diff --git a/daemons/attrd/attrd_ipc.c b/daemons/attrd/attrd_ipc.c index fd917a37bb..07fe84399a 100644 --- a/daemons/attrd/attrd_ipc.c +++ b/daemons/attrd/attrd_ipc.c @@ -1,630 +1,630 @@ /* - * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include // PRIu32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pacemaker-attrd.h" static qb_ipcs_service_t *ipcs = NULL; /*! * \internal * \brief Build the XML reply to a client query * * \param[in] attr Name of requested attribute * \param[in] host Name of requested host (or NULL for all hosts) * * \return New XML reply * \note Caller is responsible for freeing the resulting XML */ static xmlNode *build_query_reply(const char *attr, const char *host) { xmlNode *reply = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, __func__); attribute_t *a; crm_xml_add(reply, PCMK__XA_T, PCMK__VALUE_ATTRD); crm_xml_add(reply, PCMK__XA_SUBT, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_QUERY); crm_xml_add(reply, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VERSION, ATTRD_PROTOCOL_VERSION); /* If desired attribute exists, add its value(s) to the reply */ a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr); if (a) { attribute_value_t *v; xmlNode *host_value; crm_xml_add(reply, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, attr); /* Allow caller to use "localhost" to refer to local node */ if (pcmk__str_eq(host, "localhost", pcmk__str_casei)) { host = attrd_cluster->priv->node_name; crm_trace("Mapped localhost to %s", host); } /* If a specific node was requested, add its value */ if (host) { v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host); host_value = pcmk__xe_create(reply, PCMK_XE_NODE); - pcmk__xe_add_node(host_value, host, 0); + crm_xml_add(host_value, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, host); crm_xml_add(host_value, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, (v? v->current : NULL)); /* Otherwise, add all nodes' values */ } else { GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &v)) { host_value = pcmk__xe_create(reply, PCMK_XE_NODE); - pcmk__xe_add_node(host_value, v->nodename, 0); + crm_xml_add(host_value, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, v->nodename); crm_xml_add(host_value, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, v->current); } } } return reply; } xmlNode * attrd_client_clear_failure(pcmk__request_t *request) { xmlNode *xml = request->xml; const char *rsc, *op, *interval_spec; if (minimum_protocol_version >= 2) { /* Propagate to all peers (including ourselves). * This ends up at attrd_peer_message(). */ attrd_send_message(NULL, xml, false); pcmk__set_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL); return NULL; } rsc = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_RESOURCE); op = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_OPERATION); interval_spec = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_INTERVAL); /* Map this to an update */ crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE); /* Add regular expression matching desired attributes */ if (rsc) { char *pattern; if (op == NULL) { pattern = crm_strdup_printf(ATTRD_RE_CLEAR_ONE, rsc); } else { guint interval_ms = 0U; pcmk_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec, &interval_ms); pattern = crm_strdup_printf(ATTRD_RE_CLEAR_OP, rsc, op, interval_ms); } crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_REGEX, pattern); free(pattern); } else { crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_REGEX, ATTRD_RE_CLEAR_ALL); } /* Make sure attribute and value are not set, so we delete via regex */ pcmk__xe_remove_attr(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME); pcmk__xe_remove_attr(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE); return attrd_client_update(request); } xmlNode * attrd_client_peer_remove(pcmk__request_t *request) { xmlNode *xml = request->xml; // Host and ID are not used in combination, rather host has precedence const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST); char *host_alloc = NULL; attrd_send_ack(request->ipc_client, request->ipc_id, request->ipc_flags); if (host == NULL) { int nodeid = 0; crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID, &nodeid); if (nodeid > 0) { pcmk__node_status_t *node = NULL; char *host_alloc = NULL; node = pcmk__search_node_caches(nodeid, NULL, NULL, pcmk__node_search_cluster_member); if ((node != NULL) && (node->name != NULL)) { // Use cached name if available host = node->name; } else { // Otherwise ask cluster layer host_alloc = pcmk__cluster_node_name(nodeid); host = host_alloc; } - pcmk__xe_add_node(xml, host, 0); + crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, host); } } if (host) { crm_info("Client %s is requesting all values for %s be removed", pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client), host); attrd_send_message(NULL, xml, false); /* ends up at attrd_peer_message() */ free(host_alloc); } else { crm_info("Ignoring request by client %s to remove all peer values without specifying peer", pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client)); } pcmk__set_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL); return NULL; } xmlNode * attrd_client_query(pcmk__request_t *request) { xmlNode *query = request->xml; xmlNode *reply = NULL; const char *attr = NULL; crm_debug("Query arrived from %s", pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client)); /* Request must specify attribute name to query */ attr = crm_element_value(query, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME); if (attr == NULL) { pcmk__format_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR, "Ignoring malformed query from %s (no attribute name given)", pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client)); return NULL; } /* Build the XML reply */ reply = build_query_reply(attr, crm_element_value(query, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST)); if (reply == NULL) { pcmk__format_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR, "Could not respond to query from %s: could not create XML reply", pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client)); return NULL; } else { pcmk__set_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL); } request->ipc_client->request_id = 0; return reply; } xmlNode * attrd_client_refresh(pcmk__request_t *request) { crm_info("Updating all attributes"); attrd_send_ack(request->ipc_client, request->ipc_id, request->ipc_flags); attrd_write_attributes(attrd_write_all|attrd_write_no_delay); pcmk__set_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL); return NULL; } static void handle_missing_host(xmlNode *xml) { if (crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST) == NULL) { crm_trace("Inferring local node %s with XML ID %s", attrd_cluster->priv->node_name, attrd_cluster->priv->node_xml_id); crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, attrd_cluster->priv->node_name); crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID, attrd_cluster->priv->node_xml_id); } } /* Convert a single IPC message with a regex into one with multiple children, one * for each regex match. */ static int expand_regexes(xmlNode *xml, const char *attr, const char *value, const char *regex) { if (attr == NULL && regex) { bool matched = false; GHashTableIter aIter; regex_t r_patt; crm_debug("Setting %s to %s", regex, value); if (regcomp(&r_patt, regex, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB)) { return EINVAL; } g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, (gpointer *) & attr, NULL)) { int status = regexec(&r_patt, attr, 0, NULL, 0); if (status == 0) { xmlNode *child = pcmk__xe_create(xml, PCMK_XE_OP); crm_trace("Matched %s with %s", attr, regex); matched = true; /* Copy all the non-conflicting attributes from the parent over, * but remove the regex and replace it with the name. */ pcmk__xe_copy_attrs(child, xml, pcmk__xaf_no_overwrite); pcmk__xe_remove_attr(child, PCMK__XA_ATTR_REGEX); crm_xml_add(child, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, attr); } } regfree(&r_patt); /* Return a code if we never matched anything. This should not be treated * as an error. It indicates there was a regex, and it was a valid regex, * but simply did not match anything and the caller should not continue * doing any regex-related processing. */ if (!matched) { return pcmk_rc_op_unsatisfied; } } else if (attr == NULL) { return pcmk_rc_bad_nvpair; } return pcmk_rc_ok; } static int handle_regexes(pcmk__request_t *request) { xmlNode *xml = request->xml; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME); const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE); const char *regex = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_REGEX); rc = expand_regexes(xml, attr, value, regex); if (rc == EINVAL) { pcmk__format_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR, "Bad regex '%s' for update from client %s", regex, pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client)); } else if (rc == pcmk_rc_bad_nvpair) { crm_err("Update request did not specify attribute or regular expression"); pcmk__format_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR, "Client %s update request did not specify attribute or regular expression", pcmk__client_name(request->ipc_client)); } return rc; } static int handle_value_expansion(const char **value, xmlNode *xml, const char *op, const char *attr) { attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr); if (a == NULL && pcmk__str_eq(op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_DELAY, pcmk__str_none)) { return EINVAL; } if (*value && attrd_value_needs_expansion(*value)) { int int_value; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; if (a) { const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST); v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host); } int_value = attrd_expand_value(*value, (v? v->current : NULL)); crm_info("Expanded %s=%s to %d", attr, *value, int_value); crm_xml_add_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, int_value); /* Replacing the value frees the previous memory, so re-query it */ *value = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } static void send_update_msg_to_cluster(pcmk__request_t *request, xmlNode *xml) { if (pcmk__str_eq(attrd_request_sync_point(xml), PCMK__VALUE_CLUSTER, pcmk__str_none)) { /* The client is waiting on the cluster-wide sync point. In this case, * the response ACK is not sent until this attrd broadcasts the update * and receives its own confirmation back from all peers. */ attrd_expect_confirmations(request, attrd_cluster_sync_point_update); attrd_send_message(NULL, xml, true); /* ends up at attrd_peer_message() */ } else { /* The client is either waiting on the local sync point or was not * waiting on any sync point at all. For the local sync point, the * response ACK is sent in attrd_peer_update. For clients not * waiting on any sync point, the response ACK is sent in * handle_update_request immediately before this function was called. */ attrd_send_message(NULL, xml, false); /* ends up at attrd_peer_message() */ } } static int send_child_update(xmlNode *child, void *data) { pcmk__request_t *request = (pcmk__request_t *) data; /* Calling pcmk__set_result is handled by one of these calls to * attrd_client_update, so no need to do it again here. */ request->xml = child; attrd_client_update(request); return pcmk_rc_ok; } xmlNode * attrd_client_update(pcmk__request_t *request) { xmlNode *xml = NULL; const char *attr, *value, *regex; CRM_CHECK((request != NULL) && (request->xml != NULL), return NULL); xml = request->xml; /* If the message has children, that means it is a message from a newer * client that supports sending multiple operations at a time. There are * two ways we can handle that. */ if (xml->children != NULL) { if (ATTRD_SUPPORTS_MULTI_MESSAGE(minimum_protocol_version)) { /* First, if all peers support a certain protocol version, we can * just broadcast the big message and they'll handle it. However, * we also need to apply all the transformations in this function * to the children since they don't happen anywhere else. */ for (xmlNode *child = pcmk__xe_first_child(xml, PCMK_XE_OP, NULL, NULL); child != NULL; child = pcmk__xe_next(child, PCMK_XE_OP)) { attr = crm_element_value(child, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME); value = crm_element_value(child, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE); handle_missing_host(child); if (handle_value_expansion(&value, child, request->op, attr) == EINVAL) { pcmk__format_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_NOSUCH, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR, "Attribute %s does not exist", attr); return NULL; } } send_update_msg_to_cluster(request, xml); pcmk__set_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL); } else { /* Save the original xml node pointer so it can be restored after iterating * over all the children. */ xmlNode *orig_xml = request->xml; /* Second, if they do not support that protocol version, split it * up into individual messages and call attrd_client_update on * each one. */ pcmk__xe_foreach_child(xml, PCMK_XE_OP, send_child_update, request); request->xml = orig_xml; } return NULL; } attr = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME); value = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE); regex = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_REGEX); if (handle_regexes(request) != pcmk_rc_ok) { /* Error handling was already dealt with in handle_regexes, so just return. */ return NULL; } else if (regex) { /* Recursively call attrd_client_update on the new message with regexes * expanded. If supported by the attribute daemon, this means that all * matches can also be handled atomically. */ return attrd_client_update(request); } handle_missing_host(xml); if (handle_value_expansion(&value, xml, request->op, attr) == EINVAL) { pcmk__format_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_NOSUCH, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR, "Attribute %s does not exist", attr); return NULL; } crm_debug("Broadcasting %s[%s]=%s%s", attr, crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST), value, (attrd_election_won()? " (writer)" : "")); send_update_msg_to_cluster(request, xml); pcmk__set_result(&request->result, CRM_EX_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL); return NULL; } /*! * \internal * \brief Accept a new client IPC connection * * \param[in,out] c New connection * \param[in] uid Client user id * \param[in] gid Client group id * * \return pcmk_ok on success, -errno otherwise */ static int32_t attrd_ipc_accept(qb_ipcs_connection_t *c, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { crm_trace("New client connection %p", c); if (attrd_shutting_down(false)) { crm_info("Ignoring new connection from pid %d during shutdown", pcmk__client_pid(c)); return -ECONNREFUSED; } if (pcmk__new_client(c, uid, gid) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } return pcmk_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Destroy a client IPC connection * * \param[in] c Connection to destroy * * \return FALSE (i.e. do not re-run this callback) */ static int32_t attrd_ipc_closed(qb_ipcs_connection_t *c) { pcmk__client_t *client = pcmk__find_client(c); if (client == NULL) { crm_trace("Ignoring request to clean up unknown connection %p", c); } else { crm_trace("Cleaning up closed client connection %p", c); /* Remove the client from the sync point waitlist if it's present. */ attrd_remove_client_from_waitlist(client); /* And no longer wait for confirmations from any peers. */ attrd_do_not_wait_for_client(client); pcmk__free_client(client); } return FALSE; } /*! * \internal * \brief Destroy a client IPC connection * * \param[in,out] c Connection to destroy * * \note We handle a destroyed connection the same as a closed one, * but we need a separate handler because the return type is different. */ static void attrd_ipc_destroy(qb_ipcs_connection_t *c) { crm_trace("Destroying client connection %p", c); attrd_ipc_closed(c); } static int32_t attrd_ipc_dispatch(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c, void *data, size_t size) { uint32_t id = 0; uint32_t flags = 0; pcmk__client_t *client = pcmk__find_client(c); xmlNode *xml = NULL; // Sanity-check, and parse XML from IPC data CRM_CHECK((c != NULL) && (client != NULL), return 0); if (data == NULL) { crm_debug("No IPC data from PID %d", pcmk__client_pid(c)); return 0; } xml = pcmk__client_data2xml(client, data, &id, &flags); if (xml == NULL) { crm_debug("Unrecognizable IPC data from PID %d", pcmk__client_pid(c)); pcmk__ipc_send_ack(client, id, flags, PCMK__XE_ACK, NULL, CRM_EX_PROTOCOL); return 0; } else { pcmk__request_t request = { .ipc_client = client, .ipc_id = id, .ipc_flags = flags, .peer = NULL, .xml = xml, .call_options = 0, .result = PCMK__UNKNOWN_RESULT, }; pcmk__assert(client->user != NULL); pcmk__update_acl_user(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_USER, client->user); request.op = crm_element_value_copy(request.xml, PCMK_XA_TASK); CRM_CHECK(request.op != NULL, return 0); attrd_handle_request(&request); pcmk__reset_request(&request); } pcmk__xml_free(xml); return 0; } static struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers ipc_callbacks = { .connection_accept = attrd_ipc_accept, .connection_created = NULL, .msg_process = attrd_ipc_dispatch, .connection_closed = attrd_ipc_closed, .connection_destroyed = attrd_ipc_destroy }; void attrd_ipc_fini(void) { if (ipcs != NULL) { pcmk__drop_all_clients(ipcs); qb_ipcs_destroy(ipcs); ipcs = NULL; } attrd_unregister_handlers(); pcmk__client_cleanup(); } /*! * \internal * \brief Set up attrd IPC communication */ void attrd_init_ipc(void) { pcmk__serve_attrd_ipc(&ipcs, &ipc_callbacks); } diff --git a/include/crm/common/internal.h b/include/crm/common/internal.h index b5a004500c..0a406f966d 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/internal.h @@ -1,361 +1,348 @@ /* - * Copyright 2015-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2015-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_INTERNAL__H #include // pid_t, getpid() #include // bool #include // uint8_t, uint64_t #include // PRIu64 #include // guint, GList, GHashTable #include // xmlNode #include // do_crm_log_unlikely(), etc. #include // mainloop_io_t, struct ipc_client_callbacks #include // crm_strdup_printf() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* This says whether the current application is a Pacemaker daemon or not, * and is used to change default logging settings such as whether to log to * stderr, etc., as well as a few other details such as whether blackbox signal * handling is enabled. * * It is set when logging is initialized, and does not need to be set directly. */ extern bool pcmk__is_daemon; // Number of elements in a statically defined array #define PCMK__NELEM(a) ((int) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) ) #if PCMK__ENABLE_CIBSECRETS /* internal CIB utilities (from cib_secrets.c) */ int pcmk__substitute_secrets(const char *rsc_id, GHashTable *params); #endif /* internal main loop utilities (from mainloop.c) */ int pcmk__add_mainloop_ipc(crm_ipc_t *ipc, int priority, void *userdata, const struct ipc_client_callbacks *callbacks, mainloop_io_t **source); guint pcmk__mainloop_timer_get_period(const mainloop_timer_t *timer); -/* internal node-related XML utilities (from nodes.c) */ - -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Add local node name and ID to an XML node - * - * \param[in,out] request XML node to modify - * \param[in] node The local node's name - * \param[in] nodeid The local node's ID (can be 0) - */ -void pcmk__xe_add_node(xmlNode *xml, const char *node, int nodeid); - - /* internal name/value utilities (from nvpair.c) */ int pcmk__scan_nvpair(const char *input, char **name, char **value); char *pcmk__format_nvpair(const char *name, const char *value, const char *units); /* internal procfs utilities (from procfs.c) */ pid_t pcmk__procfs_pid_of(const char *name); unsigned int pcmk__procfs_num_cores(void); int pcmk__procfs_pid2path(pid_t pid, char path[], size_t path_size); bool pcmk__procfs_has_pids(void); DIR *pcmk__procfs_fd_dir(void); void pcmk__sysrq_trigger(char t); bool pcmk__throttle_cib_load(const char *server, float *load); bool pcmk__throttle_load_avg(float *load); /* internal functions related to process IDs (from pid.c) */ /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether process exists (by PID and optionally executable path) * * \param[in] pid PID of process to check * \param[in] daemon If not NULL, path component to match with procfs entry * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * \note Particular return codes of interest include pcmk_rc_ok for alive, * ESRCH for process is not alive (verified by kill and/or executable path * match), EACCES for caller unable or not allowed to check. A result of * "alive" is less reliable when \p daemon is not provided or procfs is * not available, since there is no guarantee that the PID has not been * recycled for another process. * \note This function cannot be used to verify \e authenticity of the process. */ int pcmk__pid_active(pid_t pid, const char *daemon); int pcmk__read_pidfile(const char *filename, pid_t *pid); int pcmk__pidfile_matches(const char *filename, pid_t expected_pid, const char *expected_name, pid_t *pid); int pcmk__lock_pidfile(const char *filename, const char *name); // bitwise arithmetic utilities /*! * \internal * \brief Set specified flags in a flag group * * \param[in] function Function name of caller * \param[in] line Line number of caller * \param[in] log_level Log a message at this level * \param[in] flag_type Label describing this flag group (for logging) * \param[in] target Name of object whose flags these are (for logging) * \param[in] flag_group Flag group being manipulated * \param[in] flags Which flags in the group should be set * \param[in] flags_str Readable equivalent of \p flags (for logging) * * \return Possibly modified flag group */ static inline uint64_t pcmk__set_flags_as(const char *function, int line, uint8_t log_level, const char *flag_type, const char *target, uint64_t flag_group, uint64_t flags, const char *flags_str) { uint64_t result = flag_group | flags; if (result != flag_group) { do_crm_log_unlikely(log_level, "%s flags %#.8" PRIx64 " (%s) for %s set by %s:%d", pcmk__s(flag_type, "Group of"), flags, pcmk__s(flags_str, "flags"), pcmk__s(target, "target"), function, line); } return result; } /*! * \internal * \brief Clear specified flags in a flag group * * \param[in] function Function name of caller * \param[in] line Line number of caller * \param[in] log_level Log a message at this level * \param[in] flag_type Label describing this flag group (for logging) * \param[in] target Name of object whose flags these are (for logging) * \param[in] flag_group Flag group being manipulated * \param[in] flags Which flags in the group should be cleared * \param[in] flags_str Readable equivalent of \p flags (for logging) * * \return Possibly modified flag group */ static inline uint64_t pcmk__clear_flags_as(const char *function, int line, uint8_t log_level, const char *flag_type, const char *target, uint64_t flag_group, uint64_t flags, const char *flags_str) { uint64_t result = flag_group & ~flags; if (result != flag_group) { do_crm_log_unlikely(log_level, "%s flags %#.8" PRIx64 " (%s) for %s cleared by %s:%d", pcmk__s(flag_type, "Group of"), flags, pcmk__s(flags_str, "flags"), pcmk__s(target, "target"), function, line); } return result; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get readable string for whether specified flags are set * * \param[in] flag_group Group of flags to check * \param[in] flags Which flags in \p flag_group should be checked * * \return "true" if all \p flags are set in \p flag_group, otherwise "false" */ static inline const char * pcmk__flag_text(uint64_t flag_group, uint64_t flags) { return pcmk__btoa(pcmk_all_flags_set(flag_group, flags)); } // miscellaneous utilities (from utils.c) void pcmk__daemonize(const char *name, const char *pidfile); void pcmk__panic(const char *reason); pid_t pcmk__locate_sbd(void); void pcmk__sleep_ms(unsigned int ms); guint pcmk__create_timer(guint interval_ms, GSourceFunc fn, gpointer data); guint pcmk__timeout_ms2s(guint timeout_ms); extern int pcmk__score_red; extern int pcmk__score_green; extern int pcmk__score_yellow; /*! * \internal * \brief Allocate new zero-initialized memory, asserting on failure * * \param[in] file File where \p function is located * \param[in] function Calling function * \param[in] line Line within \p file * \param[in] nmemb Number of elements to allocate memory for * \param[in] size Size of each element * * \return Newly allocated memory of of size nmemb * size (guaranteed * not to be \c NULL) * * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value using \c free(). */ static inline void * pcmk__assert_alloc_as(const char *file, const char *function, uint32_t line, size_t nmemb, size_t size) { void *ptr = calloc(nmemb, size); if (ptr == NULL) { crm_abort(file, function, line, "Out of memory", FALSE, TRUE); crm_exit(CRM_EX_OSERR); } return ptr; } /*! * \internal * \brief Allocate new zero-initialized memory, asserting on failure * * \param[in] nmemb Number of elements to allocate memory for * \param[in] size Size of each element * * \return Newly allocated memory of of size nmemb * size (guaranteed * not to be \c NULL) * * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value using \c free(). */ #define pcmk__assert_alloc(nmemb, size) \ pcmk__assert_alloc_as(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, nmemb, size) /*! * \internal * \brief Resize a dynamically allocated memory block * * \param[in] ptr Memory block to resize (or NULL to allocate new memory) * \param[in] size New size of memory block in bytes (must be > 0) * * \return Pointer to resized memory block * * \note This asserts on error, so the result is guaranteed to be non-NULL * (which is the main advantage of this over directly using realloc()). */ static inline void * pcmk__realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { void *new_ptr; // realloc(p, 0) can replace free(p) but this wrapper can't pcmk__assert(size > 0); new_ptr = realloc(ptr, size); if (new_ptr == NULL) { free(ptr); abort(); } return new_ptr; } static inline char * pcmk__getpid_s(void) { return crm_strdup_printf("%lu", (unsigned long) getpid()); } // More efficient than g_list_length(list) == 1 static inline bool pcmk__list_of_1(GList *list) { return list && (list->next == NULL); } // More efficient than g_list_length(list) > 1 static inline bool