diff --git a/doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/en-US/Ap-Configuration.txt b/doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/en-US/Ap-Configuration.txt
index bd42ca38da..6dc987c24c 100644
--- a/doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/en-US/Ap-Configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/en-US/Ap-Configuration.txt
@@ -1,450 +1,450 @@
== Configuration Recap ==
=== Final Cluster Configuration ===
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource
Master/Slave Set: WebDataClone [WebData]
Masters: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
Clone Set: ClusterIP-clone [ClusterIP] (unique)
ClusterIP:0 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started
ClusterIP:1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started
Clone Set: WebFS-clone [WebFS]
Started: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
Clone Set: WebSite-clone [WebSite]
Started: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource op defaults
timeout: 240s
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs stonith
impi-fencing (stonith:fence_ipmilan) Started
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs constraint
Location Constraints:
Ordering Constraints:
start ClusterIP-clone then start WebSite-clone (kind:Mandatory)
promote WebDataClone then start WebFS-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start WebFS-clone then start WebSite-clone (kind:Mandatory)
start dlm-clone then start WebFS-clone (kind:Mandatory)
Colocation Constraints:
WebSite-clone with ClusterIP-clone (score:INFINITY)
WebFS-clone with WebDataClone (score:INFINITY) (with-rsc-role:Master)
WebSite-clone with WebFS-clone (score:INFINITY)
WebFS-clone with dlm-clone (score:INFINITY)
Ticket Constraints:
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: pcmk-1 (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 12:05:37 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 11:49:29 2018
2 nodes configured
11 resources configured
Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
Full list of resources:
impi-fencing (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started pcmk-1
Master/Slave Set: WebDataClone [WebData]
Masters: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
Started: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
Clone Set: ClusterIP-clone [ClusterIP] (unique)
ClusterIP:0 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started pcmk-2
ClusterIP:1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started pcmk-1
Clone Set: WebFS-clone [WebFS]
Started: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
Clone Set: WebSite-clone [WebSite]
Started: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/disabled
pcsd: active/enabled
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster cib
=== Node List ===
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status nodes
Pacemaker Nodes:
Online: pcmk-1 pcmk-2
=== Cluster Options ===
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs property
Cluster Properties:
cluster-infrastructure: corosync
cluster-name: mycluster
dc-version: 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df
have-watchdog: false
last-lrm-refresh: 1439569053
stonith-enabled: true
The output shows state information automatically obtained about the cluster, including:
* *cluster-infrastructure* - the cluster communications layer in use
* *cluster-name* - the cluster name chosen by the administrator when the cluster was created
* *dc-version* - the version (including upstream source-code hash) of Pacemaker used on the Designated Controller
The output also shows options set by the administrator that control the way the cluster operates, including:
* *stonith-enabled=true* - whether the cluster is allowed to use STONITH resources
=== Resources ===
==== Default Options ====
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource defaults
resource-stickiness: 100
This shows cluster option defaults that apply to every resource that does not
explicitly set the option itself. Above:
* *resource-stickiness* - Specify the aversion to moving healthy resources to other machines
==== Fencing ====
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs stonith show
ipmi-fencing (stonith:fence_ipmilan) Started
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs stonith show ipmi-fencing
Resource: ipmi-fencing (class=stonith type=fence_ipmilan)
Attributes: ipaddr="" login="testuser" passwd="acd123" pcmk_host_list="pcmk-1 pcmk-2"
Operations: monitor interval=60s (fence-monitor-interval-60s)
==== Service Address ====
Users of the services provided by the cluster require an unchanging
address with which to access it. Additionally, we cloned the address so
it will be active on both nodes. An iptables rule (created as part of the
resource agent) is used to ensure that each request only gets processed by one
of the two clone instances. The additional meta options tell the cluster
that we want two instances of the clone (one "request bucket" for each
node) and that if one node fails, then the remaining node should hold
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource show ClusterIP-clone
Clone: ClusterIP-clone
Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=2 globally-unique=true
Resource: ClusterIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=32 clusterip_hash=sourceip
Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-start-timeout-20s)
stop interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-stop-timeout-20s)
monitor interval=30s (ClusterIP-monitor-interval-30s)
==== DRBD - Shared Storage ====
Here, we define the DRBD service and specify which DRBD resource (from
-/etc/drbd.d/*.res) it should manage. We make it a master/slave resource and, in
+/etc/drbd.d/*.res) it should manage. We make it a promotable clone resource and, in
order to have an active/active setup, allow both instances to be promoted to master
at the same time. We also set the notify option so that the
cluster will tell DRBD agent when its peer changes state.
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource show WebDataClone
Master: WebDataClone
Meta Attrs: master-max=2 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
Resource: WebData (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd)
Attributes: drbd_resource=wwwdata
Operations: start interval=0s timeout=240 (WebData-start-timeout-240)
promote interval=0s timeout=90 (WebData-promote-timeout-90)
demote interval=0s timeout=90 (WebData-demote-timeout-90)
stop interval=0s timeout=100 (WebData-stop-timeout-100)
monitor interval=60s (WebData-monitor-interval-60s)
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs constraint ref WebDataClone
Resource: WebDataClone
==== Cluster Filesystem ====
The cluster filesystem ensures that files are read and written correctly.
We need to specify the block device (provided by DRBD), where we want it
mounted and that we are using GFS2. Again, it is a clone because it is
intended to be active on both nodes. The additional constraints ensure
that it can only be started on nodes with active DLM and DRBD instances.
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource show WebFS-clone
Clone: WebFS-clone
Resource: WebFS (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
Attributes: device=/dev/drbd1 directory=/var/www/html fstype=gfs2
Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 (WebFS-start-timeout-60)
stop interval=0s timeout=60 (WebFS-stop-timeout-60)
monitor interval=20 timeout=40 (WebFS-monitor-interval-20)
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs constraint ref WebFS-clone
Resource: WebFS-clone
==== Apache ====
Lastly, we have the actual service, Apache. We need only tell the cluster
where to find its main configuration file and restrict it to running on
nodes that have the required filesystem mounted and the IP address active.
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs resource show WebSite-clone
Clone: WebSite-clone
Resource: WebSite (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=apache)
Attributes: configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf statusurl=http://localhost/server-status
Operations: start interval=0s timeout=40s (WebSite-start-timeout-40s)
stop interval=0s timeout=60s (WebSite-stop-timeout-60s)
monitor interval=1min (WebSite-monitor-interval-1min)
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs constraint ref WebSite-clone
Resource: WebSite-clone
diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Administration/en-US/Ch-Agents.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Administration/en-US/Ch-Agents.txt
index 8f2b6a3181..ab82420f58 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Administration/en-US/Ch-Agents.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Administration/en-US/Ch-Agents.txt
@@ -1,338 +1,337 @@
= Resource Agents =
== OCF Resource Agents ==
=== Location of Custom Scripts ===
indexterm:[OCF Resource Agents]
OCF Resource Agents are found in +/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pass:[provider]+
When creating your own agents, you are encouraged to create a new
directory under +/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/+ so that they are not
confused with (or overwritten by) the agents shipped by existing providers.
So, for example, if you choose the provider name of bigCorp and want
a new resource named bigApp, you would create a resource agent called
+/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/bigCorp/bigApp+ and define a resource:
=== Actions ===
All OCF resource agents are required to implement the following actions.
.Required Actions for OCF Agents
|Start the resource
|Return 0 on success and an appropriate error code otherwise. Must not
report success until the resource is fully active.
indexterm:[start,OCF Action]
|Stop the resource
|Return 0 on success and an appropriate error code otherwise. Must not
report success until the resource is fully stopped.
indexterm:[stop,OCF Action]
|Check the resource's state
|Exit 0 if the resource is running, 7 if it is stopped, and anything
else if it is failed.
indexterm:[monitor,OCF Action]
NOTE: The monitor script should test the state of the resource on the local machine only.
|Describe the resource
|Provide information about this resource as an XML snippet. Exit with 0.
indexterm:[meta-data,OCF Action]
NOTE: This is _not_ performed as root.
|Verify the supplied parameters
|Return 0 if parameters are valid, 2 if not valid, and 6 if resource is not configured.
indexterm:[validate-all,OCF Action]
Additional requirements (not part of the OCF specification) are placed on
-agents that will be used for advanced concepts such as clones
-and multi-state resources.
+agents that will be used for advanced concepts such as clone resources.
.Optional Actions for OCF Resource Agents
-|Promote the local instance of a multi-state resource to the master (primary) state.
+|Promote the local instance of a promotable clone resource to the master (primary) state.
|Return 0 on success
indexterm:[promote,OCF Action]
-|Demote the local instance of a multi-state resource to the slave (secondary) state.
+|Demote the local instance of a promotable clone resource to the slave (secondary) state.
|Return 0 on success
indexterm:[demote,OCF Action]
|Used by the cluster to send the agent pre- and post-notification
events telling the resource what has happened and will happen.
|Must not fail. Must exit with 0
indexterm:[notify,OCF Action]
One action specified in the OCF specs, +recover+, is not currently used by the
cluster. It is intended to be a variant of the +start+ action that tries to
recover a resource locally.
If you create a new OCF resource agent, use indexterm:[ocf-tester]`ocf-tester`
to verify that the agent complies with the OCF standard properly.
=== How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted? ===
The first thing the cluster does is to check the return code against
the expected result. If the result does not match the expected value,
then the operation is considered to have failed, and recovery action is
There are three types of failure recovery:
.Types of recovery performed by the cluster
|Action Taken by the Cluster
|A transient error occurred
|Restart the resource or move it to a new location
indexterm:[soft,OCF error]
|A non-transient error that may be specific to the current node occurred
|Move the resource elsewhere and prevent it from being retried on the current node
indexterm:[hard,OCF error]
|A non-transient error that will be common to all cluster nodes (e.g. a bad configuration was specified)
|Stop the resource and prevent it from being started on any cluster node
indexterm:[fatal,OCF error]
=== OCF Return Codes ===
The following table outlines the different OCF return codes and the type of
recovery the cluster will initiate when a failure code is received.
Although counterintuitive, even actions that return 0
(aka. +OCF_SUCCESS+) can be considered to have failed, if 0 was not
the expected return value.
.OCF Return Codes and their Recovery Types
[width="95%",cols="1m,4> for further details on how to interpret
the output of `crm_simulate` and `graphviz`.
. Upload the changes:
# crm_shadow --commit shadow --force
In the unlikely event this step fails, please report a bug.
indexterm:[Configuration,upgrade manually]
It is also possible to perform the configuration upgrade steps manually:
. Locate the +upgrade*.xsl+ conversion scripts provided with the source code. These will often
be installed in a location such as +/usr/share/pacemaker+, or may be obtained from
the https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/tree/master/xml[source repository].
. Run the conversion scripts that apply to your older version, for example:
# xsltproc /path/to/upgrade06.xsl config06.xml > config10.xml
. Locate the +pacemaker.rng+ script (from the same location as the xsl files).
. Check the XML validity: indexterm:[validate configuration]indexterm:[Configuration,validate XML]
# xmllint --relaxng /path/to/pacemaker.rng config10.xml
The advantage of this method is that it can be performed without the
cluster running, and any validation errors are often more informative.
== What Changed in 2.0 ==
The main goal of the 2.0 release was to remove support for deprecated syntax,
along with some small changes in default configuration behavior and tool
behavior. Highlights:
* Only Corosync version 2 and greater is now supported as the underlying
cluster layer. Support for Heartbeat and Corosync 1 (including CMAN) is
* The Pacemaker detail log file is now stored in
/var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log by default.
* The record-pending cluster property now defaults to true, which
allows status tools such as crm_mon to show operations that are in
* Support for a number of deprecated build options, environment variables,
and configuration settings has been removed.
+* The +master+ tag has been deprecated in favor of using a +clone+ tag with the
+ new +promotable+ meta-attribute set to +true+. "Master/slave" clone resources
+ are now referred to as "promotable" clone resources, though it will take
+ longer for the full terminology change to be completed.
* The public API for Pacemaker libraries that software applications can use
has changed significantly.
For a detailed list of changes, see the release notes and the
https://wiki.clusterlabs.org/wiki/Pacemaker_2.0_Changes[Pacemaker 2.0 Changes]
page on the ClusterLabs wiki.
== What Changed in 1.0 ==
=== New ===
* Failure timeouts.
* New section for resource and operation defaults.
* Tool for making offline configuration changes.
* +Rules, instance_attributes, meta_attributes+ and sets of operations can be defined once and referenced in multiple places.
* The CIB now accepts XPath-based create/modify/delete operations. See the pass:[cibadmin] help text.
* Multi-dimensional colocation and ordering constraints.
* The ability to connect to the CIB from non-cluster machines.
* Allow recurring actions to be triggered at known times.
=== Changed ===
* Syntax
** All resource and cluster options now use dashes (-) instead of underscores (_)
** +master_slave+ was renamed to +master+
** The +attributes+ container tag was removed
** The operation field +pre-req+ has been renamed +requires+
** All operations must have an +interval+, +start+/+stop+ must have it set to zero
* The +stonith-enabled+ option now defaults to true.
* The cluster will refuse to start resources if +stonith-enabled+ is true (or unset) and no STONITH resources have been defined
* The attributes of colocation and ordering constraints were renamed for clarity.
* +resource-failure-stickiness+ has been replaced by +migration-threshold+.
* The parameters for command-line tools have been made consistent
* Switched to 'RelaxNG' schema validation and 'libxml2' parser
** id fields are now XML IDs which have the following limitations:
*** id's cannot contain colons (:)
*** id's cannot begin with a number
*** id's must be globally unique (not just unique for that tag)
** Some fields (such as those in constraints that refer to resources) are IDREFs.
This means that they must reference existing resources or objects in
order for the configuration to be valid. Removing an object which is
referenced elsewhere will therefore fail.
** The CIB representation, from which a MD5 digest is calculated to verify CIBs on the nodes, has changed.
This means that every CIB update will require a full refresh on any
upgraded nodes until the cluster is fully upgraded to 1.0. This will
result in significant performance degradation and it is therefore
highly inadvisable to run a mixed 1.0/0.6 cluster for any longer than
absolutely necessary.
* Ping node information no longer needs to be added to _ha.cf_.
Simply include the lists of hosts in your ping resource(s).
=== Removed ===
* Syntax
** It is no longer possible to set resource meta options as top-level
attributes. Use meta attributes instead.
** Resource and operation defaults are no longer read from
diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Advanced-Resources.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Advanced-Resources.txt
index 0830af4e3d..c6d368d741 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Advanced-Resources.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Advanced-Resources.txt
@@ -1,1519 +1,1441 @@
= Advanced Resource Types =
== Groups - A Syntactic Shortcut ==
indexterm:[Group Resources]
One of the most common elements of a cluster is a set of resources
that need to be located together, start sequentially, and stop in the
reverse order. To simplify this configuration, we support the concept
of groups.
.A group of two primitive resources
Although the example above contains only two resources, there is no
limit to the number of resources a group can contain. The example is
also sufficient to explain the fundamental properties of a group:
* Resources are started in the order they appear in (+Public-IP+
first, then +Email+)
* Resources are stopped in the reverse order to which they appear in
(+Email+ first, then +Public-IP+)
If a resource in the group can't run anywhere, then nothing after that
is allowed to run, too.
* If +Public-IP+ can't run anywhere, neither can +Email+;
* but if +Email+ can't run anywhere, this does not affect +Public-IP+
in any way
The group above is logically equivalent to writing:
.How the cluster sees a group resource
Obviously as the group grows bigger, the reduced configuration effort
can become significant.
Another (typical) example of a group is a DRBD volume, the filesystem
mount, an IP address, and an application that uses them.
=== Group Properties ===
.Properties of a Group Resource
|A unique name for the group
indexterm:[id,Group Resource Property]
indexterm:[Resource,Group Property,id]
=== Group Options ===
Groups inherit the +priority+, +target-role+, and +is-managed+ properties
from primitive resources. See <> for information about
those properties.
=== Group Instance Attributes ===
Groups have no instance attributes. However, any that are set for the group
object will be inherited by the group's children.
=== Group Contents ===
Groups may only contain a collection of cluster resources (see
<>). To refer to a child of a group resource, just use
the child's +id+ instead of the group's.
=== Group Constraints ===
Although it is possible to reference a group's children in
constraints, it is usually preferable to reference the group itself.
