diff --git a/cts/CIB.py b/cts/CIB.py index 11aeb17c74..69570e1d99 100644 --- a/cts/CIB.py +++ b/cts/CIB.py @@ -1,556 +1,560 @@ '''CTS: Cluster Testing System: CIB generator ''' __copyright__ = ''' Author: Andrew Beekhof Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Beekhof ''' import os, string, warnings from cts.CTSvars import * class CibBase: def __init__(self, Factory, tag, _id, **kwargs): self.tag = tag self.name = _id self.kwargs = kwargs self.children = [] self.Factory = Factory def __repr__(self): return "%s-%s" % (self.tag, self.name) def add_child(self, child): self.children.append(child) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if value: self.kwargs[key] = value else: self.kwargs.pop(key, None) from cib_xml import * class ConfigBase: cts_cib = None version = "unknown" feature_set = "unknown" Factory = None def __init__(self, CM, factory, tmpfile=None): self.CM = CM self.Factory = factory if not tmpfile: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") tmpfile = os.tmpnam() warnings.resetwarnings() self.Factory.tmpfile = tmpfile def version(self): return self.version def NextIP(self): ip = self.CM.Env["IPBase"] if ":" in ip: (prefix, sep, suffix) = ip.rpartition(":") suffix = str(hex(int(suffix, 16)+1)).lstrip("0x") else: (prefix, sep, suffix) = ip.rpartition(".") suffix = str(int(suffix)+1) ip = prefix + sep + suffix self.CM.Env["IPBase"] = ip return ip.strip() class CIB11(ConfigBase): feature_set = "3.0" version = "pacemaker-1.1" counter = 1 def _show(self, command=""): output = "" (rc, result) = self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "HOME=/root CIB_file="+self.Factory.tmpfile+" cibadmin -Ql "+command, None, ) for line in result: output += line self.Factory.debug("Generated Config: "+line) return output def NewIP(self, name=None, standard="ocf"): if self.CM.Env["IPagent"] == "IPaddr2": ip = self.NextIP() if not name: if ":" in ip: (prefix, sep, suffix) = ip.rpartition(":") name = "r"+suffix else: name = "r"+ip r = Resource(self.Factory, name, self.CM.Env["IPagent"], standard) r["ip"] = ip if ":" in ip: r["cidr_netmask"] = "64" r["nic"] = "eth0" else: r["cidr_netmask"] = "32" else: if not name: name = "r%s%d" % (self.CM.Env["IPagent"], self.counter) self.counter = self.counter + 1 r = Resource(self.Factory, name, self.CM.Env["IPagent"], standard) r.add_op("monitor", "5s") return r def get_node_id(self, node_name): """ Check the cluster configuration for a node ID. """ # We can't account for every possible configuration, # so we only return a node ID if: # * The node is specified in /etc/corosync/corosync.conf # with "ring0_addr:" equal to node_name and "nodeid:" # explicitly specified. # * Or, the node is specified in /etc/cluster/cluster.conf # with name="node_name" nodeid="X" # In all other cases, we return 0. node_id = 0 # awkward command: use } as record separator # so each corosync.conf "object" is one record; # match the "node {" record that has "ring0_addr: node_name"; # then print the substring of that record after "nodeid:" (rc, output) = self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, r"""awk -v RS="}" """ r"""'/^(\s*nodelist\s*{)?\s*node\s*{.*(ring0_addr|name):\s*%s(\s+|$)/""" r"""{gsub(/.*nodeid:\s*/,"");gsub(/\s+.*$/,"");print}'""" r""" /etc/corosync/corosync.conf""" % node_name, None) if rc == 0 and len(output) == 1: try: node_id = int(output[0]) except ValueError: node_id = 0 # another awkward command: use < or > as record separator # so each cluster.conf XML tag is one record; # match the clusternode record that has name="node_name"; # then print the substring of that record for nodeid="X" if node_id == 0: (rc, output) = self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, r"""awk -v RS="[<>]" """ r"""'/^clusternode\s+.*name="%s".*/""" r"""{gsub(/.*nodeid="/,"");gsub(/".*/,"");print}'""" r""" /etc/cluster/cluster.conf""" % node_name, None) if rc == 0 and len(output) == 1: try: node_id = int(output[0]) except ValueError: node_id = 0 return node_id def install(self, target): old = self.Factory.tmpfile # Force a rebuild self.cts_cib = None self.Factory.tmpfile = CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib.xml" self.contents(target) self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "chown "+CTSvars.CRM_DAEMON_USER+" "+self.Factory.tmpfile) self.Factory.tmpfile = old def contents(self, target=None): # fencing resource if self.cts_cib: return self.cts_cib if target: self.Factory.target = target self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "HOME=/root cibadmin --empty %s > %s" % (self.version, self.Factory.tmpfile)) #cib_base = self.cib_template % (self.feature_set, self.version, ''' remote-tls-port='9898' remote-clear-port='9999' ''') self.num_nodes = len(self.CM.Env["nodes"]) no_quorum = "stop" if self.num_nodes < 3: no_quorum = "ignore" self.Factory.log("Cluster only has %d nodes, configuring: no-quorum-policy=ignore" % self.num_nodes) # We don't need a nodes section unless we add attributes stn = None # Fencing resource # Define first so that the shell doesn't reject every update if self.CM.Env["DoFencing"]: # Define the "real" fencing device st = Resource(self.Factory, "Fencing", ""+self.CM.Env["stonith-type"], "stonith") # Set a threshold for unreliable stonith devices such as the vmware one st.add_meta("migration-threshold", "5") st.add_op("monitor", "120s", timeout="120s") st.add_op("stop", "0", timeout="60s") st.add_op("start", "0", timeout="60s") # For remote node tests, a cluster node is stopped and brought back up # as a remote node with the name "remote-OLDNAME". To allow fencing # devices to fence these nodes, create a list of all possible node names. all_node_names = [ prefix+n for n in self.CM.Env["nodes"] for prefix in ('', 'remote-') ] # Add all parameters specified by user entries = string.split(self.CM.Env["stonith-params"], ',') for entry in entries: try: (name, value) = string.split(entry, '=', 1) except ValueError: print("Warning: skipping invalid fencing parameter: %s" % entry) continue # Allow user to specify "all" as the node list, and expand it here if name in [ "hostlist", "pcmk_host_list" ] and value == "all": value = string.join(all_node_names, " ") st[name] = value st.commit() # Test advanced fencing logic if True: stf_nodes = [] stt_nodes = [] attr_nodes = {} # Create the levels stl = FencingTopology(self.Factory) for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: # Remote node tests will rename the node remote_node = "remote-" + node # Randomly assign node to a fencing method ftype = self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice(["levels-and", "levels-or ", "broadcast "]) # For levels-and, randomly choose targeting by node name or attribute by = "" if ftype == "levels-and": node_id = self.get_node_id(node) if node_id == 0 or self.CM.Env.RandomGen.choice([True, False]): by = " (by name)" else: attr_nodes[node] = node_id by = " (by attribute)" self.CM.log(" - Using %s fencing for node: %s%s" % (ftype, node, by)) if ftype == "levels-and": # If targeting by name, add a topology level for this node if node not in attr_nodes: stl.level(1, node, "FencingPass,Fencing") # Always target remote nodes by name, otherwise we would need to add # an attribute to the remote node only during remote tests (we don't # want nonexistent remote nodes showing up in the non-remote tests). # That complexity is not worth the effort. stl.level(1, remote_node, "FencingPass,Fencing") # Add the node (and its remote equivalent) to the list of levels-and nodes. stt_nodes.extend([node, remote_node]) elif ftype == "levels-or ": for n in [ node, remote_node ]: stl.level(1, n, "FencingFail") stl.level(2, n, "Fencing") stf_nodes.extend([node, remote_node]) # If any levels-and nodes were targeted by attribute, # create the attributes and a level for the attribute. if attr_nodes: stn = Nodes(self.Factory) for (node_name, node_id) in attr_nodes.items(): stn.add_node(node_name, node_id, { "cts-fencing" : "levels-and" }) stl.level(1, None, "FencingPass,Fencing", "cts-fencing", "levels-and") # Create a Dummy agent that always passes for levels-and if len(stt_nodes): self.CM.install_helper("fence_dummy", destdir="/usr/sbin", sourcedir=CTSvars.Fencing_home) stt = Resource(self.Factory, "FencingPass", "fence_dummy", "stonith") stt["pcmk_host_list"] = string.join(stt_nodes, " ") # Wait this many seconds before doing anything, handy for letting disks get flushed too stt["random_sleep_range"] = "30" stt["mode"] = "pass" stt.commit() # Create a Dummy agent that always fails for levels-or if len(stf_nodes): self.CM.install_helper("fence_dummy", destdir="/usr/sbin", sourcedir=CTSvars.Fencing_home) stf = Resource(self.Factory, "FencingFail", "fence_dummy", "stonith") stf["pcmk_host_list"] = string.join(stf_nodes, " ") # Wait this many seconds before doing anything, handy for letting disks get flushed too stf["random_sleep_range"] = "30" stf["mode"] = "fail" stf.commit() # Now commit the levels themselves stl.commit() - o = Option(self.Factory, "stonith-enabled", self.CM.Env["DoFencing"]) + o = Option(self.Factory) + o["stonith-enabled"] = self.CM.Env["DoFencing"] o["start-failure-is-fatal"] = "false" o["pe-input-series-max"] = "5000" - o["default-action-timeout"] = "90s" o["shutdown-escalation"] = "5min" o["batch-limit"] = "10" o["dc-deadtime"] = "5s" o["no-quorum-policy"] = no_quorum o["expected-quorum-votes"] = self.num_nodes if self.CM.Env["DoBSC"] == 1: o["ident-string"] = "Linux-HA TEST configuration file - REMOVEME!!" o.commit() + o = OpDefaults(self.Factory) + o["timeout"] = "90s" + o.commit() + # Commit the nodes section if we defined one if stn is not None: stn.commit() # Add an alerts section if possible if self.Factory.rsh.exists_on_all(self.CM.Env["notification-agent"], self.CM.Env["nodes"]): alerts = Alerts(self.Factory) alerts.add_alert(self.CM.Env["notification-agent"], self.CM.Env["notification-recipient"]) alerts.commit() # Add resources? if self.CM.Env["CIBResource"] == 1: self.add_resources() if self.CM.cluster_monitor == 1: mon = Resource(self.Factory, "cluster_mon", "ocf", "ClusterMon", "pacemaker") mon.add_op("start", "0", requires="nothing") mon.add_op("monitor", "5s", requires="nothing") mon["update"] = "10" mon["extra_options"] = "-r -n" mon["user"] = "abeekhof" mon["htmlfile"] = "/suse/abeekhof/Export/cluster.html" mon.commit() #self._create('''location prefer-dc cluster_mon rule -INFINITY: \#is_dc eq false''') # generate cib self.cts_cib = self._show() if self.Factory.tmpfile != CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib.xml": self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, "rm -f "+self.Factory.tmpfile) return self.cts_cib def add_resources(self): # Per-node resources for node in self.CM.Env["nodes"]: name = "rsc_"+node r = self.NewIP(name) r.prefer(node, "100") r.commit() # Migrator # Make this slightly sticky (since we have no other location constraints) to avoid relocation during Reattach m = Resource(self.Factory, "migrator","Dummy", "ocf", "pacemaker") m["passwd"] = "whatever" m.add_meta("resource-stickiness","1") m.add_meta("allow-migrate", "1") m.add_op("monitor", "P10S") m.commit() # Ping the test master p = Resource(self.Factory, "ping-1","ping", "ocf", "pacemaker") p.add_op("monitor", "60s") p["host_list"] = self.CM.Env["cts-master"] p["name"] = "connected" p["debug"] = "true" c = Clone(self.Factory, "Connectivity", p) c["globally-unique"] = "false" c.commit() #master slave resource s = Resource(self.Factory, "stateful-1", "Stateful", "ocf", "pacemaker") s.add_op("monitor", "15s", timeout="60s") s.add_op("monitor", "16s", timeout="60s", role="Master") ms = Master(self.Factory, "master-1", s) ms["clone-max"] = self.num_nodes ms["master-max"] = 1 ms["clone-node-max"] = 1 ms["master-node-max"] = 1 # Require conectivity to run the master r = Rule(self.Factory, "connected", "-INFINITY", op="or") r.add_child(Expression(self.Factory, "m1-connected-1", "connected", "lt", "1")) r.add_child(Expression(self.Factory, "m1-connected-2", "connected", "not_defined", None)) ms.prefer("connected", rule=r) ms.commit() # Group Resource g = Group(self.Factory, "group-1") g.add_child(self.NewIP()) if self.CM.Env["have_systemd"]: # It would be better to put the python in a separate file, so we # could loop "while True" rather than sleep for 24 hours. We can't # put a loop in a single-line python command; only simple commands # may be separated by semicolon in python. dummy_service_file = """ [Unit] Description=Dummy resource that takes a while to start [Service] Type=notify ExecStart=/usr/bin/python -c 'import time, systemd.daemon; time.sleep(10); systemd.daemon.notify("READY=1"); time.sleep(86400)' ExecStop=/bin/sh -c 'sleep 10; [ -n "\$MAINPID" ] && kill -s KILL \$MAINPID' """ os.system("cat <<-END >/tmp/DummySD.service\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_service_file)) self.CM.install_helper("DummySD.service", destdir="/usr/lib/systemd/system/", sourcedir="/tmp") sysd = Resource(self.Factory, "petulant", "DummySD", "service") sysd.add_op("monitor", "P10S") g.add_child(sysd) else: g.add_child(self.NewIP()) g.add_child(self.NewIP()) # Group with the master g.after("master-1", first="promote", then="start") g.colocate("master-1", "INFINITY", withrole="Master") g.commit() # LSB resource lsb_agent = self.CM.install_helper("LSBDummy") lsb = Resource(self.Factory, "lsb-dummy",lsb_agent, "lsb") lsb.add_op("monitor", "5s") # LSB with group lsb.after("group-1") lsb.colocate("group-1") lsb.commit() class CIB12(CIB11): feature_set = "3.0" version = "pacemaker-1.2" class CIB20(CIB11): feature_set = "3.0" version = "pacemaker-2.5" #class HASI(CIB10): # def add_resources(self): # # DLM resource # self._create('''primitive dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld op monitor interval=120s''') # self._create('''clone dlm-clone dlm meta globally-unique=false interleave=true''') # O2CB resource # self._create('''primitive o2cb ocf:ocfs2:o2cb op monitor interval=120s''') # self._create('''clone o2cb-clone o2cb meta globally-unique=false interleave=true''') # self._create('''colocation o2cb-with-dlm INFINITY: o2cb-clone dlm-clone''') # self._create('''order start-o2cb-after-dlm mandatory: dlm-clone o2cb-clone''') class ConfigFactory: def __init__(self, CM): self.CM = CM self.rsh = self.CM.rsh self.register("pacemaker11", CIB11, CM, self) self.register("pacemaker12", CIB12, CM, self) self.register("pacemaker20", CIB20, CM, self) # self.register("hae", HASI, CM, self) self.target = self.CM.Env["nodes"][0] self.tmpfile = None def log(self, args): self.CM.log("cib: %s" % args) def debug(self, args): self.CM.debug("cib: %s" % args) def register(self, methodName, constructor, *args, **kargs): """register a constructor""" _args = [constructor] _args.extend(args) setattr(self, methodName, ConfigFactoryItem(*_args, **kargs)) def unregister(self, methodName): """unregister a constructor""" delattr(self, methodName) def createConfig(self, name="pacemaker-1.0"): if name == "pacemaker-1.0": name = "pacemaker10"; elif name == "pacemaker-1.1": name = "pacemaker11"; elif name == "pacemaker-1.2": name = "pacemaker12"; elif name == "pacemaker-2.0": name = "pacemaker20"; elif name == "hasi": name = "hae"; if hasattr(self, name): return getattr(self, name)() else: self.CM.log("Configuration variant '%s' is unknown. Defaulting to latest config" % name) return self.pacemaker12() class ConfigFactoryItem: def __init__(self, function, *args, **kargs): self._function = function self._args = args self._kargs = kargs def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): """call function""" _args = list(self._args) _args.extend(args) _kargs = self._kargs.copy() _kargs.update(kargs) return self._function(*_args,**_kargs) if __name__ == '__main__': """ Unit test (pass cluster node names as command line arguments) """ import CTS import CM_ais import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: %s ..." % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) args = [ "--nodes", " ".join(sys.argv[1:]), "--clobber-cib", "--populate-resources", "--stack", "corosync", "--test-ip-base", "fe80::1234:56:7890:1000", "--stonith", "rhcs", - "--stonith-args", "pcmk_arg_map=domain:uname" + "--stonith-args", "pcmk_host_argument=domain" ] env = CTS.CtsLab(args) cm = CM_ais.crm_mcp(env) CibFactory = ConfigFactory(cm) cib = CibFactory.createConfig("pacemaker-1.1") print(cib.contents()) diff --git a/cts/cib_xml.py b/cts/cib_xml.py index c7c56fe51a..0503572f80 100644 --- a/cts/cib_xml.py +++ b/cts/cib_xml.py @@ -1,317 +1,328 @@ '''CTS: Cluster Testing System: CIB generator ''' __copyright__ = ''' Author: Andrew Beekhof Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Beekhof ''' import sys import string from cts.CTSvars import * from cts.CIB import CibBase class XmlBase(CibBase): def __init__(self, Factory, tag, _id, **kwargs): CibBase.__init__(self, Factory, tag, _id, **kwargs) def show(self): text = '''<%s''' % self.tag if self.name: text += ''' id="%s"''' % (self.name) for k in list(self.kwargs.keys()): text += ''' %s="%s"''' % (k, self.kwargs[k]) if not self.children: text += '''/>''' return text text += '''>''' for c in self.children: text += c.show() text += '''''' % self.tag return text def _run(self, operation, xml, section="all", options=""): if self.name: label = self.name else: label = "<%s>" % self.tag self.Factory.debug("Writing out %s" % label) fixed = "HOME=/root CIB_file="+self.Factory.tmpfile fixed += " cibadmin --%s --scope %s %s --xml-text '%s'" % (operation, section, options, xml) rc = self.Factory.rsh(self.Factory.target, fixed) if rc != 0: self.Factory.log("Configure call failed: "+fixed) sys.exit(1) class InstanceAttributes(XmlBase): """ Create an section with name-value pairs """ def __init__(self, Factory, name, attrs): XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "instance_attributes", name) # Create an for each attribute for (attr, value) in attrs.items(): self.add_child(XmlBase(Factory, "nvpair", "%s-%s" % (name, attr), name=attr, value=value)) class Node(XmlBase): """ Create a section with node attributes for one node """ def __init__(self, Factory, node_name, node_id, node_attrs): XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "node", node_id, uname=node_name) self.add_child(InstanceAttributes(Factory, "%s-1" % node_name, node_attrs)) class Nodes(XmlBase): """ Create a section """ def __init__(self, Factory): XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "nodes", None) def add_node(self, node_name, node_id, node_attrs): self.add_child(Node(self.Factory, node_name, node_id, node_attrs)) def commit(self): self._run("modify", self.show(), "configuration", "--allow-create") class FencingTopology(XmlBase): def __init__(self, Factory): XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "fencing-topology", None) def level(self, index, target, devices, target_attr=None, target_value=None): # Generate XML ID (sanitizing target-by-attribute levels) if target: xml_id = "cts-%s.%d" % (target, index) self.add_child(XmlBase(self.Factory, "fencing-level", xml_id, target=target, index=index, devices=devices)) else: xml_id = "%s-%s.%d" % (target_attr, target_value, index) child = XmlBase(self.Factory, "fencing-level", xml_id, index=index, devices=devices) child["target-attribute"]=target_attr child["target-value"]=target_value self.add_child(child) def commit(self): self._run("create", self.show(), "configuration", "--allow-create") class Option(XmlBase): - def __init__(self, Factory, name=None, value=None, section="cib-bootstrap-options"): + def __init__(self, Factory, section="cib-bootstrap-options"): XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "cluster_property_set", section) - if name and value: - self.add_child(XmlBase(Factory, "nvpair", "cts-%s" % name, name=name, value=value)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.add_child(XmlBase(self.Factory, "nvpair", "cts-%s" % key, name=key, value=value)) def commit(self): self._run("modify", self.show(), "crm_config", "--allow-create") +class OpDefaults(XmlBase): + def __init__(self, Factory): + XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "op_defaults", None) + self.meta = XmlBase(self.Factory, "meta_attributes", "cts-op_defaults-meta") + self.add_child(self.meta) + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + self.meta.add_child(XmlBase(self.Factory, "nvpair", "cts-op_defaults-%s" % key, name=key, value=value)) + + def commit(self): + self._run("modify", self.show(), "configuration", "--allow-create") + + class Alerts(XmlBase): def __init__(self, Factory): XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "alerts", None) self.alert_count = 0 def add_alert(self, path, recipient): self.alert_count = self.alert_count + 1 alert = XmlBase(self.Factory, "alert", "alert-%d" % self.alert_count, path=path) recipient1 = XmlBase(self.Factory, "recipient", "alert-%d-recipient-1" % self.alert_count, value=recipient) alert.add_child(recipient1) self.add_child(alert) def commit(self): self._run("modify", self.show(), "configuration", "--allow-create") class Expression(XmlBase): def __init__(self, Factory, name, attr, op, value=None): XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "expression", name, attribute=attr, operation=op) if value: self["value"] = value class Rule(XmlBase): def __init__(self, Factory, name, score, op="and", expr=None): XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "rule", "%s" % name) self["boolean-op"] = op self["score"] = score if expr: self.add_child(expr) class Resource(XmlBase): def __init__(self, Factory, name, rtype, standard, provider=None): XmlBase.__init__(self, Factory, "native", name) self.rtype = rtype self.standard = standard self.provider = provider self.op = [] self.meta = {} self.param = {} self.scores = {} self.needs = {} self.coloc = {} if self.standard == "ocf" and not provider: self.provider = "heartbeat" elif self.standard == "lsb": self.provider = None def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.add_param(key, value) def add_op(self, name, interval, **kwargs): self.op.append( XmlBase(self.Factory, "op", "%s-%s" % (name, interval), name=name, interval=interval, **kwargs)) def add_param(self, name, value): self.param[name] = value def add_meta(self, name, value): self.meta[name] = value def prefer(self, node, score="INFINITY", rule=None): if not rule: rule = Rule(self.Factory, "prefer-%s-r" % node, score, expr=Expression(self.Factory, "prefer-%s-e" % node, "#uname", "eq", node)) self.scores[node] = rule def after(self, resource, kind="Mandatory", first="start", then="start", **kwargs): kargs = kwargs.copy() kargs["kind"] = kind if then: kargs["first-action"] = "start" kargs["then-action"] = then if first: kargs["first-action"] = first self.needs[resource] = kargs def colocate(self, resource, score="INFINITY", role=None, withrole=None, **kwargs): kargs = kwargs.copy() kargs["score"] = score if role: kargs["rsc-role"] = role if withrole: kargs["with-rsc-role"] = withrole self.coloc[resource] = kargs def constraints(self): text = "" for k in list(self.scores.keys()): text += '''''' % (k, self.name) text += self.scores[k].show() text += '''''' for k in list(self.needs.keys()): text += '''''' for k in list(self.coloc.keys()): text += '''''' text += "" return text def show(self): text = '''''' if len(self.meta) > 0: text += '''''' % self.name for p in list(self.meta.keys()): text += '''''' % (self.name, p, p, self.meta[p]) text += '''''' if len(self.param) > 0: text += '''''' % self.name for p in list(self.param.keys()): text += '''''' % (self.name, p, p, self.param[p]) text += '''''' if len(self.op) > 0: text += '''''' for o in self.op: key = o.name o.name = "%s-%s" % (self.name, key) text += o.show() o.name = key text += '''''' text += '''''' return text def commit(self): self._run("create", self.show(), "resources") self._run("modify", self.constraints()) class Group(Resource): def __init__(self, Factory, name): Resource.__init__(self, Factory, name, None, None) self.tag = "group" def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.add_meta(key, value) def show(self): text = '''<%s id="%s">''' % (self.tag, self.name) if len(self.meta) > 0: text += '''''' % self.name for p in list(self.meta.keys()): text += '''''' % (self.name, p, p, self.meta[p]) text += '''''' for c in self.children: text += c.show() text += '''''' % self.tag return text class Clone(Group): def __init__(self, Factory, name, child=None): Group.__init__(self, Factory, name) self.tag = "clone" if child: self.add_child(child) def add_child(self, resource): if not self.children: self.children.append(resource) else: self.Factory.log("Clones can only have a single child. Ignoring %s" % resource.name) class Master(Clone): def __init__(self, Factory, name, child=None): Clone.__init__(self, Factory, name, child) self.tag = "master" diff --git a/cts/environment.py b/cts/environment.py index 8b34bc7f57..e22c68f861 100644 --- a/cts/environment.py +++ b/cts/environment.py @@ -1,700 +1,700 @@ ''' Classes related to producing and searching logs ''' __copyright__=''' Copyright (C) 2014 Andrew Beekhof Licensed under the GNU GPL. ''' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import sys, time, os, socket, random from cts.remote import * class Environment: def __init__(self, args): self.data = {} self.Nodes = [] self["DeadTime"] = 300 self["StartTime"] = 300 self["StableTime"] = 30 self["tests"] = [] self["IPagent"] = "IPaddr2" self["DoStandby"] = 1 self["DoFencing"] = 1 self["XmitLoss"] = "0.0" self["RecvLoss"] = "0.0" self["ClobberCIB"] = 0 self["CIBfilename"] = None self["CIBResource"] = 0 self["DoBSC"] = 0 self["use_logd"] = 0 self["oprofile"] = [] self["warn-inactive"] = 0 self["ListTests"] = 0 self["benchmark"] = 0 self["LogWatcher"] = "any" self["SyslogFacility"] = "daemon" self["LogFileName"] = "/var/log/messages" self["Schema"] = "pacemaker-2.0" self["Stack"] = "corosync" self["stonith-type"] = "external/ssh" self["stonith-params"] = "hostlist=all,livedangerously=yes" self["notification-agent"] = "/var/lib/pacemaker/notify.sh" self["notification-recipient"] = "/var/lib/pacemaker/notify.log" self["loop-minutes"] = 60 self["valgrind-prefix"] = None self["valgrind-procs"] = "attrd cib crmd lrmd pengine stonith-ng" self["valgrind-opts"] = """--leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --trace-children=no --num-callers=25 --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions="""+CTSvars.CTS_home+"""/cts.supp""" self["experimental-tests"] = 0 self["container-tests"] = 0 self["valgrind-tests"] = 0 self["unsafe-tests"] = 1 self["loop-tests"] = 1 self["scenario"] = "random" self["stats"] = 0 self["docker"] = 0 self["continue"] = 0 self.RandomGen = random.Random() self.logger = LogFactory() self.SeedRandom() self.rsh = RemoteFactory().getInstance() self.target = "localhost" self.parse_args(args) self.discover() self.validate() def SeedRandom(self, seed=None): if not seed: seed = int(time.time()) self["RandSeed"] = seed self.RandomGen.seed(str(seed)) def dump(self): keys = [] for key in list(self.data.keys()): keys.append(key) keys.sort() for key in keys: self.logger.debug("Environment["+key+"]:\t"+str(self[key])) def keys(self): return self.data.keys() def has_key(self, key): if key == "nodes": return True return key in self.data def __getitem__(self, key): if str(key) == "0": raise ValueError("Bad call to 'foo in X', should reference 'foo in X.keys()' instead") if key == "nodes": return self.Nodes elif key == "Name": return self.get_stack_short() elif key in self.data: return self.data[key] else: return None def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key == "Stack": self.set_stack(value) elif key == "node-limit": self.data[key] = value self.filter_nodes() elif key == "nodes": self.Nodes = [] for node in value: # I don't think I need the IP address, etc. but this validates # the node name against /etc/hosts and/or DNS, so it's a # GoodThing(tm). try: n = node.strip() if self.data["docker"] == 0: socket.gethostbyname_ex(n) self.Nodes.append(n) except: self.logger.log(node+" not found in DNS... aborting") raise self.filter_nodes() else: self.data[key] = value def RandomNode(self): '''Choose a random node from the cluster''' return self.RandomGen.choice(self["nodes"]) def set_stack(self, name): # Normalize stack names if name == "heartbeat" or name == "lha": self.data["Stack"] = "heartbeat" elif name == "openais" or name == "ais" or name == "whitetank": self.data["Stack"] = "corosync (plugin v0)" elif name == "corosync" or name == "cs" or name == "mcp": self.data["Stack"] = "corosync 2.x" elif name == "cman": self.data["Stack"] = "corosync (cman)" elif name == "v1": self.data["Stack"] = "corosync (plugin v1)" elif name == "v0": self.data["Stack"] = "corosync (plugin v0)" else: raise ValueError("Unknown stack: "+name) sys.exit(1) def get_stack_short(self): # Create the Cluster Manager object if not "Stack" in self.data: return "unknown" elif self.data["Stack"] == "heartbeat": return "crm-lha" elif self.data["Stack"] == "corosync 2.x": if self["docker"]: return "crm-mcp-docker" else: return "crm-mcp" elif self.data["Stack"] == "corosync (cman)": return "crm-cman" elif self.data["Stack"] == "corosync (plugin v1)": return "crm-plugin-v1" elif self.data["Stack"] == "corosync (plugin v0)": return "crm-plugin-v0" else: LogFactory().log("Unknown stack: "+self["stack"]) raise ValueError("Unknown stack: "+self["stack"]) def detect_syslog(self): # Detect syslog variant if not "syslogd" in self.data: if self["have_systemd"]: # Systemd self["syslogd"] = self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl list-units | grep syslog.*\.service.*active.*running | sed 's:.service.*::'", stdout=1).strip() else: # SYS-V self["syslogd"] = self.rsh(self.target, "chkconfig --list | grep syslog.*on | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1", stdout=1).strip() if not "syslogd" in self.data or not self["syslogd"]: # default self["syslogd"] = "rsyslog" def detect_at_boot(self): # Detect if the cluster starts at boot if not "at-boot" in self.data: atboot = 0 if self["have_systemd"]: # Systemd atboot = atboot or not self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl is-enabled heartbeat.service") atboot = atboot or not self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl is-enabled corosync.service") atboot = atboot or not self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl is-enabled pacemaker.service") else: # SYS-V atboot = atboot or not self.rsh(self.target, "chkconfig --list | grep -e corosync.*on -e heartbeat.*on -e pacemaker.*on") self["at-boot"] = atboot def detect_ip_offset(self): # Try to determin an offset for IPaddr resources if self["CIBResource"] and not "IPBase" in self.data: network=self.rsh(self.target, "ip addr | grep inet | grep -v -e link -e inet6 -e '/32' -e ' lo' | awk '{print $2}'", stdout=1).strip() self["IPBase"] = self.rsh(self.target, "nmap -sn -n %s | grep 'scan report' | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's:(::' | sed 's:)::' | sort -V | tail -n 1" % network, stdout=1).strip() if not self["IPBase"]: self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:1000" self.logger.log("Could not determine an offset for IPaddr resources. Perhaps nmap is not installed on the nodes.") self.logger.log("Defaulting to '%s', use --test-ip-base to override" % self["IPBase"]) elif int(self["IPBase"].split('.')[3]) >= 240: self.logger.log("Could not determine an offset for IPaddr resources. Upper bound is too high: %s %s" % (self["IPBase"], self["IPBase"].split('.')[3])) self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:1000" self.logger.log("Defaulting to '%s', use --test-ip-base to override" % self["IPBase"]) def filter_nodes(self): if self["node-limit"] > 0: if len(self["nodes"]) > self["node-limit"]: self.logger.log("Limiting the number of nodes configured=%d (max=%d)" %(len(self["nodes"]), self["node-limit"])) while len(self["nodes"]) > self["node-limit"]: self["nodes"].pop(len(self["nodes"])-1) def validate(self): if len(self["nodes"]) < 1: print("No nodes specified!") sys.exit(1) def discover(self): self.target = random.Random().choice(self["nodes"]) master = socket.gethostname() # Use the IP where possible to avoid name lookup failures for ip in socket.gethostbyname_ex(master)[2]: if ip != "": master = ip break; self["cts-master"] = master if not "have_systemd" in self.data: self["have_systemd"] = not self.rsh(self.target, "systemctl list-units") self.detect_syslog() self.detect_at_boot() self.detect_ip_offset() self.validate() def parse_args(self, args): skipthis=None if not args: args=sys.argv[1:] for i in range(0, len(args)): if skipthis: skipthis=None continue elif args[i] == "-l" or args[i] == "--limit-nodes": skipthis=1 self["node-limit"] = int(args[i+1]) elif args[i] == "-r" or args[i] == "--populate-resources": self["CIBResource"] = 1 self["ClobberCIB"] = 1 elif args[i] == "--outputfile": skipthis=1 self["OutputFile"] = args[i+1] LogFactory().add_file(self["OutputFile"]) elif args[i] == "-L" or args[i] == "--logfile": skipthis=1 self["LogWatcher"] = "remote" self["LogAuditDisabled"] = 1 self["LogFileName"] = args[i+1] elif args[i] == "--ip" or args[i] == "--test-ip-base": skipthis=1 self["IPBase"] = args[i+1] self["CIBResource"] = 1 self["ClobberCIB"] = 1 elif args[i] == "--oprofile": skipthis=1 self["oprofile"] = args[i+1].split(' ') elif args[i] == "--trunc": self["TruncateLog"]=1 elif args[i] == "--list-tests" or args[i] == "--list" : self["ListTests"]=1 elif args[i] == "--benchmark": self["benchmark"]=1 elif args[i] == "--bsc": self["DoBSC"] = 1 self["scenario"] = "basic-sanity" elif args[i] == "--qarsh": RemoteFactory().enable_qarsh() elif args[i] == "--docker": self["docker"] = 1 RemoteFactory().enable_docker() elif args[i] == "--yes" or args[i] == "-y": self["continue"] = 1 elif args[i] == "--stonith" or args[i] == "--fencing": skipthis=1 if args[i+1] == "1" or args[i+1] == "yes": self["DoFencing"]=1 elif args[i+1] == "0" or args[i+1] == "no": self["DoFencing"]=0 elif args[i+1] == "phd": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_phd_kvm" - self["stonith-params"] = "pcmk_arg_map=domain:uname,delay=0" + self["stonith-params"] = "pcmk_host_argument=domain,delay=0" elif args[i+1] == "rhcs" or args[i+1] == "xvm" or args[i+1] == "virt": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_xvm" - self["stonith-params"] = "pcmk_arg_map=domain:uname,delay=0" + self["stonith-params"] = "pcmk_host_argument=domain,delay=0" elif args[i+1] == "docker": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_docker_cts" elif args[i+1] == "scsi": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_scsi" self["stonith-params"] = "delay=0" elif args[i+1] == "ssh" or args[i+1] == "lha": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "external/ssh" self["stonith-params"] = "hostlist=all,livedangerously=yes" elif args[i+1] == "north": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc" self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=north-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=north-01:2;north-02:3;north-03:4;north-04:5;north-05:6;north-06:7;north-07:9;north-08:10;north-09:11;north-10:12;north-11:13;north-12:14;north-13:15;north-14:18;north-15:17;north-16:19;" elif args[i+1] == "south": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc" self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=south-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=south-01:2;south-02:3;south-03:4;south-04:5;south-05:6;south-06:7;south-07:9;south-08:10;south-09:11;south-10:12;south-11:13;south-12:14;south-13:15;south-14:18;south-15:17;south-16:19;" elif args[i+1] == "east": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc" self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=east-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=east-01:2;east-02:3;east-03:4;east-04:5;east-05:6;east-06:7;east-07:9;east-08:10;east-09:11;east-10:12;east-11:13;east-12:14;east-13:15;east-14:18;east-15:17;east-16:19;" elif args[i+1] == "west": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc" self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=west-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=west-01:2;west-02:3;west-03:4;west-04:5;west-05:6;west-06:7;west-07:9;west-08:10;west-09:11;west-10:12;west-11:13;west-12:14;west-13:15;west-14:18;west-15:17;west-16:19;" elif args[i+1] == "openstack": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_openstack" print("Obtaining OpenStack credentials from the current environment") self["stonith-params"] = "region=%s,tenant=%s,auth=%s,user=%s,password=%s" % ( os.environ['OS_REGION_NAME'], os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'], os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'], os.environ['OS_USERNAME'], os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'] ) elif args[i+1] == "rhevm": self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_rhevm" print("Obtaining RHEV-M credentials from the current environment") self["stonith-params"] = "login=%s,passwd=%s,ipaddr=%s,ipport=%s,ssl=1,shell_timeout=10" % ( os.environ['RHEVM_USERNAME'], os.environ['RHEVM_PASSWORD'], os.environ['RHEVM_SERVER'], os.environ['RHEVM_PORT'], ) else: self.usage(args[i+1]) elif args[i] == "--stonith-type": self["stonith-type"] = args[i+1] skipthis=1 elif args[i] == "--stonith-args": self["stonith-params"] = args[i+1] skipthis=1 elif args[i] == "--standby": skipthis=1 if args[i+1] == "1" or args[i+1] == "yes": self["DoStandby"] = 1 elif args[i+1] == "0" or args[i+1] == "no": self["DoStandby"] = 0 else: self.usage(args[i+1]) elif args[i] == "--clobber-cib" or args[i] == "-c": self["ClobberCIB"] = 1 elif args[i] == "--cib-filename": skipthis=1 self["CIBfilename"] = args[i+1] elif args[i] == "--xmit-loss": try: float(args[i+1]) except ValueError: print("--xmit-loss parameter should be float") self.usage(args[i+1]) skipthis=1 self["XmitLoss"] = args[i+1] elif args[i] == "--recv-loss": try: float(args[i+1]) except ValueError: print("--recv-loss parameter should be float") self.usage(args[i+1]) skipthis=1 self["RecvLoss"] = args[i+1] elif args[i] == "--choose": skipthis=1 self["tests"].append(args[i+1]) self["scenario"] = "sequence" elif args[i] == "--nodes": skipthis=1 self["nodes"] = args[i+1].split(' ') elif args[i] == "-g" or args[i] == "--group" or args[i] == "--dsh-group": skipthis=1 self["OutputFile"] = "%s/cluster-%s.log" % (os.environ['HOME'], args[i+1]) LogFactory().add_file(self["OutputFile"], "CTS") dsh_file = "%s/.dsh/group/%s" % (os.environ['HOME'], args[i+1]) # Hacks to make my life easier if args[i+1] == "r6": self["Stack"] = "cman" self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_xvm" self["stonith-params"] = "delay=0" self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:4000" elif args[i+1] == "virt1": self["Stack"] = "corosync" self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_xvm" self["stonith-params"] = "delay=0" self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:1000" elif args[i+1] == "east16" or args[i+1] == "nsew": self["Stack"] = "corosync" self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_apc" self["stonith-params"] = "ipaddr=east-apc,login=apc,passwd=apc,pcmk_host_map=east-01:2;east-02:3;east-03:4;east-04:5;east-05:6;east-06:7;east-07:9;east-08:10;east-09:11;east-10:12;east-11:13;east-12:14;east-13:15;east-14:18;east-15:17;east-16:19;" self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:2000" if args[i+1] == "east16": # Requires newer python than available via nsew self["IPagent"] = "Dummy" elif args[i+1] == "corosync8": self["Stack"] = "corosync" self["DoStonith"]=1 self["stonith-type"] = "fence_rhevm" print("Obtaining RHEV-M credentials from the current environment") self["stonith-params"] = "login=%s,passwd=%s,ipaddr=%s,ipport=%s,ssl=1,shell_timeout=10" % ( os.environ['RHEVM_USERNAME'], os.environ['RHEVM_PASSWORD'], os.environ['RHEVM_SERVER'], os.environ['RHEVM_PORT'], ) self["IPBase"] = " fe80::1234:56:7890:3000" if os.path.isfile(dsh_file): self["nodes"] = [] f = open(dsh_file, 'r') for line in f: l = line.strip().rstrip() if not l.startswith('#'): self["nodes"].append(l) f.close() else: print("Unknown DSH group: %s" % args[i+1]) elif args[i] == "--syslog-facility" or args[i] == "--facility": skipthis=1 self["SyslogFacility"] = args[i+1] elif args[i] == "--seed": skipthis=1 self.SeedRandom(args[i+1]) elif args[i] == "--warn-inactive": self["warn-inactive"] = 1 elif args[i] == "--schema": skipthis=1 self["Schema"] = args[i+1] elif args[i] == "--ais": self["Stack"] = "openais" elif args[i] == "--at-boot" or args[i] == "--cluster-starts-at-boot": skipthis=1 if args[i+1] == "1" or args[i+1] == "yes": self["at-boot"] = 1 elif args[i+1] == "0" or args[i+1] == "no": self["at-boot"] = 0 else: self.usage(args[i+1]) elif args[i] == "--heartbeat" or args[i] == "--lha": self["Stack"] = "heartbeat" elif args[i] == "--hae": self["Stack"] = "openais" self["Schema"] = "hae" elif args[i] == "--stack": if args[i+1] == "fedora" or args[i+1] == "fedora-17" or args[i+1] == "fedora-18": self["Stack"] = "corosync" elif args[i+1] == "rhel-6": self["Stack"] = "cman" elif args[i+1] == "rhel-7": self["Stack"] = "corosync" else: self["Stack"] = args[i+1] skipthis=1 elif args[i] == "--once": self["scenario"] = "all-once" elif args[i] == "--boot": self["scenario"] = "boot" elif args[i] == "--notification-agent": self["notification-agent"] = args[i+1] skipthis = 1 elif args[i] == "--notification-recipient": self["notification-recipient"] = args[i+1] skipthis = 1 elif args[i] == "--valgrind-tests": self["valgrind-tests"] = 1 elif args[i] == "--valgrind-procs": self["valgrind-procs"] = args[i+1] skipthis = 1 elif args[i] == "--no-loop-tests": self["loop-tests"] = 0 elif args[i] == "--loop-minutes": skipthis=1 try: self["loop-minutes"]=int(args[i+1]) except ValueError: self.usage(args[i]) elif args[i] == "--no-unsafe-tests": self["unsafe-tests"] = 0 elif args[i] == "--experimental-tests": self["experimental-tests"] = 1 elif args[i] == "--container-tests": self["container-tests"] = 1 elif args[i] == "--set": skipthis=1 (name, value) = args[i+1].split('=') self[name] = value print("Setting %s = %s" % (name, value)) elif args[i] == "--help": self.usage(args[i], 0) elif args[i] == "--": break else: try: NumIter=int(args[i]) self["iterations"] = NumIter except ValueError: self.usage(args[i]) def usage(self, arg, status=1): if status: print("Illegal argument %s" % arg) print("usage: " + sys.argv[0] +" [options] number-of-iterations") print("\nCommon options: ") print("\t [--nodes 'node list'] list of cluster nodes separated by whitespace") print("\t [--group | -g 'name'] use the nodes listed in the named DSH group (~/.dsh/groups/$name)") print("\t [--limit-nodes max] only use the first 'max' cluster nodes supplied with --nodes") print("\t [--stack (v0|v1|cman|corosync|heartbeat|openais)] which cluster stack is installed") print("\t [--list-tests] list the valid tests") print("\t [--benchmark] add the timing information") print("\t ") print("Options that CTS will usually auto-detect correctly: ") print("\t [--logfile path] where should the test software look for logs from cluster nodes") print("\t [--syslog-facility name] which syslog facility should the test software log to") print("\t [--at-boot (1|0)] does the cluster software start at boot time") print("\t [--test-ip-base ip] offset for generated IP address resources") print("\t ") print("Options for release testing: ") print("\t [--populate-resources | -r] generate a sample configuration") print("\t [--choose name] run only the named test") print("\t [--stonith (1 | 0 | yes | no | rhcs | ssh)]") print("\t [--once] run all valid tests once") print("\t ") print("Additional (less common) options: ") print("\t [--clobber-cib | -c ] erase any existing configuration") print("\t [--outputfile path] optional location for the test software to write logs to") print("\t [--trunc] truncate logfile before starting") print("\t [--xmit-loss lost-rate(0.0-1.0)]") print("\t [--recv-loss lost-rate(0.0-1.0)]") print("\t [--standby (1 | 0 | yes | no)]") print("\t [--fencing (1 | 0 | yes | no | rhcs | lha | openstack )]") print("\t [--stonith-type type]") print("\t [--stonith-args name=value]") print("\t [--bsc]") print("\t [--notification-agent path] script to configure for Pacemaker alerts") print("\t [--notification-recipient r] recipient to pass to alert script") print("\t [--no-loop-tests] don't run looping/time-based tests") print("\t [--no-unsafe-tests] don't run tests that are unsafe for use with ocfs2/drbd") print("\t [--valgrind-tests] include tests using valgrind") print("\t [--experimental-tests] include experimental tests") print("\t [--container-tests] include pacemaker_remote tests that run in lxc container resources") print("\t [--oprofile 'node list'] list of cluster nodes to run oprofile on]") print("\t [--qarsh] use the QARSH backdoor to access nodes instead of SSH") print("\t [--docker] Indicates nodes are docker nodes.") print("\t [--seed random_seed]") print("\t [--set option=value]") print("\t [--yes | -y] continue to run cts when there is an interaction whether to continue running pacemaker-cts") print("\t ") print("\t Example: ") print("\t python sys.argv[0] -g virt1 --stack cs -r --stonith ssh --schema pacemaker-1.0 500") sys.exit(status) class EnvFactory: instance = None def __init__(self): pass def getInstance(self, args=None): if not EnvFactory.instance: EnvFactory.instance = Environment(args) return EnvFactory.instance diff --git a/include/crm/common/util.h b/include/crm/common/util.h index 30907a6b80..4931df45f0 100644 --- a/include/crm/common/util.h +++ b/include/crm/common/util.h @@ -1,188 +1,189 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef CRM_COMMON_UTIL__H # define CRM_COMMON_UTIL__H /** * \file * \brief Utility functions * \ingroup core */ # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # if SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT # include # else # define NORMALNODE "normal" # define ACTIVESTATUS "active"/* fully functional, and all links are up */ # define DEADSTATUS "dead" /* Status of non-working link or machine */ # define PINGSTATUS "ping" /* Status of a working ping node */ # define JOINSTATUS "join" /* Status when an api client joins */ # define LEAVESTATUS "leave" /* Status when an api client leaves */ # define ONLINESTATUS "online"/* Status of an online client */ # define OFFLINESTATUS "offline" /* Status of an offline client */ # endif /* public Pacemaker Remote functions (from remote.c) */ int crm_default_remote_port(void); /* public string functions (from strings.c) */ char *crm_itoa_stack(int an_int, char *buf, size_t len); char *crm_itoa(int an_int); gboolean crm_is_true(const char *s); int crm_str_to_boolean(const char *s, int *ret); int crm_parse_int(const char *text, const char *default_text); char * crm_strip_trailing_newline(char *str); gboolean crm_str_eq(const char *a, const char *b, gboolean use_case); gboolean safe_str_neq(const char *a, const char *b); guint crm_strcase_hash(gconstpointer v); guint g_str_hash_traditional(gconstpointer v); # define safe_str_eq(a, b) crm_str_eq(a, b, FALSE) # define crm_str_hash g_str_hash_traditional /* used with hash tables where case does not matter */ static inline gboolean crm_strcase_equal(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { return crm_str_eq((const char *) a, (const char *) b, FALSE); } /*! * \brief Create hash table with dynamically allocated string keys/values * * \return Newly hash table * \note It is the caller's responsibility to free the result, using * g_hash_table_destroy(). */ static inline GHashTable * crm_str_table_new() { return g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, free); } /*! * \brief Create hash table with case-insensitive dynamically allocated string keys/values * * \return Newly hash table * \note It is the caller's responsibility to free the result, using * g_hash_table_destroy(). */ static inline GHashTable * crm_strcase_table_new() { return g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, free, free); } GHashTable *crm_str_table_dup(GHashTable *old_table); # define crm_atoi(text, default_text) crm_parse_int(text, default_text) /* public I/O functions (from io.c) */ void crm_build_path(const char *path_c, mode_t mode); long long crm_get_msec(const char *input); unsigned long long crm_get_interval(const char *input); int char2score(const char *score); char *score2char(int score); char *score2char_stack(int score, char *buf, size_t len); /* public operation functions (from operations.c) */ gboolean parse_op_key(const char *key, char **rsc_id, char **op_type, int *interval); gboolean decode_transition_key(const char *key, char **uuid, int *action, int *transition_id, int *target_rc); gboolean decode_transition_magic(const char *magic, char **uuid, int *transition_id, int *action_id, int *op_status, int *op_rc, int *target_rc); int rsc_op_expected_rc(lrmd_event_data_t *event); gboolean did_rsc_op_fail(lrmd_event_data_t *event, int target_rc); bool crm_op_needs_metadata(const char *rsc_class, const char *op); xmlNode *crm_create_op_xml(xmlNode *parent, const char *prefix, const char *task, const char *interval, const char *timeout); +#define CRM_DEFAULT_OP_TIMEOUT_S "20s" int compare_version(const char *version1, const char *version2); /* coverity[+kill] */ void crm_abort(const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *condition, gboolean do_core, gboolean do_fork); static inline gboolean is_not_set(long long word, long long bit) { return ((word & bit) == 0); } static inline gboolean is_set(long long word, long long bit) { return ((word & bit) == bit); } static inline gboolean is_set_any(long long word, long long bit) { return ((word & bit) != 0); } static inline guint crm_hash_table_size(GHashTable * hashtable) { if (hashtable == NULL) { return 0; } return g_hash_table_size(hashtable); } char *crm_meta_name(const char *field); const char *crm_meta_value(GHashTable * hash, const char *field); char *crm_md5sum(const char *buffer); char *crm_generate_uuid(void); bool crm_is_daemon_name(const char *name); int crm_user_lookup(const char *name, uid_t * uid, gid_t * gid); #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS_GNUTLS_H void crm_gnutls_global_init(void); #endif int crm_exit(int rc); bool pcmk_acl_required(const char *user); char *crm_generate_ra_key(const char *class, const char *provider, const char *type); #endif diff --git a/lib/common/utils.c b/lib/common/utils.c index 0216a4d084..d0b106779c 100644 --- a/lib/common/utils.c +++ b/lib/common/utils.c @@ -1,1456 +1,1471 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef MAXLINE # define MAXLINE 512 #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H # include #endif #ifndef PW_BUFFER_LEN # define PW_BUFFER_LEN 500 #endif CRM_TRACE_INIT_DATA(common); gboolean crm_config_error = FALSE; gboolean crm_config_warning = FALSE; char *crm_system_name = NULL; int node_score_red = 0; int node_score_green = 0; int node_score_yellow = 0; int node_score_infinity = INFINITY; static struct crm_option *crm_long_options = NULL; static const char *crm_app_description = NULL; static char *crm_short_options = NULL; static const char *crm_app_usage = NULL; int crm_exit(int rc) { mainloop_cleanup(); #if HAVE_LIBXML2 crm_trace("cleaning up libxml"); crm_xml_cleanup(); #endif crm_trace("exit %d", rc); qb_log_fini(); free(crm_short_options); free(crm_system_name); exit(ABS(rc)); /* Always exit with a positive value so that it can be passed to crm_error * * Otherwise the system wraps it around and people * have to jump through hoops figuring out what the * error was */ return rc; /* Can never happen, but allows return crm_exit(rc) * where "return rc" was used previously - which * keeps compilers happy. */ } gboolean check_time(const char *value) { if (crm_get_msec(value) < 5000) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean check_timer(const char *value) { if (crm_get_msec(value) < 0) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean check_boolean(const char *value) { int tmp = FALSE; if (crm_str_to_boolean(value, &tmp) != 1) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean check_number(const char *value) { errno = 0; if (value == NULL) { return FALSE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, MINUS_INFINITY_S)) { } else if (safe_str_eq(value, INFINITY_S)) { } else { crm_int_helper(value, NULL); } if (errno != 0) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean check_positive_number(const char* value) { if (safe_str_eq(value, INFINITY_S) || (crm_int_helper(value, NULL))) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean check_quorum(const char *value) { if (safe_str_eq(value, "stop")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "freeze")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "ignore")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "suicide")) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean check_script(const char *value) { struct stat st; if(safe_str_eq(value, "/dev/null")) { return TRUE; } if(stat(value, &st) != 0) { crm_err("Script %s does not exist", value); return FALSE; } if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode) == 0) { crm_err("Script %s is not a regular