diff --git a/cts/CTStests.py b/cts/CTStests.py
index 32945cb967..be7fd7f323 100644
--- a/cts/CTStests.py
+++ b/cts/CTStests.py
@@ -1,3135 +1,3135 @@
""" Test-specific classes for Pacemaker's Cluster Test Suite (CTS)
# Pacemaker targets compatibility with Python 2.7 and 3.2+
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2000-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors"
__license__ = "GNU General Public License version 2 or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY"
# Tests may NOT implement any cluster-manager-specific code in them.
# EXTEND the ClusterManager object to provide the base capabilities
# the test needs if you need to do something that the current CM classes
# do not. Otherwise you screw up the whole point of the object structure
# in CTS.
# Thank you.
import os
import re
import time
import subprocess
import tempfile
from stat import *
from cts import CTS
from cts.CTSaudits import *
from cts.CTSvars import *
from cts.patterns import PatternSelector
from cts.logging import LogFactory
from cts.remote import RemoteFactory, input_wrapper
from cts.watcher import LogWatcher
from cts.environment import EnvFactory
AllTestClasses = [ ]
class CTSTest(object):
A Cluster test.
We implement the basic set of properties and behaviors for a generic
cluster test.
Cluster tests track their own statistics.
We keep each of the kinds of counts we track as separate {name,value}
def __init__(self, cm):
#self.name="the unnamed test"
self.Stats = {"calls":0
, "success":0
, "failure":0
, "skipped":0
, "auditfail":0}
# if not issubclass(cm.__class__, ClusterManager):
# raise ValueError("Must be a ClusterManager object")
self.CM = cm
self.Env = EnvFactory().getInstance()
self.rsh = RemoteFactory().getInstance()
self.logger = LogFactory()
self.templates = PatternSelector(cm["Name"])
self.Audits = []
self.timeout = 120
self.passed = 1
self.is_loop = 0
self.is_unsafe = 0
self.is_docker_unsafe = 0
self.is_experimental = 0
self.is_container = 0
self.is_valgrind = 0
self.benchmark = 0 # which tests to benchmark
self.timer = {} # timers
def log(self, args):
def debug(self, args):
def has_key(self, key):
return key in self.Stats
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.Stats[key] = value
def __getitem__(self, key):
if str(key) == "0":
raise ValueError("Bad call to 'foo in X', should reference 'foo in X.Stats' instead")
if key in self.Stats:
return self.Stats[key]
return None
def log_mark(self, msg):
self.debug("MARK: test %s %s %d" % (self.name,msg,time.time()))
def get_timer(self,key = "test"):
try: return self.timer[key]
except: return 0
def set_timer(self,key = "test"):
self.timer[key] = time.time()
return self.timer[key]
def log_timer(self,key = "test"):
elapsed = 0
if key in self.timer:
elapsed = time.time() - self.timer[key]
s = key == "test" and self.name or "%s:%s" % (self.name,key)
self.debug("%s runtime: %.2f" % (s, elapsed))
del self.timer[key]
return elapsed
def incr(self, name):
'''Increment (or initialize) the value associated with the given name'''
if not name in self.Stats:
self.Stats[name] = 0
self.Stats[name] = self.Stats[name]+1
# Reset the test passed boolean
if name == "calls":
self.passed = 1
def failure(self, reason="none"):
'''Increment the failure count'''
self.passed = 0
self.logger.log(("Test %s" % self.name).ljust(35) + " FAILED: %s" % reason)
return None
def success(self):
'''Increment the success count'''
return 1
def skipped(self):
'''Increment the skipped count'''
return 1
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the given test'''
raise ValueError("Abstract Class member (__call__)")
return self.failure()
def audit(self):
passed = 1
if len(self.Audits) > 0:
for audit in self.Audits:
if not audit():
self.logger.log("Internal %s Audit %s FAILED." % (self.name, audit.name()))
passed = 0
return passed
def setup(self, node):
'''Setup the given test'''
return self.success()
def teardown(self, node):
'''Tear down the given test'''
return self.success()
def create_watch(self, patterns, timeout, name=None):
if not name:
name = self.name
return LogWatcher(self.Env["LogFileName"], patterns, name, timeout, kind=self.Env["LogWatcher"], hosts=self.Env["nodes"])
def local_badnews(self, prefix, watch, local_ignore=[]):
errcount = 0
if not prefix:
prefix = "LocalBadNews:"
ignorelist = []
ignorelist.append(" CTS: ")
while errcount < 100:
match = watch.look(0)
if match:
add_err = 1
for ignore in ignorelist:
if add_err == 1 and re.search(ignore, match):
add_err = 0
if add_err == 1:
self.logger.log(prefix + " " + match)
errcount = errcount + 1
self.logger.log("Too many errors!")
return errcount
def is_applicable(self):
return self.is_applicable_common()
def is_applicable_common(self):
'''Return TRUE if we are applicable in the current test configuration'''
#raise ValueError("Abstract Class member (is_applicable)")
if self.is_loop and not self.Env["loop-tests"]:
return 0
elif self.is_unsafe and not self.Env["unsafe-tests"]:
return 0
elif self.is_valgrind and not self.Env["valgrind-tests"]:
return 0
elif self.is_experimental and not self.Env["experimental-tests"]:
return 0
elif self.is_docker_unsafe and self.Env["docker"]:
return 0
elif self.is_container and not self.Env["container-tests"]:
return 0
elif self.Env["benchmark"] and self.benchmark == 0:
return 0
return 1
def find_ocfs2_resources(self, node):
self.r_o2cb = None
self.r_ocfs2 = []
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None)
for line in lines:
if re.search("^Resource", line):
r = AuditResource(self.CM, line)
if r.rtype == "o2cb" and r.parent != "NA":
self.debug("Found o2cb: %s" % self.r_o2cb)
self.r_o2cb = r.parent
if re.search("^Constraint", line):
c = AuditConstraint(self.CM, line)
if c.type == "rsc_colocation" and c.target == self.r_o2cb:
self.debug("Found ocfs2 filesystems: %s" % repr(self.r_ocfs2))
return len(self.r_ocfs2)
def canrunnow(self, node):
'''Return TRUE if we can meaningfully run right now'''
return 1
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which are 'normal' and should be ignored'''
return []
class StopTest(CTSTest):
'''Stop (deactivate) the cluster manager on a node'''
def __init__(self, cm):
CTSTest.__init__(self, cm)
self.name = "Stop"
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'stop' test. '''
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] != "up":
return self.skipped()
patterns = []
# Technically we should always be able to notice ourselves stopping
patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:We_stopped"] % node)
# Any active node needs to notice this one left
# (note that this won't work if we have multiple partitions)
for other in self.Env["nodes"]:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[other] == "up" and other != node:
patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:They_stopped"] %(other, self.CM.key_for_node(node)))
#self.debug("Checking %s will notice %s left"%(other, node))
watch = self.create_watch(patterns, self.Env["DeadTime"])
if node == self.CM.OurNode:
if self.CM.upcount() <= 1:
watch_result = watch.lookforall()
failreason = None
UnmatchedList = "||"
if watch.unmatched:
(rc, output) = self.rsh(node, "/bin/ps axf", None)
for line in output:
(rc, output) = self.rsh(node, "/usr/sbin/dlm_tool dump", None)
for line in output:
for regex in watch.unmatched:
self.logger.log ("ERROR: Shutdown pattern not found: %s" % (regex))
UnmatchedList += regex + "||";
failreason = "Missing shutdown pattern"
if not watch.unmatched or self.CM.upcount() == 0:
return self.success()
if len(watch.unmatched) >= self.CM.upcount():
return self.failure("no match against (%s)" % UnmatchedList)
if failreason == None:
return self.success()
return self.failure(failreason)
# We don't register StopTest because it's better when called by
# another test...
class StartTest(CTSTest):
'''Start (activate) the cluster manager on a node'''
def __init__(self, cm, debug=None):
self.name = "start"
self.debug = debug
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'start' test. '''
if self.CM.upcount() == 0:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] != "down":
return self.skipped()
elif self.CM.StartaCM(node):
return self.success()
return self.failure("Startup %s on node %s failed"
% (self.Env["Name"], node))
# We don't register StartTest because it's better when called by
# another test...
class FlipTest(CTSTest):
'''If it's running, stop it. If it's stopped start it.
Overthrow the status quo...
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "Flip"
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.stop = StopTest(cm)
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'Flip' test. '''
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up":
ret = self.stop(node)
type = "up->down"
# Give the cluster time to recognize it's gone...
elif self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down":
ret = self.start(node)
type = "down->up"
return self.skipped()
if ret:
return self.success()
return self.failure("%s failure" % type)
# Register FlipTest as a good test to run
class RestartTest(CTSTest):
'''Stop and restart a node'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "Restart"
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.stop = StopTest(cm)
self.benchmark = 1
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'restart' test. '''
self.incr("node:" + node)
ret1 = 1
if self.CM.StataCM(node):
if not self.start(node):
return self.failure("start (setup) failure: "+node)
if not self.stop(node):
return self.failure("stop failure: "+node)
if not self.start(node):
return self.failure("start failure: "+node)
return self.success()
# Register RestartTest as a good test to run
class StonithdTest(CTSTest):
def __init__(self, cm):
CTSTest.__init__(self, cm)
self.name = "Stonithd"
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.benchmark = 1
def __call__(self, node):
if len(self.Env["nodes"]) < 2:
return self.skipped()
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
is_dc = self.CM.is_node_dc(node)
watchpats = []
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:FenceOpOK"] % node)
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:NodeFenced"] % node)
if self.Env["at-boot"] == 0:
self.debug("Expecting %s to stay down" % node)
self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] = "down"
self.debug("Expecting %s to come up again %d" % (node, self.Env["at-boot"]))
watchpats.append("%s.* S_STARTING -> S_PENDING" % node)
watchpats.append("%s.* S_PENDING -> S_NOT_DC" % node)
watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, 30 + self.Env["DeadTime"] + self.Env["StableTime"] + self.Env["StartTime"])
origin = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(self.Env["nodes"])
rc = self.rsh(origin, "stonith_admin --reboot %s -VVVVVV" % node)
if rc == 194:
# 194 - 256 = -62 = Timer expired
# Look for the patterns, usually this means the required
# device was running on the node to be fenced - or that
# the required devices were in the process of being loaded
# and/or moved
# Effectively the node committed suicide so there will be
# no confirmation, but pacemaker should be watching and
# fence the node again
self.logger.log("Fencing command on %s to fence %s timed out" % (origin, node))
elif origin != node and rc != 0:
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover")
self.debug("Waiting for fenced node to come back up")
self.CM.ns.WaitForAllNodesToComeUp(self.Env["nodes"], 600)
self.logger.log("Fencing command on %s failed to fence %s (rc=%d)" % (origin, node, rc))
elif origin == node and rc != 255:
# 255 == broken pipe, ie. the node was fenced as expected
self.logger.log("Locally originated fencing returned %d" % rc)
matched = watch.lookforall()
if watch.unmatched:
self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched))
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover")
self.debug("Waiting for fenced node to come back up")
self.CM.ns.WaitForAllNodesToComeUp(self.Env["nodes"], 600)
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to re-stabilize with all nodes")
is_stable = self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["StartTime"])
if not matched:
return self.failure("Didn't find all expected patterns")
elif not is_stable:
return self.failure("Cluster did not become stable")
return self.success()
def errorstoignore(self):
return [
self.templates["Pat:Fencing_start"] % ".*",
self.templates["Pat:Fencing_ok"] % ".*",
r"error.*: Resource .*stonith::.* is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery",
r"error.*: Operation reboot of .*by .* for stonith_admin.*: Timer expired",
def is_applicable(self):
if not self.is_applicable_common():
return 0
if "DoFencing" in list(self.Env.keys()):
return self.Env["DoFencing"]
return 1
class StartOnebyOne(CTSTest):
'''Start all the nodes ~ one by one'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "StartOnebyOne"
self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm)
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.ns = CTS.NodeStatus(cm.Env)
def __call__(self, dummy):
'''Perform the 'StartOnebyOne' test. '''
# We ignore the "node" parameter...
# Shut down all the nodes...
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Test setup failed")
failed = []
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if not self.start(node):
if len(failed) > 0:
return self.failure("Some node failed to start: " + repr(failed))
return self.success()
# Register StartOnebyOne as a good test to run
class SimulStart(CTSTest):
'''Start all the nodes ~ simultaneously'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "SimulStart"
self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
def __call__(self, dummy):
'''Perform the 'SimulStart' test. '''
# We ignore the "node" parameter...
# Shut down all the nodes...
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
if not self.startall(None):
return self.failure("Startall failed")
return self.success()
# Register SimulStart as a good test to run
class SimulStop(CTSTest):
'''Stop all the nodes ~ simultaneously'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "SimulStop"
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm)
def __call__(self, dummy):
'''Perform the 'SimulStop' test. '''
# We ignore the "node" parameter...
# Start up all the nodes...
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
if not self.stopall(None):
return self.failure("Stopall failed")
return self.success()
# Register SimulStop as a good test to run
class StopOnebyOne(CTSTest):
'''Stop all the nodes in order'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "StopOnebyOne"
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.stop = StopTest(cm)
def __call__(self, dummy):
'''Perform the 'StopOnebyOne' test. '''
# We ignore the "node" parameter...
# Start up all the nodes...
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
failed = []
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if not self.stop(node):
if len(failed) > 0:
return self.failure("Some node failed to stop: " + repr(failed))
return self.success()
# Register StopOnebyOne as a good test to run
class RestartOnebyOne(CTSTest):
'''Restart all the nodes in order'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "RestartOnebyOne"
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
def __call__(self, dummy):
'''Perform the 'RestartOnebyOne' test. '''
# We ignore the "node" parameter...
# Start up all the nodes...
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
did_fail = []
self.restart = RestartTest(self.CM)
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if not self.restart(node):
if did_fail:
return self.failure("Could not restart %d nodes: %s"
% (len(did_fail), repr(did_fail)))
return self.success()
# Register StopOnebyOne as a good test to run
class PartialStart(CTSTest):
'''Start a node - but tell it to stop before it finishes starting up'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "PartialStart"
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm)
self.stop = StopTest(cm)
#self.is_unsafe = 1
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'PartialStart' test. '''
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
# FIXME! This should use the CM class to get the pattern
# then it would be applicable in general
watchpats = []
watchpats.append("pacemaker-controld.*Connecting to cluster infrastructure")
watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10)
ret = watch.lookforall()
if not ret:
self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched))
return self.failure("Setup of %s failed" % node)
ret = self.stop(node)
if not ret:
return self.failure("%s did not stop in time" % node)
return self.success()
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which should be ignored'''
# We might do some fencing in the 2-node case if we make it up far enough
return [
r"Executing reboot fencing operation",
r"Requesting fencing \([^)]+\) of node ",
# Register StopOnebyOne as a good test to run
class StandbyTest(CTSTest):
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "Standby"
self.benchmark = 1
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
# make sure the node is active
# set the node to standby mode
# check resources, none resource should be running on the node
# set the node to active mode
# check resouces, resources should have been migrated back (SHOULD THEY?)
def __call__(self, node):
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Start all nodes failed")
self.debug("Make sure node %s is active" % node)
if self.CM.StandbyStatus(node) != "off":
if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off"):
return self.failure("can't set node %s to active mode" % node)
status = self.CM.StandbyStatus(node)
if status != "off":
return self.failure("standby status of %s is [%s] but we expect [off]" % (node, status))
self.debug("Getting resources running on node %s" % node)
rsc_on_node = self.CM.active_resources(node)
watchpats = []
watchpats.append(r"State transition .* -> S_POLICY_ENGINE")
watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10)
self.debug("Setting node %s to standby mode" % node)
if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "on"):
return self.failure("can't set node %s to standby mode" % node)
ret = watch.lookforall()
if not ret:
self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched))
self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off")
return self.failure("cluster didn't react to standby change on %s" % node)
status = self.CM.StandbyStatus(node)
if status != "on":
return self.failure("standby status of %s is [%s] but we expect [on]" % (node, status))
self.debug("Checking resources")
bad_run = self.CM.active_resources(node)
if len(bad_run) > 0:
rc = self.failure("%s set to standby, %s is still running on it" % (node, repr(bad_run)))
self.debug("Setting node %s to active mode" % node)
self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off")
return rc
self.debug("Setting node %s to active mode" % node)
if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off"):
return self.failure("can't set node %s to active mode" % node)
status = self.CM.StandbyStatus(node)
if status != "off":
return self.failure("standby status of %s is [%s] but we expect [off]" % (node, status))
return self.success()
class ValgrindTest(CTSTest):
'''Check for memory leaks'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "Valgrind"
self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.is_valgrind = 1
self.is_loop = 1
def setup(self, node):
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Stop all nodes failed")
# @TODO Edit /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker on all nodes to enable valgrind,
# and clear any valgrind logs from previous runs. For now, we rely on
# the user to do this manually.
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Start all nodes failed")
return self.success()
def teardown(self, node):
# Return all nodes to normal
# @TODO Edit /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker on all nodes to disable valgrind
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Stop all nodes failed")
return self.success()
def find_leaks(self):
# Check for leaks
# (no longer used but kept in case feature is restored)
leaked = []
self.stop = StopTest(self.CM)
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
rc = self.stop(node)
if not rc:
self.failure("Couldn't shut down %s" % node)
rc = self.rsh(node, "grep -e indirectly.*lost:.*[1-9] -e definitely.*lost:.*[1-9] -e (ERROR|error).*SUMMARY:.*[1-9].*errors %s" % self.logger.logPat, 0)
if rc != 1:
self.failure("Valgrind errors detected on %s" % node)
(rc, output) = self.rsh(node, "grep -e lost: -e SUMMARY: %s" % self.logger.logPat, None)
for line in output:
(rc, output) = self.rsh(node, "cat %s" % self.logger.logPat, None)
for line in output:
self.rsh(node, "rm -f %s" % self.logger.logPat, None)
return leaked
def __call__(self, node):
#leaked = self.find_leaks()
#if len(leaked) > 0:
# return self.failure("Nodes %s leaked" % repr(leaked))
return self.success()
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which should be ignored'''
return [
r"pacemaker-based.*: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*",
r"pacemaker-based.*: .* avoid confusing Valgrind",
class StandbyLoopTest(ValgrindTest):
'''Check for memory leaks by putting a node in and out of standby for an hour'''
# @TODO This is not a useful test for memory leaks
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "StandbyLoop"
def __call__(self, node):
lpc = 0
delay = 2
failed = 0
done = time.time() + self.Env["loop-minutes"] * 60
while time.time() <= done and not failed:
lpc = lpc + 1
if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "on"):
self.failure("can't set node %s to standby mode" % node)
failed = lpc
if not self.CM.SetStandbyMode(node, "off"):
self.failure("can't set node %s to active mode" % node)
failed = lpc
leaked = self.find_leaks()
if failed:
return self.failure("Iteration %d failed" % failed)
elif len(leaked) > 0:
return self.failure("Nodes %s leaked" % repr(leaked))
return self.success()
class BandwidthTest(CTSTest):
# Tests should not be cluster-manager-specific
# If you need to find out cluster manager configuration to do this, then
# it should be added to the generic cluster manager API.
'''Test the bandwidth which the cluster uses'''
def __init__(self, cm):
CTSTest.__init__(self, cm)
self.name = "Bandwidth"
self.start = StartTest(cm)
(handle, self.tempfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(".cts")
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the Bandwidth test'''
if self.CM.upcount() < 1:
return self.skipped()
Path = self.CM.InternalCommConfig()
if "ip" not in Path["mediatype"]:
return self.skipped()
port = Path["port"][0]
port = int(port)
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Test setup failed")
time.sleep(5) # We get extra messages right after startup.
fstmpfile = "/var/run/band_estimate"
dumpcmd = "tcpdump -p -n -c 102 -i any udp port %d > %s 2>&1" \
% (port, fstmpfile)
rc = self.rsh(node, dumpcmd)
if rc == 0:
farfile = "root@%s:%s" % (node, fstmpfile)
self.rsh.cp(farfile, self.tempfile)
Bandwidth = self.countbandwidth(self.tempfile)
if not Bandwidth:
self.logger.log("Could not compute bandwidth.")
return self.success()
intband = int(Bandwidth + 0.5)
self.logger.log("...bandwidth: %d bits/sec" % intband)
self.Stats["totalbandwidth"] = self.Stats["totalbandwidth"] + Bandwidth
if self.Stats["min"] == 0:
self.Stats["min"] = Bandwidth
if Bandwidth > self.Stats["max"]:
self.Stats["max"] = Bandwidth
if Bandwidth < self.Stats["min"]:
self.Stats["min"] = Bandwidth
self.rsh(node, "rm -f %s" % fstmpfile)
return self.success()
return self.failure("no response from tcpdump command [%d]!" % rc)
def countbandwidth(self, file):
fp = open(file, "r")
count = 0
sum = 0
while 1:
line = fp.readline()
if not line:
return None
if re.search("udp",line) or re.search("UDP,", line):
count = count + 1
linesplit = line.split(" ")
for j in range(len(linesplit)-1):
if linesplit[j] == "udp": break
if linesplit[j] == "length:": break
sum = sum + int(linesplit[j+1])
except ValueError:
self.logger.log("Invalid tcpdump line: %s" % line)
return None
T1 = linesplit[0]
timesplit = T1.split(":")
time2split = timesplit[2].split(".")
time1 = (int(timesplit[0])*60+int(timesplit[1]))*60+int(time2split[0])+int(time2split[1])*0.000001
while count < 100:
line = fp.readline()
if not line:
return None
if re.search("udp",line) or re.search("UDP,", line):
count = count+1
linessplit = line.split(" ")
for j in range(len(linessplit)-1):
if linessplit[j] == "udp": break
if linessplit[j] == "length:": break
sum = int(linessplit[j+1]) + sum
except ValueError:
self.logger.log("Invalid tcpdump line: %s" % line)
return None
T2 = linessplit[0]
timesplit = T2.split(":")
time2split = timesplit[2].split(".")
time2 = (int(timesplit[0])*60+int(timesplit[1]))*60+int(time2split[0])+int(time2split[1])*0.000001
time = time2-time1
if (time <= 0):
return 0
return int((sum*8)/time)
def is_applicable(self):
'''BandwidthTest never applicable'''
return 0
class MaintenanceMode(CTSTest):
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "MaintenanceMode"
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.max = 30
#self.is_unsafe = 1
self.benchmark = 1
self.action = "asyncmon"
self.interval = 0
self.rid = "maintenanceDummy"
def toggleMaintenanceMode(self, node, action):
pats = []
# fail the resource right after turning Maintenance mode on
# verify it is not recovered until maintenance mode is turned off
if action == "On":
pats.append(r"schedulerd.*:\s+warning:.*Processing failed %s of %s on" % (self.action, self.rid))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("stop", self.rid))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", self.rid))
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60)
self.debug("Turning maintenance mode %s" % action)
self.rsh(node, self.templates["MaintenanceMode%s" % (action)])
if (action == "On"):
self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -V -F -r %s -H %s &>/dev/null" % (self.rid, node))
self.set_timer("recover%s" % (action))
self.log_timer("recover%s" % (action))
if watch.unmatched:
self.debug("Failed to find patterns when turning maintenance mode %s" % action)
return repr(watch.unmatched)
return ""
def insertMaintenanceDummy(self, node):
pats = []
pats.append(("%s.*" % node) + (self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", self.rid)))
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60)
self.CM.AddDummyRsc(node, self.rid)
if watch.unmatched:
self.debug("Failed to find patterns when adding maintenance dummy resource")
return repr(watch.unmatched)
return ""
def removeMaintenanceDummy(self, node):
pats = []
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("stop", self.rid))
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60)
self.CM.RemoveDummyRsc(node, self.rid)
if watch.unmatched:
self.debug("Failed to find patterns when removing maintenance dummy resource")
return repr(watch.unmatched)
return ""
def managedRscList(self, node):
rscList = []
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None)
for line in lines:
if re.search("^Resource", line):
tmp = AuditResource(self.CM, line)
if tmp.managed():
return rscList
def verifyResources(self, node, rscList, managed):
managedList = list(rscList)
managed_str = "managed"
if not managed:
managed_str = "unmanaged"
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None)
for line in lines:
if re.search("^Resource", line):
tmp = AuditResource(self.CM, line)
if managed and not tmp.managed():
elif not managed and tmp.managed():
elif managedList.count(tmp.id):
if len(managedList) == 0:
self.debug("Found all %s resources on %s" % (managed_str, node))
return True
self.logger.log("Could not find all %s resources on %s. %s" % (managed_str, node, managedList))
return False
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'MaintenanceMode' test. '''
verify_managed = False
verify_unmanaged = False
failPat = ""
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
# get a list of all the managed resources. We use this list
# after enabling maintenance mode to verify all managed resources
# become un-managed. After maintenance mode is turned off, we use
# this list to verify all the resources become managed again.
managedResources = self.managedRscList(node)
if len(managedResources) == 0:
self.logger.log("No managed resources on %s" % node)
return self.skipped()
# insert a fake resource we can fail during maintenance mode
# so we can verify recovery does not take place until after maintenance
# mode is disabled.
failPat = failPat + self.insertMaintenanceDummy(node)
# toggle maintenance mode ON, then fail dummy resource.
failPat = failPat + self.toggleMaintenanceMode(node, "On")
# verify all the resources are now unmanaged
if self.verifyResources(node, managedResources, False):
verify_unmanaged = True
# Toggle maintenance mode OFF, verify dummy is recovered.
failPat = failPat + self.toggleMaintenanceMode(node, "Off")
# verify all the resources are now managed again
if self.verifyResources(node, managedResources, True):
verify_managed = True
# Remove our maintenance dummy resource.
failPat = failPat + self.removeMaintenanceDummy(node)
if failPat != "":
return self.failure("Unmatched patterns: %s" % (failPat))
elif verify_unmanaged is False:
return self.failure("Failed to verify resources became unmanaged during maintenance mode")
elif verify_managed is False:
return self.failure("Failed to verify resources switched back to managed after disabling maintenance mode")
return self.success()
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which should be ignored'''
return [
r"Updating failcount for %s" % self.rid,
r"schedulerd.*: Recover %s\s*\(.*\)" % self.rid,
r"Unknown operation: fail",
self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.action, self.rid),
r"(ERROR|error).*: Action %s_%s_%d .* initiated outside of a transition" % (self.rid, self.action, self.interval),
class ResourceRecover(CTSTest):
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "ResourceRecover"
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.max = 30
self.rid = None
self.rid_alt = None
#self.is_unsafe = 1
self.benchmark = 1
# these are the values used for the new LRM API call
self.action = "asyncmon"
self.interval = 0
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'ResourceRecover' test. '''
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
resourcelist = self.CM.active_resources(node)
# if there are no resourcelist, return directly
if len(resourcelist) == 0:
self.logger.log("No active resources on %s" % node)
return self.skipped()
self.rid = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(resourcelist)
self.rid_alt = self.rid
rsc = None
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None)
for line in lines:
if re.search("^Resource", line):
tmp = AuditResource(self.CM, line)
if tmp.id == self.rid:
rsc = tmp
# Handle anonymous clones that get renamed
self.rid = rsc.clone_id
if not rsc:
return self.failure("Could not find %s in the resource list" % self.rid)
self.debug("Shooting %s aka. %s" % (rsc.clone_id, rsc.id))
pats = []
pats.append(r"schedulerd.*:\s+warning:.*Processing failed %s of (%s|%s) on" % (self.action,
rsc.id, rsc.clone_id))
if rsc.managed():
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("stop", self.rid))
if rsc.unique():
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", self.rid))
# Anonymous clones may get restarted with a different clone number
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", ".*"))
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60)
self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -V -F -r %s -H %s &>/dev/null" % (self.rid, node))
recovered = self.CM.ResourceLocation(self.rid)
if watch.unmatched:
return self.failure("Patterns not found: %s" % repr(watch.unmatched))
elif rsc.unique() and len(recovered) > 1:
return self.failure("%s is now active on more than one node: %s"%(self.rid, repr(recovered)))
elif len(recovered) > 0:
self.debug("%s is running on: %s" % (self.rid, repr(recovered)))
elif rsc.managed():
return self.failure("%s was not recovered and is inactive" % self.rid)
return self.success()
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which should be ignored'''
return [
r"Updating failcount for %s" % self.rid,
r"schedulerd.*: Recover (%s|%s)\s*\(.*\)" % (self.rid, self.rid_alt),
r"Unknown operation: fail",
self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % (self.action, self.rid),
r"(ERROR|error).*: Action %s_%s_%d .* initiated outside of a transition" % (self.rid, self.action, self.interval),
class ComponentFail(CTSTest):
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "ComponentFail"
# TODO make this work correctly in docker.
self.is_docker_unsafe = 1
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.complist = cm.Components()
self.patterns = []
self.okerrpatterns = []
self.is_unsafe = 1
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'ComponentFail' test. '''
self.patterns = []
self.okerrpatterns = []
# start all nodes
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
if not self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["StableTime"]):
return self.failure("Setup failed - unstable")
node_is_dc = self.CM.is_node_dc(node, None)
# select a component to kill
chosen = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(self.complist)
while chosen.dc_only == 1 and node_is_dc == 0:
chosen = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(self.complist)
self.debug("...component %s (dc=%d,boot=%d)" % (chosen.name, node_is_dc,chosen.triggersreboot))
if chosen.name != "corosync":
self.patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:ChildKilled"] %(node, chosen.name))
self.patterns.append(self.templates["Pat:ChildRespawn"] %(node, chosen.name))
if node_is_dc:
if chosen.name == "pacemaker-fenced":
# Ignore actions for STONITH resources
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None)
for line in lines:
if re.search("^Resource", line):
r = AuditResource(self.CM, line)
if r.rclass == "stonith":
self.okerrpatterns.append(self.templates["Pat:Fencing_recover"] % r.id)
# supply a copy so self.patterns doesn't end up empty
tmpPats = []
# Look for STONITH ops, depending on Env["at-boot"] we might need to change the nodes status
stonithPats = []
stonithPats.append(self.templates["Pat:Fencing_ok"] % node)
stonith = self.create_watch(stonithPats, 0)
# set the watch for stable
watch = self.create_watch(
tmpPats, self.Env["DeadTime"] + self.Env["StableTime"] + self.Env["StartTime"])
# kill the component
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover")
self.debug("Waiting for any fenced node to come back up")
self.CM.ns.WaitForAllNodesToComeUp(self.Env["nodes"], 600)
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to re-stabilize with all nodes")
self.debug("Checking if %s was shot" % node)
shot = stonith.look(60)
if shot:
self.debug("Found: " + repr(shot))
self.okerrpatterns.append(self.templates["Pat:Fencing_start"] % node)
if self.Env["at-boot"] == 0:
self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] = "down"
# If fencing occurred, chances are many (if not all) the expected logs
# will not be sent - or will be lost when the node reboots
return self.success()
# check for logs indicating a graceful recovery
matched = watch.lookforall(allow_multiple_matches=1)
if watch.unmatched:
self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched))
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to re-stabilize with all nodes")
is_stable = self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["StartTime"])
if not matched:
return self.failure("Didn't find all expected %s patterns" % chosen.name)
elif not is_stable:
return self.failure("Cluster did not become stable after killing %s" % chosen.name)
return self.success()
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which should be ignored'''
# Note that okerrpatterns refers to the last time we ran this test
# The good news is that this works fine for us...
return self.okerrpatterns
class SplitBrainTest(CTSTest):
'''It is used to test split-brain. when the path between the two nodes break
check the two nodes both take over the resource'''
def __init__(self,cm):
self.name = "SplitBrain"
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.is_experimental = 1
def isolate_partition(self, partition):
other_nodes = []
for node in partition:
except ValueError:
self.logger.log("Node "+node+" not in " + repr(self.Env["nodes"]) + " from " +repr(partition))
if len(other_nodes) == 0:
return 1
self.debug("Creating partition: " + repr(partition))
self.debug("Everyone else: " + repr(other_nodes))
for node in partition:
if not self.CM.isolate_node(node, other_nodes):
self.logger.log("Could not isolate %s" % node)
return 0
return 1
def heal_partition(self, partition):
other_nodes = []
for node in partition:
except ValueError:
self.logger.log("Node "+node+" not in " + repr(self.Env["nodes"]))
if len(other_nodes) == 0:
return 1
self.debug("Healing partition: " + repr(partition))
self.debug("Everyone else: " + repr(other_nodes))
for node in partition:
self.CM.unisolate_node(node, other_nodes)
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform split-brain test'''
self.passed = 1
partitions = {}
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed")
while 1:
# Retry until we get multiple partitions
partitions = {}
p_max = len(self.Env["nodes"])
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
p = self.Env.RandomGen.randint(1, p_max)
if not p in partitions:
partitions[p] = []
p_max = len(list(partitions.keys()))
if p_max > 1:
# else, try again
self.debug("Created %d partitions" % p_max)
for key in list(partitions.keys()):
# Disabling STONITH to reduce test complexity for now
self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -n stonith-enabled -v false")
for key in list(partitions.keys()):
count = 30
while count > 0:
if len(self.CM.find_partitions()) != p_max:
self.failure("Expected partitions were not created")
# Target number of partitions formed - wait for stability
if not self.CM.cluster_stable():
self.failure("Partitioned cluster not stable")
# Now audit the cluster state
self.CM.partitions_expected = p_max
if not self.audit():
self.failure("Audits failed")
self.CM.partitions_expected = 1
# And heal them again
for key in list(partitions.keys()):
# Wait for a single partition to form
count = 30
while count > 0:
if len(self.CM.find_partitions()) != 1:
count -= 1
self.failure("Cluster did not reform")
# Wait for it to have the right number of members
count = 30
while count > 0:
members = []
partitions = self.CM.find_partitions()
if len(partitions) > 0:
members = partitions[0].split()
if len(members) != len(self.Env["nodes"]):
count -= 1
self.failure("Cluster did not completely reform")
# Wait up to 20 minutes - the delay is more preferable than
# trying to continue with in a messed up state
if not self.CM.cluster_stable(1200):
self.failure("Reformed cluster not stable")
if self.Env["continue"] == 1:
answer = "Y"
answer = input_wrapper('Continue? [nY]')
except EOFError as e:
answer = "n"
if answer and answer == "n":
raise ValueError("Reformed cluster not stable")
# Turn fencing back on
if self.Env["DoFencing"]:
self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -V -D -n stonith-enabled")
if self.passed:
return self.success()
return self.failure("See previous errors")
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which are 'normal' and should be ignored'''
return [
r"Another DC detected:",
r"(ERROR|error).*: .*Application of an update diff failed",
r"pacemaker-controld.*:.*not in our membership list",
r"CRIT:.*node.*returning after partition",
def is_applicable(self):
if not self.is_applicable_common():
return 0
return len(self.Env["nodes"]) > 2
class Reattach(CTSTest):
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "Reattach"
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.restart1 = RestartTest(cm)
self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm)
self.is_unsafe = 0 # Handled by canrunnow()
def _is_managed(self, node):
is_managed = self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -t rsc_defaults -n is-managed -q -G -d true", 1)
is_managed = is_managed[:-1] # Strip off the newline
return is_managed == "true"
def _set_unmanaged(self, node):
self.debug("Disable resource management")
self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -t rsc_defaults -n is-managed -v false")
def _set_managed(self, node):
self.debug("Re-enable resource management")
self.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -t rsc_defaults -n is-managed -D")
def setup(self, node):
attempt = 0
if not self.startall(None):
return None
# Make sure we are really _really_ stable and that all
# resources, including those that depend on transient node
# attributes, are started
while not self.CM.cluster_stable(double_check=True):
if attempt < 5:
attempt += 1
self.debug("Not stable yet, re-testing")
self.logger.log("Cluster is not stable")
return None
return 1
def teardown(self, node):
# Make sure 'node' is up
start = StartTest(self.CM)
if not self._is_managed(node):
self.logger.log("Attempting to re-enable resource management on %s" % node)
if not self._is_managed(node):
self.logger.log("Could not re-enable resource management")
return 0
return 1
def canrunnow(self, node):
'''Return TRUE if we can meaningfully run right now'''
if self.find_ocfs2_resources(node):
self.logger.log("Detach/Reattach scenarios are not possible with OCFS2 services present")
return 0
return 1
def __call__(self, node):
pats = []
# Conveniently, the scheduler will display this message when disabling
# management, even if fencing is not enabled, so we can rely on it.
managed = self.create_watch(["Delaying fencing operations"], 60)
if not managed.lookforall():
self.logger.log("Patterns not found: " + repr(managed.unmatched))
return self.failure("Resource management not disabled")
pats = []
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", ".*"))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("stop", ".*"))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("promote", ".*"))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("demote", ".*"))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("migrate", ".*"))
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60, "ShutdownActivity")
self.debug("Shutting down the cluster")
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Couldn't shut down the cluster")
self.debug("Bringing the cluster back up")
ret = self.startall(None)
time.sleep(5) # allow ping to update the CIB
if not ret:
return self.failure("Couldn't restart the cluster")
if self.local_badnews("ResourceActivity:", watch):
return self.failure("Resources stopped or started during cluster restart")
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 60, "StartupActivity")
# Re-enable resource management (and verify it happened).
if not self._is_managed(node):
return self.failure("Could not re-enable resource management")
# Ignore actions for STONITH resources
ignore = []
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None)
for line in lines:
if re.search("^Resource", line):
r = AuditResource(self.CM, line)
if r.rclass == "stonith":
self.debug("Ignoring start actions for %s" % r.id)
ignore.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", r.id))
if self.local_badnews("ResourceActivity:", watch, ignore):
return self.failure("Resources stopped or started after resource management was re-enabled")
return ret
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which should be ignored'''
return [
r"resource( was|s were) active at shutdown",
def is_applicable(self):
return 1
class SpecialTest1(CTSTest):
'''Set up a custom test to cause quorum failure issues for Andrew'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "SpecialTest1"
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.restart1 = RestartTest(cm)
self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm)
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'SpecialTest1' test for Andrew. '''
# Shut down all the nodes...
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Could not stop all nodes")
# Test config recovery when the other nodes come up
self.rsh(node, "rm -f "+CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib*")
# Start the selected node
ret = self.restart1(node)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Could not start "+node)
# Start all remaining nodes
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Could not start the remaining nodes")
return self.success()
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which should be ignored'''
# Errors that occur as a result of the CIB being wiped
return [
r"error.*: v1 patchset error, patch failed to apply: Application of an update diff failed",
r"error.*: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined",
r"error.*: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option",
r"error.*: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity",
class HAETest(CTSTest):
'''Set up a custom test to cause quorum failure issues for Andrew'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "HAETest"
self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.is_loop = 1
def setup(self, node):
# Start all remaining nodes
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Couldn't start all nodes")
return self.success()
def teardown(self, node):
# Stop everything
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Couldn't stop all nodes")
return self.success()
def wait_on_state(self, node, resource, expected_clones, attempts=240):
while attempts > 0:
active = 0
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -r %s -W -Q" % resource, stdout=None)
# Hack until crm_resource does the right thing
if rc == 0 and lines:
active = len(lines)
if len(lines) == expected_clones:
return 1
elif rc == 1:
self.debug("Resource %s is still inactive" % resource)
elif rc == 234:
self.logger.log("Unknown resource %s" % resource)
return 0
elif rc == 246:
self.logger.log("Cluster is inactive")
return 0
elif rc != 0:
self.logger.log("Call to crm_resource failed, rc=%d" % rc)
return 0
self.debug("Resource %s is active on %d times instead of %d" % (resource, active, expected_clones))
attempts -= 1
return 0
def find_dlm(self, node):
self.r_dlm = None
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -c", None)
for line in lines:
if re.search("^Resource", line):
r = AuditResource(self.CM, line)
if r.rtype == "controld" and r.parent != "NA":
self.debug("Found dlm: %s" % self.r_dlm)
self.r_dlm = r.parent
return 1
return 0
def find_hae_resources(self, node):
self.r_dlm = None
self.r_o2cb = None
self.r_ocfs2 = []
if self.find_dlm(node):
def is_applicable(self):
if not self.is_applicable_common():
return 0
if self.Env["Schema"] == "hae":
return 1
return None
class HAERoleTest(HAETest):
def __init__(self, cm):
'''Lars' mount/unmount test for the HA extension. '''
self.name = "HAERoleTest"
def change_state(self, node, resource, target):
rc = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -V -r %s -p target-role -v %s --meta" % (resource, target))
return rc
def __call__(self, node):
lpc = 0
failed = 0
delay = 2
done = time.time() + self.Env["loop-minutes"]*60
clone_max = len(self.Env["nodes"])
while time.time() <= done and not failed:
lpc = lpc + 1
self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "Stopped")
if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, 0):
self.failure("%s did not go down correctly" % self.r_dlm)
failed = lpc
self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "Started")
if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, clone_max):
self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_dlm)
failed = lpc
if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_o2cb, clone_max):
self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_o2cb)
failed = lpc
for fs in self.r_ocfs2:
if not self.wait_on_state(node, fs, clone_max):
self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % fs)
failed = lpc
if failed:
return self.failure("iteration %d failed" % failed)
return self.success()
class HAEStandbyTest(HAETest):
'''Set up a custom test to cause quorum failure issues for Andrew'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "HAEStandbyTest"
def change_state(self, node, resource, target):
rc = self.rsh(node, "crm_standby -V -l reboot -v %s" % (target))
return rc
def __call__(self, node):
lpc = 0
failed = 0
done = time.time() + self.Env["loop-minutes"]*60
clone_max = len(self.Env["nodes"])
while time.time() <= done and not failed:
lpc = lpc + 1
self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "true")
if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, clone_max-1):
self.failure("%s did not go down correctly" % self.r_dlm)
failed = lpc
self.change_state(node, self.r_dlm, "false")
if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_dlm, clone_max):
self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_dlm)
failed = lpc
if not self.wait_on_state(node, self.r_o2cb, clone_max):
self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % self.r_o2cb)
failed = lpc
for fs in self.r_ocfs2:
if not self.wait_on_state(node, fs, clone_max):
self.failure("%s did not come up correctly" % fs)
failed = lpc
if failed:
return self.failure("iteration %d failed" % failed)
return self.success()
class NearQuorumPointTest(CTSTest):
This test brings larger clusters near the quorum point (50%).
In addition, it will test doing starts and stops at the same time.
Here is how I think it should work:
- loop over the nodes and decide randomly which will be up and which
will be down Use a 50% probability for each of up/down.
- figure out what to do to get into that state from the current state
- in parallel, bring up those going up and bring those going down.
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "NearQuorumPoint"
def __call__(self, dummy):
'''Perform the 'NearQuorumPoint' test. '''
startset = []
stopset = []
stonith = self.CM.prepare_fencing_watcher("NearQuorumPoint")
#decide what to do with each node
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
action = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(["start","stop"])
#action = self.Env.RandomGen.choice(["start","stop","no change"])
if action == "start" :
elif action == "stop" :
self.debug("start nodes:" + repr(startset))
self.debug("stop nodes:" + repr(stopset))
#add search patterns
watchpats = [ ]
for node in stopset:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up":
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:We_stopped"] % node)
for node in startset:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down":
#watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:NonDC_started"] % node)
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:Local_started"] % node)
for stopping in stopset:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[stopping] == "up":
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:They_stopped"] % (node, self.CM.key_for_node(stopping)))
if len(watchpats) == 0:
return self.skipped()
if len(startset) != 0:
watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10)
#begin actions
for node in stopset:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up":
for node in startset:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down":
#get the result
if watch.lookforall():
self.CM.fencing_cleanup("NearQuorumPoint", stonith)
return self.success()
self.logger.log("Warn: Patterns not found: " + repr(watch.unmatched))
#get the "bad" nodes
upnodes = []
for node in stopset:
if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 1:
downnodes = []
for node in startset:
if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 0:
self.CM.fencing_cleanup("NearQuorumPoint", stonith)
if upnodes == [] and downnodes == []:
# Make sure they're completely down with no residule
for node in stopset:
self.rsh(node, self.templates["StopCmd"])
return self.success()
if len(upnodes) > 0:
self.logger.log("Warn: Unstoppable nodes: " + repr(upnodes))
if len(downnodes) > 0:
self.logger.log("Warn: Unstartable nodes: " + repr(downnodes))
return self.failure()
def is_applicable(self):
return 1
class RollingUpgradeTest(CTSTest):
'''Perform a rolling upgrade of the cluster'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "RollingUpgrade"
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.stop = StopTest(cm)
self.stopall = SimulStopLite(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
def setup(self, node):
# Start all remaining nodes
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Couldn't stop all nodes")
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if not self.downgrade(node, None):
return self.failure("Couldn't downgrade %s" % node)
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Couldn't start all nodes")
return self.success()
def teardown(self, node):
# Stop everything
ret = self.stopall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Couldn't stop all nodes")
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if not self.upgrade(node, None):
return self.failure("Couldn't upgrade %s" % node)
return self.success()
def install(self, node, version, start=1, flags="--force"):
target_dir = "/tmp/rpm-%s" % version
src_dir = "%s/%s" % (self.Env["rpm-dir"], version)
self.logger.log("Installing %s on %s with %s" % (version, node, flags))
if not self.stop(node):
return self.failure("stop failure: "+node)
rc = self.rsh(node, "mkdir -p %s" % target_dir)
rc = self.rsh(node, "rm -f %s/*.rpm" % target_dir)
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "ls -1 %s/*.rpm" % src_dir, None)
for line in lines:
line = line[:-1]
rc = self.rsh.cp("%s" % (line), "%s:%s/" % (node, target_dir))
rc = self.rsh(node, "rpm -Uvh %s %s/*.rpm" % (flags, target_dir))
if start and not self.start(node):
return self.failure("start failure: "+node)
return self.success()
def upgrade(self, node, start=1):
return self.install(node, self.Env["current-version"], start)
def downgrade(self, node, start=1):
return self.install(node, self.Env["previous-version"], start, "--force --nodeps")
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'Rolling Upgrade' test. '''
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if self.upgrade(node):
return self.failure("Couldn't upgrade %s" % node)
return self.success()
def is_applicable(self):
if not self.is_applicable_common():
return None
if not "rpm-dir" in list(self.Env.keys()):
return None
if not "current-version" in list(self.Env.keys()):
return None
if not "previous-version" in list(self.Env.keys()):
return None
return 1
# Register RestartTest as a good test to run
class BSC_AddResource(CTSTest):
'''Add a resource to the cluster'''
def __init__(self, cm):
CTSTest.__init__(self, cm)
self.name = "AddResource"
self.resource_offset = 0
self.cib_cmd = """cibadmin -C -o %s -X '%s' """
def __call__(self, node):
self.resource_offset = self.resource_offset + 1
r_id = "bsc-rsc-%s-%d" % (node, self.resource_offset)
start_pat = "pacemaker-controld.*%s_start_0.*confirmed.*ok"
patterns = []
patterns.append(start_pat % r_id)
watch = self.create_watch(patterns, self.Env["DeadTime"])
ip = self.NextIP()
if not self.make_ip_resource(node, r_id, "ocf", "IPaddr", ip):
return self.failure("Make resource %s failed" % r_id)
failed = 0
watch_result = watch.lookforall()
if watch.unmatched:
for regex in watch.unmatched:
self.logger.log ("Warn: Pattern not found: %s" % (regex))
failed = 1
if failed:
return self.failure("Resource pattern(s) not found")
if not self.CM.cluster_stable(self.Env["DeadTime"]):
return self.failure("Unstable cluster")
return self.success()
def NextIP(self):
ip = self.Env["IPBase"]
if ":" in ip:
fields = ip.rpartition(":")
fields[2] = str(hex(int(fields[2], 16)+1))
print(str(hex(int(f[2], 16)+1)))
fields = ip.rpartition('.')
fields[2] = str(int(fields[2])+1)
ip = fields[0] + fields[1] + fields[3];
self.Env["IPBase"] = ip
return ip.strip()
def make_ip_resource(self, node, id, rclass, type, ip):
self.logger.log("Creating %s::%s:%s (%s) on %s" % (rclass,type,id,ip,node))
""" % (id, rclass, type, id, id, ip)
node_constraint = """
""" % (id, id, id, id, node)
rc = 0
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, self.cib_cmd % ("constraints", node_constraint), None)
if rc != 0:
self.logger.log("Constraint creation failed: %d" % rc)
return None
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, self.cib_cmd % ("resources", rsc_xml), None)
if rc != 0:
self.logger.log("Resource creation failed: %d" % rc)
return None
return 1
def is_applicable(self):
if self.Env["DoBSC"]:
return 1
return None
class SimulStopLite(CTSTest):
'''Stop any active nodes ~ simultaneously'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "SimulStopLite"
def __call__(self, dummy):
'''Perform the 'SimulStopLite' setup work. '''
self.debug("Setup: " + self.name)
# We ignore the "node" parameter...
watchpats = [ ]
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up":
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:We_stopped"] % node)
if len(watchpats) == 0:
return self.success()
# Stop all the nodes - at about the same time...
watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10)
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up":
if watch.lookforall():
# Make sure they're completely down with no residule
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
self.rsh(node, self.templates["StopCmd"])
return self.success()
did_fail = 0
up_nodes = []
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 1:
did_fail = 1
if did_fail:
return self.failure("Active nodes exist: " + repr(up_nodes))
self.logger.log("Warn: All nodes stopped but CTS didnt detect: "
+ repr(watch.unmatched))
return self.failure("Missing log message: "+repr(watch.unmatched))
def is_applicable(self):
'''SimulStopLite is a setup test and never applicable'''
return 0
class SimulStartLite(CTSTest):
'''Start any stopped nodes ~ simultaneously'''
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "SimulStartLite"
def __call__(self, dummy):
'''Perform the 'SimulStartList' setup work. '''
self.debug("Setup: " + self.name)
# We ignore the "node" parameter...
node_list = []
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if self.CM.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down":
while len(node_list) > 0:
# Repeat until all nodes come up
watchpats = [ ]
uppat = self.templates["Pat:NonDC_started"]
if self.CM.upcount() == 0:
uppat = self.templates["Pat:Local_started"]
for node in node_list:
watchpats.append(uppat % node)
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:InfraUp"] % node)
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:PacemakerUp"] % node)
# Start all the nodes - at about the same time...
watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, self.Env["DeadTime"]+10)
stonith = self.CM.prepare_fencing_watcher(self.name)
for node in node_list:
node_list = self.CM.fencing_cleanup(self.name, stonith)
if node_list == None:
return self.failure("Cluster did not stabilize")
# Remove node_list messages from watch.unmatched
for node in node_list:
self.logger.debug("Dealing with stonith operations for %s" % repr(node_list))
if watch.unmatched:
watch.unmatched.remove(uppat % node)
self.debug("Already matched: %s" % (uppat % node))
watch.unmatched.remove(self.templates["Pat:InfraUp"] % node)
self.debug("Already matched: %s" % (self.templates["Pat:InfraUp"] % node))
watch.unmatched.remove(self.templates["Pat:PacemakerUp"] % node)
self.debug("Already matched: %s" % (self.templates["Pat:PacemakerUp"] % node))
if watch.unmatched:
for regex in watch.unmatched:
self.logger.log ("Warn: Startup pattern not found: %s" %(regex))
if not self.CM.cluster_stable():
return self.failure("Cluster did not stabilize")
did_fail = 0
unstable = []
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if self.CM.StataCM(node) == 0:
did_fail = 1
if did_fail:
return self.failure("Unstarted nodes exist: " + repr(unstable))
unstable = []
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if not self.CM.node_stable(node):
did_fail = 1
if did_fail:
return self.failure("Unstable cluster nodes exist: " + repr(unstable))
return self.success()
def is_applicable(self):
'''SimulStartLite is a setup test and never applicable'''
return 0
def TestList(cm, audits):
result = []
for testclass in AllTestClasses:
bound_test = testclass(cm)
if bound_test.is_applicable():
bound_test.Audits = audits
return result
class RemoteLXC(CTSTest):
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = "RemoteLXC"
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.num_containers = 2
self.is_container = 1
self.is_docker_unsafe = 1
self.failed = 0
self.fail_string = ""
def start_lxc_simple(self, node):
# restore any artifacts laying around from a previous test.
self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -s -R &>/dev/null")
# generate the containers, put them in the config, add some resources to them
pats = [ ]
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120)
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", "lxc1"))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", "lxc2"))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", "lxc-ms"))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("promote", "lxc-ms"))
self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -g -a -m -s -c %d &>/dev/null" % self.num_containers)
if watch.unmatched:
self.fail_string = "Unmatched patterns: %s" % (repr(watch.unmatched))
self.failed = 1
def cleanup_lxc_simple(self, node):
pats = [ ]
# if the test failed, attempt to clean up the cib and libvirt environment
# as best as possible
if self.failed == 1:
# restore libvirt and cib
self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -s -R &>/dev/null")
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120)
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("stop", "container1"))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("stop", "container2"))
self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -p &>/dev/null")
if watch.unmatched:
self.fail_string = "Unmatched patterns: %s" % (repr(watch.unmatched))
self.failed = 1
# cleanup libvirt
self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -s -R &>/dev/null")
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'RemoteLXC' test. '''
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("Setup failed, start all nodes failed.")
rc = self.rsh(node, "/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/lxc_autogen.sh -v &>/dev/null")
if rc == 1:
self.log("Environment test for lxc support failed.")
return self.skipped()
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover")
if self.failed == 1:
return self.failure(self.fail_string)
return self.success()
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which should be ignored'''
return [
r"Updating failcount for ping",
r"schedulerd.*: Recover (ping|lxc-ms|container)\s*\(.*\)",
# The orphaned lxc-ms resource causes an expected transition error
# that is a result of the scheduler not having knowledge that the
# promotable resource used to be a clone. As a result, it looks like that
# resource is running in multiple locations when it shouldn't... But in
# this instance we know why this error is occurring and that it is expected.
r"Calculated [Tt]ransition .*pe-error",
r"Resource lxc-ms .* is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery",
r"Unknown operation: fail",
r"VirtualDomain.*ERROR: Unable to determine emulator",
class RemoteDriver(CTSTest):
def __init__(self, cm):
self.name = self.__class__.__name__
self.is_docker_unsafe = 1
self.start = StartTest(cm)
self.startall = SimulStartLite(cm)
self.stop = StopTest(cm)
self.remote_rsc = "remote-rsc"
self.cib_cmd = """cibadmin -C -o %s -X '%s' """
def reset(self):
self.pcmk_started = 0
self.failed = False
self.fail_string = ""
self.remote_node_added = 0
self.remote_rsc_added = 0
self.remote_use_reconnect_interval = self.Env.RandomGen.choice([True,False])
def fail(self, msg):
""" Mark test as failed. """
self.failed = True
# Always log the failure.
# Use first failure as test status, as it's likely to be most useful.
if not self.fail_string:
self.fail_string = msg
def get_othernode(self, node):
for othernode in self.Env["nodes"]:
if othernode == node:
# we don't want to try and use the cib that we just shutdown.
# find a cluster node that is not our soon to be remote-node.
return othernode
def del_rsc(self, node, rsc):
othernode = self.get_othernode(node)
rc = self.rsh(othernode, "crm_resource -D -r %s -t primitive" % (rsc))
if rc != 0:
self.fail("Removal of resource '%s' failed" % rsc)
def add_rsc(self, node, rsc_xml):
othernode = self.get_othernode(node)
rc = self.rsh(othernode, self.cib_cmd % ("resources", rsc_xml))
if rc != 0:
self.fail("resource creation failed")
def add_primitive_rsc(self, node):
rsc_xml = """
""" % { "node": self.remote_rsc }
self.add_rsc(node, rsc_xml)
if not self.failed:
self.remote_rsc_added = 1
def add_connection_rsc(self, node):
rsc_xml = """
""" % { "node": self.remote_node, "server": node }
if self.remote_use_reconnect_interval:
# Set cluster-recheck-interval lower
self.rsh(self.get_othernode(node), self.templates["SetCheckInterval"] % ("45s"))
# Set reconnect interval on resource
rsc_xml = rsc_xml + """
""" % (self.remote_node)
rsc_xml = rsc_xml + """
""" % { "node": self.remote_node }
self.add_rsc(node, rsc_xml)
if not self.failed:
self.remote_node_added = 1
def disable_services(self, node):
self.corosync_enabled = self.Env.service_is_enabled(node, "corosync")
if self.corosync_enabled:
self.Env.disable_service(node, "corosync")
self.pacemaker_enabled = self.Env.service_is_enabled(node, "pacemaker")
if self.pacemaker_enabled:
self.Env.disable_service(node, "pacemaker")
def restore_services(self, node):
if self.corosync_enabled:
self.Env.enable_service(node, "corosync")
if self.pacemaker_enabled:
self.Env.enable_service(node, "pacemaker")
def stop_pcmk_remote(self, node):
# disable pcmk remote
for i in range(10):
rc = self.rsh(node, "service pacemaker_remote stop")
if rc != 0:
def start_pcmk_remote(self, node):
for i in range(10):
rc = self.rsh(node, "service pacemaker_remote start")
if rc != 0:
self.pcmk_started = 1
def freeze_pcmk_remote(self, node):
""" Simulate a Pacemaker Remote daemon failure. """
# We freeze the process.
self.rsh(node, "killall -STOP pacemaker-remoted")
def resume_pcmk_remote(self, node):
# We resume the process.
self.rsh(node, "killall -CONT pacemaker-remoted")
def start_metal(self, node):
# Cluster nodes are reused as remote nodes in remote tests. If cluster
# services were enabled at boot, in case the remote node got fenced, the
# cluster node would join instead of the expected remote one. Meanwhile
# pacemaker_remote would not be able to start. Depending on the chances,
# the situations might not be able to be orchestrated gracefully any more.
# Temporarily disable any enabled cluster serivces.
pcmk_started = 0
# make sure the resource doesn't already exist for some reason
self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -D -r %s -t primitive" % (self.remote_rsc))
self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -D -r %s -t primitive" % (self.remote_node))
if not self.stop(node):
self.fail("Failed to shutdown cluster node %s" % node)
if self.pcmk_started == 0:
self.fail("Failed to start pacemaker_remote on node %s" % node)
# Convert node to baremetal now that it has shutdown the cluster stack
pats = [ ]
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120)
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", self.remote_node))
if watch.unmatched:
self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched)
def migrate_connection(self, node):
if self.failed:
pats = [ ]
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("migrate_to", self.remote_node))
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("migrate_from", self.remote_node))
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120)
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, "crm_resource -M -r %s" % (self.remote_node), None)
if rc != 0:
self.fail("failed to move remote node connection resource")
if watch.unmatched:
self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched)
def fail_rsc(self, node):
if self.failed:
watchpats = [ ]
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscRemoteOpOK"] % ("stop", self.remote_rsc, self.remote_node))
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscRemoteOpOK"] % ("start", self.remote_rsc, self.remote_node))
watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, 120)
self.debug("causing dummy rsc to fail.")
rc = self.rsh(node, "rm -f /var/run/resource-agents/Dummy*")
if watch.unmatched:
self.fail("Unmatched patterns during rsc fail: %s" % watch.unmatched)
def fail_connection(self, node):
if self.failed:
watchpats = [ ]
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:FenceOpOK"] % self.remote_node)
watchpats.append(self.templates["Pat:NodeFenced"] % self.remote_node)
watch = self.create_watch(watchpats, 120)
# freeze the pcmk remote daemon. this will result in fencing
self.debug("Force stopped active remote node")
self.debug("Waiting for remote node to be fenced.")
if watch.unmatched:
self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched)
self.debug("Waiting for the remote node to come back up")
self.CM.ns.WaitForNodeToComeUp(node, 120);
pats = [ ]
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 240)
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("start", self.remote_node))
if self.remote_rsc_added == 1:
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscRemoteOpOK"] % ("start", self.remote_rsc, self.remote_node))
# start the remote node again watch it integrate back into cluster.
if self.pcmk_started == 0:
self.fail("Failed to start pacemaker_remote on node %s" % node)
self.debug("Waiting for remote node to rejoin cluster after being fenced.")
if watch.unmatched:
self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched)
def add_dummy_rsc(self, node):
if self.failed:
# verify we can put a resource on the remote node
pats = [ ]
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120)
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscRemoteOpOK"] % ("start", self.remote_rsc, self.remote_node))
# Add a resource that must live on remote-node
# force that rsc to prefer the remote node.
(rc, line) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_resource -M -r %s -N %s -f" % (self.remote_rsc, self.remote_node), None)
if rc != 0:
self.fail("Failed to place remote resource on remote node.")
if watch.unmatched:
self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched)
def test_attributes(self, node):
if self.failed:
# This verifies permanent attributes can be set on a remote-node. It also
# verifies the remote-node can edit its own cib node section remotely.
(rc, line) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -l forever -n testattr -v testval -N %s" % (self.remote_node), None)
if rc != 0:
self.fail("Failed to set remote-node attribute. rc:%s output:%s" % (rc, line))
(rc, line) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -l forever -n testattr -q -N %s" % (self.remote_node), None)
if rc != 0:
self.fail("Failed to get remote-node attribute")
(rc, line) = self.CM.rsh(node, "crm_attribute -l forever -n testattr -D -N %s" % (self.remote_node), None)
if rc != 0:
self.fail("Failed to delete remote-node attribute")
def cleanup_metal(self, node):
if self.pcmk_started == 0:
pats = [ ]
watch = self.create_watch(pats, 120)
if self.remote_rsc_added == 1:
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("stop", self.remote_rsc))
if self.remote_node_added == 1:
pats.append(self.templates["Pat:RscOpOK"] % ("stop", self.remote_node))
if self.remote_use_reconnect_interval:
self.debug("Cleaning up re-check interval")
self.rsh(self.get_othernode(node), self.templates["ClearCheckInterval"])
if self.remote_rsc_added == 1:
# Remove dummy resource added for remote node tests
self.debug("Cleaning up dummy rsc put on remote node")
self.rsh(self.get_othernode(node), "crm_resource -U -r %s" % self.remote_rsc)
self.del_rsc(node, self.remote_rsc)
if self.remote_node_added == 1:
# Remove remote node's connection resource
self.debug("Cleaning up remote node connection resource")
self.rsh(self.get_othernode(node), "crm_resource -U -r %s" % (self.remote_node))
self.del_rsc(node, self.remote_node)
if watch.unmatched:
self.fail("Unmatched patterns: %s" % watch.unmatched)
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover")
if self.remote_node_added == 1:
# Remove remote node itself
self.debug("Cleaning up node entry for remote node")
self.rsh(self.get_othernode(node), "crm_node --force --remove %s" % self.remote_node)
def setup_env(self, node):
self.remote_node = "remote-%s" % (node)
# we are assuming if all nodes have a key, that it is
# the right key... If any node doesn't have a remote
# key, we regenerate it everywhere.
if self.rsh.exists_on_all("/etc/pacemaker/authkey", self.Env["nodes"]):
# create key locally
(handle, keyfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(".cts")
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
subprocess.check_call(["dd", "if=/dev/urandom", "of=%s" % keyfile, "bs=4096", "count=1"],
stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
# sync key throughout the cluster
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
self.rsh(node, "mkdir -p --mode=0750 /etc/pacemaker")
self.rsh.cp(keyfile, "root@%s:/etc/pacemaker/authkey" % node)
self.rsh(node, "chgrp haclient /etc/pacemaker /etc/pacemaker/authkey")
self.rsh(node, "chmod 0640 /etc/pacemaker/authkey")
def is_applicable(self):
if not self.is_applicable_common():
return False
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
rc = self.rsh(node, "which pacemaker-remoted >/dev/null 2>&1")
if rc != 0:
return False
return True
def start_new_test(self, node):
ret = self.startall(None)
if not ret:
return self.failure("setup failed: could not start all nodes")
return True
def __call__(self, node):
return self.failure("This base class is not meant to be called directly.")
