diff --git a/cts/cli/regression.daemons.exp b/cts/cli/regression.daemons.exp index 704354e02c..d530c4ac98 100644 --- a/cts/cli/regression.daemons.exp +++ b/cts/cli/regression.daemons.exp @@ -1,751 +1,750 @@ =#=#=#= Begin test: Get CIB manager metadata =#=#=#= 1.1 Cluster options used by Pacemaker's Cluster Information Base manager Cluster Information Base manager options - + Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB - + Raise this if log has "Evicting client" messages for cluster daemon PIDs (a good value is the number of resources in the cluster multiplied by the number of nodes). Maximum IPC message backlog before disconnecting a cluster daemon =#=#=#= End test: Get CIB manager metadata - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: pacemaker-based - Get CIB manager metadata =#=#=#= Begin test: Get controller metadata =#=#=#= 1.1 Cluster options used by Pacemaker's controller Pacemaker controller options - + Includes a hash which identifies the exact revision the code was built from. Used for diagnostic purposes. Pacemaker version on cluster node elected Designated Controller (DC) - + Used for informational and diagnostic purposes. The messaging layer on which Pacemaker is currently running - + This optional value is mostly for users' convenience as desired in administration, but may also be used in Pacemaker configuration rules via the #cluster-name node attribute, and by higher-level tools and resource agents. An arbitrary name for the cluster - + The optimal value will depend on the speed and load of your network and the type of switches used. How long to wait for a response from other nodes during start-up - + Pacemaker is primarily event-driven, and looks ahead to know when to recheck cluster state for failure-timeout settings and most time-based rules. However, it will also recheck the cluster after this amount of inactivity, to evaluate rules with date specifications and serve as a fail-safe for certain types of scheduler bugs. A value of 0 disables polling. A positive value sets an interval in seconds, unless other units are specified (for example, "5min"). Polling interval to recheck cluster state and evaluate rules with date specifications - + - A cluster node may receive notification of a "succeeded" fencing that targeted it if fencing is misconfigured, or if fabric fencing is in use that doesn't cut cluster communication. Use "stop" to attempt to immediately stop Pacemaker and stay stopped, or "panic" to attempt to immediately reboot the local node, falling back to stop on failure. + A cluster node may receive notification of a "succeeded" fencing that targeted it if fencing is misconfigured, or if fabric fencing is in use that doesn't cut cluster communication. Use "stop" to attempt to immediately stop Pacemaker and stay stopped, or "panic" to attempt to immediately reboot the local node, falling back to stop on failure. Allowed values: stop, panic How a cluster node should react if notified of its own fencing - + Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. - Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. + *** Advanced Use Only *** - + Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. - Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. + *** Advanced Use Only *** - + If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. - If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. + *** Advanced Use Only *** - + If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. - If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates the presence of a bug. + *** Advanced Use Only *** - + Delay cluster recovery for this much time to allow for additional events to occur. Useful if your configuration is sensitive to the order in which ping updates arrive. - Enabling this option will slow down cluster recovery under all conditions + *** Advanced Use Only *** Enabling this option will slow down cluster recovery under all conditions - + If this is set to a positive value, lost nodes are assumed to achieve self-fencing using watchdog-based SBD within this much time. This does not require a fencing resource to be explicitly configured, though a fence_watchdog resource can be configured, to limit use to specific nodes. If this is set to 0 (the default), the cluster will never assume watchdog-based self-fencing. If this is set to a negative value, the cluster will use twice the local value of the `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` environment variable if that is positive, or otherwise treat this as 0. WARNING: When used, this timeout must be larger than `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` on all nodes that use watchdog-based SBD, and Pacemaker will refuse to start on any of those nodes where this is not true for the local value or SBD is not active. When this is set to a negative value, `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` must be set to the same value on all nodes that use SBD, otherwise data corruption or loss could occur. How long before nodes can be assumed to be safely down when watchdog-based self-fencing via SBD is in use - + How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be immediately re-attempted on a target - + The cluster will slow down its recovery process when the amount of system resources used (currently CPU) approaches this limit Maximum amount of system load that should be used by cluster nodes - + Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to 2x cores) =#=#=#= End test: Get controller metadata - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: pacemaker-controld - Get controller metadata =#=#=#= Begin test: Get fencer metadata =#=#=#= 1.1 Instance attributes available for all "stonith"-class resources and used by Pacemaker's fence daemon, formerly known as stonithd Instance attributes available for all "stonith"-class resources - + Some devices do not support the standard 'port' parameter or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, parameter that should indicate the machine to be fenced. A value of "none" can be used to tell the cluster not to supply any additional parameters. - An alternate parameter to supply instead of 'port' + *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate parameter to supply instead of 'port' - + For example, "node1:1;node2:2,3" would tell the cluster to use port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2. A mapping of node names to port numbers for devices that do not support node names. - + Comma-separated list of nodes that can be targeted by this device (for example, "node1,node2,node3"). If pcmk_host_check is "static-list", either this or pcmk_host_map must be set. Nodes targeted by this device - + - Use "dynamic-list" to query the device via the 'list' command; "static-list" to check the pcmk_host_list attribute; "status" to query the device via the 'status' command; or "none" to assume every device can fence every node. The default value is "static-list" if pcmk_host_map or pcmk_host_list is set; otherwise "dynamic-list" if the device supports the list operation; otherwise "status" if the device supports the status operation; otherwise "none" + Use "dynamic-list" to query the device via the 'list' command; "static-list" to check the pcmk_host_list attribute; "status" to query the device via the 'status' command; or "none" to assume every device can fence every node. The default value is "static-list" if pcmk_host_map or pcmk_host_list is set; otherwise "dynamic-list" if the device supports the list operation; otherwise "status" if the device supports the status operation; otherwise "none" Allowed values: dynamic-list, static-list, status, none How to determine which nodes can be targeted by the device - + Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. Pacemaker derives the overall delay by taking the value of pcmk_delay_base and adding a random delay value such that the sum is kept below this maximum. Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing fencing actions. - + This enables a static delay for fencing actions, which can help avoid "death matches" where two nodes try to fence each other at the same time. If pcmk_delay_max is also used, a random delay will be added such that the total delay is kept below that value. This can be set to a single time value to apply to any node targeted by this device (useful if a separate device is configured for each target), or to a node map (for example, "node1:1s;node2:5") to set a different value for each target. Enable a base delay for fencing actions and specify base delay value. - + Cluster property concurrent-fencing="true" needs to be configured first. Then use this to specify the maximum number of actions can be performed in parallel on this device. A value of -1 means an unlimited number of actions can be performed in parallel. The maximum number of actions can be performed in parallel on this device - + Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'reboot' action. - An alternate command to run instead of 'reboot' + *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'reboot' - + Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'reboot' actions. - Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'reboot' actions instead of stonith-timeout + *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'reboot' actions instead of stonith-timeout - + Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'reboot' action before giving up. - The maximum number of times to try the 'reboot' command within the timeout period + *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'reboot' command within the timeout period - + Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'off' action. - An alternate command to run instead of 'off' + *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'off' - + Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'off' actions. - Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'off' actions instead of stonith-timeout + *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'off' actions instead of stonith-timeout - + Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'off' action before giving up. - The maximum number of times to try the 'off' command within the timeout period + *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'off' command within the timeout period - + Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'on' action. - An alternate command to run instead of 'on' + *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'on' - + Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'on' actions. - Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'on' actions instead of stonith-timeout + *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'on' actions instead of stonith-timeout - + Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'on' action before giving up. - The maximum number of times to try the 'on' command within the timeout period + *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'on' command within the timeout period - + Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'list' action. - An alternate command to run instead of 'list' + *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'list' - + Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'list' actions. - Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'list' actions instead of stonith-timeout + *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'list' actions instead of stonith-timeout - + Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'list' action before giving up. - The maximum number of times to try the 'list' command within the timeout period + *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'list' command within the timeout period - + Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'monitor' action. - An alternate command to run instead of 'monitor' + *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'monitor' - + Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'monitor' actions. - Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'monitor' actions instead of stonith-timeout + *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'monitor' actions instead of stonith-timeout - + Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'monitor' action before giving up. - The maximum number of times to try the 'monitor' command within the timeout period + *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'monitor' command within the timeout period - + Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, command that implements the 'status' action. - An alternate command to run instead of 'status' + *** Advanced