diff --git a/crmd/notify.c b/crmd/notify.c
index 649befcb47..40b34b4410 100644
--- a/crmd/notify.c
+++ b/crmd/notify.c
@@ -1,652 +1,381 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #include <crm_internal.h>
 #include <crm/crm.h>
 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
 #include <crm/pengine/rules.h>
 #include "notify.h"
 #include "crmd_messages.h"
+#include <crm/common/alerts_internal.h>
+#include <crm/common/iso8601_internal.h>
 static char *notify_script = NULL;
 static char *notify_target = NULL;
-static GListPtr notify_list = NULL;
 static int alerts_inflight = 0;
 static gboolean draining_alerts = FALSE;
-static guint max_alert_timeout = CRMD_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS;
-typedef struct {
-    char *name;
-    char *value;
-} envvar_t;
-typedef struct {
-    char *id;
-    char *path;
-    int timeout;
-    char *tstamp_format;
-    char *recipient;
-    GListPtr envvars;
-} notify_entry_t;
-enum notify_keys_e{
-    CRM_notify_recipient = 0,
-    CRM_notify_node,
-    CRM_notify_nodeid,
-    CRM_notify_rsc,
-    CRM_notify_task,
-    CRM_notify_interval,
-    CRM_notify_desc,
-    CRM_notify_status,
-    CRM_notify_target_rc,
-    CRM_notify_rc,
-    CRM_notify_kind,
-    CRM_notify_version,
-    CRM_notify_node_sequence,
-    CRM_notify_timestamp
- * to allow script compatibility we can have more than one
- * set of environment variables
- */
-static const char *notify_keys[][3] =
-    [CRM_notify_recipient]     = {"CRM_notify_recipient",     "CRM_alert_recipient",     NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_node]          = {"CRM_notify_node",          "CRM_alert_node",          NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_nodeid]        = {"CRM_notify_nodeid",        "CRM_alert_nodeid",        NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_rsc]           = {"CRM_notify_rsc",           "CRM_alert_rsc",           NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_task]          = {"CRM_notify_task",          "CRM_alert_task",          NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_interval]      = {"CRM_notify_interval",      "CRM_alert_interval",      NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_desc]          = {"CRM_notify_desc",          "CRM_alert_desc",          NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_status]        = {"CRM_notify_status",        "CRM_alert_status",        NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_target_rc]     = {"CRM_notify_target_rc",     "CRM_alert_target_rc",     NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_rc]            = {"CRM_notify_rc",            "CRM_alert_rc",            NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_kind]          = {"CRM_notify_kind",          "CRM_alert_kind",          NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_version]       = {"CRM_notify_version",       "CRM_alert_version",       NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_node_sequence] = {"CRM_notify_node_sequence", "CRM_alert_node_sequence", NULL},
-    [CRM_notify_timestamp]     = {"CRM_notify_timestamp",     "CRM_alert_timestamp",     NULL}
-#include <crm/common/iso8601_internal.h>
- * end of possibly generic time-handling stuff
- */
  * syncronize local data with cib
-static void
-free_envvar_entry(envvar_t *entry)
-    free(entry->name);
-    free(entry->value);
-    free(entry);
-static void
-free_notify_list_entry(notify_entry_t *entry)
-    free(entry->id);
-    free(entry->path);
-    free(entry->tstamp_format);
-    free(entry->recipient);
-    if (entry->envvars) {
-        g_list_free_full(entry->envvars,
-                         (GDestroyNotify) free_envvar_entry);
-    }
-    free(entry);
-static void
-    if (notify_list) {
-        g_list_free_full(notify_list, (GDestroyNotify) free_notify_list_entry);
-        notify_list = NULL;
-    }
-static gpointer
-copy_envvar_entry(envvar_t * src,
-                  gpointer data)
-    envvar_t *dst = calloc(1, sizeof(envvar_t));
-    CRM_ASSERT(dst);
-    dst->name = strdup(src->name);
-    dst->value = src->value?strdup(src->value):NULL;
-    return (gpointer) dst;
-static GListPtr