.Some constraints involving groups
=== Group Stickiness ===
Stickiness, the measure of how much a resource wants to stay where it
is, is additive in groups. Every active resource of the group will
contribute its stickiness value to the group's total. So if the
default +resource-stickiness+ is 100, and a group has seven members,
five of which are active, then the group as a whole will prefer its
current location with a score of 500.
-== Clones - Resources That Get Active on Multiple Hosts ==
+== Clones - Resources That Can Have Multiple Active Instances ==
indexterm:[Clone Resources]
-Clones were initially conceived as a convenient way to start multiple
-instances of an IP address resource and have them distributed throughout the
-cluster for load balancing. They have turned out to quite useful for
-a number of purposes including integrating with the Distributed Lock Manager
-(used by many cluster filesystems), the fencing subsystem, and OCFS2.
+'Clone' resources are resources that can have more than one copy active at the
+same time. This allows you, for example, to run a copy of a daemon on every
+node. You can clone any primitive or group resource.
+Of course, the service must support running multiple instances.
-You can clone any resource, provided the resource agent supports it.
+=== Anonymous versus Unique Clones ===
-Three types of cloned resources exist:
+A clone resource is configured to be either 'anonymous' or 'globally unique'.
-* Anonymous
-* Globally unique
-* Stateful
-'Anonymous' clones are the simplest. These behave
-completely identically everywhere they are running. Because of this,
-there can be only one copy of an anonymous clone active per machine.
+Anonymous clones are the simplest. These behave completely identically
+everywhere they are running. Because of this, there can be only one instance of
+an anonymous clone active per node.
-'Globally unique' clones are distinct entities. A copy of the clone
-running on one machine is not equivalent to another instance on
-another node, nor would any two copies on the same node be
-'Stateful' clones are covered later in <>.
-.A clone of an LSB resource
+The instances of globally unique clones are distinct entities. All instances
+are launched identically, but one instance of the clone is not identical to any
+other instance, whether running on the same node or a different node. As an
+example, a cloned IP address can use special kernel functionality such that
+each instance handles a subset of requests for the same IP address.
+=== Promotable clones ===
+indexterm:[Promotable Clone Resources]
+If a clone is 'promotable', its instances can perform a special role that
+Pacemaker will manage via the +promote+ and +demote+ actions of the resource
+Services that support such a special role have various terms for the special
+role and the default role: primary and secondary, master and replica,
+controller and worker, etc. Pacemaker uses the terms 'master' and 'slave',
+These are historical terms that will eventually be replaced, but the extensive
+use of them and the need for backward compatibility makes it a long process.
+You may see examples using a +master+ tag instead of a +clone+ tag with the
++promotable+ meta-attribute set to +true+; the +master+ tag is supported, but
+deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. You may also see such
+services referred to as 'multi-state' or 'stateful'; these means the same thing
+as 'promotable'.
+but is agnostic to what the service calls them or what they do.
+All that Pacemaker cares about is that an instance comes up in the default role
+when started, and the resource agent supports the +promote+ and +demote+ actions
+to manage entering and exiting the special role.
=== Clone Properties ===
.Properties of a Clone Resource
|A unique name for the clone
indexterm:[id,Clone Property]
=== Clone Options ===
-Options inherited from <> resources:
+<> inherited from primitive resources:
+priority, target-role, is-managed+
.Clone-specific configuration options
+|If +true+, each clone instance performs a distinct function
+ indexterm:[globally-unique,Clone Option]
+ indexterm:[Clone,Option,globally-unique]
|number of nodes in cluster
-|How many copies of the resource to start
+|The maximum number of clone instances that can be started across the entire
+ cluster
indexterm:[clone-max,Clone Option]
-|How many copies of the resource can be started on a single node
+|If +globally-unique+ is +true+, the maximum number of clone instances that can
+ be started on a single node
indexterm:[clone-node-max,Clone Option]
|Require at least this number of clone instances to be runnable before allowing
-resources depending on the clone to be runnable
+ resources depending on the clone to be runnable
indexterm:[clone-min,Clone Option]
-|When stopping or starting a copy of the clone, tell all the other
- copies beforehand and again when the action was successful. Allowed values:
- +false+, +true+
+|Call the resource agent's +notify+ action for all active instances, before and
+ after starting or stopping any clone instance. The resource agent must support
+ this action. Allowed values: +false+, +true+
indexterm:[notify,Clone Option]
-|Does each copy of the clone perform a different function? Allowed
- values: +false+, +true+
- indexterm:[globally-unique,Clone Option]
- indexterm:[Clone,Option,globally-unique]
-|Should the copies be started in series (instead of in
- parallel)? Allowed values: +false+, +true+
+|If +true+, clone instances must be started sequentially instead of in parallel
+ Allowed values: +false+, +true+
indexterm:[ordered,Clone Option]
-|If this clone depends on another clone via an ordering constraint,
-is it allowed to start after the local instance of the other clone
-starts, rather than wait for all instances of the other clone to start?
-Allowed values: +false+, +true+
+|When this clone is ordered relative to another clone, if this option is
+ +false+ (the default), the ordering is relative to 'all' instances of the
+ other clone, whereas if this option is +true+, the ordering is relative only
+ to instances on the same node.
+ Allowed values: +false+, +true+
indexterm:[interleave,Clone Option]
+|If +true+, clone instances can perform a special role that Pacemaker will
+ manage via the resource agent's +promote+ and +demote+ actions. The resource
+ agent must support these actions.
+ Allowed values: +false+, +true+
+ indexterm:[promotable,Clone Option]
+ indexterm:[Clone,Option,promotable]
+|If +promotable+ is +true+, the number of instances that can be promoted at one
+ time across the entire cluster
+ indexterm:[promoted-max,Clone Option]
+ indexterm:[Clone,Option,promoted-max]
-=== Clone Instance Attributes ===
+|If +promotable+ is +true+ and +globally-unique+ is +false+, the number of
+ clone instances can be promoted at one time on a single node
+ indexterm:[promoted-node-max,Clone Option]
+ indexterm:[Clone,Option,promoted-node-max]
-Clones have no instance attributes; however, any that are set here
-will be inherited by the clone's children.
+For backward compatibility, +master-max+ and +master-node-max+ are accepted as
+aliases for +promoted-max+ and +promoted-node-max+, but are deprecated since
+2.0.0, and support for them will be removed in a future version.
=== Clone Contents ===
Clones must contain exactly one primitive or group resource.
+.A clone that runs a web server on all nodes
-You should never reference the name of a clone's child.
-If you think you need to do this, you probably need to re-evaluate your design.
+You should never reference the name of a clone's child (the primitive or group
+resource being cloned). If you think you need to do this, you probably need to
+re-evaluate your design.
+=== Clone Instance Attributes ===
+Clones have no instance attributes; however, any that are set here will be
+inherited by the clone's child.
=== Clone Constraints ===
-In most cases, a clone will have a single copy on each active cluster
+In most cases, a clone will have a single instance on each active cluster
node. If this is not the case, you can indicate which nodes the
cluster should preferentially assign copies to with resource location
constraints. These constraints are written no differently from those
for primitive resources except that the clone's +id+ is used.
.Some constraints involving clones
Ordering constraints behave slightly differently for clones. In the
example above, +apache-stats+ will wait until all copies of +apache-clone+
that need to be started have done so before being started itself.
Only if _no_ copies can be started will +apache-stats+ be prevented
from being active. Additionally, the clone will wait for
+apache-stats+ to be stopped before stopping itself.
Colocation of a primitive or group resource with a clone means that
-the resource can run on any machine with an active copy of the clone.
-The cluster will choose a copy based on where the clone is running and
+the resource can run on any node with an active instance of the clone.
+The cluster will choose an instance based on where the clone is running and
the resource's own location preferences.
Colocation between clones is also possible. If one clone +A+ is colocated
with another clone +B+, the set of allowed locations for +A+ is limited to
nodes on which +B+ is (or will be) active. Placement is then performed
-=== Clone Stickiness ===
-To achieve a stable allocation pattern, clones are slightly sticky by
-default. If no value for +resource-stickiness+ is provided, the clone
-will use a value of 1. Being a small value, it causes minimal
-disturbance to the score calculations of other resources but is enough
-to prevent Pacemaker from needlessly moving copies around the cluster.
-For globally unique clones, this may result in multiple instances of the
-clone staying on a single node, even after another eligible node becomes
-active (for example, after being put into standby mode then made active again).
-If you do not want this behavior, specify a +resource-stickiness+ of 0
-for the clone temporarily and let the cluster adjust, then set it back
-to 1 if you want the default behavior to apply again.
-=== Clone Resource Agent Requirements ===
-Any resource can be used as an anonymous clone, as it requires no
-additional support from the resource agent. Whether it makes sense to
-do so depends on your resource and its resource agent.
-Globally unique clones do require some additional support in the
-resource agent. In particular, it must only respond with
-+$\{OCF_SUCCESS}+ if the node has that exact instance active. All
-other probes for instances of the clone should result in
-+$\{OCF_NOT_RUNNING}+ (or one of the other OCF error codes if
-they are failed).
-Individual instances of a clone are identified by appending a colon and a
-numerical offset, e.g. +apache:2+.
-Resource agents can find out how many copies there are by examining
-the +OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_clone_max+ environment variable and which
-copy it is by examining +OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_clone+.
-The resource agent must not make any assumptions (based on
-+OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_clone+) about which numerical instances are active. In
-particular, the list of active copies will not always be an unbroken
-sequence, nor always start at 0.
-==== Clone Notifications ====
-Supporting notifications requires the +notify+ action to be
-implemented. If supported, the notify action will be passed a
-number of extra variables which, when combined with additional
-context, can be used to calculate the current state of the cluster and
-what is about to happen to it.
-.Environment variables supplied with Clone notify actions
-|Allowed values: +pre+, +post+
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,type]
- indexterm:[type,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Allowed values: +start+, +stop+
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,operation]
- indexterm:[operation,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Resources to be started
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,start_resource]
- indexterm:[start_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Resources to be stopped
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,stop_resource]
- indexterm:[stop_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Resources that are running
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,active_resource]
- indexterm:[active_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Resources that are not running
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,inactive_resource]
- indexterm:[inactive_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Nodes on which resources will be started
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,start_uname]
- indexterm:[start_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Nodes on which resources will be stopped
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,stop_uname]
- indexterm:[stop_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Nodes on which resources are running
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,active_uname]
- indexterm:[active_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
-The variables come in pairs, such as
-+OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+ and
-+OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_uname+ and should be treated as an
-array of whitespace-separated elements.
-+OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+ is an exception as the
-matching +uname+ variable does not exist since inactive resources
-are not running on any node.
-Thus in order to indicate that +clone:0+ will be started on +sles-1+,
-+clone:2+ will be started on +sles-3+, and +clone:3+ will be started
-on +sles-2+, the cluster would set
-.Notification variables
-OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource="clone:0 clone:2 clone:3"
-OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_uname="sles-1 sles-3 sles-2"
-==== Proper Interpretation of Notification Environment Variables ====
-.Pre-notification (stop):
-* Active resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
-* Inactive resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
-* Resources to be started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
-* Resources to be stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
-.Post-notification (stop) / Pre-notification (start):
-* Active resources
-** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
-** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
-* Inactive resources
-** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
-** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
-* Resources that were started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
-* Resources that were stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
-.Post-notification (start):
-* Active resources:
-** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
-** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
-** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
-* Inactive resources:
-** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
-** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
-** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
-* Resources that were started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
-* Resources that were stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
-== Multi-state - Resources That Have Multiple Modes ==
-indexterm:[Multi-state Resources]
-Multi-state resources are a specialization of clone resources; please
-ensure you understand <> before continuing!
-Multi-state resources allow the instances to be in one of two operating modes
-(called 'roles'). The roles are called 'master' and 'slave', but can mean
-whatever you wish them to mean. The only limitation is that when an instance is
-started, it must come up in the slave role.
-=== Multi-state Properties ===
-.Properties of a Multi-State Resource
-|Your name for the multi-state resource
- indexterm:[id,Multi-State Property]
- indexterm:[Multi-State,Property,id]
-=== Multi-state Options ===
-Options inherited from <> resources:
-+priority+, +target-role+, +is-managed+
-Options inherited from <> resources:
-+clone-max+, +clone-node-max+, +notify+, +globally-unique+, +ordered+,
-.Multi-state-specific resource configuration options
-|How many copies of the resource can be promoted to the +master+ role
- indexterm:[master-max,Multi-State Option]
- indexterm:[Multi-State,Option,master-max]
-|How many copies of the resource can be promoted to the +master+ role on
- a single node
- indexterm:[master-node-max,Multi-State Option]
- indexterm:[Multi-State,Option,master-node-max]
-=== Multi-state Instance Attributes ===
-Multi-state resources have no instance attributes; however, any that
-are set here will be inherited by a master's children.
-=== Multi-state Contents ===
-Masters must contain exactly one primitive or group resource.
-You should never reference the name of a master's child.
-If you think you need to do this, you probably need to re-evaluate your design.
-=== Monitoring Multi-State Resources ===
-The usual monitor actions are insufficient to monitor a multi-state resource,
-because pacemaker needs to verify not only that the resource is active, but
-also that its actual role matches its intended one.
-Define two monitoring actions: the usual one will cover the slave role,
-and an additional one with +role="master"+ will cover the master role.
-.Monitoring both states of a multi-state resource
-It is crucial that _every_ monitor operation has a different interval!
-Pacemaker currently differentiates between operations
-only by resource and interval; so if (for example) a master/slave resource had
-the same monitor interval for both roles, Pacemaker would ignore the
-role when checking the status -- which would cause unexpected return
-codes, and therefore unnecessary complications.
-=== Multi-state Constraints ===
-In most cases, multi-state resources will have a single copy on each
-active cluster node. If this is not the case, you can indicate which
-nodes the cluster should preferentially assign copies to with resource
-location constraints. These constraints are written no differently from
-those for primitive resources except that the master's +id+ is used.
+==== Promotable Clone Constraints ====
-When considering multi-state resources in constraints, for most
-purposes it is sufficient to treat them as clones. The exception is
-that the +first-action+ and/or +then-action+ fields for ordering constraints
-may be set to +promote+ or +demote+ to constrain the master role,
-and colocation constraints may contain +rsc-role+ and/or +with-rsc-role+
+For promotable clone resources, the +first-action+ and/or +then-action+ fields
+for ordering constraints may be set to +promote+ or +demote+ to constrain the
+master role, and colocation constraints may contain +rsc-role+ and/or
++with-rsc-role+ fields.
-.Additional colocation constraint options for multi-state resources
+.Additional colocation constraint options for promotable clone resources
|An additional attribute of colocation constraints that specifies the
role that +rsc+ must be in. Allowed values: +Started+, +Master+,
indexterm:[rsc-role,Ordering Constraints]
|An additional attribute of colocation constraints that specifies the
role that +with-rsc+ must be in. Allowed values: +Started+,
+Master+, +Slave+.
indexterm:[with-rsc-role,Ordering Constraints]
-.Constraints involving multi-state resources
+.Constraints involving promotable clone resources
In the example above, +myApp+ will wait until one of the database
copies has been started and promoted to master before being started
itself on the same node. Only if no copies can be promoted will +myApp+ be
prevented from being active. Additionally, the cluster will wait for
+myApp+ to be stopped before demoting the database.
-Colocation of a primitive or group resource with a multi-state
-resource means that it can run on any machine with an active copy of
-the multi-state resource that has the specified role (+master+ or
+Colocation of a primitive or group resource with a promotable clone
+resource means that it can run on any node with an active instance of
+the promotable clone resource that has the specified role (+master+ or
+slave+). In the example above, the cluster will choose a location based on
where database is running as a +master+, and if there are multiple
+master+ instances it will also factor in +myApp+'s own location
preferences when deciding which location to choose.
-Colocation with regular clones and other multi-state resources is also
+Colocation with regular clones and other promotable clone resources is also
possible. In such cases, the set of allowed locations for the +rsc+
clone is (after role filtering) limited to nodes on which the
-+with-rsc+ multi-state resource is (or will be) in the specified role.
++with-rsc+ promotable clone resource is (or will be) in the specified role.
Placement is then performed as normal.
