diff --git a/cts/patterns.py b/cts/patterns.py index 3cdce2fbd6..b377c2306a 100644 --- a/cts/patterns.py +++ b/cts/patterns.py @@ -1,538 +1,545 @@ import sys, os from cts.CTSvars import * patternvariants = {} class BasePatterns: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name patternvariants[name] = self self.ignore = [ "avoid confusing Valgrind", ] self.BadNews = [] self.components = {} self.commands = { "StatusCmd" : "crmadmin -t 60000 -S %s 2>/dev/null", "CibQuery" : "cibadmin -Ql", "CibAddXml" : "cibadmin --modify -c --xml-text %s", "CibDelXpath" : "cibadmin --delete --xpath %s", # 300,000 == 5 minutes "RscRunning" : CTSvars.CRM_DAEMON_DIR + "/lrmd_test -R -r %s", "CIBfile" : "%s:"+CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib.xml", "TmpDir" : "/tmp", "BreakCommCmd" : "iptables -A INPUT -s %s -j DROP >/dev/null 2>&1", "FixCommCmd" : "iptables -D INPUT -s %s -j DROP >/dev/null 2>&1", # tc qdisc add dev lo root handle 1: cbq avpkt 1000 bandwidth 1000mbit # tc class add dev lo parent 1: classid 1:1 cbq rate "$RATE"kbps allot 17000 prio 5 bounded isolated # tc filter add dev lo parent 1: protocol ip prio 16 u32 match ip dst match ip sport $PORT 0xFFFF flowid 1:1 # tc qdisc add dev lo parent 1: netem delay "$LATENCY"msec "$(($LATENCY/4))"msec 10% 2> /dev/null > /dev/null "ReduceCommCmd" : "", "RestoreCommCmd" : "tc qdisc del dev lo root", "UUIDQueryCmd" : "crmadmin -N", "SetCheckInterval" : "cibadmin --modify -c --xml-text ''", "ClearCheckInterval" : "cibadmin --delete --xpath \"//nvpair[@name='cluster-recheck-interval']\"", "MaintenanceModeOn" : "cibadmin --modify -c --xml-text ''", "MaintenanceModeOff" : "cibadmin --delete --xpath \"//nvpair[@name='maintenance-mode']\"", "StandbyCmd" : "crm_attribute -VQ -U %s -n standby -l forever -v %s 2>/dev/null", "StandbyQueryCmd" : "crm_attribute -QG -U %s -n standby -l forever -d off 2>/dev/null", } self.search = { "Pat:DC_IDLE" : "crmd.*State transition.*-> S_IDLE", # This wont work if we have multiple partitions "Pat:Local_started" : "%s\W.*The local CRM is operational", "Pat:Slave_started" : "%s\W.*State transition.*-> S_NOT_DC", "Pat:Master_started": "%s\W.*State transition.*-> S_IDLE", "Pat:We_stopped" : "heartbeat.*%s.*Heartbeat shutdown complete", "Pat:Logd_stopped" : "%s\W.*logd:.*Exiting write process", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s\W.*LOST:.* %s ", "Pat:They_dead" : "node %s.*: is dead", "Pat:TransitionComplete" : "Transition status: Complete: complete", "Pat:Fencing_start" : "Initiating remote operation .* for %s", "Pat:Fencing_ok" : r"stonith.*:\s*Operation .* of %s by .* for .*@.*: OK", "Pat:Fencing_recover" : r"pengine.*: Recover %s", "Pat:RscOpOK" : r"crmd.*:\s*Operation %s_%s.*:\s*ok \(.*confirmed=\S+\)", "Pat:RscRemoteOpOK" : r"crmd.*:\s*Operation %s_%s.*:\s*ok \(node=%s,.*,\s*confirmed=true\)", "Pat:NodeFenced" : r"crmd.*:\s*Peer\s+%s\s+was\s+terminated\s+\(.*\)\s+by\s+.*\s+for\s+.*:\s+OK", "Pat:FenceOpOK" : "Operation .* for host '%s' with device .* returned: 0", } def get_component(self, key): if key in self.components: return self.components[key] print("Unknown component '%s' for %s" % (key, self.name)) return [] def get_patterns(self, key): if key == "BadNews": return self.BadNews elif key == "BadNewsIgnore": return self.ignore elif key == "Commands": return self.commands elif key == "Search": return self.search elif key == "Components": return self.components def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "Name": return self.name elif key in self.commands: return self.commands[key] elif key in self.search: return self.search[key] else: print("Unknown template '%s' for %s" % (key, self.name)) return None class crm_lha(BasePatterns): def __init__(self, name): BasePatterns.