Use Only *** An alternate command to run instead of 'status' - + Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for 'status' actions. - Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'status' actions instead of stonith-timeout + *** Advanced Use Only *** Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'status' actions instead of stonith-timeout - + Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may "fail" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker tries a 'status' action before giving up. - The maximum number of times to try the 'status' command within the timeout period + *** Advanced Use Only *** The maximum number of times to try the 'status' command within the timeout period =#=#=#= End test: Get fencer metadata - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: pacemaker-fenced - Get fencer metadata =#=#=#= Begin test: Get scheduler metadata =#=#=#= 1.1 Cluster options used by Pacemaker's scheduler Pacemaker scheduler options - + - What to do when the cluster does not have quorum + What to do when the cluster does not have quorum Allowed values: stop, freeze, ignore, demote, suicide What to do when the cluster does not have quorum - + When true, resources active on a node when it is cleanly shut down are kept "locked" to that node (not allowed to run elsewhere) until they start again on that node after it rejoins (or for at most shutdown-lock-limit, if set). Stonith resources and Pacemaker Remote connections are never locked. Clone and bundle instances and the promoted role of promotable clones are currently never locked, though support could be added in a future release. Whether to lock resources to a cleanly shut down node - + If shutdown-lock is true and this is set to a nonzero time duration, shutdown locks will expire after this much time has passed since the shutdown was initiated, even if the node has not rejoined. Do not lock resources to a cleanly shut down node longer than this - + Whether resources can run on any node by default Whether resources can run on any node by default - + Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and stopping resources - + When true, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node if it fails to start there. When false, the cluster will instead check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold. Whether a start failure should prevent a resource from being recovered on the same node - + Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up Whether the cluster should check for active resources during start-up - + If false, unresponsive nodes are immediately assumed to be harmless, and resources that were active on them may be recovered elsewhere. This can result in a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. - Whether nodes may be fenced as part of recovery + *** Advanced Use Only *** Whether nodes may be fenced as part of recovery - + - Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") + Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") Allowed values: reboot, off, poweroff Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced ("poweroff" is a deprecated alias for "off") - + How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete by default - + This is set automatically by the cluster according to whether SBD is detected to be in use. User-configured values are ignored. The value `true` is meaningful if diskless SBD is used and `stonith-watchdog-timeout` is nonzero. In that case, if fencing is required, watchdog-based self-fencing will be performed via SBD without requiring a fencing resource explicitly configured. Whether watchdog integration is enabled - + Allow performing fencing operations in parallel Allow performing fencing operations in parallel - + Setting this to false may lead to a "split-brain" situation, potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability. - Whether to fence unseen nodes at start-up + *** Advanced Use Only *** Whether to fence unseen nodes at start-up - + Apply specified delay for the fencings that are targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority in case we don't have the majority of the nodes in our cluster partition, so that the more significant nodes potentially win any fencing match, which is especially meaningful under split-brain of 2-node cluster. A promoted resource instance takes the base priority + 1 on calculation if the base priority is not 0. Any static/random delays that are introduced by `pcmk_delay_base/max` configured for the corresponding fencing resources will be added to this delay. This delay should be significantly greater than, safely twice, the maximum `pcmk_delay_base/max`. By default, priority fencing delay is disabled. Apply fencing delay targeting the lost nodes with the highest total resource priority - + Fence nodes that do not join the controller process group within this much time after joining the cluster, to allow the cluster to continue managing resources. A value of 0 means never fence pending nodes. Setting the value to 2h means fence nodes after 2 hours. How long to wait for a node that has joined the cluster to join the controller process group - + The node elected Designated Controller (DC) will consider an action failed if it does not get a response from the node executing the action within this time (after considering the action's own timeout). The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. Maximum time for node-to-node communication - + The "correct" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes. If set to 0, the cluster will impose a dynamically calculated limit when any node has a high load. Maximum number of jobs that the cluster may execute in parallel across all nodes - + The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit) - + Whether the cluster should stop all active resources Whether the cluster should stop all active resources - + Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration Whether to stop resources that were removed from the configuration - + Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the configuration - - + Values other than default are poorly tested and potentially dangerous. - Whether to remove stopped resources from the executor + *** Deprecated *** Whether to remove stopped resources from the executor - + Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs resulting in errors to save - + Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs resulting in warnings to save - + Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited. The number of scheduler inputs without errors or warnings to save - + - Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with the prefix "#health") with values "red", "yellow", or "green". + Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with the prefix "#health") with values "red", "yellow", or "green". Allowed values: none, migrate-on-red, only-green, progressive, custom How cluster should react to node health attributes - + Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "progressive". Base health score assigned to a node - + Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "green" - + Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "yellow" - + Only used when "node-health-strategy" is set to "custom" or "progressive". The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is "red" - + - How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes + How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes Allowed values: default, utilization, minimal, balanced How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes =#=#=#= End test: Get scheduler metadata - OK (0) =#=#=#= * Passed: pacemaker-schedulerd - Get scheduler metadata diff --git a/daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c b/daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c index 3e63e59ff1..c75f5552a0 100644 --- a/daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c +++ b/daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c @@ -1,982 +1,983 @@ /* * Copyright 2009-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // PRIu32, PRIx32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SUMMARY "daemon for executing fencing devices in a Pacemaker cluster" char *stonith_our_uname = NULL; long long stonith_watchdog_timeout_ms = 0; GList *stonith_watchdog_targets = NULL; static GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL; gboolean stand_alone = FALSE; gboolean stonith_shutdown_flag = FALSE; static qb_ipcs_service_t *ipcs = NULL; static pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; pcmk__supported_format_t formats[] = { PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_NONE, PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_TEXT, PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_XML, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static struct { bool no_cib_connect; gchar **log_files; } options; crm_exit_t exit_code = CRM_EX_OK; static void stonith_cleanup(void); static int32_t st_ipc_accept(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { if (stonith_shutdown_flag) { crm_info("Ignoring new client [%d] during shutdown", pcmk__client_pid(c)); return -ECONNREFUSED; } if (pcmk__new_client(c, uid, gid) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } /* Exit code means? */ static int32_t st_ipc_dispatch(qb_ipcs_connection_t * qbc, void *data, size_t size) { uint32_t id = 0; uint32_t flags = 0; int call_options = 0; xmlNode *request = NULL; pcmk__client_t *c = pcmk__find_client(qbc); const char *op = NULL; if (c == NULL) { crm_info("Invalid client: %p", qbc); return 0; } request = pcmk__client_data2xml(c, data, &id, &flags); if (request == NULL) { pcmk__ipc_send_ack(c, id, flags, PCMK__XE_NACK, NULL, CRM_EX_PROTOCOL); return 0; } op = crm_element_value(request, PCMK__XA_CRM_TASK); if(pcmk__str_eq(op, CRM_OP_RM_NODE_CACHE, pcmk__str_casei)) { crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_T, PCMK__VALUE_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ST_OP, op); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTID, c->id); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTNAME, pcmk__client_name(c)); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTNODE, stonith_our_uname); send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, request, FALSE); free_xml(request); return 0; } if (c->name == NULL) { const char *value = crm_element_value(request, PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTNAME); c->name = crm_strdup_printf("%s.%u", pcmk__s(value, "unknown"), c->pid); } crm_element_value_int(request, PCMK__XA_ST_CALLOPT, &call_options); crm_trace("Flags %#08" PRIx32 "/%#08x for command %" PRIu32 " from client %s", flags, call_options, id, pcmk__client_name(c)); if (pcmk_is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call)) { CRM_ASSERT(flags & crm_ipc_client_response); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(c->request_id == 0); /* This means the client has two synchronous events in-flight */ c->request_id = id; /* Reply only to the last one */ } crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTID, c->id); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTNAME, pcmk__client_name(c)); crm_xml_add(request, PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTNODE, stonith_our_uname); crm_log_xml_trace(request, "ipc-received"); stonith_command(c, id, flags, request, NULL); free_xml(request); return 0; } /* Error code means? */ static int32_t st_ipc_closed(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c) { pcmk__client_t *client = pcmk__find_client(c); if (client == NULL) { return 0; } crm_trace("Connection %p closed", c); pcmk__free_client(client); /* 0 means: yes, go ahead and destroy the connection */ return 0; } static void st_ipc_destroy(qb_ipcs_connection_t * c) { crm_trace("Connection %p destroyed", c); st_ipc_closed(c); } static void stonith_peer_callback(xmlNode * msg, void *private_data) { const char *remote_peer = crm_element_value(msg, PCMK__XA_SRC); const char *op = crm_element_value(msg, PCMK__XA_ST_OP); if (pcmk__str_eq(op, STONITH_OP_POKE, pcmk__str_none)) { return; } crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "Peer[inbound]"); stonith_command(NULL, 0, 0, msg, remote_peer); } #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC static void stonith_peer_ais_callback(cpg_handle_t handle, const struct cpg_name *groupName, uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len) { uint32_t kind = 0; xmlNode *xml = NULL; const char *from = NULL; char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from); if(data == NULL) { return; } if (kind == crm_class_cluster) { xml = pcmk__xml_parse(data); if (xml == NULL) { crm_err("Invalid XML: '%.120s'", data); free(data); return; } crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_SRC, from); stonith_peer_callback(xml, NULL); } free_xml(xml); free(data); return; } static void stonith_peer_cs_destroy(gpointer user_data) { crm_crit("Lost connection to cluster layer, shutting down"); stonith_shutdown(0); } #endif void do_local_reply(const xmlNode *notify_src, pcmk__client_t *client, int call_options) { /* send callback to originating child */ int local_rc = pcmk_rc_ok; int rid = 0; uint32_t ipc_flags = crm_ipc_server_event; if (pcmk_is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call)) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(client->request_id); rid = client->request_id; client->request_id = 0; ipc_flags = crm_ipc_flags_none; } local_rc = pcmk__ipc_send_xml(client, rid, notify_src, ipc_flags); if (local_rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_trace("Sent response %d to client %s", rid, pcmk__client_name(client)); } else { crm_warn("%synchronous reply to client %s failed: %s", (pcmk_is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call)? "S" : "As"), pcmk__client_name(client), pcmk_rc_str(local_rc)); } } uint64_t get_stonith_flag(const char *name) { if (pcmk__str_eq(name, PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_FENCE, pcmk__str_none)) { return st_callback_notify_fence; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(name, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, pcmk__str_casei)) { return st_callback_device_add; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(name, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, pcmk__str_casei)) { return st_callback_device_del; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(name, PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_HISTORY, pcmk__str_none)) { return st_callback_notify_history; } else if (pcmk__str_eq(name, PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY_HISTORY_SYNCED, pcmk__str_none)) { return st_callback_notify_history_synced; } return st_callback_unknown; } static void stonith_notify_client(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const xmlNode *update_msg = user_data; pcmk__client_t *client = value; const char *type = NULL; CRM_CHECK(client != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(update_msg != NULL, return); type = crm_element_value(update_msg, PCMK__XA_SUBT); CRM_CHECK(type != NULL, crm_log_xml_err(update_msg, "notify"); return); if (client->ipcs == NULL) { crm_trace("Skipping client with NULL channel"); return; } if (pcmk_is_set(client->flags, get_stonith_flag(type))) { int rc = pcmk__ipc_send_xml(client, 0, update_msg, crm_ipc_server_event); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_warn("%s notification of client %s failed: %s " CRM_XS " id=%.8s rc=%d", type, pcmk__client_name(client), pcmk_rc_str(rc), client->id, rc); } else { crm_trace("Sent %s notification to client %s", type, pcmk__client_name(client)); } } } void do_stonith_async_timeout_update(const char *client_id, const char *call_id, int timeout) { pcmk__client_t *client = NULL; xmlNode *notify_data = NULL; if (!timeout || !call_id || !client_id) { return; } client = pcmk__find_client_by_id(client_id); if (!client) { return; } notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, PCMK__XE_ST_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_VALUE); crm_xml_add(notify_data, PCMK__XA_T, PCMK__VALUE_ST_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_VALUE); crm_xml_add(notify_data, PCMK__XA_ST_CALLID, call_id); crm_xml_add_int(notify_data, PCMK__XA_ST_TIMEOUT, timeout); crm_trace("timeout update is %d for client %s and call id %s", timeout, client_id, call_id); if (client) { pcmk__ipc_send_xml(client, 0, notify_data, crm_ipc_server_event); } free_xml(notify_data); } /*! * \internal * \brief Notify relevant IPC clients of a fencing operation result * * \param[in] type Notification type * \param[in] result Result of fencing operation (assume success if NULL) * \param[in] data If not NULL, add to notification as call data */ void fenced_send_notification(const char *type, const pcmk__action_result_t *result, xmlNode *data) { /* TODO: Standardize the contents of data */ xmlNode *update_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, PCMK__XE_NOTIFY); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(type != NULL); crm_xml_add(update_msg, PCMK__XA_T, PCMK__VALUE_ST_NOTIFY); crm_xml_add(update_msg, PCMK__XA_SUBT, type); crm_xml_add(update_msg, PCMK__XA_ST_OP, type); stonith__xe_set_result(update_msg, result); if (data != NULL) { add_message_xml(update_msg, PCMK__XA_ST_CALLDATA, data); } crm_trace("Notifying clients"); pcmk__foreach_ipc_client(stonith_notify_client, update_msg); free_xml(update_msg); crm_trace("Notify complete"); } /*! * \internal * \brief Send notifications for a configuration change to subscribed clients * * \param[in] op Notification type (\c STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, * \c STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, \c STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD, or * \c STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL) * \param[in] result Operation result * \param[in] desc Description of what changed (either device ID or string * representation of level * ([])) */ void fenced_send_config_notification(const char *op, const pcmk__action_result_t *result, const char *desc) { xmlNode *notify_data = create_xml_node(NULL, op); CRM_CHECK(notify_data != NULL, return); crm_xml_add(notify_data, PCMK__XA_ST_DEVICE_ID, desc); fenced_send_notification(op, result, notify_data); free_xml(notify_data); } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a node does watchdog-fencing * * \param[in] node Name of node to check * * \return TRUE if node found in stonith_watchdog_targets * or stonith_watchdog_targets is empty indicating * all nodes are doing watchdog-fencing */ gboolean node_does_watchdog_fencing(const char *node) { return ((stonith_watchdog_targets == NULL) || pcmk__str_in_list(node, stonith_watchdog_targets, pcmk__str_casei)); } void stonith_shutdown(int nsig) { crm_info("Terminating with %d clients", pcmk__ipc_client_count()); stonith_shutdown_flag = TRUE; if (mainloop != NULL && g_main_loop_is_running(mainloop)) { g_main_loop_quit(mainloop); } } static void stonith_cleanup(void) { fenced_cib_cleanup(); if (ipcs) { qb_ipcs_destroy(ipcs); } crm_peer_destroy(); pcmk__client_cleanup(); free_stonith_remote_op_list(); free_topology_list(); free_device_list(); free_metadata_cache(); fenced_unregister_handlers(); free(stonith_our_uname); stonith_our_uname = NULL; } static gboolean stand_alone_cpg_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { stand_alone = FALSE; options.no_cib_connect = true; return TRUE; } struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers ipc_callbacks = { .connection_accept = st_ipc_accept, .connection_created = NULL, .msg_process = st_ipc_dispatch, .connection_closed = st_ipc_closed, .connection_destroyed = st_ipc_destroy }; /*! * \internal * \brief Callback for peer status changes * * \param[in] type What changed * \param[in] node What peer had the change * \param[in] data Previous value of what changed */ static void st_peer_update_callback(enum crm_status_type type, crm_node_t * node, const void *data) { if ((type != crm_status_processes) && !pcmk_is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node)) { /* * This is a hack until we can send to a nodeid and/or we fix node name lookups * These messages are ignored in stonith_peer_callback() */ xmlNode *query = create_xml_node(NULL, PCMK__XE_STONITH_COMMAND); crm_xml_add(query, PCMK__XA_T, PCMK__VALUE_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(query, PCMK__XA_ST_OP, STONITH_OP_POKE); crm_debug("Broadcasting our uname because of node %u", node->id); send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, query, FALSE); free_xml(query); } } static pcmk__cluster_option_t fencer_options[] = { /* name, old name, type, allowed values, * default value, validator, * flags, * short description, * long description */ { PCMK_STONITH_HOST_ARGUMENT, NULL, "string", NULL, "port", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate parameter to supply instead of 'port'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard 'port' parameter or may " "provide additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, parameter that should indicate the machine to be " "fenced. A value of \"none\" can be used to tell the cluster not " "to supply any additional parameters."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_HOST_MAP, NULL, "string", NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("A mapping of node names to port numbers for devices that do not " "support node names."), N_("For example, \"node1:1;node2:2,3\" would tell the cluster to use " "port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_HOST_LIST, NULL, "string", NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Nodes targeted by this device"), N_("Comma-separated list of nodes that can be targeted by this device " "(for example, \"node1,node2,node3\"). If pcmk_host_check is " "\"static-list\", either this or pcmk_host_map must be set."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_HOST_CHECK, NULL, "select", "dynamic-list, static-list, status, none", NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("How to determine which nodes can be targeted by the device"), N_("Use \"dynamic-list\" to query the device via the 'list' command; " "\"static-list\" to check the pcmk_host_list attribute; " "\"status\" to query the device via the 'status' command; or " "\"none\" to assume every device can fence every node. " "The default value is \"static-list\" if pcmk_host_map or " "pcmk_host_list is set; otherwise \"dynamic-list\" if the device " "supports the list operation; otherwise \"status\" if the device " "supports the status operation; otherwise \"none\""), }, { PCMK_STONITH_DELAY_MAX, NULL, "time", NULL, "0s", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing " "fencing actions."), N_("Enable a delay of no more than the time specified before executing " "fencing actions. Pacemaker derives the overall delay by taking " "the value of pcmk_delay_base and adding a random delay value such " "that the sum is kept below this maximum."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_DELAY_BASE, NULL, "string", NULL, "0s", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("Enable a base delay for fencing actions and specify base delay " "value."), N_("This enables a static delay for fencing actions, which can help " "avoid \"death matches\" where two nodes try to fence each other " "at the same time. If pcmk_delay_max is also used, a random delay " "will be added such that the total delay is kept below that value. " "This can be set to a single time value to apply to any node " "targeted by this device (useful if a separate device is " "configured for each target), or to a node map (for example, " "\"node1:1s;node2:5\") to set a different value for each target."), }, { PCMK_STONITH_ACTION_LIMIT, NULL, "integer", NULL, "1", NULL, pcmk__opt_none, N_("The maximum number of actions can be performed in parallel on this " "device"), N_("Cluster property concurrent-fencing=\"true\" needs to be " "configured first. Then use this to specify the maximum number of " "actions can be performed in parallel on this device. A value of " "-1 means an unlimited number of actions can be performed in " "parallel."), }, { "pcmk_reboot_action", NULL, "string", NULL, PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'reboot'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'reboot' action."), }, { "pcmk_reboot_timeout", NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'reboot' actions instead " "of stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'reboot' actions."), }, { "pcmk_reboot_retries", NULL, "integer", NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'reboot' command within the " "timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'reboot' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_off_action", NULL, "string", NULL, PCMK_ACTION_OFF, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'off'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'off' action."), }, { "pcmk_off_timeout", NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'off' actions instead of " "stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'off' actions."), }, { "pcmk_off_retries", NULL, "integer", NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'off' command