diff --git a/cts/CIB.py b/cts/CIB.py index 33d63c97a7..4767b70928 100644 --- a/cts/CIB.py +++ b/cts/CIB.py @@ -1,613 +1,608 @@ '''CTS: Cluster Testing System: CIB generator ''' __copyright__=''' Author: Andrew Beekhof Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Beekhof ''' from UserDict import UserDict import sys, time, types, syslog, os, struct, string, signal, traceback, warnings, socket from cts.CTSvars import * from cts.CTS import ClusterManager class CibBase: cts_cib = None version = "unknown" feature_set = "unknown" Factory = None def __init__(self, CM, factory, tmpfile=None): self.CM = CM self.Factory = factory if not tmpfile: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") tmpfile=os.tmpnam() warnings.resetwarnings() self.Factory.tmpfile = tmpfile def version(self): return self.version def NextIP(self): fields = string.split(self.CM.Env["IPBase"], '.') fields[3] = str(int(fields[3])+1) ip = string.join(fields, '.') self.CM.Env["IPBase"] = ip return ip class CibXml: def __init__(self, Factory, tag, _id, **kwargs): self.tag = tag self.name = _id self.kwargs = kwargs self.children = [] self.Factory = Factory def add_child(self, child): self.children.append(child) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.kwargs[key] = value def show(self): text = '''<%s''' % self.tag if self.name: text += ''' id="%s"''' % (self.name) for k in self.kwargs.keys(): text += ''' %s="%s"''' % (k, self.kwargs[k]) if not self.children: text += '''/>''' return text text += '''>''' for c in self.children: text += c.show() text += '''''' % self.tag return text def _run(self, operation, xml, section="all", options=""): self.Factory.debug("Writing out %s" % self.name) fixed = "HOME=/root CIB_file="+self.Factory.tmpfile fixed += " cibadmin --%s --scope %s %s --xml-text '%s'" % (operation, section, options, xml) rc = self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, fixed) if rc != 0: self.Factory.log("Configure call failed: "+fixed) sys.exit(1) class FencingTopology(CibXml): def __init__(self, Factory): CibXml.__init__(self, Factory, "fencing-topology", None) def level(self, index, node, devices): self.add_child(CibXml(self.Factory, "fencing-level", "%s.%d" % (node, index), target=node, index=index, devices=devices)) def commit(self): self._run("create", self.show(), "configuration", "--allow-create") class Option(CibXml): def __init__(self, Factory, name=None, value=None, section="cib-bootstrap-options"): CibXml.__init__(self, Factory, "cluster_property_set", section) if name and value: self.add_child(CibXml(Factory, "nvpair", "cts-%s" % name, name=name, value=value)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.add_child(CibXml(self.Factory, "nvpair", "cts-%s" % key, name=key, value=value)) def commit(self): self._run("modify", self.show(), "crm_config", "--allow-create") class Expression(CibXml): def __init__(self, Factory, name, attr, op, value=None): CibXml.__init__(self, Factory, "expression", name, attribute=attr, operation=op) if value: self["value"] = value class Rule(CibXml): def __init__(self, Factory, name, score, op="and", expr=None): CibXml.__init__(self, Factory, "rule", "%s" % name) self["boolean-op"] = op self["score"] = score if expr: self.add_child(expr) class Resource(CibXml): def __init__(self, Factory, name, rtype, standard, provider=None): CibXml.__init__(self, Factory, "native", name) self.rtype = rtype self.standard = standard self.provider = provider self.op=[] self.meta={} self.param={} self.scores={} self.needs={} self.coloc={} if self.standard == "ocf" and not provider: self.provider = "heartbeat" elif self.standard == "lsb": self.provider = None def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.add_param(key, value) def add_op(self, name, interval, **kwargs): self.op.append( CibXml(self.Factory, "op", "%s-%s" % (name, interval), name=name, interval=interval, **kwargs)) def add_param(self, name, value): self.param[name] = value def add_meta(self, name, value): self.meta[name] = value def prefer(self, node, score="INFINITY", rule=None): if