__init__(self, name) self.commands.update({ "StartCmd" : "service heartbeat start > /dev/null 2>&1", "StopCmd" : "service heartbeat stop > /dev/null 2>&1", "EpochCmd" : "crm_node -H -e", "QuorumCmd" : "crm_node -H -q", "PartitionCmd" : "crm_node -H -p", }) self.search.update({ # Patterns to look for in the log files for various occasions... "Pat:ChildKilled" : "%s\W.*heartbeat.*%s.*killed by signal 9", "Pat:ChildRespawn" : "%s\W.*heartbeat.*Respawning client.*%s", "Pat:ChildExit" : "(ERROR|error): Client .* exited with return code", }) self.BadNews = [ r"error:", r"crit:", r"ERROR:", r"CRIT:", r"Shutting down...NOW", r"Timer I_TERMINATE just popped", r"input=I_ERROR", r"input=I_FAIL", r"input=I_INTEGRATED cause=C_TIMER_POPPED", r"input=I_FINALIZED cause=C_TIMER_POPPED", r"input=I_ERROR", r", exiting\.", r"WARN.*Ignoring HA message.*vote.*not in our membership list", r"pengine.*Attempting recovery of resource", r"is taking more than 2x its timeout", r"Confirm not received from", r"Welcome reply not received from", r"Attempting to schedule .* after a stop", r"Resource .* was active at shutdown", r"duplicate entries for call_id", r"Search terminated:", r"No need to invoke the TE", r"global_timer_callback:", r"Faking parameter digest creation", r"Parameters to .* action changed:", r"Parameters to .* changed", ] self.ignore = self.ignore + [ r"(ERROR|error):.*\s+assert\s+at\s+crm_glib_handler:" "(ERROR|error): Message hist queue is filling up", "stonithd.*CRIT: external_hostlist:.*'vmware gethosts' returned an empty hostlist", "stonithd.*(ERROR|error): Could not list nodes for stonith RA external/vmware.", "pengine.*Preventing .* from re-starting", ] class crm_cs_v0(BasePatterns): def __init__(self, name): BasePatterns.__init__(self, name) self.commands.update({ "EpochCmd" : "crm_node -e --openais", "QuorumCmd" : "crm_node -q --openais", "PartitionCmd" : "crm_node -p --openais", "StartCmd" : "service corosync start", "StopCmd" : "service corosync stop", }) self.search.update({ # The next pattern is too early # "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Service engine unloaded: Pacemaker Cluster Manager", # The next pattern would be preferred, but it doesn't always come out # "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Corosync Cluster Engine exiting with status", "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s\W.*Service engine unloaded: corosync cluster quorum service", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s\W.*crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:They_dead" : "corosync:.*Node %s is now: lost", "Pat:ChildExit" : "Child process .* exited", "Pat:ChildKilled" : "%s\W.*corosync.*Child process %s terminated with signal 9", "Pat:ChildRespawn" : "%s\W.*corosync.*Respawning failed child process: %s", "Pat:InfraUp" : "%s\W.*corosync.*Initializing transport", - "Pat:PacemakerUp" : "%s\W.*pacemakerd.*Starting Pacemaker", + "Pat:PacemakerUp" : "%s\W.*corosync.*CRM: Initialized", }) self.ignore = self.ignore + [ r"crm_mon:", r"crmadmin:", r"update_trace_data", r"async_notify:.*strange, client not found", r"Parse error: Ignoring unknown option .*nodename", r"error.*: Operation 'reboot' .* with device 'FencingFail' returned:", r"Child process .* terminated with signal 9", r"getinfo response error: 1$", "sbd.* error: inquisitor_child: DEBUG MODE IS ACTIVE", r"sbd.* pcmk:\s*error:.*Connection to cib_ro failed", r"sbd.* pcmk:\s*error:.*Connection to cib_ro.* closed .I/O condition=17", ] self.BadNews = [ r"error:", r"crit:", r"ERROR:", r"CRIT:", r"Shutting down...NOW", r"Timer I_TERMINATE just popped", r"input=I_ERROR", r"input=I_FAIL", r"input=I_INTEGRATED cause=C_TIMER_POPPED", r"input=I_FINALIZED cause=C_TIMER_POPPED", r"input=I_ERROR", r", exiting\.", r"(WARN|warn).