pcmk__list_of_multiple(GList *list) { return list && (list->next != NULL); } /* convenience functions for failure-related node attributes */ #define PCMK__FAIL_COUNT_PREFIX "fail-count" #define PCMK__LAST_FAILURE_PREFIX "last-failure" /*! * \internal * \brief Generate a failure-related node attribute name for a resource * * \param[in] prefix Start of attribute name * \param[in] rsc_id Resource name * \param[in] op Operation name * \param[in] interval_ms Operation interval * * \return Newly allocated string with attribute name * * \note Failure attributes are named like PREFIX-RSC#OP_INTERVAL (for example, * "fail-count-myrsc#monitor_30000"). The '#' is used because it is not * a valid character in a resource ID, to reliably distinguish where the * operation name begins. The '_' is used simply to be more comparable to * action labels like "myrsc_monitor_30000". */ static inline char * pcmk__fail_attr_name(const char *prefix, const char *rsc_id, const char *op, guint interval_ms) { CRM_CHECK(prefix && rsc_id && op, return NULL); return crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s#%s_%u", prefix, rsc_id, op, interval_ms); } static inline char * pcmk__failcount_name(const char *rsc_id, const char *op, guint interval_ms) { return pcmk__fail_attr_name(PCMK__FAIL_COUNT_PREFIX, rsc_id, op, interval_ms); } static inline char * pcmk__lastfailure_name(const char *rsc_id, const char *op, guint interval_ms) { return pcmk__fail_attr_name(PCMK__LAST_FAILURE_PREFIX, rsc_id, op, interval_ms); } // internal resource agent functions (from agents.c) int pcmk__effective_rc(int rc); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_COMMON_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/lib/common/ipc_attrd.c b/lib/common/ipc_attrd.c index ad66fce34c..847e63d106 100644 --- a/lib/common/ipc_attrd.c +++ b/lib/common/ipc_attrd.c @@ -1,486 +1,486 @@ /* - * Copyright 2011-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2011-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crmcommon_private.h" static void set_pairs_data(pcmk__attrd_api_reply_t *data, xmlNode *msg_data) { const char *name = NULL; pcmk__attrd_query_pair_t *pair; name = crm_element_value(msg_data, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME); for (xmlNode *node = pcmk__xe_first_child(msg_data, PCMK_XE_NODE, NULL, NULL); node != NULL; node = pcmk__xe_next(node, PCMK_XE_NODE)) { pair = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(pcmk__attrd_query_pair_t)); pair->node = crm_element_value(node, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST); pair->name = name; pair->value = crm_element_value(node, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE); data->data.pairs = g_list_prepend(data->data.pairs, pair); } } static bool reply_expected(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const xmlNode *request) { const char *command = crm_element_value(request, PCMK_XA_TASK); return pcmk__str_any_of(command, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_CLEAR_FAILURE, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_QUERY, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_REFRESH, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_BOTH, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_DELAY, NULL); } static bool dispatch(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, xmlNode *reply) { const char *value = NULL; crm_exit_t status = CRM_EX_OK; pcmk__attrd_api_reply_t reply_data = { pcmk__attrd_reply_unknown }; if (pcmk__xe_is(reply, PCMK__XE_ACK)) { return false; } /* Do some basic validation of the reply */ value = crm_element_value(reply, PCMK__XA_T); if (pcmk__str_empty(value) || !pcmk__str_eq(value, PCMK__VALUE_ATTRD, pcmk__str_none)) { crm_info("Unrecognizable message from attribute manager: " "message type '%s' not '" PCMK__VALUE_ATTRD "'", pcmk__s(value, "")); status = CRM_EX_PROTOCOL; goto done; } value = crm_element_value(reply, PCMK__XA_SUBT); /* Only the query command gets a reply for now. NULL counts as query for * backward compatibility with attribute managers <2.1.3 that didn't set it. */ if (pcmk__str_eq(value, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_QUERY, pcmk__str_null_matches)) { if (!xmlHasProp(reply, (pcmkXmlStr) PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME)) { status = ENXIO; // Most likely, the attribute doesn't exist goto done; } reply_data.reply_type = pcmk__attrd_reply_query; set_pairs_data(&reply_data, reply); } else { crm_info("Unrecognizable message from attribute manager: " "message subtype '%s' unknown", pcmk__s(value, "")); status = CRM_EX_PROTOCOL; goto done; } done: pcmk__call_ipc_callback(api, pcmk_ipc_event_reply, status, &reply_data); /* Free any reply data that was allocated */ if (reply_data.data.pairs) { g_list_free_full(reply_data.data.pairs, free); } return false; } pcmk__ipc_methods_t * pcmk__attrd_api_methods(void) { pcmk__ipc_methods_t *cmds = calloc(1, sizeof(pcmk__ipc_methods_t)); if (cmds != NULL) { cmds->new_data = NULL; cmds->free_data = NULL; cmds->post_connect = NULL; cmds->reply_expected = reply_expected; cmds->dispatch = dispatch; } return cmds; } /*! * \internal * \brief Create a generic attribute manager operation * * \param[in] user_name If not NULL, ACL user to set for operation * * \return XML of attribute manager operation */ static xmlNode * create_attrd_op(const char *user_name) { xmlNode *attrd_op = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, __func__); crm_xml_add(attrd_op, PCMK__XA_T, PCMK__VALUE_ATTRD); crm_xml_add(attrd_op, PCMK__XA_SRC, pcmk__s(crm_system_name, "unknown")); crm_xml_add(attrd_op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_USER, user_name); return attrd_op; } static int connect_and_send_attrd_request(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const xmlNode *request) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; bool created_api = false; enum pcmk_ipc_dispatch dispatch = pcmk_ipc_dispatch_sync; if (api == NULL) { rc = pcmk_new_ipc_api(&api, pcmk_ipc_attrd); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } created_api = true; } else { dispatch = api->dispatch_type; } rc = pcmk__connect_ipc(api, dispatch, 5); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = pcmk__send_ipc_request(api, request); } if (created_api) { pcmk_free_ipc_api(api); } return rc; } int pcmk__attrd_api_clear_failures(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const char *node, const char *resource, const char *operation, const char *interval_spec, const char *user_name, uint32_t options) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; xmlNode *request = create_attrd_op(user_name); const char *interval_desc = NULL; const char *op_desc = NULL; const char *target = pcmk__node_attr_target(node); if (target != NULL) { node = target; } if (operation) { interval_desc = pcmk__s(interval_spec, "nonrecurring"); op_desc = operation; } else { interval_desc = "all"; op_desc = "operations"; } crm_debug("Asking %s to clear failure of %s %s for %s on %s", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), interval_desc, op_desc, pcmk__s(resource, "all resources"), pcmk__s(node, "all nodes")); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_CLEAR_FAILURE); - pcmk__xe_add_node(request, node, 0); + crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, node); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_RESOURCE, resource); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_OPERATION, operation); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_INTERVAL, interval_spec); crm_xml_add_int(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_REMOTE, pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_remote)); rc = connect_and_send_attrd_request(api, request); pcmk__xml_free(request); return rc; } int pcmk__attrd_api_delete(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const char *node, const char *name, uint32_t options) { const char *target = NULL; if (name == NULL) { return EINVAL; } target = pcmk__node_attr_target(node); if (target != NULL) { node = target; } /* Make sure the right update option is set. */ options &= ~pcmk__node_attr_delay; options |= pcmk__node_attr_value; return pcmk__attrd_api_update(api, node, name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, options); } int pcmk__attrd_api_purge(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const char *node, bool reap) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; xmlNode *request = NULL; const char *target = pcmk__node_attr_target(node); if (target != NULL) { node = target; } crm_debug("Asking %s to purge transient attributes%s for %s", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), (reap? " and node cache entries" : ""), pcmk__s(node, "local node")); request = create_attrd_op(NULL); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_PEER_REMOVE); pcmk__xe_set_bool_attr(request, PCMK__XA_REAP, reap); - pcmk__xe_add_node(request, node, 0); + crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, node); rc = connect_and_send_attrd_request(api, request); pcmk__xml_free(request); return rc; } int pcmk__attrd_api_query(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const char *node, const char *name, uint32_t options) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; xmlNode *request = NULL; const char *target = NULL; if (name == NULL) { return EINVAL; } if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_query_all)) { node = NULL; } else { target = pcmk__node_attr_target(node); if (target != NULL) { node = target; } else if (node == NULL) { node = "localhost"; } } crm_debug("Querying %s for value of '%s'%s%s", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), name, ((node == NULL)? "" : " on "), pcmk__s(node, "")); request = create_attrd_op(NULL); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, name); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_QUERY); - pcmk__xe_add_node(request, node, 0); + crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, node); rc = connect_and_send_attrd_request(api, request); pcmk__xml_free(request); return rc; } int pcmk__attrd_api_refresh(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const char *node) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; xmlNode *request = NULL; const char *target = pcmk__node_attr_target(node); if (target != NULL) { node = target; } crm_debug("Asking %s to write all transient attributes for %s to CIB", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), pcmk__s(node, "local node")); request = create_attrd_op(NULL); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_REFRESH); - pcmk__xe_add_node(request, node, 0); + crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, node); rc = connect_and_send_attrd_request(api, request); pcmk__xml_free(request); return rc; } static void add_op_attr(xmlNode *op, uint32_t options) { if (pcmk_all_flags_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_value | pcmk__node_attr_delay)) { crm_xml_add(op, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_BOTH); } else if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_value)) { crm_xml_add(op, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE); } else if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_delay)) { crm_xml_add(op, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_DELAY); } } static void populate_update_op(xmlNode *op, const char *node, const char *name, const char *value, const char *dampen, const char *set, uint32_t options) { if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_pattern)) { crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_REGEX, name); } else { crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, name); } if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_utilization)) { crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_SET_TYPE, PCMK_XE_UTILIZATION); } else { crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_SET_TYPE, PCMK_XE_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTES); } add_op_attr(op, options); crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, value); crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_DAMPENING, dampen); - pcmk__xe_add_node(op, node, 0); + crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, node); crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_SET, set); crm_xml_add_int(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_REMOTE, pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_remote)); crm_xml_add_int(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_PRIVATE, pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_private)); if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_sync_local)) { crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_SYNC_POINT, PCMK__VALUE_LOCAL); } else if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__node_attr_sync_cluster)) { crm_xml_add(op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_SYNC_POINT, PCMK__VALUE_CLUSTER); } } int pcmk__attrd_api_update(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const char *node, const char *name, const char *value, const char *dampen, const char *set, const char *user_name, uint32_t options) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; xmlNode *request = NULL; const char *target = NULL; if (name == NULL) { return EINVAL; } target = pcmk__node_attr_target(node); if (target != NULL) { node = target; } crm_debug("Asking %s to update '%s' to '%s' for %s", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), name, pcmk__s(value, "(null)"), pcmk__s(node, "local node")); request = create_attrd_op(user_name); populate_update_op(request, node, name, value, dampen, set, options); rc = connect_and_send_attrd_request(api, request); pcmk__xml_free(request); return rc; } int pcmk__attrd_api_update_list(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, GList *attrs, const char *dampen, const char *set, const char *user_name, uint32_t options) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; xmlNode *request = NULL; if (attrs == NULL) { return EINVAL; } /* There are two different ways of handling a list of attributes: * * (1) For messages originating from some command line tool, we have to send * them one at a time. In this loop, we just call pcmk__attrd_api_update * for each, letting it deal with creating the API object if it doesn't * already exist. * * The reason we can't use a single message in this case is that we can't * trust that the server supports it. Remote nodes could be involved * here, and there's no guarantee that a newer client running on a remote * node is talking to (or proxied through) a cluster node with a newer * attrd. We also can't just try sending a single message and then falling * back on multiple. There's no handshake with the attrd server to * determine its version. And then we would need to do that fallback in the * dispatch function for this to work for all connection types (mainloop in * particular), and at that point we won't know what the original message * was in order to break it apart and resend as individual messages. * * (2) For messages between daemons, we can be assured that the local attrd * will support the new message and that it can send to the other attrds * as one request or split up according to the minimum supported version. */ for (GList *iter = attrs; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pcmk__attrd_query_pair_t *pair = (pcmk__attrd_query_pair_t *) iter->data; if (pcmk__is_daemon) { const char *target = NULL; xmlNode *child = NULL; /* First time through this loop - create the basic request. */ if (request == NULL) { request = create_attrd_op(user_name); add_op_attr(request, options); } /* Add a child node for this operation. We add the task to the top * level XML node so attrd_ipc_dispatch doesn't need changes. And * then we also add the task to each child node in populate_update_op * so attrd_client_update knows what form of update is taking place. */ child = pcmk__xe_create(request, PCMK_XE_OP); target = pcmk__node_attr_target(pair->node); if (target != NULL) { pair->node = target; } populate_update_op(child, pair->node, pair->name, pair->value, dampen, set, options); } else { rc = pcmk__attrd_api_update(api, pair->node, pair->name, pair->value, dampen, set, user_name, options); } } /* If we were doing multiple attributes at once, we still need to send the * request. Do that now, creating and destroying the API object if needed. */ if (pcmk__is_daemon) { rc = connect_and_send_attrd_request(api, request); pcmk__xml_free(request); } return rc; } diff --git a/lib/common/ipc_client.c b/lib/common/ipc_client.c index 6f2d65be2f..941fe8c889 100644 --- a/lib/common/ipc_client.c +++ b/lib/common/ipc_client.c @@ -1,1682 +1,1685 @@ /* - * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #if defined(HAVE_UCRED) || defined(HAVE_SOCKPEERCRED) #include #elif defined(HAVE_GETPEERUCRED) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include /* indirectly: pcmk_err_generic */ #include #include #include #include "crmcommon_private.h" static int is_ipc_provider_expected(qb_ipcc_connection_t *qb_ipc, int sock, uid_t refuid, gid_t refgid, pid_t *gotpid, uid_t *gotuid, gid_t *gotgid); /*! * \brief Create a new object for using Pacemaker daemon IPC * * \param[out] api Where to store new IPC object * \param[in] server Which Pacemaker daemon the object is for * * \return Standard Pacemaker result code * * \note The caller is responsible for freeing *api using pcmk_free_ipc_api(). * \note This is intended to supersede crm_ipc_new() but currently only * supports the controller, pacemakerd, and schedulerd IPC API. */ int pcmk_new_ipc_api(pcmk_ipc_api_t **api, enum pcmk_ipc_server server) { if (api == NULL) { return EINVAL; } *api = calloc(1, sizeof(pcmk_ipc_api_t)); if (*api == NULL) { return errno; } (*api)->server = server; if (pcmk_ipc_name(*api, false) == NULL) { pcmk_free_ipc_api(*api); *api = NULL; return EOPNOTSUPP; } (*api)->ipc_size_max = 0; // Set server methods and max_size (if not default) switch (server) { case pcmk_ipc_attrd: (*api)->cmds = pcmk__attrd_api_methods(); break; case pcmk_ipc_based: (*api)->ipc_size_max = 512 * 1024; // 512KB break; case pcmk_ipc_controld: (*api)->cmds = pcmk__controld_api_methods(); break; case pcmk_ipc_execd: break; case pcmk_ipc_fenced: break; case pcmk_ipc_pacemakerd: (*api)->cmds = pcmk__pacemakerd_api_methods(); break; case pcmk_ipc_schedulerd: (*api)->cmds = pcmk__schedulerd_api_methods(); // @TODO max_size could vary by client, maybe take as argument? (*api)->ipc_size_max = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB break; default: // pcmk_ipc_unknown pcmk_free_ipc_api(*api); *api = NULL; return EINVAL; } if ((*api)->cmds == NULL) { pcmk_free_ipc_api(*api); *api = NULL; return ENOMEM; } (*api)->ipc = crm_ipc_new(pcmk_ipc_name(*api, false), (*api)->ipc_size_max); if ((*api)->ipc == NULL) { pcmk_free_ipc_api(*api); *api = NULL; return ENOMEM; } // If daemon API has its own data to track, allocate it if ((*api)->cmds->new_data != NULL) { if ((*api)->cmds->new_data(*api) != pcmk_rc_ok) { pcmk_free_ipc_api(*api); *api = NULL; return ENOMEM; } } crm_trace("Created %s API IPC object", pcmk_ipc_name(*api, true)); return pcmk_rc_ok; } static void free_daemon_specific_data(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api) { if ((api != NULL) && (api->cmds != NULL)) { if ((api->cmds->free_data != NULL) && (api->api_data != NULL)) { api->cmds->free_data(api->api_data); api->api_data = NULL; } free(api->cmds); api->cmds = NULL; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Call an IPC API event callback, if one is registed * * \param[in,out] api IPC API connection * \param[in] event_type The type of event that occurred * \param[in] status Event status * \param[in,out] event_data Event-specific data */ void pcmk__call_ipc_callback(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, enum pcmk_ipc_event event_type, crm_exit_t status, void *event_data) { if ((api != NULL) && (api->cb != NULL)) { api->cb(api, event_type, status, event_data, api->user_data); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Clean up after an IPC disconnect * * \param[in,out] user_data IPC API connection that disconnected * * \note This function can be used as a main loop IPC destroy callback. */ static void ipc_post_disconnect(gpointer user_data) { pcmk_ipc_api_t *api = user_data; crm_info("Disconnected from %s", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true)); // Perform any daemon-specific handling needed if ((api->cmds != NULL) && (api->cmds->post_disconnect != NULL)) { api->cmds->post_disconnect(api); } // Call client's registered event callback pcmk__call_ipc_callback(api, pcmk_ipc_event_disconnect, CRM_EX_DISCONNECT, NULL); /* If this is being called from a running main loop, mainloop_gio_destroy() * will free ipc and mainloop_io immediately after calling this function. * If this is called from a stopped main loop, these will leak, so the best * practice is to close the connection before stopping the main loop. */ api->ipc = NULL; api->mainloop_io = NULL; if (api->free_on_disconnect) { /* pcmk_free_ipc_api() has already been called, but did not free api * or api->cmds because this function needed them. Do that now. */ free_daemon_specific_data(api); crm_trace("Freeing IPC API object after disconnect"); free(api); } } /*! * \brief Free the contents of an IPC API object * * \param[in,out] api IPC API object to free */ void pcmk_free_ipc_api(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api) { bool free_on_disconnect = false; if (api == NULL) { return; } crm_debug("Releasing %s IPC API", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true)); if (api->ipc != NULL) { if (api->mainloop_io != NULL) { /* We need to keep the api pointer itself around, because it is the * user data for the IPC client destroy callback. That will be * triggered by the pcmk_disconnect_ipc() call below, but it might * happen later in the main loop (if still running). * * This flag tells the destroy callback to free the object. It can't * do that unconditionally, because the application might call this * function after a disconnect that happened by other means. */ free_on_disconnect = api->free_on_disconnect = true; } pcmk_disconnect_ipc(api); // Frees api if free_on_disconnect is true } if (!free_on_disconnect) { free_daemon_specific_data(api); crm_trace("Freeing IPC API object"); free(api); } } /*! * \brief Get the IPC name used with an IPC API connection * * \param[in] api IPC API connection * \param[in] for_log If true, return human-friendly name instead of IPC name * * \return IPC API's human-friendly or connection name, or if none is available, * "Pacemaker" if for_log is true and NULL if for_log is false */ const char * pcmk_ipc_name(const pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, bool for_log) { if (api == NULL) { return for_log? "Pacemaker" : NULL; } if (for_log) { const char *name = pcmk__server_log_name(api->server); return pcmk__s(name, "Pacemaker"); } switch (api->server) { // These servers do not have pcmk_ipc_api_t implementations yet case pcmk_ipc_based: case pcmk_ipc_execd: case pcmk_ipc_fenced: return NULL; default: return pcmk__server_ipc_name(api->server); } } /*! * \brief Check whether an IPC API connection is active * * \param[in,out] api IPC API connection * * \return true if IPC is connected, false otherwise */ bool pcmk_ipc_is_connected(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api) { return (api != NULL) && crm_ipc_connected(api->ipc); } /*! * \internal * \brief Call the daemon-specific API's dispatch function * * Perform daemon-specific handling of IPC reply dispatch. It is the daemon * method's responsibility to call the client's registered event callback, as * well as allocate and free any event data. * * \param[in,out] api IPC API connection * \param[in,out] message IPC reply XML to dispatch */ static bool call_api_dispatch(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, xmlNode *message) { crm_log_xml_trace(message, "ipc-received"); if ((api->cmds != NULL) && (api->cmds->dispatch != NULL)) { return api->cmds->dispatch(api, message); } return false; } /*! * \internal * \brief Dispatch previously read IPC data * * \param[in] buffer Data read from IPC * \param[in,out] api IPC object * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code. In particular: * * pcmk_rc_ok: There are no more messages expected from the server. Quit * reading. * EINPROGRESS: There are more messages expected from the server. Keep reading. * * All other values indicate an error. */ static int dispatch_ipc_data(const char *buffer, pcmk_ipc_api_t *api) { bool more = false; xmlNode *msg; if (buffer == NULL) { crm_warn("Empty message received from %s IPC", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true)); return ENOMSG; } msg = pcmk__xml_parse(buffer); if (msg == NULL) { crm_warn("Malformed message received from %s IPC", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true)); return EPROTO; } more = call_api_dispatch(api, msg); pcmk__xml_free(msg); if (more) { return EINPROGRESS; } else { return pcmk_rc_ok; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Dispatch data read from IPC source * * \param[in] buffer Data read from IPC * \param[in] length Number of bytes of data in buffer (ignored) * \param[in,out] user_data IPC object * * \return Always 0 (meaning connection is still required) * * \note This function can be used as a main loop IPC dispatch callback. */ static int dispatch_ipc_source_data(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer user_data) { pcmk_ipc_api_t *api = user_data; CRM_CHECK(api != NULL, return 0); dispatch_ipc_data(buffer, api); return 0; } /*! * \brief Check whether an IPC connection has data available (without main loop) * * \param[in] api IPC API connection * \param[in] timeout_ms If less than 0, poll indefinitely; if 0, poll once * and return immediately; otherwise, poll for up to * this many milliseconds * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note Callers of pcmk_connect_ipc() using pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll should call * this function to check whether IPC data is available. Return values of * interest include pcmk_rc_ok meaning data is available, and EAGAIN * meaning no data is available; all other values indicate errors. * \todo This does not allow the caller to poll multiple file descriptors at * once. If there is demand for that, we could add a wrapper for * pcmk__ipc_fd(api->ipc), so the caller can call poll() themselves. */ int pcmk_poll_ipc(const pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, int timeout_ms) { int rc; struct pollfd pollfd = { 