-==== Using Multi-state Resources in Colocation Sets ====
+==== Using Promotable Clone Resources in Colocation Sets ====
-.Additional colocation set options relevant to multi-state resources
+.Additional colocation set options relevant to promotable clone resources
|The role that 'all members' of the set must be in. Allowed values: +Started+, +Master+,
indexterm:[role,Ordering Constraints]
In the following example +B+'s master must be located on the same node as +A+'s master.
Additionally resources +C+ and +D+ must be located on the same node as +A+'s
and +B+'s masters.
.Colocate C and D with A's and B's master instances
-==== Using Multi-state Resources in Ordering Sets ====
+==== Using Promotable Clone Resources in Ordered Sets ====
-.Additional ordered set options relevant to multi-state resources
+.Additional ordered set options relevant to promotable clone resources
|value of +first-action+
|An additional attribute of ordering constraint sets that specifies the
action that applies to 'all members' of the set. Allowed
values: +start+, +stop+, +promote+, +demote+.
indexterm:[action,Ordering Constraints]
.Start C and D after first promoting A and B
In the above example, +B+ cannot be promoted to a master role until +A+ has
been promoted. Additionally, resources +C+ and +D+ must wait until +A+ and +B+
have been promoted before they can start.
-=== Multi-state Stickiness ===
+=== Clone Stickiness ===
-As with regular clones, multi-state resources are
-slightly sticky by default. See <> for details.
-=== Which Resource Instance is Promoted ===
+To achieve a stable allocation pattern, clones are slightly sticky by
+default. If no value for +resource-stickiness+ is provided, the clone
+will use a value of 1. Being a small value, it causes minimal
+disturbance to the score calculations of other resources but is enough
+to prevent Pacemaker from needlessly moving copies around the cluster.
-During the start operation, most resource agents should call
-the `crm_master` utility. This tool automatically detects both the
-resource and host and should be used to set a preference for being
-promoted. Based on this, +master-max+, and +master-node-max+, the
-instance(s) with the highest preference will be promoted.
+For globally unique clones, this may result in multiple instances of the
+clone staying on a single node, even after another eligible node becomes
+active (for example, after being put into standby mode then made active again).
+If you do not want this behavior, specify a +resource-stickiness+ of 0
+for the clone temporarily and let the cluster adjust, then set it back
+to 1 if you want the default behavior to apply again.
-An alternative is to create a location constraint that
-indicates which nodes are most preferred as masters.
+=== Clone Resource Agent Requirements ===
-.Explicitly preferring node1 to be promoted to master
+Any resource can be used as an anonymous clone, as it requires no
+additional support from the resource agent. Whether it makes sense to
+do so depends on your resource and its resource agent.
-=== Requirements for Multi-state Resource Agents ===
+==== Resource Agent Requirements for Globally Unique Clones ====
-Since multi-state resources are an extension of cloned resources, all
-the requirements for resource agents that support clones are also requirements
-for resource agents that support multi-state resources.
+Globally unique clones require additional support in the resource agent. In
+particular, it must only respond with +$\{OCF_SUCCESS}+ if the node has that
+exact instance active. All other probes for instances of the clone should
+result in +$\{OCF_NOT_RUNNING}+ (or one of the other OCF error codes if
+they are failed).
-Additionally, multi-state resources require two extra
-actions, +demote+ and +promote+, which are responsible for
-changing the state of the resource. Like +start+ and +stop+, they
-should return +$\{OCF_SUCCESS}+ if they completed successfully or a
-relevant error code if they did not.
+Individual instances of a clone are identified by appending a colon and a
+numerical offset, e.g. +apache:2+.
+Resource agents can find out how many copies there are by examining
+the +OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_clone_max+ environment variable and which
+instance it is by examining +OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_clone+.
+The resource agent must not make any assumptions (based on
++OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_clone+) about which numerical instances are active. In
+particular, the list of active copies will not always be an unbroken
+sequence, nor always start at 0.
+==== Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones ====
+Promotable clone resources require two extra actions, +demote+ and +promote+,
+which are responsible for changing the state of the resource. Like +start+ and
++stop+, they should return +$\{OCF_SUCCESS}+ if they completed successfully or
+a relevant error code if they did not.
The states can mean whatever you wish, but when the resource is
started, it must come up in the mode called +slave+. From there the
cluster will decide which instances to promote to +master+.
In addition to the clone requirements for monitor actions, agents must
also _accurately_ report which state they are in. The cluster relies
on the agent to report its status (including role) accurately and does
not indicate to the agent what role it currently believes it to be in.
.Role implications of OCF return codes
|Monitor Return Code
indexterm:[Return Code,OCF_NOT_RUNNING]
|Running (Slave)
indexterm:[Return Code,OCF_SUCCESS]
|Running (Master)
indexterm:[Return Code,OCF_RUNNING_MASTER]
|Failed (Master)
indexterm:[Return Code,OCF_FAILED_MASTER]
|Failed (Slave)
-==== Multi-state Notifications ====
+==== Clone Notifications ====
-Like clones, supporting notifications requires the +notify+ action to
-be implemented. If supported, the notify action will be passed a
-number of extra variables which, when combined with additional
-context, can be used to calculate the current state of the cluster and
-what is about to happen to it.
-.Environment variables supplied with multi-state notify actions footnote:[Emphasized variables are specific to +Master+ resources, and all behave in the same manner as described for Clone resources.]
+If the clone has the +notify+ meta-attribute set to +true+, and the resource
+agent supports the +notify+ action, Pacemaker will call the action when
+appropriate, passing a number of extra variables which, when combined with
+additional context, can be used to calculate the current state of the cluster
+and what is about to happen to it.
+.Environment variables supplied with Clone notify actions
|Allowed values: +pre+, +post+
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,type]
indexterm:[type,Notification Environment Variable]
|Allowed values: +start+, +stop+
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,operation]
indexterm:[operation,Notification Environment Variable]
+|Resources to be started
+ indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,start_resource]
+ indexterm:[start_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
+|Resources to be stopped
+ indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,stop_resource]
+ indexterm:[stop_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
|Resources that are running
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,active_resource]
indexterm:[active_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
|Resources that are not running
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,inactive_resource]
indexterm:[inactive_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
+|Nodes on which resources will be started
+ indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,start_uname]
+ indexterm:[start_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
+|Nodes on which resources will be stopped
+ indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,stop_uname]
+ indexterm:[stop_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
+|Nodes on which resources are running
+ indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,active_uname]
+ indexterm:[active_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
+The variables come in pairs, such as
++OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+ and
++OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_uname+ and should be treated as an
+array of whitespace-separated elements.
++OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+ is an exception as the
+matching +uname+ variable does not exist since inactive resources
+are not running on any node.
+Thus in order to indicate that +clone:0+ will be started on +sles-1+,
++clone:2+ will be started on +sles-3+, and +clone:3+ will be started
+on +sles-2+, the cluster would set
+.Notification variables
+OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource="clone:0 clone:2 clone:3"
+OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_uname="sles-1 sles-3 sles-2"
+==== Interpretation of Notification Variables ====
+.Pre-notification (stop):
+* Active resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
+* Inactive resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
+* Resources to be started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
+* Resources to be stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
+.Post-notification (stop) / Pre-notification (start):
+* Active resources
+** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
+** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
+* Inactive resources
+** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
+** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
+* Resources that were started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
+* Resources that were stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
+.Post-notification (start):
+* Active resources:
+** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
+** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
+** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
+* Inactive resources:
+** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
+** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
+** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
+* Resources that were started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
+* Resources that were stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
+==== Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones ====
+.Extra environment variables supplied for promotable clones
|Resources that are running in +Master+ mode
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,master_resource]
indexterm:[master_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
|Resources that are running in +Slave+ mode
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,slave_resource]
indexterm:[slave_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Resources to be started
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,start_resource]
- indexterm:[start_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Resources to be stopped
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,stop_resource]
- indexterm:[stop_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
|Resources to be promoted
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,promote_resource]
indexterm:[promote_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
|Resources to be demoted
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,demote_resource]
indexterm:[demote_resource,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Nodes on which resources will be started
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,start_uname]
- indexterm:[start_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Nodes on which resources will be stopped
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,stop_uname]
- indexterm:[stop_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
|Nodes on which resources will be promoted
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,promote_uname]
indexterm:[promote_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
|Nodes on which resources will be demoted
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,demote_uname]
indexterm:[demote_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
-|Nodes on which resources are running
- indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,active_uname]
- indexterm:[active_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
|Nodes on which resources are running in +Master+ mode
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,master_uname]
indexterm:[master_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
|Nodes on which resources are running in +Slave+ mode
indexterm:[Environment Variable,OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_,slave_uname]
indexterm:[slave_uname,Notification Environment Variable]
-==== Proper Interpretation of Multi-state Notification Environment Variables ====
+==== Interpretation of Promotable Notification Variables ====
.Pre-notification (demote):
* +Active+ resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
* +Master+ resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_resource+
* +Slave+ resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_slave_resource+
* Inactive resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
* Resources to be started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Resources to be promoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource+
* Resources to be demoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* Resources to be stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
.Post-notification (demote) / Pre-notification (stop):
* +Active+ resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
* +Master+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* +Slave+ resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_slave_resource+
* Inactive resources: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
* Resources to be started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Resources to be promoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource+
* Resources to be demoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* Resources to be stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
* Resources that were demoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
.Post-notification (stop) / Pre-notification (start)
* +Active+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
* +Master+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* +Slave+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_slave_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
* Inactive resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
* Resources to be started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Resources to be promoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource+
* Resources to be demoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* Resources to be stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
* Resources that were demoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* Resources that were stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
.Post-notification (start) / Pre-notification (promote)
* +Active+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* +Master+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* +Slave+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_slave_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Inactive resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Resources to be started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Resources to be promoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource+
* Resources to be demoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* Resources to be stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
* Resources that were started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Resources that were demoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* Resources that were stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
.Post-notification (promote)
* +Active+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* +Master+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource+
* +Slave+ resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_slave_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource+
* Inactive resources:
** +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_inactive_resource+
** plus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
** minus +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Resources to be started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Resources to be promoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource+
* Resources to be demoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* Resources to be stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
* Resources that were started: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource+
* Resources that were promoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_resource+
* Resources that were demoted: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_resource+
* Resources that were stopped: +$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource+
+=== Monitoring Promotable Clone Resources ===
+The usual monitor actions are insufficient to monitor a promotable clone
+resource, because Pacemaker needs to verify not only that the resource is
+active, but also that its actual role matches its intended one.
+Define two monitoring actions: the usual one will cover the slave role,
+and an additional one with +role="master"+ will cover the master role.
+.Monitoring both states of a promotable clone resource
+It is crucial that _every_ monitor operation has a different interval!
+Pacemaker currently differentiates between operations
+only by resource and interval; so if (for example) a promotable clone resource
+had the same monitor interval for both roles, Pacemaker would ignore the
+role when checking the status -- which would cause unexpected return
+codes, and therefore unnecessary complications.
+=== Determining Which Instance is Promoted ===
+Pacemaker can choose a promotable clone instance to be promoted in one of two
+* Master scores: These are node attributes set via the `crm_master` utility,
+ which generally would be called by the resource agent's start action if it
+ supports promotable clones. This tool automatically detects both the resource
+ and host, and should be used to set a preference for being promoted. Based on
+ this, +promoted-max+, and +promoted-node-max+, the instance(s) with the
+ highest preference will be promoted.
+* Constraints: Location constraints can indicate which nodes are most preferred
+ as masters.
+.Explicitly preferring node1 to be promoted to master
== Bundles - Isolated Environments ==
Pacemaker supports a special syntax for launching a
with any infrastructure it requires: the 'bundle'.
Pacemaker bundles support https://www.docker.com/[Docker] and
https://coreos.com/rkt/[rkt] container technologies.
footnote:[Docker is a trademark of Docker, Inc. No endorsement by or
association with Docker, Inc. is implied.]
.A bundle for a containerized web server
=== Bundle Properties ===
.Properties of a Bundle
|A unique name for the bundle (required)
|Arbitrary text (not used by Pacemaker)
A bundle must contain exactly one ++ or ++ element.
=== Docker Properties ===
Before configuring a Docker bundle in Pacemaker, the user must install Docker
and supply a fully configured Docker image on every node allowed to run the
Pacemaker will create an implicit +ocf:heartbeat:docker+ resource to manage
a bundle's Docker container. The user must ensure that resource agent is
installed on every node allowed to run the bundle.
.Properties of a Bundle's Docker Element
|Docker image tag (required)
-|Value of +masters+ if that is positive, else 1
+|Value of +promoted-max+ if that is positive, else 1
|A positive integer specifying the number of container instances to launch
|A positive integer specifying the number of container instances allowed to run
on a single node
|A non-negative integer that, if positive, indicates that the containerized
- service should be treated as a multistate service, with this many replicas
+ service should be treated as a promotable service, with this many replicas
allowed to run the service in the master role
- indexterm:[masters,Docker]
- indexterm:[Docker,Property,masters]
+ indexterm:[promoted-max,Docker]
+ indexterm:[Docker,Property,promoted-max]
|If specified, this will be passed to +docker run+ as the
https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#network-settings[network setting]
for the Docker container.
|`/usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted` if bundle contains a +primitive+, otherwise none
|This command will be run inside the container when launching it ("PID 1"). If
the bundle contains a +primitive+, this command 'must' start pacemaker_remoted
(but could, for example, be a script that does other stuff, too).
|Extra command-line options to pass to `docker run`
+For backward compatibility, +masters+ is accepted as an alias for
++promoted-max+, but is deprecated since 2.0.0, and support for it will be
+removed in a future version.
=== rkt Properties ===
Before configuring a rkt bundle in Pacemaker, the user must install rkt
and supply a fully configured container image on every node allowed to run the
Pacemaker will create an implicit +ocf:heartbeat:rkt+ resource to manage
a bundle's rkt container. The user must ensure that resource agent is
installed on every node allowed to run the bundle.
.Properties of a Bundle's rkt Element
|Container image tag (required)
-|Value of +masters+ if that is positive, else 1
+|Value of +promoted-max+ if that is positive, else 1
|A positive integer specifying the number of container instances to launch
|A positive integer specifying the number of container instances allowed to run
on a single node
|A non-negative integer that, if positive, indicates that the containerized
- service should be treated as a multistate service, with this many replicas
+ service should be treated as a promotable service, with this many replicas
allowed to run the service in the master role
- indexterm:[masters,rkt]
- indexterm:[rkt,Property,masters]
+ indexterm:[promoted-max,rkt]
+ indexterm:[rkt,Property,promoted-max]
|If specified, this will be passed to +rkt run+ as the
network setting for the rkt container.
|`/usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted` if bundle contains a +primitive+, otherwise none
|This command will be run inside the container when launching it ("PID 1"). If
the bundle contains a +primitive+, this command 'must' start pacemaker_remoted
(but could, for example, be a script that does other stuff, too).
|Extra command-line options to pass to `rkt run`
+For backward compatibility, +masters+ is accepted as an alias for
++promoted-max+, but is deprecated since 2.0.0, and support for it will be
+removed in a future version.
=== Bundle Network Properties ===
A bundle may optionally contain one ++ element.
.Properties of a Bundle's Network Element
|If specified, Pacemaker will create an implicit +ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2+
resource for each container instance, starting with this IP address,
using up to +replicas+ sequential addresses. These addresses can be used
from the host's network to reach the service inside the container, though
it is not visible within the container itself. Only IPv4 addresses are
currently supported.
|If +ip-range-start+ is specified, the IP addresses are created with this
CIDR netmask (as a number of bits).
|If +ip-range-start+ is specified, the IP addresses are created on this
host interface (by default, it will be determined from the IP address).
|If the bundle contains a +primitive+, the cluster will use this integer TCP
port for communication with Pacemaker Remote inside the container. Changing
this is useful when the container is unable to listen on the default port,
for example, when the container uses the host's network rather than
+ip-range-start+ (in which case +replicas-per-host+ must be 1), or when the
bundle may run on a Pacemaker Remote node that is already listening on the
default port. Any PCMK_remote_port environment variable set on the host or in
the container is ignored for bundle connections.
