diff --git a/lib/plugins/lrm/raexecstonith.c b/lib/plugins/lrm/raexecstonith.c index a140805731..33996dae91 100644 --- a/lib/plugins/lrm/raexecstonith.c +++ b/lib/plugins/lrm/raexecstonith.c @@ -1,343 +1,344 @@ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * File: raexecocf.c * Author: Sun Jiang Dong * Copyright (c) 2004 International Business Machines * * This code implements the Resource Agent Plugin Module for LSB style. * It's a part of Local Resource Manager. Currently it's used by lrmd only. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Add it for compiling on OSX */ #include #include #include #include # define PIL_PLUGINTYPE RA_EXEC_TYPE # define PIL_PLUGINTYPE_S "RAExec" # define PIL_PLUGINLICENSE LICENSE_PUBDOM # define PIL_PLUGINLICENSEURL URL_PUBDOM # define PIL_PLUGIN stonith # define PIL_PLUGIN_S "stonith" static PIL_rc close_stonithRA(PILInterface*, void* ud_interface); /* static const char * RA_PATH = STONITH_RA_DIR; */ /* Temporarily use it */ static const char * RA_PATH = HA_LIBDIR "/stonith/plugins/stonith/"; /* The begin of exported function list */ static int execra(const char * rsc_id, const char * rsc_type, const char * provider, const char * op_type, const int timeout, GHashTable * params); static uniform_ret_execra_t map_ra_retvalue(int ret_execra , const char * op_type, const char * std_output); static int get_resource_list(GList ** rsc_info); static char* get_resource_meta(const char* rsc_type, const char* provider); static int get_provider_list(const char* op_type, GList ** providers); /* The end of exported function list */ /* The begin of internal used function & data list */ static int get_providers(const char* class_path, const char* op_type, GList ** providers); static void stonithRA_ops_callback(stonithRA_ops_t * op, void * private_data); static int exit_value; /* The end of internal function & data list */ /* Rource agent execution plugin operations */ static struct RAExecOps raops = { execra, map_ra_retvalue, get_resource_list, get_provider_list, get_resource_meta }; static const char * meta_data1 = "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" " 1.0\n"; static const char * meta_data3 = " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " 2.0\n" " \n" "\n"; static const char * no_parameter_info = ""; PIL_PLUGIN_BOILERPLATE2("1.0", Debug); static const PILPluginImports* PluginImports; static PILPlugin* OurPlugin; static PILInterface* OurInterface; static void* OurImports; static void* interfprivate; /* * Our plugin initialization and registration function * It gets called when the plugin gets loaded. */ PIL_rc PIL_PLUGIN_INIT(PILPlugin * us, const PILPluginImports* imports); PIL_rc PIL_PLUGIN_INIT(PILPlugin * us, const PILPluginImports* imports) { /* Force the compiler to do a little type checking */ (void)(PILPluginInitFun)PIL_PLUGIN_INIT; PluginImports = imports; OurPlugin = us; /* Register ourself as a plugin */ imports->register_plugin(us, &OurPIExports); /* Register our interfaces */ return imports->register_interface(us, PIL_PLUGINTYPE_S, PIL_PLUGIN_S, &raops, close_stonithRA, &OurInterface, &OurImports, interfprivate); } static PIL_rc close_stonithRA(PILInterface* pif, void* ud_interface) { return PIL_OK; } /* * Most of the oprations will be sent to sotnithd directly, such as 'start', * 'stop', 'monitor'. And others like 'meta-data' will be handled by itself * locally. * Some of important parameters' name: * config_file * config_string */ static int execra(const char * rsc_id, const char * rsc_type, const char * provider, const char * op_type,const int timeout, GHashTable * params) { stonithRA_ops_t * op; int call_id = -1; char buffer_tmp[32]; /* Handling "meta-data" operation in a special way. * Now handle "meta-data" operation locally. * Should be changed in the future? */ if ( 0 == STRNCMP_CONST(op_type, "meta-data")) { char * tmp; tmp = get_resource_meta(rsc_type, provider); printf("%s", tmp); g_free(tmp); exit(0); } g_snprintf(buffer_tmp, sizeof(buffer_tmp), "%s_%d" , "STONITH_RA_EXEC", getpid()); if (ST_OK != stonithd_signon(buffer_tmp)) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "STONITH_RA_EXEC: Cannot sign on the stonithd."); exit(EXECRA_UNKNOWN_ERROR); } stonithd_set_stonithRA_ops_callback(stonithRA_ops_callback, &call_id); /* Temporarily donnot use