file", value); return FALSE; } if( (st.st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP )) == 0) { crm_err("Script %s is not executable", value); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean check_utilization(const char *value) { char *end = NULL; long number = strtol(value, &end, 10); if(end && end[0] != '%') { return FALSE; } else if(number < 0) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } int char2score(const char *score) { int score_f = 0; if (score == NULL) { } else if (safe_str_eq(score, MINUS_INFINITY_S)) { score_f = -node_score_infinity; } else if (safe_str_eq(score, INFINITY_S)) { score_f = node_score_infinity; } else if (safe_str_eq(score, "+" INFINITY_S)) { score_f = node_score_infinity; } else if (safe_str_eq(score, "red")) { score_f = node_score_red; } else if (safe_str_eq(score, "yellow")) { score_f = node_score_yellow; } else if (safe_str_eq(score, "green")) { score_f = node_score_green; } else { score_f = crm_parse_int(score, NULL); if (score_f > 0 && score_f > node_score_infinity) { score_f = node_score_infinity; } else if (score_f < 0 && score_f < -node_score_infinity) { score_f = -node_score_infinity; } } return score_f; } char * score2char_stack(int score, char *buf, size_t len) { if (score >= node_score_infinity) { strncpy(buf, INFINITY_S, 9); } else if (score <= -node_score_infinity) { strncpy(buf, MINUS_INFINITY_S , 10); } else { return crm_itoa_stack(score, buf, len); } return buf; } char * score2char(int score) { if (score >= node_score_infinity) { return strdup(INFINITY_S); } else if (score <= -node_score_infinity) { return strdup("-" INFINITY_S); } return crm_itoa(score); } const char * cluster_option(GHashTable * options, gboolean(*validate) (const char *), const char *name, const char *old_name, const char *def_value) { const char *value = NULL; + char *new_value = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(name != NULL); - if (options != NULL) { + if (options) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, name); - } - if (value == NULL && old_name && options != NULL) { - value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, old_name); - if (value != NULL) { - crm_config_warn("Using deprecated name '%s' for" - " cluster option '%s'", old_name, name); - g_hash_table_insert(options, strdup(name), strdup(value)); + if ((value == NULL) && old_name) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, old_name); + if (value != NULL) { + crm_config_warn("Support for legacy name '%s' for cluster option '%s'" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future release", + old_name, name); + + // Inserting copy with current name ensures we only warn once + new_value = strdup(value); + g_hash_table_insert(options, strdup(name), new_value); + value = new_value; + } } - } - - if (value == NULL) { - crm_trace("Using default value '%s' for cluster option '%s'", def_value, name); - if (options == NULL) { - return def_value; + if (value && validate && (validate(value) == FALSE)) { + crm_config_err("Resetting cluster option '%s' to default: value '%s' is invalid", + name, value); + value = NULL; + } - } else if(def_value == NULL) { - return def_value; + if (value) { + return value; } + } - g_hash_table_insert(options, strdup(name), strdup(def_value)); - value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, name); + // No value found, use default + value = def_value; + + if (value == NULL) { + crm_trace("No value or default provided for cluster option '%s'", + name); + return NULL; } - if (validate && validate(value) == FALSE) { - crm_config_err("Value '%s' for cluster option '%s' is invalid." - " Defaulting to %s", value, name, def_value); - g_hash_table_replace(options, strdup(name), strdup(def_value)); - value = g_hash_table_lookup(options, name); + if (validate) { + CRM_CHECK(validate(value) != FALSE, + crm_err("Bug: default value for cluster option '%s' is invalid", name); + return NULL); } + crm_trace("Using default value '%s' for cluster option '%s'", + value, name); + if (options) { + new_value = strdup(value); + g_hash_table_insert(options, strdup(name), new_value); + value = new_value; + } return value; } const char * get_cluster_pref(GHashTable * options, pe_cluster_option * option_list, int len, const char *name) { - int lpc = 0; const char *value = NULL; - gboolean found = FALSE; - for (lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) { + for (int lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) { if (safe_str_eq(name, option_list[lpc].name)) { - found = TRUE; value = cluster_option(options, option_list[lpc].is_valid, option_list[lpc].name, - option_list[lpc].alt_name, option_list[lpc].default_value); + option_list[lpc].alt_name, + option_list[lpc].default_value); + return value; } } - CRM_CHECK(found, crm_err("No option named: %s", name)); - return value; + CRM_CHECK(FALSE, crm_err("Bug: looking for unknown option '%s'", name)); + return NULL; } void config_metadata(const char *name, const char *version, const char *desc_short, const char *desc_long, pe_cluster_option * option_list, int len) { int lpc = 0; fprintf(stdout, "" "\n" "\n" " %s\n" " %s\n" " %s\n" " \n", name, version, desc_long, desc_short); for (lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) { if (option_list[lpc].description_long == NULL && option_list[lpc].description_short == NULL) { continue; } fprintf(stdout, " \n" " %s\n" " \n" " %s%s%s\n" " \n", option_list[lpc].name, option_list[lpc].description_short, option_list[lpc].type, option_list[lpc].default_value, option_list[lpc].description_long ? option_list[lpc]. description_long : option_list[lpc].description_short, option_list[lpc].values ? " Allowed values: " : "", option_list[lpc].values ? option_list[lpc].values : ""); } fprintf(stdout, " \n\n"); } void verify_all_options(GHashTable * options, pe_cluster_option * option_list, int len) { int lpc = 0; for (lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) { cluster_option(options, option_list[lpc].is_valid, option_list[lpc].name, option_list[lpc].alt_name, option_list[lpc].default_value); } } char * generate_hash_key(const char *crm_msg_reference, const char *sys) { char *hash_key = crm_concat(sys ? sys : "none", crm_msg_reference, '_'); crm_trace("created hash key: (%s)", hash_key); return hash_key; } int crm_user_lookup(const char *name, uid_t * uid, gid_t * gid) { int rc = pcmk_ok; char *buffer = NULL; struct passwd pwd; struct passwd *pwentry = NULL; buffer = calloc(1, PW_BUFFER_LEN); rc = getpwnam_r(name, &pwd, buffer, PW_BUFFER_LEN, &pwentry); if (pwentry) { if (uid) { *uid = pwentry->pw_uid; } if (gid) { *gid = pwentry->pw_gid; } crm_trace("User %s has uid=%d gid=%d", name, pwentry->pw_uid, pwentry->pw_gid); } else { rc = rc? -rc : -EINVAL; crm_info("User %s lookup: %s", name, pcmk_strerror(rc)); } free(buffer); return rc; } static int crm_version_helper(const char *text, char **end_text) { int atoi_result = -1; CRM_ASSERT(end_text != NULL); errno = 0; if (text != NULL && text[0] != 0) { atoi_result = (int)strtol(text, end_text, 10); if (errno == EINVAL) { crm_err("Conversion of '%s' %c failed", text, text[0]); atoi_result = -1; } } return atoi_result; } /* * version1 < version2 : -1 * version1 = version2 : 0 * version1 > version2 : 1 */ int compare_version(const char *version1, const char *version2) { int rc = 0; int lpc = 0; char *ver1_copy = NULL, *ver2_copy = NULL; char *rest1 = NULL, *rest2 = NULL; if (version1 == NULL && version2 == NULL) { return 0; } else if (version1 == NULL) { return -1; } else if (version2 == NULL) { return 1; } ver1_copy = strdup(version1); ver2_copy = strdup(version2); rest1 = ver1_copy; rest2 = ver2_copy; while (1) { int digit1 = 0; int digit2 = 0; lpc++; if (rest1 == rest2) { break; } if (rest1 != NULL) { digit1 = crm_version_helper(rest1, &rest1); } if (rest2 != NULL) { digit2 = crm_version_helper(rest2, &rest2); } if (digit1 < digit2) { rc = -1; break; } else if (digit1 > digit2) { rc = 1; break; } if (rest1 != NULL && rest1[0] == '.') { rest1++; } if (rest1 != NULL && rest1[0] == 0) { rest1 = NULL; } if (rest2 != NULL && rest2[0] == '.') { rest2++; } if (rest2 != NULL && rest2[0] == 0) { rest2 = NULL; } } free(ver1_copy); free(ver2_copy); if (rc == 0) { crm_trace("%s == %s (%d)", version1, version2, lpc); } else if (rc < 0) { crm_trace("%s < %s (%d)", version1, version2, lpc); } else if (rc > 0) { crm_trace("%s > %s (%d)", version1, version2, lpc); } return rc; } gboolean do_stderr = FALSE; #ifndef NUMCHARS # define NUMCHARS "0123456789." #endif #ifndef WHITESPACE # define WHITESPACE " \t\n\r\f" #endif unsigned long long crm_get_interval(const char *input) { unsigned long long msec = 0; if (input == NULL) { return msec; } else if (input[0] != 'P') { long long tmp = crm_get_msec(input); if(tmp > 0) { msec = tmp; } } else { crm_time_t *interval = crm_time_parse_duration(input); msec = 1000 * crm_time_get_seconds(interval); crm_time_free(interval); } return msec; } long long crm_get_msec(const char *input) { const char *cp = input; const char *units; long long multiplier = 1000; long long divisor = 1; long long msec = -1; char *end_text = NULL; /* double dret; */ if (input == NULL) { return msec; } cp += strspn(cp, WHITESPACE); units = cp + strspn(cp, NUMCHARS); units += strspn(units, WHITESPACE); if (strchr(NUMCHARS, *cp) == NULL) { return msec; } if (strncasecmp(units, "ms", 2) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "msec", 4) == 0) { multiplier = 1; divisor = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(units, "us", 2) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "usec", 4) == 0) { multiplier = 1; divisor = 1000; } else if (strncasecmp(units, "s", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "sec", 3) == 0) { multiplier = 1000; divisor = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(units, "m", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "min", 3) == 0) { multiplier = 60 * 1000; divisor = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(units, "h", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(units, "hr", 2) == 0) { multiplier = 60 * 60 * 1000; divisor = 1; } else if (*units != EOS && *units != '\n' && *units != '\r') { return msec; } msec = crm_int_helper(cp, &end_text); if (msec > LLONG_MAX/multiplier) { /* arithmetics overflow while multiplier/divisor mutually exclusive */ return LLONG_MAX; } msec *= multiplier; msec /= divisor; /* dret += 0.5; */ /* msec = (long long)dret; */ return msec; } extern bool crm_is_daemon; /* coverity[+kill] */ void crm_abort(const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *assert_condition, gboolean do_core, gboolean do_fork) { int rc = 0; int pid = 0; int status = 0; /* Implied by the parent's error logging below */ /* crm_write_blackbox(0); */ if(crm_is_daemon == FALSE) { /* This is a command line tool - do not fork */ /* crm_add_logfile(NULL); * Record it to a file? */ crm_enable_stderr(TRUE); /* Make sure stderr is enabled so we can tell the caller */ do_fork = FALSE; /* Just crash if needed */ } if (do_core == FALSE) { crm_err("%s: Triggered assert at %s:%d : %s", function, file, line, assert_condition); return; } else if (do_fork) { pid = fork(); } else { crm_err("%s: Triggered fatal assert at %s:%d : %s", function, file, line, assert_condition); } if (pid == -1) { crm_crit("%s: Cannot create core for non-fatal assert at %s:%d : %s", function, file, line, assert_condition); return; } else if(pid == 0) { /* Child process */ abort(); return; } /* Parent process */ crm_err("%s: Forked child %d to record non-fatal assert at %s:%d : %s", function, pid, file, line, assert_condition); crm_write_blackbox(SIGTRAP, NULL); do { rc = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if(rc == pid) { return; /* Job done */ } } while(errno == EINTR); if (errno == ECHILD) { /* crm_mon does this */ crm_trace("Cannot wait on forked child %d - SIGCHLD is probably set to SIG_IGN", pid); return; } crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Cannot wait on forked child %d", pid); } int crm_pid_active(long pid, const char *daemon) { static int have_proc_pid = 0; if(have_proc_pid == 0) { char proc_path[PATH_MAX], exe_path[PATH_MAX]; /* check to make sure pid hasn't been reused by another process */ snprintf(proc_path, sizeof(proc_path), "/proc/%lu/exe", (long unsigned int)getpid()); have_proc_pid = 1; if(readlink(proc_path, exe_path, PATH_MAX - 1) < 0) { have_proc_pid = -1; } } if (pid <= 0) { return -1; } else if (kill(pid, 0) < 0 && errno == ESRCH) { return 0; } else if(daemon == NULL || have_proc_pid == -1) { return 1; } else { int rc = 0; char proc_path[PATH_MAX], exe_path[PATH_MAX], myexe_path[PATH_MAX]; /* check to make sure pid hasn't been reused by another process */ snprintf(proc_path, sizeof(proc_path), "/proc/%lu/exe", pid); rc = readlink(proc_path, exe_path, PATH_MAX - 1); if (rc < 0 && errno == EACCES) { crm_perror(LOG_INFO, "Could not read from %s", proc_path); return 1; } else if (rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Could not read from %s", proc_path); return 0; } exe_path[rc] = 0; if(daemon[0] != '/') { rc = snprintf(myexe_path, sizeof(proc_path), CRM_DAEMON_DIR"/%s", daemon); myexe_path[rc] = 0; } else { rc = snprintf(myexe_path, sizeof(proc_path), "%s", daemon); myexe_path[rc] = 0; } if (strcmp(exe_path, myexe_path) == 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } #define LOCKSTRLEN 11 long crm_read_pidfile(const char *filename) { int fd; struct stat sbuf; long pid = -ENOENT; char buf[LOCKSTRLEN + 1]; if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { goto bail; } if (fstat(fd, &sbuf) >= 0 && sbuf.st_size < LOCKSTRLEN) { sleep(2); /* if someone was about to create one, * give'm a sec to do so */ } if (read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 1) { goto bail; } if (sscanf(buf, "%lu", &pid) > 0) { if (pid <= 0) { pid = -ESRCH; } else { crm_trace("Got pid %lu from %s\n", pid, filename); } } bail: if (fd >= 0) { close(fd); } return pid; } long crm_pidfile_inuse(const char *filename, long mypid, const char *daemon) { long pid = crm_read_pidfile(filename); if (pid < 2) { /* Invalid pid */ pid = -ENOENT; unlink(filename); } else if (mypid && pid == mypid) { /* In use by us */ pid = pcmk_ok; } else if (crm_pid_active(pid, daemon) == FALSE) { /* Contains a stale value */ unlink(filename); pid = -ENOENT; } else if (mypid && pid != mypid) { /* locked by existing process - give up */ pid = -EEXIST; } return pid; } static int crm_lock_pidfile(const char *filename, const char *name) { long mypid = 0; int fd = 0, rc = 0; char buf[LOCKSTRLEN + 1]; mypid = (unsigned long)getpid(); rc = crm_pidfile_inuse(filename, 0, name); if (rc == -ENOENT) { /* exists but the process is not active */ } else if (rc != pcmk_ok) { /* locked by existing process - give up */ return rc; } if ((fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL, 0644)) < 0) { /* Hmmh, why did we fail? Anyway, nothing we can do about it */ return -errno; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%*lu\n", LOCKSTRLEN - 1, mypid); rc = write(fd, buf, LOCKSTRLEN); close(fd); if (rc != LOCKSTRLEN) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Incomplete write to %s", filename); return -errno; } return crm_pidfile_inuse(filename, mypid, name); } void crm_make_daemon(const char *name, gboolean daemonize, const char *pidfile) { int rc; long pid; const char *devnull = "/dev/null"; if (daemonize == FALSE) { return; } /* Check before we even try... */ rc = crm_pidfile_inuse(pidfile, 1, name); if(rc < pcmk_ok && rc != -ENOENT) { pid = crm_read_pidfile(pidfile); crm_err("%s: already running [pid %ld in %s]", name, pid, pidfile); printf("%s: already running [pid %ld in %s]\n", name, pid, pidfile); crm_exit(rc); } pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not start daemon\n", name); crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "fork"); crm_exit(EINVAL); } else if (pid > 0) { crm_exit(pcmk_ok); } rc = crm_lock_pidfile(pidfile, name); if(rc < pcmk_ok) { crm_err("Could not lock '%s' for %s: %s (%d)", pidfile, name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); printf("Could not lock '%s' for %s: %s (%d)\n", pidfile, name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); crm_exit(rc); } umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH | S_IROTH); close(STDIN_FILENO); (void)open(devnull, O_RDONLY); /* Stdin: fd 0 */ close(STDOUT_FILENO); (void)open(devnull, O_WRONLY); /* Stdout: fd 1 */ close(STDERR_FILENO); (void)open(devnull, O_WRONLY); /* Stderr: fd 2 */ } char * crm_meta_name(const char *field) { int lpc = 0; int max = 0; char *crm_name = NULL; CRM_CHECK(field != NULL, return NULL); crm_name = crm_concat(CRM_META, field, '_'); /* Massage the names so they can be used as shell variables */ max = strlen(crm_name); for (; lpc < max; lpc++) { switch (crm_name[lpc]) { case '-': crm_name[lpc] = '_'; break; } } return crm_name; } const char * crm_meta_value(GHashTable * hash, const char *field) { char *key = NULL; const char *value = NULL; key = crm_meta_name(field); if (key) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, key); free(key); } return value; } static struct option * crm_create_long_opts(struct crm_option *long_options) { struct option *long_opts = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H int index = 0, lpc = 0; /* * A previous, possibly poor, choice of '?' as the short form of --help * means that getopt_long() returns '?' for both --help and for "unknown option" * * This dummy entry allows us to differentiate between the two in crm_get_option() * and exit with the correct error code */ long_opts = realloc_safe(long_opts, (index + 1) * sizeof(struct option)); long_opts[index].name = "__dummmy__"; long_opts[index].has_arg = 0; long_opts[index].flag = 0; long_opts[index].val = '_'; index++; for (lpc = 0; long_options[lpc].name != NULL; lpc++) { if (long_options[lpc].name[0] == '-') { continue; } long_opts = realloc_safe(long_opts, (index + 1) * sizeof(struct option)); /*fprintf(stderr, "Creating %d %s = %c\n", index, * long_options[lpc].name, long_options[lpc].val); */ long_opts[index].name = long_options[lpc].name; long_opts[index].has_arg = long_options[lpc].has_arg; long_opts[index].flag = long_options[lpc].flag; long_opts[index].val = long_options[lpc].val; index++; } /* Now create the list terminator */ long_opts = realloc_safe(long_opts, (index + 1) * sizeof(struct option)); long_opts[index].name = NULL; long_opts[index].has_arg = 0; long_opts[index].flag = 0; long_opts[index].val = 0; #endif return long_opts; } void crm_set_options(const char *short_options, const char *app_usage, struct crm_option *long_options, const char *app_desc) { if (short_options) { crm_short_options = strdup(short_options); } else if (long_options) { int lpc = 0; int opt_string_len = 0; char *local_short_options = NULL; for (lpc = 0; long_options[lpc].name != NULL; lpc++) { if (long_options[lpc].val && long_options[lpc].val != '-' && long_options[lpc].val < UCHAR_MAX) { local_short_options = realloc_safe(local_short_options, opt_string_len + 4); local_short_options[opt_string_len++] = long_options[lpc].val; /* getopt(3) says: Two colons mean an option takes an optional arg; */ if (long_options[lpc].has_arg == optional_argument) { local_short_options[opt_string_len++] = ':'; } if (long_options[lpc].has_arg >= required_argument) { local_short_options[opt_string_len++] = ':'; } local_short_options[opt_string_len] = 0; } } crm_short_options = local_short_options; crm_trace("Generated short option string: '%s'", local_short_options); } if (long_options) { crm_long_options = long_options; } if (app_desc) { crm_app_description = app_desc; } if (app_usage) { crm_app_usage = app_usage; } } int crm_get_option(int argc, char **argv, int *index) { return crm_get_option_long(argc, argv, index, NULL); } int crm_get_option_long(int argc, char **argv, int *index, const char **longname) { #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H static struct option *long_opts = NULL; if (long_opts == NULL && crm_long_options) { long_opts = crm_create_long_opts(crm_long_options); } *index = 0; if (long_opts) { int flag = getopt_long(argc, argv, crm_short_options, long_opts, index); switch (flag) { case 0: if (long_opts[*index].val) { return long_opts[*index].val; } else if (longname) { *longname = long_opts[*index].name; } else { crm_notice("Unhandled option --%s", long_opts[*index].name); return flag; } case -1: /* End of option processing */ break; case ':': crm_trace("Missing argument"); crm_help('?', 1); break; case '?': crm_help('?', *index ? 0 : 1); break; } return flag; } #endif if (crm_short_options) { return getopt(argc, argv, crm_short_options); } return -1; } int crm_help(char cmd, int exit_code) { int i = 0; FILE *stream = (exit_code ? stderr : stdout); if (cmd == 'v' || cmd == '$') { fprintf(stream, "Pacemaker %s\n", PACEMAKER_VERSION); fprintf(stream, "Written by Andrew Beekhof\n"); goto out; } if (cmd == '!') { fprintf(stream, "Pacemaker %s (Build: %s): %s\n", PACEMAKER_VERSION, BUILD_VERSION, CRM_FEATURES); goto out; } fprintf(stream, "%s - %s\n", crm_system_name, crm_app_description); if (crm_app_usage) { fprintf(stream, "Usage: %s %s\n", crm_system_name, crm_app_usage); } if (crm_long_options) { fprintf(stream, "Options:\n"); for (i = 0; crm_long_options[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (crm_long_options[i].flags & pcmk_option_hidden) { } else if (crm_long_options[i].flags & pcmk_option_paragraph) { fprintf(stream, "%s\n\n", crm_long_options[i].desc); } else if (crm_long_options[i].flags & pcmk_option_example) { fprintf(stream, "\t#%s\n\n", crm_long_options[i].desc); } else if (crm_long_options[i].val == '-' && crm_long_options[i].desc) { fprintf(stream, "%s\n", crm_long_options[i].desc); } else { /* is val printable as char ? */ if (crm_long_options[i].val && crm_long_options[i].val <= UCHAR_MAX) { fprintf(stream, " -%c,", crm_long_options[i].val); } else { fputs(" ", stream); } fprintf(stream, " --%s%s\t%s\n", crm_long_options[i].name, crm_long_options[i].has_arg == optional_argument ? "[=value]" : crm_long_options[i].has_arg == required_argument ? "=value" : "", crm_long_options[i].desc ? crm_long_options[i].desc : ""); } } } else if (crm_short_options) { fprintf(stream, "Usage: %s - %s\n", crm_system_name, crm_app_description); for (i = 0; crm_short_options[i] != 0; i++) { int has_arg = no_argument /* 0 */; if (crm_short_options[i + 1] == ':') { if (crm_short_options[i + 2] == ':') has_arg = optional_argument /* 2 */; else has_arg = required_argument /* 1 */; } fprintf(stream, " -%c %s\n", crm_short_options[i], has_arg == optional_argument ? "[value]" : has_arg == required_argument ? "{value}" : ""); i += has_arg; } } fprintf(stream, "\nReport bugs to %s\n", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); out: return crm_exit(exit_code); } void cib_ipc_servers_init(qb_ipcs_service_t **ipcs_ro, qb_ipcs_service_t **ipcs_rw, qb_ipcs_service_t **ipcs_shm, struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers *ro_cb, struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers *rw_cb) { *ipcs_ro = mainloop_add_ipc_server(cib_channel_ro, QB_IPC_NATIVE, ro_cb); *ipcs_rw = mainloop_add_ipc_server(cib_channel_rw, QB_IPC_NATIVE, rw_cb); *ipcs_shm = mainloop_add_ipc_server(cib_channel_shm, QB_IPC_SHM, rw_cb); if (*ipcs_ro == NULL || *ipcs_rw == NULL || *ipcs_shm == NULL) { crm_err("Failed to create cib servers: exiting and inhibiting respawn."); crm_warn("Verify pacemaker and pacemaker_remote are not both enabled."); crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } } void cib_ipc_servers_destroy(qb_ipcs_service_t *ipcs_ro, qb_ipcs_service_t *ipcs_rw, qb_ipcs_service_t *ipcs_shm) { qb_ipcs_destroy(ipcs_ro); qb_ipcs_destroy(ipcs_rw); qb_ipcs_destroy(ipcs_shm); } qb_ipcs_service_t * crmd_ipc_server_init(struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers *cb) { return mainloop_add_ipc_server(CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, QB_IPC_NATIVE, cb); } void attrd_ipc_server_init(qb_ipcs_service_t **ipcs, struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers *cb) { *ipcs = mainloop_add_ipc_server(T_ATTRD, QB_IPC_NATIVE, cb); if (*ipcs == NULL) { crm_err("Failed to create attrd servers: exiting and inhibiting respawn."); crm_warn("Verify pacemaker and pacemaker_remote are not both enabled."); crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } } void stonith_ipc_server_init(qb_ipcs_service_t **ipcs, struct qb_ipcs_service_handlers *cb) { *ipcs = mainloop_add_ipc_server("stonith-ng", QB_IPC_NATIVE, cb); if (*ipcs == NULL) { crm_err("Failed to create stonith-ng servers: exiting and inhibiting respawn."); crm_warn("Verify pacemaker and pacemaker_remote are not both enabled."); crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } } bool pcmk_acl_required(const char *user) { #if ENABLE_ACL if(user == NULL || strlen(user) == 0) { crm_trace("no user set"); return FALSE; } else if (strcmp(user, CRM_DAEMON_USER) == 0) { return FALSE; } else if (strcmp(user, "root") == 0) { return FALSE; } crm_trace("acls required for %s", user); return TRUE; #else crm_trace("acls not supported"); return FALSE; #endif } #if ENABLE_ACL char * uid2username(uid_t uid) { struct passwd *pwent = getpwuid(uid); if (pwent == NULL) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Cannot get password entry of uid: %d", uid); return NULL; } else { return strdup(pwent->pw_name); } } const char * crm_acl_get_set_user(xmlNode * request, const char *field, const char *peer_user) { /* field is only checked for backwards compatibility */ static const char *effective_user = NULL; const char *requested_user = NULL; const char *user = NULL; if(effective_user == NULL) { effective_user = uid2username(geteuid()); } requested_user = crm_element_value(request, XML_ACL_TAG_USER); if(requested_user == NULL) { requested_user = crm_element_value(request, field); } if (is_privileged(effective_user) == FALSE) { /* We're not running as a privileged user, set or overwrite any existing value for $XML_ACL_TAG_USER */ user = effective_user; } else if(peer_user == NULL && requested_user == NULL) { /* No user known or requested, use 'effective_user' and make sure one is set for the request */ user = effective_user; } else if(peer_user == NULL) { /* No user known, trusting 'requested_user' */ user = requested_user; } else if (is_privileged(peer_user) == FALSE) { /* The peer is not a privileged user, set or overwrite any existing value for $XML_ACL_TAG_USER */ user = peer_user; } else if (requested_user == NULL) { /* Even if we're privileged, make sure there is always a value set */ user = peer_user; } else { /* Legal delegation to 'requested_user' */ user = requested_user; } // This requires pointer comparison, not string comparison if(user != crm_element_value(request, XML_ACL_TAG_USER)) { crm_xml_add(request, XML_ACL_TAG_USER, user); } if(field != NULL && user != crm_element_value(request, field)) { crm_xml_add(request, field, user); } return requested_user; } void determine_request_user(const char *user, xmlNode * request, const char *field) { /* Get our internal validation out of the way first */ CRM_CHECK(user != NULL && request != NULL && field != NULL, return); /* If our peer is a privileged user, we might be doing something on behalf of someone else */ if (is_privileged(user) == FALSE) { /* We're not a privileged user, set or overwrite any existing value for $field */ crm_xml_replace(request, field, user); } else if (crm_element_value(request, field) == NULL) { /* Even if we're privileged, make sure there is always a value set */ crm_xml_replace(request, field, user); /* } else { Legal delegation */ } crm_trace("Processing msg as user '%s'", crm_element_value(request, field)); } #endif void * find_library_function(void **handle, const char *lib, const char *fn, gboolean fatal) { char *error; void *a_function; if (*handle == NULL) { *handle = dlopen(lib, RTLD_LAZY); } if (!(*handle)) { crm_err("%sCould not open %s: %s", fatal ? "Fatal: " : "", lib, dlerror()); if (fatal) { crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } return NULL; } a_function = dlsym(*handle, fn); if (a_function == NULL) { error = dlerror(); crm_err("%sCould not find %s in %s: %s", fatal ? "Fatal: " : "", fn, lib, error); if (fatal) { crm_exit(DAEMON_RESPAWN_STOP); } } return a_function; } void * convert_const_pointer(const void *ptr) { /* Worst function ever */ return (void *)ptr; } #ifdef HAVE_UUID_UUID_H # include #endif char * crm_generate_uuid(void) { unsigned char uuid[16]; char *buffer = malloc(37); /* Including NUL byte */ uuid_generate(uuid); uuid_unparse(uuid, buffer); return buffer; } /*! * \brief Check whether a string represents a cluster daemon name * * \param[in] name String to check * * \return TRUE if name is standard client name used by daemons, FALSE otherwise */ bool crm_is_daemon_name(const char *name) { return (name && (!strcmp(name, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD) || !strcmp(name, CRM_SYSTEM_STONITHD) || !strcmp(name, T_ATTRD) || !strcmp(name, CRM_SYSTEM_CIB) || !strcmp(name, CRM_SYSTEM_MCP) || !strcmp(name, CRM_SYSTEM_DC) || !strcmp(name, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE) || !strcmp(name, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD))); } #include char * crm_md5sum(const char *buffer) { int lpc = 0, len = 0; char *digest = NULL; unsigned char raw_digest[MD5_DIGEST_SIZE]; if (buffer == NULL) { buffer = ""; } len = strlen(buffer); crm_trace("Beginning digest of %d bytes", len); digest = malloc(2 * MD5_DIGEST_SIZE + 1); if(digest) { md5_buffer(buffer, len, raw_digest); for (lpc = 0; lpc < MD5_DIGEST_SIZE; lpc++) { sprintf(digest + (2 * lpc), "%02x", raw_digest[lpc]); } digest[(2 * MD5_DIGEST_SIZE)] = 0; crm_trace("Digest %s.", digest); } else { crm_err("Could not create digest"); } return digest; } #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS_GNUTLS_H void crm_gnutls_global_init(void) { signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); gnutls_global_init(); } #endif char * crm_generate_ra_key(const char *class, const char *provider, const char *type) { if (!class && !provider && !type) { return NULL; } return crm_strdup_printf("%s%s%s:%s", (class? class : ""), (provider? ":" : ""), (provider? provider : ""), (type? type : "")); } diff --git a/lib/fencing/st_client.c b/lib/fencing/st_client.c index 72794a13a8..b7357fec6d 100644 --- a/lib/fencing/st_client.c +++ b/lib/fencing/st_client.c @@ -1,2676 +1,2677 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Add it for compiling on OSX */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H # include # define LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY "libstonith.so.1" static void *lha_agents_lib = NULL; #endif #include CRM_TRACE_INIT_DATA(stonith); struct stonith_action_s { /*! user defined data */ char *agent; char *action; char *victim; char *args; int timeout; int async; void *userdata; void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, gint status, const char *output, gpointer user_data); /*! internal async track data */ int fd_stdout; int fd_stderr; int last_timeout_signo; /*! internal timing information */ time_t initial_start_time; int tries; int remaining_timeout; guint timer_sigterm; guint timer_sigkill; int max_retries; /* device output data */ GPid pid; int rc; char *output; char *error; }; typedef struct stonith_private_s { char *token; crm_ipc_t *ipc; mainloop_io_t *source; GHashTable *stonith_op_callback_table; GList *notify_list; void (*op_callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data); } stonith_private_t; typedef struct stonith_notify_client_s { const char *event; const char *obj_id; /* implement one day */ const char *obj_type; /* implement one day */ void (*notify) (stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e); } stonith_notify_client_t; typedef struct stonith_callback_client_s { void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data); const char *id; void *user_data; gboolean only_success; gboolean allow_timeout_updates; struct timer_rec_s *timer; } stonith_callback_client_t; struct notify_blob_s { stonith_t *stonith; xmlNode *xml; }; struct timer_rec_s { int call_id; int timeout; guint ref; stonith_t *stonith; }; typedef int (*stonith_op_t) (const char *, int, const char *, xmlNode *, xmlNode *, xmlNode *, xmlNode **, xmlNode **); #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H static const char META_TEMPLATE[] = "\n" "\n" "\n" " 1.0\n" " \n" "%s\n" " \n" " %s\n" "%s\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " 2.0\n" " \n" "\n"; #endif bool stonith_dispatch(stonith_t * st); int stonith_dispatch_internal(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata); void stonith_perform_callback(stonith_t * stonith, xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc); xmlNode *stonith_create_op(int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data, int call_options); int stonith_send_command(stonith_t * stonith, const char *op, xmlNode * data, xmlNode ** output_data, int call_options, int timeout); static void stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data); static void stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data); static int internal_stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action); static void log_action(stonith_action_t *action, pid_t pid); static void log_action(stonith_action_t *action, pid_t pid) { if (action->output) { /* Logging the whole string confuses syslog when the string is xml */ char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s[%d] stdout:", action->agent, pid); crm_log_output(LOG_TRACE, prefix, action->output); free(prefix); } if (action->error) { /* Logging the whole string confuses syslog when the string is xml */ char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s[%d] stderr:", action->agent, pid); crm_log_output(LOG_WARNING, prefix, action->error); free(prefix); } } static void stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { stonith_t *stonith = user_data; stonith_private_t *native = NULL; struct notify_blob_s blob; crm_trace("Sending destroyed notification"); blob.stonith = stonith; blob.xml = create_xml_node(NULL, "notify"); native = stonith->private; native->ipc = NULL; native->source = NULL; stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY); crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_SUBTYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT); g_list_foreach(native->notify_list, stonith_send_notification, &blob); free_xml(blob.xml); } xmlNode * create_device_registration_xml(const char *id, const char *namespace, const char *agent, stonith_key_value_t * params, const char *rsc_provides) { xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); xmlNode *args = create_xml_node(data, XML_TAG_ATTRS); #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H namespace = get_stonith_provider(agent, namespace); if (safe_str_eq(namespace, "heartbeat")) { hash2field((gpointer) "plugin", (gpointer) agent, args); agent = "fence_legacy"; } #endif crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, "agent", agent); crm_xml_add(data, "namespace", namespace); if (rsc_provides) { crm_xml_add(data, "rsc_provides", rsc_provides); } for (; params; params = params->next) { hash2field((gpointer) params->key, (gpointer) params->value, args); } return data; } static int stonith_api_register_device(stonith_t * st, int call_options, const char *id, const char *namespace, const char *agent, stonith_key_value_t * params) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_device_registration_xml(id, namespace, agent, params, NULL); rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, data, NULL, call_options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_remove_device(stonith_t * st, int call_options, const char *name) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, name); rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, data, NULL, call_options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_remove_level_full(stonith_t *st, int options, const char *node, const char *pattern, const char *attr, const char *value, int level) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(node || pattern || (attr && value), return -EINVAL); data = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_FENCING_LEVEL); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); if (node) { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET, node); } else if (pattern) { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_PATTERN, pattern); } else { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_ATTRIBUTE, attr); crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_VALUE, value); } crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_INDEX, level); rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL, data, NULL, options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_remove_level(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, int level) { return stonith_api_remove_level_full(st, options, node, NULL, NULL, NULL, level); } /*! * \internal * \brief Create XML for stonithd topology level registration request * * \param[in] node If not NULL, target level by this node name * \param[in] pattern If not NULL, target by node name using this regex * \param[in] attr If not NULL, target by this node attribute * \param[in] value If not NULL, target by this node attribute value * \param[in] level Index number of level to register * \param[in] device_list List of devices in level * * \return Newly allocated XML tree on success, NULL otherwise * * \note The caller should set only one of node, pattern or attr/value. */ xmlNode * create_level_registration_xml(const char *node, const char *pattern, const char *attr, const char *value, int level, stonith_key_value_t *device_list) { int len = 0; char *list = NULL; xmlNode *data; CRM_CHECK(node || pattern || (attr && value), return NULL); data = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_FENCING_LEVEL); CRM_CHECK(data, return NULL); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_ID, level); crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_INDEX, level); if (node) { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET, node); } else if (pattern) { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_PATTERN, pattern); } else { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_ATTRIBUTE, attr); crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_VALUE, value); } for (; device_list; device_list = device_list->next) { int adding = strlen(device_list->value); if(list) { adding++; /* +1 space */ } crm_trace("Adding %s (%dc) at offset %d", device_list->value, adding, len); list = realloc_safe(list, len + adding + 1); /* +1 EOS */ if (list == NULL) { crm_perror(LOG_CRIT, "Could not create device list"); free_xml(data); return NULL; } sprintf(list + len, "%s%s", len?",":"", device_list->value); len += adding; } crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_DEVICES, list); free(list); return data; } static int stonith_api_register_level_full(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, const char *pattern, const char *attr, const char *value, int level, stonith_key_value_t *device_list) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = create_level_registration_xml(node, pattern, attr, value, level, device_list); CRM_CHECK(data != NULL, return -EINVAL); rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD, data, NULL, options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_register_level(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, int level, stonith_key_value_t * device_list) { return stonith_api_register_level_full(st, options, node, NULL, NULL, NULL, level, device_list); } static void append_arg(const char *key, const char *value, char **args) { int len = 3; /* =, \n, \0 */ int last = 0; CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(value != NULL, return); if (strstr(key, "pcmk_")) { return; } else if (strstr(key, CRM_META)) { return; } else if (safe_str_eq(key, "crm_feature_set")) { return; } len += strlen(key); len += strlen(value); if (*args != NULL) { last = strlen(*args); } *args = realloc_safe(*args, last + len); crm_trace("Appending: %s=%s", key, value); sprintf((*args) + last, "%s=%s\n", key, value); } static void append_config_arg(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { /* stonithd will filter action out when it registers the device, * but ignore it here just in case any other library callers * fail to do so. */ if (safe_str_neq(key, STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP)) { append_arg(key, value, user_data); return; } } static void append_host_specific_args(const char *victim, const char *map, GHashTable * params, char **arg_list) { char *name = NULL; int last = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0; if (map == NULL) { /* The best default there is for now... */ crm_debug("Using default arg map: port=uname"); append_arg("port", victim, arg_list); return; } max = strlen(map); crm_debug("Processing arg map: %s", map); for (; lpc < max + 1; lpc++) { if (isalpha(map[lpc])) { /* keep going */ } else if (map[lpc] == '=' || map[lpc] == ':') { free(name); name = calloc(1, 1 + lpc - last); memcpy(name, map + last, lpc - last); crm_debug("Got name: %s", name); last = lpc + 1; } else if (map[lpc] == 0 || map[lpc] == ',' || isspace(map[lpc])) { char *param = NULL; const char *value = NULL; param = calloc(1, 1 + lpc - last); memcpy(param, map + last, lpc - last); last = lpc + 1; crm_debug("Got key: %s", param); if (name == NULL) { crm_err("Misparsed '%s', found '%s' without a name", map, param); free(param); continue; } if (safe_str_eq(param, "uname")) { value = victim; } else { char *key = crm_meta_name(param); value = g_hash_table_lookup(params, key); free(key); } if (value) { crm_debug("Setting '%s'='%s' (%s) for %s", name, value, param, victim); append_arg(name, value, arg_list); } else { crm_err("No node attribute '%s' for '%s'", name, victim); } free(name); name = NULL; free(param); if (map[lpc] == 0) { break; } } else if (isspace(map[lpc])) { last = lpc; } } free(name); } static char * make_args(const char *agent, const char *action, const char *victim, uint32_t victim_nodeid, GHashTable * device_args, GHashTable * port_map) { char buffer[512]; char *arg_list = NULL; const char *value = NULL; CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, return NULL); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "pcmk_%s_action", action); if (device_args) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, buffer); } if (value == NULL && device_args) { /* @COMPAT deprecated since 1.1.6 */ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "pcmk_%s_cmd", action); value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, buffer); } if (value == NULL && device_args && safe_str_eq(action, "off")) { /* @COMPAT deprecated since 1.1.8 */ value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, "pcmk_poweroff_action"); } if (value) { crm_info("Substituting action '%s' for requested operation '%s'", value, action); action = value; } append_arg(STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP, action, &arg_list); if (victim && device_args) { const char *alias = victim; const char *param = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, STONITH_ATTR_HOSTARG); if (port_map && g_hash_table_lookup(port_map, victim)) { alias = g_hash_table_lookup(port_map, victim); } /* Always supply the node's name too: * https://fedorahosted.org/cluster/wiki/FenceAgentAPI */ append_arg("nodename", victim, &arg_list); if (victim_nodeid) { char nodeid_str[33] = { 0, }; if (snprintf(nodeid_str, 33, "%u", (unsigned int)victim_nodeid)) { crm_info("For stonith action (%s) for victim %s, adding nodeid (%s) to parameters", action, victim, nodeid_str); append_arg("nodeid", nodeid_str, &arg_list); } } /* Check if we need to supply the victim in any other form */ if(safe_str_eq(agent, "fence_legacy")) { value = agent; } else if (param == NULL) { + // @COMPAT config < 1.1.6 + // pcmk_arg_map is deprecated in favor of pcmk_host_argument const char *map = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, STONITH_ATTR_ARGMAP); if (map == NULL) { param = "port"; value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, param); } else { - /* Legacy handling */ append_host_specific_args(alias, map, device_args, &arg_list); value = map; /* Nothing more to do */ } } else if (safe_str_eq(param, "none")) { value = param; /* Nothing more to do */ } else { value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, param); } /* Don't overwrite explictly set values for $param */ if (value == NULL || safe_str_eq(value, "dynamic")) { crm_debug("Performing %s action for node '%s' as '%s=%s'", action, victim, param, alias); append_arg(param, alias, &arg_list); } } if (device_args) { g_hash_table_foreach(device_args, append_config_arg, &arg_list); } return arg_list; } static gboolean st_child_term(gpointer data) { int rc = 0; stonith_action_t *track = data; crm_info("Child %d timed out, sending SIGTERM", track->pid); track->timer_sigterm = 0; track->last_timeout_signo = SIGTERM; rc = kill(-track->pid, SIGTERM); if (rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't send SIGTERM to %d", track->pid); } return FALSE; } static gboolean st_child_kill(gpointer data) { int rc = 0; stonith_action_t *track = data; crm_info("Child %d timed out, sending SIGKILL", track->pid); track->timer_sigkill = 0; track->last_timeout_signo = SIGKILL; rc = kill(-track->pid, SIGKILL); if (rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't send SIGKILL to %d", track->pid); } return FALSE; } static void stonith_action_clear_tracking_data(stonith_action_t * action) { if (action->timer_sigterm > 0) { g_source_remove(action->timer_sigterm); action->timer_sigterm = 0; } if (action->timer_sigkill > 0) { g_source_remove(action->timer_sigkill); action->timer_sigkill = 0; } if (action->fd_stdout) { close(action->fd_stdout); action->fd_stdout = 0; } if (action->fd_stderr) { close(action->fd_stderr); action->fd_stderr = 0; } free(action->output); action->output = NULL; free(action->error); action->error = NULL; action->rc = 0; action->pid = 0; action->last_timeout_signo = 0; } static void stonith_action_destroy(stonith_action_t * action) { stonith_action_clear_tracking_data(action); free(action->agent); free(action->args); free(action->action); free(action->victim); free(action); } #define FAILURE_MAX_RETRIES 2 stonith_action_t * stonith_action_create(const char *agent, const char *_action, const char *victim, uint32_t victim_nodeid, int timeout, GHashTable * device_args, GHashTable * port_map) { stonith_action_t *action; action = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_action_t)); crm_debug("Initiating action %s for agent %s (target=%s)", _action, agent, victim); action->args = make_args(agent, _action, victim, victim_nodeid, device_args, port_map); action->agent = strdup(agent); action->action = strdup(_action); if (victim) { action->victim = strdup(victim); } action->timeout = action->remaining_timeout = timeout; action->max_retries = FAILURE_MAX_RETRIES; if (device_args) { char buffer[512]; const char *value = NULL; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "pcmk_%s_retries", _action); value = g_hash_table_lookup(device_args, buffer); if (value) { action->max_retries = atoi(value); } } return action; } #define READ_MAX 500 static char * read_output(int fd) { char buffer[READ_MAX]; char *output = NULL; int len = 0; int more = 0; if (!fd) { return NULL; } do { errno = 0; memset(&buffer, 0, READ_MAX); more = read(fd, buffer, READ_MAX - 1); if (more > 0) { buffer[more] = 0; /* Make sure it's nul-terminated for logging * 'more' is always less than our buffer size */ output = realloc_safe(output, len + more + 1); snprintf(output + len, more + 1, "%s", buffer); len += more; } } while (more == (READ_MAX - 1) || (more < 0 && errno == EINTR)); return output; } static gboolean update_remaining_timeout(stonith_action_t * action) { int diff = time(NULL) - action->initial_start_time; if (action->tries >= action->max_retries) { crm_info("Attempted to execute agent %s (%s) the maximum number of times (%d) allowed", action->agent, action->action, action->max_retries); action->remaining_timeout = 0; } else if ((action->rc != -ETIME) && diff < (action->timeout * 0.7)) { /* only set remaining timeout period if there is 30% * or greater of the original timeout period left */ action->remaining_timeout = action->timeout - diff; } else { action->remaining_timeout = 0; } return action->remaining_timeout ? TRUE : FALSE; } static void stonith_action_async_done(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode) { stonith_action_t *action = mainloop_child_userdata(p); if (action->timer_sigterm > 0) { g_source_remove(action->timer_sigterm); action->timer_sigterm = 0; } if (action->timer_sigkill > 0) { g_source_remove(action->timer_sigkill); action->timer_sigkill = 0; } action->output = read_output(action->fd_stdout); action->error = read_output(action->fd_stderr); if (action->last_timeout_signo) { action->rc = -ETIME; crm_notice("Child process %d performing action '%s' timed out with signal %d", pid, action->action, action->last_timeout_signo); } else if (signo) { action->rc = -ECONNABORTED; crm_notice("Child process %d performing action '%s' timed out with signal %d", pid, action->action, signo); } else { crm_debug("Child process %d performing action '%s' exited with rc %d", pid, action->action, exitcode); if (exitcode > 0) { /* Try to provide a useful error code based on the fence agent's * error output. */ if (action->error == NULL) { exitcode = -ENODATA; } else if (strstr(action->error, "imed out")) { /* Some agents have their own internal timeouts */ exitcode = -ETIMEDOUT; } else if (strstr(action->error, "Unrecognised action")) { exitcode = -EOPNOTSUPP; } else { exitcode = -pcmk_err_generic; } } action->rc = exitcode; } log_action(action, pid); if (action->rc != pcmk_ok && update_remaining_timeout(action)) { int rc = internal_stonith_action_execute(action); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { return; } } if (action->done_cb) { action->done_cb(pid, action->rc, action->output, action->userdata); } stonith_action_destroy(action); } static int internal_stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action) { int pid, status = 0, len, rc = -EPROTO; int ret; int total = 0; int p_read_fd, p_write_fd; /* parent read/write file descriptors */ int c_read_fd, c_write_fd; /* child read/write file descriptors */ int c_stderr_fd, p_stderr_fd; /* parent/child side file descriptors for stderr */ int fd1[2]; int fd2[2]; int fd3[2]; int is_retry = 0; /* clear any previous tracking data */ stonith_action_clear_tracking_data(action); if (!action->tries) { action->initial_start_time = time(NULL); } action->tries++; if (action->tries > 1) { crm_info("Attempt %d to execute %s (%s). remaining timeout is %d", action->tries, action->agent, action->action, action->remaining_timeout); is_retry = 1; } c_read_fd = c_write_fd = p_read_fd = p_write_fd = c_stderr_fd = p_stderr_fd = -1; if (action->args == NULL || action->agent == NULL) goto fail; len = strlen(action->args); if (pipe(fd1)) goto fail; p_read_fd = fd1[0]; c_write_fd = fd1[1]; if (pipe(fd2)) goto fail; c_read_fd = fd2[0]; p_write_fd = fd2[1]; if (pipe(fd3)) goto fail; p_stderr_fd = fd3[0]; c_stderr_fd = fd3[1]; crm_debug("forking"); pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { rc = -ECHILD; goto fail; } if (!pid) { /* child */ setpgid(0, 0); close(1); /* coverity[leaked_handle] False positive */ if (dup(c_write_fd) < 0) goto fail; close(2); /* coverity[leaked_handle] False positive */ if (dup(c_stderr_fd) < 0) goto fail; close(0); /* coverity[leaked_handle] False positive */ if (dup(c_read_fd) < 0) goto fail; /* keep c_stderr_fd open so parent can report all errors. */ /* keep c_write_fd open so hostlist can be sent to parent. */ close(c_read_fd); close(p_read_fd); close(p_write_fd); close(p_stderr_fd); /* keep retries from executing out of control */ if (is_retry) { sleep(1); } execlp(action->agent, action->agent, NULL); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* parent */ action->pid = pid; ret = fcntl(p_read_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(p_read_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); if (ret < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_NOTICE, "Could not change the output of %s to be non-blocking", action->agent); } ret = fcntl(p_stderr_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(p_stderr_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); if (ret < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_NOTICE, "Could not change the stderr of %s to be non-blocking", action->agent); } do { crm_debug("sending args"); ret = write(p_write_fd, action->args + total, len - total); if (ret > 0) { total += ret; } } while (errno == EINTR && total < len); if (total != len) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Sent %d not %d bytes", total, len); if (ret >= 0) { rc = -ECOMM; } goto fail; } close(p_write_fd); p_write_fd = -1; /* async */ if (action->async) { action->fd_stdout = p_read_fd; action->fd_stderr = p_stderr_fd; mainloop_child_add(pid, 0/* Move the timeout here? */, action->action, action, stonith_action_async_done); crm_trace("Op: %s on %s, pid: %d, timeout: %ds", action->action, action->agent, pid, action->remaining_timeout); action->last_timeout_signo = 0; if (action->remaining_timeout) { action->timer_sigterm = g_timeout_add(1000 * action->remaining_timeout, st_child_term, action); action->timer_sigkill = g_timeout_add(1000 * (action->remaining_timeout + 5), st_child_kill, action); } else { crm_err("No timeout set for stonith operation %s with device %s", action->action, action->agent); } close(c_write_fd); close(c_read_fd); close(c_stderr_fd); return 0; } else { /* sync */ int timeout = action->remaining_timeout + 1; pid_t p = 0; while (action->remaining_timeout < 0 || timeout > 0) { p = waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG); if (p > 0) { break; } sleep(1); timeout--; } if (timeout == 0) { int killrc = kill(-pid, SIGKILL); if (killrc && errno != ESRCH) { crm_err("kill(%d, KILL) failed: %s (%d)", pid, pcmk_strerror(errno), errno); } /* * From sigprocmask(2): * It is not possible to block SIGKILL or SIGSTOP. Attempts to do so are silently ignored. * * This makes it safe to skip WNOHANG here */ p = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } if (p <= 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "waitpid(%d)", pid); } else if (p != pid) { crm_err("Waited for %d, got %d", pid, p); } action->output = read_output(p_read_fd); action->error = read_output(p_stderr_fd); action->rc = -ECONNABORTED; log_action(action, pid); rc = action->rc; if (timeout == 0) { action->rc = -ETIME; } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) { crm_debug("result = %d", WEXITSTATUS(status)); action->rc = -WEXITSTATUS(status); rc = 0; } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { crm_err("call %s for %s exited due to signal %d", action->action, action->agent, WTERMSIG(status)); } else { crm_err("call %s for %s returned unexpected status %#x", action->action, action->agent, status); } } fail: if (p_read_fd >= 0) { close(p_read_fd); } if (p_write_fd >= 0) { close(p_write_fd); } if (p_stderr_fd >= 0) { close(p_stderr_fd); } if (c_read_fd >= 0) { close(c_read_fd); } if (c_write_fd >= 0) { close(c_write_fd); } if (c_stderr_fd >= 0) { close(c_stderr_fd); } return rc; } GPid stonith_action_execute_async(stonith_action_t * action, void *userdata, void (*done) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data)) { int rc = 0; if (!action) { return -1; } action->userdata = userdata; action->done_cb = done; action->async = 1; rc = internal_stonith_action_execute(action); return rc < 0 ? rc : action->pid; } int stonith_action_execute(stonith_action_t * action, int *agent_result, char **output) { int rc = 0; if (!action) { return -1; } do { rc = internal_stonith_action_execute(action); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { /* success! */ break; } /* keep retrying while we have time left */ } while (update_remaining_timeout(action)); if (rc) { /* error */ return rc; } if (agent_result) { *agent_result = action->rc; } if (output) { *output = action->output; action->output = NULL; /* handed it off, do not free */ } stonith_action_destroy(action); return rc; } static int stonith_api_device_list(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *namespace, stonith_key_value_t ** devices, int timeout) { int count = 0; if (devices == NULL) { crm_err("Parameter error: stonith_api_device_list"); return -EFAULT; } /* Include Heartbeat agents */ if (namespace == NULL || safe_str_eq("heartbeat", namespace)) { #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H static gboolean need_init = TRUE; char **entry = NULL; char **type_list = NULL; static char **(*type_list_fn) (void) = NULL; static void (*type_free_fn) (char **) = NULL; if (need_init) { need_init = FALSE; type_list_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_types", FALSE); type_free_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_free_hostlist", FALSE); } if (type_list_fn) { type_list = (*type_list_fn) (); } for (entry = type_list; entry != NULL && *entry; ++entry) { crm_trace("Added: %s", *entry); *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, *entry); count++; } if (type_list && type_free_fn) { (*type_free_fn) (type_list); } #else if (namespace != NULL) { return -EINVAL; /* Heartbeat agents not supported */ } #endif } /* Include Red Hat agents, basically: ls -1 @sbin_dir@/fence_* */ if (namespace == NULL || safe_str_eq("redhat", namespace)) { struct dirent **namelist; int file_num = scandir(RH_STONITH_DIR, &namelist, 0, alphasort); if (file_num > 0) { struct stat prop; char buffer[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; while (file_num--) { if ('.' == namelist[file_num]->d_name[0]) { free(namelist[file_num]); continue; } else if (0 != strncmp(RH_STONITH_PREFIX, namelist[file_num]->d_name, strlen(RH_STONITH_PREFIX))) { free(namelist[file_num]); continue; } snprintf(buffer, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", RH_STONITH_DIR, namelist[file_num]->d_name); if (stat(buffer, &prop) == 0 && S_ISREG(prop.st_mode)) { *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, namelist[file_num]->d_name); count++; } free(namelist[file_num]); } free(namelist); } } return count; } #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H static inline char * strdup_null(const char *val) { if (val) { return strdup(val); } return NULL; } static void stonith_plugin(int priority, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3))); static void stonith_plugin(int priority, const char *format, ...) { int err = errno; va_list ap; int len = 0; char *string = NULL; va_start(ap, format); len = vasprintf (&string, format, ap); CRM_ASSERT(len > 0); do_crm_log_alias(priority, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, "%s", string); free(string); errno = err; } #endif static int stonith_api_device_metadata(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *agent, const char *namespace, char **output, int timeout) { int rc = 0; char *buffer = NULL; const char *provider = get_stonith_provider(agent, namespace); crm_trace("looking up %s/%s metadata", agent, provider); /* By having this in a library, we can access it from stonith_admin * when neither lrmd or stonith-ng are running * Important for the crm shell's validations... */ if (safe_str_eq(provider, "redhat")) { stonith_action_t *action = stonith_action_create(agent, "metadata", NULL, 0, 5, NULL, NULL); int exec_rc = stonith_action_execute(action, &rc, &buffer); xmlNode *xml = NULL; xmlNode *actions = NULL; xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = NULL; if (exec_rc < 0 || rc != 0 || buffer == NULL) { crm_warn("Could not obtain metadata for %s", agent); crm_debug("Query failed: %d %d: %s", exec_rc, rc, crm_str(buffer)); free(buffer); /* Just in case */ return -EINVAL; } xml = string2xml(buffer); if(xml == NULL) { crm_warn("Metadata for %s is invalid", agent); free(buffer); return -EINVAL; } xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, "//actions"); if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) { actions = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0); } freeXpathObject(xpathObj); /* Now fudge the metadata so that the start/stop actions appear */ xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, "//action[@name='stop']"); if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) <= 0) { xmlNode *tmp = NULL; tmp = create_xml_node(actions, "action"); crm_xml_add(tmp, "name", "stop"); - crm_xml_add(tmp, "timeout", "20s"); + crm_xml_add(tmp, "timeout", CRM_DEFAULT_OP_TIMEOUT_S); tmp = create_xml_node(actions, "action"); crm_xml_add(tmp, "name", "start"); - crm_xml_add(tmp, "timeout", "20s"); + crm_xml_add(tmp, "timeout", CRM_DEFAULT_OP_TIMEOUT_S); } freeXpathObject(xpathObj); /* Now fudge the metadata so that the port isn't required in the configuration */ xpathObj = xpath_search(xml, "//parameter[@name='port']"); if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) { /* We'll fill this in */ xmlNode *tmp = getXpathResult(xpathObj, 0); crm_xml_add(tmp, "required", "0"); } freeXpathObject(xpathObj); free(buffer); buffer = dump_xml_formatted_with_text(xml); free_xml(xml); if (!buffer) { return -EINVAL; } } else { #if !HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H return -EINVAL; /* Heartbeat agents not supported */ #else int bufferlen = 0; static const char *no_parameter_info = ""; Stonith *stonith_obj = NULL; static gboolean need_init = TRUE; static Stonith *(*st_new_fn) (const char *) = NULL; static const char *(*st_info_fn) (Stonith *, int) = NULL; static void (*st_del_fn) (Stonith *) = NULL; static void (*st_log_fn) (Stonith *, PILLogFun) = NULL; if (need_init) { need_init = FALSE; st_new_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_new", FALSE); st_del_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_delete", FALSE); st_log_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_set_log", FALSE); st_info_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_get_info", FALSE); } if (lha_agents_lib && st_new_fn && st_del_fn && st_info_fn && st_log_fn) { char *xml_meta_longdesc = NULL; char *xml_meta_shortdesc = NULL; char *meta_param = NULL; char *meta_longdesc = NULL; char *meta_shortdesc = NULL; stonith_obj = (*st_new_fn) (agent); if (stonith_obj) { (*st_log_fn) (stonith_obj, (PILLogFun) & stonith_plugin); meta_longdesc = strdup_null((*st_info_fn) (stonith_obj, ST_DEVICEDESCR)); if (meta_longdesc == NULL) { crm_warn("no long description in %s's metadata.", agent); meta_longdesc = strdup(no_parameter_info); } meta_shortdesc = strdup_null((*st_info_fn) (stonith_obj, ST_DEVICEID)); if (meta_shortdesc == NULL) { crm_warn("no short description in %s's metadata.", agent); meta_shortdesc = strdup(no_parameter_info); } meta_param = strdup_null((*st_info_fn) (stonith_obj, ST_CONF_XML)); if (meta_param == NULL) { crm_warn("no list of parameters in %s's metadata.", agent); meta_param = strdup(no_parameter_info); } (*st_del_fn) (stonith_obj); } else { return -EINVAL; /* Heartbeat agents not supported */ } xml_meta_longdesc = (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, (const unsigned char *)meta_longdesc); xml_meta_shortdesc = (char *)xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(NULL, (const unsigned char *)meta_shortdesc); bufferlen = strlen(META_TEMPLATE) + strlen(agent) + strlen(xml_meta_longdesc) + strlen(xml_meta_shortdesc) + strlen(meta_param) + 1; buffer = calloc(1, bufferlen); snprintf(buffer, bufferlen - 1, META_TEMPLATE, agent, xml_meta_longdesc, xml_meta_shortdesc, meta_param); xmlFree(xml_meta_longdesc); xmlFree(xml_meta_shortdesc); free(meta_shortdesc); free(meta_longdesc); free(meta_param); } #endif } if (output) { *output = buffer; } else { free(buffer); } return rc; } static int stonith_api_query(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *target, stonith_key_value_t ** devices, int timeout) { int rc = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; xmlNode *output = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; CRM_CHECK(devices != NULL, return -EINVAL); data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, target); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, "off"); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_QUERY, data, &output, call_options, timeout); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } xpathObj = xpath_search(output, "//@agent"); if (xpathObj) { max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL); if(match != NULL) { xmlChar *match_path = xmlGetNodePath(match); crm_info("%s[%d] = %s", "//@agent", lpc, match_path); free(match_path); *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, crm_element_value(match, XML_ATTR_ID)); } } freeXpathObject(xpathObj); } free_xml(output); free_xml(data); return max; } static int stonith_api_call(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, const char *action, const char *victim, int timeout, xmlNode ** output) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, id); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, victim); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_EXEC, data, output, call_options, timeout); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_list(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, char **list_info, int timeout) { int rc; xmlNode *output = NULL; rc = stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "list", NULL, timeout, &output); if (output && list_info) { const char *list_str; list_str = crm_element_value(output, "st_output"); if (list_str) { *list_info = strdup(list_str); } } if (output) { free_xml(output); } return rc; } static int stonith_api_monitor(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, int timeout) { return stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "monitor", NULL, timeout, NULL); } static int stonith_api_status(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, const char *port, int timeout) { return stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "status", port, timeout, NULL); } static int stonith_api_fence(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *node, const char *action, int timeout, int tolerance) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action); crm_xml_add_int(data, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout); crm_xml_add_int(data, F_STONITH_TOLERANCE, tolerance); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE, data, NULL, call_options, timeout); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_confirm(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *target) { return stonith_api_fence(stonith, call_options | st_opt_manual_ack, target, "off", 0, 0); } static int stonith_api_history(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *node, stonith_history_t ** history, int timeout) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; xmlNode *output = NULL; stonith_history_t *last = NULL; *history = NULL; if (node) { data = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node); } rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE_HISTORY, data, &output, call_options | st_opt_sync_call, timeout); free_xml(data); if (rc == 0) { xmlNode *op = NULL; xmlNode *reply = get_xpath_object("//" F_STONITH_HISTORY_LIST, output, LOG_ERR); for (op = __xml_first_child(reply); op != NULL; op = __xml_next(op)) { stonith_history_t *kvp; kvp = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_history_t)); kvp->target = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_TARGET); kvp->action = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_ACTION); kvp->origin = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_ORIGIN); kvp->delegate = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_DELEGATE); kvp->client = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME); crm_element_value_int(op, F_STONITH_DATE, &kvp->completed); crm_element_value_int(op, F_STONITH_STATE, &kvp->state); if (last) { last->next = kvp; } else { *history = kvp; } last = kvp; } } return rc; } gboolean is_redhat_agent(const char *agent) { int rc = 0; struct stat prop; char buffer[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintf(buffer, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", RH_STONITH_DIR, agent); rc = stat(buffer, &prop); if (rc >= 0 && S_ISREG(prop.st_mode)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } const char * get_stonith_provider(const char *agent, const char *provider) { /* This function sucks */ if (is_redhat_agent(agent)) { return "redhat"; #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H } else { Stonith *stonith_obj = NULL; static gboolean need_init = TRUE; static Stonith *(*st_new_fn) (const char *) = NULL; static void (*st_del_fn) (Stonith *) = NULL; if (need_init) { need_init = FALSE; st_new_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_new", FALSE); st_del_fn = find_library_function(&lha_agents_lib, LHA_STONITH_LIBRARY, "stonith_delete", FALSE); } if (lha_agents_lib && st_new_fn && st_del_fn) { stonith_obj = (*st_new_fn) (agent); if (stonith_obj) { (*st_del_fn) (stonith_obj); return "heartbeat"; } } #endif } if (safe_str_eq(provider, "internal")) { return provider; } else { crm_err("No such device: %s", agent); return NULL; } } static gint stonithlib_GCompareFunc(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { int rc = 0; const stonith_notify_client_t *a_client = a; const stonith_notify_client_t *b_client = b; CRM_CHECK(a_client->event != NULL && b_client->event != NULL, return 0); rc = strcmp(a_client->event, b_client->event); if (rc == 0) { if (a_client->notify == NULL || b_client->notify == NULL) { return 0; } else if (a_client->notify == b_client->notify) { return 0; } else if (((long)a_client->notify) < ((long)b_client->notify)) { crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p", a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify); return -1; } crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p", a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify); return 1; } return rc; } xmlNode * stonith_create_op(int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data, int call_options) { xmlNode *op_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command"); CRM_CHECK(op_msg != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(token != NULL, return NULL); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_XML_TAGNAME, "stonith_command"); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLBACK_TOKEN, token); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op); crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, call_id); crm_trace("Sending call options: %.8lx, %d", (long)call_options, call_options); crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, call_options); if (data != NULL) { add_message_xml(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data); } return op_msg; } static void stonith_destroy_op_callback(gpointer data) { stonith_callback_client_t *blob = data; if (blob->timer && blob->timer->ref > 0) { g_source_remove(blob->timer->ref); } free(blob->timer); free(blob); } static int stonith_api_signoff(stonith_t * stonith) { stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private; crm_debug("Signing out of the STONITH Service"); if (native->source != NULL) { /* Attached to mainloop */ mainloop_del_ipc_client(native->source); native->source = NULL; native->ipc = NULL; } else if (native->ipc) { /* Not attached to mainloop */ crm_ipc_t *ipc = native->ipc; native->ipc = NULL; crm_ipc_close(ipc); crm_ipc_destroy(ipc); } free(native->token); native->token = NULL; stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; return pcmk_ok; } static int stonith_api_signon(stonith_t * stonith, const char *name, int *stonith_fd) { int rc = pcmk_ok; stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private; static struct ipc_client_callbacks st_callbacks = { .dispatch = stonith_dispatch_internal, .destroy = stonith_connection_destroy }; crm_trace("Connecting command channel"); stonith->state = stonith_connected_command; if (stonith_fd) { /* No mainloop */ native->ipc = crm_ipc_new("stonith-ng", 0); if (native->ipc && crm_ipc_connect(native->ipc)) { *stonith_fd = crm_ipc_get_fd(native->ipc); } else if (native->ipc) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Connection to STONITH manager failed"); rc = -ENOTCONN; } } else { /* With mainloop */ native->source = mainloop_add_ipc_client("stonith-ng", G_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 0, stonith, &st_callbacks); native->ipc = mainloop_get_ipc_client(native->source); } if (native->ipc == NULL) { crm_debug("Could not connect to the Stonith API"); rc = -ENOTCONN; } if (rc == pcmk_ok) { xmlNode *reply = NULL; xmlNode *hello = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command"); crm_xml_add(hello, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(hello, F_STONITH_OPERATION, CRM_OP_REGISTER); crm_xml_add(hello, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, name); rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, hello, crm_ipc_client_response, -1, &reply); if (rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't complete registration with the fencing API: %d", rc); rc = -ECOMM; } else if (reply == NULL) { crm_err("Did not receive registration reply"); rc = -EPROTO; } else { const char *msg_type = crm_element_value(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION); const char *tmp_ticket = crm_element_value(reply, F_STONITH_CLIENTID); if (safe_str_neq(msg_type, CRM_OP_REGISTER)) { crm_err("Invalid registration message: %s", msg_type); crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Bad reply"); rc = -EPROTO; } else if (tmp_ticket == NULL) { crm_err("No registration token provided"); crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Bad reply"); rc = -EPROTO; } else { crm_trace("Obtained registration token: %s", tmp_ticket); native->token = strdup(tmp_ticket); rc = pcmk_ok; } } free_xml(reply); free_xml(hello); } if (rc == pcmk_ok) { #if HAVE_MSGFROMIPC_TIMEOUT stonith->call_timeout = MAX_IPC_DELAY; #endif crm_debug("Connection to STONITH successful"); return pcmk_ok; } crm_debug("Connection to STONITH failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); stonith->cmds->disconnect(stonith); return rc; } static int stonith_set_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *callback, int enabled) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *notify_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__); stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private; if (stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) { crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY); if (enabled) { crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE, callback); } else { crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE, callback); } rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, notify_msg, crm_ipc_client_response, -1, NULL); if (rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't register for fencing notifications: %d", rc); rc = -ECOMM; } else { rc = pcmk_ok; } } free_xml(notify_msg); return rc; } static int stonith_api_add_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *event, void (*callback) (stonith_t * stonith, stonith_event_t * e)) { GList *list_item = NULL; stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; private = stonith->private; crm_trace("Adding callback for %s events (%d)", event, g_list_length(private->notify_list)); new_client = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t)); new_client->event = event; new_client->notify = callback; list_item = g_list_find_custom(private->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc); if (list_item != NULL) { crm_warn("Callback already present"); free(new_client); return -ENOTUNIQ; } else { private->notify_list = g_list_append(private->notify_list, new_client); stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 1); crm_trace("Callback added (%d)", g_list_length(private->notify_list)); } return pcmk_ok; } static int stonith_api_del_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *event) { GList *list_item = NULL; stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; crm_debug("Removing callback for %s events", event); private = stonith->private; new_client = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t)); new_client->event = event; new_client->notify = NULL; list_item = g_list_find_custom(private->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc); stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 0); if (list_item != NULL) { stonith_notify_client_t *list_client = list_item->data; private->notify_list = g_list_remove(private->notify_list, list_client); free(list_client); crm_trace("Removed callback"); } else { crm_trace("Callback not present"); } free(new_client); return pcmk_ok; } static gboolean stonith_async_timeout_handler(gpointer data) { struct timer_rec_s *timer = data; crm_err("Async call %d timed out after %dms", timer->call_id, timer->timeout); stonith_perform_callback(timer->stonith, NULL, timer->call_id, -ETIME); /* Always return TRUE, never remove the handler * We do that in stonith_del_callback() */ return TRUE; } static void set_callback_timeout(stonith_callback_client_t * callback, stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, int timeout) { struct timer_rec_s *async_timer = callback->timer; if (timeout <= 0) { return; } if (!async_timer) { async_timer = calloc(1, sizeof(struct timer_rec_s)); callback->timer = async_timer; } async_timer->stonith = stonith; async_timer->call_id = call_id; /* Allow a fair bit of grace to allow the server to tell us of a timeout * This is only a fallback */ async_timer->timeout = (timeout + 60) * 1000; if (async_timer->ref) { g_source_remove(async_timer->ref); } async_timer->ref = g_timeout_add(async_timer->timeout, stonith_async_timeout_handler, async_timer); } static void update_callback_timeout(int call_id, int timeout, stonith_t * st) { stonith_callback_client_t *callback = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = st->private; callback = g_hash_table_lookup(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id)); if (!callback || !callback->allow_timeout_updates) { return; } set_callback_timeout(callback, st, call_id, timeout); } static void invoke_callback(stonith_t * st, int call_id, int rc, void *userdata, void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data)) { stonith_callback_data_t data = { 0, }; data.call_id = call_id; data.rc = rc; data.userdata = userdata; callback(st, &data); } static int stonith_api_add_callback(stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, int timeout, int options, void *user_data, const char *callback_name, void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data)) { stonith_callback_client_t *blob = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return -EINVAL); CRM_CHECK(stonith->private != NULL, return -EINVAL); private = stonith->private; if (call_id == 0) { private->op_callback = callback; } else if (call_id < 0) { if (!(options & st_opt_report_only_success)) { crm_trace("Call failed, calling %s: %s", callback_name, pcmk_strerror(call_id)); invoke_callback(stonith, call_id, call_id, user_data, callback); } else { crm_warn("STONITH call failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(call_id)); } return FALSE; } blob = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_callback_client_t)); blob->id = callback_name; blob->only_success = (options & st_opt_report_only_success) ? TRUE : FALSE; blob->user_data = user_data; blob->callback = callback; blob->allow_timeout_updates = (options & st_opt_timeout_updates) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (timeout > 0) { set_callback_timeout(blob, stonith, call_id, timeout); } g_hash_table_insert(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id), blob); crm_trace("Added callback to %s for call %d", callback_name, call_id); return TRUE; } static int stonith_api_del_callback(stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, bool all_callbacks) { stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private; if (all_callbacks) { private->op_callback = NULL; g_hash_table_destroy(private->stonith_op_callback_table); private->stonith_op_callback_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, stonith_destroy_op_callback); } else if (call_id == 0) { private->op_callback = NULL; } else { g_hash_table_remove(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id)); } return pcmk_ok; } static void stonith_dump_pending_op(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { int call = GPOINTER_TO_INT(key); stonith_callback_client_t *blob = value; crm_debug("Call %d (%s): pending", call, crm_str(blob->id)); } void stonith_dump_pending_callbacks(stonith_t * stonith) { stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private; if (private->stonith_op_callback_table == NULL) { return; } return g_hash_table_foreach(private->stonith_op_callback_table, stonith_dump_pending_op, NULL); } void stonith_perform_callback(stonith_t * stonith, xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc) { stonith_private_t *private = NULL; stonith_callback_client_t *blob = NULL; stonith_callback_client_t local_blob; CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(stonith->private != NULL, return); private = stonith->private; local_blob.id = NULL; local_blob.callback = NULL; local_blob.user_data = NULL; local_blob.only_success = FALSE; if (msg != NULL) { crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_RC, &rc); crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call_id); } CRM_CHECK(call_id > 0, crm_log_xml_err(msg, "Bad result")); blob = g_hash_table_lookup(private->stonith_op_callback_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(call_id)); if (blob != NULL) { local_blob = *blob; blob = NULL; stonith_api_del_callback(stonith, call_id, FALSE); } else { crm_trace("No callback found for call %d", call_id); local_blob.callback = NULL; } if (local_blob.callback != NULL && (rc == pcmk_ok || local_blob.only_success == FALSE)) { crm_trace("Invoking callback %s for call %d", crm_str(local_blob.id), call_id); invoke_callback(stonith, call_id, rc, local_blob.user_data, local_blob.callback); } else if (private->op_callback == NULL && rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_warn("STONITH command failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); crm_log_xml_debug(msg, "Failed STONITH Update"); } if (private->op_callback != NULL) { crm_trace("Invoking global callback for call %d", call_id); invoke_callback(stonith, call_id, rc, NULL, private->op_callback); } crm_trace("OP callback activated."); } /* */ static stonith_event_t * xml_to_event(xmlNode * msg) { stonith_event_t *event = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_event_t)); const char *ntype = crm_element_value(msg, F_SUBTYPE); char *data_addr = crm_strdup_printf("//%s", ntype); xmlNode *data = get_xpath_object(data_addr, msg, LOG_DEBUG); crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "stonith_notify"); crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_RC, &(event->result)); if (safe_str_eq(ntype, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE)) { event->operation = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION); if (data) { event->origin = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN); event->action = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_ACTION); event->target = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_TARGET); event->executioner = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_DELEGATE); event->id = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID); event->client_origin = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME); event->device = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE); } else { crm_err("No data for %s event", ntype); crm_log_xml_notice(msg, "BadEvent"); } } free(data_addr); return event; } static void event_free(stonith_event_t * event) { free(event->id); free(event->type); free(event->message); free(event->operation); free(event->origin); free(event->action); free(event->target); free(event->executioner); free(event->device); free(event->client_origin); free(event); } static void stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { struct notify_blob_s *blob = user_data; stonith_notify_client_t *entry = data; stonith_event_t *st_event = NULL; const char *event = NULL; if (blob->xml == NULL) { crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL message"); return; } event = crm_element_value(blob->xml, F_SUBTYPE); if (entry == NULL) { crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback client"); return; } else if (entry->notify == NULL) { crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback"); return; } else if (safe_str_neq(entry->event, event)) { crm_trace("Skipping callback - event mismatch %p/%s vs. %s", entry, entry->event, event); return; } st_event = xml_to_event(blob->xml); crm_trace("Invoking callback for %p/%s event...", entry, event); entry->notify(blob->stonith, st_event); crm_trace("Callback invoked..."); event_free(st_event); } int stonith_send_command(stonith_t * stonith, const char *op, xmlNode * data, xmlNode ** output_data, int call_options, int timeout) { int rc = 0; int reply_id = -1; enum crm_ipc_flags ipc_flags = crm_ipc_flags_none; xmlNode *op_msg = NULL; xmlNode *op_reply = NULL; stonith_private_t *native = stonith->private; if (stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) { return -ENOTCONN; } if (output_data != NULL) { *output_data = NULL; } if (op == NULL) { crm_err("No operation specified"); return -EINVAL; } if (call_options & st_opt_sync_call) { ipc_flags |= crm_ipc_client_response; } stonith->call_id++; /* prevent call_id from being negative (or zero) and conflicting * with the stonith_errors enum * use 2 because we use it as (stonith->call_id - 1) below */ if (stonith->call_id < 1) { stonith->call_id = 1; } CRM_CHECK(native->token != NULL,; ); op_msg = stonith_create_op(stonith->call_id, native->token, op, data, call_options); if (op_msg == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout); crm_trace("Sending %s message to STONITH service, Timeout: %ds", op, timeout); rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, op_msg, ipc_flags, 1000 * (timeout + 60), &op_reply); free_xml(op_msg); if (rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't perform %s operation (timeout=%ds): %d", op, timeout, rc); rc = -ECOMM; goto done; } crm_log_xml_trace(op_reply, "Reply"); if (!(call_options & st_opt_sync_call)) { crm_trace("Async call %d, returning", stonith->call_id); CRM_CHECK(stonith->call_id != 0, return -EPROTO); free_xml(op_reply); return stonith->call_id; } rc = pcmk_ok; crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_STONITH_CALLID, &reply_id); if (reply_id == stonith->call_id) { crm_trace("Synchronous reply %d received", reply_id); if (crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_STONITH_RC, &rc) != 0) { rc = -ENOMSG; } if ((call_options & st_opt_discard_reply) || output_data == NULL) { crm_trace("Discarding reply"); } else { *output_data = op_reply; op_reply = NULL; /* Prevent subsequent free */ } } else if (reply_id <= 0) { crm_err("Received bad reply: No id set"); crm_log_xml_err(op_reply, "Bad reply"); free_xml(op_reply); rc = -ENOMSG; } else { crm_err("Received bad reply: %d (wanted %d)", reply_id, stonith->call_id); crm_log_xml_err(op_reply, "Old reply"); free_xml(op_reply); rc = -ENOMSG; } done: if (crm_ipc_connected(native->ipc) == FALSE) { crm_err("STONITH disconnected"); stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; } free_xml(op_reply); return rc; } /* Not used with mainloop */ bool stonith_dispatch(stonith_t * st) { gboolean stay_connected = TRUE; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(st != NULL); private = st->private; while (crm_ipc_ready(private->ipc)) { if (crm_ipc_read(private->ipc) > 0) { const char *msg = crm_ipc_buffer(private->ipc); stonith_dispatch_internal(msg, strlen(msg), st); } if (crm_ipc_connected(private->ipc) == FALSE) { crm_err("Connection closed"); stay_connected = FALSE; } } return stay_connected; } int stonith_dispatch_internal(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata) { const char *type = NULL; struct notify_blob_s blob; stonith_t *st = userdata; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(st != NULL); private = st->private; blob.stonith = st; blob.xml = string2xml(buffer); if (blob.xml == NULL) { crm_warn("Received a NULL msg from STONITH service: %s.", buffer); return 0; } /* do callbacks */ type = crm_element_value(blob.xml, F_TYPE); crm_trace("Activating %s callbacks...", type); if (safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NG)) { stonith_perform_callback(st, blob.xml, 0, 0); } else if (safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NOTIFY)) { g_list_foreach(private->notify_list, stonith_send_notification, &blob); } else if (safe_str_eq(type, T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE)) { int call_id = 0; int timeout = 0; crm_element_value_int(blob.xml, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, &timeout); crm_element_value_int(blob.xml, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call_id); update_callback_timeout(call_id, timeout, st); } else { crm_err("Unknown message type: %s", type); crm_log_xml_warn(blob.xml, "BadReply"); } free_xml(blob.xml); return 1; } static int stonith_api_free(stonith_t * stonith) { int rc = pcmk_ok; crm_trace("Destroying %p", stonith); if (stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) { crm_trace("Disconnecting %p first", stonith); rc = stonith->cmds->disconnect(stonith); } if (stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) { stonith_private_t *private = stonith->private; crm_trace("Removing %d callbacks", g_hash_table_size(private->stonith_op_callback_table)); g_hash_table_destroy(private->stonith_op_callback_table); crm_trace("Destroying %d notification clients", g_list_length(private->notify_list)); g_list_free_full(private->notify_list, free); free(stonith->private); free(stonith->cmds); free(stonith); } else { crm_err("Not free'ing active connection: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } return rc; } void stonith_api_delete(stonith_t * stonith) { crm_trace("Destroying %p", stonith); if(stonith) { stonith->cmds->free(stonith); } } stonith_t * stonith_api_new(void) { stonith_t *new_stonith = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; new_stonith = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_t)); private = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_private_t)); new_stonith->private = private; private->stonith_op_callback_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, stonith_destroy_op_callback); private->notify_list = NULL; new_stonith->call_id = 1; new_stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; new_stonith->cmds = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_api_operations_t)); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ new_stonith->cmds->free = stonith_api_free; new_stonith->cmds->connect = stonith_api_signon; new_stonith->cmds->disconnect = stonith_api_signoff; new_stonith->cmds->list = stonith_api_list; new_stonith->cmds->monitor = stonith_api_monitor; new_stonith->cmds->status = stonith_api_status; new_stonith->cmds->fence = stonith_api_fence; new_stonith->cmds->confirm = stonith_api_confirm; new_stonith->cmds->history = stonith_api_history; new_stonith->cmds->list_agents = stonith_api_device_list; new_stonith->cmds->metadata = stonith_api_device_metadata; new_stonith->cmds->query = stonith_api_query; new_stonith->cmds->remove_device = stonith_api_remove_device; new_stonith->cmds->register_device = stonith_api_register_device; new_stonith->cmds->remove_level = stonith_api_remove_level; new_stonith->cmds->remove_level_full = stonith_api_remove_level_full; new_stonith->cmds->register_level = stonith_api_register_level; new_stonith->cmds->register_level_full = stonith_api_register_level_full; new_stonith->cmds->remove_callback = stonith_api_del_callback; new_stonith->cmds->register_callback = stonith_api_add_callback; new_stonith->cmds->remove_notification = stonith_api_del_notification; new_stonith->cmds->register_notification = stonith_api_add_notification; /* *INDENT-ON* */ return new_stonith; } stonith_key_value_t * stonith_key_value_add(stonith_key_value_t * head, const char *key, const char *value) { stonith_key_value_t *p, *end; p = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_key_value_t)); if (key) { p->key = strdup(key); } if (value) { p->value = strdup(value); } end = head; while (end && end->next) { end = end->next; } if (end) { end->next = p; } else { head = p; } return head; } void stonith_key_value_freeall(stonith_key_value_t * head, int keys, int values) { stonith_key_value_t *p; while (head) { p = head->next; if (keys) { free(head->key); } if (values) { free(head->value); } free(head); head = p; } } #define api_log_open() openlog("stonith-api", LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON) #define api_log(level, fmt, args...) syslog(level, "%s: "fmt, __FUNCTION__, args) int stonith_api_kick(uint32_t nodeid, const char *uname, int timeout, bool off) { char *name = NULL; const char *action = "reboot"; int rc = -EPROTO; stonith_t *st = NULL; enum stonith_call_options opts = st_opt_sync_call | st_opt_allow_suicide; api_log_open(); st = stonith_api_new(); if (st) { rc = st->cmds->connect(st, "stonith-api", NULL); if(rc != pcmk_ok) { api_log(LOG_ERR, "Connection failed, could not kick (%s) node %u/%s : %s (%d)", action, nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } } if (uname != NULL) { name = strdup(uname); } else if (nodeid > 0) { opts |= st_opt_cs_nodeid; name = crm_itoa(nodeid); } if (off) { action = "off"; } if (rc == pcmk_ok) { rc = st->cmds->fence(st, opts, name, action, timeout, 0); if(rc != pcmk_ok) { api_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not kick (%s) node %u/%s : %s (%d)", action, nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } else { api_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Node %u/%s kicked: %s ", nodeid, uname, action); } } if (st) { st->cmds->disconnect(st); stonith_api_delete(st); } free(name); return rc; } time_t stonith_api_time(uint32_t nodeid, const char *uname, bool in_progress) { int rc = 0; char *name = NULL; time_t when = 0; stonith_t *st = NULL; stonith_history_t *history, *hp = NULL; enum stonith_call_options opts = st_opt_sync_call; st = stonith_api_new(); if (st) { rc = st->cmds->connect(st, "stonith-api", NULL); if(rc != pcmk_ok) { api_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Connection failed: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } } if (uname != NULL) { name = strdup(uname); } else if (nodeid > 0) { opts |= st_opt_cs_nodeid; name = crm_itoa(nodeid); } if (st && rc == pcmk_ok) { int entries = 0; int progress = 0; int completed = 0; rc = st->cmds->history(st, opts, name, &history, 120); for (hp = history; hp; hp = hp->next) { entries++; if (in_progress) { progress++; if (hp->state != st_done && hp->state != st_failed) { when = time(NULL); } } else if (hp->state == st_done) { completed++; if (hp->completed > when) { when = hp->completed; } } } if(rc == pcmk_ok) { api_log(LOG_INFO, "Found %d entries for %u/%s: %d in progress, %d completed", entries, nodeid, uname, progress, completed); } else { api_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not retrieve fence history for %u/%s: %s (%d)", nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } } if (st) { st->cmds->disconnect(st); stonith_api_delete(st); } if(when) { api_log(LOG_INFO, "Node %u/%s last kicked at: %ld", nodeid, uname, (long int)when); } free(name); return when; } #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H # include const char *i_hate_pils(int rc); const char * i_hate_pils(int rc) { return PIL_strerror(rc); } #endif diff --git a/lib/pengine/common.c b/lib/pengine/common.c index 9dd2472ad2..0ece77ac21 100644 --- a/lib/pengine/common.c +++ b/lib/pengine/common.c @@ -1,480 +1,483 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include gboolean was_processing_error = FALSE; gboolean was_processing_warning = FALSE; static gboolean check_health(const char *value) { if (safe_str_eq(value, "none")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "custom")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "only-green")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "progressive")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "migrate-on-red")) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean check_stonith_action(const char *value) { if (safe_str_eq(value, "reboot")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "poweroff")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "off")) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean check_placement_strategy(const char *value) { if (safe_str_eq(value, "default")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "utilization")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "minimal")) { return TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "balanced")) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ pe_cluster_option pe_opts[] = { /* name, old-name, validate, default, description */ { "no-quorum-policy", "no_quorum_policy", "enum", "stop, freeze, ignore, suicide", "stop", &check_quorum, "What to do when the cluster does not have quorum", NULL }, { "symmetric-cluster", "symmetric_cluster", "boolean", NULL, "true", &check_boolean, "All resources can run anywhere by default", NULL }, - { "default-resource-stickiness", "default_resource_stickiness", "integer", NULL, "0", &check_number, "", NULL }, - { "is-managed-default", "is_managed_default", "boolean", NULL, "true", &check_boolean, - "Should the cluster start/stop resources as required", NULL }, + { "default-resource-stickiness", "default_resource_stickiness", "integer", + NULL, NULL, &check_number, + "Deprecated (use resource-stickiness in rsc_defaults instead)", NULL }, + { "is-managed-default", "is_managed_default", "boolean", NULL, NULL, + &check_boolean, "Deprecated (use is-managed in rsc_defaults instead)", + NULL }, { "maintenance-mode", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "false", &check_boolean, "Should the cluster monitor resources and start/stop them as required", NULL }, { "start-failure-is-fatal", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "true", &check_boolean, "Always treat start failures as fatal", "When set to TRUE, the cluster will immediately ban a resource from a node if it fails to start there. When FALSE, the cluster will instead check the resource's fail count against its migration-threshold." }, { "enable-startup-probes", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "true", &check_boolean, "Should the cluster check for active resources during startup", NULL }, /* Stonith Options */ { "stonith-enabled", "stonith_enabled", "boolean", NULL, "true", &check_boolean, "Failed nodes are STONITH'd", NULL }, { "stonith-action", "stonith_action", "enum", "reboot, poweroff, off", "reboot", &check_stonith_action, "Action to send to STONITH device", NULL }, { "stonith-timeout", NULL, "time", NULL, "60s", &check_timer, "How long to wait for the STONITH action (reboot,on,off) to complete", NULL }, { XML_ATTR_HAVE_WATCHDOG, NULL, "boolean", NULL, "false", &check_boolean, "Enable watchdog integration", "Set automatically by the cluster if SBD is detected. User configured values are ignored." }, { "concurrent-fencing", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "false", &check_boolean, "Allow performing fencing operations in parallel", NULL }, { "startup-fencing", "startup_fencing", "boolean", NULL, "true", &check_boolean, "STONITH unseen nodes", "Advanced Use Only! Not using the default is very unsafe!" }, /* Timeouts etc */ { "cluster-delay", "transition_idle_timeout", "time", NULL, "60s", &check_time, "Round trip delay over the network (excluding action execution)", "The \"correct\" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes." }, { "batch-limit", NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", &check_number, "The number of jobs that the TE is allowed to execute in parallel", "The \"correct\" value will depend on the speed and load of your network and cluster nodes." }, { "migration-limit", NULL, "integer", NULL, "-1", &check_number, "The number of migration jobs that the TE is allowed to execute in parallel on a node"}, - { "default-action-timeout", "default_action_timeout", "time", NULL, "20s", &check_time, - "How long to wait for actions to complete", NULL }, + { "default-action-timeout", "default_action_timeout", "time", NULL, NULL, + &check_time, "Deprecated (use 'timeout' in op_defaults instead)", NULL }, /* Orphans and stopping */ { "stop-all-resources", NULL, "boolean", NULL, "false", &check_boolean, "Should the cluster stop all active resources (except those needed for fencing)", NULL }, { "stop-orphan-resources", "stop_orphan_resources", "boolean", NULL, "true", &check_boolean, "Should deleted resources be stopped", NULL }, { "stop-orphan-actions", "stop_orphan_actions", "boolean", NULL, "true", &check_boolean, "Should deleted actions be cancelled", NULL }, { "remove-after-stop", "remove_after_stop", "boolean", NULL, "false", &check_boolean, "Remove resources from the LRM after they are stopped", "Always set this to false. Other values are, at best, poorly tested and potentially dangerous." }, /* { "", "", , "0", "", NULL }, */ /* Storing inputs */ { "pe-error-series-max", NULL, "integer", NULL, "-1", &check_number, "The number of PE inputs resulting in ERRORs to save", "Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited." }, { "pe-warn-series-max", NULL, "integer", NULL, "5000", &check_number, "The number of PE inputs resulting in WARNINGs to save", "Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited." }, { "pe-input-series-max", NULL, "integer", NULL, "4000", &check_number, "The number of other PE inputs to save", "Zero to disable, -1 to store unlimited." }, /* Node health */ { "node-health-strategy", NULL, "enum", "none, migrate-on-red, only-green, progressive, custom", "none", &check_health, "The strategy combining node attributes to determine overall node health.", "Requires external entities to create node attributes (named with the prefix '#health') with values: 'red', 'yellow' or 'green'."