flight */ crm_err("Op %s (call=%d): Cancelled", op_key, op->call_id); send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id); } else if (pending == NULL) { /* We don't need to do anything for cancelled ops * that are not in our pending op list. There are no * transition actions waiting on these operations. */ } else if (op->user_data == NULL) { /* At this point we have a pending entry, but no transition * key present in the user_data field. report this */ crm_err("Op %s (call=%d): No user data", op_key, op->call_id); } else if (pending->remove) { /* The tengine canceled this op, we have been waiting for the cancel to finish. */ delete_op_entry(lrm_state, op, op->rsc_id, op_key, op->call_id); } else if (pending && op->rsc_deleted) { /* The tengine initiated this op, but it was cancelled outside of the * tengine's control during a resource cleanup/re-probe request. The tengine * must be alerted that this operation completed, otherwise the tengine * will continue waiting for this update to occur until it is timed out. * We don't want this update going to the cib though, so use a direct ack. */ crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d): cancelled due to rsc deletion", op_key, op->call_id); send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id); } else { /* Before a stop is called, no need to direct ack */ crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d): no delete event required", op_key, op->call_id); } if(remove == FALSE) { /* The caller will do this afterwards, but keep the logging consistent */ removed = TRUE; } else if ((op->interval == 0) && g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id)) { removed = TRUE; crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d, stop-id=%s, remaining=%u): Confirmed", op_key, op->call_id, op_id, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops)); } else if(op->interval != 0 && op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) { removed = TRUE; g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id); } switch (op->op_status) { case PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED: crm_info("Operation %s: %s (node=%s, call=%d, confirmed=%s)", op_key, services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status), lrm_state->node_name, op->call_id, removed ? "true" : "false"); break; case PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE: do_crm_log(op->interval?LOG_INFO:LOG_NOTICE, "Operation %s: %s (node=%s, call=%d, rc=%d, cib-update=%d, confirmed=%s)", op_key, services_ocf_exitcode_str(op->rc), lrm_state->node_name, op->call_id, op->rc, update_id, removed ? "true" : "false"); break; case PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT: crm_err("Operation %s: %s (node=%s, call=%d, timeout=%dms)", op_key, services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status), lrm_state->node_name, op->call_id, op->timeout); break; default: crm_err("Operation %s (node=%s, call=%d, status=%d, cib-update=%d, confirmed=%s) %s", op_key, lrm_state->node_name, op->call_id, op->op_status, update_id, removed ? "true" : "false", services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status)); } if (op->output) { char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s_%s_%d:%d", lrm_state->node_name, op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval, op->call_id); if (op->rc) { crm_log_output(LOG_NOTICE, prefix, op->output); } else { crm_log_output(LOG_DEBUG, prefix, op->output); } free(prefix); } crmd_notify_resource_op(lrm_state->node_name, op); if (op->rsc_deleted) { crm_info("Deletion of resource '%s' complete after %s", op->rsc_id, op_key); delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, NULL, op->rsc_id, NULL, pcmk_ok, NULL); } /* If a shutdown was escalated while operations were pending, * then the FSA will be stalled right now... allow it to continue */ mainloop_set_trigger(fsa_source); update_history_cache(lrm_state, rsc, op); lrmd_free_rsc_info(rsc); free(op_key); free(op_id); return TRUE; } diff --git a/crmd/te_actions.c b/crmd/te_actions.c index 90ff3398ea..d2267b8833 100644 --- a/crmd/te_actions.c +++ b/crmd/te_actions.c @@ -1,742 +1,738 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char *te_uuid = NULL; GHashTable *te_targets = NULL; void send_rsc_command(crm_action_t * action); static void te_update_job_count(crm_action_t * action, int offset); static void te_start_action_timer(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action) { action->timer = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_action_timer_t)); action->timer->timeout = action->timeout; action->timer->reason = timeout_action; action->timer->action = action; action->timer->source_id = g_timeout_add(action->timer->timeout + graph->network_delay, action_timer_callback, (void *)action->timer); CRM_ASSERT(action->timer->source_id != 0); } static gboolean te_pseudo_action(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * pseudo) { crm_debug("Pseudo action %d fired and confirmed", pseudo->id); te_action_confirmed(pseudo); update_graph(graph, pseudo); trigger_graph(); return TRUE; } void send_stonith_update(crm_action_t * action, const char *target, const char *uuid) { int rc = pcmk_ok; crm_node_t *peer = NULL; /* zero out the node-status & remove all LRM status info */ xmlNode *node_state = NULL; CRM_CHECK(target != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(uuid != NULL, return); /* Make sure the membership and join caches are accurate */ peer = crm_get_peer_full(0, target, CRM_GET_PEER_CLUSTER | CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE); CRM_CHECK(peer != NULL, return); if (peer->uuid == NULL) { crm_info("Recording uuid '%s' for node '%s'", uuid, target); peer->uuid = strdup(uuid); } crmd_peer_down(peer, TRUE); - node_state = - do_update_node_cib(peer, - node_update_cluster | node_update_peer | node_update_join | - node_update_expected, NULL, __FUNCTION__); - + node_state = do_update_node_cib(peer, node_update_all, NULL, __FUNCTION__); /* we have to mark whether or not remote nodes have already been fenced */ if (peer->flags & crm_remote_node) { time_t now = time(NULL); char *now_s = crm_itoa(now); crm_xml_add(node_state, XML_NODE_IS_FENCED, now_s); free(now_s); } /* Force our known ID */ crm_xml_add(node_state, XML_ATTR_UUID, uuid); rc = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->update(fsa_cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, node_state, cib_quorum_override | cib_scope_local | cib_can_create); /* Delay processing the trigger until the update completes */ crm_debug("Sending fencing update %d for %s", rc, target); fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, strdup(target), cib_fencing_updated); /* Make sure it sticks */ /* fsa_cib_conn->cmds->bump_epoch(fsa_cib_conn, cib_quorum_override|cib_scope_local); */ erase_status_tag(peer->uname, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local); erase_status_tag(peer->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local); free_xml(node_state); return; } static gboolean te_fence_node(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action) { int rc = 0; const char *id = NULL; const char *uuid = NULL; const char *target = NULL; const char *type = NULL; gboolean invalid_action = FALSE; enum stonith_call_options options = st_opt_none; id = ID(action->xml); target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); uuid = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID); type = crm_meta_value(action->params, "stonith_action"); CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, invalid_action = TRUE); CRM_CHECK(uuid != NULL, invalid_action = TRUE); CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, invalid_action = TRUE); CRM_CHECK(target != NULL, invalid_action = TRUE); if (invalid_action) { crm_log_xml_warn(action->xml, "BadAction"); return FALSE; } crm_notice("Executing %s fencing operation (%s) on %s (timeout=%d)", type, id, target, transition_graph->stonith_timeout); /* Passing NULL means block until we can connect... */ te_connect_stonith(NULL); if (crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_confirmed) == 1) { options |= st_opt_allow_suicide; } rc = stonith_api->cmds->fence(stonith_api, options, target, type, transition_graph->stonith_timeout / 1000, 0); stonith_api->cmds->register_callback(stonith_api, rc, transition_graph->stonith_timeout / 1000, st_opt_timeout_updates, generate_transition_key(transition_graph->id, action->id, 0, te_uuid), "tengine_stonith_callback", tengine_stonith_callback); return TRUE; } static int get_target_rc(crm_action_t * action) { const char *target_rc_s = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_ATTR_TE_TARGET_RC); if (target_rc_s != NULL) { return crm_parse_int(target_rc_s, "0"); } return 0; } static gboolean te_crm_command(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action) { char *counter = NULL; xmlNode *cmd = NULL; gboolean is_local = FALSE; const char *id = NULL; const char *task = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *on_node = NULL; const char *router_node = NULL; gboolean rc = TRUE; gboolean no_wait = FALSE; id = ID(action->xml); task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); on_node = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); router_node = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE); if (!router_node) { router_node = on_node; } CRM_CHECK(on_node != NULL && strlen(on_node) != 0, crm_err("Corrupted command (id=%s) %s: no node", crm_str(id), crm_str(task)); return FALSE); crm_info("Executing crm-event (%s): %s on %s%s%s", crm_str(id), crm_str(task), on_node, is_local ? " (local)" : "", no_wait ? " - no waiting" : ""); if (safe_str_eq(router_node, fsa_our_uname)) { is_local = TRUE; } value = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_ATTR_TE_NOWAIT); if (crm_is_true(value)) { no_wait = TRUE; } if (is_local && safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN)) { /* defer until everything else completes */ crm_info("crm-event (%s) is a local shutdown", crm_str(id)); graph->completion_action = tg_shutdown; graph->abort_reason = "local shutdown"; te_action_confirmed(action); update_graph(graph, action); trigger_graph(); return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN)) { crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(0, router_node); crm_update_peer_expected(__FUNCTION__, peer, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN); } cmd = create_request(task, action->xml, router_node, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, NULL); counter = generate_transition_key(transition_graph->id, action->id, get_target_rc(action), te_uuid); crm_xml_add(cmd, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, counter); rc = send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, router_node), crm_msg_crmd, cmd, TRUE); free(counter); free_xml(cmd); if (rc == FALSE) { crm_err("Action %d failed: send", action->id); return FALSE; } else if (no_wait) { te_action_confirmed(action); update_graph(graph, action); trigger_graph(); } else { if (action->timeout <= 0) { crm_err("Action %d: %s on %s had an invalid timeout (%dms). Using %dms instead", action->id, task, on_node, action->timeout, graph->network_delay); action->timeout = graph->network_delay; } te_start_action_timer(graph, action); } return TRUE; } gboolean cib_action_update(crm_action_t * action, int status, int op_rc) { lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL; xmlNode *state = NULL; xmlNode *rsc = NULL; xmlNode *xml_op = NULL; xmlNode *action_rsc = NULL; int rc = pcmk_ok; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *rsc_id = NULL; const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); const char *target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); const char *task_uuid = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY); const char *target_uuid = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID); int call_options = cib_quorum_override | cib_scope_local; int target_rc = get_target_rc(action); if (status == PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING) { crm_debug("%s %d: Recording pending operation %s on %s", crm_element_name(action->xml), action->id, task_uuid, target); } else { crm_warn("%s %d: %s on %s timed out", crm_element_name(action->xml), action->id, task_uuid, target); } action_rsc = find_xml_node(action->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE); if (action_rsc == NULL) { return FALSE; } rsc_id = ID(action_rsc); CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, crm_log_xml_err(action->xml, "Bad:action"); return FALSE); /* update the CIB */ state = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE); crm_xml_add(state, XML_ATTR_UUID, target_uuid); crm_xml_add(state, XML_ATTR_UNAME, target); rsc = create_xml_node(state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM); crm_xml_add(rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, target_uuid); rsc = create_xml_node(rsc, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES); rsc = create_xml_node(rsc, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE); crm_xml_add(rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id); name = XML_ATTR_TYPE; value = crm_element_value(action_rsc, name); crm_xml_add(rsc, name, value); name = XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS; value = crm_element_value(action_rsc, name); crm_xml_add(rsc, name, value); name = XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER; value = crm_element_value(action_rsc, name); crm_xml_add(rsc, name, value); op = convert_graph_action(NULL, action, status, op_rc); op->call_id = -1; op->user_data = generate_transition_key(transition_graph->id, action->id, target_rc, te_uuid); xml_op = create_operation_update(rsc, op, CRM_FEATURE_SET, target_rc, target, __FUNCTION__, LOG_INFO); lrmd_free_event(op); crm_trace("Updating CIB with \"%s\" (%s): %s %s on %s", status < 0 ? "new action" : XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT, crm_element_name(action->xml), crm_str(task), rsc_id, target); crm_log_xml_trace(xml_op, "Op"); rc = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->update(fsa_cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, state, call_options); crm_trace("Updating CIB with %s action %d: %s on %s (call_id=%d)", services_lrm_status_str(status), action->id, task_uuid, target, rc); fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, cib_action_updated); free_xml(state); action->sent_update = TRUE; if (rc < pcmk_ok) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean te_rsc_command(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action) { /* never overwrite stop actions in the CIB with * anything other than completed results * * Writing pending stops makes it look like the * resource is running again */ xmlNode *cmd = NULL; xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL; gboolean rc = TRUE; gboolean no_wait = FALSE; gboolean is_local = FALSE; char *counter = NULL; const char *task = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *on_node = NULL; const char *router_node = NULL; const char *task_uuid = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(action != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(action->xml != NULL); action->executed = FALSE; on_node = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); CRM_CHECK(on_node != NULL && strlen(on_node) != 0, crm_err("Corrupted command(id=%s) %s: no node", ID(action->xml), crm_str(task)); return FALSE); rsc_op = action->xml; task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); task_uuid = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY); router_node = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE); if (!router_node) { router_node = on_node; } counter = generate_transition_key(transition_graph->id, action->id, get_target_rc(action), te_uuid); crm_xml_add(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, counter); if (safe_str_eq(router_node, fsa_our_uname)) { is_local = TRUE; } value = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_ATTR_TE_NOWAIT); if (crm_is_true(value)) { no_wait = TRUE; } crm_notice("Initiating action %d: %s %s on %s%s%s", action->id, task, task_uuid, on_node, is_local ? " (local)" : "", no_wait ? " - no waiting" : ""); cmd = create_request(CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, rsc_op, router_node, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, NULL); if (is_local) { /* shortcut local resource commands */ ha_msg_input_t data = { .msg = cmd, .xml = rsc_op, }; fsa_data_t msg = { .id = 0, .data = &data, .data_type = fsa_dt_ha_msg, .fsa_input = I_NULL, .fsa_cause = C_FSA_INTERNAL, .actions = A_LRM_INVOKE, .origin = __FUNCTION__, }; do_lrm_invoke(A_LRM_INVOKE, C_FSA_INTERNAL, fsa_state, I_NULL, &msg); } else { rc = send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, router_node), crm_msg_lrmd, cmd, TRUE); } free(counter); free_xml(cmd); action->executed = TRUE; if (rc == FALSE) { crm_err("Action %d failed: send", action->id); return FALSE; } else if (no_wait) { crm_info("Action %d confirmed - no wait", action->id); action->confirmed = TRUE; /* Just mark confirmed. * Don't bump the job count only to immediately decrement it */ update_graph(transition_graph, action); trigger_graph(); } else if (action->confirmed == TRUE) { crm_debug("Action %d: %s %s on %s(timeout %dms) was already confirmed.", action->id, task, task_uuid, on_node, action->timeout); } else { if (action->timeout <= 0) { crm_err("Action %d: %s %s on %s had an invalid timeout (%dms). Using %dms instead", action->id, task, task_uuid, on_node, action->timeout, graph->network_delay); action->timeout = graph->network_delay; } te_update_job_count(action, 1); te_start_action_timer(graph, action); } value = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_OP_ATTR_PENDING); if (crm_is_true(value) && safe_str_neq(task, CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL) && safe_str_neq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) { /* write a "pending" entry to the CIB, inhibit notification */ crm_debug("Recording pending op %s in the CIB", task_uuid); cib_action_update(action, PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN); } return TRUE; } struct te_peer_s { char *name; int jobs; int migrate_jobs; }; static void te_peer_free(gpointer p) { struct te_peer_s *peer = p; free(peer->name); free(peer); } void te_reset_job_counts(void) { GHashTableIter iter; struct te_peer_s *peer = NULL; if(te_targets == NULL) { te_targets = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, te_peer_free); } g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, te_targets); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & peer)) { peer->jobs = 0; peer->migrate_jobs = 0; } } static void te_update_job_count_on(const char *target, int offset, bool migrate) { struct te_peer_s *r = NULL; if(target == NULL || te_targets == NULL) { return; } r = g_hash_table_lookup(te_targets, target); if(r == NULL) { r = calloc(1, sizeof(struct te_peer_s)); r->name = strdup(target); g_hash_table_insert(te_targets, r->name, r); } r->jobs += offset; if(migrate) { r->migrate_jobs += offset; } crm_trace("jobs[%s] = %d", target, r->jobs); } static void te_update_job_count(crm_action_t * action, int offset) { const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); const char *target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); if (action->type != action_type_rsc || target == NULL) { /* No limit on these */ return; } /* if we have a router node, this means the action is performing * on a remote node. For now, we count all action occuring on a * remote node against the job list on the cluster node hosting * the connection resources */ target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE); if ((target == NULL) && (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED))) { const char *t1 = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE); const char *t2 = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET); te_update_job_count_on(t1, offset, TRUE); te_update_job_count_on(t2, offset, TRUE); return; } else if (target == NULL) { target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); } te_update_job_count_on(target, offset, FALSE); } static gboolean te_should_perform_action_on(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action, const char *target) { int limit = 0; struct te_peer_s *r = NULL; const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); const char *id = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY); if(target == NULL) { /* No limit on these */ return TRUE; } else if(te_targets == NULL) { return FALSE; } r = g_hash_table_lookup(te_targets, target); limit = throttle_get_job_limit(target); if(r == NULL) { r = calloc(1, sizeof(struct te_peer_s)); r->name = strdup(target); g_hash_table_insert(te_targets, r->name, r); } if(limit <= r->jobs) { crm_trace("Peer %s is over their job limit of %d (%d): deferring %s", target, limit, r->jobs, id); return FALSE; } else if(graph->migration_limit > 0 && r->migrate_jobs >= graph->migration_limit) { if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) { crm_trace("Peer %s is over their migration job limit of %d (%d): deferring %s", target, graph->migration_limit, r->migrate_jobs, id); return FALSE; } } crm_trace("Peer %s has not hit their limit yet. current jobs = %d limit= %d limit", target, r->jobs, limit); return TRUE; } static gboolean te_should_perform_action(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action) { const char *target = NULL; const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); if (action->type != action_type_rsc) { /* No limit on these */ return TRUE; } /* if we have a router node, this means the action is performing * on a remote node. For now, we count all action occuring on a * remote node against the job list on the cluster node hosting * the connection resources */ target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE); if ((target == NULL) && (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED))) { target = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE); if(te_should_perform_action_on(graph, action, target) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } target = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET); } else if (target == NULL) { target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); } return te_should_perform_action_on(graph, action, target); } void te_action_confirmed(crm_action_t * action) { const char *target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); if (action->confirmed == FALSE && action->type == action_type_rsc && target != NULL) { te_update_job_count(action, -1); } action->confirmed = TRUE; } crm_graph_functions_t te_graph_fns = { te_pseudo_action, te_rsc_command, te_crm_command, te_fence_node, te_should_perform_action, }; void notify_crmd(crm_graph_t * graph) { const char *type = "unknown"; enum crmd_fsa_input event = I_NULL; crm_debug("Processing transition completion in state %s", fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); CRM_CHECK(graph->complete, graph->complete = TRUE); switch (graph->completion_action) { case tg_stop: type = "stop"; if (fsa_state == S_TRANSITION_ENGINE) { event = I_TE_SUCCESS; } break; case tg_done: type = "done"; if (fsa_state == S_TRANSITION_ENGINE) { event = I_TE_SUCCESS; } break; case tg_restart: type = "restart"; if (fsa_state == S_TRANSITION_ENGINE) { if (too_many_st_failures() == FALSE) { if (transition_timer->period_ms > 0) { crm_timer_stop(transition_timer); crm_timer_start(transition_timer); } else { event = I_PE_CALC; } } else { event = I_TE_SUCCESS; } } else if (fsa_state == S_POLICY_ENGINE) { register_fsa_action(A_PE_INVOKE); } break; case tg_shutdown: type = "shutdown"; if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) { event = I_STOP; } else { crm_err("We didn't ask to be shut down, yet our" " PE is telling us too."); event = I_TERMINATE; } } crm_debug("Transition %d status: %s - %s", graph->id, type, crm_str(graph->abort_reason)); graph->abort_reason = NULL; graph->completion_action = tg_done; clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_IN_TRANSITION); if (event != I_NULL) { register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, event, NULL); } else if (fsa_source) { mainloop_set_trigger(fsa_source); } } diff --git a/crmd/te_utils.c b/crmd/te_utils.c index 22551ba0d3..36eecdb306 100644 --- a/crmd/te_utils.c +++ b/crmd/te_utils.c @@ -1,548 +1,638 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include crm_trigger_t *stonith_reconnect = NULL; -GListPtr stonith_cleanup_list = NULL; + +/* + * stonith cleanup list + * + * If the DC is shot, proper notifications might not go out. + * The stonith cleanup list allows the cluster to (re-)send + * notifications once a new DC is elected. + */ + +static GListPtr stonith_cleanup_list = NULL; + +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Add a node to the stonith cleanup list + * + * \param[in] target Name of node to add + */ +void +add_stonith_cleanup(const char *target) { + stonith_cleanup_list = g_list_append(stonith_cleanup_list, strdup(target)); +} + +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Remove a node from the stonith cleanup list + * + * \param[in] Name of node to remove + */ +void +remove_stonith_cleanup(const char *target) +{ + GListPtr iter = stonith_cleanup_list; + + while (iter != NULL) { + GListPtr tmp = iter; + char *iter_name = tmp->data; + + iter = iter->next; + if (safe_str_eq(target, iter_name)) { + crm_trace("Removing %s from the cleanup list", iter_name); + stonith_cleanup_list = g_list_delete_link(stonith_cleanup_list, tmp); + free(iter_name); + } + } +} + +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Purge all entries from the stonith cleanup list + */ +void +purge_stonith_cleanup() +{ + if (stonith_cleanup_list) { + GListPtr iter = NULL; + + for (iter = stonith_cleanup_list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { + char *target = iter->data; + + crm_info("Purging %s from stonith cleanup list", target); + free(target); + } + g_list_free(stonith_cleanup_list); + stonith_cleanup_list = NULL; + } +} + +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Send stonith updates for all entries in cleanup list, then purge it + */ +void +execute_stonith_cleanup() +{ + GListPtr iter; + + for (iter = stonith_cleanup_list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { + char *target = iter->data; + crm_node_t *target_node = crm_get_peer(0, target); + const char *uuid = crm_peer_uuid(target_node); + + crm_notice("Marking %s, target of a previous stonith action, as clean", target); + send_stonith_update(NULL, target, uuid); + free(target); + } + g_list_free(stonith_cleanup_list); + stonith_cleanup_list = NULL; +} + +/* end stonith cleanup list functions */ static gboolean fail_incompletable_stonith(crm_graph_t * graph) { GListPtr lpc = NULL; const char *task = NULL; xmlNode *last_action = NULL; if (graph == NULL) { return FALSE; } for (lpc = graph->synapses; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { GListPtr lpc2 = NULL; synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) lpc->data; if (synapse->confirmed) { continue; } for (lpc2 = synapse->actions; lpc2 != NULL; lpc2 = lpc2->next) { crm_action_t *action = (crm_action_t *) lpc2->data; if (action->type != action_type_crm || action->confirmed) { continue; } task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); if (task && safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) { action->failed = TRUE; last_action = action->xml; update_graph(graph, action); crm_notice("Failing action %d (%s): STONITHd terminated", action->id, ID(action->xml)); } } } if (last_action != NULL) { crm_warn("STONITHd failure resulted in un-runnable actions"); abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Stonith failure", last_action); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void tengine_stonith_connection_destroy(stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e) { if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_ST_REQUIRED)) { crm_crit("Fencing daemon connection failed"); mainloop_set_trigger(stonith_reconnect); } else { crm_info("Fencing daemon disconnected"); } /* cbchan will be garbage at this point, arrange for it to be reset */ if(stonith_api) { stonith_api->state = stonith_disconnected; } if (AM_I_DC) { fail_incompletable_stonith(transition_graph); trigger_graph(); } } #if SUPPORT_CMAN # include #endif char *te_client_id = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_REBOOT_H # include # include #endif static void tengine_stonith_notify(stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * st_event) { if(te_client_id == NULL) { te_client_id = crm_strdup_printf("%s.%d", crm_system_name, getpid()); } if (st_event == NULL) { crm_err("Notify data not found"); return; } crmd_notify_fencing_op(st_event); if (st_event->result == pcmk_ok && safe_str_eq("on", st_event->action)) { crm_notice("%s was successfully unfenced by %s (at the request of %s)", st_event->target, st_event->executioner ? st_event->executioner : "", st_event->origin); /* TODO: Hook up st_event->device */ return; } else if (safe_str_eq("on", st_event->action)) { crm_err("Unfencing of %s by %s failed: %s (%d)", st_event->target, st_event->executioner ? st_event->executioner : "", pcmk_strerror(st_event->result), st_event->result); return; } else if (st_event->result == pcmk_ok && crm_str_eq(st_event->target, fsa_our_uname, TRUE)) { crm_crit("We were allegedly just fenced by %s for %s!", st_event->executioner ? st_event->executioner : "", st_event->origin); /* Dumps blackbox if enabled */ qb_log_fini(); /* Try to get the above log message to disk - somehow */ /* Get out ASAP and do not come back up. * * Triggering a reboot is also not the worst idea either since * the rest of the cluster thinks we're safely down */ #ifdef RB_HALT_SYSTEM reboot(RB_HALT_SYSTEM); #endif /* * If reboot() fails or is not supported, coming back up will * probably lead to a situation where the other nodes set our * status to 'lost' because of the fencing callback and will * discard subsequent election votes with: * * Election 87 (current: 5171, owner: 103): Processed vote from east-03 (Peer is not part of our cluster) * * So just stay dead, something is seriously messed up anyway. * */ exit(100); /* None of our wrappers since we already called qb_log_fini() */ return; } if (st_event->result == pcmk_ok && safe_str_eq(st_event->operation, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE)) { st_fail_count_reset(st_event->target); } crm_notice("Peer %s was%s terminated (%s) by %s for %s: %s (ref=%s) by client %s", st_event->target, st_event->result == pcmk_ok ? "" : " not", st_event->action, st_event->executioner ? st_event->executioner : "", st_event->origin, pcmk_strerror(st_event->result), st_event->id, st_event->client_origin ? st_event->client_origin : ""); #if SUPPORT_CMAN if (st_event->result == pcmk_ok && is_cman_cluster()) { int local_rc = 0; int confirm = 0; char *target_copy = strdup(st_event->target); /* In case fenced hasn't noticed yet * * Any fencing that has been inititated will be completed by way of the fence_pcmk redirect */ local_rc = fenced_external(target_copy); if (local_rc != 0) { crm_err("Could not notify CMAN that '%s' is now fenced: %d", st_event->target, local_rc); } else { crm_notice("Notified CMAN that '%s' is now fenced", st_event->target); } /* In case fenced is already trying to shoot it */ confirm = open("/var/run/cluster/fenced_override", O_NONBLOCK|O_WRONLY); if (confirm > 0) { int ignore = 0; int len = strlen(target_copy); errno = 0; local_rc = write(confirm, target_copy, len); ignore = write(confirm, "\n", 1); if(ignore < 0 && errno == EBADF) { crm_trace("CMAN not expecting %s to be fenced (yet)", st_event->target); } else if (local_rc < len) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Confirmation of CMAN fencing event for '%s' failed: %d", st_event->target, local_rc); } else { fsync(confirm); crm_notice("Confirmed CMAN fencing event for '%s'", st_event->target); } close(confirm); } free(target_copy); } #endif if (st_event->result == pcmk_ok) { crm_node_t *peer = crm_find_peer_full(0, st_event->target, CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE | CRM_GET_PEER_CLUSTER); const char *uuid = NULL; gboolean we_are_executioner = safe_str_eq(st_event->executioner, fsa_our_uname); if (peer == NULL) { return; } uuid = crm_peer_uuid(peer); crm_trace("target=%s dc=%s", st_event->target, fsa_our_dc); if(AM_I_DC) { /* The DC always sends updates */ send_stonith_update(NULL, st_event->target, uuid); if (st_event->client_origin && safe_str_neq(st_event->client_origin, te_client_id)) { /* Abort the current transition graph if it wasn't us * that invoked stonith to fence someone */ crm_info("External fencing operation from %s fenced %s", st_event->client_origin, st_event->target); abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "External Fencing Operation", NULL); } /* Assume it was our leader if we dont currently have one */ - } else if (fsa_our_dc == NULL || safe_str_eq(fsa_our_dc, st_event->target)) { + } else if (((fsa_our_dc == NULL) || safe_str_eq(fsa_our_dc, st_event->target)) + && !is_set(peer->flags, crm_remote_node)) { + crm_notice("Target %s our leader %s (recorded: %s)", fsa_our_dc ? "was" : "may have been", st_event->target, fsa_our_dc ? fsa_our_dc : ""); /* Given the CIB resyncing that occurs around elections, * have one node update the CIB now and, if the new DC is different, * have them do so too after the election */ if (we_are_executioner) { send_stonith_update(NULL, st_event->target, uuid); } - stonith_cleanup_list = g_list_append(stonith_cleanup_list, strdup(st_event->target)); - + add_stonith_cleanup(st_event->target); } crmd_peer_down(peer, TRUE); } } gboolean te_connect_stonith(gpointer user_data) { int lpc = 0; int rc = pcmk_ok; if (stonith_api == NULL) { stonith_api = stonith_api_new(); } if (stonith_api->state != stonith_disconnected) { crm_trace("Still connected"); return TRUE; } for (lpc = 0; lpc < 30; lpc++) { crm_debug("Attempting connection to fencing daemon..."); sleep(1); rc = stonith_api->cmds->connect(stonith_api, crm_system_name, NULL); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { break; } if (user_data != NULL) { if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_ST_REQUIRED)) { crm_err("Sign-in failed: triggered a retry"); mainloop_set_trigger(stonith_reconnect); } else { crm_info("Sign-in failed, but no longer required"); } return TRUE; } crm_err("Sign-in failed: pausing and trying again in 2s..."); sleep(1); } CRM_CHECK(rc == pcmk_ok, return TRUE); /* If not, we failed 30 times... just get out */ stonith_api->cmds->register_notification(stonith_api, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT, tengine_stonith_connection_destroy); stonith_api->cmds->register_notification(stonith_api, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE, tengine_stonith_notify); crm_trace("Connected"); return TRUE; } gboolean stop_te_timer(crm_action_timer_t * timer) { const char *timer_desc = "action timer"; if (timer == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (timer->reason == timeout_abort) { timer_desc = "global timer"; crm_trace("Stopping %s", timer_desc); } if (timer->source_id != 0) { crm_trace("Stopping %s", timer_desc); g_source_remove(timer->source_id); timer->source_id = 0; } else { crm_trace("%s was already stopped", timer_desc); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean te_graph_trigger(gpointer user_data) { enum transition_status graph_rc = -1; if (transition_graph == NULL) { crm_debug("Nothing to do"); return TRUE; } crm_trace("Invoking graph %d in state %s", transition_graph->id, fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); switch (fsa_state) { case S_STARTING: case S_PENDING: case S_NOT_DC: case S_HALT: case S_ILLEGAL: case S_STOPPING: case S_TERMINATE: return TRUE; break; default: break; } if (transition_graph->complete == FALSE) { int limit = transition_graph->batch_limit; transition_graph->batch_limit = throttle_get_total_job_limit(limit); graph_rc = run_graph(transition_graph); transition_graph->batch_limit = limit; /* Restore the configured value */ /* significant overhead... */ /* print_graph(LOG_DEBUG_3, transition_graph); */ if (graph_rc == transition_active) { crm_trace("Transition not yet complete"); return TRUE; } else if (graph_rc == transition_pending) { crm_trace("Transition not yet complete - no actions fired"); return TRUE; } if (graph_rc != transition_complete) { crm_warn("Transition failed: %s", transition_status(graph_rc)); print_graph(LOG_NOTICE, transition_graph); } } crm_debug("Transition %d is now complete", transition_graph->id); transition_graph->complete = TRUE; notify_crmd(transition_graph); return TRUE; } void trigger_graph_processing(const char *fn, int line) { crm_trace("%s:%d - Triggered graph processing", fn, line); mainloop_set_trigger(transition_trigger); } void abort_transition_graph(int abort_priority, enum transition_action abort_action, const char *abort_text, xmlNode * reason, const char *fn, int line) { int add[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int del[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int level = LOG_INFO; xmlNode *diff = NULL; xmlNode *change = NULL; CRM_CHECK(transition_graph != NULL, return); switch (fsa_state) { case S_STARTING: case S_PENDING: case S_NOT_DC: case S_HALT: case S_ILLEGAL: case S_STOPPING: case S_TERMINATE: crm_info("Abort %s suppressed: state=%s (complete=%d)", abort_text, fsa_state2string(fsa_state), transition_graph->complete); return; default: break; } /* Make sure any queued calculations are discarded ASAP */ free(fsa_pe_ref); fsa_pe_ref = NULL; if (transition_graph->complete == FALSE) { if(update_abort_priority(transition_graph, abort_priority, abort_action, abort_text)) { level = LOG_NOTICE; } } if(reason) { xmlNode *search = NULL; for(search = reason; search; search = search->parent) { if (safe_str_eq(XML_TAG_DIFF, TYPE(search))) { diff = search; break; } } if(diff) { xml_patch_versions(diff, add, del); for(search = reason; search; search = search->parent) { if (safe_str_eq(XML_DIFF_CHANGE, TYPE(search))) { change = search; break; } } } } if(reason == NULL) { do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted: %s (source=%s:%d, %d)", abort_text, fn, line, transition_graph->complete); } else if(change == NULL) { char *local_path = xml_get_path(reason); do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s.%s: %s (cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, path=%s, %d)", TYPE(reason), ID(reason), abort_text, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, local_path, transition_graph->complete); free(local_path); } else { const char *kind = NULL; const char *op = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_OP); const char *path = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_PATH); if(change == reason) { if(strcmp(op, "create") == 0) { reason = reason->children; } else if(strcmp(op, "modify") == 0) { reason = first_named_child(reason, XML_DIFF_RESULT); if(reason) { reason = reason->children; } } } kind = TYPE(reason); if(strcmp(op, "delete") == 0) { const char *shortpath = strrchr(path, '/'); do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by deletion of %s: %s (cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, path=%s, %d)", shortpath?shortpath+1:path, abort_text, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, path, transition_graph->complete); } else if (safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR, kind)) { do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s, %s=%s: %s (%s cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, path=%s, %d)", crm_element_value(reason, XML_ATTR_ID), crm_element_value(reason, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME), crm_element_value(reason, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE), abort_text, op, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, path, transition_graph->complete); } else if (safe_str_eq(XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, kind)) { const char *magic = crm_element_value(reason, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC); do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s '%s' on %s: %s (magic=%s, cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, %d)", crm_element_value(reason, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY), op, crm_element_value(reason, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET), abort_text, magic, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, transition_graph->complete); } else if (safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, kind) || safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_NODE, kind)) { const char *uname = crm_peer_uname(ID(reason)); do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s '%s' on %s: %s (cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, %d)", kind, op, uname ? uname : ID(reason), abort_text, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, transition_graph->complete); } else { do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s.%s '%s': %s (cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, path=%s, %d)", TYPE(reason), ID(reason), op?op:"change", abort_text, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, path, transition_graph->complete); } } if (transition_graph->complete) { if (transition_timer->period_ms > 0) { crm_timer_stop(transition_timer); crm_timer_start(transition_timer); } else { register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_PE_CALC, NULL); } return; } mainloop_set_trigger(transition_trigger); } diff --git a/crmd/tengine.h b/crmd/tengine.h index 1765dd439e..94a869314a 100644 --- a/crmd/tengine.h +++ b/crmd/tengine.h @@ -1,78 +1,83 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef TENGINE__H # define TENGINE__H # include # include # include # include extern stonith_t *stonith_api; -extern GListPtr stonith_cleanup_list; extern void send_stonith_update(crm_action_t * stonith_action, const char *target, const char *uuid); +/* stonith cleanup list */ +void add_stonith_cleanup(const char *target); +void remove_stonith_cleanup(const char *target); +void purge_stonith_cleanup(void); +void execute_stonith_cleanup(void); + /* tengine */ extern crm_action_t *match_down_event(int rc, const char *target, const char *filter, bool quiet); extern crm_action_t *get_cancel_action(const char *id, const char *node); extern gboolean cib_action_update(crm_action_t * action, int status, int op_rc); extern gboolean fail_incompletable_actions(crm_graph_t * graph, const char *down_node); extern gboolean process_graph_event(xmlNode * event, const char *event_node); /* utils */ extern crm_action_t *get_action(int id, gboolean confirmed); extern gboolean start_global_timer(crm_action_timer_t * timer, int timeout); extern gboolean stop_te_timer(crm_action_timer_t * timer); extern const char *get_rsc_state(const char *task, enum op_status status); /* unpack */ extern gboolean process_te_message(xmlNode * msg, xmlNode * xml_data); extern crm_graph_t *transition_graph; extern crm_trigger_t *transition_trigger; extern char *te_uuid; extern void notify_crmd(crm_graph_t * graph); # include extern void trigger_graph_processing(const char *fn, int line); extern void abort_transition_graph(int abort_priority, enum transition_action abort_action, const char *abort_text, xmlNode * reason, const char *fn, int line); # define trigger_graph() trigger_graph_processing(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__) # define abort_transition(pri, action, text, reason) \ abort_transition_graph(pri, action, text, reason,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); extern gboolean te_connect_stonith(gpointer user_data); extern crm_trigger_t *transition_trigger; extern crm_trigger_t *stonith_reconnect; extern char *failed_stop_offset; extern char *failed_start_offset; extern int active_timeout; extern int stonith_op_active; void te_action_confirmed(crm_action_t * action); void te_reset_job_counts(void); #endif diff --git a/cts/CTStests.py b/cts/CTStests.py index ddd8c4a4ea..814a42186a 100644 --- a/cts/CTStests.py +++ b/cts/CTStests.py @@ -1,3236 +1,3150 @@ '''CTS: Cluster Testing System: Tests module There are a few things we want to do here: ''' __copyright__ = ''' Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Alan Robertson Licensed under the GNU GPL. Add RecourceRecover testcase Zhao Kai ''' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # SPECIAL NOTE: # # Tests may NOT implement any cluster-manager-specific code in them. # EXTEND the ClusterManager object to provide the base capabilities # the test needs if you need to do something that the current CM classes # do not. Otherwise you screw up the whole point of the object structure # in CTS. # # Thank you. # import time, os, re, string, subprocess, tempfile from stat import * from cts import CTS from cts.CTSaudits import * from cts.CTSvars import * from cts.patterns import PatternSelector from cts.logging import LogFactory from cts.remote import RemoteFactory from cts.watcher import LogWatcher from cts.environment import EnvFactory AllTestClasses = [ ] class CTSTest: ''' A Cluster test. We implement the basic set of properties and behaviors for a generic cluster test. Cluster tests track their own statistics. We keep each of the kinds of counts we track as separate {name,value} pairs. ''' def __init__(self, cm): #self.name="the unnamed test" self.Stats = {"calls":0 , "success":0 , "failure":0 , "skipped":0 , "auditfail":0} # if not issubclass(cm.__class__, ClusterManager): # raise ValueError("Must be a ClusterManager object") self.CM = cm self.Env = EnvFactory().getInstance() self.rsh = RemoteFactory().getInstance() self.logger = LogFactory() self.templates = PatternSelector(cm["Name"]) self.Audits = [] self.timeout = 120 self.passed = 1 self.is_loop = 0 self.is_unsafe = 0 self.is_docker_unsafe = 0 self.is_experimental = 0 self.is_container = 0 self.is_valgrind = 0 self.benchmark = 0 # which tests to benchmark self.timer = {} # timers def log(self, args): self.logger.log(args) def debug(self, args): self.logger.debug(args) def has_key(self, key): return key in self.Stats def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.Stats[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): if str(key) == "0": raise ValueError("Bad call to 'foo in X', should reference 'foo in X.Stats' instead") if key in self.Stats: return self.Stats[key] return None def log_mark(self, msg): self.debug("MARK: test %s %s %d" % (self.name,msg,time.time())) return def get_timer(self,key = "test"): try: return self.timer[key] except: return 0 def set_timer(self,key = "test"): self.timer[key] = time.time() return self.timer[key] def log_timer(self,key = "test"): elapsed = 0 if key in self.timer: elapsed = time.time() - self.timer[key] s = key == "test" and self.name or "%s:%s" % (self.name,key) self.debug("%s runtime: %.2f" % (s, elapsed)) del self.timer[key] return elapsed def incr(self, name): '''Increment (or initialize) the value associated with the given name''' if not name in self.Stats: self.Stats[name] = 0 self.Stats[name] = self.Stats[name]+1 # Reset the test passed boolean if name == "calls": self.passed = 1 def failure(self, reason="none"): '''Increment the failure count''' self.passed = 0 self.incr("failure") self.logger.log(("Test %s" % self.name).ljust(35) + " FAILED: %s" % reason) return None def success(self): '''Increment the success count''' self.incr("success") return 1 def skipped(self): '''Increment the skipped count''' self.incr("skipped") return 1 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the given test''' raise ValueError("Abstract Class member (__call__)") self.incr("calls") return self.failure() def audit(self): passed = 1 if len(self.Audits) > 0: for audit in self.Audits: if not audit(): self.logger.log("Internal %s Audit %s FAILED." % (self.name, audit.name())) self.incr("auditfail") passed = 0 return passed def setup(self, node): '''Setup the given test''' return self.success() def teardown(self, node): '''Tear down the given test''' return self.success() def create_watch(self, patterns, timeout, name=None): if not name: name = self.name return LogWatcher(self.Env["LogFileName"], patterns, name, timeout, kind=self.Env["LogWatcher"], hosts=self.Env["nodes"]) def local_badnews(self, prefix, watch, local_ignore=[]): errcount = 0 if not prefix: prefix = "LocalBadNews:" ignorelist = [] ignorelist.append(" CTS: ") ignorelist.append(prefix) ignorelist.extend(local_ignore) while errcount < 100: match = watch.look(0) if match: add_err = 1 for ignore in ignorelist: if add_err == 1 and re.search(ignore, match): add_err = 0 if add_err == 1: self.logger.log(prefix + " " + match) errcount = errcount + 1 else: break else: self.logger.log("Too many errors!") watch.end() return errcount def is_applicable(self): return self.is_applicable_common() def is_applicable_common(self): '''Return TRUE if we are applicable in the current test configuration''' #raise ValueError("Abstract Class member (is_applicable)") if self.is_loop and not self.Env["loop-tests"]: return 0 elif self.is_unsafe and not self.Env["unsafe-tests"]: return 0 elif self.is_valgrind and not self.Env["valgrind-tests"]: return 0 elif self.is_experimental and not self.Env["experimental-tests"]: return 0 elif self.is_docker_unsafe and self.Env["docker"]: return 0 elif self.is_container and not self.Env["container-tests"]: return 0 elif self.Env["benchmark"] and self.benchmark == 0: return 0 return 1 def find_ocfs2_resources(self, node): self.r_o2cb = None self.r_ocfs2 = [] (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): r = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if r.rtype == "o2cb" and r.parent != "NA": self.debug("Found o2cb: %s" % self.r_o2cb) self.r_o2cb = r.parent if re.search("^Constraint", line): c = AuditConstraint(self.CM, line) if c.type == "rsc_colocation" and c.target == self.r_o2cb: self.r_ocfs2.append(c.rsc) self.debug("Found ocfs2 filesystems: %s" % repr(self.r_ocfs2)) return len(self.r_ocfs2) def canrunnow(self, node): '''Return TRUE if we can meaningfully run right now''' return 1 def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which are 'normal' and should be ignored''' return [] class StopTest(CTSTest): '''Stop (deactivate) the cluster manager on a node''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self, cm) self.name = "Stop" def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'stop' test. ''' self.incr("calls") if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] != "up": return self.skipped() patterns = [] # Technically we should always be able to notice ourselves stopping patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:We_stopped"] % node) #if self.Env["use_logd"]: # patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:Logd_stopped"] % node) # Any active node needs to notice this one left # NOTE: This wont work if we have multiple partitions for other in self.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[other] == "up" and other != node: patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:They_stopped"] %(other, self.CM.key_for_node(node))) #self.debug("Checking %s will notice %s left"%(other, node)) watch = self.create_watch(patterns, self.Env["DeadTime"]) watch.setwatch() if node == self.CM.OurNode: self.incr("us") else: if self.CM.upcount() <= 1: self.incr("all") else: self.incr("them") self.CM.StopaCM(node) watch_result = watch.lookforall() failreason = None UnmatchedList = "||" if watch.unmatched: (rc, output) = self.rsh(node, "/bin/ps axf", None) for line in output: self.debug(line) (rc, output) = self.rsh(node, "/usr/sbin/dlm_tool dump", None) for line in output: self.debug(line) for regex in watch.unmatched: self.logger.log ("ERROR: Shutdown pattern not found: %s" % (regex)) UnmatchedList += regex + "||"; failreason = "Missing shutdown pattern" self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["DeadTime"]) if not watch.unmatched or self.CM.upcount() == 0: return self.success() if len(watch.unmatched) >= self.CM.upcount(): return self.failure("no match against (%s)" % UnmatchedList) if failreason == None: return self.success() else: return self.failure(failreason) # # We don't register StopTest because it's better when called by # another test... # class StartTest(CTSTest): '''Start (activate) the cluster manager on a node''' def __init__(self, cm, debug=None): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "start" self.debug = debug def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'start' test. ''' self.incr("calls") if self.CM.upcount() == 0: self.incr("us") else: self.incr("them") if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] != "down": return self.skipped() elif self.CM.StartaCM(node): return self.success() else: return self.failure("Startup %s on node %s failed" % (self.Env["Name"], node)) # # We don't register StartTest because it's better when called by # another test... # class FlipTest(CTSTest): '''If it's running, stop it. If it's stopped start it. Overthrow the status quo... ''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "Flip" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'Flip' test. ''' self.incr("calls") if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": self.incr("stopped") ret = self.stop(node) type = "up->down" # Give the cluster time to recognize it's gone... time.sleep(self.Env["StableTime"]) elif self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down": self.incr("started") ret = self.start(node) type = "down->up" else: return self.skipped() self.incr(type) if ret: return self.success() else: return self.failure("%s failure" % type) # Register FlipTest as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(FlipTest) class RestartTest(CTSTest): '''Stop and restart a node''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "Restart" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) self.benchmark = 1 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'restart' test. ''' self.incr("calls") self.incr("node:" + node) ret1 = 1 if self.CM.StataCM(node): self.incr("WasStopped") if not self.start(node): return self.failure("start (setup) failure: "+node) self.set_timer() if not self.stop(node): return self.failure("stop failure: "+node) if not self.start(node): return self.failure("start failure: "+node) return self.success() # Register RestartTest as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(RestartTest) class StonithdTest(CTSTest): def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self, cm) self.name = "Stonithd" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.benchmark = 1 def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") if len(self.Env["nodes"]) < 2: return self.skipped() ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") is_dc = self.CM.is_node_dc(node) watchpats = [] watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:FenceOpOK"] % node) watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:NodeFenced"] % node) if self.Env["at-boot"] == 0: self.debug("Expecting %s to stay down" % node) self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] = "down" else: self.debug("Expecting %s to come up again %d" % (node, self.Env["at-boot"])) watchpats.append("%s.* S_STARTING -> S_PENDING" % node) watchpats.append("%s.