-add_dup_envvar(GListPtr envvar_list,
-               envvar_t *entry)
-    return g_list_prepend(envvar_list, copy_envvar_entry(entry, NULL));
-static GListPtr
-drop_envvars(GListPtr envvar_list, int count)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0;
-         (envvar_list) && ((count < 0) || (i < count));
-         i++) {
-        free_envvar_entry((envvar_t *) g_list_first(envvar_list)->data);
-        envvar_list = g_list_delete_link(envvar_list,
-                                         g_list_first(envvar_list));
-    }
-    return envvar_list;
-static GListPtr
-copy_envvar_list_remove_dupes(GListPtr src)
-    GListPtr dst = NULL, ls, ld;
-    /* we are adding to the front so variable dupes coming via
-     * recipient-section have got precedence over those in the
-     * global section - we don't expect that many variables here
-     * that it pays off to go for a hash-table to make dupe elimination
-     * more efficient - maybe later when we might decide to do more
-     * with the variables than cycling through them
-     */
-    for (ls = g_list_first(src); ls; ls = g_list_next(ls)) {
-        for (ld = g_list_first(dst); ld; ld = g_list_next(ld)) {
-            if (!strcmp(((envvar_t *)(ls->data))->name,
-                        ((envvar_t *)(ld->data))->name)) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!ld) {
-            dst = g_list_prepend(dst,
-                    copy_envvar_entry((envvar_t *)(ls->data), NULL));
-        }
-    }
-    return dst;
-static void
-add_dup_notify_list_entry(notify_entry_t *entry)
-    notify_entry_t *new_entry =
-        (notify_entry_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(notify_entry_t));
-    CRM_ASSERT(new_entry);
-    *new_entry = (notify_entry_t) {
-        .id = strdup(entry->id),
-        .path = strdup(entry->path),
-        .timeout = entry->timeout,
-        .tstamp_format = entry->tstamp_format?strdup(entry->tstamp_format):NULL,
-        .recipient = entry->recipient?strdup(entry->recipient):NULL,
-        .envvars = entry->envvars?
-            copy_envvar_list_remove_dupes(entry->envvars)
-            :NULL
-    };
-    notify_list = g_list_prepend(notify_list, new_entry);
-static GListPtr
-get_envvars_from_cib(xmlNode *basenode, GListPtr list, int *count)
-    xmlNode *envvar;
-    xmlNode *pair;
-    if ((!basenode) ||
-        (!(envvar = first_named_child(basenode, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS)))) {
-        return list;
-    }
-    for (pair = first_named_child(envvar, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR);
-         pair; pair = __xml_next(pair)) {
-        envvar_t envvar_entry = (envvar_t) {
-            .name = (char *) crm_element_value(pair, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME),
-            .value = (char *) crm_element_value(pair, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE)
-        };
-        crm_trace("Found environment variable %s = '%s'", envvar_entry.name,
-                  envvar_entry.value?envvar_entry.value:"");
-        (*count)++;
-        list = add_dup_envvar(list, &envvar_entry);
-    }
-    return list;
 static GHashTable *
-get_meta_attrs_from_cib(xmlNode *basenode, notify_entry_t *entry,
+get_meta_attrs_from_cib(xmlNode *basenode, crm_alert_entry_t *entry,
                         guint *max_timeout)
     GHashTable *config_hash =
         g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                               g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);
     crm_time_t *now = crm_time_new(NULL);
     const char *value = NULL;
     unpack_instance_attributes(basenode, basenode, XML_TAG_META_SETS, NULL,
                                config_hash, NULL, FALSE, now);
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(config_hash, XML_ALERT_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
     if (value) {
         entry->timeout = crm_get_msec(value);
         if (entry->timeout <= 0) {
             if (entry->timeout == 0) {
                 crm_trace("Setting timeout to default %dmsec",
-                          CRMD_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS);