If +ip-range-start+ is used, Pacemaker will automatically ensure that
+/etc/hosts+ inside the containers has entries for each replica and its
assigned IP. Replicas are named by the bundle id plus a dash and an integer
counter starting with zero. For example, if a bundle named +httpd-bundle+ has
+replicas=2+, its containers will be named +httpd-bundle-0+ and
Additionally, a ++ element may optionally contain one or more
++ elements.
.Properties of a Bundle's Port-Mapping Element
|A unique name for the port mapping (required)
|If this is specified, connections to this TCP port number on the host network
(on the container's assigned IP address, if +ip-range-start+ is specified)
will be forwarded to the container network. Exactly one of +port+ or +range+
must be specified in a +port-mapping+.
|value of +port+
|If +port+ and this are specified, connections to +port+ on the host's network
will be forwarded to this port on the container network.
|If this is specified, connections to these TCP port numbers (expressed as
'first_port'-'last_port') on the host network (on the container's assigned IP
address, if +ip-range-start+ is specified) will be forwarded to the same ports
in the container network. Exactly one of +port+ or +range+ must be specified
in a +port-mapping+.
If the bundle contains a +primitive+, Pacemaker will automatically map the
+control-port+, so it is not necessary to specify that port in a
=== Bundle Storage Properties ===
A bundle may optionally contain one ++ element. A ++ element
has no properties of its own, but may contain one or more ++
.Properties of a Bundle's Storage-Mapping Element
|A unique name for the storage mapping (required)
|The absolute path on the host's filesystem that will be mapped into the
container. Exactly one of +source-dir+ and +source-dir-root+ must be specified
in a +storage-mapping+.
|The start of a path on the host's filesystem that will be mapped into the
container, using a different subdirectory on the host for each container
instance. The subdirectory will be named the same as the bundle host name,
as described in
Exactly one of +source-dir+ and +source-dir-root+ must be specified in a
|The path name within the container where the host storage will be mapped
|File system mount options to use when mapping the storage
Pacemaker does not define the behavior if the source directory does not already
exist on the host. However, it is expected that the container technology and/or
its resource agent will create the source directory in that case.
If the bundle contains a +primitive+,
Pacemaker will automatically map the equivalent of
+source-dir=/etc/pacemaker/authkey target-dir=/etc/pacemaker/authkey+
and +source-dir-root=/var/log/pacemaker/bundles target-dir=/var/log+ into the
container, so it is not necessary to specify those paths in a
The +PCMK_authkey_location+ environment variable must not be set to anything
other than the default of `/etc/pacemaker/authkey` on any node in the cluster.
=== Bundle Primitive ===
A bundle may optionally contain one ++ resource
(see <>). The primitive may have operations,
instance attributes and meta-attributes defined, as usual.
If a bundle contains a primitive resource, the container image must include
the Pacemaker Remote daemon, and at least one of +ip-range-start+ or
+control-port+ must be configured in the bundle. Pacemaker will create an
implicit +ocf:pacemaker:remote+ resource for the connection, launch
Pacemaker Remote within the container, and monitor and manage the primitive
resource via Pacemaker Remote.
If the bundle has more than one container instance (replica), the primitive
resource will function as an implicit clone (see <>) --
-a multistate clone if the bundle has +masters+ greater than zero
-(see <>).
+a promotable clone if the bundle has +masters+ greater than zero
+(see <>).
Containers in bundles with a +primitive+ must have an accessible networking
environment, so that Pacemaker on the cluster nodes can contact
Pacemaker Remote inside the container. For example, the Docker option
`--net=none` should not be used with a +primitive+. The default (using a
distinct network space inside the container) works in combination with
+ip-range-start+. If the Docker option `--net=host` is used (making the
container share the host's network space), a unique +control-port+ should be
specified for each bundle. Any firewall must allow access to the
=== Bundle Node Attributes ===
If the bundle has a +primitive+, the primitive's resource agent may want to set
node attributes such as <>. However, with
containers, it is not apparent which node should get the attribute.
If the container uses shared storage that is the same no matter which node the
container is hosted on, then it is appropriate to use the master score on the
bundle node itself.
On the other hand, if the container uses storage exported from the underlying host,
then it may be more appropriate to use the master score on the underlying host.
Since this depends on the particular situation, the
+container-attribute-target+ resource meta-attribute allows the user to specify
which approach to use. If it is set to +host+, then user-defined node attributes
will be checked on the underlying host. If it is anything else, the local node
(in this case the bundle node) is used as usual.
This only applies to user-defined attributes; the cluster will always check the
local node for cluster-defined attributes such as +#uname+.
If +container-attribute-target+ is +host+, the cluster will pass additional
environment variables to the primitive's resource agent that allow it to set
node attributes appropriately: +container_attribute_target+ (identical to the
meta-attribute value) and +physical_host+ (the name of the underlying host).
It is up to the resource agent to check for the additional variables and use
them when setting node attributes.
=== Bundle Meta-Attributes ===
Any meta-attribute set on a bundle will be inherited by the bundle's
primitive and any resources implicitly created by Pacemaker for the bundle.
This includes options such as +priority+, +target-role+, and +is-managed+. See
<> for more information.
=== Limitations of Bundles ===
Restarting pacemaker while a bundle is unmanaged or the cluster is in
maintenance mode may cause the bundle to fail.
Bundles may not be cloned or included in groups. This includes the bundle's
primitive and any resources implicitly created by Pacemaker for the bundle.
Bundles do not have instance attributes, utilization attributes, or operations,
though a bundle's primitive may have them.
A bundle with a primitive can run on a Pacemaker Remote node only if the bundle
uses a distinct +control-port+.
diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Constraints.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Constraints.txt
index c7ed30e59f..69e8fb001e 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Constraints.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Constraints.txt
@@ -1,878 +1,878 @@
= Resource Constraints =
== Scores ==
Scores of all kinds are integral to how the cluster works.
Practically everything from moving a resource to deciding which
resource to stop in a degraded cluster is achieved by manipulating
scores in some way.
Scores are calculated per resource and node. Any node with a
negative score for a resource can't run that resource. The cluster
places a resource on the node with the highest score for it.
=== Infinity Math ===
Pacemaker implements +INFINITY+ (or equivalently, ++INFINITY+) internally as a
score of 1,000,000. Addition and subtraction with it follow these three basic
* Any value + +INFINITY+ = +INFINITY+
* Any value - +INFINITY+ = +-INFINITY+
What if you want to use a score higher than 1,000,000? Typically this possibility
arises when someone wants to base the score on some external metric that might
go above 1,000,000.
The short answer is you can't.
The long answer is it is sometimes possible work around this limitation
creatively. You may be able to set the score to some computed value based on
the external metric rather than use the metric directly. For nodes, you can
store the metric as a node attribute, and query the attribute when computing
the score (possibly as part of a custom resource agent).
== Deciding Which Nodes a Resource Can Run On ==
indexterm:[Location Constraints]
'Location constraints' tell the cluster which nodes a resource can run on.
There are two alternative strategies. One way is to say that, by default,
resources can run anywhere, and then the location constraints specify nodes
that are not allowed (an 'opt-out' cluster). The other way is to start with
nothing able to run anywhere, and use location constraints to selectively
enable allowed nodes (an 'opt-in' cluster).
Whether you should choose opt-in or opt-out depends on your
personal preference and the make-up of your cluster. If most of your
resources can run on most of the nodes, then an opt-out arrangement is
likely to result in a simpler configuration. On the other-hand, if
most resources can only run on a small subset of nodes, an opt-in
configuration might be simpler.
=== Location Properties ===
.Properties of a rsc_location Constraint
[width="95%",cols="2m,1,5>), the
submatches can be referenced as +%0+ through +%9+ in the rule's
+score-attribute+ or a rule expression's +attribute+
indexterm:[rsc-pattern,Location Constraints]
|A node's name
indexterm:[node,Location Constraints]
|Positive values indicate a preference for running the affected resource(s) on
this node -- the higher the value, the stronger the preference. Negative values
indicate the resource(s) should avoid this node (a value of +-INFINITY+
changes "should" to "must").
indexterm:[score,Location Constraints]
|Whether Pacemaker should perform resource discovery (that is, check whether
the resource is already running) for this resource on this node. This should
normally be left as the default, so that rogue instances of a service can be
stopped when they are running where they are not supposed to be. However,
there are two situations where disabling resource discovery is a good idea:
when a service is not installed on a node, discovery might return an error
(properly written OCF agents will not, so this is usually only seen with other
agent types); and when Pacemaker Remote is used to scale a cluster to hundreds
of nodes, limiting resource discovery to allowed nodes can significantly boost
* +always:+ Always perform resource discovery for the specified resource on this node.
* +never:+ Never perform resource discovery for the specified resource on this node.
This option should generally be used with a -INFINITY score, although that is not strictly
* +exclusive:+ Perform resource discovery for the specified resource only on
this node (and other nodes similarly marked as +exclusive+). Multiple location
constraints using +exclusive+ discovery for the same resource across
different nodes creates a subset of nodes resource-discovery is exclusive to.
If a resource is marked for +exclusive+ discovery on one or more nodes, that
resource is only allowed to be placed within that subset of nodes.
indexterm:[Resource Discovery,Location Constraints]
indexterm:[Constraints,Location,Resource Discovery]
Setting resource-discovery to +never+ or +exclusive+ removes Pacemaker's
ability to detect and stop unwanted instances of a service running
where it's not supposed to be. It is up to the system administrator (you!)
to make sure that the service can 'never' be active on nodes without
resource-discovery (such as by leaving the relevant software uninstalled).
=== Asymmetrical "Opt-In" Clusters ===
indexterm:[Asymmetrical Opt-In Clusters]
indexterm:[Cluster Type,Asymmetrical Opt-In]
To create an opt-in cluster, start by preventing resources from
running anywhere by default:
# crm_attribute --name symmetric-cluster --update false
Then start enabling nodes. The following fragment says that the web
server prefers *sles-1*, the database prefers *sles-2* and both can
fail over to *sles-3* if their most preferred node fails.
.Opt-in location constraints for two resources
=== Symmetrical "Opt-Out" Clusters ===
indexterm:[Symmetrical Opt-Out Clusters]
indexterm:[Cluster Type,Symmetrical Opt-Out]
To create an opt-out cluster, start by allowing resources to run
anywhere by default:
# crm_attribute --name symmetric-cluster --update true
Then start disabling nodes. The following fragment is the equivalent
of the above opt-in configuration.
.Opt-out location constraints for two resources
=== What if Two Nodes Have the Same Score ===
If two nodes have the same score, then the cluster will choose one.
This choice may seem random and may not be what was intended, however
the cluster was not given enough information to know any better.
.Constraints where a resource prefers two nodes equally
In the example above, assuming no other constraints and an inactive
cluster, +Webserver+ would probably be placed on +sles-1+ and +Database+ on
+sles-2+. It would likely have placed +Webserver+ based on the node's
uname and +Database+ based on the desire to spread the resource load
evenly across the cluster. However other factors can also be involved
in more complex configurations.
== Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop ==
indexterm:[Resource,Start Order]
indexterm:[Ordering Constraints]
'Ordering constraints' tell the cluster the order in which resources should
Ordering constraints affect 'only' the ordering of resources;
they do 'not' require that the resources be placed on the
same node. If you want resources to be started on the same node
'and' in a specific order, you need both an ordering constraint 'and'
a colocation constraint (see <>), or
alternatively, a group (see <>).
=== Ordering Properties ===
.Properties of a rsc_order Constraint
[width="95%",cols="1m,1,4> resources.
+<> resources.
=== Optional and mandatory ordering ===
Here is an example of ordering constraints where +Database+ 'must' start before
+Webserver+, and +IP+ 'should' start before +Webserver+ if they both need to be
.Optional and mandatory ordering constraints
Because the above example lets +symmetrical+ default to TRUE,
+Webserver+ must be stopped before +Database+ can be stopped,
and +Webserver+ should be stopped before +IP+
if they both need to be stopped.
== Placing Resources Relative to other Resources ==
indexterm:[Resource,Location Relative to other Resources]
'Colocation constraints' tell the cluster that the location of one resource
depends on the location of another one.
Colocation has an important side-effect: it affects the order in which
resources are assigned to a node. Think about it: You can't place A relative to
B unless you know where B is.
While the human brain is sophisticated enough to read the constraint
in any order and choose the correct one depending on the situation,
the cluster is not quite so smart. Yet.
So when you are creating colocation constraints, it is important to
consider whether you should colocate A with B, or B with A.
Another thing to keep in mind is that, assuming A is colocated with
B, the cluster will take into account A's preferences when
deciding which node to choose for B.
For a detailed look at exactly how this occurs, see
http://clusterlabs.org/doc/Colocation_Explained.pdf[Colocation Explained].
Colocation constraints affect 'only' the placement of resources; they do 'not'
require that the resources be started in a particular order. If you want
resources to be started on the same node 'and' in a specific order, you need
both an ordering constraint (see <>) 'and' a colocation
constraint, or alternatively, a group (see <>).
=== Colocation Properties ===
.Properties of a rsc_colocation Constraint
|A unique name for the constraint (required).
indexterm:[id,Colocation Constraints]
|The name of a resource that should be located relative to +with-rsc+ (required).
indexterm:[rsc,Colocation Constraints]
|The name of the resource used as the colocation target. The cluster will
decide where to put this resource first and then decide where to put +rsc+ (required).
indexterm:[with-rsc,Colocation Constraints]
|The node attribute that must be the same on the node running +rsc+ and the
node running +with-rsc+ for the constraint to be satisfied. (For details,
see <>.)
indexterm:[node-attribute,Colocation Constraints]
|Positive values indicate the resources should run on the same
node. Negative values indicate the resources should run on
different nodes. Values of \+/- +INFINITY+ change "should" to "must".
indexterm:[score,Colocation Constraints]
=== Mandatory Placement ===
Mandatory placement occurs when the constraint's score is
++INFINITY+ or +-INFINITY+. In such cases, if the constraint can't be
satisfied, then the +rsc+ resource is not permitted to run. For
+score=INFINITY+, this includes cases where the +with-rsc+ resource is
not active.
If you need resource +A+ to always run on the same machine as
resource +B+, you would add the following constraint:
.Mandatory colocation constraint for two resources
Remember, because +INFINITY+ was used, if +B+ can't run on any
of the cluster nodes (for whatever reason) then +A+ will not
be allowed to run. Whether +A+ is running or not has no effect on +B+.
Alternatively, you may want the opposite -- that +A+ 'cannot'
run on the same machine as +B+. In this case, use
.Mandatory anti-colocation constraint for two resources
Again, by specifying +-INFINITY+, the constraint is binding. So if the
only place left to run is where +B+ already is, then
+A+ may not run anywhere.
As with +INFINITY+, +B+ can run even if +A+ is stopped.
However, in this case +A+ also can run if +B+ is stopped, because it still
meets the constraint of +A+ and +B+ not running on the same node.
=== Advisory Placement ===
If mandatory placement is about "must" and "must not", then advisory
placement is the "I'd prefer if" alternative. For constraints with
scores greater than +-INFINITY+ and less than +INFINITY+, the cluster
will try to accommodate your wishes but may ignore them if the
alternative is to stop some of the cluster resources.
As in life, where if enough people prefer something it effectively
becomes mandatory, advisory colocation constraints can combine with
other elements of the configuration to behave as if they were
.Advisory colocation constraint for two resources
=== Colocation by Node Attribute ===
The +node-attribute+ property of a colocation constraints allows you to express
the requirement, "these resources must be on similar nodes".
As an example, imagine that you have two Storage Area Networks (SANs) that are
not controlled by the cluster, and each node is connected to one or the other.
You may have two resources +r1+ and +r2+ such that +r2+ needs to use the same
SAN as +r1+, but doesn't necessarily have to be on the same exact node.
In such a case, you could define a <> named
+san+, with the value +san1+ or +san2+ on each node as appropriate. Then, you
could colocate +r2+ with +r1+ using +node-attribute+ set to +san+.
== Resource Sets ==
'Resource sets' allow multiple resources to be affected by a single constraint.
.A set of 3 resources
Resource sets are valid inside +rsc_location+,
+rsc_order+ (see <>),
+rsc_colocation+ (see <>),
and +rsc_ticket+ (see <>) constraints.
A resource set has a number of properties that can be set,
though not all have an effect in all contexts.