not rule: rule = Rule(self.Factory, "prefer-%s-r" % node, score, expr=Expression(self.Factory, "prefer-%s-e" % node, "#uname", "eq", node)) self.scores[node] = rule def after(self, resource, kind="Mandatory", first="start", then="start", **kwargs): kargs = kwargs.copy() kargs["kind"] = kind if then: kargs["first-action"] = "start" kargs["then-action"] = then if first: kargs["first-action"] = first self.needs[resource] = kargs def colocate(self, resource, score="INFINITY", role=None, withrole=None, **kwargs): kargs = kwargs.copy() kargs["score"] = score if role: kargs["rsc-role"] = role if withrole: kargs["with-rsc-role"] = withrole self.coloc[resource] = kargs def constraints(self): text = "" for k in self.scores.keys(): text += '''''' % (k, self.name) text += self.scores[k].show() text += '''''' for k in self.needs.keys(): text += '''''' for k in self.coloc.keys(): text += '''''' text += "" return text def show(self): text = '''''' if len(self.meta) > 0: text += '''''' % self.name for p in self.meta.keys(): text += '''''' % (self.name, p, p, self.meta[p]) text += '''''' if len(self.param) > 0: text += '''''' % self.name for p in self.param.keys(): text += '''''' % (self.name, p, p, self.param[p]) text += '''''' if len(self.op) > 0: text += '''''' for o in self.op: key = o.name o.name = "%s-%s" % (self.name, key) text += o.show() o.name = key text += '''''' text += '''''' return text def commit(self): self._run("create", self.show(), "resources") self._run("modify", self.constraints()) class Group(Resource): def __init__(self, Factory, name): Resource.__init__(self, Factory, name, None, None) self.tag = "group" def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.add_meta(key, value) def show(self): text = '''<%s id="%s">''' % (self.tag, self.name) if len(self.meta) > 0: text += '''''' % self.name for p in self.meta.keys(): text += '''''' % (self.name, p, p, self.meta[p]) text += '''''' for c in self.children: text += c.show() text += '''''' % self.tag return text class Clone(Group): def __init__(self, Factory, name, child=None): Group.__init__(self, Factory, name) self.tag = "clone" if child: self.add_child(child) def add_child(self, resource): if not self.children: self.children.append(resource) else: self.Factory.log("Clones can only have a single child. Ignoring %s" % resource.name) class Master(Clone): def __init__(self, Factory, name, child=None): Clone.__init__(self, Factory, name, child) self.tag = "master" class CIB11(CibBase): feature_set = "3.0" version = "pacemaker-1.1" def _show(self, command=""): output = "" (rc, result) = self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "HOME=/root CIB_file="+self.Factory.tmpfile+" cibadmin -Ql "+command, None, ) for line in result: output += line self.Factory.debug("Generated Config: "+line) return output def NewIP(self, name=None, standard="ocf"): ip = self.NextIP() if not name: name = "r"+ip r = Resource(self.Factory, name, "IPaddr2", standard) r["ip"] = ip r["cidr_netmask"] = "32" r.add_op("monitor", "5s") return r def install(self, target): old = self.Factory.tmpfile # Force a rebuild self.cts_cib = None self.Factory.tmpfile = CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib.xml" self.contents(target) self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "chown "+CTSvars.CRM_DAEMON_USER+" "+self.Factory.tmpfile) self.Factory.tmpfile = old def contents(self, target=None): # fencing resource if self.cts_cib: return self.cts_cib if target: self.Factory.target = target self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "HOME=/root cibadmin --empty %s > %s" % (self.version, self.Factory.tmpfile)) #cib_base = self.cib_template % (self.feature_set, self.version, ''' remote-tls-port='9898' remote-clear-port='9999' ''') nodelist = "" self.num_nodes = 0 for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: nodelist += node + " " self.num_nodes = self.num_nodes + 1 no_quorum = "stop" if self.num_nodes < 3: no_quorum = "ignore" self.Factory.log("Cluster only has %d nodes, configuring: no-quroum-policy=ignore" % self.num_nodes) # Fencing resource # Define first so that the shell doesn't reject every update if self.CM.Env["DoFencing"]: st = Resource(self.Factory, "Fencing", self.CM.Env["stonith-type"], "stonith") # Set a threshold for unreliable stonith devices such as the vmware one st.add_meta("migration-threshold", "5") st.add_op("monitor", "120s", timeout="300s") st.add_op("stop", "0", timeout="180s") st.add_op("start", "0", timeout="180s") entries = string.split(self.CM.Env["stonith-params"], ',') for entry in entries: (name, value) = string.split(entry, '=') if name == "hostlist" and value == "all": value = string.join(self.CM.Env["nodes"], " ") elif name == "pcmk_host_list" and value == "all": value = string.join(self.CM.Env["nodes"], " ") st[name] = value st.commit() # Test advanced fencing logic if True: stf_nodes = [] stt_nodes = [] - # Cheat to create a second copy of the real device - st.name = "FencingDup" - st.colocate("Fencing", "-INFINITY") - st.commit() - # Create the levels stl = FencingTopology(self.Factory) for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: ftype = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice(["levels-and", "levels-or ", "broadcast "]) self.CM.log(" - Using %s fencing for node: %s" % (ftype, node)) if ftype == "levels-and": stl.level(1, node, "FencingPass,Fencing") stt_nodes.append(node) elif ftype == "levels-or ": stl.level(1, node, "FencingFail") stl.level(2, node, "Fencing") stf_nodes.append(node) # Create a Dummy agent that always passes for levels-and if len(stt_nodes): ftype="fence_true" self.CM.install_helper(ftype, destdir="/usr/sbin") stt = Resource(self.Factory, "FencingPass", ftype, "stonith") stt["pcmk_host_list"] = string.join(stt_nodes, " ") # Wait this many seconds before doing anything, handy for letting disks get flushed too stt["power_timeout"] = "20" stt.commit() # Create a Dummy agent that always fails for levels-or if len(stf_nodes): ftype="fence_false" self.CM.install_helper(ftype, destdir="/usr/sbin") stf = Resource(self.Factory, "FencingFail", ftype, "stonith") stf["pcmk_host_list"] = string.join(stf_nodes, " ") # Wait this many seconds before doing anything, handy for letting disks get flushed too stf["power_timeout"] = "20" stf.commit() # Now commit the levels themselves stl.commit() o = Option(self.Factory, "stonith-enabled", self.CM.Env["DoFencing"]) o["start-failure-is-fatal"] = "false" o["pe-input-series-max"] = "5000" o["default-action-timeout"] = "90s" o["shutdown-escalation"] = "5min" o["batch-limit"] = "10" o["dc-deadtime"] = "5s" o["no-quorum-policy"] = no_quorum o["expected-quorum-votes"] = self.num_nodes if self.CM.Env["DoBSC"] == 1: o["ident-string"] = "Linux-HA TEST configuration file - REMOVEME!!" o.commit() # Add resources? if self.CM.Env["CIBResource"] == 1: self.add_resources() if self.CM.cluster_monitor == 1: mon = Resource(self.Factory, "cluster_mon", "ocf", "ClusterMon", "pacemaker") mon.add_op("start", "0", requires="nothing") mon.add_op("monitor", "5s", requires="nothing") mon["update"] = "10" mon["extra_options"] = "-r -n" mon["user"] = "abeekhof" mon["htmlfile"] = "/suse/abeekhof/Export/cluster.html" mon.commit() #self._create('''location prefer-dc cluster_mon rule -INFINITY: \#is_dc eq false''') # generate cib self.cts_cib = self._show() if self.Factory.tmpfile != CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib.xml": self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "rm -f "+self.Factory.tmpfile) return self.cts_cib def add_resources(self): # Per-node resources for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: name = "rsc_"+node r = self.NewIP(name) r.prefer(node, "100") r.commit() # Migrator # Make this slightly sticky (since we have no other location constraints) to avoid relocation during Reattach m = Resource(self.Factory, "migrator","Dummy", "ocf", "pacemaker") m.add_meta("resource-stickiness","1") m.add_meta("allow-migrate", "1") m.add_op("monitor", "P10S") m.commit() # Ping the test master p = Resource(self.Factory, "ping-1","ping", "ocf", "pacemaker") p.add_op("monitor", "60s") p["host-list"] = self.CM.Env["cts-master"] p["name"] = "connected" p["debug"] = "true" c = Clone(self.Factory, "Connectivity", p) c["globally-unique"] = "false" c.commit() #master slave resource s = Resource(self.Factory, "stateful-1", "Stateful", "ocf", "pacemaker") s.add_op("monitor", "15s", timeout="60s") s.add_op("monitor", "16s", timeout="60s", role="Master") ms = Master(self.Factory, "master-1", s) ms["clone-max"] = self.num_nodes ms["master-max"] = 1 ms["clone-node-max"] = 1 ms["master-node-max"] = 1 # Require conectivity to run the master r = Rule(self.Factory, "connected", "-INFINITY", op="or") r.add_child(Expression(self.Factory, "m1-connected-1", "connected", "lt", "1")) r.add_child(Expression(self.Factory, "m1-connected-2", "connected", "not_defined", None)) ms.prefer("connected", rule=r) ms.commit() # Group Resource g = Group(self.Factory, "group-1") g.add_child(self.NewIP()) g.add_child(self.NewIP()) g.add_child(self.NewIP()) # Group with the master g.after("master-1", first="promote", then="start") g.colocate("master-1", "INFINITY", withrole="Master") g.commit() # LSB resource lsb_agent = self.CM.install_helper("LSBDummy") lsb = Resource(self.Factory, "lsb-dummy",lsb_agent, "lsb") lsb.add_op("monitor", "5s") # LSB with group lsb.after("group-1") lsb.colocate("group-1") lsb.commit() class CIB12(CIB11): feature_set = "3.0" version = "pacemaker-1.2" #class HASI(CIB10): # def add_resources(self): # # DLM resource # self._create('''primitive dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld op monitor interval=120s''') # self._create('''clone dlm-clone dlm meta globally-unique=false interleave=true''') # O2CB resource # self._create('''primitive o2cb ocf:ocfs2:o2cb op monitor interval=120s''') # self._create('''clone o2cb-clone o2cb meta globally-unique=false interleave=true''') # self._create('''colocation o2cb-with-dlm INFINITY: o2cb-clone dlm-clone''') # self._create('''order start-o2cb-after-dlm mandatory: dlm-clone o2cb-clone''') class ConfigFactory: def __init__(self, CM): self.CM = CM self.rsh = self.CM.rsh self.register("pacemaker11", CIB11, CM, self) self.register("pacemaker12", CIB12, CM, self) # self.register("hae", HASI, CM, self) self.target = self.CM.Env["nodes"][0] self.tmpfile = None def log(self, args): self.CM.log("cib: %s" % args) def debug(self, args): self.CM.debug("cib: %s" % args) def register(self, methodName, constructor, *args, **kargs): """register a constructor""" _args = [constructor] _args.extend(args) setattr(self, methodName, apply(ConfigFactoryItem,_args, kargs)) def unregister(self, methodName): """unregister a constructor""" delattr(self, methodName) def createConfig(self, name="pacemaker-1.0"): if name == "pacemaker-1.0": name = "pacemaker10"; elif name == "pacemaker-1.1": name = "pacemaker11"; elif name == "pacemaker-1.2": name = "pacemaker12"; elif name == "hasi": name = "hae"; if hasattr(self, name): return getattr(self, name)() else: self.CM.log("Configuration variant '%s' is unknown. Defaulting to latest config" % name) return self.pacemaker12() class ConfigFactoryItem: def __init__(self, function, *args, **kargs): assert callable(function), "function should be a callable obj" self._function = function self._args = args self._kargs = kargs def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): """call function""" _args = list(self._args) _args.extend(args) _kargs = self._kargs.copy() _kargs.update(kargs) return apply(self._function,_args,_kargs) # Basic Sanity Testing if __name__ == '__main__': import CTSlab env = CTSlab.LabEnvironment() env["nodes"] = [] env["nodes"].append("pcmk-1") env["nodes"].append("pcmk-2") env["nodes"].append("pcmk-3") env["nodes"].append("pcmk-4") env["CIBResource"] = 1 env["IPBase"] = "" env["DoStonith"]=1 env["stonith-type"] = "fence_xvm" env["stonith-params"] = "pcmk_arg_map=domain:uname" manager = ClusterManager(env) manager.cluster_monitor = False CibFactory = ConfigFactory(manager) cib = CibFactory.createConfig("pacemaker-1.1") print cib.contents()