+                          CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS);
             } else {
                 crm_warn("Invalid timeout value setting to default %dmsec",
-                         CRMD_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS);
+                         CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS);
-            entry->timeout = CRMD_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS;
+            entry->timeout = CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS;
         } else {
             crm_trace("Found timeout %dmsec", entry->timeout);
         if (entry->timeout > *max_timeout) {
             *max_timeout = entry->timeout;
     value = g_hash_table_lookup(config_hash, XML_ALERT_ATTR_TSTAMP_FORMAT);
     if (value) {
         /* hard to do any checks here as merely anything can
          * can be a valid time-format-string
         entry->tstamp_format = (char *) value;
         crm_trace("Found timestamp format string '%s'", value);
     return config_hash; /* keep hash as long as strings are needed */
 parse_notifications(xmlNode *notifications)
     xmlNode *notify;
-    notify_entry_t entry;
+    crm_alert_entry_t entry;
     guint max_timeout = 0;
-    free_notify_list();
-    max_alert_timeout = CRMD_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS;
+    crm_free_notify_list();
+    crm_alert_max_alert_timeout = CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS;
     if (notifications) {
         crm_info("We have an alerts section in the cib");
         if (notify_script) {
             crm_warn("Cib contains configuration for Legacy Notifications "
                      "which is overruled by alerts section");
     } else {
         crm_info("No optional alerts section in cib");
         if (notify_script) {
-            entry = (notify_entry_t) {
+            entry = (crm_alert_entry_t) {
                 .id = (char *) "legacy_notification",
                 .path = notify_script,
-                .timeout = CRMD_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS,
+                .timeout = CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS,
                 .recipient = notify_target
-            add_dup_notify_list_entry(&entry);
+            crm_add_dup_notify_list_entry(&entry);
             crm_info("Legacy Notifications enabled");
     for (notify = first_named_child(notifications, XML_CIB_TAG_ALERT);
          notify; notify = __xml_next(notify)) {
         xmlNode *recipient;
         int recipients = 0, envvars = 0;
         GHashTable *config_hash = NULL;
-        entry = (notify_entry_t) {
+        entry = (crm_alert_entry_t) {
             .id = (char *) crm_element_value(notify, XML_ATTR_ID),
             .path = (char *) crm_element_value(notify, XML_ALERT_ATTR_PATH),
-            .timeout = CRMD_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS,
-            .tstamp_format = (char *) CRMD_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_TSTAMP_FORMAT
+            .timeout = CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS,
+            .tstamp_format = (char *) CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TSTAMP_FORMAT
         entry.envvars =
-            get_envvars_from_cib(notify,
+            crm_get_envvars_from_cib(notify,
         config_hash =
             get_meta_attrs_from_cib(notify, &entry, &max_timeout);
         crm_debug("Found alert: id=%s, path=%s, timeout=%d, "
                    "tstamp_format=%s, %d additional environment variables",
                    entry.id, entry.path, entry.timeout,
                    entry.tstamp_format, envvars);
         for (recipient = first_named_child(notify,
              recipient; recipient = __xml_next(recipient)) {
             int envvars_added = 0;
             entry.recipient = (char *) crm_element_value(recipient,
             entry.envvars =
-                get_envvars_from_cib(recipient,
+                crm_get_envvars_from_cib(recipient,
-                notify_entry_t recipient_entry = entry;
+                crm_alert_entry_t recipient_entry = entry;
                 GHashTable *config_hash =
-                add_dup_notify_list_entry(&recipient_entry);