.Properties of a resource_set
.Visual representation of the four resources' start order for the above constraints
image::images/resource-set.png["Ordered set",width="16cm",height="2.5cm",align="center"]
=== Ordered Set ===
To simplify this situation, resource sets (see <>) can be used
within ordering constraints:
.A chain of ordered resources expressed as a set
While the set-based format is not less verbose, it is significantly
easier to get right and maintain.
If you use a higher-level tool, pay attention to how it exposes this
functionality. Depending on the tool, creating a set +A B+ may be equivalent to
+A then B+, or +B then A+.
=== Ordering Multiple Sets ===
The syntax can be expanded to allow sets of resources to be ordered relative to
each other, where the members of each individual set may be ordered or
unordered (controlled by the +sequential+ property). In the example below, +A+
and +B+ can both start in parallel, as can +C+ and +D+, however +C+ and +D+ can
only start once _both_ +A+ _and_ +B+ are active.
.Ordered sets of unordered resources
.Visual representation of the start order for two ordered sets of unordered resources
image::images/two-sets.png["Two ordered sets",width="13cm",height="7.5cm",align="center"]
Of course either set -- or both sets -- of resources can also be
internally ordered (by setting +sequential="true"+) and there is no
limit to the number of sets that can be specified.
.Advanced use of set ordering - Three ordered sets, two of which are internally unordered
.Visual representation of the start order for the three sets defined above
image::images/three-sets.png["Three ordered sets",width="16cm",height="7.5cm",align="center"]
An ordered set with +sequential=false+ makes sense only if there is another
set in the constraint. Otherwise, the constraint has no effect.
=== Resource Set OR Logic ===
The unordered set logic discussed so far has all been "AND" logic.
To illustrate this take the 3 resource set figure in the previous section.
Those sets can be expressed, +(A and B) then \(C) then (D) then (E and F)+.
Say for example we want to change the first set, +(A and B)+, to use "OR" logic
so the sets look like this: +(A or B) then \(C) then (D) then (E and F)+.
This functionality can be achieved through the use of the +require-all+
option. This option defaults to TRUE which is why the
"AND" logic is used by default. Setting +require-all=false+ means only one
resource in the set needs to be started before continuing on to the next set.
.Resource Set "OR" logic: Three ordered sets, where the first set is internally unordered with "OR" logic
An ordered set with +require-all=false+ makes sense only in conjunction with
+sequential=false+. Think of it like this: +sequential=false+ modifies the set
to be an unordered set using "AND" logic by default, and adding
+require-all=false+ flips the unordered set's "AND" logic to "OR" logic.
== Colocating Sets of Resources ==
Another common situation is for an administrator to create a set of
colocated resources.
One way to do this would be to define a resource group (see
<>), but that cannot always accurately express the desired
Another way would be to define each relationship as an individual constraint,
but that causes a constraint explosion as the number of resources and
combinations grow. An example of this approach:
.Chain of colocated resources
To make things easier, resource sets (see <>) can be used
within colocation constraints. As with the chained version, a
resource that can't be active prevents any resource that must be
colocated with it from being active. For example, if +B+ is not
able to run, then both +C+ and by inference +D+ must also remain
stopped. Here is an example +resource_set+:
.Equivalent colocation chain expressed using +resource_set+
If you use a higher-level tool, pay attention to how it exposes this
functionality. Depending on the tool, creating a set +A B+ may be equivalent to
+A with B+, or +B with A+.
This notation can also be used to tell the cluster that sets of resources must
be colocated relative to each other, where the individual members of each set
may or may not depend on each other being active (controlled by the
+sequential+ property).
In this example, +A+, +B+, and +C+ will each be colocated with +D+.
+D+ must be active, but any of +A+, +B+, or +C+ may be inactive without
affecting any other resources.
.Using colocated sets to specify a common peer
A colocated set with +sequential=false+ makes sense only if there is another
set in the constraint. Otherwise, the constraint has no effect.
There is no inherent limit to the number and size of the sets used.
The only thing that matters is that in order for any member of one set
in the constraint to be active, all members of sets listed after it must also
be active (and naturally on the same node); and if a set has +sequential="true"+,
then in order for one member of that set to be active, all members listed
before it must also be active.
-If desired, you can restrict the dependency to instances of multistate
+If desired, you can restrict the dependency to instances of promotable clone
resources that are in a specific role, using the set's +role+ property.
.Colocation chain in which the members of the middle set have no interdependencies, and the last listed set (which the cluster places first) is restricted to instances in master status.
.Visual representation the above example (resources to the left are placed first)
image::images/three-sets-complex.png["Colocation chain",width="16cm",height="9cm",align="center"]
Pay close attention to the order in which resources and sets are listed.
While the colocation dependency for members of any one set is last-to-first,
the colocation dependency for multiple sets is first-to-last. In the above
example, +B+ is colocated with +A+, but +colocated-set-1+ is
colocated with +colocated-set-2+.
Unlike ordered sets, colocated sets do not use the +require-all+ option.
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= Multi-Site Clusters and Tickets =
Apart from local clusters, Pacemaker also supports multi-site clusters.
That means you can have multiple, geographically dispersed sites, each with a
local cluster. Failover between these clusters can be coordinated
manually by the administrator, or automatically by a higher-level entity called
a 'Cluster Ticket Registry (CTR)'.
== Challenges for Multi-Site Clusters ==
Typically, multi-site environments are too far apart to support
synchronous communication and data replication between the sites.
That leads to significant challenges:
- How do we make sure that a cluster site is up and running?
- How do we make sure that resources are only started once?
- How do we make sure that quorum can be reached between the different
sites and a split-brain scenario avoided?
- How do we manage failover between sites?
- How do we deal with high latency in case of resources that need to be
In the following sections, learn how to meet these challenges.
== Conceptual Overview ==
Multi-site clusters can be considered as “overlay” clusters where
each cluster site corresponds to a cluster node in a traditional cluster.
The overlay cluster can be managed by a CTR in order to
guarantee that any cluster resource will be active
on no more than one cluster site. This is achieved by using
'tickets' that are treated as failover domain between cluster
sites, in case a site should be down.
The following sections explain the individual components and mechanisms
that were introduced for multi-site clusters in more detail.
=== Ticket ===
Tickets are, essentially, cluster-wide attributes. A ticket grants the
right to run certain resources on a specific cluster site. Resources can
be bound to a certain ticket by +rsc_ticket+ constraints. Only if the
ticket is available at a site can the respective resources be started there.
Vice versa, if the ticket is revoked, the resources depending on that
ticket must be stopped.
The ticket thus is similar to a 'site quorum', i.e. the permission to
manage/own resources associated with that site. (One can also think of the
current +have-quorum+ flag as a special, cluster-wide ticket that is granted in
case of node majority.)
Tickets can be granted and revoked either manually by administrators
(which could be the default for classic enterprise clusters), or via
the automated CTR mechanism described below.
A ticket can only be owned by one site at a time. Initially, none
of the sites has a ticket. Each ticket must be granted once by the cluster
The presence or absence of tickets for a site is stored in the CIB as a
cluster status. With regards to a certain ticket, there are only two states
for a site: +true+ (the site has the ticket) or +false+ (the site does
not have the ticket). The absence of a certain ticket (during the initial
state of the multi-site cluster) is the same as the value +false+.
=== Dead Man Dependency ===
A site can only activate resources safely if it can be sure that the
other site has deactivated them. However after a ticket is revoked, it can
take a long time until all resources depending on that ticket are stopped
"cleanly", especially in case of cascaded resources. To cut that process
short, the concept of a 'Dead Man Dependency' was introduced.
If a dead man dependency is in force, if a ticket is revoked from a site, the
nodes that are hosting dependent resources are fenced. This considerably speeds
up the recovery process of the cluster and makes sure that resources can be
migrated more quickly.
This can be configured by specifying a +loss-policy="fence"+ in
+rsc_ticket+ constraints.
=== Cluster Ticket Registry ===
A CTR is a coordinated group of network daemons that automatically handles
granting, revoking, and timing out tickets (instead of the administrator
revoking the ticket somewhere, waiting for everything to stop, and then
granting it on the desired site).
Pacemaker does not implement its own CTR, but interoperates with external
software designed for that purpose (similar to how resource and fencing agents
are not directly part of pacemaker).
Participating clusters run the CTR daemons, which connect to each other, exchange
information about their connectivity, and vote on which sites gets which
A ticket is granted to a site only once the CTR is sure that the ticket
has been relinquished by the previous owner, implemented via a timer in most
scenarios. If a site loses connection to its peers, its tickets time out and
recovery occurs. After the connection timeout plus the recovery timeout has
passed, the other sites are allowed to re-acquire the ticket and start the
resources again.
This can also be thought of as a "quorum server", except that it is not
a single quorum ticket, but several.
=== Configuration Replication ===
As usual, the CIB is synchronized within each cluster, but it is 'not' synchronized
across cluster sites of a multi-site cluster. You have to configure the resources
that will be highly available across the multi-site cluster for every site
== Configuring Ticket Dependencies ==
The `rsc_ticket` constraint lets you specify the resources depending on a certain
ticket. Together with the constraint, you can set a `loss-policy` that defines
what should happen to the respective resources if the ticket is revoked.
The attribute `loss-policy` can have the following values:
* +fence:+ Fence the nodes that are running the relevant resources.
* +stop:+ Stop the relevant resources.
* +freeze:+ Do nothing to the relevant resources.
* +demote:+ Demote relevant resources that are running in master mode to slave mode.
.Constraint that fences node if +ticketA+ is revoked
The example above creates a constraint with the ID +rsc1-req-ticketA+. It
defines that the resource +rsc1+ depends on +ticketA+ and that the node running
the resource should be fenced if +ticketA+ is revoked.
-If resource +rsc1+ were a multi-state resource (i.e. it could run in master or
+If resource +rsc1+ were a promotable resource (i.e. it could run in master or
slave mode), you might want to configure that only master mode
depends on +ticketA+. With the following configuration, +rsc1+ will be
demoted to slave mode if +ticketA+ is revoked:
.Constraint that demotes +rsc1+ if +ticketA+ is revoked
You can create multiple `rsc_ticket` constraints to let multiple resources
depend on the same ticket. However, `rsc_ticket` also supports resource sets
(see <>),
so one can easily list all the resources in one `rsc_ticket` constraint instead.
.Ticket constraint for multiple resources
In the example above, there are two resource sets, so we can list resources
with different roles in a single +rsc_ticket+ constraint. There's no dependency
between the two resource sets, and there's no dependency among the
resources within a resource set. Each of the resources just depends on
Referencing resource templates in +rsc_ticket+ constraints, and even
referencing them within resource sets, is also supported.
If you want other resources to depend on further tickets, create as many
constraints as necessary with +rsc_ticket+.
== Managing Multi-Site Clusters ==
=== Granting and Revoking Tickets Manually ===
You can grant tickets to sites or revoke them from sites manually.
If you want to re-distribute a ticket, you should wait for
the dependent resources to stop cleanly at the previous site before you
grant the ticket to the new site.
Use the `crm_ticket` command line tool to grant and revoke tickets.
To grant a ticket to this site:
# crm_ticket --ticket ticketA --grant
To revoke a ticket from this site:
# crm_ticket --ticket ticketA --revoke
If you are managing tickets manually, use the `crm_ticket` command with
great care, because it cannot check whether the same ticket is already
granted elsewhere.
=== Granting and Revoking Tickets via a Cluster Ticket Registry ===
We will use https://github.com/ClusterLabs/booth[Booth] here as an example of
software that can be used with pacemaker as a Cluster Ticket Registry. Booth
implements the
algorithm to guarantee the distributed consensus among different
cluster sites, and manages the ticket distribution (and thus the failover
process between sites).
Each of the participating clusters and 'arbitrators' runs the Booth daemon
An 'arbitrator' is the multi-site equivalent of a quorum-only node in a local
cluster. If you have a setup with an even number of sites,
you need an additional instance to reach consensus about decisions such
as failover of resources across sites. In this case, add one or more
arbitrators running at additional sites. Arbitrators are single machines
that run a booth instance in a special mode. An arbitrator is especially
important for a two-site scenario, otherwise there is no way for one site
to distinguish between a network failure between it and the other site, and
a failure of the other site.
The most common multi-site scenario is probably a multi-site cluster with two
sites and a single arbitrator on a third site. However, technically, there are
no limitations with regards to the number of sites and the number of
arbitrators involved.
`Boothd` at each site connects to its peers running at the other sites and
exchanges connectivity details. Once a ticket is granted to a site, the
booth mechanism will manage the ticket automatically: If the site which
holds the ticket is out of service, the booth daemons will vote which
of the other sites will get the ticket. To protect against brief
connection failures, sites that lose the vote (either explicitly or
implicitly by being disconnected from the voting body) need to
relinquish the ticket after a time-out. Thus, it is made sure that a
ticket will only be re-distributed after it has been relinquished by the
previous site. The resources that depend on that ticket will fail over
to the new site holding the ticket. The nodes that have run the
resources before will be treated according to the `loss-policy` you set
within the `rsc_ticket` constraint.
Before the booth can manage a certain ticket within the multi-site cluster,
you initially need to grant it to a site manually via the `booth` command-line
tool. After you have initially granted a ticket to a site, `boothd`
will take over and manage the ticket automatically.
The `booth` command-line tool can be used to grant, list, or
revoke tickets and can be run on any machine where `boothd` is running.
If you are managing tickets via Booth, use only `booth` for manual
intervention, not `crm_ticket`. That ensures the same ticket
will only be owned by one cluster site at a time.
==== Booth Requirements ====
* All clusters that will be part of the multi-site cluster must be based on
* Booth must be installed on all cluster nodes and on all arbitrators that will
be part of the multi-site cluster.
* Nodes belonging to the same cluster site should be synchronized via NTP. However,
time synchronization is not required between the individual cluster sites.
=== General Management of Tickets ===
Display the information of tickets:
# crm_ticket --info
Or you can monitor them with:
# crm_mon --tickets
Display the +rsc_ticket+ constraints that apply to a ticket:
# crm_ticket --ticket ticketA --constraints
When you want to do maintenance or manual switch-over of a ticket,
revoking the ticket would trigger the loss policies. If
+loss-policy="fence"+, the dependent resources could not be gracefully
stopped/demoted, and other unrelated resources could even be affected.
The proper way is making the ticket 'standby' first with:
# crm_ticket --ticket ticketA --standby
Then the dependent resources will be stopped or demoted gracefully without
triggering the loss policies.
If you have finished the maintenance and want to activate the ticket again,
you can run:
# crm_ticket --ticket ticketA --activate
== For more information ==
* https://www.suse.com/documentation/sle-ha-geo-12/art_ha_geo_quick/data/art_ha_geo_quick.html[SUSE's Geo Clustering quick start]
* https://github.com/ClusterLabs/booth[Booth]
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= Cluster Resources =
== What is a Cluster Resource? ==
A resource is a service made highly available by a cluster.
The simplest type of resource, a 'primitive' resource, is described
in this chapter. More complex forms, such as groups and clones,
are described in later chapters.
Every primitive resource has a 'resource agent'. A resource agent is an
external program that abstracts the service it provides and present a
consistent view to the cluster.
This allows the cluster to be agnostic about the resources it manages.
The cluster doesn't need to understand how the resource works because
it relies on the resource agent to do the right thing when given a
`start`, `stop` or `monitor` command. For this reason, it is crucial that
resource agents are well-tested.
Typically, resource agents come in the form of shell scripts. However,
they can be written using any technology (such as C, Python or Perl)
that the author is comfortable with.
== Resource Classes ==
Pacemaker supports several classes of agents:
* Upstart
* Systemd
* Service
* Fencing
* Nagios Plugins
=== Open Cluster Framework ===
indexterm:[Open Cluster Framework,Resources]
The OCF standard
-- at least as it relates to resource agents. The Pacemaker implementation has
been somewhat extended from the OCF specs, but none of those changes are
incompatible with the original OCF specification.]
is basically an extension of the Linux Standard Base conventions for
init scripts to:
* support parameters,
* make them self-describing, and
* make them extensible
OCF specs have strict definitions of the exit codes that actions must return.
The resource-agents source code includes the `ocf-tester` script, which
can be useful in this regard.
The cluster follows these specifications exactly, and giving the wrong
exit code will cause the cluster to behave in ways you will likely
find puzzling and annoying. In particular, the cluster needs to
distinguish a completely stopped resource from one which is in some
erroneous and indeterminate state.