def errorstoignore(self):
'''Return list of errors which should be ignored'''
return [ r"""is running on remote.*which isn't allowed""",
r"""Connection terminated""",
r"""Could not send remote""",
# RemoteDriver is just a base class for other tests, so it is not added to AllTestClasses
class RemoteBasic(RemoteDriver):
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'RemoteBaremetal' test. '''
if not self.start_new_test(node):
return self.failure(self.fail_string)
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover")
if self.failed:
return self.failure(self.fail_string)
return self.success()
class RemoteStonithd(RemoteDriver):
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'RemoteStonithd' test. '''
if not self.start_new_test(node):
return self.failure(self.fail_string)
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover")
if self.failed:
return self.failure(self.fail_string)
return self.success()
def is_applicable(self):
if not RemoteDriver.is_applicable(self):
return False
if "DoFencing" in list(self.Env.keys()):
return self.Env["DoFencing"]
return True
def errorstoignore(self):
ignore_pats = [
r"Lost connection to Pacemaker Remote node",
r"Software caused connection abort",
r"pacemaker-controld.*:\s+error.*: Operation remote-.*_monitor",
r"pacemaker-controld.*:\s+error.*: Result of monitor operation for remote-.*",
r"schedulerd.*:\s+Recover remote-.*\s*\(.*\)",
r"Calculated [Tt]ransition .*pe-error",
r"error.*: Resource .*ocf::.* is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery",
- r"error: Result of monitor operation for .* on remote-.*: Error",
+ r"error: Result of monitor operation for .* on remote-.*: No executor connection",
return ignore_pats
class RemoteMigrate(RemoteDriver):
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'RemoteMigrate' test. '''
if not self.start_new_test(node):
return self.failure(self.fail_string)
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover")
if self.failed:
return self.failure(self.fail_string)
return self.success()
class RemoteRscFailure(RemoteDriver):
def __call__(self, node):
'''Perform the 'RemoteRscFailure' test. '''
if not self.start_new_test(node):
return self.failure(self.fail_string)
# This is an important step. We are migrating the connection
# before failing the resource. This verifies that the migration
# has properly maintained control over the remote-node.
self.debug("Waiting for the cluster to recover")
if self.failed:
return self.failure(self.fail_string)
return self.success()
def errorstoignore(self):
ignore_pats = [
r"schedulerd.*: Recover remote-rsc\s*\(.*\)",
r"Dummy.*: No process state file found",
return ignore_pats
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.dot b/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.dot
index 2e9963b9ed..5c21d5d539 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.dot
+++ b/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.dot
@@ -1,25 +1,24 @@
digraph "g" {
"compute-unfence-trigger-clone_stop_0" -> "compute-unfence-trigger-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"compute-unfence-trigger-clone_stop_0" -> "compute-unfence-trigger_stop_0 overcloud-novacompute-1" [ style = bold]
"compute-unfence-trigger-clone_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"compute-unfence-trigger-clone_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"compute-unfence-trigger_stop_0 overcloud-novacompute-1" -> "compute-unfence-trigger-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
-"compute-unfence-trigger_stop_0 overcloud-novacompute-1" -> "overcloud-novacompute-1_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"compute-unfence-trigger_stop_0 overcloud-novacompute-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"overcloud-novacompute-1_clear_failcount_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"overcloud-novacompute-1_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith 'reboot' overcloud-novacompute-1" -> "compute-unfence-trigger-clone_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' overcloud-novacompute-1" -> "compute-unfence-trigger_stop_0 overcloud-novacompute-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' overcloud-novacompute-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' overcloud-novacompute-1" -> "overcloud-novacompute-1_clear_failcount_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' overcloud-novacompute-1" -> "stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' overcloud-novacompute-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova_monitor_60000 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova_start_0 controller-2" -> "stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova_monitor_60000 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova_start_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova_stop_0 controller-2" -> "stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova_stop_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.exp b/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.exp
index c476bc2ab4..4a504936b2 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.exp
+++ b/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.exp
@@ -1,148 +1,144 @@
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.summary b/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.summary
index c86bb914cd..2cf43edf03 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.summary
+++ b/cts/scheduler/order-expired-failure.summary
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
Using the original execution date of: 2018-04-09 07:55:35Z
Current cluster status:
RemoteNode overcloud-novacompute-1: UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 ]
RemoteOnline: [ overcloud-novacompute-0 ]
GuestOnline: [ galera-bundle-0:galera-bundle-docker-0 galera-bundle-1:galera-bundle-docker-1 galera-bundle-2:galera-bundle-docker-2 rabbitmq-bundle-0:rabbitmq-bundle-docker-0 rabbitmq-bundle-1:rabbitmq-bundle-docker-1 rabbitmq-bundle-2:rabbitmq-bundle-docker-2 redis-bundle-0:redis-bundle-docker-0 redis-bundle-1:redis-bundle-docker-1 redis-bundle-2:redis-bundle-docker-2 ]
overcloud-novacompute-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
overcloud-novacompute-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): FAILED controller-1
Container bundle set: rabbitmq-bundle []
rabbitmq-bundle-0 (ocf::heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster): Started controller-2
rabbitmq-bundle-1 (ocf::heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster): Started controller-0
rabbitmq-bundle-2 (ocf::heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster): Started controller-1
Container bundle set: galera-bundle []
galera-bundle-0 (ocf::heartbeat:galera): Master controller-2
galera-bundle-1 (ocf::heartbeat:galera): Master controller-0
galera-bundle-2 (ocf::heartbeat:galera): Master controller-1
Container bundle set: redis-bundle []
redis-bundle-0 (ocf::heartbeat:redis): Master controller-2
redis-bundle-1 (ocf::heartbeat:redis): Slave controller-0
redis-bundle-2 (ocf::heartbeat:redis): Slave controller-1
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Stopped
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1
Container bundle set: haproxy-bundle []
haproxy-bundle-docker-0 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started controller-2
haproxy-bundle-docker-1 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started controller-0
haproxy-bundle-docker-2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started controller-1
stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova (stonith:fence_compute): FAILED controller-2
Clone Set: compute-unfence-trigger-clone [compute-unfence-trigger]
compute-unfence-trigger (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started overcloud-novacompute-1 (UNCLEAN)
Started: [ overcloud-novacompute-0 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 ]
nova-evacuate (ocf::openstack:NovaEvacuate): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254008be2cc (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-1
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400803f9e (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400fca120 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-2
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400953d48 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-2
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b02b86 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-1
Container bundle: openstack-cinder-volume []
openstack-cinder-volume-docker-0 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started controller-0
Transition Summary:
* Fence (reboot) overcloud-novacompute-1 'remote connection is unrecoverable'
* Stop overcloud-novacompute-1 ( controller-1 ) due to node availability
* Start ip- ( controller-1 )
* Recover stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova ( controller-2 )
* Stop compute-unfence-trigger:1 ( overcloud-novacompute-1 ) due to node availability
Executing cluster transition:
+ * Resource action: overcloud-novacompute-1 stop on controller-1
* Resource action: stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova stop on controller-2
* Fencing overcloud-novacompute-1 (reboot)
* Cluster action: clear_failcount for overcloud-novacompute-1 on controller-1
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-1
* Resource action: stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova start on controller-2
* Resource action: stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova monitor=60000 on controller-2
* Pseudo action: compute-unfence-trigger-clone_stop_0
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-1
* Pseudo action: compute-unfence-trigger_stop_0
* Pseudo action: compute-unfence-trigger-clone_stopped_0
- * Resource action: overcloud-novacompute-1 stop on controller-1
Using the original execution date of: 2018-04-09 07:55:35Z
Revised cluster status:
RemoteNode overcloud-novacompute-1: UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 ]
RemoteOnline: [ overcloud-novacompute-0 ]
GuestOnline: [ galera-bundle-0:galera-bundle-docker-0 galera-bundle-1:galera-bundle-docker-1 galera-bundle-2:galera-bundle-docker-2 rabbitmq-bundle-0:rabbitmq-bundle-docker-0 rabbitmq-bundle-1:rabbitmq-bundle-docker-1 rabbitmq-bundle-2:rabbitmq-bundle-docker-2 redis-bundle-0:redis-bundle-docker-0 redis-bundle-1:redis-bundle-docker-1 redis-bundle-2:redis-bundle-docker-2 ]
overcloud-novacompute-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
overcloud-novacompute-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): FAILED
Container bundle set: rabbitmq-bundle []
rabbitmq-bundle-0 (ocf::heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster): Started controller-2
rabbitmq-bundle-1 (ocf::heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster): Started controller-0
rabbitmq-bundle-2 (ocf::heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster): Started controller-1
Container bundle set: galera-bundle []
galera-bundle-0 (ocf::heartbeat:galera): Master controller-2
galera-bundle-1 (ocf::heartbeat:galera): Master controller-0
galera-bundle-2 (ocf::heartbeat:galera): Master controller-1
Container bundle set: redis-bundle []
redis-bundle-0 (ocf::heartbeat:redis): Master controller-2
redis-bundle-1 (ocf::heartbeat:redis): Slave controller-0
redis-bundle-2 (ocf::heartbeat:redis): Slave controller-1
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1
Container bundle set: haproxy-bundle []
haproxy-bundle-docker-0 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started controller-2
haproxy-bundle-docker-1 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started controller-0
haproxy-bundle-docker-2 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started controller-1
stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova (stonith:fence_compute): Started controller-2
Clone Set: compute-unfence-trigger-clone [compute-unfence-trigger]
Started: [ overcloud-novacompute-0 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 overcloud-novacompute-1 ]
nova-evacuate (ocf::openstack:NovaEvacuate): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254008be2cc (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-1
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400803f9e (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400fca120 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-2
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400953d48 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-2
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b02b86 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-1
Container bundle: openstack-cinder-volume []
openstack-cinder-volume-docker-0 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Started controller-0
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.dot b/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.dot
index 77284257ce..1017d2bbeb 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.dot
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.dot
@@ -1,46 +1,44 @@
digraph "g" {
"killer_monitor_60000 node2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"killer_start_0 node2" -> "killer_monitor_60000 node2" [ style = bold]
"killer_start_0 node2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"killer_stop_0 node2" -> "killer_start_0 node2" [ style = bold]
"killer_stop_0 node2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"remote1_stop_0 node1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rsc1_delete_0 remote1" -> "rsc1_start_0 node2" [ style = dashed]
"rsc1_delete_0 remote1" [ style=dashed color="red" fontcolor="black"]
-"rsc1_monitor_0 node2" -> "remote1_stop_0 node1" [ style = bold]
"rsc1_monitor_0 node2" -> "rsc1_start_0 node2" [ style = bold]
"rsc1_monitor_0 node2" -> "rsc2-master_demote_0" [ style = bold]
"rsc1_monitor_0 node2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"rsc1_monitor_10000 node2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"rsc1_start_0 node2" -> "rsc1_monitor_10000 node2" [ style = bold]
"rsc1_start_0 node2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
-"rsc1_stop_0 remote1" -> "remote1_stop_0 node1" [ style = bold]
"rsc1_stop_0 remote1" -> "rsc1_delete_0 remote1" [ style = dashed]
"rsc1_stop_0 remote1" -> "rsc1_start_0 node2" [ style = bold]
"rsc1_stop_0 remote1" -> "rsc2-master_demote_0" [ style = bold]
"rsc1_stop_0 remote1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rsc2-master_demote_0" -> "rsc2-master_demoted_0" [ style = bold]
"rsc2-master_demote_0" -> "rsc2_demote_0 node1" [ style = bold]
"rsc2-master_demote_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rsc2-master_demoted_0" -> "rsc2-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"rsc2-master_demoted_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rsc2-master_stop_0" -> "rsc2-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"rsc2-master_stop_0" -> "rsc2_stop_0 node1" [ style = bold]
"rsc2-master_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rsc2-master_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rsc2_demote_0 node1" -> "rsc2-master_demoted_0" [ style = bold]
"rsc2_demote_0 node1" -> "rsc2_stop_0 node1" [ style = bold]
"rsc2_demote_0 node1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rsc2_stop_0 node1" -> "rsc2-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"rsc2_stop_0 node1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"stonith 'reboot' node1" -> "rsc1_start_0 node2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' node1" -> "rsc2-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' node1" -> "rsc2_demote_0 node1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' node1" -> "rsc2_stop_0 node1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' node1" -> "stonith 'reboot' remote1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' node1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith 'reboot' remote1" -> "killer_start_0 node2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' remote1" -> "rsc1_start_0 node2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' remote1" -> "rsc1_stop_0 remote1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' remote1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.exp b/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.exp
index 2c9357b78a..d57c106627 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.exp
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.exp
@@ -1,230 +1,223 @@
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.summary b/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.summary
index 23fa9ca6b8..caff564ca1 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.summary
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-connection-unrecoverable.summary
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
Current cluster status:
Node node1 (1): UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ node2 ]
RemoteOnline: [ remote1 ]
remote1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started node1 (UNCLEAN)
killer (stonith:fence_xvm): Started node2
rsc1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started remote1
Clone Set: rsc2-master [rsc2] (promotable)
rsc2 (ocf::pacemaker:Stateful): Master node1 (UNCLEAN)
Masters: [ node2 ]
Stopped: [ remote1 ]
Transition Summary:
* Fence (reboot) remote1 'resources are active and the connection is unrecoverable'
* Fence (reboot) node1 'peer is no longer part of the cluster'
* Stop remote1 ( node1 ) due to node availability
* Restart killer ( node2 ) due to resource definition change
* Move rsc1 ( remote1 -> node2 )
* Stop rsc2:0 ( Master node1 ) due to node availability
Executing cluster transition:
+ * Pseudo action: remote1_stop_0
* Resource action: killer stop on node2
* Resource action: rsc1 monitor on node2
* Fencing node1 (reboot)
* Fencing remote1 (reboot)
* Resource action: killer start on node2
* Resource action: killer monitor=60000 on node2
* Pseudo action: rsc1_stop_0
* Pseudo action: rsc2-master_demote_0
- * Pseudo action: remote1_stop_0
* Resource action: rsc1 start on node2
* Pseudo action: rsc2_demote_0
* Pseudo action: rsc2-master_demoted_0
* Pseudo action: rsc2-master_stop_0
* Resource action: rsc1 monitor=10000 on node2
* Pseudo action: rsc2_stop_0
* Pseudo action: rsc2-master_stopped_0
Revised cluster status:
Online: [ node2 ]
OFFLINE: [ node1 ]
RemoteOFFLINE: [ remote1 ]
remote1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Stopped
killer (stonith:fence_xvm): Started node2
rsc1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started node2
Clone Set: rsc2-master [rsc2] (promotable)
Masters: [ node2 ]
Stopped: [ node1 remote1 ]
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.dot b/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.dot
index 4ced43eb10..5812b7fd5c 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.dot
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.dot
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
digraph "g" {
"c7auto4_stop_0 c7auto1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"fake2_monitor_10000 c7auto1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"fake2_start_0 c7auto1" -> "fake2_monitor_10000 c7auto1" [ style = bold]
"fake2_start_0 c7auto1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
-"fake2_stop_0 c7auto4" -> "c7auto4_stop_0 c7auto1" [ style = bold]
"fake2_stop_0 c7auto4" -> "fake2_start_0 c7auto1" [ style = bold]
"fake2_stop_0 c7auto4" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"stonith 'reboot' c7auto4" -> "fake2_start_0 c7auto1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' c7auto4" -> "fake2_stop_0 c7auto4" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' c7auto4" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.exp b/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.exp
index f99d9ef762..f506f85435 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.exp
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.exp
@@ -1,70 +1,66 @@
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.summary b/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.summary
index f61e18b4ad..03eac203a1 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.summary
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-fence-before-reconnect.summary
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
Current cluster status:
RemoteNode c7auto4: UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ c7auto1 c7auto2 c7auto3 ]
shooter (stonith:fence_phd_kvm): Started c7auto2
c7auto4 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): FAILED c7auto1
fake1 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto3
fake2 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto4 (UNCLEAN)
fake3 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto1
fake4 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto2
fake5 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto3
Transition Summary:
* Fence (reboot) c7auto4 'remote connection is unrecoverable'
* Stop c7auto4 ( c7auto1 ) due to node availability
* Move fake2 ( c7auto4 -> c7auto1 )
Executing cluster transition:
+ * Resource action: c7auto4 stop on c7auto1
* Fencing c7auto4 (reboot)
* Pseudo action: fake2_stop_0
- * Resource action: c7auto4 stop on c7auto1
* Resource action: fake2 start on c7auto1
* Resource action: fake2 monitor=10000 on c7auto1
Revised cluster status:
RemoteNode c7auto4: UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ c7auto1 c7auto2 c7auto3 ]
shooter (stonith:fence_phd_kvm): Started c7auto2
c7auto4 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): FAILED
fake1 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto3
fake2 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto1
fake3 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto1
fake4 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto2
fake5 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started c7auto3
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.dot b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.dot
index deed802637..4128b104e1 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.dot
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.dot
@@ -1,151 +1,149 @@
digraph "g" {
"galera-0_monitor_20000 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"galera-0_start_0 controller-2" -> "galera-0_monitor_20000 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"galera-0_start_0 controller-2" -> "galera_monitor_10000 galera-0" [ style = bold]
"galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"galera-0_stop_0 controller-1" -> "galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"galera-0_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera-2_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera-master_demote_0" -> "galera-master_demoted_0" [ style = bold]
"galera-master_demote_0" -> "galera_demote_0 galera-2" [ style = bold]
"galera-master_demote_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera-master_demoted_0" -> "galera-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"galera-master_demoted_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera-master_stop_0" -> "galera-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"galera-master_stop_0" -> "galera_stop_0 galera-2" [ style = bold]
"galera-master_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera-master_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera_demote_0 galera-2" -> "galera-master_demoted_0" [ style = bold]
"galera_demote_0 galera-2" -> "galera_stop_0 galera-2" [ style = bold]
"galera_demote_0 galera-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera_monitor_10000 galera-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
-"galera_stop_0 galera-2" -> "galera-2_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"galera_stop_0 galera-2" -> "galera-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"galera_stop_0 galera-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"haproxy-clone_stop_0" -> "haproxy-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stop_0" -> "haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" -> "haproxy-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"messaging-1_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" -> "rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" -> "rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-0" -> "rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-2" -> "rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-2" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
-"rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" -> "messaging-1_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_stop_0" -> "redis-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_stop_0" -> "redis_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_stopped_0" -> "redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" -> "redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" -> "redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" -> "redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-2" -> "redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_stop_0 controller-1" -> "redis-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "haproxy-clone_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "redis-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "redis_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "stonith 'reboot' galera-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "galera-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "galera_demote_0 galera-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "galera_stop_0 galera-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_monitor_60000 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_monitor_60000 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_stop_0 controller-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_stop_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_stop_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_stop_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_stop_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.exp b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.exp
index 8137ffba08..0cb51f693c 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.exp
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.exp
@@ -1,810 +1,802 @@
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.summary b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.summary
index 2ac0c6a0cf..d095fddee0 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.summary
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-all.summary
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
Using the original execution date of: 2017-05-03 13:33:24Z
Current cluster status:
Node controller-1 (2): UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
RemoteOnline: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
messaging-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
messaging-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
messaging-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
galera-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Clone Set: rabbitmq-clone [rabbitmq]
Started: [ messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 ]
Clone Set: galera-master [galera] (promotable)
Masters: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
Clone Set: redis-master [redis] (promotable)
redis (ocf::heartbeat:redis): Slave controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Masters: [ controller-0 ]
Slaves: [ controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Clone Set: haproxy-clone [haproxy]
haproxy (systemd:haproxy): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Started: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
openstack-cinder-volume (systemd:openstack-cinder-volume): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Transition Summary:
* Fence (reboot) messaging-1 'resources are active and the connection is unrecoverable'
* Fence (reboot) galera-2 'resources are active and the connection is unrecoverable'
* Fence (reboot) controller-1 'peer is no longer part of the cluster'
* Stop messaging-1 (controller-1) due to node availability
* Move galera-0 ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Stop galera-2 (controller-1) due to node availability
* Stop rabbitmq:2 (messaging-1) due to node availability
* Stop galera:1 ( Master galera-2 ) due to node availability
* Stop redis:0 ( Slave controller-1 ) due to node availability
* Move ip- ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Move ip- ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Move ip- ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Stop haproxy:0 (controller-1) due to node availability
* Restart stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 ( controller-0 ) due to resource definition change
* Restart stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd ( controller-0 ) due to resource definition change
* Move stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
Executing cluster transition:
+ * Pseudo action: messaging-1_stop_0
* Pseudo action: galera-0_stop_0
+ * Pseudo action: galera-2_stop_0
* Pseudo action: galera-master_demote_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 stop on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd stop on controller-0
* Pseudo action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_stop_0
* Fencing controller-1 (reboot)
* Pseudo action: redis_post_notify_stop_0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-2
* Pseudo action: redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_stop_0
* Pseudo action: haproxy-clone_stop_0
* Fencing galera-2 (reboot)
* Pseudo action: galera_demote_0
* Pseudo action: galera-master_demoted_0
* Pseudo action: galera-master_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: haproxy_stop_0
* Pseudo action: haproxy-clone_stopped_0
* Fencing messaging-1 (reboot)
* Resource action: galera-0 start on controller-2
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq_post_notify_stop_0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq-clone_stop_0
* Pseudo action: galera_stop_0
* Resource action: galera monitor=10000 on galera-0
* Pseudo action: galera-master_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: ip-
* Pseudo action: ip-
* Pseudo action: ip-
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 start on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 monitor=60000 on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd start on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd monitor=60000 on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 start on controller-2
* Resource action: galera-0 monitor=20000 on controller-2
- * Pseudo action: galera-2_stop_0
* Resource action: rabbitmq notify on messaging-2
* Resource action: rabbitmq notify on messaging-0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq_notified_0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq_stop_0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-2
* Pseudo action: redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-2
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 monitor=60000 on controller-2
- * Pseudo action: messaging-1_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis_notified_0
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-2
Using the original execution date of: 2017-05-03 13:33:24Z
Revised cluster status:
Online: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
OFFLINE: [ controller-1 ]
RemoteOnline: [ galera-0 galera-1 messaging-0 messaging-2 ]
RemoteOFFLINE: [ galera-2 messaging-1 ]
messaging-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
messaging-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Stopped
messaging-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-2
galera-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Stopped
Clone Set: rabbitmq-clone [rabbitmq]
Started: [ messaging-0 messaging-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-1 ]
Clone Set: galera-master [galera] (promotable)
Masters: [ galera-0 galera-1 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
Clone Set: redis-master [redis] (promotable)
Masters: [ controller-0 ]
Slaves: [ controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-1 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
Clone Set: haproxy-clone [haproxy]
Started: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-1 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
openstack-cinder-volume (systemd:openstack-cinder-volume): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-2
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.dot b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.dot
index ef78aa6e43..a2f8ce00d1 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.dot
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.dot
@@ -1,124 +1,123 @@
digraph "g" {
"galera-0_monitor_20000 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"galera-0_start_0 controller-2" -> "galera-0_monitor_20000 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"galera-0_start_0 controller-2" -> "galera_monitor_10000 galera-0" [ style = bold]
"galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"galera-0_stop_0 controller-1" -> "galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"galera-0_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera-2_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera_monitor_10000 galera-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"haproxy-clone_stop_0" -> "haproxy-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stop_0" -> "haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" -> "haproxy-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"messaging-1_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" -> "rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" -> "rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-0" -> "rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-2" -> "rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-2" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
-"rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" -> "messaging-1_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_stop_0" -> "redis-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_stop_0" -> "redis_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_stopped_0" -> "redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" -> "redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" -> "redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" -> "redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-2" -> "redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_stop_0 controller-1" -> "redis-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "haproxy-clone_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "redis-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "redis_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_monitor_60000 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_monitor_60000 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_stop_0 controller-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_stop_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_stop_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_stop_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_stop_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.exp b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.exp
index 8a67c1144c..90470fbfce 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.exp
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.exp
@@ -1,684 +1,680 @@
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.summary b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.summary
index 89da784570..18a989b4e2 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.summary
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-no-resources.summary
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
Using the original execution date of: 2017-05-03 13:33:24Z
Current cluster status:
Node controller-1 (2): UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
RemoteOnline: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
messaging-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
messaging-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
messaging-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
galera-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Clone Set: rabbitmq-clone [rabbitmq]
Started: [ messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 ]
Clone Set: galera-master [galera] (promotable)
Masters: [ galera-0 galera-1 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
Clone Set: redis-master [redis] (promotable)
redis (ocf::heartbeat:redis): Slave controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Masters: [ controller-0 ]
Slaves: [ controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Clone Set: haproxy-clone [haproxy]
haproxy (systemd:haproxy): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Started: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
openstack-cinder-volume (systemd:openstack-cinder-volume): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Transition Summary:
* Fence (reboot) messaging-1 'resources are active and the connection is unrecoverable'
* Fence (reboot) controller-1 'peer is no longer part of the cluster'
* Stop messaging-1 (controller-1) due to node availability
* Move galera-0 ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Stop galera-2 ( controller-1 ) due to node availability
* Stop rabbitmq:2 (messaging-1) due to node availability
* Stop redis:0 ( Slave controller-1 ) due to node availability
* Move ip- ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Move ip- ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Move ip- ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Stop haproxy:0 (controller-1) due to node availability
* Restart stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 ( controller-0 ) due to resource definition change
* Restart stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd ( controller-0 ) due to resource definition change
* Move stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
Executing cluster transition:
+ * Pseudo action: messaging-1_stop_0
* Pseudo action: galera-0_stop_0
* Pseudo action: galera-2_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 stop on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd stop on controller-0
* Pseudo action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_stop_0
* Fencing controller-1 (reboot)
* Pseudo action: redis_post_notify_stop_0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-2
* Pseudo action: redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_stop_0
* Pseudo action: haproxy-clone_stop_0
* Fencing messaging-1 (reboot)
* Resource action: galera-0 start on controller-2
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq_post_notify_stop_0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq-clone_stop_0
* Resource action: galera monitor=10000 on galera-0
* Pseudo action: redis_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: haproxy_stop_0
* Pseudo action: haproxy-clone_stopped_0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 start on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 monitor=60000 on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd start on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd monitor=60000 on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 start on controller-2
* Resource action: galera-0 monitor=20000 on controller-2
* Resource action: rabbitmq notify on messaging-2
* Resource action: rabbitmq notify on messaging-0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq_notified_0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq_stop_0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: ip-
* Pseudo action: ip-
* Pseudo action: ip-
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 monitor=60000 on controller-2
- * Pseudo action: messaging-1_stop_0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-2
* Pseudo action: redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-2
* Pseudo action: redis_notified_0
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-2
Using the original execution date of: 2017-05-03 13:33:24Z
Revised cluster status:
Online: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
OFFLINE: [ controller-1 ]
RemoteOnline: [ galera-0 galera-1 messaging-0 messaging-2 ]
RemoteOFFLINE: [ galera-2 messaging-1 ]
messaging-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
messaging-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Stopped
messaging-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-2
galera-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Stopped
Clone Set: rabbitmq-clone [rabbitmq]
Started: [ messaging-0 messaging-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-1 ]
Clone Set: galera-master [galera] (promotable)
Masters: [ galera-0 galera-1 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
Clone Set: redis-master [redis] (promotable)
Masters: [ controller-0 ]
Slaves: [ controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-1 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
Clone Set: haproxy-clone [haproxy]
Started: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-1 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
openstack-cinder-volume (systemd:openstack-cinder-volume): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-2
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.dot b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.dot
index 5cd760bc10..29ab59fd2b 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.dot
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.dot
@@ -1,134 +1,133 @@
digraph "g" {
"galera-0_monitor_20000 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"galera-0_start_0 controller-2" -> "galera-0_monitor_20000 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"galera-0_start_0 controller-2" -> "galera_monitor_10000 galera-0" [ style = bold]
"galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"galera-0_stop_0 controller-1" -> "galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"galera-0_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera-2_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"galera_monitor_0 galera-2" [ style=dashed color="red" fontcolor="black"]
"galera_monitor_10000 galera-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"haproxy-clone_stop_0" -> "haproxy-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stop_0" -> "haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"haproxy-clone_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" -> "haproxy-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"ip- controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"ip- controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"messaging-1_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" -> "rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" -> "rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-0" -> "rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-2" -> "rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "rabbitmq_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0 messaging-2" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
-"rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" -> "messaging-1_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" -> "redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_stop_0" -> "redis-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_stop_0" -> "redis_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_stop_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis-master_stopped_0" -> "redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis-master_stopped_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" -> "redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" -> "redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" -> "redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "redis_confirmed-post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"redis_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-0" -> "redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-2" -> "redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_pre_notify_stop_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"redis_stop_0 controller-1" -> "redis-master_stopped_0" [ style = bold]
"redis_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "haproxy-clone_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "haproxy_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "ip- controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "redis-master_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "redis_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "redis_stop_0 controller-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" -> "stonith 'reboot' galera-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' galera-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "galera-0_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "ip- controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq-clone_stop_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq_post_notify_stonith_0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "rabbitmq_stop_0 messaging-1" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith 'reboot' messaging-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_monitor_60000 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_monitor_60000 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_stop_0 controller-1" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_start_0 controller-2" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_stop_0 controller-1" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="orange"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_stop_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd_stop_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_monitor_60000 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_stop_0 controller-0" -> "stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_start_0 controller-0" [ style = bold]
"stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613_stop_0 controller-0" [ style=bold color="green" fontcolor="black"]
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.exp b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.exp
index ac6f00486c..82cb65f772 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.exp
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.exp
@@ -1,720 +1,716 @@
diff --git a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.summary b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.summary
index 2c607135cf..4d7a411e70 100644
--- a/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.summary
+++ b/cts/scheduler/remote-recover-unknown.summary
@@ -1,145 +1,145 @@
Using the original execution date of: 2017-05-03 13:33:24Z
Current cluster status:
Node controller-1 (2): UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
RemoteOnline: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
messaging-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
messaging-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
messaging-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
galera-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Clone Set: rabbitmq-clone [rabbitmq]
Started: [ messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 ]
Clone Set: galera-master [galera] (promotable)
Masters: [ galera-0 galera-1 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
Clone Set: redis-master [redis] (promotable)
redis (ocf::heartbeat:redis): Slave controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Masters: [ controller-0 ]
Slaves: [ controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Clone Set: haproxy-clone [haproxy]
haproxy (systemd:haproxy): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Started: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
openstack-cinder-volume (systemd:openstack-cinder-volume): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-1 (UNCLEAN)
Transition Summary:
* Fence (reboot) galera-2 'resources are in an unknown state and the connection is unrecoverable'
* Fence (reboot) messaging-1 'resources are active and the connection is unrecoverable'
* Fence (reboot) controller-1 'peer is no longer part of the cluster'
* Stop messaging-1 (controller-1) due to node availability
* Move galera-0 ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Stop galera-2 (controller-1) due to node availability
* Stop rabbitmq:2 (messaging-1) due to node availability
* Stop redis:0 ( Slave controller-1 ) due to node availability
* Move ip- ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Move ip- ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Move ip- ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
* Stop haproxy:0 (controller-1) due to node availability
* Restart stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 ( controller-0 ) due to resource definition change
* Restart stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd ( controller-0 ) due to resource definition change
* Move stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 ( controller-1 -> controller-2 )
Executing cluster transition:
+ * Pseudo action: messaging-1_stop_0
* Pseudo action: galera-0_stop_0
* Pseudo action: galera-2_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_pre_notify_stop_0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 stop on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd stop on controller-0
* Pseudo action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5_stop_0
* Fencing controller-1 (reboot)
* Pseudo action: redis_post_notify_stop_0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-2
* Pseudo action: redis-master_confirmed-pre_notify_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_stop_0
* Pseudo action: haproxy-clone_stop_0
* Fencing galera-2 (reboot)
* Fencing messaging-1 (reboot)
* Resource action: galera-0 start on controller-2
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq_post_notify_stop_0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq-clone_stop_0
* Resource action: galera monitor=10000 on galera-0
* Pseudo action: redis_stop_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: haproxy_stop_0
* Pseudo action: haproxy-clone_stopped_0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 start on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 monitor=60000 on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd start on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd monitor=60000 on controller-0
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 start on controller-2
* Resource action: galera-0 monitor=20000 on controller-2
* Resource action: rabbitmq notify on messaging-2
* Resource action: rabbitmq notify on messaging-0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq_notified_0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq_stop_0
* Pseudo action: rabbitmq-clone_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: redis-master_post_notify_stopped_0
* Pseudo action: ip-
* Pseudo action: ip-
* Pseudo action: ip-
* Resource action: stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 monitor=60000 on controller-2
- * Pseudo action: messaging-1_stop_0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-0
* Resource action: redis notify on controller-2
* Pseudo action: redis-master_confirmed-post_notify_stopped_0
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- start on controller-2
* Pseudo action: redis_notified_0
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-2
* Resource action: ip- monitor=10000 on controller-2
Using the original execution date of: 2017-05-03 13:33:24Z
Revised cluster status:
Online: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
OFFLINE: [ controller-1 ]
RemoteOnline: [ galera-0 galera-1 messaging-0 messaging-2 ]
RemoteOFFLINE: [ galera-2 messaging-1 ]
messaging-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
messaging-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Stopped
messaging-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-2
galera-1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Started controller-0
galera-2 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Stopped
Clone Set: rabbitmq-clone [rabbitmq]
Started: [ messaging-0 messaging-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-1 ]
Clone Set: galera-master [galera] (promotable)
Masters: [ galera-0 galera-1 ]
Stopped: [ controller-0 controller-1 controller-2 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
Clone Set: redis-master [redis] (promotable)
Masters: [ controller-0 ]
Slaves: [ controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-1 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0
ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2
Clone Set: haproxy-clone [haproxy]
Started: [ controller-0 controller-2 ]
Stopped: [ controller-1 galera-0 galera-1 galera-2 messaging-0 messaging-1 messaging-2 ]
openstack-cinder-volume (systemd:openstack-cinder-volume): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400bbf613 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-525400b4f6bd (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-0
stonith-fence_ipmilan-5254005bdbb5 (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started controller-2
diff --git a/daemons/controld/controld_execd.c b/daemons/controld/controld_execd.c
index 8e892161b6..a20f96aacc 100644
--- a/daemons/controld/controld_execd.c
+++ b/daemons/controld/controld_execd.c
@@ -1,2770 +1,2802 @@
* Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
#define START_DELAY_THRESHOLD 5 * 60 * 1000
#define MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS 30
#define s_if_plural(i) (((i) == 1)? "" : "s")
struct delete_event_s {
int rc;
const char *rsc;
lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
static gboolean is_rsc_active(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id);
static gboolean build_active_RAs(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_list);
static gboolean stop_recurring_actions(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
static int delete_rsc_status(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, int call_options,
const char *user_name);
static lrmd_event_data_t *construct_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_op,
const char *rsc_id, const char *operation);
static void do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *operation,
xmlNode * msg, xmlNode * request);
void send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys,
lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id);
static gboolean lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
int log_level);
static int do_update_resource(const char *node_name, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op);
static void
if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED)) {
crm_crit("Connection to executor failed");
register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED);
} else {
crm_info("Disconnected from executor");
static char *
make_stop_id(const char *rsc, int call_id)
return crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d", rsc, call_id);
static void
copy_instance_keys(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
if (strstr(key, CRM_META "_") == NULL) {
g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup((const char *)key), strdup((const char *)value));
static void
copy_meta_keys(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
if (strstr(key, CRM_META "_") != NULL) {
g_hash_table_replace(user_data, strdup((const char *)key), strdup((const char *)value));
* \internal
* \brief Remove a recurring operation from a resource's history
* \param[in,out] history Resource history to modify
* \param[in] op Operation to remove
* \return TRUE if the operation was found and removed, FALSE otherwise
static gboolean
history_remove_recurring_op(rsc_history_t *history, const lrmd_event_data_t *op)
GList *iter;
for (iter = history->recurring_op_list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
lrmd_event_data_t *existing = iter->data;
if ((op->interval_ms == existing->interval_ms)
&& crm_str_eq(op->rsc_id, existing->rsc_id, TRUE)
&& safe_str_eq(op->op_type, existing->op_type)) {
history->recurring_op_list = g_list_delete_link(history->recurring_op_list, iter);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* \internal
* \brief Free all recurring operations in resource history
* \param[in,out] history Resource history to modify
static void
history_free_recurring_ops(rsc_history_t *history)
GList *iter;
for (iter = history->recurring_op_list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
history->recurring_op_list = NULL;
* \internal
* \brief Free resource history
* \param[in,out] history Resource history to free
history_free(gpointer data)
rsc_history_t *history = (rsc_history_t*)data;
if (history->stop_params) {
/* Don't need to free history->rsc.id because it's set to history->id */
static void
update_history_cache(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
int target_rc = 0;
rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
if (op->rsc_deleted) {
crm_debug("Purged history for '%s' after %s", op->rsc_id, op->op_type);
delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, cib_quorum_override, NULL);
if (safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_NOTIFY)) {
crm_debug("Updating history for '%s' with %s op", op->rsc_id, op->op_type);
entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, op->rsc_id);
if (entry == NULL && rsc) {
entry = calloc(1, sizeof(rsc_history_t));
entry->id = strdup(op->rsc_id);
g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state->resource_history, entry->id, entry);
entry->rsc.id = entry->id;
entry->rsc.type = strdup(rsc->type);
entry->rsc.standard = strdup(rsc->standard);
if (rsc->provider) {
entry->rsc.provider = strdup(rsc->provider);
} else {
entry->rsc.provider = NULL;
} else if (entry == NULL) {
crm_info("Resource %s no longer exists, not updating cache", op->rsc_id);
entry->last_callid = op->call_id;
target_rc = rsc_op_expected_rc(op);
if (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
if (op->interval_ms > 0) {
crm_trace("Removing cancelled recurring op: " CRM_OP_FMT,
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms);
history_remove_recurring_op(entry, op);
} else {
crm_trace("Skipping " CRM_OP_FMT " rc=%d, status=%d",
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms, op->rc,
} else if (did_rsc_op_fail(op, target_rc)) {
/* Store failed monitors here, otherwise the block below will cause them
* to be forgotten when a stop happens.
if (entry->failed) {
entry->failed = lrmd_copy_event(op);
} else if (op->interval_ms == 0) {
if (entry->last) {
entry->last = lrmd_copy_event(op);
if (op->params &&
(safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_START, op->op_type) ||
safe_str_eq("reload", op->op_type) ||
safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STATUS, op->op_type))) {
if (entry->stop_params) {
entry->stop_params = crm_str_table_new();
g_hash_table_foreach(op->params, copy_instance_keys, entry->stop_params);
if (op->interval_ms > 0) {
/* Ensure there are no duplicates */
history_remove_recurring_op(entry, op);
crm_trace("Adding recurring op: " CRM_OP_FMT,
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms);
entry->recurring_op_list = g_list_prepend(entry->recurring_op_list, lrmd_copy_event(op));
} else if (entry->recurring_op_list && safe_str_eq(op->op_type, RSC_STATUS) == FALSE) {
crm_trace("Dropping %d recurring ops because of: " CRM_OP_FMT,
g_list_length(entry->recurring_op_list), op->rsc_id,
op->op_type, op->interval_ms);
* \internal
* \brief Send a direct OK ack for a resource task
* \param[in] lrm_state LRM connection
* \param[in] input Input message being ack'ed
* \param[in] rsc_id ID of affected resource
* \param[in] rsc Affected resource (if available)
* \param[in] task Operation task being ack'ed
* \param[in] ack_host Name of host to send ack to
* \param[in] ack_sys IPC system name to ack
static void
send_task_ok_ack(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, ha_msg_input_t *input,
const char *rsc_id, lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc, const char *task,
const char *ack_host, const char *ack_sys)
lrmd_event_data_t *op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc_id, task);
op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
send_direct_ack(ack_host, ack_sys, rsc, op, rsc_id);
static inline const char *
op_node_name(lrmd_event_data_t *op)
return op->remote_nodename? op->remote_nodename : fsa_our_uname;
lrm_op_callback(lrmd_event_data_t * op)
CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
switch (op->type) {
case lrmd_event_disconnect:
if (op->remote_nodename == NULL) {
/* If this is the local executor IPC connection, set the right
* bits in the controller when the connection goes down.
case lrmd_event_exec_complete:
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = lrm_state_find(op_node_name(op));
CRM_ASSERT(lrm_state != NULL);
process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL, NULL);
do_lrm_control(long long action,
enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
/* This only pertains to local executor connections. Remote connections are
* handled as resources within the scheduler. Connecting and disconnecting
* from remote executor instances is handled differently.
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
if(fsa_our_uname == NULL) {
return; /* Nothing to do */
lrm_state = lrm_state_find_or_create(fsa_our_uname);
if (lrm_state == NULL) {
register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
if (action & A_LRM_DISCONNECT) {
if (lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state, cur_state, LOG_INFO) == FALSE) {
if (action == A_LRM_DISCONNECT) {
clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED);
crm_info("Disconnecting from the executor");
lrm_state_reset_tables(lrm_state, FALSE);
crm_notice("Disconnected from the executor");
if (action & A_LRM_CONNECT) {
int ret = pcmk_ok;
crm_debug("Connecting to the executor");
ret = lrm_state_ipc_connect(lrm_state);
if (ret != pcmk_ok) {
if (lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails < MAX_LRM_REG_FAILS) {
crm_warn("Failed to connect to the executor %d time%s (%d max)",
if (ret != pcmk_ok) {
crm_err("Failed to connect to the executor the max allowed %d time%s",
register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_LRM_CONNECTED);
crm_info("Connection to the executor established");
if (action & ~(A_LRM_CONNECT | A_LRM_DISCONNECT)) {
crm_err("Unexpected action %s in %s", fsa_action2string(action), __FUNCTION__);
static gboolean
lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level)
int counter = 0;
gboolean rc = TRUE;
const char *when = "lrm disconnect";
GHashTableIter gIter;
const char *key = NULL;
rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
crm_debug("Checking for active resources before exit");
if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE) {
log_level = LOG_ERR;
when = "shutdown";
} else if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) {
when = "shutdown... waiting";
if (lrm_state->pending_ops && lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state) == TRUE) {
guint removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(
lrm_state->pending_ops, stop_recurring_actions, lrm_state);
guint nremaining = g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops);
if (removed || nremaining) {
crm_notice("Stopped %u recurring operation%s at %s (%u remaining)",
removed, s_if_plural(removed), when, nremaining);
if (lrm_state->pending_ops) {
g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->pending_ops);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&pending)) {
/* Ignore recurring actions in the shutdown calculations */
if (pending->interval_ms == 0) {
if (counter > 0) {
do_crm_log(log_level, "%d pending executor operation%s at %s",
counter, s_if_plural(counter), when);
if (cur_state == S_TERMINATE || !is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP)) {
g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->pending_ops);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&pending)) {
do_crm_log(log_level, "Pending action: %s (%s)", key, pending->op_key);
} else {
rc = FALSE;
return rc;
if (lrm_state->resource_history == NULL) {
return rc;
if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) {
/* At this point we're not waiting, we're just shutting down */
when = "shutdown";
counter = 0;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->resource_history);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (gpointer*)&entry)) {
if (is_rsc_active(lrm_state, entry->id) == FALSE) {
if (log_level == LOG_ERR) {
crm_info("Found %s active at %s", entry->id, when);
} else {
crm_trace("Found %s active at %s", entry->id, when);
if (lrm_state->pending_ops) {
GHashTableIter hIter;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&hIter, lrm_state->pending_ops);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&hIter, (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&pending)) {
if (crm_str_eq(entry->id, pending->rsc_id, TRUE)) {
crm_notice("%sction %s (%s) incomplete at %s",
pending->interval_ms == 0 ? "A" : "Recurring a",
key, pending->op_key, when);
if (counter) {
crm_err("%d resource%s active at %s",
counter, (counter == 1)? " was" : "s were", when);
return rc;
static char *
build_parameter_list(const lrmd_event_data_t *op,
const struct ra_metadata_s *metadata,
xmlNode *result, enum ra_param_flags_e param_type,
bool invert_for_xml)
int len = 0;
int max = 0;
char *list = NULL;
GList *iter = NULL;
/* Newer resource agents support the "private" parameter attribute to
* indicate sensitive parameters. For backward compatibility with older
* agents, this list is used if the agent doesn't specify any as "private".
const char *secure_terms[] = {
if (is_not_set(metadata->ra_flags, ra_uses_private)
&& (param_type == ra_param_private)) {
max = DIMOF(secure_terms);
for (iter = metadata->ra_params; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
struct ra_param_s *param = (struct ra_param_s *) iter->data;
bool accept = FALSE;
if (is_set(param->rap_flags, param_type)) {
accept = TRUE;
} else if (max) {
for (int lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
if (safe_str_eq(secure_terms[lpc], param->rap_name)) {
accept = TRUE;
if (accept) {
int start = len;
crm_trace("Attr %s is %s", param->rap_name, ra_param_flag2text(param_type));
len += strlen(param->rap_name) + 2; // include spaces around
list = realloc_safe(list, len + 1); // include null terminator
// spaces before and after make parsing simpler
sprintf(list + start, " %s ", param->rap_name);
} else {
crm_trace("Rejecting %s for %s", param->rap_name, ra_param_flag2text(param_type));
if (result && (invert_for_xml? !accept : accept)) {
const char *v = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, param->rap_name);
if (v != NULL) {
crm_trace("Adding attr %s=%s to the xml result", param->rap_name, v);
crm_xml_add(result, param->rap_name, v);
return list;
static void
append_restart_list(lrmd_event_data_t *op, struct ra_metadata_s *metadata,
xmlNode *update, const char *version)
char *list = NULL;
char *digest = NULL;
xmlNode *restart = NULL;
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(op->params != NULL);
if (op->interval_ms > 0) {
/* monitors are not reloadable */
if (is_set(metadata->ra_flags, ra_supports_reload)) {
restart = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS);
/* Add any parameters with unique="1" to the "op-force-restart" list.
* (Currently, we abuse "unique=0" to indicate reloadability. This is
* nonstandard and should eventually be replaced once the OCF standard
* is updated with something better.)
list = build_parameter_list(op, metadata, restart, ra_param_unique,
} else {
/* Resource does not support reloads */
digest = calculate_operation_digest(restart, version);
/* Add "op-force-restart" and "op-restart-digest" to indicate the resource supports reload,
* no matter if it actually supports any parameters with unique="1"). */
crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_RESTART, list? list: "");
crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST, digest);
crm_trace("%s: %s, %s", op->rsc_id, digest, list);
crm_log_xml_trace(restart, "restart digest source");
static void
append_secure_list(lrmd_event_data_t *op, struct ra_metadata_s *metadata,
xmlNode *update, const char *version)
char *list = NULL;
char *digest = NULL;
xmlNode *secure = NULL;
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(op->params != NULL);
* To keep XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_SECURE short, we want it to contain the
* secure parameters but XML_LRM_ATTR_SECURE_DIGEST to be based on
* the insecure ones
secure = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS);
list = build_parameter_list(op, metadata, secure, ra_param_private, TRUE);
if (list != NULL) {
digest = calculate_operation_digest(secure, version);
crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_SECURE, list);
crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_SECURE_DIGEST, digest);
crm_trace("%s: %s, %s", op->rsc_id, digest, list);
crm_log_xml_trace(secure, "secure digest source");
} else {
crm_trace("%s: no secure parameters", op->rsc_id);
static gboolean
build_operation_update(xmlNode * parent, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op,
const char *node_name, const char *src)
int target_rc = 0;
xmlNode *xml_op = NULL;
struct ra_metadata_s *metadata = NULL;
const char *caller_version = NULL;
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
if (op == NULL) {
return FALSE;
target_rc = rsc_op_expected_rc(op);
/* there is a small risk in formerly mixed clusters that it will
* be sub-optimal.
* however with our upgrade policy, the update we send should
* still be completely supported anyway
caller_version = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(caller_version != NULL);
if(caller_version == NULL) {
caller_version = CRM_FEATURE_SET;
crm_trace("Building %s operation update with originator version: %s", op->rsc_id, caller_version);
xml_op = create_operation_update(parent, op, caller_version, target_rc, fsa_our_uname, src, LOG_DEBUG);
if (xml_op == NULL) {
return TRUE;
if ((rsc == NULL) || (op->params == NULL)
|| !crm_op_needs_metadata(rsc->standard, op->op_type)) {
crm_trace("No digests needed for %s action on %s (params=%p rsc=%p)",
op->op_type, op->rsc_id, op->params, rsc);
return TRUE;
lrm_state = lrm_state_find(node_name);
if (lrm_state == NULL) {
crm_warn("Cannot calculate digests for operation " CRM_OP_FMT
" because we have no connection to executor for %s",
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms, node_name);
return TRUE;
metadata = metadata_cache_get(lrm_state->metadata_cache, rsc);
if (metadata == NULL) {
/* For now, we always collect resource agent meta-data via a local,
* synchronous, direct execution of the agent. This has multiple issues:
* the executor should execute agents, not the controller; meta-data for
* Pacemaker Remote nodes should be collected on those nodes, not
* locally; and the meta-data call shouldn't eat into the timeout of the
* real action being performed.
* These issues are planned to be addressed by having the scheduler
* schedule a meta-data cache check at the beginning of each transition.
* Once that is working, this block will only be a fallback in case the
* initial collection fails.
char *metadata_str = NULL;
int rc = lrm_state_get_metadata(lrm_state, rsc->standard,
rsc->provider, rsc->type,
&metadata_str, 0);
if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
crm_warn("Failed to get metadata for %s (%s:%s:%s)",
rsc->id, rsc->standard, rsc->provider, rsc->type);
return TRUE;
metadata = metadata_cache_update(lrm_state->metadata_cache, rsc,
if (metadata == NULL) {
crm_warn("Failed to update metadata for %s (%s:%s:%s)",
rsc->id, rsc->standard, rsc->provider, rsc->type);
return TRUE;
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_RA_VERSION, metadata->ra_version);
crm_trace("Including additional digests for %s::%s:%s", rsc->standard, rsc->provider, rsc->type);
append_restart_list(op, metadata, xml_op, caller_version);
append_secure_list(op, metadata, xml_op, caller_version);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
is_rsc_active(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id)
rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
if (entry == NULL || entry->last == NULL) {
return FALSE;
crm_trace("Processing %s: %s.%d=%d", rsc_id, entry->last->op_type,
entry->last->interval_ms, entry->last->rc);
if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK && safe_str_eq(entry->last->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
return FALSE;
} else if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK
&& safe_str_eq(entry->last->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) {
/* a stricter check is too complex...
* leave that to the PE
return FALSE;
} else if (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING) {
return FALSE;
} else if ((entry->last->interval_ms == 0)
&& (entry->last->rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED)) {
/* Badly configured resources can't be reliably stopped */
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static gboolean
build_active_RAs(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_list)
GHashTableIter iter;
rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, lrm_state->resource_history);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
GList *gIter = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_rsc = create_xml_node(rsc_list, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, entry->id);
crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE, entry->rsc.type);
crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, entry->rsc.standard);
crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, entry->rsc.provider);
if (entry->last && entry->last->params) {
const char *container = g_hash_table_lookup(entry->last->params, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER);
if (container) {
crm_trace("Resource %s is a part of container resource %s", entry->id, container);
crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, container);
build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), entry->failed, lrm_state->node_name, __FUNCTION__);
build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), entry->last, lrm_state->node_name, __FUNCTION__);
for (gIter = entry->recurring_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
build_operation_update(xml_rsc, &(entry->rsc), gIter->data, lrm_state->node_name, __FUNCTION__);
return FALSE;
static xmlNode *
do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, int update_flags)
xmlNode *xml_state = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_data = NULL;
xmlNode *rsc_list = NULL;
crm_node_t *peer = NULL;
peer = crm_get_peer_full(0, lrm_state->node_name, CRM_GET_PEER_ANY);
CRM_CHECK(peer != NULL, return NULL);
xml_state = create_node_state_update(peer, update_flags, NULL,
if (xml_state == NULL) {
return NULL;
xml_data = create_xml_node(xml_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
crm_xml_add(xml_data, XML_ATTR_ID, peer->uuid);
rsc_list = create_xml_node(xml_data, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
/* Build a list of active (not always running) resources */
build_active_RAs(lrm_state, rsc_list);
crm_log_xml_trace(xml_state, "Current executor state");
return xml_state;
xmlNode *
do_lrm_query(gboolean is_replace, const char *node_name)
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = lrm_state_find(node_name);
if (!lrm_state) {
crm_err("Could not find executor state for node %s", node_name);
return NULL;
return do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state,
static void
notify_deleted(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, ha_msg_input_t * input, const char *rsc_id, int rc)
lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
const char *from_sys = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM);
const char *from_host = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
crm_info("Notifying %s on %s that %s was%s deleted",
from_sys, (from_host? from_host : "localhost"), rsc_id,
((rc == pcmk_ok)? "" : " not"));
op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc_id, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE);
if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
} else {
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, rsc_id);
if (safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) {
/* this isn't expected - trigger a new transition */
time_t now = time(NULL);
char *now_s = crm_itoa(now);
crm_debug("Triggering a refresh after %s deleted %s from the executor",
from_sys, rsc_id);
update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
"last-lrm-refresh", now_s, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
static gboolean
lrm_remove_deleted_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
struct delete_event_s *event = user_data;
struct pending_deletion_op_s *op = value;
if (crm_str_eq(event->rsc, op->rsc, TRUE)) {
notify_deleted(event->lrm_state, op->input, event->rsc, event->rc);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static gboolean
lrm_remove_deleted_op(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
const char *rsc = user_data;
struct recurring_op_s *pending = value;
if (crm_str_eq(rsc, pending->rsc_id, TRUE)) {
crm_info("Removing op %s:%d for deleted resource %s",
pending->op_key, pending->call_id, rsc);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Remove the rsc from the CIB
* Avoids refreshing the entire LRM section of this host
#define RSC_TEMPLATE "//"XML_CIB_TAG_STATE"[@uname='%s']//"XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE"[@id='%s']"
static int
delete_rsc_status(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, int call_options,
const char *user_name)
char *rsc_xpath = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_ok;
CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return -ENXIO);
rsc_xpath = crm_strdup_printf(RSC_TEMPLATE, lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id);
rc = cib_internal_op(fsa_cib_conn, CIB_OP_DELETE, NULL, rsc_xpath,
NULL, NULL, call_options | cib_xpath, user_name);
return rc;
static void
delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, ha_msg_input_t * input, const char *rsc_id,
GHashTableIter * rsc_gIter, int rc, const char *user_name)
struct delete_event_s event;
CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return);
if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
char *rsc_id_copy = strdup(rsc_id);
if (rsc_gIter)
g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id_copy);
crm_debug("sync: Sending delete op for %s", rsc_id_copy);
delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, rsc_id_copy, cib_quorum_override, user_name);
g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, lrm_remove_deleted_op, rsc_id_copy);
if (input) {
notify_deleted(lrm_state, input, rsc_id, rc);
event.rc = rc;
event.rsc = rsc_id;
event.lrm_state = lrm_state;
g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->deletion_ops, lrm_remove_deleted_rsc, &event);
* \internal
* \brief Erase an LRM history entry from the CIB, given the operation data
* \param[in] lrm_state LRM state of the desired node
* \param[in] op Operation whose history should be deleted
static void
erase_lrm_history_by_op(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t *op)
xmlNode *xml_top = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP);
crm_xml_add_int(xml_top, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, op->call_id);
crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, op->user_data);
if (op->interval_ms > 0) {
char *op_id = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms);
/* Avoid deleting last_failure too (if it was a result of this recurring op failing) */
crm_xml_add(xml_top, XML_ATTR_ID, op_id);
crm_debug("Erasing resource operation history for " CRM_OP_FMT " (call=%d)",
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms, op->call_id);
fsa_cib_conn->cmds->remove(fsa_cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, xml_top,
crm_log_xml_trace(xml_top, "op:cancel");
/* Define xpath to find LRM resource history entry by node and resource */
"/" XML_CIB_TAG_STATE "[@" XML_ATTR_UNAME "='%s']" \
"/" XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE "[@" XML_ATTR_ID "='%s']" \
/* ... and also by operation key */
"[@" XML_ATTR_ID "='%s']"
/* ... and also by operation key and operation call ID */
"[@" XML_ATTR_ID "='%s' and @" XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID "='%d']"
/* ... and also by operation key and original operation key */
"[@" XML_ATTR_ID "='%s' and @" XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY "='%s']"
* \internal
* \brief Erase an LRM history entry from the CIB, given operation identifiers
* \param[in] lrm_state LRM state of the node to clear history for
* \param[in] rsc_id Name of resource to clear history for
* \param[in] key Operation key of operation to clear history for
* \param[in] orig_op If specified, delete only if it has this original op
* \param[in] call_id If specified, delete entry only if it has this call ID
static void
erase_lrm_history_by_id(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *rsc_id,
const char *key, const char *orig_op, int call_id)
char *op_xpath = NULL;
CRM_CHECK((rsc_id != NULL) && (key != NULL), return);
if (call_id > 0) {
op_xpath = crm_strdup_printf(XPATH_HISTORY_CALL,
lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id, key,
} else if (orig_op) {
op_xpath = crm_strdup_printf(XPATH_HISTORY_ORIG,
lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id, key,
} else {
op_xpath = crm_strdup_printf(XPATH_HISTORY_ID,
lrm_state->node_name, rsc_id, key);
crm_debug("Erasing resource operation history for %s on %s (call=%d)",
key, rsc_id, call_id);
fsa_cib_conn->cmds->remove(fsa_cib_conn, op_xpath, NULL,
cib_quorum_override | cib_xpath);
static inline gboolean
last_failed_matches_op(rsc_history_t *entry, const char *op, guint interval_ms)
if (entry == NULL) {
return FALSE;
if (op == NULL) {
return TRUE;
return (safe_str_eq(op, entry->failed->op_type)
&& (interval_ms == entry->failed->interval_ms));
* \internal
* \brief Clear a resource's last failure
* Erase a resource's last failure on a particular node from both the
* LRM resource history in the CIB, and the resource history remembered
* for the LRM state.