*Ignoring HA message.*vote.*not in our membership list", r"pengine.*Attempting recovery of resource", r"is taking more than 2x its timeout", r"Confirm not received from", r"Welcome reply not received from", r"Attempting to schedule .* after a stop", r"Resource .* was active at shutdown", r"duplicate entries for call_id", r"Search terminated:", r":global_timer_callback", r"Faking parameter digest creation", r"Parameters to .* action changed:", r"Parameters to .* changed", r"The .* process .* terminated with signal", r"Child process .* terminated with signal", r"pengine:.*Recover .*\(.* -\> .*\)", r"rsyslogd.* imuxsock lost .* messages from pid .* due to rate-limiting", r"Peer is not part of our cluster", r"We appear to be in an election loop", r"Unknown node -> we will not deliver message", r"(Blackbox dump requested|Problem detected)", r"pacemakerd.*Could not connect to Cluster Configuration Database API", r"Receiving messages from a node we think is dead", r"share the same cluster nodeid", r"share the same name", #r"crm_ipc_send:.*Request .* failed", #r"crm_ipc_send:.*Sending to .* is disabled until pending reply is received", # Not inherently bad, but worth tracking #r"No need to invoke the TE", #r"ping.*: DEBUG: Updated connected = 0", #r"Digest mis-match:", r"crmd:.*Transition failed: terminated", r"Local CIB .* differs from .*:", r"warn.*:\s*Continuing but .* will NOT be used", r"warn.*:\s*Cluster configuration file .* is corrupt", #r"Executing .* fencing operation", #r"fence_pcmk.* Call to fence", #r"fence_pcmk", r"cman killed by node", r"Election storm", r"stalled the FSA with pending inputs", ] self.components["common-ignore"] = [ "Pending action:", "error: crm_log_message_adv:", "resources were active at shutdown", "pending LRM operations at shutdown", "Lost connection to the CIB service", "Connection to the CIB terminated...", "Sending message to CIB service FAILED", "apply_xml_diff:.*Diff application failed!", r"crmd.*:\s*Action A_RECOVER .* not supported", "unconfirmed_actions:.*Waiting on .* unconfirmed actions", "cib_native_msgready:.*Message pending on command channel", r"crmd.*:\s*Performing A_EXIT_1 - forcefully exiting the CRMd", "verify_stopped:.*Resource .* was active at shutdown. You may ignore this error if it is unmanaged.", "error: attrd_connection_destroy:.*Lost connection to attrd", r".*:\s*Executing .* fencing operation \(.*\) on ", r"(Blackbox dump requested|Problem detected)", # "error: native_create_actions: Resource .*stonith::.* is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery", # "error: process_pe_message: Transition .* ERRORs found during PE processing", ] self.components["corosync-ignore"] = [ r"error:.*Connection to the CPG API failed: Library error", r"The .* process .* exited", r"pacemakerd.*error:.*Child process .* exited", r"cib.*error:.*Corosync connection lost", r"stonith-ng.*error:.*Corosync connection terminated", r"The cib process .* exited: Invalid argument", r"The attrd process .* exited: Transport endpoint is not connected", r"The crmd process .* exited: Link has been severed", r"error:.*Child process cib .* exited: Invalid argument", r"error:.*Child process attrd .* exited: Transport endpoint is not connected", r"error:.*Child process crmd .* exited: Link has been severed", r"lrmd.*error:.*Connection to stonith-ng failed", r"lrmd.*error:.*Connection to stonith-ng.* closed", r"lrmd.*error:.*LRMD lost STONITH connection", r"crmd.*State transition .* S_RECOVERY", r"crmd.*error:.*FSA: Input I_ERROR", r"crmd.*error:.*FSA: Input I_TERMINATE", r"crmd.*error:.*Connection to cman failed", r"crmd.*error:.*Could not recover from internal error", r"error:.*Connection to cib_shm failed", r"error:.*Connection to cib_shm.* closed", r"error:.