+                crm_add_dup_notify_list_entry(&recipient_entry);
                 crm_debug("Alert has recipient: id=%s, value=%s, "
                           "%d additional environment variables",
                           crm_element_value(recipient, XML_ATTR_ID),
                           recipient_entry.recipient, envvars_added);
             entry.envvars =
-                drop_envvars(entry.envvars, envvars_added);
+                crm_drop_envvars(entry.envvars, envvars_added);
         if (recipients == 0) {
-            add_dup_notify_list_entry(&entry);
+            crm_add_dup_notify_list_entry(&entry);
-        drop_envvars(entry.envvars, -1);
+        crm_drop_envvars(entry.envvars, -1);
     if (max_timeout > 0) {
-        max_alert_timeout = max_timeout;
+        crm_alert_max_alert_timeout = max_timeout;
  * end of synchronization of local data with cib
 crmd_enable_notifications(const char *script, const char *target)
     notify_script = ((script) &&
     notify_target = (target != NULL)?strdup(target):NULL;
-static void
-set_alert_key(enum notify_keys_e name, const char *value)
-    const char **key;
-    for (key = notify_keys[name]; *key; key++) {
-        crm_trace("Setting alert key %s = '%s'", *key, value);
-        if (value) {
-            setenv(*key, value, 1);
-        } else {
-            unsetenv(*key);
-        }
-    }
-static void
-set_alert_key_int(enum notify_keys_e name, int value)
-    char *s = crm_itoa(value);
-    set_alert_key(name, s);
-    free(s);
-static void
-    const char **key;
-    enum notify_keys_e name;
-    for(name = 0; name < DIMOF(notify_keys); name++) {
-        for(key = notify_keys[name]; *key; key++) {
-            crm_trace("Unsetting alert key %s", *key);
-            unsetenv(*key);
-        }
-    }
-static void
-set_envvar_list(GListPtr envvars)
-    GListPtr l;
-    for (l = g_list_first(envvars); l; l = g_list_next(l)) {
-        envvar_t *entry = (envvar_t *)(l->data);
-        crm_trace("Setting environment variable %s = '%s'", entry->name,
-                  entry->value?entry->value:"");
-        if (entry->value) {
-            setenv(entry->name, entry->value, 1);
-        } else {
-            unsetenv(entry->name);
-        }
-    }
-static void
-unset_envvar_list(GListPtr envvars)
-    GListPtr l;
-    for (l = g_list_first(envvars); l; l = g_list_next(l)) {
-        envvar_t *entry = (envvar_t *)(l->data);
-        crm_trace("Unsetting environment variable %s", entry->name);
-        unsetenv(entry->name);
-    }
 static void
 crmd_notify_complete(svc_action_t *op)
     if(op->rc == 0) {
         crm_info("Alert %d (%s) complete", op->sequence, op->agent);
     } else {
         crm_warn("Alert %d (%s) failed: %d", op->sequence, op->agent,
 static void
 send_notifications(const char *kind)
     svc_action_t *notify = NULL;
     static int operations = 0;
     GListPtr l;
     crm_time_hr_t *now = crm_time_hr_new(NULL);
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_kind, kind);
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_version, VERSION);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_kind, kind);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_version, VERSION);
-    for (l = g_list_first(notify_list); l; l = g_list_next(l)) {
-        notify_entry_t *entry = (notify_entry_t *)(l->data);
+    for (l = g_list_first(crm_alert_list); l; l = g_list_next(l)) {
+        crm_alert_entry_t *entry = (crm_alert_entry_t *)(l->data);
         char *timestamp = crm_time_format_hr(entry->tstamp_format, now);
         if (!draining_alerts) {
             crm_debug("Sending '%s' alert to '%s' via '%s'", kind,
                     entry->recipient, entry->path);
-            set_alert_key(CRM_notify_recipient, entry->recipient);
-            set_alert_key_int(CRM_notify_node_sequence, operations);
-            set_alert_key(CRM_notify_timestamp, timestamp);
+            crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_recipient, entry->recipient);
+            crm_set_alert_key_int(CRM_alert_node_sequence, operations);
+            crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_timestamp, timestamp);