* S_PENDING -> S_NOT_DC" % node) watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, 30 + self.Env["DeadTime"] + self.Env["StableTime"] + self.Env["StartTime"]) watch.setwatch() origin = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(self.Env["nodes"]) rc = self.rsh(origin, "stonith_admin --reboot %s -VVVVVV" % node) if rc == 194: # 194 - 256 = -62 = Timer expired # # Look for the patterns, usually this means the required # device was running on the node to be fenced - or that # the required devices were in the process of being loaded # and/or moved # # Effectively the node committed suicide so there will be # no confirmation, but pacemaker should be watching and # fence the node again self.logger.log("Fencing command on %s to fence %s timed out" % (origin, node)) elif origin != node and rc != 0: self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() self.debug("Waiting STONITHd node to come back up") self.CM.ns.WaitForAllNodesToComeUp(self.Env["nodes"], 600) self.logger.log("Fencing command on %s failed to fence %s (rc=%d)" % (origin, node, rc)) elif origin == node and rc != 255: # 255 == broken pipe, ie. the node was fenced as expected self.logger.log("Locally originated fencing returned %d" % rc) self.set_timer("fence") matched = watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("fence") self.set_timer("reform") if watch.unmatched: self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() self.debug("Waiting STONITHd node to come back up") self.CM.ns.WaitForAllNodesToComeUp(self.Env["nodes"], 600) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to re-stabilize with all nodes") is_stable = self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["StartTime"]) if not matched: return self.failure("Didn't find all expected patterns") elif not is_stable: return self.failure("Cluster did not become stable") self.log_timer("reform") return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): return [ self.templates["Pat:Fencing_start"] % ".*", self.templates["Pat:Fencing_ok"] % ".*", r"error.*: Resource .*stonith::.* is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery", r"error.*: Operation reboot of .*by .* for stonith_admin.*: Timer expired", ] def is_applicable(self): if not self.is_applicable_common(): return 0 if "DoFencing" in self.Env.keys(): return self.Env["DoFencing"] return 1 AllTestClasses.append(StonithdTest) class StartOnebyOne(CTSTest): '''Start all the nodes ~ one by one''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "StartOnebyOne" self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.start = StartTest(cm) self.ns = CTS.NodeStatus(cm.Env) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'StartOnebyOne' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Shut down all the nodes... ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Test setup failed") failed = [] self.set_timer() for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if not self.start(node): failed.append(node) if len(failed) > 0: return self.failure("Some node failed to start: " + repr(failed)) return self.success() # Register StartOnebyOne as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(StartOnebyOne) class SimulStart(CTSTest): '''Start all the nodes ~ simultaneously''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "SimulStart" self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'SimulStart' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Shut down all the nodes... ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") self.CM.clear_all_caches() if not self.startall(None): return self.failure("Startall failed") return self.success() # Register SimulStart as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(SimulStart) class SimulStop(CTSTest): '''Stop all the nodes ~ simultaneously''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "SimulStop" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'SimulStop' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Start up all the nodes... ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") if not self.stopall(None): return self.failure("Stopall failed") return self.success() # Register SimulStop as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(SimulStop) class StopOnebyOne(CTSTest): '''Stop all the nodes in order''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "StopOnebyOne" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'StopOnebyOne' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Start up all the nodes... ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") failed = [] self.set_timer() for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if not self.stop(node): failed.append(node) if len(failed) > 0: return self.failure("Some node failed to stop: " + repr(failed)) self.CM.clear_all_caches() return self.success() # Register StopOnebyOne as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(StopOnebyOne) class RestartOnebyOne(CTSTest): '''Restart all the nodes in order''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "RestartOnebyOne" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'RestartOnebyOne' test. ''' self.incr("calls") # We ignore the "node" parameter... # Start up all the nodes... ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") did_fail = [] self.set_timer() self.restart = RestartTest(self.CM) for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if not self.restart(node): did_fail.append(node) if did_fail: return self.failure("Could not restart %d nodes: %s" % (len(did_fail), repr(did_fail))) return self.success() # Register StopOnebyOne as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(RestartOnebyOne) class PartialStart(CTSTest): '''Start a node - but tell it to stop before it finishes starting up''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "PartialStart" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) #self.is_unsafe = 1 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'PartialStart' test. ''' self.incr("calls") ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") # FIXME! This should use the CM class to get the pattern # then it would be applicable in general watchpats = [] watchpats.append("crmd.*Connecting to cluster infrastructure") watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() self.CM.StartaCMnoBlock(node) ret = watch.lookforall() if not ret: self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) return self.failure("Setup of %s failed" % node) ret = self.stop(node) if not ret: return self.failure("%s did not stop in time" % node) return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' # We might do some fencing in the 2-node case if we make it up far enough return [ """Executing reboot fencing operation""", ] # Register StopOnebyOne as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(PartialStart) class StandbyTest(CTSTest): def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "Standby" self.benchmark = 1 self.start = StartTest(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) # make sure the node is active # set the node to standby mode # check resources, none resource should be running on the node # set the node to active mode # check resouces, resources should have been migrated back (SHOULD THEY?) def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Start all nodes failed") self.debug("Make sure node %s is active" % node) if self.CM.StandbyStatus(node) != "off": if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off"): return self.failure("can't set node %s to active mode" % node) self.CM.cluster_stable() status = self.CM.StandbyStatus(node) if status != "off": return self.failure("standby status of %s is [%s] but we expect [off]" % (node, status)) self.debug("Getting resources running on node %s" % node) rsc_on_node = self.CM.active_resources(node) watchpats = [] watchpats.append(r"State transition .* -> S_POLICY_ENGINE") watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() self.debug("Setting node %s to standby mode" % node) if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "on"): return self.failure("can't set node %s to standby mode" % node) self.set_timer("on") ret = watch.lookforall() if not ret: self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off") return self.failure("cluster didn't react to standby change on %s" % node) self.CM.cluster_stable() status = self.CM.StandbyStatus(node) if status != "on": return self.failure("standby status of %s is [%s] but we expect [on]" % (node, status)) self.log_timer("on") self.debug("Checking resources") bad_run = self.CM.active_resources(node) if len(bad_run) > 0: rc = self.failure("%s set to standby, %s is still running on it" % (node, repr(bad_run))) self.debug("Setting node %s to active mode" % node) self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off") return rc self.debug("Setting node %s to active mode" % node) if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off"): return self.failure("can't set node %s to active mode" % node) self.set_timer("off") self.CM.cluster_stable() status = self.CM.StandbyStatus(node) if status != "off": return self.failure("standby status of %s is [%s] but we expect [off]" % (node, status)) self.log_timer("off") return self.success() AllTestClasses.append(StandbyTest) class ValgrindTest(CTSTest): '''Check for memory leaks''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "Valgrind" self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.is_valgrind = 1 self.is_loop = 1 def setup(self, node): self.incr("calls") ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Stop all nodes failed") # Enable valgrind self.logger.logPat = "/tmp/%s-*.valgrind" % self.name self.Env["valgrind-prefix"] = self.name self.rsh(node, "rm -f %s" % self.logger.logPat, None) ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Start all nodes failed") for node in self.Env["nodes"]: (rc, output) = self.rsh(node, "ps u --ppid `pidofproc aisexec`", None) for line in output: self.debug(line) return self.success() def teardown(self, node): # Disable valgrind self.Env["valgrind-prefix"] = None # Return all nodes to normal ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Stop all nodes failed") return self.success() def find_leaks(self): # Check for leaks leaked = [] self.stop = StopTest(self.CM) for node in self.Env["nodes"]: (rc, ps_out) = self.rsh(node, "ps u --ppid `pidofproc aisexec`", None) rc = self.stop(node) if not rc: self.failure("Couldn't shut down %s" % node) rc = self.rsh(node, "grep -e indirectly.*lost:.*[1-9] -e definitely.*lost:.*[1-9] -e (ERROR|error).*SUMMARY:.*[1-9].*errors %s" % self.logger.logPat, 0) if rc != 1: leaked.append(node) self.failure("Valgrind errors detected on %s" % node) for line in ps_out: self.logger.log(line) (rc, output) = self.rsh(node, "grep -e lost: -e SUMMARY: %s" % self.logger.logPat, None) for line in output: self.logger.log(line) (rc, output) = self.rsh(node, "cat %s" % self.logger.logPat, None) for line in output: self.debug(line) self.rsh(node, "rm -f %s" % self.logger.logPat, None) return leaked def __call__(self, node): leaked = self.find_leaks() if len(leaked) > 0: return self.failure("Nodes %s leaked" % repr(leaked)) return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' return [ r"cib.*: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*", r"cib.*: .* avoid confusing Valgrind", r"HA_VALGRIND_ENABLED", ] class StandbyLoopTest(ValgrindTest): '''Check for memory leaks by putting a node in and out of standby for an hour''' def __init__(self, cm): ValgrindTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "StandbyLoop" def __call__(self, node): lpc = 0 delay = 2 failed = 0 done = time.time() + self.Env["loop-minutes"] * 60 while time.time() <= done and not failed: lpc = lpc + 1 time.sleep(delay) if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "on"): self.failure("can't set node %s to standby mode" % node) failed = lpc time.sleep(delay) if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off"): self.failure("can't set node %s to active mode" % node) failed = lpc leaked = self.find_leaks() if failed: return self.failure("Iteration %d failed" % failed) elif len(leaked) > 0: return self.failure("Nodes %s leaked" % repr(leaked)) return self.success() AllTestClasses.append(StandbyLoopTest) class BandwidthTest(CTSTest): # Tests should not be cluster-manager-specific # If you need to find out cluster manager configuration to do this, then # it should be added to the generic cluster manager API. '''Test the bandwidth which heartbeat uses''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self, cm) self.name = "Bandwidth" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.__setitem__("min",0) self.__setitem__("max",0) self.__setitem__("totalbandwidth",0) (handle, self.tempfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(".cts") os.close(handle) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the Bandwidth test''' self.incr("calls") if self.CM.upcount() < 1: return self.skipped() Path = self.CM.InternalCommConfig() if "ip" not in Path["mediatype"]: return self.skipped() port = Path["port"][0] port = int(port) ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Test setup failed") time.sleep(5) # We get extra messages right after startup. fstmpfile = "/var/run/band_estimate" dumpcmd = "tcpdump -p -n -c 102 -i any udp port %d > %s 2>&1" \ % (port, fstmpfile) rc = self.rsh(node, dumpcmd) if rc == 0: farfile = "root@%s:%s" % (node, fstmpfile) self.rsh.cp(farfile, self.tempfile) Bandwidth = self.countbandwidth(self.tempfile) if not Bandwidth: self.logger.log("Could not compute bandwidth.") return self.success() intband = int(Bandwidth + 0.5) self.logger.log("...bandwidth: %d bits/sec" % intband) self.Stats["totalbandwidth"] = self.Stats["totalbandwidth"] + Bandwidth if self.Stats["min"] == 0: self.Stats["min"] = Bandwidth if Bandwidth > self.Stats["max"]: self.Stats["max"] = Bandwidth if Bandwidth < self.Stats["min"]: self.Stats["min"] = Bandwidth self.rsh(node, "rm -f %s" % fstmpfile) os.unlink(self.tempfile) return self.success() else: return self.failure("no response from tcpdump command [%d]!" % rc) def countbandwidth(self, file): fp = open(file, "r") fp.seek(0) count = 0 sum = 0 while 1: line = fp.readline() if not line: return None if re.search("udp",line) or re.search("UDP,", line): count = count + 1 linesplit = string.split(line," ") for j in range(len(linesplit)-1): if linesplit[j] == "udp": break if linesplit[j] == "length:": break try: sum = sum + int(linesplit[j+1]) except ValueError: self.logger.log("Invalid tcpdump line: %s" % line) return None T1 = linesplit[0] timesplit = string.split(T1,":") time2split = string.split(timesplit[2],".") time1 = (int(timesplit[0])*60+int(timesplit[1]))*60+int(time2split[0])+int(time2split[1])*0.000001 break while count < 100: line = fp.readline() if not line: return None if re.search("udp",line) or re.search("UDP,", line): count = count+1 linessplit = string.split(line," ") for j in range(len(linessplit)-1): if linessplit[j] == "udp": break if linesplit[j] == "length:": break try: sum = int(linessplit[j+1]) + sum except ValueError: self.logger.log("Invalid tcpdump line: %s" % line) return None T2 = linessplit[0] timesplit = string.split(T2,":") time2split = string.split(timesplit[2],".") time2 = (int(timesplit[0])*60+int(timesplit[1]))*60+int(time2split[0])+int(time2split[1])*0.000001 time = time2-time1 if (time <= 0): return 0 return (sum*8)/time def is_applicable(self): '''BandwidthTest never applicable''' return 0 AllTestClasses.append(BandwidthTest) ################################################################### class MaintenanceMode(CTSTest): ################################################################### def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "MaintenanceMode" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.max = 30 #self.is_unsafe = 1 self.benchmark = 1 self.action = "asyncmon" self.interval = 0 self.rid = "maintenanceDummy" def toggleMaintenanceMode(self, node, action): pats = [] pats.append(self.templates["Pat:DC_IDLE"]) # fail the resource right after turning Maintenance mode on # verify it is not recovered until maintenance mode is turned off if action == "On": pats.append(r"pengine.*:\s+warning:.*Processing failed op %s for %s on" % (self.action, self.rid)) else: pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.rid, "stop_0")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.rid, "start_0")) watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60) watch.setwatch() self.debug("Turning maintenance mode %s" % action) self.rsh(node, self.templates["MaintenanceMode%s" % (action)]) if (action == "On"): self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -V -F -r %s -H %s &>/dev/null" % (self.rid, node)) self.set_timer("recover%s" % (action)) watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("recover%s" % (action)) if watch.unmatched: self.debug("Failed to find patterns when turning maintenance mode %s" % action) return repr(watch.unmatched) return "" def insertMaintenanceDummy(self, node): pats = [] pats.append(("%s.*" % node) + (self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.rid, "start_0"))) watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60) watch.setwatch() self.CM.AddDummyRsc(node, self.rid) self.set_timer("addDummy") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("addDummy") if watch.unmatched: self.debug("Failed to find patterns when adding maintenance dummy resource") return repr(watch.unmatched) return "" def removeMaintenanceDummy(self, node): pats = [] pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.rid, "stop_0")) watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60) watch.setwatch() self.CM.RemoveDummyRsc(node, self.rid) self.set_timer("removeDummy") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("removeDummy") if watch.unmatched: self.debug("Failed to find patterns when removing maintenance dummy resource") return repr(watch.unmatched) return "" def managedRscList(self, node): rscList = [] (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): tmp = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if tmp.managed(): rscList.append(tmp.id) return rscList def verifyResources(self, node, rscList, managed): managedList = list(rscList) managed_str = "managed" if not managed: managed_str = "unmanaged" (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): tmp = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if managed and not tmp.managed(): continue elif not managed and tmp.managed(): continue elif managedList.count(tmp.id): managedList.remove(tmp.id) if len(managedList) == 0: self.debug("Found all %s resources on %s" % (managed_str, node)) return True self.logger.log("Could not find all %s resources on %s. %s" % (managed_str, node, managedList)) return False def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'MaintenanceMode' test. ''' self.incr("calls") verify_managed = False verify_unmanaged = False failPat = "" ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") # get a list of all the managed resources. We use this list # after enabling maintenance mode to verify all managed resources # become un-managed. After maintenance mode is turned off, we use # this list to verify all the resources become managed again. managedResources = self.managedRscList(node) if len(managedResources) == 0: self.logger.log("No managed resources on %s" % node) return self.skipped() # insert a fake resource we can fail during maintenance mode # so we can verify recovery does not take place until after maintenance # mode is disabled. failPat = failPat + self.insertMaintenanceDummy(node) # toggle maintenance mode ON, then fail dummy resource. failPat = failPat + self.toggleMaintenanceMode(node, "On") # verify all the resources are now unmanaged if self.verifyResources(node, managedResources, False): verify_unmanaged = True # Toggle maintenance mode OFF, verify dummy is recovered. failPat = failPat + self.toggleMaintenanceMode(node, "Off") # verify all the resources are now managed again if self.verifyResources(node, managedResources, True): verify_managed = True # Remove our maintenance dummy resource. failPat = failPat + self.removeMaintenanceDummy(node) self.CM.cluster_stable() if failPat != "": return self.failure("Unmatched patterns: %s" % (failPat)) elif verify_unmanaged is False: return self.failure("Failed to verify resources became unmanaged during maintenance mode") elif verify_managed is False: return self.failure("Failed to verify resources switched back to managed after disabling maintenance mode") return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' return [ r"Updating failcount for %s" % self.rid, r"pengine.*: Recover %s\s*\(.*\)" % self.rid, r"Unknown operation: fail", r"(ERROR|error): sending stonithRA op to stonithd failed.", self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.rid, ("%s_%d" % (self.action, self.interval))), r"(ERROR|error).*: Action %s_%s_%d .* initiated outside of a transition" % (self.rid, self.action, self.interval), ] AllTestClasses.append(MaintenanceMode) class ResourceRecover(CTSTest): def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "ResourceRecover" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.max = 30 self.rid = None self.rid_alt = None #self.is_unsafe = 1 self.benchmark = 1 # these are the values used for the new LRM API call self.action = "asyncmon" self.interval = 0 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'ResourceRecover' test. ''' self.incr("calls") ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") resourcelist = self.CM.active_resources(node) # if there are no resourcelist, return directly if len(resourcelist) == 0: self.logger.log("No active resources on %s" % node) return self.skipped() self.rid = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(resourcelist) self.rid_alt = self.rid rsc = None (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): tmp = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if tmp.id == self.rid: rsc = tmp # Handle anonymous clones that get renamed self.rid = rsc.clone_id break if not rsc: return self.failure("Could not find %s in the resource list" % self.rid) self.debug("Shooting %s aka. %s" % (rsc.clone_id, rsc.id)) pats = [] pats.append(r"pengine.*:\s+warning:.*Processing failed op %s for (%s|%s) on" % (self.action, rsc.id, rsc.clone_id)) if rsc.managed(): pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.rid, "stop_0")) if rsc.unique(): pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.rid, "start_0")) else: # Anonymous clones may get restarted with a different clone number pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (".*", "start_0")) watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60) watch.setwatch() self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -V -F -r %s -H %s &>/dev/null" % (self.rid, node)) self.set_timer("recover") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() recovered = self.CM.ResourceLocation(self.rid) if watch.unmatched: return self.failure("Patterns not found: %s" % repr(watch.unmatched)) elif rsc.unique() and len(recovered) > 1: return self.failure("%s is now active on more than one node: %s"%(self.rid, repr(recovered))) elif len(recovered) > 0: self.debug("%s is running on: %s" % (self.rid, repr(recovered))) elif rsc.managed(): return self.failure("%s was not recovered and is inactive" % self.rid) return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' return [ r"Updating failcount for %s" % self.rid, r"pengine.*: Recover (%s|%s)\s*\(.*\)" % (self.rid, self.rid_alt), r"Unknown operation: fail", r"(ERROR|error): sending stonithRA op to stonithd failed.", self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.rid, ("%s_%d" % (self.action, self.interval))), r"(ERROR|error).*: Action %s_%s_%d .* initiated outside of a transition" % (self.rid, self.action, self.interval), ] AllTestClasses.append(ResourceRecover) class ComponentFail(CTSTest): def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "ComponentFail" # TODO make this work correctly in docker. self.is_docker_unsafe = 1 self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.complist = cm.Components() self.patterns = [] self.okerrpatterns = [] self.is_unsafe = 1 def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'ComponentFail' test. ''' self.incr("calls") self.patterns = [] self.okerrpatterns = [] # start all nodes ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") if not self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["StableTime"]): return self.failure("Setup failed - unstable") node_is_dc = self.CM.is_node_dc(node, None) # select a component to kill chosen = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(self.complist) while chosen.dc_only == 1 and node_is_dc == 0: chosen = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(self.complist) self.debug("...component %s (dc=%d,boot=%d)" % (chosen.name, node_is_dc,chosen.triggersreboot)) self.incr(chosen.name) if chosen.name != "aisexec" and chosen.name != "corosync": if self.Env["Name"] != "crm-lha" or chosen.name != "pengine": self.patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:ChildKilled"] %(node, chosen.name)) self.patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:ChildRespawn"] %(node, chosen.name)) self.patterns.extend(chosen.pats) if node_is_dc: self.patterns.extend(chosen.dc_pats) # In an ideal world, this next stuff should be in the "chosen" object as a member function if self.Env["Name"] == "crm-lha" and chosen.triggersreboot: # Make sure the node goes down and then comes back up if it should reboot... for other in self.Env["nodes"]: if other != node: self.patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:They_stopped"] %(other, self.CM.key_for_node(node))) self.patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:Slave_started"] % node) self.patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:Local_started"] % node) if chosen.dc_only: # Sometimes these will be in the log, and sometimes they won't... self.okerrpatterns.append("%s .*Process %s:.* exited" % (node, chosen.name)) self.okerrpatterns.append("%s .*I_ERROR.*crmdManagedChildDied" % node) self.okerrpatterns.append("%s .*The %s subsystem terminated unexpectedly" % (node, chosen.name)) self.okerrpatterns.append("(ERROR|error): Client .* exited with return code") else: # Sometimes this won't be in the log... self.okerrpatterns.append(self.templates["Pat:ChildKilled"] %(node, chosen.name)) self.okerrpatterns.append(self.templates["Pat:ChildRespawn"] %(node, chosen.name)) self.okerrpatterns.append(self.templates["Pat:ChildExit"]) if chosen.name == "stonith": # Ignore actions for STONITH resources (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): r = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if r.rclass == "stonith": self.okerrpatterns.append(self.templates["Pat:Fencing_recover"] % r.id) # supply a copy so self.patterns doesnt end up empty tmpPats = [] tmpPats.extend(self.patterns) self.patterns.extend(chosen.badnews_ignore) # Look for STONITH ops, depending on Env["at-boot"] we might need to change the nodes status stonithPats = [] stonithPats.append(self.templates["Pat:Fencing_ok"] % node) stonith = self.create_watch(stonithPats, 0) stonith.setwatch() # set the watch for stable watch = self.create_watch( tmpPats, self.Env["DeadTime"] + self.Env["StableTime"] + self.Env["StartTime"]) watch.setwatch() # kill the component chosen.kill(node) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() self.debug("Waiting for any STONITHd node to come back up") self.CM.ns.WaitForAllNodesToComeUp(self.Env["nodes"], 600) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to re-stabilize with all nodes") self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["StartTime"]) self.debug("Checking if %s was shot" % node) shot = stonith.look(60) if shot: self.debug("Found: " + repr(shot)) self.okerrpatterns.append(self.templates["Pat:Fencing_start"] % node) if self.Env["at-boot"] == 0: self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] = "down" # If fencing occurred, chances are many (if not all) the expected logs # will not be sent - or will be lost when the node reboots return self.success() # check for logs indicating a graceful recovery matched = watch.lookforall(allow_multiple_matches=1) if watch.unmatched: self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to re-stabilize with all nodes") is_stable = self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["StartTime"]) if not matched: return self.failure("Didn't find all expected %s patterns" % chosen.name) elif not is_stable: return self.failure("Cluster did not become stable after killing %s" % chosen.name) return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' # Note that okerrpatterns refers to the last time we ran this test # The good news is that this works fine for us... self.okerrpatterns.extend(self.patterns) return self.okerrpatterns AllTestClasses.append(ComponentFail) class SplitBrainTest(CTSTest): '''It is used to test split-brain. when the path between the two nodes break check the two nodes both take over the resource''' def __init__(self,cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "SplitBrain" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.is_experimental = 1 def isolate_partition(self, partition): other_nodes = [] other_nodes.extend(self.Env["nodes"]) for node in partition: try: other_nodes.remove(node) except ValueError: self.logger.log("Node "+node+" not in " + repr(self.Env["nodes"]) + " from " +repr(partition)) if len(other_nodes) == 0: return 1 self.debug("Creating partition: " + repr(partition)) self.debug("Everyone else: " + repr(other_nodes)) for node in partition: if not self.CM.isolate_node(node, other_nodes): self.logger.log("Could not isolate %s" % node) return 0 return 1 def heal_partition(self, partition): other_nodes = [] other_nodes.extend(self.Env["nodes"]) for node in partition: try: other_nodes.remove(node) except ValueError: self.logger.log("Node "+node+" not in " + repr(self.Env["nodes"])) if len(other_nodes) == 0: return 1 self.debug("Healing partition: " + repr(partition)) self.debug("Everyone else: " + repr(other_nodes)) for node in partition: self.CM.unisolate_node(node, other_nodes) def __call__(self, node): '''Perform split-brain test''' self.incr("calls") self.passed = 1 partitions = {} ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed") while 1: # Retry until we get multiple partitions partitions = {} p_max = len(self.Env["nodes"]) for node in self.Env["nodes"]: p = self.Env.RandomGen.randint(1, p_max) if not p in partitions: partitions[p] = [] partitions[p].append(node) p_max = len(partitions.keys()) if p_max > 1: break # else, try again self.debug("Created %d partitions" % p_max) for key in list(partitions.keys()): self.debug("Partition["+str(key)+"]:\t"+repr(partitions[key])) # Disabling STONITH to reduce test complexity for now self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -n stonith-enabled -v false") for key in list(partitions.keys()): self.isolate_partition(partitions[key]) count = 30 while count > 0: if len(self.CM.find_partitions()) != p_max: time.sleep(10) else: break else: self.failure("Expected partitions were not created") # Target number of partitions formed - wait for stability if not self.CM.cluster_stable(): self.failure("Partitioned cluster not stable") # Now audit the cluster state self.CM.partitions_expected = p_max if not self.audit(): self.failure("Audits failed") self.CM.partitions_expected = 1 # And heal them again for key in list(partitions.keys()): self.heal_partition(partitions[key]) # Wait for a single partition to form count = 30 while count > 0: if len(self.CM.find_partitions()) != 1: time.sleep(10) count -= 1 else: break else: self.failure("Cluster did not reform") # Wait for it to have the right number of members count = 30 while count > 0: members = [] partitions = self.CM.find_partitions() if len(partitions) > 0: members = partitions[0].split() if len(members) != len(self.Env["nodes"]): time.sleep(10) count -= 1 else: break else: self.failure("Cluster did not completely reform") # Wait up to 20 minutes - the delay is more preferable than # trying to continue with in a messed up state if not self.CM.cluster_stable(1200): self.failure("Reformed cluster not stable") answer = raw_input('Continue? [nY]') if answer and answer == "n": raise ValueError("Reformed cluster not stable") # Turn fencing back on if self.Env["DoFencing"]: self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n stonith-enabled") self.CM.cluster_stable() if self.passed: return self.success() return self.failure("See previous errors") def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which are 'normal' and should be ignored''' return [ r"Another DC detected:", r"(ERROR|error).*: .*Application of an update diff failed", r"crmd.*:.*not in our membership list", r"CRIT:.*node.*returning after partition", ] def is_applicable(self): if not self.is_applicable_common(): return 0 return len(self.Env["nodes"]) > 2 AllTestClasses.append(SplitBrainTest) class Reattach(CTSTest): def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "Reattach" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.restart1 = RestartTest(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.is_unsafe = 0 # Handled by canrunnow() + def _is_managed(self, node): + is_managed = self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -t rsc_defaults -n is-managed -Q -G -d true", 1) + is_managed = is_managed[:-1] # Strip off the newline + return is_managed == "true" + + def _set_unmanaged(self, node): + self.debug("Disable resource management") + self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -t rsc_defaults -n is-managed -v false") + + def _set_managed(self, node): + self.debug("Re-enable resource management") + self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -t rsc_defaults -n is-managed -D") + def setup(self, node): attempt = 0 if not self.startall(None): return None # Make sure we are really _really_ stable and that all # resources, including those that depend on transient node # attributes, are started while not self.CM.cluster_stable(double_check=True): if attempt < 5: attempt += 1 self.debug("Not stable yet, re-testing") else: self.logger.log("Cluster is not stable") return None return 1 def teardown(self, node): # Make sure 'node' is up start = StartTest(self.CM) start(node) - is_managed = self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -Q -G -t crm_config -n is-managed-default -d true", 1) - is_managed = is_managed[:-1] # Strip off the newline - if is_managed != "true": - self.logger.log("Attempting to re-enable resource management on %s (%s)" % (node, is_managed)) - managed = self.create_watch(["is-managed-default"], 60) - managed.setwatch() - - self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") - - if not managed.lookforall(): - self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(managed.unmatched)) + if not self._is_managed(node): + self.logger.log("Attempting to re-enable resource management on %s" % node) + self._set_managed(node) + self.CM.cluster_stable() + if not self._is_managed(node): self.logger.log("Could not re-enable resource management") return 0 return 1 def canrunnow(self, node): '''Return TRUE if we can meaningfully run right now''' if self.find_ocfs2_resources(node): self.logger.log("Detach/Reattach scenarios are not possible with OCFS2 services present") return 0 return 1 def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") pats = [] - managed = self.create_watch(["is-managed-default"], 60) + # Conveniently, pengine will display this message when disabling management, + # even if fencing is not enabled, so we can rely on it. + managed = self.create_watch(["Delaying fencing operations"], 60) managed.setwatch() - self.debug("Disable resource management") - self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -n is-managed-default -v false") + self._set_unmanaged(node) if not managed.lookforall(): self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(managed.unmatched)) return self.failure("Resource management not disabled") pats = [] pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (".*", "start")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (".*", "stop")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (".*", "promote")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (".*", "demote")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (".*", "migrate")) watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60, "ShutdownActivity") watch.setwatch() self.debug("Shutting down the cluster") ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: - self.debug("Re-enable resource management") - self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") + self._set_managed(node) return self.failure("Couldn't shut down the cluster") self.debug("Bringing the cluster back up") ret = self.startall(None) time.sleep(5) # allow ping to update the CIB if not ret: - self.debug("Re-enable resource management") - self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") + self._set_managed(node) return self.failure("Couldn't restart the cluster") if self.local_badnews("ResourceActivity:", watch): - self.debug("Re-enable resource management") - self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") + self._set_managed(node) return self.failure("Resources stopped or started during cluster restart") watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60, "StartupActivity") watch.setwatch() - managed = self.create_watch(["is-managed-default"], 60) - managed.setwatch() - - self.debug("Re-enable resource management") - self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n is-managed-default") - - if not managed.lookforall(): - self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(managed.unmatched)) - return self.failure("Resource management not enabled") - + # Re-enable resource management (and verify it happened). + self._set_managed(node) self.CM.cluster_stable() + if not self._is_managed(node): + return self.failure("Could not re-enable resource management") # Ignore actions for STONITH resources ignore = [] (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): r = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if r.rclass == "stonith": self.debug("Ignoring start actions for %s" % r.id) ignore.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (r.id, "start_0")) if self.local_badnews("ResourceActivity:", watch, ignore): return self.failure("Resources stopped or started after resource management was re-enabled") return ret def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' return [ r"resources were active at shutdown", ] def is_applicable(self): if self.Env["Name"] == "crm-lha": return None return 1 AllTestClasses.append(Reattach) class SpecialTest1(CTSTest): '''Set up a custom test to cause quorum failure issues for Andrew''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "SpecialTest1" self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.restart1 = RestartTest(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'SpecialTest1' test for Andrew. ''' self.incr("calls") # Shut down all the nodes... ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Could not stop all nodes") # Test config recovery when the other nodes come up self.rsh(node, "rm -f "+CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib*") # Start the selected node ret = self.restart1(node) if not ret: return self.failure("Could not start "+node) # Start all remaining nodes ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Could not start the remaining nodes") return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' # Errors that occur as a result of the CIB being wiped return [ r"error.*: v1 patchset error, patch failed to apply: Application of an update diff failed", r"error.*: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined", r"error.*: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option", r"error.*: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity", ] AllTestClasses.append(SpecialTest1) class HAETest(CTSTest): '''Set up a custom test to cause quorum failure issues for Andrew''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "HAETest" self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.is_loop = 1 def setup(self, node): # Start all remaining nodes ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't start all nodes") return self.success() def teardown(self, node): # Stop everything ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't stop all nodes") return self.success() def wait_on_state(self, node, resource, expected_clones, attempts=240): while attempts > 0: active = 0 (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -r %s -W -Q" % resource, stdout=None) # Hack until crm_resource does the right thing if rc == 0 and lines: active = len(lines) if len(lines) == expected_clones: return 1 elif rc == 1: self.debug("Resource %s is still inactive" % resource) elif rc == 234: self.logger.log("Unknown resource %s" % resource) return 0 elif rc == 246: self.logger.log("Cluster is inactive") return 0 elif rc != 0: self.logger.log("Call to crm_resource failed, rc=%d" % rc) return 0 else: self.debug("Resource %s is active on %d times instead of %d" % (resource, active, expected_clones)) attempts -= 1 time.sleep(1) return 0 def find_dlm(self, node): self.r_dlm = None (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None) for line in lines: if re.search("^Resource", line): r = AuditResource(self.CM, line) if r.rtype == "controld" and r.parent != "NA": self.debug("Found dlm: %s" % self.r_dlm) self.r_dlm = r.parent return 1 return 0 def find_hae_resources(self, node): self.r_dlm = None self.r_o2cb = None self.r_ocfs2 = [] if self.find_dlm(node): self.find_ocfs2_resources(node) def is_applicable(self): if not self.is_applicable_common(): return 0 if self.Env["Schema"] == "hae": return 1 return None class HAERoleTest(HAETest): def __init__(self, cm): '''Lars' mount/unmount test for the HA extension. ''' HAETest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "HAERoleTest" def change_state(self, node, resource, target): rc = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -V -r %s -p target-role -v %s --meta" % (resource, target)) return rc def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") lpc = 0 failed = 0 delay = 2 done = time.time() + self.Env["loop-minutes"]*60 self.find_hae_resources(node) clone_max = len(self.Env["nodes"]) while time.time() <= done and not failed: lpc = lpc + 1 self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "Stopped") if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, 0): self.failure("%s did not go down correctly" % self.r_dlm) failed = lpc self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "Started") if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_dlm) failed = lpc if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_o2cb, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_o2cb) failed = lpc for fs in self.r_ocfs2: if not self.wait_on_state(node, fs, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % fs) failed = lpc if failed: return self.failure("iteration %d failed" % failed) return self.success() AllTestClasses.append(HAERoleTest) class HAEStandbyTest(HAETest): '''Set up a custom test to cause quorum failure issues for Andrew''' def __init__(self, cm): HAETest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "HAEStandbyTest" def change_state(self, node, resource, target): rc = self.rsh(node, "crm_standby -V -l reboot -v %s" % (target)) return rc def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") lpc = 0 failed = 0 done = time.time() + self.Env["loop-minutes"]*60 self.find_hae_resources(node) clone_max = len(self.Env["nodes"]) while time.time() <= done and not failed: lpc = lpc + 1 self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "true") if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, clone_max-1): self.failure("%s did not go down correctly" % self.r_dlm) failed = lpc self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "false") if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_dlm) failed = lpc if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_o2cb, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_o2cb) failed = lpc for fs in self.r_ocfs2: if not self.wait_on_state(node, fs, clone_max): self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % fs) failed = lpc if failed: return self.failure("iteration %d failed" % failed) return self.success() AllTestClasses.append(HAEStandbyTest) class NearQuorumPointTest(CTSTest): ''' This test brings larger clusters near the quorum point (50%). In addition, it will test doing starts and stops at the same time. Here is how I think it should work: - loop over the nodes and decide randomly which will be up and which will be down Use a 50% probability for each of up/down. - figure out what to do to get into that state from the current state - in parallel, bring up those going up and bring those going down. ''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "NearQuorumPoint" def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'NearQuorumPoint' test. ''' self.incr("calls") startset = [] stopset = [] stonith = self.CM.prepare_fencing_watcher("NearQuorumPoint") #decide what to do with each node for node in self.Env["nodes"]: action = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(["start","stop"]) #action = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(["start","stop","no change"]) if action == "start" : startset.append(node) elif action == "stop" : stopset.append(node) self.debug("start nodes:" + repr(startset)) self.debug("stop nodes:" + repr(stopset)) #add search patterns watchpats = [ ] for node in stopset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:We_stopped"] % node) for node in startset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down": #watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:Slave_started"] % node) watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:Local_started"] % node) else: for stopping in stopset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[stopping] == "up": watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:They_stopped"] % (node, self.CM.key_for_node(stopping))) if len(watchpats) == 0: return self.skipped() if len(startset) != 0: watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:DC_IDLE"]) watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() #begin actions for node in stopset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": self.CM.StopaCMnoBlock(node) for node in startset: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down": self.CM.StartaCMnoBlock(node) #get the result if watch.lookforall(): self.CM.cluster_stable() self.CM.fencing_cleanup("NearQuorumPoint", stonith) return self.success() self.logger.log("Warn: Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) #get the "bad" nodes upnodes = [] for node in stopset: if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 1: upnodes.append(node) downnodes = [] for node in startset: if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 0: downnodes.append(node) self.CM.fencing_cleanup("NearQuorumPoint", stonith) if upnodes == [] and downnodes == []: self.CM.cluster_stable() # Make sure they're completely down with no residule for node in stopset: self.rsh(node, self.templates["StopCmd"]) return self.success() if len(upnodes) > 0: self.logger.log("Warn: Unstoppable nodes: " + repr(upnodes)) if len(downnodes) > 0: self.logger.log("Warn: Unstartable nodes: " + repr(downnodes)) return self.failure() def is_applicable(self): if self.Env["Name"] == "crm-cman": return None return 1 AllTestClasses.append(NearQuorumPointTest) class RollingUpgradeTest(CTSTest): '''Perform a rolling upgrade of the cluster''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "RollingUpgrade" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) def setup(self, node): # Start all remaining nodes ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't stop all nodes") for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if not self.downgrade(node, None): return self.failure("Couldn't downgrade %s" % node) ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't start all nodes") return self.success() def teardown(self, node): # Stop everything ret = self.stopall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Couldn't stop all nodes") for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if not self.upgrade(node, None): return self.failure("Couldn't upgrade %s" % node) return self.success() def install(self, node, version, start=1, flags="--force"): target_dir = "/tmp/rpm-%s" % version src_dir = "%s/%s" % (self.Env["rpm-dir"], version) self.logger.log("Installing %s on %s with %s" % (version, node, flags)) if not self.stop(node): return self.failure("stop failure: "+node) rc = self.rsh(node, "mkdir -p %s" % target_dir) rc = self.rsh(node, "rm -f %s/*.rpm" % target_dir) (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "ls -1 %s/*.rpm" % src_dir, None) for line in lines: line = line[:-1] rc = self.rsh.cp("%s" % (line), "%s:%s/" % (node, target_dir)) rc = self.rsh(node, "rpm -Uvh %s %s/*.rpm" % (flags, target_dir)) if start and not self.start(node): return self.failure("start failure: "+node) return self.success() def upgrade(self, node, start=1): return self.install(node, self.Env["current-version"], start) def downgrade(self, node, start=1): return self.install(node, self.Env["previous-version"], start, "--force --nodeps") def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'Rolling Upgrade' test. ''' self.incr("calls") for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if self.upgrade(node): return self.failure("Couldn't upgrade %s" % node) self.CM.cluster_stable() return self.success() def is_applicable(self): if not self.is_applicable_common(): return None if not "rpm-dir" in self.Env.keys(): return None if not "current-version" in self.Env.keys(): return None if not "previous-version" in self.Env.keys(): return None return 1 # Register RestartTest as a good test to run AllTestClasses.append(RollingUpgradeTest) class BSC_AddResource(CTSTest): '''Add a resource to the cluster''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self, cm) self.name = "AddResource" self.resource_offset = 0 self.cib_cmd = """cibadmin -C -o %s -X '%s' """ def __call__(self, node): self.incr("calls") self.resource_offset = self.resource_offset + 1 r_id = "bsc-rsc-%s-%d" % (node, self.resource_offset) start_pat = "crmd.*%s_start_0.*confirmed.*ok" patterns = [] patterns.append(start_pat % r_id) watch = self.create_watch(patterns, self.Env["DeadTime"]) watch.setwatch() ip = self.NextIP() if not self.make_ip_resource(node, r_id, "ocf", "IPaddr", ip): return self.failure("Make resource %s failed" % r_id) failed = 0 watch_result = watch.lookforall() if watch.unmatched: for regex in watch.unmatched: self.logger.log ("Warn: Pattern not found: %s" % (regex)) failed = 1 if failed: return self.failure("Resource pattern(s) not found") if not self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["DeadTime"]): return self.failure("Unstable cluster") return self.success() def NextIP(self): ip = self.Env["IPBase"] if ":" in ip: fields = ip.rpartition(":") fields[2] = str(hex(int(fields[2], 16)+1)) print(str(hex(int(f[2], 16)+1))) else: fields = ip.rpartition('.') fields[2] = str(int(fields[2])+1) ip = fields[0] + fields[1] + fields[3]; self.Env["IPBase"] = ip return ip.strip() def make_ip_resource(self, node, id, rclass, type, ip): self.logger.log("Creating %s::%s:%s (%s) on %s" % (rclass,type,id,ip,node)) rsc_xml=""" """ % (id, rclass, type, id, id, ip) node_constraint = """ """ % (id, id, id, id, node) rc = 0 (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, self.cib_cmd % ("constraints", node_constraint), None) if rc != 0: self.logger.log("Constraint creation failed: %d" % rc) return None (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, self.cib_cmd % ("resources", rsc_xml), None) if rc != 0: self.logger.log("Resource creation failed: %d" % rc) return None return 1 def is_applicable(self): if self.Env["DoBSC"]: return 1 return None AllTestClasses.append(BSC_AddResource) class SimulStopLite(CTSTest): '''Stop any active nodes ~ simultaneously''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "SimulStopLite" def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'SimulStopLite' setup work. ''' self.incr("calls") self.debug("Setup: " + self.name) # We ignore the "node" parameter... watchpats = [ ] for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": self.incr("WasStarted") watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:We_stopped"] % node) #if self.Env["use_logd"]: # watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:Logd_stopped"] % node) if len(watchpats) == 0: self.CM.clear_all_caches() return self.success() # Stop all the nodes - at about the same time... watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() self.set_timer() for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up": self.CM.StopaCMnoBlock(node) if watch.lookforall(): self.CM.clear_all_caches() # Make sure they're completely down with no residule for node in self.Env["nodes"]: self.rsh(node, self.templates["StopCmd"]) return self.success() did_fail = 0 up_nodes = [] for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 1: did_fail = 1 up_nodes.append(node) if did_fail: return self.failure("Active nodes exist: " + repr(up_nodes)) self.logger.log("Warn: All nodes stopped but CTS didnt detect: " + repr(watch.unmatched)) self.CM.clear_all_caches() return self.failure("Missing log message: "+repr(watch.unmatched)) def is_applicable(self): '''SimulStopLite is a setup test and never applicable''' return 0 class SimulStartLite(CTSTest): '''Start any stopped nodes ~ simultaneously''' def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "SimulStartLite" def __call__(self, dummy): '''Perform the 'SimulStartList' setup work. ''' self.incr("calls") self.debug("Setup: " + self.name) # We ignore the "node" parameter... node_list = [] for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down": self.incr("WasStopped") node_list.append(node) self.set_timer() while len(node_list) > 0: # Repeat until all nodes come up watchpats = [ ] uppat = self.templates["Pat:Slave_started"] if self.CM.upcount() == 0: uppat = self.templates["Pat:Local_started"] watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:DC_IDLE"]) for node in node_list: watchpats.append(uppat % node) watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:InfraUp"] % node) watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:PacemakerUp"] % node) # Start all the nodes - at about the same time... watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10) watch.setwatch() stonith = self.CM.prepare_fencing_watcher(self.name) for node in node_list: self.CM.StartaCMnoBlock(node) watch.lookforall() node_list = self.CM.fencing_cleanup(self.name, stonith) # Remove node_list messages from watch.unmatched for node in node_list: self.logger.debug("Dealing with stonith operations for %s" % repr(node_list)) if watch.unmatched: try: watch.unmatched.remove(uppat % node) except: self.debug("Already matched: %s" % (uppat % node)) try: watch.unmatched.remove(self.templates["Pat:InfraUp"] % node) except: self.debug("Already matched: %s" % (self.templates["Pat:InfraUp"] % node)) try: watch.unmatched.remove(self.templates["Pat:PacemakerUp"] % node) except: self.debug("Already matched: %s" % (self.templates["Pat:PacemakerUp"] % node)) if watch.unmatched: for regex in watch.unmatched: self.logger.log ("Warn: Startup pattern not found: %s" %(regex)) if not self.CM.cluster_stable(): return self.failure("Cluster did not stabilize") did_fail = 0 unstable = [] for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 0: did_fail = 1 unstable.append(node) if did_fail: return self.failure("Unstarted nodes exist: " + repr(unstable)) unstable = [] for node in self.Env["nodes"]: if not self.CM.node_stable(node): did_fail = 1 unstable.append(node) if did_fail: return self.failure("Unstable cluster nodes exist: " + repr(unstable)) return self.success() def is_applicable(self): '''SimulStartLite is a setup test and never applicable''' return 0 def TestList(cm, audits): result = [] for testclass in AllTestClasses: bound_test = testclass(cm) if bound_test.is_applicable(): bound_test.Audits = audits result.append(bound_test) return result class RemoteLXC(CTSTest): def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) self.name = "RemoteLXC" self.start = StartTest(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.num_containers = 2 self.is_container = 1 self.is_docker_unsafe = 1 self.failed = 0 self.fail_string = "" def start_lxc_simple(self, node): # restore any artifacts laying around from a previous test. self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -R &>/dev/null") # generate the containers, put them in the config, add some resources to them pats = [ ] watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120) watch.setwatch() pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("lxc1", "start_0")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("lxc2", "start_0")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("lxc-ms", "start_0")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("lxc-ms", "promote_0")) self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -g -a -m -s -c %d &>/dev/null" % self.num_containers) self.set_timer("remoteSimpleInit") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("remoteSimpleInit") if watch.unmatched: self.fail_string = "Unmatched patterns: %s" % (repr(watch.unmatched)) self.failed = 1 def cleanup_lxc_simple(self, node): pats = [ ] # if the test failed, attempt to clean up the cib and libvirt environment # as best as possible if self.failed == 1: # restore libvirt and cib self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -R &>/dev/null") self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -C -r container1 &>/dev/null") self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -C -r container2 &>/dev/null") self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -C -r lxc1 &>/dev/null") self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -C -r lxc2 &>/dev/null") self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -C -r lxc-ms &>/dev/null") time.sleep(20) return watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120) watch.setwatch() pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("container1", "stop_0")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("container2", "stop_0")) self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -p &>/dev/null") self.set_timer("remoteSimpleCleanup") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("remoteSimpleCleanup") if watch.unmatched: self.fail_string = "Unmatched patterns: %s" % (repr(watch.unmatched)) self.failed = 1 # cleanup libvirt self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -R &>/dev/null") def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'RemoteLXC' test. ''' self.incr("calls") ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed, start all nodes failed.") rc = self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -v &>/dev/null") if rc == 1: self.log("Environment test for lxc support failed.") return self.skipped() self.start_lxc_simple(node) self.cleanup_lxc_simple(node) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() if self.failed == 1: return self.failure(self.fail_string) return self.success() def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' return [ r"Updating failcount for ping", r"pengine.