diff --git a/cts/cli/regression.crm_resource.exp b/cts/cli/regression.crm_resource.exp index 065dada5e2..3afe34240a 100644 --- a/cts/cli/regression.crm_resource.exp +++ b/cts/cli/regression.crm_resource.exp @@ -1,4048 +1,4048 @@ =#=#=#= Begin test: crm_resource run with extra arguments =#=#=#= crm_resource: non-option ARGV-elements: [1 of 2] foo [2 of 2] bar =#=#=#= End test: crm_resource run with extra arguments - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - crm_resource run with extra arguments =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available resource options (invalid type) =#=#=#= crm_resource: Error parsing option --list-options =#=#=#= End test: List all available resource options (invalid type) - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List all available resource options (invalid type) =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available resource options (invalid type) =#=#=#= crm_resource: Error parsing option --list-options =#=#=#= End test: List all available resource options (invalid type) - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List all available resource options (invalid type) =#=#=#= Begin test: List non-advanced primitive meta-attributes =#=#=#= Primitive meta-attributes Meta-attributes applicable to primitive resources * priority: Resource assignment priority * If not all resources can be active, the cluster will stop lower-priority resources in order to keep higher-priority ones active. * Possible values: score (default: ) * critical: Default value for influence in colocation constraints * Use this value as the default for influence in all colocation constraints involving this resource, as well as in the implicit colocation constraints created if this resource is in a group. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * target-role: State the cluster should attempt to keep this resource in * "Stopped" forces the resource to be stopped. "Started" allows the resource to be started (and in the case of promotable clone resources, promoted if appropriate). "Unpromoted" allows the resource to be started, but only in the unpromoted role if the resource is promotable. "Promoted" is equivalent to "Started". * Possible values: "Stopped", "Started" (default), "Unpromoted", "Promoted" * is-managed: Whether the cluster is allowed to actively change the resource's state * If false, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the resource on any node. Recurring actions for the resource are unaffected. If true, a true value for the maintenance-mode cluster option, the maintenance node attribute, or the maintenance resource meta-attribute overrides this. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * maintenance: If true, the cluster will not schedule any actions involving the resource * If true, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the resource on any node, and will pause any recurring monitors (except those specifying role as "Stopped"). If false, a true value for the maintenance-mode cluster option or maintenance node attribute overrides this. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * resource-stickiness: Score to add to the current node when a resource is already active * Score to add to the current node when a resource is already active. This allows running resources to stay where they are, even if they would be placed elsewhere if they were being started from a stopped state. The default is 1 for individual clone instances, and 0 for all other resources. * Possible values: score (no default) * requires: Conditions under which the resource can be started * Conditions under which the resource can be started. "nothing" means the cluster can always start this resource. "quorum" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active. "fencing" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or unknown nodes have been fenced. "unfencing" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or unknown nodes have been fenced, and only on nodes that have been unfenced. The default is "quorum" for resources with a class of stonith; otherwise, "unfencing" if unfencing is active in the cluster; otherwise, "fencing" if the stonith-enabled cluster option is true; otherwise, "quorum". * Possible values: "nothing", "quorum", "fencing", "unfencing" * migration-threshold: Number of failures on a node before the resource becomes ineligible to run there. * Number of failures that may occur for this resource on a node, before that node is marked ineligible to host this resource. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled (the node will never be marked ineligible). By contrast, the cluster treats "INFINITY" (the default) as a very large but finite number. This option has an effect only if the failed operation specifies its on-fail attribute as "restart" (the default), and additionally for failed start operations, if the start-failure-is-fatal cluster property is set to false. * Possible values: score (default: ) * failure-timeout: Number of seconds before acting as if a failure had not occurred * Number of seconds after a failed action for this resource before acting as if the failure had not occurred, and potentially allowing the resource back to the node on which it failed. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * multiple-active: What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than one node * What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than one node. "block" means to mark the resource as unmanaged. "stop_only" means to stop all active instances of this resource and leave them stopped. "stop_start" means to stop all active instances of this resource and start the resource in one location only. "stop_unexpected" means to stop all active instances of this resource except where the resource should be active. (This should be used only when extra instances are not expected to disrupt existing instances, and the resource agent's monitor of an existing instance is capable of detecting any problems that could be caused. Note that any resources ordered after this one will still need to be restarted.) * Possible values: "block", "stop_only", "stop_start" (default), "stop_unexpected" * allow-migrate: Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs to be moved * Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs to be moved. The default is true for ocf:pacemaker:remote resources, and false otherwise. * Possible values: boolean (no default) * allow-unhealthy-nodes: Whether the resource should be allowed to run on a node even if the node's health score would otherwise prevent it * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * container-attribute-target: Where to check user-defined node attributes * Whether to check user-defined node attributes on the physical host where a container is running or on the local node. This is usually set for a bundle resource and inherited by the bundle's primitive resource. A value of "host" means to check user-defined node attributes on the underlying physical host. Any other value means to check user-defined node attributes on the local node (for a bundled primitive resource, this is the bundle node). * Possible values: string (no default) * remote-node: Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with, if any * Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with, if any. If specified, this both enables the resource as a guest node and defines the unique name used to identify the guest node. The guest must be configured to run the Pacemaker Remote daemon when it is started. WARNING: This value cannot overlap with any resource or node IDs. * Possible values: string (no default) * remote-addr: If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote * If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be configured to accept connections on this address. The default is the value of the remote-node meta-attribute. * Possible values: string (no default) * remote-port: If remote-node is specified, port on the guest used for its Pacemaker Remote connection * If remote-node is specified, the port on the guest used for its Pacemaker Remote connection. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be configured to listen on this port. * Possible values: port (default: ) * remote-connect-timeout: If remote-node is specified, how long before a pending Pacemaker Remote guest connection times out. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * remote-allow-migrate: If remote-node is specified, this acts as the allow-migrate meta-attribute for the implicit remote connection resource (ocf:pacemaker:remote). * Possible values: boolean (default: ) =#=#=#= End test: List non-advanced primitive meta-attributes - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List non-advanced primitive meta-attributes =#=#=#= Begin test: List non-advanced primitive meta-attributes (XML) =#=#=#= 1.1 Meta-attributes applicable to primitive resources Primitive meta-attributes If not all resources can be active, the cluster will stop lower-priority resources in order to keep higher-priority ones active. Resource assignment priority Use this value as the default for influence in all colocation constraints involving this resource, as well as in the implicit colocation constraints created if this resource is in a group. Default value for influence in colocation constraints "Stopped" forces the resource to be stopped. "Started" allows the resource to be started (and in the case of promotable clone resources, promoted if appropriate). "Unpromoted" allows the resource to be started, but only in the unpromoted role if the resource is promotable. "Promoted" is equivalent to "Started". State the cluster should attempt to keep this resource in If false, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the resource on any node. Recurring actions for the resource are unaffected. If true, a true value for the maintenance-mode cluster option, the maintenance node attribute, or the maintenance resource meta-attribute overrides this. Whether the cluster is allowed to actively change the resource's state If true, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the resource on any node, and will pause any recurring monitors (except those specifying role as "Stopped"). If false, a true value for the maintenance-mode cluster option or maintenance node attribute overrides this. If true, the cluster will not schedule any actions involving the resource Score to add to the current node when a resource is already active. This allows running resources to stay where they are, even if they would be placed elsewhere if they were being started from a stopped state. The default is 1 for individual clone instances, and 0 for all other resources. Score to add to the current node when a resource is already active Conditions under which the resource can be started. "nothing" means the cluster can always start this resource. "quorum" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active. "fencing" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or unknown nodes have been fenced. "unfencing" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or unknown nodes have been fenced, and only on nodes that have been unfenced. The default is "quorum" for resources with a class of stonith; otherwise, "unfencing" if unfencing is active in the cluster; otherwise, "fencing" if the stonith-enabled cluster option is true; otherwise, "quorum". Conditions under which the resource can be started Number of failures that may occur for this resource on a node, before that node is marked ineligible to host this resource. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled (the node will never be marked ineligible). By contrast, the cluster treats "INFINITY" (the default) as a very large but finite number. This option has an effect only if the failed operation specifies its on-fail attribute as "restart" (the default), and additionally for failed start operations, if the start-failure-is-fatal cluster property is set to false. Number of failures on a node before the resource becomes ineligible to run there. Number of seconds after a failed action for this resource before acting as if the failure had not occurred, and potentially allowing the resource back to the node on which it failed. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled. Number of seconds before acting as if a failure had not occurred What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than one node. "block" means to mark the resource as unmanaged. "stop_only" means to stop all active instances of this resource and leave them stopped. "stop_start" means to stop all active instances of this resource and start the resource in one location only. "stop_unexpected" means to stop all active instances of this resource except where the resource should be active. (This should be used only when extra instances are not expected to disrupt existing instances, and the resource agent's monitor of an existing instance is capable of detecting any problems that could be caused. Note that any resources ordered after this one will still need to be restarted.) What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than one node Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs to be moved. The default is true for ocf:pacemaker:remote resources, and false otherwise. Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs to be moved Whether the resource should be allowed to run on a node even if the node's health score would otherwise prevent it Whether the resource should be allowed to run on a node even if the node's health score would otherwise prevent it Whether to check user-defined node attributes on the physical host where a container is running or on the local node. This is usually set for a bundle resource and inherited by the bundle's primitive resource. A value of "host" means to check user-defined node attributes on the underlying physical host. Any other value means to check user-defined node attributes on the local node (for a bundled primitive resource, this is the bundle node). Where to check user-defined node attributes Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with, if any. If specified, this both enables the resource as a guest node and defines the unique name used to identify the guest node. The guest must be configured to run the Pacemaker Remote daemon when it is started. WARNING: This value cannot overlap with any resource or node IDs. Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with, if any If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be configured to accept connections on this address. The default is the value of the remote-node meta-attribute. If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote If remote-node is specified, the port on the guest used for its Pacemaker Remote connection. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be configured to listen on this port. If remote-node is specified, port on the guest used for its Pacemaker Remote connection If remote-node is specified, how long before a pending Pacemaker Remote guest connection times out. If remote-node is specified, how long before a pending Pacemaker Remote guest connection times out. If remote-node is specified, this acts as the allow-migrate meta-attribute for the implicit remote connection resource (ocf:pacemaker:remote). If remote-node is specified, this acts as the allow-migrate meta-attribute for the implicit remote connection resource (ocf:pacemaker:remote). =#=#=#= End test: List non-advanced primitive meta-attributes (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List non-advanced primitive meta-attributes (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available primitive meta-attributes =#=#=#= Primitive meta-attributes Meta-attributes applicable to primitive resources * priority: Resource assignment priority * If not all resources can be active, the cluster will stop lower-priority resources in order to keep higher-priority ones active. * Possible values: score (default: ) * critical: Default value for influence in colocation constraints * Use this value as the default for influence in all colocation constraints involving this resource, as well as in the implicit colocation constraints created if this resource is in a group. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * target-role: State the cluster should attempt to keep this resource in * "Stopped" forces the resource to be stopped. "Started" allows the resource to be started (and in the case of promotable clone resources, promoted if appropriate). "Unpromoted" allows the resource to be started, but only in the unpromoted role if the resource is promotable. "Promoted" is equivalent to "Started". * Possible values: "Stopped", "Started" (default), "Unpromoted", "Promoted" * is-managed: Whether the cluster is allowed to actively change the resource's state * If false, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the resource on any node. Recurring actions for the resource are unaffected. If true, a true value for the maintenance-mode cluster option, the maintenance node attribute, or the maintenance resource meta-attribute overrides this. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * maintenance: If true, the cluster will not schedule any actions involving the resource * If true, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the resource on any node, and will pause any recurring monitors (except those specifying role as "Stopped"). If false, a true value for the maintenance-mode cluster option or maintenance node attribute overrides this. * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * resource-stickiness: Score to add to the current node when a resource is already active * Score to add to the current node when a resource is already active. This allows running resources to stay where they are, even if they would be placed elsewhere if they were being started from a stopped state. The default is 1 for individual clone instances, and 0 for all other resources. * Possible values: score (no default) * requires: Conditions under which the resource can be started * Conditions under which the resource can be started. "nothing" means the cluster can always start this resource. "quorum" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active. "fencing" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or unknown nodes have been fenced. "unfencing" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or unknown nodes have been fenced, and only on nodes that have been unfenced. The default is "quorum" for resources with a class of stonith; otherwise, "unfencing" if unfencing is active in the cluster; otherwise, "fencing" if the stonith-enabled cluster option is true; otherwise, "quorum". * Possible values: "nothing", "quorum", "fencing", "unfencing" * migration-threshold: Number of failures on a node before the resource becomes ineligible to run there. * Number of failures that may occur for this resource on a node, before that node is marked ineligible to host this resource. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled (the node will never be marked ineligible). By contrast, the cluster treats "INFINITY" (the default) as a very large but finite number. This option has an effect only if the failed operation specifies its on-fail attribute as "restart" (the default), and additionally for failed start operations, if the start-failure-is-fatal cluster property is set to false. * Possible values: score (default: ) * failure-timeout: Number of seconds before acting as if a failure had not occurred * Number of seconds after a failed action for this resource before acting as if the failure had not occurred, and potentially allowing the resource back to the node on which it failed. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * multiple-active: What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than one node * What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than one node. "block" means to mark the resource as unmanaged. "stop_only" means to stop all active instances of this resource and leave them stopped. "stop_start" means to stop all active instances of this resource and start the resource in one location only. "stop_unexpected" means to stop all active instances of this resource except where the resource should be active. (This should be used only when extra instances are not expected to disrupt existing instances, and the resource agent's monitor of an existing instance is capable of detecting any problems that could be caused. Note that any resources ordered after this one will still need to be restarted.) * Possible values: "block", "stop_only", "stop_start" (default), "stop_unexpected" * allow-migrate: Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs to be moved * Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs to be moved. The default is true for ocf:pacemaker:remote resources, and false otherwise. * Possible values: boolean (no default) * allow-unhealthy-nodes: Whether the resource should be allowed to run on a node even if the node's health score would otherwise prevent it * Possible values: boolean (default: ) * container-attribute-target: Where to check user-defined node attributes * Whether to check user-defined node attributes on the physical host where a container is running or on the local node. This is usually set for a bundle resource and inherited by the bundle's primitive resource. A value of "host" means to check user-defined node attributes on the underlying physical host. Any other value means to check user-defined node attributes on the local node (for a bundled primitive resource, this is the bundle node). * Possible values: string (no default) * remote-node: Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with, if any * Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with, if any. If specified, this both enables the resource as a guest node and defines the unique name used to identify the guest node. The guest must be configured to run the Pacemaker Remote daemon when it is started. WARNING: This value cannot overlap with any resource or node IDs. * Possible values: string (no default) * remote-addr: If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote * If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be configured to accept connections on this address. The default is the value of the remote-node meta-attribute. * Possible values: string (no default) * remote-port: If remote-node is specified, port on the guest used for its Pacemaker Remote connection * If remote-node is specified, the port on the guest used for its Pacemaker Remote connection. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be configured to listen on this port. * Possible values: port (default: ) * remote-connect-timeout: If remote-node is specified, how long before a pending Pacemaker Remote guest connection times out. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * remote-allow-migrate: If remote-node is specified, this acts as the allow-migrate meta-attribute for the implicit remote connection resource (ocf:pacemaker:remote). * Possible values: boolean (default: ) =#=#=#= End test: List all available primitive meta-attributes - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List all available primitive meta-attributes =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available primitive meta-attributes (XML) =#=#=#= 1.1 Meta-attributes applicable to primitive resources Primitive meta-attributes If not all resources can be active, the cluster will stop lower-priority resources in order to keep higher-priority ones active. Resource assignment priority Use this value as the default for influence in all colocation constraints involving this resource, as well as in the implicit colocation constraints created if this resource is in a group. Default value for influence in colocation constraints "Stopped" forces the resource to be stopped. "Started" allows the resource to be started (and in the case of promotable clone resources, promoted if appropriate). "Unpromoted" allows the resource to be started, but only in the unpromoted role if the resource is promotable. "Promoted" is equivalent to "Started". State the cluster should attempt to keep this resource in If false, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the resource on any node. Recurring actions for the resource are unaffected. If true, a true value for the maintenance-mode cluster option, the maintenance node attribute, or the maintenance resource meta-attribute overrides this. Whether the cluster is allowed to actively change the resource's state If true, the cluster will not start, stop, promote, or demote the resource on any node, and will pause any recurring monitors (except those specifying role as "Stopped"). If false, a true value for the maintenance-mode cluster option or maintenance node attribute overrides this. If true, the cluster will not schedule any actions involving the resource Score to add to the current node when a resource is already active. This allows running resources to stay where they are, even if they would be placed elsewhere if they were being started from a stopped state. The default is 1 for individual clone instances, and 0 for all other resources. Score to add to the current node when a resource is already active Conditions under which the resource can be started. "nothing" means the cluster can always start this resource. "quorum" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active. "fencing" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or unknown nodes have been fenced. "unfencing" means the cluster can start this resource only if a majority of the configured nodes are active and any failed or unknown nodes have been fenced, and only on nodes that have been unfenced. The default is "quorum" for resources with a class of stonith; otherwise, "unfencing" if unfencing is active in the cluster; otherwise, "fencing" if the stonith-enabled cluster option is true; otherwise, "quorum". Conditions under which the resource can be started Number of failures that may occur for this resource on a node, before that node is marked ineligible to host this resource. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled (the node will never be marked ineligible). By contrast, the cluster treats "INFINITY" (the default) as a very large but finite number. This option has an effect only if the failed operation specifies its on-fail attribute as "restart" (the default), and additionally for failed start operations, if the start-failure-is-fatal cluster property is set to false. Number of failures on a node before the resource becomes ineligible to run there. Number of seconds after a failed action for this resource before acting as if the failure had not occurred, and potentially allowing the resource back to the node on which it failed. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled. Number of seconds before acting as if a failure had not occurred What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than one node. "block" means to mark the resource as unmanaged. "stop_only" means to stop all active instances of this resource and leave them stopped. "stop_start" means to stop all active instances of this resource and start the resource in one location only. "stop_unexpected" means to stop all active instances of this resource except where the resource should be active. (This should be used only when extra instances are not expected to disrupt existing instances, and the resource agent's monitor of an existing instance is capable of detecting any problems that could be caused. Note that any resources ordered after this one will still need to be restarted.) What to do if the cluster finds the resource active on more than one node Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs to be moved. The default is true for ocf:pacemaker:remote resources, and false otherwise. Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs to be moved Whether the resource should be allowed to run on a node even if the node's health score would otherwise prevent it Whether the resource should be allowed to run on a node even if the node's health score would otherwise prevent it Whether to check user-defined node attributes on the physical host where a container is running or on the local node. This is usually set for a bundle resource and inherited by the bundle's primitive resource. A value of "host" means to check user-defined node attributes on the underlying physical host. Any other value means to check user-defined node attributes on the local node (for a bundled primitive resource, this is the bundle node). Where to check user-defined node attributes Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with, if any. If specified, this both enables the resource as a guest node and defines the unique name used to identify the guest node. The guest must be configured to run the Pacemaker Remote daemon when it is started. WARNING: This value cannot overlap with any resource or node IDs. Name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with, if any If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be configured to accept connections on this address. The default is the value of the remote-node meta-attribute. If remote-node is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to the guest via Pacemaker Remote If remote-node is specified, the port on the guest used for its Pacemaker Remote connection. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be configured to listen on this port. If remote-node is specified, port on the guest used for its Pacemaker Remote connection If remote-node is specified, how long before a pending Pacemaker Remote guest connection times out. If remote-node is specified, how long before a pending Pacemaker Remote guest connection times out. If remote-node is specified, this acts as the allow-migrate meta-attribute for the implicit remote connection resource (ocf:pacemaker:remote). If remote-node is specified, this acts as the allow-migrate meta-attribute for the implicit remote connection resource (ocf:pacemaker:remote). =#=#=#= End test: List all available primitive meta-attributes (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List all available primitive meta-attributes (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: List non-advanced fencing parameters =#=#=#= Fencing resource common parameters Special parameters that are available for all fencing resources, regardless of type. They are processed by Pacemaker, rather than by the fence agent or the fencing library. * pcmk_host_map: A mapping of node names to port numbers for devices that do not support node names. * For example, "node1:1;node2:2,3" would tell the cluster to use port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2. * Possible values: string (no default) * pcmk_host_list: Nodes targeted by this device * Comma-separated list of nodes that can be targeted by this device (for example, "node1,node2,node3"). If pcmk_host_check is "static-list", either this or pcmk_host_map must be set. * Possible values: string (no default) * pcmk_host_check: How to determine which nodes can be targeted by the device * Use "dynamic-list" to query the device via the 'list' command; "static-list" to check the pcmk_host_list attribute; "status" to query the device via the 'status' command; or "none" to assume every device can fence every node. The default value is "static-list" if pcmk_host_map or pcmk_host_list is set; otherwise "dynamic-list" if the device supports the list operation; otherwise "status" if the device supports the status operation; otherwise "none" * Possible values: "dynamic-list", "static-list", "status", "none" * pcmk_delay_max: Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. * Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. Pacemaker derives the overall delay by taking the value of pcmk_delay_base and adding a random delay value such that the sum is kept below this maximum. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * pcmk_delay_base: Enable a base delay for fencing actions and specify base delay value. * This enables a static delay for fencing actions, which can help avoid "death matches" where two nodes try to fence each other at the same time. If pcmk_delay_max is also used, a random delay will be added such that the total delay is kept below that value. This can be set to a single time value to apply to any node targeted by this device (useful if a separate device is configured for each target), or to a node map (for example, "node1:1s;node2:5") to set a different value for each target. * Possible values: string (default: ) * pcmk_action_limit: The maximum number of actions can be performed in parallel on this device * If the concurrent-fencing cluster property is "true", this specifies the maximum number of actions that can be performed in parallel on this device. A value of -1 means unlimited. * Possible values: integer (default: ) =#=#=#= End test: List non-advanced fencing parameters - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List non-advanced fencing parameters =#=#=#= Begin test: List non-advanced fencing parameters (XML) =#=#=#= 1.1 Special parameters that are available for all fencing resources, regardless of type. They are processed by Pacemaker, rather than by the fence agent or the fencing library. Fencing resource common parameters If the fencing agent metadata advertises support for the "port" or "plug" parameter, that will be used as the default, otherwise "none" will be used, which tells the cluster not to supply any additional parameters. Name of agent parameter that should be set to the fencing target For example, "node1:1;node2:2,3" would tell the cluster to use port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2. A mapping of node names to port numbers for devices that do not support node names. Comma-separated list of nodes that can be targeted by this device (for example, "node1,node2,node3"). If pcmk_host_check is "static-list", either this or pcmk_host_map must be set. Nodes targeted by this device Use "dynamic-list" to query the device via the 'list' command; "static-list" to check the pcmk_host_list attribute; "status" to query the device via the 'status' command; or "none" to assume every device can fence every node. The default value is "static-list" if pcmk_host_map or pcmk_host_list is set; otherwise "dynamic-list" if the device supports the list operation; otherwise "status" if the device supports the status operation; otherwise "none" How to determine which nodes can be targeted by the device Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. Pacemaker derives the overall delay by taking the value of pcmk_delay_base and adding a random delay value such that the sum is kept below this maximum. Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. This enables a static delay for fencing actions, which can help avoid "death matches" where two nodes try to fence each other at the same time. If pcmk_delay_max is also used, a random delay will be added such that the total delay is kept below that value. This can be set to a single time value to apply to any node targeted by this device (useful if a separate device is configured for each target), or to a node map (for example, "node1:1s;node2:5") to set a different value for each target. Enable a base delay for fencing actions and specify base delay value. If the concurrent-fencing cluster property is "true", this specifies the maximum number of actions that can be performed in parallel on this device. A value of -1 means unlimited. The maximum number of actions can be performed in parallel on this device Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'reboot' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'reboot' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'reboot' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'reboot' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'reboot' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'reboot' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'off' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'off' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'off' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'off' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'off' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'off' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'on' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'on' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'on' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'on' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'on' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'on' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'list' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'list' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'list' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'list' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'list' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'list' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'monitor' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'monitor' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'monitor' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'monitor' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'monitor' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'monitor' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'status' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'status' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'status' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'status' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'status' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'status' command within the timeout period =#=#=#= End test: List non-advanced fencing parameters (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List non-advanced fencing parameters (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available fencing parameters =#=#=#= Fencing resource common parameters Special parameters that are available for all fencing resources, regardless of type. They are processed by Pacemaker, rather than by the fence agent or the fencing library. * pcmk_host_map: A mapping of node names to port numbers for devices that do not support node names. * For example, "node1:1;node2:2,3" would tell the cluster to use port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2. * Possible values: string (no default) * pcmk_host_list: Nodes targeted by this device * Comma-separated list of nodes that can be targeted by this device (for example, "node1,node2,node3"). If pcmk_host_check is "static-list", either this or pcmk_host_map must be set. * Possible values: string (no default) * pcmk_host_check: How to determine which nodes can be targeted by the device * Use "dynamic-list" to query the device via the 'list' command; "static-list" to check the pcmk_host_list attribute; "status" to query the device via the 'status' command; or "none" to assume every device can fence every node. The default value is "static-list" if pcmk_host_map or pcmk_host_list is set; otherwise "dynamic-list" if the device supports the list operation; otherwise "status" if the device supports the status operation; otherwise "none" * Possible values: "dynamic-list", "static-list", "status", "none" * pcmk_delay_max: Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. * Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. Pacemaker derives the overall delay by taking the value of pcmk_delay_base and adding a random delay value such that the sum is kept below this maximum. * Possible values: duration (default: ) * pcmk_delay_base: Enable a base delay for fencing actions and specify base delay value. * This enables a static delay for fencing actions, which can help avoid "death matches" where two nodes try to fence each other at the same time. If pcmk_delay_max is also used, a random delay will be added such that the total delay is kept below that value. This can be set to a single time value to apply to any node targeted by this device (useful if a separate device is configured for each target), or to a node map (for example, "node1:1s;node2:5") to set a different value for each target. * Possible values: string (default: ) * pcmk_action_limit: The maximum number of actions can be performed in parallel on this device * If the concurrent-fencing cluster property is "true", this specifies the maximum number of actions that can be performed in parallel on this device. A value of -1 means unlimited. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * ADVANCED OPTIONS: * pcmk_host_argument: Name of agent parameter that should be set to the fencing target * If the fencing agent metadata advertises support for the "port" or "plug" parameter, that will be used as the default, otherwise "none" will be used, which tells the cluster not to supply any additional parameters. * Possible values: string (no default) * pcmk_reboot_action: An alternate command to run instead of 'reboot' * Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'reboot' action. * Possible values: string (default: ) * pcmk_reboot_timeout: Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'reboot' actions instead of stonith-timeout * Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'reboot' actions. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * pcmk_reboot_retries: The maximum number of times to try the 'reboot' command within the timeout period * Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'reboot' action before giving up. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * pcmk_off_action: An alternate command to run instead of 'off' * Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'off' action. * Possible values: string (default: ) * pcmk_off_timeout: Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'off' actions instead of stonith-timeout * Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'off' actions. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * pcmk_off_retries: The maximum number of times to try the 'off' command within the timeout period * Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'off' action before giving up. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * pcmk_on_action: An alternate command to run instead of 'on' * Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'on' action. * Possible values: string (default: ) * pcmk_on_timeout: Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'on' actions instead of stonith-timeout * Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'on' actions. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * pcmk_on_retries: The maximum number of times to try the 'on' command within the timeout period * Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'on' action before giving up. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * pcmk_list_action: An alternate command to run instead of 'list' * Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'list' action. * Possible values: string (default: ) * pcmk_list_timeout: Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'list' actions instead of stonith-timeout * Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'list' actions. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * pcmk_list_retries: The maximum number of times to try the 'list' command within the timeout period * Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'list' action before giving up. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * pcmk_monitor_action: An alternate command to run instead of 'monitor' * Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'monitor' action. * Possible values: string (default: ) * pcmk_monitor_timeout: Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'monitor' actions instead of stonith-timeout * Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'monitor' actions. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * pcmk_monitor_retries: The maximum number of times to try the 'monitor' command within the timeout period * Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'monitor' action before giving up. * Possible values: integer (default: ) * pcmk_status_action: An alternate command to run instead of 'status' * Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'status' action. * Possible values: string (default: ) * pcmk_status_timeout: Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'status' actions instead of stonith-timeout * Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'status' actions. * Possible values: timeout (default: ) * pcmk_status_retries: The maximum number of times to try the 'status' command within the timeout period * Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'status' action before giving up. * Possible values: integer (default: ) =#=#=#= End test: List all available fencing parameters - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List all available fencing parameters =#=#=#= Begin test: List all available fencing parameters (XML) =#=#=#= 1.1 Special parameters that are available for all fencing resources, regardless of type. They are processed by Pacemaker, rather than by the fence agent or the fencing library. Fencing resource common parameters If the fencing agent metadata advertises support for the "port" or "plug" parameter, that will be used as the default, otherwise "none" will be used, which tells the cluster not to supply any additional parameters. Name of agent parameter that should be set to the fencing target For example, "node1:1;node2:2,3" would tell the cluster to use port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2. A mapping of node names to port numbers for devices that do not support node names. Comma-separated list of nodes that can be targeted by this device (for example, "node1,node2,node3"). If pcmk_host_check is "static-list", either this or pcmk_host_map must be set. Nodes targeted by this device Use "dynamic-list" to query the device via the 'list' command; "static-list" to check the pcmk_host_list attribute; "status" to query the device via the 'status' command; or "none" to assume every device can fence every node. The default value is "static-list" if pcmk_host_map or pcmk_host_list is set; otherwise "dynamic-list" if the device supports the list operation; otherwise "status" if the device supports the status operation; otherwise "none" How to determine which nodes can be targeted by the device Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. Pacemaker derives the overall delay by taking the value of pcmk_delay_base and adding a random delay value such that the sum is kept below this maximum. Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. This enables a static delay for fencing actions, which can help avoid "death matches" where two nodes try to fence each other at the same time. If pcmk_delay_max is also used, a random delay will be added such that the total delay is kept below that value. This can be set to a single time value to apply to any node targeted by this device (useful if a separate device is configured for each target), or to a node map (for example, "node1:1s;node2:5") to set a different value for each target. Enable a base delay for fencing actions and specify base delay value. If the concurrent-fencing cluster property is "true", this specifies the maximum number of actions that can be performed in parallel on this device. A value of -1 means unlimited. The maximum number of actions can be performed in parallel on this device Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'reboot' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'reboot' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'reboot' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'reboot' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'reboot' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'reboot' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'off' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'off' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'off' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'off' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'off' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'off' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'on' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'on' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'on' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'on' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'on' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'on' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'list' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'list' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'list' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'list' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'list' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'list' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'monitor' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'monitor' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'monitor' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'monitor' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'monitor' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'monitor' command within the timeout period Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'status' action. An alternate command to run instead of 'status' Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'status' actions. Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'status' actions instead of stonith-timeout Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'status' action before giving up. The maximum number of times to try the 'status' command within the timeout period =#=#=#= End test: List all available fencing parameters (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List all available fencing parameters (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Create a resource =#=#=#= Begin test: crm_resource given both -r and resource config =#=#=#= -crm_resource: --resource cannot be used with --class, --agent, and --provider +crm_resource: --class, --agent, and --provider cannot be used with -r/--resource =#=#=#= End test: crm_resource given both -r and resource config - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - crm_resource given both -r and resource config =#=#=#= Begin test: crm_resource given resource config with invalid action =#=#=#= crm_resource: --class, --agent, and --provider can only be used with --validate and --force-* =#=#=#= End test: crm_resource given resource config with invalid action - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - crm_resource given resource config with invalid action =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Set 'dummy' option: id=dummy-meta_attributes-is-managed set=dummy-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Query a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity false =#=#=#= Current cib after: Query a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Query a resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Query a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Remove a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Deleted 'dummy' option: id=dummy-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed =#=#=#= Current cib after: Remove a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Remove a resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Remove a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Create another resource meta attribute (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity =#=#=#= End test: Create another resource meta attribute (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Create another resource meta attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Show why a resource is not running (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity =#=#=#= End test: Show why a resource is not running (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show why a resource is not running (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Remove another resource meta attribute (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity =#=#=#= End test: Remove another resource meta attribute (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Remove another resource meta attribute (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Attribute 'nonexistent' not found for 'dummy' =#=#=#= End test: Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Attribute 'nonexistent' not found for 'dummy' =#=#=#= Current cib after: Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element =#=#=#= Begin test: Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Attribute 'nonexistent' not found for 'dummy' =#=#=#= Current cib after: Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Get a non-existent attribute from a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Get an existent attribute from a resource element =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity ocf =#=#=#= Current cib after: Get an existent attribute from a resource element =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Get an existent attribute from a resource element - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Get an existent attribute from a resource element =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a non-existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set a non-existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set a non-existent attribute for a resource element (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Set a non-existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Set an existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set an existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set an existent attribute for a resource element (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Set an existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete an existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete an existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete an existent attribute for a resource element (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Delete an existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete a non-existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete a non-existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete a non-existent attribute for a resource element (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Delete a non-existent attribute for a resource element (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a non-existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Set attribute: name=description value=test_description =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set a non-existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set a non-existent attribute for a resource element - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Set a non-existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= Begin test: Set an existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Set attribute: name=description value=test_description =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set an existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set an existent attribute for a resource element - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Set an existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete an existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Deleted attribute: description =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete an existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete an existent attribute for a resource element - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Delete an existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete a non-existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Deleted attribute: description =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete a non-existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete a non-existent attribute for a resource element - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Delete a non-existent attribute for a resource element =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource attribute =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Set 'dummy' option: id=dummy-instance_attributes-delay set=dummy-instance_attributes name=delay value=10s =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a resource attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: List the configured resources =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Full List of Resources: * dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped =#=#=#= Current cib after: List the configured resources =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: List the configured resources - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List the configured resources =#=#=#= Begin test: List the configured resources (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity =#=#=#= Current cib after: List the configured resources (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: List the configured resources (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List the configured resources (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Implicitly list the configured resources =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity Full List of Resources: * dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped =#=#=#= End test: Implicitly list the configured resources - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Implicitly list the configured resources =#=#=#= Begin test: List IDs of instantiated resources =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity dummy =#=#=#= End test: List IDs of instantiated resources - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List IDs of instantiated resources =#=#=#= Begin test: Show XML configuration of resource =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped Resource XML: =#=#=#= End test: Show XML configuration of resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show XML configuration of resource =#=#=#= Begin test: Show XML configuration of resource (XML) =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity ]]> =#=#=#= End test: Show XML configuration of resource (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show XML configuration of resource (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Require a destination when migrating a resource that is stopped =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity crm_resource: Resource 'dummy' not moved: active in 0 locations. To prevent 'dummy' from running on a specific location, specify a node. =#=#=#= Current cib after: Require a destination when migrating a resource that is stopped =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Require a destination when migrating a resource that is stopped - Incorrect usage (64) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Require a destination when migrating a resource that is stopped =#=#=#= Begin test: Don't support migration to non-existent locations =#=#=#= unpack_resources error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined unpack_resources error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option unpack_resources error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity crm_resource: Node 'i.do.not.exist' not found Error performing operation: No such object =#=#=#= Current cib after: Don't support migration to non-existent locations =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Don't support migration to non-existent locations - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Don't support migration to non-existent locations =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a fencing resource =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a fencing resource =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a fencing resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Create a fencing resource =#=#=#= Begin test: Bring resources online =#=#=#= Current cluster status: * Node List: * Online: [ node1 ] * Full List of Resources: * dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped * Fence (stonith:fence_true): Stopped Transition Summary: * Start dummy ( node1 ) * Start Fence ( node1 ) Executing Cluster Transition: * Resource action: dummy monitor on node1 * Resource action: Fence monitor on node1 * Resource action: dummy start on node1 * Resource action: Fence start on node1 Revised Cluster Status: * Node List: * Online: [ node1 ] * Full List of Resources: * dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node1 * Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node1 =#=#=#= Current cib after: Bring resources online =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Bring resources online - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_simulate - Bring resources online =#=#=#= Begin test: Try to move a resource to its existing location =#=#=#= crm_resource: Error performing operation: Requested item already exists =#=#=#= Current cib after: Try to move a resource to its existing location =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Try to move a resource to its existing location - Requested item already exists (108) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Try to move a resource to its existing location =#=#=#= Begin test: Try to move a resource that doesn't exist =#=#=#= crm_resource: Resource 'xyz' not found Error performing operation: No such object =#=#=#= End test: Try to move a resource that doesn't exist - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Try to move a resource that doesn't exist =#=#=#= Begin test: Move a resource from its existing location =#=#=#= WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint 'cli-ban-dummy-on-node1' with a score of -INFINITY for resource dummy on node1. This will prevent dummy from running on node1 until the constraint is removed using the clear option or by editing the CIB with an appropriate tool. This will be the case even if node1 is the last node in the cluster =#=#=#= Current cib after: Move a resource from its existing location =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Move a resource from its existing location - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Move a resource from its existing location =#=#=#= Begin test: Clear out constraints generated by --move =#=#=#= Removing constraint: cli-ban-dummy-on-node1 =#=#=#= Current cib after: Clear out constraints generated by --move =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Clear out constraints generated by --move - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Clear out constraints generated by --move =#=#=#= Begin test: Ban a resource on unknown node =#=#=#= crm_resource: Node 'host1' not found Error performing operation: No such object =#=#=#= End test: Ban a resource on unknown node - No such object (105) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Ban a resource on unknown node =#=#=#= Begin test: Create two more nodes and bring them online =#=#=#= Current cluster status: * Node List: * Online: [ node1 ] * Full List of Resources: * dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node1 * Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node1 Performing Requested Modifications: * Bringing node node2 online * Bringing node node3 online Transition Summary: * Move Fence ( node1 -> node2 ) Executing Cluster Transition: * Resource action: dummy monitor on node3 * Resource action: dummy monitor on node2 * Resource action: Fence stop on node1 * Resource action: Fence monitor on node3 * Resource action: Fence monitor on node2 * Resource action: Fence start on node2 Revised Cluster Status: * Node List: * Online: [ node1 node2 node3 ] * Full List of Resources: * dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node1 * Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node2 =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create two more nodes and bring them online =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create two more nodes and bring them online - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_simulate - Create two more nodes and bring them online =#=#=#= Begin test: Ban dummy from node1 =#=#=#= WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint 'cli-ban-dummy-on-node1' with a score of -INFINITY for resource dummy on node1. This will prevent dummy from running on node1 until the constraint is removed using the clear option or by editing the CIB with an appropriate tool. This will be the case even if node1 is the last node in the cluster =#=#=#= Current cib after: Ban dummy from node1 =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Ban dummy from node1 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Ban dummy from node1 =#=#=#= Begin test: Show where a resource is running =#=#=#= resource dummy is running on: node1 =#=#=#= End test: Show where a resource is running - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show where a resource is running =#=#=#= Begin test: Show constraints on a resource =#=#=#= Locations: * Node node1 (score=-INFINITY, id=cli-ban-dummy-on-node1, rsc=dummy) =#=#=#= End test: Show constraints on a resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show constraints on a resource =#=#=#= Begin test: Ban dummy from node2 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Ban dummy from node2 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Ban dummy from node2 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Ban dummy from node2 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Relocate resources due to ban =#=#=#= Current cluster status: * Node List: * Online: [ node1 node2 node3 ] * Full List of Resources: * dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node1 * Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node2 Transition Summary: * Move dummy ( node1 -> node3 ) Executing Cluster Transition: * Resource action: dummy stop on node1 * Resource action: dummy start on node3 Revised Cluster Status: * Node List: * Online: [ node1 node2 node3 ] * Full List of Resources: * dummy (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started node3 * Fence (stonith:fence_true): Started node2 =#=#=#= Current cib after: Relocate resources due to ban =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Relocate resources due to ban - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_simulate - Relocate resources due to ban =#=#=#= Begin test: Move dummy to node1 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Move dummy to node1 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Move dummy to node1 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Move dummy to node1 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Clear implicit constraints for dummy on node2 =#=#=#= Removing constraint: cli-ban-dummy-on-node2 =#=#=#= Current cib after: Clear implicit constraints for dummy on node2 =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Clear implicit constraints for dummy on node2 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Clear implicit constraints for dummy on node2 =#=#=#= Begin test: Drop the status section =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Drop the status section - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Drop the status section =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a clone =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a clone - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Create a clone =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= Performing update of 'is-managed' on 'test-clone', the parent of 'test-primitive' Set 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed set=test-clone-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#= Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed set=test-primitive-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#= Begin test: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#= Multiple attributes match name=is-managed Value: false (id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed) Value: false (id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed) A value for 'is-managed' already exists in child 'test-primitive', performing update on that instead of 'test-clone' Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=true =#=#=#= Current cib after: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Update resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#= Begin test: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates (force clone) =#=#=#= Set 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=true =#=#=#= Current cib after: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates (force clone) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update resource meta attribute with duplicates (force clone) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Update resource meta attribute with duplicates (force clone) =#=#=#= Begin test: Update child resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#= Multiple attributes match name=is-managed Value: true (id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed) Value: true (id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed) Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=false =#=#=#= Current cib after: Update child resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update child resource meta attribute with duplicates - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Update child resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#= Multiple attributes match name=is-managed Value: false (id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed) Value: true (id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed) A value for 'is-managed' already exists in child 'test-primitive', performing delete on that instead of 'test-clone' Deleted 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete resource meta attribute with duplicates - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Delete resource meta attribute with duplicates =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete resource meta attribute in parent =#=#=#= Performing delete of 'is-managed' on 'test-clone', the parent of 'test-primitive' Deleted 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete resource meta attribute in parent =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete resource meta attribute in parent - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Delete resource meta attribute in parent =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#= Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed set=test-primitive-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive =#=#=#= Begin test: Update existing resource meta attribute =#=#=#= A value for 'is-managed' already exists in child 'test-primitive', performing update on that instead of 'test-clone' Set 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=true =#=#=#= Current cib after: Update existing resource meta attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Update existing resource meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Update existing resource meta attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in the parent =#=#=#= Set 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed set=test-clone-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=true =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in the parent =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in the parent - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in the parent =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete resource parent meta attribute (force) =#=#=#= Deleted 'test-clone' option: id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete resource parent meta attribute (force) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete resource parent meta attribute (force) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Delete resource parent meta attribute (force) =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete resource child meta attribute =#=#=#= Multiple attributes match name=is-managed Value: true (id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed) Value: true (id=test-clone-meta_attributes-is-managed) Deleted 'test-primitive' option: id=test-primitive-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete resource child meta attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete resource child meta attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Delete resource child meta attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Create the dummy-group resource group =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create the dummy-group resource group =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create the dummy-group resource group - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Create the dummy-group resource group =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy1 =#=#=#= Set 'dummy1' option: id=dummy1-meta_attributes-is-managed set=dummy1-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=true =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy1 =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy1 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in dummy1 =#=#=#= Begin test: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy-group =#=#=#= Set 'dummy1' option: id=dummy1-meta_attributes-is-managed name=is-managed value=false Set 'dummy-group' option: id=dummy-group-meta_attributes-is-managed set=dummy-group-meta_attributes name=is-managed value=false =#=#=#= Current cib after: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy-group =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Create a resource meta attribute in dummy-group - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Create a resource meta attribute in dummy-group =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete the dummy-group resource group =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete the dummy-group resource group =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete the dummy-group resource group - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: cibadmin - Delete the dummy-group resource group =#=#=#= Begin test: Specify a lifetime when moving a resource =#=#=#= Migration will take effect until: =#=#=#= Current cib after: Specify a lifetime when moving a resource =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Specify a lifetime when moving a resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Specify a lifetime when moving a resource =#=#=#= Begin test: Try to move a resource previously moved with a lifetime =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Try to move a resource previously moved with a lifetime =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Try to move a resource previously moved with a lifetime - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Try to move a resource previously moved with a lifetime =#=#=#= Begin test: Ban dummy from node1 for a short time =#=#=#= Migration will take effect until: WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint 'cli-ban-dummy-on-node1' with a score of -INFINITY for resource dummy on node1. This will prevent dummy from running on node1 until the constraint is removed using the clear option or by editing the CIB with an appropriate tool. This will be the case even if node1 is the last node in the cluster =#=#=#= Current cib after: Ban dummy from node1 for a short time =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Ban dummy from node1 for a short time - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Ban dummy from node1 for a short time =#=#=#= Begin test: Remove expired constraints =#=#=#= Removing constraint: cli-ban-dummy-on-node1 =#=#=#= Current cib after: Remove expired constraints =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Remove expired constraints - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: sleep - Remove expired constraints =#=#=#= Begin test: Clear all implicit constraints for dummy =#=#=#= Removing constraint: cli-prefer-dummy =#=#=#= Current cib after: Clear all implicit constraints for dummy =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Clear all implicit constraints for dummy - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Clear all implicit constraints for dummy =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a node health strategy =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set a node health strategy =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set a node health strategy - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Set a node health strategy =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a node health attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Set a node health attribute =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set a node health attribute - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_attribute - Set a node health attribute =#=#=#= Begin test: Show why a resource is not running on an unhealthy node (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Show why a resource is not running on an unhealthy node (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show why a resource is not running on an unhealthy node (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Delete a resource =#=#=#= =#=#=#= Current cib after: Delete a resource =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Delete a resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Delete a resource =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim1 =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim1 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim1 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim1 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim1 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim1 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim1 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim2 =#=#=#= Locations: * Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2) Resources prim2 is colocated with: * prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim2 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim2 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim2 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim2 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim2 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 =#=#=#= Locations: * Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2) Resources prim2 is colocated with: * prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY) * Resources prim3 is colocated with: * prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4) * Resources prim4 is colocated with: * prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim2 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim3 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim3: * prim2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2) Resources prim3 is colocated with: * prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim3 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim3 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim3 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim3 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim3 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim3: * prim2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2) Resources prim3 is colocated with: * prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4) * Resources prim4 is colocated with: * prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim3 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim4 =#=#=#= Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4) Resources colocated with prim4: * prim10 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY) * prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY) Resources prim4 is colocated with: * prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim4 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim4 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim4 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim4 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim4 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 =#=#=#= Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4) Resources colocated with prim4: * prim10 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY) * prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY) * Resources colocated with prim3: * prim2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2) Resources prim4 is colocated with: * prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim4 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim5 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim5: * prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim5 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim5 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim5 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim5 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim5 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim5: * prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4) * Resources colocated with prim4: * prim10 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY) * prim3 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim3-prim4-INFINITY) * Resources colocated with prim3: * prim2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim2-prim3-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster01 (score=INFINITY, id=prim2-on-cluster1, rsc=prim2) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim5 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim6 =#=#=#= Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=-INFINITY, id=prim6-not-on-cluster2, rsc=prim6) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim6 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim6 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim6 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim6 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim6 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 =#=#=#= Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=-INFINITY, id=prim6-not-on-cluster2, rsc=prim6) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim6 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim7 =#=#=#= Resources prim7 is colocated with: * group (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim7-group-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim7 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim7 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim7 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim7 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim7 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 =#=#=#= Resources prim7 is colocated with: * group (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim7-group-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim7 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim8 =#=#=#= Resources prim8 is colocated with: * gr2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim8-gr2-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim8 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim8 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim8 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim8 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim8 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 =#=#=#= Resources prim8 is colocated with: * gr2 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim8-gr2-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim8 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim9 =#=#=#= Resources prim9 is colocated with: * clone (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim9-clone-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim9 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim9 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim9 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim9 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim9 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 =#=#=#= Resources prim9 is colocated with: * clone (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim9-clone-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim9 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim10 =#=#=#= Resources prim10 is colocated with: * prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim10 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim10 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim10 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim10 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim10 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 =#=#=#= Resources prim10 is colocated with: * prim4 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim10-prim4-INFINITY) * Locations: * Node cluster02 (score=INFINITY, id=prim4-on-cluster2, rsc=prim4) * Resources prim4 is colocated with: * prim5 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim4-prim5-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim10 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim11 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim11: * prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY) Resources prim11 is colocated with: * prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim11 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim11 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim11 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim11 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim11 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim11: * prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY) * Resources colocated with prim13: * prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY) * Resources colocated with prim12: * prim11 (id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY - loop) Resources prim11 is colocated with: * prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY) * Resources prim12 is colocated with: * prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY) * Resources prim13 is colocated with: * prim11 (id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY - loop) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim11 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim12 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim12: * prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY) Resources prim12 is colocated with: * prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim12 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim12 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim12 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim12 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim12 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim12: * prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY) * Resources colocated with prim11: * prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY) * Resources colocated with prim13: * prim12 (id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY - loop) Resources prim12 is colocated with: * prim13 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY) * Resources prim13 is colocated with: * prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY) * Resources prim11 is colocated with: * prim12 (id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY - loop) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim12 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim13 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim13: * prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY) Resources prim13 is colocated with: * prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim13 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim13 =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for prim13 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for prim13 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for prim13 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 =#=#=#= Resources colocated with prim13: * prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY) * Resources colocated with prim12: * prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY) * Resources colocated with prim11: * prim13 (id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY - loop) Resources prim13 is colocated with: * prim11 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim13-prim11-INFINITY) * Resources prim11 is colocated with: * prim12 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim11-prim12-INFINITY) * Resources prim12 is colocated with: * prim13 (id=colocation-prim12-prim13-INFINITY - loop) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for prim13 (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for group =#=#=#= Resources colocated with group: * prim7 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim7-group-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for group - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for group =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for group (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for group (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for group (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for group =#=#=#= Resources colocated with group: * prim7 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim7-group-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for group - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for group =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for group (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for group (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for group (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for clone =#=#=#= Resources colocated with clone: * prim9 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim9-clone-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for clone - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for clone =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for clone (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for clone (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for clone (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for clone =#=#=#= Resources colocated with clone: * prim9 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim9-clone-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for clone - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for clone =#=#=#= Begin test: Recursively check locations and constraints for clone (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Recursively check locations and constraints for clone (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Recursively check locations and constraints for clone (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for group member (referring to group) =#=#=#= Resources colocated with group: * prim7 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim7-group-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for group member (referring to group) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for group member (referring to group) =#=#=#= Begin test: Check locations and constraints for group member (without referring to group) =#=#=#= Resources colocated with gr2: * prim8 (score=INFINITY, id=colocation-prim8-gr2-INFINITY) =#=#=#= End test: Check locations and constraints for group member (without referring to group) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check locations and constraints for group member (without referring to group) =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a meta-attribute for primitive and resources colocated with it (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set a meta-attribute for primitive and resources colocated with it (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Set a meta-attribute for primitive and resources colocated with it (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a meta-attribute for group and resource colocated with it =#=#=#= Set 'group' option: id=group-meta_attributes-target-role set=group-meta_attributes name=target-role value=Stopped Set 'prim7' option: id=prim7-meta_attributes-target-role set=prim7-meta_attributes name=target-role value=Stopped =#=#=#= End test: Set a meta-attribute for group and resource colocated with it - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Set a meta-attribute for group and resource colocated with it =#=#=#= Begin test: Set a meta-attribute for clone and resource colocated with it (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Set a meta-attribute for clone and resource colocated with it (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Set a meta-attribute for clone and resource colocated with it (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Show resource digests (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Show resource digests (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show resource digests (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Show resource digests with overrides =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Show resource digests with overrides - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show resource digests with overrides =#=#=#= Begin test: Show resource operations =#=#=#= rsc1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started: rsc1_monitor_0 (node=node4, call=136, rc=7, exec=28ms): Done Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started: Fencing_monitor_0 (node=node4, call=5, rc=7, exec=2ms): Done rsc1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started: rsc1_monitor_0 (node=node2, call=101, rc=7, exec=45ms): Done Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started: Fencing_monitor_0 (node=node2, call=5, rc=7, exec=4ms): Done Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started: Fencing_monitor_0 (node=node3, call=5, rc=7, exec=24ms): Done rsc1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started: rsc1_monitor_0 (node=node5, call=99, rc=193, exec=27ms): Pending Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started: Fencing_monitor_0 (node=node5, call=5, rc=7, exec=14ms): Done rsc1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started: rsc1_start_0 (node=node1, call=104, rc=0, exec=22ms): Done rsc1 (ocf:pacemaker:Dummy): Started: rsc1_monitor_10000 (node=node1, call=106, rc=0, exec=20ms): Done Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started: Fencing_start_0 (node=node1, call=10, rc=0, exec=59ms): Done Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started: Fencing_monitor_120000 (node=node1, call=12, rc=0, exec=70ms): Done =#=#=#= End test: Show resource operations - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show resource operations =#=#=#= Begin test: Show resource operations (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Show resource operations (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Show resource operations (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: List a promotable clone resource =#=#=#= resource promotable-clone is running on: cluster01 resource promotable-clone is running on: cluster02 Promoted =#=#=#= End test: List a promotable clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List a promotable clone resource =#=#=#= Begin test: List a promotable clone resource (XML) =#=#=#= cluster01 cluster02 =#=#=#= End test: List a promotable clone resource (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List a promotable clone resource (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: List the primitive of a promotable clone resource =#=#=#= resource promotable-rsc is running on: cluster01 resource promotable-rsc is running on: cluster02 Promoted =#=#=#= End test: List the primitive of a promotable clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List the primitive of a promotable clone resource =#=#=#= Begin test: List the primitive of a promotable clone resource (XML) =#=#=#= cluster01 cluster02 =#=#=#= End test: List the primitive of a promotable clone resource (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List the primitive of a promotable clone resource (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: List a single instance of a promotable clone resource =#=#=#= resource promotable-rsc:0 is running on: cluster02 Promoted =#=#=#= End test: List a single instance of a promotable clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List a single instance of a promotable clone resource =#=#=#= Begin test: List a single instance of a promotable clone resource (XML) =#=#=#= cluster02 =#=#=#= End test: List a single instance of a promotable clone resource (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List a single instance of a promotable clone resource (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: List another instance of a promotable clone resource =#=#=#= resource promotable-rsc:1 is running on: cluster01 =#=#=#= End test: List another instance of a promotable clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List another instance of a promotable clone resource =#=#=#= Begin test: List another instance of a promotable clone resource (XML) =#=#=#= cluster01 =#=#=#= End test: List another instance of a promotable clone resource (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - List another instance of a promotable clone resource (XML) =#=#=#= Begin test: Try to move an instance of a cloned resource =#=#=#= crm_resource: Cannot operate on clone resource instance 'promotable-rsc:0' Error performing operation: Invalid parameter =#=#=#= End test: Try to move an instance of a cloned resource - Invalid parameter (2) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Try to move an instance of a cloned resource =#=#=#= Begin test: Check that CIB_file="-" works - crm_resource (XML) =#=#=#= =#=#=#= End test: Check that CIB_file="-" works - crm_resource (XML) - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: crm_resource - Check that CIB_file="-" works - crm_resource (XML) diff --git a/daemons/controld/controld_globals.h b/daemons/controld/controld_globals.h index f995cc61c0..8f64f531cb 100644 --- a/daemons/controld/controld_globals.h +++ b/daemons/controld/controld_globals.h @@ -1,152 +1,151 @@ /* - * Copyright 2022-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2022-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef CONTROLD_GLOBALS__H # define CONTROLD_GLOBALS__H #include // pcmk__output_t, etc. #include // uint32_t, uint64_t #include // GList, GMainLoop #include // cib_t #include // pcmk__graph_t #include // enum crmd_fsa_state typedef struct { // Group of \p controld_flags values uint32_t flags; /* Controller finite state automaton */ // FSA state enum crmd_fsa_state fsa_state; // FSA actions (group of \p A_* flags) uint64_t fsa_actions; // FSA input register contents (group of \p R_* flags) uint64_t fsa_input_register; // FSA message queue GList *fsa_message_queue; /* CIB */ // Connection to the CIB cib_t *cib_conn; /* Scheduler */ // Reference of the scheduler request being waited on char *fsa_pe_ref; /* Transitioner */ // Transitioner UUID char *te_uuid; // Graph of transition currently being processed pcmk__graph_t *transition_graph; /* Logging */ // Output object for controller log messages pcmk__output_t *logger_out; /* Cluster layer */ // Cluster name char *cluster_name; // Cluster connection pcmk_cluster_t *cluster; /* @TODO Figure out, document, and clean up the code involving * controld_globals.membership_id, controld_globals.peer_seq, and * highest_seq. It's convoluted with no comments. It has something to do * with corosync quorum notifications and the current ring ID, but it's * unclear why we need three separate variables for it. */ // Last saved cluster communication layer membership ID unsigned long long membership_id; unsigned long long peer_seq; /* Other */ // Designated controller name char *dc_name; // Designated controller's Pacemaker version char *dc_version; // Local node's UUID char *our_uuid; // Max lifetime (in seconds) of a resource's shutdown lock to a node guint shutdown_lock_limit; // Node pending timeout guint node_pending_timeout; // Main event loop GMainLoop *mainloop; } controld_globals_t; extern controld_globals_t controld_globals; /*! * \internal - * \enum controld_flags * \brief Bit flags to store various controller state and configuration info */ enum controld_flags { //! The DC left in a membership change that is being processed controld_dc_left = (1 << 0), //! The FSA is stalled waiting for further input controld_fsa_is_stalled = (1 << 1), //! The local node has been in a quorate partition at some point controld_ever_had_quorum = (1 << 2), //! The local node is currently in a quorate partition controld_has_quorum = (1 << 3), //! Panic the local node if it loses quorum controld_no_quorum_panic = (1 << 4), //! Lock resources to the local node when it shuts down cleanly controld_shutdown_lock_enabled = (1 << 5), }; # define controld_set_global_flags(flags_to_set) do { \ controld_globals.flags = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, \ "Global", "controller", \ controld_globals.flags, \ (flags_to_set), \ #flags_to_set); \ } while (0) # define controld_clear_global_flags(flags_to_clear) do { \ controld_globals.flags \ = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, LOG_TRACE, "Global", \ "controller", controld_globals.flags, \ (flags_to_clear), #flags_to_clear); \ } while (0) #endif // ifndef CONTROLD_GLOBALS__H diff --git a/daemons/controld/controld_membership.h b/daemons/controld/controld_membership.h index 49d99542e4..dfa57d8f5a 100644 --- a/daemons/controld/controld_membership.h +++ b/daemons/controld/controld_membership.h @@ -1,67 +1,66 @@ /* - * Copyright 2012-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2012-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef MEMBERSHIP__H # define MEMBERSHIP__H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include /*! * \internal - * \enum controld_join_phase * \brief Phases that a node may pass through while joining controller group */ enum controld_join_phase { controld_join_nack, controld_join_none, controld_join_welcomed, controld_join_integrated, controld_join_finalized, controld_join_confirmed, }; //! User data for \c pcmk__node_status_t object struct controld_node_status_data { enum controld_join_phase join_phase; }; /*! * \internal * \brief Get the controller group join phase from a node status object * * \param[in] node Node status object * * \return Controller group join phase */ static inline enum controld_join_phase controld_get_join_phase(const pcmk__node_status_t *node) { if ((node != NULL) && (node->user_data != NULL)) { struct controld_node_status_data *data = node->user_data; return data->join_phase; } return controld_join_none; } void post_cache_update(int instance); extern gboolean check_join_state(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, const char *source); void controld_destroy_failed_sync_table(void); void controld_remove_failed_sync_node(const char *node_name); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif diff --git a/include/crm/cib/internal.h b/include/crm/cib/internal.h index febaf90f27..c06d8414b6 100644 --- a/include/crm/cib/internal.h +++ b/include/crm/cib/internal.h @@ -1,318 +1,316 @@ /* - * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_CIB_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_CIB_INTERNAL__H #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // Request types for CIB manager IPC/CPG #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_SECONDARY "cib_slave" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_PRIMARY "cib_master" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_SYNC_TO_ALL "cib_sync" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_SYNC_TO_ONE "cib_sync_one" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_IS_PRIMARY "cib_ismaster" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_BUMP "cib_bump" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_QUERY "cib_query" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_CREATE "cib_create" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_MODIFY "cib_modify" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_DELETE "cib_delete" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_ERASE "cib_erase" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_REPLACE "cib_replace" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_APPLY_PATCH "cib_apply_diff" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_UPGRADE "cib_upgrade" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_ABS_DELETE "cib_delete_alt" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_NOOP "noop" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN "cib_shutdown_req" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_COMMIT_TRANSACT "cib_commit_transact" #define PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_SCHEMAS "cib_schemas" /*! * \internal - * \enum cib__op_attr * \brief Flags for CIB operation attributes */ enum cib__op_attr { cib__op_attr_none = 0, //!< No special attributes cib__op_attr_modifies = (1 << 1), //!< Modifies CIB cib__op_attr_privileged = (1 << 2), //!< Requires privileges cib__op_attr_local = (1 << 3), //!< Must only be processed locally cib__op_attr_replaces = (1 << 4), //!< Replaces CIB cib__op_attr_writes_through = (1 << 5), //!< Writes to disk on success cib__op_attr_transaction = (1 << 6), //!< Supported in a transaction }; /*! * \internal - * \enum cib__op_type * \brief Types of CIB operations */ enum cib__op_type { cib__op_abs_delete, cib__op_apply_patch, cib__op_bump, cib__op_commit_transact, cib__op_create, cib__op_delete, cib__op_erase, cib__op_is_primary, cib__op_modify, cib__op_noop, cib__op_ping, cib__op_primary, cib__op_query, cib__op_replace, cib__op_secondary, cib__op_shutdown, cib__op_sync_all, cib__op_sync_one, cib__op_upgrade, cib__op_schemas, }; gboolean cib_diff_version_details(xmlNode * diff, int *admin_epoch, int *epoch, int *updates, int *_admin_epoch, int *_epoch, int *_updates); gboolean cib_read_config(GHashTable * options, xmlNode * current_cib); typedef int (*cib__op_fn_t)(const char *, int, const char *, xmlNode *, xmlNode *, xmlNode *, xmlNode **, xmlNode **); typedef struct cib__operation_s { const char *name; enum cib__op_type type; uint32_t flags; //!< Group of enum cib__op_attr flags } cib__operation_t; typedef struct cib_notify_client_s { const char *event; const char *obj_id; /* implement one day */ const char *obj_type; /* implement one day */ void (*callback) (const char *event, xmlNode * msg); } cib_notify_client_t; typedef struct cib_callback_client_s { void (*callback) (xmlNode *, int, int, xmlNode *, void *); const char *id; void *user_data; gboolean only_success; struct timer_rec_s *timer; void (*free_func)(void *); } cib_callback_client_t; struct timer_rec_s { int call_id; int timeout; guint ref; cib_t *cib; }; #define cib__set_call_options(cib_call_opts, call_for, flags_to_set) do { \ cib_call_opts = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, "CIB call", (call_for), (cib_call_opts), \ (flags_to_set), #flags_to_set); \ } while (0) #define cib__clear_call_options(cib_call_opts, call_for, flags_to_clear) do { \ cib_call_opts = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \ LOG_TRACE, "CIB call", (call_for), (cib_call_opts), \ (flags_to_clear), #flags_to_clear); \ } while (0) cib_t *cib_new_variant(void); /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a given CIB client's update should trigger a refresh * * Here, "refresh" means that Pacemaker daemons write out their current state. * * If a Pacemaker daemon or one of certain Pacemaker CLI tools modifies the CIB, * we can assume that the CIB hasn't diverged from the true cluster state. A * "safe" CLI tool requests that all relevant daemons update their state before * the tool requests any CIB modifications directly. * * In contrast, other "unsafe" tools (for example, \c cibadmin and external * tools) may request arbitrary CIB changes. * * A Pacemaker daemon can write out its current state to the CIB when it's * notified of an update from an unsafe client, to ensure the CIB still contains * the daemon's correct state. * * \param[in] name CIB client name * * \return \c true if the CIB client should trigger a refresh, or \c false * otherwise */ static inline bool cib__client_triggers_refresh(const char *name) { return (pcmk__parse_server(name) == pcmk_ipc_unknown) && !pcmk__str_any_of(name, "attrd_updater", "crm_attribute", "crm_node", "crm_resource", "crm_ticket", NULL); } int cib__get_notify_patchset(const xmlNode *msg, const xmlNode **patchset); int cib_perform_op(cib_t *cib, const char *op, uint32_t call_options, cib__op_fn_t fn, bool is_query, const char *section, xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, bool manage_counters, bool *config_changed, xmlNode **current_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode **diff, xmlNode **output); int cib__create_op(cib_t *cib, const char *op, const char *host, const char *section, xmlNode *data, int call_options, const char *user_name, const char *client_name, xmlNode **op_msg); int cib__extend_transaction(cib_t *cib, xmlNode *request); void cib_native_callback(cib_t * cib, xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc); void cib_native_notify(gpointer data, gpointer user_data); int cib__get_operation(const char *op, const cib__operation_t **operation); int cib_process_query(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); int cib_process_erase(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); int cib_process_bump(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); int cib_process_replace(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); int cib_process_create(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); int cib_process_modify(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); int cib_process_delete(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); int cib_process_diff(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); int cib_process_upgrade(const char *op, int options, const char *section, xmlNode * req, xmlNode * input, xmlNode * existing_cib, xmlNode ** result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); /*! * \internal * \brief Query or modify a CIB * * \param[in] op PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_* operation to be performed * \param[in] options Flag set of \c cib_call_options * \param[in] section XPath to query or modify * \param[in] req unused * \param[in] input Portion of CIB to modify (used with * PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_CREATE, * PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_MODIFY, and * PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_REPLACE) * \param[in,out] existing_cib Input CIB (used with PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_QUERY) * \param[in,out] result_cib CIB copy to make changes in (used with * PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_CREATE, * PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_MODIFY, * PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_DELETE, and * PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_REPLACE) * \param[out] answer Query result (used with PCMK__CIB_REQUEST_QUERY) * * \return Legacy Pacemaker return code */ int cib_process_xpath(const char *op, int options, const char *section, const xmlNode *req, xmlNode *input, xmlNode *existing_cib, xmlNode **result_cib, xmlNode ** answer); int cib_internal_op(cib_t * cib, const char *op, const char *host, const char *section, xmlNode * data, xmlNode ** output_data, int call_options, const char *user_name); int cib_file_read_and_verify(const char *filename, const char *sigfile, xmlNode **root); int cib_file_write_with_digest(xmlNode *cib_root, const char *cib_dirname, const char *cib_filename); void cib__set_output(cib_t *cib, pcmk__output_t *out); cib_callback_client_t* cib__lookup_id (int call_id); /*! * \internal * \brief Connect to, query, and optionally disconnect from the CIB * * Open a read-write connection to the CIB manager if an already connected * client is not passed in. Then query the CIB and store the resulting XML. * Finally, disconnect if the CIB connection isn't being returned to the caller. * * \param[in,out] out Output object (may be \p NULL) * \param[in,out] cib If not \p NULL, where to store CIB connection * \param[out] cib_object Where to store query result * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note If \p cib is not \p NULL, the caller is responsible for freeing \p *cib * using \p cib_delete(). * \note If \p *cib points to an existing \p cib_t object, this function will * reuse it instead of creating a new one. If the existing client is * already connected, the connection will be reused, even if it's * read-only. */ int cib__signon_query(pcmk__output_t *out, cib_t **cib, xmlNode **cib_object); int cib__signon_attempts(cib_t *cib, enum cib_conn_type type, int attempts); int cib__clean_up_connection(cib_t **cib); int cib__update_node_attr(pcmk__output_t *out, cib_t *cib, int call_options, const char *section, const char *node_uuid, const char *set_type, const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value, const char *user_name, const char *node_type); int cib__get_node_attrs(pcmk__output_t *out, cib_t *cib, const char *section, const char *node_uuid, const char *set_type, const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *user_name, xmlNode **result); int cib__delete_node_attr(pcmk__output_t *out, cib_t *cib, int options, const char *section, const char *node_uuid, const char *set_type, const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value, const char *user_name); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_CIB_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/include/crm/cluster.h b/include/crm/cluster.h index b51e02d974..0834aa71b9 100644 --- a/include/crm/cluster.h +++ b/include/crm/cluster.h @@ -1,89 +1,86 @@ /* - * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_CLUSTER__H #define PCMK__CRM_CLUSTER__H #include // gpointer #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC #include // cpg_callbacks_t, etc. #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //! \internal Do not use typedef struct pcmk__cluster_private pcmk__cluster_private_t; // Implementation of pcmk_cluster_t // @COMPAT Make contents internal when we can break API backward compatibility //!@{ //! \deprecated Do not use (public access will be removed in a future release) struct pcmk__cluster { /* @COMPAT Once all members are moved to pcmk__cluster_private_t, we can * make that the pcmk_cluster_t implementation and drop this struct * altogether, leaving pcmk_cluster_t as an opaque public type. */ //! \internal Do not use pcmk__cluster_private_t *priv; // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this //! \deprecated Call pcmk_cluster_set_destroy_fn() to set this void (*destroy) (gpointer); #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this /*! * \deprecated Call pcmk_cpg_set_deliver_fn() and pcmk_cpg_set_confchg_fn() * to set these */ cpg_callbacks_t cpg; #endif // SUPPORT_COROSYNC }; //!@} //! Connection to a cluster layer typedef struct pcmk__cluster pcmk_cluster_t; int pcmk_cluster_connect(pcmk_cluster_t *cluster); int pcmk_cluster_disconnect(pcmk_cluster_t *cluster); pcmk_cluster_t *pcmk_cluster_new(void); void pcmk_cluster_free(pcmk_cluster_t *cluster); int pcmk_cluster_set_destroy_fn(pcmk_cluster_t *cluster, void (*fn)(gpointer)); #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC int pcmk_cpg_set_deliver_fn(pcmk_cluster_t *cluster, cpg_deliver_fn_t fn); int pcmk_cpg_set_confchg_fn(pcmk_cluster_t *cluster, cpg_confchg_fn_t fn); #endif // SUPPORT_COROSYNC -/*! - * \enum pcmk_cluster_layer - * \brief Types of cluster layer - */ +//! Types of cluster layer enum pcmk_cluster_layer { pcmk_cluster_layer_unknown = 1, //!< Unknown cluster layer pcmk_cluster_layer_invalid = 2, //!< Invalid cluster layer pcmk_cluster_layer_corosync = 32, //!< Corosync Cluster Engine }; enum pcmk_cluster_layer pcmk_get_cluster_layer(void); const char *pcmk_cluster_layer_text(enum pcmk_cluster_layer layer); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #if !defined(PCMK_ALLOW_DEPRECATED) || (PCMK_ALLOW_DEPRECATED == 1) #include #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_CLUSTER__H diff --git a/include/crm/cluster/internal.h b/include/crm/cluster/internal.h index 0d0ed59f2a..bf9438d303 100644 --- a/include/crm/cluster/internal.h +++ b/include/crm/cluster/internal.h @@ -1,326 +1,324 @@ /* - * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_CLUSTER_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_CLUSTER_INTERNAL__H #include #include // uint32_t, uint64_t #include // gboolean #include // xmlNode #include // enum crm_ipc_server #include #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC #include // cpg_name, cpg_handle_t #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // @TODO Replace this with a pcmk__node_status_flags value enum crm_proc_flag { crm_proc_none = 0x00000001, // Cluster layers crm_proc_cpg = 0x04000000, }; /*! * \internal - * \enum pcmk__node_status_flags * \brief Boolean flags for a \c pcmk__node_status_t object * * Some flags may not be related to status specifically. However, we keep these * separate from enum pcmk__node_flags because they're used with * different object types. */ enum pcmk__node_status_flags { /*! * Node is a Pacemaker Remote node and should not be considered for cluster * membership */ pcmk__node_status_remote = (UINT32_C(1) << 0), //! Node's cache entry is dirty pcmk__node_status_dirty = (UINT32_C(1) << 1), }; // Used with node cache search functions enum pcmk__node_search_flags { //! Does not affect search pcmk__node_search_none = 0, //! Search for cluster nodes from membership cache pcmk__node_search_cluster_member = (1 << 0), //! Search for remote nodes pcmk__node_search_remote = (1 << 1), //! Search for cluster member nodes and remote nodes pcmk__node_search_any = pcmk__node_search_cluster_member |pcmk__node_search_remote, //! Search for cluster nodes from CIB (as of last cache refresh) pcmk__node_search_cluster_cib = (1 << 2), }; /*! * \internal - * \enum pcmk__node_update * \brief Type of update to a \c pcmk__node_status_t object */ enum pcmk__node_update { pcmk__node_update_name, //!< Node name updated pcmk__node_update_state, //!< Node connection state updated pcmk__node_update_processes, //!< Node process group membership updated }; typedef struct pcmk__election pcmk__election_t; //! Implementation of pcmk__cluster_private_t struct pcmk__cluster_private { enum pcmk_ipc_server server; //!< Server this connection is for (if any) char *node_name; //!< Local node name at cluster layer char *node_xml_id; //!< Local node XML ID in CIB pcmk__election_t *election; //!< Election state (if election is needed) /* @TODO Corosync uses an integer node ID, but cluster layers in the * abstract do not necessarily need to */ uint32_t node_id; //!< Local node ID at cluster layer #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC /* @TODO Make these members a separate struct and use void *cluster_data * here instead, to abstract the cluster layer further. */ struct cpg_name group; //!< Corosync CPG name cpg_handle_t cpg_handle; //!< Corosync CPG handle #endif // SUPPORT_COROSYNC }; //! Node status data (may be a cluster node or a Pacemaker Remote node) typedef struct pcmk__node_status { //! Node name as known to cluster layer, or Pacemaker Remote node name char *name; /* @COMPAT This is less than ideal since the value is not a valid XML ID * (for Corosync, it's the string equivalent of the node's numeric node ID, * but XML IDs can't start with a number) and the three elements should have * different IDs. * * Ideally, we would use something like node-NODEID, node_state-NODEID, and * transient_attributes-NODEID as the element IDs. Unfortunately changing it * would be impractical due to backward compatibility; older nodes in a * rolling upgrade will always write and expect the value in the old format. */ /*! * Value of the PCMK_XA_ID XML attribute to use with the node's * PCMK_XE_NODE, PCMK_XE_NODE_STATE, and PCMK_XE_TRANSIENT_ATTRIBUTES * XML elements in the CIB */ char *xml_id; char *state; // @TODO change to enum //! Group of enum pcmk__node_status_flags uint32_t flags; /*! * Most recent cluster membership in which node was seen (0 for Pacemaker * Remote nodes) */ uint64_t membership_id; uint32_t processes; // @TODO most not needed, merge into flags /* @TODO When we can break public API compatibility, we can make the rest of * these members separate structs and use void *cluster_data and * void *user_data here instead, to abstract the cluster layer further. */ //! Arbitrary data (must be freeable by \c free()) void *user_data; char *expected; time_t peer_lost; char *conn_host; time_t when_member; // Since when node has been a cluster member time_t when_online; // Since when peer has been online in CPG /* @TODO The following are currently needed only by the Corosync stack. * Eventually consider moving them to a cluster-layer-specific data object. */ uint32_t cluster_layer_id; //!< Cluster-layer numeric node ID time_t when_lost; //!< When CPG membership was last lost } pcmk__node_status_t; /*! * \internal * \brief Return the process bit corresponding to the current cluster stack * * \return Process flag if detectable, otherwise 0 */ static inline uint32_t crm_get_cluster_proc(void) { switch (pcmk_get_cluster_layer()) { case pcmk_cluster_layer_corosync: return crm_proc_cpg; default: break; } return crm_proc_none; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get log-friendly string description of a Corosync return code * * \param[in] error Corosync return code * * \return Log-friendly string description corresponding to \p error */ static inline const char * pcmk__cs_err_str(int error) { # if SUPPORT_COROSYNC switch (error) { case CS_OK: return "OK"; case CS_ERR_LIBRARY: return "Library error"; case CS_ERR_VERSION: return "Version error"; case CS_ERR_INIT: return "Initialization error"; case CS_ERR_TIMEOUT: return "Timeout"; case CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN: return "Try again"; case CS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: return "Invalid parameter"; case CS_ERR_NO_MEMORY: return "No memory"; case CS_ERR_BAD_HANDLE: return "Bad handle"; case CS_ERR_BUSY: return "Busy"; case CS_ERR_ACCESS: return "Access error"; case CS_ERR_NOT_EXIST: return "Doesn't exist"; case CS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG: return "Name too long"; case CS_ERR_EXIST: return "Exists"; case CS_ERR_NO_SPACE: return "No space"; case CS_ERR_INTERRUPT: return "Interrupt"; case CS_ERR_NAME_NOT_FOUND: return "Name not found"; case CS_ERR_NO_RESOURCES: return "No resources"; case CS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "Not supported"; case CS_ERR_BAD_OPERATION: return "Bad operation"; case CS_ERR_FAILED_OPERATION: return "Failed operation"; case CS_ERR_MESSAGE_ERROR: return "Message error"; case CS_ERR_QUEUE_FULL: return "Queue full"; case CS_ERR_QUEUE_NOT_AVAILABLE: return "Queue not available"; case CS_ERR_BAD_FLAGS: return "Bad flags"; case CS_ERR_TOO_BIG: return "Too big"; case CS_ERR_NO_SECTIONS: return "No sections"; } # endif return "Corosync error"; } # if SUPPORT_COROSYNC #if 0 /* This is the new way to do it, but we still support all Corosync 2 versions, * and this isn't always available. A better alternative here would be to check * for support in the configure script and enable this conditionally. */ #define pcmk__init_cmap(handle) cmap_initialize_map((handle), CMAP_MAP_ICMAP) #else #define pcmk__init_cmap(handle) cmap_initialize(handle) #endif char *pcmk__corosync_cluster_name(void); bool pcmk__corosync_add_nodes(xmlNode *xml_parent); void pcmk__cpg_confchg_cb(cpg_handle_t handle, const struct cpg_name *group_name, const struct cpg_address *member_list, size_t member_list_entries, const struct cpg_address *left_list, size_t left_list_entries, const struct cpg_address *joined_list, size_t joined_list_entries); char *pcmk__cpg_message_data(cpg_handle_t handle, uint32_t sender_id, uint32_t pid, void *content, const char **from); # endif const char *pcmk__cluster_get_xml_id(pcmk__node_status_t *node); char *pcmk__cluster_node_name(uint32_t nodeid); const char *pcmk__cluster_local_node_name(void); const char *pcmk__node_name_from_uuid(const char *uuid); pcmk__node_status_t *crm_update_peer_proc(const char *source, pcmk__node_status_t *peer, uint32_t flag, const char *status); pcmk__node_status_t *pcmk__update_peer_state(const char *source, pcmk__node_status_t *node, const char *state, uint64_t membership); void pcmk__update_peer_expected(const char *source, pcmk__node_status_t *node, const char *expected); void pcmk__reap_unseen_nodes(uint64_t ring_id); void pcmk__corosync_quorum_connect(gboolean (*dispatch)(unsigned long long, gboolean), void (*destroy) (gpointer)); bool pcmk__cluster_send_message(const pcmk__node_status_t *node, enum pcmk_ipc_server service, const xmlNode *data); // Membership extern GHashTable *pcmk__peer_cache; extern GHashTable *pcmk__remote_peer_cache; bool pcmk__cluster_has_quorum(void); void pcmk__cluster_init_node_caches(void); void pcmk__cluster_destroy_node_caches(void); void pcmk__cluster_set_autoreap(bool enable); void pcmk__cluster_set_status_callback(void (*dispatch)(enum pcmk__node_update, pcmk__node_status_t *, const void *)); bool pcmk__cluster_is_node_active(const pcmk__node_status_t *node); unsigned int pcmk__cluster_num_active_nodes(void); unsigned int pcmk__cluster_num_remote_nodes(void); pcmk__node_status_t *pcmk__cluster_lookup_remote_node(const char *node_name); void pcmk__cluster_forget_cluster_node(uint32_t id, const char *node_name); void pcmk__cluster_forget_remote_node(const char *node_name); pcmk__node_status_t *pcmk__search_node_caches(unsigned int id, const char *uname, const char *xml_id, uint32_t flags); void pcmk__purge_node_from_cache(const char *node_name, uint32_t node_id); void pcmk__refresh_node_caches_from_cib(xmlNode *cib); pcmk__node_status_t *pcmk__get_node(unsigned int id, const char *uname, const char *xml_id, uint32_t flags); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_CLUSTER_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/include/crm/common/options_internal.h b/include/crm/common/options_internal.h index 4ef15b4b8d..2acf037a95 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/options_internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/options_internal.h @@ -1,251 +1,250 @@ /* - * Copyright 2006-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2006-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_OPTIONS_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_OPTIONS_INTERNAL__H #ifndef PCMK__CONFIG_H #define PCMK__CONFIG_H #include // _Noreturn #endif #include // GHashTable #include // bool #include // pcmk_parse_interval_spec() #include // pcmk__output_t #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif _Noreturn void pcmk__cli_help(char cmd); /* * Environment variable option handling */ const char *pcmk__env_option(const char *option); void pcmk__set_env_option(const char *option, const char *value, bool compat); bool pcmk__env_option_enabled(const char *daemon, const char *option); /* * Cluster option handling */ /*! * \internal - * \enum pcmk__opt_flags * \brief Option flags */ enum pcmk__opt_flags { pcmk__opt_none = 0U, //!< No additional information /*! * \brief In CIB manager metadata * * \deprecated This flag will be removed with CIB manager metadata */ pcmk__opt_based = (1U << 0), /*! * \brief In controller metadata * * \deprecated This flag will be removed with controller metadata */ pcmk__opt_controld = (1U << 1), /*! * \brief In scheduler metadata * * \deprecated This flag will be removed with scheduler metadata */ pcmk__opt_schedulerd = (1U << 2), pcmk__opt_advanced = (1U << 3), //!< Advanced use only pcmk__opt_generated = (1U << 4), //!< Generated by Pacemaker pcmk__opt_deprecated = (1U << 5), //!< Option is deprecated pcmk__opt_fencing = (1U << 6), //!< Common fencing resource parameter pcmk__opt_primitive = (1U << 7), //!< Primitive resource meta-attribute }; typedef struct pcmk__cluster_option_s { const char *name; const char *alt_name; const char *type; const char *values; const char *default_value; bool (*is_valid)(const char *); uint32_t flags; //!