* \param[in] rsc_id Resource name
* \param[in] node_name Node name
* \param[in] operation If specified, only clear if matching this operation
* \param[in] interval_ms If operation is specified, it has this interval
lrm_clear_last_failure(const char *rsc_id, const char *node_name,
const char *operation, guint interval_ms)
char *op_key = NULL;
char *orig_op_key = NULL;
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
lrm_state = lrm_state_find(node_name);
if (lrm_state == NULL) {
/* Erase from CIB */
op_key = generate_op_key(rsc_id, "last_failure", 0);
if (operation) {
orig_op_key = generate_op_key(rsc_id, operation, interval_ms);
erase_lrm_history_by_id(lrm_state, rsc_id, op_key, orig_op_key, 0);
/* Remove from memory */
if (lrm_state->resource_history) {
rsc_history_t *entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history,
if (last_failed_matches_op(entry, operation, interval_ms)) {
entry->failed = NULL;
/* Returns: gboolean - cancellation is in progress */
static gboolean
cancel_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *key, int op, gboolean remove)
int rc = pcmk_ok;
char *local_key = NULL;
struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(op != 0, return FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE);
if (key == NULL) {
local_key = make_stop_id(rsc_id, op);
key = local_key;
pending = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->pending_ops, key);
if (pending) {
if (remove && pending->remove == FALSE) {
pending->remove = TRUE;
crm_debug("Scheduling %s for removal", key);
if (pending->cancelled) {
crm_debug("Operation %s already cancelled", key);
return FALSE;
pending->cancelled = TRUE;
} else {
crm_info("No pending op found for %s", key);
return FALSE;
crm_debug("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op, rsc_id, key);
rc = lrm_state_cancel(lrm_state, pending->rsc_id, pending->op_type,
if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
crm_debug("Op %d for %s (%s): cancelled", op, rsc_id, key);
return TRUE;
crm_debug("Op %d for %s (%s): Nothing to cancel", op, rsc_id, key);
/* The caller needs to make sure the entry is
* removed from the pending_ops list
* Usually by returning TRUE inside the worker function
* supplied to g_hash_table_foreach_remove()
* Not removing the entry from pending_ops will block
* the node from shutting down
return FALSE;
struct cancel_data {
gboolean done;
gboolean remove;
const char *key;
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc;
lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
static gboolean
cancel_action_by_key(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
gboolean remove = FALSE;
struct cancel_data *data = user_data;
struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
if (crm_str_eq(op->op_key, data->key, TRUE)) {
data->done = TRUE;
remove = !cancel_op(data->lrm_state, data->rsc->id, key, op->call_id, data->remove);
return remove;
static gboolean
cancel_op_key(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *key, gboolean remove)
guint removed = 0;
struct cancel_data data;
CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE);
data.key = key;
data.rsc = rsc;
data.done = FALSE;
data.remove = remove;
data.lrm_state = lrm_state;
removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, cancel_action_by_key, &data);
crm_trace("Removed %u op cache entries, new size: %u",
removed, g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops));
return data.done;
* \internal
* \brief Retrieve resource information from LRM
* \param[in] lrm_state LRM connection to use
* \param[in] rsc_xml XML containing resource configuration
* \param[in] do_create If true, register resource with LRM if not already
* \param[out] rsc_info Where to store resource information obtained from LRM
* \retval pcmk_ok Success (and rsc_info holds newly allocated result)
* \retval -EINVAL Required information is missing from arguments
* \retval -ENOTCONN No active connection to LRM
* \retval -ENODEV Resource not found
* \retval -errno Error communicating with executor when registering resource
* \note Caller is responsible for freeing result on success.
static int
get_lrm_resource(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, xmlNode *rsc_xml, gboolean do_create,
lrmd_rsc_info_t **rsc_info)
const char *id = ID(rsc_xml);
CRM_CHECK(lrm_state && rsc_xml && rsc_info, return -EINVAL);
CRM_CHECK(id, return -EINVAL);
if (lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state) == FALSE) {
return -ENOTCONN;
crm_trace("Retrieving resource information for %s from the executor", id);
*rsc_info = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, id, 0);
// If resource isn't known by ID, try clone name, if provided
if (!*rsc_info) {
const char *long_id = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, XML_ATTR_ID_LONG);
if (long_id) {
*rsc_info = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, long_id, 0);
if ((*rsc_info == NULL) && do_create) {
const char *class = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
const char *provider = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
const char *type = crm_element_value(rsc_xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
int rc;
crm_trace("Registering resource %s with the executor", id);
rc = lrm_state_register_rsc(lrm_state, id, class, provider, type,
if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL;
crm_err("Could not register resource %s with the executor on %s: %s "
CRM_XS " rc=%d",
id, lrm_state->node_name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
/* Register this as an internal error if this involves the local
* executor. Otherwise, we're likely dealing with an unresponsive
* remote node, which is not an FSA failure.
if (lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state) == TRUE) {
register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL);
return rc;
*rsc_info = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, id, 0);
return *rsc_info? pcmk_ok : -ENODEV;
static void
delete_resource(lrm_state_t * lrm_state,
const char *id,
lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc,
GHashTableIter * gIter,
const char *sys,
const char *host,
const char *user,
ha_msg_input_t * request,
gboolean unregister)
int rc = pcmk_ok;
crm_info("Removing resource %s for %s (%s) on %s", id, sys, user ? user : "internal", host);
if (rsc && unregister) {
rc = lrm_state_unregister_rsc(lrm_state, id, 0);
if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
crm_trace("Resource '%s' deleted", id);
} else if (rc == -EINPROGRESS) {
crm_info("Deletion of resource '%s' pending", id);
if (request) {
struct pending_deletion_op_s *op = NULL;
char *ref = crm_element_value_copy(request->msg, XML_ATTR_REFERENCE);
op = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pending_deletion_op_s));
op->rsc = strdup(rsc->id);
op->input = copy_ha_msg_input(request);
g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state->deletion_ops, ref, op);
} else {
crm_warn("Deletion of resource '%s' for %s (%s) on %s failed: %d",
id, sys, user ? user : "internal", host, rc);
delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, request, id, gIter, rc, user);
static int
get_fake_call_id(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *rsc_id)
int call_id = 999999999;
rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
if(lrm_state) {
entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
/* Make sure the call id is greater than the last successful operation,
* otherwise the failure will not result in a possible recovery of the resource
* as it could appear the failure occurred before the successful start */
if (entry) {
call_id = entry->last_callid + 1;
if (call_id < 0) {
call_id = 1;
return call_id;
static void
fake_op_status(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t *op, int op_status,
enum ocf_exitcode op_exitcode)
op->call_id = get_fake_call_id(lrm_state, op->rsc_id);
op->t_run = time(NULL);
op->t_rcchange = op->t_run;
op->op_status = op_status;
op->rc = op_exitcode;
static void
force_reprobe(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *from_sys,
const char *from_host, const char *user_name,
gboolean is_remote_node)
GHashTableIter gIter;
rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
crm_info("Clearing resource history on node %s", lrm_state->node_name);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, lrm_state->resource_history);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&entry)) {
/* only unregister the resource during a reprobe if it is not a remote connection
* resource. otherwise unregistering the connection will terminate remote-node
* membership */
gboolean unregister = TRUE;
if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, entry->id)) {
lrm_state_t *remote_lrm_state = lrm_state_find(entry->id);
if (remote_lrm_state) {
/* when forcing a reprobe, make sure to clear remote node before
* clearing the remote node's connection resource */
force_reprobe(remote_lrm_state, from_sys, from_host, user_name, TRUE);
unregister = FALSE;
delete_resource(lrm_state, entry->id, &entry->rsc, &gIter, from_sys, from_host,
user_name, NULL, unregister);
/* Now delete the copy in the CIB */
erase_status_tag(lrm_state->node_name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local);
/* Finally, _delete_ the value in pacemaker-attrd -- setting it to FALSE
* would result in the scheduler sending us back here again
update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, CRM_OP_PROBED, NULL, user_name, is_remote_node);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Fail a requested action without actually executing it
+ *
+ * For an action that can't be executed, process it similarly to an actual
+ * execution result, with specified error status (except for notify actions,
+ * which will always be treated as successful).
+ *
+ * \param[in] lrm_state Executor connection that action is for
+ * \param[in] action Action XML from request
+ * \param[in] rc Desired return code to use
+ * \param[in] op_status Desired operation status to use
+ */
static void
-synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, xmlNode *action, int rc)
+synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, xmlNode *action,
+ int op_status, enum ocf_exitcode rc)
lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
const char *operation = crm_element_value(action, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
const char *target_node = crm_element_value(action, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(action, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE);
if ((xml_rsc == NULL) || (ID(xml_rsc) == NULL)) {
/* @TODO Should we do something else, like direct ack? */
crm_info("Can't fake %s failure (%d) on %s without resource configuration",
crm_element_value(action, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY), rc,
} else if(operation == NULL) {
/* This probably came from crm_resource -C, nothing to do */
crm_info("Can't fake %s failure (%d) on %s without operation",
ID(xml_rsc), rc, target_node);
op = construct_op(lrm_state, action, ID(xml_rsc), operation);
if (safe_str_eq(operation, RSC_NOTIFY)) { // Notifications can't fail
fake_op_status(lrm_state, op, PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE, PCMK_OCF_OK);
} else {
- fake_op_status(lrm_state, op, PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR, rc);
+ fake_op_status(lrm_state, op, op_status, rc);
crm_info("Faking " CRM_OP_FMT " result (%d) on %s",
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms, op->rc, target_node);
// Process the result as if it came from the LRM
process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL, action);
* \internal
* \brief Get target of an LRM operation
* \param[in] xml LRM operation data XML
* \return LRM operation target node name (local node or Pacemaker Remote node)
static const char *
lrm_op_target(xmlNode *xml)
const char *target = NULL;
if (xml) {
target = crm_element_value(xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
if (target == NULL) {
target = fsa_our_uname;
return target;
static void
fail_lrm_resource(xmlNode *xml, lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *user_name,
const char *from_host, const char *from_sys)
lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE);
CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc != NULL, return);
/* The executor simply executes operations and reports the results, without
* any concept of success or failure, so to fail a resource, we must fake
* what a failure looks like.
* To do this, we create a fake executor operation event for the resource,
* and pass that event to the executor client callback so it will be
* processed as if it came from the executor.
op = construct_op(lrm_state, xml, ID(xml_rsc), "asyncmon");
fake_op_status(lrm_state, op, PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR);
free((char*) op->user_data);
op->user_data = NULL;
op->interval_ms = 0;
if (user_name && is_privileged(user_name) == FALSE) {
crm_err("%s does not have permission to fail %s", user_name, ID(xml_rsc));
send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc));
if (get_lrm_resource(lrm_state, xml_rsc, TRUE, &rsc) == pcmk_ok) {
crm_info("Failing resource %s...", rsc->id);
op->exit_reason = strdup("Simulated failure");
process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL, xml);
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
} else {
crm_info("Cannot find/create resource in order to fail it...");
crm_log_xml_warn(xml, "bad input");
send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, ID(xml_rsc));
static void
handle_refresh_op(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *user_name,
const char *from_host, const char *from_sys)
int rc = pcmk_ok;
xmlNode *fragment = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, node_update_all);
fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, fragment, cib_quorum_override, rc, user_name);
crm_info("Forced a local resource history refresh: call=%d", rc);
if (safe_str_neq(CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, from_sys)) {
xmlNode *reply = create_request(CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, fragment, from_host,
from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD,
crm_debug("ACK'ing refresh from %s (%s)", from_sys, from_host);
if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply");
static void
handle_query_op(xmlNode *msg, lrm_state_t *lrm_state)
xmlNode *data = do_lrm_query_internal(lrm_state, node_update_all);
xmlNode *reply = create_reply(msg, data);
if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
crm_err("Unable to route reply");
crm_log_xml_err(reply, "reply");
static void
handle_reprobe_op(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *from_sys,
const char *from_host, const char *user_name,
gboolean is_remote_node)
crm_notice("Forcing the status of all resources to be redetected");
force_reprobe(lrm_state, from_sys, from_host, user_name, is_remote_node);
if (safe_str_neq(CRM_SYSTEM_PENGINE, from_sys)
&& safe_str_neq(CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, from_sys)) {
xmlNode *reply = create_request(CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, NULL, from_host,
from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD,
crm_debug("ACK'ing re-probe from %s (%s)", from_sys, from_host);
if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply");
static bool do_lrm_cancel(ha_msg_input_t *input, lrm_state_t *lrm_state,
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc, const char *from_host, const char *from_sys)
char *op_key = NULL;
char *meta_key = NULL;
int call = 0;
const char *call_id = NULL;
const char *op_task = NULL;
const char *interval_ms_s = NULL;
gboolean in_progress = FALSE;
xmlNode *params = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_TAG_ATTRS, TRUE);
CRM_CHECK(params != NULL, return FALSE);
meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS);
interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(params, meta_key);
CRM_CHECK(interval_ms_s != NULL, return FALSE);
meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
op_task = crm_element_value(params, meta_key);
CRM_CHECK(op_task != NULL, return FALSE);
meta_key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID);
call_id = crm_element_value(params, meta_key);
op_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, op_task, crm_parse_ms(interval_ms_s));
crm_debug("Scheduler requested op %s (call=%s) be cancelled",
op_key, (call_id? call_id : "NA"));
call = crm_parse_int(call_id, "0");
if (call == 0) {
// Normal case when the scheduler cancels a recurring op
in_progress = cancel_op_key(lrm_state, rsc, op_key, TRUE);
} else {
// Normal case when the scheduler cancels an orphan op
in_progress = cancel_op(lrm_state, rsc->id, NULL, call, TRUE);
// Acknowledge cancellation operation if for a remote connection resource
if (!in_progress || is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id)) {
char *op_id = make_stop_id(rsc->id, call);
if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id) == FALSE) {
crm_info("Nothing known about operation %d for %s", call, op_key);
erase_lrm_history_by_id(lrm_state, rsc->id, op_key, NULL, call);
send_task_ok_ack(lrm_state, input, rsc->id, rsc, op_task,
from_host, from_sys);
/* needed at least for cancellation of a remote operation */
g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id);
} else {
/* No ack is needed since abcdaa8, but peers with older versions
* in a rolling upgrade need one. We didn't bump the feature set
* at that commit, so we can only compare against the previous
* CRM version (3.0.8). If any peers have feature set 3.0.9 but
* not abcdaa8, they will time out waiting for the ack (no
* released versions of Pacemaker are affected).
const char *peer_version = crm_element_value(params, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
if (compare_version(peer_version, "3.0.8") <= 0) {
crm_info("Sending compatibility ack for %s cancellation to %s (CRM version %s)",
op_key, from_host, peer_version);
send_task_ok_ack(lrm_state, input, rsc->id, rsc, op_task,
from_host, from_sys);
return TRUE;
static void
do_lrm_delete(ha_msg_input_t *input, lrm_state_t *lrm_state,
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc, const char *from_sys, const char *from_host,
bool crm_rsc_delete, const char *user_name)
gboolean unregister = TRUE;
int cib_rc = delete_rsc_status(lrm_state, rsc->id,
cib_dryrun|cib_sync_call, user_name);
if (cib_rc != pcmk_ok) {
lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
crm_err("Could not delete resource status of %s for %s (user %s) on %s: %s"
CRM_XS " rc=%d",
rsc->id, from_sys, (user_name? user_name : "unknown"),
from_host, pcmk_strerror(cib_rc), cib_rc);
op = construct_op(lrm_state, input->xml, rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE);
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
if (cib_rc == -EACCES) {
} else {
send_direct_ack(from_host, from_sys, NULL, op, rsc->id);
if (crm_rsc_delete && is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id)) {
unregister = FALSE;
delete_resource(lrm_state, rsc->id, rsc, NULL, from_sys, from_host,
user_name, input, unregister);
do_lrm_invoke(long long action,
enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
const char *crm_op = NULL;
const char *from_sys = NULL;
const char *from_host = NULL;
const char *operation = NULL;
ha_msg_input_t *input = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg);
const char *user_name = NULL;
const char *target_node = NULL;
gboolean is_remote_node = FALSE;
bool crm_rsc_delete = FALSE;
target_node = lrm_op_target(input->xml);
is_remote_node = safe_str_neq(target_node, fsa_our_uname);
lrm_state = lrm_state_find(target_node);
if ((lrm_state == NULL) && is_remote_node) {
crm_err("Failing action because local node has never had connection to remote node %s",
- synthesize_lrmd_failure(NULL, input->xml, PCMK_OCF_CONNECTION_DIED);
+ synthesize_lrmd_failure(NULL, input->xml, PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_CONNECTED,
CRM_ASSERT(lrm_state != NULL);
user_name = crm_acl_get_set_user(input->msg, F_CRM_USER, NULL);
crm_trace("Executor command from user '%s'", user_name);
crm_op = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_TASK);
from_sys = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM);
if (safe_str_neq(from_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE)) {
from_host = crm_element_value(input->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
crm_trace("Executor %s command from %s", crm_op, from_sys);
if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE)) {
crm_rsc_delete = TRUE; // Only crm_resource uses this op
} else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_FAIL)) {
fail_lrm_resource(input->xml, lrm_state, user_name, from_host,
} else if (input->xml != NULL) {
operation = crm_element_value(input->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH)) {
handle_refresh_op(lrm_state, user_name, from_host, from_sys);
} else if (safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_LRM_QUERY)) {
handle_query_op(input->msg, lrm_state);
} else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_PROBED)) {
update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, CRM_OP_PROBED, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE,
user_name, is_remote_node);
} else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRM_OP_REPROBE)
|| safe_str_eq(crm_op, CRM_OP_REPROBE)) {
handle_reprobe_op(lrm_state, from_sys, from_host, user_name,
} else if (operation != NULL) {
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_rsc = find_xml_node(input->xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE);
gboolean create_rsc = safe_str_neq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE);
int rc;
// We can't return anything meaningful without a resource ID
CRM_CHECK(xml_rsc && ID(xml_rsc), return);
rc = get_lrm_resource(lrm_state, xml_rsc, create_rsc, &rsc);
if (rc == -ENOTCONN) {
synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state, input->xml,
} else if ((rc < 0) && !create_rsc) {
/* Delete of malformed or nonexistent resource
* (deleting something that does not exist is a success)
crm_notice("Not registering resource '%s' for a %s event "
CRM_XS " get-rc=%d (%s) transition-key=%s",
ID(xml_rsc), operation,
rc, pcmk_strerror(rc), ID(input->xml));
delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, input, ID(xml_rsc), NULL, pcmk_ok,
send_task_ok_ack(lrm_state, input, ID(xml_rsc), NULL, operation,
from_host, from_sys);
} else if (rc == -EINVAL) {
// Resource operation on malformed resource
crm_err("Invalid resource definition for %s", ID(xml_rsc));
crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "invalid resource");
- synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state, input->xml,
+ synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state, input->xml, PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR,
PCMK_OCF_NOT_CONFIGURED); // fatal error
} else if (rc < 0) {
// Error communicating with the executor
crm_err("Could not register resource '%s' with executor: %s "
CRM_XS " rc=%d",
ID(xml_rsc), pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
crm_log_xml_warn(input->msg, "failed registration");
- synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state, input->xml,
+ synthesize_lrmd_failure(lrm_state, input->xml, PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR,
PCMK_OCF_INVALID_PARAM); // hard error
if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL)) {
if (!do_lrm_cancel(input, lrm_state, rsc, from_host, from_sys)) {
crm_log_xml_warn(input->xml, "Bad command");
} else if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)) {
do_lrm_delete(input, lrm_state, rsc, from_sys, from_host,
crm_rsc_delete, user_name);
} else {
do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state, rsc, operation, input->xml, input->msg);
} else {
crm_err("Cannot perform operation %s of unknown type", crm_str(crm_op));
register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ERROR, NULL);
static lrmd_event_data_t *
construct_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, xmlNode * rsc_op, const char *rsc_id, const char *operation)
lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
const char *op_delay = NULL;
const char *op_timeout = NULL;
const char *interval_ms_s = NULL;
GHashTable *params = NULL;
const char *transition = NULL;
CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id && operation);
op = calloc(1, sizeof(lrmd_event_data_t));
op->type = lrmd_event_exec_complete;
op->op_type = strdup(operation);
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING;
op->rc = -1;
op->rsc_id = strdup(rsc_id);
op->interval_ms = 0;
op->timeout = 0;
op->start_delay = 0;
if (rsc_op == NULL) {
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_STOP, operation));
op->user_data = NULL;
/* the stop_all_resources() case
* by definition there is no DC (or they'd be shutting
* us down).
* So we should put our version here.
op->params = crm_str_table_new();
g_hash_table_insert(op->params, strdup(XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION), strdup(CRM_FEATURE_SET));
crm_trace("Constructed %s op for %s", operation, rsc_id);
return op;
params = xml2list(rsc_op);
g_hash_table_remove(params, CRM_META "_op_target_rc");
op_delay = crm_meta_value(params, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY);
op_timeout = crm_meta_value(params, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
interval_ms_s = crm_meta_value(params, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS);
op->interval_ms = crm_parse_ms(interval_ms_s);
op->timeout = crm_parse_int(op_timeout, "0");
op->start_delay = crm_parse_int(op_delay, "0");
// Resolve any versioned parameters
if (lrm_state && safe_str_neq(op->op_type, RSC_METADATA)
&& safe_str_neq(op->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE)
&& !is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc_id)) {
// Resource info *should* already be cached, so we don't get executor call
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, rsc_id, 0);
struct ra_metadata_s *metadata;
metadata = metadata_cache_get(lrm_state->metadata_cache, rsc);
if (metadata) {
xmlNode *versioned_attrs = NULL;
GHashTable *hash = NULL;
char *key = NULL;
char *value = NULL;
GHashTableIter iter;
versioned_attrs = first_named_child(rsc_op, XML_TAG_OP_VER_ATTRS);
hash = pe_unpack_versioned_parameters(versioned_attrs, metadata->ra_version);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &key, (gpointer *) &value)) {
g_hash_table_replace(params, key, value);
versioned_attrs = first_named_child(rsc_op, XML_TAG_OP_VER_META);
hash = pe_unpack_versioned_parameters(versioned_attrs, metadata->ra_version);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &key, (gpointer *) &value)) {
g_hash_table_replace(params, crm_meta_name(key), strdup(value));
if (safe_str_eq(key, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT)) {
op->timeout = crm_parse_int(value, "0");
} else if (safe_str_eq(key, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY)) {
op->start_delay = crm_parse_int(value, "0");
versioned_attrs = first_named_child(rsc_op, XML_TAG_RSC_VER_ATTRS);
hash = pe_unpack_versioned_parameters(versioned_attrs, metadata->ra_version);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &key, (gpointer *) &value)) {
g_hash_table_replace(params, key, value);
if (safe_str_neq(operation, RSC_STOP)) {
op->params = params;
} else {
rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
if (lrm_state) {
entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
/* If we do not have stop parameters cached, use
* whatever we are given */
if (!entry || !entry->stop_params) {
op->params = params;
} else {
/* Copy the cached parameter list so that we stop the resource
* with the old attributes, not the new ones */
op->params = crm_str_table_new();
g_hash_table_foreach(params, copy_meta_keys, op->params);
g_hash_table_foreach(entry->stop_params, copy_instance_keys, op->params);
params = NULL;
/* sanity */
if (op->timeout <= 0) {
op->timeout = op->interval_ms;
if (op->start_delay < 0) {
op->start_delay = 0;
transition = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
CRM_CHECK(transition != NULL, return op);
op->user_data = strdup(transition);
if (op->interval_ms != 0) {
if (safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_START)
|| safe_str_eq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
crm_err("Start and Stop actions cannot have an interval: %u",
op->interval_ms = 0;
crm_trace("Constructed %s op for %s: interval=%u",
operation, rsc_id, op->interval_ms);
return op;
send_direct_ack(const char *to_host, const char *to_sys,
lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char *rsc_id)
xmlNode *reply = NULL;
xmlNode *update, *iter;
crm_node_t *peer = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
if (op->rsc_id == NULL) {
CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL);
op->rsc_id = strdup(rsc_id);
if (to_sys == NULL) {
peer = crm_get_peer(0, fsa_our_uname);
update = create_node_state_update(peer, node_update_none, NULL,
iter = create_xml_node(update, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, fsa_our_uuid);
iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id);
build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, fsa_our_uname, __FUNCTION__);
reply = create_request(CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, update, to_host, to_sys, CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, NULL);
crm_log_xml_trace(update, "ACK Update");
crm_debug("ACK'ing resource op " CRM_OP_FMT " from %s: %s",
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms, op->user_data,
crm_element_value(reply, XML_ATTR_REFERENCE));
if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) {
crm_log_xml_err(reply, "Unable to route reply");
verify_stopped(enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, int log_level)
gboolean res = TRUE;
GList *lrm_state_list = lrm_state_get_list();
GList *state_entry;
for (state_entry = lrm_state_list; state_entry != NULL; state_entry = state_entry->next) {
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = state_entry->data;
if (!lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state, cur_state, log_level)) {
/* keep iterating through all even when false is returned */
res = FALSE;
set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_SENT_RSC_STOP);
g_list_free(lrm_state_list); lrm_state_list = NULL;
return res;
struct stop_recurring_action_s {
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc;
lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
static gboolean
stop_recurring_action_by_rsc(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
gboolean remove = FALSE;
struct stop_recurring_action_s *event = user_data;
struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
if ((op->interval_ms != 0)
&& crm_str_eq(op->rsc_id, event->rsc->id, TRUE)) {
crm_debug("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op->call_id, op->rsc_id, (char*)key);
remove = !cancel_op(event->lrm_state, event->rsc->id, key, op->call_id, FALSE);
return remove;
static gboolean
stop_recurring_actions(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
gboolean remove = FALSE;
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = user_data;
struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
if (op->interval_ms != 0) {
crm_info("Cancelling op %d for %s (%s)", op->call_id, op->rsc_id,
(const char *) key);
remove = !cancel_op(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, key, op->call_id, FALSE);
return remove;
static void
record_pending_op(const char *node_name, lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc, lrmd_event_data_t *op)
const char *record_pending = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(node_name != NULL, return);
CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
// Never record certain operation types as pending
if ((op->op_type == NULL) || (op->params == NULL)
|| !controld_action_is_recordable(op->op_type)) {
// defaults to true
record_pending = crm_meta_value(op->params, XML_OP_ATTR_PENDING);
if (record_pending && !crm_is_true(record_pending)) {
op->call_id = -1;
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING;
op->t_run = time(NULL);
op->t_rcchange = op->t_run;
/* write a "pending" entry to the CIB, inhibit notification */
crm_debug("Recording pending op " CRM_OP_FMT " on %s in the CIB",
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms, node_name);
do_update_resource(node_name, rsc, op);
static void
do_lrm_rsc_op(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, const char *operation, xmlNode * msg,
xmlNode * request)
int call_id = 0;
char *op_id = NULL;
lrmd_event_data_t *op = NULL;
lrmd_key_value_t *params = NULL;
fsa_data_t *msg_data = NULL;
const char *transition = NULL;
gboolean stop_recurring = FALSE;
bool send_nack = FALSE;
CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
CRM_CHECK(operation != NULL, return);
if (msg != NULL) {
transition = crm_element_value(msg, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
if (transition == NULL) {
crm_log_xml_err(msg, "Missing transition number");
op = construct_op(lrm_state, msg, rsc->id, operation);
CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id)
&& (op->interval_ms == 0)
&& strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) == 0) {
/* pcmk remote connections are a special use case.
* We never ever want to stop monitoring a connection resource until
* the entire migration has completed. If the connection is unexpectedly
* severed, even during a migration, this is an event we must detect.*/
stop_recurring = FALSE;
} else if ((op->interval_ms == 0)
&& strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) != 0
&& strcmp(operation, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY) != 0) {
/* stop any previous monitor operations before changing the resource state */
stop_recurring = TRUE;
if (stop_recurring == TRUE) {
guint removed = 0;
struct stop_recurring_action_s data;
data.rsc = rsc;
data.lrm_state = lrm_state;
removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(
lrm_state->pending_ops, stop_recurring_action_by_rsc, &data);
if (removed) {
crm_debug("Stopped %u recurring operation%s in preparation for " CRM_OP_FMT,
removed, s_if_plural(removed),
rsc->id, operation, op->interval_ms);
/* now do the op */
crm_info("Performing key=%s op=" CRM_OP_FMT,
transition, rsc->id, operation, op->interval_ms);
if (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN) && safe_str_eq(operation, RSC_START)) {
register_fsa_input(C_SHUTDOWN, I_SHUTDOWN, NULL);
send_nack = TRUE;
} else if (fsa_state != S_NOT_DC
&& fsa_state != S_POLICY_ENGINE /* Recalculating */
&& fsa_state != S_TRANSITION_ENGINE
&& safe_str_neq(operation, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
send_nack = TRUE;
if(send_nack) {
crm_notice("Discarding attempt to perform action %s on %s in state %s (shutdown=%s)",
operation, rsc->id, fsa_state2string(fsa_state),
is_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)?"true":"false");
- op->rc = CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC;
- op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
+ op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_INVALID;
send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id);
record_pending_op(lrm_state->node_name, rsc, op);
op_id = generate_op_key(rsc->id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms);
if (op->interval_ms > 0) {
/* cancel it so we can then restart it without conflict */
cancel_op_key(lrm_state, rsc, op_id, FALSE);
if (op->params) {
char *key = NULL;
char *value = NULL;
GHashTableIter iter;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, op->params);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & key, (gpointer *) & value)) {
params = lrmd_key_value_add(params, key, value);
call_id = lrm_state_exec(lrm_state, rsc->id, op->op_type, op->user_data,
op->interval_ms, op->timeout, op->start_delay,
if (call_id <= 0 && lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state)) {
crm_err("Operation %s on %s failed: %d", operation, rsc->id, call_id);
register_fsa_error(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_FAIL, NULL);
} else if (call_id <= 0) {
crm_err("Operation %s on resource %s failed to execute on remote node %s: %d",
operation, rsc->id, lrm_state->node_name, call_id);
fake_op_status(lrm_state, op, PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE, PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR);
process_lrm_event(lrm_state, op, NULL, NULL);
} else {
/* record all operations so we can wait
* for them to complete during shutdown
char *call_id_s = make_stop_id(rsc->id, call_id);
struct recurring_op_s *pending = NULL;
pending = calloc(1, sizeof(struct recurring_op_s));
crm_trace("Recording pending op: %d - %s %s", call_id, op_id, call_id_s);
pending->call_id = call_id;
pending->interval_ms = op->interval_ms;
pending->op_type = strdup(operation);
pending->op_key = strdup(op_id);
pending->rsc_id = strdup(rsc->id);
pending->start_time = time(NULL);
pending->user_data = op->user_data? strdup(op->user_data) : NULL;
g_hash_table_replace(lrm_state->pending_ops, call_id_s, pending);
if ((op->interval_ms > 0)
&& (op->start_delay > START_DELAY_THRESHOLD)) {
int target_rc = 0;
crm_info("Faking confirmation of %s: execution postponed for over 5 minutes", op_id);
decode_transition_key(op->user_data, NULL, NULL, NULL, &target_rc);
op->rc = target_rc;
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, rsc->id);
pending->params = op->params;
op->params = NULL;
int last_resource_update = 0;
static void
cib_rsc_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data)
switch (rc) {
case pcmk_ok:
case -pcmk_err_diff_failed:
case -pcmk_err_diff_resync:
crm_trace("Resource update %d complete: rc=%d", call_id, rc);
crm_warn("Resource update %d failed: (rc=%d) %s", call_id, rc, pcmk_strerror(rc));
if (call_id == last_resource_update) {
last_resource_update = 0;
static int
do_update_resource(const char *node_name, lrmd_rsc_info_t * rsc, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
int rc = pcmk_ok;
xmlNode *update, *iter = NULL;
int call_opt = crmd_cib_smart_opt();
const char *uuid = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return 0);
iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS);
update = iter;
iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE);
if (safe_str_eq(node_name, fsa_our_uname)) {
uuid = fsa_our_uuid;
} else {
/* remote nodes uuid and uname are equal */
uuid = node_name;
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE, "true");
if(uuid == NULL) {
rc = -EINVAL;
goto done;
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_UUID, uuid);
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node_name);
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, __FUNCTION__);
iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM);
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, uuid);
iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES);
iter = create_xml_node(iter, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE);
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_ID, op->rsc_id);
build_operation_update(iter, rsc, op, node_name, __FUNCTION__);
if (rsc) {
const char *container = NULL;
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_ATTR_TYPE, rsc->type);
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS, rsc->standard);
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, rsc->provider);
if (op->params) {
container = g_hash_table_lookup(op->params, CRM_META"_"XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER);
if (container) {
crm_trace("Resource %s is a part of container resource %s", op->rsc_id, container);
crm_xml_add(iter, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER, container);
} else {
crm_warn("Resource %s no longer exists in the executor", op->rsc_id);
send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, rsc, op, op->rsc_id);
goto cleanup;
crm_log_xml_trace(update, __FUNCTION__);
/* make it an asynchronous call and be done with it
* Best case:
* the resource state will be discovered during
* the next signup or election.
* Bad case:
* we are shutting down and there is no DC at the time,
* but then why were we shutting down then anyway?
* (probably because of an internal error)
* Worst case:
* we get shot for having resources "running" that really weren't
* the alternative however means blocking here for too long, which
* isn't acceptable
fsa_cib_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update, call_opt, rc, NULL);
if (rc > 0) {
last_resource_update = rc;
/* the return code is a call number, not an error code */
crm_trace("Sent resource state update message: %d for %s=%u on %s",
rc, op->op_type, op->interval_ms, op->rsc_id);
fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, cib_rsc_callback);
return rc;
do_lrm_event(long long action,
enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
static char *
unescape_newlines(const char *string)
char *pch = NULL;
char *ret = NULL;
static const char *escaped_newline = "\\n";
if (!string) {
return NULL;
ret = strdup(string);
pch = strstr(ret, escaped_newline);
while (pch != NULL) {
/* 2 chars for 2 chars, null-termination irrelevant */
memcpy(pch, "\n ", 2 * sizeof(char));
pch = strstr(pch, escaped_newline);
return ret;
static bool
did_lrm_rsc_op_fail(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char * rsc_id,
const char * op_type, guint interval_ms)
rsc_history_t *entry = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(lrm_state != NULL, return FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(op_type != NULL, return FALSE);
entry = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->resource_history, rsc_id);
if (entry == NULL || entry->failed == NULL) {
return FALSE;
if (crm_str_eq(entry->failed->rsc_id, rsc_id, TRUE)
&& safe_str_eq(entry->failed->op_type, op_type)
&& entry->failed->interval_ms == interval_ms) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
process_lrm_event(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, lrmd_event_data_t *op,
struct recurring_op_s *pending, xmlNode *action_xml)
char *op_id = NULL;
char *op_key = NULL;
int update_id = 0;
gboolean remove = FALSE;
gboolean removed = FALSE;
bool need_direct_ack = FALSE;
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
const char *node_name = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return);
CRM_CHECK(op->rsc_id != NULL, return);
+ // Remap new status codes for older DCs
+ if (compare_version(fsa_our_dc_version, "3.2.0") < 0) {
+ switch (op->op_status) {
+ op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
+ break;
+ op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
+ op->rc = CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
op_id = make_stop_id(op->rsc_id, op->call_id);
op_key = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms);
// Get resource info if available (from executor state or action XML)
if (lrm_state) {
rsc = lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, 0);
if ((rsc == NULL) && action_xml) {
xmlNode *xml = find_xml_node(action_xml, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE);
const char *standard = crm_element_value(xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_CLASS);
const char *provider = crm_element_value(xml, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER);
const char *type = crm_element_value(xml, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
if (standard && type) {
crm_info("%s agent information not cached, using %s%s%s:%s from action XML",
op->rsc_id, standard,
(provider? ":" : ""), (provider? provider : ""), type);
rsc = lrmd_new_rsc_info(op->rsc_id, standard, provider, type);
} else {
crm_err("Can't process %s result because %s agent information not cached or in XML",
op_key, op->rsc_id);
// Get node name if available (from executor state or action XML)
if (lrm_state) {
node_name = lrm_state->node_name;
} else if (action_xml) {
node_name = crm_element_value(action_xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
if(pending == NULL) {
remove = TRUE;
if (lrm_state) {
pending = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id);
if (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR) {
switch(op->rc) {
// Leave it to the TE/scheduler to decide if this is an error
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
/* Nothing to do */
if (op->op_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
/* We might not record the result, so directly acknowledge it to the
* originator instead, so it doesn't time out waiting for the result
* (especially important if part of a transition).
need_direct_ack = TRUE;
if (controld_action_is_recordable(op->op_type)) {
if (node_name && rsc) {
// We should record the result, and happily, we can
update_id = do_update_resource(node_name, rsc, op);
need_direct_ack = FALSE;
} else if (op->rsc_deleted) {
/* We shouldn't record the result (likely the resource was
* refreshed, cleaned, or removed while this operation was
* in flight).
crm_notice("Not recording %s result in CIB because "
"resource information was removed since it was initiated",
} else {
/* This shouldn't be possible; the executor didn't consider the
* resource deleted, but we couldn't find resource or node
* information.
crm_err("Unable to record %s result in CIB: %s", op_key,
(node_name? "No resource information" : "No node name"));
} else if (op->interval_ms == 0) {
/* A non-recurring operation was cancelled. Most likely, the
* never-initiated action was removed from the executor's pending
* operations list upon resource removal.
need_direct_ack = TRUE;
} else if (pending == NULL) {
/* This recurring operation was cancelled, but was not pending. No
* transition actions are waiting on it, nothing needs to be done.
} else if (op->user_data == NULL) {
/* This recurring operation was cancelled and pending, but we don't
* have a transition key. This should never happen.
crm_err("Recurring operation %s was cancelled without transition information",
} else if (pending->remove) {
/* This recurring operation was cancelled (by us) and pending, and we
* have been waiting for it to finish.
if (lrm_state) {
erase_lrm_history_by_op(lrm_state, op);
/* If the recurring operation had failed, the lrm_rsc_op is recorded as
* "last_failure" which won't get erased from the cib given the logic on
* purpose in erase_lrm_history_by_op(). So that the cancel action won't
* have a chance to get confirmed by DC with process_op_deletion().
* Cluster transition would get stuck waiting for the remaining action
* timer to time out.
* Directly acknowledge the cancel operation in this case.
if (did_lrm_rsc_op_fail(lrm_state, pending->rsc_id,
pending->op_type, pending->interval_ms)) {
need_direct_ack = TRUE;
} else if (op->rsc_deleted) {
/* This recurring operation was cancelled (but not by us, and the
* executor does not have resource information, likely due to resource
* cleanup, refresh, or removal) and pending.
crm_debug("Recurring op %s was cancelled due to resource deletion",
need_direct_ack = TRUE;
} else {
/* This recurring operation was cancelled (but not by us, likely by the
* executor before stopping the resource) and pending. We don't need to
* do anything special.
if (need_direct_ack) {
send_direct_ack(NULL, NULL, NULL, op, op->rsc_id);
if(remove == FALSE) {
/* The caller will do this afterwards, but keep the logging consistent */
removed = TRUE;
} else if (lrm_state && ((op->interval_ms == 0)
|| (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED))) {
gboolean found = g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, op_id);
if (op->interval_ms != 0) {
removed = TRUE;
} else if (found) {
removed = TRUE;
crm_trace("Op %s (call=%d, stop-id=%s, remaining=%u): Confirmed",
op_key, op->call_id, op_id,
if (node_name == NULL) {
node_name = "unknown node"; // for logging
switch (op->op_status) {
crm_info("Result of %s operation for %s on %s: %s "
CRM_XS " call=%d key=%s confirmed=%s",
crm_action_str(op->op_type, op->interval_ms),
op->rsc_id, node_name,
op->call_id, op_key, (removed? "true" : "false"));
crm_notice("Result of %s operation for %s on %s: %d (%s) "
CRM_XS " call=%d key=%s confirmed=%s cib-update=%d",
crm_action_str(op->op_type, op->interval_ms),
op->rsc_id, node_name,
op->rc, services_ocf_exitcode_str(op->rc),
op->call_id, op_key, (removed? "true" : "false"),
crm_err("Result of %s operation for %s on %s: %s "
CRM_XS " call=%d key=%s timeout=%dms",
crm_action_str(op->op_type, op->interval_ms),
op->rsc_id, node_name,
op->call_id, op_key, op->timeout);
crm_err("Result of %s operation for %s on %s: %s "
CRM_XS " call=%d key=%s confirmed=%s status=%d cib-update=%d",
crm_action_str(op->op_type, op->interval_ms),
op->rsc_id, node_name,
services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status), op->call_id, op_key,
(removed? "true" : "false"), op->op_status, update_id);
if (op->output) {
char *prefix =
crm_strdup_printf("%s-" CRM_OP_FMT ":%d", node_name,
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms,
if (op->rc) {
crm_log_output(LOG_NOTICE, prefix, op->output);
} else {
crm_log_output(LOG_DEBUG, prefix, op->output);
if (lrm_state) {
if (safe_str_neq(op->op_type, RSC_METADATA)) {
crmd_alert_resource_op(lrm_state->node_name, op);
} else if (rsc && (op->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK)) {
char *metadata = unescape_newlines(op->output);
metadata_cache_update(lrm_state->metadata_cache, rsc, metadata);
if (op->rsc_deleted) {
crm_info("Deletion of resource '%s' complete after %s", op->rsc_id, op_key);
if (lrm_state) {
delete_rsc_entry(lrm_state, NULL, op->rsc_id, NULL, pcmk_ok, NULL);
/* If a shutdown was escalated while operations were pending,
* then the FSA will be stalled right now... allow it to continue
if (lrm_state && rsc) {
update_history_cache(lrm_state, rsc, op);
diff --git a/daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c b/daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c
index 4e9f096913..63e6b33444 100644
--- a/daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c
+++ b/daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c
@@ -1,832 +1,834 @@
* Copyright 2012-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
+ * The version control history for this file may have further details.
+ *
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
GHashTable *lrm_state_table = NULL;
extern GHashTable *proxy_table;
int lrmd_internal_proxy_send(lrmd_t * lrmd, xmlNode *msg);
void lrmd_internal_set_proxy_callback(lrmd_t * lrmd, void *userdata, void (*callback)(lrmd_t *lrmd, void *userdata, xmlNode *msg));
static void
free_rsc_info(gpointer value)
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc_info = value;
static void
free_deletion_op(gpointer value)
struct pending_deletion_op_s *op = value;
static void
free_recurring_op(gpointer value)
struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
if (op->params) {
static gboolean
fail_pending_op(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
lrmd_event_data_t event = { 0, };
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = user_data;
struct recurring_op_s *op = (struct recurring_op_s *)value;
crm_trace("Pre-emptively failing " CRM_OP_FMT " on %s (call=%s, %s)",
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms,
lrm_state->node_name, (char*)key, op->user_data);
event.type = lrmd_event_exec_complete;
event.rsc_id = op->rsc_id;
event.op_type = op->op_type;
event.user_data = op->user_data;
event.timeout = 0;
event.interval_ms = op->interval_ms;
- event.op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
+ event.op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_CONNECTED;
event.t_run = op->start_time;
event.t_rcchange = op->start_time;
event.call_id = op->call_id;
event.remote_nodename = lrm_state->node_name;
event.params = op->params;
process_lrm_event(lrm_state, &event, op, NULL);
return TRUE;
lrm_state_is_local(lrm_state_t *lrm_state)
if (lrm_state == NULL || fsa_our_uname == NULL) {
return FALSE;
if (strcmp(lrm_state->node_name, fsa_our_uname) != 0) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
lrm_state_t *
lrm_state_create(const char *node_name)
lrm_state_t *state = NULL;
if (!node_name) {
crm_err("No node name given for lrm state object");
return NULL;
state = calloc(1, sizeof(lrm_state_t));
if (!state) {
return NULL;
state->node_name = strdup(node_name);
state->rsc_info_cache = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
g_str_equal, NULL, free_rsc_info);
state->deletion_ops = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free,
state->pending_ops = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free,
state->resource_history = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
g_str_equal, NULL, history_free);
state->metadata_cache = metadata_cache_new();
g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state_table, (char *)state->node_name, state);
return state;
lrm_state_destroy(const char *node_name)
g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state_table, node_name);
static gboolean
remote_proxy_remove_by_node(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
remote_proxy_t *proxy = value;
const char *node_name = user_data;
if (safe_str_eq(node_name, proxy->node_name)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void
internal_lrm_state_destroy(gpointer data)
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = data;
if (!lrm_state) {
crm_trace("Destroying proxy table %s with %d members", lrm_state->node_name, g_hash_table_size(proxy_table));
g_hash_table_foreach_remove(proxy_table, remote_proxy_remove_by_node, (char *) lrm_state->node_name);
if (lrm_state->rsc_info_cache) {
crm_trace("Destroying rsc info cache with %d members", g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->rsc_info_cache));
if (lrm_state->resource_history) {
crm_trace("Destroying history op cache with %d members", g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->resource_history));
if (lrm_state->deletion_ops) {
crm_trace("Destroying deletion op cache with %d members", g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->deletion_ops));
if (lrm_state->pending_ops) {
crm_trace("Destroying pending op cache with %d members", g_hash_table_size(lrm_state->pending_ops));
free((char *)lrm_state->node_name);
lrm_state_reset_tables(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, gboolean reset_metadata)
if (lrm_state->resource_history) {
crm_trace("Re-setting history op cache with %d members",
if (lrm_state->deletion_ops) {
crm_trace("Re-setting deletion op cache with %d members",
if (lrm_state->pending_ops) {
crm_trace("Re-setting pending op cache with %d members",
if (lrm_state->rsc_info_cache) {
crm_trace("Re-setting rsc info cache with %d members",
if (reset_metadata) {
if (lrm_state_table) {
return TRUE;
lrm_state_table =
g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, NULL, internal_lrm_state_destroy);
if (!lrm_state_table) {
return FALSE;
proxy_table =
g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, NULL, remote_proxy_free);
if (!proxy_table) {
lrm_state_table = NULL;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if (lrm_state_table) {
crm_trace("Destroying state table with %d members", g_hash_table_size(lrm_state_table));
g_hash_table_destroy(lrm_state_table); lrm_state_table = NULL;
if(proxy_table) {
crm_trace("Destroying proxy table with %d members", g_hash_table_size(proxy_table));
g_hash_table_destroy(proxy_table); proxy_table = NULL;
lrm_state_t *
lrm_state_find(const char *node_name)
if (!node_name) {
return NULL;
return g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state_table, node_name);
lrm_state_t *
lrm_state_find_or_create(const char *node_name)
lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
lrm_state = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state_table, node_name);
if (!lrm_state) {
lrm_state = lrm_state_create(node_name);
return lrm_state;
GList *
return g_hash_table_get_values(lrm_state_table);
static remote_proxy_t *
find_connected_proxy_by_node(const char * node_name)
GHashTableIter gIter;
remote_proxy_t *proxy = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(proxy_table != NULL, return NULL);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, proxy_table);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (gpointer *) &proxy)) {
if (proxy->source
&& safe_str_eq(node_name, proxy->node_name)) {
return proxy;
return NULL;
static void
remote_proxy_disconnect_by_node(const char * node_name)
remote_proxy_t *proxy = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(proxy_table != NULL, return);
while ((proxy = find_connected_proxy_by_node(node_name)) != NULL) {
/* mainloop_del_ipc_client() eventually calls remote_proxy_disconnected()
* , which removes the entry from proxy_table.
* Do not do this in a g_hash_table_iter_next() loop. */
if (proxy->source) {
lrm_state_disconnect_only(lrm_state_t * lrm_state)
int removed = 0;
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
crm_trace("Disconnecting %s", lrm_state->node_name);
((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->disconnect(lrm_state->conn);
if (is_not_set(fsa_input_register, R_SHUTDOWN)) {
removed = g_hash_table_foreach_remove(lrm_state->pending_ops, fail_pending_op, lrm_state);
crm_trace("Synthesized %d operation failures for %s", removed, lrm_state->node_name);
lrm_state_disconnect(lrm_state_t * lrm_state)
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
lrm_state->conn = NULL;
lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state_t * lrm_state)
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
return FALSE;
return ((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->is_connected(lrm_state->conn);
lrm_state_poke_connection(lrm_state_t * lrm_state)
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
return -1;
return ((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->poke_connection(lrm_state->conn);
lrm_state_ipc_connect(lrm_state_t * lrm_state)
int ret;
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
lrm_state->conn = lrmd_api_new();
((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->set_callback(lrm_state->conn, lrm_op_callback);
ret = ((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->connect(lrm_state->conn, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, NULL);
if (ret != pcmk_ok) {
} else {
lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails = 0;
return ret;
static remote_proxy_t *
crmd_remote_proxy_new(lrmd_t *lrmd, const char *node_name, const char *session_id, const char *channel)
static struct ipc_client_callbacks proxy_callbacks = {
.dispatch = remote_proxy_dispatch,
.destroy = remote_proxy_disconnected
remote_proxy_t *proxy = remote_proxy_new(lrmd, &proxy_callbacks, node_name,
session_id, channel);
return proxy;
crmd_is_proxy_session(const char *session)
return g_hash_table_lookup(proxy_table, session) ? TRUE : FALSE;
crmd_proxy_send(const char *session, xmlNode *msg)
remote_proxy_t *proxy = g_hash_table_lookup(proxy_table, session);
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = NULL;
if (!proxy) {
crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "to-proxy");
lrm_state = lrm_state_find(proxy->node_name);
if (lrm_state) {
crm_trace("Sending event to %.8s on %s", proxy->session_id, proxy->node_name);
remote_proxy_relay_event(proxy, msg);
static void
crmd_proxy_dispatch(const char *session, xmlNode *msg)
crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "controller-proxy[inbound]");
crm_xml_add(msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM, session);
if (crmd_authorize_message(msg, NULL, session)) {
route_message(C_IPC_MESSAGE, msg);
static void
remote_config_check(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data)
if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
crm_err("Query resulted in an error: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));
if (rc == -EACCES || rc == -pcmk_err_schema_validation) {
crm_err("The cluster is mis-configured - shutting down and staying down");
} else {
lrmd_t * lrmd = (lrmd_t *)user_data;
crm_time_t *now = crm_time_new(NULL);
GHashTable *config_hash = crm_str_table_new();
crm_debug("Call %d : Parsing CIB options", call_id);
output, output, XML_CIB_TAG_PROPSET, NULL, config_hash, CIB_OPTIONS_FIRST, FALSE, now);
/* Now send it to the remote peer */
remote_proxy_check(lrmd, config_hash);
static void
crmd_remote_proxy_cb(lrmd_t *lrmd, void *userdata, xmlNode *msg)
lrm_state_t *lrm_state = userdata;
const char *session = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_IPC_SESSION);
remote_proxy_t *proxy = g_hash_table_lookup(proxy_table, session);
const char *op = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_IPC_OP);
if (safe_str_eq(op, LRMD_IPC_OP_NEW)) {
const char *channel = crm_element_value(msg, F_LRMD_IPC_IPC_SERVER);
proxy = crmd_remote_proxy_new(lrmd, lrm_state->node_name, session, channel);
if (!remote_ra_controlling_guest(lrm_state)) {
if (proxy != NULL) {
/* Look up stonith-watchdog-timeout and send to the remote peer for validation */
int rc = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->query(fsa_cib_conn, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, cib_scope_local);
fsa_cib_conn->cmds->register_callback_full(fsa_cib_conn, rc, 10, FALSE, lrmd,
"remote_config_check", remote_config_check, NULL);
} else {
crm_debug("Skipping remote_config_check for guest-nodes");
} else if (safe_str_eq(op, LRMD_IPC_OP_SHUTDOWN_REQ)) {
char *now_s = NULL;
time_t now = time(NULL);
crm_notice("%s requested shutdown of its remote connection",
if (!remote_ra_is_in_maintenance(lrm_state)) {
now_s = crm_itoa(now);
update_attrd(lrm_state->node_name, XML_CIB_ATTR_SHUTDOWN, now_s, NULL, TRUE);
crm_warn("Reconnection attempts to %s may result in failures that must be cleared",
} else {
crm_notice("Remote resource for %s is not managed so no ordered shutdown happening",
} else if (safe_str_eq(op, LRMD_IPC_OP_REQUEST) && proxy && proxy->is_local) {
/* This is for the controller, which we are, so don't try
* to send to ourselves over IPC -- do it directly.
int flags = 0;
xmlNode *request = get_message_xml(msg, F_LRMD_IPC_MSG);
CRM_CHECK(request != NULL, return);
CRM_CHECK(lrm_state->node_name, return);
crm_xml_add(request, XML_ACL_TAG_ROLE, "pacemaker-remote");
crm_acl_get_set_user(request, F_LRMD_IPC_USER, lrm_state->node_name);
/* Pacemaker Remote nodes don't know their own names (as known to the
* cluster). When getting a node info request with no name or ID, add
* the name, so we don't return info for ourselves instead of the
* Pacemaker Remote node.
if (safe_str_eq(crm_element_value(request, F_CRM_TASK),
int node_id;
crm_element_value_int(request, XML_ATTR_ID, &node_id);
if ((node_id <= 0)
&& (crm_element_value(request, XML_ATTR_UNAME) == NULL)) {
crm_xml_add(request, XML_ATTR_UNAME, lrm_state->node_name);
crmd_proxy_dispatch(session, request);
crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_IPC_MSG_FLAGS, &flags);
if (flags & crm_ipc_client_response) {
int msg_id = 0;
xmlNode *op_reply = create_xml_node(NULL, "ack");
crm_xml_add(op_reply, "function", __FUNCTION__);
crm_xml_add_int(op_reply, "line", __LINE__);
crm_element_value_int(msg, F_LRMD_IPC_MSG_ID, &msg_id);
remote_proxy_relay_response(proxy, op_reply, msg_id);
} else {
remote_proxy_cb(lrmd, lrm_state->node_name, msg);
lrm_state_remote_connect_async(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *server, int port,
int timeout_ms)
int ret;
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
lrm_state->conn = lrmd_remote_api_new(lrm_state->node_name, server, port);
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
return -1;
((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->set_callback(lrm_state->conn, remote_lrm_op_callback);
lrmd_internal_set_proxy_callback(lrm_state->conn, lrm_state, crmd_remote_proxy_cb);
crm_trace("initiating remote connection to %s at %d with timeout %d", server, port, timeout_ms);
ret =
((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->connect_async(lrm_state->conn, lrm_state->node_name,
if (ret != pcmk_ok) {
} else {
lrm_state->num_lrm_register_fails = 0;
return ret;
lrm_state_get_metadata(lrm_state_t * lrm_state,
const char *class,
const char *provider,
const char *agent, char **output, enum lrmd_call_options options)
lrmd_key_value_t *params = NULL;
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
return -ENOTCONN;
/* Add the node name to the environment, as is done with normal resource
* action calls. Meta-data calls shouldn't need it, but some agents are
* written with an ocf_local_nodename call at the beginning regardless of
* action. Without the environment variable, the agent would try to contact
* the controller to get the node name -- but the controller would be
* blocking on the synchronous meta-data call.
* At this point, we have to assume that agents are unlikely to make other
* calls that require the controller, such as crm_node --quorum or
* --cluster-id.
* @TODO Make meta-data calls asynchronous. (This will be part of a larger
* project to make meta-data calls via the executor rather than directly.)
params = lrmd_key_value_add(params, CRM_META "_" XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET,
return ((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->get_metadata_params(lrm_state->conn,
class, provider, agent, output, options, params);
lrm_state_cancel(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *action,
guint interval_ms)
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
return -ENOTCONN;
/* Figure out a way to make this async?
* NOTICE: Currently it's synced and directly acknowledged in do_lrm_invoke(). */
if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc_id)) {
return remote_ra_cancel(lrm_state, rsc_id, action, interval_ms);
return ((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->cancel(lrm_state->conn, rsc_id,
action, interval_ms);
lrmd_rsc_info_t *
lrm_state_get_rsc_info(lrm_state_t * lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, enum lrmd_call_options options)
lrmd_rsc_info_t *rsc = NULL;
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
return NULL;
if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc_id)) {
return remote_ra_get_rsc_info(lrm_state, rsc_id);
rsc = g_hash_table_lookup(lrm_state->rsc_info_cache, rsc_id);
if (rsc == NULL) {
/* only contact the lrmd if we don't already have a cached rsc info */
rsc = ((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->get_rsc_info(lrm_state->conn, rsc_id, options);
if (rsc == NULL) {
return NULL;
/* cache the result */
g_hash_table_insert(lrm_state->rsc_info_cache, rsc->id, rsc);
return lrmd_copy_rsc_info(rsc);
lrm_state_exec(lrm_state_t *lrm_state, const char *rsc_id, const char *action,
const char *userdata, guint interval_ms,
int timeout, /* ms */
int start_delay, /* ms */
lrmd_key_value_t * params)
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
return -ENOTCONN;
if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc_id)) {
return remote_ra_exec(lrm_state, rsc_id, action, userdata, interval_ms,
timeout, start_delay, params);
return ((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->exec(lrm_state->conn,
lrmd_opt_notify_changes_only, params);
lrm_state_register_rsc(lrm_state_t * lrm_state,
const char *rsc_id,
const char *class,
const char *provider, const char *agent, enum lrmd_call_options options)
lrmd_t *conn = (lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn;
if (conn == NULL) {
return -ENOTCONN;
if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(agent, provider, NULL)) {
return lrm_state_find_or_create(rsc_id)? pcmk_ok : -EINVAL;
/* @TODO Implement an asynchronous version of this (currently a blocking
* call to the lrmd).
return conn->cmds->register_rsc(lrm_state->conn, rsc_id, class, provider,
agent, options);
lrm_state_unregister_rsc(lrm_state_t * lrm_state,
const char *rsc_id, enum lrmd_call_options options)
if (!lrm_state->conn) {
return -ENOTCONN;
if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc_id)) {
return pcmk_ok;
g_hash_table_remove(lrm_state->rsc_info_cache, rsc_id);
/* @TODO Optimize this ... this function is a blocking round trip from
* client to daemon. The controld_execd_state.c code path that uses this
* function should always treat it as an async operation. The executor API
* should make an async version available.
return ((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn)->cmds->unregister_rsc(lrm_state->conn, rsc_id, options);
* Functions for sending alerts via local executor connection
static GListPtr crmd_alert_list = NULL;
crmd_unpack_alerts(xmlNode *alerts)
crmd_alert_list = pe_unpack_alerts(alerts);
crmd_alert_node_event(crm_node_t *node)
lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
if (crmd_alert_list == NULL) {
lrm_state = lrm_state_find(fsa_our_uname);
if (lrm_state == NULL) {
lrmd_send_node_alert((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn, crmd_alert_list,
node->uname, node->id, node->state);
crmd_alert_fencing_op(stonith_event_t * e)
char *desc;
lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
if (crmd_alert_list == NULL) {
lrm_state = lrm_state_find(fsa_our_uname);
if (lrm_state == NULL) {
desc = crm_strdup_printf("Operation %s of %s by %s for %s@%s: %s (ref=%s)",
e->action, e->target,
(e->executioner? e->executioner : ""),
e->client_origin, e->origin,
pcmk_strerror(e->result), e->id);
lrmd_send_fencing_alert((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn, crmd_alert_list,
e->target, e->operation, desc, e->result);
crmd_alert_resource_op(const char *node, lrmd_event_data_t * op)
lrm_state_t *lrm_state;
if (crmd_alert_list == NULL) {
lrm_state = lrm_state_find(fsa_our_uname);
if (lrm_state == NULL) {
lrmd_send_resource_alert((lrmd_t *) lrm_state->conn, crmd_alert_list, node,
diff --git a/daemons/controld/controld_fsa.h b/daemons/controld/controld_fsa.h
index 397a9cd0d3..7527ed9995 100644
--- a/daemons/controld/controld_fsa.h
+++ b/daemons/controld/controld_fsa.h
@@ -1,706 +1,702 @@
* Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#ifndef CRMD_FSA__H
# define CRMD_FSA__H
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
/*! States the controller can be in */
enum crmd_fsa_state {
S_IDLE = 0, /* Nothing happening */
S_ELECTION, /* Take part in the election algorithm as
* described below
S_INTEGRATION, /* integrate that status of new nodes (which is
* all of them if we have just been elected DC)
* to form a complete and up-to-date picture of
* the CIB
S_FINALIZE_JOIN, /* integrate that status of new nodes (which is
* all of them if we have just been elected DC)
* to form a complete and up-to-date picture of
* the CIB
S_NOT_DC, /* we are in non-DC mode */
S_POLICY_ENGINE, /* Determine next stable state of the cluster */
S_RECOVERY, /* Something bad happened, check everything is ok
* before continuing and attempt to recover if
* required
S_RELEASE_DC, /* we were the DC, but now we arent anymore,
* possibly by our own request, and we should
* release all unnecessary sub-systems, finish
* any pending actions, do general cleanup and
* unset anything that makes us think we are
* special :)
S_STARTING, /* we are just starting out */
S_PENDING, /* we are not a full/active member yet */
S_STOPPING, /* We are in the final stages of shutting down */
S_TERMINATE, /* We are going to shutdown, this is the equiv of
* "Sending TERM signal to all processes" in Linux
* and in worst case scenarios could be considered
* a self STONITH
S_TRANSITION_ENGINE, /* Attempt to make the calculated next stable
* state of the cluster a reality
S_HALT, /* Freeze - don't do anything
* Something bad happened that needs the admin to fix
* Wait for I_ELECTION
/* ----------- Last input found in table is above ---------- */
S_ILLEGAL /* This is an illegal FSA state */
/* (must be last) */
Once we start and do some basic sanity checks, we go into the
S_NOT_DC state and await instructions from the DC or input from
the cluster layer which indicates the election algorithm needs to run.
If the election algorithm is triggered, we enter the S_ELECTION state
from where we can either go back to the S_NOT_DC state or progress
to the S_INTEGRATION state (or S_RELEASE_DC if we used to be the DC
but aren't anymore). See the libcrmcluster API documentation for more
information about the election algorithm.
Once the election is complete, if we are the DC, we enter the
S_INTEGRATION state which is a DC-in-waiting style state. We are
the DC, but we shouldn't do anything yet because we may not have an
up-to-date picture of the cluster. There may of course be times
when this fails, so we should go back to the S_RECOVERY stage and
check everything is ok. We may also end up here if a new node came
online, since each node is authoritative about itself, and we would want
to incorporate its information into the CIB.
Once we have the latest CIB, we then enter the S_POLICY_ENGINE state
where invoke the scheduler. It is possible that between
invoking the scheduler and receiving an answer, that we receive
more input. In this case, we would discard the orginal result and
invoke it again.
Once we are satisfied with the output from the scheduler, we
enter S_TRANSITION_ENGINE and feed the scheduler's output to the
Transition Engine who attempts to make the scheduler's
calculation a reality. If the transition completes successfully,
we enter S_IDLE, otherwise we go back to S_POLICY_ENGINE with the
current unstable state and try again.
Of course, we may be asked to shutdown at any time, however we must
progress to S_NOT_DC before doing so. Once we have handed over DC
duties to another node, we can then shut down like everyone else,
that is, by asking the DC for permission and waiting for it to take all
our resources away.
The case where we are the DC and the only node in the cluster is a
special case and handled as an escalation which takes us to
S_SHUTDOWN. Similarly, if any other point in the shutdown
fails or stalls, this is escalated and we end up in S_TERMINATE.
At any point, the controller can relay messages for its subsystems,
but outbound messages (from subsystems) should probably be blocked
until S_INTEGRATION (for the DC) or the join protocol has
completed (for non-DC controllers).
* Inputs/Events/Stimuli to be given to the finite state machine
* Some of these a true events, and others are synthesised based on
* the "register" (see below) and the contents or source of messages.
* The machine keeps processing until receiving I_NULL
enum crmd_fsa_input {
/* 0 */
I_NULL, /* Nothing happened */
/* 1 */
I_CIB_OP, /* An update to the CIB occurred */
I_CIB_UPDATE, /* An update to the CIB occurred */
I_DC_TIMEOUT, /* We have lost communication with the DC */
I_ELECTION, /* Someone started an election */
I_PE_CALC, /* The scheduler needs to be invoked */
I_RELEASE_DC, /* The election completed and we were not
* elected, but we were the DC beforehand
I_ELECTION_DC, /* The election completed and we were (re-)elected
* DC
I_ERROR, /* Something bad happened (more serious than
* I_FAIL) and may not have been due to the action
* being performed. For example, we may have lost
* our connection to the CIB.
/* 9 */
I_FAIL, /* The action failed to complete successfully */
I_NODE_JOIN, /* A node has entered the cluster */
I_NOT_DC, /* We are not and were not the DC before or after
* the current operation or state
I_RECOVERED, /* The recovery process completed successfully */
I_RELEASE_FAIL, /* We could not give up DC status for some reason
I_RELEASE_SUCCESS, /* We are no longer the DC */
I_RESTART, /* The current set of actions needs to be
* restarted
I_TE_SUCCESS, /* Some non-resource, non-cluster-layer action
* is required of us, e.g. ping
/* 20 */
I_ROUTER, /* Do our job as router and forward this to the
* right place
I_SHUTDOWN, /* We are asking to shutdown */
I_STOP, /* We have been told to shutdown */
I_TERMINATE, /* Actually exit */
I_PE_SUCCESS, /* The action completed successfully */
I_JOIN_OFFER, /* The DC is offering membership */
I_JOIN_REQUEST, /* The client is requesting membership */
I_JOIN_RESULT, /* If not the DC: The result of a join request
* Else: A client is responding with its local state info
I_WAIT_FOR_EVENT, /* we may be waiting for an async task to "happen"
* and until it does, we can't do anything else
I_DC_HEARTBEAT, /* The DC is telling us that it is alive and well */
/* 30 */
/* ------------ Last input found in table is above ----------- */
I_ILLEGAL /* This is an illegal value for an FSA input */
/* (must be last) */
* actions
* Some of the actions below will always occur together for now, but this may
* not always be the case, so they are split up so that they can easily be
* called independently in the future, if necessary.
* For example, separating A_LRM_CONNECT from A_STARTUP might be useful
* if we ever try to recover from a faulty or disconnected executor.
/* Don't do anything */
# define A_NOTHING 0x0000000000000000ULL
/* -- Startup actions -- */
/* Hook to perform any actions (other than connecting to other daemons)
* that might be needed as part of the startup.