*: Recover (ping|lxc-ms|container)\s*\(.*\)", # The orphaned lxc-ms resource causes an expected transition error # that is a result of the pengine not having knowledge that the # ms resource used to be a clone. As a result it looks like that # resource is running in multiple locations when it shouldn't... But in # this instance we know why this error is occurring and that it is expected. r"Calculated Transition .* /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-error", r"Resource lxc-ms .* is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery", r"Unknown operation: fail", r"(ERROR|error): sending stonithRA op to stonithd failed.", ] AllTestClasses.append(RemoteLXC) -################################################################### class RemoteDriver(CTSTest): -################################################################### + def __init__(self, cm): CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) - self.name = "RemoteDriver" + self.name = self.__class__.__name__ self.is_docker_unsafe = 1 self.start = StartTest(cm) self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) self.stop = StopTest(cm) + self.remote_rsc = "remote-rsc" + self.cib_cmd = """cibadmin -C -o %s -X '%s' """ + self.reset() + + def reset(self): self.pcmk_started = 0 - self.failed = 0 + self.failed = False self.fail_string = "" self.remote_node_added = 0 self.remote_rsc_added = 0 - self.remote_rsc = "remote-rsc" - self.remote_use_reconnect_interval = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(["true","false"]) - self.cib_cmd = """cibadmin -C -o %s -X '%s' """ + self.remote_use_reconnect_interval = self.Env.RandomGen.choice([True,False]) def fail(self, msg): """ Mark test as failed. """ - # TODO: It's a boolean. Use True/False. - self.failed = 1 + self.failed = True # Always log the failure. self.logger.log(msg) # Use first failure as test status, as it's likely to be most useful. if not self.fail_string: self.fail_string = msg def get_othernode(self, node): for othernode in self.Env["nodes"]: if othernode == node: # we don't want to try and use the cib that we just shutdown. # find a cluster node that is not our soon to be remote-node. continue else: return othernode def del_rsc(self, node, rsc): othernode = self.get_othernode(node) rc = self.rsh(othernode, "crm_resource -D -r %s -t primitive" % (rsc)) if rc != 0: self.fail("Removal of resource '%s' failed" % rsc) def add_rsc(self, node, rsc_xml): othernode = self.get_othernode(node) rc = self.rsh(othernode, self.cib_cmd % ("resources", rsc_xml)) if rc != 0: self.fail("resource creation failed") def add_primitive_rsc(self, node): rsc_xml = """ """ % (self.remote_rsc) self.add_rsc(node, rsc_xml) - if self.failed == 0: + if not self.failed: self.remote_rsc_added = 1 def add_connection_rsc(self, node): - if self.remote_use_reconnect_interval == "true": + if self.remote_use_reconnect_interval: # use reconnect interval and make sure to set cluster-recheck-interval as well. rsc_xml = """ """ % (self.remote_node, node) self.rsh(self.get_othernode(node), self.templates["SetCheckInterval"] % ("45s")) else: # not using reconnect interval rsc_xml = """ """ % (self.remote_node, node) self.add_rsc(node, rsc_xml) - if self.failed == 0: + if not self.failed: self.remote_node_added = 1 def stop_pcmk_remote(self, node): # disable pcmk remote for i in range(10): rc = self.rsh(node, "service pacemaker_remote stop") if rc != 0: time.sleep(6) else: break def start_pcmk_remote(self, node): for i in range(10): rc = self.rsh(node, "service pacemaker_remote start") if rc != 0: time.sleep(6) else: self.pcmk_started = 1 break def start_metal(self, node): pcmk_started = 0 # make sure the resource doesn't already exist for some reason self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -D -r %s -t primitive" % (self.remote_rsc)) self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -D -r %s -t primitive" % (self.remote_node)) if not self.stop(node): self.fail("Failed to shutdown cluster node %s" % node) return self.start_pcmk_remote(node) if self.pcmk_started == 0: self.fail("Failed to start pacemaker_remote on node %s" % node) return # convert node to baremetal node now that it has shutdow the cluster stack pats = [ ] watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120) watch.setwatch() pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.remote_node, "start")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:DC_IDLE"]) self.add_connection_rsc(node) self.set_timer("remoteMetalInit") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("remoteMetalInit") if watch.unmatched: self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched) def migrate_connection(self, node): - if self.failed == 1: + if self.failed: return pats = [ ] pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.remote_node, "migrate_to")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.remote_node, "migrate_from")) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:DC_IDLE"]) watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120) watch.setwatch() (rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -M -r %s" % (self.remote_node), None) if rc != 0: self.fail("failed to move remote node connection resource") return self.set_timer("remoteMetalMigrate") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("remoteMetalMigrate") if watch.unmatched: self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched) return def fail_rsc(self, node): - if self.failed == 1: + if self.failed: return watchpats = [ ] watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscRemoteOpOK"] % (self.remote_rsc, "stop", self.remote_node)) watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscRemoteOpOK"] % (self.remote_rsc, "start", self.remote_node)) watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:DC_IDLE"]) watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, 120) watch.setwatch() self.debug("causing dummy rsc to fail.") rc = self.rsh(node, "rm -f /var/run/resource-agents/Dummy*") self.set_timer("remoteRscFail") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("remoteRscFail") if watch.unmatched: self.fail("Unmatched patterns during rsc fail: %s" % watch.unmatched) def fail_connection(self, node): - if self.failed == 1: + if self.failed: return watchpats = [ ] watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:FenceOpOK"] % self.remote_node) watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:NodeFenced"] % self.remote_node) watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, 120) watch.setwatch() # force stop the pcmk remote daemon. this will result in fencing self.debug("Force stopped active remote node") self.stop_pcmk_remote(node) self.debug("Waiting for remote node to be fenced.") self.set_timer("remoteMetalFence") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("remoteMetalFence") if watch.unmatched: self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched) return self.debug("Waiting for the remote node to come back up") self.CM.ns.WaitForNodeToComeUp(node, 120); pats = [ ] watch = self.create_watch(pats, 240) watch.setwatch() pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.remote_node, "start")) if self.remote_rsc_added == 1: pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscRemoteOpOK"] % (self.remote_rsc, "start", self.remote_node)) # start the remote node again watch it integrate back into cluster. self.start_pcmk_remote(node) if self.pcmk_started == 0: self.fail("Failed to start pacemaker_remote on node %s" % node) return self.debug("Waiting for remote node to rejoin cluster after being fenced.") self.set_timer("remoteMetalRestart") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("remoteMetalRestart") if watch.unmatched: self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched) return def add_dummy_rsc(self, node): - if self.failed == 1: + if self.failed: return # verify we can put a resource on the remote node pats = [ ] watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120) watch.setwatch() pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscRemoteOpOK"] % (self.remote_rsc, "start", self.remote_node)) pats.append(self.templates["Pat:DC_IDLE"]) # Add a resource that must live on remote-node self.add_primitive_rsc(node) # force that rsc to prefer the remote node. (rc, line) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_resource -M -r %s -N %s -f" % (self.remote_rsc, self.remote_node), None) if rc != 0: self.fail("Failed to place remote resource on remote node.") return self.set_timer("remoteMetalRsc") watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("remoteMetalRsc") if watch.unmatched: self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched) def test_attributes(self, node): - if self.failed == 1: + if self.failed: return # This verifies permanent attributes can be set on a remote-node. It also # verifies the remote-node can edit it's own cib node section remotely. (rc, line) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -l forever -n testattr -v testval -N %s" % (self.remote_node), None) if rc != 0: self.fail("Failed to set remote-node attribute. rc:%s output:%s" % (rc, line)) return (rc, line) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -l forever -n testattr -Q -N %s" % (self.remote_node), None) if rc != 0: self.fail("Failed to get remote-node attribute") return (rc, line) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -l forever -n testattr -D -N %s" % (self.remote_node), None) if rc != 0: self.fail("Failed to delete remote-node attribute") return def cleanup_metal(self, node): if self.pcmk_started == 0: return pats = [ ] watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120) watch.setwatch() if self.remote_rsc_added == 1: pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.remote_rsc, "stop")) if self.remote_node_added == 1: pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.remote_node, "stop")) self.set_timer("remoteMetalCleanup") - if self.remote_use_reconnect_interval == "true": + if self.remote_use_reconnect_interval: self.debug("Cleaning up re-check interval") self.rsh(self.get_othernode(node), self.templates["ClearCheckInterval"]) if self.remote_rsc_added == 1: # Remove dummy resource added for remote node tests self.debug("Cleaning up dummy rsc put on remote node") self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -U -r %s" % self.remote_rsc) self.del_rsc(node, self.remote_rsc) if self.remote_node_added == 1: # Remove remote node's connection resource self.debug("Cleaning up remote node connection resource") self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -U -r %s" % (self.remote_node)) self.del_rsc(node, self.remote_node) watch.lookforall() self.log_timer("remoteMetalCleanup") if watch.unmatched: self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched) self.stop_pcmk_remote(node) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() if self.remote_node_added == 1: # Remove remote node itself self.debug("Cleaning up node entry for remote node") self.rsh(self.get_othernode(node), "crm_node --force --remove %s" % self.remote_node) def setup_env(self, node): self.remote_node = "remote_%s" % (node) # we are assuming if all nodes have a key, that it is # the right key... If any node doesn't have a remote # key, we regenerate it everywhere. if self.rsh.exists_on_all("/etc/pacemaker/authkey", self.Env["nodes"]): return # create key locally (handle, keyfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(".cts") os.close(handle) devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb') subprocess.check_call(["dd", "if=/dev/urandom", "of=%s" % keyfile, "bs=4096", "count=1"], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) devnull.close() # sync key throughout the cluster for node in self.Env["nodes"]: self.rsh(node, "mkdir -p --mode=0750 /etc/pacemaker") self.rsh.cp(keyfile, "root@%s:/etc/pacemaker/authkey" % node) self.rsh(node, "chgrp haclient /etc/pacemaker /etc/pacemaker/authkey") self.rsh(node, "chmod 0640 /etc/pacemaker/authkey") os.unlink(keyfile) def is_applicable(self): if not self.is_applicable_common(): return False for node in self.Env["nodes"]: rc = self.rsh(node, "type pacemaker_remoted >/dev/null 2>&1") if rc != 0: return False return True - def __call__(self, node): - '''Perform the 'RemoteBaremetal' test. ''' + def start_new_test(self, node): self.incr("calls") + self.reset() ret = self.startall(None) if not ret: return self.failure("Setup failed, start all nodes failed.") self.setup_env(node) self.start_metal(node) self.add_dummy_rsc(node) - self.test_attributes(node) - self.cleanup_metal(node) - self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") - self.CM.cluster_stable() - if self.failed == 1: - return self.failure(self.fail_string) - - return self.success() + def __call__(self, node): + return self.failure("This base class is not meant to be called directly.") def errorstoignore(self): '''Return list of errors which should be ignored''' return [ """is running on remote.*which isn't allowed""", """Connection terminated""", """Failed to send remote""", ] -# Remote driver is called by other tests. +# RemoteDriver is just a base class for other tests, so it is not added to AllTestClasses -################################################################### -class RemoteBasic(CTSTest): -################################################################### - def __init__(self, cm): - CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) - self.name = "RemoteBasic" - self.start = StartTest(cm) - self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) - self.driver = RemoteDriver(cm) - self.is_docker_unsafe = 1 + +class RemoteBasic(RemoteDriver): def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'RemoteBaremetal' test. ''' - self.incr("calls") - ret = self.startall(None) - if not ret: - return self.failure("Setup failed, start all nodes failed.") - - self.driver.setup_env(node) - self.driver.start_metal(node) - self.driver.add_dummy_rsc(node) - self.driver.test_attributes(node) - self.driver.cleanup_metal(node) + self.start_new_test(node) + self.test_attributes(node) + self.cleanup_metal(node) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() - if self.driver.failed == 1: - return self.failure(self.driver.fail_string) + if self.failed: + return self.failure(self.fail_string) return self.success() - def is_applicable(self): - return self.driver.is_applicable() - - def errorstoignore(self): - return self.driver.errorstoignore() - AllTestClasses.append(RemoteBasic) -################################################################### -class RemoteStonithd(CTSTest): -################################################################### - def __init__(self, cm): - CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) - self.name = "RemoteStonithd" - self.start = StartTest(cm) - self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) - self.driver = RemoteDriver(cm) - self.is_docker_unsafe = 1 +class RemoteStonithd(RemoteDriver): def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'RemoteStonithd' test. ''' - self.incr("calls") - ret = self.startall(None) - if not ret: - return self.failure("Setup failed, start all nodes failed.") - - self.driver.setup_env(node) - self.driver.start_metal(node) - self.driver.add_dummy_rsc(node) - - self.driver.fail_connection(node) - self.driver.cleanup_metal(node) + self.start_new_test(node) + self.fail_connection(node) + self.cleanup_metal(node) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() - if self.driver.failed == 1: - return self.failure(self.driver.fail_string) + if self.failed: + return self.failure(self.fail_string) return self.success() def is_applicable(self): - if not self.driver.is_applicable(): + if not RemoteDriver.is_applicable(self): return False if "DoFencing" in self.Env.keys(): return self.Env["DoFencing"] return True def errorstoignore(self): ignore_pats = [ r"Unexpected disconnect on remote-node", r"crmd.*: error.*: Operation remote_.*_monitor", r"pengine.*: Recover remote_.*\s*\(.*\)", r"Calculated Transition .* /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-error", r"error.*: Resource .*ocf::.* is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery", ] - ignore_pats.extend(self.driver.errorstoignore()) + ignore_pats.extend(RemoteDriver.errorstoignore(self)) return ignore_pats AllTestClasses.append(RemoteStonithd) -################################################################### -class RemoteMigrate(CTSTest): -################################################################### - def __init__(self, cm): - CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) - self.name = "RemoteMigrate" - self.start = StartTest(cm) - self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) - self.driver = RemoteDriver(cm) - self.is_docker_unsafe = 1 + +class RemoteMigrate(RemoteDriver): def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'RemoteMigrate' test. ''' - self.incr("calls") - ret = self.startall(None) - if not ret: - return self.failure("Setup failed, start all nodes failed.") - - self.driver.setup_env(node) - self.driver.start_metal(node) - self.driver.add_dummy_rsc(node) - self.driver.migrate_connection(node) - self.driver.cleanup_metal(node) + self.start_new_test(node) + self.migrate_connection(node) + self.cleanup_metal(node) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() - if self.driver.failed == 1: - return self.failure(self.driver.fail_string) + if self.failed: + return self.failure(self.fail_string) return self.success() - def is_applicable(self): - return self.driver.is_applicable() - - def errorstoignore(self): - return self.driver.errorstoignore() - AllTestClasses.append(RemoteMigrate) -################################################################### -class RemoteRscFailure(CTSTest): -################################################################### - def __init__(self, cm): - - # fail a rsc on a remote node, verify recovery. - CTSTest.__init__(self,cm) - self.name = "RemoteRscFailure" - self.start = StartTest(cm) - self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm) - self.driver = RemoteDriver(cm) - self.is_docker_unsafe = 1 +class RemoteRscFailure(RemoteDriver): def __call__(self, node): '''Perform the 'RemoteRscFailure' test. ''' - self.incr("calls") - - ret = self.startall(None) - if not ret: - return self.failure("Setup failed, start all nodes failed.") - self.driver.setup_env(node) - self.driver.start_metal(node) - self.driver.add_dummy_rsc(node) + self.start_new_test(node) # This is an important step. We are migrating the connection # before failing the resource. This verifies that the migration # has properly maintained control over the remote-node. - self.driver.migrate_connection(node) + self.migrate_connection(node) - self.driver.fail_rsc(node) - self.driver.cleanup_metal(node) + self.fail_rsc(node) + self.cleanup_metal(node) self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover") self.CM.cluster_stable() - if self.driver.failed == 1: - return self.failure(self.driver.fail_string) + if self.failed: + return self.failure(self.fail_string) return self.success() - def is_applicable(self): - return self.driver.is_applicable() - def errorstoignore(self): ignore_pats = [ r"pengine.*: Recover remote-rsc\s*\(.*\)", ] - ignore_pats.extend(self.driver.errorstoignore()) + ignore_pats.extend(RemoteDriver.errorstoignore(self)) return ignore_pats AllTestClasses.append(RemoteRscFailure) # vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-KVM-Tutorial.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-KVM-Tutorial.txt index 328a52eb0f..72a9076592 100644 --- a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-KVM-Tutorial.txt +++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-KVM-Tutorial.txt @@ -1,477 +1,583 @@ = Guest Node Walk-through = *What this tutorial is:* An in-depth walk-through of how to get Pacemaker to manage a KVM guest instance and integrate that guest into the cluster as a guest node. *What this tutorial is not:* A realistic deployment scenario. The steps shown here are meant to get users familiar with the concept of guest nodes as quickly as possible. == Configure the Physical Host == -=== SElinux and Firewall === +[NOTE] +====== +For this example, we will use a single physical host named *example-host*. +A production cluster would likely have multiple physical hosts, in which case +you would run the commands here on each one, unless noted otherwise. +====== -In order to simplify this tutorial, we will disable SELinux and the local -firewall on the host. This may create significant security issues and should -not be performed on machines that will be exposed to the outside world, but may -be appropriate during development and testing on a protected host. +=== Configure Firewall on Host === + +On the physical host, allow cluster-related services through the local firewall: ---- -# setenforce 0 -# sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" /etc/selinux/config -# systemctl disable firewalld.service -# systemctl stop firewalld.service -# iptables --flush +# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability +success +# firewall-cmd --reload +success ---- +[NOTE] +====== +If you are using iptables directly, or some other firewall solution besides +firewalld, simply open the following ports, which can be used by various +clustering components: TCP ports 2224, 3121, and 21064, and UDP port 5405. + +If you run into any problems during testing, you might want to disable +the firewall and SELinux entirely until you have everything working. +This may create significant security issues and should not be performed on +machines that will be exposed to the outside world, but may be appropriate +during development and testing on a protected host. + +To disable security measures: +---- +[root@pcmk-1 ~]# setenforce 0 +[root@pcmk-1 ~]# sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" /etc/selinux/config +[root@pcmk-1 ~]# systemctl disable firewalld.service +[root@pcmk-1 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld.service +[root@pcmk-1 ~]# iptables --flush +---- +====== + === Install Cluster Software === ---- # yum install -y pacemaker corosync pcs resource-agents ---- === Configure Corosync === Corosync handles pacemaker's cluster membership and messaging. The corosync -config file is located in /etc/corosync/corosync.conf. That config file must be -initialized with information about the cluster nodes before pacemaker can +config file is located in +/etc/corosync/corosync.conf+. That config file must +be initialized with information about the cluster nodes before pacemaker can start. -To initialize the corosync config file, execute the following pcs command on both nodes filling in the information in <> with your nodes' information. +To initialize the corosync config file, execute the following `pcs` command, +replacing the cluster name and hostname as desired: ---- -# pcs cluster setup --force --local --name mycluster +# pcs cluster setup --force --local --name mycluster example-host ---- +[NOTE] +====== +If you have multiple physical hosts, you would execute the setup command on +only one host, but list all of them at the end of the command. +====== + +=== Configure Pacemaker for Remote Node Communication === + +Create a place to hold an authentication key for use with pacemaker_remote: +---- +# mkdir -p --mode=0750 /etc/pacemaker +# chgrp haclient /etc/pacemaker +---- + +Generate a key: +---- +# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1 +---- + +[NOTE] +====== +If you have multiple physical hosts, you would generate the key on only one +host, and copy it to the same location on all hosts. +====== + === Verify Cluster Software === Start the cluster ---- # pcs cluster start ---- Verify corosync membership ----- +.... # pcs status corosync Membership information +---------------------- Nodeid Votes Name -1795270848 1 example-host (local) ----- + 1 1 example-host (local) +.... Verify pacemaker status. At first, the output will look like this: ---- # pcs status +Cluster name: mycluster +WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false +Last updated: Fri Oct 9 15:18:32 2015 Last change: Fri Oct 9 12:42:21 2015 by root via cibadmin on example-host +Stack: corosync +Current DC: NONE +1 node and 0 resources configured + +Node example-host: UNCLEAN (offline) + +Full list of resources: + + +PCSD Status: + example-host: Online + +Daemon Status: + corosync: active/disabled + pacemaker: active/disabled + pcsd: active/enabled +---- + +After a short amount of time, you should see your host as a single node in the +cluster: +---- +# pcs status +Cluster name: mycluster +WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false +Last updated: Fri Oct 9 15:20:05 2015 Last change: Fri Oct 9 12:42:21 2015 by root via cibadmin on example-host +Stack: corosync +Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.13-a14efad) - partition WITHOUT quorum +1 node and 0 resources configured - Last updated: Thu Mar 14 12:26:00 2013 - Last change: Thu Mar 14 12:25:55 2013 via crmd on example-host - Stack: corosync - Current DC: - Version: 1.1.10 - 1 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes - 0 Resources configured. +Online: [ example-host ] + +Full list of resources: + + +PCSD Status: + example-host: Online + +Daemon Status: + corosync: active/disabled + pacemaker: active/disabled + pcsd: active/enabled ---- -After about a minute you should see your host as a single node in the cluster. +=== Disable STONITH and Quorum === +Now, enable the cluster to work without quorum or stonith. This is required +for the sake of getting this tutorial to work with a single cluster node. + +---- +# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false +# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore +---- + +[WARNING] +========= +The use of `stonith-enabled=false` is completely inappropriate for a production +cluster. It tells the cluster to simply pretend that failed nodes are safely +powered off. Some vendors will refuse to support clusters that have STONITH +disabled. We disable STONITH here only to focus the discussion on +pacemaker_remote, and to be able to use a single physical host in the example. +========= + +Now, the status output should look similar to this: ---- # pcs status +Cluster name: mycluster +Last updated: Fri Oct 9 15:22:49 2015 Last change: Fri Oct 9 15:22:46 2015 by root via cibadmin on example-host +Stack: corosync +Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.13-a14efad) - partition with quorum +1 node and 0 resources configured + +Online: [ example-host ] + +Full list of resources: + - Last updated: Thu Mar 14 12:28:23 2013 - Last change: Thu Mar 14 12:25:55 2013 via crmd on example-host - Stack: corosync - Current DC: example-host (1795270848) - partition WITHOUT quorum - Version: 1.1.8-9b13ea1 - 1 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes - 0 Resources configured. +PCSD Status: + example-host: Online - Online: [ example-host ] +Daemon Status: + corosync: active/disabled + pacemaker: active/disabled + pcsd: active/enabled ---- Go ahead and stop the cluster for now after verifying everything is in order. ---- -# pcs cluster stop +# pcs cluster stop --force ---- === Install Virtualization Software === ---- # yum install -y kvm libvirt qemu-system qemu-kvm bridge-utils virt-manager # systemctl enable libvirtd.service ---- -reboot the host +Reboot the host. [NOTE] ====== While KVM is used in this example, any virtualization platform with a Pacemaker resource agent can be used to create a guest node. The resource agent needs only to support usual commands (start, stop, etc.); Pacemaker implements the *remote-node* meta-attribute, independent of the agent. ====== == Configure the KVM guest == === Create Guest === -I am not going to outline the installation steps required to create a KVM +We will not outline here the installation steps required to create a KVM guest. There are plenty of tutorials available elsewhere that do that. +Just be sure to configure the guest with a hostname and a static IP address +(as an example here, we will use guest1 and -=== Configure Guest Network === +=== Configure Firewall on Guest === -Run the commands below to set up a static ip address ( and hostname (guest1). +On each guest, allow cluster-related services through the local firewall, +following the same procedure as in <<_configure_firewall_on_host>>. ----- -export remote_hostname=guest1 -export remote_ip= -export remote_gateway= - -yum remove -y NetworkManager - -rm -f /etc/hostname -cat << END >> /etc/hostname -$remote_hostname -END - -hostname $remote_hostname +=== Verify Connectivity === -cat << END >> /etc/sysconfig/network -HOSTNAME=$remote_hostname -GATEWAY=$remote_gateway -END - -sed -i.bak "s/.*BOOTPROTO=.*/BOOTPROTO=none/g" /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - -cat << END >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 -IPADDR0=$remote_ip -PREFIX0=24 -GATEWAY0=$remote_gateway -DNS1=$remote_gateway -END +At this point, you should be able to ping and ssh into guests from hosts, and +vice versa. -systemctl restart network -systemctl enable network.service -systemctl enable sshd -systemctl start sshd +=== Configure pacemaker_remote === -echo "checking connectivity" -ping www.google.com +Install pacemaker_remote, and enable it to run at start-up. Here, we also +install the pacemaker package; it is not required, but it contains the dummy +resource agent that we will use later for testing. ---- - -To simplify the tutorial we'll go ahead and disable selinux on the guest. We'll also need to poke a hole through the firewall on port 3121 (the default port for pacemaker_remote) so the host can contact the guest. - +# yum install -y pacemaker pacemaker-remote resource-agents +# systemctl enable pacemaker_remote.service ---- -# setenforce 0 -# sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" /etc/selinux/config - -# firewall-cmd --add-port 3121/tcp --permanent ----- - -If you still encounter connection issues, just disable firewalld on the guest -like we did on the host, to guarantee you'll be able to contact the guest from -the host. - -At this point you should be able to ssh into the guest from the host. - -=== Configure pacemaker_remote === - -On the 'host' machine, run these commands to generate an authkey and copy it to -the /etc/pacemaker folder on both the host and guest. +Copy the authentication key from a host: ---- # mkdir -p --mode=0750 /etc/pacemaker # chgrp haclient /etc/pacemaker -# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1 -# scp -r /etc/pacemaker root@ +# scp root@example-host:/etc/pacemaker/authkey /etc/pacemaker ---- -Now on the 'guest', install the pacemaker-remote package, and enable the daemon -to run at startup. In the commands below, you will notice the pacemaker -package is also installed. It is not required; the only reason it is being -installed for this tutorial is because it contains the Dummy resource agent -that we will use later for testing. - +Start pacemaker_remote, and verify the start was successful: ---- -# yum install -y pacemaker pacemaker-remote resource-agents -# systemctl enable pacemaker_remote.service ----- - -Now start pacemaker_remote on the guest and verify the start was successful. - ----- -# systemctl start pacemaker_remote.service - +# systemctl start pacemaker_remote # systemctl status pacemaker_remote pacemaker_remote.service - Pacemaker Remote Service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service; enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2013-03-14 18:24:04 EDT; 2min 8s ago Main PID: 1233 (pacemaker_remot) CGroup: name=systemd:/system/pacemaker_remote.service └─1233 /usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted Mar 14 18:24:04 guest1 systemd[1]: Starting Pacemaker Remote Service... Mar 14 18:24:04 guest1 systemd[1]: Started Pacemaker Remote Service. Mar 14 18:24:04 guest1 pacemaker_remoted[1233]: notice: lrmd_init_remote_tls_server: Starting a tls listener on port 3121. ---- === Verify Host Connection to Guest === Before moving forward, it's worth verifying that the host can contact the guest on port 3121. Here's a trick you can use. Connect using ssh from the host. The connection will get destroyed, but how it is destroyed tells you whether it worked or not. -First add guest1 to the host machine's /etc/hosts file if you haven't already. This is required unless you have dns setup in a way where guest1's address can be discovered. +First add guest1 to the host machine's +/etc/hosts+ file if you haven't +already. This is required unless you have DNS setup in a way where guest1's +address can be discovered. ---- # cat << END >> /etc/hosts guest1 END ---- If running the ssh command on one of the cluster nodes results in this output before disconnecting, the connection works. ---- # ssh -p 3121 guest1 ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer ---- -If you see this, the connection is not working. +If you see one of these, the connection is not working. ---- # ssh -p 3121 guest1 ssh: connect to host guest1 port 3121: No route to host ---- +---- +# ssh -p 3121 guest1 +ssh: connect to host guest1 port 3121: Connection refused +---- Once you can successfully connect to the guest from the host, shutdown the guest. Pacemaker will be managing the virtual machine from this point forward. == Integrate Guest into Cluster == Now the fun part, integrating the virtual machine you've just created into the cluster. It is incredibly simple. === Start the Cluster === On the host, start pacemaker. ---- # pcs cluster start ---- Wait for the host to become the DC. The output of `pcs status` should look -similar to this after about a minute. - ----- -Last updated: Thu Mar 14 16:41:22 2013 -Last change: Thu Mar 14 16:41:08 2013 via crmd on example-host -Stack: corosync -Current DC: example-host (1795270848) - partition WITHOUT quorum -Version: 1.1.10 -1 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes -0 Resources configured. - - -Online: [ example-host ] ----- - -Now enable the cluster to work without quorum or stonith. This is required -just for the sake of getting this tutorial to work with a single cluster node. - ----- -# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false -# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore ----- +as it did in <<_disable_stonith_and_quorum>>. === Integrate as Guest Node === -If you didn't already do this earlier in the verify host to guest connection section, add the KVM guest's ip to the host's /etc/hosts file so we can connect by hostname. The command below will do that if you used the same ip address I used earlier. - +If you didn't already do this earlier in the verify host to guest connection +section, add the KVM guest's IP address to the host's +/etc/hosts+ file so we +can connect by hostname. For this example: ---- # cat << END >> /etc/hosts guest1 END ---- We will use the *VirtualDomain* resource agent for the management of the virtual machine. This agent requires the virtual machine's XML config to be dumped to a file on disk. To do this, pick out the name of the virtual machine you just created from the output of this list. .... # virsh list --all Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- - guest1 shut off .... In my case I named it guest1. Dump the xml to a file somewhere on the host using the following command. ---- -# virsh dumpxml guest1 > /root/guest1.xml +# virsh dumpxml guest1 > /etc/pacemaker/guest1.xml ---- Now just register the resource with pacemaker and you're set! ---- -# pcs resource create vm-guest1 VirtualDomain hypervisor="qemu:///system" config="/root/guest1.xml" meta remote-node=guest1 +# pcs resource create vm-guest1 VirtualDomain hypervisor="qemu:///system" \ + config="/etc/pacemaker/guest1.xml" meta remote-node=guest1 ---- +[NOTE] +====== +This example puts the guest XML under /etc/pacemaker because the +permissions and SELinux labeling should not need any changes. +If you run into trouble with this or any step, try disabling SELinux +with `setenforce 0`. If it works after that, see SELinux documentation +for how to troubleshoot, if you wish to reenable SELinux. +====== + +[NOTE] +====== +Pacemaker will automatically monitor pacemaker_remote connections for failure, +so it is not necessary to create a recurring monitor on the VirtualDomain +resource. +====== + Once the *vm-guest1* resource is started you will see *guest1* appear in the `pcs status` output as a node. The final `pcs status` output should look something like this. ---- -Last updated: Fri Mar 15 09:30:30 2013 -Last change: Thu Mar 14 17:21:35 2013 via cibadmin on example-host +# pcs status +Cluster name: mycluster +Last updated: Fri Oct 9 18:00:45 2015 Last change: Fri Oct 9 17:53:44 2015 by root via crm_resource on example-host Stack: corosync -Current DC: example-host (1795270848) - partition WITHOUT quorum -Version: 1.1.10 -2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes -2 Resources configured. - +Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.13-a14efad) - partition with quorum +2 nodes and 2 resources configured -Online: [ example-host guest1 ] +Online: [ example-host ] +GuestOnline: [ guest1@example-host ] Full list of resources: vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host + +PCSD Status: + example-host: Online + +Daemon Status: + corosync: active/disabled + pacemaker: active/disabled + pcsd: active/enabled ---- === Starting Resources on KVM Guest === The commands below demonstrate how resources can be executed on both the guest node and the cluster node. Create a few Dummy resources. Dummy resources are real resource agents used just for testing purposes. They actually execute on the host they are assigned to just like an apache server or database would, except their execution just means a file was created. When the resource is stopped, that the file it created is removed. ---- # pcs resource create FAKE1 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy # pcs resource create FAKE2 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy # pcs resource create FAKE3 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy # pcs resource create FAKE4 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy # pcs resource create FAKE5 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy ---- Now check your `pcs status` output. In the resource section, you should see something like the following, where some of the resources started on the cluster node, and some started on the guest node. ---- Full list of resources: vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host ---- The guest node, *guest1*, reacts just like any other node in the cluster. For example, pick out a resource that is running on your cluster node. For my purposes, I am picking FAKE3 from the output above. We can force FAKE3 to run on *guest1* in the exact same way we would any other node. ---- -# pcs constraint FAKE3 prefers guest1 +# pcs constraint location FAKE3 prefers guest1 ---- Now, looking at the bottom of the `pcs status` output you'll see FAKE3 is on *guest1*. ---- Full list of resources: vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host ---- === Testing Recovery and Fencing === Pacemaker's policy engine is smart enough to know fencing guest nodes associated with a virtual machine means shutting off/rebooting the virtual machine. No special configuration is necessary to make this happen. If you are interested in testing this functionality out, trying stopping the guest's pacemaker_remote daemon. This would be equivalent of abruptly terminating a cluster node's corosync membership without properly shutting it down. ssh into the guest and run this command. ---- # kill -9 `pidof pacemaker_remoted` ---- -After a few seconds or so, you'll see this in your `pcs status` output. The -*guest1* node will be show as offline as it is being recovered. - +Within a few seconds, your `pcs status` output will show a monitor failure, +and the *guest1* node will not be shown while it is being recovered. ---- -Last updated: Fri Mar 15 11:00:31 2013 -Last change: Fri Mar 15 09:54:16 2013 via cibadmin on example-host +# pcs status +Cluster name: mycluster +Last updated: Fri Oct 9 18:08:35 2015 Last change: Fri Oct 9 18:07:00 2015 by root via cibadmin on example-host Stack: corosync -Current DC: example-host (1795270848) - partition WITHOUT quorum -Version: 1.1.10 -2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes -7 Resources configured. - +Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.13-a14efad) - partition with quorum +2 nodes and 7 resources configured Online: [ example-host ] -OFFLINE: [ guest1 ] Full list of resources: - vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host - FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped - FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped - FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped + vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host + FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped + FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped + FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host -Failed actions: - guest1_monitor_30000 (node=example-host, call=3, rc=7, status=complete): not running +Failed Actions: +* guest1_monitor_30000 on example-host 'unknown error' (1): call=8, status=Error, exitreason='none', + last-rc-change='Fri Oct 9 18:08:29 2015', queued=0ms, exec=0ms + + +PCSD Status: + example-host: Online + +Daemon Status: + corosync: active/disabled + pacemaker: active/disabled + pcsd: active/enabled ---- +[NOTE] +====== +A guest node involves two resources: the one you explicitly configured creates the guest, +and Pacemaker creates an implicit resource for the pacemaker_remote connection, which +will be named the same as the value of the *remote-node* attribute of the explicit resource. +When we killed pacemaker_remote, it is the implicit resource that failed, which is why +the failed action starts with *guest1* and not *vm-guest1*. +====== + Once recovery of the guest is complete, you'll see it automatically get re-integrated into the cluster. The final `pcs status` output should look something like this. ---- -Last updated: Fri Mar 15 11:03:17 2013 -Last change: Fri Mar 15 09:54:16 2013 via cibadmin on example-host +Cluster name: mycluster +Last updated: Fri Oct 9 18:18:30 2015 Last change: Fri Oct 9 18:07:00 2015 by root via cibadmin on example-host Stack: corosync -Current DC: example-host (1795270848) - partition WITHOUT quorum -Version: 1.1.10 -2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes -7 Resources configured. +Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.13-a14efad) - partition with quorum +2 nodes and 7 resources configured - -Online: [ example-host guest1 ] +Online: [ example-host ] +GuestOnline: [ guest1@example-host ] Full list of resources: vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host - FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 - FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 - FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 + FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 + FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 + FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1 FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host -Failed actions: - guest1_monitor_30000 (node=example-host, call=3, rc=7, status=complete): not running +Failed Actions: +* guest1_monitor_30000 on example-host 'unknown error' (1): call=8, status=Error, exitreason='none', + last-rc-change='Fri Oct 9 18:08:29 2015', queued=0ms, exec=0ms + + +PCSD Status: + example-host: Online + +Daemon Status: + corosync: active/disabled + pacemaker: active/disabled + pcsd: active/enabled +---- + +Normally, once you've investigated and addressed a failed action, you can clear the +failure. However Pacemaker does not yet support cleanup for the implicitly +created connection resource while the explicit resource is active. If you want +to clear the failed action from the status output, stop the guest resource before +clearing it. For example: +---- +# pcs resource disable vm-guest1 --wait +# pcs resource cleanup guest1 +# pcs resource enable vm-guest1 ---- === Accessing Cluster Tools from Guest Node === Besides allowing the cluster to manage resources on a guest node, pacemaker_remote has one other trick. The pacemaker_remote daemon allows nearly all the pacemaker tools (`crm_resource`, `crm_mon`, `crm_attribute`, `crm_master`, etc.) to work on guest nodes natively. Try it: Run `crm_mon` on the guest after pacemaker has integrated the guest node into the cluster. These tools just work. This means resource agents such as master/slave resources which need access to tools like `crm_master` work seamlessly on the guest nodes. Higher-level command shells such as `pcs` may have partial support on guest nodes, but it is recommended to run them from a cluster node. diff --git a/fencing/main.c b/fencing/main.c index ba9857f158..8fdec647f1 100644 --- a/fencing/main.c +++ b/fencing/main.c @@ -1,1506 +1,1506 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char *stonith_our_uname = NULL; char *stonith_our_uuid = NULL; long stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms = 0; GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL; gboolean stand_alone = FALSE; gboolean no_cib_connect = FALSE; gboolean stonith_shutdown_flag = FALSE; qb_ipcs_service_t *ipcs = NULL; xmlNode *local_cib = NULL; static cib_t *cib_api = NULL; static void *cib_library = NULL; static void stonith_shutdown(int nsig); static void stonith_cleanup(void); static int32_t st_ipc_accept(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { if (stonith_shutdown_flag) { crm_info("Ignoring new client [%d] during shutdown", crm_ipcs_client_pid(c)); return -EPERM; } if (crm_client_new(c, uid, gid) == NULL) { return -EIO; } return 0; } static void st_ipc_created(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c) { crm_trace("Connection created for %p", c); } /* Exit code means? */ static int32_t st_ipc_dispatch(qb_ipcs_connection_t * qbc, void *data, size_t size) { uint32_t id = 0; uint32_t flags = 0; int call_options = 0; xmlNode *request = NULL; crm_client_t *c = crm_client_get(qbc); const char *op = NULL; if (c == NULL) { crm_info("Invalid client: %p", qbc); return 0; } request = crm_ipcs_recv(c, data, size, &id, &flags); if (request == NULL) { crm_ipcs_send_ack(c, id, flags, "nack", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return 0; } op = crm_element_value(request, F_CRM_TASK); if(safe_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_RM_NODE_CACHE)) { crm_xml_add(request, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op); crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, c->id); crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, crm_client_name(c)); crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNODE, stonith_our_uname); send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, request, FALSE); free_xml(request); return 0; } if (c->name == NULL) { const char *value = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME); if (value == NULL) { value = "unknown"; } c->name = crm_strdup_printf("%s.%u", value, c->pid); } crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, &call_options); crm_trace("Flags %u/%u for command %u from %s", flags, call_options, id, crm_client_name(c)); if (is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call)) { CRM_ASSERT(flags & crm_ipc_client_response); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(c->request_id == 0); /* This means the client has two synchronous events in-flight */ c->request_id = id; /* Reply only to the last one */ } crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, c->id); crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, crm_client_name(c)); crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNODE, stonith_our_uname); crm_log_xml_trace(request, "Client[inbound]"); stonith_command(c, id, flags, request, NULL); free_xml(request); return 0; } /* Error code means? */ static int32_t st_ipc_closed(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c) { crm_client_t *client = crm_client_get(c); if (client == NULL) { return 0; } crm_trace("Connection %p closed", c); crm_client_destroy(client); /* 0 means: yes, go ahead and destroy the connection */ return 0; } static void st_ipc_destroy(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c) { crm_trace("Connection %p destroyed", c); st_ipc_closed(c); } static void stonith_peer_callback(xmlNode * msg, void *private_data) { const char *remote_peer = crm_element_value(msg, F_ORIG); const char *op = crm_element_value(msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION); if (crm_str_eq(op, "poke", TRUE)) { return; } crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "Peer[inbound]"); stonith_command(NULL, 0, 0, msg, remote_peer); } #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT static void stonith_peer_hb_callback(HA_Message * msg, void *private_data) { xmlNode *xml = convert_ha_message(NULL, msg, __FUNCTION__); stonith_peer_callback(xml, private_data); free_xml(xml); } static void stonith_peer_hb_destroy(gpointer user_data) { if (stonith_shutdown_flag) { crm_info("Heartbeat disconnection complete... exiting"); } else { crm_err("Heartbeat connection lost! Exiting."); } stonith_shutdown(0); } #endif #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC static void stonith_peer_ais_callback(cpg_handle_t handle, const struct cpg_name *groupName, uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len) { uint32_t kind = 0; xmlNode *xml = NULL; const char *from = NULL; char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from); if(data == NULL) { return; } if (kind == crm_class_cluster) { xml = string2xml(data); if (xml == NULL) { crm_err("Invalid XML: '%.120s'", data); free(data); return; } crm_xml_add(xml, F_ORIG, from); /* crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_SEQ, wrapper->id); */ stonith_peer_callback(xml, NULL); } free_xml(xml); free(data); return; } static void stonith_peer_cs_destroy(gpointer user_data) { crm_err("Corosync connection terminated"); stonith_shutdown(0); } #endif void do_local_reply(xmlNode * notify_src, const char *client_id, gboolean sync_reply, gboolean from_peer) { /* send callback to originating child */ crm_client_t *client_obj = NULL; int local_rc = pcmk_ok; crm_trace("Sending response"); client_obj = crm_client_get_by_id(client_id); crm_trace("Sending callback to request originator"); if (client_obj == NULL) { local_rc = -1; crm_trace("No client to sent the response to. F_STONITH_CLIENTID not set."); } else { int rid = 0; if (sync_reply) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(client_obj->request_id); rid = client_obj->request_id; client_obj->request_id = 0; crm_trace("Sending response %d to %s %s", rid, client_obj->name, from_peer ? "(originator of delegated request)" : ""); } else { crm_trace("Sending an event to %s %s", client_obj->name, from_peer ? "(originator of delegated request)" : ""); } local_rc = crm_ipcs_send(client_obj, rid, notify_src, sync_reply?crm_ipc_flags_none:crm_ipc_server_event); } if (local_rc < pcmk_ok && client_obj != NULL) { crm_warn("%sSync reply to %s failed: %s", sync_reply ? "" : "A-", client_obj ? client_obj->name : "", pcmk_strerror(local_rc)); } } long long get_stonith_flag(const char *name) { if (safe_str_eq(name, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE)) { return 0x01; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD)) { return 0x04; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL)) { return 0x10; } return 0; } static void stonith_notify_client(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { xmlNode *update_msg = user_data; crm_client_t *client = value; const char *type = NULL; CRM_CHECK(client != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(update_msg != NULL, return); type = crm_element_value(update_msg, F_SUBTYPE); CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, crm_log_xml_err(update_msg, "notify"); return); if (client->ipcs == NULL) { crm_trace("Skipping client with NULL channel"); return; } if (client->options & get_stonith_flag(type)) { int rc = crm_ipcs_send(client, 0, update_msg, crm_ipc_server_event | crm_ipc_server_error); if (rc <= 0) { crm_warn("%s notification of client %s.