within the " "timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'off' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_on_action", NULL, "string", NULL, PCMK_ACTION_ON, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'on'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'on' action."), }, { "pcmk_on_timeout", NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'on' actions instead of " "stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'on' actions."), }, { "pcmk_on_retries", NULL, "integer", NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'on' command within the " "timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'on' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_list_action", NULL, "string", NULL, PCMK_ACTION_LIST, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'list'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'list' action."), }, { "pcmk_list_timeout", NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'list' actions instead of " "stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'list' actions."), }, { "pcmk_list_retries", NULL, "integer", NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'list' command within the " "timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'list' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_monitor_action", NULL, "string", NULL, PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'monitor'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'monitor' action."), }, { "pcmk_monitor_timeout", NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'monitor' actions instead " "of stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'monitor' actions."), }, { "pcmk_monitor_retries", NULL, "integer", NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'monitor' command within " "the timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'monitor' action before giving up."), }, { "pcmk_status_action", NULL, "string", NULL, PCMK_ACTION_STATUS, NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("An alternate command to run instead of 'status'"), N_("Some devices do not support the standard commands or may provide " "additional ones. Use this to specify an alternate, device-" "specific, command that implements the 'status' action."), }, { "pcmk_status_timeout", NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Specify an alternate timeout to use for 'status' actions instead " "of stonith-timeout"), N_("Some devices need much more/less time to complete than normal. " "Use this to specify an alternate, device-specific, timeout for " "'status' actions."), }, { "pcmk_status_retries", NULL, "integer", NULL, "2", NULL, pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("The maximum number of times to try the 'status' command within " "the timeout period"), N_("Some devices do not support multiple connections. Operations may " "\"fail\" if the device is busy with another task. In that case, " "Pacemaker will automatically retry the operation if there is time " "remaining. Use this option to alter the number of times Pacemaker " "tries a 'status' action before giving up."), }, { NULL, }, }; static int fencer_metadata(void) { // @TODO Use pcmk__daemon_metadata when fencer_options moves to options.c const char *name = "pacemaker-fenced"; const char *desc_short = N_("Instance attributes available for all " "\"stonith\"-class resources"); const char *desc_long = N_("Instance attributes available for all " "\"stonith\"-class resources and used by " "Pacemaker's fence daemon, formerly known as " "stonithd"); pcmk__output_t *tmp_out = NULL; xmlNode *top = NULL; const xmlNode *metadata = NULL; GString *metadata_s = NULL; int rc = pcmk__output_new(&tmp_out, "xml", "/dev/null", NULL); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { return rc; } + pcmk__output_set_legacy_xml(tmp_out); out->message(tmp_out, "option-list", name, desc_short, desc_long, pcmk__opt_none, fencer_options, true); tmp_out->finish(tmp_out, CRM_EX_OK, false, (void **) &top); metadata = first_named_child(top, PCMK_XE_RESOURCE_AGENT); metadata_s = g_string_sized_new(16384); pcmk__xml_string(metadata, pcmk__xml_fmt_pretty|pcmk__xml_fmt_text, metadata_s, 0); out->output_xml(out, PCMK_XE_METADATA, metadata_s->str); pcmk__output_free(tmp_out); free_xml(top); g_string_free(metadata_s, TRUE); return pcmk_rc_ok; } static GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "stand-alone", 's', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &stand_alone, N_("Deprecated (will be removed in a future release)"), NULL }, { "stand-alone-w-cpg", 'c', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, stand_alone_cpg_cb, N_("Intended for use in regression testing only"), NULL }, { "logfile", 'l', G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &options.log_files, N_("Send logs to the additional named logfile"), NULL }, { NULL } }; static GOptionContext * build_arg_context(pcmk__common_args_t *args, GOptionGroup **group) { GOptionContext *context = NULL; context = pcmk__build_arg_context(args, "text (default), xml", group, "[metadata]"); pcmk__add_main_args(context, entries); return context; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; crm_cluster_t *cluster = NULL; crm_ipc_t *old_instance = NULL; GError *error = NULL; GOptionGroup *output_group = NULL; pcmk__common_args_t *args = pcmk__new_common_args(SUMMARY); gchar **processed_args = pcmk__cmdline_preproc(argv, "l"); GOptionContext *context = build_arg_context(args, &output_group); crm_log_preinit(NULL, argc, argv); pcmk__register_formats(output_group, formats); if (!g_option_context_parse_strv(context, &processed_args, &error)) { exit_code = CRM_EX_USAGE; goto done; } rc = pcmk__output_new(&out, args->output_ty, args->output_dest, argv); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = CRM_EX_ERROR; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Error creating output format %s: %s", args->output_ty, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } if (args->version) { out->version(out, false); goto done; } if ((g_strv_length(processed_args) >= 2) && pcmk__str_eq(processed_args[1], "metadata", pcmk__str_none)) { rc = fencer_metadata(); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = CRM_EX_FATAL; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Unable to display metadata: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); } goto done; } // Open additional log files pcmk__add_logfiles(options.log_files, out); crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO + args->verbosity, TRUE, (args->verbosity > 0), argc, argv, FALSE); crm_notice("Starting Pacemaker fencer"); old_instance = crm_ipc_new("stonith-ng", 0); if (old_instance == NULL) { /* crm_ipc_new() will have already logged an error message with * crm_err() */ exit_code = CRM_EX_FATAL; goto done; } if (pcmk__connect_generic_ipc(old_instance) == pcmk_rc_ok) { // IPC endpoint already up crm_ipc_close(old_instance); crm_ipc_destroy(old_instance); crm_err("pacemaker-fenced is already active, aborting startup"); goto done; } else { // Not up or not authentic, we'll proceed either way crm_ipc_destroy(old_instance); old_instance = NULL; } mainloop_add_signal(SIGTERM, stonith_shutdown); crm_peer_init(); rc = fenced_scheduler_init(); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { exit_code = CRM_EX_FATAL; g_set_error(&error, PCMK__EXITC_ERROR, exit_code, "Error initializing scheduler data: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } cluster = pcmk_cluster_new(); if (!stand_alone) { #if SUPPORT_COROSYNC if (is_corosync_cluster()) { cluster->destroy = stonith_peer_cs_destroy; cluster->cpg.cpg_deliver_fn = stonith_peer_ais_callback; cluster->cpg.cpg_confchg_fn = pcmk_cpg_membership; } #endif // SUPPORT_COROSYNC crm_set_status_callback(&st_peer_update_callback); if (crm_cluster_connect(cluster) == FALSE) { exit_code = CRM_EX_FATAL; crm_crit("Cannot sign in to the cluster... terminating"); goto done; } pcmk__str_update(&stonith_our_uname, cluster->uname); if (!options.no_cib_connect) { setup_cib(); } } else { pcmk__str_update(&stonith_our_uname, "localhost"); crm_warn("Stand-alone mode is deprecated and will be removed " "in a future release"); } init_device_list(); init_topology_list(); pcmk__serve_fenced_ipc(&ipcs, &ipc_callbacks); // Create the mainloop and run it... mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); crm_notice("Pacemaker fencer successfully started and accepting connections"); g_main_loop_run(mainloop); done: g_strfreev(processed_args); pcmk__free_arg_context(context); g_strfreev(options.log_files); stonith_cleanup(); pcmk_cluster_free(cluster); fenced_scheduler_cleanup(); pcmk__output_and_clear_error(&error, out); if (out != NULL) { out->finish(out, exit_code, true, NULL); pcmk__output_free(out); } pcmk__unregister_formats(); crm_exit(exit_code); } diff --git a/include/crm/common/output_internal.h b/include/crm/common/output_internal.h index 4f92f4a6aa..37baba9f71 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/output_internal.h +++ b/include/crm/common/output_internal.h @@ -1,1019 +1,1036 @@ /* * Copyright 2019-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef PCMK__OUTPUT_INTERNAL__H # define PCMK__OUTPUT_INTERNAL__H # include # include # include # include # include # include # include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * \file * \brief Formatted output for pacemaker tools */ #if defined(PCMK__WITH_ATTRIBUTE_OUTPUT_ARGS) # define PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS(ARGS...) __attribute__((output_args(ARGS))) #else # define PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS(ARGS...) #endif typedef struct pcmk__output_s pcmk__output_t; /*! * \internal * \brief The type of a function that creates a ::pcmk__output_t. * * Instances of this type are passed to pcmk__register_format(), stored in an * internal data structure, and later accessed by pcmk__output_new(). For * examples, see pcmk__mk_xml_output() and pcmk__mk_text_output(). * * \param[in] argv The list of command line arguments. */ typedef pcmk__output_t * (*pcmk__output_factory_t)(char **argv); /*! * \internal * \brief The type of a custom message formatting function. * * These functions are defined by various libraries to support formatting of * types aside from the basic types provided by a ::pcmk__output_t. * * The meaning of the return value will be different for each message. * In general, however, 0 should be returned on success and a positive value * on error. * * \param[in,out] out Output object to use to display message * \param[in,out] args Message-specific arguments needed * * \note These functions must not call va_start or va_end - that is done * automatically before the custom formatting function is called. */ typedef int (*pcmk__message_fn_t)(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args); /*! * \internal * \brief Internal type for tracking custom messages. * * Each library can register functions that format custom message types. These * are commonly used to handle some library-specific type. Registration is * done by first defining a table of ::pcmk__message_entry_t structures and * then passing that table to pcmk__register_messages(). Separate handlers * can be defined for the same message, but for different formats (xml vs. * text). Unknown formats will be ignored. * * Additionally, a "default" value for fmt_table can be used. In this case, * fn will be registered for all supported formats. It is also possible to * register a default and then override that registration with a format-specific * function if necessary. * * \note The ::pcmk__message_entry_t table is processed in one pass, in order, * from top to bottom. This means later entries with the same message_id will * override previous ones. Thus, any default entry must come before any * format-specific entries for the same message_id. */ typedef struct pcmk__message_entry_s { /*! * \brief The message to be handled. * * This must be the same ID that is passed to the message function of * a ::pcmk__output_t. Unknown message IDs will be ignored. */ const char *message_id; /*! * \brief The format type this handler is for. * * This name must match the fmt_name of the currently active formatter in * order for the registered function to be called. It is valid to have * multiple entries for the same message_id but with different fmt_name * values. */ const char *fmt_name; /*! * \brief The function to be called for message_id given a match on * fmt_name. See comments on ::pcmk__message_fn_t. */ pcmk__message_fn_t fn; } pcmk__message_entry_t; /*! * \internal * \brief This structure contains everything needed