*STONITH connection failed", r"error: Connection to stonith-ng failed", r"crit: Fencing daemon connection failed", r"error: Connection to stonith-ng.* closed", ] self.components["corosync"] = [ r"pacemakerd.*error:.*Connection destroyed", r"attrd.*:\s*crit:.*Lost connection to Corosync service", r"stonith.*:\s*Corosync connection terminated", r"cib.*:\s*Corosync connection lost!\s+Exiting.", r"crmd.*:\s*connection terminated", r"pengine.*Scheduling Node .* for STONITH", r"crmd.*:\s*Peer %s was terminated \(.*\) by .* for .*:\s*OK", ] self.components["cib-ignore"] = [ "lrmd.*Connection to stonith-ng failed", "lrmd.*Connection to stonith-ng.* closed", "lrmd.*LRMD lost STONITH connection", "lrmd.*STONITH connection failed, finalizing .* pending operations", ] self.components["cib"] = [ "State transition .* S_RECOVERY", "Respawning .* crmd", "Respawning .* attrd", "Connection to cib_.* failed", "Connection to cib_.* closed", "Connection to the CIB terminated...", "(Child process|The) crmd .* exited: Generic Pacemaker error", "(Child process|The) attrd .* exited: (Connection reset by peer|Transport endpoint is not connected)", "Lost connection to CIB service", "crmd.*Input I_TERMINATE from do_recover", "crmd.*I_ERROR.*crmd_cib_connection_destroy", "crmd.*Could not recover from internal error", ] self.components["lrmd"] = [ "State transition .* S_RECOVERY", "LRM Connection failed", "Respawning .* crmd", "Connection to lrmd failed", "Connection to lrmd.* closed", "crmd.*I_ERROR.*lrm_connection_destroy", "(Child process|The) crmd .* exited: Generic Pacemaker error", "crmd.*Input I_TERMINATE from do_recover", "crmd.*Could not recover from internal error", ] self.components["lrmd-ignore"] = [] self.components["crmd"] = [ # "WARN: determine_online_status: Node .* is unclean", # "Scheduling Node .* for STONITH", # "Executing .* fencing operation", # Only if the node wasn't the DC: "State transition S_IDLE", "State transition .* -> S_IDLE", ] self.components["crmd-ignore"] = [] self.components["attrd"] = [] self.components["attrd-ignore"] = [] self.components["pengine"] = [ "State transition .* S_RECOVERY", "Respawning .* crmd", "(The|Child process) crmd .* exited: Generic Pacemaker error", "Connection to pengine failed", "Connection to pengine.* closed", "Connection to the Policy Engine failed", "crmd.*I_ERROR.*save_cib_contents", "crmd.*Input I_TERMINATE from do_recover", "crmd.*Could not recover from internal error", ] self.components["pengine-ignore"] = [] self.components["stonith"] = [ "Connection to stonith-ng failed", "LRMD lost STONITH connection", "Connection to stonith-ng.* closed", "Fencing daemon connection failed", r"crmd.*:\s*warn.*:\s*Callback already present", ] self.components["stonith-ignore"] = [ r"pengine.*: Recover Fencing", r"Updating failcount for Fencing", r"error:.*Connection to stonith-ng failed", r"error:.*Connection to stonith-ng.*closed \(I/O condition=17\)", r"crit:.*Fencing daemon connection failed", r"error:.*Sign-in failed: triggered a retry", "STONITH connection failed, finalizing .* pending operations.", r"crmd.*:\s*Operation Fencing.* Error", ] self.components["stonith-ignore"].extend(self.components["common-ignore"]) class crm_mcp(crm_cs_v0): ''' The crm version 4 cluster manager class. It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate crm clusters running on top of native corosync (no plugins) ''' def __init__(self, name): crm_cs_v0.__init__(self, name) self.commands.update({ "StartCmd" : "service corosync start && service pacemaker start", "StopCmd" : "service pacemaker stop; [ ! -e /usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted ] || service pacemaker_remote stop; service corosync stop", "EpochCmd" : "crm_node -e", "QuorumCmd" : "crm_node -q", "PartitionCmd" : "crm_node -p", }) self.search.update({ # Close enough... "Corosync Cluster Engine exiting normally" isn't printed # reliably and there's little interest in doing anything about it "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s\W.