}, { "node-health-base", NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", &check_number, "The base score assigned to a node", "Only used when node-health-strategy is set to progressive." }, { "node-health-green", NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", &check_number, "The score 'green' translates to in rsc_location constraints", "Only used when node-health-strategy is set to custom or progressive." }, { "node-health-yellow", NULL, "integer", NULL, "0", &check_number, "The score 'yellow' translates to in rsc_location constraints", "Only used when node-health-strategy is set to custom or progressive." }, { "node-health-red", NULL, "integer", NULL, "-INFINITY", &check_number, "The score 'red' translates to in rsc_location constraints", "Only used when node-health-strategy is set to custom or progressive." }, /*Placement Strategy*/ { "placement-strategy", NULL, "enum", "default, utilization, minimal, balanced", "default", &check_placement_strategy, "The strategy to determine resource placement", NULL}, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ void pe_metadata(void) { config_metadata("Policy Engine", "1.0", "Policy Engine Options", "This is a fake resource that details the options that can be configured for the Policy Engine.", pe_opts, DIMOF(pe_opts)); } void verify_pe_options(GHashTable * options) { verify_all_options(options, pe_opts, DIMOF(pe_opts)); } const char * pe_pref(GHashTable * options, const char *name) { return get_cluster_pref(options, pe_opts, DIMOF(pe_opts), name); } const char * fail2text(enum action_fail_response fail) { const char *result = ""; switch (fail) { case action_fail_ignore: result = "ignore"; break; case action_fail_block: result = "block"; break; case action_fail_recover: result = "recover"; break; case action_fail_migrate: result = "migrate"; break; case action_fail_stop: result = "stop"; break; case action_fail_fence: result = "fence"; break; case action_fail_standby: result = "standby"; break; case action_fail_restart_container: result = "restart-container"; break; case action_fail_reset_remote: result = "reset-remote"; break; } return result; } enum action_tasks text2task(const char *task) { if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { return stop_rsc; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOPPED)) { return stopped_rsc; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START)) { return start_rsc; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STARTED)) { return started_rsc; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN)) { return shutdown_crm; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) { return stonith_node; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) { return monitor_rsc; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY)) { return action_notify; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFIED)) { return action_notified; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) { return action_promote; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) { return action_demote; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTED)) { return action_promoted; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTED)) { return action_demoted; } #if SUPPORT_TRACING if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL)) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_PROBED)) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, "fail")) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, "stonith_up")) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, "stonith_complete")) { return no_action; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, "all_stopped")) { return no_action; } crm_trace("Unsupported action: %s", task); #endif return no_action; } const char * task2text(enum action_tasks task) { const char *result = ""; switch (task) { case no_action: result = "no_action"; break; case stop_rsc: result = CRMD_ACTION_STOP; break; case stopped_rsc: result = CRMD_ACTION_STOPPED; break; case start_rsc: result = CRMD_ACTION_START; break; case started_rsc: result = CRMD_ACTION_STARTED; break; case shutdown_crm: result = CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN; break; case stonith_node: result = CRM_OP_FENCE; break; case monitor_rsc: result = CRMD_ACTION_STATUS; break; case action_notify: result = CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY; break; case action_notified: result = CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFIED; break; case action_promote: result = CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE; break; case action_promoted: result = CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTED; break; case action_demote: result = CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE; break; case action_demoted: result = CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTED; break; } return result; } const char * role2text(enum rsc_role_e role) { switch (role) { case RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN: return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S; case RSC_ROLE_STOPPED: return RSC_ROLE_STOPPED_S; case RSC_ROLE_STARTED: return RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S; case RSC_ROLE_SLAVE: return RSC_ROLE_SLAVE_S; case RSC_ROLE_MASTER: return RSC_ROLE_MASTER_S; } CRM_CHECK(role >= RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN, return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S); CRM_CHECK(role < RSC_ROLE_MAX, return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S); return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S; } enum rsc_role_e text2role(const char *role) { CRM_ASSERT(role != NULL); if (safe_str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_STOPPED_S)) { return RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; } else if (safe_str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S)) { return RSC_ROLE_STARTED; } else if (safe_str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE_S)) { return RSC_ROLE_SLAVE; } else if (safe_str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_MASTER_S)) { return RSC_ROLE_MASTER; } else if (safe_str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S)) { return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; } crm_err("Unknown role: %s", role); return RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; } int merge_weights(int w1, int w2) { int result = w1 + w2; if (w1 <= -INFINITY || w2 <= -INFINITY) { if (w1 >= INFINITY || w2 >= INFINITY) { crm_trace("-INFINITY + INFINITY == -INFINITY"); } return -INFINITY; } else if (w1 >= INFINITY || w2 >= INFINITY) { return INFINITY; } /* detect wrap-around */ if (result > 0) { if (w1 <= 0 && w2 < 0) { result = -INFINITY; } } else if (w1 > 0 && w2 > 0) { result = INFINITY; } /* detect +/- INFINITY */ if (result >= INFINITY) { result = INFINITY; } else if (result <= -INFINITY) { result = -INFINITY; } crm_trace("%d + %d = %d", w1, w2, result); return result; } void add_hash_param(GHashTable * hash, const char *name, const char *value) { CRM_CHECK(hash != NULL, return); crm_trace("adding: name=%s value=%s", crm_str(name), crm_str(value)); if (name == NULL || value == NULL) { return; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "#default")) { return; } else if (g_hash_table_lookup(hash, name) == NULL) { g_hash_table_insert(hash, strdup(name), strdup(value)); } } const char * pe_node_attribute_calculated(pe_node_t *node, const char *name, resource_t *rsc) { const char *source; if(node == NULL) { return NULL; } else if(rsc == NULL) { return g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, name); } source = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET); if(source == NULL || safe_str_eq("host", source) == FALSE) { return g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, name); } /* Use attributes set for the containers location * instead of for the container itself * * Useful when the container is using the host's local * storage */ CRM_ASSERT(node->details->remote_rsc); CRM_ASSERT(node->details->remote_rsc->container); if(node->details->remote_rsc->container->running_on) { pe_node_t *host = node->details->remote_rsc->container->running_on->data; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Looking for %s on the container host %s", rsc->id, name, host->details->uname); return g_hash_table_lookup(host->details->attrs, name); } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Not looking for %s on the container host: %s is inactive", rsc->id, name, node->details->remote_rsc->container->id); return NULL; } const char * pe_node_attribute_raw(pe_node_t *node, const char *name) { if(node == NULL) { return NULL; } return g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->attrs, name); } diff --git a/lib/pengine/complex.c b/lib/pengine/complex.c index 40b569bb55..b2f7ba774e 100644 --- a/lib/pengine/complex.c +++ b/lib/pengine/complex.c @@ -1,916 +1,974 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include +#include + void populate_hash(xmlNode * nvpair_list, GHashTable * hash, const char **attrs, int attrs_length); resource_object_functions_t resource_class_functions[] = { { native_unpack, native_find_rsc, native_parameter, native_print, native_active, native_resource_state, native_location, native_free }, { group_unpack, native_find_rsc, native_parameter, group_print, group_active, group_resource_state, native_location, group_free }, { clone_unpack, native_find_rsc, native_parameter, clone_print, clone_active, clone_resource_state, native_location, clone_free }, { master_unpack, native_find_rsc, native_parameter, clone_print, clone_active, clone_resource_state, native_location, clone_free }, { container_unpack, native_find_rsc, native_parameter, container_print, container_active, container_resource_state, native_location, container_free } }; enum pe_obj_types get_resource_type(const char *name) { if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE)) { return pe_native; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_GROUP)) { return pe_group; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_INCARNATION)) { return pe_clone; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_MASTER)) { return pe_master; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_CIB_TAG_CONTAINER)) { return pe_container; } return pe_unknown; } const char * get_resource_typename(enum pe_obj_types type) { switch (type) { case pe_native: return XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE; case pe_group: return XML_CIB_TAG_GROUP; case pe_clone: return XML_CIB_TAG_INCARNATION; case pe_master: return XML_CIB_TAG_MASTER; case pe_container: return XML_CIB_TAG_CONTAINER; case pe_unknown: return "unknown"; } return ""; } static void dup_attr(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { add_hash_param(user_data, key, value); } void get_meta_attributes(GHashTable * meta_hash, resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GHashTable *node_hash = NULL; const char *version = crm_element_value(data_set->input, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); if (node) { node_hash = node->details->attrs; } if (rsc->xml) { xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL; for (xIter = rsc->xml->properties; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) { const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name; const char *prop_value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, prop_name); add_hash_param(meta_hash, prop_name, prop_value); } } unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, rsc->xml, XML_TAG_META_SETS, node_hash, meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); if(version == NULL || compare_version(version, "3.0.9") < 0) { /* populate from the regular attributes until the GUI can create * meta attributes */ unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, rsc->xml, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, node_hash, meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); } /* set anything else based on the parent */ if (rsc->parent != NULL) { g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->parent->meta, dup_attr, meta_hash); } /* and finally check the defaults */ unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, data_set->rsc_defaults, XML_TAG_META_SETS, node_hash, meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); } void get_rsc_attributes(GHashTable * meta_hash, resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GHashTable *node_hash = NULL; if (node) { node_hash = node->details->attrs; } unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, rsc->xml, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, node_hash, meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); /* set anything else based on the parent */ if (rsc->parent != NULL) { get_rsc_attributes(meta_hash, rsc->parent, node, data_set); } else { /* and finally check the defaults */ unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, data_set->rsc_defaults, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, node_hash, meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); } } #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS void pe_get_versioned_attributes(xmlNode * meta_hash, resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GHashTable *node_hash = NULL; if (node) { node_hash = node->details->attrs; } pe_unpack_versioned_attributes(data_set->input, rsc->xml, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, node_hash, meta_hash, data_set->now); /* set anything else based on the parent */ if (rsc->parent != NULL) { pe_get_versioned_attributes(meta_hash, rsc->parent, node, data_set); } else { /* and finally check the defaults */ pe_unpack_versioned_attributes(data_set->input, data_set->rsc_defaults, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, node_hash, meta_hash, data_set->now); } } #endif static char * template_op_key(xmlNode * op) { const char *name = crm_element_value(op, "name"); const char *role = crm_element_value(op, "role"); char *key = NULL; if (role == NULL || crm_str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_STARTED_S, TRUE) || crm_str_eq(role, RSC_ROLE_SLAVE_S, TRUE)) { role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN_S; } key = crm_concat(name, role, '-'); return key; } static gboolean unpack_template(xmlNode * xml_obj, xmlNode ** expanded_xml, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { xmlNode *cib_resources = NULL; xmlNode *template = NULL; xmlNode *new_xml = NULL; xmlNode *child_xml = NULL; xmlNode *rsc_ops = NULL; xmlNode *template_ops = NULL; const char *template_ref = NULL; const char *clone = NULL; const char *id = NULL; if (xml_obj == NULL) { pe_err("No resource object for template unpacking"); return FALSE; } template_ref = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_RSC_TEMPLATE); if (template_ref == NULL) { return TRUE; } id = ID(xml_obj); if (id == NULL) { pe_err("'%s' object must have a id", crm_element_name(xml_obj)); return FALSE; } if (crm_str_eq(template_ref, id, TRUE)) { pe_err("The resource object '%s' should not reference itself", id); return FALSE; } cib_resources = get_xpath_object("//"XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES, data_set->input, LOG_TRACE); if (cib_resources == NULL) { pe_err("No resources configured"); return FALSE; } template = find_entity(cib_resources, XML_CIB_TAG_RSC_TEMPLATE, template_ref); if (template == NULL) { pe_err("No template named '%s'", template_ref); return FALSE; } new_xml = copy_xml(template); xmlNodeSetName(new_xml, xml_obj->name); crm_xml_replace(new_xml, XML_ATTR_ID, id); clone = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION); if(clone) { crm_xml_add(new_xml, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION, clone); } template_ops = find_xml_node(new_xml, "operations", FALSE); for (child_xml = __xml_first_child(xml_obj); child_xml != NULL; child_xml = __xml_next_element(child_xml)) { xmlNode *new_child = NULL; new_child = add_node_copy(new_xml, child_xml); if (crm_str_eq((const char *)new_child->name, "operations", TRUE)) { rsc_ops = new_child; } } if (template_ops && rsc_ops) { xmlNode *op = NULL; GHashTable *rsc_ops_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, NULL); for (op = __xml_first_child(rsc_ops); op != NULL; op = __xml_next_element(op)) { char *key = template_op_key(op); g_hash_table_insert(rsc_ops_hash, key, op); } for (op = __xml_first_child(template_ops); op != NULL; op = __xml_next_element(op)) { char *key = template_op_key(op); if (g_hash_table_lookup(rsc_ops_hash, key) == NULL) { add_node_copy(rsc_ops, op); } free(key); } if (rsc_ops_hash) { g_hash_table_destroy(rsc_ops_hash); } free_xml(template_ops); } /*free_xml(*expanded_xml); */ *expanded_xml = new_xml; /* Disable multi-level templates for now */ /*if(unpack_template(new_xml, expanded_xml, data_set) == FALSE) { free_xml(*expanded_xml); *expanded_xml = NULL; return FALSE; } */ return TRUE; } static gboolean add_template_rsc(xmlNode * xml_obj, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { const char *template_ref = NULL; const char *id = NULL; if (xml_obj == NULL) { pe_err("No resource object for processing resource list of template"); return FALSE; } template_ref = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_RSC_TEMPLATE); if (template_ref == NULL) { return TRUE; } id = ID(xml_obj); if (id == NULL) { pe_err("'%s' object must have a id", crm_element_name(xml_obj)); return FALSE; } if (crm_str_eq(template_ref, id, TRUE)) { pe_err("The resource object '%s' should not reference itself", id); return FALSE; } if (add_tag_ref(data_set->template_rsc_sets, template_ref, id) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void handle_rsc_isolation(resource_t *rsc) { resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc); resource_t *iso = rsc; const char *wrapper = NULL; const char *value; /* check for isolation wrapper mapping if the parent doesn't have one set * isolation mapping is enabled by default. For safety, we are allowing isolation * to be disabled by setting the meta attr, isolation=false. */ value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_ISOLATION); if (top->isolation_wrapper == NULL && (value == NULL || crm_is_true(value))) { if (g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->parameters, "pcmk_docker_image")) { wrapper = "docker-wrapper"; } /* add more isolation technologies here as we expand */ } else if (top->isolation_wrapper) { goto set_rsc_opts; } if (wrapper == NULL) { return; } /* if this is a cloned primitive/group, go head and set the isolation wrapper at * at the clone level. this is really the only sane thing to do in this situation. * This allows someone to clone an isolated resource without having to shuffle * around the isolation attributes to the clone parent */ if (top == rsc->parent && pe_rsc_is_clone(top)) { iso = top; } iso->isolation_wrapper = wrapper; set_bit(top->flags, pe_rsc_unique); set_rsc_opts: + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_isolation, "Support for 'isolation' resource meta-attribute" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future release" + " (use bundle syntax instead)"); + clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate); set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique); if (pe_rsc_is_clone(top)) { add_hash_param(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_UNIQUE, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE); } } +static void +check_deprecated_stonith(resource_t *rsc) +{ + GHashTableIter iter; + char *key; + + g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->parameters); + while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &key, NULL)) { + if (!strncmp(key, "pcmk_", 5)) { + char *cmp = key + 5; // the part after "pcmk_" + + if (!strcmp(cmp, "poweroff_action")) { + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_poweroff, + "Support for the 'pcmk_poweroff_action' stonith resource parameter" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future version" + " (use 'pcmk_off_action' instead)"); + + } else if (!strcmp(cmp, "arg_map")) { + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_arg_map, + "Support for the 'pcmk_arg_map' stonith resource parameter" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future version" + " (use 'pcmk_host_argument' instead)"); + + } else if (crm_ends_with(cmp, "_cmd")) { + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_stonith_cmd, + "Support for the 'pcmk_*_cmd' stonith resource parameters" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future version" + " (use 'pcmk_*_action' instead)"); + } + } + } +} + gboolean common_unpack(xmlNode * xml_obj, resource_t ** rsc, resource_t * parent, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { bool isdefault = FALSE; xmlNode *expanded_xml = NULL; xmlNode *ops = NULL; resource_t *top = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *rclass = NULL; /* Look for this after any templates have been expanded */ const char *id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID); int container_remote_node = 0; int baremetal_remote_node = 0; bool has_versioned_params = FALSE; crm_log_xml_trace(xml_obj, "Processing resource input..."); if (id == NULL) { pe_err("Must specify id tag in "); return FALSE; } else if (rsc == NULL) { pe_err("Nowhere to unpack resource into"); return FALSE; } if (unpack_template(xml_obj, &expanded_xml, data_set) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } *rsc = calloc(1, sizeof(resource_t)); (*rsc)->cluster = data_set; if (expanded_xml) { crm_log_xml_trace(expanded_xml, "Expanded resource..."); (*rsc)->xml = expanded_xml; (*rsc)->orig_xml = xml_obj; } else { (*rsc)->xml = xml_obj; (*rsc)->orig_xml = NULL; } /* Do not use xml_obj from here on, use (*rsc)->xml in case templates are involved */ rclass = crm_element_value((*rsc)->xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS); (*rsc)->parent = parent; ops = find_xml_node((*rsc)->xml, "operations", FALSE); (*rsc)->ops_xml = expand_idref(ops, data_set->input); (*rsc)->variant = get_resource_type(crm_element_name((*rsc)->xml)); if ((*rsc)->variant == pe_unknown) { pe_err("Unknown resource type: %s", crm_element_name((*rsc)->xml)); free(*rsc); return FALSE; } (*rsc)->parameters = crm_str_table_new(); #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS (*rsc)->versioned_parameters = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_RSC_VER_ATTRS); #endif (*rsc)->meta = crm_str_table_new(); (*rsc)->allowed_nodes = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_hash_destroy_str); (*rsc)->known_on = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_hash_destroy_str); value = crm_element_value((*rsc)->xml, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION); if (value) { (*rsc)->id = crm_concat(id, value, ':'); add_hash_param((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_INCARNATION, value); } else { (*rsc)->id = strdup(id); } (*rsc)->fns = &resource_class_functions[(*rsc)->variant]; pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "Unpacking resource..."); get_meta_attributes((*rsc)->meta, *rsc, NULL, data_set); get_rsc_attributes((*rsc)->parameters, *rsc, NULL, data_set); #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS pe_get_versioned_attributes((*rsc)->versioned_parameters, *rsc, NULL, data_set); #endif (*rsc)->flags = 0; set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_runnable); set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_provisional); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_is_managed_default)) { set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed); } (*rsc)->rsc_cons = NULL; (*rsc)->rsc_tickets = NULL; (*rsc)->actions = NULL; (*rsc)->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; (*rsc)->next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; (*rsc)->recovery_type = recovery_stop_start; (*rsc)->stickiness = data_set->default_resource_stickiness; (*rsc)->migration_threshold = INFINITY; (*rsc)->failure_timeout = 0; value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_CIB_ATTR_PRIORITY); (*rsc)->priority = crm_parse_int(value, "0"); (*rsc)->effective_priority = (*rsc)->priority; value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_NOTIFY); if (crm_is_true(value)) { set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_notify); } if (xml_contains_remote_node((*rsc)->xml)) { (*rsc)->is_remote_node = TRUE; if (g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER)) { container_remote_node = 1; } else { baremetal_remote_node = 1; } } value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_ALLOW_MIGRATE); #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS has_versioned_params = xml_has_children((*rsc)->versioned_parameters); #endif if (crm_is_true(value) && has_versioned_params) { pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "Migration is disabled for resources with versioned parameters"); } else if (crm_is_true(value)) { set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate); } else if ((value == NULL) && baremetal_remote_node && !has_versioned_params) { /* by default, we want baremetal remote-nodes to be able * to float around the cluster without having to stop all the * resources within the remote-node before moving. Allowing * migration support enables this feature. If this ever causes * problems, migration support can be explicitly turned off with * allow-migrate=false. * We don't support migration for versioned resources, though. */ set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate); } value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_MANAGED); if (value != NULL && safe_str_neq("default", value)) { gboolean bool_value = TRUE; crm_str_to_boolean(value, &bool_value); if (bool_value == FALSE) { clear_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed); } else { set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed); } } value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_MAINTENANCE); if (value != NULL && safe_str_neq("default", value)) { gboolean bool_value = FALSE; crm_str_to_boolean(value, &bool_value); if (bool_value == TRUE) { clear_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed); set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance); } } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_maintenance_mode)) { clear_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_managed); set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance); } pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "Options for %s", (*rsc)->id); handle_rsc_isolation(*rsc); top = uber_parent(*rsc); value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_UNIQUE); if (crm_is_true(value) || pe_rsc_is_clone(top) == FALSE) { set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_unique); } value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_RESTART); if (safe_str_eq(value, "restart")) { (*rsc)->restart_type = pe_restart_restart; pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tDependency restart handling: restart"); } else { (*rsc)->restart_type = pe_restart_ignore; pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tDependency restart handling: ignore"); } value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_MULTIPLE); if (safe_str_eq(value, "stop_only")) { (*rsc)->recovery_type = recovery_stop_only; pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tMultiple running resource recovery: stop only"); } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "block")) { (*rsc)->recovery_type = recovery_block; pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tMultiple running resource recovery: block"); } else { (*rsc)->recovery_type = recovery_stop_start; pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tMultiple running resource recovery: stop/start"); } value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_STICKINESS); if (value != NULL && safe_str_neq("default", value)) { (*rsc)->stickiness = char2score(value); } value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_FAIL_STICKINESS); if (value != NULL && safe_str_neq("default", value)) { (*rsc)->migration_threshold = char2score(value); } else if (value == NULL) { /* Make a best-effort guess at a migration threshold for people with 0.6 configs * try with underscores and hyphens, from both the resource and global defaults section */ + const char *legacy = NULL; - value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, "resource-failure-stickiness"); - if (value == NULL) { - value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, "resource_failure_stickiness"); + legacy = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, + "resource-failure-stickiness"); + if (legacy == NULL) { + legacy = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, + "resource_failure_stickiness"); } - if (value == NULL) { - value = - g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->config_hash, "default-resource-failure-stickiness"); + if (legacy) { + value = legacy; + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_rsc_failstick, + "Support for 'resource-failure-stickiness' resource meta-attribute" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future release" + " (use 'migration-threshold' resource meta-attribute instead)"); } - if (value == NULL) { - value = - g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->config_hash, "default_resource_failure_stickiness"); + + legacy = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->config_hash, + "default-resource-failure-stickiness"); + if (legacy == NULL) { + legacy = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->config_hash, + "default_resource_failure_stickiness"); + } + if (legacy) { + if (value == NULL) { + value = legacy; + } + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_default_rscfs, + "Support for 'default-resource-failure-stickiness' cluster option" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future release" + " (use 'migration-threshold' in rsc_defaults instead)"); } if (value) { int fail_sticky = char2score(value); if (fail_sticky == -INFINITY) { (*rsc)->migration_threshold = 1; pe_rsc_info((*rsc), "Set a migration threshold of %d for %s based on a failure-stickiness of %s", (*rsc)->migration_threshold, (*rsc)->id, value); } else if ((*rsc)->stickiness != 0 && fail_sticky != 0) { (*rsc)->migration_threshold = (*rsc)->stickiness / fail_sticky; if ((*rsc)->migration_threshold < 0) { /* Make sure it's positive */ (*rsc)->migration_threshold = 0 - (*rsc)->migration_threshold; } (*rsc)->migration_threshold += 1; pe_rsc_info((*rsc), "Calculated a migration threshold for %s of %d based on a stickiness of %d/%s", (*rsc)->id, (*rsc)->migration_threshold, (*rsc)->stickiness, value); } } } if (safe_str_eq(rclass, PCMK_RESOURCE_CLASS_STONITH)) { set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource); set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device); + check_deprecated_stonith(*rsc); } value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_REQUIRES); handle_requires_pref: if (safe_str_eq(value, "nothing")) { } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "quorum")) { set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_needs_quorum); } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "unfencing")) { if (is_set((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) { crm_config_warn("%s is a fencing device but requires (un)fencing", (*rsc)->id); value = "quorum"; isdefault = TRUE; goto handle_requires_pref; } else if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { crm_config_warn("%s requires (un)fencing but fencing is disabled", (*rsc)->id); value = "quorum"; isdefault = TRUE; goto handle_requires_pref; } else { set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_needs_fencing); set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing); } } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "fencing")) { set_bit((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_needs_fencing); if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { crm_config_warn("%s requires fencing but fencing is disabled", (*rsc)->id); } } else { if (value) { crm_config_err("Invalid value for %s->requires: %s%s", (*rsc)->id, value, is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) ? "" : " (stonith-enabled=false)"); } isdefault = TRUE; if(is_set((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) { value = "quorum"; } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) { value = "unfencing"; } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { value = "fencing"; } else if (data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_ignore) { value = "nothing"; } else { value = "quorum"; } goto handle_requires_pref; } pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tRequired to start: %s%s", value, isdefault?" (default)":""); value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_FAIL_TIMEOUT); if (value != NULL) { /* call crm_get_msec() and convert back to seconds */ (*rsc)->failure_timeout = (crm_get_msec(value) / 1000); } if (baremetal_remote_node) { value = g_hash_table_lookup((*rsc)->parameters, XML_REMOTE_ATTR_RECONNECT_INTERVAL); if (value) { /* reconnect delay works by setting failure_timeout and preventing the * connection from starting until the failure is cleared. */ (*rsc)->remote_reconnect_interval = (crm_get_msec(value) / 1000); /* we want to override any default failure_timeout in use when remote * reconnect_interval is in use. */ (*rsc)->failure_timeout = (*rsc)->remote_reconnect_interval; } } get_target_role(*rsc, &((*rsc)->next_role)); pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tDesired next state: %s", (*rsc)->next_role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN ? role2text((*rsc)->next_role) : "default"); if ((*rsc)->fns->unpack(*rsc, data_set) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_symmetric_cluster)) { resource_location(*rsc, NULL, 0, "symmetric_default", data_set); } else if (container_remote_node) { /* remote resources tied to a container resource must always be allowed * to opt-in to the cluster. Whether the connection resource is actually * allowed to be placed on a node is dependent on the container resource */ resource_location(*rsc, NULL, 0, "remote_connection_default", data_set); } pe_rsc_trace((*rsc), "\tAction notification: %s", is_set((*rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_notify) ? "required" : "not required"); (*rsc)->utilization = crm_str_table_new(); unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, (*rsc)->xml, XML_TAG_UTILIZATION, NULL, (*rsc)->utilization, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); /* data_set->resources = g_list_append(data_set->resources, (*rsc)); */ if (expanded_xml) { if (add_template_rsc(xml_obj, data_set) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } void common_update_score(resource_t * rsc, const char *id, int score) { node_t *node = NULL; node = pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, id); if (node != NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Updating score for %s on %s: %d + %d", rsc->id, id, node->weight, score); node->weight = merge_weights(node->weight, score); } if (rsc->children) { GListPtr gIter = rsc->children; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; common_update_score(child_rsc, id, score); } } } gboolean is_parent(resource_t *child, resource_t *rsc) { resource_t *parent = child; if (parent == NULL || rsc == NULL) { return FALSE; } while (parent->parent != NULL) { if (parent->parent == rsc) { return TRUE; } parent = parent->parent; } return FALSE; } resource_t * uber_parent(resource_t * rsc) { resource_t *parent = rsc; if (parent == NULL) { return NULL; } while (parent->parent != NULL && parent->parent->variant != pe_container) { parent = parent->parent; } return parent; } void common_free(resource_t * rsc) { if (rsc == NULL) { return; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Freeing %s %d", rsc->id, rsc->variant); g_list_free(rsc->rsc_cons); g_list_free(rsc->rsc_cons_lhs); g_list_free(rsc->rsc_tickets); g_list_free(rsc->dangling_migrations); if (rsc->parameters != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(rsc->parameters); } #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS if (rsc->versioned_parameters != NULL) { free_xml(rsc->versioned_parameters); } #endif if (rsc->meta != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(rsc->meta); } if (rsc->utilization != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(rsc->utilization); } if (rsc->parent == NULL && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { free_xml(rsc->xml); rsc->xml = NULL; free_xml(rsc->orig_xml); rsc->orig_xml = NULL; /* if rsc->orig_xml, then rsc->xml is an expanded xml from a template */ } else if (rsc->orig_xml) { free_xml(rsc->xml); rsc->xml = NULL; } if (rsc->running_on) { g_list_free(rsc->running_on); rsc->running_on = NULL; } if (rsc->known_on) { g_hash_table_destroy(rsc->known_on); rsc->known_on = NULL; } if (rsc->actions) { g_list_free(rsc->actions); rsc->actions = NULL; } if (rsc->allowed_nodes) { g_hash_table_destroy(rsc->allowed_nodes); rsc->allowed_nodes = NULL; } g_list_free(rsc->fillers); g_list_free(rsc->rsc_location); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource freed"); free(rsc->id); free(rsc->clone_name); free(rsc->allocated_to); free(rsc->variant_opaque); free(rsc->pending_task); free(rsc); } diff --git a/lib/pengine/rules_alerts.c b/lib/pengine/rules_alerts.c index 409d2dfb04..44674957c6 100644 --- a/lib/pengine/rules_alerts.c +++ b/lib/pengine/rules_alerts.c @@ -1,283 +1,290 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Andrew Beekhof * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef RHEL7_COMPAT /* @COMPAT An early implementation of alerts was backported to RHEL 7, * even though it was never in an upstream release. */ static char *notify_script = NULL; static char *notify_target = NULL; void pe_enable_legacy_alerts(const char *script, const char *target) { free(notify_script); notify_script = (script && strcmp(script, "/dev/null"))? strdup(script) : NULL; free(notify_target); notify_target = target? strdup(target): NULL; + + if (notify_script || notify_target) { + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_legacy_notifs, + "Support for 'notification-agent' and 'notification-target' cluster options" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future release" + " (use alerts feature instead)"); + } } #endif static void get_meta_attrs_from_cib(xmlNode *basenode, crm_alert_entry_t *entry, guint *max_timeout) { GHashTable *config_hash = crm_str_table_new(); crm_time_t *now = crm_time_new(NULL); const char *value = NULL; unpack_instance_attributes(basenode, basenode, XML_TAG_META_SETS, NULL, config_hash, NULL, FALSE, now); crm_time_free(now); value = g_hash_table_lookup(config_hash, XML_ALERT_ATTR_TIMEOUT); if (value) { entry->timeout = crm_get_msec(value); if (entry->timeout <= 0) { if (entry->timeout == 0) { crm_trace("Alert %s uses default timeout of %dmsec", entry->id, CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS); } else { crm_warn("Alert %s has invalid timeout value '%s', using default %dmsec", entry->id, (char*)value, CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS); } entry->timeout = CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS; } else { crm_trace("Alert %s uses timeout of %dmsec", entry->id, entry->timeout); } if (entry->timeout > *max_timeout) { *max_timeout = entry->timeout; } } value = g_hash_table_lookup(config_hash, XML_ALERT_ATTR_TSTAMP_FORMAT); if (value) { /* hard to do any checks here as merely anything can * can be a valid time-format-string */ entry->tstamp_format = strdup(value); crm_trace("Alert %s uses timestamp format '%s'", entry->id, entry->tstamp_format); } g_hash_table_destroy(config_hash); } static void get_envvars_from_cib(xmlNode *basenode, crm_alert_entry_t *entry) { xmlNode *child; if ((basenode == NULL) || (entry == NULL)) { return; } child = first_named_child(basenode, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS); if (child == NULL) { return; } if (entry->envvars == NULL) { entry->envvars = crm_str_table_new(); } for (child = first_named_child(child, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR); child != NULL; child = crm_next_same_xml(child)) { const char *name = crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME); const char *value = crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE); if (value == NULL) { value = ""; } g_hash_table_insert(entry->envvars, strdup(name), strdup(value)); crm_trace("Alert %s: added environment variable %s='%s'", entry->id, name, value); } } static void unpack_alert_filter(xmlNode *basenode, crm_alert_entry_t *entry) { xmlNode *select = first_named_child(basenode, XML_CIB_TAG_ALERT_SELECT); xmlNode *event_type = NULL; uint32_t flags = crm_alert_none; for (event_type = __xml_first_child(select); event_type != NULL; event_type = __xml_next(event_type)) { const char *tagname = crm_element_name(event_type); if (tagname == NULL) { continue; } else if (!strcmp(tagname, XML_CIB_TAG_ALERT_FENCING)) { flags |= crm_alert_fencing; } else if (!strcmp(tagname, XML_CIB_TAG_ALERT_NODES)) { flags |= crm_alert_node; } else if (!strcmp(tagname, XML_CIB_TAG_ALERT_RESOURCES)) { flags |= crm_alert_resource; } else if (!strcmp(tagname, XML_CIB_TAG_ALERT_ATTRIBUTES)) { xmlNode *attr; const char *attr_name; int nattrs = 0; flags |= crm_alert_attribute; for (attr = first_named_child(event_type, XML_CIB_TAG_ALERT_ATTR); attr != NULL; attr = crm_next_same_xml(attr)) { attr_name = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME); if (attr_name) { if (nattrs == 0) { g_strfreev(entry->select_attribute_name); entry->select_attribute_name = NULL; } ++nattrs; entry->select_attribute_name = realloc_safe(entry->select_attribute_name, (nattrs + 1) * sizeof(char*)); entry->select_attribute_name[nattrs - 1] = strdup(attr_name); entry->select_attribute_name[nattrs] = NULL; } } } } if (flags != crm_alert_none) { entry->flags = flags; crm_debug("Alert %s receives events: attributes:%s, fencing:%s, nodes:%s, resources:%s", entry->id, (flags & crm_alert_attribute)? (entry->select_attribute_name? "some" : "all") : "no", (flags & crm_alert_fencing)? "yes" : "no", (flags & crm_alert_node)? "yes" : "no", (flags & crm_alert_resource)? "yes" : "no"); } } static void unpack_alert(xmlNode *alert, crm_alert_entry_t *entry, guint *max_timeout) { get_envvars_from_cib(alert, entry); get_meta_attrs_from_cib(alert, entry, max_timeout); unpack_alert_filter(alert, entry); } /*! * \internal * \brief Unpack a CIB alerts section * * \param[in] alerts XML of alerts section * * \return List of unpacked alert entries * * \note Unlike most unpack functions, this is not used by the pengine itself, * but is supplied for use by daemons that need to send alerts. */ GListPtr pe_unpack_alerts(xmlNode *alerts) { xmlNode *alert; crm_alert_entry_t *entry; guint max_timeout = 0; GListPtr alert_list = NULL; if (alerts) { #ifdef RHEL7_COMPAT if (notify_script) { crm_warn("Ignoring deprecated notification configuration because alerts available"); } #endif } else { #ifdef RHEL7_COMPAT if (notify_script) { entry = crm_alert_entry_new("legacy_notification", notify_script); entry->recipient = strdup(notify_target); entry->tstamp_format = strdup(CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TSTAMP_FORMAT); alert_list = g_list_prepend(alert_list, entry); crm_warn("Deprecated notification syntax in use (alerts syntax is preferable)"); } #endif return alert_list; } for (alert = first_named_child(alerts, XML_CIB_TAG_ALERT); alert != NULL; alert = crm_next_same_xml(alert)) { xmlNode *recipient; int recipients = 0; const char *alert_id = ID(alert); const char *alert_path = crm_element_value(alert, XML_ALERT_ATTR_PATH); /* The schema should enforce this, but to be safe ... */ if ((alert_id == NULL) || (alert_path == NULL)) { crm_warn("Ignoring invalid alert without id and path"); continue; } entry = crm_alert_entry_new(alert_id, alert_path); unpack_alert(alert, entry, &max_timeout); if (entry->tstamp_format == NULL) { entry->tstamp_format = strdup(CRM_ALERT_DEFAULT_TSTAMP_FORMAT); } crm_debug("Alert %s: path=%s timeout=%dms tstamp-format='%s' %u vars", entry->id, entry->path, entry->timeout, entry->tstamp_format, (entry->envvars? g_hash_table_size(entry->envvars) : 0)); for (recipient = first_named_child(alert, XML_CIB_TAG_ALERT_RECIPIENT); recipient != NULL; recipient = crm_next_same_xml(recipient)) { crm_alert_entry_t *recipient_entry = crm_dup_alert_entry(entry); recipients++; recipient_entry->recipient = strdup(crm_element_value(recipient, XML_ALERT_ATTR_REC_VALUE)); unpack_alert(recipient, recipient_entry, &max_timeout); alert_list = g_list_prepend(alert_list, recipient_entry); crm_debug("Alert %s has recipient %s with value %s and %d envvars", entry->id, ID(recipient), recipient_entry->recipient, (recipient_entry->envvars? g_hash_table_size(recipient_entry->envvars) : 0)); } if (recipients == 0) { alert_list = g_list_prepend(alert_list, entry); } else { crm_free_alert_entry(entry); } } return alert_list; } /*! * \internal * \brief Free an alert list generated by pe_unpack_alerts() * * \param[in] alert_list Alert list to free */ void pe_free_alert_list(GListPtr alert_list) { if (alert_list) { g_list_free_full(alert_list, (GDestroyNotify) crm_free_alert_entry); } } diff --git a/lib/pengine/unpack.c b/lib/pengine/unpack.c index e025703c18..6436cb84e1 100644 --- a/lib/pengine/unpack.c +++ b/lib/pengine/unpack.c @@ -1,3443 +1,3453 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include CRM_TRACE_INIT_DATA(pe_status); #define set_config_flag(data_set, option, flag) do { \ const char *tmp = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, option); \ if(tmp) { \ if(crm_is_true(tmp)) { \ set_bit(data_set->flags, flag); \ } else { \ clear_bit(data_set->flags, flag); \ } \ } \ } while(0) gboolean unpack_rsc_op(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, xmlNode ** last_failure, enum action_fail_response *failed, pe_working_set_t * data_set); static gboolean determine_remote_online_status(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * this_node); // Bitmask for warnings we only want to print once uint32_t pe_wo = 0; static gboolean is_dangling_container_remote_node(node_t *node) { /* we are looking for a remote-node that was supposed to be mapped to a * container resource, but all traces of that container have disappeared * from both the config and the status section. */ if (is_remote_node(node) && node->details->remote_rsc && node->details->remote_rsc->container == NULL && is_set(node->details->remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan_container_filler)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*! * \brief Schedule a fence action for a node * * \param[in,out] data_set Current working set of cluster * \param[in,out] node Node to fence * \param[in] reason Text description of why fencing is needed */ void pe_fence_node(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * node, const char *reason) { CRM_CHECK(node, return); /* A guest node is fenced by marking its container as failed */ if (is_container_remote_node(node)) { resource_t *rsc = node->details->remote_rsc->container; if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) == FALSE) { if (!is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { crm_notice("Not fencing guest node %s " "(otherwise would because %s): " "its guest resource %s is unmanaged", node->details->uname, reason, rsc->id); } else { crm_warn("Guest node %s will be fenced " "(by recovering its guest resource %s): %s", node->details->uname, rsc->id, reason); /* We don't mark the node as unclean because that would prevent the * node from running resources. We want to allow it to run resources * in this transition if the recovery succeeds. */ node->details->remote_requires_reset = TRUE; set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed); } } } else if (is_dangling_container_remote_node(node)) { crm_info("Cleaning up dangling connection for guest node %s: " "fencing was already done because %s, " "and guest resource no longer exists", node->details->uname, reason); set_bit(node->details->remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed); } else if (is_baremetal_remote_node(node)) { resource_t *rsc = node->details->remote_rsc; if (rsc && (!is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed))) { crm_notice("Not fencing remote node %s " "(otherwise would because %s): connection is unmanaged", node->details->uname, reason); } else if(node->details->remote_requires_reset == FALSE) { node->details->remote_requires_reset = TRUE; crm_warn("Remote node %s %s: %s", node->details->uname, pe_can_fence(data_set, node)? "will be fenced" : "is unclean", reason); } node->details->unclean = TRUE; pe_fence_op(node, NULL, TRUE, reason, data_set); } else if (node->details->unclean) { crm_trace("Cluster node %s %s because %s", node->details->uname, pe_can_fence(data_set, node)? "would also be fenced" : "also is unclean", reason); } else { crm_warn("Cluster node %s %s: %s", node->details->uname, pe_can_fence(data_set, node)? "will be fenced" : "is unclean", reason); node->details->unclean = TRUE; pe_fence_op(node, NULL, TRUE, reason, data_set); } } // @TODO xpaths can't handle templates, rules, or id-refs // nvpair with provides or requires set to unfencing #define XPATH_UNFENCING_NVPAIR XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR \ "[(@" XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME "='" XML_RSC_ATTR_PROVIDES "'" \ "or @" XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME "='" XML_RSC_ATTR_REQUIRES "') " \ "and @" XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE "='unfencing']" // unfencing in rsc_defaults or any resource #define XPATH_ENABLE_UNFENCING \ "/" XML_TAG_CIB "/" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION "/" XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCES \ "//" XML_TAG_META_SETS "/" XPATH_UNFENCING_NVPAIR \ "|/" XML_TAG_CIB "/" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION "/" XML_CIB_TAG_RSCCONFIG \ "/" XML_TAG_META_SETS "/" XPATH_UNFENCING_NVPAIR static void set_if_xpath(unsigned long long flag, const char *xpath, pe_working_set_t *data_set) { xmlXPathObjectPtr result = NULL; if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, flag)) { result = xpath_search(data_set->input, xpath); if (result && (numXpathResults(result) > 0)) { set_bit(data_set->flags, flag); } freeXpathObject(result); } } gboolean unpack_config(xmlNode * config, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { const char *value = NULL; GHashTable *config_hash = crm_str_table_new(); data_set->config_hash = config_hash; unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, config, XML_CIB_TAG_PROPSET, NULL, config_hash, CIB_OPTIONS_FIRST, FALSE, data_set->now); verify_pe_options(data_set->config_hash); set_config_flag(data_set, "enable-startup-probes", pe_flag_startup_probes); if(is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_probes)) { crm_info("Startup probes: disabled (dangerous)"); } value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, XML_ATTR_HAVE_WATCHDOG); if (value && crm_is_true(value)) { crm_notice("Watchdog will be used via SBD if fencing is required"); set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource); } /* Set certain flags via xpath here, so they can be used before the relevant * configuration sections are unpacked. */ set_if_xpath(pe_flag_enable_unfencing, XPATH_ENABLE_UNFENCING, data_set); value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "stonith-timeout"); data_set->stonith_timeout = crm_get_msec(value); crm_debug("STONITH timeout: %d", data_set->stonith_timeout); set_config_flag(data_set, "stonith-enabled", pe_flag_stonith_enabled); crm_debug("STONITH of failed nodes is %s", is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled"); data_set->stonith_action = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "stonith-action"); crm_trace("STONITH will %s nodes", data_set->stonith_action); set_config_flag(data_set, "concurrent-fencing", pe_flag_concurrent_fencing); crm_debug("Concurrent fencing is %s", is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_concurrent_fencing) ? "enabled" : "disabled"); set_config_flag(data_set, "stop-all-resources", pe_flag_stop_everything); crm_debug("Stop all active resources: %s", is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_everything) ? "true" : "false"); set_config_flag(data_set, "symmetric-cluster", pe_flag_symmetric_cluster); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_symmetric_cluster)) { crm_debug("Cluster is symmetric" " - resources can run anywhere by default"); } value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "default-resource-stickiness"); + if (value) { + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_default_stick, + "Support for 'default-resource-stickiness' cluster property" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future release" + " (use resource-stickiness in rsc_defaults instead)"); + } data_set->default_resource_stickiness = char2score(value); crm_debug("Default stickiness: %d", data_set->default_resource_stickiness); value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "no-quorum-policy"); if (safe_str_eq(value, "ignore")) { data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_ignore; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "freeze")) { data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_freeze; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "suicide")) { if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { int do_panic = 0; crm_element_value_int(data_set->input, XML_ATTR_QUORUM_PANIC, &do_panic); if (do_panic || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum)) { data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_suicide; } else { crm_notice("Resetting no-quorum-policy to 'stop': cluster has never had quorum"); data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_stop; } } else { crm_config_err("Resetting no-quorum-policy to 'stop': stonith is not configured"); data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_stop; } } else { data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_stop; } switch (data_set->no_quorum_policy) { case no_quorum_freeze: crm_debug("On loss of CCM Quorum: Freeze resources"); break; case no_quorum_stop: crm_debug("On loss of CCM Quorum: Stop ALL resources"); break; case no_quorum_suicide: crm_notice("On loss of CCM Quorum: Fence all remaining nodes"); break; case no_quorum_ignore: crm_notice("On loss of CCM Quorum: Ignore"); break; } set_config_flag(data_set, "stop-orphan-resources", pe_flag_stop_rsc_orphans); crm_trace("Orphan resources are %s", is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_rsc_orphans) ? "stopped" : "ignored"); set_config_flag(data_set, "stop-orphan-actions", pe_flag_stop_action_orphans); crm_trace("Orphan resource actions are %s", is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_action_orphans) ? "stopped" : "ignored"); set_config_flag(data_set, "remove-after-stop", pe_flag_remove_after_stop); crm_trace("Stopped resources are removed from the status section: %s", is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_remove_after_stop) ? "true" : "false"); set_config_flag(data_set, "maintenance-mode", pe_flag_maintenance_mode); crm_trace("Maintenance mode: %s", is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_maintenance_mode) ? "true" : "false"); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_maintenance_mode)) { clear_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_is_managed_default); - } else { + } else if (pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "is-managed-default")) { set_config_flag(data_set, "is-managed-default", pe_flag_is_managed_default); + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_default_isman, + "Support for 'is-managed-default' cluster property" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future release" + " (use is-managed in rsc_defaults instead)"); } crm_trace("By default resources are %smanaged", is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_is_managed_default) ? "" : "not "); set_config_flag(data_set, "start-failure-is-fatal", pe_flag_start_failure_fatal); crm_trace("Start failures are %s", is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_start_failure_fatal) ? "always fatal" : "handled by failcount"); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { set_config_flag(data_set, "startup-fencing", pe_flag_startup_fencing); } if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_fencing)) { crm_trace("Unseen nodes will be fenced"); } else { pe_warn_once(pe_wo_blind, "Blind faith: not fencing unseen