# define A_STARTUP 0x0000000000000001ULL
/* Hook to perform any actions that might be needed as part
* after startup is successful.
# define A_STARTED 0x0000000000000002ULL
/* Connect to cluster layer */
# define A_HA_CONNECT 0x0000000000000004ULL
# define A_HA_DISCONNECT 0x0000000000000008ULL
# define A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_START 0x0000000000000010ULL
# define A_INTEGRATE_TIMER_STOP 0x0000000000000020ULL
# define A_FINALIZE_TIMER_START 0x0000000000000040ULL
# define A_FINALIZE_TIMER_STOP 0x0000000000000080ULL
/* -- Election actions -- */
# define A_DC_TIMER_START 0x0000000000000100ULL
# define A_DC_TIMER_STOP 0x0000000000000200ULL
# define A_ELECTION_COUNT 0x0000000000000400ULL
# define A_ELECTION_VOTE 0x0000000000000800ULL
# define A_ELECTION_START 0x0000000000001000ULL
/* -- Message processing -- */
/* Process the queue of requests */
# define A_MSG_PROCESS 0x0000000000002000ULL
/* Send the message to the correct recipient */
# define A_MSG_ROUTE 0x0000000000004000ULL
/* Send a welcome message to new node(s) */
# define A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ONE 0x0000000000008000ULL
/* -- Server Join protocol actions -- */
/* Send a welcome message to all nodes */
# define A_DC_JOIN_OFFER_ALL 0x0000000000010000ULL
/* Process the remote node's ack of our join message */
# define A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_REQ 0x0000000000020000ULL
/* Send out the results of the Join phase */
# define A_DC_JOIN_FINALIZE 0x0000000000040000ULL
/* Send out the results of the Join phase */
# define A_DC_JOIN_PROCESS_ACK 0x0000000000080000ULL
/* -- Client Join protocol actions -- */
# define A_CL_JOIN_QUERY 0x0000000000100000ULL
# define A_CL_JOIN_ANNOUNCE 0x0000000000200000ULL
/* Request membership to the DC list */
# define A_CL_JOIN_REQUEST 0x0000000000400000ULL
/* Did the DC accept or reject the request */
# define A_CL_JOIN_RESULT 0x0000000000800000ULL
/* -- Recovery, DC start/stop -- */
/* Something bad happened, try to recover */
# define A_RECOVER 0x0000000001000000ULL
/* Hook to perform any actions (apart from starting, the TE, scheduler,
* and gathering the latest CIB) that might be necessary before
* giving up the responsibilities of being the DC.
# define A_DC_RELEASE 0x0000000002000000ULL
/* */
# define A_DC_RELEASED 0x0000000004000000ULL
/* Hook to perform any actions (apart from starting, the TE, scheduler,
* and gathering the latest CIB) that might be necessary before
* taking over the responsibilities of being the DC.
# define A_DC_TAKEOVER 0x0000000008000000ULL
/* -- Shutdown actions -- */
# define A_SHUTDOWN 0x0000000010000000ULL
# define A_STOP 0x0000000020000000ULL
# define A_EXIT_0 0x0000000040000000ULL
# define A_EXIT_1 0x0000000080000000ULL
# define A_SHUTDOWN_REQ 0x0000000100000000ULL
# define A_ELECTION_CHECK 0x0000000200000000ULL
# define A_DC_JOIN_FINAL 0x0000000400000000ULL
/* -- CIB actions -- */
# define A_CIB_START 0x0000020000000000ULL
# define A_CIB_STOP 0x0000040000000000ULL
/* -- Transition Engine actions -- */
/* Attempt to reach the newly calculated cluster state. This is
* only called once per transition (except if it is asked to
* stop the transition or start a new one).
* Once given a cluster state to reach, the TE will determine
* tasks that can be performed in parallel, execute them, wait
* for replies and then determine the next set until the new
* state is reached or no further tasks can be taken.
# define A_TE_INVOKE 0x0000100000000000ULL
# define A_TE_START 0x0000200000000000ULL
# define A_TE_STOP 0x0000400000000000ULL
# define A_TE_CANCEL 0x0000800000000000ULL
# define A_TE_HALT 0x0001000000000000ULL
/* -- Scheduler actions -- */
/* Calculate the next state for the cluster. This is only
* invoked once per needed calculation.
# define A_PE_INVOKE 0x0002000000000000ULL
# define A_PE_START 0x0004000000000000ULL
# define A_PE_STOP 0x0008000000000000ULL
/* -- Misc actions -- */
/* Add a system generate "block" so that resources arent moved
* to or are activly moved away from the affected node. This
* way we can return quickly even if busy with other things.
# define A_NODE_BLOCK 0x0010000000000000ULL
/* Update our information in the local CIB */
# define A_UPDATE_NODESTATUS 0x0020000000000000ULL
# define A_READCONFIG 0x0080000000000000ULL
/* -- LRM Actions -- */
/* Connect to pacemaker-execd */
# define A_LRM_CONNECT 0x0100000000000000ULL
/* Disconnect from pacemaker-execd */
# define A_LRM_DISCONNECT 0x0200000000000000ULL
# define A_LRM_INVOKE 0x0400000000000000ULL
# define A_LRM_EVENT 0x0800000000000000ULL
/* -- Logging actions -- */
# define A_LOG 0x1000000000000000ULL
# define A_ERROR 0x2000000000000000ULL
# define A_WARN 0x4000000000000000ULL
* "register" contents
* Things we may want to remember regardless of which state we are in.
* These also count as inputs for synthesizing I_*
# define R_THE_DC 0x00000001ULL
/* Are we the DC? */
# define R_STARTING 0x00000002ULL
/* Are we starting up? */
# define R_SHUTDOWN 0x00000004ULL
/* Are we trying to shut down? */
# define R_STAYDOWN 0x00000008ULL
/* Should we restart? */
# define R_JOIN_OK 0x00000010ULL /* Have we completed the join process */
# define R_READ_CONFIG 0x00000040ULL
# define R_INVOKE_PE 0x00000080ULL // Should the scheduler be invoked?
# define R_CIB_CONNECTED 0x00000100ULL
/* Is the CIB connected? */
# define R_PE_CONNECTED 0x00000200ULL // Is the scheduler connected?
# define R_TE_CONNECTED 0x00000400ULL
/* Is the Transition Engine connected? */
# define R_LRM_CONNECTED 0x00000800ULL // Is pacemaker-execd connected?
# define R_CIB_REQUIRED 0x00001000ULL
/* Is the CIB required? */
# define R_PE_REQUIRED 0x00002000ULL // Is the scheduler required?
# define R_TE_REQUIRED 0x00004000ULL
/* Is the Transition Engine required? */
# define R_ST_REQUIRED 0x00008000ULL
/* Is the Stonith daemon required? */
# define R_CIB_DONE 0x00010000ULL
/* Have we calculated the CIB? */
# define R_HAVE_CIB 0x00020000ULL /* Do we have an up-to-date CIB */
# define R_CIB_ASKED 0x00040000ULL /* Have we asked for an up-to-date CIB */
# define R_MEMBERSHIP 0x00100000ULL /* Have we got cluster layer data yet */
# define R_PEER_DATA 0x00200000ULL /* Have we got T_CL_STATUS data yet */
# define R_HA_DISCONNECTED 0x00400000ULL /* did we sign out of our own accord */
# define R_REQ_PEND 0x01000000ULL
/* Are there Requests waiting for
processing? */
# define R_PE_PEND 0x02000000ULL // Are we awaiting reply from scheduler?
# define R_TE_PEND 0x04000000ULL
/* Has the TE been invoked and we're
awaiting completion? */
# define R_RESP_PEND 0x08000000ULL
/* Do we have clients waiting on a
response? if so perhaps we shouldn't
stop yet */
# define R_IN_TRANSITION 0x10000000ULL
/* */
# define R_SENT_RSC_STOP 0x20000000ULL /* Have we sent a stop action to all
* resources in preparation for
* shutting down */
# define R_IN_RECOVERY 0x80000000ULL
- * Magic RC used within the controller to indicate direct nacks
- * (operation is invalid in current state)
- */
-#define CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC (99)
+#define CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC (99) // Deprecated (see PCMK_LRM_OP_INVALID)
enum crmd_fsa_cause {
typedef struct fsa_timer_s fsa_timer_t;
struct fsa_timer_s {
guint source_id; /* timer source id */
int period_ms; /* timer period */
enum crmd_fsa_input fsa_input;
gboolean(*callback) (gpointer data);
gboolean repeat;
int counter;
enum fsa_data_type {
typedef struct fsa_data_s fsa_data_t;
struct fsa_data_s {
int id;
enum crmd_fsa_input fsa_input;
enum crmd_fsa_cause fsa_cause;
long long actions;
const char *origin;
void *data;
enum fsa_data_type data_type;
/* Global FSA stuff */
extern gboolean do_fsa_stall;
extern enum crmd_fsa_state fsa_state;
extern long long fsa_input_register;
extern long long fsa_actions;
extern cib_t *fsa_cib_conn;
extern char *fsa_our_uname;
extern char *fsa_our_uuid;
extern char *fsa_pe_ref; // Last invocation of the scheduler
extern char *fsa_our_dc;
extern char *fsa_our_dc_version;
extern GListPtr fsa_message_queue;
extern char *fsa_cluster_name;
extern fsa_timer_t *election_trigger;
extern fsa_timer_t *shutdown_escalation_timer;
extern fsa_timer_t *transition_timer;
extern fsa_timer_t *integration_timer;
extern fsa_timer_t *finalization_timer;
extern fsa_timer_t *wait_timer;
extern fsa_timer_t *recheck_timer;
extern crm_trigger_t *fsa_source;
extern crm_trigger_t *config_read;
extern unsigned long long saved_ccm_membership_id;
extern gboolean ever_had_quorum;
// These should be moved elsewhere
void do_update_cib_nodes(gboolean overwrite, const char *caller);
int crmd_cib_smart_opt(void);
xmlNode *do_lrm_query(gboolean, const char *node_name);
const char *fsa_input2string(enum crmd_fsa_input input);
const char *fsa_state2string(enum crmd_fsa_state state);
const char *fsa_cause2string(enum crmd_fsa_cause cause);
const char *fsa_action2string(long long action);
enum crmd_fsa_state s_crmd_fsa(enum crmd_fsa_cause cause);
# define AM_I_DC is_set(fsa_input_register, R_THE_DC)
# define AM_I_OPERATIONAL (is_set(fsa_input_register, R_STARTING) == FALSE)
# define trigger_fsa(source) do { \
crm_trace("Triggering FSA: %s", __FUNCTION__); \
mainloop_set_trigger(source); \
} while(0)
void do_read_config(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_pe_invoke(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
/* A_LOG */
void do_log(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_startup(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_cib_control(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_ha_control(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_lrm_control(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_pe_control(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_te_control(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_started(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_msg_route(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_recover(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_election_vote(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_election_count_vote(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input,
fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_election_check(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_timer_control(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_dc_takeover(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_dc_release(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_dc_join_offer_all(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_dc_join_offer_one(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_dc_join_ack(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_dc_join_filter_offer(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input,
fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_dc_join_finalize(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
/* is there a DC out there? */
void do_cl_join_query(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_cl_join_announce(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_cl_join_offer_respond(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input current_input,
fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_cl_join_finalize_respond(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input current_input,
fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_lrm_invoke(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_lrm_event(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_te_invoke(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_shutdown_req(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_shutdown(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
/* A_STOP */
void do_stop(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
/* A_EXIT_0, A_EXIT_1 */
void do_exit(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
void do_dc_join_final(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t *msg_data);
# include
diff --git a/daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c b/daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c
index b7b48a400c..d297241dbd 100644
--- a/daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c
+++ b/daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c
@@ -1,554 +1,553 @@
* Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
char *failed_stop_offset = NULL;
char *failed_start_offset = NULL;
fail_incompletable_actions(crm_graph_t * graph, const char *down_node)
const char *target_uuid = NULL;
const char *router = NULL;
const char *router_uuid = NULL;
xmlNode *last_action = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
if (graph == NULL || graph->complete) {
return FALSE;
gIter = graph->synapses;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) gIter->data;
if (synapse->confirmed || synapse->failed) {
/* We've already been here */
gIter2 = synapse->actions;
for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
crm_action_t *action = (crm_action_t *) gIter2->data;
if (action->type == action_type_pseudo || action->confirmed) {
} else if (action->type == action_type_crm) {
const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) {
target_uuid = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID);
router = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE);
if (router) {
crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(0, router);
if (node) {
router_uuid = node->uuid;
if (safe_str_eq(target_uuid, down_node) || safe_str_eq(router_uuid, down_node)) {
action->failed = TRUE;
synapse->failed = TRUE;
last_action = action->xml;
update_graph(graph, action);
if (synapse->executed) {
crm_notice("Action %d (%s) was pending on %s (offline)",
action->id, crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY), down_node);
} else {
crm_info("Action %d (%s) is scheduled for %s (offline)",
action->id, crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY), down_node);
if (last_action != NULL) {
crm_info("Node %s shutdown resulted in un-runnable actions", down_node);
abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Node failure", last_action);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* \internal
* \brief Update failure-related node attributes if warranted
* \param[in] event XML describing operation that (maybe) failed
* \param[in] event_node_uuid Node that event occurred on
* \param[in] rc Actual operation return code
* \param[in] target_rc Expected operation return code
* \param[in] do_update If TRUE, do update regardless of operation type
* \param[in] ignore_failures If TRUE, update last failure but not fail count
* \return TRUE if this was not a direct nack, success or lrm status refresh
static gboolean
update_failcount(xmlNode * event, const char *event_node_uuid, int rc,
int target_rc, gboolean do_update, gboolean ignore_failures)
guint interval_ms = 0;
char *task = NULL;
char *rsc_id = NULL;
const char *value = NULL;
const char *id = crm_element_value(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
const char *on_uname = crm_peer_uname(event_node_uuid);
const char *origin = crm_element_value(event, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN);
- /* Nothing needs to be done for success, lrm status refresh,
- * or direct nack (internal code for "busy, try again")
- */
- if ((rc == CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC) || (rc == target_rc)) {
+ // Nothing needs to be done for success or status refresh
+ if (rc == target_rc) {
return FALSE;
} else if (safe_str_eq(origin, "build_active_RAs")) {
crm_debug("No update for %s (rc=%d) on %s: Old failure from lrm status refresh",
id, rc, on_uname);
return FALSE;
/* Sanity check */
CRM_CHECK(on_uname != NULL, return TRUE);
CRM_CHECK(parse_op_key(id, &rsc_id, &task, &interval_ms),
crm_err("Couldn't parse: %s", ID(event)); goto bail);
/* Decide whether update is necessary and what value to use */
if ((interval_ms > 0) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)
|| safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) {
do_update = TRUE;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START)) {
do_update = TRUE;
if (failed_start_offset == NULL) {
failed_start_offset = strdup(CRM_INFINITY_S);
value = failed_start_offset;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
do_update = TRUE;
if (failed_stop_offset == NULL) {
failed_stop_offset = strdup(CRM_INFINITY_S);
value = failed_stop_offset;
/* Fail count will be either incremented or set to infinity */
if (value == NULL || safe_str_neq(value, CRM_INFINITY_S)) {
if (do_update) {
char *now = crm_itoa(time(NULL));
char *attr_name = NULL;
gboolean is_remote_node = FALSE;
if (g_hash_table_lookup(crm_remote_peer_cache, event_node_uuid)) {
is_remote_node = TRUE;
crm_info("Updating %s for %s on %s after failed %s: rc=%d (update=%s, time=%s)",
(ignore_failures? "last failure" : "failcount"),
rsc_id, on_uname, task, rc, value, now);
/* Update the fail count, if we're not ignoring failures */
if (!ignore_failures) {
attr_name = crm_failcount_name(rsc_id, task, interval_ms);
update_attrd(on_uname, attr_name, value, NULL, is_remote_node);
/* Update the last failure time (even if we're ignoring failures,
* so that failure can still be detected and shown, e.g. by crm_mon)
attr_name = crm_lastfailure_name(rsc_id, task, interval_ms);
update_attrd(on_uname, attr_name, now, NULL, is_remote_node);
return TRUE;
* \internal
* \brief Return simplified operation status based on operation return code
* \param[in] action CRM action instance of operation
* \param[in] orig_status Original reported operation status
* \param[in] rc Actual operation return code
* \param[in] target_rc Expected operation return code
* \return PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE if rc equals target_rc, PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR otherwise
* \note This assumes that PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING operations have already been
* filtered (otherwise they will get simplified as well).
static int
status_from_rc(crm_action_t * action, int orig_status, int rc, int target_rc)
if (target_rc == rc) {
crm_trace("Target rc: == %d", rc);
if (orig_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
crm_trace("Re-mapping op status to PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE for rc=%d", rc);
- if (rc != CRM_DIRECT_NACK_RC) {
+ if (orig_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_INVALID) {
const char *task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
const char *uname = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
crm_warn("Action %d (%s) on %s failed (target: %d vs. rc: %d): %s",
action->id, task, uname, target_rc, rc,
* \internal
* \brief Confirm action and update transition graph, aborting transition on failures
* \param[in,out] action CRM action instance of this operation
* \param[in] event Event instance of this operation
* \param[in] orig_status Original reported operation status
* \param[in] op_rc Actual operation return code
* \param[in] target_rc Expected operation return code
* \param[in] ignore_failures Whether to ignore operation failures
* \note This assumes that PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING operations have already been
* filtered (otherwise they may be treated as failures).
static void
match_graph_event(crm_action_t *action, xmlNode *event, int op_status,
int op_rc, int target_rc, gboolean ignore_failures)
const char *target = NULL;
const char *this_event = NULL;
const char *ignore_s = "";
// Remap operation status to DONE or ERROR based on return code
op_status = status_from_rc(action, op_status, op_rc, target_rc);
// Mark action as failed if not ignoring failures
if (op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR) {
if (ignore_failures) {
ignore_s = ", ignoring failure";
} else {
action->failed = TRUE;
/* stop this event's timer if it had one */
update_graph(transition_graph, action);
if (action->failed) {
abort_transition(action->synapse->priority + 1, tg_restart, "Event failed", event);
this_event = crm_element_value(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
crm_info("Action %s (%d) confirmed on %s (rc=%d%s)",
crm_str(this_event), action->id, crm_str(target), op_rc, ignore_s);
crm_action_t *
get_action(int id, gboolean confirmed)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
gIter = transition_graph->synapses;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) gIter->data;
gIter2 = synapse->actions;
for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
crm_action_t *action = (crm_action_t *) gIter2->data;
if (action->id == id) {
if (confirmed) {
return action;
return NULL;
crm_action_t *
get_cancel_action(const char *id, const char *node)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
gIter = transition_graph->synapses;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) gIter->data;
gIter2 = synapse->actions;
for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
const char *task = NULL;
const char *target = NULL;
crm_action_t *action = (crm_action_t *) gIter2->data;
task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
if (safe_str_neq(CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL, task)) {
task = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
if (safe_str_neq(task, id)) {
crm_trace("Wrong key %s for %s on %s", task, id, node);
target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID);
if (node && safe_str_neq(target, node)) {
crm_trace("Wrong node %s for %s on %s", target, id, node);
crm_trace("Found %s on %s", id, node);
return action;
return NULL;
confirm_cancel_action(crm_action_t *cancel)
const char *op_key = NULL;
const char *node_name = NULL;
CRM_ASSERT(cancel != NULL);
op_key = crm_element_value(cancel->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
node_name = crm_element_value(cancel->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
update_graph(transition_graph, cancel);
crm_info("Cancellation of %s on %s confirmed (action %d)",
op_key, node_name, cancel->id);
/* downed nodes are listed like: ... */
"/" XML_CIB_TAG_NODE "[@" XML_ATTR_UUID "='%s']"
* \brief Find a transition event that would have made a specified node down
* \param[in] target UUID of node to match
* \return Matching event if found, NULL otherwise
crm_action_t *
match_down_event(const char *target)
crm_action_t *match = NULL;
xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_ret = NULL;
GListPtr gIter, gIter2;
char *xpath = crm_strdup_printf(XPATH_DOWNED, target);
for (gIter = transition_graph->synapses;
gIter != NULL && match == NULL;
gIter = gIter->next) {
for (gIter2 = ((synapse_t*)gIter->data)->actions;
gIter2 != NULL && match == NULL;
gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
match = (crm_action_t*)gIter2->data;
if (match->executed) {
xpath_ret = xpath_search(match->xml, xpath);
if (numXpathResults(xpath_ret) < 1) {
match = NULL;
} else {
// Only actions that were actually started can match
match = NULL;
if (match != NULL) {
crm_debug("Shutdown action %d (%s) found for node %s", match->id,
crm_element_value(match->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY), target);
} else {
crm_debug("No reason to expect node %s to be down", target);
return match;
process_graph_event(xmlNode *event, const char *event_node)
int rc = -1;
int status = -1;
int callid = -1;
int action_num = -1;
crm_action_t *action = NULL;
int target_rc = -1;
int transition_num = -1;
char *update_te_uuid = NULL;
gboolean ignore_failures = FALSE;
const char *id = NULL;
const char *desc = NULL;
const char *magic = NULL;
CRM_ASSERT(event != NULL);
id = crm_element_value(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
crm_element_value_int(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, &rc);
crm_element_value_int(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS, &status);
crm_element_value_int(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &callid);
magic = crm_element_value(event, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
if (magic == NULL) {
/* non-change */
if (decode_transition_key(magic, &update_te_uuid, &transition_num,
&action_num, &target_rc) == FALSE) {
crm_err("Invalid event %s.%d detected: %s", id, callid, magic);
abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Bad event", event);
if (status == PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING) {
goto bail;
if (transition_num == -1) {
desc = "initiated outside of the cluster";
abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Unexpected event", event);
} else if ((action_num < 0) || (crm_str_eq(update_te_uuid, te_uuid, TRUE) == FALSE)) {
desc = "initiated by a different node";
abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Foreign event", event);
} else if (transition_graph->id != transition_num) {
guint interval_ms = 0;
if (parse_op_key(id, NULL, NULL, &interval_ms)
&& (interval_ms != 0)) {
/* Recurring actions have the transition number they were first
* scheduled in.
if (status == PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED) {
const char *node_id = get_node_id(event);
action = get_cancel_action(id, node_id);
if (action) {
goto bail;
desc = "arrived after initial scheduling";
abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Change in recurring result",
} else {
desc = "arrived really late";
abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Old event", event);
} else if (transition_graph->complete) {
desc = "arrived late";
abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Inactive graph", event);
} else {
action = get_action(action_num, FALSE);
if (action == NULL) {
desc = "unknown";
abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Unknown event", event);
} else {
/* Actions already confirmed skip matching. */
/* ex. Ignoring xxx_last_0 or xxx_last_failure_0 generated by create_operation_update() in order to prevent duplicate fail-count from increasing. */
if (action->confirmed == TRUE) {
crm_log_xml_debug(event, "No update by already confirmed events :");
goto bail;
ignore_failures = safe_str_eq(
crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL), "ignore");
match_graph_event(action, event, status, rc, target_rc, ignore_failures);
if (action && (rc == target_rc)) {
crm_trace("Processed update to %s: %s", id, magic);
} else {
- if (update_failcount(event, event_node, rc, target_rc,
- (transition_num == -1), ignore_failures)) {
+ if ((status != PCMK_LRM_OP_INVALID)
+ && update_failcount(event, event_node, rc, target_rc,
+ (transition_num == -1), ignore_failures)) {
desc = "failed";
crm_info("Detected action (%d.%d) %s.%d=%s: %s", transition_num,
action_num, id, callid, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), desc);
diff --git a/include/crm/crm.h b/include/crm/crm.h
index 5f323e829c..cbf72d3236 100644
--- a/include/crm/crm.h
+++ b/include/crm/crm.h
@@ -1,209 +1,231 @@
- * Copyright 2004-2018 the Pacemaker project contributors
+ * Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#ifndef CRM__H
# define CRM__H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* \file
* \brief A dumping ground
* \ingroup core
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
-# define CRM_FEATURE_SET "3.1.0"
+ * The CRM feature set assists with compatibility in mixed-version clusters.
+ * The major version number increases when nodes with different versions
+ * would not work (rolling upgrades are not allowed). The minor version
+ * number increases when mixed-version clusters are allowed only during
+ * rolling upgrades (a node with the oldest feature set will be elected DC). The
+ * minor-minor version number is ignored, but allows resource agents to detect
+ * cluster support for various features.
+ *
+ * The feature set also affects the processing of old saved CIBs (such as for
+ * many scheduler regression tests).
+ *
+ * Particular feature points currently used by pacemaker:
+ *
+ * >2.1: Operation updates include timing data
+ * >=3.0.5: XML v2 digests are created
+ * >=3.0.8: Peers do not need acks for cancellations
+ * >=3.0.9: DC will send its own shutdown request to all peers
+ * XML v2 patchsets are created by default
+ * >=3.0.13: Fail counts include operation name and interval
+ */
+# define CRM_FEATURE_SET "3.2.0"
# define EOS '\0'
# define DIMOF(a) ((int) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) )
# ifndef MAX_NAME
# define MAX_NAME 256
# endif
# ifndef __GNUC__
# define __builtin_expect(expr, result) (expr)
# endif
/* Some handy macros used by the Linux kernel */
# define __likely(expr) __builtin_expect(expr, 1)
# define __unlikely(expr) __builtin_expect(expr, 0)
# define CRM_META "CRM_meta"
extern char *crm_system_name;
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
// Used for some internal IPC timeouts (maybe should be configurable option)
# define MAX_IPC_DELAY 120
// How we represent "infinite" scores
# define CRM_SCORE_INFINITY 1000000
/* @COMPAT API < 2.0.0 Deprecated "infinity" aliases
* INFINITY might be defined elsewhere (e.g. math.h), so undefine it first.
* This, of course, complicates any attempt to use the other definition in any
* code that includes this header.
# undef INFINITY
# define INFINITY 1000000
/* Sub-systems */
# define CRM_SYSTEM_DC "dc"
# define CRM_SYSTEM_DCIB "dcib"
/* The master CIB */
# define CRM_SYSTEM_CIB "cib"
# define CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD "crmd"
# define CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD "lrmd"
# define CRM_SYSTEM_PENGINE "pengine"
# define CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE "tengine"
# define CRM_SYSTEM_STONITHD "stonithd"
# define CRM_SYSTEM_MCP "pacemakerd"
// Names of internally generated node attributes
# define CRM_ATTR_UNAME "#uname"
# define CRM_ATTR_ID "#id"
# define CRM_ATTR_KIND "#kind"
# define CRM_ATTR_ROLE "#role"
# define CRM_ATTR_IS_DC "#is_dc"
# define CRM_ATTR_CLUSTER_NAME "#cluster-name"
# define CRM_ATTR_SITE_NAME "#site-name"
# define CRM_ATTR_UNFENCED "#node-unfenced"
# define CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_ALL "#digests-all"
# define CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_SECURE "#digests-secure"
# define CRM_ATTR_RA_VERSION "#ra-version"
# define CRM_ATTR_PROTOCOL "#attrd-protocol"
/* Valid operations */
# define CRM_OP_NOOP "noop"
# define CRM_OP_JOIN_ANNOUNCE "join_announce"
# define CRM_OP_JOIN_OFFER "join_offer"
# define CRM_OP_JOIN_REQUEST "join_request"
# define CRM_OP_JOIN_ACKNAK "join_ack_nack"
# define CRM_OP_JOIN_CONFIRM "join_confirm"
# define CRM_OP_PING "ping"
# define CRM_OP_NODE_INFO "node-info"
# define CRM_OP_THROTTLE "throttle"
# define CRM_OP_VOTE "vote"
# define CRM_OP_NOVOTE "no-vote"
# define CRM_OP_HELLO "hello"
# define CRM_OP_PECALC "pe_calc"
# define CRM_OP_QUIT "quit"
# define CRM_OP_LOCAL_SHUTDOWN "start_shutdown"
# define CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN_REQ "req_shutdown"
# define CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN "do_shutdown"
# define CRM_OP_FENCE "stonith"
# define CRM_OP_REGISTER "register"
# define CRM_OP_IPC_FWD "ipc_fwd"
# define CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM "lrm_invoke"
# define CRM_OP_LRM_REFRESH "lrm_refresh" /* Deprecated */
# define CRM_OP_LRM_QUERY "lrm_query"
# define CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE "lrm_delete"
# define CRM_OP_LRM_FAIL "lrm_fail"
# define CRM_OP_PROBED "probe_complete"
# define CRM_OP_REPROBE "probe_again"
# define CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT "clear_failcount"
# define CRM_OP_REMOTE_STATE "remote_state"
# define CRM_OP_RELAXED_SET "one-or-more"
# define CRM_OP_RELAXED_CLONE "clone-one-or-more"
# define CRM_OP_RM_NODE_CACHE "rm_node_cache"
# define CRM_OP_MAINTENANCE_NODES "maintenance_nodes"
/* Possible cluster membership states */
# define CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN "down"
# define CRMD_JOINSTATE_PENDING "pending"
# define CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER "member"
# define CRMD_JOINSTATE_NACK "banned"
# define CRMD_ACTION_DELETE "delete"
# define CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL "cancel"
# define CRMD_ACTION_RELOAD "reload"
# define CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE "migrate_to"
# define CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED "migrate_from"
# define CRMD_ACTION_START "start"
# define CRMD_ACTION_STARTED "running"
# define CRMD_ACTION_STOP "stop"
# define CRMD_ACTION_STOPPED "stopped"
# define CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE "promote"
# define CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTED "promoted"
# define CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE "demote"
# define CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTED "demoted"
# define CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY "notify"
# define CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFIED "notified"
# define CRMD_ACTION_STATUS "monitor"
# define CRMD_ACTION_METADATA "meta-data"
/* short names */
/* *INDENT-ON* */
typedef GList *GListPtr;
# include
# include
static inline const char *
crm_action_str(const char *task, guint interval_ms) {
if(safe_str_eq(task, RSC_STATUS) && !interval_ms) {
return "probe";
return task;
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/include/crm/pengine/internal.h b/include/crm/pengine/internal.h
index fd55bb97fe..a2a3d529d2 100644
--- a/include/crm/pengine/internal.h
+++ b/include/crm/pengine/internal.h
@@ -1,362 +1,364 @@
* Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#ifndef PE_INTERNAL__H
# define PE_INTERNAL__H
# include
# include
# include
# define pe_rsc_info(rsc, fmt, args...) crm_log_tag(LOG_INFO, rsc ? rsc->id : "", fmt, ##args)
# define pe_rsc_debug(rsc, fmt, args...) crm_log_tag(LOG_DEBUG, rsc ? rsc->id : "", fmt, ##args)
# define pe_rsc_trace(rsc, fmt, args...) crm_log_tag(LOG_TRACE, rsc ? rsc->id : "", fmt, ##args)
# define pe_err(fmt...) { was_processing_error = TRUE; crm_config_error = TRUE; crm_err(fmt); }
# define pe_warn(fmt...) { was_processing_warning = TRUE; crm_config_warning = TRUE; crm_warn(fmt); }
# define pe_proc_err(fmt...) { was_processing_error = TRUE; crm_err(fmt); }
# define pe_proc_warn(fmt...) { was_processing_warning = TRUE; crm_warn(fmt); }
# define pe_set_action_bit(action, bit) action->flags = crm_set_bit(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, action->uuid, action->flags, bit)
# define pe_clear_action_bit(action, bit) action->flags = crm_clear_bit(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, action->uuid, action->flags, bit)
typedef struct pe__location_constraint_s {
char *id; // Constraint XML ID
pe_resource_t *rsc_lh; // Resource being located
enum rsc_role_e role_filter; // Role to locate
enum pe_discover_e discover_mode; // Resource discovery
GListPtr node_list_rh; // List of pe_node_t*
} pe__location_t;
typedef struct pe__order_constraint_s {
int id;
enum pe_ordering type;
void *lh_opaque;
resource_t *lh_rsc;
action_t *lh_action;
char *lh_action_task;
void *rh_opaque;
resource_t *rh_rsc;
action_t *rh_action;
char *rh_action_task;
} pe__ordering_t;
typedef struct notify_data_s {
GSList *keys; // Environment variable name/value pairs
const char *action;
action_t *pre;
action_t *post;
action_t *pre_done;
action_t *post_done;
GListPtr active; /* notify_entry_t* */
GListPtr inactive; /* notify_entry_t* */
GListPtr start; /* notify_entry_t* */
GListPtr stop; /* notify_entry_t* */
GListPtr demote; /* notify_entry_t* */
GListPtr promote; /* notify_entry_t* */
GListPtr master; /* notify_entry_t* */
GListPtr slave; /* notify_entry_t* */
GHashTable *allowed_nodes;
} notify_data_t;
bool pe_can_fence(pe_working_set_t *data_set, node_t *node);
int merge_weights(int w1, int w2);
void add_hash_param(GHashTable * hash, const char *name, const char *value);
char *native_parameter(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, gboolean create, const char *name,
pe_working_set_t * data_set);
pe_node_t *native_location(const pe_resource_t *rsc, GList **list, int current);
void pe_metadata(void);
void verify_pe_options(GHashTable * options);
void common_update_score(resource_t * rsc, const char *id, int score);
void native_add_running(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
gboolean native_unpack(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
gboolean group_unpack(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
gboolean clone_unpack(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
gboolean pe__unpack_bundle(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set);
resource_t *native_find_rsc(resource_t *rsc, const char *id, const node_t *node,
int flags);
gboolean native_active(resource_t * rsc, gboolean all);
gboolean group_active(resource_t * rsc, gboolean all);
gboolean clone_active(resource_t * rsc, gboolean all);
gboolean pe__bundle_active(pe_resource_t *rsc, gboolean all);
void native_print(resource_t * rsc, const char *pre_text, long options, void *print_data);
void group_print(resource_t * rsc, const char *pre_text, long options, void *print_data);
void clone_print(resource_t * rsc, const char *pre_text, long options, void *print_data);
void pe__print_bundle(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *pre_text, long options,
void *print_data);
void native_free(resource_t * rsc);
void group_free(resource_t * rsc);
void clone_free(resource_t * rsc);
void pe__free_bundle(pe_resource_t *rsc);
enum rsc_role_e native_resource_state(const resource_t * rsc, gboolean current);
enum rsc_role_e group_resource_state(const resource_t * rsc, gboolean current);
enum rsc_role_e clone_resource_state(const resource_t * rsc, gboolean current);
enum rsc_role_e pe__bundle_resource_state(const pe_resource_t *rsc,
gboolean current);
gboolean common_unpack(xmlNode * xml_obj, resource_t ** rsc, resource_t * parent,
pe_working_set_t * data_set);
void common_free(resource_t * rsc);
extern node_t *node_copy(const node_t *this_node);
extern time_t get_effective_time(pe_working_set_t * data_set);
/* Failure handling utilities (from failcounts.c) */
// bit flags for fail count handling options
enum pe_fc_flags_e {
pe_fc_default = 0x00,
pe_fc_effective = 0x01, // don't count expired failures
pe_fc_fillers = 0x02, // if container, include filler failures in count
int pe_get_failcount(node_t *node, resource_t *rsc, time_t *last_failure,
uint32_t flags, xmlNode *xml_op,
pe_working_set_t *data_set);
pe_action_t *pe__clear_failcount(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node,
const char *reason,
pe_working_set_t *data_set);
/* Functions for finding/counting a resource's active nodes */
pe_node_t *pe__find_active_on(const pe_resource_t *rsc,
unsigned int *count_all,
unsigned int *count_clean);
pe_node_t *pe__find_active_requires(const pe_resource_t *rsc,
unsigned int *count);
static inline pe_node_t *
pe__current_node(const pe_resource_t *rsc)
return pe__find_active_on(rsc, NULL, NULL);
/* Binary like operators for lists of nodes */
extern void node_list_exclude(GHashTable * list, GListPtr list2, gboolean merge_scores);
extern GListPtr node_list_dup(GListPtr list, gboolean reset, gboolean filter);
extern GHashTable *node_hash_from_list(GListPtr list);
static inline gpointer
pe_hash_table_lookup(GHashTable * hash, gconstpointer key)
if (hash) {
return g_hash_table_lookup(hash, key);
return NULL;
extern action_t *get_pseudo_op(const char *name, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
extern gboolean order_actions(action_t * lh_action, action_t * rh_action, enum pe_ordering order);
GHashTable *node_hash_dup(GHashTable * hash);
/* Printing functions for debug */
extern void print_node(const char *pre_text, node_t * node, gboolean details);
extern void print_resource(int log_level, const char *pre_text, resource_t * rsc, gboolean details);
extern void dump_node_scores_worker(int level, const char *file, const char *function, int line,
resource_t * rsc, const char *comment, GHashTable * nodes);
extern void dump_node_capacity(int level, const char *comment, node_t * node);
extern void dump_rsc_utilization(int level, const char *comment, resource_t * rsc, node_t * node);
# define dump_node_scores(level, rsc, text, nodes) do { \
dump_node_scores_worker(level, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, rsc, text, nodes); \
} while(0)
/* Sorting functions */
extern gint sort_rsc_priority(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b);
extern gint sort_rsc_index(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b);
extern xmlNode *find_rsc_op_entry(resource_t * rsc, const char *key);
extern action_t *custom_action(resource_t * rsc, char *key, const char *task, node_t * on_node,
gboolean optional, gboolean foo, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
# define delete_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_DELETE, 0)
# define delete_action(rsc, node, optional) custom_action( \
rsc, delete_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_DELETE, node, \
optional, TRUE, data_set);
# define stopped_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STOPPED, 0)
# define stopped_action(rsc, node, optional) custom_action( \
rsc, stopped_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_STOPPED, node, \
optional, TRUE, data_set);
# define stop_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STOP, 0)
# define stop_action(rsc, node, optional) custom_action( \
rsc, stop_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_STOP, node, \
optional, TRUE, data_set);
# define reload_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_RELOAD, 0)
# define start_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_START, 0)
# define start_action(rsc, node, optional) custom_action( \
rsc, start_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_START, node, \
optional, TRUE, data_set)
# define started_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STARTED, 0)
# define started_action(rsc, node, optional) custom_action( \
rsc, started_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_STARTED, node, \
optional, TRUE, data_set)
# define promote_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE, 0)
# define promote_action(rsc, node, optional) custom_action( \
rsc, promote_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE, node, \
optional, TRUE, data_set)
# define promoted_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTED, 0)
# define promoted_action(rsc, node, optional) custom_action( \
rsc, promoted_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTED, node, \
optional, TRUE, data_set)
# define demote_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE, 0)
# define demote_action(rsc, node, optional) custom_action( \
rsc, demote_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE, node, \
optional, TRUE, data_set)
# define demoted_key(rsc) generate_op_key(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTED, 0)
# define demoted_action(rsc, node, optional) custom_action( \
rsc, demoted_key(rsc), CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTED, node, \
optional, TRUE, data_set)
extern int pe_get_configured_timeout(resource_t *rsc, const char *action,
pe_working_set_t *data_set);
extern action_t *find_first_action(GListPtr input, const char *uuid, const char *task,
node_t * on_node);
extern enum action_tasks get_complex_task(resource_t * rsc, const char *name,
gboolean allow_non_atomic);
extern GListPtr find_actions(GListPtr input, const char *key, const node_t *on_node);
GList *find_actions_exact(GList *input, const char *key,
const pe_node_t *on_node);
extern GListPtr find_recurring_actions(GListPtr input, node_t * not_on_node);
GList *pe__resource_actions(const pe_resource_t *rsc, const pe_node_t *node,
const char *task, bool require_node);
extern void pe_free_action(action_t * action);
extern void resource_location(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, int score, const char *tag,
pe_working_set_t * data_set);
extern gint sort_op_by_callid(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b);
extern gboolean get_target_role(resource_t * rsc, enum rsc_role_e *role);
extern resource_t *find_clone_instance(resource_t * rsc, const char *sub_id,
pe_working_set_t * data_set);
extern void destroy_ticket(gpointer data);
extern ticket_t *ticket_new(const char *ticket_id, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
// Resources for manipulating resource names
const char *pe_base_name_end(const char *id);
char *clone_strip(const char *last_rsc_id);
char *clone_zero(const char *last_rsc_id);
static inline bool
pe_base_name_eq(resource_t *rsc, const char *id)
if (id && rsc && rsc->id) {
// Number of characters in rsc->id before any clone suffix
size_t base_len = pe_base_name_end(rsc->id) - rsc->id + 1;
return (strlen(id) == base_len) && !strncmp(id, rsc->id, base_len);
return FALSE;
int pe__target_rc_from_xml(xmlNode *xml_op);
gint sort_node_uname(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b);
bool is_set_recursive(resource_t * rsc, long long flag, bool any);
enum rsc_digest_cmp_val {
/*! Digests are the same */
/*! Params that require a restart changed */
/*! Some parameter changed. */
/*! rsc op didn't have a digest associated with it, so
* it is unknown if parameters changed or not. */
typedef struct op_digest_cache_s {
enum rsc_digest_cmp_val rc;
xmlNode *params_all;
xmlNode *params_secure;
xmlNode *params_restart;
char *digest_all_calc;
char *digest_secure_calc;
char *digest_restart_calc;
} op_digest_cache_t;
op_digest_cache_t *rsc_action_digest_cmp(resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml_op, node_t * node,
pe_working_set_t * data_set);
action_t *pe_fence_op(node_t * node, const char *op, bool optional, const char *reason, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
void trigger_unfencing(
resource_t * rsc, node_t *node, const char *reason, action_t *dependency, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
void pe_action_set_reason(pe_action_t *action, const char *reason, bool overwrite);
void pe_action_set_flag_reason(const char *function, long line, pe_action_t *action, pe_action_t *reason, const char *text, enum pe_action_flags flags, bool overwrite);
#define pe_action_required(action, reason, text) pe_action_set_flag_reason(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, action, reason, text, pe_action_optional, FALSE)
#define pe_action_implies(action, reason, flag) pe_action_set_flag_reason(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, action, reason, NULL, flag, FALSE)
void set_bit_recursive(resource_t * rsc, unsigned long long flag);
void clear_bit_recursive(resource_t * rsc, unsigned long long flag);
gboolean add_tag_ref(GHashTable * tags, const char * tag_name, const char * obj_ref);
void print_rscs_brief(GListPtr rsc_list, const char * pre_text, long options,
void * print_data, gboolean print_all);
void pe_fence_node(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * node, const char *reason);
node_t *pe_create_node(const char *id, const char *uname, const char *type,
const char *score, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
bool remote_id_conflict(const char *remote_name, pe_working_set_t *data);
void common_print(resource_t * rsc, const char *pre_text, const char *name, node_t *node, long options, void *print_data);
pe_resource_t *pe__find_bundle_replica(const pe_resource_t *bundle,
const pe_node_t *node);
bool pe__bundle_needs_remote_name(pe_resource_t *rsc);
const char *pe__add_bundle_remote_name(pe_resource_t *rsc, xmlNode *xml,
const char *field);
const char *pe_node_attribute_calculated(const pe_node_t *node,
const char *name,
const resource_t *rsc);
const char *pe_node_attribute_raw(pe_node_t *node, const char *name);
bool pe__is_universal_clone(pe_resource_t *rsc,
pe_working_set_t *data_set);
void pe__add_param_check(xmlNode *rsc_op, pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node,
enum pe_check_parameters, pe_working_set_t *data_set);
void pe__foreach_param_check(pe_working_set_t *data_set,
void (*cb)(pe_resource_t*, pe_node_t*, xmlNode*,
enum pe_check_parameters,
void pe__free_param_checks(pe_working_set_t *data_set);
+bool pe__shutdown_requested(pe_node_t *node);
diff --git a/include/crm/services.h b/include/crm/services.h
index 4bdd21a34c..077124145a 100644
--- a/include/crm/services.h
+++ b/include/crm/services.h
@@ -1,426 +1,430 @@
* Copyright 2010-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#ifndef __PCMK_SERVICES__
# define __PCMK_SERVICES__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* \file
* \brief Services API
* \ingroup core
# include
# include
# include
# include
# include
# ifndef OCF_ROOT_DIR
# define OCF_ROOT_DIR "/usr/lib/ocf"
# endif
# ifndef LSB_ROOT_DIR
# define LSB_ROOT_DIR "/etc/init.d"
# endif
/* TODO: Autodetect these two ?*/
# ifndef SYSTEMCTL
# define SYSTEMCTL "/bin/systemctl"
# endif
/* Known resource classes */
/* This is the string passed in the OCF_EXIT_REASON_PREFIX environment variable.
* The stderr output that occurs after this prefix is encountered is considered
* the exit reason for a completed operation.
#define PCMK_OCF_REASON_PREFIX "ocf-exit-reason:"
// Agent version to use if agent doesn't specify one
enum lsb_exitcode {
/* The return codes for the status operation are not the same for other
* operatios - go figure
enum lsb_status_exitcode {
/* custom codes should be in the 150-199 range reserved for application use */
/* Uniform exit codes
* Everything is mapped to its OCF equivalent so that Pacemaker only deals with one set of codes
enum ocf_exitcode {
PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING = 7, /* End of overlap with LSB */
/* 150-199 reserved for application use */
- PCMK_OCF_CONNECTION_DIED = 189, /* Operation failure implied by disconnection of the LRM API to a local or remote node */
PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED = 190, /* Active resource that is no longer 100% functional */
PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER = 191, /* Promoted resource that is no longer 100% functional */
PCMK_OCF_EXEC_ERROR = 192, /* Generic problem invoking the agent */
PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN = 193, /* State of the service is unknown - used for recording in-flight operations */
PCMK_OCF_OTHER_ERROR = 199, /* Keep the same codes as PCMK_LSB */
enum op_status {
enum nagios_exitcode {
enum svc_action_flags {
/* On timeout, only kill pid, do not kill entire pid group */
typedef struct svc_action_private_s svc_action_private_t;
typedef struct svc_action_s {
char *id;
char *rsc;
char *action;
guint interval_ms;
char *standard;
char *provider;
char *agent;
int timeout;
GHashTable *params; /* used for setting up environment for ocf-ra &
alert agents
and to be sent via stdin for fence-agents
int rc;
int pid;
int cancel;
int status;
int sequence;
int expected_rc;
int synchronous;
enum svc_action_flags flags;
char *stderr_data;
char *stdout_data;
* Data stored by the creator of the action.
* This may be used to hold data that is needed later on by a callback,
* for example.
void *cb_data;
svc_action_private_t *opaque;
} svc_action_t;
* \brief Get a list of files or directories in a given path
* \param[in] root full path to a directory to read
* \param[in] files return list of files if TRUE or directories if FALSE
* \param[in] executable if TRUE and files is TRUE, only return executable files
* \return a list of what was found. The list items are char *.
* \note It is the caller's responsibility to free the result with g_list_free_full(list, free).
GList *get_directory_list(const char *root, gboolean files, gboolean executable);
* Get a list of services
* \return a list of services. The list items are gchar *. This list _must_
* be destroyed using g_list_free_full(list, free).
GList *services_list(void);
* \brief Get a list of providers
* \param[in] standard list providers of this standard (e.g. ocf, lsb, etc.)
* \return a list of providers as char * list items (or NULL if standard does not support providers)
* \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result using g_list_free_full(list, free).
GList *resources_list_providers(const char *standard);
* \brief Get a list of resource agents
* \param[in] standard list agents using this standard (e.g. ocf, lsb, etc.) (or NULL for all)
* \param[in] provider list agents from this provider (or NULL for all)
* \return a list of resource agents. The list items are char *.
* \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result using g_list_free_full(list, free).
GList *resources_list_agents(const char *standard, const char *provider);
* Get list of available standards
* \return a list of resource standards. The list items are char *. This list _must_
* be destroyed using g_list_free_full(list, free).
GList *resources_list_standards(void);
* Does the given standard, provider, and agent describe a resource that can exist?
* \param[in] standard Which class of agent does the resource belong to?
* \param[in] provider What provides the agent (NULL for most standards)?
* \param[in] agent What is the name of the agent?
* \return A boolean
gboolean resources_agent_exists(const char *standard, const char *provider, const char *agent);
svc_action_t *services_action_create(const char *name, const char *action,
guint interval_ms, int timeout /* ms */);
* \brief Create a new resource action
* \param[in] name Name of resource
* \param[in] standard Resource agent standard (ocf, lsb, etc.)
* \param[in] provider Resource agent provider
* \param[in] agent Resource agent name
* \param[in] action action (start, stop, monitor, etc.)
* \param[in] interval_ms How often to repeat this action (if 0, execute once)
* \param[in] timeout Consider action failed if it does not complete in this many milliseconds
* \param[in] params Action parameters
* \return newly allocated action instance
* \post After the call, 'params' is owned, and later free'd by the svc_action_t result
* \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value using
* services_action_free().
svc_action_t *resources_action_create(const char *name, const char *standard,
const char *provider, const char *agent,
const char *action, guint interval_ms,
int timeout /* ms */, GHashTable *params,
enum svc_action_flags flags);
* Kick a recurring action so it is scheduled immediately for re-execution
gboolean services_action_kick(const char *name, const char *action,
guint interval_ms);
const char *resources_find_service_class(const char *agent);
* Utilize services API to execute an arbitrary command.
* This API has useful infrastructure in place to be able to run a command
* in the background and get notified via a callback when the command finishes.
* \param[in] exec command to execute
* \param[in] args arguments to the command, NULL terminated
* \return a svc_action_t object, used to pass to the execute function
* (services_action_sync() or services_action_async()) and is
* provided to the callback.
svc_action_t *services_action_create_generic(const char *exec, const char *args[]);
void services_action_cleanup(svc_action_t * op);
void services_action_free(svc_action_t * op);
int services_action_user(svc_action_t *op, const char *user);
gboolean services_action_sync(svc_action_t * op);
* Run an action asynchronously.
* \param[in] op services action data
* \param[in] action_callback callback for when the action completes
* \param[in] action_fork_callback callback for when action forked successfully
* \retval TRUE succesfully started execution
* \retval FALSE failed to start execution, no callback will be received
gboolean services_action_async_fork_notify(svc_action_t * op,
void (*action_callback) (svc_action_t *),
void (*action_fork_callback) (svc_action_t *));
gboolean services_action_async(svc_action_t * op,
void (*action_callback) (svc_action_t *));
gboolean services_action_cancel(const char *name, const char *action,
guint interval_ms);
/* functions for alert agents */
svc_action_t *services_alert_create(const char *id, const char *exec,
int timeout, GHashTable *params,
int sequence, void *cb_data);
gboolean services_alert_async(svc_action_t *action,
void (*cb)(svc_action_t *op));
static inline const char *services_lrm_status_str(enum op_status status) {
switch (status) {
return "pending";
case PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE:return "complete";
case PCMK_LRM_OP_CANCELLED:return "Cancelled";
case PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT:return "Timed Out";
case PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR:return "Error";
case PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_INSTALLED:return "Not installed";
+ case PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_CONNECTED:return "No executor connection";
+ case PCMK_LRM_OP_INVALID:return "Cannot execute now";
default:return "UNKNOWN!";
static inline const char *services_ocf_exitcode_str(enum ocf_exitcode code) {
switch (code) {
return "ok";
return "unknown error";
return "invalid parameter";
return "unimplemented feature";
return "insufficient privileges";
return "not installed";
return "not configured";
return "not running";
return "master";
return "master (failed)";
return "OCF_SIGNAL";
return "OCF_PENDING";
return "OCF_TIMEOUT";
return "OCF_DEGRADED";
return "unknown";
* \brief Get OCF equivalent of LSB exit code
* \param[in] action LSB action that produced exit code
* \param[in] lsb_exitcode Exit code of LSB action
* \return PCMK_OCF_* constant that corresponds to LSB exit code
static inline enum ocf_exitcode
services_get_ocf_exitcode(const char *action, int lsb_exitcode)
/* For non-status actions, LSB and OCF share error code meaning <= 7 */
if (action && strcmp(action, "status") && strcmp(action, "monitor")) {
if ((lsb_exitcode < 0) || (lsb_exitcode > PCMK_LSB_NOT_RUNNING)) {
return (enum ocf_exitcode)lsb_exitcode;
/* status has different return codes */
switch (lsb_exitcode) {
return PCMK_OCF_OK;
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
#endif /* __PCMK_SERVICES__ */
diff --git a/lib/common/operations.c b/lib/common/operations.c
index 2144cc681a..480bddc912 100644
--- a/lib/common/operations.c
+++ b/lib/common/operations.c
@@ -1,636 +1,638 @@
* Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# define _GNU_SOURCE
* \brief Generate an operation key
* \param[in] rsc_id ID of resource being operated on
* \param[in] op_type Operation name
* \param[in] interval_ms Operation interval
* \return Newly allocated memory containing operation key as string
* \note It is the caller's responsibility to free() the result.
char *
generate_op_key(const char *rsc_id, const char *op_type, guint interval_ms)
CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL);
CRM_ASSERT(op_type != NULL);
return crm_strdup_printf(CRM_OP_FMT, rsc_id, op_type, interval_ms);
parse_op_key(const char *key, char **rsc_id, char **op_type, guint *interval_ms)
char *notify = NULL;
char *mutable_key = NULL;
char *mutable_key_ptr = NULL;
size_t len = 0, offset = 0;
unsigned long long ch = 0;
guint local_interval_ms = 0;
// Initialize output variables in case of early return
if (rsc_id) {
*rsc_id = NULL;
if (op_type) {
*op_type = NULL;
if (interval_ms) {
*interval_ms = 0;
CRM_CHECK(key && *key, return FALSE);
// Parse interval at end of string
len = strlen(key);
offset = len - 1;
while ((offset > 0) && isdigit(key[offset])) {
ch = key[offset] - '0';
for (int digits = len - offset; digits > 1; --digits) {
ch = ch * 10;
local_interval_ms += ch;
crm_trace("Operation key '%s' has interval %ums", key, local_interval_ms);
if (interval_ms) {
*interval_ms = local_interval_ms;
CRM_CHECK((offset != (len - 1)) && (key[offset] == '_'), return FALSE);
mutable_key = strndup(key, offset);
while (offset > 0 && key[offset] != '_') {
CRM_CHECK(key[offset] == '_',
free(mutable_key); return FALSE);
mutable_key_ptr = mutable_key + offset + 1;
crm_trace(" Action: %s", mutable_key_ptr);
if (op_type) {
*op_type = strdup(mutable_key_ptr);
mutable_key[offset] = 0;
notify = strstr(mutable_key, "_post_notify");
if (notify && safe_str_eq(notify, "_post_notify")) {
notify[0] = 0;
notify = strstr(mutable_key, "_pre_notify");
if (notify && safe_str_eq(notify, "_pre_notify")) {
notify[0] = 0;
crm_trace(" Resource: %s", mutable_key);
if (rsc_id) {
*rsc_id = mutable_key;
} else {
return TRUE;
char *
generate_notify_key(const char *rsc_id, const char *notify_type, const char *op_type)
CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return NULL);
CRM_CHECK(op_type != NULL, return NULL);
CRM_CHECK(notify_type != NULL, return NULL);
return crm_strdup_printf("%s_%s_notify_%s_0",
rsc_id, notify_type, op_type);
static char *
generate_transition_magic(const char *transition_key, int op_status, int op_rc)
CRM_CHECK(transition_key != NULL, return NULL);
return crm_strdup_printf("%d:%d;%s", op_status, op_rc, transition_key);
* \brief Parse a transition magic string into its constituent parts
* \param[in] magic Magic string to parse (must be non-NULL)
* \param[out] uuid If non-NULL, where to store copy of parsed UUID
* \param[out] transition_id If non-NULL, where to store parsed transition ID
* \param[out] action_id If non-NULL, where to store parsed action ID
* \param[out] op_status If non-NULL, where to store parsed result status
* \param[out] op_rc If non-NULL, where to store parsed actual rc
* \param[out] target_rc If non-NULL, where to stored parsed target rc
* \return TRUE if key was valid, FALSE otherwise
* \note If uuid is supplied and this returns TRUE, the caller is responsible
* for freeing the memory for *uuid using free().
decode_transition_magic(const char *magic, char **uuid, int *transition_id, int *action_id,
int *op_status, int *op_rc, int *target_rc)
int res = 0;
char *key = NULL;
gboolean result = TRUE;
int local_op_status = -1;
int local_op_rc = -1;
CRM_CHECK(magic != NULL, return FALSE);
res = sscanf(magic, "%d:%d;%ms", &local_op_status, &local_op_rc, &key);
key = calloc(1, strlen(magic) - 3); // magic must have >=4 other characters
res = sscanf(magic, "%d:%d;%s", &local_op_status, &local_op_rc, key);
if (res == EOF) {
crm_err("Could not decode transition information '%s': %s",
magic, pcmk_strerror(errno));
result = FALSE;
} else if (res < 3) {
crm_warn("Transition information '%s' incomplete (%d of 3 expected items)",
magic, res);
result = FALSE;
} else {
if (op_status) {
*op_status = local_op_status;
if (op_rc) {
*op_rc = local_op_rc;
result = decode_transition_key(key, uuid, transition_id, action_id,
return result;
char *
generate_transition_key(int transition_id, int action_id, int target_rc, const char *node)
CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return NULL);
return crm_strdup_printf("%d:%d:%d:%-*s",
action_id, transition_id, target_rc, 36, node);
* \brief Parse a transition key into its constituent parts
* \param[in] key Transition key to parse (must be non-NULL)
* \param[out] uuid If non-NULL, where to store copy of parsed UUID
* \param[out] transition_id If non-NULL, where to store parsed transition ID
* \param[out] action_id If non-NULL, where to store parsed action ID
* \param[out] target_rc If non-NULL, where to stored parsed target rc
* \return TRUE if key was valid, FALSE otherwise
* \note If uuid is supplied and this returns TRUE, the caller is responsible
* for freeing the memory for *uuid using free().
decode_transition_key(const char *key, char **uuid, int *transition_id, int *action_id,
int *target_rc)
int local_transition_id = -1;
int local_action_id = -1;
int local_target_rc = -1;
char local_uuid[37] = { '\0' };
// Initialize any supplied output arguments
if (uuid) {
*uuid = NULL;
if (transition_id) {
*transition_id = -1;
if (action_id) {
*action_id = -1;
if (target_rc) {
*target_rc = -1;
CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE);
if (sscanf(key, "%d:%d:%d:%36s", &local_action_id, &local_transition_id,
&local_target_rc, local_uuid) != 4) {
crm_err("Invalid transition key '%s'", key);
return FALSE;
if (strlen(local_uuid) != 36) {
crm_warn("Invalid UUID '%s' in transition key '%s'", local_uuid, key);
if (uuid) {
*uuid = strdup(local_uuid);
if (transition_id) {
*transition_id = local_transition_id;
if (action_id) {
*action_id = local_action_id;
if (target_rc) {
*target_rc = local_target_rc;
return TRUE;
filter_action_parameters(xmlNode * param_set, const char *version)
char *key = NULL;
char *timeout = NULL;
char *interval_ms_s = NULL;
const char *attr_filter[] = {
gboolean do_delete = FALSE;
int lpc = 0;
static int meta_len = 0;
if (meta_len == 0) {
meta_len = strlen(CRM_META);
if (param_set == NULL) {
for (lpc = 0; lpc < DIMOF(attr_filter); lpc++) {
xml_remove_prop(param_set, attr_filter[lpc]);
key = crm_meta_name(XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS);
interval_ms_s = crm_element_value_copy(param_set, key);
key = crm_meta_name(XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
timeout = crm_element_value_copy(param_set, key);
if (param_set) {
xmlAttrPtr xIter = param_set->properties;
while (xIter) {
const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name;
xIter = xIter->next;
do_delete = FALSE;
if (strncasecmp(prop_name, CRM_META, meta_len) == 0) {
do_delete = TRUE;
if (do_delete) {
xml_remove_prop(param_set, prop_name);
if (interval_ms_s && strcmp(interval_ms_s, "0")) {
/* Re-instate the operation's timeout value */
if (timeout != NULL) {
crm_xml_add(param_set, key, timeout);
#define FAKE_TE_ID "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
static void
append_digest(lrmd_event_data_t * op, xmlNode * update, const char *version, const char *magic,
int level)
/* this will enable us to later determine that the
* resource's parameters have changed and we should force
* a restart
char *digest = NULL;
xmlNode *args_xml = NULL;
if (op->params == NULL) {
args_xml = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS);
g_hash_table_foreach(op->params, hash2field, args_xml);
filter_action_parameters(args_xml, version);
digest = calculate_operation_digest(args_xml, version);
#if 0
if (level < get_crm_log_level()
&& op->interval_ms == 0 && crm_str_eq(op->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_START, TRUE)) {
char *digest_source = dump_xml_unformatted(args_xml);
do_crm_log(level, "Calculated digest %s for %s (%s). Source: %s\n",
digest, ID(update), magic, digest_source);
crm_xml_add(update, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_DIGEST, digest);
rsc_op_expected_rc(lrmd_event_data_t * op)
int rc = 0;
if (op && op->user_data) {
decode_transition_key(op->user_data, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rc);
return rc;
did_rsc_op_fail(lrmd_event_data_t * op, int target_rc)
switch (op->op_status) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if (target_rc != op->rc) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* \brief Create a CIB XML element for an operation
* \param[in] parent If not NULL, make new XML node a child of this one
* \param[in] prefix Generate an ID using this prefix
* \param[in] task Operation task to set
* \param[in] interval_spec Operation interval to set
* \param[in] timeout If not NULL, operation timeout to set
* \return New XML object on success, NULL otherwise
xmlNode *
crm_create_op_xml(xmlNode *parent, const char *prefix, const char *task,
const char *interval_spec, const char *timeout)
xmlNode *xml_op;
CRM_CHECK(prefix && task && interval_spec, return NULL);
xml_op = create_xml_node(parent, XML_ATTR_OP);
crm_xml_set_id(xml_op, "%s-%s-%s", prefix, task, interval_spec);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL, interval_spec);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, "name", task);
if (timeout) {
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT, timeout);
return xml_op;
xmlNode *
create_operation_update(xmlNode * parent, lrmd_event_data_t * op, const char * caller_version,
int target_rc, const char * node, const char * origin, int level)
char *key = NULL;
char *magic = NULL;
char *op_id = NULL;
char *op_id_additional = NULL;
char *local_user_data = NULL;
const char *exit_reason = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_op = NULL;
const char *task = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(op != NULL, return NULL);
do_crm_log(level, "%s: Updating resource %s after %s op %s (interval=%u)",
origin, op->rsc_id, op->op_type, services_lrm_status_str(op->op_status),
crm_trace("DC version: %s", caller_version);
task = op->op_type;
/* Record a successful reload as a start, and a failed reload as a monitor,
* to make life easier for the scheduler when determining the current state.
if (crm_str_eq(task, "reload", TRUE)) {
if (op->op_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
} else {
key = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, task, op->interval_ms);
if (crm_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY, TRUE)) {
const char *n_type = crm_meta_value(op->params, "notify_type");
const char *n_task = crm_meta_value(op->params, "notify_operation");
op_id = generate_notify_key(op->rsc_id, n_type, n_task);
if (op->op_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING) {
/* Ignore notify errors.