*Unloading all Corosync service engines", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s\W.*crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:They_dead" : "crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:ChildExit" : "The .* process exited", "Pat:ChildKilled" : "%s\W.*pacemakerd.*The %s process .* terminated with signal 9", "Pat:ChildRespawn" : "%s\W.*pacemakerd.*Respawning failed child process: %s", + + "Pat:PacemakerUp" : "%s\W.*pacemakerd.*Starting Pacemaker", }) # if self.Env["have_systemd"]: # self.update({ # # When systemd is in use, we can look for this instead # "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Stopped Corosync Cluster Engine", # }) class crm_mcp_docker(crm_mcp): ''' The crm version 4 cluster manager class. It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate crm clusters running on top of native corosync (no plugins) ''' def __init__(self, name): crm_mcp.__init__(self, name) self.commands.update({ "StartCmd" : "pcmk_start", "StopCmd" : "pcmk_stop", }) class crm_cman(crm_cs_v0): ''' The crm version 3 cluster manager class. It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate crm clusters running on top of openais ''' def __init__(self, name): crm_cs_v0.__init__(self, name) self.commands.update({ "StartCmd" : "service pacemaker start", "StopCmd" : "service pacemaker stop; [ ! -e /usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted ] || service pacemaker_remote stop", "EpochCmd" : "crm_node -e --cman", "QuorumCmd" : "crm_node -q --cman", "PartitionCmd" : "crm_node -p --cman", "Pat:We_stopped" : "%s.*Unloading all Corosync service engines", "Pat:They_stopped" : "%s\W.*crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:They_dead" : "crmd.*Node %s\[.*state is now lost", "Pat:ChildKilled" : "%s\W.*pacemakerd.*The %s process .* terminated with signal 9", "Pat:ChildRespawn" : "%s\W.*pacemakerd.*Respawning failed child process: %s", }) + self.search.update({ + "Pat:PacemakerUp" : "%s\W.*pacemakerd.*Starting Pacemaker", + }) + + class PatternSelector: def __init__(self, name=None): self.name = name self.base = BasePatterns("crm-base") if not name: crm_cs_v0("crm-plugin-v0") crm_cman("crm-cman") crm_mcp("crm-mcp") crm_lha("crm-lha") elif name == "crm-lha": crm_lha(name) elif name == "crm-plugin-v0": crm_cs_v0(name) elif name == "crm-cman": crm_cman(name) elif name == "crm-mcp": crm_mcp(name) elif name == "crm-mcp-docker": crm_mcp_docker(name) def get_variant(self, variant): if variant in patternvariants: return patternvariants[variant] print("defaulting to crm-base for %s" % variant) return self.base def get_patterns(self, variant, kind): return self.get_variant(variant).get_patterns(kind) def get_template(self, variant, key): v = self.get_variant(variant) return v[key] def get_component(self, variant, kind): return self.get_variant(variant).get_component(kind) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get_template(self.name, key) # python cts/CTSpatt.py -k crm-mcp -t StartCmd if __name__ == '__main__': pdir=os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]) sys.path.insert(0, pdir) # So that things work from the source directory kind=None template=None skipthis=None args=sys.argv[1:] for i in range(0, len(args)): if skipthis: skipthis=None continue elif args[i] == "-k" or args[i] == "--kind": skipthis=1 kind = args[i+1] elif args[i] == "-t" or args[i] == "--template": skipthis=1 template = args[i+1] else: print("Illegal argument " + args[i]) print(PatternSelector(kind)[template])