Parameters are passed to the resource agent as environment variables, with the
special prefix +OCF_RESKEY_+. So, a parameter which the user thinks
of as +ip+ will be passed to the resource agent as +OCF_RESKEY_ip+. The
number and purpose of the parameters is left to the resource agent; however,
the resource agent should use the `meta-data` command to advertise any that it
The OCF class is the most preferred as it is an industry standard,
highly flexible (allowing parameters to be passed to agents in a
non-positional manner) and self-describing.
For more information, see the
http://www.linux-ha.org/wiki/OCF_Resource_Agents[reference] and
the 'Resource Agents' chapter of 'Pacemaker Administration'.
=== Linux Standard Base ===
indexterm:[Linux Standard Base,Resources]
LSB resource agents are those found in +/etc/init.d+.
Generally, they are provided by the OS distribution and, in order to be used
with the cluster, they must conform to the LSB Spec.
for the LSB Spec as it relates to init scripts.
Many distributions claim LSB compliance but ship with broken init
scripts. For details on how to check whether your init script is
LSB-compatible, see the 'Resource Agents' chapter of 'Pacemaker
Administration'. Common problematic violations of the LSB standard include:
* Not implementing the status operation at all
* Not observing the correct exit status codes for `start/stop/status` actions
* Starting a started resource returns an error
* Stopping a stopped resource returns an error
Remember to make sure the computer is _not_ configured to start any
services at boot time -- that should be controlled by the cluster.
=== Systemd ===
Some newer distributions have replaced the old
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init#SysV-style["SysV"] style of
initialization daemons and scripts with an alternative called
Pacemaker is able to manage these services _if they are present_.
Instead of init scripts, systemd has 'unit files'. Generally, the
services (unit files) are provided by the OS distribution, but there
are online guides for converting from init scripts.
footnote:[For example,
Remember to make sure the computer is _not_ configured to start any
services at boot time -- that should be controlled by the cluster.
=== Upstart ===
Some newer distributions have replaced the old
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init#SysV-style["SysV"] style of
initialization daemons (and scripts) with an alternative called
Pacemaker is able to manage these services _if they are present_.
Instead of init scripts, upstart has 'jobs'. Generally, the
services (jobs) are provided by the OS distribution.
Remember to make sure the computer is _not_ configured to start any
services at boot time -- that should be controlled by the cluster.
=== System Services ===
indexterm:[Resource,System Services]
indexterm:[System Service,Resources]
Since there are various types of system services (+systemd+,
+upstart+, and +lsb+), Pacemaker supports a special +service+ alias which
intelligently figures out which one applies to a given cluster node.
This is particularly useful when the cluster contains a mix of
+systemd+, +upstart+, and +lsb+.
In order, Pacemaker will try to find the named service as:
. an LSB init script
. a Systemd unit file
. an Upstart job
=== STONITH ===
The STONITH class is used exclusively for fencing-related resources. This is
discussed later in <>.
=== Nagios Plugins ===
indexterm:[Resource,Nagios Plugins]
indexterm:[Nagios Plugins,Resources]
Nagios Plugins
footnote:[The project has two independent forks, hosted at
https://www.nagios-plugins.org/ and https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/. Output
from both projects' plugins is similar, so plugins from either project can be
used with pacemaker.]
allow us to monitor services on remote hosts.
Pacemaker is able to do remote monitoring with the plugins _if they are
A common use case is to configure them as resources belonging to a resource
container (usually a virtual machine), and the container will be restarted
if any of them has failed. Another use is to configure them as ordinary
resources to be used for monitoring hosts or services via the network.
The supported parameters are same as the long options of the plugin.
== Resource Properties ==
These values tell the cluster which resource agent to use for the resource,
where to find that resource agent and what standards it conforms to.
.Properties of a Primitive Resource
|Your name for the resource
|The standard the resource agent conforms to. Allowed values:
+lsb+, +nagios+, +ocf+, +service+, +stonith+, +systemd+, +upstart+
|The name of the Resource Agent you wish to use. E.g. +IPaddr+ or +Filesystem+
|The OCF spec allows multiple vendors to supply the same
resource agent. To use the OCF resource agents supplied by
the Heartbeat project, you would specify +heartbeat+ here.
The XML definition of a resource can be queried with the `crm_resource` tool.
For example:
# crm_resource --resource Email --query-xml
might produce:
.A system resource definition
One of the main drawbacks to system services (LSB, systemd or
Upstart) resources is that they do not allow any parameters!
See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5737 for choice of example IP address
.An OCF resource definition
== Resource Options ==
Resources have two types of options: 'meta-attributes' and 'instance attributes'.
Meta-attributes apply to any type of resource, while instance attributes
are specific to each resource agent.
=== Resource Meta-Attributes ===
Meta-attributes are used by the cluster to decide how a resource should
behave and can be easily set using the `--meta` option of the
`crm_resource` command.
.Meta-attributes of a Primitive Resource
[width="95%",cols="2m,2,5> resources, promoted to master if
+ <>, promoted to master if
* +Slave:+ Allow the resource to be started, but only in Slave mode if
- the resource is <>
+ the resource is <>
* +Master:+ Equivalent to +Started+
indexterm:[target-role,Resource Option]
|Is the cluster allowed to start and stop the resource? Allowed
values: +true+, +false+
indexterm:[is-managed,Resource Option]
|value of +resource-stickiness+ in the +rsc_defaults+ section
|How much does the resource prefer to stay where it is?
indexterm:[resource-stickiness,Resource Option]
|+quorum+ for resources with a +class+ of +stonith+,
otherwise +unfencing+ if unfencing is active in the cluster,
otherwise +fencing+ if +stonith-enabled+ is true, otherwise +quorum+
|Conditions under which the resource can be started
Allowed values:
* +nothing:+ can always be started
* +quorum:+ The cluster can only start this resource if a majority of
the configured nodes are active
* +fencing:+ The cluster can only start this resource if a majority
of the configured nodes are active _and_ any failed or unknown nodes
have been <>
* +unfencing:+
The cluster can only start this resource if a majority
of the configured nodes are active _and_ any failed or unknown nodes
have been fenced _and_ only on nodes that have been
indexterm:[requires,Resource Option]
|How many failures may occur for this resource on a node, before this
node is marked ineligible to host this resource. A value of 0 indicates that
this feature is disabled (the node will never be marked ineligible); by
constrast, the cluster treats INFINITY (the default) as a very large but
finite number. This option has an effect only if the failed operation has
on-fail=restart (the default), and additionally for failed start operations,
if the cluster property start-failure-is-fatal is false.
indexterm:[migration-threshold,Resource Option]
|How many seconds to wait before acting as if the failure had not
occurred, and potentially allowing the resource back to the node on
which it failed. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is disabled.
As with any time-based actions, this is not guaranteed to be checked more
frequently than the value of +cluster-recheck-interval+ (see
indexterm:[failure-timeout,Resource Option]
|What should the cluster do if it ever finds the resource active on
more than one node? Allowed values:
* +block:+ mark the resource as unmanaged
* +stop_only:+ stop all active instances and leave them that way
* +stop_start:+ stop all active instances and start the resource in
one location only
indexterm:[multiple-active,Resource Option]
|TRUE for ocf:pacemaker:remote resources, FALSE otherwise
|Whether the cluster should try to "live migrate" this resource when it needs
to be moved (see <>)
|Specific to bundle resources; see <>
|The name of the Pacemaker Remote guest node this resource is associated with,
if any. If specified, this both enables the resource as a guest node and
defines the unique name used to identify the guest node. The guest must be
configured to run the Pacemaker Remote daemon when it is started. +WARNING:+
This value cannot overlap with any resource or node IDs.
|If +remote-node+ is specified, the port on the guest used for its
Pacemaker Remote connection. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest must be
configured to listen on this port.
|value of +remote-node+
|If +remote-node+ is specified, the IP address or hostname used to connect to
the guest via Pacemaker Remote. The Pacemaker Remote daemon on the guest
must be configured to accept connections on this address.
|If +remote-node+ is specified, how long before a pending guest connection will
time out.
As an example of setting resource options, if you performed the following
commands on an LSB Email resource:
# crm_resource --meta --resource Email --set-parameter priority --parameter-value 100
# crm_resource -m -r Email -p multiple-active -v block
the resulting resource definition might be:
.An LSB resource with cluster options
=== Setting Global Defaults for Resource Meta-Attributes ===
To set a default value for a resource option, add it to the
+rsc_defaults+ section with `crm_attribute`. For example,
# crm_attribute --type rsc_defaults --name is-managed --update false
would prevent the cluster from starting or stopping any of the
resources in the configuration (unless of course the individual
resources were specifically enabled by having their +is-managed+ set to
=== Resource Instance Attributes ===
The resource agents of some resource classes (lsb, systemd and upstart 'not' among them)
can be given parameters which determine how they behave and which instance
of a service they control.
If your resource agent supports parameters, you can add them with the
`crm_resource` command. For example,
# crm_resource --resource Public-IP --set-parameter ip --parameter-value
would create an entry in the resource like this:
.An example OCF resource with instance attributes
For an OCF resource, the result would be an environment variable
called +OCF_RESKEY_ip+ with a value of +
The list of instance attributes supported by an OCF resource agent can be
found by calling the resource agent with the `meta-data` command.
The output contains an XML description of all the supported
attributes, their purpose and default values.
.Displaying the metadata for the Dummy resource agent template
# export OCF_ROOT=/usr/lib/ocf
# $OCF_ROOT/resource.d/pacemaker/Dummy meta-data
This is a Dummy Resource Agent. It does absolutely nothing except
keep track of whether its running or not.
Its purpose in life is for testing and to serve as a template for RA writers.
NB: Please pay attention to the timeouts specified in the actions
section below. They should be meaningful for the kind of resource
the agent manages. They should be the minimum advised timeouts,
but they shouldn't/cannot cover _all_ possible resource
instances. So, try to be neither overly generous nor too stingy,
but moderate. The minimum timeouts should never be below 10 seconds.
Example stateless resource agent
Location to store the resource state in.
State file
Fake attribute that can be changed to cause a reload
Fake attribute that can be changed to cause a reload
Number of seconds to sleep during operations. This can be used to test how
the cluster reacts to operation timeouts.
Operation sleep duration in seconds.
== Resource Operations ==
'Operations' are actions the cluster can perform on a resource by calling the
resource agent. Resource agents must support certain common operations such as
start, stop and monitor, and may implement any others.
Some operations are generated by the cluster itself, for example, stopping and
starting resources as needed.
You can configure operations in the cluster configuration. As an example, by
default the cluster will 'not' ensure your resources stay healthy once they are
started. footnote:[Currently, anyway. Automatic monitoring operations may be
added in a future version of Pacemaker.] To instruct the cluster to do this,
you need to add a +monitor+ operation to the resource's definition.
.An OCF resource with a recurring health check
.Properties of an Operation
indexterm:[interval,Action Property]
|How long to wait before declaring the action has failed
indexterm:[timeout,Action Property]
|restart '(except for stop operations, which default to' fence 'when
STONITH is enabled and' block 'otherwise)'
|The action to take if this action ever fails. Allowed values:
* +ignore:+ Pretend the resource did not fail.
* +block:+ Don't perform any further operations on the resource.
* +stop:+ Stop the resource and do not start it elsewhere.
* +restart:+ Stop the resource and start it again (possibly on a different node).
* +fence:+ STONITH the node on which the resource failed.
* +standby:+ Move _all_ resources away from the node on which the resource failed.
indexterm:[on-fail,Action Property]
|If +false+, ignore this operation definition. This is typically used to pause
a particular recurring monitor operation; for instance, it can complement
the respective resource being unmanaged (+is-managed=false+), as this alone
will <>.
Disabling the operation does not suppress all actions of the given type.
Allowed values: +true+, +false+.
indexterm:[enabled,Action Property]
|If +true+, the intention to perform the operation is recorded so that
GUIs and CLI tools can indicate that an operation is in progress.
This is best set as an _operation default_ (see next section).
Allowed values: +true+, +false+.
indexterm:[enabled,Action Property]
|Run the operation only on node(s) that the cluster thinks should be in
the specified role. This only makes sense for recurring monitor operations.
Allowed (case-sensitive) values: +Stopped+, +Started+, and in the
- case of <> resources, +Slave+ and +Master+.
+ case of <>, +Slave+ and +Master+.
indexterm:[role,Action Property]
=== Monitoring Resources for Failure ===
When Pacemaker first starts a resource, it runs one-time monitor operations
(referred to as 'probes') to ensure the resource is running where it's
supposed to be, and not running where it's not supposed to be. (This behavior
can be affected by the +resource-discovery+ location constraint property.)
Other than those initial probes, Pacemaker will not (by default) check that
the resource continues to stay healthy. As in the example above, you must
configure monitor operations explicitly to perform these checks.
By default, a monitor operation will ensure that the resource is running
where it is supposed to. The +target-role+ property can be used for further
For example, if a resource has one monitor operation with
+interval=10 role=Started+ and a second monitor operation with
+interval=11 role=Stopped+, the cluster will run the first monitor on any nodes
it thinks 'should' be running the resource, and the second monitor on any nodes
that it thinks 'should not' be running the resource (for the truly paranoid,
who want to know when an administrator manually starts a service by mistake).
=== Monitoring Resources When Administration is Disabled ===
Recurring monitor operations behave differently under various administrative
* When a resource is unmanaged (by setting +is-managed=false+): No monitors
will be stopped.
If the unmanaged resource is stopped on a node where the cluster thinks it
should be running, the cluster will detect and report that it is not, but it
will not consider the monitor failed, and will not try to start the resource
until it is managed again.
Starting the unmanaged resource on a different node is strongly discouraged
and will at least cause the cluster to consider the resource failed, and
may require the resource's +target-role+ to be set to +Stopped+ then +Started+
to be recovered.
* When a node is put into standby: All resources will be moved away from the
node, and all monitor operations will be stopped on the node, except those
with +role=Stopped+. Monitor operations with +role=Stopped+ will be started
on the node if appropriate.
* When the cluster is put into maintenance mode: All resources will be marked
as unmanaged. All monitor operations will be stopped, except those with
+role=Stopped+. As with single unmanaged resources, starting a resource
on a node other than where the cluster expects it to be will cause problems.
=== Setting Global Defaults for Operations ===
You can change the global default values for operation properties
in a given cluster. These are defined in an +op_defaults+ section
of the CIB's +configuration+ section, and can be set with `crm_attribute`.
For example,
# crm_attribute --type op_defaults --name timeout --update 20s
would default each operation's +timeout+ to 20 seconds. If an
operation's definition also includes a value for +timeout+, then that
value would be used for that operation instead.
=== When Implicit Operations Take a Long Time ===
The cluster will always perform a number of implicit operations: +start+,
+stop+ and a non-recurring +monitor+ operation used at startup to check
whether the resource is already active. If one of these is taking too long,
then you can create an entry for them and specify a longer timeout.
.An OCF resource with custom timeouts for its implicit actions
=== Multiple Monitor Operations ===
Provided no two operations (for a single resource) have the same name
and interval, you can have as many monitor operations as you like. In
this way, you can do a superficial health check every minute and
progressively more intense ones at higher intervals.
To tell the resource agent what kind of check to perform, you need to
provide each monitor with a different value for a common parameter.
The OCF standard creates a special parameter called +OCF_CHECK_LEVEL+
for this purpose and dictates that it is "made available to the
resource agent without the normal +OCF_RESKEY+ prefix".
Whatever name you choose, you can specify it by adding an
+instance_attributes+ block to the +op+ tag. It is up to each
resource agent to look for the parameter and decide how to use it.
.An OCF resource with two recurring health checks, performing different levels of checks specified via +OCF_CHECK_LEVEL+.
=== Disabling a Monitor Operation ===
The easiest way to stop a recurring monitor is to just delete it.
However, there can be times when you only want to disable it
temporarily. In such cases, simply add +enabled="false"+ to the
operation's definition.