             notify = services_action_create_generic(entry->path, NULL);
             notify->timeout = entry->timeout;
             notify->standard = strdup("event");
             notify->id = strdup(entry->id);
             notify->agent = strdup(entry->path);
             notify->sequence = operations;
-            set_envvar_list(entry->envvars);
+            crm_set_envvar_list(entry->envvars);
             if(services_action_async(notify, &crmd_notify_complete) == FALSE) {
-            unset_envvar_list(entry->envvars);
+            crm_unset_envvar_list(entry->envvars);
         } else {
             crm_warn("Ignoring '%s' alert to '%s' via '%s' received "
                      "while shutting down",
                      kind, entry->recipient, entry->path);
-    unset_alert_keys();
+    crm_unset_alert_keys();
     if (now) {
 crmd_notify_node_event(crm_node_t *node)
-    if(!notify_list) {
+    if(!crm_alert_list) {
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_node, node->uname);
-    set_alert_key_int(CRM_notify_nodeid, node->id);
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_desc, node->state);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_node, node->uname);
+    crm_set_alert_key_int(CRM_alert_nodeid, node->id);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_desc, node->state);
 crmd_notify_fencing_op(stonith_event_t * e)
     char *desc = NULL;
-    if (!notify_list) {
+    if (!crm_alert_list) {
     desc = crm_strdup_printf(
         "Operation %s of %s by %s for %s@%s: %s (ref=%s)",
         e->action, e->target, e->executioner ? e->executioner : "<no-one>",
         e->client_origin, e->origin, pcmk_strerror(e->result), e->id);
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_node, e->target);
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_task, e->operation);
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_desc, desc);
-    set_alert_key_int(CRM_notify_rc, e->result);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_node, e->target);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_task, e->operation);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_desc, desc);
+    crm_set_alert_key_int(CRM_alert_rc, e->result);
 crmd_notify_resource_op(const char *node, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
     int target_rc = 0;
-    if(!notify_list) {
+    if(!crm_alert_list) {
     target_rc = rsc_op_expected_rc(op);
     if(op->interval == 0 && target_rc == op->rc &&
        safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_STATUS)) {
         /* Leave it up to the script if they want to notify for
          * 'failed' probes, only swallow ones for which the result was
          * unexpected.
          * Even if we find a resource running, it was probably because
          * someone erased the status section.
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_node, node);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_node, node);
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_rsc, op->rsc_id);
-    set_alert_key(CRM_notify_task, op->op_type);
-    set_alert_key_int(CRM_notify_interval, op->interval);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_rsc, op->rsc_id);
+    crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_task, op->op_type);
+    crm_set_alert_key_int(CRM_alert_interval, op->interval);
-    set_alert_key_int(CRM_notify_target_rc, target_rc);
-    set_alert_key_int(CRM_notify_status, op->op_status);
-    set_alert_key_int(CRM_notify_rc, op->rc);
+    crm_set_alert_key_int(CRM_alert_target_rc, target_rc);
+    crm_set_alert_key_int(CRM_alert_status, op->op_status);
+    crm_set_alert_key_int(CRM_alert_rc, op->rc);
     if(op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
-        set_alert_key(CRM_notify_desc, services_ocf_exitcode_str(op->rc));
+        crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_desc, services_ocf_exitcode_str(op->rc));
     } else {
-        set_alert_key(CRM_notify_desc, services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status));
+        crm_set_alert_key(CRM_alert_desc, services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status));
 static gboolean