nodes"); } node_score_red = char2score(pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-red")); node_score_green = char2score(pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-green")); node_score_yellow = char2score(pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-yellow")); crm_debug("Node scores: 'red' = %s, 'yellow' = %s, 'green' = %s", pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-red"), pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-yellow"), pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-green")); data_set->placement_strategy = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "placement-strategy"); crm_trace("Placement strategy: %s", data_set->placement_strategy); return TRUE; } static void destroy_digest_cache(gpointer ptr) { op_digest_cache_t *data = ptr; free_xml(data->params_all); free_xml(data->params_secure); free_xml(data->params_restart); free(data->digest_all_calc); free(data->digest_restart_calc); free(data->digest_secure_calc); free(data); } node_t * pe_create_node(const char *id, const char *uname, const char *type, const char *score, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { node_t *new_node = NULL; if (pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, uname) != NULL) { crm_config_warn("Detected multiple node entries with uname=%s" " - this is rarely intended", uname); } new_node = calloc(1, sizeof(node_t)); if (new_node == NULL) { return NULL; } new_node->weight = char2score(score); new_node->fixed = FALSE; new_node->details = calloc(1, sizeof(struct node_shared_s)); if (new_node->details == NULL) { free(new_node); return NULL; } crm_trace("Creating node for entry %s/%s", uname, id); new_node->details->id = id; new_node->details->uname = uname; new_node->details->online = FALSE; new_node->details->shutdown = FALSE; new_node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled = TRUE; new_node->details->running_rsc = NULL; new_node->details->type = node_ping; if (safe_str_eq(type, "remote")) { new_node->details->type = node_remote; set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_remote_nodes); } else if (type == NULL || safe_str_eq(type, "member") || safe_str_eq(type, NORMALNODE)) { new_node->details->type = node_member; } new_node->details->attrs = crm_str_table_new(); if (is_remote_node(new_node)) { g_hash_table_insert(new_node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_KIND), strdup("remote")); } else { g_hash_table_insert(new_node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_KIND), strdup("cluster")); } new_node->details->utilization = crm_str_table_new(); new_node->details->digest_cache = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, destroy_digest_cache); data_set->nodes = g_list_insert_sorted(data_set->nodes, new_node, sort_node_uname); return new_node; } bool remote_id_conflict(const char *remote_name, pe_working_set_t *data) { bool match = FALSE; #if 1 pe_find_resource(data->resources, remote_name); #else if (data->name_check == NULL) { data->name_check = g_hash_table_new(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal); for (xml_rsc = __xml_first_child(parent); xml_rsc != NULL; xml_rsc = __xml_next_element(xml_rsc)) { const char *id = ID(xml_rsc); /* avoiding heap allocation here because we know the duration of this hashtable allows us to */ g_hash_table_insert(data->name_check, (char *) id, (char *) id); } } if (g_hash_table_lookup(data->name_check, remote_name)) { match = TRUE; } #endif if (match) { crm_err("Invalid remote-node name, a resource called '%s' already exists.", remote_name); return NULL; } return match; } static const char * expand_remote_rsc_meta(xmlNode *xml_obj, xmlNode *parent, pe_working_set_t *data) { xmlNode *attr_set = NULL; xmlNode *attr = NULL; const char *container_id = ID(xml_obj); const char *remote_name = NULL; const char *remote_server = NULL; const char *remote_port = NULL; const char *connect_timeout = "60s"; const char *remote_allow_migrate=NULL; const char *container_managed = NULL; for (attr_set = __xml_first_child(xml_obj); attr_set != NULL; attr_set = __xml_next_element(attr_set)) { if (safe_str_neq((const char *)attr_set->name, XML_TAG_META_SETS)) { continue; } for (attr = __xml_first_child(attr_set); attr != NULL; attr = __xml_next_element(attr)) { const char *value = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE); const char *name = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME); if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE)) { remote_name = value; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, "remote-addr")) { remote_server = value; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, "remote-port")) { remote_port = value; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, "remote-connect-timeout")) { connect_timeout = value; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, "remote-allow-migrate")) { remote_allow_migrate=value; } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_RSC_ATTR_MANAGED)) { container_managed = value; } } } if (remote_name == NULL) { return NULL; } if (remote_id_conflict(remote_name, data)) { return NULL; } pe_create_remote_xml(parent, remote_name, container_id, remote_allow_migrate, container_managed, "30s", "30s", connect_timeout, remote_server, remote_port); return remote_name; } static void handle_startup_fencing(pe_working_set_t *data_set, node_t *new_node) { if ((new_node->details->type == node_remote) && (new_node->details->remote_rsc == NULL)) { /* Ignore fencing for remote nodes that don't have a connection resource * associated with them. This happens when remote node entries get left * in the nodes section after the connection resource is removed. */ return; } if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_fencing)) { // All nodes are unclean until we've seen their status entry new_node->details->unclean = TRUE; } else { // Blind faith ... new_node->details->unclean = FALSE; } /* We need to be able to determine if a node's status section * exists or not separate from whether the node is unclean. */ new_node->details->unseen = TRUE; } gboolean unpack_nodes(xmlNode * xml_nodes, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; node_t *new_node = NULL; const char *id = NULL; const char *uname = NULL; const char *type = NULL; const char *score = NULL; for (xml_obj = __xml_first_child(xml_nodes); xml_obj != NULL; xml_obj = __xml_next_element(xml_obj)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE, TRUE)) { new_node = NULL; id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID); uname = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_UNAME); type = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_TYPE); score = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE); crm_trace("Processing node %s/%s", uname, id); if (id == NULL) { crm_config_err("Must specify id tag in "); continue; } new_node = pe_create_node(id, uname, type, score, data_set); if (new_node == NULL) { return FALSE; } /* if(data_set->have_quorum == FALSE */ /* && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_stop) { */ /* /\* start shutting resources down *\/ */ /* new_node->weight = -INFINITY; */ /* } */ handle_startup_fencing(data_set, new_node); add_node_attrs(xml_obj, new_node, FALSE, data_set); unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_UTILIZATION, NULL, new_node->details->utilization, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); crm_trace("Done with node %s", crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_UNAME)); } } if (data_set->localhost && pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, data_set->localhost) == NULL) { crm_info("Creating a fake local node"); pe_create_node(data_set->localhost, data_set->localhost, NULL, 0, data_set); } return TRUE; } static void setup_container(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { const char *container_id = NULL; if (rsc->children) { GListPtr gIter = rsc->children; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; setup_container(child_rsc, data_set); } return; } container_id = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER); if (container_id && safe_str_neq(container_id, rsc->id)) { resource_t *container = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, container_id); if (container) { rsc->container = container; container->fillers = g_list_append(container->fillers, rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s's container is %s", rsc->id, container_id); } else { pe_err("Resource %s: Unknown resource container (%s)", rsc->id, container_id); } } } gboolean unpack_remote_nodes(xmlNode * xml_resources, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; /* generate remote nodes from resource config before unpacking resources */ for (xml_obj = __xml_first_child(xml_resources); xml_obj != NULL; xml_obj = __xml_next_element(xml_obj)) { const char *new_node_id = NULL; /* first check if this is a bare metal remote node. Bare metal remote nodes * are defined as a resource primitive only. */ if (xml_contains_remote_node(xml_obj)) { new_node_id = ID(xml_obj); /* The "pe_find_node" check is here to make sure we don't iterate over * an expanded node that has already been added to the node list. */ if (new_node_id && pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, new_node_id) == NULL) { crm_trace("Found baremetal remote node %s in container resource %s", new_node_id, ID(xml_obj)); pe_create_node(new_node_id, new_node_id, "remote", NULL, data_set); } continue; } /* Now check for guest remote nodes. * guest remote nodes are defined within a resource primitive. * Example1: a vm resource might be configured as a remote node. * Example2: a vm resource might be configured within a group to be a remote node. * Note: right now we only support guest remote nodes in as a standalone primitive * or a primitive within a group. No cloned primitives can be a guest remote node * right now */ if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE)) { /* expands a metadata defined remote resource into the xml config * as an actual rsc primitive to be unpacked later. */ new_node_id = expand_remote_rsc_meta(xml_obj, xml_resources, data_set); if (new_node_id && pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, new_node_id) == NULL) { crm_trace("Found guest remote node %s in container resource %s", new_node_id, ID(xml_obj)); pe_create_node(new_node_id, new_node_id, "remote", NULL, data_set); } continue; } else if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_GROUP, TRUE)) { xmlNode *xml_obj2 = NULL; /* search through a group to see if any of the primitive contain a remote node. */ for (xml_obj2 = __xml_first_child(xml_obj); xml_obj2 != NULL; xml_obj2 = __xml_next_element(xml_obj2)) { new_node_id = expand_remote_rsc_meta(xml_obj2, xml_resources, data_set); if (new_node_id && pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, new_node_id) == NULL) { crm_trace("Found guest remote node %s in container resource %s which is in group %s", new_node_id, ID(xml_obj2), ID(xml_obj)); pe_create_node(new_node_id, new_node_id, "remote", NULL, data_set); } } } } return TRUE; } /* Call this after all the nodes and resources have been * unpacked, but before the status section is read. * * A remote node's online status is reflected by the state * of the remote node's connection resource. We need to link * the remote node to this connection resource so we can have * easy access to the connection resource during the PE calculations. */ static void link_rsc2remotenode(pe_working_set_t *data_set, resource_t *new_rsc) { node_t *remote_node = NULL; if (new_rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) { return; } if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_quick_location)) { /* remote_nodes and remote_resources are not linked in quick location calculations */ return; } print_resource(LOG_DEBUG_3, "Linking remote-node connection resource, ", new_rsc, FALSE); remote_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, new_rsc->id); CRM_CHECK(remote_node != NULL, return;); remote_node->details->remote_rsc = new_rsc; /* If this is a baremetal remote-node (no container resource * associated with it) then we need to handle startup fencing the same way * as cluster nodes. */ if (new_rsc->container == NULL) { handle_startup_fencing(data_set, remote_node); } else { /* At this point we know if the remote node is a container or baremetal * remote node, update the #kind attribute if a container is involved */ g_hash_table_replace(remote_node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_KIND), strdup("container")); } } static void destroy_tag(gpointer data) { tag_t *tag = data; if (tag) { free(tag->id); g_list_free_full(tag->refs, free); free(tag); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Parse configuration XML for resource information * * \param[in] xml_resources Top of resource configuration XML * \param[in,out] data_set Where to put resource information * * \return TRUE * * \note unpack_remote_nodes() MUST be called before this, so that the nodes can * be used when common_unpack() calls resource_location() */ gboolean unpack_resources(xmlNode * xml_resources, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; GListPtr gIter = NULL; data_set->template_rsc_sets = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, destroy_tag); for (xml_obj = __xml_first_child(xml_resources); xml_obj != NULL; xml_obj = __xml_next_element(xml_obj)) { resource_t *new_rsc = NULL; if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_RSC_TEMPLATE, TRUE)) { const char *template_id = ID(xml_obj); if (template_id && g_hash_table_lookup_extended(data_set->template_rsc_sets, template_id, NULL, NULL) == FALSE) { /* Record the template's ID for the knowledge of its existence anyway. */ g_hash_table_insert(data_set->template_rsc_sets, strdup(template_id), NULL); } continue; } crm_trace("Beginning unpack... <%s id=%s... >", crm_element_name(xml_obj), ID(xml_obj)); if (common_unpack(xml_obj, &new_rsc, NULL, data_set)) { data_set->resources = g_list_append(data_set->resources, new_rsc); print_resource(LOG_DEBUG_3, "Added ", new_rsc, FALSE); } else { crm_config_err("Failed unpacking %s %s", crm_element_name(xml_obj), crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID)); if (new_rsc != NULL && new_rsc->fns != NULL) { new_rsc->fns->free(new_rsc); } } } for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; setup_container(rsc, data_set); link_rsc2remotenode(data_set, rsc); } data_set->resources = g_list_sort(data_set->resources, sort_rsc_priority); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_quick_location)) { /* Ignore */ } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource) == FALSE) { crm_config_err("Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined"); crm_config_err("Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option"); crm_config_err("NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity"); } return TRUE; } gboolean unpack_tags(xmlNode * xml_tags, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { xmlNode *xml_tag = NULL; data_set->tags = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, destroy_tag); for (xml_tag = __xml_first_child(xml_tags); xml_tag != NULL; xml_tag = __xml_next_element(xml_tag)) { xmlNode *xml_obj_ref = NULL; const char *tag_id = ID(xml_tag); if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_tag->name, XML_CIB_TAG_TAG, TRUE) == FALSE) { continue; } if (tag_id == NULL) { crm_config_err("Failed unpacking %s: %s should be specified", crm_element_name(xml_tag), XML_ATTR_ID); continue; } for (xml_obj_ref = __xml_first_child(xml_tag); xml_obj_ref != NULL; xml_obj_ref = __xml_next_element(xml_obj_ref)) { const char *obj_ref = ID(xml_obj_ref); if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj_ref->name, XML_CIB_TAG_OBJ_REF, TRUE) == FALSE) { continue; } if (obj_ref == NULL) { crm_config_err("Failed unpacking %s for tag %s: %s should be specified", crm_element_name(xml_obj_ref), tag_id, XML_ATTR_ID); continue; } if (add_tag_ref(data_set->tags, tag_id, obj_ref) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /* The ticket state section: * "/cib/status/tickets/ticket_state" */ static gboolean unpack_ticket_state(xmlNode * xml_ticket, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { const char *ticket_id = NULL; const char *granted = NULL; const char *last_granted = NULL; const char *standby = NULL; xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL; ticket_t *ticket = NULL; ticket_id = ID(xml_ticket); if (ticket_id == NULL || strlen(ticket_id) == 0) { return FALSE; } crm_trace("Processing ticket state for %s", ticket_id); ticket = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->tickets, ticket_id); if (ticket == NULL) { ticket = ticket_new(ticket_id, data_set); if (ticket == NULL) { return FALSE; } } for (xIter = xml_ticket->properties; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) { const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name; const char *prop_value = crm_element_value(xml_ticket, prop_name); if (crm_str_eq(prop_name, XML_ATTR_ID, TRUE)) { continue; } g_hash_table_replace(ticket->state, strdup(prop_name), strdup(prop_value)); } granted = g_hash_table_lookup(ticket->state, "granted"); if (granted && crm_is_true(granted)) { ticket->granted = TRUE; crm_info("We have ticket '%s'", ticket->id); } else { ticket->granted = FALSE; crm_info("We do not have ticket '%s'", ticket->id); } last_granted = g_hash_table_lookup(ticket->state, "last-granted"); if (last_granted) { ticket->last_granted = crm_parse_int(last_granted, 0); } standby = g_hash_table_lookup(ticket->state, "standby"); if (standby && crm_is_true(standby)) { ticket->standby = TRUE; if (ticket->granted) { crm_info("Granted ticket '%s' is in standby-mode", ticket->id); } } else { ticket->standby = FALSE; } crm_trace("Done with ticket state for %s", ticket_id); return TRUE; } static gboolean unpack_tickets_state(xmlNode * xml_tickets, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL; for (xml_obj = __xml_first_child(xml_tickets); xml_obj != NULL; xml_obj = __xml_next_element(xml_obj)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKET_STATE, TRUE) == FALSE) { continue; } unpack_ticket_state(xml_obj, data_set); } return TRUE; } /* @COMPAT DC < 1.1.7: Compatibility with the deprecated ticket state section: * "/cib/status/tickets/instance_attributes" */ static void get_ticket_state_legacy(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const char *long_key = key; char *state_key = NULL; const char *granted_prefix = "granted-ticket-"; const char *last_granted_prefix = "last-granted-"; static int granted_prefix_strlen = 0; static int last_granted_prefix_strlen = 0; const char *ticket_id = NULL; const char *is_granted = NULL; const char *last_granted = NULL; const char *sep = NULL; ticket_t *ticket = NULL; pe_working_set_t *data_set = user_data; if (granted_prefix_strlen == 0) { granted_prefix_strlen = strlen(granted_prefix); } if (last_granted_prefix_strlen == 0) { last_granted_prefix_strlen = strlen(last_granted_prefix); } if (strstr(long_key, granted_prefix) == long_key) { ticket_id = long_key + granted_prefix_strlen; if (strlen(ticket_id)) { state_key = strdup("granted"); is_granted = value; } } else if (strstr(long_key, last_granted_prefix) == long_key) { ticket_id = long_key + last_granted_prefix_strlen; if (strlen(ticket_id)) { state_key = strdup("last-granted"); last_granted = value; } } else if ((sep = strrchr(long_key, '-'))) { ticket_id = sep + 1; state_key = strndup(long_key, strlen(long_key) - strlen(sep)); } if (ticket_id == NULL || strlen(ticket_id) == 0) { free(state_key); return; } if (state_key == NULL || strlen(state_key) == 0) { free(state_key); return; } ticket = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->tickets, ticket_id); if (ticket == NULL) { ticket = ticket_new(ticket_id, data_set); if (ticket == NULL) { free(state_key); return; } } g_hash_table_replace(ticket->state, state_key, strdup(value)); if (is_granted) { if (crm_is_true(is_granted)) { ticket->granted = TRUE; crm_info("We have ticket '%s'", ticket->id); } else { ticket->granted = FALSE; crm_info("We do not have ticket '%s'", ticket->id); } } else if (last_granted) { ticket->last_granted = crm_parse_int(last_granted, 0); } } static void unpack_handle_remote_attrs(node_t *this_node, xmlNode *state, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { const char *resource_discovery_enabled = NULL; xmlNode *attrs = NULL; resource_t *rsc = NULL; const char *shutdown = NULL; if (crm_str_eq((const char *)state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE) == FALSE) { return; } if ((this_node == NULL) || (is_remote_node(this_node) == FALSE)) { return; } crm_trace("Processing remote node id=%s, uname=%s", this_node->details->id, this_node->details->uname); this_node->details->remote_maintenance = crm_atoi(crm_element_value(state, XML_NODE_IS_MAINTENANCE), "0"); rsc = this_node->details->remote_rsc; if (this_node->details->remote_requires_reset == FALSE) { this_node->details->unclean = FALSE; this_node->details->unseen = FALSE; } attrs = find_xml_node(state, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, FALSE); add_node_attrs(attrs, this_node, TRUE, data_set); shutdown = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_SHUTDOWN); if (shutdown != NULL && safe_str_neq("0", shutdown)) { crm_info("Node %s is shutting down", this_node->details->uname); this_node->details->shutdown = TRUE; if (rsc) { rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; } } if (crm_is_true(pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "standby"))) { crm_info("Node %s is in standby-mode", this_node->details->uname); this_node->details->standby = TRUE; } if (crm_is_true(pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "maintenance")) || (rsc && !is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed))) { crm_info("Node %s is in maintenance-mode", this_node->details->uname); this_node->details->maintenance = TRUE; } resource_discovery_enabled = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, XML_NODE_ATTR_RSC_DISCOVERY); if (resource_discovery_enabled && !crm_is_true(resource_discovery_enabled)) { if (is_baremetal_remote_node(this_node) && is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { crm_warn("ignoring %s attribute on baremetal remote node %s, disabling resource discovery requires stonith to be enabled.", XML_NODE_ATTR_RSC_DISCOVERY, this_node->details->uname); } else { /* if we're here, this is either a baremetal node and fencing is enabled, * or this is a container node which we don't care if fencing is enabled * or not on. container nodes are 'fenced' by recovering the container resource * regardless of whether fencing is enabled. */ crm_info("Node %s has resource discovery disabled", this_node->details->uname); this_node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled = FALSE; } } } static bool unpack_node_loop(xmlNode * status, bool fence, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { bool changed = false; xmlNode *lrm_rsc = NULL; for (xmlNode *state = __xml_first_child(status); state != NULL; state = __xml_next_element(state)) { const char *id = NULL; const char *uname = NULL; node_t *this_node = NULL; bool process = FALSE; if (crm_str_eq((const char *)state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE) == FALSE) { continue; } id = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_ID); uname = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_UNAME); this_node = pe_find_node_any(data_set->nodes, id, uname); if (this_node == NULL) { crm_info("Node %s is unknown", id); continue; } else if (this_node->details->unpacked) { crm_info("Node %s is already processed", id); continue; } else if (is_remote_node(this_node) == FALSE && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { // A redundant test, but preserves the order for regression tests process = TRUE; } else if (is_remote_node(this_node)) { resource_t *rsc = this_node->details->remote_rsc; if (fence || (rsc && rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED)) { determine_remote_online_status(data_set, this_node); unpack_handle_remote_attrs(this_node, state, data_set); process = TRUE; } } else if (this_node->details->online) { process = TRUE; } else if (fence) { process = TRUE; } if(process) { crm_trace("Processing lrm resource entries on %shealthy%s node: %s", fence?"un":"", is_remote_node(this_node)?" remote":"", this_node->details->uname); changed = TRUE; this_node->details->unpacked = TRUE; lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE); lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(lrm_rsc, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE); unpack_lrm_resources(this_node, lrm_rsc, data_set); } } return changed; } /* remove nodes that are down, stopping */ /* create +ve rsc_to_node constraints between resources and the nodes they are running on */ /* anything else? */ gboolean unpack_status(xmlNode * status, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { const char *id = NULL; const char *uname = NULL; xmlNode *state = NULL; node_t *this_node = NULL; crm_trace("Beginning unpack"); if (data_set->tickets == NULL) { data_set->tickets = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, destroy_ticket); } for (state = __xml_first_child(status); state != NULL; state = __xml_next_element(state)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS, TRUE)) { xmlNode *xml_tickets = state; GHashTable *state_hash = NULL; /* @COMPAT DC < 1.1.7: Compatibility with the deprecated ticket state section: * Unpack the attributes in the deprecated "/cib/status/tickets/instance_attributes" if it exists. */ state_hash = crm_str_table_new(); unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_tickets, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, NULL, state_hash, NULL, TRUE, data_set->now); g_hash_table_foreach(state_hash, get_ticket_state_legacy, data_set); if (state_hash) { g_hash_table_destroy(state_hash); } /* Unpack the new "/cib/status/tickets/ticket_state"s */ unpack_tickets_state(xml_tickets, data_set); } if (crm_str_eq((const char *)state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE)) { xmlNode *attrs = NULL; const char *resource_discovery_enabled = NULL; id = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_ID); uname = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_UNAME); this_node = pe_find_node_any(data_set->nodes, id, uname); if (uname == NULL) { /* error */ continue; } else if (this_node == NULL) { crm_config_warn("Node %s in status section no longer exists", uname); continue; } else if (is_remote_node(this_node)) { /* online state for remote nodes is determined by the * rsc state after all the unpacking is done. we do however * need to mark whether or not the node has been fenced as this plays * a role during unpacking cluster node resource state */ this_node->details->remote_was_fenced = crm_atoi(crm_element_value(state, XML_NODE_IS_FENCED), "0"); continue; } crm_trace("Processing node id=%s, uname=%s", id, uname); /* Mark the node as provisionally clean * - at least we have seen it in the current cluster's lifetime */ this_node->details->unclean = FALSE; this_node->details->unseen = FALSE; attrs = find_xml_node(state, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, FALSE); add_node_attrs(attrs, this_node, TRUE, data_set); if (crm_is_true(pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "standby"))) { crm_info("Node %s is in standby-mode", this_node->details->uname); this_node->details->standby = TRUE; } if (crm_is_true(pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "maintenance"))) { crm_info("Node %s is in maintenance-mode", this_node->details->uname); this_node->details->maintenance = TRUE; } resource_discovery_enabled = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, XML_NODE_ATTR_RSC_DISCOVERY); if (resource_discovery_enabled && !crm_is_true(resource_discovery_enabled)) { crm_warn("ignoring %s attribute on node %s, disabling resource discovery is not allowed on cluster nodes", XML_NODE_ATTR_RSC_DISCOVERY, this_node->details->uname); } crm_trace("determining node state"); determine_online_status(state, this_node, data_set); if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) && this_node->details->online && (data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_suicide)) { /* Everything else should flow from this automatically * At least until the PE becomes able to migrate off healthy resources */ pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "cluster does not have quorum"); } } } while(unpack_node_loop(status, FALSE, data_set)) { crm_trace("Start another loop"); } // Now catch any nodes we didn't see unpack_node_loop(status, is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled), data_set); for (GListPtr gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *this_node = gIter->data; if (this_node == NULL) { continue; } else if(is_remote_node(this_node) == FALSE) { continue; } else if(this_node->details->unpacked) { continue; } determine_remote_online_status(data_set, this_node); } return TRUE; } static gboolean determine_online_status_no_fencing(pe_working_set_t * data_set, xmlNode * node_state, node_t * this_node) { gboolean online = FALSE; const char *join = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE); const char *is_peer = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_IS_PEER); const char *in_cluster = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_IN_CLUSTER); const char *exp_state = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED); if (!crm_is_true(in_cluster)) { crm_trace("Node is down: in_cluster=%s", crm_str(in_cluster)); } else if (safe_str_eq(is_peer, ONLINESTATUS)) { if (safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER)) { online = TRUE; } else { crm_debug("Node is not ready to run resources: %s", join); } } else if (this_node->details->expected_up == FALSE) { crm_trace("CRMd is down: in_cluster=%s", crm_str(in_cluster)); crm_trace("\tis_peer=%s, join=%s, expected=%s", crm_str(is_peer), crm_str(join), crm_str(exp_state)); } else { /* mark it unclean */ pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer is unexpectedly down"); crm_info("\tin_cluster=%s, is_peer=%s, join=%s, expected=%s", crm_str(in_cluster), crm_str(is_peer), crm_str(join), crm_str(exp_state)); } return online; } static gboolean determine_online_status_fencing(pe_working_set_t * data_set, xmlNode * node_state, node_t * this_node) { gboolean online = FALSE; gboolean do_terminate = FALSE; const char *join = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE); const char *is_peer = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_IS_PEER); const char *in_cluster = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_IN_CLUSTER); const char *exp_state = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED); const char *terminate = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "terminate"); /* - XML_NODE_IN_CLUSTER ::= true|false - XML_NODE_IS_PEER ::= true|false|online|offline - XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE ::= member|down|pending|banned - XML_NODE_EXPECTED ::= member|down */ if (crm_is_true(terminate)) { do_terminate = TRUE; } else if (terminate != NULL && strlen(terminate) > 0) { /* could be a time() value */ char t = terminate[0]; if (t != '0' && isdigit(t)) { do_terminate = TRUE; } } crm_trace("%s: in_cluster=%s, is_peer=%s, join=%s, expected=%s, term=%d", this_node->details->uname, crm_str(in_cluster), crm_str(is_peer), crm_str(join), crm_str(exp_state), do_terminate); online = crm_is_true(in_cluster); if (safe_str_eq(is_peer, ONLINESTATUS)) { is_peer = XML_BOOLEAN_YES; } if (exp_state == NULL) { exp_state = CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN; } if (this_node->details->shutdown) { crm_debug("%s is shutting down", this_node->details->uname); /* Slightly different criteria since we can't shut down a dead peer */ online = crm_is_true(is_peer); } else if (in_cluster == NULL) { pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer has not been seen by the cluster"); } else if (safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_NACK)) { pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer failed the pacemaker membership criteria"); } else if (do_terminate == FALSE && safe_str_eq(exp_state, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN)) { if (crm_is_true(in_cluster) || crm_is_true(is_peer)) { crm_info("- Node %s is not ready to run resources", this_node->details->uname); this_node->details->standby = TRUE; this_node->details->pending = TRUE; } else { crm_trace("%s is down or still coming up", this_node->details->uname); } } else if (do_terminate && safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN) && crm_is_true(in_cluster) == FALSE && crm_is_true(is_peer) == FALSE) { crm_info("Node %s was just shot", this_node->details->uname); online = FALSE; } else if (crm_is_true(in_cluster) == FALSE) { pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer is no longer part of the cluster"); } else if (crm_is_true(is_peer) == FALSE) { pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer process is no longer available"); /* Everything is running at this point, now check join state */ } else if (do_terminate) { pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "termination was requested"); } else if (safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER)) { crm_info("Node %s is active", this_node->details->uname); } else if (safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_PENDING) || safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN)) { crm_info("Node %s is not ready to run resources", this_node->details->uname); this_node->details->standby = TRUE; this_node->details->pending = TRUE; } else { pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer was in an unknown state"); crm_warn("%s: in-cluster=%s, is-peer=%s, join=%s, expected=%s, term=%d, shutdown=%d", this_node->details->uname, crm_str(in_cluster), crm_str(is_peer), crm_str(join), crm_str(exp_state), do_terminate, this_node->details->shutdown); } return online; } static gboolean determine_remote_online_status(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * this_node) { resource_t *rsc = this_node->details->remote_rsc; resource_t *container = NULL; pe_node_t *host = NULL; /* If there is a node state entry for a (former) Pacemaker Remote node * but no resource creating that node, the node's connection resource will * be NULL. Consider it an offline remote node in that case. */ if (rsc == NULL) { this_node->details->online = FALSE; goto remote_online_done; } container = rsc->container; if (container && (g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1)) { host = rsc->running_on->data; } /* If the resource is currently started, mark it online. */ if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED) { crm_trace("%s node %s presumed ONLINE because connection resource is started", (container? "Guest" : "Remote"), this_node->details->id); this_node->details->online = TRUE; } /* consider this node shutting down if transitioning start->stop */ if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED && rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { crm_trace("%s node %s shutting down because connection resource is stopping", (container? "Guest" : "Remote"), this_node->details->id); this_node->details->shutdown = TRUE; } /* Now check all the failure conditions. */ if(container && is_set(container->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { crm_trace("Guest node %s UNCLEAN because guest resource failed", this_node->details->id); this_node->details->online = FALSE; this_node->details->remote_requires_reset = TRUE; } else if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { crm_trace("%s node %s OFFLINE because connection resource failed", (container? "Guest" : "Remote"), this_node->details->id); this_node->details->online = FALSE; } else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED || (container && container->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED)) { crm_trace("%s node %s OFFLINE because its resource is stopped", (container? "Guest" : "Remote"), this_node->details->id); this_node->details->online = FALSE; this_node->details->remote_requires_reset = FALSE; } else if (host && (host->details->online == FALSE) && host->details->unclean) { crm_trace("Guest node %s UNCLEAN because host is unclean", this_node->details->id); this_node->details->online = FALSE; this_node->details->remote_requires_reset = TRUE; } remote_online_done: crm_trace("Remote node %s online=%s", this_node->details->id, this_node->details->online ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); return this_node->details->online; } gboolean determine_online_status(xmlNode * node_state, node_t * this_node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { gboolean online = FALSE; const char *shutdown = NULL; const char *exp_state = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED); if (this_node == NULL) { crm_config_err("No node to check"); return online; } this_node->details->shutdown = FALSE; this_node->details->expected_up = FALSE; shutdown = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_SHUTDOWN); if (shutdown != NULL && safe_str_neq("0", shutdown)) { this_node->details->shutdown = TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(exp_state, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER)) { this_node->details->expected_up = TRUE; } if (this_node->details->type == node_ping) { this_node->details->unclean = FALSE; online = FALSE; /* As far as resource management is concerned, * the node is safely offline. * Anyone caught abusing this logic will be shot */ } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) == FALSE) { online = determine_online_status_no_fencing(data_set, node_state, this_node); } else { online = determine_online_status_fencing(data_set, node_state, this_node); } if (online) { this_node->details->online = TRUE; } else { /* remove node from contention */ this_node->fixed = TRUE; this_node->weight = -INFINITY; } if (online && this_node->details->shutdown) { /* don't run resources here */ this_node->fixed = TRUE; this_node->weight = -INFINITY; } if (this_node->details->type == node_ping) { crm_info("Node %s is not a pacemaker node", this_node->details->uname); } else if (this_node->details->unclean) { pe_proc_warn("Node %s is unclean", this_node->details->uname); } else if (this_node->details->online) { crm_info("Node %s is %s", this_node->details->uname, this_node->details->shutdown ? "shutting down" : this_node->details->pending ? "pending" : this_node->details->standby ? "standby" : this_node->details->maintenance ? "maintenance" : "online"); } else { crm_trace("Node %s is offline", this_node->details->uname); } return online; } char * clone_strip(const char *last_rsc_id) { int lpc = 0; char *zero = NULL; CRM_CHECK(last_rsc_id != NULL, return NULL); lpc = strlen(last_rsc_id); while (--lpc > 0) { switch (last_rsc_id[lpc]) { case 0: crm_err("Empty string: %s", last_rsc_id); return NULL; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': break; case ':': zero = calloc(1, lpc + 1); memcpy(zero, last_rsc_id, lpc); zero[lpc] = 0; return zero; default: goto done; } } done: zero = strdup(last_rsc_id); return zero; } char * clone_zero(const char *last_rsc_id) { int lpc = 0; char *zero = NULL; CRM_CHECK(last_rsc_id != NULL, return NULL); if (last_rsc_id != NULL) { lpc = strlen(last_rsc_id); } while (--lpc > 0) { switch (last_rsc_id[lpc]) { case 0: return NULL; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': break; case ':': zero = calloc(1, lpc + 3); memcpy(zero, last_rsc_id, lpc); zero[lpc] = ':'; zero[lpc + 1] = '0'; zero[lpc + 2] = 0; return zero; default: goto done; } } done: lpc = strlen(last_rsc_id); zero = calloc(1, lpc + 3); memcpy(zero, last_rsc_id, lpc); zero[lpc] = ':'; zero[lpc + 1] = '0'; zero[lpc + 2] = 0; crm_trace("%s -> %s", last_rsc_id, zero); return zero; } static resource_t * create_fake_resource(const char *rsc_id, xmlNode * rsc_entry, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { resource_t *rsc = NULL; xmlNode *xml_rsc = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE); copy_in_properties(xml_rsc, rsc_entry); crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id); crm_log_xml_debug(xml_rsc, "Orphan resource"); if (!common_unpack(xml_rsc, &rsc, NULL, data_set)) { return NULL; } if (xml_contains_remote_node(xml_rsc)) { node_t *node; crm_debug("Detected orphaned remote node %s", rsc_id); node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc_id); if (node == NULL) { node = pe_create_node(rsc_id, rsc_id, "remote", NULL, data_set); } link_rsc2remotenode(data_set, rsc); if (node) { crm_trace("Setting node %s as shutting down due to orphaned connection resource", rsc_id); node->details->shutdown = TRUE; } } if (crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER)) { /* This orphaned rsc needs to be mapped to a container. */ crm_trace("Detected orphaned container filler %s", rsc_id); set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan_container_filler); } set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan); data_set->resources = g_list_append(data_set->resources, rsc); return rsc; } extern resource_t *create_child_clone(resource_t * rsc, int sub_id, pe_working_set_t * data_set); static resource_t * find_anonymous_clone(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * node, resource_t * parent, const char *rsc_id) { GListPtr rIter = NULL; resource_t *rsc = NULL; gboolean skip_inactive = FALSE; CRM_ASSERT(parent != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(pe_rsc_is_clone(parent)); CRM_ASSERT(is_not_set(parent->flags, pe_rsc_unique)); /* Find an instance active (or partially active for grouped clones) on the specified node */ pe_rsc_trace(parent, "Looking for %s on %s in %s", rsc_id, node->details->uname, parent->id); for (rIter = parent->children; rsc == NULL && rIter; rIter = rIter->next) { GListPtr nIter = NULL; GListPtr locations = NULL; resource_t *child = rIter->data; child->fns->location(child, &locations, TRUE); if (locations == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(child, "Resource %s, skip inactive", child->id); continue; } for (nIter = locations; nIter && rsc == NULL; nIter = nIter->next) { node_t *childnode = nIter->data; if (childnode->details == node->details) { /* ->find_rsc() because we might be a cloned group */ rsc = parent->fns->find_rsc(child, rsc_id, NULL, pe_find_clone); if(rsc) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s, active", rsc->id); } } /* Keep this block, it means we'll do the right thing if * anyone toggles the unique flag to 'off' */ if (rsc && rsc->running_on) { crm_notice("/Anonymous/ clone %s is already running on %s", parent->id, node->details->uname); skip_inactive = TRUE; rsc = NULL; } } g_list_free(locations); } /* Find an inactive instance */ if (skip_inactive == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(parent, "Looking for %s anywhere", rsc_id); for (rIter = parent->children; rsc == NULL && rIter; rIter = rIter->next) { GListPtr locations = NULL; resource_t *child = rIter->data; if (is_set(child->flags, pe_rsc_block)) { pe_rsc_trace(child, "Skip: blocked in stopped state"); continue; } child->fns->location(child, &locations, TRUE); if (locations == NULL) { /* ->find_rsc() because we might be a cloned group */ rsc = parent->fns->find_rsc(child, rsc_id, NULL, pe_find_clone); pe_rsc_trace(parent, "Resource %s, empty slot", rsc->id); } g_list_free(locations); } } if (rsc == NULL) { /* Create an extra orphan */ resource_t *top = create_child_clone(parent, -1, data_set); /* ->find_rsc() because we might be a cloned group */ rsc = top->fns->find_rsc(top, rsc_id, NULL, pe_find_clone); CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL); pe_rsc_debug(parent, "Created orphan %s for %s: %s on %s", top->id, parent->id, rsc_id, node->details->uname); } if (safe_str_neq(rsc_id, rsc->id)) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Internally renamed %s on %s to %s%s", rsc_id, node->details->uname, rsc->id, is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan) ? " (ORPHAN)" : ""); } return rsc; } static resource_t * unpack_find_resource(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * node, const char *rsc_id, xmlNode * rsc_entry) { resource_t *rsc = NULL; resource_t *parent = NULL; crm_trace("looking for %s", rsc_id); rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc_id); /* no match */ if (rsc == NULL) { /* Even when clone-max=0, we still create a single :0 orphan to match against */ char *tmp = clone_zero(rsc_id); resource_t *clone0 = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, tmp); if (clone0 && is_not_set(clone0->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { rsc = clone0; } else { crm_trace("%s is not known as %s either", rsc_id, tmp); } parent = uber_parent(clone0); free(tmp); crm_trace("%s not found: %s", rsc_id, parent ? parent->id : "orphan"); } else if (rsc->variant > pe_native) { crm_trace("%s is no longer a primitive resource, the lrm_resource entry is obsolete", rsc_id); return NULL; } else { parent = uber_parent(rsc); } if(parent && parent->parent) { rsc = find_container_child(rsc_id, rsc, node); } else if (pe_rsc_is_clone(parent)) { if (is_not_set(parent->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { char *base = clone_strip(rsc_id); rsc = find_anonymous_clone(data_set, node, parent, base); CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL); free(base); } if (rsc && safe_str_neq(rsc_id, rsc->id)) { free(rsc->clone_name); rsc->clone_name = strdup(rsc_id); } } return rsc; } static resource_t * process_orphan_resource(xmlNode * rsc_entry, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { resource_t *rsc = NULL; const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_ATTR_ID); crm_debug("Detected orphan resource %s on %s", rsc_id, node->details->uname); rsc = create_fake_resource(rsc_id, rsc_entry, data_set); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_rsc_orphans) == FALSE) { clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed); } else { print_resource(LOG_DEBUG_3, "Added orphan", rsc, FALSE); CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return NULL); resource_location(rsc, NULL, -INFINITY, "__orphan_dont_run__", data_set); } return rsc; } static void process_rsc_state(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, enum action_fail_response on_fail, xmlNode * migrate_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { node_t *tmpnode = NULL; char *reason = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s is %s on %s: on_fail=%s", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), node->details->uname, fail2text(on_fail)); /* process current state */ if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { resource_t *iter = rsc; while (iter) { if (g_hash_table_lookup(iter->known_on, node->details->id) == NULL) { node_t *n = node_copy(node); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s (aka. %s) known on %s", rsc->id, rsc->clone_name, n->details->uname); g_hash_table_insert(iter->known_on, (gpointer) n->details->id, n); } if (is_set(iter->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { break; } iter = iter->parent; } } /* If a managed resource is believed to be running, but node is down ... */ if (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && node->details->online == FALSE && node->details->maintenance == FALSE && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { gboolean should_fence = FALSE; /* If this is a guest node, fence it (regardless of whether fencing is * enabled, because guest node fencing is done by recovery of the * container resource rather than by stonithd). Mark the resource * we're processing as failed. When the guest comes back up, its * operation history in the CIB will be cleared, freeing the affected * resource to run again once we are sure we know its state. */ if (is_container_remote_node(node)) { set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed); should_fence = TRUE; } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { if (is_baremetal_remote_node(node) && node->details->remote_rsc && is_not_set(node->details->remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) { /* setting unseen = true means that fencing of the remote node will * only occur if the connection resource is not going to start somewhere. * This allows connection resources on a failed cluster-node to move to * another node without requiring the baremetal remote nodes to be fenced * as well. */ node->details->unseen = TRUE; reason = crm_strdup_printf("%s is active there (fencing will be" " revoked if remote connection can " "be re-established elsewhere)", rsc->id); } should_fence = TRUE; } if (should_fence) { if (reason == NULL) { reason = crm_strdup_printf("%s is thought to be active there", rsc->id); } pe_fence_node(data_set, node, reason); } free(reason); } if (node->details->unclean) { /* No extra processing needed * Also allows resources to be started again after a node is shot */ on_fail = action_fail_ignore; } switch (on_fail) { case action_fail_ignore: /* nothing to do */ break; case action_fail_fence: /* treat it as if it is still running * but also mark the node as unclean */ reason = crm_strdup_printf("%s failed there", rsc->id); pe_fence_node(data_set, node, reason); free(reason); break; case action_fail_standby: node->details->standby = TRUE; node->details->standby_onfail = TRUE; break; case action_fail_block: /* is_managed == FALSE will prevent any * actions being sent for the resource */ clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed); set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block); break; case action_fail_migrate: /* make sure it comes up somewhere else * or not at all */ resource_location(rsc, node, -INFINITY, "__action_migration_auto__", data_set); break; case action_fail_stop: rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; break; case action_fail_recover: if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed); stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE); } break; case action_fail_restart_container: set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed); if (rsc->container) { stop_action(rsc->container, node, FALSE); } else if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE); } break; case action_fail_reset_remote: set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { tmpnode = NULL; if (rsc->is_remote_node) { tmpnode = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id); } if (tmpnode && is_baremetal_remote_node(tmpnode) && tmpnode->details->remote_was_fenced == 0) { /* connection resource to baremetal resource failed in a way that * should result in fencing the remote-node. */ pe_fence_node(data_set, tmpnode, "remote connection is unrecoverable"); } } /* require the stop action regardless if fencing is occurring or not. */ if (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE); } /* if reconnect delay is in use, prevent the connection from exiting the * "STOPPED" role until the failure is cleared by the delay timeout. */ if (rsc->remote_reconnect_interval) { rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; } break; } /* ensure a remote-node connection failure forces an unclean remote-node * to be fenced. By setting unseen = FALSE, the remote-node failure will * result in a fencing operation regardless if we're going to attempt to * reconnect to the remote-node in this transition or not. */ if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) && rsc->is_remote_node) { tmpnode = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id); if (tmpnode && tmpnode->details->unclean) { tmpnode->details->unseen = FALSE; } } if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { crm_config_warn("Detected active orphan %s running on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); } else { crm_config_warn("Cluster configured not to stop active orphans." " %s must be stopped manually on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); } } native_add_running(rsc, node, data_set); if (on_fail != action_fail_ignore) { set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed); } } else if (rsc->clone_name && strchr(rsc->clone_name, ':') != NULL) { /* Only do this for older status sections that included instance numbers * Otherwise stopped instances will appear as orphans */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resetting clone_name %s for %s (stopped)", rsc->clone_name, rsc->id); free(rsc->clone_name); rsc->clone_name = NULL; } else { char *key = stop_key(rsc); GListPtr possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, node); GListPtr gIter = possible_matches; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *stop = (action_t *) gIter->data; stop->flags |= pe_action_optional; } g_list_free(possible_matches); free(key); } } /* create active recurring operations as optional */ static void process_recurring(node_t * node, resource_t * rsc, int start_index, int stop_index, GListPtr sorted_op_list, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { int counter = -1; const char *task = NULL; const char *status = NULL; GListPtr gIter = sorted_op_list; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Start index %d, stop index = %d", rsc->id, start_index, stop_index); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data; int interval = 0; char *key = NULL; const char *id = ID(rsc_op); const char *interval_s = NULL; counter++; if (node->details->online == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: node is offline", rsc->id, node->details->uname); break; /* Need to check if there's a monitor for role="Stopped" */ } else if (start_index < stop_index && counter <= stop_index) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: resource is not active", id, node->details->uname); continue; } else if (counter < start_index) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: old %d", id, node->details->uname, counter); continue; } interval_s = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); interval = crm_parse_int(interval_s, "0"); if (interval == 0) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: non-recurring", id, node->details->uname); continue; } status = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS); if (safe_str_eq(status, "-1")) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: status", id, node->details->uname); continue; } task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); /* create the action */ key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating %s/%s", key, node->details->uname); custom_action(rsc, key, task, node, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); } } void calculate_active_ops(GListPtr sorted_op_list, int *start_index, int *stop_index) { int counter = -1; int implied_monitor_start = -1; int implied_master_start = -1; const char *task = NULL; const char *status = NULL; GListPtr gIter = sorted_op_list; *stop_index = -1; *start_index = -1; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data; counter++; task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); status = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS); if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP) && safe_str_eq(status, "0")) { *stop_index = counter; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) { *start_index = counter; } else if ((implied_monitor_start <= *stop_index) && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) { const char *rc = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC); if (safe_str_eq(rc, "0") || safe_str_eq(rc, "8")) { implied_monitor_start = counter; } } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) { implied_master_start = counter; } } if (*start_index == -1) { if (implied_master_start != -1) { *start_index = implied_master_start; } else if (implied_monitor_start != -1) { *start_index = implied_monitor_start; } } } static resource_t * unpack_lrm_rsc_state(node_t * node, xmlNode * rsc_entry, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; int stop_index = -1; int start_index = -1; enum rsc_role_e req_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; const char *task = NULL; const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_ATTR_ID); resource_t *rsc = NULL; GListPtr op_list = NULL; GListPtr sorted_op_list = NULL; xmlNode *migrate_op = NULL; xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL; xmlNode *last_failure = NULL; enum action_fail_response on_fail = FALSE; enum rsc_role_e saved_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; crm_trace("[%s] Processing %s on %s", crm_element_name(rsc_entry), rsc_id, node->details->uname); /* extract operations */ op_list = NULL; sorted_op_list = NULL; for (rsc_op = __xml_first_child(rsc_entry); rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = __xml_next_element(rsc_op)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_op->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, TRUE)) { op_list = g_list_prepend(op_list, rsc_op); } } if (op_list == NULL) { /* if there are no operations, there is nothing to do */ return NULL; } /* find the resource */ rsc = unpack_find_resource(data_set, node, rsc_id, rsc_entry); if (rsc == NULL) { rsc = process_orphan_resource(rsc_entry, node, data_set); } CRM_ASSERT(rsc != NULL); /* process operations */ saved_role = rsc->role; on_fail = action_fail_ignore; rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; sorted_op_list = g_list_sort(op_list, sort_op_by_callid); for (gIter = sorted_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data; task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) { migrate_op = rsc_op; } unpack_rsc_op(rsc, node, rsc_op, &last_failure, &on_fail, data_set); } /* create active recurring operations as optional */ calculate_active_ops(sorted_op_list, &start_index, &stop_index); process_recurring(node, rsc, start_index, stop_index, sorted_op_list, data_set); /* no need to free the contents */ g_list_free(sorted_op_list); process_rsc_state(rsc, node, on_fail, migrate_op, data_set); if (get_target_role(rsc, &req_role)) { if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN || req_role < rsc->next_role) { pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s: Overwriting calculated next role %s" " with requested next role %s", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), role2text(req_role)); rsc->next_role = req_role; } else if (req_role > rsc->next_role) { pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Not overwriting calculated next role %s" " with requested next role %s", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), role2text(req_role)); } } if (saved_role > rsc->role) { rsc->role = saved_role; } return rsc; } static void handle_orphaned_container_fillers(xmlNode * lrm_rsc_list, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL; for (rsc_entry = __xml_first_child(lrm_rsc_list); rsc_entry != NULL; rsc_entry = __xml_next_element(rsc_entry)) { resource_t *rsc; resource_t *container; const char *rsc_id; const char *container_id; if (safe_str_neq((const char *)rsc_entry->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE)) { continue; } container_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER); rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_ATTR_ID); if (container_id == NULL || rsc_id == NULL) { continue; } container = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, container_id); if (container == NULL) { continue; } rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc_id); if (rsc == NULL || is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan_container_filler) == FALSE || rsc->container != NULL) { continue; } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Mapped orphaned rsc %s's container to %s", rsc->id, container_id); rsc->container = container; container->fillers = g_list_append(container->fillers, rsc); } } gboolean unpack_lrm_resources(node_t * node, xmlNode * lrm_rsc_list, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL; gboolean found_orphaned_container_filler = FALSE; CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return FALSE); crm_trace("Unpacking resources on %s", node->details->uname); for (rsc_entry = __xml_first_child(lrm_rsc_list); rsc_entry != NULL; rsc_entry = __xml_next_element(rsc_entry)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_entry->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE)) { resource_t *rsc = unpack_lrm_rsc_state(node, rsc_entry, data_set); if (!rsc) { continue; } if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan_container_filler)) { found_orphaned_container_filler = TRUE; } } } /* now that all the resource state has been unpacked for this node * we have to go back and map any orphaned container fillers to their * container resource */ if (found_orphaned_container_filler) { handle_orphaned_container_fillers(lrm_rsc_list, data_set); } return TRUE; } static void set_active(resource_t * rsc) { resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc); if (top && top->variant == pe_master) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_SLAVE; } else { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; } } static void set_node_score(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { node_t *node = value; int *score = user_data; node->weight = *score; } #define STATUS_PATH_MAX 1024 static xmlNode * find_lrm_op(const char *resource, const char *op, const char *node, const char *source, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { int offset = 0; char xpath[STATUS_PATH_MAX]; offset += snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset, "//node_state[@uname='%s']", node); offset += snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset, "//" XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE "[@id='%s']", resource); /* Need to check against transition_magic too? */ if (source && safe_str_eq(op, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) { offset += snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset, "/" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP "[@operation='%s' and @migrate_target='%s']", op, source); } else if (source && safe_str_eq(op, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) { offset += snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset, "/" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP "[@operation='%s' and @migrate_source='%s']", op, source); } else { offset += snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset, "/" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP "[@operation='%s']", op); } CRM_LOG_ASSERT(offset > 0); return get_xpath_object(xpath, data_set->input, LOG_DEBUG); } static void unpack_rsc_migration(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node, xmlNode *xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { /* * The normal sequence is (now): migrate_to(Src) -> migrate_from(Tgt) -> stop(Src) * * So if a migrate_to is followed by a stop, then we don't need to care what * happened on the target node * * Without the stop, we need to look for a successful migrate_from. * This would also imply we're no longer running on the source * * Without the stop, and without a migrate_from op we make sure the resource * gets stopped on both source and target (assuming the target is up) * */ int stop_id = 0; int task_id = 0; xmlNode *stop_op = find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STOP, node->details->id, NULL, data_set); if (stop_op) { crm_element_value_int(stop_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &stop_id); } crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &task_id); if (stop_op == NULL || stop_id < task_id) { int from_rc = 0, from_status = 0; const char *migrate_source = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE); const char *migrate_target = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET); node_t *target = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_target); node_t *source = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_source); xmlNode *migrate_from = find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED, migrate_target, migrate_source, data_set); rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; /* can be master? */ if (migrate_from) { crm_element_value_int(migrate_from, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, &from_rc); crm_element_value_int(migrate_from, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS, &from_status); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s op on %s exited with status=%d, rc=%d", ID(migrate_from), migrate_target, from_status, from_rc); } if (migrate_from && from_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && from_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Detected dangling migration op: %s on %s", ID(xml_op), migrate_source); /* all good * just need to arrange for the stop action to get sent * but _without_ affecting the target somehow */ rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; rsc->dangling_migrations = g_list_prepend(rsc->dangling_migrations, node); } else if (migrate_from) { /* Failed */ if (target && target->details->online) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking active on %s %p %d", migrate_target, target, target->details->online); native_add_running(rsc, target, data_set); } } else { /* Pending or complete but erased */ if (target && target->details->online) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking active on %s %p %d", migrate_target, target, target->details->online); native_add_running(rsc, target, data_set); if (source && source->details->online) { /* If we make it here we have a partial migration. The migrate_to * has completed but the migrate_from on the target has not. Hold on * to the target and source on the resource. Later on if we detect that * the resource is still going to run on that target, we may continue * the migration */ rsc->partial_migration_target = target; rsc->partial_migration_source = source; } } else { /* Consider it failed here - forces a restart, prevents migration */ set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed); clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate); } } } } static void unpack_rsc_migration_failure(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node, xmlNode *xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); CRM_ASSERT(rsc); if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) { int stop_id = 0; int migrate_id = 0; const char *migrate_source = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE); const char *migrate_target = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET); xmlNode *stop_op = find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STOP, migrate_source, NULL, data_set); xmlNode *migrate_op = find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE, migrate_source, migrate_target, data_set); if (stop_op) { crm_element_value_int(stop_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &stop_id); } if (migrate_op) { crm_element_value_int(migrate_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &migrate_id); } /* Get our state right */ rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; /* can be master? */ if (stop_op == NULL || stop_id < migrate_id) { node_t *source = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_source); if (source && source->details->online) { native_add_running(rsc, source, data_set); } } } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) { int stop_id = 0; int migrate_id = 0; const char *migrate_source = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE); const char *migrate_target = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET); xmlNode *stop_op = find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STOP, migrate_target, NULL, data_set); xmlNode *migrate_op = find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED, migrate_target, migrate_source, data_set); if (stop_op) { crm_element_value_int(stop_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &stop_id); } if (migrate_op) { crm_element_value_int(migrate_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &migrate_id); } /* Get our state right */ rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; /* can be master? */ if (stop_op == NULL || stop_id < migrate_id) { node_t *target = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_target); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Stop: %p %d, Migrated: %p %d", stop_op, stop_id, migrate_op, migrate_id); if (target && target->details->online) { native_add_running(rsc, target, data_set); } } else if (migrate_op == NULL) { /* Make sure it gets cleaned up, the stop may pre-date the migrate_from */ rsc->dangling_migrations = g_list_prepend(rsc->dangling_migrations, node); } } } static void record_failed_op(xmlNode *op, node_t* node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { xmlNode *xIter = NULL; const char *op_key = crm_element_value(op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY); if (node->details->online == FALSE) { return; } for (xIter = data_set->failed->children; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) { const char *key = crm_element_value(xIter, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY); const char *uname = crm_element_value(xIter, XML_ATTR_UNAME); if(safe_str_eq(op_key, key) && safe_str_eq(uname, node->details->uname)) { crm_trace("Skipping duplicate entry %s on %s", op_key, node->details->uname); return; } } crm_trace("Adding entry %s on %s", op_key, node->details->uname); crm_xml_add(op, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node->details->uname); add_node_copy(data_set->failed, op); } static const char *get_op_key(xmlNode *xml_op) { const char *key = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY); if(key == NULL) { key = ID(xml_op); } return key; } static void unpack_rsc_op_failure(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, int rc, xmlNode * xml_op, xmlNode ** last_failure, enum action_fail_response * on_fail, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { int interval = 0; bool is_probe = FALSE; action_t *action = NULL; const char *key = get_op_key(xml_op); const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); const char *op_version = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); CRM_ASSERT(rsc); *last_failure = xml_op; crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, &interval); if(interval == 0 && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) { is_probe = TRUE; pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "is a probe: %s", key); } if (rc != PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_symmetric_cluster)) { crm_warn("Processing failed op %s for %s on %s: %s (%d)", task, rsc->id, node->details->uname, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc); record_failed_op(xml_op, node, data_set); } else { crm_trace("Processing failed op %s for %s on %s: %s (%d)", task, rsc->id, node->details->uname, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc); } action = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), task, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, data_set); if ((action->on_fail <= action_fail_fence && *on_fail < action->on_fail) || (action->on_fail == action_fail_reset_remote && *on_fail <= action_fail_recover) || (action->on_fail == action_fail_restart_container && *on_fail <= action_fail_recover) || (*on_fail == action_fail_restart_container && action->on_fail >= action_fail_migrate)) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "on-fail %s -> %s for %s (%s)", fail2text(*on_fail), fail2text(action->on_fail), action->uuid, key); *on_fail = action->on_fail; } if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { resource_location(rsc, node, -INFINITY, "__stop_fail__", data_set); } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) { unpack_rsc_migration_failure(rsc, node, xml_op, data_set); } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) { /* * staying in role=master ends up putting the PE/TE into a loop * setting role=slave is not dangerous because no master will be * promoted until the failed resource has been fully stopped */ if (action->on_fail == action_fail_block) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER; rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; } else if(rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; } else { crm_warn("Forcing %s to stop after a failed demote action", rsc->id); rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_SLAVE; rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; } } else if (compare_version("2.0", op_version) > 0 && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START)) { crm_warn("Compatibility handling for failed op %s on %s", key, node->details->uname); resource_location(rsc, node, -INFINITY, "__legacy_start__", data_set); } if(is_probe && rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED) { /* leave stopped */ pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Leaving %s stopped", rsc->id); rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; } else if (rsc->role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Setting %s active", rsc->id); set_active(rsc); } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s: role=%s, unclean=%s, on_fail=%s, fail_role=%s", rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), node->details->unclean ? "true" : "false", fail2text(action->on_fail), role2text(action->fail_role)); if (action->fail_role != RSC_ROLE_STARTED && rsc->next_role < action->fail_role) { rsc->next_role = action->fail_role; } if (action->fail_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { int score = -INFINITY; resource_t *fail_rsc = rsc; if (fail_rsc->parent) { resource_t *parent = uber_parent(fail_rsc); if (pe_rsc_is_clone(parent) && is_not_set(parent->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { /* for clone and master resources, if a child fails on an operation * with on-fail = stop, all the resources fail. Do this by preventing * the parent from coming up again. */ fail_rsc = parent; } } crm_warn("Making sure %s doesn't come up again", fail_rsc->id); /* make sure it doesn't come up again */ g_hash_table_destroy(fail_rsc->allowed_nodes); fail_rsc->allowed_nodes = node_hash_from_list(data_set->nodes); g_hash_table_foreach(fail_rsc->allowed_nodes, set_node_score, &score); } pe_free_action(action); } static int determine_op_status( resource_t *rsc, int rc, int target_rc, node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, enum action_fail_response * on_fail, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { int interval = 0; int result = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; const char *key = get_op_key(xml_op); const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); bool is_probe = FALSE; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, &interval); if (interval == 0 && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) { is_probe = TRUE; } if (target_rc >= 0 && target_rc != rc) { result = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s on %s returned '%s' (%d) instead of the expected value: '%s' (%d)", key, node->details->uname, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc, services_ocf_exitcode_str(target_rc), target_rc); } /* we could clean this up significantly except for old LRMs and CRMs that * didn't include target_rc and liked to remap status */ switch (rc) { case PCMK_OCF_OK: if (is_probe && target_rc == 7) { result = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Operation %s found resource %s active on %s", task, rsc->id, node->details->uname); /* legacy code for pre-0.6.5 operations */ } else if (target_rc < 0 && interval > 0 && rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { /* catch status ops that return 0 instead of 8 while they * are supposed to be in master mode */ result = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; } break; case PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING: if (is_probe || target_rc == rc || is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { result = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; /* clear any previous failure actions */ *on_fail = action_fail_ignore; rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; } else if (safe_str_neq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { result = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; } break; case PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER: if (is_probe) { result = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Operation %s found resource %s active in master mode on %s", task, rsc->id, node->details->uname); } else if (target_rc == rc) { /* nothing to do */ } else if (target_rc >= 0) { result = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; /* legacy code for pre-0.6.5 operations */ } else if (safe_str_neq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) || rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { result = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_MASTER) { crm_err("%s reported %s in master mode on %s", key, rsc->id, node->details->uname); } } rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER; break; case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER: case PCMK_OCF_FAILED_MASTER: rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER; result = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; break; case PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED: result = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_FATAL; break; case PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED: case PCMK_OCF_INVALID_PARAM: case PCMK_OCF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV: case PCMK_OCF_UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE: if (rc == PCMK_OCF_UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE && interval > 0) { result = PCMK_LRM_OP_NOTSUPPORTED; break; } else if (pe_can_fence(data_set, node) == FALSE && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { /* If a stop fails and we can't fence, there's nothing else we can do */ pe_proc_err("No further recovery can be attempted for %s: %s action failed with '%s' (%d)", rsc->id, task, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc); clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed); set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block); } result = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_HARD; break; default: if (result == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) { crm_info("Treating %s (rc=%d) on %s as an ERROR", key, rc, node->details->uname); result = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR; } } return result; } static bool check_operation_expiry(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node, int rc, xmlNode *xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { bool expired = FALSE; time_t last_failure = 0; int interval = 0; int failure_timeout = rsc->failure_timeout; const char *key = get_op_key(xml_op); const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); const char *clear_reason = NULL; /* clearing recurring monitor operation failures automatically * needs to be carefully considered */ if (safe_str_eq(crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK), "monitor") && safe_str_neq(crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL), "0")) { /* TODO, in the future we should consider not clearing recurring monitor * op failures unless the last action for a resource was a "stop" action. * otherwise it is possible that clearing the monitor failure will result * in the resource being in an undeterministic state. * * For now we handle this potential undeterministic condition for remote * node connection resources by not clearing a recurring monitor op failure * until after the node has been fenced. */ if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) && (rsc->remote_reconnect_interval)) { node_t *remote_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id); if (remote_node && remote_node->details->remote_was_fenced == 0) { if (strstr(ID(xml_op), "last_failure")) { crm_info("Waiting to clear monitor failure for remote node %s until fencing has occurred", rsc->id); } /* disabling failure timeout for this operation because we believe * fencing of the remote node should occur first. */ failure_timeout = 0; } } } if (failure_timeout > 0) { int last_run = 0; if (crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, &last_run) == 0) { time_t now = get_effective_time(data_set); if (now > (last_run + failure_timeout)) { expired = TRUE; } } } if (expired) { if (failure_timeout > 0) { int fc = get_failcount_full(node, rsc, &last_failure, FALSE, xml_op, data_set); if(fc) { if (get_failcount_full(node, rsc, &last_failure, TRUE, xml_op, data_set) == 0) { clear_reason = "it expired"; } else { expired = FALSE; } } else if (rsc->remote_reconnect_interval && strstr(ID(xml_op), "last_failure")) { /* always clear last failure when reconnect interval is set */ clear_reason = "reconnect interval is set"; } } } else if (strstr(ID(xml_op), "last_failure") && ((strcmp(task, "start") == 0) || (strcmp(task, "monitor") == 0))) { op_digest_cache_t *digest_data = NULL; digest_data = rsc_action_digest_cmp(rsc, xml_op, node, data_set); if (digest_data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_UNKNOWN) { crm_trace("rsc op %s/%s on node %s does not have a op digest to compare against", rsc->id, key, node->details->id); } else if (digest_data->rc != RSC_DIGEST_MATCH) { clear_reason = "resource parameters have changed"; } } if (clear_reason != NULL) { char *key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT, 0); action_t *clear_op = custom_action(rsc, key, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set); add_hash_param(clear_op->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_NOWAIT, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE); crm_notice("Clearing failure of %s on %s because %s " CRM_XS " %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname, clear_reason, clear_op->uuid); } crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, &interval); if(expired && interval == 0 && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) { switch(rc) { case PCMK_OCF_OK: case PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING: case PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER: case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED: case PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER: /* Don't expire probes that return these values */ expired = FALSE; break; } } return expired; } int get_target_rc(xmlNode *xml_op) { int dummy = 0; int target_rc = 0; char *dummy_string = NULL; const char *key = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY); if (key == NULL) { return -1; } decode_transition_key(key, &dummy_string, &dummy, &dummy, &target_rc); free(dummy_string); return target_rc; } static enum action_fail_response get_action_on_fail(resource_t *rsc, const char *key, const char *task, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { int result = action_fail_recover; action_t *action = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), task, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, data_set); result = action->on_fail; pe_free_action(action); return result; } static void update_resource_state(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, const char * task, int rc, xmlNode * last_failure, enum action_fail_response * on_fail, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { gboolean clear_past_failure = FALSE; CRM_ASSERT(rsc); CRM_ASSERT(xml_op); if (rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING) { clear_past_failure = TRUE; } else if (rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) { if (last_failure) { const char *op_key = get_op_key(xml_op); const char *last_failure_key = get_op_key(last_failure); if (safe_str_eq(op_key, last_failure_key)) { clear_past_failure = TRUE; } } if (rsc->role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) { set_active(rsc); } } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START)) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; clear_past_failure = TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; clear_past_failure = TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER; clear_past_failure = TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) { /* Demote from Master does not clear an error */ rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_SLAVE; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; clear_past_failure = TRUE; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) { unpack_rsc_migration(rsc, node, xml_op, data_set); } else if (rsc->role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s active on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); set_active(rsc); } /* clear any previous failure actions */ if (clear_past_failure) { switch (*on_fail) { case action_fail_stop: case action_fail_fence: case action_fail_migrate: case action_fail_standby: pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s.%s is not cleared by a completed stop", rsc->id, fail2text(*on_fail)); break; case action_fail_block: case action_fail_ignore: case action_fail_recover: case action_fail_restart_container: *on_fail = action_fail_ignore; rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; break; case action_fail_reset_remote: if (rsc->remote_reconnect_interval == 0) { /* when reconnect delay is not in use, the connection is allowed * to start again after the remote node is fenced and completely * stopped. Otherwise, with reconnect delay we wait for the failure * to be cleared entirely before reconnected can be attempted. */ *on_fail = action_fail_ignore; rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; } break; } } } gboolean unpack_rsc_op(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, xmlNode ** last_failure, enum action_fail_response * on_fail, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { int task_id = 0; const char *key = NULL; const char *task = NULL; const char *task_key = NULL; int rc = 0; int status = PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING-1; int target_rc = get_target_rc(xml_op); int interval = 0; gboolean expired = FALSE; resource_t *parent = rsc; enum action_fail_response failure_strategy = action_fail_recover; CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(xml_op != NULL, return FALSE); task_key = get_op_key(xml_op); task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); key = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY); crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, &rc); crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &task_id); crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS, &status); crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, &interval); CRM_CHECK(task != NULL, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(status <= PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_INSTALLED, return FALSE); CRM_CHECK(status >= PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING, return FALSE); if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_METADATA)) { /* safe to ignore these */ return TRUE; } if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { parent = uber_parent(rsc); } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unpacking task %s/%s (call_id=%d, status=%d, rc=%d) on %s (role=%s)", task_key, task, task_id, status, rc, node->details->uname, role2text(rsc->role)); if (node->details->unclean) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Node %s (where %s is running) is unclean." " Further action depends on the value of the stop's on-fail attribute", node->details->uname, rsc->id); } if (status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR) { /* Older versions set this if rc != 0 but it's up to us to decide */ status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE; } if(status != PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_INSTALLED) { expired = check_operation_expiry(rsc, node, rc, xml_op, data_set); } /* Degraded results are informational only, re-map them to their error-free equivalents */ if (rc == PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) { rc = PCMK_OCF_OK; /* Add them to the failed list to highlight them for the user */ if ((node->details->shutdown == FALSE) || (node->details->online == TRUE)) { crm_trace("Remapping %d to %d", PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED, PCMK_OCF_OK); record_failed_op(xml_op, node, data_set); } } else if (rc == PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) { rc = PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER; /* Add them to the failed list to highlight them for the user */ if ((node->details->shutdown == FALSE) || (node->details->online == TRUE)) { crm_trace("Remapping %d to %d", PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER, PCMK_OCF_RUNNING_MASTER); record_failed_op(xml_op, node, data_set); } } if (expired && target_rc != rc) { const char *magic = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC); pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Expired operation '%s' on %s returned '%s' (%d) instead of the expected value: '%s' (%d)", key, node->details->uname, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc, services_ocf_exitcode_str(target_rc), target_rc); if(interval == 0) { crm_notice("Ignoring expired calculated failure %s (rc=%d, magic=%s) on %s", task_key, rc, magic, node->details->uname); goto done; } else if(node->details->online && node->details->unclean == FALSE) { crm_notice("Re-initiated expired calculated failure %s (rc=%d, magic=%s) on %s", task_key, rc, magic, node->details->uname); /* This is SO horrible, but we don't have access to CancelXmlOp() yet */ crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST, "calculated-failure-timeout"); goto done; } } if(status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE || status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR) { status = determine_op_status(rsc, rc, target_rc, node, xml_op, on_fail, data_set); } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Handling status: %d", status); switch (status) { case PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED: /* do nothing?? */ pe_err("Don't know what to do for cancelled ops yet"); break; case PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING: if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START)) { set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending); set_active(rsc); } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) { rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER; } else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) && node->details->unclean) { /* If a pending migrate_to action is out on a unclean node, * we have to force the stop action on the target. */ const char *migrate_target = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET); node_t *target = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_target); if (target) { stop_action(rsc, target, FALSE); } } if (rsc->pending_task == NULL) { if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) && interval == 0) { /* Pending probes are not printed, even if pending * operations are requested. If someone ever requests that * behavior, uncomment this and the corresponding part of * native.c:native_pending_task(). */ /*rsc->pending_task = strdup("probe");*/ } else { rsc->pending_task = strdup(task); } } break; case PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE: pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s/%s completed on %s", rsc->id, task, node->details->uname); update_resource_state(rsc, node, xml_op, task, rc, *last_failure, on_fail, data_set); break; case PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_INSTALLED: failure_strategy = get_action_on_fail(rsc, task_key, task, data_set); if (failure_strategy == action_fail_ignore) { crm_warn("Cannot ignore failed %s (status=%d, rc=%d) on %s: " "Resource agent doesn't exist", task_key, status, rc, node->details->uname); /* Also for printing it as "FAILED" by marking it as pe_rsc_failed later */ *on_fail = action_fail_migrate; } resource_location(parent, node, -INFINITY, "hard-error", data_set); unpack_rsc_op_failure(rsc, node, rc, xml_op, last_failure, on_fail, data_set); break; case PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR: case PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_HARD: case PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_FATAL: case PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT: case PCMK_LRM_OP_NOTSUPPORTED: failure_strategy = get_action_on_fail(rsc, task_key, task, data_set); if ((failure_strategy == action_fail_ignore) || (failure_strategy == action_fail_restart_container && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP))) { crm_warn("Pretending the failure of %s (rc=%d) on %s succeeded", task_key, rc, node->details->uname); update_resource_state(rsc, node, xml_op, task, target_rc, *last_failure, on_fail, data_set); crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node->details->uname); set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failure_ignored); record_failed_op(xml_op, node, data_set); if (failure_strategy == action_fail_restart_container && *on_fail <= action_fail_recover) { *on_fail = failure_strategy; } } else { unpack_rsc_op_failure(rsc, node, rc, xml_op, last_failure, on_fail, data_set); if(status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_HARD) { do_crm_log(rc != PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED?LOG_ERR:LOG_NOTICE, "Preventing %s from re-starting on %s: operation %s failed '%s' (%d)", parent->id, node->details->uname, task, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc); resource_location(parent, node, -INFINITY, "hard-error", data_set); } else if(status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_FATAL) { crm_err("Preventing %s from re-starting anywhere: operation %s failed '%s' (%d)", parent->id, task, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc); resource_location(parent, NULL, -INFINITY, "fatal-error", data_set); } } break; } done: pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s after %s: role=%s, next=%s", rsc->id, task, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role)); return TRUE; } gboolean add_node_attrs(xmlNode * xml_obj, node_t * node, gboolean overwrite, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { const char *cluster_name = NULL; g_hash_table_insert(node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_UNAME), strdup(node->details->uname)); g_hash_table_insert(node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_ID), strdup(node->details->id)); if (safe_str_eq(node->details->id, data_set->dc_uuid)) { data_set->dc_node = node; node->details->is_dc = TRUE; g_hash_table_insert(node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_IS_DC), strdup(XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE)); } else { g_hash_table_insert(node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_IS_DC), strdup(XML_BOOLEAN_FALSE)); } cluster_name = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->config_hash, "cluster-name"); if (cluster_name) { g_hash_table_insert(node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_CLUSTER_NAME), strdup(cluster_name)); } unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, NULL, node->details->attrs, NULL, overwrite, data_set->now); if (pe_node_attribute_raw(node, CRM_ATTR_SITE_NAME) == NULL) { const char *site_name = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, "site-name"); if (site_name) { g_hash_table_insert(node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_SITE_NAME), strdup(site_name)); } else if (cluster_name) { /* Default to cluster-name if unset */ g_hash_table_insert(node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_SITE_NAME), strdup(cluster_name)); } } return TRUE; } static GListPtr extract_operations(const char *node, const char *rsc, xmlNode * rsc_entry, gboolean active_filter) { int counter = -1; int stop_index = -1; int start_index = -1; xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL; GListPtr gIter = NULL; GListPtr op_list = NULL; GListPtr sorted_op_list = NULL; /* extract operations */ op_list = NULL; sorted_op_list = NULL; for (rsc_op = __xml_first_child(rsc_entry); rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = __xml_next_element(rsc_op)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_op->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, TRUE)) { crm_xml_add(rsc_op, "resource", rsc); crm_xml_add(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node); op_list = g_list_prepend(op_list, rsc_op); } } if (op_list == NULL) { /* if there are no operations, there is nothing to do */ return NULL; } sorted_op_list = g_list_sort(op_list, sort_op_by_callid); /* create active recurring operations as optional */ if (active_filter == FALSE) { return sorted_op_list; } op_list = NULL; calculate_active_ops(sorted_op_list, &start_index, &stop_index); for (gIter = sorted_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data; counter++; if (start_index < stop_index) { crm_trace("Skipping %s: not active", ID(rsc_entry)); break; } else if (counter < start_index) { crm_trace("Skipping %s: old", ID(rsc_op)); continue; } op_list = g_list_append(op_list, rsc_op); } g_list_free(sorted_op_list); return op_list; } GListPtr find_operations(const char *rsc, const char *node, gboolean active_filter, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { GListPtr output = NULL; GListPtr intermediate = NULL; xmlNode *tmp = NULL; xmlNode *status = find_xml_node(data_set->input, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, TRUE); node_t *this_node = NULL; xmlNode *node_state = NULL; for (node_state = __xml_first_child(status); node_state != NULL; node_state = __xml_next_element(node_state)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)node_state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE)) { const char *uname = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_ATTR_UNAME); if (node != NULL && safe_str_neq(uname, node)) { continue; } this_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, uname); if(this_node == NULL) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(this_node != NULL); continue; } else if (is_remote_node(this_node)) { determine_remote_online_status(data_set, this_node); } else { determine_online_status(node_state, this_node, data_set); } if (this_node->details->online || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { /* offline nodes run no resources... * unless stonith is enabled in which case we need to * make sure rsc start events happen after the stonith */ xmlNode *lrm_rsc = NULL; tmp = find_xml_node(node_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE); tmp = find_xml_node(tmp, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE); for (lrm_rsc = __xml_first_child(tmp); lrm_rsc != NULL; lrm_rsc = __xml_next_element(lrm_rsc)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)lrm_rsc->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE)) { const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(lrm_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID); if (rsc != NULL && safe_str_neq(rsc_id, rsc)) { continue; } intermediate = extract_operations(uname, rsc_id, lrm_rsc, active_filter); output = g_list_concat(output, intermediate); } } } } } return output; } diff --git a/lib/pengine/unpack.h b/lib/pengine/unpack.h index 387aedad73..02600ddf3b 100644 --- a/lib/pengine/unpack.h +++ b/lib/pengine/unpack.h @@ -1,115 +1,126 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef PENGINE_UNPACK__H # define PENGINE_UNPACK__H extern gboolean unpack_remote_nodes(xmlNode * xml_resources, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean unpack_resources(xmlNode * xml_resources, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean unpack_config(xmlNode * config, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean unpack_nodes(xmlNode * xml_nodes, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean unpack_tags(xmlNode * xml_tags, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean unpack_status(xmlNode * status, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean unpack_remote_status(xmlNode * status, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gint sort_op_by_callid(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b); extern gboolean unpack_lrm_resources(node_t * node, xmlNode * lrm_state, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean add_node_attrs(xmlNode * attrs, node_t * node, gboolean overwrite, pe_working_set_t * data_set); extern gboolean determine_online_status(xmlNode * node_state, node_t * this_node, pe_working_set_t * data_set); /* * The man pages for both curses and ncurses suggest inclusion of "curses.h". * We believe the following to be acceptable and portable. */ # if defined(HAVE_LIBNCURSES) || defined(HAVE_LIBCURSES) # if defined(HAVE_NCURSES_H) && !defined(HAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_PRINTW) # include # define CURSES_ENABLED 1 # elif defined(HAVE_NCURSES_NCURSES_H) && !defined(HAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_PRINTW) # include # define CURSES_ENABLED 1 # elif defined(HAVE_CURSES_H) && !defined(HAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_PRINTW) # include # define CURSES_ENABLED 1 # elif defined(HAVE_CURSES_CURSES_H) && !defined(HAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_PRINTW) # include # define CURSES_ENABLED 1 # else # define CURSES_ENABLED 0 # endif # else # define CURSES_ENABLED 0 # endif # if CURSES_ENABLED # define status_printw(fmt, args...) printw(fmt, ##args) # else # define status_printw(fmt, args...) \ crm_err("printw support requires ncurses to be available during configure"); \ do_crm_log(LOG_WARNING, fmt, ##args); # endif # define status_print(fmt, args...) \ if(options & pe_print_html) { \ FILE *stream = print_data; \ fprintf(stream, fmt, ##args); \ } else if(options & pe_print_ncurses) { \ status_printw(fmt, ##args); \ } else if(options & pe_print_printf) { \ FILE *stream = print_data; \ fprintf(stream, fmt, ##args); \ } else if(options & pe_print_xml) { \ FILE *stream = print_data; \ fprintf(stream, fmt, ##args); \ } else if(options & pe_print_log) { \ int log_level = *(int*)print_data; \ do_crm_log(log_level, fmt, ##args); \ } // Some warnings we don't want to print every transition enum pe_warn_once_e { pe_wo_blind = 0x0001, + pe_wo_poweroff = 0x0002, + pe_wo_arg_map = 0x0004, + pe_wo_stonith_cmd = 0x0008, + pe_wo_requires = 0x0010, + pe_wo_isolation = 0x0020, + pe_wo_default_stick = 0x0040, + pe_wo_default_isman = 0x0080, + pe_wo_default_timeo = 0x0100, + pe_wo_rsc_failstick = 0x0200, + pe_wo_default_rscfs = 0x0400, + pe_wo_legacy_notifs = 0x0800, }; extern uint32_t pe_wo; #define pe_warn_once(pe_wo_bit, fmt...) do { \ if (is_not_set(pe_wo, pe_wo_bit)) { \ if (pe_wo_bit == pe_wo_blind) { \ crm_warn(fmt); \ } else { \ pe_warn(fmt); \ } \ set_bit(pe_wo, pe_wo_bit); \ } \ } while (0); #endif diff --git a/lib/pengine/utils.c b/lib/pengine/utils.c index 82b68093ef..ba0a91690d 100644 --- a/lib/pengine/utils.c +++ b/lib/pengine/utils.c @@ -1,2322 +1,2340 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include + pe_working_set_t *pe_dataset = NULL; extern xmlNode *get_object_root(const char *object_type, xmlNode * the_root); void print_str_str(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); gboolean ghash_free_str_str(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data); void unpack_operation(action_t * action, xmlNode * xml_obj, resource_t * container, pe_working_set_t * data_set); static xmlNode *find_rsc_op_entry_helper(resource_t * rsc, const char *key, gboolean include_disabled); #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS pe_rsc_action_details_t * pe_rsc_action_details(pe_action_t *action) { pe_rsc_action_details_t *details; CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, return NULL); if (action->action_details == NULL) { action->action_details = calloc(1, sizeof(pe_rsc_action_details_t)); CRM_CHECK(action->action_details != NULL, return NULL); } details = (pe_rsc_action_details_t *) action->action_details; if (details->versioned_parameters == NULL) { details->versioned_parameters = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_OP_VER_ATTRS); } if (details->versioned_meta == NULL) { details->versioned_meta = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_OP_VER_META); } return details; } static void pe_free_rsc_action_details(pe_action_t *action) { pe_rsc_action_details_t *details; if ((action == NULL) || (action->action_details == NULL)) { return; } details = (pe_rsc_action_details_t *) action->action_details; if (details->versioned_parameters) { free_xml(details->versioned_parameters); } if (details->versioned_meta) { free_xml(details->versioned_meta); } action->action_details = NULL; } #endif /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether we can fence a particular node * * \param[in] data_set Working set for cluster * \param[in] node Name of node to check * * \return TRUE if node can be fenced, FALSE otherwise * * \note This function should only be called for cluster nodes and baremetal * remote nodes; guest nodes are fenced by stopping their container * resource, so fence execution requirements do not apply to them. */ bool pe_can_fence(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t *node) { if(is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { return FALSE; /* Turned off */ } else if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource)) { return FALSE; /* No devices */ } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum)) { return TRUE; } else if (data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_ignore) { return TRUE; } else if(node == NULL) { return FALSE; } else if(node->details->online) { crm_notice("We can fence %s without quorum because they're in our membership", node->details->uname); return TRUE; } crm_trace("Cannot fence %s", node->details->uname); return FALSE; } node_t * node_copy(const