diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/nodes.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/nodes.rst
index 378b067177..8df706406b 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/nodes.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Explained/nodes.rst
@@ -1,435 +1,473 @@
Cluster Nodes
Defining a Cluster Node
Each cluster node will have an entry in the ``nodes`` section containing at
least an ID and a name. A cluster node's ID is defined by the cluster layer
.. topic:: **Example Corosync cluster node entry**
.. code-block:: xml
In normal circumstances, the admin should let the cluster populate this
information automatically from the cluster layer.
.. _node_name:
Where Pacemaker Gets the Node Name
The name that Pacemaker uses for a node in the configuration does not have to
be the same as its local hostname. Pacemaker uses the following for a Corosync
node's name, in order of most preferred first:
* The value of ``name`` in the ``nodelist`` section of ``corosync.conf``
* The value of ``ring0_addr`` in the ``nodelist`` section of ``corosync.conf``
* The local hostname (value of ``uname -n``)
If the cluster is running, the ``crm_node -n`` command will display the local
node's name as used by the cluster.
If a Corosync ``nodelist`` is used, ``crm_node --name-for-id`` with a Corosync
node ID will display the name used by the node with the given Corosync
``nodeid``, for example:
.. code-block:: none
crm_node --name-for-id 2
.. index::
single: node; attribute
single: node attribute
.. _node_attributes:
Node Attributes
Pacemaker allows node-specific values to be specified using *node attributes*.
A node attribute has a name, and may have a distinct value for each node.
Node attributes come in two types, *permanent* and *transient*. Permanent node
attributes are kept within the ``node`` entry, and keep their values even if
the cluster restarts on a node. Transient node attributes are kept in the CIB's
``status`` section, and go away when the cluster stops on the node.
While certain node attributes have specific meanings to the cluster, they are
mainly intended to allow administrators and resource agents to track any
information desired.
For example, an administrator might choose to define node attributes for how
much RAM and disk space each node has, which OS each uses, or which server room
rack each node is in.
Users can configure :ref:`rules` that use node attributes to affect where
resources are placed.
Setting and querying node attributes
Node attributes can be set and queried using the ``crm_attribute`` and
``attrd_updater`` commands, so that the user does not have to deal with XML
configuration directly.
Here is an example command to set a permanent node attribute, and the XML
configuration that would be generated:
.. topic:: **Result of using crm_attribute to specify which kernel pcmk-1 is running**
.. code-block:: none
# crm_attribute --type nodes --node pcmk-1 --name kernel --update $(uname -r)
.. code-block:: xml
To read back the value that was just set:
.. code-block:: none
# crm_attribute --type nodes --node pcmk-1 --name kernel --query
scope=nodes name=kernel value=3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64
The ``--type nodes`` indicates that this is a permanent node attribute;
``--type status`` would indicate a transient node attribute.
+.. warning::
+ Attribute values with newline or tab characters are currently displayed with
+ newlines as ``"\n"`` and tabs as ``"\t"``, when ``crm_attribute`` or
+ ``attrd_updater`` query commands use ``--output-as=text`` or leave
+ ``--output-as`` unspecified:
+ .. code-block:: none
+ # crm_attribute -N node1 -n test_attr -v "$(echo -e "a\nb\tc")" -t status
+ # crm_attribute -N node1 -n test_attr --query -t status
+ scope=status name=test_attr value=a\nb\tc
+ This format is deprecated. In a future release, the values will be displayed
+ with literal whitespace characters:
+ .. code-block:: none
+ # crm_attribute -N node1 -n test_attr --query -t status
+ scope=status name=test_attr value=a
+ b c
+ Users should either avoid attribute values with newlines and tabs, or ensure
+ that they can handle both formats.
+ However, it's best to use ``--output-as=xml`` when parsing attribute values
+ from output. Newlines, tabs, and special characters are replaced with XML
+ character references that a conforming XML processor can recognize and
+ convert to literals:
+ .. code-block:: none
+ # crm_attribute -N node1 -n test_attr --query -t status --output-as=xml
.. _special_node_attributes:
Special node attributes
Certain node attributes have special meaning to the cluster.
Node attribute names beginning with ``#`` are considered reserved for these
special attributes. Some special attributes do not start with ``#``, for
historical reasons.
Certain special attributes are set automatically by the cluster, should never
be modified directly, and can be used only within :ref:`rules`; these are
listed under
:ref:`built-in node attributes `.
For true/false values, the cluster considers a value of "1", "y", "yes", "on",
or "true" (case-insensitively) to be true, "0", "n", "no", "off", "false", or
unset to be false, and anything else to be an error.
.. table:: **Node attributes with special significance**
:class: longtable
:widths: 1 2
| Name | Description |
| fail-count-* | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; fail-count |
| | |
| | Attributes whose names start with |
| | ``fail-count-`` are managed by the cluster |
| | to track how many times particular resource |
| | operations have failed on this node. These |
| | should be queried and cleared via the |
| | ``crm_failcount`` or |
| | ``crm_resource --cleanup`` commands rather |
| | than directly. |
| last-failure-* | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; last-failure |
| | |
| | Attributes whose names start with |
| | ``last-failure-`` are managed by the cluster |
| | to track when particular resource operations |
| | have most recently failed on this node. |
| | These should be cleared via the |
| | ``crm_failcount`` or |
| | ``crm_resource --cleanup`` commands rather |
| | than directly. |
| maintenance | .. _node_maintenance: |
| | |
| | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; maintenance |
| | |
| | If true, the cluster will not start or stop any |
| | resources on this node. Any resources active on the |
| | node become unmanaged, and any recurring operations |
| | for those resources (except those specifying |
| | ``role`` as ``Stopped``) will be paused. The |
| | :ref:`maintenance-mode ` cluster |
| | option, if true, overrides this. If this attribute |
| | is true, it overrides the |
| | :ref:`is-managed ` and |
| | :ref:`maintenance ` |
| | meta-attributes of affected resources and |
| | :ref:`enabled ` meta-attribute for |
| | affected recurring actions. Pacemaker should not be |
| | restarted on a node that is in single-node |
| | maintenance mode. |
| probe_complete | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; probe_complete |
| | |
| | This is managed by the cluster to detect |
| | when nodes need to be reprobed, and should |
| | never be used directly. |
| resource-discovery-enabled | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; resource-discovery-enabled |
| | |
| | If the node is a remote node, fencing is enabled, |
| | and this attribute is explicitly set to false |
| | (unset means true in this case), resource discovery |
| | (probes) will not be done on this node. This is |
| | highly discouraged; the ``resource-discovery`` |
| | location constraint property is preferred for this |
| | purpose. |
| shutdown | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; shutdown |
| | |
| | This is managed by the cluster to orchestrate the |
| | shutdown of a node, and should never be used |
| | directly. |
| site-name | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; site-name |
| | |
| | If set, this will be used as the value of the |
| | ``#site-name`` node attribute used in rules. (If |
| | not set, the value of the ``cluster-name`` cluster |
| | option will be used as ``#site-name`` instead.) |
| standby | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; standby |
| | |
| | If true, the node is in standby mode. This is |
| | typically set and queried via the ``crm_standby`` |
| | command rather than directly. |
| terminate | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; terminate |
| | |
| | If the value is true or begins with any nonzero |
| | number, the node will be fenced. This is typically |
| | set by tools rather than directly. |
| #digests-* | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; #digests |
| | |
| | Attributes whose names start with ``#digests-`` are |
| | managed by the cluster to detect when |
| | :ref:`unfencing` needs to be redone, and should |
| | never be used directly. |
| #node-unfenced | .. index:: |
| | pair: node attribute; #node-unfenced |
| | |
| | When the node was last unfenced (as seconds since |
| | the epoch). This is managed by the cluster and |
| | should never be used directly. |
.. index::
single: node; health
.. _node-health:
Tracking Node Health
A node may be functioning adequately as far as cluster membership is concerned,
and yet be "unhealthy" in some respect that makes it an undesirable location
for resources. For example, a disk drive may be reporting SMART errors, or the
CPU may be highly loaded.
Pacemaker offers a way to automatically move resources off unhealthy nodes.
.. index::
single: node attribute; health
Node Health Attributes
Pacemaker will treat any node attribute whose name starts with ``#health`` as
an indicator of node health. Node health attributes may have one of the
following values:
.. table:: **Allowed Values for Node Health Attributes**
:widths: 1 4
| Value | Intended significance |
| ``red`` | .. index:: |
| | single: red; node health attribute value |
| | single: node attribute; health (red) |
| | |
| | This indicator is unhealthy |
| ``yellow`` | .. index:: |
| | single: yellow; node health attribute value |
| | single: node attribute; health (yellow) |
| | |
| | This indicator is becoming unhealthy |
| ``green`` | .. index:: |
| | single: green; node health attribute value |
| | single: node attribute; health (green) |
| | |
| | This indicator is healthy |
| *integer* | .. index:: |
| | single: score; node health attribute value |
| | single: node attribute; health (score) |
| | |
| | A numeric score to apply to all resources on this node (0 or |
| | positive is healthy, negative is unhealthy) |
.. index::
pair: cluster option; node-health-strategy
Node Health Strategy
Pacemaker assigns a node health score to each node, as the sum of the values of
all its node health attributes. This score will be used as a location
constraint applied to this node for all resources.
The ``node-health-strategy`` cluster option controls how Pacemaker responds to
changes in node health attributes, and how it translates ``red``, ``yellow``,
and ``green`` to scores.
Allowed values are:
.. table:: **Node Health Strategies**
:widths: 1 4
| Value | Effect |
| none | .. index:: |
| | single: node-health-strategy; none |
| | single: none; node-health-strategy value |
| | |
| | Do not track node health attributes at all. |
| migrate-on-red | .. index:: |
| | single: node-health-strategy; migrate-on-red |
| | single: migrate-on-red; node-health-strategy value |
| | |
| | Assign the value of ``-INFINITY`` to ``red``, and 0 to |
| | ``yellow`` and ``green``. This will cause all resources |
| | to move off the node if any attribute is ``red``. |
| only-green | .. index:: |
| | single: node-health-strategy; only-green |
| | single: only-green; node-health-strategy value |
| | |
| | Assign the value of ``-INFINITY`` to ``red`` and |
| | ``yellow``, and 0 to ``green``. This will cause all |
| | resources to move off the node if any attribute is |
| | ``red`` or ``yellow``. |
| progressive | .. index:: |
| | single: node-health-strategy; progressive |
| | single: progressive; node-health-strategy value |
| | |
| | Assign the value of the ``node-health-red`` cluster |
| | option to ``red``, the value of ``node-health-yellow`` |
| | to ``yellow``, and the value of ``node-health-green`` to |
| | ``green``. Each node is additionally assigned a score of |
| | ``node-health-base`` (this allows resources to start |
| | even if some attributes are ``yellow``). This strategy |
| | gives the administrator finer control over how important |
| | each value is. |
| custom | .. index:: |
| | single: node-health-strategy; custom |
| | single: custom; node-health-strategy value |
| | |
| | Track node health attributes using the same values as |
| | ``progressive`` for ``red``, ``yellow``, and ``green``, |
| | but do not take them into account. The administrator is |
| | expected to implement a policy by defining :ref:`rules` |
| | referencing node health attributes. |
Exempting a Resource from Health Restrictions
If you want a resource to be able to run on a node even if its health score
would otherwise prevent it, set the resource's ``allow-unhealthy-nodes``
meta-attribute to ``true`` *(available since 2.1.3)*.
This is particularly useful for node health agents, to allow them to detect
when the node becomes healthy again. If you configure a health agent without
this setting, then the health agent will be banned from an unhealthy node,
and you will have to investigate and clear the health attribute manually once
it is healthy to allow resources on the node again.
If you want the meta-attribute to apply to a clone, it must be set on the clone
itself, not on the resource being cloned.
Configuring Node Health Agents
Since Pacemaker calculates node health based on node attributes, any method
that sets node attributes may be used to measure node health. The most common
are resource agents and custom daemons.
Pacemaker provides examples that can be used directly or as a basis for custom
code. The ``ocf:pacemaker:HealthCPU``, ``ocf:pacemaker:HealthIOWait``, and
``ocf:pacemaker:HealthSMART`` resource agents set node health attributes based
on CPU and disk status.
To take advantage of this feature, add the resource to your cluster (generally
as a cloned resource with a recurring monitor action, to continually check the
health of all nodes). For example:
.. topic:: Example HealthIOWait resource configuration
.. code-block:: xml
The resource agents use ``attrd_updater`` to set proper status for each node
running this resource, as a node attribute whose name starts with ``#health``
(for ``HealthIOWait``, the node attribute is named ``#health-iowait``).
When a node is no longer faulty, you can force the cluster to make it available
to take resources without waiting for the next monitor, by setting the node
health attribute to green. For example:
.. topic:: **Force node1 to be marked as healthy**
.. code-block:: none
# attrd_updater --name "#health-iowait" --update "green" --node "node1"
diff --git a/include/crm/common/xml_internal.h b/include/crm/common/xml_internal.h
index 4be87727ba..a339b4e840 100644
--- a/include/crm/common/xml_internal.h
+++ b/include/crm/common/xml_internal.h
@@ -1,479 +1,558 @@
* Copyright 2017-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
* Internal-only wrappers for and extensions to libxml2 (libxslt)
# include
# include
# include
# include /* transitively imports qblog.h */
# include
# include
# include
* \brief Base for directing lib{xml2,xslt} log into standard libqb backend
* This macro implements the core of what can be needed for directing
* libxml2 or libxslt error messaging into standard, preconfigured
* libqb-backed log stream.
* It's a bit unfortunate that libxml2 (and more sparsely, also libxslt)
* emits a single message by chunks (location is emitted separatedly from
* the message itself), so we have to take the effort to combine these
* chunks back to single message. Whether to do this or not is driven
* with \p dechunk toggle.
* The form of a macro was chosen for implicit deriving of __FILE__, etc.
* and also because static dechunking buffer should be differentiated per
* library (here we assume different functions referring to this macro
* will not ever be using both at once), preferably also per-library
* context of use to avoid clashes altogether.
* Note that we cannot use qb_logt, because callsite data have to be known
* at the moment of compilation, which it is not always the case -- xml_log
* (and unfortunately there's no clear explanation of the fail to compile).
* Also note that there's no explicit guard against said libraries producing
* never-newline-terminated chunks (which would just keep consuming memory),
* as it's quite improbable. Termination of the program in between the
* same-message chunks will raise a flag with valgrind and the likes, though.
* And lastly, regarding how dechunking combines with other non-message
* parameters -- for \p priority, most important running specification
* wins (possibly elevated to LOG_ERR in case of nonconformance with the
* newline-termination "protocol"), \p dechunk is expected to always be
* on once it was at the start, and the rest (\p postemit and \p prefix)
* are picked directly from the last chunk entry finalizing the message
* (also reasonable to always have it the same with all related entries).
* \param[in] priority Syslog priority for the message to be logged
* \param[in] dechunk Whether to dechunk new-line terminated message
* \param[in] postemit Code to be executed once message is sent out
* \param[in] prefix How to prefix the message or NULL for raw passing
* \param[in] fmt Format string as with printf-like functions
* \param[in] ap Variable argument list to supplement \p fmt format string
#define PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE(priority, dechunk, postemit, prefix, fmt, ap) \
do { \
if (!(dechunk) && (prefix) == NULL) { /* quick pass */ \
qb_log_from_external_source_va(__func__, __FILE__, (fmt), \
(priority), __LINE__, 0, (ap)); \
(void) (postemit); \
} else { \
int CXLB_len = 0; \
char *CXLB_buf = NULL; \
static int CXLB_buffer_len = 0; \
static char *CXLB_buffer = NULL; \
static uint8_t CXLB_priority = 0; \
CXLB_len = vasprintf(&CXLB_buf, (fmt), (ap)); \
if (CXLB_len <= 0 || CXLB_buf[CXLB_len - 1] == '\n' || !(dechunk)) { \
if (CXLB_len < 0) { \
CXLB_buf = (char *) "LOG CORRUPTION HAZARD"; /*we don't modify*/\
CXLB_priority = QB_MIN(CXLB_priority, LOG_ERR); \
} else if (CXLB_len > 0 /* && (dechunk) */ \
&& CXLB_buf[CXLB_len - 1] == '\n') { \
CXLB_buf[CXLB_len - 1] = '\0'; \
} \
if (CXLB_buffer) { \
qb_log_from_external_source(__func__, __FILE__, "%s%s%s", \
CXLB_priority, __LINE__, 0, \
(prefix) != NULL ? (prefix) : "", \
CXLB_buffer, CXLB_buf); \
free(CXLB_buffer); \
} else { \
qb_log_from_external_source(__func__, __FILE__, "%s%s", \
(priority), __LINE__, 0, \
(prefix) != NULL ? (prefix) : "", \
CXLB_buf); \
} \
if (CXLB_len < 0) { \
CXLB_buf = NULL; /* restore temporary override */ \
} \
CXLB_buffer = NULL; \
CXLB_buffer_len = 0; \
(void) (postemit); \
} else if (CXLB_buffer == NULL) { \
CXLB_buffer_len = CXLB_len; \
CXLB_buffer = CXLB_buf; \
CXLB_buf = NULL; \
CXLB_priority = (priority); /* remember as a running severest */ \
} else { \
CXLB_buffer = realloc(CXLB_buffer, 1 + CXLB_buffer_len + CXLB_len); \
memcpy(CXLB_buffer + CXLB_buffer_len, CXLB_buf, CXLB_len); \
CXLB_buffer_len += CXLB_len; \
CXLB_buffer[CXLB_buffer_len] = '\0'; \
CXLB_priority = QB_MIN(CXLB_priority, (priority)); /* severest? */ \
} \
free(CXLB_buf); \
} \
} while (0)
* \enum pcmk__xml_fmt_options
* \brief Bit flags to control format in XML logs and dumps
enum pcmk__xml_fmt_options {
//! Exclude certain XML attributes (for calculating digests)
pcmk__xml_fmt_filtered = (1 << 0),
//! Include indentation and newlines
pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty = (1 << 1),
//! Include the opening tag of an XML element, and include XML comments
pcmk__xml_fmt_open = (1 << 3),
//! Include the children of an XML element
pcmk__xml_fmt_children = (1 << 4),
//! Include the closing tag of an XML element
pcmk__xml_fmt_close = (1 << 5),
// @COMPAT Can we start including text nodes unconditionally?
//! Include XML text nodes
pcmk__xml_fmt_text = (1 << 6),
// @COMPAT Remove when v1 patchsets are removed
//! Log a created XML subtree
pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_plus = (1 << 7),
// @COMPAT Remove when v1 patchsets are removed
//! Log a removed XML subtree
pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_minus = (1 << 8),
// @COMPAT Remove when v1 patchsets are removed
//! Log a minimal version of an XML diff (only showing the changes)
pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_short = (1 << 9),
int pcmk__xml_show(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data,
int depth, uint32_t options);
int pcmk__xml_show_changes(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *xml);
/* XML search strings for guest, remote and pacemaker_remote nodes */
/* search string to find CIB resources entries for cluster nodes */
"/" PCMK_XE_NODE "[not(@type) or @type='member']"
/* search string to find CIB resources entries for guest nodes */
"[@name='" PCMK_META_REMOTE_NODE "']"
/* search string to find CIB resources entries for remote nodes */
/* search string to find CIB node status entries for pacemaker_remote nodes */
"[@" PCMK_XA_REMOTE_NODE "='true']"
* \internal
* \brief Serialize XML (using libxml) into provided descriptor
* \param[in] fd File descriptor to (piece-wise) write to
* \param[in] cur XML subtree to proceed
* \return a standard Pacemaker return code
int pcmk__xml2fd(int fd, xmlNode *cur);
enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns {
pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_legacy_rng = 1,
void pcmk__strip_xml_text(xmlNode *xml);
const char *pcmk__xe_add_last_written(xmlNode *xe);
xmlNode *pcmk__xe_first_child(const xmlNode *parent, const char *node_name,
const char *attr_n, const char *attr_v);
void pcmk__xe_remove_attr(xmlNode *element, const char *name);
void pcmk__xe_remove_matching_attrs(xmlNode *element,
bool (*match)(xmlAttrPtr, void *),
void *user_data);
GString *pcmk__element_xpath(const xmlNode *xml);
-bool pcmk__xml_needs_escape(const char *text, bool escape_quote);
-char *pcmk__xml_escape(const char *text, bool escape_quote);
+ * \internal
+ * \enum pcmk__xml_escape_type
+ * \brief Indicators of which XML characters to escape
+ *
+ * XML allows the escaping of special characters by replacing them with entity
+ * references (for example, """) or character references (for
+ * example, "
+ *
+ * The special characters '&' (except as the beginning of an entity
+ * reference) and '<' are not allowed in their literal forms in XML
+ * character data. Character data is non-markup text (for example, the content
+ * of a text node). '>' is allowed under most circumstances; we escape
+ * it for safety and symmetry.
+ *
+ * For more details, see the "Character Data and Markup" section of the XML
+ * spec, currently section 2.4:
+ * https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#dt-markup
+ *
+ * Attribute values are handled specially.
+ * * If an attribute value is delimited by single quotes, then single quotes
+ * must be escaped within the value.
+ * * Similarly, if an attribute value is delimited by double quotes, then double
+ * quotes must be escaped within the value.
+ * * A conformant XML processor replaces a literal whitespace character (tab,
+ * newline, carriage return, space) in an attribute value with a space
+ * (\c '#x20') character. However, a reference to a whitespace character (for
+ * example, \c "
" for \c '\n') does not get replaced.
+ * * For more details, see the "Attribute-Value Normalization" section of the
+ * XML spec, currently section 3.3.3. Note that the default attribute type
+ * is CDATA; we don't deal with NMTOKENS, etc.:
+ * https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#AVNormalize
+ *
+ * Pacemaker always delimits attribute values with double quotes, so there's no
+ * need to escape single quotes.
+ *
+ * Newlines and tabs should be escaped in attribute values when XML is
+ * serialized to text, so that future parsing preserves them rather than
+ * normalizing them to spaces.
+ *
+ * We always escape carriage returns, so that they're not converted to spaces
+ * during attribute-value normalization and because displaying them as literals
+ * is messy.
+ */
+enum pcmk__xml_escape_type {
+ /*!
+ * For text nodes.
+ * * Escape \c '<', \c '>', and \c '&' using entity references.
+ * * Do not escape \c '\n' and \c '\t'.
+ * * Escape other non-printing characters using character references.
+ */
+ pcmk__xml_escape_text,
+ /*!
+ * For attribute values.
+ * * Escape \c '<', \c '>', \c '&', and \c '"' using entity references.
+ * * Escape \c '\n', \c '\t', and other non-printing characters using
+ * character references.
+ */
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr,
+ /* @COMPAT Drop escaping of at least '\n' and '\t' for
+ * pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty when openstack-info, openstack-floating-ip,
+ * and openstack-virtual-ip resource agents no longer depend on it.
+ *
+ * At time of writing, openstack-info may set a multiline value for the
+ * openstack_ports node attribute. The other two agents query the value and
+ * require it to be on one line with no spaces.
+ */
+ /*!
+ * For attribute values displayed in text output delimited by double quotes.
+ * * Escape \c '\n' as \c "\\n"
+ * * Escape \c '\r' as \c "\\r"
+ * * Escape \c '\t' as \c "\\t"
+ * * Escape \c '"' as \c "\\""
+ */
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty,
+bool pcmk__xml_needs_escape(const char *text, enum pcmk__xml_escape_type type);
+char *pcmk__xml_escape(const char *text, enum pcmk__xml_escape_type type);
* \internal
* \brief Get the root directory to scan XML artefacts of given kind for
* \param[in] ns governs the hierarchy nesting against the inherent root dir
* \return root directory to scan XML artefacts of given kind for
char *
pcmk__xml_artefact_root(enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns ns);
* \internal
* \brief Get the fully unwrapped path to particular XML artifact (RNG/XSLT)
* \param[in] ns denotes path forming details (parent dir, suffix)
* \param[in] filespec symbolic file specification to be combined with
* #artefact_ns to form the final path
* \return unwrapped path to particular XML artifact (RNG/XSLT)
char *pcmk__xml_artefact_path(enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns ns,
const char *filespec);
* \internal
* \brief Retrieve the value of the \c PCMK_XA_ID XML attribute
* \param[in] xml XML element to check
* \return Value of the \c PCMK_XA_ID attribute (may be \c NULL)
static inline const char *
pcmk__xe_id(const xmlNode *xml)
return crm_element_value(xml, PCMK_XA_ID);
* \internal
* \brief Check whether an XML element is of a particular type
* \param[in] xml XML element to compare
* \param[in] name XML element name to compare
* \return \c true if \p xml is of type \p name, otherwise \c false
static inline bool
pcmk__xe_is(const xmlNode *xml, const char *name)
return (xml != NULL) && (xml->name != NULL) && (name != NULL)
&& (strcmp((const char *) xml->name, name) == 0);
* \internal
* \brief Return first non-text child node of an XML node
* \param[in] parent XML node to check
* \return First non-text child node of \p parent (or NULL if none)
static inline xmlNode *
pcmk__xml_first_child(const xmlNode *parent)
xmlNode *child = (parent? parent->children : NULL);
while (child && (child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)) {
child = child->next;
return child;
* \internal
* \brief Return next non-text sibling node of an XML node
* \param[in] child XML node to check
* \return Next non-text sibling of \p child (or NULL if none)
static inline xmlNode *
pcmk__xml_next(const xmlNode *child)
xmlNode *next = (child? child->next : NULL);
while (next && (next->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)) {
next = next->next;
return next;
* \internal
* \brief Return next non-text sibling element of an XML element
* \param[in] child XML element to check
* \return Next sibling element of \p child (or NULL if none)
static inline xmlNode *
pcmk__xe_next(const xmlNode *child)
xmlNode *next = child? child->next : NULL;
while (next && (next->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) {
next = next->next;
return next;
xmlNode *pcmk__xe_create(xmlNode *parent, const char *name);
xmlNode *pcmk__xml_copy(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *src);
xmlNode *pcmk__xe_next_same(const xmlNode *node);
void pcmk__xe_set_content(xmlNode *node, const char *format, ...)
* \internal
* \brief Like pcmk__xe_set_props, but takes a va_list instead of
* arguments directly.
* \param[in,out] node XML to add attributes to
* \param[in] pairs NULL-terminated list of name/value pairs to add
pcmk__xe_set_propv(xmlNodePtr node, va_list pairs);
* \internal
* \brief Add a NULL-terminated list of name/value pairs to the given
* XML node as properties.
* \param[in,out] node XML node to add properties to
* \param[in] ... NULL-terminated list of name/value pairs
* \note A NULL name terminates the arguments; a NULL value will be skipped.
pcmk__xe_set_props(xmlNodePtr node, ...)
* \internal
* \brief Get first attribute of an XML element
* \param[in] xe XML element to check
* \return First attribute of \p xe (or NULL if \p xe is NULL or has none)
static inline xmlAttr *
pcmk__xe_first_attr(const xmlNode *xe)
return (xe == NULL)? NULL : xe->properties;
* \internal
* \brief Extract the ID attribute from an XML element
* \param[in] xpath String to search
* \param[in] node Node to get the ID for
* \return ID attribute of \p node in xpath string \p xpath
char *
pcmk__xpath_node_id(const char *xpath, const char *node);
* \internal
* \brief Print an informational message if an xpath query returned multiple
* items with the same ID.
* \param[in,out] out The output object
* \param[in] search The xpath search result, most typically the result of
* calling cib->cmds->query().
* \param[in] name The name searched for
pcmk__warn_multiple_name_matches(pcmk__output_t *out, xmlNode *search,
const char *name);
/* internal XML-related utilities */
enum xml_private_flags {
pcmk__xf_none = 0x0000,
pcmk__xf_dirty = 0x0001,
pcmk__xf_deleted = 0x0002,
pcmk__xf_created = 0x0004,
pcmk__xf_modified = 0x0008,
pcmk__xf_tracking = 0x0010,
pcmk__xf_processed = 0x0020,
pcmk__xf_skip = 0x0040,
pcmk__xf_moved = 0x0080,
pcmk__xf_acl_enabled = 0x0100,
pcmk__xf_acl_read = 0x0200,
pcmk__xf_acl_write = 0x0400,
pcmk__xf_acl_deny = 0x0800,
pcmk__xf_acl_create = 0x1000,
pcmk__xf_acl_denied = 0x2000,
pcmk__xf_lazy = 0x4000,
void pcmk__set_xml_doc_flag(xmlNode *xml, enum xml_private_flags flag);
* \internal
* \brief Iterate over child elements of \p xml
* This function iterates over the children of \p xml, performing the
* callback function \p handler on each node. If the callback returns
* a value other than pcmk_rc_ok, the iteration stops and the value is
* returned. It is therefore possible that not all children will be
* visited.
* \param[in,out] xml The starting XML node. Can be NULL.
* \param[in] child_element_name The name that the node must match in order
* for \p handler to be run. If NULL, all
* child elements will match.
* \param[in] handler The callback function.
* \param[in,out] userdata User data to pass to the callback function.
* Can be NULL.
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
pcmk__xe_foreach_child(xmlNode *xml, const char *child_element_name,
int (*handler)(xmlNode *xml, void *userdata),
void *userdata);
static inline const char *
pcmk__xml_attr_value(const xmlAttr *attr)
return ((attr == NULL) || (attr->children == NULL))? NULL
: (const char *) attr->children->content;
gboolean pcmk__validate_xml(xmlNode *xml_blob, const char *validation,
xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc error_handler,
void *error_handler_context);
void pcmk__log_known_schemas(void);
const char *pcmk__remote_schema_dir(void);
void pcmk__sort_schemas(void);
// @COMPAT Remove when v1 patchsets are removed
xmlNode *pcmk__diff_v1_xml_object(xmlNode *left, xmlNode *right, bool suppress);
diff --git a/lib/common/crmcommon_private.h b/lib/common/crmcommon_private.h
index 4849f2f06c..22e3aa180f 100644
--- a/lib/common/crmcommon_private.h
+++ b/lib/common/crmcommon_private.h
@@ -1,398 +1,405 @@
* Copyright 2018-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
/* This header is for the sole use of libcrmcommon, so that functions can be
* declared with G_GNUC_INTERNAL for efficiency.
#include // uint8_t, uint32_t
#include // bool
#include // size_t
#include // GList
#include // xmlNode, xmlAttr
#include // struct qb_ipc_response_header
// Decent chunk size for processing large amounts of data
#define PCMK__BUFFER_SIZE 4096
#if defined(PCMK__UNIT_TESTING)
/* When deleting portions of an XML tree, we keep a record so we can know later
* (e.g. when checking differences) that something was deleted.
typedef struct pcmk__deleted_xml_s {
char *path;
int position;
} pcmk__deleted_xml_t;
typedef struct xml_node_private_s {
uint32_t check;
uint32_t flags;
} xml_node_private_t;
typedef struct xml_doc_private_s {
uint32_t check;
uint32_t flags;
char *user;
GList *acls;
GList *deleted_objs; // List of pcmk__deleted_xml_t
} xml_doc_private_t;
+// XML entity references
+#define PCMK__XML_ENTITY_AMP "&"
+#define PCMK__XML_ENTITY_GT ">"
+#define PCMK__XML_ENTITY_LT "<"
+#define PCMK__XML_ENTITY_QUOT """
//! libxml2 supports only XML version 1.0, at least as of libxml2-2.12.5
#define PCMK__XML_VERSION ((pcmkXmlStr) "1.0")
#define pcmk__set_xml_flags(xml_priv, flags_to_set) do { \
(xml_priv)->flags = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \
LOG_NEVER, "XML", "XML node", (xml_priv)->flags, \
(flags_to_set), #flags_to_set); \
} while (0)
#define pcmk__clear_xml_flags(xml_priv, flags_to_clear) do { \
(xml_priv)->flags = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, \
LOG_NEVER, "XML", "XML node", (xml_priv)->flags, \
(flags_to_clear), #flags_to_clear); \
} while (0)
bool pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(xmlNode *xml, bool lazy);
void pcmk__mark_xml_created(xmlNode *xml);
int pcmk__xml_position(const xmlNode *xml,
enum xml_private_flags ignore_if_set);
xmlNode *pcmk__xml_match(const xmlNode *haystack, const xmlNode *needle,
bool exact);
void pcmk__xml_update(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *target, xmlNode *update,
bool as_diff);
xmlNode *pcmk__xc_match(const xmlNode *root, const xmlNode *search_comment,
bool exact);
void pcmk__xc_update(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *target, xmlNode *update);
void pcmk__free_acls(GList *acls);
void pcmk__unpack_acl(xmlNode *source, xmlNode *target, const char *user);
bool pcmk__is_user_in_group(const char *user, const char *group);
void pcmk__apply_acl(xmlNode *xml);
void pcmk__apply_creation_acl(xmlNode *xml, bool check_top);
void pcmk__mark_xml_attr_dirty(xmlAttr *a);
bool pcmk__xa_filterable(const char *name);
void pcmk__log_xmllib_err(void *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
void pcmk__mark_xml_node_dirty(xmlNode *xml);
bool pcmk__marked_as_deleted(xmlAttrPtr a, void *user_data);
void pcmk__dump_xml_attr(const xmlAttr *attr, GString *buffer);
* Date/times
// For use with pcmk__add_time_from_xml()
enum pcmk__time_component {
const char *pcmk__time_component_attr(enum pcmk__time_component component);
int pcmk__add_time_from_xml(crm_time_t *t, enum pcmk__time_component component,
const xmlNode *xml);
void pcmk__set_time_if_earlier(crm_time_t *target, const crm_time_t *source);
// IPC behavior that varies by daemon
typedef struct pcmk__ipc_methods_s {
* \internal
* \brief Allocate any private data needed by daemon IPC
* \param[in,out] api IPC API connection
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
int (*new_data)(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api);
* \internal
* \brief Free any private data used by daemon IPC
* \param[in,out] api_data Data allocated by new_data() method
void (*free_data)(void *api_data);
* \internal
* \brief Perform daemon-specific handling after successful connection
* Some daemons require clients to register before sending any other
* commands. The controller requires a CRM_OP_HELLO (with no reply), and
* the CIB manager, executor, and fencer require a CRM_OP_REGISTER (with a
* reply). Ideally this would be consistent across all daemons, but for now
* this allows each to do its own authorization.