 alert_drain_timeout_callback(gpointer user_data)
     gboolean *timeout_popped = (gboolean *) user_data;
     *timeout_popped = TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 crmd_drain_alerts(GMainContext *ctx)
     guint timer;
     gboolean timeout_popped = FALSE;
     draining_alerts = TRUE;
-    timer = g_timeout_add(max_alert_timeout + 5000,
+    timer = g_timeout_add(crm_alert_max_alert_timeout + 5000,
                           (gpointer) &timeout_popped);
     while(alerts_inflight && !timeout_popped) {
         crm_trace("Draining mainloop while still %d alerts are in flight (timeout=%dms)",
-                  alerts_inflight, max_alert_timeout + 5000);
+                  alerts_inflight, crm_alert_max_alert_timeout + 5000);
         g_main_context_iteration(ctx, TRUE);
     if (!timeout_popped && (timer > 0)) {
diff --git a/crmd/notify.h b/crmd/notify.h
index 141b4803e6..63beed7629 100644
--- a/crmd/notify.h
+++ b/crmd/notify.h
@@ -1,38 +1,32 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 #ifndef CRMD_NOTIFY__H
 #  define CRMD_NOTIFY__H
 #  include <crm/crm.h>
 #  include <crm/cluster.h>
 #  include <crm/stonith-ng.h>
-/* Default-Timeout to use before killing a notification script (in milliseconds) */
-/* Default-Format-String used to pass timestamps to the notification scripts */
 void crmd_enable_notifications(const char *script, const char *target);
 void crmd_notify_node_event(crm_node_t *node);
 void crmd_notify_fencing_op(stonith_event_t *e);
 void crmd_notify_resource_op(const char *node, lrmd_event_data_t *op);
 void crmd_drain_alerts(GMainContext *ctx);
 void parse_notifications(xmlNode *notifications);
diff --git a/include/crm/common/alerts_internal.h b/include/crm/common/alerts_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eaaef2ad50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/crm/common/alerts_internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Default-Timeout to use before killing a notification script (in milliseconds) */
+/* Default-Format-String used to pass timestamps to the notification scripts */
+typedef struct {
+    char *id;
+    char *path;
+    int timeout;
+    char *tstamp_format;
+    char *recipient;
+    GListPtr envvars;
+} crm_alert_entry_t;
+enum crm_alert_keys_e {
+    CRM_alert_recipient = 0,
+    CRM_alert_node,
+    CRM_alert_nodeid,
+    CRM_alert_rsc,
+    CRM_alert_task,
+    CRM_alert_interval,
+    CRM_alert_desc,
+    CRM_alert_status,
+    CRM_alert_target_rc,
+    CRM_alert_rc,
+    CRM_alert_kind,
+    CRM_alert_version,
+    CRM_alert_node_sequence,
+    CRM_alert_timestamp
+extern GListPtr crm_alert_list;
+extern guint crm_alert_max_alert_timeout;
+extern const char *crm_alert_keys[14][3];
+void crm_free_notify_list(void);
+GListPtr crm_drop_envvars(GListPtr envvar_list, int count);
+void crm_add_dup_notify_list_entry(crm_alert_entry_t *entry);
+GListPtr crm_get_envvars_from_cib(xmlNode *basenode, GListPtr list, int *count);
+void crm_set_alert_key(enum crm_alert_keys_e name, const char *value);
+void crm_set_alert_key_int(enum crm_alert_keys_e name, int value);
+void crm_unset_alert_keys(void);
+void crm_set_envvar_list(GListPtr envvars);
+void crm_unset_envvar_list(GListPtr envvars);
diff --git a/lib/common/Makefile.am b/lib/common/Makefile.am
index 7a68d1f924..b29a278c8b 100644
--- a/lib/common/Makefile.am
+++ b/lib/common/Makefile.am
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
 AM_CPPFLAGS		+= -I$(top_builddir)/lib/gnu -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/gnu
 ## libraries
 lib_LTLIBRARIES	= libcrmcommon.la
 # Can't use -Wcast-qual here because glib insists on pretending things are const  
 # when they're not and thus we need the crm_element_value_const() hack
 # s390 needs -fPIC 
 # s390-suse-linux/bin/ld: .libs/ipc.o: relocation R_390_PC32DBL against `__stack_chk_fail@@GLIBC_2.4' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
 CFLAGS		= $(CFLAGS_COPY:-Wcast-qual=) -fPIC
 libcrmcommon_la_LDFLAGS	= -version-info 9:1:6
 libcrmcommon_la_CFLAGS	= $(CFLAGS_HARDENED_LIB)
 libcrmcommon_la_LDFLAGS	+= $(LDFLAGS_HARDENED_LIB)
 libcrmcommon_la_LIBADD	= @LIBADD_DL@ $(GNUTLSLIBS) -lm
 libcrmcommon_la_SOURCES	= compat.c digest.c ipc.c io.c procfs.c utils.c xml.c \
