diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/baremetal-tutorial.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/baremetal-tutorial.rst index fbdadbf72e..8f432d50fb 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/baremetal-tutorial.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Remote/baremetal-tutorial.rst @@ -1,285 +1,280 @@ .. index:: single: remote node; walk-through Remote Node Walk-through ------------------------ **What this tutorial is:** An in-depth walk-through of how to get Pacemaker to integrate a remote node into the cluster as a node capable of running cluster resources. **What this tutorial is not:** A realistic deployment scenario. The steps shown here are meant to get users familiar with the concept of remote nodes as quickly as possible. Configure Cluster Nodes ####################### This walk-through assumes you already have a Pacemaker cluster configured. For examples, we will use a cluster with two cluster nodes named pcmk-1 and pcmk-2. You can substitute whatever your node names are, for however many nodes you have. If you are not familiar with setting up basic Pacemaker clusters, follow the walk-through in the Clusters From Scratch document before attempting this one. Configure Remote Node ##################### .. index:: single: remote node; firewall Configure Firewall on Remote Node _________________________________ Allow cluster-related services through the local firewall: .. code-block:: none # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability success # firewall-cmd --reload success .. NOTE:: If you are using some other firewall solution besides firewalld, simply open the following ports, which can be used by various clustering components: TCP ports 2224, 3121, and 21064. If you run into any problems during testing, you might want to disable the firewall and SELinux entirely until you have everything working. This may create significant security issues and should not be performed on machines that will be exposed to the outside world, but may be appropriate during development and testing on a protected host. To disable security measures: .. code-block:: none # setenforce 0 # sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" \ /etc/selinux/config # systemctl mask firewalld.service # systemctl stop firewalld.service Configure ``/etc/hosts`` ________________________ You will need to add the remote node's hostname (we're using **remote1** in this tutorial) to the cluster nodes' ``/etc/hosts`` files if you haven't already. This is required unless you have DNS set up in a way where remote1's address can be discovered. For each remote node, execute the following on each cluster node and on the remote nodes, replacing the IP address with the actual IP address of the remote node. .. code-block:: none # cat << END >> /etc/hosts remote1 END Also add entries for each cluster node to the ``/etc/hosts`` file on each remote node. For example: .. code-block:: none # cat << END >> /etc/hosts pcmk-1 pcmk-2 END Configure pacemaker_remote on Remote Node _________________________________________ Install the pacemaker_remote daemon on the remote node. .. code-block:: none # yum install -y pacemaker-remote resource-agents pcs Prepare ``pcsd`` ________________ Now we need to prepare ``pcsd`` on the remote node so that we can use ``pcs`` commands to communicate with it. Start and enable the ``pcsd`` daemon on the remote node. .. code-block:: none [root@remote1 ~]# systemctl start pcsd [root@remote1 ~]# systemctl enable pcsd Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/pcsd.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/pcsd.service. Next, set a password for the ``hacluster`` user on the remote node .. code-block:: none [root@remote ~]# echo MyPassword | passwd --stdin hacluster Changing password for user hacluster. passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. Now authenticate the existing cluster nodes to ``pcsd`` on the remote node. The below command only needs to be run from one cluster node. .. code-block:: none [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs host auth remote1 -u hacluster Password: remote1: Authorized Integrate Remote Node into Cluster __________________________________ Integrating a remote node into the cluster is achieved through the creation of a remote node connection resource. The remote node connection resource both establishes the connection to the remote node and defines that the remote node exists. Note that this resource is actually internal to Pacemaker's controller. The metadata for this resource can be found in the ``/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/remote`` file. The metadata in this file describes what options are available, but there is no actual **ocf:pacemaker:remote** resource agent script that performs any work. Define the remote node connection resource to our remote node, **remote1**, using the following command on any cluster node. This command creates the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource; creates the authkey if it does not exist already and distributes it to the remote node; and starts and enables ``pacemaker-remoted`` on the remote node. .. code-block:: none [root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster node add-remote remote1 No addresses specified for host 'remote1', using 'remote1' Sending 'pacemaker authkey' to 'remote1' remote1: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker authkey' Requesting 'pacemaker_remote enable', 'pacemaker_remote start' on 'remote1' remote1: successful run of 'pacemaker_remote enable' remote1: successful run of 'pacemaker_remote start' That's it. After