* @TODO It might be better to keep the correct result here, and
* ignore it in process_graph_event().
op->op_status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
op->rc = 0;
} else if (did_rsc_op_fail(op, target_rc)) {
op_id = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, "last_failure", 0);
if (op->interval_ms == 0) {
// Ensure 'last' gets updated, in case record-pending is true
op_id_additional = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, "last", 0);
exit_reason = op->exit_reason;
} else if (op->interval_ms > 0) {
op_id = strdup(key);
} else {
op_id = generate_op_key(op->rsc_id, "last", 0);
xml_op = find_entity(parent, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, op_id);
if (xml_op == NULL) {
xml_op = create_xml_node(parent, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP);
if (op->user_data == NULL) {
crm_debug("Generating fake transition key for: " CRM_OP_FMT " %d from %s",
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms,
op->call_id, origin);
local_user_data = generate_transition_key(-1, op->call_id, target_rc, FAKE_TE_ID);
op->user_data = local_user_data;
if(magic == NULL) {
magic = generate_transition_magic(op->user_data, op->op_status, op->rc);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_ID, op_id);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY, key);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK, task);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_ORIGIN, origin);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, caller_version);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, op->user_data);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC, magic);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_EXIT_REASON, exit_reason == NULL ? "" : exit_reason);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET, node); /* For context during triage */
crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, op->call_id);
crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, op->rc);
crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS, op->op_status);
crm_xml_add_ms(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS, op->interval_ms);
if (compare_version("2.1", caller_version) <= 0) {
if (op->t_run || op->t_rcchange || op->exec_time || op->queue_time) {
crm_trace("Timing data (" CRM_OP_FMT "): last=%u change=%u exec=%u queue=%u",
op->rsc_id, op->op_type, op->interval_ms,
op->t_run, op->t_rcchange, op->exec_time, op->queue_time);
if (op->interval_ms == 0) {
/* The values are the same for non-recurring ops */
crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_RUN, op->t_run);
crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, op->t_run);
} else if(op->t_rcchange) {
/* last-run is not accurate for recurring ops */
crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, op->t_rcchange);
} else {
/* ...but is better than nothing otherwise */
crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, op->t_run);
crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_T_EXEC, op->exec_time);
crm_xml_add_int(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_T_QUEUE, op->queue_time);
if (crm_str_eq(op->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE, TRUE)
|| crm_str_eq(op->op_type, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED, TRUE)) {
* Record migrate_source and migrate_target always for migrate ops.
const char *name = XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE;
crm_xml_add(xml_op, name, crm_meta_value(op->params, name));
crm_xml_add(xml_op, name, crm_meta_value(op->params, name));
append_digest(op, xml_op, caller_version, magic, LOG_DEBUG);
if (op_id_additional) {
op_id = op_id_additional;
op_id_additional = NULL;
goto again;
if (local_user_data) {
op->user_data = NULL;
return xml_op;
* \brief Check whether an operation requires resource agent meta-data
* \param[in] rsc_class Resource agent class (or NULL to skip class check)
* \param[in] op Operation action (or NULL to skip op check)
* \return TRUE if operation needs meta-data, FALSE otherwise
* \note At least one of rsc_class and op must be specified.
crm_op_needs_metadata(const char *rsc_class, const char *op)
/* Agent meta-data is used to determine whether a reload is possible, and to
* evaluate versioned parameters -- so if this op is not relevant to those
* features, we don't need the meta-data.
CRM_CHECK(rsc_class || op, return FALSE);
if (rsc_class
&& is_not_set(pcmk_get_ra_caps(rsc_class), pcmk_ra_cap_params)) {
/* Meta-data is only needed for resource classes that use parameters */
return FALSE;
/* Meta-data is only needed for these actions */
if (op
&& strcmp(op, CRMD_ACTION_START)
&& strcmp(op, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)
&& strcmp(op, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)
&& strcmp(op, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)
&& strcmp(op, CRMD_ACTION_RELOAD)
&& strcmp(op, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)
&& strcmp(op, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
diff --git a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c
index 3363a72221..9f82c00251 100644
--- a/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c
+++ b/lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c
@@ -1,2755 +1,2755 @@
* Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
void set_alloc_actions(pe_working_set_t * data_set);
extern void ReloadRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t *node, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
extern gboolean DeleteRsc(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, gboolean optional, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
static void apply_remote_node_ordering(pe_working_set_t *data_set);
static enum remote_connection_state get_remote_node_state(pe_node_t *node);
enum remote_connection_state {
remote_state_unknown = 0,
remote_state_alive = 1,
remote_state_resting = 2,
remote_state_failed = 3,
remote_state_stopped = 4
static const char *
state2text(enum remote_connection_state state)
switch (state) {
case remote_state_unknown:
return "unknown";
case remote_state_alive:
return "alive";
case remote_state_resting:
return "resting";
case remote_state_failed:
return "failed";
case remote_state_stopped:
return "stopped";
return "impossible";
resource_alloc_functions_t resource_class_alloc_functions[] = {
update_action_flags(action_t * action, enum pe_action_flags flags, const char *source, int line)
static unsigned long calls = 0;
gboolean changed = FALSE;
gboolean clear = is_set(flags, pe_action_clear);
enum pe_action_flags last = action->flags;
if (clear) {
action->flags = crm_clear_bit(source, line, action->uuid, action->flags, flags);
} else {
action->flags = crm_set_bit(source, line, action->uuid, action->flags, flags);
if (last != action->flags) {
changed = TRUE;
/* Useful for tracking down _who_ changed a specific flag */
/* CRM_ASSERT(calls != 534); */
clear_bit(flags, pe_action_clear);
crm_trace("%s on %s: %sset flags 0x%.6x (was 0x%.6x, now 0x%.6x, %lu, %s)",
action->uuid, action->node ? action->node->details->uname : "[none]",
clear ? "un-" : "", flags, last, action->flags, calls, source);
return changed;
static gboolean
check_rsc_parameters(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, xmlNode * rsc_entry,
gboolean active_here, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
int attr_lpc = 0;
gboolean force_restart = FALSE;
gboolean delete_resource = FALSE;
gboolean changed = FALSE;
const char *value = NULL;
const char *old_value = NULL;
const char *attr_list[] = {
for (; attr_lpc < DIMOF(attr_list); attr_lpc++) {
value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, attr_list[attr_lpc]);
old_value = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, attr_list[attr_lpc]);
if (value == old_value /* i.e. NULL */
|| crm_str_eq(value, old_value, TRUE)) {
changed = TRUE;
trigger_unfencing(rsc, node, "Device definition changed", NULL, data_set);
if (active_here) {
force_restart = TRUE;
crm_notice("Forcing restart of %s on %s, %s changed: %s -> %s",
rsc->id, node->details->uname, attr_list[attr_lpc],
crm_str(old_value), crm_str(value));
if (force_restart) {
/* make sure the restart happens */
stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE);
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending);
delete_resource = TRUE;
} else if (changed) {
delete_resource = TRUE;
return delete_resource;
static void
CancelXmlOp(resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml_op, node_t * active_node,
const char *reason, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
guint interval_ms = 0;
action_t *cancel = NULL;
const char *task = NULL;
const char *call_id = NULL;
const char *interval_ms_s = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(xml_op != NULL, return);
CRM_CHECK(active_node != NULL, return);
task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
call_id = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID);
interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS);
interval_ms = crm_parse_ms(interval_ms_s);
crm_info("Action " CRM_OP_FMT " on %s will be stopped: %s",
rsc->id, task, interval_ms,
active_node->details->uname, (reason? reason : "unknown"));
cancel = pe_cancel_op(rsc, task, interval_ms, active_node, data_set);
add_hash_param(cancel->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, call_id);
custom_action_order(rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL, rsc, NULL, cancel, pe_order_optional, data_set);
static gboolean
check_action_definition(resource_t * rsc, node_t * active_node, xmlNode * xml_op,
pe_working_set_t * data_set)
char *key = NULL;
guint interval_ms = 0;
const char *interval_ms_s = NULL;
const op_digest_cache_t *digest_data = NULL;
gboolean did_change = FALSE;
const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
const char *digest_secure = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(active_node != NULL, return FALSE);
interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS);
interval_ms = crm_parse_ms(interval_ms_s);
if (interval_ms > 0) {
xmlNode *op_match = NULL;
/* we need to reconstruct the key because of the way we used to construct resource IDs */
key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval_ms);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Checking parameters for %s", key);
op_match = find_rsc_op_entry(rsc, key);
if (op_match == NULL && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_action_orphans)) {
CancelXmlOp(rsc, xml_op, active_node, "orphan", data_set);
return TRUE;
} else if (op_match == NULL) {
pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Orphan action detected: %s on %s", key, active_node->details->uname);
return TRUE;
key = NULL;
crm_trace("Testing " CRM_OP_FMT " on %s",
rsc->id, task, interval_ms, active_node->details->uname);
if ((interval_ms == 0) && safe_str_eq(task, RSC_STATUS)) {
/* Reload based on the start action not a probe */
task = RSC_START;
} else if ((interval_ms == 0) && safe_str_eq(task, RSC_MIGRATED)) {
/* Reload based on the start action not a migrate */
task = RSC_START;
} else if ((interval_ms == 0) && safe_str_eq(task, RSC_PROMOTE)) {
/* Reload based on the start action not a promote */
task = RSC_START;
digest_data = rsc_action_digest_cmp(rsc, xml_op, active_node, data_set);
if(is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized)) {
digest_secure = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_SECURE_DIGEST);
if(digest_data->rc != RSC_DIGEST_MATCH
&& digest_secure
&& digest_data->digest_secure_calc
&& strcmp(digest_data->digest_secure_calc, digest_secure) == 0) {
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stdout)) {
printf("Only 'private' parameters to " CRM_OP_FMT " on %s changed: %s\n",
rsc->id, task, interval_ms, active_node->details->uname,
crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC));
} else if (digest_data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_RESTART) {
/* Changes that force a restart */
pe_action_t *required = NULL;
did_change = TRUE;
key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval_ms);
crm_log_xml_info(digest_data->params_restart, "params:restart");
required = custom_action(rsc, key, task, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
pe_action_set_flag_reason(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, required, NULL,
"resource definition change", pe_action_optional, TRUE);
trigger_unfencing(rsc, active_node, "Device parameters changed", NULL, data_set);
} else if ((digest_data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_ALL) || (digest_data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_UNKNOWN)) {
/* Changes that can potentially be handled by a reload */
const char *digest_restart = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST);
did_change = TRUE;
trigger_unfencing(rsc, active_node, "Device parameters changed (reload)", NULL, data_set);
crm_log_xml_info(digest_data->params_all, "params:reload");
key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval_ms);
if (interval_ms > 0) {
action_t *op = NULL;
#if 0
/* Always reload/restart the entire resource */
ReloadRsc(rsc, active_node, data_set);
/* Re-sending the recurring op is sufficient - the old one will be cancelled automatically */
op = custom_action(rsc, key, task, active_node, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
set_bit(op->flags, pe_action_reschedule);
} else if (digest_restart) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Reloading '%s' action for resource %s", task, rsc->id);
/* Reload this resource */
ReloadRsc(rsc, active_node, data_set);
} else {
pe_action_t *required = NULL;
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s doesn't know how to reload", rsc->id);
/* Re-send the start/demote/promote op
* Recurring ops will be detected independently
required = custom_action(rsc, key, task, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
pe_action_set_flag_reason(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, required, NULL,
"resource definition change", pe_action_optional, TRUE);
return did_change;
* \internal
* \brief Do deferred action checks after allocation
* \param[in] data_set Working set for cluster
static void
check_params(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, xmlNode *rsc_op,
enum pe_check_parameters check, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
const char *reason = NULL;
op_digest_cache_t *digest_data = NULL;
switch (check) {
case pe_check_active:
if (check_action_definition(rsc, node, rsc_op, data_set)
&& pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, NULL, pe_fc_effective, NULL,
data_set)) {
reason = "action definition changed";
case pe_check_last_failure:
digest_data = rsc_action_digest_cmp(rsc, rsc_op, node, data_set);
switch (digest_data->rc) {
crm_trace("Resource %s history entry %s on %s has no digest to compare",
rsc->id, ID(rsc_op), node->details->id);
reason = "resource parameters have changed";
if (reason) {
pe__clear_failcount(rsc, node, reason, data_set);
static void
check_actions_for(xmlNode * rsc_entry, resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
int offset = -1;
guint interval_ms = 0;
int stop_index = 0;
int start_index = 0;
const char *task = NULL;
const char *interval_ms_s = NULL;
xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL;
GListPtr op_list = NULL;
GListPtr sorted_op_list = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return);
if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
resource_t *parent = uber_parent(rsc);
if(parent == NULL
|| pe_rsc_is_clone(parent) == FALSE
|| is_set(parent->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping param check for %s and deleting: orphan", rsc->id);
DeleteRsc(rsc, node, FALSE, data_set);
} else {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping param check for %s (orphan clone)", rsc->id);
} else if (pe_find_node_id(rsc->running_on, node->details->id) == NULL) {
if (check_rsc_parameters(rsc, node, rsc_entry, FALSE, data_set)) {
DeleteRsc(rsc, node, FALSE, data_set);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping param check for %s: no longer active on %s",
rsc->id, node->details->uname);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing %s on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname);
if (check_rsc_parameters(rsc, node, rsc_entry, TRUE, data_set)) {
DeleteRsc(rsc, node, FALSE, data_set);
for (rsc_op = __xml_first_child(rsc_entry); rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = __xml_next_element(rsc_op)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_op->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, TRUE)) {
op_list = g_list_prepend(op_list, rsc_op);
sorted_op_list = g_list_sort(op_list, sort_op_by_callid);
calculate_active_ops(sorted_op_list, &start_index, &stop_index);
for (gIter = sorted_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data;
if (start_index < stop_index) {
/* stopped */
} else if (offset < start_index) {
/* action occurred prior to a start */
task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS);
interval_ms = crm_parse_ms(interval_ms_s);
if ((interval_ms > 0) &&
(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance) || node->details->maintenance)) {
// Maintenance mode cancels recurring operations
CancelXmlOp(rsc, rsc_op, node, "maintenance mode", data_set);
} else if ((interval_ms > 0)
|| safe_str_eq(task, RSC_STATUS)
|| safe_str_eq(task, RSC_START)
|| safe_str_eq(task, RSC_PROMOTE)
|| safe_str_eq(task, RSC_MIGRATED)) {
/* If a resource operation failed, and the operation's definition
* has changed, clear any fail count so they can be retried fresh.
if (pe__bundle_needs_remote_name(rsc)) {
/* We haven't allocated resources to nodes yet, so if the
* REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK is used, we may calculate the digest
* based on the literal "#uname" value rather than the properly
* substituted value. That would mistakenly make the action
* definition appear to have been changed. Defer the check until
* later in this case.
pe__add_param_check(rsc_op, rsc, node, pe_check_active,
} else if (check_action_definition(rsc, node, rsc_op, data_set)
&& pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, NULL, pe_fc_effective, NULL,
data_set)) {
pe__clear_failcount(rsc, node, "action definition changed",
static GListPtr
find_rsc_list(GListPtr result, resource_t * rsc, const char *id, gboolean renamed_clones,
gboolean partial, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
gboolean match = FALSE;
if (id == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else if (rsc == NULL && data_set) {
for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
result = find_rsc_list(result, child, id, renamed_clones, partial, NULL);
return result;
} else if (rsc == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (partial) {
if (strstr(rsc->id, id)) {
match = TRUE;
} else if (renamed_clones && rsc->clone_name && strstr(rsc->clone_name, id)) {
match = TRUE;
} else {
if (strcmp(rsc->id, id) == 0) {
match = TRUE;
} else if (renamed_clones && rsc->clone_name && strcmp(rsc->clone_name, id) == 0) {
match = TRUE;
if (match) {
result = g_list_prepend(result, rsc);
if (rsc->children) {
gIter = rsc->children;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
result = find_rsc_list(result, child, id, renamed_clones, partial, NULL);
return result;
static void
check_actions(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
const char *id = NULL;
node_t *node = NULL;
xmlNode *lrm_rscs = NULL;
xmlNode *status = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, data_set->input);
xmlNode *node_state = NULL;
for (node_state = __xml_first_child(status); node_state != NULL;
node_state = __xml_next_element(node_state)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)node_state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE)) {
id = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_ATTR_ID);
lrm_rscs = find_xml_node(node_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE);
lrm_rscs = find_xml_node(lrm_rscs, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE);
node = pe_find_node_id(data_set->nodes, id);
if (node == NULL) {
/* Still need to check actions for a maintenance node to cancel existing monitor operations */
} else if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE && node->details->maintenance == FALSE) {
crm_trace("Skipping param check for %s: can't run resources",
crm_trace("Processing node %s", node->details->uname);
if (node->details->online || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL;
for (rsc_entry = __xml_first_child(lrm_rscs); rsc_entry != NULL;
rsc_entry = __xml_next_element(rsc_entry)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_entry->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE)) {
if (xml_has_children(rsc_entry)) {
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
GListPtr result = NULL;
const char *rsc_id = ID(rsc_entry);
CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return);
result = find_rsc_list(NULL, NULL, rsc_id, TRUE, FALSE, data_set);
for (gIter = result; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
if (rsc->variant != pe_native) {
check_actions_for(rsc_entry, rsc, node, data_set);
static gboolean
apply_placement_constraints(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
crm_trace("Applying constraints...");
for (gIter = data_set->placement_constraints; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pe__location_t *cons = gIter->data;
cons->rsc_lh->cmds->rsc_location(cons->rsc_lh, cons);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
failcount_clear_action_exists(node_t * node, resource_t * rsc)
gboolean rc = FALSE;
GList *list = pe__resource_actions(rsc, node, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT, TRUE);
if (list) {
rc = TRUE;
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Force resource away if failures hit migration threshold
* \param[in,out] rsc Resource to check for failures
* \param[in,out] node Node to check for failures
* \param[in,out] data_set Cluster working set to update
static void
check_migration_threshold(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node,
pe_working_set_t *data_set)
int fail_count, countdown;
resource_t *failed;
/* Migration threshold of 0 means never force away */
if (rsc->migration_threshold == 0) {
// If we're ignoring failures, also ignore the migration threshold
if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failure_ignored)) {
/* If there are no failures, there's no need to force away */
fail_count = pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, NULL,
pe_fc_effective|pe_fc_fillers, NULL,
if (fail_count <= 0) {
/* How many more times recovery will be tried on this node */
countdown = QB_MAX(rsc->migration_threshold - fail_count, 0);
/* If failed resource has a parent, we'll force the parent away */
failed = rsc;
if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
failed = uber_parent(rsc);
if (countdown == 0) {
resource_location(failed, node, -INFINITY, "__fail_limit__", data_set);
crm_warn("Forcing %s away from %s after %d failures (max=%d)",
failed->id, node->details->uname, fail_count,
} else {
crm_info("%s can fail %d more times on %s before being forced off",
failed->id, countdown, node->details->uname);
static void
common_apply_stickiness(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
if (rsc->children) {
GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
common_apply_stickiness(child_rsc, node, data_set);
if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
&& rsc->stickiness != 0 && g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1) {
node_t *current = pe_find_node_id(rsc->running_on, node->details->id);
node_t *match = pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id);
if (current == NULL) {
} else if (match != NULL || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_symmetric_cluster)) {
resource_t *sticky_rsc = rsc;
resource_location(sticky_rsc, node, rsc->stickiness, "stickiness", data_set);
pe_rsc_debug(sticky_rsc, "Resource %s: preferring current location"
" (node=%s, weight=%d)", sticky_rsc->id,
node->details->uname, rsc->stickiness);
} else {
GHashTableIter iter;
node_t *nIter = NULL;
pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Ignoring stickiness for %s: the cluster is asymmetric"
" and node %s is not explicitly allowed", rsc->id, node->details->uname);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&nIter)) {
crm_err("%s[%s] = %d", rsc->id, nIter->details->uname, nIter->weight);
/* Check the migration threshold only if a failcount clear action
* has not already been placed for this resource on the node.
* There is no sense in potentially forcing the resource from this
* node if the failcount is being reset anyway.
* @TODO A clear_failcount operation can be scheduled in stage4() via
* check_actions_for(), or in stage5() via check_params(). This runs in
* stage2(), so it cannot detect those, meaning we might check the migration
* threshold when we shouldn't -- worst case, we stop or move the resource,
* then move it back next transition.
if (failcount_clear_action_exists(node, rsc) == FALSE) {
check_migration_threshold(rsc, node, data_set);
complex_set_cmds(resource_t * rsc)
GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
rsc->cmds = &resource_class_alloc_functions[rsc->variant];
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
set_alloc_actions(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = data_set->resources;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
static void
calculate_system_health(gpointer gKey, gpointer gValue, gpointer user_data)
const char *key = (const char *)gKey;
const char *value = (const char *)gValue;
int *system_health = (int *)user_data;
if (!gKey || !gValue || !user_data) {
if (crm_starts_with(key, "#health")) {
int score;
/* Convert the value into an integer */
score = char2score(value);
/* Add it to the running total */
*system_health = merge_weights(score, *system_health);
static gboolean
apply_system_health(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
const char *health_strategy = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-strategy");
int base_health = 0;
if (health_strategy == NULL || safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "none")) {
/* Prevent any accidental health -> score translation */
node_score_red = 0;
node_score_yellow = 0;
node_score_green = 0;
return TRUE;
} else if (safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "migrate-on-red")) {
/* Resources on nodes which have health values of red are
* weighted away from that node.
node_score_red = -INFINITY;
node_score_yellow = 0;
node_score_green = 0;
} else if (safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "only-green")) {
/* Resources on nodes which have health values of red or yellow
* are forced away from that node.
node_score_red = -INFINITY;
node_score_yellow = -INFINITY;
node_score_green = 0;
} else if (safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "progressive")) {
/* Same as the above, but use the r/y/g scores provided by the user
* Defaults are provided by the pe_prefs table
* Also, custom health "base score" can be used
base_health = crm_parse_int(pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-base"), "0");
} else if (safe_str_eq(health_strategy, "custom")) {
/* Requires the admin to configure the rsc_location constaints for
* processing the stored health scores
/* TODO: Check for the existence of appropriate node health constraints */
return TRUE;
} else {
crm_err("Unknown node health strategy: %s", health_strategy);
return FALSE;
crm_info("Applying automated node health strategy: %s", health_strategy);
for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
int system_health = base_health;
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
/* Search through the node hash table for system health entries. */
g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->attrs, calculate_system_health, &system_health);
crm_info(" Node %s has an combined system health of %d",
node->details->uname, system_health);
/* If the health is non-zero, then create a new rsc2node so that the
* weight will be added later on.
if (system_health != 0) {
GListPtr gIter2 = data_set->resources;
for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter2->data;
rsc2node_new(health_strategy, rsc, system_health, NULL, node, data_set);
return TRUE;
stage0(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
xmlNode *cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, data_set->input);
if (data_set->input == NULL) {
return FALSE;
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_status) == FALSE) {
crm_trace("Calculating status");
unpack_constraints(cib_constraints, data_set);
return TRUE;
* Check nodes for resources started outside of the LRM
probe_resources(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
action_t *probe_node_complete = NULL;
for (GListPtr gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
const char *probed = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, CRM_OP_PROBED);
if (node->details->online == FALSE) {
if (pe__is_remote_node(node) && node->details->remote_rsc
&& (get_remote_node_state(node) == remote_state_failed)) {
pe_fence_node(data_set, node, "the connection is unrecoverable");
} else if (node->details->unclean) {
} else if (node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled == FALSE) {
/* resource discovery is disabled for this node */
if (probed != NULL && crm_is_true(probed) == FALSE) {
action_t *probe_op = custom_action(NULL, crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s", CRM_OP_REPROBE, node->details->uname),
CRM_OP_REPROBE, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set);
add_hash_param(probe_op->meta, XML_ATTR_TE_NOWAIT, XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
for (GListPtr gIter2 = data_set->resources; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter2->data;
rsc->cmds->create_probe(rsc, node, probe_node_complete, FALSE, data_set);
return TRUE;
static void
rsc_discover_filter(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node)
GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc);
node_t *match;
if (rsc->exclusive_discover == FALSE && top->exclusive_discover == FALSE) {
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
rsc_discover_filter(child_rsc, node);
match = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id);
if (match && match->rsc_discover_mode != pe_discover_exclusive) {
match->weight = -INFINITY;
* Count how many valid nodes we have (so we know the maximum number of
* colors we can resolve).
* Apply node constraints (i.e. filter the "allowed_nodes" part of resources)
stage2(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
crm_trace("Applying placement constraints");
gIter = data_set->nodes;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
if (node == NULL) {
/* error */
} else if (node->weight >= 0.0 /* global weight */
&& node->details->online && node->details->type != node_ping) {
gIter = data_set->nodes;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
GListPtr gIter2 = NULL;
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
gIter2 = data_set->resources;
for (; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter2->data;
common_apply_stickiness(rsc, node, data_set);
rsc_discover_filter(rsc, node);
return TRUE;
* Create internal resource constraints before allocation
stage3(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = data_set->resources;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
rsc->cmds->internal_constraints(rsc, data_set);
return TRUE;
* Check for orphaned or redefined actions
stage4(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
return TRUE;
static void *
convert_const_pointer(const void *ptr)
/* Worst function ever */
return (void *)ptr;
static gint
sort_rsc_process_order(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data)
int rc = 0;
int r1_weight = -INFINITY;
int r2_weight = -INFINITY;
const char *reason = "existence";
const GListPtr nodes = (GListPtr) data;
const resource_t *resource1 = a;
const resource_t *resource2 = b;
node_t *r1_node = NULL;
node_t *r2_node = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
GHashTable *r1_nodes = NULL;
GHashTable *r2_nodes = NULL;
if (a == NULL && b == NULL) {
goto done;
if (a == NULL) {
return 1;
if (b == NULL) {
return -1;
reason = "priority";
r1_weight = resource1->priority;
r2_weight = resource2->priority;
if (r1_weight > r2_weight) {
rc = -1;
goto done;
if (r1_weight < r2_weight) {
rc = 1;
goto done;
reason = "no node list";
if (nodes == NULL) {
goto done;
r1_nodes = rsc_merge_weights(convert_const_pointer(resource1),
resource1->id, NULL, NULL, 1,
pe_weights_forward | pe_weights_init);
dump_node_scores(LOG_TRACE, NULL, resource1->id, r1_nodes);
r2_nodes = rsc_merge_weights(convert_const_pointer(resource2),
resource2->id, NULL, NULL, 1,
pe_weights_forward | pe_weights_init);
dump_node_scores(LOG_TRACE, NULL, resource2->id, r2_nodes);
/* Current location score */
reason = "current location";
r1_weight = -INFINITY;
r2_weight = -INFINITY;
if (resource1->running_on) {
r1_node = pe__current_node(resource1);
r1_node = g_hash_table_lookup(r1_nodes, r1_node->details->id);
if (r1_node != NULL) {
r1_weight = r1_node->weight;
if (resource2->running_on) {
r2_node = pe__current_node(resource2);
r2_node = g_hash_table_lookup(r2_nodes, r2_node->details->id);
if (r2_node != NULL) {
r2_weight = r2_node->weight;
if (r1_weight > r2_weight) {
rc = -1;
goto done;
if (r1_weight < r2_weight) {
rc = 1;
goto done;
reason = "score";
for (gIter = nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
r1_node = NULL;
r2_node = NULL;
r1_weight = -INFINITY;
if (r1_nodes) {
r1_node = g_hash_table_lookup(r1_nodes, node->details->id);
if (r1_node) {
r1_weight = r1_node->weight;
r2_weight = -INFINITY;
if (r2_nodes) {
r2_node = g_hash_table_lookup(r2_nodes, node->details->id);
if (r2_node) {
r2_weight = r2_node->weight;
if (r1_weight > r2_weight) {
rc = -1;
goto done;
if (r1_weight < r2_weight) {
rc = 1;
goto done;
crm_trace("%s (%d) on %s %c %s (%d) on %s: %s",
resource1->id, r1_weight, r1_node ? r1_node->details->id : "n/a",
rc < 0 ? '>' : rc > 0 ? '<' : '=',
resource2->id, r2_weight, r2_node ? r2_node->details->id : "n/a", reason);
if (r1_nodes) {
if (r2_nodes) {
return rc;
static void
allocate_resources(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_remote_nodes)) {
/* Force remote connection resources to be allocated first. This
* also forces any colocation dependencies to be allocated as well */
for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating: %s", rsc->id);
/* For remote node connection resources, always prefer the partial
* migration target during resource allocation, if the rsc is in the
* middle of a migration.
rsc->cmds->allocate(rsc, rsc->partial_migration_target, data_set);
/* now do the rest of the resources */
for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
if (rsc->is_remote_node == TRUE) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Allocating: %s", rsc->id);
rsc->cmds->allocate(rsc, NULL, data_set);
/* We always use pe_order_preserve with these convenience functions to exempt
* internally generated constraints from the prohibition of user constraints
* involving remote connection resources.
* The start ordering additionally uses pe_order_runnable_left so that the
* specified action is not runnable if the start is not runnable.
static inline void
order_start_then_action(resource_t *lh_rsc, action_t *rh_action,
enum pe_ordering extra, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
if (lh_rsc && rh_action && data_set) {
custom_action_order(lh_rsc, start_key(lh_rsc), NULL,
rh_action->rsc, NULL, rh_action,
pe_order_preserve | pe_order_runnable_left | extra,
static inline void
order_action_then_stop(action_t *lh_action, resource_t *rh_rsc,
enum pe_ordering extra, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
if (lh_action && rh_rsc && data_set) {
custom_action_order(lh_action->rsc, NULL, lh_action,
rh_rsc, stop_key(rh_rsc), NULL,
pe_order_preserve | extra, data_set);
static void
cleanup_orphans(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_rsc_orphans) == FALSE) {
/* Don't recurse into ->children, those are just unallocated clone instances */
if(is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
if (node->details->online
&& pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, NULL, pe_fc_effective, NULL,
data_set)) {
pe_action_t *clear_op = NULL;
clear_op = pe__clear_failcount(rsc, node, "it is orphaned",
/* We can't use order_action_then_stop() here because its
* pe_order_preserve breaks things
custom_action_order(clear_op->rsc, NULL, clear_op,
rsc, stop_key(rsc), NULL,
pe_order_optional, data_set);
stage5(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
if (safe_str_neq(data_set->placement_strategy, "default")) {
GListPtr nodes = g_list_copy(data_set->nodes);
nodes = sort_nodes_by_weight(nodes, NULL, data_set);
data_set->resources =
g_list_sort_with_data(data_set->resources, sort_rsc_process_order, nodes);
gIter = data_set->nodes;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
dump_node_capacity(show_utilization ? 0 : utilization_log_level, "Original", node);
crm_trace("Allocating services");
/* Take (next) highest resource, assign it and create its actions */
gIter = data_set->nodes;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
dump_node_capacity(show_utilization ? 0 : utilization_log_level, "Remaining", node);
// Process deferred action checks
pe__foreach_param_check(data_set, check_params);
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_probes)) {
crm_trace("Calculating needed probes");
/* This code probably needs optimization
* ptest -x with 100 nodes, 100 clones and clone-max=100:
With probes:
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:46 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:258 Calculate cluster status
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:46 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:278 Applying placement constraints
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:47 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:285 Create internal constraints
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:47 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:292 Check actions
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:48 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:299 Allocate resources
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:48 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:881 Allocating services
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:49 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:894 Calculating needed probes
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:51 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:899 Creating actions
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:52 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:905 Creating done
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:52 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:306 Processing fencing and shutdown cases
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:56:52 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:313 Applying ordering constraints
ptest[14781]: 2010/09/27_17:57:28 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:320 Create transition graph
Without probes:
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:21 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:258 Calculate cluster status
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:22 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:278 Applying placement constraints
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:22 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:285 Create internal constraints
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:22 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:292 Check actions
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:23 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:299 Allocate resources
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:23 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:881 Allocating services
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:24 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:899 Creating actions
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:25 notice: TRACE: stage5: allocate.c:905 Creating done
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:25 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:306 Processing fencing and shutdown cases
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:25 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:313 Applying ordering constraints
ptest[14637]: 2010/09/27_17:56:25 notice: TRACE: do_calculations: pengine.c:320 Create transition graph
crm_trace("Handle orphans");
for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
cleanup_orphans(rsc, data_set);
crm_trace("Creating actions");
for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
rsc->cmds->create_actions(rsc, data_set);
crm_trace("Creating done");
return TRUE;
static gboolean
is_managed(const resource_t * rsc)
GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
return TRUE;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
if (is_managed(child_rsc)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static gboolean
any_managed_resources(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = data_set->resources;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
if (is_managed(rsc)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* \internal
* \brief Create pseudo-op for guest node fence, and order relative to it
* \param[in] node Guest node to fence
* \param[in] data_set Working set of CIB state
static void
fence_guest(pe_node_t *node, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
resource_t *container = node->details->remote_rsc->container;
pe_action_t *stop = NULL;
pe_action_t *stonith_op = NULL;
/* The fence action is just a label; we don't do anything differently for
* off vs. reboot. We specify it explicitly, rather than let it default to
* cluster's default action, because we are not _initiating_ fencing -- we
* are creating a pseudo-event to describe fencing that is already occurring
* by other means (container recovery).
const char *fence_action = "off";
/* Check whether guest's container resource has any explicit stop or
* start (the stop may be implied by fencing of the guest's host).
if (container) {
stop = find_first_action(container->actions, NULL, CRMD_ACTION_STOP, NULL);
if (find_first_action(container->actions, NULL, CRMD_ACTION_START, NULL)) {
fence_action = "reboot";
/* Create a fence pseudo-event, so we have an event to order actions
* against, and the controller can always detect it.
stonith_op = pe_fence_op(node, fence_action, FALSE, "guest is unclean", data_set);
update_action_flags(stonith_op, pe_action_pseudo | pe_action_runnable,
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
/* We want to imply stops/demotes after the guest is stopped, not wait until
* it is restarted, so we always order pseudo-fencing after stop, not start
* (even though start might be closer to what is done for a real reboot).
if(stop && is_set(stop->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) {
pe_action_t *parent_stonith_op = pe_fence_op(stop->node, NULL, FALSE, NULL, data_set);
crm_info("Implying guest node %s is down (action %d) after %s fencing",
node->details->uname, stonith_op->id, stop->node->details->uname);
order_actions(parent_stonith_op, stonith_op,
} else if (stop) {
order_actions(stop, stonith_op,
crm_info("Implying guest node %s is down (action %d) "
"after container %s is stopped (action %d)",
node->details->uname, stonith_op->id,
container->id, stop->id);
} else {
/* If we're fencing the guest node but there's no stop for the guest
* resource, we must think the guest is already stopped. However, we may
* think so because its resource history was just cleaned. To avoid
* unnecessarily considering the guest node down if it's really up,
* order the pseudo-fencing after any stop of the connection resource,
* which will be ordered after any container (re-)probe.
stop = find_first_action(node->details->remote_rsc->actions, NULL,
if (stop) {
order_actions(stop, stonith_op, pe_order_optional);
crm_info("Implying guest node %s is down (action %d) "
"after connection is stopped (action %d)",
node->details->uname, stonith_op->id, stop->id);
} else {
/* Not sure why we're fencing, but everything must already be
* cleanly stopped.
crm_info("Implying guest node %s is down (action %d) ",
node->details->uname, stonith_op->id);
/* Order/imply other actions relative to pseudo-fence as with real fence */
stonith_constraints(node, stonith_op, data_set);
* Create dependencies for stonith and shutdown operations
stage6(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
action_t *dc_down = NULL;
action_t *stonith_op = NULL;
gboolean integrity_lost = FALSE;
gboolean need_stonith = TRUE;
GListPtr gIter;
GListPtr stonith_ops = NULL;
GList *shutdown_ops = NULL;
/* Remote ordering constraints need to happen prior to calculate
* fencing because it is one more place we will mark the node as
* dirty.
* A nice side-effect of doing it first is that we can remove a
* bunch of special logic from apply_*_ordering() because its
* already part of pe_fence_node()
crm_trace("Creating remote ordering constraints");
crm_trace("Processing fencing and shutdown cases");
if (any_managed_resources(data_set) == FALSE) {
crm_notice("Delaying fencing operations until there are resources to manage");
need_stonith = FALSE;
/* Check each node for stonith/shutdown */
for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
/* Guest nodes are "fenced" by recovering their container resource,
* so handle them separately.
if (pe__is_guest_node(node)) {
if (node->details->remote_requires_reset && need_stonith) {
fence_guest(node, data_set);
stonith_op = NULL;
if (node->details->unclean
&& need_stonith && pe_can_fence(data_set, node)) {
stonith_op = pe_fence_op(node, NULL, FALSE, "node is unclean", data_set);
pe_warn("Scheduling Node %s for STONITH", node->details->uname);
stonith_constraints(node, stonith_op, data_set);
if (node->details->is_dc) {
// Remember if the DC is being fenced
dc_down = stonith_op;
} else {
if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_concurrent_fencing)
&& (stonith_ops != NULL)) {
/* Concurrent fencing is disabled, so order each non-DC
* fencing in a chain. If there is any DC fencing or
* shutdown, it will be ordered after the last action in the
* chain later.
order_actions((pe_action_t *) stonith_ops->data,
stonith_op, pe_order_optional);
// Remember all non-DC fencing actions in a separate list
stonith_ops = g_list_prepend(stonith_ops, stonith_op);
} else if (node->details->online && node->details->shutdown &&
/* TODO define what a shutdown op means for a remote node.
* For now we do not send shutdown operations for remote nodes, but
* if we can come up with a good use for this in the future, we will. */
pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(node) == FALSE) {
action_t *down_op = sched_shutdown_op(node, data_set);
if (node->details->is_dc) {
// Remember if the DC is being shut down
dc_down = down_op;
} else {
// Remember non-DC shutdowns for later ordering
shutdown_ops = g_list_prepend(shutdown_ops, down_op);
if (node->details->unclean && stonith_op == NULL) {
integrity_lost = TRUE;
pe_warn("Node %s is unclean!", node->details->uname);
if (integrity_lost) {
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) == FALSE) {
} else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE) {
crm_notice("Cannot fence unclean nodes until quorum is"
" attained (or no-quorum-policy is set to ignore)");
if (dc_down != NULL) {
/* Order any non-DC shutdowns before any DC shutdown, to avoid repeated
* DC elections. However, we don't want to order non-DC shutdowns before
* a DC *fencing*, because even though we don't want a node that's
* shutting down to become DC, the DC fencing could be ordered before a
* clone stop that's also ordered before the shutdowns, thus leading to
* a graph loop.
if (safe_str_eq(dc_down->task, CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN)) {
for (gIter = shutdown_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *node_stop = (action_t *) gIter->data;
crm_debug("Ordering shutdown on %s before %s on DC %s",
dc_down->task, dc_down->node->details->uname);
order_actions(node_stop, dc_down, pe_order_optional);
// Order any non-DC fencing before any DC fencing or shutdown
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_concurrent_fencing)) {
/* With concurrent fencing, order each non-DC fencing action
* separately before any DC fencing or shutdown.
for (gIter = stonith_ops; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
order_actions((pe_action_t *) gIter->data, dc_down,
} else if (stonith_ops) {
/* Without concurrent fencing, the non-DC fencing actions are
* already ordered relative to each other, so we just need to order
* the DC fencing after the last action in the chain (which is the
* first item in the list).
order_actions((pe_action_t *) stonith_ops->data, dc_down,
return TRUE;
* Determine the sets of independent actions and the correct order for the
* actions in each set.
* Mark dependencies of un-runnable actions un-runnable
static GListPtr
find_actions_by_task(GListPtr actions, resource_t * rsc, const char *original_key)
GListPtr list = NULL;
list = find_actions(actions, original_key, NULL);
if (list == NULL) {
/* we're potentially searching a child of the original resource */
char *key = NULL;
char *task = NULL;
guint interval_ms = 0;
if (parse_op_key(original_key, NULL, &task, &interval_ms)) {
key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval_ms);
list = find_actions(actions, key, NULL);
} else {
crm_err("search key: %s", original_key);
return list;
static void
rsc_order_then(pe_action_t *lh_action, pe_resource_t *rsc,
pe__ordering_t *order)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
GListPtr rh_actions = NULL;
action_t *rh_action = NULL;
enum pe_ordering type;
CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
CRM_CHECK(order != NULL, return);
type = order->type;
rh_action = order->rh_action;
crm_trace("Processing RH of ordering constraint %d", order->id);
if (rh_action != NULL) {
rh_actions = g_list_prepend(NULL, rh_action);
} else if (rsc != NULL) {
rh_actions = find_actions_by_task(rsc->actions, rsc, order->rh_action_task);
if (rh_actions == NULL) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "No RH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint..."
" ignoring", rsc->id, order->rh_action_task);
if (lh_action) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "LH-Side was: %s", lh_action->uuid);
if (lh_action && lh_action->rsc == rsc && is_set(lh_action->flags, pe_action_dangle)) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Detected dangling operation %s -> %s", lh_action->uuid,
clear_bit(type, pe_order_implies_then);
gIter = rh_actions;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *rh_action_iter = (action_t *) gIter->data;
if (lh_action) {
order_actions(lh_action, rh_action_iter, type);
} else if (type & pe_order_implies_then) {
update_action_flags(rh_action_iter, pe_action_runnable | pe_action_clear, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
crm_warn("Unrunnable %s 0x%.6x", rh_action_iter->uuid, type);
} else {
crm_warn("neither %s 0x%.6x", rh_action_iter->uuid, type);
static void
rsc_order_first(pe_resource_t *lh_rsc, pe__ordering_t *order,
pe_working_set_t *data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
GListPtr lh_actions = NULL;
action_t *lh_action = order->lh_action;
resource_t *rh_rsc = order->rh_rsc;
crm_trace("Processing LH of ordering constraint %d", order->id);
CRM_ASSERT(lh_rsc != NULL);
if (lh_action != NULL) {
lh_actions = g_list_prepend(NULL, lh_action);
} else {
lh_actions = find_actions_by_task(lh_rsc->actions, lh_rsc, order->lh_action_task);
if (lh_actions == NULL && lh_rsc != rh_rsc) {
char *key = NULL;
char *op_type = NULL;
guint interval_ms = 0;
parse_op_key(order->lh_action_task, NULL, &op_type, &interval_ms);
key = generate_op_key(lh_rsc->id, op_type, interval_ms);
if (lh_rsc->fns->state(lh_rsc, TRUE) == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && safe_str_eq(op_type, RSC_STOP)) {
pe_rsc_trace(lh_rsc, "No LH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint %d with %s - ignoring",
lh_rsc->id, order->lh_action_task, order->id, order->rh_action_task);
} else if (lh_rsc->fns->state(lh_rsc, TRUE) == RSC_ROLE_SLAVE && safe_str_eq(op_type, RSC_DEMOTE)) {
pe_rsc_trace(lh_rsc, "No LH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint %d with %s - ignoring",
lh_rsc->id, order->lh_action_task, order->id, order->rh_action_task);
} else {
pe_rsc_trace(lh_rsc, "No LH-Side (%s/%s) found for constraint %d with %s - creating",
lh_rsc->id, order->lh_action_task, order->id, order->rh_action_task);
lh_action = custom_action(lh_rsc, key, op_type, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
lh_actions = g_list_prepend(NULL, lh_action);
gIter = lh_actions;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *lh_action_iter = (action_t *) gIter->data;
if (rh_rsc == NULL && order->rh_action) {
rh_rsc = order->rh_action->rsc;
if (rh_rsc) {
rsc_order_then(lh_action_iter, rh_rsc, order);
} else if (order->rh_action) {
order_actions(lh_action_iter, order->rh_action, order->type);
extern void update_colo_start_chain(pe_action_t *action,
pe_working_set_t *data_set);
static int
is_recurring_action(action_t *action)
const char *interval_ms_s = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta,
guint interval_ms = crm_parse_ms(interval_ms_s);
return (interval_ms > 0);
static void
apply_container_ordering(action_t *action, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
/* VMs are also classified as containers for these purposes... in
* that they both involve a 'thing' running on a real or remote
* cluster node.
* This allows us to be smarter about the type and extent of
* recovery actions required in various scenarios
resource_t *remote_rsc = NULL;
resource_t *container = NULL;
enum action_tasks task = text2task(action->task);
remote_rsc = action->node->details->remote_rsc;
container = remote_rsc->container;
if(is_set(container->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "container failed");
crm_trace("Order %s action %s relative to %s%s for %s%s",
action->task, action->uuid,
is_set(remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)? "failed " : "",
is_set(container->flags, pe_rsc_failed)? "failed " : "",
if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)
|| safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
/* Migration ops map to "no_action", but we need to apply the same
* ordering as for stop or demote (see get_router_node()).
task = stop_rsc;
switch (task) {
case start_rsc:
case action_promote:
/* Force resource recovery if the container is recovered */
order_start_then_action(container, action, pe_order_implies_then,
/* Wait for the connection resource to be up too */
order_start_then_action(remote_rsc, action, pe_order_none,
case stop_rsc:
case action_demote:
if (is_set(container->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
/* When the container representing a guest node fails, any stop
* or demote actions for resources running on the guest node
* are implied by the container stopping. This is similar to
* how fencing operations work for cluster nodes and remote
* nodes.
} else {
/* Ensure the operation happens before the connection is brought
* down.
* If we really wanted to, we could order these after the
* connection start, IFF the container's current role was
* stopped (otherwise we re-introduce an ordering loop when the
* connection is restarting).
order_action_then_stop(action, remote_rsc, pe_order_none,
/* Wait for the connection resource to be up */
if (is_recurring_action(action)) {
/* In case we ever get the recovery logic wrong, force
* recurring monitors to be restarted, even if just
* the connection was re-established
if(task != no_action) {
order_start_then_action(remote_rsc, action,
pe_order_implies_then, data_set);
} else {
order_start_then_action(remote_rsc, action, pe_order_none,
static enum remote_connection_state
get_remote_node_state(pe_node_t *node)
resource_t *remote_rsc = NULL;
node_t *cluster_node = NULL;
remote_rsc = node->details->remote_rsc;
cluster_node = pe__current_node(remote_rsc);
/* If the cluster node the remote connection resource resides on
* is unclean or went offline, we can't process any operations
* on that remote node until after it starts elsewhere.
if(remote_rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED || remote_rsc->allocated_to == NULL) {
/* The connection resource is not going to run anywhere */
if (cluster_node && cluster_node->details->unclean) {
/* The remote connection is failed because its resource is on a
* failed node and can't be recovered elsewhere, so we must fence.
return remote_state_failed;
if (is_not_set(remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
/* Connection resource is cleanly stopped */
return remote_state_stopped;
/* Connection resource is failed */
if ((remote_rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED)
&& remote_rsc->remote_reconnect_ms
- && node->details->remote_was_fenced) {
+ && node->details->remote_was_fenced
+ && !pe__shutdown_requested(node)) {
/* We won't know whether the connection is recoverable until the
* reconnect interval expires and we reattempt connection.
return remote_state_unknown;
/* The remote connection is in a failed state. If there are any
* resources known to be active on it (stop) or in an unknown state
* (probe), we must assume the worst and fence it.
return remote_state_failed;
} else if (cluster_node == NULL) {
/* Connection is recoverable but not currently running anywhere, see if we can recover it first */
return remote_state_unknown;
} else if(cluster_node->details->unclean == TRUE
|| cluster_node->details->online == FALSE) {
/* Connection is running on a dead node, see if we can recover it first */
return remote_state_resting;
} else if (g_list_length(remote_rsc->running_on) > 1
&& remote_rsc->partial_migration_source
&& remote_rsc->partial_migration_target) {
/* We're in the middle of migrating a connection resource,
* wait until after the resource migrates before performing
* any actions.
return remote_state_resting;
return remote_state_alive;
* \internal
* \brief Order actions on remote node relative to actions for the connection
static void
apply_remote_ordering(action_t *action, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
resource_t *remote_rsc = NULL;
enum action_tasks task = text2task(action->task);
enum remote_connection_state state = get_remote_node_state(action->node);
enum pe_ordering order_opts = pe_order_none;
if (action->rsc == NULL) {
remote_rsc = action->node->details->remote_rsc;
crm_trace("Order %s action %s relative to %s%s (state: %s)",
action->task, action->uuid,
is_set(remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)? "failed " : "",
remote_rsc->id, state2text(state));
if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)
|| safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
/* Migration ops map to "no_action", but we need to apply the same
* ordering as for stop or demote (see get_router_node()).
task = stop_rsc;
switch (task) {
case start_rsc:
case action_promote:
order_opts = pe_order_none;
if (state == remote_state_failed) {
/* Force recovery, by making this action required */
order_opts |= pe_order_implies_then;
/* Ensure connection is up before running this action */
order_start_then_action(remote_rsc, action, order_opts, data_set);
case stop_rsc:
if(state == remote_state_alive) {
order_action_then_stop(action, remote_rsc,
pe_order_implies_first, data_set);
} else if(state == remote_state_failed) {
- /* We would only be here if the resource is
- * running on the remote node. Since we have no
- * way to stop it, it is necessary to fence the
- * node.
+ /* The resource is active on the node, but since we don't have a
+ * valid connection, the only way to stop the resource is by
+ * fencing the node. There is no need to order the stop relative
+ * to the remote connection, since the stop will become implied
+ * by the fencing.
pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "resources are active and the connection is unrecoverable");
- order_action_then_stop(action, remote_rsc,
- pe_order_implies_first, data_set);
} else if(remote_rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
/* State must be remote_state_unknown or remote_state_stopped.
* Since the connection is not coming back up in this
* transition, stop this resource first.
order_action_then_stop(action, remote_rsc,
pe_order_implies_first, data_set);
} else {
/* The connection is going to be started somewhere else, so
* stop this resource after that completes.
order_start_then_action(remote_rsc, action, pe_order_none, data_set);
case action_demote:
/* Only order this demote relative to the connection start if the
* connection isn't being torn down. Otherwise, the demote would be
* blocked because the connection start would not be allowed.
if(state == remote_state_resting || state == remote_state_unknown) {
order_start_then_action(remote_rsc, action, pe_order_none,
} /* Otherwise we can rely on the stop ordering */
/* Wait for the connection resource to be up */
if (is_recurring_action(action)) {
/* In case we ever get the recovery logic wrong, force
* recurring monitors to be restarted, even if just
* the connection was re-established
order_start_then_action(remote_rsc, action,
pe_order_implies_then, data_set);
} else {
node_t *cluster_node = pe__current_node(remote_rsc);
if(task == monitor_rsc && state == remote_state_failed) {
/* We would only be here if we do not know the
* state of the resource on the remote node.
* Since we have no way to find out, it is
* necessary to fence the node.
pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "resources are in an unknown state and the connection is unrecoverable");
if(cluster_node && state == remote_state_stopped) {
/* The connection is currently up, but is going
* down permanently.
* Make sure we check services are actually
* stopped _before_ we let the connection get
* closed
order_action_then_stop(action, remote_rsc,
pe_order_runnable_left, data_set);
} else {
order_start_then_action(remote_rsc, action, pe_order_none,
static void
apply_remote_node_ordering(pe_working_set_t *data_set)
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_remote_nodes) == FALSE) {
for (GListPtr gIter = data_set->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
resource_t *remote = NULL;
// We are only interested in resource actions
if (action->rsc == NULL) {
/* Special case: If we are clearing the failcount of an actual
* remote connection resource, then make sure this happens before
* any start of the resource in this transition.
if (action->rsc->is_remote_node &&
safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT)) {
generate_op_key(action->rsc->id, RSC_START, 0),
// We are only interested in actions allocated to a node
if (action->node == NULL) {
if (!pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(action->node)) {
/* We are only interested in real actions.
* @TODO This is probably wrong; pseudo-actions might be converted to
* real actions and vice versa later in update_actions() at the end of
* stage7().
if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) {
remote = action->node->details->remote_rsc;
if (remote == NULL) {
// Orphaned
/* Another special case: if a resource is moving to a Pacemaker Remote
* node, order the stop on the original node after any start of the
* remote connection. This ensures that if the connection fails to
* start, we leave the resource running on the original node.
if (safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_START)) {
for (GList *item = action->rsc->actions; item != NULL;
item = item->next) {
pe_action_t *rsc_action = item->data;
if ((rsc_action->node->details != action->node->details)
&& safe_str_eq(rsc_action->task, RSC_STOP)) {
custom_action_order(remote, start_key(remote), NULL,
action->rsc, NULL, rsc_action,
pe_order_optional, data_set);
/* The action occurs across a remote connection, so create
* ordering constraints that guarantee the action occurs while the node
* is active (after start, before stop ... things like that).
* This is somewhat brittle in that we need to make sure the results of
* this ordering are compatible with the result of get_router_node().
* It would probably be better to add XML_LRM_ATTR_ROUTER_NODE as part
* of this logic rather than action2xml().
if (remote->container) {
crm_trace("Container ordering for %s", action->uuid);
apply_container_ordering(action, data_set);
} else {
crm_trace("Remote ordering for %s", action->uuid);
apply_remote_ordering(action, data_set);
static gboolean
order_first_probe_unneeded(pe_action_t * probe, pe_action_t * rh_action)
/* No need to probe the resource on the node that is being
* unfenced. Otherwise it might introduce transition loop
* since probe will be performed after the node is
* unfenced.
if (safe_str_eq(rh_action->task, CRM_OP_FENCE)
&& probe->node && rh_action->node
&& probe->node->details == rh_action->node->details) {
const char *op = g_hash_table_lookup(rh_action->meta, "stonith_action");
if (safe_str_eq(op, "on")) {
return TRUE;
// Shutdown waits for probe to complete only if it's on the same node
if ((safe_str_eq(rh_action->task, CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN))
&& probe->node && rh_action->node
&& probe->node->details != rh_action->node->details) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void
order_first_probes(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
for (gIter = data_set->ordering_constraints; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pe__ordering_t *order = gIter->data;
enum pe_ordering order_type = pe_order_optional;
pe_resource_t *lh_rsc = order->lh_rsc;
pe_resource_t *rh_rsc = order->rh_rsc;
pe_action_t *lh_action = order->lh_action;
pe_action_t *rh_action = order->rh_action;
const char *lh_action_task = order->lh_action_task;
const char *rh_action_task = order->rh_action_task;
GListPtr probes = NULL;
GListPtr rh_actions = NULL;
GListPtr pIter = NULL;
if (lh_rsc == NULL) {
} else if (rh_rsc && lh_rsc == rh_rsc) {
if (lh_action == NULL && lh_action_task == NULL) {
if (rh_action == NULL && rh_action_task == NULL) {
/* Technically probe is expected to return "not running", which could be
* the alternative of stop action if the status of the resource is
* unknown yet.
if (lh_action && safe_str_neq(lh_action->task, RSC_STOP)) {
} else if (lh_action == NULL
&& lh_action_task
&& crm_ends_with(lh_action_task, "_" RSC_STOP "_0") == FALSE) {
/* Do not probe the resource inside of a stopping container. Otherwise
* it might introduce transition loop since probe will be performed
* after the container starts again.
if (rh_rsc && lh_rsc->container == rh_rsc) {
if (rh_action && safe_str_eq(rh_action->task, RSC_STOP)) {
} else if (rh_action == NULL && rh_action_task
&& crm_ends_with(rh_action_task,"_" RSC_STOP "_0")) {
if (order->type == pe_order_none) {
// Preserve the order options for future filtering
if (is_set(order->type, pe_order_apply_first_non_migratable)) {
set_bit(order_type, pe_order_apply_first_non_migratable);
if (is_set(order->type, pe_order_same_node)) {
set_bit(order_type, pe_order_same_node);
// Keep the order types for future filtering
if (order->type == pe_order_anti_colocation
|| order->type == pe_order_load) {
order_type = order->type;
probes = pe__resource_actions(lh_rsc, NULL, RSC_STATUS, FALSE);
if (probes == NULL) {
if (rh_action) {
rh_actions = g_list_prepend(rh_actions, rh_action);
} else if (rh_rsc && rh_action_task) {
rh_actions = find_actions(rh_rsc->actions, rh_action_task, NULL);
if (rh_actions == NULL) {
crm_trace("Processing for LH probe based on ordering constraint %s -> %s"
" (id=%d, type=%.6x)",
lh_action ? lh_action->uuid : lh_action_task,
rh_action ? rh_action->uuid : rh_action_task,
order->id, order->type);
for (pIter = probes; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) {
pe_action_t *probe = (pe_action_t *) pIter->data;
GListPtr rIter = NULL;
for (rIter = rh_actions; rIter != NULL; rIter = rIter->next) {
pe_action_t *rh_action_iter = (pe_action_t *) rIter->data;
if (order_first_probe_unneeded(probe, rh_action_iter)) {
order_actions(probe, rh_action_iter, order_type);
static void
order_then_probes(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
#if 0
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
/* Given "A then B", we would prefer to wait for A to be
* started before probing B.
* If A was a filesystem on which the binaries and data for B
* lived, it would have been useful if the author of B's agent
* could assume that A is running before B.monitor will be
* called.
* However we can't _only_ probe once A is running, otherwise
* we'd not detect the state of B if A could not be started
* for some reason.
* In practice however, we cannot even do an opportunistic
* version of this because B may be moving:
* B.probe -> B.start
* B.probe -> B.stop
* B.stop -> B.start
* A.stop -> A.start
* A.start -> B.probe
* So far so good, but if we add the result of this code:
* B.stop -> A.stop
* Then we get a loop:
* B.probe -> B.stop -> A.stop -> A.start -> B.probe
* We could kill the 'B.probe -> B.stop' dependency, but that
* could mean stopping B "too" soon, because B.start must wait
* for the probes to complete.
* Another option is to allow it only if A is a non-unique
* clone with clone-max == node-max (since we'll never be
* moving it). However, we could still be stopping one
* instance at the same time as starting another.