 			  iso8601.c remote.c mainloop.c logging.c watchdog.c \
-			  schemas.c strings.c xpath.c attrd_client.c
+			  schemas.c strings.c xpath.c attrd_client.c alerts.c
 libcrmcommon_la_SOURCES	+= cib_secrets.c
 libcrmcommon_la_SOURCES	+= $(top_builddir)/lib/gnu/md5.c
 	rm -f *.log *.debug *.xml *~
diff --git a/lib/common/alerts.c b/lib/common/alerts.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cf4bf7a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/alerts.c
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+#include <crm_internal.h>
+#include <crm/crm.h>
+#include <crm/msg_xml.h>
+#include <crm/common/alerts_internal.h>
+typedef struct {
+    char *name;
+    char *value;
+} envvar_t;
+GListPtr crm_alert_list = NULL;
+guint crm_alert_max_alert_timeout = CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS;
+ * to allow script compatibility we can have more than one		
+ * set of environment variables		
+ */
+const char *crm_alert_keys[14][3] =		
+    [CRM_alert_recipient]     = {"CRM_notify_recipient",     "CRM_alert_recipient",     NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_node]          = {"CRM_notify_node",          "CRM_alert_node",          NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_nodeid]        = {"CRM_notify_nodeid",        "CRM_alert_nodeid",        NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_rsc]           = {"CRM_notify_rsc",           "CRM_alert_rsc",           NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_task]          = {"CRM_notify_task",          "CRM_alert_task",          NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_interval]      = {"CRM_notify_interval",      "CRM_alert_interval",      NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_desc]          = {"CRM_notify_desc",          "CRM_alert_desc",          NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_status]        = {"CRM_notify_status",        "CRM_alert_status",        NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_target_rc]     = {"CRM_notify_target_rc",     "CRM_alert_target_rc",     NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_rc]            = {"CRM_notify_rc",            "CRM_alert_rc",            NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_kind]          = {"CRM_notify_kind",          "CRM_alert_kind",          NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_version]       = {"CRM_notify_version",       "CRM_alert_version",       NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_node_sequence] = {"CRM_notify_node_sequence", "CRM_alert_node_sequence", NULL},		
+    [CRM_alert_timestamp]     = {"CRM_notify_timestamp",     "CRM_alert_timestamp",     NULL}		
+static void		
+free_envvar_entry(envvar_t *entry)		
+    free(entry->name);		
+    free(entry->value);		
+    free(entry);		
+static void		
+crm_free_notify_list_entry(crm_alert_entry_t *entry)		
+    free(entry->id);		
+    free(entry->path);		
+    free(entry->tstamp_format);		
+    free(entry->recipient);		
+    if (entry->envvars) {		
+        g_list_free_full(entry->envvars,		
+                         (GDestroyNotify) free_envvar_entry);		
+    }		
+    free(entry);		
+    if (crm_alert_list) {		
+        g_list_free_full(crm_alert_list, (GDestroyNotify) crm_free_notify_list_entry);		
+        crm_alert_list = NULL;		
+    }		
+static gpointer		
+copy_envvar_entry(envvar_t * src,		
+                  gpointer data)		
+    envvar_t *dst = calloc(1, sizeof(envvar_t));		
+    CRM_ASSERT(dst);		
+    dst->name = strdup(src->name);		
+    dst->value = src->value?strdup(src->value):NULL;		
+    return (gpointer) dst;		
+static GListPtr		
+add_dup_envvar(GListPtr envvar_list,		
+               envvar_t *entry)		
+    return g_list_prepend(envvar_list, copy_envvar_entry(entry, NULL));		
+crm_drop_envvars(GListPtr envvar_list, int count)		
+    int i;		
+    for (i = 0;		
+         (envvar_list) && ((count < 0) || (i < count));		
+         i++) {		
+        free_envvar_entry((envvar_t *) g_list_first(envvar_list)->data);		
+        envvar_list = g_list_delete_link(envvar_list,		
+                                         g_list_first(envvar_list));		