* \param[in,out] api IPC API connection
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
int (*post_connect)(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api);
* \internal
* \brief Check whether an IPC request results in a reply
* \param[in,out] api IPC API connection
* \param[in] request IPC request XML
* \return true if request would result in an IPC reply, false otherwise
bool (*reply_expected)(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const xmlNode *request);
* \internal
* \brief Perform daemon-specific handling of an IPC message
* \param[in,out] api IPC API connection
* \param[in,out] msg Message read from IPC connection
* \return true if more IPC reply messages should be expected
bool (*dispatch)(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, xmlNode *msg);
* \internal
* \brief Perform daemon-specific handling of an IPC disconnect
* \param[in,out] api IPC API connection
void (*post_disconnect)(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api);
} pcmk__ipc_methods_t;
// Implementation of pcmk_ipc_api_t
struct pcmk_ipc_api_s {
enum pcmk_ipc_server server; // Daemon this IPC API instance is for
enum pcmk_ipc_dispatch dispatch_type; // How replies should be dispatched
size_t ipc_size_max; // maximum IPC buffer size
crm_ipc_t *ipc; // IPC connection
mainloop_io_t *mainloop_io; // If using mainloop, I/O source for IPC
bool free_on_disconnect; // Whether disconnect should free object
pcmk_ipc_callback_t cb; // Caller-registered callback (if any)
void *user_data; // Caller-registered data (if any)
void *api_data; // For daemon-specific use
pcmk__ipc_methods_t *cmds; // Behavior that varies by daemon
typedef struct pcmk__ipc_header_s {
struct qb_ipc_response_header qb;
uint32_t size_uncompressed;
uint32_t size_compressed;
uint32_t flags;
uint8_t version;
} pcmk__ipc_header_t;
int pcmk__send_ipc_request(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api, const xmlNode *request);
void pcmk__call_ipc_callback(pcmk_ipc_api_t *api,
enum pcmk_ipc_event event_type,
crm_exit_t status, void *event_data);
unsigned int pcmk__ipc_buffer_size(unsigned int max);
bool pcmk__valid_ipc_header(const pcmk__ipc_header_t *header);
pcmk__ipc_methods_t *pcmk__attrd_api_methods(void);
pcmk__ipc_methods_t *pcmk__controld_api_methods(void);
pcmk__ipc_methods_t *pcmk__pacemakerd_api_methods(void);
pcmk__ipc_methods_t *pcmk__schedulerd_api_methods(void);
* Logging
//! XML is newly created
//! XML has been deleted
//! XML has been modified
//! XML has been moved
* Output
int pcmk__bare_output_new(pcmk__output_t **out, const char *fmt_name,
const char *filename, char **argv);
void pcmk__register_option_messages(pcmk__output_t *out);
void pcmk__register_patchset_messages(pcmk__output_t *out);
bool pcmk__output_text_get_fancy(pcmk__output_t *out);
* Rules
// How node attribute values may be compared in rules
enum pcmk__comparison {
// How node attribute values may be parsed in rules
enum pcmk__type {
// Where to obtain reference value for a node attribute comparison
enum pcmk__reference_source {
enum pcmk__comparison pcmk__parse_comparison(const char *op);
enum pcmk__type pcmk__parse_type(const char *type, enum pcmk__comparison op,
const char *value1, const char *value2);
enum pcmk__reference_source pcmk__parse_source(const char *source);
int pcmk__cmp_by_type(const char *value1, const char *value2,
enum pcmk__type type);
int pcmk__unpack_duration(const xmlNode *duration, const crm_time_t *start,
crm_time_t **end);
int pcmk__evaluate_date_spec(const xmlNode *date_spec, const crm_time_t *now);
* Utils
#define PCMK__PW_BUFFER_LEN 500
* Schemas
typedef struct {
unsigned char v[2];
} pcmk__schema_version_t;
enum pcmk__schema_validator {
typedef struct {
char *name;
char *transform;
void *cache;
enum pcmk__schema_validator validator;
pcmk__schema_version_t version;
char *transform_enter;
bool transform_onleave;
} pcmk__schema_t;
int pcmk__find_x_0_schema_index(GList *schemas);
diff --git a/lib/common/tests/xml/pcmk__xml_escape_test.c b/lib/common/tests/xml/pcmk__xml_escape_test.c
index 374d310aa9..87d56b0bb3 100644
--- a/lib/common/tests/xml/pcmk__xml_escape_test.c
+++ b/lib/common/tests/xml/pcmk__xml_escape_test.c
@@ -1,192 +1,213 @@
* Copyright 2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+#include "crmcommon_private.h"
+static void
+assert_escape(const char *str, const char *reference,
+ enum pcmk__xml_escape_type type)
+ gchar *buf = pcmk__xml_escape(str, type);
+ assert_string_equal(buf, reference);
+ g_free(buf);
static void
null_empty(void **state)
- char *str = NULL;
+ assert_null(pcmk__xml_escape(NULL, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_null(pcmk__xml_escape(NULL, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_null(pcmk__xml_escape(NULL, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(NULL, false);
- assert_null(str);
+ assert_escape("", "", pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ assert_escape("", "", pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
+ assert_escape("", "", pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(NULL, true);
- assert_null(str);
+static void
+invalid_type(void **state)
+ const enum pcmk__xml_escape_type type = (enum pcmk__xml_escape_type) -1;
- str = pcmk__xml_escape("", false);
- assert_string_equal(str, "");
- free(str);
+ // Easier to ignore invalid type for NULL or empty string
+ assert_null(pcmk__xml_escape(NULL, type));
+ assert_escape("", "", type);
- str = pcmk__xml_escape("", true);
- assert_string_equal(str, "");
- free(str);
+ // Otherwise, assert if we somehow passed an invalid type
+ pcmk__assert_asserts(pcmk__xml_escape("he<>llo", type));
static void
escape_unchanged(void **state)
// No escaped characters (note: this string includes single quote at end)
const char *unchanged = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- "\n\t`~!@#$%^*()-_=+/|\\[]{}?.,'";
- char *str = NULL;
+ "`~!@#$%^*()-_=+/|\\[]{}?.,'";
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(unchanged, false);
- assert_string_equal(str, unchanged);
- free(str);
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(unchanged, true);
- assert_string_equal(str, unchanged);
- free(str);
+ assert_escape(unchanged, unchanged, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ assert_escape(unchanged, unchanged, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
+ assert_escape(unchanged, unchanged, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
// Ensure special characters get escaped at start, middle, and end
static void
escape_left_angle(void **state)
const char *l_angle = "abc>def>";
- const char *r_angle_esc = ">abc>def>";
- char *str = NULL;
+ const char *r_angle_esc = PCMK__XML_ENTITY_GT "abc"
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(r_angle, false);
- assert_string_equal(str, r_angle_esc);
- free(str);
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(r_angle, true);
- assert_string_equal(str, r_angle_esc);
- free(str);
+ assert_escape(r_angle, r_angle_esc, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ assert_escape(r_angle, r_angle_esc, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
+ assert_escape(r_angle, r_angle, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
static void
escape_ampersand(void **state)
const char *ampersand = "&abc&def&";
- const char *ampersand_esc = "&abc&def&";
- char *str = NULL;
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(ampersand, false);
- assert_string_equal(str, ampersand_esc);
- free(str);
+ const char *ampersand_esc = PCMK__XML_ENTITY_AMP "abc"
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(ampersand, true);
- assert_string_equal(str, ampersand_esc);
- free(str);
+ assert_escape(ampersand, ampersand_esc, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ assert_escape(ampersand, ampersand_esc, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
+ assert_escape(ampersand, ampersand, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
static void
escape_double_quote(void **state)
const char *double_quote = "\"abc\"def\"";
- const char *double_quote_esc = ""abc"def"";
- char *str = NULL;
+ const char *double_quote_esc_ref = PCMK__XML_ENTITY_QUOT "abc"
+ const char *double_quote_esc_backslash = "\\\"abc\\\"def\\\"";
+ assert_escape(double_quote, double_quote, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ assert_escape(double_quote, double_quote_esc_ref, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
+ assert_escape(double_quote, double_quote_esc_backslash,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(double_quote, false);
- assert_string_equal(str, double_quote);
- free(str);
+static void
+escape_newline(void **state)
+ const char *newline = "\nabc\ndef\n";
+ const char *newline_esc_ref = "
+ const char *newline_esc_backslash = "\\nabc\\ndef\\n";
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(double_quote, true);
- assert_string_equal(str, double_quote_esc);
- free(str);
+ assert_escape(newline, newline, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ assert_escape(newline, newline_esc_ref, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
+ assert_escape(newline, newline_esc_backslash, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
static void
-escape_nonprinting(void **state)
+escape_tab(void **state)
- const char *nonprinting = "\a\r\x7f\x1b";
- const char *nonprinting_esc = "
- char *str = NULL;
+ const char *tab = "\tabc\tdef\t";
+ const char *tab_esc_ref = " abc def ";
+ const char *tab_esc_backslash = "\\tabc\\tdef\\t";
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(nonprinting, false);
- assert_string_equal(str, nonprinting_esc);
- free(str);
+ assert_escape(tab, tab, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ assert_escape(tab, tab_esc_ref, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
+ assert_escape(tab, tab_esc_backslash, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
+static void
+escape_carriage_return(void **state)
+ const char *cr = "\rabc\rdef\r";
+ const char *cr_esc_ref = "
+ const char *cr_esc_backslash = "\\rabc\\rdef\\r";
+ assert_escape(cr, cr_esc_ref, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ assert_escape(cr, cr_esc_ref, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
+ assert_escape(cr, cr_esc_backslash, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
+static void
+escape_nonprinting(void **state)
+ const char *nonprinting = "\a\x7F\x1B";
+ const char *nonprinting_esc = "";
- str = pcmk__xml_escape(nonprinting, true);
- assert_string_equal(str, nonprinting_esc);
- free(str);
+ assert_escape(nonprinting, nonprinting_esc, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ assert_escape(nonprinting, nonprinting_esc, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
+ assert_escape(nonprinting, nonprinting, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
static void
escape_utf8(void **state)
/* Non-ASCII UTF-8 characters may be two, three, or four 8-bit bytes wide
* and should not be escaped.
const char *chinese = "仅高级使用";
- const char *two_byte = "abc""\xcf\xa6""d
+#include "crmcommon_private.h"
static void
null_empty(void **state)
- assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(NULL, false));
- assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(NULL, true));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(NULL, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(NULL, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(NULL, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape("", pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape("", pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape("", pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+static void
+invalid_type(void **state)
+ const enum pcmk__xml_escape_type type = (enum pcmk__xml_escape_type) -1;
+ // Easier to ignore invalid type for NULL or empty string
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(NULL, type));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape("", type));
- assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape("", false));
- assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape("", true));
+ // Otherwise, assert if we somehow passed an invalid type
+ pcmk__assert_asserts(pcmk__xml_needs_escape("he<>llo", type));
static void
escape_unchanged(void **state)
// No escaped characters (note: this string includes single quote at end)
const char *unchanged = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- "\n\t`~!@#$%^*()-_=+/|\\[]{}?.,'";
+ "`~!@#$%^*()-_=+/|\\[]{}?.,'";
- assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(unchanged, false));
- assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(unchanged, true));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(unchanged, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(unchanged, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(unchanged,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
// Ensure special characters get escaped at start, middle, and end
static void
escape_left_angle(void **state)
const char *l_angle_left = "abcdef";
const char *r_angle_mid = "abc>def";
const char *r_angle_right = "abcdef>";
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_left, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_mid, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_right, false));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_left, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_right, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_left, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_right, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_left, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_mid, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_right, true));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_left,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_mid,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(r_angle_right,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
static void
escape_ampersand(void **state)
const char *ampersand_left = "&abcdef";
const char *ampersand_mid = "abc&def";
const char *ampersand_right = "abcdef&";
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_left, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_mid, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_right, false));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_left, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_right, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_left, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_mid, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_right, true));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_left, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_right, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_left,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_mid,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(ampersand_right,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
static void
escape_double_quote(void **state)
const char *double_quote_left = "\"abcdef";
const char *double_quote_mid = "abc\"def";
const char *double_quote_right = "abcdef\"";
- assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_left, false));
- assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_mid, false));
- assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_right, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_left, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_mid, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_right, true));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_left,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_mid,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_right,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_left,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_mid,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_right,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_left,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_mid,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(double_quote_right,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
static void
-escape_nonprinting(void **state)
+escape_newline(void **state)
- const char *alert_left = "\aabcdef";
- const char *alert_mid = "abc\adef";
- const char *alert_right = "abcdef\a";
+ const char *newline_left = "\nabcdef";
+ const char *newline_mid = "abc\ndef";
+ const char *newline_right = "abcdef\n";
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(newline_left, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(newline_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(newline_right, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(newline_left, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(newline_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(newline_right, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(newline_left,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(newline_mid,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(newline_right,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
- const char *delete_left = "\x7f""abcdef";
- const char *delete_mid = "abc\x7f""def";
- const char *delete_right = "abcdef\x7f";
+static void
+escape_tab(void **state)
+ const char *tab_left = "\tabcdef";
+ const char *tab_mid = "abc\tdef";
+ const char *tab_right = "abcdef\t";
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(tab_left, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(tab_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(tab_right, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(tab_left, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(tab_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(tab_right, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(tab_left, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(tab_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(tab_right,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
- const char *nonprinting_all = "\a\r\x7f\x1b";
+static void
+escape_carriage_return(void **state)
+ const char *cr_left = "\rabcdef";
+ const char *cr_mid = "abc\rdef";
+ const char *cr_right = "abcdef\r";
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_left, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_mid, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_right, false));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(cr_left, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(cr_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(cr_right, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_left, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_mid, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_right, true));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(cr_left, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(cr_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(cr_right, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_left, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_mid, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_right, false));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(cr_left, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(cr_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(cr_right, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_left, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_mid, true));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_right, true));
+static void
+escape_nonprinting(void **state)
+ const char *alert_left = "\aabcdef";
+ const char *alert_mid = "abc\adef";
+ const char *alert_right = "abcdef\a";
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(nonprinting_all, false));
- assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(nonprinting_all, true));
+ const char *delete_left = "\x7F""abcdef";
+ const char *delete_mid = "abc\x7F""def";
+ const char *delete_right = "abcdef\x7F";
+ const char *nonprinting_all = "\a\x7F\x1B";
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_left, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_right, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_left, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_right, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_left,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_mid,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(alert_right,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_left, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_right, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_left, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_mid, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_right, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_left,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_mid,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(delete_right,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(nonprinting_all, pcmk__xml_escape_text));
+ assert_true(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(nonprinting_all, pcmk__xml_escape_attr));
+ assert_false(pcmk__xml_needs_escape(nonprinting_all,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty));
static void
escape_utf8(void **state)
/* Non-ASCII UTF-8 characters may be two, three, or four 8-bit bytes wide
* and should not be escaped.
const char *chinese = "仅高级使用";
- const char *two_byte = "abc""\xcf\xa6""def";
- const char *two_byte_special = "abc""\xcf\xa6""d
#include // stat(), S_ISREG, etc.
#include // PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE, etc.
#include "crmcommon_private.h"
// Define this as 1 in development to get insanely verbose trace messages
pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(xmlNode *xml, bool lazy)
if(xml == NULL || xml->doc == NULL || xml->doc->_private == NULL) {
return FALSE;
} else if (!pcmk_is_set(((xml_doc_private_t *)xml->doc->_private)->flags,
pcmk__xf_tracking)) {
return FALSE;
} else if (lazy && !pcmk_is_set(((xml_doc_private_t *)xml->doc->_private)->flags,
pcmk__xf_lazy)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static inline void
set_parent_flag(xmlNode *xml, long flag)
for(; xml; xml = xml->parent) {
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = xml->_private;
if (nodepriv == NULL) {
/* During calls to xmlDocCopyNode(), _private will be unset for parent nodes */
} else {
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, flag);
pcmk__set_xml_doc_flag(xmlNode *xml, enum xml_private_flags flag)
if(xml && xml->doc && xml->doc->_private){
/* During calls to xmlDocCopyNode(), xml->doc may be unset */
xml_doc_private_t *docpriv = xml->doc->_private;
pcmk__set_xml_flags(docpriv, flag);
// Mark document, element, and all element's parents as changed
pcmk__mark_xml_node_dirty(xmlNode *xml)
pcmk__set_xml_doc_flag(xml, pcmk__xf_dirty);
set_parent_flag(xml, pcmk__xf_dirty);
// Clear flags on XML node and its children
static void
reset_xml_node_flags(xmlNode *xml)
xmlNode *cIter = NULL;
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = xml->_private;
if (nodepriv) {
nodepriv->flags = 0;
for (cIter = pcmk__xml_first_child(xml); cIter != NULL;
cIter = pcmk__xml_next(cIter)) {
// Set xpf_created flag on XML node and any children
pcmk__mark_xml_created(xmlNode *xml)
xmlNode *cIter = NULL;
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = NULL;
nodepriv = xml->_private;
if (nodepriv && pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(xml, FALSE)) {
if (!pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_created)) {
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_created);
for (cIter = pcmk__xml_first_child(xml); cIter != NULL;
cIter = pcmk__xml_next(cIter)) {
#define XML_DOC_PRIVATE_MAGIC 0x81726354UL
#define XML_NODE_PRIVATE_MAGIC 0x54637281UL
// Free an XML object previously marked as deleted
static void
free_deleted_object(void *data)
if(data) {
pcmk__deleted_xml_t *deleted_obj = data;
// Free and NULL user, ACLs, and deleted objects in an XML node's private data
static void
reset_xml_private_data(xml_doc_private_t *docpriv)
if (docpriv != NULL) {
docpriv->user = NULL;
if (docpriv->acls != NULL) {
docpriv->acls = NULL;
if(docpriv->deleted_objs) {
g_list_free_full(docpriv->deleted_objs, free_deleted_object);
docpriv->deleted_objs = NULL;
// Free all private data associated with an XML node
static void
free_private_data(xmlNode *node)
/* Note:
This function frees private data assosciated with an XML node,
unless the function is being called as a result of internal
XSLT cleanup.
That could happen through, for example, the following chain of
function calls:
-> xsltFreeTransformContext
-> xsltFreeRVTs
-> xmlFreeDoc
And in that case, the node would fulfill three conditions:
1. It would be a standalone document (i.e. it wouldn't be
part of a document)
2. It would have a space-prefixed name (for reference, please
see xsltInternals.h: XSLT_MARK_RES_TREE_FRAG)
3. It would carry its own payload in the _private field.
We do not free data in this circumstance to avoid a failed
assertion on the XML_*_PRIVATE_MAGIC later.
if (node->name == NULL || node->name[0] != ' ') {
if (node->_private) {
if (node->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) {
} else {
CRM_ASSERT(((xml_node_private_t *) node->_private)->check
/* nothing dynamically allocated nested */
node->_private = NULL;
// Allocate and initialize private data for an XML node
static void
new_private_data(xmlNode *node)
switch (node->type) {
xml_doc_private_t *docpriv =
pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(xml_doc_private_t));
docpriv->check = XML_DOC_PRIVATE_MAGIC;
/* Flags will be reset if necessary when tracking is enabled */
pcmk__set_xml_flags(docpriv, pcmk__xf_dirty|pcmk__xf_created);
node->_private = docpriv;
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv =
pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(xml_node_private_t));
nodepriv->check = XML_NODE_PRIVATE_MAGIC;
/* Flags will be reset if necessary when tracking is enabled */
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_dirty|pcmk__xf_created);
node->_private = nodepriv;
if (pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(node, FALSE)) {
/* XML_ELEMENT_NODE doesn't get picked up here, node->doc is
* not hooked up at the point we are called
/* Ignore */
crm_trace("Ignoring %p %d", node, node->type);
xml_track_changes(xmlNode * xml, const char *user, xmlNode *acl_source, bool enforce_acls)
crm_trace("Tracking changes%s to %p", enforce_acls?" with ACLs":"", xml);
pcmk__set_xml_doc_flag(xml, pcmk__xf_tracking);
if(enforce_acls) {
if(acl_source == NULL) {
acl_source = xml;
pcmk__set_xml_doc_flag(xml, pcmk__xf_acl_enabled);
pcmk__unpack_acl(acl_source, xml, user);
bool xml_tracking_changes(xmlNode * xml)
return (xml != NULL) && (xml->doc != NULL) && (xml->doc->_private != NULL)
&& pcmk_is_set(((xml_doc_private_t *)(xml->doc->_private))->flags,
bool xml_document_dirty(xmlNode *xml)
return (xml != NULL) && (xml->doc != NULL) && (xml->doc->_private != NULL)
&& pcmk_is_set(((xml_doc_private_t *)(xml->doc->_private))->flags,
* \internal
* \brief Return ordinal position of an XML node among its siblings
* \param[in] xml XML node to check
* \param[in] ignore_if_set Don't count siblings with this flag set
* \return Ordinal position of \p xml (starting with 0)
pcmk__xml_position(const xmlNode *xml, enum xml_private_flags ignore_if_set)
int position = 0;
for (const xmlNode *cIter = xml; cIter->prev; cIter = cIter->prev) {
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = ((xmlNode*)cIter->prev)->_private;
if (!pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, ignore_if_set)) {
return position;
// Remove all attributes marked as deleted from an XML node
static void
accept_attr_deletions(xmlNode *xml)
// Clear XML node's flags
((xml_node_private_t *) xml->_private)->flags = pcmk__xf_none;
// Remove this XML node's attributes that were marked as deleted
pcmk__xe_remove_matching_attrs(xml, pcmk__marked_as_deleted, NULL);
// Recursively do the same for this XML node's children
for (xmlNodePtr cIter = pcmk__xml_first_child(xml); cIter != NULL;
cIter = pcmk__xml_next(cIter)) {
* \internal
* \brief Find first child XML node matching another given XML node
* \param[in] haystack XML whose children should be checked
* \param[in] needle XML to match (comment content or element name and ID)
* \param[in] exact If true and needle is a comment, position must match
xmlNode *
pcmk__xml_match(const xmlNode *haystack, const xmlNode *needle, bool exact)
CRM_CHECK(needle != NULL, return NULL);
if (needle->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) {
return pcmk__xc_match(haystack, needle, exact);
} else {
const char *id = pcmk__xe_id(needle);
const char *attr = (id == NULL)? NULL : PCMK_XA_ID;
return pcmk__xe_first_child(haystack, (const char *) needle->name, attr,
xml_accept_changes(xmlNode * xml)
xmlNode *top = NULL;
xml_doc_private_t *docpriv = NULL;
if(xml == NULL) {
crm_trace("Accepting changes to %p", xml);
docpriv = xml->doc->_private;
top = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml->doc);
if (!pcmk_is_set(docpriv->flags, pcmk__xf_dirty)) {
docpriv->flags = pcmk__xf_none;
docpriv->flags = pcmk__xf_none;
* \internal
* \brief Find first XML child element matching given criteria
* \param[in] parent XML element to search (can be \c NULL)
* \param[in] node_name If not \c NULL, only match children of this type
* \param[in] attr_n If not \c NULL, only match children with an attribute
* of this name.
* \param[in] attr_v If \p attr_n and this are not NULL, only match children
* with an attribute named \p attr_n and this value
* \return Matching XML child element, or \c NULL if none found
xmlNode *
pcmk__xe_first_child(const xmlNode *parent, const char *node_name,
const char *attr_n, const char *attr_v)
xmlNode *child = NULL;
const char *parent_name = "";
CRM_CHECK((attr_v == NULL) || (attr_n != NULL), return NULL);
if (parent != NULL) {
child = parent->children;
while ((child != NULL) && (child->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) {
child = child->next;
parent_name = (const char *) parent->name;
for (; child != NULL; child = pcmk__xe_next(child)) {
const char *value = NULL;
if ((node_name != NULL) && !pcmk__xe_is(child, node_name)) {
// Node name mismatch
if (attr_n == NULL) {
// No attribute match needed
return child;
value = crm_element_value(child, attr_n);
if ((attr_v == NULL) && (value != NULL)) {
// attr_v == NULL: Attribute attr_n must be set (to any value)
return child;
if ((attr_v != NULL) && (pcmk__str_eq(value, attr_v, pcmk__str_none))) {
// attr_v != NULL: Attribute attr_n must be set to value attr_v
return child;
if (node_name == NULL) {
node_name = "(any)"; // For logging
if (attr_n != NULL) {
crm_trace("XML child node <%s %s=%s> not found in %s",
node_name, attr_n, attr_v, parent_name);
} else {
crm_trace("XML child node <%s> not found in %s",
node_name, parent_name);
return NULL;
copy_in_properties(xmlNode *target, const xmlNode *src)
if (src == NULL) {
crm_warn("No node to copy properties from");
} else if (target == NULL) {
crm_err("No node to copy properties into");
} else {
for (xmlAttrPtr a = pcmk__xe_first_attr(src); a != NULL; a = a->next) {
const char *p_name = (const char *) a->name;
const char *p_value = pcmk__xml_attr_value(a);
expand_plus_plus(target, p_name, p_value);
if (xml_acl_denied(target)) {
crm_trace("Cannot copy %s=%s to %s", p_name, p_value, target->name);
* \brief Parse integer assignment statements on this node and all its child
* nodes
* \param[in,out] target Root XML node to be processed
* \note This function is recursive
fix_plus_plus_recursive(xmlNode *target)
/* TODO: Remove recursion and use xpath searches for value++ */
xmlNode *child = NULL;
for (xmlAttrPtr a = pcmk__xe_first_attr(target); a != NULL; a = a->next) {
const char *p_name = (const char *) a->name;
const char *p_value = pcmk__xml_attr_value(a);
expand_plus_plus(target, p_name, p_value);
for (child = pcmk__xe_first_child(target, NULL, NULL, NULL); child != NULL;
child = pcmk__xe_next(child)) {
* \brief Update current XML attribute value per parsed integer assignment
* \param[in,out] target an XML node, containing a XML attribute that is
* initialized to some numeric value, to be processed
* \param[in] name name of the XML attribute, e.g. X, whose value
* should be updated
* \param[in] value assignment statement, e.g. "X++" or
* "X+=5", to be applied to the initialized value.
* \note The original XML attribute value is treated as 0 if non-numeric and
* truncated to be an integer if decimal-point-containing.
* \note The final XML attribute value is truncated to not exceed 1000000.
* \note Undefined behavior if unexpected input.
expand_plus_plus(xmlNode * target, const char *name, const char *value)
int offset = 1;
int name_len = 0;
int int_value = 0;
int value_len = 0;
const char *old_value = NULL;
if (target == NULL || value == NULL || name == NULL) {
old_value = crm_element_value(target, name);
if (old_value == NULL) {
/* if no previous value, set unexpanded */
goto set_unexpanded;
} else if (strstr(value, name) != value) {
goto set_unexpanded;
name_len = strlen(name);
value_len = strlen(value);
if (value_len < (name_len + 2)
|| value[name_len] != '+' || (value[name_len + 1] != '+' && value[name_len + 1] != '=')) {
goto set_unexpanded;
/* if we are expanding ourselves,
* then no previous value was set and leave int_value as 0
if (old_value != value) {
int_value = char2score(old_value);
if (value[name_len + 1] != '+') {
const char *offset_s = value + (name_len + 2);
offset = char2score(offset_s);
int_value += offset;
if (int_value > PCMK_SCORE_INFINITY) {
crm_xml_add_int(target, name, int_value);
if (old_value == value) {
/* the old value is already set, nothing to do */
crm_xml_add(target, name, value);
* \internal
* \brief Remove an XML attribute from an element
* \param[in,out] element XML element that owns \p attr
* \param[in,out] attr XML attribute to remove from \p element
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code (\c EPERM if ACLs prevent removal of
* attributes from \p element, or \c pcmk_rc_ok otherwise)
static int
remove_xe_attr(xmlNode *element, xmlAttr *attr)
if (attr == NULL) {
return pcmk_rc_ok;
if (!pcmk__check_acl(element, NULL, pcmk__xf_acl_write)) {
// ACLs apply to element, not to particular attributes
crm_trace("ACLs prevent removal of attributes from %s element",
(const char *) element->name);
return EPERM;
if (pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(element, false)) {
// Leave in place (marked for removal) until after diff is calculated
set_parent_flag(element, pcmk__xf_dirty);
pcmk__set_xml_flags((xml_node_private_t *) attr->_private,
} else {
return pcmk_rc_ok;
* \internal
* \brief Remove a named attribute from an XML element
* \param[in,out] element XML element to remove an attribute from
* \param[in] name Name of attribute to remove
pcmk__xe_remove_attr(xmlNode *element, const char *name)
if (name != NULL) {
remove_xe_attr(element, xmlHasProp(element, (pcmkXmlStr) name));
* \internal
* \brief Remove an XML element's attributes that match some criteria
* \param[in,out] element XML element to modify
* \param[in] match If not NULL, only remove attributes for which
* this function returns true
* \param[in,out] user_data Data to pass to \p match
pcmk__xe_remove_matching_attrs(xmlNode *element,
bool (*match)(xmlAttrPtr, void *),
void *user_data)
xmlAttrPtr next = NULL;
for (xmlAttrPtr a = pcmk__xe_first_attr(element); a != NULL; a = next) {
next = a->next; // Grab now because attribute might get removed
if ((match == NULL) || match(a, user_data)) {
if (remove_xe_attr(element, a) != pcmk_rc_ok) {
* \internal
* \brief Create a new XML element under a given parent
* \param[in,out] parent XML element that will be the new element's parent
* (\c NULL to create a new XML document with the new
* node as root)
* \param[in] name Name of new element
* \return Newly created XML element (guaranteed not to be \c NULL)
xmlNode *
pcmk__xe_create(xmlNode *parent, const char *name)
xmlNode *node = NULL;
if (parent == NULL) {
xmlDoc *doc = xmlNewDoc(PCMK__XML_VERSION);
node = xmlNewDocRawNode(doc, NULL, (pcmkXmlStr) name, NULL);
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);
} else {
node = xmlNewChild(parent, NULL, (pcmkXmlStr) name, NULL);
return node;
* \internal
* \brief Set a formatted string as an XML node's content
* \param[in,out] node Node whose content to set
* \param[in] format printf(3)-style format string
* \param[in] ... Arguments for \p format
* \note This function escapes special characters. \c xmlNodeSetContent() does
* not.
pcmk__xe_set_content(xmlNode *node, const char *format, ...)
if (node != NULL) {
const char *content = NULL;
char *buf = NULL;
if (strchr(format, '%') == NULL) {
// Nothing to format
content = format;
} else {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
if (pcmk__str_eq(format, "%s", pcmk__str_none)) {
// No need to make a copy
content = va_arg(ap, const char *);
} else {
CRM_ASSERT(vasprintf(&buf, format, ap) >= 0);
content = buf;
- if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(content, false)) {
- char *escaped = pcmk__xml_escape(content, false);
- free(buf);
- buf = escaped;
- content = buf;
- }
xmlNodeSetContent(node, (pcmkXmlStr) content);
* Free an XML element and all of its children, removing it from its parent
* \param[in,out] xml XML element to free
pcmk_free_xml_subtree(xmlNode *xml)
xmlUnlinkNode(xml); // Detaches from parent and siblings
xmlFreeNode(xml); // Frees
static void
free_xml_with_position(xmlNode * child, int position)
if (child != NULL) {
xmlNode *top = NULL;
xmlDoc *doc = child->doc;
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = child->_private;
xml_doc_private_t *docpriv = NULL;
if (doc != NULL) {
top = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
if (doc != NULL && top == child) {
/* Free everything */
} else if (pcmk__check_acl(child, NULL, pcmk__xf_acl_write) == FALSE) {
GString *xpath = NULL;
pcmk__if_tracing({}, return);
xpath = pcmk__element_xpath(child);
qb_log_from_external_source(__func__, __FILE__,
"Cannot remove %s %x", LOG_TRACE,
__LINE__, 0, (const char *) xpath->str,
g_string_free(xpath, TRUE);
} else {
if (doc && pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(child, FALSE)
&& !pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_created)) {
GString *xpath = pcmk__element_xpath(child);
if (xpath != NULL) {
pcmk__deleted_xml_t *deleted_obj = NULL;
crm_trace("Deleting %s %p from %p",
(const char *) xpath->str, child, doc);
deleted_obj =
pcmk__assert_alloc(1, sizeof(pcmk__deleted_xml_t));
deleted_obj->path = pcmk__str_copy(xpath->str);
g_string_free(xpath, TRUE);
deleted_obj->position = -1;
/* Record the "position" only for XML comments for now */
if (child->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) {
if (position >= 0) {
deleted_obj->position = position;
} else {
deleted_obj->position = pcmk__xml_position(child,
docpriv = doc->_private;
docpriv->deleted_objs = g_list_append(docpriv->deleted_objs, deleted_obj);
pcmk__set_xml_doc_flag(child, pcmk__xf_dirty);
free_xml(xmlNode * child)
free_xml_with_position(child, -1);
* \internal
* \brief Make a deep copy of an XML node under a given parent
* \param[in,out] parent XML element that will be the copy's parent (\c NULL
* to create a new XML document with the copy as root)
* \param[in] src XML node to copy
* \return Deep copy of \p src, or \c NULL if \p src is \c NULL
xmlNode *
pcmk__xml_copy(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *src)
xmlNode *copy = NULL;
if (src == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (parent == NULL) {
xmlDoc *doc = NULL;
// The copy will be the root element of a new document
doc = xmlNewDoc(PCMK__XML_VERSION);
copy = xmlDocCopyNode(src, doc, 1);
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, copy);
} else {
copy = xmlDocCopyNode(src, parent->doc, 1);
xmlAddChild(parent, copy);
return copy;
* \internal
* \brief Remove XML text nodes from specified XML and all its children
* \param[in,out] xml XML to strip text from
pcmk__strip_xml_text(xmlNode *xml)
xmlNode *iter = xml->children;
while (iter) {
xmlNode *next = iter->next;
switch (iter->type) {
/* Remove it */
/* Search it */
/* Leave it */
iter = next;
* \internal
* \brief Add a "last written" attribute to an XML element, set to current time
* \param[in,out] xe XML element to add attribute to
* \return Value that was set, or NULL on error
const char *
pcmk__xe_add_last_written(xmlNode *xe)
char *now_s = pcmk__epoch2str(NULL, 0);
const char *result = NULL;
result = crm_xml_add(xe, PCMK_XA_CIB_LAST_WRITTEN,
pcmk__s(now_s, "Could not determine current time"));
return result;
* \brief Sanitize a string so it is usable as an XML ID
* \param[in,out] id String to sanitize
crm_xml_sanitize_id(char *id)
char *c;
for (c = id; *c; ++c) {
/* @TODO Sanitize more comprehensively */
switch (*c) {
case ':':
case '#':
*c = '.';
* \brief Set the ID of an XML element using a format
* \param[in,out] xml XML element
* \param[in] fmt printf-style format
* \param[in] ... any arguments required by format
crm_xml_set_id(xmlNode *xml, const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
int len = 0;
char *id = NULL;
/* equivalent to crm_strdup_printf() */
va_start(ap, format);
len = vasprintf(&id, format, ap);
CRM_ASSERT(len > 0);
crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK_XA_ID, id);
* \internal
* \brief Get consecutive bytes encoding non-ASCII UTF-8 characters
* \param[in] text String to check
* \return Number of non-ASCII UTF-8 bytes at the beginning of \p text
static size_t
utf8_bytes(const char *text)
// Total number of consecutive bytes containing UTF-8 characters
size_t c_bytes = 0;
if (text == NULL) {
return 0;
/* UTF-8 uses one to four 8-bit bytes per character. The first byte
* indicates the width of the character. A byte beginning with a '0' bit is
* a one-byte ASCII character.
* A C byte is 8 bits on most systems, but this is not guaranteed.
* Count until we find an ASCII character or an invalid byte. Check bytes
* aligned with the C byte boundary.
for (const uint8_t *utf8_byte = (const uint8_t *) text;
(*utf8_byte & 0x80) != 0;
utf8_byte = (const uint8_t *) (text + c_bytes)) {
size_t utf8_bits = 0;
if ((*utf8_byte & 0xf0) == 0xf0) {
// Four-byte character (first byte: 11110xxx)
utf8_bits = 32;
} else if ((*utf8_byte & 0xe0) == 0xe0) {
// Three-byte character (first byte: 1110xxxx)
utf8_bits = 24;
} else if ((*utf8_byte & 0xc0) == 0xc0) {
// Two-byte character (first byte: 110xxxxx)
utf8_bits = 16;
} else {
crm_warn("Found invalid UTF-8 character %.2x",
(unsigned char) *utf8_byte);
return c_bytes;
c_bytes += utf8_bits / CHAR_BIT;
#if (CHAR_BIT != 8) // Coverity complains about dead code without this CPP guard
if ((utf8_bits % CHAR_BIT) > 0) {
#endif // CHAR_BIT != 8
- return c_bytes;
- * \internal
- * \brief Replace a character in a dynamically allocated string, reallocating
- * memory
- *
- * \param[in,out] text String to replace a character in
- * \param[in,out] index Index of character to replace with new string; on
- * return, reset to index of end of replacement string
- * \param[in,out] length Length of \p text
- * \param[in] replace String to replace character at \p index with (must
- * not be empty)
- *
- * \return \p text, with the character at \p index replaced by \p replace
- */
-static char *
-replace_text(char *text, size_t *index, size_t *length, const char *replace)
- /* @TODO Replace with GString? Or at least copy char-by-char, escaping
- * characters as needed, instead of shifting characters on every replacement
- */
- // We have space for 1 char already
- size_t offset = strlen(replace) - 1;
- if (offset > 0) {
- *length += offset;
- text = pcmk__realloc(text, *length + 1);
- // Shift characters to the right to make room for the replacement string
- for (size_t i = *length; i > (*index + offset); i--) {
- text[i] = text[i - offset];
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < c_bytes; i++) {
+ // Sanity-check that we haven't passed end of string as "non-ASCII"
+ CRM_ASSERT(text[i] != '\0');
- // Replace the character at index by the replacement string
- memcpy(text + *index, replace, offset + 1);
- // Reset index to the end of replacement string
- *index += offset;
- return text;
+ return c_bytes;
* \internal
* \brief Check whether a string has XML special characters that must be escaped
- * See \c pcmk__xml_escape() for more details.
+ * See \c pcmk__xml_escape() and \c pcmk__xml_escape_type for more details.
- * \param[in] text String to check
- * \param[in] escape_quote If \c true, double quotes must be escaped
+ * \param[in] text String to check
+ * \param[in] type Type of escaping
* \return \c true if \p text has special characters that need to be escaped, or
* \c false otherwise
-pcmk__xml_needs_escape(const char *text, bool escape_quote)
+pcmk__xml_needs_escape(const char *text, enum pcmk__xml_escape_type type)
- size_t length = 0;
if (text == NULL) {
return false;
- length = strlen(text);
- for (size_t index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ while (*text != '\0') {
// Don't escape any non-ASCII characters
- index += utf8_bytes(&(text[index]));
+ size_t ubytes = utf8_bytes(text);
- switch (text[index]) {
- case '\0':
- // Reached end of string by skipping UTF-8 bytes
- return false;
- case '<':
- return true;
- case '>':
- // Not necessary, but for symmetry with '<'
- return true;
- case '&':
- return true;
- case '"':
- if (escape_quote) {
- return true;
+ if (ubytes > 0) {
+ text += ubytes;
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case pcmk__xml_escape_text:
+ switch (*text) {
+ case '<':
+ case '>':
+ case '&':
+ return true;
+ case '\n':
+ case '\t':
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!isprint(*text)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
- case '\n':
- case '\t':
- // Don't escape newline or tab
+ case pcmk__xml_escape_attr:
+ switch (*text) {
+ case '<':
+ case '>':
+ case '&':
+ case '"':
+ return true;
+ default:
+ if (!isprint(*text)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
- default:
- if ((text[index] < 0x20) || (text[index] >= 0x7f)) {
- // Escape non-printing characters
- return true;
+ case pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty:
+ switch (*text) {
+ case '\n':
+ case '\r':
+ case '\t':
+ case '"':
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ default: // Invalid enum value
+ CRM_ASSERT(false);
+ break;
+ text++;
return false;
* \internal
* \brief Replace special characters with their XML escape sequences
- * XML allows the escaping of special characters by replacing them with entity
- * references (for example, """) or character references (for
- * example, "
- *
- * The special characters '<' and '&' are not allowed in their
- * literal forms in XML character data. Character data is non-markup text (for
- * example, the content of a text node).
- *
- * Additionally, if an attribute value is delimited by single quotes, then
- * single quotes must be escaped within the value. Similarly, if an attribute
- * value is delimited by double quotes, then double quotes must be escaped
- * within the value.
- *
- * For more details, see the "Character Data and Markup" section of the XML
- * spec, currently section 2.4:
- * https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#dt-markup
- *
- * Pacemaker always delimits attribute values with double quotes, so this
- * function doesn't escape single quotes.
- *
- * \param[in] text Text to escape
- * \param[in] escape_quote If \c true, escape double quotes (should be enabled
- * for attribute values)
+ * \param[in] text Text to escape
+ * \param[in] type Type of escaping
* \return Newly allocated string equivalent to \p text but with special
* characters replaced with XML escape sequences (or \c NULL if \p text
* is \c NULL). If \p text is not \c NULL, the return value is
* guaranteed not to be \c NULL.
* \note There are libxml functions that purport to do this:
* \c xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant() and \c xmlEncodeSpecialChars().
* However, their escaping is incomplete. See:
* https://discourse.gnome.org/t/intended-use-of-xmlencodeentitiesreentrant-vs-xmlencodespecialchars/19252
+ * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value using
+ * \c g_free().
-char *
-pcmk__xml_escape(const char *text, bool escape_quote)
+gchar *
+pcmk__xml_escape(const char *text, enum pcmk__xml_escape_type type)
- size_t length = 0;
- char *copy = NULL;
- char buf[32] = { '\0', };
+ GString *copy = NULL;
if (text == NULL) {
return NULL;
- length = strlen(text);
- copy = pcmk__str_copy(text);
+ copy = g_string_sized_new(strlen(text));
- for (size_t index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ while (*text != '\0') {
// Don't escape any non-ASCII characters
- index += utf8_bytes(&(copy[index]));
+ size_t ubytes = utf8_bytes(text);
- switch (copy[index]) {
- case '\0':
- // Reached end of string by skipping UTF-8 bytes
- break;
- case '<':
- copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, "<");
- break;
- case '>':
- // Not necessary, but for symmetry with '<'
- copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, ">");
- break;
- case '&':
- copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, "&");
- break;
- case '"':
- if (escape_quote) {
- copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, """);
+ if (ubytes > 0) {
+ g_string_append_len(copy, text, ubytes);
+ text += ubytes;
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case pcmk__xml_escape_text:
+ switch (*text) {
+ case '<':
+ g_string_append(copy, PCMK__XML_ENTITY_LT);
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ g_string_append(copy, PCMK__XML_ENTITY_GT);
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ g_string_append(copy, PCMK__XML_ENTITY_AMP);
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ case '\t':
+ g_string_append_c(copy, *text);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!isprint(*text)) {
+ g_string_append_printf(copy, "%.2X;", *text);
+ } else {
+ g_string_append_c(copy, *text);
+ }
+ break;
- case '\n':
- case '\t':
- // Don't escape newlines and tabs
+ case pcmk__xml_escape_attr:
+ switch (*text) {
+ case '<':
+ g_string_append(copy, PCMK__XML_ENTITY_LT);
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ g_string_append(copy, PCMK__XML_ENTITY_GT);
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ g_string_append(copy, PCMK__XML_ENTITY_AMP);
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ g_string_append(copy, PCMK__XML_ENTITY_QUOT);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!isprint(*text)) {
+ g_string_append_printf(copy, "%.2X;", *text);
+ } else {
+ g_string_append_c(copy, *text);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
- default:
- if ((copy[index] < 0x20) || (copy[index] >= 0x7f)) {
- // Escape non-printing characters
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.2x;", copy[index]);
- copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, buf);
+ case pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty:
+ switch (*text) {
+ case '"':
+ g_string_append(copy, "\\\"");
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ g_string_append(copy, "\\n");
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ g_string_append(copy, "\\r");
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ g_string_append(copy, "\\t");
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_string_append_c(copy, *text);
+ break;
+ default: // Invalid enum value
+ CRM_ASSERT(false);
+ break;
+ text++;
- return copy;
+ return g_string_free(copy, FALSE);
* \internal
* \brief Set a flag on all attributes of an XML element
* \param[in,out] xml XML node to set flags on
* \param[in] flag XML private flag to set
static void
set_attrs_flag(xmlNode *xml, enum xml_private_flags flag)
for (xmlAttr *attr = pcmk__xe_first_attr(xml); attr; attr = attr->next) {
pcmk__set_xml_flags((xml_node_private_t *) (attr->_private), flag);
* \internal
* \brief Add an XML attribute to a node, marked as deleted
* When calculating XML changes, we need to know when an attribute has been
* deleted. Add the attribute back to the new XML, so that we can check the
* removal against ACLs, and mark it as deleted for later removal after
* differences have been calculated.