%.6s failed: %s (%d)", type, crm_client_name(client), client->id, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } else { crm_trace("Sent %s notification to client %s.%.6s", type, crm_client_name(client), client->id); } } } void do_stonith_async_timeout_update(const char *client_id, const char *call_id, int timeout) { crm_client_t *client = NULL; xmlNode *notify_data = NULL; if (!timeout || !call_id || !client_id) { return; } client = crm_client_get_by_id(client_id); if (!client) { return; } notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_CALLID, call_id); crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout); crm_trace("timeout update is %d for client %s and call id %s", timeout, client_id, call_id); if (client) { crm_ipcs_send(client, 0, notify_data, crm_ipc_server_event); } free_xml(notify_data); } void do_stonith_notify(int options, const char *type, int result, xmlNode * data) { /* TODO: Standardize the contents of data */ xmlNode *update_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, "notify"); CRM_CHECK(type != NULL,;); crm_xml_add(update_msg, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY); crm_xml_add(update_msg, F_SUBTYPE, type); crm_xml_add(update_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, type); crm_xml_add_int(update_msg, F_STONITH_RC, result); if (data != NULL) { add_message_xml(update_msg, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data); } crm_trace("Notifying clients"); g_hash_table_foreach(client_connections, stonith_notify_client, update_msg); free_xml(update_msg); crm_trace("Notify complete"); } static void topology_remove_helper(const char *node, int level) { int rc; char *desc = NULL; xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_FENCING_LEVEL); xmlNode *notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_INDEX, level); crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET, node); rc = stonith_level_remove(data, &desc); crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, desc); crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_ACTIVE, g_hash_table_size(topology)); do_stonith_notify(0, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL, rc, notify_data); free_xml(notify_data); free_xml(data); free(desc); } static void remove_cib_device(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj) { int max = numXpathResults(xpathObj), lpc = 0; for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { const char *rsc_id = NULL; const char *standard = NULL; xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL); if(match != NULL) { standard = crm_element_value(match, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); } if (safe_str_neq(standard, "stonith")) { continue; } rsc_id = crm_element_value(match, XML_ATTR_ID); stonith_device_remove(rsc_id, TRUE); } } static void handle_topology_change(xmlNode *match, bool remove) { int rc; char *desc = NULL; xmlNode *notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL); if(match == NULL) { return; } crm_trace("Updating %s", ID(match)); if(remove) { int index = 0; char *key = stonith_level_key(match, -1); crm_element_value_int(match, XML_ATTR_STONITH_INDEX, &index); topology_remove_helper(key, index); free(key); } rc = stonith_level_register(match, &desc); notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD); crm_xml_add(notify_data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, desc); crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, F_STONITH_ACTIVE, g_hash_table_size(topology)); do_stonith_notify(0, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD, rc, notify_data); free_xml(notify_data); free(desc); } static void remove_fencing_topology(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj) { int max = numXpathResults(xpathObj), lpc = 0; for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL); if (match && crm_element_value(match, XML_DIFF_MARKER)) { /* Deletion */ int index = 0; char *target = stonith_level_key(match, -1); crm_element_value_int(match, XML_ATTR_STONITH_INDEX, &index); if (target == NULL) { crm_err("Invalid fencing target in element %s", ID(match)); } else if (index <= 0) { crm_err("Invalid level for %s in element %s", target, ID(match)); } else { topology_remove_helper(target, index); } /* } else { Deal with modifications during the 'addition' stage */ } } } static void register_fencing_topology(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj) { int max = numXpathResults(xpathObj), lpc = 0; for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); handle_topology_change(match, TRUE); } } /* Fencing */ static void fencing_topology_init() { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; const char *xpath = "//" XML_TAG_FENCING_LEVEL; crm_trace("Full topology refresh"); if(topology) { g_hash_table_destroy(topology); topology = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, free_topology_entry); } /* Grab everything */ xpathObj = xpath_search(local_cib, xpath); register_fencing_topology(xpathObj); freeXpathObject(xpathObj); } #define rsc_name(x) x->clone_name?x->clone_name:x->id /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether our uname is in a resource's allowed node list * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * * \return Pointer to node object if found, NULL otherwise */ static node_t * our_node_allowed_for(resource_t *rsc) { GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node = NULL; if (rsc && stonith_our_uname) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { if (node && strcmp(node->details->uname, stonith_our_uname) == 0) { break; } node = NULL; } } return node; } /*! * \internal * \brief If a resource or any of its children are STONITH devices, update their * definitions given a cluster working set. * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set with device information */ static void cib_device_update(resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { node_t *node = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *rclass = NULL; node_t *parent = NULL; gboolean remove = TRUE; /* If this is a complex resource, check children rather than this resource itself. * TODO: Mark each installed device and remove if untouched when this process finishes. */ if(rsc->children) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; for (gIter = rsc->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { cib_device_update(gIter->data, data_set); if(rsc->variant == pe_clone || rsc->variant == pe_master) { crm_trace("Only processing one copy of the clone %s", rsc->id); break; } } return; } /* We only care about STONITH resources. */ rclass = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); if(safe_str_neq(rclass, "stonith")) { return; } /* If this STONITH resource is disabled, just remove it. */ value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE); if (safe_str_eq(value, RSC_STOPPED)) { crm_info("Device %s has been disabled", rsc->id); goto update_done; } /* Check whether our node is allowed for this resource (and its parent if in a group) */ node = our_node_allowed_for(rsc); if (rsc->parent && (rsc->parent->variant == pe_group)) { parent = our_node_allowed_for(rsc->parent); } if(node == NULL) { /* Our node is disallowed, so remove the device */ GHashTableIter iter; crm_info("Device %s has been disabled on %s: unknown", rsc->id, stonith_our_uname); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { crm_trace("Available: %s = %d", node->details->uname, node->weight); } goto update_done; } else if(node->weight < 0 || (parent && parent->weight < 0)) { /* Our node (or its group) is disallowed by score, so remove the device */ char *score = score2char((node->weight < 0) ? node->weight : parent->weight); crm_info("Device %s has been disabled on %s: score=%s", rsc->id, stonith_our_uname, score); free(score); goto update_done; } else { /* Our node is allowed, so update the device information */ xmlNode *data; GHashTableIter gIter; stonith_key_value_t *params = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *agent = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_EXPR_ATTR_TYPE); const char *provider = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER); const char *rsc_provides = NULL; crm_debug("Device %s is allowed on %s: score=%d", rsc->id, stonith_our_uname, node->weight); get_rsc_attributes(rsc->parameters, rsc, node, data_set); get_meta_attributes(rsc->meta, rsc, node, data_set); rsc_provides = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_PROVIDES); g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, rsc->parameters); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, (gpointer *) & name, (gpointer *) & value)) { if (!name || !value) { continue; } params = stonith_key_value_add(params, name, value); crm_trace(" %s=%s", name, value); } remove = FALSE; data = create_device_registration_xml(rsc_name(rsc), provider, agent, params, rsc_provides); stonith_device_register(data, NULL, TRUE); stonith_key_value_freeall(params, 1, 1); free_xml(data); } update_done: if(remove && g_hash_table_lookup(device_list, rsc_name(rsc))) { stonith_device_remove(rsc_name(rsc), TRUE); } } extern xmlNode *do_calculations(pe_working_set_t * data_set, xmlNode * xml_input, crm_time_t * now); extern node_t *create_node(const char *id, const char *uname, const char *type, const char *score, pe_working_set_t * data_set); /*! * \internal * \brief Update all STONITH device definitions based on current CIB */ static void cib_devices_update(void) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; pe_working_set_t data_set; crm_info("Updating devices to version %s.%s.%s", crm_element_value(local_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN), crm_element_value(local_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION), crm_element_value(local_cib, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES)); set_working_set_defaults(&data_set); data_set.input = local_cib; data_set.now = crm_time_new(NULL); data_set.flags |= pe_flag_quick_location; data_set.localhost = stonith_our_uname; cluster_status(&data_set); do_calculations(&data_set, NULL, NULL); for (gIter = data_set.resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { cib_device_update(gIter->data, &data_set); } data_set.input = NULL; /* Wasn't a copy */ cleanup_alloc_calculations(&data_set); } static void update_cib_stonith_devices_v2(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { xmlNode *change = NULL; char *reason = NULL; bool needs_update = FALSE; xmlNode *patchset = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT); for (change = __xml_first_child(patchset); change != NULL; change = __xml_next(change)) { const char *op = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_OP); const char *xpath = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_PATH); const char *shortpath = NULL; if(op == NULL || strcmp(op, "move") == 0) { continue; } else if(safe_str_eq(op, "delete") && strstr(xpath, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE)) { const char *rsc_id = NULL; char *search = NULL; char *mutable = strdup(xpath); rsc_id = strstr(mutable, "primitive[@id=\'"); if (rsc_id != NULL) { rsc_id += strlen("primitive[@id=\'"); search = strchr(rsc_id, '\''); } if (search != NULL) { *search = 0; stonith_device_remove(rsc_id, TRUE); } else { crm_warn("Ignoring malformed CIB update (resource deletion)"); } free(mutable); } else if(strstr(xpath, "/"XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES)) { shortpath = strrchr(xpath, '/'); CRM_ASSERT(shortpath); reason = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s", op, shortpath+1); needs_update = TRUE; break; } else if(strstr(xpath, XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION)) { shortpath = strrchr(xpath, '/'); CRM_ASSERT(shortpath); reason = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s", op, shortpath+1); needs_update = TRUE; break; } } if(needs_update) { crm_info("Updating device list from the cib: %s", reason); cib_devices_update(); } free(reason); } static void update_cib_stonith_devices_v1(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { const char *reason = "none"; gboolean needs_update = FALSE; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_obj = NULL; /* process new constraints */ xpath_obj = xpath_search(msg, "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_CONS_TAG_RSC_LOCATION); if (numXpathResults(xpath_obj) > 0) { int max = numXpathResults(xpath_obj), lpc = 0; /* Safest and simplest to always recompute */ needs_update = TRUE; reason = "new location constraint"; for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpath_obj, lpc); crm_log_xml_trace(match, "new constraint"); } } freeXpathObject(xpath_obj); /* process deletions */ xpath_obj = xpath_search(msg, "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_REMOVED "//" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE); if (numXpathResults(xpath_obj) > 0) { remove_cib_device(xpath_obj); } freeXpathObject(xpath_obj); /* process additions */ xpath_obj = xpath_search(msg, "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE); if (numXpathResults(xpath_obj) > 0) { int max = numXpathResults(xpath_obj), lpc = 0; for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { const char *rsc_id = NULL; const char *standard = NULL; xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpath_obj, lpc); rsc_id = crm_element_value(match, XML_ATTR_ID); standard = crm_element_value(match, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); if (safe_str_neq(standard, "stonith")) { continue; } crm_trace("Fencing resource %s was added or modified", rsc_id); reason = "new resource"; needs_update = TRUE; } } freeXpathObject(xpath_obj); if(needs_update) { crm_info("Updating device list from the cib: %s", reason); cib_devices_update(); } } static void update_cib_stonith_devices(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { int format = 1; xmlNode *patchset = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT); CRM_ASSERT(patchset); crm_element_value_int(patchset, "format", &format); switch(format) { case 1: update_cib_stonith_devices_v1(event, msg); break; case 2: update_cib_stonith_devices_v2(event, msg); break; default: crm_warn("Unknown patch format: %d", format); } } /* Needs to hold node name + attribute name + attribute value + 75 */ #define XPATH_MAX 512 /* * \internal * \brief Check whether a node has a specific attribute name/value * * \param[in] node Name of node to check * \param[in] name Name of an attribute to look for * \param[in] value The value the named attribute needs to be set to in order to be considered a match * * \return TRUE if the locally cached CIB has the specified node attribute */ gboolean node_has_attr(const char *node, const char *name, const char *value) { char xpath[XPATH_MAX]; xmlNode *match; int n; CRM_CHECK(local_cib != NULL, return FALSE); /* Search for the node's attributes in the CIB. While the schema allows * multiple sets of instance attributes, and allows instance attributes to * use id-ref to reference values elsewhere, that is intended for resources, * so we ignore that here. */ n = snprintf(xpath, XPATH_MAX, "//" XML_CIB_TAG_NODES "/" XML_CIB_TAG_NODE "[@uname='%s']/" XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS "/" XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR "[@name='%s' and @value='%s']", node, name, value); match = get_xpath_object(xpath, local_cib, LOG_TRACE); CRM_CHECK(n < XPATH_MAX, return FALSE); return (match != NULL); } static void update_fencing_topology(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { int format = 1; const char *xpath; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; xmlNode *patchset = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT); CRM_ASSERT(patchset); crm_element_value_int(patchset, "format", &format); if(format == 1) { /* Process deletions (only) */ xpath = "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_REMOVED "//" XML_TAG_FENCING_LEVEL; xpathObj = xpath_search(msg, xpath); remove_fencing_topology(xpathObj); freeXpathObject(xpathObj); /* Process additions and changes */ xpath = "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//" XML_TAG_FENCING_LEVEL; xpathObj = xpath_search(msg, xpath); register_fencing_topology(xpathObj); freeXpathObject(xpathObj); } else if(format == 2) { xmlNode *change = NULL; int add[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int del[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; xml_patch_versions(patchset, add, del); for (change = __xml_first_child(patchset); change != NULL; change = __xml_next(change)) { const char *op = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_OP); const char *xpath = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_PATH); if(op == NULL) { continue; } else if(strstr(xpath, "/" XML_TAG_FENCING_LEVEL) != NULL) { /* Change to a specific entry */ crm_trace("Handling %s operation %d.%d.%d for %s", op, add[0], add[1], add[2], xpath); if(strcmp(op, "move") == 0) { continue; } else if(strcmp(op, "create") == 0) { handle_topology_change(change->children, FALSE); } else if(strcmp(op, "modify") == 0) { xmlNode *match = first_named_child(change, XML_DIFF_RESULT); if(match) { handle_topology_change(match->children, TRUE); } } else if(strcmp(op, "delete") == 0) { /* Nuclear option, all we have is the path and an id... not enough to remove a specific entry */ crm_info("Re-initializing fencing topology after %s operation %d.%d.%d for %s", op, add[0], add[1], add[2], xpath); fencing_topology_init(); return; } } else if (strstr(xpath, "/" XML_TAG_FENCING_TOPOLOGY) != NULL) { /* Change to the topology in general */ crm_info("Re-initializing fencing topology after top-level %s operation %d.%d.%d for %s", op, add[0], add[1], add[2], xpath); fencing_topology_init(); return; } else if (strstr(xpath, "/" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION)) { /* Changes to the whole config section, possibly including the topology as a whild */ if(first_named_child(change, XML_TAG_FENCING_TOPOLOGY) == NULL) { crm_trace("Nothing for us in %s operation %d.%d.%d for %s.", op, add[0], add[1], add[2], xpath); } else if(strcmp(op, "delete") == 0 || strcmp(op, "create") == 0) { crm_info("Re-initializing fencing topology after top-level %s operation %d.%d.%d for %s.", op, add[0], add[1], add[2], xpath); fencing_topology_init(); return; } } else { crm_trace("Nothing for us in %s operation %d.%d.%d for %s", op, add[0], add[1], add[2], xpath); } } } else { crm_warn("Unknown patch format: %d", format); } } static bool have_cib_devices = FALSE; static void update_cib_cache_cb(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *stonith_enabled_xml = NULL; xmlNode *stonith_watchdog_xml = NULL; const char *stonith_enabled_s = NULL; static gboolean stonith_enabled_saved = TRUE; if(!have_cib_devices) { crm_trace("Skipping updates until we get a full dump"); return; } else if(msg == NULL) { crm_trace("Missing %s update", event); return; } /* Maintain a local copy of the CIB so that we have full access * to device definitions, location constraints, and node attributes */ if (local_cib != NULL) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *patchset = NULL; crm_element_value_int(msg, F_CIB_RC, &rc); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { return; } patchset = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT); xml_log_patchset(LOG_TRACE, "Config update", patchset); rc = xml_apply_patchset(local_cib, patchset, TRUE); switch (rc) { case pcmk_ok: case -pcmk_err_old_data: break; case -pcmk_err_diff_resync: case -pcmk_err_diff_failed: crm_notice("[%s] Patch aborted: %s (%d)", event, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); free_xml(local_cib); local_cib = NULL; break; default: crm_warn("[%s] ABORTED: %s (%d)", event, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); free_xml(local_cib); local_cib = NULL; } } if (local_cib == NULL) { crm_trace("Re-requesting the full cib"); rc = cib_api->cmds->query(cib_api, NULL, &local_cib, cib_scope_local | cib_sync_call); if(rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_err("Couldnt retrieve the CIB: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); return; } CRM_ASSERT(local_cib != NULL); stonith_enabled_saved = FALSE; /* Trigger a full refresh below */ } stonith_enabled_xml = get_xpath_object("//nvpair[@name='stonith-enabled']", local_cib, LOG_TRACE); if (stonith_enabled_xml) { stonith_enabled_s = crm_element_value(stonith_enabled_xml, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE); } if(daemon_option_enabled(crm_system_name, "watchdog")) { const char *value = NULL; long timeout_ms = 0; if(value == NULL) { stonith_watchdog_xml = get_xpath_object("//nvpair[@name='stonith-watchdog-timeout']", local_cib, LOG_TRACE); if (stonith_watchdog_xml) { value = crm_element_value(stonith_watchdog_xml, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE); } } if(value) { timeout_ms = crm_get_msec(value); } if(timeout_ms != stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms) { crm_notice("New watchdog timeout %lds (was %lds)", timeout_ms/1000, stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms/1000); stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms = timeout_ms; } } if (stonith_enabled_s && crm_is_true(stonith_enabled_s) == FALSE) { crm_trace("Ignoring cib updates while stonith is disabled"); stonith_enabled_saved = FALSE; return; } else if (stonith_enabled_saved == FALSE) { crm_info("Updating stonith device and topology lists now that stonith is enabled"); stonith_enabled_saved = TRUE; fencing_topology_init(); cib_devices_update(); } else { update_fencing_topology(event, msg); update_cib_stonith_devices(event, msg); } } static void init_cib_cache_cb(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data) { crm_info("Updating device list from the cib: init"); have_cib_devices = TRUE; local_cib = copy_xml(output); fencing_topology_init(); cib_devices_update(); } static void stonith_shutdown(int nsig) { stonith_shutdown_flag = TRUE; crm_info("Terminating with %d clients", crm_hash_table_size(client_connections)); if (mainloop != NULL && g_main_is_running(mainloop)) { g_main_quit(mainloop); } else { stonith_cleanup(); crm_exit(pcmk_ok); } } static void cib_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { if (stonith_shutdown_flag) { crm_info("Connection to the CIB closed."); return; } else { crm_notice("Connection to the CIB terminated. Shutting down."); } if (cib_api) { cib_api->cmds->signoff(cib_api); } stonith_shutdown(0); } static void stonith_cleanup(void) { if (cib_api) { cib_api->cmds->signoff(cib_api); } if (ipcs) { qb_ipcs_destroy(ipcs); } crm_peer_destroy(); crm_client_cleanup(); free(stonith_our_uname); free_xml(local_cib); } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct crm_option long_options[] = { {"stand-alone", 0, 0, 's'}, {"stand-alone-w-cpg", 0, 0, 'c'}, {"logfile", 1, 0, 'l'}, {"verbose", 0, 0, 'V'}, {"version", 0, 0, '$'}, {"help", 0, 0, '?'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static void setup_cib(void) { int rc, retries = 0; static cib_t *(*cib_new_fn) (void) = NULL; if (cib_new_fn == NULL) { cib_new_fn = find_library_function(&cib_library, CIB_LIBRARY, "cib_new", TRUE); } if (cib_new_fn != NULL) { cib_api = (*cib_new_fn) (); } if (cib_api == NULL) { crm_err("No connection to the CIB"); return; } do { sleep(retries); rc = cib_api->cmds->signon(cib_api, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, cib_command); } while (rc == -ENOTCONN && ++retries < 5); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_err("Could not connect to the CIB service: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } else if (pcmk_ok != cib_api->cmds->add_notify_callback(cib_api, T_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY, update_cib_cache_cb)) { crm_err("Could not set CIB notification callback"); } else { rc = cib_api->cmds->query(cib_api, NULL, NULL, cib_scope_local); cib_api->cmds->register_callback(cib_api, rc, 120, FALSE, NULL, "init_cib_cache_cb", init_cib_cache_cb); cib_api->cmds->set_connection_dnotify(cib_api, cib_connection_destroy); crm_notice("Watching for stonith topology changes"); } } struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers ipc_callbacks = { .connection_accept = st_ipc_accept, .connection_created = st_ipc_created, .msg_process = st_ipc_dispatch, .connection_closed = st_ipc_closed, .connection_destroyed = st_ipc_destroy }; /*! * \internal * \brief Callback for peer status changes * * \param[in] type What changed * \param[in] node What peer had the change * \param[in] data Previous value of what changed */ static void st_peer_update_callback(enum crm_status_type type, crm_node_t * node, const void *data) { - if (type != crm_status_processes) { + if ((type != crm_status_processes) && !is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) { /* * This is a hack until we can send to a nodeid and/or we fix node name lookups * These messages are ignored in stonith_peer_callback() */ xmlNode *query = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command"); crm_xml_add(query, F_XML_TAGNAME, "stonith_command"); crm_xml_add(query, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(query, F_STONITH_OPERATION, "poke"); crm_debug("Broadcasting our uname because of node %u", node->id); send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, query, FALSE); free_xml(query); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int flag; int rc = 0; int lpc = 0; int argerr = 0; int option_index = 0; crm_cluster_t cluster; const char *actions[] = { "reboot", "off", "list", "monitor", "status" }; crm_log_preinit("stonith-ng", argc, argv); crm_set_options(NULL, "mode [options]", long_options, "Provides a summary of cluster's current state." "\n\nOutputs varying levels of detail in a number of different formats.\n"); while (1) { flag = crm_get_option(argc, argv, &option_index); if (flag == -1) { break; } switch (flag) { case 'V': crm_bump_log_level(argc, argv); break; case 'l': crm_add_logfile(optarg); break; case 's': stand_alone = TRUE; break; case 'c': stand_alone = FALSE; no_cib_connect = TRUE; break; case '$': case '?': crm_help(flag, EX_OK); break; default: ++argerr; break; } } if (argc - optind == 1 && safe_str_eq("metadata", argv[optind])) { printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" 1.0\n"); printf (" This is a fake resource that details the instance attributes handled by stonithd.\n"); printf(" Options available for all stonith resources\n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n"); printf (" The priority of the stonith resource. Devices are tried in order of highest priority to lowest.\n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n", STONITH_ATTR_HOSTARG); printf (" Advanced use only: An alternate parameter to supply instead of 'port'\n"); printf (" Some devices do not support the standard 'port' parameter or may provide additional ones.\n" "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, parameter that should indicate the machine to be fenced.\n" "A value of 'none' can be used to tell the cluster not to supply any additional parameters.\n" " \n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n", STONITH_ATTR_HOSTMAP); printf (" A mapping of host names to ports numbers for devices that do not support host names.\n"); printf (" Eg. node1:1;node2:2,3 would tell the cluster to use port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2\n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n", STONITH_ATTR_HOSTLIST); printf (" A list of machines controlled by this device (Optional unless %s=static-list).\n", STONITH_ATTR_HOSTCHECK); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n", STONITH_ATTR_HOSTCHECK); printf (" How to determine which machines are controlled by the device.\n"); printf (" Allowed values: dynamic-list (query the device), static-list (check the %s attribute), none (assume every device can fence every machine)\n", STONITH_ATTR_HOSTLIST); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n", STONITH_ATTR_DELAY_MAX); printf (" Enable random delay for stonith actions and specify the maximum of random delay\n"); printf (" This prevents double fencing when using slow devices such as sbd.\n" "Use this to enable random delay for stonith actions and specify the maximum of random delay.\n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n"); for (lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(actions); lpc++) { printf(" \n", actions[lpc]); printf (" Advanced use only: An alternate command to run instead of '%s'\n", actions[lpc]); printf (" Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones.\n" "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the '%s' action.\n", actions[lpc]); printf(" \n", actions[lpc]); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n", actions[lpc]); printf (" Advanced use only: Specify an alternate timeout to use for %s actions instead of stonith-timeout\n", actions[lpc]); printf (" Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal.\n" "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for '%s' actions.\n", actions[lpc]); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n", actions[lpc]); printf (" Advanced use only: The maximum number of times to retry the '%s' command within the timeout period\n", actions[lpc]); printf(" Some devices do not support multiple connections." " Operations may 'fail' if the device is busy with another task so Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation, if there is time remaining." " Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker retries '%s' actions before giving up." "\n", actions[lpc]); printf(" \n"); printf(" \n"); } printf(" \n"); printf("\n"); return 0; } if (optind != argc) { ++argerr; } if (argerr) { crm_help('?', EX_USAGE); } crm_log_init("stonith-ng", LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); mainloop_add_signal(SIGTERM, stonith_shutdown); crm_peer_init(); if (stand_alone == FALSE) { #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT cluster.hb_conn = NULL; cluster.hb_dispatch = stonith_peer_hb_callback; cluster.destroy = stonith_peer_hb_destroy; #endif if (is_openais_cluster()) { #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC cluster.destroy = stonith_peer_cs_destroy; cluster.cpg.cpg_deliver_fn = stonith_peer_ais_callback; cluster.cpg.cpg_confchg_fn = pcmk_cpg_membership; #endif } if (crm_cluster_connect(&cluster) == FALSE) { crm_crit("Cannot sign in to the cluster... terminating"); crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } stonith_our_uname = cluster.uname; stonith_our_uuid = cluster.uuid; #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) { /* crm_cluster_connect() registered us for crm_system_name, which * usually is the only F_TYPE used by the respective sub system. * Stonith needs to register two additional F_TYPE callbacks, * because it can :-/ */ if (HA_OK != cluster.hb_conn->llc_ops->set_msg_callback(cluster.hb_conn, T_STONITH_NOTIFY, cluster.hb_dispatch, cluster.hb_conn)) { crm_crit("Cannot set msg callback %s: %s", T_STONITH_NOTIFY, cluster.hb_conn->llc_ops->errmsg(cluster.hb_conn)); crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } if (HA_OK != cluster.hb_conn->llc_ops->set_msg_callback(cluster.hb_conn, T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, cluster.hb_dispatch, cluster.hb_conn)) { crm_crit("Cannot set msg callback %s: %s", T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, cluster.hb_conn->llc_ops->errmsg(cluster.hb_conn)); crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } } #endif if (no_cib_connect == FALSE) { setup_cib(); } } else { stonith_our_uname = strdup("localhost"); } crm_set_status_callback(&st_peer_update_callback); device_list = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, free_device); topology = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, free_topology_entry); if(daemon_option_enabled(crm_system_name, "watchdog")) { xmlNode *xml; stonith_key_value_t *params = NULL; params = stonith_key_value_add(params, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTLIST, stonith_our_uname); xml = create_device_registration_xml("watchdog", "internal", STONITH_WATCHDOG_AGENT, params, NULL); stonith_device_register(xml, NULL, FALSE); stonith_key_value_freeall(params, 1, 1); free_xml(xml); } stonith_ipc_server_init(&ipcs, &ipc_callbacks); #if SUPPORT_STONITH_CONFIG if (((stand_alone == TRUE)) && !(standalone_cfg_read_file(STONITH_NG_CONF_FILE))) { standalone_cfg_commit(); } #endif /* Create the mainloop and run it... */ mainloop = g_main_new(FALSE); crm_info("Starting %s mainloop", crm_system_name); g_main_run(mainloop); stonith_cleanup(); #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT if (cluster.hb_conn) { cluster.hb_conn->llc_ops->delete(cluster.hb_conn); } #endif crm_info("Done"); return crm_exit(rc); } diff --git a/include/crm/cluster.h b/include/crm/cluster.h index 20ed829c7e..c60dbd1bb1 100644 --- a/include/crm/cluster.h +++ b/include/crm/cluster.h @@ -1,233 +1,233 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef CRM_COMMON_CLUSTER__H # define CRM_COMMON_CLUSTER__H # include # include # if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT # include # include # endif # if SUPPORT_COROSYNC # include # endif extern gboolean crm_have_quorum; extern GHashTable *crm_peer_cache; extern GHashTable *crm_remote_peer_cache; extern unsigned long long crm_peer_seq; # ifndef CRM_SERVICE # define CRM_SERVICE PCMK_SERVICE_ID # endif /* *INDENT-OFF* */ #define CRM_NODE_LOST "lost" #define CRM_NODE_MEMBER "member" #define CRM_NODE_ACTIVE CRM_NODE_MEMBER #define CRM_NODE_EVICTED "evicted" enum crm_join_phase { crm_join_nack = -1, crm_join_none = 0, crm_join_welcomed = 1, crm_join_integrated = 2, crm_join_finalized = 3, crm_join_confirmed = 4, }; enum crm_node_flags { /* node is not a cluster node and should not be considered for cluster membership */ crm_remote_node = 0x0001, - /* This node is a remote node living within a container resource */ + + /* deprecated (not used by cluster) */ crm_remote_container = 0x0002, - /* This node is a bare metal remote-node */ crm_remote_baremetal = 0x0004, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ typedef struct crm_peer_node_s { uint32_t id; /* Only used by corosync derivatives */ uint64_t born; /* Only used by heartbeat and the legacy plugin */ uint64_t last_seen; uint64_t flags; /* Specified by crm_node_flags enum */ int32_t votes; /* Only used by the legacy plugin */ uint32_t processes; enum crm_join_phase join; char *uname; char *uuid; char *state; char *expected; char *addr; /* Only used by the legacy plugin */ char *version; /* Unused */ } crm_node_t; void crm_peer_init(void); void crm_peer_destroy(void); typedef struct crm_cluster_s { char *uuid; char *uname; uint32_t nodeid; void (*destroy) (gpointer); # if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT ll_cluster_t *hb_conn; void (*hb_dispatch) (HA_Message * msg, void *private); # endif # if SUPPORT_COROSYNC struct cpg_name group; cpg_callbacks_t cpg; cpg_handle_t cpg_handle; # endif } crm_cluster_t; gboolean crm_cluster_connect(crm_cluster_t * cluster); void crm_cluster_disconnect(crm_cluster_t * cluster); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ enum crm_ais_msg_class { crm_class_cluster = 0, crm_class_members = 1, crm_class_notify = 2, crm_class_nodeid = 3, crm_class_rmpeer = 4, crm_class_quorum = 5, }; /* order here matters - its used to index into the crm_children array */ enum crm_ais_msg_types { crm_msg_none = 0, crm_msg_ais = 1, crm_msg_lrmd = 2, crm_msg_cib = 3, crm_msg_crmd = 4, crm_msg_attrd = 5, crm_msg_stonithd = 6, crm_msg_te = 7, crm_msg_pe = 8, crm_msg_stonith_ng = 9, }; /* used with crm_get_peer_full */ enum crm_get_peer_flags { CRM_GET_PEER_CLUSTER = 0x0001, CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE = 0x0002, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ gboolean send_cluster_message(crm_node_t * node, enum crm_ais_msg_types service, xmlNode * data, gboolean ordered); int crm_remote_peer_cache_size(void); /* Initialize and refresh the remote peer cache from a cib config */ void crm_remote_peer_cache_refresh(xmlNode *cib); void crm_remote_peer_cache_add(const char *node_name); void crm_remote_peer_cache_remove(const char *node_name); /* allows filtering of remote and cluster nodes using crm_get_peer_flags */ crm_node_t *crm_get_peer_full(unsigned int id, const char *uname, int flags); /* only searches cluster nodes */ crm_node_t *crm_get_peer(unsigned int id, const char *uname); guint crm_active_peers(void); gboolean crm_is_peer_active(const crm_node_t * node); guint reap_crm_member(uint32_t id, const char *name); int crm_terminate_member(int nodeid, const char *uname, void *unused); int crm_terminate_member_no_mainloop(int nodeid, const char *uname, int *connection); # if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT gboolean crm_is_heartbeat_peer_active(const crm_node_t * node); # endif # if SUPPORT_COROSYNC extern int ais_fd_sync; uint32_t get_local_nodeid(cpg_handle_t handle); gboolean cluster_connect_cpg(crm_cluster_t *cluster); void cluster_disconnect_cpg(crm_cluster_t * cluster); void pcmk_cpg_membership(cpg_handle_t handle, const struct cpg_name *groupName, const struct cpg_address *member_list, size_t member_list_entries, const struct cpg_address *left_list, size_t left_list_entries, const struct cpg_address *joined_list, size_t joined_list_entries); gboolean crm_is_corosync_peer_active(const crm_node_t * node); gboolean send_cluster_text(int class, const char *data, gboolean local, crm_node_t * node, enum crm_ais_msg_types dest); # endif const char *crm_peer_uuid(crm_node_t *node); const char *crm_peer_uname(const char *uuid); void set_uuid(xmlNode *xml, const char *attr, crm_node_t *node); enum crm_status_type { crm_status_uname, crm_status_nstate, crm_status_processes, crm_status_rstate, /* remote node state */ }; enum crm_ais_msg_types text2msg_type(const char *text); void crm_set_status_callback(void (*dispatch) (enum crm_status_type, crm_node_t *, const void *)); void crm_set_autoreap(gboolean autoreap); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ enum cluster_type_e { pcmk_cluster_unknown = 0x0001, pcmk_cluster_invalid = 0x0002, pcmk_cluster_heartbeat = 0x0004, pcmk_cluster_classic_ais = 0x0010, pcmk_cluster_corosync = 0x0020, pcmk_cluster_cman = 0x0040, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ enum cluster_type_e get_cluster_type(void); const char *name_for_cluster_type(enum cluster_type_e type); gboolean is_corosync_cluster(void); gboolean is_cman_cluster(void); gboolean is_openais_cluster(void); gboolean is_classic_ais_cluster(void); gboolean is_heartbeat_cluster(void); const char *get_local_node_name(void); char *get_node_name(uint32_t nodeid); # if SUPPORT_COROSYNC char *pcmk_message_common_cs(cpg_handle_t handle, uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, uint32_t *kind, const char **from); # endif #endif diff --git a/include/crm/common/xml.h b/include/crm/common/xml.h index 1ea46da0fc..a9fef3e4b2 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/xml.h +++ b/include/crm/common/xml.h @@ -1,296 +1,298 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef CRM_COMMON_XML__H # define CRM_COMMON_XML__H /** * \file * \brief Wrappers for and extensions to libxml2 * \ingroup core */ # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include /* Compression costs a LOT, don't do it unless we're hitting message limits * * For now, use 256k as the lower size, which means we can have 4 big data fields * before we hit heartbeat's message limit * * The previous limit was 10k, compressing 184 of 1071 messages accounted for 23% * of the total CPU used by the cib */ # define CRM_BZ2_BLOCKS 4 # define CRM_BZ2_WORK 20 # define CRM_BZ2_THRESHOLD 128 * 1024 # define XML_PARANOIA_CHECKS 0 gboolean add_message_xml(xmlNode * msg, const char *field, xmlNode * xml); xmlNode *get_message_xml(xmlNode * msg, const char *field); GHashTable *xml2list(xmlNode * parent); void hash2nvpair(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); void hash2field(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); void hash2metafield(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); void hash2smartfield(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); xmlDoc *getDocPtr(xmlNode * node); /* * Replacement function for xmlCopyPropList which at the very least, * doesnt work the way *I* would expect it to. * * Copy all the attributes/properties from src into target. * * Not recursive, does not return anything. * */ void copy_in_properties(xmlNode * target, xmlNode * src); void expand_plus_plus(xmlNode * target, const char *name, const char *value); void fix_plus_plus_recursive(xmlNode * target); /* * Create a node named "name" as a child of "parent" * If parent is NULL, creates an unconnected node. * * Returns the created node * */ xmlNode *create_xml_node(xmlNode * parent, const char *name); /* * Make a copy of name and value and use the copied memory to create * an attribute for node. * * If node, name or value are NULL, nothing is done. * * If name or value are an empty string, nothing is done. * * Returns FALSE on failure and TRUE on success. * */ const char *crm_xml_add(xmlNode * node, const char *name, const char *value); const char *crm_xml_replace(xmlNode * node, const char *name, const char *value); const char *crm_xml_add_int(xmlNode * node, const char *name, int value); /* * Unlink the node and set its doc pointer to NULL so free_xml() * will act appropriately */ void unlink_xml_node(xmlNode * node); /* * */ void purge_diff_markers(xmlNode * a_node); /* * Returns a deep copy of src_node * */ xmlNode *copy_xml(xmlNode * src_node); /* * Add a copy of xml_node to new_parent */ xmlNode *add_node_copy(xmlNode * new_parent, xmlNode * xml_node); int add_node_nocopy(xmlNode * parent, const char *name, xmlNode * child); /* * XML I/O Functions * * Whitespace between tags is discarded. */ xmlNode *filename2xml(const char *filename); xmlNode *stdin2xml(void); xmlNode *string2xml(const char *input); int write_xml_fd(xmlNode * xml_node, const char *filename, int fd, gboolean compress); int write_xml_file(xmlNode * xml_node, const char *filename, gboolean compress); char *dump_xml_formatted(xmlNode * msg); char *dump_xml_unformatted(xmlNode * msg); /* * Diff related Functions */ xmlNode *diff_xml_object(xmlNode * left, xmlNode * right, gboolean suppress); xmlNode *subtract_xml_object(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * left, xmlNode * right, gboolean full, gboolean * changed, const char *marker); gboolean can_prune_leaf(xmlNode * xml_node); void print_xml_diff(FILE * where, xmlNode * diff); gboolean apply_xml_diff(xmlNode * old, xmlNode * diff, xmlNode ** new); /* * Searching & Modifying */ xmlNode *find_xml_node(xmlNode * cib, const char *node_path, gboolean must_find); xmlNode *find_entity(xmlNode * parent, const char *node_name, const char *id); void xml_remove_prop(xmlNode * obj, const char *name); gboolean replace_xml_child(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * child, xmlNode * update, gboolean delete_only); gboolean update_xml_child(xmlNode * child, xmlNode * to_update); int find_xml_children(xmlNode ** children, xmlNode * root, const char *tag, const char *field, const char *value, gboolean search_matches); int crm_element_value_int(xmlNode * data, const char *name, int *dest); char *crm_element_value_copy(xmlNode * data, const char *name); int crm_element_value_const_int(const xmlNode * data, const char *name, int *dest); const char *crm_element_value_const(const xmlNode * data, const char *name); xmlNode *get_xpath_object(const char *xpath, xmlNode * xml_obj, int error_level); xmlNode *get_xpath_object_relative(const char *xpath, xmlNode * xml_obj, int error_level); static inline const char * crm_element_name(xmlNode *xml) { return xml? (const char *)(xml->name) : NULL; } const char *crm_element_value(xmlNode * data, const char *name); void xml_validate(const xmlNode * root); gboolean xml_has_children(const xmlNode * root); char *calculate_on_disk_digest(xmlNode * local_cib); char *calculate_operation_digest(xmlNode * local_cib, const char *version); char *calculate_xml_versioned_digest(xmlNode * input, gboolean sort, gboolean do_filter, const char *version); gboolean validate_xml(xmlNode * xml_blob, const char *validation, gboolean to_logs); gboolean validate_xml_verbose(xmlNode * xml_blob); int update_validation(xmlNode ** xml_blob, int *best, int max, gboolean transform, gboolean to_logs); int get_schema_version(const char *name); const char *get_schema_name(int version); void crm_xml_init(void); void crm_xml_cleanup(void); static inline xmlNode * __xml_first_child(xmlNode * parent) { xmlNode *child = NULL; if (parent) { child = parent->children; while (child && child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) { child = child->next; } } return child; } static inline xmlNode * __xml_next(xmlNode * child) { if (child) { child = child->next; while (child && child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) { child = child->next; } } return child; } static inline xmlNode * __xml_next_element(xmlNode * child) { if (child) { child = child->next; while (child && child->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { child = child->next; } } return child; } void free_xml(xmlNode * child); xmlNode *first_named_child(xmlNode * parent, const char *name); xmlNode *sorted_xml(xmlNode * input, xmlNode * parent, gboolean recursive); xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_search(xmlNode * xml_top, const char *path); +void crm_foreach_xpath_result(xmlNode *xml, const char *xpath, + void (*helper)(xmlNode*, void*), void *user_data); gboolean cli_config_update(xmlNode ** xml, int *best_version, gboolean to_logs); xmlNode *expand_idref(xmlNode * input, xmlNode * top); void freeXpathObject(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj); xmlNode *getXpathResult(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj, int index); void dedupXpathResults(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj); static inline int numXpathResults(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj) { if(xpathObj == NULL || xpathObj->nodesetval == NULL) { return 0; } return xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr; } const char *xml_latest_schema(void); bool xml_acl_enabled(xmlNode *xml); void xml_acl_disable(xmlNode *xml); bool xml_acl_denied(xmlNode *xml); /* Part or all of a change was rejected */ bool xml_acl_filtered_copy(const char *user, xmlNode* acl_source, xmlNode *xml, xmlNode ** result); bool xml_tracking_changes(xmlNode * xml); bool xml_document_dirty(xmlNode *xml); void xml_track_changes(xmlNode * xml, const char *user, xmlNode *acl_source, bool enforce_acls); void xml_calculate_changes(xmlNode * old, xmlNode * new); /* For comparing two documents after the fact */ void xml_accept_changes(xmlNode * xml); void xml_log_changes(uint8_t level, const char *function, xmlNode *xml); void xml_log_patchset(uint8_t level, const char *function, xmlNode *xml); bool xml_patch_versions(xmlNode *patchset, int add[3], int del[3]); xmlNode *xml_create_patchset( int format, xmlNode *source, xmlNode *target, bool *config, bool manage_version); int xml_apply_patchset(xmlNode *xml, xmlNode *patchset, bool check_version); void patchset_process_digest(xmlNode *patch, xmlNode *source, xmlNode *target, bool with_digest); void save_xml_to_file(xmlNode * xml, const char *desc, const char *filename); char *xml_get_path(xmlNode *xml); char * crm_xml_escape(const char *text); #endif diff --git a/lib/cib/cib_attrs.c b/lib/cib/cib_attrs.c index 341ea9019d..e1646327ff 100644 --- a/lib/cib/cib_attrs.c +++ b/lib/cib/cib_attrs.c @@ -1,593 +1,599 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define attr_msg(level, fmt, args...) do { \ if(to_console) { \ printf(fmt"\n", ##args); \ } else { \ do_crm_log(level, fmt , ##args); \ } \ } while(0) /* could also check for possible truncation */ #define attr_snprintf(_str, _offset, _limit, ...) do { \ _offset += snprintf(_str + _offset, \ (_limit > _offset) ? _limit - _offset : 0, \ __VA_ARGS__); \ } while(0) extern int find_nvpair_attr_delegate(cib_t * the_cib, const char *attr, const char *section, const char *node_uuid, const char *attr_set_type, const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, gboolean to_console, char **value, const char *user_name) { int offset = 0; static int xpath_max = 1024; int rc = pcmk_ok; char *xpath_string = NULL; xmlNode *xml_search = NULL; const char *set_type = NULL; const char *node_type = NULL; if (attr_set_type) { set_type = attr_set_type; } else { set_type = XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS; } CRM_ASSERT(value != NULL); *value = NULL; if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG)) { node_uuid = NULL; set_type = XML_CIB_TAG_PROPSET; } else if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_OPCONFIG) || safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_RSCCONFIG)) { node_uuid = NULL; set_type = XML_TAG_META_SETS; } else if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS)) { node_uuid = NULL; section = XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS; node_type = XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS; } else if (node_uuid == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } xpath_string = calloc(1, xpath_max); CRM_CHECK(xpath_string != NULL, return -ENOMEM); attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, "%.128s", get_object_path(section)); if (safe_str_eq(node_type, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS)) { attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, "//%s", node_type); } else if (node_uuid) { const char *node_type = XML_CIB_TAG_NODE; if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS)) { node_type = XML_CIB_TAG_STATE; set_type = XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS; } attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, "//%s[@id='%s']", node_type, node_uuid); } if (set_name) { attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, "//%s[@id='%.128s']", set_type, set_name); } else { attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, "//%s", set_type); } attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, "//nvpair["); if (attr_id) { attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, "@id='%s'", attr_id); } if (attr_name) { if (attr_id) { attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, " and "); } attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, "@name='%.128s'", attr_name); } attr_snprintf(xpath_string, offset, xpath_max, "]"); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(offset > 0); rc = cib_internal_op(the_cib, CIB_OP_QUERY, NULL, xpath_string, NULL, &xml_search, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local | cib_xpath, user_name); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_trace("Query failed for attribute %s (section=%s, node=%s, set=%s, xpath=%s): %s", attr_name, section, crm_str(node_uuid), crm_str(set_name), xpath_string, pcmk_strerror(rc)); goto done; } crm_log_xml_debug(xml_search, "Match"); if (xml_has_children(xml_search)) { xmlNode *child = NULL; rc = -ENOTUNIQ; attr_msg(LOG_WARNING, "Multiple attributes match name=%s", attr_name); for (child = __xml_first_child(xml_search); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { attr_msg(LOG_INFO, " Value: %s \t(id=%s)", crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE), ID(child)); } } else { const char *tmp = crm_element_value(xml_search, attr); if (tmp) { *value = strdup(tmp); } } done: free(xpath_string); free_xml(xml_search); return rc; } int update_attr_delegate(cib_t * the_cib, int call_options, const char *section, const char *node_uuid, const char *set_type, const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value, gboolean to_console, const char *user_name, const char *node_type) { const char *tag = NULL; int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *xml_top = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; char *local_attr_id = NULL; char *local_set_name = NULL; CRM_CHECK(section != NULL, return -EINVAL); CRM_CHECK(attr_value != NULL, return -EINVAL); CRM_CHECK(attr_name != NULL || attr_id != NULL, return -EINVAL); rc = find_nvpair_attr_delegate(the_cib, XML_ATTR_ID, section, node_uuid, set_type, set_name, attr_id, attr_name, to_console, &local_attr_id, user_name); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { attr_id = local_attr_id; goto do_modify; } else if (rc != -ENXIO) { return rc; /* } else if(attr_id == NULL) { */ /* return -EINVAL; */ } else { crm_trace("%s does not exist, create it", attr_name); if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS)) { node_uuid = NULL; section = XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS; node_type = XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS; xml_top = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_top, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS); } else if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_NODES)) { if (node_uuid == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } if (safe_str_eq(node_type, "remote")) { xml_top = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_NODES); xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_top, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_TYPE, "remote"); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, node_uuid); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node_uuid); } else { tag = XML_CIB_TAG_NODE; } } else if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS)) { tag = XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS; if (node_uuid == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } xml_top = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE); crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_ID, node_uuid); xml_obj = xml_top; } else { tag = section; node_uuid = NULL; } if (set_name == NULL) { if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG)) { local_set_name = strdup(CIB_OPTIONS_FIRST); } else if (safe_str_eq(node_type, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS)) { local_set_name = crm_concat(section, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS, '-'); } else if (node_uuid) { local_set_name = crm_concat(section, node_uuid, '-'); if (set_type) { char *tmp_set_name = local_set_name; local_set_name = crm_concat(tmp_set_name, set_type, '-'); free(tmp_set_name); } } else { local_set_name = crm_concat(section, "options", '-'); } set_name = local_set_name; } if (attr_id == NULL) { int lpc = 0; local_attr_id = crm_concat(set_name, attr_name, '-'); attr_id = local_attr_id; /* Minimal attempt at sanitizing automatic IDs */ for (lpc = 0; local_attr_id[lpc] != 0; lpc++) { switch (local_attr_id[lpc]) { case ':': local_attr_id[lpc] = '.'; } } } else if (attr_name == NULL) { attr_name = attr_id; } crm_trace("Creating %s/%s", section, tag); if (tag != NULL) { xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, tag); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, node_uuid); if (xml_top == NULL) { xml_top = xml_obj; } } if (node_uuid == NULL && safe_str_neq(node_type, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS)) { if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG)) { xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_PROPSET); } else { xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_META_SETS); } } else if (set_type) { xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, set_type); } else { xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS); } crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, set_name); if (xml_top == NULL) { xml_top = xml_obj; } } do_modify: xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR); if (xml_top == NULL) { xml_top = xml_obj; } crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, attr_id); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, attr_name); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, attr_value); crm_log_xml_trace(xml_top, "update_attr"); rc = cib_internal_op(the_cib, CIB_OP_MODIFY, NULL, section, xml_top, NULL, call_options | cib_quorum_override, user_name); if (rc < pcmk_ok) { attr_msg(LOG_ERR, "Error setting %s=%s (section=%s, set=%s): %s", attr_name, attr_value, section, crm_str(set_name), pcmk_strerror(rc)); crm_log_xml_info(xml_top, "Update"); } free(local_set_name); free(local_attr_id); free_xml(xml_top); return rc; } int read_attr_delegate(cib_t * the_cib, const char *section, const char *node_uuid, const char *set_type, const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, char **attr_value, gboolean to_console, const char *user_name) { int rc = pcmk_ok; CRM_ASSERT(attr_value != NULL); CRM_CHECK(section != NULL, return -EINVAL); CRM_CHECK(attr_name != NULL || attr_id != NULL, return -EINVAL); *attr_value = NULL; rc = find_nvpair_attr_delegate(the_cib, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, section, node_uuid, set_type, set_name, attr_id, attr_name, to_console, attr_value, user_name); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_trace("Query failed for attribute %s (section=%s, node=%s, set=%s): %s", attr_name, section, crm_str(set_name), crm_str(node_uuid), pcmk_strerror(rc)); } return rc; } int delete_attr_delegate(cib_t * the_cib, int options, const char *section, const char *node_uuid, const char *set_type, const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value, gboolean to_console, const char *user_name) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; char *local_attr_id = NULL; CRM_CHECK(section != NULL, return -EINVAL); CRM_CHECK(attr_name != NULL || attr_id != NULL, return -EINVAL); if (attr_id == NULL) { rc = find_nvpair_attr_delegate(the_cib, XML_ATTR_ID, section, node_uuid, set_type, set_name, attr_id, attr_name, to_console, &local_attr_id, user_name); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { return rc; } attr_id = local_attr_id; } xml_obj = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, attr_id); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, attr_name); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, attr_value); rc = cib_internal_op(the_cib, CIB_OP_DELETE, NULL, section, xml_obj, NULL, options | cib_quorum_override, user_name); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { attr_msg(LOG_DEBUG, "Deleted %s %s: id=%s%s%s%s%s\n", section, node_uuid ? "attribute" : "option", local_attr_id, set_name ? " set=" : "", set_name ? set_name : "", attr_name ? " name=" : "", attr_name ? attr_name : ""); } free(local_attr_id); free_xml(xml_obj); return rc; } static gboolean found_remote_node_xpath(cib_t *the_cib, const char *xpath) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *xml_search = NULL; rc = cib_internal_op(the_cib, CIB_OP_QUERY, NULL, xpath, NULL, &xml_search, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local | cib_xpath, NULL); free(xml_search); return rc == pcmk_ok ? TRUE : FALSE; } static int get_remote_node_uuid(cib_t * the_cib, const char *uname, char **uuid) { -#define CONTAINER_REMOTE_NODE_XPATH "//" XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR "[@name='remote-node'][@value='%s']" +#define CONTAINER_REMOTE_NODE_XPATH "//" XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR \ + "[@name='" XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE "'][@value='%s']" + #define BAREMETAL_REMOTE_NODE_XPATH "//" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE "[@type='remote'][@provider='pacemaker'][@id='%s']" -#define ORPHAN_REMOTE_NODE_XPATH "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATE "[@id='%s'][@remote_node='true']" + +#define ORPHAN_REMOTE_NODE_XPATH \ + "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATE \ + "[@" XML_ATTR_UUID "='%s'][@" XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE "='true']" + int len = 128 + strlen(uname); int rc = pcmk_ok; char *xpath_string = calloc(1, len); sprintf(xpath_string, CONTAINER_REMOTE_NODE_XPATH, uname); if (found_remote_node_xpath(the_cib, xpath_string)) { goto found_remote; } sprintf(xpath_string, BAREMETAL_REMOTE_NODE_XPATH, uname); if (found_remote_node_xpath(the_cib, xpath_string)) { goto found_remote; } sprintf(xpath_string, ORPHAN_REMOTE_NODE_XPATH, uname); if (found_remote_node_xpath(the_cib, xpath_string)) { goto found_remote; } rc = -1; found_remote: if (rc == pcmk_ok) { /* reuse allocation */ *uuid = xpath_string; strcpy(*uuid, uname); } else { *uuid = NULL; free(xpath_string); } return rc; } static int get_cluster_node_uuid(cib_t * the_cib, const char *uname, char **uuid) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *a_child = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; xmlNode *fragment = NULL; const char *child_name = NULL; rc = the_cib->cmds->query(the_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_NODES, &fragment, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { return rc; } xml_obj = fragment; CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(xml_obj), XML_CIB_TAG_NODES), return -ENOMSG); CRM_ASSERT(xml_obj != NULL); crm_log_xml_debug(xml_obj, "Result section"); rc = -ENXIO; *uuid = NULL; for (a_child = __xml_first_child(xml_obj); a_child != NULL; a_child = __xml_next(a_child)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)a_child->name, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE, TRUE)) { child_name = crm_element_value(a_child, XML_ATTR_UNAME); if (safe_str_eq(uname, child_name)) { child_name = ID(a_child); if (child_name != NULL) { *uuid = strdup(child_name); rc = pcmk_ok; } break; } } } free_xml(fragment); return rc; } int query_node_uuid(cib_t * the_cib, const char *uname, char **uuid, int *is_remote_node) { int rc = pcmk_ok; CRM_ASSERT(uname != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(uuid != NULL); rc = get_cluster_node_uuid(the_cib, uname, uuid); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_debug("%s is not a cluster node, checking to see if remote-node", uname); rc = get_remote_node_uuid(the_cib, uname, uuid); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_debug("%s is not a remote node either", uname); } else if (is_remote_node) { *is_remote_node = TRUE; } } if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_debug("Could not map name=%s to a UUID: %s\n", uname, pcmk_strerror(rc)); } else { crm_info("Mapped %s to %s", uname, *uuid); } return rc; } int query_node_uname(cib_t * the_cib, const char *uuid, char **uname) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *a_child = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; xmlNode *fragment = NULL; const char *child_name = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(uname != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(uuid != NULL); rc = the_cib->cmds->query(the_cib, XML_CIB_TAG_NODES, &fragment, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { return rc; } xml_obj = fragment; CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(xml_obj), XML_CIB_TAG_NODES), return -ENOMSG); CRM_ASSERT(xml_obj != NULL); crm_log_xml_trace(xml_obj, "Result section"); rc = -ENXIO; *uname = NULL; for (a_child = __xml_first_child(xml_obj); a_child != NULL; a_child = __xml_next(a_child)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)a_child->name, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE, TRUE)) { child_name = ID(a_child); if (safe_str_eq(uuid, child_name)) { child_name = crm_element_value(a_child, XML_ATTR_UNAME); if (child_name != NULL) { *uname = strdup(child_name); rc = pcmk_ok; } break; } } } free_xml(fragment); return rc; } int set_standby(cib_t * the_cib, const char *uuid, const char *scope, const char *standby_value) { int rc = pcmk_ok; char *attr_id = NULL; CRM_CHECK(uuid != NULL, return -EINVAL); CRM_CHECK(standby_value != NULL, return -EINVAL); if (safe_str_eq(scope, "reboot") || safe_str_eq(scope, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS)) { scope = XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS; attr_id = crm_strdup_printf("transient-standby-%.256s", uuid); } else { scope = XML_CIB_TAG_NODES; attr_id = crm_strdup_printf("standby-%.256s", uuid); } rc = update_attr_delegate(the_cib, cib_sync_call, scope, uuid, NULL, NULL, attr_id, "standby", standby_value, TRUE, NULL, NULL); free(attr_id); return rc; } diff --git a/lib/cluster/membership.c b/lib/cluster/membership.c index 3081e54365..aef7f99b6d 100644 --- a/lib/cluster/membership.c +++ b/lib/cluster/membership.c @@ -1,894 +1,936 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include GHashTable *crm_peer_cache = NULL; GHashTable *crm_remote_peer_cache = NULL; unsigned long long crm_peer_seq = 0; gboolean crm_have_quorum = FALSE; static gboolean crm_autoreap = TRUE; int crm_remote_peer_cache_size(void) { if (crm_remote_peer_cache == NULL) { return 0; } return g_hash_table_size(crm_remote_peer_cache); } void crm_remote_peer_cache_add(const char *node_name) { crm_node_t *node = g_hash_table_lookup(crm_remote_peer_cache, node_name); if (node == NULL) { crm_trace("added %s to remote cache", node_name); node = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_node_t)); node->flags = crm_remote_node; CRM_ASSERT(node); node->uname = strdup(node_name); node->uuid = strdup(node_name); node->state = strdup(CRM_NODE_MEMBER); g_hash_table_replace(crm_remote_peer_cache, node->uname, node); } } void crm_remote_peer_cache_remove(const char *node_name) { g_hash_table_remove(crm_remote_peer_cache, node_name); } static void -remote_cache_refresh_helper(xmlNode *cib, const char *xpath, const char *field, int flags) +remote_cache_refresh_helper(xmlNode *cib, const char *xpath, const char *field) { const char *remote = NULL; crm_node_t *node = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; int max = 0; int lpc = 0; xpathObj = xpath_search(cib, xpath); max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *xml = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(xml != NULL); if(xml != NULL) { remote = crm_element_value(xml, field); } if (remote) { crm_trace("added %s to remote cache", remote); node = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_node_t)); - node->flags = flags; + node->flags = crm_remote_node; CRM_ASSERT(node); node->uname = strdup(remote); node->uuid = strdup(remote); node->state = strdup(CRM_NODE_MEMBER); g_hash_table_replace(crm_remote_peer_cache, node->uname, node); } } freeXpathObject(xpathObj); } +/* search string to find CIB resources entries for guest nodes */ +#define XPATH_GUEST_NODE_CONFIG \ + "//" XML_TAG_CIB "//" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION "//" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE \ + "//" XML_TAG_META_SETS "//" XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR \ + "[@name='" XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE "']" + +/* search string to find CIB resources entries for remote nodes */ +#define XPATH_REMOTE_NODE_CONFIG \ + "//" XML_TAG_CIB "//" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION "//" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE \ + "[@type='remote'][@provider='pacemaker']" + +/* search string to find CIB node status entries for pacemaker_remote nodes */ +#define XPATH_REMOTE_NODE_STATUS \ + "//" XML_TAG_CIB "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATE \ + "[@" XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE "='true']" + +/*! + * \brief Repopulate the remote peer cache based on CIB XML + * + * \param[in] xmlNode CIB XML to parse + */ void crm_remote_peer_cache_refresh(xmlNode *cib) { - const char *xpath = NULL; - g_hash_table_remove_all(crm_remote_peer_cache); /* remote nodes associated with a cluster resource */ - xpath = "//" XML_TAG_CIB "//" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION "//" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE "//" XML_TAG_META_SETS "//" XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR "[@name='remote-node']"; - remote_cache_refresh_helper(cib, xpath, "value", crm_remote_node | crm_remote_container); + remote_cache_refresh_helper(cib, XPATH_GUEST_NODE_CONFIG, "value"); /* baremetal nodes defined by connection resources*/ - xpath = "//" XML_TAG_CIB "//" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION "//" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE "[@type='remote'][@provider='pacemaker']"; - remote_cache_refresh_helper(cib, xpath, "id", crm_remote_node | crm_remote_baremetal); + remote_cache_refresh_helper(cib, XPATH_REMOTE_NODE_CONFIG, "id"); /* baremetal nodes we have seen in the config that may or may not have connection * resources associated with them anymore */ - xpath = "//" XML_TAG_CIB "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS "//" XML_CIB_TAG_STATE "[@remote_node='true']"; - remote_cache_refresh_helper(cib, xpath, "id", crm_remote_node | crm_remote_baremetal); + remote_cache_refresh_helper(cib, XPATH_REMOTE_NODE_STATUS, "id"); } gboolean crm_is_peer_active(const crm_node_t * node) { if(node == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) { /* remote nodes are never considered active members. This * guarantees they will never be considered for DC membership.*/ return FALSE; } #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC if (is_openais_cluster()) { return crm_is_corosync_peer_active(node); } #endif #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) { return crm_is_heartbeat_peer_active(node); } #endif crm_err("Unhandled cluster type: %s", name_for_cluster_type(get_cluster_type())); return FALSE; } static gboolean crm_reap_dead_member(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { crm_node_t *node = value; crm_node_t *search = user_data; if (search == NULL) { return FALSE; } else if (search->id && node->id != search->id) { return FALSE; } else if (search->id == 0 && safe_str_neq(node->uname, search->uname)) { return FALSE; } else if (crm_is_peer_active(value) == FALSE) { crm_notice("Removing %s/%u from the membership list", node->uname, node->id); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*! * \brief Remove all peer cache entries matching a node ID and/or uname * * \param[in] id ID of node to remove (or 0 to ignore) * \param[in] name Uname of node to remove (or NULL to ignore) * * \return Number of cache entries removed */ guint reap_crm_member(uint32_t id, const char *name) { int matches = 0; crm_node_t search; if (crm_peer_cache == NULL) { crm_trace("Nothing to do, cache not initialized"); return 0; } search.id = id; search.uname = name ? strdup(name) : NULL; matches = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(crm_peer_cache, crm_reap_dead_member, &search); if(matches) { crm_notice("Purged %d peers with id=%u and/or uname=%s from the membership cache", matches, search.id, search.uname); } else { crm_info("No peers with id=%u and/or uname=%s exist", id, name); } free(search.uname); return matches; } static void crm_count_peer(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { guint *count = user_data; crm_node_t *node = value; if (crm_is_peer_active(node)) { *count = *count + 1; } } guint crm_active_peers(void) { guint count = 0; if (crm_peer_cache) { g_hash_table_foreach(crm_peer_cache, crm_count_peer, &count); } return count; } static void destroy_crm_node(gpointer data) { crm_node_t *node = data; crm_trace("Destroying entry for node %u: %s", node->id, node->uname); free(node->addr); free(node->uname); free(node->state); free(node->uuid); free(node->expected); free(node); } void crm_peer_init(void) { if (crm_peer_cache == NULL) { crm_peer_cache = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, free, destroy_crm_node); } if (crm_remote_peer_cache == NULL) { crm_remote_peer_cache = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, NULL, destroy_crm_node); } } void crm_peer_destroy(void) { if (crm_peer_cache != NULL) { crm_trace("Destroying peer cache with %d members", g_hash_table_size(crm_peer_cache)); g_hash_table_destroy(crm_peer_cache); crm_peer_cache = NULL; } if (crm_remote_peer_cache != NULL) { crm_trace("Destroying remote peer cache with %d members", g_hash_table_size(crm_remote_peer_cache)); g_hash_table_destroy(crm_remote_peer_cache); crm_remote_peer_cache = NULL; } } void (*crm_status_callback) (enum crm_status_type, crm_node_t *, const void *) = NULL; /*! * \brief Set a client function that will be called after peer status changes * * \param[in] dispatch Pointer to function to use as callback * * \note Previously, client callbacks were responsible for peer cache * management. This is no longer the case, and client callbacks should do * only client-specific handling. Callbacks MUST NOT add or remove entries * in the peer caches. */ void crm_set_status_callback(void (*dispatch) (enum crm_status_type, crm_node_t *, const void *)) { crm_status_callback = dispatch; } /*! * \brief Tell the library whether to automatically reap lost nodes * * If TRUE (the default), calling crm_update_peer_proc() will also update the * peer state to CRM_NODE_MEMBER or CRM_NODE_LOST, and crm_update_peer_state() * will reap peers whose state changes to anything other than CRM_NODE_MEMBER. * Callers should leave this enabled unless they plan to manage the cache * separately on their own. * * \param[in] autoreap TRUE to enable automatic reaping, FALSE to disable */ void crm_set_autoreap(gboolean autoreap) { crm_autoreap = autoreap; } static void crm_dump_peer_hash(int level, const char *caller) { GHashTableIter iter; const char *id = NULL; crm_node_t *node = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &id, (gpointer *) &node)) { do_crm_log(level, "%s: Node %u/%s = %p - %s", caller, node->id, node->uname, node, id); } } static gboolean crm_hash_find_by_data(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { if(value == user_data) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } crm_node_t * crm_find_peer_full(unsigned int id, const char *uname, int flags) { crm_node_t *node = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL); crm_peer_init(); if (flags & CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE) { node = g_hash_table_lookup(crm_remote_peer_cache, uname); } if (node == NULL && (flags & CRM_GET_PEER_CLUSTER)) { node = crm_find_peer(id, uname); } return node; } crm_node_t * crm_get_peer_full(unsigned int id, const char *uname, int flags) { crm_node_t *node = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL); crm_peer_init(); if (flags & CRM_GET_PEER_REMOTE) { node = g_hash_table_lookup(crm_remote_peer_cache, uname); } if (node == NULL && (flags & CRM_GET_PEER_CLUSTER)) { node = crm_get_peer(id, uname); } return node; } crm_node_t * crm_find_peer(unsigned int id, const char *uname) { GHashTableIter iter; crm_node_t *node = NULL; crm_node_t *by_id = NULL; crm_node_t *by_name = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL); crm_peer_init(); if (uname != NULL) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) { if(node->uname && strcasecmp(node->uname, uname) == 0) { crm_trace("Name match: %s = %p", node->uname, node); by_name = node; break; } } } if (id > 0) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) { if(node->id == id) { crm_trace("ID match: %u = %p", node->id, node); by_id = node; break; } } } node = by_id; /* Good default */ if(by_id == by_name) { /* Nothing to do if they match (both NULL counts) */ crm_trace("Consistent: %p for %u/%s", by_id, id, uname); } else if(by_id == NULL && by_name) { crm_trace("Only one: %p for %u/%s", by_name, id, uname); if(id && by_name->id) { crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_WARNING, __FUNCTION__); crm_crit("Node %u and %u share the same name '%s'", id, by_name->id, uname); node = NULL; /* Create a new one */ } else { node = by_name; } } else if(by_name == NULL && by_id) { crm_trace("Only one: %p for %u/%s", by_id, id, uname); if(uname && by_id->uname) { crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_WARNING, __FUNCTION__); crm_crit("Node '%s' and '%s' share the same cluster nodeid %u: assuming '%s' is correct", uname, by_id->uname, id, uname); } } else if(uname && by_id->uname) { if(safe_str_eq(uname, by_id->uname)) { crm_notice("Node '%s' has changed its ID from %u to %u", by_id->uname, by_name->id, by_id->id); g_hash_table_foreach_remove(crm_peer_cache, crm_hash_find_by_data, by_name); } else { crm_warn("Node '%s' and '%s' share the same cluster nodeid: %u %s", by_id->uname, by_name->uname, id, uname); crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_INFO, __FUNCTION__); crm_abort(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "member weirdness", TRUE, TRUE); } } else if(id && by_name->id) { crm_warn("Node %u and %u share the same name: '%s'", by_id->id, by_name->id, uname); } else { /* Simple merge */ /* Only corosync based clusters use nodeid's * * The functions that call crm_update_peer_state() only know nodeid * so 'by_id' is authorative when merging * * Same for crm_update_peer_proc() */ crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__); crm_info("Merging %p into %p", by_name, by_id); g_hash_table_foreach_remove(crm_peer_cache, crm_hash_find_by_data, by_name); } return node; } #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC static guint crm_remove_conflicting_peer(crm_node_t *node) { int matches = 0; GHashTableIter iter; crm_node_t *existing_node = NULL; if (node->id == 0 || node->uname == NULL) { return 0; } # if !SUPPORT_PLUGIN if (corosync_cmap_has_config("nodelist") != 0) { return 0; } # endif g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &existing_node)) { if (existing_node->id > 0 && existing_node->id != node->id && existing_node->uname != NULL && strcasecmp(existing_node->uname, node->uname) == 0) { if (crm_is_peer_active(existing_node)) { continue; } crm_warn("Removing cached offline node %u/%s which has conflicting uname with %u", existing_node->id, existing_node->uname, node->id); g_hash_table_iter_remove(&iter); matches++; } } return matches; } #endif /* coverity[-alloc] Memory is referenced in one or both hashtables */ crm_node_t * crm_get_peer(unsigned int id, const char *uname) { crm_node_t *node = NULL; char *uname_lookup = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL); crm_peer_init(); node = crm_find_peer(id, uname); /* if uname wasn't provided, and find_peer did not turn up a uname based on id. * we need to do a lookup of the node name using the id in the cluster membership. */ if ((node == NULL || node->uname == NULL) && (uname == NULL)) { uname_lookup = get_node_name(id); } if (uname_lookup) { uname = uname_lookup; crm_trace("Inferred a name of '%s' for node %u", uname, id); /* try to turn up the node one more time now that we know the uname. */ if (node == NULL) { node = crm_find_peer(id, uname); } } if (node == NULL) { char *uniqueid = crm_generate_uuid(); node = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_node_t)); CRM_ASSERT(node); crm_info("Created entry %s/%p for node %s/%u (%d total)", uniqueid, node, uname, id, 1 + g_hash_table_size(crm_peer_cache)); g_hash_table_replace(crm_peer_cache, uniqueid, node); } if(id > 0 && uname && (node->id == 0 || node->uname == NULL)) { crm_info("Node %u is now known as %s", id, uname); } if(id > 0 && node->id == 0) { node->id = id; } if(uname && node->uname == NULL) { int lpc, len = strlen(uname); for (lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) { if (uname[lpc] >= 'A' && uname[lpc] <= 'Z') { crm_warn("Node names with capitals are discouraged, consider changing '%s' to something else", uname); break; } } node->uname = strdup(uname); if (crm_status_callback) { crm_status_callback(crm_status_uname, node, NULL); } #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC if (is_openais_cluster()) { crm_remove_conflicting_peer(node); } #endif } if(node->uuid == NULL) { const char *uuid = crm_peer_uuid(node); if (uuid) { crm_info("Node %u has uuid %s", id, uuid); } else { crm_info("Cannot obtain a UUID for node %u/%s", id, node->uname); } } free(uname_lookup); return node; } /*! * \internal * \brief Update all of a node's information (process list, state, etc.) * * \param[in] source Caller's function name (for log messages) * * \return NULL if node was reaped from peer caches, pointer to node otherwise * * \note This function should not be called within a peer cache iteration, * otherwise reaping could invalidate the iterator. */ crm_node_t * crm_update_peer(const char *source, unsigned int id, uint64_t born, uint64_t seen, int32_t votes, uint32_t children, const char *uuid, const char *uname, const char *addr, const char *state) { #if SUPPORT_PLUGIN gboolean addr_changed = FALSE; gboolean votes_changed = FALSE; #endif crm_node_t *node = NULL; id = get_corosync_id(id, uuid); node = crm_get_peer(id, uname); CRM_ASSERT(node != NULL); if (node->uuid == NULL) { if (is_openais_cluster()) { /* Yes, overrule whatever was passed in */ crm_peer_uuid(node); } else if (uuid != NULL) { node->uuid = strdup(uuid); } } if (children > 0) { if (crm_update_peer_proc(source, node, children, state) == NULL) { return NULL; } } if (state != NULL) { if (crm_update_peer_state(source, node, state, seen) == NULL) { return NULL; } } #if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT if (born != 0) { node->born = born; } #endif #if SUPPORT_PLUGIN /* These were only used by the plugin */ if (born != 0) { node->born = born; } if (votes > 0 && node->votes != votes) { votes_changed = TRUE; node->votes = votes; } if (addr != NULL) { if (node->addr == NULL || crm_str_eq(node->addr, addr, FALSE) == FALSE) { addr_changed = TRUE; free(node->addr); node->addr = strdup(addr); } } if (addr_changed || votes_changed) { crm_info("%s: Node %s: id=%u state=%s addr=%s%s votes=%d%s born=" U64T " seen=" U64T " proc=%.32x", source, node->uname, node->id, node->state, node->addr, addr_changed ? " (new)" : "", node->votes, votes_changed ? " (new)" : "", node->born, node->last_seen, node->processes); } #endif return node; } /*! * \internal * \brief Update a node's process information (and potentially state) * * \param[in] source Caller's function name (for log messages) * \param[in] node Node object to update * \param[in] flag Bitmask of new process information * \param[in] status node status (online, offline, etc.) * * \return NULL if any node was reaped from peer caches, value of node otherwise * - * \note If this function returns TRUE, the supplied node object was likely + * \note If this function returns NULL, the supplied node object was likely * freed and should not be used again. This function should not be * called within a cache iteration if reaping is possible, otherwise * reaping could invalidate the iterator. */ crm_node_t * crm_update_peer_proc(const char *source, crm_node_t * node, uint32_t flag, const char *status) { uint32_t last = 0; gboolean changed = FALSE; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, crm_err("%s: Could not set %s to %s for NULL", source, peer2text(flag), status); return NULL); + /* Pacemaker doesn't spawn processes on remote nodes */ + if (is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) { + return node; + } + last = node->processes; if (status == NULL) { node->processes = flag; if (node->processes != last) { changed = TRUE; } } else if (safe_str_eq(status, ONLINESTATUS)) { if ((node->processes & flag) != flag) { set_bit(node->processes, flag); changed = TRUE; } #if SUPPORT_PLUGIN } else if (safe_str_eq(status, CRM_NODE_MEMBER)) { if (flag > 0 && node->processes != flag) { node->processes = flag; changed = TRUE; } #endif } else if (node->processes & flag) { clear_bit(node->processes, flag); changed = TRUE; } if (changed) { if (status == NULL && flag <= crm_proc_none) { crm_info("%s: Node %s[%u] - all processes are now offline", source, node->uname, node->id); } else { crm_info("%s: Node %s[%u] - %s is now %s", source, node->uname, node->id, peer2text(flag), status); } /* Call the client callback first, then update the peer state, * in case the node will be reaped */ if (crm_status_callback) { crm_status_callback(crm_status_processes, node, &last); } /* The client callback shouldn't touch the peer caches, * but as a safety net, bail if the peer cache was destroyed. */ if (crm_peer_cache == NULL) { return NULL; } if (crm_autoreap) { node = crm_update_peer_state(__FUNCTION__, node, is_set(node->processes, crm_get_cluster_proc())? CRM_NODE_MEMBER : CRM_NODE_LOST, 0); } } else { crm_trace("%s: Node %s[%u] - %s is unchanged (%s)", source, node->uname, node->id, peer2text(flag), status); } return node; } void crm_update_peer_expected(const char *source, crm_node_t * node, const char *expected) { char *last = NULL; gboolean changed = FALSE; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, crm_err("%s: Could not set 'expected' to %s", source, expected); return); + /* Remote nodes don't participate in joins */ + if (is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) { + return; + } + last = node->expected; if (expected != NULL && safe_str_neq(node->expected, expected)) { node->expected = strdup(expected); changed = TRUE; } if (changed) { crm_info("%s: Node %s[%u] - expected state is now %s (was %s)", source, node->uname, node->id, expected, last); free(last); } else { crm_trace("%s: Node %s[%u] - expected state is unchanged (%s)", source, node->uname, node->id, expected); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Update a node's state and membership information * * \param[in] source Caller's function name (for log messages) * \param[in] node Node object to update * \param[in] state Node's new state * \param[in] membership Node's new membership ID + * \param[in] iter If not NULL, pointer to node's peer cache iterator * * \return NULL if any node was reaped, value of node otherwise * * \note If this function returns NULL, the supplied node object was likely - * freed and should not be used again. This function should not be - * called within a cache iteration if reaping is possible, - * otherwise reaping could invalidate the iterator. + * freed and should not be used again. This function may be called from + * within a peer cache iteration if the iterator is supplied. */ static crm_node_t * crm_update_peer_state_iter(const char *source, crm_node_t * node, const char *state, int membership, GHashTableIter *iter) { gboolean is_member; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, crm_err("%s: Could not set 'state' to %s", source, state); return NULL); is_member = safe_str_eq(state, CRM_NODE_MEMBER); if (membership && is_member) { node->last_seen = membership; } if (state && safe_str_neq(node->state, state)) { char *last = node->state; enum crm_status_type status_type = is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)? crm_status_rstate : crm_status_nstate; node->state = strdup(state); crm_notice("%s: Node %s[%u] - state is now %s (was %s)", source, node->uname, node->id, state, last); if (crm_status_callback) { crm_status_callback(status_type, node, last); } free(last); - if (!is_member && crm_autoreap) { + if (crm_autoreap && !is_member && !is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) { + /* We only autoreap from the peer cache, not the remote peer cache, + * because the latter should be managed only by + * crm_remote_peer_cache_refresh(). + */ if(iter) { crm_notice("Purged 1 peer with id=%u and/or uname=%s from the membership cache", node->id, node->uname); g_hash_table_iter_remove(iter); - } else if (status_type == crm_status_rstate) { - crm_remote_peer_cache_remove(node->uname); - } else { reap_crm_member(node->id, node->uname); } node = NULL; } } else { crm_trace("%s: Node %s[%u] - state is unchanged (%s)", source, node->uname, node->id, state); } return node; } +/*! + * \brief Update a node's state and membership information + * + * \param[in] source Caller's function name (for log messages) + * \param[in] node Node object to update + * \param[in] state Node's new state + * \param[in] membership Node's new membership ID + * + * \return NULL if any node was reaped, value of node otherwise + * + * \note If this function returns NULL, the supplied node object was likely + * freed and should not be used again. This function should not be + * called within a cache iteration if reaping is possible, + * otherwise reaping could invalidate the iterator. + */ crm_node_t * crm_update_peer_state(const char *source, crm_node_t * node, const char *state, int membership) { return crm_update_peer_state_iter(source, node, state, membership, NULL); } /*! * \internal * \brief Reap all nodes from cache whose membership information does not match * * \param[in] membership Membership ID of nodes to keep */ void crm_reap_unseen_nodes(uint64_t membership) { GHashTableIter iter; crm_node_t *node = NULL; crm_trace("Reaping unseen nodes..."); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *)&node)) { if (node->last_seen != membership) { if (node->state) { /* * Calling crm_update_peer_state_iter() allows us to * remove the node from crm_peer_cache without * invalidating our iterator */ crm_update_peer_state_iter(__FUNCTION__, node, CRM_NODE_LOST, membership, &iter); } else { crm_info("State of node %s[%u] is still unknown", node->uname, node->id); } } } } int crm_terminate_member(int nodeid, const char *uname, void *unused) { /* Always use the synchronous, non-mainloop version */ return stonith_api_kick(nodeid, uname, 120, TRUE); } int crm_terminate_member_no_mainloop(int nodeid, const char *uname, int *connection) { return stonith_api_kick(nodeid, uname, 120, TRUE); } diff --git a/lib/common/Makefile.am b/lib/common/Makefile.am index 56afb376f8..b0caa5984f 100644 --- a/lib/common/Makefile.am +++ b/lib/common/Makefile.am @@ -1,50 +1,51 @@ # # Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/include \ -I$(top_builddir)/libltdl -I$(top_srcdir)/libltdl \ -I$(top_builddir)/lib/gnu -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/gnu ## libraries lib_LTLIBRARIES = libcrmcommon.la # Can't use -Wcast-qual here because glib insists on pretending things are const # when they're not and thus we need the crm_element_value_const() hack # s390 needs -fPIC # s390-suse-linux/bin/ld: .libs/ipc.o: relocation R_390_PC32DBL against `__stack_chk_fail@@GLIBC_2.4' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_COPY:-Wcast-qual=) -fPIC libcrmcommon_la_SOURCES = compat.c digest.c ipc.c io.c procfs.c utils.c xml.c \ - iso8601.c remote.c mainloop.c logging.c watchdog.c + iso8601.c remote.c mainloop.c logging.c watchdog.c \ + xpath.c if BUILD_CIBSECRETS libcrmcommon_la_SOURCES += cib_secrets.c endif libcrmcommon_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 8:0:5 libcrmcommon_la_LIBADD = @LIBADD_DL@ $(GNUTLSLIBS) -lm libcrmcommon_la_SOURCES += $(top_builddir)/lib/gnu/md5.c clean-generic: rm -f *.log *.debug *.xml *~ install-exec-local: uninstall-local: diff --git a/lib/common/xml.c b/lib/common/xml.c index 850c864180..d2f996d590 100644 --- a/lib/common/xml.c +++ b/lib/common/xml.c @@ -1,6038 +1,5820 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_BZLIB_H # include #endif #if HAVE_LIBXML2 # include # include # include #endif #if HAVE_LIBXSLT # include # include #endif #define XML_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 #define XML_PARSER_DEBUG 0 void xml_log(int priority, const char *fmt, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); static inline int __get_prefix(const char *prefix, xmlNode *xml, char *buffer, int offset); void xml_log(int priority, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); qb_log_from_external_source_va(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, fmt, priority, __LINE__, 0, ap); va_end(ap); } typedef struct { xmlRelaxNGPtr rng; xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr valid; xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr parser; } relaxng_ctx_cache_t; struct schema_s { int type; float version; char *name; char *location; char *transform; int after_transform; void *cache; }; typedef struct { int found; const char *string; } filter_t; enum xml_private_flags { xpf_none = 0x0000, xpf_dirty = 0x0001, xpf_deleted = 0x0002, xpf_created = 0x0004, xpf_modified = 0x0008, xpf_tracking = 0x0010, xpf_processed = 0x0020, xpf_skip = 0x0040, xpf_moved = 0x0080, xpf_acl_enabled = 0x0100, xpf_acl_read = 0x0200, xpf_acl_write = 0x0400, xpf_acl_deny = 0x0800, xpf_acl_create = 0x1000, xpf_acl_denied = 0x2000, }; typedef struct xml_private_s { long check; uint32_t flags; char *user; GListPtr acls; GListPtr deleted_paths; } xml_private_t; typedef struct xml_acl_s { enum xml_private_flags mode; char *xpath; } xml_acl_t; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static filter_t filter[] = { { 0, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN }, { 0, XML_CIB_ATTR_WRITTEN }, { 0, XML_ATTR_UPDATE_ORIG }, { 0, XML_ATTR_UPDATE_CLIENT }, { 0, XML_ATTR_UPDATE_USER }, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static struct schema_s *known_schemas = NULL; static int xml_schema_max = 0; static xmlNode *subtract_xml_comment(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * left, xmlNode * right, gboolean * changed); static xmlNode *find_xml_comment(xmlNode * root, xmlNode * search_comment); static int add_xml_comment(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * target, xmlNode * update); static bool __xml_acl_check(xmlNode *xml, const char *name, enum xml_private_flags mode); const char *__xml_acl_to_text(enum xml_private_flags flags); static int xml_latest_schema_index(void) { return xml_schema_max - 4; } static int xml_minimum_schema_index(void) { static int best = 0; if(best == 0) { int lpc = 0; float target = 0.0; best = xml_latest_schema_index(); target = floor(known_schemas[best].version); for(lpc = best; lpc > 0; lpc--) { if(known_schemas[lpc].version < target) { return best; } else { best = lpc; } } best = xml_latest_schema_index(); } return best; } const char * xml_latest_schema(void) { return get_schema_name(xml_latest_schema_index()); } #define CHUNK_SIZE 1024 static inline bool TRACKING_CHANGES(xmlNode *xml) { if(xml == NULL || xml->doc == NULL || xml->doc->_private == NULL) { return FALSE; } else if(is_set(((xml_private_t *)xml->doc->_private)->flags, xpf_tracking)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #define buffer_print(buffer, max, offset, fmt, args...) do { \ int rc = (max); \ if(buffer) { \ rc = snprintf((buffer) + (offset), (max) - (offset), fmt, ##args); \ } \ if(buffer && rc < 0) { \ crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "snprintf failed at offset %d", offset); \ (buffer)[(offset)] = 0; \ } else if(rc >= ((max) - (offset))) { \ char *tmp = NULL; \ (max) = QB_MAX(CHUNK_SIZE, (max) * 2); \ tmp = realloc_safe((buffer), (max) + 1); \ CRM_ASSERT(tmp); \ (buffer) = tmp; \ } else { \ offset += rc; \ break; \ } \ } while(1); static void insert_prefix(int options, char **buffer, int *offset, int *max, int depth) { if (options & xml_log_option_formatted) { size_t spaces = 2 * depth; if ((*buffer) == NULL || spaces >= ((*max) - (*offset))) { (*max) = QB_MAX(CHUNK_SIZE, (*max) * 2); (*buffer) = realloc_safe((*buffer), (*max) + 1); } memset((*buffer) + (*offset), ' ', spaces); (*offset) += spaces; } } static const char * get_schema_root(void) { static const char *base = NULL; if (base == NULL) { base = getenv("PCMK_schema_directory"); } if (base == NULL || strlen(base) == 0) { base = CRM_DTD_DIRECTORY; } return base; } static char * get_schema_path(const char *name, const char *file) { const char *base = get_schema_root(); if(file) { return crm_strdup_printf("%s/%s", base, file); } return crm_strdup_printf("%s/%s.rng", base, name); } static int schema_filter(const struct dirent * a) { int rc = 0; float version = 0; if(strstr(a->d_name, "pacemaker-") != a->d_name) { /* crm_trace("%s - wrong prefix", a->d_name); */ } else if(strstr(a->d_name, ".rng") == NULL) { /* crm_trace("%s - wrong suffix", a->d_name); */ } else if(sscanf(a->d_name, "pacemaker-%f.rng", &version) == 0) { /* crm_trace("%s - wrong format", a->d_name); */ } else if(strcmp(a->d_name, "pacemaker-1.1.rng") == 0) { /* crm_trace("%s - hack", a->d_name); */ } else { /* crm_debug("%s - candidate", a->d_name); */ rc = 1; } return rc; } static int schema_sort(const struct dirent ** a, const struct dirent **b) { int rc = 0; float a_version = 0.0; float b_version = 0.0; sscanf(a[0]->d_name, "pacemaker-%f.rng", &a_version); sscanf(b[0]->d_name, "pacemaker-%f.rng", &b_version); if(a_version > b_version) { rc = 1; } else if(a_version < b_version) { rc = -1; } /* crm_trace("%s (%f) vs. %s (%f) : %d", a[0]->d_name, a_version, b[0]->d_name, b_version, rc); */ return rc; } static void __xml_schema_add( int type, float version, const char *name, const char *location, const char *transform, int after_transform) { int last = xml_schema_max; xml_schema_max++; known_schemas = realloc_safe(known_schemas, xml_schema_max*sizeof(struct schema_s)); CRM_ASSERT(known_schemas != NULL); memset(known_schemas+last, 0, sizeof(struct schema_s)); known_schemas[last].type = type; known_schemas[last].after_transform = after_transform; if(version > 0.0) { known_schemas[last].version = version; known_schemas[last].name = crm_strdup_printf("pacemaker-%.1f", version); known_schemas[last].location = crm_strdup_printf("%s.rng", known_schemas[last].name); } else { char dummy[1024]; CRM_ASSERT(name); CRM_ASSERT(location); sscanf(name, "%[^-]-%f", dummy, &version); known_schemas[last].version = version; known_schemas[last].name = strdup(name); known_schemas[last].location = strdup(location); } if(transform) { known_schemas[last].transform = strdup(transform); } if(after_transform == 0) { after_transform = xml_schema_max; } known_schemas[last].after_transform = after_transform; if(known_schemas[last].after_transform < 0) { crm_debug("Added supported schema %d: %s (%s)", last, known_schemas[last].name, known_schemas[last].location); } else if(known_schemas[last].transform) { crm_debug("Added supported schema %d: %s (%s upgrades to %d with %s)", last, known_schemas[last].name, known_schemas[last].location, known_schemas[last].after_transform, known_schemas[last].transform); } else { crm_debug("Added supported schema %d: %s (%s upgrades to %d)", last, known_schemas[last].name, known_schemas[last].location, known_schemas[last].after_transform); } } static int __xml_build_schema_list(void) { int lpc, max; const char *base = get_schema_root(); struct dirent **namelist = NULL; max = scandir(base, &namelist, schema_filter, schema_sort); __xml_schema_add(1, 0.0, "pacemaker-0.6", "crm.dtd", "upgrade06.xsl", 3); __xml_schema_add(1, 0.0, "transitional-0.6", "crm-transitional.dtd", "upgrade06.xsl", 3); __xml_schema_add(2, 0.0, "pacemaker-0.7", "pacemaker-1.0.rng", NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { crm_notice("scandir(%s) failed: %s (%d)", base, strerror(errno), errno); } else { for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { int next = 0; float version = 0.0; char *transform = NULL; sscanf(namelist[lpc]->d_name, "pacemaker-%f.rng", &version); if((lpc + 1) < max) { float next_version = 0.0; sscanf(namelist[lpc+1]->d_name, "pacemaker-%f.rng", &next_version); if(floor(version) < floor(next_version)) { struct stat s; char *xslt = NULL; transform = crm_strdup_printf("upgrade-%.1f.xsl", version); xslt = get_schema_path(NULL, transform); if(stat(xslt, &s) != 0) { crm_err("Transform %s not found", xslt); free(xslt); __xml_schema_add(2, version, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1); break; } else { free(xslt); } } } else { next = -1; } __xml_schema_add(2, version, NULL, NULL, transform, next); free(namelist[lpc]); free(transform); } } /* 1.1 was the old name for -next */ __xml_schema_add(2, 0.0, "pacemaker-1.1", "pacemaker-next.rng", NULL, 0); __xml_schema_add(2, 0.0, "pacemaker-next", "pacemaker-next.rng", NULL, -1); __xml_schema_add(0, 0.0, "none", "N/A", NULL, -1); free(namelist); return TRUE; } static void set_parent_flag(xmlNode *xml, long flag) { for(; xml; xml = xml->parent) { xml_private_t *p = xml->_private; if(p == NULL) { /* During calls to xmlDocCopyNode(), _private will be unset for parent nodes */ } else { p->flags |= flag; /* crm_trace("Setting flag %x due to %s[@id=%s]", flag, xml->name, ID(xml)); */ } } } static void set_doc_flag(xmlNode *xml, long flag) { if(xml && xml->doc && xml->doc->_private){ /* During calls to xmlDocCopyNode(), xml->doc may be unset */ xml_private_t *p = xml->doc->_private; p->flags |= flag; /* crm_trace("Setting flag %x due to %s[@id=%s]", flag, xml->name, ID(xml)); */ } } static void __xml_node_dirty(xmlNode *xml) { set_doc_flag(xml, xpf_dirty); set_parent_flag(xml, xpf_dirty); } static void __xml_node_clean(xmlNode *xml) { xmlNode *cIter = NULL; xml_private_t *p = xml->_private; if(p) { p->flags = 0; } for (cIter = __xml_first_child(xml); cIter != NULL; cIter = __xml_next(cIter)) { __xml_node_clean(cIter); } } static void crm_node_created(xmlNode *xml) { xmlNode *cIter = NULL; xml_private_t *p = xml->_private; if(p && TRACKING_CHANGES(xml)) { if(is_not_set(p->flags, xpf_created)) { p->flags |= xpf_created; __xml_node_dirty(xml); } for (cIter = __xml_first_child(xml); cIter != NULL; cIter = __xml_next(cIter)) { crm_node_created(cIter); } } } static void crm_attr_dirty(xmlAttr *a) { xmlNode *parent = a->parent; xml_private_t *p = NULL; p = a->_private; p->flags |= (xpf_dirty|xpf_modified); p->flags = (p->flags & ~xpf_deleted); /* crm_trace("Setting flag %x due to %s[@id=%s, @%s=%s]", */ /* xpf_dirty, parent?parent->name:NULL, ID(parent), a->name, a->children->content); */ __xml_node_dirty(parent); } int get_tag_name(const char *input, size_t offset, size_t max); int get_attr_name(const char *input, size_t offset, size_t max); int get_attr_value(const char *input, size_t offset, size_t max); gboolean can_prune_leaf(xmlNode * xml_node); void diff_filter_context(int context, int upper_bound, int lower_bound, xmlNode * xml_node, xmlNode * parent); int in_upper_context(int depth, int context, xmlNode * xml_node); int add_xml_object(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * target, xmlNode * update, gboolean as_diff); static inline const char * crm_attr_value(xmlAttr * attr) { if (attr == NULL || attr->children == NULL) { return NULL; } return (const char *)attr->children->content; } static inline xmlAttr * crm_first_attr(xmlNode * xml) { if (xml == NULL) { return NULL; } return xml->properties; } #define XML_PRIVATE_MAGIC (long) 0x81726354 static void __xml_acl_free(void *data) { if(data) { xml_acl_t *acl = data; free(acl->xpath); free(acl); } } static void __xml_private_clean(xml_private_t *p) { if(p) { CRM_ASSERT(p->check == XML_PRIVATE_MAGIC); free(p->user); p->user = NULL; if(p->acls) { g_list_free_full(p->acls, __xml_acl_free); p->acls = NULL; } if(p->deleted_paths) { g_list_free_full(p->deleted_paths, free); p->deleted_paths = NULL; } } } static void __xml_private_free(xml_private_t *p) { __xml_private_clean(p); free(p); } static void pcmkDeregisterNode(xmlNodePtr node) { __xml_private_free(node->_private); } static void pcmkRegisterNode(xmlNodePtr node) { xml_private_t *p = NULL; switch(node->type) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE: case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: case XML_COMMENT_NODE: p = calloc(1, sizeof(xml_private_t)); p->check = XML_PRIVATE_MAGIC; /* Flags will be reset if necessary when tracking is enabled */ p->flags |= (xpf_dirty|xpf_created); node->_private = p; break; case XML_TEXT_NODE: case XML_DTD_NODE: case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: break; default: /* Ignore */ crm_trace("Ignoring %p %d", node, node->type); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE); break; } if(p && TRACKING_CHANGES(node)) { /* XML_ELEMENT_NODE doesn't get picked up here, node->doc is * not hooked up at the point we are called */ set_doc_flag(node, xpf_dirty); __xml_node_dirty(node); } } static xml_acl_t * __xml_acl_create(xmlNode * xml, xmlNode *target, enum xml_private_flags mode) { xml_acl_t *acl = NULL; xml_private_t *p = NULL; const char *tag = crm_element_value(xml, XML_ACL_ATTR_TAG); const char *ref = crm_element_value(xml, XML_ACL_ATTR_REF); const char *xpath = crm_element_value(xml, XML_ACL_ATTR_XPATH); if(tag == NULL) { /* Compatability handling for pacemaker < 1.1.12 */ tag = crm_element_value(xml, XML_ACL_ATTR_TAGv1); } if(ref == NULL) { /* Compatability handling for pacemaker < 1.1.12 */ ref = crm_element_value(xml, XML_ACL_ATTR_REFv1); } if(target == NULL || target->doc == NULL || target->doc->_private == NULL){ CRM_ASSERT(target); CRM_ASSERT(target->doc); CRM_ASSERT(target->doc->_private); return NULL; } else if (tag == NULL && ref == NULL && xpath == NULL) { crm_trace("No criteria %p", xml); return NULL; } p = target->doc->_private; acl = calloc(1, sizeof(xml_acl_t)); if (acl) { const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, XML_ACL_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE); acl->mode = mode; if(xpath) { acl->xpath = strdup(xpath); crm_trace("Using xpath: %s", acl->xpath); } else { int offset = 0; char buffer[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; if(tag) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, "//%s", tag); } else { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, "//*"); } if(ref || attr) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, "["); } if(ref) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, "@id='%s'", ref); } if(ref && attr) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, " and "); } if(attr) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, "@%s", attr); } if(ref || attr) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, "]"); } CRM_LOG_ASSERT(offset > 0); acl->xpath = strdup(buffer); crm_trace("Built xpath: %s", acl->xpath); } p->acls = g_list_append(p->acls, acl); } return acl; } static gboolean __xml_acl_parse_entry(xmlNode * acl_top, xmlNode * acl_entry, xmlNode *target) { xmlNode *child = NULL; for (child = __xml_first_child(acl_entry); child; child = __xml_next(child)) { const char *tag = crm_element_name(child); const char *kind = crm_element_value(child, XML_ACL_ATTR_KIND); if (strcmp(XML_ACL_TAG_PERMISSION, tag) == 0){ tag = kind; } crm_trace("Processing %s %p", tag, child); if(tag == NULL) { CRM_ASSERT(tag != NULL); } else if (strcmp(XML_ACL_TAG_ROLE_REF, tag) == 0 || strcmp(XML_ACL_TAG_ROLE_REFv1, tag) == 0) { const char *ref_role = crm_element_value(child, XML_ATTR_ID); if (ref_role) { xmlNode *role = NULL; for (role = __xml_first_child(acl_top); role; role = __xml_next(role)) { if (strcmp(XML_ACL_TAG_ROLE, (const char *)role->name) == 0) { const char *role_id = crm_element_value(role, XML_ATTR_ID); if (role_id && strcmp(ref_role, role_id) == 0) { crm_debug("Unpacking referenced role: %s", role_id); __xml_acl_parse_entry(acl_top, role, target); break; } } } } } else if (strcmp(XML_ACL_TAG_READ, tag) == 0) { __xml_acl_create(child, target, xpf_acl_read); } else if (strcmp(XML_ACL_TAG_WRITE, tag) == 0) { __xml_acl_create(child, target, xpf_acl_write); } else if (strcmp(XML_ACL_TAG_DENY, tag) == 0) { __xml_acl_create(child, target, xpf_acl_deny); } else { crm_warn("Unknown ACL entry: %s/%s", tag, kind); } } return TRUE; } /* */ const char * __xml_acl_to_text(enum xml_private_flags flags) { if(is_set(flags, xpf_acl_deny)) { return "deny"; } if(is_set(flags, xpf_acl_write)) { return "read/write"; } if(is_set(flags, xpf_acl_read)) { return "read"; } return "none"; } static void __xml_acl_apply(xmlNode *xml) { GListPtr aIter = NULL; xml_private_t *p = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; if(xml_acl_enabled(xml) == FALSE) { p = xml->doc->_private; crm_trace("Not applying ACLs for %s", p->user); return; } p = xml->doc->_private; for(aIter = p->acls; aIter != NULL; aIter = aIter->next) { int max = 0, lpc = 0; xml_acl_t *acl = aIter->data; xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, acl->xpath); max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); for(lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); char *path = xml_get_path(match); p = match->_private; crm_trace("Applying %x to %s for %s", acl->mode, path, acl->xpath); #ifdef SUSE_ACL_COMPAT if(is_not_set(p->flags, acl->mode)) { if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_acl_read) || is_set(p->flags, xpf_acl_write) || is_set(p->flags, xpf_acl_deny)) { crm_config_warn("Configuration element %s is matched by multiple ACL rules, only the first applies ('%s' wins over '%s')", path, __xml_acl_to_text(p->flags), __xml_acl_to_text(acl->mode)); free(path); continue; } } #endif p->flags |= acl->mode; free(path); } crm_trace("Now enforcing ACL: %s (%d matches)", acl->xpath, max); freeXpathObject(xpathObj); } p = xml->_private; if(is_not_set(p->flags, xpf_acl_read) && is_not_set(p->flags, xpf_acl_write)) { p->flags |= xpf_acl_deny; p = xml->doc->_private; crm_info("Enforcing default ACL for %s to %s", p->user, crm_element_name(xml)); } } static void __xml_acl_unpack(xmlNode *source, xmlNode *target, const char *user) { #if ENABLE_ACL xml_private_t *p = NULL; if(target == NULL || target->doc == NULL || target->doc->_private == NULL) { return; } p = target->doc->_private; if(pcmk_acl_required(user) == FALSE) { crm_trace("no acls needed for '%s'", user); } else if(p->acls == NULL) { xmlNode *acls = get_xpath_object("//"XML_CIB_TAG_ACLS, source, LOG_TRACE); free(p->user); p->user = strdup(user); if(acls) { xmlNode *child = NULL; for (child = __xml_first_child(acls); child; child = __xml_next(child)) { const char *tag = crm_element_name(child); if (strcmp(tag, XML_ACL_TAG_USER) == 0 || strcmp(tag, XML_ACL_TAG_USERv1) == 0) { const char *id = crm_element_value(child, XML_ATTR_ID); if(id && strcmp(id, user) == 0) { crm_debug("Unpacking ACLs for %s", id); __xml_acl_parse_entry(acls, child, target); } } } } } #endif } static inline bool __xml_acl_mode_test(enum xml_private_flags allowed, enum xml_private_flags requested) { if(is_set(allowed, xpf_acl_deny)) { return FALSE; } else if(is_set(allowed, requested)) { return TRUE; } else if(is_set(requested, xpf_acl_read) && is_set(allowed, xpf_acl_write)) { return TRUE; } else if(is_set(requested, xpf_acl_create) && is_set(allowed, xpf_acl_write)) { return TRUE; } else if(is_set(requested, xpf_acl_create) && is_set(allowed, xpf_created)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* rc = TRUE if orig_cib has been filtered * That means '*result' rather than 'xml' should be exploited afterwards */ static bool __xml_purge_attributes(xmlNode *xml) { xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlAttr *xIter = NULL; bool readable_children = FALSE; xml_private_t *p = xml->_private; if(__xml_acl_mode_test(p->flags, xpf_acl_read)) { crm_trace("%s is readable", crm_element_name(xml), ID(xml)); return TRUE; } xIter = crm_first_attr(xml); while(xIter != NULL) { xmlAttr *tmp = xIter; const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name; xIter = xIter->next; if (strcmp(prop_name, XML_ATTR_ID) == 0) { continue; } xmlUnsetProp(xml, tmp->name); } child = __xml_first_child(xml); while ( child != NULL ) { xmlNode *tmp = child; child = __xml_next(child); readable_children |= __xml_purge_attributes(tmp); } if(readable_children == FALSE) { free_xml(xml); /* Nothing readable under here, purge completely */ } return readable_children; } bool xml_acl_filtered_copy(const char *user, xmlNode* acl_source, xmlNode *xml, xmlNode ** result) { GListPtr aIter = NULL; xmlNode *target = NULL; xml_private_t *p = NULL; xml_private_t *doc = NULL; *result = NULL; if(xml == NULL || pcmk_acl_required(user) == FALSE) { crm_trace("no acls needed for '%s'", user); return FALSE; } crm_trace("filtering copy of %p for '%s'", xml, user); target = copy_xml(xml); if(target == NULL) { return TRUE; } __xml_acl_unpack(acl_source, target, user); set_doc_flag(target, xpf_acl_enabled); __xml_acl_apply(target); doc = target->doc->_private; for(aIter = doc->acls; aIter != NULL && target; aIter = aIter->next) { int max = 0; xml_acl_t *acl = aIter->data; if(acl->mode != xpf_acl_deny) { /* Nothing to do */ } else if(acl->xpath) { int lpc = 0; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = xpath_search(target, acl->xpath); max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); for(lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); crm_trace("Purging attributes from %s", acl->xpath); if(__xml_purge_attributes(match) == FALSE && match == target) { crm_trace("No access to the entire document for %s", user); freeXpathObject(xpathObj); return TRUE; } } crm_trace("Enforced ACL %s (%d matches)", acl->xpath, max); freeXpathObject(xpathObj); } } p = target->_private; if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_acl_deny) && __xml_purge_attributes(target) == FALSE) { crm_trace("No access to the entire document for %s", user); return TRUE; } if(doc->acls) { g_list_free_full(doc->acls, __xml_acl_free); doc->acls = NULL; } else { crm_trace("Ordinary user '%s' cannot access the CIB without any defined ACLs", doc->user); free_xml(target); target = NULL; } if(target) { *result = target; } return TRUE; } static void __xml_acl_post_process(xmlNode * xml) { xmlNode *cIter = __xml_first_child(xml); xml_private_t *p = xml->_private; if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_created)) { xmlAttr *xIter = NULL; char *path = xml_get_path(xml); /* Always allow new scaffolding, ie. node with no attributes or only an 'id' * Except in the ACLs section */ for (xIter = crm_first_attr(xml); xIter != NULL; xIter = xIter->next) { const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name; if (strcmp(prop_name, XML_ATTR_ID) == 0 && strstr(path, "/"XML_CIB_TAG_ACLS"/") == NULL) { /* Delay the acl check */ continue; } else if(__xml_acl_check(xml, NULL, xpf_acl_write)) { crm_trace("Creation of %s=%s is allowed", crm_element_name(xml), ID(xml)); break; } else { crm_trace("Cannot add new node %s at %s", crm_element_name(xml), path); if(xml != xmlDocGetRootElement(xml->doc)) { xmlUnlinkNode(xml); xmlFreeNode(xml); } free(path); return; } } free(path); } while (cIter != NULL) { xmlNode *child = cIter; cIter = __xml_next(cIter); /* In case it is free'd */ __xml_acl_post_process(child); } } bool xml_acl_denied(xmlNode *xml) { if(xml && xml->doc && xml->doc->_private){ xml_private_t *p = xml->doc->_private; return is_set(p->flags, xpf_acl_denied); } return FALSE; } void xml_acl_disable(xmlNode *xml) { if(xml_acl_enabled(xml)) { xml_private_t *p = xml->doc->_private; /* Catch anything that was created but shouldn't have been */ __xml_acl_apply(xml); __xml_acl_post_process(xml); clear_bit(p->flags, xpf_acl_enabled); } } bool xml_acl_enabled(xmlNode *xml) { if(xml && xml->doc && xml->doc->_private){ xml_private_t *p = xml->doc->_private; return is_set(p->flags, xpf_acl_enabled); } return FALSE; } void xml_track_changes(xmlNode * xml, const char *user, xmlNode *acl_source, bool enforce_acls) { xml_accept_changes(xml); crm_trace("Tracking changes%s to %p", enforce_acls?" with ACLs":"", xml); set_doc_flag(xml, xpf_tracking); if(enforce_acls) { if(acl_source == NULL) { acl_source = xml; } set_doc_flag(xml, xpf_acl_enabled); __xml_acl_unpack(acl_source, xml, user); __xml_acl_apply(xml); } } bool xml_tracking_changes(xmlNode * xml) { if(xml == NULL) { return FALSE; } else if(is_set(((xml_private_t *)xml->doc->_private)->flags, xpf_tracking)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool xml_document_dirty(xmlNode *xml) { if(xml != NULL && xml->doc && xml->doc->_private) { xml_private_t *doc = xml->doc->_private; return is_set(doc->flags, xpf_dirty); } return FALSE; } /* */ static int __xml_offset(xmlNode *xml) { int position = 0; xmlNode *cIter = NULL; for(cIter = xml; cIter->prev; cIter = cIter->prev) { xml_private_t *p = ((xmlNode*)cIter->prev)->_private; if(is_not_set(p->flags, xpf_skip)) { position++; } } return position; } static int __xml_offset_no_deletions(xmlNode *xml) { int position = 0; xmlNode *cIter = NULL; for(cIter = xml; cIter->prev; cIter = cIter->prev) { xml_private_t *p = ((xmlNode*)cIter->prev)->_private; if(is_not_set(p->flags, xpf_deleted)) { position++; } } return position; } static void __xml_build_changes(xmlNode * xml, xmlNode *patchset) { xmlNode *cIter = NULL; xmlAttr *pIter = NULL; xmlNode *change = NULL; xml_private_t *p = xml->_private; if(patchset && is_set(p->flags, xpf_created)) { int offset = 0; char buffer[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; if(__get_prefix(NULL, xml->parent, buffer, offset) > 0) { int position = __xml_offset_no_deletions(xml); change = create_xml_node(patchset, XML_DIFF_CHANGE); crm_xml_add(change, XML_DIFF_OP, "create"); crm_xml_add(change, XML_DIFF_PATH, buffer); crm_xml_add_int(change, XML_DIFF_POSITION, position); add_node_copy(change, xml); } return; } for (pIter = crm_first_attr(xml); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { xmlNode *attr = NULL; p = pIter->_private; if(is_not_set(p->flags, xpf_deleted) && is_not_set(p->flags, xpf_dirty)) { continue; } if(change == NULL) { int offset = 0; char buffer[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; if(__get_prefix(NULL, xml, buffer, offset) > 0) { change = create_xml_node(patchset, XML_DIFF_CHANGE); crm_xml_add(change, XML_DIFF_OP, "modify"); crm_xml_add(change, XML_DIFF_PATH, buffer); change = create_xml_node(change, XML_DIFF_LIST); } } attr = create_xml_node(change, XML_DIFF_ATTR); crm_xml_add(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, (const char *)pIter->name); if(p->flags & xpf_deleted) { crm_xml_add(attr, XML_DIFF_OP, "unset"); } else { const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, (const char *)pIter->name); crm_xml_add(attr, XML_DIFF_OP, "set"); crm_xml_add(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, value); } } if(change) { xmlNode *result = NULL; change = create_xml_node(change->parent, XML_DIFF_RESULT); result = create_xml_node(change, (const char *)xml->name); for (pIter = crm_first_attr(xml); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, (const char *)pIter->name); p = pIter->_private; if (is_not_set(p->flags, xpf_deleted)) { crm_xml_add(result, (const char *)pIter->name, value); } } } for (cIter = __xml_first_child(xml); cIter != NULL; cIter = __xml_next(cIter)) { __xml_build_changes(cIter, patchset); } p = xml->_private; if(patchset && is_set(p->flags, xpf_moved)) { int offset = 0; char buffer[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; crm_trace("%s.