diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Future.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Future.txt index 2c493067e6..43d136c4e8 100644 --- a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Future.txt +++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Future.txt @@ -1,16 +1,17 @@ = Future Features = Basic KVM and Linux container integration was the first phase of development for pacemaker_remote and was completed for Pacemaker v1.1.10. Here are some planned features that expand upon this initial functionality. == Libvirt Sandbox Support == Once the libvirt-sandbox project is integrated with pacemaker_remote, we will gain the ability to preform per-resource linux container isolation with very little performance impact. This functionality will allow resources living on a single node to be isolated from one another. At that point CPU and memory limits could be set per-resource dynamically just using the cluster config. == Bare-metal Support == +"This feature has already been introduced into Pacemaker's master github branch and is scheduled for Pacemaker v1.1.11"+ The pacemaker_remote daemon already has the ability to run on bare-metal hardware nodes, but the policy engine logic for integrating bare-metal nodes is not complete. There are some complications involved with understanding a bare-metal node's state that virtual nodes don't have. Once this logic is complete, pacemaker will be able to integrate bare-metal nodes in the same way virtual remote-nodes currently are. Some special considerations for fencing will need to be addressed. == KVM Migration Support == ++"This feature has already been introduced into Pacemaker's master github branch and is scheduled for Pacemaker v1.1.12"+ Pacemaker's policy engine is limited in its ability to perform live migrations of KVM resources when resource dependencies are involved. This limitation affects how resources living within a KVM remote-node are handled when a live migration takes place. Currently when a live migration is performed on a KVM remote-node, all the resources within that remote-node have to be stopped before the migration takes place and started once again after migration has finished. This policy engine limitation is fully explained in this bug report, http://bugs.clusterlabs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5055#c3