* \param[in,out] new_xml XML to modify
* \param[in] element Name of XML element that changed (for logging)
* \param[in] attr_name Name of attribute that was deleted
* \param[in] old_value Value of attribute that was deleted
static void
mark_attr_deleted(xmlNode *new_xml, const char *element, const char *attr_name,
const char *old_value)
xml_doc_private_t *docpriv = new_xml->doc->_private;
xmlAttr *attr = NULL;
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv;
// Prevent the dirty flag being set recursively upwards
pcmk__clear_xml_flags(docpriv, pcmk__xf_tracking);
// Restore the old value (and the tracking flag)
attr = xmlSetProp(new_xml, (pcmkXmlStr) attr_name, (pcmkXmlStr) old_value);
pcmk__set_xml_flags(docpriv, pcmk__xf_tracking);
// Reset flags (so the attribute doesn't appear as newly created)
nodepriv = attr->_private;
nodepriv->flags = 0;
// Check ACLs and mark restored value for later removal
remove_xe_attr(new_xml, attr);
crm_trace("XML attribute %s=%s was removed from %s",
attr_name, old_value, element);
* \internal
* \brief Check ACLs for a changed XML attribute
static void
mark_attr_changed(xmlNode *new_xml, const char *element, const char *attr_name,
const char *old_value)
char *vcopy = crm_element_value_copy(new_xml, attr_name);
crm_trace("XML attribute %s was changed from '%s' to '%s' in %s",
attr_name, old_value, vcopy, element);
// Restore the original value
xmlSetProp(new_xml, (pcmkXmlStr) attr_name, (pcmkXmlStr) old_value);
// Change it back to the new value, to check ACLs
crm_xml_add(new_xml, attr_name, vcopy);
* \internal
* \brief Mark an XML attribute as having changed position
* \param[in,out] new_xml XML to modify
* \param[in] element Name of XML element that changed (for logging)
* \param[in,out] old_attr Attribute that moved, in original XML
* \param[in,out] new_attr Attribute that moved, in \p new_xml
* \param[in] p_old Ordinal position of \p old_attr in original XML
* \param[in] p_new Ordinal position of \p new_attr in \p new_xml
static void
mark_attr_moved(xmlNode *new_xml, const char *element, xmlAttr *old_attr,
xmlAttr *new_attr, int p_old, int p_new)
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = new_attr->_private;
crm_trace("XML attribute %s moved from position %d to %d in %s",
old_attr->name, p_old, p_new, element);
// Mark document, element, and all element's parents as changed
// Mark attribute as changed
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_dirty|pcmk__xf_moved);
nodepriv = (p_old > p_new)? old_attr->_private : new_attr->_private;
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_skip);
* \internal
* \brief Calculate differences in all previously existing XML attributes
* \param[in,out] old_xml Original XML to compare
* \param[in,out] new_xml New XML to compare
static void
xml_diff_old_attrs(xmlNode *old_xml, xmlNode *new_xml)
xmlAttr *attr_iter = pcmk__xe_first_attr(old_xml);
while (attr_iter != NULL) {
const char *name = (const char *) attr_iter->name;
xmlAttr *old_attr = attr_iter;
xmlAttr *new_attr = xmlHasProp(new_xml, attr_iter->name);
const char *old_value = pcmk__xml_attr_value(attr_iter);
attr_iter = attr_iter->next;
if (new_attr == NULL) {
mark_attr_deleted(new_xml, (const char *) old_xml->name, name,
} else {
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = new_attr->_private;
int new_pos = pcmk__xml_position((xmlNode*) new_attr,
int old_pos = pcmk__xml_position((xmlNode*) old_attr,
const char *new_value = crm_element_value(new_xml, name);
// This attribute isn't new
pcmk__clear_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_created);
if (strcmp(new_value, old_value) != 0) {
mark_attr_changed(new_xml, (const char *) old_xml->name, name,
} else if ((old_pos != new_pos)
&& !pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(new_xml, TRUE)) {
mark_attr_moved(new_xml, (const char *) old_xml->name,
old_attr, new_attr, old_pos, new_pos);
* \internal
* \brief Check all attributes in new XML for creation
* For each of a given XML element's attributes marked as newly created, accept
* (and mark as dirty) or reject the creation according to ACLs.
* \param[in,out] new_xml XML to check
static void
mark_created_attrs(xmlNode *new_xml)
xmlAttr *attr_iter = pcmk__xe_first_attr(new_xml);
while (attr_iter != NULL) {
xmlAttr *new_attr = attr_iter;
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = attr_iter->_private;
attr_iter = attr_iter->next;
if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_created)) {
const char *attr_name = (const char *) new_attr->name;
crm_trace("Created new attribute %s=%s in %s",
attr_name, pcmk__xml_attr_value(new_attr),
/* Check ACLs (we can't use the remove-then-create trick because it
* would modify the attribute position).
if (pcmk__check_acl(new_xml, attr_name, pcmk__xf_acl_write)) {
} else {
// Creation was not allowed, so remove the attribute
xmlUnsetProp(new_xml, new_attr->name);
* \internal
* \brief Calculate differences in attributes between two XML nodes
* \param[in,out] old_xml Original XML to compare
* \param[in,out] new_xml New XML to compare
static void
xml_diff_attrs(xmlNode *old_xml, xmlNode *new_xml)
set_attrs_flag(new_xml, pcmk__xf_created); // cleared later if not really new
xml_diff_old_attrs(old_xml, new_xml);
* \internal
* \brief Add an XML child element to a node, marked as deleted
* When calculating XML changes, we need to know when a child element has been
* deleted. Add the child back to the new XML, so that we can check the removal
* against ACLs, and mark it as deleted for later removal after differences have
* been calculated.
* \param[in,out] old_child Child element from original XML
* \param[in,out] new_parent New XML to add marked copy to
static void
mark_child_deleted(xmlNode *old_child, xmlNode *new_parent)
// Re-create the child element so we can check ACLs
xmlNode *candidate = pcmk__xml_copy(new_parent, old_child);
// Clear flags on new child and its children
// Check whether ACLs allow the deletion
// Remove the child again (which will track it in document's deleted_objs)
pcmk__xml_position(old_child, pcmk__xf_skip));
if (pcmk__xml_match(new_parent, old_child, true) == NULL) {
pcmk__set_xml_flags((xml_node_private_t *) (old_child->_private),
static void
mark_child_moved(xmlNode *old_child, xmlNode *new_parent, xmlNode *new_child,
int p_old, int p_new)
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = new_child->_private;
crm_trace("Child element %s with "
PCMK_XA_ID "='%s' moved from position %d to %d under %s",
new_child->name, pcmk__s(pcmk__xe_id(new_child), ""),
p_old, p_new, new_parent->name);
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_moved);
if (p_old > p_new) {
nodepriv = old_child->_private;
} else {
nodepriv = new_child->_private;
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_skip);
// Given original and new XML, mark new XML portions that have changed
static void
mark_xml_changes(xmlNode *old_xml, xmlNode *new_xml, bool check_top)
xmlNode *cIter = NULL;
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(new_xml != NULL, return);
if (old_xml == NULL) {
pcmk__apply_creation_acl(new_xml, check_top);
nodepriv = new_xml->_private;
CRM_CHECK(nodepriv != NULL, return);
if(nodepriv->flags & pcmk__xf_processed) {
/* Avoid re-comparing nodes */
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_processed);
xml_diff_attrs(old_xml, new_xml);
// Check for differences in the original children
for (cIter = pcmk__xml_first_child(old_xml); cIter != NULL; ) {
xmlNode *old_child = cIter;
xmlNode *new_child = pcmk__xml_match(new_xml, cIter, true);
cIter = pcmk__xml_next(cIter);
if(new_child) {
mark_xml_changes(old_child, new_child, TRUE);
} else {
mark_child_deleted(old_child, new_xml);
// Check for moved or created children
for (cIter = pcmk__xml_first_child(new_xml); cIter != NULL; ) {
xmlNode *new_child = cIter;
xmlNode *old_child = pcmk__xml_match(old_xml, cIter, true);
cIter = pcmk__xml_next(cIter);
if(old_child == NULL) {
// This is a newly created child
nodepriv = new_child->_private;
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_skip);
mark_xml_changes(old_child, new_child, TRUE);
} else {
/* Check for movement, we already checked for differences */
int p_new = pcmk__xml_position(new_child, pcmk__xf_skip);
int p_old = pcmk__xml_position(old_child, pcmk__xf_skip);
if(p_old != p_new) {
mark_child_moved(old_child, new_xml, new_child, p_old, p_new);
xml_calculate_significant_changes(xmlNode *old_xml, xmlNode *new_xml)
pcmk__set_xml_doc_flag(new_xml, pcmk__xf_lazy);
xml_calculate_changes(old_xml, new_xml);
// Called functions may set the \p pcmk__xf_skip flag on parts of \p old_xml
xml_calculate_changes(xmlNode *old_xml, xmlNode *new_xml)
CRM_CHECK((old_xml != NULL) && (new_xml != NULL)
&& pcmk__xe_is(old_xml, (const char *) new_xml->name)
&& pcmk__str_eq(pcmk__xe_id(old_xml), pcmk__xe_id(new_xml),
if(xml_tracking_changes(new_xml) == FALSE) {
xml_track_changes(new_xml, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
mark_xml_changes(old_xml, new_xml, FALSE);
* \internal
* \brief Find a comment with matching content in specified XML
* \param[in] root XML to search
* \param[in] search_comment Comment whose content should be searched for
* \param[in] exact If true, comment must also be at same position
xmlNode *
pcmk__xc_match(const xmlNode *root, const xmlNode *search_comment, bool exact)
xmlNode *a_child = NULL;
int search_offset = pcmk__xml_position(search_comment, pcmk__xf_skip);
CRM_CHECK(search_comment->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE, return NULL);
for (a_child = pcmk__xml_first_child(root); a_child != NULL;
a_child = pcmk__xml_next(a_child)) {
if (exact) {
int offset = pcmk__xml_position(a_child, pcmk__xf_skip);
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = a_child->_private;
if (offset < search_offset) {
} else if (offset > search_offset) {
return NULL;
if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_skip)) {
if (a_child->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE
&& pcmk__str_eq((const char *)a_child->content, (const char *)search_comment->content, pcmk__str_casei)) {
return a_child;
} else if (exact) {
return NULL;
return NULL;
* \internal
* \brief Make one XML comment match another (in content)
* \param[in,out] parent If \p target is NULL and this is not, add or update
* comment child of this XML node that matches \p update
* \param[in,out] target If not NULL, update this XML comment node
* \param[in] update Make comment content match this (must not be NULL)
* \note At least one of \parent and \target must be non-NULL
pcmk__xc_update(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *target, xmlNode *update)
CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return);
CRM_CHECK(update->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE, return);
if (target == NULL) {
target = pcmk__xc_match(parent, update, false);
if (target == NULL) {
pcmk__xml_copy(parent, update);
} else if (!pcmk__str_eq((const char *)target->content, (const char *)update->content, pcmk__str_casei)) {
target->content = xmlStrdup(update->content);
* \internal
* \brief Make one XML tree match another (in children and attributes)
* \param[in,out] parent If \p target is NULL and this is not, add or update
* child of this XML node that matches \p update
* \param[in,out] target If not NULL, update this XML
* \param[in] update Make the desired XML match this (must not be NULL)
* \param[in] as_diff If false, expand "++" when making attributes match
* \note At least one of \p parent and \p target must be non-NULL
pcmk__xml_update(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *target, xmlNode *update,
bool as_diff)
xmlNode *a_child = NULL;
const char *object_name = NULL,
*object_href = NULL,
*object_href_val = NULL;
crm_log_xml_trace(update, "update:");
crm_log_xml_trace(target, "target:");
CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return);
if (update->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) {
pcmk__xc_update(parent, target, update);
object_name = (const char *) update->name;
object_href_val = pcmk__xe_id(update);
if (object_href_val != NULL) {
object_href = PCMK_XA_ID;
} else {
object_href_val = crm_element_value(update, PCMK_XA_ID_REF);
object_href = (object_href_val == NULL)? NULL : PCMK_XA_ID_REF;
CRM_CHECK(object_name != NULL, return);
CRM_CHECK(target != NULL || parent != NULL, return);
if (target == NULL) {
target = pcmk__xe_first_child(parent, object_name,
object_href, object_href_val);
if (target == NULL) {
target = pcmk__xe_create(parent, object_name);
crm_trace("Added <%s%s%s%s%s/>", pcmk__s(object_name, ""),
object_href ? " " : "",
object_href ? object_href : "",
object_href ? "=" : "",
object_href ? object_href_val : "");
} else {
crm_trace("Found node <%s%s%s%s%s/> to update",
pcmk__s(object_name, ""),
object_href ? " " : "",
object_href ? object_href : "",
object_href ? "=" : "",
object_href ? object_href_val : "");
CRM_CHECK(pcmk__xe_is(target, (const char *) update->name), return);
if (as_diff == FALSE) {
/* So that expand_plus_plus() gets called */
copy_in_properties(target, update);
} else {
/* No need for expand_plus_plus(), just raw speed */
for (xmlAttrPtr a = pcmk__xe_first_attr(update); a != NULL;
a = a->next) {
const char *p_value = pcmk__xml_attr_value(a);
/* Remove it first so the ordering of the update is preserved */
xmlUnsetProp(target, a->name);
xmlSetProp(target, a->name, (pcmkXmlStr) p_value);
for (a_child = pcmk__xml_first_child(update); a_child != NULL;
a_child = pcmk__xml_next(a_child)) {
crm_trace("Updating child <%s%s%s%s%s/>",
pcmk__s(object_name, ""),
object_href ? " " : "",
object_href ? object_href : "",
object_href ? "=" : "",
object_href ? object_href_val : "");
pcmk__xml_update(target, NULL, a_child, as_diff);
crm_trace("Finished with <%s%s%s%s%s/>", pcmk__s(object_name, ""),
object_href ? " " : "",
object_href ? object_href : "",
object_href ? "=" : "",
object_href ? object_href_val : "");
update_xml_child(xmlNode * child, xmlNode * to_update)
gboolean can_update = TRUE;
xmlNode *child_of_child = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(child != NULL, return FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(to_update != NULL, return FALSE);
if (!pcmk__xe_is(to_update, (const char *) child->name)) {
can_update = FALSE;
} else if (!pcmk__str_eq(pcmk__xe_id(to_update), pcmk__xe_id(child),
pcmk__str_none)) {
can_update = FALSE;
} else if (can_update) {
crm_log_xml_trace(child, "Update match found...");
pcmk__xml_update(NULL, child, to_update, false);
for (child_of_child = pcmk__xml_first_child(child); child_of_child != NULL;
child_of_child = pcmk__xml_next(child_of_child)) {
/* only update the first one */
if (can_update) {
can_update = update_xml_child(child_of_child, to_update);
return can_update;
find_xml_children(xmlNode ** children, xmlNode * root,
const char *tag, const char *field, const char *value, gboolean search_matches)
int match_found = 0;
CRM_CHECK(root != NULL, return FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(children != NULL, return FALSE);
if ((tag != NULL) && !pcmk__xe_is(root, tag)) {
} else if (value != NULL && !pcmk__str_eq(value, crm_element_value(root, field), pcmk__str_casei)) {
} else {
if (*children == NULL) {
*children = pcmk__xe_create(NULL, __func__);
pcmk__xml_copy(*children, root);
match_found = 1;
if (search_matches || match_found == 0) {
xmlNode *child = NULL;
for (child = pcmk__xml_first_child(root); child != NULL;
child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) {
match_found += find_xml_children(children, child, tag, field, value, search_matches);
return match_found;
replace_xml_child(xmlNode * parent, xmlNode * child, xmlNode * update, gboolean delete_only)
gboolean can_delete = FALSE;
xmlNode *child_of_child = NULL;
const char *up_id = NULL;
const char *child_id = NULL;
const char *right_val = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(child != NULL, return FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return FALSE);
up_id = pcmk__xe_id(update);
child_id = pcmk__xe_id(child);
if (up_id == NULL || (child_id && strcmp(child_id, up_id) == 0)) {
can_delete = TRUE;
if (!pcmk__xe_is(update, (const char *) child->name)) {
can_delete = FALSE;
if (can_delete && delete_only) {
for (xmlAttrPtr a = pcmk__xe_first_attr(update); a != NULL;
a = a->next) {
const char *p_name = (const char *) a->name;
const char *p_value = pcmk__xml_attr_value(a);
right_val = crm_element_value(child, p_name);
if (!pcmk__str_eq(p_value, right_val, pcmk__str_casei)) {
can_delete = FALSE;
if (can_delete && parent != NULL) {
crm_log_xml_trace(child, "Delete match found...");
if (delete_only || update == NULL) {
} else {
xmlNode *old = child;
xmlNode *new = xmlCopyNode(update, 1);
// May be unnecessary but avoids slight changes to some test outputs
old = xmlReplaceNode(old, new);
if (xml_tracking_changes(new)) {
// Replaced sections may have included relevant ACLs
xml_calculate_changes(old, new);
return TRUE;
} else if (can_delete) {
crm_log_xml_debug(child, "Cannot delete the search root");
can_delete = FALSE;
child_of_child = pcmk__xml_first_child(child);
while (child_of_child) {
xmlNode *next = pcmk__xml_next(child_of_child);
can_delete = replace_xml_child(child, child_of_child, update, delete_only);
/* only delete the first one */
if (can_delete) {
child_of_child = NULL;
} else {
child_of_child = next;
return can_delete;
xmlNode *
sorted_xml(xmlNode *input, xmlNode *parent, gboolean recursive)
xmlNode *child = NULL;
GSList *nvpairs = NULL;
xmlNode *result = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(input != NULL, return NULL);
result = pcmk__xe_create(parent, (const char *) input->name);
nvpairs = pcmk_xml_attrs2nvpairs(input);
nvpairs = pcmk_sort_nvpairs(nvpairs);
pcmk_nvpairs2xml_attrs(nvpairs, result);
for (child = pcmk__xe_first_child(input, NULL, NULL, NULL); child != NULL;
child = pcmk__xe_next(child)) {
if (recursive) {
sorted_xml(child, result, recursive);
} else {
pcmk__xml_copy(result, child);
return result;
* \internal
* \brief Get next sibling XML element with the same name as a given element
* \param[in] node XML element to start from
* \return Next sibling XML element with same name
xmlNode *
pcmk__xe_next_same(const xmlNode *node)
for (xmlNode *match = pcmk__xe_next(node); match != NULL;
match = pcmk__xe_next(match)) {
if (pcmk__xe_is(match, (const char *) node->name)) {
return match;
return NULL;
static bool init = true;
if(init) {
init = false;
/* The default allocator XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_EXACT does far too many
* pcmk__realloc()s and it can take upwards of 18 seconds (yes, seconds)
* to dump a 28kb tree which XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT can do in
* less than 1 second.
/* Populate and free the _private field when nodes are created and destroyed */
#define XPATH_MAX 512
xmlNode *
expand_idref(xmlNode * input, xmlNode * top)
char *xpath = NULL;
const char *ref = NULL;
xmlNode *result = NULL;
if (input == NULL) {
return NULL;
ref = crm_element_value(input, PCMK_XA_ID_REF);
if (ref == NULL) {
return input;
if (top == NULL) {
top = input;
xpath = crm_strdup_printf("//%s[@" PCMK_XA_ID "='%s']", input->name, ref);
result = get_xpath_object(xpath, top, LOG_DEBUG);
if (result == NULL) { // Not possible with schema validation enabled
pcmk__config_err("Ignoring invalid %s configuration: "
PCMK_XA_ID_REF " '%s' does not reference "
"a valid object " CRM_XS " xpath=%s",
input->name, ref, xpath);
return result;
char *
pcmk__xml_artefact_root(enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns ns)
static const char *base = NULL;
char *ret = NULL;
if (base == NULL) {
base = pcmk__env_option(PCMK__ENV_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY);
if (pcmk__str_empty(base)) {
switch (ns) {
case pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_legacy_rng:
case pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_legacy_xslt:
ret = strdup(base);
case pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_base_rng:
case pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_base_xslt:
ret = crm_strdup_printf("%s/base", base);
crm_err("XML artefact family specified as %u not recognized", ns);
return ret;
static char *
find_artefact(enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns ns, const char *path, const char *filespec)
char *ret = NULL;
switch (ns) {
case pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_legacy_rng:
case pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_base_rng:
if (pcmk__ends_with(filespec, ".rng")) {
ret = crm_strdup_printf("%s/%s", path, filespec);
} else {
ret = crm_strdup_printf("%s/%s.rng", path, filespec);
case pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_legacy_xslt:
case pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_base_xslt:
if (pcmk__ends_with(filespec, ".xsl")) {
ret = crm_strdup_printf("%s/%s", path, filespec);
} else {
ret = crm_strdup_printf("%s/%s.xsl", path, filespec);
crm_err("XML artefact family specified as %u not recognized", ns);
return ret;
char *
pcmk__xml_artefact_path(enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns ns, const char *filespec)
struct stat sb;
char *base = pcmk__xml_artefact_root(ns);
char *ret = NULL;
ret = find_artefact(ns, base, filespec);
if (stat(ret, &sb) != 0 || !S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {
const char *remote_schema_dir = pcmk__remote_schema_dir();
ret = find_artefact(ns, remote_schema_dir, filespec);
return ret;
pcmk__xe_set_propv(xmlNodePtr node, va_list pairs)
while (true) {
const char *name, *value;
name = va_arg(pairs, const char *);
if (name == NULL) {
value = va_arg(pairs, const char *);
if (value != NULL) {
crm_xml_add(node, name, value);
pcmk__xe_set_props(xmlNodePtr node, ...)
va_list pairs;
va_start(pairs, node);
pcmk__xe_set_propv(node, pairs);
pcmk__xe_foreach_child(xmlNode *xml, const char *child_element_name,
int (*handler)(xmlNode *xml, void *userdata),
void *userdata)
xmlNode *children = (xml? xml->children : NULL);
CRM_ASSERT(handler != NULL);
for (xmlNode *node = children; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
if ((node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
&& ((child_element_name == NULL)
|| pcmk__xe_is(node, child_element_name))) {
int rc = handler(node, userdata);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
return rc;
return pcmk_rc_ok;
// Deprecated functions kept only for backward API compatibility
xmlNode *
find_entity(xmlNode *parent, const char *node_name, const char *id)
return pcmk__xe_first_child(parent, node_name,
((id == NULL)? id : PCMK_XA_ID), id);
crm_destroy_xml(gpointer data)
xmlDoc *
getDocPtr(xmlNode *node)
xmlDoc *doc = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL);
doc = node->doc;
if (doc == NULL) {
doc = xmlNewDoc(PCMK__XML_VERSION);
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);
return doc;
xmlNode *
add_node_copy(xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *src_node)
xmlNode *child = NULL;
CRM_CHECK((parent != NULL) && (src_node != NULL), return NULL);
child = xmlDocCopyNode(src_node, parent->doc, 1);
if (child == NULL) {
return NULL;
xmlAddChild(parent, child);
return child;
add_node_nocopy(xmlNode *parent, const char *name, xmlNode *child)
add_node_copy(parent, child);
return 1;
xml_has_children(const xmlNode * xml_root)
if (xml_root != NULL && xml_root->children != NULL) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
+static char *
+replace_text(char *text, size_t *index, size_t *length, const char *replace)
+ // We have space for 1 char already
+ size_t offset = strlen(replace) - 1;
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ *length += offset;
+ text = pcmk__realloc(text, *length + 1);
+ // Shift characters to the right to make room for the replacement string
+ for (size_t i = *length; i > (*index + offset); i--) {
+ text[i] = text[i - offset];
+ }
+ }
+ // Replace the character at index by the replacement string
+ memcpy(text + *index, replace, offset + 1);
+ // Reset index to the end of replacement string
+ *index += offset;
+ return text;
char *
crm_xml_escape(const char *text)
size_t length = 0;
char *copy = NULL;
if (text == NULL) {
return NULL;
length = strlen(text);
copy = pcmk__str_copy(text);
for (size_t index = 0; index <= length; index++) {
if(copy[index] & 0x80 && copy[index+1] & 0x80){
switch (copy[index]) {
case 0:
// Sanity only; loop should stop at the last non-null byte
case '<':
copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, "<");
case '>':
copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, ">");
case '"':
copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, """);
case '\'':
copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, "'");
case '&':
copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, "&");
case '\t':
/* Might as well just expand to a few spaces... */
copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, " ");
case '\n':
copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, "\\n");
case '\r':
copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, "\\r");
/* Check for and replace non-printing characters with their octal equivalent */
if(copy[index] < ' ' || copy[index] > '~') {
char *replace = crm_strdup_printf("\\%.3o", copy[index]);
copy = replace_text(copy, &index, &length, replace);
return copy;
xmlNode *
copy_xml(xmlNode *src)
xmlDoc *doc = xmlNewDoc(PCMK__XML_VERSION);
xmlNode *copy = NULL;
copy = xmlDocCopyNode(src, doc, 1);
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, copy);
return copy;
xmlNode *
create_xml_node(xmlNode *parent, const char *name)
// Like pcmk__xe_create(), but returns NULL on failure
xmlNode *node = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(!pcmk__str_empty(name), return NULL);
if (parent == NULL) {
xmlDoc *doc = xmlNewDoc(PCMK__XML_VERSION);
if (doc == NULL) {
return NULL;
node = xmlNewDocRawNode(doc, NULL, (pcmkXmlStr) name, NULL);
if (node == NULL) {
return NULL;
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);
} else {
node = xmlNewChild(parent, NULL, (pcmkXmlStr) name, NULL);
if (node == NULL) {
return NULL;
return node;
xmlNode *
pcmk_create_xml_text_node(xmlNode *parent, const char *name,
const char *content)
xmlNode *node = pcmk__xe_create(parent, name);
pcmk__xe_set_content(node, "%s", content);
return node;
xmlNode *
pcmk_create_html_node(xmlNode *parent, const char *element_name, const char *id,
const char *class_name, const char *text)
xmlNode *node = pcmk__html_create(parent, element_name, id, class_name);
pcmk__xe_set_content(node, "%s", text);
return node;
xmlNode *
first_named_child(const xmlNode *parent, const char *name)
return pcmk__xe_first_child(parent, name, NULL, NULL);
xmlNode *
find_xml_node(const xmlNode *root, const char *search_path, gboolean must_find)
xmlNode *result = NULL;
if (search_path == NULL) {
crm_warn("Will never find ");
return NULL;
result = pcmk__xe_first_child(root, search_path, NULL, NULL);
if (must_find && (result == NULL)) {
crm_warn("Could not find %s in %s",
((root != NULL)? (const char *) root->name : ""));
return result;
xmlNode *
crm_next_same_xml(const xmlNode *sibling)
return pcmk__xe_next_same(sibling);
xml_remove_prop(xmlNode * obj, const char *name)
pcmk__xe_remove_attr(obj, name);
// End deprecated API
diff --git a/lib/common/xml_attr.c b/lib/common/xml_attr.c
index cd5b23f663..faed37f2b2 100644
--- a/lib/common/xml_attr.c
+++ b/lib/common/xml_attr.c
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
* Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#include /* xmlAllocOutputBuffer */
#include // PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE, etc.
#include "crmcommon_private.h"
pcmk__mark_xml_attr_dirty(xmlAttr *a)
xmlNode *parent = a->parent;
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = a->_private;
pcmk__set_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_dirty|pcmk__xf_modified);
pcmk__clear_xml_flags(nodepriv, pcmk__xf_deleted);
// This also clears attribute's flags if not marked as deleted
pcmk__marked_as_deleted(xmlAttrPtr a, void *user_data)
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = a->_private;
if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_deleted)) {
return true;
nodepriv->flags = pcmk__xf_none;
return false;
* \internal
* \brief Append an XML attribute to a buffer
* \param[in] attr Attribute to append
* \param[in,out] buffer Where to append the content (must not be \p NULL)
pcmk__dump_xml_attr(const xmlAttr *attr, GString *buffer)
const char *name = NULL;
const char *value = NULL;
- char *value_esc = NULL;
+ gchar *value_esc = NULL;
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = NULL;
if (attr == NULL || attr->children == NULL) {
nodepriv = attr->_private;
if (nodepriv && pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_deleted)) {
name = (const char *) attr->name;
value = (const char *) attr->children->content;
if (value == NULL) {
/* Don't print anything for unset attribute. Any null-indicator value,
* including the empty string, could also be a real value that needs to
* be treated differently from "unset".
- if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(value, true)) {
- value_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(value, true);
+ if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(value, pcmk__xml_escape_attr)) {
+ value_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(value, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
value = value_esc;
pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " ", name, "=\"", value, "\"", NULL);
- free(value_esc);
+ g_free(value_esc);
diff --git a/lib/common/xml_display.c b/lib/common/xml_display.c
index a1ce8f4fea..b563d3a6dd 100644
--- a/lib/common/xml_display.c
+++ b/lib/common/xml_display.c
@@ -1,546 +1,546 @@
* Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#include // PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE, etc.
#include "crmcommon_private.h"
static int show_xml_node(pcmk__output_t *out, GString *buffer,
const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data, int depth,
uint32_t options);
// Log an XML library error
pcmk__log_xmllib_err(void *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
crm_abort(__FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
__LINE__, "xml library error", TRUE,
"XML Error: ", fmt, ap);
PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE(LOG_ERR, TRUE, 0, "XML Error: ", fmt, ap);
* \internal
* \brief Output an XML comment with depth-based indentation
* \param[in,out] out Output object
* \param[in] data XML node to output
* \param[in] depth Current indentation level
* \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
* \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects.
static int
show_xml_comment(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *data, int depth,
uint32_t options)
if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_open)) {
int width = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty)? (2 * depth) : 0;
return out->info(out, "%*s",
width, "", (const char *) data->content);
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
* \internal
* \brief Output an XML element in a formatted way
* \param[in,out] out Output object
* \param[in,out] buffer Where to build output strings
* \param[in] prefix String to prepend to every line of output
* \param[in] data XML node to output
* \param[in] depth Current indentation level
* \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
* \note This is a recursive helper function for \p show_xml_node().
* \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects.
* \note \p buffer may be overwritten many times. The caller is responsible for
* freeing it using \p g_string_free() but should not rely on its
* contents.
static int
show_xml_element(pcmk__output_t *out, GString *buffer, const char *prefix,
const xmlNode *data, int depth, uint32_t options)
int spaces = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty)? (2 * depth) : 0;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_open)) {
const char *hidden = crm_element_value(data, PCMK__XA_HIDDEN);
g_string_truncate(buffer, 0);
for (int lpc = 0; lpc < spaces; lpc++) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, ' ');
pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, "<", data->name, NULL);
for (const xmlAttr *attr = pcmk__xe_first_attr(data); attr != NULL;
attr = attr->next) {
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = attr->_private;
const char *p_name = (const char *) attr->name;
const char *p_value = pcmk__xml_attr_value(attr);
- char *p_copy = NULL;
+ gchar *p_copy = NULL;
if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_deleted)) {
// @COMPAT Remove when v1 patchsets are removed
if (pcmk_any_flags_set(options,
&& (strcmp(PCMK__XA_CRM_DIFF_MARKER, p_name) == 0)) {
if ((hidden != NULL) && (p_name[0] != '\0')
&& (strstr(hidden, p_name) != NULL)) {
p_value = "*****";
} else {
p_copy = pcmk__xml_escape(p_value, true);
p_value = p_copy;
pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, " ", p_name, "=\"",
pcmk__s(p_value, ""), "\"", NULL);
- free(p_copy);
+ g_free(p_copy);
if ((data->children != NULL)
&& pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_children)) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, '>');
} else {
g_string_append(buffer, "/>");
rc = out->info(out, "%s%s%s",
pcmk__s(prefix, ""), pcmk__str_empty(prefix)? "" : " ",
if (data->children == NULL) {
return rc;
if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_children)) {
for (const xmlNode *child = pcmk__xml_first_child(data); child != NULL;
child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) {
int temp_rc = show_xml_node(out, buffer, prefix, child, depth + 1,
rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc);
if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_close)) {
int temp_rc = out->info(out, "%s%s%*s%s>",
pcmk__s(prefix, ""),
pcmk__str_empty(prefix)? "" : " ",
spaces, "", data->name);
rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Output an XML element or comment in a formatted way
* \param[in,out] out Output object
* \param[in,out] buffer Where to build output strings
* \param[in] prefix String to prepend to every line of output
* \param[in] data XML node to log
* \param[in] depth Current indentation level
* \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
* \note This is a recursive helper function for \p pcmk__xml_show().
* \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects.
* \note \p buffer may be overwritten many times. The caller is responsible for
* freeing it using \p g_string_free() but should not rely on its
* contents.
static int
show_xml_node(pcmk__output_t *out, GString *buffer, const char *prefix,
const xmlNode *data, int depth, uint32_t options)
switch (data->type) {
return show_xml_comment(out, data, depth, options);
return show_xml_element(out, buffer, prefix, data, depth, options);
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
* \internal
* \brief Output an XML element or comment in a formatted way
* \param[in,out] out Output object
* \param[in] prefix String to prepend to every line of output
* \param[in] data XML node to output
* \param[in] depth Current nesting level
* \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
* \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects.
pcmk__xml_show(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data,
int depth, uint32_t options)
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
GString *buffer = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(depth >= 0, depth = 0);
if (data == NULL) {
return rc;
/* Allocate a buffer once, for show_xml_node() to truncate and reuse in
* recursive calls
buffer = g_string_sized_new(1024);
rc = show_xml_node(out, buffer, prefix, data, depth, options);
g_string_free(buffer, TRUE);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Output XML portions that have been marked as changed
* \param[in,out] out Output object
* \param[in] data XML node to output
* \param[in] depth Current indentation level
* \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags
* \note This is a recursive helper for \p pcmk__xml_show_changes(), showing
* changes to \p data and its children.
* \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects.
static int
show_xml_changes_recursive(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *data, int depth,
uint32_t options)
/* @COMPAT: When log_data_element() is removed, we can remove the options
* argument here and instead hard-code pcmk__xml_log_pretty.
xml_node_private_t *nodepriv = (xml_node_private_t *) data->_private;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
int temp_rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (pcmk_all_flags_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_dirty|pcmk__xf_created)) {
// Newly created
return pcmk__xml_show(out, PCMK__XML_PREFIX_CREATED, data, depth,
if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_dirty)) {
// Modified or moved
bool pretty = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty);
int spaces = pretty? (2 * depth) : 0;
const char *prefix = PCMK__XML_PREFIX_MODIFIED;
if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_moved)) {
// Log opening tag
rc = pcmk__xml_show(out, prefix, data, depth,
// Log changes to attributes
for (const xmlAttr *attr = pcmk__xe_first_attr(data); attr != NULL;
attr = attr->next) {
const char *name = (const char *) attr->name;
nodepriv = attr->_private;
if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_deleted)) {
const char *value = pcmk__xml_attr_value(attr);
temp_rc = out->info(out, "%s %*s @%s=%s",
PCMK__XML_PREFIX_DELETED, spaces, "", name,
} else if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_dirty)) {
const char *value = pcmk__xml_attr_value(attr);
if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_created)) {
} else if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_modified)) {
} else if (pcmk_is_set(nodepriv->flags, pcmk__xf_moved)) {
} else {
temp_rc = out->info(out, "%s %*s @%s=%s",
prefix, spaces, "", name, value);
rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc);
// Log changes to children
for (const xmlNode *child = pcmk__xml_first_child(data); child != NULL;
child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) {
temp_rc = show_xml_changes_recursive(out, child, depth + 1,
rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc);
// Log closing tag
temp_rc = pcmk__xml_show(out, PCMK__XML_PREFIX_MODIFIED, data, depth,
return pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc);
// This node hasn't changed, but check its children
for (const xmlNode *child = pcmk__xml_first_child(data); child != NULL;
child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) {
temp_rc = show_xml_changes_recursive(out, child, depth + 1, options);
rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Output changes to an XML node and any children
* \param[in,out] out Output object
* \param[in] xml XML node to output
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
* \note This currently produces output only for text-like output objects.
pcmk__xml_show_changes(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *xml)
xml_doc_private_t *docpriv = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
int temp_rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
CRM_ASSERT(xml->doc != NULL);
docpriv = xml->doc->_private;
if (!pcmk_is_set(docpriv->flags, pcmk__xf_dirty)) {
return rc;
for (const GList *iter = docpriv->deleted_objs; iter != NULL;
iter = iter->next) {
const pcmk__deleted_xml_t *deleted_obj = iter->data;
if (deleted_obj->position >= 0) {
temp_rc = out->info(out, PCMK__XML_PREFIX_DELETED " %s (%d)",
deleted_obj->path, deleted_obj->position);
} else {
temp_rc = out->info(out, PCMK__XML_PREFIX_DELETED " %s",
rc = pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc);
temp_rc = show_xml_changes_recursive(out, xml, 0, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty);
return pcmk__output_select_rc(rc, temp_rc);
// Deprecated functions kept only for backward API compatibility
log_data_element(int log_level, const char *file, const char *function,
int line, const char *prefix, const xmlNode *data, int depth,
int legacy_options)
uint32_t options = 0;
pcmk__output_t *out = NULL;
// Confine log_level to uint8_t range
log_level = pcmk__clip_log_level(log_level);
if (data == NULL) {
do_crm_log(log_level, "%s%sNo data to dump as XML",
pcmk__s(prefix, ""), pcmk__str_empty(prefix)? "" : " ");
switch (log_level) {
CRM_CHECK(pcmk__text_output_new(&out, NULL) == pcmk_rc_ok, return);
CRM_CHECK(pcmk__log_output_new(&out) == pcmk_rc_ok, return);
pcmk__output_set_log_level(out, log_level);
/* Map xml_log_options to pcmk__xml_fmt_options so that we can go ahead and
* start using the pcmk__xml_fmt_options in all the internal functions.
* xml_log_option_dirty_add and xml_log_option_diff_all are ignored by
* internal code and only used here, so they don't need to be addressed.
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_filtered)) {
options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_filtered;
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_formatted)) {
options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty;
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_open)) {
options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_open;
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_children)) {
options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_children;
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_close)) {
options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_close;
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_text)) {
options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_text;
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_diff_plus)) {
options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_plus;
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_diff_minus)) {
options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_minus;
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_diff_short)) {
options |= pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_short;
// Log element based on options
if (pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_dirty_add)) {
CRM_CHECK(depth >= 0, depth = 0);
show_xml_changes_recursive(out, data, depth, options);
goto done;
if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty)
&& ((data->children == NULL)
|| (crm_element_value(data, PCMK__XA_CRM_DIFF_MARKER) != NULL))) {
if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_plus)) {
legacy_options |= xml_log_option_diff_all;
} else if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_minus)) {
legacy_options |= xml_log_option_diff_all;
if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_short)
&& !pcmk_is_set(legacy_options, xml_log_option_diff_all)) {
if (!pcmk_any_flags_set(options,
|pcmk__xml_fmt_diff_minus)) {
// Nothing will ever be logged
goto done;
// Keep looking for the actual change
for (const xmlNode *child = pcmk__xml_first_child(data); child != NULL;
child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) {
log_data_element(log_level, file, function, line, prefix, child,
depth + 1, options);
} else {
pcmk__xml_show(out, prefix, data, depth,
out->finish(out, CRM_EX_OK, true, NULL);
xml_log_changes(uint8_t log_level, const char *function, const xmlNode *xml)
pcmk__output_t *out = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
switch (log_level) {
CRM_CHECK(pcmk__text_output_new(&out, NULL) == pcmk_rc_ok, return);
CRM_CHECK(pcmk__log_output_new(&out) == pcmk_rc_ok, return);
pcmk__output_set_log_level(out, log_level);
rc = pcmk__xml_show_changes(out, xml);
out->finish(out, pcmk_rc2exitc(rc), true, NULL);
// End deprecated API
diff --git a/lib/common/xml_io.c b/lib/common/xml_io.c
index 90e78304bc..b3e8eb73cb 100644
--- a/lib/common/xml_io.c
+++ b/lib/common/xml_io.c
@@ -1,840 +1,840 @@
* Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#include // xmlOutputBuffer*
#include "crmcommon_private.h"
/* @COMPAT XML_PARSE_RECOVER allows some XML errors to be silently worked around
* by libxml2, which is potentially ambiguous and dangerous. We should drop it
* when we can break backward compatibility with configurations that might be
* relying on it (i.e. pacemaker 3.0.0).