to add support for a * single output formatter to a command line program. */ typedef struct pcmk__supported_format_s { /*! * \brief The name of this output formatter, which should match the * fmt_name parameter in some ::pcmk__output_t structure. */ const char *name; /*! * \brief A function that creates a ::pcmk__output_t. */ pcmk__output_factory_t create; /*! * \brief Format-specific command line options. This can be NULL if * no command line options should be supported. */ GOptionEntry *options; } pcmk__supported_format_t; /* The following three blocks need to be updated each time a new base formatter * is added. */ extern GOptionEntry pcmk__html_output_entries[]; extern GOptionEntry pcmk__text_output_entries[]; pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_html_output(char **argv); pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_log_output(char **argv); pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_none_output(char **argv); pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_text_output(char **argv); pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_xml_output(char **argv); #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_HTML { "html", pcmk__mk_html_output, pcmk__html_output_entries } #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_LOG { "log", pcmk__mk_log_output, NULL } #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_NONE { PCMK_VALUE_NONE, pcmk__mk_none_output, NULL } #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_TEXT { "text", pcmk__mk_text_output, pcmk__text_output_entries } #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_XML { "xml", pcmk__mk_xml_output, NULL } /*! * \brief This structure contains everything that makes up a single output * formatter. * * Instances of this structure may be created by calling pcmk__output_new() * with the name of the desired formatter. They should later be freed with * pcmk__output_free(). */ struct pcmk__output_s { /*! * \brief The name of this output formatter. */ const char *fmt_name; /*! * \brief Should this formatter supress most output? * * \note This setting is not respected by all formatters. In general, * machine-readable output formats will not support this while * user-oriented formats will. Callers should use is_quiet() * to test whether to print or not. */ bool quiet; /*! * \brief A copy of the request that generated this output. * * In the case of command line usage, this would be the command line * arguments. For other use cases, it could be different. */ gchar *request; /*! * \brief Where output should be written. * * This could be a file handle, or stdout or stderr. This is really only * useful internally. */ FILE *dest; /*! * \brief Custom messages that are currently registered on this formatter. * * Keys are the string message IDs, values are ::pcmk__message_fn_t function * pointers. */ GHashTable *messages; /*! * \brief Implementation-specific private data. * * Each individual formatter may have some private data useful in its * implementation. This points to that data. Callers should not rely on * its contents or structure. */ void *priv; /*! * \internal * \brief Take whatever actions are necessary to prepare out for use. This is * called by pcmk__output_new(). End users should not need to call this. * * \note For formatted output implementers - This function should be written in * such a way that it can be called repeatedly on an already initialized * object without causing problems, or on a previously finished object * without crashing. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * * \return true on success, false on error. */ bool (*init) (pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Free the private formatter-specific data. * * This is called from pcmk__output_free() and does not typically need to be * called directly. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. */ void (*free_priv) (pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Take whatever actions are necessary to end formatted output. * * This could include flushing output to a file, but does not include freeing * anything. The finish method can potentially be fairly complicated, adding * additional information to the internal data structures or doing whatever * else. It is therefore suggested that finish only be called once. * * \note The print parameter will only affect those formatters that do all * their output at the end. Console-oriented formatters typically print * a line at a time as they go, so this parameter will not affect them. * Structured formatters will honor it, however. * * \note The copy_dest parameter does not apply to all formatters. Console- * oriented formatters do not build up a structure as they go, and thus * do not have anything to return. Structured formatters will honor it, * however. Note that each type of formatter will return a different * type of value in this parameter. To use this parameter, call this * function like so: * * \code * xmlNode *dest = NULL; * out->finish(out, exit_code, false, (void **) &dest); * \endcode * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] exit_status The exit value of the whole program. * \param[in] print Whether this function should write any output. * \param[out] copy_dest A destination to store a copy of the internal * data structure for this output, or NULL if no * copy is required. The caller should free this * memory when done with it. */ void (*finish) (pcmk__output_t *out, crm_exit_t exit_status, bool print, void **copy_dest); /*! * \internal * \brief Finalize output and then immediately set back up to start a new set * of output. * * This is conceptually the same as calling finish and then init, though in * practice more be happening behind the scenes. * * \note This function differs from finish in that no exit_status is added. * The idea is that the program is not shutting down, so there is not * yet a final exit code. Call finish on the last time through if this * is needed. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. */ void (*reset) (pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Register a custom message. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] message_id The name of the message to register. This name * will be used as the message_id parameter to the * message function in order to call the custom * format function. * \param[in] fn The custom format function to call for message_id. */ void (*register_message) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *message_id, pcmk__message_fn_t fn); /*! * \internal * \brief Call a previously registered custom message. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] message_id The name of the message to call. This name must * be the same as the message_id parameter of some * previous call to register_message. * \param[in] ... Arguments to be passed to the registered function. * * \return A standard Pacemaker return code. Generally: 0 if a function was * registered for the message, that function was called, and returned * successfully; EINVAL if no function was registered; or pcmk_rc_no_output * if a function was called but produced no output. */ int (*message) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *message_id, ...); /*! * \internal * \brief Format the output of a completed subprocess. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] exit_status The exit value of the subprocess. * \param[in] proc_stdout stdout from the completed subprocess. * \param[in] proc_stderr stderr from the completed subprocess. */ void (*subprocess_output) (pcmk__output_t *out, int exit_status, const char *proc_stdout, const char *proc_stderr); /*! * \internal * \brief Format version information. This is useful for the --version * argument of command line tools. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] extended Add additional version information. */ void (*version) (pcmk__output_t *out, bool extended); /*! * \internal * \brief Format an informational message that should be shown to * to an interactive user. Not all formatters will do this. * * \note A newline will automatically be added to the end of the format * string, so callers should not include a newline. * * \note It is possible for a formatter that supports this method to * still not print anything out if is_quiet returns true. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] buf The message to be printed. * \param[in] ... Arguments to be formatted. * * \return A standard Pacemaker return code. Generally: pcmk_rc_ok * if output was produced and pcmk_rc_no_output if it was not. * As not all formatters implement this function, those that * do not will always just return pcmk_rc_no_output. */ int (*info) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); /*! * \internal * \brief Like \p info() but for messages that should appear only * transiently. Not all formatters will do this. * * The originally envisioned use case is for console output, where a * transient status-related message may be quickly overwritten by a refresh. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] format The format string of the message to be printed. * \param[in] ... Arguments to be formatted. * * \return A standard Pacemaker return code. Generally: \p pcmk_rc_ok if * output was produced and \p pcmk_rc_no_output if it was not. As * not all formatters implement this function, those that do not * will always just return \p pcmk_rc_no_output. */ int (*transient) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); /*! * \internal * \brief Format an error message that should be shown to an interactive * user. Not all formatters will do this. * * \note A newline will automatically be added to the end of the format * string, so callers should not include a newline. * * \note Formatters that support this method should always generate output, * even if is_quiet returns true. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] buf The message to be printed. * \param[in] ... Arguments to be formatted. */ void (*err) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); /*! * \internal * \brief Format already formatted XML. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] name A name to associate with the XML. * \param[in] buf The XML in a string. */ void (*output_xml) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *buf); /*! * \internal * \brief Start a new list of items. * * \note For text output, this corresponds to another level of indentation. For * XML output, this corresponds to wrapping any following output in another * layer of tags. * * \note If singular_noun and plural_noun are non-NULL, calling end_list will * result in a summary being added. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] singular_noun When outputting the summary for a list with * one item, the noun to use. * \param[in] plural_noun When outputting the summary for a list with * more than one item, the noun to use. * \param[in] format The format string. * \param[in] ... Arguments to be formatted. */ void (*begin_list) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *singular_noun, const char *plural_noun, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(4, 5); /*! * \internal * \brief Format a single item in a list. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] name A name to associate with this item. * \param[in] format The format string. * \param[in] ... Arguments to be formatted. */ void (*list_item) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(3, 4); /*! * \internal * \brief Increment the internal counter of the current list's length. * * Typically, this counter is maintained behind the scenes as a side effect * of calling list_item(). However, custom functions that maintain lists * some other way will need to manage this counter manually. This is * useful for implementing custom message functions and should not be * needed otherwise. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. */ void (*increment_list) (pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Conclude a list. * * \note If begin_list was called with non-NULL for both the singular_noun * and plural_noun arguments, this function will output a summary. * Otherwise, no summary will be added. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. */ void (*end_list) (pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Should anything be printed to the user? * * \note This takes into account both the \p quiet value as well as the * current formatter. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * * \return true if output should be supressed, false otherwise. */ bool (*is_quiet) (pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Output a spacer. Not all formatters will do this. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. */ void (*spacer) (pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Output a progress indicator. This is likely only useful for * plain text, console based formatters. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure * \param[in] end If true, output a newline afterwards (this should * only be used the last time this function is called) * */ void (*progress) (pcmk__output_t *out, bool end); /*! * \internal * \brief Prompt the user for input. Not all formatters will do this. * * \note This function is part of pcmk__output_t, but unlike all other * function it does not take that as an argument. In general, a * prompt will go directly to the screen and therefore bypass any * need to use the formatted output code to decide where and how * to display. * * \param[in] prompt The prompt to display. This is required. * \param[in] echo If true, echo the user's input to the screen. Set * to false for password entry. * \param[out] dest Where to store the user's response. This is * required. */ void (*prompt) (const char *prompt, bool echo, char **dest); }; /*! * \internal * \brief Call a formatting function for a previously registered message. * * \note This function is for implementing custom formatters. It should not * be called directly. Instead, call out->message. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] message_id The message to be handled. Unknown messages * will be ignored. * \param[in] ... Arguments to be passed to the registered function. */ int pcmk__call_message(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *message_id, ...); /*! * \internal * \brief Free a ::pcmk__output_t structure that was previously created by * pcmk__output_new(). * * \note While the create and finish functions are designed in such a way that * they can be called repeatedly, this function will completely free the * memory of the object. Once this function has been called, producing * more output requires starting over from pcmk__output_new(). * * \param[in,out] out The output structure. */ void pcmk__output_free(pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Create a new ::pcmk__output_t structure. * * This also registers message functions from libcrmcommon. * * \param[in,out] out The destination of the new ::pcmk__output_t. * \param[in] fmt_name How should output be formatted? * \param[in] filename Where should formatted output be written to? This * can be a filename (which will be overwritten if it * already exists), or NULL or "-" for stdout. For no * output, pass a filename of "/dev/null". * \param[in] argv The list of command line arguments. * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk__output_new(pcmk__output_t **out, const char *fmt_name, const char *filename, char **argv); /*! * \internal * \brief Register a new output formatter, making it available for use * the same as a base formatter. * * \param[in,out] group A ::GOptionGroup that formatted output related command * line arguments should be added to. This can be NULL * for use outside of command line programs. * \param[in] name The name of the format. This will be used to select a * format from command line options and for displaying help. * \param[in] create A function that creates a ::pcmk__output_t. * \param[in] options Format-specific command line options. These will be * added to the context. This argument can also be NULL. * * \return Standard Pacemaker return code */ int pcmk__register_format(GOptionGroup *group, const char *name, pcmk__output_factory_t create, const GOptionEntry *options); /*! * \internal * \brief Register an entire table of output formatters at once. * * \param[in,out] group A ::GOptionGroup that formatted output related command * line arguments should be added to. This can be NULL * for use outside of command line programs. * \param[in] table An array of ::pcmk__supported_format_t which should * all be registered. This array must be NULL-terminated. * */ void pcmk__register_formats(GOptionGroup *group, const pcmk__supported_format_t *table); /*! * \internal * \brief Unregister a previously registered table of custom formatting * functions and destroy the internal data structures associated with them. */ void pcmk__unregister_formats(void); /*! * \internal * \brief Register a function to handle a custom message. * * \note This function is for implementing custom formatters. It should not * be called directly. Instead, call out->register_message. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] message_id The message to be handled. * \param[in] fn The custom format function to call for message_id. */ void pcmk__register_message(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *message_id, pcmk__message_fn_t fn); /*! * \internal * \brief Register an entire table of custom formatting functions at once. * * This table can contain multiple formatting functions for the same message ID * if they are for different format types. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] table An array of ::pcmk__message_entry_t values which should * all be registered. This array must be NULL-terminated. */ void pcmk__register_messages(pcmk__output_t *out, const pcmk__message_entry_t *table); /* Functions that are useful for implementing custom message formatters */ void pcmk__output_text_set_fancy(pcmk__output_t *out, bool enabled); /*! * \internal * \brief A printf-like function. * * This function writes to out->dest and indents the text to the current level * of the text formatter's nesting. This function should be used when implementing * custom message functions for the text output format. It should not be used * for any other purpose. * * Typically, this function should be used instead of printf. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] format The format string. * \param[in] ... Arguments to be passed to the format string. */ void pcmk__indented_printf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); /*! * \internal * \brief A vprintf-like function. * * This function is like pcmk__indented_printf(), except it takes a va_list instead * of a list of arguments. This function should be used when implementing custom * functions for the text output format. It should not be used for any other purpose. * * Typically, this function should be used instead of vprintf. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] format The format string. * \param[in] args A list of arguments to apply to the format string. */ void pcmk__indented_vprintf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, va_list args) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 0); /*! * \internal * \brief A printf-like function. * * This function writes to out->dest without indenting the text. This function * should be used when implementing custom message functions for the text output * format. It should not be used for any other purpose. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] format The format string. * \param[in] ... Arguments to be passed to the format string. */ void pcmk__formatted_printf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3); /*! * \internal * \brief A vprintf-like function. * * This function is like pcmk__formatted_printf(), except it takes a va_list instead * of a list of arguments. This function should be used when implementing custom * message functions for the text output format. It should not be used for any * other purpose. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] format The format string. * \param[in] args A list of arguments to apply to the format string. */ void pcmk__formatted_vprintf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, va_list args) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 0); /*! * \internal * \brief Prompt the user for input. * * \param[in] prompt The prompt to display * \param[in] echo If true, echo the user's input to the screen. Set * to false for password entry. * \param[out] dest Where to store the user's response. */ void pcmk__text_prompt(const char *prompt, bool echo, char **dest); /*! * \internal * \brief Get the log level used by the formatted output logger * * \param[in] out Output object * * \return Log level used by \p out */ uint8_t pcmk__output_get_log_level(const pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Set the log level used by the formatted output logger. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] log_level The log level constant (LOG_INFO, LOG_ERR, etc.) * to use. * * \note By default, LOG_INFO is used. * \note Almost all formatted output messages will respect this setting. * However, out->err will always log at LOG_ERR. */ void pcmk__output_set_log_level(pcmk__output_t *out, uint8_t log_level); void pcmk__output_set_log_filter(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *file, const char *function, uint32_t line, uint32_t tags); /*! * \internal * \brief Create and return a new XML node with the given name, as a child of the * current list parent. The new node is then added as the new list parent, * meaning all subsequent nodes will be its children. This is used when * implementing custom functions. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] name The name of the node to be created. * \param[in] ... Name/value pairs to set as XML properties. */ xmlNodePtr pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED; /*! * \internal * \brief Add a copy of the given node as a child of the current list parent. * This is used when implementing custom message functions. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] node An XML node to copy as a child. */ void pcmk__output_xml_add_node_copy(pcmk__output_t *out, xmlNodePtr node); /*! * \internal * \brief Create and return a new XML node with the given name, as a child of the * current list parent. This is used when implementing custom functions. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] name The name of the node to be created. * \param[in] ... Name/value pairs to set as XML properties. */ xmlNodePtr pcmk__output_create_xml_node(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED; /*! * \internal * \brief Like pcmk__output_create_xml_node(), but add the given text content to the * new node. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] name The name of the node to be created. * \param[in] content The text content of the node. */ xmlNodePtr pcmk__output_create_xml_text_node(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *content); /*! * \internal * \brief Push a parent XML node onto the stack. This is used when implementing * custom message functions. * * The XML output formatter maintains an internal stack to keep track of which nodes * are parents in order to build up the tree structure. This function can be used * to temporarily push a new node onto the stack. After calling this function, any * other formatting functions will have their nodes added as children of this new * parent. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure * \param[in] parent XML node to add */ void pcmk__output_xml_push_parent(pcmk__output_t *out, xmlNodePtr parent); /*! * \internal * \brief Pop a parent XML node onto the stack. This is used when implementing * custom message functions. * * This function removes a parent node from the stack. See pcmk__xml_push_parent() * for more details. * * \note Little checking is done with this function. Be sure you only pop parents * that were previously pushed. In general, it is best to keep the code between * push and pop simple. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. */ void pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Peek a parent XML node onto the stack. This is used when implementing * custom message functions. * * This function peeks a parent node on stack. See pcmk__xml_push_parent() * for more details. It has no side-effect and can be called for an empty stack. * * \note Little checking is done with this function. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * * \return NULL if stack is empty, otherwise the parent of the stack. */ xmlNodePtr pcmk__output_xml_peek_parent(pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Create a new XML node consisting of the provided text inside an HTML * element node of the given name. * * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. * \param[in] element_name The name of the new HTML element. * \param[in] id The CSS ID selector to apply to this element. * If NULL, no ID is added. * \param[in] class_name The CSS class selector to apply to this element. * If NULL, no class is added. * \param[in] text The text content of the node. */ xmlNodePtr pcmk__output_create_html_node(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *element_name, const char *id, const char *class_name, const char *text); /*! * \internal * \brief Add an HTML tag to the section. * * The arguments after name are a NULL-terminated list of keys and values, * all of which will be added as attributes to the given tag. For instance, * the following code would generate the tag * "": * * \code * pcmk__html_add_header(PCMK__XE_META, * PCMK__XA_HTTP_EQUIV, PCMK__VALUE_REFRESH, * PCMK__XA_CONTENT, "19", * NULL); * \endcode * * \param[in] name The HTML tag for the new node. * \param[in] ... A NULL-terminated key/value list of attributes. */ void pcmk__html_add_header(const char *name, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED; /*! * \internal * \brief Handle end-of-program error reporting * * \param[in,out] error A GError object potentially containing some error. * If NULL, do nothing. * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure. If NULL, any errors * will simply be printed to stderr. */ void pcmk__output_and_clear_error(GError **error, pcmk__output_t *out); int pcmk__xml_output_new(pcmk__output_t **out, xmlNodePtr *xml); void pcmk__xml_output_finish(pcmk__output_t *out, crm_exit_t exit_status, xmlNodePtr *xml); int pcmk__log_output_new(pcmk__output_t **out); int pcmk__text_output_new(pcmk__output_t **out, const char *filename); /*! * \internal - * \brief Enable the older style XML output used by `crm_mon -X` + * \brief Check whether older style XML output is enabled * - * \note This function should not be used anywhere except in crm_mon. + * The legacy flag should be used sparingly. Its meaning depends on the context + * in which it's used. * - * @COMPAT This can be removed when `crm_mon -X` is removed + * \param[in] out Output object + * + * \return \c true if the \c legacy_xml flag is enabled for \p out, or \c false + * otherwise + */ +// @COMPAT This can be removed when `crm_mon -X` and daemon metadata are removed +bool pcmk__output_get_legacy_xml(pcmk__output_t *out); + +/*! + * \internal + * \brief Enable older style XML output + * + * The legacy flag should be used sparingly. Its meaning depends on the context + * in which it's used. + * + * \param[in,out] out Output object */ +// @COMPAT This can be removed when `crm_mon -X` and daemon metadata are removed void pcmk__output_set_legacy_xml(pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Enable using the element for lists * * \note This function is only used in limited places and should not be * used anywhere new. We are trying to discourage and ultimately remove * uses of this style of list. * * @COMPAT This can be removed when the stonith_admin and crm_resource * schemas can be changed */ void pcmk__output_enable_list_element(pcmk__output_t *out); /*! * \internal * \brief Select an updated return code for an operation on a \p pcmk__output_t * * This function helps to keep an up-to-date record of the most relevant return * code from a series of operations on a \p pcmk__output_t object. For example, * suppose the object has already produced some output, and we've saved a * \p pcmk_rc_ok return code. A new operation did not produce any output and * returned \p pcmk_rc_no_output. We can ignore the new \p pcmk_rc_no_output * return code and keep the previous \p pcmk_rc_ok return code. * * It prioritizes return codes as follows (from highest to lowest priority): * 1. Other return codes (unexpected errors) * 2. \p pcmk_rc_ok * 3. \p pcmk_rc_no_output * * \param[in] old_rc Saved return code from \p pcmk__output_t operations * \param[in] new_rc New return code from a \p pcmk__output_t operation * * \retval \p old_rc \p new_rc is \p pcmk_rc_no_output, or \p new_rc is * \p pcmk_rc_ok and \p old_rc is not \p pcmk_rc_no_output * \retval \p new_rc Otherwise */ static inline int pcmk__output_select_rc(int old_rc, int new_rc) { switch (new_rc) { case pcmk_rc_no_output: return old_rc; case pcmk_rc_ok: switch (old_rc) { case pcmk_rc_no_output: return new_rc; default: return old_rc; } default: return new_rc; } } #if defined(PCMK__UNIT_TESTING) /* If we are building libcrmcommon_test.a, add this accessor function so we can * inspect the internal formatters hash table. */ GHashTable *pcmk__output_formatters(void); #endif #define PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out_obj, cond) \ if (cond) { \ out->spacer(out); \ } #define PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out_obj, cond, retcode, title...) \ if (retcode == pcmk_rc_no_output) { \ PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out_obj, cond); \ retcode = pcmk_rc_ok; \ out_obj->begin_list(out_obj, NULL, NULL, title); \ } #define PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out_obj, retcode) \ if (retcode == pcmk_rc_ok) { \ out_obj->end_list(out_obj); \ } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif diff --git a/lib/common/options.c b/lib/common/options.c index 24285362bb..21da670f19 100644 --- a/lib/common/options.c +++ b/lib/common/options.c @@ -1,1014 +1,1015 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void pcmk__cli_help(char cmd) { if (cmd == 'v' || cmd == '$') { printf("Pacemaker %s\n", PACEMAKER_VERSION); printf("Written by Andrew Beekhof and " "the Pacemaker project contributors\n"); } else if (cmd == '!') { printf("Pacemaker %s (Build: %s): %s\n", PACEMAKER_VERSION, BUILD_VERSION, CRM_FEATURES); } crm_exit(CRM_EX_OK); while(1); // above does not return } /* * Option metadata */ static pcmk__cluster_option_t cluster_options[] = { /* name, old name, type, allowed values, * default value, validator, * flags, * short description, * long description */ { PCMK_OPT_DC_VERSION, NULL, "string", NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_generated, N_("Pacemaker version on cluster node elected Designated Controller " "(DC)"), N_("Includes a hash which identifies the exact revision the code was " "built from. Used for diagnostic purposes."), }, { PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_INFRASTRUCTURE, NULL, "string", NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_generated, N_("The messaging layer on which Pacemaker is currently running"), N_("Used for informational and diagnostic purposes."), }, { PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_NAME, NULL, "string", NULL, NULL, NULL, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("An arbitrary name for the cluster"), N_("This optional value is mostly for users' convenience as desired " "in administration, but may also be used in Pacemaker " "configuration rules via the #cluster-name node attribute, and " "by higher-level tools and resource agents."), }, { PCMK_OPT_DC_DEADTIME, NULL, "time", NULL, "20s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("How long to wait for a response from other nodes during start-up"), N_("The optimal value will depend on the speed and load of your " "network and the type of switches used."), }, { PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_RECHECK_INTERVAL, NULL, "time", NULL, "15min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("Polling interval to recheck cluster state and evaluate rules " "with date specifications"), N_("Pacemaker is primarily event-driven, and looks ahead to know when " "to recheck cluster state for failure-timeout settings and most " "time-based rules. However, it will also recheck the cluster after " "this amount of inactivity, to evaluate rules with date " "specifications and serve as a fail-safe for certain types of " "scheduler bugs. A value of 0 disables polling. A positive value " "sets an interval in seconds, unless other units are specified " "(for example, \"5min\")."), }, { PCMK_OPT_FENCE_REACTION, NULL, "select", PCMK_VALUE_STOP ", " PCMK_VALUE_PANIC, PCMK_VALUE_STOP, NULL, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("How a cluster node should react if notified of its own fencing"), N_("A cluster node may receive notification of a \"succeeded\" " "fencing that targeted it if fencing is misconfigured, or if " "fabric fencing is in use that doesn't cut cluster communication. " "Use \"stop\" to attempt to immediately stop Pacemaker and stay " "stopped, or \"panic\" to attempt to immediately reboot the local " "node, falling back to stop on failure."), }, { PCMK_OPT_ELECTION_TIMEOUT, NULL, "time", NULL, "2min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Declare an election failed if it is not decided within this much " "time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates " "the presence of a bug."), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_SHUTDOWN_ESCALATION, NULL, "time", NULL, "20min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Exit immediately if shutdown does not complete within this much " "time. If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates " "the presence of a bug."), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_JOIN_INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT, "crmd-integration-timeout", "time", NULL, "3min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates " "the presence of a bug."), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_JOIN_FINALIZATION_TIMEOUT, "crmd-finalization-timeout", "time", NULL, "30min", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("If you need to adjust this value, it probably indicates " "the presence of a bug."), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_TRANSITION_DELAY, "crmd-transition-delay", "time", NULL, "0s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_controld|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Enabling this option will slow down cluster recovery under all " "conditions"), N_("Delay cluster recovery for this much time to allow for additional " "events to occur. Useful if your configuration is sensitive to " "the order in which ping updates arrive."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NO_QUORUM_POLICY, NULL, "select", PCMK_VALUE_STOP ", " PCMK_VALUE_FREEZE ", " PCMK_VALUE_IGNORE ", " PCMK_VALUE_DEMOTE ", " PCMK_VALUE_FENCE_LEGACY, PCMK_VALUE_STOP, pcmk__valid_no_quorum_policy, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("What to do when the cluster does not have quorum"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_SHUTDOWN_LOCK, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether to lock resources to a cleanly shut down node"), N_("When true, resources active on a node when it is cleanly shut down " "are kept \"locked\" to that node (not allowed to run elsewhere) " "until they start again on that node after it rejoins (or for at " "most shutdown-lock-limit, if set). Stonith resources and " "Pacemaker Remote connections are never locked. Clone and bundle " "instances and the promoted role of promotable clones are " "currently never locked, though support could be added in a future " "release."), }, { PCMK_OPT_SHUTDOWN_LOCK_LIMIT, NULL, "time", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Do not lock resources to a cleanly shut down node longer than " "this"), N_("If shutdown-lock is true and this is set to a nonzero time " "duration, shutdown locks will expire after this much time has " "passed since the shutdown was initiated, even if the node has not " "rejoined."), }, { PCMK_OPT_ENABLE_ACL, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_based, N_("Enable Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the CIB"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_SYMMETRIC_CLUSTER, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether resources can run on any node by default"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_MAINTENANCE_MODE, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether the cluster should refrain from monitoring, starting, and " "stopping resources"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_START_FAILURE_IS_FATAL, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether a start failure should prevent a resource from being " "recovered on the same node"), N_("When true, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node " "if it fails to start there. When false, the cluster will instead " "check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold.") }, { PCMK_OPT_ENABLE_STARTUP_PROBES, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether the cluster should check for active resources during " "start-up"), NULL, }, // Fencing-related options { PCMK_OPT_STONITH_ENABLED, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Whether nodes may be fenced as part of recovery"), N_("If false, unresponsive nodes are immediately assumed to be " "harmless, and resources that