* The complexity of checking for allowed conditions combined
* with the ever narrowing usecase suggests that this code
* should remain disabled until someone gets smarter.
action_t *start = NULL;
GListPtr actions = NULL;
GListPtr probes = NULL;
actions = pe__resource_actions(rsc, NULL, RSC_START, FALSE);
if (actions) {
start = actions->data;
if(start == NULL) {
crm_err("No start action for %s", rsc->id);
probes = pe__resource_actions(rsc, NULL, RSC_STATUS, FALSE);
for (actions = start->actions_before; actions != NULL; actions = actions->next) {
action_wrapper_t *before = (action_wrapper_t *) actions->data;
GListPtr pIter = NULL;
action_t *first = before->action;
resource_t *first_rsc = first->rsc;
if(first->required_runnable_before) {
GListPtr clone_actions = NULL;
for (clone_actions = first->actions_before; clone_actions != NULL; clone_actions = clone_actions->next) {
before = (action_wrapper_t *) clone_actions->data;
crm_trace("Testing %s -> %s (%p) for %s", first->uuid, before->action->uuid, before->action->rsc, start->uuid);
first_rsc = before->action->rsc;
} else if(safe_str_neq(first->task, RSC_START)) {
crm_trace("Not a start op %s for %s", first->uuid, start->uuid);
if(first_rsc == NULL) {
} else if(uber_parent(first_rsc) == uber_parent(start->rsc)) {
crm_trace("Same parent %s for %s", first_rsc->id, start->uuid);
} else if(FALSE && pe_rsc_is_clone(uber_parent(first_rsc)) == FALSE) {
crm_trace("Not a clone %s for %s", first_rsc->id, start->uuid);
crm_err("Applying %s before %s %d", first->uuid, start->uuid, uber_parent(first_rsc)->variant);
for (pIter = probes; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) {
action_t *probe = (action_t *) pIter->data;
crm_err("Ordering %s before %s", first->uuid, probe->uuid);
order_actions(first, probe, pe_order_optional);
static void
order_probes(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
stage7(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
crm_trace("Applying ordering constraints");
/* Don't ask me why, but apparently they need to be processed in
* the order they were created in... go figure
* Also g_list_append() has horrendous performance characteristics
* So we need to use g_list_prepend() and then reverse the list here
data_set->ordering_constraints = g_list_reverse(data_set->ordering_constraints);
for (gIter = data_set->ordering_constraints; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pe__ordering_t *order = gIter->data;
resource_t *rsc = order->lh_rsc;
crm_trace("Applying ordering constraint: %d", order->id);
if (rsc != NULL) {
rsc_order_first(rsc, order, data_set);
rsc = order->rh_rsc;
if (rsc != NULL) {
rsc_order_then(order->lh_action, rsc, order);
} else {
order_actions(order->lh_action, order->rh_action, order->type);
for (gIter = data_set->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
update_colo_start_chain(action, data_set);
crm_trace("Ordering probes");
crm_trace("Updating %d actions", g_list_length(data_set->actions));
for (gIter = data_set->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
update_action(action, data_set);
LogNodeActions(data_set, FALSE);
for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
LogActions(rsc, data_set, FALSE);
return TRUE;
static int transition_id = -1;
* \internal
* \brief Log a message after calculating a transition
* \param[in] filename Where transition input is stored
pcmk__log_transition_summary(const char *filename)
if (was_processing_error) {
crm_err("Calculated transition %d (with errors), saving inputs in %s",
transition_id, filename);
} else if (was_processing_warning) {
crm_warn("Calculated transition %d (with warnings), saving inputs in %s",
transition_id, filename);
} else {
crm_notice("Calculated transition %d, saving inputs in %s",
transition_id, filename);
if (crm_config_error) {
crm_notice("Configuration errors found during scheduler processing,"
" please run \"crm_verify -L\" to identify issues");
* Create a dependency graph to send to the transitioner (via the controller)
stage8(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
const char *value = NULL;
crm_trace("Creating transition graph %d.", transition_id);
data_set->graph = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_GRAPH);
value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "cluster-delay");
crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "cluster-delay", value);
value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "stonith-timeout");
crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "stonith-timeout", value);
crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "failed-stop-offset", "INFINITY");
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_start_failure_fatal)) {
crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "failed-start-offset", "INFINITY");
} else {
crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "failed-start-offset", "1");
value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "batch-limit");
crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "batch-limit", value);
crm_xml_add_int(data_set->graph, "transition_id", transition_id);
value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "migration-limit");
if (crm_int_helper(value, NULL) > 0) {
crm_xml_add(data_set->graph, "migration-limit", value);
/* errors...
slist_iter(action, action_t, action_list, lpc,
if(action->optional == FALSE && action->runnable == FALSE) {
print_action("Ignoring", action, TRUE);
gIter = data_set->resources;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "processing actions for rsc=%s", rsc->id);
rsc->cmds->expand(rsc, data_set);
crm_log_xml_trace(data_set->graph, "created resource-driven action list");
/* pseudo action to distribute list of nodes with maintenance state update */
/* catch any non-resource specific actions */
crm_trace("processing non-resource actions");
gIter = data_set->actions;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
if (action->rsc
&& action->node
&& action->node->details->shutdown
&& is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_maintenance)
&& is_not_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional)
&& is_not_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)
&& crm_str_eq(action->task, RSC_STOP, TRUE)
) {
/* Eventually we should just ignore the 'fence' case
* But for now it's the best way to detect (in CTS) when
* CIB resource updates are being lost
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum)
|| data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_ignore) {
crm_crit("Cannot %s node '%s' because of %s:%s%s (%s)",
action->node->details->unclean ? "fence" : "shut down",
action->node->details->uname, action->rsc->id,
is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) ? " unmanaged" : " blocked",
is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) ? " failed" : "",
graph_element_from_action(action, data_set);
crm_log_xml_trace(data_set->graph, "created generic action list");
crm_trace("Created transition graph %d.", transition_id);
return TRUE;
LogNodeActions(pe_working_set_t * data_set, gboolean terminal)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
for (gIter = data_set->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
char *node_name = NULL;
char *task = NULL;
action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
if (action->rsc != NULL) {
} else if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
if (pe__is_guest_node(action->node)) {
node_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s (resource: %s)", action->node->details->uname, action->node->details->remote_rsc->container->id);
} else if(action->node) {
node_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s", action->node->details->uname);
if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN)) {
task = strdup("Shutdown");
} else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) {
const char *op = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "stonith_action");
task = crm_strdup_printf("Fence (%s)", op);
if(task == NULL) {
/* Nothing to report */
} else if(terminal && action->reason) {
printf(" * %s %s '%s'\n", task, node_name, action->reason);
} else if(terminal) {
printf(" * %s %s\n", task, node_name);
} else if(action->reason) {
crm_notice(" * %s %s '%s'\n", task, node_name, action->reason);
} else {
crm_notice(" * %s %s\n", task, node_name);
diff --git a/lib/pengine/bundle.c b/lib/pengine/bundle.c
index b223f03c04..060e73aa49 100644
--- a/lib/pengine/bundle.c
+++ b/lib/pengine/bundle.c
@@ -1,1682 +1,1688 @@
* Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#include "./variant.h"
static char *
next_ip(const char *last_ip)
unsigned int oct1 = 0;
unsigned int oct2 = 0;
unsigned int oct3 = 0;
unsigned int oct4 = 0;
int rc = sscanf(last_ip, "%u.%u.%u.%u", &oct1, &oct2, &oct3, &oct4);
if (rc != 4) {
/*@ TODO check for IPv6 */
return NULL;
} else if (oct3 > 253) {
return NULL;
} else if (oct4 > 253) {
oct4 = 1;
} else {
return crm_strdup_printf("%u.%u.%u.%u", oct1, oct2, oct3, oct4);
static int
allocate_ip(pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data, pe__bundle_replica_t *replica,
char *buffer, int max)
if(data->ip_range_start == NULL) {
return 0;
} else if(data->ip_last) {
replica->ipaddr = next_ip(data->ip_last);
} else {
replica->ipaddr = strdup(data->ip_range_start);
data->ip_last = replica->ipaddr;
switch (data->agent_type) {
if (data->add_host) {
return snprintf(buffer, max, " --add-host=%s-%d:%s",
data->prefix, replica->offset,
return snprintf(buffer, max, " --hosts-entry=%s=%s-%d",
replica->ipaddr, data->prefix, replica->offset);
return 0;
static xmlNode *
create_resource(const char *name, const char *provider, const char *kind)
xmlNode *rsc = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE);
crm_xml_add(rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, name);
crm_xml_add(rsc, XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, provider);
crm_xml_add(rsc, XML_ATTR_TYPE, kind);
return rsc;
* \internal
* \brief Check whether cluster can manage resource inside container
* \param[in] data Container variant data
* \return TRUE if networking configuration is acceptable, FALSE otherwise
* \note The resource is manageable if an IP range or control port has been
* specified. If a control port is used without an IP range, replicas per
* host must be 1.
static bool
valid_network(pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data)
if(data->ip_range_start) {
return TRUE;
if(data->control_port) {
if(data->nreplicas_per_host > 1) {
pe_err("Specifying the 'control-port' for %s requires 'replicas-per-host=1'", data->prefix);
data->nreplicas_per_host = 1;
/* @TODO to be sure: clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique); */
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static bool
create_ip_resource(pe_resource_t *parent, pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data,
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
if(data->ip_range_start) {
char *id = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_ip = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
id = crm_strdup_printf("%s-ip-%s", data->prefix, replica->ipaddr);
xml_ip = create_resource(id, "heartbeat", "IPaddr2");
xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_ip, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS);
crm_xml_set_id(xml_obj, "%s-attributes-%d",
data->prefix, replica->offset);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "ip", replica->ipaddr);
if(data->host_network) {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "nic", data->host_network);
if(data->host_netmask) {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
"cidr_netmask", data->host_netmask);
} else {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "cidr_netmask", "32");
xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_ip, "operations");
crm_create_op_xml(xml_obj, ID(xml_ip), "monitor", "60s", NULL);
// TODO: Other ops? Timeouts and intervals from underlying resource?
if (!common_unpack(xml_ip, &replica->ip, parent, data_set)) {
return FALSE;
parent->children = g_list_append(parent->children, replica->ip);
return TRUE;
static bool
create_docker_resource(pe_resource_t *parent, pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data,
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica,
pe_working_set_t *data_set)
int offset = 0, max = 4096;
char *buffer = calloc(1, max+1);
int doffset = 0, dmax = 1024;
char *dbuffer = calloc(1, dmax+1);
char *id = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_container = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
id = crm_strdup_printf("%s-docker-%d", data->prefix, replica->offset);
xml_container = create_resource(id, "heartbeat",
xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_container, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS);
crm_xml_set_id(xml_obj, "%s-attributes-%d",
data->prefix, replica->offset);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "image", data->image);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "allow_pull", XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "force_kill", XML_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "reuse", XML_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --restart=no");
/* Set a container hostname only if we have an IP to map it to.
* The user can set -h or --uts=host themselves if they want a nicer
* name for logs, but this makes applications happy who need their
* hostname to match the IP they bind to.
if (data->ip_range_start != NULL) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -h %s-%d",
data->prefix, replica->offset);
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -e PCMK_stderr=1");
if (data->container_network) {
#if 0
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --link-local-ip=%s",
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --net=%s",
if(data->control_port) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -e PCMK_remote_port=%s", data->control_port);
} else {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -e PCMK_remote_port=%d", DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT);
for(GListPtr pIter = data->mounts; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) {
pe__bundle_mount_t *mount = pIter->data;
if (is_set(mount->flags, pe__bundle_mount_subdir)) {
char *source = crm_strdup_printf(
"%s/%s-%d", mount->source, data->prefix, replica->offset);
if(doffset > 0) {
doffset += snprintf(dbuffer+doffset, dmax-doffset, ",");
doffset += snprintf(dbuffer+doffset, dmax-doffset, "%s", source);
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -v %s:%s", source, mount->target);
} else {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -v %s:%s", mount->source, mount->target);
if(mount->options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, ":%s", mount->options);
for(GListPtr pIter = data->ports; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) {
pe__bundle_port_t *port = pIter->data;
if (replica->ipaddr) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -p %s:%s:%s",
replica->ipaddr, port->source,
} else if(safe_str_neq(data->container_network, "host")) {
// No need to do port mapping if net=host
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -p %s:%s", port->source, port->target);
if (data->launcher_options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " %s",
if (data->container_host_options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, max - offset, " %s",
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_opts", buffer);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "mount_points", dbuffer);
if (replica->child) {
if (data->container_command) {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
"run_cmd", data->container_command);
} else {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
"run_cmd", SBIN_DIR "/pacemaker-remoted");
/* TODO: Allow users to specify their own?
* We just want to know if the container is alive, we'll
* monitor the child independently
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd", "/bin/true");
/* } else if(child && data->untrusted) {
* Support this use-case?
* The ability to have resources started/stopped by us, but
* unable to set attributes, etc.
* Arguably better to control API access this with ACLs like
* "normal" remote nodes
* crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
* "run_cmd",
* "/usr/libexec/pacemaker/pacemaker-execd");
* crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd",
* "/usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd_internal_ctl -c poke");
} else {
if (data->container_command) {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
"run_cmd", data->container_command);
/* TODO: Allow users to specify their own?
* We don't know what's in the container, so we just want
* to know if it is alive
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd", "/bin/true");
xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_container, "operations");
crm_create_op_xml(xml_obj, ID(xml_container), "monitor", "60s", NULL);
// TODO: Other ops? Timeouts and intervals from underlying resource?
if (!common_unpack(xml_container, &replica->container, parent, data_set)) {
return FALSE;
parent->children = g_list_append(parent->children, replica->container);
return TRUE;
static bool
create_podman_resource(pe_resource_t *parent, pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data,
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica,
pe_working_set_t *data_set)
int offset = 0, max = 4096;
char *buffer = calloc(1, max+1);
int doffset = 0, dmax = 1024;
char *dbuffer = calloc(1, dmax+1);
char *id = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_container = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
id = crm_strdup_printf("%s-podman-%d", data->prefix, replica->offset);
xml_container = create_resource(id, "heartbeat",
xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_container, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS);
crm_xml_set_id(xml_obj, "%s-attributes-%d",
data->prefix, replica->offset);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "image", data->image);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "allow_pull", XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "force_kill", XML_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "reuse", XML_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
// FIXME: (bandini 2018-08) podman has no restart policies
//offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --restart=no");
/* Set a container hostname only if we have an IP to map it to.
* The user can set -h or --uts=host themselves if they want a nicer
* name for logs, but this makes applications happy who need their
* hostname to match the IP they bind to.
if (data->ip_range_start != NULL) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -h %s-%d",
data->prefix, replica->offset);
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -e PCMK_stderr=1");
if (data->container_network) {
#if 0
// podman has no support for --link-local-ip
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --link-local-ip=%s",
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --net=%s",
if(data->control_port) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -e PCMK_remote_port=%s", data->control_port);
} else {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -e PCMK_remote_port=%d", DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT);
for(GListPtr pIter = data->mounts; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) {
pe__bundle_mount_t *mount = pIter->data;
if (is_set(mount->flags, pe__bundle_mount_subdir)) {
char *source = crm_strdup_printf(
"%s/%s-%d", mount->source, data->prefix, replica->offset);
if(doffset > 0) {
doffset += snprintf(dbuffer+doffset, dmax-doffset, ",");
doffset += snprintf(dbuffer+doffset, dmax-doffset, "%s", source);
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -v %s:%s", source, mount->target);
} else {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -v %s:%s", mount->source, mount->target);
if(mount->options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, ":%s", mount->options);
for(GListPtr pIter = data->ports; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) {
pe__bundle_port_t *port = pIter->data;
if (replica->ipaddr) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -p %s:%s:%s",
replica->ipaddr, port->source,
} else if(safe_str_neq(data->container_network, "host")) {
// No need to do port mapping if net=host
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " -p %s:%s", port->source, port->target);
if (data->launcher_options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " %s",
if (data->container_host_options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, max - offset, " %s",
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_opts", buffer);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "mount_points", dbuffer);
if (replica->child) {
if (data->container_command) {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
"run_cmd", data->container_command);
} else {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
"run_cmd", SBIN_DIR "/pacemaker-remoted");
/* TODO: Allow users to specify their own?
* We just want to know if the container is alive, we'll
* monitor the child independently
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd", "/bin/true");
/* } else if(child && data->untrusted) {
* Support this use-case?
* The ability to have resources started/stopped by us, but
* unable to set attributes, etc.
* Arguably better to control API access this with ACLs like
* "normal" remote nodes
* crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
* "run_cmd",
* "/usr/libexec/pacemaker/pacemaker-execd");
* crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd",
* "/usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd_internal_ctl -c poke");
} else {
if (data->container_command) {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
"run_cmd", data->container_command);
/* TODO: Allow users to specify their own?
* We don't know what's in the container, so we just want
* to know if it is alive
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd", "/bin/true");
xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_container, "operations");
crm_create_op_xml(xml_obj, ID(xml_container), "monitor", "60s", NULL);
// TODO: Other ops? Timeouts and intervals from underlying resource?
if (!common_unpack(xml_container, &replica->container, parent,
data_set)) {
return FALSE;
parent->children = g_list_append(parent->children, replica->container);
return TRUE;
static bool
create_rkt_resource(pe_resource_t *parent, pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data,
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
int offset = 0, max = 4096;
char *buffer = calloc(1, max+1);
int doffset = 0, dmax = 1024;
char *dbuffer = calloc(1, dmax+1);
char *id = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_container = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
int volid = 0;
id = crm_strdup_printf("%s-rkt-%d", data->prefix, replica->offset);
xml_container = create_resource(id, "heartbeat",
xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_container, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS);
crm_xml_set_id(xml_obj, "%s-attributes-%d",
data->prefix, replica->offset);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "image", data->image);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "allow_pull", "true");
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "force_kill", "false");
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "reuse", "false");
/* Set a container hostname only if we have an IP to map it to.
* The user can set -h or --uts=host themselves if they want a nicer
* name for logs, but this makes applications happy who need their
* hostname to match the IP they bind to.
if (data->ip_range_start != NULL) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --hostname=%s-%d",
data->prefix, replica->offset);
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --environment=PCMK_stderr=1");
if (data->container_network) {
#if 0
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --link-local-ip=%s",
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --net=%s",
if(data->control_port) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --environment=PCMK_remote_port=%s", data->control_port);
} else {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --environment=PCMK_remote_port=%d", DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT);
for(GListPtr pIter = data->mounts; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) {
pe__bundle_mount_t *mount = pIter->data;
if (is_set(mount->flags, pe__bundle_mount_subdir)) {
char *source = crm_strdup_printf(
"%s/%s-%d", mount->source, data->prefix, replica->offset);
if(doffset > 0) {
doffset += snprintf(dbuffer+doffset, dmax-doffset, ",");
doffset += snprintf(dbuffer+doffset, dmax-doffset, "%s", source);
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --volume vol%d,kind=host,source=%s", volid, source);
if(mount->options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, ",%s", mount->options);
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --mount volume=vol%d,target=%s", volid, mount->target);
} else {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --volume vol%d,kind=host,source=%s", volid, mount->source);
if(mount->options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, ",%s", mount->options);
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --mount volume=vol%d,target=%s", volid, mount->target);
for(GListPtr pIter = data->ports; pIter != NULL; pIter = pIter->next) {
pe__bundle_port_t *port = pIter->data;
if (replica->ipaddr) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset,
" --port=%s:%s:%s", port->target,
replica->ipaddr, port->source);
} else {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " --port=%s:%s", port->target, port->source);
if (data->launcher_options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, max-offset, " %s",
if (data->container_host_options) {
offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, max - offset, " %s",
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_opts", buffer);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "mount_points", dbuffer);
if (replica->child) {
if (data->container_command) {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_cmd",
} else {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_cmd",
SBIN_DIR "/pacemaker-remoted");
/* TODO: Allow users to specify their own?
* We just want to know if the container is alive, we'll
* monitor the child independently
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd", "/bin/true");
/* } else if(child && data->untrusted) {
* Support this use-case?
* The ability to have resources started/stopped by us, but
* unable to set attributes, etc.
* Arguably better to control API access this with ACLs like
* "normal" remote nodes
* crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL,
* "run_cmd",
* "/usr/libexec/pacemaker/pacemaker-execd");
* crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd",
* "/usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd_internal_ctl -c poke");
} else {
if (data->container_command) {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "run_cmd",
/* TODO: Allow users to specify their own?
* We don't know what's in the container, so we just want
* to know if it is alive
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_obj, NULL, "monitor_cmd", "/bin/true");
xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_container, "operations");
crm_create_op_xml(xml_obj, ID(xml_container), "monitor", "60s", NULL);
// TODO: Other ops? Timeouts and intervals from underlying resource?
if (!common_unpack(xml_container, &replica->container, parent, data_set)) {
return FALSE;
parent->children = g_list_append(parent->children, replica->container);
return TRUE;
* \brief Ban a node from a resource's (and its children's) allowed nodes list
* \param[in,out] rsc Resource to modify
* \param[in] uname Name of node to ban
static void
disallow_node(resource_t *rsc, const char *uname)
gpointer match = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, uname);
if (match) {
((pe_node_t *) match)->weight = -INFINITY;
((pe_node_t *) match)->rsc_discover_mode = pe_discover_never;
if (rsc->children) {
GListPtr child;
for (child = rsc->children; child != NULL; child = child->next) {
disallow_node((resource_t *) (child->data), uname);
static bool
create_remote_resource(pe_resource_t *parent, pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data,
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica,
pe_working_set_t *data_set)
if (replica->child && valid_network(data)) {
GHashTableIter gIter;
GListPtr rsc_iter = NULL;
node_t *node = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_remote = NULL;
char *id = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%d", data->prefix, replica->offset);
char *port_s = NULL;
const char *uname = NULL;
const char *connect_name = NULL;
if (remote_id_conflict(id, data_set)) {
// The biggest hammer we have
id = crm_strdup_printf("pcmk-internal-%s-remote-%d",
replica->child->id, replica->offset);
CRM_ASSERT(remote_id_conflict(id, data_set) == FALSE);
/* REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK: Using "#uname" as the server name when the
* connection does not have its own IP is a magic string that we use to
* support nested remotes (i.e. a bundle running on a remote node).
connect_name = (replica->ipaddr? replica->ipaddr : "#uname");
if (data->control_port == NULL) {
port_s = crm_itoa(DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT);
/* This sets replica->container as replica->remote's container, which is
* similar to what happens with guest nodes. This is how the PE knows
* that the bundle node is fenced by recovering the container, and that
* remote should be ordered relative to the container.
xml_remote = pe_create_remote_xml(NULL, id, replica->container->id,
connect_name, (data->control_port?
data->control_port : port_s));
/* Abandon our created ID, and pull the copy from the XML, because we
* need something that will get freed during data set cleanup to use as
* the node ID and uname.
id = NULL;
uname = ID(xml_remote);
/* Ensure a node has been created for the guest (it may have already
* been, if it has a permanent node attribute), and ensure its weight is
* -INFINITY so no other resources can run on it.
node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, uname);
if (node == NULL) {
node = pe_create_node(uname, uname, "remote", "-INFINITY",
} else {
node->weight = -INFINITY;
node->rsc_discover_mode = pe_discover_never;
/* unpack_remote_nodes() ensures that each remote node and guest node
* has a pe_node_t entry. Ideally, it would do the same for bundle nodes.
* Unfortunately, a bundle has to be mostly unpacked before it's obvious
* what nodes will be needed, so we do it just above.
* Worse, that means that the node may have been utilized while
* unpacking other resources, without our weight correction. The most
* likely place for this to happen is when common_unpack() calls
* resource_location() to set a default score in symmetric clusters.
* This adds a node *copy* to each resource's allowed nodes, and these
* copies will have the wrong weight.
* As a hacky workaround, fix those copies here.
* @TODO Possible alternative: ensure bundles are unpacked before other
* resources, so the weight is correct before any copies are made.
for (rsc_iter = data_set->resources; rsc_iter; rsc_iter = rsc_iter->next) {
disallow_node((resource_t *) (rsc_iter->data), uname);
replica->node = node_copy(node);
replica->node->weight = 500;
replica->node->rsc_discover_mode = pe_discover_exclusive;
/* Ensure the node shows up as allowed and with the correct discovery set */
if (replica->child->allowed_nodes != NULL) {
replica->child->allowed_nodes = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
NULL, free);
(gpointer) replica->node->details->id,
node_t *copy = node_copy(replica->node);
copy->weight = -INFINITY;
(gpointer) replica->node->details->id, copy);
if (!common_unpack(xml_remote, &replica->remote, parent, data_set)) {
return FALSE;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&gIter, replica->remote->allowed_nodes);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&gIter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
if (pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(node)) {
/* Remote resources can only run on 'normal' cluster node */
node->weight = -INFINITY;
replica->node->details->remote_rsc = replica->remote;
// Ensure pe__is_guest_node() functions correctly immediately
replica->remote->container = replica->container;
/* A bundle's #kind is closer to "container" (guest node) than the
* "remote" set by pe_create_node().
strdup(CRM_ATTR_KIND), strdup("container"));
/* One effect of this is that setup_container() will add
* replica->remote to replica->container's fillers, which will make
* pe__resource_contains_guest_node() true for replica->container.
* replica->child does NOT get added to replica->container's fillers.
* The only noticeable effect if it did would be for its fail count to
* be taken into account when checking replica->container's migration
* threshold.
parent->children = g_list_append(parent->children, replica->remote);
return TRUE;
static bool
create_container(pe_resource_t *parent, pe__bundle_variant_data_t *data,
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
switch (data->agent_type) {
if (!create_docker_resource(parent, data, replica, data_set)) {
return FALSE;
if (!create_podman_resource(parent, data, replica, data_set)) {
return FALSE;
if (!create_rkt_resource(parent, data, replica, data_set)) {
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
if (create_ip_resource(parent, data, replica, data_set) == FALSE) {
return FALSE;
if(create_remote_resource(parent, data, replica, data_set) == FALSE) {
return FALSE;
if (replica->child && replica->ipaddr) {
add_hash_param(replica->child->meta, "external-ip", replica->ipaddr);
if (replica->remote) {
* Allow the remote connection resource to be allocated to a
* different node than the one on which the container is active.
* This makes it possible to have Pacemaker Remote nodes running
* containers with pacemaker-remoted inside in order to start
* services inside those containers.
set_bit(replica->remote->flags, pe_rsc_allow_remote_remotes);
return TRUE;
static void
mount_add(pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data, const char *source,
const char *target, const char *options, uint32_t flags)
pe__bundle_mount_t *mount = calloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_mount_t));
mount->source = strdup(source);
mount->target = strdup(target);
if (options) {
mount->options = strdup(options);
mount->flags = flags;
bundle_data->mounts = g_list_append(bundle_data->mounts, mount);
static void
mount_free(pe__bundle_mount_t *mount)
static void
port_free(pe__bundle_port_t *port)
static pe__bundle_replica_t *
replica_for_remote(pe_resource_t *remote)
resource_t *top = remote;
pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL;
if (top == NULL) {
return NULL;
while (top->parent != NULL) {
top = top->parent;
get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, top);
for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL;
gIter = gIter->next) {
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data;
if (replica->remote == remote) {
return replica;
return NULL;
pe__bundle_needs_remote_name(pe_resource_t *rsc)
const char *value;
if (rsc == NULL) {
return FALSE;
value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->parameters, XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_RA_ADDR);
if (safe_str_eq(value, "#uname") == FALSE) {
return FALSE;
} else {
const char *match[3][2] = {
{ XML_ATTR_TYPE, "remote" },
{ XML_AGENT_ATTR_PROVIDER, "pacemaker" },
for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
value = crm_element_value(rsc->xml, match[m][0]);
if (safe_str_neq(value, match[m][1])) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
const char *
pe__add_bundle_remote_name(pe_resource_t *rsc, xmlNode *xml, const char *field)
// REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK: Allow remote nodes that start containers with pacemaker remote inside
pe_node_t *node = NULL;
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = NULL;
if (!pe__bundle_needs_remote_name(rsc)) {
return NULL;
replica = replica_for_remote(rsc);
if (replica == NULL) {
return NULL;
node = replica->container->allocated_to;
if (node == NULL) {
/* If it won't be running anywhere after the
* transition, go with where it's running now.
node = pe__current_node(replica->container);
if(node == NULL) {
crm_trace("Cannot determine address for bundle connection %s", rsc->id);
return NULL;
crm_trace("Setting address for bundle connection %s to bundle host %s",
rsc->id, node->details->uname);
if(xml != NULL && field != NULL) {
crm_xml_add(xml, field, node->details->uname);
return node->details->uname;
pe__unpack_bundle(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
const char *value = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_resource = NULL;
pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL;
+ bool need_log_mount = TRUE;
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing resource %s...", rsc->id);
bundle_data = calloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_variant_data_t));
rsc->variant_opaque = bundle_data;
bundle_data->prefix = strdup(rsc->id);
xml_obj = first_named_child(rsc->xml, PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER_S);
if (xml_obj != NULL) {
bundle_data->agent_type = PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_DOCKER;
} else {
xml_obj = first_named_child(rsc->xml, PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT_S);
if (xml_obj != NULL) {
bundle_data->agent_type = PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_RKT;
} else {
xml_obj = first_named_child(rsc->xml, PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN_S);
if (xml_obj != NULL) {
bundle_data->agent_type = PE__CONTAINER_AGENT_PODMAN;
} else {
return FALSE;
value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_RSC_ATTR_PROMOTED_MAX);
if (value == NULL) {
// @COMPAT deprecated since 2.0.0
value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, "masters");
bundle_data->promoted_max = crm_parse_int(value, "0");
if (bundle_data->promoted_max < 0) {
pe_err("%s for %s must be nonnegative integer, using 0",
bundle_data->promoted_max = 0;
value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, "replicas");
if ((value == NULL) && bundle_data->promoted_max) {
bundle_data->nreplicas = bundle_data->promoted_max;
} else {
bundle_data->nreplicas = crm_parse_int(value, "1");
if (bundle_data->nreplicas < 1) {
pe_err("'replicas' for %s must be positive integer, using 1", rsc->id);
bundle_data->nreplicas = 1;
* Communication between containers on the same host via the
* floating IPs only works if the container is started with:
* --userland-proxy=false --ip-masq=false
value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, "replicas-per-host");
bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host = crm_parse_int(value, "1");
if (bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host < 1) {
pe_err("'replicas-per-host' for %s must be positive integer, using 1",
bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host = 1;
if (bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host == 1) {
clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique);
bundle_data->container_command = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, "run-command");
bundle_data->launcher_options = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, "options");
bundle_data->image = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, "image");
bundle_data->container_network = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, "network");
xml_obj = first_named_child(rsc->xml, "network");
if(xml_obj) {
bundle_data->ip_range_start = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, "ip-range-start");
bundle_data->host_netmask = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, "host-netmask");
bundle_data->host_network = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, "host-interface");
bundle_data->control_port = crm_element_value_copy(xml_obj, "control-port");
value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, "add-host");
if (check_boolean(value) == FALSE) {
bundle_data->add_host = TRUE;
} else {
crm_str_to_boolean(value, &bundle_data->add_host);
for (xmlNode *xml_child = __xml_first_child_element(xml_obj); xml_child != NULL;
xml_child = __xml_next_element(xml_child)) {
pe__bundle_port_t *port = calloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_port_t));
port->source = crm_element_value_copy(xml_child, "port");
if(port->source == NULL) {
port->source = crm_element_value_copy(xml_child, "range");
} else {
port->target = crm_element_value_copy(xml_child, "internal-port");
if(port->source != NULL && strlen(port->source) > 0) {
if(port->target == NULL) {
port->target = strdup(port->source);
bundle_data->ports = g_list_append(bundle_data->ports, port);
} else {
pe_err("Invalid port directive %s", ID(xml_child));
xml_obj = first_named_child(rsc->xml, "storage");
for (xmlNode *xml_child = __xml_first_child_element(xml_obj); xml_child != NULL;
xml_child = __xml_next_element(xml_child)) {
const char *source = crm_element_value(xml_child, "source-dir");
const char *target = crm_element_value(xml_child, "target-dir");
const char *options = crm_element_value(xml_child, "options");
int flags = pe__bundle_mount_none;
if (source == NULL) {
source = crm_element_value(xml_child, "source-dir-root");
set_bit(flags, pe__bundle_mount_subdir);
if (source && target) {
mount_add(bundle_data, source, target, options, flags);
+ if (strcmp(target, "/var/log") == 0) {
+ need_log_mount = FALSE;
+ }
} else {
pe_err("Invalid mount directive %s", ID(xml_child));
xml_obj = first_named_child(rsc->xml, "primitive");
if (xml_obj && valid_network(bundle_data)) {
char *value = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_set = NULL;
xml_resource = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_INCARNATION);
/* @COMPAT We no longer use the tag, but we need to keep it as
* part of the resource name, so that bundles don't restart in a rolling
* upgrade. (It also avoids needing to change regression tests.)
crm_xml_set_id(xml_resource, "%s-%s", bundle_data->prefix,
(bundle_data->promoted_max? "master"
: (const char *)xml_resource->name));
xml_set = create_xml_node(xml_resource, XML_TAG_META_SETS);
crm_xml_set_id(xml_set, "%s-%s-meta", bundle_data->prefix, xml_resource->name);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL,
value = crm_itoa(bundle_data->nreplicas);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL,
value = crm_itoa(bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL,
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL, XML_RSC_ATTR_UNIQUE,
(bundle_data->nreplicas_per_host > 1)?
if (bundle_data->promoted_max) {
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL,
value = crm_itoa(bundle_data->promoted_max);
crm_create_nvpair_xml(xml_set, NULL,
//crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, bundle_data->prefix);
add_node_copy(xml_resource, xml_obj);
} else if(xml_obj) {
pe_err("Cannot control %s inside %s without either ip-range-start or control-port",
rsc->id, ID(xml_obj));
return FALSE;
if(xml_resource) {
int lpc = 0;
GListPtr childIter = NULL;
resource_t *new_rsc = NULL;
pe__bundle_port_t *port = NULL;
int offset = 0, max = 1024;
char *buffer = NULL;
if (common_unpack(xml_resource, &new_rsc, rsc, data_set) == FALSE) {
pe_err("Failed unpacking resource %s", ID(rsc->xml));
if (new_rsc != NULL && new_rsc->fns != NULL) {
return FALSE;
bundle_data->child = new_rsc;
/* Currently, we always map the default authentication key location
* into the same location inside the container.
* Ideally, we would respect the host's PCMK_authkey_location, but:
* - it may be different on different nodes;
* - the actual connection will do extra checking to make sure the key
* file exists and is readable, that we can't do here on the DC
* - tools such as crm_resource and crm_simulate may not have the same
* environment variables as the cluster, causing operation digests to
* differ
* Always using the default location inside the container is fine,
* because we control the pacemaker_remote environment, and it avoids
* having to pass another environment variable to the container.
* @TODO A better solution may be to have only pacemaker_remote use the
* environment variable, and have the cluster nodes use a new
* cluster option for key location. This would introduce the limitation
* of the location being the same on all cluster nodes, but that's
* reasonable.
mount_add(bundle_data, DEFAULT_REMOTE_KEY_LOCATION,
DEFAULT_REMOTE_KEY_LOCATION, NULL, pe__bundle_mount_none);
- mount_add(bundle_data, CRM_BUNDLE_DIR, "/var/log", NULL,
- pe__bundle_mount_subdir);
+ if (need_log_mount) {
+ mount_add(bundle_data, CRM_BUNDLE_DIR, "/var/log", NULL,
+ pe__bundle_mount_subdir);
+ }
port = calloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_port_t));
if(bundle_data->control_port) {
port->source = strdup(bundle_data->control_port);
} else {
/* If we wanted to respect PCMK_remote_port, we could use
* crm_default_remote_port() here and elsewhere in this file instead
* However, it gains nothing, since we control both the container
* environment and the connection resource parameters, and the user
* can use a different port if desired by setting control-port.
port->source = crm_itoa(DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT);
port->target = strdup(port->source);
bundle_data->ports = g_list_append(bundle_data->ports, port);
buffer = calloc(1, max+1);
for (childIter = bundle_data->child->children; childIter != NULL;
childIter = childIter->next) {
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = calloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_replica_t));
replica->child = childIter->data;
replica->child->exclusive_discover = TRUE;
replica->offset = lpc++;
// Ensure the child's notify gets set based on the underlying primitive's value
if (is_set(replica->child->flags, pe_rsc_notify)) {
set_bit(bundle_data->child->flags, pe_rsc_notify);
offset += allocate_ip(bundle_data, replica, buffer+offset,
bundle_data->replicas = g_list_append(bundle_data->replicas,
bundle_data->attribute_target = g_hash_table_lookup(replica->child->meta,
bundle_data->container_host_options = buffer;
if (bundle_data->attribute_target) {
g_hash_table_replace(rsc->meta, strdup(XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET),
} else {
// Just a naked container, no pacemaker-remote
int offset = 0, max = 1024;
char *buffer = calloc(1, max+1);
for (int lpc = 0; lpc < bundle_data->nreplicas; lpc++) {
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = calloc(1, sizeof(pe__bundle_replica_t));
replica->offset = lpc;
offset += allocate_ip(bundle_data, replica, buffer+offset,
bundle_data->replicas = g_list_append(bundle_data->replicas,
bundle_data->container_host_options = buffer;
for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL;
gIter = gIter->next) {
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data;
if (!create_container(rsc, bundle_data, replica, data_set)) {
pe_err("Failed unpacking resource %s", rsc->id);
return FALSE;
if (bundle_data->child) {
rsc->children = g_list_append(rsc->children, bundle_data->child);
return TRUE;
static int
replica_resource_active(pe_resource_t *rsc, gboolean all)
if (rsc) {
gboolean child_active = rsc->fns->active(rsc, all);
if (child_active && !all) {
return TRUE;
} else if (!child_active && all) {
return FALSE;
return -1;
pe__bundle_active(pe_resource_t *rsc, gboolean all)
pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL;
GListPtr iter = NULL;
get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc);
for (iter = bundle_data->replicas; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = iter->data;
int rsc_active;
rsc_active = replica_resource_active(replica->ip, all);
if (rsc_active >= 0) {
return (gboolean) rsc_active;
rsc_active = replica_resource_active(replica->child, all);
if (rsc_active >= 0) {
return (gboolean) rsc_active;
rsc_active = replica_resource_active(replica->container, all);
if (rsc_active >= 0) {
return (gboolean) rsc_active;
rsc_active = replica_resource_active(replica->remote, all);
if (rsc_active >= 0) {
return (gboolean) rsc_active;
/* If "all" is TRUE, we've already checked that no resources were inactive,
* so return TRUE; if "all" is FALSE, we didn't find any active resources,
* so return FALSE.
return all;
* \internal
* \brief Find the bundle replica corresponding to a given node
* \param[in] bundle Top-level bundle resource
* \param[in] node Node to search for
* \return Bundle replica if found, NULL otherwise
pe_resource_t *
pe__find_bundle_replica(const pe_resource_t *bundle, const pe_node_t *node)
pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL;
CRM_ASSERT(bundle && node);
get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, bundle);
for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL;
gIter = gIter->next) {
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data;
CRM_ASSERT(replica && replica->node);
if (replica->node->details == node->details) {
return replica->child;
return NULL;
static void
print_rsc_in_list(resource_t *rsc, const char *pre_text, long options,
void *print_data)
if (rsc != NULL) {
if (options & pe_print_html) {
rsc->fns->print(rsc, pre_text, options, print_data);
if (options & pe_print_html) {
static const char*
container_agent_str(enum pe__container_agent t)
switch (t) {
static void
bundle_print_xml(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *pre_text, long options,
void *print_data)
pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL;
char *child_text = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
if (pre_text == NULL) {
pre_text = "";
child_text = crm_concat(pre_text, " ", ' ');
get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc);
status_print("type=\"%s\" ", container_agent_str(bundle_data->agent_type));
status_print("image=\"%s\" ", bundle_data->image);
status_print("unique=\"%s\" ", is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)? "true" : "false");
status_print("managed=\"%s\" ", is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) ? "true" : "false");
status_print("failed=\"%s\" ", is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) ? "true" : "false");
for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL;
gIter = gIter->next) {
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data;
status_print("%s \n", pre_text, replica->offset);
print_rsc_in_list(replica->ip, child_text, options, print_data);
print_rsc_in_list(replica->child, child_text, options, print_data);
print_rsc_in_list(replica->container, child_text, options, print_data);
print_rsc_in_list(replica->remote, child_text, options, print_data);
status_print("%s \n", pre_text);
status_print("%s\n", pre_text);
static void
print_bundle_replica(pe__bundle_replica_t *replica, const char *pre_text,
long options, void *print_data)
node_t *node = NULL;
pe_resource_t *rsc = replica->child;
int offset = 0;
char buffer[LINE_MAX];
if(rsc == NULL) {
rsc = replica->container;
if (replica->remote) {
offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, LINE_MAX - offset, "%s",
} else {
offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, LINE_MAX - offset, "%s",
if (replica->ipaddr) {
offset += snprintf(buffer + offset, LINE_MAX - offset, " (%s)",
node = pe__current_node(replica->container);
common_print(rsc, pre_text, buffer, node, options, print_data);
pe__print_bundle(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *pre_text, long options,
void *print_data)
pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL;
char *child_text = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
if (options & pe_print_xml) {
bundle_print_xml(rsc, pre_text, options, print_data);
get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc);
if (pre_text == NULL) {
pre_text = " ";
status_print("%sContainer bundle%s: %s [%s]%s%s\n",
pre_text, ((bundle_data->nreplicas > 1)? " set" : ""),
rsc->id, bundle_data->image,
is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique) ? " (unique)" : "",
is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed) ? "" : " (unmanaged)");
if (options & pe_print_html) {
for (GList *gIter = bundle_data->replicas; gIter != NULL;
gIter = gIter->next) {
pe__bundle_replica_t *replica = gIter->data;
if (options & pe_print_html) {
status_print("- ");
if (is_set(options, pe_print_implicit)) {
child_text = crm_strdup_printf(" %s", pre_text);
if(g_list_length(bundle_data->replicas) > 1) {
status_print(" %sReplica[%d]\n", pre_text, replica->offset);
if (options & pe_print_html) {
print_rsc_in_list(replica->ip, child_text, options, print_data);
print_rsc_in_list(replica->container, child_text, options, print_data);
print_rsc_in_list(replica->remote, child_text, options, print_data);
print_rsc_in_list(replica->child, child_text, options, print_data);
if (options & pe_print_html) {
} else {
child_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s ", pre_text);
print_bundle_replica(replica, child_text, options, print_data);
if (options & pe_print_html) {
status_print(" \n");
if (options & pe_print_html) {
static void
free_bundle_replica(pe__bundle_replica_t *replica)
if (replica == NULL) {
if (replica->node) {
replica->node = NULL;
if (replica->ip) {
replica->ip->xml = NULL;
replica->ip = NULL;
if (replica->container) {
replica->container->xml = NULL;
replica->container = NULL;
if (replica->remote) {
replica->remote->xml = NULL;
replica->remote = NULL;
pe__free_bundle(pe_resource_t *rsc)
pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return);
get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Freeing %s", rsc->id);
(GDestroyNotify) free_bundle_replica);
g_list_free_full(bundle_data->mounts, (GDestroyNotify)mount_free);
g_list_free_full(bundle_data->ports, (GDestroyNotify)port_free);
if(bundle_data->child) {
bundle_data->child->xml = NULL;
enum rsc_role_e
pe__bundle_resource_state(const pe_resource_t *rsc, gboolean current)
enum rsc_role_e container_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
return container_role;
* \brief Get the number of configured replicas in a bundle
* \param[in] rsc Bundle resource
* \return Number of configured replicas, or 0 on error
pe_bundle_replicas(const resource_t *rsc)
if ((rsc == NULL) || (rsc->variant != pe_container)) {
return 0;
} else {
pe__bundle_variant_data_t *bundle_data = NULL;
get_bundle_variant_data(bundle_data, rsc);
return bundle_data->nreplicas;
diff --git a/lib/pengine/unpack.c b/lib/pengine/unpack.c
index 0e8177b6f9..9d13a57b0e 100644
--- a/lib/pengine/unpack.c
+++ b/lib/pengine/unpack.c
@@ -1,3525 +1,3536 @@
* Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#define set_config_flag(data_set, option, flag) do { \
const char *tmp = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, option); \
if(tmp) { \
if(crm_is_true(tmp)) { \
set_bit(data_set->flags, flag); \
} else { \
clear_bit(data_set->flags, flag); \
} \
} \
} while(0)
gboolean unpack_rsc_op(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, xmlNode ** last_failure,
enum action_fail_response *failed, pe_working_set_t * data_set);
static gboolean determine_remote_online_status(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * this_node);
// Bitmask for warnings we only want to print once
uint32_t pe_wo = 0;
static gboolean
is_dangling_guest_node(node_t *node)
/* we are looking for a remote-node that was supposed to be mapped to a
* container resource, but all traces of that container have disappeared
* from both the config and the status section. */
if (pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(node) &&
node->details->remote_rsc &&
node->details->remote_rsc->container == NULL &&
is_set(node->details->remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan_container_filler)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* \brief Schedule a fence action for a node
* \param[in,out] data_set Current working set of cluster
* \param[in,out] node Node to fence
* \param[in] reason Text description of why fencing is needed
pe_fence_node(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * node, const char *reason)
CRM_CHECK(node, return);
/* A guest node is fenced by marking its container as failed */
if (pe__is_guest_node(node)) {
resource_t *rsc = node->details->remote_rsc->container;
if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) == FALSE) {
if (!is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
crm_notice("Not fencing guest node %s "
"(otherwise would because %s): "
"its guest resource %s is unmanaged",
node->details->uname, reason, rsc->id);
} else {
crm_warn("Guest node %s will be fenced "
"(by recovering its guest resource %s): %s",
node->details->uname, rsc->id, reason);
/* We don't mark the node as unclean because that would prevent the
* node from running resources. We want to allow it to run resources
* in this transition if the recovery succeeds.
node->details->remote_requires_reset = TRUE;
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed);
} else if (is_dangling_guest_node(node)) {
crm_info("Cleaning up dangling connection for guest node %s: "
"fencing was already done because %s, "
"and guest resource no longer exists",
node->details->uname, reason);
set_bit(node->details->remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed);
} else if (pe__is_remote_node(node)) {
resource_t *rsc = node->details->remote_rsc;
if (rsc && (!is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed))) {
crm_notice("Not fencing remote node %s "
"(otherwise would because %s): connection is unmanaged",
node->details->uname, reason);
} else if(node->details->remote_requires_reset == FALSE) {
node->details->remote_requires_reset = TRUE;
crm_warn("Remote node %s %s: %s",
pe_can_fence(data_set, node)? "will be fenced" : "is unclean",
node->details->unclean = TRUE;
pe_fence_op(node, NULL, TRUE, reason, data_set);
} else if (node->details->unclean) {
crm_trace("Cluster node %s %s because %s",
pe_can_fence(data_set, node)? "would also be fenced" : "also is unclean",
} else {
crm_warn("Cluster node %s %s: %s",
pe_can_fence(data_set, node)? "will be fenced" : "is unclean",
node->details->unclean = TRUE;
pe_fence_op(node, NULL, TRUE, reason, data_set);
// @TODO xpaths can't handle templates, rules, or id-refs
// nvpair with provides or requires set to unfencing
"and @" XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE "='unfencing']"
// unfencing in rsc_defaults or any resource
void set_if_xpath(unsigned long long flag, const char *xpath,
pe_working_set_t *data_set)
xmlXPathObjectPtr result = NULL;
if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, flag)) {
result = xpath_search(data_set->input, xpath);
if (result && (numXpathResults(result) > 0)) {
set_bit(data_set->flags, flag);
unpack_config(xmlNode * config, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
const char *value = NULL;
GHashTable *config_hash = crm_str_table_new();
data_set->config_hash = config_hash;
unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, config, XML_CIB_TAG_PROPSET, NULL, config_hash,
CIB_OPTIONS_FIRST, FALSE, data_set->now);
set_config_flag(data_set, "enable-startup-probes", pe_flag_startup_probes);
if(is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_probes)) {
crm_info("Startup probes: disabled (dangerous)");
value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, XML_ATTR_HAVE_WATCHDOG);
if (value && crm_is_true(value)) {
crm_notice("Watchdog will be used via SBD if fencing is required");
set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource);
/* Set certain flags via xpath here, so they can be used before the relevant
* configuration sections are unpacked.
set_if_xpath(pe_flag_enable_unfencing, XPATH_ENABLE_UNFENCING, data_set);
value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "stonith-timeout");
data_set->stonith_timeout = crm_get_msec(value);
crm_debug("STONITH timeout: %d", data_set->stonith_timeout);
set_config_flag(data_set, "stonith-enabled", pe_flag_stonith_enabled);
crm_debug("STONITH of failed nodes is %s",
is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled");
data_set->stonith_action = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "stonith-action");
if (!strcmp(data_set->stonith_action, "poweroff")) {
"Support for stonith-action of 'poweroff' is deprecated "
"and will be removed in a future release (use 'off' instead)");
data_set->stonith_action = "off";
crm_trace("STONITH will %s nodes", data_set->stonith_action);
set_config_flag(data_set, "concurrent-fencing", pe_flag_concurrent_fencing);
crm_debug("Concurrent fencing is %s",
is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_concurrent_fencing) ? "enabled" : "disabled");
set_config_flag(data_set, "stop-all-resources", pe_flag_stop_everything);
crm_debug("Stop all active resources: %s",
is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_everything) ? "true" : "false");
set_config_flag(data_set, "symmetric-cluster", pe_flag_symmetric_cluster);
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_symmetric_cluster)) {
crm_debug("Cluster is symmetric" " - resources can run anywhere by default");
value = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "no-quorum-policy");
if (safe_str_eq(value, "ignore")) {
data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_ignore;
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "freeze")) {
data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_freeze;
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "suicide")) {
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
int do_panic = 0;
crm_element_value_int(data_set->input, XML_ATTR_QUORUM_PANIC,
if (do_panic || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum)) {
data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_suicide;
} else {
crm_notice("Resetting no-quorum-policy to 'stop': cluster has never had quorum");
data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_stop;
} else {
crm_config_err("Resetting no-quorum-policy to 'stop': stonith is not configured");
data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_stop;
} else {
data_set->no_quorum_policy = no_quorum_stop;
switch (data_set->no_quorum_policy) {
case no_quorum_freeze:
crm_debug("On loss of quorum: Freeze resources");
case no_quorum_stop:
crm_debug("On loss of quorum: Stop ALL resources");
case no_quorum_suicide:
crm_notice("On loss of quorum: Fence all remaining nodes");
case no_quorum_ignore:
crm_notice("On loss of quorum: Ignore");
set_config_flag(data_set, "stop-orphan-resources", pe_flag_stop_rsc_orphans);
crm_trace("Orphan resources are %s",
is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_rsc_orphans) ? "stopped" : "ignored");
set_config_flag(data_set, "stop-orphan-actions", pe_flag_stop_action_orphans);
crm_trace("Orphan resource actions are %s",
is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_action_orphans) ? "stopped" : "ignored");
set_config_flag(data_set, "remove-after-stop", pe_flag_remove_after_stop);
crm_trace("Stopped resources are removed from the status section: %s",
is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_remove_after_stop) ? "true" : "false");
set_config_flag(data_set, "maintenance-mode", pe_flag_maintenance_mode);
crm_trace("Maintenance mode: %s",
is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_maintenance_mode) ? "true" : "false");
set_config_flag(data_set, "start-failure-is-fatal", pe_flag_start_failure_fatal);
crm_trace("Start failures are %s",
pe_flag_start_failure_fatal) ? "always fatal" : "handled by failcount");
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
set_config_flag(data_set, "startup-fencing", pe_flag_startup_fencing);
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_fencing)) {
crm_trace("Unseen nodes will be fenced");
} else {
pe_warn_once(pe_wo_blind, "Blind faith: not fencing unseen nodes");
node_score_red = char2score(pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-red"));
node_score_green = char2score(pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-green"));
node_score_yellow = char2score(pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-yellow"));
crm_debug("Node scores: 'red' = %s, 'yellow' = %s, 'green' = %s",
pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-red"),
pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-yellow"),
pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "node-health-green"));
data_set->placement_strategy = pe_pref(data_set->config_hash, "placement-strategy");
crm_trace("Placement strategy: %s", data_set->placement_strategy);
return TRUE;
static void
destroy_digest_cache(gpointer ptr)
op_digest_cache_t *data = ptr;
node_t *
pe_create_node(const char *id, const char *uname, const char *type,
const char *score, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
node_t *new_node = NULL;
if (pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, uname) != NULL) {
crm_config_warn("Detected multiple node entries with uname=%s"
" - this is rarely intended", uname);
new_node = calloc(1, sizeof(node_t));
if (new_node == NULL) {
return NULL;
new_node->weight = char2score(score);
new_node->fixed = FALSE;
new_node->details = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pe_node_shared_s));
if (new_node->details == NULL) {
return NULL;
crm_trace("Creating node for entry %s/%s", uname, id);
new_node->details->id = id;
new_node->details->uname = uname;
new_node->details->online = FALSE;
new_node->details->shutdown = FALSE;
new_node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled = TRUE;
new_node->details->running_rsc = NULL;
new_node->details->type = node_ping;
if (safe_str_eq(type, "remote")) {
new_node->details->type = node_remote;
set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_remote_nodes);
} else if ((type == NULL) || safe_str_eq(type, "member")) {
new_node->details->type = node_member;
new_node->details->attrs = crm_str_table_new();
if (pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(new_node)) {
g_hash_table_insert(new_node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_KIND),
} else {
g_hash_table_insert(new_node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_KIND),
new_node->details->utilization = crm_str_table_new();
new_node->details->digest_cache = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
g_str_equal, free,
data_set->nodes = g_list_insert_sorted(data_set->nodes, new_node, sort_node_uname);
return new_node;
remote_id_conflict(const char *remote_name, pe_working_set_t *data)
bool match = FALSE;
#if 1
pe_find_resource(data->resources, remote_name);
if (data->name_check == NULL) {
data->name_check = g_hash_table_new(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal);
for (xml_rsc = __xml_first_child(parent); xml_rsc != NULL; xml_rsc = __xml_next_element(xml_rsc)) {
const char *id = ID(xml_rsc);
/* avoiding heap allocation here because we know the duration of this hashtable allows us to */
g_hash_table_insert(data->name_check, (char *) id, (char *) id);
if (g_hash_table_lookup(data->name_check, remote_name)) {
match = TRUE;
if (match) {
crm_err("Invalid remote-node name, a resource called '%s' already exists.", remote_name);
return NULL;
return match;
static const char *
expand_remote_rsc_meta(xmlNode *xml_obj, xmlNode *parent, pe_working_set_t *data)
xmlNode *attr_set = NULL;
xmlNode *attr = NULL;
const char *container_id = ID(xml_obj);
const char *remote_name = NULL;
const char *remote_server = NULL;
const char *remote_port = NULL;
const char *connect_timeout = "60s";
const char *remote_allow_migrate=NULL;
const char *is_managed = NULL;
for (attr_set = __xml_first_child(xml_obj); attr_set != NULL; attr_set = __xml_next_element(attr_set)) {
if (safe_str_neq((const char *)attr_set->name, XML_TAG_META_SETS)) {
for (attr = __xml_first_child(attr_set); attr != NULL; attr = __xml_next_element(attr)) {
const char *value = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE);
const char *name = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME);
if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE)) {
remote_name = value;
} else if (safe_str_eq(name, "remote-addr")) {
remote_server = value;
} else if (safe_str_eq(name, "remote-port")) {
remote_port = value;
} else if (safe_str_eq(name, "remote-connect-timeout")) {
connect_timeout = value;
} else if (safe_str_eq(name, "remote-allow-migrate")) {
} else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_RSC_ATTR_MANAGED)) {
is_managed = value;
if (remote_name == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (remote_id_conflict(remote_name, data)) {
return NULL;
pe_create_remote_xml(parent, remote_name, container_id,
remote_allow_migrate, is_managed,
connect_timeout, remote_server, remote_port);
return remote_name;
static void
handle_startup_fencing(pe_working_set_t *data_set, node_t *new_node)
if ((new_node->details->type == node_remote) && (new_node->details->remote_rsc == NULL)) {
/* Ignore fencing for remote nodes that don't have a connection resource
* associated with them. This happens when remote node entries get left
* in the nodes section after the connection resource is removed.
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_startup_fencing)) {
// All nodes are unclean until we've seen their status entry
new_node->details->unclean = TRUE;
} else {
// Blind faith ...
new_node->details->unclean = FALSE;
/* We need to be able to determine if a node's status section
* exists or not separate from whether the node is unclean. */
new_node->details->unseen = TRUE;
unpack_nodes(xmlNode * xml_nodes, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
node_t *new_node = NULL;
const char *id = NULL;
const char *uname = NULL;
const char *type = NULL;
const char *score = NULL;
for (xml_obj = __xml_first_child(xml_nodes); xml_obj != NULL; xml_obj = __xml_next_element(xml_obj)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE, TRUE)) {
new_node = NULL;
id = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID);
uname = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_UNAME);
type = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_TYPE);
score = crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_RULE_ATTR_SCORE);
crm_trace("Processing node %s/%s", uname, id);
if (id == NULL) {
crm_config_err("Must specify id tag in ");
new_node = pe_create_node(id, uname, type, score, data_set);
if (new_node == NULL) {
return FALSE;
/* if(data_set->have_quorum == FALSE */
/* && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_stop) { */
/* /\* start shutting resources down *\/ */
/* new_node->weight = -INFINITY; */
/* } */
handle_startup_fencing(data_set, new_node);
add_node_attrs(xml_obj, new_node, FALSE, data_set);
unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_UTILIZATION, NULL,
new_node->details->utilization, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
crm_trace("Done with node %s", crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_UNAME));
if (data_set->localhost && pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, data_set->localhost) == NULL) {
crm_info("Creating a fake local node");
pe_create_node(data_set->localhost, data_set->localhost, NULL, 0,
return TRUE;
static void
setup_container(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
const char *container_id = NULL;
if (rsc->children) {
GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
setup_container(child_rsc, data_set);
container_id = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER);
if (container_id && safe_str_neq(container_id, rsc->id)) {
resource_t *container = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, container_id);
if (container) {
rsc->container = container;
set_bit(container->flags, pe_rsc_is_container);
container->fillers = g_list_append(container->fillers, rsc);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s's container is %s", rsc->id, container_id);
} else {
pe_err("Resource %s: Unknown resource container (%s)", rsc->id, container_id);
unpack_remote_nodes(xmlNode * xml_resources, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
/* Create remote nodes and guest nodes from the resource configuration
* before unpacking resources.
for (xml_obj = __xml_first_child(xml_resources); xml_obj != NULL; xml_obj = __xml_next_element(xml_obj)) {
const char *new_node_id = NULL;
/* Check for remote nodes, which are defined by ocf:pacemaker:remote
* primitives.
if (xml_contains_remote_node(xml_obj)) {
new_node_id = ID(xml_obj);
/* The "pe_find_node" check is here to make sure we don't iterate over
* an expanded node that has already been added to the node list. */
if (new_node_id && pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, new_node_id) == NULL) {
crm_trace("Found remote node %s defined by resource %s",
new_node_id, ID(xml_obj));
pe_create_node(new_node_id, new_node_id, "remote", NULL,
/* Check for guest nodes, which are defined by special meta-attributes
* of a primitive of any type (for example, VirtualDomain or Xen).
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE)) {
/* This will add an ocf:pacemaker:remote primitive to the
* configuration for the guest node's connection, to be unpacked
* later.
new_node_id = expand_remote_rsc_meta(xml_obj, xml_resources, data_set);
if (new_node_id && pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, new_node_id) == NULL) {
crm_trace("Found guest node %s in resource %s",
new_node_id, ID(xml_obj));
pe_create_node(new_node_id, new_node_id, "remote", NULL,
/* Check for guest nodes inside a group. Clones are currently not
* supported as guest nodes.
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_GROUP, TRUE)) {
xmlNode *xml_obj2 = NULL;
for (xml_obj2 = __xml_first_child(xml_obj); xml_obj2 != NULL; xml_obj2 = __xml_next_element(xml_obj2)) {
new_node_id = expand_remote_rsc_meta(xml_obj2, xml_resources, data_set);
if (new_node_id && pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, new_node_id) == NULL) {
crm_trace("Found guest node %s in resource %s inside group %s",
new_node_id, ID(xml_obj2), ID(xml_obj));
pe_create_node(new_node_id, new_node_id, "remote", NULL,
return TRUE;
/* Call this after all the nodes and resources have been
* unpacked, but before the status section is read.