.Example of an OCF resource with a disabled health check
This can be achieved from the command line by executing:
# cibadmin --modify --xml-text ''
Once you've done whatever you needed to do, you can then re-enable it with
# cibadmin --modify --xml-text ''
diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Rules.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Rules.txt
index 9faf0735c4..6e39ba27a8 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Rules.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Rules.txt
@@ -1,642 +1,642 @@
= Rules =
We prefer [[ch-rules]], but older versions of asciidoc don't deal well
with that construct for chapter headings
anchor:ch-rules[Chapter 8, Rules]
Rules can be used to make your configuration more dynamic. One common
example is to set one value for +resource-stickiness+ during working
hours, to prevent resources from being moved back to their most
preferred location, and another on weekends when no-one is around to
notice an outage.
Another use of rules might be to assign machines to different
processing groups (using a node attribute) based on time and to then
use that attribute when creating location constraints.
Each rule can contain a number of expressions, date-expressions and
even other rules. The results of the expressions are combined based
on the rule's +boolean-op+ field to determine if the rule ultimately
evaluates to +true+ or +false+. What happens next depends on the
context in which the rule is being used.
== Rule Properties ==
.Properties of a Rule
|A unique name for the rule (required)
indexterm:[id,Constraint Rule]
|Limits the rule to apply only when the resource is in the specified
role. Allowed values are +Started+, +Slave+, and +Master+. A rule
with +role="Master"+ cannot determine the initial location of a
clone instance and will only affect which of the active instances
will be promoted.
indexterm:[role,Constraint Rule]
|The score to apply if the rule evaluates to +true+. Limited to use in
rules that are part of location constraints.
indexterm:[score,Constraint Rule]
|The node attribute to look up and use as a score if the rule
evaluates to +true+. Limited to use in rules that are part of
location constraints.
indexterm:[score-attribute,Constraint Rule]
|How to combine the result of multiple expression objects. Allowed
values are +and+ and +or+.
indexterm:[boolean-op,Constraint Rule]
== Node Attribute Expressions ==
indexterm:[Resource,Constraint,Attribute Expression]
Expression objects are used to control a resource based on the
attributes defined by a node or nodes.
.Properties of an Expression
|Node ID
|Node type. Possible values are +cluster+, +remote+, and +container+. Kind is
+remote+ for Pacemaker Remote nodes created with the +ocf:pacemaker:remote+
resource, and +container+ for Pacemaker Remote guest nodes and bundle nodes
|"true" if this node is a Designated Controller (DC), "false" otherwise
|The value of the +cluster-name+ cluster property, if set
|The value of the +site-name+ cluster property, if set, otherwise identical to
-|The role the relevant multistate resource has on this node. Valid only within
- a rule for a location constraint for a multistate resource.
+|The role the relevant promotable clone resource has on this node. Valid only within
+ a rule for a location constraint for a promotable clone resource.
// if uncommenting, put a pipe in front of first two lines
The installed version of the resource agent on the node, as defined
by the +version+ attribute of the +resource-agent+ tag in the agent's
metadata. Valid only within rules controlling resource options. This can be
useful during rolling upgrades of a backward-incompatible resource agent.
'(coming in x.x.x)'
== Time- and Date-Based Expressions ==
indexterm:[Time Based Expressions]
indexterm:[Resource,Constraint,Date/Time Expression]
As the name suggests, +date_expressions+ are used to control a
resource or cluster option based on the current date/time. They may
contain an optional +date_spec+ and/or +duration+ object depending on
the context.
.Properties of a Date Expression
.Equivalent expression
.9am-5pm Monday-Friday
Please note that the +16+ matches up to +16:59:59+, as the numeric
value (hour) still matches!
.9am-6pm Monday through Friday or anytime Saturday
.9am-5pm or 9pm-12am Monday through Friday
.Mondays in March 2005
Because no time is specified with the above dates, 00:00:00 is implied. This
means that the range includes all of 2005-03-01 but none of 2005-04-01.
You may wish to write +end="2005-03-31T23:59:59"+ to avoid confusion.
.A full moon on Friday the 13th
== Using Rules to Determine Resource Location ==
indexterm:[Rule,Determine Resource Location]
indexterm:[Resource,Location,Determine by Rules]
A location constraint may contain rules. When the constraint's outermost
rule evaluates to +false+, the cluster treats the constraint as if it were not
there. When the rule evaluates to +true+, the node's preference for running
the resource is updated with the score associated with the rule.
If this sounds familiar, it is because you have been using a simplified
syntax for location constraint rules already. Consider the following
location constraint:
.Prevent myApacheRsc from running on c001n03
This constraint can be more verbosely written as:
.Prevent myApacheRsc from running on c001n03 - expanded version
The advantage of using the expanded form is that one can then add
extra clauses to the rule, such as limiting the rule such that it only
applies during certain times of the day or days of the week.
=== Location Rules Based on Other Node Properties ===
The expanded form allows us to match on node properties other than its name.
If we rated each machine's CPU power such that the cluster had the
following nodes section:
.A sample nodes section for use with score-attribute
then we could prevent resources from running on underpowered machines with this rule:
=== Using +score-attribute+ Instead of +score+ ===
When using +score-attribute+ instead of +score+, each node matched by
the rule has its score adjusted differently, according to its value
for the named node attribute. Thus, in the previous example, if a
rule used +score-attribute="cpu_mips"+, +c001n01+ would have its
preference to run the resource increased by +1234+ whereas +c001n02+
would have its preference increased by +5678+.
== Using Rules to Control Resource Options ==
Often some cluster nodes will be different from their peers. Sometimes,
these differences -- e.g. the location of a binary or the names of network
interfaces -- require resources to be configured differently depending
on the machine they're hosted on.
By defining multiple +instance_attributes+ objects for the resource
and adding a rule to each, we can easily handle these special cases.
In the example below, +mySpecialRsc+ will use eth1 and port 9999 when
run on +node1+, eth2 and port 8888 on +node2+ and default to eth0 and
port 9999 for all other nodes.
.Defining different resource options based on the node name
The order in which +instance_attributes+ objects are evaluated is
determined by their score (highest to lowest). If not supplied, score
defaults to zero, and objects with an equal score are processed in
listed order. If the +instance_attributes+ object has no rule
or a +rule+ that evaluates to +true+, then for any parameter the resource does
not yet have a value for, the resource will use the parameter values defined by
the +instance_attributes+.
For example, given the configuration above, if the resource is placed on node1:
. +special-node1+ has the highest score (3) and so is evaluated first;
its rule evaluates to +true+, so +interface+ is set to +eth1+.
. +special-node2+ is evaluated next with score 2, but its rule evaluates to +false+,
so it is ignored.
. +defaults+ is evaluated last with score 1, and has no rule, so its values
are examined; +interface+ is already defined, so the value here is not used,
but +port+ is not yet defined, so +port+ is set to +9999+.
== Using Rules to Control Cluster Options ==
indexterm:[Rule,Controlling Cluster Options]
indexterm:[Cluster,Setting Options with Rules]
Controlling cluster options is achieved in much the same manner as
specifying different resource options on different nodes.
The difference is that because they are cluster options, one cannot
(or should not, because they won't work) use attribute-based
expressions. The following example illustrates how to set a different
+resource-stickiness+ value during and outside work hours. This
allows resources to automatically move back to their most preferred
hosts, but at a time that (in theory) does not interfere with business
.Change +resource-stickiness+ during working hours
== Ensuring Time-Based Rules Take Effect ==
A Pacemaker cluster is an event-driven system. As such, it won't
recalculate the best place for resources to run unless something
(like a resource failure or configuration change) happens. This can
mean that a location constraint that only allows resource X to run
between 9am and 5pm is not enforced.
If you rely on time-based rules, the +cluster-recheck-interval+ cluster option
(which defaults to 15 minutes) is essential. This tells the cluster to
periodically recalculate the ideal state of the cluster.
For example, if you set +cluster-recheck-interval="5m"+, then sometime between
09:00 and 09:05 the cluster would notice that it needs to start resource X,
and between 17:00 and 17:05 it would realize that X needed to be stopped.
The timing of the actual start and stop actions depends on what other actions
the cluster may need to perform first.
diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Baremetal-Tutorial.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Baremetal-Tutorial.txt
index 27261863ad..4324824709 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Baremetal-Tutorial.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Baremetal-Tutorial.txt
@@ -1,305 +1,305 @@
= Remote Node Walk-through =
*What this tutorial is:* An in-depth walk-through of how to get Pacemaker to
integrate a remote node into the cluster as a node capable of running cluster
*What this tutorial is not:* A realistic deployment scenario. The steps shown
here are meant to get users familiar with the concept of remote nodes as
quickly as possible.
This tutorial requires three machines: two to act as cluster nodes, and
a third to act as the remote node.
== Configure Remote Node ==
=== Configure Firewall on Remote Node ===
Allow cluster-related services through the local firewall:
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability
# firewall-cmd --reload
If you are using iptables directly, or some other firewall solution besides
firewalld, simply open the following ports, which can be used by various
clustering components: TCP ports 2224, 3121, and 21064, and UDP port 5405.
If you run into any problems during testing, you might want to disable
the firewall and SELinux entirely until you have everything working.
This may create significant security issues and should not be performed on
machines that will be exposed to the outside world, but may be appropriate
during development and testing on a protected host.
To disable security measures:
# setenforce 0
# sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" /etc/selinux/config
# systemctl mask firewalld.service
# systemctl stop firewalld.service
# iptables --flush
=== Configure pacemaker_remote on Remote Node ===
Install the pacemaker_remote daemon on the remote node.
# yum install -y pacemaker-remote resource-agents pcs
Create a location for the shared authentication key:
# mkdir -p --mode=0750 /etc/pacemaker
# chgrp haclient /etc/pacemaker
All nodes (both cluster nodes and remote nodes) must have the same
authentication key installed for the communication to work correctly.
If you already have a key on an existing node, copy it to the new
remote node. Otherwise, create a new key, for example:
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1
Now start and enable the pacemaker_remote daemon on the remote node.
# systemctl enable pacemaker_remote.service
# systemctl start pacemaker_remote.service
Verify the start is successful.
# systemctl status pacemaker_remote
pacemaker_remote.service - Pacemaker Remote Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-01-12 15:21:20 CDT; 20s ago
Main PID: 21273 (pacemaker_remot)
CGroup: /system.slice/pacemaker_remote.service
└─21273 /usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted
Jan 12 15:21:20 remote1 systemd[1]: Starting Pacemaker Remote Service...
Jan 12 15:21:20 remote1 systemd[1]: Started Pacemaker Remote Service.
Jan 12 15:21:20 remote1 pacemaker_remoted[21273]: notice: crm_add_logfile: Additional logging available in /var/log/pacemaker.log
Jan 12 15:21:20 remote1 pacemaker_remoted[21273]: notice: lrmd_init_remote_tls_server: Starting a tls listener on port 3121.
Jan 12 15:21:20 remote1 pacemaker_remoted[21273]: notice: bind_and_listen: Listening on address ::
== Verify Connection to Remote Node ==
Before moving forward, it's worth verifying that the cluster nodes
can contact the remote node on port 3121. Here's a trick you can use.
Connect using ssh from each of the cluster nodes. The connection will get
destroyed, but how it is destroyed tells you whether it worked or not.
First, add the remote node's hostname (we're using *remote1* in this tutorial)
to the cluster nodes' +/etc/hosts+ files if you haven't already. This
is required unless you have DNS set up in a way where remote1's address can be
Execute the following on each cluster node, replacing the IP address with the
actual IP address of the remote node.
# cat << END >> /etc/hosts remote1
If running the ssh command on one of the cluster nodes results in this
output before disconnecting, the connection works:
# ssh -p 3121 remote1
ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
If you see one of these, the connection is not working:
# ssh -p 3121 remote1
ssh: connect to host remote1 port 3121: No route to host
# ssh -p 3121 remote1
ssh: connect to host remote1 port 3121: Connection refused
Once you can successfully connect to the remote node from the both
cluster nodes, move on to setting up Pacemaker on the cluster nodes.
== Configure Cluster Nodes ==
=== Configure Firewall on Cluster Nodes ===
On each cluster node, allow cluster-related services through the local
firewall, following the same procedure as in <<_configure_firewall_on_remote_node>>.
=== Install Pacemaker on Cluster Nodes ===
On the two cluster nodes, install the following packages.
# yum install -y pacemaker corosync pcs resource-agents
=== Copy Authentication Key to Cluster Nodes ===
Create a location for the shared authentication key,
and copy it from any existing node:
# mkdir -p --mode=0750 /etc/pacemaker
# chgrp haclient /etc/pacemaker
# scp remote1:/etc/pacemaker/authkey /etc/pacemaker/authkey
=== Configure Corosync on Cluster Nodes ===
Corosync handles Pacemaker's cluster membership and messaging. The corosync
config file is located in +/etc/corosync/corosync.conf+. That config file must be
initialized with information about the two cluster nodes before pacemaker can
To initialize the corosync config file, execute the following pcs command on
both nodes, filling in the information in <> with your nodes' information.
# pcs cluster setup --force --local --name mycluster
=== Start Pacemaker on Cluster Nodes ===
Start the cluster stack on both cluster nodes using the following command.
# pcs cluster start
Verify corosync membership
# pcs status corosync
Membership information
Nodeid Votes Name
1 1 node1 (local)
Verify Pacemaker status. At first, the `pcs cluster status` output will look
like this.
# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: NONE
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 16:14:05 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 14:02:14 2018
1 node configured
0 resources configured
After about a minute, you should see your two cluster nodes come online.
# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node1 (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 16:16:32 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 14:02:14 2018
2 nodes configured
0 resources configured
Online: [ node1 node2 ]
For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to disable stonith to avoid having to cover fencing device configuration.
# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
== Integrate Remote Node into Cluster ==
Integrating a remote node into the cluster is achieved through the
creation of a remote node connection resource. The remote node connection
resource both establishes the connection to the remote node and defines that
the remote node exists. Note that this resource is actually internal to
Pacemaker's crmd component. A metadata file for this resource can be found in
the +/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/remote+ file that describes what options
are available, but there is no actual *ocf:pacemaker:remote* resource agent
script that performs any work.
Define the remote node connection resource to our remote node,
*remote1*, using the following command on any cluster node.
# pcs resource create remote1 ocf:pacemaker:remote
That's it. After a moment you should see the remote node come online.
Cluster name: mycluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node1 (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 17:13:09 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 17:02:02 2018
3 nodes configured
1 resources configured
Online: [ node1 node2 ]
RemoteOnline: [ remote1 ]
Full list of resources:
remote1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started node1
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/disabled
pcsd: active/enabled
== Starting Resources on Remote Node ==
Once the remote node is integrated into the cluster, starting resources on a
remote node is the exact same as on cluster nodes. Refer to the
http://clusterlabs.org/doc/['Clusters from Scratch'] document for examples of
resource creation.
Never involve a remote node connection resource in a resource group,
colocation constraint, or order constraint.
== Fencing Remote Nodes ==
Remote nodes are fenced the same way as cluster nodes. No special
considerations are required. Configure fencing resources for use with
remote nodes the same as you would with cluster nodes.
Note, however, that remote nodes can never 'initiate' a fencing action. Only
cluster nodes are capable of actually executing a fencing operation against
another node.
== Accessing Cluster Tools from a Remote Node ==
Besides allowing the cluster to manage resources on a remote node,
pacemaker_remote has one other trick. The pacemaker_remote daemon allows
nearly all the pacemaker tools (`crm_resource`, `crm_mon`, `crm_attribute`,
`crm_master`, etc.) to work on remote nodes natively.
Try it: Run `crm_mon` on the remote node after pacemaker has
integrated it into the cluster. These tools just work. These means resource
-agents such as master/slave resources which need access to tools like
-`crm_master` work seamlessly on the remote nodes.
+agents such as promotable resources (which need access to tools like
+`crm_master`) work seamlessly on the remote nodes.
Higher-level command shells such as `pcs` may have partial support
on remote nodes, but it is recommended to run them from a cluster node.
diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Example.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Example.txt
index 7583ed0e77..65bfa3bce6 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Example.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-Example.txt
@@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
= Guest Node Quick Example =
If you already know how to use Pacemaker, you'll likely be able to grasp this
new concept of guest nodes by reading through this quick example without
having to sort through all the detailed walk-through steps. Here are the key
configuration ingredients that make this possible using libvirt and KVM virtual
guests. These steps strip everything down to the very basics.
(((guest node)))
(((node,guest node)))
== Mile-High View of Configuration Steps ==
* Give each virtual machine that will be used as a guest node a static network
address and unique hostname.