%s moved to position %d", xml->name, ID(xml), __xml_offset(xml)); if(__get_prefix(NULL, xml, buffer, offset) > 0) { change = create_xml_node(patchset, XML_DIFF_CHANGE); crm_xml_add(change, XML_DIFF_OP, "move"); crm_xml_add(change, XML_DIFF_PATH, buffer); crm_xml_add_int(change, XML_DIFF_POSITION, __xml_offset_no_deletions(xml)); } } } static void __xml_accept_changes(xmlNode * xml) { xmlNode *cIter = NULL; xmlAttr *pIter = NULL; xml_private_t *p = xml->_private; p->flags = xpf_none; pIter = crm_first_attr(xml); while (pIter != NULL) { const xmlChar *name = pIter->name; p = pIter->_private; pIter = pIter->next; if(p->flags & xpf_deleted) { xml_remove_prop(xml, (const char *)name); } else { p->flags = xpf_none; } } for (cIter = __xml_first_child(xml); cIter != NULL; cIter = __xml_next(cIter)) { __xml_accept_changes(cIter); } } static bool is_config_change(xmlNode *xml) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; xml_private_t *p = NULL; xmlNode *config = first_named_child(xml, XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION); if(config) { p = config->_private; } if(p && is_set(p->flags, xpf_dirty)) { return TRUE; } if(xml->doc && xml->doc->_private) { p = xml->doc->_private; for(gIter = p->deleted_paths; gIter; gIter = gIter->next) { char *path = gIter->data; if(strstr(path, "/"XML_TAG_CIB"/"XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION) != NULL) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } static void xml_repair_v1_diff(xmlNode * last, xmlNode * next, xmlNode * local_diff, gboolean changed) { int lpc = 0; xmlNode *cib = NULL; xmlNode *diff_child = NULL; const char *tag = NULL; const char *vfields[] = { XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, }; if (local_diff == NULL) { crm_trace("Nothing to do"); return; } tag = "diff-removed"; diff_child = find_xml_node(local_diff, tag, FALSE); if (diff_child == NULL) { diff_child = create_xml_node(local_diff, tag); } tag = XML_TAG_CIB; cib = find_xml_node(diff_child, tag, FALSE); if (cib == NULL) { cib = create_xml_node(diff_child, tag); } for(lpc = 0; last && lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++){ const char *value = crm_element_value(last, vfields[lpc]); crm_xml_add(diff_child, vfields[lpc], value); if(changed || lpc == 2) { crm_xml_add(cib, vfields[lpc], value); } } tag = "diff-added"; diff_child = find_xml_node(local_diff, tag, FALSE); if (diff_child == NULL) { diff_child = create_xml_node(local_diff, tag); } tag = XML_TAG_CIB; cib = find_xml_node(diff_child, tag, FALSE); if (cib == NULL) { cib = create_xml_node(diff_child, tag); } for(lpc = 0; next && lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++){ const char *value = crm_element_value(next, vfields[lpc]); crm_xml_add(diff_child, vfields[lpc], value); } if (next) { xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL; for (xIter = next->properties; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)xIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_element_value(next, p_name); xmlSetProp(cib, (const xmlChar *)p_name, (const xmlChar *)p_value); } } crm_log_xml_explicit(local_diff, "Repaired-diff"); } static xmlNode * xml_create_patchset_v1(xmlNode *source, xmlNode *target, bool config, bool suppress) { xmlNode *patchset = diff_xml_object(source, target, suppress); if(patchset) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(xml_document_dirty(target)); xml_repair_v1_diff(source, target, patchset, config); crm_xml_add(patchset, "format", "1"); } return patchset; } static xmlNode * xml_create_patchset_v2(xmlNode *source, xmlNode *target) { int lpc = 0; GListPtr gIter = NULL; xml_private_t *doc = NULL; xmlNode *v = NULL; xmlNode *version = NULL; xmlNode *patchset = NULL; const char *vfields[] = { XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, }; CRM_ASSERT(target); if(xml_document_dirty(target) == FALSE) { return NULL; } CRM_ASSERT(target->doc); doc = target->doc->_private; patchset = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_DIFF); crm_xml_add_int(patchset, "format", 2); version = create_xml_node(patchset, XML_DIFF_VERSION); v = create_xml_node(version, XML_DIFF_VSOURCE); for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++){ const char *value = crm_element_value(source, vfields[lpc]); if(value == NULL) { value = "1"; } crm_xml_add(v, vfields[lpc], value); } v = create_xml_node(version, XML_DIFF_VTARGET); for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++){ const char *value = crm_element_value(target, vfields[lpc]); if(value == NULL) { value = "1"; } crm_xml_add(v, vfields[lpc], value); } for(gIter = doc->deleted_paths; gIter; gIter = gIter->next) { xmlNode *change = create_xml_node(patchset, XML_DIFF_CHANGE); crm_xml_add(change, XML_DIFF_OP, "delete"); crm_xml_add(change, XML_DIFF_PATH, gIter->data); } __xml_build_changes(target, patchset); return patchset; } static gboolean patch_legacy_mode(void) { static gboolean init = TRUE; static gboolean legacy = FALSE; if(init) { init = FALSE; legacy = daemon_option_enabled("cib", "legacy"); if(legacy) { crm_notice("Enabled legacy mode"); } } return legacy; } xmlNode * xml_create_patchset(int format, xmlNode *source, xmlNode *target, bool *config_changed, bool manage_version) { int counter = 0; bool config = FALSE; xmlNode *patch = NULL; const char *version = crm_element_value(source, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); xml_acl_disable(target); if(xml_document_dirty(target) == FALSE) { crm_trace("No change %d", format); return NULL; /* No change */ } config = is_config_change(target); if(config_changed) { *config_changed = config; } if(manage_version && config) { crm_trace("Config changed %d", format); crm_xml_add(target, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, "0"); crm_element_value_int(target, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, &counter); crm_xml_add_int(target, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, counter+1); } else if(manage_version) { crm_trace("Status changed %d", format); crm_element_value_int(target, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, &counter); crm_xml_add_int(target, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, counter+1); } if(format == 0) { if(patch_legacy_mode()) { format = 1; } else if(compare_version("3.0.8", version) < 0) { format = 2; } else { format = 1; } crm_trace("Using patch format %d for version: %s", format, version); } switch(format) { case 1: patch = xml_create_patchset_v1(source, target, config, FALSE); break; case 2: patch = xml_create_patchset_v2(source, target); break; default: crm_err("Unknown patch format: %d", format); return NULL; } return patch; } void patchset_process_digest(xmlNode *patch, xmlNode *source, xmlNode *target, bool with_digest) { int format = 1; const char *version = NULL; char *digest = NULL; if (patch == NULL || source == NULL || target == NULL) { return; } /* NOTE: We should always call xml_accept_changes() before calculating digest. */ /* Otherwise, with an on-tracking dirty target, we could get a wrong digest. */ CRM_LOG_ASSERT(xml_document_dirty(target) == FALSE); crm_element_value_int(patch, "format", &format); if (format > 1 && with_digest == FALSE) { return; } version = crm_element_value(source, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(target, FALSE, TRUE, version); crm_xml_add(patch, XML_ATTR_DIGEST, digest); free(digest); return; } static void __xml_log_element(int log_level, const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *prefix, xmlNode * data, int depth, int options); void xml_log_patchset(uint8_t log_level, const char *function, xmlNode * patchset) { int format = 1; xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlNode *added = NULL; xmlNode *removed = NULL; gboolean is_first = TRUE; int add[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int del[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; const char *fmt = NULL; const char *digest = NULL; int options = xml_log_option_formatted; static struct qb_log_callsite *patchset_cs = NULL; if (patchset_cs == NULL) { patchset_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(function, __FILE__, "xml-patchset", log_level, __LINE__, 0); } if (patchset == NULL) { crm_trace("Empty patch"); return; } else if (log_level == 0) { /* Log to stdout */ } else if (crm_is_callsite_active(patchset_cs, log_level, 0) == FALSE) { return; } xml_patch_versions(patchset, add, del); fmt = crm_element_value(patchset, "format"); digest = crm_element_value(patchset, XML_ATTR_DIGEST); if (add[2] != del[2] || add[1] != del[1] || add[0] != del[0]) { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "Diff: --- %d.%d.%d %s", del[0], del[1], del[2], fmt); do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "Diff: +++ %d.%d.%d %s", add[0], add[1], add[2], digest); } else if (patchset != NULL && (add[0] || add[1] || add[2])) { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "%s: Local-only Change: %d.%d.%d", function ? function : "", add[0], add[1], add[2]); } crm_element_value_int(patchset, "format", &format); if(format == 2) { xmlNode *change = NULL; for (change = __xml_first_child(patchset); change != NULL; change = __xml_next(change)) { const char *op = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_OP); const char *xpath = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_PATH); if(op == NULL) { } else if(strcmp(op, "create") == 0) { int lpc = 0, max = 0; char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("++ %s: ", xpath); max = strlen(prefix); __xml_log_element(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, prefix, change->children, 0, xml_log_option_formatted|xml_log_option_open); for(lpc = 2; lpc < max; lpc++) { prefix[lpc] = ' '; } __xml_log_element(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, prefix, change->children, 0, xml_log_option_formatted|xml_log_option_close|xml_log_option_children); free(prefix); } else if(strcmp(op, "move") == 0) { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "+~ %s moved to offset %s", xpath, crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_POSITION)); } else if(strcmp(op, "modify") == 0) { xmlNode *clist = first_named_child(change, XML_DIFF_LIST); char buffer_set[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; char buffer_unset[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; int o_set = 0; int o_unset = 0; buffer_set[0] = 0; buffer_unset[0] = 0; for (child = __xml_first_child(clist); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { const char *name = crm_element_value(child, "name"); op = crm_element_value(child, XML_DIFF_OP); if(op == NULL) { } else if(strcmp(op, "set") == 0) { const char *value = crm_element_value(child, "value"); if(o_set > 0) { o_set += snprintf(buffer_set + o_set, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - o_set, ", "); } o_set += snprintf(buffer_set + o_set, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - o_set, "@%s=%s", name, value); } else if(strcmp(op, "unset") == 0) { if(o_unset > 0) { o_unset += snprintf(buffer_unset + o_unset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - o_unset, ", "); } o_unset += snprintf(buffer_unset + o_unset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - o_unset, "@%s", name); } } if(o_set) { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "+ %s: %s", xpath, buffer_set); } if(o_unset) { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "-- %s: %s", xpath, buffer_unset); } } else if(strcmp(op, "delete") == 0) { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "-- %s", xpath); } } return; } if (log_level < LOG_DEBUG || function == NULL) { options |= xml_log_option_diff_short; } removed = find_xml_node(patchset, "diff-removed", FALSE); for (child = __xml_first_child(removed); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { log_data_element(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "- ", child, 0, options | xml_log_option_diff_minus); if (is_first) { is_first = FALSE; } else { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, " --- "); } } is_first = TRUE; added = find_xml_node(patchset, "diff-added", FALSE); for (child = __xml_first_child(added); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { log_data_element(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "+ ", child, 0, options | xml_log_option_diff_plus); if (is_first) { is_first = FALSE; } else { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, " +++ "); } } } void xml_log_changes(uint8_t log_level, const char *function, xmlNode * xml) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; xml_private_t *doc = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(xml); CRM_ASSERT(xml->doc); doc = xml->doc->_private; if(is_not_set(doc->flags, xpf_dirty)) { return; } for(gIter = doc->deleted_paths; gIter; gIter = gIter->next) { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "-- %s", (char*)gIter->data); } log_data_element(log_level, __FILE__, function, __LINE__, "+ ", xml, 0, xml_log_option_formatted|xml_log_option_dirty_add); } void xml_accept_changes(xmlNode * xml) { xmlNode *top = NULL; xml_private_t *doc = NULL; if(xml == NULL) { return; } crm_trace("Accepting changes to %p", xml); doc = xml->doc->_private; top = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml->doc); __xml_private_clean(xml->doc->_private); if(is_not_set(doc->flags, xpf_dirty)) { doc->flags = xpf_none; return; } doc->flags = xpf_none; __xml_accept_changes(top); } /* Simplified version for applying v1-style XML patches */ static void __subtract_xml_object(xmlNode * target, xmlNode * patch) { xmlNode *patch_child = NULL; xmlNode *cIter = NULL; xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL; char *id = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; if (target == NULL || patch == NULL) { return; } if (target->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) { gboolean dummy; subtract_xml_comment(target->parent, target, patch, &dummy); } name = crm_element_name(target); CRM_CHECK(name != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(target), crm_element_name(patch)), return); CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(ID(target), ID(patch)), return); /* check for XML_DIFF_MARKER in a child */ id = crm_element_value_copy(target, XML_ATTR_ID); value = crm_element_value(patch, XML_DIFF_MARKER); if (value != NULL && strcmp(value, "removed:top") == 0) { crm_trace("We are the root of the deletion: %s.id=%s", name, id); free_xml(target); free(id); return; } for (xIter = crm_first_attr(patch); xIter != NULL; xIter = xIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)xIter->name; /* Removing and then restoring the id field would change the ordering of properties */ if (safe_str_neq(p_name, XML_ATTR_ID)) { xml_remove_prop(target, p_name); } } /* changes to child objects */ cIter = __xml_first_child(target); while (cIter) { xmlNode *target_child = cIter; cIter = __xml_next(cIter); if (target_child->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) { patch_child = find_xml_comment(patch, target_child); } else { patch_child = find_entity(patch, crm_element_name(target_child), ID(target_child)); } __subtract_xml_object(target_child, patch_child); } free(id); } static void __add_xml_object(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * target, xmlNode * patch) { xmlNode *patch_child = NULL; xmlNode *target_child = NULL; xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL; const char *id = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; if (patch == NULL) { return; } else if (parent == NULL && target == NULL) { return; } /* check for XML_DIFF_MARKER in a child */ value = crm_element_value(patch, XML_DIFF_MARKER); if (target == NULL && value != NULL && strcmp(value, "added:top") == 0) { id = ID(patch); name = crm_element_name(patch); crm_trace("We are the root of the addition: %s.id=%s", name, id); add_node_copy(parent, patch); return; } else if(target == NULL) { id = ID(patch); name = crm_element_name(patch); crm_err("Could not locate: %s.id=%s", name, id); return; } if (target->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) { add_xml_comment(parent, target, patch); } name = crm_element_name(target); CRM_CHECK(name != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(target), crm_element_name(patch)), return); CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(ID(target), ID(patch)), return); for (xIter = crm_first_attr(patch); xIter != NULL; xIter = xIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)xIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_element_value(patch, p_name); xml_remove_prop(target, p_name); /* Preserve the patch order */ crm_xml_add(target, p_name, p_value); } /* changes to child objects */ for (patch_child = __xml_first_child(patch); patch_child != NULL; patch_child = __xml_next(patch_child)) { if (patch_child->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) { target_child = find_xml_comment(target, patch_child); } else { target_child = find_entity(target, crm_element_name(patch_child), ID(patch_child)); } __add_xml_object(target, target_child, patch_child); } } /* * \internal * \brief Find additions or removals in a patch set * * \param[in] patchset XML of patch * \param[in] format Patch version * \param[in] added TRUE if looking for additions, FALSE if removals * \param[in/out] patch_node Will be set to node if found * * \return TRUE if format is valid, FALSE if invalid */ static bool find_patch_xml_node(xmlNode *patchset, int format, bool added, xmlNode **patch_node) { xmlNode *cib_node; const char *label; switch(format) { case 1: label = added? "diff-added" : "diff-removed"; *patch_node = find_xml_node(patchset, label, FALSE); cib_node = find_xml_node(*patch_node, "cib", FALSE); if (cib_node != NULL) { *patch_node = cib_node; } break; case 2: label = added? "target" : "source"; *patch_node = find_xml_node(patchset, "version", FALSE); *patch_node = find_xml_node(*patch_node, label, FALSE); break; default: crm_warn("Unknown patch format: %d", format); *patch_node = NULL; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } bool xml_patch_versions(xmlNode *patchset, int add[3], int del[3]) { int lpc = 0; int format = 1; xmlNode *tmp = NULL; const char *vfields[] = { XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, }; crm_element_value_int(patchset, "format", &format); /* Process removals */ if (!find_patch_xml_node(patchset, format, FALSE, &tmp)) { return -EINVAL; } if (tmp) { for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++) { crm_element_value_int(tmp, vfields[lpc], &(del[lpc])); crm_trace("Got %d for del[%s]", del[lpc], vfields[lpc]); } } /* Process additions */ if (!find_patch_xml_node(patchset, format, TRUE, &tmp)) { return -EINVAL; } if (tmp) { for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++) { crm_element_value_int(tmp, vfields[lpc], &(add[lpc])); crm_trace("Got %d for add[%s]", add[lpc], vfields[lpc]); } } return pcmk_ok; } static int xml_patch_version_check(xmlNode *xml, xmlNode *patchset, int format) { int lpc = 0; bool changed = FALSE; int this[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int add[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int del[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; const char *vfields[] = { XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, XML_ATTR_NUMUPDATES, }; for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++) { crm_element_value_int(xml, vfields[lpc], &(this[lpc])); crm_trace("Got %d for this[%s]", this[lpc], vfields[lpc]); if (this[lpc] < 0) { this[lpc] = 0; } } /* Set some defaults in case nothing is present */ add[0] = this[0]; add[1] = this[1]; add[2] = this[2] + 1; for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++) { del[lpc] = this[lpc]; } xml_patch_versions(patchset, add, del); for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++) { if(this[lpc] < del[lpc]) { crm_debug("Current %s is too low (%d < %d)", vfields[lpc], this[lpc], del[lpc]); return -pcmk_err_diff_resync; } else if(this[lpc] > del[lpc]) { crm_info("Current %s is too high (%d > %d)", vfields[lpc], this[lpc], del[lpc]); return -pcmk_err_old_data; } } for(lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(vfields); lpc++) { if(add[lpc] > del[lpc]) { changed = TRUE; } } if(changed == FALSE) { crm_notice("Versions did not change in patch %d.%d.%d", add[0], add[1], add[2]); return -pcmk_err_old_data; } crm_debug("Can apply patch %d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d", add[0], add[1], add[2], this[0], this[1], this[2]); return pcmk_ok; } static int xml_apply_patchset_v1(xmlNode *xml, xmlNode *patchset, bool check_version) { int rc = pcmk_ok; int root_nodes_seen = 0; char *version = crm_element_value_copy(xml, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); xmlNode *child_diff = NULL; xmlNode *added = find_xml_node(patchset, "diff-added", FALSE); xmlNode *removed = find_xml_node(patchset, "diff-removed", FALSE); xmlNode *old = copy_xml(xml); crm_trace("Substraction Phase"); for (child_diff = __xml_first_child(removed); child_diff != NULL; child_diff = __xml_next(child_diff)) { CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, rc = FALSE); if (root_nodes_seen == 0) { __subtract_xml_object(xml, child_diff); } root_nodes_seen++; } if (root_nodes_seen > 1) { crm_err("(-) Diffs cannot contain more than one change set... saw %d", root_nodes_seen); rc = -ENOTUNIQ; } root_nodes_seen = 0; crm_trace("Addition Phase"); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { xmlNode *child_diff = NULL; for (child_diff = __xml_first_child(added); child_diff != NULL; child_diff = __xml_next(child_diff)) { CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, rc = FALSE); if (root_nodes_seen == 0) { __add_xml_object(NULL, xml, child_diff); } root_nodes_seen++; } } if (root_nodes_seen > 1) { crm_err("(+) Diffs cannot contain more than one change set... saw %d", root_nodes_seen); rc = -ENOTUNIQ; } purge_diff_markers(xml); /* Purge prior to checking the digest */ free_xml(old); free(version); return rc; } static xmlNode * __first_xml_child_match(xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const char *id) { xmlNode *cIter = NULL; for (cIter = __xml_first_child(parent); cIter != NULL; cIter = __xml_next(cIter)) { if(strcmp((const char *)cIter->name, name) != 0) { continue; } else if(id) { const char *cid = ID(cIter); if(cid == NULL || strcmp(cid, id) != 0) { continue; } } return cIter; } return NULL; } static xmlNode * __xml_find_path(xmlNode *top, const char *key) { xmlNode *target = (xmlNode*)top->doc; char *id = malloc(XML_BUFFER_SIZE); char *tag = malloc(XML_BUFFER_SIZE); char *section = malloc(XML_BUFFER_SIZE); char *current = strdup(key); char *remainder = malloc(XML_BUFFER_SIZE); int rc = 0; while(current) { rc = sscanf (current, "/%[^/]%s", section, remainder); if(rc <= 0) { crm_trace("Done"); break; } else if(rc > 2) { crm_trace("Aborting on %s", current); target = NULL; break; } else if(tag && section) { int f = sscanf (section, "%[^[][@id='%[^']", tag, id); switch(f) { case 1: target = __first_xml_child_match(target, tag, NULL); break; case 2: target = __first_xml_child_match(target, tag, id); break; default: crm_trace("Aborting on %s", section); target = NULL; break; } if(rc == 1 || target == NULL) { crm_trace("Done"); break; } else { char *tmp = current; current = remainder; remainder = tmp; } } } if(target) { char *path = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(target); crm_trace("Found %s for %s", path, key); free(path); } else { crm_debug("No match for %s", key); } free(remainder); free(current); free(section); free(tag); free(id); return target; } static int xml_apply_patchset_v2(xmlNode *xml, xmlNode *patchset, bool check_version) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *change = NULL; for (change = __xml_first_child(patchset); change != NULL; change = __xml_next(change)) { xmlNode *match = NULL; const char *op = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_OP); const char *xpath = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_PATH); crm_trace("Processing %s %s", change->name, op); if(op == NULL) { continue; } #if 0 match = get_xpath_object(xpath, xml, LOG_TRACE); #else match = __xml_find_path(xml, xpath); #endif crm_trace("Performing %s on %s with %p", op, xpath, match); if(match == NULL && strcmp(op, "delete") == 0) { crm_debug("No %s match for %s in %p", op, xpath, xml->doc); continue; } else if(match == NULL) { crm_err("No %s match for %s in %p", op, xpath, xml->doc); rc = -pcmk_err_diff_failed; continue; } else if(strcmp(op, "create") == 0) { int position = 0; xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlNode *match_child = NULL; match_child = match->children; crm_element_value_int(change, XML_DIFF_POSITION, &position); while(match_child && position != __xml_offset(match_child)) { match_child = match_child->next; } child = xmlDocCopyNode(change->children, match->doc, 1); if(match_child) { crm_trace("Adding %s at position %d", child->name, position); xmlAddPrevSibling(match_child, child); } else if(match->last) { /* Add to the end */ crm_trace("Adding %s at position %d (end)", child->name, position); xmlAddNextSibling(match->last, child); } else { crm_trace("Adding %s at position %d (first)", child->name, position); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(position == 0); xmlAddChild(match, child); } crm_node_created(child); } else if(strcmp(op, "move") == 0) { int position = 0; crm_element_value_int(change, XML_DIFF_POSITION, &position); if(position != __xml_offset(match)) { xmlNode *match_child = NULL; int p = position; if(p > __xml_offset(match)) { p++; /* Skip ourselves */ } CRM_ASSERT(match->parent != NULL); match_child = match->parent->children; while(match_child && p != __xml_offset(match_child)) { match_child = match_child->next; } crm_trace("Moving %s to position %d (was %d, prev %p, %s %p)", match->name, position, __xml_offset(match), match->prev, match_child?"next":"last", match_child?match_child:match->parent->last); if(match_child) { xmlAddPrevSibling(match_child, match); } else { CRM_ASSERT(match->parent->last != NULL); xmlAddNextSibling(match->parent->last, match); } } else { crm_trace("%s is already in position %d", match->name, position); } if(position != __xml_offset(match)) { crm_err("Moved %s.%d to position %d instead of %d (%p)", match->name, ID(match), __xml_offset(match), position, match->prev); rc = -pcmk_err_diff_failed; } } else if(strcmp(op, "delete") == 0) { free_xml(match); } else if(strcmp(op, "modify") == 0) { xmlAttr *pIter = crm_first_attr(match); xmlNode *attrs = __xml_first_child(first_named_child(change, XML_DIFF_RESULT)); if(attrs == NULL) { rc = -ENOMSG; continue; } while(pIter != NULL) { const char *name = (const char *)pIter->name; pIter = pIter->next; xml_remove_prop(match, name); } for (pIter = crm_first_attr(attrs); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *value = crm_element_value(attrs, name); crm_xml_add(match, name, value); } } else { crm_err("Unknown operation: %s", op); } } return rc; } int xml_apply_patchset(xmlNode *xml, xmlNode *patchset, bool check_version) { int format = 1; int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *old = NULL; const char *digest = crm_element_value(patchset, XML_ATTR_DIGEST); if(patchset == NULL) { return rc; } xml_log_patchset(LOG_TRACE, __FUNCTION__, patchset); crm_element_value_int(patchset, "format", &format); if(check_version) { rc = xml_patch_version_check(xml, patchset, format); if(rc != pcmk_ok) { return rc; } } if(digest) { /* Make it available for logging if the result doesn't have the expected digest */ old = copy_xml(xml); } if(rc == pcmk_ok) { switch(format) { case 1: rc = xml_apply_patchset_v1(xml, patchset, check_version); break; case 2: rc = xml_apply_patchset_v2(xml, patchset, check_version); break; default: crm_err("Unknown patch format: %d", format); rc = -EINVAL; } } if(rc == pcmk_ok && digest) { static struct qb_log_callsite *digest_cs = NULL; char *new_digest = NULL; char *version = crm_element_value_copy(xml, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); if (digest_cs == NULL) { digest_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(__func__, __FILE__, "diff-digest", LOG_TRACE, __LINE__, crm_trace_nonlog); } new_digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(xml, FALSE, TRUE, version); if (safe_str_neq(new_digest, digest)) { crm_info("v%d digest mis-match: expected %s, calculated %s", format, digest, new_digest); rc = -pcmk_err_diff_failed; if (digest_cs && digest_cs->targets) { save_xml_to_file(old, "PatchDigest:input", NULL); save_xml_to_file(xml, "PatchDigest:result", NULL); save_xml_to_file(patchset,"PatchDigest:diff", NULL); } else { crm_trace("%p %0.6x", digest_cs, digest_cs ? digest_cs->targets : 0); } } else { crm_trace("v%d digest matched: expected %s, calculated %s", format, digest, new_digest); } free(new_digest); free(version); } free_xml(old); return rc; } xmlNode * find_xml_node(xmlNode * root, const char *search_path, gboolean must_find) { xmlNode *a_child = NULL; const char *name = "NULL"; if (root != NULL) { name = crm_element_name(root); } if (search_path == NULL) { crm_warn("Will never find "); return NULL; } for (a_child = __xml_first_child(root); a_child != NULL; a_child = __xml_next(a_child)) { if (strcmp((const char *)a_child->name, search_path) == 0) { /* crm_trace("returning node (%s).", crm_element_name(a_child)); */ return a_child; } } if (must_find) { crm_warn("Could not find %s in %s.", search_path, name); } else if (root != NULL) { crm_trace("Could not find %s in %s.", search_path, name); } else { crm_trace("Could not find %s in .", search_path); } return NULL; } xmlNode * find_entity(xmlNode * parent, const char *node_name, const char *id) { xmlNode *a_child = NULL; for (a_child = __xml_first_child(parent); a_child != NULL; a_child = __xml_next(a_child)) { /* Uncertain if node_name == NULL check is strictly necessary here */ if (node_name == NULL || strcmp((const char *)a_child->name, node_name) == 0) { const char *cid = ID(a_child); if (id == NULL || (cid != NULL && strcmp(id, cid) == 0)) { return a_child; } } } crm_trace("node <%s id=%s> not found in %s.", node_name, id, crm_element_name(parent)); return NULL; } void copy_in_properties(xmlNode * target, xmlNode * src) { if (src == NULL) { crm_warn("No node to copy properties from"); } else if (target == NULL) { crm_err("No node to copy properties into"); } else { xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; for (pIter = crm_first_attr(src); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); expand_plus_plus(target, p_name, p_value); } } return; } void fix_plus_plus_recursive(xmlNode * target) { /* TODO: Remove recursion and use xpath searches for value++ */ xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; for (pIter = crm_first_attr(target); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); expand_plus_plus(target, p_name, p_value); } for (child = __xml_first_child(target); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { fix_plus_plus_recursive(child); } } void expand_plus_plus(xmlNode * target, const char *name, const char *value) { int offset = 1; int name_len = 0; int int_value = 0; int value_len = 0; const char *old_value = NULL; if (value == NULL || name == NULL) { return; } old_value = crm_element_value(target, name); if (old_value == NULL) { /* if no previous value, set unexpanded */ goto set_unexpanded; } else if (strstr(value, name) != value) { goto set_unexpanded; } name_len = strlen(name); value_len = strlen(value); if (value_len < (name_len + 2) || value[name_len] != '+' || (value[name_len + 1] != '+' && value[name_len + 1] != '=')) { goto set_unexpanded; } /* if we are expanding ourselves, * then no previous value was set and leave int_value as 0 */ if (old_value != value) { int_value = char2score(old_value); } if (value[name_len + 1] != '+') { const char *offset_s = value + (name_len + 2); offset = char2score(offset_s); } int_value += offset; if (int_value > INFINITY) { int_value = (int)INFINITY; } crm_xml_add_int(target, name, int_value); return; set_unexpanded: if (old_value == value) { /* the old value is already set, nothing to do */ return; } crm_xml_add(target, name, value); return; } xmlDoc * getDocPtr(xmlNode * node) { xmlDoc *doc = NULL; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL); doc = node->doc; if (doc == NULL) { doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar *)"1.0"); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); xmlSetTreeDoc(node, doc); } return doc; } xmlNode * add_node_copy(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * src_node) { xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlDoc *doc = getDocPtr(parent); CRM_CHECK(src_node != NULL, return NULL); child = xmlDocCopyNode(src_node, doc, 1); xmlAddChild(parent, child); crm_node_created(child); return child; } int add_node_nocopy(xmlNode * parent, const char *name, xmlNode * child) { add_node_copy(parent, child); free_xml(child); return 1; } static bool __xml_acl_check(xmlNode *xml, const char *name, enum xml_private_flags mode) { CRM_ASSERT(xml); CRM_ASSERT(xml->doc); CRM_ASSERT(xml->doc->_private); #if ENABLE_ACL { if(TRACKING_CHANGES(xml) && xml_acl_enabled(xml)) { int offset = 0; xmlNode *parent = xml; char buffer[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; xml_private_t *docp = xml->doc->_private; if(docp->acls == NULL) { crm_trace("Ordinary user %s cannot access the CIB without any defined ACLs", docp->user); set_doc_flag(xml, xpf_acl_denied); return FALSE; } offset = __get_prefix(NULL, xml, buffer, offset); if(name) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, "[@%s]", name); } CRM_LOG_ASSERT(offset > 0); /* Walk the tree upwards looking for xml_acl_* flags * - Creating an attribute requires write permissions for the node * - Creating a child requires write permissions for the parent */ if(name) { xmlAttr *attr = xmlHasProp(xml, (const xmlChar *)name); if(attr && mode == xpf_acl_create) { mode = xpf_acl_write; } } while(parent && parent->_private) { xml_private_t *p = parent->_private; if(__xml_acl_mode_test(p->flags, mode)) { return TRUE; } else if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_acl_deny)) { crm_trace("%x access denied to %s: parent", mode, buffer); set_doc_flag(xml, xpf_acl_denied); return FALSE; } parent = parent->parent; } crm_trace("%x access denied to %s: default", mode, buffer); set_doc_flag(xml, xpf_acl_denied); return FALSE; } } #endif return TRUE; } const char * crm_xml_add(xmlNode * node, const char *name, const char *value) { bool dirty = FALSE; xmlAttr *attr = NULL; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(name != NULL, return NULL); if (value == NULL) { return NULL; } #if XML_PARANOIA_CHECKS { const char *old_value = NULL; old_value = crm_element_value(node, name); /* Could be re-setting the same value */ CRM_CHECK(old_value != value, crm_err("Cannot reset %s with crm_xml_add(%s)", name, value); return value); } #endif if(TRACKING_CHANGES(node)) { const char *old = crm_element_value(node, name); if(old == NULL || value == NULL || strcmp(old, value) != 0) { dirty = TRUE; } } if(dirty && __xml_acl_check(node, name, xpf_acl_create) == FALSE) { crm_trace("Cannot add %s=%s to %s", name, value, node->name); return NULL; } attr = xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)name, (const xmlChar *)value); if(dirty) { crm_attr_dirty(attr); } CRM_CHECK(attr && attr->children && attr->children->content, return NULL); return (char *)attr->children->content; } const char * crm_xml_replace(xmlNode * node, const char *name, const char *value) { bool dirty = FALSE; xmlAttr *attr = NULL; const char *old_value = NULL; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(name != NULL && name[0] != 0, return NULL); old_value = crm_element_value(node, name); /* Could be re-setting the same value */ CRM_CHECK(old_value != value, return value); if(__xml_acl_check(node, name, xpf_acl_write) == FALSE) { /* Create a fake object linked to doc->_private instead? */ crm_trace("Cannot replace %s=%s to %s", name, value, node->name); return NULL; } else if (old_value != NULL && value == NULL) { xml_remove_prop(node, name); return NULL; } else if (value == NULL) { return NULL; } if(TRACKING_CHANGES(node)) { if(old_value == NULL || value == NULL || strcmp(old_value, value) != 0) { dirty = TRUE; } } attr = xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)name, (const xmlChar *)value); if(dirty) { crm_attr_dirty(attr); } CRM_CHECK(attr && attr->children && attr->children->content, return NULL); return (char *)attr->children->content; } const char * crm_xml_add_int(xmlNode * node, const char *name, int value) { char *number = crm_itoa(value); const char *added = crm_xml_add(node, name, number); free(number); return added; } xmlNode * create_xml_node(xmlNode * parent, const char *name) { xmlDoc *doc = NULL; xmlNode *node = NULL; if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0) { CRM_CHECK(name != NULL && name[0] == 0, return NULL); return NULL; } if (parent == NULL) { doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar *)"1.0"); node = xmlNewDocRawNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar *)name, NULL); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); } else { doc = getDocPtr(parent); node = xmlNewDocRawNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar *)name, NULL); xmlAddChild(parent, node); } crm_node_created(node); return node; } static inline int __get_prefix(const char *prefix, xmlNode *xml, char *buffer, int offset) { const char *id = ID(xml); if(offset == 0 && prefix == NULL && xml->parent) { offset = __get_prefix(NULL, xml->parent, buffer, offset); } if(id) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, "/%s[@id='%s']", (const char *)xml->name, id); } else if(xml->name) { offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, XML_BUFFER_SIZE - offset, "/%s", (const char *)xml->name); } return offset; } char * xml_get_path(xmlNode *xml) { int offset = 0; char buffer[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; if(__get_prefix(NULL, xml, buffer, offset) > 0) { return strdup(buffer); } return NULL; } void free_xml(xmlNode * child) { if (child != NULL) { xmlNode *top = NULL; xmlDoc *doc = child->doc; xml_private_t *p = child->_private; if (doc != NULL) { top = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); } if (doc != NULL && top == child) { /* Free everything */ xmlFreeDoc(doc); } else if(__xml_acl_check(child, NULL, xpf_acl_write) == FALSE) { int offset = 0; char buffer[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; __get_prefix(NULL, child, buffer, offset); crm_trace("Cannot remove %s %x", buffer, p->flags); return; } else { if(doc && TRACKING_CHANGES(child) && is_not_set(p->flags, xpf_created)) { int offset = 0; char buffer[XML_BUFFER_SIZE]; if(__get_prefix(NULL, child, buffer, offset) > 0) { crm_trace("Deleting %s %p from %p", buffer, child, doc); p = doc->_private; p->deleted_paths = g_list_append(p->deleted_paths, strdup(buffer)); set_doc_flag(child, xpf_dirty); } } /* Free this particular subtree * Make sure to unlink it from the parent first */ xmlUnlinkNode(child); xmlFreeNode(child); } } } xmlNode * copy_xml(xmlNode * src) { xmlDoc *doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar *)"1.0"); xmlNode *copy = xmlDocCopyNode(src, doc, 1); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, copy); xmlSetTreeDoc(copy, doc); return copy; } static void crm_xml_err(void *ctx, const char *msg, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); static void crm_xml_err(void *ctx, const char *msg, ...) { int len = 0; va_list args; char *buf = NULL; static int buffer_len = 0; static char *buffer = NULL; static struct qb_log_callsite *xml_error_cs = NULL; va_start(args, msg); len = vasprintf(&buf, msg, args); if(xml_error_cs == NULL) { xml_error_cs = qb_log_callsite_get( __func__, __FILE__, "xml library error", LOG_TRACE, __LINE__, crm_trace_nonlog); } if (strchr(buf, '\n')) { buf[len - 1] = 0; if (buffer) { crm_err("XML Error: %s%s", buffer, buf); free(buffer); } else { crm_err("XML Error: %s", buf); } if (xml_error_cs && xml_error_cs->targets) { crm_abort(__FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "xml library error", TRUE, TRUE); } buffer = NULL; buffer_len = 0; } else if (buffer == NULL) { buffer_len = len; buffer = buf; buf = NULL; } else { buffer = realloc_safe(buffer, 1 + buffer_len + len); memcpy(buffer + buffer_len, buf, len); buffer_len += len; buffer[buffer_len] = 0; } va_end(args); free(buf); } xmlNode * string2xml(const char *input) { xmlNode *xml = NULL; xmlDocPtr output = NULL; xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = NULL; xmlErrorPtr last_error = NULL; if (input == NULL) { crm_err("Can't parse NULL input"); return NULL; } /* create a parser context */ ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt(); CRM_CHECK(ctxt != NULL, return NULL); /* xmlCtxtUseOptions(ctxt, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS|XML_PARSE_RECOVER); */ xmlCtxtResetLastError(ctxt); xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(ctxt, crm_xml_err); /* initGenericErrorDefaultFunc(crm_xml_err); */ output = xmlCtxtReadDoc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)input, NULL, NULL, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS | XML_PARSE_RECOVER); if (output) { xml = xmlDocGetRootElement(output); } last_error = xmlCtxtGetLastError(ctxt); if (last_error && last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK) { /* crm_abort(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__, "last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK", TRUE, TRUE); */ /* * http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlErrorLevel * http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlParserErrors */ crm_warn("Parsing failed (domain=%d, level=%d, code=%d): %s", last_error->domain, last_error->level, last_error->code, last_error->message); if (last_error->code == XML_ERR_DOCUMENT_EMPTY) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT("Cannot parse an empty string"); } else if (last_error->code != XML_ERR_DOCUMENT_END) { crm_err("Couldn't%s parse %d chars: %s", xml ? " fully" : "", (int)strlen(input), input); if (xml != NULL) { crm_log_xml_err(xml, "Partial"); } } else { int len = strlen(input); int lpc = 0; while(lpc < len) { crm_warn("Parse error[+%.3d]: %.80s", lpc, input+lpc); lpc += 80; } CRM_LOG_ASSERT("String parsing error"); } } xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); return xml; } xmlNode * stdin2xml(void) { size_t data_length = 0; size_t read_chars = 0; char *xml_buffer = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; do { size_t next = XML_BUFFER_SIZE + data_length + 1; if(next <= 0) { crm_err("Buffer size exceeded at: %l + %d", data_length, XML_BUFFER_SIZE); break; } xml_buffer = realloc_safe(xml_buffer, next); read_chars = fread(xml_buffer + data_length, 1, XML_BUFFER_SIZE, stdin); data_length += read_chars; } while (read_chars > 0); if (data_length == 0) { crm_warn("No XML supplied on stdin"); free(xml_buffer); return NULL; } xml_buffer[data_length] = '\0'; xml_obj = string2xml(xml_buffer); free(xml_buffer); crm_log_xml_trace(xml_obj, "Created fragment"); return xml_obj; } static char * decompress_file(const char *filename) { char *buffer = NULL; #if HAVE_BZLIB_H int rc = 0; size_t length = 0, read_len = 0; BZFILE *bz_file = NULL; FILE *input = fopen(filename, "r"); if (input == NULL) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not open %s for reading", filename); return NULL; } bz_file = BZ2_bzReadOpen(&rc, input, 0, 0, NULL, 0); if (rc != BZ_OK) { BZ2_bzReadClose(&rc, bz_file); return NULL; } rc = BZ_OK; while (rc == BZ_OK) { buffer = realloc_safe(buffer, XML_BUFFER_SIZE + length + 1); read_len = BZ2_bzRead(&rc, bz_file, buffer + length, XML_BUFFER_SIZE); crm_trace("Read %ld bytes from file: %d", (long)read_len, rc); if (rc == BZ_OK || rc == BZ_STREAM_END) { length += read_len; } } buffer[length] = '\0'; if (rc != BZ_STREAM_END) { crm_err("Couldnt read compressed xml from file"); free(buffer); buffer = NULL; } BZ2_bzReadClose(&rc, bz_file); fclose(input); #else crm_err("Cannot read compressed files:" " bzlib was not available at compile time"); #endif return buffer; } void strip_text_nodes(xmlNode * xml) { xmlNode *iter = xml->children; while (iter) { xmlNode *next = iter->next; switch (iter->type) { case XML_TEXT_NODE: /* Remove it */ xmlUnlinkNode(iter); xmlFreeNode(iter); break; case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: /* Search it */ strip_text_nodes(iter); break; default: /* Leave it */ break; } iter = next; } } xmlNode * filename2xml(const char *filename) { xmlNode *xml = NULL; xmlDocPtr output = NULL; const char *match = NULL; xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = NULL; xmlErrorPtr last_error = NULL; static int xml_options = XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS | XML_PARSE_RECOVER; /* create a parser context */ ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt(); CRM_CHECK(ctxt != NULL, return NULL); /* xmlCtxtUseOptions(ctxt, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS|XML_PARSE_RECOVER); */ xmlCtxtResetLastError(ctxt); xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(ctxt, crm_xml_err); /* initGenericErrorDefaultFunc(crm_xml_err); */ if (filename) { match = strstr(filename, ".bz2"); } if (filename == NULL) { /* STDIN_FILENO == fileno(stdin) */ output = xmlCtxtReadFd(ctxt, STDIN_FILENO, "unknown.xml", NULL, xml_options); } else if (match == NULL || match[4] != 0) { output = xmlCtxtReadFile(ctxt, filename, NULL, xml_options); } else { char *input = decompress_file(filename); output = xmlCtxtReadDoc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)input, NULL, NULL, xml_options); free(input); } if (output && (xml = xmlDocGetRootElement(output))) { strip_text_nodes(xml); } last_error = xmlCtxtGetLastError(ctxt); if (last_error && last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK) { /* crm_abort(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__, "last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK", TRUE, TRUE); */ /* * http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlErrorLevel * http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlParserErrors */ crm_err("Parsing failed (domain=%d, level=%d, code=%d): %s", last_error->domain, last_error->level, last_error->code, last_error->message); if (last_error && last_error->code != XML_ERR_OK) { crm_err("Couldn't%s parse %s", xml ? " fully" : "", filename); if (xml != NULL) { crm_log_xml_err(xml, "Partial"); } } } xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); return xml; } /*! * \internal * \brief Add a "last written" attribute to an XML node, set to current time * * \param[in] xml_node XML node to get attribute * * \return Value that was set, or NULL on error */ const char * crm_xml_add_last_written(xmlNode *xml_node) { time_t now = time(NULL); char *now_str = ctime(&now); now_str[24] = EOS; /* replace the newline */ return crm_xml_add(xml_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_WRITTEN, now_str); } static int write_xml_stream(xmlNode * xml_node, const char *filename, FILE * stream, gboolean compress) { int res = 0; char *buffer = NULL; unsigned int out = 0; CRM_CHECK(stream != NULL, return -1); crm_trace("Writing XML out to %s", filename); if (xml_node == NULL) { crm_err("Cannot write NULL to %s", filename); fclose(stream); return -1; } crm_log_xml_trace(xml_node, "Writing out"); buffer = dump_xml_formatted(xml_node); CRM_CHECK(buffer != NULL && strlen(buffer) > 0, crm_log_xml_warn(xml_node, "dump:failed"); goto bail); if (compress) { #if HAVE_BZLIB_H int rc = BZ_OK; unsigned int in = 0; BZFILE *bz_file = NULL; bz_file = BZ2_bzWriteOpen(&rc, stream, 5, 0, 30); if (rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("bzWriteOpen failed: %d", rc); } else { BZ2_bzWrite(&rc, bz_file, buffer, strlen(buffer)); if (rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("bzWrite() failed: %d", rc); } } if (rc == BZ_OK) { BZ2_bzWriteClose(&rc, bz_file, 0, &in, &out); if (rc != BZ_OK) { crm_err("bzWriteClose() failed: %d", rc); out = -1; } else { crm_trace("%s: In: %d, out: %d", filename, in, out); } } #else crm_err("Cannot write compressed files:" " bzlib was not available at compile time"); #endif } if (out <= 0) { res = fprintf(stream, "%s", buffer); if (res < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Cannot write output to %s", filename); goto bail; } } bail: if (fflush(stream) != 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "fflush for %s failed:", filename); res = -1; } if (fsync(fileno(stream)) < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "fsync for %s failed:", filename); res = -1; } fclose(stream); crm_trace("Saved %d bytes to the Cib as XML", res); free(buffer); return res; } int write_xml_fd(xmlNode * xml_node, const char *filename, int fd, gboolean compress) { FILE *stream = NULL; CRM_CHECK(fd > 0, return -1); stream = fdopen(fd, "w"); return write_xml_stream(xml_node, filename, stream, compress); } int write_xml_file(xmlNode * xml_node, const char *filename, gboolean compress) { FILE *stream = NULL; stream = fopen(filename, "w"); return write_xml_stream(xml_node, filename, stream, compress); } xmlNode * get_message_xml(xmlNode * msg, const char *field) { xmlNode *tmp = first_named_child(msg, field); return __xml_first_child(tmp); } gboolean add_message_xml(xmlNode * msg, const char *field, xmlNode * xml) { xmlNode *holder = create_xml_node(msg, field); add_node_copy(holder, xml); return TRUE; } static char * crm_xml_escape_shuffle(char *text, int start, int *length, const char *replace) { int lpc; int offset = strlen(replace) - 1; /* We have space for 1 char already */ *length += offset; text = realloc_safe(text, *length); for (lpc = (*length) - 1; lpc > (start + offset); lpc--) { text[lpc] = text[lpc - offset]; } memcpy(text + start, replace, offset + 1); return text; } char * crm_xml_escape(const char *text) { int index; int changes = 0; int length = 1 + strlen(text); char *copy = strdup(text); /* * When xmlCtxtReadDoc() parses < and friends in a * value, it converts them to their human readable * form. * * If one uses xmlNodeDump() to convert it back to a * string, all is well, because special characters are * converted back to their escape sequences. * * However xmlNodeDump() is randomly dog slow, even with the same * input. So we need to replicate the escapeing in our custom * version so that the result can be re-parsed by xmlCtxtReadDoc() * when necessary. */ for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { switch (copy[index]) { case 0: break; case '<': copy = crm_xml_escape_shuffle(copy, index, &length, "<"); changes++; break; case '>': copy = crm_xml_escape_shuffle(copy, index, &length, ">"); changes++; break; case '"': copy = crm_xml_escape_shuffle(copy, index, &length, """); changes++; break; case '\'': copy = crm_xml_escape_shuffle(copy, index, &length, "'"); changes++; break; case '&': copy = crm_xml_escape_shuffle(copy, index, &length, "&"); changes++; break; case '\t': /* Might as well just expand to a few spaces... */ copy = crm_xml_escape_shuffle(copy, index, &length, " "); changes++; break; case '\n': /* crm_trace("Convert: \\%.3o", copy[index]); */ copy = crm_xml_escape_shuffle(copy, index, &length, "\\n"); changes++; break; case '\r': copy = crm_xml_escape_shuffle(copy, index, &length, "\\r"); changes++; break; /* For debugging... case '\\': crm_trace("Passthrough: \\%c", copy[index+1]); break; */ default: /* Check for and replace non-printing characters with their octal equivalent */ if(copy[index] < ' ' || copy[index] > '~') { char *replace = crm_strdup_printf("\\%.3o", copy[index]); /* crm_trace("Convert to octal: \\%.3o", copy[index]); */ copy = crm_xml_escape_shuffle(copy, index, &length, replace); free(replace); changes++; } } } if (changes) { crm_trace("Dumped '%s'", copy); } return copy; } static inline void dump_xml_attr(xmlAttrPtr attr, int options, char **buffer, int *offset, int *max) { char *p_value = NULL; const char *p_name = NULL; xml_private_t *p = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(buffer != NULL); if (attr == NULL || attr->children == NULL) { return; } p = attr->_private; if (p && is_set(p->flags, xpf_deleted)) { return; } p_name = (const char *)attr->name; p_value = crm_xml_escape((const char *)attr->children->content); buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, " %s=\"%s\"", p_name, p_value); free(p_value); } static void __xml_log_element(int log_level, const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *prefix, xmlNode * data, int depth, int options) { int max = 0; int offset = 0; const char *name = NULL; const char *hidden = NULL; xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; if(data == NULL) { return; } name = crm_element_name(data); if(is_set(options, xml_log_option_open)) { char *buffer = NULL; insert_prefix(options, &buffer, &offset, &max, depth); if(data->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) { buffer_print(buffer, max, offset, ""); } else { buffer_print(buffer, max, offset, "<%s", name); } hidden = crm_element_value(data, "hidden"); for (pIter = crm_first_attr(data); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { xml_private_t *p = pIter->_private; const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); char *p_copy = NULL; if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_deleted)) { continue; } else if ((is_set(options, xml_log_option_diff_plus) || is_set(options, xml_log_option_diff_minus)) && strcmp(XML_DIFF_MARKER, p_name) == 0) { continue; } else if (hidden != NULL && p_name[0] != 0 && strstr(hidden, p_name) != NULL) { p_copy = strdup("*****"); } else { p_copy = crm_xml_escape(p_value); } buffer_print(buffer, max, offset, " %s=\"%s\"", p_name, p_copy); free(p_copy); } if(xml_has_children(data) == FALSE) { buffer_print(buffer, max, offset, "/>"); } else if(is_set(options, xml_log_option_children)) { buffer_print(buffer, max, offset, ">"); } else { buffer_print(buffer, max, offset, "/>"); } do_crm_log_alias(log_level, file, function, line, "%s %s", prefix, buffer); free(buffer); } if(data->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) { return; } else if(xml_has_children(data) == FALSE) { return; } else if(is_set(options, xml_log_option_children)) { offset = 0; max = 0; for (child = __xml_first_child(data); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { __xml_log_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix, child, depth + 1, options|xml_log_option_open|xml_log_option_close); } } if(is_set(options, xml_log_option_close)) { char *buffer = NULL; insert_prefix(options, &buffer, &offset, &max, depth); buffer_print(buffer, max, offset, "", name); do_crm_log_alias(log_level, file, function, line, "%s %s", prefix, buffer); free(buffer); } } static void __xml_log_change_element(int log_level, const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *prefix, xmlNode * data, int depth, int options) { xml_private_t *p; char *prefix_m = NULL; xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; if(data == NULL) { return; } p = data->_private; prefix_m = strdup(prefix); prefix_m[1] = '+'; if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_dirty) && is_set(p->flags, xpf_created)) { /* Continue and log full subtree */ __xml_log_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix_m, data, depth, options|xml_log_option_open|xml_log_option_close|xml_log_option_children); } else if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_dirty)) { char *spaces = calloc(80, 1); int s_count = 0, s_max = 80; char *prefix_del = NULL; char *prefix_moved = NULL; const char *flags = prefix; insert_prefix(options, &spaces, &s_count, &s_max, depth); prefix_del = strdup(prefix); prefix_del[0] = '-'; prefix_del[1] = '-'; prefix_moved = strdup(prefix); prefix_moved[1] = '~'; if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_moved)) { flags = prefix_moved; } else { flags = prefix; } __xml_log_element(log_level, file, function, line, flags, data, depth, options|xml_log_option_open); for (pIter = crm_first_attr(data); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *aname = (const char*)pIter->name; p = pIter->_private; if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_deleted)) { const char *value = crm_element_value(data, aname); flags = prefix_del; do_crm_log_alias(log_level, file, function, line, "%s %s @%s=%s", flags, spaces, aname, value); } else if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_dirty)) { const char *value = crm_element_value(data, aname); if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_created)) { flags = prefix_m; } else if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_modified)) { flags = prefix; } else if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_moved)) { flags = prefix_moved; } else { flags = prefix; } do_crm_log_alias(log_level, file, function, line, "%s %s @%s=%s", flags, spaces, aname, value); } } free(prefix_moved); free(prefix_del); free(spaces); for (child = __xml_first_child(data); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { __xml_log_change_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix, child, depth + 1, options); } __xml_log_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix, data, depth, options|xml_log_option_close); } else { for (child = __xml_first_child(data); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { __xml_log_change_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix, child, depth + 1, options); } } free(prefix_m); } void log_data_element(int log_level, const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *prefix, xmlNode * data, int depth, int options) { xmlNode *a_child = NULL; char *prefix_m = NULL; if (prefix == NULL) { prefix = ""; } /* Since we use the same file and line, to avoid confusing libqb, we need to use the same format strings */ if (data == NULL) { do_crm_log_alias(log_level, file, function, line, "%s: %s", prefix, "No data to dump as XML"); return; } if(is_set(options, xml_log_option_dirty_add) || is_set(options, xml_log_option_dirty_add)) { __xml_log_change_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix, data, depth, options); return; } if (is_set(options, xml_log_option_formatted)) { if (is_set(options, xml_log_option_diff_plus) && (data->children == NULL || crm_element_value(data, XML_DIFF_MARKER))) { options |= xml_log_option_diff_all; prefix_m = strdup(prefix); prefix_m[1] = '+'; prefix = prefix_m; } else if (is_set(options, xml_log_option_diff_minus) && (data->children == NULL || crm_element_value(data, XML_DIFF_MARKER))) { options |= xml_log_option_diff_all; prefix_m = strdup(prefix); prefix_m[1] = '-'; prefix = prefix_m; } } if (is_set(options, xml_log_option_diff_short) && is_not_set(options, xml_log_option_diff_all)) { /* Still searching for the actual change */ for (a_child = __xml_first_child(data); a_child != NULL; a_child = __xml_next(a_child)) { log_data_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix, a_child, depth + 1, options); } } else { __xml_log_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix, data, depth, options|xml_log_option_open|xml_log_option_close|xml_log_option_children); } free(prefix_m); } static void dump_filtered_xml(xmlNode * data, int options, char **buffer, int *offset, int *max) { int lpc; xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL; static int filter_len = DIMOF(filter); for (lpc = 0; options && lpc < filter_len; lpc++) { filter[lpc].found = FALSE; } for (xIter = crm_first_attr(data); xIter != NULL; xIter = xIter->next) { bool skip = FALSE; const char *p_name = (const char *)xIter->name; for (lpc = 0; skip == FALSE && lpc < filter_len; lpc++) { if (filter[lpc].found == FALSE && strcmp(p_name, filter[lpc].string) == 0) { filter[lpc].found = TRUE; skip = TRUE; break; } } if (skip == FALSE) { dump_xml_attr(xIter, options, buffer, offset, max); } } } static void dump_xml_element(xmlNode * data, int options, char **buffer, int *offset, int *max, int depth) { const char *name = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(max != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(offset != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(buffer != NULL); if (data == NULL) { crm_trace("Nothing to dump"); return; } if (*buffer == NULL) { *offset = 0; *max = 0; } name = crm_element_name(data); CRM_ASSERT(name != NULL); insert_prefix(options, buffer, offset, max, depth); buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, "<%s", name); if (options & xml_log_option_filtered) { dump_filtered_xml(data, options, buffer, offset, max); } else { xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL; for (xIter = crm_first_attr(data); xIter != NULL; xIter = xIter->next) { dump_xml_attr(xIter, options, buffer, offset, max); } } if (data->children == NULL) { buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, "/>"); } else { buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, ">"); } if (options & xml_log_option_formatted) { buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, "\n"); } if (data->children) { xmlNode *xChild = NULL; for (xChild = __xml_first_child(data); xChild != NULL; xChild = __xml_next(xChild)) { crm_xml_dump(xChild, options, buffer, offset, max, depth + 1); } insert_prefix(options, buffer, offset, max, depth); buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, "", name); if (options & xml_log_option_formatted) { buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, "\n"); } } } static void dump_xml_comment(xmlNode * data, int options, char **buffer, int *offset, int *max, int depth) { CRM_ASSERT(max != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(offset != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(buffer != NULL); if (data == NULL) { crm_trace("Nothing to dump"); return; } if (*buffer == NULL) { *offset = 0; *max = 0; } insert_prefix(options, buffer, offset, max, depth); buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, ""); if (options & xml_log_option_formatted) { buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, "\n"); } } void crm_xml_dump(xmlNode * data, int options, char **buffer, int *offset, int *max, int depth) { if(data == NULL) { *offset = 0; *max = 0; return; } #if 0 if (is_not_set(options, xml_log_option_filtered)) { /* Turning this code on also changes the PE tests for some reason * (not just newlines). Figure out why before considering to * enable this permanently. * * It exists to help debug slowness in xmlNodeDump() and * potentially if we ever want to go back to it. * * In theory its a good idea (reuse) but our custom version does * better for the filtered case and avoids the final strdup() for * everything */ time_t now, next; xmlDoc *doc = NULL; xmlBuffer *xml_buffer = NULL; *buffer = NULL; doc = getDocPtr(data); /* doc will only be NULL if data is */ CRM_CHECK(doc != NULL, return); now = time(NULL); xml_buffer = xmlBufferCreate(); CRM_ASSERT(xml_buffer != NULL); /* The default allocator XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_EXACT does far too many * realloc()s and it can take upwards of 18 seconds (yes, seconds) * to dump a 28kb tree which XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT can do in * less than 1 second. * * We could also use xmlBufferCreateSize() to start with a * sane-ish initial size and avoid the first few doubles. */ xmlBufferSetAllocationScheme(xml_buffer, XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT); *max = xmlNodeDump(xml_buffer, doc, data, 0, (options & xml_log_option_formatted)); if (*max > 0) { *buffer = strdup((char *)xml_buffer->content); } next = time(NULL); if ((now + 1) < next) { crm_log_xml_trace(data, "Long time"); crm_err("xmlNodeDump() -> %dbytes took %ds", *max, next - now); } xmlBufferFree(xml_buffer); return; } #endif switch(data->type) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: /* Handle below */ dump_xml_element(data, options, buffer, offset, max, depth); break; case XML_TEXT_NODE: /* Ignore */ return; case XML_COMMENT_NODE: dump_xml_comment(data, options, buffer, offset, max, depth); break; default: crm_warn("Unhandled type: %d", data->type); return; /* XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2 XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4 XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE = 5 XML_ENTITY_NODE = 6 XML_PI_NODE = 7 XML_DOCUMENT_NODE = 9 XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10 XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE = 11 XML_NOTATION_NODE = 12 XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE = 13 XML_DTD_NODE = 14 XML_ELEMENT_DECL = 15 XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL = 16 XML_ENTITY_DECL = 17 XML_NAMESPACE_DECL = 18 XML_XINCLUDE_START = 19 XML_XINCLUDE_END = 20 XML_DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE = 21 */ } } void crm_buffer_add_char(char **buffer, int *offset, int *max, char c) { buffer_print(*buffer, *max, *offset, "%c", c); } char * dump_xml_formatted(xmlNode * an_xml_node) { char *buffer = NULL; int offset = 0, max = 0; crm_xml_dump(an_xml_node, xml_log_option_formatted, &buffer, &offset, &max, 0); return buffer; } char * dump_xml_unformatted(xmlNode * an_xml_node) { char *buffer = NULL; int offset = 0, max = 0; crm_xml_dump(an_xml_node, 0, &buffer, &offset, &max, 0); return buffer; } gboolean xml_has_children(const xmlNode * xml_root) { if (xml_root != NULL && xml_root->children != NULL) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int crm_element_value_int(xmlNode * data, const char *name, int *dest) { const char *value = crm_element_value(data, name); CRM_CHECK(dest != NULL, return -1); if (value) { *dest = crm_int_helper(value, NULL); return 0; } return -1; } int crm_element_value_const_int(const xmlNode * data, const char *name, int *dest) { return crm_element_value_int((xmlNode *) data, name, dest); } const char * crm_element_value_const(const xmlNode * data, const char *name) { return crm_element_value((xmlNode *) data, name); } char * crm_element_value_copy(xmlNode * data, const char *name) { char *value_copy = NULL; const char *value = crm_element_value(data, name); if (value != NULL) { value_copy = strdup(value); } return value_copy; } void xml_remove_prop(xmlNode * obj, const char *name) { if(__xml_acl_check(obj, NULL, xpf_acl_write) == FALSE) { crm_trace("Cannot remove %s from %s", name, obj->name); } else if(TRACKING_CHANGES(obj)) { /* Leave in place (marked for removal) until after the diff is calculated */ xml_private_t *p = NULL; xmlAttr *attr = xmlHasProp(obj, (const xmlChar *)name); p = attr->_private; set_parent_flag(obj, xpf_dirty); p->flags |= xpf_deleted; /* crm_trace("Setting flag %x due to %s[@id=%s].%s", xpf_dirty, obj->name, ID(obj), name); */ } else { xmlUnsetProp(obj, (const xmlChar *)name); } } void purge_diff_markers(xmlNode * a_node) { xmlNode *child = NULL; CRM_CHECK(a_node != NULL, return); xml_remove_prop(a_node, XML_DIFF_MARKER); for (child = __xml_first_child(a_node); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { purge_diff_markers(child); } } void save_xml_to_file(xmlNode * xml, const char *desc, const char *filename) { char *f = NULL; if (filename == NULL) { char *uuid = crm_generate_uuid(); f = crm_strdup_printf("/tmp/%s", uuid); filename = f; free(uuid); } crm_info("Saving %s to %s", desc, filename); write_xml_file(xml, filename, FALSE); free(f); } gboolean apply_xml_diff(xmlNode * old, xmlNode * diff, xmlNode ** new) { gboolean result = TRUE; int root_nodes_seen = 0; static struct qb_log_callsite *digest_cs = NULL; const char *digest = crm_element_value(diff, XML_ATTR_DIGEST); const char *version = crm_element_value(diff, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); xmlNode *child_diff = NULL; xmlNode *added = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-added", FALSE); xmlNode *removed = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-removed", FALSE); CRM_CHECK(new != NULL, return FALSE); if (digest_cs == NULL) { digest_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(__func__, __FILE__, "diff-digest", LOG_TRACE, __LINE__, crm_trace_nonlog); } crm_trace("Substraction Phase"); for (child_diff = __xml_first_child(removed); child_diff != NULL; child_diff = __xml_next(child_diff)) { CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, result = FALSE); if (root_nodes_seen == 0) { *new = subtract_xml_object(NULL, old, child_diff, FALSE, NULL, NULL); } root_nodes_seen++; } if (root_nodes_seen == 0) { *new = copy_xml(old); } else if (root_nodes_seen > 1) { crm_err("(-) Diffs cannot contain more than one change set..." " saw %d", root_nodes_seen); result = FALSE; } root_nodes_seen = 0; crm_trace("Addition Phase"); if (result) { xmlNode *child_diff = NULL; for (child_diff = __xml_first_child(added); child_diff != NULL; child_diff = __xml_next(child_diff)) { CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, result = FALSE); if (root_nodes_seen == 0) { add_xml_object(NULL, *new, child_diff, TRUE); } root_nodes_seen++; } } if (root_nodes_seen > 1) { crm_err("(+) Diffs cannot contain more than one change set..." " saw %d", root_nodes_seen); result = FALSE; } else if (result && digest) { char *new_digest = NULL; purge_diff_markers(*new); /* Purge now so the diff is ok */ new_digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(*new, FALSE, TRUE, version); if (safe_str_neq(new_digest, digest)) { crm_info("Digest mis-match: expected %s, calculated %s", digest, new_digest); result = FALSE; crm_trace("%p %0.6x", digest_cs, digest_cs ? digest_cs->targets : 0); if (digest_cs && digest_cs->targets) { save_xml_to_file(old, "diff:original", NULL); save_xml_to_file(diff, "diff:input", NULL); save_xml_to_file(*new, "diff:new", NULL); } } else { crm_trace("Digest matched: expected %s, calculated %s", digest, new_digest); } free(new_digest); } else if (result) { purge_diff_markers(*new); /* Purge now so the diff is ok */ } return result; } static void __xml_diff_object(xmlNode * old, xmlNode * new) { xmlNode *cIter = NULL; xmlAttr *pIter = NULL; CRM_CHECK(new != NULL, return); if(old == NULL) { crm_node_created(new); __xml_acl_post_process(new); /* Check creation is allowed */ return; } else { xml_private_t *p = new->_private; if(p->flags & xpf_processed) { /* Avoid re-comparing nodes */ return; } p->flags |= xpf_processed; } for (pIter = crm_first_attr(new); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { xml_private_t *p = pIter->_private; /* Assume everything was just created and take it from there */ p->flags |= xpf_created; } for (pIter = crm_first_attr(old); pIter != NULL; ) { xmlAttr *prop = pIter; xml_private_t *p = NULL; const char *name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *old_value = crm_element_value(old, name); xmlAttr *exists = xmlHasProp(new, pIter->name); pIter = pIter->next; if(exists == NULL) { p = new->doc->_private; /* Prevent the dirty flag being set recursively upwards */ clear_bit(p->flags, xpf_tracking); exists = xmlSetProp(new, (const xmlChar *)name, (const xmlChar *)old_value); set_bit(p->flags, xpf_tracking); p = exists->_private; p->flags = 0; crm_trace("Lost %s@%s=%s", old->name, name, old_value); xml_remove_prop(new, name); } else { int p_new = __xml_offset((xmlNode*)exists); int p_old = __xml_offset((xmlNode*)prop); const char *value = crm_element_value(new, name); p = exists->_private; p->flags = (p->flags & ~xpf_created); if(strcmp(value, old_value) != 0) { /* Restore the original value, so we can call crm_xml_add() whcih checks ACLs */ char *vcopy = crm_element_value_copy(new, name); crm_trace("Modified %s@%s %s->%s", old->name, name, old_value, vcopy); xmlSetProp(new, prop->name, (const xmlChar *)old_value); crm_xml_add(new, name, vcopy); free(vcopy); } else if(p_old != p_new) { crm_info("Moved %s@%s (%d -> %d)", old->name, name, p_old, p_new); __xml_node_dirty(new); p->flags |= xpf_dirty|xpf_moved; if(p_old > p_new) { p = prop->_private; p->flags |= xpf_skip; } else { p = exists->_private; p->flags |= xpf_skip; } } } } for (pIter = crm_first_attr(new); pIter != NULL; ) { xmlAttr *prop = pIter; xml_private_t *p = pIter->_private; pIter = pIter->next; if(is_set(p->flags, xpf_created)) { char *name = strdup((const char *)prop->name); char *value = crm_element_value_copy(new, name); crm_trace("Created %s@%s=%s", new->name, name, value); /* Remove plus create wont work as it will modify the relative attribute ordering */ if(__xml_acl_check(new, name, xpf_acl_write)) { crm_attr_dirty(prop); } else { xmlUnsetProp(new, prop->name); /* Remove - change not allowed */ } free(value); free(name); } } for (cIter = __xml_first_child(old); cIter != NULL; ) { xmlNode *old_child = cIter; xmlNode *new_child = find_entity(new, crm_element_name(cIter), ID(cIter)); cIter = __xml_next(cIter); if(new_child) { __xml_diff_object(old_child, new_child); } else { xml_private_t *p = old_child->_private; /* Create then free (which will check the acls if necessary) */ xmlNode *candidate = add_node_copy(new, old_child); xmlNode *top = xmlDocGetRootElement(candidate->doc); __xml_node_clean(candidate); __xml_acl_apply(top); /* Make sure any ACLs are applied to 'candidate' */ free_xml(candidate); if(NULL == find_entity(new, crm_element_name(old_child), ID(old_child))) { p->flags |= xpf_skip; } } } for (cIter = __xml_first_child(new); cIter != NULL; ) { xmlNode *new_child = cIter; xmlNode *old_child = find_entity(old, crm_element_name(cIter), ID(cIter)); cIter = __xml_next(cIter); if(old_child == NULL) { xml_private_t *p = new_child->_private; p->flags |= xpf_skip; __xml_diff_object(old_child, new_child); } else { /* Check for movement, we already checked for differences */ int p_new = __xml_offset(new_child); int p_old = __xml_offset(old_child); xml_private_t *p = new_child->_private; if(p_old != p_new) { crm_info("%s.%s moved from %d to %d - %d", new_child->name, ID(new_child), p_old, p_new); __xml_node_dirty(new); p->flags |= xpf_moved; if(p_old > p_new) { p = old_child->_private; p->flags |= xpf_skip; } else { p = new_child->_private; p->flags |= xpf_skip; } } } } } void xml_calculate_changes(xmlNode * old, xmlNode * new) { CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(old), crm_element_name(new)), return); CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(ID(old), ID(new)), return); if(xml_tracking_changes(new) == FALSE) { xml_track_changes(new, NULL, NULL, FALSE); } __xml_diff_object(old, new); } xmlNode * diff_xml_object(xmlNode * old, xmlNode * new, gboolean suppress) { xmlNode *tmp1 = NULL; xmlNode *diff = create_xml_node(NULL, "diff"); xmlNode *removed = create_xml_node(diff, "diff-removed"); xmlNode *added = create_xml_node(diff, "diff-added"); crm_xml_add(diff, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, CRM_FEATURE_SET); tmp1 = subtract_xml_object(removed, old, new, FALSE, NULL, "removed:top"); if (suppress && tmp1 != NULL && can_prune_leaf(tmp1)) { free_xml(tmp1); } tmp1 = subtract_xml_object(added, new, old, TRUE, NULL, "added:top"); if (suppress && tmp1 != NULL && can_prune_leaf(tmp1)) { free_xml(tmp1); } if (added->children == NULL && removed->children == NULL) { free_xml(diff); diff = NULL; } return diff; } gboolean can_prune_leaf(xmlNode * xml_node) { xmlNode *cIter = NULL; xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; gboolean can_prune = TRUE; const char *name = crm_element_name(xml_node); if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_TAG_RESOURCE_REF) || safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_OBJ_REF) || safe_str_eq(name, XML_ACL_TAG_ROLE_REF) || safe_str_eq(name, XML_ACL_TAG_ROLE_REFv1)) { return FALSE; } for (pIter = crm_first_attr(xml_node); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; if (strcmp(p_name, XML_ATTR_ID) == 0) { continue; } can_prune = FALSE; } cIter = __xml_first_child(xml_node); while (cIter) { xmlNode *child = cIter; cIter = __xml_next(cIter); if (can_prune_leaf(child)) { free_xml(child); } else { can_prune = FALSE; } } return can_prune; } void diff_filter_context(int context, int upper_bound, int lower_bound, xmlNode * xml_node, xmlNode * parent) { xmlNode *us = NULL; xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; xmlNode *new_parent = parent; const char *name = crm_element_name(xml_node); CRM_CHECK(xml_node != NULL && name != NULL, return); us = create_xml_node(parent, name); for (pIter = crm_first_attr(xml_node); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); lower_bound = context; crm_xml_add(us, p_name, p_value); } if (lower_bound >= 0 || upper_bound >= 0) { crm_xml_add(us, XML_ATTR_ID, ID(xml_node)); new_parent = us; } else { upper_bound = in_upper_context(0, context, xml_node); if (upper_bound >= 0) { crm_xml_add(us, XML_ATTR_ID, ID(xml_node)); new_parent = us; } else { free_xml(us); us = NULL; } } for (child = __xml_first_child(us); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { diff_filter_context(context, upper_bound - 1, lower_bound - 1, child, new_parent); } } int in_upper_context(int depth, int context, xmlNode * xml_node) { if (context == 0) { return 0; } if (xml_node->properties) { return depth; } else if (depth < context) { xmlNode *child = NULL; for (child = __xml_first_child(xml_node); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { if (in_upper_context(depth + 1, context, child)) { return depth; } } } return 0; } static xmlNode * find_xml_comment(xmlNode * root, xmlNode * search_comment) { xmlNode *a_child = NULL; CRM_CHECK(search_comment->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE, return NULL); for (a_child = __xml_first_child(root); a_child != NULL; a_child = __xml_next(a_child)) { if (a_child->type != XML_COMMENT_NODE) { continue; } if (safe_str_eq((const char *)a_child->content, (const char *)search_comment->content)) { return a_child; } } return NULL; } static xmlNode * subtract_xml_comment(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * left, xmlNode * right, gboolean * changed) { CRM_CHECK(left != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(left->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE, return NULL); if (right == NULL || safe_str_neq((const char *)left->content, (const char *)right->content)) { xmlNode *deleted = NULL; deleted = add_node_copy(parent, left); *changed = TRUE; return deleted; } return NULL; } xmlNode * subtract_xml_object(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * left, xmlNode * right, gboolean full, gboolean * changed, const char *marker) { gboolean dummy = FALSE; gboolean skip = FALSE; xmlNode *diff = NULL; xmlNode *right_child = NULL; xmlNode *left_child = NULL; xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL; const char *id = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *right_val = NULL; int lpc = 0; static int filter_len = DIMOF(filter); if (changed == NULL) { changed = &dummy; } if (left == NULL) { return NULL; } if (left->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) { return subtract_xml_comment(parent, left, right, changed); } id = ID(left); if (right == NULL) { xmlNode *deleted = NULL; crm_trace("Processing <%s id=%s> (complete copy)", crm_element_name(left), id); deleted = add_node_copy(parent, left); crm_xml_add(deleted, XML_DIFF_MARKER, marker); *changed = TRUE; return deleted; } name = crm_element_name(left); CRM_CHECK(name != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(left), crm_element_name(right)), return NULL); /* check for XML_DIFF_MARKER in a child */ value = crm_element_value(right, XML_DIFF_MARKER); if (value != NULL && strcmp(value, "removed:top") == 0) { crm_trace("We are the root of the deletion: %s.id=%s", name, id); *changed = TRUE; return NULL; } /* Avoiding creating the full heirarchy would save even more work here */ diff = create_xml_node(parent, name); /* Reset filter */ for (lpc = 0; lpc < filter_len; lpc++) { filter[lpc].found = FALSE; } /* changes to child objects */ for (left_child = __xml_first_child(left); left_child != NULL; left_child = __xml_next(left_child)) { gboolean child_changed = FALSE; if (left_child->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) { right_child = find_xml_comment(right, left_child); } else { right_child = find_entity(right, crm_element_name(left_child), ID(left_child)); } subtract_xml_object(diff, left_child, right_child, full, &child_changed, marker); if (child_changed) { *changed = TRUE; } } if (*changed == FALSE) { /* Nothing to do */ } else if (full) { xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; for (pIter = crm_first_attr(left); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); xmlSetProp(diff, (const xmlChar *)p_name, (const xmlChar *)p_value); } /* We already have everything we need... */ goto done; } else if (id) { xmlSetProp(diff, (const xmlChar *)XML_ATTR_ID, (const xmlChar *)id); } /* changes to name/value pairs */ for (xIter = crm_first_attr(left); xIter != NULL; xIter = xIter->next) { const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name; xmlAttrPtr right_attr = NULL; xml_private_t *p = NULL; if (strcmp(prop_name, XML_ATTR_ID) == 0) { continue; } skip = FALSE; for (lpc = 0; skip == FALSE && lpc < filter_len; lpc++) { if (filter[lpc].found == FALSE && strcmp(prop_name, filter[lpc].string) == 0) { filter[lpc].found = TRUE; skip = TRUE; break; } } if (skip) { continue; } right_attr = xmlHasProp(right, (const xmlChar *)prop_name); if (right_attr) { p = right_attr->_private; } right_val = crm_element_value(right, prop_name); if (right_val == NULL || (p && is_set(p->flags, xpf_deleted))) { /* new */ *changed = TRUE; if (full) { xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; for (pIter = crm_first_attr(left); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); xmlSetProp(diff, (const xmlChar *)p_name, (const xmlChar *)p_value); } break; } else { const char *left_value = crm_element_value(left, prop_name); xmlSetProp(diff, (const xmlChar *)prop_name, (const xmlChar *)value); crm_xml_add(diff, prop_name, left_value); } } else { /* Only now do we need the left value */ const char *left_value = crm_element_value(left, prop_name); if (strcmp(left_value, right_val) == 0) { /* unchanged */ } else { *changed = TRUE; if (full) { xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; crm_trace("Changes detected to %s in <%s id=%s>", prop_name, crm_element_name(left), id); for (pIter = crm_first_attr(left); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); xmlSetProp(diff, (const xmlChar *)p_name, (const xmlChar *)p_value); } break; } else { crm_trace("Changes detected to %s (%s -> %s) in <%s id=%s>", prop_name, left_value, right_val, crm_element_name(left), id); crm_xml_add(diff, prop_name, left_value); } } } } if (*changed == FALSE) { free_xml(diff); return NULL; } else if (full == FALSE && id) { crm_xml_add(diff, XML_ATTR_ID, id); } done: return diff; } static int add_xml_comment(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * target, xmlNode * update) { CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return 0); CRM_CHECK(update->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE, return 0); if (target == NULL) { target = find_xml_comment(parent, update); } if (target == NULL) { add_node_copy(parent, update); /* We wont reach here currently */ } else if (safe_str_neq((const char *)target->content, (const char *)update->content)) { xmlFree(target->content); target->content = xmlStrdup(update->content); } return 0; } int add_xml_object(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * target, xmlNode * update, gboolean as_diff) { xmlNode *a_child = NULL; const char *object_id = NULL; const char *object_name = NULL; #if XML_PARSE_DEBUG crm_log_xml_trace("update:", update); crm_log_xml_trace("target:", target); #endif CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return 0); if (update->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) { return add_xml_comment(parent, target, update); } object_name = crm_element_name(update); object_id = ID(update); CRM_CHECK(object_name != NULL, return 0); if (target == NULL && object_id == NULL) { /* placeholder object */ target = find_xml_node(parent, object_name, FALSE); } else if (target == NULL) { target = find_entity(parent, object_name, object_id); } if (target == NULL) { target = create_xml_node(parent, object_name); CRM_CHECK(target != NULL, return 0); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG crm_trace("Added <%s%s%s/>", crm_str(object_name), object_id ? " id=" : "", object_id ? object_id : ""); } else { crm_trace("Found node <%s%s%s/> to update", crm_str(object_name), object_id ? " id=" : "", object_id ? object_id : ""); #endif } CRM_CHECK(safe_str_eq(crm_element_name(target), crm_element_name(update)), return 0); if (as_diff == FALSE) { /* So that expand_plus_plus() gets called */ copy_in_properties(target, update); } else { /* No need for expand_plus_plus(), just raw speed */ xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; for (pIter = crm_first_attr(update); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); /* Remove it first so the ordering of the update is preserved */ xmlUnsetProp(target, (const xmlChar *)p_name); xmlSetProp(target, (const xmlChar *)p_name, (const xmlChar *)p_value); } } for (a_child = __xml_first_child(update); a_child != NULL; a_child = __xml_next(a_child)) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG crm_trace("Updating child <%s id=%s>", crm_element_name(a_child), ID(a_child)); #endif add_xml_object(target, NULL, a_child, as_diff); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG crm_trace("Finished with <%s id=%s>", crm_str(object_name), crm_str(object_id)); #endif return 0; } gboolean update_xml_child(xmlNode * child, xmlNode * to_update) { gboolean can_update = TRUE; xmlNode *child_of_child = NULL; CRM_CHECK(child != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(to_update != NULL, return FALSE); if (safe_str_neq(crm_element_name(to_update), crm_element_name(child))) { can_update = FALSE; } else if (safe_str_neq(ID(to_update), ID(child))) { can_update = FALSE; } else if (can_update) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG crm_log_xml_trace(child, "Update match found..."); #endif add_xml_object(NULL, child, to_update, FALSE); } for (child_of_child = __xml_first_child(child); child_of_child != NULL; child_of_child = __xml_next(child_of_child)) { /* only update the first one */ if (can_update) { break; } can_update = update_xml_child(child_of_child, to_update); } return can_update; } int find_xml_children(xmlNode ** children, xmlNode * root, const char *tag, const char *field, const char *value, gboolean search_matches) { int match_found = 0; CRM_CHECK(root != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(children != NULL, return FALSE); if (tag != NULL && safe_str_neq(tag, crm_element_name(root))) { } else if (value != NULL && safe_str_neq(value, crm_element_value(root, field))) { } else { if (*children == NULL) { *children = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); } add_node_copy(*children, root); match_found = 1; } if (search_matches || match_found == 0) { xmlNode *child = NULL; for (child = __xml_first_child(root); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { match_found += find_xml_children(children, child, tag, field, value, search_matches); } } return match_found; } gboolean replace_xml_child(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * child, xmlNode * update, gboolean delete_only) { gboolean can_delete = FALSE; xmlNode *child_of_child = NULL; const char *up_id = NULL; const char *child_id = NULL; const char *right_val = NULL; CRM_CHECK(child != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return FALSE); up_id = ID(update); child_id = ID(child); if (up_id == NULL || (child_id && strcmp(child_id, up_id) == 0)) { can_delete = TRUE; } if (safe_str_neq(crm_element_name(update), crm_element_name(child))) { can_delete = FALSE; } if (can_delete && delete_only) { xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; for (pIter = crm_first_attr(update); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); right_val = crm_element_value(child, p_name); if (safe_str_neq(p_value, right_val)) { can_delete = FALSE; } } } if (can_delete && parent != NULL) { crm_log_xml_trace(child, "Delete match found..."); if (delete_only || update == NULL) { free_xml(child); } else { xmlNode *tmp = copy_xml(update); xmlDoc *doc = tmp->doc; xmlNode *old = NULL; xml_accept_changes(tmp); old = xmlReplaceNode(child, tmp); if(xml_tracking_changes(tmp)) { /* Replaced sections may have included relevant ACLs */ __xml_acl_apply(tmp); } xml_calculate_changes(old, tmp); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, old); free_xml(old); } child = NULL; return TRUE; } else if (can_delete) { crm_log_xml_debug(child, "Cannot delete the search root"); can_delete = FALSE; } child_of_child = __xml_first_child(child); while (child_of_child) { xmlNode *next = __xml_next(child_of_child); can_delete = replace_xml_child(child, child_of_child, update, delete_only); /* only delete the first one */ if (can_delete) { child_of_child = NULL; } else { child_of_child = next; } } return can_delete; } void hash2nvpair(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *name = key; const char *s_value = value; xmlNode *xml_node = user_data; xmlNode *xml_child = create_xml_node(xml_node, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR); crm_xml_add(xml_child, XML_ATTR_ID, name); crm_xml_add(xml_child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, name); crm_xml_add(xml_child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, s_value); crm_trace("dumped: name=%s value=%s", name, s_value); } void hash2smartfield(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *name = key; const char *s_value = value; xmlNode *xml_node = user_data; if (isdigit(name[0])) { xmlNode *tmp = create_xml_node(xml_node, XML_TAG_PARAM); crm_xml_add(tmp, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, name); crm_xml_add(tmp, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, s_value); } else if (crm_element_value(xml_node, name) == NULL) { crm_xml_add(xml_node, name, s_value); crm_trace("dumped: %s=%s", name, s_value); } else { crm_trace("duplicate: %s=%s", name, s_value); } } void hash2field(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *name = key; const char *s_value = value; xmlNode *xml_node = user_data; if (crm_element_value(xml_node, name) == NULL) { crm_xml_add(xml_node, name, s_value); } else { crm_trace("duplicate: %s=%s", name, s_value); } } void hash2metafield(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { char *crm_name = NULL; if (key == NULL || value == NULL) { return; } else if (((char *)key)[0] == '#') { return; } else if (strstr(key, ":")) { return; } crm_name = crm_meta_name(key); hash2field(crm_name, value, user_data); free(crm_name); } GHashTable * xml2list(xmlNode * parent) { xmlNode *child = NULL; xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; xmlNode *nvpair_list = NULL; GHashTable *nvpair_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str); CRM_CHECK(parent != NULL, return nvpair_hash); nvpair_list = find_xml_node(parent, XML_TAG_ATTRS, FALSE); if (nvpair_list == NULL) { crm_trace("No attributes in %s", crm_element_name(parent)); crm_log_xml_trace(parent, "No attributes for resource op"); } crm_log_xml_trace(nvpair_list, "Unpacking"); for (pIter = crm_first_attr(nvpair_list); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); crm_trace("Added %s=%s", p_name, p_value); g_hash_table_insert(nvpair_hash, strdup(p_name), strdup(p_value)); } for (child = __xml_first_child(nvpair_list); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { if (strcmp((const char *)child->name, XML_TAG_PARAM) == 0) { const char *key = crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME); const char *value = crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE); crm_trace("Added %s=%s", key, value); if (key != NULL && value != NULL) { g_hash_table_insert(nvpair_hash, strdup(key), strdup(value)); } } } return nvpair_hash; } typedef struct name_value_s { const char *name; const void *value; } name_value_t; static gint sort_pairs(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { int rc = 0; const name_value_t *pair_a = a; const name_value_t *pair_b = b; CRM_ASSERT(a != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(pair_a->name != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(b != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(pair_b->name != NULL); rc = strcmp(pair_a->name, pair_b->name); if (rc < 0) { return -1; } else if (rc > 0) { return 1; } return 0; } static void dump_pair(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { name_value_t *pair = data; xmlNode *parent = user_data; crm_xml_add(parent, pair->name, pair->value); } xmlNode * sorted_xml(xmlNode * input, xmlNode * parent, gboolean recursive) { xmlNode *child = NULL; GListPtr sorted = NULL; GListPtr unsorted = NULL; name_value_t *pair = NULL; xmlNode *result = NULL; const char *name = NULL; xmlAttrPtr pIter = NULL; CRM_CHECK(input != NULL, return NULL); name = crm_element_name(input); CRM_CHECK(name != NULL, return NULL); result = create_xml_node(parent, name); for (pIter = crm_first_attr(input); pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) { const char *p_name = (const char *)pIter->name; const char *p_value = crm_attr_value(pIter); pair = calloc(1, sizeof(name_value_t)); pair->name = p_name; pair->value = p_value; unsorted = g_list_prepend(unsorted, pair); pair = NULL; } sorted = g_list_sort(unsorted, sort_pairs); g_list_foreach(sorted, dump_pair, result); g_list_free_full(sorted, free); for (child = __xml_first_child(input); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) { if (recursive) { sorted_xml(child, result, recursive); } else { add_node_copy(result, child); } } return result; } static gboolean validate_with_dtd(xmlDocPtr doc, gboolean to_logs, const char *dtd_file) { gboolean valid = TRUE; xmlDtdPtr dtd = NULL; xmlValidCtxtPtr cvp = NULL; CRM_CHECK(doc != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(dtd_file != NULL, return FALSE); dtd = xmlParseDTD(NULL, (const xmlChar *)dtd_file); if(dtd == NULL) { crm_err("Could not locate/parse DTD: %s", dtd_file); return TRUE; } cvp = xmlNewValidCtxt(); if(cvp) { if (to_logs) { cvp->userData = (void *)LOG_ERR; cvp->error = (xmlValidityErrorFunc) xml_log; cvp->warning = (xmlValidityWarningFunc) xml_log; } else { cvp->userData = (void *)stderr; cvp->error = (xmlValidityErrorFunc) fprintf; cvp->warning = (xmlValidityWarningFunc) fprintf; } if (!xmlValidateDtd(cvp, doc, dtd)) { valid = FALSE; } xmlFreeValidCtxt(cvp); } else { crm_err("Internal error: No valid context"); } xmlFreeDtd(dtd); return valid; } xmlNode * first_named_child(xmlNode * parent, const char *name) { xmlNode *match = NULL; for (match = __xml_first_child(parent); match != NULL; match = __xml_next(match)) { /* * name == NULL gives first child regardless of name; this is * semantically incorrect in this funciton, but may be necessary * due to prior use of xml_child_iter_filter */ if (name == NULL || strcmp((const char *)match->name, name) == 0) { return match; } } return NULL; } #if 0 static void relaxng_invalid_stderr(void *userData, xmlErrorPtr error) { /* Structure xmlError struct _xmlError { int domain : What part of the library raised this er int code : The error code, e.g. an xmlParserError char * message : human-readable informative error messag xmlErrorLevel level : how consequent is the error char * file : the filename int line : the line number if available char * str1 : extra string information char * str2 : extra string information char * str3 : extra string information int int1 : extra number information int int2 : column number of the error or 0 if N/A void * ctxt : the parser context if available void * node : the node in the tree } */ crm_err("Structured error: line=%d, level=%d %s", error->line, error->level, error->message); } #endif static gboolean validate_with_relaxng(xmlDocPtr doc, gboolean to_logs, const char *relaxng_file, relaxng_ctx_cache_t ** cached_ctx) { int rc = 0; gboolean valid = TRUE; relaxng_ctx_cache_t *ctx = NULL; CRM_CHECK(doc != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(relaxng_file != NULL, return FALSE); if (cached_ctx && *cached_ctx) { ctx = *cached_ctx; } else { crm_info("Creating RNG parser context"); ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(relaxng_ctx_cache_t)); xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1; ctx->parser = xmlRelaxNGNewParserCtxt(relaxng_file); CRM_CHECK(ctx->parser != NULL, goto cleanup); if (to_logs) { xmlRelaxNGSetParserErrors(ctx->parser, (xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc) xml_log, (xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc) xml_log, GUINT_TO_POINTER(LOG_ERR)); } else { xmlRelaxNGSetParserErrors(ctx->parser, (xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc) fprintf, (xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc) fprintf, stderr); } ctx->rng = xmlRelaxNGParse(ctx->parser); CRM_CHECK(ctx->rng != NULL, crm_err("Could not find/parse %s", relaxng_file); goto cleanup); ctx->valid = xmlRelaxNGNewValidCtxt(ctx->rng); CRM_CHECK(ctx->valid != NULL, goto cleanup); if (to_logs) { xmlRelaxNGSetValidErrors(ctx->valid, (xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc) xml_log, (xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc) xml_log, GUINT_TO_POINTER(LOG_ERR)); } else { xmlRelaxNGSetValidErrors(ctx->valid, (xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc) fprintf, (xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc) fprintf, stderr); } } /* xmlRelaxNGSetValidStructuredErrors( */ /* valid, relaxng_invalid_stderr, valid); */ xmlLineNumbersDefault(1); rc = xmlRelaxNGValidateDoc(ctx->valid, doc); if (rc > 0) { valid = FALSE; } else if (rc < 0) { crm_err("Internal libxml error during validation\n"); } cleanup: if (cached_ctx) { *cached_ctx = ctx; } else { if (ctx->parser != NULL) { xmlRelaxNGFreeParserCtxt(ctx->parser); } if (ctx->valid != NULL) { xmlRelaxNGFreeValidCtxt(ctx->valid); } if (ctx->rng != NULL) { xmlRelaxNGFree(ctx->rng); } free(ctx); } return valid; } void crm_xml_init(void) { static bool init = TRUE; if(init) { init = FALSE; /* The default allocator XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_EXACT does far too many * realloc_safe()s and it can take upwards of 18 seconds (yes, seconds) * to dump a 28kb tree which XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT can do in * less than 1 second. */ xmlSetBufferAllocationScheme(XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT); /* Populate and free the _private field when nodes are created and destroyed */ xmlDeregisterNodeDefault(pcmkDeregisterNode); xmlRegisterNodeDefault(pcmkRegisterNode); __xml_build_schema_list(); } } void crm_xml_cleanup(void) { int lpc = 0; relaxng_ctx_cache_t *ctx = NULL; crm_info("Cleaning up memory from libxml2"); for (; lpc < xml_schema_max; lpc++) { switch (known_schemas[lpc].type) { case 0: /* None */ break; case 1: /* DTD - Not cached */ break; case 2: /* RNG - Cached */ ctx = (relaxng_ctx_cache_t *) known_schemas[lpc].cache; if (ctx == NULL) { break; } if (ctx->parser != NULL) { xmlRelaxNGFreeParserCtxt(ctx->parser); } if (ctx->valid != NULL) { xmlRelaxNGFreeValidCtxt(ctx->valid); } if (ctx->rng != NULL) { xmlRelaxNGFree(ctx->rng); } free(ctx); known_schemas[lpc].cache = NULL; break; default: break; } free(known_schemas[lpc].name); free(known_schemas[lpc].location); free(known_schemas[lpc].transform); } free(known_schemas); xsltCleanupGlobals(); xmlCleanupParser(); } static gboolean validate_with(xmlNode * xml, int method, gboolean to_logs) { xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; gboolean valid = FALSE; int type = 0; char *file = NULL; if(method < 0) { return FALSE; } type = known_schemas[method].type; if(type == 0) { return TRUE; } CRM_CHECK(xml != NULL, return FALSE); doc = getDocPtr(xml); file = get_schema_path(known_schemas[method].name, known_schemas[method].location); crm_trace("Validating with: %s (type=%d)", crm_str(file), type); switch (type) { case 1: valid = validate_with_dtd(doc, to_logs, file); break; case 2: valid = validate_with_relaxng(doc, to_logs, file, (relaxng_ctx_cache_t **) & (known_schemas[method].cache)); break; default: crm_err("Unknown validator type: %d", type); break; } free(file); return valid; } #include static void dump_file(const char *filename) { FILE *fp = NULL; int ch, line = 0; CRM_CHECK(filename != NULL, return); fp = fopen(filename, "r"); CRM_CHECK(fp != NULL, return); fprintf(stderr, "%4d ", ++line); do { ch = getc(fp); if (ch == EOF) { putc('\n', stderr); break; } else if (ch == '\n') { fprintf(stderr, "\n%4d ", ++line); } else { putc(ch, stderr); } } while (1); fclose(fp); } gboolean validate_xml_verbose(xmlNode * xml_blob) { int fd = 0; xmlDoc *doc = NULL; xmlNode *xml = NULL; gboolean rc = FALSE; char *filename = strdup(CRM_STATE_DIR "/cib-invalid.XXXXXX"); umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH | S_IROTH); fd = mkstemp(filename); write_xml_fd(xml_blob, filename, fd, FALSE); dump_file(filename); doc = xmlParseFile(filename); xml = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); rc = validate_xml(xml, NULL, FALSE); free_xml(xml); unlink(filename); free(filename); return rc; } gboolean validate_xml(xmlNode * xml_blob, const char *validation, gboolean to_logs) { int version = 0; if (validation == NULL) { validation = crm_element_value(xml_blob, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); } if (validation == NULL) { int lpc = 0; bool valid = FALSE; validation = crm_element_value(xml_blob, "ignore-dtd"); if (crm_is_true(validation)) { /* Legacy compatibilty */ crm_xml_add(xml_blob, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION, "none"); return TRUE; } /* Work it out */ for (lpc = 0; lpc < xml_schema_max; lpc++) { if(validate_with(xml_blob, lpc, FALSE)) { valid = TRUE; crm_xml_add(xml_blob, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION, known_schemas[lpc].name); crm_info("XML validated against %s", known_schemas[lpc].name); if(known_schemas[lpc].after_transform == 0) { break; } } } return valid; } version = get_schema_version(validation); if (strcmp(validation, "none") == 0) { return TRUE; } else if(version < xml_schema_max) { return validate_with(xml_blob, version, to_logs); } crm_err("Unknown validator: %s", validation); return FALSE; } #if HAVE_LIBXSLT static xmlNode * apply_transformation(xmlNode * xml, const char *transform) { char *xform = NULL; xmlNode *out = NULL; xmlDocPtr res = NULL; xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; xsltStylesheet *xslt = NULL; CRM_CHECK(xml != NULL, return FALSE); doc = getDocPtr(xml); xform = get_schema_path(NULL, transform); xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1; xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1); xslt = xsltParseStylesheetFile((const xmlChar *)xform); CRM_CHECK(xslt != NULL, goto cleanup); res = xsltApplyStylesheet(xslt, doc, NULL); CRM_CHECK(res != NULL, goto cleanup); out = xmlDocGetRootElement(res); cleanup: if (xslt) { xsltFreeStylesheet(xslt); } free(xform); return out; } #endif const char * get_schema_name(int version) { if (version < 0 || version >= xml_schema_max) { return "unknown"; } return known_schemas[version].name; } int get_schema_version(const char *name) { int lpc = 0; if(name == NULL) { name = "none"; } for (; lpc < xml_schema_max; lpc++) { if (safe_str_eq(name, known_schemas[lpc].name)) { return lpc; } } return -1; } /* set which validation to use */ #include int update_validation(xmlNode ** xml_blob, int *best, int max, gboolean transform, gboolean to_logs) { xmlNode *xml = NULL; char *value = NULL; int max_stable_schemas = xml_latest_schema_index(); int lpc = 0, match = -1, rc = pcmk_ok; CRM_CHECK(best != NULL, return -EINVAL); CRM_CHECK(xml_blob != NULL, return -EINVAL); CRM_CHECK(*xml_blob != NULL, return -EINVAL); *best = 0; xml = *xml_blob; value = crm_element_value_copy(xml, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); if (value != NULL) { match = get_schema_version(value); lpc = match; if (lpc >= 0 && transform == FALSE) { lpc++; } else if (lpc < 0) { crm_debug("Unknown validation type"); lpc = 0; } } if (match >= max_stable_schemas) { /* nothing to do */ free(value); *best = match; return pcmk_ok; } while(lpc <= max_stable_schemas) { gboolean valid = TRUE; crm_debug("Testing '%s' validation (%d of %d)", known_schemas[lpc].name ? known_schemas[lpc].name : "", lpc, max_stable_schemas); valid = validate_with(xml, lpc, to_logs); if (valid) { *best = lpc; } else { crm_trace("%s validation failed", known_schemas[lpc].name ? known_schemas[lpc].name : ""); } if (valid && transform) { xmlNode *upgrade = NULL; int next = known_schemas[lpc].after_transform; if (next < 0) { crm_trace("Stopping at %s", known_schemas[lpc].name); break; } else if (max > 0 && lpc == max) { crm_trace("Upgrade limit reached at %s (lpc=%d, next=%d, max=%d)", known_schemas[lpc].name, lpc, next, max); break; } else if (max > 0 && next > max) { crm_debug("Upgrade limit reached at %s (lpc=%d, next=%d, max=%d)", known_schemas[lpc].name, lpc, next, max); break; } else if (known_schemas[lpc].transform == NULL) { crm_debug("%s-style configuration is also valid for %s", known_schemas[lpc].name, known_schemas[next].name); if (validate_with(xml, next, to_logs)) { crm_debug("Configuration valid for schema: %s", known_schemas[next].name); lpc = next; *best = next; rc = pcmk_ok; } else { crm_info("Configuration not valid for schema: %s", known_schemas[next].name); } } else { crm_debug("Upgrading %s-style configuration to %s with %s", known_schemas[lpc].name, known_schemas[next].name, known_schemas[lpc].transform ? known_schemas[lpc].transform : "no-op"); #if HAVE_LIBXSLT upgrade = apply_transformation(xml, known_schemas[lpc].transform); #endif if (upgrade == NULL) { crm_err("Transformation %s failed", known_schemas[lpc].transform); rc = -pcmk_err_transform_failed; } else if (validate_with(upgrade, next, to_logs)) { crm_info("Transformation %s successful", known_schemas[lpc].transform); lpc = next; *best = next; free_xml(xml); xml = upgrade; rc = pcmk_ok; } else { crm_err("Transformation %s did not produce a valid configuration", known_schemas[lpc].transform); crm_log_xml_info(upgrade, "transform:bad"); free_xml(upgrade); rc = -pcmk_err_schema_validation; } } } } if (*best > match) { crm_info("%s the configuration from %s to %s", transform?"Transformed":"Upgraded", value ? value : "", known_schemas[*best].name); crm_xml_add(xml, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION, known_schemas[*best].name); } *xml_blob = xml; free(value); return rc; } -/* - * From xpath2.c - * - * All the elements returned by an XPath query are pointers to - * elements from the tree *except* namespace nodes where the XPath - * semantic is different from the implementation in libxml2 tree. - * As a result when a returned node set is freed when - * xmlXPathFreeObject() is called, that routine must check the - * element type. But node from the returned set may have been removed - * by xmlNodeSetContent() resulting in access to freed data. - * - * This can be exercised by running - * valgrind xpath2 test3.xml '//discarded' discarded - * - * There is 2 ways around it: - * - make a copy of the pointers to the nodes from the result set - * then call xmlXPathFreeObject() and then modify the nodes - * or - * - remove the references from the node set, if they are not - namespace nodes, before calling xmlXPathFreeObject(). - */ -void -freeXpathObject(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj) -{ - int lpc, max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); - - if(xpathObj == NULL) { - return; - } - - for(lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { - if (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc] && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc]->type != XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) { - xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc] = NULL; - } - } - - /* _Now_ its safe to free it */ - xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); -} - -xmlNode * -getXpathResult(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj, int index) -{ - xmlNode *match = NULL; - int max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); - - CRM_CHECK(index >= 0, return NULL); - CRM_CHECK(xpathObj != NULL, return NULL); - - if (index >= max) { - crm_err("Requested index %d of only %d items", index, max); - return NULL; - - } else if(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index] == NULL) { - /* Previously requested */ - return NULL; - } - - match = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index]; - CRM_CHECK(match != NULL, return NULL); - - if (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index]->type != XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) { - /* See the comment for freeXpathObject() */ - xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index] = NULL; - } - - if (match->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) { - /* Will happen if section = '/' */ - match = match->children; - - } else if (match->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE - && match->parent && match->parent->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - /* reurning the parent instead */ - match = match->parent; - - } else if (match->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - /* We only support searching nodes */ - crm_err("We only support %d not %d", XML_ELEMENT_NODE, match->type); - match = NULL; - } - return match; -} - -void -dedupXpathResults(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj) -{ - int lpc, max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); - - if (xpathObj == NULL) { - return; - } - - for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { - xmlNode *xml = NULL; - gboolean dedup = FALSE; - - if (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc] == NULL) { - continue; - } - - xml = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc]->parent; - - for (; xml; xml = xml->parent) { - int lpc2 = 0; - - for (lpc2 = 0; lpc2 < max; lpc2++) { - if (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc2] == xml) { - xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc] = NULL; - dedup = TRUE; - break; - } - } - - if (dedup) { - break; - } - } - } -} - -/* the caller needs to check if the result contains a xmlDocPtr or xmlNodePtr */ -xmlXPathObjectPtr -xpath_search(xmlNode * xml_top, const char *path) -{ - xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; - xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; - xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = NULL; - const xmlChar *xpathExpr = (const xmlChar *)path; - - CRM_CHECK(path != NULL, return NULL); - CRM_CHECK(xml_top != NULL, return NULL); - CRM_CHECK(strlen(path) > 0, return NULL); - - doc = getDocPtr(xml_top); - - xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); - CRM_ASSERT(xpathCtx != NULL); - - xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpathExpr, xpathCtx); - xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx); - return xpathObj; -} - gboolean cli_config_update(xmlNode ** xml, int *best_version, gboolean to_logs) { gboolean rc = TRUE; const char *value = crm_element_value(*xml, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); int version = get_schema_version(value); int min_version = xml_minimum_schema_index(); if (version < min_version) { xmlNode *converted = NULL; converted = copy_xml(*xml); update_validation(&converted, &version, 0, TRUE, to_logs); value = crm_element_value(converted, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION); if (version < min_version) { if (to_logs) { crm_config_err("Your current configuration could only be upgraded to %s... " "the minimum requirement is %s.