* \internal
* \brief Read from \c stdin until EOF or error
* \return Newly allocated string containing the bytes read from \c stdin, or
* \c NULL on error
* \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value using \c free().
static char *
char *buf = NULL;
size_t length = 0;
do {
buf = pcmk__realloc(buf, length + PCMK__BUFFER_SIZE + 1);
length += fread(buf + length, 1, PCMK__BUFFER_SIZE, stdin);
} while ((feof(stdin) == 0) && (ferror(stdin) == 0));
if (ferror(stdin) != 0) {
crm_err("Error reading input from stdin");
buf = NULL;
} else {
buf[length] = '\0';
return buf;
* \internal
* \brief Decompress a bzip2-compressed file into a string buffer
* \param[in] filename Name of file to decompress
* \return Newly allocated string with the decompressed contents of \p filename,
* or \c NULL on error.
* \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value using \c free().
static char *
decompress_file(const char *filename)
char *buffer = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
size_t length = 0;
BZFILE *bz_file = NULL;
FILE *input = fopen(filename, "r");
if (input == NULL) {
crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not open %s for reading", filename);
return NULL;
bz_file = BZ2_bzReadOpen(&rc, input, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
rc = pcmk__bzlib2rc(rc);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
crm_err("Could not prepare to read compressed %s: %s "
CRM_XS " rc=%d", filename, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc);
goto done;
// cppcheck seems not to understand the abort-logic in pcmk__realloc
// cppcheck-suppress memleak
do {
int read_len = 0;
buffer = pcmk__realloc(buffer, length + PCMK__BUFFER_SIZE + 1);
read_len = BZ2_bzRead(&rc, bz_file, buffer + length, PCMK__BUFFER_SIZE);
if ((rc == BZ_OK) || (rc == BZ_STREAM_END)) {
crm_trace("Read %ld bytes from file: %d", (long) read_len, rc);
length += read_len;
} while (rc == BZ_OK);
rc = pcmk__bzlib2rc(rc);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
rc = pcmk__bzlib2rc(rc);
crm_err("Could not read compressed %s: %s " CRM_XS " rc=%d",
filename, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc);
buffer = NULL;
} else {
buffer[length] = '\0';
BZ2_bzReadClose(&rc, bz_file);
return buffer;
// @COMPAT Remove macro at 3.0.0 when we drop XML_PARSE_RECOVER
* \internal
* \brief Try to parse XML first without and then with recovery enabled
* \param[out] result Where to store the resulting XML doc (xmlDoc **)
* \param[in] fn XML parser function
* \param[in] ... All arguments for \p fn except the final one (an
* \c xmlParserOption group)
#define parse_xml_recover(result, fn, ...) do { \
if (*result == NULL) { \
if (*result != NULL) { \
crm_warn("Successfully recovered from XML errors " \
"(note: a future release will treat this as a " \
"fatal failure)"); \
} \
} \
} while (0);
* \internal
* \brief Parse XML from a file
* \param[in] filename Name of file containing XML (\c NULL or \c "-" for
* \c stdin); if \p filename ends in \c ".bz2", the file
* will be decompressed using \c bzip2
* \return XML tree parsed from the given file; may be \c NULL or only partial
* on error
xmlNode *
pcmk__xml_read(const char *filename)
bool use_stdin = pcmk__str_eq(filename, "-", pcmk__str_null_matches);
xmlNode *xml = NULL;
xmlDoc *output = NULL;
xmlParserCtxt *ctxt = NULL;
const xmlError *last_error = NULL;
// Create a parser context
ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt();
CRM_CHECK(ctxt != NULL, return NULL);
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(ctxt, pcmk__log_xmllib_err);
if (use_stdin) {
/* @COMPAT After dropping XML_PARSE_RECOVER, we can avoid capturing
* stdin into a buffer and instead call
* For now we have to save the input so that we can use it twice.
char *input = read_stdin();
if (input != NULL) {
parse_xml_recover(&output, xmlCtxtReadDoc, ctxt, (pcmkXmlStr) input,
} else if (pcmk__ends_with_ext(filename, ".bz2")) {
char *input = decompress_file(filename);
if (input != NULL) {
parse_xml_recover(&output, xmlCtxtReadDoc, ctxt, (pcmkXmlStr) input,
} else {
parse_xml_recover(&output, xmlCtxtReadFile, ctxt, filename, NULL);
if (output != NULL) {
xml = xmlDocGetRootElement(output);
if (xml != NULL) {
/* @TODO Should we really be stripping out text? This seems like an
* overly broad way to get rid of whitespace, if that's the goal.
* Text nodes may be invalid in most or all Pacemaker inputs, but
* stripping them in a generic "parse XML from file" function may
* not be the best way to ignore them.
// @COMPAT At 3.0.0, free xml and return NULL if xml != NULL on error
last_error = xmlCtxtGetLastError(ctxt);
if (last_error != NULL) {
if (xml != NULL) {
crm_log_xml_info(xml, "Partial");
return xml;
* \internal
* \brief Parse XML from a string
* \param[in] input String to parse
* \return XML tree parsed from the given string; may be \c NULL or only partial
* on error
xmlNode *
pcmk__xml_parse(const char *input)
xmlNode *xml = NULL;
xmlDoc *output = NULL;
xmlParserCtxt *ctxt = NULL;
const xmlError *last_error = NULL;
if (input == NULL) {
return NULL;
ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt();
if (ctxt == NULL) {
return NULL;
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(ctxt, pcmk__log_xmllib_err);
parse_xml_recover(&output, xmlCtxtReadDoc, ctxt, (pcmkXmlStr) input, NULL,
if (output != NULL) {
xml = xmlDocGetRootElement(output);
// @COMPAT At 3.0.0, free xml and return NULL if xml != NULL; update doxygen
last_error = xmlCtxtGetLastError(ctxt);
if (last_error != NULL) {
if (xml != NULL) {
crm_log_xml_info(xml, "Partial");
return xml;
* \internal
* \brief Append a string representation of an XML element to a buffer
* \param[in] data XML whose representation to append
* \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags
* \param[in,out] buffer Where to append the content (must not be \p NULL)
* \param[in] depth Current indentation level
static void
dump_xml_element(const xmlNode *data, uint32_t options, GString *buffer,
int depth)
bool pretty = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty);
bool filtered = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_filtered);
int spaces = pretty? (2 * depth) : 0;
for (int lpc = 0; lpc < spaces; lpc++) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, ' ');
pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, "<", data->name, NULL);
for (const xmlAttr *attr = pcmk__xe_first_attr(data); attr != NULL;
attr = attr->next) {
if (!filtered || !pcmk__xa_filterable((const char *) (attr->name))) {
pcmk__dump_xml_attr(attr, buffer);
if (data->children == NULL) {
g_string_append(buffer, "/>");
} else {
g_string_append_c(buffer, '>');
if (pretty) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, '\n');
if (data->children) {
for (const xmlNode *child = data->children; child != NULL;
child = child->next) {
pcmk__xml_string(child, options, buffer, depth + 1);
for (int lpc = 0; lpc < spaces; lpc++) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, ' ');
pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, "", data->name, ">", NULL);
if (pretty) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, '\n');
* \internal
* \brief Append XML text content to a buffer
* \param[in] data XML whose content to append
* \param[in] options Group of \p xml_log_options flags
* \param[in,out] buffer Where to append the content (must not be \p NULL)
* \param[in] depth Current indentation level
static void
dump_xml_text(const xmlNode *data, uint32_t options, GString *buffer,
int depth)
bool pretty = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty);
int spaces = pretty? (2 * depth) : 0;
const char *content = (const char *) data->content;
- char *content_esc = NULL;
+ gchar *content_esc = NULL;
- if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(content, false)) {
- content_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(content, false);
+ if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(content, pcmk__xml_escape_text)) {
+ content_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(content, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
content = content_esc;
for (int lpc = 0; lpc < spaces; lpc++) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, ' ');
g_string_append(buffer, content);
if (pretty) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, '\n');
- free(content_esc);
+ g_free(content_esc);
* \internal
* \brief Append XML CDATA content to a buffer
* \param[in] data XML whose content to append
* \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags
* \param[in,out] buffer Where to append the content (must not be \p NULL)
* \param[in] depth Current indentation level
static void
dump_xml_cdata(const xmlNode *data, uint32_t options, GString *buffer,
int depth)
bool pretty = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty);
int spaces = pretty? (2 * depth) : 0;
for (int lpc = 0; lpc < spaces; lpc++) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, ' ');
pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, "content, "]]>",
if (pretty) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, '\n');
* \internal
* \brief Append an XML comment to a buffer
* \param[in] data XML whose content to append
* \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags
* \param[in,out] buffer Where to append the content (must not be \p NULL)
* \param[in] depth Current indentation level
static void
dump_xml_comment(const xmlNode *data, uint32_t options, GString *buffer,
int depth)
bool pretty = pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty);
int spaces = pretty? (2 * depth) : 0;
for (int lpc = 0; lpc < spaces; lpc++) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, ' ');
pcmk__g_strcat(buffer, "", NULL);
if (pretty) {
g_string_append_c(buffer, '\n');
* \internal
* \brief Get a string representation of an XML element type
* \param[in] type XML element type
* \return String representation of \p type
static const char *
xml_element_type2str(xmlElementType type)
static const char *const element_type_names[] = {
[XML_ELEMENT_NODE] = "element",
[XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE] = "attribute",
[XML_TEXT_NODE] = "text",
[XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE] = "entity reference",
[XML_ENTITY_NODE] = "entity",
[XML_COMMENT_NODE] = "comment",
[XML_DOCUMENT_NODE] = "document",
[XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE] = "document type",
[XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE] = "document fragment",
[XML_NOTATION_NODE] = "notation",
[XML_ELEMENT_DECL] = "element declaration",
[XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL] = "attribute declaration",
[XML_ENTITY_DECL] = "entity declaration",
[XML_NAMESPACE_DECL] = "namespace declaration",
[XML_XINCLUDE_START] = "XInclude start",
[XML_XINCLUDE_END] = "XInclude end",
if ((type < 0) || (type >= PCMK__NELEM(element_type_names))) {
return "unrecognized type";
return element_type_names[type];
* \internal
* \brief Create a string representation of an XML object
* libxml2's \c xmlNodeDumpOutput() doesn't allow filtering, doesn't escape
* special characters thoroughly, and doesn't allow a const argument.
* \param[in] data XML to convert
* \param[in] options Group of \p pcmk__xml_fmt_options flags
* \param[in,out] buffer Where to store the text (must not be \p NULL)
* \param[in] depth Current indentation level
* \todo Create a wrapper that doesn't require \p depth. Only used with
* recursive calls currently.
pcmk__xml_string(const xmlNode *data, uint32_t options, GString *buffer,
int depth)
if (data == NULL) {
crm_trace("Nothing to dump");
CRM_ASSERT(buffer != NULL);
CRM_CHECK(depth >= 0, depth = 0);
switch(data->type) {
/* Handle below */
dump_xml_element(data, options, buffer, depth);
if (pcmk_is_set(options, pcmk__xml_fmt_text)) {
dump_xml_text(data, options, buffer, depth);
dump_xml_comment(data, options, buffer, depth);
dump_xml_cdata(data, options, buffer, depth);
crm_warn("Cannot convert XML %s node to text " CRM_XS " type=%d",
xml_element_type2str(data->type), data->type);
* \internal
* \brief Write a string to a file stream, compressed using \c bzip2
* \param[in] text String to write
* \param[in] filename Name of file being written (for logging only)
* \param[in,out] stream Open file stream to write to
* \param[out] bytes_out Number of bytes written (valid only on success)
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
static int
write_compressed_stream(char *text, const char *filename, FILE *stream,
unsigned int *bytes_out)
unsigned int bytes_in = 0;
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
// (5, 0, 0): (intermediate block size, silent, default workFactor)
BZFILE *bz_file = BZ2_bzWriteOpen(&rc, stream, 5, 0, 0);
rc = pcmk__bzlib2rc(rc);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
crm_warn("Not compressing %s: could not prepare file stream: %s "
CRM_XS " rc=%d",
filename, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc);
goto done;
BZ2_bzWrite(&rc, bz_file, text, strlen(text));
rc = pcmk__bzlib2rc(rc);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
crm_warn("Not compressing %s: could not compress data: %s "
CRM_XS " rc=%d errno=%d",
filename, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc, errno);
goto done;
BZ2_bzWriteClose(&rc, bz_file, 0, &bytes_in, bytes_out);
bz_file = NULL;
rc = pcmk__bzlib2rc(rc);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
crm_warn("Not compressing %s: could not write compressed data: %s "
CRM_XS " rc=%d errno=%d",
filename, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc, errno);
goto done;
crm_trace("Compressed XML for %s from %u bytes to %u",
filename, bytes_in, *bytes_out);
if (bz_file != NULL) {
BZ2_bzWriteClose(&rc, bz_file, 0, NULL, NULL);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Write XML to a file stream
* \param[in] xml XML to write
* \param[in] filename Name of file being written (for logging only)
* \param[in,out] stream Open file stream corresponding to filename (closed
* when this function returns)
* \param[in] compress Whether to compress XML before writing
* \param[out] nbytes Number of bytes written
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
static int
write_xml_stream(const xmlNode *xml, const char *filename, FILE *stream,
bool compress, unsigned int *nbytes)
// @COMPAT Drop nbytes as arg when we drop write_xml_fd()/write_xml_file()
GString *buffer = g_string_sized_new(1024);
unsigned int bytes_out = 0;
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
pcmk__xml_string(xml, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty, buffer, 0);
crm_log_xml_info(xml, "dump-failed");
rc = pcmk_rc_error;
goto done);
crm_log_xml_trace(xml, "writing");
if (compress
&& (write_compressed_stream(buffer->str, filename, stream,
&bytes_out) == pcmk_rc_ok)) {
goto done;
rc = fprintf(stream, "%s", buffer->str);
if (rc < 0) {
rc = EIO;
crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "writing %s", filename);
goto done;
bytes_out = (unsigned int) rc;
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
if (fflush(stream) != 0) {
rc = errno;
crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "flushing %s", filename);
// Don't report error if the file does not support synchronization
if ((fsync(fileno(stream)) < 0) && (errno != EROFS) && (errno != EINVAL)) {
rc = errno;
crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "synchronizing %s", filename);
crm_trace("Saved %u bytes to %s as XML", bytes_out, filename);
if (nbytes != NULL) {
*nbytes = bytes_out;
g_string_free(buffer, TRUE);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Write XML to a file descriptor
* \param[in] xml XML to write
* \param[in] filename Name of file being written (for logging only)
* \param[in] fd Open file descriptor corresponding to \p filename
* \param[in] compress If \c true, compress XML before writing
* \param[out] nbytes Number of bytes written (can be \c NULL)
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
pcmk__xml_write_fd(const xmlNode *xml, const char *filename, int fd,
bool compress, unsigned int *nbytes)
// @COMPAT Drop compress and nbytes arguments when we drop write_xml_fd()
FILE *stream = NULL;
CRM_CHECK((xml != NULL) && (fd > 0), return EINVAL);
stream = fdopen(fd, "w");
if (stream == NULL) {
return errno;
return write_xml_stream(xml, pcmk__s(filename, "unnamed file"), stream,
compress, nbytes);
* \internal
* \brief Write XML to a file
* \param[in] xml XML to write
* \param[in] filename Name of file to write
* \param[in] compress If \c true, compress XML before writing
* \param[out] nbytes Number of bytes written (can be \c NULL)
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
pcmk__xml_write_file(const xmlNode *xml, const char *filename, bool compress,
unsigned int *nbytes)
// @COMPAT Drop nbytes argument when we drop write_xml_fd()
FILE *stream = NULL;
CRM_CHECK((xml != NULL) && (filename != NULL), return EINVAL);
stream = fopen(filename, "w");
if (stream == NULL) {
return errno;
return write_xml_stream(xml, filename, stream, compress, nbytes);
* \internal
* \brief Serialize XML (using libxml) into provided descriptor
* \param[in] fd File descriptor to (piece-wise) write to
* \param[in] cur XML subtree to proceed
* \return a standard Pacemaker return code
pcmk__xml2fd(int fd, xmlNode *cur)
bool success;
xmlOutputBuffer *fd_out = xmlOutputBufferCreateFd(fd, NULL);
xmlNodeDumpOutput(fd_out, cur->doc, cur, 0, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty, NULL);
success = xmlOutputBufferWrite(fd_out, sizeof("\n") - 1, "\n") != -1;
success = xmlOutputBufferClose(fd_out) != -1 && success;
if (!success) {
return EIO;
return pcmk_rc_ok;
save_xml_to_file(const xmlNode *xml, const char *desc, const char *filename)
char *f = NULL;
if (filename == NULL) {
char *uuid = crm_generate_uuid();
f = crm_strdup_printf("%s/%s", pcmk__get_tmpdir(), uuid);
filename = f;
crm_info("Saving %s to %s", desc, filename);
pcmk__xml_write_file(xml, filename, false, NULL);
// Deprecated functions kept only for backward API compatibility
xmlNode *
filename2xml(const char *filename)
return pcmk__xml_read(filename);
xmlNode *
return pcmk__xml_read(NULL);
xmlNode *
string2xml(const char *input)
return pcmk__xml_parse(input);
char *
dump_xml_formatted(const xmlNode *xml)
char *str = NULL;
GString *buffer = g_string_sized_new(1024);
pcmk__xml_string(xml, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty, buffer, 0);
str = pcmk__str_copy(buffer->str);
g_string_free(buffer, TRUE);
return str;
char *
dump_xml_formatted_with_text(const xmlNode *xml)
char *str = NULL;
GString *buffer = g_string_sized_new(1024);
pcmk__xml_string(xml, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty|pcmk__xml_fmt_text, buffer, 0);
str = pcmk__str_copy(buffer->str);
g_string_free(buffer, TRUE);
return str;
char *
dump_xml_unformatted(const xmlNode *xml)
char *str = NULL;
GString *buffer = g_string_sized_new(1024);
pcmk__xml_string(xml, 0, buffer, 0);
str = pcmk__str_copy(buffer->str);
g_string_free(buffer, TRUE);
return str;
write_xml_fd(const xmlNode *xml, const char *filename, int fd,
gboolean compress)
unsigned int nbytes = 0;
int rc = pcmk__xml_write_fd(xml, filename, fd, compress, &nbytes);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
return pcmk_rc2legacy(rc);
return (int) nbytes;
write_xml_file(const xmlNode *xml, const char *filename, gboolean compress)
unsigned int nbytes = 0;
int rc = pcmk__xml_write_file(xml, filename, compress, &nbytes);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
return pcmk_rc2legacy(rc);
return (int) nbytes;
// End deprecated API
diff --git a/lib/fencing/st_lha.c b/lib/fencing/st_lha.c
index 5fdc40253f..a379c10810 100644
--- a/lib/fencing/st_lha.c
+++ b/lib/fencing/st_lha.c
@@ -1,298 +1,297 @@
* Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#include "fencing_private.h"
#define LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY "libstonith.so.1"
static void *lha_agents_lib = NULL;
// @TODO Use XML string constants and maybe a real XML object
static const char META_TEMPLATE[] =
" <" PCMK_XE_ACTIONS ">\n"
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"%s\" />\n"
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"15s\" />\n"
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"%s\" />\n"
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"%s\""
" " PCMK_META_INTERVAL "=\"3600s\" />\n"
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"15s\" />\n"
" <" PCMK_XE_SPECIAL " " PCMK_XA_TAG "=\"heartbeat\">\n"
static void *
find_library_function(void **handle, const char *lib, const char *fn)
void *a_function;
if (*handle == NULL) {
*handle = dlopen(lib, RTLD_LAZY);
if ((*handle) == NULL) {
crm_err("Could not open %s: %s", lib, dlerror());
return NULL;
a_function = dlsym(*handle, fn);
if (a_function == NULL) {
crm_err("Could not find %s in %s: %s", fn, lib, dlerror());
return a_function;
* \internal
* \brief Check whether a given fence agent is an LHA agent
* \param[in] agent Fence agent type
* \return true if \p agent is an LHA agent, otherwise false
stonith__agent_is_lha(const char *agent)
Stonith *stonith_obj = NULL;
static bool need_init = true;
static Stonith *(*st_new_fn) (const char *) = NULL;
static void (*st_del_fn) (Stonith *) = NULL;
if (need_init) {
need_init = false;
st_new_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY,
st_del_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY,
if (lha_agents_lib && st_new_fn && st_del_fn) {
stonith_obj = (*st_new_fn) (agent);
if (stonith_obj) {
(*st_del_fn) (stonith_obj);
return true;
return false;
stonith__list_lha_agents(stonith_key_value_t **devices)
static gboolean need_init = TRUE;
int count = 0;
char **entry = NULL;
char **type_list = NULL;
static char **(*type_list_fn) (void) = NULL;
static void (*type_free_fn) (char **) = NULL;
if (need_init) {
need_init = FALSE;
type_list_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib,
type_free_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib,
if (type_list_fn) {
type_list = (*type_list_fn) ();
for (entry = type_list; entry != NULL && *entry; ++entry) {
crm_trace("Added: %s", *entry);
*devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, *entry);
if (type_list && type_free_fn) {
(*type_free_fn) (type_list);
return count;
static void
stonith_plugin(int priority, const char *fmt, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3);
static void
stonith_plugin(int priority, const char *format, ...)
int err = errno;
va_list ap;
int len = 0;
char *string = NULL;
va_start(ap, format);
len = vasprintf (&string, format, ap);
CRM_ASSERT(len > 0);
do_crm_log_alias(priority, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, "%s", string);
errno = err;
stonith__lha_metadata(const char *agent, int timeout, char **output)
int rc = 0;
char *buffer = NULL;
static const char *no_parameter_info = "";
Stonith *stonith_obj = NULL;
static gboolean need_init = TRUE;
static Stonith *(*st_new_fn) (const char *) = NULL;
static const char *(*st_info_fn) (Stonith *, int) = NULL;
static void (*st_del_fn) (Stonith *) = NULL;
static void (*st_log_fn) (Stonith *, PILLogFun) = NULL;
if (need_init) {
need_init = FALSE;
st_new_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY,
st_del_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY,
st_log_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY,
st_info_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY,
if (lha_agents_lib && st_new_fn && st_del_fn && st_info_fn && st_log_fn) {
- char *meta_param = NULL;
- char *meta_longdesc = NULL;
- char *meta_shortdesc = NULL;
+ const char *meta_longdesc = NULL;
+ const char *meta_shortdesc = NULL;
+ const char *meta_param = NULL;
const char *timeout_str = NULL;
- stonith_obj = (*st_new_fn) (agent);
- if (stonith_obj) {
- (*st_log_fn) (stonith_obj, (PILLogFun) & stonith_plugin);
+ gchar *meta_longdesc_esc = NULL;
+ gchar *meta_shortdesc_esc = NULL;
- meta_longdesc = pcmk__str_copy((*st_info_fn)(stonith_obj,
+ stonith_obj = st_new_fn(agent);
+ if (stonith_obj != NULL) {
+ st_log_fn(stonith_obj, (PILLogFun) &stonith_plugin);
+ meta_longdesc = st_info_fn(stonith_obj, ST_DEVICEDESCR);
if (meta_longdesc == NULL) {
crm_warn("no long description in %s's metadata.", agent);
- meta_longdesc = strdup(no_parameter_info);
+ meta_longdesc = no_parameter_info;
- meta_shortdesc = pcmk__str_copy((*st_info_fn)(stonith_obj,
+ meta_shortdesc = st_info_fn(stonith_obj, ST_DEVICEID);
if (meta_shortdesc == NULL) {
crm_warn("no short description in %s's metadata.", agent);
- meta_shortdesc = strdup(no_parameter_info);
+ meta_shortdesc = no_parameter_info;
- meta_param = pcmk__str_copy((*st_info_fn)(stonith_obj,
+ meta_param = st_info_fn(stonith_obj, ST_CONF_XML);
if (meta_param == NULL) {
crm_warn("no list of parameters in %s's metadata.", agent);
- meta_param = strdup(no_parameter_info);
+ meta_param = no_parameter_info;
- (*st_del_fn) (stonith_obj);
+ st_del_fn(stonith_obj);
} else {
errno = EINVAL;
crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Agent %s not found", agent);
return -EINVAL;
- if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(meta_longdesc, false)) {
- char *escaped = pcmk__xml_escape(meta_longdesc, false);
- free(meta_longdesc);
- meta_longdesc = escaped;
+ if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(meta_longdesc, pcmk__xml_escape_text)) {
+ meta_longdesc_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(meta_longdesc,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ meta_longdesc = meta_longdesc_esc;
- if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(meta_shortdesc, false)) {
- char *escaped = pcmk__xml_escape(meta_shortdesc, false);
- free(meta_shortdesc);
- meta_shortdesc = escaped;
+ if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(meta_shortdesc, pcmk__xml_escape_text)) {
+ meta_shortdesc_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(meta_shortdesc,
+ pcmk__xml_escape_text);
+ meta_shortdesc = meta_shortdesc_esc;
/* @TODO This needs a string that's parsable by crm_get_msec(). In
* general, pcmk__readable_interval() doesn't provide that. It works
* here because PCMK_DEFAULT_ACTION_TIMEOUT_MS is 20000 -> "20s".
timeout_str = pcmk__readable_interval(PCMK_DEFAULT_ACTION_TIMEOUT_MS);
buffer = crm_strdup_printf(META_TEMPLATE, agent, meta_longdesc,
meta_shortdesc, meta_param,
timeout_str, timeout_str, timeout_str);
- free(meta_longdesc);
- free(meta_shortdesc);
- free(meta_param);
+ g_free(meta_longdesc_esc);
+ g_free(meta_shortdesc_esc);
if (output) {
*output = buffer;
} else {
return rc;
/* Implement a dummy function that uses -lpils so that linkers don't drop the
* reference.
const char *i_hate_pils(int rc);
const char *
i_hate_pils(int rc)
return PIL_strerror(rc);
stonith__lha_validate(stonith_t *st, int call_options, const char *target,
const char *agent, GHashTable *params, int timeout,
char **output, char **error_output)
crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Cannot validate Linux-HA fence agents");
diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c
index 504a364293..3902855aee 100644
--- a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c
+++ b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c
@@ -1,2407 +1,2415 @@
* Copyright 2019-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
#include // stonith__*
static char *
colocations_header(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk__colocation_t *cons,
bool dependents) {
char *retval = NULL;
if (cons->primary_role > pcmk_role_started) {
retval = crm_strdup_printf("%s (score=%s, %s role=%s, id=%s)",
rsc->id, pcmk_readable_score(cons->score),
(dependents? "needs" : "with"),
} else {
retval = crm_strdup_printf("%s (score=%s, id=%s)",
rsc->id, pcmk_readable_score(cons->score),
return retval;
static void
colocations_xml_node(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc,
pcmk__colocation_t *cons) {
xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_RSC_COLOCATION,
PCMK_XA_ID, cons->id,
PCMK_XA_RSC, cons->dependent->id,
PCMK_XA_WITH_RSC, cons->primary->id,
if (cons->node_attribute) {
xmlSetProp(node, (pcmkXmlStr) PCMK_XA_NODE_ATTRIBUTE,
(pcmkXmlStr) cons->node_attribute);
if (cons->dependent_role != pcmk_role_unknown) {
xmlSetProp(node, (pcmkXmlStr) PCMK_XA_RSC_ROLE,
(pcmkXmlStr) pcmk_role_text(cons->dependent_role));
if (cons->primary_role != pcmk_role_unknown) {
xmlSetProp(node, (pcmkXmlStr) PCMK_XA_WITH_RSC_ROLE,
(pcmkXmlStr) pcmk_role_text(cons->primary_role));
static int
do_locations_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk_resource_t *rsc,
bool add_header)
GList *lpc = NULL;
GList *list = rsc->rsc_location;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
for (lpc = list; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
pcmk__location_t *cons = lpc->data;
GList *lpc2 = NULL;
for (lpc2 = cons->nodes; lpc2 != NULL; lpc2 = lpc2->next) {
pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) lpc2->data;
if (add_header) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "locations");
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_RSC_LOCATION,
PCMK_XA_NODE, node->details->uname,
PCMK_XA_RSC, rsc->id,
PCMK_XA_ID, cons->id,
if (add_header) {
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("rsc-action-item", "const char *", "pcmk_resource_t *",
"pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk_action_t *",
"pcmk_action_t *")
static int
rsc_action_item(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *change = va_arg(args, const char *);
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
pcmk_node_t *origin = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
pcmk_node_t *destination = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
pcmk_action_t *action = va_arg(args, pcmk_action_t *);
pcmk_action_t *source = va_arg(args, pcmk_action_t *);
int len = 0;
char *reason = NULL;
char *details = NULL;
bool same_host = false;
bool same_role = false;
bool need_role = false;
static int rsc_width = 5;
static int detail_width = 5;
CRM_ASSERT(destination != NULL || origin != NULL);
if (source == NULL) {
source = action;
len = strlen(rsc->id);
if (len > rsc_width) {
rsc_width = len + 2;
if ((rsc->role > pcmk_role_started)
|| (rsc->next_role > pcmk_role_unpromoted)) {
need_role = true;
if (pcmk__same_node(origin, destination)) {
same_host = true;
if (rsc->role == rsc->next_role) {
same_role = true;
if (need_role && (origin == NULL)) {
/* Starting and promoting a promotable clone instance */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s -> %s %s", pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
} else if (origin == NULL) {
/* Starting a resource */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s", pcmk__node_name(destination));
} else if (need_role && (destination == NULL)) {
/* Stopping a promotable clone instance */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s", pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
} else if (destination == NULL) {
/* Stopping a resource */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s", pcmk__node_name(origin));
} else if (need_role && same_role && same_host) {
/* Recovering, restarting or re-promoting a promotable clone instance */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s", pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
} else if (same_role && same_host) {
/* Recovering or Restarting a normal resource */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s", pcmk__node_name(origin));
} else if (need_role && same_role) {
/* Moving a promotable clone instance */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s -> %s %s", pcmk__node_name(origin),
} else if (same_role) {
/* Moving a normal resource */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s -> %s", pcmk__node_name(origin),
} else if (same_host) {
/* Promoting or demoting a promotable clone instance */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s -> %s %s", pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
} else {
/* Moving and promoting/demoting */
details = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s -> %s %s",
len = strlen(details);
if (len > detail_width) {
detail_width = len;
if ((source->reason != NULL)
&& !pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pcmk_action_runnable)) {
reason = crm_strdup_printf("due to %s (blocked)", source->reason);
} else if (source->reason) {
reason = crm_strdup_printf("due to %s", source->reason);
} else if (!pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pcmk_action_runnable)) {
reason = strdup("blocked");
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%-8s %-*s ( %*s )%s%s",
change, rsc_width, rsc->id, detail_width, details,
((reason == NULL)? "" : " "), pcmk__s(reason, ""));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("rsc-action-item", "const char *", "pcmk_resource_t *",
"pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk_action_t *",
"pcmk_action_t *")
static int
rsc_action_item_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *change = va_arg(args, const char *);
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
pcmk_node_t *origin = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
pcmk_node_t *destination = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
pcmk_action_t *action = va_arg(args, pcmk_action_t *);
pcmk_action_t *source = va_arg(args, pcmk_action_t *);
char *change_str = NULL;
bool same_host = false;
bool same_role = false;
bool need_role = false;
xmlNode *xml = NULL;
CRM_ASSERT(destination != NULL || origin != NULL);
if (source == NULL) {
source = action;
if ((rsc->role > pcmk_role_started)
|| (rsc->next_role > pcmk_role_unpromoted)) {
need_role = true;
if (pcmk__same_node(origin, destination)) {
same_host = true;
if (rsc->role == rsc->next_role) {
same_role = true;
change_str = g_ascii_strdown(change, -1);
xml = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_RSC_ACTION,
PCMK_XA_ACTION, change_str,
if (need_role && (origin == NULL)) {
/* Starting and promoting a promotable clone instance */
PCMK_XA_ROLE, pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
PCMK_XA_NEXT_ROLE, pcmk_role_text(rsc->next_role),
PCMK_XA_DEST, destination->details->uname,
} else if (origin == NULL) {
/* Starting a resource */
crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK_XA_NODE, destination->details->uname);
} else if (need_role && (destination == NULL)) {
/* Stopping a promotable clone instance */
PCMK_XA_ROLE, pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
PCMK_XA_NODE, origin->details->uname,
} else if (destination == NULL) {
/* Stopping a resource */
crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK_XA_NODE, origin->details->uname);
} else if (need_role && same_role && same_host) {
/* Recovering, restarting or re-promoting a promotable clone instance */
PCMK_XA_ROLE, pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
PCMK_XA_SOURCE, origin->details->uname,
} else if (same_role && same_host) {
/* Recovering or Restarting a normal resource */
crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK_XA_SOURCE, origin->details->uname);
} else if (need_role && same_role) {
/* Moving a promotable clone instance */
PCMK_XA_SOURCE, origin->details->uname,
PCMK_XA_DEST, destination->details->uname,
PCMK_XA_ROLE, pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
} else if (same_role) {
/* Moving a normal resource */
PCMK_XA_SOURCE, origin->details->uname,
PCMK_XA_DEST, destination->details->uname,
} else if (same_host) {
/* Promoting or demoting a promotable clone instance */
PCMK_XA_ROLE, pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
PCMK_XA_NEXT_ROLE, pcmk_role_text(rsc->next_role),
PCMK_XA_SOURCE, origin->details->uname,
} else {
/* Moving and promoting/demoting */
PCMK_XA_ROLE, pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
PCMK_XA_SOURCE, origin->details->uname,
PCMK_XA_NEXT_ROLE, pcmk_role_text(rsc->next_role),
PCMK_XA_DEST, destination->details->uname,
if ((source->reason != NULL)
&& !pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pcmk_action_runnable)) {
PCMK_XA_REASON, source->reason,
} else if (source->reason != NULL) {
crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK_XA_REASON, source->reason);
} else if (!pcmk_is_set(action->flags, pcmk_action_runnable)) {
pcmk__xe_set_bool_attr(xml, PCMK_XA_BLOCKED, true);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("rsc-is-colocated-with-list", "pcmk_resource_t *", "bool")
static int
rsc_is_colocated_with_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
bool recursive = va_arg(args, int);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop)) {
return rc;
/* We're listing constraints explicitly involving rsc, so use rsc->rsc_cons
* directly rather than rsc->cmds->this_with_colocations().
pcmk__set_rsc_flags(rsc, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop);
for (GList *lpc = rsc->rsc_cons; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
pcmk__colocation_t *cons = (pcmk__colocation_t *) lpc->data;
char *hdr = NULL;
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc,
"Resources %s is colocated with", rsc->id);
if (pcmk_is_set(cons->primary->flags, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s (id=%s - loop)",
cons->primary->id, cons->id);
hdr = colocations_header(cons->primary, cons, false);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", hdr);
// Empty list header for indentation of information about this resource
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, NULL);
out->message(out, "locations-list", cons->primary);
if (recursive) {
out->message(out, "rsc-is-colocated-with-list",
cons->primary, recursive);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("rsc-is-colocated-with-list", "pcmk_resource_t *", "bool")
static int
rsc_is_colocated_with_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
bool recursive = va_arg(args, int);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop)) {
return rc;
/* We're listing constraints explicitly involving rsc, so use rsc->rsc_cons
* directly rather than rsc->cmds->this_with_colocations().
pcmk__set_rsc_flags(rsc, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop);
for (GList *lpc = rsc->rsc_cons; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
pcmk__colocation_t *cons = (pcmk__colocation_t *) lpc->data;
if (pcmk_is_set(cons->primary->flags, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop)) {
colocations_xml_node(out, cons->primary, cons);
colocations_xml_node(out, cons->primary, cons);
do_locations_list_xml(out, cons->primary, false);
if (recursive) {
out->message(out, "rsc-is-colocated-with-list",
cons->primary, recursive);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("rscs-colocated-with-list", "pcmk_resource_t *", "bool")
static int
rscs_colocated_with_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
bool recursive = va_arg(args, int);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop)) {
return rc;
/* We're listing constraints explicitly involving rsc, so use
* rsc->rsc_cons_lhs directly rather than
* rsc->cmds->with_this_colocations().
pcmk__set_rsc_flags(rsc, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop);
for (GList *lpc = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
pcmk__colocation_t *cons = (pcmk__colocation_t *) lpc->data;
char *hdr = NULL;
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Resources colocated with %s",
if (pcmk_is_set(cons->dependent->flags, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s (id=%s - loop)",
cons->dependent->id, cons->id);
hdr = colocations_header(cons->dependent, cons, true);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", hdr);
// Empty list header for indentation of information about this resource
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, NULL);
out->message(out, "locations-list", cons->dependent);
if (recursive) {
out->message(out, "rscs-colocated-with-list",
cons->dependent, recursive);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("rscs-colocated-with-list", "pcmk_resource_t *", "bool")
static int
rscs_colocated_with_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
bool recursive = va_arg(args, int);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop)) {
return rc;
/* We're listing constraints explicitly involving rsc, so use
* rsc->rsc_cons_lhs directly rather than
* rsc->cmds->with_this_colocations().