* Put the same authentication key with the path +/etc/pacemaker/authkey+ on
every cluster node and virtual machine. This secures remote communication.
Run this command if you want to make a somewhat random key:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1
* Install pacemaker_remote on every virtual machine, enabling it to start at
boot, and if a local firewall is used, allow the node to accept connections
on TCP port 3121.
yum install pacemaker-remote resource-agents
systemctl enable pacemaker_remote
firewall-cmd --add-port 3121/tcp --permanent
If you just want to see this work, you may want to simply disable the local
firewall and put SELinux in permissive mode while testing. This creates
security risks and should not be done on a production machine exposed to the
Internet, but can be appropriate for a protected test machine.
* Create a Pacemaker resource to launch each virtual machine, using the
*remote-node* meta-attribute to let Pacemaker know this will be a
guest node capable of running resources.
# pcs resource create vm-guest1 VirtualDomain hypervisor="qemu:///system" config="vm-guest1.xml" meta remote-node="guest1"
The above command will create CIB XML similar to the following:
In the example above, the meta-attribute *remote-node="guest1"* tells Pacemaker
that this resource is a guest node with the hostname *guest1*. The cluster will
attempt to contact the virtual machine's pacemaker_remote service at the
hostname *guest1* after it launches.
The ID of the resource creating the virtual machine (*vm-guest1* in the above
example) 'must' be different from the virtual machine's uname (*guest1* in the
above example). Pacemaker will create an implicit internal resource for the
pacemaker_remote connection to the guest, named with the value of *remote-node*,
so that value cannot be used as the name of any other resource.
== Using a Guest Node ==
Guest nodes will show up in `crm_mon` output as normal:
.Example `crm_mon` output after *guest1* is integrated into cluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node1 (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 13:52:39 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 13:25:17 2018 via crmd on node1
2 nodes configured
2 resources configured
Online: [ node1 guest1]
vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started node1
Now, you could place a resource, such as a webserver, on *guest1*:
# pcs resource create webserver apache params configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf op monitor interval=30s
# pcs constraint location webserver prefers guest1
Now, the crm_mon output would show:
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node1 (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 13:52:39 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 13:25:17 2018 via crmd on node1
2 nodes configured
2 resources configured
Online: [ node1 guest1]
vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started node1
webserver (ocf::heartbeat::apache): Started guest1
It is worth noting that after *guest1* is integrated into the cluster, nearly all the
Pacemaker command-line tools immediately become available to the guest node.
This means things like `crm_mon`, `crm_resource`, and `crm_attribute` will work
natively on the guest node, as long as the connection between the guest node
-and a cluster node exists. This is particularly important for any master/slave
-resources executing on the guest node that need access to `crm_master` to set
-transient attributes.
+and a cluster node exists. This is particularly important for any promotable
+clone resources executing on the guest node that need access to `crm_master` to
+set transient attributes.
diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-KVM-Tutorial.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-KVM-Tutorial.txt
index cf54d49655..ef510795a8 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-KVM-Tutorial.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Remote/en-US/Ch-KVM-Tutorial.txt
@@ -1,578 +1,578 @@
= Guest Node Walk-through =
*What this tutorial is:* An in-depth walk-through of how to get Pacemaker to
manage a KVM guest instance and integrate that guest into the cluster as a
guest node.
*What this tutorial is not:* A realistic deployment scenario. The steps shown
here are meant to get users familiar with the concept of guest nodes as quickly
as possible.
== Configure the Physical Host ==
For this example, we will use a single physical host named *example-host*.
A production cluster would likely have multiple physical hosts, in which case
you would run the commands here on each one, unless noted otherwise.
=== Configure Firewall on Host ===
On the physical host, allow cluster-related services through the local firewall:
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability
# firewall-cmd --reload
If you are using iptables directly, or some other firewall solution besides
firewalld, simply open the following ports, which can be used by various
clustering components: TCP ports 2224, 3121, and 21064, and UDP port 5405.
If you run into any problems during testing, you might want to disable
the firewall and SELinux entirely until you have everything working.
This may create significant security issues and should not be performed on
machines that will be exposed to the outside world, but may be appropriate
during development and testing on a protected host.
To disable security measures:
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# setenforce 0
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# sed -i.bak "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g" /etc/selinux/config
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# systemctl mask firewalld.service
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld.service
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# iptables --flush
=== Install Cluster Software ===
# yum install -y pacemaker corosync pcs resource-agents
=== Configure Corosync ===
Corosync handles pacemaker's cluster membership and messaging. The corosync
config file is located in +/etc/corosync/corosync.conf+. That config file must
be initialized with information about the cluster nodes before pacemaker can
To initialize the corosync config file, execute the following `pcs` command,
replacing the cluster name and hostname as desired:
# pcs cluster setup --force --local --name mycluster example-host
If you have multiple physical hosts, you would execute the setup command on
only one host, but list all of them at the end of the command.
=== Configure Pacemaker for Remote Node Communication ===
Create a place to hold an authentication key for use with pacemaker_remote:
# mkdir -p --mode=0750 /etc/pacemaker
# chgrp haclient /etc/pacemaker
Generate a key:
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1
If you have multiple physical hosts, you would generate the key on only one
host, and copy it to the same location on all hosts.
=== Verify Cluster Software ===
Start the cluster
# pcs cluster start
Verify corosync membership
# pcs status corosync
Membership information
Nodeid Votes Name
1 1 example-host (local)
Verify pacemaker status. At first, the output will look like this:
# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false
Stack: corosync
Current DC: NONE
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 15:18:32 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 12:42:21 2018 by root via cibadmin on example-host
1 node configured
0 resources configured
Node example-host: UNCLEAN (offline)
No active resources
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/disabled
pcsd: active/enabled
After a short amount of time, you should see your host as a single node in the
# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false
Stack: corosync
Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition WITHOUT quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 15:20:05 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 12:42:21 2018 by root via cibadmin on example-host
1 node configured
0 resources configured
Online: [ example-host ]
No active resources
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/disabled
pcsd: active/enabled
=== Disable STONITH and Quorum ===
Now, enable the cluster to work without quorum or stonith. This is required
for the sake of getting this tutorial to work with a single cluster node.
# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
The use of `stonith-enabled=false` is completely inappropriate for a production
cluster. It tells the cluster to simply pretend that failed nodes are safely
powered off. Some vendors will refuse to support clusters that have STONITH
disabled. We disable STONITH here only to focus the discussion on
pacemaker_remote, and to be able to use a single physical host in the example.
Now, the status output should look similar to this:
# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 15:22:49 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 15:22:46 2018 by root via cibadmin on example-host
1 node configured
0 resources configured
Online: [ example-host ]
No active resources
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/disabled
pcsd: active/enabled
Go ahead and stop the cluster for now after verifying everything is in order.
# pcs cluster stop --force
=== Install Virtualization Software ===
# yum install -y kvm libvirt qemu-system qemu-kvm bridge-utils virt-manager
# systemctl enable libvirtd.service
Reboot the host.
While KVM is used in this example, any virtualization platform with a Pacemaker
resource agent can be used to create a guest node. The resource agent needs
only to support usual commands (start, stop, etc.); Pacemaker implements the
*remote-node* meta-attribute, independent of the agent.
== Configure the KVM guest ==
=== Create Guest ===
We will not outline here the installation steps required to create a KVM
guest. There are plenty of tutorials available elsewhere that do that.
Just be sure to configure the guest with a hostname and a static IP address
(as an example here, we will use guest1 and
=== Configure Firewall on Guest ===
On each guest, allow cluster-related services through the local firewall,
following the same procedure as in <<_configure_firewall_on_host>>.
=== Verify Connectivity ===
At this point, you should be able to ping and ssh into guests from hosts, and
vice versa.
=== Configure pacemaker_remote ===
Install pacemaker_remote, and enable it to run at start-up. Here, we also
install the pacemaker package; it is not required, but it contains the dummy
resource agent that we will use later for testing.
# yum install -y pacemaker pacemaker-remote resource-agents
# systemctl enable pacemaker_remote.service
Copy the authentication key from a host:
# mkdir -p --mode=0750 /etc/pacemaker
# chgrp haclient /etc/pacemaker
# scp root@example-host:/etc/pacemaker/authkey /etc/pacemaker
Start pacemaker_remote, and verify the start was successful:
# systemctl start pacemaker_remote
# systemctl status pacemaker_remote
pacemaker_remote.service - Pacemaker Remote Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2013-03-14 18:24:04 EDT; 2min 8s ago
Main PID: 1233 (pacemaker_remot)
CGroup: name=systemd:/system/pacemaker_remote.service
└─1233 /usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted
Mar 14 18:24:04 guest1 systemd[1]: Starting Pacemaker Remote Service...
Mar 14 18:24:04 guest1 systemd[1]: Started Pacemaker Remote Service.
Mar 14 18:24:04 guest1 pacemaker_remoted[1233]: notice: lrmd_init_remote_tls_server: Starting a tls listener on port 3121.
=== Verify Host Connection to Guest ===
Before moving forward, it's worth verifying that the host can contact the guest
on port 3121. Here's a trick you can use. Connect using ssh from the host. The
connection will get destroyed, but how it is destroyed tells you whether it
worked or not.
First add guest1 to the host machine's +/etc/hosts+ file if you haven't
already. This is required unless you have DNS setup in a way where guest1's
address can be discovered.
# cat << END >> /etc/hosts guest1
If running the ssh command on one of the cluster nodes results in this
output before disconnecting, the connection works:
# ssh -p 3121 guest1
ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
If you see one of these, the connection is not working:
# ssh -p 3121 guest1
ssh: connect to host guest1 port 3121: No route to host
# ssh -p 3121 guest1
ssh: connect to host guest1 port 3121: Connection refused
Once you can successfully connect to the guest from the host, shutdown the guest. Pacemaker will be managing the virtual machine from this point forward.
== Integrate Guest into Cluster ==
Now the fun part, integrating the virtual machine you've just created into the cluster. It is incredibly simple.
=== Start the Cluster ===
On the host, start pacemaker.
# pcs cluster start
Wait for the host to become the DC. The output of `pcs status` should look
as it did in <<_disable_stonith_and_quorum>>.
=== Integrate as Guest Node ===
If you didn't already do this earlier in the verify host to guest connection
section, add the KVM guest's IP address to the host's +/etc/hosts+ file so we
can connect by hostname. For this example:
# cat << END >> /etc/hosts guest1
We will use the *VirtualDomain* resource agent for the management of the
virtual machine. This agent requires the virtual machine's XML config to be
dumped to a file on disk. To do this, pick out the name of the virtual machine
you just created from the output of this list.
# virsh list --all
Id Name State
- guest1 shut off
In my case I named it guest1. Dump the xml to a file somewhere on the host using the following command.
# virsh dumpxml guest1 > /etc/pacemaker/guest1.xml
Now just register the resource with pacemaker and you're set!
# pcs resource create vm-guest1 VirtualDomain hypervisor="qemu:///system" \
config="/etc/pacemaker/guest1.xml" meta remote-node=guest1
This example puts the guest XML under /etc/pacemaker because the
permissions and SELinux labeling should not need any changes.
If you run into trouble with this or any step, try disabling SELinux
with `setenforce 0`. If it works after that, see SELinux documentation
for how to troubleshoot, if you wish to reenable SELinux.
Pacemaker will automatically monitor pacemaker_remote connections for failure,
so it is not necessary to create a recurring monitor on the VirtualDomain
Once the *vm-guest1* resource is started you will see *guest1* appear in the
`pcs status` output as a node. The final `pcs status` output should look
something like this.
# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 18:00:45 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 17:53:44 2018 by root via crm_resource on example-host
2 nodes configured
2 resources configured
Online: [ example-host ]
GuestOnline: [ guest1@example-host ]
Full list of resources:
vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/disabled
pcsd: active/enabled
=== Starting Resources on KVM Guest ===
The commands below demonstrate how resources can be executed on both the
guest node and the cluster node.
Create a few Dummy resources. Dummy resources are real resource agents used just for testing purposes. They actually execute on the host they are assigned to just like an apache server or database would, except their execution just means a file was created. When the resource is stopped, that the file it created is removed.
# pcs resource create FAKE1 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy
# pcs resource create FAKE2 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy
# pcs resource create FAKE3 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy
# pcs resource create FAKE4 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy
# pcs resource create FAKE5 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy
Now check your `pcs status` output. In the resource section, you should see
something like the following, where some of the resources started on the
cluster node, and some started on the guest node.
Full list of resources:
vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host
FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1
FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1
FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host
FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1
FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host
The guest node, *guest1*, reacts just like any other node in the cluster. For
example, pick out a resource that is running on your cluster node. For my
purposes, I am picking FAKE3 from the output above. We can force FAKE3 to run
on *guest1* in the exact same way we would any other node.
# pcs constraint location FAKE3 prefers guest1
Now, looking at the bottom of the `pcs status` output you'll see FAKE3 is on
Full list of resources:
vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host
FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1
FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1
FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1
FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host
FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host
=== Testing Recovery and Fencing ===
Pacemaker's policy engine is smart enough to know fencing guest nodes
associated with a virtual machine means shutting off/rebooting the virtual
machine. No special configuration is necessary to make this happen. If you
are interested in testing this functionality out, trying stopping the guest's
pacemaker_remote daemon. This would be equivalent of abruptly terminating a
cluster node's corosync membership without properly shutting it down.
ssh into the guest and run this command.
# kill -9 `pidof pacemaker_remoted`
Within a few seconds, your `pcs status` output will show a monitor failure,
and the *guest1* node will not be shown while it is being recovered.
# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 18:08:35 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 18:07:00 2018 by root via cibadmin on example-host
2 nodes configured
7 resources configured
Online: [ example-host ]
Full list of resources:
vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host
FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped
FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped
FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped
FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host
FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host
Failed Actions:
* guest1_monitor_30000 on example-host 'unknown error' (1): call=8, status=Error, exitreason='none',
last-rc-change='Fri Jan 12 18:08:29 2018', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/disabled
pcsd: active/enabled
A guest node involves two resources: the one you explicitly configured creates the guest,
and Pacemaker creates an implicit resource for the pacemaker_remote connection, which
will be named the same as the value of the *remote-node* attribute of the explicit resource.
When we killed pacemaker_remote, it is the implicit resource that failed, which is why
the failed action starts with *guest1* and not *vm-guest1*.
Once recovery of the guest is complete, you'll see it automatically get
re-integrated into the cluster. The final `pcs status` output should look
something like this.
Cluster name: mycluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: example-host (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.5-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jan 12 18:18:30 2018
Last change: Fri Jan 12 18:07:00 2018 by root via cibadmin on example-host
2 nodes configured
7 resources configured
Online: [ example-host ]
GuestOnline: [ guest1@example-host ]
Full list of resources:
vm-guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started example-host
FAKE1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1
FAKE2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1
FAKE3 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started guest1
FAKE4 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host
FAKE5 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started example-host
Failed Actions:
* guest1_monitor_30000 on example-host 'unknown error' (1): call=8, status=Error, exitreason='none',
last-rc-change='Fri Jan 12 18:08:29 2018', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/disabled
pcsd: active/enabled
Normally, once you've investigated and addressed a failed action, you can clear the
failure. However Pacemaker does not yet support cleanup for the implicitly
created connection resource while the explicit resource is active. If you want
to clear the failed action from the status output, stop the guest resource before
clearing it. For example:
# pcs resource disable vm-guest1 --wait
# pcs resource cleanup guest1
# pcs resource enable vm-guest1
=== Accessing Cluster Tools from Guest Node ===
Besides allowing the cluster to manage resources on a guest node,
pacemaker_remote has one other trick. The pacemaker_remote daemon allows
nearly all the pacemaker tools (`crm_resource`, `crm_mon`, `crm_attribute`,
`crm_master`, etc.) to work on guest nodes natively.
Try it: Run `crm_mon` on the guest after pacemaker has
integrated the guest node into the cluster. These tools just work. This
-means resource agents such as master/slave resources which need access to tools
-like `crm_master` work seamlessly on the guest nodes.
+means resource agents such as promotable resources (which need access to tools
+like `crm_master`) work seamlessly on the guest nodes.
Higher-level command shells such as `pcs` may have partial support
on guest nodes, but it is recommended to run them from a cluster node.