< Group of enum pcmk__opt_flags const char *description_short; const char *description_long; } pcmk__cluster_option_t; const char *pcmk__cluster_option(GHashTable *options, const char *name); int pcmk__output_cluster_options(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *desc_short, const char *desc_long, uint32_t filter, bool all); int pcmk__output_fencing_params(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *desc_short, const char *desc_long, bool all); int pcmk__output_primitive_meta(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *desc_short, const char *desc_long, bool all); int pcmk__daemon_metadata(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *short_desc, const char *long_desc, enum pcmk__opt_flags filter); void pcmk__validate_cluster_options(GHashTable *options); bool pcmk__valid_interval_spec(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_boolean(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_int(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_positive_int(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_no_quorum_policy(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_percentage(const char *value); bool pcmk__valid_placement_strategy(const char *value); // from watchdog.c long pcmk__get_sbd_watchdog_timeout(void); bool pcmk__get_sbd_sync_resource_startup(void); long pcmk__auto_stonith_watchdog_timeout(void); bool pcmk__valid_stonith_watchdog_timeout(const char *value); // Constants for environment variable names #define PCMK__ENV_AUTHKEY_LOCATION "authkey_location" #define PCMK__ENV_BLACKBOX "blackbox" #define PCMK__ENV_CA_FILE "ca_file" #define PCMK__ENV_CALLGRIND_ENABLED "callgrind_enabled" #define PCMK__ENV_CERT_FILE "cert_file" #define PCMK__ENV_CLUSTER_TYPE "cluster_type" #define PCMK__ENV_CRL_FILE "crl_file" #define PCMK__ENV_DEBUG "debug" #define PCMK__ENV_DH_MAX_BITS "dh_max_bits" #define PCMK__ENV_FAIL_FAST "fail_fast" #define PCMK__ENV_IPC_BUFFER "ipc_buffer" #define PCMK__ENV_IPC_TYPE "ipc_type" #define PCMK__ENV_KEY_FILE "key_file" #define PCMK__ENV_LOGFACILITY "logfacility" #define PCMK__ENV_LOGFILE "logfile" #define PCMK__ENV_LOGFILE_MODE "logfile_mode" #define PCMK__ENV_LOGPRIORITY "logpriority" #define PCMK__ENV_NODE_ACTION_LIMIT "node_action_limit" #define PCMK__ENV_NODE_START_STATE "node_start_state" #define PCMK__ENV_PANIC_ACTION "panic_action" #define PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_ADDRESS "remote_address" #define PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY "remote_schema_directory" #define PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_PID1 "remote_pid1" #define PCMK__ENV_REMOTE_PORT "remote_port" #define PCMK__ENV_RESPAWNED "respawned" #define PCMK__ENV_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY "schema_directory" #define PCMK__ENV_SERVICE "service" #define PCMK__ENV_STDERR "stderr" #define PCMK__ENV_TLS_PRIORITIES "tls_priorities" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_BLACKBOX "trace_blackbox" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_FILES "trace_files" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_FORMATS "trace_formats" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_FUNCTIONS "trace_functions" #define PCMK__ENV_TRACE_TAGS "trace_tags" #define PCMK__ENV_VALGRIND_ENABLED "valgrind_enabled" // Constants for meta-attribute names #define PCMK__META_CLONE "clone" #define PCMK__META_CONTAINER "container" #define PCMK__META_DIGESTS_ALL "digests-all" #define PCMK__META_DIGESTS_SECURE "digests-secure" #define PCMK__META_INTERNAL_RSC "internal_rsc" #define PCMK__META_MIGRATE_SOURCE "migrate_source" #define PCMK__META_MIGRATE_TARGET "migrate_target" #define PCMK__META_ON_NODE "on_node" #define PCMK__META_ON_NODE_UUID "on_node_uuid" #define PCMK__META_OP_NO_WAIT "op_no_wait" #define PCMK__META_OP_TARGET_RC "op_target_rc" #define PCMK__META_PHYSICAL_HOST "physical-host" #define PCMK__META_STONITH_ACTION "stonith_action" /* @TODO Plug these in. Currently, they're never set. These are op attrs for use * with https://projects.clusterlabs.org/T382. */ #define PCMK__META_CLEAR_FAILURE_OP "clear_failure_op" #define PCMK__META_CLEAR_FAILURE_INTERVAL "clear_failure_interval" // @COMPAT Deprecated alias for PCMK__META_PROMOTED_MAX since 2.0.0 #define PCMK__META_PROMOTED_MAX_LEGACY "master-max" // @COMPAT Deprecated alias for PCMK__META_PROMOTED_NODE_MAX since 2.0.0 #define PCMK__META_PROMOTED_NODE_MAX_LEGACY "master-node-max" // Constants for enumerated values #define PCMK__VALUE_ATTRD "attrd" #define PCMK__VALUE_BOLD "bold" #define PCMK__VALUE_BROADCAST "broadcast" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB "cib" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY "cib_diff_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_NOTIFY "cib_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_POST_NOTIFY "cib_post_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_PRE_NOTIFY "cib_pre_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_CIB_UPDATE_CONFIRMATION "cib_update_confirmation" #define PCMK__VALUE_CLUSTER "cluster" #define PCMK__VALUE_CRMD "crmd" #define PCMK__VALUE_EN "en" #define PCMK__VALUE_EPOCH "epoch" #define PCMK__VALUE_HEALTH_RED "health_red" #define PCMK__VALUE_HEALTH_YELLOW "health_yellow" #define PCMK__VALUE_INIT "init" #define PCMK__VALUE_LOCAL "local" #define PCMK__VALUE_LOST "lost" #define PCMK__VALUE_LRMD "lrmd" #define PCMK__VALUE_MAINT "maint" #define PCMK__VALUE_OUTPUT "output" #define PCMK__VALUE_PASSWORD "password" #define PCMK__VALUE_PRIMITIVE "primitive" #define PCMK__VALUE_REFRESH "refresh" #define PCMK__VALUE_REQUEST "request" #define PCMK__VALUE_RESPONSE "response" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_FAILED "rsc-failed" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_FAILURE_IGNORED "rsc-failure-ignored" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_MANAGED "rsc-managed" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_MULTIPLE "rsc-multiple" #define PCMK__VALUE_RSC_OK "rsc-ok" #define PCMK__VALUE_RUNNING "running" #define PCMK__VALUE_SCHEDULER "scheduler" #define PCMK__VALUE_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE "shutdown_complete" #define PCMK__VALUE_SHUTTING_DOWN "shutting_down" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_VALUE "st-async-timeout-value" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY "st_notify" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT "st_notify_disconnect" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_FENCE "st_notify_fence" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_HISTORY "st_notify_history" #define PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_HISTORY_SYNCED "st_notify_history_synced" #define PCMK__VALUE_STARTING_DAEMONS "starting_daemons" #define PCMK__VALUE_STONITH_NG "stonith-ng" #define PCMK__VALUE_WAIT_FOR_PING "wait_for_ping" #define PCMK__VALUE_WARNING "warning" /* @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.1.7 (used with PCMK__XA_ORDERING attribute of * resource sets) */ #define PCMK__VALUE_GROUP "group" // @COMPAT Drop when daemon metadata commands are dropped #define PCMK__VALUE_TIME "time" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__OPTIONS_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/include/crm/common/results.h b/include/crm/common/results.h index 60a88ddbc0..7525282c3f 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/results.h +++ b/include/crm/common/results.h @@ -1,408 +1,403 @@ /* * Copyright 2012-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_RESULTS__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_RESULTS__H #include // gboolean #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! * \file * \brief Function and executable result codes * \ingroup core */ // Lifted from config.h /* The _Noreturn keyword of C11. */ #ifndef _Noreturn # if (defined __cplusplus \ && ((201103 <= __cplusplus && !(__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 7)) \ || (defined _MSC_VER && 1900 <= _MSC_VER))) # define _Noreturn [[noreturn]] # elif ((!defined __cplusplus || defined __clang__) \ && (201112 <= (defined __STDC_VERSION__ ? __STDC_VERSION__ : 0) \ || 4 < __GNUC__ + (7 <= __GNUC_MINOR__))) /* _Noreturn works as-is. */ # elif 2 < __GNUC__ + (8 <= __GNUC_MINOR__) || 0x5110 <= __SUNPRO_C # define _Noreturn __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)) # elif 1200 <= (defined _MSC_VER ? _MSC_VER : 0) # define _Noreturn __declspec (noreturn) # else # define _Noreturn # endif #endif /* * Function return codes * * Most Pacemaker API functions return an integer return code. There are two * alternative interpretations. The legacy interpration is that the absolute * value of the return code is either a system error number or a custom * pcmk_err_* number. This is less than ideal because system error numbers are * constrained only to the positive int range, so there's the possibility that * system errors and custom errors could collide (which did in fact happen * already on one architecture). The new intepretation is that negative values * are from the pcmk_rc_e enum, and positive values are system error numbers. * Both use 0 for success. * * For system error codes, see: * - /usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h * - /usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h */ // Legacy custom return codes for Pacemaker API functions (deprecated) // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this #define pcmk_ok 0 #define PCMK_ERROR_OFFSET 190 /* Replacements on non-linux systems, see include/portability.h */ #define PCMK_CUSTOM_OFFSET 200 /* Purely custom codes */ #define pcmk_err_generic 201 #define pcmk_err_no_quorum 202 #define pcmk_err_schema_validation 203 #define pcmk_err_transform_failed 204 #define pcmk_err_old_data 205 // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this #define pcmk_err_diff_failed 206 // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this #define pcmk_err_diff_resync 207 #define pcmk_err_cib_modified 208 #define pcmk_err_cib_backup 209 #define pcmk_err_cib_save 210 #define pcmk_err_schema_unchanged 211 #define pcmk_err_cib_corrupt 212 #define pcmk_err_multiple 213 #define pcmk_err_node_unknown 214 #define pcmk_err_already 215 /* On HPPA 215 is ENOSYM (Unknown error 215), which hopefully never happens. */ #ifdef __hppa__ #define pcmk_err_bad_nvpair 250 /* 216 is ENOTSOCK */ #define pcmk_err_unknown_format 252 /* 217 is EDESTADDRREQ */ #else #define pcmk_err_bad_nvpair 216 #define pcmk_err_unknown_format 217 #endif /*! - * \enum pcmk_rc_e * \brief Return codes for Pacemaker API functions * * Any Pacemaker API function documented as returning a "standard Pacemaker * return code" will return pcmk_rc_ok (0) on success, and one of this * enumeration's other (negative) values or a (positive) system error number * otherwise. The custom codes are at -1001 and lower, so that the caller may * use -1 through -1000 for their own custom values if desired. While generally * referred to as "errors", nonzero values simply indicate a result, which might * or might not be an error depending on the calling context. */ enum pcmk_rc_e { /* When adding new values, use consecutively lower numbers, update the array * in lib/common/results.c, and test with crm_error. */ pcmk_rc_no_dc = -1040, pcmk_rc_compression = -1039, pcmk_rc_ns_resolution = -1038, pcmk_rc_no_transaction = -1037, pcmk_rc_bad_xml_patch = -1036, pcmk_rc_bad_input = -1035, pcmk_rc_disabled = -1034, pcmk_rc_duplicate_id = -1033, pcmk_rc_unpack_error = -1032, pcmk_rc_invalid_transition = -1031, pcmk_rc_graph_error = -1030, pcmk_rc_dot_error = -1029, pcmk_rc_underflow = -1028, pcmk_rc_no_input = -1027, pcmk_rc_no_output = -1026, pcmk_rc_after_range = -1025, pcmk_rc_within_range = -1024, pcmk_rc_before_range = -1023, pcmk_rc_undetermined = -1022, pcmk_rc_op_unsatisfied = -1021, pcmk_rc_ipc_pid_only = -1020, pcmk_rc_ipc_unresponsive = -1019, pcmk_rc_ipc_unauthorized = -1018, pcmk_rc_no_quorum = -1017, pcmk_rc_schema_validation = -1016, pcmk_rc_schema_unchanged = -1015, pcmk_rc_transform_failed = -1014, pcmk_rc_old_data = -1013, pcmk_rc_diff_failed = -1012, pcmk_rc_diff_resync = -1011, pcmk_rc_cib_modified = -1010, pcmk_rc_cib_backup = -1009, pcmk_rc_cib_save = -1008, pcmk_rc_cib_corrupt = -1007, pcmk_rc_multiple = -1006, pcmk_rc_node_unknown = -1005, pcmk_rc_already = -1004, pcmk_rc_bad_nvpair = -1003, pcmk_rc_unknown_format = -1002, // Developers: Use a more specific code than pcmk_rc_error whenever possible pcmk_rc_error = -1001, // Values -1 through -1000 reserved for caller use // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this pcmk_rc_ok = 0 // Positive values reserved for system error numbers }; /*! - * \enum ocf_exitcode * \brief Exit status codes for resource agents * * The OCF Resource Agent API standard enumerates the possible exit status codes * that agents should return. Besides being used with OCF agents, these values * are also used by the executor as a universal status for all agent standards; * actual results are mapped to these before returning them to clients. */ enum ocf_exitcode { PCMK_OCF_OK = 0, //!< Success // NOTE: booth (as of at least 1.1) uses this value PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1, //!< Unspecified error PCMK_OCF_INVALID_PARAM = 2, //!< Parameter invalid (in local context) PCMK_OCF_UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE = 3, //!< Requested action not implemented PCMK_OCF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV = 4, //!< Insufficient privileges PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED = 5, //!< Dependencies not available locally PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED = 6, //!< Parameter invalid (inherently) // NOTE: booth (as of at least 1.1) uses this value PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING = 7, //!< Service safely stopped PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_PROMOTED = 8, //!< Service active and promoted PCMK_OCF_FAILED_PROMOTED = 9, //!< Service failed and possibly in promoted role PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED = 190, //!< Service active but more likely to fail soon PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_PROMOTED = 191, //!< Service promoted but more likely to fail soon /* These two are Pacemaker extensions, not in the OCF standard. The * controller records PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN for pending actions. * PCMK_OCF_CONNECTION_DIED is used only with older DCs that don't support * PCMK_EXEC_NOT_CONNECTED. */ PCMK_OCF_CONNECTION_DIED = 189, //!< \deprecated See PCMK_EXEC_NOT_CONNECTED PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN = 193, //!< Action is pending }; // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this /*! - * \enum crm_exit_e * \brief Exit status codes for tools and daemons * * We want well-specified (i.e. OS-invariant) exit status codes for our daemons * and applications so they can be relied on by callers. (Function return codes * and errno's do not make good exit statuses.) * * The only hard rule is that exit statuses must be between 0 and 255; all else * is convention. Universally, 0 is success, and 1 is generic error (excluding * OSes we don't support -- for example, OpenVMS considers 1 success!). * * For init scripts, the LSB gives meaning to 0-7, and sets aside 150-199 for * application use. OCF adds 8-9 and 190-191. * * sysexits.h was an attempt to give additional meanings, but never really * caught on. It uses 0 and 64-78. * * Bash reserves 2 ("incorrect builtin usage") and 126-255 (126 is "command * found but not executable", 127 is "command not found", 128 + n is * "interrupted by signal n"). * * tldp.org recommends 64-113 for application use. * * We try to overlap with the above conventions when practical. * * NOTE: When new exit codes are added here, remember to also update * python/pacemaker/exitstatus.py. */ typedef enum crm_exit_e { // Common convention CRM_EX_OK = 0, //!< Success CRM_EX_ERROR = 1, //!< Unspecified error // LSB + OCF CRM_EX_INVALID_PARAM = 2, //!< Parameter invalid (in local context) CRM_EX_UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE = 3, //!< Requested action not implemented CRM_EX_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV = 4, //!< Insufficient privileges CRM_EX_NOT_INSTALLED = 5, //!< Dependencies not available locally CRM_EX_NOT_CONFIGURED = 6, //!< Parameter invalid (inherently) CRM_EX_NOT_RUNNING = 7, //!< Service safely stopped CRM_EX_PROMOTED = 8, //!< Service active and promoted CRM_EX_FAILED_PROMOTED = 9, //!< Service failed and possibly promoted // sysexits.h CRM_EX_USAGE = 64, //!< Command line usage error CRM_EX_DATAERR = 65, //!< User-supplied data incorrect CRM_EX_NOINPUT = 66, //!< Input file not available CRM_EX_NOUSER = 67, //!< User does not exist CRM_EX_NOHOST = 68, //!< Host unknown CRM_EX_UNAVAILABLE = 69, //!< Needed service unavailable CRM_EX_SOFTWARE = 70, //!< Internal software bug CRM_EX_OSERR = 71, //!< External (OS/environmental) problem CRM_EX_OSFILE = 72, //!< System file not usable CRM_EX_CANTCREAT = 73, //!< File couldn't be created CRM_EX_IOERR = 74, //!< File I/O error CRM_EX_TEMPFAIL = 75, //!< Try again CRM_EX_PROTOCOL = 76, //!< Protocol violated CRM_EX_NOPERM = 77, //!< Non-file permission issue CRM_EX_CONFIG = 78, //!< Misconfiguration // Custom CRM_EX_FATAL = 100, //!< Do not respawn CRM_EX_PANIC = 101, //!< Panic the local host CRM_EX_DISCONNECT = 102, //!< Lost connection to something CRM_EX_OLD = 103, //!< Update older than existing config CRM_EX_DIGEST = 104, //!< Digest comparison failed CRM_EX_NOSUCH = 105, //!< Requested item does not exist CRM_EX_QUORUM = 106, //!< Local partition does not have quorum CRM_EX_UNSAFE = 107, //!< Requires --force or new conditions CRM_EX_EXISTS = 108, //!< Requested item already exists CRM_EX_MULTIPLE = 109, //!< Requested item has multiple matches CRM_EX_EXPIRED = 110, //!< Requested item has expired CRM_EX_NOT_YET_IN_EFFECT = 111, //!< Requested item is not in effect CRM_EX_INDETERMINATE = 112, //!< Could not determine status CRM_EX_UNSATISFIED = 113, //!< Requested item does not satisfy constraints CRM_EX_NO_DC = 114, //!< DC is not yet elected, e.g. right after cluster restart // Other CRM_EX_TIMEOUT = 124, //!< Convention from timeout(1) /* Anything above 128 overlaps with some shells' use of these values for * "interrupted by signal N", and so may be unreliable when detected by * shell scripts. */ // OCF Resource Agent API 1.1 CRM_EX_DEGRADED = 190, //!< Service active but more likely to fail soon CRM_EX_DEGRADED_PROMOTED = 191, //!< Service promoted but more likely to fail soon /* Custom * * This can be used to initialize exit status variables or to indicate that * a command is pending (which is what the controller uses it for). */ CRM_EX_NONE = 193, //!< No exit status available CRM_EX_MAX = 255, //!< Ensure crm_exit_t can hold this } crm_exit_t; /*! - * \enum pcmk_exec_status * \brief Execution status * * These codes are used to specify the result of the attempt to execute an * agent, rather than the agent's result itself. */ enum pcmk_exec_status { PCMK_EXEC_UNKNOWN = -2, //!< Used only to initialize variables PCMK_EXEC_PENDING = -1, //!< Action is in progress PCMK_EXEC_DONE, //!< Action completed, result is known PCMK_EXEC_CANCELLED, //!< Action was cancelled PCMK_EXEC_TIMEOUT, //!< Action did not complete in time PCMK_EXEC_NOT_SUPPORTED, //!< Agent does not implement requested action PCMK_EXEC_ERROR, //!< Execution failed, may be retried PCMK_EXEC_ERROR_HARD, //!< Execution failed, do not retry on node PCMK_EXEC_ERROR_FATAL, //!< Execution failed, do not retry anywhere PCMK_EXEC_NOT_INSTALLED, //!< Agent or dependency not available locally PCMK_EXEC_NOT_CONNECTED, //!< No connection to executor PCMK_EXEC_INVALID, //!< Action cannot be attempted (e.g. shutdown) PCMK_EXEC_NO_FENCE_DEVICE, //!< No fence device is configured for target PCMK_EXEC_NO_SECRETS, //!< Necessary CIB secrets are unavailable // Add new values above here then update this one below PCMK_EXEC_MAX = PCMK_EXEC_NO_SECRETS, //!< Maximum value for this enum }; /*! - * \enum pcmk_result_type * \brief Types of Pacemaker result codes * * A particular integer can have different meanings within different Pacemaker * result code families. It may be interpretable within zero, one, or multiple * families. * * These values are useful for specifying how an integer result code should be * interpreted in situations involving a generic integer value. For example, a * function that can process multiple types of result codes might accept an * arbitrary integer argument along with a \p pcmk_result_type argument that * specifies how to interpret the integer. */ enum pcmk_result_type { pcmk_result_legacy = 0, //!< Legacy API function return code pcmk_result_rc = 1, //!< Standard Pacemaker return code pcmk_result_exitcode = 2, //!< Exit status code pcmk_result_exec_status = 3, //!< Execution status }; int pcmk_result_get_strings(int code, enum pcmk_result_type type, const char **name, const char **desc); const char *pcmk_rc_name(int rc); // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this const char *pcmk_rc_str(int rc); crm_exit_t pcmk_rc2exitc(int rc); enum ocf_exitcode pcmk_rc2ocf(int rc); int pcmk_rc2legacy(int rc); int pcmk_legacy2rc(int legacy_rc); // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this const char *pcmk_strerror(int rc); const char *pcmk_errorname(int rc); const char *crm_exit_name(crm_exit_t exit_code); // NOTE: sbd (as of at least 1.5.2) uses this const char *crm_exit_str(crm_exit_t exit_code); _Noreturn crm_exit_t crm_exit(crm_exit_t rc); /* coverity[+kill] */ void crm_abort(const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *condition, gboolean do_core, gboolean do_fork); static inline const char * pcmk_exec_status_str(enum pcmk_exec_status status) { switch (status) { case PCMK_EXEC_PENDING: return "Pending"; case PCMK_EXEC_DONE: return "Done"; case PCMK_EXEC_CANCELLED: return "Cancelled"; case PCMK_EXEC_TIMEOUT: return "Timed out"; case PCMK_EXEC_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "Unsupported"; case PCMK_EXEC_ERROR: return "Error"; case PCMK_EXEC_ERROR_HARD: return "Hard error"; case PCMK_EXEC_ERROR_FATAL: return "Fatal error"; case PCMK_EXEC_NOT_INSTALLED: return "Not installed"; case PCMK_EXEC_NOT_CONNECTED: return "Internal communication failure"; case PCMK_EXEC_INVALID: return "Cannot execute now"; case PCMK_EXEC_NO_FENCE_DEVICE: return "No fence device"; case PCMK_EXEC_NO_SECRETS: return "CIB secrets unavailable"; default: return "Unrecognized status (bug?)"; } } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #if !defined(PCMK_ALLOW_DEPRECATED) || (PCMK_ALLOW_DEPRECATED == 1) #include #endif #endif diff --git a/include/crm/common/xml_internal.h b/include/crm/common/xml_internal.h index 72eae57ef5..c03292551a 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/xml_internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/xml_internal.h @@ -1,456 +1,454 @@ /* - * Copyright 2017-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2017-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__CRM_COMMON_XML_INTERNAL__H #define PCMK__CRM_COMMON_XML_INTERNAL__H /* * Internal-only wrappers for and extensions to libxml2 (libxslt) */ #include #include // uint32_t #include #include /* transitively imports qblog.h */ #include #include // PCMK_XA_ID, PCMK_XE_CLONE // This file is a wrapper for other xml_*_internal.h headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! * \brief Base for directing lib{xml2,xslt} log into standard libqb backend * * This macro implements the core of what can be needed for directing * libxml2 or libxslt error messaging into standard, preconfigured * libqb-backed log stream. * * It's a bit unfortunate that libxml2 (and more sparsely, also libxslt) * emits a single message by chunks (location is emitted separatedly from * the message itself), so we have to take the effort to combine these * chunks back to single message. Whether to do this or not is driven * with \p dechunk toggle. * * The form of a macro was chosen for implicit deriving of __FILE__, etc. * and also because static dechunking buffer should be differentiated per * library (here we assume different functions referring to this macro * will not ever be using both at once), preferably also per-library * context of use to avoid clashes altogether. * * Note that we cannot use qb_logt, because callsite data have to be known * at the moment of compilation, which it is not always the case -- xml_log * (and unfortunately there's no clear explanation of the fail to compile). * * Also note that there's no explicit guard against said libraries producing * never-newline-terminated chunks (which would just keep consuming memory), * as it's quite improbable. Termination of the program in between the * same-message chunks will raise a flag with valgrind and the likes, though. * * And lastly, regarding how dechunking combines with other non-message * parameters -- for \p priority, most important running specification * wins (possibly elevated to LOG_ERR in case of nonconformance with the * newline-termination "protocol"), \p dechunk is expected to always be * on once it was at the start, and the rest (\p postemit and \p prefix) * are picked directly from the last chunk entry finalizing the message * (also reasonable to always have it the same with all related entries). * * \param[in] priority Syslog priority for the message to be logged * \param[in] dechunk Whether to dechunk new-line terminated message * \param[in] postemit Code to be executed once message is sent out * \param[in] prefix How to prefix the message or NULL for raw passing * \param[in] fmt Format string as with printf-like functions * \param[in] ap Variable argument list to supplement \p fmt format string */ #define PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE(priority, dechunk, postemit, prefix, fmt, ap) \ do { \ if (!(dechunk) && (prefix) == NULL) { /* quick pass */ \ qb_log_from_external_source_va(__func__, __FILE__, (fmt), \ (priority), __LINE__, 0, (ap)); \ (void) (postemit); \ } else { \ int CXLB_len = 0; \ char *CXLB_buf = NULL; \ static int CXLB_buffer_len = 0; \ static char *CXLB_buffer = NULL; \ static uint8_t CXLB_priority = 0; \ \ CXLB_len = vasprintf(&CXLB_buf, (fmt), (ap)); \ \ if (CXLB_len <= 0 || CXLB_buf[CXLB_len - 1] == '\n' || !(dechunk)) { \ if (CXLB_len < 0) { \ CXLB_buf = (char *) "LOG CORRUPTION HAZARD"; /*we don't modify*/\ CXLB_priority = QB_MIN(CXLB_priority, LOG_ERR); \ } else if (CXLB_len > 0 /* && (dechunk) */ \ && CXLB_buf[CXLB_len - 1] == '\n') { \ CXLB_buf[CXLB_len - 1] = '\0'; \ } \ if (CXLB_buffer) { \ qb_log_from_external_source(__func__, __FILE__, "%s%s%s", \ CXLB_priority, __LINE__, 0, \ (prefix) != NULL ? (prefix) : "", \ CXLB_buffer, CXLB_buf); \ free(CXLB_buffer); \ } else { \ qb_log_from_external_source(__func__, __FILE__, "%s%s", \ (priority), __LINE__, 0, \ (prefix) != NULL ? (prefix) : "", \ CXLB_buf); \ } \ if (CXLB_len < 0) { \ CXLB_buf = NULL; /* restore temporary override */ \ } \ CXLB_buffer = NULL; \ CXLB_buffer_len = 0; \ (void) (postemit); \ \ } else if (CXLB_buffer == NULL) { \ CXLB_buffer_len = CXLB_len; \ CXLB_buffer = CXLB_buf; \ CXLB_buf = NULL; \ CXLB_priority = (priority); /* remember as a running severest */ \ \ } else { \ CXLB_buffer = realloc(CXLB_buffer, 1 + CXLB_buffer_len + CXLB_len); \ memcpy(CXLB_buffer + CXLB_buffer_len, CXLB_buf, CXLB_len); \ CXLB_buffer_len += CXLB_len; \ CXLB_buffer[CXLB_buffer_len] = '\0'; \ CXLB_priority = QB_MIN(CXLB_priority, (priority)); /* severest? */ \ } \ free(CXLB_buf); \ } \ } while (0) -/* - * \enum pcmk__xml_fmt_options +/*! + * \internal * \brief Bit flags to control format in XML logs and dumps */ enum pcmk__xml_fmt_options { //! Exclude certain XML attributes (for calculating digests) pcmk__xml_fmt_filtered = (1 << 0), //! Include indentation and newlines pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty = (1 << 1), //! Include the opening tag of an XML element, and include XML comments pcmk__xml_fmt_open = (1 << 3), //! Include the children of an XML element pcmk__xml_fmt_children = (1 << 4), //! Include the closing tag of an XML element pcmk__xml_fmt_close = (1 << 5), // @COMPAT Can we start including text nodes unconditionally? //! Include XML text nodes pcmk__xml_fmt_text = (1 << 6), }; void pcmk__xml_init(void); void pcmk__xml_cleanup(void); int pcmk__xml_show(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data, int depth, uint32_t options); int pcmk__xml_show_changes(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *xml); /* XML search strings for guest, remote and pacemaker_remote nodes */ /* search string to find CIB resources entries for cluster nodes */ #define PCMK__XP_MEMBER_NODE_CONFIG \ "//" PCMK_XE_CIB "/" PCMK_XE_CONFIGURATION "/" PCMK_XE_NODES \ "/" PCMK_XE_NODE \ "[not(@" PCMK_XA_TYPE ") or @" PCMK_XA_TYPE "='" PCMK_VALUE_MEMBER "']" /* search string to find CIB resources entries for guest nodes */ #define PCMK__XP_GUEST_NODE_CONFIG \ "//" PCMK_XE_CIB "//" PCMK_XE_CONFIGURATION "//" PCMK_XE_PRIMITIVE \ "//" PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES "//" PCMK_XE_NVPAIR \ "[@" PCMK_XA_NAME "='" PCMK_META_REMOTE_NODE "']" /* search string to find CIB resources entries for remote nodes */ #define PCMK__XP_REMOTE_NODE_CONFIG \ "//" PCMK_XE_CIB "//" PCMK_XE_CONFIGURATION "//" PCMK_XE_PRIMITIVE \ "[@" PCMK_XA_TYPE "='" PCMK_VALUE_REMOTE "']" \ "[@" PCMK_XA_PROVIDER "='pacemaker']" /* search string to find CIB node status entries for pacemaker_remote nodes */ #define PCMK__XP_REMOTE_NODE_STATUS \ "//" PCMK_XE_CIB "//" PCMK_XE_STATUS "//" PCMK__XE_NODE_STATE \ "[@" PCMK_XA_REMOTE_NODE "='" PCMK_VALUE_TRUE "']" enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns { pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_legacy_rng = 1, pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_legacy_xslt, pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_base_rng, pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_base_xslt, }; void pcmk__strip_xml_text(xmlNode *xml); GString *pcmk__element_xpath(const xmlNode *xml); /*! * \internal - * \enum pcmk__xml_escape_type * \brief Indicators of which XML characters to escape * * XML allows the escaping of special characters by replacing them with entity * references (for example, """) or character references (for * example, " "). * * The special characters '&' (except as the beginning of an entity * reference) and '<' are not allowed in their literal forms in XML * character data. Character data is non-markup text (for example, the content * of a text node). '>' is allowed under most circumstances; we escape * it for safety and symmetry. * * For more details, see the "Character Data and Markup" section of the XML * spec, currently section 2.4: * https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#dt-markup * * Attribute values are handled specially. * * If an attribute value is delimited by single quotes, then single quotes * must be escaped within the value. * * Similarly, if an attribute value is delimited by double quotes, then double * quotes must be escaped within the value. * * A conformant XML processor replaces a literal whitespace character (tab, * newline, carriage return, space) in an attribute value with a space * (\c '#x20') character. However, a reference to a whitespace character (for * example, \c " " for \c '\n') does not get replaced. * * For more details, see the "Attribute-Value Normalization" section of the * XML spec, currently section 3.3.3. Note that the default attribute type * is CDATA; we don't deal with NMTOKENS, etc.: * https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#AVNormalize * * Pacemaker always delimits attribute values with double quotes, so there's no * need to escape single quotes. * * Newlines and tabs should be escaped in attribute values when XML is * serialized to text, so that future parsing preserves them rather than * normalizing them to spaces. * * We always escape carriage returns, so that they're not converted to spaces * during attribute-value normalization and because displaying them as literals * is messy. */ enum pcmk__xml_escape_type { /*! * For text nodes. * * Escape \c '<', \c '>', and \c '&' using entity references. * * Do not escape \c '\n' and \c '\t'. * * Escape other non-printing characters using character references. */ pcmk__xml_escape_text, /*! * For attribute values. * * Escape \c '<', \c '>', \c '&', and \c '"' using entity references. * * Escape \c '\n', \c '\t', and other non-printing characters using * character references. */ pcmk__xml_escape_attr, /* @COMPAT Drop escaping of at least '\n' and '\t' for * pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty when openstack-info, openstack-floating-ip, * and openstack-virtual-ip resource agents no longer depend on it. * * At time of writing, openstack-info may set a multiline value for the * openstack_ports node attribute. The other two agents query the value and * require it to be on one line with no spaces. */ /*! * For attribute values displayed in text output delimited by double quotes. * * Escape \c '\n' as \c "\\n" * * Escape \c '\r' as \c "\\r" * * Escape \c '\t' as \c "\\t" * * Escape \c '"' as \c "\\"" */ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty, }; bool pcmk__xml_needs_escape(const char *text, enum pcmk__xml_escape_type type); char *pcmk__xml_escape(const char *text, enum pcmk__xml_escape_type type); /*! * \internal * \brief Get the root directory to scan XML artefacts of given kind for * * \param[in] ns governs the hierarchy nesting against the inherent root dir * * \return root directory to scan XML artefacts of given kind for */ char * pcmk__xml_artefact_root(enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns ns); /*! * \internal * \brief Get the fully unwrapped path to particular XML artifact (RNG/XSLT) * * \param[in] ns denotes path forming details (parent dir, suffix) * \param[in] filespec symbolic file specification to be combined with * #artefact_ns to form the final path * \return unwrapped path to particular XML artifact (RNG/XSLT) */ char *pcmk__xml_artefact_path(enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns ns, const char *filespec); /*! * \internal * \brief Return first non-text child node of an XML node * * \param[in] parent XML node to check * * \return First non-text child node of \p parent (or NULL if none) */ static inline xmlNode * pcmk__xml_first_child(const xmlNode *parent) { xmlNode *child = (parent? parent->children : NULL); while (child && (child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)) { child = child->next; } return child; } /*! * \internal * \brief Return next non-text sibling node of an XML node * * \param[in] child XML node to check * * \return Next non-text sibling of \p child (or NULL if none) */ static inline xmlNode * pcmk__xml_next(const xmlNode *child) { xmlNode *next = (child? child->next : NULL); while (next && (next->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)) { next = next->next; } return next; } void pcmk__xml_free(xmlNode *xml); void pcmk__xml_free_doc(xmlDoc *doc); xmlNode *pcmk__xml_copy(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *src); /*! * \internal - * \enum pcmk__xa_flags * \brief Flags for operations affecting XML attributes */ enum pcmk__xa_flags { //! Flag has no effect pcmk__xaf_none = 0U, //! Don't overwrite existing values pcmk__xaf_no_overwrite = (1U << 0), /*! * Treat values as score updates where possible (see * \c pcmk__xe_set_score()) */ pcmk__xaf_score_update = (1U << 1), }; void pcmk__xml_sanitize_id(char *id); /*! * \internal * \brief Extract the ID attribute from an XML element * * \param[in] xpath String to search * \param[in] node Node to get the ID for * * \return ID attribute of \p node in xpath string \p xpath */ char * pcmk__xpath_node_id(const char *xpath, const char *node); /*! * \internal * \brief Print an informational message if an xpath query returned multiple * items with the same ID. * * \param[in,out] out The output object * \param[in] search The xpath search result, most typically the result of * calling cib->cmds->query(). * \param[in] name The name searched for */ void pcmk__warn_multiple_name_matches(pcmk__output_t *out, xmlNode *search, const char *name); /* internal XML-related utilities */ enum xml_private_flags { pcmk__xf_none = 0x0000, pcmk__xf_dirty = 0x0001, pcmk__xf_deleted = 0x0002, pcmk__xf_created = 0x0004, pcmk__xf_modified = 0x0008, pcmk__xf_tracking = 0x0010, pcmk__xf_processed = 0x0020, pcmk__xf_skip = 0x0040, pcmk__xf_moved = 0x0080, pcmk__xf_acl_enabled = 0x0100, pcmk__xf_acl_read = 0x0200, pcmk__xf_acl_write = 0x0400, pcmk__xf_acl_deny = 0x0800, pcmk__xf_acl_create = 0x1000, pcmk__xf_acl_denied = 0x2000, pcmk__xf_lazy = 0x4000, }; void pcmk__set_xml_doc_flag(xmlNode *xml, enum xml_private_flags flag); bool pcmk__xml_tree_foreach(xmlNode *xml, bool (*fn)(xmlNode *, void *), void *user_data); static inline const char * pcmk__xml_attr_value(const xmlAttr *attr) { return ((attr == NULL) || (attr->children == NULL))? NULL : (const char *) attr->children->content; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a given CIB element was modified in a CIB patchset * * \param[in] patchset CIB XML patchset * \param[in] element XML tag of CIB element to check (\c NULL is equivalent * to \c PCMK_XE_CIB). Supported values include any CIB * element supported by \c pcmk__cib_abs_xpath_for(). * * \return \c true if \p element was modified, or \c false otherwise */ bool pcmk__cib_element_in_patchset(const xmlNode *patchset, const char *element); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PCMK__CRM_COMMON_XML_INTERNAL__H diff --git a/include/pacemaker.h b/include/pacemaker.h index e9d39f6a09..cac2e21765 100644 --- a/include/pacemaker.h +++ b/include/pacemaker.h @@ -1,701 +1,698 @@ /* * Copyright 2019-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__PACEMAKER__H # define PCMK__PACEMAKER__H # include # include # include # include # include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * \file * \brief High Level API * \ingroup pacemaker */ /*! * \brief Modify operation of running a cluster simulation. */ enum pcmk_sim_flags { // @COMPAT Use UINT32_C(1); should not affect behavior pcmk_sim_none = 0, pcmk_sim_all_actions = 1 << 0, pcmk_sim_show_pending = 1 << 1, pcmk_sim_process = 1 << 2, pcmk_sim_show_scores = 1 << 3, pcmk_sim_show_utilization = 1 << 4, pcmk_sim_simulate = 1 << 5, pcmk_sim_sanitized = 1 << 6, pcmk_sim_verbose = 1 << 7, }; /*! * \brief Synthetic cluster events that can be injected into the cluster * for running simulations. */ typedef struct { /*! A list of node names (gchar *) to simulate bringing online */ GList *node_up; /*! A list of node names (gchar *) to simulate bringing offline */ GList *node_down; /*! A list of node names (gchar *) to simulate failing */ GList *node_fail; /*! A list of operations (gchar *) to inject. The format of these strings * is described in the "Operation Specification" section of crm_simulate * help output. */ GList *op_inject; /*! A list of operations (gchar *) that should return a given error code * if they fail. The format of these strings is described in the * "Operation Specification" section of crm_simulate help output. */ GList *op_fail; /*! A list of tickets (gchar *) to simulate granting */ GList *ticket_grant; /*! A list of tickets (gchar *) to simulate revoking */ GList *ticket_revoke; /*! A list of tickets (gchar *) to simulate putting on standby */ GList *ticket_standby; /*! A list of tickets (gchar *) to simulate activating */ GList *ticket_activate; /*! Does the cluster have an active watchdog device? */ char *watchdog; /*! Does the cluster have quorum? */ char *quorum; } pcmk_injections_t; /*! * \brief Get and output controller status * * \param[in,out] xml Destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] node_name Name of node whose status is desired * (\p NULL for DC) * \param[in] message_timeout_ms How long to wait for a reply from the * controller API. If 0, * \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_sync will be used. * Otherwise, \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll will * be used. * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_controller_status(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *node_name, unsigned int message_timeout_ms); /*! * \brief Get and output designated controller node name * * \param[in,out] xml Destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] message_timeout_ms How long to wait for a reply from the * controller API. If 0, * \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_sync will be used. * Otherwise, \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll will * be used. * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_designated_controller(xmlNodePtr *xml, unsigned int message_timeout_ms); /*! * \brief Free a :pcmk_injections_t structure * * \param[in,out] injections The structure to be freed */ void pcmk_free_injections(pcmk_injections_t *injections); /*! * \brief Get and optionally output node info corresponding to a node ID from * the controller * * \param[in,out] xml Destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in,out] node_id ID of node whose name to get. If \p NULL * or 0, get the local node name. If not * \p NULL, store the true node ID here on * success. * \param[out] node_name If not \p NULL, where to store the node * name * \param[out] uuid If not \p NULL, where to store the node * UUID * \param[out] state If not \p NULL, where to store the * membership state * \param[out] is_remote If not \p NULL, where to store whether the * node is a Pacemaker Remote node * \param[out] have_quorum If not \p NULL, where to store whether the * node has quorum * \param[in] show_output Whether to output the node info * \param[in] message_timeout_ms How long to wait for a reply from the * controller API. If 0, * \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_sync will be used. * Otherwise, \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll will * be used. * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note The caller is responsible for freeing \p *node_name, \p *uuid, and * \p *state using \p free(). */ int pcmk_query_node_info(xmlNodePtr *xml, uint32_t *node_id, char **node_name, char **uuid, char **state, bool *have_quorum, bool *is_remote, bool show_output, unsigned int message_timeout_ms); /*! * \brief Get the node name corresponding to a node ID from the controller * * \param[in,out] xml Destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in,out] node_id ID of node whose name to get (or 0 for the * local node) * \param[out] node_name If not \p NULL, where to store the node * name * \param[in] message_timeout_ms How long to wait for a reply from the * controller API. If 0, * \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_sync will be used. * Otherwise, \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll will * be used. * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note The caller is responsible for freeing \p *node_name using \p free(). */ static inline int pcmk_query_node_name(xmlNodePtr *xml, uint32_t node_id, char **node_name, unsigned int message_timeout_ms) { return pcmk_query_node_info(xml, &node_id, node_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, message_timeout_ms); } /*! * \brief Get and output \p pacemakerd status * * \param[in,out] xml Destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] ipc_name IPC name for request * \param[in] message_timeout_ms How long to wait for a reply from the * \p pacemakerd API. If 0, * \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_sync will be used. * Otherwise, \p pcmk_ipc_dispatch_poll will * be used. * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_pacemakerd_status(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *ipc_name, unsigned int message_timeout_ms); /*! * \brief Remove a resource * * \param[in,out] xml Destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] rsc_id Resource to remove * \param[in] rsc_type Type of the resource ("primitive", "group", etc.) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * \note This function will return \p pcmk_rc_ok if \p rsc_id doesn't exist * or if \p rsc_type is incorrect for \p rsc_id (deleting something * that doesn't exist always succeeds). */ int pcmk_resource_delete(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *rsc_id, const char *rsc_type); /*! * \brief Calculate and output resource operation digests * * \param[out] xml Where to store XML with result * \param[in,out] rsc Resource to calculate digests for * \param[in] node Node whose operation history should be used * \param[in] overrides Hash table of configuration parameters to override * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_resource_digests(xmlNodePtr *xml, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const pcmk_node_t *node, GHashTable *overrides); /*! * \brief Simulate a cluster's response to events * * This high-level function essentially implements crm_simulate(8). It operates * on an input CIB file and various lists of events that can be simulated. It * optionally writes out a variety of artifacts to show the results of the * simulation. Output can be modified with various flags. * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in,out] scheduler Scheduler data * \param[in] injections A structure containing cluster events * (node up/down, tickets, injected operations) * \param[in] flags Group of enum pcmk_sim_flags * \param[in] section_opts Which portions of the cluster status output * should be displayed? * \param[in] use_date Date to set the cluster's time to (may be NULL) * \param[in] input_file The source CIB file, which may be overwritten by * this function (may be NULL) * \param[in] graph_file Where to write the XML-formatted transition graph * (may be NULL, in which case no file will be * written) * \param[in] dot_file Where to write the dot(1) formatted transition * graph (may be NULL, in which case no file will * be written) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_simulate(xmlNodePtr *xml, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, const pcmk_injections_t *injections, unsigned int flags, unsigned int section_opts, const char *use_date, const char *input_file, const char *graph_file, const char *dot_file); /*! * \brief Verify that a CIB is error-free or output errors and warnings * * This high-level function essentially implements crm_verify(8). It operates * on an input CIB file, which can be inputted through one of several ways. It * writes out XML-formatted output. * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] cib_source Source of the CIB: * NULL -> use live cib, "-" -> stdin * "<..." -> xml str, otherwise -> xml file name * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_verify(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *cib_source); /*! * \brief Get nodes list * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] node_types Node type(s) to return (default: all) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_list_nodes(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *node_types); /*! * \brief Output cluster status formatted like `crm_mon --output-as=xml` * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_status(xmlNodePtr *xml); /*! * \brief Check whether each rule in a list is in effect * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] input The CIB XML to check (if \c NULL, use current CIB) * \param[in] date Check whether the rule is in effect at this date and * time (if \c NULL, use current date and time) * \param[in] rule_ids The IDs of the rules to check, as a NULL- * terminated list. * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_check_rules(xmlNodePtr *xml, xmlNodePtr input, const crm_time_t *date, const char **rule_ids); /*! * \brief Check whether a given rule is in effect * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] input The CIB XML to check (if \c NULL, use current CIB) * \param[in] date Check whether the rule is in effect at this date and * time (if \c NULL, use current date and time) * \param[in] rule_ids The ID of the rule to check * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ static inline int pcmk_check_rule(xmlNodePtr *xml, xmlNodePtr input, const crm_time_t *date, const char *rule_id) { const char *rule_ids[] = {rule_id, NULL}; return pcmk_check_rules(xml, input, date, rule_ids); } -/*! - * \enum pcmk_rc_disp_flags - * \brief Bit flags to control which fields of result code info are displayed - */ +//! Bit flags to control which fields of result code info are displayed enum pcmk_rc_disp_flags { pcmk_rc_disp_none = 0, //!< (Does nothing) pcmk_rc_disp_code = (1 << 0), //!< Display result code number pcmk_rc_disp_name = (1 << 1), //!< Display result code name pcmk_rc_disp_desc = (1 << 2), //!< Display result code description }; /*! * \brief Display the name and/or description of a result code * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] code The result code * \param[in] type Interpret \c code as this type of result code. * Supported values: \c pcmk_result_legacy, * \c pcmk_result_rc, \c pcmk_result_exitcode. * \param[in] flags Group of \c pcmk_rc_disp_flags * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_show_result_code(xmlNodePtr *xml, int code, enum pcmk_result_type type, uint32_t flags); /*! * \brief List all valid result codes in a particular family * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] type The family of result codes to list. Supported * values: \c pcmk_result_legacy, \c pcmk_result_rc, * \c pcmk_result_exitcode. * \param[in] flags Group of \c pcmk_rc_disp_flags * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_list_result_codes(xmlNodePtr *xml, enum pcmk_result_type type, uint32_t flags); /*! * \brief List available providers for the given OCF agent * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] agent_spec Resource agent name * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_list_alternatives(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *agent_spec); /*! * \brief List all agents available for the named standard and/or provider * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] agent_spec STD[:PROV] * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_list_agents(xmlNodePtr *xml, char *agent_spec); /*! * \brief List all available OCF providers for the given agent * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] agent_spec Resource agent name * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_list_providers(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *agent_spec); /*! * \brief List all available resource agent standards * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_list_standards(xmlNodePtr *xml); /*! * \brief List all available cluster options * * These are options that affect the entire cluster. * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] all If \c true, include advanced and deprecated options * (currently always treated as true) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_list_cluster_options(xmlNode **xml, bool all); /*! * \brief List common fencing resource parameters * * These are parameters that are available for all fencing resources, regardless * of type. They are processed by Pacemaker, rather than by the fence agent or * the fencing library. * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] all If \c true, include advanced and deprecated options * (currently always treated as true) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_list_fencing_params(xmlNode **xml, bool all); /*! * \internal * \brief List meta-attributes applicable to primitive resources as OCF-like XML * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] all If \c true, include advanced and deprecated options (this * is always treated as true for XML output objects) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_list_primitive_meta(xmlNode **xml, bool all); /*! * \brief Return constraints that apply to the given ticket * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] ticket_id Ticket to find constraint for, or \c NULL for * all ticket constraints * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_ticket_constraints(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *ticket_id); /*! * \brief Delete a ticket's state from the local cluster site * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] ticket_id Ticket to delete * \param[in] force If \c true, delete the ticket even if it has * been granted * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_ticket_delete(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *ticket_id, bool force); /*! * \brief Return the value of a ticket's attribute * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] ticket_id Ticket to find attribute value for * \param[in] attr_name Attribute's name to find value for * \param[in] attr_default If either the ticket or the attribute do not * exist, use this as the value in \p xml * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_ticket_get_attr(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *ticket_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_default); /*! * \brief Return information about the given ticket * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] ticket_id Ticket to find info value for, or \c NULL for * all tickets * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_ticket_info(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *ticket_id); /*! * \brief Remove the given attribute(s) from a ticket * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] ticket_id Ticket to remove attributes from * \param[in] attr_delete A list of attribute names * \param[in] force Attempting to remove the granted attribute of * \p ticket_id will cause this function to return * \c EACCES unless \p force is set to \c true * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_ticket_remove_attr(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *ticket_id, GList *attr_delete, bool force); /*! * \brief Set the given attribute(s) on a ticket * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] ticket_id Ticket to set attributes on * \param[in] attr_set A hash table of attributes, where keys are the * attribute names and the values are the attribute * values * \param[in] force Attempting to change the granted status of * \p ticket_id will cause this function to return * \c EACCES unless \p force is set to \c true * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note If no \p ticket_id attribute exists but \p attr_set is non-NULL, the * ticket will be created with the given attributes. */ int pcmk_ticket_set_attr(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *ticket_id, GHashTable *attr_set, bool force); /*! * \brief Return a ticket's state XML * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] ticket_id Ticket to find state for, or \c NULL for all * tickets * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note If \p ticket_id is not \c NULL and more than one ticket exists with * that ID, this function returns \c pcmk_rc_duplicate_id. */ int pcmk_ticket_state(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *ticket_id); /*! * \brief Ask the cluster to perform fencing * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] target The node that should be fenced * \param[in] action The fencing action (on, off, reboot) to perform * \param[in] name Who requested the fence action? * \param[in] timeout How long to wait for operation to complete (in ms) * \param[in] tolerance If a successful action for \p target happened within * this many ms, return 0 without performing the action * again * \param[in] delay Apply this delay (in milliseconds) before initiating * fencing action (-1 applies no delay and also * disables any fencing delay from pcmk_delay_base and * pcmk_delay_max) * \param[out] reason If not NULL, where to put descriptive failure reason * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * \note If \p reason is not NULL, the caller is responsible for freeing its * returned value. */ int pcmk_request_fencing(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *target, const char *action, const char *name, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int tolerance, int delay, char **reason); /*! * \brief List the fencing operations that have occurred for a specific node * * \note If \p xml is not NULL, it will be freed first and the previous * contents lost. * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree * \param[in] target The node to get history for * \param[in] timeout How long to wait for operation to complete (in ms) * \param[in] quiet Suppress most output * \param[in] verbose Include additional output * \param[in] broadcast Gather fencing history from all nodes * \param[in] cleanup Clean up fencing history after listing * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_fence_history(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *target, unsigned int timeout, bool quiet, int verbose, bool broadcast, bool cleanup); /*! * \brief List all installed fence agents * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree (if * not NULL, previous contents will be freed and lost) * \param[in] timeout How long to wait for operation to complete (in ms) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_fence_installed(xmlNodePtr *xml, unsigned int timeout); /*! * \brief When was a device last fenced? * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree (if * not NULL, previous contents will be freed and lost) * \param[in] target The node that was fenced * \param[in] as_nodeid If true, \p target has node ID rather than name * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_fence_last(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *target, bool as_nodeid); /*! * \brief List nodes that can be fenced * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree (if * not NULL, previous contents will be freed and lost) * \param[in] device_id Resource ID of fence device to check * \param[in] timeout How long to wait for operation to complete (in ms) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_fence_list_targets(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *device_id, unsigned int timeout); /*! * \brief Get metadata for a fence agent * * \note If \p xml is not NULL, it will be freed first and the previous * contents lost. * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree (if * not NULL, previous contents will be freed and lost) * \param[in] agent The fence agent to get metadata for * \param[in] timeout How long to wait for operation to complete (in ms) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_fence_metadata(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *agent, unsigned int timeout); /*! * \brief List registered fence devices * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree (if * not NULL, previous contents will be freed and lost) * \param[in] target If not NULL, return only devices that can fence this * \param[in] timeout How long to wait for operation to complete (in ms) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_fence_registered(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *target, unsigned int timeout); /*! * \brief Register a fencing topology level * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree (if * not NULL, previous contents will be freed and lost) * \param[in] target What fencing level targets (as "name=value" to * target by given node attribute, or "@pattern" to * target by node name pattern, or a node name) * \param[in] fence_level Index number of level to add * \param[in] devices Devices to use in level as a list of char * * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_fence_register_level(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *target, int fence_level, GList *devices); /*! * \brief Unregister a fencing topology level * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree (if * not NULL, previous contents will be freed and lost) * \param[in] target What fencing level targets (as "name=value" to * target by given node attribute, or "@pattern" to * target by node name pattern, or a node name) * \param[in] fence_level Index number of level to remove * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_fence_unregister_level(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *target, int fence_level); /*! * \brief Validate a fence device configuration * * \param[in,out] xml The destination for the result, as an XML tree (if * not NULL, previous contents will be freed and lost) * \param[in] agent The agent to validate (for example, "fence_xvm") * \param[in] id Fence device ID (may be NULL) * \param[in] params Fence device configuration parameters * \param[in] timeout How long to wait for operation to complete (in ms) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk_fence_validate(xmlNodePtr *xml, const char *agent, const char *id, GHashTable *params, unsigned int timeout); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif diff --git a/lib/pengine/pe_output.c b/lib/pengine/pe_output.c index 65e51a1d4f..435c53b27d 100644 --- a/lib/pengine/pe_output.c +++ b/lib/pengine/pe_output.c @@ -1,3478 +1,3481 @@ /* * Copyright 2019-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char * pe__resource_description(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, uint32_t show_opts) { const char * desc = NULL; // User-supplied description if (pcmk_any_flags_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rsc_only|pcmk_show_description)) { desc = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_DESCRIPTION); } return desc; } /* Never display node attributes whose name starts with one of these prefixes */ #define FILTER_STR { PCMK__FAIL_COUNT_PREFIX, PCMK__LAST_FAILURE_PREFIX, \ PCMK__NODE_ATTR_SHUTDOWN, PCMK_NODE_ATTR_TERMINATE, \ PCMK_NODE_ATTR_STANDBY, "#", NULL } static int compare_attribute(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { int rc; rc = strcmp((const char *)a, (const char *)b); return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Determine whether extended information about an attribute should be added. * * \param[in] node Node that ran this resource * \param[in,out] rsc_list List of resources for this node * \param[in,out] scheduler Scheduler data * \param[in] attrname Attribute to find * \param[out] expected_score Expected value for this attribute * * \return true if extended information should be printed, false otherwise * \note Currently, extended information is only supported for ping/pingd * resources, for which a message will be printed if connectivity is lost * or degraded. */ static bool add_extra_info(const pcmk_node_t *node, GList *rsc_list, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, const char *attrname, int *expected_score) { GList *gIter = NULL; for (gIter = rsc_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) gIter->data; const char *type = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->priv->meta, PCMK_XA_TYPE); const char *name = NULL; GHashTable *params = NULL; if (rsc->priv->children != NULL) { if (add_extra_info(node, rsc->priv->children, scheduler, attrname, expected_score)) { return true; } } if (!pcmk__strcase_any_of(type, "ping", "pingd", NULL)) { continue; } params = pe_rsc_params(rsc, node, scheduler); name = g_hash_table_lookup(params, PCMK_XA_NAME); if (name == NULL) { name = "pingd"; } /* To identify the resource with the attribute name. */ if (pcmk__str_eq(name, attrname, pcmk__str_casei)) { int host_list_num = 0; const char *hosts = g_hash_table_lookup(params, "host_list"); const char *multiplier = g_hash_table_lookup(params, "multiplier"); int multiplier_i; if (hosts) { char **host_list = g_strsplit(hosts, " ", 0); host_list_num = g_strv_length(host_list); g_strfreev(host_list); } if ((multiplier == NULL) || (pcmk__scan_min_int(multiplier, &multiplier_i, INT_MIN) != pcmk_rc_ok)) { /* The ocf:pacemaker:ping resource agent defaults multiplier to * 1. The agent currently does not handle invalid text, but it * should, and this would be a reasonable choice ... */ multiplier_i = 1; } *expected_score = host_list_num * multiplier_i; return true; } } return false; } static GList * filter_attr_list(GList *attr_list, char *name) { int i; const char *filt_str[] = FILTER_STR; CRM_CHECK(name != NULL, return attr_list); /* filtering automatic attributes */ for (i = 0; filt_str[i] != NULL; i++) { if (g_str_has_prefix(name, filt_str[i])) { return attr_list; } } return g_list_insert_sorted(attr_list, name, compare_attribute); } static GList * get_operation_list(xmlNode *rsc_entry) { GList *op_list = NULL; xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL; for (rsc_op = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc_entry, PCMK__XE_LRM_RSC_OP, NULL, NULL); rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = pcmk__xe_next(rsc_op, PCMK__XE_LRM_RSC_OP)) { const char *task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, PCMK_XA_OPERATION); if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, pcmk__str_none)) { continue; // Ignore notify actions } else { int exit_status; pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(rsc_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE), &exit_status, 0); if ((exit_status == CRM_EX_NOT_RUNNING) && pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, pcmk__str_none) && pcmk__str_eq(crm_element_value(rsc_op, PCMK_META_INTERVAL), "0", pcmk__str_null_matches)) { continue; // Ignore probes that found the resource not running } } op_list = g_list_append(op_list, rsc_op); } op_list = g_list_sort(op_list, sort_op_by_callid); return op_list; } static void add_dump_node(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { xmlNodePtr node = user_data; node = pcmk__xe_create(node, (const char *) key); pcmk__xe_set_content(node, "%s", (const char *) value); } static void append_dump_text(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { char **dump_text = user_data; char *new_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s=%s", *dump_text, (char *)key, (char *)value); free(*dump_text); *dump_text = new_text; } #define XPATH_STACK "//" PCMK_XE_NVPAIR \ "[@" PCMK_XA_NAME "='" \ PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_INFRASTRUCTURE "']" static const char * get_cluster_stack(pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) { xmlNode *stack = get_xpath_object(XPATH_STACK, scheduler->input, LOG_DEBUG); if (stack != NULL) { return crm_element_value(stack, PCMK_XA_VALUE); } return PCMK_VALUE_UNKNOWN; } static char * last_changed_string(const char *last_written, const char *user, const char *client, const char *origin) { if (last_written != NULL || user != NULL || client != NULL || origin != NULL) { return crm_strdup_printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", last_written ? last_written : "", user ? " by " : "", user ? user : "", client ? " via " : "", client ? client : "", origin ? " on " : "", origin ? origin : ""); } else { return strdup(""); } } static char * op_history_string(xmlNode *xml_op, const char *task, const char *interval_ms_s, int rc, bool print_timing) { const char *call = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID); char *interval_str = NULL; char *buf = NULL; if (interval_ms_s && !pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_casei)) { char *pair = pcmk__format_nvpair(PCMK_XA_INTERVAL, interval_ms_s, "ms"); interval_str = crm_strdup_printf(" %s", pair); free(pair); } if (print_timing) { char *last_change_str = NULL; char *exec_str = NULL; char *queue_str = NULL; const char *value = NULL; time_t epoch = 0; if ((crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, &epoch) == pcmk_ok) && (epoch > 0)) { char *epoch_str = pcmk__epoch2str(&epoch, 0); last_change_str = crm_strdup_printf(" %s=\"%s\"", PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, pcmk__s(epoch_str, "")); free(epoch_str); } value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME); if (value) { char *pair = pcmk__format_nvpair(PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME, value, "ms"); exec_str = crm_strdup_printf(" %s", pair); free(pair); } value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME); if (value) { char *pair = pcmk__format_nvpair(PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME, value, "ms"); queue_str = crm_strdup_printf(" %s", pair); free(pair); } buf = crm_strdup_printf("(%s) %s:%s%s%s%s rc=%d (%s)", call, task, interval_str ? interval_str : "", last_change_str ? last_change_str : "", exec_str ? exec_str : "", queue_str ? queue_str : "", rc, crm_exit_str(rc)); if (last_change_str) { free(last_change_str); } if (exec_str) { free(exec_str); } if (queue_str) { free(queue_str); } } else { buf = crm_strdup_printf("(%s) %s%s%s", call, task, interval_str ? ":" : "", interval_str ? interval_str : ""); } if (interval_str) { free(interval_str); } return buf; } static char * resource_history_string(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *rsc_id, bool all, int failcount, time_t last_failure) { char *buf = NULL; if (rsc == NULL) { buf = crm_strdup_printf("%s: orphan", rsc_id); } else if (all || failcount || last_failure > 0) { char *failcount_s = NULL; char *lastfail_s = NULL; if (failcount > 0) { failcount_s = crm_strdup_printf(" %s=%d", PCMK_XA_FAIL_COUNT, failcount); } else { failcount_s = strdup(""); } if (last_failure > 0) { buf = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_failure, 0); lastfail_s = crm_strdup_printf(" %s='%s'", PCMK_XA_LAST_FAILURE, buf); free(buf); } buf = crm_strdup_printf("%s: " PCMK_META_MIGRATION_THRESHOLD "=%d%s%s", rsc_id, rsc->priv->ban_after_failures, failcount_s, pcmk__s(lastfail_s, "")); free(failcount_s); free(lastfail_s); } else { buf = crm_strdup_printf("%s:", rsc_id); } return buf; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get a node's feature set for status display purposes * * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return String representation of feature set if the node is fully up (using * "<3.15.1" for older nodes that don't set the #feature-set attribute), * otherwise NULL */ static const char * get_node_feature_set(const pcmk_node_t *node) { if (node->details->online && pcmk_is_set(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_expected_up) && !pcmk__is_pacemaker_remote_node(node)) { const char *feature_set = g_hash_table_lookup(node->priv->attrs, CRM_ATTR_FEATURE_SET); /* The feature set attribute is present since 3.15.1. If it is missing, * then the node must be running an earlier version. */ return pcmk__s(feature_set, "<3.15.1"); } return NULL; } static bool is_mixed_version(pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) { const char *feature_set = NULL; for (GList *gIter = scheduler->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk_node_t *node = gIter->data; const char *node_feature_set = get_node_feature_set(node); if (node_feature_set != NULL) { if (feature_set == NULL) { feature_set = node_feature_set; } else if (strcmp(feature_set, node_feature_set) != 0) { return true; } } } return false; } static void formatted_xml_buf(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, GString *xml_buf, bool raw) { if (raw && (rsc->priv->orig_xml != NULL)) { pcmk__xml_string(rsc->priv->orig_xml, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty, xml_buf, 0); } else { pcmk__xml_string(rsc->priv->xml, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty, xml_buf, 0); } } #define XPATH_DC_VERSION "//" PCMK_XE_NVPAIR \ "[@" PCMK_XA_NAME "='" PCMK_OPT_DC_VERSION "']" PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-summary", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "uint32_t", "uint32_t") static int cluster_summary(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state = (enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int); uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; const char *stack_s = get_cluster_stack(scheduler); if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_stack)) { PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary"); out->message(out, "cluster-stack", stack_s, pcmkd_state); } if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_dc)) { xmlNode *dc_version = get_xpath_object(XPATH_DC_VERSION, scheduler->input, LOG_DEBUG); const char *dc_version_s = dc_version? crm_element_value(dc_version, PCMK_XA_VALUE) : NULL; const char *quorum = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_HAVE_QUORUM); char *dc_name = scheduler->dc_node? pe__node_display_name(scheduler->dc_node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)) : NULL; bool mixed_version = is_mixed_version(scheduler); PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary"); out->message(out, "cluster-dc", scheduler->dc_node, quorum, dc_version_s, dc_name, mixed_version); free(dc_name); } if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_times)) { const char *last_written = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_CIB_LAST_WRITTEN); const char *user = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_UPDATE_USER); const char *client = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_UPDATE_CLIENT); const char *origin = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_UPDATE_ORIGIN); PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary"); out->message(out, "cluster-times", scheduler->priv->local_node_name, last_written, user, client, origin); } if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_counts)) { PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary"); out->message(out, "cluster-counts", g_list_length(scheduler->nodes), scheduler->priv->ninstances, scheduler->priv->disabled_resources, scheduler->priv->blocked_resources); } if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_options)) { PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary"); out->message(out, "cluster-options", scheduler); } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_maint_mode)) { if (out->message(out, "maint-mode", scheduler->flags) == pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = pcmk_rc_ok; } } return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-summary", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "uint32_t", "uint32_t") static int cluster_summary_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state = (enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int); uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; const char *stack_s = get_cluster_stack(scheduler); if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_stack)) { PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary"); out->message(out, "cluster-stack", stack_s, pcmkd_state); } /* Always print DC if none, even if not requested */ if ((scheduler->dc_node == NULL) || pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_dc)) { xmlNode *dc_version = get_xpath_object(XPATH_DC_VERSION, scheduler->input, LOG_DEBUG); const char *dc_version_s = dc_version? crm_element_value(dc_version, PCMK_XA_VALUE) : NULL; const char *quorum = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_HAVE_QUORUM); char *dc_name = scheduler->dc_node? pe__node_display_name(scheduler->dc_node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)) : NULL; bool mixed_version = is_mixed_version(scheduler); PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary"); out->message(out, "cluster-dc", scheduler->dc_node, quorum, dc_version_s, dc_name, mixed_version); free(dc_name); } if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_times)) { const char *last_written = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_CIB_LAST_WRITTEN); const char *user = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_UPDATE_USER); const char *client = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_UPDATE_CLIENT); const char *origin = crm_element_value(scheduler->input, PCMK_XA_UPDATE_ORIGIN); PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary"); out->message(out, "cluster-times", scheduler->priv->local_node_name, last_written, user, client, origin); } if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_counts)) { PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary"); out->message(out, "cluster-counts", g_list_length(scheduler->nodes), scheduler->priv->ninstances, scheduler->priv->disabled_resources, scheduler->priv->blocked_resources); } if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_options)) { /* Kind of a hack - close the list we may have opened earlier in this * function so we can put all the options into their own list. We * only want to do this on HTML output, though. */ PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Config Options"); out->message(out, "cluster-options", scheduler); } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_maint_mode)) { if (out->message(out, "maint-mode", scheduler->flags) == pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = pcmk_rc_ok; } } return rc; } char * pe__node_display_name(pcmk_node_t *node, bool print_detail) { char *node_name; const char *node_host = NULL; const char *node_id = NULL; int name_len; pcmk__assert((node != NULL) && (node->priv->name != NULL)); /* Host is displayed only if this is a guest node and detail is requested */ if (print_detail && pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) { const pcmk_resource_t *launcher = NULL; const pcmk_node_t *host_node = NULL; launcher = node->priv->remote->priv->launcher; host_node = pcmk__current_node(launcher); if (host_node && host_node->details) { node_host = host_node->priv->name; } if (node_host == NULL) { node_host = ""; /* so we at least get "uname@" to indicate guest */ } } /* Node ID is displayed if different from uname and detail is requested */ if (print_detail && !pcmk__str_eq(node->priv->name, node->priv->id, pcmk__str_casei)) { node_id = node->priv->id; } /* Determine name length */ name_len = strlen(node->priv->name) + 1; if (node_host) { name_len += strlen(node_host) + 1; /* "@node_host" */ } if (node_id) { name_len += strlen(node_id) + 3; /* + " (node_id)" */ } /* Allocate and populate display name */ node_name = pcmk__assert_alloc(name_len, sizeof(char)); strcpy(node_name, node->priv->name); if (node_host) { strcat(node_name, "@"); strcat(node_name, node_host); } if (node_id) { strcat(node_name, " ("); strcat(node_name, node_id); strcat(node_name, ")"); } return node_name; } int pe__name_and_nvpairs_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, bool is_list, const char *tag_name, ...) { xmlNodePtr xml_node = NULL; va_list pairs; pcmk__assert(tag_name != NULL); xml_node = pcmk__output_xml_peek_parent(out); pcmk__assert(xml_node != NULL); xml_node = pcmk__xe_create(xml_node, tag_name); va_start(pairs, tag_name); pcmk__xe_set_propv(xml_node, pairs); va_end(pairs); if (is_list) { pcmk__output_xml_push_parent(out, xml_node); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } static const char * role_desc(enum rsc_role_e role) { if (role == pcmk_role_promoted) { return "in " PCMK_ROLE_PROMOTED " role "; } return ""; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ban", "pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk__location_t *", "uint32_t") static int ban_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_node_t *pe_node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); pcmk__location_t *location = va_arg(args, pcmk__location_t *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(pe_node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)); char *buf = crm_strdup_printf("%s\tprevents %s from running %son %s", location->id, location->rsc->id, role_desc(location->role_filter), node_name); pcmk__output_create_html_node(out, "li", NULL, NULL, buf); free(node_name); free(buf); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ban", "pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk__location_t *", "uint32_t") static int ban_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_node_t *pe_node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); pcmk__location_t *location = va_arg(args, pcmk__location_t *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(pe_node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)); out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s\tprevents %s from running %son %s", location->id, location->rsc->id, role_desc(location->role_filter), node_name); free(node_name); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ban", "pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk__location_t *", "uint32_t") static int ban_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_node_t *pe_node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); pcmk__location_t *location = va_arg(args, pcmk__location_t *); uint32_t show_opts G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, uint32_t); const char *promoted_only = pcmk__btoa(location->role_filter == pcmk_role_promoted); char *weight_s = pcmk__itoa(pe_node->assign->score); pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_BAN, PCMK_XA_ID, location->id, PCMK_XA_RESOURCE, location->rsc->id, PCMK_XA_NODE, pe_node->priv->name, PCMK_XA_WEIGHT, weight_s, PCMK_XA_PROMOTED_ONLY, promoted_only, /* This is a deprecated alias for * promoted_only. Removing it will break * backward compatibility of the API schema, * which will require an API schema major * version bump. */ PCMK__XA_PROMOTED_ONLY_LEGACY, promoted_only, NULL); free(weight_s); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ban-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "const char *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "bool") static int ban_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); const char *prefix = va_arg(args, const char *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int); GList *gIter, *gIter2; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; /* Print each ban */ for (gIter = scheduler->priv->location_constraints; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk__location_t *location = gIter->data; const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = location->rsc; if (prefix != NULL && !g_str_has_prefix(location->id, prefix)) { continue; } if (!pcmk__str_in_list(rsc_printable_id(rsc), only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches) && !pcmk__str_in_list(rsc_printable_id(pe__const_top_resource(rsc, false)), only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches)) { continue; } for (gIter2 = location->nodes; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) { pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) gIter2->data; if (node->assign->score < 0) { PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Negative Location Constraints"); out->message(out, "ban", node, location, show_opts); } } } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-counts", "unsigned int", "int", "int", "int") static int cluster_counts_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { unsigned int nnodes = va_arg(args, unsigned int); int nresources = va_arg(args, int); int ndisabled = va_arg(args, int); int nblocked = va_arg(args, int); xmlNodePtr nodes_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); xmlNodePtr resources_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); xmlNode *child = NULL; child = pcmk__html_create(nodes_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d node%s configured", nnodes, pcmk__plural_s(nnodes)); if (ndisabled && nblocked) { child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d resource instance%s configured (%d ", nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), ndisabled); child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "DISABLED"); child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, ", %d ", nblocked); child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "BLOCKED"); child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " from further action due to failure)"); } else if (ndisabled && !nblocked) { child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d resource instance%s configured (%d ", nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), ndisabled); child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "DISABLED"); child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, ")"); } else if (!ndisabled && nblocked) { child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d resource instance%s configured (%d ", nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), nblocked); child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "BLOCKED"); child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " from further action due to failure)"); } else { child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d resource instance%s configured", nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources)); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-counts", "unsigned int", "int", "int", "int") static int cluster_counts_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { unsigned int nnodes = va_arg(args, unsigned int); int nresources = va_arg(args, int); int ndisabled = va_arg(args, int); int nblocked = va_arg(args, int); out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d node%s configured", nnodes, pcmk__plural_s(nnodes)); if (ndisabled && nblocked) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d resource instance%s configured " "(%d DISABLED, %d BLOCKED from " "further action due to failure)", nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), ndisabled, nblocked); } else if (ndisabled && !nblocked) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d resource instance%s configured " "(%d DISABLED)", nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), ndisabled); } else if (!ndisabled && nblocked) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d resource instance%s configured " "(%d BLOCKED from further action " "due to failure)", nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), nblocked); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d resource instance%s configured", nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources)); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-counts", "unsigned int", "int", "int", "int") static int cluster_counts_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { unsigned int nnodes = va_arg(args, unsigned int); int nresources = va_arg(args, int); int ndisabled = va_arg(args, int); int nblocked = va_arg(args, int); xmlNodePtr nodes_node = NULL; xmlNodePtr resources_node = NULL; char *s = NULL; nodes_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_NODES_CONFIGURED, NULL); resources_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_RESOURCES_CONFIGURED, NULL); s = pcmk__itoa(nnodes); crm_xml_add(nodes_node, PCMK_XA_NUMBER, s); free(s); s = pcmk__itoa(nresources); crm_xml_add(resources_node, PCMK_XA_NUMBER, s); free(s); s = pcmk__itoa(ndisabled); crm_xml_add(resources_node, PCMK_XA_DISABLED, s); free(s); s = pcmk__itoa(nblocked); crm_xml_add(resources_node, PCMK_XA_BLOCKED, s); free(s); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-dc", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *", "const char *", "char *", "int") static int cluster_dc_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_node_t *dc = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *quorum = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *dc_version_s = va_arg(args, const char *); char *dc_name = va_arg(args, char *); bool mixed_version = va_arg(args, int); xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); xmlNode *child = NULL; child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Current DC: "); if (dc) { child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s (version %s) -", dc_name, pcmk__s(dc_version_s, "unknown")); if (mixed_version) { child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_WARNING); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " MIXED-VERSION"); } child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " partition"); if (crm_is_true(quorum)) { child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " with"); } else { child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_WARNING); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " WITHOUT"); } child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " quorum"); } else { child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_WARNING); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "NONE"); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-dc", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *", "const char *", "char *", "int") static int cluster_dc_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_node_t *dc = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *quorum = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *dc_version_s = va_arg(args, const char *); char *dc_name = va_arg(args, char *); bool mixed_version = va_arg(args, int); if (dc) { out->list_item(out, "Current DC", "%s (version %s) - %spartition %s quorum", dc_name, dc_version_s ? dc_version_s : "unknown", mixed_version ? "MIXED-VERSION " : "", crm_is_true(quorum) ? "with" : "WITHOUT"); } else { out->list_item(out, "Current DC", "NONE"); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-dc", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *", "const char *", "char *", "int") static int cluster_dc_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_node_t *dc = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *quorum = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *dc_version_s = va_arg(args, const char *); char *dc_name G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, char *); bool mixed_version = va_arg(args, int); if (dc) { const char *with_quorum = pcmk__btoa(crm_is_true(quorum)); const char *mixed_version_s = pcmk__btoa(mixed_version); pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CURRENT_DC, PCMK_XA_PRESENT, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, PCMK_XA_VERSION, pcmk__s(dc_version_s, ""), PCMK_XA_NAME, dc->priv->name, PCMK_XA_ID, dc->priv->id, PCMK_XA_WITH_QUORUM, with_quorum, PCMK_XA_MIXED_VERSION, mixed_version_s, NULL); } else { pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CURRENT_DC, PCMK_XA_PRESENT, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, NULL); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("maint-mode", "uint64_t") static int cluster_maint_mode_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { uint64_t flags = va_arg(args, uint64_t); if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pcmk__sched_in_maintenance)) { pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "\n *** Resource management is DISABLED ***\n"); pcmk__formatted_printf(out, " The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services\n"); return pcmk_rc_ok; } else if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pcmk__sched_stop_all)) { pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "\n *** Resource management is DISABLED ***\n"); pcmk__formatted_printf(out, " The cluster will keep all resources stopped\n"); return pcmk_rc_ok; } else { return pcmk_rc_no_output; } } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-options", "pcmk_scheduler_t *") static int cluster_options_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_fencing_enabled)) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "STONITH of failed nodes enabled"); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "STONITH of failed nodes disabled"); } if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_symmetric_cluster)) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster is symmetric"); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster is asymmetric"); } switch (scheduler->no_quorum_policy) { /* @COMPAT These should say something like "resources that require * quorum" since resources with requires="nothing" are unaffected, but * it would be a good idea to investigate whether any major projects * search for this text first */ case pcmk_no_quorum_freeze: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Freeze resources"); break; case pcmk_no_quorum_stop: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Stop ALL resources"); break; case pcmk_no_quorum_demote: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Demote promotable " "resources and stop all other resources"); break; case pcmk_no_quorum_ignore: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Ignore"); break; case pcmk_no_quorum_fence: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Fence nodes in partition"); break; } if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_in_maintenance)) { xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); xmlNode *child = NULL; child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Resource management: "); child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "DISABLED"); child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (the cluster will not attempt to start, stop," " or recover services)"); } else if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_stop_all)) { xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); xmlNode *child = NULL; child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Resource management: "); child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "STOPPED"); child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (the cluster will keep all resources stopped)"); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "Resource management: enabled"); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-options", "pcmk_scheduler_t *") static int cluster_options_log(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_in_maintenance)) { return out->info(out, "Resource management is DISABLED. The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services."); } else if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_stop_all)) { return out->info(out, "Resource management is DISABLED. The cluster has stopped all resources."); } else { return pcmk_rc_no_output; } } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-options", "pcmk_scheduler_t *") static int cluster_options_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_fencing_enabled)) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "STONITH of failed nodes enabled"); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "STONITH of failed nodes disabled"); } if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_symmetric_cluster)) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster is symmetric"); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster is asymmetric"); } switch (scheduler->no_quorum_policy) { case pcmk_no_quorum_freeze: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Freeze resources"); break; case pcmk_no_quorum_stop: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Stop ALL resources"); break; case pcmk_no_quorum_demote: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Demote promotable " "resources and stop all other resources"); break; case pcmk_no_quorum_ignore: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Ignore"); break; case pcmk_no_quorum_fence: out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Fence nodes in partition"); break; } return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get readable string representation of a no-quorum policy * * \param[in] policy No-quorum policy * * \return String representation of \p policy */ static const char * no_quorum_policy_text(enum pe_quorum_policy policy) { switch (policy) { case pcmk_no_quorum_freeze: return PCMK_VALUE_FREEZE; case pcmk_no_quorum_stop: return PCMK_VALUE_STOP; case pcmk_no_quorum_demote: return PCMK_VALUE_DEMOTE; case pcmk_no_quorum_ignore: return PCMK_VALUE_IGNORE; case pcmk_no_quorum_fence: return PCMK_VALUE_FENCE; default: return PCMK_VALUE_UNKNOWN; } } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-options", "pcmk_scheduler_t *") static int cluster_options_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); const char *stonith_enabled = pcmk__flag_text(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_fencing_enabled); const char *symmetric_cluster = pcmk__flag_text(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_symmetric_cluster); const char *no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_policy_text(scheduler->no_quorum_policy); const char *maintenance_mode = pcmk__flag_text(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_in_maintenance); const char *stop_all_resources = pcmk__flag_text(scheduler->flags, pcmk__sched_stop_all); char *stonith_timeout_ms_s = crm_strdup_printf("%u", scheduler->priv->fence_timeout_ms); char *priority_fencing_delay_ms_s = crm_strdup_printf("%u", scheduler->priv->priority_fencing_ms); pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CLUSTER_OPTIONS, PCMK_XA_STONITH_ENABLED, stonith_enabled, PCMK_XA_SYMMETRIC_CLUSTER, symmetric_cluster, PCMK_XA_NO_QUORUM_POLICY, no_quorum_policy, PCMK_XA_MAINTENANCE_MODE, maintenance_mode, PCMK_XA_STOP_ALL_RESOURCES, stop_all_resources, PCMK_XA_STONITH_TIMEOUT_MS, stonith_timeout_ms_s, PCMK_XA_PRIORITY_FENCING_DELAY_MS, priority_fencing_delay_ms_s, NULL); free(stonith_timeout_ms_s); free(priority_fencing_delay_ms_s); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-stack", "const char *", "enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state") static int cluster_stack_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *stack_s = va_arg(args, const char *); enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state = (enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int); xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); xmlNode *child = NULL; child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Stack: "); child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s", stack_s); if (pcmkd_state != pcmk_pacemakerd_state_invalid) { child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " ("); child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s", pcmk__pcmkd_state_enum2friendly(pcmkd_state)); child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, ")"); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-stack", "const char *", "enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state") static int cluster_stack_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *stack_s = va_arg(args, const char *); enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state = (enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int); if (pcmkd_state != pcmk_pacemakerd_state_invalid) { out->list_item(out, "Stack", "%s (%s)", stack_s, pcmk__pcmkd_state_enum2friendly(pcmkd_state)); } else { out->list_item(out, "Stack", "%s", stack_s); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-stack", "const char *", "enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state") static int cluster_stack_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *stack_s = va_arg(args, const char *); enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state = (enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int); const char *state_s = NULL; if (pcmkd_state != pcmk_pacemakerd_state_invalid) { state_s = pcmk_pacemakerd_api_daemon_state_enum2text(pcmkd_state); } pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_STACK, PCMK_XA_TYPE, stack_s, PCMK_XA_PACEMAKERD_STATE, state_s, NULL); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-times", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *") static int cluster_times_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *our_nodename = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *last_written = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *user = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *client = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *origin = va_arg(args, const char *); xmlNodePtr updated_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); xmlNodePtr changed_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); xmlNode *child = NULL; char *time_s = NULL; child = pcmk__html_create(updated_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Last updated: "); child = pcmk__html_create(updated_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); time_s = pcmk__epoch2str(NULL, 0); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s", time_s); free(time_s); if (our_nodename != NULL) { child = pcmk__html_create(updated_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " on "); child = pcmk__html_create(updated_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s", our_nodename); } child = pcmk__html_create(changed_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Last change: "); child = pcmk__html_create(changed_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); time_s = last_changed_string(last_written, user, client, origin); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s", time_s); free(time_s); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-times", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *") static int cluster_times_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *our_nodename = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *last_written = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *user = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *client = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *origin = va_arg(args, const char *); char *time_s = pcmk__epoch2str(NULL, 0); pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_LAST_UPDATE, PCMK_XA_TIME, time_s, PCMK_XA_ORIGIN, our_nodename, NULL); pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_LAST_CHANGE, PCMK_XA_TIME, pcmk__s(last_written, ""), PCMK_XA_USER, pcmk__s(user, ""), PCMK_XA_CLIENT, pcmk__s(client, ""), PCMK_XA_ORIGIN, pcmk__s(origin, ""), NULL); free(time_s); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-times", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *") static int cluster_times_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *our_nodename = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *last_written = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *user = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *client = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *origin = va_arg(args, const char *); char *time_s = pcmk__epoch2str(NULL, 0); out->list_item(out, "Last updated", "%s%s%s", time_s, (our_nodename != NULL)? " on " : "", pcmk__s(our_nodename, "")); free(time_s); time_s = last_changed_string(last_written, user, client, origin); out->list_item(out, "Last change", " %s", time_s); free(time_s); return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Display a failed action in less-technical natural language * * \param[in,out] out Output object to use for display * \param[in] xml_op XML containing failed action * \param[in] op_key Operation key of failed action * \param[in] node_name Where failed action occurred * \param[in] rc OCF exit code of failed action * \param[in] status Execution status of failed action * \param[in] exit_reason Exit reason given for failed action * \param[in] exec_time String containing execution time in milliseconds */ static void failed_action_friendly(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *xml_op, const char *op_key, const char *node_name, int rc, int status, const char *exit_reason, const char *exec_time) { char *rsc_id = NULL; char *task = NULL; guint interval_ms = 0; time_t last_change_epoch = 0; GString *str = NULL; if (pcmk__str_empty(op_key) || !parse_op_key(op_key, &rsc_id, &task, &interval_ms)) { pcmk__str_update(&rsc_id, "unknown resource"); pcmk__str_update(&task, "unknown action"); interval_ms = 0; } pcmk__assert((rsc_id != NULL) && (task != NULL)); str = g_string_sized_new(256); // Should be sufficient for most messages pcmk__g_strcat(str, rsc_id, " ", NULL); if (interval_ms != 0) { pcmk__g_strcat(str, pcmk__readable_interval(interval_ms), "-interval ", NULL); } pcmk__g_strcat(str, pcmk__readable_action(task, interval_ms), " on ", node_name, NULL); if (status == PCMK_EXEC_DONE) { pcmk__g_strcat(str, " returned '", crm_exit_str(rc), "'", NULL); if (!pcmk__str_empty(exit_reason)) { pcmk__g_strcat(str, " (", exit_reason, ")", NULL); } } else { pcmk__g_strcat(str, " could not be executed (", pcmk_exec_status_str(status), NULL); if (!pcmk__str_empty(exit_reason)) { pcmk__g_strcat(str, ": ", exit_reason, NULL); } g_string_append_c(str, ')'); } if (crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, &last_change_epoch) == pcmk_ok) { char *s = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_change_epoch, 0); pcmk__g_strcat(str, " at ", s, NULL); free(s); } if (!pcmk__str_empty(exec_time)) { int exec_time_ms = 0; if ((pcmk__scan_min_int(exec_time, &exec_time_ms, 0) == pcmk_rc_ok) && (exec_time_ms > 0)) { pcmk__g_strcat(str, " after ", pcmk__readable_interval(exec_time_ms), NULL); } } out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", str->str); g_string_free(str, TRUE); free(rsc_id); free(task); } /*! * \internal * \brief Display a failed action with technical details * * \param[in,out] out Output object to use for display * \param[in] xml_op XML containing failed action * \param[in] op_key Operation key of failed action * \param[in] node_name Where failed action occurred * \param[in] rc OCF exit code of failed action * \param[in] status Execution status of failed action * \param[in] exit_reason Exit reason given for failed action * \param[in] exec_time String containing execution time in milliseconds */ static void failed_action_technical(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *xml_op, const char *op_key, const char *node_name, int rc, int status, const char *exit_reason, const char *exec_time) { const char *call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID); const char *queue_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME); const char *exit_status = crm_exit_str(rc); const char *lrm_status = pcmk_exec_status_str(status); time_t last_change_epoch = 0; GString *str = NULL; if (pcmk__str_empty(op_key)) { op_key = "unknown operation"; } if (pcmk__str_empty(exit_status)) { exit_status = "unknown exit status"; } if (pcmk__str_empty(call_id)) { call_id = "unknown"; } str = g_string_sized_new(256); g_string_append_printf(str, "%s on %s '%s' (%d): call=%s, status='%s'", op_key, node_name, exit_status, rc, call_id, lrm_status); if (!pcmk__str_empty(exit_reason)) { pcmk__g_strcat(str, ", exitreason='", exit_reason, "'", NULL); } if (crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, &last_change_epoch) == pcmk_ok) { char *last_change_str = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_change_epoch, 0); pcmk__g_strcat(str, ", " PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE "=" "'", last_change_str, "'", NULL); free(last_change_str); } if (!pcmk__str_empty(queue_time)) { pcmk__g_strcat(str, ", queued=", queue_time, "ms", NULL); } if (!pcmk__str_empty(exec_time)) { pcmk__g_strcat(str, ", exec=", exec_time, "ms", NULL); } out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", str->str); g_string_free(str, TRUE); } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("failed-action", "xmlNode *", "uint32_t") static int failed_action_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); const char *op_key = pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op); const char *node_name = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME); const char *exit_reason = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXIT_REASON); const char *exec_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME); int rc; int status; pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE), &rc, 0); pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS), &status, 0); if (pcmk__str_empty(node_name)) { node_name = "unknown node"; } if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_failed_detail)) { failed_action_technical(out, xml_op, op_key, node_name, rc, status, exit_reason, exec_time); } else { failed_action_friendly(out, xml_op, op_key, node_name, rc, status, exit_reason, exec_time); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("failed-action", "xmlNode *", "uint32_t") static int failed_action_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr); uint32_t show_opts G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, uint32_t); const char *op_key = pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op); const char *op_key_name = PCMK_XA_OP_KEY; int rc; int status; const char *uname = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME); const char *call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID); const char *exitstatus = NULL; const char *exit_reason = pcmk__s(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXIT_REASON), "none"); const char *status_s = NULL; time_t epoch = 0; gchar *exit_reason_esc = NULL; char *rc_s = NULL; xmlNodePtr node = NULL; if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(exit_reason, pcmk__xml_escape_attr)) { exit_reason_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(exit_reason, pcmk__xml_escape_attr); exit_reason = exit_reason_esc; } pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE), &rc, 0); pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS), &status, 0); if (crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OPERATION_KEY) == NULL) { op_key_name = PCMK_XA_ID; } exitstatus = crm_exit_str(rc); rc_s = pcmk__itoa(rc); status_s = pcmk_exec_status_str(status); node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_FAILURE, op_key_name, op_key, PCMK_XA_NODE, uname, PCMK_XA_EXITSTATUS, exitstatus, PCMK_XA_EXITREASON, exit_reason, PCMK_XA_EXITCODE, rc_s, PCMK_XA_CALL, call_id, PCMK_XA_STATUS, status_s, NULL); free(rc_s); if ((crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, &epoch) == pcmk_ok) && (epoch > 0)) { const char *queue_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME); const char *exec = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME); const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_OPERATION); guint interval_ms = 0; char *interval_ms_s = NULL; char *rc_change = pcmk__epoch2str(&epoch, crm_time_log_date |crm_time_log_timeofday |crm_time_log_with_timezone); crm_element_value_ms(xml_op, PCMK_META_INTERVAL, &interval_ms); interval_ms_s = crm_strdup_printf("%u", interval_ms); pcmk__xe_set_props(node, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, rc_change, PCMK_XA_QUEUED, queue_time, PCMK_XA_EXEC, exec, PCMK_XA_INTERVAL, interval_ms_s, PCMK_XA_TASK, task, NULL); free(interval_ms_s); free(rc_change); } g_free(exit_reason_esc); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("failed-action-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "bool") static int failed_action_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int); xmlNode *xml_op = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; if (xmlChildElementCount(scheduler->priv->failed) == 0) { return rc; } for (xml_op = pcmk__xe_first_child(scheduler->priv->failed, NULL, NULL, NULL); xml_op != NULL; xml_op = pcmk__xe_next(xml_op, NULL)) { char *rsc = NULL; if (!pcmk__str_in_list(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME), only_node, pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) { continue; } if (pcmk_xe_mask_probe_failure(xml_op)) { continue; } if (!parse_op_key(pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op), &rsc, NULL, NULL)) { continue; } if (!pcmk__str_in_list(rsc, only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches)) { free(rsc); continue; } free(rsc); PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Failed Resource Actions"); out->message(out, "failed-action", xml_op, show_opts); } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } static void status_node(pcmk_node_t *node, xmlNodePtr parent, uint32_t show_opts) { int health = pe__node_health(node); xmlNode *child = NULL; // Cluster membership if (node->details->online) { child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_ONLINE); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " online"); } else { child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_OFFLINE); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " OFFLINE"); } // Standby mode if (pcmk_is_set(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_fail_standby)) { child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STANDBY); if (node->details->running_rsc == NULL) { pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (in standby due to " PCMK_META_ON_FAIL ")"); } else { pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (in standby due to " PCMK_META_ON_FAIL "," " with active resources)"); } } else if (pcmk_is_set(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_standby)) { child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK_VALUE_STANDBY); if (node->details->running_rsc == NULL) { pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (in standby)"); } else { pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (in standby, with active resources)"); } } // Maintenance mode if (node->details->maintenance) { child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_MAINT); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (in maintenance mode)"); } // Node health if (health < 0) { child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_HEALTH_RED); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (health is RED)"); } else if (health == 0) { child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_HEALTH_YELLOW); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (health is YELLOW)"); } // Feature set if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_feature_set)) { const char *feature_set = get_node_feature_set(node); if (feature_set != NULL) { child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, ", feature set %s", feature_set); } } } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node", "pcmk_node_t *", "uint32_t", "bool", "GList *", "GList *") static int node_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool full = va_arg(args, int); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)); if (full) { xmlNode *item_node = NULL; xmlNode *child = NULL; if (pcmk_all_flags_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_brief | pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) { GList *rscs = pe__filter_rsc_list(node->details->running_rsc, only_rsc); out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s:", node_name); item_node = pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, "li", NULL); child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Status:"); status_node(node, item_node, show_opts); if (rscs != NULL) { uint32_t new_show_opts = (show_opts | pcmk_show_rsc_only) & ~pcmk_show_inactive_rscs; out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resources"); pe__rscs_brief_output(out, rscs, new_show_opts); out->end_list(out); } pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); out->end_list(out); } else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) { GList *lpc2 = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s:", node_name); item_node = pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, "li", NULL); child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Status:"); status_node(node, item_node, show_opts); for (lpc2 = node->details->running_rsc; lpc2 != NULL; lpc2 = lpc2->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc2->data; PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Resources"); show_opts |= pcmk_show_rsc_only; out->message(out, (const char *) rsc->priv->xml->name, show_opts, rsc, only_node, only_rsc); } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); out->end_list(out); } else { item_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s:", node_name); status_node(node, item_node, show_opts); } } else { out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s:", node_name); } free(node_name); return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get a human-friendly textual description of a node's status * * \param[in] node Node to check * * \return String representation of node's status */ static const char * node_text_status(const pcmk_node_t *node) { if (node->details->unclean) { if (node->details->online) { return "UNCLEAN (online)"; } else if (node->details->pending) { return "UNCLEAN (pending)"; } else { return "UNCLEAN (offline)"; } } else if (node->details->pending) { return "pending"; } else if (pcmk_is_set(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_fail_standby) && node->details->online) { return "standby (" PCMK_META_ON_FAIL ")"; } else if (pcmk_is_set(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_standby)) { if (!node->details->online) { return "OFFLINE (standby)"; } else if (node->details->running_rsc == NULL) { return "standby"; } else { return "standby (with active resources)"; } } else if (node->details->maintenance) { if (node->details->online) { return "maintenance"; } else { return "OFFLINE (maintenance)"; } } else if (node->details->online) { return "online"; } return "OFFLINE"; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node", "pcmk_node_t *", "uint32_t", "bool", "GList *", "GList *") static int node_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool full = va_arg(args, int); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); if (full) { char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)); GString *str = g_string_sized_new(64); int health = pe__node_health(node); // Create a summary line with node type, name, and status if (pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) { g_string_append(str, "GuestNode"); } else if (pcmk__is_remote_node(node)) { g_string_append(str, "RemoteNode"); } else { g_string_append(str, "Node"); } pcmk__g_strcat(str, " ", node_name, ": ", node_text_status(node), NULL); if (health < 0) { g_string_append(str, " (health is RED)"); } else if (health == 0) { g_string_append(str, " (health is YELLOW)"); } if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_feature_set)) { const char *feature_set = get_node_feature_set(node); if (feature_set != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(str, ", feature set ", feature_set, NULL); } } /* If we're grouping by node, print its resources */ if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) { if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_brief)) { GList *rscs = pe__filter_rsc_list(node->details->running_rsc, only_rsc); if (rscs != NULL) { uint32_t new_show_opts = (show_opts | pcmk_show_rsc_only) & ~pcmk_show_inactive_rscs; out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s", str->str); out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resources"); pe__rscs_brief_output(out, rscs, new_show_opts); out->end_list(out); out->end_list(out); g_list_free(rscs); } } else { GList *gIter2 = NULL; out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s", str->str); out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resources"); for (gIter2 = node->details->running_rsc; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) gIter2->data; show_opts |= pcmk_show_rsc_only; out->message(out, (const char *) rsc->priv->xml->name, show_opts, rsc, only_node, only_rsc); } out->end_list(out); out->end_list(out); } } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", str->str); } g_string_free(str, TRUE); free(node_name); } else { char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)); out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Node: %s", node_name); free(node_name); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Convert an integer health value to a string representation * * \param[in] health Integer health value * * \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_RED if \p health is less than 0 * \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_YELLOW if \p health is equal to 0 * \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_GREEN if \p health is greater than 0 */ static const char * health_text(int health) { if (health < 0) { return PCMK_VALUE_RED; } else if (health == 0) { return PCMK_VALUE_YELLOW; } else { return PCMK_VALUE_GREEN; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Convert a node variant to a string representation * * \param[in] variant Node variant * * \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_MEMBER if \p node_type is \c pcmk__node_variant_cluster * \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_REMOTE if \p node_type is \c pcmk__node_variant_remote * \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_UNKNOWN otherwise */ static const char * node_variant_text(enum pcmk__node_variant variant) { switch (variant) { case pcmk__node_variant_cluster: return PCMK_VALUE_MEMBER; case pcmk__node_variant_remote: return PCMK_VALUE_REMOTE; default: return PCMK_VALUE_UNKNOWN; } } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node", "pcmk_node_t *", "uint32_t", "bool", "GList *", "GList *") static int node_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); uint32_t show_opts G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool full = va_arg(args, int); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); if (full) { const char *online = pcmk__btoa(node->details->online); const char *standby = pcmk__flag_text(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_standby); const char *standby_onfail = pcmk__flag_text(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_fail_standby); const char *maintenance = pcmk__btoa(node->details->maintenance); const char *pending = pcmk__btoa(node->details->pending); const char *unclean = pcmk__btoa(node->details->unclean); const char *health = health_text(pe__node_health(node)); const char *feature_set = get_node_feature_set(node); const char *shutdown = pcmk__btoa(node->details->shutdown); const char *expected_up = pcmk__flag_text(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_expected_up); const bool is_dc = pcmk__same_node(node, node->priv->scheduler->dc_node); int length = g_list_length(node->details->running_rsc); char *resources_running = pcmk__itoa(length); const char *node_type = node_variant_text(node->priv->variant); int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; rc = pe__name_and_nvpairs_xml(out, true, PCMK_XE_NODE, PCMK_XA_NAME, node->priv->name, PCMK_XA_ID, node->priv->id, PCMK_XA_ONLINE, online, PCMK_XA_STANDBY, standby, PCMK_XA_STANDBY_ONFAIL, standby_onfail, PCMK_XA_MAINTENANCE, maintenance, PCMK_XA_PENDING, pending, PCMK_XA_UNCLEAN, unclean, PCMK_XA_HEALTH, health, PCMK_XA_FEATURE_SET, feature_set, PCMK_XA_SHUTDOWN, shutdown, PCMK_XA_EXPECTED_UP, expected_up, PCMK_XA_IS_DC, pcmk__btoa(is_dc), PCMK_XA_RESOURCES_RUNNING, resources_running, PCMK_XA_TYPE, node_type, NULL); free(resources_running); pcmk__assert(rc == pcmk_rc_ok); if (pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) { xmlNodePtr xml_node = pcmk__output_xml_peek_parent(out); crm_xml_add(xml_node, PCMK_XA_ID_AS_RESOURCE, node->priv->remote->priv->launcher->id); } if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) { GList *lpc = NULL; for (lpc = node->details->running_rsc; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc->data; show_opts |= pcmk_show_rsc_only; out->message(out, (const char *) rsc->priv->xml->name, show_opts, rsc, only_node, only_rsc); } } out->end_list(out); } else { pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_NODE, PCMK_XA_NAME, node->priv->name, NULL); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-attribute", "const char *", "const char *", "bool", "int") static int node_attribute_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *); bool add_extra = va_arg(args, int); int expected_score = va_arg(args, int); if (add_extra) { int v; if (value == NULL) { v = 0; } else { pcmk__scan_min_int(value, &v, INT_MIN); } if (v <= 0) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%-32s\t: %-10s\t: Connectivity is lost", name, value); } else if (v < expected_score) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%-32s\t: %-10s\t: Connectivity is degraded (Expected=%d)", name, value, expected_score); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%-32s\t: %-10s", name, value); } } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%-32s\t: %-10s", name, value); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-attribute", "const char *", "const char *", "bool", "int") static int node_attribute_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *); bool add_extra = va_arg(args, int); int expected_score = va_arg(args, int); if (add_extra) { int v = 0; xmlNodePtr item_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL); xmlNode *child = NULL; if (value != NULL) { pcmk__scan_min_int(value, &v, INT_MIN); } child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s: %s", name, value); if (v <= 0) { child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "(connectivity is lost)"); } else if (v < expected_score) { child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD); pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "(connectivity is degraded -- expected %d)", expected_score); } } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s: %s", name, value); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-and-op", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "xmlNode *") static int node_and_op(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL; gchar *node_str = NULL; char *last_change_str = NULL; const char *op_rsc = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_RESOURCE); int status; time_t last_change = 0; pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS), &status, PCMK_EXEC_UNKNOWN); rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->priv->resources, op_rsc); if (rsc) { const pcmk_node_t *node = pcmk__current_node(rsc); const char *target_role = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->priv->meta, PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE); uint32_t show_opts = pcmk_show_rsc_only | pcmk_show_pending; if (node == NULL) { node = rsc->priv->pending_node; } node_str = pcmk__native_output_string(rsc, rsc_printable_id(rsc), node, show_opts, target_role, false); } else { node_str = crm_strdup_printf("Unknown resource %s", op_rsc); } if (crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, &last_change) == pcmk_ok) { const char *exec_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME); last_change_str = crm_strdup_printf(", %s='%s', exec=%sms", PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, pcmk__trim(ctime(&last_change)), exec_time); } out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s: %s (node=%s, call=%s, rc=%s%s): %s", node_str, pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op), crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME), crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID), crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE), last_change_str ? last_change_str : "", pcmk_exec_status_str(status)); g_free(node_str); free(last_change_str); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-and-op", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "xmlNode *") static int node_and_op_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL; const char *uname = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME); const char *call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID); const char *rc_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE); const char *status_s = NULL; const char *op_rsc = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_RESOURCE); int status; time_t last_change = 0; xmlNode *node = NULL; pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS), &status, PCMK_EXEC_UNKNOWN); status_s = pcmk_exec_status_str(status); node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_OPERATION, PCMK_XA_OP, pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op), PCMK_XA_NODE, uname, PCMK_XA_CALL, call_id, PCMK_XA_RC, rc_s, PCMK_XA_STATUS, status_s, NULL); rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->priv->resources, op_rsc); if (rsc) { const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_CLASS); const char *provider = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_PROVIDER); const char *kind = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_TYPE); bool has_provider = pcmk_is_set(pcmk_get_ra_caps(class), pcmk_ra_cap_provider); char *agent_tuple = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%s:%s", class, (has_provider? provider : ""), kind); pcmk__xe_set_props(node, PCMK_XA_RSC, rsc_printable_id(rsc), PCMK_XA_AGENT, agent_tuple, NULL); free(agent_tuple); } if (crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, &last_change) == pcmk_ok) { const char *last_rc_change = pcmk__trim(ctime(&last_change)); const char *exec_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME); pcmk__xe_set_props(node, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, last_rc_change, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME, exec_time, NULL); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-attribute", "const char *", "const char *", "bool", "int") static int node_attribute_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *); bool add_extra = va_arg(args, int); int expected_score = va_arg(args, int); xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_ATTRIBUTE, PCMK_XA_NAME, name, PCMK_XA_VALUE, value, NULL); if (add_extra) { char *buf = pcmk__itoa(expected_score); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_EXPECTED, buf); free(buf); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-attribute-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "uint32_t", "bool", "GList *", "GList *") static int node_attribute_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; /* Display each node's attributes */ for (GList *gIter = scheduler->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk_node_t *node = gIter->data; GList *attr_list = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key; if (!node || !node->details || !node->details->online) { continue; } // @TODO Maybe skip filtering for XML output g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, node->priv->attrs); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, NULL)) { attr_list = filter_attr_list(attr_list, key); } if (attr_list == NULL) { continue; } if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->priv->name, only_node, pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) { g_list_free(attr_list); continue; } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Node Attributes"); out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, false, only_node, only_rsc); for (GList *aIter = attr_list; aIter != NULL; aIter = aIter->next) { const char *name = aIter->data; const char *value = NULL; int expected_score = 0; bool add_extra = false; value = pcmk__node_attr(node, name, NULL, pcmk__rsc_node_current); add_extra = add_extra_info(node, node->details->running_rsc, scheduler, name, &expected_score); /* Print attribute name and value */ out->message(out, "node-attribute", name, value, add_extra, expected_score); } g_list_free(attr_list); out->end_list(out); } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-capacity", "const pcmk_node_t *", "const char *") static int node_capacity(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *comment = va_arg(args, const char *); char *dump_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s: %s capacity:", comment, pcmk__node_name(node)); g_hash_table_foreach(node->priv->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text); out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", dump_text); free(dump_text); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-capacity", "const pcmk_node_t *", "const char *") static int node_capacity_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *uname = node->priv->name; const char *comment = va_arg(args, const char *); xmlNodePtr xml_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CAPACITY, PCMK_XA_NODE, uname, PCMK_XA_COMMENT, comment, NULL); g_hash_table_foreach(node->priv->utilization, add_dump_node, xml_node); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-history-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "pcmk_node_t *", "xmlNode *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "uint32_t") static int node_history_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); xmlNode *node_state = va_arg(args, xmlNode *); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); xmlNode *lrm_rsc = NULL; xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; lrm_rsc = pcmk__xe_first_child(node_state, PCMK__XE_LRM, NULL, NULL); lrm_rsc = pcmk__xe_first_child(lrm_rsc, PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCES, NULL, NULL); /* Print history of each of the node's resources */ for (rsc_entry = pcmk__xe_first_child(lrm_rsc, PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCE, NULL, NULL); rsc_entry != NULL; rsc_entry = pcmk__xe_next(rsc_entry, PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCE)) { const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, PCMK_XA_ID); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL; const pcmk_resource_t *parent = NULL; if (rsc_id == NULL) { continue; // Malformed entry } rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->priv->resources, rsc_id); if (rsc == NULL) { continue; // Resource was removed from configuration } /* We can't use is_filtered here to filter group resources. For is_filtered, * we have to decide whether to check the parent or not. If we check the * parent, all elements of a group will always be printed because that's how * is_filtered works for groups. If we do not check the parent, sometimes * this will filter everything out. * * For other resource types, is_filtered is okay. */ parent = pe__const_top_resource(rsc, false); if (pcmk__is_group(parent)) { if (!pcmk__str_in_list(rsc_printable_id(rsc), only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches) && !pcmk__str_in_list(rsc_printable_id(parent), only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches)) { continue; } } else if (rsc->priv->fns->is_filtered(rsc, only_rsc, true)) { continue; } if (!pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_operations)) { time_t last_failure = 0; int failcount = pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, &last_failure, pcmk__fc_default, NULL); if (failcount <= 0) { continue; } if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) { rc = pcmk_rc_ok; out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, false, only_node, only_rsc); } out->message(out, "resource-history", rsc, rsc_id, false, failcount, last_failure, false); } else { GList *op_list = get_operation_list(rsc_entry); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL; if (op_list == NULL) { continue; } rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->priv->resources, crm_element_value(rsc_entry, PCMK_XA_ID)); if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) { rc = pcmk_rc_ok; out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, false, only_node, only_rsc); } out->message(out, "resource-operation-list", scheduler, rsc, node, op_list, show_opts); } } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-list", "GList *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "bool") static int node_list_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *nodes = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool print_spacer G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int); int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; for (GList *gIter = nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) gIter->data; if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->priv->name, only_node, pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) { continue; } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Node List"); out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, true, only_node, only_rsc); } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-list", "GList *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "bool") static int node_list_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *nodes = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int); /* space-separated lists of node names */ GString *online_nodes = NULL; GString *online_remote_nodes = NULL; GString *online_guest_nodes = NULL; GString *offline_nodes = NULL; GString *offline_remote_nodes = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; for (GList *gIter = nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) gIter->data; char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)); if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->priv->name, only_node, pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) { free(node_name); continue; } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Node List"); // Determine whether to display node individually or in a list if (node->details->unclean || node->details->pending || (pcmk_is_set(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_fail_standby) && node->details->online) || pcmk_is_set(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_standby) || node->details->maintenance || pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node) || pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_feature_set) || (pe__node_health(node) <= 0)) { // Display node individually } else if (node->details->online) { // Display online node in a list if (pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) { pcmk__add_word(&online_guest_nodes, 1024, node_name); } else if (pcmk__is_remote_node(node)) { pcmk__add_word(&online_remote_nodes, 1024, node_name); } else { pcmk__add_word(&online_nodes, 1024, node_name); } free(node_name); continue; } else { // Display offline node in a list if (pcmk__is_remote_node(node)) { pcmk__add_word(&offline_remote_nodes, 1024, node_name); } else if (pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) { /* ignore offline guest nodes */ } else { pcmk__add_word(&offline_nodes, 1024, node_name); } free(node_name); continue; } /* If we get here, node is in bad state, or we're grouping by node */ out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, true, only_node, only_rsc); free(node_name); } /* If we're not grouping by node, summarize nodes by status */ if (online_nodes != NULL) { out->list_item(out, "Online", "[ %s ]", (const char *) online_nodes->str); g_string_free(online_nodes, TRUE); } if (offline_nodes != NULL) { out->list_item(out, "OFFLINE", "[ %s ]", (const char *) offline_nodes->str); g_string_free(offline_nodes, TRUE); } if (online_remote_nodes) { out->list_item(out, "RemoteOnline", "[ %s ]", (const char *) online_remote_nodes->str); g_string_free(online_remote_nodes, TRUE); } if (offline_remote_nodes) { out->list_item(out, "RemoteOFFLINE", "[ %s ]", (const char *) offline_remote_nodes->str); g_string_free(offline_remote_nodes, TRUE); } if (online_guest_nodes != NULL) { out->list_item(out, "GuestOnline", "[ %s ]", (const char *) online_guest_nodes->str); g_string_free(online_guest_nodes, TRUE); } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-list", "GList *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "bool") static int node_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *nodes = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool print_spacer G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int); /* PCMK_XE_NODES acts as the list's element name for CLI tools that use * pcmk__output_enable_list_element. Otherwise PCMK_XE_NODES is the * value of the list's PCMK_XA_NAME attribute. */ out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, PCMK_XE_NODES); for (GList *gIter = nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) gIter->data; if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->priv->name, only_node, pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) { continue; } out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, true, only_node, only_rsc); } out->end_list(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-summary", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "uint32_t", "bool") static int node_summary(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int); xmlNode *node_state = NULL; xmlNode *cib_status = pcmk_find_cib_element(scheduler->input, PCMK_XE_STATUS); int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; if (xmlChildElementCount(cib_status) == 0) { return rc; } for (node_state = pcmk__xe_first_child(cib_status, PCMK__XE_NODE_STATE, NULL, NULL); node_state != NULL; node_state = pcmk__xe_next(node_state, PCMK__XE_NODE_STATE)) { pcmk_node_t *node = pe_find_node_id(scheduler->nodes, pcmk__xe_id(node_state)); if (!node || !node->details || !node->details->online) { continue; } if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->priv->name, only_node, pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) { continue; } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_operations) ? "Operations" : "Migration Summary"); out->message(out, "node-history-list", scheduler, node, node_state, only_node, only_rsc, section_opts, show_opts); } PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-weight", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *") static int node_weight(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, const pcmk_resource_t *); const char *prefix = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *uname = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *score = va_arg(args, const char *); if (rsc) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s: %s allocation score on %s: %s", prefix, rsc->id, uname, score); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s: %s = %s", prefix, uname, score); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-weight", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *") static int node_weight_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, const pcmk_resource_t *); const char *prefix = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *uname = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *score = va_arg(args, const char *); xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_NODE_WEIGHT, PCMK_XA_FUNCTION, prefix, PCMK_XA_NODE, uname, PCMK_XA_SCORE, score, NULL); if (rsc) { crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_ID, rsc->id); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("op-history", "xmlNode *", "const char *", "const char *", "int", "uint32_t") static int op_history_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr); const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *interval_ms_s = va_arg(args, const char *); int rc = va_arg(args, int); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); char *buf = op_history_string(xml_op, task, interval_ms_s, rc, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_timing)); out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", buf); free(buf); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("op-history", "xmlNode *", "const char *", "const char *", "int", "uint32_t") static int op_history_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr); const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *interval_ms_s = va_arg(args, const char *); int rc = va_arg(args, int); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); const char *call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID); char *rc_s = pcmk__itoa(rc); const char *rc_text = crm_exit_str(rc); xmlNodePtr node = NULL; node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_OPERATION_HISTORY, PCMK_XA_CALL, call_id, PCMK_XA_TASK, task, PCMK_XA_RC, rc_s, PCMK_XA_RC_TEXT, rc_text, NULL); free(rc_s); if (interval_ms_s && !pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_casei)) { char *s = crm_strdup_printf("%sms", interval_ms_s); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_INTERVAL, s); free(s); } if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_timing)) { const char *value = NULL; time_t epoch = 0; if ((crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, &epoch) == pcmk_ok) && (epoch > 0)) { char *s = pcmk__epoch2str(&epoch, 0); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, s); free(s); } value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME); if (value) { char *s = crm_strdup_printf("%sms", value); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME, s); free(s); } value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME); if (value) { char *s = crm_strdup_printf("%sms", value); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME, s); free(s); } } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("promotion-score", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *") static int promotion_score(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_resource_t *child_rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); pcmk_node_t *chosen = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *score = va_arg(args, const char *); if (chosen == NULL) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s promotion score (inactive): %s", child_rsc->id, score); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s promotion score on %s: %s", child_rsc->id, pcmk__node_name(chosen), score); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("promotion-score", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *") static int promotion_score_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_resource_t *child_rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); pcmk_node_t *chosen = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *score = va_arg(args, const char *); xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_PROMOTION_SCORE, PCMK_XA_ID, child_rsc->id, PCMK_XA_SCORE, score, NULL); if (chosen) { crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_NODE, chosen->priv->name); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-config", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "bool") static int resource_config(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, const pcmk_resource_t *); GString *xml_buf = g_string_sized_new(1024); bool raw = va_arg(args, int); formatted_xml_buf(rsc, xml_buf, raw); out->output_xml(out, PCMK_XE_XML, xml_buf->str); g_string_free(xml_buf, TRUE); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-config", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "bool") static int resource_config_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "Resource XML:\n"); return resource_config(out, args); } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-history", "pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *", "bool", "int", "time_t", "bool") static int resource_history_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); const char *rsc_id = va_arg(args, const char *); bool all = va_arg(args, int); int failcount = va_arg(args, int); time_t last_failure = va_arg(args, time_t); bool as_header = va_arg(args, int); char *buf = resource_history_string(rsc, rsc_id, all, failcount, last_failure); if (as_header) { out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s", buf); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", buf); } free(buf); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-history", "pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *", "bool", "int", "time_t", "bool") static int resource_history_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); const char *rsc_id = va_arg(args, const char *); bool all = va_arg(args, int); int failcount = va_arg(args, int); time_t last_failure = va_arg(args, time_t); bool as_header = va_arg(args, int); xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_RESOURCE_HISTORY, PCMK_XA_ID, rsc_id, NULL); if (rsc == NULL) { pcmk__xe_set_bool_attr(node, PCMK_XA_ORPHAN, true); } else if (all || failcount || last_failure > 0) { char *migration_s = pcmk__itoa(rsc->priv->ban_after_failures); pcmk__xe_set_props(node, PCMK_XA_ORPHAN, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, PCMK_META_MIGRATION_THRESHOLD, migration_s, NULL); free(migration_s); if (failcount > 0) { char *s = pcmk__itoa(failcount); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_FAIL_COUNT, s); free(s); } if (last_failure > 0) { char *s = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_failure, 0); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_LAST_FAILURE, s); free(s); } } if (!as_header) { pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } static void print_resource_header(pcmk__output_t *out, uint32_t show_opts) { if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) { /* Active resources have already been printed by node */ out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Inactive Resources"); } else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_inactive_rscs)) { out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Full List of Resources"); } else { out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Active Resources"); } } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "uint32_t", "bool", "GList *", "GList *", "bool") static int resource_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); bool print_summary = va_arg(args, int); GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *); GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *); bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int); GList *rsc_iter; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; bool printed_header = false; /* If we already showed active resources by node, and * we're not showing inactive resources, we have nothing to do */ if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node) && !pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_inactive_rscs)) { return rc; } /* If we haven't already printed resources grouped by node, * and brief output was requested, print resource summary */ if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_brief) && !pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) { GList *rscs = pe__filter_rsc_list(scheduler->priv->resources, only_rsc); PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, print_spacer); print_resource_header(out, show_opts); printed_header = true; rc = pe__rscs_brief_output(out, rscs, show_opts); g_list_free(rscs); } /* For each resource, display it if appropriate */ for (rsc_iter = scheduler->priv->resources; rsc_iter != NULL; rsc_iter = rsc_iter->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) rsc_iter->data; int x; /* Complex resources may have some sub-resources active and some inactive */ bool is_active = rsc->priv->fns->active(rsc, true); bool partially_active = rsc->priv->fns->active(rsc, false); /* Skip inactive orphans (deleted but still in CIB) */ if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_removed) && !is_active) { continue; /* Skip active resources if we already displayed them by node */ } else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) { if (is_active) { continue; } /* Skip primitives already counted in a brief summary */ } else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_brief) && pcmk__is_primitive(rsc)) { continue; /* Skip resources that aren't at least partially active, * unless we're displaying inactive resources */ } else if (!partially_active && !pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_inactive_rscs)) { continue; } else if (partially_active && !pe__rsc_running_on_any(rsc, only_node)) { continue; } if (!printed_header) { PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, print_spacer); print_resource_header(out, show_opts); printed_header = true; } /* Print this resource */ x = out->message(out, (const char *) rsc->priv->xml->name, show_opts, rsc, only_node, only_rsc); if (x == pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = pcmk_rc_ok; } } if (print_summary && rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { if (!printed_header) { PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, print_spacer); print_resource_header(out, show_opts); printed_header = true; } + /* @FIXME It looks as if we can return pcmk_rc_no_output even after + * writing output here. + */ if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "No inactive resources"); } else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_inactive_rscs)) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "No resources"); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "No active resources"); } } if (printed_header) { out->end_list(out); } return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-operation-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *", "GList *", "uint32_t") static int resource_operation_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); GList *op_list = va_arg(args, GList *); uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t); GList *gIter = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; /* Print each operation */ for (gIter = op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { xmlNode *xml_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data; const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_OPERATION); const char *interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_META_INTERVAL); const char *op_rc = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE); int op_rc_i; pcmk__scan_min_int(op_rc, &op_rc_i, 0); /* Display 0-interval monitors as "probe" */ if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, pcmk__str_casei) && pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_null_matches | pcmk__str_casei)) { task = "probe"; } /* If this is the first printed operation, print heading for resource */ if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) { time_t last_failure = 0; int failcount = pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, &last_failure, pcmk__fc_default, NULL); out->message(out, "resource-history", rsc, rsc_printable_id(rsc), true, failcount, last_failure, true); rc = pcmk_rc_ok; } /* Print the operation */ out->message(out, "op-history", xml_op, task, interval_ms_s, op_rc_i, show_opts); } /* Free the list we created (no need to free the individual items) */ g_list_free(op_list); PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out, rc); return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-util", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *") static int resource_util(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *fn = va_arg(args, const char *); char *dump_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s: %s utilization on %s:", fn, rsc->id, pcmk__node_name(node)); g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->priv->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text); out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", dump_text); free(dump_text); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-util", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *") static int resource_util_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *uname = node->priv->name; const char *fn = va_arg(args, const char *); xmlNodePtr xml_node = NULL; xml_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_UTILIZATION, PCMK_XA_RESOURCE, rsc->id, PCMK_XA_NODE, uname, PCMK_XA_FUNCTION, fn, NULL); g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->priv->utilization, add_dump_node, xml_node); return pcmk_rc_ok; } static inline const char * ticket_status(pcmk__ticket_t *ticket) { if (pcmk_is_set(ticket->flags, pcmk__ticket_granted)) { return PCMK_VALUE_GRANTED; } return PCMK_VALUE_REVOKED; } static inline const char * ticket_standby_text(pcmk__ticket_t *ticket) { return pcmk_is_set(ticket->flags, pcmk__ticket_standby)? " [standby]" : ""; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ticket", "pcmk__ticket_t *", "bool", "bool") static int ticket_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk__ticket_t *ticket = va_arg(args, pcmk__ticket_t *); bool raw = va_arg(args, int); bool details = va_arg(args, int); GString *detail_str = NULL; if (raw) { out->list_item(out, ticket->id, "%s", ticket->id); return pcmk_rc_ok; } if (details && g_hash_table_size(ticket->state) > 0) { GHashTableIter iter; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; bool already_added = false; detail_str = g_string_sized_new(100); pcmk__g_strcat(detail_str, "\t(", NULL); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, ticket->state); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (void **) &name, (void **) &value)) { if (already_added) { g_string_append_printf(detail_str, ", %s=", name); } else { g_string_append_printf(detail_str, "%s=", name); already_added = true; } if (pcmk__str_any_of(name, PCMK_XA_LAST_GRANTED, "expires", NULL)) { char *epoch_str = NULL; long long time_ll; (void) pcmk__scan_ll(value, &time_ll, 0); epoch_str = pcmk__epoch2str((const time_t *) &time_ll, 0); pcmk__g_strcat(detail_str, epoch_str, NULL); free(epoch_str); } else { pcmk__g_strcat(detail_str, value, NULL); } } pcmk__g_strcat(detail_str, ")", NULL); } if (ticket->last_granted > -1) { /* Prior to the introduction of the details & raw arguments to this * function, last-granted would always be added in this block. We need * to preserve that behavior. At the same time, we also need to preserve * the existing behavior from crm_ticket, which would include last-granted * as part of the (...) detail string. * * Luckily we can check detail_str - if it's NULL, either there were no * details, or we are preserving the previous behavior of this function. * If it's not NULL, we are either preserving the previous behavior of * crm_ticket or we were given details=true as an argument. */ if (detail_str == NULL) { char *epoch_str = pcmk__epoch2str(&(ticket->last_granted), 0); out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s\t%s%s last-granted=\"%s\"", ticket->id, ticket_status(ticket), ticket_standby_text(ticket), pcmk__s(epoch_str, "")); free(epoch_str); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s\t%s%s %s", ticket->id, ticket_status(ticket), ticket_standby_text(ticket), detail_str->str); } } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s\t%s%s%s", ticket->id, ticket_status(ticket), ticket_standby_text(ticket), detail_str != NULL ? detail_str->str : ""); } if (detail_str != NULL) { g_string_free(detail_str, TRUE); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ticket", "pcmk__ticket_t *", "bool", "bool") static int ticket_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk__ticket_t *ticket = va_arg(args, pcmk__ticket_t *); bool raw G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int); bool details G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int); const char *standby = pcmk__flag_text(ticket->flags, pcmk__ticket_standby); xmlNodePtr node = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_TICKET, PCMK_XA_ID, ticket->id, PCMK_XA_STATUS, ticket_status(ticket), PCMK_XA_STANDBY, standby, NULL); if (ticket->last_granted > -1) { char *buf = pcmk__epoch2str(&ticket->last_granted, 0); crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_LAST_GRANTED, buf); free(buf); } g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, ticket->state); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (void **) &name, (void **) &value)) { /* PCMK_XA_LAST_GRANTED and "expires" are already added by the check * for ticket->last_granted above. */ if (pcmk__str_any_of(name, PCMK_XA_LAST_GRANTED, PCMK_XA_EXPIRES, NULL)) { continue; } crm_xml_add(node, name, value); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ticket-list", "GHashTable *", "bool", "bool", "bool") static int ticket_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GHashTable *tickets = va_arg(args, GHashTable *); bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int); bool raw = va_arg(args, int); bool details = va_arg(args, int); GHashTableIter iter; gpointer value; if (g_hash_table_size(tickets) == 0) { return pcmk_rc_no_output; } PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, print_spacer); /* Print section heading */ out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Tickets"); /* Print each ticket */ g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, tickets); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, &value)) { pcmk__ticket_t *ticket = (pcmk__ticket_t *) value; out->message(out, "ticket", ticket, raw, details); } /* Close section */ out->end_list(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } static pcmk__message_entry_t fmt_functions[] = { { "ban", "default", ban_text }, { "ban", "html", ban_html }, { "ban", "xml", ban_xml }, { "ban-list", "default", ban_list }, { "bundle", "default", pe__bundle_text }, { "bundle", "xml", pe__bundle_xml }, { "bundle", "html", pe__bundle_html }, { "clone", "default", pe__clone_default }, { "clone", "xml", pe__clone_xml }, { "cluster-counts", "default", cluster_counts_text }, { "cluster-counts", "html", cluster_counts_html }, { "cluster-counts", "xml", cluster_counts_xml }, { "cluster-dc", "default", cluster_dc_text }, { "cluster-dc", "html", cluster_dc_html }, { "cluster-dc", "xml", cluster_dc_xml }, { "cluster-options", "default", cluster_options_text }, { "cluster-options", "html", cluster_options_html }, { "cluster-options", "log", cluster_options_log }, { "cluster-options", "xml", cluster_options_xml }, { "cluster-summary", "default", cluster_summary }, { "cluster-summary", "html", cluster_summary_html }, { "cluster-stack", "default", cluster_stack_text }, { "cluster-stack", "html", cluster_stack_html }, { "cluster-stack", "xml", cluster_stack_xml }, { "cluster-times", "default", cluster_times_text }, { "cluster-times", "html", cluster_times_html }, { "cluster-times", "xml", cluster_times_xml }, { "failed-action", "default", failed_action_default }, { "failed-action", "xml", failed_action_xml }, { "failed-action-list", "default", failed_action_list }, { "group", "default", pe__group_default}, { "group", "xml", pe__group_xml }, { "maint-mode", "text", cluster_maint_mode_text }, { "node", "default", node_text }, { "node", "html", node_html }, { "node", "xml", node_xml }, { "node-and-op", "default", node_and_op }, { "node-and-op", "xml", node_and_op_xml }, { "node-capacity", "default", node_capacity }, { "node-capacity", "xml", node_capacity_xml }, { "node-history-list", "default", node_history_list }, { "node-list", "default", node_list_text }, { "node-list", "html", node_list_html }, { "node-list", "xml", node_list_xml }, { "node-weight", "default", node_weight }, { "node-weight", "xml", node_weight_xml }, { "node-attribute", "default", node_attribute_text }, { "node-attribute", "html", node_attribute_html }, { "node-attribute", "xml", node_attribute_xml }, { "node-attribute-list", "default", node_attribute_list }, { "node-summary", "default", node_summary }, { "op-history", "default", op_history_text }, { "op-history", "xml", op_history_xml }, { "primitive", "default", pe__resource_text }, { "primitive", "xml", pe__resource_xml }, { "primitive", "html", pe__resource_html }, { "promotion-score", "default", promotion_score }, { "promotion-score", "xml", promotion_score_xml }, { "resource-config", "default", resource_config }, { "resource-config", "text", resource_config_text }, { "resource-history", "default", resource_history_text }, { "resource-history", "xml", resource_history_xml }, { "resource-list", "default", resource_list }, { "resource-operation-list", "default", resource_operation_list }, { "resource-util", "default", resource_util }, { "resource-util", "xml", resource_util_xml }, { "ticket", "default", ticket_default }, { "ticket", "xml", ticket_xml }, { "ticket-list", "default", ticket_list }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; void pe__register_messages(pcmk__output_t *out) { pcmk__register_messages(out, fmt_functions); } diff --git a/tools/crm_resource.c b/tools/crm_resource.c index ddeb1a76bf..335b2f00c5 100644 --- a/tools/crm_resource.c +++ b/tools/crm_resource.c @@ -1,2200 +1,2397 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // bool, true, false #include // uint32_t #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include // PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_* #include #include #define SUMMARY "crm_resource - perform tasks related to Pacemaker cluster resources" enum rsc_command { - cmd_none = 0, // No command option given (yet) cmd_ban, cmd_cleanup, cmd_clear, cmd_colocations, cmd_cts, cmd_delete, cmd_delete_param, cmd_digests, cmd_execute_agent, cmd_fail, cmd_get_param, cmd_list_active_ops, cmd_list_agents, cmd_list_all_ops, cmd_list_alternatives, cmd_list_instances, cmd_list_options, cmd_list_providers, cmd_list_resources, cmd_list_standards, cmd_locate, cmd_metadata, cmd_move, cmd_query_xml, cmd_query_xml_raw, cmd_refresh, cmd_restart, cmd_set_param, cmd_wait, cmd_why, + + // Update this when adding new commands + cmd_max = cmd_why, }; +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Handler function for a crm_resource command + */ +typedef crm_exit_t (*crm_resource_fn_t)(pcmk_resource_t *, pcmk_node_t *, + cib_t *, pcmk_scheduler_t *, + pcmk_ipc_api_t *, xmlNode *); + +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Flags to define attributes of a given command + * + * These attributes may include required command-line options, how to look up a + * resource in the scheduler data, whether the command supports clone instances, + * etc. + */ +enum crm_rsc_flags { + //! Use \c pcmk_rsc_match_anon_basename when looking up a resource + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename = (UINT32_C(1) << 0), + + //! Use \c pcmk_rsc_match_basename when looking up a resource + crm_rsc_find_match_basename = (UINT32_C(1) << 1), + + //! Use \c pcmk_rsc_match_history when looking up a resource + crm_rsc_find_match_history = (UINT32_C(1) << 2), + + //! Fail if \c --resource refers to a particular clone instance + crm_rsc_rejects_clone_instance = (UINT32_C(1) << 3), + + //! Require CIB connection unless resource is specified by agent + crm_rsc_requires_cib = (UINT32_C(1) << 4), + + //! Require controller connection + crm_rsc_requires_controller = (UINT32_C(1) << 5), + + //! Require \c --node argument + crm_rsc_requires_node = (UINT32_C(1) << 6), + + //! Require \c --resource argument + crm_rsc_requires_resource = (UINT32_C(1) << 7), + + //! Require scheduler data unless resource is specified by agent + crm_rsc_requires_scheduler = (UINT32_C(1) << 8), +}; + +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Handler function and flags for a given command + */ +typedef struct { + crm_resource_fn_t fn; //!< Command handler function + uint32_t flags; //!< Group of enum crm_rsc_flags +} crm_resource_cmd_info_t; + struct { enum rsc_command rsc_cmd; // crm_resource command to perform // Command-line option values gchar *rsc_id; // Value of --resource gchar *rsc_type; // Value of --resource-type gboolean all; // --all was given gboolean force; // --force was given gboolean clear_expired; // --expired was given gboolean recursive; // --recursive was given gboolean promoted_role_only; // --promoted was given gchar *host_uname; // Value of --node gchar *interval_spec; // Value of --interval gchar *move_lifetime; // Value of --lifetime gchar *operation; // Value of --operation enum pcmk__opt_flags opt_list; // Parsed from --list-options const char *attr_set_type; // Instance, meta, utilization, or element attribute gchar *prop_id; // --nvpair (attribute XML ID) char *prop_name; // Attribute name gchar *prop_set; // --set-name (attribute block XML ID) gchar *prop_value; // --parameter-value (attribute value) guint timeout_ms; // Parsed from --timeout value char *agent_spec; // Standard and/or provider and/or agent int check_level; // Optional value of --validate or --force-check // Resource configuration specified via command-line arguments - bool cmdline_config; // Resource configuration was via arguments - char *v_agent; // Value of --agent - char *v_class; // Value of --class - char *v_provider; // Value of --provider + gchar *agent; // Value of --agent + gchar *class; // Value of --class + gchar *provider; // Value of --provider GHashTable *cmdline_params; // Resource parameters specified // Positional command-line arguments gchar **remainder; // Positional arguments as given GHashTable *override_params; // Resource parameter values that override config } options = { .attr_set_type = PCMK_XE_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTES, .check_level = -1, .rsc_cmd = cmd_list_resources, // List all resources if no command given }; static crm_exit_t exit_code = CRM_EX_OK; static pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; static pcmk__common_args_t *args = NULL; // Things that should be cleaned up on exit static GError *error = NULL; static GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL; -static cib_t *cib_conn = NULL; -static pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api = NULL; -static pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = NULL; #define MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_S 60 #define INDENT " " static pcmk__supported_format_t formats[] = { PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_NONE, PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_TEXT, PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_XML, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static void quit_main_loop(crm_exit_t ec) { exit_code = ec; if (mainloop != NULL) { GMainLoop *mloop = mainloop; mainloop = NULL; // Don't re-enter this block pcmk_quit_main_loop(mloop, 10); g_main_loop_unref(mloop); } } static gboolean resource_ipc_timeout(gpointer data) { // Start with newline because "Waiting for ..." message doesn't have one if (error != NULL) { g_clear_error(&error); } g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_TIMEOUT, _("Aborting because no messages received in %d seconds"), MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_S); quit_main_loop(CRM_EX_TIMEOUT); return FALSE; } static void controller_event_callback(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, enum pcmk_ipc_event event_type, crm_exit_t status, void *event_data, void *user_data) { + crm_exit_t *ec = user_data; + + pcmk__assert(ec != NULL); + switch (event_type) { case pcmk_ipc_event_disconnect: if (exit_code == CRM_EX_DISCONNECT) { // Unexpected crm_info("Connection to controller was terminated"); } - quit_main_loop(exit_code); + + *ec = exit_code; + quit_main_loop(*ec); break; case pcmk_ipc_event_reply: if (status != CRM_EX_OK) { out->err(out, "Error: bad reply from controller: %s", crm_exit_str(status)); pcmk_disconnect_ipc(api); - quit_main_loop(status); + + *ec = status; + quit_main_loop(*ec); + } else { if ((pcmk_controld_api_replies_expected(api) == 0) - && mainloop && g_main_loop_is_running(mainloop)) { + && (mainloop != NULL) + && g_main_loop_is_running(mainloop)) { + out->info(out, "... got reply (done)"); crm_debug("Got all the replies we expected"); pcmk_disconnect_ipc(api); - quit_main_loop(CRM_EX_OK); + + *ec = CRM_EX_OK; + quit_main_loop(*ec); + } else { out->info(out, "... got reply"); } } break; default: break; } } static void start_mainloop(pcmk_ipc_api_t *capi) { + // @TODO See if we can avoid setting exit_code as a global variable unsigned int count = pcmk_controld_api_replies_expected(capi); if (count > 0) { out->info(out, "Waiting for %u %s from the controller", count, pcmk__plural_alt(count, "reply", "replies")); exit_code = CRM_EX_DISCONNECT; // For unexpected disconnects mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); pcmk__create_timer(MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_S * 1000, resource_ipc_timeout, NULL); g_main_loop_run(mainloop); } } -static int -compare_id(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) -{ - return strcmp((const char *)a, (const char *)b); -} - static GList * build_constraint_list(xmlNode *root) { GList *retval = NULL; xmlNode *cib_constraints = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; int ndx = 0; cib_constraints = pcmk_find_cib_element(root, PCMK_XE_CONSTRAINTS); xpathObj = xpath_search(cib_constraints, "//" PCMK_XE_RSC_LOCATION); for (ndx = 0; ndx < numXpathResults(xpathObj); ndx++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, ndx); retval = g_list_insert_sorted(retval, (gpointer) pcmk__xe_id(match), - compare_id); + (GCompareFunc) g_strcmp0); } freeXpathObject(xpathObj); return retval; } static gboolean validate_opt_list(const gchar *optarg) { if (pcmk__str_eq(optarg, PCMK_VALUE_FENCING, pcmk__str_none)) { options.opt_list = pcmk__opt_fencing; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(optarg, PCMK__VALUE_PRIMITIVE, pcmk__str_none)) { options.opt_list = pcmk__opt_primitive; } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // GOptionArgFunc callback functions static gboolean attr_set_type_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-m", "--meta", NULL)) { options.attr_set_type = PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-z", "--utilization", NULL)) { options.attr_set_type = PCMK_XE_UTILIZATION; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--element", pcmk__str_none)) { options.attr_set_type = ATTR_SET_ELEMENT; } return TRUE; } -static gboolean -cmdline_config_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, - GError **error) -{ - options.cmdline_config = true; - - if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--class", pcmk__str_none)) { - pcmk__str_update(&options.v_class, optarg); - - } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--provider", pcmk__str_none)) { - pcmk__str_update(&options.v_provider, optarg); - - } else { // --agent - pcmk__str_update(&options.v_agent, optarg); - } - return TRUE; -} - /*! * \internal * \brief Process options that set the command * * Nothing else should set \c options.rsc_cmd. * * \param[in] option_name Name of the option being parsed * \param[in] optarg Value to be parsed * \param[in] data Ignored * \param[out] error Where to store recoverable error, if any * * \return \c TRUE if the option was successfully parsed, or \c FALSE if an * error occurred, in which case \p *error is set */ static gboolean command_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { // Sorted by enum rsc_command name if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-B", "--ban", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_ban; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-C", "--cleanup", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_cleanup; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-U", "--clear", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_clear; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-a", "--constraints", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_colocations; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-A", "--stack", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_colocations; options.recursive = TRUE; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-c", "--list-cts", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_cts; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-D", "--delete", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_delete; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-d", "--delete-parameter", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_delete_param; pcmk__str_update(&options.prop_name, optarg); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--digests", pcmk__str_none)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_digests; if (options.override_params == NULL) { options.override_params = pcmk__strkey_table(g_free, g_free); } } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "--force-demote", "--force-promote", "--force-start", "--force-stop", "--force-check", "--validate", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_execute_agent; g_free(options.operation); options.operation = g_strdup(option_name + 2); // skip "--" if (options.override_params == NULL) { options.override_params = pcmk__strkey_table(g_free, g_free); } if (optarg != NULL) { if (pcmk__scan_min_int(optarg, &options.check_level, 0) != pcmk_rc_ok) { g_set_error(error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_INVALID_PARAM, _("Invalid check level setting: %s"), optarg); return FALSE; } } } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-F", "--fail", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_fail; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-g", "--get-parameter", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_get_param; pcmk__str_update(&options.prop_name, optarg); } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-O", "--list-operations", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_list_active_ops; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--list-agents", pcmk__str_none)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_list_agents; pcmk__str_update(&options.agent_spec, optarg); } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-o", "--list-all-operations", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_list_all_ops; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--list-ocf-alternatives", pcmk__str_none)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_list_alternatives; pcmk__str_update(&options.agent_spec, optarg); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--list-options", pcmk__str_none)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_list_options; return validate_opt_list(optarg); } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-l", "--list-raw", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_list_instances; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--list-ocf-providers", pcmk__str_none)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_list_providers; pcmk__str_update(&options.agent_spec, optarg); } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-L", "--list", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_list_resources; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--list-standards", pcmk__str_none)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_list_standards; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-W", "--locate", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_locate; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--show-metadata", pcmk__str_none)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_metadata; pcmk__str_update(&options.agent_spec, optarg); } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-M", "--move", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_move; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-q", "--query-xml", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_query_xml; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-w", "--query-xml-raw", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_query_xml_raw; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-R", "--refresh", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_refresh; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--restart", pcmk__str_none)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_restart; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-p", "--set-parameter", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_set_param; pcmk__str_update(&options.prop_name, optarg); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(option_name, "--wait", pcmk__str_none)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_wait; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-Y", "--why", NULL)) { options.rsc_cmd = cmd_why; } return TRUE; } static gboolean option_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { gchar *name = NULL; gchar *value = NULL; if (pcmk__scan_nvpair(optarg, &name, &value) != pcmk_rc_ok) { return FALSE; } /* services__create_resource_action() ultimately takes ownership of * options.cmdline_params. It's not worth trying to ensure that the entire * call path uses (gchar *) strings and g_free(). So create the table for * (char *) strings, and duplicate the (gchar *) strings when inserting. */ if (options.cmdline_params == NULL) { options.cmdline_params = pcmk__strkey_table(free, free); } pcmk__insert_dup(options.cmdline_params, name, value); g_free(name); g_free(value); return TRUE; } static gboolean timeout_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { long long timeout_ms = crm_get_msec(optarg); if (timeout_ms < 0) { return FALSE; } options.timeout_ms = (guint) QB_MIN(timeout_ms, UINT_MAX); return TRUE; } // Command line option specification /* short option letters still available: eEJkKXyYZ */ static GOptionEntry query_entries[] = { { "list", 'L', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "List all cluster resources with status", NULL }, { "list-raw", 'l', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "List IDs of all instantiated resources (individual members\n" INDENT "rather than groups etc.)", NULL }, { "list-cts", 'c', G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN|G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, NULL, NULL }, { "list-operations", 'O', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "List active resource operations, optionally filtered by\n" INDENT "--resource and/or --node", NULL }, { "list-all-operations", 'o', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "List all resource operations, optionally filtered by\n" INDENT "--resource and/or --node", NULL }, { "list-options", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "List all available options of the given type.\n" INDENT "Allowed values:\n" INDENT PCMK__VALUE_PRIMITIVE " (primitive resource meta-attributes),\n" INDENT PCMK_VALUE_FENCING " (parameters common to all fencing resources)", "TYPE" }, { "list-standards", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "List supported standards", NULL }, { "list-ocf-providers", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "List all available OCF providers", NULL }, { "list-agents", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "List all agents available for the named standard and/or provider", "STD:PROV" }, { "list-ocf-alternatives", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "List all available providers for the named OCF agent", "AGENT" }, { "show-metadata", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Show the metadata for the named class:provider:agent", "SPEC" }, { "query-xml", 'q', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Show XML configuration of resource (after any template expansion)", NULL }, { "query-xml-raw", 'w', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Show XML configuration of resource (before any template expansion)", NULL }, { "get-parameter", 'g', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Display named parameter for resource (use instance attribute\n" INDENT "unless --element, --meta, or --utilization is specified)", "PARAM" }, { "locate", 'W', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Show node(s) currently running resource", NULL }, { "constraints", 'a', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Display the location and colocation constraints that apply to a\n" INDENT "resource, and if --recursive is specified, to the resources\n" INDENT "directly or indirectly involved in those colocations.\n" INDENT "If the named resource is part of a group, or a clone or\n" INDENT "bundle instance, constraints for the collective resource\n" INDENT "will be shown unless --force is given.", NULL }, { "stack", 'A', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Equivalent to --constraints --recursive", NULL }, { "why", 'Y', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Show why resources are not running, optionally filtered by\n" INDENT "--resource and/or --node", NULL }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry command_entries[] = { { "validate", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_OPTIONAL_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Validate resource configuration by calling agent's validate-all\n" INDENT "action. The configuration may be specified either by giving an\n" INDENT "existing resource name with -r, or by specifying --class,\n" INDENT "--agent, and --provider arguments, along with any number of\n" INDENT "--option arguments. An optional LEVEL argument can be given\n" INDENT "to control the level of checking performed.", "LEVEL" }, { "cleanup", 'C', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "If resource has any past failures, clear its history and fail\n" INDENT "count. Optionally filtered by --resource, --node, --operation\n" INDENT "and --interval (otherwise all). --operation and --interval\n" INDENT "apply to fail counts, but entire history is always clear, to\n" INDENT "allow current state to be rechecked. If the named resource is\n" INDENT "part of a group, or one numbered instance of a clone or bundled\n" INDENT "resource, the clean-up applies to the whole collective resource\n" INDENT "unless --force is given.", NULL }, { "refresh", 'R', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Delete resource's history (including failures) so its current state\n" INDENT "is rechecked. Optionally filtered by --resource and --node\n" INDENT "(otherwise all). If the named resource is part of a group, or one\n" INDENT "numbered instance of a clone or bundled resource, the refresh\n" INDENT "applies to the whole collective resource unless --force is given.", NULL }, { "set-parameter", 'p', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Set named parameter for resource (requires -v). Use instance\n" INDENT "attribute unless --element, --meta, or --utilization is " "specified.", "PARAM" }, { "delete-parameter", 'd', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Delete named parameter for resource. Use instance attribute\n" INDENT "unless --element, --meta or, --utilization is specified.", "PARAM" }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry location_entries[] = { { "move", 'M', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Create a constraint to move resource. If --node is specified,\n" INDENT "the constraint will be to move to that node, otherwise it\n" INDENT "will be to ban the current node. Unless --force is specified\n" INDENT "this will return an error if the resource is already running\n" INDENT "on the specified node. If --force is specified, this will\n" INDENT "always ban the current node.\n" INDENT "Optional: --lifetime, --promoted. NOTE: This may prevent the\n" INDENT "resource from running on its previous location until the\n" INDENT "implicit constraint expires or is removed with --clear.", NULL }, { "ban", 'B', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Create a constraint to keep resource off a node.\n" INDENT "Optional: --node, --lifetime, --promoted.\n" INDENT "NOTE: This will prevent the resource from running on the\n" INDENT "affected node until the implicit constraint expires or is\n" INDENT "removed with --clear. If --node is not specified, it defaults\n" INDENT "to the node currently running the resource for primitives\n" INDENT "and groups, or the promoted instance of promotable clones with\n" INDENT PCMK_META_PROMOTED_MAX "=1 (all other situations result in an\n" INDENT "error as there is no sane default).", NULL }, { "clear", 'U', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Remove all constraints created by the --ban and/or --move\n" INDENT "commands. Requires: --resource. Optional: --node, --promoted,\n" INDENT "--expired. If --node is not specified, all constraints created\n" INDENT "by --ban and --move will be removed for the named resource. If\n" INDENT "--node and --force are specified, any constraint created by\n" INDENT "--move will be cleared, even if it is not for the specified\n" INDENT "node. If --expired is specified, only those constraints whose\n" INDENT "lifetimes have expired will be removed.", NULL }, { "expired", 'e', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.clear_expired, "Modifies the --clear argument to remove constraints with\n" INDENT "expired lifetimes.", NULL }, { "lifetime", 'u', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.move_lifetime, "Lifespan (as ISO 8601 duration) of created constraints (with\n" INDENT "-B, -M) see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations)", "TIMESPEC" }, { "promoted", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.promoted_role_only, "Limit scope of command to promoted role (with -B, -M, -U). For\n" INDENT "-B and -M, previously promoted instances may remain\n" INDENT "active in the unpromoted role.", NULL }, // Deprecated since 2.1.0 { "master", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.promoted_role_only, "Deprecated: Use --promoted instead", NULL }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry advanced_entries[] = { { "delete", 'D', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Delete a resource from the CIB. Required: -t", NULL }, { "fail", 'F', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Tell the cluster this resource has failed", NULL }, { "restart", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Tell the cluster to restart this resource and\n" INDENT "anything that depends on it. This temporarily modifies\n" INDENT "the CIB, and other CIB modifications should be avoided\n" INDENT "while this is in progress. If a node is fenced because\n" INDENT "the stop portion of the restart fails, CIB modifications\n" INDENT "such as target-role may remain.", NULL }, { "wait", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Wait until the cluster settles into a stable state", NULL }, { "digests", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Show parameter hashes that Pacemaker uses to detect\n" INDENT "configuration changes (only accurate if there is resource\n" INDENT "history on the specified node). Required: --resource, --node.\n" INDENT "Optional: any NAME=VALUE parameters will be used to override\n" INDENT "the configuration (to see what the hash would be with those\n" INDENT "changes).", NULL }, { "force-demote", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and demote a resource on the local\n" INDENT "node. Unless --force is specified, this will refuse to do so if\n" INDENT "the cluster believes the resource is a clone instance already\n" INDENT "running on the local node.", NULL }, { "force-stop", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and stop a resource on the local node", NULL }, { "force-start", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and start a resource on the local\n" INDENT "node. Unless --force is specified, this will refuse to do so if\n" INDENT "the cluster believes the resource is a clone instance already\n" INDENT "running on the local node.", NULL }, { "force-promote", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and promote a resource on the local\n" INDENT "node. Unless --force is specified, this will refuse to do so if\n" INDENT "the cluster believes the resource is a clone instance already\n" INDENT "running on the local node.", NULL }, { "force-check", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_OPTIONAL_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Bypass the cluster and check the state of a resource on\n" INDENT "the local node. An optional LEVEL argument can be given\n" INDENT "to control the level of checking performed.", "LEVEL" }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry addl_entries[] = { { "node", 'N', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.host_uname, "Node name", "NAME" }, { "recursive", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.recursive, "Follow colocation chains when using --set-parameter or --constraints", NULL }, { "resource-type", 't', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.rsc_type, "Resource XML element (primitive, group, etc.) (with -D)", "ELEMENT" }, { "parameter-value", 'v', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.prop_value, "Value to use with -p", "PARAM" }, { "meta", 'm', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, attr_set_type_cb, "Use resource meta-attribute instead of instance attribute\n" INDENT "(with -p, -g, -d)", NULL }, { "utilization", 'z', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, attr_set_type_cb, "Use resource utilization attribute instead of instance attribute\n" INDENT "(with -p, -g, -d)", NULL }, { "element", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, attr_set_type_cb, "Use resource element attribute instead of instance attribute\n" INDENT "(with -p, -g, -d)", NULL }, { "operation", 'n', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.operation, "Operation to clear instead of all (with -C -r)", "OPERATION" }, { "interval", 'I', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.interval_spec, "Interval of operation to clear (default 0s) (with -C -r -n)", "N" }, - { "class", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, cmdline_config_cb, + { "class", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.class, "The standard the resource agent conforms to (for example, ocf).\n" INDENT "Use with --agent, --provider, --option, and --validate.", "CLASS" }, - { "agent", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, cmdline_config_cb, + { "agent", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.agent, "The agent to use (for example, IPaddr). Use with --class,\n" INDENT "--provider, --option, and --validate.", "AGENT" }, - { "provider", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, - cmdline_config_cb, + { "provider", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.provider, "The vendor that supplies the resource agent (for example,\n" INDENT "heartbeat). Use with --class, --agent, --option, and --validate.", "PROVIDER" }, { "option", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, option_cb, "Specify a device configuration parameter as NAME=VALUE (may be\n" INDENT "specified multiple times). Use with --validate and without the\n" INDENT "-r option.", "PARAM" }, { "set-name", 's', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.prop_set, "(Advanced) XML ID of attributes element to use (with -p, -d)", "ID" }, { "nvpair", 'i', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.prop_id, "(Advanced) XML ID of nvpair element to use (with -p, -d)", "ID" }, { "timeout", 'T', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, timeout_cb, "(Advanced) Abort if command does not finish in this time (with\n" INDENT "--restart, --wait, --force-*)", "N" }, { "all", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.all, "List all options, including advanced and deprecated (with\n" INDENT "--list-options)", NULL }, { "force", 'f', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.force, "Force the action to be performed. See help for individual commands for\n" INDENT "additional behavior.", NULL }, // @COMPAT Used in resource-agents prior to v4.2.0 { "host-uname", 'H', G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.host_uname, NULL, "HOST" }, { NULL } }; static int -ban_or_move(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, +ban_or_move(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, cib_t *cib_conn, const char *move_lifetime) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; pcmk_node_t *current = NULL; unsigned int nactive = 0; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return EINVAL); current = pe__find_active_requires(rsc, &nactive); if (nactive == 1) { rc = cli_resource_ban(out, options.rsc_id, current->priv->name, move_lifetime, cib_conn, options.promoted_role_only, PCMK_ROLE_PROMOTED); } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_promotable)) { int count = 0; GList *iter = NULL; current = NULL; for (iter = rsc->priv->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pcmk_resource_t *child = (pcmk_resource_t *)iter->data; enum rsc_role_e child_role = child->priv->fns->state(child, true); if (child_role == pcmk_role_promoted) { count++; current = pcmk__current_node(child); } } if(count == 1 && current) { rc = cli_resource_ban(out, options.rsc_id, current->priv->name, move_lifetime, cib_conn, options.promoted_role_only, PCMK_ROLE_PROMOTED); } else { rc = EINVAL; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, _("Resource '%s' not moved: active in %d locations (promoted in %d).\n" "To prevent '%s' from running on a specific location, " "specify a node." "To prevent '%s' from being promoted at a specific " "location, specify a node and the --promoted option."), options.rsc_id, nactive, count, options.rsc_id, options.rsc_id); } } else { rc = EINVAL; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, _("Resource '%s' not moved: active in %d locations.