pcmk__set_rsc_flags(rsc, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop);
for (GList *lpc = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
pcmk__colocation_t *cons = (pcmk__colocation_t *) lpc->data;
if (pcmk_is_set(cons->dependent->flags, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop)) {
colocations_xml_node(out, cons->dependent, cons);
colocations_xml_node(out, cons->dependent, cons);
do_locations_list_xml(out, cons->dependent, false);
if (recursive) {
out->message(out, "rscs-colocated-with-list",
cons->dependent, recursive);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("locations-list", "pcmk_resource_t *")
static int
locations_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
GList *lpc = NULL;
GList *list = rsc->rsc_location;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
for (lpc = list; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
pcmk__location_t *cons = lpc->data;
GList *lpc2 = NULL;
for (lpc2 = cons->nodes; lpc2 != NULL; lpc2 = lpc2->next) {
pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) lpc2->data;
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Locations");
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Node %s (score=%s, id=%s, rsc=%s)",
pcmk_readable_score(node->weight), cons->id,
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("locations-list", "pcmk_resource_t *")
static int
locations_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
return do_locations_list_xml(out, rsc, true);
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("locations-and-colocations", "pcmk_resource_t *",
"bool", "bool")
static int
locations_and_colocations(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
bool recursive = va_arg(args, int);
bool force = va_arg(args, int);
// Constraints apply to group/clone, not member/instance
if (!force) {
rsc = uber_parent(rsc);
out->message(out, "locations-list", rsc);
pe__clear_resource_flags_on_all(rsc->cluster, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop);
out->message(out, "rscs-colocated-with-list", rsc, recursive);
pe__clear_resource_flags_on_all(rsc->cluster, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop);
out->message(out, "rsc-is-colocated-with-list", rsc, recursive);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("locations-and-colocations", "pcmk_resource_t *",
"bool", "bool")
static int
locations_and_colocations_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
bool recursive = va_arg(args, int);
bool force = va_arg(args, int);
// Constraints apply to group/clone, not member/instance
if (!force) {
rsc = uber_parent(rsc);
pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_CONSTRAINTS, NULL);
do_locations_list_xml(out, rsc, false);
pe__clear_resource_flags_on_all(rsc->cluster, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop);
out->message(out, "rscs-colocated-with-list", rsc, recursive);
pe__clear_resource_flags_on_all(rsc->cluster, pcmk_rsc_detect_loop);
out->message(out, "rsc-is-colocated-with-list", rsc, recursive);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("health", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *")
static int
health(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *sys_from G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *host_from = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *fsa_state = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *result = va_arg(args, const char *);
return out->info(out, "Controller on %s in state %s: %s",
pcmk__s(host_from, "unknown node"),
pcmk__s(fsa_state, "unknown"),
pcmk__s(result, "unknown result"));
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("health", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *")
static int
health_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
if (!out->is_quiet(out)) {
return health(out, args);
} else {
const char *sys_from G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *host_from G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *fsa_state = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *result G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (fsa_state != NULL) {
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "%s\n", fsa_state);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("health", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *")
static int
health_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *sys_from = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *host_from = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *fsa_state = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *result = va_arg(args, const char *);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, pcmk__s(sys_from, ""),
PCMK_XA_NODE_NAME, pcmk__s(host_from, ""),
PCMK_XA_STATE, pcmk__s(fsa_state, ""),
PCMK_XA_RESULT, pcmk__s(result, ""),
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("pacemakerd-health", "const char *",
"enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "const char *", "time_t")
static int
pacemakerd_health(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *sys_from = va_arg(args, const char *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
const char *state_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
time_t last_updated = va_arg(args, time_t);
char *last_updated_s = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
if (sys_from == NULL) {
if (state == pcmk_pacemakerd_state_remote) {
sys_from = "pacemaker-remoted";
} else {
sys_from = CRM_SYSTEM_MCP;
if (state_s == NULL) {
state_s = pcmk__pcmkd_state_enum2friendly(state);
if (last_updated != 0) {
last_updated_s = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_updated,
rc = out->info(out, "Status of %s: '%s' (last updated %s)",
sys_from, state_s,
pcmk__s(last_updated_s, "at unknown time"));
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("pacemakerd-health", "const char *",
"enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "const char *", "time_t")
static int
pacemakerd_health_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *sys_from = va_arg(args, const char *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
const char *state_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
time_t last_updated = va_arg(args, time_t);
char *last_updated_s = NULL;
char *msg = NULL;
if (sys_from == NULL) {
if (state == pcmk_pacemakerd_state_remote) {
sys_from = "pacemaker-remoted";
} else {
sys_from = CRM_SYSTEM_MCP;
if (state_s == NULL) {
state_s = pcmk__pcmkd_state_enum2friendly(state);
if (last_updated != 0) {
last_updated_s = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_updated,
msg = crm_strdup_printf("Status of %s: '%s' (last updated %s)",
sys_from, state_s,
pcmk__s(last_updated_s, "at unknown time"));
pcmk__output_create_html_node(out, "li", NULL, NULL, msg);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("pacemakerd-health", "const char *",
"enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "const char *", "time_t")
static int
pacemakerd_health_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
if (!out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pacemakerd_health(out, args);
} else {
const char *sys_from G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
const char *state_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
time_t last_updated G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, time_t);
if (state_s == NULL) {
state_s = pcmk_pacemakerd_api_daemon_state_enum2text(state);
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "%s\n", state_s);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("pacemakerd-health", "const char *",
"enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "const char *", "time_t")
static int
pacemakerd_health_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *sys_from = va_arg(args, const char *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
const char *state_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
time_t last_updated = va_arg(args, time_t);
char *last_updated_s = NULL;
if (sys_from == NULL) {
if (state == pcmk_pacemakerd_state_remote) {
sys_from = "pacemaker-remoted";
} else {
sys_from = CRM_SYSTEM_MCP;
if (state_s == NULL) {
state_s = pcmk_pacemakerd_api_daemon_state_enum2text(state);
if (last_updated != 0) {
last_updated_s = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_updated,
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_PACEMAKERD,
PCMK_XA_SYS_FROM, sys_from,
PCMK_XA_STATE, state_s,
PCMK_XA_LAST_UPDATED, last_updated_s,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("profile", "const char *", "clock_t", "clock_t")
static int
profile_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *xml_file = va_arg(args, const char *);
clock_t start = va_arg(args, clock_t);
clock_t end = va_arg(args, clock_t);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Testing %s ... %.2f secs", xml_file,
(end - start) / (float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("profile", "const char *", "clock_t", "clock_t")
static int
profile_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *xml_file = va_arg(args, const char *);
clock_t start = va_arg(args, clock_t);
clock_t end = va_arg(args, clock_t);
char *duration = pcmk__ftoa((end - start) / (float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_TIMING,
PCMK_XA_FILE, xml_file,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("dc", "const char *")
static int
dc(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *dc = va_arg(args, const char *);
return out->info(out, "Designated Controller is: %s",
pcmk__s(dc, "not yet elected"));
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("dc", "const char *")
static int
dc_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
if (!out->is_quiet(out)) {
return dc(out, args);
} else {
const char *dc = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (dc != NULL) {
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "%s\n", pcmk__s(dc, ""));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("dc", "const char *")
static int
dc_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *dc = va_arg(args, const char *);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_DC,
PCMK_XA_NODE_NAME, pcmk__s(dc, ""),
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("crmadmin-node", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "bool")
static int
crmadmin_node(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *type = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *id = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool bash_export = va_arg(args, int);
if (bash_export) {
return out->info(out, "export %s=%s",
pcmk__s(name, ""), pcmk__s(id, ""));
} else {
return out->info(out, "%s node: %s (%s)", type ? type : "cluster",
pcmk__s(name, ""), pcmk__s(id, ""));
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("crmadmin-node", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "bool")
static int
crmadmin_node_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
if (!out->is_quiet(out)) {
return crmadmin_node(out, args);
} else {
const char *type G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *id G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool bash_export G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int);
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "%s\n", pcmk__s(name, ""));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("crmadmin-node", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "bool")
static int
crmadmin_node_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *type = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *id = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool bash_export G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_NODE,
PCMK_XA_TYPE, pcmk__s(type, "cluster"),
PCMK_XA_NAME, pcmk__s(name, ""),
PCMK_XA_ID, pcmk__s(id, ""),
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("digests", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "const pcmk_node_t *",
"const char *", "guint", "const pcmk__op_digest_t *")
static int
digests_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, const pcmk_resource_t *);
const pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, const pcmk_node_t *);
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
guint interval_ms = va_arg(args, guint);
const pcmk__op_digest_t *digests = va_arg(args, const pcmk__op_digest_t *);
char *action_desc = NULL;
const char *rsc_desc = "unknown resource";
const char *node_desc = "unknown node";
if (interval_ms != 0) {
action_desc = crm_strdup_printf("%ums-interval %s action", interval_ms,
((task == NULL)? "unknown" : task));
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, pcmk__str_none)) {
action_desc = strdup("probe action");
} else {
action_desc = crm_strdup_printf("%s action",
((task == NULL)? "unknown" : task));
if ((rsc != NULL) && (rsc->id != NULL)) {
rsc_desc = rsc->id;
if ((node != NULL) && (node->details->uname != NULL)) {
node_desc = node->details->uname;
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Digests for %s %s on %s",
rsc_desc, action_desc, node_desc);
if (digests == NULL) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "none");
return pcmk_rc_ok;
if (digests->digest_all_calc != NULL) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s (all parameters)",
if (digests->digest_secure_calc != NULL) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s (non-private parameters)",
if (digests->digest_restart_calc != NULL) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s (non-reloadable parameters)",
return pcmk_rc_ok;
static void
add_digest_xml(xmlNode *parent, const char *type, const char *digest,
xmlNode *digest_source)
if (digest != NULL) {
xmlNodePtr digest_xml = pcmk__xe_create(parent, PCMK_XE_DIGEST);
crm_xml_add(digest_xml, PCMK_XA_TYPE, pcmk__s(type, "unspecified"));
crm_xml_add(digest_xml, PCMK_XA_HASH, digest);
pcmk__xml_copy(digest_xml, digest_source);
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("digests", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "const pcmk_node_t *",
"const char *", "guint", "const pcmk__op_digest_t *")
static int
digests_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, const pcmk_resource_t *);
const pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, const pcmk_node_t *);
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
guint interval_ms = va_arg(args, guint);
const pcmk__op_digest_t *digests = va_arg(args, const pcmk__op_digest_t *);
char *interval_s = crm_strdup_printf("%ums", interval_ms);
xmlNode *xml = NULL;
xml = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_DIGESTS,
PCMK_XA_RESOURCE, pcmk__s(rsc->id, ""),
pcmk__s(node->details->uname, ""),
PCMK_XA_TASK, pcmk__s(task, ""),
PCMK_XA_INTERVAL, interval_s,
if (digests != NULL) {
add_digest_xml(xml, "all", digests->digest_all_calc,
add_digest_xml(xml, "nonprivate", digests->digest_secure_calc,
add_digest_xml(xml, "nonreloadable", digests->digest_restart_calc,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
#define STOP_SANITY_ASSERT(lineno) do { \
if ((current != NULL) && current->details->unclean) { \
/* It will be a pseudo op */ \
} else if (stop == NULL) { \
crm_err("%s:%d: No stop action exists for %s", \
__func__, lineno, rsc->id); \
CRM_ASSERT(stop != NULL); \
} else if (pcmk_is_set(stop->flags, pcmk_action_optional)) { \
crm_err("%s:%d: Action %s is still optional", \
__func__, lineno, stop->uuid); \
CRM_ASSERT(!pcmk_is_set(stop->flags, pcmk_action_optional));\
} \
} while (0)
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("rsc-action", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *",
"pcmk_node_t *")
static int
rsc_action_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
pcmk_node_t *current = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
pcmk_node_t *next = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
GList *possible_matches = NULL;
char *key = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
bool moving = false;
pcmk_node_t *start_node = NULL;
pcmk_action_t *start = NULL;
pcmk_action_t *stop = NULL;
pcmk_action_t *promote = NULL;
pcmk_action_t *demote = NULL;
pcmk_action_t *reason_op = NULL;
if (!pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_managed)
|| (current == NULL && next == NULL)) {
const bool managed = pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_managed);
pcmk__rsc_info(rsc, "Leave %s\t(%s%s)",
rsc->id, pcmk_role_text(rsc->role),
(managed? "" : " unmanaged"));
return rc;
moving = (current != NULL) && (next != NULL)
&& !pcmk__same_node(current, next);
possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next, PCMK_ACTION_START,
if (possible_matches) {
start = possible_matches->data;
if ((start == NULL)
|| !pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pcmk_action_runnable)) {
start_node = NULL;
} else {
start_node = current;
possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, start_node, PCMK_ACTION_STOP,
if (possible_matches) {
stop = possible_matches->data;
} else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_stop_unexpected)) {
/* The resource is multiply active with PCMK_META_MULTIPLE_ACTIVE set to
* stop_unexpected, and not stopping on its current node, but it should
* be stopping elsewhere.
possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, NULL, PCMK_ACTION_STOP,
if (possible_matches != NULL) {
stop = possible_matches->data;
possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next, PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTE,
if (possible_matches) {
promote = possible_matches->data;
possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next, PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTE,
if (possible_matches) {
demote = possible_matches->data;
if (rsc->role == rsc->next_role) {
pcmk_action_t *migrate_op = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(next != NULL, return rc);
possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next,
if (possible_matches) {
migrate_op = possible_matches->data;
if ((migrate_op != NULL) && (current != NULL)
&& pcmk_is_set(migrate_op->flags, pcmk_action_runnable)) {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Migrate", rsc, current,
next, start, NULL);
} else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_reload)) {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Reload", rsc, current,
next, start, NULL);
} else if ((start == NULL)
|| pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pcmk_action_optional)) {
if ((demote != NULL) && (promote != NULL)
&& !pcmk_is_set(demote->flags, pcmk_action_optional)
&& !pcmk_is_set(promote->flags, pcmk_action_optional)) {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Re-promote", rsc,
current, next, promote, demote);
} else {
pcmk__rsc_info(rsc, "Leave %s\t(%s %s)", rsc->id,
} else if (!pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pcmk_action_runnable)) {
if ((stop == NULL) || (stop->reason == NULL)) {
reason_op = start;
} else {
reason_op = stop;
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Stop", rsc, current,
NULL, stop, reason_op);
} else if (moving && current) {
const bool failed = pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_failed);
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item",
(failed? "Recover" : "Move"), rsc, current, next,
stop, NULL);
} else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_failed)) {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Recover", rsc, current,
NULL, stop, NULL);
} else {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Restart", rsc, current,
next, start, NULL);
#if 0
/* @TODO This can be reached in situations that should really be
* "Start" (see for example the migrate-fail-7 regression test)
return rc;
if ((stop != NULL)
&& ((rsc->next_role == pcmk_role_stopped)
|| ((start != NULL)
&& !pcmk_is_set(start->flags, pcmk_action_runnable)))) {
key = stop_key(rsc);
for (GList *iter = rsc->running_on; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
pcmk_node_t *node = iter->data;
pcmk_action_t *stop_op = NULL;
reason_op = start;
possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, node);
if (possible_matches) {
stop_op = possible_matches->data;
if (stop_op != NULL) {
if (pcmk_is_set(stop_op->flags, pcmk_action_runnable)) {
if (stop_op->reason != NULL) {
reason_op = stop_op;
if (out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Stop", rsc, node, NULL,
stop_op, reason_op) == pcmk_rc_ok) {
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
} else if ((stop != NULL)
&& pcmk_all_flags_set(rsc->flags,
pcmk_rsc_failed|pcmk_rsc_stop_if_failed)) {
/* 'stop' may be NULL if the failure was ignored */
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Recover", rsc, current,
next, stop, start);
} else if (moving) {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Move", rsc, current, next,
stop, NULL);
} else if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_reload)) {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Reload", rsc, current, next,
start, NULL);
} else if ((stop != NULL)
&& !pcmk_is_set(stop->flags, pcmk_action_optional)) {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Restart", rsc, current,
next, start, NULL);
} else if (rsc->role == pcmk_role_promoted) {
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(current != NULL);
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Demote", rsc, current,
next, demote, NULL);
} else if (rsc->next_role == pcmk_role_promoted) {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Promote", rsc, current,
next, promote, NULL);
} else if ((rsc->role == pcmk_role_stopped)
&& (rsc->next_role > pcmk_role_stopped)) {
rc = out->message(out, "rsc-action-item", "Start", rsc, current, next,
start, NULL);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-action", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
node_action(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *node_name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *reason = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (task == NULL) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
} else if (reason) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s %s '%s'", task, node_name, reason);
} else {
crm_notice(" * %s %s", task, node_name);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-action", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
node_action_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *node_name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *reason = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (task == NULL) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
} else if (reason) {
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_NODE_ACTION,
PCMK_XA_NODE, node_name,
} else {
crm_notice(" * %s %s", task, node_name);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-info", "uint32_t", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "bool", "bool")
static int
node_info_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
uint32_t node_id = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
const char *node_name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *uuid = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *state = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool have_quorum = (bool) va_arg(args, int);
bool is_remote = (bool) va_arg(args, int);
return out->info(out,
"Node %" PRIu32 ": %s "
"(uuid=%s, state=%s, have_quorum=%s, is_remote=%s)",
node_id, pcmk__s(node_name, "unknown"),
pcmk__s(uuid, "unknown"), pcmk__s(state, "unknown"),
pcmk__btoa(have_quorum), pcmk__btoa(is_remote));
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-info", "uint32_t", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "bool", "bool")
static int
node_info_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
uint32_t node_id = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
const char *node_name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *uuid = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *state = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool have_quorum = (bool) va_arg(args, int);
bool is_remote = (bool) va_arg(args, int);
char *id_s = crm_strdup_printf("%" PRIu32, node_id);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_NODE_INFO,
PCMK_XA_UNAME, node_name,
PCMK_XA_ID, uuid,
PCMK_XA_CRMD, state,
PCMK_XA_HAVE_QUORUM, pcmk__btoa(have_quorum),
PCMK_XA_REMOTE_NODE, pcmk__btoa(is_remote),
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-cluster-action", "const char *", "const char *",
"xmlNode *")
static int
inject_cluster_action(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *node = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr rsc = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (rsc != NULL) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster action: %s for %s on %s",
task, pcmk__xe_id(rsc), node);
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster action: %s on %s", task, node);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-cluster-action", "const char *", "const char *",
"xmlNode *")
static int
inject_cluster_action_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *node = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr rsc = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
xmlNodePtr xml_node = NULL;
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
xml_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CLUSTER_ACTION,
if (rsc) {
crm_xml_add(xml_node, PCMK_XA_ID, pcmk__xe_id(rsc));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-fencing-action", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_fencing_action(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *target = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *op = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Fencing %s (%s)", target, op);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-fencing-action", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_fencing_action_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *target = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *op = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_FENCING_ACTION,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-attr", "const char *", "const char *", "xmlNode *")
static int
inject_attr(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr cib_node = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
xmlChar *node_path = NULL;
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
node_path = xmlGetNodePath(cib_node);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Injecting attribute %s=%s into %s '%s'",
name, value, node_path, pcmk__xe_id(cib_node));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-attr", "const char *", "const char *", "xmlNode *")
static int
inject_attr_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr cib_node = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
xmlChar *node_path = NULL;
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
node_path = xmlGetNodePath(cib_node);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_INJECT_ATTR,
PCMK_XA_NODE_PATH, node_path,
PCMK_XA_CIB_NODE, pcmk__xe_id(cib_node),
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-spec", "const char *")
static int
inject_spec(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *spec = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Injecting %s into the configuration", spec);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-spec", "const char *")
static int
inject_spec_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *spec = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_INJECT_SPEC,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-modify-config", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_modify_config(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *quorum = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *watchdog = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Performing Requested Modifications");
if (quorum) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Setting quorum: %s", quorum);
if (watchdog) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Setting watchdog: %s", watchdog);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-modify-config", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_modify_config_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *quorum = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *watchdog = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
node = pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_MODIFICATIONS, NULL);
if (quorum) {
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_QUORUM, quorum);
if (watchdog) {
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_WATCHDOG, watchdog);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-modify-node", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_modify_node(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *action = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *node = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (pcmk__str_eq(action, "Online", pcmk__str_none)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Bringing node %s online", node);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(action, "Offline", pcmk__str_none)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Taking node %s offline", node);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(action, "Failing", pcmk__str_none)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Failing node %s", node);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-modify-node", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_modify_node_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *action = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *node = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_MODIFY_NODE,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-modify-ticket", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_modify_ticket(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *action = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *ticket = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (pcmk__str_eq(action, "Standby", pcmk__str_none)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Making ticket %s standby", ticket);
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s ticket %s", action, ticket);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-modify-ticket", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_modify_ticket_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *action = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *ticket = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_MODIFY_TICKET,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-pseudo-action", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_pseudo_action(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *node = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Pseudo action: %s%s%s",
task, ((node == NULL)? "" : " on "), pcmk__s(node, ""));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-pseudo-action", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
inject_pseudo_action_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *node = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr xml_node = NULL;
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
xml_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_PSEUDO_ACTION,
if (node) {
crm_xml_add(xml_node, PCMK_XA_NODE, node);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-rsc-action", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "guint")
static int
inject_rsc_action(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *rsc = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *operation = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *node = va_arg(args, const char *);
guint interval_ms = va_arg(args, guint);
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (interval_ms) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Resource action: %-15s %s=%u on %s",
rsc, operation, interval_ms, node);
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Resource action: %-15s %s on %s",
rsc, operation, node);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("inject-rsc-action", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "guint")
static int
inject_rsc_action_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *rsc = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *operation = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *node = va_arg(args, const char *);
guint interval_ms = va_arg(args, guint);
xmlNodePtr xml_node = NULL;
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
xml_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_RSC_ACTION,
PCMK_XA_OP, operation,
if (interval_ms) {
char *interval_s = pcmk__itoa(interval_ms);
crm_xml_add(xml_node, PCMK_XA_INTERVAL, interval_s);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
#define CHECK_RC(retcode, retval) \
if (retval == pcmk_rc_ok) { \
retcode = pcmk_rc_ok; \
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-status", "pcmk_scheduler_t *",
"enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "crm_exit_t",
"stonith_history_t *", "enum pcmk__fence_history", "uint32_t",
"uint32_t", "const char *", "GList *", "GList *")
pcmk__cluster_status_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
crm_exit_t history_rc = va_arg(args, crm_exit_t);
stonith_history_t *stonith_history = va_arg(args, stonith_history_t *);
enum pcmk__fence_history fence_history = va_arg(args, int);
uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
const char *prefix = va_arg(args, const char *);
GList *unames = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *resources = va_arg(args, GList *);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
bool already_printed_failure = false;
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "cluster-summary", scheduler, pcmkd_state,
section_opts, show_opts));
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_nodes) && unames) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "node-list", scheduler->nodes, unames,
resources, show_opts, rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* Print resources section, if needed */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_resources)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "resource-list", scheduler, show_opts,
true, unames, resources, rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* print Node Attributes section if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_attributes)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "node-attribute-list", scheduler,
show_opts, (rc == pcmk_rc_ok), unames,
/* If requested, print resource operations (which includes failcounts)
* or just failcounts
if (pcmk_any_flags_set(section_opts,
pcmk_section_operations|pcmk_section_failcounts)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "node-summary", scheduler, unames,
resources, section_opts, show_opts,
(rc == pcmk_rc_ok)));
/* If there were any failed actions, print them */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_failures)
&& (scheduler->failed != NULL)
&& (scheduler->failed->children != NULL)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "failed-action-list", scheduler, unames,
resources, show_opts, rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* Print failed stonith actions */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_fence_failed) &&
fence_history != pcmk__fence_history_none) {
if (history_rc == 0) {
stonith_history_t *hp = NULL;
hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history,
if (hp) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "failed-fencing-list",
stonith_history, unames, section_opts,
show_opts, rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
} else {
PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, rc == pcmk_rc_ok);
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Failed Fencing Actions");
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Failed to get fencing history: %s",
already_printed_failure = true;
/* Print tickets if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_tickets)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "ticket-list", scheduler->tickets,
(rc == pcmk_rc_ok), false, false));
/* Print negative location constraints if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_bans)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "ban-list", scheduler, prefix, resources,
show_opts, rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* Print stonith history */
if (pcmk_any_flags_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_fencing_all) &&
fence_history != pcmk__fence_history_none) {
if (history_rc != 0) {
if (!already_printed_failure) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, rc == pcmk_rc_ok);
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Failed Fencing Actions");
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Failed to get fencing history: %s",
} else if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_fence_worked)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = NULL;
hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history,
if (hp) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "fencing-list", hp, unames,
section_opts, show_opts,
rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
} else if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_fence_pending)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = NULL;
hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history,
if (hp) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "pending-fencing-list", hp,
unames, section_opts, show_opts,
rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-status", "pcmk_scheduler_t *",
"enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "crm_exit_t",
"stonith_history_t *", "enum pcmk__fence_history", "uint32_t",
"uint32_t", "const char *", "GList *", "GList *")
static int
cluster_status_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
crm_exit_t history_rc = va_arg(args, crm_exit_t);
stonith_history_t *stonith_history = va_arg(args, stonith_history_t *);
enum pcmk__fence_history fence_history = va_arg(args, int);
uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
const char *prefix = va_arg(args, const char *);
GList *unames = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *resources = va_arg(args, GList *);
out->message(out, "cluster-summary", scheduler, pcmkd_state, section_opts,
/*** NODES ***/
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_nodes)) {
out->message(out, "node-list", scheduler->nodes, unames, resources,
show_opts, false);
/* Print resources section, if needed */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_resources)) {
/* XML output always displays full details. */
uint32_t full_show_opts = show_opts & ~pcmk_show_brief;
out->message(out, "resource-list", scheduler, full_show_opts,
false, unames, resources, false);
/* print Node Attributes section if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_attributes)) {
out->message(out, "node-attribute-list", scheduler, show_opts, false,
unames, resources);
/* If requested, print resource operations (which includes failcounts)
* or just failcounts
if (pcmk_any_flags_set(section_opts,
pcmk_section_operations|pcmk_section_failcounts)) {
out->message(out, "node-summary", scheduler, unames,
resources, section_opts, show_opts, false);
/* If there were any failed actions, print them */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_failures)
&& (scheduler->failed != NULL)
&& (scheduler->failed->children != NULL)) {
out->message(out, "failed-action-list", scheduler, unames, resources,
show_opts, false);
/* Print stonith history */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_fencing_all) &&
fence_history != pcmk__fence_history_none) {
out->message(out, "full-fencing-list", history_rc, stonith_history,
unames, section_opts, show_opts, false);
/* Print tickets if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_tickets)) {
out->message(out, "ticket-list", scheduler->tickets, false, false, false);
/* Print negative location constraints if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_bans)) {
out->message(out, "ban-list", scheduler, prefix, resources, show_opts,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-status", "pcmk_scheduler_t *",
"enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "crm_exit_t",
"stonith_history_t *", "enum pcmk__fence_history", "uint32_t",
"uint32_t", "const char *", "GList *", "GList *")
static int
cluster_status_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
crm_exit_t history_rc = va_arg(args, crm_exit_t);
stonith_history_t *stonith_history = va_arg(args, stonith_history_t *);
enum pcmk__fence_history fence_history = va_arg(args, int);
uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
const char *prefix = va_arg(args, const char *);
GList *unames = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *resources = va_arg(args, GList *);
bool already_printed_failure = false;
out->message(out, "cluster-summary", scheduler, pcmkd_state, section_opts,
/*** NODE LIST ***/
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_nodes) && unames) {
out->message(out, "node-list", scheduler->nodes, unames, resources,
show_opts, false);
/* Print resources section, if needed */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_resources)) {
out->message(out, "resource-list", scheduler, show_opts, true, unames,
resources, false);
/* print Node Attributes section if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_attributes)) {
out->message(out, "node-attribute-list", scheduler, show_opts, false,
unames, resources);
/* If requested, print resource operations (which includes failcounts)
* or just failcounts
if (pcmk_any_flags_set(section_opts,
pcmk_section_operations|pcmk_section_failcounts)) {
out->message(out, "node-summary", scheduler, unames,
resources, section_opts, show_opts, false);
/* If there were any failed actions, print them */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_failures)
&& (scheduler->failed != NULL)
&& (scheduler->failed->children != NULL)) {
out->message(out, "failed-action-list", scheduler, unames, resources,
show_opts, false);
/* Print failed stonith actions */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_fence_failed) &&
fence_history != pcmk__fence_history_none) {
if (history_rc == 0) {
stonith_history_t *hp = NULL;
hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history,
if (hp) {
out->message(out, "failed-fencing-list", stonith_history,
unames, section_opts, show_opts, false);
} else {
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Failed Fencing Actions");
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Failed to get fencing history: %s",
/* Print stonith history */
if (pcmk_any_flags_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_fencing_all) &&
fence_history != pcmk__fence_history_none) {
if (history_rc != 0) {
if (!already_printed_failure) {
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Failed Fencing Actions");
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Failed to get fencing history: %s",
} else if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_fence_worked)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = NULL;
hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history,
if (hp) {
out->message(out, "fencing-list", hp, unames, section_opts,
show_opts, false);
} else if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_fence_pending)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = NULL;
hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history,
if (hp) {
out->message(out, "pending-fencing-list", hp, unames,
section_opts, show_opts, false);
/* Print tickets if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_tickets)) {
out->message(out, "ticket-list", scheduler->tickets, false, false, false);
/* Print negative location constraints if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_bans)) {
out->message(out, "ban-list", scheduler, prefix, resources, show_opts,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("attribute", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "const char *")
static int
attribute_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *scope = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *instance = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *host = va_arg(args, const char *);
+ gchar *value_esc = NULL;
GString *s = g_string_sized_new(50);
+ if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(value, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty)) {
+ value_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(value, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
+ value = value_esc;
+ }
if (!pcmk__str_empty(scope)) {
pcmk__g_strcat(s, PCMK_XA_SCOPE "=\"", scope, "\" ", NULL);
if (!pcmk__str_empty(instance)) {
pcmk__g_strcat(s, PCMK_XA_ID "=\"", instance, "\" ", NULL);
pcmk__g_strcat(s, PCMK_XA_NAME "=\"", pcmk__s(name, ""), "\" ", NULL);
if (!pcmk__str_empty(host)) {
pcmk__g_strcat(s, PCMK_XA_HOST "=\"", host, "\" ", NULL);
pcmk__g_strcat(s, PCMK_XA_VALUE "=\"", pcmk__s(value, ""), "\"", NULL);
out->info(out, "%s", s->str);
- g_string_free(s, TRUE);
+ g_free(value_esc);
+ g_string_free(s, TRUE);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("attribute", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "const char *")
static int
attribute_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *scope = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *instance = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *host = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_ATTRIBUTE,
PCMK_XA_VALUE, pcmk__s(value, ""),
if (!pcmk__str_empty(scope)) {
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_SCOPE, scope);
if (!pcmk__str_empty(instance)) {
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_ID, instance);
if (!pcmk__str_empty(host)) {
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_HOST, host);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("rule-check", "const char *", "int", "const char *")
static int
rule_check_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *rule_id = va_arg(args, const char *);
int result = va_arg(args, int);
const char *error = va_arg(args, const char *);
switch (result) {
case pcmk_rc_within_range:
return out->info(out, "Rule %s is still in effect", rule_id);
case pcmk_rc_ok:
return out->info(out, "Rule %s satisfies conditions", rule_id);
case pcmk_rc_after_range:
return out->info(out, "Rule %s is expired", rule_id);
case pcmk_rc_before_range:
return out->info(out, "Rule %s has not yet taken effect", rule_id);
case pcmk_rc_op_unsatisfied:
return out->info(out, "Rule %s does not satisfy conditions",
"Could not determine whether rule %s is in effect: %s",
rule_id, ((error != NULL)? error : "unexpected error"));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("rule-check", "const char *", "int", "const char *")
static int
rule_check_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *rule_id = va_arg(args, const char *);
int result = va_arg(args, int);
const char *error = va_arg(args, const char *);
char *rc_str = pcmk__itoa(pcmk_rc2exitc(result));
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_RULE_CHECK,
PCMK_XA_RULE_ID, rule_id,
PCMK_XA_RC, rc_str,
switch (result) {
case pcmk_rc_within_range:
case pcmk_rc_ok:
case pcmk_rc_after_range:
case pcmk_rc_before_range:
case pcmk_rc_op_unsatisfied:
return pcmk_rc_ok;
"Could not determine whether rule %s is in effect: %s",
rule_id, ((error != NULL)? error : "unexpected error"));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("result-code", "int", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
result_code_none(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("result-code", "int", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
result_code_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
int code = va_arg(args, int);
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *desc = va_arg(args, const char *);
static int code_width = 0;
if (out->is_quiet(out)) {
/* If out->is_quiet(), don't print the code. Print name and/or desc in a
* compact format for text output, or print nothing at all for none-type
* output.
if ((name != NULL) && (desc != NULL)) {
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "%s - %s\n", name, desc);
} else if ((name != NULL) || (desc != NULL)) {
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "%s\n", ((name != NULL)? name : desc));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
/* Get length of longest (most negative) standard Pacemaker return code
* This should be longer than all the values of any other type of return
* code.
if (code_width == 0) {
long long most_negative = pcmk_rc_error - (long long) pcmk__n_rc + 1;
code_width = (int) snprintf(NULL, 0, "%lld", most_negative);
if ((name != NULL) && (desc != NULL)) {
static int name_width = 0;
if (name_width == 0) {
// Get length of longest standard Pacemaker return code name
for (int lpc = 0; lpc < pcmk__n_rc; lpc++) {
int len = (int) strlen(pcmk_rc_name(pcmk_rc_error - lpc));
name_width = QB_MAX(name_width, len);
return out->info(out, "% *d: %-*s %s", code_width, code, name_width,
name, desc);
if ((name != NULL) || (desc != NULL)) {
return out->info(out, "% *d: %s", code_width, code,
((name != NULL)? name : desc));
return out->info(out, "% *d", code_width, code);
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("result-code", "int", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
result_code_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
int code = va_arg(args, int);
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *desc = va_arg(args, const char *);
char *code_str = pcmk__itoa(code);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_RESULT_CODE,
PCMK_XA_CODE, code_str,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
static pcmk__message_entry_t fmt_functions[] = {
{ "attribute", "default", attribute_default },
{ "attribute", "xml", attribute_xml },
{ "cluster-status", "default", pcmk__cluster_status_text },
{ "cluster-status", "html", cluster_status_html },
{ "cluster-status", "xml", cluster_status_xml },
{ "crmadmin-node", "default", crmadmin_node },
{ "crmadmin-node", "text", crmadmin_node_text },
{ "crmadmin-node", "xml", crmadmin_node_xml },
{ "dc", "default", dc },
{ "dc", "text", dc_text },
{ "dc", "xml", dc_xml },
{ "digests", "default", digests_text },
{ "digests", "xml", digests_xml },
{ "health", "default", health },
{ "health", "text", health_text },
{ "health", "xml", health_xml },
{ "inject-attr", "default", inject_attr },
{ "inject-attr", "xml", inject_attr_xml },
{ "inject-cluster-action", "default", inject_cluster_action },
{ "inject-cluster-action", "xml", inject_cluster_action_xml },
{ "inject-fencing-action", "default", inject_fencing_action },
{ "inject-fencing-action", "xml", inject_fencing_action_xml },
{ "inject-modify-config", "default", inject_modify_config },
{ "inject-modify-config", "xml", inject_modify_config_xml },
{ "inject-modify-node", "default", inject_modify_node },
{ "inject-modify-node", "xml", inject_modify_node_xml },
{ "inject-modify-ticket", "default", inject_modify_ticket },
{ "inject-modify-ticket", "xml", inject_modify_ticket_xml },
{ "inject-pseudo-action", "default", inject_pseudo_action },
{ "inject-pseudo-action", "xml", inject_pseudo_action_xml },
{ "inject-rsc-action", "default", inject_rsc_action },
{ "inject-rsc-action", "xml", inject_rsc_action_xml },
{ "inject-spec", "default", inject_spec },
{ "inject-spec", "xml", inject_spec_xml },
{ "locations-and-colocations", "default", locations_and_colocations },
{ "locations-and-colocations", "xml", locations_and_colocations_xml },
{ "locations-list", "default", locations_list },
{ "locations-list", "xml", locations_list_xml },
{ "node-action", "default", node_action },
{ "node-action", "xml", node_action_xml },
{ "node-info", "default", node_info_default },
{ "node-info", "xml", node_info_xml },
{ "pacemakerd-health", "default", pacemakerd_health },
{ "pacemakerd-health", "html", pacemakerd_health_html },
{ "pacemakerd-health", "text", pacemakerd_health_text },
{ "pacemakerd-health", "xml", pacemakerd_health_xml },
{ "profile", "default", profile_default, },
{ "profile", "xml", profile_xml },
{ "result-code", "none", result_code_none },
{ "result-code", "text", result_code_text },
{ "result-code", "xml", result_code_xml },
{ "rsc-action", "default", rsc_action_default },
{ "rsc-action-item", "default", rsc_action_item },
{ "rsc-action-item", "xml", rsc_action_item_xml },
{ "rsc-is-colocated-with-list", "default", rsc_is_colocated_with_list },
{ "rsc-is-colocated-with-list", "xml", rsc_is_colocated_with_list_xml },
{ "rscs-colocated-with-list", "default", rscs_colocated_with_list },
{ "rscs-colocated-with-list", "xml", rscs_colocated_with_list_xml },
{ "rule-check", "default", rule_check_default },
{ "rule-check", "xml", rule_check_xml },
pcmk__register_lib_messages(pcmk__output_t *out) {
pcmk__register_messages(out, fmt_functions);
diff --git a/lib/pengine/pe_output.c b/lib/pengine/pe_output.c
index e829a9ec98..cfa47af4ad 100644
--- a/lib/pengine/pe_output.c
+++ b/lib/pengine/pe_output.c
@@ -1,3441 +1,3441 @@
* Copyright 2019-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
const char *
pe__resource_description(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, uint32_t show_opts)
const char * desc = NULL;
// User-supplied description
if (pcmk_any_flags_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rsc_only|pcmk_show_description)) {
desc = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, PCMK_XA_DESCRIPTION);
return desc;
/* Never display node attributes whose name starts with one of these prefixes */
static int
compare_attribute(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
int rc;
rc = strcmp((const char *)a, (const char *)b);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Determine whether extended information about an attribute should be added.