0, }; if ((api == NULL) || (api->dispatch_type != pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll)) { return EINVAL; } rc = pcmk__ipc_fd(api->ipc, &(pollfd.fd)); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_debug("Could not obtain file descriptor for %s IPC: %s", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), pcmk_rc_str(rc)); return rc; } pollfd.events = POLLIN; rc = poll(&pollfd, 1, timeout_ms); if (rc < 0) { /* Some UNIX systems return negative and set EAGAIN for failure to * allocate memory; standardize the return code in that case */ return (errno == EAGAIN)? ENOMEM : errno; } else if (rc == 0) { return EAGAIN; } return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \brief Dispatch available messages on an IPC connection (without main loop) * * \param[in,out] api IPC API connection * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note Callers of pcmk_connect_ipc() using pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll should call * this function when IPC data is available. */ void pcmk_dispatch_ipc(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api) { if (api == NULL) { return; } while (crm_ipc_ready(api->ipc) > 0) { if (crm_ipc_read(api->ipc) > 0) { dispatch_ipc_data(crm_ipc_buffer(api->ipc), api); } } } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int connect_with_main_loop(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api) { int rc; struct ipc_client_callbacks callbacks = { .dispatch = dispatch_ipc_source_data, .destroy = ipc_post_disconnect, }; rc = pcmk__add_mainloop_ipc(api->ipc, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, api, &callbacks, &(api->mainloop_io)); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } crm_debug("Connected to %s IPC (attached to main loop)", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true)); /* After this point, api->mainloop_io owns api->ipc, so api->ipc * should not be explicitly freed. */ return pcmk_rc_ok; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int connect_without_main_loop(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api) { int rc = pcmk__connect_generic_ipc(api->ipc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_ipc_close(api->ipc); } else { crm_debug("Connected to %s IPC (without main loop)", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true)); } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Connect to a Pacemaker daemon via IPC (retrying after soft errors) * * \param[in,out] api IPC API instance * \param[in] dispatch_type How IPC replies should be dispatched * \param[in] attempts How many times to try (in case of soft error) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk__connect_ipc(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, enum pcmk_ipc_dispatch dispatch_type, int attempts) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if ((api == NULL) || (attempts < 1)) { return EINVAL; } if (api->ipc == NULL) { api->ipc = crm_ipc_new(pcmk_ipc_name(api, false), api->ipc_size_max); if (api->ipc == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } } if (crm_ipc_connected(api->ipc)) { crm_trace("Already connected to %s", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true)); return pcmk_rc_ok; } api->dispatch_type = dispatch_type; crm_debug("Attempting connection to %s (up to %d time%s)", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), attempts, pcmk__plural_s(attempts)); for (int remaining = attempts - 1; remaining >= 0; --remaining) { switch (dispatch_type) { case pcmk_ipc_dispatch_main: rc = connect_with_main_loop(api); break; case pcmk_ipc_dispatch_sync: case pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll: rc = connect_without_main_loop(api); break; } if ((remaining == 0) || ((rc != EAGAIN) && (rc != EALREADY))) { break; // Result is final } // Retry after soft error (interrupted by signal, etc.) pcmk__sleep_ms((attempts - remaining) * 500); crm_debug("Re-attempting connection to %s (%d attempt%s remaining)", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), remaining, pcmk__plural_s(remaining)); } if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } if ((api->cmds != NULL) && (api->cmds->post_connect != NULL)) { rc = api->cmds->post_connect(api); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_ipc_close(api->ipc); } } return rc; } /*! * \brief Connect to a Pacemaker daemon via IPC * * \param[in,out] api IPC API instance * \param[in] dispatch_type How IPC replies should be dispatched * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_connect_ipc(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, enum pcmk_ipc_dispatch dispatch_type) { int rc = pcmk__connect_ipc(api, dispatch_type, 2); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_err("Connection to %s failed: %s", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } return rc; } /*! * \brief Disconnect an IPC API instance * * \param[in,out] api IPC API connection * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note If the connection is attached to a main loop, this function should be * called before quitting the main loop, to ensure that all memory is * freed. */ void pcmk_disconnect_ipc(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api) { if ((api == NULL) || (api->ipc == NULL)) { return; } switch (api->dispatch_type) { case pcmk_ipc_dispatch_main: { mainloop_io_t *mainloop_io = api->mainloop_io; // Make sure no code with access to api can use these again api->mainloop_io = NULL; api->ipc = NULL; mainloop_del_ipc_client(mainloop_io); // After this point api might have already been freed } break; case pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll: case pcmk_ipc_dispatch_sync: { crm_ipc_t *ipc = api->ipc; // Make sure no code with access to api can use ipc again api->ipc = NULL; // This should always be the case already, but to be safe api->free_on_disconnect = false; crm_ipc_close(ipc); crm_ipc_destroy(ipc); ipc_post_disconnect(api); } break; } } /*! * \brief Register a callback for IPC API events * * \param[in,out] api IPC API connection * \param[in] callback Callback to register * \param[in] userdata Caller data to pass to callback * * \note This function may be called multiple times to update the callback * and/or user data. The caller remains responsible for freeing * userdata in any case (after the IPC is disconnected, if the * user data is still registered with the IPC). */ void pcmk_register_ipc_callback(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, pcmk_ipc_callback_t cb, void *user_data) { if (api == NULL) { return; } api->cb = cb; api->user_data = user_data; } /*! * \internal * \brief Send an XML request across an IPC API connection * * \param[in,out] api IPC API connection * \param[in] request XML request to send * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note Daemon-specific IPC API functions should call this function to send * requests, because it handles different dispatch types appropriately. */ int pcmk__send_ipc_request(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const xmlNode *request) { int rc; xmlNode *reply = NULL; enum crm_ipc_flags flags = crm_ipc_flags_none; if ((api == NULL) || (api->ipc == NULL) || (request == NULL)) { return EINVAL; } crm_log_xml_trace(request, "ipc-sent"); // Synchronous dispatch requires waiting for a reply if ((api->dispatch_type == pcmk_ipc_dispatch_sync) && (api->cmds != NULL) && (api->cmds->reply_expected != NULL) && (api->cmds->reply_expected(api, request))) { flags = crm_ipc_client_response; } /* The 0 here means a default timeout of 5 seconds * * @TODO Maybe add a timeout_ms member to pcmk_ipc_api_t and a * pcmk_set_ipc_timeout() setter for it, then use it here. */ rc = crm_ipc_send(api->ipc, request, flags, 0, &reply); if (rc < 0) { return pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); } else if (rc == 0) { return ENODATA; } // With synchronous dispatch, we dispatch any reply now if (reply != NULL) { bool more = call_api_dispatch(api, reply); pcmk__xml_free(reply); while (more) { rc = crm_ipc_read(api->ipc); if (rc == -EAGAIN) { continue; } else if (rc == -ENOMSG || rc == pcmk_ok) { return pcmk_rc_ok; } else if (rc < 0) { return -rc; } rc = dispatch_ipc_data(crm_ipc_buffer(api->ipc), api); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { more = false; } else if (rc == EINPROGRESS) { more = true; } else { continue; } } } return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Create the XML for an IPC request to purge a node from the peer cache * * \param[in] api IPC API connection * \param[in] node_name If not NULL, name of node to purge * \param[in] nodeid If not 0, node ID of node to purge * * \return Newly allocated IPC request XML * * \note The controller, fencer, and pacemakerd use the same request syntax, but * the attribute manager uses a different one. The CIB manager doesn't * have any syntax for it. The executor and scheduler don't connect to the * cluster layer and thus don't have or need any syntax for it. * * \todo Modify the attribute manager to accept the common syntax (as well * as its current one, for compatibility with older clients). Modify * the CIB manager to accept and honor the common syntax. Modify the * executor and scheduler to accept the syntax (immediately returning * success), just for consistency. Modify this function to use the * common syntax with all daemons if their version supports it. */ static xmlNode * create_purge_node_request(const pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const char *node_name, uint32_t nodeid) { xmlNode *request = NULL; const char *client = crm_system_name? crm_system_name : "client"; switch (api->server) { case pcmk_ipc_attrd: request = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, __func__); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_T, PCMK__VALUE_ATTRD); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_SRC, crm_system_name); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK_XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_PEER_REMOVE); pcmk__xe_set_bool_attr(request, PCMK__XA_REAP, true); - pcmk__xe_add_node(request, node_name, nodeid); + crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, node_name); + if (nodeid > 0) { + crm_xml_add_int(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID, nodeid); + } break; case pcmk_ipc_controld: case pcmk_ipc_fenced: case pcmk_ipc_pacemakerd: request = pcmk__new_request(api->server, client, NULL, pcmk_ipc_name(api, false), CRM_OP_RM_NODE_CACHE, NULL); if (nodeid > 0) { crm_xml_add_ll(request, PCMK_XA_ID, (long long) nodeid); } crm_xml_add(request, PCMK_XA_UNAME, node_name); break; case pcmk_ipc_based: case pcmk_ipc_execd: case pcmk_ipc_schedulerd: break; default: // pcmk_ipc_unknown (shouldn't be possible) return NULL; } return request; } /*! * \brief Ask a Pacemaker daemon to purge a node from its peer cache * * \param[in,out] api IPC API connection * \param[in] node_name If not NULL, name of node to purge * \param[in] nodeid If not 0, node ID of node to purge * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note At least one of node_name or nodeid must be specified. */ int pcmk_ipc_purge_node(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const char *node_name, uint32_t nodeid) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *request = NULL; if (api == NULL) { return EINVAL; } if ((node_name == NULL) && (nodeid == 0)) { return EINVAL; } request = create_purge_node_request(api, node_name, nodeid); if (request == NULL) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } rc = pcmk__send_ipc_request(api, request); pcmk__xml_free(request); crm_debug("%s peer cache purge of node %s[%lu]: rc=%d", pcmk_ipc_name(api, true), node_name, (unsigned long) nodeid, rc); return rc; } /* * Generic IPC API (to eventually be deprecated as public API and made internal) */ struct crm_ipc_s { struct pollfd pfd; unsigned int max_buf_size; // maximum bytes we can send or receive over IPC unsigned int buf_size; // size of allocated buffer int msg_size; int need_reply; char *buffer; char *server_name; // server IPC name being connected to qb_ipcc_connection_t *ipc; }; /*! * \brief Create a new (legacy) object for using Pacemaker daemon IPC * * \param[in] name IPC system name to connect to * \param[in] max_size Use a maximum IPC buffer size of at least this size * * \return Newly allocated IPC object on success, NULL otherwise * * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result using * crm_ipc_destroy(). * \note This should be considered deprecated for use with daemons supported by * pcmk_new_ipc_api(). */ crm_ipc_t * crm_ipc_new(const char *name, size_t max_size) { crm_ipc_t *client = NULL; client = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_ipc_t)); if (client == NULL) { crm_err("Could not create IPC connection: %s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } client->server_name = strdup(name); if (client->server_name == NULL) { crm_err("Could not create %s IPC connection: %s", name, strerror(errno)); free(client); return NULL; } client->buf_size = pcmk__ipc_buffer_size(max_size); client->buffer = malloc(client->buf_size); if (client->buffer == NULL) { crm_err("Could not create %s IPC connection: %s", name, strerror(errno)); free(client->server_name); free(client); return NULL; } /* Clients initiating connection pick the max buf size */ client->max_buf_size = client->buf_size; client->pfd.fd = -1; client->pfd.events = POLLIN; client->pfd.revents = 0; return client; } /*! * \internal * \brief Connect a generic (not daemon-specific) IPC object * * \param[in,out] ipc Generic IPC object to connect * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk__connect_generic_ipc(crm_ipc_t *ipc) { uid_t cl_uid = 0; gid_t cl_gid = 0; pid_t found_pid = 0; uid_t found_uid = 0; gid_t found_gid = 0; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (ipc == NULL) { return EINVAL; } ipc->need_reply = FALSE; ipc->ipc = qb_ipcc_connect(ipc->server_name, ipc->buf_size); if (ipc->ipc == NULL) { return errno; } rc = qb_ipcc_fd_get(ipc->ipc, &ipc->pfd.fd); if (rc < 0) { // -errno crm_ipc_close(ipc); return -rc; } rc = pcmk_daemon_user(&cl_uid, &cl_gid); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_ipc_close(ipc); return rc; } rc = is_ipc_provider_expected(ipc->ipc, ipc->pfd.fd, cl_uid, cl_gid, &found_pid, &found_uid, &found_gid); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { if (rc == pcmk_rc_ipc_unauthorized) { crm_info("%s IPC provider authentication failed: process %lld has " "uid %lld (expected %lld) and gid %lld (expected %lld)", ipc->server_name, (long long) PCMK__SPECIAL_PID_AS_0(found_pid), (long long) found_uid, (long long) cl_uid, (long long) found_gid, (long long) cl_gid); } crm_ipc_close(ipc); return rc; } ipc->max_buf_size = qb_ipcc_get_buffer_size(ipc->ipc); if (ipc->max_buf_size > ipc->buf_size) { free(ipc->buffer); ipc->buffer = calloc(ipc->max_buf_size, sizeof(char)); if (ipc->buffer == NULL) { rc = errno; crm_ipc_close(ipc); return rc; } ipc->buf_size = ipc->max_buf_size; } return pcmk_rc_ok; } void crm_ipc_close(crm_ipc_t * client) { if (client) { if (client->ipc) { qb_ipcc_connection_t *ipc = client->ipc; client->ipc = NULL; qb_ipcc_disconnect(ipc); } } } void crm_ipc_destroy(crm_ipc_t * client) { if (client) { if (client->ipc && qb_ipcc_is_connected(client->ipc)) { crm_notice("Destroying active %s IPC connection", client->server_name); /* The next line is basically unsafe * * If this connection was attached to mainloop and mainloop is active, * the 'disconnected' callback will end up back here and we'll end * up free'ing the memory twice - something that can still happen * even without this if we destroy a connection and it closes before * we call exit */ /* crm_ipc_close(client); */ } else { crm_trace("Destroying inactive %s IPC connection", client->server_name); } free(client->buffer); free(client->server_name); free(client); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Get the file descriptor for a generic IPC object * * \param[in,out] ipc Generic IPC object to get file descriptor for * \param[out] fd Where to store file descriptor * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk__ipc_fd(crm_ipc_t *ipc, int *fd) { if ((ipc == NULL) || (fd == NULL)) { return EINVAL; } if ((ipc->ipc == NULL) || (ipc->pfd.fd < 0)) { return ENOTCONN; } *fd = ipc->pfd.fd; return pcmk_rc_ok; } int crm_ipc_get_fd(crm_ipc_t * client) { int fd = -1; if (pcmk__ipc_fd(client, &fd) != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_err("Could not obtain file descriptor for %s IPC", ((client == NULL)? "unspecified" : client->server_name)); errno = EINVAL; return -EINVAL; } return fd; } bool crm_ipc_connected(crm_ipc_t * client) { bool rc = FALSE; if (client == NULL) { crm_trace("No client"); return FALSE; } else if (client->ipc == NULL) { crm_trace("No connection"); return FALSE; } else if (client->pfd.fd < 0) { crm_trace("Bad descriptor"); return FALSE; } rc = qb_ipcc_is_connected(client->ipc); if (rc == FALSE) { client->pfd.fd = -EINVAL; } return rc; } /*! * \brief Check whether an IPC connection is ready to be read * * \param[in,out] client Connection to check * * \return Positive value if ready to be read, 0 if not ready, -errno on error */ int crm_ipc_ready(crm_ipc_t *client) { int rc; pcmk__assert(client != NULL); if (!crm_ipc_connected(client)) { return -ENOTCONN; } client->pfd.revents = 0; rc = poll(&(client->pfd), 1, 0); return (rc < 0)? -errno : rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int crm_ipc_decompress(crm_ipc_t * client) { pcmk__ipc_header_t *header = (pcmk__ipc_header_t *)(void*)client->buffer; if (header->size_compressed) { int rc = 0; unsigned int size_u = 1 + header->size_uncompressed; /* never let buf size fall below our max size required for ipc reads. */ unsigned int new_buf_size = QB_MAX((sizeof(pcmk__ipc_header_t) + size_u), client->max_buf_size); char *uncompressed = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, new_buf_size); crm_trace("Decompressing message data %u bytes into %u bytes", header->size_compressed, size_u); rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(uncompressed + sizeof(pcmk__ipc_header_t), &size_u, client->buffer + sizeof(pcmk__ipc_header_t), header->size_compressed, 1, 0); rc = pcmk__bzlib2rc(rc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_err("Decompression failed: %s " QB_XS " rc=%d", pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc); free(uncompressed); return rc; } pcmk__assert(size_u == header->size_uncompressed); memcpy(uncompressed, client->buffer, sizeof(pcmk__ipc_header_t)); /* Preserve the header */ header = (pcmk__ipc_header_t *)(void*)uncompressed; free(client->buffer); client->buf_size = new_buf_size; client->buffer = uncompressed; } pcmk__assert(client->buffer[sizeof(pcmk__ipc_header_t) + header->size_uncompressed - 1] == 0); return pcmk_rc_ok; } long crm_ipc_read(crm_ipc_t * client) { pcmk__ipc_header_t *header = NULL; pcmk__assert((client != NULL) && (client->ipc != NULL) && (client->buffer != NULL)); client->buffer[0] = 0; client->msg_size = qb_ipcc_event_recv(client->ipc, client->buffer, client->buf_size, 0); if (client->msg_size >= 0) { int rc = crm_ipc_decompress(client); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return pcmk_rc2legacy(rc); } header = (pcmk__ipc_header_t *)(void*)client->buffer; if (!pcmk__valid_ipc_header(header)) { return -EBADMSG; } crm_trace("Received %s IPC event %d size=%u rc=%d text='%.100s'", client->server_name, header->qb.id, header->qb.size, client->msg_size, client->buffer + sizeof(pcmk__ipc_header_t)); } else { crm_trace("No message received from %s IPC: %s", client->server_name, pcmk_strerror(client->msg_size)); if (client->msg_size == -EAGAIN) { return -EAGAIN; } } if (!crm_ipc_connected(client) || client->msg_size == -ENOTCONN) { crm_err("Connection to %s IPC failed", client->server_name); } if (header) { /* Data excluding the header */ return header->size_uncompressed; } return -ENOMSG; } const char * crm_ipc_buffer(crm_ipc_t * client) { pcmk__assert(client != NULL); return client->buffer + sizeof(pcmk__ipc_header_t); } uint32_t crm_ipc_buffer_flags(crm_ipc_t * client) { pcmk__ipc_header_t *header = NULL; pcmk__assert(client != NULL); if (client->buffer == NULL) { return 0; } header = (pcmk__ipc_header_t *)(void*)client->buffer; return header->flags; } const char * crm_ipc_name(crm_ipc_t * client) { pcmk__assert(client != NULL); return client->server_name; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int internal_ipc_get_reply(crm_ipc_t *client, int request_id, int ms_timeout, ssize_t *bytes) { time_t timeout = time(NULL) + 1 + pcmk__timeout_ms2s(ms_timeout); int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; /* get the reply */ crm_trace("Waiting on reply to %s IPC message %d", client->server_name, request_id); do { *bytes = qb_ipcc_recv(client->ipc, client->buffer, client->buf_size, 1000); if (*bytes > 0) { pcmk__ipc_header_t *hdr = NULL; rc = crm_ipc_decompress(client); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } hdr = (pcmk__ipc_header_t *)(void*)client->buffer; if (hdr->qb.id == request_id) { /* Got it */ break; } else if (hdr->qb.id < request_id) { xmlNode *bad = pcmk__xml_parse(crm_ipc_buffer(client)); crm_err("Discarding old reply %d (need %d)", hdr->qb.id, request_id); crm_log_xml_notice(bad, "OldIpcReply"); } else { xmlNode *bad = pcmk__xml_parse(crm_ipc_buffer(client)); crm_err("Discarding newer reply %d (need %d)", hdr->qb.id, request_id); crm_log_xml_notice(bad, "ImpossibleReply"); pcmk__assert(hdr->qb.id <= request_id); } } else if (!crm_ipc_connected(client)) { crm_err("%s IPC provider disconnected while waiting for message %d", client->server_name, request_id); break; } } while (time(NULL) < timeout); if (*bytes < 0) { rc = (int) -*bytes; // System errno } return rc; } /*! * \brief Send an IPC XML message * * \param[in,out] client Connection to IPC server * \param[in] message XML message to send * \param[in] flags Bitmask of crm_ipc_flags * \param[in] ms_timeout Give up if not sent within this much time * (5 seconds if 0, or no timeout if negative) * \param[out] reply Reply from server (or NULL if none) * * \return Negative errno on error, otherwise size of reply received in bytes * if reply was needed, otherwise number of bytes sent */ int crm_ipc_send(crm_ipc_t *client, const xmlNode *message, enum crm_ipc_flags flags, int32_t ms_timeout, xmlNode **reply) { int rc = 0; ssize_t qb_rc = 0; ssize_t bytes = 0; struct iovec *iov; static uint32_t id = 0; static int factor = 8; pcmk__ipc_header_t *header; if (client == NULL) { crm_notice("Can't send IPC request without connection (bug?): %.100s", message); return -ENOTCONN; } else if (!crm_ipc_connected(client)) { /* Don't even bother */ crm_notice("Can't send %s IPC requests: Connection closed", client->server_name); return -ENOTCONN; } if (ms_timeout == 0) { ms_timeout = 5000; } if (client->need_reply) { qb_rc = qb_ipcc_recv(client->ipc, client->buffer, client->buf_size, ms_timeout); if (qb_rc < 0) { crm_warn("Sending %s IPC disabled until pending reply received", client->server_name); return -EALREADY; } else { crm_notice("Sending %s IPC re-enabled after pending reply received", client->server_name); client->need_reply = FALSE; } } id++; CRM_LOG_ASSERT(id != 0); /* Crude wrap-around detection */ rc = pcmk__ipc_prepare_iov(id, message, client->max_buf_size, &iov, &bytes); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_warn("Couldn't prepare %s IPC request: %s " QB_XS " rc=%d", client->server_name, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc); return pcmk_rc2legacy(rc); } header = iov[0].iov_base; pcmk__set_ipc_flags(header->flags, client->server_name, flags); if (pcmk_is_set(flags, crm_ipc_proxied)) { /* Don't look for a synchronous response */ pcmk__clear_ipc_flags(flags, "client", crm_ipc_client_response); } if(header->size_compressed) { if(factor < 10 && (client->max_buf_size / 10) < (bytes / factor)) { crm_notice("Compressed message exceeds %d0%% of configured IPC " "limit (%u bytes); consider setting PCMK_ipc_buffer to " "%u or higher", factor, client->max_buf_size, 2 * client->max_buf_size); factor++; } } crm_trace("Sending %s IPC request %d of %u bytes using %dms timeout", client->server_name, header->qb.id, header->qb.size, ms_timeout); if ((ms_timeout > 0) || !pcmk_is_set(flags, crm_ipc_client_response)) { time_t timeout = time(NULL) + 1 + pcmk__timeout_ms2s(ms_timeout); do { /* @TODO Is this check really needed? Won't qb_ipcc_sendv() return * an error if it's not connected? */ if (!crm_ipc_connected(client)) { goto send_cleanup; } qb_rc = qb_ipcc_sendv(client->ipc, iov, 2); } while ((qb_rc == -EAGAIN) && (time(NULL) < timeout)); rc = (int) qb_rc; // Negative of system errno, or bytes sent if (qb_rc <= 0) { goto send_cleanup; } else if (!pcmk_is_set(flags, crm_ipc_client_response)) { crm_trace("Not waiting for reply to %s IPC request %d", client->server_name, header->qb.id); goto send_cleanup; } rc = internal_ipc_get_reply(client, header->qb.id, ms_timeout, &bytes); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { /* We didn't get the reply in time, so disable future sends for now. * The only alternative would be to close the connection since we * don't know how to detect and discard out-of-sequence replies. * * @TODO Implement out-of-sequence detection */ client->need_reply = TRUE; } rc = (int) bytes; // Negative system errno, or size of reply received } else { // No timeout, and client response needed do { qb_rc = qb_ipcc_sendv_recv(client->ipc, iov, 2, client->buffer, client->buf_size, -1); } while ((qb_rc == -EAGAIN) && crm_ipc_connected(client)); rc = (int) qb_rc; // Negative system errno, or size of reply received } if (rc > 0) { pcmk__ipc_header_t *hdr = (pcmk__ipc_header_t *)(void*)client->buffer; crm_trace("Received %d-byte reply %d to %s IPC %d: %.100s", rc, hdr->qb.id, client->server_name, header->qb.id, crm_ipc_buffer(client)); if (reply) { *reply = pcmk__xml_parse(crm_ipc_buffer(client)); } } else { crm_trace("No reply to %s IPC %d: rc=%d", client->server_name, header->qb.id, rc); } send_cleanup: if (!crm_ipc_connected(client)) { crm_notice("Couldn't send %s IPC request %d: Connection closed " QB_XS " rc=%d", client->server_name, header->qb.id, rc); } else if (rc == -ETIMEDOUT) { crm_warn("%s IPC request %d failed: %s after %dms " QB_XS " rc=%d", client->server_name, header->qb.id, pcmk_strerror(rc), ms_timeout, rc); crm_write_blackbox(0, NULL); } else if (rc <= 0) { crm_warn("%s IPC request %d failed: %s " QB_XS " rc=%d", client->server_name, header->qb.id, ((rc == 0)? "No bytes sent" : pcmk_strerror(rc)), rc); } pcmk_free_ipc_event(iov); return rc; } /*! * \brief Ensure an IPC provider has expected user or group * * \param[in] qb_ipc libqb client connection if available * \param[in] sock Connected Unix socket for IPC * \param[in] refuid Expected user ID * \param[in] refgid Expected group ID * \param[out] gotpid If not NULL, where to store provider's actual process ID * (or 1 on platforms where ID is not available) * \param[out] gotuid If not NULL, where to store provider's actual user ID * \param[out] gotgid If not NULL, where to store provider's actual group ID * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * \note An actual user ID of 0 (root) will always be considered authorized, * regardless of the expected values provided. The caller can use the * output arguments to be stricter than this function. */ static int is_ipc_provider_expected(qb_ipcc_connection_t *qb_ipc, int sock, uid_t refuid, gid_t refgid, pid_t *gotpid, uid_t *gotuid, gid_t *gotgid) { int rc = EOPNOTSUPP; pid_t found_pid = 0; uid_t found_uid = 0; gid_t found_gid = 0; #ifdef HAVE_QB_IPCC_AUTH_GET if (qb_ipc != NULL) { rc = qb_ipcc_auth_get(qb_ipc, &found_pid, &found_uid, &found_gid); rc = -rc; // libqb returns 0 or -errno if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { goto found; } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_UCRED { struct ucred ucred; socklen_t ucred_len = sizeof(ucred); if (getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &ucred, &ucred_len) < 0) { rc = errno; } else if (ucred_len != sizeof(ucred)) { rc = EOPNOTSUPP; } else { found_pid = ucred.pid; found_uid = ucred.uid; found_gid = ucred.gid; goto found; } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_SOCKPEERCRED { struct sockpeercred sockpeercred; socklen_t sockpeercred_len = sizeof(sockpeercred); if (getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &sockpeercred, &sockpeercred_len) < 0) { rc = errno; } else if (sockpeercred_len != sizeof(sockpeercred)) { rc = EOPNOTSUPP; } else { found_pid = sockpeercred.pid; found_uid = sockpeercred.uid; found_gid = sockpeercred.gid; goto found; } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETPEEREID // For example, FreeBSD if (getpeereid(sock, &found_uid, &found_gid) < 0) { rc = errno; } else { found_pid = PCMK__SPECIAL_PID; goto found; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETPEERUCRED { ucred_t *ucred = NULL; if (getpeerucred(sock, &ucred) < 0) { rc = errno; } else { found_pid = ucred_getpid(ucred); found_uid = ucred_geteuid(ucred); found_gid = ucred_getegid(ucred); ucred_free(ucred); goto found; } } #endif return rc; // If we get here, nothing succeeded found: if (gotpid != NULL) { *gotpid = found_pid; } if (gotuid != NULL) { *gotuid = found_uid; } if (gotgid != NULL) { *gotgid = found_gid; } if ((found_uid != 0) && (found_uid != refuid) && (found_gid != refgid)) { return pcmk_rc_ipc_unauthorized; } return pcmk_rc_ok; } int crm_ipc_is_authentic_process(int sock, uid_t refuid, gid_t refgid, pid_t *gotpid, uid_t *gotuid, gid_t *gotgid) { int ret = is_ipc_provider_expected(NULL, sock, refuid, refgid, gotpid, gotuid, gotgid); /* The old function had some very odd return codes*/ if (ret == 0) { return 1; } else if (ret == pcmk_rc_ipc_unauthorized) { return 0; } else { return pcmk_rc2legacy(ret); } } int pcmk__ipc_is_authentic_process_active(const char *name, uid_t refuid, gid_t refgid, pid_t *gotpid) { static char last_asked_name[PATH_MAX / 2] = ""; /* log spam prevention */ int fd; int rc = pcmk_rc_ipc_unresponsive; int auth_rc = 0; int32_t qb_rc; pid_t found_pid = 0; uid_t found_uid = 0; gid_t found_gid = 0; qb_ipcc_connection_t *c; #ifdef HAVE_QB_IPCC_CONNECT_ASYNC struct pollfd pollfd = { 0, }; int poll_rc; c = qb_ipcc_connect_async(name, 0, &(pollfd.fd)); #else c = qb_ipcc_connect(name, 0); #endif if (c == NULL) { crm_info("Could not connect to %s IPC: %s", name, strerror(errno)); rc = pcmk_rc_ipc_unresponsive; goto bail; } #ifdef HAVE_QB_IPCC_CONNECT_ASYNC pollfd.events = POLLIN; do { poll_rc = poll(&pollfd, 1, 2000); } while ((poll_rc == -1) && (errno == EINTR)); /* If poll() failed, given that disconnect function is not registered yet, * qb_ipcc_disconnect() won't clean up the socket. In any case, call * qb_ipcc_connect_continue() here so that it may fail and do the cleanup * for us. */ if (qb_ipcc_connect_continue(c) != 0) { crm_info("Could not connect to %s IPC: %s", name, (poll_rc == 0)?"timeout":strerror(errno)); rc = pcmk_rc_ipc_unresponsive; c = NULL; // qb_ipcc_connect_continue cleaned up for us goto bail; } #endif qb_rc = qb_ipcc_fd_get(c, &fd); if (qb_rc != 0) { rc = (int) -qb_rc; // System errno crm_err("Could not get fd from %s IPC: %s " QB_XS " rc=%d", name, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc); goto bail; } auth_rc = is_ipc_provider_expected(c, fd, refuid, refgid, &found_pid, &found_uid, &found_gid); if (auth_rc == pcmk_rc_ipc_unauthorized) { crm_err("Daemon (IPC %s) effectively blocked with unauthorized" " process %lld (uid: %lld, gid: %lld)", name, (long long) PCMK__SPECIAL_PID_AS_0(found_pid), (long long) found_uid, (long long) found_gid); rc = pcmk_rc_ipc_unauthorized; goto bail; } if (auth_rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = auth_rc; crm_err("Could not get peer credentials from %s IPC: %s " QB_XS " rc=%d", name, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc); goto bail; } if (gotpid != NULL) { *gotpid = found_pid; } rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if ((found_uid != refuid || found_gid != refgid) && strncmp(last_asked_name, name, sizeof(last_asked_name))) { if ((found_uid == 0) && (refuid != 0)) { crm_warn("Daemon (IPC %s) runs as root, whereas the expected" " credentials are %lld:%lld, hazard of violating" " the least privilege principle", name, (long long) refuid, (long long) refgid); } else { crm_notice("Daemon (IPC %s) runs as %lld:%lld, whereas the" " expected credentials are %lld:%lld, which may" " mean a different set of privileges than expected", name, (long long) found_uid, (long long) found_gid, (long long) refuid, (long long) refgid); } memccpy(last_asked_name, name, '\0', sizeof(last_asked_name)); } bail: if (c != NULL) { qb_ipcc_disconnect(c); } return rc; } // Deprecated functions kept only for backward API compatibility // LCOV_EXCL_START #include bool crm_ipc_connect(crm_ipc_t *client) { int rc = pcmk__connect_generic_ipc(client); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { return true; } if ((client != NULL) && (client->ipc == NULL)) { errno = (rc > 0)? rc : ENOTCONN; crm_debug("Could not establish %s IPC connection: %s (%d)", client->server_name, pcmk_rc_str(errno), errno); } else if (rc == pcmk_rc_ipc_unauthorized) { crm_err("%s IPC provider authentication failed", (client == NULL)? "Pacemaker" : client->server_name); errno = ECONNABORTED; } else { crm_err("Could not verify authenticity of %s IPC provider", (client == NULL)? "Pacemaker" : client->server_name); errno = ENOTCONN; } return false; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP // End deprecated API diff --git a/lib/common/nodes.c b/lib/common/nodes.c index 4a059e6520..8ed0ab4f8f 100644 --- a/lib/common/nodes.c +++ b/lib/common/nodes.c @@ -1,254 +1,240 @@ /* - * Copyright 2022-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2022-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include // xmlNode #include /*! * \internal * \brief Free a node object * * \param[in,out] user_data Node object to free */ void pcmk__free_node(gpointer user_data) { pcmk_node_t *node = user_data; if (node == NULL) { return; } if (node->details == NULL) { free(node); return; } /* This may be called after freeing resources, which means that we can't * use node->private->name for Pacemaker Remote nodes. */ crm_trace("Freeing node %s", (pcmk__is_pacemaker_remote_node(node)? "(guest or remote)" : pcmk__node_name(node))); if (node->priv->attrs != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(node->priv->attrs); } if (node->priv->utilization != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(node->priv->utilization); } if (node->priv->digest_cache != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(node->priv->digest_cache); } g_list_free(node->details->running_rsc); g_list_free(node->priv->assigned_resources); free(node->priv); free(node->details); free(node->assign); free(node); } /*! * \internal * \brief Free a copy of a node object * * \param[in] data Node copy (created by pe__copy_node()) to free */ void pcmk__free_node_copy(void *data) { if (data != NULL) { pcmk_node_t *node = data; if (node->assign != NULL) { // This is the only member allocated separately for a node copy free(node->assign); } free(node); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a node is online * * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return true if \p node is online, otherwise false */ bool pcmk_node_is_online(const pcmk_node_t *node) { return (node != NULL) && node->details->online; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a node is pending * * Check whether a node is pending. A node is pending if it is a member of the * cluster but not the controller group, which means it is in the process of * either joining or leaving the cluster. * * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return true if \p node is pending, otherwise false */ bool pcmk_node_is_pending(const pcmk_node_t *node) { return (node != NULL) && node->details->pending; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a node is clean * * Check whether a node is clean. A node is clean if it is a cluster node or * remote node that has been seen by the cluster at least once, or the * startup-fencing cluster option is false; and the node, and its host if a * guest or bundle node, are not scheduled to be fenced. * * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return true if \p node is clean, otherwise false */ bool pcmk_node_is_clean(const pcmk_node_t *node) { return (node != NULL) && !(node->details->unclean); } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a node is shutting down * * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return true if \p node is shutting down, otherwise false */ bool pcmk_node_is_shutting_down(const pcmk_node_t *node) { return (node != NULL) && node->details->shutdown; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a node is in maintenance mode * * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return true if \p node is in maintenance mode, otherwise false */ bool pcmk_node_is_in_maintenance(const pcmk_node_t *node) { return (node != NULL) && node->details->maintenance; } /*! * \internal * \brief Call a function for each resource active on a node * * Call a caller-supplied function with a caller-supplied argument for each * resource that is active on a given node. If the function returns false, this * function will return immediately without processing any remaining resources. * * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return Result of last call of \p fn (or false if none) */ bool pcmk_foreach_active_resource(pcmk_node_t *node, bool (*fn)(pcmk_resource_t *, void *), void *user_data) { bool result = false; if ((node != NULL) && (fn != NULL)) { for (GList *item = node->details->running_rsc; item != NULL; item = item->next) { result = fn((pcmk_resource_t *) item->data, user_data); if (!result) { break; } } } return result; } -void -pcmk__xe_add_node(xmlNode *xml, const char *node, int nodeid) -{ - pcmk__assert(xml != NULL); - - if (node != NULL) { - crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, node); - } - - if (nodeid > 0) { - crm_xml_add_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID, nodeid); - } -} - /*! * \internal * \brief Find a node by name in a list of nodes * * \param[in] nodes List of nodes (as pcmk_node_t*) * \param[in] node_name Name of node to find * * \return Node from \p nodes that matches \p node_name if any, otherwise NULL */ pcmk_node_t * pcmk__find_node_in_list(const GList *nodes, const char *node_name) { if (node_name != NULL) { for (const GList *iter = nodes; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) iter->data; if (pcmk__str_eq(node->priv->name, node_name, pcmk__str_casei)) { return node; } } } return NULL; } #define XP_SHUTDOWN "//" PCMK__XE_NODE_STATE "[@" PCMK_XA_UNAME "='%s']/" \ PCMK__XE_TRANSIENT_ATTRIBUTES "/" PCMK_XE_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTES "/" \ PCMK_XE_NVPAIR "[@" PCMK_XA_NAME "='" PCMK__NODE_ATTR_SHUTDOWN "']" /*! * \brief Get value of a node's shutdown attribute from CIB, if present * * \param[in] cib CIB to check * \param[in] node Name of node to check * * \return Value of shutdown attribute for \p node in \p cib if any, * otherwise NULL * \note The return value is a pointer into \p cib and so is valid only for the * lifetime of that object. */ const char * pcmk_cib_node_shutdown(xmlNode *cib, const char *node) { if ((cib != NULL) && (node != NULL)) { char *xpath = crm_strdup_printf(XP_SHUTDOWN, node); xmlNode *match = get_xpath_object(xpath, cib, LOG_TRACE); free(xpath); if (match != NULL) { return crm_element_value(match, PCMK_XA_VALUE); } } return NULL; } diff --git a/lib/common/tests/nodes/Makefile.am b/lib/common/tests/nodes/Makefile.am index a7884658d1..d63094de7c 100644 --- a/lib/common/tests/nodes/Makefile.am +++ b/lib/common/tests/nodes/Makefile.am @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ # -# Copyright 2024 the Pacemaker project contributors +# Copyright 2024-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors # # The version control history for this file may have further details. # # This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # include $(top_srcdir)/mk/common.mk include $(top_srcdir)/mk/tap.mk include $(top_srcdir)/mk/unittest.mk # Add "_test" to the end of all test program names to simplify .gitignore. check_PROGRAMS = pcmk__find_node_in_list_test \ - pcmk__xe_add_node_test \ pcmk_cib_node_shutdown_test \ pcmk_foreach_active_resource_test \ pcmk_node_is_clean_test \ pcmk_node_is_in_maintenance_test \ pcmk_node_is_online_test \ pcmk_node_is_pending_test \ pcmk_node_is_shutting_down_test TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS) diff --git a/lib/common/tests/nodes/pcmk__xe_add_node_test.c b/lib/common/tests/nodes/pcmk__xe_add_node_test.c deleted file mode 100644 index 840fbac1fd..0000000000 --- a/lib/common/tests/nodes/pcmk__xe_add_node_test.