a moment you should see the remote node come online. The final ``pcs status`` output should look something like this, and you can see that it created the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource: .. code-block:: none # pcs status Cluster name: mycluster Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Wed Mar 3 11:02:03 2021 * Last change: Wed Mar 3 11:01:57 2021 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1 * 3 nodes configured * 1 resource instance configured Node List: * Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ] * RemoteOnline: [ remote1 ] Full List of Resources: * remote1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started pcmk-1 How pcs Configures the Remote ############################# -To see that it created the key and copied it to all cluster nodes and the -remote node, run: +Let's take a closer look at what the ``pcs cluster node add-remote`` command is +doing. There is no need to run any of the commands in this section. + +First, ``pcs`` copies the Pacemaker authkey file to the VM that will become the +guest. If an authkey is not already present on the cluster nodes, this command +creates one and distributes it to the existing nodes and to the guest. + +If you want to do this manually, you can run a command like the following to +generate an authkey in ``/etc/pacemaker/authkey``, and then distribute the key +to the rest of the nodes and to the new guest. .. code-block:: none - # ls -l /etc/pacemaker + [root@pcmk-1 ~]# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1 -To see that it enables pacemaker_remote, run: +Then ``pcs`` starts and enables the ``pacemaker_remote`` service on the guest. +If you want to do this manually, run the following commands. .. code-block:: none - # systemctl status pacemaker_remote - ● pacemaker_remote.service - Pacemaker Remote executor daemon - Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) - Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-03-02 10:42:40 EST; 1min 23s ago - Docs: man:pacemaker-remoted - https://clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/doc/ - Main PID: 1139 (pacemaker-remot) - Tasks: 1 - Memory: 5.4M - CGroup: /system.slice/pacemaker_remote.service - └─1139 /usr/sbin/pacemaker-remoted - - Mar 02 10:42:40 remote1 systemd[1]: Started Pacemaker Remote executor daemon. - Mar 02 10:42:40 remote1 pacemaker-remoted[1139]: notice: Additional logging available in /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log - Mar 02 10:42:40 remote1 pacemaker-remoted[1139]: notice: Starting Pacemaker remote executor - Mar 02 10:42:41 remote1 pacemaker-remoted[1139]: notice: Pacemaker remote executor successfully started and accepting connections + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl start pacemaker_remote + [root@guest1 ~]# systemctl enable pacemaker_remote Starting Resources on Remote Node ################################# -Once the remote node is integrated into the cluster, starting resources on a -remote node is the exact same as on cluster nodes. Refer to the +Once the remote node is integrated into the cluster, starting and managing +resources on a remote node is the exact same as on cluster nodes. Refer to the `Clusters from Scratch `_ document for examples of resource creation. .. WARNING:: Never involve a remote node connection resource in a resource group, colocation constraint, or order constraint. .. index:: single: remote node; fencing Fencing Remote Nodes #################### Remote nodes are fenced the same way as cluster nodes. No special considerations are required. Configure fencing resources for use with remote nodes the same as you would with cluster nodes. Note, however, that remote nodes can never 'initiate' a fencing action. Only cluster nodes are capable of actually executing a fencing operation against another node. Accessing Cluster Tools from a Remote Node ########################################## Besides allowing the cluster to manage resources on a remote node, pacemaker_remote has one other trick. The pacemaker_remote daemon allows nearly all the pacemaker tools (``crm_resource``, ``crm_mon``, ``crm_attribute``, etc.) to work on remote nodes natively. Try it: Run ``crm_mon`` on the remote node after pacemaker has integrated it into the cluster. These tools just work. These means resource agents such as promotable resources (which need access to tools like ``crm_attribute``) work seamlessly on the remote nodes. Higher-level command shells such as ``pcs`` may have partial support on remote nodes, but it is recommended to run them from a cluster node. Troubleshooting a Remote Connection ################################### Note: This section should not be done when the remote is connected to the cluster. Should connectivity issues occur, it can be worth verifying that the cluster nodes can contact the remote node on port 3121. Here's a trick you can use. Connect using ssh from each of the cluster nodes. The connection will get destroyed, but how it is destroyed tells you whether it worked or not. If running the ssh command on one of the cluster nodes results in this output before disconnecting, the connection works: .. code-block:: none # ssh -p 3121 remote1 ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer If you see one of these, the connection is not working: .. code-block:: none # ssh -p 3121 remote1 ssh: connect to host remote1 port 3121: No route to host .. code-block:: none # ssh -p 3121 remote1 ssh: connect to host remote1 port 3121: Connection refused Once you can successfully connect to the remote node from the both cluster nodes, you may move on to setting up Pacemaker on the cluster nodes.