were active on them may be recovered " "elsewhere. This can result in a \"split-brain\" situation, " "potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability."), }, { PCMK_OPT_STONITH_ACTION, NULL, "select", "reboot, off, poweroff", PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT, pcmk__is_fencing_action, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Action to send to fence device when a node needs to be fenced " "(\"poweroff\" is a deprecated alias for \"off\")"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_STONITH_TIMEOUT, NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("How long to wait for on, off, and reboot fence actions to complete " "by default"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_HAVE_WATCHDOG, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd|pcmk__opt_generated, N_("Whether watchdog integration is enabled"), N_("This is set automatically by the cluster according to whether SBD " "is detected to be in use. User-configured values are ignored. " "The value `true` is meaningful if diskless SBD is used and " "`stonith-watchdog-timeout` is nonzero. In that case, if fencing " "is required, watchdog-based self-fencing will be performed via " "SBD without requiring a fencing resource explicitly configured."), }, { /* @COMPAT Currently, unparsable values default to -1 (auto-calculate), * while missing values default to 0 (disable). All values are accepted * (unless the controller finds that the value conflicts with the * SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT). * * At a compatibility break: properly validate as a timeout, let * either negative values or a particular string like "auto" mean auto- * calculate, and use 0 as the single default for when the option either * is unset or fails to validate. */ PCMK_OPT_STONITH_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT, NULL, "time", NULL, "0", NULL, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("How long before nodes can be assumed to be safely down when " "watchdog-based self-fencing via SBD is in use"), N_("If this is set to a positive value, lost nodes are assumed to " "achieve self-fencing using watchdog-based SBD within this much " "time. This does not require a fencing resource to be explicitly " "configured, though a fence_watchdog resource can be configured, to " "limit use to specific nodes. If this is set to 0 (the default), " "the cluster will never assume watchdog-based self-fencing. If this " "is set to a negative value, the cluster will use twice the local " "value of the `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` environment variable if that " "is positive, or otherwise treat this as 0. WARNING: When used, " "this timeout must be larger than `SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` on all " "nodes that use watchdog-based SBD, and Pacemaker will refuse to " "start on any of those nodes where this is not true for the local " "value or SBD is not active. When this is set to a negative value, " "`SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT` must be set to the same value on all nodes " "that use SBD, otherwise data corruption or loss could occur."), }, { PCMK_OPT_STONITH_MAX_ATTEMPTS, NULL, "integer", NULL, "10", pcmk__valid_positive_int, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("How many times fencing can fail before it will no longer be " "immediately re-attempted on a target"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_CONCURRENT_FENCING, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK__CONCURRENT_FENCING_DEFAULT, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Allow performing fencing operations in parallel"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_STARTUP_FENCING, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd|pcmk__opt_advanced, N_("Whether to fence unseen nodes at start-up"), N_("Setting this to false may lead to a \"split-brain\" situation, " "potentially leading to data loss and/or service unavailability."), }, { PCMK_OPT_PRIORITY_FENCING_DELAY, NULL, "time", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Apply fencing delay targeting the lost nodes with the highest " "total resource priority"), N_("Apply specified delay for the fencings that are targeting the lost " "nodes with the highest total resource priority in case we don't " "have the majority of the nodes in our cluster partition, so that " "the more significant nodes potentially win any fencing match, " "which is especially meaningful under split-brain of 2-node " "cluster. A promoted resource instance takes the base priority + 1 " "on calculation if the base priority is not 0. Any static/random " "delays that are introduced by `pcmk_delay_base/max` configured " "for the corresponding fencing resources will be added to this " "delay. This delay should be significantly greater than, safely " "twice, the maximum `pcmk_delay_base/max`. By default, priority " "fencing delay is disabled."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_PENDING_TIMEOUT, NULL, "time", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("How long to wait for a node that has joined the cluster to join " "the controller process group"), N_("Fence nodes that do not join the controller process group within " "this much time after joining the cluster, to allow the cluster " "to continue managing resources. A value of 0 means never fence " "pending nodes. Setting the value to 2h means fence nodes after " "2 hours."), }, { PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_DELAY, NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", pcmk__valid_interval_spec, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Maximum time for node-to-node communication"), N_("The node elected Designated Controller (DC) will consider an action " "failed if it does not get a response from the node executing the " "action within this time (after considering the action's own " "timeout). The \"correct\" value will depend on the speed and " "load of your network and cluster nodes.") }, // Limits { PCMK_OPT_LOAD_THRESHOLD, NULL, "percentage", NULL, "80%", pcmk__valid_percentage, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("Maximum amount of system load that should be used by cluster " "nodes"), N_("The cluster will slow down its recovery process when the amount of " "system resources used (currently CPU) approaches this limit"), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_ACTION_LIMIT, NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_controld, N_("Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled per node (defaults to " "2x cores)"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_BATCH_LIMIT, NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Maximum number of jobs that the cluster may execute in parallel " "across all nodes"), N_("The \"correct\" value will depend on the speed and load of your " "network and cluster nodes. If set to 0, the cluster will " "impose a dynamically calculated limit when any node has a " "high load."), }, { PCMK_OPT_MIGRATION_LIMIT, NULL, "integer", NULL, "-1", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The number of live migration actions that the cluster is allowed " "to execute in parallel on a node (-1 means no limit)"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_CLUSTER_IPC_LIMIT, NULL, "integer", NULL, "500", pcmk__valid_positive_int, pcmk__opt_based, N_("Maximum IPC message backlog before disconnecting a cluster daemon"), N_("Raise this if log has \"Evicting client\" messages for cluster " "daemon PIDs (a good value is the number of resources in the " "cluster multiplied by the number of nodes)."), }, // Orphans and stopping { PCMK_OPT_STOP_ALL_RESOURCES, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether the cluster should stop all active resources"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_STOP_ORPHAN_RESOURCES, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether to stop resources that were removed from the " "configuration"), NULL, }, { PCMK_OPT_STOP_ORPHAN_ACTIONS, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_TRUE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Whether to cancel recurring actions removed from the " "configuration"), NULL, }, { PCMK__OPT_REMOVE_AFTER_STOP, NULL, "boolean", NULL, PCMK_VALUE_FALSE, pcmk__valid_boolean, pcmk__opt_schedulerd|pcmk__opt_deprecated, N_("Whether to remove stopped resources from the executor"), N_("Values other than default are poorly tested and potentially " "dangerous."), }, // Storing inputs { PCMK_OPT_PE_ERROR_SERIES_MAX, NULL, "integer", NULL, "-1", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The number of scheduler inputs resulting in errors to save"), N_("Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited."), }, { PCMK_OPT_PE_WARN_SERIES_MAX, NULL, "integer", NULL, "5000", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The number of scheduler inputs resulting in warnings to save"), N_("Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited."), }, { PCMK_OPT_PE_INPUT_SERIES_MAX, NULL, "integer", NULL, "4000", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The number of scheduler inputs without errors or warnings to save"), N_("Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited."), }, // Node health { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_STRATEGY, NULL, "select", PCMK_VALUE_NONE ", " PCMK_VALUE_MIGRATE_ON_RED ", " PCMK_VALUE_ONLY_GREEN ", " PCMK_VALUE_PROGRESSIVE ", " PCMK_VALUE_CUSTOM, PCMK_VALUE_NONE, pcmk__validate_health_strategy, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("How cluster should react to node health attributes"), N_("Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with " "the prefix \"#health\") with values \"red\", \"yellow\", or " "\"green\".") }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_BASE, NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("Base health score assigned to a node"), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to " "\"progressive\"."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_GREEN, NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is " "\"green\""), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"custom\" or " "\"progressive\"."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_YELLOW, NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is " "\"yellow\""), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"custom\" or " "\"progressive\"."), }, { PCMK_OPT_NODE_HEALTH_RED, NULL, "integer", NULL, "-INFINITY", pcmk__valid_int, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("The score to use for a node health attribute whose value is " "\"red\""), N_("Only used when \"node-health-strategy\" is set to \"custom\" or " "\"progressive\".") }, // Placement strategy { PCMK_OPT_PLACEMENT_STRATEGY, NULL, "select", PCMK_VALUE_DEFAULT ", " PCMK_VALUE_UTILIZATION ", " PCMK_VALUE_MINIMAL ", " PCMK_VALUE_BALANCED, PCMK_VALUE_DEFAULT, pcmk__valid_placement_strategy, pcmk__opt_schedulerd, N_("How the cluster should allocate resources to nodes"), NULL, }, { NULL, }, }; /* * Environment variable option handling */ /*! * \internal * \brief Get the value of a Pacemaker environment variable option * * If an environment variable option is set, with either a PCMK_ or (for * backward compatibility) HA_ prefix, log and return the value. * * \param[in] option Environment variable name (without prefix) * * \return Value of environment variable option, or NULL in case of * option name too long or value not found */ const char * pcmk__env_option(const char *option) { const char *const prefixes[] = {"PCMK_", "HA_"}; char env_name[NAME_MAX]; const char *value = NULL; CRM_CHECK(!pcmk__str_empty(option), return NULL); for (int i = 0; i < PCMK__NELEM(prefixes); i++) { int rv = snprintf(env_name, NAME_MAX, "%s%s", prefixes[i], option); if (rv < 0) { crm_err("Failed to write %s%s to buffer: %s", prefixes[i], option, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (rv >= sizeof(env_name)) { crm_trace("\"%s%s\" is too long", prefixes[i], option); continue; } value = getenv(env_name); if (value != NULL) { crm_trace("Found %s = %s", env_name, value); return value; } } crm_trace("Nothing found for %s", option); return NULL; } /*! * \brief Set or unset a Pacemaker environment variable option * * Set an environment variable option with a \c "PCMK_" prefix and optionally * an \c "HA_" prefix for backward compatibility. * * \param[in] option Environment variable name (without prefix) * \param[in] value New value (or NULL to unset) * \param[in] compat If false and \p value is not \c NULL, set only * \c "PCMK_