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2024 the Pacemaker project contributors - * - * The version control history for this file may have further details. - * - * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 - * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. - */ - -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -static void -bad_input(void **state) { - xmlNode *node = NULL; - - pcmk__assert_asserts(pcmk__xe_add_node(NULL, NULL, 0)); - - node = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, "test"); - - pcmk__xe_add_node(node, NULL, 0); - assert_null(xmlHasProp(node, (pcmkXmlStr) PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST)); - assert_null(xmlHasProp(node, (pcmkXmlStr) PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID)); - - pcmk__xe_add_node(node, NULL, -100); - assert_null(xmlHasProp(node, (pcmkXmlStr) PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST)); - assert_null(xmlHasProp(node, (pcmkXmlStr) PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID)); - - pcmk__xml_free(node); -} - -static void -expected_input(void **state) { - xmlNode *node = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, "test"); - int i; - - pcmk__xe_add_node(node, "somenode", 47); - assert_string_equal("somenode", - crm_element_value(node, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST)); - assert_int_equal(pcmk_rc_ok, - crm_element_value_int(node, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID, &i)); - assert_int_equal(i, 47); - - pcmk__xml_free(node); -} - -static void -repeated_use(void **state) { - xmlNode *node = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, "test"); - int i; - - /* Later calls override settings from earlier calls. */ - pcmk__xe_add_node(node, "nodeA", 1); - pcmk__xe_add_node(node, "nodeB", 2); - pcmk__xe_add_node(node, "nodeC", 3); - - assert_string_equal("nodeC", crm_element_value(node, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST)); - assert_int_equal(pcmk_rc_ok, - crm_element_value_int(node, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID, &i)); - assert_int_equal(i, 3); - - pcmk__xml_free(node); -} - -PCMK__UNIT_TEST(pcmk__xml_test_setup_group, pcmk__xml_test_teardown_group, - cmocka_unit_test(bad_input), - cmocka_unit_test(expected_input), - cmocka_unit_test(repeated_use)) diff --git a/lib/lrmd/proxy_common.c b/lib/lrmd/proxy_common.c index 19183918a0..e02a89b352 100644 --- a/lib/lrmd/proxy_common.c +++ b/lib/lrmd/proxy_common.c @@ -1,333 +1,334 @@ /* - * Copyright 2015-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2015-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int lrmd_internal_proxy_send(lrmd_t * lrmd, xmlNode *msg); GHashTable *proxy_table = NULL; static void remote_proxy_notify_destroy(lrmd_t *lrmd, const char *session_id) { /* sending to the remote node that an ipc connection has been destroyed */ xmlNode *msg = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_PROXY); crm_xml_add(msg, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_OP, LRMD_IPC_OP_DESTROY); crm_xml_add(msg, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_SESSION, session_id); lrmd_internal_proxy_send(lrmd, msg); pcmk__xml_free(msg); } /*! * \internal * \brief Acknowledge a remote proxy shutdown request * * \param[in,out] lrmd Connection to proxy */ void remote_proxy_ack_shutdown(lrmd_t *lrmd) { xmlNode *msg = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_PROXY); crm_xml_add(msg, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_OP, LRMD_IPC_OP_SHUTDOWN_ACK); lrmd_internal_proxy_send(lrmd, msg); pcmk__xml_free(msg); } /*! * \internal * \brief Reject a remote proxy shutdown request * * \param[in,out] lrmd Connection to proxy */ void remote_proxy_nack_shutdown(lrmd_t *lrmd) { xmlNode *msg = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_PROXY); crm_xml_add(msg, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_OP, LRMD_IPC_OP_SHUTDOWN_NACK); lrmd_internal_proxy_send(lrmd, msg); pcmk__xml_free(msg); } void remote_proxy_relay_event(remote_proxy_t *proxy, xmlNode *msg) { /* sending to the remote node an event msg. */ xmlNode *event = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_PROXY); xmlNode *wrapper = NULL; crm_xml_add(event, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_OP, LRMD_IPC_OP_EVENT); crm_xml_add(event, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_SESSION, proxy->session_id); wrapper = pcmk__xe_create(event, PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_MSG); pcmk__xml_copy(wrapper, msg); crm_log_xml_explicit(event, "EventForProxy"); lrmd_internal_proxy_send(proxy->lrm, event); pcmk__xml_free(event); } void remote_proxy_relay_response(remote_proxy_t *proxy, xmlNode *msg, int msg_id) { /* sending to the remote node a response msg. */ xmlNode *response = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_PROXY); xmlNode *wrapper = NULL; crm_xml_add(response, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_OP, LRMD_IPC_OP_RESPONSE); crm_xml_add(response, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_SESSION, proxy->session_id); crm_xml_add_int(response, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_MSG_ID, msg_id); wrapper = pcmk__xe_create(response, PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_MSG); pcmk__xml_copy(wrapper, msg); lrmd_internal_proxy_send(proxy->lrm, response); pcmk__xml_free(response); } static void remote_proxy_end_session(remote_proxy_t *proxy) { if (proxy == NULL) { return; } crm_trace("ending session ID %s", proxy->session_id); if (proxy->source) { mainloop_del_ipc_client(proxy->source); } } void remote_proxy_free(gpointer data) { remote_proxy_t *proxy = data; crm_trace("freed proxy session ID %s", proxy->session_id); free(proxy->node_name); free(proxy->session_id); free(proxy); } int remote_proxy_dispatch(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata) { // Async responses from servers to clients via the remote executor xmlNode *xml = NULL; uint32_t flags = 0; remote_proxy_t *proxy = userdata; xml = pcmk__xml_parse(buffer); if (xml == NULL) { crm_warn("Received a NULL msg from IPC service."); return 1; } flags = crm_ipc_buffer_flags(proxy->ipc); if (flags & crm_ipc_proxied_relay_response) { crm_trace("Passing response back to %.8s on %s: %.200s - request id: %d", proxy->session_id, proxy->node_name, buffer, proxy->last_request_id); remote_proxy_relay_response(proxy, xml, proxy->last_request_id); proxy->last_request_id = 0; } else { crm_trace("Passing event back to %.8s on %s: %.200s", proxy->session_id, proxy->node_name, buffer); remote_proxy_relay_event(proxy, xml); } pcmk__xml_free(xml); return 1; } void remote_proxy_disconnected(gpointer userdata) { remote_proxy_t *proxy = userdata; crm_trace("destroying %p", proxy); proxy->source = NULL; proxy->ipc = NULL; if(proxy->lrm) { remote_proxy_notify_destroy(proxy->lrm, proxy->session_id); proxy->lrm = NULL; } g_hash_table_remove(proxy_table, proxy->session_id); } remote_proxy_t * remote_proxy_new(lrmd_t *lrmd, struct ipc_client_callbacks *proxy_callbacks, const char *node_name, const char *session_id, const char *channel) { remote_proxy_t *proxy = NULL; if(channel == NULL) { crm_err("No channel specified to proxy"); remote_proxy_notify_destroy(lrmd, session_id); return NULL; } proxy = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(remote_proxy_t)); proxy->node_name = strdup(node_name); proxy->session_id = strdup(session_id); proxy->lrm = lrmd; if ((pcmk__parse_server(crm_system_name) == pcmk_ipc_controld) && (pcmk__parse_server(channel) == pcmk_ipc_controld)) { // The controller doesn't need to connect to itself proxy->is_local = TRUE; } else { proxy->source = mainloop_add_ipc_client(channel, G_PRIORITY_LOW, 0, proxy, proxy_callbacks); proxy->ipc = mainloop_get_ipc_client(proxy->source); if (proxy->source == NULL) { remote_proxy_free(proxy); remote_proxy_notify_destroy(lrmd, session_id); return NULL; } } crm_trace("new remote proxy client established to %s on %s, session id %s", channel, node_name, session_id); g_hash_table_insert(proxy_table, proxy->session_id, proxy); return proxy; } void remote_proxy_cb(lrmd_t *lrmd, const char *node_name, xmlNode *msg) { const char *op = crm_element_value(msg, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_OP); const char *session = crm_element_value(msg, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_SESSION); remote_proxy_t *proxy = g_hash_table_lookup(proxy_table, session); int msg_id = 0; /* sessions are raw ipc connections to IPC, * all we do is proxy requests/responses exactly * like they are given to us at the ipc level. */ CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(session != NULL, return); crm_element_value_int(msg, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_MSG_ID, &msg_id); /* This is msg from remote ipc client going to real ipc server */ if (pcmk__str_eq(op, LRMD_IPC_OP_DESTROY, pcmk__str_casei)) { remote_proxy_end_session(proxy); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(op, LRMD_IPC_OP_REQUEST, pcmk__str_casei)) { uint32_t flags = 0U; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; const char *name = crm_element_value(msg, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_CLIENT); xmlNode *wrapper = pcmk__xe_first_child(msg, PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_MSG, NULL, NULL); xmlNode *request = pcmk__xe_first_child(wrapper, NULL, NULL, NULL); CRM_CHECK(request != NULL, return); if (proxy == NULL) { /* proxy connection no longer exists */ remote_proxy_notify_destroy(lrmd, session); return; } // Controller requests MUST be handled by the controller, not us CRM_CHECK(proxy->is_local == FALSE, remote_proxy_end_session(proxy); return); if (!crm_ipc_connected(proxy->ipc)) { remote_proxy_end_session(proxy); return; } proxy->last_request_id = 0; crm_xml_add(request, PCMK_XE_ACL_ROLE, "pacemaker-remote"); rc = pcmk__xe_get_flags(msg, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_MSG_FLAGS, &flags, 0U); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_warn("Couldn't parse controller flags from remote request: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } pcmk__assert(node_name != NULL); pcmk__update_acl_user(request, PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_USER, node_name); if (pcmk_is_set(flags, crm_ipc_proxied)) { const char *type = crm_element_value(request, PCMK__XA_T); int rc = 0; if (pcmk__str_eq(type, PCMK__VALUE_ATTRD, pcmk__str_none) && (crm_element_value(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST) == NULL) && pcmk__str_any_of(crm_element_value(request, PCMK_XA_TASK), PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_BOTH, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_DELAY, NULL)) { - pcmk__xe_add_node(request, proxy->node_name, 0); + + crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST, proxy->node_name); } rc = crm_ipc_send(proxy->ipc, request, flags, 5000, NULL); if(rc < 0) { xmlNode *op_reply = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, PCMK__XE_NACK); crm_err("Could not relay %s request %d from %s to %s for %s: %s (%d)", op, msg_id, proxy->node_name, crm_ipc_name(proxy->ipc), name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); /* Send a n'ack so the caller doesn't block */ crm_xml_add(op_reply, PCMK_XA_FUNCTION, __func__); crm_xml_add_int(op_reply, PCMK__XA_LINE, __LINE__); crm_xml_add_int(op_reply, PCMK_XA_RC, rc); remote_proxy_relay_response(proxy, op_reply, msg_id); pcmk__xml_free(op_reply); } else { crm_trace("Relayed %s request %d from %s to %s for %s", op, msg_id, proxy->node_name, crm_ipc_name(proxy->ipc), name); proxy->last_request_id = msg_id; } } else { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *op_reply = NULL; // @COMPAT pacemaker_remoted <= 1.1.10 crm_trace("Relaying %s request %d from %s to %s for %s", op, msg_id, proxy->node_name, crm_ipc_name(proxy->ipc), name); rc = crm_ipc_send(proxy->ipc, request, flags, 10000, &op_reply); if(rc < 0) { crm_err("Could not relay %s request %d from %s to %s for %s: %s (%d)", op, msg_id, proxy->node_name, crm_ipc_name(proxy->ipc), name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } else { crm_trace("Relayed %s request %d from %s to %s for %s", op, msg_id, proxy->node_name, crm_ipc_name(proxy->ipc), name); } if(op_reply) { remote_proxy_relay_response(proxy, op_reply, msg_id); pcmk__xml_free(op_reply); } } } else { crm_err("Unknown proxy operation: %s", op); } }