* \param[in] node Node that ran this resource
* \param[in,out] rsc_list List of resources for this node
* \param[in,out] scheduler Scheduler data
* \param[in] attrname Attribute to find
* \param[out] expected_score Expected value for this attribute
* \return true if extended information should be printed, false otherwise
* \note Currently, extended information is only supported for ping/pingd
* resources, for which a message will be printed if connectivity is lost
* or degraded.
static bool
add_extra_info(const pcmk_node_t *node, GList *rsc_list,
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler, const char *attrname,
int *expected_score)
GList *gIter = NULL;
for (gIter = rsc_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) gIter->data;
const char *type = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, PCMK_XA_TYPE);
const char *name = NULL;
GHashTable *params = NULL;
if (rsc->children != NULL) {
if (add_extra_info(node, rsc->children, scheduler, attrname,
expected_score)) {
return true;
if (!pcmk__strcase_any_of(type, "ping", "pingd", NULL)) {
params = pe_rsc_params(rsc, node, scheduler);
name = g_hash_table_lookup(params, PCMK_XA_NAME);
if (name == NULL) {
name = "pingd";
/* To identify the resource with the attribute name. */
if (pcmk__str_eq(name, attrname, pcmk__str_casei)) {
int host_list_num = 0;
const char *hosts = g_hash_table_lookup(params, "host_list");
const char *multiplier = g_hash_table_lookup(params, "multiplier");
int multiplier_i;
if (hosts) {
char **host_list = g_strsplit(hosts, " ", 0);
host_list_num = g_strv_length(host_list);
if ((multiplier == NULL)
|| (pcmk__scan_min_int(multiplier, &multiplier_i,
INT_MIN) != pcmk_rc_ok)) {
/* The ocf:pacemaker:ping resource agent defaults multiplier to
* 1. The agent currently does not handle invalid text, but it
* should, and this would be a reasonable choice ...
multiplier_i = 1;
*expected_score = host_list_num * multiplier_i;
return true;
return false;
static GList *
filter_attr_list(GList *attr_list, char *name)
int i;
const char *filt_str[] = FILTER_STR;
CRM_CHECK(name != NULL, return attr_list);
/* filtering automatic attributes */
for (i = 0; filt_str[i] != NULL; i++) {
if (g_str_has_prefix(name, filt_str[i])) {
return attr_list;
return g_list_insert_sorted(attr_list, name, compare_attribute);
static GList *
get_operation_list(xmlNode *rsc_entry) {
GList *op_list = NULL;
xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL;
for (rsc_op = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc_entry, NULL, NULL, NULL);
rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = pcmk__xe_next(rsc_op)) {
const char *task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, PCMK_XA_OPERATION);
const char *interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(rsc_op,
const char *op_rc = crm_element_value(rsc_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE);
int op_rc_i;
pcmk__scan_min_int(op_rc, &op_rc_i, 0);
/* Display 0-interval monitors as "probe" */
if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, pcmk__str_casei)
&& pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_null_matches | pcmk__str_casei)) {
task = "probe";
/* Ignore notifies and some probes */
if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY, pcmk__str_none)
|| (pcmk__str_eq(task, "probe", pcmk__str_none)
&& (op_rc_i == CRM_EX_NOT_RUNNING))) {
if (pcmk__xe_is(rsc_op, PCMK__XE_LRM_RSC_OP)) {
op_list = g_list_append(op_list, rsc_op);
op_list = g_list_sort(op_list, sort_op_by_callid);
return op_list;
static void
add_dump_node(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
xmlNodePtr node = user_data;
node = pcmk__xe_create(node, (const char *) key);
pcmk__xe_set_content(node, "%s", (const char *) value);
static void
append_dump_text(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
char **dump_text = user_data;
char *new_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s=%s",
*dump_text, (char *)key, (char *)value);
*dump_text = new_text;
"[@" PCMK_XA_NAME "='" \
static const char *
get_cluster_stack(pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler)
xmlNode *stack = get_xpath_object(XPATH_STACK, scheduler->input, LOG_DEBUG);
if (stack != NULL) {
return crm_element_value(stack, PCMK_XA_VALUE);
static char *
last_changed_string(const char *last_written, const char *user,
const char *client, const char *origin) {
if (last_written != NULL || user != NULL || client != NULL || origin != NULL) {
return crm_strdup_printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
last_written ? last_written : "",
user ? " by " : "",
user ? user : "",
client ? " via " : "",
client ? client : "",
origin ? " on " : "",
origin ? origin : "");
} else {
return strdup("");
static char *
op_history_string(xmlNode *xml_op, const char *task, const char *interval_ms_s,
int rc, bool print_timing) {
const char *call = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID);
char *interval_str = NULL;
char *buf = NULL;
if (interval_ms_s && !pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_casei)) {
char *pair = pcmk__format_nvpair(PCMK_XA_INTERVAL, interval_ms_s, "ms");
interval_str = crm_strdup_printf(" %s", pair);
if (print_timing) {
char *last_change_str = NULL;
char *exec_str = NULL;
char *queue_str = NULL;
const char *value = NULL;
time_t epoch = 0;
if ((crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE,
&epoch) == pcmk_ok)
&& (epoch > 0)) {
char *epoch_str = pcmk__epoch2str(&epoch, 0);
last_change_str = crm_strdup_printf(" %s=\"%s\"",
pcmk__s(epoch_str, ""));
value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME);
if (value) {
char *pair = pcmk__format_nvpair(PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME, value, "ms");
exec_str = crm_strdup_printf(" %s", pair);
value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME);
if (value) {
char *pair = pcmk__format_nvpair(PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME, value, "ms");
queue_str = crm_strdup_printf(" %s", pair);
buf = crm_strdup_printf("(%s) %s:%s%s%s%s rc=%d (%s)", call, task,
interval_str ? interval_str : "",
last_change_str ? last_change_str : "",
exec_str ? exec_str : "",
queue_str ? queue_str : "",
rc, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc));
if (last_change_str) {
if (exec_str) {
if (queue_str) {
} else {
buf = crm_strdup_printf("(%s) %s%s%s", call, task,
interval_str ? ":" : "",
interval_str ? interval_str : "");
if (interval_str) {
return buf;
static char *
resource_history_string(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *rsc_id, bool all,
int failcount, time_t last_failure) {
char *buf = NULL;
if (rsc == NULL) {
buf = crm_strdup_printf("%s: orphan", rsc_id);
} else if (all || failcount || last_failure > 0) {
char *failcount_s = NULL;
char *lastfail_s = NULL;
if (failcount > 0) {
failcount_s = crm_strdup_printf(" %s=%d",
PCMK_XA_FAIL_COUNT, failcount);
} else {
failcount_s = strdup("");
if (last_failure > 0) {
buf = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_failure, 0);
lastfail_s = crm_strdup_printf(" %s='%s'",
buf = crm_strdup_printf("%s: " PCMK_META_MIGRATION_THRESHOLD "=%d%s%s",
rsc_id, rsc->migration_threshold, failcount_s,
lastfail_s? lastfail_s : "");
} else {
buf = crm_strdup_printf("%s:", rsc_id);
return buf;
* \internal
* \brief Get a node's feature set for status display purposes
* \param[in] node Node to check
* \return String representation of feature set if the node is fully up (using
* "<3.15.1" for older nodes that don't set the #feature-set attribute),
* otherwise NULL
static const char *
get_node_feature_set(const pcmk_node_t *node)
if (node->details->online && node->details->expected_up
&& !pcmk__is_pacemaker_remote_node(node)) {
const char *feature_set = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs,
/* The feature set attribute is present since 3.15.1. If it is missing,
* then the node must be running an earlier version.
return pcmk__s(feature_set, "<3.15.1");
return NULL;
static bool
is_mixed_version(pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler)
const char *feature_set = NULL;
for (GList *gIter = scheduler->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pcmk_node_t *node = gIter->data;
const char *node_feature_set = get_node_feature_set(node);
if (node_feature_set != NULL) {
if (feature_set == NULL) {
feature_set = node_feature_set;
} else if (strcmp(feature_set, node_feature_set) != 0) {
return true;
return false;
static void
formatted_xml_buf(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, GString *xml_buf, bool raw)
if (raw && (rsc->orig_xml != NULL)) {
pcmk__xml_string(rsc->orig_xml, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty, xml_buf, 0);
} else {
pcmk__xml_string(rsc->xml, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty, xml_buf, 0);
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-summary", "pcmk_scheduler_t *",
"enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "uint32_t", "uint32_t")
static int
cluster_summary(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
const char *stack_s = get_cluster_stack(scheduler);
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_stack)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary");
out->message(out, "cluster-stack", stack_s, pcmkd_state);
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_dc)) {
xmlNode *dc_version = get_xpath_object(XPATH_DC_VERSION,
scheduler->input, LOG_DEBUG);
const char *dc_version_s = dc_version?
crm_element_value(dc_version, PCMK_XA_VALUE)
const char *quorum = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
char *dc_name = scheduler->dc_node? pe__node_display_name(scheduler->dc_node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)) : NULL;
bool mixed_version = is_mixed_version(scheduler);
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary");
out->message(out, "cluster-dc", scheduler->dc_node, quorum,
dc_version_s, dc_name, mixed_version);
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_times)) {
const char *last_written = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
const char *user = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
const char *client = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
const char *origin = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary");
out->message(out, "cluster-times",
scheduler->localhost, last_written, user, client, origin);
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_counts)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary");
out->message(out, "cluster-counts", g_list_length(scheduler->nodes),
scheduler->ninstances, scheduler->disabled_resources,
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_options)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary");
out->message(out, "cluster-options", scheduler);
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_maint_mode)) {
if (out->message(out, "maint-mode", scheduler->flags) == pcmk_rc_ok) {
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-summary", "pcmk_scheduler_t *",
"enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state", "uint32_t", "uint32_t")
static int
cluster_summary_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
const char *stack_s = get_cluster_stack(scheduler);
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_stack)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary");
out->message(out, "cluster-stack", stack_s, pcmkd_state);
/* Always print DC if none, even if not requested */
if ((scheduler->dc_node == NULL)
|| pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_dc)) {
xmlNode *dc_version = get_xpath_object(XPATH_DC_VERSION,
scheduler->input, LOG_DEBUG);
const char *dc_version_s = dc_version?
crm_element_value(dc_version, PCMK_XA_VALUE)
const char *quorum = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
char *dc_name = scheduler->dc_node? pe__node_display_name(scheduler->dc_node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id)) : NULL;
bool mixed_version = is_mixed_version(scheduler);
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary");
out->message(out, "cluster-dc", scheduler->dc_node, quorum,
dc_version_s, dc_name, mixed_version);
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_times)) {
const char *last_written = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
const char *user = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
const char *client = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
const char *origin = crm_element_value(scheduler->input,
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary");
out->message(out, "cluster-times",
scheduler->localhost, last_written, user, client, origin);
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_counts)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Cluster Summary");
out->message(out, "cluster-counts", g_list_length(scheduler->nodes),
scheduler->ninstances, scheduler->disabled_resources,
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_options)) {
/* Kind of a hack - close the list we may have opened earlier in this
* function so we can put all the options into their own list. We
* only want to do this on HTML output, though.
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Config Options");
out->message(out, "cluster-options", scheduler);
if (pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_maint_mode)) {
if (out->message(out, "maint-mode", scheduler->flags) == pcmk_rc_ok) {
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
return rc;
char *
pe__node_display_name(pcmk_node_t *node, bool print_detail)
char *node_name;
const char *node_host = NULL;
const char *node_id = NULL;
int name_len;
CRM_ASSERT((node != NULL) && (node->details != NULL) && (node->details->uname != NULL));
/* Host is displayed only if this is a guest node and detail is requested */
if (print_detail && pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) {
const pcmk_resource_t *container = node->details->remote_rsc->container;
const pcmk_node_t *host_node = pcmk__current_node(container);
if (host_node && host_node->details) {
node_host = host_node->details->uname;
if (node_host == NULL) {
node_host = ""; /* so we at least get "uname@" to indicate guest */
/* Node ID is displayed if different from uname and detail is requested */
if (print_detail && !pcmk__str_eq(node->details->uname, node->details->id, pcmk__str_casei)) {
node_id = node->details->id;
/* Determine name length */
name_len = strlen(node->details->uname) + 1;
if (node_host) {
name_len += strlen(node_host) + 1; /* "@node_host" */
if (node_id) {
name_len += strlen(node_id) + 3; /* + " (node_id)" */
/* Allocate and populate display name */
node_name = pcmk__assert_alloc(name_len, sizeof(char));
strcpy(node_name, node->details->uname);
if (node_host) {
strcat(node_name, "@");
strcat(node_name, node_host);
if (node_id) {
strcat(node_name, " (");
strcat(node_name, node_id);
strcat(node_name, ")");
return node_name;
pe__name_and_nvpairs_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, bool is_list, const char *tag_name
, size_t pairs_count, ...)
xmlNodePtr xml_node = NULL;
va_list args;
CRM_ASSERT(tag_name != NULL);
xml_node = pcmk__output_xml_peek_parent(out);
CRM_ASSERT(xml_node != NULL);
xml_node = pcmk__xe_create(xml_node, tag_name);
va_start(args, pairs_count);
while(pairs_count--) {
const char *param_name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *param_value = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (param_name && param_value) {
crm_xml_add(xml_node, param_name, param_value);
if (is_list) {
pcmk__output_xml_push_parent(out, xml_node);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
static const char *
role_desc(enum rsc_role_e role)
if (role == pcmk_role_promoted) {
#ifdef PCMK__COMPAT_2_0
return "as " PCMK__ROLE_PROMOTED_LEGACY " ";
return "in " PCMK__ROLE_PROMOTED " role ";
return "";
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ban", "pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk__location_t *", "uint32_t")
static int
ban_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_node_t *pe_node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
pcmk__location_t *location = va_arg(args, pcmk__location_t *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(pe_node,
pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id));
char *buf = crm_strdup_printf("%s\tprevents %s from running %son %s",
location->id, location->rsc->id,
role_desc(location->role_filter), node_name);
pcmk__output_create_html_node(out, "li", NULL, NULL, buf);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ban", "pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk__location_t *", "uint32_t")
static int
ban_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_node_t *pe_node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
pcmk__location_t *location = va_arg(args, pcmk__location_t *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(pe_node,
pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id));
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s\tprevents %s from running %son %s",
location->id, location->rsc->id,
role_desc(location->role_filter), node_name);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ban", "pcmk_node_t *", "pcmk__location_t *", "uint32_t")
static int
ban_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_node_t *pe_node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
pcmk__location_t *location = va_arg(args, pcmk__location_t *);
uint32_t show_opts G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
const char *promoted_only = pcmk__btoa(location->role_filter == pcmk_role_promoted);
char *weight_s = pcmk__itoa(pe_node->weight);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_BAN,
PCMK_XA_ID, location->id,
PCMK_XA_RESOURCE, location->rsc->id,
PCMK_XA_NODE, pe_node->details->uname,
PCMK_XA_WEIGHT, weight_s,
PCMK_XA_PROMOTED_ONLY, promoted_only,
/* This is a deprecated alias for
* promoted_only. Removing it will break
* backward compatibility of the API schema,
* which will require an API schema major
* version bump.
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ban-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "const char *", "GList *",
"uint32_t", "bool")
static int
ban_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
const char *prefix = va_arg(args, const char *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int);
GList *gIter, *gIter2;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
/* Print each ban */
for (gIter = scheduler->placement_constraints;
gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pcmk__location_t *location = gIter->data;
const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = location->rsc;
if (prefix != NULL && !g_str_has_prefix(location->id, prefix)) {
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(rsc_printable_id(rsc), only_rsc,
&& !pcmk__str_in_list(rsc_printable_id(pe__const_top_resource(rsc, false)),
only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches)) {
for (gIter2 = location->nodes; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) gIter2->data;
if (node->weight < 0) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Negative Location Constraints");
out->message(out, "ban", node, location, show_opts);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-counts", "unsigned int", "int", "int", "int")
static int
cluster_counts_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
unsigned int nnodes = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
int nresources = va_arg(args, int);
int ndisabled = va_arg(args, int);
int nblocked = va_arg(args, int);
xmlNodePtr nodes_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
xmlNodePtr resources_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
xmlNode *child = NULL;
child = pcmk__html_create(nodes_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d node%s configured",
nnodes, pcmk__plural_s(nnodes));
if (ndisabled && nblocked) {
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d resource instance%s configured (%d ",
nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), ndisabled);
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "DISABLED");
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, ", %d ", nblocked);
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "BLOCKED");
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " from further action due to failure)");
} else if (ndisabled && !nblocked) {
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d resource instance%s configured (%d ",
nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources),
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "DISABLED");
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, ")");
} else if (!ndisabled && nblocked) {
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d resource instance%s configured (%d ",
nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources),
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "BLOCKED");
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " from further action due to failure)");
} else {
child = pcmk__html_create(resources_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%d resource instance%s configured",
nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-counts", "unsigned int", "int", "int", "int")
static int
cluster_counts_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
unsigned int nnodes = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
int nresources = va_arg(args, int);
int ndisabled = va_arg(args, int);
int nblocked = va_arg(args, int);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d node%s configured",
nnodes, pcmk__plural_s(nnodes));
if (ndisabled && nblocked) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d resource instance%s configured "
"(%d DISABLED, %d BLOCKED from "
"further action due to failure)",
nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), ndisabled,
} else if (ndisabled && !nblocked) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d resource instance%s configured "
"(%d DISABLED)",
nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), ndisabled);
} else if (!ndisabled && nblocked) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d resource instance%s configured "
"(%d BLOCKED from further action "
"due to failure)",
nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources), nblocked);
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%d resource instance%s configured",
nresources, pcmk__plural_s(nresources));
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-counts", "unsigned int", "int", "int", "int")
static int
cluster_counts_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
unsigned int nnodes = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
int nresources = va_arg(args, int);
int ndisabled = va_arg(args, int);
int nblocked = va_arg(args, int);
xmlNodePtr nodes_node = NULL;
xmlNodePtr resources_node = NULL;
char *s = NULL;
nodes_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_NODES_CONFIGURED,
resources_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out,
s = pcmk__itoa(nnodes);
crm_xml_add(nodes_node, PCMK_XA_NUMBER, s);
s = pcmk__itoa(nresources);
crm_xml_add(resources_node, PCMK_XA_NUMBER, s);
s = pcmk__itoa(ndisabled);
crm_xml_add(resources_node, PCMK_XA_DISABLED, s);
s = pcmk__itoa(nblocked);
crm_xml_add(resources_node, PCMK_XA_BLOCKED, s);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-dc", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *", "const char *",
"char *", "int")
static int
cluster_dc_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_node_t *dc = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
const char *quorum = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *dc_version_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
char *dc_name = va_arg(args, char *);
bool mixed_version = va_arg(args, int);
xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
xmlNode *child = NULL;
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Current DC: ");
if (dc) {
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s (version %s) -",
dc_name, pcmk__s(dc_version_s, "unknown"));
if (mixed_version) {
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " MIXED-VERSION");
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " partition");
if (crm_is_true(quorum)) {
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " with");
} else {
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " WITHOUT");
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " quorum");
} else {
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "NONE");
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-dc", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *", "const char *",
"char *", "int")
static int
cluster_dc_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_node_t *dc = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
const char *quorum = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *dc_version_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
char *dc_name = va_arg(args, char *);
bool mixed_version = va_arg(args, int);
if (dc) {
out->list_item(out, "Current DC",
"%s (version %s) - %spartition %s quorum",
dc_name, dc_version_s ? dc_version_s : "unknown",
mixed_version ? "MIXED-VERSION " : "",
crm_is_true(quorum) ? "with" : "WITHOUT");
} else {
out->list_item(out, "Current DC", "NONE");
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-dc", "pcmk_node_t *", "const char *", "const char *",
"char *", "int")
static int
cluster_dc_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_node_t *dc = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
const char *quorum = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *dc_version_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
char *dc_name G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, char *);
bool mixed_version = va_arg(args, int);
if (dc) {
const char *with_quorum = pcmk__btoa(crm_is_true(quorum));
const char *mixed_version_s = pcmk__btoa(mixed_version);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CURRENT_DC,
PCMK_XA_VERSION, pcmk__s(dc_version_s, ""),
PCMK_XA_NAME, dc->details->uname,
PCMK_XA_ID, dc->details->id,
PCMK_XA_WITH_QUORUM, with_quorum,
PCMK_XA_MIXED_VERSION, mixed_version_s,
} else {
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CURRENT_DC,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("maint-mode", "unsigned long long int")
static int
cluster_maint_mode_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
unsigned long long flags = va_arg(args, unsigned long long);
if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pcmk_sched_in_maintenance)) {
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "\n *** Resource management is DISABLED ***\n");
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, " The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services\n");
return pcmk_rc_ok;
} else if (pcmk_is_set(flags, pcmk_sched_stop_all)) {
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "\n *** Resource management is DISABLED ***\n");
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, " The cluster will keep all resources stopped\n");
return pcmk_rc_ok;
} else {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-options", "pcmk_scheduler_t *")
static int
cluster_options_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk_sched_fencing_enabled)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "STONITH of failed nodes enabled");
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "STONITH of failed nodes disabled");
if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk_sched_symmetric_cluster)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster is symmetric");
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster is asymmetric");
switch (scheduler->no_quorum_policy) {
case pcmk_no_quorum_freeze:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Freeze resources");
case pcmk_no_quorum_stop:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Stop ALL resources");
case pcmk_no_quorum_demote:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Demote promotable "
"resources and stop all other resources");
case pcmk_no_quorum_ignore:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Ignore");
case pcmk_no_quorum_fence:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Suicide");
if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk_sched_in_maintenance)) {
xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
xmlNode *child = NULL;
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Resource management: ");
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "DISABLED");
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
" (the cluster will not attempt to start, stop,"
" or recover services)");
} else if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk_sched_stop_all)) {
xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
xmlNode *child = NULL;
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Resource management: ");
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "STOPPED");
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
" (the cluster will keep all resources stopped)");
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Resource management: enabled");
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-options", "pcmk_scheduler_t *")
static int
cluster_options_log(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk_sched_in_maintenance)) {
return out->info(out, "Resource management is DISABLED. The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services.");
} else if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk_sched_stop_all)) {
return out->info(out, "Resource management is DISABLED. The cluster has stopped all resources.");
} else {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-options", "pcmk_scheduler_t *")
static int
cluster_options_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk_sched_fencing_enabled)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "STONITH of failed nodes enabled");
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "STONITH of failed nodes disabled");
if (pcmk_is_set(scheduler->flags, pcmk_sched_symmetric_cluster)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster is symmetric");
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "Cluster is asymmetric");
switch (scheduler->no_quorum_policy) {
case pcmk_no_quorum_freeze:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Freeze resources");
case pcmk_no_quorum_stop:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Stop ALL resources");
case pcmk_no_quorum_demote:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Demote promotable "
"resources and stop all other resources");
case pcmk_no_quorum_ignore:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Ignore");
case pcmk_no_quorum_fence:
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No quorum policy: Suicide");
return pcmk_rc_ok;
* \internal
* \brief Get readable string representation of a no-quorum policy
* \param[in] policy No-quorum policy
* \return String representation of \p policy
static const char *
no_quorum_policy_text(enum pe_quorum_policy policy)
switch (policy) {
case pcmk_no_quorum_freeze:
case pcmk_no_quorum_stop:
case pcmk_no_quorum_demote:
case pcmk_no_quorum_ignore:
case pcmk_no_quorum_fence:
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-options", "pcmk_scheduler_t *")
static int
cluster_options_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
const char *stonith_enabled = pcmk__flag_text(scheduler->flags,
const char *symmetric_cluster =
pcmk__flag_text(scheduler->flags, pcmk_sched_symmetric_cluster);
const char *no_quorum_policy =
const char *maintenance_mode = pcmk__flag_text(scheduler->flags,
const char *stop_all_resources = pcmk__flag_text(scheduler->flags,
char *stonith_timeout_ms_s = pcmk__itoa(scheduler->stonith_timeout);
char *priority_fencing_delay_ms_s =
pcmk__itoa(scheduler->priority_fencing_delay * 1000);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CLUSTER_OPTIONS,
PCMK_XA_STONITH_ENABLED, stonith_enabled,
PCMK_XA_SYMMETRIC_CLUSTER, symmetric_cluster,
PCMK_XA_NO_QUORUM_POLICY, no_quorum_policy,
PCMK_XA_MAINTENANCE_MODE, maintenance_mode,
PCMK_XA_STOP_ALL_RESOURCES, stop_all_resources,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-stack", "const char *", "enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state")
static int
cluster_stack_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *stack_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
xmlNode *child = NULL;
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, PCMK__VALUE_BOLD);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Stack: ");
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s", stack_s);
if (pcmkd_state != pcmk_pacemakerd_state_invalid) {
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (");
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s",
child = pcmk__html_create(node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, ")");
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-stack", "const char *", "enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state")
static int
cluster_stack_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *stack_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
if (pcmkd_state != pcmk_pacemakerd_state_invalid) {
out->list_item(out, "Stack", "%s (%s)",
stack_s, pcmk__pcmkd_state_enum2friendly(pcmkd_state));
} else {
out->list_item(out, "Stack", "%s", stack_s);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-stack", "const char *", "enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state")
static int
cluster_stack_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *stack_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state pcmkd_state =
(enum pcmk_pacemakerd_state) va_arg(args, int);
const char *state_s = NULL;
if (pcmkd_state != pcmk_pacemakerd_state_invalid) {
state_s = pcmk_pacemakerd_api_daemon_state_enum2text(pcmkd_state);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_STACK,
PCMK_XA_TYPE, stack_s,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-times", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
cluster_times_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *our_nodename = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *last_written = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *user = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *client = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *origin = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr updated_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
xmlNodePtr changed_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
xmlNode *child = NULL;
char *time_s = NULL;
child = pcmk__html_create(updated_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Last updated: ");
child = pcmk__html_create(updated_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
time_s = pcmk__epoch2str(NULL, 0);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s", time_s);
if (our_nodename != NULL) {
child = pcmk__html_create(updated_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " on ");
child = pcmk__html_create(updated_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s", our_nodename);
child = pcmk__html_create(changed_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Last change: ");
child = pcmk__html_create(changed_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
time_s = last_changed_string(last_written, user, client, origin);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s", time_s);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-times", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
cluster_times_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *our_nodename = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *last_written = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *user = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *client = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *origin = va_arg(args, const char *);
char *time_s = pcmk__epoch2str(NULL, 0);
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_LAST_UPDATE,
PCMK_XA_TIME, time_s,
PCMK_XA_ORIGIN, our_nodename,
pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_LAST_CHANGE,
PCMK_XA_TIME, pcmk__s(last_written, ""),
PCMK_XA_USER, pcmk__s(user, ""),
PCMK_XA_CLIENT, pcmk__s(client, ""),
PCMK_XA_ORIGIN, pcmk__s(origin, ""),
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("cluster-times", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "const char *", "const char *")
static int
cluster_times_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *our_nodename = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *last_written = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *user = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *client = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *origin = va_arg(args, const char *);
char *time_s = pcmk__epoch2str(NULL, 0);
out->list_item(out, "Last updated", "%s%s%s",
time_s, (our_nodename != NULL)? " on " : "",
pcmk__s(our_nodename, ""));
time_s = last_changed_string(last_written, user, client, origin);
out->list_item(out, "Last change", " %s", time_s);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
* \internal
* \brief Display a failed action in less-technical natural language
* \param[in,out] out Output object to use for display
* \param[in] xml_op XML containing failed action
* \param[in] op_key Operation key of failed action
* \param[in] node_name Where failed action occurred
* \param[in] rc OCF exit code of failed action
* \param[in] status Execution status of failed action
* \param[in] exit_reason Exit reason given for failed action
* \param[in] exec_time String containing execution time in milliseconds
static void
failed_action_friendly(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *xml_op,
const char *op_key, const char *node_name, int rc,
int status, const char *exit_reason,
const char *exec_time)
char *rsc_id = NULL;
char *task = NULL;
guint interval_ms = 0;
time_t last_change_epoch = 0;
GString *str = NULL;
if (pcmk__str_empty(op_key)
|| !parse_op_key(op_key, &rsc_id, &task, &interval_ms)) {
pcmk__str_update(&rsc_id, "unknown resource");
pcmk__str_update(&task, "unknown action");
interval_ms = 0;
CRM_ASSERT((rsc_id != NULL) && (task != NULL));
str = g_string_sized_new(256); // Should be sufficient for most messages
pcmk__g_strcat(str, rsc_id, " ", NULL);
if (interval_ms != 0) {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, pcmk__readable_interval(interval_ms), "-interval ",
pcmk__g_strcat(str, pcmk__readable_action(task, interval_ms), " on ",
node_name, NULL);
if (status == PCMK_EXEC_DONE) {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, " returned '", services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), "'",
if (!pcmk__str_empty(exit_reason)) {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, " (", exit_reason, ")", NULL);
} else {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, " could not be executed (",
pcmk_exec_status_str(status), NULL);
if (!pcmk__str_empty(exit_reason)) {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, ": ", exit_reason, NULL);
g_string_append_c(str, ')');
if (crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE,
&last_change_epoch) == pcmk_ok) {
char *s = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_change_epoch, 0);
pcmk__g_strcat(str, " at ", s, NULL);
if (!pcmk__str_empty(exec_time)) {
int exec_time_ms = 0;
if ((pcmk__scan_min_int(exec_time, &exec_time_ms, 0) == pcmk_rc_ok)
&& (exec_time_ms > 0)) {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, " after ",
pcmk__readable_interval(exec_time_ms), NULL);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", str->str);
g_string_free(str, TRUE);
* \internal
* \brief Display a failed action with technical details
* \param[in,out] out Output object to use for display
* \param[in] xml_op XML containing failed action
* \param[in] op_key Operation key of failed action
* \param[in] node_name Where failed action occurred
* \param[in] rc OCF exit code of failed action
* \param[in] status Execution status of failed action
* \param[in] exit_reason Exit reason given for failed action
* \param[in] exec_time String containing execution time in milliseconds
static void
failed_action_technical(pcmk__output_t *out, const xmlNode *xml_op,
const char *op_key, const char *node_name, int rc,
int status, const char *exit_reason,
const char *exec_time)
const char *call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID);
const char *queue_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME);
const char *exit_status = services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc);
const char *lrm_status = pcmk_exec_status_str(status);
time_t last_change_epoch = 0;
GString *str = NULL;
if (pcmk__str_empty(op_key)) {
op_key = "unknown operation";
if (pcmk__str_empty(exit_status)) {
exit_status = "unknown exit status";
if (pcmk__str_empty(call_id)) {
call_id = "unknown";
str = g_string_sized_new(256);
g_string_append_printf(str, "%s on %s '%s' (%d): call=%s, status='%s'",
op_key, node_name, exit_status, rc, call_id,
if (!pcmk__str_empty(exit_reason)) {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, ", exitreason='", exit_reason, "'", NULL);
if (crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE,
&last_change_epoch) == pcmk_ok) {
char *last_change_str = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_change_epoch, 0);
"'", last_change_str, "'", NULL);
if (!pcmk__str_empty(queue_time)) {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, ", queued=", queue_time, "ms", NULL);
if (!pcmk__str_empty(exec_time)) {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, ", exec=", exec_time, "ms", NULL);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", str->str);
g_string_free(str, TRUE);
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("failed-action", "xmlNode *", "uint32_t")
static int
failed_action_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
const char *op_key = pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op);
const char *node_name = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME);
const char *exit_reason = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXIT_REASON);
const char *exec_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME);
int rc;
int status;
pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE), &rc, 0);
pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS), &status,
if (pcmk__str_empty(node_name)) {
node_name = "unknown node";
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_failed_detail)) {
failed_action_technical(out, xml_op, op_key, node_name, rc, status,
exit_reason, exec_time);
} else {
failed_action_friendly(out, xml_op, op_key, node_name, rc, status,
exit_reason, exec_time);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("failed-action", "xmlNode *", "uint32_t")
static int
failed_action_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
uint32_t show_opts G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
const char *op_key = pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op);
const char *op_key_name = PCMK_XA_OP_KEY;
int rc;
int status;
const char *uname = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME);
const char *call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID);
const char *exitstatus = NULL;
const char *exit_reason = pcmk__s(crm_element_value(xml_op,
const char *status_s = NULL;
time_t epoch = 0;
- char *exit_reason_esc = NULL;
+ gchar *exit_reason_esc = NULL;
char *rc_s = NULL;
xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
- if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(exit_reason, true)) {
- exit_reason_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(exit_reason, true);
+ if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(exit_reason, pcmk__xml_escape_attr)) {
+ exit_reason_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(exit_reason, pcmk__xml_escape_attr);
exit_reason = exit_reason_esc;
pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE), &rc, 0);
pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS), &status,
if (crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OPERATION_KEY) == NULL) {
op_key_name = PCMK_XA_ID;
exitstatus = services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc);
rc_s = pcmk__itoa(rc);
status_s = pcmk_exec_status_str(status);
node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_FAILURE,
op_key_name, op_key,
PCMK_XA_NODE, uname,
PCMK_XA_EXITREASON, exit_reason,
PCMK_XA_CALL, call_id,
PCMK_XA_STATUS, status_s,
if ((crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE,
&epoch) == pcmk_ok) && (epoch > 0)) {
const char *queue_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME);
const char *exec = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME);
const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_OPERATION);
guint interval_ms = 0;
char *interval_ms_s = NULL;
char *rc_change = pcmk__epoch2str(&epoch,
crm_element_value_ms(xml_op, PCMK_META_INTERVAL, &interval_ms);
interval_ms_s = crm_strdup_printf("%u", interval_ms);
PCMK_XA_QUEUED, queue_time,
PCMK_XA_INTERVAL, interval_ms_s,
- free(exit_reason_esc);
+ g_free(exit_reason_esc);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("failed-action-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "GList *",
"GList *", "uint32_t", "bool")
static int
failed_action_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int);
xmlNode *xml_op = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (xmlChildElementCount(scheduler->failed) == 0) {
return rc;
for (xml_op = pcmk__xe_first_child(scheduler->failed, NULL, NULL, NULL);
xml_op != NULL; xml_op = pcmk__xe_next(xml_op)) {
char *rsc = NULL;
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME),
pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) {
if (pcmk_xe_mask_probe_failure(xml_op)) {
if (!parse_op_key(pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op), &rsc, NULL, NULL)) {
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(rsc, only_rsc, pcmk__str_star_matches)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Failed Resource Actions");
out->message(out, "failed-action", xml_op, show_opts);
return rc;
static void
status_node(pcmk_node_t *node, xmlNodePtr parent, uint32_t show_opts)
int health = pe__node_health(node);
xmlNode *child = NULL;
// Cluster membership
if (node->details->online) {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " online");
} else {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " OFFLINE");
// Standby mode
if (node->details->standby_onfail && (node->details->running_rsc != NULL)) {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
" (in standby due to " PCMK_META_ON_FAIL ","
" with active resources)");
} else if (node->details->standby_onfail) {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
" (in standby due to " PCMK_META_ON_FAIL ")");
} else if (node->details->standby && (node->details->running_rsc != NULL)) {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
" (in standby, with active resources)");
} else if (node->details->standby) {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (in standby)");
// Maintenance mode
if (node->details->maintenance) {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (in maintenance mode)");
// Node health
if (health < 0) {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (health is RED)");
} else if (health == 0) {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, " (health is YELLOW)");
// Feature set
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_feature_set)) {
const char *feature_set = get_node_feature_set(node);
if (feature_set != NULL) {
child = pcmk__html_create(parent, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, ", feature set %s", feature_set);
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node", "pcmk_node_t *", "uint32_t", "bool",
"GList *", "GList *")
static int
node_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool full = va_arg(args, int);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id));
if (full) {
xmlNode *item_node = NULL;
xmlNode *child = NULL;
if (pcmk_all_flags_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_brief | pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) {
GList *rscs = pe__filter_rsc_list(node->details->running_rsc, only_rsc);
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s:", node_name);
item_node = pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, "li", NULL);
child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Status:");
status_node(node, item_node, show_opts);
if (rscs != NULL) {
uint32_t new_show_opts = (show_opts | pcmk_show_rsc_only) & ~pcmk_show_inactive_rscs;
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resources");
pe__rscs_brief_output(out, rscs, new_show_opts);
} else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) {
GList *lpc2 = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s:", node_name);
item_node = pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, "li", NULL);
child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "Status:");
status_node(node, item_node, show_opts);
for (lpc2 = node->details->running_rsc; lpc2 != NULL; lpc2 = lpc2->next) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc2->data;
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Resources");
show_opts |= pcmk_show_rsc_only;
out->message(out, crm_map_element_name(rsc->xml), show_opts,
rsc, only_node, only_rsc);
} else {
item_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s:", node_name);
status_node(node, item_node, show_opts);
} else {
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s:", node_name);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
* \internal
* \brief Get a human-friendly textual description of a node's status
* \param[in] node Node to check
* \return String representation of node's status
static const char *
node_text_status(const pcmk_node_t *node)
if (node->details->unclean) {
if (node->details->online) {
return "UNCLEAN (online)";
} else if (node->details->pending) {
return "UNCLEAN (pending)";
} else {
return "UNCLEAN (offline)";
} else if (node->details->pending) {
return "pending";
} else if (node->details->standby_onfail && node->details->online) {
return "standby (" PCMK_META_ON_FAIL ")";
} else if (node->details->standby) {
if (node->details->online) {
if (node->details->running_rsc) {
return "standby (with active resources)";
} else {
return "standby";
} else {
return "OFFLINE (standby)";
} else if (node->details->maintenance) {
if (node->details->online) {
return "maintenance";
} else {
return "OFFLINE (maintenance)";
} else if (node->details->online) {
return "online";
return "OFFLINE";
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node", "pcmk_node_t *", "uint32_t", "bool", "GList *",
"GList *")
static int
node_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool full = va_arg(args, int);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
if (full) {
char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id));
GString *str = g_string_sized_new(64);
int health = pe__node_health(node);
// Create a summary line with node type, name, and status
if (pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) {
g_string_append(str, "GuestNode");
} else if (pcmk__is_remote_node(node)) {
g_string_append(str, "RemoteNode");
} else {
g_string_append(str, "Node");
pcmk__g_strcat(str, " ", node_name, ": ", node_text_status(node), NULL);
if (health < 0) {
g_string_append(str, " (health is RED)");
} else if (health == 0) {
g_string_append(str, " (health is YELLOW)");
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_feature_set)) {
const char *feature_set = get_node_feature_set(node);
if (feature_set != NULL) {
pcmk__g_strcat(str, ", feature set ", feature_set, NULL);
/* If we're grouping by node, print its resources */
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) {
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_brief)) {
GList *rscs = pe__filter_rsc_list(node->details->running_rsc, only_rsc);
if (rscs != NULL) {
uint32_t new_show_opts = (show_opts | pcmk_show_rsc_only) & ~pcmk_show_inactive_rscs;
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s", str->str);
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resources");
pe__rscs_brief_output(out, rscs, new_show_opts);
} else {
GList *gIter2 = NULL;
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s", str->str);
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Resources");
for (gIter2 = node->details->running_rsc; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) gIter2->data;
show_opts |= pcmk_show_rsc_only;
out->message(out, crm_map_element_name(rsc->xml), show_opts,
rsc, only_node, only_rsc);
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", str->str);
g_string_free(str, TRUE);
} else {
char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id));
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Node: %s", node_name);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
* \internal
* \brief Convert an integer health value to a string representation
* \param[in] health Integer health value
* \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_RED if \p health is less than 0
* \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_YELLOW if \p health is equal to 0
* \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_GREEN if \p health is greater than 0
static const char *
health_text(int health)
if (health < 0) {
} else if (health == 0) {
} else {
* \internal
* \brief Convert a node type to a string representation
* \param[in] type Node type
* \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_MEMBER if \p node_type is \c pcmk_node_variant_cluster
* \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_REMOTE if \p node_type is \c pcmk_node_variant_remote
* \retval \c PCMK__VALUE_PING if \p node_type is \c node_ping
* \retval \c PCMK_VALUE_UNKNOWN otherwise
static const char *
node_type_str(enum node_type type)
switch (type) {
case pcmk_node_variant_cluster:
case pcmk_node_variant_remote:
case node_ping:
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node", "pcmk_node_t *", "uint32_t", "bool", "GList *",
"GList *")
static int
node_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
uint32_t show_opts G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool full = va_arg(args, int);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
if (full) {
const char *online = pcmk__btoa(node->details->online);
const char *standby = pcmk__btoa(node->details->standby);
const char *standby_onfail = pcmk__btoa(node->details->standby_onfail);
const char *maintenance = pcmk__btoa(node->details->maintenance);
const char *pending = pcmk__btoa(node->details->pending);
const char *unclean = pcmk__btoa(node->details->unclean);
const char *health = health_text(pe__node_health(node));
const char *feature_set = get_node_feature_set(node);
const char *shutdown = pcmk__btoa(node->details->shutdown);
const char *expected_up = pcmk__btoa(node->details->expected_up);
const char *is_dc = pcmk__btoa(node->details->is_dc);
int length = g_list_length(node->details->running_rsc);
char *resources_running = pcmk__itoa(length);
const char *node_type = node_type_str(node->details->type);
pe__name_and_nvpairs_xml(out, true, PCMK_XE_NODE, 15,
PCMK_XA_NAME, node->details->uname,
PCMK_XA_ID, node->details->id,
PCMK_XA_STANDBY_ONFAIL, standby_onfail,
PCMK_XA_FEATURE_SET, feature_set,
PCMK_XA_EXPECTED_UP, expected_up,
PCMK_XA_IS_DC, is_dc,
PCMK_XA_RESOURCES_RUNNING, resources_running,
PCMK_XA_TYPE, node_type);
if (pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) {
xmlNodePtr xml_node = pcmk__output_xml_peek_parent(out);
crm_xml_add(xml_node, PCMK_XA_ID_AS_RESOURCE,
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) {
GList *lpc = NULL;
for (lpc = node->details->running_rsc; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) lpc->data;
show_opts |= pcmk_show_rsc_only;
out->message(out, crm_map_element_name(rsc->xml), show_opts,
rsc, only_node, only_rsc);
} else {
pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out, PCMK_XE_NODE,
PCMK_XA_NAME, node->details->uname,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-attribute", "const char *", "const char *", "bool", "int")
static int
node_attribute_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool add_extra = va_arg(args, int);
int expected_score = va_arg(args, int);
if (add_extra) {
int v;
if (value == NULL) {
v = 0;
} else {
pcmk__scan_min_int(value, &v, INT_MIN);
if (v <= 0) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%-32s\t: %-10s\t: Connectivity is lost", name, value);
} else if (v < expected_score) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%-32s\t: %-10s\t: Connectivity is degraded (Expected=%d)", name, value, expected_score);
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%-32s\t: %-10s", name, value);
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%-32s\t: %-10s", name, value);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-attribute", "const char *", "const char *", "bool", "int")
static int
node_attribute_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool add_extra = va_arg(args, int);
int expected_score = va_arg(args, int);
if (add_extra) {
int v = 0;
xmlNodePtr item_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, "li", NULL);
xmlNode *child = NULL;
if (value != NULL) {
pcmk__scan_min_int(value, &v, INT_MIN);
child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL, NULL);
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "%s: %s", name, value);
if (v <= 0) {
child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
pcmk__xe_set_content(child, "(connectivity is lost)");
} else if (v < expected_score) {
child = pcmk__html_create(item_node, PCMK__XE_SPAN, NULL,
"(connectivity is degraded -- expected %d)",
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s: %s", name, value);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-and-op", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "xmlNode *")
static int
node_and_op(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL;
gchar *node_str = NULL;
char *last_change_str = NULL;
const char *op_rsc = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_RESOURCE);
int status;
time_t last_change = 0;
pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS), &status,
rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->resources, op_rsc);
if (rsc) {
const pcmk_node_t *node = pcmk__current_node(rsc);
const char *target_role = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta,
uint32_t show_opts = pcmk_show_rsc_only | pcmk_show_pending;
if (node == NULL) {
node = rsc->pending_node;
node_str = pcmk__native_output_string(rsc, rsc_printable_id(rsc), node,
show_opts, target_role, false);
} else {
node_str = crm_strdup_printf("Unknown resource %s", op_rsc);
if (crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE,
&last_change) == pcmk_ok) {
const char *exec_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME);
last_change_str = crm_strdup_printf(", %s='%s', exec=%sms",
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s: %s (node=%s, call=%s, rc=%s%s): %s",
node_str, pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op),
crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME),
crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID),
crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE),
last_change_str ? last_change_str : "",
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-and-op", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "xmlNode *")
static int
node_and_op_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL;
const char *uname = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_UNAME);
const char *call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID);
const char *rc_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE);
const char *status_s = NULL;
const char *op_rsc = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_RESOURCE);
int status;
time_t last_change = 0;
xmlNode *node = NULL;
pcmk__scan_min_int(crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS),
status_s = pcmk_exec_status_str(status);
node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_OPERATION,
PCMK_XA_OP, pcmk__xe_history_key(xml_op),
PCMK_XA_NODE, uname,
PCMK_XA_CALL, call_id,
PCMK_XA_RC, rc_s,
PCMK_XA_STATUS, status_s,
rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->resources, op_rsc);
if (rsc) {
const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, PCMK_XA_CLASS);
const char *provider = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, PCMK_XA_PROVIDER);
const char *kind = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, PCMK_XA_TYPE);
bool has_provider = pcmk_is_set(pcmk_get_ra_caps(class),
char *agent_tuple = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%s:%s",
(has_provider? provider : ""),
PCMK_XA_RSC, rsc_printable_id(rsc),
PCMK_XA_AGENT, agent_tuple,
if (crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE,
&last_change) == pcmk_ok) {
const char *last_rc_change = pcmk__trim(ctime(&last_change));
const char *exec_time = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME);
PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, last_rc_change,
PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME, exec_time,
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-attribute", "const char *", "const char *", "bool", "int")
static int
node_attribute_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool add_extra = va_arg(args, int);
int expected_score = va_arg(args, int);
xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_ATTRIBUTE,
if (add_extra) {
char *buf = pcmk__itoa(expected_score);
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_EXPECTED, buf);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-attribute-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "uint32_t",
"bool", "GList *", "GList *")
static int
node_attribute_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
/* Display each node's attributes */
for (GList *gIter = scheduler->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pcmk_node_t *node = gIter->data;
GList *attr_list = NULL;
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key;
if (!node || !node->details || !node->details->online) {
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, node->details->attrs);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, NULL)) {
attr_list = filter_attr_list(attr_list, key);
if (attr_list == NULL) {
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->details->uname, only_node, pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Node Attributes");
out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, false, only_node, only_rsc);
for (GList *aIter = attr_list; aIter != NULL; aIter = aIter->next) {
const char *name = aIter->data;
const char *value = NULL;
int expected_score = 0;
bool add_extra = false;
value = pcmk__node_attr(node, name, NULL, pcmk__rsc_node_current);
add_extra = add_extra_info(node, node->details->running_rsc,
scheduler, name, &expected_score);
/* Print attribute name and value */
out->message(out, "node-attribute", name, value, add_extra,
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-capacity", "const pcmk_node_t *", "const char *")
static int
node_capacity(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
const char *comment = va_arg(args, const char *);
char *dump_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s: %s capacity:",
comment, pcmk__node_name(node));
g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", dump_text);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-capacity", "const pcmk_node_t *", "const char *")
static int
node_capacity_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
const char *uname = node->details->uname;
const char *comment = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr xml_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_CAPACITY,
PCMK_XA_NODE, uname,
g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->utilization, add_dump_node, xml_node);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-history-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "pcmk_node_t *",
"xmlNode *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "uint32_t")
static int
node_history_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
xmlNode *node_state = va_arg(args, xmlNode *);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
xmlNode *lrm_rsc = NULL;
xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
lrm_rsc = pcmk__xe_first_child(node_state, PCMK__XE_LRM, NULL, NULL);
lrm_rsc = pcmk__xe_first_child(lrm_rsc, PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCES, NULL, NULL);
/* Print history of each of the node's resources */
for (rsc_entry = pcmk__xe_first_child(lrm_rsc, PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCE, NULL,
rsc_entry != NULL; rsc_entry = pcmk__xe_next_same(rsc_entry)) {
const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, PCMK_XA_ID);
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->resources, rsc_id);
const pcmk_resource_t *parent = pe__const_top_resource(rsc, false);
/* We can't use is_filtered here to filter group resources. For is_filtered,
* we have to decide whether to check the parent or not. If we check the
* parent, all elements of a group will always be printed because that's how
* is_filtered works for groups. If we do not check the parent, sometimes
* this will filter everything out.