\n" "To prevent '%s' from running on a specific location, " "specify a node."), options.rsc_id, nactive, options.rsc_id); } return rc; } static void -cleanup(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node) +cleanup(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, + pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (options.force == FALSE) { rsc = uber_parent(rsc); } crm_debug("Erasing failures of %s (%s requested) on %s", rsc->id, options.rsc_id, ((node != NULL)? pcmk__node_name(node) : "all nodes")); - rc = cli_resource_delete(controld_api, node, rsc, options.operation, - options.interval_spec, true, scheduler, - options.force); + rc = cli_resource_delete(controld_api, rsc, node, options.operation, + options.interval_spec, true, options.force); if ((rc == pcmk_rc_ok) && !out->is_quiet(out)) { // Show any reasons why resource might stay stopped cli_resource_check(out, rsc, node); } + /* @FIXME The mainloop functions in this file set exit_code. What happens to + * exit_code if rc != pcmk_rc_ok here? + */ if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { start_mainloop(controld_api); } } +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Allocate a scheduler data object and initialize it from the CIB + * + * We transform the queried CIB XML to the latest schema version before using it + * to populate the scheduler data. + * + * \param[out] scheduler Where to store scheduler data + * \param[in] cib_conn CIB connection + * \param[in] out Output object for new scheduler data object + * \param[out] cib_xml_orig Where to store queried CIB XML from before any + * schema upgrades + * + * \return Standard Pacemaker return code + * + * \note \p *scheduler and \p *cib_xml_orig must be \c NULL when this function + * is called. + * \note The caller is responsible for freeing \p *scheduler using + * \c pcmk_free_scheduler. + */ static int -initialize_scheduler_data(xmlNode **cib_xml_orig) +initialize_scheduler_data(pcmk_scheduler_t **scheduler, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk__output_t *out, xmlNode **cib_xml_orig) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; - pcmk__assert(cib_conn != NULL); + pcmk__assert((scheduler != NULL) && (*scheduler == NULL) + && (cib_conn != NULL) && (out != NULL) + && (cib_xml_orig != NULL) && (*cib_xml_orig == NULL)); - scheduler = pcmk_new_scheduler(); - if (scheduler == NULL) { + *scheduler = pcmk_new_scheduler(); + if (*scheduler == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } - pcmk__set_scheduler_flags(scheduler, pcmk__sched_no_counts); - scheduler->priv->out = out; - rc = update_scheduler_input(out, scheduler, cib_conn, cib_xml_orig); + pcmk__set_scheduler_flags(*scheduler, pcmk__sched_no_counts); + (*scheduler)->priv->out = out; + + rc = update_scheduler_input(out, *scheduler, cib_conn, cib_xml_orig); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { + pcmk_free_scheduler(*scheduler); + *scheduler = NULL; return rc; } - cluster_status(scheduler); + cluster_status(*scheduler); return pcmk_rc_ok; } -static int -refresh(pcmk__output_t *out, const pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +refresh(pcmk__output_t *out, const pcmk_node_t *node, + pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api) { const char *node_name = NULL; const char *log_node_name = "all nodes"; const char *router_node = NULL; int attr_options = pcmk__node_attr_none; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (node != NULL) { node_name = node->priv->name; log_node_name = pcmk__node_name(node); router_node = node->priv->name; } if (pcmk__is_pacemaker_remote_node(node)) { const pcmk_node_t *conn_host = pcmk__current_node(node->priv->remote); if (conn_host == NULL) { rc = ENXIO; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__RC_ERROR, rc, _("No cluster connection to Pacemaker Remote node %s " "detected"), log_node_name); - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } router_node = conn_host->priv->name; pcmk__set_node_attr_flags(attr_options, pcmk__node_attr_remote); } if (controld_api == NULL) { out->info(out, "Dry run: skipping clean-up of %s due to CIB_file", log_node_name); - return pcmk_rc_ok; + return CRM_EX_OK; } crm_debug("Re-checking the state of all resources on %s", log_node_name); + // @FIXME We shouldn't discard rc here rc = pcmk__attrd_api_clear_failures(NULL, node_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, attr_options); + /* @FIXME The mainloop functions in this file set exit_code. What happens to + * exit_code if pcmk_controld_api_reprobe() doesn't return pcmk_rc_ok? + */ if (pcmk_controld_api_reprobe(controld_api, node_name, router_node) == pcmk_rc_ok) { start_mainloop(controld_api); + return exit_code; } - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } static void -refresh_resource(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node) +refresh_resource(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, + pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (options.force == FALSE) { rsc = uber_parent(rsc); } crm_debug("Re-checking the state of %s (%s requested) on %s", rsc->id, options.rsc_id, ((node != NULL)? pcmk__node_name(node) : "all nodes")); - rc = cli_resource_delete(controld_api, node, rsc, NULL, 0, false, scheduler, + rc = cli_resource_delete(controld_api, rsc, node, NULL, 0, false, options.force); if ((rc == pcmk_rc_ok) && !out->is_quiet(out)) { // Show any reasons why resource might stay stopped cli_resource_check(out, rsc, node); } + /* @FIXME The mainloop functions in this file set exit_code. What happens to + * exit_code if rc != pcmk_rc_ok here? + */ if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { start_mainloop(controld_api); } } -static void -validate_cmdline_config(void) -{ - // Cannot use both --resource and command-line resource configuration - if (options.rsc_id != NULL) { - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, - _("--resource cannot be used with --class, --agent, and --provider")); - - // Not all commands support command-line resource configuration - } else if (options.rsc_cmd != cmd_execute_agent) { - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, - _("--class, --agent, and --provider can only be used with " - "--validate and --force-*")); - - // Not all of --class, --agent, and --provider need to be given. Not all - // classes support the concept of a provider. Check that what we were given - // is valid. - } else if (pcmk__str_eq(options.v_class, "stonith", pcmk__str_none)) { - if (options.v_provider != NULL) { - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, - _("stonith does not support providers")); - - } else if (stonith_agent_exists(options.v_agent, 0) == FALSE) { - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, - _("%s is not a known stonith agent"), options.v_agent ? options.v_agent : ""); - } - - } else if (resources_agent_exists(options.v_class, options.v_provider, options.v_agent) == FALSE) { - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, - _("%s:%s:%s is not a known resource"), - options.v_class ? options.v_class : "", - options.v_provider ? options.v_provider : "", - options.v_agent ? options.v_agent : ""); - } - - if ((error == NULL) && (options.cmdline_params == NULL)) { - options.cmdline_params = pcmk__strkey_table(free, free); - } -} - -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Get the enum pe_find flags for a given command - * - * \return enum pe_find flag group appropriate for \c options.rsc_cmd. - */ -static uint32_t -get_find_flags(void) -{ - switch (options.rsc_cmd) { - case cmd_ban: - case cmd_cleanup: - case cmd_clear: - case cmd_colocations: - case cmd_digests: - case cmd_execute_agent: - case cmd_locate: - case cmd_move: - case cmd_refresh: - case cmd_restart: - case cmd_why: - return pcmk_rsc_match_history|pcmk_rsc_match_anon_basename; - - case cmd_delete_param: - case cmd_get_param: - case cmd_query_xml_raw: - case cmd_query_xml: - case cmd_set_param: - return pcmk_rsc_match_history|pcmk_rsc_match_basename; - - default: - return 0; - } -} - /*! * \internal - * \brief Check whether a node argument is required + * \brief Check whether a command-line resource configuration was given * - * \return \c true if a \c --node argument is required, or \c false otherwise + * \return \c true if \c --class, \c --provider, or \c --agent was specified, or + * \c false otherwise */ -static bool -is_node_required(void) +static inline bool +has_cmdline_config(void) { - switch (options.rsc_cmd) { - case cmd_digests: - case cmd_fail: - return true; - default: - return false; - } + return ((options.class != NULL) || (options.provider != NULL) + || (options.agent != NULL)); } -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Check whether a resource argument is required - * - * \return \c true if a \c --resource argument is required, or \c false - * otherwise - */ -static bool -is_resource_required(void) +static void +validate_cmdline_config(void) { - if (options.cmdline_config) { - return false; - } - - switch (options.rsc_cmd) { - case cmd_clear: - return !options.clear_expired; - - case cmd_cleanup: - case cmd_cts: - case cmd_list_active_ops: - case cmd_list_agents: - case cmd_list_all_ops: - case cmd_list_alternatives: - case cmd_list_instances: - case cmd_list_options: - case cmd_list_providers: - case cmd_list_resources: - case cmd_list_standards: - case cmd_metadata: - case cmd_refresh: - case cmd_wait: - case cmd_why: - return false; + bool is_ocf = pcmk__str_eq(options.class, PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_OCF, + pcmk__str_none); - default: - return true; + // Sanity check before throwing any errors + if (!has_cmdline_config()) { + return; } -} -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Check whether a scheduler data object is required - * - * If true, the caller will populate the scheduler data from the CIB connection. - * - * \return \c true if scheduler data is required, or \c false otherwise - */ -static bool -is_scheduler_required(void) -{ - if (options.cmdline_config) { - // cmd_execute_agent using CLI parameters instead of CIB connection - return false; - } - - switch (options.rsc_cmd) { - case cmd_delete: - case cmd_list_agents: - case cmd_list_alternatives: - case cmd_list_options: - case cmd_list_providers: - case cmd_list_standards: - case cmd_metadata: - case cmd_wait: - return false; - default: - return true; + // Cannot use both --resource and command-line resource configuration + if (options.rsc_id != NULL) { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, + _("--class, --agent, and --provider cannot be used with " + "-r/--resource")); + return; } -} -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Check whether a CIB connection is required - * - * \return \c true if a CIB connection is required, or \c false otherwise - */ -static bool -is_cib_required(void) -{ - if (options.cmdline_config) { - // cmd_execute_agent using CLI parameters instead of CIB connection - return false; + /* Check whether command supports command-line resource configuration + * + * @FIXME According to the help text, these options can only be used with + * --validate. The --force-* commands are documented for resources that are + * configured in Pacemaker. So this is a bug. We have two choices: + * * Throw an error if --force-* commands are used with these options. + * * Document that --force-* commands can be used with these options. + * + * An error seems safer. If a user really wants to run a non-trivial + * resource action based on CLI parameters, they can do so by executing the + * resource agent directly. It's unsafe to do so if Pacemaker is managing + * the resource that's specified via --class, --option, etc. + * + * On the other hand, besides safety concerns, running other actions is + * exactly the same as running a validate action, and the implementation is + * already in place. + */ + if (options.rsc_cmd != cmd_execute_agent) { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, + _("--class, --agent, and --provider can only be used with " + "--validate and --force-*")); + return; } - if (is_scheduler_required()) { - return true; - } + // Check for a valid combination of --class, --agent, and --provider + if (is_ocf) { + if ((options.provider == NULL) || (options.agent == NULL)) { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, + _("--provider and --agent are required with " + "--class=ocf")); + return; + } - // Commands that requires CIB connection but not scheduler data - switch (options.rsc_cmd) { - case cmd_delete: - case cmd_wait: - return true; - default: - return false; - } -} + } else { + if (options.provider != NULL) { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, + _("--provider is supported only with --class=ocf")); + return; + } -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Check whether a controller IPC connection is required - * - * \return \c true if a controller connection is required, or \c false otherwise - */ -static bool -is_controller_required(void) -{ - switch (options.rsc_cmd) { - case cmd_cleanup: - case cmd_refresh: - return getenv("CIB_file") == NULL; + // Either --class or --agent was given + if (options.agent == NULL) { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, + _("--agent is required with --class")); + return; + } + if (options.class == NULL) { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, + _("--class is required with --agent")); + return; + } + } - case cmd_fail: - return true; + // Check whether agent exists + if (pcmk__str_eq(options.class, PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_STONITH, + pcmk__str_none)) { + if (!stonith_agent_exists(options.agent, 0)) { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, + _("%s is not a known stonith agent"), options.agent); + return; + } - default: - return false; + } else if (!resources_agent_exists(options.class, options.provider, + options.agent)) { + if (is_ocf) { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, + _("%s:%s:%s is not a known resource agent"), + options.class, options.provider, options.agent); + } else { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, + _("%s:%s is not a known resource agent"), + options.class, options.agent); + } + return; } -} -/*! - * \internal - * \brief Check whether the chosen command accepts clone instances - * - * \return \c true if \p options.rsc_cmd accepts or ignores clone instances, or - * \c false otherwise - */ -static bool -accept_clone_instance(void) -{ - switch (options.rsc_cmd) { - case cmd_ban: - case cmd_clear: - case cmd_delete: - case cmd_move: - case cmd_restart: - return false; - default: - return true; + if (options.cmdline_params == NULL) { + options.cmdline_params = pcmk__strkey_table(free, free); } } -static int -handle_ban(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_ban(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (node == NULL) { - rc = ban_or_move(out, rsc, options.move_lifetime); + rc = ban_or_move(out, rsc, cib_conn, options.move_lifetime); } else { rc = cli_resource_ban(out, options.rsc_id, node->priv->name, options.move_lifetime, cib_conn, options.promoted_role_only, PCMK_ROLE_PROMOTED); } if (rc == EINVAL) { - exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; - return pcmk_rc_ok; + return CRM_EX_USAGE; } - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_cleanup(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_cleanup(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { if (rsc == NULL) { int rc = cli_cleanup_all(controld_api, node, options.operation, options.interval_spec, scheduler); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { start_mainloop(controld_api); } } else { - cleanup(out, rsc, node); + cleanup(out, rsc, node, controld_api); } - return pcmk_rc_ok; + /* @FIXME Both of the blocks above are supposed to set exit_code via + * start_mainloop(). But if cli_cleanup_all() or cli_resource_delete() + * fails, we never start the mainloop. It looks as if we exit with CRM_EX_OK + * in those cases. + */ + return exit_code; } -static int -handle_clear(const pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_clear(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { const char *node_name = (node != NULL)? node->priv->name : NULL; GList *before = NULL; GList *after = NULL; GList *remaining = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (!out->is_quiet(out)) { before = build_constraint_list(scheduler->input); } if (options.clear_expired) { rc = cli_resource_clear_all_expired(scheduler->input, cib_conn, options.rsc_id, node_name, options.promoted_role_only); } else if (node != NULL) { rc = cli_resource_clear(options.rsc_id, node_name, NULL, cib_conn, true, options.force); } else { rc = cli_resource_clear(options.rsc_id, NULL, scheduler->nodes, cib_conn, true, options.force); } if (!out->is_quiet(out)) { xmlNode *cib_xml = NULL; rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, NULL, &cib_xml, cib_sync_call); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { g_set_error(&error, PCMK__RC_ERROR, rc, _("Could not get modified CIB: %s"), pcmk_rc_str(rc)); g_list_free(before); pcmk__xml_free(cib_xml); - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } scheduler->input = cib_xml; cluster_status(scheduler); after = build_constraint_list(scheduler->input); remaining = pcmk__subtract_lists(before, after, (GCompareFunc) strcmp); for (const GList *iter = remaining; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { const char *constraint = iter->data; out->info(out, "Removing constraint: %s", constraint); } g_list_free(before); g_list_free(after); g_list_free(remaining); } - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_colocations(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) +static crm_exit_t +handle_colocations(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return out->message(out, "locations-and-colocations", rsc, - options.recursive, options.force); + int rc = out->message(out, "locations-and-colocations", rsc, + options.recursive, options.force); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_cts(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_cts(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - // coverity[var_deref_op] False positive g_list_foreach(scheduler->priv->resources, (GFunc) cli_resource_print_cts, out); cli_resource_print_cts_constraints(scheduler); - return pcmk_rc_ok; + return CRM_EX_OK; } -static int -handle_delete(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_delete(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { /* rsc_id was already checked for NULL much earlier when validating command * line arguments */ int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (options.rsc_type == NULL) { - exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, - _("You need to specify a resource type with -t")); + crm_exit_t ec = CRM_EX_USAGE; - } else { - rc = pcmk__resource_delete(cib_conn, cib_sync_call, options.rsc_id, - options.rsc_type); + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, ec, + _("You need to specify a resource type with -t")); + return ec; + } - if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__RC_ERROR, rc, - _("Could not delete resource %s: %s"), - options.rsc_id, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); - } + rc = pcmk__resource_delete(cib_conn, cib_sync_call, options.rsc_id, + options.rsc_type); + if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__RC_ERROR, rc, + _("Could not delete resource %s: %s"), + options.rsc_id, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_delete_param(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) +static crm_exit_t +handle_delete_param(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - /* coverity[var_deref_model] False positive */ - return cli_resource_delete_attribute(rsc, options.rsc_id, options.prop_set, - options.attr_set_type, options.prop_id, - options.prop_name, cib_conn, - cib_xml_orig, options.force); + int rc = cli_resource_delete_attribute(rsc, options.rsc_id, + options.prop_set, + options.attr_set_type, + options.prop_id, + options.prop_name, cib_conn, + cib_xml_orig, options.force); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_digests(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_digests(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return pcmk__resource_digests(out, rsc, node, options.override_params); + int rc = pcmk__resource_digests(out, rsc, node, options.override_params); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_execute_agent(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) +static crm_exit_t +handle_execute_agent(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - if (options.cmdline_config) { - exit_code = cli_resource_execute_from_params(out, NULL, options.v_class, - options.v_provider, - options.v_agent, - options.operation, - options.cmdline_params, - options.override_params, - options.timeout_ms, - args->verbosity, - options.force, - options.check_level); - } else { - exit_code = cli_resource_execute(rsc, options.rsc_id, options.operation, - options.override_params, - options.timeout_ms, cib_conn, - scheduler, args->verbosity, - options.force, options.check_level); - } - return pcmk_rc_ok; + if (has_cmdline_config()) { + return cli_resource_execute_from_params(out, NULL, options.class, + options.provider, options.agent, + options.operation, + options.cmdline_params, + options.override_params, + options.timeout_ms, + args->verbosity, options.force, + options.check_level); + } + return cli_resource_execute(rsc, options.rsc_id, options.operation, + options.override_params, options.timeout_ms, + cib_conn, args->verbosity, options.force, + options.check_level); } -static int -handle_fail(const pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_fail(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - int rc = cli_resource_fail(controld_api, node, options.rsc_id, - scheduler); + int rc = cli_resource_fail(controld_api, rsc, options.rsc_id, node); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { + // start_mainloop() sets exit_code start_mainloop(controld_api); + return exit_code; } - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc);; } -static int -handle_get_param(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) +static crm_exit_t +handle_get_param(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { unsigned int count = 0; GHashTable *params = NULL; pcmk_node_t *current = rsc->priv->fns->active_node(rsc, &count, NULL); bool free_params = true; const char *value = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (count > 1) { out->err(out, "%s is active on more than one node, returning the default " "value for %s", rsc->id, pcmk__s(options.prop_name, "unspecified property")); current = NULL; } crm_debug("Looking up %s in %s", options.prop_name, rsc->id); if (pcmk__str_eq(options.attr_set_type, PCMK_XE_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTES, pcmk__str_none)) { params = pe_rsc_params(rsc, current, scheduler); free_params = false; value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, options.prop_name); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(options.attr_set_type, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES, pcmk__str_none)) { params = pcmk__strkey_table(free, free); get_meta_attributes(params, rsc, NULL, scheduler); value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, options.prop_name); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(options.attr_set_type, ATTR_SET_ELEMENT, pcmk__str_none)) { value = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, options.prop_name); free_params = false; } else { const pcmk_rule_input_t rule_input = { .now = scheduler->priv->now, }; params = pcmk__strkey_table(free, free); pe__unpack_dataset_nvpairs(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XE_UTILIZATION, &rule_input, params, NULL, scheduler); value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, options.prop_name); } rc = out->message(out, "attribute-list", rsc, options.prop_name, value); if (free_params) { g_hash_table_destroy(params); } - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_list_active_ops(const pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_list_active_ops(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { const char *node_name = (node != NULL)? node->priv->name : NULL; + int rc = cli_resource_print_operations(options.rsc_id, node_name, true, + scheduler); - return cli_resource_print_operations(options.rsc_id, node_name, true, - scheduler); + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_list_agents(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_list_agents(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return pcmk__list_agents(out, options.agent_spec); + int rc = pcmk__list_agents(out, options.agent_spec); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_list_all_ops(const pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_list_all_ops(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { const char *node_name = (node != NULL)? node->priv->name : NULL; + int rc = cli_resource_print_operations(options.rsc_id, node_name, false, + scheduler); - return cli_resource_print_operations(options.rsc_id, node_name, false, - scheduler); + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_list_alternatives(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_list_alternatives(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, + cib_t *cib_conn, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, + pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return pcmk__list_alternatives(out, options.agent_spec); + int rc = pcmk__list_alternatives(out, options.agent_spec); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_list_instances(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_list_instances(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - // coverity[var_deref_op] False positive - if (out->message(out, "resource-names-list", - scheduler->priv->resources) != pcmk_rc_ok) { - return ENXIO; + int rc = out->message(out, "resource-names-list", + scheduler->priv->resources); + + if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) { + // @COMPAT It seems wrong to return an error because there no resources + return CRM_EX_NOSUCH; } - return pcmk_rc_ok; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_list_options(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_list_options(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { + crm_exit_t ec = CRM_EX_OK; + int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; + switch (options.opt_list) { case pcmk__opt_fencing: - return pcmk__list_fencing_params(out, options.all); + rc = pcmk__list_fencing_params(out, options.all); + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); + case pcmk__opt_primitive: - return pcmk__list_primitive_meta(out, options.all); + rc = pcmk__list_primitive_meta(out, options.all); + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); + default: - exit_code = CRM_EX_SOFTWARE; - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, - "BUG: Invalid option list type"); - return pcmk_rc_ok; + ec = CRM_EX_SOFTWARE; + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, ec, + "Bug: Invalid option list type"); + return ec; } } -static int -handle_list_providers(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_list_providers(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return pcmk__list_providers(out, options.agent_spec); + int rc = pcmk__list_providers(out, options.agent_spec); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_list_resources(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_list_resources(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { GList *all = g_list_prepend(NULL, (gpointer) "*"); int rc = out->message(out, "resource-list", scheduler, pcmk_show_inactive_rscs |pcmk_show_rsc_only |pcmk_show_pending, true, all, all, false); g_list_free(all); if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) { - rc = ENXIO; + // @COMPAT It seems wrong to return an error because there no resources + return CRM_EX_NOSUCH; } - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_list_standards(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_list_standards(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return pcmk__list_standards(out); + int rc = pcmk__list_standards(out); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_locate(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) +static crm_exit_t +handle_locate(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - GList *nodes = cli_resource_search(rsc, options.rsc_id, scheduler); + GList *nodes = cli_resource_search(rsc, options.rsc_id); int rc = out->message(out, "resource-search-list", nodes, options.rsc_id); g_list_free_full(nodes, free); - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_metadata(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_metadata(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; char *standard = NULL; char *provider = NULL; char *type = NULL; char *metadata = NULL; lrmd_t *lrmd_conn = NULL; rc = lrmd__new(&lrmd_conn, NULL, NULL, 0); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { g_set_error(&error, PCMK__RC_ERROR, rc, _("Could not create executor connection")); lrmd_api_delete(lrmd_conn); - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } rc = crm_parse_agent_spec(options.agent_spec, &standard, &provider, &type); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = lrmd_conn->cmds->get_metadata(lrmd_conn, standard, provider, type, &metadata, 0); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (metadata != NULL) { out->output_xml(out, PCMK_XE_METADATA, metadata); free(metadata); } else { /* We were given a validly formatted spec, but it doesn't necessarily * match up with anything that exists. Use ENXIO as the return code * here because that maps to an exit code of CRM_EX_NOSUCH, which * probably is the most common reason to get here. */ rc = ENXIO; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__RC_ERROR, rc, _("Metadata query for %s failed: %s"), options.agent_spec, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } } else { rc = ENXIO; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__RC_ERROR, rc, _("'%s' is not a valid agent specification"), options.agent_spec); } lrmd_api_delete(lrmd_conn); - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_move(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_move(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (node == NULL) { - rc = ban_or_move(out, rsc, options.move_lifetime); + rc = ban_or_move(out, rsc, cib_conn, options.move_lifetime); } else { rc = cli_resource_move(rsc, options.rsc_id, node, options.move_lifetime, - cib_conn, scheduler, options.promoted_role_only, + cib_conn, options.promoted_role_only, options.force); } if (rc == EINVAL) { - exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; - return pcmk_rc_ok; + return CRM_EX_USAGE; } - return rc; + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_query_xml(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) +static crm_exit_t +handle_query_xml(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return cli_resource_print(rsc, scheduler, true); + int rc = cli_resource_print(rsc, true); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_query_xml_raw(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) +static crm_exit_t +handle_query_xml_raw(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return cli_resource_print(rsc, scheduler, false); + int rc = cli_resource_print(rsc, false); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_refresh(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_refresh(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { if (rsc == NULL) { - return refresh(out, node); + return refresh(out, node, controld_api); } - refresh_resource(out, rsc, node); - return pcmk_rc_ok; + refresh_resource(out, rsc, node, controld_api); + + /* @FIXME Both of the calls above are supposed to set exit_code via + * start_mainloop(). But there appear to be cases in which we can return + * from refresh() or refresh_resource() without starting the mainloop or + * returning an error code. It looks as if we exit with CRM_EX_OK in those + * cases. + */ + return exit_code; } -static int -handle_restart(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_restart(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { /* We don't pass scheduler because rsc needs to stay valid for the entire * lifetime of cli_resource_restart(), but it will reset and update the * scheduler data multiple times, so it needs to use its own copy. */ - return cli_resource_restart(out, rsc, node, options.move_lifetime, - options.timeout_ms, cib_conn, - options.promoted_role_only, options.force); + int rc = cli_resource_restart(out, rsc, node, options.move_lifetime, + options.timeout_ms, cib_conn, + options.promoted_role_only, options.force); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_set_param(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) +static crm_exit_t +handle_set_param(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { + int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; + if (pcmk__str_empty(options.prop_value)) { - exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, + crm_exit_t ec = CRM_EX_USAGE; + + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, ec, _("You need to supply a value with the -v option")); - return pcmk_rc_ok; + return ec; } - // coverity[var_deref_model] False positive - return cli_resource_update_attribute(rsc, options.rsc_id, options.prop_set, - options.attr_set_type, options.prop_id, - options.prop_name, options.prop_value, - options.recursive, cib_conn, - cib_xml_orig, options.force); + rc = cli_resource_update_attribute(rsc, options.rsc_id, options.prop_set, + options.attr_set_type, options.prop_id, + options.prop_name, options.prop_value, + options.recursive, cib_conn, + cib_xml_orig, options.force); + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_wait(void) +static crm_exit_t +handle_wait(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return wait_till_stable(out, options.timeout_ms, cib_conn); + int rc = wait_till_stable(out, options.timeout_ms, cib_conn); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } -static int -handle_why(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node) +static crm_exit_t +handle_why(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, cib_t *cib_conn, + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig) { - return out->message(out, "resource-reasons-list", - scheduler->priv->resources, rsc, node); + int rc = out->message(out, "resource-reasons-list", + scheduler->priv->resources, rsc, node); + + return pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); } +static const crm_resource_cmd_info_t crm_resource_command_info[] = { + [cmd_ban] = { + handle_ban, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_rejects_clone_instance + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_cleanup] = { + handle_cleanup, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_controller + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_clear] = { + handle_clear, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_rejects_clone_instance + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource // Unless options.clear_expired + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_colocations] = { + handle_colocations, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_cts] = { + handle_cts, + crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_delete] = { + handle_delete, + crm_rsc_rejects_clone_instance + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource, + }, + [cmd_delete_param] = { + handle_delete_param, + crm_rsc_find_match_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_digests] = { + handle_digests, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_node + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_execute_agent] = { + handle_execute_agent, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_fail] = { + handle_fail, + crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_controller + |crm_rsc_requires_node + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_get_param] = { + handle_get_param, + crm_rsc_find_match_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_list_active_ops] = { + handle_list_active_ops, + crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_list_agents] = { + handle_list_agents, + 0, + }, + [cmd_list_all_ops] = { + handle_list_all_ops, + crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_list_alternatives] = { + handle_list_alternatives, + 0, + }, + [cmd_list_instances] = { + handle_list_instances, + crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_list_options] = { + handle_list_options, + 0, + }, + [cmd_list_providers] = { + handle_list_providers, + 0, + }, + [cmd_list_resources] = { + handle_list_resources, + crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_list_standards] = { + handle_list_standards, + 0, + }, + [cmd_locate] = { + handle_locate, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_metadata] = { + handle_metadata, + 0, + }, + [cmd_move] = { + handle_move, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_rejects_clone_instance + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_query_xml] = { + handle_query_xml, + crm_rsc_find_match_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_query_xml_raw] = { + handle_query_xml_raw, + crm_rsc_find_match_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_refresh] = { + handle_refresh, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_controller + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_restart] = { + handle_restart, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_rejects_clone_instance + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_set_param] = { + handle_set_param, + crm_rsc_find_match_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_resource + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, + [cmd_wait] = { + handle_wait, + crm_rsc_requires_cib, + }, + [cmd_why] = { + handle_why, + crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename + |crm_rsc_find_match_history + |crm_rsc_requires_cib + |crm_rsc_requires_scheduler, + }, +}; + static GOptionContext * build_arg_context(pcmk__common_args_t *args, GOptionGroup **group) { GOptionContext *context = NULL; GOptionEntry extra_prog_entries[] = { { "quiet", 'Q', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &(args->quiet), "Be less descriptive in output.", NULL }, { "resource", 'r', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.rsc_id, "Resource ID", "ID" }, { G_OPTION_REMAINING, 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY, &options.remainder, NULL, NULL }, { NULL } }; const char *description = "Examples:\n\n" "List the available OCF agents:\n\n" "\t# crm_resource --list-agents ocf\n\n" "List the available OCF agents from the linux-ha project:\n\n" "\t# crm_resource --list-agents ocf:heartbeat\n\n" "Move 'myResource' to a specific node:\n\n" "\t# crm_resource --resource myResource --move --node altNode\n\n" "Allow (but not force) 'myResource' to move back to its original " "location:\n\n" "\t# crm_resource --resource myResource --clear\n\n" "Stop 'myResource' (and anything that depends on it):\n\n" "\t# crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter " PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE "--meta --parameter-value Stopped\n\n" "Tell the cluster not to manage 'myResource' (the cluster will not " "attempt to start or stop the\n" "resource under any circumstances; useful when performing maintenance " "tasks on a resource):\n\n" "\t# crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter " PCMK_META_IS_MANAGED "--meta --parameter-value false\n\n" "Erase the operation history of 'myResource' on 'aNode' (the cluster " "will 'forget' the existing\n" "resource state, including any errors, and attempt to recover the" "resource; useful when a resource\n" "had failed permanently and has been repaired by an administrator):\n\n" "\t# crm_resource --resource myResource --cleanup --node aNode\n\n"; context = pcmk__build_arg_context(args, "text (default), xml", group, NULL); g_option_context_set_description(context, description); /* Add the -Q option, which cannot be part of the globally supported options * because some tools use that flag for something else. */ pcmk__add_main_args(context, extra_prog_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "queries", "Queries:", "Show query help", query_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "commands", "Commands:", "Show command help", command_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "locations", "Locations:", "Show location help", location_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "advanced", "Advanced:", "Show advanced option help", advanced_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "additional", "Additional Options:", "Show additional options", addl_entries); return context; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { - xmlNode *cib_xml_orig = NULL; + const crm_resource_cmd_info_t *command_info = NULL; pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL; pcmk_node_t *node = NULL; + cib_t *cib_conn = NULL; + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = NULL; + pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api = NULL; + xmlNode *cib_xml_orig = NULL; uint32_t find_flags = 0; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; GOptionGroup *output_group = NULL; gchar **processed_args = NULL; GOptionContext *context = NULL; /* * Parse command line arguments */ args = pcmk__new_common_args(SUMMARY); processed_args = pcmk__cmdline_preproc(argv, "GHINSTdginpstuvx"); context = build_arg_context(args, &output_group); pcmk__register_formats(output_group, formats); if (!g_option_context_parse_strv(context, &processed_args, &error)) { exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; goto done; } pcmk__cli_init_logging("crm_resource", args->verbosity); rc = pcmk__output_new(&out, args->output_ty, args->output_dest, argv); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = CRM_EX_ERROR; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, _("Error creating output format %s: %s"), args->output_ty, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } pe__register_messages(out); crm_resource_register_messages(out); lrmd__register_messages(out); pcmk__register_lib_messages(out); out->quiet = args->quiet; crm_log_args(argc, argv); /* * Validate option combinations */ // --expired without --clear/-U doesn't make sense if (options.clear_expired && (options.rsc_cmd != cmd_clear)) { exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, _("--expired requires --clear or -U")); goto done; } if (options.remainder != NULL) { // Commands that use positional arguments will create override_params if (options.override_params == NULL) { GString *msg = g_string_sized_new(128); guint len = g_strv_length(options.remainder); g_string_append(msg, "non-option ARGV-elements:"); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { g_string_append_printf(msg, "\n[%d of %u] %s", i + 1, len, options.remainder[i]); } exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "%s", msg->str); g_string_free(msg, TRUE); goto done; } for (gchar **arg = options.remainder; *arg != NULL; arg++) { gchar *name = NULL; gchar *value = NULL; int rc = pcmk__scan_nvpair(*arg, &name, &value); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, _("Error parsing '%s' as a name=value pair"), *arg); goto done; } g_hash_table_insert(options.override_params, name, value); } } if (pcmk__str_eq(args->output_ty, "xml", pcmk__str_none)) { switch (options.rsc_cmd) { /* These are the only commands that have historically used the * elements in their XML schema. For all others, use the simple list * argument. */ case cmd_get_param: case cmd_list_instances: case cmd_list_standards: pcmk__output_enable_list_element(out); break; default: break; } } else if (pcmk__str_eq(args->output_ty, "text", pcmk__str_null_matches)) { switch (options.rsc_cmd) { case cmd_colocations: case cmd_list_resources: pcmk__output_text_set_fancy(out, true); break; default: break; } } if (args->version) { out->version(out, false); goto done; } - if (options.cmdline_config) { - /* A resource configuration was given on the command line. Sanity-check - * the values and set error if they don't make sense. - */ + // Ensure command is in valid range and has a handler function + if ((options.rsc_cmd >= 0) && (options.rsc_cmd <= cmd_max)) { + command_info = &crm_resource_command_info[options.rsc_cmd]; + } + if ((command_info == NULL) || (command_info->fn == NULL)) { + exit_code = CRM_EX_SOFTWARE; + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, + _("Bug: Unimplemented command: %d"), (int) options.rsc_cmd); + goto done; + } + + /* If a command-line resource agent specification was given, validate it. + * Otherwise, ensure --option was not given. + */ + if (has_cmdline_config()) { validate_cmdline_config(); if (error != NULL) { exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; goto done; } } else if (options.cmdline_params != NULL) { exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, _("--option must be used with --validate and without -r")); g_hash_table_destroy(options.cmdline_params); goto done; } - if (is_resource_required() && (options.rsc_id == NULL)) { + // Ensure --resource is set if it's required + if (pcmk_is_set(command_info->flags, crm_rsc_requires_resource) + && !has_cmdline_config() + && !options.clear_expired + && (options.rsc_id == NULL)) { + exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, - _("Must supply a resource id with -r")); + _("Must supply a resource ID with -r/--resource")); goto done; } - if (is_node_required() && (options.host_uname == NULL)) { + + // Ensure --node is set if it's required + if (pcmk_is_set(command_info->flags, crm_rsc_requires_node) + && (options.host_uname == NULL)) { + exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, - _("Must supply a node name with -N")); + _("Must supply a node name with -N/--node")); goto done; } - /* - * Set up necessary connections - */ - // Establish a connection to the CIB if needed - if (is_cib_required()) { + if (pcmk_is_set(command_info->flags, crm_rsc_requires_cib) + && !has_cmdline_config()) { + cib_conn = cib_new(); if ((cib_conn == NULL) || (cib_conn->cmds == NULL)) { exit_code = CRM_EX_DISCONNECT; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, _("Could not create CIB connection")); goto done; } rc = cib__signon_attempts(cib_conn, cib_command, 5); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, _("Could not connect to the CIB: %s"), pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } } - // Populate scheduler data from CIB query - if (is_scheduler_required()) { - rc = initialize_scheduler_data(&cib_xml_orig); + // Populate scheduler data from CIB query if needed + if (pcmk_is_set(command_info->flags, crm_rsc_requires_scheduler) + && !has_cmdline_config()) { + + rc = initialize_scheduler_data(&scheduler, cib_conn, out, + &cib_xml_orig); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); goto done; } - - /* If user supplied a node name, check whether it exists. - * Commands that don't require scheduler data ignore the node argument. - */ - if (options.host_uname != NULL) { - node = pcmk_find_node(scheduler, options.host_uname); - - if (node == NULL) { - exit_code = CRM_EX_NOSUCH; - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, - _("Node '%s' not found"), options.host_uname); - goto done; - } - } - } - - find_flags = get_find_flags(); - - // If command requires that resource exist if specified, find it - if ((find_flags != 0) && (options.rsc_id != NULL)) { - rsc = pe_find_resource_with_flags(scheduler->priv->resources, - options.rsc_id, find_flags); - if (rsc == NULL) { - exit_code = CRM_EX_NOSUCH; - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, - _("Resource '%s' not found"), options.rsc_id); - goto done; - } - - /* The --ban, --clear, --move, and --restart commands do not work with - * instances of clone resourcs. - */ - if (pcmk__is_clone(rsc->priv->parent) - && (strchr(options.rsc_id, ':') != NULL) - && !accept_clone_instance()) { - - exit_code = CRM_EX_INVALID_PARAM; - g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, - _("Cannot operate on clone resource instance '%s'"), options.rsc_id); - goto done; - } } // Establish a connection to the controller if needed - if (is_controller_required()) { + if (pcmk_is_set(command_info->flags, crm_rsc_requires_controller) + && (getenv("CIB_file") == NULL)) { + rc = pcmk_new_ipc_api(&controld_api, pcmk_ipc_controld); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, _("Error connecting to the controller: %s"), pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } + pcmk_register_ipc_callback(controld_api, controller_event_callback, - NULL); + &exit_code); + rc = pcmk__connect_ipc(controld_api, pcmk_ipc_dispatch_main, 5); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, _("Error connecting to %s: %s"), pcmk_ipc_name(controld_api, true), pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } } - /* - * Handle requested command + /* Find node if --node was given. + * + * @TODO Consider stricter validation. Currently we ignore the --node + * argument for commands that don't require scheduler data, since we have no + * way to find the node in that case. This is really a usage error, but we + * don't validate strictly. We allow multiple commands (and in some cases + * their options like --node) to be specified, and we use the last one in + * case of conflicts. + * + * This isn't universally true. --expired results in a usage error unless + * the final command is --clear. */ + if (options.host_uname != NULL) { + node = pcmk_find_node(scheduler, options.host_uname); - /* Some of these set exit_code explicitly and return pcmk_rc_ok to skip - * setting exit_code based on rc after the switch. - */ - switch (options.rsc_cmd) { - case cmd_ban: - rc = handle_ban(rsc, node); - break; - case cmd_cleanup: - rc = handle_cleanup(rsc, node); - break; - case cmd_clear: - rc = handle_clear(node); - break; - case cmd_colocations: - rc = handle_colocations(rsc); - break; - case cmd_cts: - rc = handle_cts(); - break; - case cmd_delete: - rc = handle_delete(); - break; - case cmd_delete_param: - rc = handle_delete_param(rsc, cib_xml_orig); - break; - case cmd_digests: - rc = handle_digests(rsc, node); - break; - case cmd_execute_agent: - rc = handle_execute_agent(rsc); - break; - case cmd_fail: - rc = handle_fail(node); - break; - case cmd_get_param: - // coverity[var_deref_model] False positive - rc = handle_get_param(rsc); - break; - case cmd_list_active_ops: - rc = handle_list_active_ops(node); - break; - case cmd_list_agents: - rc = handle_list_agents(); - break; - case cmd_list_all_ops: - rc = handle_list_all_ops(node); - break; - case cmd_list_alternatives: - rc = handle_list_alternatives(); - break; - case cmd_list_instances: - rc = handle_list_instances(); - break; - case cmd_list_providers: - rc = handle_list_providers(); - break; - case cmd_list_options: - rc = handle_list_options(); - break; - case cmd_list_resources: - rc = handle_list_resources(); - break; - case cmd_list_standards: - rc = handle_list_standards(); - break; - case cmd_locate: - rc = handle_locate(rsc); - break; - case cmd_metadata: - rc = handle_metadata(); - break; - case cmd_move: - rc = handle_move(rsc, node); - break; - case cmd_query_xml: - rc = handle_query_xml(rsc); - break; - case cmd_query_xml_raw: - rc = handle_query_xml_raw(rsc); - break; - case cmd_refresh: - rc = handle_refresh(rsc, node); - break; - case cmd_restart: - rc = handle_restart(rsc, node); - break; - case cmd_set_param: - rc = handle_set_param(rsc, cib_xml_orig); - break; - case cmd_wait: - rc = handle_wait(); - break; - case cmd_why: - rc = handle_why(rsc, node); - break; - default: - exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; + if (node == NULL) { + exit_code = CRM_EX_NOSUCH; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, - _("Unimplemented command: %d"), (int) options.rsc_cmd); + _("Node '%s' not found"), options.host_uname); goto done; + } + } + + /* Find resource if --resource was given and any find flags are set. + * + * @TODO Consider stricter validation. See comment above for --node. + * @TODO Setter macro for tracing? + */ + if (pcmk_is_set(command_info->flags, crm_rsc_find_match_anon_basename)) { + find_flags |= pcmk_rsc_match_anon_basename; } + if (pcmk_is_set(command_info->flags, crm_rsc_find_match_basename)) { + find_flags |= pcmk_rsc_match_basename; + } + if (pcmk_is_set(command_info->flags, crm_rsc_find_match_history)) { + find_flags |= pcmk_rsc_match_history; + } + if ((find_flags != 0) && (options.rsc_id != NULL)) { + pcmk__assert(scheduler != NULL); + + rsc = pe_find_resource_with_flags(scheduler->priv->resources, + options.rsc_id, find_flags); + if (rsc == NULL) { + exit_code = CRM_EX_NOSUCH; + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, + _("Resource '%s' not found"), options.rsc_id); + goto done; + } + + if (pcmk_is_set(command_info->flags, crm_rsc_rejects_clone_instance) + && pcmk__is_clone(rsc->priv->parent) + && (strchr(options.rsc_id, ':') != NULL)) { - /* Convert rc into an exit code. */ - if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok && rc != pcmk_rc_no_output) { - exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); + exit_code = CRM_EX_INVALID_PARAM; + g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, + _("Cannot operate on clone resource instance '%s'"), + options.rsc_id); + goto done; + } } - /* - * Clean up and exit - */ + exit_code = command_info->fn(rsc, node, cib_conn, scheduler, controld_api, + cib_xml_orig); done: - /* When we get here, exit_code has been set one of two ways - either at one of - * the spots where there's a "goto done" (which itself could have happened either - * directly or by calling pcmk_rc2exitc), or just up above after any of the break - * statements. - * - * Thus, we can use just exit_code here to decide what to do. - */ - if (exit_code != CRM_EX_OK && exit_code != CRM_EX_USAGE) { + // For CRM_EX_USAGE, error is already set satisfactorily + if ((exit_code != CRM_EX_OK) && (exit_code != CRM_EX_USAGE)) { if (error != NULL) { char *msg = crm_strdup_printf("%s\nError performing operation: %s", error->message, crm_exit_str(exit_code)); g_clear_error(&error); g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "%s", msg); free(msg); } else { g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, _("Error performing operation: %s"), crm_exit_str(exit_code)); } } g_free(options.host_uname); g_free(options.interval_spec); g_free(options.move_lifetime); g_free(options.operation); g_free(options.prop_id); free(options.prop_name); g_free(options.prop_set); g_free(options.prop_value); g_free(options.rsc_id); g_free(options.rsc_type); free(options.agent_spec); - free(options.v_agent); - free(options.v_class); - free(options.v_provider); + g_free(options.agent); + g_free(options.class); + g_free(options.provider); if (options.override_params != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(options.override_params); } g_strfreev(options.remainder); - /* options.cmdline_params does not need to be destroyed here. See the - * comments in cli_resource_execute_from_params. - */ + // Don't destroy options.cmdline_params here. See comment in option_cb(). g_strfreev(processed_args); g_option_context_free(context); pcmk__xml_free(cib_xml_orig); cib__clean_up_connection(&cib_conn); pcmk_free_ipc_api(controld_api); pcmk_free_scheduler(scheduler); if (mainloop != NULL) { g_main_loop_unref(mainloop); } pcmk__output_and_clear_error(&error, out); if (out != NULL) { out->finish(out, exit_code, true, NULL); pcmk__output_free(out); } pcmk__unregister_formats(); return crm_exit(exit_code); } diff --git a/tools/crm_resource.h b/tools/crm_resource.h index d8a27547e4..14eb19253c 100644 --- a/tools/crm_resource.h +++ b/tools/crm_resource.h @@ -1,141 +1,140 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ATTR_SET_ELEMENT "attr_set_element" typedef struct node_info_s { const char *node_name; bool promoted; } node_info_t; typedef struct { char *attr_set_type; char *attr_set_id; char *attr_name; char *attr_value; char *given_rsc_id; char *found_attr_id; pcmk_resource_t *rsc; } attr_update_data_t; enum resource_check_flags { rsc_remain_stopped = (1 << 0), rsc_unpromotable = (1 << 1), rsc_unmanaged = (1 << 2), rsc_locked = (1 << 3), rsc_node_health = (1 << 4), }; typedef struct resource_checks_s { pcmk_resource_t *rsc; // Resource being checked uint32_t flags; // Group of enum resource_check_flags const char *lock_node; // Node that resource is shutdown-locked to, if any } resource_checks_t; resource_checks_t *cli_check_resource(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, char *role_s, char *managed); /* ban */ int cli_resource_prefer(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *rsc_id, const char *host, const char *move_lifetime, cib_t *cib_conn, gboolean promoted_role_only, const char *promoted_role); int cli_resource_ban(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *rsc_id, const char *host, const char *move_lifetime, cib_t *cib_conn, gboolean promoted_role_only, const char *promoted_role); int cli_resource_clear(const char *rsc_id, const char *host, GList *allnodes, cib_t *cib_conn, bool clear_ban_constraints, gboolean force); int cli_resource_clear_all_expired(xmlNode *root, cib_t *cib_conn, const char *rsc, const char *node, gboolean promoted_role_only); /* print */ void cli_resource_print_cts(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk__output_t *out); void cli_resource_print_cts_constraints(pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler); -int cli_resource_print(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, - bool expanded); +int cli_resource_print(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, bool expanded); int cli_resource_print_operations(const char *rsc_id, const char *host_uname, bool active, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler); /* runtime */ int cli_resource_check(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node); -int cli_resource_fail(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, const pcmk_node_t *node, - const char *rsc_id, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler); -GList *cli_resource_search(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, - pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler); -int cli_resource_delete(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, const pcmk_node_t *node, - const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *operation, +int cli_resource_fail(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, + const char *rsc_id, const pcmk_node_t *node); +GList *cli_resource_search(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, + const char *requested_name); +int cli_resource_delete(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, + pcmk_node_t *node, const char *operation, const char *interval_spec, bool just_failures, - pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, bool force); -int cli_cleanup_all(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, const pcmk_node_t *node, + bool force); +int cli_cleanup_all(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, pcmk_node_t *node, const char *operation, const char *interval_spec, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler); int cli_resource_restart(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const pcmk_node_t *node, const char *move_lifetime, guint timeout_ms, cib_t *cib, gboolean promoted_role_only, gboolean force); -int cli_resource_move(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *rsc_id, +int cli_resource_move(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *rsc_id, const pcmk_node_t *node, const char *move_lifetime, - cib_t *cib, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, - bool promoted_role_only, bool force); + cib_t *cib, bool promoted_role_only, bool force); crm_exit_t cli_resource_execute_from_params(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *rsc_name, const char *rsc_class, const char *rsc_prov, const char *rsc_type, const char *rsc_action, GHashTable *params, GHashTable *override_hash, guint timeout_ms, int resource_verbose, gboolean force, int check_level); crm_exit_t cli_resource_execute(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, - const char *rsc_action, GHashTable *override_hash, + const char *rsc_action, + GHashTable *override_hash, guint timeout_ms, cib_t *cib, - pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, - int resource_verbose, gboolean force, int check_level); + int resource_verbose, bool force, + int check_level); int cli_resource_update_attribute(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_set_type, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value, gboolean recursive, cib_t *cib, xmlNode *cib_xml_orig, gboolean force); int cli_resource_delete_attribute(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_set_type, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, cib_t *cib, xmlNode *cib_xml_orig, gboolean force); int update_scheduler_input(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, cib_t *cib, xmlNode **cib_xml_orig); int wait_till_stable(pcmk__output_t *out, guint timeout_ms, cib_t * cib); bool resource_is_running_on(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *host); void crm_resource_register_messages(pcmk__output_t *out); diff --git a/tools/crm_resource_print.c b/tools/crm_resource_print.c index a6d27af511..2519ac293a 100644 --- a/tools/crm_resource_print.c +++ b/tools/crm_resource_print.c @@ -1,887 +1,888 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define cons_string(x) x?x:"NA" static int print_constraint(xmlNode *xml_obj, void *userdata) { pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = (pcmk_scheduler_t *) userdata; pcmk__output_t *out = scheduler->priv->out; const char *id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_ID); if (id == NULL) { return pcmk_rc_ok; } if (!pcmk__xe_is(xml_obj, PCMK_XE_RSC_COLOCATION)) { return pcmk_rc_ok; } out->info(out, "Constraint %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", xml_obj->name, cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_ID)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_RSC)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_WITH_RSC)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_SCORE)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_RSC_ROLE)), cons_string(crm_element_value(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_WITH_RSC_ROLE))); return pcmk_rc_ok; } void cli_resource_print_cts_constraints(pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) { pcmk__xe_foreach_child(pcmk_find_cib_element(scheduler->input, PCMK_XE_CONSTRAINTS), NULL, print_constraint, scheduler); } void cli_resource_print_cts(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk__output_t *out) { const char *host = NULL; bool needs_quorum = TRUE; const char *rtype = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_TYPE); const char *rprov = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_PROVIDER); const char *rclass = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_CLASS); pcmk_node_t *node = pcmk__current_node(rsc); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_fence_device)) { needs_quorum = FALSE; } else { // @TODO check requires in resource meta-data and rsc_defaults } if (node != NULL) { host = node->priv->name; } out->info(out, "Resource: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %d %lld %#.16llx", rsc->priv->xml->name, rsc->id, pcmk__s(rsc->priv->history_id, rsc->id), ((rsc->priv->parent == NULL)? "NA" : rsc->priv->parent->id), rprov ? rprov : "NA", rclass, rtype, host ? host : "NA", needs_quorum, rsc->flags, rsc->flags); g_list_foreach(rsc->priv->children, (GFunc) cli_resource_print_cts, out); } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code int cli_resource_print_operations(const char *rsc_id, const char *host_uname, bool active, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) { pcmk__output_t *out = scheduler->priv->out; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; GList *ops = find_operations(rsc_id, host_uname, active, scheduler); if (!ops) { return rc; } out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resource Operations"); rc = pcmk_rc_ok; for (GList *lpc = ops; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { xmlNode *xml_op = (xmlNode *) lpc->data; out->message(out, "node-and-op", scheduler, xml_op); } out->end_list(out); return rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code int -cli_resource_print(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, - bool expanded) +cli_resource_print(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, bool expanded) { + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = NULL; pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; GList *all = NULL; - pcmk__assert((rsc != NULL) && (scheduler != NULL)); + pcmk__assert(rsc != NULL); + scheduler = rsc->priv->scheduler; out = scheduler->priv->out; all = g_list_prepend(all, (gpointer) "*"); out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resource Config"); out->message(out, (const char *) rsc->priv->xml->name, pcmk_show_pending, rsc, all, all); out->message(out, "resource-config", rsc, !expanded); out->end_list(out); g_list_free(all); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("attribute-changed", "attr_update_data_t *") static int attribute_changed_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { attr_update_data_t *ud = va_arg(args, attr_update_data_t *); out->info(out, "Set '%s' option: " PCMK_XA_ID "=%s%s%s%s%s value=%s", ud->given_rsc_id, ud->found_attr_id, ((ud->attr_set_id == NULL)? "" : " " PCMK__XA_SET "="), pcmk__s(ud->attr_set_id, ""), ((ud->attr_name == NULL)? "" : " " PCMK_XA_NAME "="), pcmk__s(ud->attr_name, ""), ud->attr_value); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("attribute-changed", "attr_update_data_t *") static int attribute_changed_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { attr_update_data_t *ud = va_arg(args, attr_update_data_t *); pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, (const char *) ud->rsc->priv->xml->name, PCMK_XA_ID, ud->rsc->id, NULL); pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, ud->attr_set_type, PCMK_XA_ID, ud->attr_set_id, NULL); pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_NVPAIR, PCMK_XA_ID, ud->found_attr_id, PCMK_XA_VALUE, ud->attr_value, PCMK_XA_NAME, ud->attr_name, NULL); pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("attribute-changed-list", "GList *") static int attribute_changed_list_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *results = va_arg(args, GList *); if (results == NULL) { return pcmk_rc_no_output; } for (GList *iter = results; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { attr_update_data_t *ud = iter->data; out->message(out, "attribute-changed", ud); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("attribute-changed-list", "GList *") static int