* A remote node's online status is reflected by the state
* of the remote node's connection resource. We need to link
* the remote node to this connection resource so we can have
* easy access to the connection resource during the PE calculations.
static void
link_rsc2remotenode(pe_working_set_t *data_set, resource_t *new_rsc)
node_t *remote_node = NULL;
if (new_rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) {
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_quick_location)) {
/* remote_nodes and remote_resources are not linked in quick location calculations */
print_resource(LOG_TRACE, "Linking remote-node connection resource, ", new_rsc, FALSE);
remote_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, new_rsc->id);
CRM_CHECK(remote_node != NULL, return;);
remote_node->details->remote_rsc = new_rsc;
if (new_rsc->container == NULL) {
/* Handle start-up fencing for remote nodes (as opposed to guest nodes)
* the same as is done for cluster nodes.
handle_startup_fencing(data_set, remote_node);
} else {
/* pe_create_node() marks the new node as "remote" or "cluster"; now
* that we know the node is a guest node, update it correctly.
g_hash_table_replace(remote_node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_KIND),
static void
destroy_tag(gpointer data)
tag_t *tag = data;
if (tag) {
g_list_free_full(tag->refs, free);
* \internal
* \brief Parse configuration XML for resource information
* \param[in] xml_resources Top of resource configuration XML
* \param[in,out] data_set Where to put resource information
* \return TRUE
* \note unpack_remote_nodes() MUST be called before this, so that the nodes can
* be used when common_unpack() calls resource_location()
unpack_resources(xmlNode * xml_resources, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
data_set->template_rsc_sets = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash,
g_str_equal, free,
for (xml_obj = __xml_first_child(xml_resources); xml_obj != NULL; xml_obj = __xml_next_element(xml_obj)) {
resource_t *new_rsc = NULL;
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_RSC_TEMPLATE, TRUE)) {
const char *template_id = ID(xml_obj);
if (template_id && g_hash_table_lookup_extended(data_set->template_rsc_sets,
template_id, NULL, NULL) == FALSE) {
/* Record the template's ID for the knowledge of its existence anyway. */
g_hash_table_insert(data_set->template_rsc_sets, strdup(template_id), NULL);
crm_trace("Beginning unpack... <%s id=%s... >", crm_element_name(xml_obj), ID(xml_obj));
if (common_unpack(xml_obj, &new_rsc, NULL, data_set)) {
data_set->resources = g_list_append(data_set->resources, new_rsc);
print_resource(LOG_TRACE, "Added ", new_rsc, FALSE);
} else {
crm_config_err("Failed unpacking %s %s",
crm_element_name(xml_obj), crm_element_value(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID));
if (new_rsc != NULL && new_rsc->fns != NULL) {
for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
setup_container(rsc, data_set);
link_rsc2remotenode(data_set, rsc);
data_set->resources = g_list_sort(data_set->resources, sort_rsc_priority);
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_quick_location)) {
/* Ignore */
} else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)
&& is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource) == FALSE) {
crm_config_err("Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined");
crm_config_err("Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option");
crm_config_err("NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity");
return TRUE;
unpack_tags(xmlNode * xml_tags, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
xmlNode *xml_tag = NULL;
data_set->tags = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free,
for (xml_tag = __xml_first_child(xml_tags); xml_tag != NULL; xml_tag = __xml_next_element(xml_tag)) {
xmlNode *xml_obj_ref = NULL;
const char *tag_id = ID(xml_tag);
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_tag->name, XML_CIB_TAG_TAG, TRUE) == FALSE) {
if (tag_id == NULL) {
crm_config_err("Failed unpacking %s: %s should be specified",
crm_element_name(xml_tag), XML_ATTR_ID);
for (xml_obj_ref = __xml_first_child(xml_tag); xml_obj_ref != NULL; xml_obj_ref = __xml_next_element(xml_obj_ref)) {
const char *obj_ref = ID(xml_obj_ref);
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj_ref->name, XML_CIB_TAG_OBJ_REF, TRUE) == FALSE) {
if (obj_ref == NULL) {
crm_config_err("Failed unpacking %s for tag %s: %s should be specified",
crm_element_name(xml_obj_ref), tag_id, XML_ATTR_ID);
if (add_tag_ref(data_set->tags, tag_id, obj_ref) == FALSE) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* The ticket state section:
* "/cib/status/tickets/ticket_state" */
static gboolean
unpack_ticket_state(xmlNode * xml_ticket, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
const char *ticket_id = NULL;
const char *granted = NULL;
const char *last_granted = NULL;
const char *standby = NULL;
xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL;
ticket_t *ticket = NULL;
ticket_id = ID(xml_ticket);
if (ticket_id == NULL || strlen(ticket_id) == 0) {
return FALSE;
crm_trace("Processing ticket state for %s", ticket_id);
ticket = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->tickets, ticket_id);
if (ticket == NULL) {
ticket = ticket_new(ticket_id, data_set);
if (ticket == NULL) {
return FALSE;
for (xIter = xml_ticket->properties; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) {
const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name;
const char *prop_value = crm_element_value(xml_ticket, prop_name);
if (crm_str_eq(prop_name, XML_ATTR_ID, TRUE)) {
g_hash_table_replace(ticket->state, strdup(prop_name), strdup(prop_value));
granted = g_hash_table_lookup(ticket->state, "granted");
if (granted && crm_is_true(granted)) {
ticket->granted = TRUE;
crm_info("We have ticket '%s'", ticket->id);
} else {
ticket->granted = FALSE;
crm_info("We do not have ticket '%s'", ticket->id);
last_granted = g_hash_table_lookup(ticket->state, "last-granted");
if (last_granted) {
ticket->last_granted = crm_parse_int(last_granted, 0);
standby = g_hash_table_lookup(ticket->state, "standby");
if (standby && crm_is_true(standby)) {
ticket->standby = TRUE;
if (ticket->granted) {
crm_info("Granted ticket '%s' is in standby-mode", ticket->id);
} else {
ticket->standby = FALSE;
crm_trace("Done with ticket state for %s", ticket_id);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
unpack_tickets_state(xmlNode * xml_tickets, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
for (xml_obj = __xml_first_child(xml_tickets); xml_obj != NULL; xml_obj = __xml_next_element(xml_obj)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)xml_obj->name, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKET_STATE, TRUE) == FALSE) {
unpack_ticket_state(xml_obj, data_set);
return TRUE;
static void
unpack_handle_remote_attrs(node_t *this_node, xmlNode *state, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
const char *resource_discovery_enabled = NULL;
xmlNode *attrs = NULL;
resource_t *rsc = NULL;
- const char *shutdown = NULL;
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE) == FALSE) {
if ((this_node == NULL) || !pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(this_node)) {
crm_trace("Processing remote node id=%s, uname=%s", this_node->details->id, this_node->details->uname);
this_node->details->remote_maintenance =
crm_atoi(crm_element_value(state, XML_NODE_IS_MAINTENANCE), "0");
rsc = this_node->details->remote_rsc;
if (this_node->details->remote_requires_reset == FALSE) {
this_node->details->unclean = FALSE;
this_node->details->unseen = FALSE;
attrs = find_xml_node(state, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, FALSE);
add_node_attrs(attrs, this_node, TRUE, data_set);
- shutdown = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_SHUTDOWN);
- if (shutdown != NULL && safe_str_neq("0", shutdown)) {
+ if (pe__shutdown_requested(this_node)) {
crm_info("Node %s is shutting down", this_node->details->uname);
this_node->details->shutdown = TRUE;
if (rsc) {
rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
if (crm_is_true(pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "standby"))) {
crm_info("Node %s is in standby-mode", this_node->details->uname);
this_node->details->standby = TRUE;
if (crm_is_true(pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "maintenance")) ||
(rsc && !is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed))) {
crm_info("Node %s is in maintenance-mode", this_node->details->uname);
this_node->details->maintenance = TRUE;
resource_discovery_enabled = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, XML_NODE_ATTR_RSC_DISCOVERY);
if (resource_discovery_enabled && !crm_is_true(resource_discovery_enabled)) {
if (pe__is_remote_node(this_node)
&& is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
crm_warn("Ignoring %s attribute on remote node %s because stonith is disabled",
XML_NODE_ATTR_RSC_DISCOVERY, this_node->details->uname);
} else {
/* This is either a remote node with fencing enabled, or a guest
* node. We don't care whether fencing is enabled when fencing guest
* nodes, because they are "fenced" by recovering their containing
* resource.
crm_info("Node %s has resource discovery disabled", this_node->details->uname);
this_node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled = FALSE;
static bool
unpack_node_loop(xmlNode * status, bool fence, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
bool changed = false;
xmlNode *lrm_rsc = NULL;
for (xmlNode *state = __xml_first_child(status); state != NULL; state = __xml_next_element(state)) {
const char *id = NULL;
const char *uname = NULL;
node_t *this_node = NULL;
bool process = FALSE;
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE) == FALSE) {
id = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_ID);
uname = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_UNAME);
this_node = pe_find_node_any(data_set->nodes, id, uname);
if (this_node == NULL) {
crm_info("Node %s is unknown", id);
} else if (this_node->details->unpacked) {
crm_info("Node %s is already processed", id);
} else if (!pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(this_node)
&& is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
// A redundant test, but preserves the order for regression tests
process = TRUE;
} else if (pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(this_node)) {
bool check = FALSE;
resource_t *rsc = this_node->details->remote_rsc;
if(fence) {
check = TRUE;
} else if(rsc == NULL) {
/* Not ready yet */
} else if (pe__is_guest_node(this_node)
&& rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED
&& rsc->container->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
/* Both the connection and its containing resource need to be
* known to be up before we process resources running in it.
check = TRUE;
crm_trace("Checking node %s/%s/%s status %d/%d/%d", id, rsc->id, rsc->container->id, fence, rsc->role, RSC_ROLE_STARTED);
} else if (!pe__is_guest_node(this_node)
&& rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
check = TRUE;
crm_trace("Checking node %s/%s status %d/%d/%d", id, rsc->id, fence, rsc->role, RSC_ROLE_STARTED);
if (check) {
determine_remote_online_status(data_set, this_node);
unpack_handle_remote_attrs(this_node, state, data_set);
process = TRUE;
} else if (this_node->details->online) {
process = TRUE;
} else if (fence) {
process = TRUE;
if(process) {
crm_trace("Processing lrm resource entries on %shealthy%s node: %s",
(pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(this_node)? " remote" : ""),
changed = TRUE;
this_node->details->unpacked = TRUE;
lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE);
lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(lrm_rsc, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE);
unpack_lrm_resources(this_node, lrm_rsc, data_set);
return changed;
/* remove nodes that are down, stopping */
/* create positive rsc_to_node constraints between resources and the nodes they are running on */
/* anything else? */
unpack_status(xmlNode * status, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
const char *id = NULL;
const char *uname = NULL;
xmlNode *state = NULL;
node_t *this_node = NULL;
crm_trace("Beginning unpack");
if (data_set->tickets == NULL) {
data_set->tickets = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
free, destroy_ticket);
for (state = __xml_first_child(status); state != NULL; state = __xml_next_element(state)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS, TRUE)) {
unpack_tickets_state((xmlNode *) state, data_set);
} else if (crm_str_eq((const char *)state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE)) {
xmlNode *attrs = NULL;
const char *resource_discovery_enabled = NULL;
id = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_ID);
uname = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_UNAME);
this_node = pe_find_node_any(data_set->nodes, id, uname);
if (uname == NULL) {
/* error */
} else if (this_node == NULL) {
crm_config_warn("Node %s in status section no longer exists", uname);
} else if (pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(this_node)) {
/* online state for remote nodes is determined by the
* rsc state after all the unpacking is done. we do however
* need to mark whether or not the node has been fenced as this plays
* a role during unpacking cluster node resource state */
this_node->details->remote_was_fenced =
crm_atoi(crm_element_value(state, XML_NODE_IS_FENCED), "0");
crm_trace("Processing node id=%s, uname=%s", id, uname);
/* Mark the node as provisionally clean
* - at least we have seen it in the current cluster's lifetime
this_node->details->unclean = FALSE;
this_node->details->unseen = FALSE;
attrs = find_xml_node(state, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, FALSE);
add_node_attrs(attrs, this_node, TRUE, data_set);
if (crm_is_true(pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "standby"))) {
crm_info("Node %s is in standby-mode", this_node->details->uname);
this_node->details->standby = TRUE;
if (crm_is_true(pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "maintenance"))) {
crm_info("Node %s is in maintenance-mode", this_node->details->uname);
this_node->details->maintenance = TRUE;
resource_discovery_enabled = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, XML_NODE_ATTR_RSC_DISCOVERY);
if (resource_discovery_enabled && !crm_is_true(resource_discovery_enabled)) {
crm_warn("ignoring %s attribute on node %s, disabling resource discovery is not allowed on cluster nodes",
XML_NODE_ATTR_RSC_DISCOVERY, this_node->details->uname);
crm_trace("determining node state");
determine_online_status(state, this_node, data_set);
if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum)
&& this_node->details->online
&& (data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_suicide)) {
/* Everything else should flow from this automatically
* At least until the PE becomes able to migrate off healthy resources
pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "cluster does not have quorum");
while(unpack_node_loop(status, FALSE, data_set)) {
crm_trace("Start another loop");
// Now catch any nodes we didn't see
unpack_node_loop(status, is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled), data_set);
/* Now that we know where resources are, we can schedule stops of containers
* with failed bundle connections
if (data_set->stop_needed != NULL) {
for (GList *item = data_set->stop_needed; item; item = item->next) {
pe_resource_t *container = item->data;
pe_node_t *node = pe__current_node(container);
if (node) {
stop_action(container, node, FALSE);
data_set->stop_needed = NULL;
for (GListPtr gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *this_node = gIter->data;
if (this_node == NULL) {
} else if (!pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(this_node)) {
} else if(this_node->details->unpacked) {
determine_remote_online_status(data_set, this_node);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
determine_online_status_no_fencing(pe_working_set_t * data_set, xmlNode * node_state,
node_t * this_node)
gboolean online = FALSE;
const char *join = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE);
const char *is_peer = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_IS_PEER);
const char *in_cluster = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_IN_CLUSTER);
const char *exp_state = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED);
if (!crm_is_true(in_cluster)) {
crm_trace("Node is down: in_cluster=%s", crm_str(in_cluster));
} else if (safe_str_eq(is_peer, ONLINESTATUS)) {
if (safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER)) {
online = TRUE;
} else {
crm_debug("Node is not ready to run resources: %s", join);
} else if (this_node->details->expected_up == FALSE) {
crm_trace("Controller is down: in_cluster=%s", crm_str(in_cluster));
crm_trace("\tis_peer=%s, join=%s, expected=%s",
crm_str(is_peer), crm_str(join), crm_str(exp_state));
} else {
/* mark it unclean */
pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer is unexpectedly down");
crm_info("\tin_cluster=%s, is_peer=%s, join=%s, expected=%s",
crm_str(in_cluster), crm_str(is_peer), crm_str(join), crm_str(exp_state));
return online;
static gboolean
determine_online_status_fencing(pe_working_set_t * data_set, xmlNode * node_state,
node_t * this_node)
gboolean online = FALSE;
gboolean do_terminate = FALSE;
bool crmd_online = FALSE;
const char *join = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE);
const char *is_peer = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_IS_PEER);
const char *in_cluster = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_IN_CLUSTER);
const char *exp_state = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED);
const char *terminate = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, "terminate");
- XML_NODE_IN_CLUSTER ::= true|false
- XML_NODE_IS_PEER ::= online|offline
- XML_NODE_JOIN_STATE ::= member|down|pending|banned
- XML_NODE_EXPECTED ::= member|down
if (crm_is_true(terminate)) {
do_terminate = TRUE;
} else if (terminate != NULL && strlen(terminate) > 0) {
/* could be a time() value */
char t = terminate[0];
if (t != '0' && isdigit(t)) {
do_terminate = TRUE;
crm_trace("%s: in_cluster=%s, is_peer=%s, join=%s, expected=%s, term=%d",
this_node->details->uname, crm_str(in_cluster), crm_str(is_peer),
crm_str(join), crm_str(exp_state), do_terminate);
online = crm_is_true(in_cluster);
crmd_online = safe_str_eq(is_peer, ONLINESTATUS);
if (exp_state == NULL) {
if (this_node->details->shutdown) {
crm_debug("%s is shutting down", this_node->details->uname);
/* Slightly different criteria since we can't shut down a dead peer */
online = crmd_online;
} else if (in_cluster == NULL) {
pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer has not been seen by the cluster");
} else if (safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_NACK)) {
pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer failed the pacemaker membership criteria");
} else if (do_terminate == FALSE && safe_str_eq(exp_state, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN)) {
if (crm_is_true(in_cluster) || crmd_online) {
crm_info("- Node %s is not ready to run resources", this_node->details->uname);
this_node->details->standby = TRUE;
this_node->details->pending = TRUE;
} else {
crm_trace("%s is down or still coming up", this_node->details->uname);
} else if (do_terminate && safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN)
&& crm_is_true(in_cluster) == FALSE && !crmd_online) {
crm_info("Node %s was just shot", this_node->details->uname);
online = FALSE;
} else if (crm_is_true(in_cluster) == FALSE) {
pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer is no longer part of the cluster");
} else if (!crmd_online) {
pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer process is no longer available");
/* Everything is running at this point, now check join state */
} else if (do_terminate) {
pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "termination was requested");
} else if (safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER)) {
crm_info("Node %s is active", this_node->details->uname);
} else if (safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_PENDING)
|| safe_str_eq(join, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN)) {
crm_info("Node %s is not ready to run resources", this_node->details->uname);
this_node->details->standby = TRUE;
this_node->details->pending = TRUE;
} else {
pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer was in an unknown state");
crm_warn("%s: in-cluster=%s, is-peer=%s, join=%s, expected=%s, term=%d, shutdown=%d",
this_node->details->uname, crm_str(in_cluster), crm_str(is_peer),
crm_str(join), crm_str(exp_state), do_terminate, this_node->details->shutdown);
return online;
static gboolean
determine_remote_online_status(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * this_node)
resource_t *rsc = this_node->details->remote_rsc;
resource_t *container = NULL;
pe_node_t *host = NULL;
/* If there is a node state entry for a (former) Pacemaker Remote node
* but no resource creating that node, the node's connection resource will
* be NULL. Consider it an offline remote node in that case.
if (rsc == NULL) {
this_node->details->online = FALSE;
goto remote_online_done;
container = rsc->container;
if (container && (g_list_length(rsc->running_on) == 1)) {
host = rsc->running_on->data;
/* If the resource is currently started, mark it online. */
if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
crm_trace("%s node %s presumed ONLINE because connection resource is started",
(container? "Guest" : "Remote"), this_node->details->id);
this_node->details->online = TRUE;
/* consider this node shutting down if transitioning start->stop */
if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STARTED && rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
crm_trace("%s node %s shutting down because connection resource is stopping",
(container? "Guest" : "Remote"), this_node->details->id);
this_node->details->shutdown = TRUE;
/* Now check all the failure conditions. */
if(container && is_set(container->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
crm_trace("Guest node %s UNCLEAN because guest resource failed",
this_node->details->online = FALSE;
this_node->details->remote_requires_reset = TRUE;
} else if(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
crm_trace("%s node %s OFFLINE because connection resource failed",
(container? "Guest" : "Remote"), this_node->details->id);
this_node->details->online = FALSE;
} else if (rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED
|| (container && container->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED)) {
crm_trace("%s node %s OFFLINE because its resource is stopped",
(container? "Guest" : "Remote"), this_node->details->id);
this_node->details->online = FALSE;
this_node->details->remote_requires_reset = FALSE;
} else if (host && (host->details->online == FALSE)
&& host->details->unclean) {
crm_trace("Guest node %s UNCLEAN because host is unclean",
this_node->details->online = FALSE;
this_node->details->remote_requires_reset = TRUE;
crm_trace("Remote node %s online=%s",
this_node->details->id, this_node->details->online ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
return this_node->details->online;
determine_online_status(xmlNode * node_state, node_t * this_node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
gboolean online = FALSE;
- const char *shutdown = NULL;
const char *exp_state = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_NODE_EXPECTED);
if (this_node == NULL) {
crm_config_err("No node to check");
return online;
this_node->details->shutdown = FALSE;
this_node->details->expected_up = FALSE;
- shutdown = pe_node_attribute_raw(this_node, XML_CIB_ATTR_SHUTDOWN);
- if (shutdown != NULL && safe_str_neq("0", shutdown)) {
+ if (pe__shutdown_requested(this_node)) {
this_node->details->shutdown = TRUE;
} else if (safe_str_eq(exp_state, CRMD_JOINSTATE_MEMBER)) {
this_node->details->expected_up = TRUE;
if (this_node->details->type == node_ping) {
this_node->details->unclean = FALSE;
online = FALSE; /* As far as resource management is concerned,
* the node is safely offline.
* Anyone caught abusing this logic will be shot
} else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) == FALSE) {
online = determine_online_status_no_fencing(data_set, node_state, this_node);
} else {
online = determine_online_status_fencing(data_set, node_state, this_node);
if (online) {
this_node->details->online = TRUE;
} else {
/* remove node from contention */
this_node->fixed = TRUE;
this_node->weight = -INFINITY;
if (online && this_node->details->shutdown) {
/* don't run resources here */
this_node->fixed = TRUE;
this_node->weight = -INFINITY;
if (this_node->details->type == node_ping) {
crm_info("Node %s is not a pacemaker node", this_node->details->uname);
} else if (this_node->details->unclean) {
pe_proc_warn("Node %s is unclean", this_node->details->uname);
} else if (this_node->details->online) {
crm_info("Node %s is %s", this_node->details->uname,
this_node->details->shutdown ? "shutting down" :
this_node->details->pending ? "pending" :
this_node->details->standby ? "standby" :
this_node->details->maintenance ? "maintenance" : "online");
} else {
crm_trace("Node %s is offline", this_node->details->uname);
return online;
* \internal
* \brief Find the end of a resource's name, excluding any clone suffix
* \param[in] id Resource ID to check
* \return Pointer to last character of resource's base name
const char *
pe_base_name_end(const char *id)
if (!crm_strlen_zero(id)) {
const char *end = id + strlen(id) - 1;
for (const char *s = end; s > id; --s) {
switch (*s) {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case ':':
return (s == end)? s : (s - 1);
return end;
return end;
return NULL;
* \internal
* \brief Get a resource name excluding any clone suffix
* \param[in] last_rsc_id Resource ID to check
* \return Pointer to newly allocated string with resource's base name
* \note It is the caller's responsibility to free() the result.
* This asserts on error, so callers can assume result is not NULL.
char *
clone_strip(const char *last_rsc_id)
const char *end = pe_base_name_end(last_rsc_id);
char *basename = NULL;
basename = strndup(last_rsc_id, end - last_rsc_id + 1);
return basename;
* \internal
* \brief Get the name of the first instance of a cloned resource
* \param[in] last_rsc_id Resource ID to check
* \return Pointer to newly allocated string with resource's base name plus :0
* \note It is the caller's responsibility to free() the result.
* This asserts on error, so callers can assume result is not NULL.
char *
clone_zero(const char *last_rsc_id)
const char *end = pe_base_name_end(last_rsc_id);
size_t base_name_len = end - last_rsc_id + 1;
char *zero = NULL;
zero = calloc(base_name_len + 3, sizeof(char));
memcpy(zero, last_rsc_id, base_name_len);
zero[base_name_len] = ':';
zero[base_name_len + 1] = '0';
return zero;
static resource_t *
create_fake_resource(const char *rsc_id, xmlNode * rsc_entry, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
resource_t *rsc = NULL;
xmlNode *xml_rsc = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE);
copy_in_properties(xml_rsc, rsc_entry);
crm_xml_add(xml_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID, rsc_id);
crm_log_xml_debug(xml_rsc, "Orphan resource");
if (!common_unpack(xml_rsc, &rsc, NULL, data_set)) {
return NULL;
if (xml_contains_remote_node(xml_rsc)) {
node_t *node;
crm_debug("Detected orphaned remote node %s", rsc_id);
node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc_id);
if (node == NULL) {
node = pe_create_node(rsc_id, rsc_id, "remote", NULL, data_set);
link_rsc2remotenode(data_set, rsc);
if (node) {
crm_trace("Setting node %s as shutting down due to orphaned connection resource", rsc_id);
node->details->shutdown = TRUE;
if (crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER)) {
/* This orphaned rsc needs to be mapped to a container. */
crm_trace("Detected orphaned container filler %s", rsc_id);
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan_container_filler);
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan);
data_set->resources = g_list_append(data_set->resources, rsc);
return rsc;
* \internal
* \brief Create orphan instance for anonymous clone resource history
static pe_resource_t *
create_anonymous_orphan(pe_resource_t *parent, const char *rsc_id,
pe_node_t *node, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
pe_resource_t *top = pe__create_clone_child(parent, data_set);
// find_rsc() because we might be a cloned group
pe_resource_t *orphan = top->fns->find_rsc(top, rsc_id, NULL, pe_find_clone);
pe_rsc_debug(parent, "Created orphan %s for %s: %s on %s",
top->id, parent->id, rsc_id, node->details->uname);
return orphan;
* \internal
* \brief Check a node for an instance of an anonymous clone
* Return a child instance of the specified anonymous clone, in order of
* preference: (1) the instance running on the specified node, if any;
* (2) an inactive instance (i.e. within the total of clone-max instances);
* (3) a newly created orphan (i.e. clone-max instances are already active).
* \param[in] data_set Cluster information
* \param[in] node Node on which to check for instance
* \param[in] parent Clone to check
* \param[in] rsc_id Name of cloned resource in history (without instance)
static resource_t *
find_anonymous_clone(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * node, resource_t * parent,
const char *rsc_id)
GListPtr rIter = NULL;
pe_resource_t *rsc = NULL;
pe_resource_t *inactive_instance = NULL;
gboolean skip_inactive = FALSE;
CRM_ASSERT(parent != NULL);
CRM_ASSERT(is_not_set(parent->flags, pe_rsc_unique));
// Check for active (or partially active, for cloned groups) instance
pe_rsc_trace(parent, "Looking for %s on %s in %s", rsc_id, node->details->uname, parent->id);
for (rIter = parent->children; rsc == NULL && rIter; rIter = rIter->next) {
GListPtr locations = NULL;
resource_t *child = rIter->data;
/* Check whether this instance is already known to be active or pending
* anywhere, at this stage of unpacking. Because this function is called
* for a resource before the resource's individual operation history
* entries are unpacked, locations will generally not contain the
* desired node.
* However, there are three exceptions:
* (1) when child is a cloned group and we have already unpacked the
* history of another member of the group on the same node;
* (2) when we've already unpacked the history of another numbered
* instance on the same node (which can happen if globally-unique
* was flipped from true to false); and
* (3) when we re-run calculations on the same data set as part of a
* simulation.
child->fns->location(child, &locations, 2);
if (locations) {
/* We should never associate the same numbered anonymous clone
* instance with multiple nodes, and clone instances can't migrate,
* so there must be only one location, regardless of history.
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(locations->next == NULL);
if (((pe_node_t *)locations->data)->details == node->details) {
/* This child instance is active on the requested node, so check
* for a corresponding configured resource. We use find_rsc()
* instead of child because child may be a cloned group, and we
* need the particular member corresponding to rsc_id.
* If the history entry is orphaned, rsc will be NULL.
rsc = parent->fns->find_rsc(child, rsc_id, NULL, pe_find_clone);
if (rsc) {
/* If there are multiple instance history entries for an
* anonymous clone in a single node's history (which can
* happen if globally-unique is switched from true to
* false), we want to consider the instances beyond the
* first as orphans, even if there are inactive instance
* numbers available.
if (rsc->running_on) {
crm_notice("Active (now-)anonymous clone %s has "
"multiple (orphan) instance histories on %s",
parent->id, node->details->uname);
skip_inactive = TRUE;
rsc = NULL;
} else {
pe_rsc_trace(parent, "Resource %s, active", rsc->id);
} else {
pe_rsc_trace(parent, "Resource %s, skip inactive", child->id);
if (!skip_inactive && !inactive_instance
&& is_not_set(child->flags, pe_rsc_block)) {
// Remember one inactive instance in case we don't find active
inactive_instance = parent->fns->find_rsc(child, rsc_id, NULL,
/* ... but don't use it if it was already associated with a
* pending action on another node
if (inactive_instance && inactive_instance->pending_node
&& (inactive_instance->pending_node->details != node->details)) {
inactive_instance = NULL;
if ((rsc == NULL) && !skip_inactive && (inactive_instance != NULL)) {
pe_rsc_trace(parent, "Resource %s, empty slot", inactive_instance->id);
rsc = inactive_instance;
/* If the resource has "requires" set to "quorum" or "nothing", and we don't
* have a clone instance for every node, we don't want to consume a valid
* instance number for unclean nodes. Such instances may appear to be active
* according to the history, but should be considered inactive, so we can
* start an instance elsewhere. Treat such instances as orphans.
* An exception is instances running on guest nodes -- since guest node
* "fencing" is actually just a resource stop, requires shouldn't apply.
* @TODO Ideally, we'd use an inactive instance number if it is not needed
* for any clean instances. However, we don't know that at this point.
if ((rsc != NULL) && is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_fencing)
&& (!node->details->online || node->details->unclean)
&& !pe__is_guest_node(node)
&& !pe__is_universal_clone(parent, data_set)) {
rsc = NULL;
if (rsc == NULL) {
rsc = create_anonymous_orphan(parent, rsc_id, node, data_set);
pe_rsc_trace(parent, "Resource %s, orphan", rsc->id);
return rsc;
static resource_t *
unpack_find_resource(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t * node, const char *rsc_id,
xmlNode * rsc_entry)
resource_t *rsc = NULL;
resource_t *parent = NULL;
crm_trace("looking for %s", rsc_id);
rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc_id);
if (rsc == NULL) {
/* If we didn't find the resource by its name in the operation history,
* check it again as a clone instance. Even when clone-max=0, we create
* a single :0 orphan to match against here.
char *clone0_id = clone_zero(rsc_id);
resource_t *clone0 = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, clone0_id);
if (clone0 && is_not_set(clone0->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
rsc = clone0;
parent = uber_parent(clone0);
crm_trace("%s found as %s (%s)", rsc_id, clone0_id, parent->id);
} else {
crm_trace("%s is not known as %s either (orphan)",
rsc_id, clone0_id);
} else if (rsc->variant > pe_native) {
crm_trace("Resource history for %s is orphaned because it is no longer primitive",
return NULL;
} else {
parent = uber_parent(rsc);
if (pe_rsc_is_anon_clone(parent)) {
if (pe_rsc_is_bundled(parent)) {
rsc = pe__find_bundle_replica(parent->parent, node);
} else {
char *base = clone_strip(rsc_id);
rsc = find_anonymous_clone(data_set, node, parent, base);
if (rsc && safe_str_neq(rsc_id, rsc->id)
&& safe_str_neq(rsc_id, rsc->clone_name)) {
rsc->clone_name = strdup(rsc_id);
pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Internally renamed %s on %s to %s%s",
rsc_id, node->details->uname, rsc->id,
(is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)? " (ORPHAN)" : ""));
return rsc;
static resource_t *
process_orphan_resource(xmlNode * rsc_entry, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
resource_t *rsc = NULL;
const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_ATTR_ID);
crm_debug("Detected orphan resource %s on %s", rsc_id, node->details->uname);
rsc = create_fake_resource(rsc_id, rsc_entry, data_set);
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stop_rsc_orphans) == FALSE) {
clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
} else {
print_resource(LOG_TRACE, "Added orphan", rsc, FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return NULL);
resource_location(rsc, NULL, -INFINITY, "__orphan_dont_run__", data_set);
return rsc;
static void
process_rsc_state(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node,
enum action_fail_response on_fail,
xmlNode * migrate_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
node_t *tmpnode = NULL;
char *reason = NULL;
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s is %s on %s: on_fail=%s",
rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role), node->details->uname, fail2text(on_fail));
/* process current state */
if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
resource_t *iter = rsc;
while (iter) {
if (g_hash_table_lookup(iter->known_on, node->details->id) == NULL) {
node_t *n = node_copy(node);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s (aka. %s) known on %s", rsc->id, rsc->clone_name,
g_hash_table_insert(iter->known_on, (gpointer) n->details->id, n);
if (is_set(iter->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
iter = iter->parent;
/* If a managed resource is believed to be running, but node is down ... */
if (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_STOPPED
&& node->details->online == FALSE
&& node->details->maintenance == FALSE
&& is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
gboolean should_fence = FALSE;
/* If this is a guest node, fence it (regardless of whether fencing is
* enabled, because guest node fencing is done by recovery of the
* container resource rather than by the fencer). Mark the resource
* we're processing as failed. When the guest comes back up, its
* operation history in the CIB will be cleared, freeing the affected
* resource to run again once we are sure we know its state.
if (pe__is_guest_node(node)) {
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed);
should_fence = TRUE;
} else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
if (pe__is_remote_node(node) && node->details->remote_rsc
&& is_not_set(node->details->remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed)) {
/* Setting unseen means that fencing of the remote node will
* occur only if the connection resource is not going to start
* somewhere. This allows connection resources on a failed
* cluster node to move to another node without requiring the
* remote nodes to be fenced as well.
node->details->unseen = TRUE;
reason = crm_strdup_printf("%s is active there (fencing will be"
" revoked if remote connection can "
"be re-established elsewhere)",
should_fence = TRUE;
if (should_fence) {
if (reason == NULL) {
reason = crm_strdup_printf("%s is thought to be active there", rsc->id);
pe_fence_node(data_set, node, reason);
if (node->details->unclean) {
/* No extra processing needed
* Also allows resources to be started again after a node is shot
on_fail = action_fail_ignore;
switch (on_fail) {
case action_fail_ignore:
/* nothing to do */
case action_fail_fence:
/* treat it as if it is still running
* but also mark the node as unclean
reason = crm_strdup_printf("%s failed there", rsc->id);
pe_fence_node(data_set, node, reason);
case action_fail_standby:
node->details->standby = TRUE;
node->details->standby_onfail = TRUE;
case action_fail_block:
/* is_managed == FALSE will prevent any
* actions being sent for the resource
clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block);
case action_fail_migrate:
/* make sure it comes up somewhere else
* or not at all
resource_location(rsc, node, -INFINITY, "__action_migration_auto__", data_set);
case action_fail_stop:
rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
case action_fail_recover:
if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed);
stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE);
case action_fail_restart_container:
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed);
if (rsc->container && pe_rsc_is_bundled(rsc)) {
/* A bundle's remote connection can run on a different node than
* the bundle's container. We don't necessarily know where the
* container is running yet, so remember it and add a stop
* action for it later.
data_set->stop_needed = g_list_prepend(data_set->stop_needed,
} else if (rsc->container) {
stop_action(rsc->container, node, FALSE);
} else if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE);
case action_fail_reset_remote:
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed);
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
tmpnode = NULL;
if (rsc->is_remote_node) {
tmpnode = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id);
if (tmpnode &&
pe__is_remote_node(tmpnode) &&
tmpnode->details->remote_was_fenced == 0) {
/* The remote connection resource failed in a way that
* should result in fencing the remote node.
pe_fence_node(data_set, tmpnode,
"remote connection is unrecoverable");
/* require the stop action regardless if fencing is occurring or not. */
if (rsc->role > RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE);
/* if reconnect delay is in use, prevent the connection from exiting the
* "STOPPED" role until the failure is cleared by the delay timeout. */
if (rsc->remote_reconnect_ms) {
rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
/* ensure a remote-node connection failure forces an unclean remote-node
* to be fenced. By setting unseen = FALSE, the remote-node failure will
* result in a fencing operation regardless if we're going to attempt to
* reconnect to the remote-node in this transition or not. */
if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed) && rsc->is_remote_node) {
tmpnode = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id);
if (tmpnode && tmpnode->details->unclean) {
tmpnode->details->unseen = FALSE;
if (rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_STOPPED && rsc->role != RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
crm_config_warn("Detected active orphan %s running on %s",
rsc->id, node->details->uname);
} else {
crm_config_warn("Cluster configured not to stop active orphans."
" %s must be stopped manually on %s",
rsc->id, node->details->uname);
native_add_running(rsc, node, data_set);
if (on_fail != action_fail_ignore) {
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed);
} else if (rsc->clone_name && strchr(rsc->clone_name, ':') != NULL) {
/* Only do this for older status sections that included instance numbers
* Otherwise stopped instances will appear as orphans
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resetting clone_name %s for %s (stopped)", rsc->clone_name, rsc->id);
rsc->clone_name = NULL;
} else {
GList *possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, node, RSC_STOP,
GListPtr gIter = possible_matches;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *stop = (action_t *) gIter->data;
stop->flags |= pe_action_optional;
/* create active recurring operations as optional */
static void
process_recurring(node_t * node, resource_t * rsc,
int start_index, int stop_index,
GListPtr sorted_op_list, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
int counter = -1;
const char *task = NULL;
const char *status = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = sorted_op_list;
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s: Start index %d, stop index = %d", rsc->id, start_index, stop_index);
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data;
guint interval_ms = 0;
char *key = NULL;
const char *id = ID(rsc_op);
const char *interval_ms_s = NULL;
if (node->details->online == FALSE) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: node is offline", rsc->id, node->details->uname);
/* Need to check if there's a monitor for role="Stopped" */
} else if (start_index < stop_index && counter <= stop_index) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: resource is not active", id, node->details->uname);
} else if (counter < start_index) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: old %d", id, node->details->uname, counter);
interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS);
interval_ms = crm_parse_ms(interval_ms_s);
if (interval_ms == 0) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: non-recurring", id, node->details->uname);
status = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS);
if (safe_str_eq(status, "-1")) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Skipping %s/%s: status", id, node->details->uname);
task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
/* create the action */
key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval_ms);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating %s/%s", key, node->details->uname);
custom_action(rsc, key, task, node, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
calculate_active_ops(GListPtr sorted_op_list, int *start_index, int *stop_index)
int counter = -1;
int implied_monitor_start = -1;
int implied_clone_start = -1;
const char *task = NULL;
const char *status = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = sorted_op_list;
*stop_index = -1;
*start_index = -1;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data;
task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
status = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS);
if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)
&& safe_str_eq(status, "0")) {
*stop_index = counter;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
*start_index = counter;
} else if ((implied_monitor_start <= *stop_index) && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) {
const char *rc = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC);
if (safe_str_eq(rc, "0") || safe_str_eq(rc, "8")) {
implied_monitor_start = counter;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) {
implied_clone_start = counter;
if (*start_index == -1) {
if (implied_clone_start != -1) {
*start_index = implied_clone_start;
} else if (implied_monitor_start != -1) {
*start_index = implied_monitor_start;
static resource_t *
unpack_lrm_rsc_state(node_t * node, xmlNode * rsc_entry, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
int stop_index = -1;
int start_index = -1;
enum rsc_role_e req_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
const char *task = NULL;
const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_ATTR_ID);
resource_t *rsc = NULL;
GListPtr op_list = NULL;
GListPtr sorted_op_list = NULL;
xmlNode *migrate_op = NULL;
xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL;
xmlNode *last_failure = NULL;
enum action_fail_response on_fail = FALSE;
enum rsc_role_e saved_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
crm_trace("[%s] Processing %s on %s",
crm_element_name(rsc_entry), rsc_id, node->details->uname);
/* extract operations */
op_list = NULL;
sorted_op_list = NULL;
for (rsc_op = __xml_first_child(rsc_entry); rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = __xml_next_element(rsc_op)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_op->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, TRUE)) {
op_list = g_list_prepend(op_list, rsc_op);
if (op_list == NULL) {
/* if there are no operations, there is nothing to do */
return NULL;
/* find the resource */
rsc = unpack_find_resource(data_set, node, rsc_id, rsc_entry);
if (rsc == NULL) {
rsc = process_orphan_resource(rsc_entry, node, data_set);
/* process operations */
saved_role = rsc->role;
on_fail = action_fail_ignore;
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
sorted_op_list = g_list_sort(op_list, sort_op_by_callid);
for (gIter = sorted_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data;
task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
migrate_op = rsc_op;
unpack_rsc_op(rsc, node, rsc_op, &last_failure, &on_fail, data_set);
/* create active recurring operations as optional */
calculate_active_ops(sorted_op_list, &start_index, &stop_index);
process_recurring(node, rsc, start_index, stop_index, sorted_op_list, data_set);
/* no need to free the contents */
process_rsc_state(rsc, node, on_fail, migrate_op, data_set);
if (get_target_role(rsc, &req_role)) {
if (rsc->next_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN || req_role < rsc->next_role) {
pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s: Overwriting calculated next role %s"
" with requested next role %s",
rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), role2text(req_role));
rsc->next_role = req_role;
} else if (req_role > rsc->next_role) {
pe_rsc_info(rsc, "%s: Not overwriting calculated next role %s"
" with requested next role %s",
rsc->id, role2text(rsc->next_role), role2text(req_role));
if (saved_role > rsc->role) {
rsc->role = saved_role;
return rsc;
static void
handle_orphaned_container_fillers(xmlNode * lrm_rsc_list, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL;
for (rsc_entry = __xml_first_child(lrm_rsc_list); rsc_entry != NULL;
rsc_entry = __xml_next_element(rsc_entry)) {
resource_t *rsc;
resource_t *container;
const char *rsc_id;
const char *container_id;
if (safe_str_neq((const char *)rsc_entry->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE)) {
container_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_RSC_ATTR_CONTAINER);
rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_ATTR_ID);
if (container_id == NULL || rsc_id == NULL) {
container = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, container_id);
if (container == NULL) {
rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc_id);
if (rsc == NULL ||
is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan_container_filler) == FALSE ||
rsc->container != NULL) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Mapped container of orphaned resource %s to %s",
rsc->id, container_id);
rsc->container = container;
container->fillers = g_list_append(container->fillers, rsc);
unpack_lrm_resources(node_t * node, xmlNode * lrm_rsc_list, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL;
gboolean found_orphaned_container_filler = FALSE;
CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return FALSE);
crm_trace("Unpacking resources on %s", node->details->uname);
for (rsc_entry = __xml_first_child(lrm_rsc_list); rsc_entry != NULL;
rsc_entry = __xml_next_element(rsc_entry)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_entry->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE)) {
resource_t *rsc = unpack_lrm_rsc_state(node, rsc_entry, data_set);
if (!rsc) {
if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan_container_filler)) {
found_orphaned_container_filler = TRUE;
/* now that all the resource state has been unpacked for this node
* we have to go back and map any orphaned container fillers to their
* container resource */
if (found_orphaned_container_filler) {
handle_orphaned_container_fillers(lrm_rsc_list, data_set);
return TRUE;
static void
set_active(resource_t * rsc)
resource_t *top = uber_parent(rsc);
if (top && is_set(top->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_SLAVE;
} else {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED;
static void
set_node_score(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
node_t *node = value;
int *score = user_data;
node->weight = *score;
#define STATUS_PATH_MAX 1024
static xmlNode *
find_lrm_op(const char *resource, const char *op, const char *node, const char *source,
pe_working_set_t * data_set)
int offset = 0;
char xpath[STATUS_PATH_MAX];
offset += snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset, "//node_state[@uname='%s']", node);
offset +=
snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset, "//" XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE "[@id='%s']",
/* Need to check against transition_magic too? */
if (source && safe_str_eq(op, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) {
offset +=
snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset,
"/" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP "[@operation='%s' and @migrate_target='%s']", op,
} else if (source && safe_str_eq(op, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
offset +=
snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset,
"/" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP "[@operation='%s' and @migrate_source='%s']", op,
} else {
offset +=
snprintf(xpath + offset, STATUS_PATH_MAX - offset,
"/" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP "[@operation='%s']", op);
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(offset > 0);
return get_xpath_object(xpath, data_set->input, LOG_DEBUG);
static bool
stop_happened_after(pe_resource_t *rsc, pe_node_t *node, xmlNode *xml_op,
pe_working_set_t *data_set)
xmlNode *stop_op = find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STOP, node->details->id,
NULL, data_set);
if (stop_op) {
int stop_id = 0;
int task_id = 0;
crm_element_value_int(stop_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &stop_id);
crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &task_id);
if (stop_id > task_id) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void
unpack_rsc_migration(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node, xmlNode *xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
/* A successful migration sequence is:
* migrate_to on source node
* migrate_from on target node
* stop on source node
* If a migrate_to is followed by a stop, the entire migration (successful
* or failed) is complete, and we don't care what happened on the target.
* If no migrate_from has happened, the migration is considered to be
* "partial". If the migrate_from failed, make sure the resource gets
* stopped on both source and target (if up).
* If the migrate_to and migrate_from both succeeded (which also implies the
* resource is no longer running on the source), but there is no stop, the
* migration is considered to be "dangling".
int from_rc = 0;
int from_status = 0;
const char *migrate_source = NULL;
const char *migrate_target = NULL;
pe_node_t *target = NULL;
pe_node_t *source = NULL;
xmlNode *migrate_from = NULL;
if (stop_happened_after(rsc, node, xml_op, data_set)) {
// Clones are not allowed to migrate, so role can't be master
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED;
migrate_source = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE);
migrate_target = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET);
target = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_target);
source = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_source);
// Check whether there was a migrate_from action
migrate_from = find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED, migrate_target,
migrate_source, data_set);
if (migrate_from) {
crm_element_value_int(migrate_from, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, &from_rc);
crm_element_value_int(migrate_from, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS, &from_status);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s op on %s exited with status=%d, rc=%d",
ID(migrate_from), migrate_target, from_status, from_rc);
if (migrate_from && from_rc == PCMK_OCF_OK
&& from_status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
/* The migrate_to and migrate_from both succeeded, so mark the migration
* as "dangling". This will be used to schedule a stop action on the
* source without affecting the target.
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Detected dangling migration op: %s on %s", ID(xml_op),
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
rsc->dangling_migrations = g_list_prepend(rsc->dangling_migrations, node);
} else if (migrate_from && (from_status != PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING)) { // Failed
if (target && target->details->online) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking active on %s %p %d", migrate_target, target,
native_add_running(rsc, target, data_set);
} else { // Pending, or complete but erased
if (target && target->details->online) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Marking active on %s %p %d", migrate_target, target,
native_add_running(rsc, target, data_set);
if (source && source->details->online) {
/* This is a partial migration: the migrate_to completed
* successfully on the source, but the migrate_from has not
* completed. Remember the source and target; if the newly
* chosen target remains the same when we schedule actions
* later, we may continue with the migration.
rsc->partial_migration_target = target;
rsc->partial_migration_source = source;
} else {
/* Consider it failed here - forces a restart, prevents migration */
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed);
clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate);
static void
unpack_rsc_migration_failure(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node, xmlNode *xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
int stop_id = 0;
int migrate_id = 0;
const char *migrate_source = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE);
const char *migrate_target = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET);
xmlNode *stop_op =
find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STOP, migrate_source, NULL, data_set);
xmlNode *migrate_op =
find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE, migrate_source, migrate_target,
if (stop_op) {
crm_element_value_int(stop_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &stop_id);
if (migrate_op) {
crm_element_value_int(migrate_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &migrate_id);
/* Get our state right */
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; /* can be master? */
if (stop_op == NULL || stop_id < migrate_id) {
node_t *source = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_source);
if (source && source->details->online) {
native_add_running(rsc, source, data_set);
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) {
int stop_id = 0;
int migrate_id = 0;
const char *migrate_source = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_SOURCE);
const char *migrate_target = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET);
xmlNode *stop_op =
find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_STOP, migrate_target, NULL, data_set);
xmlNode *migrate_op =
find_lrm_op(rsc->id, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED, migrate_target, migrate_source,
if (stop_op) {
crm_element_value_int(stop_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &stop_id);
if (migrate_op) {
crm_element_value_int(migrate_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &migrate_id);
/* Get our state right */
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED; /* can be master? */
if (stop_op == NULL || stop_id < migrate_id) {
node_t *target = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_target);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Stop: %p %d, Migrated: %p %d", stop_op, stop_id, migrate_op,
if (target && target->details->online) {
native_add_running(rsc, target, data_set);
} else if (migrate_op == NULL) {
/* Make sure it gets cleaned up, the stop may pre-date the migrate_from */
rsc->dangling_migrations = g_list_prepend(rsc->dangling_migrations, node);
static void
record_failed_op(xmlNode *op, node_t* node, resource_t *rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
xmlNode *xIter = NULL;
const char *op_key = crm_element_value(op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
if (node->details->online == FALSE) {
for (xIter = data_set->failed->children; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) {
const char *key = crm_element_value(xIter, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
const char *uname = crm_element_value(xIter, XML_ATTR_UNAME);
if(safe_str_eq(op_key, key) && safe_str_eq(uname, node->details->uname)) {
crm_trace("Skipping duplicate entry %s on %s", op_key, node->details->uname);
crm_trace("Adding entry %s on %s", op_key, node->details->uname);
crm_xml_add(op, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node->details->uname);
crm_xml_add(op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RSCID, rsc->id);
add_node_copy(data_set->failed, op);
static const char *get_op_key(xmlNode *xml_op)
const char *key = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
if(key == NULL) {
key = ID(xml_op);
return key;
static void
unpack_rsc_op_failure(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, int rc, xmlNode * xml_op, xmlNode ** last_failure,
enum action_fail_response * on_fail, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
guint interval_ms = 0;
bool is_probe = FALSE;
action_t *action = NULL;
const char *key = get_op_key(xml_op);
const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
*last_failure = xml_op;
crm_element_value_ms(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS, &interval_ms);
if ((interval_ms == 0) && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) {
is_probe = TRUE;
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "is a probe: %s", key);
if (rc != PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_symmetric_cluster)) {
crm_warn("Processing failed %s of %s on %s: %s " CRM_XS " rc=%d",
(is_probe? "probe" : task), rsc->id, node->details->uname,
services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc);
if (is_probe && (rc != PCMK_OCF_OK)
/* A failed (not just unexpected) probe result could mean the user
* didn't know resources will be probed even where they can't run.
crm_notice("If it is not possible for %s to run on %s, see "
"the resource-discovery option for location constraints",
rsc->id, node->details->uname);
record_failed_op(xml_op, node, rsc, data_set);
} else {
crm_trace("Processing failed op %s for %s on %s: %s (%d)",
task, rsc->id, node->details->uname, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc),
action = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), task, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, data_set);
if ((action->on_fail <= action_fail_fence && *on_fail < action->on_fail) ||
(action->on_fail == action_fail_reset_remote && *on_fail <= action_fail_recover) ||
(action->on_fail == action_fail_restart_container && *on_fail <= action_fail_recover) ||
(*on_fail == action_fail_restart_container && action->on_fail >= action_fail_migrate)) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "on-fail %s -> %s for %s (%s)", fail2text(*on_fail),
fail2text(action->on_fail), action->uuid, key);
*on_fail = action->on_fail;
if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
resource_location(rsc, node, -INFINITY, "__stop_fail__", data_set);
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) || safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
unpack_rsc_migration_failure(rsc, node, xml_op, data_set);
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) {
if (action->on_fail == action_fail_block) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER;
rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
} else if(rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
} else {
* Staying in master role would put the PE/TE into a loop. Setting
* slave role is not dangerous because the resource will be stopped
* as part of recovery, and any master promotion will be ordered
* after that stop.
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_SLAVE;
if(is_probe && rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED) {
/* leave stopped */
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Leaving %s stopped", rsc->id);
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
} else if (rsc->role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Setting %s active", rsc->id);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s: role=%s, unclean=%s, on_fail=%s, fail_role=%s",
rsc->id, role2text(rsc->role),
node->details->unclean ? "true" : "false",
fail2text(action->on_fail), role2text(action->fail_role));
if (action->fail_role != RSC_ROLE_STARTED && rsc->next_role < action->fail_role) {
rsc->next_role = action->fail_role;
if (action->fail_role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) {
int score = -INFINITY;
resource_t *fail_rsc = rsc;
if (fail_rsc->parent) {
resource_t *parent = uber_parent(fail_rsc);
if (pe_rsc_is_clone(parent)
&& is_not_set(parent->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
/* For clone resources, if a child fails on an operation
* with on-fail = stop, all the resources fail. Do this by preventing
* the parent from coming up again. */
fail_rsc = parent;
crm_warn("Making sure %s doesn't come up again", fail_rsc->id);
/* make sure it doesn't come up again */
if (fail_rsc->allowed_nodes != NULL) {
fail_rsc->allowed_nodes = node_hash_from_list(data_set->nodes);
g_hash_table_foreach(fail_rsc->allowed_nodes, set_node_score, &score);
* \internal
* \brief Remap operation status based on action result
* Given an action result, determine an appropriate operation status for the
* purposes of responding to the action (the status provided by the executor is
* not directly usable since the executor does not know what was expected).
* \param[in,out] rsc Resource that operation history entry is for
* \param[in] rc Actual return code of operation
* \param[in] target_rc Expected return code of operation
* \param[in] node Node where operation was executed
* \param[in] xml_op Operation history entry XML from CIB status
* \param[in,out] on_fail What should be done about the result
* \param[in] data_set Current cluster working set
* \return Operation status based on return code and action info
* \note This may update the resource's current and next role.
static int
resource_t *rsc, int rc, int target_rc, node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, enum action_fail_response * on_fail, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
guint interval_ms = 0;
int result = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
const char *key = get_op_key(xml_op);
const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
bool is_probe = FALSE;
crm_element_value_ms(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS, &interval_ms);
if ((interval_ms == 0) && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) {
is_probe = TRUE;
if (target_rc < 0) {
/* Pre-1.0 Pacemaker versions, and Pacemaker 1.1.6 or earlier with
* Heartbeat 2.0.7 or earlier as the cluster layer, did not include the
* target_rc in the transition key, which (along with the similar case
* of a corrupted transition key in the CIB) will be reported to this
* function as -1. Pacemaker 2.0+ does not support rolling upgrades from
* those versions or processing of saved CIB files from those versions,
* so we do not need to care much about this case.
crm_warn("Expected result not found for %s on %s (corrupt or obsolete CIB?)",
key, node->details->uname);
} else if (target_rc != rc) {
pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s on %s returned '%s' (%d) instead of the expected value: '%s' (%d)",
key, node->details->uname,
services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc,
services_ocf_exitcode_str(target_rc), target_rc);
switch (rc) {
// @TODO Should this be (rc != target_rc)?
if (is_probe && (target_rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING)) {
result = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Operation %s found resource %s active on %s",
task, rsc->id, node->details->uname);
if (is_probe || target_rc == rc || is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
result = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
/* clear any previous failure actions */
*on_fail = action_fail_ignore;
rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
if (is_probe && (rc != target_rc)) {
result = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Operation %s found resource %s active in master mode on %s",
task, rsc->id, node->details->uname);
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER;
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER;
if (interval_ms > 0) {
// fall through
if (!pe_can_fence(data_set, node)
&& safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
/* If a stop fails and we can't fence, there's nothing else we can do */
pe_proc_err("No further recovery can be attempted for %s: %s action failed with '%s' (%d)",
rsc->id, task, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc);
clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed);
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_block);
if (result == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) {
crm_info("Treating unknown return code %d for %s on %s as failure",
rc, key, node->details->uname);
return result;
static bool check_operation_expiry(resource_t *rsc, node_t *node, int rc, xmlNode *xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
bool expired = FALSE;
time_t last_failure = 0;
guint interval_ms = 0;
int failure_timeout = rsc->failure_timeout;
const char *key = get_op_key(xml_op);
const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
const char *clear_reason = NULL;
crm_element_value_ms(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS, &interval_ms);
/* clearing recurring monitor operation failures automatically
* needs to be carefully considered */
if ((interval_ms != 0) && safe_str_eq(task, "monitor")) {
/* TODO, in the future we should consider not clearing recurring monitor
* op failures unless the last action for a resource was a "stop" action.
* otherwise it is possible that clearing the monitor failure will result
* in the resource being in an undeterministic state.
* For now we handle this potential undeterministic condition for remote
* node connection resources by not clearing a recurring monitor op failure
* until after the node has been fenced. */
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)
&& rsc->remote_reconnect_ms) {
node_t *remote_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id);
if (remote_node && remote_node->details->remote_was_fenced == 0) {
if (strstr(ID(xml_op), "last_failure")) {
crm_info("Waiting to clear monitor failure for remote node %s until fencing has occurred", rsc->id);
/* disabling failure timeout for this operation because we believe
* fencing of the remote node should occur first. */
failure_timeout = 0;
if (failure_timeout > 0) {
int last_run = 0;
if (crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, &last_run) == 0) {
time_t now = get_effective_time(data_set);
if (now > (last_run + failure_timeout)) {
expired = TRUE;
if (expired) {
if (pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, &last_failure, pe_fc_default, xml_op,
data_set)) {
// There is a fail count ignoring timeout
if (pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, &last_failure, pe_fc_effective,
xml_op, data_set) == 0) {
// There is no fail count considering timeout
clear_reason = "it expired";
} else {
expired = FALSE;
} else if (rsc->remote_reconnect_ms
&& strstr(ID(xml_op), "last_failure")) {
// Always clear last failure when reconnect interval is set
clear_reason = "reconnect interval is set";
} else if (strstr(ID(xml_op), "last_failure") &&
((strcmp(task, "start") == 0) || (strcmp(task, "monitor") == 0))) {
if (pe__bundle_needs_remote_name(rsc)) {
/* We haven't allocated resources yet, so we can't reliably
* substitute addr parameters for the REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK.
* When that's needed, defer the check until later.
pe__add_param_check(xml_op, rsc, node, pe_check_last_failure,
} else {
op_digest_cache_t *digest_data = NULL;
digest_data = rsc_action_digest_cmp(rsc, xml_op, node, data_set);
switch (digest_data->rc) {
crm_trace("Resource %s history entry %s on %s has no digest to compare",
rsc->id, key, node->details->id);
clear_reason = "resource parameters have changed";
if (clear_reason != NULL) {
// Schedule clearing of the fail count
pe_action_t *clear_op = pe__clear_failcount(rsc, node, clear_reason,
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)
&& rsc->remote_reconnect_ms) {
pe_node_t *remote_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, rsc->id);
if (remote_node) {
/* If we're clearing a remote connection due to a reconnect
* interval, we want to wait until any scheduled fencing
* completes.
* We could limit this to remote_node->details->unclean, but at
* this point, that's always true (it won't be reliable until
* after unpack_node_loop() is done).
pe_action_t *fence = pe_fence_op(remote_node, NULL, TRUE, NULL,
crm_info("Clearing %s failure will wait until any scheduled "
"fencing of %s completes", task, rsc->id);
order_actions(fence, clear_op, pe_order_implies_then);
if (expired && (interval_ms == 0) && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) {
switch(rc) {
/* Don't expire probes that return these values */
expired = FALSE;
return expired;
int pe__target_rc_from_xml(xmlNode *xml_op)
int target_rc = 0;
const char *key = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
if (key == NULL) {
return -1;
decode_transition_key(key, NULL, NULL, NULL, &target_rc);
return target_rc;
static enum action_fail_response
get_action_on_fail(resource_t *rsc, const char *key, const char *task, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
int result = action_fail_recover;
action_t *action = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), task, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, data_set);
result = action->on_fail;
return result;
static void
update_resource_state(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, const char * task, int rc,
xmlNode * last_failure, enum action_fail_response * on_fail, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
gboolean clear_past_failure = FALSE;
clear_past_failure = TRUE;
} else if (rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) {
if (last_failure) {
const char *op_key = get_op_key(xml_op);
const char *last_failure_key = get_op_key(last_failure);
if (safe_str_eq(op_key, last_failure_key)) {
clear_past_failure = TRUE;
if (rsc->role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START)) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED;
clear_past_failure = TRUE;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
clear_past_failure = TRUE;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER;
clear_past_failure = TRUE;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE)) {
/* Demote from Master does not clear an error */
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_SLAVE;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED;
clear_past_failure = TRUE;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE)) {
unpack_rsc_migration(rsc, node, xml_op, data_set);
} else if (rsc->role < RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s active on %s", rsc->id, node->details->uname);
/* clear any previous failure actions */
if (clear_past_failure) {
switch (*on_fail) {
case action_fail_stop:
case action_fail_fence:
case action_fail_migrate:
case action_fail_standby:
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s.%s is not cleared by a completed stop",
rsc->id, fail2text(*on_fail));
case action_fail_block:
case action_fail_ignore:
case action_fail_recover:
case action_fail_restart_container:
*on_fail = action_fail_ignore;
rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
case action_fail_reset_remote:
if (rsc->remote_reconnect_ms == 0) {
/* With no reconnect interval, the connection is allowed to
* start again after the remote node is fenced and
* completely stopped. (With a reconnect interval, we wait
* for the failure to be cleared entirely before attempting
* to reconnect.)
*on_fail = action_fail_ignore;
rsc->next_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
unpack_rsc_op(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, xmlNode ** last_failure,
enum action_fail_response * on_fail, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
int task_id = 0;
const char *key = NULL;
const char *task = NULL;
const char *task_key = NULL;
int rc = 0;
int status = PCMK_LRM_OP_UNKNOWN;
int target_rc = pe__target_rc_from_xml(xml_op);
guint interval_ms = 0;
gboolean expired = FALSE;
resource_t *parent = rsc;
enum action_fail_response failure_strategy = action_fail_recover;
CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return FALSE);
CRM_CHECK(xml_op != NULL, return FALSE);
task_key = get_op_key(xml_op);
task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
key = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, &rc);
crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &task_id);
crm_element_value_int(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS, &status);
crm_element_value_ms(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS, &interval_ms);
CRM_CHECK(task != NULL, return FALSE);
if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY) ||
safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_METADATA)) {
/* safe to ignore these */
return TRUE;
if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
parent = uber_parent(rsc);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unpacking task %s/%s (call_id=%d, status=%d, rc=%d) on %s (role=%s)",
task_key, task, task_id, status, rc, node->details->uname, role2text(rsc->role));
if (node->details->unclean) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Node %s (where %s is running) is unclean."
" Further action depends on the value of the stop's on-fail attribute",
node->details->uname, rsc->id);
expired = check_operation_expiry(rsc, node, rc, xml_op, data_set);
/* Degraded results are informational only, re-map them to their error-free equivalents */
if (rc == PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) {
/* Add them to the failed list to highlight them for the user */
if ((node->details->shutdown == FALSE) || (node->details->online == TRUE)) {
crm_trace("Remapping %d to %d", PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED, PCMK_OCF_OK);
record_failed_op(xml_op, node, rsc, data_set);
} else if (rc == PCMK_OCF_DEGRADED_MASTER && safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS)) {
/* Add them to the failed list to highlight them for the user */
if ((node->details->shutdown == FALSE) || (node->details->online == TRUE)) {
record_failed_op(xml_op, node, rsc, data_set);
if (expired && target_rc != rc) {
const char *magic = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC);
pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "Expired operation '%s' on %s returned '%s' (%d) instead of the expected value: '%s' (%d)",
key, node->details->uname,
services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc,
services_ocf_exitcode_str(target_rc), target_rc);
if (interval_ms == 0) {
crm_notice("Ignoring expired calculated failure %s (rc=%d, magic=%s) on %s",
task_key, rc, magic, node->details->uname);
goto done;
} else if(node->details->online && node->details->unclean == FALSE) {
crm_notice("Re-initiated expired calculated failure %s (rc=%d, magic=%s) on %s",
task_key, rc, magic, node->details->uname);
/* This is SO horrible, but we don't have access to CancelXmlOp() yet */
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST, "calculated-failure-timeout");
goto done;
/* If the executor reported an operation status of anything but done or
* error, consider that final. But for done or error, we know better whether
* it should be treated as a failure or not, because we know the expected
* result.
if(status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE || status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR) {
status = determine_op_status(rsc, rc, target_rc, node, xml_op, on_fail, data_set);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Handling status: %d", status);
switch (status) {
/* do nothing?? */
pe_err("Don't know what to do for cancelled ops yet");
if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_START)) {
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_start_pending);
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) {
rsc->role = RSC_ROLE_MASTER;
} else if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) && node->details->unclean) {
/* If a pending migrate_to action is out on a unclean node,
* we have to force the stop action on the target. */
const char *migrate_target = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_MIGRATE_TARGET);
node_t *target = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, migrate_target);
if (target) {
stop_action(rsc, target, FALSE);
if (rsc->pending_task == NULL) {
if (safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) && (interval_ms == 0)) {
/* Pending probes are not printed, even if pending
* operations are requested. If someone ever requests that
* behavior, uncomment this and the corresponding part of
* native.c:native_pending_task().
/*rsc->pending_task = strdup("probe");*/
/*rsc->pending_node = node;*/
} else {
rsc->pending_task = strdup(task);
rsc->pending_node = node;
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "%s/%s completed on %s", rsc->id, task, node->details->uname);
update_resource_state(rsc, node, xml_op, task, rc, *last_failure, on_fail, data_set);
failure_strategy = get_action_on_fail(rsc, task_key, task, data_set);
if (failure_strategy == action_fail_ignore) {
crm_warn("Cannot ignore failed %s (status=%d, rc=%d) on %s: "
"Resource agent doesn't exist",
task_key, status, rc, node->details->uname);
/* Also for printing it as "FAILED" by marking it as pe_rsc_failed later */
*on_fail = action_fail_migrate;
resource_location(parent, node, -INFINITY, "hard-error", data_set);
unpack_rsc_op_failure(rsc, node, rc, xml_op, last_failure, on_fail, data_set);
+ if (pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(node)
+ && is_set(node->details->remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
+ /* We should never get into a situation where a managed remote
+ * connection resource is considered OK but a resource action
+ * behind the connection gets a "not connected" status. But as a
+ * fail-safe in case a bug or unusual circumstances do lead to
+ * that, ensure the remote connection is considered failed.
+ */
+ set_bit(node->details->remote_rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failed);
+ }
+ // fall through
failure_strategy = get_action_on_fail(rsc, task_key, task, data_set);
if ((failure_strategy == action_fail_ignore)
|| (failure_strategy == action_fail_restart_container
&& safe_str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP))) {
crm_warn("Pretending the failure of %s (rc=%d) on %s succeeded",
task_key, rc, node->details->uname);
update_resource_state(rsc, node, xml_op, task, target_rc, *last_failure, on_fail, data_set);
crm_xml_add(xml_op, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node->details->uname);
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_failure_ignored);
record_failed_op(xml_op, node, rsc, data_set);
if (failure_strategy == action_fail_restart_container && *on_fail <= action_fail_recover) {
*on_fail = failure_strategy;
} else {
unpack_rsc_op_failure(rsc, node, rc, xml_op, last_failure, on_fail, data_set);
if(status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_HARD) {
"Preventing %s from re-starting on %s: operation %s failed '%s' (%d)",
parent->id, node->details->uname,
task, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc);
resource_location(parent, node, -INFINITY, "hard-error", data_set);
} else if(status == PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR_FATAL) {
crm_err("Preventing %s from re-starting anywhere: operation %s failed '%s' (%d)",
parent->id, task, services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), rc);
resource_location(parent, NULL, -INFINITY, "fatal-error", data_set);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Resource %s after %s: role=%s, next=%s", rsc->id, task, role2text(rsc->role), role2text(rsc->next_role));
return TRUE;
add_node_attrs(xmlNode * xml_obj, node_t * node, gboolean overwrite, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
const char *cluster_name = NULL;
strdup(CRM_ATTR_UNAME), strdup(node->details->uname));
g_hash_table_insert(node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_ID),
if (safe_str_eq(node->details->id, data_set->dc_uuid)) {
data_set->dc_node = node;
node->details->is_dc = TRUE;
strdup(CRM_ATTR_IS_DC), strdup(XML_BOOLEAN_TRUE));
} else {
cluster_name = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->config_hash, "cluster-name");
if (cluster_name) {
g_hash_table_insert(node->details->attrs, strdup(CRM_ATTR_CLUSTER_NAME),
unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS, NULL,
node->details->attrs, NULL, overwrite, data_set->now);
if (pe_node_attribute_raw(node, CRM_ATTR_SITE_NAME) == NULL) {
const char *site_name = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, "site-name");
if (site_name) {
} else if (cluster_name) {
/* Default to cluster-name if unset */
return TRUE;
static GListPtr
extract_operations(const char *node, const char *rsc, xmlNode * rsc_entry, gboolean active_filter)
int counter = -1;
int stop_index = -1;
int start_index = -1;
xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
GListPtr op_list = NULL;
GListPtr sorted_op_list = NULL;
/* extract operations */
op_list = NULL;
sorted_op_list = NULL;
for (rsc_op = __xml_first_child(rsc_entry); rsc_op != NULL; rsc_op = __xml_next_element(rsc_op)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_op->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, TRUE)) {
crm_xml_add(rsc_op, "resource", rsc);
crm_xml_add(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_UNAME, node);
op_list = g_list_prepend(op_list, rsc_op);
if (op_list == NULL) {
/* if there are no operations, there is nothing to do */
return NULL;
sorted_op_list = g_list_sort(op_list, sort_op_by_callid);
/* create active recurring operations as optional */
if (active_filter == FALSE) {
return sorted_op_list;
op_list = NULL;
calculate_active_ops(sorted_op_list, &start_index, &stop_index);
for (gIter = sorted_op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
xmlNode *rsc_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data;
if (start_index < stop_index) {
crm_trace("Skipping %s: not active", ID(rsc_entry));
} else if (counter < start_index) {
crm_trace("Skipping %s: old", ID(rsc_op));
op_list = g_list_append(op_list, rsc_op);
return op_list;
find_operations(const char *rsc, const char *node, gboolean active_filter,
pe_working_set_t * data_set)
GListPtr output = NULL;
GListPtr intermediate = NULL;
xmlNode *tmp = NULL;
xmlNode *status = find_xml_node(data_set->input, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, TRUE);
node_t *this_node = NULL;
xmlNode *node_state = NULL;
for (node_state = __xml_first_child(status); node_state != NULL;
node_state = __xml_next_element(node_state)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)node_state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE)) {
const char *uname = crm_element_value(node_state, XML_ATTR_UNAME);
if (node != NULL && safe_str_neq(uname, node)) {
this_node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, uname);
if(this_node == NULL) {
CRM_LOG_ASSERT(this_node != NULL);
} else if (pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(this_node)) {
determine_remote_online_status(data_set, this_node);
} else {
determine_online_status(node_state, this_node, data_set);
if (this_node->details->online || is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
/* offline nodes run no resources...