* For other resource types, is_filtered is okay.
if (parent->variant == pcmk_rsc_variant_group) {
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(rsc_printable_id(rsc), only_rsc,
&& !pcmk__str_in_list(rsc_printable_id(parent), only_rsc,
pcmk__str_star_matches)) {
} else {
if (rsc->fns->is_filtered(rsc, only_rsc, TRUE)) {
if (!pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_operations)) {
time_t last_failure = 0;
int failcount = pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, &last_failure,
pcmk__fc_default, NULL);
if (failcount <= 0) {
if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) {
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, false, only_node,
out->message(out, "resource-history", rsc, rsc_id, false,
failcount, last_failure, false);
} else {
GList *op_list = get_operation_list(rsc_entry);
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = NULL;
if (op_list == NULL) {
rsc = pe_find_resource(scheduler->resources,
crm_element_value(rsc_entry, PCMK_XA_ID));
if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) {
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, false, only_node,
out->message(out, "resource-operation-list", scheduler, rsc, node,
op_list, show_opts);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-list", "GList *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "bool")
static int
node_list_html(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
GList *nodes = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool print_spacer G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
for (GList *gIter = nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) gIter->data;
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->details->uname, only_node,
pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, false, rc, "Node List");
out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, true, only_node, only_rsc);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-list", "GList *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "bool")
static int
node_list_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
GList *nodes = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int);
/* space-separated lists of node names */
GString *online_nodes = NULL;
GString *online_remote_nodes = NULL;
GString *online_guest_nodes = NULL;
GString *offline_nodes = NULL;
GString *offline_remote_nodes = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
for (GList *gIter = nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) gIter->data;
char *node_name = pe__node_display_name(node, pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_node_id));
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->details->uname, only_node,
pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Node List");
// Determine whether to display node individually or in a list
if (node->details->unclean || node->details->pending
|| (node->details->standby_onfail && node->details->online)
|| node->details->standby || node->details->maintenance
|| pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)
|| pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_feature_set)
|| (pe__node_health(node) <= 0)) {
// Display node individually
} else if (node->details->online) {
// Display online node in a list
if (pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) {
pcmk__add_word(&online_guest_nodes, 1024, node_name);
} else if (pcmk__is_remote_node(node)) {
pcmk__add_word(&online_remote_nodes, 1024, node_name);
} else {
pcmk__add_word(&online_nodes, 1024, node_name);
} else {
// Display offline node in a list
if (pcmk__is_remote_node(node)) {
pcmk__add_word(&offline_remote_nodes, 1024, node_name);
} else if (pcmk__is_guest_or_bundle_node(node)) {
/* ignore offline guest nodes */
} else {
pcmk__add_word(&offline_nodes, 1024, node_name);
/* If we get here, node is in bad state, or we're grouping by node */
out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, true, only_node, only_rsc);
/* If we're not grouping by node, summarize nodes by status */
if (online_nodes != NULL) {
out->list_item(out, "Online", "[ %s ]",
(const char *) online_nodes->str);
g_string_free(online_nodes, TRUE);
if (offline_nodes != NULL) {
out->list_item(out, "OFFLINE", "[ %s ]",
(const char *) offline_nodes->str);
g_string_free(offline_nodes, TRUE);
if (online_remote_nodes) {
out->list_item(out, "RemoteOnline", "[ %s ]",
(const char *) online_remote_nodes->str);
g_string_free(online_remote_nodes, TRUE);
if (offline_remote_nodes) {
out->list_item(out, "RemoteOFFLINE", "[ %s ]",
(const char *) offline_remote_nodes->str);
g_string_free(offline_remote_nodes, TRUE);
if (online_guest_nodes != NULL) {
out->list_item(out, "GuestOnline", "[ %s ]",
(const char *) online_guest_nodes->str);
g_string_free(online_guest_nodes, TRUE);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-list", "GList *", "GList *", "GList *", "uint32_t", "bool")
static int
node_list_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
GList *nodes = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool print_spacer G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int);
/* PCMK_XE_NODES acts as the list's element name for CLI tools that use
* pcmk__output_enable_list_element. Otherwise PCMK_XE_NODES is the
* value of the list's PCMK_XA_NAME attribute.
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, PCMK_XE_NODES);
for (GList *gIter = nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pcmk_node_t *node = (pcmk_node_t *) gIter->data;
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->details->uname, only_node,
pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) {
out->message(out, "node", node, show_opts, true, only_node, only_rsc);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-summary", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "GList *", "GList *",
"uint32_t", "uint32_t", "bool")
static int
node_summary(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
uint32_t section_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int);
xmlNode *node_state = NULL;
xmlNode *cib_status = pcmk_find_cib_element(scheduler->input,
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (xmlChildElementCount(cib_status) == 0) {
return rc;
for (node_state = pcmk__xe_first_child(cib_status, PCMK__XE_NODE_STATE,
node_state != NULL; node_state = pcmk__xe_next_same(node_state)) {
pcmk_node_t *node = pe_find_node_id(scheduler->nodes,
if (!node || !node->details || !node->details->online) {
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(node->details->uname, only_node,
pcmk__str_star_matches|pcmk__str_casei)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc,
pcmk_is_set(section_opts, pcmk_section_operations) ? "Operations" : "Migration Summary");
out->message(out, "node-history-list", scheduler, node, node_state,
only_node, only_rsc, section_opts, show_opts);
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-weight", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *",
"const char *", "const char *")
static int
node_weight(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, const pcmk_resource_t *);
const char *prefix = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *uname = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *score = va_arg(args, const char *);
if (rsc) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s: %s allocation score on %s: %s",
prefix, rsc->id, uname, score);
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s: %s = %s", prefix, uname, score);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("node-weight", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *",
"const char *", "const char *")
static int
node_weight_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, const pcmk_resource_t *);
const char *prefix = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *uname = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *score = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_NODE_WEIGHT,
PCMK_XA_NODE, uname,
if (rsc) {
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_ID, rsc->id);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("op-history", "xmlNode *", "const char *", "const char *", "int", "uint32_t")
static int
op_history_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *interval_ms_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
int rc = va_arg(args, int);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
char *buf = op_history_string(xml_op, task, interval_ms_s, rc,
pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_timing));
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", buf);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("op-history", "xmlNode *", "const char *", "const char *", "int", "uint32_t")
static int
op_history_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
xmlNodePtr xml_op = va_arg(args, xmlNodePtr);
const char *task = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *interval_ms_s = va_arg(args, const char *);
int rc = va_arg(args, int);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
const char *call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_CALL_ID);
char *rc_s = pcmk__itoa(rc);
const char *rc_text = services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc);
xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_OPERATION_HISTORY,
PCMK_XA_CALL, call_id,
PCMK_XA_RC, rc_s,
PCMK_XA_RC_TEXT, rc_text,
if (interval_ms_s && !pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_casei)) {
char *s = crm_strdup_printf("%sms", interval_ms_s);
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_INTERVAL, s);
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_timing)) {
const char *value = NULL;
time_t epoch = 0;
if ((crm_element_value_epoch(xml_op, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE,
&epoch) == pcmk_ok) && (epoch > 0)) {
char *s = pcmk__epoch2str(&epoch, 0);
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_LAST_RC_CHANGE, s);
value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME);
if (value) {
char *s = crm_strdup_printf("%sms", value);
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_EXEC_TIME, s);
value = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME);
if (value) {
char *s = crm_strdup_printf("%sms", value);
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_QUEUE_TIME, s);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("promotion-score", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *",
"const char *")
static int
promotion_score(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_resource_t *child_rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
pcmk_node_t *chosen = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
const char *score = va_arg(args, const char *);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s promotion score on %s: %s",
chosen? chosen->details->uname : "none",
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("promotion-score", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *",
"const char *")
static int
promotion_score_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_resource_t *child_rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
pcmk_node_t *chosen = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
const char *score = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_PROMOTION_SCORE,
PCMK_XA_ID, child_rsc->id,
if (chosen) {
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_NODE, chosen->details->uname);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-config", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "bool")
static int
resource_config(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
const pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, const pcmk_resource_t *);
GString *xml_buf = g_string_sized_new(1024);
bool raw = va_arg(args, int);
formatted_xml_buf(rsc, xml_buf, raw);
out->output_xml(out, PCMK_XE_XML, xml_buf->str);
g_string_free(xml_buf, TRUE);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-config", "const pcmk_resource_t *", "bool")
static int
resource_config_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "Resource XML:\n");
return resource_config(out, args);
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-history", "pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *",
"bool", "int", "time_t", "bool")
static int
resource_history_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
const char *rsc_id = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool all = va_arg(args, int);
int failcount = va_arg(args, int);
time_t last_failure = va_arg(args, time_t);
bool as_header = va_arg(args, int);
char *buf = resource_history_string(rsc, rsc_id, all, failcount, last_failure);
if (as_header) {
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "%s", buf);
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", buf);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-history", "pcmk_resource_t *", "const char *",
"bool", "int", "time_t", "bool")
static int
resource_history_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
const char *rsc_id = va_arg(args, const char *);
bool all = va_arg(args, int);
int failcount = va_arg(args, int);
time_t last_failure = va_arg(args, time_t);
bool as_header = va_arg(args, int);
xmlNodePtr node = pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(out,
PCMK_XA_ID, rsc_id,
if (rsc == NULL) {
pcmk__xe_set_bool_attr(node, PCMK_XA_ORPHAN, true);
} else if (all || failcount || last_failure > 0) {
char *migration_s = pcmk__itoa(rsc->migration_threshold);
if (failcount > 0) {
char *s = pcmk__itoa(failcount);
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_FAIL_COUNT, s);
if (last_failure > 0) {
char *s = pcmk__epoch2str(&last_failure, 0);
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_LAST_FAILURE, s);
if (!as_header) {
return pcmk_rc_ok;
static void
print_resource_header(pcmk__output_t *out, uint32_t show_opts)
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) {
/* Active resources have already been printed by node */
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Inactive Resources");
} else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_inactive_rscs)) {
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Full List of Resources");
} else {
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Active Resources");
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *", "uint32_t", "bool",
"GList *", "GList *", "bool")
static int
resource_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler = va_arg(args, pcmk_scheduler_t *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
bool print_summary = va_arg(args, int);
GList *only_node = va_arg(args, GList *);
GList *only_rsc = va_arg(args, GList *);
bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int);
GList *rsc_iter;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
bool printed_header = false;
/* If we already showed active resources by node, and
* we're not showing inactive resources, we have nothing to do
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node) &&
!pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_inactive_rscs)) {
return rc;
/* If we haven't already printed resources grouped by node,
* and brief output was requested, print resource summary */
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_brief)
&& !pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) {
GList *rscs = pe__filter_rsc_list(scheduler->resources, only_rsc);
PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, print_spacer);
print_resource_header(out, show_opts);
printed_header = true;
rc = pe__rscs_brief_output(out, rscs, show_opts);
/* For each resource, display it if appropriate */
for (rsc_iter = scheduler->resources; rsc_iter != NULL; rsc_iter = rsc_iter->next) {
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = (pcmk_resource_t *) rsc_iter->data;
int x;
/* Complex resources may have some sub-resources active and some inactive */
gboolean is_active = rsc->fns->active(rsc, TRUE);
gboolean partially_active = rsc->fns->active(rsc, FALSE);
/* Skip inactive orphans (deleted but still in CIB) */
if (pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pcmk_rsc_removed) && !is_active) {
/* Skip active resources if we already displayed them by node */
} else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) {
if (is_active) {
/* Skip primitives already counted in a brief summary */
} else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_brief)
&& (rsc->variant == pcmk_rsc_variant_primitive)) {
/* Skip resources that aren't at least partially active,
* unless we're displaying inactive resources
} else if (!partially_active && !pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_inactive_rscs)) {
} else if (partially_active && !pe__rsc_running_on_any(rsc, only_node)) {
if (!printed_header) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, print_spacer);
print_resource_header(out, show_opts);
printed_header = true;
/* Print this resource */
x = out->message(out, crm_map_element_name(rsc->xml), show_opts, rsc,
only_node, only_rsc);
if (x == pcmk_rc_ok) {
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
if (print_summary && rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
if (!printed_header) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, print_spacer);
print_resource_header(out, show_opts);
printed_header = true;
if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_rscs_by_node)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No inactive resources");
} else if (pcmk_is_set(show_opts, pcmk_show_inactive_rscs)) {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No resources");
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "No active resources");
if (printed_header) {
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-operation-list", "pcmk_scheduler_t *",
"pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *", "GList *", "uint32_t")
static int
resource_operation_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args,
pcmk_scheduler_t *);
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
GList *op_list = va_arg(args, GList *);
uint32_t show_opts = va_arg(args, uint32_t);
GList *gIter = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
/* Print each operation */
for (gIter = op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
xmlNode *xml_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data;
const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK_XA_OPERATION);
const char *interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(xml_op,
const char *op_rc = crm_element_value(xml_op, PCMK__XA_RC_CODE);
int op_rc_i;
pcmk__scan_min_int(op_rc, &op_rc_i, 0);
/* Display 0-interval monitors as "probe" */
if (pcmk__str_eq(task, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, pcmk__str_casei)
&& pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_null_matches | pcmk__str_casei)) {
task = "probe";
/* If this is the first printed operation, print heading for resource */
if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) {
time_t last_failure = 0;
int failcount = pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, &last_failure,
pcmk__fc_default, NULL);
out->message(out, "resource-history", rsc, rsc_printable_id(rsc), true,
failcount, last_failure, true);
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
/* Print the operation */
out->message(out, "op-history", xml_op, task, interval_ms_s,
op_rc_i, show_opts);
/* Free the list we created (no need to free the individual items) */
return rc;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-util", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *",
"const char *")
static int
resource_util(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
const char *fn = va_arg(args, const char *);
char *dump_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s: %s utilization on %s:",
fn, rsc->id, pcmk__node_name(node));
g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s", dump_text);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("resource-util", "pcmk_resource_t *", "pcmk_node_t *",
"const char *")
static int
resource_util_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
pcmk_resource_t *rsc = va_arg(args, pcmk_resource_t *);
pcmk_node_t *node = va_arg(args, pcmk_node_t *);
const char *uname = node->details->uname;
const char *fn = va_arg(args, const char *);
xmlNodePtr xml_node = NULL;
xml_node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_UTILIZATION,
PCMK_XA_NODE, uname,
g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->utilization, add_dump_node, xml_node);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ticket", "pcmk_ticket_t *", "bool", "bool")
static int
ticket_default(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_ticket_t *ticket = va_arg(args, pcmk_ticket_t *);
bool raw = va_arg(args, int);
bool details = va_arg(args, int);
GString *detail_str = NULL;
if (raw) {
out->list_item(out, ticket->id, "%s", ticket->id);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
if (details && g_hash_table_size(ticket->state) > 0) {
GHashTableIter iter;
const char *name = NULL;
const char *value = NULL;
bool already_added = false;
detail_str = g_string_sized_new(100);
pcmk__g_strcat(detail_str, "\t(", NULL);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, ticket->state);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (void **) &name, (void **) &value)) {
if (already_added) {
g_string_append_printf(detail_str, ", %s=", name);
} else {
g_string_append_printf(detail_str, "%s=", name);
already_added = true;
if (pcmk__str_any_of(name, PCMK_XA_LAST_GRANTED, "expires", NULL)) {
char *epoch_str = NULL;
long long time_ll;
pcmk__scan_ll(value, &time_ll, 0);
epoch_str = pcmk__epoch2str((const time_t *) &time_ll, 0);
pcmk__g_strcat(detail_str, epoch_str, NULL);
} else {
pcmk__g_strcat(detail_str, value, NULL);
pcmk__g_strcat(detail_str, ")", NULL);
if (ticket->last_granted > -1) {
/* Prior to the introduction of the details & raw arguments to this
* function, last-granted would always be added in this block. We need
* to preserve that behavior. At the same time, we also need to preserve
* the existing behavior from crm_ticket, which would include last-granted
* as part of the (...) detail string.
* Luckily we can check detail_str - if it's NULL, either there were no
* details, or we are preserving the previous behavior of this function.
* If it's not NULL, we are either preserving the previous behavior of
* crm_ticket or we were given details=true as an argument.
if (detail_str == NULL) {
char *epoch_str = pcmk__epoch2str(&(ticket->last_granted), 0);
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s\t%s%s last-granted=\"%s\"",
(ticket->granted? "granted" : "revoked"),
(ticket->standby? " [standby]" : ""),
pcmk__s(epoch_str, ""));
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s\t%s%s %s",
(ticket->granted? "granted" : "revoked"),
(ticket->standby? " [standby]" : ""),
} else {
out->list_item(out, NULL, "%s\t%s%s%s", ticket->id,
ticket->granted ? "granted" : "revoked",
ticket->standby ? " [standby]" : "",
detail_str != NULL ? detail_str->str : "");
if (detail_str != NULL) {
g_string_free(detail_str, TRUE);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ticket", "pcmk_ticket_t *", "bool", "bool")
static int
ticket_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
pcmk_ticket_t *ticket = va_arg(args, pcmk_ticket_t *);
bool raw G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int);
bool details G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, int);
const char *status = NULL;
const char *standby = pcmk__btoa(ticket->standby);
xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
GHashTableIter iter;
const char *name = NULL;
const char *value = NULL;
status = ticket->granted? PCMK_VALUE_GRANTED : PCMK_VALUE_REVOKED;
node = pcmk__output_create_xml_node(out, PCMK_XE_TICKET,
PCMK_XA_ID, ticket->id,
if (ticket->last_granted > -1) {
char *buf = pcmk__epoch2str(&ticket->last_granted, 0);
crm_xml_add(node, PCMK_XA_LAST_GRANTED, buf);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, ticket->state);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (void **) &name, (void **) &value)) {
/* PCMK_XA_LAST_GRANTED and "expires" are already added by the check
* for ticket->last_granted above.
if (pcmk__str_any_of(name, PCMK_XA_LAST_GRANTED, PCMK_XA_EXPIRES,
NULL)) {
crm_xml_add(node, name, value);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("ticket-list", "GHashTable *", "bool", "bool", "bool")
static int
ticket_list(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) {
GHashTable *tickets = va_arg(args, GHashTable *);
bool print_spacer = va_arg(args, int);
bool raw = va_arg(args, int);
bool details = va_arg(args, int);
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer value;
if (g_hash_table_size(tickets) == 0) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, print_spacer);
/* Print section heading */
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Tickets");
/* Print each ticket */
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, tickets);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, &value)) {
pcmk_ticket_t *ticket = (pcmk_ticket_t *) value;
out->message(out, "ticket", ticket, raw, details);
/* Close section */
return pcmk_rc_ok;
static pcmk__message_entry_t fmt_functions[] = {
{ "ban", "default", ban_text },
{ "ban", "html", ban_html },
{ "ban", "xml", ban_xml },
{ "ban-list", "default", ban_list },
{ "bundle", "default", pe__bundle_text },
{ "bundle", "xml", pe__bundle_xml },
{ "bundle", "html", pe__bundle_html },
{ "clone", "default", pe__clone_default },
{ "clone", "xml", pe__clone_xml },
{ "cluster-counts", "default", cluster_counts_text },
{ "cluster-counts", "html", cluster_counts_html },
{ "cluster-counts", "xml", cluster_counts_xml },
{ "cluster-dc", "default", cluster_dc_text },
{ "cluster-dc", "html", cluster_dc_html },
{ "cluster-dc", "xml", cluster_dc_xml },
{ "cluster-options", "default", cluster_options_text },
{ "cluster-options", "html", cluster_options_html },
{ "cluster-options", "log", cluster_options_log },
{ "cluster-options", "xml", cluster_options_xml },
{ "cluster-summary", "default", cluster_summary },
{ "cluster-summary", "html", cluster_summary_html },
{ "cluster-stack", "default", cluster_stack_text },
{ "cluster-stack", "html", cluster_stack_html },
{ "cluster-stack", "xml", cluster_stack_xml },
{ "cluster-times", "default", cluster_times_text },
{ "cluster-times", "html", cluster_times_html },
{ "cluster-times", "xml", cluster_times_xml },
{ "failed-action", "default", failed_action_default },
{ "failed-action", "xml", failed_action_xml },
{ "failed-action-list", "default", failed_action_list },
{ "group", "default", pe__group_default},
{ "group", "xml", pe__group_xml },
{ "maint-mode", "text", cluster_maint_mode_text },
{ "node", "default", node_text },
{ "node", "html", node_html },
{ "node", "xml", node_xml },
{ "node-and-op", "default", node_and_op },
{ "node-and-op", "xml", node_and_op_xml },
{ "node-capacity", "default", node_capacity },
{ "node-capacity", "xml", node_capacity_xml },
{ "node-history-list", "default", node_history_list },
{ "node-list", "default", node_list_text },
{ "node-list", "html", node_list_html },
{ "node-list", "xml", node_list_xml },
{ "node-weight", "default", node_weight },
{ "node-weight", "xml", node_weight_xml },
{ "node-attribute", "default", node_attribute_text },
{ "node-attribute", "html", node_attribute_html },
{ "node-attribute", "xml", node_attribute_xml },
{ "node-attribute-list", "default", node_attribute_list },
{ "node-summary", "default", node_summary },
{ "op-history", "default", op_history_text },
{ "op-history", "xml", op_history_xml },
{ "primitive", "default", pe__resource_text },
{ "primitive", "xml", pe__resource_xml },
{ "primitive", "html", pe__resource_html },
{ "promotion-score", "default", promotion_score },
{ "promotion-score", "xml", promotion_score_xml },
{ "resource-config", "default", resource_config },
{ "resource-config", "text", resource_config_text },
{ "resource-history", "default", resource_history_text },
{ "resource-history", "xml", resource_history_xml },
{ "resource-list", "default", resource_list },
{ "resource-operation-list", "default", resource_operation_list },
{ "resource-util", "default", resource_util },
{ "resource-util", "xml", resource_util_xml },
{ "ticket", "default", ticket_default },
{ "ticket", "xml", ticket_xml },
{ "ticket-list", "default", ticket_list },
pe__register_messages(pcmk__output_t *out) {
pcmk__register_messages(out, fmt_functions);
diff --git a/lib/services/services_lsb.c b/lib/services/services_lsb.c
index db9e52f257..83587f2f7b 100644
--- a/lib/services/services_lsb.c
+++ b/lib/services/services_lsb.c
@@ -1,345 +1,345 @@
* Copyright 2010-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "services_private.h"
#include "services_lsb.h"
// @TODO Use XML string constants and maybe a real XML object
#define lsb_metadata_template \
"\n" \
PCMK_XA_NAME "='%s' " \
"%s" \
" " PCMK_XE_LONGDESC ">\n" \
"%s" \
" <" PCMK_XE_PARAMETERS "/>\n" \
" <" PCMK_XE_ACTIONS ">\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "='5s' />\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "='15s' />\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "='15s' />\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "='15s' />\n" \
" <" PCMK_XE_ACTION " " PCMK_XA_NAME "='restart'" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "='15s' />\n" \
" <" PCMK_XE_ACTION " " PCMK_XA_NAME "='force-reload'" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "='15s' />\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "='15s'" \
" " PCMK_META_INTERVAL "='15s' />\n" \
" " PCMK_XE_ACTIONS ">\n" \
" <" PCMK_XE_SPECIAL " " PCMK_XA_TAG "='LSB'>\n" \
" %s\n" \
" %s\n" \
" %s\n" \
" %s\n" \
" %s\n" \
" %s\n" \
" %s\n" \
" " PCMK_XE_SPECIAL ">\n" \
/* See "Comment Conventions for Init Scripts" in the LSB core specification at:
* http://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/lsb.shtml
#define PROVIDES "# Provides:"
#define REQUIRED_START "# Required-Start:"
#define REQUIRED_STOP "# Required-Stop:"
#define SHOULD_START "# Should-Start:"
#define SHOULD_STOP "# Should-Stop:"
#define DEFAULT_START "# Default-Start:"
#define DEFAULT_STOP "# Default-Stop:"
#define SHORT_DESC "# Short-Description:"
#define DESCRIPTION "# Description:"
* \internal
* \brief Grab an LSB header value
* \param[in] line Line read from LSB init script
* \param[in,out] value If not set, will be set to XML-safe copy of value
* \param[in] prefix Set value if line starts with this pattern
* \return TRUE if value was set, FALSE otherwise
static inline gboolean
-lsb_meta_helper_get_value(const char *line, char **value, const char *prefix)
+lsb_meta_helper_get_value(const char *line, gchar **value, const char *prefix)
/* @TODO Perhaps update later to use pcmk__xml_needs_escape(). Involves many
* extra variables in the caller.
- if (!*value && pcmk__starts_with(line, prefix)) {
- *value = pcmk__xml_escape(line + strlen(prefix), false);
+ if ((*value == NULL) && pcmk__starts_with(line, prefix)) {
+ *value = pcmk__xml_escape(line + strlen(prefix), pcmk__xml_escape_text);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
services__get_lsb_metadata(const char *type, char **output)
char ra_pathname[PATH_MAX] = { 0, };
FILE *fp = NULL;
char buffer[1024] = { 0, };
- char *provides = NULL;
- char *required_start = NULL;
- char *required_stop = NULL;
- char *should_start = NULL;
- char *should_stop = NULL;
- char *default_start = NULL;
- char *default_stop = NULL;
- char *short_desc = NULL;
- char *long_desc = NULL;
+ gchar *provides = NULL;
+ gchar *required_start = NULL;
+ gchar *required_stop = NULL;
+ gchar *should_start = NULL;
+ gchar *should_stop = NULL;
+ gchar *default_start = NULL;
+ gchar *default_stop = NULL;
+ gchar *short_desc = NULL;
+ gchar *long_desc = NULL;
bool in_header = FALSE;
if (type[0] == '/') {
snprintf(ra_pathname, sizeof(ra_pathname), "%s", type);
} else {
snprintf(ra_pathname, sizeof(ra_pathname), "%s/%s",
crm_trace("Looking into %s", ra_pathname);
fp = fopen(ra_pathname, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
return -errno;
/* Enter into the LSB-compliant comment block */
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
// Ignore lines up to and including the block delimiter
if (pcmk__starts_with(buffer, LSB_INITSCRIPT_INFOBEGIN_TAG)) {
in_header = TRUE;
if (!in_header) {
/* Assume each of the following eight arguments contain one line */
if (lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, &provides, PROVIDES)) {
if (lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, &required_start,
if (lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, &required_stop, REQUIRED_STOP)) {
if (lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, &should_start, SHOULD_START)) {
if (lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, &should_stop, SHOULD_STOP)) {
if (lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, &default_start, DEFAULT_START)) {
if (lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, &default_stop, DEFAULT_STOP)) {
if (lsb_meta_helper_get_value(buffer, &short_desc, SHORT_DESC)) {
/* Long description may cross multiple lines */
if ((long_desc == NULL) // Haven't already found long description
&& pcmk__starts_with(buffer, DESCRIPTION)) {
bool processed_line = TRUE;
GString *desc = g_string_sized_new(2048);
// Get remainder of description line itself
g_string_append(desc, buffer + sizeof(DESCRIPTION) - 1);
// Read any continuation lines of the description
buffer[0] = '\0';
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
if (pcmk__starts_with(buffer, "# ")
|| pcmk__starts_with(buffer, "#\t")) {
/* '#' followed by a tab or more than one space indicates a
* continuation of the long description.
g_string_append(desc, buffer + 1);
} else {
/* This line is not part of the long description,
* so continue with normal processing.
processed_line = FALSE;
// Make long description safe to use in XML
- long_desc = pcmk__xml_escape(desc->str, false);
+ long_desc = pcmk__xml_escape(desc->str, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
g_string_free(desc, TRUE);
if (processed_line) {
// We grabbed the line into the long description
// Stop if we leave the header block
if (pcmk__starts_with(buffer, LSB_INITSCRIPT_INFOEND_TAG)) {
if (buffer[0] != '#') {
*output = crm_strdup_printf(lsb_metadata_template, type,
pcmk__s(long_desc, type),
pcmk__s(short_desc, type),
pcmk__s(provides, ""),
pcmk__s(required_start, ""),
pcmk__s(required_stop, ""),
pcmk__s(should_start, ""),
pcmk__s(should_stop, ""),
pcmk__s(default_start, ""),
pcmk__s(default_stop, ""));
- free(long_desc);
- free(short_desc);
- free(provides);
- free(required_start);
- free(required_stop);
- free(should_start);
- free(should_stop);
- free(default_start);
- free(default_stop);
+ g_free(long_desc);
+ g_free(short_desc);
+ g_free(provides);
+ g_free(required_start);
+ g_free(required_stop);
+ g_free(should_start);
+ g_free(should_stop);
+ g_free(default_start);
+ g_free(default_stop);
return pcmk_ok;
GList *
return services_os_get_directory_list(PCMK__LSB_INIT_DIR, TRUE, TRUE);
services__lsb_agent_exists(const char *agent)
bool rc = FALSE;
struct stat st;
char *path = pcmk__full_path(agent, PCMK__LSB_INIT_DIR);
rc = (stat(path, &st) == 0);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Prepare an LSB action
* \param[in,out] op Action to prepare
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
services__lsb_prepare(svc_action_t *op)
op->opaque->exec = pcmk__full_path(op->agent, PCMK__LSB_INIT_DIR);
op->opaque->args[0] = strdup(op->opaque->exec);
op->opaque->args[1] = strdup(op->action);
if ((op->opaque->args[0] == NULL) || (op->opaque->args[1] == NULL)) {
return ENOMEM;
return pcmk_rc_ok;
* \internal
* \brief Map an LSB result to a standard OCF result
* \param[in] action Action that result is for
* \param[in] exit_status LSB agent exit status
* \return Standard OCF result
enum ocf_exitcode
services__lsb2ocf(const char *action, int exit_status)
// For non-status actions, LSB and OCF share error codes <= 7
if (!pcmk__str_any_of(action, PCMK_ACTION_STATUS, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR,
NULL)) {
if ((exit_status < 0) || (exit_status > PCMK_LSB_NOT_RUNNING)) {
return (enum ocf_exitcode) exit_status;
// LSB status actions have their own codes
switch (exit_status) {
return PCMK_OCF_OK;
// Deprecated functions kept only for backward API compatibility
svc_action_t *
services_action_create(const char *name, const char *action,
guint interval_ms, int timeout)
return resources_action_create(name, PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_LSB, NULL, name,
action, interval_ms, timeout, NULL, 0);
GList *
return resources_list_agents(PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_LSB, NULL);
// End deprecated API
diff --git a/lib/services/systemd.c b/lib/services/systemd.c
index 96e955aa26..0563c494dc 100644
--- a/lib/services/systemd.c
+++ b/lib/services/systemd.c
@@ -1,1123 +1,1125 @@
* Copyright 2012-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
static void invoke_unit_by_path(svc_action_t *op, const char *unit);
#define BUS_NAME "org.freedesktop.systemd1"
#define BUS_NAME_MANAGER BUS_NAME ".Manager"
#define BUS_NAME_UNIT BUS_NAME ".Unit"
#define BUS_PATH "/org/freedesktop/systemd1"
* \internal
* \brief Prepare a systemd action
* \param[in,out] op Action to prepare
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
services__systemd_prepare(svc_action_t *op)
op->opaque->exec = strdup("systemd-dbus");
if (op->opaque->exec == NULL) {
return ENOMEM;
return pcmk_rc_ok;
* \internal
* \brief Map a systemd result to a standard OCF result
* \param[in] exit_status Systemd result
* \return Standard OCF result
enum ocf_exitcode
services__systemd2ocf(int exit_status)
// This library uses OCF codes for systemd actions
return (enum ocf_exitcode) exit_status;
static inline DBusMessage *
systemd_new_method(const char *method)
crm_trace("Calling: %s on " BUS_NAME_MANAGER, method);
return dbus_message_new_method_call(BUS_NAME, BUS_PATH, BUS_NAME_MANAGER,
* Functions to manage a static DBus connection
static DBusConnection* systemd_proxy = NULL;
static inline DBusPendingCall *
systemd_send(DBusMessage *msg,
void(*done)(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data),
void *user_data, int timeout)
return pcmk_dbus_send(msg, systemd_proxy, done, user_data, timeout);
static inline DBusMessage *
systemd_send_recv(DBusMessage *msg, DBusError *error, int timeout)
return pcmk_dbus_send_recv(msg, systemd_proxy, error, timeout);
* \internal
* \brief Send a method to systemd without arguments, and wait for reply
* \param[in] method Method to send
* \return Systemd reply on success, NULL (and error will be logged) otherwise
* \note The caller must call dbus_message_unref() on the reply after
* handling it.
static DBusMessage *
systemd_call_simple_method(const char *method)
DBusMessage *msg = systemd_new_method(method);
DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
DBusError error;
/* Don't call systemd_init() here, because that calls this */
CRM_CHECK(systemd_proxy, return NULL);
if (msg == NULL) {
crm_err("Could not create message to send %s to systemd", method);
return NULL;
reply = systemd_send_recv(msg, &error, DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT);
if (dbus_error_is_set(&error)) {
crm_err("Could not send %s to systemd: %s (%s)",
method, error.message, error.name);
return NULL;
} else if (reply == NULL) {
crm_err("Could not send %s to systemd: no reply received", method);
return NULL;
return reply;
static gboolean
static int need_init = 1;
// https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/api/html/group__DBusConnection.html
if (systemd_proxy
&& dbus_connection_get_is_connected(systemd_proxy) == FALSE) {
crm_warn("Connection to System DBus is closed. Reconnecting...");
systemd_proxy = NULL;
need_init = 1;
if (need_init) {
need_init = 0;
systemd_proxy = pcmk_dbus_connect();
if (systemd_proxy == NULL) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static inline char *
systemd_get_property(const char *unit, const char *name,
void (*callback)(const char *name, const char *value, void *userdata),
void *userdata, DBusPendingCall **pending, int timeout)
return systemd_proxy?
pcmk_dbus_get_property(systemd_proxy, BUS_NAME, unit, BUS_NAME_UNIT,
name, callback, userdata, pending, timeout)
if (systemd_proxy) {
systemd_proxy = NULL;
* end of systemd_proxy functions
* \internal
* \brief Check whether a file name represents a manageable systemd unit
* \param[in] name File name to check
* \return Pointer to "dot" before filename extension if so, NULL otherwise
static const char *
systemd_unit_extension(const char *name)
if (name) {
const char *dot = strrchr(name, '.');
if (dot && (!strcmp(dot, ".service")
|| !strcmp(dot, ".socket")
|| !strcmp(dot, ".mount")
|| !strcmp(dot, ".timer")
|| !strcmp(dot, ".path"))) {
return dot;
return NULL;
static char *
systemd_service_name(const char *name, bool add_instance_name)
const char *dot = NULL;
if (pcmk__str_empty(name)) {
return NULL;
/* Services that end with an @ sign are systemd templates. They expect an
* instance name to follow the service name. If no instance name was
* provided, just add "pacemaker" to the string as the instance name. It
* doesn't seem to matter for purposes of looking up whether a service
* exists or not.