attribute_changed_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *results = va_arg(args, GList *); if (results == NULL) { return pcmk_rc_no_output; } pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK__XE_RESOURCE_SETTINGS, NULL); for (GList *iter = results; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { attr_update_data_t *ud = iter->data; out->message(out, "attribute-changed", ud); } pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("attribute-list", "pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *", "const char *") static int attribute_list_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); const char *attr = va_arg(args, char *); const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *); if (value != NULL) { out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Attributes"); out->list_item(out, attr, "%s", value); out->end_list(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } else { out->err(out, "Attribute '%s' not found for '%s'", attr, rsc->id); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("agent-status", "int", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "crm_exit_t", "const char *") static int agent_status_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { int status = va_arg(args, int); const char *action = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *class = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *provider = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *type = va_arg(args, const char *); crm_exit_t rc = va_arg(args, crm_exit_t); const char *exit_reason = va_arg(args, const char *); if (status == PCMK_EXEC_DONE) { /* Operation [for ] ([:]:) * returned ([: ]) */ out->info(out, "Operation %s%s%s (%s%s%s:%s) returned %d (%s%s%s)", action, ((name == NULL)? "" : " for "), ((name == NULL)? "" : name), class, ((provider == NULL)? "" : ":"), ((provider == NULL)? "" : provider), type, (int) rc, crm_exit_str(rc), ((exit_reason == NULL)? "" : ": "), ((exit_reason == NULL)? "" : exit_reason)); } else { /* Operation [for ] ([:]:) * could not be executed ([: ]) */ out->err(out, "Operation %s%s%s (%s%s%s:%s) could not be executed (%s%s%s)", action, ((name == NULL)? "" : " for "), ((name == NULL)? "" : name), class, ((provider == NULL)? "" : ":"), ((provider == NULL)? "" : provider), type, pcmk_exec_status_str(status), ((exit_reason == NULL)? "" : ": "), ((exit_reason == NULL)? "" : exit_reason)); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("agent-status", "int", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "crm_exit_t", "const char *") static int agent_status_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { int status = va_arg(args, int); const char *action G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *name G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *class G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *provider G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *type G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *); crm_exit_t rc = va_arg(args, crm_exit_t); const char *exit_reason = va_arg(args, const char *); char *exit_s = pcmk__itoa(rc); const char *message = crm_exit_str(rc); char *status_s = pcmk__itoa(status); const char *execution_message = pcmk_exec_status_str(status); pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_AGENT_STATUS, PCMK_XA_CODE, exit_s, PCMK_XA_MESSAGE, message, PCMK_XA_EXECUTION_CODE, status_s, PCMK_XA_EXECUTION_MESSAGE, execution_message, PCMK_XA_REASON, exit_reason, NULL); free(exit_s); free(status_s); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("attribute-list", "pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *", "const char *") static int attribute_list_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); const char *attr = va_arg(args, char *); const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *); if (value != NULL) { pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "%s\n", value); return pcmk_rc_ok; } else { out->err(out, "Attribute '%s' not found for '%s'", attr, rsc->id); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("override", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *") static int override_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *rsc_name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *); if (rsc_name == NULL) { out->list_item(out, NULL, "Overriding the cluster configuration with '%s' = '%s'", name, value); } else { out->list_item(out, NULL, "Overriding the cluster configuration for '%s' with '%s' = '%s'", rsc_name, name, value); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("override", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *") static int override_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *rsc_name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *); xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_OVERRIDE, PCMK_XA_NAME, name, PCMK_XA_VALUE, value, NULL); if (rsc_name != NULL) { crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_RSC, rsc_name); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } // Does not modify overrides or its contents PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-agent-action", "int", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "GHashTable *", "crm_exit_t", "int", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *") static int resource_agent_action_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { int verbose = va_arg(args, int); const char *class = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *provider = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *type = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *rsc_name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *action = va_arg(args, const char *); GHashTable *overrides = va_arg(args, GHashTable *); crm_exit_t rc = va_arg(args, crm_exit_t); int status = va_arg(args, int); const char *exit_reason = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *stdout_data = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *stderr_data = va_arg(args, const char *); if (overrides) { GHashTableIter iter; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, PCMK_XE_OVERRIDES); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, overrides); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &name, (gpointer *) &value)) { out->message(out, "override", rsc_name, name, value); } out->end_list(out); } out->message(out, "agent-status", status, action, rsc_name, class, provider, type, rc, exit_reason); /* hide output for validate-all if not in verbose */ if ((verbose == 0) && pcmk__str_eq(action, PCMK_ACTION_VALIDATE_ALL, pcmk__str_casei)) { return pcmk_rc_ok; } if (stdout_data || stderr_data) { xmlNodePtr doc = NULL; if (stdout_data != NULL) { doc = pcmk__xml_parse(stdout_data); } if (doc != NULL) { out->output_xml(out, PCMK_XE_COMMAND, stdout_data); pcmk__xml_free(doc); } else { out->subprocess_output(out, rc, stdout_data, stderr_data); } } return pcmk_rc_ok; } // Does not modify overrides or its contents PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-agent-action", "int", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *", "GHashTable *", "crm_exit_t", "int", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *") static int resource_agent_action_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { int verbose G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int); const char *class = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *provider = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *type = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *rsc_name = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *action = va_arg(args, const char *); GHashTable *overrides = va_arg(args, GHashTable *); crm_exit_t rc = va_arg(args, crm_exit_t); int status = va_arg(args, int); const char *exit_reason = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *stdout_data = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *stderr_data = va_arg(args, const char *); xmlNodePtr node = NULL; node = pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_RESOURCE_AGENT_ACTION, PCMK_XA_ACTION, action, PCMK_XA_CLASS, class, PCMK_XA_TYPE, type, NULL); if (rsc_name) { crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_RSC, rsc_name); } crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_PROVIDER, provider); if (overrides) { GHashTableIter iter; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, PCMK_XE_OVERRIDES); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, overrides); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &name, (gpointer *) &value)) { out->message(out, "override", rsc_name, name, value); } out->end_list(out); } out->message(out, "agent-status", status, action, rsc_name, class, provider, type, rc, exit_reason); if (stdout_data || stderr_data) { xmlNodePtr doc = NULL; if (stdout_data != NULL) { doc = pcmk__xml_parse(stdout_data); } if (doc != NULL) { out->output_xml(out, PCMK_XE_COMMAND, stdout_data); pcmk__xml_free(doc); } else { out->subprocess_output(out, rc, stdout_data, stderr_data); } } pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-check-list", "resource_checks_t *") static int resource_check_list_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { resource_checks_t *checks = va_arg(args, resource_checks_t *); const pcmk_resource_t *parent = pe__const_top_resource(checks->rsc, false); const pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = checks->rsc->priv->scheduler; if (checks->flags == 0) { return pcmk_rc_no_output; } out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resource Checks"); if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_remain_stopped)) { out->list_item(out, "check", "Configuration specifies '%s' should remain stopped", parent->id); } if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_unpromotable)) { out->list_item(out, "check", "Configuration specifies '%s' should not be promoted", parent->id); } if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_unmanaged)) { out->list_item(out, "check", "Configuration prevents cluster from stopping or starting unmanaged '%s'", parent->id); } if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_locked)) { out->list_item(out, "check", "'%s' is locked to node %s due to shutdown", parent->id, checks->lock_node); } if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_node_health)) { out->list_item(out, "check", "'%s' cannot run on unhealthy nodes due to " PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_STRATEGY "='%s'", parent->id, pcmk__cluster_option(scheduler->priv->options, PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_STRATEGY)); } out->end_list(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-check-list", "resource_checks_t *") static int resource_check_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { resource_checks_t *checks = va_arg(args, resource_checks_t *); const pcmk_resource_t *parent = pe__const_top_resource(checks->rsc, false); xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CHECK, PCMK_XA_ID, parent->id, NULL); if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_remain_stopped)) { pcmk__xe_set_bool_attr(node, PCMK_XA_REMAIN_STOPPED, true); } if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_unpromotable)) { pcmk__xe_set_bool_attr(node, PCMK_XA_PROMOTABLE, false); } if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_unmanaged)) { pcmk__xe_set_bool_attr(node, PCMK_XA_UNMANAGED, true); } if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_locked)) { crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_LOCKED_TO_HYPHEN, checks->lock_node); } if (pcmk_is_set(checks->flags, rsc_node_health)) { pcmk__xe_set_bool_attr(node, PCMK_XA_UNHEALTHY, true); } return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-search-list", "GList *", "const gchar *") static int resource_search_list_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *nodes = va_arg(args, GList *); const gchar *requested_name = va_arg(args, const gchar *); bool printed = false; int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; if (!out->is_quiet(out) && nodes == NULL) { out->err(out, "resource %s is NOT running", requested_name); return rc; } for (GList *lpc = nodes; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { node_info_t *ni = (node_info_t *) lpc->data; if (!printed) { out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Nodes"); printed = true; rc = pcmk_rc_ok; } if (out->is_quiet(out)) { out->list_item(out, "node", "%s", ni->node_name); } else { const char *role_text = ""; if (ni->promoted) { role_text = " " PCMK_ROLE_PROMOTED; } out->list_item(out, "node", "resource %s is running on: %s%s", requested_name, ni->node_name, role_text); } } if (printed) { out->end_list(out); } return rc; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-search-list", "GList *", "const gchar *") static int resource_search_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *nodes = va_arg(args, GList *); const gchar *requested_name = va_arg(args, const gchar *); pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_NODES, PCMK_XA_RESOURCE, requested_name, NULL); for (GList *lpc = nodes; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { node_info_t *ni = (node_info_t *) lpc->data; xmlNodePtr sub_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_text_node(out, PCMK_XE_NODE, ni->node_name); if (ni->promoted) { crm_xml_add(sub_node, PCMK_XA_STATE, "promoted"); } } pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-reasons-list", "GList *", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *") static int resource_reasons_list_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *resources = va_arg(args, GList *); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *host_uname = (node == NULL)? NULL : node->priv->name; out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resource Reasons"); if ((rsc == NULL) && (host_uname == NULL)) { GList *lpc = NULL; GList *hosts = NULL; for (lpc = resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc->data; rsc->priv->fns->location(rsc, &hosts, pcmk__rsc_node_current); if (hosts == NULL) { out->list_item(out, "reason", "Resource %s is not running", rsc->id); } else { out->list_item(out, "reason", "Resource %s is running", rsc->id); } cli_resource_check(out, rsc, NULL); g_list_free(hosts); hosts = NULL; } } else if ((rsc != NULL) && (host_uname != NULL)) { if (resource_is_running_on(rsc, host_uname)) { out->list_item(out, "reason", "Resource %s is running on host %s", rsc->id, host_uname); } else { out->list_item(out, "reason", "Resource %s is not running on host %s", rsc->id, host_uname); } cli_resource_check(out, rsc, node); } else if ((rsc == NULL) && (host_uname != NULL)) { const char* host_uname = node->priv->name; GList *allResources = node->priv->assigned_resources; GList *activeResources = node->details->running_rsc; GList *unactiveResources = pcmk__subtract_lists(allResources, activeResources, (GCompareFunc) strcmp); GList *lpc = NULL; for (lpc = activeResources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc->data; out->list_item(out, "reason", "Resource %s is running on host %s", rsc->id, host_uname); cli_resource_check(out, rsc, node); } for(lpc = unactiveResources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc->data; out->list_item(out, "reason", "Resource %s is assigned to host %s but not running", rsc->id, host_uname); cli_resource_check(out, rsc, node); } g_list_free(allResources); g_list_free(activeResources); g_list_free(unactiveResources); } else if ((rsc != NULL) && (host_uname == NULL)) { GList *hosts = NULL; rsc->priv->fns->location(rsc, &hosts, pcmk__rsc_node_current); out->list_item(out, "reason", "Resource %s is %srunning", rsc->id, (hosts? "" : "not ")); cli_resource_check(out, rsc, NULL); g_list_free(hosts); } out->end_list(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-reasons-list", "GList *", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *") static int resource_reasons_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *resources = va_arg(args, GList *); pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *); pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *); const char *host_uname = (node == NULL)? NULL : node->priv->name; xmlNodePtr xml_node = pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_REASON, NULL); if ((rsc == NULL) && (host_uname == NULL)) { GList *lpc = NULL; GList *hosts = NULL; pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_RESOURCES, NULL); for (lpc = resources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc->data; const char *running = NULL; rsc->priv->fns->location(rsc, &hosts, pcmk__rsc_node_current); running = pcmk__btoa(hosts != NULL); pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_RESOURCE, PCMK_XA_ID, rsc->id, PCMK_XA_RUNNING, running, NULL); cli_resource_check(out, rsc, NULL); pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); g_list_free(hosts); hosts = NULL; } pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); } else if ((rsc != NULL) && (host_uname != NULL)) { if (resource_is_running_on(rsc, host_uname)) { crm_xml_add(xml_node, PCMK_XA_RUNNING_ON, host_uname); } cli_resource_check(out, rsc, node); } else if ((rsc == NULL) && (host_uname != NULL)) { const char* host_uname = node->priv->name; GList *allResources = node->priv->assigned_resources; GList *activeResources = node->details->running_rsc; GList *unactiveResources = pcmk__subtract_lists(allResources, activeResources, (GCompareFunc) strcmp); GList *lpc = NULL; pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_RESOURCES, NULL); for (lpc = activeResources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc->data; pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_RESOURCE, PCMK_XA_ID, rsc->id, PCMK_XA_RUNNING, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, PCMK_XA_HOST, host_uname, NULL); cli_resource_check(out, rsc, node); pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); } for(lpc = unactiveResources; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc->data; pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_RESOURCE, PCMK_XA_ID, rsc->id, PCMK_XA_RUNNING, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, PCMK_XA_HOST, host_uname, NULL); cli_resource_check(out, rsc, node); pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); } pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); g_list_free(allResources); g_list_free(activeResources); g_list_free(unactiveResources); } else if ((rsc != NULL) && (host_uname == NULL)) { GList *hosts = NULL; rsc->priv->fns->location(rsc, &hosts, pcmk__rsc_node_current); crm_xml_add(xml_node, PCMK_XA_RUNNING, pcmk__btoa(hosts != NULL)); cli_resource_check(out, rsc, NULL); g_list_free(hosts); } pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } static void add_resource_name(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk__output_t *out) { if (rsc->priv->children == NULL) { /* Sometimes PCMK_XE_RESOURCE might act as a PCMK_XA_NAME instead of an * XML element name, depending on whether pcmk__output_enable_list_element * was called. */ out->list_item(out, PCMK_XE_RESOURCE, "%s", rsc->id); } else { g_list_foreach(rsc->priv->children, (GFunc) add_resource_name, out); } } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-names-list", "GList *") static int resource_names(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { GList *resources = va_arg(args, GList *); if (resources == NULL) { out->err(out, "NO resources configured\n"); return pcmk_rc_no_output; } out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resource Names"); g_list_foreach(resources, (GFunc) add_resource_name, out); out->end_list(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } static pcmk__message_entry_t fmt_functions[] = { { "agent-status", "default", agent_status_default }, { "agent-status", "xml", agent_status_xml }, { "attribute-changed", "default", attribute_changed_default }, { "attribute-changed", "xml", attribute_changed_xml }, { "attribute-changed-list", "default", attribute_changed_list_default }, { "attribute-changed-list", "xml", attribute_changed_list_xml }, { "attribute-list", "default", attribute_list_default }, { "attribute-list", "text", attribute_list_text }, { "override", "default", override_default }, { "override", "xml", override_xml }, { "resource-agent-action", "default", resource_agent_action_default }, { "resource-agent-action", "xml", resource_agent_action_xml }, { "resource-check-list", "default", resource_check_list_default }, { "resource-check-list", "xml", resource_check_list_xml }, { "resource-search-list", "default", resource_search_list_default }, { "resource-search-list", "xml", resource_search_list_xml }, { "resource-reasons-list", "default", resource_reasons_list_default }, { "resource-reasons-list", "xml", resource_reasons_list_xml }, { "resource-names-list", "default", resource_names }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; void crm_resource_register_messages(pcmk__output_t *out) { pcmk__register_messages(out, fmt_functions); } diff --git a/tools/crm_resource_runtime.c b/tools/crm_resource_runtime.c index a1f638cc91..3f2f8615d0 100644 --- a/tools/crm_resource_runtime.c +++ b/tools/crm_resource_runtime.c @@ -1,2546 +1,2579 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include // bool, true, false #include #include #include // bool, true, false #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -static GList * -build_node_info_list(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc) -{ - GList *retval = NULL; - - for (const GList *iter = rsc->priv->children; - iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { - - const pcmk_resource_t *child = (const pcmk_resource_t *) iter->data; +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Resource with list of node info objects for its active nodes + */ +struct rsc_node_info { + const pcmk_resource_t *rsc; //!< Resource - for (const GList *iter2 = child->priv->active_nodes; - iter2 != NULL; iter2 = iter2->next) { + //! Nodes where \c rsc is active (list of node_info_t *) + GList *list; +}; - const pcmk_node_t *node = (const pcmk_node_t *) iter2->data; - node_info_t *ni = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(node_info_t)); +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Prepend a given node to a resource node info object's list + * + * \param[in] data Node to prepend (const pcmk_node_t *) + * \param[in,out] user_data Resource node info object whose list to prepend to + * (struct rsc_node_info * + * + * \note This is suitable for use with \c g_list_foreach(). + */ +static void +prepend_node_info(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) +{ + const pcmk_node_t *node = data; + struct rsc_node_info *rni = user_data; + node_info_t *ni = NULL; - ni->node_name = node->priv->name; - if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_promotable) - && (child->priv->fns->state(child, - true) == pcmk_role_promoted)) { - ni->promoted = true; - } + pcmk__assert(rni->rsc != NULL); - retval = g_list_prepend(retval, ni); - } - } + ni = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(node_info_t)); + ni->node_name = node->priv->name; + ni->promoted = pcmk_is_set(rni->rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_promotable) + && (rni->rsc->priv->fns->state(rni->rsc, true) + == pcmk_role_promoted); - return retval; + rni->list = g_list_prepend(rni->list, ni); } GList * -cli_resource_search(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, - pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) +cli_resource_search(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name) { - GList *retval = NULL; - const pcmk_resource_t *parent = pe__const_top_resource(rsc, false); - - if (pcmk__is_clone(rsc)) { - retval = build_node_info_list(rsc); + const pcmk_resource_t *clone = NULL; + struct rsc_node_info rni = { + .rsc = rsc, + .list = NULL, + }; - /* The anonymous clone children's common ID is supplied */ - } else if (pcmk__is_clone(parent) - && !pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_unique) - && (rsc->priv->history_id != NULL) - && pcmk__str_eq(requested_name, rsc->priv->history_id, - pcmk__str_none) - && !pcmk__str_eq(requested_name, rsc->id, pcmk__str_none)) { + pcmk__assert(rsc != NULL); - retval = build_node_info_list(parent); + if (pcmk__is_clone(rsc)) { + clone = rsc; } else { - for (GList *iter = rsc->priv->active_nodes; - iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { - - pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) iter->data; - node_info_t *ni = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(node_info_t)); + const pcmk_resource_t *parent = pe__const_top_resource(rsc, false); - ni->node_name = node->priv->name; - if (rsc->priv->fns->state(rsc, true) == pcmk_role_promoted) { - ni->promoted = true; - } + if (pcmk__is_clone(parent) + && !pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_unique) + && (rsc->priv->history_id != NULL) + && pcmk__str_eq(requested_name, rsc->priv->history_id, + pcmk__str_none) + && !pcmk__str_eq(requested_name, rsc->id, pcmk__str_none)) { - retval = g_list_prepend(retval, ni); + // The anonymous clone children's common ID is supplied + clone = parent; } } - return retval; + if (clone == NULL) { + g_list_foreach(rsc->priv->active_nodes, prepend_node_info, &rni); + return rni.list; + } + + for (const GList *iter = clone->priv->children; iter != NULL; + iter = iter->next) { + + const pcmk_resource_t *child = iter->data; + + rni.rsc = child; + g_list_foreach(child->priv->active_nodes, prepend_node_info, &rni); + } + return rni.list; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int find_resource_attr(pcmk__output_t *out, cib_t * the_cib, const char *attr, const char *rsc, const char *attr_set_type, const char *set_name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, xmlNode **result) { xmlNode *xml_search; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; GString *xpath = NULL; const char *xpath_base = NULL; if (result) { *result = NULL; } if(the_cib == NULL) { return ENOTCONN; } xpath_base = pcmk_cib_xpath_for(PCMK_XE_RESOURCES); if (xpath_base == NULL) { crm_err(PCMK_XE_RESOURCES " CIB element not known (bug?)"); return ENOMSG; } xpath = g_string_sized_new(1024); pcmk__g_strcat(xpath, xpath_base, "//*[@" PCMK_XA_ID "=\"", rsc, "\"]", NULL); if (attr_set_type != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(xpath, "/", attr_set_type, NULL); if (set_name != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(xpath, "[@" PCMK_XA_ID "=\"", set_name, "\"]", NULL); } } g_string_append(xpath, "//" PCMK_XE_NVPAIR); if (attr_id != NULL && attr_name!= NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(xpath, "[@" PCMK_XA_ID "='", attr_id, "' " "and @" PCMK_XA_NAME "='", attr_name, "']", NULL); } else if (attr_id != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(xpath, "[@" PCMK_XA_ID "='", attr_id, "']", NULL); } else if (attr_name != NULL) { pcmk__g_strcat(xpath, "[@" PCMK_XA_NAME "='", attr_name, "']", NULL); } rc = the_cib->cmds->query(the_cib, xpath->str, &xml_search, cib_sync_call|cib_xpath); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_log_xml_debug(xml_search, "Match"); if (xml_search->children != NULL) { rc = ENOTUNIQ; pcmk__warn_multiple_name_matches(out, xml_search, attr_name); out->spacer(out); } } if (result) { *result = xml_search; } else { pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); } g_string_free(xpath, TRUE); return rc; } /* PRIVATE. Use the find_matching_attr_resources instead. */ static void find_matching_attr_resources_recursive(pcmk__output_t *out, GList /* */ **result, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char * attr_set, const char * attr_set_type, const char * attr_id, const char * attr_name, cib_t * cib, int depth) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; char *lookup_id = clone_strip(rsc->id); for (GList *gIter = rsc->priv->children; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { find_matching_attr_resources_recursive(out, result, (pcmk_resource_t *) gIter->data, attr_set, attr_set_type, attr_id, attr_name, cib, depth+1); /* do it only once for clones */ if (pcmk__is_clone(rsc)) { break; } } rc = find_resource_attr(out, cib, PCMK_XA_ID, lookup_id, attr_set_type, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name, NULL); /* Post-order traversal. * The root is always on the list and it is the last item. */ if((0 == depth) || (pcmk_rc_ok == rc)) { /* push the head */ *result = g_list_append(*result, rsc); } free(lookup_id); } /* The result is a linearized pre-ordered tree of resources. */ static GList/**/ * find_matching_attr_resources(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char * rsc_id, const char * attr_set, const char * attr_set_type, const char * attr_id, const char * attr_name, cib_t * cib, const char * cmd, gboolean force) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; char *lookup_id = NULL; GList * result = NULL; /* If --force is used, update only the requested resource (clone or primitive). * Otherwise, if the primitive has the attribute, use that. * Otherwise use the clone. */ if(force == TRUE) { return g_list_append(result, rsc); } if (pcmk__is_clone(rsc->priv->parent)) { int rc = find_resource_attr(out, cib, PCMK_XA_ID, rsc_id, attr_set_type, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name, NULL); if(rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { rsc = rsc->priv->parent; out->info(out, "Performing %s of '%s' on '%s', the parent of '%s'", cmd, attr_name, rsc->id, rsc_id); } return g_list_append(result, rsc); } else if ((rsc->priv->parent == NULL) && (rsc->priv->children != NULL) && pcmk__is_clone(rsc)) { pcmk_resource_t *child = rsc->priv->children->data; if (pcmk__is_primitive(child)) { lookup_id = clone_strip(child->id); /* Could be a cloned group! */ rc = find_resource_attr(out, cib, PCMK_XA_ID, lookup_id, attr_set_type, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name, NULL); if(rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { rsc = child; out->info(out, "A value for '%s' already exists in child '%s', performing %s on that instead of '%s'", attr_name, lookup_id, cmd, rsc_id); } free(lookup_id); } return g_list_append(result, rsc); } /* If the resource is a group ==> children inherit the attribute if defined. */ find_matching_attr_resources_recursive(out, &result, rsc, attr_set, attr_set_type, attr_id, attr_name, cib, 0); return result; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get a resource's XML by resource ID from a given CIB XML tree * * \param[in] cib_xml CIB XML to search * \param[in] rsc Resource whose XML to get * * \return Subtree of \p cib_xml belonging to \p rsc, or \c NULL if not found */ static xmlNode * get_cib_rsc(xmlNode *cib_xml, const pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { char *xpath = crm_strdup_printf("%s//*[@" PCMK_XA_ID "='%s']", pcmk_cib_xpath_for(PCMK_XE_RESOURCES), pcmk__xe_id(rsc->priv->xml)); xmlNode *rsc_xml = get_xpath_object(xpath, cib_xml, LOG_ERR); free(xpath); return rsc_xml; } static int update_element_attribute(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, cib_t *cib, xmlNode *cib_xml_orig, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; xmlNode *rsc_xml = rsc->priv->xml; rsc_xml = get_cib_rsc(cib_xml_orig, rsc); if (rsc_xml == NULL) { return ENXIO; } crm_xml_add(rsc_xml, attr_name, attr_value); rc = cib->cmds->replace(cib, PCMK_XE_RESOURCES, rsc_xml, cib_sync_call); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { out->info(out, "Set attribute: " PCMK_XA_NAME "=%s value=%s", attr_name, attr_value); } return rc; } static int resources_with_attr(pcmk__output_t *out, cib_t *cib, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_set_type, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *top_id, gboolean force, GList **resources) { if (pcmk__str_eq(attr_set_type, PCMK_XE_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTES, pcmk__str_casei)) { if (!force) { xmlNode *xml_search = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; rc = find_resource_attr(out, cib, PCMK_XA_ID, top_id, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name, &xml_search); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok || rc == ENOTUNIQ) { char *found_attr_id = NULL; found_attr_id = crm_element_value_copy(xml_search, PCMK_XA_ID); if (!out->is_quiet(out)) { out->err(out, "WARNING: There is already a meta attribute " "for '%s' called '%s' (id=%s)", top_id, attr_name, found_attr_id); out->err(out, " Delete '%s' first or use the force option " "to override", found_attr_id); } free(found_attr_id); pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); return ENOTUNIQ; } pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); } *resources = g_list_append(*resources, rsc); } else { *resources = find_matching_attr_resources(out, rsc, requested_name, attr_set, attr_set_type, attr_id, attr_name, cib, "update", force); } /* If the user specified attr_set or attr_id, the intent is to modify a * single resource, which will be the last item in the list. */ if ((attr_set != NULL) || (attr_id != NULL)) { GList *last = g_list_last(*resources); *resources = g_list_remove_link(*resources, last); g_list_free(*resources); *resources = last; } return pcmk_rc_ok; } static void free_attr_update_data(gpointer data) { attr_update_data_t *ud = data; if (ud == NULL) { return; } free(ud->attr_set_type); free(ud->attr_set_id); free(ud->attr_name); free(ud->attr_value); free(ud->given_rsc_id); free(ud->found_attr_id); free(ud); } static int update_attribute(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_set_type, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value, gboolean recursive, cib_t *cib, xmlNode *cib_xml_orig, gboolean force, GList **results) { pcmk__output_t *out = rsc->priv->scheduler->priv->out; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; GList/**/ *resources = NULL; const char *top_id = pe__const_top_resource(rsc, false)->id; if ((attr_id == NULL) && !force) { find_resource_attr(out, cib, PCMK_XA_ID, top_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, attr_name, NULL); } rc = resources_with_attr(out, cib, rsc, requested_name, attr_set, attr_set_type, attr_id, attr_name, top_id, force, &resources); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } for (GList *iter = resources; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { // @TODO Functionize loop body to simplify freeing allocated memory char *lookup_id = NULL; char *local_attr_set = NULL; char *found_attr_id = NULL; const char *rsc_attr_id = attr_id; const char *rsc_attr_set = attr_set; xmlNode *rsc_xml = rsc->priv->xml; xmlNode *xml_top = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; xmlNode *xml_search = NULL; rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) iter->data; lookup_id = clone_strip(rsc->id); /* Could be a cloned group! */ rc = find_resource_attr(out, cib, PCMK_XA_ID, lookup_id, attr_set_type, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name, &xml_search); switch (rc) { case pcmk_rc_ok: found_attr_id = crm_element_value_copy(xml_search, PCMK_XA_ID); crm_debug("Found a match for " PCMK_XA_NAME "='%s': " PCMK_XA_ID "='%s'", attr_name, found_attr_id); rsc_attr_id = found_attr_id; break; case ENXIO: if (rsc_attr_set == NULL) { local_attr_set = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", lookup_id, attr_set_type); rsc_attr_set = local_attr_set; } if (rsc_attr_id == NULL) { found_attr_id = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", rsc_attr_set, attr_name); rsc_attr_id = found_attr_id; } rsc_xml = get_cib_rsc(cib_xml_orig, rsc); if (rsc_xml == NULL) { /* @TODO Warn and continue through the rest of the resources * and return the error at the end? This should never * happen, but if it does, then we could have a partial * update. */ free(lookup_id); free(found_attr_id); pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); g_list_free(resources); return ENXIO; } xml_top = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, (const char *) rsc_xml->name); crm_xml_add(xml_top, PCMK_XA_ID, lookup_id); xml_obj = pcmk__xe_create(xml_top, attr_set_type); crm_xml_add(xml_obj, PCMK_XA_ID, rsc_attr_set); break; default: free(lookup_id); free(found_attr_id); pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); g_list_free(resources); return rc; } xml_obj = crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, rsc_attr_id, attr_name, attr_value); if (xml_top == NULL) { xml_top = xml_obj; } crm_log_xml_debug(xml_top, "Update"); rc = cib->cmds->modify(cib, PCMK_XE_RESOURCES, xml_top, cib_sync_call); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { attr_update_data_t *ud = pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(attr_update_data_t)); if (attr_set_type == NULL) { attr_set_type = (const char *) xml_search->parent->name; } if (rsc_attr_set == NULL) { rsc_attr_set = crm_element_value(xml_search->parent, PCMK_XA_ID); } ud->attr_set_type = pcmk__str_copy(attr_set_type); ud->attr_set_id = pcmk__str_copy(rsc_attr_set); ud->attr_name = pcmk__str_copy(attr_name); ud->attr_value = pcmk__str_copy(attr_value); ud->given_rsc_id = pcmk__str_copy(lookup_id); ud->found_attr_id = pcmk__str_copy(found_attr_id); ud->rsc = rsc; *results = g_list_append(*results, ud); } pcmk__xml_free(xml_top); pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); free(lookup_id); free(found_attr_id); free(local_attr_set); if (recursive && pcmk__str_eq(attr_set_type, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES, pcmk__str_casei)) { /* We want to set the attribute only on resources explicitly * colocated with this one, so we use * rsc->priv->with_this_colocations directly rather than the * with_this_colocations() method. */ pcmk__set_rsc_flags(rsc, pcmk__rsc_detect_loop); for (GList *lpc = rsc->priv->with_this_colocations; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { pcmk__colocation_t *cons = (pcmk__colocation_t *) lpc->data; crm_debug("Checking %s %d", cons->id, cons->score); if (pcmk_is_set(cons->dependent->flags, pcmk__rsc_detect_loop) || (cons->score <= 0)) { continue; } crm_debug("Setting %s=%s for dependent resource %s", attr_name, attr_value, cons->dependent->id); update_attribute(cons->dependent, cons->dependent->id, NULL, attr_set_type, NULL, attr_name, attr_value, recursive, cib, cib_xml_orig, force, results); } } } g_list_free(resources); return rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code int cli_resource_update_attribute(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_set_type, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value, gboolean recursive, cib_t *cib, xmlNode *cib_xml_orig, gboolean force) { static bool need_init = true; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; GList *results = NULL; pcmk__output_t *out = rsc->priv->scheduler->priv->out; pcmk__assert(cib_xml_orig != NULL); /* If we were asked to update the attribute in a resource element (for * instance, ) there's really not much we need to do. */ if (pcmk__str_eq(attr_set_type, ATTR_SET_ELEMENT, pcmk__str_none)) { return update_element_attribute(out, rsc, cib, cib_xml_orig, attr_name, attr_value); } /* One time initialization - clear flags so we can detect loops */ if (need_init) { need_init = false; pcmk__unpack_constraints(rsc->priv->scheduler); pe__clear_resource_flags_on_all(rsc->priv->scheduler, pcmk__rsc_detect_loop); } rc = update_attribute(rsc, requested_name, attr_set, attr_set_type, attr_id, attr_name, attr_value, recursive, cib, cib_xml_orig, force, &results); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { if (results == NULL) { return rc; } out->message(out, "attribute-changed-list", results); g_list_free_full(results, free_attr_update_data); } return rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code int cli_resource_delete_attribute(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, const char *attr_set, const char *attr_set_type, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, cib_t *cib, xmlNode *cib_xml_orig, gboolean force) { pcmk__output_t *out = rsc->priv->scheduler->priv->out; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; GList/**/ *resources = NULL; pcmk__assert((cib != NULL) && (cib_xml_orig != NULL)); if ((attr_id == NULL) && !force) { find_resource_attr(out, cib, PCMK_XA_ID, pe__const_top_resource(rsc, false)->id, NULL, NULL, NULL, attr_name, NULL); } if (pcmk__str_eq(attr_set_type, ATTR_SET_ELEMENT, pcmk__str_none)) { xmlNode *rsc_xml = rsc->priv->xml; rsc_xml = get_cib_rsc(cib_xml_orig, rsc); if (rsc_xml == NULL) { return ENXIO; } pcmk__xe_remove_attr(rsc_xml, attr_name); rc = cib->cmds->replace(cib, PCMK_XE_RESOURCES, rsc_xml, cib_sync_call); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { out->info(out, "Deleted attribute: %s", attr_name); } return rc; } if (pcmk__str_eq(attr_set_type, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES, pcmk__str_none)) { resources = find_matching_attr_resources(out, rsc, requested_name, attr_set, attr_set_type, attr_id, attr_name, cib, "delete", force); } else { resources = g_list_append(resources, rsc); } for (GList *iter = resources; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { char *lookup_id = NULL; xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; xmlNode *xml_search = NULL; char *found_attr_id = NULL; const char *rsc_attr_id = attr_id; rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) iter->data; /* @TODO Search the original CIB in find_resource_attr() for * future-proofing, to ensure that we're getting IDs of nvpairs that * exist in the CIB. */ lookup_id = clone_strip(rsc->id); rc = find_resource_attr(out, cib, PCMK_XA_ID, lookup_id, attr_set_type, attr_set, attr_id, attr_name, &xml_search); switch (rc) { case pcmk_rc_ok: found_attr_id = crm_element_value_copy(xml_search, PCMK_XA_ID); pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); break; case ENXIO: free(lookup_id); pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); continue; default: free(lookup_id); pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); g_list_free(resources); return rc; } if (rsc_attr_id == NULL) { rsc_attr_id = found_attr_id; } xml_obj = crm_create_nvpair_xml(NULL, rsc_attr_id, attr_name, NULL); crm_log_xml_debug(xml_obj, "Delete"); rc = cib->cmds->remove(cib, PCMK_XE_RESOURCES, xml_obj, cib_sync_call); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { out->info(out, "Deleted '%s' option: " PCMK_XA_ID "=%s%s%s%s%s", lookup_id, found_attr_id, ((attr_set == NULL)? "" : " set="), pcmk__s(attr_set, ""), ((attr_name == NULL)? "" : " " PCMK_XA_NAME "="), pcmk__s(attr_name, "")); } free(lookup_id); pcmk__xml_free(xml_obj); free(found_attr_id); } g_list_free(resources); return rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int send_lrm_rsc_op(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, bool do_fail_resource, - const pcmk_node_t *node, const char *rsc_id, - pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) + pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *rsc_id, + const pcmk_node_t *node) { pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; const char *rsc_api_id = NULL; const char *rsc_long_id = NULL; const char *rsc_class = NULL; const char *rsc_provider = NULL; const char *rsc_type = NULL; const char *router_node = NULL; bool cib_only = false; - pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL; - pcmk__assert((node != NULL) && (scheduler != NULL)); + pcmk__assert((rsc != NULL) && (rsc_id != NULL) && (node != NULL)); - out = scheduler->priv->out; + out = rsc->priv->scheduler->priv->out; - rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->priv->resources, rsc_id); - if (rsc == NULL) { - out->err(out, "Resource %s not found", rsc_id); - return ENXIO; - } if (!pcmk__is_primitive(rsc)) { out->err(out, "We can only process primitive resources, not %s", rsc_id); return EINVAL; } rsc_class = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_CLASS); rsc_provider = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_PROVIDER); rsc_type = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_TYPE); if ((rsc_class == NULL) || (rsc_type == NULL)) { out->err(out, "Resource %s does not have a class and type", rsc_id); return EINVAL; } router_node = node->priv->name; if (!node->details->online) { if (do_fail_resource) { out->err(out, "Node %s is not online", pcmk__node_name(node)); return ENOTCONN; } cib_only = true; } else if (pcmk__is_pacemaker_remote_node(node)) { const pcmk_node_t *conn_host = pcmk__current_node(node->priv->remote); if (conn_host == NULL) { out->err(out, "No cluster connection to Pacemaker Remote node %s " "detected", pcmk__node_name(node)); return ENOTCONN; } router_node = conn_host->priv->name; } if (rsc->priv->history_id != NULL) { rsc_api_id = rsc->priv->history_id; rsc_long_id = rsc->id; } else { rsc_api_id = rsc->id; } if (do_fail_resource) { return pcmk_controld_api_fail(controld_api, node->priv->name, router_node, rsc_api_id, rsc_long_id, rsc_class, rsc_provider, rsc_type); } return pcmk_controld_api_refresh(controld_api, node->priv->name, router_node, rsc_api_id, rsc_long_id, rsc_class, rsc_provider, rsc_type, cib_only); } /*! * \internal * \brief Get resource name as used in failure-related node attributes * * \param[in] rsc Resource to check * * \return Newly allocated string containing resource's fail name * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result. */ static inline char * rsc_fail_name(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { const char *name = pcmk__s(rsc->priv->history_id, rsc->id); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_unique)) { return strdup(name); } return clone_strip(name); } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int -clear_rsc_history(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, const pcmk_node_t *node, - const char *rsc_id, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) +clear_rsc_history(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, + const char *rsc_id, const pcmk_node_t *node) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; - pcmk__assert(node != NULL); + pcmk__assert((rsc != NULL) && (node != NULL)); /* Erase the resource's entire LRM history in the CIB, even if we're only * clearing a single operation's fail count. If we erased only entries for a * single operation, we might wind up with a wrong idea of the current * resource state, and we might not re-probe the resource. */ - rc = send_lrm_rsc_op(controld_api, false, node, rsc_id, scheduler); + rc = send_lrm_rsc_op(controld_api, false, rsc, rsc_id, node); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } crm_trace("Processing %d mainloop inputs", pcmk_controld_api_replies_expected(controld_api)); while (g_main_context_iteration(NULL, FALSE)) { crm_trace("Processed mainloop input, %d still remaining", pcmk_controld_api_replies_expected(controld_api)); } return rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int clear_rsc_failures(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, - const pcmk_node_t *node, const char *rsc_id, - const char *operation, const char *interval_spec, - pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) + pcmk_node_t *node, const char *rsc_id, const char *operation, + const char *interval_spec) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = NULL; const char *failed_value = NULL; const char *failed_id = NULL; char *interval_ms_s = NULL; GHashTable *rscs = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; pcmk__assert(node != NULL); + scheduler = node->priv->scheduler; + /* Create a hash table to use as a set of resources to clean. This lets us * clean each resource only once (per node) regardless of how many failed * operations it has. */ rscs = pcmk__strkey_table(NULL, NULL); // Normalize interval to milliseconds for comparison to history entry if (operation) { guint interval_ms = 0U; pcmk_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec, &interval_ms); interval_ms_s = crm_strdup_printf("%u", interval_ms); } for (xmlNode *xml_op = pcmk__xe_first_child(scheduler->priv->failed, NULL, NULL, NULL); xml_op != NULL; xml_op = pcmk__xe_next(xml_op, NULL)) { failed_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RSC_ID); if (failed_id == NULL) { // Malformed history entry, should never happen continue; } // No resource specified means all resources match if (rsc_id) { pcmk_resource_t *fail_rsc = NULL; fail_rsc = pe_find_resource_with_flags(scheduler->priv->resources, failed_id, pcmk_rsc_match_history |pcmk_rsc_match_anon_basename); if ((fail_rsc == NULL) || !pcmk__str_eq(rsc_id, fail_rsc->id, pcmk__str_none)) { continue; } } // Host name should always have been provided by this point failed_value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME); if (!pcmk__str_eq(node->priv->name, failed_value, pcmk__str_casei)) { continue; } // No operation specified means all operations match if (operation) { failed_value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_OPERATION); if (!pcmk__str_eq(operation, failed_value, pcmk__str_casei)) { continue; } // Interval (if operation was specified) defaults to 0 (not all) failed_value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_META_INTERVAL); if (!pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, failed_value, pcmk__str_casei)) { continue; } } g_hash_table_add(rscs, (gpointer) failed_id); } free(interval_ms_s); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rscs); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &failed_id, NULL)) { + pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL; + crm_debug("Erasing failures of %s on %s", failed_id, pcmk__node_name(node)); - rc = clear_rsc_history(controld_api, node, failed_id, scheduler); + + rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->priv->resources, failed_id); + if (rsc == NULL) { + out->err(out, "Resource %s not found", failed_id); + return ENXIO; + } + + rc = clear_rsc_history(controld_api, rsc, failed_id, node); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } } g_hash_table_destroy(rscs); return rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int clear_rsc_fail_attrs(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *operation, const char *interval_spec, const pcmk_node_t *node) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; int attr_options = pcmk__node_attr_none; char *rsc_name = rsc_fail_name(rsc); if (pcmk__is_pacemaker_remote_node(node)) { attr_options |= pcmk__node_attr_remote; } rc = pcmk__attrd_api_clear_failures(NULL, node->priv->name, rsc_name, operation, interval_spec, NULL, attr_options); free(rsc_name); return rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code int -cli_resource_delete(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, const pcmk_node_t *node, - const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *operation, - const char *interval_spec, bool just_failures, - pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, bool force) +cli_resource_delete(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, + pcmk_node_t *node, const char *operation, + const char *interval_spec, bool just_failures, bool force) { - pcmk__output_t *out = scheduler->priv->out; + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = NULL; + pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; - if (rsc == NULL) { - return ENXIO; - } + pcmk__assert(rsc != NULL); + + scheduler = rsc->priv->scheduler; + out = scheduler->priv->out; if (rsc->priv->children != NULL) { - for (const GList *iter = rsc->priv->children; iter != NULL; + for (GList *iter = rsc->priv->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { - const pcmk_resource_t *child = iter->data; + pcmk_resource_t *child = iter->data; - rc = cli_resource_delete(controld_api, node, child, operation, - interval_spec, just_failures, scheduler, - force); + rc = cli_resource_delete(controld_api, child, node, operation, + interval_spec, just_failures, force); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } } return pcmk_rc_ok; } if (node == NULL) { GList *nodes = g_hash_table_get_values(rsc->priv->probed_nodes); if (nodes == NULL) { if (force) { nodes = g_list_copy(scheduler->nodes); } else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_exclusive_probes)) { GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->priv->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) { if ((node != NULL) && (node->assign->score >= 0)) { nodes = g_list_prepend(nodes, (gpointer *) node); } } } else { nodes = g_hash_table_get_values(rsc->priv->allowed_nodes); } } - for (const GList *iter = nodes; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { - node = (const pcmk_node_t *) iter->data; + for (GList *iter = nodes; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { + node = (pcmk_node_t *) iter->data; if (!node->details->online) { continue; } - rc = cli_resource_delete(controld_api, node, rsc, operation, - interval_spec, just_failures, scheduler, - force); + rc = cli_resource_delete(controld_api, rsc, node, operation, + interval_spec, just_failures, force); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { break; } } g_list_free(nodes); return rc; } if (!pcmk_is_set(node->priv->flags, pcmk__node_probes_allowed)) { out->err(out, "Unable to clean up %s because resource discovery disabled on " "%s", rsc->id, pcmk__node_name(node)); return EOPNOTSUPP; } if (controld_api == NULL) { out->err(out, "Dry run: skipping clean-up of %s on %s due to CIB_file", rsc->id, pcmk__node_name(node)); return pcmk_rc_ok; } rc = clear_rsc_fail_attrs(rsc, operation, interval_spec, node); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Unable to clean up %s failures on %s: %s", rsc->id, pcmk__node_name(node), pcmk_rc_str(rc)); return rc; } if (just_failures) { rc = clear_rsc_failures(out, controld_api, node, rsc->id, operation, - interval_spec, scheduler); + interval_spec); } else { - rc = clear_rsc_history(controld_api, node, rsc->id, scheduler); + rc = clear_rsc_history(controld_api, rsc, rsc->id, node); } if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Cleaned %s failures on %s, but unable to clean history: %s", rsc->id, pcmk__node_name(node), pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } else { out->info(out, "Cleaned up %s on %s", rsc->id, pcmk__node_name(node)); } return rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code int -cli_cleanup_all(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, const pcmk_node_t *node, +cli_cleanup_all(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, pcmk_node_t *node, const char *operation, const char *interval_spec, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) { pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; int attr_options = pcmk__node_attr_none; const char *node_name = NULL; const char *log_node_name = "all nodes"; pcmk__assert(scheduler != NULL); out = scheduler->priv->out; if (node != NULL) { node_name = node->priv->name; log_node_name = pcmk__node_name(node); } if (controld_api == NULL) { out->info(out, "Dry run: skipping clean-up of %s due to CIB_file", log_node_name); return rc; } if (pcmk__is_pacemaker_remote_node(node)) { pcmk__set_node_attr_flags(attr_options, pcmk__node_attr_remote); } rc = pcmk__attrd_api_clear_failures(NULL, node_name, NULL, operation, interval_spec, NULL, attr_options); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Unable to clean up all failures on %s: %s", log_node_name, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); return rc; } if (node != NULL) { rc = clear_rsc_failures(out, controld_api, node, NULL, operation, - interval_spec, scheduler); + interval_spec); } else { - for (const GList *iter = scheduler->nodes; iter; iter = iter->next) { - const pcmk_node_t *sched_node = iter->data; + for (GList *iter = scheduler->nodes; iter; iter = iter->next) { + pcmk_node_t *sched_node = iter->data; rc = clear_rsc_failures(out, controld_api, sched_node, NULL, - operation, interval_spec, scheduler); + operation, interval_spec); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { break; } } } if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { out->info(out, "Cleaned up all resources on %s", log_node_name); } else { // @TODO But didn't clear_rsc_failures() fail? out->err(out, "Cleaned all resource failures on %s, but unable to clean " "history: %s", log_node_name, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } return rc; } static void check_role(resource_checks_t *checks) { const char *role_s = g_hash_table_lookup(checks->rsc->priv->meta, PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE); if (role_s == NULL) { return; } switch (pcmk_parse_role(role_s)) { case pcmk_role_stopped: checks->flags |= rsc_remain_stopped; break; case pcmk_role_unpromoted: if (pcmk_is_set(pe__const_top_resource(checks->rsc, false)->flags, pcmk__rsc_promotable)) { checks->flags |= rsc_unpromotable; } break; default: break; } } static void check_managed(resource_checks_t *checks) { const char *managed_s = g_hash_table_lookup(checks->rsc->priv->meta, PCMK_META_IS_MANAGED); if ((managed_s != NULL) && !crm_is_true(managed_s)) { checks->flags |= rsc_unmanaged; } } static void check_locked(resource_checks_t *checks) { const pcmk_node_t *lock_node = checks->rsc->priv->lock_node; if (lock_node != NULL) { checks->flags |= rsc_locked; checks->lock_node = lock_node->priv->name; } } static bool node_is_unhealthy(pcmk_node_t *node) { switch (pe__health_strategy(node->priv->scheduler)) { case pcmk__health_strategy_none: break; case pcmk__health_strategy_no_red: if (pe__node_health(node) < 0) { return true; } break; case pcmk__health_strategy_only_green: if (pe__node_health(node) <= 0) { return true; } break; case pcmk__health_strategy_progressive: case pcmk__health_strategy_custom: /* @TODO These are finite scores, possibly with rules, and possibly * combining with other scores, so attributing these as a cause is * nontrivial. */ break; } return false; } static void check_node_health(resource_checks_t *checks, pcmk_node_t *node) { if (node == NULL) { GHashTableIter iter; bool allowed = false; bool all_nodes_unhealthy = true; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, checks->rsc->priv->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **) &node)) { allowed = true; if (!node_is_unhealthy(node)) { all_nodes_unhealthy = false; break; } } if (allowed && all_nodes_unhealthy) { checks->flags |= rsc_node_health; } } else if (node_is_unhealthy(node)) { checks->flags |= rsc_node_health; } } /* @TODO Make this check all resources if rsc is NULL, so it can be called after * cleanup of all resources */ int cli_resource_check(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node) { resource_checks_t checks = { .rsc = rsc }; check_role(&checks); check_managed(&checks); check_locked(&checks); check_node_health(&checks, node); return out->message(out, "resource-check-list", &checks); } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code int -cli_resource_fail(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, const pcmk_node_t *node, - const char *rsc_id, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) +cli_resource_fail(pcmk_ipc_api_t *controld_api, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, + const char *rsc_id, const pcmk_node_t *node) { - pcmk__assert(node != NULL); + pcmk__assert((rsc != NULL) && (rsc_id != NULL) && (node != NULL)); + + if (controld_api == NULL) { + pcmk__output_t *out = rsc->priv->scheduler->priv->out; + out->err(out, "Dry run: skipping fail of %s on %s due to CIB_file", + rsc_id, pcmk__node_name(node)); + return pcmk_rc_ok; + } crm_notice("Failing %s on %s", rsc_id, pcmk__node_name(node)); - return send_lrm_rsc_op(controld_api, true, node, rsc_id, scheduler); + return send_lrm_rsc_op(controld_api, true, rsc, rsc_id, node); } static GHashTable * -generate_resource_params(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, - pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler) +generate_resource_params(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { GHashTable *params = NULL; GHashTable *meta = NULL; GHashTable *combined = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; char *key = NULL; char *value = NULL; combined = pcmk__strkey_table(free, free); - params = pe_rsc_params(rsc, node, scheduler); + params = pe_rsc_params(rsc, NULL, rsc->priv->scheduler); if (params != NULL) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, params); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) { pcmk__insert_dup(combined, key, value); } } meta = pcmk__strkey_table(free, free); - get_meta_attributes(meta, rsc, NULL, scheduler); + get_meta_attributes(meta, rsc, NULL, rsc->priv->scheduler); if (meta != NULL) { g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, meta); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) { char *crm_name = crm_meta_name(key); g_hash_table_insert(combined, crm_name, strdup(value)); } g_hash_table_destroy(meta); } return combined; } bool resource_is_running_on(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *host) { bool found = true; GList *hIter = NULL; GList *hosts = NULL; if (rsc == NULL) { return false; } rsc->priv->fns->location(rsc, &hosts, pcmk__rsc_node_current); for (hIter = hosts; host != NULL && hIter != NULL; hIter = hIter->next) { pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) hIter->data; if (pcmk__strcase_any_of(host, node->priv->name, node->priv->id, NULL)) { crm_trace("Resource %s is running on %s\n", rsc->id, host); goto done; } } if (host != NULL) { crm_trace("Resource %s is not running on: %s\n", rsc->id, host); found = false; } else if(host == NULL && hosts == NULL) { crm_trace("Resource %s is not running\n", rsc->id); found = false; } done: g_list_free(hosts); return found; } /*! * \internal * \brief Create a list of all resources active on host from a given list * * \param[in] host Name of host to check whether resources are active * \param[in] rsc_list List of resources to check * * \return New list of resources from list that are active on host */ static GList * get_active_resources(const char *host, GList *rsc_list) { GList *rIter = NULL; GList *active = NULL; for (rIter = rsc_list; rIter != NULL; rIter = rIter->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) rIter->data; /* Expand groups to their members, because if we're restarting a member * other than the first, we can't otherwise tell which resources are * stopping and starting. */ if (pcmk__is_group(rsc)) { GList *member_active = NULL; member_active = get_active_resources(host, rsc->priv->children); active = g_list_concat(active, member_active); } else if (resource_is_running_on(rsc, host)) { active = g_list_append(active, strdup(rsc->id)); } } return active; } static void dump_list(GList *items, const char *tag) { int lpc = 0; GList *item = NULL; for (item = items; item != NULL; item = item->next) { crm_trace("%s[%d]: %s", tag, lpc, (char*)item->data); lpc++; } } static void display_list(pcmk__output_t *out, GList *items, const char *tag) { GList *item = NULL; for (item = items; item != NULL; item = item->next) { out->info(out, "%s%s", tag, (const char *)item->data); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Update scheduler XML input based on a CIB query and the current time * * The CIB XML is upgraded to the latest schema version. * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in,out] scheduler Scheduler data to update * \param[in] cib Connection to the CIB manager * \param[out] cib_xml_orig Where to store CIB XML before any schema * upgrades (can be \c NULL) * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int update_scheduler_input(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, cib_t *cib, xmlNode **cib_xml_orig) { xmlNode *queried_xml = NULL; xmlNode *updated_xml = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; pcmk__assert((out != NULL) && (scheduler != NULL) && (scheduler->input == NULL) && (scheduler->priv->now == NULL) && (cib != NULL) && ((cib_xml_orig == NULL) || (*cib_xml_orig == NULL))); rc = cib->cmds->query(cib, NULL, &queried_xml, cib_sync_call); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not obtain the current CIB: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } if (cib_xml_orig != NULL) { updated_xml = pcmk__xml_copy(NULL, queried_xml); } else { // No need to preserve the pre-upgrade CIB, so don't make a copy updated_xml = queried_xml; queried_xml = NULL; } rc = pcmk__update_configured_schema(&updated_xml, false); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not upgrade the current CIB XML: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); pcmk__xml_free(updated_xml); goto done; } scheduler->input = updated_xml; scheduler->priv->now = crm_time_new(NULL); done: if ((rc == pcmk_rc_ok) && (cib_xml_orig != NULL)) { *cib_xml_orig = queried_xml; } else { pcmk__xml_free(queried_xml); } return rc; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code static int update_dataset(cib_t *cib, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, xmlNode **cib_xml_orig, bool simulate) { char *pid = NULL; char *shadow_file = NULL; cib_t *shadow_cib = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; pcmk__output_t *out = scheduler->priv->out; pcmk_reset_scheduler(scheduler); pcmk__set_scheduler_flags(scheduler, pcmk__sched_no_counts); if(simulate) { bool prev_quiet = false; rc = update_scheduler_input(out, scheduler, cib, NULL); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } pid = pcmk__getpid_s(); shadow_cib = cib_shadow_new(pid); shadow_file = get_shadow_file(pid); if (shadow_cib == NULL) { out->err(out, "Could not create shadow cib: '%s'", pid); rc = ENXIO; goto done; } rc = pcmk__xml_write_file(scheduler->input, shadow_file, false); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not populate shadow cib: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } rc = shadow_cib->cmds->signon(shadow_cib, crm_system_name, cib_command); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not connect to shadow cib: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } pcmk__schedule_actions(scheduler); prev_quiet = out->is_quiet(out); out->quiet = true; pcmk__simulate_transition(scheduler, shadow_cib, NULL); out->quiet = prev_quiet; rc = update_dataset(shadow_cib, scheduler, cib_xml_orig, false); } else { xmlNode *xml = NULL; rc = update_scheduler_input(out, scheduler, cib, &xml); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } pcmk__xml_free(*cib_xml_orig); *cib_xml_orig = xml; cluster_status(scheduler); } done: // Do not free scheduler->input because rsc->priv->xml must remain valid cib_delete(shadow_cib); free(pid); if(shadow_file) { unlink(shadow_file); free(shadow_file); } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Find the maximum stop timeout of a resource and its children (if any) * * \param[in,out] rsc Resource to get timeout for * * \return Maximum stop timeout for \p rsc (in milliseconds) */ static guint max_rsc_stop_timeout(pcmk_resource_t *rsc) { long long result_ll; guint max_delay = 0; xmlNode *config = NULL; GHashTable *meta = NULL; if (rsc == NULL) { return 0; } // If resource is collective, use maximum of its children's stop timeouts if (rsc->priv->children != NULL) { for (GList *iter = rsc->priv->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { pcmk_resource_t *child = iter->data; guint delay = max_rsc_stop_timeout(child); if (delay > max_delay) { pcmk__rsc_trace(rsc, "Maximum stop timeout for %s is now %s " "due to %s", rsc->id, pcmk__readable_interval(delay), child->id); max_delay = delay; } } return max_delay; } // Get resource's stop action configuration from CIB config = pcmk__find_action_config(rsc, PCMK_ACTION_STOP, 0, true); /* Get configured timeout for stop action (fully evaluated for rules, * defaults, etc.). * * @TODO This currently ignores node (which might matter for rules) */ meta = pcmk__unpack_action_meta(rsc, NULL, PCMK_ACTION_STOP, 0, config); if ((pcmk__scan_ll(g_hash_table_lookup(meta, PCMK_META_TIMEOUT), &result_ll, -1LL) == pcmk_rc_ok) && (result_ll >= 0)) { max_delay = (guint) QB_MIN(result_ll, UINT_MAX); } g_hash_table_destroy(meta); return max_delay; } /*! * \internal * \brief Find a reasonable waiting time for stopping any one resource in a list * * \param[in,out] scheduler Scheduler data * \param[in] resources List of names of resources that will be stopped * * \return Rough estimate of a reasonable time to wait (in seconds) to stop any * one resource in \p resources * \note This estimate is very rough, simply the maximum stop timeout of all * given resources and their children, plus a small fudge factor. It does * not account for children that must be stopped in sequence, action * throttling, or any demotions needed. It checks the stop timeout, even * if the resources in question are actually being started. */ static guint wait_time_estimate(pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, const GList *resources) { guint max_delay = 0U; // Find maximum stop timeout in milliseconds for (const GList *item = resources; item != NULL; item = item->next) { pcmk_resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->priv->resources, (const char *) item->data); guint delay = max_rsc_stop_timeout(rsc); if (delay > max_delay) { pcmk__rsc_trace(rsc, "Wait time is now %s due to %s", pcmk__readable_interval(delay), rsc->id); max_delay = delay; } } return pcmk__timeout_ms2s(max_delay) + 5; } #define waiting_for_starts(d, r, h) ((d != NULL) || \ (!resource_is_running_on((r), (h)))) /*! * \internal * \brief Restart a resource (on a particular host if requested). * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in,out] rsc The resource to restart * \param[in] node Node to restart resource on (NULL for all) * \param[in] move_lifetime If not NULL, how long constraint should * remain in effect (as ISO 8601 string) * \param[in] timeout_ms Consider failed if actions do not complete * in this time (specified in milliseconds, * but a two-second granularity is actually * used; if 0, it will be calculated based on * the resource timeout) * \param[in,out] cib Connection to the CIB manager * \param[in] promoted_role_only If true, limit to promoted instances * \param[in] force If true, apply only to requested instance * if part of a collective resource * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code (exits on certain failures) */ int cli_resource_restart(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const pcmk_node_t *node, const char *move_lifetime, guint timeout_ms, cib_t *cib, gboolean promoted_role_only, gboolean force) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; int lpc = 0; int before = 0; guint step_timeout_s = 0; /* @TODO Due to this sleep interval, a timeout <2s will cause problems and * should be rejected */ guint sleep_interval = 2U; guint timeout = pcmk__timeout_ms2s(timeout_ms); bool stop_via_ban = false; char *rsc_id = NULL; char *lookup_id = NULL; char *orig_target_role = NULL; xmlNode *cib_xml_orig = NULL; GList *list_delta = NULL; GList *target_active = NULL; GList *current_active = NULL; GList *restart_target_active = NULL; pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = NULL; pcmk_resource_t *parent = uber_parent(rsc); bool running = false; const char *id = pcmk__s(rsc->priv->history_id, rsc->id); const char *host = node ? node->priv->name : NULL; /* If the implicit resource or primitive resource of a bundle is given, operate on the * bundle itself instead. */ if (pcmk__is_bundled(rsc)) { rsc = parent->priv->parent; } running = resource_is_running_on(rsc, host); if (pcmk__is_clone(parent) && !running) { if (pcmk__is_unique_clone(parent)) { lookup_id = strdup(rsc->id); } else { lookup_id = clone_strip(rsc->id); } rsc = parent->priv->fns->find_rsc(parent, lookup_id, node, pcmk_rsc_match_basename |pcmk_rsc_match_current_node); free(lookup_id); running = resource_is_running_on(rsc, host); } if (!running) { if (host) { out->err(out, "%s is not running on %s and so cannot be restarted", id, host); } else { out->err(out, "%s is not running anywhere and so cannot be restarted", id); } return ENXIO; } if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_managed)) { out->err(out, "Unmanaged resources cannot be restarted."); return EAGAIN; } rsc_id = strdup(rsc->id); if (pcmk__is_unique_clone(parent)) { lookup_id = strdup(rsc->id); } else { lookup_id = clone_strip(rsc->id); } if (host) { if (pcmk__is_clone(rsc) || pe_bundle_replicas(rsc)) { stop_via_ban = true; } else if (pcmk__is_clone(parent)) { stop_via_ban = true; free(lookup_id); lookup_id = strdup(parent->id); } } /* grab full cib determine originally active resources disable or ban poll cib and watch for affected resources to get stopped without --timeout, calculate the stop timeout for each step and wait for that if we hit --timeout or the service timeout, re-enable or un-ban, report failure and indicate which resources we couldn't take down if everything stopped, re-enable or un-ban poll cib and watch for affected resources to get started without --timeout, calculate the start timeout for each step and wait for that if we hit --timeout or the service timeout, report (different) failure and indicate which resources we couldn't bring back up report success Optimizations: - use constraints to determine ordered list of affected resources - Allow a --no-deps option (aka. --force-restart) */ scheduler = pcmk_new_scheduler(); if (scheduler == NULL) { rc = errno; out->err(out, "Could not allocate scheduler data: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } scheduler->priv->out = out; rc = update_dataset(cib, scheduler, &cib_xml_orig, false); if(rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not get new resource list: %s (%d)", pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc); goto done; } restart_target_active = get_active_resources(host, scheduler->priv->resources); current_active = get_active_resources(host, scheduler->priv->resources); dump_list(current_active, "Origin"); if (stop_via_ban) { /* Stop the clone or bundle instance by banning it from the host */ out->quiet = true; rc = cli_resource_ban(out, lookup_id, host, move_lifetime, cib, promoted_role_only, PCMK_ROLE_PROMOTED); } else { xmlNode *xml_search = NULL; /* Stop the resource by setting PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE to Stopped. * Remember any existing PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE so we can restore it * later (though it only makes any difference if it's Unpromoted). */ rc = find_resource_attr(out, cib, PCMK_XA_VALUE, lookup_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE, &xml_search); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { orig_target_role = crm_element_value_copy(xml_search, PCMK_XA_VALUE); } pcmk__xml_free(xml_search); rc = cli_resource_update_attribute(rsc, rsc_id, NULL, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES, NULL, PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE, PCMK_ACTION_STOPPED, FALSE, cib, cib_xml_orig, force); } if(rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not set " PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE " for %s: %s (%d)", rsc_id, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc); if (current_active != NULL) { g_list_free_full(current_active, free); current_active = NULL; } if (restart_target_active != NULL) { g_list_free_full(restart_target_active, free); restart_target_active = NULL; } goto done; } rc = update_dataset(cib, scheduler, &cib_xml_orig, true); if(rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not determine which resources would be stopped"); goto failure; } target_active = get_active_resources(host, scheduler->priv->resources); dump_list(target_active, "Target"); list_delta = pcmk__subtract_lists(current_active, target_active, (GCompareFunc) strcmp); out->info(out, "Waiting for %d resources to stop:", g_list_length(list_delta)); display_list(out, list_delta, " * "); step_timeout_s = timeout / sleep_interval; while (list_delta != NULL) { before = g_list_length(list_delta); if(timeout_ms == 0) { step_timeout_s = wait_time_estimate(scheduler, list_delta) / sleep_interval; } /* We probably don't need the entire step timeout */ for(lpc = 0; (lpc < step_timeout_s) && (list_delta != NULL); lpc++) { sleep(sleep_interval); if(timeout) { timeout -= sleep_interval; crm_trace("%us remaining", timeout); } rc = update_dataset(cib, scheduler, &cib_xml_orig, false); if(rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not determine which resources were stopped"); goto failure; } if (current_active != NULL) { g_list_free_full(current_active, free); } current_active = get_active_resources(host, scheduler->priv->resources); g_list_free(list_delta); list_delta = pcmk__subtract_lists(current_active, target_active, (GCompareFunc) strcmp); dump_list(current_active, "Current"); dump_list(list_delta, "Delta"); } crm_trace("%d (was %d) resources remaining", g_list_length(list_delta), before); if(before == g_list_length(list_delta)) { /* aborted during stop phase, print the contents of list_delta */ out->err(out, "Could not complete shutdown of %s, %d resources remaining", rsc_id, g_list_length(list_delta)); display_list(out, list_delta, " * "); rc = ETIME; goto failure; } } if (stop_via_ban) { rc = cli_resource_clear(lookup_id, host, NULL, cib, true, force); } else if (orig_target_role) { rc = cli_resource_update_attribute(rsc, rsc_id, NULL, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES, NULL, PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE, orig_target_role, FALSE, cib, cib_xml_orig, force); free(orig_target_role); orig_target_role = NULL; } else { rc = cli_resource_delete_attribute(rsc, rsc_id, NULL, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES, NULL, PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE, cib, cib_xml_orig, force); } if(rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not unset " PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE " for %s: %s (%d)", rsc_id, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc); goto done; } if (target_active != NULL) { g_list_free_full(target_active, free); } target_active = restart_target_active; list_delta = pcmk__subtract_lists(target_active, current_active, (GCompareFunc) strcmp); out->info(out, "Waiting for %d resources to start again:", g_list_length(list_delta)); display_list(out, list_delta, " * "); step_timeout_s = timeout / sleep_interval; while (waiting_for_starts(list_delta, rsc, host)) { before = g_list_length(list_delta); if(timeout_ms == 0) { step_timeout_s = wait_time_estimate(scheduler, list_delta) / sleep_interval; } /* We probably don't need the entire step timeout */ for (lpc = 0; (lpc < step_timeout_s) && waiting_for_starts(list_delta, rsc, host); lpc++) { sleep(sleep_interval); if(timeout) { timeout -= sleep_interval; crm_trace("%ds remaining", timeout); } rc = update_dataset(cib, scheduler, &cib_xml_orig, false); if(rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not determine which resources were started"); goto failure; } /* It's OK if dependent resources moved to a different node, * so we check active resources on all nodes. */ if (current_active != NULL) { g_list_free_full(current_active, free); } current_active = get_active_resources(NULL, scheduler->priv->resources); g_list_free(list_delta); list_delta = pcmk__subtract_lists(target_active, current_active, (GCompareFunc) strcmp); dump_list(current_active, "Current"); dump_list(list_delta, "Delta"); } if(before == g_list_length(list_delta)) { /* aborted during start phase, print the contents of list_delta */ out->err(out, "Could not complete restart of %s, %d resources remaining", rsc_id, g_list_length(list_delta)); display_list(out, list_delta, " * "); rc = ETIME; goto failure; } } rc = pcmk_rc_ok; goto done; failure: if (stop_via_ban) { cli_resource_clear(lookup_id, host, NULL, cib, true, force); } else if (orig_target_role) { cli_resource_update_attribute(rsc, rsc_id, NULL, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES, NULL, PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE, orig_target_role, FALSE, cib, cib_xml_orig, force); free(orig_target_role); } else { cli_resource_delete_attribute(rsc, rsc_id, NULL, PCMK_XE_META_ATTRIBUTES, NULL, PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE, cib, cib_xml_orig, force); } done: if (list_delta != NULL) { g_list_free(list_delta); } if (current_active != NULL) { g_list_free_full(current_active, free); } if (target_active != NULL && (target_active != restart_target_active)) { g_list_free_full(target_active, free); } if (restart_target_active != NULL) { g_list_free_full(restart_target_active, free); } free(rsc_id); free(lookup_id); pcmk_free_scheduler(scheduler); return rc; } static inline bool action_is_pending(const pcmk_action_t *action) { if (pcmk_any_flags_set(action->flags, pcmk__action_optional|pcmk__action_pseudo) || !pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pcmk__action_runnable) || pcmk__str_eq(PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, action->task, pcmk__str_casei)) { return false; } return true; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether any actions in a list are pending * * \param[in] actions List of actions to check * * \return true if any actions in the list are pending, otherwise false */ static bool actions_are_pending(const GList *actions) { for (const GList *action = actions; action != NULL; action = action->next) { const pcmk_action_t *a = (const pcmk_action_t *) action->data; if (action_is_pending(a)) { crm_notice("Waiting for %s (flags=%#.8x)", a->uuid, a->flags); return true; } } return false; } static void print_pending_actions(pcmk__output_t *out, GList *actions) { GList *action; out->info(out, "Pending actions:"); for (action = actions; action != NULL; action = action->next) { pcmk_action_t *a = (pcmk_action_t *) action->data; if (!action_is_pending(a)) { continue; } if (a->node) { out->info(out, "\tAction %d: %s\ton %s", a->id, a->uuid, pcmk__node_name(a->node)); } else { out->info(out, "\tAction %d: %s", a->id, a->uuid); } } } /* For --wait, timeout (in seconds) to use if caller doesn't specify one */ #define WAIT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_S (60 * 60) /* For --wait, how long to sleep between cluster state checks */ #define WAIT_SLEEP_S (2) /*! * \internal * \brief Wait until all pending cluster actions are complete * * This waits until either the CIB's transition graph is idle or a timeout is * reached. * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] timeout_ms Consider failed if actions do not complete in * this time (specified in milliseconds, but * one-second granularity is actually used; if 0, a * default will be used) * \param[in,out] cib Connection to the CIB manager * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int wait_till_stable(pcmk__output_t *out, guint timeout_ms, cib_t * cib) { + // @FIXME This should bail out when run with CIB_file pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr search; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; bool pending_unknown_state_resources; time_t expire_time = time(NULL); time_t time_diff; bool printed_version_warning = out->is_quiet(out); // i.e. don't print if quiet char *xpath = NULL; if (timeout_ms == 0) { expire_time += WAIT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_S; } else { expire_time += pcmk__timeout_ms2s(timeout_ms + 999); } scheduler = pcmk_new_scheduler(); if (scheduler == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } xpath = crm_strdup_printf("/" PCMK_XE_CIB "/" PCMK_XE_STATUS "/" PCMK__XE_NODE_STATE "/" PCMK__XE_LRM "/" PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCES "/" PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCE "/" PCMK__XE_LRM_RSC_OP "[@" PCMK__XA_RC_CODE "='%d']", PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN); do { /* Abort if timeout is reached */ time_diff = expire_time - time(NULL); if (time_diff <= 0) { print_pending_actions(out, scheduler->priv->actions); rc = ETIME; break; } crm_info("Waiting up to %lld seconds for cluster actions to complete", (long long) time_diff); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { /* this avoids sleep on first loop iteration */ sleep(WAIT_SLEEP_S); } /* Get latest transition graph */ pcmk_reset_scheduler(scheduler); rc = update_scheduler_input(out, scheduler, cib, NULL); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { break; } pcmk__set_scheduler_flags(scheduler, pcmk__sched_no_counts); pcmk__schedule_actions(scheduler); if (!printed_version_warning) { /* If the DC has a different version than the local node, the two * could come to different conclusions about what actions need to be * done. Warn the user in this case. * * @TODO A possible long-term solution would be to reimplement the * wait as a new controller operation that would be forwarded to the * DC. However, that would have potential problems of its own. */ const char *dc_version = NULL; dc_version = g_hash_table_lookup(scheduler->priv->options, PCMK_OPT_DC_VERSION); if (!pcmk__str_eq(dc_version, PACEMAKER_VERSION "-" BUILD_VERSION, pcmk__str_casei)) { out->info(out, "warning: wait option may not work properly in " "mixed-version cluster"); printed_version_warning = true; } } search = xpath_search(scheduler->input, xpath); pending_unknown_state_resources = (numXpathResults(search) > 0); freeXpathObject(search); } while (actions_are_pending(scheduler->priv->actions) || pending_unknown_state_resources); pcmk_free_scheduler(scheduler); free(xpath); return rc; } static const char * get_action(const char *rsc_action) { const char *action = NULL; if (pcmk__str_eq(rsc_action, "validate", pcmk__str_casei)) { action = PCMK_ACTION_VALIDATE_ALL; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(rsc_action, "force-check", pcmk__str_casei)) { action = PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR; } else if (pcmk__strcase_any_of(rsc_action, "force-start", "force-stop", "force-demote", "force-promote", NULL)) { action = rsc_action+6; } else { action = rsc_action; } return action; } /*! * \brief Set up environment variables as expected by resource agents * * When the cluster executes resource agents, it adds certain environment * variables (directly or via resource meta-attributes) expected by some * resource agents. Add the essential ones that many resource agents expect, so * the behavior is the same for command-line execution. * * \param[in,out] params Resource parameters that will be passed to agent * \param[in] timeout_ms Action timeout (in milliseconds) * \param[in] check_level OCF check level * \param[in] verbosity Verbosity level */ static void set_agent_environment(GHashTable *params, guint timeout_ms, int check_level, int verbosity) { g_hash_table_insert(params, crm_meta_name(PCMK_META_TIMEOUT), crm_strdup_printf("%u", timeout_ms)); pcmk__insert_dup(params, PCMK_XA_CRM_FEATURE_SET, CRM_FEATURE_SET); if (check_level >= 0) { char *level = crm_strdup_printf("%d", check_level); setenv("OCF_CHECK_LEVEL", level, 1); free(level); } pcmk__set_env_option(PCMK__ENV_DEBUG, ((verbosity > 0)? "1" : "0"), true); if (verbosity > 1) { setenv("OCF_TRACE_RA", "1", 1); } /* A resource agent using the standard ocf-shellfuncs library will not print * messages to stderr if it doesn't have a controlling terminal (e.g. if * crm_resource is called via script or ssh). This forces it to do so. */ setenv("OCF_TRACE_FILE", "/dev/stderr", 0); } /*! * \internal * \brief Apply command-line overrides to resource parameters * * \param[in,out] params Parameters to be passed to agent * \param[in] overrides Parameters to override (or NULL if none) */ static void apply_overrides(GHashTable *params, GHashTable *overrides) { if (overrides != NULL) { GHashTableIter iter; char *name = NULL; char *value = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, overrides); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &name, (gpointer *) &value)) { pcmk__insert_dup(params, name, value); } } } /* Takes ownership of params. * Does not modify override_hash or its contents. */ crm_exit_t cli_resource_execute_from_params(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *rsc_name, const char *rsc_class, const char *rsc_prov, const char *rsc_type, const char *rsc_action, GHashTable *params, GHashTable *override_hash, guint timeout_ms, int resource_verbose, gboolean force, int check_level) { const char *class = rsc_class; const char *action = get_action(rsc_action); crm_exit_t exit_code = CRM_EX_OK; svc_action_t *op = NULL; // If no timeout was provided, use the same default as the cluster if (timeout_ms == 0U) { timeout_ms = PCMK_DEFAULT_ACTION_TIMEOUT_MS; } set_agent_environment(params, timeout_ms, check_level, resource_verbose); apply_overrides(params, override_hash); // services__create_resource_action() takes ownership of params on success op = services__create_resource_action(rsc_name? rsc_name : "test", rsc_class, rsc_prov, rsc_type, action, 0, QB_MIN(timeout_ms, INT_MAX), params, 0); if (op == NULL) { out->err(out, "Could not execute %s using %s%s%s:%s: %s", action, rsc_class, (rsc_prov? ":" : ""), (rsc_prov? rsc_prov : ""), rsc_type, strerror(ENOMEM)); g_hash_table_destroy(params); return CRM_EX_OSERR; } #if PCMK__ENABLE_SERVICE if (pcmk__str_eq(rsc_class, PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_SERVICE, pcmk__str_casei)) { class = resources_find_service_class(rsc_type); } #endif if (!pcmk_is_set(pcmk_get_ra_caps(class), pcmk_ra_cap_cli_exec)) { services__format_result(op, CRM_EX_UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR, "Manual execution of the %s standard is " "unsupported", pcmk__s(class, "unspecified")); } if (op->rc != PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN) { exit_code = op->rc; goto done; } services_action_sync(op); // Map results to OCF codes for consistent reporting to user { enum ocf_exitcode ocf_code = services_result2ocf(class, action, op->rc); // Cast variable instead of function return to keep compilers happy exit_code = (crm_exit_t) ocf_code; } done: out->message(out, "resource-agent-action", resource_verbose, rsc_class, rsc_prov, rsc_type, rsc_name, rsc_action, override_hash, exit_code, op->status, services__exit_reason(op), op->stdout_data, op->stderr_data); services_action_free(op); return exit_code; } /*! * \internal * \brief Get the timeout the cluster would use for an action * * \param[in] rsc Resource that action is for * \param[in] action Name of action */ static guint get_action_timeout(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *action) { long long timeout_ms = -1LL; xmlNode *op = pcmk__find_action_config(rsc, action, 0, true); GHashTable *meta = pcmk__unpack_action_meta(rsc, NULL, action, 0, op); if ((pcmk__scan_ll(g_hash_table_lookup(meta, PCMK_META_TIMEOUT), &timeout_ms, -1LL) != pcmk_rc_ok) || (timeout_ms <= 0LL)) { timeout_ms = PCMK_DEFAULT_ACTION_TIMEOUT_MS; } g_hash_table_destroy(meta); return (guint) QB_MIN(timeout_ms, UINT_MAX); } // Does not modify override_hash or its contents crm_exit_t cli_resource_execute(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *requested_name, const char *rsc_action, GHashTable *override_hash, - guint timeout_ms, cib_t *cib, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, - int resource_verbose, gboolean force, int check_level) + guint timeout_ms, cib_t *cib, int resource_verbose, + bool force, int check_level) { - pcmk__output_t *out = scheduler->priv->out; + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = NULL; + pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; crm_exit_t exit_code = CRM_EX_OK; const char *rid = requested_name; const char *rtype = NULL; const char *rprov = NULL; const char *rclass = NULL; GHashTable *params = NULL; + pcmk__assert(rsc != NULL); + + scheduler = rsc->priv->scheduler; + out = scheduler->priv->out; + if (pcmk__strcase_any_of(rsc_action, "force-start", "force-demote", "force-promote", NULL)) { if (pcmk__is_clone(rsc)) { - GList *nodes = cli_resource_search(rsc, requested_name, scheduler); + GList *nodes = cli_resource_search(rsc, requested_name); + if(nodes != NULL && force == FALSE) { out->err(out, "It is not safe to %s %s here: the cluster claims it is already active", rsc_action, rsc->id); out->err(out, "Try setting " PCMK_META_TARGET_ROLE "=" PCMK_ROLE_STOPPED " first or specifying the force option"); return CRM_EX_UNSAFE; } g_list_free_full(nodes, free); } } if (pcmk__is_clone(rsc)) { /* Grab the first child resource in the hope it's not a group */ rsc = rsc->priv->children->data; } if (pcmk__is_group(rsc)) { out->err(out, "Sorry, the %s option doesn't support group resources", rsc_action); return CRM_EX_UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE; } else if (pcmk__is_bundled(rsc)) { out->err(out, "Sorry, the %s option doesn't support bundled resources", rsc_action); return CRM_EX_UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE; } rclass = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_CLASS); rprov = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_PROVIDER); rtype = crm_element_value(rsc->priv->xml, PCMK_XA_TYPE); - params = generate_resource_params(rsc, NULL /* @TODO use local node */, - scheduler); + params = generate_resource_params(rsc); // @TODO use local node if (timeout_ms == 0U) { timeout_ms = get_action_timeout(rsc, get_action(rsc_action)); } if (!pcmk__is_anonymous_clone(rsc->priv->parent)) { rid = rsc->id; } exit_code = cli_resource_execute_from_params(out, rid, rclass, rprov, rtype, rsc_action, params, override_hash, timeout_ms, resource_verbose, force, check_level); return exit_code; } // \return Standard Pacemaker return code int -cli_resource_move(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *rsc_id, +cli_resource_move(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *rsc_id, const pcmk_node_t *dest, const char *move_lifetime, - cib_t *cib, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, - bool promoted_role_only, bool force) + cib_t *cib, bool promoted_role_only, bool force) { + pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = NULL; pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; unsigned int count = 0; pcmk_node_t *current = NULL; bool cur_is_dest = false; const char *active_s = promoted_role_only? "promoted" : "active"; - pcmk__assert((dest != NULL) && (scheduler != NULL)); + pcmk__assert((rsc != NULL) && (dest != NULL)); + scheduler = rsc->priv->scheduler; out = scheduler->priv->out; if (promoted_role_only && !pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_promotable)) { - const pcmk_resource_t *p = pe__const_top_resource(rsc, false); + pcmk_resource_t *p = uber_parent(rsc); if (pcmk_is_set(p->flags, pcmk__rsc_promotable)) { /* @TODO This is dead code. If rsc is part of a promotable clone, * then it has the pcmk__rsc_promotable flag set. * * This was added by 36e4b490. Prior to that commit, we were * checking whether rsc itself is the promotable clone, and if not, * trying to get a promotable clone ancestor. * * As of that commit, we check whether rsc has the promotable flag * set. But if it has a promotable clone ancestor, that flag is set. * * Question: Should we drop this block and use rsc for the move, or * should we check whether rsc is a clone instead of only checking * whether the promotable flag is set (as we did prior to 36e4b490)? * The latter seems appropriate, especially considering the block * below with promoted_count and promoted_node; but we need to trace * and test. */ out->info(out, "Using parent '%s' for move instead of '%s'", rsc->id, rsc_id); rsc_id = p->id; rsc = p; } else { out->info(out, "Ignoring --promoted option: %s is not promotable", rsc_id); promoted_role_only = false; } } current = pe__find_active_requires(rsc, &count); if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk__rsc_promotable)) { unsigned int promoted_count = 0; pcmk_node_t *promoted_node = NULL; - for (const GList *iter = rsc->priv->children; iter != NULL; + for (GList *iter = rsc->priv->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { - const pcmk_resource_t *child = iter->data; + pcmk_resource_t *child = iter->data; enum rsc_role_e child_role = child->priv->fns->state(child, true); if (child_role == pcmk_role_promoted) { rsc = child; promoted_node = pcmk__current_node(child); promoted_count++; } } if (promoted_role_only || (promoted_count != 0)) { count = promoted_count; current = promoted_node; } } if (count > 1) { if (!pcmk__is_clone(rsc)) { return pcmk_rc_multiple; } current = NULL; } if (pcmk__same_node(current, dest)) { if (!force) { return pcmk_rc_already; } cur_is_dest = true; crm_info("%s is already %s on %s, reinforcing placement with location " "constraint", rsc_id, active_s, pcmk__node_name(dest)); } /* @TODO The constraint changes in the following commands should done * atomically in a single CIB transaction, to avoid the possibility of * multiple moves */ /* Clear any previous prefer constraints across all nodes. */ cli_resource_clear(rsc_id, NULL, scheduler->nodes, cib, false, force); /* Clear any previous ban constraints on 'dest'. */ cli_resource_clear(rsc_id, dest->priv->name, scheduler->nodes, cib, true, force); /* Record an explicit preference for 'dest' */ rc = cli_resource_prefer(out, rsc_id, dest->priv->name, move_lifetime, cib, promoted_role_only, PCMK_ROLE_PROMOTED); crm_trace("%s%s now prefers %s%s", rsc->id, (promoted_role_only? " (promoted)" : ""), pcmk__node_name(dest), (force? " (forced)" : "")); /* Ban the current location if force is set and the current location is not * the destination. It is possible to use move to enforce a location without * regard for where the resource is currently located. */ if (force && !cur_is_dest) { /* Ban the original location if possible */ if (current != NULL) { cli_resource_ban(out, rsc_id, current->priv->name, move_lifetime, cib, promoted_role_only, PCMK_ROLE_PROMOTED); } else if (count > 1) { out->info(out, "Resource '%s' is currently %s in %u locations. " "One may now move to %s", rsc_id, active_s, count, pcmk__node_name(dest)); out->info(out, "To prevent '%s' from being %s at a specific location, " "specify a node", rsc_id, active_s); } else { crm_trace("Not banning %s from its current location: not active", rsc_id); } } return rc; } diff --git a/tools/crm_shadow.c b/tools/crm_shadow.c index 90651bac5a..d28b2e7c83 100644 --- a/tools/crm_shadow.c +++ b/tools/crm_shadow.c @@ -1,1309 +1,1308 @@ /* - * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors + * Copyright 2004-2025 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SUMMARY "perform Pacemaker configuration changes in a sandbox\n\n" \ "This command sets up an environment in which " \ "configuration tools (cibadmin,\n" \ "crm_resource, etc.) work offline instead of against a " \ "live cluster, allowing\n" \ "changes to be previewed and tested for side effects." #define INDENT " " enum shadow_command { shadow_cmd_none = 0, shadow_cmd_which, shadow_cmd_display, shadow_cmd_diff, shadow_cmd_file, shadow_cmd_create, shadow_cmd_create_empty, shadow_cmd_commit, shadow_cmd_delete, shadow_cmd_edit, shadow_cmd_reset, shadow_cmd_switch, }; /*! * \internal - * \enum shadow_disp_flags * \brief Bit flags to control which fields of shadow CIB info are displayed * * \note Ignored for XML output. */ enum shadow_disp_flags { shadow_disp_instance = (1 << 0), shadow_disp_file = (1 << 1), shadow_disp_content = (1 << 2), shadow_disp_diff = (1 << 3), }; static crm_exit_t exit_code = CRM_EX_OK; static struct { enum shadow_command cmd; int cmd_options; char *instance; gboolean force; gboolean batch; gboolean full_upload; gchar *validate_with; } options = { .cmd_options = cib_sync_call, }; /*! * \internal * \brief Display an instruction to the user * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] args Message-specific arguments * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note \p args should contain the following: * -# Instructional message */ PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("instruction", "const char *") static int instruction_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *msg = va_arg(args, const char *); if (msg == NULL) { return pcmk_rc_no_output; } return out->info(out, "%s", msg); } /*! * \internal * \brief Display an instruction to the user * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] args Message-specific arguments * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note \p args should contain the following: * -# Instructional message */ PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("instruction", "const char *") static int instruction_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *msg = va_arg(args, const char *); if (msg == NULL) { return pcmk_rc_no_output; } pcmk__output_create_xml_text_node(out, "instruction", msg); return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Display information about a shadow CIB instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] args Message-specific arguments * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note \p args should contain the following: * -# Instance name (can be \p NULL) * -# Shadow file name (can be \p NULL) * -# Shadow file content (can be \p NULL) * -# Patchset containing the changes in the shadow CIB (can be \p NULL) * -# Group of \p shadow_disp_flags indicating which fields to display */ PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("shadow", "const char *", "const char *", "const xmlNode *", "const xmlNode *", "enum shadow_disp_flags") static int shadow_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *instance = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *filename = va_arg(args, const char *); const xmlNode *content = va_arg(args, const xmlNode *); const xmlNode *diff = va_arg(args, const xmlNode *); enum shadow_disp_flags flags = (enum shadow_disp_flags) va_arg(args, int); int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; if (pcmk_is_set(flags, shadow_disp_instance)) { rc = out->info(out, "Instance: %s", pcmk__s(instance, "")); } if (pcmk_is_set(flags, shadow_disp_file)) { rc = out->info(out, "File name: %s", pcmk__s(filename, "")); } if (pcmk_is_set(flags, shadow_disp_content)) { rc = out->info(out, "Content:"); if (content != NULL) { GString *buf = g_string_sized_new(1024); gchar *str = NULL; pcmk__xml_string(content, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty|pcmk__xml_fmt_text, buf, 0); str = g_string_free(buf, FALSE); str = pcmk__trim(str); if (!pcmk__str_empty(str)) { out->info(out, "%s", str); } g_free(str); } else { out->info(out, ""); } } if (pcmk_is_set(flags, shadow_disp_diff)) { rc = out->info(out, "Diff:"); if (diff != NULL) { out->message(out, "xml-patchset", diff); } else { out->info(out, ""); } } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Display information about a shadow CIB instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] args Message-specific arguments * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note \p args should contain the following: * -# Instance name (can be \p NULL) * -# Shadow file name (can be \p NULL) * -# Shadow file content (can be \p NULL) * -# Patchset containing the changes in the shadow CIB (can be \p NULL) * -# Group of \p shadow_disp_flags indicating which fields to display */ PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("shadow", "const char *", "const char *", "const xmlNode *", "const xmlNode *", "enum shadow_disp_flags") static int shadow_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { if (!out->is_quiet(out)) { return shadow_default(out, args); } else { const char *instance = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *filename = va_arg(args, const char *); const xmlNode *content = va_arg(args, const xmlNode *); const xmlNode *diff = va_arg(args, const xmlNode *); enum shadow_disp_flags flags = (enum shadow_disp_flags) va_arg(args, int); int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output; bool quiet_orig = out->quiet; /* We have to disable quiet mode for the "xml-patchset" message if we * call it, so we might as well do so for this whole section. */ out->quiet = false; if (pcmk_is_set(flags, shadow_disp_instance) && (instance != NULL)) { rc = out->info(out, "%s", instance); } if (pcmk_is_set(flags, shadow_disp_file) && (filename != NULL)) { rc = out->info(out, "%s", filename); } if (pcmk_is_set(flags, shadow_disp_content) && (content != NULL)) { GString *buf = g_string_sized_new(1024); gchar *str = NULL; pcmk__xml_string(content, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty|pcmk__xml_fmt_text, buf, 0); str = g_string_free(buf, FALSE); str = pcmk__trim(str); rc = out->info(out, "%s", str); g_free(str); } if (pcmk_is_set(flags, shadow_disp_diff) && (diff != NULL)) { rc = out->message(out, "xml-patchset", diff); } out->quiet = quiet_orig; return rc; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Display information about a shadow CIB instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] args Message-specific arguments * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code * * \note \p args should contain the following: * -# Instance name (can be \p NULL) * -# Shadow file name (can be \p NULL) * -# Shadow file content (can be \p NULL) * -# Patchset containing the changes in the shadow CIB (can be \p NULL) * -# Group of \p shadow_disp_flags indicating which fields to display * (ignored) */ PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("shadow", "const char *", "const char *", "const xmlNode *", "const xmlNode *", "enum shadow_disp_flags") static int shadow_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { const char *instance = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *filename = va_arg(args, const char *); const xmlNode *content = va_arg(args, const xmlNode *); const xmlNode *diff = va_arg(args, const xmlNode *); enum shadow_disp_flags flags G_GNUC_UNUSED = (enum shadow_disp_flags) va_arg(args, int); pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_SHADOW, PCMK_XA_INSTANCE, instance, PCMK_XA_FILE, filename, NULL); if (content != NULL) { GString *buf = g_string_sized_new(1024); pcmk__xml_string(content, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty|pcmk__xml_fmt_text, buf, 0); out->output_xml(out, PCMK_XE_CONTENT, buf->str); g_string_free(buf, TRUE); } if (diff != NULL) { out->message(out, "xml-patchset", diff); } pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(out); return pcmk_rc_ok; } static const pcmk__supported_format_t formats[] = { PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_NONE, PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_TEXT, PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_XML, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static const pcmk__message_entry_t fmt_functions[] = { { "instruction", "default", instruction_default }, { "instruction", "xml", instruction_xml }, { "shadow", "default", shadow_default }, { "shadow", "text", shadow_text }, { "shadow", "xml", shadow_xml }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; /*! * \internal * \brief Set the error when \p --force is not passed with a dangerous command * * \param[in] reason Why command is dangerous * \param[in] for_shadow If true, command is dangerous to the shadow file. * Otherwise, command is dangerous to the active * cluster. * \param[in] show_mismatch If true and the supplied shadow instance is not * the same as the active shadow instance, report * this * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static void set_danger_error(const char *reason, bool for_shadow, bool show_mismatch, GError **error) { const char *active = getenv("CIB_shadow"); char *full = NULL; if (show_mismatch && !pcmk__str_eq(active, options.instance, pcmk__str_null_matches)) { full = crm_strdup_printf("%s.\nAdditionally, the supplied shadow " "instance (%s) is not the same as the active " "one (%s)", reason, options.instance, active); reason = full; } g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "%s%sTo prevent accidental destruction of the %s, the --force " "flag is required in order to proceed.", pcmk__s(reason, ""), ((reason != NULL)? ".\n" : ""), (for_shadow? "shadow file" : "cluster")); free(full); } /*! * \internal * \brief Get the active shadow instance from the environment * * This sets \p options.instance to the value of the \p CIB_shadow env variable. * * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static int get_instance_from_env(GError **error) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; pcmk__str_update(&options.instance, getenv("CIB_shadow")); if (options.instance == NULL) { rc = ENXIO; exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "No active shadow configuration defined"); } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Validate that the shadow file does or does not exist, as appropriate * * \param[in] filename Absolute path of shadow file * \param[in] should_exist Whether the shadow file is expected to exist * \param[out] error Where to store error * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ static int check_file_exists(const char *filename, bool should_exist, GError **error) { struct stat buf; if (!should_exist && (stat(filename, &buf) == 0)) { char *reason = crm_strdup_printf("A shadow instance '%s' already " "exists", options.instance); exit_code = CRM_EX_CANTCREAT; set_danger_error(reason, true, false, error); free(reason); return EEXIST; } if (should_exist && (stat(filename, &buf) < 0)) { int rc = errno; exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Could not access shadow instance '%s': %s", options.instance, strerror(rc)); return errno; } return pcmk_rc_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Connect to the "real" (non-shadow) CIB * * \param[out] real_cib Where to store CIB connection * \param[out] error Where to store error * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ static int connect_real_cib(cib_t **real_cib, GError **error) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; *real_cib = cib_new_no_shadow(); if (*real_cib == NULL) { rc = ENOMEM; exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Could not create a CIB connection object"); return rc; } rc = cib__signon_attempts(*real_cib, cib_command, 5); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Could not connect to CIB: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Query the "real" (non-shadow) CIB and store the result * * \param[out] output Where to store query output * \param[out] error Where to store error * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ static int query_real_cib(xmlNode **output, GError **error) { cib_t *real_cib = NULL; int rc = connect_real_cib(&real_cib, error); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } rc = real_cib->cmds->query(real_cib, NULL, output, options.cmd_options); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Could not query the non-shadow CIB: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } done: cib_delete(real_cib); return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Read XML from the given file * * \param[in] filename Path of input file * \param[out] output Where to store XML read from \p filename * \param[out] error Where to store error * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ static int read_xml(const char *filename, xmlNode **output, GError **error) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; *output = pcmk__xml_read(filename); if (*output == NULL) { rc = pcmk_rc_no_input; exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Could not parse XML from input file '%s'", filename); } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Write the shadow XML to a file * * \param[in] xml Shadow XML * \param[in] filename Name of destination file * \param[in] reset Whether the write is a reset (for logging only) * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static int write_shadow_file(const xmlNode *xml, const char *filename, bool reset, GError **error) { int rc = pcmk__xml_write_file(xml, filename, false); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Could not %s the shadow instance '%s': %s", reset? "reset" : "create", options.instance, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } return rc; } /*! * \internal * \brief Create a shell prompt based on the given shadow instance name * * \return Newly created prompt * * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value using \p free(). */ static inline char * get_shadow_prompt(void) { return crm_strdup_printf("shadow[%.40s] # ", options.instance); } /*! * \internal * \brief Set up environment variables for a shadow instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] do_switch If true, switch to an existing instance (logging * only) * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static void shadow_setup(pcmk__output_t *out, bool do_switch, GError **error) { const char *active = getenv("CIB_shadow"); const char *prompt = getenv("PS1"); const char *shell = getenv("SHELL"); char *new_prompt = get_shadow_prompt(); if (pcmk__str_eq(active, options.instance, pcmk__str_none) && pcmk__str_eq(new_prompt, prompt, pcmk__str_none)) { // CIB_shadow and prompt environment variables are already set up goto done; } if (!options.batch && (shell != NULL)) { out->info(out, "Setting up shadow instance"); setenv("PS1", new_prompt, 1); setenv("CIB_shadow", options.instance, 1); out->message(out, PCMK_XE_INSTRUCTION, "Press Ctrl+D to exit the crm_shadow shell"); if (pcmk__str_eq(shell, "(^|/)bash$", pcmk__str_regex)) { execl(shell, shell, "--norc", "--noprofile", NULL); } else { execl(shell, shell, NULL); } exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(errno); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Failed to launch shell '%s': %s", shell, pcmk_rc_str(errno)); } else { char *msg = NULL; const char *prefix = "A new shadow instance was created. To begin " "using it"; if (do_switch) { prefix = "To switch to the named shadow instance"; } msg = crm_strdup_printf("%s, enter the following into your shell:\n" "\texport CIB_shadow=%s", prefix, options.instance); out->message(out, "instruction", msg); free(msg); } done: free(new_prompt); } /*! * \internal * \brief Remind the user to clean up the shadow environment * * \param[in,out] out Output object */ static void shadow_teardown(pcmk__output_t *out) { const char *active = getenv("CIB_shadow"); const char *prompt = getenv("PS1"); if (pcmk__str_eq(active, options.instance, pcmk__str_none)) { char *our_prompt = get_shadow_prompt(); if (pcmk__str_eq(prompt, our_prompt, pcmk__str_none)) { out->message(out, "instruction", "Press Ctrl+D to exit the crm_shadow shell"); } else { out->message(out, "instruction", "Remember to unset the CIB_shadow variable by " "entering the following into your shell:\n" "\tunset CIB_shadow"); } free(our_prompt); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Commit the shadow file contents to the active cluster * * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static void commit_shadow_file(GError **error) { char *filename = NULL; cib_t *real_cib = NULL; xmlNodePtr input = NULL; xmlNodePtr section_xml = NULL; const char *section = NULL; int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (!options.force) { const char *reason = "The commit command overwrites the active cluster " "configuration"; exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; set_danger_error(reason, false, true, error); return; } filename = get_shadow_file(options.instance); if (check_file_exists(filename, true, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } if (connect_real_cib(&real_cib, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } if (read_xml(filename, &input, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } section_xml = input; if (!options.full_upload) { section = PCMK_XE_CONFIGURATION; section_xml = pcmk__xe_first_child(input, section, NULL, NULL); } rc = real_cib->cmds->replace(real_cib, section, section_xml, options.cmd_options); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Could not commit shadow instance '%s' to the CIB: %s", options.instance, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } done: free(filename); cib_delete(real_cib); pcmk__xml_free(input); } /*! * \internal * \brief Create a new empty shadow instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[out] error Where to store error * * \note If \p --force is given, we try to write the file regardless of whether * it already exists. */ static void create_shadow_empty(pcmk__output_t *out, GError **error) { char *filename = get_shadow_file(options.instance); xmlNode *output = NULL; if (!options.force && (check_file_exists(filename, false, error) != pcmk_rc_ok)) { goto done; } output = createEmptyCib(0); crm_xml_add(output, PCMK_XA_VALIDATE_WITH, options.validate_with); out->info(out, "Created new %s configuration", crm_element_value(output, PCMK_XA_VALIDATE_WITH)); if (write_shadow_file(output, filename, false, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } shadow_setup(out, false, error); done: free(filename); pcmk__xml_free(output); } /*! * \internal * \brief Create a shadow instance based on the active CIB * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[in] reset If true, overwrite the given existing shadow instance. * Otherwise, create a new shadow instance with the given * name. * \param[out] error Where to store error * * \note If \p --force is given, we try to write the file regardless of whether * it already exists. */ static void create_shadow_from_cib(pcmk__output_t *out, bool reset, GError **error) { char *filename = get_shadow_file(options.instance); xmlNode *output = NULL; if (!options.force) { if (reset) { const char *reason = "The reset command overwrites the active " "shadow configuration"; exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; set_danger_error(reason, true, true, error); goto done; } if (check_file_exists(filename, reset, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } } if (query_real_cib(&output, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } if (write_shadow_file(output, filename, reset, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } shadow_setup(out, false, error); done: free(filename); pcmk__xml_free(output); } /*! * \internal * \brief Delete the shadow file * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static void delete_shadow_file(pcmk__output_t *out, GError **error) { char *filename = NULL; if (!options.force) { const char *reason = "The delete command removes the specified shadow " "file"; exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; set_danger_error(reason, true, true, error); return; } filename = get_shadow_file(options.instance); if ((unlink(filename) < 0) && (errno != ENOENT)) { exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(errno); g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Could not remove shadow instance '%s': %s", options.instance, strerror(errno)); } else { shadow_teardown(out); } free(filename); } /*! * \internal * \brief Open the shadow file in a text editor * * \param[out] error Where to store error * * \note The \p EDITOR environment variable must be set. */ static void edit_shadow_file(GError **error) { char *filename = NULL; const char *editor = NULL; if (get_instance_from_env(error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { return; } filename = get_shadow_file(options.instance); if (check_file_exists(filename, true, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } editor = getenv("EDITOR"); if (editor == NULL) { exit_code = CRM_EX_NOT_CONFIGURED; g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "No value for EDITOR defined"); goto done; } execlp(editor, "--", filename, NULL); exit_code = CRM_EX_OSFILE; g_set_error(error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Could not invoke EDITOR (%s %s): %s", editor, filename, strerror(errno)); done: free(filename); } /*! * \internal * \brief Show the contents of the active shadow instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static void show_shadow_contents(pcmk__output_t *out, GError **error) { char *filename = NULL; if (get_instance_from_env(error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { return; } filename = get_shadow_file(options.instance); if (check_file_exists(filename, true, error) == pcmk_rc_ok) { xmlNode *output = NULL; bool quiet_orig = out->quiet; if (read_xml(filename, &output, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } out->quiet = true; out->message(out, "shadow", options.instance, NULL, output, NULL, shadow_disp_content); out->quiet = quiet_orig; pcmk__xml_free(output); } done: free(filename); } /*! * \internal * \brief Show the changes in the active shadow instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static void show_shadow_diff(pcmk__output_t *out, GError **error) { char *filename = NULL; xmlNodePtr old_config = NULL; xmlNodePtr new_config = NULL; xmlNodePtr diff = NULL; bool quiet_orig = out->quiet; if (get_instance_from_env(error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { return; } filename = get_shadow_file(options.instance); if (check_file_exists(filename, true, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } if (query_real_cib(&old_config, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } if (read_xml(filename, &new_config, error) != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } xml_track_changes(new_config, NULL, new_config, false); xml_calculate_changes(old_config, new_config); diff = xml_create_patchset(0, old_config, new_config, NULL, false); pcmk__log_xml_changes(LOG_INFO, new_config); xml_accept_changes(new_config); out->quiet = true; out->message(out, "shadow", options.instance, NULL, NULL, diff, shadow_disp_diff); out->quiet = quiet_orig; if (diff != NULL) { /* @COMPAT: Exit with CRM_EX_DIGEST? This is not really an error; we * just want to indicate that there are differences (as the diff command * does). */ exit_code = CRM_EX_ERROR; } done: free(filename); pcmk__xml_free(old_config); pcmk__xml_free(new_config); pcmk__xml_free(diff); } /*! * \internal * \brief Show the absolute path of the active shadow instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static void show_shadow_filename(pcmk__output_t *out, GError **error) { if (get_instance_from_env(error) == pcmk_rc_ok) { char *filename = get_shadow_file(options.instance); bool quiet_orig = out->quiet; out->quiet = true; out->message(out, "shadow", options.instance, filename, NULL, NULL, shadow_disp_file); out->quiet = quiet_orig; free(filename); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Show the active shadow instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static void show_shadow_instance(pcmk__output_t *out, GError **error) { if (get_instance_from_env(error) == pcmk_rc_ok) { bool quiet_orig = out->quiet; out->quiet = true; out->message(out, "shadow", options.instance, NULL, NULL, NULL, shadow_disp_instance); out->quiet = quiet_orig; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Switch to the given shadow instance * * \param[in,out] out Output object * \param[out] error Where to store error */ static void switch_shadow_instance(pcmk__output_t *out, GError **error) { char *filename = NULL; filename = get_shadow_file(options.instance); if (check_file_exists(filename, true, error) == pcmk_rc_ok) { shadow_setup(out, true, error); } free(filename); } static gboolean command_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-w", "--which", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_which; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-p", "--display", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_display; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-d", "--diff", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_diff; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-F", "--file", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_file; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-c", "--create", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_create; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-e", "--create-empty", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_create_empty; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-C", "--commit", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_commit; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-D", "--delete", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_delete; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-E", "--edit", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_edit; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-r", "--reset", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_reset; } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(option_name, "-s", "--switch", NULL)) { options.cmd = shadow_cmd_switch; } else { // Should be impossible return FALSE; } // optarg may be NULL and that's okay pcmk__str_update(&options.instance, optarg); return TRUE; } static GOptionEntry query_entries[] = { { "which", 'w', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Indicate the active shadow copy", NULL }, { "display", 'p', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Display the contents of the active shadow copy", NULL }, { "diff", 'd', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Display the changes in the active shadow copy", NULL }, { "file", 'F', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Display the location of the active shadow copy file", NULL }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry command_entries[] = { { "create", 'c', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Create the named shadow copy of the active cluster configuration", "name" }, { "create-empty", 'e', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Create the named shadow copy with an empty cluster configuration.\n" INDENT "Optional: --validate-with", "name" }, { "commit", 'C', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Upload the contents of the named shadow copy to the cluster", "name" }, { "delete", 'D', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Delete the contents of the named shadow copy", "name" }, { "edit", 'E', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Edit the contents of the active shadow copy with your favorite $EDITOR", NULL }, { "reset", 'r', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "Recreate named shadow copy from the active cluster configuration", "name. Required: --force." }, { "switch", 's', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, command_cb, "(Advanced) Switch to the named shadow copy", "name" }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry addl_entries[] = { { "force", 'f', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.force, "(Advanced) Force the action to be performed", NULL }, { "batch", 'b', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.batch, "(Advanced) Don't spawn a new shell", NULL }, { "all", 'a', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.full_upload, "(Advanced) Upload entire CIB, including status, with --commit", NULL }, { "validate-with", 'v', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.validate_with, "(Advanced) Create an older configuration version", NULL }, { NULL } }; static GOptionContext * build_arg_context(pcmk__common_args_t *args, GOptionGroup **group) { const char *desc = NULL; GOptionContext *context = NULL; desc = "Examples:\n\n" "Create a blank shadow configuration:\n\n" "\t# crm_shadow --create-empty myShadow\n\n" "Create a shadow configuration from the running cluster\n\n" "\t# crm_shadow --create myShadow\n\n" "Display the current shadow configuration:\n\n" "\t# crm_shadow --display\n\n" "Discard the current shadow configuration (named myShadow):\n\n" "\t# crm_shadow --delete myShadow --force\n\n" "Upload current shadow configuration (named myShadow) to running " "cluster:\n\n" "\t# crm_shadow --commit myShadow\n\n"; context = pcmk__build_arg_context(args, "text (default), xml", group, "|"); g_option_context_set_description(context, desc); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "queries", "Queries:", "Show query help", query_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "commands", "Commands:", "Show command help", command_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "additional", "Additional Options:", "Show additional options", addl_entries); return context; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; GError *error = NULL; GOptionGroup *output_group = NULL; pcmk__common_args_t *args = pcmk__new_common_args(SUMMARY); gchar **processed_args = pcmk__cmdline_preproc(argv, "CDcersv"); GOptionContext *context = build_arg_context(args, &output_group); crm_log_preinit(NULL, argc, argv); pcmk__register_formats(output_group, formats); if (!g_option_context_parse_strv(context, &processed_args, &error)) { exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; goto done; } rc = pcmk__output_new(&out, args->output_ty, args->output_dest, argv); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = CRM_EX_ERROR; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Error creating output format %s: %s", args->output_ty, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } if (g_strv_length(processed_args) > 1) { gchar *help = g_option_context_get_help(context, TRUE, NULL); GString *extra = g_string_sized_new(128); for (int lpc = 1; processed_args[lpc] != NULL; lpc++) { if (extra->len > 0) { g_string_append_c(extra, ' '); } g_string_append(extra, processed_args[lpc]); } exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "non-option ARGV-elements: %s\n\n%s", extra->str, help); g_free(help); g_string_free(extra, TRUE); goto done; } if (args->version) { out->version(out, false); goto done; } pcmk__register_messages(out, fmt_functions); if (options.cmd == shadow_cmd_none) { // @COMPAT: Create a default command if other tools have one gchar *help = g_option_context_get_help(context, TRUE, NULL); exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Must specify a query or command option\n\n%s", help); g_free(help); goto done; } pcmk__cli_init_logging("crm_shadow", args->verbosity); if (args->verbosity > 0) { cib__set_call_options(options.cmd_options, crm_system_name, cib_verbose); } // Run the command switch (options.cmd) { case shadow_cmd_commit: commit_shadow_file(&error); break; case shadow_cmd_create: create_shadow_from_cib(out, false, &error); break; case shadow_cmd_create_empty: create_shadow_empty(out, &error); break; case shadow_cmd_reset: create_shadow_from_cib(out, true, &error); break; case shadow_cmd_delete: delete_shadow_file(out, &error); break; case shadow_cmd_diff: show_shadow_diff(out, &error); break; case shadow_cmd_display: show_shadow_contents(out, &error); break; case shadow_cmd_edit: edit_shadow_file(&error); break; case shadow_cmd_file: show_shadow_filename(out, &error); break; case shadow_cmd_switch: switch_shadow_instance(out, &error); break; case shadow_cmd_which: show_shadow_instance(out, &error); break; default: // Should never reach this point break; } done: g_strfreev(processed_args); pcmk__free_arg_context(context); pcmk__output_and_clear_error(&error, out); free(options.instance); g_free(options.validate_with); if (out != NULL) { out->finish(out, exit_code, true, NULL); pcmk__output_free(out); } crm_exit(exit_code); }