* unless stonith is enabled in which case we need to
* make sure rsc start events happen after the stonith
xmlNode *lrm_rsc = NULL;
tmp = find_xml_node(node_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE);
tmp = find_xml_node(tmp, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE);
for (lrm_rsc = __xml_first_child(tmp); lrm_rsc != NULL;
lrm_rsc = __xml_next_element(lrm_rsc)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)lrm_rsc->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE)) {
const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(lrm_rsc, XML_ATTR_ID);
if (rsc != NULL && safe_str_neq(rsc_id, rsc)) {
intermediate = extract_operations(uname, rsc_id, lrm_rsc, active_filter);
output = g_list_concat(output, intermediate);
return output;
diff --git a/lib/pengine/utils.c b/lib/pengine/utils.c
index 2f4dc1e84e..c5fd0f7189 100644
--- a/lib/pengine/utils.c
+++ b/lib/pengine/utils.c
@@ -1,2418 +1,2532 @@
* Copyright 2004-2019 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
extern xmlNode *get_object_root(const char *object_type, xmlNode * the_root);
void print_str_str(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
gboolean ghash_free_str_str(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
void unpack_operation(action_t * action, xmlNode * xml_obj, resource_t * container,
pe_working_set_t * data_set);
static xmlNode *find_rsc_op_entry_helper(resource_t * rsc, const char *key,
gboolean include_disabled);
pe_rsc_action_details_t *
pe_rsc_action_details(pe_action_t *action)
pe_rsc_action_details_t *details;
CRM_CHECK(action != NULL, return NULL);
if (action->action_details == NULL) {
action->action_details = calloc(1, sizeof(pe_rsc_action_details_t));
CRM_CHECK(action->action_details != NULL, return NULL);
details = (pe_rsc_action_details_t *) action->action_details;
if (details->versioned_parameters == NULL) {
details->versioned_parameters = create_xml_node(NULL,
if (details->versioned_meta == NULL) {
details->versioned_meta = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_OP_VER_META);
return details;
static void
pe_free_rsc_action_details(pe_action_t *action)
pe_rsc_action_details_t *details;
if ((action == NULL) || (action->action_details == NULL)) {
details = (pe_rsc_action_details_t *) action->action_details;
if (details->versioned_parameters) {
if (details->versioned_meta) {
action->action_details = NULL;
* \internal
* \brief Check whether we can fence a particular node
* \param[in] data_set Working set for cluster
* \param[in] node Name of node to check
* \return TRUE if node can be fenced, FALSE otherwise
* \note This function should only be called for cluster nodes and
* remote nodes; guest nodes are fenced by stopping their container
* resource, so fence execution requirements do not apply to them.
bool pe_can_fence(pe_working_set_t * data_set, node_t *node)
if(is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
return FALSE; /* Turned off */
} else if (is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_stonith_resource)) {
return FALSE; /* No devices */
} else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum)) {
return TRUE;
} else if (data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_ignore) {
return TRUE;
} else if(node == NULL) {
return FALSE;
} else if(node->details->online) {
crm_notice("We can fence %s without quorum because they're in our membership", node->details->uname);
return TRUE;
crm_trace("Cannot fence %s", node->details->uname);
return FALSE;
node_t *
node_copy(const node_t *this_node)
node_t *new_node = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(this_node != NULL, return NULL);
new_node = calloc(1, sizeof(node_t));
CRM_ASSERT(new_node != NULL);
crm_trace("Copying %p (%s) to %p", this_node, this_node->details->uname, new_node);
new_node->rsc_discover_mode = this_node->rsc_discover_mode;
new_node->weight = this_node->weight;
new_node->fixed = this_node->fixed;
new_node->details = this_node->details;
return new_node;
/* any node in list1 or list2 and not in the other gets a score of -INFINITY */
node_list_exclude(GHashTable * hash, GListPtr list, gboolean merge_scores)
GHashTable *result = hash;
node_t *other_node = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = list;
GHashTableIter iter;
node_t *node = NULL;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
other_node = pe_find_node_id(list, node->details->id);
if (other_node == NULL) {
node->weight = -INFINITY;
} else if (merge_scores) {
node->weight = merge_weights(node->weight, other_node->weight);
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
other_node = pe_hash_table_lookup(result, node->details->id);
if (other_node == NULL) {
node_t *new_node = node_copy(node);
new_node->weight = -INFINITY;
g_hash_table_insert(result, (gpointer) new_node->details->id, new_node);
GHashTable *
node_hash_from_list(GListPtr list)
GListPtr gIter = list;
GHashTable *result = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL,
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
node_t *n = node_copy(node);
g_hash_table_insert(result, (gpointer) n->details->id, n);
return result;
node_list_dup(GListPtr list1, gboolean reset, gboolean filter)
GListPtr result = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = list1;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *new_node = NULL;
node_t *this_node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
if (filter && this_node->weight < 0) {
new_node = node_copy(this_node);
if (reset) {
new_node->weight = 0;
if (new_node != NULL) {
result = g_list_prepend(result, new_node);
return result;
sort_node_uname(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
const char *name_a = ((const node_t *) a)->details->uname;
const char *name_b = ((const node_t *) b)->details->uname;
while (*name_a && *name_b) {
if (isdigit(*name_a) && isdigit(*name_b)) {
// If node names contain a number, sort numerically
char *end_a = NULL;
char *end_b = NULL;
long num_a = strtol(name_a, &end_a, 10);
long num_b = strtol(name_b, &end_b, 10);
// allow ordering e.g. 007 > 7
size_t len_a = end_a - name_a;
size_t len_b = end_b - name_b;
if (num_a < num_b) {
return -1;
} else if (num_a > num_b) {
return 1;
} else if (len_a < len_b) {
return -1;
} else if (len_a > len_b) {
return 1;
name_a = end_a;
name_b = end_b;
} else {
// Compare non-digits case-insensitively
int lower_a = tolower(*name_a);
int lower_b = tolower(*name_b);
if (lower_a < lower_b) {
return -1;
} else if (lower_a > lower_b) {
return 1;
if (!*name_a && *name_b) {
return -1;
} else if (*name_a && !*name_b) {
return 1;
return 0;
dump_node_scores_worker(int level, const char *file, const char *function, int line,
resource_t * rsc, const char *comment, GHashTable * nodes)
GHashTable *hash = nodes;
GHashTableIter iter;
node_t *node = NULL;
if (rsc) {
hash = rsc->allowed_nodes;
if (rsc && is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan)) {
/* Don't show the allocation scores for orphans */
if (level == 0) {
char score[128];
int len = sizeof(score);
/* For now we want this in sorted order to keep the regression tests happy */
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
GListPtr list = g_hash_table_get_values(hash);
list = g_list_sort(list, sort_node_uname);
gIter = list;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node = (node_t *) gIter->data;
/* This function is called a whole lot, use stack allocated score */
score2char_stack(node->weight, score, len);
if (rsc) {
printf("%s: %s allocation score on %s: %s\n",
comment, rsc->id, node->details->uname, score);
} else {
printf("%s: %s = %s\n", comment, node->details->uname, score);
} else if (hash) {
char score[128];
int len = sizeof(score);
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
/* This function is called a whole lot, use stack allocated score */
score2char_stack(node->weight, score, len);
if (rsc) {
do_crm_log_alias(LOG_TRACE, file, function, line,
"%s: %s allocation score on %s: %s", comment, rsc->id,
node->details->uname, score);
} else {
do_crm_log_alias(LOG_TRACE, file, function, line + 1, "%s: %s = %s", comment,
node->details->uname, score);
if (rsc && rsc->children) {
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
gIter = rsc->children;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
dump_node_scores_worker(level, file, function, line, child, comment, nodes);
static void
append_dump_text(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
char **dump_text = user_data;
char *new_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s=%s",
*dump_text, (char *)key, (char *)value);
*dump_text = new_text;
dump_node_capacity(int level, const char *comment, node_t * node)
char *dump_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s: %s capacity:",
comment, node->details->uname);
g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text);
if (level == 0) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", dump_text);
} else {
crm_trace("%s", dump_text);
dump_rsc_utilization(int level, const char *comment, resource_t * rsc, node_t * node)
char *dump_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s: %s utilization on %s:",
comment, rsc->id, node->details->uname);
g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->utilization, append_dump_text, &dump_text);
if (level == 0) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", dump_text);
} else {
crm_trace("%s", dump_text);
sort_rsc_index(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
const resource_t *resource1 = (const resource_t *)a;
const resource_t *resource2 = (const resource_t *)b;
if (a == NULL && b == NULL) {
return 0;
if (a == NULL) {
return 1;
if (b == NULL) {
return -1;
if (resource1->sort_index > resource2->sort_index) {
return -1;
if (resource1->sort_index < resource2->sort_index) {
return 1;
return 0;
sort_rsc_priority(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
const resource_t *resource1 = (const resource_t *)a;
const resource_t *resource2 = (const resource_t *)b;
if (a == NULL && b == NULL) {
return 0;
if (a == NULL) {
return 1;
if (b == NULL) {
return -1;
if (resource1->priority > resource2->priority) {
return -1;
if (resource1->priority < resource2->priority) {
return 1;
return 0;
action_t *
custom_action(resource_t * rsc, char *key, const char *task,
node_t * on_node, gboolean optional, gboolean save_action,
pe_working_set_t * data_set)
action_t *action = NULL;
GListPtr possible_matches = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL);
CRM_CHECK(task != NULL, free(key); return NULL);
if (save_action && rsc != NULL) {
possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, on_node);
} else if(save_action) {
#if 0
action = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->singletons, key);
/* More expensive but takes 'node' into account */
possible_matches = find_actions(data_set->actions, key, on_node);
if(data_set->singletons == NULL) {
data_set->singletons = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, NULL);
if (possible_matches != NULL) {
if (g_list_length(possible_matches) > 1) {
pe_warn("Action %s for %s on %s exists %d times",
task, rsc ? rsc->id : "",
on_node ? on_node->details->uname : "", g_list_length(possible_matches));
action = g_list_nth_data(possible_matches, 0);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Found existing action %d (%s) for %s (%s) on %s",
action->id, action->uuid,
(rsc? rsc->id : "no resource"), task,
(on_node? on_node->details->uname : "no node"));
if (action == NULL) {
if (save_action) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Creating %s action %d: %s for %s (%s) on %s",
(optional? "optional" : " mandatory"),
data_set->action_id, key,
(rsc? rsc->id : "no resource"), task,
(on_node? on_node->details->uname : "no node"));
action = calloc(1, sizeof(action_t));
if (save_action) {
action->id = data_set->action_id++;
} else {
action->id = 0;
action->rsc = rsc;
action->task = strdup(task);
if (on_node) {
action->node = node_copy(on_node);
action->uuid = strdup(key);
pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
if (optional) {
pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
} else {
pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
action->extra = crm_str_table_new();
action->meta = crm_str_table_new();
if (save_action) {
data_set->actions = g_list_prepend(data_set->actions, action);
if(rsc == NULL) {
g_hash_table_insert(data_set->singletons, action->uuid, action);
if (rsc != NULL) {
action->op_entry = find_rsc_op_entry_helper(rsc, key, TRUE);
unpack_operation(action, action->op_entry, rsc->container, data_set);
if (save_action) {
rsc->actions = g_list_prepend(rsc->actions, action);
if (save_action) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Action %d created", action->id);
if (!optional && is_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional)) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unset optional on action %d", action->id);
pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
if (rsc != NULL) {
enum action_tasks a_task = text2task(action->task);
int warn_level = LOG_TRACE;
if (save_action) {
warn_level = LOG_WARNING;
if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_have_node_attrs) == FALSE
&& action->node != NULL && action->op_entry != NULL) {
pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_have_node_attrs);
unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, action->op_entry, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS,
action->extra, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) {
/* leave untouched */
} else if (action->node == NULL) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Unset runnable on %s", action->uuid);
pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
} else if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
&& g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta,
crm_debug("Action %s (unmanaged)", action->uuid);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Set optional on %s", action->uuid);
pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
/* action->runnable = FALSE; */
} else if (action->node->details->online == FALSE
&& (!pe__is_guest_node(action->node)
|| action->node->details->remote_requires_reset)) {
pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
do_crm_log(warn_level, "Action %s on %s is unrunnable (offline)",
action->uuid, action->node->details->uname);
if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
&& save_action && a_task == stop_rsc
&& action->node->details->unclean == FALSE) {
pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "resource actions are unrunnable");
} else if (action->node->details->pending) {
pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
do_crm_log(warn_level, "Action %s on %s is unrunnable (pending)",
action->uuid, action->node->details->uname);
} else if (action->needs == rsc_req_nothing) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Action %s does not require anything", action->uuid);
pe_action_set_reason(action, NULL, TRUE);
pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
#if 0
* No point checking this
* - if we don't have quorum we can't stonith anyway
} else if (action->needs == rsc_req_stonith) {
crm_trace("Action %s requires only stonith", action->uuid);
action->runnable = TRUE;
} else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE
&& data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_stop) {
pe_action_set_flag_reason(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, action, NULL, "no quorum", pe_action_runnable, TRUE);
crm_debug("%s\t%s (cancelled : quorum)", action->node->details->uname, action->uuid);
} else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE
&& data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_freeze) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Check resource is already active: %s %s %s %s", rsc->id, action->uuid, role2text(rsc->next_role), role2text(rsc->role));
if (rsc->fns->active(rsc, TRUE) == FALSE || rsc->next_role > rsc->role) {
pe_action_set_flag_reason(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, action, NULL, "quorum freeze", pe_action_runnable, TRUE);
pe_rsc_debug(rsc, "%s\t%s (cancelled : quorum freeze)",
action->node->details->uname, action->uuid);
} else if(is_not_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Action %s is runnable", action->uuid);
//pe_action_set_reason(action, NULL, TRUE);
pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
if (save_action) {
switch (a_task) {
case stop_rsc:
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_stopping);
case start_rsc:
clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_starting);
if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_starting);
return action;
static const char *
unpack_operation_on_fail(action_t * action)
const char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL);
if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP) && safe_str_eq(value, "standby")) {
crm_config_err("on-fail=standby is not allowed for stop actions: %s", action->rsc->id);
return NULL;
} else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_DEMOTE) && !value) {
/* demote on_fail defaults to master monitor value if present */
xmlNode *operation = NULL;
const char *name = NULL;
const char *role = NULL;
const char *on_fail = NULL;
const char *interval_spec = NULL;
const char *enabled = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(action->rsc != NULL, return NULL);
for (operation = __xml_first_child(action->rsc->ops_xml);
operation && !value; operation = __xml_next_element(operation)) {
if (!crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) {
name = crm_element_value(operation, "name");
role = crm_element_value(operation, "role");
on_fail = crm_element_value(operation, XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL);
enabled = crm_element_value(operation, "enabled");
interval_spec = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
if (!on_fail) {
} else if (enabled && !crm_is_true(enabled)) {
} else if (safe_str_neq(name, "monitor") || safe_str_neq(role, "Master")) {
} else if (crm_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec) == 0) {
value = on_fail;
return value;
static xmlNode *
find_min_interval_mon(resource_t * rsc, gboolean include_disabled)
guint interval_ms = 0;
guint min_interval_ms = G_MAXUINT;
const char *name = NULL;
const char *value = NULL;
const char *interval_spec = NULL;
xmlNode *op = NULL;
xmlNode *operation = NULL;
for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL;
operation = __xml_next_element(operation)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) {
name = crm_element_value(operation, "name");
interval_spec = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
value = crm_element_value(operation, "enabled");
if (!include_disabled && value && crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) {
if (safe_str_neq(name, RSC_STATUS)) {
interval_ms = crm_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec);
if (interval_ms && (interval_ms < min_interval_ms)) {
min_interval_ms = interval_ms;
op = operation;
return op;
static int
unpack_start_delay(const char *value, GHashTable *meta)
int start_delay = 0;
if (value != NULL) {
start_delay = crm_get_msec(value);
if (start_delay < 0) {
start_delay = 0;
if (meta) {
g_hash_table_replace(meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY), crm_itoa(start_delay));
return start_delay;
static int
unpack_interval_origin(const char *value, GHashTable *meta, xmlNode *xml_obj,
guint interval_ms, crm_time_t *now)
int start_delay = 0;
if ((interval_ms > 0) && (value != NULL)) {
crm_time_t *origin = crm_time_new(value);
if (origin && now) {
crm_time_t *delay = NULL;
int rc = crm_time_compare(origin, now);
long long delay_s = 0;
int interval_sec = interval_ms / 1000;
crm_trace("Origin: %s, interval: %d", value, interval_sec);
/* If 'origin' is in the future, find the most recent "multiple" that occurred in the past */
while(rc > 0) {
crm_time_add_seconds(origin, -interval_sec);
rc = crm_time_compare(origin, now);
/* Now find the first "multiple" that occurs after 'now' */
while (rc < 0) {
crm_time_add_seconds(origin, interval_sec);
rc = crm_time_compare(origin, now);
delay = crm_time_calculate_duration(origin, now);
crm_time_log(LOG_TRACE, "origin", origin,
crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday |
crm_time_log(LOG_TRACE, "now", now,
crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday |
crm_time_log(LOG_TRACE, "delay", delay, crm_time_log_duration);
delay_s = crm_time_get_seconds(delay);
if (delay_s < 0) {
delay_s = 0;
start_delay = delay_s * 1000;
if (xml_obj) {
crm_info("Calculated a start delay of %llds for %s", delay_s, ID(xml_obj));
if (meta) {
g_hash_table_replace(meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY),
} else if (!origin && xml_obj) {
crm_config_err("Operation %s contained an invalid " XML_OP_ATTR_ORIGIN ": %s",
ID(xml_obj), value);
return start_delay;
static int
unpack_timeout(const char *value)
int timeout = crm_get_msec(value);
if (timeout < 0) {
timeout = crm_get_msec(CRM_DEFAULT_OP_TIMEOUT_S);
return timeout;
pe_get_configured_timeout(resource_t *rsc, const char *action, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
xmlNode *child = NULL;
const char *timeout = NULL;
int timeout_ms = 0;
for (child = first_named_child(rsc->ops_xml, XML_ATTR_OP);
child != NULL; child = crm_next_same_xml(child)) {
if (safe_str_eq(action, crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME))) {
timeout = crm_element_value(child, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
if (timeout == NULL && data_set->op_defaults) {
GHashTable *action_meta = crm_str_table_new();
unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, data_set->op_defaults, XML_TAG_META_SETS,
NULL, action_meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
timeout = g_hash_table_lookup(action_meta, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
// @TODO check meta-attributes (including versioned meta-attributes)
// @TODO maybe use min-interval monitor timeout as default for monitors
timeout_ms = crm_get_msec(timeout);
if (timeout_ms < 0) {
timeout_ms = crm_get_msec(CRM_DEFAULT_OP_TIMEOUT_S);
return timeout_ms;
static void
unpack_versioned_meta(xmlNode *versioned_meta, xmlNode *xml_obj,
guint interval_ms, crm_time_t *now)
xmlNode *attrs = NULL;
xmlNode *attr = NULL;
for (attrs = __xml_first_child(versioned_meta); attrs != NULL; attrs = __xml_next_element(attrs)) {
for (attr = __xml_first_child(attrs); attr != NULL; attr = __xml_next_element(attr)) {
const char *name = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME);
const char *value = crm_element_value(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE);
if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY)) {
int start_delay = unpack_start_delay(value, NULL);
crm_xml_add_int(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, start_delay);
} else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_OP_ATTR_ORIGIN)) {
int start_delay = unpack_interval_origin(value, NULL, xml_obj,
interval_ms, now);
crm_xml_add_int(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, start_delay);
} else if (safe_str_eq(name, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT)) {
int timeout = unpack_timeout(value);
crm_xml_add_int(attr, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, timeout);
* \brief Unpack operation XML into an action structure
* Unpack an operation's meta-attributes (normalizing the interval, timeout,
* and start delay values as integer milliseconds), requirements, and
* failure policy.
* \param[in,out] action Action to unpack into
* \param[in] xml_obj Operation XML (or NULL if all defaults)
* \param[in] container Resource that contains affected resource, if any
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state
unpack_operation(action_t * action, xmlNode * xml_obj, resource_t * container,
pe_working_set_t * data_set)
guint interval_ms = 0;
int timeout = 0;
char *value_ms = NULL;
const char *value = NULL;
const char *field = NULL;
char *default_timeout = NULL;
pe_rsc_action_details_t *rsc_details = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(action && action->rsc, return);
// Cluster-wide
unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, data_set->op_defaults, XML_TAG_META_SETS, NULL,
action->meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);
// Probe timeouts default differently, so handle timeout default later
default_timeout = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
if (default_timeout) {
default_timeout = strdup(default_timeout);
g_hash_table_remove(action->meta, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
if (xml_obj) {
xmlAttrPtr xIter = NULL;
// take precedence over defaults
unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj, XML_TAG_META_SETS,
NULL, action->meta, NULL, TRUE,
rsc_details = pe_rsc_action_details(action);
pe_unpack_versioned_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj,
pe_unpack_versioned_attributes(data_set->input, xml_obj,
/* Anything set as an XML property has highest precedence.
* This ensures we use the name and interval from the tag.
for (xIter = xml_obj->properties; xIter; xIter = xIter->next) {
const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name;
const char *prop_value = crm_element_value(xml_obj, prop_name);
g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(prop_name), strdup(prop_value));
g_hash_table_remove(action->meta, "id");
// Normalize interval to milliseconds
value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, field);
if (value != NULL) {
interval_ms = crm_parse_interval_spec(value);
} else if ((xml_obj == NULL) && !strcmp(action->task, RSC_STATUS)) {
/* An orphaned recurring monitor will not have any XML. However, we
* want the interval to be set, so the action can be properly detected
* as a recurring monitor. Parse it from the key in this case.
parse_op_key(action->uuid, NULL, NULL, &interval_ms);
if (interval_ms > 0) {
value_ms = crm_strdup_printf("%u", interval_ms);
g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(field), value_ms);
} else if (value) {
g_hash_table_remove(action->meta, field);
// Handle timeout default, now that we know the interval
if (g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT)) {
} else {
// Probe timeouts default to minimum-interval monitor's
if (safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_STATUS) && (interval_ms == 0)) {
xmlNode *min_interval_mon = find_min_interval_mon(action->rsc, FALSE);
if (min_interval_mon) {
value = crm_element_value(min_interval_mon, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
if (value) {
crm_trace("\t%s defaults to minimum-interval monitor's timeout '%s'",
action->uuid, value);
default_timeout = strdup(value);
if (default_timeout) {
g_hash_table_insert(action->meta, strdup(XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT),
if (safe_str_neq(action->task, RSC_START)
&& safe_str_neq(action->task, RSC_PROMOTE)) {
action->needs = rsc_req_nothing;
value = "nothing (not start/promote)";
} else if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_fencing)) {
action->needs = rsc_req_stonith;
value = "fencing (resource)";
} else if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_needs_quorum)) {
action->needs = rsc_req_quorum;
value = "quorum (resource)";
} else {
action->needs = rsc_req_nothing;
value = "nothing (resource)";
pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\tAction %s requires: %s", action->uuid, value);
value = unpack_operation_on_fail(action);
if (value == NULL) {
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "block")) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_block;
g_hash_table_insert(action->meta, strdup(XML_OP_ATTR_ON_FAIL), strdup("block"));
value = "block"; // The above could destroy the original string
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "fence")) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_fence;
value = "node fencing";
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled) == FALSE) {
crm_config_err("Specifying on_fail=fence and" " stonith-enabled=false makes no sense");
action->on_fail = action_fail_stop;
action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
value = "stop resource";
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "standby")) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_standby;
value = "node standby";
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "ignore")
|| safe_str_eq(value, "nothing")) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_ignore;
value = "ignore";
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "migrate")) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_migrate;
value = "force migration";
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "stop")) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_stop;
action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
value = "stop resource";
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "restart")) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_recover;
value = "restart (and possibly migrate)";
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "restart-container")) {
if (container) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_restart_container;
value = "restart container (and possibly migrate)";
} else {
value = NULL;
} else {
pe_err("Resource %s: Unknown failure type (%s)", action->rsc->id, value);
value = NULL;
/* defaults */
if (value == NULL && container) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_restart_container;
value = "restart container (and possibly migrate) (default)";
/* For remote nodes, ensure that any failure that results in dropping an
* active connection to the node results in fencing of the node.
* There are only two action failures that don't result in fencing.
* 1. probes - probe failures are expected.
* 2. start - a start failure indicates that an active connection does not already
* exist. The user can set op on-fail=fence if they really want to fence start
* failures. */
} else if (((value == NULL) || !is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) &&
(pe__resource_is_remote_conn(action->rsc, data_set) &&
!(safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS) && (interval_ms == 0)) &&
(safe_str_neq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_START)))) {
if (!is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_stop;
action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
value = "stop unmanaged remote node (enforcing default)";
} else {
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
value = "fence remote node (default)";
} else {
value = "recover remote node connection (default)";
if (action->rsc->remote_reconnect_ms) {
action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STOPPED;
action->on_fail = action_fail_reset_remote;
} else if (value == NULL && safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_STOP)) {
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stonith_enabled)) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_fence;
value = "resource fence (default)";
} else {
action->on_fail = action_fail_block;
value = "resource block (default)";
} else if (value == NULL) {
action->on_fail = action_fail_recover;
value = "restart (and possibly migrate) (default)";
pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\t%s failure handling: %s", action->task, value);
value = NULL;
if (xml_obj != NULL) {
value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "role_after_failure");
if (value) {
"Support for role_after_failure is deprecated and will be removed in a future release");
if (value != NULL && action->fail_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
action->fail_role = text2role(value);
/* defaults */
if (action->fail_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRMD_ACTION_PROMOTE)) {
action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_SLAVE;
} else {
action->fail_role = RSC_ROLE_STARTED;
pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "\t%s failure results in: %s", action->task,
value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_START_DELAY);
if (value) {
unpack_start_delay(value, action->meta);
} else {
value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_OP_ATTR_ORIGIN);
unpack_interval_origin(value, action->meta, xml_obj, interval_ms,
value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT);
timeout = unpack_timeout(value);
g_hash_table_replace(action->meta, strdup(XML_ATTR_TIMEOUT), crm_itoa(timeout));
unpack_versioned_meta(rsc_details->versioned_meta, xml_obj, interval_ms,
static xmlNode *
find_rsc_op_entry_helper(resource_t * rsc, const char *key, gboolean include_disabled)
guint interval_ms = 0;
gboolean do_retry = TRUE;
char *local_key = NULL;
const char *name = NULL;
const char *value = NULL;
const char *interval_spec = NULL;
char *match_key = NULL;
xmlNode *op = NULL;
xmlNode *operation = NULL;
for (operation = __xml_first_child(rsc->ops_xml); operation != NULL;
operation = __xml_next_element(operation)) {
if (crm_str_eq((const char *)operation->name, "op", TRUE)) {
name = crm_element_value(operation, "name");
interval_spec = crm_element_value(operation, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL);
value = crm_element_value(operation, "enabled");
if (!include_disabled && value && crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) {
interval_ms = crm_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec);
match_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, name, interval_ms);
if (safe_str_eq(key, match_key)) {
op = operation;
if (rsc->clone_name) {
match_key = generate_op_key(rsc->clone_name, name, interval_ms);
if (safe_str_eq(key, match_key)) {
op = operation;
if (op != NULL) {
return op;
if (do_retry == FALSE) {
return NULL;
do_retry = FALSE;
if (strstr(key, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATE) || strstr(key, CRMD_ACTION_MIGRATED)) {
local_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, "migrate", 0);
key = local_key;
goto retry;
} else if (strstr(key, "_notify_")) {
local_key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, "notify", 0);
key = local_key;
goto retry;
return NULL;
xmlNode *
find_rsc_op_entry(resource_t * rsc, const char *key)
return find_rsc_op_entry_helper(rsc, key, FALSE);
print_node(const char *pre_text, node_t * node, gboolean details)
if (node == NULL) {
crm_trace("%s%s: ", pre_text == NULL ? "" : pre_text, pre_text == NULL ? "" : ": ");
crm_trace("%s%s%sNode %s: (weight=%d, fixed=%s)",
pre_text == NULL ? "" : pre_text,
pre_text == NULL ? "" : ": ",
node->details->online ? "" : "Unavailable/Unclean ",
node->details->uname, node->weight, node->fixed ? "True" : "False");
if (details) {
char *pe_mutable = strdup("\t\t");
GListPtr gIter = node->details->running_rsc;
crm_trace("\t\t===Node Attributes");
g_hash_table_foreach(node->details->attrs, print_str_str, pe_mutable);
crm_trace("\t\t=== Resources");
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
print_resource(LOG_TRACE, "\t\t", rsc, FALSE);
* Used by the HashTable for-loop
print_str_str(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
crm_trace("%s%s %s ==> %s",
user_data == NULL ? "" : (char *)user_data,
user_data == NULL ? "" : ": ", (char *)key, (char *)value);
print_resource(int log_level, const char *pre_text, resource_t * rsc, gboolean details)
long options = pe_print_log | pe_print_pending;
if (rsc == NULL) {
do_crm_log(log_level - 1, "%s%s: ",
pre_text == NULL ? "" : pre_text, pre_text == NULL ? "" : ": ");
if (details) {
options |= pe_print_details;
rsc->fns->print(rsc, pre_text, options, &log_level);
pe_free_action(action_t * action)
if (action == NULL) {
g_list_free_full(action->actions_before, free); /* action_wrapper_t* */
g_list_free_full(action->actions_after, free); /* action_wrapper_t* */
if (action->extra) {
if (action->meta) {
if (action->rsc) {
find_recurring_actions(GListPtr input, node_t * not_on_node)
const char *value = NULL;
GListPtr result = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = input;
CRM_CHECK(input != NULL, return NULL);
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
value = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS);
if (value == NULL) {
/* skip */
} else if (safe_str_eq(value, "0")) {
/* skip */
} else if (safe_str_eq(CRMD_ACTION_CANCEL, action->task)) {
/* skip */
} else if (not_on_node == NULL) {
crm_trace("(null) Found: %s", action->uuid);
result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
} else if (action->node == NULL) {
/* skip */
} else if (action->node->details != not_on_node->details) {
crm_trace("Found: %s", action->uuid);
result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
return result;
enum action_tasks
get_complex_task(resource_t * rsc, const char *name, gboolean allow_non_atomic)
enum action_tasks task = text2task(name);
if (rsc == NULL) {
return task;
} else if (allow_non_atomic == FALSE || rsc->variant == pe_native) {
switch (task) {
case stopped_rsc:
case started_rsc:
case action_demoted:
case action_promoted:
crm_trace("Folding %s back into its atomic counterpart for %s", name, rsc->id);
return task - 1;
return task;
action_t *
find_first_action(GListPtr input, const char *uuid, const char *task, node_t * on_node)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(uuid || task, return NULL);
for (gIter = input; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
if (uuid != NULL && safe_str_neq(uuid, action->uuid)) {
} else if (task != NULL && safe_str_neq(task, action->task)) {
} else if (on_node == NULL) {
return action;
} else if (action->node == NULL) {
} else if (on_node->details == action->node->details) {
return action;
return NULL;
find_actions(GListPtr input, const char *key, const node_t *on_node)
GListPtr gIter = input;
GListPtr result = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL);
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_t *action = (action_t *) gIter->data;
if (safe_str_neq(key, action->uuid)) {
crm_trace("%s does not match action %s", key, action->uuid);
} else if (on_node == NULL) {
crm_trace("Action %s matches (ignoring node)", key);
result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
} else if (action->node == NULL) {
crm_trace("Action %s matches (unallocated, assigning to %s)",
key, on_node->details->uname);
action->node = node_copy(on_node);
result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
} else if (on_node->details == action->node->details) {
crm_trace("Action %s on %s matches", key, on_node->details->uname);
result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
} else {
crm_trace("Action %s on node %s does not match requested node %s",
key, action->node->details->uname,
return result;
GList *
find_actions_exact(GList *input, const char *key, const pe_node_t *on_node)
GList *result = NULL;
CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL);
if (on_node == NULL) {
crm_trace("Not searching for action %s because node not specified",
return NULL;
for (GList *gIter = input; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pe_action_t *action = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data;
if (action->node == NULL) {
crm_trace("Skipping comparison of %s vs action %s without node",
key, action->uuid);
} else if (safe_str_neq(key, action->uuid)) {
crm_trace("Desired action %s doesn't match %s", key, action->uuid);
} else if (safe_str_neq(on_node->details->id,
action->node->details->id)) {
crm_trace("Action %s desired node ID %s doesn't match %s",
key, on_node->details->id, action->node->details->id);
} else {
crm_trace("Action %s matches", key);
result = g_list_prepend(result, action);
return result;
* \brief Find all actions of given type for a resource
* \param[in] rsc Resource to search
* \param[in] node Find only actions scheduled on this node
* \param[in] task Action name to search for
* \param[in] require_node If TRUE, NULL node or action node will not match
* \return List of actions found (or NULL if none)
* \note If node is not NULL and require_node is FALSE, matching actions
* without a node will be assigned to node.
GList *
pe__resource_actions(const pe_resource_t *rsc, const pe_node_t *node,
const char *task, bool require_node)
GList *result = NULL;
char *key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, 0);
if (require_node) {
result = find_actions_exact(rsc->actions, key, node);
} else {
result = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, node);
return result;
static void
resource_node_score(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, int score, const char *tag)
node_t *match = NULL;
if ((rsc->exclusive_discover || (node->rsc_discover_mode == pe_discover_never))
&& safe_str_eq(tag, "symmetric_default")) {
/* This string comparision may be fragile, but exclusive resources and
* exclusive nodes should not have the symmetric_default constraint
* applied to them.
} else if (rsc->children) {
GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
resource_node_score(child_rsc, node, score, tag);
pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Setting %s for %s on %s: %d", tag, rsc->id, node->details->uname, score);
match = pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, node->details->id);
if (match == NULL) {
match = node_copy(node);
g_hash_table_insert(rsc->allowed_nodes, (gpointer) match->details->id, match);
match->weight = merge_weights(match->weight, score);
resource_location(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, int score, const char *tag,
pe_working_set_t * data_set)
if (node != NULL) {
resource_node_score(rsc, node, score, tag);
} else if (data_set != NULL) {
GListPtr gIter = data_set->nodes;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
node_t *node_iter = (node_t *) gIter->data;
resource_node_score(rsc, node_iter, score, tag);
} else {
GHashTableIter iter;
node_t *node_iter = NULL;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node_iter)) {
resource_node_score(rsc, node_iter, score, tag);
if (node == NULL && score == -INFINITY) {
if (rsc->allocated_to) {
crm_info("Deallocating %s from %s", rsc->id, rsc->allocated_to->details->uname);
rsc->allocated_to = NULL;
#define sort_return(an_int, why) do { \
free(a_uuid); \
free(b_uuid); \
crm_trace("%s (%d) %c %s (%d) : %s", \
a_xml_id, a_call_id, an_int>0?'>':an_int<0?'<':'=', \
b_xml_id, b_call_id, why); \
return an_int; \
} while(0)
sort_op_by_callid(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
int a_call_id = -1;
int b_call_id = -1;
char *a_uuid = NULL;
char *b_uuid = NULL;
const xmlNode *xml_a = a;
const xmlNode *xml_b = b;
const char *a_xml_id = crm_element_value(xml_a, XML_ATTR_ID);
const char *b_xml_id = crm_element_value(xml_b, XML_ATTR_ID);
if (safe_str_eq(a_xml_id, b_xml_id)) {
/* We have duplicate lrm_rsc_op entries in the status
* section which is unliklely to be a good thing
* - we can handle it easily enough, but we need to get
* to the bottom of why it's happening.
pe_err("Duplicate lrm_rsc_op entries named %s", a_xml_id);
sort_return(0, "duplicate");
crm_element_value_int(xml_a, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &a_call_id);
crm_element_value_int(xml_b, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &b_call_id);
if (a_call_id == -1 && b_call_id == -1) {
/* both are pending ops so it doesn't matter since
* stops are never pending
sort_return(0, "pending");
} else if (a_call_id >= 0 && a_call_id < b_call_id) {
sort_return(-1, "call id");
} else if (b_call_id >= 0 && a_call_id > b_call_id) {
sort_return(1, "call id");
} else if (b_call_id >= 0 && a_call_id == b_call_id) {
* The op and last_failed_op are the same
* Order on last-rc-change
int last_a = -1;
int last_b = -1;
crm_element_value_int(xml_a, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, &last_a);
crm_element_value_int(xml_b, XML_RSC_OP_LAST_CHANGE, &last_b);
crm_trace("rc-change: %d vs %d", last_a, last_b);
if (last_a >= 0 && last_a < last_b) {
sort_return(-1, "rc-change");
} else if (last_b >= 0 && last_a > last_b) {
sort_return(1, "rc-change");
sort_return(0, "rc-change");
} else {
/* One of the inputs is a pending operation
* Attempt to use XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC to determine its age relative to the other
int a_id = -1;
int b_id = -1;
const char *a_magic = crm_element_value(xml_a, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC);
const char *b_magic = crm_element_value(xml_b, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC);
CRM_CHECK(a_magic != NULL && b_magic != NULL, sort_return(0, "No magic"));
if (!decode_transition_magic(a_magic, &a_uuid, &a_id, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL)) {
sort_return(0, "bad magic a");
if (!decode_transition_magic(b_magic, &b_uuid, &b_id, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL)) {
sort_return(0, "bad magic b");
/* try to determine the relative age of the operation...
* some pending operations (e.g. a start) may have been superseded
* by a subsequent stop
* [a|b]_id == -1 means it's a shutdown operation and _always_ comes last
if (safe_str_neq(a_uuid, b_uuid) || a_id == b_id) {
* some of the logic in here may be redundant...
* if the UUID from the TE doesn't match then one better
* be a pending operation.
* pending operations don't survive between elections and joins
* because we query the LRM directly
if (b_call_id == -1) {
sort_return(-1, "transition + call");
} else if (a_call_id == -1) {
sort_return(1, "transition + call");
} else if ((a_id >= 0 && a_id < b_id) || b_id == -1) {
sort_return(-1, "transition");
} else if ((b_id >= 0 && a_id > b_id) || a_id == -1) {
sort_return(1, "transition");
/* we should never end up here */
CRM_CHECK(FALSE, sort_return(0, "default"));
get_effective_time(pe_working_set_t * data_set)
if(data_set) {
if (data_set->now == NULL) {
crm_trace("Recording a new 'now'");
data_set->now = crm_time_new(NULL);
return crm_time_get_seconds_since_epoch(data_set->now);
crm_trace("Defaulting to 'now'");
return time(NULL);
get_target_role(resource_t * rsc, enum rsc_role_e * role)
enum rsc_role_e local_role = RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
const char *value = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE);
CRM_CHECK(role != NULL, return FALSE);
if (value == NULL || safe_str_eq("started", value)
|| safe_str_eq("default", value)) {
return FALSE;
local_role = text2role(value);
if (local_role == RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN) {
crm_config_err("%s: Unknown value for %s: %s", rsc->id, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, value);
return FALSE;
} else if (local_role > RSC_ROLE_STARTED) {
if (is_set(uber_parent(rsc)->flags, pe_rsc_promotable)) {
if (local_role > RSC_ROLE_SLAVE) {
/* This is what we'd do anyway, just leave the default to avoid messing up the placement algorithm */
return FALSE;
} else {
crm_config_err("%s is not part of a promotable clone resource, a %s of '%s' makes no sense",
rsc->id, XML_RSC_ATTR_TARGET_ROLE, value);
return FALSE;
*role = local_role;
return TRUE;
order_actions(action_t * lh_action, action_t * rh_action, enum pe_ordering order)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
action_wrapper_t *wrapper = NULL;
GListPtr list = NULL;
if (order == pe_order_none) {
return FALSE;
if (lh_action == NULL || rh_action == NULL) {
return FALSE;
crm_trace("Ordering Action %s before %s", lh_action->uuid, rh_action->uuid);
/* Ensure we never create a dependency on ourselves... it's happened */
CRM_ASSERT(lh_action != rh_action);
/* Filter dups, otherwise update_action_states() has too much work to do */
gIter = lh_action->actions_after;
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
action_wrapper_t *after = (action_wrapper_t *) gIter->data;
if (after->action == rh_action && (after->type & order)) {
return FALSE;
wrapper = calloc(1, sizeof(action_wrapper_t));
wrapper->action = rh_action;
wrapper->type = order;
list = lh_action->actions_after;
list = g_list_prepend(list, wrapper);
lh_action->actions_after = list;
wrapper = NULL;
/* order |= pe_order_implies_then; */
/* order ^= pe_order_implies_then; */
wrapper = calloc(1, sizeof(action_wrapper_t));
wrapper->action = lh_action;
wrapper->type = order;
list = rh_action->actions_before;
list = g_list_prepend(list, wrapper);
rh_action->actions_before = list;
return TRUE;
action_t *
get_pseudo_op(const char *name, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
action_t *op = NULL;
if(data_set->singletons) {
op = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->singletons, name);
if (op == NULL) {
op = custom_action(NULL, strdup(name), name, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
set_bit(op->flags, pe_action_pseudo);
set_bit(op->flags, pe_action_runnable);
return op;
destroy_ticket(gpointer data)
ticket_t *ticket = data;
if (ticket->state) {
ticket_t *
ticket_new(const char *ticket_id, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
ticket_t *ticket = NULL;
if (ticket_id == NULL || strlen(ticket_id) == 0) {
return NULL;
if (data_set->tickets == NULL) {
data_set->tickets =
g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free,
ticket = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->tickets, ticket_id);
if (ticket == NULL) {
ticket = calloc(1, sizeof(ticket_t));
if (ticket == NULL) {
crm_err("Cannot allocate ticket '%s'", ticket_id);
return NULL;
crm_trace("Creaing ticket entry for %s", ticket_id);
ticket->id = strdup(ticket_id);
ticket->granted = FALSE;
ticket->last_granted = -1;
ticket->standby = FALSE;
ticket->state = crm_str_table_new();
g_hash_table_insert(data_set->tickets, strdup(ticket->id), ticket);
return ticket;
static void
filter_parameters(xmlNode * param_set, const char *param_string, bool need_present)
if (param_set && param_string) {
xmlAttrPtr xIter = param_set->properties;
while (xIter) {
const char *prop_name = (const char *)xIter->name;
char *name = crm_strdup_printf(" %s ", prop_name);
char *match = strstr(param_string, name);
// Do now, because current entry might get removed below
xIter = xIter->next;
if (need_present && match == NULL) {
crm_trace("%s not found in %s", prop_name, param_string);
xml_remove_prop(param_set, prop_name);
} else if (need_present == FALSE && match) {
crm_trace("%s found in %s", prop_name, param_string);
xml_remove_prop(param_set, prop_name);
static void
append_versioned_params(xmlNode *versioned_params, const char *ra_version, xmlNode *params)
GHashTable *hash = pe_unpack_versioned_parameters(versioned_params, ra_version);
char *key = NULL;
char *value = NULL;
GHashTableIter iter;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, hash);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &key, (gpointer *) &value)) {
crm_xml_add(params, key, value);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Calculate action digests and store in node's digest cache
+ *
+ * \param[in] rsc Resource that action was for
+ * \param[in] task Name of action performed
+ * \param[in] key Action's task key
+ * \param[in] node Node action was performed on
+ * \param[in] xml_op XML of operation in CIB status (if available)
+ * \param[in] calc_secure Whether to calculate secure digest
+ * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set
+ *
+ * \return Pointer to node's digest cache entry
+ */
static op_digest_cache_t *
-rsc_action_digest(resource_t * rsc, const char *task, const char *key,
- node_t * node, xmlNode * xml_op, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
+rsc_action_digest(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *task, const char *key,
+ pe_node_t *node, xmlNode *xml_op, bool calc_secure,
+ pe_working_set_t *data_set)
op_digest_cache_t *data = NULL;
data = g_hash_table_lookup(node->details->digest_cache, key);
if (data == NULL) {
GHashTable *local_rsc_params = crm_str_table_new();
action_t *action = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), task, node, TRUE, FALSE, data_set);
xmlNode *local_versioned_params = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_RSC_VER_ATTRS);
const char *ra_version = NULL;
const char *op_version;
const char *restart_list = NULL;
const char *secure_list = " passwd password ";
data = calloc(1, sizeof(op_digest_cache_t));
get_rsc_attributes(local_rsc_params, rsc, node, data_set);
pe_get_versioned_attributes(local_versioned_params, rsc, node, data_set);
data->params_all = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_PARAMS);
// REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK: Allow remote nodes that start containers with pacemaker remote inside
if (pe__add_bundle_remote_name(rsc, data->params_all,
crm_trace("Set address for bundle connection %s (on %s)",
rsc->id, node->details->uname);
g_hash_table_foreach(local_rsc_params, hash2field, data->params_all);
g_hash_table_foreach(action->extra, hash2field, data->params_all);
g_hash_table_foreach(rsc->parameters, hash2field, data->params_all);
g_hash_table_foreach(action->meta, hash2metafield, data->params_all);
if(xml_op) {
secure_list = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_SECURE);
restart_list = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_RESTART);
op_version = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
ra_version = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_RA_VERSION);
} else {
op_version = CRM_FEATURE_SET;
append_versioned_params(local_versioned_params, ra_version, data->params_all);
append_versioned_params(rsc->versioned_parameters, ra_version, data->params_all);
pe_rsc_action_details_t *details = pe_rsc_action_details(action);
append_versioned_params(details->versioned_parameters, ra_version, data->params_all);
filter_action_parameters(data->params_all, op_version);
data->digest_all_calc = calculate_operation_digest(data->params_all, op_version);
- if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized)) {
+ if (calc_secure) {
data->params_secure = copy_xml(data->params_all);
if(secure_list) {
filter_parameters(data->params_secure, secure_list, FALSE);
data->digest_secure_calc = calculate_operation_digest(data->params_secure, op_version);
if(xml_op && crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST) != NULL) {
data->params_restart = copy_xml(data->params_all);
if (restart_list) {
filter_parameters(data->params_restart, restart_list, TRUE);
data->digest_restart_calc = calculate_operation_digest(data->params_restart, op_version);
g_hash_table_insert(node->details->digest_cache, strdup(key), data);
return data;
op_digest_cache_t *
rsc_action_digest_cmp(resource_t * rsc, xmlNode * xml_op, node_t * node,
pe_working_set_t * data_set)
op_digest_cache_t *data = NULL;
char *key = NULL;
guint interval_ms = 0;
const char *op_version;
const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
const char *interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(xml_op,
const char *digest_all;
const char *digest_restart;
op_version = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION);
digest_all = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_OP_DIGEST);
digest_restart = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RESTART_DIGEST);
interval_ms = crm_parse_ms(interval_ms_s);
key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, task, interval_ms);
- data = rsc_action_digest(rsc, task, key, node, xml_op, data_set);
+ data = rsc_action_digest(rsc, task, key, node, xml_op,
+ is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized),
+ data_set);
data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_MATCH;
if (digest_restart && data->digest_restart_calc && strcmp(data->digest_restart_calc, digest_restart) != 0) {
pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Parameters to %s on %s changed: was %s vs. now %s (restart:%s) %s",
key, node->details->uname,
crm_str(digest_restart), data->digest_restart_calc,
op_version, crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC));
} else if (digest_all == NULL) {
/* it is unknown what the previous op digest was */
} else if (strcmp(digest_all, data->digest_all_calc) != 0) {
pe_rsc_info(rsc, "Parameters to %s on %s changed: was %s vs. now %s (%s:%s) %s",
key, node->details->uname,
crm_str(digest_all), data->digest_all_calc,
(interval_ms > 0)? "reschedule" : "reload",
op_version, crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC));
data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_ALL;
return data;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Create an unfencing summary for use in special node attribute
+ *
+ * Create a string combining a fence device's resource ID, agent type, and
+ * parameter digest (whether for all parameters or just non-private parameters).
+ * This can be stored in a special node attribute, allowing us to detect changes
+ * in either the agent type or parameters, to know whether unfencing must be
+ * redone or can be safely skipped when the device's history is cleaned.
+ *
+ * \param[in] rsc_id Fence device resource ID
+ * \param[in] agent_type Fence device agent
+ * \param[in] param_digest Fence device parameter digest
+ *
+ * \return Newly allocated string with unfencing digest
+ * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result.
+ */
+static inline char *
+create_unfencing_summary(const char *rsc_id, const char *agent_type,
+ const char *param_digest)
+ return crm_strdup_printf("%s:%s:%s", rsc_id, agent_type, param_digest);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Check whether a node can skip unfencing
+ *
+ * Check whether a fence device's current definition matches a node's
+ * stored summary of when it was last unfenced by the device.
+ *
+ * \param[in] rsc_id Fence device's resource ID
+ * \param[in] agent Fence device's agent type
+ * \param[in] digest_calc Fence device's current parameter digest
+ * \param[in] node_summary Value of node's special unfencing node attribute
+ * (a comma-separated list of unfencing summaries for
+ * all devices that have unfenced this node)
+ *
+ * \return TRUE if digest matches, FALSE otherwise
+ */
+static bool
+unfencing_digest_matches(const char *rsc_id, const char *agent,
+ const char *digest_calc, const char *node_summary)
+ bool matches = FALSE;
+ if (rsc_id && agent && digest_calc && node_summary) {
+ char *search_secure = create_unfencing_summary(rsc_id, agent,
+ digest_calc);
+ /* The digest was calculated including the device ID and agent,
+ * so there is no risk of collision using strstr().
+ */
+ matches = (strstr(node_summary, search_secure) != NULL);
+ crm_trace("Calculated unfencing digest '%s' %sfound in '%s'",
+ search_secure, matches? "" : "not ", node_summary);
+ free(search_secure);
+ }
+ return matches;
+/* Magic string to use as action name for digest cache entries used for
+ * unfencing checks. This is not a real action name (i.e. "on"), so
+ * check_action_definition() won't confuse these entries with real actions.
+ */
#define STONITH_DIGEST_TASK "stonith-on"
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Calculate fence device digests and digest comparison result
+ *
+ * \param[in] rsc Fence device resource
+ * \param[in] agent Fence device's agent type
+ * \param[in] node Node with digest cache to use
+ * \param[in] data_set Cluster working set
+ *
+ * \return Node's digest cache entry
+ */
static op_digest_cache_t *
-fencing_action_digest_cmp(resource_t * rsc, node_t * node, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
+fencing_action_digest_cmp(pe_resource_t *rsc, const char *agent,
+ pe_node_t *node, pe_working_set_t *data_set)
- char *key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, STONITH_DIGEST_TASK, 0);
- op_digest_cache_t *data = rsc_action_digest(rsc, STONITH_DIGEST_TASK, key, node, NULL, data_set);
+ const char *node_summary = NULL;
- const char *digest_all = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_ALL);
- const char *digest_secure = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_SECURE);
+ // Calculate device's current parameter digests
+ char *key = generate_op_key(rsc->id, STONITH_DIGEST_TASK, 0);
+ op_digest_cache_t *data = rsc_action_digest(rsc, STONITH_DIGEST_TASK, key,
+ node, NULL, TRUE, data_set);
- /* No 'reloads' for fencing device changes
- *
- * We use the resource id + agent + digest so that we can detect
- * changes to the agent and/or the parameters used
- */
- char *search_all = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%s:%s", rsc->id, (const char*)g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE), data->digest_all_calc);
- char *search_secure = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%s:%s", rsc->id, (const char*)g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE), data->digest_secure_calc);
+ free(key);
- data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_ALL;
- if (digest_all == NULL) {
- /* it is unknown what the previous op digest was */
+ // Check whether node has special unfencing summary node attribute
+ node_summary = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_ALL);
+ if (node_summary == NULL) {
+ return data;
+ }
- } else if (strstr(digest_all, search_all)) {
+ // Check whether full parameter digest matches
+ if (unfencing_digest_matches(rsc->id, agent, data->digest_all_calc,
+ node_summary)) {
data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_MATCH;
+ return data;
+ }
- } else if(digest_secure && data->digest_secure_calc) {
- if(strstr(digest_secure, search_secure)) {
- if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stdout)) {
- printf("Only 'private' parameters to %s for unfencing %s changed\n",
- rsc->id, node->details->uname);
- }
- data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_MATCH;
+ // Check whether secure parameter digest matches
+ node_summary = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_SECURE);
+ if (unfencing_digest_matches(rsc->id, agent, data->digest_secure_calc,
+ node_summary)) {
+ data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_MATCH;
+ if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stdout)) {
+ printf("Only 'private' parameters to %s for unfencing %s changed\n",
+ rsc->id, node->details->uname);
+ return data;
- if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized)
- && is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stdout)
- && (data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_ALL)
+ // Parameters don't match
+ data->rc = RSC_DIGEST_ALL;
+ if (is_set(data_set->flags, (pe_flag_sanitized|pe_flag_stdout))
&& data->digest_secure_calc) {
- printf("Parameters to %s for unfencing %s changed, try '%s:%s:%s'\n",
- rsc->id, node->details->uname, rsc->id,
- (const char *) g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE),
- data->digest_secure_calc);
- }
- free(key);
- free(search_all);
- free(search_secure);
+ char *digest = create_unfencing_summary(rsc->id, agent,
+ data->digest_secure_calc);
+ printf("Parameters to %s for unfencing %s changed, try '%s'\n",
+ rsc->id, node->details->uname, digest);
+ free(digest);
+ }
return data;
const char *rsc_printable_id(resource_t *rsc)
if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_unique)) {
return ID(rsc->xml);
return rsc->id;
clear_bit_recursive(resource_t * rsc, unsigned long long flag)
GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
clear_bit(rsc->flags, flag);
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
clear_bit_recursive(child_rsc, flag);
set_bit_recursive(resource_t * rsc, unsigned long long flag)
GListPtr gIter = rsc->children;
set_bit(rsc->flags, flag);
for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *child_rsc = (resource_t *) gIter->data;
set_bit_recursive(child_rsc, flag);
static GListPtr
find_unfencing_devices(GListPtr candidates, GListPtr matches)
for (GListPtr gIter = candidates; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *candidate = gIter->data;
const char *provides = g_hash_table_lookup(candidate->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_PROVIDES);
const char *requires = g_hash_table_lookup(candidate->meta, XML_RSC_ATTR_REQUIRES);
if(candidate->children) {
matches = find_unfencing_devices(candidate->children, matches);
} else if (is_not_set(candidate->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) {
} else if (crm_str_eq(provides, "unfencing", FALSE) || crm_str_eq(requires, "unfencing", FALSE)) {
matches = g_list_prepend(matches, candidate);
return matches;
action_t *
pe_fence_op(node_t * node, const char *op, bool optional, const char *reason, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
char *op_key = NULL;
action_t *stonith_op = NULL;
if(op == NULL) {
op = data_set->stonith_action;
op_key = crm_strdup_printf("%s-%s-%s", CRM_OP_FENCE, node->details->uname, op);
if(data_set->singletons) {
stonith_op = g_hash_table_lookup(data_set->singletons, op_key);
if(stonith_op == NULL) {
stonith_op = custom_action(NULL, op_key, CRM_OP_FENCE, node, TRUE, TRUE, data_set);
add_hash_param(stonith_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET, node->details->uname);
add_hash_param(stonith_op->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID, node->details->id);
add_hash_param(stonith_op->meta, "stonith_action", op);
if (pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(node)
&& is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) {
/* Extra work to detect device changes on remotes
* We may do this for all nodes in the future, but for now
* the check_action_definition() based stuff works fine.
- *
- * Use "stonith-on" to avoid creating cache entries for
- * operations check_action_definition() would look for.
long max = 1024;
long digests_all_offset = 0;
long digests_secure_offset = 0;
char *digests_all = malloc(max);
char *digests_secure = malloc(max);
GListPtr matches = find_unfencing_devices(data_set->resources, NULL);
for (GListPtr gIter = matches; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
resource_t *match = gIter->data;
- op_digest_cache_t *data = fencing_action_digest_cmp(match, node, data_set);
+ const char *agent = g_hash_table_lookup(match->meta,
+ op_digest_cache_t *data = NULL;
+ data = fencing_action_digest_cmp(match, agent, node, data_set);
if(data->rc == RSC_DIGEST_ALL) {
optional = FALSE;
crm_notice("Unfencing %s (remote): because the definition of %s changed", node->details->uname, match->id);
if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stdout)) {
fprintf(stdout, " notice: Unfencing %s (remote): because the definition of %s changed\n", node->details->uname, match->id);
digests_all_offset += snprintf(
digests_all+digests_all_offset, max-digests_all_offset,
- "%s:%s:%s,", match->id, (const char*)g_hash_table_lookup(match->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE), data->digest_all_calc);
+ "%s:%s:%s,", match->id, agent, data->digest_all_calc);
digests_secure_offset += snprintf(
digests_secure+digests_secure_offset, max-digests_secure_offset,
- "%s:%s:%s,", match->id, (const char*)g_hash_table_lookup(match->meta, XML_ATTR_TYPE), data->digest_secure_calc);
+ "%s:%s:%s,", match->id, agent, data->digest_secure_calc);
} else {
if(optional == FALSE && pe_can_fence(data_set, node)) {
pe_action_required(stonith_op, NULL, reason);
} else if(reason && stonith_op->reason == NULL) {
stonith_op->reason = strdup(reason);
return stonith_op;
resource_t * rsc, node_t *node, const char *reason, action_t *dependency, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
if(is_not_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_enable_unfencing)) {
/* No resources require it */
} else if (rsc != NULL && is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_fence_device)) {
/* Wasn't a stonith device */
} else if(node
&& node->details->online
&& node->details->unclean == FALSE
&& node->details->shutdown == FALSE) {
action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", FALSE, reason, data_set);
if(dependency) {
order_actions(unfence, dependency, pe_order_optional);
} else if(rsc) {
GHashTableIter iter;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, rsc->allowed_nodes);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (void **)&node)) {
if(node->details->online && node->details->unclean == FALSE && node->details->shutdown == FALSE) {
trigger_unfencing(rsc, node, reason, dependency, data_set);
add_tag_ref(GHashTable * tags, const char * tag_name, const char * obj_ref)
tag_t *tag = NULL;
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
gboolean is_existing = FALSE;
CRM_CHECK(tags && tag_name && obj_ref, return FALSE);
tag = g_hash_table_lookup(tags, tag_name);
if (tag == NULL) {
tag = calloc(1, sizeof(tag_t));
if (tag == NULL) {
return FALSE;
tag->id = strdup(tag_name);
tag->refs = NULL;
g_hash_table_insert(tags, strdup(tag_name), tag);
for (gIter = tag->refs; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
const char *existing_ref = (const char *) gIter->data;
if (crm_str_eq(existing_ref, obj_ref, TRUE)){
is_existing = TRUE;
if (is_existing == FALSE) {
tag->refs = g_list_append(tag->refs, strdup(obj_ref));
crm_trace("Added: tag=%s ref=%s", tag->id, obj_ref);
return TRUE;
void pe_action_set_flag_reason(const char *function, long line,
pe_action_t *action, pe_action_t *reason, const char *text,
enum pe_action_flags flags, bool overwrite)
bool unset = FALSE;
bool update = FALSE;
const char *change = NULL;
if(is_set(flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
unset = TRUE;
change = "unrunnable";
} else if(is_set(flags, pe_action_optional)) {
unset = TRUE;
change = "required";
} else if(is_set(flags, pe_action_migrate_runnable)) {
unset = TRUE;
overwrite = TRUE;
change = "unrunnable";
} else if(is_set(flags, pe_action_dangle)) {
change = "dangling";
} else if(is_set(flags, pe_action_requires_any)) {
change = "required";
} else {
crm_err("Unknown flag change to %x by %s: 0x%s",
flags, action->uuid, (reason? reason->uuid : "0"));
if(unset) {
if(is_set(action->flags, flags)) {
action->flags = crm_clear_bit(function, line, action->uuid, action->flags, flags);
update = TRUE;
} else {
if(is_not_set(action->flags, flags)) {
action->flags = crm_set_bit(function, line, action->uuid, action->flags, flags);
update = TRUE;
if((change && update) || text) {
char *reason_text = NULL;
if(reason == NULL) {
pe_action_set_reason(action, text, overwrite);
} else if(reason->rsc == NULL) {
reason_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s%c %s", change, reason->task, text?':':0, text?text:"");
} else {
reason_text = crm_strdup_printf("%s %s %s%c %s", change, reason->rsc->id, reason->task, text?':':0, text?text:"NA");
if(reason_text && action->rsc != reason->rsc) {
pe_action_set_reason(action, reason_text, overwrite);
void pe_action_set_reason(pe_action_t *action, const char *reason, bool overwrite)
if(action->reason && overwrite) {
pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Changing %s reason from '%s' to '%s'", action->uuid, action->reason, reason);
action->reason = NULL;
if(action->reason == NULL) {
if(reason) {
pe_rsc_trace(action->rsc, "Set %s reason to '%s'", action->uuid, reason);
action->reason = strdup(reason);
} else {
action->reason = NULL;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Check whether shutdown has been requested for a node
+ *
+ * \param[in] node Node to check
+ *
+ * \return TRUE if node has shutdown attribute set and nonzero, FALSE otherwise
+ * \note This differs from simply using node->details->shutdown in that it can
+ * be used before that has been determined (and in fact to determine it),
+ * and it can also be used to distinguish requested shutdown from implicit
+ * shutdown of remote nodes by virtue of their connection stopping.
+ */
+pe__shutdown_requested(pe_node_t *node)
+ const char *shutdown = pe_node_attribute_raw(node, XML_CIB_ATTR_SHUTDOWN);
+ return shutdown && strcmp(shutdown, "0");