* A template can be specified either with or without the unit extension,
* so this block handles both cases.
dot = systemd_unit_extension(name);
if (dot) {
if (dot != name && *(dot-1) == '@') {
char *s = NULL;
if (asprintf(&s, "%.*spacemaker%s", (int) (dot-name), name, dot) == -1) {
/* If asprintf fails, just return name. */
return strdup(name);
return s;
} else {
return strdup(name);
} else if (add_instance_name && *(name+strlen(name)-1) == '@') {
return crm_strdup_printf("%spacemaker.service", name);
} else {
return crm_strdup_printf("%s.service", name);
static void
systemd_daemon_reload_complete(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data)
DBusError error;
DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
unsigned int reload_count = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(user_data);
if(pending) {
reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending);
if (pcmk_dbus_find_error(pending, reply, &error)) {
crm_warn("Could not issue systemd reload %d: %s",
reload_count, error.message);
} else {
crm_trace("Reload %d complete", reload_count);
if(pending) {
if(reply) {
static bool
systemd_daemon_reload(int timeout)
static unsigned int reload_count = 0;
DBusMessage *msg = systemd_new_method("Reload");
systemd_send(msg, systemd_daemon_reload_complete,
GUINT_TO_POINTER(reload_count), timeout);
return TRUE;
* \internal
* \brief Set an action result based on a method error
* \param[in,out] op Action to set result for
* \param[in] error Method error
static void
set_result_from_method_error(svc_action_t *op, const DBusError *error)
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR,
"Unable to invoke systemd DBus method");
if (strstr(error->name, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.InvalidName")
|| strstr(error->name, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.LoadFailed")
|| strstr(error->name, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.NoSuchUnit")) {
if (pcmk__str_eq(op->action, PCMK_ACTION_STOP, pcmk__str_casei)) {
crm_trace("Masking systemd stop failure (%s) for %s "
"because unknown service can be considered stopped",
error->name, pcmk__s(op->rsc, "unknown resource"));
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL);
services__format_result(op, PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED,
"systemd unit %s not found", op->agent);
crm_info("DBus request for %s of systemd unit %s%s%s failed: %s",
op->action, op->agent,
((op->rsc == NULL)? "" : " for resource "), pcmk__s(op->rsc, ""),
* \internal
* \brief Extract unit path from LoadUnit reply, and execute action
* \param[in] reply LoadUnit reply
* \param[in,out] op Action to execute (or NULL to just return path)
* \return DBus object path for specified unit if successful (only valid for
* lifetime of \p reply), otherwise NULL
static const char *
execute_after_loadunit(DBusMessage *reply, svc_action_t *op)
const char *path = NULL;
DBusError error;
/* path here is not used other than as a non-NULL flag to indicate that a
* request was indeed sent
if (pcmk_dbus_find_error((void *) &path, reply, &error)) {
if (op != NULL) {
set_result_from_method_error(op, &error);
} else if (!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH,
__func__, __LINE__)) {
if (op != NULL) {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR,
"systemd DBus method had unexpected reply");
crm_info("Could not load systemd unit %s for %s: "
"DBus reply has unexpected type", op->agent, op->id);
} else {
crm_info("Could not load systemd unit: "
"DBus reply has unexpected type");
} else {
dbus_message_get_args (reply, NULL,
if (op != NULL) {
if (path != NULL) {
invoke_unit_by_path(op, path);
} else if (!(op->synchronous)) {
services__format_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR,
"No DBus object found for systemd unit %s",
return path;
* \internal
* \brief Execute a systemd action after its LoadUnit completes
* \param[in,out] pending If not NULL, DBus call associated with LoadUnit
* \param[in,out] user_data Action to execute
static void
loadunit_completed(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data)
DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
svc_action_t *op = user_data;
crm_trace("LoadUnit result for %s arrived", op->id);
// Grab the reply
if (pending != NULL) {
reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending);
// The call is no longer pending
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(pending == op->opaque->pending);
services_set_op_pending(op, NULL);
// Execute the desired action based on the reply
execute_after_loadunit(reply, user_data);
if (reply != NULL) {
* \internal
* \brief Execute a systemd action, given the unit name
* \param[in] arg_name Unit name (possibly without ".service" extension)
* \param[in,out] op Action to execute (if NULL, just get object path)
* \param[out] path If non-NULL and \p op is NULL or synchronous, where
* to store DBus object path for specified unit
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code (for NULL \p op, pcmk_rc_ok means unit
* was found; for synchronous actions, pcmk_rc_ok means unit was
* executed, with the actual result stored in \p op; for asynchronous
* actions, pcmk_rc_ok means action was initiated)
* \note It is the caller's responsibility to free the path.
static int
invoke_unit_by_name(const char *arg_name, svc_action_t *op, char **path)
DBusMessage *msg;
DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
DBusPendingCall *pending = NULL;
char *name = NULL;
if (!systemd_init()) {
if (op != NULL) {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR,
"No DBus connection");
return ENOTCONN;
/* Create a LoadUnit DBus method (equivalent to GetUnit if already loaded),
* which makes the unit usable via further DBus methods.
msg = systemd_new_method("LoadUnit");
// Add the (expanded) unit name as the argument
name = systemd_service_name(arg_name,
(op == NULL)
|| pcmk__str_eq(op->action,
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(dbus_message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name,
if ((op == NULL) || op->synchronous) {
// For synchronous ops, wait for a reply and extract the result
const char *unit = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
reply = systemd_send_recv(msg, NULL,
(op? op->timeout : DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT));
unit = execute_after_loadunit(reply, op);
if (unit == NULL) {
rc = ENOENT;
if (path != NULL) {
*path = NULL;
} else if (path != NULL) {
*path = strdup(unit);
if (*path == NULL) {
rc = ENOMEM;
if (reply != NULL) {
return rc;
// For asynchronous ops, initiate the LoadUnit call and return
pending = systemd_send(msg, loadunit_completed, op, op->timeout);
if (pending == NULL) {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR,
"Unable to send DBus message");
return ECOMM;
// LoadUnit was successfully initiated
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN, PCMK_EXEC_PENDING, NULL);
services_set_op_pending(op, pending);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
* \internal
* \brief Compare two strings alphabetically (case-insensitive)
* \param[in] a First string to compare
* \param[in] b Second string to compare
* \return 0 if strings are equal, -1 if a < b, 1 if a > b
* \note Usable as a GCompareFunc with g_list_sort().
* NULL is considered less than non-NULL.
static gint
sort_str(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
if (!a && !b) {
return 0;
} else if (!a) {
return -1;
} else if (!b) {
return 1;
return strcasecmp(a, b);
GList *
int nfiles = 0;
GList *units = NULL;
DBusMessageIter args;
DBusMessageIter unit;
DBusMessageIter elem;
DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
if (systemd_init() == FALSE) {
return NULL;
" \n" \
" \n" \
" \n" \
reply = systemd_call_simple_method("ListUnitFiles");
if (reply == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (!dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &args)) {
crm_err("Could not list systemd unit files: systemd reply has no arguments");
return NULL;
if (!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
__func__, __LINE__)) {
crm_err("Could not list systemd unit files: systemd reply has invalid arguments");
return NULL;
dbus_message_iter_recurse(&args, &unit);
for (; dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&unit) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID;
dbus_message_iter_next(&unit)) {
DBusBasicValue value;
const char *match = NULL;
char *unit_name = NULL;
char *basename = NULL;
if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &unit, DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT, __func__, __LINE__)) {
crm_warn("Skipping systemd reply argument with unexpected type");
dbus_message_iter_recurse(&unit, &elem);
if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &elem, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, __func__, __LINE__)) {
crm_warn("Skipping systemd reply argument with no string");
dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&elem, &value);
if (value.str == NULL) {
crm_debug("ListUnitFiles reply did not provide a string");
crm_trace("DBus ListUnitFiles listed: %s", value.str);
match = systemd_unit_extension(value.str);
if (match == NULL) {
// This is not a unit file type we know how to manage
crm_debug("ListUnitFiles entry '%s' is not supported as resource",
// ListUnitFiles returns full path names, we just want base name
basename = strrchr(value.str, '/');
if (basename) {
basename = basename + 1;
} else {
basename = value.str;
if (!strcmp(match, ".service")) {
// Service is the "default" unit type, so strip it
unit_name = strndup(basename, match - basename);
} else {
unit_name = strdup(basename);
units = g_list_prepend(units, unit_name);
crm_trace("Found %d manageable systemd unit files", nfiles);
units = g_list_sort(units, sort_str);
return units;
systemd_unit_exists(const char *name)
char *path = NULL;
char *state = NULL;
/* Note: Makes a blocking dbus calls
* Used by resources_find_service_class() when resource class=service
if ((invoke_unit_by_name(name, NULL, &path) != pcmk_rc_ok)
|| (path == NULL)) {
return FALSE;
/* A successful LoadUnit is not sufficient to determine the unit's
* existence; it merely means the LoadUnit request received a reply.
* We must make another blocking call to check the LoadState property.
state = systemd_get_property(path, "LoadState", NULL, NULL, NULL,
if (pcmk__str_any_of(state, "loaded", "masked", NULL)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// @TODO Use XML string constants and maybe a real XML object
"\n" \
PCMK_XA_NAME "=\"%s\" " \
" %s\n" \
" " PCMK_XE_LONGDESC ">\n" \
"systemd unit file for %s" \
" <" PCMK_XE_PARAMETERS "/>\n" \
" <" PCMK_XE_ACTIONS ">\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"100s\" />\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"100s\" />\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"100s\" />\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"100s\"" \
" " PCMK_META_INTERVAL "=\"60s\" />\n" \
" " PCMK_META_TIMEOUT "=\"5s\" />\n" \
" " PCMK_XE_ACTIONS ">\n" \
" <" PCMK_XE_SPECIAL " " PCMK_XA_TAG "=\"systemd\"/>\n" \
static char *
systemd_unit_metadata(const char *name, int timeout)
char *meta = NULL;
char *desc = NULL;
char *path = NULL;
if (invoke_unit_by_name(name, NULL, &path) == pcmk_rc_ok) {
/* TODO: Worth a making blocking call for? Probably not. Possibly if cached. */
desc = systemd_get_property(path, "Description", NULL, NULL, NULL,
} else {
desc = crm_strdup_printf("Systemd unit file for %s", name);
- if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(desc, false)) {
- char *escaped = pcmk__xml_escape(desc, false);
+ if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(desc, pcmk__xml_escape_text)) {
+ gchar *escaped = pcmk__xml_escape(desc, pcmk__xml_escape_text);
- free(desc);
- desc = escaped;
+ meta = crm_strdup_printf(METADATA_FORMAT, name, escaped, name);
+ g_free(escaped);
+ } else {
+ meta = crm_strdup_printf(METADATA_FORMAT, name, desc, name);
- meta = crm_strdup_printf(METADATA_FORMAT, name, desc, name);
return meta;
* \internal
* \brief Determine result of method from reply
* \param[in] reply Reply to start, stop, or restart request
* \param[in,out] op Action that was executed
static void
process_unit_method_reply(DBusMessage *reply, svc_action_t *op)
DBusError error;
/* The first use of error here is not used other than as a non-NULL flag to
* indicate that a request was indeed sent
if (pcmk_dbus_find_error((void *) &error, reply, &error)) {
set_result_from_method_error(op, &error);
} else if (!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH,
__func__, __LINE__)) {
crm_info("DBus request for %s of %s succeeded but "
"return type was unexpected",
op->action, pcmk__s(op->rsc, "unknown resource"));
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE,
"systemd DBus method had unexpected reply");
} else {
const char *path = NULL;
dbus_message_get_args(reply, NULL,
crm_debug("DBus request for %s of %s using %s succeeded",
op->action, pcmk__s(op->rsc, "unknown resource"), path);
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL);
* \internal
* \brief Process the completion of an asynchronous unit start, stop, or restart
* \param[in,out] pending If not NULL, DBus call associated with request
* \param[in,out] user_data Action that was executed
static void
unit_method_complete(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data)
DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
svc_action_t *op = user_data;
crm_trace("Result for %s arrived", op->id);
// Grab the reply
if (pending != NULL) {
reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending);
// The call is no longer pending
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(pending == op->opaque->pending);
services_set_op_pending(op, NULL);
// Determine result and finalize action
process_unit_method_reply(reply, op);
if (reply != NULL) {
#define SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE_ROOT "/run/systemd/system/"
/* When the cluster manages a systemd resource, we create a unit file override
* to order the service "before" pacemaker. The "before" relationship won't
* actually be used, since systemd won't ever start the resource -- we're
* interested in the reverse shutdown ordering it creates, to ensure that
* systemd doesn't stop the resource at shutdown while pacemaker is still
* running.
* @TODO Add start timeout
"[Unit]\n" \
"Description=Cluster Controlled %s\n" \
"Before=pacemaker.service pacemaker_remote.service\n" \
"\n" \
"[Service]\n" \
// Temporarily use rwxr-xr-x umask when opening a file for writing
static FILE *
create_world_readable(const char *filename)
mode_t orig_umask = umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH);
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w");
return fp;
static void
create_override_dir(const char *agent)
char *override_dir = crm_strdup_printf(SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE_ROOT
"/%s.service.d", agent);
int rc = pcmk__build_path(override_dir, 0755);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
crm_warn("Could not create systemd override directory %s: %s",
override_dir, pcmk_rc_str(rc));
static char *
get_override_filename(const char *agent)
return crm_strdup_printf(SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE_ROOT
"/%s.service.d/50-pacemaker.conf", agent);
static void
systemd_create_override(const char *agent, int timeout)
FILE *file_strm = NULL;
char *override_file = get_override_filename(agent);
/* Ensure the override file is world-readable. This is not strictly
* necessary, but it avoids a systemd warning in the logs.
file_strm = create_world_readable(override_file);
if (file_strm == NULL) {
crm_err("Cannot open systemd override file %s for writing",
} else {
char *override = crm_strdup_printf(SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE_TEMPLATE, agent);
int rc = fprintf(file_strm, "%s\n", override);
if (rc < 0) {
crm_perror(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot write to systemd override file %s",
static void
systemd_remove_override(const char *agent, int timeout)
char *override_file = get_override_filename(agent);
int rc = unlink(override_file);
if (rc < 0) {
// Stop may be called when already stopped, which is fine
crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "Cannot remove systemd override file %s",
} else {
* \internal
* \brief Parse result of systemd status check
* Set a status action's exit status and execution status based on a DBus
* property check result, and finalize the action if asynchronous.
* \param[in] name DBus interface name for property that was checked
* \param[in] state Property value
* \param[in,out] userdata Status action that check was done for
static void
parse_status_result(const char *name, const char *state, void *userdata)
svc_action_t *op = userdata;
crm_trace("Resource %s has %s='%s'",
pcmk__s(op->rsc, "(unspecified)"), name,
pcmk__s(state, ""));
if (pcmk__str_eq(state, "active", pcmk__str_none)) {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL);
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(state, "reloading", pcmk__str_none)) {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL);
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(state, "activating", pcmk__str_none)) {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN, PCMK_EXEC_PENDING, NULL);
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(state, "deactivating", pcmk__str_none)) {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN, PCMK_EXEC_PENDING, NULL);
} else {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, state);
if (!(op->synchronous)) {
services_set_op_pending(op, NULL);
* \internal
* \brief Invoke a systemd unit, given its DBus object path
* \param[in,out] op Action to execute
* \param[in] unit DBus object path of systemd unit to invoke
static void
invoke_unit_by_path(svc_action_t *op, const char *unit)
const char *method = NULL;
DBusMessage *msg = NULL;
DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
if (pcmk__str_any_of(op->action, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, PCMK_ACTION_STATUS,
NULL)) {
DBusPendingCall *pending = NULL;
char *state;
state = systemd_get_property(unit, "ActiveState",
(op->synchronous? NULL : parse_status_result),
op, (op->synchronous? NULL : &pending),
if (op->synchronous) {
parse_status_result("ActiveState", state, op);
} else if (pending == NULL) { // Could not get ActiveState property
services__format_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR,
"Could not get state for unit %s from DBus",
} else {
services_set_op_pending(op, pending);
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(op->action, PCMK_ACTION_START, pcmk__str_none)) {
method = "StartUnit";
systemd_create_override(op->agent, op->timeout);
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(op->action, PCMK_ACTION_STOP, pcmk__str_none)) {
method = "StopUnit";
systemd_remove_override(op->agent, op->timeout);
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(op->action, "restart", pcmk__str_none)) {
method = "RestartUnit";
} else {
services__format_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE,
"Action %s not implemented "
"for systemd resources",
pcmk__s(op->action, "(unspecified)"));
if (!(op->synchronous)) {
crm_trace("Calling %s for unit path %s%s%s",
method, unit,
((op->rsc == NULL)? "" : " for resource "), pcmk__s(op->rsc, ""));
msg = systemd_new_method(method);
/* (ss) */
const char *replace_s = "replace";
char *name = systemd_service_name(op->agent,
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(dbus_message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID));
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(dbus_message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &replace_s, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID));
if (op->synchronous) {
reply = systemd_send_recv(msg, NULL, op->timeout);
process_unit_method_reply(reply, op);
if (reply != NULL) {
} else {
DBusPendingCall *pending = systemd_send(msg, unit_method_complete, op,
if (pending == NULL) {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR,
"Unable to send DBus message");
} else {
services_set_op_pending(op, pending);
static gboolean
systemd_timeout_callback(gpointer p)
svc_action_t * op = p;
op->opaque->timerid = 0;
crm_info("%s action for systemd unit %s named '%s' timed out",
op->action, op->agent, op->rsc);
services__format_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_TIMEOUT,
"%s action for systemd unit %s "
"did not complete in time", op->action, op->agent);
return FALSE;
* \internal
* \brief Execute a systemd action
* \param[in,out] op Action to execute
* \return Standard Pacemaker return code
* \retval EBUSY Recurring operation could not be initiated
* \retval pcmk_rc_error Synchronous action failed
* \retval pcmk_rc_ok Synchronous action succeeded, or asynchronous action
* should not be freed (because it's pending or because
* it failed to execute and was already freed)
* \note If the return value for an asynchronous action is not pcmk_rc_ok, the
* caller is responsible for freeing the action.
services__execute_systemd(svc_action_t *op)
if ((op->action == NULL) || (op->agent == NULL)) {
"Bug in action caller");
goto done;
if (!systemd_init()) {
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR,
"No DBus connection");
goto done;
crm_debug("Performing %ssynchronous %s op on systemd unit %s%s%s",
(op->synchronous? "" : "a"), op->action, op->agent,
((op->rsc == NULL)? "" : " for resource "), pcmk__s(op->rsc, ""));
if (pcmk__str_eq(op->action, PCMK_ACTION_META_DATA, pcmk__str_casei)) {
op->stdout_data = systemd_unit_metadata(op->agent, op->timeout);
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_OK, PCMK_EXEC_DONE, NULL);
goto done;
/* invoke_unit_by_name() should always override these values, which are here
* just as a fail-safe in case there are any code paths that neglect to
services__set_result(op, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_ERROR,
"Bug in service library");
if (invoke_unit_by_name(op->agent, op, NULL) == pcmk_rc_ok) {
op->opaque->timerid = g_timeout_add(op->timeout + 5000,
systemd_timeout_callback, op);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
if (op->synchronous) {
return (op->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK)? pcmk_rc_ok : pcmk_rc_error;
} else {
return services__finalize_async_op(op);
diff --git a/tools/crm_attribute.c b/tools/crm_attribute.c
index 9567f5de73..ee4f90b160 100644
--- a/tools/crm_attribute.c
+++ b/tools/crm_attribute.c
@@ -1,985 +1,993 @@
* Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
#define SUMMARY "crm_attribute - query and update Pacemaker cluster options and node attributes"
enum attr_cmd {
GError *error = NULL;
crm_exit_t exit_code = CRM_EX_OK;
uint64_t cib_opts = cib_sync_call;
PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("attribute", "const char *", "const char *", "const char *",
"const char *", "const char *")
static int
attribute_text(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args)
const char *scope = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *instance = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *name = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *value = va_arg(args, const char *);
const char *host G_GNUC_UNUSED = va_arg(args, const char *);
+ gchar *value_esc = NULL;
+ if (pcmk__xml_needs_escape(value, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty)) {
+ value_esc = pcmk__xml_escape(value, pcmk__xml_escape_attr_pretty);
+ value = value_esc;
+ }
if (out->quiet) {
if (value != NULL) {
pcmk__formatted_printf(out, "%s\n", value);
} else {
out->info(out, "%s%s %s%s %s%s value=%s",
scope ? "scope=" : "", scope ? scope : "",
instance ? "id=" : "", instance ? instance : "",
name ? "name=" : "", name ? name : "",
value ? value : "(null)");
+ g_free(value_esc);
return pcmk_rc_ok;
static pcmk__supported_format_t formats[] = {
static pcmk__message_entry_t fmt_functions[] = {
{ "attribute", "text", attribute_text },
struct {
enum attr_cmd command;
gchar *attr_default;
gchar *attr_id;
gchar *attr_name;
uint32_t attr_options;
gchar *attr_pattern;
char *attr_value;
char *dest_node;
gchar *dest_uname;
gboolean inhibit;
gchar *set_name;
char *set_type;
gchar *type;
char *opt_list;
gboolean all;
gboolean promotion_score;
} options = {
.command = attr_cmd_query,
.promotion_score = FALSE
#define INDENT " "
static gboolean
list_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data,
GError **error) {
options.command = attr_cmd_list;
pcmk__str_update(&options.opt_list, optarg);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
delete_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) {
options.command = attr_cmd_delete;
pcmk__str_update(&options.attr_value, NULL);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
promotion_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) {
char *score_name = NULL;
options.promotion_score = TRUE;
if (options.attr_name) {
score_name = pcmk_promotion_score_name(optarg);
if (score_name != NULL) {
options.attr_name = g_strdup(score_name);
} else {
options.attr_name = NULL;
return TRUE;
static gboolean
update_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) {
options.command = attr_cmd_update;
pcmk__str_update(&options.attr_value, optarg);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
utilization_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) {
if (options.type) {
options.type = g_strdup(PCMK_XE_NODES);
pcmk__str_update(&options.set_type, PCMK_XE_UTILIZATION);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
value_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) {
options.command = attr_cmd_query;
pcmk__str_update(&options.attr_value, NULL);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
wait_cb (const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) {
if (pcmk__str_eq(optarg, "no", pcmk__str_none)) {
pcmk__clear_node_attr_flags(options.attr_options, pcmk__node_attr_sync_local | pcmk__node_attr_sync_cluster);
return TRUE;
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(optarg, PCMK__VALUE_LOCAL, pcmk__str_none)) {
pcmk__clear_node_attr_flags(options.attr_options, pcmk__node_attr_sync_local | pcmk__node_attr_sync_cluster);
pcmk__set_node_attr_flags(options.attr_options, pcmk__node_attr_sync_local);
return TRUE;
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(optarg, PCMK__VALUE_CLUSTER, pcmk__str_none)) {
pcmk__clear_node_attr_flags(options.attr_options, pcmk__node_attr_sync_local | pcmk__node_attr_sync_cluster);
pcmk__set_node_attr_flags(options.attr_options, pcmk__node_attr_sync_cluster);
return TRUE;
} else {
g_set_error(err, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE,
"--wait= must be one of 'no', 'local', 'cluster'");
return FALSE;
static GOptionEntry selecting_entries[] = {
{ "all", 'a', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.all,
"With -L/--list-options, include advanced and deprecated options in the\n"
INDENT "output. This is always treated as true when --output-as=xml is\n"
INDENT "specified.",
{ "id", 'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.attr_id,
"(Advanced) Operate on instance of specified attribute with this\n"
{ "name", 'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.attr_name,
"Operate on attribute or option with this name. For queries, this\n"
INDENT "is optional, in which case all matching attributes will be\n"
INDENT "returned.",
{ "pattern", 'P', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.attr_pattern,
"Operate on all attributes matching this pattern\n"
INDENT "(with -v, -D, or -G)",
{ "promotion", 'p', G_OPTION_FLAG_OPTIONAL_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, promotion_cb,
"Operate on node attribute used as promotion score for specified\n"
INDENT "resource, or resource given in OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE environment\n"
INDENT "variable if none is specified; this also defaults -l/--lifetime\n"
INDENT "to reboot (normally invoked from an OCF resource agent)",
{ "set-name", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.set_name,
"(Advanced) Operate on instance of specified attribute that is\n"
INDENT "within set with this XML ID",
{ NULL }
static GOptionEntry command_entries[] = {
{ "list-options", 'L', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, list_cb,
"List all available options of the given type.\n"
INDENT "Allowed values: " PCMK__VALUE_CLUSTER,
{ "delete", 'D', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, delete_cb,
"Delete the attribute/option (with -n or -P)",
{ "query", 'G', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, value_cb,
"Query the current value of the attribute/option.\n"
INDENT "See also: -n, -P",
{ "update", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, update_cb,
"Update the value of the attribute/option (with -n or -P)",
{ NULL }
static GOptionEntry addl_entries[] = {
{ "default", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.attr_default,
"(Advanced) Default value to display if none is found in configuration",
{ "lifetime", 'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.type,
"Lifetime of the node attribute.\n"
INDENT "Valid values: reboot, forever",
{ "node", 'N', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.dest_uname,
"Set a node attribute for named node (instead of a cluster option).\n"
INDENT "See also: -l",
{ "type", 't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.type,
"Which part of the configuration to update/delete/query the option in.\n"
INDENT "Valid values: crm_config, rsc_defaults, op_defaults, tickets",
{ "wait", 'W', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, wait_cb,
"Wait for some event to occur before returning. Values are 'no' (wait\n"
INDENT "only for the attribute daemon to acknowledge the request),\n"
INDENT "'local' (wait until the change has propagated to where a local\n"
INDENT "query will return the request value, or the value set by a\n"
INDENT "later request), or 'cluster' (wait until the change has propagated\n"
INDENT "to where a query anywhere on the cluster will return the requested\n"
INDENT "value, or the value set by a later request). Default is 'no'.\n"
INDENT "(with -N, and one of -D or -u)",
"UNTIL" },
{ "utilization", 'z', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, utilization_cb,
"Set an utilization attribute for the node.",
{ "inhibit-policy-engine", '!', G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.inhibit,
{ NULL }
static GOptionEntry deprecated_entries[] = {
{ "attr-id", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.attr_id,
{ "attr-name", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.attr_name,
{ "attr-value", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, update_cb,
{ "delete-attr", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, delete_cb,
{ "node-uname", 'U', G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.dest_uname,
{ NULL }
static void
char *hostname = pcmk_hostname();
/* This silliness is so that dest_uname is always a glib-managed
* string so we know how to free it later. pcmk_hostname returns
* a newly allocated string via strdup.
options.dest_uname = g_strdup(hostname);
static int
send_attrd_update(enum attr_cmd command, const char *attr_node,
const char *attr_name, const char *attr_value,
const char *attr_set, const char *attr_dampen,
uint32_t attr_options)
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
uint32_t opts = attr_options;
switch (command) {
case attr_cmd_delete:
rc = pcmk__attrd_api_delete(NULL, attr_node, attr_name, opts);
case attr_cmd_update:
rc = pcmk__attrd_api_update(NULL, attr_node, attr_name,
attr_value, NULL, attr_set, NULL,
opts | pcmk__node_attr_value);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__RC_ERROR, rc, "Could not update %s=%s: %s (%d)",
attr_name, attr_value, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc);
return rc;
struct delete_data_s {
pcmk__output_t *out;
cib_t *cib;
static int
delete_attr_on_node(xmlNode *child, void *userdata)
struct delete_data_s *dd = (struct delete_data_s *) userdata;
const char *attr_name = crm_element_value(child, PCMK_XA_NAME);
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
if (!pcmk__str_eq(attr_name, options.attr_pattern, pcmk__str_regex)) {
return pcmk_rc_ok;
rc = cib__delete_node_attr(dd->out, dd->cib, cib_opts, options.type,
options.dest_node, options.set_type,
options.set_name, options.attr_id,
attr_name, options.attr_value, NULL);
if (rc == ENXIO) {
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
return rc;
static void
command_list(pcmk__output_t *out)
if (pcmk__str_eq(options.opt_list, PCMK__VALUE_CLUSTER, pcmk__str_none)) {
exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(pcmk__list_cluster_options(out, options.all));
} else {
// @TODO Improve usage messages to reduce duplication
exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE;
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE,
"Invalid --list-options value '%s'. Allowed values: "
pcmk__s(options.opt_list, "(BUG: none)"));
static int
command_delete(pcmk__output_t *out, cib_t *cib)
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
xmlNode *result = NULL;
bool use_pattern = options.attr_pattern != NULL;
/* See the comment in command_query regarding xpath and regular expressions. */
if (use_pattern) {
struct delete_data_s dd = { out, cib };
rc = cib__get_node_attrs(out, cib, options.type, options.dest_node,
options.set_type, options.set_name, NULL, NULL,
NULL, &result);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
goto done_deleting;
rc = pcmk__xe_foreach_child(result, NULL, delete_attr_on_node, &dd);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
goto done_deleting;
} else {
rc = cib__delete_node_attr(out, cib, cib_opts, options.type, options.dest_node,
options.set_type, options.set_name, options.attr_id,
options.attr_name, options.attr_value, NULL);
if (rc == ENXIO) {
/* Nothing to delete...
* which means it's not there...
* which is what the admin wanted
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
return rc;
struct update_data_s {
pcmk__output_t *out;
cib_t *cib;
int is_remote_node;
static int
update_attr_on_node(xmlNode *child, void *userdata)
struct update_data_s *ud = (struct update_data_s *) userdata;
const char *attr_name = crm_element_value(child, PCMK_XA_NAME);
if (!pcmk__str_eq(attr_name, options.attr_pattern, pcmk__str_regex)) {
return pcmk_rc_ok;
return cib__update_node_attr(ud->out, ud->cib, cib_opts, options.type,
options.dest_node, options.set_type,
options.set_name, options.attr_id,
attr_name, options.attr_value, NULL,
ud->is_remote_node? PCMK_VALUE_REMOTE : NULL);
static int
command_update(pcmk__output_t *out, cib_t *cib, int is_remote_node)
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
xmlNode *result = NULL;
bool use_pattern = options.attr_pattern != NULL;
/* See the comment in command_query regarding xpath and regular expressions. */
if (use_pattern) {
struct update_data_s ud = { out, cib, is_remote_node };
rc = cib__get_node_attrs(out, cib, options.type, options.dest_node,
options.set_type, options.set_name, NULL, NULL,
NULL, &result);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
goto done_updating;
rc = pcmk__xe_foreach_child(result, NULL, update_attr_on_node, &ud);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
goto done_updating;
} else {
rc = cib__update_node_attr(out, cib, cib_opts, options.type,
options.dest_node, options.set_type,
options.set_name, options.attr_id,
options.attr_name, options.attr_value, NULL,
is_remote_node? PCMK_VALUE_REMOTE : NULL);
return rc;
struct output_data_s {
pcmk__output_t *out;
bool use_pattern;
bool did_output;
static int
output_one_attribute(xmlNode *node, void *userdata)
struct output_data_s *od = (struct output_data_s *) userdata;
const char *name = crm_element_value(node, PCMK_XA_NAME);
const char *value = crm_element_value(node, PCMK_XA_VALUE);
const char *host = crm_element_value(node, PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST);
const char *type = options.type;
const char *attr_id = options.attr_id;
if (od->use_pattern && !pcmk__str_eq(name, options.attr_pattern, pcmk__str_regex)) {
return pcmk_rc_ok;
od->out->message(od->out, "attribute", type, attr_id, name, value, host);
od->did_output = true;
crm_info("Read %s='%s' %s%s",
pcmk__s(name, ""), pcmk__s(value, ""),
options.set_name ? "in " : "", options.set_name ? options.set_name : "");
return pcmk_rc_ok;
static int
command_query(pcmk__output_t *out, cib_t *cib)
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
xmlNode *result = NULL;
bool use_pattern = options.attr_pattern != NULL;
/* libxml2 doesn't support regular expressions in xpath queries (which is how
* cib__get_node_attrs -> find_attr finds attributes). So instead, we'll just
* find all the attributes for a given node here by passing NULL for attr_id
* and attr_name, and then later see if they match the given pattern.
if (use_pattern) {
rc = cib__get_node_attrs(out, cib, options.type, options.dest_node,
options.set_type, options.set_name, NULL,
NULL, NULL, &result);
} else {
rc = cib__get_node_attrs(out, cib, options.type, options.dest_node,
options.set_type, options.set_name, options.attr_id,
options.attr_name, NULL, &result);
if (rc == ENXIO && options.attr_default) {
/* Make static analysis happy */
const char *type = options.type;
const char *attr_id = options.attr_id;
const char *attr_name = options.attr_name;
const char *attr_default = options.attr_default;
const char *dest_uname = options.dest_uname;
out->message(out, "attribute", type, attr_id, attr_name, attr_default,
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
} else if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
// Don't do anything.
} else if (result->children != NULL) {
struct output_data_s od = { out, use_pattern, false };
pcmk__xe_foreach_child(result, NULL, output_one_attribute, &od);
if (!od.did_output) {
rc = ENXIO;
} else {
struct output_data_s od = { out, use_pattern, false };
output_one_attribute(result, &od);
return rc;
static void
if (options.type == NULL) {
if (options.promotion_score) {
// Updating a promotion score node attribute
options.type = g_strdup(PCMK_XE_STATUS);
} else if (options.dest_uname != NULL) {
// Updating some other node attribute
options.type = g_strdup(PCMK_XE_NODES);
} else {
// Updating cluster options
options.type = g_strdup(PCMK_XE_CRM_CONFIG);
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(options.type, "reboot", pcmk__str_casei)) {
options.type = g_strdup(PCMK_XE_STATUS);
} else if (pcmk__str_eq(options.type, "forever", pcmk__str_casei)) {
options.type = g_strdup(PCMK_XE_NODES);
static bool
/* Only go through the attribute manager for transient attributes, and
* then only if we're not using a file as the CIB.
return pcmk__str_eq(options.type, PCMK_XE_STATUS, pcmk__str_casei) &&
getenv("CIB_file") == NULL && getenv("CIB_shadow") == NULL;
static bool
return use_attrd()
&& ((options.command == attr_cmd_delete)
|| (options.command == attr_cmd_update));
static bool
/* --pattern can only be used with:
* -G (query), -v (update), or -D (delete)
switch (options.command) {
case attr_cmd_delete:
case attr_cmd_query:
case attr_cmd_update:
return true;
return false;
static bool
return (options.command != attr_cmd_delete)
|| (options.attr_name != NULL)
|| (options.attr_pattern != NULL);
static bool
return (options.command != attr_cmd_update)
|| (options.attr_name != NULL)
|| (options.attr_pattern != NULL);
static GOptionContext *
build_arg_context(pcmk__common_args_t *args, GOptionGroup **group) {
GOptionContext *context = NULL;
GOptionEntry extra_prog_entries[] = {
{ "quiet", 'q', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &(args->quiet),
"Print only the value on stdout",
{ "quiet", 'Q', G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &(args->quiet),
{ NULL }
const char *description = "Examples:\n\n"
"Add new node attribute called 'location' with the value of 'office' for host 'myhost':\n\n"
"\tcrm_attribute --node myhost --name location --update office\n\n"
"Query the value of the 'location' node attribute for host 'myhost':\n\n"
"\tcrm_attribute --node myhost --name location --query\n\n"
"Change the value of the 'location' node attribute for host 'myhost':\n\n"
"\tcrm_attribute --node myhost --name location --update backoffice\n\n"
"Delete the 'location' node attribute for host 'myhost':\n\n"
"\tcrm_attribute --node myhost --name location --delete\n\n"
"Query the value of the '" PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_DELAY
"' cluster option:\n\n"
"\tcrm_attribute --type crm_config --name "
"Query value of the '" PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_DELAY
"' cluster option and print only the value:\n\n"
"\tcrm_attribute --type crm_config --name "
PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_DELAY " --query --quiet\n\n";
context = pcmk__build_arg_context(args, "text (default), xml", group, NULL);
pcmk__add_main_args(context, extra_prog_entries);
g_option_context_set_description(context, description);
pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "selections", "Selecting attributes:",
"Show selecting options", selecting_entries);
pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "command", "Commands:",
"Show command options", command_entries);
pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "additional", "Additional options:",
"Show additional options", addl_entries);
pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "deprecated", "Deprecated Options:",
"Show deprecated options", deprecated_entries);
return context;
main(int argc, char **argv)
cib_t *the_cib = NULL;
int is_remote_node = 0;
int rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
pcmk__output_t *out = NULL;
GOptionGroup *output_group = NULL;
pcmk__common_args_t *args = pcmk__new_common_args(SUMMARY);
gchar **processed_args = pcmk__cmdline_preproc(argv, "NPUdilnpstv");
GOptionContext *context = build_arg_context(args, &output_group);
pcmk__register_formats(output_group, formats);
if (!g_option_context_parse_strv(context, &processed_args, &error)) {
exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE;
goto done;
pcmk__cli_init_logging("crm_attribute", args->verbosity);
rc = pcmk__output_new(&out, args->output_ty, args->output_dest, argv);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
exit_code = CRM_EX_ERROR;
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Error creating output format %s: %s",
args->output_ty, pcmk_rc_str(rc));
goto done;
pcmk__register_messages(out, fmt_functions);
if (args->version) {
out->version(out, false);
goto done;
out->quiet = args->quiet;
if (options.command == attr_cmd_list) {
goto done;
if (options.promotion_score && options.attr_name == NULL) {
exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE;
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code,
"-p/--promotion must be called from an OCF resource agent "
"or with a resource ID specified");
goto done;
if (options.inhibit) {
crm_warn("Inhibiting notifications for this update");
cib__set_call_options(cib_opts, crm_system_name, cib_inhibit_notify);
the_cib = cib_new();
rc = the_cib->cmds->signon(the_cib, crm_system_name, cib_command);
rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc);
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code,
"Could not connect to the CIB: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc));
goto done;
// Use default node if not given (except for cluster options and tickets)
if (!pcmk__strcase_any_of(options.type,
/* If we are being called from a resource agent via the cluster,
* the correct local node name will be passed as an environment
* variable. Otherwise, we have to ask the cluster.
const char *target = pcmk__node_attr_target(options.dest_uname);
if (target != NULL) {
/* If options.dest_uname is "auto" or "localhost", then
* pcmk__node_attr_target() may return it, depending on environment
* variables. In that case, attribute lookups will fail for "auto"
* (unless there's a node named "auto"). attrd maps "localhost" to
* the true local node name for queries.
* * Investigate whether "localhost" is mapped to a real node name
* for non-query commands. If not, possibly modify it so that it
* is.
* * Map "auto" to "localhost" (probably).
if (target != (const char *) options.dest_uname) {
options.dest_uname = g_strdup(target);
} else if (getenv("CIB_file") != NULL && options.dest_uname == NULL) {
if (options.dest_uname == NULL) {
char *node_name = NULL;
rc = pcmk__query_node_name(out, 0, &node_name, 0);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc);
goto done;
options.dest_uname = g_strdup(node_name);
rc = query_node_uuid(the_cib, options.dest_uname, &options.dest_node, &is_remote_node);
rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc);
if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc);
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code,
"Could not map name=%s to a UUID", options.dest_uname);
goto done;
if (!delete_used_correctly()) {
exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE;
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code,
"Error: must specify attribute name or pattern to delete");
goto done;
if (!update_used_correctly()) {
exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE;
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code,
"Error: must specify attribute name or pattern to update");
goto done;
if (options.attr_pattern) {
if (options.attr_name) {
exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE;
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code,
"Error: --name and --pattern cannot be used at the same time");
goto done;
if (!pattern_used_correctly()) {
exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE;
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code,
"Error: pattern can only be used with delete, query, or update");
goto done;
options.attr_name = options.attr_pattern;
options.attr_options |= pcmk__node_attr_pattern;
if (is_remote_node) {
options.attr_options |= pcmk__node_attr_remote;
if (pcmk__str_eq(options.set_type, PCMK_XE_UTILIZATION, pcmk__str_none)) {
options.attr_options |= pcmk__node_attr_utilization;
if (try_ipc_update() &&
(send_attrd_update(options.command, options.dest_uname, options.attr_name,
options.attr_value, options.set_name, NULL, options.attr_options) == pcmk_rc_ok)) {
const char *update = options.attr_value;
if (options.command == attr_cmd_delete) {
update = "";
crm_info("Update %s=%s sent via pacemaker-attrd",
options.attr_name, update);
} else if (options.command == attr_cmd_delete) {
rc = command_delete(out, the_cib);
} else if (options.command == attr_cmd_update) {
rc = command_update(out, the_cib, is_remote_node);
} else {
rc = command_query(out, the_cib);
if (rc == ENOTUNIQ) {
exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc);
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code,
"Please choose from one of the matches below and supply the 'id' with --attr-id");
} else if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
exit_code = pcmk_rc2exitc(rc);
g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code,
"Error performing operation: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc));
pcmk__output_and_clear_error(&error, out);
if (out != NULL) {
out->finish(out, exit_code, true, NULL);
return crm_exit(exit_code);