node_t *this_node) { node_t *new_node = NULL; CRM_CHECK(this_node != NULL, return NULL); new_node = calloc(1, sizeof(node_t)); CRM_ASSERT(new_node != NULL); crm_trace("Copying %p (%s) to %p", this_node, this_node->details->uname, new_node); new_node->rsc_discover_mode = this_node->rsc_discover_mode; new_node->weight = this_node->weight; new_node->fixed = this_node->fixed; new_node->details = this_node->details; return new_node; } /* any node in list1 or list2 and not in the other gets a score of -INFINITY */ void node_list_exclude(GHashTable * hash, GListPtr list, gboolean merge_scores) { GHashTable *result = hash; node_t *other_node = NULL; GListPtr gIter = list; GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { other_node = pe_find_node_id(list, node->details->id); if (other_node == NULL) { node->weight = -INFINITY; } else if (merge_scores) { node->weight = merge_weights(node->weight, other_node->weight); } } for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data; other_node = pe_hash_table_lookup(result, node->details->id); if (other_node == NULL) { node_t *new_node = node_copy(node); new_node->weight = -INFINITY; g_hash_table_insert(result, (gpointer) new_node->details->id, new_node); } } } GHashTable * node_hash_from_list(GListPtr list) { GListPtr gIter = list; GHashTable *result = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_hash_destroy_str); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data; node_t *n = node_copy(node); g_hash_table_insert(result, (gpointer) n->details->id, n); } return result; } GListPtr node_list_dup(GListPtr list1, gboolean reset, gboolean filter) { GListPtr result = NULL; GListPtr gIter = list1; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *new_node = NULL; node_t *this_node = (node_t *) gIter->data; if (filter && this_node->weight < 0) { continue; } new_node = node_copy(this_node); if (reset) { new_node->weight = 0; } if (new_node != NULL) { result = g_list_prepend(result, new_node); } } return result; } gint sort_node_uname(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const node_t *node_a = a; const node_t *node_b = b; return strcmp(node_a->details->uname, node_b->details->uname); } void dump_node_scores_worker(int level, const char *file, const char *function, int line, resource_t * rsc, const char *comment, GHashTable * nodes) { GHashTable *hash = nodes; GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node = NULL; if (rsc) { hash = rsc->allowed_nodes; } if (rsc && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) { /* Don't show the allocation scores for orphans */ return; } if (level == 0) { char score[128]; int len = sizeof(score); /* For now we want this in sorted order to keep the regression tests happy */ GListPtr gIter = NULL; GListPtr list = g_hash_table_get_values(hash); list = g_list_sort(list, sort_node_uname); gIter = list; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data; /* This function is called a whole lot, use stack allocated score */ score2char_stack(node->weight, score, len); if (rsc) { printf("%s: %s allocation score on %s: %s\n", comment, rsc->id, node->details->uname, score); } else { printf("%s: %s = %s\n", comment, node->details->uname, score); } } g_list_free(list); } else if (hash) { char score[128]; int len = sizeof(score); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { /* This function is called a whole lot, use stack allocated score */ score2char_stack(node->weight, score, len); if (rsc) { do_crm_log_alias(LOG_TRACE, file, function, line, "%s: %s allocation score on %s: %s", comment, rsc->id, node->details->uname, score); } else { do_crm_log_alias(LOG_TRACE, file, function, line + 1, "%s: %s = %s", comment, node->details->uname, score); } } } if (rsc && rsc->children) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; gIter = rsc->children; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data; dump_node_scores_worker(level, file, function, line, child, comment, nodes); } } } static void append_dump_text(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { char **dump_text = user_data; int len = 0; char *new_text = NULL; len = strlen(*dump_text) + strlen(" ") + strlen(key) + strlen("=") + strlen(value) + 1; new_text = calloc(1, len); sprintf(new_text, "%s %s=%s", *dump_text, (char *)key, (char *)value); free(*dump_text); *dump_text = new_text; } void dump_node_capacity(int level, const char *comment, node_t * node) { int len = 0; char *dump_text = NULL; len = strlen(comment) + strlen(": ") + strlen(node->details->uname) + strlen(" capacity:") + 1; dump_text = calloc(1, len); sprintf(dump_text, "%s: %s capacity:", comment, node->details->uname); g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text); if (level == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", dump_text); } else { crm_trace("%s", dump_text); } free(dump_text); } void dump_rsc_utilization(int level, const char *comment, resource_t * rsc, node_t * node) { int len = 0; char *dump_text = NULL; len = strlen(comment) + strlen(": ") + strlen(rsc->id) + strlen(" utilization on ") + strlen(node->details->uname) + strlen(":") + 1; dump_text = calloc(1, len); sprintf(dump_text, "%s: %s utilization on %s:", comment, rsc->id, node->details->uname); g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text); if (level == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", dump_text); } else { crm_trace("%s", dump_text); } free(dump_text); } gint sort_rsc_index(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const resource_t *resource1 = (const resource_t *)a; const resource_t *resource2 = (const resource_t *)b; if (a == NULL && b == NULL) { return 0; } if (a == NULL) { return 1; } if (b == NULL) { return -1; } if (resource1->sort_index > resource2->sort_index) { return -1; } if (resource1->sort_index < resource2->sort_index) { return 1; } return 0; } gint sort_rsc_priority(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const resource_t *resource1 = (const resource_t *)a; const resource_t *resource2 = (const resource_t *)b; if (a == NULL && b == NULL) { return 0; } if (a == NULL) { return 1; } if (b == NULL) { return -1; } if (resource1->priority > resource2->priority) { return -1; } if (resource1->priority < resource2->priority) { return 1; } return 0; } action_t * custom_action(resource_t * rsc, char *key, const char *task, node_t * on_node, gboolean optional, gboolean save_action, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { action_t *action = NULL; GListPtr possible_matches = NULL; CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(task != NULL, free(key); return NULL); if (save_action && rsc != NULL) { possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, on_node); } else if(save_action) { #if 0 action = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->singletons, key); #else /* More expensive but takes 'node' into account */ possible_matches = find_actions(data_set->actions, key, on_node); #endif } if(data_set->singletons == NULL) { data_set->singletons = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, NULL); } if (possible_matches != NULL) { if (g_list_length(possible_matches) > 1) { pe_warn("Action %s for %s on %s exists %d times", task, rsc ? rsc->id : "", on_node ? on_node->details->uname : "", g_list_length(possible_matches)); } action = g_list_nth_data(possible_matches, 0); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Found existing action (%d) %s for %s on %s", action->id, task, rsc ? rsc->id : "", on_node ? on_node->details->uname : ""); g_list_free(possible_matches); } if (action == NULL) { if (save_action) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating%s action %d: %s for %s on %s %d", optional ? "" : " mandatory", data_set->action_id, key, rsc ? rsc->id : "", on_node ? on_node->details->uname : "", optional); } action = calloc(1, sizeof(action_t)); if (save_action) { action->id = data_set->action_id++; } else { action->id = 0; } action->rsc = rsc; CRM_ASSERT(task != NULL); action->task = strdup(task); if (on_node) { action->node = node_copy(on_node); } action->uuid = strdup(key); pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable); if (optional) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Set optional on %s", action->uuid); pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional); } else { pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unset optional on %s", action->uuid); } /* Implied by calloc()... action->actions_before = NULL; action->actions_after = NULL; action->pseudo = FALSE; action->dumped = FALSE; action->processed = FALSE; action->seen_count = 0; */ action->extra = crm_str_table_new(); action->meta = crm_str_table_new(); if (save_action) { data_set->actions = g_list_prepend(data_set->actions, action); if(rsc == NULL) { g_hash_table_insert(data_set->singletons, action->uuid, action); } } if (rsc != NULL) { action->op_entry = find_rsc_op_entry_helper(rsc, key, TRUE); unpack_operation(action, action->op_entry, rsc->container, data_set); if (save_action) { rsc->actions = g_list_prepend(rsc->actions, action); } } if (save_action) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Action %d created", action->id); } } if (optional == FALSE) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unset optional on %s", action->uuid); pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional); } if (rsc != NULL) { enum action_tasks a_task = text2task(action->task); int warn_level = LOG_TRACE; if (save_action) { warn_level = LOG_WARNING; } if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_have_node_attrs) == FALSE && action->node != NULL && action->op_entry != NULL) { pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_have_node_attrs); unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, action->op_entry, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, action->node->details->attrs, action->extra, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); } if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) { /* leave untouched */ } else if (action->node == NULL) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unset runnable on %s", action->uuid); pe_action_set_flag_reason(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, action, NULL, "node availability", pe_action_runnable, TRUE); } else if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) && g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL) == NULL) { crm_debug("Action %s (unmanaged)", action->uuid); pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Set optional on %s", action->uuid); pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional); /* action->runnable = FALSE; */ } else if (action->node->details->online == FALSE && (!is_container_remote_node(action->node) || action->node->details->remote_requires_reset)) { pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable); do_crm_log(warn_level, "Action %s on %s is unrunnable (offline)", action->uuid, action->node->details->uname); if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) && save_action && a_task == stop_rsc && action->node->details->unclean == FALSE) { pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "resource actions are unrunnable"); } } else if (action->node->details->pending) { pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable); do_crm_log(warn_level, "Action %s on %s is unrunnable (pending)", action->uuid, action->node->details->uname); } else if (action->needs == rsc_req_nothing) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Action %s does not require anything", action->uuid); free(action->reason); action->reason = NULL; pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable); #if 0 /* * No point checking this * - if we don't have quorum we can't stonith anyway */ } else if (action->needs == rsc_req_stonith) { crm_trace("Action %s requires only stonith", action->uuid); action->runnable = TRUE; #endif } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_stop) { pe_action_set_flag_reason(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, action, NULL, "no quorum", pe_action_runnable, TRUE); crm_debug("%s\t%s (cancelled : quorum)", action->node->details->uname, action->uuid); } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_freeze) { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Check resource is already active: %s %s %s %s", rsc->id, action->uuid, role2text(rsc->next_role), role2text(rsc->role)); if (rsc->fns->active(rsc, TRUE) == FALSE || rsc->next_role > rsc->role) { pe_action_set_flag_reason(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, action, NULL, "quorum freeze", pe_action_runnable, TRUE); pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t%s (cancelled : quorum freeze)", action->node->details->uname, action->uuid); } } else { pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Action %s is runnable", action->uuid); free(action->reason); action->reason = NULL; pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable); } if (save_action) { switch (a_task) { case stop_rsc: set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_stopping); break; case start_rsc: clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_starting); if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) { set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_starting); } break; default: break; } } } free(key); return action; } static const char * unpack_operation_on_fail(action_t * action) { const char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL); if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP) && safe_str_eq(value, "standby")) { crm_config_err("on-fail=standby is not allowed for stop actions: %s", action->rsc->id); return NULL; } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE) && !value) { /* demote on_fail defaults to master monitor value if present */ xmlNode *operation = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *role = NULL; const char *on_fail = NULL; const char *interval = NULL; const char *enabled = NULL; CRM_CHECK(action->rsc != NULL, return NULL); for (operation = __xml_first_child(action->rsc->ops_xml); operation && !value; operation = __xml_next_element(operation)) { if (!crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) { continue; } name = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); role = crm_element_value(operation, "role"); on_fail = crm_element_value(operation, XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL); enabled = crm_element_value(operation, "enabled"); interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); if (!on_fail) { continue; } else if (enabled && !crm_is_true(enabled)) { continue; } else if (safe_str_neq(name, "monitor") || safe_str_neq(role, "Master")) { continue; } else if (crm_get_interval(interval) <= 0) { continue; } value = on_fail; } } return value; } static xmlNode * find_min_interval_mon(resource_t * rsc, gboolean include_disabled) { int number = 0; int min_interval = -1; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *interval = NULL; xmlNode *op = NULL; xmlNode *operation = NULL; for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL; operation = __xml_next_element(operation)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) { name = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); value = crm_element_value(operation, "enabled"); if (!include_disabled && value && crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) { continue; } if (safe_str_neq(name, RSC_STATUS)) { continue; } number = crm_get_interval(interval); if (number < 0) { continue; } if (min_interval < 0 || number < min_interval) { min_interval = number; op = operation; } } } return op; } static int unpack_start_delay(const char *value, GHashTable *meta) { int start_delay = 0; if (value != NULL) { start_delay = crm_get_msec(value); if (start_delay < 0) { start_delay = 0; } if (meta) { g_hash_table_replace(meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY), crm_itoa(start_delay)); } } return start_delay; } static int unpack_interval_origin(const char *value, GHashTable *meta, xmlNode *xml_obj, unsigned long long interval, crm_time_t *now) { int start_delay = 0; if (interval > 0 && value) { crm_time_t *origin = crm_time_new(value); if (origin && now) { crm_time_t *delay = NULL; int rc = crm_time_compare(origin, now); long long delay_s = 0; int interval_s = (interval / 1000); crm_trace("Origin: %s, interval: %d", value, interval_s); /* If 'origin' is in the future, find the most recent "multiple" that occurred in the past */ while(rc > 0) { crm_time_add_seconds(origin, -interval_s); rc = crm_time_compare(origin, now); } /* Now find the first "multiple" that occurs after 'now' */ while (rc < 0) { crm_time_add_seconds(origin, interval_s); rc = crm_time_compare(origin, now); } delay = crm_time_calculate_duration(origin, now); crm_time_log(LOG_TRACE, "origin", origin, crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday | crm_time_log_with_timezone); crm_time_log(LOG_TRACE, "now", now, crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday | crm_time_log_with_timezone); crm_time_log(LOG_TRACE, "delay", delay, crm_time_log_duration); delay_s = crm_time_get_seconds(delay); CRM_CHECK(delay_s >= 0, delay_s = 0); start_delay = delay_s * 1000; if (xml_obj) { crm_info("Calculated a start delay of %llds for %s", delay_s, ID(xml_obj)); } if (meta) { g_hash_table_replace(meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY), crm_itoa(start_delay)); } crm_time_free(origin); crm_time_free(delay); } else if (!origin && xml_obj) { crm_config_err("Operation %s contained an invalid " XML_OP_ATTR_ORIGIN ": %s", ID(xml_obj), value); } } return start_delay; } static int unpack_timeout(const char *value, action_t *action, xmlNode *xml_obj, unsigned long long interval, GHashTable *config_hash) { int timeout = 0; if (value == NULL && xml_obj == NULL && action && safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_STATUS) && interval == 0) { xmlNode *min_interval_mon = find_min_interval_mon(action->rsc, FALSE); if (min_interval_mon) { value = crm_element_value(min_interval_mon, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT); pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\t%s uses the timeout value '%s' from the minimum interval monitor", action->uuid, value); } } if (value == NULL && config_hash) { value = pe_pref(config_hash, "default-action-timeout"); + if (value) { + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_default_timeo, + "Support for 'default-action-timeout' cluster property" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future release" + " (use 'timeout' in op_defaults instead)"); + + } + } + + if (value == NULL) { + value = CRM_DEFAULT_OP_TIMEOUT_S; } timeout = crm_get_msec(value); if (timeout < 0) { timeout = 0; } return timeout; } #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS static void unpack_versioned_meta(xmlNode *versioned_meta, xmlNode *xml_obj, unsigned long long interval, crm_time_t *now) { xmlNode *attrs = NULL; xmlNode *attr = NULL; for (attrs = __xml_first_child(versioned_meta); attrs != NULL; attrs = __xml_next_element(attrs)) { for (attr = __xml_first_child(attrs); attr != NULL; attr = __xml_next_element(attr)) { const char *name = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME); const char *value = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE); if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY)) { int start_delay = unpack_start_delay(value, NULL); crm_xml_add_int(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, start_delay); } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_OP_ATTR_ORIGIN)) { int start_delay = unpack_interval_origin(value, NULL, xml_obj, interval, now); crm_xml_add(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY); crm_xml_add_int(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, start_delay); } else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT)) { int timeout = unpack_timeout(value, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); crm_xml_add_int(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, timeout); } } } } #endif void unpack_operation(action_t * action, xmlNode * xml_obj, resource_t * container, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { unsigned long long interval = 0; int timeout = 0; char *value_ms = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *field = NULL; #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS pe_rsc_action_details_t *rsc_details = NULL; #endif CRM_CHECK(action->rsc != NULL, return); unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, data_set->op_defaults, XML_TAG_META_SETS, NULL, action->meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); if (xml_obj) { xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL; for (xIter = xml_obj->properties; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) { const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name; const char *prop_value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, prop_name); g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(prop_name), strdup(prop_value)); } } unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_META_SETS, NULL, action->meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, NULL, action->meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now); #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS rsc_details = pe_rsc_action_details(action); pe_unpack_versioned_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, NULL, rsc_details->versioned_parameters, data_set->now); pe_unpack_versioned_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_META_SETS, NULL, rsc_details->versioned_meta, data_set->now); #endif g_hash_table_remove(action->meta, "id"); field = XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL; value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, field); if (value != NULL) { interval = crm_get_interval(value); if (interval > 0) { value_ms = crm_itoa(interval); g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(field), value_ms); } else { g_hash_table_remove(action->meta, field); } } /* @COMPAT data sets < 1.1.10 ("requires" on start action not resource) */ value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "requires"); + if (value) { + pe_warn_once(pe_wo_requires, "Support for 'requires' operation meta-attribute" + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future version" + " (use 'requires' resource meta-attribute instead)"); + } if (safe_str_neq(action->task, RSC_START) && safe_str_neq(action->task, RSC_PROMOTE)) { action->needs = rsc_req_nothing; value = "nothing (not start/promote)"; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "nothing")) { action->needs = rsc_req_nothing; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "quorum")) { action->needs = rsc_req_quorum; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "unfencing")) { action->needs = rsc_req_stonith; set_bit(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_unfencing); if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { crm_notice("%s requires unfencing but fencing is disabled", action->rsc->id); } } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) && safe_str_eq(value, "fencing")) { action->needs = rsc_req_stonith; if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { crm_notice("%s requires fencing but fencing is disabled", action->rsc->id); } /* @COMPAT end compatibility code */ } else if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_fencing)) { action->needs = rsc_req_stonith; value = "fencing (resource)"; } else if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_quorum)) { action->needs = rsc_req_quorum; value = "quorum (resource)"; } else { action->needs = rsc_req_nothing; value = "nothing (resource)"; } pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\tAction %s requires: %s", action->task, value); value = unpack_operation_on_fail(action); if (value == NULL) { } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "block")) { action->on_fail = action_fail_block; g_hash_table_insert(action->meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL), strdup("block")); } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "fence")) { action->on_fail = action_fail_fence; value = "node fencing"; if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) == FALSE) { crm_config_err("Specifying on_fail=fence and" " stonith-enabled=false makes no sense"); action->on_fail = action_fail_stop; action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; value = "stop resource"; } } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "standby")) { action->on_fail = action_fail_standby; value = "node standby"; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "ignore") || safe_str_eq(value, "nothing")) { action->on_fail = action_fail_ignore; value = "ignore"; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "migrate")) { action->on_fail = action_fail_migrate; value = "force migration"; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "stop")) { action->on_fail = action_fail_stop; action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; value = "stop resource"; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "restart")) { action->on_fail = action_fail_recover; value = "restart (and possibly migrate)"; } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "restart-container")) { if (container) { action->on_fail = action_fail_restart_container; value = "restart container (and possibly migrate)"; } else { value = NULL; } } else { pe_err("Resource %s: Unknown failure type (%s)", action->rsc->id, value); value = NULL; } /* defaults */ if (value == NULL && container) { action->on_fail = action_fail_restart_container; value = "restart container (and possibly migrate) (default)"; /* for baremetal remote nodes, ensure that any failure that results in * dropping an active connection to a remote node results in fencing of * the remote node. * * There are only two action failures that don't result in fencing. * 1. probes - probe failures are expected. * 2. start - a start failure indicates that an active connection does not already * exist. The user can set op on-fail=fence if they really want to fence start * failures. */ } else if (((value == NULL) || !is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) && (is_rsc_baremetal_remote_node(action->rsc, data_set) && !(safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) && interval == 0) && (safe_str_neq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_START)))) { if (!is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { action->on_fail = action_fail_stop; action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; value = "stop unmanaged baremetal remote node (enforcing default)"; } else { if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { value = "fence baremetal remote node (default)"; } else { value = "recover baremetal remote node connection (default)"; } if (action->rsc->remote_reconnect_interval) { action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED; } action->on_fail = action_fail_reset_remote; } } else if (value == NULL && safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) { if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) { action->on_fail = action_fail_fence; value = "resource fence (default)"; } else { action->on_fail = action_fail_block; value = "resource block (default)"; } } else if (value == NULL) { action->on_fail = action_fail_recover; value = "restart (and possibly migrate) (default)"; } pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\t%s failure handling: %s", action->task, value); value = NULL; if (xml_obj != NULL) { value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "role_after_failure"); } if (value != NULL && action->fail_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { action->fail_role = text2role(value); } /* defaults */ if (action->fail_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) { action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_SLAVE; } else { action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; } } pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\t%s failure results in: %s", action->task, role2text(action->fail_role)); field = XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY; value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY); if (value) { unpack_start_delay(value, action->meta); } else { value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_ORIGIN); unpack_interval_origin(value, action->meta, xml_obj, interval, data_set->now); } field = XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT; value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, field); timeout = unpack_timeout(value, action, xml_obj, interval, data_set->config_hash); g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT), crm_itoa(timeout)); #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS unpack_versioned_meta(rsc_details->versioned_meta, xml_obj, interval, data_set->now); #endif } static xmlNode * find_rsc_op_entry_helper(resource_t * rsc, const char *key, gboolean include_disabled) { unsigned long long number = 0; gboolean do_retry = TRUE; char *local_key = NULL; const char *name = NULL; const char *value = NULL; const char *interval = NULL; char *match_key = NULL; xmlNode *op = NULL; xmlNode *operation = NULL; retry: for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL; operation = __xml_next_element(operation)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) { name = crm_element_value(operation, "name"); interval = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); value = crm_element_value(operation, "enabled"); if (!include_disabled && value && crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) { continue; } number = crm_get_interval(interval); match_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, name, number); if (safe_str_eq(key, match_key)) { op = operation; } free(match_key); if (rsc->clone_name) { match_key = generate_op_key(rsc->clone_name, name, number); if (safe_str_eq(key, match_key)) { op = operation; } free(match_key); } if (op != NULL) { free(local_key); return op; } } } free(local_key); if (do_retry == FALSE) { return NULL; } do_retry = FALSE; if (strstr(key, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) || strstr(key, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) { local_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, "migrate", 0); key = local_key; goto retry; } else if (strstr(key, "_notify_")) { local_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, "notify", 0); key = local_key; goto retry; } return NULL; } xmlNode * find_rsc_op_entry(resource_t * rsc, const char *key) { return find_rsc_op_entry_helper(rsc, key, FALSE); } void print_node(const char *pre_text, node_t * node, gboolean details) { if (node == NULL) { crm_trace("%s%s: ", pre_text == NULL ? "" : pre_text, pre_text == NULL ? "" : ": "); return; } CRM_ASSERT(node->details); crm_trace("%s%s%sNode %s: (weight=%d, fixed=%s)", pre_text == NULL ? "" : pre_text, pre_text == NULL ? "" : ": ", node->details->online ? "" : "Unavailable/Unclean ", node->details->uname, node->weight, node->fixed ? "True" : "False"); if (details) { char *pe_mutable = strdup("\t\t"); GListPtr gIter = node->details->running_rsc; crm_trace("\t\t===Node Attributes"); g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->attrs, print_str_str, pe_mutable); free(pe_mutable); crm_trace("\t\t=== Resources"); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; print_resource(LOG_DEBUG_4, "\t\t", rsc, FALSE); } } } /* * Used by the HashTable for-loop */ void print_str_str(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { crm_trace("%s%s %s ==> %s", user_data == NULL ? "" : (char *)user_data, user_data == NULL ? "" : ": ", (char *)key, (char *)value); } void print_resource(int log_level, const char *pre_text, resource_t * rsc, gboolean details) { long options = pe_print_log | pe_print_pending; if (rsc == NULL) { do_crm_log(log_level - 1, "%s%s: ", pre_text == NULL ? "" : pre_text, pre_text == NULL ? "" : ": "); return; } if (details) { options |= pe_print_details; } rsc->fns->print(rsc, pre_text, options, &log_level); } void pe_free_action(action_t * action) { if (action == NULL) { return; } g_list_free_full(action->actions_before, free); /* action_wrapper_t* */ g_list_free_full(action->actions_after, free); /* action_wrapper_t* */ if (action->extra) { g_hash_table_destroy(action->extra); } if (action->meta) { g_hash_table_destroy(action->meta); } #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS if (action->rsc) { pe_free_rsc_action_details(action); } #endif free(action->cancel_task); free(action->reason); free(action->task); free(action->uuid); free(action->node); free(action); } GListPtr find_recurring_actions(GListPtr input, node_t * not_on_node) { const char *value = NULL; GListPtr result = NULL; GListPtr gIter = input; CRM_CHECK(input != NULL, return NULL); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data; value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); if (value == NULL) { /* skip */ } else if (safe_str_eq(value, "0")) { /* skip */ } else if (safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL, action->task)) { /* skip */ } else if (not_on_node == NULL) { crm_trace("(null) Found: %s", action->uuid); result = g_list_prepend(result, action); } else if (action->node == NULL) { /* skip */ } else if (action->node->details != not_on_node->details) { crm_trace("Found: %s", action->uuid); result = g_list_prepend(result, action); } } return result; } enum action_tasks get_complex_task(resource_t * rsc, const char *name, gboolean allow_non_atomic) { enum action_tasks task = text2task(name); if (rsc == NULL) { return task; } else if (allow_non_atomic == FALSE || rsc->variant == pe_native) { switch (task) { case stopped_rsc: case started_rsc: case action_demoted: case action_promoted: crm_trace("Folding %s back into its atomic counterpart for %s", name, rsc->id); return task - 1; break; default: break; } } return task; } action_t * find_first_action(GListPtr input, const char *uuid, const char *task, node_t * on_node) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; CRM_CHECK(uuid || task, return NULL); for (gIter = input; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data; if (uuid != NULL && safe_str_neq(uuid, action->uuid)) { continue; } else if (task != NULL && safe_str_neq(task, action->task)) { continue; } else if (on_node == NULL) { return action; } else if (action->node == NULL) { continue; } else if (on_node->details == action->node->details) { return action; } } return NULL; } GListPtr find_actions(GListPtr input, const char *key, const node_t *on_node) { GListPtr gIter = input; GListPtr result = NULL; CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data; if (safe_str_neq(key, action->uuid)) { crm_trace("%s does not match action %s", key, action->uuid); continue; } else if (on_node == NULL) { crm_trace("Action %s matches (ignoring node)", key); result = g_list_prepend(result, action); } else if (action->node == NULL) { crm_trace("Action %s matches (unallocated, assigning to %s)", key, on_node->details->uname); action->node = node_copy(on_node); result = g_list_prepend(result, action); } else if (on_node->details == action->node->details) { crm_trace("Action %s on %s matches", key, on_node->details->uname); result = g_list_prepend(result, action); } else { crm_trace("Action %s on node %s does not match requested node %s", key, action->node->details->uname, on_node->details->uname); } } return result; } GListPtr find_actions_exact(GListPtr input, const char *key, node_t * on_node) { GListPtr gIter = input; GListPtr result = NULL; CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data; crm_trace("Matching %s against %s", key, action->uuid); if (safe_str_neq(key, action->uuid)) { crm_trace("Key mismatch: %s vs. %s", key, action->uuid); continue; } else if (on_node == NULL || action->node == NULL) { crm_trace("on_node=%p, action->node=%p", on_node, action->node); continue; } else if (safe_str_eq(on_node->details->id, action->node->details->id)) { result = g_list_prepend(result, action); } crm_trace("Node mismatch: %s vs. %s", on_node->details->id, action->node->details->id); } return result; } static void resource_node_score(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, int score, const char *tag) { node_t *match = NULL; if (rsc->children) { GListPtr gIter = rsc->children; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; resource_node_score(child_rsc, node, score, tag); } } pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Setting %s for %s on %s: %d", tag, rsc->id, node->details->uname, score); match = pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id); if (match == NULL) { match = node_copy(node); g_hash_table_insert(rsc->allowed_nodes, (gpointer) match->details->id, match); } match->weight = merge_weights(match->weight, score); } void resource_location(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, int score, const char *tag, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if (node != NULL) { resource_node_score(rsc, node, score, tag); } else if (data_set != NULL) { GListPtr gIter = data_set->nodes; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { node_t *node_iter = (node_t *) gIter->data; resource_node_score(rsc, node_iter, score, tag); } } else { GHashTableIter iter; node_t *node_iter = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node_iter)) { resource_node_score(rsc, node_iter, score, tag); } } if (node == NULL && score == -INFINITY) { if (rsc->allocated_to) { crm_info("Deallocating %s from %s", rsc->id, rsc->allocated_to->details->uname); free(rsc->allocated_to); rsc->allocated_to = NULL; } } } #define sort_return(an_int, why) do { \ free(a_uuid); \ free(b_uuid); \ crm_trace("%s (%d) %c %s (%d) : %s", \ a_xml_id, a_call_id, an_int>0?'>':an_int<0?'<':'=', \ b_xml_id, b_call_id, why); \ return an_int; \ } while(0) gint sort_op_by_callid(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { int a_call_id = -1; int b_call_id = -1; char *a_uuid = NULL; char *b_uuid = NULL; const xmlNode *xml_a = a; const xmlNode *xml_b = b; const char *a_xml_id = crm_element_value_const(xml_a, XML_ATTR_ID); const char *b_xml_id = crm_element_value_const(xml_b, XML_ATTR_ID); if (safe_str_eq(a_xml_id, b_xml_id)) { /* We have duplicate lrm_rsc_op entries in the status * section which is unliklely to be a good thing * - we can handle it easily enough, but we need to get * to the bottom of why it's happening. */ pe_err("Duplicate lrm_rsc_op entries named %s", a_xml_id); sort_return(0, "duplicate"); } crm_element_value_const_int(xml_a, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &a_call_id); crm_element_value_const_int(xml_b, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &b_call_id); if (a_call_id == -1 && b_call_id == -1) { /* both are pending ops so it doesn't matter since * stops are never pending */ sort_return(0, "pending"); } else if (a_call_id >= 0 && a_call_id < b_call_id) { sort_return(-1, "call id"); } else if (b_call_id >= 0 && a_call_id > b_call_id) { sort_return(1, "call id"); } else if (b_call_id >= 0 && a_call_id == b_call_id) { /* * The op and last_failed_op are the same * Order on last-rc-change */ int last_a = -1; int last_b = -1; crm_element_value_const_int(xml_a, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, &last_a); crm_element_value_const_int(xml_b, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, &last_b); crm_trace("rc-change: %d vs %d", last_a, last_b); if (last_a >= 0 && last_a < last_b) { sort_return(-1, "rc-change"); } else if (last_b >= 0 && last_a > last_b) { sort_return(1, "rc-change"); } sort_return(0, "rc-change"); } else { /* One of the inputs is a pending operation * Attempt to use XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC to determine its age relative to the other */ int a_id = -1; int b_id = -1; int dummy = -1; const char *a_magic = crm_element_value_const(xml_a, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC); const char *b_magic = crm_element_value_const(xml_b, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC); CRM_CHECK(a_magic != NULL && b_magic != NULL, sort_return(0, "No magic")); if(!decode_transition_magic(a_magic, &a_uuid, &a_id, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy)) { sort_return(0, "bad magic a"); } if(!decode_transition_magic(b_magic, &b_uuid, &b_id, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy)) { sort_return(0, "bad magic b"); } /* try to determine the relative age of the operation... * some pending operations (e.g. a start) may have been superseded * by a subsequent stop * * [a|b]_id == -1 means it's a shutdown operation and _always_ comes last */ if (safe_str_neq(a_uuid, b_uuid) || a_id == b_id) { /* * some of the logic in here may be redundant... * * if the UUID from the TE doesn't match then one better * be a pending operation. * pending operations don't survive between elections and joins * because we query the LRM directly */ if (b_call_id == -1) { sort_return(-1, "transition + call"); } else if (a_call_id == -1) { sort_return(1, "transition + call"); } } else if ((a_id >= 0 && a_id < b_id) || b_id == -1) { sort_return(-1, "transition"); } else if ((b_id >= 0 && a_id > b_id) || a_id == -1) { sort_return(1, "transition"); } } /* we should never end up here */ CRM_CHECK(FALSE, sort_return(0, "default")); } time_t get_effective_time(pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if(data_set) { if (data_set->now == NULL) { crm_trace("Recording a new 'now'"); data_set->now = crm_time_new(NULL); } return crm_time_get_seconds_since_epoch(data_set->now); } crm_trace("Defaulting to 'now'"); return time(NULL); } gboolean get_target_role(resource_t * rsc, enum rsc_role_e * role) { enum rsc_role_e local_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN; const char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE); CRM_CHECK(role != NULL, return FALSE); if (value == NULL || safe_str_eq("started", value) || safe_str_eq("default", value)) { return FALSE; } local_role = text2role(value); if (local_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) { crm_config_err("%s: Unknown value for %s: %s", rsc->id, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, value); return FALSE; } else if (local_role > RSC_ROLE_STARTED) { if (uber_parent(rsc)->variant == pe_master) { if (local_role > RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) { /* This is what we'd do anyway, just leave the default to avoid messing up the placement algorithm */ return FALSE; } } else { crm_config_err("%s is not part of a master/slave resource, a %s of '%s' makes no sense", rsc->id, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, value); return FALSE; } } *role = local_role; return TRUE; } gboolean order_actions(action_t * lh_action, action_t * rh_action, enum pe_ordering order) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; action_wrapper_t *wrapper = NULL; GListPtr list = NULL; if (order == pe_order_none) { return FALSE; } if (lh_action == NULL || rh_action == NULL) { return FALSE; } crm_trace("Ordering Action %s before %s", lh_action->uuid, rh_action->uuid); /* Ensure we never create a dependency on ourselves... it's happened */ CRM_ASSERT(lh_action != rh_action); /* Filter dups, otherwise update_action_states() has too much work to do */ gIter = lh_action->actions_after; for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { action_wrapper_t *after = (action_wrapper_t *) gIter->data; if (after->action == rh_action && (after->type & order)) { return FALSE; } } wrapper = calloc(1, sizeof(action_wrapper_t)); wrapper->action = rh_action; wrapper->type = order; list = lh_action->actions_after; list = g_list_prepend(list, wrapper); lh_action->actions_after = list; wrapper = NULL; /* order |= pe_order_implies_then; */ /* order ^= pe_order_implies_then; */ wrapper = calloc(1, sizeof(action_wrapper_t)); wrapper->action = lh_action; wrapper->type = order; list = rh_action->actions_before; list = g_list_prepend(list, wrapper); rh_action->actions_before = list; return TRUE; } action_t * get_pseudo_op(const char *name, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { action_t *op = NULL; if(data_set->singletons) { op = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->singletons, name); } if (op == NULL) { op = custom_action(NULL, strdup(name), name, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); set_bit(op->flags, pe_action_pseudo); set_bit(op->flags, pe_action_runnable); } return op; } void destroy_ticket(gpointer data) { ticket_t *ticket = data; if (ticket->state) { g_hash_table_destroy(ticket->state); } free(ticket->id); free(ticket); } ticket_t * ticket_new(const char *ticket_id, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { ticket_t *ticket = NULL; if (ticket_id == NULL || strlen(ticket_id) == 0) { return NULL; } if (data_set->tickets == NULL) { data_set->tickets = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_hash_destroy_str, destroy_ticket); } ticket = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->tickets, ticket_id); if (ticket == NULL) { ticket = calloc(1, sizeof(ticket_t)); if (ticket == NULL) { crm_err("Cannot allocate ticket '%s'", ticket_id); return NULL; } crm_trace("Creaing ticket entry for %s", ticket_id); ticket->id = strdup(ticket_id); ticket->granted = FALSE; ticket->last_granted = -1; ticket->standby = FALSE; ticket->state = crm_str_table_new(); g_hash_table_insert(data_set->tickets, strdup(ticket->id), ticket); } return ticket; } static void filter_parameters(xmlNode * param_set, const char *param_string, bool need_present) { if (param_set && param_string) { xmlAttrPtr xIter = param_set->properties; while (xIter) { const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name; char *name = crm_strdup_printf(" %s ", prop_name); char *match = strstr(param_string, name); free(name); // Do now, because current entry might get removed below xIter = xIter->next; if (need_present && match == NULL) { crm_trace("%s not found in %s", prop_name, param_string); xml_remove_prop(param_set, prop_name); } else if (need_present == FALSE && match) { crm_trace("%s found in %s", prop_name, param_string); xml_remove_prop(param_set, prop_name); } } } } bool fix_remote_addr(resource_t * rsc) { const char *name; const char *value; const char *attr_list[] = { XML_ATTR_TYPE, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER }; const char *value_list[] = { "remote", "ocf", "pacemaker" }; if(rsc == NULL) { return FALSE; } name = "addr"; value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->parameters, name); if (safe_str_eq(value, "#uname") == FALSE) { return FALSE; } for (int lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(attr_list); lpc++) { name = attr_list[lpc]; value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, attr_list[lpc]); if (safe_str_eq(value, value_list[lpc]) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS static void append_versioned_params(xmlNode *versioned_params, const char *ra_version, xmlNode *params) { GHashTable *hash = pe_unpack_versioned_parameters(versioned_params, ra_version); char *key = NULL; char *value = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &key, (gpointer *) &value)) { crm_xml_add(params, key, value); } g_hash_table_destroy(hash); } #endif static op_digest_cache_t * rsc_action_digest(resource_t * rsc, const char *task, const char *key, node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { op_digest_cache_t *data = NULL; data = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->digest_cache, key); if (data == NULL) { GHashTable *local_rsc_params = crm_str_table_new(); action_t *action = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), task, node, TRUE, FALSE, data_set); #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS xmlNode *local_versioned_params = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_RSC_VER_ATTRS); const char *ra_version = NULL; #endif const char *op_version; const char *restart_list = NULL; const char *secure_list = " passwd password "; data = calloc(1, sizeof(op_digest_cache_t)); CRM_ASSERT(data != NULL); get_rsc_attributes(local_rsc_params, rsc, node, data_set); #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS pe_get_versioned_attributes(local_versioned_params, rsc, node, data_set); #endif data->params_all = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS); if (fix_remote_addr(rsc)) { // REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK: Allow remote nodes that start containers with pacemaker remote inside crm_xml_add(data->params_all, "addr", node->details->uname); crm_trace("Fixing addr for %s on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname); } g_hash_table_foreach(local_rsc_params, hash2field, data->params_all); g_hash_table_foreach(action->extra, hash2field, data->params_all); g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->parameters, hash2field, data->params_all); g_hash_table_foreach(action->meta, hash2metafield, data->params_all); if(xml_op) { secure_list = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_SECURE); restart_list = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_RESTART); op_version = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION); #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS ra_version = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_RA_VERSION); #endif } else { op_version = CRM_FEATURE_SET; } #if ENABLE_VERSIONED_ATTRS append_versioned_params(local_versioned_params, ra_version, data->params_all); append_versioned_params(rsc->versioned_parameters, ra_version, data->params_all); { pe_rsc_action_details_t *details = pe_rsc_action_details(action); append_versioned_params(details->versioned_parameters, ra_version, data->params_all); } #endif filter_action_parameters(data->params_all, op_version); g_hash_table_destroy(local_rsc_params); pe_free_action(action); data->digest_all_calc = calculate_operation_digest(data->params_all, op_version); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized)) { data->params_secure = copy_xml(data->params_all); if(secure_list) { filter_parameters(data->params_secure, secure_list, FALSE); } data->digest_secure_calc = calculate_operation_digest(data->params_secure, op_version); } if(xml_op && crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST) != NULL) { data->params_restart = copy_xml(data->params_all); if (restart_list) { filter_parameters(data->params_restart, restart_list, TRUE); } data->digest_restart_calc = calculate_operation_digest(data->params_restart, op_version); } g_hash_table_insert(node->details->digest_cache, strdup(key), data); } return data; } op_digest_cache_t * rsc_action_digest_cmp(resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml_op, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { op_digest_cache_t *data = NULL; char *key = NULL; int interval = 0; const char *interval_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL); const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK); const char *digest_all; const char *digest_restart; CRM_ASSERT(node != NULL); digest_all = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_DIGEST); digest_restart = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST); interval = crm_parse_int(interval_s, "0"); key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval); data = rsc_action_digest(rsc, task, key, node, xml_op, data_set); data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_MATCH; if (digest_restart && data->digest_restart_calc && strcmp(data->digest_restart_calc, digest_restart) != 0) { data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_RESTART; } else if (digest_all == NULL) { /* it is unknown what the previous op digest was */ data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_UNKNOWN; } else if (strcmp(digest_all, data->digest_all_calc) != 0) { data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_ALL; } free(key); return data; } #define STONITH_DIGEST_TASK "stonith-on" static op_digest_cache_t * fencing_action_digest_cmp(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { char *key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, STONITH_DIGEST_TASK, 0); op_digest_cache_t *data = rsc_action_digest(rsc, STONITH_DIGEST_TASK, key, node, NULL, data_set); const char *digest_all = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_ALL); const char *digest_secure = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_SECURE); /* No 'reloads' for fencing device changes * * We use the resource id + agent + digest so that we can detect * changes to the agent and/or the parameters used */ char *search_all = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%s:%s", rsc->id, (const char*)g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE), data->digest_all_calc); char *search_secure = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%s:%s", rsc->id, (const char*)g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE), data->digest_secure_calc); data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_ALL; if (digest_all == NULL) { /* it is unknown what the previous op digest was */ data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_UNKNOWN; } else if (strstr(digest_all, search_all)) { data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_MATCH; } else if(digest_secure && data->digest_secure_calc) { if(strstr(digest_secure, search_secure)) { if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized)) { printf("Only 'private' parameters to %s for unfencing %s changed\n", rsc->id, node->details->uname); } data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_MATCH; } } if (data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_ALL && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized) && data->digest_secure_calc) { if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized)) { printf("Parameters to %s for unfencing %s changed, try '%s:%s:%s'\n", rsc->id, node->details->uname, rsc->id, (const char *) g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE), data->digest_secure_calc); } } free(key); free(search_all); free(search_secure); return data; } const char *rsc_printable_id(resource_t *rsc) { if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) { return ID(rsc->xml); } return rsc->id; } void clear_bit_recursive(resource_t * rsc, unsigned long long flag) { GListPtr gIter = rsc->children; clear_bit(rsc->flags, flag); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; clear_bit_recursive(child_rsc, flag); } } void set_bit_recursive(resource_t * rsc, unsigned long long flag) { GListPtr gIter = rsc->children; set_bit(rsc->flags, flag); for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data; set_bit_recursive(child_rsc, flag); } } static GListPtr find_unfencing_devices(GListPtr candidates, GListPtr matches) { for (GListPtr gIter = candidates; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *candidate = gIter->data; const char *provides = g_hash_table_lookup(candidate->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_PROVIDES); const char *requires = g_hash_table_lookup(candidate->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_REQUIRES); if(candidate->children) { matches = find_unfencing_devices(candidate->children, matches); } else if (is_not_set(candidate->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) { continue; } else if (crm_str_eq(provides, "unfencing", FALSE) || crm_str_eq(requires, "unfencing", FALSE)) { matches = g_list_prepend(matches, candidate); } } return matches; } action_t * pe_fence_op(node_t * node, const char *op, bool optional, const char *reason, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { char *op_key = NULL; action_t *stonith_op = NULL; if(op == NULL) { op = data_set->stonith_action; } op_key = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s-%s", CRM_OP_FENCE, node->details->uname, op); if(data_set->singletons) { stonith_op = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->singletons, op_key); } if(stonith_op == NULL) { stonith_op = custom_action(NULL, op_key, CRM_OP_FENCE, node, TRUE, TRUE, data_set); add_hash_param(stonith_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET, node->details->uname); add_hash_param(stonith_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID, node->details->id); add_hash_param(stonith_op->meta, "stonith_action", op); if(is_remote_node(node) && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) { /* Extra work to detect device changes on remotes * * We may do this for all nodes in the future, but for now * the check_action_definition() based stuff works fine. * * Use "stonith-on" to avoid creating cache entries for * operations check_action_definition() would look for. */ long max = 1024; long digests_all_offset = 0; long digests_secure_offset = 0; char *digests_all = malloc(max); char *digests_secure = malloc(max); GListPtr matches = find_unfencing_devices(data_set->resources, NULL); for (GListPtr gIter = matches; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { resource_t *match = gIter->data; op_digest_cache_t *data = fencing_action_digest_cmp(match, node, data_set); if(data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_ALL) { optional = FALSE; crm_notice("Unfencing %s (remote): because the definition of %s changed", node->details->uname, match->id); if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized)) { /* Extra detail for those running from the commandline */ fprintf(stdout, " notice: Unfencing %s (remote): because the definition of %s changed\n", node->details->uname, match->id); } } digests_all_offset += snprintf( digests_all+digests_all_offset, max-digests_all_offset, "%s:%s:%s,", match->id, (const char*)g_hash_table_lookup(match->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE), data->digest_all_calc); digests_secure_offset += snprintf( digests_secure+digests_secure_offset, max-digests_secure_offset, "%s:%s:%s,", match->id, (const char*)g_hash_table_lookup(match->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE), data->digest_secure_calc); } g_hash_table_insert(stonith_op->meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_DIGESTS_ALL), digests_all); g_hash_table_insert(stonith_op->meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_DIGESTS_SECURE), digests_secure); } } else { free(op_key); } if(optional == FALSE && pe_can_fence(data_set, node)) { pe_action_required(stonith_op, NULL, reason); } else if(reason && stonith_op->reason == NULL) { stonith_op->reason = strdup(reason); } return stonith_op; } void trigger_unfencing( resource_t * rsc, node_t *node, const char *reason, action_t *dependency, pe_working_set_t * data_set) { if(is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) { /* No resources require it */ return; } else if (rsc != NULL && is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) { /* Wasn't a stonith device */ return; } else if(node && node->details->online && node->details->unclean == FALSE && node->details->shutdown == FALSE) { action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", FALSE, reason, data_set); if(dependency) { order_actions(unfence, dependency, pe_order_optional); } } else if(rsc) { GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) { if(node->details->online && node->details->unclean == FALSE && node->details->shutdown == FALSE) { trigger_unfencing(rsc, node, reason, dependency, data_set); } } } } gboolean add_tag_ref(GHashTable * tags, const char * tag_name, const char * obj_ref) { tag_t *tag = NULL; GListPtr gIter = NULL; gboolean is_existing = FALSE; CRM_CHECK(tags && tag_name && obj_ref, return FALSE); tag = g_hash_table_lookup(tags, tag_name); if (tag == NULL) { tag = calloc(1, sizeof(tag_t)); if (tag == NULL) { return FALSE; } tag->id = strdup(tag_name); tag->refs = NULL; g_hash_table_insert(tags, strdup(tag_name), tag); } for (gIter = tag->refs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { const char *existing_ref = (const char *) gIter->data; if (crm_str_eq(existing_ref, obj_ref, TRUE)){ is_existing = TRUE; break; } } if (is_existing == FALSE) { tag->refs = g_list_append(tag->refs, strdup(obj_ref)); crm_trace("Added: tag=%s ref=%s", tag->id, obj_ref); } return TRUE; } void pe_action_set_flag_reason(const char *function, long line, pe_action_t *action, pe_action_t *reason, const char *text, enum pe_action_flags flags, bool overwrite) { bool unset = FALSE; bool update = FALSE; const char *change = NULL; if(is_set(flags, pe_action_runnable)) { unset = TRUE; change = "unrunnable"; } else if(is_set(flags, pe_action_optional)) { unset = TRUE; change = "required"; } else if(is_set(flags, pe_action_failure_is_fatal)) { change = "fatally failed"; } else if(is_set(flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)) { unset = TRUE; overwrite = TRUE; change = "unrunnable"; } else if(is_set(flags, pe_action_dangle)) { change = "dangling"; } else if(is_set(flags, pe_action_requires_any)) { change = "required"; } else { crm_err("Unknown flag change to %s by %s: 0x%.16x", flags, action->uuid, reason->uuid); } if(unset) { if(is_set(action->flags, flags)) { action->flags = crm_clear_bit(function, line, action->uuid, action->flags, flags); update = TRUE; } } else { if(is_not_set(action->flags, flags)) { action->flags = crm_set_bit(function, line, action->uuid, action->flags, flags); update = TRUE; } } if((change && update) || text) { char *reason_text = NULL; if(reason == NULL) { pe_action_set_reason(action, text, overwrite); } else if(reason->rsc == NULL) { reason_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s%c %s", change, reason->task, text?':':0, text?text:""); } else { reason_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s %s%c %s", change, reason->rsc->id, reason->task, text?':':0, text?text:"NA"); } if(reason_text && action->rsc != reason->rsc) { pe_action_set_reason(action, reason_text, overwrite); } free(reason_text); } } void pe_action_set_reason(pe_action_t *action, const char *reason, bool overwrite) { if(action->reason == NULL || overwrite) { free(action->reason); if(reason) { crm_trace("Set %s reason to '%s'", action->uuid, reason); action->reason = strdup(reason); } else { action->reason = NULL; } } } diff --git a/lrmd/regression.py.in b/lrmd/regression.py.in index c2aa73f815..197bbfbf25 100755 --- a/lrmd/regression.py.in +++ b/lrmd/regression.py.in @@ -1,1245 +1,1245 @@ #!/usr/bin/python """ Regression tests for Pacemaker's lrmd """ # Pacemaker targets compatibility with Python 2.6+ and 3.2+ from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Andrew Beekhof " __license__ = "GNU General Public License version 2 or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY" import io import os import sys import subprocess import shlex import time # Where to find test binaries # Prefer the source tree if available BUILD_DIR = "@abs_top_builddir@" TEST_DIR = sys.path[0] def update_path(): """ Set the PATH environment variable appropriately for the tests """ new_path = os.environ['PATH'] if os.path.exists("%s/regression.py.in" % TEST_DIR): print("Running tests from the source tree: %s (%s)" % (BUILD_DIR, TEST_DIR)) new_path = "%s/lrmd:%s" % (BUILD_DIR, new_path) # For lrmd, lrmd_test and pacemaker_remoted new_path = "%s/tools:%s" % (BUILD_DIR, new_path) # For crm_resource new_path = "%s/fencing:%s" % (BUILD_DIR, new_path) # For stonithd else: print("Running tests from the install tree: @CRM_DAEMON_DIR@ (not %s)" % TEST_DIR) new_path = "@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@:%s" % (new_path) # For stonithd, lrmd, lrmd_test and pacemaker_remoted print(new_path) os.environ['PATH'] = new_path def shlex_split(command): """ Wrapper for shlex.split() that works around Python 2.6 bug """ if sys.version_info < (2, 7,): return shlex.split(command.encode('ascii')) else: return shlex.split(command) def pipe_output(pipes, stdout=True, stderr=False): """ Wrapper to get text output from pipes regardless of Python version """ output = "" pipe_outputs = pipes.communicate() if sys.version_info < (3,): if stdout: output = output + pipe_outputs[0] if stderr: output = output + pipe_outputs[1] else: if stdout: output = output + pipe_outputs[0].decode(sys.stdout.encoding) if stderr: output = output + pipe_outputs[1].decode(sys.stderr.encoding) return output def output_from_command(command): """ Run a command, and return its standard output. """ test = subprocess.Popen(shlex_split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) test.wait() return pipe_output(test).split("\n") class Test(object): """ Executor for a single lrmd regression test """ def __init__(self, name, description, verbose=0, tls=0): self.name = name self.description = description self.cmds = [] if tls: self.daemon_location = "pacemaker_remoted" else: self.daemon_location = "lrmd" self.test_tool_location = "lrmd_test" self.verbose = verbose self.tls = tls self.result_txt = "" self.cmd_tool_output = "" self.result_exitcode = 0 self.lrmd_process = None self.stonith_process = None self.executed = 0 def __new_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode, stdout_match="", no_wait=0, stdout_negative_match="", kill=None): """ Add a command to be executed as part of this test """ if self.verbose and cmd == self.test_tool_location: args = args + " -V " if (cmd == self.test_tool_location) and self.tls: args = args + " -S " self.cmds.append( { "cmd" : cmd, "kill" : kill, "args" : args, "expected_exitcode" : exitcode, "stdout_match" : stdout_match, "stdout_negative_match" : stdout_negative_match, "no_wait" : no_wait, "cmd_output" : "", } ) def start_environment(self): """ Prepare the host for running a test """ ### make sure we are in full control here ### cmd = shlex_split("killall -q -9 stonithd lt-stonithd lrmd lt-lrmd lrmd_test lt-lrmd_test pacemaker_remoted") test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) test.wait() additional_args = "" if self.tls == 0: self.stonith_process = subprocess.Popen(shlex_split("stonithd -s")) if self.verbose: additional_args = additional_args + " -V" self.lrmd_process = subprocess.Popen(shlex_split("%s %s -l /tmp/lrmd-regression.log" % (self.daemon_location, additional_args))) time.sleep(1) def clean_environment(self): """ Clean up the host after running a test """ if self.lrmd_process: self.lrmd_process.terminate() self.lrmd_process.wait() if self.verbose: print("Daemon output") logfile = io.open('/tmp/lrmd-regression.log', 'rt') for line in logfile.readlines(): print(line.strip()) os.remove('/tmp/lrmd-regression.log') if self.stonith_process: self.stonith_process.terminate() self.stonith_process.wait() self.lrmd_process = None self.stonith_process = None def add_sys_cmd(self, cmd, args): """ Add a simple command to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "") def add_sys_cmd_no_wait(self, cmd, args): """ Add a simple command to be executed (without waiting) as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, 0, "", 1) def add_expected_fail_sys_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode): """ Add a command to be executed as part of this test and expected to fail """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, exitcode) def add_cmd_check_stdout(self, args, match, no_match=""): """ Add a command with expected output to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 0, match, 0, no_match) def add_cmd(self, args): """ Add an lrmd_test command to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 0, "") def add_cmd_and_kill(self, kill_proc, args): """ Add an lrmd_test command and system command to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 0, "", kill=kill_proc) def add_expected_fail_cmd(self, args): """ Add an lrmd_test command to be executed as part of this test and expected to fail """ self.__new_cmd(self.test_tool_location, args, 1, "") def get_exitcode(self): """ Return the exit status of the last test execution """ return self.result_exitcode def print_result(self, filler): """ Print the result of the last test execution """ print("%s%s" % (filler, self.result_txt)) def run_cmd(self, args): """ Execute a command as part of this test """ cmd = shlex_split(args['args']) cmd.insert(0, args['cmd']) if self.verbose: print("\n\nRunning: "+" ".join(cmd)) test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if args['kill']: if self.verbose: print("Also running: "+args['kill']) ### Typically, the kill argument is used to detect some sort of ### failure. Without yielding for a few seconds here, the process ### launched earlier that is listening for the failure may not have ### time to connect to the lrmd. time.sleep(2) subprocess.Popen(shlex_split(args['kill'])) if args['no_wait'] == 0: test.wait() else: return 0 output = pipe_output(test) if args['stdout_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_match']) == 0: test.returncode = -2 print("STDOUT string '%s' was not found in cmd output" % (args['stdout_match'])) if args['stdout_negative_match'] != "" and output.count(args['stdout_negative_match']) != 0: test.returncode = -2 print("STDOUT string '%s' was found in cmd output" % (args['stdout_negative_match'])) args['cmd_output'] = output return test.returncode def run(self): """ Execute this test. """ res = 0 i = 1 if self.tls and self.name.count("stonith") != 0: self.result_txt = "SKIPPED - '%s' - disabled when testing pacemaker_remote" % (self.name) print(self.result_txt) return res self.start_environment() if self.verbose: print("\n--- START TEST - %s" % self.name) self.result_txt = "SUCCESS - '%s'" % (self.name) self.result_exitcode = 0 for cmd in self.cmds: res = self.run_cmd(cmd) if res != cmd['expected_exitcode']: print(cmd['cmd_output']) print("Step %d FAILED - command returned %d, expected %d" % (i, res, cmd['expected_exitcode'])) msg = "FAILURE - '%s' failed at step %d. Command: lrmd_test %s" self.result_txt = msg % (self.name, i, cmd['args']) self.result_exitcode = -1 break else: if self.verbose: print(cmd['cmd_output'].strip()) print("Step %d SUCCESS" % (i)) i = i + 1 self.clean_environment() print(self.result_txt) if self.verbose: print("--- END TEST - %s\n" % self.name) self.executed = 1 return res class Tests(object): """ Collection of all lrmd regression tests """ def __init__(self, verbose=0, tls=0): self.tests = [] self.verbose = verbose self.tls = tls self.rsc_classes = output_from_command("crm_resource --list-standards") self.rsc_classes = self.rsc_classes[:-1] # Strip trailing empty line self.need_authkey = 0 - self.action_timeout = " -t 5000 " + self.action_timeout = " -t 7000 " if self.tls: self.rsc_classes.remove("stonith") if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: try: # This code doesn't need this import, but lrmd_dummy_daemon does, # so ensure the dependency is available rather than cause all # systemd tests to fail. import systemd.daemon except ImportError: print("Fatal error: python systemd bindings not found. Is package installed?", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) print("Testing "+repr(self.rsc_classes)) self.common_cmds = { "ocf_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r ocf_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C ocf -P pacemaker -T Dummy", "ocf_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "ocf_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "ocf_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "ocf_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "ocf_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "ocf_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"ocf_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "ocf_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:ocf_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "systemd_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r systemd_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon", "systemd_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "systemd_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "systemd_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "systemd_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "systemd_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "systemd_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"systemd_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "systemd_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:systemd_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "upstart_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r upstart_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C upstart -T lrmd_dummy_daemon", "upstart_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "upstart_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "upstart_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "upstart_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "upstart_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "upstart_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"upstart_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "upstart_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:upstart_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "service_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r service_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C service -T LSBDummy", "service_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "service_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"service_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "service_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "service_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "service_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "service_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"service_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "service_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:service_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "lsb_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r lsb_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C lsb -T LSBDummy", "lsb_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "lsb_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "lsb_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "lsb_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "lsb_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a status -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "lsb_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"lsb_test_rsc\" -a \"status\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "lsb_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:lsb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "heartbeat_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r hb_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C heartbeat -T HBDummy", "heartbeat_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "heartbeat_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"hb_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "heartbeat_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "heartbeat_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "heartbeat_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a status -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "heartbeat_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"hb_test_rsc\" -a \"status\" -k 1 -v a -k 2 -v b -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "heartbeat_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:hb_test_rsc action:status rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", "stonith_reg_line" : "-c register_rsc -r stonith_test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+" -C stonith -P pacemaker -T fence_dummy_monitor", "stonith_reg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "stonith_unreg_line" : "-c unregister_rsc -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_unreg_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"", "stonith_start_line" : "-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -t 8000 ", "stonith_start_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "stonith_stop_line" : "-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"stop\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_stop_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ", "stonith_monitor_line" : "-c exec -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_monitor_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout, "stonith_cancel_line" : "-c cancel -r \"stonith_test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"2000\" -t \"6000\" ", "stonith_cancel_event" : "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ", } def new_test(self, name, description): """ Create a named test """ test = Test(name, description, self.verbose, self.tls) self.tests.append(test) return test def setup_test_environment(self): """ Prepare the host before executing any tests """ os.system("service pacemaker_remote stop") self.cleanup_test_environment() if self.tls and not os.path.isfile("/etc/pacemaker/authkey"): self.need_authkey = 1 os.system("mkdir -p /etc/pacemaker") os.system("dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1") ### Make fake systemd daemon and unit file ### dummy_daemon = """#!/usr/bin/python import time, systemd.daemon time.sleep(3) systemd.daemon.notify("READY=1") while True: time.sleep(5) """ dummy_service_file = """ [Unit] Description=Dummy resource that takes a while to start [Service] Type=notify ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon """ dummy_upstart_job = (""" description "Dummy service for regression tests" exec dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/null """) dummy_fence_sleep_agent = ("""#!/usr/bin/python import sys import time def main(): for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): if line.count("monitor") > 0: time.sleep(30000) sys.exit(0) sys.exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main() """) dummy_fence_agent = ("""#!/bin/sh while read line; do case ${line} in *monitor*) exit 0;; *metadata*) echo '' echo ' dummy description.' echo ' http://www.example.com' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' Fencing Action' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' Physical plug number or name of virtual machine' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo '' exit 0;; esac exit -1 done """) os.system("cat <<-END >>/etc/init/lrmd_dummy_daemon.conf\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_upstart_job)) os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_daemon)) os.system("cat <<-END >>/lib/systemd/system/lrmd_dummy_daemon.service\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_service_file)) os.system("chmod a+x /usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon") os.system("cat <<-END >>/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_sleep\n%s\nEND" % (dummy_fence_sleep_agent)) os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_sleep") f = io.open("/usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor", 'w') f.write(dummy_fence_agent) f.close() os.system("chmod 711 /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor") if os.path.exists("%s/cts/LSBDummy" % BUILD_DIR): print("Using %s/cts/LSBDummy" % BUILD_DIR) os.system("cp %s/cts/LSBDummy /etc/init.d/LSBDummy" % BUILD_DIR) if not os.path.exists("@OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker"): os.system("mkdir -p @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker/") # Install helper OCF agents for agent in ["Dummy", "Stateful", "ping"]: os.system("cp %s/extra/resources/%s @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker/%s" % (BUILD_DIR, agent, agent)) os.system("chmod a+x @OCF_RA_DIR@/pacemaker/%s" % (agent)) else: # Assume it's installed print("Using @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/LSBDummy") os.system("cp @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/LSBDummy /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("chmod a+x /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("ls -al /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("mkdir -p @CRM_CORE_DIR@/root") os.system("mkdir -p /etc/ha.d/resource.d") if os.path.exists("%s/cts/HBDummy" % BUILD_DIR): print("Using %s/cts/HBDummy" % BUILD_DIR) os.system("cp %s/cts/HBDummy /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy" % BUILD_DIR) else: # Assume it's installed print("Using @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/HBDummy") os.system("cp @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/tests/cts/HBDummy /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") os.system("chmod a+x /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") os.system("ls -al /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") if os.path.exists("/bin/systemctl"): os.system("systemctl daemon-reload") def cleanup_test_environment(self): """ Clean up the host after executing desired tests """ if self.need_authkey: os.system("rm -f /etc/pacemaker/authkey") os.system("rm -f /etc/init.d/LSBDummy") os.system("rm -f /etc/ha.d/resource.d/HBDummy") os.system("rm -f /lib/systemd/system/lrmd_dummy_daemon.service") os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/lrmd_dummy_daemon") os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_monitor") os.system("rm -f /usr/sbin/fence_dummy_sleep") if os.path.exists("/bin/systemctl"): os.system("systemctl daemon-reload") def build_generic_tests(self): """ Register tests that apply to all resource classes """ common_cmds = self.common_cmds ### register/unregister tests ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_registration_%s" % (rsc), "Simple resource registration test for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### start/stop tests ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_start_stop_%s" % (rsc), "Simple start and stop test for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### monitor cancel test ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_monitor_cancel_%s" % (rsc), "Simple monitor cancel test for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_cancel_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_cancel_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### monitor duplicate test ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_monitor_duplicate_%s" % (rsc), "Test creation and canceling of duplicate monitors for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) # Add the duplicate monitors test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) # verify we still get update events ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) # cancel the monitor, if the duplicate merged with the original, we should no longer see monitor updates test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_cancel_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_cancel_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) ### stop implies cancel test ### for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("generic_stop_implies_cancel_%s" % (rsc), "Verify stopping a resource implies cancel of recurring ops for %s standard" % (rsc)) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this fails, that means the monitor may not be getting rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) ### If this happens the monitor did not actually cancel correctly. ### test.add_expected_fail_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) def build_multi_rsc_tests(self): """ Register complex tests that involve managing multiple resouces of different types """ common_cmds = self.common_cmds # do not use service and systemd at the same time, it is the same resource. ### register start monitor stop unregister resources of each type at the same time. ### test = self.new_test("multi_rsc_start_stop_all", "Start, monitor, and stop resources of multiple types and classes") for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_reg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_reg_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_start_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_start_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: ### If this fails, that means the monitor is not being rescheduled #### test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_monitor_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_cancel_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_cancel_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_stop_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_stop_event" % (rsc)]) for rsc in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd(common_cmds["%s_unreg_line" % (rsc)] + " " + common_cmds["%s_unreg_event" % (rsc)]) def build_negative_tests(self): """ Register tests related to how the lrmd handles failures """ ### ocf start timeout test ### test = self.new_test("ocf_start_timeout", "Force start timeout to occur, verify start failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") # -t must be less than self.action_timeout test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -k \"op_sleep\" -v \"5\" -t 1000 -w") test.add_cmd('-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:unknown error op_status:Timed Out" ' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### stonith start timeout test ### test = self.new_test("stonith_start_timeout", "Force start timeout to occur, verify start failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"stonith\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"fence_dummy_sleep\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" -t 1000 -w") # -t must be less than self.action_timeout test.add_cmd('-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:unknown error op_status:Timed Out" ' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### stonith component fail ### common_cmds = self.common_cmds test = self.new_test("stonith_component_fail", "Kill stonith component after lrmd connects") test.add_cmd(common_cmds["stonith_reg_line"] + " " + common_cmds["stonith_reg_event"]) test.add_cmd(common_cmds["stonith_start_line"] + " " + common_cmds["stonith_start_event"]) test.add_cmd('-c exec -r "stonith_test_rsc" -a "monitor" -i "600000" -l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete" ' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("killall -9 -q stonithd lt-stonithd", '-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:stonith_test_rsc action:monitor rc:unknown error op_status:error" -t 15000') test.add_cmd(common_cmds["stonith_unreg_line"] + " " + common_cmds["stonith_unreg_event"]) ### monitor fail for ocf resources ### test = self.new_test("monitor_fail_ocf", "Force ocf monitor to fail, verify failure is reported.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd('-c exec -r "test_rsc" -a "monitor" -i "100" ' + self.action_timeout + '-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete"') test.add_cmd('-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete"' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd('-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete"' + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("rm -f @localstatedir@/run/Dummy-test_rsc.state", '-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete" -t 6000') test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" " + self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" " + self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### verify notify changes only for monitor operation. ### test = self.new_test("monitor_changes_only", "Verify when flag is set, only monitor changes are notified.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+" -o " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd('-c exec -r "test_rsc" -a "monitor" -i "100" ' + self.action_timeout + ' -o -l "NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete" ') test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("rm -f @localstatedir@/run/Dummy-test_rsc.state", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 6000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd('-c unregister_rsc -r "test_rsc" ' + self.action_timeout + '-l "NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete"') ### monitor fail for systemd resource ### if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("monitor_fail_systemd", "Force systemd monitor to fail, verify failure is reported..") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("killall -9 -q lrmd_dummy_daemon", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 8000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### monitor fail for upstart resource ### if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("monitor_fail_upstart", "Force upstart monitor to fail, verify failure is reported..") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C upstart -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_and_kill("killall -9 -q dd", "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" -t 8000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Cancel non-existent operation on a resource ### test = self.new_test("cancel_non_existent_op", "Attempt to cancel the wrong monitor operation, verify expected failure") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a \"monitor\" -i 1234 -t \"6000\" " ### interval is wrong, should fail "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a stop -i 100 -t \"6000\" " ### action name is wrong, should fail "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:not running op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Attempt to invoke non-existent rsc id ### test = self.new_test("invoke_non_existent_rsc", "Attempt to perform operations on a non-existent rsc id.") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:unknown error op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a monitor -i 6000 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a start "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register and start a resource that doesn't exist, systemd ### if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("start_uninstalled_systemd", "Register uninstalled systemd agent, try to start, verify expected failure") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C systemd -T this_is_fake1234 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("start_uninstalled_upstart", "Register uninstalled upstart agent, try to start, verify expected failure") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C upstart -T this_is_fake1234 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register and start a resource that doesn't exist, ocf ### test = self.new_test("start_uninstalled_ocf", "Register uninstalled ocf agent, try to start, verify expected failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C ocf -P pacemaker -T this_is_fake1234 "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register ocf with non-existent provider ### test = self.new_test("start_ocf_bad_provider", "Register ocf agent with a non-existent provider, verify expected failure.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C ocf -P pancakes -T Dummy "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:not installed op_status:Not installed\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register ocf with empty provider field ### test = self.new_test("start_ocf_no_provider", "Register ocf agent with a no provider, verify expected failure.") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C ocf -T Dummy "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:Error\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") def build_stress_tests(self): """ Register stress tests """ timeout = "-t 20000" iterations = 25 test = self.new_test("ocf_stress", "Verify OCF agent handling works under load") for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -C ocf -P heartbeat -T Dummy -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a start %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a monitor %s -i 1000 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a stop %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("systemd_stress", "Verify systemd dbus connection works under load") for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a start %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a monitor %s -i 1000 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c exec -r rsc_%s -a stop %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:rsc_%s action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc_%s %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:rsc_%s action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (i, timeout, i)) iterations = 9 timeout = "-t 30000" ### Verify recurring op in-flight collision is handled in series properly test = self.new_test("rsc_inflight_collision", "Verify recurring ops do not collide with other operations for the same rsc.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P pacemaker -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a start %s -k op_sleep -v 1 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout)) for i in range(iterations): test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a monitor %s -i 100%d -k op_sleep -v 2 -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout, i)) # test.add_sys_cmd("sleep", "-al @CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout)) test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc %s -l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\"" % (timeout)) def build_custom_tests(self): """ Register tests that target specific cases """ ### verify resource temporary folder is created and used by heartbeat agents. ### test = self.new_test("rsc_tmp_dir", "Verify creation and use of rsc temporary state directory") test.add_sys_cmd("ls", "-al @CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P heartbeat -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a start -t 4000") test.add_sys_cmd("ls", "-al @CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@") test.add_sys_cmd("ls", "@CRM_RSCTMP_DIR@/Dummy-test_rsc.state") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop -t 4000") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### start delay then stop test ### test = self.new_test("start_delay", "Verify start delay works as expected.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P pacemaker -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -s 6000 -a start -w -t 6000") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" -t 2000") test.add_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" -t 6000") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -a stop " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:stop rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### start delay, but cancel before it gets a chance to start. ### test = self.new_test("start_delay_cancel", "Using start_delay, start a rsc, but cancel the start op before execution.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r test_rsc -P pacemaker -C ocf -T Dummy " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c exec -r test_rsc -s 5000 -a start -w -t 4000") test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r test_rsc -a start " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:Cancelled\" ") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" -t 5000") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r test_rsc " + self.action_timeout + "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### Register a bunch of resources, verify we can get info on them ### test = self.new_test("verify_get_rsc_info", "Register multiple resources, verify retrieval of rsc info.") if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc1 -C systemd -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc1 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc1 -C upstart -T lrmd_dummy_daemon "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc1 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc1 ") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Dummy -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc2 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ") ### Register duplicate, verify only one entry exists and can still be removed. test = self.new_test("duplicate_registration", "Register resource multiple times, verify only one entry exists and can be removed.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Dummy -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ", "id:rsc2 class:ocf provider:pacemaker type:Dummy") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Dummy -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ", "id:rsc2 class:ocf provider:pacemaker type:Dummy") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r rsc2 -C ocf -T Stateful -P pacemaker "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ", "id:rsc2 class:ocf provider:pacemaker type:Stateful") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r rsc2 "+self.action_timeout) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c get_rsc_info -r rsc2 ") ### verify the option to only send notification to the original client. ### test = self.new_test("notify_orig_client_only", "Verify option to only send notifications to the client originating the action.") test.add_cmd("-c register_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:register rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"start\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:start rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") test.add_cmd("-c exec -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" "+self.action_timeout+" -n " "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") # this will fail because the monitor notifications should only go to the original caller, which no longer exists. test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:exec_complete rsc_id:test_rsc action:monitor rc:ok op_status:complete\" "+self.action_timeout) test.add_cmd("-c cancel -r \"test_rsc\" -a \"monitor\" -i \"100\" -t \"6000\" ") test.add_cmd("-c unregister_rsc -r \"test_rsc\" "+self.action_timeout+ "-l \"NEW_EVENT event_type:unregister rsc_id:test_rsc action:none rc:ok op_status:complete\" ") ### get metadata ### test = self.new_test("get_ocf_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Dummy\"", "resource-agent name=\"Dummy\"") test.add_cmd("-c metadata -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Stateful\"") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c metadata -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"Stateful\"") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("-c metadata -C \"ocf\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"fake_agent\"") ### get metadata ### test = self.new_test("get_lsb_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"lsb\" -T \"LSBDummy\"", "resource-agent name='LSBDummy'") ### get stonith metadata ### test = self.new_test("get_stonith_metadata", "Retrieve stonith metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"stonith\" -P \"pacemaker\" -T \"fence_dummy_monitor\"", "resource-agent name=\"fence_dummy_monitor\"") ### get metadata ### if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("get_systemd_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"systemd\" -T \"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"", "resource-agent name=\"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"") ### get metadata ### if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("get_upstart_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"upstart\" -T \"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"", "resource-agent name=\"lrmd_dummy_daemon\"") if "heartbeat" in self.rsc_classes: test = self.new_test("get_heartbeat_metadata", "Retrieve metadata for a resource") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c metadata -C \"heartbeat\" -T \"HBDummy\"", "resource-agent name='HBDummy'") ### get ocf providers ### test = self.new_test("list_ocf_providers", "Retrieve list of available resource providers, verifies pacemaker is a provider.") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_ocf_providers ", "pacemaker") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_ocf_providers -T ping", "pacemaker") ### Verify agents only exist in their lists ### test = self.new_test("verify_agent_lists", "Verify the agent lists contain the right data.") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "Stateful") ### ocf ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "Stateful") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C lsb", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "LSBDummy") ### init.d ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C lsb", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C lsb", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C ocf", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist if "systemd" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### systemd ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C systemd", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C systemd", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C systemd", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist if "upstart" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### upstart ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "LSBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C upstart", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C upstart", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C upstart", "", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### should not exist if "stonith" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C stonith", "fence_dummy_monitor") ### stonith ### test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C stonith", "", "lrmd_dummy_daemon") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C stonith", "", "Stateful") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents ", "fence_dummy_monitor") if "heartbeat" in self.rsc_classes: test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C heartbeat", "HBDummy") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C heartbeat", "", "LSBDummy") ### should not exist test.add_cmd_check_stdout("-c list_agents -C service", "", "HBDummy") ### should not exist def print_list(self): """ List all registered tests """ print("\n==== %d TESTS FOUND ====" % (len(self.tests))) print("%35s - %s" % ("TEST NAME", "TEST DESCRIPTION")) print("%35s - %s" % ("--------------------", "--------------------")) for test in self.tests: print("%35s - %s" % (test.name, test.description)) print("==== END OF LIST ====\n") def run_single(self, name): """ Run a single named test """ for test in self.tests: if test.name == name: test.run() break def run_tests_matching(self, pattern): """ Run all tests whose name matches a pattern """ for test in self.tests: if test.name.count(pattern) != 0: test.run() def run_tests(self): """ Run all tests """ for test in self.tests: test.run() def exit(self): """ Exit (with error status code if any test failed) """ for test in self.tests: if test.executed == 0: continue if test.get_exitcode() != 0: sys.exit(-1) sys.exit(0) def print_results(self): """ Print summary of results of executed tests """ failures = 0 success = 0 print("\n\n======= FINAL RESULTS ==========") print("\n--- FAILURE RESULTS:") for test in self.tests: if test.executed == 0: continue if test.get_exitcode() != 0: failures = failures + 1 test.print_result(" ") else: success = success + 1 if failures == 0: print(" None") print("\n--- TOTALS\n Pass:%d\n Fail:%d\n" % (success, failures)) class TestOptions(object): """ Option handler """ def __init__(self): self.options = {} self.options['list-tests'] = 0 self.options['run-all'] = 1 self.options['run-only'] = "" self.options['run-only-pattern'] = "" self.options['verbose'] = 0 self.options['invalid-arg'] = "" self.options['show-usage'] = 0 self.options['pacemaker-remote'] = 0 def build_options(self, argv): """ Set options based on command-line arguments """ args = argv[1:] skip = 0 for i in range(0, len(args)): if skip: skip = 0 continue elif args[i] == "-h" or args[i] == "--help": self.options['show-usage'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-l" or args[i] == "--list-tests": self.options['list-tests'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-V" or args[i] == "--verbose": self.options['verbose'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-R" or args[i] == "--pacemaker-remote": self.options['pacemaker-remote'] = 1 elif args[i] == "-r" or args[i] == "--run-only": self.options['run-only'] = args[i+1] skip = 1 elif args[i] == "-p" or args[i] == "--run-only-pattern": self.options['run-only-pattern'] = args[i+1] skip = 1 def show_usage(self): """ Show command usage """ print("usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options]") print("If no options are provided, all tests will run") print("Options:") print("\t [--help | -h] Show usage") print("\t [--list-tests | -l] Print out all registered tests.") print("\t [--run-only | -r 'testname'] Run a specific test") print("\t [--verbose | -V] Verbose output") print("\t [--pacemaker-remote | -R Test pacemaker-remote binary instead of lrmd.") print("\t [--run-only-pattern | -p 'string'] Run only tests containing the string value") print("\n\tExample: Run only the test 'start_top'") print("\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only start_stop") print("\n\tExample: Run only the tests with the string 'systemd' present in them") print("\t\t python ./regression.py --run-only-pattern systemd") def main(argv): """ Run lrmd regression tests as specified by arguments """ update_path() opts = TestOptions() opts.build_options(argv) tests = Tests(opts.options['verbose'], opts.options['pacemaker-remote']) tests.build_generic_tests() tests.build_multi_rsc_tests() tests.build_negative_tests() tests.build_custom_tests() tests.build_stress_tests() tests.setup_test_environment() print("Starting ...") if opts.options['list-tests']: tests.print_list() elif opts.options['show-usage']: opts.show_usage() elif opts.options['run-only-pattern'] != "": tests.run_tests_matching(opts.options['run-only-pattern']) tests.print_results() elif opts.options['run-only'] != "": tests.run_single(opts.options['run-only']) tests.print_results() else: tests.run_tests() tests.print_results() tests.cleanup_test_environment() tests.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)