diff --git a/Makefile.common b/Makefile.common index 1a12a24517..0b06ec4da4 100644 --- a/Makefile.common +++ b/Makefile.common @@ -1,82 +1,80 @@ # Not all current distros support AM_V_P # https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Automake-silent_002drules-Option.html V ?= $(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY) PCMK_V = $(pcmk__v_$(V)) pcmk__v_0 = : pcmk__v_1 = PCMK_quiet = $(pcmk_quiet_$(V)) pcmk_quiet_0 = >/dev/null 2>&1 pcmk_quiet_1 = AM_V_XSL = $(am__v_XSL_$(V)) am__v_XSL_0 = @echo " XSL " $@; am__v_XSL_1 = AM_V_MAN = $(am__v_MAN_$(V)) am__v_MAN_0 = @echo " MAN " $@; am__v_MAN_1 = AM_V_ASCII = $(am__v_ASCII_$(V)) am__v_ASCII_0 = @echo " ASCII " $@; am__v_ASCII_1 = AM_V_PUB = $(am__v_PUB_$(V)) am__v_PUB_0 = @echo " PUB $@: $(DOCBOOK_FORMATS)"; am__v_PUB_1 = MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/include \ -I$(top_builddir)/libltdl -I$(top_srcdir)/libltdl if BUILD_HELP man8_MANS = $(sbin_PROGRAMS:%=%.8) $(sbin_SCRIPTS:%=%.8) endif %.8: % $(MAN8DEPS) chmod a+x $(abs_builddir)/$< - $(PCMK_V) PATH=$(abs_builddir):$$PATH $(abs_builddir)/$< --help - $(PCMK_V) PATH=$(abs_builddir):$$PATH $(abs_builddir)/$< --version $(AM_V_MAN)PATH=$(abs_builddir):$$PATH $(HELP2MAN) --output $@ --no-info --section 8 --name "Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager" $(abs_builddir)/$< %.xml: % $(AM_V_GEN)$(abs_builddir)/$< metadata > $@ %.dbook: %.xml $(AM_V_XSL)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet --novalid --stringparam man.name $* $(DBOOK_OPTS) $(top_srcdir)/xml/ocf-meta2man.xsl $(abs_builddir)/$< > $(abs_builddir)/$@ %.7: %.dbook $(AM_V_XSL)$(XSLTPROC) $(MANPAGE_XSLT) $(abs_builddir)/$< $(PCMK_quiet) # Build docbook from asciidoc because XML is a PITA to edit # # Build each chapter as a book (since the numbering isn't right for # articles and only books can have appendices) and then strip out the # bits we don't want/need # # XXX Sequence of tr/sed commands should be replaced with a single XSLT # %.xml: %.txt if IS_ASCIIDOC $(AM_V_ASCII)$(ASCIIDOC_CONV) -b docbook -d book -o $@-tt $< else $(AM_V_ASCII)$(ASCIIDOC_CONV) -b docbook45 -d book -o $@-tt $< endif $(AM_V_at)tr -d '\036\r' <$@-tt >$@-t; rm -f $@-tt # Fix line endings $(AM_V_at)sed -i 's/\ lang="en"//' $@-t # Never specify a language in the chapters $(AM_V_at)sed -i 's/simpara/para/g' $@-t # publican doesn't correctly render footnotes with simpara $(AM_V_at)sed -i 's/.*.*//g' $@-t # Remove dangling tag $(AM_V_at)sed -i 's/.*preface>//g' $@-t # Remove preface elements $(AM_V_at)sed -i 's:::g' $@-t # Remove empty title $(AM_V_at)sed -i 's/chapter/section/g' $@-t # Chapters become sections, so that books can become chapters $(AM_V_at)sed -i 's/<.*bookinfo.*>//g' $@-t # Strip out bookinfo, we don't need it $(AM_V_at)! grep -q "//;tb;bf;:b;N;s/.*.*<\/title>.*//;tb;/<appendix/{:i;n;/<\/appendix/{p;d};bi};bb;:f;p;d' \ $@-t # We just want the appendix tag (asciidoctor adds non-empty book-level title) $(AM_V_at)sed -i 's/book>/chapter>/g' $@-t # Rename to chapter (won't trigger if previous sed did) $(AM_V_GEN)mv $@-t $@ # echo Rebuilt $@ from $<