\n", crm_str(value), get_schema_name(min_version)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Your current configuration could only be upgraded to %s... " "the minimum requirement is %s.\n", crm_str(value), get_schema_name(min_version)); } free_xml(converted); converted = NULL; rc = FALSE; } else { free_xml(*xml); *xml = converted; if (version < xml_latest_schema_index()) { crm_config_warn("Your configuration was internally updated to %s... " "which is acceptable but not the most recent", get_schema_name(version)); } else if (to_logs) { crm_info("Your configuration was internally updated to the latest version (%s)", get_schema_name(version)); } } } else if (version >= get_schema_version("none")) { if (to_logs) { crm_config_warn("Configuration validation is currently disabled." " It is highly encouraged and prevents many common cluster issues."); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Configuration validation is currently disabled." " It is highly encouraged and prevents many common cluster issues.\n"); } } if (best_version) { *best_version = version; } return rc; } xmlNode * expand_idref(xmlNode * input, xmlNode * top) { const char *tag = NULL; const char *ref = NULL; xmlNode *result = input; char *xpath_string = NULL; if (result == NULL) { return NULL; } else if (top == NULL) { top = input; } tag = crm_element_name(result); ref = crm_element_value(result, XML_ATTR_IDREF); if (ref != NULL) { int xpath_max = 512, offset = 0; xpath_string = calloc(1, xpath_max); offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//%s[@id='%s']", tag, ref); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(offset > 0); result = get_xpath_object(xpath_string, top, LOG_ERR); if (result == NULL) { char *nodePath = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(top); crm_err("No match for %s found in %s: Invalid configuration", xpath_string, crm_str(nodePath)); free(nodePath); } } free(xpath_string); return result; } -xmlNode * -get_xpath_object_relative(const char *xpath, xmlNode * xml_obj, int error_level) -{ - int len = 0; - xmlNode *result = NULL; - char *xpath_full = NULL; - char *xpath_prefix = NULL; - - if (xml_obj == NULL || xpath == NULL) { - return NULL; - } - - xpath_prefix = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(xml_obj); - len += strlen(xpath_prefix); - len += strlen(xpath); - - xpath_full = strdup(xpath_prefix); - xpath_full = realloc_safe(xpath_full, len + 1); - strncat(xpath_full, xpath, len); - - result = get_xpath_object(xpath_full, xml_obj, error_level); - - free(xpath_prefix); - free(xpath_full); - return result; -} - -xmlNode * -get_xpath_object(const char *xpath, xmlNode * xml_obj, int error_level) -{ - int max; - xmlNode *result = NULL; - xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; - char *nodePath = NULL; - char *matchNodePath = NULL; - - if (xpath == NULL) { - return xml_obj; /* or return NULL? */ - } - - xpathObj = xpath_search(xml_obj, xpath); - nodePath = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(xml_obj); - max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); - - if (max < 1) { - do_crm_log(error_level, "No match for %s in %s", xpath, crm_str(nodePath)); - crm_log_xml_explicit(xml_obj, "Unexpected Input"); - - } else if (max > 1) { - int lpc = 0; - - do_crm_log(error_level, "Too many matches for %s in %s", xpath, crm_str(nodePath)); - - for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { - xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); - - CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL); - if(match != NULL) { - matchNodePath = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(match); - do_crm_log(error_level, "%s[%d] = %s", xpath, lpc, crm_str(matchNodePath)); - free(matchNodePath); - } - } - crm_log_xml_explicit(xml_obj, "Bad Input"); - - } else { - result = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0); - } - - freeXpathObject(xpathObj); - free(nodePath); - - return result; -} - const char * crm_element_value(xmlNode * data, const char *name) { xmlAttr *attr = NULL; if (data == NULL) { crm_err("Couldn't find %s in NULL", name ? name : ""); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(data != NULL); return NULL; } else if (name == NULL) { crm_err("Couldn't find NULL in %s", crm_element_name(data)); return NULL; } attr = xmlHasProp(data, (const xmlChar *)name); if (attr == NULL || attr->children == NULL) { return NULL; } return (const char *)attr->children->content; } diff --git a/lib/common/xpath.c b/lib/common/xpath.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9a058192b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/common/xpath.c @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +/* + * From xpath2.c + * + * All the elements returned by an XPath query are pointers to + * elements from the tree *except* namespace nodes where the XPath + * semantic is different from the implementation in libxml2 tree. + * As a result when a returned node set is freed when + * xmlXPathFreeObject() is called, that routine must check the + * element type. But node from the returned set may have been removed + * by xmlNodeSetContent() resulting in access to freed data. + * + * This can be exercised by running + * valgrind xpath2 test3.xml '//discarded' discarded + * + * There is 2 ways around it: + * - make a copy of the pointers to the nodes from the result set + * then call xmlXPathFreeObject() and then modify the nodes + * or + * - remove the references from the node set, if they are not + namespace nodes, before calling xmlXPathFreeObject(). + */ +void +freeXpathObject(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj) +{ + int lpc, max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); + + if (xpathObj == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { + if (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc] && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc]->type != XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) { + xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc] = NULL; + } + } + + /* _Now_ it's safe to free it */ + xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); +} + +xmlNode * +getXpathResult(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj, int index) +{ + xmlNode *match = NULL; + int max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); + + CRM_CHECK(index >= 0, return NULL); + CRM_CHECK(xpathObj != NULL, return NULL); + + if (index >= max) { + crm_err("Requested index %d of only %d items", index, max); + return NULL; + + } else if(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index] == NULL) { + /* Previously requested */ + return NULL; + } + + match = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index]; + CRM_CHECK(match != NULL, return NULL); + + if (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index]->type != XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) { + /* See the comment for freeXpathObject() */ + xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[index] = NULL; + } + + if (match->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) { + /* Will happen if section = '/' */ + match = match->children; + + } else if (match->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE + && match->parent && match->parent->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + /* Return the parent instead */ + match = match->parent; + + } else if (match->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + /* We only support searching nodes */ + crm_err("We only support %d not %d", XML_ELEMENT_NODE, match->type); + match = NULL; + } + return match; +} + +void +dedupXpathResults(xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj) +{ + int lpc, max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); + + if (xpathObj == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { + xmlNode *xml = NULL; + gboolean dedup = FALSE; + + if (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc] == NULL) { + continue; + } + + xml = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc]->parent; + + for (; xml; xml = xml->parent) { + int lpc2 = 0; + + for (lpc2 = 0; lpc2 < max; lpc2++) { + if (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc2] == xml) { + xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[lpc] = NULL; + dedup = TRUE; + break; + } + } + + if (dedup) { + break; + } + } + } +} + +/* the caller needs to check if the result contains a xmlDocPtr or xmlNodePtr */ +xmlXPathObjectPtr +xpath_search(xmlNode * xml_top, const char *path) +{ + xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; + xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; + xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = NULL; + const xmlChar *xpathExpr = (const xmlChar *)path; + + CRM_CHECK(path != NULL, return NULL); + CRM_CHECK(xml_top != NULL, return NULL); + CRM_CHECK(strlen(path) > 0, return NULL); + + doc = getDocPtr(xml_top); + + xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); + CRM_ASSERT(xpathCtx != NULL); + + xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpathExpr, xpathCtx); + xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx); + return xpathObj; +} + +/*! + * \brief Run a supplied function for each result of an xpath search + * + * \param[in] xml XML to search + * \param[in] xpath XPath search string + * \param[in] helper Function to call for each result + * \param[in/out] user_data Data to pass to supplied function + * + * \note The helper function will be passed the XML node of the result, + * and the supplied user_data. This function does not otherwise + * use user_data. + */ +void +crm_foreach_xpath_result(xmlNode *xml, const char *xpath, + void (*helper)(xmlNode*, void*), void *user_data) +{ + xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, xpath); + int nresults = numXpathResults(xpathObj); + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < nresults; i++) { + xmlNode *result = getXpathResult(xpathObj, i); + + CRM_LOG_ASSERT(result != NULL); + if (result) { + (*helper)(result, user_data); + } + } + freeXpathObject(xpathObj); +} + +xmlNode * +get_xpath_object_relative(const char *xpath, xmlNode * xml_obj, int error_level) +{ + int len = 0; + xmlNode *result = NULL; + char *xpath_full = NULL; + char *xpath_prefix = NULL; + + if (xml_obj == NULL || xpath == NULL) { + return NULL; + } + + xpath_prefix = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(xml_obj); + len += strlen(xpath_prefix); + len += strlen(xpath); + + xpath_full = strdup(xpath_prefix); + xpath_full = realloc_safe(xpath_full, len + 1); + strncat(xpath_full, xpath, len); + + result = get_xpath_object(xpath_full, xml_obj, error_level); + + free(xpath_prefix); + free(xpath_full); + return result; +} + +xmlNode * +get_xpath_object(const char *xpath, xmlNode * xml_obj, int error_level) +{ + int max; + xmlNode *result = NULL; + xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; + char *nodePath = NULL; + char *matchNodePath = NULL; + + if (xpath == NULL) { + return xml_obj; /* or return NULL? */ + } + + xpathObj = xpath_search(xml_obj, xpath); + nodePath = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(xml_obj); + max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); + + if (max < 1) { + do_crm_log(error_level, "No match for %s in %s", xpath, crm_str(nodePath)); + crm_log_xml_explicit(xml_obj, "Unexpected Input"); + + } else if (max > 1) { + int lpc = 0; + + do_crm_log(error_level, "Too many matches for %s in %s", xpath, crm_str(nodePath)); + + for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { + xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); + + CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL); + if(match != NULL) { + matchNodePath = (char *)xmlGetNodePath(match); + do_crm_log(error_level, "%s[%d] = %s", xpath, lpc, crm_str(matchNodePath)); + free(matchNodePath); + } + } + crm_log_xml_explicit(xml_obj, "Bad Input"); + + } else { + result = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0); + } + + freeXpathObject(xpathObj); + free(nodePath); + + return result; +} diff --git a/lrmd/regression.py.in b/lrmd/regression.py.in index 750b174ede..21efb587f9 100755 --- a/lrmd/regression.py.in +++ b/lrmd/regression.py.in @@ -1,1121 +1,1121 @@ #!/usr/bin/python # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import os import sys import subprocess import shlex import time # Where to find test binaries # Prefer the source tree if available build_dir="@abs_top_builddir@" test_dir=sys.path[0] new_path=os.environ['PATH'] if os.path.exists("%s/regression.py.in" % test_dir): print "Running tests from the source tree: %s (%s)" % (build_dir, test_dir) new_path = "%s/lrmd:%s" % (build_dir, new_path) # For lrmd, lrmd_test and pacemaker_remoted new_path = "%s/tools:%s" % (build_dir, new_path) # For crm_resource new_path = "%s/fencing:%s" % (build_dir, new_path) # For stonithd else: print "Running tests from the install tree: @CRM_DAEMON_DIR@ (not %s)" % test_dir new_path = "@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@:%s" % (new_path) # For stonithd, lrmd, lrmd_test and pacemaker_remoted print new_path os.environ['PATH']=new_path def output_from_command(command, no_wait=0): test = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if no_wait == 0: test.wait() else: return 0 return test.communicate()[0].split("\n") class Test: def __init__(self, name, description, verbose = 0, tls = 0): self.name = name self.description = description self.cmds = [] if tls: self.daemon_location = "pacemaker_remoted" else: self.daemon_location = "lrmd" self.test_tool_location = "lrmd_test" self.verbose = verbose self.tls = tls self.result_txt = "" self.cmd_tool_output = "" self.result_exitcode = 0; self.lrmd_process = None self.stonith_process = None self.executed = 0 def __new_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode, stdout_match = "", no_wait = 0, stdout_negative_match = "", kill=None): if self.verbose and cmd == self.test_tool_location: args = args + " -V " if (cmd == self.test_tool_location) and self.tls: args = args + " -S " self.cmds.append( { "cmd" : cmd, "kill" : kill, "args" : args, "expected_exitcode" : exitcode, "stdout_match" : stdout_match, "stdout_negative_match" : stdout_negative_match, "no_wait" : no_wait, "cmd_output" : "", } ) def start_environment(self): ### make sure we are in full control here ### cmd = shlex.split("killall -q -9 stonithd lt-stonithd lrmd lt-lrmd lrmd_test lt-lrmd_test pacemaker_remoted") test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) test.wait() additional_args = "" if self.tls == 0: self.stonith_process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split("stonithd -s")) if self.verbose: additional_args = additional_args + " -V" self.lrmd_process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split("%s %s -l /tmp/lrmd-regression.log" % (self.daemon_location, additional_args))) time.sleep(1) def clean_environment(self): if self.lrmd_process: self.lrmd_process.terminate() self.lrmd_process.wait() if self.verbose: print "Daemon output" f = open('/tmp/lrmd-regression.log', 'r') for line in f.readlines(): print line.strip() os.remove('/tmp/lrmd-regression.log') if self.stonith_process: self.stonith_process.terminate() self.stonith_process.wait() self.lrmd_process = None self.stonith_process = None def add_sys_cmd(self, cmd, args): self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "") def add_sys_cmd_no_wait(self, cmd, args): self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "", 1) def add_cmd_check_stdout(self, args, match, no_match = ""): self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 0, match, 0, no_match) def add_cmd(self, args): self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 0, "") def add_cmd_and_kill(self, killProc, args): self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 0, "", kill=killProc) def add_expected_fail_cmd(self, args): self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 1, "") def get_exitcode(self): return self.result_exitcode def print_result(self, filler): print "%s%s" % (filler, self.result_txt) def run_cmd(self, args): cmd = shlex.split(args['args']) cmd.insert(0, args['cmd']) if self.verbose: print "\n\nRunning: "+" ".join(cmd) test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if args['kill']: if self.verbose: print "Also running: "+args['kill'] ### Typically the kill argument is used to detect some sort of ### failure. Without yeilding for a few seconds here the process ### launched earlier that is listening for the failure may not have time ### to connect to the lrmd. time.sleep(2) subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(args['kill'])) if args['no_wait'] == 0: test.wait() else: return 0 output = test.communicate()[0] if args['stdout_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_match']) == 0: test.returncode = -2 print "STDOUT string '%s' was not found in cmd output" % (args['stdout_match']) if args['stdout_negative_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_negative_match']) != 0: test.returncode = -2 print "STDOUT string '%s' was found in cmd output" % (args['stdout_negative_match']) args['cmd_output'] = output return test.returncode; def run(self): res = 0 i = 1 if self.tls and self.name.count("stonith") != 0: self.result_txt = "SKIPPED - '%s' - disabled when testing pacemaker_remote" % (self.name) print self.result_txt return res self.start_environment() if self.verbose: print "\n--- START TEST - %s" % self.name self.result_txt = "SUCCESS - '%s'" % (self.name) self.result_exitcode = 0 for cmd in self.cmds: res = self.run_cmd(cmd) if res != cmd['expected_exitcode']: print cmd['cmd_output'] print "Step %d FAILED - command returned %d, expected %d" % (i, res, cmd['expected_exitcode']) self.result_txt = "FAILURE - '%s' failed at step %d. Command: lrmd_test %s" % (self.name, i, cmd['args']) self.result_exitcode = -1 break else: if self.verbose: print cmd['cmd_output'].strip() print "Step %d SUCCESS" % (i) i = i + 1 self.clean_environment() print self.result_txt if self.verbose: print "--- END TEST - %s\n" % self.name self.executed = 1 return res class Tests: def __init__(self, verbose = 0, tls = 0): self.tests = [] self.verbose = verbose self.tls = tls; self.rsc_classes = output_from_command("crm_resource --list-standards") self.rsc_classes = self.rsc_classes[:-1] # Strip trailing empty line self.need_authkey = 0 self.action_timeout = " -t 5000 " if self.tls: self.rsc_classes.remove("stonith") if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: # the lrmd_dummy_daemon requires this, we are importing it # here just to guarantee it is installed before allowing this # script to run. Otherwise, running without this import being # available will make all the systemd tests look like they fail, # which is really scary looking. I'd rather see the import fail. import systemd.daemon print "Testing "+repr(self.rsc_classes) self.common_cmds = { "ocf_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r ocf_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C ocf -P pacemaker -T Dummy", "ocf_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "ocf_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "ocf_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "ocf_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "ocf_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"3000\" ", "ocf_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "systemd_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r systemd_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon", "systemd_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "systemd_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "systemd_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "systemd_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "systemd_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"3000\" ", "systemd_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "upstart_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r upstart_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C upstart -T lrmd_dummy_daemon", "upstart_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "upstart_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "upstart_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "upstart_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "upstart_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"3000\" ", "upstart_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "service_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r service_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C service -T LSBDummy", "service_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "service_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"service_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "service_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "service_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "service_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"3000\" ", "service_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "lsb_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r lsb_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C lsb -T LSBDummy", "lsb_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "lsb_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "lsb_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "lsb_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "lsb_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a status -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a \"status\" -i \"2000\" -t \"3000\" ", "lsb_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "heartbeat_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r hb_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C heartbeat -T HBDummy", "heartbeat_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "heartbeat_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"hb_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "heartbeat_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "heartbeat_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "heartbeat_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a status -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a \"status\" -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b -i \"2000\" -t \"3000\" ", "heartbeat_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "stonith_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r stonith_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C stonith -P pacemaker -T fence_dummy_monitor", "stonith_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "stonith_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "stonith_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -t 8000 ", "stonith_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "stonith_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "stonith_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"3000\" ", "stonith_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", } def new_test(self, name, description): test = Test(name, description, self.verbose, self.tls) self.tests.append(test) return test def setup_test_environment(self): os.system("service pacemaker_remote stop") self.cleanup_test_environment() if self.tls and not os.path.isfile("/etc/pacemaker/authkey"): self.need_authkey = 1 os.system("mkdir -p /etc/pacemaker") os.system("dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1") ### Make fake systemd daemon and unit file ### dummy_daemon = """#!/bin/python import time, systemd.daemon time.sleep(3) systemd.daemon.notify("READY=1") while True: time.sleep(5) """ dummy_service_file = """ [Unit] Description=Dummy resource that takes a while to start [Service] Type=notify ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon """ dummy_upstart_job = (""" description "Dummy service for regression tests" exec dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/null """) dummy_fence_sleep_agent = ("""#!/usr/bin/python import sys import time def main(): for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): if line.count("monitor") > 0: time.sleep(30000) sys.exit(0) sys.exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main() """) dummy_fence_agent = ("""#!/usr/bin/python import sys def main(): for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): if line.count("monitor") > 0: sys.exit(0) if line.count("metadata") > 0: print '' print ' dummy description.' print ' http://www.example.com' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print ' Fencing Action' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print ' Physical plug number or name of virtual machine' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print ' ' print '' sys.exit(0) sys.exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main() """) os.system("cat <<-END >>/etc/init/lrmd_dummy_daemon.conf\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_upstart_job)) os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_daemon)) os.system("cat <<-END >>/lib/systemd/system/lrmd_dummy_daemon.service\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_service_file)) os.system("chmod a+x /usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon") os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_sleep\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_fence_sleep_agent)) os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_sleep") os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_fence_agent)) os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor") if os.path.exists("%s/cts/LSBDummy" % build_dir): print "Using %s/cts/LSBDummy" % build_dir os.system("cp %s/cts/LSBDummy /etc/init.d/LSBDummy" % build_dir) if not os.path.exists("@OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker"): os.system("mkdir -p @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker/") # Install helper OCF agents for ra in [ "Dummy", "Stateful", "ping" ]: os.system("cp %s/extra/resources/%s @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker/%s" % (build_dir, ra, ra)) os.system("chmod a+x @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker/%s" % (ra)) else: # Assume it's installed print "Using @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/LSBDummy" os.system("cp @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/LSBDummy /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("chmod a+x /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("ls -al /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("mkdir -p @CRM_CORE_DIR@/root") os.system("mkdir -p /etc/ha.d/resource.d") if os.path.exists("%s/cts/HBDummy" % build_dir): print "Using %s/cts/HBDummy" % build_dir os.system("cp %s/cts/HBDummy /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy" % build_dir) else: # Assume it's installed print "Using @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/HBDummy" os.system("cp @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/HBDummy /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") os.system("chmod a+x /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") os.system("ls -al /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") if os.path.exists("/bin/systemctl"): os.system("systemctl daemon-reload") def cleanup_test_environment(self): if self.need_authkey: os.system("rm -f /etc/pacemaker/authkey") os.system("rm -f /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("rm -f /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") os.system("rm -f /lib/systemd/system/lrmd_dummy_daemon.service") os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon") os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor") os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_sleep") if os.path.exists("/bin/systemctl"): os.system("systemctl daemon-reload") ### These are tests that should apply to all resource classes ### def build_generic_tests(self): common_cmds = self.common_cmds ### register/unregister tests ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_registration_%s" % (rsc), "Simple resource registration test for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### start/stop tests ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_start_stop_%s" % (rsc), "Simple start and stop test for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### monitor cancel test ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_monitor_cancel_%s" % (rsc), "Simple monitor cancel test for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_cancel_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_cancel_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### monitor duplicate test ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_monitor_duplicate_%s" % (rsc), "Test creation and canceling of duplicate monitors for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### # Add the duplicate monitors. test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) # verify we still get update events test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### # cancel the monitor, if the duplicate merged with the original, we should no longer see monitor updates test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_cancel_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_cancel_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### stop implies cancel test ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_stop_implies_cancel_%s" % (rsc), "Verify stopping a resource implies cancel of recurring ops for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### These are complex tests that involve managing multiple resouces of different types ### def build_multi_rsc_tests(self): common_cmds = self.common_cmds # do not use service and systemd at the same time, it is the same resource. ### register start monitor stop unregister resources of each type at the same time. ### test = self.new_test("multi_rsc_start_stop_all", "Start, monitor, and stop resources of multiple types and classes") for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor is not being rescheduled #### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_cancel_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_cancel_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### These are tests related to how the lrmd handles failures. ### def build_negative_tests(self): ### ocf start timeout test ### test = self.new_test("ocf_start_timeout", "Force start timeout to occur, verify start failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -k \"op_sleep\" -v \"5\" -t 1000 -w") # -t must be less than self.action_timeout test.add_cmd("-l " "\"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:unknown error op_status:Timed Out\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### stonith start timeout test ### test = self.new_test("stonith_start_timeout", "Force start timeout to occur, verify start failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"stonith\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"fence_dummy_sleep\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -t 1000 -w") # -t must be less than self.action_timeout test.add_cmd("-l " "\"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:unknown error op_status:Timed Out\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### stonith component fail ### common_cmds = self.common_cmds test = self.new_test("stonith_component_fail", "Kill stonith component after lrmd connects") test.add_cmd(common_cmds["stonith_reg_line"] + " " + common_cmds["stonith_reg_event"]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["stonith_start_line"] + " " + common_cmds["stonith_start_event"]) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"600000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("killall -9 -q stonithd lt-stonithd" ,"-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:unknown error op_status:error\" -t 15000") test.add_cmd(common_cmds["stonith_unreg_line"] + " " + common_cmds["stonith_unreg_event"]) ### monitor fail for ocf resources ### test = self.new_test("monitor_fail_ocf", "Force ocf monitor to fail, verify failure is reported.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("rm -f @localstatedir@/run/Dummy-test_rsc.state", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 6000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"3000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### verify notify changes only for monitor operation. ### test = self.new_test("monitor_changes_only", "Verify when flag is set, only monitor changes are notified.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+" -o " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+" -o " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("rm -f @localstatedir@/run/Dummy-test_rsc.state", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 6000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"3000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### monitor fail for systemd resource ### if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("monitor_fail_systemd", "Force systemd monitor to fail, verify failure is reported..") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("killall -9 -q lrmd_dummy_daemon", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 8000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"3000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### monitor fail for upstart resource ### if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("monitor_fail_upstart", "Force upstart monitor to fail, verify failure is reported..") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C upstart -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("killall -9 -q dd", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 8000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"3000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Cancel non-existent operation on a resource ### test = self.new_test("cancel_non_existent_op", "Attempt to cancel the wrong monitor operation, verify expected failure") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a \"monitor\" -i 1234 -t \"3000\" " ### interval is wrong, should fail "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a stop -i 100 -t \"3000\" " ### action name is wrong, should fail "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Attempt to invoke non-existent rsc id ### test = self.new_test("invoke_non_existent_rsc", "Attempt to perform operations on a non-existent rsc id.") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:unknown error op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a monitor -i 3000 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a start "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register and start a resource that doesn't exist, systemd ### if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("start_uninstalled_systemd", "Register uninstalled systemd agent, try to start, verify expected failure") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C systemd -T this_is_fake1234 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("start_uninstalled_upstart", "Register uninstalled upstart agent, try to start, verify expected failure") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C upstart -T this_is_fake1234 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register and start a resource that doesn't exist, ocf ### test = self.new_test("start_uninstalled_ocf", "Register uninstalled ocf agent, try to start, verify expected failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C ocf -P pacemaker -T this_is_fake1234 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register ocf with non-existent provider ### test = self.new_test("start_ocf_bad_provider", "Register ocf agent with a non-existent provider, verify expected failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C ocf -P pancakes -T Dummy "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register ocf with empty provider field ### test = self.new_test("start_ocf_no_provider", "Register ocf agent with a no provider, verify expected failure.") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C ocf -T Dummy "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:Error\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### stress tests ### def build_stress_tests(self): timeout = "-t 20000" iterations = 25 - test = self.new_test("ocf_stress", "Verify systemd dbus connection works under load") + test = self.new_test("ocf_stress", "Verify OCF agent handling works under load") for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -C ocf -P heartbeat -T Dummy -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a start %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a monitor %s -i 1000 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a stop %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("systemd_stress", "Verify systemd dbus connection works under load") for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a start %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a monitor %s -i 1000 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a stop %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) iterations = 9 timeout = "-t 30000" ### Verify recurring op in-flight collision is handled in series properly test = self.new_test("rsc_inflight_collision", "Verify recurring ops do not collide with other operations for the same rsc.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P pacemaker -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a start %s -k op_sleep -v 1 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout)) for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a monitor %s -i 100%d -k op_sleep -v 2 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout, i)) # test.add_sys_cmd("sleep", "-al @CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout)) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout)) ### These are tests that target specific cases ### def build_custom_tests(self): ### verify resource temporary folder is created and used by heartbeat agents. ### test = self.new_test("rsc_tmp_dir", "Verify creation and use of rsc temporary state directory") test.add_sys_cmd("ls", "-al @CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P heartbeat -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a start -t 4000") test.add_sys_cmd("ls", "-al @CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@") test.add_sys_cmd("ls", "@CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@/Dummy-test_rsc.state") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop -t 4000") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### start delay then stop test ### test = self.new_test("start_delay", "Verify start delay works as expected.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P pacemaker -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -s 6000 -a start -w -t 6000") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l " "\"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" -t 2000") test.add_cmd("-l " "\"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" -t 6000") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### start delay, but cancel before it gets a chance to start. ### test = self.new_test("start_delay_cancel", "Using start_delay, start a rsc, but cancel the start op before execution.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P pacemaker -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -s 5000 -a start -w -t 4000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a start "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l " "\"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" -t 5000") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register a bunch of resources, verify we can get info on them ### test = self.new_test("verify_get_rsc_info", "Register multiple resources, verify retrieval of rsc info.") if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc1 -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc1 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc1 -C upstart -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc1 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Dummy -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc2 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ") ### Register duplicate, verify only one entry exists and can still be removed. test = self.new_test("duplicate_registration", "Register resource multiple times, verify only one entry exists and can be removed.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Dummy -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ", "id:rsc2 class:ocf provider:pacemaker type:Dummy") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Dummy -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ", "id:rsc2 class:ocf provider:pacemaker type:Dummy") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Stateful -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ", "id:rsc2 class:ocf provider:pacemaker type:Stateful") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc2 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ") ### verify the option to only send notification to the original client. ### test = self.new_test("notify_orig_client_only", "Verify option to only send notifications to the client originating the action.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+" -n " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") # this will fail because the monitor notifications should only go to the original caller, which no longer exists. test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"3000\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### get metadata ### test = self.new_test("get_ocf_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\"" ,"resource-agent name=\"Dummy\"") test.add_cmd("-c metadata -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Stateful\"") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c metadata -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Stateful\"") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c metadata -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"fake_agent\"") ### get metadata ### test = self.new_test("get_lsb_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"lsb\" -T \"LSBDummy\"" ,"resource-agent name='LSBDummy'") ### get stonith metadata ### test = self.new_test("get_stonith_metadata", "Retrieve stonith metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"stonith\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"fence_dummy_monitor\"", "resource-agent name=\"fence_dummy_monitor\"") ### get metadata ### if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("get_systemd_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"systemd\" -T \"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"" ,"resource-agent name=\"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"") ### get metadata ### if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("get_upstart_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"upstart\" -T \"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"" ,"resource-agent name=\"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"") if "heartbeat" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("get_heartbeat_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"heartbeat\" -T \"HBDummy\"" ,"resource-agent name='HBDummy'") ### get ocf providers ### test = self.new_test("list_ocf_providers", "Retrieve list of available resource providers, verifies pacemaker is a provider.") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_ocf_providers ", "pacemaker") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_ocf_providers -T ping", "pacemaker") ### Verify agents only exist in their lists ### test = self.new_test("verify_agent_lists", "Verify the agent lists contain the right data.") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "Stateful") ### ocf ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "Stateful") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C lsb", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "LSBDummy") ### init.d ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C lsb", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C lsb", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### systemd ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C systemd", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C systemd", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C systemd", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### upstart ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C upstart", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C upstart", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C upstart", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist if "stonith" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C stonith", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### stonith ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C stonith", "", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C stonith", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "fence_dummy_monitor") if "heartbeat" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C heartbeat", "HBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C heartbeat", "", "LSBDummy") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "", "HBDummy") ### should not exist def print_list(self): print "\n==== %d TESTS FOUND ====" % (len(self.tests)) print "%35s - %s" % ("TEST NAME", "TEST DESCRIPTION") print "%35s - %s" % ("--------------------", "--------------------") for test in self.tests: print "%35s - %s" % (test.name, test.description) print "==== END OF LIST ====\n" def run_single(self, name): for test in self.tests: if test.name == name: test.run() break; def run_tests_matching(self, pattern): for test in self.tests: if test.name.count(pattern) != 0: test.run() def run_tests(self): for test in self.tests: test.run() def exit(self): for test in self.tests: if test.executed == 0: continue if test.get_exitcode() != 0: sys.exit(-1) sys.exit(0); def print_results(self): failures = 0; success = 0; print "\n\n======= FINAL RESULTS ==========" print "\n--- FAILURE RESULTS:" for test in self.tests: if test.executed == 0: continue if test.get_exitcode() != 0: failures = failures + 1 test.print_result(" ") else: success = success + 1 if failures == 0: print " None" print "\n--- TOTALS\n Pass:%d\n Fail:%d\n" % (success, failures) class TestOptions: def __init__(self): self.options = {} self.options['list-tests'] = 0 self.options['run-all'] = 1 self.options['run-only'] = "" self.options['run-only-pattern'] = "" self.options['verbose'] = 0 self.options['invalid-arg'] = "" self.options['show-usage'] = 0 self.options['pacemaker-remote'] = 0 def build_options(self, argv): args = argv[1:] skip = 0 for i in range(0, len(args)): if skip: skip = 0 continue elif args[i] == "-h" or args[i] == "--help": self.options['show-usage'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-l" or args[i] == "--list-tests": self.options['list-tests'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-V" or args[i] == "--verbose": self.options['verbose'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-R" or args[i] == "--pacemaker-remote": self.options['pacemaker-remote'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-r" or args[i] == "--run-only": self.options['run-only'] = args[i+1] skip = 1 elif args[i] == "-p" or args[i] == "--run-only-pattern": self.options['run-only-pattern'] = args[i+1] skip = 1 def show_usage(self): print "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options]" print "If no options are provided, all tests will run" print "Options:" print "\t [--help | -h] Show usage" print "\t [--list-tests | -l] Print out all registered tests." print "\t [--run-only | -r 'testname'] Run a specific test" print "\t [--verbose | -V] Verbose output" print "\t [--pacemaker-remote | -R Test pacemaker-remote binary instead of lrmd." print "\t [--run-only-pattern | -p 'string'] Run only tests containing the string value" print "\n\tExample: Run only the test 'start_top'" print "\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only start_stop" print "\n\tExample: Run only the tests with the string 'systemd' present in them" print "\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only-pattern systemd" def main(argv): o = TestOptions() o.build_options(argv) tests = Tests(o.options['verbose'], o.options['pacemaker-remote']) tests.build_generic_tests() tests.build_multi_rsc_tests() tests.build_negative_tests() tests.build_custom_tests() tests.build_stress_tests() tests.setup_test_environment() print "Starting ..." if o.options['list-tests']: tests.print_list() elif o.options['show-usage']: o.show_usage() elif o.options['run-only-pattern'] != "": tests.run_tests_matching(o.options['run-only-pattern']) tests.print_results() elif o.options['run-only'] != "": tests.run_single(o.options['run-only']) tests.print_results() else: tests.run_tests() tests.print_results() tests.cleanup_test_environment() tests.exit() if __name__=="__main__": main(sys.argv)