it, but how to deal with the global OCF * variables. This is a important thing to think about and do. */ /* send the RA operation to stonithd to simulate a RA's actions */ if ( 0==STRNCMP_CONST(op_type, "start") || 0==STRNCMP_CONST(op_type, "stop") ) { - cl_log(LOG_INFO, "STONITH device %s %s " - , rsc_type, op_type, rsc_id); + cl_log(LOG_DEBUG + , "Will %s STONITH resource : Device=%s" + , op_type, rsc_id, rsc_type); } op = g_new(stonithRA_ops_t, 1); op->ra_name = g_strdup(rsc_type); op->op_type = g_strdup(op_type); op->params = params; op->rsc_id = g_strdup(rsc_id); if (ST_OK != stonithd_virtual_stonithRA_ops(op, &call_id)) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "sending stonithRA op to stonithd failed."); /* Need to improve the granularity for error return code */ stonithd_signoff(); exit(EXECRA_EXEC_UNKNOWN_ERROR); } /* May be redundant */ /* while (stonithd_op_result_ready() != TRUE) { ; } */ /* cl_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Will call stonithd_receive_ops_result."); */ if (ST_OK != stonithd_receive_ops_result(TRUE)) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "stonithd_receive_ops_result failed."); /* Need to improve the granularity for error return code */ stonithd_signoff(); exit(EXECRA_EXEC_UNKNOWN_ERROR); } /* exit_value will be setted by the callback function */ g_free(op->ra_name); g_free(op->op_type); g_free(op->rsc_id); g_free(op); stonithd_signoff(); /* cl_log(LOG_DEBUG, "stonithRA orignal exit code=%d", exit_value); */ exit(map_ra_retvalue(exit_value, op_type, NULL)); } static void stonithRA_ops_callback(stonithRA_ops_t * op, void * private_data) { /* cl_log(LOG_DEBUG, "setting exit code=%d", exit_value); */ exit_value = op->op_result; } static uniform_ret_execra_t map_ra_retvalue(int ret_execra, const char * op_type, const char * std_output) { /* Because the UNIFORM_RET_EXECRA is compatible with OCF standard, no * actual mapping except validating, which ensure the return code * will be in the range 0 to 7. Too strict? */ if (ret_execra < 0 || ret_execra > 7) { cl_log(LOG_WARNING, "mapped the invalid return code %d." , ret_execra); ret_execra = EXECRA_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return ret_execra; } static int get_resource_list(GList ** rsc_info) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "get_resource_list: begin."); if ( rsc_info == NULL ) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "Parameter error: get_resource_list"); return -2; } if ( *rsc_info != NULL ) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "Parameter error: get_resource_list."\ "will cause memory leak."); *rsc_info = NULL; } if (ST_OK != stonithd_signon("STONITH_RA")) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "Can not signon to the stonithd."); return -1; } return stonithd_list_stonith_types(rsc_info); } static int get_provider_list(const char* op_type, GList ** providers) { int ret; ret = get_providers(RA_PATH, op_type, providers); if (0>ret) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "scandir failed in stonith RA plugin"); } return ret; } static char * get_resource_meta(const char* rsc_type, const char* provider) { char * buffer; const char * tmp = NULL; Stonith * stonith_obj = NULL; if ( provider != NULL ) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "stonithRA plugin: now donnot take the provider" " into account."); return NULL; } stonith_obj = stonith_new(rsc_type); tmp = stonith_get_info(stonith_obj, ST_CONF_XML); if (tmp == NULL) { cl_log(LOG_WARNING, "stonithRA plugin: cannot get the parameter" " segment of %s's metadata.", rsc_type); tmp = no_parameter_info; } buffer = g_new(char, strlen(meta_data1) + strlen(meta_data2) + strlen(tmp) + strlen(meta_data3) + 1); sprintf(buffer, "%s%s%s%s", meta_data1, meta_data2, tmp, meta_data3); stonith_delete(stonith_obj); return buffer; } /* * Currently should return *providers = NULL, but rmain the old code for * possible unsing in the future */ static int get_providers(const char* class_path, const char* op_type, GList ** providers) { if ( providers == NULL ) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "Parameter error: get_providers"); return -2; } if ( *providers != NULL ) { cl_log(LOG_ERR, "Parameter error: get_providers."\ "will cause memory leak."); *providers = NULL; } return 0; }