+    }		
+    return envvar_list;		
+static GListPtr		
+copy_envvar_list_remove_dupes(GListPtr src)		
+    GListPtr dst = NULL, ls, ld;		
+    /* we are adding to the front so variable dupes coming via		
+     * recipient-section have got precedence over those in the		
+     * global section - we don't expect that many variables here		
+     * that it pays off to go for a hash-table to make dupe elimination		
+     * more efficient - maybe later when we might decide to do more		
+     * with the variables than cycling through them		
+     */		
+    for (ls = g_list_first(src); ls; ls = g_list_next(ls)) {		
+        for (ld = g_list_first(dst); ld; ld = g_list_next(ld)) {		
+            if (!strcmp(((envvar_t *)(ls->data))->name,		
+                        ((envvar_t *)(ld->data))->name)) {		
+                break;		
+            }		
+        }		
+        if (!ld) {		
+            dst = g_list_prepend(dst,		
+                    copy_envvar_entry((envvar_t *)(ls->data), NULL));		
+        }		
+    }		
+    return dst;		
+crm_add_dup_notify_list_entry(crm_alert_entry_t *entry)		
+    crm_alert_entry_t *new_entry =		
+        (crm_alert_entry_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(crm_alert_entry_t));		
+    CRM_ASSERT(new_entry);		
+    *new_entry = (crm_alert_entry_t) {		
+        .id = strdup(entry->id),		
+        .path = strdup(entry->path),		
+        .timeout = entry->timeout,		
+        .tstamp_format = entry->tstamp_format?strdup(entry->tstamp_format):NULL,		
+        .recipient = entry->recipient?strdup(entry->recipient):NULL,		
+        .envvars = entry->envvars?		
+            copy_envvar_list_remove_dupes(entry->envvars)		
+            :NULL		
+    };		
+    crm_alert_list = g_list_prepend(crm_alert_list, new_entry);		
+crm_get_envvars_from_cib(xmlNode *basenode, GListPtr list, int *count)		
+    xmlNode *envvar;		
+    xmlNode *pair;		
+    if ((!basenode) ||		
+        (!(envvar = first_named_child(basenode, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS)))) {		
+        return list;		
+    }		
+    for (pair = first_named_child(envvar, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR);		
+         pair; pair = __xml_next(pair)) {		
+        envvar_t envvar_entry = (envvar_t) {		
+            .name = (char *) crm_element_value(pair, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME),		
+            .value = (char *) crm_element_value(pair, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE)		
+        };		
+        crm_trace("Found environment variable %s = '%s'", envvar_entry.name,		
+                  envvar_entry.value?envvar_entry.value:"");		
+        (*count)++;		
+        list = add_dup_envvar(list, &envvar_entry);		
+    }		
+    return list;		
+crm_set_alert_key(enum crm_alert_keys_e name, const char *value)
+    const char **key;
+    for (key = crm_alert_keys[name]; *key; key++) {
+        crm_trace("Setting alert key %s = '%s'", *key, value);
+        if (value) {
+            setenv(*key, value, 1);
+        } else {
+            unsetenv(*key);
+        }
+    }
+crm_set_alert_key_int(enum crm_alert_keys_e name, int value)
+    char *s = crm_itoa(value);
+    crm_set_alert_key(name, s);
+    free(s);
+    const char **key;
+    enum crm_alert_keys_e name;
+    for(name = 0; name < DIMOF(crm_alert_keys); name++) {
+        for(key = crm_alert_keys[name]; *key; key++) {
+            crm_trace("Unsetting alert key %s", *key);
+            unsetenv(*key);
+        }
+    }
+crm_set_envvar_list(GListPtr envvars)
+    GListPtr l;
+    for (l = g_list_first(envvars); l; l = g_list_next(l)) {
+        envvar_t *entry = (envvar_t *)(l->data);
+        crm_trace("Setting environment variable %s = '%s'", entry->name,
+                  entry->value?entry->value:"");
+        if (entry->value) {
+            setenv(entry->name, entry->value, 1);
+        } else {
+            unsetenv(entry->name);
+        }
+    }
+crm_unset_envvar_list(GListPtr envvars)
+    GListPtr l;
+    for (l = g_list_first(envvars); l; l = g_list_next(l)) {
+        envvar_t *entry = (envvar_t *)(l->data);
+        crm_trace("Unsetting environment variable %s", entry->name);
+        unsetenv(entry->name);
+    }